Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
|Електротехніка та Eлектромеханіка (IEЕ)
Guestbook – June 2022
· #113
· Koliev EM-211 (Mikhailuk) (Thursday, 30 June 2022 09:17)
"Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements"
Metrology is the science of measuring physical quantities, methods and means of
ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy. The main tasks
of metrology are the establishment of units of physical quantities, state
standards and exemplary measuring instruments, the development of theory,
methods and means of measurement and control, ensuring the uniformity of
measurements and uniform measuring instruments, the development of methods for
assessing errors, the state of measuring and control instruments, as well as the
transfer of unit sizes from standards or exemplary measuring instruments to
working measuring instruments. Therefore, Metrology research is particularly
interesting for finding improvements or new projects that will help improve
productivity and the quality of human life.
· #112
Andreikova Irene to Kostya Diupin, ES-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:45)
Your exam score is 90.
· #111
Andreikova Irene to Troian EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:31)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 5
2. Microprocessor devices
3. Text Summarizing unit 5
Good Luck!
· #110
Andreikova Irene to Sitinskyi EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:30)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 8
2. Automatic Control Theory
3. Text Summarizing unit 8
Good Luck!
· #109
Andreikova Irene to Koliev EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:29)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 2
2. Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements
3. Text Summarizing unit 2
Good Luck!
· #108
Andreikova Irene to Kovalchuk EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:28)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 6
2. Engineering Graphics
3. Text Summarizing unit 6
Good Luck!
· #107
Andreikova Irene to Kiliyan EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:27)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 3
2. Electrical equipment
3. Text Summarizing unit 3
Good Luck!
· #106
Andreikova Irene to Ivanov EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:25)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 7
2. Applied Mechanics
3. Text Summarizing unit 7
Good Luck!
· #105
Andreikova Irene to Demchenko EM-211 (Thursday, 30 June 2022 08:24)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 4
2. Electric drive control systems
3. Text Summarizing unit 4
Good Luck!
· #104
Kostya Diupin, ES-211 (Andreikova) (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 18:49)
"Engineering Graphics"
Engineering graphics is a set of graphic communication techniques that
engineers, architects, and designers use to express ideas and concepts, or
graphical expressions.
Studying engineering graphics is important for design process. These studies
cover many areas: mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical
engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, automation, robotics and
Understanding the graphic language helps to find solutions for improvement and
creation of projects.
The correct interpretation of the graphic language is the key to developing
skills in the preparation of an engineer and architect. Therefore, research on
the topic of engineering graphics is especially interesting for finding
improvements or new projects that will help improve the productivity and quality
life of human.
link to article:
· #103
Andreikova Irene to Chervoniuk I. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 9
2. Electrical machinery
3. Text Summarizing unit 9
Good Luck!
· #102
Andreikova Irene to Melnik A. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:37)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 5
2. Microprocessor devices
3. Text Summarizing unit 5
Good Luck!
· #101
Andreikova Irene to Liumanov S. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:36)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 8
2. Automatic Control Theory
3. Text Summarizing unit 8
Good Luck!
· #100
Andreikova Irene to Kuzovenkov P. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:36)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 2
2. Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements
3. Text Summarizing unit 2
Good Luck!
· #99
Andreikova Irene to Diupin K. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:35)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 6
2. Engineering Graphics
3. Text Summarizing unit 6
Good Luck!
· #98
Andreikova Irene to Danyliuk V. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:34)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 1
2. Theory of electric drive
3. Text Summarizing unit 1
Good Luck!
· #97
Andreikova Irene to Gomziak A. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:34)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 3
2. Electrical equipment
3. Text Summarizing unit 3
Good Luck!
· #96
Andreikova Irene to Glushchenko M. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:33)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 7
2. Applied Mechanics
3. Text Summarizing unit 7
Good Luck!
· #95
Andreikova Irene to Vasylieva V. ES-211 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:33)
Good morning. Today you pass the exam. Here is the task:
1. Final test paper 4
2. Electric drive control systems
3. Text Summarizing unit 4
Good Luck!
· #94
Diachenko to Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:56)
Your score is 100
· #93
Diachenko to Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:55)
Your score is 97
· #92
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:32)
1. Final test paper 2 - 100%
2. Exam topic - Alternating Current Motor
The name alternative current electric motors comes from the fact that they
convert alternating current electrical energy into mechanical energy in motor
mode and vice versa in generator mode. They are now becoming more widespread and
are gradually replacing DC machines. They can be found in cars and hoovers, in
sophisticated machines and in ordinary children's toys. There are more and more
of these engines every day, because they are cheaper to manufacture and easier
to operate. AC machines are divided into three main types: asynchronous,
synchronous and commutator machines. Every electric motor has the property of
reversibility: every electric motor can operate in generator mode and vice
Summarizing unit 2 - 100%
· #91
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:28)
1. Final test paper 5 - 100%
2. Exam topic "Electrical systems"
As you know, modern people cannot live without gadgets, appliances for everyday
life and electricity. The variety of these devices is astonishing in number. But
what they all have in common is that they all work with electricity. Electrical
systems are a combination of power plants, power transmission lines, converter
stations and electrical consumers all working in parallel. They are actually
used in every area of human activity. System operation is characterised by a
mode - a set of processes that determine at any given time the values of powers,
voltages, currents, frequencies and other quantities that change during system
operation for further data processing.
3. Summarizing unit 5 - 100%
· #90
Diachenko to Yaroshevskiy ПС 211 (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 07:20)
Morning. Today you pass the exam Here is the task
1. Final test paper 2
2. Topic Alternating Current Motor
3. Text Summarizing unit 2
Good Luck!
· #89
Diachenko to Vitvitskaya ПС 211 (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 07:15)
Morning. Today you pass the exam Here is the task
1. Final test paper 5
2. Topic Electrical Systems
3. Text Summarizing unit 5
Good Luck!
· #88
Duvanskaya I.F. Savluk A.O. from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 20 June 2022 19:31)
To Shevchuk D. , LLN-211.Your total score is 60.
· #87
Duvanskaya, Savluk A.O. from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 20 June 2022 09:33)
To Ptashnik Max LLN-211. Max,thank you for your exam topic. It is not bad but there were mispronounced words in your voice message: renewable, include, above-mentioned, characteristics, region, particular, Iceland.I have seen your tasks 1 and 3. Considering all three types of work, your total score is 75.
· #86
Duvanskaya I.F., Savluk A.O. from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 20 June 2022 08:29)
To Vlad Kovalenko LLN-211. Vlad, thank you for your exam topic but it is too short and contains only 74 words instead of 100.Pay attention to the first sentence: Today Ihave read the article.I have seen your tasks 1 and 3 with an excellent result. Considering all three types of work, your total score is 75.
· #85
Duvanskaya I.F., Savluk A.O. from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 20 June 2022 08:20)
To Dudnik Rostyslav LLN-211. Rostyslav, I have seen your tasks 1 and 3 with an excellent result as to your review, it is informative enough but there were mispronounced words in your voice message.Your total score is 85.
· #84
Vlad Kovalenko LLN-211 (Duvanskaya) (Monday, 20 June 2022 08:15)
Today I read the article about electrical systems. Electrical system is a
network of electrical components deployed to supply, transfer, and use electric
power. The electrical grid can be broadly divided into the generators, and the
distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and industries.The
majority of these systems rely upon three-phase AC power— the most common in the
world. And the electrical system feeds all electrical appliances and the entire
· #83
Ptashnik Max LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I.F) (Monday, 20 June 2022 07:50)
Non-conventional (alternative) sources of renewable energy include:
a) Geothermal energy;
b) Solar energy;
c) Wind energy;
d) Energy obtained by different ways from domestic and industrial waste;
e) Energy derived from biomass.
In Western Europe and the United States all the above-mentioned types of energy
sources are used in the national asstates. Depending on the characteristics of
the region in the structure of alternative energy use prevails one or another
source. In particular, Iceland, Denmark and several U.S. states widely use the
practice of obtaining heat from geothermal sources.
· #82
Dudnik Rostyslav LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I.F) (Monday, 20 June 2022 07:47)
The main functions of electronic starters and variable speed drives.
To write this work, I was inspired by the article
"Electronic starters and variable speed drives"
The most common way of starting asynchronous motors is directly on the line
supply. This technique is often suitable for a wide variety of machines.
However, it sometimes brings with it restrictions that can be inconvenient for
some applications, and even incompatible with the functions required from the
machine: - The inrush current on start-up can interfere with the operation of
other devices connected on the same line supply - Mechanical shocks during
starting that cannot be tolerated by the machine or may endanger the comfort and
safety of users - Acceleration and deceleration cannot be controlled - Speed
cannot be controlled Starters and variable speed drives are able to counter
these problems.
I consider this information very important and fundamental
· #81
Duvanskaya I.F., Savluk A.O. from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 20 June 2022 07:13)
To Dudnik R. , LLN-211
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 3.
2. The main functions of electronic starters and variable speed drives.
( comment ) 100 words.
3. Final Test paper 3.
To Kovalenko V., LLN-211.
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 4.
2. Electrical systems. ( comment ) 100 words.
3. Final Test paper 4
To Ptashnik M., LLN-211.
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 5.
2. Unconventional and renewable sources of energy. ( comment ) 100 words.
3. Final Test paper 5.
To Shevchuk D. , LLN-211.
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 6.
2. Alternating current motor.
3. Final Test paper 6.
· #80
Duvanskaya I.F, Savlk A.O. from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 20 June 2022 07:02)
To Dudnik R. , LLN-211
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 3.
2. The main functions of electronic starters and variable speed drives.
( comment ) 100 words.
