Humanity studies |Гуманітарні науки(IГН)
Guestbook – June 2022
· #438
· Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 24 June 2022 11:33)
To Marin Anna-group-IP-211. Thank you for your comments on the Exam topic "Social Psychology" and the audio version of your essay. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words; "psy'chology; 'psycho'logical; 'realize etc." Your exam tasks are accepted. Best wishes !
· #437
(Gvozd,Mikeshova) IP211 Marin- Exam topic- social psychology (Friday, 24 June 2022 09:55)
Social psychology is the science that studies human behavior in society and
various groups, his perceptions of other people, communication with them and
influence on them.The main task is to study the psychological processes, states
and properties of an individual that manifest themselves as a result of his
inclusion in relationships with other people, in various social groups (family,
educational groups).Social psychology emerged in the second half of the XIX
century, separating from philosophy. It was discovered by two philosophers: H.
Steinthal and M. Lazarus.
The study of science helps to build your own destiny, realize your desires and
your dreams.
Voise :
· #436
Mikeshova, Gvozd to Marin Ann ( IP-211) (Friday, 24 June 2022 07:51)
Good morning!
Your exam task is:
Final Test - 4
Summarising - 4
Exam topic - Social psychology
Send your task to email
· #435
· Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:14)
To Kovaleva-group-IP-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the exam topic on your speciality, the independent practice, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently and accurate pronunciation, mind the words " difficult; species; focus; qualities etc". The tasks with the phrases of the day have been performed correct. Thank you for your active participation in our online activities. Best wishes !
· #434
Kovaleva IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:59)
Exam topic:
Positive psychology.
Positive psychology is a branch of psychological knowledge and practice that
focuses on the positive potential of people. Psychology is now dealing mainly
with what is wrong with people's lives and relations between people. The efforts
of psychologists are traditionally focused on increasing people's self-esteem.
Three main divisions of positive psychology are distinguished: subjective
feeling of happiness, higher individual psychological human qualities, positive
social institutions. According to positive psychology, human happiness is not
the result of "work of genes" or "work of duty" - a person can live a happy life
using the strong qualities inherent in him/her and forming his/her quality
specificity. (
· #433
Kovaleva IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:58)
Arthropods are often considered the most successful animals on the planet, as
they occupy land, water, and sky and include more than a million species. This
group includes insects, crustaceans, and spiders. Horseshoe crabs have been
difficult to classify among arthropods because analysis of the animal's genome
has repeatedly shown that they are related to spiders such as spiders,
scorpions, and mites. Today, only four species of horseshoe crabs are alive.
Even so, genetic comparisons become difficult when considering gene history. Sea
spiders are like horseshoe crabs, but they are not spiders. The study concludes
that the conquest of land by spiders is more complex than a single traditional
· #432
Kovaleva IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 17:57)
Phrases of the day:
1.Proportional to
The tax cut is almost exactly proportional to taxes paid.
Снижение налогов почти точно пропорционально уплаченным налогам.
Как найти идеального парня?
3.Problems inherent in
You may know about the problems inherent in fish farming.
Возможно, вы знаете о проблемах связанных с рыбоводством.
A very interesting question was raised in the article I read. Is it possible to
make accurate predictions about what the planet will look like in fifty years or
a century from now? Changing conditions can significantly affect the planet. The
first climate model helped scientists estimate how the ocean and atmosphere
interact to affect climate. The model predicted how changes in temperature and
shifts in the ocean and atmospheric currents could lead to climate change. If
global emissions can be reduced to zero, Hausfather said the climate model's
best estimates show the world will stop warming.
"It's not too late to act," Hausfather said.
· #431
Gvozd to IP-211 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 09:02)
Lobanova Diana IP-211
Sorokina Veronika IP-211
Filonova Kate ІП-211
Thank you for your active work.
· #430
Sorokina Veronika IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:47)
Phrases of the day:
1) numerous examples
The report contains numerous examples of how this reality is ignored.
Доклад содержит многочисленные примеры того, как игнорируется эта реальность.
2) more specifically
More specifically, they want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels,
which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.
частности, они хотят реконструировать повышение уровня кислорода в атмосфере,
которое началось около 2,4 миллиарда лет назад, и их влияние на моря.
3) initial stages of
Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages
of development.
настоящее время научная инфраструктура в этой области находится на начальной
стадии развития.
Today I have read the article called “Report: Antarctic is changing
dramatically, with global consequences”, where is a new report from the
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) reveals how climate change is
significantly impacting Antarctica's ice sheets, climate and ecosystems, with
far-reaching global consequences.
Melting ice sheets mean that global average sea level rise will put nearly a
billion people at risk from coastal flooding over the next several decades, a
number that could increase by the end of the century. The Antarctic has also
played a profound role in regulating the world's climate, in part by absorbing
heat and carbon dioxide emissions resulting from human activity.
Today I have read the article called “New research sheds light on complex
genetic and metabolic traits in plants”. Numerous examples of biosynthetic gene
clusters (BGCs) have been discovered in plant genomes, but little is known about
the formation of these important examples of gene organization.
They are of interest because many of BGCs reported in plants in recent years
encode compounds of agricultural importance – conferring disease resistance and
drought tolerance.
The large scale analysis identifies new genetic drivers underlying non-random
gene organization. It highlights the importance of chromosomal inversions – as a
molecular mechanism that may shuffle more distant genes into the cluster so
enabling cluster compaction.
Exam topic #6 Biological psychology
Biological psychology is the study of physiological processes and their
influence on human behavior. Thus, biological psychology suggests that the mind
and body have an interdependent relationship and that behavior is fueled by
sensory perception based on physiology.
The main goal is to understand the functions of the brain in relation to various
triggers and psychological processes. Research is aimed at establishing a link
between the brain's response and subsequent human behavior.
Through the study of biological psychology, neuroscientists and sociologists
hope to improve the quality of life of those who may suffer from cognitive
impairment, which is sometimes accompanied by physical disabilities.
· #429
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:45)
Today I have read the article called: “Research shows how statistics can aid in
the fight against misinformation”. This article tells us about how with the help
of a computer it is possible to detect misinformation and prevent its spread. A
professor of mathematics at the American University worked with his team to
create a statistical model. It allows you to detect misinformation on social
media and avoid the black box problems that arise with machine learning. This
happens using a statistical method. I think that this kind of development is
very useful as it can protect people from misinformation. Misinformation has a
bad effect on society and the processes in it.
Phrases of the day:
1. numerous examples
We can give numerous examples to prove our theory.
Ми можемо навести численні приклади, щоб довести нашу теорію.
2. more specifically
More specifically, they want to conduct this study under certain conditions.
Зокрема, вони хочуть провести це дослідження за певних умов.
3. initial stages of
Our project is at the initial stages of development.
проект знаходиться на початкових стадіях розробки.
ІП-211 (Gvozd)
Today I read the article called "Improving battery life for wearable electronic
devices by addressing asymmetric stresses". This article is about how to improve
the longevity and life of batteries in electronic devices. Medical batteries and
wearable devices continue to evolve in size and shape. However, as the size of
the battery decreases, the manufacturing process becomes a complex technological
challenge. The research team also performed electrochemical tests, scanning
electron microscopy and other experiments to reveal structural features and
changes in the battery. I think this research helps to understand and find a
solution in the field of long lasting batteries.
Exam topic #7 Counseling psychology
Counseling psychology - a section of knowledge that contains a systematic
description of the process of providing psychological assistance to the
population, organizations, institutions, individuals. It is based on social,
clinical and differential psychology, personality psychology and testology. A
specific model of counseling can be based on one of the theoretical orientations
- psychoanalytic, personality-centered, behavioral, cognitive, and so on.
Counseling models are specified according to life situations that cause mental
maladaptation, developmental disorders. The problems that have most affected the
specification of counseling models over the last decade are alcoholism, drug
addiction, violence against children, and difficulties in children's learning.
· #428
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:28)
За 11.05
Today I have read a very interesting article about Antarctica and what global
changes await it. The fact is that the Antarctic ice sheets are melting, the
continent's climate is changing, and the Southern Ocean is heating up, becoming
more acidic and losing oxygen. Locally, climate change is already affecting
iconic whales, seals, penguins, and the krill from which they feed. All of this
is leading to global warming in one way or another. And although Antarctica
seems to be isolated from the rest of the world, changes in Antarctica are also
affecting all other continents. If blocks of ice melt, then the overall water
level will rise and coastal regions will be flooded.
Phrases of the day:
1) In principle (в принципе)
In principle, we can end the story now, if you don't mind.
2) Digital version (диджитал версия)
For now, only the digital version of our calculations is available, but we will
translate them to paper later.
3) In other words (иными словами)
In other words, you are considered a candidate for this position.
Independent practice:
Today I have read a very interesting article on physics, namely about quantum
mechanisms and how machines are used to explore quantum materials. A group of
research scientists successfully used machine learning techniques, developed in
collaboration with computer scientists at Cornell, to analyze huge amounts of
quantum metal data. Through this analysis, the researchers discovered important
information about the behavior of electrons in the material, discovering what is
known as pseudo-Goldstone mode.
· #427
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:07)
За 18.05
Today I have read an interesting article about artificial intelligence and how
humans use it. More and more often we are beginning to use artificial
intelligence in everyday life, and artificial intelligence is already making
decisions in business, health care, and manufacturing. Imagine a future with
self-driving cars that are fully autonomous. If everything works as intended,
the morning commute will be an opportunity to prepare for the day's meetings,
catch up on the news, or relax and unwind. But unfortunately, things may not go
according to plan, as the computer only has access to incomplete information, so
an accident could occur because of this. And this is the reason why Tesla does
not produce fully autonomous cars.
Phrases of the day:
1) In principle (в принципе)
I can, in principle, guarantee you the security of the transaction.
2) Digital version (диджитал версия)
Unfortunately, we can only present you this project in the digital version.
3) In other words (иными словами)
In other words, I'm going to go run some errands now and then try to help you
with your lessons.
Independent practice:
Today I have read a very interesting article about robots and, more
specifically, about how they learn to walk so that their movements are as
similar as possible to typical human movements. A team of scientists
demonstrates their approach with a battery-powered motorized prosthetic leg. A
battery powers the motors that rotate the joints. Motor movement is dictated by
a mathematical algorithm developed by the researchers. Directly embedding
musculoskeletal models in the optimization task - the algorithm that ultimately
creates a gait for the prosthesis - provides the basis for creating a gait that
can appear more natural.
· #426
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:05)
Today I have read a very interesting article about health, and more specifically
about smoking, which they are trying to ban in England. As we all know, smoking
is a big problem in modern society: it has a very negative impact on people's
health and would probably be considered illegal if tobacco had been invented in
modern times. Smoking is still one of the serious causes of many diseases in
England. Getting people to stop smoking is very difficult, but new independent
research commissioned by the government has made some sensible recommendations
and also highlighted that smoking is a key factor of inequality and much more
prevalent among the poorer sections of society.
Phrases of the day:
1) Numerous examples (многочисленные примеры)
I can give you numerous examples of our new projects.
2) Initial stages of (на начальной стадии)
I have begun the assignment, but it is still in the initial stages of
3) More specifically (в частности)
More specifically, I want to finish this book by the beginning of next week.
Independent practice:
I have read a very fascinating and interesting article today about time travel.
Is it possible to do them? Personally I think not, but in the article a
scientist-physicist also gives some examples why exactly time travel is an
impossible mission for the inhabitants of our planet. We can actually build time
machines, but most of the successful proposals require negative energy or
negative mass, which doesn't seem to exist in our universe. If you drop a tennis
ball of negative mass, it will fall upwards, which is impossible in our world.
Several other arguments are also made that such travel is impossible, such as:
the laws of physics and the paradoxes of time travel.
Examen topic #6 (Clinical psychology)
Clinical psychology - a branch of psychology that studies the relationship of
manifestations of the psyche and disease, disorders and recovery of mental
health in diseases and developmental anomalies. Area of professional activity of
graduates includes research and practical work aimed at solving complex problems
of psychological diagnosis, examination and psychological help to citizens, the
development of methods of psychological correction, psychological
rehabilitation.Although clinical psychologists and psychiatrists share the
fundamental task of treating mental disorders, their training, attitudes, and
methodologies are often quite different.
· #425
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 06:55)
Dear students!
This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your
active work.
· #424
Shapa L.N. to Kate Bondar IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:18)
Both messages (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:57) and (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 14:06) contain all the elements necessary for student's works of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #423
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:11)
The essay presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:17) was written and pronounced without mistakes, it contains a lot of facts which completely describe the topic. Excellent.
· #422
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:07)
The essay presented in the message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:12) is a complete and perfect developments of the topic Malaria, it contains a lot of uncommon facts supported by statistical and historical data. Excellent.
· #421
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:01) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:02)
The message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:35) includes all the necessary tasks - the astracts of two articles, the corresponding voiced variants of these abstracts, the tasks Phrases of the Day. Excellent.
· #420
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 18:01)
The message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:35) includes all the necessary tasks - the astracts of two articles, the corresponding voiced barialnts of these abstracts, the tasks Phrases of the Day. Excellent.
· #419
Shapa to Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:55)
The tasks presented in the message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:15) have been well done, written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay is full of unexpected and interesting facts and can be estimated as excellent - 100 grades.
· #418
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:50)
The message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022) is the debt for 12.05.2022 and contains all the necessary elements, i.e. the brief retelleing of the contents of two articles and their voiced variants, the tasks Phrases of the Day, All these tasks were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #417
Shapa L.N. to Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:44)
The messages (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:03), (Tuesday, 14 June 2022) ,(Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:13), (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:17) and (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:27) contain ten abstracts including the brief reviews of the contents of the articles and the tasks Phrases of the Day, but unfortunately the voiced variants of the comments are not present in all the abstracts, the five essays have developed the topics quite decently. The tasks are accepted.
· #416
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:22)
The essay and other tasks presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:27) were written and pronounced without mistakes and correspond to the standards for student's work, the essay completely and perfectly has developed te topic. Excellent.
· #415
Kate Bondar IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 14:06)
Phrases of the Day
1) a breakthrough in- прорив у
However, a breakthrough in the political sphere must be underpinned by tangible
progress in the area of security.
Водночас прорив у політичній сфері обов'язково має бути підкріплений суттєвим
прогресом у сфері безпеки.
2) able to target -можливість для цілеспрямованого
Policymakers are better able to target interventions and to achieve more
equitable results on land issues and land management policies.
директивних органів більше можливостей для цілеспрямованого втручання та
досягнення більш справедливих результатів при вирішенні земельних питань та
проведенні політики землекористування.
3)ability to achieve - здатність досягати
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
здатність досягати максимальних результатів при заданому бюджеті є одним із
найкращих ресурсів компанії.
Today I have read the article “Normal-looking food in Instagram” Every year,
Instagram life is gaining more and more popularity and even such things as
taking a picture of your breakfast and showing it to the whole Internet are
included in the routine. And here cafes, bars and restaurants enter a new level
of competition. Now they are faced with the task of not only tasty food, but
also to please their visitors with beautiful and aesthetic food for a photo in a
social network. Since social media platforms use rank-ordering algorithms to
prioritize and boost content, figuring out which foods garner more social media
engagement will help restaurants and food content creators determine how to
better amplify the reach of their online content.
Phrases of the Day
1)focused primarily on- зосереджена головним чином на
Clearance was focused primarily on Battle Area Clearance.
Діяльність з розмінування була зосереджена головним чином розмінуванні районів
бойових дій.
2) for a number of reasons -низка причин
We are quite unable to agree with the majority view in the Committee for a
number of reasons.
не можемо погодитися з думкою більшості членів Комітету з низки причин.
3) first use of -перше застосування
After the first use of air power at Gorazde, the Bosnian Serbs regarded UNPROFOR
as having intervened on behalf of their opponents.
Після першого застосування військово-повітряних сил у Горажді боснійські серби
вважали це як втручання СООНО на боці їх противника.
Today I have read the article “California will test digital driver's licenses.”
Improving documents in the 21st century is not new, but it makes life much
easier. Electronic documents are formally no different from paper documents
except for ease of use. In Ukraine, there is already a DIA application in which
you upload your data and easily provide your documents anywhere you need it.
According to this principle, electronic rights are now being created in
California. The only negative is, of course, storing your documents in
electronic format is a risk in any case, since online fraud is now rapidly
developing. Digital rights to the car, licenses and insurance are all in the
state of sharpening.
· #414
Kate Bondar IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:57)
Phrases of the Day
1) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
We hope that these procedures will be followed quickly in order to avoid any
undue delay on this important issue.
сподіваємося на оперативне виконання цих процедур, щоб уникнути будь-яких
необґрунтованих затримок з врегулюванням цього важливого питання.
2)in a somewhat - у кілька
The resolution we have just adopted does include, although in a somewhat muted
fashion, such an encouragement.
резолюції, яку ми зараз ухвалили, міститься, хоча й у дещо нечіткому вигляді,
такий заклик.
3) in greater detail -більш детально
The impact of trade provisions on the competitiveness of firms in developing
countries should be analysed in greater detail.
Слід докладніше проаналізувати наслідки положень, що стосуються торгівлі, для
конкурентоспроможності фірм у країнах.
Today I have read the article “Saving the Amazon's orphan monkeys”. A reserve in
a corner of the Colombian Amazon offers new life to orphaned monkeys as local
tribes feed on adults for meat and skins. Jhon Jairo Vasquez, a local leader, is
giving them a second chance—while gradually changing attitudes in the area. By
his own example, he shows that little monkeys have a chance to live next to
people. At the moment, a large number of species of monkeys are classified as
endangered species and are listed in the IUCN's Red List. Unfortunately, today
people hunt monkeys not for the sake of survival, but because of beautiful and
expensive wool.
Phrases of the Day
1)in other words - іншими словами
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, як критерій має виступати об'єктивна оцінка або, іншими словами,
2)in principle - у принципі
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
основі цієї оцінки зроблено рекомендації, з якими, у принципі, можна погодитись.
3) digital version – цифрова версія
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
Крім того, цифрова версія оригіналу цього документа англійською мовою буде
включати посилання на вказане виправлення.
Today I have read the article “The top 5 most dangerous criminal organisations
online right now”. It's no secret that in the 21st century the Internet can be
both very useful and very dangerous. Fraudsters have moved to a new level and it
has become much easier to commit their crimes via the Internet. For example,
they block some data, and require a lot of money for ransom. The global
ransomware attack has been labeled the biggest on record. Russian cybercriminal
organization REvil is the alleged culprit. For the sake of what attacks on the
Internet occur, no one knows. The list of top 5 most dangerous organizations
includes: DarkSide, REvil, Clop, Syrian Electronic Army and FIN7.
· #413
Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:35)
Debt for 19.05.2022
I have read the article "Using artificial intelligence to fill in gaps in
ancient texts".
Firstly, the article talks about Enrique Jiménez and his discovery. This
academic makes use of artificial intelligence to fill in the many of the gaps in
the surviving texts written on clay tablets by scribes in early urban societies
3000 years ago. Moreover, he and his team have begun to assemble a
"Fragmentarium," a database in which all the text fragments in world museums
will find their place.
In summary, I want to say, that this scientist is a treasure for since and his
work is very valuable for history.
Phrases of the day:
1) information management;
Information management is the collection, storage, management and maintenance of
data and other types of information.
Управління інформацією — це збір, зберігання, керування та підтримка даних та
інших видів інформації.
2) invention relates;
Whether a patent application relates to an invention is governed by Article 52
of the European Patent Convention.
стосується заявка на патент винаходу, який регулюється статтею 52 Європейської
патентної конвенції.
3) above the average;
What does above average expression mean?
Що означає вираз вище за середнє?
Class work
I have read the article "Super-strong surgical tape detaches on demand ".
Firstly, the article talks about using a super-strong tape in medicine. Last
year, researchers developed a double-sided adhesive that could quickly and
firmly stick to wet surfaces such as biological tissues. They updated their
adhesive so that it can be detached from the underlying tissue without causing
any damage.
To my mind, this new discovery is true important step in the modern medicine and
it will be useful in the future.
Phrases of the day:
1) proportional to;
Normally, the energy of a particle in motion is proportional to its velocity
Зазвичай енергія рухомої частинки пропорційна її квадрату швидкості.
2) problem inherent in;
What is the problem inherent in the topic?
Яка проблема притаманна темі?
3) as to;
As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.
стосується податку, то він буде вираховуватися з вашої зарплати.
· #412
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:17)
Malaria is the serious, sometimes fatal disease caused by the protozoan genus
Plasmodium. The pathogen enters the human body through a mosquito bite.
About 50 cases of malaria are registered in Ukraine every year; about a tenth of
patients die. All registered cases were imported from malaria-endemic countries
by traveling Ukrainian citizens and foreigners, most often students.
Symptoms of malaria usually appear 10-15 days after a bite from an infected
mosquito. The first manifestations, such as fever, headaches, excessive
sweating, weakness, may be poorly expressed, making it difficult to detect
malaria initially. Digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also
occur. The triad of symptoms - febrile attacks, hepatosplenomegaly, and anemia -
is characteristic of all types of malaria.
The main focus of malaria treatment is etiotropic therapy - prescription of
drugs acting directly on the malarial plasmodium in the human body. All existing
drugs are divided into 3 strategic groups:
- Hematoschizotropic, which have a detrimental effect on erythrocytic schizonte
forms of plasmodia;
- histoshizotrophic, which kills tissue schizonal forms of plasmodiums;
- Gamontotropic, which neutralizes gammonts and blocks sporogony.
1)in principle
But, in principle, ideas can be embodied and can make a profit.
Але, принципово, ідеї можуть бути втілені і можуть приносити прибуток.
2)in other words
States in other words have to be able to govern .
Інакше кажучи, держава має бути здатною управляти .
3)the digital version
Enter this code here in order to activate the digital version of your book.
Введіть тут цей код, щоб активувати цифрову версію вашого підручника.
· #411
Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:15)
I have read the article “Next-generation solar cell technology reaches space”.
Firstly, the article talks about next-generation solar cell technology developed
at Sandia National Laboratories. The solar cell technology was developed at the
labs to reduce the cost of creating solar technology and increase its
efficiencies. Benefits of this technology are ease of installation and system
integration. The article also talks about that in future projects this
technology can be used on the moon.
So, in conclusion, this study is a very important step in the science of green
energy, because this technology will give us new ways to generate clean energy.
Phrases of the day:
1) classified as;
Conventional sensors do not last long in environments that are classified as
extremely harsh.
Звичайні датчики не довго працюють у середовищах, які класифікуються як
надзвичайно суворі.
2) by outlining;
Asimov played a significant role in the popularization of robotics and AI, for
instance, by outlining the 'three laws of robotics' in one of his short stories.
Азімов зіграв значну роль у популяризації робототехніки та ШІ, наприклад,
виклавши «три закони робототехніки» в одній зі своїх оповідань.
3) beyond the scope of;
Fabricating new robots, however, is far beyond the scope of most individuals,
requiring specialized knowledge in design, assembly, programming and more.
Однак виготовлення нових роботів далеко за межами компетенції більшості людей,
вимагаючи спеціальних знань у проектуванні, складанні, програмуванні тощо.
Class work
Phrases of the day:
1) in other words;
In other words, no person or system is trusted and every interaction is verified
through a central entity.
Іншими словами, жодній людині чи системі не довіряють, і кожна взаємодія
перевіряється центральним органом.
2) in principle ;
In principle, this process benefits the organism's health.
В принципі, цей процес приносить користь здоров’ю організму.
3) digital version;
This newspaper intends to start charging for a digital version from the spring.
газета має намір почати плату за цифрову версію з весни.
Essay “Malaria”
Malaria is a life-threatening parasitic disease spread by bites from infected
female Anopheles mosquitoes. Today, I'd like to tell you more about the global
malaria epidemic, as well as the fight against it.
To begin with, scientists estimate that there will be 241 million cases of
malaria worldwide in 2020. Also, In 2020, 627 000 people are expected to die
from malaria. In same year the African Region was home to 95% of all malaria
cases and 96% of deaths. Statistics demonstrate how serious the epidemic is and
how critical it is to combat it. Fortunately, there is no malaria epidemic in
Ukraine. About 50 cases of malaria are registered in Ukraine every year
Following I want to tell you about fight against with malaria. According to the
report, malaria was eradicated in 21 countries over the last two decades, with
10 of them receiving WHO certification as malaria-free. Despite advancements in
the fight against malaria, millions of people continue to die each year. The
most significant contribution we can make is through science, specifically
through the development of malaria medicines and vaccines. To change the global
trajectory of the disease and meet internationally agreed-upon targets, better
targeting of interventions, new tools, and increased funding are required.
Global efforts to combat the disease are being hampered by a lack of access to
life-saving tools, and the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to exacerbate the
In conclusion, I want to say that malaria is a dangerous epidemic that
governments all over the world must actively combat and take all necessary
measures to combat.
· #410
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:13)
One of the biggest threats is malaria, a life-threatening disease caused by
parasites and transmitted through the bites of infected malarial mosquitoes.
.Every year, about 50 cases of malaria are detected in Ukraine, and 100% of
cases are infected during travel abroad. Malaria transmission occurs in 87
countries around the world, but tourists traveling around Africa, India, Sri
Lanka, Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia are most at risk (before traveling to these
regions, you should undergo a chemoprophylaxis course against malaria).
The reason for the spread of this dangerous infectious disease experts call
climate change in our country, which has led to an increase in the number of
mosquitoes and other insects.And indeed, in recent times Ukrainians complain
about the real invasion of mosquitoes, which in particular attack resorts of
Azov and Black Seas. Mosquitoes carry: borreliosis (Lyme disease),lymphatic
philariaosis (parasites infection),tularemia (bacterial disease).
The method of sterilization of insects is not yet widely used against
malaria-vector mosquitoes, partly due to technical problems, which include the
need to release only barren male mosquitoes, and the need for effective
mosquitoes trap systems. Also considers a number of new tools and technologies,
such as insecticide-treated nets, mosquito repellents for the treatment of
territories and sugar baits designed to attract and destroy mosquitoes.
The Food and Drug Administration, which gave green light to the new medicine
The medication is designed to treat so-called three-day malaria, which is ill
for 8.5 million people every year in the world. Fighting this form of disease is
especially difficult, since its plasmodium vivax can be maintained in the liver
of a person for years and manifested many times at certain intervals of time.
Scientists call Tafenoquine a phenomenal breakthrough in malaria control.
· #409
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:12)
Essay ;
One of the biggest threats is malaria, a life-threatening disease caused by
parasites and transmitted through the bites of infected malarial mosquitoes.
.Every year, about 50 cases of malaria are detected in Ukraine, and 100% of
cases are infected during travel abroad. Malaria transmission occurs in 87
countries around the world, but tourists traveling around Africa, India, Sri
Lanka, Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia are most at risk (before traveling to these
regions, you should undergo a chemoprophylaxis course against malaria).
The reason for the spread of this dangerous infectious disease experts call
climate change in our country, which has led to an increase in the number of
mosquitoes and other insects.And indeed, in recent times Ukrainians complain
about the real invasion of mosquitoes, which in particular attack resorts of
Azov and Black Seas. Mosquitoes carry: borreliosis (Lyme disease),lymphatic
philariaosis (parasites infection),tularemia (bacterial disease).
The method of sterilization of insects is not yet widely used against
malaria-vector mosquitoes, partly due to technical problems, which include the
need to release only barren male mosquitoes, and the need for effective
mosquitoes trap systems. Also considers a number of new tools and technologies,
such as insecticide-treated nets, mosquito repellents for the treatment of
territories and sugar baits designed to attract and destroy mosquitoes.
The Food and Drug Administration, which gave green light to the new medicine
The medication is designed to treat so-called three-day malaria, which is ill
for 8.5 million people every year in the world. Fighting this form of disease is
especially difficult, since its plasmodium vivax can be maintained in the liver
of a person for years and manifested many times at certain intervals of time.
Scientists call Tafenoquine a phenomenal breakthrough in malaria control.
· #408
Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022)
The debt for 12.05.2022
I have read the article “Biofuel: How new microalgae technologies can hasten the
end of our reliance on oil”.
Firstly, the article talks about a new way of using microalgae. Over the last
few decades, research has revealed microalgae's enormous potential, particularly
in the production of biofuel—fuel made from plant or animal waste. Biofuel is a
renewable and sustainable alternative to non-renewable oil.
Finally, I think that this new discovery will help us use safer energy sources.
As a result, biofuel would become cost competitive with current fossil fuels,
accelerating the transition to alternative energy sources.
Phrases of the day:
1) for a number of reasons;
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
технологія є новою з ряду причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може дати
нове уявлення про фактори навколишнього середовища, які мають значний вплив на
рівень забруднення повітря.
2) first use of;
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
3) focused primarily on;
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені переважно на жінках, які
вже мають дітей.
Class work
I have read the article “Why building collapses are all too common in Lagos”.
Firstly, the article talks about building collapses in Lagos. The scientist who
worked on this phenomenon is concluded that building collapse is caused by
lapses from both the private developers and the government. He also suggests
that punishment such as heavy fines, forfeiture of property and jail terms
should be meted out to any professionals or property owners who contravene
building control regulations.
So, I think author of this article is talking about right things and suggesting
true ways to solutions of building collapses.
Phrases of the day:
1) grouped into;
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
мозку, що розвивається, синапси можуть бути згруповані на функціональні синапси
та безшумні синапси.
2) identify the areas;
Identify the areas around the world that experience notable monsoon seasons.
Визначте райони по всьому світу, де спостерігаються помітні сезони мусонів.
3) described above;
The researchers tested out the idea on an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) in a
scenario like the one described above.
Дослідники перевірили ідею на безпілотному літальному апараті (БПЛА) за
сценарієм, подібним до описаного вище.
· #407
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:27)
Today I read a fascinating article called "Paranoia will destroy us: Why Huawei
and other Chinese tech is not spying on Americans". This article was talking
about the paranoia of some Americans that Chinese programs and phones are spying
on them. The notion that the Chinese government would spy on corporations and US
agencies with electronic devices manufactured by Chinese companies is not only
absurd but would be catastrophic to furthering its ambitions in world trade. I
liked this article. I never thought it could cause such a problem on such a
large scale.
Phrases of the Day
1) able to target
Policymakers are better able to target interventions and achieve more equitable
results on land issues and land management policies.
2) ability to achieve
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
3) a breakthrough in
And along the way, they created a breakthrough in computer visualization.
Today i have read the article which called "Why does bitcoin use 10 times more
electricity than Google?". In this article was talking about how much energy
bitcoin is consume, why is it so energy intensive and what is the environmental
impact. Bitcoins are earned by people in the network called "miners", who solve
deliberately complicated equations using brute force processing power, under the
so-called "proof of work" protocol. The system is designed so that around every
10 minutes, the network awards some bitcoin to those who have successfully
cracked the puzzle. I always wanted to understand this topic and this article
helped me a little.
Essay: 9-International Security
International security, also called global security is a term that refers to the
measures taken by states and international organizations, such as the United
Nations, European Union, and others, to ensure mutual survival and safety. The
UN Security Council has the primary responsibility for international peace and
security. The General Assembly and the Secretary-General play major, important,
and complementary roles, along with other UN offices and bodies. Some of these
goals are issues of critical importance where the quality of life for billions
of people is at stake. These include: ending terrorism, preventing pandemic
diseases, obtaining cyber security and stable financial markets, and bringing
about peaceful democratization in transitioning countries.
· #406
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:17)
Today I read the article "Canada's Connectivity Gap, Leaving Rural, Remote and
Indigenous Communities even further behind." This highlights the current problem
in Canadian society, there is a certain gap in ties. This fact has many
disadvantages, including poor delivery of education and healthcare to remote and
rural regions. It also hinders the reconciliation of the economy and the low
level of participation of indigenous communities. The authorities plan to
provide ultra-fast communication networks in these communities and assess
social, economic, and other political problems. As for me, it is now necessary
to have access to the Internet, wherever you are, to improve the quality of life
of those who need it, and integrate the economy of the whole country.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in other words
In other words, he didn't have the evidence.
2) in principle
But no precautions, and no precautionary principle, can avoid problems that we
do not yet foresee.
3) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
After reading the article "Researchers Indicate How To Avoid Power Outages Using
Clean Renewable Energy Sources" I was pleased with the fact that scientists are
concerned about the energy problem and the environment in general. Natural
energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, and water turbines have been
around for a long time. But they are still, despite environmental friendliness,
not as reliable as the previous sources. Scientists decided that there are 2
ways to improve the situation. The first is to put solar panels on rooftops. The
second is used together with long-term and short-term.
Public relations
Public relations (PR) is the set of techniques and strategies related to
managing how information about an individual or company is disseminated to the
public, and especially the media. Its primary goals are to disseminate important
company news or events, maintain a brand image, and put a positive spin on
negative events to minimize their fallout. PR is used to help an organization
cultivate a good relationship with its public and maintaining a positive
relationship with stakeholders is crucial to the success of every organization.
If the public perspective of a company is negative, people will look elsewhere
and avoid using its products or services.
· #405
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:13)
Today I read the article about a new research analysis conducted by the
University of Portsmouth, a High Court jury can determine when someone is lying,
even if they are wearing a face mask. It was concluded that face masks do not
interfere with jury decision-making. Facial expressions and other forms of
nonverbal behavior are unreliable indicators of deception, and masking these
actions improves jurors' ability to distinguish truth from lies. I consider it
very good news that the precautions regarding COVID19 will not hurt the trial.
1) in principle
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
2) in other words
So the benchmark is an objective assessment or in other words reasonability
3) digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions
I have read the article “Quantum teleportation”.
Teleportation may be a concept usually reserved for science fiction, but
researchers have demonstrated that it can be used to avoid loss in communication
channels on the quantum level. The team has highlighted the issues around
inherent loss that occurs across every form of communication channel and
discovered a mechanism that can reduce that loss. This study was the first to
demonstrate an error reduction method that improved the performance of a
Summing up, we can say that quantum teleportation is quite possible, and now
scientists are doing everything to make a successful quantum transfer as soon as
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas,
and feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods. It
often includes the face-to-face exchange of information, in a form of voice,
facial expressions, body language, and gestures. Interpersonal communication
skills are necessary because they allow people to discuss problems and weigh the
pros and cons of alternatives before coming up with the final solution, when
managers and leaders are unable to communicate tasks, workers can quickly become
frustrated and disconnected from the business goals. Interpersonal communication
skills are crucial for improving trust and workplace communication, and all
employees, especially business leaders.
· #404
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022)
Name VR kit from Microsoft.
Today І read the article about "VR kіt from Microsoft" from thіs artіcle І
learned that іt іs a potentіal competіtor to Google Cardboard іn the fіeld of
vіrtual realіty. Wіth theіr inventіon, Mіcrosoft wants to draw the attentіon of
developers to the future hackathon іn whіch the company's VR kits wіll be. The
company claіms that the user can іnsert theіr smartphone іnto the box, brіng іt
to the face, thus creatіng a vіrtual realіty helmet. Unlіke the Google
Cardboard, the Mіcrosoft VR Kіt has a camera cutout. The company has thought of
VR programs that can use the camera to create augmented realіty, where vіrtual
objects are superіmposed on the real envіronment around us.
phrases of the day:
1) in a somewhat
I am in a somewhat difficult position.
2) in order to avoid
it was essential to ensure the greatest possible consistency between those two
processes to avoid contradictions.
3) in greater detail
these issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity.
Today I read the article "#Nomakeup trend fails to discourage the use of
Today, the "no makeup" movement has appeared on social networks, which
encourages women to take selfies without makeup and fall in love with their
natural beauty. The natural beauty movement does not exempt women from cosmetics
cosmetics sales have grown along with the growth of the make-up rejection
I think it is very important to love yourself regardless of whether you have
makeup on or not, you need to do only what you want.
5. global perspectives
Global Perspective is a topic that opens up endless conversations about the
future and human possibilities. But, if we approach it from the point of view of
diplomacy, then we are expected to intensify the processes of globalization, the
development of the digital environment and communication, and more. But most of
the prospects are in green politics, which is a global sense that can succeed
and save humanity in many ways, or fail - this is no longer so fun. I hope that
whatever the global outlook has been, it will be good.
· #403
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:03)
A very common stereotype is that men don't gossip or rumors. But looking at the
statistics of real studies, 55% of men and 67% of women spend time “discussing
socially significant topics.” Rumors are not always in a negative form,
approximately 15%, but also in a positive form, 9%. Despite the minimal
statistics of all analyzed conversations, for the most part, all rumors are a
banal waste of time and discussion. Each person discusses someone and draws his
conclusions about each, but in what form will these statements take? It already
depends on the person.
1) in principle
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
2) in other words
So the benchmark is an objective assessment or in other words reasonability
3) digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions
Today I read the article "Canada's Connectivity Gap, Leaving Rural, Remote and
Indigenous Communities even further behind." This highlights the current problem
in Canadian society, there is a certain gap in ties. This fact has many
disadvantages, including poor delivery of education and healthcare to remote and
rural regions. It also hinders the reconciliation of the economy and the low
level of participation of indigenous communities. The authorities plan to
provide ultra-fast communication networks in these communities and assess
social, economic, and other political problems. As for me, it is now necessary
to have access to the Internet, wherever you are, to improve the quality of life
of those who need it, and integrate the economy of the whole country.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in other words
In other words, he didn't have the evidence.
2) in principle
But no precautions, and no precautionary principle, can avoid problems that we
do not yet foresee.
3) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
Essay 8
At its core, political communication is a dialogue between public associations
(for example, mass parties), and the broad masses (for example, elections are
affected by individuals), which implies the presence of broad masses between
groups and citizens. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines scientific
sciences, complex communication, and health research with consideration and
availability. Dissemination methods and strategies allow the dissemination of
advocates, PR coverage, speechwriters, dissemination executives, consultant
dissemination, marketers dissemination, electoral outreach, and other
dissemination professionals to create, shape, and disseminate messages that can
influence the political process. Political messages include various forms,
scientific and online media, television and radio, written laws and regulations,
political proposals, political research, interpersonal communication between
candidates and potential voters, press releases, and more.
· #402
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:27)
Malaria is a disease that is transmitted from person to person by infected
mosquitoes. The bite of an infected Anopheles mosquito transmits a parasite that
enters the victim’s blood system and travels into the person’s liver where the
parasite reproduces. There the parasite causes a high fever that involves
shaking chills and pain. In the worst cases malaria leads to coma and death.
So,the annual death toll is certainly in the hundreds of thousands, but
estimates differ between different global health organizations: The World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates that 558,000 people died because of malaria in
2019; the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) puts this estimate
at 643,000. Most victims are children. Every twelfth child that died in 2017,
died because of malaria.
According to the latest WHO data published in 2020 Malaria Deaths in Ukraine
reached 0 or 0.00% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 0.00 per
100,000 of population ranks Ukraine #183 in the world.
Antimalarial drugs, in combination with mosquito control programs, have
historically played a key role in controlling malaria in endemic areas,
resulting in significant reduction of the geographic range of malarial disease
worldwide. Over the years, however, the emergence and spread of drug-resistant
parasites has contributed to a reemergence of malaria, turning back the clock on
control efforts. The need for new, effective drugs for malaria has become a
critical priority on the global malaria research agenda. New and improved
diagnostics are essential for the effective control of malaria.
Currently, the most reliable technique for diagnosing malaria is, as it was
throughout the last century, labor-intensive, relying on highly trained
technicians using microscopes to analyze blood smears. Vector management tools
such as insecticides, environmental modification, and bed nets have contributed
greatly to successful malaria control efforts historically, but have faced
setbacks in recent years due to factors such as the emergence of insecticide
resistance in mosquitoes. NIAID is supporting research on new vector management
strategies to prevent parasite transmission (from humans to mosquitoes and
mosquitoes to humans) and reduce the mosquito population.
Today I have read the article:«New research reveals unexpected function for
basic DNA-based processes during chromosome folding»
As I have read new findings reveal an advanced, unexpected two-way communication
between the function and organization of chromosomes in the cell nucleus.
Previous research shows that the organization of chromosomal DNA into loops
regulate gene reading (transcription) and chromosome copying (replication). The
new results show that, in turn, transcription and replication control chromosome
looping, thus revealing a new interplay known to be important in avoiding
diseases, such as cancer.
And Researchers at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition and the
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, at Karolinska Institutet, have in a
new study in Science Advances, shown that the three-dimensional organization of
chromosomes in the cell nucleus is governed by mechanisms that reads genes
(transcription) and copies chromosomes (replication). They do this by limiting
the progress of a protein complex called cohesin, which slides along the
chromosomal DNA, folding it into loops. These findings are essential for
understanding the function of a healthy cell.
So, the next step for the researchers will be to include the structure of the
DNA helix in the analysis, as preliminary results indicate that the effect of
the reading and copying mechanisms on chromosome loop formation is transmitted
via structural alterations in the double helix.
Phrases of the day
1) in principle
In principle, however, the method is relevant for various chemical reactions and
thus the production of countless synthetic products
В принципі, однак, цей метод є актуальним для різних хімічних реакцій і, таким
чином, виробництва незліченної кількості синтетичних продуктів
2) in other words
In other words, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
Іншими словами, краса дійсно в очах того, хто дивиться.
3) digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer
Цифрова версія створена на основі спеціально розробленого глядача
· #401
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:05)
The tasks presented in the message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:57) were done witout mistakes, the essay completely corresponds to the topic, contains a lot of facts supported by the statistic data. Excellen.
· #400
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:00)
The essay presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:53) contains a lot of facts which completely develops the topic. Excellent.
· #399
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:58)
The tasks presented in the message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:44) were written and pronounced without mistakes. The essay in general presents the topic - 90 grades.
· #398
Lisa Shambora IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:57)
The debt for 24/05/2022
I have read the article “Novel 'smart cement' can be used to build more durable
roads and cities”.
Firstly, the article talks about a new extra durable 'smart cement'. It is
created by a team of Northwestern University researchers. Smart materials will
allow cities to meet the needs of growing populations in terms of connectivity,
energy and multifunctionality. Moreover, given the trend toward urbanization,
cement production is expected to skyrocket.
So, I think that this study is very actual today. Because a new material will
help us in building modern and more durable roads and cities.
Phrases of the day:
1) in greater detail;
The characteristics of the raw material are described in greater detail in order
to indicate the features which must be checked by the inspection body.
Характеристики сировини описані більш детально, щоб вказати особливості, які
повинні бути перевірені інспекційним органом.
2) in a somewhat ;
While nuclear power in Australia has a somewhat shaky business case, a much
stronger argument can be made for the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle:
storing nuclear waste.
той час як ядерна енергетика в Австралії має дещо хитку справу, можна навести
набагато сильніший аргумент на користь заднього кінця ядерного паливного циклу:
зберігання ядерних відходів.
3) in order to avoid;
In order to avoid this bug, users can navigate to the 'Everything' button on
their keyboard and input 'Settings'.
уникнути цієї помилки, користувачі можуть перейти до кнопки «Все» на своїй
клавіатурі та ввести «Налаштування».
Class work
Essay “Soon medical advances will allow people to live to a very old age?”
Medicine, as we all know, does not stand still. It is constantly changing. A
fascinating fact is that the more developed a country's medical sector is, the
longer its citizens live. Soon medical advances will allow people to live to a
very old age? Today I want to answer this question.
To begin with, estimates suggest that life expectancy in a pre-modern,
impoverished world was around 30 years in all regions of the globe. The global
average life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900, reaching more than 70
years. Furthermore, researchers have discovered that human life expectancy will
likely increase this century, but only by a decade. We also know that many of
the world's wealthiest countries, such as Spain, Switzerland, Italy, and
Australia, have populations with life expectancies of more than 80 years. This
demonstrates that a high standard of living and high-quality medicine are
required to increase life expectancy.
So, I believe that changes associated with increasing life expectancy are
unavoidable, and that people will be able to live longer. Positive changes will
occur in this century, based on all of the above facts. Governments must pursue
incentive policies to accelerate the growth of the middle age in their
countries, such as investing in medicine and thus raising the standard of
· #397
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:53)
According to researchers, in 2018, about 228 million people worldwide became ill
with malaria, and an estimated 405,000 died. Up to 90% of all malaria cases are
in Africa. According to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of
Ukraine, Ukraine, after the elimination of local malaria in 1960, has only cases
of imported diseases. Citizens of Ukraine often do not think about the dangers
of going on vacation to tropical countries. That is why malaria deaths are
registered in Ukraine every year. Today, malaria remains one of the global
problems. There is a long history of disease control, there are successes in
the world and in Ukraine in particular, but in connection with the global change
of infectious diseases, global warming, as well as the development of resistance
to antimalarial drugs - this disease becomes relevant, requires new knowledge
in diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
· #396
Shapa L.N. to Rudnitska Lina, IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:53)
The student's work presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:21) includes all the necessary elements, the essay contains the unhackneyed facts, which make your work distinguished. Excellent.
