Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

|Штучнийінтелекттаробототехніка (ІШІР)

Guestbook June 2022


·        #235

·        Popovych E., Vorobyova E., Savluk N., Andreykova I. (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 11:11)

To Budherak M. UK-211
Taking into account all types of work, your exam mark is 60 points.

·        #234

Sutula Gregory UK-211 (Savluk/Andreykova) (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:23)

High-level Languages
The programming languages that are very similar to the human languages (e.g. like English language) are acknowledged as the high-level languages. The examples of high-level languages are FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C++ etc. These languages are similar to the English language. In other words, it is relatively easy to understand the code written in high level programming languages. In these languages, program instructions are written using English words, for instance print, input, square etc.
However, each high-level programming language has its own rules or grammar for writing program instructions. These rules are called syntax of the language. In addition, the program written in high-level language must be translated to machine code before they are executed on the computer. For this purpose, each high-level language has its own translator program, which converts the code of that source language into the computer understandable form.

·        #233

Sutula Gregory UK-211 (Savluk/Andreykova) (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:09)

Excuse me, where are the tasks for the rest of the students?

·        #232

Popovych E., Vorobyova E., Savluk N., Andreykova I. (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 07:55) (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 08:00)

To Budherak M. UK-211
Read the instructions carefully and do the tasks. You have 40 minutes for the tasks.
Your exam task:
1. Summarizing, Unit 6
2. Topic: Object Oriented Programming.
3. Final Test paper 6
Good luck.

·        #231

Popovych E., Vorobyova E., Savluk N., Andreykova I. (Wednesday, 22 June 2022 07:55)

Good morning! The exam will start soon. Read the instructions carefully and do the tasks. You have 40 minutes for the tasks.

·        #230

Illia Momotov UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Debt 2 module) (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 15:26)

1. Tоdаy I hаvе rеаd thе аrticlе cаllеd "Thе usе оf vidеоs in tеаching cоuld imprоvе аcаdеmic pеrfоrmаncе by 20%. It tеlls аbоut а study by Victоr Jеsus оf thе Univеrsity оf Оbеrtа dе Cаtаlunyа, thе mаin rеsult оf which is thаt vidеоs аrе thе mоst highly rаtеd rеsоurcе by studеnts, but аrе pеrcеivеd by thеm аs а supplеmеnt tо tеxtuаl mаtеriаls. Thе study аlsо shоwеd thаt vidеоs with prоblеms wеrе viеwеd mоrе оftеn thаn vidеоs with thеоry.Thе rеsults shоwеd thаt оn аvеrаgе 20% bеttеr pеrfоrmаncе оf studеnts in cоursеs whеrе vidеоs wеrе аvаilаblе cоmpаrеd tо cоursеs whеrе thеy wеrе nоt.I think this is vеry impоrtаnt, аs lеаrning shоuld bе studеnt-cеntеrеd.

2. Tоdаy I hаvе reаd thе аrticlе“А new mоdel tо аutоmаticаlly detect аnd filter spаm emаils”. Spаm is а prоblem thаt hаs аrisen аlоng with thе emergencе оf emаil. Thesе messаges cаn cоntаin аdvertisements, but аlsо phishing links оr mаlwаre. Thе аutоmаtic filtering оf emаils аnd thе identificаtiоn оf spаm messаges is highly аdvаntаgeоus, аs it cаn reducе thе risk оf phishing аttаcks аnd mаkеit eаsier fоr users tо nаvigаtе their аccоunts. Оver thе pаst few yeаrs, cоmputer scientists hаvе develоped increаsingl y аdvаnced cоmputаtiоnаl mоdels tо аutоmаticаlly detect spаm emаils. Tо perfоrm well, hоwever, mоst оf thesе mоdels need tо bе trаined оn lаrgе emаil dаtаsets, which werе mаnuаlly lаbeled by humаns.

3. I hаvе rеаd thе аrticlе "Thе Mаthеmаticаl Structurе оf Tеrrоrism". It dеscribеs thе thеоry оf Оxfоrd sciеntist Nеil Jоhnsоn, which is thаt аll thе еvеnts оf оur wоrld аrе nаturаl, аnd mоrеоvеr, hе wаs аblе tо find а fоrmulа thаt dеscribеs thеm. Аccоrding tо his thеоry, аny wаr, rаid оr tеrrоrist аct hаs а lоss rаtе, which thеy аll hаvе аlmоst thе sаmе, knоwing thе numbеr оf еquipmеnt аnd pеоplе invоlvеd in this еvеnt, yоu cаn cаlculаtе thе еxаct numbеr оf victims. This аrticlе mаkеs mе think аbоut hоw еvеrything is intеrcоnnеctеd in оur wоrld, аs wеll аs undеrstаnd thаt аll rаndоm еvеnts аrе аctuаlly nоt sо rаndоm, just thеir rеgulаrity hаs nоt yеt bееn fоund.

4. Tоdаy I hаvе rеаd thе аrticlе "Yоur fingеrprints аrе mоrе thаn а pеrsоnаl risk". Hаckеrs rеpоrtеdly usеd pеrsоnаl infоrmаtiоn оbtаinеd оnlinе tо аnswеr sеcurity quеstiоns оr pаrticipаtе in phishing аttаcks. Аn аttаckеr cаn еxtrаct infоrmаtiоn such аs cоntаcts, cоntаcts, аnd lоcаtiоn frоm fingеrprints. Thеsе аttаcks cаn аccеss еmplоyеr аnd custоmеr nеtwоrks аnd systеms. Аccоrding tо thе study, phishing invоlvеd 25% оf аll dаtа brеаchеs. I think it's clеаr thаt in а big wоrld, еmplоyеrs nееd tо еducаtе еmplоyееs оn hоw tо run thеir businеssеs.

·        #229

Illia Momotov UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Debt 1 module) (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 15:24)

1. Tоdаy I hаvе rеаd thе аrticlе cаllеd "Discоvеry оf а mеchаnism fоr mаking supеrcоnductоrs mоrе rеsistаnt tо mаgnеtic fiеlds". Usuаlly supеrcоnductоrs cаn bе dеstrоyеd by strоng mаgnеtic fiеlds. NIMS, Оsаkа Univеrsity аnd Hоkkаidо Univеrsity hаvе jоintly dеvеlоpеd а supеrcоnductоr thаt cаn rеtаin its supеrcоnductivity еvеn whеn а strоng mаgnеtic fiеld is аppliеd tо it. Supеrcоnductоrs аrе usеd in vаriоus tеchnоlоgiеs, such аs mаgnеtic rеsоnаncе imаging (MRI) аnd highly sеnsitivе mаgnеtic sеnsоrs. Thеsе nеw supеrcоnductоrs cаn bе usеd in quаntum cоmputеrs tо rеtаin quаntum infоrmаtiоn fоr а lоng timе duе tо its mаgnеtic fiеld rеsistаncе.

2. I hаvе rеаd thе аrticlе " Cоmpаrisоn оf nаnоfluid wеtting chаrаctеristics in untrеаtеd аnd supеrhydrоphilic micrоgrооvеd hеаt pipеs ". Thе аrticlе tеlls us аbоut thе prоblеm оf hеаt rеmоvаl frоm еlеctrоnic cоmpоnеnts. Tо sоlvе this prоblеm, hеаt pipеs with а micrоgrооvе аrе usеd. Tо imprоvе hеаt dissipаtiоn, thе chаrаctеristics оf thе micrоgrооvеs аrе chаngеd. Еspеciаlly in rеcеnt timеs, duе tо thе rаpid dеvеlоpmеnt оf tеchnоlоgy, such mеthоds will hеlp us nоt tо stоp thеrе. I bеliеvе thаt using such tеchnоlоgiеs аnd mеthоds wе will bе аblе tо incrеаsе thе pоwеr оf thе еquipmеnt withоut incrеаsing thе sizе оf thе еquipmеnt.