3. Final Test paper 3.
To Kovalenko V., LLN-211.
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 4.
2. Electrical systems. ( comment ) 100 words.
3. Final Test paper 4
To Ptashnik M., LLN-211.
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 5.
2. Unconventional and renewable sources of energy. ( comment ) 100 words.
3. Final Test paper 5.
To Shevchuk D. , LLN-211.
1.Specialty Article and Text Summarizing- Unit 6.
2. Alternating current motor.
3. Final Test paper 6.
· #79
Osolinskyi Nikita ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 17 June 2022 10:04)
Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system
Today i read an article about microcomputers in the stepping motor control
system. The system design includes hardware design and software design and the
circuit design contains keyboard input, LED display, the state display of light
emitting diode and alarm. The keyboard can be used to input operation
parameters, start and close system. The motor drives the load to process
preconcerted work by the keyboard input so as to carry out point-position and
speed control. The application of display circuit can show the input data of
step motor and running state. The system can carry out the above function well
by testing.
· #78
Osolinskyi Nikita ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 17 June 2022 07:53)
Alternating current motor
Today I read an article about alternating current motor. An alternating current
motor is an electric motor driven by an alternating current. The AC motor
commonly consists of two basic parts, an outside stator having coils supplied
with alternating current to produce a rotating magnetic field, and an inside
rotor attached to the output shaft producing a second rotating magnetic field.
The rotor magnetic field may be produced by permanent magnets, reluctance
saliency, or DC or AC electrical windings. Alternating current technology was
rooted in Michael Faraday's and Joseph Henry's 1830–31 discovery that a changing
magnetic field can induce an electric current in a circuit.
· #77
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 17 June 2022 07:42)
Geothermal energy
The topic of my review is geothermal energy.
Geothermal energy is understood as industrial production of energy, in
particular electricity, from hot springs, thermal groundwater. The main source
of this geothermal energy is a constant flow of heat from the hot bowels,
directed to the Earth's surface. The Earth's crust receives heat as a result of
friction of the nucleus, radioactive decay of elements, chemical reactions.
Geothermal energy is widely used for heat supply and electricity generation. In
my opinion, this type of energy production is very intensive and requires proper
· #76
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 17 June 2022 07:42)
What I'm going to talk about today is bioenergy.
Bioenergy is a branch of electricity based on the use of biofuels produced from
biomass. Biomass includes all plant and animal-produced substances. Today, the
production of electricity and heat from solid biomass is carried out mainly by
combustion in solid fuel boilers, with the production of high pressure steam.
Biomass plays a significant role in the energy balances of industrialized
countries.This is proof that the direction is progressive. Because in this way
the waste does not pollute the environment.
· #75
Drozhzhina I to Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:19)
Thank you, I’m waiting for your module tests
· #74
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:35)
Долг за 31.05
in line with
Apparently, Saturn is in line with Neptune.
further validation
A further validation process should be performed by the secretariat every four
generally accepted
Interestingly, reliance on the draft articles is not restricted to generally
accepted provisions.
Today I have read an article that talks about a new technology, thanks to which
people will be able to remotely attend exhibitions, presentations, and at the
same time they will be able to interact with objects located there. To do this,
the user will have to wear a helmet of virtual or augmented reality, and gloves
that will allow him to control the robot. Thus, sitting on the couch in our
house, we will be able to visit museums, galleries, exhibitions and
presentations. I am sure that very soon this technology will become a reality
for us.
Cars with autopilot have not surprised the average user for a long time. This
article is about Waymo, which is developing a fully autonomous car that does not
need a driver. All the user has to do is choose a destination, get comfortable
in their chair, and enjoy the ride. The machine will do the rest for you. Not so
long ago, the company used to transport only its employees and testers, but
today this technology is available to everyone. I hope soon such cars will
appear in a taxi, and will be available to everyone.
· #73
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:34)
Долг за 17.05
predetermined course
Many of those adjustments do not follow a predetermined course of action.
product development
We also engage in customer-specific product development.
as follows
Perhaps we can settle the issue as follows.
Today I have read an article about new photovoltaic cells installed in a solar
panel that can generate energy not only during the day but also at night.
Researchers at Stanford University have been able to develop a cell that
harvests energy from the environment throughout the day and night, eliminating
the need for batteries entirely. So far, this technology is underdeveloped, and
as the developer Shanhui Fan states, this development was intended for something
completely different. Now such a solar panel can only light a light-emitting
diode, but in the future the development of this technology, it will be possible
to achieve much more
Today I have read an article that talks about the technology of data exchange
between devices, and in particular between 3D printers. Researchers have come up
with a new way to improve the quality of 3D printing. To do this, they networked
several 3D printers and then made the machines share precision machining data,
which reduced the time needed to prepare and calibrate them. Thus, the printers
compared the print settings with other machines, as a result of which they will
correct their settings right during printing. I am sure that soon this
technology will be used not only in this industry.
· #72
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:33)
Долг за 03.05
consistent with
Those injuries are not consistent with self-defense
correctly interpret
The lack of completeness in the reporting makes it difficult to correctly
interpret the numeric data reported
comparisons revealed that
Comparison of the images revealed an object which had decreased in luminosity in
both visible light and infrared light
Today I have read an article about a store of a new future, in which there will
be no checkouts, cashiers and queues we are used to. Amazon Fresh opens the
first supermarket in Los Angeles with a checkout in the cart. No more standing
in lines and waiting for the cashier to scan all the goods. The trolley with
which you will make purchases automatically with the help of sensors and machine
vision technology will understand what kind of products you want to purchase,
and will deduct money from your card immediately after you leave the store
Topic: Alternative current motor
An AC motor, or as it is also called an asynchronous motor, is an electric AC
motor, the rotor speed of which is not equal to the speed of the magnetic field
created by the stator winding current. It consists of a rotor, stator, rotor
shaft, impeller and bearing. The main differences of this type of electric
motors from the rest are low production cost, ease of maintenance and operation,
as well as high reliability. Most often, this type of motor can be found in
fans, compressors, vacuum cleaners, as well as on machine tools.
· #71
Julia Kucher , PS-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:23)
in principle
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
The digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1jUiJUZKKKz5
I have read an article titled "World's record entanglement storage sets up a
milestone for Quantum Internet Alliance". The article tells us about how
researchers from Sorbonne University in Paris have achieved a highly efficient
transfer of quantum entanglement into and out of two quantum memory devices.
This achievement brings a key ingredient for the scalability of a future quantum
internet. A quantum internet that connects multiple locations is a key step in
quantum technology roadmaps worldwide. In my opinion, it is a very interesting
research and I would like to know more about quantum internet.
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-05-power-river.html
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1apajHaJSWuZ
i have read the article "Innovating power generation where are river runs
through it'. This article tells us about a hydroelectric. The hydroelectric
power provides an alternative to fossil fuels, but not all generation methods
are equally clean or economically viable. The classic 'solution' involves
building a concrete dam and locating a hydroelectric power plant there, but
there's all sorts of associated issues. There's the high cost of building a dam,
but there's also a huge environmental impact. You restrict migration of fish,
you change the local river topology, and you affect the whole ecological system
around it.
hydroelectric is very practical but a little harmful to the environment.
Exam topic #3 ( Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system)
What is an microcomputers in the stepping motor control system. The system
design includes hardware design and software design and the circuit design
contains keyboard input, LED display, the state display of light emitting diode
and alarm. The keyboard can be used to input operation parameters, start and
close system. The motor drives the load to process preconcerted work by the
keyboard input so as to carry out point-position and speed control. The
application of display circuit can show the input data of step motor and running
state. The system can carry out the above function well by testing.
· #70
Mazur Sasha PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:08)
de facto
Admittedly, these DNA nanostructures (4WJ) are smart, but there is the
disadvantage of DNA structures that DNA is de facto a biodegradable polymer.
derived from
The FMN riboswitch is found in bacterial RNAs involved in the biosynthesis of
flavin metabolites derived from vitamin B2.
deserves special attention
"Residues deserve special attention in the context of crop protection," plant
pathologist Frédéric Suffert explains.
Today i have read article "How smart is an octopus?"This article about how
researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered octopuses' unique
brainpower. They have studied several species that lived in different
environments and interacted with other animals with varying frequencies. The
study has shown that active interaction means more complex behavior comparable
to that of small mammals. It was also determined that larger brain's surface
area indicates more intricate cognitive abilities.
This article does a great job of shedding light on complexity of the octopus'
nervous system. To my mind, we know too little about marine life and the ocean
itself to set our minds on space.
Today i have read article "Storing energy in red bricks".This is story about Red
bricks.Can you Imagine plugging in to your brick house.
Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can
be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity,
like a battery, according to new research from Washington University in St.
Now, chemists in Arts & Sciences have developed a method to make or modify
"smart bricks" that can store energy until required for powering devices.
I think in future we can use this metod and use red bricks like a powerbank.
· #69
Julia Kucher , PS-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:07)
Борг за 31.05
On the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
keep track
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
Today I have read the article "Machine learning predicts antibiotic resistance
article is about genes that are not only inherited from birth. Bacteria have the
ability to transfer genes to each other or take them from the environment
through a process called horizontal gene transfer, which is the main culprit in
the spread of antibiotic resistance. Team paper, "Functions Predict Horizontal
Gene Transfer and Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance," published in Science
Advances. I think it's better for people and those with biology. This is an
interesting article and quite informative.
Topic#13: The peculiarities of DC injection braking.