· #395
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:47)
The message presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:17) contains all the necessary tasks, which were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay includes a lot of interesting, official facts which completely correponds to the topic. Certainly excellent.
· #394
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:44)
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the simplest organisms (malaria
plasmodia) transmitted from a sick person through the bites of malaria
mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, and weakness.
This disease is most common in tropical climates. This is the highest number of
cases reported in Africa. According to the WHO, about 300-350 million people get
malaria each year, and about 1.5 million of them die each year. Talking about
Ukraine, then in Ukraine malaria is not transmitted through mosquitoes. The main
cases of the disease are related to tourism in countries where it is a common
disease. At the time of 2019, there were 41 cases in Ukraine, and in 2020 - 19,
associated with the spread of Covid-19.
To protect against this disease (in case you go to a country where there are
many malaria parasites) you need to choose clothes that will cover the whole
body, use insect repellents, protective nets. Among the drugs you can use
antimalarial drugs. And in case of infection, you should see a doctor
Today I have read the article “Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Physics shows
why” and I’d like share my thoughts.
To begin with the fact that this article turned out to be quite informative. Of
course, everyone knows that hand washing helps prevent the formation of bacteria
and germs. But the most interesting thing is how. As mentioned in the article,
even the speed of hand washing affects the result. this is what takes at least
twenty seconds to remove these germs.
In conclusion, I want to say that hand washing protects our body, so it should
not be neglected. And physics helps us understand exactly how to wash our hands
the key finding
And the key finding here is that Facebook takes an aggressive approach to
interest inference.
ключовим висновком тут є те, що
використовує агресивний підхід до висновку про інтереси.
As seen in
As seen in this table, during the Post WWII, the negative correlation between
manufacturing activities and income inequality was relatively strong.
Як видно з цієї таблиці, під час після Другої світової війни негативна кореляція
між виробничою діяльністю та нерівністю доходів була відносно сильною.
lay the foundation
Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
Наша робота могла б закласти основу для спінтронних пристроїв, керованих
джерелами тепла
· #393
Rudnitska Lina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:21)
Today I have read the article «How to teach all students to think critically».
The ability of critical thinking is crucial for every person who wants to
succeed in different areas. This article tells us about importance of thinking
critically and how to teach students to do it. The point is teachers have to
focus on the thinking of all students through their subjects. Thinking
critically is hidden in all subjects and aspects of our lives.
In my opinion, critical thinking is major for all educated people, because it
helps solve many issues, make a right choice and be successful.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) able to eliminate
While some researchers have used fly ash in concrete, they haven't been able to
eliminate the intense heating methods that are traditionally needed to make a
strong material.
Хоча деякі дослідники використовували летючу золу в бетоні, вони не змогли
усунути методи інтенсивного нагрівання, які традиційно необхідні для
виготовлення міцного матеріалу.
2) alternative way
In his thesis, Chandra also investigated an alternative way to protect surfaces
from the hot plasma, by covering them with liquid metal.
своїй дисертації Чандра також досліджував альтернативний спосіб захисту
поверхонь від гарячої плазми, покриваючи їх рідким металом.
3) another way of
We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information is
urgently needed, and this facilitates the information use process.
придумали інший спосіб запуску пошуку, коли потрібна термінова інформація, і це
полегшує процес використання інформації.
Voice message:
Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is spread to humans through the
bites of infected mosquitoes. The common symptoms are chills, fever, nausea,
headache, general feeling of discomfort, rapid breathing and heart rate,
diarrhea, sweating. The disease is widespread in the tropical and subtropical
regions such as Africa, Asia and Latin America. Each year nearly 290 million
people are infected, and more than 400,000 people die.
To prevent the infection with malaria you have to cover your skin, apply insect
repellent to skin and clothing, sleep under bed nets. Also, there might be
vector control, preventive chemotherapies or vaccine. The best available
treatment is artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). The primary objective
of treatment is to ensure the rapid and full elimination of Plasmodium parasites
to prevent an uncomplicated case of malaria from progressing to severe disease
or death.
50 cases of infection with malaria are estimated annually in Ukraine.
Approximately, 10 people don't survive. For example, in 2021 only 19 people were
infected, because of COVID-19 restrictions. So, Ukraine is out of danger zone,
as it is located in temperate climate region. Mostly, the disease spreads
through tourists and foreign students.
Voice message:
· #392
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:17)
Today I`ve read the article about Plants can camouflage odours to avoid being
eaten: study
Their research, sheds light on how individual members of "complex plant
communities" evolve to emit similar odors, a pack mentality that keeps them
alive and confuses hungry herbivores. "Easily distinguished odors are to the
herbivores' advantage and plants' disadvantage," said Professor Phil Stevenson,
"So, we have an information arms race. Plants want to avoid being located and
eaten so do their best to smell like other plants." Previous attempts to
understand the cat-and-mouse evolution game between plants and insects relied on
the study of only individual plant species in controlled environments. Through a
combination of "information theory"—a technique for understanding communication
patterns in humans—and existing understandings of evolutionary biology,
scientists were able to construct models of these plant-herbivore communication
The study could also help scientists better understand how information is passed
between different species in the food chain, such as carnivores and
insect-eating herbivores—potentially paving the way for future research.
Phrases of the day:
1. In principle, however, the method is relevant for various chemical reactions
and thus the production of countless synthetic products.
принципі, Ховевер, метод актуальний для варіювання хімічних реакцій і
виробництва безцунтових синтетичних продуктів.
2. In other words, no person or system is trusted and every interaction is
verified through a central entity.
Іншими словами, жодній людині чи системі не довіряють, і кожна взаємодія
перевіряється центральним органом.
3. The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions:
Цифрова версія заснована на спеціально розробленому програмі перегляду, що
забезпечує наступні функції
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the simplest organisms transmitted
from a sick person through the taste of malaria mosquitoes. The disease is very
common in countries with tropical climates, severe, general malaise, chills,
fever, nervous system disorders and other body systems.
Malaria is a protozoan disease and is characterized by damage to red blood cells
and the mononuclear-phagocytic system. Periodically manifested by attacks of
fever or anemia, as well as hepatosplenomegaly. Every year the disease affects
about one million people. This is mainly a tropical infection, but it also
occurs in the CIS countries - due to the introduction of infection from other
countries through a vector (mosquito) or parasite. The causative agent of this
disease belongs to the class of spores and the genus Plasmodium.
According to the WHO, there are about 350-500 million cases of the disease each
year and about 1.3-3 million deaths - at least one death every 30 seconds. 90%
of all cases are reported in Africa. According to the Public Health Center of
the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 41 cases were registered in Ukraine in 2019
and 19 in 2020. The halving of the number of malaria cases is probably due to a
reduction in the number of trips due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Children under 5
years of age are most susceptible to malaria.
Treatment is with special antimalarial drugs, such as hingamine, delagil,
chloroquine. This disease is treated only in a hospital under the constant
supervision of medical staff.
So, coming to the conclusion, we can say that this disease is quite dangerous
and can cause complications that a person may not experience. but thanks to
modern medicine more and more ways to treat malaria are developing. According to
statistics, the incidence of infectious diseases in Ukraine is quite low, but
you need to be careful and watch your surroundings and symptoms that may occur.
· #391
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:01)
The message presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:51) contains all the tasks necessary which were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay completely draws up the topic. Excellent.
· #390
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:51)
Approximately 200 million cases of malaria are clinically diagnosed each year,
with up to 3,000 deaths a day in sub-Saharan Africa alone. In terms of the
overall situation in Ukraine, malaria has not progressed in this area as there
are no permanent sources of infection and the current climate does not allow the
pathogens to take hold. However, several imported cases have been reported.
The Ukrainian Centre for Public Health reports that a 43-year-old man was
diagnosed with malaria in Odessa in early May. The patient had been the captain
of a sea vessel (a gas carrier) that had been shipping to ports in Angola for
the past five months. The man was admitted to a private medical facility on the
sixth day after the onset of symptoms - fever up to 39°C, chills, sweating,
weakness, headache. One imported case of malaria was fatal. A 31-year-old man
from Odessa Oblast died. For the past six months he had been working as a cook
on board a seagoing vessel sailing to Africa.
It is recommended to use protection against mosquito bites: lubricate exposed
parts of the body with repellent, cover windows and doors with netting or gauze
and treat rooms with aerosol insecticides. The two main methods of vector
control are the use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and indoor
residual insecticide spraying (IRIS). Beginning in October 2021, WHO also
recommends routine use of the antimalarial vaccine RTS,S/AS01 for children
living in areas of moderate to high transmission of P. falciparum malaria. The
vaccine has been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of malaria,
particularly the fatal severe form of malaria, in young children.
I have read the article called " Developing an efficient production technique
for a novel 'green' fertilizer"
An international team of specialists used PETRA III to optimise a production
method that is an adaptation of an ancient technique: by grinding down two
common ingredients, urea and gypsum, scientists obtain a new solid compound that
slowly releases two chemical elements critical for soil fertilisation: nitrogen
and calcium. The shredding method is fast, efficient and clean, as is the
fertilizer product, which has the potential to reduce nitrogen pollution that
pollutes water systems and contributes to climate change.
Phrases of the day:
1) in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Тому орієнтиром є об’єктивна оцінка або, іншими словами, розумність.
2) digital version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
Крім того, цифрова версія оригінального англійського документа міститиме
посилання на це виправлення.
3) in principle
Such individual reviews could in principle also address violations relating to
progressive realization.
Такі індивідуальні перевірки в принципі можуть також розглядати порушення,
пов’язані з прогресивною реалізацією.
· #389
Shapa L.N. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:45)
The tasks presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:35) have been done excellently without mistakes and meet th requirements for independent student's works of such kind. Excellent.
· #388
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:35)
I have read the article called “80% of world economy now aiming for net zero—but
not all pledges are equal .” It’s about harmful emissions into the atmosphere
that affect the environment and people's lives in general, if these emissions
are not stopped, there will be a global catastrophe, but it is not profitable
for corporations, they don't care, they just want to fill their pockets with
money without thinking about the consequences which they bring to nature. The
states of the West are already making strategic plans in which, therefore, the
cessation of carbon emissions, but unfortunately this process is too long. UK
set a 78% carbon reduction goal.
Phrases of the Day: other words
In other words, no person or system is trusted and every interaction is verified
through a central entity. principle
Therefore, safety requirements and environmental requirements should be
separated in principle. version
They wanted to have a digital version of a stuntman and that's what we've been
working on for the past few months.
I have read the article "Cardiovascular disease risk boosted by stress".
is the body's response to various adverse factors. This is a state of
psychological and physical stress, which can greatly affect overall health. It
is very important to maintain mental health for physical health. It is correctly
said that "Stress" was defined as a feeling of nervousness, irritability or
anxiety due to factors at work or at home, financial difficulties or experienced
difficult events and difficult periods in life. No one is immune from stress, so
also from cardiovascular diseases. Take care of your mental health and take
everything to heart less.
Phrases of the Day:
1. other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability. principle
Such individual reviews could in principle also address violations relating to
progressive realization. version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
Essay to the topic “Theoretical and methodological developments in mass
Mass Communication Research Methods provides a systematic and comprehensive
introduction to the key research methods and approaches used in the study of
mass communications and the media. In practice, media development is often
hindered by low professional journalistic standards, lack of financial
resources, weak technical skills, a fragmented legal framework, and an
undemocratic political system. There is also the risk that, in patronage
societies, the media may not be able to free themselves from their political
constraints and may act in line with clientelism or be captured by private
interests. The growth of media assistance programs in the 1990s led to an
increase in demand for reliable media performance and strong monitoring and
evaluation methodologies (M & E). Several sources are discussing the complexity
of establishing clear media indicators and emphasize the diversity of methods
with which various organizations control and evaluate the media assistance
· #387
Shapa L.N. to Danila Donat IM-201 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:23)
The message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022) contains the tasks which have been done without mistakes but were not accompanied with voiced variants which does not allow to estimate this work as excellent.
· #386
Danila Donat IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022)
Today, I have read the article “How the pandemic could create the flexible
workplaces parents need”. The article names reason for people to lose their work
- full-time work for parents during the pandemic. Although, before pandemic
Tendai Dongo, the mother of two girls aged five and eight years old, told her
employer that working full-time from home while parenting was causing her a lot
of stress and anxiety. Nowadays a lot of people have lost their jobs
nevertheless the software company Bananatag has created possibility for 130
employees to work flexible schedule during the pandemic. I think the workplace
stress reasons have changed nowadays what illustrated in the
Essay to the topic
Public relations are an indirect promotional tool whose role is to establish and
enhance a positive image of an organization and its services among its various
publics. It is defined as ‘the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to
establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its
publicIt seeks to persuade people that a company is an attractive organization
with which to relate or do business, which is important for services as it has
already been noted that services are evaluated very subjectively and often rely
on word-of-mouth recommendation. Public relations facilitate this process of
subjective evaluation and recommendation
Phrases of the day
1. in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
2. digital version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
3. in principle
Such individual reviews could in principle also address violations relating to
progressive realization
· #385
Shapa L.N. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:28)
The tasks presented (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:22) have been done in a perfect way, were written and pronounced without any mistake. Certainly excellent.
· #384
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:23)
The message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:09) includes all the necessary tasks which were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #383
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:22)
Today I have read the article “Do humidifiers help with dry skin?”. It tells us
that humidifiers transform water into mist that can increase the humidity levels
of air in an indoor space. According to scientists, humidity levels lower than
10% can dry out the outer layers of skin in elderly people, while levels of more
than 70% can help to hydrate skin. So that, by using a humidifier, you can avoid
the humidity levels going below 10% and causing dryness in the first place.
What’s more, a humidifier may help relieve uncomfortable symptoms of dry skin,
including itchiness, cracking and flaking, as well as potentially helping with
To my mind, this article is really interesting, because now we understand that
devices like humidifiers can significantly reduce dryness and allergies on our
Phrases of the day
1. in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
2. digital version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
3. in principle
Such individual reviews could in principle also address violations relating to
progressive realization.
Today I have read the article “How does protein give you energy?”. It tells us
that, in fact, protein is a nutrient that the body needs in large quantities for
energy and as an essential part of any diet. Interestingly, only a small amount
of protein is directly converted into energy, because it isn't stored away in
the body like carbohydrates and fats. When the body has run out of carbohydrates
and fats to convert into energy, it does start to use protein. According to
scientists, by consuming both carbohydrates and protein, for instance, you'll
maintain steady blood sugar levels, which means you'll be less likely to
experience that energy crash mid-way through a workout.
To my mind, this study is fascinating, because it is crucial to know, which
“beneficial particles” can greatly affect our health and make our bodies more
Phrases of the day
1. in other words
So, in other words, you haven't actually solved these cases.
2. digital version
So, they wanted to have a digital version of a stuntman and that's what we've
been working on for the past few months.
3. in principle
Therefore, safety requirements and environmental requirements should be
separated in principle.
Essay: Theories of International Relations
Traditionally there have been two central theories of IR: liberalism and
realism. Although they have come under great challenge from other theories, they
remain central to the discipline. Realism is a straightforward approach to
international relations, stating that all nations are working to increase their
own power, and those countries that manage to horde power most efficiently will
thrive, as they can easily eclipse the achievements of less powerful nations. On
the other hand, liberalism is based on the belief that the current global system
is capable of engendering a peaceful world order. Rather than relying on direct
force, such as military action, liberalism places an emphasis on international
cooperation as a means of furthering each nation’s respective interests. Exactly
these theories can help us understand the way the international systems work, as
well as how nations engage with each other and view the world.
· #382
Shapa L.N. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:18)
The tasks presented in the message (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:09) have been done in accordance with the standards for independent student's work, were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #381
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:09)
Today I have read the article "Drought is back. But Southern California faces
less pain than Northern California".
The article tells about there with most of the state gripped by extreme dryness,
some conditions are better, some worse, than the last record-breaking drought.
Over-pumping of wells hasn’t stopped. But urban residents haven’t lapsed back
into water-wasting lifestyles.
I think the good news is that in urban areas, most Californians haven’t lapsed
back into their old water-wasting patterns. But, while some farmers have adopted
water-saving technology, others are drilling deeper wells to suck out more water
to plant new orchards.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in other words
In other words , he didn't have the evidence.
2) in principle
But no precautions, and no precautionary principle, can avoid problems that we
do not yet foresee.
3) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
Today I have read the article "New study details how fertilization triggers
changes to thousands of proteins in frog eggs".
The article tells about there new approach enables measurements of changes in
thousands of proteins in the minutes after frog eggs are fertilized, revealing
previously opaque mechanisms such as how the destruction of a small number of
proteins releases the 'brakes' on an egg's cell cycle. Method has applications
in a wide range of biological systems.
I think the molecular mechanisms of sperm-egg interaction differ greatly among
sexually reproducing biological species.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in a somewhat
The resolution we have just adopted does include, although in a somewhat muted
fashion, such an encouragement.
2) in order to avoid
It was essential to ensure the greatest possible consistency between those two
processes in order to avoid contradictions.
3) in greater detail
These issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity and in
greater detail.
19.Progress and development.
The familiar world implies the existence of such a thing as progress. The
definition of this concept is that it involves development in any area. Also, it
can be said that if there is a sharp improvement in conditions or success in
something, then this is also an example of progress. At the same time, in
various areas, success and progress are interpreted differently, and completely
different criteria are defined for them. It is worth saying that, for example,
in physics, conducting a successful experiment with the identification of
something new is an example of this concept. In sports, this can be the conquest
of new heights, in music and creativity - raising to a higher level.
· #380
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:09)
Today I have read the article called “What to Know About Taking Magnesium for
Sleep, According to Sleep Specialists”. As for me, the article is useful and
So, sleep is one of the most important things for our mental and physical
wellbeing. That’s why, lots of people take magnesium every day to sleep well.
But some researchers told that magnesium can help only elderly people. That
means, that magnesium will not be useful if you are a young or middle-aged
In conclusion I would like to say that we need to take care of ourselves and
have a good rest in order to be healthy and happy.
1) in principle
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
2) in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability
3) digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions
Today I've read the article: "Analysis of the sounds made by the rover
Perseverance shows the speed of sound on the Red Planet." This article is about
the study of sound on the red planet. An international team of researchers
analyzing the sounds captured by the Perseverance rover has determined the speed
of sound on Mars. Sound travels along Mars at a speed of about 240 m / s. But
they also found that different frequencies of sound propagate on Mars at
different speeds. In my opinion, the study of space and planets makes a great
contribution to the development of humanity and life on other
1) in principle
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
2) in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability
3) digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions
Essay to the topic 13.How is Information Technology Used in Public Relations?
Technology is also helping PR pros be more effective by cutting out unnecessary
steps. For example, in the past, press releases were developed and distributed
individually. Now, they're distributed through programs like Business Wire and
Constant Contact.
AI bots can be used to track media impressions for a PR firms's own clients as
well as their client's competition. Not only can artificial intelligence be used
to track media coverage for your clients by scanning news coverage, but it can
also track any trends in topics that the PR firm may want to get ahead of.
· #379
Shapa L.N. to the IM-201 group students (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:05)
I'm waiting for your debts
· #378
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Monday, 13 June 2022 21:00)
Задолжность за 18.04.2022
Фразы дня:
1) Williamsburg, Kentucky. About the program: UC's 60-credit online Ph.D. in
information technology culminates in a dissertation meant to advance best
practices in information technology
2) This is precisely the issue we will address in Stage 3 of the AI adoption
maturity model. In this stage, we (humans) will actively teach the AI to refine
its model of how we work.
Today I read an article about nanoparticle technologies that provide an
alternative to trans and saturated fats.
Yangchao Luo, an associate professor at the University of Connecticut's College
of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources, uses an innovative emulsification
process to develop healthier, shelf-stable fat for food production. The only
question is how it will affect health?
I believe that this new innovation will help make food better and healthier,
hence less obesity and heart attacks. The problem of excess weight is
detrimental to health, a homogeneous structure, and the most convenient in
cooking and most importantly not harmful to health
Today I read an article about research into creating insulin-producing cells.
Researchers from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden are showing how the molecule
they have identified stimulates the formation of new insulin-producing cells in
zebrafish and mammalian tissues through a recently described mechanism for
regulating protein synthesis. The results are published in Nature Chemical
Biology. The results of the study indicate a new target for the treatment of
diabetes, I believe that such an advance will change the vector of treatment for
this disease, long studies and many of them were unsuccessful, I wish the
scientists good luck in this
· #377
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Monday, 13 June 2022 18:46)
Задолжность за 25.04.2022
Фразы дня:
1) Officials say the lessons of those withering years have left the state in a
somewhat better position to deal with its inevitable dry periods, and Gov. Gavin
Newsom is not expected to declare
2) Mozilla publishes FAQ document detailing its DNS-over-HTTPS implementation
plans in greater detail. Written by Catalin Cimpanu, Contributor. Catalin
Cimpanu Contributor.
Today I read an article about a new development
rapid test to measure immunity to SARS-CoV-2, Mount Sinai researchers have
developed a rapid blood test that measures the extent and duration of someone's
immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The test will enable
large-scale monitoring of population immunity and the effectiveness of existing
vaccines to help develop revaccination strategies for vulnerable
immunocompromised individuals, according to a study published in Nature
Biotechnology in June. I believe that this will help in the treatment of the
people themselves, the vaccines have also shown themselves to be effective,
humanity has won
· #376
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Monday, 13 June 2022 15:09)
Задолжность за 02.05.2022
Фразы дня:
1) Mountain lions fear humans and alter their behavior in order to avoid areas
with high housing density, where human activity is most obvious. But it's
actually areas of intermediate housing density
2) Verbal recognition of performance works, but perhaps in a somewhat unexpected
way: Recognition motivates individuals who were not praised rather than those in
the limelight
Today I read an article about a puma. A new study by UC Santa Cruz researchers
suggests that cougars in the Santa Cruz Mountains, cougars do not fully assess
their locomotion, greatly reducing the likelihood of assessing the whole
situation and understanding their locomotion, most cougar deaths are from - for
the people. “People who retaliate are distributed in places where there are
fewer signals associated with the general level of human activity that cougars
can use to understand risk,” Nishi explained. Now the situation is under
control, saving animals will help the development of populations, which is not
good news
Today I read an article about a methane leak along a plume into the sea,
scientists discovered this leak from satellite images, which gave a definite
plus in the quick detection of the problem, but irreparable damage to the marine
ecosystem made itself felt. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA),
fossil fuel extraction worldwide has led to the release of about 120 million
tons of planet-warming gas in 2020, nearly a third of all human methane
emissions. I believe that the article has little touch on the problem of ocean
pollution and the harm caused to everyone. Good luck
· #375
Drozhzhyna I to Danila Donat IM-201 (Monday, 13 June 2022 12:35)
Please use Present Perfect in the first sentence: I have read the article… and you should record your work with phrases. Your independent practice is to big, please write 100 words only, and there is no link to the article. Don’t forget about your essay on the exam topic. Continue working, your comment is unacceptable.
· #374
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:53)
the interaction of political subjects based on the continuous exchange of
information and spiritual communication is called political communication. In
the political system, “mass communication” acquires a predominantly political
character, i.e. mass political communication. The very nature and essence of
politics turns communications into an integral part of the political process,
requiring the unity of will and aspirations of many people. The Internet has
modified political communication and today it is a fundamental platform on the
basis of which offline and online political actors mutually adapt. The
transformation of political communication contributes to the transition from the
paternalistic nature of power relations to political pluralism. Through
political communication, a legitimate political discourse of a society with
power can be carried out. In the context of modern reality, political
communication, acting as a way, means of existence and transmission of political
culture, in turn, can become the foundation for the democratization of
interaction between the state and civil society. "power-society" to political
pluralism. For, politics in its ideal meaning is an activity aimed at the
general organization of society, the coordination of interests or goals, finding
agreement and compromises.
· #373
Drozhzhyna I to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:46)
Thank you for your work, but please write 100 words only.
· #372
Drozhzhyna I to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:45)
I accept your comment.
· #371
Drozhzhyna I to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 13 June 2022)
Well done.
· #370
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:43)
Recently i read an article about Firm proposes Taser-armed drones to stop school
shootings. The publicly traded company, which sells Tasers and police body
cameras, floated the idea of a new police drone product last year to its
artificial intelligence ethics board, a group of well-respected experts in
technology, policing and privacy. Taser developer Axon said this week it is
working to build drones armed with the electric stunning weapons that could fly
in schools and help prevent the next attack. But its own technology advisers
quickly panned the idea as a dangerous fantasy.
Phrases of the Day: greater detail
These issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity and in
greater detail. a somewhat
At the end of the war it was rebuilt in a somewhat modified form. order to avoid
At the same time, it was important to delimit the tasks of regional offices and
country offices in order to avoid duplication of work.
· #369
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:43)
I have read an article "Humanity’s greatest ally against climate change is the
Earth itself." This article is very inspirational and hopeful. It talks about
the power of nature and its help in our common fight against carbon dioxide
emissions. Surprisingly, algae alone and their recovery from constant pollution
can restore not only the carbon balance, but also improve the fishing industry,
cleanliness of beaches for tourists, etc. I hope humanity will one day be able
to overcome the problems that it has created for itself, and I am glad that even
Mother Earth helps us in this.
phrases of the day:
1) in a somewhat
i am in a somewhat difficult position.
2) in order to avoid
it was essential to ensure the greatest possible consistency between those two
processes in order to avoid contradictions.
3) in greater detail
these issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity and in
greater detail.
5. global perspectives
Global Perspectives is a topic that opens up endless conversations about the
future and human possibilities. But in fact, if we approach it from the point of
view of diplomacy, then we are expected to intensify the processes of
globalization, the development of the digital environment and communication, and
more. But most of the prospects are in green politics, which in a global sense
can succeed and save humanity in many ways, or fail - this is no longer so fun.
I hope that whatever the global outlook has been, it will be good.
I have read the article: "Fox Business: Duolingo reports 577% increase in
Ukrainian language learners." It talks about the increased popularity of our
language many times over on one of the largest educational platforms. I am
pleased with this state of affairs, because the popularization of Ukrainian will
give a worthy impetus to the development of Ukrainian literature and music.
Language is a means of unification, and I believe that thanks to it, Ukraine
will become even more united than ever before.
· #368
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:41)
I have read the article called “Shedding new light on supernova mystery”. It’s
about a new theory on the mysterious mechanism that causes the explosion of
massive, or core stars. These ‘Type II supernovae’, the term given to exploding
core stars, are huge and spectacular events – intriguing because for a short
time they emit as much light as is normally produced by an entire galaxy. A core
star collapses when it runs out of the nuclear fuel it depends on and folds in
on itself in less than a second under its own huge weight. This process releases
enormous amounts of gravitational energy, causing an explosion. This article is
very informative and interesting, because the topic is relevant today.
have already read the article «Revolutionizing the Newsroom: How Online and
Mobile Technologies Have Changed Broadcast Journalism». It tells about
significant changes in the field of television journalism and various influences
on it. In the article, reasoning is proved by facts in the form of literature or
other various studies that confirm thoughts. The field of TV journalism is
changing along with the trends that come into our lives, as well as with the
situations in the world. Also, this area will be relevant for many more years
and everything will also be adjusted to certain conditions. I recommend reading
this article.
Phrases of the Day: greater detail
These issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity and in
greater detail. a somewhat
At the end of the war it was rebuilt in a somewhat modified form. order to avoid
At the same time, it was important to delimit the tasks of regional offices and
country offices in order to avoid duplication of work.
Essay to the topic “Media Technologies and Society.”
Technology and media are intertwined and neither can be separated from modern
Society. Today, it is impossible to discuss media and the way societies
communicate without considering the rapidly changing pace of technological
change. Technology creates the media. The comic book you bought is a form of
media, as is the movie you streamed for family night, the website you used to
order takeaway food, the billboard you passed along the way to pick up food, and
the newspaper you were reading while you were waiting. Without technology, media
would not exist, but it's worth remembering that technology is more than just
the media we encounter.
· #367
Gvozd O.V. to IJ -211 (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:36)
Dear students!
This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your
active work.
· #366
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:28)
Phrases of the day
- in a somewhat
The elimination of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons,
has been referred to in a somewhat convoluted and oblique manner.
- in greater detail
The impact of trade provisions on the competitiveness of firms in developing
countries should be analysed in greater detail.
- in order to avoid
At the same time, it was important to delimit the tasks of regional offices and
country offices in order to avoid duplication of work.
Today I have read the article "Climate change: IPCC scientists say it's 'now or
never' to limit warming". It talks about the extreme concern of environmental
experts about achieving the highest level of carbon dioxide emissions. it is
noted global CO2 emissions must peak within three years to avert the worst
effects, they said. But even now, with the most massive changes in energy
production, industry, and transport, it will not be possible to avoid rising
temperatures. I believe that, contrary to disappointing forecasts, the world
community will be able to unite and contribute to preventing an extremely
dangerous future.
Today I have read the article "Meet the 1,300 librarians racing to back up
Ukraine’s digital archives". This article is about how caring workers of various
cultural institutions are trying to preserve the digital history of Ukraine,
which is vulnerable to war. Volunteers use technology for backup as cyberattacks
destroy national servers. By common efforts, they have already succeeded in
saving documents with a total volume of more than several tens of terabytes, but
this is not the final goal. In my opinion, this is a really useful initiative,
the application of which will help protect cultural heritage in a distance mode.
Global Perspective
To understand the global perspective, one should start with the concept of
"perspective", which literally contributes to the reflection of a farsighted,
peculiar prediction of the future, taking into account certain conditions. No
wonder the term perspective is directly related to optics and optical devices.
The global perspective covers a much wider horizon of something and is global in
nature. It can define a view on a global issue, such as political, economic,
environmental, etc. To a large extent, the global perspective intersects with
globalization actions, which complicates its multidimensional structure.
· #365
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 10:44)
Today I have read the article “Will eating pet food kill you?”. It tells us that
because we often aren't as careful storing pet food as we are our own food,
eating your pet's food may run a greater risk of contamination. In fact, most
pet food is made up of food-grade leftovers and byproducts, so parts like bone
meal,soybean and grain byproducts from processing plants are the major
components of pet food. According to scientists, pet food is not inherently
toxic, and it's safe to try if you're curious about kibble or even decide to eat
it in an emergency food shortage. However, it is never a good idea to eat it
deliberately or repeatedly.
To my mind, this article is really interesting , as those who used to eat pet
food now realize that it may pose great health risks.
Phrases of the day
1. in greater detail
In this section, the commercial background of these various transactions and
their actual operation are considered in greater detail.
2. in order to avoid
The international community had a moral duty to educate people continuously on
the issue in order to avoid violence in the future.
3. in a somewhat
The elimination of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons,
has been referred to in a somewhat convoluted and oblique manner.
Today I have read the article “Why are human lips red?”. It tells us that lips
contain around million nerve endings, which is why they are so affected by
touch, and changes in temperature and moisture levels. Due to the research, with
light skin color, the lip skin contains fewer melanocytes (cells that produce
melanin pigment, which gives skin its color). Because of this, the blood vessels
appear through the skin of the lips, which leads to their notable red coloring.
In addition,lip skin does not have the usual protection layer of sweat and body
oils, which keep the skin smooth, inhibit pathogens and regulate warmth.
To my mind, this article is interesting and unique, because we never thought
that such a simple thing as color of our lips has some explanation.
Essay: Psychology of Management
Psychology of Management (managerial psychology) is the application of a
knowledge of human behavior to issues that arise in the management of
organizations, especially with regard to decision making, problem solving,
leadership, and human relations in the workplace. It’s purpose is to
specifically aid managers in gaining a better understanding of the psychological
patterns common among individuals and groups within any given organization. In
management psychology, the individual worker, the social group, and the
collective all appear in the context of the organization they belong to, and
without which their analysis in terms of management is incomplete. The study of
the personality of the employee in the organization, the analysis of the impact
on the socio-psychological structure and development of the team - these are the
main tasks facing specialists who study the problems of management psychology.
· #364
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 10:42)
today i have read the article "who benefits from praise? researcher publishes
study on how recognition affects motivation".
the article tells about there specific objectives were to assess the
relationship between reward and work motivation and job satisfaction. the study
employed descriptive survey design in gathering data from 157 academic staff,
from a total number of seven private tertiary institutions which were selected
through stratified sampling.
i think that rewards are one of the most important incentives through which the
organization's management can encourage employees to increase their innovation
phrases of the day:
1) in a somewhat
i am in a somewhat difficult position.
2) in order to avoid
it was essential to ensure the greatest possible consistency between those two
processes in order to avoid contradictions.
3) in greater detail
these issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity and in
greater detail.
today i have read the article "ai agent offers rationales using everyday
language to explain its actions".
the article tells about there researchers have developed an artificially
intelligent (ai) agent that can automatically generate natural language
explanations in real-time to convey the motivations behind its actions.
i think that situated understanding of the perceptions and preferences of people
working with ai machines give us a powerful set of actionable insights that can
help us design better human-centered, rationale-generating, autonomous agents.
essay technologies and society.
the state of human life today is such that he lives in society, accepts or does
not accept public opinion. public opinion, as a rule, still does not come from
nowhere, and happens to be someone, if not formed, then directed in the right
direction. many people think they know that this opinion is "imposed from
above", that all "democracy" is just a word in an article of the constitution,
and that "freedom of speech" can turn into a real prison.
today it is safe to say that the information society is a separate world, a
separate universe that controls our thoughts, tries to adjust our consciousness
to itself and secure a further material base in the form of the current
· #363
Shapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 13 June 2022 10:34)
The tasks in the messages (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:46), (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:54) as well as (Sunday, 12 June 2022 17:43) correspond to all the requirements for the independent student's works, have been written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay completely develops the topic. Excellent.
· #362
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 13 June 2022 10:26)
Today i have read the article which
title is “Do regarding TV portrayals of women cause gender harassment?”. The
study shows how causally linked TV exposure and sexual-coercion intentions are.
Objectification of women in media play a causal role in creating a normative
context conducive to gender harassment. It emphasises attention on how toxic
masculinity norms are and how TV programs contribute to its approval. In my
opinion, impact of invalid TV representation of women is significant. It creates
a climate which is originally hostile toward women. We need to stop it and use
media to promote respect to all human beings.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in a somewhat
That leaves them in a somewhat precarious position moving forward
2)in order to avoid
It was essential to ensure the greatest possible consistency between those two
processes in order to avoid contradictions.
3) in greater detail
This distinction will be discussed in greater detail below.
Today I have read really interesting article. Its name’s “AI algorithms can
influence people’s voting and dating decisions”. The article tells about a
series of experiments that showed how easily people can be manipulated by AI.
Candidates had to choose who will they date or vote for. And majority chose
photos of those people who was promoted by algorithms. But that worked only with
voting. Experiments showed that when it goes about dating people more likely
believe in human advice than in algorithmic. I think that this article is very
useful because we need to know how our opinion can be influenced or manipulated
by AI to avoid that.
Essay to the topic 14.Information protection system.
Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized
activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or
destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such
as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property.
This information needs to be protected in order to prevent that data being
misused by third parties for fraud, such as phishing scams and identity theft.
Data protection is also crucial to help prevent cybercrimes by ensuring details
(specifically banking) and contact information are protected to prevent fraud.
· #361
Sgapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 13 June 2022 08:59)
The tasks in the messages (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:46), (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:54) as well as (Sunday, 12 June 2022 17:43) correspond to all the requirements for the independent student's works, have been written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay completely develops the topic. Excellent.
· #360
Gvozd to Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 (Monday, 13 June 2022 08:58)
You have written many exam topics. Why? You need only 5.
But I don't see any comments.
· #359
Grodska E. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 13 June 2022 08:53)
I have read your tasks, they are clear and grammatically correct. Well done.
· #358
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 13 June 2022 08:53)
Dear students!
This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your
active work.
· #357
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:59)
Exam topic
Media: processes & production
There are the following stages in the media production process. The first is
development where the ideas, intention, narrative and audience that are the
foundation of the production are explored. The second is pre-production, when
the production is planned considering the specified audience, intention,
narrative and context. The third is production, when the planned production
design is captured and recorded. The fourth is post-production, when the
production is refined and resolved considering the intention, audience and the
construction of narrative. The last one is distribution, when the product is
delivered to the specified audience in a planned context and location. At this
point the creator and participants will seek feedback for future productions
based on audience response and personal reflection.
· #356
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:58)
Exam topic
Media: power, effects, influence
The media influences so many people’s behaviour nowadays. he media can
influence, persuade and pressurise society, along with even controlling the
world at times in both positive and negative ways; mentally, physically and
emotionally. The media can influence the way people are viewed, which means
people’s careers can change within a flash.
The media can also manipulate people in the spotlight to lead their life a
particular way, or to rebel against what they ‘should’ be like. Furthermore,
without social media, social, ethical, environmental, and political ills would
have minimal visibility. For example, social media has been blamed for promoting
social ills such cyberbullying.
· #355
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:57)
Exam topic
Media: politics & economics
Social media plays a crucial role to spread awareness regarding the election and
the parties involved with them. Without media a candidate for president would
have to speak live in person to all of their voters. They would have to organize
rallies all over the country, in as many cities and towns as they could get
venues in. The costs are astronomical. But with media, they are able to reach
billions around the globe, voters or not. Television ads, newspaper ads,
internet, it’s all there to make spreading the word easier and more complete
saturation of the people.
· #354
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:56)
Exam topic
Media history
Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press enabled the mass production
of media, which was then industrialized by Friedrich Koenig in the early 1800s.
These innovations led to the daily newspaper, which united the urbanized,
industrialized populations of the 19th century.
In the 20th century, radio allowed advertisers to reach a mass audience and
reinforced the consumerism of the 1920s—and the Great Depression of the 1930s.
After World War II, television boomed in the United States and abroad, though
its concentration in the hands of three major networks led to accusations of
homogenization. The spread of cable and subsequent deregulation in the 1980s and
1990s led to more channels, but not necessarily to more diverse ownership.
Transitions from one technology to another have greatly affected the media
industry, although it is difficult to say whether technology caused a cultural
shift or resulted from it. The ability to make technology small and affordable
enough to fit into the home is an important aspect of the popularization of new
· #353
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:55)
Exam topic
Media: freedom, censorship
Censorship is the alteration or suppression of speech, writing, photographs, or
other forms of information based on the opinion that such material is
subversive, obscene, pornographic, politically unacceptable, or otherwise
harmful to the public welfare. Both governments and private institutions may
carry out censorship for claimed reasons such as national security, to prevent
hate speech, to protect children and other protected groups, to restrict
political or religious opinion, or to prevent libel or slander.
A common, everyday example can be found on the radio or television, where
potentially offensive words are “bleeped” out. More controversial is censorship
at a political or religious level.
· #352
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:54)
Задолжность за 09.05.2021
Today I read an article about engineers who are creating new solutions for
cheaper and more durable batteries. The new technology, called Bilevel EQ, is
the first hybrid to combine the high performance of an active EQ with the low
cost of a passive EQ. I believe that such a development will help African
countries and everyone in general, for hospitals, there are different situations
in life. This technology will soon be presented and will also undergo rigorous
testing. A particular problem is in Africa people can't wait for their surgery
because of the lack of electricity and it's terrible.
· #351
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:54)
Exam topic
Media ethics
Media Ethics is focused on how a moral media person should behave. The media
ethics are values like trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, truth
and self-restraint to be practiced by the media people voluntarily, to preserve
and promote the trust of the people and to maintain their own credibility and
not betray the faith and confidence of the people. Media’s focus on high profit
margins, sensationalism, high level of inaccuracies in providing information to
public, mistakes left uncorrected, poor coverage of important issues are some of
the current problems in media which raises ethical issues. The ethical way of
achieving responsibilities is harder, but all media people should be ready to
test such a challenge if they want to protect the purity of their media. A
universal code of ethics should be followed without culture and economic
differences in various media traditions.
· #350
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:53)
Exam topic
language, a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols
by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in
its culture, express themselves.
Narrative is the type of expressive language we develop and begin to use that
allows us to tell stories or events that have occurred in our lives. It is an
important part of our expressive language as it can help form the way we
construct our experiences to ourselves and to others. Narrative is a type of
text. Text belongs to language, it is the integrative language unit.
Discourse belongs to speech, it is the way of text realization as of language
unit within the certain situation in reality. In other words, discourse is a
text given with the extra-lingustic factors.
· #349
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:52)
Exam topic
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of information, ideas and
feelings between two or more people through verbal or non-verbal methods. It
often includes face-to-face exchange of information, in a form of voice, facial
expressions, body language and gestures. Interpersonal communication skills are
necessary because they allow people to discuss problems and weigh the pros and
cons of alternatives before coming up with the final solution, when managers and
leaders are unable to clearly communicate tasks, workers can quickly become
frustrated and disconnected with the business goals. Interpersonal communication
skills are crucial for improving trust and workplace communication, and all
employees, especially business leaders.
· #348
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:50)
Independent work (1) 06.06.22 задолженность
Предложения дня:
at every point, be expressed
It images how many electrons can jump to the tip of our probe at every point on
the surface.
That satellite is the first in a planned fleet of Earth-orbiters that the team
says will one day record weather data at every point on the globe every 15
Every role has emotions that must be expressed, including leaders.
It can be expressed similarly to coating the surface of a pill in a capsule with
a thin film.
Ссылка на статью:
The title of the article, I have read today is: "Apple debuts pay-later service,
iPhone updates to developers". This article was written by Mark Gurman. This
article is about an Apple Inc. unveiled a flurry of new software features and
services at its Worldwide Developers Conference, including an updated iPhone
lock screen, multitasking features for the iPad and a pay-later service that
vaults it further into finance. Also, Apple unveiled two new Macs, including the
biggest refresh of its Air model in more than a decade. The new computers will
use the company's homegrown M2 chip, which it developed after splitting from
Intel Corp. The other new machine, a low-end 13-inch MacBook Pro, looks like the
prior version. Neither laptop will ship to consumers until July.
· #347
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:48)
Exam topic
Gender matters
Media play an important role in how people form their identities, social norms
and values in relation to gender. Research shows that from a young age, children
are influenced by the gendered stereotypes that media present to them. Gender
stereotypes in movies and on TV shows are more than persistent.
Furthermore, various factors, such as gender representation in media, play a
role in gender discrimination. Media nurture gender roles and behavioural traits
through advertisements and photos where women’s roles vary from childcare to
workplace activities displaying women dependence while, on the other hand, men
are portrayed as more independent and less likely to express their emotions.
Added to this, social media and gender prejudices affect the perception of
women’s body image. Mass media demonstrate specific role models and images of
female beauty. All these factors can distort the vision of the genders through
media for other people and have negative on society.
· #346
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:47)
Exam topic
Communication theory
Communication is related to every human activity. Most people wouldn’t expect
something commonplace like communication to have a scientific theory behind it,
but there is more to it than meets the eye. Communication theory is a complex
There are a lot of features of communication theory that can affect the process:
sender, receiver, noise, nonverbal cues, cultural differences, and so on. In
communication theory, there are at least three different lenses with which to
view how this process works: communication as a one-way process of meaning
construction, in which the sender attempts to construct or reconstruct the
meaning developed by the receiver; communication as a two-way process of meaning
construction, in which two or more people construct new meanings together; and
communication as a omnidirectional diachronic process of meaning construction,
in which the focus is on the continuous development of meaning itself.
To make things a little less complicated, the creators of the different
communication theories paired them with communication models.
· #345
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:46)
Exam topic
Communication Models
To understand the ways we communicate, communication theorists have developed
models that illustrate how communication takes place. Understanding
communication models can help us: think about our communication situations more
deliberately, better prepare for future situations and learn from our previous
experiences. So there are different types of these models – linear models,
interactive models and transactional models.
Linear models include Aristotle’s Model, Laswell’s Model, the Shannon-Weaver
Model, updated version of the Shannon-Weaver Model and Berlo’s S-M-C-R model.
