Medical engineering
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Guestbook – June 2022
· #25
· Tsapenko to Troianovska PhD-1 (Sunday, 19 June 2022 10:37)
Thanks for your comments, they are intersting to read. Good luck!
· #24
Tsapenko to Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Sunday, 19 June 2022 10:32)
All your tasks are well done. Thanks for your effective work. Good luck!
· #23
Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:54)
I have read the article “Implementation of the LandTrendr Algorithm on Google
Earth Engine”.
The LandTrendr (LT) algorithm is widely used to analyze changes in Landsat
spectral time series. The Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform simplifies the
pre-processing steps by allowing you to focus on translating the basic time
segmentation algorithm. Researchers have described key decisions and conclusions
regarding the translation of the original IDL-based LT code (LT-IDL) into an
equivalent GEE algorithm (LT-GEE) and made simple tests to ensure the accuracy
of the LT-GEE implementation.
In my opinion, the modern GEE platform calls for a revision of familiar
algorithms and their improvement.
This paper introduce the LandTrendr algorithm for GEE platform.
· #22
Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:04)
I have read the article “A Threshold Method for Robust and Fast Estimation of
Land-Surface Phenology Using Google Earth Engine”.
Phenology has recently gained in importance because of global warming. The
number of studies of land surface phenology (LSP) using cloud platforms is
small. After analyzing the performance of LSP algorithms, a new method the
maximum separation (MS) was proposed. Dissemination of code in Google Earth
Engine (GEE) allows the reproduction of results and rapid processing of LSP
indicators by the scientific community.
In my opinion, the phenology of the earth's surface helps to understand the
effects of climate change.
This paper analyzes the performance of state-of-the-art LSP algorithms and
proposes a new threshold-based method - MS implemented in GEE.
· #21
Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:45)
I have read the article “Google Earth Engine: Planetary-scale geospatial
analysis for everyone”.
Google Earth Engine(GEE) is a cloud platform for geospatial analysis on a
planetary scale. This system helps to solve various social problems. It is
unique in this field as an integrated platform designed to empower remote
sensing scientists and to use supercomputers or large-scale cloud computing
resources. Based on an algorithm developed on GEE, you can create systematic
data or deploy interactive programs, easily share your results with other
In my opinion, the advent of the GEE platform has made it possible for many
people to access geospatial analysis on a planetary scale.
The article describes the possibilities of a unique cloud-based platform for
planetary-scale geospatial analysis.
· #20
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:32)
Comment: Today I read the article ‘’Economics of Nuclear Power’’. The
cost-effectiveness of nuclear power plants has such advantages as:
competitiveness, minimal fuel costs, low system costs for nuclear power,
creating incentives for long-term large capital investments, the prospect of
developing as a large infrastructure project. The main economic indicator for
any generating plant is the present value of electricity. This is the total cost
of building and operating a power plant over its lifetime divided by the total
electricity supplied by the power plant during that period, hence usually the
cost per megawatt hour. In addition to centrally planned economies, many
projects combine public financial incentives, private capital, and long-term
power purchase arrangements. Therefore, nuclear energy is economically
Summary: The article showed how profitable nuclear energy can be.
· #19
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:30),with%20other%20commonly%20accepted%20risks.
Comment: Today I read the article ''Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors''. Nuclear
power plant safety ensures the prevention of radioactive releases, excludes the
misuse of nuclear materials and guarantees a focus on deterring the actions of
states that could lead to the acquisition or development of nuclear weapons.
Despite the sad history of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and
Fukushima, the nuclear power industry does not include defective parts in its
equipment and has a safe geographical location. This holds the international
nuclear power plant safety communities such as the World Association of Nuclear
Power Plant Operators, the International Atomic Energy Agency and so on.
Therefore, today the world can safely produce heat and light with the safest
energy industry, namely nuclear energy.
Summary: The article show us nuclear power plants not only from an economically
advantageous side, but also from a safe one.