What is the peculiarities of DC injection braking. DC injection braking is a
method of slowing AC electric motors. A DC voltage is injected into the winding
of the AC motor after the AC voltage is disconnected, providing braking force to
the rotor. Large rotors and loads with a high moment of inertia may take a
significant amount of time to stop through inherent friction alone. To reduce
downtime, or possibly as an emergency safety feature, DC injection braking can
be used to quickly stop the rotor. DC brake modules are very efficient, have no
consumable parts and do not require maintenance.
· #68
Mazur Sasha PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:06)
case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
multiple levels
A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in China and two in
Germany has found that data from the Event Horizon Telescope.
when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Today i read the article "New map shows frequency of small asteroid impacts,
provides clues on larger asteroid population".
This article about NASA publishing a map showing all meteorite occurrences in
the Earth's atmosphere over the past 20 years. The data indicate that Earth's
atmosphere was impacted by small asteroids, resulting in a bolide (or fireball),
on 556 separate occasions in a 20-year period. Almost all asteroids of this size
disintegrate in the atmosphere and are usually harmless.
The notable exception was the Chelyabinsk event which was the largest asteroid
to hit Earth in this period. But by using new data, we can prevent victorious
catastrophes in the future.
Today i read article "Adaptive headlights to improve road safety".
This article about risks when compared to daylight driving, not least when
heading into a blind bend on an unlit road. Throughout the history of motor
vehicles, safety features have been devised and added ad hoc—from bumpers,
crumple zones, and airbags to seatbelts, antilocking brakes, and shatterproof
windscreens. Despite the evolution cars remain dangerous.
Сonventional headlights always face forward and so as one steers into such a
bend there is a blind spot to the left or right until one has traveled through
it.This is the underlying cause of many road traffic accidents.
· #67
Julia Kucher , PS-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:06)
Борг за 17.05
1)for its own sake
And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only irrelevant, but even
harmful to conservation practice.
this perspective
The answer sounds obvious, when you look at translation from this perspective.
agreement on
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins.
I have read the article "Top programming languages: Most popular and
fastest-growing choices for developers". It relates to which purposes some
programming languages are being used. As follows the leader of the list is
JavaScript, which is mostly used for web development. After comes python, which
technological capabilities make this language the best solution for data
science. Top 3 list ends with Java, which similarity to JavaScript lies only in
the name. Java is commonly used in mobile or desktop programming but is very bad
in web programming or data science.
my opinion, this article gives us a clear layout of the top programming
languages world
Exam topic #5(Alternating current motor)
An AC motor is an electrical motor driven by alternating current. An AC motor
consists of two main parts: an external stator with coils that are supplied with
alternating current to create a rotating magnetic field, and an internal rotor
attached to the output shaft, creating a second rotating a magnetic field. They
have the next advantages: simple and robust structure, high operational
reliability, easy maintenance, low price. They also have a high efficiency. In
conclusion, we can say that modern technologies make it possible to create
extremely efficient engines.
· #66
Mazur Sasha PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:05)
generally accepted
It is widely generally accepted that sponges are the most basic animal
in line with
However, in line with the new paradigm, systems that provide the answer directly
without any need to read the whole document
further validation
And after further validation, the scientists agreed that Sentinel-6 Michael
Freilich should become the reference satellite for sea level measurements.
Today I have read article " Graphene gets enhanced by flashing"
This article about that Rice University chemists have modified a flash heating
process to produce doped graphene with special properties.
Doping of graphene is possible using bottom-up approaches such as chemical vapor
deposition or synthetic organic processes, but these usually yield products in
trace amounts or create defects in the graphene. The Rice process is a promising
way to rapidly produce large quantities of heteroatom-doped graphene without the
use of solvents, catalysts, or water. The lab said this should promote more
uniform deposition and improve the stability of next-generation rechargeable
metal batteries.
Today I have read the article "Autonomous vehicle company Waymo to test in
Florida rain". This article about Google Autonomous Car spin-off Waymo says it
will begin testing on public roads in Florida to better survive heavy rain. The
test vehicles in Florida will be human-driven. They will collect data using
laser and radar sensors. Heavy rain may affect image quality. Waymo is already
testing in several areas, including the San Francisco and Phoenix areas, as well
as suburban Detroit and Seattle.The company has delayed a full-scale autonomous
taxi call service in the Phoenix area due to security concerns.
· #65
Mazur Sasha PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:05)
little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
main limitation
The main limitation to the evaluation stemmed from the enormous scope of support
activities under review
based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in
the outer reaches of the galaxy
Today i have read article "Immune to hacks: Inoculating deep neural networks to
thwart attacks".This aricle about hack immunity. Deep neural networks are a
subset of machine learning algorithms used to solve a wide range of
classification problems. To protect the algorithms from such attacks, the
Michigan team developed a learning system inspired by the Robust Adversarial
Immune. While the innate immune system attacks pathogens in general, the
mammalian immune system can generate new cells designed to defend against
specific pathogens.
I think ,that very promising part of this work is that our overall structure can
protect against various types of attacks.
Today I have read the article "Autonomous vehicle company Waymo to test in
Florida rain". This article about Google Autonomous Car spin-off Waymo says it
will begin testing on public roads in Florida to better survive heavy rain. The
test vehicles in Florida will be human-driven. They will collect data using
laser and radar sensors. Heavy rain may affect image quality. Waymo is already
testing in several areas, including the San Francisco and Phoenix areas, as well
as suburban Detroit and Seattle.The company has delayed a full-scale autonomous
taxi call service in the Phoenix area due to security concerns.
· #64
Julia Kucher , PS-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:04)
Борг за 03.05
considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1frX3CfzHjIR
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-caught-camera-ai-combat-street.html
Today, I have read the article ”Caught on camera: Using AI to combat street
crime”, which I find very informative. This article describes the new solution
to reduce street crimes. Researchers at Monash University Malaysia's School of
Information Technology are developing cameras with an artificial intelligence
(AI) system that can detect crime on the streets. This system allows police to
be alerted to potential danger to someone's life.
my mind, this new invention is very useful, because it can make our world safer.
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1kMCs7lXOtFW
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-01-ai-space.html
Today I have read the article "New AI navigation prevents crashes in space".
This article tells us that engineers are developing collision avoidance systems
that will help autonomous robots maintain, assemble or manufacture satellites in
orbit. Scientists must develop a reliable collision avoidance algorithm and work
that works in real time so that autonomous systems can safely complete the
mission, using explainable artificial intelligence. The new artificial
intelligence is based on physics rather than relying solely on data, so it's
more reliable.
This article is useful for AI researchers and developers. I was interested in
reading this article.
· #63
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:01)
in other words
In other words, no person or system is trusted and every interaction is verified
through a central entity.
digital version
A digital version of the Consumer Electronics Show kicked off Monday, showcasing
technology innovations from around the world as the pandemic has people relying
on gadgets and the internet in their daily lives.
in principle
"What I loved about this theory was that it is in principle testable and I
decided to search for evidence that might help confirm or falsify it," says
I have read the article "There are systems 'guarding' your data in cyberspace,
but who is guarding the guards?". It describes the work of researchers who are
developing the algorithms needed to create an efficient decentralized
verification system. They are trying to help secure digital identities and
improve the security of the verification processes that so many of us rely on.
In the latest work, they improved the algorithms that can be used to create a
decentralized verification system, which will make it much more difficult to
hack. I look forward to the results of these studies, because they will help
everyone feel more secure.
I have read the article "Designing machines that see, understand, and interpret
their environment. It tells about the achievements of scientists in the field of
creating a personal driver assistance system. The TULIPP project tries to solve
the problem of using such a system in real life, given its cost and compactness.
Computer algorithms analyze data from cameras very quickly and try to react to
out-of-the-ordinary situations. I hope that the development of Personal Driver
Assistance will continue to improve and become more reliable. This project can
help reduce the number of accidents in the world, and maybe even reduce them to
Exam topic "Alternating current motor"
The name alternative current electric motors comes from the fact that they
convert alternating current electrical energy into mechanical energy in motor
mode and vice versa in generator mode. They are now becoming more widespread and
are gradually replacing DC machines. They can be found in cars and hoovers, in
sophisticated machines and in ordinary children's toys. They can be found almost
everywhere, although they differ in type, construction and performance. AC
machines are divided into three main types: asynchronous, synchronous and
commutator machines. Every electric motor has the property of reversibility:
every electric motor can operate in generator mode and vice versa.
· #62
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:00)
Борг за 31.05
further validation
And after further validation, the scientists agreed that Sentinel-6 Michael
Freilich should become the reference satellite for sea level measurements.
generally accepted
Certain aspects of the scroll and the positioning of the text had led some
scholars to suggest that after column 27 a new scribe had started, but this was
not generally accepted.
in line with
This will allow the researchers to continue their developments in line with user
I have read an article called "Safe and powerful robotics for near-human tasks".
It tells about the work of scientists from The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine
Tools and Forming Technology IWU. They use innovative technology to change the
rigidity of an object to create robots that will help ordinary people in their
daily lives. The peculiarity of these robots is that they do not try to repeat a
person, like their Asian counterparts, they consider strength and safety in
themselves. It amazes and delights me that technology is developing so quickly
and in a few years we will use robots in everyday life.
I have read the article "Why you might soon text robots as often as your
friends" . It tells about the creation of modern bots and their work in the
service sector. Bots act as assistants for users, answer their questions and
help resolve problems related to the operation of the service. In some
countries, bots have become part of everyday life. People order food, transport,
pay for various services through bots. This article was informative for me, the
introduction of this technology helps to have less contact with people, but it
becomes sad that people are less willing to communicate with each other.