Interactive models are the Osgood-Schramm Model, the Westley and Maclean Model.
And the last ones are Barnlund’s Transactional Model and Dance’s Helical Model.
Although none of these models represent our communication 100%, they can help us
detect and solve potential problems and improve our overall communication
· #344
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:44)
Exam topic
Media law and policy
As the popularity of various media have proliferated, the field of media law has
become more important. Just over a century ago, the media would have consisted
of print and live performances alone. Today, the media comprises not only the
printed word and live actors, but also radio, television, movies, video games,
mobile devices, and the Internet. One of the biggest areas of concern related to
media law is intellectual property. This can take the form of copyright concerns
for original works, trademarks for different brands, or even patents for media
related technologies or processes. Another enormous area of concern for media
law relates to the right to free speech, censorship, and defamation. Media law
is important in the same way as any other law is important. It serves as a
guideline for the behavior of journalists that work in media and it defines
media practices that are unacceptable.
· #343
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:42)
Exam topic
Journalism history
Journalism and the press appeared in anquity. For example, the Roman trials were
displayed on the walls, like newspapers. The profession of journalist gradually
evolved to become a recognized professional activity at the end of the 19th
century. Earlier information was transmitted through printing press, but in
later 20’s and 21st-century people got sources like radio and television. Radio
reached its highest popularity in 1930’s to 1940’s but later television also
gained popularity but not completely eliminating radio. Absolutely latest
phenomena became internet journalism. There is also such type of journalism as
mobile journalism – the easiest method to get news through social media and
other websites using Internet. To sum up, journalism changed over past few
decades and still developing day by day with the growing technology.
· #342
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:35)
Exam topic
Public relations
Public relations is really important for business as they help a business or
individual cultivate a positive reputation through press, social media, and
in-person engagements. It has become crucial for a company to invest in good
public relations strategies to maintain a beneficial relationship with the
public. This in turn creates lots of advantages for companies like credibility,
cost effectiveness and better communication. But at the same time there are
certain disadvantages. It’s quite hard to measure success of PR campaign and
results are not guaranteed. Despite all risks, PR is indispensable part of any
business because value of companies depend on public image.
· #341
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:32)
Exam topic
Nowadays, advertising is a powerful tool which can help companies or influencers
to persuade people to buy their products or services. The forms of advertising
have been developed all the time. If earlier people used word of mouth, radio,
newspaper advertisements, television, roadside billboards, sides of buildings
and so on, today the situation completely changed. As we live in the era of
Internet, advertising is getting more widely available and differentiated. For
instance, when we watch YouTube, we also watch integrated advertising or when we
are on the internet and use different websites, contextual advertising are
chasing us. It became an integral part of our life and we can come across it
doing day-to-day things.
· #340
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:28)
Exam topic
Media technologies and society
Technology is, and has been, the finest enabler of media. Every day we hear a
new technology has evolved. For instance we had land line phones, then came
mobile phones and now we have smart phones. Which help us to communicate, talk,
interact, video and text chat, click photos, record videos, access internet,
scan documents, upload, download and send documents, etc. Even the TV Channels
are using Mobile Journalism. Likewise there are development of new software for
designing, video editing, photo editing, sound recording, etc, which have
revolutionized the traditional approach. And at last, with the advent of
Internet the traditional or conventional media has to also modify their content.
As you see a news story which gets published on social media gets place in TV
Channels later.
· #339
Hontarenko Kateryna, IZ-211 ( Gvozd) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 21:14)
Exam topic
International communication
International communication is the development and sharing of information,
through verbal and non-verbal messages, in international settings and contexts.
International or in another words global communication refers to the phenomenon
of exchanging knowledge, ideas, and information and interaction of individual
across the borders instead of a limited or local area. This communication can
take different forms, including global advertisements, political speeches,
journalistic news stories, social media posts, press releases, books and
traditional print publications, and more. At the beginning of the twenty-first
century, millions of the people can communicate with each other in real time,
across national boundaries and time zones, through voice, text, and pictures,
and, increasingly, a combination of all three. In a digitally globe, the flow of
data across borders has grown exponentially, boosting international commerce,
more and more of which is being conducted through new technologies.
· #338
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Sunday, 12 June 2022 20:23)
Задолжность за 09.05.2021
Фразы дня:
1) Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster. For
his Ph.D. research, Libo Su has investigated partial synchronization in networks
of dynamical systems that are interconnected via time-delay couplings
2) The team used special radar technology and analysis tools to detect changes
in the land and identify the exact areas where land subsidence —a common effect
of sinkholes—is occurring.
Today I read an article about new satellite radars that can pinpoint the threat
of failures in regions.
FIU geophysics professor Shimon Wdowinski and his former PhD researcher Talib
Oliver-Cabrera collaborated with a group from the University of South Florida,
conducted inspections in densely populated areas of Florida, they used special
radar systems, in my opinion this will help to keep people safe, as in Florida
this is a big problem, I believe that scientists are making a great contribution
to saving people and their lives, research will take a long time but will give
success in development. Good luck
· #337
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 17:43)
Public relations builds relations with a multitude of audiences depending on
your busines focus. From building relationships with the media, investors,
government, community, customers, and internally (think employees and their
morale), PR gets a targeted message to your preferred audiences in impactful
ways. A good PR person is engaged in the world and keeps up with the news in the
clients industries as well as current events and trends and developments within
our own industry. That means understanding social media and its implications.
PR's job is to bring the outside in as well as the inside out.
· #336
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 17:38)
Political communication is a subfield of communication and political science
that is concerned with how information spreads and influences politics, policy
makers, the news media, and citizens. Political communication research addresses
the strategic use of information to influence political attitudes and
behaviors.Language allows for people in a very large number to communicate with
each other in a large scope to the effect that a state is formed. As language
forms the basis of communication, politics is thus affected by language.
Political linguistics is a performance.
· #335
Borysenko (Saturday, 11 June 2022 16:24)
To Sebov,IG-211. Pls, read my remarks attentively! You have made the same mistakes in the first sentences. You have forgotten about the Sequence of Tenses in the second sentence of the comment#333. Be careful. Good luck
· #334
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Friday, 10 June 2022 21:55)
Задолжность за 16.05.2022
Фразы дня:
1) The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
2) First use of VLBI to focus on a single star system for signs of life comes up
empty. Your friend's email. Your email. I would like to subscribe to Science X
Newsletter. Learn more.
Cтатья: Today I read an article about a new artificial intelligence system that
predicts the level of air pollution, every year 7 million people die from air
pollution, I believe that the government needs to do something about this
immediately.Professor Qinggang Meng and Dr. Baihua Li are leading the project,
particles so small that the average person will not be able to feel them in any
way, thanks to the new development, it can predict air changes in 2-3 hours,
which is very much ahead of the old systems for determining air pollution. The
system is currently being tested. Good luck
Vokaroo: Today I read an article about a new artificial intelligence system that
predicts the level of air pollution, every year 7 million people die from air
pollution, I believe that the government needs to do something about this
immediately.Professor Qinggang Meng and Dr. Baihua Li are leading the project,
particles so small that the average person will not be able to feel them in any
way, thanks to the new development, it can predict air changes in 2-3 hours,
which is very much ahead of the old systems for determining air pollution. The
system is currently being tested. Good luck
· #333
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Friday, 10 June 2022 20:25)
Задолжность за 06.06.2022
Today I read an article about local voluntary programs in the promotion of clean
energy, to investigate this program that the effect of this program keeps a
positive trend, Tian Tang said that the WEP program helps to show that the
introduction of solar energy is highly dependent on the local regulatory and
political environment, I believe that the world should switch to clean and
environmentally friendly energy, and abandon nuclear power plants, they are
dangerous and any accident at it can destroy humanity, therefore there are
disadvantages of clean energy, humanity needs a long time to transition. Good
· #332
Borysenko (Friday, 10 June 2022 19:33)
To Sebov,IG-211. There are two mistakes in the very first sentence, it should be:" Today I HAVE READ THE article...". Compare my example with your own sentence and correct your sentence. Your voice message is full of mispronounced words, try to improve your pronunciation. Good luck
· #331
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:54)
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity
from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences
and the international institutions that affect them. International economics
deals basically with those economic principles which govern the exchange of
goods (and services) between sovereign nations (more accurately, between their
residents) and with special policy problems which arise in view of this.
· #330
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:51)
The protection of information systems against unauthorized access to or
modification of information, whether in storage, processing or transit, and
against the denial of service to authorized users, including those measures
necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats. This information needs
to be protected in order to prevent that data being misused by third parties for
fraud, such as phishing scams and identity theft. Data protection is also
crucial to help prevent cybercrimes by ensuring details (specifically banking)
and contact information are protected to prevent fraud.
· #329
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:46)
Today I have read the article "We must be sure that robot AI will make the right
decisions, at least as often as humans do." It is clear that the system of
choice by mechanism and not by man is not yet perfect. I like how this article
is written, because the information is presented clearly and is supported by
arguments. Nowadays, articles on this topic are quite relevant, because it is
too early to rely entirely on artificial intelligence, although some do not
think so. So I would recommend my friends to read this article.
1) a breakthrough in
A breakthrough in creating invisibility cloaks, stealth technology.
Прорив у створенні плащів-невидимок, технології стелс.
2) able to target
Not all of these are able to target enterprise-size customers, however.
Однак не всі з них можуть орієнтуватися на клієнтів корпоративного розміру.
3) ability to achieve
One of the biggest challenges in AI development is the ability to achieve
human-like learning and perception.
Один з найбільших викликів в розвитку штучного ІНТЕЛЕКТУ - здатність досягти
подібного для людини вивчення і сприйняття.
· #328
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:42)
Today I have read the article "Strategic thinking". It tells us that strategic
thinking is simply an intentional and rational thought process that focuses on
the analysis of critical factors and variables. Strategic thinking involves
carefully and deliberately anticipating the threats and vulnerabilities to be
protected against and the opportunities to be exploited. Strategic thinking
requires research, analytical thinking, innovation, problem-solving skills,
communication and leadership skills, and determination. Why is strategic
thinking important? The competitive landscape can change quickly for any
organization. By incorporating day-to-day strategic thinking into your work, you
will become more adept at anticipating opportunities.
1. focused primarily on
We focused primarily on the three conditions, but we found data connecting about
20 other proteins to biological pathways or processes.
зосередилися насамперед на трьох станах, але знайшли дані, що пов’язують близько
20 інших білків з біологічними шляхами або процесами.
2. for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
технологія є новою з ряду причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може дати
нове уявлення про фактори навколишнього середовища, які мають значний вплив на
рівень забруднення повітря.
3. first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
· #327
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:34)
Задолжность за 06.06.2022
1) The research is also unique, Bernardes said, because previous studies focused
primarily on firm-level consequences of behavior such as supplier sustainability
risk and corrupt opportunism.
2) They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
Today I read an article about the first use of microscopic sound waves to study
cellular abnormalities, thanks to a 5 year fellowship, a scientist from the
University of Nottingham will be able to study harmless sound waves to fight
cancer and other little understood diseases, he claims that many optical imaging
methods fail , because they disrupt and kill the cells, the sound he works on is
completely harmless to the cells, so he can find a healthy and effective way of
treatment, thanks to his research. Humanity will overcome this disease, and
there will be more happiness and peace
Vokaroo: Today I read an article about the first use of microscopic sound waves
to study cellular abnormalities, thanks to a 5 year fellowship, a scientist from
the University of Nottingham will be able to study harmless sound waves to fight
cancer and other little understood diseases, he claims that many optical imaging
methods fail , because they disrupt and kill the cells, the sound he works on is
completely harmless to the cells, so he can find a healthy and effective way of
treatment, thanks to his research. Humanity will overcome this disease, and
there will be more happiness and peace
· #326
Tomenko M.G. to Evdokimov Maks Id-211 (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:10)
Well done. Thank you.
· #325
Padun S. ЗІЖ-211 (Nevreva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 13:47)
The topic of the article is "Publisher". I found this one very interesting to
study and to promote yourself. This has been a fairly hot topic for many years.
The article briefly and clearly outlines the existing categories of book
publishers. For instance, non-paid publishers. As the name suggests, they do not
charge for the costs of publishing a book. In order to publish a book, you need
to go through several stages, such as acquisition, copy editing, production and
printing. Besides, there are electronic equivalents, marketing and distribution.
In addition, a publisher may be its own publisher at times.
· #324
Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:55)
Closing debt 16.05
Phrases of the day:
1.Examined in detail
Theory was all good and well in ZDNet's Patriot Act series, where the U.S.
counter-terror and surveillance laws were scrutinised and examined in detail.
2.Bear in mind
That might sound far-fetched but bear in mind that Korean PropTech company
Zigbang has already opened a 30-floor VR office called Metapolis.
3.Expanded upon
In 1989, Kaplan and Kaplan further expanded upon these observations by James and
others and introduced the Attention Restoration Theory.
Teenagers are hard not to understand. Indeed, for many teenagers, school is like
a prison, even though they want it to be their second home, as many teachers
assure them. Many teenagers try to escape their everyday problems thanks to
school, but it doesn't always work out. Even there, they may encounter
aggression or indifference, although this should not be the case. What is
surprising is that teenagers feel threatened not only by their environment, such
as their classmates, but also by their teachers. Indeed, even teachers can
expose teenagers to bullying. This should not be allowed and everything should
be done to make the teenagers feel safe at school.
· #323
Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:54)
Closing debt 9.05
Phrases of the day:
1.First use of
The team also found that the first use of Canarian forests by aboriginal
settlers appeared to have limited impact on the native vegetation, such as the
laurel forest of the island of la Gomera.
2.For a number of reasons
Most traditional capture systems that use markers are difficult to apply to
macaques for a number of reasons.
3.Focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
Overall, I found the article very interesting and informative. Yes,
unfortunately, it is increasingly common these days to see children with autism
or other disorders that impair the development of the nervous system being
bullied. Mostly, bullying occurs because children with autism have difficulty
standing up for themselves or because of their possibly strange behaviour, which
may be perceived by others as a quirk. But this should not be the case. Children
should not be bullied simply because of their illness or because they are
different. It would be good if there were seminars on this subject in schools
and children were taught that bullying is bad
· #322
Borysenko (Thursday, 09 June 2022 19:22)
To Lebid,IG211. Your comment (#300) isn't bad but it's your class work,and where is your homework. Best wishes
· #321
Borysenko (Thursday, 09 June 2022 19:14)
To Antipov,IG+211. #306 doesn't cover all your debts. Don't forget about"Phrases of the day",pls. Best of luck
· #320
Borysenko (Thursday, 09 June 2022 19:05)
To Sebov, IG-211. Unfortunately there are mistakes in your written comments
(#300). Your voice messages leave much to be desired. Best wishes
· #319
Borysenko (Thursday, 09 June 2022 18:31)
To Antipov,IG-211. Nice to meet you! I have checked all your comments. There are one and the same mistakes in the first sentences in almost all of them. Present Perfect should be used there and definite article should be used before the word 'article",it should be:"Today I HAVE READ THE article..." Be more attentive, pls ,while recording your voice messages to avoid mispronouncing the words. I wonder what about your comments from the beginning of the term. Good luck
· #318
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.25,03,22 (Thursday, 09 June 2022 11:25)
phrases of the day
1 This concept was expanded upon with the advent of information theory and
subsequently systems theory
Ця концепція була розширена з появою теорії інформації, а потім теорії систем.
2 In the article, we examined in detail astigmatism: what is it, how to treat
and how to avoid this disease
У статті ми докладно розглянули астигматизм: що це таке, як лікувати і як
уникнути цього захворювання.
3 Please bear in mind that taxi drivers may charge extra for baggage.
Врахуйте, що таксист може попросити додаткову плату за кількість валіз.
· #317
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:37)
Today I`ve read the article about Is there a health risk in 5-G networks.
In times of technological progress, some people wonder if any innovation is
harmful to health, in this case 5-G networks.Due to the fact that 5G
communications don`t extend through the walls of houses and their range is
limited, more antenna sources will be required to expand this network.Because of
this, people have anxiety about the possible damage to their health.The World
Health Organization says that there is no reason to panic, and after a long
study of all technologies, no sources have been identified that could harm a
phrases of the day
1)(only a few studies)Only a few previous studies have reported the presence of
an increased amount of iron in corroded areas of concrete.
(Лише у кількох дослідженнях)Лише у кількох попередніх дослідженнях
повідомлялося про наявність підвищеної кількості заліза у корродованих ділянках
2)(demonstrate the feasibility)-Researchers demonstrate feasibility of
collaborative energy transactions via blockchain
(демонструють можливість)-Дослідники демонструють можливість спільних
енергетичних транзакцій через блокчейн ,
3)(it is clear that)it is not yet clear about what time scales a material needs
to learn for it to be useful in electrical systems.
(Ясно те,що)Поки неясно, у яких тимчасових масштабах матеріал повинен вивчитися,
щоб його можна було використовувати в електричних системах.
· #316
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:37)
Today I`ve read the article about how palm oil became the world's most hated,
most used fat source.Palm oil has become a very popular ingredient in many
wares:Hygiene products,food,ink,etc.But many people and companies around the
world are trying to avoid this ingredient because of the problems that oil
brings.For example, this palm oil is very harmful to the skin, it can also be
noted that this ingredient was associated with the slave trade and colonization
of African countries.Today, huge amounts of oil are also being produced, which
requires space and deforestation, which can bring dire consequences.
Phases of the day
1(on the contrary)-ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex
patterns in relatively small datasets.-Інструменти машинного навчання, навпаки,
здатні виявляти складні закономірності щодо невеликих наборах даних.
2 (keep track)They could help owners keep track of their pets' health,-Вони
могли б допомогти власникам стежити за здоров'ям своїх домашніх улюбленців,
3 (meet the demand) transmission and storage infrastructure is sufficient to
meet the demand,-інфраструктура передачі та зберігання достатня для задоволення
· #315
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:36)
Today I`ve read the article about New satellite system which would enhance water
quality management in Australia.An analysis by the University of New South Wales
has shown that an Earth Observation Satellite System can be useful for viewing
and analyzing Australia's water systems and therefore using them for human
activities.ANCDF manager and engineer Denis Noton said that the space systems
infrastructure could include a network of ground-based sensors and
constellations of satellites in space, and the name of the project would be
aquawatch.This system can help synoptic analysis prevent possible water
Phrases of the day
1)(Concurrent system)Concurrent system of heatwaves seven times more frequent
than 1980s-Паралельна система хвиль тепла в сім разів частіше, ніж у 1980-х
2)(Computer simulationComputer simulation brings us closer to schools of
fishlike underwater research drones-Комп'ютерне моделювання наближає нас до
зграй рибоподібних підводних дослідницьких дронів.
3)(theory proves)A novel theory proves on how conspiracy theories take
shape-Нова теорія доводить, як формуються теорії змови
· #314
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:36)
Today I`ve read the article about how criminals access your digital devices and
what happens when they do.When we use the Internet, a link from some reliable
source may appear as trusted media, politicians, etc. and it is absolutely
safe.But sometimes an hacker can disguise a virus as a similar source, and after
clicking on the link, malware is downloaded to your computer.Because of malware,
your device may suffer damage and also a hacker may gain access to certain
personal information such as credit card code, passport data, etc.This is why
you need to be careful on the Internet
Phrases of the day
1)(product development)-The advance could accelerate product development,
enabling product designers to churn through prototypes without getting bogged
down with painting or printing.-
(розробка продукції)-Прогрес може прискорити розробку продукту, дозволяючи
дизайнерам продуктів працювати з прототипами, не ув'язуючи малювання чи друку.
2)(predetermined action)-a Trojan Horse looks like a normal file until some
predetermined action causes the code to execute
(зумовлена дія)троянський кінь виглядає як звичайний файл доти, доки певна
зумовлена дія не призведе до виконання коду
3)(as follows)the passive action can be described as follows
(таким способом)-пасивну дію можна описати таким способом.
· #313
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:33)
Today I`ve read the article about the global scenario with respect to hazardous
household waste offers stark warning.An ecological pollution is approaching in
our time - such a conclusion was made by professors Nisansala Abeysinghe and
Sunil Herat of Griffith University (Nathan Campus) in Queensland, Australia.The
reason for this is the waste produced by human activity, which is difficult to
dispose of.
Blame for this crisis is a frivolous attitude to environmental problems and
careless waste disposal, as well as a lack of infrastructure that correctly
sorts garbage.
Phrases of the day
1)(well enough)Are the signals at all well enough conserved over a longer
evolutionary distance to be able to correctly infer phylogenetic relationships
from them,
-(достатньо добре)Чи достатньо добре зберігаються сигнали на більш тривалій
еволюційній відстані, щоб можна було правильно вивести їх філогенетичні
2)(within sight)Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum
corporate tax rate of 15 percent-(в поле зору)Угода «в полі зору» Байден
закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки корпоративного податку розміром 15
3)(with respect to)Companies that reported higher levels of Industry 4.0
implementation had more moderate expectations with respect to actual energy
(щодо)Компанії, які повідомили про більш високі рівні впровадження Індустрії
4.0, мали помірні очікування щодо фактичної економії енергії.
· #312
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022)
Debt essay
Until recently, the world was concerned about completely different issues, one
of which was COVID-19
He shocked the whole world. However, I want to pay special attention to Belarus.
The number of patients in 2 years there was 983 thousand, almost seven of whom
were fatal.
While almost all of Europe has adopted strict quarantine restrictions, Belarus
has not been subjected to any measures. After analyzing articles from
independent sources, I was able to find out how to treat sick people.
Firstly,there are not instructions how to treat sick people,as a result,every
doctor do it such he want and can.Secondly, due to the large number of patients,
only the most difficult patients are hospitalized, the rest are treated at home
and in contact with people.
So in conclusion I can say that although Belarus did not experience a special
economic crisis as a European state, but it did not remain the winner.
· #311
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:15)
Today I have read the article “Scientists create a plastic alternative made from
milk and clay” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that plastic is the problem of our generation. As stated in the
text, plastic is everywhere, which means it harms our ecology at all levels. The
article talks about a new method for solving this problem, such as creating a
bio-plastic that decomposes easily.
In conclusion, I want to say that creating alternative for our familiar things
really helps our nature, and subsequently helps us. And we, as consumers, can
only support such initiatives.
Today I have read the article “The most precise-ever measurement of W boson mass
suggests the standard model needs improvement” and I’d like to share my
To begin with fact that the article tells us about a new, more accurate
measurement of W boson. This study is important because W boson particles are
involved in various nuclear processes, which will help to better study this
In conclusion, I want to say that although new dimensions have been identified,
there is still a lot of work to be done to fully analyze everything, at least,
confirmation of these data by other researchers.
· #310
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022)
Today I have read the article “Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape
origin traced” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with the article tells us about genetic research, namely the evolution
of malar parasites. As it turned out, they are divided into several species that
parasitize different mammals (humans and monkeys). As a result, the parasites
that parasitize humans have evolved from monkeys.
In conclusion, I want to say these studies are important, because knowing the
nature of the virus, you can resist it. In other words, this is an opportunity
for science to develop in the field of medicine.
Today I have read the article “Online calculator shows how trees can improve air
quality and cut health costs” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with the issue of ecology is acute in our society, therefore, I believe
that such statistics and analyzes help to better understand the problem and
methods for solving it. This article talks about a calculator that helps track
the need for vegetation in different regions.
In conclusion, I want to say planting trees affects not only the ecology and
beauty of the surrounding world. First of all, trees are the key to quality air,
and quality air is the key to quality human life, which affects all spheres of
the state.
· #309
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:13)
Today I have read the article “Natural gas bans are new front in effort to curb
To begin with the issue of climate is very acute in our society, so the
rejection of natural gas can also be a solution to environmental problems. But
the article tells us that it doesn't work that way, as a result, the problem
will not be solved and working conditions will deteriorate and prices will rise.
In conclusion, I want to say that the solution of any environmental problems
must be solved simultaneously with economic, social, etc., because they are all
parts of one organism, so you need to do everything gradually.
Today I’ve read the article “WHO says 99% of the world’s population breathes
poor-quality air” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
According to the WHO, which the article showed us, it is clear that almost the
entire population of the planet breathes poor quality air. The most important
thing is that in the dirty air there are many dangerous substances that settle
in our lungs. As a result, the development of many diseases. In order to
minimize the problem, it is necessary to take some kind of decision, such as
cleaning the industrial sector.
In conclusion, the issue of air is very important not only for the environment
but also for our health. And as you know, these things have always been
· #308
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 21:07)
Class work (1) 06.06.22 задолженность
Ссылка на статью:
The title of the article, I have read today is: "Buy now, pay later: Apple will
now lend you money to keep you spending and expand its empire". This article was
written by Rajat Roy and published today on 8 of June 2022. The author
underlined that apple has joined the thriving "buy now, pay later" industry,
with a customized service called Apple Pay Later. The service was announced
earlier this week at the 2022 Worldwide Developers Conference, and will
initially be launched in the United States later this year. Apple's
technology-driven and consumer-centric marketing gives it an edge over other buy
now, pay later schemes. It claims the service is designed with consumers'
financial health in mind. But as is the case with any of these services,
consumers ought to be aware of the risks and manage them carefully.
· #307
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 2.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 17:04)
exam topic 2.05
Gender matters
Violence is a serious issue which directly affects the lives of many young
people. It often results in lasting damage to their well-being and integrity,
putting even their lives at risk. Gender-based violence, including violence
against women, remains a key human rights challenge in contemporary Europe and
in the world. Working with young people on human rights education is one way of
preventing gender-based violence from occurring. By raising awareness on why and
how it manifests and exploring its impact on people and in society, gender-based
violence will no longer go undetected.
· #306
Andriy Antipov IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:31)
debt for the first module
Phrases of the Day:
1.Ability to Achieve is a registered NDIS company, that supports people with
high and complex needs.
2.A breakthrough in developing multi-watt terahertz lasers.
3.HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high performance computing
In 2022, a new Monkeypox outbreak began. This virus is native to Africa and is
transmitted from human to animal, through bites, wounds, etc. Countries in
Europe, the U.S. and Australia have already recorded cases of people sickened by
Monkeypox outbreak. People who have contracted the disease say they have visited
tropical parts of Africa and had contact with animals there. The virus is
transmitted through blood and sexual intercourse. Those who become ill complain
of fatigue, rashes and fever. The incubation period for smallpox is from 5 to 21
Researchers conducted the effect of global temperature on human sleep. As it
turned out with higher temperature, it affected the quality of sleep in a bad
way. As we know, healthy and sound sleep, improves the quality of immunity,
restores our energy, and psychological well-being. Poor sleep has a strong
impact on our productivity throughout the day. Researchers have found that for a
more comfortable and restful sleep, a slightly cool or normal temperature is
more beneficial than a temperature above 25°C. Many people I know are more
comfortable sleeping at 19-20°C
After reading the article "Researchers Indicate How To Avoid Power Outages Using
Clean Renewable Energy Sources" I was pleased with the fact that scientists are
concerned about the energy problem and the environment in general. Natural
energy sources such as solar panels, wind turbines, and water turbines have been
around for a long time. But they are still, in spite of environmental
friendliness, not as reliable as the previous sources. Scientists decided that
there are 2 ways to improve the situation. First is to put solar panels on
rooftops. The second is used together with long-term and short-term.
· #305
Karieva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:30)
Closing debt 23.05
Today I've read the article "Industrial psychology". It talks about industrial
and organizational psychology, which is also known as occupational psychology.
Input-output psychology is the science of human behavior in relation to work,
which applies psychological theories and principles to organizations and
individuals in their workplaces, as well as to a person's work life in general.
Organizational psychology is one of nine areas approved by specialists for
psychological practice in Australia itself. In Australia, the title of
organizational psychologist is legally protected and regulated by the Australian
Medical Practitioners Regulatory Agency.
· #304
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:29)
Closing debt 23.05
The overall goal is to develop a common language for teaching and learning.
There has been a sharp rise in the number of specialist canine fertility
clinics, according to an investigation published in this week's issue of the Vet
When investigating a murder, every clue helps.
Today I've read the article "Research in Educational Psychology". It talks about
such a science as educational psychology. It is the branch of psychology
concerned with the scientific study of human learning. Students who earn a
doctorate in psychology must enroll in graduate school to study educational
psychology, counseling psychology, or school counseling. The article also
mentions the importance of studying this science. The study allows researchers
to understand individual differences in human intelligence, cognitive
development, affects, motivation, self-regulation, and self-esteem. Thus it
became clear that intrinsic motivation deals with actions that act as their own
reward, extrinsic motivation deals with motives that are caused by consequences
or punishments.
· #303
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022)
16.05 closing debt
Today I’ve read the article (Columnist). It tells us about who columnists are,
what they do, and what exactly their work in the journalistic field is.
Columnists are people who write articles in comment format. They are somewhat
reminiscent of a short essay in which the writer explains his personal point of
view on any topic. Such articles are sometimes written by whole teams and after
a while are reprinted.
Investigative journalism was also mentioned in the article. This is also a
format for searching news, which implies the disclosure of one topic. Sometimes
such investigations takes for a years.
· #302
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:28)
Closing debt 16.05
Today I've read the article (Educational psychology). It tells about another
direction in psychology - pedagogical. In short, pedagogical psychology is the
study of how people learn in the educational environment of schools. This area
used to have many names: economic psychology, business psychology, later -
industrial psychology, employment psychology or psychotechnology, but now it is
also known as industrial and organizational psychology, and this name is
consolidated by the 14th department of the American Psychological Association.
Educational psychology is often included in teacher training programs in Oceania
and the United States. Psychologists are increasingly employed in healthcare
settings to fulfill different roles.
· #301
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:26)
Closing debt 16.05
In a study published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, investigators
predicted the geographic range restriction of several different species of
salamanders in eastern Canada and the United Kingdom.
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI are the first to have joined two
proteins together by means of a free-standing, rigid link.
The study reveals key findings and provides recommendations for managerial DEI
actions designed to improve workplace culture.
Today I've read the article (Clinical psychology). It tells about the largest
specialization of psychology - clinical psychology. Diagnostics is usually
carried out in accordance with a special reference book, where all diseases and
disorders are recorded. This handbook was first published by the American
Psychiatric Association back in 1952. A key aspect of therapy is evaluating the
effectiveness of the treatment. Some clinical psychologists may have traumatic
brain injury patients in an area called clinical neuropsychology. It includes
the study and application of psychology for the purpose of preventing and
alleviating dysfunction or mental illness, and for promoting personality
· #300
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:26)
Задолжность за 23.05.2022
Фразы дня:
1) This value is obtained using quantum field theory: this holds that pairs of
particles on a very small scale are created and destroyed almost instantaneously
at every point of space and at any moment.
2) Every role has emotions that must be expressed, including leaders. To be
effective, leaders must perform emotional labor," Sy said. "What was surprising
in our research is that women were rated ...
Today I read an article that the leader's emotions strongly influence him, the
article touched on an important topic, stereotypes and how they affect ours,
sexism spoils the lives of women and men, as well, studies show that leaders are
usually perceived as charismatic and smart people, so all the emotions of the
leader are contagious and immediately perceived by the whole group. Thanks to
the research and innovation that aids research, we already have the bigger
picture of leadership and the keys to positive leadership. I want to wish you to
be a positive and persistent leader, good luck.
I read an article about harmful emissions into the atmosphere that affect the
environment and people's lives in general, if these emissions are not stopped,
there will be a global catastrophe, but it is not profitable for corporations,
they don't care, they just want to fill their pockets with money without
thinking about the consequences which they bring to nature. The states of the
West are already making strategic plans in which, therefore, the cessation of
carbon emissions, but unfortunately this process is too long. UK set a 78%
carbon reduction goal, let's save nature together Good luck saving nature
· #299
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:24)
Долг за 16.05
Today I have read the article «We throw away a third of the food we grow: What
to do about waste». It tells about one-third of all food produced each year is
squandered or spoiled before it can be consumed. Research also suggests that
high-income countries waste as much food as sub-Saharan Africa produces.
· #298
Andriy Antipov IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:21)
Debt 30.05.22
Phrases of the Day:
1) McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures
2) As distinct from a proper symmetry which acts on the whole object uniformly,
3)This means, almost as a matter of logical necessity, that humans quality of
life is largely decided by the quality of their societies.
Many people do not know, but everyone has herpes virus cells, but people simply
can not have it at least throughout life. The most common type of herpes virus
is the first type, it often appears on the lips, in the mouth, on the face. It
appears because of bacteria, weakened immunity. Herpes virus develops for 2-20
days so people do not know that they are infected and can infect others. There
are no vitamins or vaccines for herpes, but there are drugs that help to get rid
of reinfection by the virus
Such qualities in a person as persistence and assertiveness, people are often
confused with an exaggerated self-esteem or aggression. But if you look at it
from a different angle from society, you can understand that these two qualities
are great in a person for self-development, as well as stable and adequate
self-esteem. Many people are not statistically confident in their abilities, but
people with perseverance and assertiveness. here are their chances to climb the
career ladder or begin to develop in any hobby. I think that such qualities as
assertiveness and persistence should be in every person.
Health, both physical and mental, greatly affects our pace of work and various
areas of life. The human being is not a robot, everyone should have a rest in a
day, and in particular a healthy and sound sleep. At the moment of sleep, our
body and brain are completely relaxed and unloaded, so after a healthy sleep, we
feel a burst of strength and energy. Overwork also affects our mood and working
day. Frequent overexertion can cause a decrease in immunity, mood, productivity,
etc. It is better to do everything gradually than all at once.
You can often meet a person with some kind of allergy and not give it any
importance. But in fact, people with allergies often suffer not only physically,
but also mentally. People with allergies may be more prone to psychological
disorders like depression or anxiety. Allergy sufferers during the blooming
season, may not go outside for weeks or even open a window to ventilate. It is
common that people are not helped by anti-allergy medications. Right now, one in
5 people in America has allergies, which is clearly not positive.
· #297
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:21)
Долг за 16.05
Class Work
be expressed
Requests for information may be expressed in writing, and are registered.
backed up by
Effective project performance monitoring systems must be backed up by the use of
information technologies.
at every point
The following three concepts apply at every point in the process:
Today I have read the article «Breakthrough Listen releases catalog of "Exotica"
– objects of interest as "technosignatures"». It tells about comprehensive new
catalog is the first in recent times that aims to span the entire breadth of
astrophysical phenomena, from distant galaxies to objects in our own solar
· #296
Andriy Antipov IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:12)
Debt 23.05.22
Phrases of the day
1)He wants to negotiate, turns out that he's no warrior.
2)Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
3) On the face of it, these moves appear to be well justified, given the mayhem
created by poorly regulated banks in the major financial
I read an article today announcing the squad for the upcoming game of the
Ukraine national team. After the unsuccessful match against Wales, the head
coach of Ukraine had to make conclusions and make adjustments to the main squad.
Thus, Oleksandr Petrakov made controversial personnel substitutions and left
team leaders Andriy Yarmolenko, Taras Stepanenko and Roman Yaremchuk out of the
starting line-up, which caused a lot of questions from the media and the Ukraine
national team fans. But I wouldn't criticise the coach for that, as he wants to
give less prominent players the opportunity to prove themselves on the
international stage
Today I read an article where Vitaliy Mykolenko shared his expectations before
the match with Ireland. Vitaliy says that Ukraine has no right to lose to such
an opponent as Ireland, as this will be the third game in a row against
representatives of the English style of football and the preparation and mood of
the team is at the highest level. I completely agree with Vitalii's statement,
and our national team is a head above its rivals on the level of players, as
many players in the national team play in the best world championships and have
a strong training.
· #295
Andriy Antipov IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:01)
debt 16.05.22
Phrases of the day:
1.Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
2.A pilot study has been carried out for nine flood-prone districts in Assam.
3.And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood
i read an article today about real's first summer transfer. With their defensive
leaders leaving for PSG in the summer of 2021, Real Madrid have been searching
for suitable candidates to replace them for a long time. One of those was London
Chelsea central defender Antonio Rüdiger. The Slivos could have signed him last
year but knowing that his contract with the London club expires in the summer of
2022, they have signed him on loan for 4 years and did not disclose his salary.
For me, Rüdiger in conjunction with Militao will cement Real's defence for years
to come
I read an article today about Philippe Coutinho's transfer to Aston Villa.
Philippe Coutinho has spent the last six months on loan at Aston Villa, where he
was invited by head coach Steven Gerrard, with whom the Brazilian played at
Liverpool. The Brazilian's career after moving to Barcelona declined for two
seasons and he tried to resuscitate it in other clubs, but he did not have much
success until he moved to his friend Steven where he spent the rest of the
season in spectacular fashion. After impressing club bosses with his play, they
finally decided to buy his contract at Barça.
I read an article today about Shakhtar selling their players for almost nothing.
Due to the war in Ukraine, Shakhtar are forced to sell their key players. One of
them is Marcos Antonio, who the club signed just recently. Marcos signed a
contract with Lazio and left the Donetsk club for €8m, which is a very small
amount for such a player. If you ask me, the Donetsk club would have sold him in
a couple of years for 40 million, the team management have the selection skills.
Look at Teixeira, who was sold for £60m. The war will set back the development
of Ukrainian football by 20 years...
I read an article today about Milan's transfer targets. Milan have won the
Italian title for the first time in 11 years and want to retain the title next
season, but for that they need new players to strengthen problematic positions.
One of those problem areas is the team's right flank, which should be
strengthened by Roma's Nicolo Zagniolo. I think that's not the only problem area
at the club, there is also the attack, where Milan have very old players Giroud
and Ibrahimovic. Milan have yet to strengthen that position as well before going
for a second scudetto
· #294
Andriy Antipov IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 14:52)
Debt 09.05.22
Phrases of the day:
1.This is what I would like to expand upon.
2.Now, let's all bear in mind these are poetic abstracts from long-lost ancient
3.The question of individual responsibility and non-State actors should also be
examined in detail.
I read an article today about Mudryk's move from Shakhtar to German Bayer. Due
to the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, the football championship in the
country has not been finished, with Shakhtar making a full-scale sale. One of
the club's trainees Mykhailo Mudryk became a desirable target on the
international scene, with a number of European clubs being interested in him.
Brentford and Bayer have shown the greatest interest in the player. Mikhail
himself wants to continue his career in Liverkusen, but Cyganic insiders say the
club's management have not yet approved the transfer.
I read an article today about Andrei Lunin's possible transitions. Having moved
to the club from Madrid in the summer of 18, Andrei Lunin has made a lot of
noise in the football world. But due to his age, the young goalkeeper was never
trusted with the goal, giving priority to the eminent keeper Thibaut Courtois.
After scouting on loan to other clubs, Andriy still decided to leave Madrid.
Despite his lack of playing practice, he is still a target for many clubs. One
such club is Elche. I hope Andriy finds his place in European football, and I
wish him good
· #293
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 30.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 14:44)
1) examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
I read one sad and unfortunately relevant article for our time "Trauma from
Ukraine War likely to have a long-lasting impact, especially on children". War
is really scary. Everyone's life has changed beyond recognition. The
consequences of the war will hurt for a long, long time to come. Even now,
simple thunder inspires fear. It is terrible to imagine what kind of children
who caught this time. After all, their psyche is much weaker and more
susceptible to influence. It is important to raise and publicize this topic. It
is important to support each other, to explain to children. Don't forget your
morale. Together we'll make it.
· #292
Andriy Antipov IZ-211 Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 14:44)
Debt 2.05.22
Phrases of the day:
1. It's now classified as top secret.
2. I think that's beyond the scope of redirect.
3. The report concludes by outlining briefly major issues in the financing of
the sectoral clusters under review.
I read an article today about a possible transfer of a Ukrainian footballer from
Manchester City to Arsenal in London. Alexander's contract with the Citizens is
coming to an end and he has become a desirable target for many clubs.
Personally, I was surprised that the young defender is being called to the club
by the Reds' head coach Mikel Arteta. For me it is one of the best options for
the continuation of his football career in England, the team is gaining momentum
and I am sure they can compete in the race for the championship next year
Today I read an article about Artem Dovbik of the Ukraine national football team
being in the interests of English Premier League newcomer Nottingham Forest were
interested in the player after watching matches of the national teams, in which
the footballer was noted for his scoring activity and brought important
victories to Ukraine. Also clubs from the Italian Serie A, such as Torino and
Udinese are eyeing Artem. I would advise the young talent to move to Torino, as
Ivan Juric works there, who knows how to reveal young players and has already
assembled a rather interesting squad of young players
I read an article today about Xavi's transfer demands. The newly minted
Barcelona coach picked up the club in a deplorable situation, the departure from
the Champions League, the bottom of the table, the departure of club legend
Messi. but in a short time Javi was able to mold the team from the available
performers, cleaned the squad, at the end of the season the Catalans found
themselves in second place, which earned the trust of the management. Hopefully
the president of La Masia will be in agreement with the coach and next season we
will see one of the strongest clubs in Europe
i read an article today about how lewandowski is hammering out a transfer to
barcelona from bavaria. Lewandowski is the pinnacle of world football with
Bayern, the Pole's contract is up in a year but he already wants out of the club
and is trying to leave a team that is not ready to let him go. For me Robert now
behaves like a child and shows great disrespect to the club by negotiating with
another team. But on the other hand he is also understandable as he has brought
a lot of results to the Munich club, scoring many goals in a season and bringing
championships year after year.
· #291
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 30.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 14:44)
1) backed up by
Interestingly, this possibility is backed up by evidence from other, more
distant supervoids.
2) be expressed
It can be expressed similarly to coating the surface of a pill in a capsule with
a thin film.
Nicely raised topic in the article "Supporting children after trauma".
Children themselves are very sensitive and perceive everything very sharply.
Unfortunately, every fourth child is subjected to domestic violence. This is the
problem that needs to be addressed immediately, because the consequences can be
very bad. There should be much more and more accessible mental health services
for children who have been subjected to domestic violence or aimed at restoring
the bond between mother and child. With a child, it is very important to work
through these traumas, help him solve these problems and support him.
· #290
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 30.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 14:43)
1) distinct from
A woodland, with more open space between trees, is ecologically distinct from a
Today I found one interesting article "Why it isn't always your fault when you
can't remember". Personally, I have always faced the problem of forgetting some
important or insignificant tasks. I think that everyone has experienced similar
problems, regardless of age. Sometimes you try your best to remember, but it
still eludes your mind. The main thing to remember is that this is normal.
Working memory is limited both in terms of how much and how long we can retain
information. Articles like this remind you that you are not the only one and
give tips that can help solve the problem.
· #289
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 30.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 14:42)
1) the main objective
If you use an objective lens with a higher numerical aperture, you can collect
more light. ...
2) numerous examples
The book includes numerous examples of gender differences seen in nature
Today I read one important article.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is a very relevant and
important topic that should become known. We often complain about how tired we
are during the COVID-19 period. But we forget about doctors who save the lives
of millions, billions of people. One can only imagine how tired they are of
this, because the number of cases is growing. It is difficult physically and
mentally. Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors began to experience
stress, and later depression. It is worth giving publicity to such articles
· #288
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:21)
Dear students, the lesson will start soon. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck
· #287
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.25,03,22 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 10:39)
phrases of the day
1The rest of the mass is outward, so at every point it will be pulling you
outward. Решта маси знаходиться зовні, тож в кожній точці вона буде виштовхувати
вас назовні.
2 These interests should be expressed in forms acceptable to the society.
І ці інтереси повинні бути виражені в прийнятних для суспільства формах.
3 Their arguments are backed up by references to 85 peer-reviewed journal
publications.Їх аргументи підкріплені посиланнями на 85 рецензованих журнальних
· #286
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 23.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:22)
1)when compared
And yet, it is still an early-stage industry when compared to wind and solar.
I read the article "Social media tied to higher risk of depression".
Social media has become an integral part of almost everyone. On the one hand, it
is an opportunity to learn new information, to communicate with people from
anywhere in the world, social networks provide many different opportunities. On
the other hand, misinformation is spreading, which has a negative impact. The
study found that for this reason, depression occurred among nearly 5,400 adults.
The risk has increased with the use of three popular social networks: Snapchat,
Facebook, and TikTok. Be careful using social media and check sources of
· #285
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 23.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:19)
1) focused primarily on
For decades, popular TV shows have focused primarily on the middle class.
2) first use of
First use of graphene to detect cancer cells.
Today I read the article "How to nurture creativity in your kids".
I think many people understand that talents are not an innate ability. Talent is
wasted time, energy and perseverance.