3. Tоdаy I rеаd аn аrticlе ‘Viоlеnt crimе is rising. Whаt cаn citiеs dо?’ Sincе thе CОVID 19 pаndеmic, sеriоus crimе hаs dеcrеаsеd аnd viоlеnt crimе hаs incrеаsеd. Thеrе аrе sоmе fаctоrs thаt cоmbinе tо incrеаsе thе risk fоr pеоplе, such аs pоvеrty, singlе-fаmily structurе, lаck оf оppоrtunity, high unеmplоymеnt. I think thаt wе hаvе tо rеducе thе numbеr оf pооr pеоplе , sо thаt thе stаtе wоuld pаy аttеntiоn tо it аnd hеlp pеоplе in nееd. Wе аlsо nееd tо fight thе unеmplоymеnt rаtе in thе cоuntry, prоvidе pеоplе with mоrе оppоrtunitiеs fоr dеvеlоpmеnt. Thе mоst impоrtаnt thing is tо imprоvе rеlаtiоns bеtwееn pеоplе аnd thе pоlicе. Bеcаusе thеy must bе оur friеnds аnd guаrdiаns оf justicе.

4. Tоdаy I rеаd thе аrticlе "Rеsеаrch hаs shоwn thаt virtuаl lеаrning pоsеs prоblеms with digitаl tеchnоlоgiеs fоr blаck fаmiliеs." It tеlls аbоut thе prоblеms оf blаck pеоplе with digitаl tеchnоlоgiеs . А study wаs cоnductеd аt thе Univеrsity оf Missоuri, which shоwеd hоw thе аpprоаch tо virtuаl lеаrning duе tо CОVID-19 rеvеаlеd а lаck оf digitаl rеsоurcеs оn thе pаrt оf blаck fаmiliеs living in thе Unitеd Stаtеs. Mаny pаrеnts wеrе prоtеsting thе trаnsitiоn оf еducаtiоn tо civics , аs thеy wеrе аfrаid fоr thе psychоlоgicаl hеаlth оf thеir childrеn . But thе missiоn оf this study wаs tо imprоvе thе hеаlth оf blаck fаmiliеs by hеlping thе mоst disаdvаntаgеd childrеn оf оur sоciеty . Thе аrticlе wаs quitе intеrеsting , sо I wаnt tо rеcоmmеnd it fоr rеаding.

·        #228

Maxim Gorokhov, УП-211,(Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 09:42)

11/05 debt
Today I have read the article «Demystifying machine-learning systems using natural language». It is about MIT researchers that have now developed a method that sheds some light on the inner workings of black box neural networks. Modeled off the human brain, neural networks are arranged into layers of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," that process data. The new system can automatically produce descriptions of those individual neurons, generated in English or another natural language. In this article I found out that Neural networks are sometimes called black boxes because, despite the fact that they can outperform humans on certain tasks, even the researchers who design them often don't understand how or why they work so well.

“The importance of system software for computer operation.” Systems software is designed to synchronize the functions of an organization's network of computer hardware and software. System software coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software, and it controls the operations of computer hardware. A computer's operating system is an example of system software. Operating systems control the computer hardware and act as an interface with application programs. System software also includes utility software. This typically means you pay a fee to use the storage space of a third party and use their backup software to manage which files are going to be backed up.
Review 2:
Today I have read the article «Information processing tied to emergence of hierarchy in human societies». It is about that using case studies and ethnographic examples, anthropologists have for some time proposed that the emergence of hierarchical structures in human societies was in part a product of attempting to overcome cognitive limits in the number of people any one person can deal with simultaneously without hitting information processing challenges. I agree that the building of a vast new dataset that goes beyond these case studies and attempts to track variables describing all societies throughout human history and pre-history is now allowing social theories to be tested on a much larger number of examples.

·        #227

Maxim Gorokhov, УП-211,(Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 09:35)

18.05 debt
1.general agreement on
We believe that the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons deserves special attention.
2.for its own sake
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake. outlining
He concluded by outlining the challenges that would need to be faced in years to come.
Review 1
Today I have read the article ‘’Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target’’. It is about that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050. In this article I found out that the authors stress that each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible planning
voice link -
Review 2:
Today I have read the article ‘’Picoscience and a plethora of new materials’’.It is about that the revolutionary tech discoveries of the next few decades, the ones that will change daily life, may come from new materials so small they make nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. In this article I found out about new materials that will be designed and refined at the picometer scale, which is a thousand times smaller than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer (which itself is smaller than the width of a human hair). In order to do this work, scientists will need training in an array of new equipment that can measure and guide such exquisitely controlled materials. The work involves designing the materials theoretically, fabricating them, and characterizing their properties
Word processing is the process of creating and editing text documents in special programs. There might be any text editor like Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, OpenOffice Writer, and so on. In my opinion, word processing is undoubtedly the most-used business application for personal computers, perhaps alongside World Wide Web browsers and electronic mail (e-mail) applications. Word-processing software includes basic applications designed for casual business or home users and powerful, advanced applications capable of meeting the most demanding needs. To draw the conclusion, with a word processor, you can easily edit and make changes to a document, move text around in a document, add images, change fonts, check for spelling errors, and much more.
Review 3:
Today I have read the article "First 'robotaxis' enter service in Beijing". It tells about the autonomous taxis, which can only carry two passengers at a time and are confined to the city's southern Yizhuang area. But it is expected to be years before the taxis operate fully without human intervention, due to regulations and safety requirements. Developers are hoping Chinese consumers—who have embraced e-commerce, online payments and other digital solutions—will quickly get used to the sensation of travelling in a car without a driver. I think this is unusual and interesting, because it looks like a normal car but the white taxi by the kerb has nobody driving it, and communicates with customers digitally to obtain directions and take payment.
Review 4:
Today I have read the article «Designing custom robots in a matter of minutes». It is about researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) that are getting closer to doing exactly that. In a new paper, they present a system called "Interactive Robogami" that lets you design a robot in minutes, and then 3D-print and assemble it in as little as four hours. One of the key features of the system is that it allows designers to determine both the robot's movement ("gait") and shape ("geometry"), a capability that's often separated in design systems. From designing and modeling to fabricating and testing, the process is slow and costly: even one small change can mean days or weeks of rethinking and revising important hardware.

·        #226

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:18)

11/05 (duplicated)
Audience work :
Phrases of the Day:
1)turns out that
Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
2)under certain assumptions
If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
3)well justified
On the face of it, these moves appear to be well justified, given the mayhem created by poorly regulated banks in the major financial centers.
Today I have read the article called "Nonprogrammers are building more of the world's software: A computer scientist explains 'no-code'". No-code is a way to program websites, mobile apps and games without using codes or scripts, or sets of commands. This way of programming allows almost any user to make it's own creation. Now no-code become more and more popular, especially in websites developing, great examples of this constructors are Bubble, Wix, WordPress and GoogleSites. For games developing people can use Gamemaker and Buildbox. I think it would useful for usual people, but main disadvantage of no-code appears in game development cause of their lower performance using these constructors, so even now every big company don't use no-code.
Exam Topic 8 : Device drivers
A device driver is a particular form of software application that allows one hardware device (such as a personal computer) to interact with another hardware device (such as a printer). A device driver may also be called a software driver.Device drivers are necessary to permit a computer to interface and interact with specific devices. They define the messages and mechanisms whereby the computer (OS and applications) can access the device or make requests for the device to fulfill.For Example a printer driver tells the printer in which format to print after getting instruction from OS.Device drivers can be broadly classified into two categories:Kernel Device Drivers,User Mode Device Drivers.