Exam topic
"Electric angle control system "
What is an electric angle control system? This is a system that allows you to
adjust the position of the elements in the structure of the mechanism. For
example, this concept is used in solar power plants to support the panel in an
optimal position in relation to sunlight. The use of such a system allows you to
maximize the efficiency of the power plant. The operation of the system is to
determine the current position of the first block, and the external system
transmits the desired value to the control block, and it, in turn, changes the
position of the element.
· #61
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:59)
Борг за 17.05
when compared
When compared to the cleaned-up versions of the stories, the ranking algorithm
is able to sort people's names with a high degree of precision even from the
noisy OCR text.
case studies
Existing data on this question were largely anecdotal, consisting of case
studies of particular algorithms that were assumed to be representative of the
broader scope.
multiple levels
Global carbon emissions in 2021 are set to rebound close to pre-COVID multiple
levels, according to the Global Carbon Project.
I read the article "Scientists show how fast algorithms are improving across a
broad range of examples". It says about a study of scientists at the University
of Massachusetts, who have been waiting for the question of how quickly
algorithms are improving. Algorithms in the world of IT - technologies are
fundamental to all processes. Even in our daily life, everything is tied to
them. Therefore, scientists have ordered well-known research works on algorithms
and came to the conclusion that algorithms are developing at a tremendous speed,
very often the power of computers is not enough for the normal operation of
modern algorithms.Also, the performance of a computer depends on its power, so
it is not surprising that these technologies are developing at a tremendous
I read the article "Study reveals behavioral differences between bots and humans
that could inform new machine learning algorithms". It says about researching
modern bots and how they differ from real users. In recent years, bots have been
regularly used as part of large-scale efforts on social networks to manipulate
public opinion. Research results showed that during the experiment, user
behavior changed, as did the behavior of bots. But still this technology is not
so developed and so far recognition algorithms can figure them out.This article
makes me think about how quickly the world of technology is developing, as well
as how easy it is to influence the human mind with the help of this knowledge.
Exam topic "Electric dynamic braking"
Electric dynamic braking is a type of braking for induction motors in which the
stator winding is disconnected from AC power and switched to DC voltage. This
braking mode is used for precise stopping of motors. During braking, the stator
winding creates a constant, stationary magnetic field. As the rotor rotates
relative to this magnetic field, the direction of the rotor EMF changes. The
rotor current will depend on the resistance in the rotor circuit. This type of
braking is used, for example, in conveyor machines, in circular saws, in
double-system electric locomotives, in conveyors for safe stopping of mechanisms
when electric motors are switched off.
· #60
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:58)
Борг за 03.05
little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
main limitation
The main limitation of eurobonds is that they would not eliminate the
divergences in competitiveness.
based partly on
They therefore need "repeaters," a kind of "relay," which are partly based on a
quantum memory.
I have read the article "Researchers store a quantum bit for a record-breaking
20 milliseconds". It tells about the achievement of scientists from the
University of Geneva (UNIGE) in the field of cryptography. They are trying to
achieve the storage of a memory qubit, as well as its transmission over long
distances. Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to do this without loss
of data privacy, but the Michael Aphaselius group has achieved a lot in these
studies. This article makes me think about how fast the world of technology is
developing and this development helps humanity to improve their gadgets:
computers, smartphones and GPS navigators.
I have read the article "Novel fast-beam-switching transceiver takes 5G to the
next level". It tells s about the research of Tokyo scientists in the creation
and development of 5G technologies. They developed a transceiver that showed a
speed of operation several times faster than previous models. MIMO systems
increase spectral performance, large-scale phased array systems collide, but
problems arise with increased power dissipation and implementation costs.
Scientists from Japan are full of enthusiasm, so soon all problems will be
eliminated and the super-technological future will be one step closer to us.
Exam practice
"Stepping motor control system"
Nowadays stepper motors are becoming more and more widespread in modern
technological equipment. These systems are widely used as actuators in various
mechanisms in industries, automobiles and household appliances. A stepper motor
is a two-coordinate transport module based on linear stepper motors, which is
used to manufacture highly integrated microchips. For this purpose, a probe is
used, which includes a two-coordinate transport module The stepper motor control
system is designed to generate signals on the windings of the stepper motor and
control the rotation speed of its shaft, as well as to control the number of
rotation steps.
· #59
Snovydova Lynda PS211 (Diachenko) (Friday, 10 June 2022 20:37)
difficult to explain
On the spot it's difficult to explain, it's a bit complicated.
due to insufficient
However, they had to cancel the ceremony due to insufficient attention.
data revealed
The response to the call for dynamic modelling data revealed that the task
facing NFCs was complex.
Today I have read the article about how researchers have developed a method that
will prevent bots from using poisonous language.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have developed algorithms
to clean speech generated by online bots from offensive language on social media
and elsewhere.
However, this language model still has drawbacks. For example, the bot now
avoids discussing underrepresented groups because the topic is often related to
hate speech and toxic content.
Conclusion: it's great that technology develops every day in such trifles, even
so that bots do not use profanity
18.Project management
In modern management, a project is understood as a set, a set of tasks and
actions that have the following distinctive features: clear final goals,
interconnections of tasks and resources, specific start and end dates for the
project, a certain degree of novelty of the goals and conditions for
implementation, the inevitability of various conflict situations around and
within the project
The most popular definition, given by the American Institute of Project
Management and contained in the guide to the basics of project management,
interprets the project as follows. A project is a temporary undertaking designed
to create unique products, services, or results.
· #58
Snovydova Lyuda PS211 (Diachenko) (Friday, 10 June 2022 19:28)
by outlining
Everything started by outlining some problems that were supposed to be solved.
classified as
It's now classified as top secret.
beyond the scope of
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
Today I have read an article about the Tor Browser, a platform that distributes
millions of child sexual abuse material. This material is mostly hosted on an
anonymous part of the Internet - the "dark web" - where criminals can share it
without fear of prosecution.
The open source network and browser provide users with anonymity by encrypting
their information and allowing them to avoid being tracked by ISPs.
Project Tor was originally developed by the US Navy to secure online
intelligence communications before its code was made public in 2002.
Conclusion: It is a pity that this project initially had a good idea, but today
it is used for crime purposes.
6.Electronic dynamic braking
Dynamic braking is a type of braking of asynchronous electric motors, in which
the stator winding is disconnected from the AC mains and switched on to direct
voltage. This braking mode is used to precisely stop motors. During braking, the
stator winding is disconnected from the AC voltage network and connected to a DC
voltage source. In this case, the stator winding will create a constant fixed
magnetic field. This type of braking is used, for example, in hoisting and
transport machines, in electric vehicles.
· #57
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:31)
Renewable energy of Ukraine
We know, that If country has big rate making and consumption of renewable energy
it will show about its good developing. Does Ukraine generate clean energy?
Yes. But its rate small : as 2017 it was 6.67%.But Ukraine has come to the
European Energy Cooperation, and it has taken upon itself the need to generate
11% of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2020 and 25 % until 2035.
Ukraine is realizing its plans.
The prospects for the development of the renewable energy sector in Ukraine look
optimistic. The rest of the growth of the sector was swept and such a trend will
continue in the coming years.
· #56
Liubushkin Maksim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:01)
Physicists have demonstrated a one hundred-fold increase in the speed of optical
quantum memory
Today I read an article about how physicists have demonstrated a one
hundred-fold increase in the speed of optical quantum memory. In the future,
computers will be equipped with quantum memory keepers. Unfortunately, storage
times and bandwidth are poor. A group of physicists from the US, UK and Canada
were able to increase the data transfer rate to 1 GHz. This value is more than a
hundred times the speed of the current memory. In their experiments, they use a
hot cesium vapor chamber as a storage medium. Quantum memory is the future of
computers and scientists.
· #55
Liubushkin Maksim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:56)
A fluid-magnetic solution for sorting plastic waste
Link: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-02-fluid-magnetic-solution-plastic.html
Today I read an article about a liquid magnetic solution for sorting plastic
waste. Due to the insane growth in the production of plastic, we need to figure
out how to recycle it. Plastic pollution is very harmful to the environment. How
does this separator work? And everything is quite simple. There are different
types of plastic (heavy, light, etc.), so they need to be distributed. And they
are distributed just by these magnetic fluids. Thus, they are sorted by type and
it is easier to process. This method can easily and without errors separate
different types of plastic.
focused primarily on - основное внимание уделялось
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
В первую очередь они сосредоточились на программе SolSmart, программе VEP,
которая побуждает местные органы власти внедрять передовой опыт для продвижения
солнечных установок.
first use of - впервые применила
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Исследователи документируют первое использование кукурузы в Мезоамерике.
for a number of reasons - в силу ряда причин
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
Эта технология является новой по ряду причин, одна из которых заключается в том,
что она может дать новое представление о факторах окружающей среды, которые
оказывают значительное влияние на уровни загрязнения воздуха.
· #54
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:24)
Today i have read the article:"Simplified interface for time-series data
predictions". If someone is trying to predict tomorrow's weather, predict future
stock prices, determine lost retail sales opportunities, or estimate a patient's
risk of developing a disease, they will likely need to interpret time series
data, which is a set of recorded. Making predictions using time series data
usually requires several steps of data processing and the use of complex machine
learning algorithms that have such a steep learning curve that they are
inaccessible to non-specialists. To make these powerful tools more
user-friendly, MIT researchers have developed a system that directly integrates
forecasting functions on top of an existing time series database. The new system
is more accurate and more efficient than current deep learning methods in
performing two tasks: predicting future values and filling in missing data
points. With each new day, methods of mathematical predictions appear that will
help many in calculations.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1aWLYQWEZlUp
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-03-interface-time-series.html
· #53
Pugach Max EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:11)
Today I have read the article "A closer look at the creation of a metamorphic
sole".When two of Earth's tectonic plates collide, the heavier plate is forced
underneath and back into the mantle in a process called subduction.During the
early stages of newly initiated subduction zones, the uppermost part of the
downward traveling plate can detach and accrete to the base of the overriding
(upper) plate.Later, these slices can be exposed at Earth's surface and are
known as metamorphic soles.The study concludes by outlining a three-step
sequence for the evolution of the metamorphic sole.Thanks to this article, we
will learn a little more about metamorphic soles.