When parents from childhood accustom their children to creativity, a certain
talent, creativity - this is wonderful. It is important to engage with children,
help them, inspire and create.
Slightly nudging parents can help in the growth of the child and help develop
the imagination as much as they want.
Help your children, give them the opportunity to develop there.
Articles like this are very helpful and important for parents.
· #284
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 16.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:18)
1) More specifically
More specifically, the findings hint at the possible ways the receptor might
bind its endogenous agonists.
I read the article "COVID-19 lockdowns deepened struggle for work-family
It is known that COVID-19 has changed our way of thinking, the way of life in
general. We now live according to new rules and laws, which could not but affect
the mental state of people. The pandemic has become stressful for all of us. As
such, governments and universities must take these factors into account to
reduce the risk of depressive symptoms and mental health inequities during a
pandemic. The article reminds us that it is important to think not only about
your physical health, but also psychological.
· #283
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 16.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:17)
1) multiple levels.
Other methods have analyzed multiple antibiotics in only a single food type,
such as eggs or milk.
2) case studies
Case studies are quite diverse, explains Houtman
I read the article "Worn down by bad news? You're not alone ...". I can say that
such articles should become popular. The topic is relevant, since really bad,
hard news has a huge impact on mental health. I want to say that one point from
the article was rightly noted: "While we are battling dark headlines about
pandemic, political upheaval, racial injustice and climate change, we could all
use some good news." People are filled with this negativity, which can affect
physical health as well. Maintain your mental health, protect yourself from bad
news, and be filled with positivity.
· #282
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 16.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:15)
1) overall goal
The overall goal is to increase the safety at sea.
Today I read the article "Pandemic depression persists among older adults, study
In general, older people are twice as likely to develop depressive symptoms
during a pandemic as in a pre-pandemic. Especially lonely people fall into the
risk group. COVID-19 has had a significant impact on mental health.
Quarantine restrictions, isolation, and the press itself played a large role in
recreating stress. Such articles are important for everyone, because one cannot
but pay attention to it. The results suggest that the negative mental health
effects of the pandemic persist and may worsen over time. Take care of yourself
and your loved ones
· #281
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 16.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:14)
1) published in the
This method, presented in a paper published in Nature Physics, works by
exploiting the response of this system to collective spin excitations.
2) by means of
The victim asked the driver of the car to compensate him for moral damage by
means of monetary compensation.
Today I read the article "Phone companies must allow texting new '988' suicide
This is a serious and important topic.
A three-digit hotline can be a breakthrough to help people in a crisis. We all
have critical moments in life, when we are on the verge of our capabilities, in
such moments such a hotline can save lives. Not everyone is comfortable talking
on the phone, some simply do not have the opportunity (for example, people with
disabilities). Such a hotline is simply salvation! Sending text messages to 988
is a huge step forward! It could save more than one life
· #280
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 9.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:13)
1) speculate that
We speculate that the latter observation is the effect of cellular data traffic
being especially expensive in London.
I read the article "Seasonal depression: Why it happens and how to manage the
About one in three people constantly struggle during the fall and winter months
with a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The
article indicated the symptoms that people experience in such cases. Be sure to
pay your attention to this point! The article itself is very useful for everyone
from us, because almost everyone has experienced the complete. In this article,
we will learn how to get through this. Remember it is important to consult with
your doctor about symptoms and feelings.
· #279
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 9.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:10)
1) as seen in
A free-floating image created by firing lasers into thin air was unveiled in
Japan on Monday, offering the possibility one day of projecting messages into a
cloudless sky, as seen in Batman.
2) key findings
The study offers several key findings.
Today I read the article "Cardiovascular disease risk boosted by stress".
Stress is the body's response to various adverse factors. This is a state of
psychological and physical stress, which can greatly affect overall health. It
is very important to maintain mental health for physical health. It is correctly
said that "Stress" was defined as a feeling of nervousness, irritability or
anxiety due to factors at work or at home, financial difficulties or experienced
difficult events and difficult periods in life. No one is immune from stress, so
also from cardiovascular diseases Take care of your mental health and take
everything to heart less.
· #278
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 2.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:09)
1) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
Today I read a very important article "Talking to your kids about the war in
The world has changed not only for conscious adults, but also for children. The
reason for this was the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It is worth paying
attention to the important words in the article "Even if the children look
normal, parents should talk to them to assess their thoughts and feelings." Now
many are under stress and it is very important to discuss this with children.
The article teaches us how to properly start a conversation about this, how to
· #277
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 2.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:09)
1) When investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
2) a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
Today I read one important article "Stress can cause heart attacks. Could
tackling workplace bullying save lives?". It is very rightly said that
psychological factors are an underestimated risk factor for heart attack.
Cardiovascular disease is more common in those who experience a lot of stress.
One reason for a possible heart attack could be bullying at work. The article
clearly explains what to do in such a situation, whom to contact and how to help
yourself. You should never tolerate a bad attitude towards yourself, because
first of all you need to think about yourself and your mental and physical
· #276
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 2.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:08)
1) determine whether
To determine whether something is correct.
Today I read the excellent article "How do you find emotional equilibrium during
a pandemic?"
The last two years have been difficult for all of us. The theme of the pandemic
touched all cities and all countries. People had to learn to live anew, to live
anew according to the new rules of seemingly eternal quarantine. Isolation,
reading new disturbing news and statistics had a bad effect on mental health.
Stress against this background has become everyday. This article teaches how to
find the positive and feel hope despite such difficulties. I recommend this
article for everyone to read.
· #275
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) 2.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 07:07)
1) classified as
It is the smallest unit of an organism that is classified as living, and is
often called the building block of life.
2) by outlining
The protocol outlining how to do that has now been published in Nature Protocols
by the UB scientists.
Today I read a very entertaining and useful article for everyone, "Music
interventions can be effective against stress, says researcher".
Almost everyone cannot imagine a day without music. Likewise, stress has become
an integral part of our society. Music relaxes, inspires, motivates each of us.
But if you also read this article, then you will understand that music still has
a healing effect.
Such important research provides compelling evidence that musical intervention
is effective for reducing stress. It also justifies the widespread use of
musical interventions in medicine and psychiatric practice.
Such articles can help everyone and should be disseminated.
· #274
Gvozd to Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 06:53)
I have got your debts, I don't see your sentences with phrases, but the rest is not bad.
· #273
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP -211 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 06:50)
Good morning!
The lesson has started. Read the instructions again and do your module Test.
· #272
Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:00)
Today l have read the article titled «I selfie, therefore I am': Instagram 10
years on».In this text, we are told about the changes in Instagram over 10
years, as well as the pros and cons of this app. For example, we are told about
a significant improvement in the service , from the usual photo processing 10
years ago, to an element without which now is difficult to imagine our life.
Instagram (based on information from the text) helped many companies, brands and
ordinary people to make life easier.
In my opinion, we need Instagram today, but as the psychologist correctly noted
in the text, teenagers do not need to strive for the ideal life that they see in
the Internet application.
Today I've read the article “US offers $10 mn bounty for DarkSide hackers”. This
article is about a US government that offers 10 million dollars for finding a
leader of the high-profile ransomware gang DarkSide. Washington blamed the
Russia-based group for the online assault that forced the shutdown of the
largest oil pipeline in the eastern United States in May. Cybercrimes have been
booming, with new data out in October showing $590 (five hundred nineteen)
million in ransomware-related payments were reported to US authorities in the
first half of 2021 alone. As for me, the fight against hackers is a very
difficult confrontation.
Today I have read the article «Researchers working to recover rare-earth
elements and secure critical materials for clean energy technologies» that tells
us about state-of-the-art methods to shed light on chemical separations needed
to recover rare-earth elements and secure critical materials for clean energy
technologies. Bastnäsite deposits are rich in rare-earth metals but must be
mined and separated from unwanted minerals through chemical processes that are
not well understood. Greater efficiency offers cost-savings as well as benefits
to the environment by decreasing mining and carbon impacts. I will wait for news
on this topic.
Today I have read the article "Machine-learning algorithm automatically
classifies sleep stages of lab mice".Researchers have created a new artificial
intelligence program for automatically classifying the sleep stages of mice that
combines two popular machine learning methods.The use of this system for
automatically annotating data can significantly assist sleep researchers when
analyzing the results of their experiments.They combined two machine-learning
techniques, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory
(LSTM) recurrent neural networks to achieve accuracies that surpass those of the
best existing automatic methods.Тhis program can already speed up the work of
researchers in the field of sleep, which may lead to a much clearer
understanding of how sleep operates.
· #271
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:38)
The tasks included in the message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:10) completely correspond to the standards of independent student works, were written and pronounced correct. Excellent.
· #270
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:34)
The message presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:57) contains the tasks which were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay can be estimated as excellent, it is full of interesting facts sopported by statistical data. Excellent.
· #269
Borysenko (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:58)
To Sebov,IG-211. I have checked both of your comments.There are 2mistakes in the very first sentence. Present Perfect should be used there and definite article before"article". Your voice messages are full of mispronounced words. I would advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice messages to avoid making mistakes. Best wishes
· #268
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:34)
За должность за 30.05.2022
I read an article about a new scam on dating sites, people looking for a love
relationship fall into a trap and become deceived in frequent cases for money,
they should be more careful and better understand people, since deception can be
everywhere and everywhere. Thanks to the technological development of artificial
intelligence and deepfake technology, they are much harder to detect. I believe
that sophisticated identity verification should be introduced to detect and
punish criminals. Often, criminals use manipulation and pity and put pressure on
the victim. Bottom line, be more vigilant and careful, check the person. Good
· #267
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:10)
Class work
Today I have read an article called ,,The future of nuclear waste: What's the
plan and can it be safe?"This article talks that the U.K. is planning to expand
its nuclear capability, in an effort to decrease its reliance on carbon-based
fossil fuels. The government is aiming to construct up to eight new reactors
over the next couple of decades, with a view to increasing power capacity from
approximately 8 gigawatts (GW) today to 24GW by 2050. To be honest, I understand
the situation with the energy shortage, but I don't think it's shameful to
increase the amount of nuclear materials so much. Because new reactors will lead
to more radioactive waste. In general, most of our waste is stored in storage
facilities at or near ground level. This is terrible, although scientists agree
that permanent underground burial is the only long-term strategy that satisfies
the requirements of safety and environmental protection.
Home work
Today I have read an article called ,,Neuroscientist explains differences
between AI and human learning."This article talks that,recently developed
artificial intelligence (AI) models are capable of many impressive feats,
including recognizing images and producing human-like language. But just because
AI can perform human-like behaviors doesn't mean it can think or understand like
humans.So ater reading this article I understood one thing.In short, what is the
difference between us and robots, we need to use smaller amounts of data more
efficiently for learning. And that is why neural networks can learn in a way
that we cannot, the neural networks of an AI system are able to remember much
more than a person.And I think that this is precisely what robots are dangerous
for. Of course, they are still deprived of so many human functions and
instincts, but I’m sure this won’t be for long.
Phrases of the day
1.alternative way
PAM is a suite of shared libraries that provide an alternative way providing
user authentication in programs.
PAM — це набір спільних бібліотек, які надають альтернативний
спосіб забезпечення автентифікації користувачів у програмах.
2.Another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation.
Існує інший спосіб проаналізувати цю ситуацію.
3.Able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all.
Я думаю, що ми зможемо усунути цю загрозу для них раз і назавжди.
· #266
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:50)
Задолжность за 30.05.2022
I read an article about turning waste paper into scraps of fabric, in the past,
fabric waste clogged drains and spoiled the environment, but thanks to
recycling, this problem began to disappear, the team employs 30 people,
including people with disabilities, thanks to recycling, the environment is less
clogged, this one the project can help save the environment, so a large number
of carpets and textile interiors appear in a day, people from every corner of
the world want to buy this product, I think that such garbage recycling should
exist in the world, it helps to save people's lives
Фразы дня:
1. Another way to make crypto-adjacent investments is to invest in ETFs focused
on blockchain, which is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and
Ethereum. Blockchain ETFs hold stocks of companies that are using blockchain
technology as part of their current and future business plans.
2.They were able to shrink some gaps, but couldn't eradicate them. "What this
means in the real-world is that people might incorrectly trust predictions more
for some subgroups than for others.
· #265
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:57)
Today I have read the article:«Release of two new datasets related to climate in
Central Asia»
As I have read, as one of the climate change hot spots, central Asia witnessed a
significant warming in the past and is very likely to experience more heatwaves
and drought events in the future.
By the way, due to lack of high-resolution climate projection datasets, it's
difficult to study the potential impacts of future climate changes on many
sectors in central Asia, in particular, ecological and hydrological systems. To
tackle this problem, a research group led by Prof. Feng Jinming from the
Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
produced a 9KM resolution climate projection dataset in central Asia based on
dynamically downscaling results of multiple bias-corrected global climate
So, in the study, the HCPD-CA dataset was evaluated at various time scales. The
results showed that the dataset had high accuracy in describing the historical
climatology in central Asia.In addition, the researchers assessed the projected
in the ten meteorology elements. They found that surface air temperature,
downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation were expected to significantly
increase, with minor changes in other elements.
Phrases of the day
1) able to eliminate
The ability to use commonly available materials is critical to eliminate
resource bottlenecks when producing high volumes and to achieve a minimal
environmental footprint both in the manufacturing process and at the end of
Можливість використовувати загальнодоступні матеріали є критичною для усунення
ресурсних вузьких місць при виробництві великих обсягів і для досягнення
мінімального впливу на навколишнє середовище як у процесі виробництва, так і
наприкінці терміну служби
2) another way of
Now Apple in putting the next generation of its Mac chip in it two most popular
laptops, the MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, which the company said will be
available in stores at some point next month
Тепер Apple впроваджує наступне покоління свого чіпа Mac у два найпопулярніші
ноутбуки, MacBook Air і MacBook Pro, які, за словами компанії, будуть доступні в
магазинах в якийсь момент наступного місяця
3) alternative way
Another developed a system to attract and trap invasive snails to replace the
laborious, previously-used alternative of removing them by hand
Інший розробив систему для залучення та захоплення інвазивних равликів, щоб
замінити трудомісткий, раніше використовуваний варіант видалення їх вручну
Should people have to pay for health care
According to the STC report, all but 43 countries in the world offer free or
universal healthcare. However, the standards among these countries can vary
widely. The list includes everyone from Norway, one of the healthiest countries
in the world and the first country in the world to introduce free healthcare in
1912, to Yemen where raging conflict has made healthcare from international
relief agencies nearly impossible to access. Population is one of the largest
factors in healthcare systems. As it is more difficult for larger countries to
provide state-run medical care than it is for a small island, for example.
So,the conditions which influence healthcare provision include access to
qualified staff, educational resources, the financial state of the country,
political stability and climate conditions.
Finally, funding has a huge impact on healthcare. The economic wealth of a
country and the leader of the country can determine how much, if any, money is
spent on healthcare. The United States estimated a 2020 healthcare spend of US
$4 trillion, which is around £2.8 trillion for a population of 328 million,
just under 5 times the population of the UK.Even wealthy countries can have
limited access to healthcare. A combination of all these factors influence the
healthcare system of a country, with the way budgets are spent being a primary
In my opinion people should not be going bankrupt because they have the bad luck
to become sick. Healthcare is a fundamental human right. This should not be
taken away from anyone because they are struggling financially. When everyone
has access to healthcare we are improving humanity and ending the suffering of
many lives.
· #264
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:46)
The tasks presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:33) completely corresponds to the requirements for student's works, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay perfectly develops the topic, includes a lot of facts and statistical data. Excellent.
· #263
Borysenko (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:46)
To Gaydarzhi,IG-212. Your comments are well done. Best wishes
· #262
Shapa L.N. to Berzlapin Victor IM-211Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:41)
The review (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:30) again presents only a brief content of the article without all the accompanying necessary tasks.
· #261
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:37)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:25) presents all the tasks necessary for an excellent student's work, all of them were written and pronounced withot mistakes.
· #260
Shapa L.N. to Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:34)
The reviews (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:22), (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:23), (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:25) and (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:26) contain only the abstracts of the articles you have read which were certainly written and pronounced correct, but the reviews envisage the other tasks as well.
· #259
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:33)
The debt for 10.05.2022
Today I have read the article " What the metaverse is and how it will work ".
Firstly, the article talks about what the metaverse is and how it will work.
According to Zuckerberg, it's a "virtual habitat" that you can go into instead
of just staring at on a screen. It's essentially a universe of infinite,
interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work, and play
utilizing virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps,
and other technologies.
In conclusion, I want to say that this article explains to us in more detail the
essence of the concept of the metaverse.
Phrases of the day:
1) bear in mind;
Our study shows that scene layout is a factor to bear in mind.
Наше дослідження показує, що макет сцени є фактором, який слід мати на увазі.
2) expanded upon ;
In the present work, the team expanded upon that previous framework to produce a
more global picture by mapping the patterns of interactions onto a landscape.
У цій роботі команда розширила попередню структуру, щоб створити більш глобальну
картину, відобразивши моделі взаємодій на ландшафт.
3) examined in detail;
Vendors of all kinds routinely make claims that on their face sound credible but
take a different turn when examined in detail.
Продавці всіх видів зазвичай заявляють, що на їхню думку, вони звучать
достовірно, але при детальному розгляді вони змінюють свою позицію.
Class work
Essay on "Important medical advances. 3D printing in medicine "
3D printing technology is relatively new. It appeared in the 80s of the last
century. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive
processes. In an additive process, an object is created by laying down
successive layers of material until the object is created. Today I would like to
tell you more about the use of this technology in medicine and why scientists
predict great success for it in the future.
To begin with, it is a well-known fact that medical equipment is expensive.
Total spending on medical devices in the U.S. reached about $200 billion in
2018. Thus, 3D printing splints, medical models used before surgeries or other
necessary means for healing could save vast amounts of money. Because, this
technology enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than
traditional manufacturing methods.
Another amazing fact: 3D printing in medicine can be used to print organ models.
Moreover, globally, over 30 million people need mobility devices such as
prosthetics, while 80 percent of the world’s amputees do not have access to
modern prosthetics. Personalised medical implants could also be 3D printed. This
is especially important in complex and rare cases. For example, let's look at an
incident that happened in 2014. Then Dutch surgeons replaced the entire top of a
22-year–old woman’s skull with a customised printed implant made from plastic. I
believe that this is a real breakthrough in medicine.
In conclusion, I want to say that 3D printing in medicine and healthcare could
revolutionise drug creation and the production of medical equipment. It could
also offer new methods for practising medicine, optimising supply chains, and
proposing cheaper and more personalized medical services.
· #258
Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:30)
Today I have read the article called "Get excited by neural networks".
Researchers at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
(UTokyo-IIS), used artificial intelligence to rapidly infer the excited state of
electrons in materials. This work can help material scientists study the
structures and properties of unknown samples and assist with the design of new
materials. Having the ability to predict excited states from ground states would
go a long way to helping researchers understand the structures and properties of
material samples, and even design new ones. To perform the training, the
scientists used data from core-electron absorption spectroscopy. One of the main
benefits of using neural networks, as opposed to conventional computational
methods, is the ability to apply the results from training set to completely new
situations. I think this will be a very useful invention and will greatly
facilitate the task of other scientists.
Summary :The researchers used artificial intelligence to quickly determine the
excited state of electrons in materials.
· #257
Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:26)
Today I have read the article called "How the American public views the
relationship between climate change and security". This article based on
findings of the "Public Perceptions of Climate Change and Security report". They
suggest that the public – even those who believe that climate change is
happening and that human actions are causing or contributing to it – remains
largely unfamiliar with the idea of a connection between climate change and
security. About 38 percent of all respondents, and 42 percent of those who think
human-caused climate change is occurring, expressed familiarity with the general
idea that climate change may multiply global threats such as political violence
or mass migrations, or act as a catalyst for conflict. Even fewer, only about 14
percent of all respondents, had ever heard or read that a severe drought in
Syria, likely caused or worsened by climate change, was one of many factors that
helped spark the initial conflict that continues there today.But respondents
indicated openness to changes in behavior if they came to believe that climate
change and security were causally interrelated.
Summary: climate changes and national security are very interconnected. It can
cause a lot of conflict, so people need to pay attention to climate change and
realise that it is really serious
· #256
Shapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:26)
The review presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:17) includes all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student's work, was written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #255
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:25)
Today I read an article about "Informatization of modern society" I can say my
opinion about this article, it is very briefly and in detail told about
informatization in society - this is of course a plus because in a short period
of time you can learn a lot of useful things on this topic. What did I take away
from there? Informatization of society is one of the patterns of modern social
progress. This term is more and more insistently replacing the term
"computerization of society", which was widely used until recently. Despite the
outward similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.
Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication
technologies is a society's response to the need for a significant increase in
labor productivity in the information sector of social production.
Class work
Today I've read the article (Electronic media). It tells us about the
possibilities of electronic media and when they appeared. Digital
telecommunications allow computer communications, telegraphy and computer
networks also belong to them. The first two-way radio transmission led to
general communication through analogue and digital communications. The
difference between analogue and digital photography is that digital photography
is easier to edit. Also, digital telecommunications allow for computer
communications and telegraphy. The importance of electronic media, as they are
called in various fields, has changed over time. The term "media" has acquired a
broader meaning nowadays than in the past.
Phrases of the day: to eliminate
As highlighted by one of the heads of the study, Professor Álvaro Caballero, the
researchers were able to eliminate the impurities of used graphite.
(Як підкреслив один з керівників дослідження, професор Альваро Кабальєро,
дослідникам вдалося усунути домішки використаного графіту)
2.another way of
Another way to make crypto-adjacent investments is to invest in ETFs focused on
(Інший спосіб зробити суміжні інвестиції в криптовалюту — це інвестувати в ETF,
зосереджені на блокчейні)
3.alternative way
Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative way to cool everything from food
to computers
(Електрокалорійний холодильник пропонує альтернативний способ охолодження
всього, від їжі до комп’ютерів)
· #254
Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:25)
Today I have read the article called "Transformer rooms and robo-furniture are
set to remake our homes—and lives". This article is about a robotic furniture
system for small apartments, which reconfigures itself for different functions.
In high-density cities, the static apartment layouts with one function per room
will become a luxury that cannot be maintained. The traditional notion of a
dedicated living room, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen will no longer be
economically or environmentally sustainable. The need to use building space more
efficiently means adaptive and responsive domestic micro-environments will
replace the old concept of static rooms within a private apartment.So scientists
design for a robotic furniture system for small apartments, which reconfigures
itself for different functions.
Summary: These changes will reframe our idea of what home means, what we do in
it, and how the home itself can support and help inhabitants with domestic
Today I have read the article called "Transformer rooms and robo-furniture are
set to remake our homes—and lives". This article is about a robotic furniture
system for small apartments, which reconfigures itself for different functions.
In high-density cities, the static apartment layouts with one function per room
will become a luxury that cannot be maintained. The traditional notion of a
dedicated living room, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen will no longer be
economically or environmentally sustainable. The need to use building space more
efficiently means adaptive and responsive domestic micro-environments will
replace the old concept of static rooms within a private apartment.So scientists
design for a robotic furniture system for small apartments, which reconfigures
itself for different functions.
Summary: These changes will reframe our idea of what home means, what we do in
it, and how the home itself can support and help inhabitants with domestic
· #253
Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:23)
Today I have read the article called "How mathematics reveals the nature of the
Going into a conversation about the universe as a whole, you would imagine a
story full of wondrous events such as stellar collapse, galactic collisions,
strange occurrences with particles, and even cataclysmic eruptions of energy.But
there is an additional side to this amazing assortment of events that oftentimes
is overlooked; that is until you truly attempt to understand what is going on.
Behind all of those fantastic realizations, there is a mechanism at work that
allows for us to discover all that you enjoy learning about. That mechanism is
mathematics, and without it the universe would still be shrouded in darkness.
This article reveals the relationship between space and mathematics.
Summary: Mathematics is more than just a set of vague equations and complex
rules that you are required to memorize. Mathematics is the language of the
universe, and in learning this language, you are opening yourself up the core
mechanisms by which the cosmos operates.
· #252
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:23)
The abstract (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:12) was written and pronounced without mistakes but does not contain such an obligatory part of the work as the task Phrases of the Day.
· #251
Berzlapin Victor IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:22)
Today I have read the article called "Planting trees in Europe could lead to
more rainfall". This article is about a combined team of researchers that has
found via statistical analysis and modeling that rainfall in Europe could be
increased by planting more trees.The researchers found that forested areas
received more rainfall than agricultural areas. They also found that converting
agricultural land to forested land would increase rainfall both locally and
downstream. Expanding on this idea suggested that if agricultural land across
Europe was converted to forest, the whole of Europe would see an increase in
rainfall, even as the planet continues to grow warmer.
The researchers were not able to explain why forested areas get more rainfall,
but suggest it might be due to the drag trees exert on moving air, slowing it
down and giving more time for rain to develop.
Summary: researchers found way to avoid problems with global warming.
· #250
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:17)
\Today I have read the article "It's crystal clear: Crushed glass could save our
sand". This article is about a new way to safe our enviroment. Some engineers
started using recucled glass instead of sand in making shotconcrete. They say
that it is cheaper and will save our nature because the sand began to run out
rather quickly. According to them this is extremely necessary because our
grandchildren may not see the sandy beaches. There have been many tests done
with this mixture and it has shown itself to be quite good. Soon they plan to do
large-scale projects with this concrete.
I found this article very interesting, because this information can change even
my town, so I like it.
1. able to eliminate
As highlighted by one of the heads of the study, Professor Álvaro Caballero, the
researchers were able to eliminate the impurities of used graphite.
Як підкреслив один з керівників дослідження, професор Альваро Кабальєро,
дослідникам вдалося усунути домішки використаного графіту.
2. another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation.
Є й інший спосіб аналізу цієї ситуації.
3. alternative way
LPAs offer an alternative way to accelerate and boost the energies of the
LPA пропонують альтернативний спосіб прискорення та збільшення енергії частинок.
· #249
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.21,03,22 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:14)
phrases of the day
1 So I hope you have another way of making a living.
Тож я сподіваюся, що у вас є інший спосіб заробляти на життя.
2 Now there is an alternative way to select captcha with automatic recognition.
Тепер є альтернативний спосіб вибору капчі з автоматичним розпізнаванням.
3 I think we may be able to eliminate that threat For them once and for all.
Я думаю, що ми зможемо усунути цю загрозу для них раз і назавжди.
· #248
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:12)
Today l have read the article titled «I selfie, therefore I am': Instagram 10
years on». In this text, we are told about the changes in Instagram over 10
years, as well as the pros and cons of this app. For example, we are told about
a significant improvement in the service , from the usual photo processing 10
years ago, to an element without which now is difficult to imagine our life.
Instagram (based on information from the text) helped many companies, brands and
ordinary people to make life easier.
In my opinion, we need Instagram today, but as the psychologist correctly noted
in the text, teenagers do not need to strive for the ideal life that they see in
the Internet application.
1.another way of
We need to find another way of thinking, one based on principles and values that
can sustain a new test of civilization. - Нам потрібно знайти інший спосіб
мислення, заснований на принципах і цінностях, які можуть витримати нове
випробування цивілізації.
2.alternative way
They found an alternative way to control the mass density of the fluid by simply
engineering the thickness of the fluid channel. - Вони знайшли альтернативний
спосіб контролю масової щільності рідини шляхом простого визначення товщини
каналу рідини. to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all. - Я
думаю, що ми зможемо усунути цю загрозу для них раз і назавжди.
· #247
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:12)
Today I have read the article"Snorkeling over a coral reef" Snorkeling or
diving over a coral reef, with its exceptionally vibrant colors and the spread
of life in completely unfamiliar forms, is almost as close to most people as
visiting an alien world. The emergence of coral reefs in the world occurred 54
million years ago in a long-lost sea called Tethys, in what is now Southern
Europe. At that time, the world was recovering from a devastating climate
warming. Charles Sheppard's book Coral Reefs: A Natural History not only
explains what corals are and how they live, but also reveals the magnificence of
reefs at all scales through exquisite photographs.
· #246
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:08)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:02) contains only the abstracts of the articles you have read, they were written and pronounced correct, but there should also be the tasks Phrases of the Day, which are obligatory elements of any review.
· #245
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022)
Today I've read the article about camping is a very popular form of living
outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature
or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your
own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.
Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they
visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active
sports like mountain biking or just simply relax.
Today I've read an article about Ancient Egypt, one of history's first
civilizations arose around the Nile River about 5,000 years ago. It lasted for
over 2,000 years. The Nile River was the centre of Ancient Egypt. The annual
floods brought rich black soil to the banks of the Nile River and made it
possible for farmers to grow crops. The river was also Egypt's main
transportation route. The ancient Egyptians discovered many things. They
invented the first kind of paper from the papyrus plant and were the first
people to write in pictures, called hieroglyphs. But they became most famous for
building stone structures, called pyramids, in which they buried their pharaohs.
· #244
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:04)
Today I've read the article about how sport is probably as old as humanity
itself. It has evolved along with the development and growth of mankind. All
over the world, people of all ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport not
only helps people become stronger and develop physically, but also makes them
more organized and disciplined in their daily activities. Sports help people
stay healthy. Sport is very important in our life. It is popular with young
people and the elderly. Many people do morning exercises, run in the mornings,
train in fitness clubs and gyms, take part in sports competitions.
another way of
another way of analysing
able to eliminate
able to eliminate that threat
alternative way
alternative way providing user authentication
Today I've read the article about Lesya Ukrainka. Her real name is Larisa
Kosach, she was born in Novograd-Volynsky on February 15, 1871. Lesya's father
was a lawyer, and her mother was a Ukrainian writer. Wrote under the pseudonym
Elena Pchilka. Lesya was the second child of the Ukrainian writer and publisher
Olga Dragomanova-Kosach (better known by her pseudonym Elena Pchilka). Mikhailo
Petrovich Dragomanov, a famous Ukrainian scientist, historian, philosopher,
folklorist, was the brother of Drahomanov-Kosach. Ukrainka's mother played a
significant role in her upbringing. Ukrainian was the only language used in the
· #243
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:04)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:52) contains the abstracts which cannot be verified because of the absence of Links of the articles you have choosed, please do not forget to mention them in your works.
· #242
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:02)
Today I've read the article "A strategy to discern between real and virtual
video conferencing backgrounds". This article about the scientists have
developed a model to, well, distinguish the real background of conferees' videos
from fake ones. Researchers at Sabanci University in Turkey, Florida
International University in the United States, and University of Padua in Italy
have recently developed a tool that could be used to distinguish between real
and virtual backgrounds in video-conferencing platforms. Their method,
introduced in a paper pre-published on arXiv, was found to successfully discern
between real and "artificial backgrounds" in two distinct and common attack
scenarios. In conclusion, I want to say potentially that's kind of important
thing for companies and courts, and it already has quite a massive accuracy of
99%. It looks for small changes in color, which is natural for real backgrounds,
and takes the verdict from there.
Today I've read the article "Are people more willing to empathize with animals
or with other humans?" It tells us about a new Penn State study led by Daryl
Cameron, associate professor of psychology and senior research associate at Rock
Ethics Institute. The researchers found that when people were asked to choose
between empathizing with a human stranger or an animal—in this study, a koala
bear—the participants were more likely to choose empathizing with a fellow
human. I think, if it's true that people empathize less with animals if animal
interests are pitted against human interests, that could affect how people feel
about environmental policies.
· #241
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:01)
Today I have read the article “Why do you usually eat the same thing for
breakfast?”. It tells us that everything happens because our bodies follow
circadian rhythms. Nearly all forms of life adhere to these 24-hour cycles,
which govern changes that are physical, mental and behavioral. As a result,
people tend to be at their most alert at the start of the day, and would
therefore be satisfied with a meal choice that they don't have to think about
too much. But later in the day, when their energy is flagging, they might crave
a more stimulating meal for lunch or dinner.
To my mind, this study is really interesting, because even simple things like
breakfast or lunch may have a pattern depending of what exactly you eat.
Phrases of the day:
1.with respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits
this picture
(Огляд глобального сценарію стосовно небезпечних побутових відходів відповідає
цій картині)
2.within sight
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax
rate of 15 percent
(Угода "в межах видимості" Байден закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки
корпоративного податку в розмірі 15 відсотків)
3.well enough
As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well
(Як суспільство, ми повинні говорити про те, скільки
одягу достатньо для добре жити)
Today I have read the article called “Pioneering study reveals teaching
techniques that boost exam performance”. In this article, you can learn about
the influence of a teacher on student achievement. It also tells that from the
manner of presenting information, students reach new levels and receive a lot of
useful information. The teacher must motivate his students to reach new heights
in knowledge. This article was interesting for me because one day it was the
motivation and the ability to present useful information by the teacher that
interested me in learning new things.
· #240
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:00)
Medical breakthroughs
HIV infection is one of the most serious modern diseases. Over the past 20
years, about 36 million people have died from it.
Today, the life expectancy and quality of life of HIV-infected patients is
almost the same as that of the average healthy person. In other words, a person
who takes well-chosen modern drugs for him can live a full life and give birth
to healthy children. The disease, which until recently was acute, progressive
and fatal, has become the same controlled chronic disease as, for example,
diabetes mellitus.
At the moment, there are about ten different groups of drugs for the treatment
of AIDS. The patient is selected a so-called “cocktail”, consisting of several
drugs from different groups, or they are given one tablet containing a “set” of
the necessary drugs. Thus, the disease is transferred to the status of a chronic
controlled disease with minimal side effects.
Another success in this area is the prevention of AIDS infection in people who
are at risk (in medical reference books, this is how LGBT people, people who are
sexually promiscuous, and those who, for some reason, refuse protection with
condoms). For them, there are drugs - truvada, or its Israeli generic emtrivir -
which, when taken daily, give a guarantee not to get AIDS from 93 to 97%.
”Soon medical advances will allow people to live to a very old age?”
The problem of longevity excites not only each individual person. It is of great
importance for the whole society as a whole. Sometimes it seems that the whole
world is now being built around young people. However, the front of the struggle
for longevity has already been outlined. One of the youngest sciences in
medicine, gerontology, has been formed and is gaining momentum. But you can live
a long time without the intervention of scientists. This was proved to us by
Japan with the longest life expectancy, as much as 84.3 years. In the modern
world, older people are increasingly leading an active lifestyle and feel great.
All this is happening due to the improvement of people's living standards and
the improvement of medical care. I believe that it is very important to pay
attention to the problem of longevity, because the older generation has good
experience, wisdom, strength and should be able to pass this on to the younger
generation. It is also important for every person to take care of themselves in
order to live longer.
· #239
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:59)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:34) contains the tasks which in some way cannot be considered excellent, because firstly the article is not about smth, but should be titled in accordance with the name in the sources, so you should write "I've read the article (the title)", secondly, your own opinion in the end od the abstract is repeated from one to another, please invent something another.
· #238
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:53)
To Evdokimov Maks Id-211
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211
Good for you! Well done.
· #237
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:52)
Today I have read the article on the topic "Trolling Is Taking a Toll on
Science Journalism" and I want to give my comment. Recently, journalists in the
US and other countries have been subjected to online harassment. Journalists are
often subjected to a kind of censorship by the people. Some reporters may be
able to deal with the consequences of online harassment themselves, although
there are resources to help journalists with security issues, but they are not
In conclusion, I want to say that it is time to solve the problem of online
persecution of journalists, because this can adversely affect their psyche
Phrases of the day
1. As distinct from
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's
good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
(Назва, термін, дизайн, символ або будь-яка інша ознака, яка ідентифікує товар
або послугу одного продавця на відміну від товарів або послуг інших продавців)
2. As a matter of
The 'changes in everyday life situations' category includes cases where changing
levels of energy use is a matter of changing material components.
(Категорія «зміни повсякденних життєвих ситуацій» включає випадки, коли зміна
рівня використання енергії є питанням зміни матеріальних компонентів)
3. Acquainted with
This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount
of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm
(Це допомогло гарантувати, що клієнти були порівнянними з точки зору кількості
часу, який вони мали на ознайомлення з фірмою, що продає)
Today I have read the article "Facebook News Blocking in Australia Shows How
Tech Giants Are Taking Over the Internet." The author is Jennifer Grygiel. The
article writes that users can get most of their information on Facebook, which
hurts the revenues of news organizations. Facebook posts valuable information,
but if people don't click on the links, or if they don't have anything to click
on, it will be hard for those who actually created the content to make money
from their work. Bottom line: you should always leave the original source,
author and publisher.
· #236
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:51)
The essay presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:28) completely develops the topic, was written and pronounced wihout mistakes, contains a lot of facts whhich are supported by statistical data/ and is a proper form of document of such kind. Excellent.
· #235
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:46)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:24) includes all the tasks envisaged for such kind of independent student's works, which were done excellently.
· #234
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:42)
The tasks presented in the message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:19) contains all the elements necessary, were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #233
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:37)
The message presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:17) includes all the tasks envisaged for student's works od such kind, which were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay fully develops the topic. Excellent.
· #232
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:34)
I have read the article about method for measuring the state of lithium-ion
Rechargeable batteries are at the heart of many different aspects of new
technologies involving, for example, the increased use of renewable energies.
They are used to power electric cars, phones, laptops, so scientists have
invented a new method that prolongs their operation, recharges them, and also
prevents devices from exploding, showing attempts to solve them. In general,
they use atomic magnetometers, which measure the magnetic field around the
object. When measured, the method shows the condition of the battery, problems
and defects, which helps to fix the problem in time and prolong the life of the
Honestly, I am thrilled that our scientists are developing and creating
Phrases of the Day
1) Attempts to solve
One final attempt to solve water shortage problems was undertaken in 1685.
У 1685 році була зроблена фінальна спроба вирішити проблему нестачі води.
2) different aspects of
IA analysts monitor three different aspects of threat reporting.
Відділ інформаційного аналізу здійснює контроль за трьома різними аспектами
повідомлень про погрози.
3) focused on
Raymond Baker focused on international tax cooperation.
Реймонд Бейкер зосередив увагу в своєму виступі на міжнародному співробітництві
з питань оподаткування.
I have read the article about the building project.
The point of the project is that, building scientists have been able to develop
a product that helps building projects heat themselves. The basis of the product
is concrete plates with embedded liquid heating pipes; and the heat source is
fossil fuel free energy, which makes it a green concept. This means that the
heat is also supplied during construction, which proves to be a positive side
effect. They replace other temporary heating systems and can function for the
life of the building.
So it can be summed up that this is a good start to greening the planet.
Phrases of the Day
1) above the average
Women and men with an income level above the average, taking time for personal
Жінки і чоловіки з рівнем доходу вище середнього, що приділяють час догляду за
2) invention relates
The invention relates to the manufacture of protective perimeters of objects
from unauthorized entry into their territory of individuals, machinery and
Винахід відноситься до виготовлення захисних периметрів об'єктів від
несанкціонованого проникнення на їх територію фізичних осіб, техніки і тварин.
3) information management
There is a different interpretation of the notion of "information management" in
different countries.
Існує різне трактування поняття "інформаційний менеджмент" в різних країнах.
· #231
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:32)
The tasks presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:09) have been done completely correct. Excellent.
· #230
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:28)
Which illnesses are the biggest killers in your country? In the world? Do you
know what scientists are doing to try to prevent these illnesses?
Heart diseases are among the most common category of lethal pathologies in
Ukraine. In 2019, more than 30% of all people die as a result of cardiovascular
disease, 85% of them are in heart disease: myocardial infarction and ischemic
heart disease. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases or at high risk of
such diseases need early detection and assistance by counselling and, if
necessary, taking medicines. The Global Plan of Action on NCDs aims to provide
at least 50% of people with relevant indications with medicinal therapy and
counselling for the prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke infarction.
The Global Plan of Action on NCDs aims to reduce the incidence of high blood
pressure worldwide by 25%.
To prevent GSS in persons with already existing diseases, including diabetes, it
is necessary to treat using the following medicines: aspirin; beta blockers;
statins. In addition, the treatment of the GCC sometimes requires expensive
surgery. These include: aortocorronic bypass; cylinder plastic and valve
replacement; heart transplant; surgery using artificial heart. Medical devices
are required to treat some GHS. These devices include cardiostimulators,
artificial valves and patches to close holes in the heart.
To achieve this goal, the main components of the health system, including
funding for health care services, will be required to ensure access to basic
health technologies and essential drugs for the treatment of NCDs. In order for
people to choose and maintain healthy behavior, policies to create an
environment conducive to ensuring healthy choices, affordability and
affordability are necessary.
· #229
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:28)
The tasks presented (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:04) were written and pronounced perfectly, the essay completely corresponds to the topic mentioned - 100. Excellent.
· #228
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:24)
Today I've read the article called " Benin project turns waste fabric into
recycled 'gold'"
As epic as the title of the article sounds, it is not the fabrics themselves
that bring the gold, but their recycling. They make all sorts of items, from
mats to earrings, which are sold for between seven and forty euros apiece. About
30 people take part in this project, including 10 people with disabilities.
In conclusion, the idea is so environmentally friendly and at the same time
profitable for the owner
Phrases of the Day :
1)ability to achieve
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
Це правда, що історія буде судити нас за нашою здатністю досягти національного
2)a breakthrough in
We urge all parties concerned to return to talks and negotiate a breakthrough in
the peace process.
Ми закликаємо всі зацікавлені сторони повернутися до переговорів і домовитися
про прорив у мирному процесі.
3)able to target
We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities.
Ми хотіли мати можливість націлюватися на певні географічні спільноти.
I have read the article called " How our brains influence language change"
The languages of the past are quite different from modern languages. This
applies not only to their vocabulary and grammar, but also to their speech
sounds. Teresa Matzinger and Nikolaus Ritti investigated which factors are
responsible for these sound changes .
Children of this generation perceive the frequent sounds of their parents more
easily than the less frequent ones, and therefore use them even more frequently.
This second generation of speakers then passes on the slightly modified language
to their children. We also notice this gradual change in language by the fact
that our grandparents, ourselves and our children speak slightly differently.
Phrases of the Day :
1)ability to achieve
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
Це правда, що історія буде судити нас за нашою здатністю досягти національного
2)a breakthrough in
We urge all parties concerned to return to talks and negotiate a breakthrough in
the peace process.
Ми закликаємо всі зацікавлені сторони повернутися до переговорів і домовитися
про прорив у мирному процесі.
3)able to target
We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities.
Ми хотіли мати можливість націлюватися на певні географічні спільноти.
· #227
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:20)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:55) contains the tasks which were done excellently.
· #226
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:19)
Today I have read the article : «Study suggests fish can experience 'emotional
As I have read, a small team of researchers from the U.K. and Spain has found
via lab study that at least one type of fish is capable of experiencing
'emotional fever,' which suggests it may qualify as a sentient being.
In addition,no such increase in body temperature related to stress has ever been
reported in fish, which has left many labeling them as non-sentient and unable
to feel either stress or pain, such as from being hooked on the end of a line.
In this new effort, the researchers sought to find out if this is true.
So, the experiments by the researchers consisted of placing 72 zebra fish in a
net in water that was 1 C° colder than was normal for them. They also had a
control group that was left alone with no changes to their environment. All of
the fish were then transferred to a tank that had sections heated to different
levels, which the fish could access freely if they wished. The team watched to
see which section the fish would swim to, and noted that those fish that had
been stressed spent more time in the sections that were slightly warmer than
normal, than did the control fish. Doing so caused the body temperature of the
fish to rise from 2 to 4 C°, which the team claims showed the fish experienced
elevated body temperatures in response to stress, demonstrating emotional fever,
and therefore they should qualify as sentient beings.
Phrases of the day
1) able to eliminate
Being able to widen, and ultimately eliminate, this bottleneck would majorly
increase the performance and efficiency of HPC systems."
Здатність розширити та в кінцевому підсумку усунути це вузьке місце значно
підвищить продуктивність та ефективність систем HPC».
2) alternative way
LPAs offer an alternative way to accelerate and boost the energies of the
LPA пропонують альтернативний спосіб прискорення та збільшення енергії частинок
3) another way of
We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information is
urgently needed
Ми придумали інший спосіб пошуку інформації, коли терміново потрібна інформація
I have read the article:«Researchers find novel way to handle small infrared
target detection»
As I have read, the operation distance of the IRST system is highly related to
the detection performance of small targets, which are typically in complex
backgrounds and with low signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR) and small size.