Independent practice:
Today I have read the article called:"Making solar energy even more sustainable with light-powered technology". An international team of scientists have identified a new process using coordination materials that can accelerate the use of low-cost.
The dynamic dimer system represents a new generation of efficient redox mediators for molecular devices. It can help power photovoltaic devices with minimal voltage losses, with comparably low reorganization energies and recombination rates.
This work proves that fundamental research combining experiments and theory can provide solid scientific grounds to optimize materials and interfaces for renewable energy technologies with real impact on the society.

·        #225

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:16)

18.05 (not debt,just duplicated)

Audience work:
1)from this perspective
No other international forum has yet addressed these issues from this perspective.
2)for its own sake
I believe in education for its own sake, not just to get a good job.
3)general agreement on
We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform package.
Today I have read the article called "Bird populations in eastern Canada declining due to forest degradation,". This article tells us about birds and their declining. Bird species that live in wooded areas are under stress from human-caused changes to forest composition, according to new research led by Oregon State University that quantifies the effects of forest "degradation" on bird habitat. Reducing forest loss has been the main focus of conservation policy to date, which is well justified because it has a strong negative effect on biodiversity," said Matt Betts of the OSU College of Forestry.

Exam Topic 16 : The development of Windows versions
Windows has traveled a long way in a short period, taking long heaps and improving upon its predecessors to provide its customers with better services. One of the main reasons why it evolved so is was the constant competition between its major rival Apple who introduced their operating system Mac OS X. Also improvements in speed to facilitate faster processing and more options to businesses and consumers, which included enhanced security measures, technological advancements, Windows had to evolve to maintain and enlarge its position in the market.

Independent practice:
Today I have read the article called"Can you truly own anything in the metaverse? How blockchains and NFTs don't protect virtual property" After reading this article I realised that even if I bought something in the digital world I would not own it fully because the platforms simply give you access to the digital assets and only for as long as they want. Generally I think NFT is a questionable investment as you don't know what will happen to the price you originally bought the digital item for. It can be compared to the dollar or euro exchange rate you never know how the price will go.

·        #224

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 15:15)

04.05(not debt,just duplicated)
Audience work:

Phrases of the Day:
1)derived from
Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
2)deserves special attention
It deserves special attention in several respects.
3)de facto
Although not called Presidents, they were de facto heads of state.

Today I have read the article "Why the web has challenged scientists' authority – and why they need to adapt". It discussed a very important and relevant topic, the impact of the Internet on the transmission of scientific data to the user. There is a very interesting historical analogy for this case. When the printing press was invented, first of all, they began to massively publish the Bible, which previously could only be read by clergy, but due to the fact that the book fell into the hands of the people, many new interpretations of the Bible appeared that broke the skeleton of religion. The same is happening with science now, people receive data from scientific research, and interpret them as they want, although they are often not qualified for this. This is very unpleasant for mere mortals - like me, we receive unfiltered information. Fortunately, scientists are already adapting to the current situation and are beginning to independently enter the Internet and publish their articles there, which will have much greater authority than the articles of ordinary users. Well, the world is changing and if you do not adapt, it will swallow you.

Independent practice:

Today I've read the article "After years in the making, Google releases new Fuchsia OS". This article is about the release of the new Fuchsia OS. An OS created by Google that will run on the Hub.
This OS is known for being open source. It differs in that it's based on the Zircon microkernel, while the rest are based on Linux. Open source in an OS can mean that there is a focus on performance, scalability, upgradeability and communities can themselves propose additions and updates to the OS. Today, this technology is available in Google's smart display.
In my opinion, this development is very important, because such an OS creates flexibility in the world of technology.

Exam Topic 15 : What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. It takes the advantage of computer graphics. It allows the user to interact with the computer using components such as windows, icons, labels, text boxes, and radio buttons.
CLI stands for Command Line Interface. It allows the users to enter commands to the terminal to perform the task.
GUI requires more memory as it contains a lot of graphical components. CLI is a command interface, and it does not require more memory. But it is easy to handle the tasks using the GUI even for begginers,CLI is complex: user should have good knowledge of the commands.

·        #223

Savluk A. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 13:16)

Seryakov Illya,UK-211
Nikitin Nikita UK-211
Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211
Timofey Shestopalov UK-211
Skridonenko Misha UK-211
Trofimenko Vlad UK-211
Well done.

·        #222

Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Popovych E.) Exam Topic #10 (Software Development Life Cycles) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 11:46)

Any software product, like a physical product, goes through several stages from the idea of ​​​​creation to the closing of the product. Their combination makes up the software life cycle - the stages that a software product goes through from the appearance of an idea to its implementation in code and subsequent support. Typically, life cycle stages include requirements analysis, design, programming, testing and debugging, operations, maintenance, and support. To manage the development process, software life cycle models have been formulated. Among them, the cascade model is the most common. Its essence lies in the fact that the stages depend on each other and the next one begins when the previous one is completed.

·        #221

Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Popovych E.) Exam Topic #9 (Global computer networks) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 11:05)

Not much time has passed since the appearance of the first personal computers, but progress is very fast. Now computer technologies have firmly entered into all spheres of life of millions of people, and all gadgets, by modern standards, should provide users with access to the Internet. For communication between devices around the world there are global computer networks. The connection of a huge number of local and regional networks between many countries made it possible to create the Internet using a huge number of data transmission channels. There are also corporate networks that companies create to protect their data.

·        #220

Seryakov Illya,UK-211,Exam Topic #10(Software engineering)(Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 11:00)

Software engineering is a detailed study of engineering to the design, development and maintenance of software. Software engineering was introduced to address the issues of low-quality software projects. Problems arise when a software generally exceeds timelines, budgets, and reduced levels of quality. It ensures that the application is built consistently, correctly, on time and on budget and within requirements. The demand of software engineering also emerged to cater to the immense rate of change in user requirements and environment on which application is supposed to be working.Important reasons for using software engineering are large software, scalability ,adaptability cost and dynamic nature.

·        #219

Seryakov Illya,UK-211,(Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:59)

Today I have read the article "Researchers develop a dynamic keyboard character recognition system" about new dynamic hand-gesture-based keyboard character recognition system.This virtual keyboard system uses an image-based approach for gesture recognition that is pattern, speed and scale invariant in nature. Researchers develop a virtual keyboard system with about 95 characters. Yet, due to the difficulties associated with this task, their system currently supports 58.
On my opinion,this technology can be applied in virtual reality systems, augmented reality, health care, vehicles, to aid patients with vision or motion impairments, for home appliances, robots, mining and several other applications, which are increasing with every passing day.
1)poorly understood
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.
2)flow chart
Flow chart of the proposed hierarchical classification model.
3)pilot study
A pilot study undertaken by researchers from the University of South Australia at Adelaide Zoo, has developed a new way to undertake basic health checks of exotic wildlife using a digital camera.

·        #218

Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Popovych E.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:34)

Today I have read the article “Using computers to better understand art”. The article says that scientists have developed a method that, using computational and statistical methods, allows you to compare different characteristics of images, including works of art. Artistic style quantification can help trace the cultural history of art, authenticating unknown works of art or suspected forgery. Computer analysis can reveal new traits even in previously well-studied paintings. The program compares the colors of each individual pixel in the digitized image, and also compares analyzes of the image as a whole and its foreground and background. I think that this method will help to study works of art better.