· #52
Pugach Max EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:10)
Today I have read the article called"New study reveals why Facebook ads can miss
target".This article tells about
the study from North Carolina State University that provides insight into why
targeted Facebook ads sometimes look more like wild ads.Facebook is the largest
company in the world with over 2 billion monthly users. The resource was founded
by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends while studying at Harvard University in 2004.
Officially, the social network is owned by Facebook Inc which also owns WhatsApp
and Instagram.I think this article is interesting and I hope Facebook can
achieve their goal.
1)bear in mind
Global warming is certainly something to bear in mind.
2)examined in detail
Obligations under Security Council resolution had been examined in detail.
3)expanded upon
This prohibition is further expanded upon in kabbalistic literature.
· #51
Osolinskyi Nikita ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:06)
Electric dynamic braking
Today I read an article about electric dynamic braking. Dynamic braking is the
use of an electric traction motor as a generator when slowing a vehicle such as
an electric or diesel-electric locomotive. It is termed rheostatic if the
generated electrical power is dissipated as heat in brake grid resistors, and
regenerative if the power is returned to the supply line. Dynamic braking
reduces wear on friction-based braking components, and regeneration lowers net
energy consumption. Dynamic braking may also be used on railcars with multiple
units, light rail vehicles, electric trams, trolleybuses, and electric and
hybrid electric automobiles.
· #50
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:00)
daily phrases:
1) focused primarily on - зосереджено насамперед на
The Mission focused primarily on the issue of citizenship and on the language
requirements established for obtaining Estonian citizenship.
Місія зосередилася на питанні громадянства та мовних вимог, встановлених для
отримання громадянства Естонії.
2)for a number of reasons - з ряду причин
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
3)first use of - перше використання
In some cases, after the first use of the nits, it is possible to remove the
active combing, and there is no need to repeat the procedure.
У деяких випадках після першого використання гнид можна видалити активне
розчісування, і повторювати процедуру не потрібно.
voice link: https://voca.ro/1oN8eA9Q4Osr
Article reveal:
Today i have read the article:"First use of VLBI to focus on a single star
system for signs of life comes up empty". Previously, it seems that the number
of signals in the surviving star system was not unexpected, but the chances of
knowing the signals in reasonable places when pointing at the dawn of the system
are small, that there are billions to choose from . Irrespective of the price,
they remind you that the mood is optimistic, the project has shown that such a
technology can be used to turn off other dawn systems in the future. Perhaps a
planet inhabited by some form of life simply does not emit radio waves, or maybe
it does, but not at the frequency the team is looking at. Before to this
project, astronomers used radio telescopes that simply scanned the sky for
interesting signals. In this new approach, the team focused on a single star
system thought to have two planets that could host some form of life, using
VLBI, where multiple telescopes are virtually connected together to create one
large system. We can say that we are step by step approaching the study of a new
life, perhaps soon we will be able to find something new.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/12zTvK5W5Mv7
Article: https://phys.org/news/2012-06-vlbi-focus-star-life.html
· #49
Bohdan Demchenko ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 07:44)
Review: Heat supply
Today I've read the article about heat supply.
Heat supply - a system of centralized heat supply to buildings and structures.
The heat supply system consists of the following functional parts: a source of
thermal energy, transporting thermal energy devices to the premises and
heat-consuming devices that transmit thermal energy to the consumer. According
to the place of heat generation, heat supply systems are divided into
centralized and decentralized. Heat consumers of the heat supply system are
heat-using sanitary systems of buildings and technological installations.
Heat supply is an important component that provides us with a comfortable life.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1lHOEDz69yJS
· #48
Bohdan Demchenko ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 07:44)
Review: Energy saving
Today I've read an interesting article about energy saving.
Energy saving - reducing energy consumption by using fewer energy services.
Energy saving differs from energy efficiency in that it uses less energy for the
same service. But energy saving and energy efficiency are techniques for
reducing energy use. Although energy efficiency primarily reduces the
consumption of energy services, it can result in increased environmental
quality, national security, and personal financial security. Energy saving is at
the top of the sustainable energy hierarchy.
The problem of energy saving is closely intertwined with the problems of energy,
ecology, technical re-equipment and restructuring of the entire economy.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1gb19fpZfKd5
· #47
Chorny Maxim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 17:58)
Review: Economy energy audit and management.
Today I have read the article about economy energy audit and management. The
energy audit is an important instrument for identifying potential for increasing
energy efficiency, reducing energy costs and for defining appropriate measures.
So, when companies know how much energy is consumed in which areas of the
company, they can derive the optimal savings potential. The energy audit is
therefore an important tool for individual companies and thus for the entire
economy to promote energy efficiency and cost savings. In my opinion, by
developing energy management, we can reach technologically advanced future way
much faster.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/14YWZzSshcBV
· #46
Drozhzhina I to Julia Kucher , PS-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:14)
Please don’t forget about your independent work, in general your comments are good
· #45
Julia Kucher , PS-211( Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:44)
———————- 31.05——————-
On the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
keep track
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
Today I have read the article "Machine learning predicts antibiotic resistance
article is about genes that are not only inherited from birth. Bacteria have the
ability to transfer genes to each other or take them from the environment
through a process called horizontal gene transfer, which is the main culprit in
the spread of antibiotic resistance. Team paper, "Functions Predict Horizontal
Gene Transfer and Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance," published in Science
Advances. I think it's better for people and those with biology. This is an
interesting article and quite informative.
Topic#13: The peculiarities of DC injection braking.
What is the peculiarities of DC injection braking. DC injection braking is a
method of slowing AC electric motors. A DC voltage is injected into the winding
of the AC motor after the AC voltage is disconnected, providing braking force to
the rotor. Large rotors and loads with a high moment of inertia may take a
significant amount of time to stop through inherent friction alone. To reduce
downtime, or possibly as an emergency safety feature, DC injection braking can
be used to quickly stop the rotor. DC brake modules are very efficient, have no
consumable parts and do not require maintenance.
· #44
Julia Kucher , PS-211( Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:42)
—————— 17.05———————-
1)for its own sake
And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only irrelevant, but even
harmful to conservation practice.
this perspective
The answer sounds obvious, when you look at translation from this perspective.
agreement on
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins.
I have read the article "Top programming languages: Most popular and
fastest-growing choices for developers". It relates to which purposes some
programming languages are being used. As follows the leader of the list is
JavaScript, which is mostly used for web development. After comes python, which
technological capabilities make this language the best solution for data
science. Top 3 list ends with Java, which similarity to JavaScript lies only in
the name. Java is commonly used in mobile or desktop programming but is very bad
in web programming or data science.
my opinion, this article gives us a clear layout of the top programming
languages world
Exam topic #5(Alternating current motor)
An AC motor is an electrical motor driven by alternating current. An AC motor
consists of two main parts: an external stator with coils that are supplied with
alternating current to create a rotating magnetic field, and an internal rotor
attached to the output shaft, creating a second rotating a magnetic field. They
have the next advantages: simple and robust structure, high operational
reliability, easy maintenance, low price. They also have a high efficiency. In
conclusion, we can say that modern technologies make it possible to create
extremely efficient engines.
· #43
Julia Kucher , PS-211( Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:40)
————- 03.05———
considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1frX3CfzHjIR
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-caught-camera-ai-combat-street.html
Today, I have read the article ”Caught on camera: Using AI to combat street
crime”, which I find very informative. This article describes the new solution
to reduce street crimes. Researchers at Monash University Malaysia's School of
Information Technology are developing cameras with an artificial intelligence
(AI) system that can detect crime on the streets. This system allows police to
be alerted to potential danger to someone's life.
my mind, this new invention is very useful, because it can make our world safer.
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1kMCs7lXOtFW
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-01-ai-space.html
Today I have read the article "New AI navigation prevents crashes in space".
This article tells us that engineers are developing collision avoidance systems
that will help autonomous robots maintain, assemble or manufacture satellites in
orbit. Scientists must develop a reliable collision avoidance algorithm and work
that works in real time so that autonomous systems can safely complete the
mission, using explainable artificial intelligence. The new artificial
intelligence is based on physics rather than relying solely on data, so it's
more reliable.
This article is useful for AI researchers and developers. I was interested in
reading this article.
· #42
Julia Kucher , PS-211( Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:38)
another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation.
able to eliminate
They were able to shrink some gaps, but couldn't eradicate them.
alternative way
They found an alternative way to control the mass density of the fluid by simply
engineering the thickness of the fluid channel.
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-05-power-river.html
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1apajHaJSWuZ
i have read the article "Innovating power generation where are river runs
through it'. This article tells us about a hydroelectric. The hydroelectric
power provides an alternative to fossil fuels, but not all generation methods
are equally clean or economically viable. The classic 'solution' involves
building a concrete dam and locating a hydroelectric power plant there, but
there's all sorts of associated issues. There's the high cost of building a dam,
but there's also a huge environmental impact. You restrict migration of fish,
you change the local river topology, and you affect the whole ecological system
around it.
hydroelectric is very practical but a little harmful to the environment.
Topic16: Economy energy audit and management.
What is an economy energy audit and management?