By the way, A research team led by Prof. Dong Yongsheng from the Xi'an Institute
of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
(CAS) proposed fast adaptive masking and scaling with iterative segmentation to
perform the smarter and faster small infrared.Considering striking the balance
between speed and performance, the researchers applied a difference of Gaussian
(DoG) filter to the input image and calculate a binarized mask, and adaptively
estimated a scale factor based on the mask. The masks and scale factors enabled
a fast and accurate overall target detection system.
So,in my opinion the proposed method has a clear advantage in detecting
challenging targets such as missiles in the second row. More importantly, the
proposed method performed most robustly for the dim and small targets with
strong clutter noise, as shown in the fourth and fifth row.
Phrases of the day
1) able to eliminate
They were able to shrink some gaps, but couldn't eradicate them
Вони змогли зменшити деякі прогалини, але не змогли їх усунути
2) alternative way
Biologists have proposed various ways that so-called 'irreducibly complex'
structures could emerge incrementally over time
Біологи запропонували різні способи появи так званих «незменшувано складних»
структур поступово з часом
3) another way of
Another way to make crypto-adjacent investments is to invest in ETFs focused on
blockchain, which is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and
Інший спосіб зробити суміжні інвестиції в криптовалюту – це інвестувати в ETF,
зосереджені на блокчейні, який є технологією, що лежить в основі таких
криптовалют, як Bitcoin та Ethereum.
· #225
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:17)
Today I have read the article "Study proposes alternative way to explain life's
The article tells about there Biologists have proposed various ways that
‘irreducibly complex’ structures could emerge incrementally over time, bit by
bit. But a new study proposes an alternative route.Instead of starting from
simpler precursors and becoming more intricate, some structures could have
evolved from complex beginnings that gradually grew simpler: “complexity by
I think the The presence of single-celled organisms alongside complex organisms
like humans testifies to the fact that evolution within a given lineage does not
necessarily advance toward increasing complexity.
Phrases of the Day:
1) another way of
So I hope you have another way of making a living.
2) alternative way
The international organization should seek an alternative way when not in a
position to provide compensation, but the solution should definitely not be that
the member States should assume responsibility.
3) able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat For them once and for all.
Today I have read the article "Study finds that males are represented four times
more than females in literature".
The article tells about there researchers at the USC Viterbi School of
Engineering used artificial intelligence to examine more than 3,000
English-language books ranging from science fiction and adventure, to mystery
and romance - across short stories, poetry and novels.
I think the study, run by the Information Sciences Institute at USC was inspired
by other work looking at implicit gender biases, which only give a qualitive
Phrases of the Day:
1) on the contrary
Now, on the contrary, it is better to forget me.
2) meet the demand
І mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the
3) keep track
Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
1. Social Communication
One of the most common characteristics of modern society is its definition as an
information society. Information acquires the status of a resource, information
and communication processes cover all spheres of society. It is becoming
increasingly fair to say that the one who owns the information owns the world.
Communication arose from the needs of individuals in public life. It is
communication between people, in the process of which they exchange messages,
thoughts through language or other signs.
The globalization of modern social processes, including the growing
informatization of social space, has led to a steady increase in interest in
social and communicative processes of modern society, and, consequently, to the
growing role of science that studies social communication at all levels.
· #224
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:12)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:55) contains the tasks written and pronounced excellenty.
· #223
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:09)
Today I`ve read the article about A breakthrough in catalysts: Smaller than
For the study, the researchers synthesized a single atom of palladium on a
silicon-carbide substrate. This new catalytic system significantly improved the
kinetics of destroying harmful chlorinated pollutants in water. One particularly
valuable property of the palladium atom is how selective it is when breaking
down substances. That's crucial because if a catalyst that breaks down more than
it needs to—that is, non-toxic substances—it will be wasting energy. But
palladium at the single-atom level selectively breaks down carbon-halogen bonds
with nearly 100% selectivity, while leaving the rest of the molecule intact.
To build on their breakthrough, the researchers are working on integrating the
material into a hydrogenation reactor and electrochemical cell to make a modular
water treatment system that targets various pollutants, with a particular focus
on anthropogenic halogenated, toxic organics.
Phrases of the day:
1. Tim and Leem placed tags in various brands and price points of whiskey (80
proof, 40% alcohol per volume) over a 10-month period and were able to
continually activate the tags and codes with a smartphone app.
Ім і Лім розмістили мітки на віскі різних брендів і цін (80 пропорцій, 40%
алкоголю за обсяг) протягом 10 місяців і змогли постійно активувати мітки та
коди за допомогою програми для смартфона.
2. At Boulogne-Billancourt, west of the capital, six kilometres of cooling pipes
weave their way through a plant on the site of a former Renault factory.
У Булонь-Бійанкур, на захід від столиці, шість кілометрів охолоджуючих труб
проходять через завод на місці колишнього заводу Renault.
3. Biologists have proposed various ways that so-called 'irreducibly complex'
structures could emerge incrementally over time, bit by bit.
Біологи запропонували різні способи появи так званих «незменшувано складних»
структур поступово з часом, потроху.
Today I`ve read the article about Aerial imaging technique improves ability to
detect and track moving targets through thick foliage
The team uses airborne optical sectioning, a wide synthetic aperture imaging
technique that employs conventional drones to sample images while flying above
the forest. In synthetic aperture imaging, researchers can remotely map
environments using electromagnetic signals. The team showed that the color
anomaly detector benefits significantly using the airborne optical sectioning
integral images, compared to conventional raw images. However, color anomaly
detection fails where there is dense foliage or vegetation. Mounted on a drone,
their camera payload captures multiple aerial images while sampling the forest
environment. The image integration provides the benefits of color anomaly
detection, giving the researchers a clearer picture of any people moving on the
ground, but shielded from the view of the human eye because of the foliage.
Besides being useful in detecting people, this technique can be helpful in
tracking other targets such as vehicles or animals. "This might impact many
application domains, such as search and rescue, surveillance, border control,
and wildlife observation," said Nathan.
Phrases of the day:
1. The terahertz imager features a microchip (see inset) and a reflector that
increases the imaging distance and quality and reduces power consumption.
Терагерцовий візуалізатор має мікрочіп (див. вставку) і відбивач, який збільшує
відстань і якість зображення, а також зменшує споживання енергії.
2. Earlier this year, he bought stock in his employer, opening the door to
another way to put pressure on the company and hoping to gain the support of
other Amazon investors.
На початку цього року він купив акції свого роботодавця, відкривши двері для
іншого способу тиску на компанію та сподіваючись отримати підтримку інших
інвесторів Amazon.
3. June 26, 2017 feature Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative way to
cool everything from food to computers by Lisa Zyga
Функція 26 червня 2017 року Електрокалорійний холодильник пропонує
альтернативний спосіб охолодження всього, від їжі до комп’ютерів, Ліза Зига
· #222
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:04)
The debt for 03/05/2022
I have read the article " The future of nuclear waste: What's the plan and can
it be safe?"
Firstly, the article talks about the future of nuclear waste. It has taken many
decades of international collaboration between academic and scientific
institutions and government regulators to identify a feasible route towards the
ultimate disposal of nuclear waste. Almost every country now intends to separate
radioactive waste from the environment in a highly constructed underground
structure known as a "geological disposal site" (GDF). These facilities will
accept low, intermediate, and high levels of nuclear waste and safely store them
for hundreds of thousands of years.
Finally, I want to say that this new technology will help humanity efficiently
dispose of nuclear waste.
Phrases of the day:
1) considerable disagreement;
Search considerable disagreement and thousands of other words in English
definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.
Знайдіть значні розбіжності та тисячі інших слів в англійському словнику
визначення та синонімів від Reverso.
2) conduct research;
Conducting research is an inquiry-based process that involves identifying a
question, gathering information, analyzing and evaluating evidence, drawing
conclusions, and sharing the knowledge gained.
Проведення дослідження — це процес, який ґрунтується на запитах, що включає
визначення питання, збір інформації, аналіз та оцінку доказів, зроблення
висновків та обмін набутими знаннями.
3) controversial question;
So, here are 21 controversial relationship questions you should avoid.
Отже, ось 21 спірне питання про стосунки, яких слід уникати.
Class work
Essay “A good doctor treats the person rather than the disease”
What makes a person a good doctor? There is an opinion that a good doctor treats
the person rather than the disease. I would like to share my opinion on this.
Firstly, at the practical level, treating the patient rather than the disease
means considering what’s important to the individual patient and keeping that in
mind when deciding how to proceed. I believe a doctor’s primary job is not just
to treat disease but to care for how people feel and how they function.
Secondly, patients often do not say what they really think. This is related to a
variety of concerns and apprehensions. Therefore, a good doctor is also a good
psychologist, who will help the patient to be as open as possible and set a
positive mood. Moreover, if the doctor can assure the patient that the treatment
will be successful, then even the most hopeless case will have a chance of
So, in my opinion, the statement, "A good doctor treats the person rather than
the disease" is true. Accordingly, I think that a great physician should not
only pay attention to the patient's physical and mental problems in the context
of the illness but should also consider the patient's soul, family, and
socio-economic status.
· #221
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:55)
I have read the article “Computing expert finds way of securing Internet of
The Internet of Things is connecting devices to the network and giving them the
opportunity to collect and share data. It can include anything from home-made
items such as thermostats, light switches, door calls and refrigerators, toys,
cars and medical devices. The real problem is that we buy these devices without
thinking about the consequences. Manufacturers do not have really strong
incentives to upgrade their systems to protect you, so you can easily be
attacked personally – your car brakes can hit while you drive it, or your things
can be stolen attack something else. Paul's research offers a model using
blockchains that were originally designed for Bitcoin digital currency.
Blockchain is a data record method -- a digital registry of transactions,
agreements, contracts -- distributed across several, hundreds or even thousands
of computers around the world.
If you do not solve security problems in the near future, there will be only
more serious attacks.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1)ability to achieve
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
reconciliation.- Це правда, що історія буде судити нас за нашою здатністю
досягти національного примирення.
2)a breakthrough in
We urge all parties concerned to return to talks and negotiate a breakthrough in
the peace process.- Ми закликаємо всі зацікавлені сторони повернутися до
переговорів і домовитися про прорив у мирному процесі.
3)able to target
We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities.- Ми хотіли мати
можливість націлюватися на певні географічні спільноти.
· #220
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:55)
I have read the article “Nuclear power may be the key to least-cost,
zero-emission electricity systems: study”.
Nuclear energy can play a crucial role in helping the world achieve the key goal
of zero carbon emissions by mid-century, especially in low wind countries. Human
activity leads to the release of carbon pollution into the atmosphere, affecting
the global carbon cycle and causing warming. Renewable energy sources such as
wind and sun are perfect for carbon reduction. With strict control of greenhouse
gas emissions, reliable electricity generation provided by nuclear power has
great potential value in power grids for most countries.
Poor wind resources can benefit from nuclear energy earlier on the path to zero
emissions, while places with very good wind resources will only be needed to get
rid of the latest carbon traces. They found that at today's prices nuclear power
is the cheapest way to eliminate all carbon emissions almost everywhere.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) another way of
So I hope you have another way of making a living.- Тож я сподіваюся, що у вас є
інший спосіб заробляти на життя.
2) alternative way
Reporting on millennium development goals might be an alternative way of
obtaining a general picture of country-level developments.- Звіти про цілі
розвитку тисячоліття можуть бути альтернативним способом отримання загальної
картини розвитку подій на рівні країни.
3) able to eliminate
Despite their advantages and effectiveness, peacekeeping operations would not be
able to eliminate the underlying causes of conflicts- Незважаючи на свої
переваги та ефективність, миротворчі операції не зможуть усунути глибинні
причини конфліктів.
I have read the article “AI and deepfakes present new risks for internet
"People looking for real relationships over the Internet will need to better
understand new technologies that expose them to romantic fraud with ""a
completely new level of risk""." With the help of technology, deepfake criminals
can not only use easily accessible images of another person and create a fake
profile image, but also create a fully synthetic image and a corresponding
profile without extracting them from social networks or the Internet of another
person. The ability of technology to generate unique images for use in social
media profiles can change how romantic fraud and other deceit online practices
are committed.
Preventive messages should target people who use dating platforms and social
media platforms to establish relationships, and at least warn the public about
the risks that AI and dippies pose in these areas of their lives.
· #219
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:58)
The message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:19) contains all the necessary tasks, which were written and pronounced correct. Excellent.
· #218
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:19)
Today I've read the article called" A new solution to cool electronic devices
and prevent them from overheating"
In recent years, engineers have been trying to develop strategies that could
prevent electronics from overheating. Scientists have developed an alternative
strategy that could cool electronics more efficiently than other existing
solutions. Their strategy is based on the use of heat spreaders consisting of an
electrically insulating poly layer and a copper coating. In the future, the heat
spreaders could be used to cool electronic devices more efficiently without the
need for expensive materials.
Phrases of the day:
1) examine more closely
But data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
2) distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge.
3) estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Today I've read the article called" Charging underwater and body-implanted
electronic devices using ultrasonic waves
Nowadays, the batteries of devices implanted in the body are replaced by
surgery. Accordingly, new charging technology is emerging through wireless power
transfer. Electromagnetic induction is currently used in smartphones and
wireless headphones, but its application is limited. This method cannot easily
be used to recharge implanted medical devices, as the heat generated during
charging is harmful. Therefore, the KIST team chose ultrasonic waves as the
medium for energy transfer instead of electromagnetic waves or magnetic fields.
Sonar using ultrasonic waves is widely used in underwater environments, and the
safety of using ultrasonic waves in the human body has been assured in various
medical applications
Phrases of the day:
1) examine more closely
But data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
2) distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge.
3) estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
· #217
Shapa L.N. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:09)
The tasks presented in the message (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:01) have been written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay perfectly develops the topic. Excellent.
· #216
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 07:01)
I have read the article called "Study traces the origin and spread of Internet
memes" . The article tells us the role of memes in social society and the spread
of mass information. The article says that memes, jokes in the form of a photo
or video, are very often used in the form of an advertising company. It is also
said that memes are an integral part of Internet culture and without them it is
difficult to imagine Reddit or Tik Tok society. In my opinion artticle also said
where memes come from, but this is not so interesting.
1)alternative way
PAM is a suite of shared libraries that provide an alternative way providing
user authentication in programs.
2) another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation.
3)able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all.
Today I have read the article called “Going virtual hurts student career
prospects”. This article describes the fact that students are not ready to work
in virtual mode. They prefer face to face work. It is also reported that it is
not so easy to find students for virtual work now. This article is quite
interesting for me as I prefer to work online. Working for a company that works
remotely is exciting. I highly recommend this article as most companies will
move to a virtual environment soon.
1)alternative way
PAM is a suite of shared libraries that provide an alternative way providing
user authentication in programs.
2) another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation.
3)able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all.
Essay to the topic 12 Media Technologies and Society.
Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps
society and determines how people interact with each other on a daily basis.
Technology plays an important role in society today. It has positive and
negative effects on the world and it impacts daily lives.
At the age of communication, media is one of the most important tools of
development in today's world. With having the largest and widest audience, it is
one of the main means of communication in achieving development goals.
Digital technology has made in impact on how we consume media. It has provided
new ways of communications with others. Whether through blogs, social media,
photo sharing, video sharing, communication has become more broad and effective
through digital technology.
· #215
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 06 June 2022 20:25)
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to serious disruption to production
facilities and led to the upending of normal quality.
When China announced unprecedented measures to curb the spread of violence in
January, many observers were quick to point out how difficult it would be to
implement such measures in democracies. Over 50 million people quarantined in
China's Hubei province
These measures, we recall, included quarantine for the entire province of Hubei
(which is 65 million people) and the construction of a field hospital in just 10
China has taken the most stringent measures to quarantine the entire country.
All shops were closed, except for supermarkets and pharmacies. The People's Bank
of China has issued about 600 billion yuan ($85.8 billion) of new banknotes to
the market in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. Old banknotes were
sent for disinfection, and then placed in quarantine for a period of 7 to 14
Public events are prohibited, people are advised not to leave their homes
unnecessarily. Schools and universities do not work, and everyone who decides to
go on a trip is required to provide a document explaining such a need.
Further developments and a small number of cases outside Hubei province, where
the city of Wuhan is located, testify to the success and effectiveness of these
The overall goal was to find baseline epidemiological differences across
countries, shape future COVID-19 research, and better understand infectious
disease transmission.
Phrases of the day:
examine more closely
data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
розглянути більш внимательно
Але інтеграція даних занадто важлива, щоб її перенебрегати, і я хочу більш
детально вивчити продукт.
2) distinct from
is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow of
electrons and other charge.
відмінний от
Він відрізняється від електротехнічної науки та техніки, які мають справу з
потоком електронів та інших зарядів.
3)estimate the effects of
estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built
оцінити наслідки
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на преступність і безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до побудованої ім загальнонаціональної комісії.
· #214
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:47)
The message (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:22)contains all the tasks envisaged in such kind of student's works, ahich were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #213
Shapa L.N. to Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:43)
The tasks sent in the message (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:32) were written and pronounced correct and without mistakes, but the absebce of some elements Phrases of the Day tasks and its pronunciation) which are obligatory for the student's works does not allow to estimate them as excellent.
· #212
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:22)
Phrases of the Day:
1)technology capability
also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
ньому також зазначено, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю.
2)expected value
also assessed the expected value of various tests, and created maps of
correlations between possible medical conditions.
також оцінюють очікуване значення різних тестів та створюють карти кореляцій між
можливими захворюваннями.
work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
узгоджено докладний графік роботи кожного члена п'яти науково-дослідних груп.
I have read an article about Georgia Tech reveals data breach, 1.3 million
records exposed. Students and staff have been involved in the breach.
The security failure occurred due to a web application which was vulnerable to
outside entry.
An unknown threat actor managed to access a database connected to the
application. The database contained personal information belonging to "some
current and former faculty, students, staff and student applicants. The data
breach took several years to reach over 1 million records.
As a result, the vulnerability was fixed. The app is now also being checked for
additional security weaknesses.
I’ve read the article about “Dwindling water levels of Lake Powell seen from
The second-largest human-made reservoir in the United States, have shrunk to its
lowest level since it was created more than 50 years ago, threatening millions
of people who rely on its water supply.
The drop in water levels comes as hotter temperatures and falling water levels
left a smaller amount of water flowing through the Colorado River. The peak
inflow to Lake Powell occurs in mid to late spring, as the winter snow in the
Rocky Mountains melts.
In conclusion: Climate change is expected to make droughts more severe in the
future. › news › 2022-04-dwindling-lake-powell-space.html
· #211
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:09)
To Vakalyuk,IG-211.. I have checked all your comments. There are some mistakes in the first sentence of some of your comments. The first sentence should be:" I HAVE READ THE article..." Be more attentive.pls.
· #210
Karieva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 16:24)
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
The driving simulator is only one of the simulators in Virtuocity that uses
immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can improve the design of
urban transport and city systems.
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Today I've read the article (Electronic media). It tells us about the
possibilities of electronic media and when they appeared. Digital
telecommunications allow computer communications, telegraphy and computer
networks also belong to them. The first two-way radio transmission led to
general communication through analogue and digital communications. The
difference between analogue and digital photography is that digital photography
is easier to edit. Also, digital telecommunications allow for computer
communications and telegraphy. The importance of electronic media, as they are
called in various fields, has changed over time. The term "media" has acquired a
broader meaning nowadays than in the past.
· #209
Karieva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 16:20)
Closing debt for 9.05
The protocol outlining how to do that has now been published in Nature Protocols
by the UB scientists.
Archaeology expands beyond traditional scope into other sciences.
Inflammation can be classified as either acute or chronic.
Today I've read the article (Mass media). It tells about tools mass media that
are used to store and deliver information and data. It is also a diverse
collection of media technologies that reach a wide audience in a variety of
ways. Broadcast media convey information through: photography, advertising,
broadcasting and publishing. Digital media also includes the Internet. Online
media includes services such as email, social networking sites, websites, and
Internet radio and television. Digital media are more popular nowadays because
they take advantage of the accessibility of the Internet, as it allows
information to be broadcasted easily and economically.
· #208
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:55)
Phrases of the day
1) examine more closely
But data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
2) distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge.
3) estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built
oday I have read the article "New NASA mission to help us better estimate
asteroid impact hazard". It tells about According to NASA's NEO program, there
are more than 1,300 "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids" (PHAs) – objects at least
150 yards (about 140 meters) across with a very small chance of impacting us
someday because their orbital paths take them close to Earth's orbit.
Today I have read a very interesting article about films and shows about
journalism. From the article we learn this whole gorgeous list. For example, one
of them is the film "Journalist", which was released on the Netflix platform and
won the hearts of millions of people. In the article we learn about the summary
of the film and what issues of journalism it reveals. Drawing conclusions, I can
say that the article is really chic. In it you will find films for every taste.
· #207
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:38)
Phrases of the day
1) able to target
It would come down to how well we are able to target the ads.
2)ability to achieve
Effectiveness is the ability to achieve stated goals or objectives, measured in
terms of both output and impact
3) a breakthrough in
And along the way they created a breakthrough in computer visualization.
Today I have read the article called “Pioneering study reveals teaching
techniques that boost exam performance”. In this article, you can learn about
the influence of a teacher on student achievement. It also tells that from the
manner of presenting information, students reach new levels and receive a lot of
useful information. The teacher must motivate his students to reach new heights
in knowledge. This article was interesting for me because one day it was the
motivation and the ability to present useful information by the teacher that
interested me in learning new things.
Today I have read the article “Entrepreneur”. As for me, it’s quite interesting
and informative.
So, entrepreneur is a person who understands all the risks, creates new
businesses and gets a reward afterwards. Moreover, entrepreneurs play the key
role in economy because they bring new ideas to market. Also, such a person is
always seen as a generator of new ideas, goods and services. In order to become
a successful entrepreneur you should be clever, brave, ambitious, adaptable and
So,I would to say that everything is possible and you need to work everyday to
achieve your goal and become a successful entrepreneur.
· #206
Murin Sergei IP211(Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:33)
1.Scientists announce a breakthrough in determining life's origin on Earth—and
maybe Mars.
2.HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high performance computing in
industries like engineering, media and animation.
3.Two UCLA computer scientists have shown that existing compilers, which tell
quantum computers how to use their circuits to execute quantum programs, inhibit
the computers' ability to achieve optimal performance.
One community re-visits classical questions with complex chemical schemes that
require difficult chemistry performed by skilled chemists," Benner explained.
"Their beautiful craftwork appears in brand-name journals such as Nature and
Science." However, precisely because of the complexity of this chemistry, it
cannot possibly account for how life actually originated on Earth.
In contrast, the Foundation study takes a simpler approach. Led by Elisa Biondi,
the study shows that long RNA molecules, 100-200 nucleotides in length, form
when nucleoside triphosphates do nothing more than percolate through basaltic
· #205
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:24)
Phrases of the day
1. As distinct from
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's
good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
2. As a matter of
The 'changes in everyday life situations' category includes cases where changing
levels of energy use is a matter of changing material components.
3. Acquainted with
This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount
of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
Today I read an article about "Informatization of modern society" I can say my
opinion about this article, it is very briefly and in detail told about
informatization in society - this is of course a plus because in a short period
of time you can learn a lot of useful things on this topic. What did I take away
from there? Informatization of society is one of the patterns of modern social
progress. This term is more and more insistently replacing the term
"computerization of society", which was widely used until recently. Despite the
outward similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.
Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication
technologies is a society's response to the need for a significant increase in
labor productivity in the information sector of social production.
Today I've read the article (Blog). It tells about blogs and what a blog is,
what blogging platforms are popular and what topics exist. A blog is a
discussion or informational website consisting of informal text entries on a
topic. Blogs are mostly in text format, some of them are voiced - like podcast.
Topics can be different - art, photography, music, real life, and even politics.
Posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, so for example, the
most recent post or post will be the first on a blog. Twitter is a great example
of such a site I guess.
· #204
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:16)
To Gaydarzhi,IG-212.. Your comments are ok, but you have 4 more debts. Best wishes.
· #203
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:13)
To Vakalyuk,IG-211. The first sentence of your comment is wrong, it should be:"The article tells US about THEIR researchers THAT have demonstrated...". Your exam topic is ok. Good luck
· #202
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 15:02)
Phrases of the day
1. As distinct from
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's
good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
2. As a matter of
The 'changes in everyday life situations' category includes cases where changing
levels of energy use is a matter of changing material components.
3. Acquainted with
This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount
of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
The article tells about there researchers have demonstrated the first
three-qubit high-fidelity iToffoli native gate in a superconducting quantum
information processor and in a single step. This demonstration adds a novel
easy-to-implement native three-qubit logic gate for universal quantum computing.
I think that that experiments for simple and high-fidelity multi-qubit gate
design at AQT, will encourage more research to develop new multi-qubit gateways
for quantum info treating.
Today I have read the article “Why do you usually eat the same thing for
breakfast?”. It tells us that everything happens because our bodies follow
circadian rhythms. Nearly all forms of life adhere to these 24-hour cycles,
which govern changes that are physical, mental and behavioral. As a result,
people tend to be at their most alert at the start of the day, and would
therefore be satisfied with a meal choice that they don't have to think about
too much. But later in the day, when their energy is flagging, they might crave
a more stimulating meal for lunch or dinner.
To my mind, this study is really interesting, because even simple things like
breakfast or lunch may have a pattern depending of what exactly you eat.
· #201
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.07,06,22 (Monday, 06 June 2022 14:09)
Today I have read the mass media, mass media - a type of media focused on the
simultaneous transmission of information to large groups of people. Covers
media, storage and reproduction of information, such as the press (newspapers,
magazines, books), radio, television, Internet, cinema, sound and video, video,
teletext, billboards and panels, multimedia centers.
All these tools have common qualities - appeal to a mass audience, accessibility
to many people, corporate content of production and dissemination of
information. The term media also applies to organizations that provide these
technologies, such as television channels or Masmedia publishing houses.
Television in Ukraine is a leader in the distribution and influence of the
public among the media. According to 2018 data, the vast majority of Ukrainians
- 86% - receive information about the situation in the country and the world
from Ukrainian TV channels. 27% of Ukrainians receive information from Ukrainian
Internet sites, 24% - from social networks. 57% of residents
w exclusively Ukrainian mass media.
· #200
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 14:07)
Exam topic: Global perspective of jurnalism.
The role and importance of information has grown so much that we can now say
with confidence, "He who possesses information owns the world."
Thus, the modern media market has become an important element of the information
society and digital economy, because it provides the need for the most important
resource - relevant information. Thus, the global media market demonstrates
trends towards further digitalization and personalization of the proposed
Promising segments are data sales, OTT video and video games. The revenue of the
digital segment of the global media market and its share in the total revenue of
the global media market show steady growth trends. Thus, the market is promising
for the launch of new global Internet projects of the media industry.
· #199
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.03,06,22 (Monday, 06 June 2022 14:06)
Today I have read the literary editing - editing whose main purpose is to
analyze, evaluate and correct the linguistic and stylistic structure of the
work. It is primarily about improving the language and style of the original,
avoiding grammatical, syntactic and stylistic errors.
Tap formation of editing as a separate type of professional activity that
existed in the structure of publishing and printing, from the birth of printing,
scientific and literary circles, schools, fraternities, which gathered
scientists, writers who prepared manuscripts for publication, including
polemical and rhetorical and rhetorical literature, until the emergence and
formation of the manufactory method of making a book.Newspaper and magazine
editing was formed on the traditions of editorial work, which were established
earlier, in particular, in the publishing business, as well as under the
influence of writing.
· #198
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.30,05,22 (Monday, 06 June 2022 14:03)
Today I have read the ambient Media (Ambient Media) is a term used in marketing
to refer to advertising media used as outdoor advertising in the immediate
environment of their target audience. The term "Ambient Media" was first used in
the UK in the mid-1990s. Ambient media came to mean visual (and not only)
advertising that reaches consumers in the most unexpected places. In the United
States, Europe and other countries, such technology has taken root and is widely
used, given its high efficiency. Despite the advantages of "Surrounding Media"
over traditional types of advertising (radio, press, television), it has a
number of significant disadvantages, which is why some advertising agencies do
not use it. The main disadvantage of "Surrounding Media" is the need for
constant change of advertising space. The defining characteristic of
"Surrounding media" is the unusual location of the advertising medium and the
advertising medium itself, respectively.
· #197
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.27,05,22 (Monday, 06 June 2022 14:00)
Today I have read the documentation - the science of document and document
management; scientific discipline that studies the processes of creation and
functioning of documents and develops the principles of building document and
communication systems and methods of their activities.
Documentary science is closely connected with historical science. The object of
document science is a document in historical development. The emergence of
certain documents, not to mention documentation systems, is directly related to
the evolution of society, with certain stages Therefore, the functioning of
documents and documentation systems, compiling sets of documents can not be
understood without knowledge of socio-economic, political history, cultural
history, etc. On the other hand, the form of the document is characterized by
relative independence, the presence of its own patterns of development affect
certain aspects of social development. Therefore, the study of the past involves
knowledge of the genesis of documentary forms.
· #196
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.23.05.22 (Monday, 06 June 2022 13:56)
Today I have read the human resource management (HRM) is an activity aimed at
forming the human resources of the organization and their coordination.
HRM contains activities aimed at the formation and coordination of human
resources of the organization. Human resources in any organization is one of the
largest investments. The value and cost of human resources often becomes
apparent when selling an organization. In this case, the sale price can be much
higher than the total value of physical assets and financial assets. This
difference (often described by the term "prestige of the organization") partly
reflects the cost of human resources of the organization. In addition to various
payments (salary, various bonuses and bonuses), the organization often makes
other significant investments in human resources. For example, investments go to
the implementation of such functions as selection, hiring, staff training.
· #195
Karieva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 13:44)
Closing debt for 2.05
That finding is consistent with other research, Schoppe-Sullivan said.
Comparison with laboratory measurements of various minerals revealed that the
hydrous silicate minerals on the surface of P/2016 BA14 have been heated to more
than about 330 degrees Celsius in the past.
To be able to correctly interpret their environment using complex visual inputs,
embedded vision systems require lots of processing power.
Today I've read the article (Freedom of the press). It tells us about what is
freedom of communication is and expression through various means. This freedom
implies the absence of the country's interference in media. The right to freedom
of expression is protected by legislation in most countries. This law enshrined
in the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights, but despite this, some countries
still have laws prohibiting the media from expressing their personal views.
With regard to government information, any government can determine which
materials are publicly available or protected from disclosure. They can be
protected for any reason.
· #194
Karieva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 13:43)
Closing debt for 2.05
At the same time, the worked parts attract more attention than the natural
To arrive at their conclusions, the team surveyed more than 9,000 college
calculus students from across the country.
Researchers attempt to solve problems of antibiotic resistance and bee deaths in
Today I've read the article (Blog). It tells about blogs and what a blog is,
what blogging platforms are popular and what topics exist. A blog is a
discussion or informational website consisting of informal text entries on a
topic. Blogs are mostly in text format, some of them are voiced - like podcast.
Topics can be different - art, photography, music, real life, and even politics.
Posts are usually displayed in reverse chronological order, so for example, the
most recent post or post will be the first on a blog. Twitter is a great example
of such a site I guess.
· #193
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 12:20)
Today I've read an article about birds. Birds are animal with feathers. Because
they can fly, they are the fastest animals on Earth. Some birds can reach speeds
of up to 160km an hour. However, not all birds can fly. Some birds, like
ostriches can run and penguins can swim. There are about 10,000 kinds of birds.
The smallest bird is the hummingbird which gets only about 5cm big and the
largest one is the ostrich which may grow up to 2.5 metres tall. Birds live
everywhere in the world—from the cold polar regions to the rain forests of
ability to achieve
ability to achieve the top
a breakthrough
breakthrough in science
able to target
able to target limited
Media technologies and society
Technology and the media are intertwined, and none of them can be separated from
modern society in most countries. Media is a term that refers to all print,
digital and electronic means of communication. Since the creation of the
printing press, technology has influenced how and where information is
disseminated. Today, it is impossible to discuss the media and the ways in which
societies communicate, despite the rapid pace of technological change. Twenty
years ago, if you wanted to share the news of your child's birth or promotion,
you called or wrote letters. Now you can announce your pregnancy with a staged
image on Instagram.
· #192
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 12:05)
Today I read an article about "Informatization of modern society" I can say my
opinion about this article, it is very briefly and in detail told about
informatization in society - this is of course a plus because in a short period
of time you can learn a lot of useful things on this topic. What did I take away
from there? Informatization of society is one of the patterns of modern social
progress. This term is more and more insistently replacing the term
"computerization of society", which was widely used until recently. Despite the
outward similarity of these concepts, they have a significant difference.
Informatization based on the introduction of computer and telecommunication
technologies is a society's response to the need for a significant increase in
labor productivity in the information sector of social production.
· #191
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 12:00)
Debts on 09
The grand Ethiopian renaissance dam has also been contentious from the start.
Situated in Ethiopia on the blue nile just 20 kilometres from the Sudanese
border, the dam will transform ethiopia's economy enabling it to export cheap
electricity to the region, but for downstream neighbours Sudan and Egypt, who
rely on the blue Nile. Ethiapia's control of their water supply is deeply
With concerns over the dam growing Sudan is increasingly siding with Egypt in
2021 the country joined in a military operation called guardians of the Nile.
I think it's quite clear that the Sudanese have started to see the problems of
the dam through an Egyptian lens.
So far efforts to bring Sudan and Ethiopia to the table have been unsuccessful,
but some hope for peace is exist.
In my point of view the international community needs to support the African
Union, but, I think, the initiative, the mediation process should come from the
region itself.
5 Essay
Global Perspectives
It feels like we narrow our perspective to protect our self-interest and justify
what we think we already know. It's so much easier to protect that squishy
vulnerable part of ourselves than to be open to new ideas and perspectives.
Building a global perspective can happen in lots of different ways: you can
travel, you can take classes with a global connection there are exchange
When we faced with information we need to be looking and challenging at what we
see in order to batter understand our world's realities. That fight against
ignorance, it's instrumental to bettering our world conflicts like rising white
nationalism or backlash against immigration. Whenever we are faced with
conflict, we are at risk of losing our greate perspective. It's tempting to
think that the world is neatly made up into us and others.
I strongly believe, that it's tempting to think that the world is neatly made
up into us and others when realistically we know this isn't true, because we're
all stuck on the same planet together.
There is a difference between doing service for others and doing service with
others. Global change needs to come from connection with people. To be a global
citizen we must connect through meaningful long-term relationships building. In
the end my call to you is to be that global citizen: think critically, both
empathy, open up your global perspective
· #190
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:57)
Today I read an article on the topic "Why is mass media important?" I can
immediately download that a very informative article from which I took out a lot
of things for my future profession and the principle for self-development too.
What is Mass Media anyway? A set of bodies for public transmission of
information by technical means; still more common in Ukrainian use of means of
daily collection, processing and distribution of messages by mass.
Mass media informs, educates, and entertains people in a wide variety of ways.
Brands can educate users to get the most of their products. The majority of
companies now use social media platforms, create blog posts on their sites, and
launch commercials on YouTube to describe their best features, the problems
their products can solve, and provide step-by-step guides.
1) And we have a lot of confidence in our ability to achieve that.
2) Electricity is pretty fast, but we probably wouldn't be able to target it to
just the specific cells that hold onto a memory, and we'd probably fry the
3) The beginning of a new millennium; there is a breakthrough in global
· #189
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:56)
Debts on 02
I have read the article about The Blitz. Bombing of London was in 1940-1941,
during the second World War. It was not only in London, but in many cities in
UK. With help of Luftwaffe Hitler tried to break British mental. More than
40000 civilians were killed by bombing during the war, more than a million
houses were destroyed or damaged.
But this plan failed, because eight months of bombing never seriously hampered
British war production, which continued to increase.
Nazis Luftwaffe was bombing at night, englisch people made fake radio waves,
which led astray german plains.
It's easy to kill people, when you don't look at their eyes, when you don't see
victims under the rubble of collapsed buildings. Only people with high mental
mind can understand awfulness of their's actions. I strongly believe that we
should to think not about actions of some nation, but about actions, which were
made by one person. Because everyone should to understand, that it will be
retribution for any crime.
I have read the article about border of Sudan and Ethiopia.
Sudan and Ethiopia are facing off in a border confrontation. Ethiopia is already
embroiled in a brutal civil war.
As with many borders in Africa the problems begab with the British. While
Ethiopia remained independent for most of the colonial era, Sudan was colonised
by Britain. One area was a bone of contention from the beginning Al-fashaga. The
British claimed the area as part of Sudan.
Peace didn't hold for long. In 2020 in an attempt to hampered rebel supply lines
into Tigray Abbey asked Sudan to seal the border between Ethiopia and the
contested region of Al-fashaga. Sudan sensed an opportunity to claim Al-fashaga
once and for all.
After months of skirmishes Sudan and Ethiopia are now at a stand off. It's a
potentially explosive situation especially as both countries are already
jostling to control of the region's most precious resource -water.
Phrases of the day
1. As distinct from
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's
good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
2. As a matter of
The 'changes in everyday life situations' category includes cases where changing
levels of energy use is a matter of changing material components.
3. Acquainted with
This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount
of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
Essay 3:
Psychology of Management
People were loyal to their organisations and their organisations were loyal to
them. They guaranteed employment and often provided them a pension as well so
employers knew their staff and they were capable of doing. They had a history of
performance to judge someone by and they spent time developing people for more
complex roles. But that's all changed now.
Global competition and volatility in the economic environment means that
organisations now need to change shape rapidly in order to survive.
We can use for management psychometric tests, but usually this tests are an
efficient way of asking a lot of questions. The way people think is key to their
I think, that strategy and talent management go hand in hand so it's worth
taking time to understand what a person is capable of how they prefer to work
and what their understanding motivation. This is way of successful business and
development of economics.
· #188
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:42)
To Voloschuk,IG-212. I think you are right. Best of luck
· #187
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:37)
Class work:
Today I have read the article "The Roles of Journalism and Everyday Life. The
author of the article is Volker Hanusch. The article describes a study about the
role of journalists in the eyes of society and how journalists themselves assess
themselves. According to journalists, they fulfill an important role as service
providers, life coaches, advocates for society and inspirers. The text also
suggests that many people are increasingly relying on the media for guidance and
advice on how to live their lives. This article will be of interest to
journalists to understand the role of their profession.
Phrases of the Day
1. a breakthrough in
I wanted to tell you both that there was a breakthrough in this photo situation.
2. able to target
We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities.
3. ability to achieve
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
Today I have read the article "Facebook News Blocking in Australia Shows How
Tech Giants Are Taking Over the Internet." The author is Jennifer Grygiel. The
article writes that users can get most of their information on Facebook, which
hurts the revenues of news organizations. Facebook posts valuable information,
but if people don't click on the links, or if they don't have anything to click
on, it will be hard for those who actually created the content to make money
from their work. Bottom line: you should always leave the original source,
author and publisher.
· #186
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:33)
To Goncharuk,IG-212. Unfortunately you have forgotten to use definite article in the first sentence before "article". Be more attentive, pls.
· #185
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Shapa) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:32)
За 31.05
Today i have read fascinating article which called "Paranoia will destroy us:
Why Huawei and other Chinese tech is not spying on Americans". In this article
was talking about the paranoia of some Americans that Chinese programs and
phones are spying on them. The notion that the Chinese government would spy on
corporations and US agencies with electronic devices manufactured by Chinese
companies is not only absurd but would be catastrophic to furthering its
ambitions in world trade. I really liked this article. I never thought it could
cause such a problem and such a large-scale.
Phrases of the Day
1) able to target
Policymakers are better able to target interventions and to achieve more
equitable results on land issues and land management policies.
2) ability to achieve
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
3) a breakthrough in
And along the way they created a breakthrough in computer visualization.
Today i have read the article which called "Why does bitcoin use 10 times more
electricity than Google?". In this article was talking about how much energy
bitcoin is consume, why is it so energy intensive and what is the environmental
impact. Bitcoins are earned by people in the network called "miners", who solve
deliberately complicated equations using brute force processing power, under the
so-called "proof of work" protocol. The system is designed so that around every
10 minutes, the network awards some bitcoin to those who have successfully
cracked the puzzle. I always wanted to understand this topic and this article
helped me a little.
Essay: 9-International Security
International security, also called global security is a term which refers to
the measures taken by states and international organizations, such as the United
Nations, European Union, and others, to ensure mutual survival and safety. The
UN Security Council has the primary responsibility for international peace and
security. The General Assembly and the Secretary-General play major, important,
and complementary roles, along with other UN offices and bodies. Some of these
goals are issues of critical importance where the quality of life for billions
of people is at stake. These include: ending terrorism, preventing pandemic
diseases, obtaining cyber security and stable financial markets, and bringing
about peaceful democratization in transitioning countries.
· #184
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:27)
1)Think big about yourselves and never limit your ability to achieve what you
set your sights upon.
2) You might be able to target specific parts of an enemy's body.
3) One of the great advantages of our time can be called a breakthrough in the
field of building technologies.
· #183
Goncharuk Inga (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:27)
Today I have read article on the topic “Uzbekistan’s Journalists: ‘Censorship in
Our Minds and Hearts’” .An investigation into press freedom in Uzbekistan showed
that one of the main problems of journalists and bloggers was pressure from the
State Security Service. Journalists said that they were threatened, so they had
to delete their articles, they also stopped speaking freely on the topics of
religion and the relations of businessmen. Population of the country is afraid
to speak out so that there are no problems.
Concluding, I want to say that it is very wrong to be threatened in the 21st
century because of your own opinion.
Phrases of the day
1) We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities.
2) It is true that history will judge асus on our ability to achieve national
3) Progress depends upon a breakthrough in the price of basic commodities.
Today I have read article on the topic "Trolling Is Taking a Toll on Science
Journalism" and I want to give my comment. Recently, journalists in the US and
other countries have been subjected to online harassment. Journalists are often
subjected to a kind of censorship by the people. Some reporters may be able to
deal with the consequences of online harassment themselves, although there are
resources to help journalists with security issues, but they are not enough.
In conclusion, I want to say that it is time to solve the problem of online
persecution of journalists, because this can adversely affect their psyche
· #182
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:26)
To Albertovuch,IG-212
Well done . Thank you
· #181
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:12)
Stallion Times Media Service trains 40 journalists on disability reporting in
Today I have read the article about a company that additionally trains
journalists on how to cover pressing social issues. The aim of the article is to
give some information to the reader on how to cover disability issues and
encourage the government to address the issue. The author begins with the words
of a meeting of practicing journalists trained to properly cover issues
concerning people with disabilities and raise the level of efficiency of
reporting on those topics. The project coordinator of the programme insisted on
the need for training because of negative stereotypes of people with
disabilities. I advise you to read it.
Phrase of the day
1 examine more closely
It is appropriate to examine more closely at the disadvantages of the project.
2 distinct from
However, the implementation of the project distinct from its plan.
3 estimate the effects of
The results of most studies that have attempted to estimate the effects have not
ended well.
Journalists under pressure amid erosion of press freedom: Google News Lab
Today I have read the article about journalists who are under pressure because
freedom of the press is being undermined. The purpose of the article is to give
some information to the reader about how misinformation affects journalists. The
author begins by reporting on an observation of the biggest search company in
the world. Much attention is given to the words of Irene J. Liu. Despite the
existence of difficulties, they have a clear understanding of the missions and
the purpose to be pursued. Before she became head of Google News Lab, she was an
experienced journalist in politics. Advice to read.
· #180
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:10)
За 30.05
Today i have read the article which called "On Twitter, fake news travels faster
than true stories: study". In this article was talking about study that has
found that false news spreads more rapidly on the social network Twitter than
real news does - and by a substantial margin. The study provides a variety of
ways of quantifying this phenomenon: For instance, false news stories are 70
percent more likely to be retweeted than true stories are. It also takes true
stories about six times as long to reach 1,500 people as it does for false
stories to reach the same number of people.
Phrases of the Day
1) a breakthrough in
Despite the great breakthrough in the field of science.
2) able to target
At present social welfare system is undergoing reforms which are directed to
reinforce its ability to target and provide social allowances to low-income
3) ability to achieve
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
Today I have read the article which called "Home sweet home: Research shows pet
cats rarely stray far". In this article was talking about strange behavious of
domestic cats. It is well known that cats are animals of freedom. With no
supervision they can easily leave their house and return in few days or weeks.