· #18
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 22:51)
Comment: I read the article ‘’ Can we time travel? A theoretical physicist
provides some answers’’. Is time travel possible? The simplest answer is that
time travel is impossible, because if it were possible, we would already be
doing it. According to the law of physics, scientists argue that time travel is
not only impossible, but the interweaving of the past and the future is not
broken. Even the ancient emperors said that if time flows, then it moves at a
speed of one second per second, which is not very useful for the human mind.
Stephen Hawking himself suggested that there should be a ‘chronology protection
hypothesis’, which is an unknown physical principle. So the answer is ''no''.
Time travel is impossible.
Summary: The article show us that not all human dreams can be realized.
· #17
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 22:48)
Comment: I read the article ''Nuclear Power Today''. About 10% of the world's
electricity is generated by about 440 nuclear power reactors. To date, the
performance of nuclear reactors has greatly improved over time. Despite the
outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, 66 % of reactors achieved a power
factor above 80 % compared to less than 30 % in the 1970s, while only 9% of
reactors had a power factor below 50 % in 2020 compared to just over 20 % in the
1970s. It is also noteworthy that the power factor of reactors over the past
five years has not seen a significant age trend. Therefore, nuclear energy has
improved so much today that such an element as a nuclear reactor is also used
for military purposes.
Summary: The article show us how today nuclear power is increasing its power
· #16
Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 13 June 2022 18:51)
in order to avoid
I have read the article “Gotta bounce: Some spiders catapult away after sex to
avoid death”.
A group of Chinese scientists have discovered that the male spiders Philoponella
prominens are thrown away from their partners, with an acceleration of 20 G, not
to be killed and eaten by females. They perform a catapult in a split second by
folding the tibia-metatarsus joint of their first pair of legs against the
females. In half of the matings, the male catapulted and thus survived. The
opening required high-speed, high-resolution cameras.
In my opinion, different types of living beings use different types of behavior
that ensure the natural selection of the species.
Summary: This article discusses that spiders females judged the sexual fitness
of males by their ability to escape.
· #15
Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 10 June 2022 15:29)
I have read the article “A Comparative Study of Various Image Filtering
Techniques for Removing Various Noisy Pixels in Aerial Image”.
Noise is one of the barriers to automatic understanding of an image, and noise
reduction is very important to improve the results of further processing. In
this article, it was applied the mean filter, median filter, Wiener filter,
wavelet transform, and curvelet transform to remove various levels of Gaussian
noise, salt and pepper noise, and speckle noise.
In my opinion, aerial image recognition is useful, especially these days, and
noise filters provide better quality.
This article describes various image noise filtering techniques.
· #14
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 19:46)
Comment: I read the article ‘’Scientists announce a breakthrough in determining
life’s origin on Earth – and maybe Mars’’. Scientists have found that
pisconucleic acid is formed on basalt lava glass, which are still preserved on
Mars today. Communities studying the origin of life have diverged in recent
years. One community of scientists is leaning towards the complex chemistry by
which balsamic glass is formed. Another community of scientists have
investigated that nucleic acid ribs are formed when nucleoside triphosphates
seep through balsamic glass. Scientists have not yet come to a conclusion. Did
fish nucleic acid create life on Mars? This issue is being investigated further
and scientists will try to resolve it as soon as possible.
Summary: The article show us that there is life on Mars and scientists are
learning life on Mars every time.
· #13
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:23)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #12
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:19)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #11
Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:33)
Title: "A quadcopter that works in the air and underwater and also has a suction
cup for hitching a ride on a host".
Phrase of the day practice: "ability to achieve".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about a quadcopter drone that is capable of flying in
the air and maneuvering underwater developed by researchers at Beihang
The article tells us that the researchers looked into the feasibility of a drone
that could hitch a ride, similar to the remora fish. To that end, the
researchers created a four layers suction disc using a 3D printer and modeled it
after the one sported by the remora.