An energy audit is an inspection survey and an analysis of energy flows for
energy conservation in a building. Reducing energy consumption while maintaining
or improving human health, safety and comfort are of primaty concern. The energy
management process starts with an energy audit to find opportunities to improve
efficiency then putting it into action with a number of strategies and then
tracking the progress of the made changes.
From my point of view energy audit and management are important things that help
us save our money and lots of resources.
· #41
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:22)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #40
Chorny Maxim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 16:53)
Review: Electrical Systems
Today I have read the article about the structure of electrical systems.
Everyone uses electricity in their everyday lives, yet lots of us do not think
how it works and how it is distributed throughout our houses. Electricity flows
in from one of two 120-volt wires and backs out through a grounded neutral wire.
Any flaw in the wire to and from these points will interrupt the current’s path
and cause a fault in one of the circuits. In my opinion, by developing these
systems, above all - their efficiency and security, we can reach technologically
advanced future way much faster.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1kABV2YHSctA
· #39
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:53)
To Pugach Max EM-211 Task1 is good, it has some mistakes though, Task2 has been wrongly done. UNACCEPTED. Task3 is satisfactory. Keep on working hard and read my announcement at the beginning of the session.
· #38
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:43)
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 Task1 is very good, task2 contains grammar mistakes. Just 74 points.
· #37
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:48)
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 just 75 points.
· #36
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:45)
To Golubov Paul EM-211 Task1 is UNACCEPTED ( pls mind native tongue
Task2 is satisfactory, the conclusion should be different. Work hard to get Bett
· #35
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:39)
To Kurko Ivan EM-211 task with the phrases is incomplete can hardly be accepted.
· #34
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:37)
To Kurko Ivan EM-211 pls do not emphasize the word “Conclusion “. The conclusion you’ve made looks like the general words but not an insight into the contents. Just 73 points
· #33
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:31)
To Kurko Ivan EM-211 There is no reference to the source of the article. Just 70 points.
· #32
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:28)
To Pugach Max EM-211 All in all you earned 76 points.
· #31
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:39)
Brunch Circuit Motor Protection
Each electrical device can operate in abnormal conditions for various reasons.
Brunch Circuit Motor Protection is used to save the engine as well as people's
Brunch Circuit Motor Protection includes fuses and circuit breakers. Fuses are
used to protect electrical networks from overloads and short circuits. Circuit
breakers are designed to turn on and off asynchronous motors, as well as to
protect them from overload currents and short circuits.
Thus, Brunch Circuit Motor Protection prevents the destruction of electrical
appliances and networks. And also protects people from damage by current.
· #30
Pavlov Eugene ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:35)
Review: Renewables exploitation for energy production
Today I have read an article about renewables exploitation for energy
production. In Nowadays, the provision of viable energy production and the
energy autonomy are fundamental and utmost importance issues included in drawing
the national strategic plan of both developing and developed countries. In
parallel, the contentious role of fossil-based energy infrastructures, in the
light of their high external costs of operation/use and the environmental
depletion, have oriented current scientific research to find and exploit other
energy sources that comply with increased pressure towards energy production,
energy autonomy, and energy safety. Nevertheless, these preconditions of any
energy mix introduced signify the importance of developing mature renewable
energy technologies, which could enable sound and credible exploitation of any
new-coming energy source, in the light of socio-economic acceptability and
environmental sustainability.
Nowadays, the provision of viable energy production and the energy autonomy are
fundamental and utmost importance issues included in drawing the national
strategic plan of both developing and developed countries. In parallel, the
contentious role of fossil-based energy infrastructures, in the light of their
high external costs of operation/use and the environmental depletion, have
oriented current scientific research to find and exploit other energy sources
that comply with increased pressure towards energy production, energy autonomy,
and energy safety. Nevertheless, these preconditions of any energy mix
introduced signify the importance of developing mature renewable energy
technologies, which could enable sound and credible exploitation of any
new-coming energy source, in the light of socio-economic acceptability and
environmental sustainability.
· #29
Kurko Ivan EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:31)
Today I read an article about a modern electric drive.
A modern electric drive is a combination of an electric motor, which is a source
of mechanical energy, control and protection equipment, as well as mechanical,
hydraulic. Electric drives are the main consumers of electricity and the main
source of mechanical energy in industry. The best way to save energy in all
industries that need to adjust the performance of machines based on AC motors is
to use an AC variable speed drive.
this study and article made it possible to understand that thanks to these
engines, it is possible to achieve many times greater energy savings
· #28
Pavlov Eugene ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:27)
Review: Hydrogen from renewable electricity
Today i have read an article about renewable electricity.
An increasingly large percentage of power is being generated from renewable
energy sources with intermittent and fluctuating outputs. Therefore there is a
growing need for energy storage. With power-to-gas, excess electricity is
converted into hydrogen by water electrolysis, which can be stored and, when
needed, can be reconverted into electricity with fuel cells. Besides the energy
vector for electricity, mobility and heat, hydrogen can be utilized as a raw
material for the chemical industry or further be used for the synthesis of
various hydrocarbon fuels such as methane.
· #27
Kurko Ivan EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:25)
controversial question - will electric vehicles completely replace internal
combustion engines is a controversial question
considerable disagreement - There is considerable disagreement about this
conduct research - scientists insist on conducting research regarding this
today I read an article that Robots can manage the farms of the future, recently
scientists have become interested in the topic of converting the work of people
in the field into automation for the work of artificial intelligence, since
people have already set up a program for 40 plant species, it can itself select
a fertilizer for it so however, after less human presence and heavy equipment on
the field, fewer chemicals will be used and the growth of sprouting will
accelerate, since large tractor wheels interfere with the roots of growth by
compacting the soil, CONCLUSION I consider this a very useful idea, it needs to
be developed, I hope we will wait for automation around the world
· #26
Bohdan Demchenko ЕS-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:22)
Review: Modern electrical drive.
Today I've read the article about modern electrical drive.
Modern electric drive is a set of electric motor, which is a source of
mechanical energy, control and protection equipment, as well as mechanical,
hydraulic or electrical transmission. Electric drives are the main consumers of
electricity (up to 60%) and the main source of mechanical energy in industry.
The most effective way to save energy in all industries where you need to
regulate the performance of mechanisms based on AC motors is the use of
adjustable AC drive.
The introduction of such an electric drive on mechanisms with a square load
allows you to avoid throttling and achieve energy savings of 30-70%.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1aJcDgeGRdE3
· #25
Bohdan Demchenko ЕS-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:21)
Review: Power supply of industrial enterprises.
Today I've read an interesting article about power supply of industrial
The power supply system is a set of devices for the production, transmission and
distribution of electricity. The power supply system of industrial enterprises
provides electricity to industrial consumers. The main consumers are electric
drives of various machines and mechanisms, electric lighting, electric heating
devices, including electric furnaces. The work of industrial electric drives and
other consumers both in design and during operation must be in strict accordance
with both individual consumers and the complex of electric drives that ensure
the operation of complex mechanisms.
Power supply - the driving force for all enterprises.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/16yTD3mdvBXO
· #24
Golubov Paul EM-211 (SL Mikhailuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:14)
1- conduct research - проведение исследований
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи применяют эти знания для проведения исследований по различным
2- controversial question - спорный вопрос
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think
Её исследования позволили по-новому взглянуть на спорный вопрос, влияет ли язык,
на котором мы говорим, на наше мышление
3- considerable disagreement - значительные разногласия
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Их химические свойства так сильно отличаются от других s-элементов, что порой
возникают значительные разногласия относительно положения элементов в
периодической системе.
Today I have read the article "Robots may run future farms, researchers say".
This article tells us that in the next couple of years there may be people who
will try to introduce robots into agriculture. The reason for this may be that
in our time, manual labor is becoming less effective compared to the labor of
robots, since these very robots do not need to eat and rest, and they can also
quickly collect information from a large area and transfer it to the owner of
the field. Also, replacing heavy machinery with autonomous light robots and
drones can solve the problem of soil compaction and make food production more
sustainable. This article is recommended to reading as it tells us what farmers
will do in the future in order to get more crops on a smaller field area.
Link - https://techxplore.com/news/2019-02-robots-future-farms.html
Voice - https://voca.ro/1e6oHIyOlXeD
· #23
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:08)
To Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 Just good for 3 tasks .Mind the translation of the sentences with the phrases . Focus on exam topics.
· #22
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:07)
Mathematical models and optimization techniques
In power supply systems, there are devices that affect the parameters of the
electrical mode. These effects need to be calculated. Technical problems, set
mathematically, are considered to optimization problems.
Solving the applied problem according is performed as follows:
At the first stage, a specialist develops a mathematical model that describes
the problem;
In the second stage, the mathematician chooses or creates the method of solving
the problem;
In the third stage, an application program is selected, which implements method
and allows you to find the optimal solutions.
I think, that the ability to solve applied problems mathematically is very
important for human life.