But in fact, due to the research, we know that usually they don't move further
fifty to hundred meters away, because they still know where their home is. In my
opinion this article is not that good, information provided in it is not quite
interesting and catching.
Essay: 10-International Economics.
International economics is concerned with the effects upon economic activity
from international differences in productive resources and consumer preferences
and the international institutions that affect them. The following topics are a
sample of those considered in the field of international economics: Exchange
rates and flows of money between countries. Free trade and trade disputes, such
as the softwood lumber dispute. Immigration and migration between countries. The
role regulations and shipping costs play on trade flows. International economics
deals basically with those economic principles which govern the exchange of
goods (and services) between sovereign nations (more accurately, between their
residents) and with special policy problems which arise in view of this.
· #179
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:01)
Today I have read the article "Breakthrough in quantum universal gate sets: A
high-fidelity iToffoli gate".
The article tells about there researchers have demonstrated the first
three-qubit high-fidelity iToffoli native gate in a superconducting quantum
information processor and in a single step. This demonstration adds a novel
easy-to-implement native three-qubit logic gate for universal quantum computing.
I think that that experiments for simple and high-fidelity multi-qubit gate
design at AQT, will encourage more research to develop new multi-qubit gateways
for quantum info treating.
Phrases of the Day:
1) ability to achieve
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
2) a breakthrough in
Despite the great breakthrough in the field of science.
3) able to target
At present social welfare system is undergoing reforms which are directed to
reinforce its ability to target and provide social allowances to low-income
Today I have read the article "Hunting toxic chemicals in the Arctic".
The article tells about there Arctic Ocean basin acts like a reservoir or ‘sink’
for industrial and agricultural chemicals from Europe, Asia and even further
afield which are transported there in the air and ocean currents. The cold
temperatures and ice bound environment trap the toxics in the ground, air, water
and ice where they degrade extremely slowly.
I think that although the accumulation of some POPs has slowed due to global
regulations on the use of these chemicals, new chemicals are constantly emerging
and research is needed to understand the effects of these on people and
2.Theories of International Relations.
Theories of international relations can be divided according to the principle:
“positivist/rationalist” theories, which focus on analysis from the point of
view of the state, and “postpositivist/reflectivist”, which include more
expanded concepts, in addition to the points of view of the state, on security
(taking into account cultural, economic, social factors in the conduct of
international politics). It is noteworthy that theories of opposite ideas in
international relations very often coexist with each other in geopolitics. Let's
say constructivism , institutionalism , Marxism , and others. However, by far
the most common schools of international relations are realism and liberalism.
The number of adherents of social constructivism is also growing
· #178
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:01)
To Barladian,IG-212. I share your point of view absolutely. Good luck
· #177
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:58)
Today I have read the article “Why do you usually eat the same thing for
breakfast?”. It tells us that everything happens because our bodies follow
circadian rhythms. Nearly all forms of life adhere to these 24-hour cycles,
which govern changes that are physical, mental and behavioral. As a result,
people tend to be at their most alert at the start of the day, and would
therefore be satisfied with a meal choice that they don't have to think about
too much. But later in the day, when their energy is flagging, they might crave
a more stimulating meal for lunch or dinner.
To my mind, this study is really interesting, because even simple things like
breakfast or lunch may have a pattern depending of what exactly you eat.
Phrases of the day
1. ability to achieve
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
2.breakthrough in
We urge all parties concerned to return to talks and negotiate a breakthrough in
the peace process.
3. able to target
Policymakers are better able to target interventions and to achieve more
equitable results on land issues and land management policies.
Today I have read the article “Humans are practically defenseless. Why don't
wild animals attack us more?”. According to it, this happens because of
bipedalism, which makes humans appear bigger and therefore more threatening to
other species. Larger primates, such as humans and chimps, live in groups and
adopted the strategy of aggressively defending themselves against threats, which
usually works against predators.However, ss human technology advanced, we
developed an arsenal of advanced weapons, such as bows and guns, that could be
used from a distance. With these weapons, humans became so deadly that they
began taking the fight to predators.
To my mind, this article is really interesting, because we haven’t even thought
why animals don't attack us, while we ourselves may have caused them irreparable
Essay: Global perspectives
A global perspective is a view on an issue that either has global influence or
takes into account the nature of the issue globally. It shapes how you perceive
and understand your own identity and the identity of people you interact with,
as you begin to understand what goes into shaping culture. A global mindset also
encompasses the understanding of globalization and how interconnected each
region of the world is economically, politically and socially. In other words,
it is an opportunity to explore the ideas, beliefs, and values of our fellow
citizens around the world and to discover how many of the current problems of
the modern world affect us on many levels.
· #176
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:56)
Задолженность за 2.05
After reading the article "The technique allows you to render scenes in 3D in
real time.
"I realized that scientists have something to surprise us. Previously, robot
systems recognized a picture in 2D. But scientists Zitzmann and Reznikov have
designed a new system for sensing robots in 3D. The whole point is that a laser
system transmits information about the smallest areas of the surface. This
system will be a breakthrough. in many areas, robots will be able to replace
humans in them, for example, in surgery, because such a complex operation
requires just three-dimensional perception.
After reading the article "A system for designing and training intelligent soft
"I realized that the world is moving more rapidly into the future every day. But
all the achievements of scientists were based not only on mental abilities. When
science reaches a dead end and a question arises, it immediately turns to
nature. And in the case of this robot, the theory is confirmed. Robots. do a lot
of work instead of people, because technology has evolved very rapidly over the
past hundred years. I think that something great awaits us.
Phrases of the day:
1.Ability to Achieve is a registered NDIS company, that supports people with
high and complex needs.
2.A breakthrough in developing multi-watt terahertz lasers.
3.HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high performance computing
· #175
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:54)
To Gladka,IG-212. Way to go. Good luck
· #174
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:54)
Title: "Support local nonprofit journalism. Donate today and double your impact"
Today I have read the article about the benefits of supporting local journalism.
Local journalism brings communities together by encouraging readers to listen
and empathize with each other. If local journalism disappears, communities
become less friendly, and residents rely on unverified information from social
media to make decisions. Local news informs residents who are more likely to
participate in public activities and vote in municipal elections. A strong
democracy is based on a free press. Regional journalists have ambitious goals
for the future, but they cannot do it by themselves, so support them!
In conclusion, invest in local nonprofit journalism!
Phrases of the day:
1. ability to achieve
One critical feature of the proposed mechanism is the ability to achieve
low-latency beam switching and high-accuracy beam control.
2. a breakthrough in
This represents a major breakthrough in bringing perovskite technology to
commercialization and widespread adoption.
3. able to target
The Cambridge team showed that triclosan was able to target and act on this
enzyme even in pyrimethamine-resistant parasites.
Title: "Ukraine’s Public Interest Journalism Lab Rethinks Reporting During War"
Today I have read the article about new ways to tell difficult stories.
Prior to 2014, prior to the Orange Revolution, there were individual journalists
who were independent, who left TV stations, and they were able to create
independent media. In 2022, we do have this ecosystem of independent media, in
fact, led by the people who were just journalists in early 2014, prior or after
the Maidan. There is no one media stronger than independent Ukrainian media,
that do the most important investigations and amplifies work.
In conclusion, I realized that the strength is in unity of Ukrainian nation.
· #173
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:51)
To Drozd,IG-212. Well done. Best wishes
· #172
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:51)
I have read the article: «New York Post : Mona Lisa attacked by cake-throwing
climate activist in bizarre demonstration.» It says that the activist,
pretending to be disabled, got closer to the picture and threw a cake at it. It
is inconceivable that he did this for the sake of drawing attention to
environmental problems, because such a progressive trend does not support
vandalism at all. But I hasten to assure you that nothing threatens the picture,
and everything is in order with it, the cake fell on the glass that protected it
from the public. I also think it's a worrying sign that environmental movements
are beginning to radicalize and will continue to do so as our planet's climate
Phrases of the Day
1. initial stages of
Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages
of development.
2. more specifically
More specifically, they want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels,
which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.
3. numerous examples
The report contains numerous examples of how this reality is ignored.
I have read the article: « BBC: Afghanistan face veil decree: 'It feels like
being a woman is a crime'.» This article talks about the terrible restrictions
faced by women in Afghanistan. The article also says that the Taliban are
present in women's clothing stores and make sure that the clothes that the
tailors have made are of the proper length. It is unthinkable that a woman
should experience this in the 21st century, I wish all the women of Afghanistan
to find freedom, both political and individual.
6. International Communication.
International communication is an integral part of today's international
culture. Never before has mankind been so united in its thoughts and
experiences, and all thanks to the Internet, cellular communications, television
and other such things. At the same time, international communication also takes
place in the economy, where it is more important than ever to be informed. Also,
large transnational corporations cannot exist without effective means of
international communication. It is also worth mentioning that international
communication will only continue to develop and it is expected that even more
people on our planet will begin to participate in the international exchange of
· #171
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:44)
Today I have read the article called “Pioneering study reveals teaching
techniques that boost exam performance”. In this article, you can learn about
the influence of a teacher on student achievement. It also tells that from the
manner of presenting information, students reach new levels and receive a lot of
useful information. The teacher must motivate his students to reach new heights
in knowledge. This article was interesting for me because one day it was the
motivation and the ability to present useful information by the teacher that
interested me in learning new things.
1) able to target
It would come down to how well we are able to target the ads.
2)ability to achieve
Effectiveness is the ability to achieve stated goals or objectives, measured in
terms of both output and impact
3) a breakthrough in
And along the way they created a breakthrough in computer visualization.
Today I have read the article “Entrepreneur”. As for me, it’s quite interesting
and informative.
So, entrepreneur is a person who understands all the risks, creates new
businesses and gets a reward afterwards. Moreover, entrepreneurs play the key
role in economy because they bring new ideas to market. Also, such a person is
always seen as a generator of new ideas, goods and services. In order to become
a successful entrepreneur you should be clever, brave, ambitious, adaptable and
So,I would to say that everything is possible and you need to work everyday to
achieve your goal and become a successful entrepreneur.
Essay to the topic 13.How is Information Technology Used in Public Relations?
Technology is also helping PR pros be more effective by cutting out unnecessary
steps. For example, in the past, press releases were developed and distributed
individually. Now, they're distributed through programs like Business Wire and
Constant Contact.
AI bots can be used to track media impressions for a PR firms's own clients as
well as their client's competition. Not only can artificial intelligence be used
to track media coverage for your clients by scanning news coverage, but it can
also track any trends in topics that the PR firm may want to get ahead of.
· #170
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:42)
Today I have read the article about how the Ghanaian Ministry of National
Security is rekindling old fears after the photo scandal. Accra-based Citi TV
journalist Caleb Kudakh had no idea that an investigation into unused vehicles
at the Department of Homeland Security would raise such a horror in the country
- the role of the country's security apparatus. Kudakh began investigating why
cars bought with government funds for distribution to transport unions were left
at the premises of the National Security Service. The security forces of Ghana
were not happy about this. They arrested Kudakh, beat him and handcuffed him. I
recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1. A few Parties were able to estimate the effect of particular measures.
2. Executions by guerrilla forces were a controversial issue that he hoped to
examine more closely.
3. This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
Today I have read the article about how local newspapers can help reduce
polarization with opinion pages about local issues. If you are confused about
the concept of journalism, opinions and so on, then you are not alone. Many
Americans are also confused. But even in such a situation, the editorials,
letters, opinion columns that fill the comment pages can help bridge political
divisions in the US and offer some help to local news outlets. Two-thirds of
Americans, after a Gallup poll in 2017, boldly said that the media does not
distinguish between facts and opinions, compared with 42% in 1984. I recommend
to read this article.
· #169
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:36)
Today I have read a fascinating article in which a journalist says goodbye to
the publication and writes her last article. The girl talks about her path and
proves that being a journalist is not at all easy. In the article, the girl
makes it clear to us that journalism has made a person out of her and she does
not want a bit about this stage in her life. Drawing conclusions, I came to one
opinion: the article is beautiful. In it you will find out how the girl said
goodbye to the team and who she will miss the most, I recommend reading
They only target people with abilities.
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
I wanted to tell you both that there was a breakthrough in this photo situation.
Today I have read a very interesting article about films and shows about
journalism. From the article we learn this whole gorgeous list. For example, one
of them is the film "Journalist", which was released on the Netflix platform and
won the hearts of millions of people. In the article we learn about the summary
of the film and what issues of journalism it reveals. Drawing conclusions, I can
say that the article is really chic. In it you will find films for every taste.
What do journalists face? Interested? Read the article and find out.
· #168
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-212 (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:32)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, I am waiting for your active work. If you have
debts, it is high time to post them.
· #167
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:19)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #166
Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:42)
Arrears for 16.05
This is controversial. Yes, indeed, the case was won by Johnny Depp, who was
considered by many to be guilty. Fans of the actor were happy to see him win,
but afterwards many people clearly wondered, "Will many people trust the victims
of domestic violence after this case?" This is a really good question because
many of Amber Hurt's accusations have proven to be false and untrue, making it
hard for many people to believe the abuse victims now, seeing their accusations
as lies. But if a victim does have truthful information and hard evidence, they
should not be afraid to speak out and get justice.
· #165
Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:41)
Arrears for 23.05
Phrases of the day:
1. Able to target
With more data, advertisers will be able to target specific audience and reduce
ad wastage, he said.
2. Ability to achieve
The ability to achieve a lower device threshold voltage potentially enables high
performance operation at lower voltages.
3. A breakthrough in
A breakthrough in fertility science by researchers from Bristol and Mexico has
shattered the universally accepted view of how sperm 'swim'.
This kind of thing is unacceptable. Unfortunately, this is not the first time
this has happened, but for some reason no one has done anything to prevent it
from happening again. In my opinion, it is high time the US government thought
about restricting or banning the sale of guns, because now that everyone in the
country is free to own guns, this kind of thing could happen again, not only in
schools, but in other public places as well. So I hope that this time the
government will think about this issue.
· #164
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:34)
To Andreeva,IG-211. You have taken into consideration my remarks and your comments are nice. Good luck
· #163
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:30)
To Ivashenko,IG-212. Your written comments are ok but your voice messages leave much to be desired. Best wishes
· #162
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:17)
To Zaitsev,IG-211.I have checked all your comments. I remind you that every comment should contain approximately 100 words, but your comments are short. Good luck
· #161
Borysenko (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:12)
To Vakalyuk,IG-211. I have read your 6 comments. You repeat their the same mistakes. You don't use Present Perfect and definite article in the first sentence in some of your comments.The word"article" can be substituted by the pronoun IT but not SHE. You have some more debts, mind it. I am waiting for your exam topic. Good luck
· #160
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 06 June 2022 08:53)
Good morning!
The lesson has started. Read the instructions again and do your module Test.
· #159
Grodska E. to IJ 212 (Monday, 06 June 2022 08:46)
Dear students, the lesson will start soon. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck
· #158
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (for 30.05) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 23:11)
‘Outing’ of priest shines light on power – and partisanship – of Catholic media
Today I’ve read an article about Catholic journalism. The article begins with
the scandal of a high-ranking US priest, who was called gay by some media. The
author says that Catholic journalists not only cover the church itself, but also
offer a Catholic perspective on broader American stories. The author also sees
that the secular media, the Catholic media are becoming increasingly polarized
and drawn into a culture war. The article also states that the Catholic media
also express different points of view on the issue of homosexuality. America
magazine features articles regularly by Father Jim Martin, a Jesuit priest who
called on the church to treat the gay community with great dignity. In the
meantime, First Things magazine is happy to offer its readers sharp critiques of
secular modernity from Catholic conservative writers.
Phrases of the day
1) This information can be used to estimate the effect of the release of waste
into the ocean.
2) I need these teaching materials to examine more thorough study of the origin
of human speech.
3) Children who grew up in orphanages are very distinct from those who grew up
in a family, wrapped in care and love.
How local journalism can upend the ‘fake news’ narrative
Today I’ve read an article that deals with the issue of trust of people, namely
Americans, in the media. The author highlights that a 2016 Gallup poll showed
that only 32 percent of Americans trust the media, while an Ipsos poll from the
summer of 2018 found that almost a third of Americans agree that the media is
"the enemy of the people". Further in the article, the author discusses why this
happened and names several reasons. The author also touches upon the problem of
the disappearance of local media. The author considers this a big problem and
provides ways to solve it in the text.
Exam topic
The history of media is closely connected with the emergence of speech. From the
very beginning of the existence of mankind, people have had a need to transmit
and disseminate information. This, of course, cannot be called full-fledged
journalism, but it was from this that it was born. With the advent of writing,
people have even more opportunities and ways to transmit information. It is
worth mentioning the first newspaper that was founded by Julius Caesar "Acta
diurna”. But the newspapers and magazines to which we are accustomed appeared
much later. Journalism has always developed rapidly and adapted to new
platforms. At first, journalism successfully developed on television, and later
on the Internet. Journalism is developing now and will develop in the future.
· #157
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 21:46)
Today I've read the article "New technology gives smart cars 'X-ray' vision by
detecting hidden pedestrians and cyclists." Australian researchers have
developed a breakthrough technology that allows autonomous vehicles to track
running pedestrians hidden behind buildings and cyclists hidden behind larger
cars, trucks and buses. I think this article is useful for both human-driven and
autonomous vehicles, it will significantly improve the efficiency and safety of
road transport.
· #156
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 21:44)
Today I've read the article "Engineers are developing a way to use everyday
Wi-Fi to help robots see and navigate indoors better." UC San Diego engineers
have developed low-cost, low-power technology that helps robots accurately
navigate indoors, even in poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or
features. I think this article is useful because using WiFi technology can offer
a cost-effective alternative to expensive and power-hungry LiDARs.
· #155
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 21:41)
Private International Law is the legal framework composed of conventions,
protocols, model laws, legal guides, uniform documents, case law, practice and
custom, as well as other documents and instruments, which regulate relationships
between individuals in an international context. Examples of private
international law topics include family law matters, recognition of judgment,
torts, contracts, etc.
· #154
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Sunday, 05 June 2022)
International law, also known as public international law, the law of nations
and international ethics, is the set of rules, norms, and standards generally
recognized as binding between nations. Public international law sets the rules
for issues that concern all humankind: the environment, the oceans, human
rights, international business, etc. Various international bodies enforce these
rules. Public law is important because of the unequal relationship between the
government and the public.
· #153
Grodska E. to Simachkov N.A IM-181 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:27)
Your tasks are prepared properly. Well done
· #152
Grodska E. to Inga Goncharuk, IJ-212 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:25)
I have read your tasks, they are correct and well written. Continue working
· #151
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:23)
Your commentaries are quite good. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Well done
· #150
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:22)
I have read your tasks, they are clear and informative. Well done
· #149
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 18:45)
Задолженность за 16.05
Today I have read the article "Are humans 'wired' to hate, and if so, why?". It
tells us about the features of hatred, as well as about the fight against it.
Recently, there has been a lot of focus on online hate. Hate online is linked to
lockdown — a report from the charity says online hate speech has increased
during lockdown. I do think that for some people hate can fill a void. Sometimes
hate can be an easy emotion to shoehorn if you are vulnerable and find it
difficult to express emotions yourself. I recommend reading this article.
Today I have read the article "Alone, not lonely: How to make the most out of
involuntary 'me time'". It tells us about the impact of being alone during a
pandemic and how to benefit from it. Loneliness affects not just how we think of
ourselves and others. It also demonstrably influences our risk of physical
illness. Isolation and feelings of loneliness oftentimes lead to depression.
When we are unintentionally isolated and feeling down, it can feel like the
things around us are out of control. I recommend reading this article.
· #148
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 18:44)
Journalists may work in offices of newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
Generally these offices are crowded and busy. Magazine offices however are much
quieter. Journalists have to visit the sites of events of interest. They
research their assignments in libraries and information centres. They work
irregular hours and their duties often compel them to work at night. There are
risks involved in covering events such as fires, bomb explosions, unrest and
Phrases of the day:
1.However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences
between the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and
2.General circulation models estimate the effect that greenhouse gas and aerosol
emissions have on global climate.
3.Such people often live in politically marginalized groups distinct from the
dominant culture.
Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really
happened, but that they might not have known about already.
People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might work at
newspapers, magazines, websites or for TV or radio stations.
The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. Good
journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the
world around them.Online question and answer pages where anyone can
participate.The best journalism is easy to read, and just sounds like a nice,
smart person telling you something interesting.
· #147
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 18:36)
Journalists may work in offices of newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
Generally these offices are crowded and busy. Magazine offices however are much
quieter. Journalists have to visit the sites of events of interest. They
research their assignments in libraries and information centres. They work
irregular hours and their duties often compel them to work at night. There are
risks involved in covering events such as fires, bomb explosions, unrest and
Phrases of the day:
1.However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences
between the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and
2.General circulation models estimate the effect that greenhouse gas and aerosol
emissions have on global climate.
3.Such people often live in politically marginalized groups distinct from the
dominant culture.
Topic: Models of communication
Models of communication are conceptual models used to explain the human
communication process. The first major model for communication was developed in
1948 by Claude Shannon and published with an introduction by Warren Weaver for
Bell Laboratories.It is also important to note Lasswell's model of
communication, which was also developed in 1948 by Harold Lasswell. Following
the basic concept, communication is the process of sending and receiving
messages or transferring information from one part (sender) to another
In 1960, David Berlo expanded the linear transmission model with the
sender-message-channel-receiver (SMCR) model of communication.Later, Wilbur
Schramm introduced a model that identified multiple variables in communication
which includes the transmitter, encoding, media, decoding, and receiver.
· #146
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:49)
#145 долг за 02.05.22
· #145
02.05.22 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:46)
There are over 3,000 species of snakes on the planet, and they are found
everywhere except Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland, Greenland and New Zealand. About
once a month, snakes shed their skin, a process called shedding. They rub
against a tree branch or other object, then slip out of the skin head first,
leaving it inside out. Most snakes live on land, but there are about 70 snake
species found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Sea snakes and their relatives,
the kraits, are among the most venomous snakes in existence, but they do not
pose much of a threat to humans because they are shy, gentle, and their fangs
are too short to cause much harm.
· #144
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:45)
12.05.22 долг
James Wong Howe had a knack for making things darker. In the early 1920s, the
orthochromatic film used in Hollywood was too sensitive to blue, resulting in
features such as washed out skies. Often referred to as one of the greatest
cinematographers of all time and by far the most versatile and expressive of the
black and white era, Wong Howe has worked with directors such as Howard Hawks,
Victor Fleming, Fritz Lang, Martin Ritt and John Frankenheimer. Having undergone
changes in Hollywood from the advent of sound to color and the big screen, Wong
Howe won two Oscars (for 1955's The Rose Tattoo and 1963's Hud) and was
nominated for eight others.
A new medical specialty has emerged in Syria. Based on deliberate attacks on
doctors, other medical personnel, aid workers, hospitals and ambulances, this
interdisciplinary field encompasses mass casualties and severe malnutrition
caused by indiscriminate bombing and blockade of humanitarian aid. In late
December 2017, doctors in the besieged Eastern Ghouta, a semi-rural area of
400,000 ten miles northeast of Damascus, faced with growing child casualties
and unbearable life-and-death decisions, turned to the World Health Organization
(WHO) with an urgent appeal.
· #143
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:44)
16.05.22 долг
the movie star tells the story when Ardra suddenly starts acting aloof and cold
towards her family members, her husband Roy and the people around her are
confused and scared. Star, Malayalam’s first release after the Covid lockdown,
is a mystery drama that attempts to deflat. No one in the family bothers to take
her to the doctor, and when they finally do, they find out the truth. Ardra
(Sheela Abraham) is suspicious of her busy businessman husband Roy (Joju George)
and also acts indifferent towards her children. Apparently, she was not like
that, and few people understand what happened to her, all of a sudden.
Ageism and how to deal with it. A recent study by ProPublica and the Urban
Institute found that 56% of workers over 50 report being pushed out of their
jobs by employers before they were ready to retire. Savvy CEOs are addressing
these recruiting challenges by hiring and retaining more older workers,
including those in their 60s and 70s. Perceptions that older workers aren't good
enough or too expensive can be easily refuted, says Peter Cappelli, co-author of
Managing Older Workers: How to Prepare for the New Organizational Order (Harvard
Business Review Press, 2010) and director of the Wharton School's Human
Resources Center in Philadelphia.
· #142
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:42)
23.05.22 долг,bottlenose%20dolphins%20is%20about%20600%2C000.
In the Pacific, dolphins are found from northern Japan to Australia and from
Southern California to Chile. Since dolphin populations are distributed in both
coastal and coastal zones, scientists distinguish two ecotypes with anatomical,
physiological, behavioral, ecological and genetic differences. Some coastal
dolphins at higher latitudes show a clear trend towards seasonal migration,
traveling further south in winter. For example, coastal bottlenose dolphins on
the Atlantic side of the US migrate seasonally between New Jersey and North
Carolina. Coastal dolphins usually form smaller cohesive groups (<20) than
coastal dolphins (>100).
Animal species around the world are beginning to feel the impact of warming, but
few are seeing their habitats change as quickly as Adélie penguins, chinstrap
and gentoo penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula. As penguin species face rapid
warming at the south pole, the impact of environmental change varies from region
to region and species to species. Penguins use the sea ice as a feeding
platform. Sea ice brings Adélie to the most productive areas. When you have less
sea ice, it makes it impossible for them to feed efficiently.
· #141
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:40)
30.05.2022 долг
Snorkeling or diving over a coral reef, with its exceptionally vibrant colors
and the spread of life in completely unfamiliar forms, is almost as close to
most people as visiting an alien world. The emergence of coral reefs in the
world occurred 54 million years ago in a long-lost sea called Tethys, in what is
now Southern Europe. At that time, the world was recovering from a devastating
climate warming. Charles Sheppard's book Coral Reefs: A Natural History not only
explains what corals are and how they live, but also reveals the magnificence of
reefs at all scales through exquisite photographs.
In the weeks following the September 11, 2001 attacks, Vice President Dick
Cheney hid in various undisclosed locations while Bush administration officials
announced the start of the global war on terrorism. Cheney, the chief architect
of that war, finally appeared in his office in the West Wing of the White House,
where Bob Woodward of The Washington Post asked him how long the war could go
on. Cheney was candid: “It may never end. At least not in our lifetime."
Cheney's confident expectations were confirmed by events. Despite the recent
withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the war on terror is only spreading in
new technological and political forms.
· #140
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Sunday, 05 June 2022 16:55)
Class work (1) 30.05.22 задолженность
Предложения дня:
examine more closely, estimate the effects
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
But data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
The team will use what it learns about the Yarkovsky effect on RQ36 to help
estimate the effects on other asteroids.
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Ссылка на статью:
The article "Textile filter testing shows promise for carbon capture" which was
written by Laura Oleniacz from North Carolina State University is about how to
filter carbon dioxide from air and gas mixtures at promising rates using a
proposed new textile-based filter that combines cotton fabric. The researchers
say new technologies for carbon capture are needed that would require less
energy than existing commercialized carbon capture technologies, some of which
are used only to filter carbon dioxide and release it back into the atmosphere.
They hope their carbon capture system could help drive down the cost to help
boost adoption.
· #139
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Sunday, 05 June 2022 16:44)
Independent work (1) 30.05.22 задолженность
Ссылка на статью:
The title of the article, I have read today is: "Artificial skin gives robots
sense of touch and beyond". This article was written by Emily Velasco from
California Institute of Technology. The author underlined that we tend to take
our sense of touch for granted in everyday settings, but it is vital for our
ability to interact with our surroundings. A new artificial skin developed at
Caltech can now give robots the ability to sense temperature, pressure, and even
toxic chemicals through a simple touch. The system also provides feedback to the
human skin in the form of a very mild electrical stimulation. Bringing back the
example of picking up an egg, if the operator were to grip the egg too tightly
with the robotic hand and was in danger of crushing its shell, the system would
alter the operator through what Gao describes as "a little tingle" to the
operator's skin.
· #138
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:57)
Долг за 09.05
Today I have read the article "Chinese hackers reportedly target India's power
grid". It tells about how last several months the Insikt Group, the threat
research division of Massachusetts-based Recorded Future, said it has collected
evidence that hackers targeted seven Indian state centers responsible for
carrying out electrical dispatch and grid control near a border area disputed
· #137
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:44)
Долг за 09.05
Class Work
Today I have read the article "Child's gender influences crime rates in young
fathers and their peers". It tells about researchers established that young
fathers who have a firstborn son rather than a daughter are convicted of fewer
crimes in subsequent years, and crucially that this reduction also leads to a
drop in criminal convictions among peers living in the same neighborhood.
· #136
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:26)
Долг за 02.05
Homework 2
Today I have read the article "Disruptions of salesperson-customer
relationships. Is that always bad?". It tells about study, forthcoming in the
January issue of the Journal of Marketing, is titled "Understanding the Impact
of Relationship Disruptions" and authored by Christian Schmitz, Maximilian
Friess, Sascha Alavi, and Johannes Habel.
· #135
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:20)
Долг за 02.05
Today I have read the article "Study: Effectiveness of program that pays farmers
to conserve water". It tells about Tsvetan Tsvetanov, assistant professor of
economics at the University of Kansas, has analyzed a pilot program intended to
conserve water in the agriculture-dependent region
· #134
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:16)
Долг за 02.05
Class Work 2
Today I have read the article "New deal housing programs dramatically increased
segregation, new study finds". It tells about housing programs adopted during
the New Deal increased segregation in American cities and towns, creating racial
disparities that continue to characterize life in the 21st century, finds a new
study by New York University sociologist Jacob Faber.
· #133
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:06)
Долг за 02.05
Class Work
Today I have read the article "New tool predicts economic impacts of natural gas
stations". It tells about researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne
National Laboratory announced a new tool for analyzing the economic impacts of
building new compressed natural gas fueling stations. Called JOBS NG, the tool
is freely available to the public.
· #132
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:00)
Долг за 25.04
Today I have read the article "Militarization of police fails to enhance safety,
may harm police reputation". It tells about militarized police units enhance
officer safety and prevent violence, critics argue these tactics are targeted at
racial minorities, and diminish trust between citizens and law enforcement.
· #131
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 13:40)
Долг за 25.04
Class Work
examine more closely
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests plantations with wastewater.
distinct from
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure based on
periodic reports.
estimate the effects of
If based on reliable data, they could be used to estimate the effects of
reducing atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and other air pollutants.
Today I have read the article "New NASA mission to help us better estimate
asteroid impact hazard". It tells about According to NASA's NEO program, there
are more than 1,300 "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids" (PHAs) – objects at least
150 yards (about 140 meters) across with a very small chance of impacting us
someday because their orbital paths take them close to Earth's orbit.
· #130
Shkimbova Yana(IJ-212) Gvozd (Sunday, 05 June 2022 13:04)
Долг 30.05
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "In Conversation: Why climate change matters for
human health ". It tells us about various studies on the impact of climate on
the human condition. Climate change puts in motion a complex “domino effect”
that ultimately impacts people’s livelihoods, their access to food security, and
to clean water, all of which are crucial to human health. Also emphasize the
ways in which global heating has impacted agricultural productivity. Temperature
fluctuations can also affect how the immune system responds to viruses. I
recommend reading this article because it very informative and useful.
Phrases of the day
1) examine more closely
But data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
2) distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge.
3) estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Today I've read the article "US journalism has become more subjective". It tells
that U.S.-based journalism has gradually shifted away from objective news and
offers more opinion-based content that appeals to emotion and relies heavily on
argumentation and advocacy.
In an analysis on news discourse, researchers found that the changes occurred
over a 28-year-period as journalism expanded such as newspapers and broadcast
networks, to newer media, such as 24-hour cable channels and digital outlets.
The findings point to a gradual and subtle shift over time and between old and
new media toward a more subjective form of journalism that is grounded in
personal perspective.
Exam topic “Language/discourse/narrative”.
Language is a sign system that a person uses throughout his life. Communicating
with others, we express our thoughts, improve knowledge, learn new information,
express our feelings. It is always nice when you are respected and valued by
your friends, acquaintances or colleagues. It is difficult for a person to be
happy, to work successfully, to improve himself, to assert himself without
contact with others. Therefore, communication is an important spiritual need of
man as a social being. Nothing is impossible in this life, so you need to live
to your heart's content and not waste your time, the main thing is that each of
us has loyal friends who will always be happy to help in different situations.
· #129
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 12:08)
Phrases of the day:
1) classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
2) by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
3) beyond the scope of
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
Today I have read the article called “The future of nuclear waste: What's the
plan and can it be safe?”. The U.K. is planning to significantly expand its
nuclear capability.
New reactors will inevitably mean more radioactive waste. The vast majority of
waste is held in storage facilities at or near ground level. But above-ground
nuclear storage isn't a feasible long term plan - governments, academics and
scientists are in agreement that permanent disposal below ground is the only
long-term strategy that satisfies security and environmental concerns.
Now, almost every nation plans to isolate radioactive waste from the environment
in an underground, highly engineered structure called a geological disposal
Today I have read the article called “Community policing found to be ineffective
in improving trust or reducing crime”. An international team of researchers has
found that instituting community policing into several communities in six
countries in the Southern Hemisphere did little to improve trust in police and
did not reduce crime rates.
Community policing involves members of the police spending more time among the
people they serve in their local communities. The idea is that such efforts will
improve trust between police and the public they are sworn to serve, and that
members of the public will be more forthcoming and cooperative in helping to
identify those who commit a crime.
· #128
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:50)
Phrases of the Day:
1) controversial question:
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial
2) conduct research:
Virtuocity that uses immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can
improve the design
3) considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy
I have read the article about gorillas display territorial behavior.
A study published in Scientific Reports shows for the first time that gorilla
groups recognize "ownership" of certain regions. They are also more likely to
avoid contact with other groups the closer they are to the center of their
neighbors' home range for fear of conflict. Gorillas were previously thought to
be nonterritorial because of their overlapping home ranges and their tolerance
of other groups. This is in marked contrast to chimpanzees, which exhibit
extreme territorial violence.
To be honest, I am shocked that our scientists are researching and creating
Today I read an article called "The New York Butcher Offering Smoked Meats and
Support for Ukraine". She tells us about a meat market in one of the districts
of New York. This spring in the East Village, blue and yellow flags flutter in
the breeze. The sign of support for Ukraine also hangs in the window, alongside
loops of kielbasa and loaves of dark Lithuanian rye bread. The name of the
founder, J. Bachinsky, remains depicted on the façade. A Ukrainian immigrant, he
opened the store in 1970 . I recommend reading this article.
· #127
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:27)
Phrases of the Day:
1) Considerable disagreement:
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether
2) Conduct research :
How to conduct research experiments at superhuman levels by using the same
3) Сontroversial question :
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
There are many sports from ping pong to weightlifting and you know what they
have in common – movement. Movement is the basis of almost all living species,
and the same can be said about sports and physical education, no matter what
activity you do, you will still be moving. The only difference is that in
different sports a person moves differently. And you can argue for a long time
about how to be healthy, how to succeed in sports and about the benefits of
sports, but here is the answer to these questions – movement. And as long as a
person keeps moving he will live and improve.
Many people have a question about their weight and how much they should weigh
normally. But many do not take into account the various facts of body structure,
age, psychological factors, gender, and the like. The ideal weight for a person,
in a healthy sense, corresponds to a comfortable life. Being overweight can
cause a huge number of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease,
high or low blood pressure. There is a table of approximate mass index for your
height and age. With it, you can calculate your ideal proportions for a healthy
· #126
Borysenko (Sunday, 05 June 2022 10:06)
To Zaitsev,IG-211. I have checked all your comments. It's nice that you have started posting them. It would have been better if each of them had contained 100 words and had been without mistakes. Good luck
· #125
Borysenko (Sunday, 05 June 2022 09:54)
To Andreeva,IG-211. Unfortunately you make the same mistakes in all your comments during the term. Why don't you read my remarks? The word "article 'can be substituted by the pronoun IT but not SHE. Present Perfect should be used in your first sentences,it should be " I HAVE READ the article..." Mind it, pls
· #124
Inga Goncharuk, IJ-212 (Grodska) dept for 15.05 (Saturday, 04 June 2022 19:00)
Today I have read article on the topic “Uzbekistan’s Journalists: ‘Censorship in
Our Minds and Hearts’” .An investigation into press freedom in Uzbekistan showed
that one of the main problems of journalists and bloggers was pressure from the
State Security Service. Journalists said that they were threatened, so they had
to delete their articles, they also stopped speaking freely on the topics of
religion and the relations of businessmen. Population of the country is afraid
to speak out so that there are no problems.
Concluding, I want to say that it is very wrong to be threatened in the 21st
century because of your own opinion.
Phrases of the day
1) As your de facto consigliere my advice to you is to shut this down
2) The challenge of stigma and discrimination also deserves special attention.
3) Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
Advertising is an integral part of our life, because it is everywhere: on the
street, in transport, on the Internet, but sometimes there is too much of it.
Marketers have decided to limit advertising for children, because parents are
worried that this has a bad effect on children: from obesity to ending privacy
issues. 20 children's food and drink advertising companies have agreed to only
advertise products that meet certain nutritional criteria for children under the
age of 13.
In conclusion, I want to say that removing advertising for children is the right
decision and this will lead to good
· #123
Inga Goncharuk, IJ-212 (Grodska) dept for 02.05 (Saturday, 04 June 2022 18:58)
Today I have read article on the topic "Trolling Is Taking a Toll on Science
Journalism" and I want to give my comment. Recently, journalists in the US and
other countries have been subjected to online harassment. Journalists are often
subjected to a kind of censorship by the people. Some reporters may be able to
deal with the consequences of online harassment themselves, although there are
resources to help journalists with security issues, but they are not enough.
In conclusion, I want to say that it is time to solve the problem of online
persecution of journalists, because this can adversely affect their psyche
Phrases of the day
1) Well, Halloween is derived from Samhain.
2) We believe that the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons
deserves special attention.
3) Three formerly de facto abolitionist countries resumed executions.
Topic:Communication theory
Ann Feldman is the author of Building Communities of Trust: Creative Work for
Social Change, which talks about building trust in a variety of situations. The
book is of great importance for the theory of mass media .The author presents
many examples from his life related to communications as well as case studies
from interviews that reveal stories of conflict problems and their solutions.
The purpose of this book is to help aspiring innovators develop a strategy for
their social change projects.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I would love to read this book. The book
is well suited for people who study the media.
· #122
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:52)
Задолженность за 02.05.
Homework (1)
Today I read the article "Looking to Help Ukrainian Refugees? A ‘Voluntourism'
Guide". She tells us about the locations of volunteer centers in Poland. The
Polish Government recently launched #PomagamUkrainie, a portal for information
aimed at refugees and for organizations seeking volunteers. On any average day,
about 20 foreign volunteers help in the free shop, where more than 1000 people
receive about 9000 goods in one day. I recommend reading this article to people
in Poland who want to help.
Homework (2)
Today I read an article called "The New York Butcher Offering Smoked Meats and
Support for Ukraine". She tells us about a meat market in one of the districts
of New York. This spring in the East Village, blue and yellow flags flutter in
the breeze. The sign of support for Ukraine also hangs in the window, alongside
loops of kielbasa and loaves of dark Lithuanian rye bread. The name of the
founder, J. Bachinsky, remains depicted on the façade. A Ukrainian immigrant, he
opened the store in 1970 . I recommend reading this article.
· #121
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:47)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Dark taiga under threat through climate change».
It tells about effects of climate change in recent decades have been tangible.
And these could potentially become even more serious by the end of the century,
even if we do somehow manage to limit global warming to 2 degrees, the latest de
facto target for global climate policy.
· #120
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:42)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Cryptographic technique can preserve genetic
privacy in criminal DNA profiling». It tells about armchair detective knows that
DNA left at a crime scene can be a valuable way to identify a perpetrator—either
by comparing the collected DNA with criminal DNA databases or with genetic
samples collected from suspects or "persons of interest."
· #119
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:35)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «An improved safety standard for bionic devices».
It tells about the researchers, who received an industry partnership funding
through the Australian Research Council to undertake the study, say the new
moisture standards could give the wearers of bionic implants extra confidence in
the operation of the life-changing devices.
· #118
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:31)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Slavery is not a crime in almost half the
countries of the world». It tells about legal ownership of people was indeed
abolished in all countries over the course of the last two centuries. But in
many countries it has not been criminalized. In almost half of the world's
countries, there is no criminal law penalizing either slavery or the slave
trade. In 94 countries, you cannot be prosecuted and punished in a criminal
court for enslaving another human being.
· #117
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:27)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Leak site's launch shows dilemma of radical
transparency». It tells about site, dubbed Distributed Denial of Secrets, is
aimed at capturing the cascade of leaked data coursing through the web, securing
it for researchers and journalists before it disappears amid the digital churn
of the internet.
· #116
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:21)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Climate cataclysms set stage for key UN science
report». It tells about on the heels of jaw-dropping heat and flooding across
three continents, nearly 200 nations gather Monday to validate a critical UN
climate science report 100 days ahead of a political summit charged with keeping
Earth liveable.
· #115
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:13)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «The first battle in the culture wars: The quality
of diversity». It tells about American diversity is in the spotlight as racial
discrimination in the United States reemerges as a major topic of public
discussion, touching everything from education to housing to policing.
· #114
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:08)
Задолженность 30.05
Classwork (2)
1) Considerable disagreement
There is currently considerable disagreement among authors on the "site" of
contour integration.
2)Conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
3)Сontroversial question
Another controversial question within the Liability Convention relates to the
provisions on the applicable law.
Today I read the article "The effect of loving-kindness meditation on employees’
mindfulness, affect, altruism and knowledge hiding". She tells us about a study
on the impact of meditation on employees. In total, 100 employees were recruited
from an enterprise in China and randomly divided into a training group. The LKM
intervention significantly increased participants’ altruism, and significantly
reduced negative affect. I recommend this article for reading.
Today I read the article "Why Some People Love Black Friday—and Others Hate It,
According to Psychologists". The presence of other shoppers in a store is
psychologically arousing for people on both ends of the personal space spectrum,
but in different ways. People who don't require much personal space feel excited
when others are around. That same arousal feels instead like stress to the
person who requires a little more space to call their own. I recommend reading
this article to true shoppers.
· #113
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:07)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Competitor fears Musk's SpaceX could 'monopolise'
space». It tells about Elon Musk's Starlink constellation project recently
received authorisation from US regulator the Federal Communications Commission
to provide broadband from space and place thousands of satellites lower than
previously proposed, angering competitors including Amazon.
· #112
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 16:03)
Долг за 1 модуль
Today I have read the article «Marine biologists forecast the effects of oil
platform decommissioning on fish communities». It tells about UC Santa Barbara
postdoctoral scholar Erin Meyer-Gutbrod and her colleagues have focused their
research on predicting how different decommissioning scenarios will affect the
productivity of the surrounding waters.
· #111
Vladyslav Zaitsev IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 15:59)
Долг за 1 модуль
derived from
Biofuels - fuels derived from biomass - might offer a promising supplement.
deserves special attention
It is not only financial, but also technical and technological, and deserves
special attention in terms of monitoring and assessment.
de facto
Table based on de facto population.
Today I have read the article «Earliest human remains in eastern Africa dated to
more than 230,000 years ago». It tells about The remains—known as Omo I—were
found in Ethiopia in the late 1960s, and scientists have been attempting to date
them precisely ever since, by using the chemical fingerprints of volcanic ash
layers found above and below the sediments in which the fossils were found.
· #110
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 15:54)
Задолженность 30.05.
1) Considerable disagreement
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
2)Conduct research
It also has the authority to conduct research and studies and to carry out
construction projects.
3)Сontroversial question
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Articles :
Today I read the article "In Conversation: Why climate change matters for human
health ". She tells us about various studies on the impact of climate on the
human condition. Climate change puts in motion a complex “domino effect” that
ultimately impacts people’s livelihoods, their access to food security, and to
clean water, all of which are crucial to human health. Also emphasize the ways
in which global heating has impacted agricultural productivity. Temperature
fluctuations can also affect how the immune system responds to viruses. I
recommend reading this article.
Today I read the article "Intermittent fasting: Is it all it's cracked up to
be?". She tells us about the method of intermittent fasting, which helps many to
fight excess weight. The fasting period may last from 12 hours per day to
several consecutive days, with a consistent, recurring pattern over the course
of a week.The 16:8 pattern — eating during an 8-hour window and fasting for 16
hours each day — may be the most recommended time-restricted eating pattern. I
recommend reading this article.