In my opinion, such technologies allow us to explore the underwater world in
more detail and get new discoveries.
The quadcopter drone was developed that can fly as normal in the air and also
maneuvers under the water.
· #10
Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 08:39)
Title: "A breakthrough in droplet manipulation".
Phrase of the day practice: "a breakthrough in".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about an innovative way to navigate liquids on a surface
in the absence of external force or energy.
The article tells us that when a cold/hot or volatile droplet is liberated on a
lubricated piezoelectric crystal (lithium niobate) at ambient temperature, the
droplet instantaneously propels for a long distance (which can be ~50 times the
droplet radius) in furcated routes. Depending on the crystal plane that
interfaces with the droplet, the self-propulsion can be unidirectional,
bifurcated, and even trifurcated.
In my opinion, this is an unforeseen phenomenon with far-reaching implications.
The survey enables an innovative way to deliver and transport liquids with
controllability, versatility and performance, and provides clues for solving
some long-standing challenges.
· #9
Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 08:14)
Title: "Report reinforces nuclear's role in EU low-carbon energy system".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the necessity of the additional flexible capacity
backup installation such as the low-carbon energy system based on variable
renewables in the nearest features. The article tells us that, in the short to
medium-term, the continued operation of Europe's existing nuclear power plant
fleet will help EU meet emission targets and would avoid the temporary increase
of the emissions that could risk locking in fossil fuel investments. In the
longer term, nuclear energy can support variable renewable sources by providing
proven, carbon-free dependable power and flexibility to the system and reducing
the system's reliance on yet unproven storage technologies. In my opinion,
phase-out from nuclear power plants will trigger an increase in consumer costs,
especially the electricity tariffs, and also result in negative environmental
Nuclear technologies provide a key competitive advantage as it is the only
dispatchable, low-carbon and non-weather-dependent technology which can support
the energy system transition under secure conditions.
· #8
Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 06 June 2022 08:13)
Title: "Canadian waste organization completes borehole program".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the implementation and milestones of Canada's plan
for the safe, long-term management of used fuel, known as Adaptive Phased
Management. The article tells us that Canada's Nuclear Waste Management
Organization has completed its deep borehole drilling program to understand the
subsurface geology in the two areas that will potentially host a deep geological
repository for the nation's used nuclear fuel. The program will help inform the
final selection of a site. Canada's Nuclear Waste Management Organization
remains on track to complete the site selection in 2023
In my opinion, the completion of the drilling program is a significant step
forward in the geoscience work and the resulting data will also provide
important insights to the nuclear communities and countries such as Ukraine.
Deep geological repositories are internationally recognized as the safest way to
manage used nuclear fuel over the very long term.
· #7
Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 21:50)
I have read the article “Study shows benefit of employees managing themselves”.
More and more U.S. companies rely on self-leadership rather than leadership.
Self-leadership shows the influence of employees on their behavior, mood and
thoughts. Research journals have shown that self-leaders are more active,
creative and more confident. Given Covid-19, more and more U.S. workers are
working from home. Because of this, their bosses cannot control them, which is
why it turns out that these workers become self-leaders. A group of scientists
are working on studies that investigated self-leadership in companies. More open
people tend to become self-leaders. Companies should encourage the achievements
of self-leaders. This gives them an incentive to develop in the field of their
work. However, more and more self-leaders are retiring, finding themselves a
better and more rewarding job. The researchers could not rely on just one study.
Therefore, they conducted a lot of researches and got the final results.
Self-leaders are usually athletes and celebrities who want to develop more and
more in their field. "Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Reed Hastings" are great
examples of self-leadership.
In my opinion self-leaders are more perspective kind of workers and such work
type can give greater results by thinking people.
· #6
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Saturday, 04 June 2022 11:59)
To Rupenko SFV-211.Dima, thanks for your regular effective work. Your work on June 3rd is meaningful and well done! Keep on working.