· #21
Chorny Maxim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:06)
Review: Mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Today I have read the article about mathematical models and optimization
techniques. Mathematical model is a system of mathematical correlations that
describe the studied process or phenomenon. It allows us to predict the course
of the process, calculate its initial parameters, manage it, design systems with
the desired characteristics. While mathematical optimization is the selection of
the best element from the set of available alternatives. In the design process
the task is to determine the best structure or value of object's parameters. In
my opinion, be developing these models, we can increase their efficiency, which
will help us to optimize any process.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1lWwyPgtttVS
· #20
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:55)
Today i have read the article: "Internet connection is the oxygen for research
and development". Fast and reliable Internet access is fundamental to research
and development around the world. Pete Goldsmith, director of the Soybean
Innovation Lab at the University of Illinois, works closely with partner
organizations in several African countries. He noticed that his African
colleagues often encountered technological problems that made communication very
difficult. For example, sometimes they had to rely on their mobile phones
because the Internet access in their institution was unreliable. Goldsmith
teamed up with two IT experts from U of I, former CIO Paul Hickson and director
of research for IT and innovation. The case study included focus groups,
interviews, and technology analysis of SARI equipment and communications. The
third step examines the available intranet service offerings for researchers,
such as local storage, data backup procedures, access control, security
procedures, email service, and cloud access.Finally, the fourth step concerns
the human resource and technical support requirements for planning and managing
an institution's IT infrastructure. Therefore, the Internet is not just a tool
for many studies.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/14Af4ioX6vRG
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2020-10-internet-oxygen.html
· #19
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:54)
To all students from group EM-211
Welcome back to the activities today. I suggest you prepare the following
speciality topics during this session. They are as follows: Basics of actuator;
Основы электропривода;
Basics of electricity supply; Основы электроснабжения;
Electrical apparatus; Электрические аппараты;
Automatic Control Theory; Теория автоматического управления;
Electric systems and networks; Электрические системы и сети;
Electrical technological installation; Электротехнологические установки;
Fundamentals of Heat Engineering; Основы теплотехники; Also post the phrases of
the day with appropriate links.
· #18
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:44)
Daily phrases:
1)conduct research - провести дослідження
The aim was to conduct research and establish a dialogue on reforming the
international financial system with a view to reducing financial volatility.
Метою було провести дослідження та налагодити діалог щодо реформування
міжнародної фінансової системи з метою зменшення фінансової нестабільності.
2) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
Yet, considerable disagreement and uncertainty remains about how to interpret
and apply the standard, leaving many countries hesitant to innovate.
Тим не менш, залишаються значні розбіжності та невизначеність щодо того, як
інтерпретувати та застосовувати стандарт, через що багато країн вагаються щодо
3)controversial question - спірне питання
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1cFU40MIpEGV
Article reveal:
Today i have read the article: "Astronauts board shuttle Discovery for last
flight". This article is about about the historic moment of NASA. The six
astronauts of the space station delivery mission made their way to the launch
pad in the early afternoon, waving and smiling to the huge crowd taking pictures
in the crew quarters. Once on the pad, they stopped at the base of the pad to
look at the Discovery and hugged before climbing aboard.
Discovery will travel to the International Space Station with a crew, a cargo of
supplies and a humanoid robot.Approximately 40,000 guests attended Discovery's
farewell launch; among the expected VIPs was a small contingent of congressional
representatives. Watching with particular interest from Mission Control in
Houston is astronaut Timothy Kopra, who was to be the lead spacewalker.
"Discovery" will spend 11 days in orbit - on top of the 352 days it has already
spent orbiting the planet - and travel another 4.5 million miles. We can say
that NASA to this days does not miss the opportunity to hold such historical
Voice link: https://voca.ro/15ISgpCHbGoZ
· #17
Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 (SL Mikhailuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:38)
Today I have read the article "A personalized exosuit for real-world walking".
Researchers at Harvard have developed a new approach in which robotic exosuit
assistance can be calibrated to humans and adapted to various real-life walking
challenges in seconds. The new system only needs a few seconds of walking to
capture the muscle profile. When tested in real-life situations, the exosuit was
able to quickly adapt to changes in walking speed and incline. The research team
aims to test the system by making continuous adjustments in real time. This
approach can help support the adoption of wearable robotics in real, dynamic
situations by providing comfortable, personalized and adaptive care.
· #16
Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 (SL Mikhailuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:37)
Considerable disagreement - Even in a small organization, there is likely to be
considerable disagreement on each of these aspects of strategy.
Значні розбіжності - навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, будуть значні
розбіжності щодо кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
Conduct research - The team has already begun to conduct research on other
readout techniques to further shorten the processing time.
Проведіть дослідження. Команда вже почала проводити дослідження інших методів
зчитування, щоб ще більше скоротити час обробки.
Controversial question - The mystery of polariton interactions has finally been
resolved: Skoltech's research gives a decisive answer to this controversial
Контроверсійне питання - Таємниця поляритонних взаємодій нарешті розкрита:
дослідження Сколтеху дають вирішальну відповідь на це суперечливе питання.
Today I have read the article "Repurposing carbon dioxide may be key to net-zero
emissions". Carbon dioxide makes up only 4 percent of the atmosphere and plays a
vital role in sustaining life on our planet. If this delicate balance is upset,
excess carbon dioxide can pose a huge threat to our environment and living
things. There are several methods for reducing the negative effects of carbon
dioxide. One of these methods is decarbonization. Another technique called
carbon sequestration, which removes carbon from the atmosphere. Similarly,
carbon dioxide can be removed from emissions or the atmosphere using amine
columns or similar carbon capture technologies and purified.
· #15
Osolinskyi Nikita ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:30)
The role of plugging in motor stopping
Today i read an article about the role of plugging in motor stopping. The system
of a DC motor brake works by regulating voltage on one side of the circuit and
plugging voltage on the other. The EMF pulls in one direction and the motors
inertial rotation in the other. The system of a DC motor brake works by
regulating voltage on one side of the circuit and plugging voltage on the other.
The EMF pulls in one direction and the motors inertial rotation in the other. In
both methods power that was propelling the motor is now working against it the
motor stops more quickly.
· #14
Pugach Max EM-211(SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:22)
Today I have read an article about Direct sound printing is a potential
game-changer in 3D printing, according to researchers. Today, professional 3D
printers are actively used in various areas of production. They are most
effectively used in mechanical engineering and architecture. Researchers have
developed a new platform technology called direct sound printing (DSP). It uses
sound waves to create new objects. And this allows for more precise projection
that is independent of light. I think this method of using 3D printing will help
solve previously unsolvable problems.
Vocaroo https://vocaroo.com/1euu4V13VG9N
Phrases of the Day
1)comparative investigation of
He did some comparative investigations of nanotechnology via computer.
2)condition imposed by
He argued that the new project was a complete copy goal achievement condition
imposed by head of the company.
3)comprehensive investigation of
Student Council Head that a more comprehensive investigation of the incident was
being undertaken.
· #13
Chernyavsky Maksym ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:20)
Speed estimation system for alternating current motor
Common methods for controlling the speed of an AC motor are changing the
additional resistance of the rotor circuit, changing the voltage supplied to the
stator winding, changing the frequency of the supply voltage, and switching the
number of pole pairs.
The introduction of resistors into the rotor circuit leads to an increase in
power losses and a decrease in the rotational speed. The rigidity of the
mechanical characteristics decreases significantly with a decrease in the
rotational speed. Changing the voltage supplied to the motor stator winding
allows to adjust the speed
· #12
Pugach Max EM-211(SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:20)
Today I’ve read the article called “Quantum computers learn to mark their own
work”. It tells us about the first quantum computer that can outperform a
classical computer to be realised. By creating a protocol that allows a quantum
computer to check its own answers to difficult problems, the scientists have
provided a means to confirm that a quantum computer is working correctly without
excessive use of resources. The researchers have developed a protocol to
quantify the effects of noise on the outputs of quantum computers. When applied,
the researchers' test produces two percentages: how close it estimates The
quantum computer is to the correct result and how confident a user can be of
that closeness. The researchers have proposed an alternative method that
involves using the quantum computer to run a number of easy calculations that we
already know the answer and establishing the accuracy of those results.
· #11
Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 (Sl Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:15)
1.1 conduct research - проведення дослiджень
They shipped it here to conduct research.
1.2 controversial question - спiрне питання
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
1.3 considerable disagreement - значнi розбiжностi
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
2.1 Today I read article
https://phys.org/news/2017-12-spacex-poised-recycled-rocket-spaceship.html This
article reveals that for the first time in the world, Space X is launching
rocket boosters into space, which are launched a second time. The fact is that
after launch, the rocket boosters detach from the rocket and fall to Earth,
after which they break or burn up. This method, which was used by Elon Max, will
help reduce the cost of launching into space, and will allow re-launching some
parts of the spacecraft into space. I think this discovery is very useful, and
will reduce waste and the cost of missiles. https://voca.ro/1kOTWcQtVymk
2.2 Today I read the article
This article discusses the mechanical control of a changing intellectual
surface. RIS controls electromagnetic waves with subwoofer resolution. They
switch between functions by changing coding sequences. Diode RIS has
disadvantages, such as
the degree of freedom of reconfiguration, limited by the principle of operation
of PIN diodes.
, the researchers
a mechanical RIS has been developed, which has no drawbacks. RIS operates at
microwave frequencies and uses a reliable control method to determine the
rotation angle of the meta-atom. I find this article useful because it can take
risk research to a new level.
· #10
Bimbas Danil, ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 01:35)
Reverse Current Braking: Understanding Plugging for Electric Motors
The fastest way to overcome inertion and grab something is to use it in the
opposite direction. This is a fairly simple principle.
Although not as destructive as a physical brake, plugging comes at the cost of
efficiency. At armature, the polarity of the voltage is reversed. Now it does
not repel the reinforcement, but attracts it, which effectively doubles the
strength of the connection.
The DC motor braking system works by regulating the voltage on one side of the
circuit and cutting off the voltage on the other.
The EMF pulls in one direction, and the inertial rotation of the motors in the
Because the same power that powered the engine is now working against it, the
engine stops faster.
This strong braking force benefits from a combination of supply voltage and
back-EMF voltage. This also generates a significant amount of heat, but without
mechanical friction limiting mechanical braking.