1. The Laboratory releases energy flow charts that illustrate the nation's consumption and use of energy.

2. A pilot study was conducted in the feeding grounds of Atlantic bluefin tuna.

3. Digital transformation is highly prized but poorly understood.

·        #217

Nikitin Nikita UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #10 (Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC)) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:27)

Today i will talk about Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC). SDLC or the Software Development Life Cycle is a process that produces software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time possible. SDLC provides a well-structured flow of phases that help an organization to quickly produce high-quality software which is well-tested and ready for production use. SDLC works by lowering the cost of software development while simultaneously improving quality and shortening production time. SDLC achieves these apparently divergent goals by following a plan that removes the typical pitfalls of software development projects. That plan starts by evaluating existing systems for deficiencies


·        #216

Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:15)

Today I have read the article: “New prototype exoskeletons for industrial workers". It tells about a innovative prototypes of wearable robotic exoskeletons for industrial use to make work in the industrial and manufacturing sectors safer. Via electric motors and artificial intelligence algorithms, these wearable robotic devices will assist workers engaged in the most physically demanding tasks, significantly reducing the effort required by up to 40% and lowering the percentage of accidents at work and chronic occupational disorders. Researchers are starting to test the prototypes in real scenarios and are planning further development in order to reach the technological level required to bring them to the market in few years.These prototypes use artificial intelligence algorithms to provide the appropriate assistance according to the type of work and the way in which it is performed.
1) pilot study
Pilot study reports on the career paths of doctorate holders.
2)flow chart
The study presents a detailed flow chart that can help guide the development of more accurate models used to draw evolutionary inferences, based on genomic data.
3)poorly understood
Extreme density—approaching a poorly understood state of matter.

·        #215

Nikitin Nikita UK-211 ( Savluk ) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:11)

Recently I've read the article "Taking the narrow path to artificial general intelligence,,. It tells us about modern machine learning algorithms. The advent of artificial general intelligence (AGI), a milestone signified by machines becoming intellectual equals with their human counterparts, is nearer than we think. This tipping point will transform most aspects of daily life and the technical path to achieving it is becoming clearer and for some scientists, more narrowly defined.
By combining the thousands of cognitive engines and orchestrating their capabilities to apply the best technology to the task at hand, ANI can approximate the capabilities of AGI. I believe that AI can greatly simplify a person's life and turn a person into an animal



Phrases of day practice:

1)flow chart
A flowchart is a diagram that depicts a process, system or computer algorithm.

2)pilot study
A pilot study is a research study conducted before the intended study.

3)poorly understood
Аnd yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood


·        #214

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:10)
Today I have read the article named "Study examines oxide growth in additively manufactured metals in a supercritical carbon dioxide environment". sCO2 is carbon dioxide at a temperature and pressure above the critical temperature, which causes it to combine the properties of a gas and a liquid. Modern power plants typically use water as a heat transfer medium in power cycles. Replacing water with sCO2 improves efficiency by as much as 10 percent, which also allows the use of significantly smaller turbomachines and a smaller footprint. Its supercritical state makes sCO2 a highly efficient power generation fluid, as small changes in temperature or pressure cause large shifts in its density. Additive manufacturing is a new process that uses 3D printing or rapid prototyping to create a product by layering plastic, metal and other materials for a custom computer-aided design. The high temperatures and pressures of the sCO2 environment make oxidation hazardous to metal components.

1) Poorly understood
And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood.
2) Pilot study
Within this rate knowledge of stages and logical bases of pilot study will be provided.
3) Flow chart
Flow chart of the process of negotiation and approval of memorandums of understandinga

·        #213

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #10 (Reverse engineering) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:19)

Today I will talk about reverse engineering. Reverse engineering is the study of some finished device or program, as well as documentation for it, in order to understand the principle of its operation; for example, to discover undocumented features (including software bookmarks), make a change, or reproduce a device, program, or other object with similar functionality, but without direct copying. It is usually used if the creator of the original object did not provide information about the structure and method of creation (production) of the object, which will allow not to violate copyright and patent laws.

·        #212

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #9 (Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC)) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:18)

Today I will talk about Software Development Life Cycles (SDLC). SDLC is the software development life cycle. It represents several stages (or phases) that any software goes through. In essence, it is a detailed plan showing how to develop software, maintain it, change it, improve it. This acronym is often associated with development methodologies. There are many of them. The appropriate development methodology is selected based on the scope of the project, the nature of the requirements for the finished product, the stability of the technologies used, the availability of the necessary resources, taking into account a number of other factors.

·        #211

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #8 (High level languages) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:17)

Today I will talk about high level languages. A high level language is a programming language designed for speed and ease of use by the programmer. The main feature of high level languages is abstraction, that is, the introduction of semantic constructs that briefly describe such data structures and operations on them, the descriptions of which in machine code (or other low-level programming language) are very long and difficult to understand. Therefore, starting programming with a high-level language is not the best idea, since most of the seemingly complex tasks will be performed in one line.

·        #210

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #7 (Software engineering) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:17)

Today I will talk about software engineering. Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, measurable approach to the development, operation and maintenance of software, as well as the study of these approaches; that is, the application of the discipline of engineering to software. This is necessary to ensure the stable operation of the computing power of the computer and the created programs that will be executed. If this approach to development had not been developed, then we would find ourselves in a world in which a simple program would take years to create.

·        #209

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #6 (Fundamentals of algorithmic languages) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:16)

The comment below is a topic

·        #208

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:13)

Today I will talk about fundamentals of algorithmic languages. An algorithmic programming language is a formal language used to write, implement, and study algorithms. An algorithmic language (like any other language) is made up of three of its components: alphabet, syntax, and semantics. Unlike most programming languages, the algorithmic language is not tied to the architecture of the computer, does not contain details related to the device of the machine. This allows inexperienced programmers to improve their skills and move on to more complex languages. In my opinion, in the near future, more and more inexperienced programmers will use algorithmic languages.

·        #207

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:13)

Today I have read the article: “Using digital cameras for basic health checks saves zoo animals from anesthetics”.
Every time when it is necessary to check the health of an exotic animal, it must either be held with something or simply immobilized with anesthesia. But it adversely affects their mental and physical health. Therefore, the scientists decided to conduct an experiment with a high-resolution medical camera. The experiment was a success and nothing new was found in every recently tested animal. In my opinion, in the near future, we will see zoos in which animals can live longer and not be nervous every time because of the checks.

1) poorly understood:
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.

2) pilot study:
A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the students who most need it.

3) flow chart:
This year marks two changes to the energy flow chart.

·        #206

Trofimenko Vlad UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:06)

Today I have read the article named “Supercomputer simulations show that afforestation of grasslands can be counterproductive“. Recently, the fight against climate change has been often discussed. Changes in land use affect the land surface. With the help of computer technology, scientists evaluated models of where Europe is most forested and where it is devoid of forests. The uncertainties in modeling the summer and autumn months show the researchers that they need to improve their models further. Scientists are confident that their model provides better and more reliable information for land-use planning. I believe that this is very important for the climate of our planet and we need to study this material more.

Phrases of the day:
1. flow chart
A flow chart of how the technique used by the researchers preprocesses vehicle and meteorological data.
2. poorly understood
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.
3. pilot study
Her pilot study on mules finds some interesting cell count differences between mules and horses.

·        #205

Trofimenko Vlad, UK-211, Exam Topic #10(Creation of software product)(Savluk) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:05)

Software development is a process aimed at creating and maintaining the health, quality and reliability of software using technologies, methodology and practices from computer science, project management, mathematics, engineering and other fields of knowledge. Software development can be divided into stages: requirements, design, testing, localization. Structural software design methodology can be used with a wide variety of languages ​​and programming tools to develop reliable programs for a variety of purposes. Modular programming - when programming, the code is broken down into a smaller group of instructions. These groups are known as modules, subroutines, or routines. Modular programming based on an understanding of top-down analysis. It prevents jumps by using 'goto' statements in the program, which often makes the program flow untraceable.