· #109
Borysenko (Saturday, 04 June 2022 14:16)
To Slobodzyan,IG-211. Unfortunately there are the same mistakes in your comments as in the previous comments. Read my remarks attentively, pls. Good luck
· #108
Borysenko (Saturday, 04 June 2022 14:06)
To Slobodzyan,IG-211. Look at the second word in the title and in the comment and correct the mistake. Be attentive, pls.
· #107
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Saturday, 04 June 2022 12:38)
To Ruda, ID-211
Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211
Evdokimov Maks Id-211
Good for you! Well done.
· #106
Korolyova Sonya IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 12:25)
Долг за 4.04
Today I have read the article ”A new project to support student carers”. It
tells us that students, who combine studies with caring responsibilities should
receive additional support. Without it, university performance, mental or
physical health can be ruined. Unfortunately, universities and schools generally
don’t take into account demographic data about cater status, so they need to
conduct an extra experiment and find those students. This experiment may also
provide an interesting research, which examines the impact that caring
obligations have on studying.As a matter of fact, researchers also want to get
rid of student’s fear of being negatively judged by their institutions. To my
mind, it is a great idea to support those, who really need help and
support.Also, because it is impossible to do two things at once.
Today I have read an article about a book called "Journalism and Jim Crow". This
book caused a real stir in the market and received a lot of awards. In this
article, we learn that the book consists of analytical essays on the American
South after reconstruction, the time after the Civil War. Further, we learn that
the book has become a particularly important contribution to the understanding
of the role of journalists in the fight against systemic racism. Drawing
conclusions, I can say that I was impressed by that article, many facts about
the book make you read it, I recommend reading.
· #105
Korolyova Sonya IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 11:44)
Долг за 26.03
Today I have read the article «What people value in digital news». The main idea
of this article is to tell about research made at the Missouri School of
Journalism. Researchers tried to understand what is the difference between
printed and digital news for people. It is described here what are the pros of
reading digital news. Although, sometimes some difficulties happen for readers
while looking through news on the Internet. In conclusion, I would like to say
nowadays it might be better to read digital news, because choosing newspapers
has a bad impact on nature and different environments.
Today I've read the article "Journalism jobs are precarious, financially
insecure and require family support". It tells that Journalism is a notoriously
precarious profession. Downsizing and layoffs are almost routine, and many
journalists find themselves bouncing between news organizations and periods of
freelance work during their careers. As scholars of work and organizations, we
wanted to understand how people in fields offering mainly precarious employment
handle the day-to-day demands of their work as they navigate this instability.
We analyzed in-depth interviews gathered from more than 100 journalists—some
employed full time, others working as freelancers—about their careers and work
· #104
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:27)
Independent work (2) 30.05.22 задолженность
Ссылка на статью:
Title of the article I read this morning is "New research offers recommendations
for integrating autonomous driving tech into public transportation". This
article was written by Aaron Aupperlee from Carnegie Mellon University. The
author underlined that automation in public transit is not new. People movers
and shuttles have been operating without a driver on dedicated tracks or lanes
since the 1960. But within the last decade, several autonomous public transit
pilot projects have launched to test the feasibility of driverless
transportation on open roadways. I think that is only start and the field of
public transportation is really important.
· #103
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:19)
Class work (2) 30.05.22 задолженность
Предложения дня:
conduct research, controversial question.
The team has already begun to conduct research on other readout techniques to
further shorten the processing time.
Vast quantities of data are scooped up from smartphone apps by firms looking to
develop products, conduct research or target consumers with adverts.
The mystery of polariton interactions has finally been resolved: Skoltech's
research gives a decisive answer to this controversial question.
In particular, how the disease is transmitted to great apes was a controversial
question until now.
Ссылка на статью:
The article "Could cooking with sound produce more environmentally friendly jam
and cream?" which was written by Meg Cox from Loughborough University is about a
novel solution, which as she hopes will use less energy, retain more nutrients,
and create longer-life products—and that's to cook jam and cream using sound.
Specifically, ultrasound, which is used for pregnancy scans and other medical
imaging applications.
· #102
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:41)
Задолженность за 30.05
Intermittent fasting is the term for a weight loss and body cleansing diet that
alternates between fasting and eating. Many people start fasting from 8 hours to
several days. After fasting, people can eat whatever they want without calorie
restrictions. This technique helps to regulate blood sugar, cholesterol levels,
changes in the figure. In this way, many athletes remove excess water and dry
the body for competitions or for the summer season. Intermittent fasting should
be selected individually, and based on your state of health
Many people have a question about their weight and how much they should weigh
normally. But many do not take into account the various facts of body structure,
age, psychological factors, gender, and the like. The ideal weight for a person,
in a healthy sense, corresponds to a comfortable life. Being overweight can
cause a huge number of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease,
high or low blood pressure. There is a table of approximate mass index for your
height and age. With it, you can calculate your ideal proportions for a healthy
Задолженность за 30.05
There are many sports from ping pong to weightlifting and you know what they
have in common – movement. Movement is the basis of almost all living species,
and the same can be said about sports and physical education, no matter what
activity you do, you will still be moving. The only difference is that in
different sports a person moves differently. And you can argue for a long time
about how to be healthy, how to succeed in sports and about the benefits of
sports, but here is the answer to these questions – movement. And as long as a
person keeps moving he will live and improve.
For weight loss, there are all kinds of diets, exercise, and the like. But in
most cases, people abuse diets, supplements, which worsen their physical
condition. A huge number of facts depends on weight loss, psychological,
biological component. There are a couple of options to lose weight without
harming your health, if everything is calculated correctly or if you do not
abuse these methods. Intermittent fasting is the method I wrote about above. Eat
in moderation - correctly calculate kilocalories and break food intake into
small portions. All types of weight loss can be harmful if not used correctly
Phrases of the Day:
1) McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures
2) As distinct from a proper symmetry which acts on the whole object uniformly,
3)This means, almost as a matter of logical necessity, that humans quality of
life is largely decided by the quality of their societies
Exam topic #5 Public relations.
The formal practice of what is now commonly referred to as “public relations”
dates to the early 20th century. Since that time, public relations has been
defined in myriad ways, the definition often evolving alongside public
relations’ changing roles and advances in technology.The earliest definitions
emphasized press agentry and publicity, while more modern definitions
incorporate the concepts of “engagement” and “relationship building.” At its
core, public relations is about influencing, engaging and building a
relationship with key stakeholders across numerous platforms in order to shape
and frame the public perception of an organization.
· #101
Slobodzyan Kyrylo IJ-211 ( BORYSENKO) (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:41)
Задолженность за 30.05
1) Considerable disagreement:
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether
2) Conduct research :
How to conduct research experiments at superhuman levels by using the same
3) Сontroversial question :
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Today I read an article : 'Starbucks is reopening in Shanghai '
Starbucks is reopening in Shanghai, a sign of hope as the city slowly emerges
from its strict Covid restrictions.
Shanghai lifted its two-month lockdown on Wednesday. So far the coffee chain has
reopened about 600 of its 940 stores in the city, according to Starbucks
spokesperson Jaime Riley.
Employees "are eager to be serving customers, reconnecting with their local
communities, and contributing to the city's gradual return to normalcy," Riley
said, adding that "we are also working with the local authorities to gradually
resume indoor dining as soon as possible."
China's biggest city was under some form of lockdown from late March until this
week, leaving tens of millions of people confined at home, upending business in
virtually every sector and bringing the city to a standstill.
Classwork :
1) controversial question:
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial
2) conduct research:
Virtuocity that uses immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can
improve the design
3) considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy
Today I read an article : Rafael Nadal advances to men's French Open final after
Alexander Zverev retires due to injury.Spanish tennis star Rafael Nadal advanced
to the men's French Open final on Friday, after opponent Alexander Zverev was
forced to retire due to an injury.
After losing the first set 7-6 (8) in a tie break, Zverev was leading 6-5 in the
second set of the semifinal match when the German twisted his ankle reaching for
a forehand shot. Zverev immediately fell and screamed in agony, while grabbing
at his right ankle.
The 25-year-old had to be taken off the court in a wheelchair, before eventually
coming back out on crutches to address the crowd. The spectators gave Zverev a
raucous ovation as he shook the chair umpire's hand and hugged Nadal.
As a result of the injury, Nadal was victorious and continues his quest for a
14th title at Roland Garros and a record-extending 22nd grand slam title. On
Sunday he will face the winner of Friday's match between Norway's Casper Ruud
and Croatia's Marin Cilic on Sunday.
· #100
Slobodzyan Kyrylo IJ-211 ( BORYSENKO) (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:18)
Topic : Public pelations
Public pelations is the practice of managing the flow of information between an
individual or an organization and the public. Public relation provides an
organization or individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public
interest and news items that do not require direct payment.The aim of public
relations by a company often is to persuade the public,investors, partners,
employees and other stakeholders to maintain a certain point of view about it,
is leadership, products,or of political decisions.Common activities include
speaking at conferences, winning industry awards, working with the press,and
employee communication.
· #99
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:13)
Задолженность за 23.05
Cough is often a sign of infectious diseases, as a result of which it often
causes irritation of the throat mucosa. Cough is usually treated in different
ways, depending on the severity and type of cough with accompanying symptoms.
Cough can be from allergies, colds, or infectious diseases. Many people treat
cough at home with folk methods and natural remedies, but before using this type
of treatment, you should find out about everything. It also happens that folk
methods that do not fit the type of cough. can hurt people even more.
Many people suffer from headaches or fatigue, overwork, etc. But some people
have a headache only in the right side of the head, which is accompanied by
nausea, dizziness. The causes of this non-typical head pain are neurological
problems. A very important role in our health is our psychological health, it
takes a major role in our physical health. With such pain, the doctor prescribes
an individual course of drugs that help alleviate or completely eliminate the
pain. This unilateral pain is not so rare in adolescents due to the transitional
age or people over 40 years old.
Phrases of the day
1)He wants to negotiate, turns out that he's no warrior.
2)Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
3) On the face of it, these moves appear to be well justified, given the mayhem
created by poorly regulated banks in the major financial
Exam topic #12 Global perspectives.
Violence is a global problem that exists in all shapes and sizes. Violence may
be committed against a specific group, such as women and children, or the act
may be the result of mental disorders. There is also violence in response to
economic stress. All these various forms of violence call attention to the
safety and prevention of such acts. However, not much attention is paid to how
the average person can help. In discussions about violence, the most important
questions to answer are: how is this violence used? How is this
achieved/available? Do the media play a role?
· #98
debt 31,05 Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211 Tomenko (Friday, 03 June 2022 15:32)
Today I read an article on "Robots can manage future farms, researchers say."
Agriculture, one of the world's oldest vocations, also continues to invent
itself with new technologies. From the introduction of the steel plow to
automated tractors to modern fertilizer applications, technology has increased
efficiency. I think this trend has become apparent since the birth of
agriculture, and recently, for example, with more and more tractors in
agriculture to have fewer drivers, a trend that we are also seeing in other
· #97
Borysenko (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:48)
To Vdovina,IG-212.I have checked your comments. Try to do everything on time. Good luck
· #96
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:04)
Classwork: ( 30/05)
Today I have read the article about another missing Ukrainian journalist, this
time Konstantin Ryzhenko. He went missing in Kherson.
On Wednesday, March 30, the Russian military searched for Ryzhenko in Kherson in
southern Ukraine, and on that day his family lost contact with him.
On Thursday, a post appeared in Ryzhenko's Telegram account saying that "if you
are reading this text, then something has happened."
There is currently no information on his whereabouts.
CPJ reached out to the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Kherson regional
police for comment, but received no response. This article was informative and
disturbed me.
Topic №7:
Media law and policy
Freedom of expression and freedom of the media are among the fundamental human
rights. No state can develop in line with democracy without freedom of speech,
press and dissemination of ideas and opinions. Democratic societies can only
function sustainably if citizens are well informed, have free access to
information and can freely exchange it, and discuss different views and
opinions. Free media, not subject to control by the authorities, are a platform
for the free exchange of opinions. Their presence can help reduce international
tension and prevent conflicts. Media freedom continues to be important in the
digital age.
· #95
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:14)
Classwork: (23/05)
Today I have read an article about how local and foreign journalists in Ukraine
are risking their lives reporting war news. Russian invaders fired at a TV tower
in Kyiv, killing five people, including journalist Yevgeny Sakun.
Two journalists from the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet were shot dead in
Ukraine, and a Spanish journalist covering Ukrainian refugee movements was
detained in Poland.
In Russia, five journalists have been charged with covering protests.
Roskomnadzor took the independent TV channels Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd TV off the
air and blocked access to their websites due to their reporting on the conflict.
This article was informative for me.
Vocaroo: Article:
Today I have read an article about how local and foreign journalists in Ukraine
are risking their lives reporting war news. Russian invaders fired at a TV tower
in Kyiv, killing five people, including journalist Yevgeny Sakun.
Two journalists from the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet were shot dead in
Ukraine, and a Spanish journalist covering Ukrainian refugee movements was
detained in Poland.
In Russia, five journalists have been charged with covering protests.
Roskomnadzor took the independent TV channels Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd TV off the
air and blocked access to their websites due to their reporting on the conflict.
This article was informative for me.
Topic №10:
Communication theory.
Human communication is understood differently by those who identify with the
field. This diversity is a result of the fact that communication is a relatively
young field of study, comprising a very wide range of disciplines. It includes
works taken from scholars in the fields of rhetoric, journalism, sociology,
psychology, anthropology, and semiotics, among others. Related fields include
biocommunication, which examines communication processes within and between
non-human beings such as bacteria, animals, fungi, and plants, and information
theory, which provides a mathematical model for measuring communication within
and between systems. Typically, human communication is about creating meaning
and sharing understanding.
· #94
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:55)
Topic №4:
Another invention of the 20th century was advertising. The main purpose of
advertising is to sell a product. Obviously, companies benefit from advertising,
which is why there are a lot of them. This is an interconnected process: more
companies - more advertising. Advertising is not only a means of obtaining
information, but also a means of communication. It is noteworthy that the best
commercial advertising is awarded annually. One of the great things about
advertising is, of course, globalization. Now we can easily watch various
advertisements from all over the world and understand what products are produced
in different countries.
· #93
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:15)
Classwork: (16/05)
Today I have read the article about protesters constantly surrounding the home
of Peruvian journalist Cathy Vela, throwing rocks and shouting insults at a
According to the journalist, protesters called Vela "corrupt" because of her
interviews with supporters of a local water project, as well as her on-air
comments calling on anti-project protesters to refrain from violence after
several damaged shop windows in Tokach. CPJ.
Vela told CPJ that she filed a formal complaint with the police but received no
response. CPJ defends the rights of journalists. This article turned out to be
quite interesting.
· #92
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:11)
Classwork: ( 09/05)
Today I have read the article about how Serbian journalists were accused of
covering environmental protests.
On April 12, authorities accused Mikich and Maistorov, reporters for the local
news site Soinfo in Sombor, of organizing an illegal protest in December 2021
and blocking roads, according to news reports.
Mikich and Maistorov told CPJ that they worked as journalists covering
preparations for a protest against new laws encouraging lithium mining in the
area, but did not organize or join the demonstration.
CPJ reached out to the Sombor prosecutor's office for comment, but did not
immediately receive a response. This article was quite informative for me.
Journalism history.
History has preserved the facts about the origin of journalism in the ancient
world. Of course, it is difficult to call it journalism, which is inherent in
our time. Real actions in the origin and development of journalism were made in
the 15th century, when a layout was created, with the help of which it was
possible to put information on paper.
A new stage in the development of journalism falls on the 17th century. At this
time, the press was divided into several directions. They began to separately
depict the news of the world, print magazines, reference books and calendars.
Later, ideological and analytical materials appeared, which aroused great
interest among readers.
· #91
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:06)
Classwork: ( 02/05)
Today I have read the article about the detention of journalist Yuri
The Belarusian authorities accused Gantsarevich of propagating extremist
activities and decided to detain him for 10 days on a separate administrative
On May 5, a video was published in which Gantsarevich, under pressure, confesses
to sending materials to extremist media.
Both and Radio Svaboda, the Belarusian service of congressional-funded
broadcaster RFE/RL, have been labeled "extremist" in Belarus, CPJ has
CPJ sent a letter to Intex-Press and called the Belarusian Interior Ministry for
comment, but received no response. This article was quite informative for me.
Prases of the day:
considerable disagreement
Three months ago, I said that there was considerable disagreement about these
issues, but that two things were certain.
controversial question
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Media technologies and society
As far as I know, technology and media are intertwined and in most central and
semi-central countries it is impossible to separate them from modern society.
Media is a term that applies to all print, digital and electronic media. In
today's society, it is impossible to discuss the media without considering the
pace of technological change. If earlier people were limited to SMS and mobile
calls. Now the circle of communication is wider than before, and when we talk
about how society interacts with technology, we should think about the media and
vice versa. Technology is more than just the media we have access to.
· #90
Daria Masalykina, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:04)
debt for 28.03
Topic №1: Gender matters.
Women and girls make up half the world's population, which is equivalent to half
the potential of humanity. Gender equality, one of the most important human
rights, plays a key role in ensuring peace and harmony in society and the full
realization of human potential through sustainable development. Unfortunately,
humanity has a long way to go to achieve full equality between men and women in
terms of their rights and opportunities. It is essential to end gender-based
violence in all its manifestations, ensure equal access for women and girls, men
and boys to education, health care, economic resources and create equal
opportunities for citizens to participate in political life.
· #89
Daria Masalykina, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Friday, 03 June 2022)
debt for 26.03
Today I have read the article about "Kafkaesque" True Stories of Ordinary
People: Inside the Early Days of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China. The people of
Australia experienced a tumultuous two years, when the pandemic COVID-19
completely gripped Australia. Prime Minister of Australia - Scott Morrison took
the lead in the domestic political purposes, calling on the world to investigate
the origin of the virus, which began to spread in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In
January 2021, China finally agreed to send Wuhan international group of experts
led by the World Health Organization to investigate. I recommend to read this
· #88
Daria Masalykina, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:59)
debt for 21.03
Today I have read the article about how college students can help save local
news. In the US, local news outlets struggle to generate advertising and
subscription revenue that pays for reporting, editing and production of their
stories. This is not a new problem, but as a result of fewer and fewer
journalist jobs, more local newsrooms have found a potential solution:
journalism college students. The pandemic, set against a backdrop of political
and economic upheaval, has hurt the local news industry, which has been weakened
by decades of declining revenues, property consolidation, and reduced production
and delivery. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day
1.We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on
2.Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
3.The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of
opportunities for women.
· #87
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:53)
Classwork: (23/05)
Today I have read the article that the Russian prosecutor's office is demanding
harsh sentences for the editors of the student magazine DOXA
According to media reports, April 1 is dedicated to attracting minors to
rallies. The editors - Armen Aramyan, Vladimir Metelkin, Alla Gutnikova and
Natalia Tyshkevich - were convicted in the past 2021.
The five journalists recognized as “foreign media agents” are former Dozhd
journalist Maria Borzunova, Mediazona journalist Alla Konstantinova, The Bell
founder Elizaveta Osetinskaya, The Bell editor-in-chief Irina Malkova, and Murad
Muradov. , journalist of the "Caucasian Knot" in Dagestan.
This article was quite informative for me.
Today I have read the article about the arrest of Belarusian journalist Oksana
Kolb, the charges were not disclosed.
According to media reports, a New Hour spokesperson contacted CPJ via a
messaging app and asked not to be named.
According to these sources, Kolb's employer believes that she is being held in
the Akrestsina Detention Center in Minsk, but has not been officially notified
and the authorities have not disclosed the reasons for her arrest.
CPJ called the Belarusian Interior Ministry for comment, but no one answered.
The article turned out to be quite informative and upset me.
· #86
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:46)
Homework: (09/05)
Today I have read the article about another missing Ukrainian journalist, this
time Konstantin Ryzhenko. He went missing in Kherson.
On Wednesday, March 30, the Russian military searched for Ryzhenko in Kherson in
southern Ukraine, and on that day his family lost contact with him.
On Thursday, a post appeared in Ryzhenko's Telegram account saying that "if you
are reading this text, then something has happened."
There is currently no information on his whereabouts.
CPJ reached out to the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Kherson regional
police for comment, but received no response. This article was informative and
disturbed me.
( sorry, my previous review is also for 09.05)
· #85
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:39)
( 02/05)
Today I have read the article about the disappearance of Ukrainian
photojournalist and blogger Igor Gudenko.
Gudenko lost contact with his family and friends while in Kharkiv on 26
On February 24, shortly after the start of the Russian invasion, Gudenko posted
original photos and videos of abandoned Russian tanks on his personal Facebook
CPJ reached out to the Russian Defense Ministry for comment, but received no
immediate response.
Russian forces are also holding Ukrainian reporter Dmitry Khilyuk and possibly
journalist Irina Danilovich, who has been missing since April 29. This article
was quite informative for me.
Prases of the day:
considerable disagreement
Three months ago, I said that there was considerable disagreement about these
issues, but that two things were certain.
controversial question
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
· #84
Simachkov N.A (Grodska) IM-181 (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:32)
By outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Classified as
Since they are not classified as banks or lending institutions, they are outside
the reach of the Federal Reserve or the Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, the main US bank regulators.
Beyond the scope of
Benefits of Tillamook Bay wetlands restoration extend far beyond the scope of
initial project, report finds
Today I would like to talk about the disruption of transport of grain from
Ukraine to Europe.
As a consequence of the war in Ukraine, Europe has very serious difficulties
with the supply of grain and bakery products to its citizens, and no food of
this kind reaches Africa at all.
The main part:
At present, to improve supplies to Europe from Ukraine it is necessary to
unblock the sea corridor, for this purpose many sea mines dropped in the Black
Sea should be neutralized, which will take years. And also a separate corridor
should be allocated on the borders with Europe for the transportation of grain
by trucks and trains without hindrance.
Another obstacle is that insurance companies refuse to insure trucks on the
territory of Ukraine. And the UN, cannot fix this difficulty.
At the last I want to say that if we eliminate these deficiencies in the
transportation of grain. Then it can return only 30% of supplies from all
previously transported amount of food from Ukraine.
· #83
Grodska E. to Ivanchenko N.A Im-181 (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:28)
Your exam topic is prepared properly. Well done
· #82
Ivanchenko N.A Grodskaya Im-181 (Friday, 03 June 2022 00:38)
Political Communication
Understanding how power is exercised through communication is central to
understanding the world around us. Political communication is a subfield of
communication and political science that is concerned with how information
spreads and influences politics, policy makers, the news media, and citizens. To
date, however, political communication has been limited on 'problem solving'
which, by and large, reflects the interests and concerns of more powerful
political actors. As such, modern political communication can be summarised as
the ways and intentions of message senders to influence the political
environment. Which is crucial for political figures to establish their positions
as people in power.
· #81
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:55)
The review (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:28) does not contain all the tasks necessary for such kind of student's work, the absence of the task Phrases of the Day essencially downgrades the whole work.
· #80
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:53)
Class work (1) 23.05.22 задолженность
Предложения дня:
comparative investigation, conditions imposed
"in our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile dead beneath wind
turbines than expected from their frequency in the local population,...
The comparative experimental investigations of polymers made use of different
types of spectroscopy methods.
The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014.
"Without the conditions imposed, the operation will significantly reduce the
alternatives that Mexican farmers have at their disposal to a broad range of
seeds and non-selective pesticides, which.
Ссылка на статью:
Today I have read the article - "Hydrogen production method opens up clean
energy possibilitiesIn my experience" it was written by Tina Hilding. The main
topic is a new energy-efficient way to produce hydrogen gas from ethanol and
water has the potential to make clean hydrogen fuel a more viable alternative
for gasoline to power cars. I can say that this system is the way out for me and
many drivers. This will save us time, money and even prevent most accidents. The
application (website or system) should be practical and easy to use and
preferably be mobile friendly. I give this a 10 out of 10.
· #79
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:51)
The abstract (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:14) demonstrates your complete
understanding of the content of the article you have read, was written and
pronounced without mistakes.
I'm looking towards the essay.
· #78
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022)
The message (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:13) contains the tasks which have been written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #77
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211, (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:40)
The message (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:12) is devoted to the debt and was prepared excllent.
· #76
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:37)
The tasks and essay included in (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:06) were done, written and pronounced perfectly, the essay contains a lot of interesting facts and has the form of a document which is required. Excellent.
· #75
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211ac IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:31)
The abstracts (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:05) include all the tasks necessary for such kind of student's works, your own emotional viewpoints in the end are necessary addition to the commentaries. Excellent.
· #74
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:24)
The tasks presented in the message (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:57) logically and precisely fix the contents of the articles you have choosed, envisage all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind, were written and pronounced perfectly. Excellent.
· #73
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:18)
The tasks in the message (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:51) were presented in a precise and comfortable order showing your talent in presentation of information and products, all of them have been writen and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent with pleasure.
· #72
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:12)
The tasks presented in (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:40) were precisely and correctly written and pronounced. Excellent.
· #71
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:07)
The essay (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:19) completely corresponds to the topic, was written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #70
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:03)
Independent work 23.05.22 задолженность
Ссылка на статью:
The title of the article, I have read today is: "From seawater to drinking
water, with the push of a button". In my opinion, the idea of MIT researchers
about a portable desalination system that can remove particles and salts to
produce drinking water seems to me a really innovative breakthrough, but from
the point of view of life practice, it is not convenient to use, and it is not
clear what the end result will look like, so most likely everyone will use it in
some kind of production, because it seems impossible to install a 10 kg
installation in a home or office. And for people living, for example, in
unfavorable conditions by the sea (ocean), this thing would be extremely useful!
· #69
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:59)
The message (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:18) contains the essay, which was not composed in accordance with the requirements for such kind of essays, it should present not your own viewpoint but the official facts and statistical data which support these facts - 75. If you woud like to get higher grade, please write it once more taking into account the remarks.
· #68
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:52)
Kristina, all the tasks which you have sent (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:01) were presented (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:39) including the essay, be attentive please and try not to repeat your tasks.
· #67
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:46)
The message (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:20) contains all the necesssary elements which were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #66
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:28)
I have read the article Deep learning neural network used to detect earthquakes
A group of researchers used neural networks technology to detect earthquakes and
found it more accurate than modern methods. The means by which scientists detect
earthquakes, besides their real sensation, are seismic detectors that detect the
motion of the soil and display it on the graph. Researchers taught a neural
network of deep learning to read seismograms, and then determine the difference
between the usual "noise" of the ground movement and earthquakes. This method
can be used to obtain more information about earthquakes, and their reliable
detection gives more data for study. A system capable of reliably detecting the
earliest sounds and instantly transmitting them to officials in human
settlements could save hundreds, if not thousands of lives.
· #65
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:14)
I have read the article Smaller, more versatile antenna could be a
communications game-changer.As wireless technology continues to evolve, the need
for more compact, more universal and cost-effective antennas is becoming
increasingly important. Small size, relatively small weight, energy efficiency
and resilience to mistreatment make them more universal than the equivalent of
normal antennas. LightSlingers use polarization current volume, moving inside
the dielectric at a speed exceeding the speed of light to radiate
electromagnetic waves. With the FTL movement of the radiation source,
LightSlingers are able to “throw” highly focused wave packages with high
accuracy to a certain location. Los Alamos seeks to turn antennas into
commercial prototypes that can be tested in the field and produced seriously
through additive production and robotic treatment.
This research will help us to replace the obsolete technology of base station
antenna technology around the world and accelerate 4G.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1)as distinct from
In this context it is important that the usually resident population should not
be confused with the legal (as distinct from illegal) population.-У цьому
контексті важливо, щоб населення, яке зазвичай проживає, не плуталося з
легальним (на відміну від нелегального) населенням.
2)as a matter of
We must view that as a matter of serious concern.-Ми повинні розглядати це як
серйозне занепокоєння.
3)acquainted with
They are also not well acquainted with statistical production.-Вони також погано
обізнані зі статистичною продукцією.
· #64
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:13)
I have read the article “ A wheeled car, quadruped and humanoid robot:
Swiss-Mile Robot from ETH Zurich”.
The Swiss-Mile team improved its ANYmal robot by providing it with wheels. After
receiving the wheels, the robot is now classified as a car, a quadruple and a
human-like robot, depending on its activity at any time. In the mode of the car,
it rolls around the ground like a remote control toy machine, but with much
better abilities. The addition of wheel lock really gave the robot a lot of
opportunities, allowing it to stop rolling if necessary, and walking on two or
four legs.
The idea of giving the robot so much opportunities is to make it more viable for
a wide range of customers.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1)by outlining
The report concludes by outlining briefly major issues in the financing of the
sectoral clusters under review.-У завершенні звіт коротко викладає основні
питання фінансування галузевих кластерів, що розглядаються.
2)classified as
Anti-personnel mines are classified as excessively injurious
weapons.-Протипіхотні міни відносять до зброї з надмірними ураженнями.
3)beyond the scope of
However, analysing and quantifying the factors that cause the diversity are
beyond the scope of the periodic evaluations of the project.-Однак аналіз і
кількісна оцінка факторів, які викликають різноманітність, виходять за рамки
періодичних оцінок проекту.
Стаття ;
Аудіо ;
I have read the article “Seeing the intrinsic emission from a single natural
protein with ultraviolet optical antennas”.
One of the ultimate goals of molecular biology is to monitor how individual
proteins work in their native state.However, the current basic approach to
single molecule fluorescence is based on the introduction of external
fluorescent markers, which can lead to serious problems affecting experimental
results.To experiment with the usefulness of the approach and its direct
application to biochemical tasks, it is demonstrated real-time detection of
immobilized and diffusing single proteins, as well as experiments to observe the
unfolding and dissociation of widely used protein denaturing a single molecular
resolution.Optical mounted antennas open a unique new form of spectroscopy,
allowing to explore individual proteins in their native state and in real time.
This work leads to the development of biochemical analyses with the resolution
of one protein without labels, as well as to bright optical nanosources.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) conditions imposed by
Of course the very difficult conditions imposed by international financial
institutions make life almost impossible for African countries.-Звичайно, дуже
складні умови, встановлені міжнародними фінансовими установами, унеможливлюють
життя африканських країн.
2) comprehensive investigation of
After gaining state independence increased the importance of comprehensive
investigation of folklore samples and followed by new scientific projects.-Після
здобуття державної незалежності зросла значення всебічного дослідження
фольклорних зразків, а за ним почалися нові наукові проекти.
3) Comparative investigations of
Comparative investigations based on DNA analysis were performed by the
Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), in response to a request made by the
United Nations Mission.-Порівняльні дослідження на основі аналізу ДНК були
проведені Нідерландським інститутом судової експертизи (NFI) у відповідь на
запит Місії ООН.
· #63
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:12)
I have read the article about creating smart machine maintenance.
Scientists at the University of Saarland have created a new system that collects
information about the condition of industrial equipment and helps make sensors
smart. Interestingly, it is able to detect damage, wear, and deterioration of
the machine. Thanks to the sensors, it can provide timely notification of an
error and indicate its cause and also provide ways to solve it, to prevent it.
This greatly improves the operation and its quality.
To be honest, I am shocked that our scientists are researching and creating
Phrases of the Day:
1) published in
If adopted both documents will be published in 1996.
У разі їх затвердження обидва ці документи будуть опубліковані у 1996 році.
2)the main objective
We believe that the integration of human beings should be the main objective of
foreign policies.
Переконані, що дії, спрямовані на поєднання людей, мають стати основною метою
зовнішньої політики.
3) by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформація може бути витягнута за допомогою твого страждання.
· #62
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:06)
The debt for 31. 05. 2022
I have read the article “Benefits of renewable energy vary from place to place”.
Firstly, the article talks about clean form of energy, so about wind energy. I
have read that a new study from North Carolina State University finds that the
renewable give a new benefits for people and it is positive for nature.
Secondly, researchers have found out that production of one megawatt hour (MWh)
of renewable power varies depending on where that power was generated.
So, I think that this study will helps researchers with understanding where need
to target investments in renewable power in order to maximize the environmental
Prases of the day:
1) by outlining;
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Дослідження завершується окресленням трьохетапної послідовності еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
2) classified as;
The model assigned IUCN extinction risk categories to the 40% of the world's
reptiles that lacked published assessments or are classified as "DD" ("Data
Deficient") at the time of the study.
Модель присвоїла категорії ризику зникнення МСОП 40% рептилій світу оцінки яких
не були опубліковані або були класифіковані як «DD» («Дефіцит даних») на момент
3) beyond the scope of;
Though it is beyond the scope of this paper, I can add that landscape architects
need to understand better the role of the profession in, for example,
tree-planting efforts.
Хоча це виходить за рамки цієї статті, я можу додати, що ландшафтні архітектори
повинні краще розуміти роль професії, наприклад, у посадці дерев.
Class work
Essay "Malaria in Thailand"
It is not news that the WHO estimates 300-500 million cases of malaria occur
each year and more than 1 million die each year. Most cases occur in Africa.
Today I want to tell you more about the malaria epidemic in Thailand and also
about the fight against it.
To begin with, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 32 million
individuals in Thailand are at risk of contracting malaria. UNICEF and the
Global Fund are assisting the citizens of this country. In 2010, Thailand spent
more than 7 million dollars on malaria control. Year after year, funding has
steadily increased, primarily thanks to the Global Fund and UNICEF. Moreover,
Thailand has also implemented the highly effective "1-3-7" surveillance
strategy, which dictates set deadlines for responding to malaria cases. If a
case is found by health providers, they must report it to the electronic-based
system by the end of day one. By day three, an investigation needs to have been
completed to determine the case’s origin and any risks of onward transmission.
On the seventh day, measures will have been taken to ensure there is no further
spread. These measures include awareness raising, vector control activities as
well as testing at-risk populations that live or work near the original case.
According to the Thai government, malaria will be eradicated in Thailand by
So, in conclusion, I want to say that Thailand is pursuing the right policies to
fight the epidemic because new malaria cases have declined since 2000 and
continue to do so rapidly. In my opinion, further funding for malaria control
mechanisms will allow Thailand to completely get rid of this terrible disease.
· #61
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:05)
I have read the article about why Uranus and Neptune are different colors.
Neptune and Uranus have much in common-they have similar masses, sizes, and
atmospheric composition-but their appearance is markedly different. In the
visible range, Neptune is distinctly bluer than Uranus, and astronomers now have
an explanation for why this might be. Using observations from the Hubble Space
Telescope and NASA's Infrared Telescope, researchers have developed a single
atmospheric model that matches observations of both planets. The model shows
that excess smoke on Uranus builds up in the planet's stagnant, flaccid
atmosphere and makes it brighter than Neptune. The model also shows the presence
of a second, deeper layer, which, when darkened, may explain dark spots in these
atmospheres, such as the famous Great Dark Spot observed by Voyager 2 in 1989.
Honestly, I am thrilled that our scientists are developing and creating
Phrases of the Day
1) comprehensive investigation of
We demand objective and comprehensive investigation of this case .
Очікуємо на об'єктивне та справедливе розслідування цієї справи .
2)conditions imposed by
Even more interesting is that the largest companies of the world meekly accepted
the conditions imposed by the Ministry of Environment.
Ще цікавіше, що найбільші компанії світу покірно сприйняли нав'язані
Міністерством екології умови.
3)comparative investigations of
He introduced the comparative historical method of investigation of the organic
Він ввів порівняльно-історичний метод дослідження органічного світу.
I have read the article about gorillas display territorial behavior.
A study published in Scientific Reports shows for the first time that gorilla
groups recognize "ownership" of certain regions. They are also more likely to
avoid contact with other groups the closer they are to the center of their
neighbors' home range for fear of conflict. Gorillas were previously thought to
be nonterritorial because of their overlapping home ranges and their tolerance
of other groups. This is in marked contrast to chimpanzees, which exhibit
extreme territorial violence.
To be honest, I am shocked that our scientists are researching and creating
Phrases of the Day
1) Attempts to solve
One final attempt to solve water shortage problems was undertaken in 1685.
У 1685 році була зроблена фінальна спроба вирішити проблему нестачі води.
2) different aspects of
IA analysts monitor three different aspects of threat reporting.
Відділ інформаційного аналізу здійснює контроль за трьома різними аспектами
повідомлень про погрози.
3) focused on
Raymond Baker focused on international tax cooperation.
Реймонд Бейкер зосередив увагу в своєму виступі на міжнародному співробітництві
з питань оподаткування.
· #60
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:57)
Today I’ve read the article about Templating approach stabilises 'ideal'
material for alternative solar cells
One of the most promising to emerge in recent years is the formamidinium
(FA)-based FAPbI3 crystal. The compound is thermally stable and its inherent
'bandgap' – the property most closely linked to the energy output of the
device—is not far off ideal for photovoltaic applications. For these reasons, it
has been the focus of efforts to develop commercially available perovskite solar
cells. However, the compound can exist in two slightly different phases. A big
problem with FAPbI3 is that the phase that you want is only stable at
temperatures above 150 degrees Celsius, Recent solutions to keep the material in
its desired phase at lower temperatures have involved adding different positive
and negative ions into the compound.
The researchers hope this fundamental study will help improve perovskite
stability and performance. Their own future work will involve integrating this
approach into prototype devices to explore how this technique may help them
achieve the perfect perovskite photovoltaic cells.
Phrases of the day :
1. "Without the conditions imposed, the operation will significantly reduce the
alternatives that Mexican farmers have at their disposal to a broad range of
seeds and non-selective pesticides
«Без встановлених умов операція значно зменшить кількість альтернатив, які
мексиканські фермери мають у своєму розпорядженні широкому спектру насіння та
неселективних пестицидів.
2. This experiment has succumbed to comprehensive investigation
Цей експеримент піддався широким дослідженням
3. A comparative study of these results was carried out in this laboratory
У цій лабораторії було проведено порівняльне дослідження цих результатів
Today I’ve read the article about Accelerating the pace of machine learning
Rick Blum, Professor of Electrical seeks to bring efficiency to distributed
learning techniques emerging as crucial to modern artificial intelligence (AI)
and machine learning (ML). "Problems in distributed optimization appear in
various scenarios that typically rely on wireless communications," he says.
Various distributed optimization algorithms have been developed to solve this
problem and one primary method is to employ classical GD in a worker-server
architecture. In this environment, the central server updates the model's
parameters after aggregating data received from all workers, and then broadcasts
the updated parameters back to the workers.
Through the use of GD-SEC, Blum explains, communication requirements are
significantly reduced. The technique employs a data compression approach where
each worker sets small magnitude gradient components to zero—the
signal-processing equivalent of not sweating the small stuff.
Phrases of the day:
1. The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014.
Команда зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов’язаних із кредитами, щоб
визначити умови політики, накладені на 131 країну-позичаль у період з 1985 по
2014 рік.
2. A comprehensive investigation by KAUST researchers sets the record straight
on the formation of hydrogen peroxide in micrometer-sized water droplets, or
Комплексне дослідження, проведене дослідниками KAUST, встановило рекорд
утворення перекису водню в мікрокрапельках води, або мікрокрапельках,
3. a comparative study of these species was carried out more than 100 years ago
порівняльне дослідження цих видів проводилося більше 100 років тому
· #59
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:51)
Today I have read the article “More than 70% of mass shootings in developed
countries happen in the US, international analysis shows”.
The USA is a developed, democratic, with high-quality life country, still 73% of
mass shootings take place in the US. This information is from a new study,
published in International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
It shows 101 attacks occurred in the U.S. during this period, leading to 816
deaths. The US is the only country that has a mass shooting every single year.
In conclusion, this article gives us an idea of reasons, motives of these
crimes, and emergency of decreasing of mass shootings rate.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) condition imposed by
Besides the usual parameters that define the flow regime of this type of
volcanic material current, our model includes the contour conditions imposed by
a particular topography which allows establishing how the flow conditions vary
along with its emplacement.
Крім звичайних параметрів, які визначають режим течії цього типу течії
вулканічного матеріалу, наша модель включає контурні умови, накладені певною
топографією, що дозволяє встановити, як умови течії змінюються разом з його
2) comprehensive investigation of
He recommends that a comprehensive investigation of the deep ocean habitat,
which has only been studied randomly so far, should take place before this
environment, that is deemed as having been stable for many millennia, is likely
to change significantly due to the now expected decrease in oxygen.
Він рекомендує провести комплексне дослідження середовища існування глибокого
океану, яке дотепер досліджувалося лише випадковим чином, перш ніж це
середовище, яке вважається стабільним протягом багатьох тисячоліть, імовірно
істотно зміниться через очікуване скорочення в кисні.
3) comparative investigation of
The comparative experimental investigations of polymers made use of different
types of spectroscopy methods.
При порівняльних експериментальних дослідженнях полімерів використовувалися
різні види спектроскопічних методів.
Voice message:
Homework (на 07.06.22)
I have recently read the article “Temporary employment may consolidate labor
market inequality”.
This article is dedicated to a new study in European Sociological Review
conducted by the group of sociologists from Umeå University. Their article
informs about the problem of temporary employment, which leads to labor market
inequalities. Using data from the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey they
analyze answers from 22,884 workers in 35 European countries. Thereby, this
problem makes some groups of people vulnerable, what leads to struggles with
mental health or establishing a family.
In conclusion, this article stresses out on the importance of making equal both
temporary and permanent workers.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) beyond the scope of
Through proper design, cyclic peptides can be tailored to reach specific targets
inside cells, such as protein-protein interactions, which are beyond the scope
of small molecules.
Завдяки належному дизайну циклічні пептиди можуть бути адаптовані для досягнення
певних цілей всередині клітин, таких як білкові взаємодії, які виходять за рамки
малих молекул.
2) classified as
For example, aspects of two of the domains—predatory advertising and product not
meeting expectations—could be classified as misleading.
Наприклад, аспекти двох із доменів — хижацька реклама та продукт, який не
відповідає очікуванням — можна класифікувати як оманливу.
3) by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Дослідження завершується окресленням трьохетапної послідовності еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
Voice message:
· #58
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:40)
Class work
Today I’ve read the article «New chip hides wireless messages in plain sight».It
tells us about researchers that have developed a methodology that incorporates
security in the physical nature of the signal. Emerging 5G wireless systems are
designed to support high-bandwidth and low-latency networks connecting
everything from autonomous robots to self-driving cars. But these large and
complex communication networks could also pose new security concerns. As for me,
it’s great that researchers of our time carry about nature and environment.
Today I have read the article "How to power electronics using mechanical motion"
In this article, researchers have developed a film between aluminum layers that
is capable of generating an electrical charge when pressed and released.The idea
here is to use materials that display piezoelectric and triboelectric effects to
convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Piezoelectric materials
generate an electrical charge when stressed mechanically, while the
triboelectric effect is the buildup of charges on two dissimilar materials after
they have come in contact with each other. I think this article useful in the
sense that it can help in the creation of mechanical devices that can generate
electricity with relative ease and power electrical appliances with it.
Phrases of the day:
1. comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations involve collecting data on different
organisms/objects/feature. Порівняльні дослідження включають збір даних про
різні організми/об’єкти/прикмети.
2. comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the
first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal
species in different cultures. Їхня співпраця з антропологами, археологами та
екологами є першим комплексним дослідженням того, як люди взаємодіяли з видами
рослин і тварин у різних культурах.
3. condition imposed by
But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms from
zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting
meteorite. Але рейдит, який має той самий хімічний склад, що і циркон,
утворюється з циркону лише в умовах надзвичайно високого тиску, створеного
внаслідок удару метеорита
· #57
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:20)
I have read the article:«An assessment of the real-world emissions performance
of a Bharat Stage VI truck and bus in India»
As I have read, a new study carried out by researchers from the International
Council on Clean Transportation with testing partner HORIBA India is among the
first to quantify the real-world emissions from Bharat Stage (BS) VI diesel
vehicles. One truck and one bus were evaluated via in-use portable emissions
measurement system (PEMS) testing and the study is released as standards and
provisions for India's in-service conformity (ISC) tests for heavy-duty vehicles
are being introduced for the first time with the BS VI regulation.
In addition,“these results illustrate how the current AIS provisions could be
improved, and it's important because a significant chunk of the NOx emissions
are being generated under conditions that are not currently included when
evaluating for compliance," said an ICCT consultant researcher and the lead
author of the study.