Each type of braking has its purpose, and multiple types of braking built into
the same motor provide the best results.
· #9
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:45)
To Derbenov Illia LLN-211. Illia, your work for June 2nd is meaningful and well done. Thank you. Keep on working.
· #8
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:40)
To A.Chaban LLN-211.Thank you for your effective work on June 2nd. Both of your tasks are informative enough but where is your exam topic?The second part of your work is to choose any exam topic and write a comment 100 words. I am waiting for your exam topic ( comment) . Check the reading of these words: legal, transmitted, architecture, Keep on working. P.S see the section in the Guestbook :Explore Graduate Exam Topics.
· #7
Derbenov Illia LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I. F.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:20)
1. Phrases of the Day
a) condition imposed by - условие, навязанное
A new study shows that lending conditions imposed by the International Monetary
Fund undermine "state capacity" in developing nations...
Новое исследование показывает, что условия кредитования, навязанные
Международным валютным фондом, подрывают «государственный потенциал» в
развивающихся странах...
b) comparative investigation of - сравнительное исследование
The study, titled "Comparative genomic investigation of high-elevation
adaptation in ectothermic snakes," was published in PNAS on July 31.
Исследование под названием «Сравнительное геномное исследование адаптации к
высоте у экзотермических змей» было опубликовано в PNAS 31 июля.
c) comprehensive investigation of - всестороннее исследование
While the efficacies of various dry face masks have been explored, a
comprehensive investigation of wet masks is lacking.
В то время как эффективность различных сухих масок для лица была изучена,
всестороннее исследование влажных масок отсутствует.
2. Article review
Topic: Electrical angle control system
I've just read the article "The revolutionary technologies that power and cool
the Parker Solar Probe".
It tells about the NASA's Parker Solar Probe spacecraft that hurtled past the
Sun's corona in 2018. The mission was unprecedented and required a variety of
technological innovations. For instance, due to the probe being too far from
Earth, wing angle control would have been possible only if the spacecraft had
guided itself. That required effective autonomous software installed onboard and
controlled by electrical systems with pinpoint accuracy. An error of one degree
could mean energy loss of up to 35 per-cent.
In my opinion, this article does a great job of describing the importance of
precision in astronautics.
· #6
A.Chaban LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I.F.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:12)
1.comprehensive investigation of- комплексне розслідування;
After gaining state independence increased the importance of comprehensive
investigation of folklore samples.-Після здобуття державної незалежності зросла
значення всебічного дослідження фольклорних зразків.
2.comparative investigation of- порівняльне дослідження ;
Comparative investigation of goods and services should be held
regularly.-Порівняльні дослідження товарів і послуг повинні проводитися
3.condition imposed by- умова, встановлена;
This new condition imposed by the Committee raises some difficult legal
issues.-Ця нова умова, встановлена Комітетом, викликає ряд складних правових
Today I've read the article about the new methods that accurately detect the
deepfake videos. The ability to identify manipulated videos is neccesary as
political and social opinions are transmitted in such a way.The Riverside method
divides the task into two components within a deep neural network. The first
branch discerns facial expressions and feeds information about the regions that
contain the expression, such as the mouth, eyes, or forehead, into a second
branch, known as an encoder-decoder. The encoder-decoder architecture is
responsible for manipulation detection and localization. So, deep fake detection
methods allow people to understand whether what they see is true or manipulative
· #5
Kucher Julia, PS-211(Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 21:25)
Phrases of the day:
We are operating under certain assumptions that this bug occurs only on some
It turns out that he was exfiltrating important data for a long time.
suspicion is well justified by a further examination of this breach.
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-05-power-river.html
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1apajHaJSWuZ
i have read the article "Innovating power generation where are river runs
through it'. This article tells us about a hydroelectric. The hydroelectric
power provides an alternative to fossil fuels, but not all generation methods
are equally clean or economically viable. The classic 'solution' involves
building a concrete dam and locating a hydroelectric power plant there, but
there's all sorts of associated issues. There's the high cost of building a dam,
but there's also a huge environmental impact. You restrict migration of fish,
you change the local river topology, and you affect the whole ecological system
around it.
hydroelectric is very practical but a little harmful to the environment.
Topic#13: The peculiarities of DC injection braking.
What is the peculiarities of DC injection braking. DC injection braking is a
method of slowing AC electric motors. A DC voltage is injected into the winding
of the AC motor after the AC voltage is disconnected, providing braking force to
the rotor. Large rotors and loads with a high moment of inertia may take a
significant amount of time to stop through inherent friction alone. To reduce
downtime, or possibly as an emergency safety feature, DC injection braking can
be used to quickly stop the rotor. DC brake modules are very efficient, have no
consumable parts and do not require maintenance.
· #4
Kucher Julia, PS-211(Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 21:04)
1.classified as
group of scientists was classified as a lazy one.
2.by outlining
started by outlining some problems that were supposed to be solved.
the scope of
article was written beyond the scope of the real opinion of the author.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1jUiJUZKKKz5
I have read an article titled "World's record entanglement storage sets up a
milestone for Quantum Internet Alliance". The article tells us about how
researchers from Sorbonne University in Paris have achieved a highly efficient
transfer of quantum entanglement into and out of two quantum memory devices.
This achievement brings a key ingredient for the scalability of a future quantum
internet. A quantum internet that connects multiple locations is a key step in
quantum technology roadmaps worldwide. In my opinion, it is a very interesting
research and I would like to know more about quantum internet.
Topic16: Economy energy audit and management.
What is an economy energy audit and management?
An energy audit is an inspection survey and an analysis of energy flows for
energy conservation in a building. Reducing energy consumption while maintaining
or improving human health, safety and comfort are of primaty concern. The energy
management process starts with an energy audit to find opportunities to improve
efficiency then putting it into action with a number of strategies and then
tracking the progress of the made changes.
From my point of view energy audit and management are important things that help
us save our money and lots of resources.
· #3
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:24)
by outlining
I now want to address the problem of Cyprus, not by looking at the past, but by
outlining my goals for the future
classified as
It's now classified as top secret
beyond the scope of
Many of the cases remained impressive and had far-reaching ramifications beyond
the scope of application of a single human rights treaty
today I have read an article about how artificial intelligence will help
unmanned vehicles not stand idle at red lights. A new study from MIT looks at
using new technology in self-driving cars to reduce travel time, fuel
consumption, or battery life. Thus, all machines will know where they are, and
will be able to transmit data about their location to each other. This will help
other cars to slow down or accelerate at the right moment to prevent an
accident. The use of this technology will help to completely get rid of traffic
lights, and reduce the number of accidents to a minimum.
Topic: Unconventional and renewable sources of energy
Every day we are gradually moving away from the usual methods of energy
production to renewable sources. The first solar panel was constructed in 1948,
and even now we can see how fields are dotted with them. Renewable energy
sources also include wind turbines and hydroelectric power plants. Already, many
countries are abandoning the usual methods of energy production, since they
pollute the environment very much. So far, not all the energy in the world can
be called environmentally produced, but in the near future technologies will be
able to reach the required level and save the planet from an environmental
· #2
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:54)
by outlining
They also characterized and accounted for data uncertainty by outlining steps in
each site to improve their quality over time—which will anticipate at-risk areas
in need of further monitoring and evaluation.
beyond the scope of
Determining whether a quantum computer has produced a correct answer to a
difficult problem is a significant challenge as, by definition, these problems
are beyond the scope of an existing classical computer.
classified as
It is the smallest unit of an organism that is classified as living, and is
often called the building block of life.
I have read the article "Quantum computers learn to mark their own work ". It
tells about the tests of quantum computers. The correctness of their work is a
big question, which also depends on external factors, so scientists are trying
to eliminate this problem. Also, modern models of quantum computers, even under
ideal external conditions, do not always solve problems correctly - more one
question that scientists are working on. This article was interesting and
useful, because the introduction of quantum computers technology will help
humanity to solve very complex problems and make a breakthrough in chemistry,
biology and medicine.
Exam topic "Stepping motor control system"
Nowadays stepper motors are becoming more and more widespread in modern
technological equipment. These systems are widely used as actuators in various
mechanisms in industries, automobiles and household appliances. A stepper motor
is a two-coordinate transport module based on linear stepper motors, which is
used to manufacture highly integrated microchips. For this purpose, a probe is
used, which includes a two-coordinate transport module The stepper motor control
system is designed to generate signals on the windings of the stepper motor and
control the rotation speed of its shaft, as well as to control the number of
rotation steps.
· #1
Sasha Mazur (PC-211, Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:34)
beyond the scope of
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
classified as
Uber argues that requiring drivers to be classified as employees would leave
jobs only for a small fraction
by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Today i have read article "Storing energy in red bricks".This is story about Red
bricks.Can you Imagine plugging in to your brick house.
Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can
be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity,
like a battery, according to new research from Washington University in St.
Now, chemists in Arts & Sciences have developed a method to make or modify
"smart bricks" that can store energy until required for powering devices.
I think in future we can use this metod and use red bricks like a powerbank.
16.Electrical systems
Electrical systems, also named circuits or networks, are designed as
combinations of mainly three fundamental components—resistor, capacitor, and
inductor—which are correspondingly defined by resistance, capacitance, and
inductance, generally considered to be lumped parameters. In addition to these
primary electrical components, in this chapter, we also discuss the operational
amplifier. Producing the electron motion or voltage difference in an electrical
circuit are the voltage or current sources, which are the counterparts of forces
or moments in mechanical systems. The focus in this chapter is the formulation
of mathematical models using methods of electrical circuit analysis. Examples
will be analyzed using MATLAB® and Simulink® to determine the natural, free, and
forced responses of electrical systems.