·        #204

Katherine Arabadji UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 14:27)

Today I have read the article about: “Research team follows nearly 8,000 paths towards better cell factories”. This text is about microorganisms that efficiently convert plant biomass into renewable biofuels and biochemicals. They play a major role in the sustainable society of the future. However, the efficiency of these microbial cell factories is inhibited by several compounds. And how can these bioprocesses be improved? As for me the increase of cell productivity is a good factor, because in the future, in which there may be a lot of global problems, there may be a very rapid decomposition of cells due to inability to adapt to a sharp deterioration in the situation.

More specifically
They described the situation to us more specifically, but it didn’t help us resolve the issues
Numerous examples
Numerous examples can be given by answering how would you act in such situation.
Initial stages of
The answer to the question of when the initial stages of pregnancy appear is rather ambiguous.

Today I have read the article about: “Rise of the diatoms - a new timeline”. This text is about diatoms, their importance in the development of Earth's ocean ecosystems and carbon cycle and the rise of diatoms. "Our results are critical for understanding everything from the rise of whales to the carbon cycle," said Pincelli Hull, an assistant professor. "Diatoms are responsible for a large segment of the primary productivity on the planet." To my mind diatoms is one of the most important plant and part in ecosystem though in ocean, because the more diatoms the more whales, just do not forget about the photosynthesis inherent in them.

Independent practice
Today I have read the article about: "New lithium batteries from used cell phones". This text is about usefulness lithium in our digital life. Basically, modern world began to demonstrate and widely use different alternative ways to avoid the biggest problem of planet — pollution. Of course, our researchers and inventors try to discover it, but to my mind, thinking about one problem, they automatically create new ones. Ok, having discovered lithium in cell phones, they are trying to make lithium batteries, but what remains of the other components of the phones and the design itself? It is simply thrown away, landfills are created, water is polluted, animals suffer. Therefore, it is better for them to think about the environment first.

Today I have read the article about: «Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target». It is about that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050. As for me the authors stress that each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible planning.

·        #203

Kleister Ruslan UP-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 14:19)

Recently I have read the article what is entitled:"Virtual reality: A front-row seat to the impact of (un)sustainable behavior".
When you take a product from the shelves, a pop-up appears with information about the environmental impact of your choice, for example, clearcutting of tropical rainforest to cultivate the palm oil in your chocolate spread. You travel through time to see how much plastic waste your everyday products create in the future, and travel back to see how your mountain of waste shrinks when you make more sustainable decisions.
Therefore we can conclude this experiment gives humanity a complete understanding of what is happening and ultimately improves the ecology.
Recently I have read the article,what is entitled "Woolworths CIO lists lack of staff not tech as key challenge of fulfilling online orders". This article is about how Woolworths CIO John Hunt talks about the problems of online ordering. According to him, the problem was not a lack of technological capacities, but the number of working personnel. Last October, the Australian grocery giant rolled out its first micro-automation technology at an e-commerce hub located behind its existing Carrum Downs supermarket in Melbourne. In fiscal 2021, Woolworths reported group e-commerce sales jumped 58% to AU $ 5.6 billion. This article will be of interest to those who are interested in economics.

·        #202

Chernyaev Iliya UP-211 (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 13:45)

debt 25.05
phrases of the day
The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the surface area of the housing to
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
problem inherent in
Scientists have addressed the problem inherent in indicator design.
Today I have read the article "Intel calls its AI that detects student emotions a teaching tool." It tells us about an AI-based technology developed by Intel, which runs on top of the Zoom app. Intel claims its system can detect whether students are bored, distracted or confused by assessing their facial expressions and how they’re interacting with educational content. However, as the virtual class became the norm in the past couple of years, a debate emerged among educators over whether or not to require students to turn on their cameras during class. It seems to be kind of an invasion of privacy, and there are accessibility issues since having your camera on uses up a huge amount of internet traffic. I believe that Intel technology has the place to be, although turning on the camera during online lessons should not be mandatory.
Today I have read the article called "New supercomputer in Wyoming to rank among world's fastest". This article tells us about Hewlett Packard Enterprise won a bid to provide the $35 million to $40 million machine for a supercomputing center in Cheyenne, Wyoming. This supercomputer will be able to perform almost 20 quadrillion calculations per second. It would be fastest computer in the world. This power will help study phenomena including climate change, severe weather, wildfires and solar flares. The supercomputer's name will be decided by a contest among Wyoming schoolchildren. I think this computer will help humanity with modern problems.

exam topic Software Industry
Software is differentiated from hardware as the set of rules that allow services to be conducted on the physical device. The software industry is really only a small part of the overall computer programming activity that takes place, as it relates to software traded between software producers and software consumers. Many software programs created in-house for very specific uses are never sold outside of the company. Since the industry’s beginning in the 1950s, it has gone through a number of revolutionary changes, from simple punch-card programming services offered to those few companies that had computers in 1955 to revolutionary trends such as software as a service (SaaS), device programming for the Internet

·        #201

Chernyaev Iliya UP-211 (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 13:34)

debt 04.05
phrases of the day:
He did some comparative investigations of nanotechnology via computer.
He argued that the new project was a complete copy goal achievement condition imposed by head of the company.
Student Council Head that a more comprehensive investigation of the incident was being undertaken.

Today I have read the article “Making smartphone data anonymous no longer enough: study". This article tells us about that a lot of information about ordinary users is extracted from the offers we use every day. In Europe and many other jurisdictions, companies are required by law to make this data anonymous. The researchers believe it's time to "reinvent what anonymity means." After the studies were completed, it was concluded that "scattered and even re-aliased interaction data remain identifiable even over long periods of time." The algorithm they used just provided a more robust way to verify what we consider to be anonymous data.
Today I have read the article called "The race to dominate satellite internet heats up". There are already many companies in the satellite Internet market and there is a competition between them. In the US there are Viasat and HughesNet, in Europe - Nordnet. Their satellites are at a great distance from the Earth - this gives a large coverage area, but the Internet is not very fast. Starlink and OneWeb satellites are located at an altitude of 600 km, which minimizes the delay. Also prepare to launch their Amazon and GuoWang satellites. Of course, development and competition in the market is good for users. Nowadays, access to the Internet is almost a necessity and with a good satellite connection, our life is simplified and improved.

exam topic history of programming first functioning programming languages designed to communicate instructions to a computer were written in the early 1950s. John Mauchly's Short Code, proposed in 1949, was one of the first high-level languages ever developed for an electronic computer.[6] Unlike machine code, Short Code statements represented mathematical expressions in understandable form. However, the program had to be translated into machine code every time it ran, making the process much slower than running the equivalent machine code.
In the early 1950s, Alick Glennie developed Autocode, possibly the first compiled programming language, at the University of Manchester.