So,“for India's ISC testing to capture all emissions from real-world driving,
they could be amended by lowering the power threshold to 5%, including all
cold-start emissions, and increasing the percentile for data evaluations to
100%," said researcher.
Phrases of the day
1) comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the
first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal
species in different cultures
Їхня співпраця з антропологами, археологами та екологами є першим комплексним
дослідженням того, як люди взаємодіяли з видами рослин і тварин у різних
2) comparative investigations of
A user-friendly, step-by-step guide to conducting comparative product
evaluations by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Зручний, покроковий посібник із проведення порівняльних оцінок продуктів
Массачусетського технологічного інституту
3) conditions imposed by
Besides the usual parameters that define the flow regime of this type of
volcanic material current, our model includes the contour conditions imposed by
a particular topography
Окрім звичайних параметрів, які визначають режим течії цього типу течії
вулканічного матеріалу, наша модель включає контурні умови, накладені певною
· #56
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:20)
Rabies is an acute infectious disease common to humans and animals, with signs
of central nervous system damage, always fatal, if an infected animal or person
begins to show external signs. Rabies can affect all wild animals, rodents,
birds, and humans after the bite of a rabid animal, such as a dog. According to
the WHO, about 55,000 people die from rabies each year. Most of these people are
in Asia and Africa. But this figure was not even close to what was before the
discovery of the vaccine.
It should be noted that there is no cure for the disease, but there is a vaccine
that was discovered less than 150 years ago. Chemist Louis Pasteur worked on its
discovery. But even after its discovery, many physicians considered Pasteur a
charlatan. But after mass treatment of the population, the vaccine was
officially adopted in society and in medicine.
This discovery has turned the tide of medical history and is important to us
today. And although, as mentioned earlier, there is no cure for the disease,
vaccination is one of the most important points in the prevention of this
· #55
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:19)
A good doctor...
Nowadays, many people receive medical education, but not all of them go to treat
people or become really good doctors. In my opinion, a good doctor is one for
whom human lives come first. one who sincerely loves his job, not only because
of status and money. A good doctor is a person who has a desire to give people
hope for life. And this is not dictated only by medical ethics, but by true
charity. It is necessary to say that a really good doctor is one who constantly
improves his abilities in line with the development of science.
Other important qualities, of course, include tact, a healthy lifestyle (as an
example for their patients). Also, a good doctor will always inform his patient
about his health, explain everything in plain language, in which case he will
not be afraid to consult other specialists.
· #54
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:18)
I have read the article:«A global comparison of life-cycle greenhouse gas
emissions from passenger cars»
First of all, a far-reaching new study of the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from passenger cars, including SUVs, draws sharp and meticulous
distinctions between the climate impacts of battery and fuel cell electric
vehicles on one hand and combustion vehicles on the other.
Also, the study, carried out by the International Council on Clean
Transportation (ICCT), analyzes present and projected future GHG emissions
attributable to every stage in the life cycles of both vehicles and fuels, from
extracting and processing raw materials through refining and manufacture to
operation and eventual disposal. The analysis was performed separately and in
depth for the European Union, the United States, China, and India, and captured
the differences among those markets, which together account for about 70% of new
car sales worldwide.
So in addition to its global scope, the study is methodologically comprehensive
in considering all relevant powertrain types, including plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles, and an array of fuel types including biofuels, electrofuels, hydrogen,
and electricity.
Phrases of the day
1) Comparative investigations of
More information: Jake A. Funkhouser et al, Comparative Investigations of Social
Context-Dependent Dominance in Captive Chimpanzees
Додаткова інформація: Джейк А. Функхаузер та інші, Порівняльні дослідження
залежного від соціального контексту домінування у шимпанзе в неволі
2) conditions imposed by
But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms from
zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting
Але рейдит, який має той самий хімічний склад, що і циркон, утворюється з
циркону лише в умовах надзвичайно високого тиску, створеного внаслідок удару
3) comprehensive investigation of
The origin and nature of this source is unknown and requires further
Походження і природа цього джерела невідомі і потребують подальшого дослідження
· #53
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:18)
Soon medical advances will allow people to live to a very old age. Is this
desirable? Why / Why not.
It is foolish to deny that medicine does not affect our life expectancy in any
way. Previously, people lived 30-40 years. Now it's only half of life. But is it
possible that medical research and discoveries will allow people to live even
longer? I think so, but it is unlikely that the average life expectancy of a
person will be over 100 years. First of all, a person is an organism that, like
all living things, dies, no matter how much it is treated. Medicine, on the one
hand, is the arbiter of destinies, but it is not omnipotent. Perhaps if such
important organs as the brain are transplanted without harm to the body, then
life will indeed become longer, but this will take more than one decade.
· #52
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:02)
I have read the article «Why ten-year-old children should not be held criminally
As article says that in a recent 12-month period, police in England and Wales
made just under 60,000 arrest of children-some of these defendants were just 10
years old, In Ireland and Scotland it is 12, while in Sweden and Denmark it’s
15. The age of criminal responsibility is hardly ever discussed by the
mainstream media or politicians in the UK.
So,the argument goes that if a child is old enough to act like an adult and
commit a serious crime, then they are old enough to be treated like an adult and
a criminal. In other words, it used to be assumed that children under 14 were
not criminally responsible unless they understood the seriousness of their
In my opinion, should be raise the age of criminal responsibility because is the
rarity of the most serious crimes being committed by children.
Phrases of the day:
1) conditions imposed by
The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014.
Команда зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов’язаних із кредитами, щоб
визначити умови політики, накладені на 131 країну-позичаль у період з 1985 по
2014 рік.
2) comparative investigations of
"in our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile nathusius'
pipistrelles (pipistrellus nathusii) dead beneath wind turbines than expected
from their frequency in the local population
«У нашому порівняльному дослідженні ми спостерігали більше молодих натузіусів
(pipistrellus nathusii) загиблих під вітрогенераторами, ніж очікувалося з огляду
на їхню частоту серед місцевого населення»
3) comprehensive investigation of
Credit: KAUST A comprehensive investigation by KAUST researchers sets the record
straight on the formation of hydrogen peroxide in micrometer-sized water
Авторство: KAUST Всебічне дослідження дослідників KAUST встановило рекорд
утворення перекису водню в краплях води мікрометрового розміру
I have read the article:«Philips white bulbs enable controls for dimmed or
energizing light»
As article says, sunny days are easily linked to feelings of well being; gloomy
days with no sun in sight are accordingly linked to feelings of sadness. That's
the easy part. People who work night shifts have a more complex problem of
missing out on light when it would be most beneficial and getting too much light
when it would not be beneficial. In other words, their internal clocks suffer.
So, light is a powerful signal for your internal clock. Light therapy may help
shift workers adjust to irregular schedules. Light has two primary effects on
your sleep/wake pattern. It has an alerting effect, and it also has the ability
to gradually shift sleeping patterns earlier or later, depending on the timing
of light exposure.
Therefore, Philips Lighting has another way to get the darkness or light that we
need, whether you can benefit from an energizing light for exercise sessions or
a dimmed nightlight for winding down to sleep.
Announced on Monday, the company has developed Philips Hue white ambiance bulbs,
featuring temperature controls which mimic natural light.
Phrases of the day
1) conditions imposed by
Without the conditions imposed, the operation will significantly reduce the
alternatives that Mexican farmers have at their disposal to a broad range of
seeds and non-selective pesticides
Без встановлених умов операція значно зменшить кількість альтернатив, які
мексиканські фермери мають у своєму розпорядженні широкому спектру насіння та
неселективних пестицидів
2) comparative investigations of
Japan had the highest score for the specific form of social behaviour that the
comparative research focused on
Японія отримала найвищий бал за конкретну форму соціальної поведінки, на яку
було зосереджено порівняльне дослідження
3) comprehensive investigation of
Optical horn antennas open up a unique new form of spectroscopy enabling the
investigation of single proteins in their native state and in real time.
Оптичні рупорні антени відкривають унікальну нову форму спектроскопії, що
дозволяє досліджувати окремі білки в їх природному стані та в режимі реального
· #51
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:01)
Today I have read the article:«Strong but thin transparent films made from
cellulose nanofibers with wide applicability»
As I have read,to meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films
for sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a
multi-national team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made
from cellulose nanofiber
Also the novelty of the film involves a new and effective way of tailoring the
interfacial bonding interactions between the fibers and the glycerol and
glutaraldehyde (GA), which functioned as a plasticizer and cross-linking agent,
respectively. Conventionally, cross-linking is often performed to overcome the
weak mechanical properties of native polymer films in order to expand their
functional properties and applications but this approach alone also limits the
flexibility and toughness, making the film very brittle and unsuitable for many
So, the optical clarity and antifogging property, of the film could also be
enhanced further by applying an additional step to treat the surface of the film
to radiofrequency oxygen plasma.
Phrases of the day
1) Comparative investigations of
Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen has systematically
investigated the cognitive abilities of three lemur
Інститут дослідження приматів Лейбніца в Геттінгені систематично досліджував
когнітивні здібності трьох лемурів
2) conditions imposed by
The abundance of helium is correctly reproduced by the new model because the
internal rotation of the sun imposed by the magnetic fields generates a
turbulent mixing which prevents this element
Нова модель правильно відтворює велику кількість гелію, оскільки внутрішнє
обертання Сонця, накладене магнітними полями, створює турбулентне перемішування,
яке перешкоджає цьому елементу
3) comprehensive investigation of
Optical horn antennas open up a unique new form of spectroscopy enabling the
investigation of single proteins in their native state and in real time
Оптичні рупорні антени відкривають унікальну нову форму спектроскопії, що
дозволяє досліджувати окремі білки в їх природному стані та в режимі реального
2017 Outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo
In 2017, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) recorded its eighth Ebola
virus disease (EVD) outbreak, approximately 3 years after the previous outbreak.
Suspect cases of EVD were identified on the basis of clinical and
epidemiological information. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
(RT-PCR) analysis or serological testing was used to confirm Ebola virus
infection in suspected cases. The causative virus was later sequenced from a
RT-PCR-positive individual and assessed using phylogenetic analysis. And since
the outbreak on May 11, 2017 as of the beginning of 2019, 608 cases of Ebola
(560 confirmed, 48 probable) have been registered, including 368 deaths (320
confirmed and 48 possible).
By the way,responses to the BVVE outbreak in 2017 were effective due to the
timely notification of suspected cases by local authorities, blood samples were
immediately tested due to enhanced national laboratory capacity, the government
promptly announced the outbreak, local and national health authorities with
reliable support international partners responded promptly and flexible access
was quickly provided.And WHO support in field coordination was critical, and the
Incident Management System was operational within 24 hours of the outbreak being
declared. WHO deployed more than 50 experts to work with government and
So, a single spillover event into the human population is responsible for this
DRC outbreak. Human-to-human transmission resulted in limited dissemination of
the causative agent, a novel Ebola virus variant closely related to the initial
Mayinga variant isolated in 1976-1977 in the DRC.
· #50
Shapa L.N. toKrasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:00)
Anastasia I've found in (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:48) the task Phrases of the Day and add it to your grade. Excellent.
· #49
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022)
The message presented (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:45) contains the narration of the contents of the articles you have choosed, but does not unclude the tasks Phrases of the Day which is an obligatory element of the abstract.
· #48
Grodska E. to Svetlichnyi Gleb,IM-181, Karina Smuk,IM-181, Liza Denisova IM-181 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:49)
Your exam topics are prepared properly. Well done
· #47
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.27.05.22 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:49)
Today I read an article on Management records management
Management documentation - a set of interrelated documents used to solve the
problems of enterprise or institution management and have legal force.
Management documentation defines the method of registration of business
transactions with the relevant documents, intended for the primary monitoring of
business transactions as a prerequisite for their reflection in the account.
Documentation also plays an important role in managing the activities of the
enterprise, provides opportunities to control the preservation of farm property,
its rational use. It has legal significance as written evidence of business
transactions. Documentation is used for business analysis, financial control,
audit and documentary audits.
· #46
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:48)
Today I’ve read the article “Are political parties getting in the way of our
health?” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that all information from this article is a new research by Gerald
Gamm. The main goal of the research was to find out how competition between
parties influences on level of human life. And he concluded that everything is
In conclusion, I want to say that I agree with Gerald Gamm’s research and also
think that competition between parties is not just healthy for a political
system, it is ways to improve all aspect human life.
Today I’ve read the article “New machine learning technology explores circadian
rhythms” and I would like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that the article explains what circadian rhythms are. It is really
important to understand the information. Such rhythms are characteristic not
only for people but also for plants, therefore, new technologies are constantly
needed to measure them more accurately.
In conclusion, I want to say that the article is fascinating because it allows
not only to better study the topic of biology, but also to find out how this
science is developing in certain areas.
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown. Показано можливості
дослідження термоелектрорушійної сили як методу комплексного дослідження
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples
were undertaken around a hundred years ago. Порівняльні дослідження зразків
кристалічного та аморфного діоксиду кремнію проводилися близько ста років тому.
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community. Ми вважаємо це найбільш прикром,
оскільки ми виконали умови, встановлені міжнародним співтовариством.
· #45
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:45)
Today I’ve read the article “Are political parties getting in the way of our
health?” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that all information from this article is a new research by Gerald
Gamm. The main goal of the research was to find out how competition between
parties influences on level of human life. And he concluded that everything is
In conclusion, I want to say that I agree with Gerald Gamm’s research and also
think that competition between parties is not just healthy for a political
system, it is ways to improve all aspect human life.
Today I’ve read the article “New machine learning technology explores circadian
rhythms” and I would like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that the article explains what circadian rhythms are. It is really
important to understand the information. Such rhythms are characteristic not
only for people but also for plants, therefore, new technologies are constantly
needed to measure them more accurately.
In conclusion, I want to say that the article is fascinating because it allows
not only to better study the topic of biology, but also to find out how this
science is developing in certain areas.
· #44
Liza Denisova IM-181(Grodska) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 04:35)
Progress is constant growth and development.
Our 21st century is the century of new technologies, which is filled with daily
progress. Technology is breaking into people's lives, it makes their work
easier, fills a person's leisure.
Science and medicine are also rapidly developing, which can significantly extend
a person's life and make it more comfortable and safe.
It is also worth considering the role of progress in political activity. It is
the development of mankind that allows us today to live in various states under
the protection of rights and agreements.
Once upon a time, people did not have the right to choose, and everyone lived on
the orders of their rulers, there were constant wars for territories, in many
countries there was slavery.
Today we have the opportunity to live in countries where we ourselves choose
leaders, where people have rights and their protection, everyone has freedom and
I believe that it is progress that rules humanity, and we cannot live without
· #43
Karina Smuk,IM-181(Grodska) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 00:09)
Public relations
Public relations is the set of techniques and strategies related to managing how
information about an individual or company is disseminated to the public, and
especially the media. Its primary goals are to disseminate important company
news or events, maintain a brand image, and put a positive spin on negative
events. PR may occur in the form of a company press release, news conference,
interviews with journalists, social media posting, or other venues.
My opinion today the public relations have moved their focus from traditional
media such as print and radio to online, and especially to social media
platforms from Facebook and Twitter to the latest favourite, Instagram. The key
reason for this shift is the exponential rise in the consumption of social media
by people. This section explores how the PR landscape is changing as a result of
this and how it needs to adapt in order to become influential on these social
media platforms.
· #42
Svetlichnyi Gleb,IM-181(Grodska) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 23:40)
International security
International security, also called global security is a term which refers to
the measures taken by states and international organizations, such as the United
Nations, European Union, and others, to ensure mutual survival and safety. These
measures include military action and diplomatic agreements such as treaties and
conventions. International and national security are invariably linked.
International security is national security or state security in the global
The meaning of "security" is often treated as a common sense term that can be
understood by "unacknowledged consensus".The content of international security
has expanded over the years. Today it covers a variety of interconnected issues
in the world that affect survival. It ranges from the traditional or
conventional modes of military power, the causes and consequences of war between
states, economic strength, to ethnic, religious and ideological conflicts, trade
and economic conflicts, energy supplies, science and technology, food, as well
as threats to human security and the stability of states from environmental
degradation, infectious diseases, climate change and the activities of non-state
While the wide perspective of international security regards everything as a
security matter, the traditional approach focuses mainly or exclusively on
military concerns.
· #41
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 20:44)
Class work (2) 16.05.22 задолженность
Предложения дня:
classified as, by outlining
And by giving it wheels, the robot is now classified as a car, a quadruped and a
humanoid robot, depending on its activity at any given time.
Even very small objects can cause significant damage to aircraft moving at high
speeds, with screws, bolts and maintenance tools classified as FOD.
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Outlining the work, the paper, "Phenomic Data-Facilitated Rust and Senescence
Prediction in Maize Using Machine Learning Algorithms," was published in
Scientific Reports.
Ссылка на статью:
The title of the article, I have read today is: “Blue dye from red beets:
Chemists devise a new pigment option”. Erick Leite Bastos the author of this
article paid the readers attention to specific of the blue color. He also
underlined that the white light coming from your lamp contains a rainbow of
colors, even though you cannot see them—without the use of a prism. I was
surprised by the fact that something red can be turned into something blue. I
adviced to my colleagues read this article, I am sure that they will find a lot
of new and useful information in it.
· #40
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 20:26)
Independent work (2) 16.05.22 задолженность
Ссылка на статью:
Today I've read an article «Energy-harvesting design aims to turn Wi-Fi signals
into usable power». The author of the article -Jennifer Chu - draws our
attention to the fact that over the last decade, scientists have looked for ways
to harvest and convert ambient energy into usable electrical energy. They also
found that the stronger the incoming terahertz energy, the more of that energy a
device can convert to DC current. Envisioned that, in the near future, terahertz
rectifiers may be used, for instance, to wirelessly power implants in a
patient's body, without requiring surgery to change an implant's batteries. Such
devices could also convert ambient Wi-Fi signals to charge up personal
electronics such as laptops and cellphones.
· #39
Grodska E. to Garnik Oleg IM-181 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:24)
Your exam topic is prepared properly. Well done
· #38
Garnik Oleg IM-181 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:04)
Today, I prepared topic ''European Security''
The prospects for international security, both in observable dimensions and on a
planetary scale, are closely related to the consequences of the eternal problems
of war and peace, primarily on the European continent, which has become the
sound of two European wars. The long period of residence of the peoples of
Europe on the continent, their communication with each other revealed models of
coexistence from armed confrontation to a significant political formation,
initially oriented towards the economic component, and towards socio-political
unity around the Schengen and Maastricht provisions.
· #37
debt 23,05Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211 Tomenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022)
Today I read an article on "Regulators frown as crypto players move into
banking" Nowadays cryptocurrencies are very common and a lot is known about
them. Recently, government agencies have imposed repression in an attempt to
regain control of the unregulated sector. Coinbase Lend will allow people to
earn interest when they borrow their digital currencies, a service offered by
several other crypto players for several years. Prosecutors have begun looking
for other platforms and demanding interest-free accounts. These platforms are
part of a certain gray area. Because they are not classified as banks or credit
institutions, they are out of reach
· #36
debt 16,05 Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211 Tomenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:40)
Today I read an article on "The future of nuclear waste: What's the plan and can
it be safe?" The UK plans to significantly expand its nuclear capabilities in an
effort to reduce its dependence on carbon-based fossil fuels
The government aims to build up to eight new reactors over the next few decades
to increase electricity capacity from 8 gigawatts today to 24 gigawatts.
The scientific consensus at the international level is that the GDF approach is
the most technically possible way of final disposal of nuclear waste. Oncalo is
an example to the world that scientific cooperation and open interaction with
the public can make safe disposal of nuclear waste possible.
· #35
Ruda, ID-211, Tomenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:27)
Exam topic: Psychology of employees
Cooperation - joint activities, joint work to achieve the goal. And in order to
achieve a common goal you need to find a common language and behave properly in
the team. To do this, we need to study the psychology of cooperation. In fact,
the most important thing is to be an open and nice person. Sometimes it is
difficult for people to find common ground due to differences in character or
different types of temperament, so they need to help each other. For example,
tips on how to behave in the first days of work: Be involved, observe a lot,
enjoy the status of a newcomer and do not seek to immediately show brilliant
results. To begin with, try to understand more about the details of the work.
It starts by outlining the obligations of Governments to respect, protect and
fulfil people's right to food, and then moves on to extend the traditional
boundaries of human rights.
It's now classified as top secret.
I think that's beyond the scope of redirect.
· #34
Ruda, ID-211, Tomenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:22)
Today I read an article about "The End of the Riverdale Age". It says that the
popular teen series will be closed soon. Riverdale is a teen series in the
detective genre. He won the hearts of many spectators. Based on Archie's comics,
it premiered in 2017. For me personally, the news of its end is very sad,
because it is one of the most interesting series for me. I will miss this
atmosphere very much. I think this series is one of the best, so I definitely
recommend it if you are interested. Also, I recommend you read this article.
· #33
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:21)
Today I read an article about the signs of the zodiac. It tells about their
creation, as well as their description. From her I learned that the signs of the
zodiac were invented by dividing the ecliptic into 12 parts. This information,
to be honest, is quite complex and a bit confusing, but it does not detract from
its curiosity. I can say that I probably believe in horoscopes, because I
observe many coincidences in my life with the described. I can't say for sure if
there is any sense in this, but it's cool. As we all know, there are 12 zodiac
signs that are associated with constellations. My sign is pisces. This topic is
very popular, because everyone knows their zodiac sign, even if they do not
believe in these things. So, if you are interested, I recommend the article to
· #32
Grodska E. to Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:19)
Well done. Thank you
· #31
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E.B.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:12)
Global Processes in International Relations
Globalization is a process of continuing integration of the countries in the
world and it strongly underway in all parts of the globe. It is a complex
interconnection between capitalism and democracy, which involves positive and
negative features, that both empowers and disempowers individuals and groups.
And today the process of globalization takes an important role in international
relations' development.
Firstly, international relations is used globalization to reach its goal: of
understanding cultures. International relations focus on how countries, people
and organizations interact and globalization is making a profound effect on
International relations. International relations have constantly altered culture
both positively and negatively.
Secondly, globalization is a popular term used by governments,
business, academic and a range of diverse non-governmental organizations. It
also, however, signifies a new paradigm within world politics and economic
In conclusion, globalization has a big influence on the world's processes and
continues to change people's lives, values and beliefs. In my opinion, we
shouldn't try to change it but we must to be human beings and to save those
things, which we have.
· #30
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:08)
To Lobanova Diana-group-IP- 211. Thank you for your annotations on the article of the day, the independent practice,the exam topic "Comparative Psychology" and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your essays are both informative and grammatically correct. Something is wrong with your voice recorder with Vocaroo, it is hardly audible. Would you revise your message before posting. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online. All the best.
· #29
Grodska E. to Naumenko Nikita IM-181, Vyblova Karyna IM-181 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:02)
Your exam topics are prepared properly. Well done
· #28
Vyblova Karyna IM-181 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:53)
Public relations is the direction that manages all external communications of
the company. The purpose of PR is to create and maintain a positive brand image
in the eyes of the public, potential customers and other interested parties
(partners, investors and competitors). PR is the art of presenting information
correctly, making one fact more important than another, helping information find
its audience. In my opinion, PR today has a huge impact on society. Since PR is
a direct link between an organization and society. Public Relations plays an
important role in the life of society, gradually spreading to the masses.
· #27
Naumenko Nikita IM-181 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:37)
Global perspectives of the war in Ukraine.
The war in Ukraine is not only a problem for Ukraine. Famine, as well as
problems with the economy, will reach other countries, if they have not already.
The conflict will lead to famine in many countries where Ukraine sold food,
wheat, etc.
To solve the problems that will soon befall the whole of Europe, the world must
make decisions and each country should not stand aside. Only by common efforts,
by sanctions, the world can end the conflict, which can throw many countries
back into "dark times."
It seems to me that the sooner the world realizes the full magnitude of the
consequences, the sooner normal decisions will follow.
· #26
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:36)
To Zhovtobrukh Maria-group-IP-211. Thank you for your annotations on the article of the day about Industrial Psychology and the exam topic "Clinical Psychology". The both topics are informative and grammatically correct, but your tasks are not complete as they lack the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Something is wrong with your voice recording with Vocaroo it is mistaken. Keep on working online. Good luck !
· #25
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:32)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics.
· #24
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:21)
Today I have read an interesting and very informative article about the Great
Britain, and more specifically about what measures will be taken by Parliament
to avoid the accumulation of nuclear waste. As Britain is about to expand its
nuclear capacity, the question of safety for the climate and people arises. For
this purpose it was decided to build a special place where the nuclear waste
could be buried. Britain has learned this valuable experience from Finland.
There are two ways to bury nuclear waste: GDF systems and deep boreholes. Norway
sees drilling wells as one of the most profitable options.
Phrases of the day:
1) Classified as (классифицируется как)
These developments are classified as the latest compared to their predecessors
2) Beyond the scope of (за рамки сферы охвата)
Unfortunately, your research is beyond the scope of our agreement
3) By outlining (изложены)
We begin by outlining the necessary methodology and continue with reporting the
Independent practice:
Today I have read a very interesting article about the importance of a subject
like math in the world. It is important not only for calculus, but also for
space exploration! As Galileo said: "Philosophy is written in this great book,
the universe... But the book is written in the language of mathematics.
Mathematics has been used in scientific research since a long time ago and it is
still one of the most important subjects. When did the first scientific calculus
appear? Science magazine looks at Babylonian clay tablets containing
mathematical formulas that preceded calculus. I suppose we, living in this
universe, cannot imagine a non-mathematical universe.
Exam topic #5 (Comparative psychology)
Comparative psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the evolution of
the psyche and the consequences that this process had on humans and animals. The
development of comparative psychology fell in the second half of the 19th
century and was caused by the emergence of Charles Darwin's theory of
evolution.Based on this position, the main objectives of comparative psychology
are primarily to identify similar components of human and animal psyche, as well
as common biological factors that influence their behavior. In addition,
qualitative differences in the psyche of humans and animals that have arisen as
a result of socio-historical factors are studied.
· #23
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:53)
To Radishevskaja-group ІП-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the exam topic on your speciality, the independent practice, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently and accurate pronunciation, mind the word " analogue". The tasks with the phrases of the day have been performed correct. Continue to work online. Best wishes !
· #22
Grodska E. to Maria Yakovenko IM-181 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:46)
Your exam topic is prepared properly. Well done
· #21
Zhovtobrukh Maria IP-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:27)
Clinical psychology is at present the largest specialization within psychology
.Central to its practice are psychological assessment and psychotherapy although
clinical psychologists may also engage in research, teaching, consultation,
forensic testimony, and program development and administration. A key aspect of
behavior therapy is empirical evaluation of the treatment's effectiveness. Some
clinical psychologists may focus on the clinical management of patients with
brain injury, this area is known as clinical neuropsychology . It includes the
study and application of psychology for the purpose of understanding,
preventing, and relieving psychologically based distress, dysfunction or mental
illness and to promote subjective well-being and personal development.
· #20
Maria Yakovenko IM-181(Grodska) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:18)
European security is a set of measures taken jointly by all interested states to
ensure peace and security in Europe. In the system of European collective
security, all European states must be united, regardless of their social order.
In full accordance with the UN Charter, such a system will create the necessary
conditions for defusing tension, for resolving urgent international problems,
taking into account the realities, and for establishing all-round mutually
beneficial cooperation on a pan-European basis.
· #19
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:13)
Задолженность за 16.05
In 2022, a new Monkeypox outbreak began. This virus is native to Africa and is
transmitted from human to animal, through bites, wounds, etc. Countries in
Europe, the U.S. and Australia have already recorded cases of people sickened by
Monkeypox outbreak. People who have contracted the disease say they have visited
tropical parts of Africa and had contact with animals there. The virus is
transmitted through blood and sexual intercourse. Those who become ill complain
of fatigue, rashes and fever. The incubation period for smallpox is from 5 to 21
Many people have had indigestion, upset, dyspepsia, stomach after meals at some
point in their lives. These symptoms may or may not occur frequently in people
of different ages. Usually people do not panic and do not call an ambulance or a
doctor at home for such symptoms. Such disorders are usually treated at home
with drinking water, lying down, ginger, or mint. Many of these products are in
everyone's refrigerator or medicine cabinet at home. Often these self-treatment
methods help get rid of nausea, headache, and abdominal cramps in a few days.
· #18
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:11)
Задолженность за 16.05
As we know physical activity is important for health, at least in minimal
amounts. People of all ages have problems with posture and back pain. To improve
your health and relieve pain, there are many different exercises for back muscle
groups. But one of the most popular are still the bridge, pelvic bends, and the
"cat" exercise. Such exercises help to relieve pain, develop different groups of
back muscles, and improve posture. Such exercises also have a positive effect on
mood and improve circulation. I recommend everyone to take 5-10 minutes to
exercise in the morning
Researchers conducted the effect of global temperature on human sleep. As it
turned out with higher temperature, it affected the quality of sleep in a bad
way. As we know, healthy and sound sleep, improves the quality of immunity,
restores our energy, and psychological well-being. Poor sleep has a strong
impact on our productivity throughout the day. Researchers have found that for a
more comfortable and restful sleep, a slightly cool or normal temperature is
more beneficial than a temperature above 25°C. Many people I know are more
comfortable sleeping at 19-20°C
Exam topic #4 Advertising
Although people are usually annoyed by all the advertisements in newspapers and
magazines, and the commercials aired on television, the effect of the entire
advertising industry on the individual is enormous and plays a very important
role in our lives. Advertising absorbs huge amounts of money, but it benefits
society. Advertising primarily carries an informative value to the reader. Many
information about household appliances, automobiles, building materials,
electronic equipment, cosmetics, detergents, and foodstuffs people get most of
their information from the advertisements they read. Without advertising it is
impossible to imagine our information literacy
1.Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
2.A pilot study has been carried out for nine flood-prone districts in Assam.
3.And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood
· #17
Zhovtobrukh Maria IP-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:10)
Industrial and organizational psychology, which is also known as occupational
psychology, organizational psychology, and work and organizational psychology,
is an applied discipline within psychology.In the United Kingdom, industrial and
organizational psychologists are referred to as occupational psychologists.
Industrial and organizational psychologists reaching the EuroPsy standard are
recorded in the Register of European Psychologists and industrial and
organizational psychology is one of the three main psychology specializations in
Europe. Organizational psychology is one of nine areas of specialist endorsement
for psychology practice in Australia.
· #16
Radishevskaja IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:44)
Birds and magnetic signature
Today there are two hypotheses about how birds sense the planet's magnetic
field. According to one of them, the iron content in the beak helps them in
navigation, which catches the magnetic field. And such elements were indeed
found in the beaks. However, it remains unclear how the signal from them can
reach the brain. Another theory is that the magnetic field affects the chemical
composition of the white of the eyes, which helps the birds to see the correct
course. German scientists found out which of these hypotheses is more correct
and came to the conclusion that the main substance responsible for such
navigation is protein.
· #15
Radishevskaja IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:43)
1.The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the
scope of our study.
Ступінь, до якої люди можуть бути піддані впливу цих патогенів, виходить за
рамки нашого дослідження.
2.The problems compounded for users less conversant with technology in countries
Facebook classified as "at-risk," including India, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ethiopia,
Russia and the Philippines, the research found.
Дослідження показало, що проблеми посилюються для користувачів, менш обізнаних з
технологіями в країнах, які Facebook класифікують як «групи ризику», включаючи
Індію, Сирію, Ірак, Ємен, Ефіопію, Росію та Філіппіни.
3.By outlining potential issues and presenting principles to guide the
decision-making process, we hope to better inform and hence empower courts to
act in a child's best interests.
Викладаючи потенційні проблеми та представляючи принципи, які керують процесом
прийняття рішень, ми сподіваємося краще інформувати та, таким чином, надати
судам повноваження діяти в найкращих інтересах дитини.
Sensitive robots
Asian engineers have developed a technology that virtually replaces human hands
in a production that requires sensitivity and great craftsmanship. These robots
are capable of performing adjustments and precise manipulations in exactly the
same way as a living person could do, relying on their feelings and intuition.
Although simple to set up, it was shown to outperform conventional robotic
controllers, which required a tremendous amount of knowledge and time to
fine-tune. It seems to me that this system is a good analogue of human labor,
but at the same time it is a big threat to the jobs of many people.
· #14
Radishevskaja IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:42)
Reasons why young people commit crime
After reading the article, I can come to the conclusion that based on the words
of psychologists, most teenagers and young people commit crimes due to their
lack of empathy, mercy and the realization that crime is bad. The reasons for
this are laid down in childhood. Morality and psyche are instilled in us by our
parents, and if they treat violations of the law lightly, children will also do
this. Also, peers and ethical education play an important role, all this forms
in the child an attitude to the law, human life and a desire to do bad deeds.
· #13
Radishevskaja IП211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:38)
1.Benefits of Tillamook Bay wetlands restoration extend far beyond the scope of
initial project, report finds by Michelle Klampe.
Переваги відновлення водно-болотних угідь затоки Тілламук виходять далеко за
рамки початкового проекту, повідомляє Мішель Клампе.
2.Uber argues that requiring drivers to be classified as employees would leave
jobs only for a small fraction of its drivers and that costs would become more
Uber стверджує, що вимога класифікувати водіїв як співробітників призведе до
звільнення лише для невеликої частини водіїв, а витрати стануть дорожчими.
3.The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of
the metamorphic sole.
Дослідження завершується окресленням трьохетапної послідовності еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
Moral anger
I think that the author of the article is right, since the phenomenon called
"moral anger" carries a very important purpose. This anger is usually not
associated with hatred, aggression, or a desire to harm. Employers must come to
terms with him because of his key role in taking out their stress and as a
defensive response to injustice. In a sense, we can say that moral anger rises
to protect employee morale and a sense of fairness in the team. This is an
important part of the human character that should not be punished by the boss.
Because an angry person who is unable to take out his anger can become a danger.
· #12
Gvozd to Davidenko Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:16)
The reviews are interesting, topic is informative. Well done.
· #11
Gvozd to Korol Oleg, IP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:13)
Oleg, I don't see your Independent practice.
· #10
Gvozd to Sorokina Veronika IP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:11)
Thank you for interesting reviews. But you have written 4 ones. Why?
· #9
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:09)
Thank you, the tasks are complete. Keep on working.
· #8
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:05)
Today I've read the article on "When painting reveals increases in social trust"
in which scientists found an increase in the demonstration of trust in the face
in European painting between the fourteenth and twenty-first centuries.
To track the historical evolution of interpersonal trust, a team of researchers
has developed a face analysis algorithm that can reproduce human judgments about
the reliability of the face. To confirm the algorithm, scientists first tested
it on photographs of faces whose reliability has already been evaluated by
humans. In other tests, the algorithm reproduced findings from the scientific
literature on the influence that factors such as age, gender, facial features,
or emotions on a person have credibility.
Analyzing a collection of 1962 English portraits painted between 1506 and 2016
from the National Portrait Gallery in London, the authors noticed that the
number of facial features associated with interpersonal trust has increased over
Phrases of the Day:
1) on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
2) keep track
Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
3) meet the demand
Acrylic sheet printer totally can meet the demand of bulk production in
different industries, which significantly improve the market competitiveness of
your products.
Today I've read the article on "Body cameras, live streaming bring search and
rescue into the next generation" about the RescueCASTR system, which is equipped
with 360-degree rescue cameras that send live videos and photos to the central
command post. The system allows the search commander to track several commands
at once, coordinate efforts and receive on-site conditions and tips.
RescueCASTR is designed to give the team more implicit awareness of events and
conditions on the ground, which can lead to better decision-making when
searching, when time can be crucial to a successful rescue.
Search and rescue operations are conducted throughout the year and are often
vital. It is important that SAR members have ways to easily share the
information they encounter in order to productively search for and locate
missing people in the desert.
Exam topic # 7 Childhood as a stage in the life course
Childhood is the period of life between birth and adolescence, which begins with
Childhood is not only a natural process, but also a social and cultural
achievement. During childhood there is an extremely intense physical and mental
development. Early childhood is a critical period of development. Its violation,
for example, isolation from human society, can lead to irreversible mental
disorders. Childhood lasts about one tenth of a person's life and from the
character of the child you can understand what character he will have when he
grows up.
Childhood is divided into five periods: childhood (from birth to one year),
early childhood (from one to 3 years), preschool age (from 3 to 6-7 years),
primary school age (from 6-7 to 10 -11 years), adolescence (from 11-12 to 18
· #7
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:03)
Dear students, read the instruction again and do your exam Test. Good luck
· #6
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:58)
Today I have read the article called: “New software allows industrial robots to
achieve touch sensitivity and precision close to human hands”. This article is
about the development of a new and important technology. The technology arm of
Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore has developed technology that
makes robots more sensitivity and agile like human hands. Scientists have spent
a lot of time and effort on the creation of this technology, because it is a
very complex development. This technology makes it possible to endow robots with
both high accuracy and high maneuverability. It helps in the assembly of optical
lenses, electronic components, or motor mechanisms.
Phrases of the day:
1. by outlining
Material of research starts by outlining scientific work.
Матеріал дослідження починається з викладу наукової роботи.
2. classified as
Our workers are classified as specialized workers.
Наші працівники класифікуються як спеціалізовані працівники.
3. beyond the scope of
Values are beyond the scope of out of range.
Значення виходять за межі діапазону.
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd)
Today I have read the article called: “Underground water pipes: Another way for
cities to keep cool”. This article is about the water pipes with which you can
lower the air temperature. Due to climate change, the temperature is getting
higher every year, and the underground refrigeration system through water pipes
is the solution to this problem. According to scientists, underground water
pipes is a more efficient method of cooling the air than air conditioners. This
article is very interesting and useful, it reminds us that climate change
creates problems that need to be addressed around the world right now.
Exam topic #6 social psychology
Social psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the patterns of
behavior and activities of people due to their inclusion in social groups, as
well as the psychological characteristics of the groups themselves. As an
independent science, social psychology arose in the second half of the
nineteenth century, separating from philosophy. Social psychology studies: the
social psychology of the individual, the social psychology of communities and
communication, social relations, forms of spiritual activity. As a result of
numerous experiments, a number of changes inherent in human behavior as a result
of being in a group have been revealed to date, for example: conformity, social
facilitation, social inhibition, social pressure, group polarization, emotional
contagion etc.
· #5
Sorokina Veronika IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:55)
Phrases of the day:
1) classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
Они могут быть классифицированы как лежащие в основе или предрасполагающие
факторы и стимулирующие факторы.
2) by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
В начале доклада изложены цели и значение национальных планов действий.
3) beyond the scope of
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
Долгосрочное решение этой проблемы выходит далеко за рамки сферы охвата
настоящего доклада.
1. Today I have read the article called “The future of nuclear waste: What's the
plan and can it be safe?”. The U.K. is planning to significantly expand its
nuclear capability.
New reactors will inevitably mean more radioactive waste. The vast majority of
waste is held in storage facilities at or near ground level. But above-ground
nuclear storage isn't a feasible long term plan - governments, academics and
scientists are in agreement that permanent disposal below ground is the only
long-term strategy that satisfies security and environmental concerns.
Now, almost every nation plans to isolate radioactive waste from the environment
in an underground, highly engineered structure called a geological disposal
facility (GDF).
2. Today I have read the article called “Community policing found to be
ineffective in improving trust or reducing crime”. An international team of
researchers has found that instituting community policing into several
communities in six countries in the Southern Hemisphere did little to improve
trust in police and did not reduce crime rates.
Community policing involves members of the police spending more time among the
people they serve in their local communities. The idea is that such efforts will
improve trust between police and the public they are sworn to serve, and that
members of the public will be more forthcoming and cooperative in helping to
identify those who commit a crime.
3. Today I have read the article called “Innovating power generation where 'a
river runs through it'”. Hydroelectric power provides an alternative to fossil
fuels, but not all generation methods are equally clean or economically viable.
The classic 'solution' involves building a concrete dam and locating a
hydroelectric power plant there, but there's all sorts of associated issues.
Moored is a member of a multi-institutional team investigating a different
approach to renewable energy: harnessing the power of natural river flows and
turning it into electricity through the use of bio-inspired hydrofoil turbine
technology. The team's innovative, river-focused approach has the potential to
expand access to cleaner, more cost-effective power sources, especially for
rural communities.
4. Today I have read the article which tells us that harmful bacteria on
sewage-associated plastic waste washed up on beaches can survive long enough to
pose a risk to human health, new research has found.
Led by Professor Richard Quilliam, the team found that bacteria such as E. coli
and intestinal enterococci (IE) were binding to these plastics more often than
to naturally occurring materials such as seaweed and sand, thereby prolonging
their persistence in the water and at the beach. The extent to which people
could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the scope of their study, but
obviously there's always a risk of children picking up and playing with wet
wipes or other plastic waste on the beach.
Exam topic #5 Social psychology
Social psychology is a branch of psychology that is devoted to the study of
human behavior in society and various groups, its discovery of other people,
communication with them and research on them. The subject of social psychology
is the patterns of emergence and functioning of socio-psychological phenomena
and processes, which are the result of the interaction of people as
representatives of various social communities.
Social psychology is extremely important in modern society, the knowledge
possessed by specialists in this field helps in resolving conflicts, difficult
situations both within very small groups (families, employees of a small
office), and quite global ones - interethnic, interracial.
· #4
Korol Oleg, Gvozd, IP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:46)
Sometimes the most productive conversations at scientific conferences take place
outside the formal sessions. Such was the case with psychology professor Maureen
Callanan, who a few years ago attended a meeting during which she participated
in a group devoted to research on diversity in developmental psychology.
Rather, it is important to study individual communities on their own terms,
rather than as outliers or exceptions to the norm, she said. The avoidance of
broad language is part of a broader effort towards inclusiveness, an effort that
has shaped Callanan's work beyond scope for three decades. Her own research
focuses on how children learn about science and the world around them, and she
appreciates the sheer range and variety she has observed.
“People experience the natural world in different ways,” she said. “I am no
longer looking for the only way to educate children. I think this puts us on the
wrong track. re-learning."
Phrases of the day:
1. Beyond the scope of
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
Довгострокове рішення цієї проблеми виходить далеко за рамки сфери розуміння
цього докладу.
2. Classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
Вони можуть бути класифіковані як діючі в основі або предрасполагающие фактори
та стимулюючі фактори.
3. By outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
На початку докладу викладені цілі і значення національних планів діяльності.
· #3
Gvozd to Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:37)
Thank you, the articles you have read are really interesting. Exam topic is informative.
· #2
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:32)
Phrases of the Day: 1. predetermined action
Is the country action plan annually reviewed against predetermined benchmarks?
Чи переглядається план дій країни щорічно відповідно до заздалегідь визначених
контрольних показників?
2. as follows
If so, allocate points as follows.
Якщо так, то розподіліть бали наступним чином.
3. product development
At this forum, marketing and product development strategies are formulated and
implementation plans established.
На цьому форумі формулюються маркетингові стратегії та стратегії розвитку
продукції та встановлюються плани впровадження.
Today I’ve have read the article about the invasion of Ukraine and how this
affects the development of war reporting. The purpose of the article is to give
some information to the reader about the development of war journalism and its
impact on the masses. The author begins by quoting a historian who argues that
the goals of the military and the media are incompatible. But in Ukraine this
dilemma is blurred. Much attention is given to comparing the capabilities of
journalists during World War II and now. I advise you to read it.
Today I’ve have read an article about stellar journalism. It tell about how the
journalism market works, it says that "To become a star, you need only one
talent: "the ability to break into the news and stay there"". The author is
trying to figure out why we are consumers of such services. Gives various
examples, for example, that we tend to imagine ourselves in the place of others,
or simply envy in relation to a more famous person. The "odyssey" of Homer is
also remembered, and it is noted that modern stars are considered their idols,
almost gods. I advise you to read it.
Exam topic #7 Speech code
A speech code is any rule or regulation that limits, restricts, or bans speech
beyond the strict legal limitations upon freedom of speech or press found in the
legal definitions of harassment, slander, libel, and fighting words. Such codes
are common in the workplace, in universities, and in private organizations. The
term may be applied to regulations that do not explicitly prohibit particular
words or sentences. Speech codes are often applied for the purpose of
suppressing hate speech or forms of social discourse thought to be disagreeable
to the implementers.
· #1
Gvozd O.V. to IS-211,IP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:05)
Good day!
The lesson has started, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.