· #5
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:55)
Comment : I have read the article ''The sun's clock: New calculations support
and expand planetary hypothesis''. It indicates the perplexity of physicists
around the world who have long sought a satisfactory explanation for the many
cyclical, overlapping fluctuations in solar activity. The researchers came up
with the idea that some of the Sun's orbital angular momentum could be
transferred to its rotation and thus affect the internal dynamo, the process
that creates the Sun's magnetic field. With this idea, the overthrown magnetic
fields could more easily attach themselves to the surface of the Sun. Therefore,
some researchers decided to propose to the world community to integrate the
rhythmic perturbation of the tachocline into their previous model calculations
of a typical solar dynamo. As a result, it is possible to reproduce several
cyclic phenomena.
Summary : This article showed us how the human factor can not only change the
planet Earth, but can also change cosmic processes
· #4
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:19)
Comment : I have read the article ‘’ Fallout from the HBO Chernobyl
miniseries’’. The five-episode HBO mini-series Chernobyl has been watched by
millions and tops IMDB's list of the greatest TV shows of all time. The World
Nuclear Association (WNA) says the mini-series has led to an increase in user
interest in the disaster. The series shows a highly artistic picture of what is
happening. It also has great acting. For example, a metamorphosis of characters,
where one of the main characters at the beginning of the series is an arrogant
bureaucrat confident in the success of his task, and at the end a sick,
irradiated man with a big demon of doubt inside is shown. Experts in the energy
sector note the highly artistic picture of this project, but the unreliability
of what is happening.
Summary : The article shows us that this series is artistically excellent, but
questions remain about the authenticity of the series.
· #3
Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 20:11)
I have read the article “Air temperature in Barcelona metropolitan region from
MODIS satellite and GIS data”.
The methodology has been developed for estimating, from satellite measurements,
of the varied and complex spatial distribution of temperatures in the Barcelona
metropolitan area.
A systematic and detailed spatial description of temperatures can greatly
improve the analysis of cold and hot flares. These analyzes can be very useful
in studying the impact of temperatures on citizens.
In my opinion, the study temperatures distribution can improve on the quality of
life and people health.
This article describes methodology for estimating temperatures distribution air
from satellite measurements in a metropolitan area.
· #2
Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 20:05)
Comment : I have read the article ‘’At Chernobyl and Fukusima, radioactivity has
seriously harmed wildlife’’. After the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power
plant, smelting, explosions and a nuclear fire that burned for 10 days released
a huge amount of radioactivity into the atmosphere and polluted vast areas of
Europe and Eurasia. According to experts, Chernobyl released into the atmosphere
400 times more radioactivity than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in. At
Fukushima, the situation is easier than at Chernobyl. At Fukushima, the accident
resulted in the release of about one-tenth the amount of radioactive material
compared to the Chernobyl disaster. To prevent such catastrophes, scientists
have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to eliminate the consequences
of future incidents, which is necessary to come to a compromise in relation to
the energy policy in the world.
Summary : The article show us a description of the impact of nuclear disasters
on nature and the need to prevent them.
· #1
Rupenko SFV211 (Duvanskaya) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:09)
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання про численість видів та щільність популяції
There's been considerable disagreement among lawmakers and the space community
on how best to accomplish this.
Між законодавцями та космічним співтовариством існують значні розбіжності щодо
того, як найкраще цього досягти.
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants
Однак відсутність зв'язку серйозно обмежує здатність організації виконувати
прості функції, проводити дослідження та конкурувати за гранти.
Movement: The Keystone of Physical Education and Sport
There are many sports from ping pong to weightlifting and you know what they
have in common – movement. Movement is the basis of almost all living species,
and the same can be said about sports and physical education, no matter what
activity you do, you will still be moving. The only difference is that in
different sports a person moves differently. And you can argue for a long time
about how to be healthy, how to succeed in sports and about the benefits of
sports, but here is the answer to these questions – movement. And as long as a
person keeps moving he will live and improve.