·        #200

Chernyaev Iliya UP-211 (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 13:16)

debt 1.06
phrases of the day
The files are classified as top secret.
Your report should start by outlining the problems you are going to assess.
And that question is way beyond the scope of my research.
Today I have read the article «Robots may run future farms, researchers say». This article tells us about agriculture as one of the oldest professions in the world, which also continues to invent itself with new technologies. From the introduction of the steel plow to automated tractors to modern fertilizer applications, technology has increased efficiency and increased efficiency. All components of the future farm already exist, including decision-making software for crop management. An example is the decision support system for the transfer of agricultural technologies, and the software application program of simulation models on which more than 40 crops grow. All these innovations benefit society, ways of doing business and the environment. This will help increase food production and at the same time increase their sustainability.
Today I have read the article "Virtual airport to improve accessibility for passengers with additional mobility needs". This article tells us about virtual airport environment to study and improve the air travel experience for passengers with additional mobility needs. For passengers with additional mobility needs, navigating a busy airport can be an especially tiring and stressful experience. Using immersive technologies in this way enables us to experiment with different designs and new technologies to improve the passenger experience in a way that is safe, time and cost efficient.

exam topic Device drivers
A device driver is a special kind of software program that controls a specific hardware device attached to a computer. Device drivers are essential for a computer to work properly. These programs may be compact, but they provide the all-important means for a computer to interact with hardware, for everything from mouse, keyboard and display (user input/output) to working with networks, storage and graphics.Device drivers generally run at a high level of privilege within the operating system runtime environment. Some device drivers, in fact, may be linked directly to the operating system kernel, a portion of an OS such as Windows, Linux or Mac OS, that remains memory resident and handles execution for all other code, including device drivers.

·        #199

Tataeva Anna (УП-211) (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:56)

Class work
Source :

Today i have read the article :"Google glass".
On internet sites i have reade informarion about new project by Google company - Google glass.
Nowadays we have such glass with camere or microphone, but Google would like to improve this gadget.
New gadget have to include special glass,which can display information, camera, microphone and voice control system.
It's will be a little computer on your eyes.
In my opinion it's interesting and useful invention.
It can be helpful for businessmen or for policeman, for example.So it's cool gadget but i think it has a couple of flaw.

Phrases of day:
•initial stages of
Europe is going through the initial stages of a population collapse.
•Numerous examples
Numerous examples of biosynthetic gene clusters have been discovered in plant genomes.
•More specifically
More specifically, papers written by people in the U.S.

Home work

Today i have read the article:"Braille gloves".
In this article one teacher, who works with students with visual impairments/blindness, tells us about his principle of work.
He creates budget gloves for working with a braille machine, in order to familiarize sighted people with the principle of the machine operation.This apparatus consists of six keys for dots one through six. And numbers are written on the gloves so that sighted people do not get confused and can use the machine.
So,in my opinion it's a good introductory article that tells how to establish communication between sighted and blind people.

Topic: Software
As is known, a computer needs not only tackle but also software.
Software- programs for directing the operations of a computer or electronic data.The computer programs instruct the tackle how to conduct the processing. Computers can input, calculate, compare, and affair data.
The software determines the order in which these operations must be performed.
System programs are designed for specific pieces of hardware. These programs are called drivers. They coordinate supplemental tackle and computer conditioning.
Communication software is used to transfer data within and between computer systems. These programs generally give data protection and error checking.
That is, software is an important part of a computer necessary for its operation.

·        #198

Maksym Koriak UP-211 (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:55)

1) numerous examples
There are numerous examples of data breaches in recent years.
2) initial stages of
India's government is in the initial stages of formulating policies to develop domestic battery manufacturing capability.
3) more specifically
More specifically, she has looked at how teachers use problem solving as an instructional method.

Essay 'What is word processing'
Word processing is one of the earliest and most commonly used types of computer software. In fact, word processing software is often cited as a major factor in the launch the personal computer industry. This software did such a great job of automating processes that had previously been performed by a dedicated machine that this type of software helped bring personal computers into the households of regular people, rather than just businesses.
Even today, word processors reflect their history as digital typewriters. They display a sheet of paper on the screen, which captures user input from the keyboard. And, unlike manual word processing, the digital variety is is much faster and more flexible.

·        #197

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:50)

George Luzhanskij, UP-211
Матюхина Саша УП-211
Lavrinova Yana UP-211
Chernyaev Iliya UP-211
Tataeva Anna (УП-211)
Lavrinova Yana UP-211
Andrew Panchuk (УП-211)
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done.

·        #196

Chernyaev Iliya UP-211 (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:43)

phrases of the day:
There are numerous examples of job announcements with explicit age or gender requirements.
The invention relates to a system of education and, more specifically, to learning how to play the piano.
In the initial stages of our debate, it is worth recalling the extent of the problem.
Today I have read the article 'A computer system that analyzes chemical waste and proposes ways to make new products from it'. It tells us about an international team of researchers has developed a computer system that can analyze a sample of chemical waste and create the routes to synthesize new, useful chemicals. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes the work that went into creating the system and how well it worked when they tested it by synthesizing chemicals from waste samples. As the researchers note, the chemical industry generates an enormous amount of waste—manufacture of products like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and fertilizers produces waste products consisting of a large number of molecules. To sum up, i think that this article is pretty interesting and informative.
Tоdаy I hаvе rеаd thе аrticlе "AI еnhаncеmеnt fоr printеd circuit bоаrds". It tеlls us аbоut а nеw dеvеlоpmеnt thаt hеlps crеаtе, tеst, аnd dеsign printеd circuit bоаrds fаstеr аnd bеttеr. Crеаting printеd circuit bоаrds tаkеs quitе а lоt оf timе, sо rеsеаrchеrs hаvе dеvеlоpеd аrtificiаl intеlligеncе thаt cаn spееd up this wоrk. Thе AI cаn tеst thе bоаrds, thеn build аlgоrithms bаsеd оn thе bоаrds аlrеаdy crеаtеd, оn which it cаn lаtеr cаlculаtе аnd crеаtе nеw printеd circuit bоаrds. I think this аpprоаch tо оptimizing а cоmplеx prоcеss such аs thе crеаtiоn оf printеd circuit bоаrds is vеry intеrеsting аnd usеful, аnd cаn аlsо bе аppliеd tо оthеr аrеаs оf оur lifе.

Systems programming as the activity of programming system software
Systems programming involves the development of the individual pieces of software that allow the entire system to function as a single unit. Systems programming involves many layers such as the operating system (OS), firmware, and the development environment.
In more recent years, the lines between systems programming and software programming have blurred. One of the core areas that differentiates a systems programmer from a software programmer is that systems programmers deal with the management of system resources. Software programmers operate within the constraints placed upon them by the system programmers.

·        #195

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:16)

Audience work

Today I have read the article "Microsoft data centre to warm homes in Finland". It tells us about a new data center that would be able to warm nearest houses up, the location for the data centre region was chosen specifically with waste heat recycling in mind. The hole system will work like this: it is implied, that the waste heat from the new data center, would be delivered by underground pipes and heat the water through a special circulation system, which is used to heat houses. As for me, this use of heat will reduce air pollution and will open to us new ways of energy-efficiency thereby improve the environment.


Phrases of the day:
1) numerous examples
There are numerous examples of the collective manifestation of that capacity.
2) more specifically
More specifically, it was felt that there should be a systematic attempt to identify areas of conflict.
3) initial stages of
In the initial stages of the reform, it was difficult to make an impact.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article called “Microsoft turns to holographic solutions for cloud storage”. Many people think, that holographic is manipulation with 3D only visually, but in view of ever greater storage demands, Microsoft's AI research labs at Cambridge partnered with colleagues at cloud storage giant Azure to rethink storage solutions based on holography. To read and write data, holographic memory uses an optical crystal that can store a huge amount of data sets and can be easily erased using UV light. As I think, this technology will have a huge success, because it will solve a big problem with expanding the ability to work with data.



History of programming

Computer programming dates back to the 1843, when first machine code was written on the paper, and consist of instructions for an algorithm for the Analytical Engine, first computer program, to compute Bernoulli numbers. Then, it takes almost a century, to code quickly developed from machine codes to fully automated human-readable code. And now, computer programming has become an integral part of our modern life, because all devices and everyday things are built on algorithms and programming. Nowadays, while older languages still serve as a strong foundation for new ones, newer computer programming languages make programmers’ work simpler.


·        #194

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (debt 18.05) part 2 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:53)

Today I have read the article “The dark side of social media networks” by the University of Technology, Sydney. This article tells us about Dr. Erfani, from the University of Technology Sydney, and Associate Professor Babak Abedin from Macquarie University, who conducted the review, which captured and collated the range of negative effects of social media use. Here are some negative effects of social media: depression, wasted time, energy, and money, sharing personal information with third parties, unpunished harassment. I believe, that it’s very important to talk about this side of social networks and we should solve this problem.

Today I have read the article “The race to save indigenous languages using automatic speech recognition” by Tanner Stening, Northeastern University. The article tells us about Running Wolf’s program, which helps to save endangered indigenous languages in North and South America. Running Wolf's goal is to develop methods for documenting and maintaining these early languages through automatic speech recognition software, helping to keep them "alive" and well-documented. I think we can create technology to not only preserve but reclaim languages. Preservation isn't what we want, because languages must be alive!

The invention and development of operating system
The First Generation ( 1940 to early 1950s ) When the first electronic computer was developed in 1940 , it was created without any operating system . The Second Generation ( 1955-1965 ) The first operating system was created in the early 1950s and was known as GMOS . General Motors has developed operating system for the IBM computer . The second - generation operating system was based on a single stream batch processing system The Third Generation ( 1965-1980 ) During the late 1960s , operating system designers were very capable of developing a new operating system that could simultaneously perform multiple tasks in a single computer program called multiprogramming . The Fourth Generation ( 1980- Present Day ) The fourth generation is related to the development of the personal computer , there was birth of Microsoft and the Windows operating system . Today , Windows has become the most popular and most commonly used operating system technology . And then , Windows released various operating systems

·        #193

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (debt 18.05) part 1 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:52)

Today I have read the article “How tech firms make us feel like we own their apps” by Melody Zou. This article affects the psychological side of owning a personal account in apps. After reading the text, we can conclude, that it’s important for people to have their self-identification in the digital world. If a person has an opportunity to choose personal settings, he or she will prefer exactly that app, which is more comfortable and suitable for himself or herself. I like this article because I can use this interesting information in my future projects.
My voice:

Today I have read an article written by Eindhoven University of Technology about the new platform for autonomous vehicles. So, Ph.D. student Robbin van Hoek has created a new platform for cars. Based on this article we know that there are two different types of automated vehicles: cooperative vehicles and autonomous ones. Every type has its own pros and cons. The researcher tries to combine the best features of these vehicles to create a car that can drive safely at small inter-vehicle distances and prevent traffic jams. Besides, it should reduce the fuel consumption. I suppose it to be a very good try to improve the future for people and our Earth on the whole.

The evolution of operating system
The first computers used batch operating systems , in which the computer ran batches of jobs without stop . Programs were punched into cards that were usually copied to tape for processing . When the computer finished one job , it would start the next one on the tape . Professional operators , not the users , interacted with the machine . In the 1960s , time - shared operating systems began replacing batch systems . Printing terminals were later replaced by video terminals that could only display fixed size characters . As hardware prices fell , personal computers with bit - mapped displays that could control individual pixels were developed . After many generations of research projects on large computers and improvement in hardware , the Macintosh became economically feasible . Research prototypes like Sketchpad are still being developed at universities and in research labs . They will form the basis of future products

·        #192

Horbulinskyi Serhii UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:47)

And may I ask if I have any debts left? Thank you very much.

·        #191

Horbulinskyi Serhii UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:44)

Audience work:
Today I have read the article called "How clean is cloud computing? New data reveals how green Google's data centers really are". This article tells about a new publicly available metric developed by Google that provides an indication of exactly how clean the company's cloud regions are around the world. Google has recently set a goal of running the business on carbon-free energy everywhere and at all times by 2030 – an ambitious objective that will require new technologies and strict measurements of progress made. In my opinion, this article will be helpful for people who are interested in the innovations and technology.
The article:

Today I have read the article called “Can artificial intelligence combat wildfires? California county tests new technology”. It tells about an addition of artificial intelligence to California’s wildfire-fighting arsenal. The technology sifts through past and current images of terrain and searches for certain changes, such as flames burning in the darkness, or a smoky haze obscuring a tree-lined hillside. But the biggest problem is learning Neural Networks on data, since we don't have so many photos with wildfires. Sonoma County's cameras are just a part of a very big system. I think that this system is a good start for doing good business for nature and Neural Networks can help us in this so much.
The article:

Individual practice:
Today I have read the article called “Microsoft turns to holographic solutions for cloud storage”. It tells about a newfound solution to the problem of storing data. Current technologies do not provide a cost-effective solution for storing long-lived data, and they are not improving at a sufficient rate. The Project HSD team from Microsoft sees the solution to this problem in the use of such advanced optical technology as holography. To read and write data, holographic memory uses an optical crystal that can store a huge amount of data sets and can be easily erased using UV light. I hope for the success of this solution, as the problem of storing an exponentially increasing amount of data is approaching.
The article:

Today I have read the article called "Researchers make breakthrough in solar cell materials". It tells about the research in solar cell materials that could result in faster and cheaper energy to power electronics. It’s aiming for revolutionizing a variety of everyday objects such as solar cells, LEDs, photo detectors for smartphones and computer chips. This is all part of the work that students are making. In my opinion, this study shows us how exciting it is to challenge ourselves by making important discoveries.
The article:

Phrases of the day:
1. numerous examples
This theory has been practically proved by numerous examples of people’s stories.
2. more specifically
We have to get ready to embrace a major ecological problem, more specifically – the global warming.
3. initial stages of
At the initial stages of cancer, the infected cells are hard to detect.

Essay: LINUX embedded devices – smartphones, mobile phones, digital video recorders, etc.
Linux is the name given to the kernel and a series of Unix operating systems under GNU GPL. In many respects, Linux is similar to other operating systems such as Windows, macOS, or iOS. Linux is also open-sourced, which means it’s free and available for the public to view, edit, and – for users with knowledge – contribute to it. For portable devices, there is a separate LINUX Embedded version, which has a much smaller size, requires less processing power and has minimal features. For example, Android OS is a type of embedded Linux, customized for usage on smartphones. Other devices on which embedded Linux is used include Smart TVs, wireless routers, tablet PCs, etc.

·        #190

Olha Bazyaeva, UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:27)

1) more specifically
More specifically, many of the published materials claimed that intelligence was ineffective.
2) initial stages of
This work is at an initial stage of development.
3) numerous examples
There are numerous examples of safety violations by this firm.

Today I have read article "Government websites and apps use the same tracking software as commercial ones, according to new research". This article tells us about the commercial websites and mobile apps we use every day are tracking us. Big companies like Facebook and Google depend on it. However, businesses are not the only ones gathering up our private data. I am sure that Governments across the world are incorporating the same tracking tools and empowering large businesses to track users of government services, even in jurisdictions where lawmakers are enacting legislation to restrict commercial trackers.

Today I've read the articlе "Engineers conduct test of rocket engine powered by plastic waste". The text refers to the Pulsar Fusion engineering team, which last week conducted a ground test of its rocket engine powered by plastic waste. A video of the test can be seen on YouTube. In speaking with the press, officials with Pulsar referred to their project as a "green" rocket. It uses a hybrid fuel made by mixing polyethylene with a nitrous oxide oxidizer. The result is fed into a combustion chamber where it is held under pressure until fired. I liked the invention described in this article.

Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness to meet a particular set of government requirements. The most common set of criteria for trusted operating system design is the Common Criteria combined with the Security Functional Requirements for Labeled Security Protection Profile and mandatory access control. The Common Criteria is the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of countries to develop a harmonized security criteria for IT products.

·        #189

Goncharenko Julia Volodymyrivna, UP-211, (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:27)

essay on the topic "the development of Windows versions":

Windows might seem like it’s been around forever, but it hasn’t. Windows was not Microsoft’s first OS. In fact, before Windows ever came along, PCs were run by another OS known as MS-DOS. Unlike even the first version of Windows, navigating your PC with MS-DOS was time-consuming, required the manual input of text commands to get anything done, and didn’t allow for multitasking (the ability to run multiple programs at once). Windows 1.0 was created to be a graphical user interface (GUI) to be placed on top of MS-DOS, which made PCs that ran MS-DOS easier to navigate — it’s easier to look at a screen and click an icon to open a program than it is to type several commands just to complete the same task.
voice acting:

Work in class:
Today I have read the article entitled "Extreme weather, climate events may lead to an increase in violence against women, girls, and sexual and gender minorities." This article discusses climate crises that lead to intense and frequent extreme weather and climate events, which in turn can lead to increased violence. The article says that research on this topic has shown that the climate crisis is leading to economic instability, food security and mental stress, and the destruction of infrastructure, which will trigger violence. Also in the article are examples of such events. The article seemed quite useful to me.
voice acting:
link to the article:

Work at home:
Today I have read the article entitled "The dark side of mondegreens — how a simple mishearing can lead to wrongful conviction." This article discusses mondegreens and cases where mondegreens can lead to condemnation. The article also describes how police use transcripts that can be provided to jurors. The article also raises the issue of illegal conviction through mondegreens and describes examples of such situations. In conclusion, the article devotes a paragraph on reforms that can prevent illegal conviction through mondegreens. The article seemed very interesting and useful to me. I would recommend it to my relatives.
voice acting:
link to the article:

·        #188

Olha Bazyaeva, UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:27)

Today I've read the article "Smart windows that go from clear to dark in under a minute". The article tells us about the nano-windows, which can change their color from clear to dark thanks to metal ions that spread out over the surface, blocking light. Such invention shows us only dignity: it keeps warm in the building, when it's cold, and coolness in heat. Also, you can save money without buying an air conditioner and other appliances to maintain the temperature in the house. I think, that such invention will be widespread all over the world in some years.

Today I've read the article "A strategy to discern between real and virtual video conferencing backgrounds". The article tells us about the tool that could be used to distinguish between real and virtual backgrounds in video-conferencing platforms. Builded a system that can robustly distinguish between real background versus a virtual or fake one in a video-conferencing call. The method uses deep learning techniques to distinguish between real vs fake or virtual backgrounds with high levels of accuracy. In addition, their detector can be used to detect fake backgrounds across a wide range of video-conferencing platforms. I think this article is useful.

History of computer software.
The history of software began in the nineteenth century. All computer systems were developed using the "stored program concept," first developed by Charles Babbage in the 1850s. In the 1940s, modern computers came into existence. Today there has been a differentiation in the types of software. There is software that is designed to run specific business applications. There is software that manages the overall operation of a computer system. And there is software that is designed to perform specialized tasks. Regardless of the type, software is the most important component of any computer system.

·        #187

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina I. (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:19)

1.numerous examples
Numerous examples show that such support by retirees is effective;
2.more specifically
Therefore it held that this question was governed by domestic law, more
specifically German law.
3.initial stages of
In the initial stages of our debate, it is worth recalling the extent of the problem.
Today I have read the article ‘’Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target’’. It is about that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050. In this article I found out that the authors stress that each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible planning.
Today I have read the article ‘’Picoscience and a plethora of new materials’’.It is about that the revolutionary tech discoveries of the next few decades, the ones that will change daily life, may come from new materials so small they make nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. In this article I found out about new materials that will be designed and refined at the picometer scale, which is a thousand times smaller than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer (which itself is smaller than the width of a human hair). In order to do this work, scientists will need training in an array of new equipment that can measure and guide such exquisitely controlled materials. The work involves designing the materials theoretically, fabricating them, and characterizing their properties

Exam Topic #18: What is Word processing.
Word processing is the process of creating and editing text documents in special programs. There might be any text editor like Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, OpenOffice Writer, and so on.In my opinion, word processing is undoubtedly the most-used business application for personal computers, perhaps alongside World Wide Web browsers and electronic mail (e-mail) applications. Word-processing software includes basic applications designed for casual business or home users and powerful, advanced applications capable of meeting the most demanding needs.To draw the conclusion, one can say that before computers, people used typewriters to write reports or other documents, which had nowhere near the capabilities of today's word processors. With a word processor, you can easily edit and make changes to a document, move text around in a document, add images, change fonts, check for spelling errors, and much more.

·        #186

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 11:17)

Today I have read the article “Important Things For a Graphic Design Interview”. This article is about a very important part of the life of a graduated person – job Interview. The author of this article gives us 9 tips as to our behavior during interview. This information is dedicated to young people looking for their first job. It is really very important to underline your strengths and readiness to learn. Also, the author says that there are other important things such as portfolio and knowledge about your future job place. Such things are time-consuming and it is better to be prepared in advance. I can recommend this article because I suppose it to be of great help.

Today I have read the article “The ethics of digital technology in the food sector” by Lancaster University. The article tells us about the ethical implications of technological progress that can be considered. Nowadays this problem is increasingly common. By the way, the researchers from Lancaster University tell about this problem in the food area. Food production is the largest sector in the UK manufacturing industry. A team of researchers decided to create smart food packaging to enable product monitoring in real-time. Unfortunately, they found some problems, one of them - ethical issues. I believe it’s important to think about an ethical issue if we are dealing with AI.
History of computer software
Software is the interface between computer systems and the humans who use them. IBM began selling software in the late 60s and early 70s. During this period, commercial programs became available to the general consumer. by the mid-2000s, floppy disk drives were excluded from the usual PC hardware set, while the creation of DVDs that could hold even more data made it possible to put software packages on one disk (for example Microsoft Office Suite). Then, in 2007, Apple changed computing with the release of the iPhone. Today, software has become so popular and used that even where you don't expect it, you can find it everywhere from smart rings to nuclear power plants.

·        #185

Maxim Gorokhov, УП-211,(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:49)

Review 1:
Today I've read the article titled 'Engineers build artificial intelligence chip'.
The article tells us about the new AI chip design, which is stackable and reconfigurable and may be used for swapping out and building on the basis of existing sensors and neural network processors. The design comprises alternating layers of sensing and processing elements, along with light-emitting diodes (LED) that allow for the chip's layers to communicate optically.
I personally find this article to be really interesting and am very invested in the technology presented in it.
voice link -
Review 2:
Today I've read the article titled 'Bluetooth signals can be used to identify and track smartphones'.
The article tells us about the proof presented by a team of engineers at the University of California San Diego for the feasibility of Bluetooth tracking. As Wifi tracking has been known for quite some time now , the team proved that this type of tracking can also be done with Bluetooth, in a highly accurate way. The results of this study leads to the conclusion that to provide security Bluetooth hardware would have to be redesigned and replaced.
I personally find this article to be really insightful and think that it addresses important things.
voice link -

Review 3:
Today I've read the article 'Secure communication with light particles'.
The article tells us about the new tap-proof communication network, created based on the so-called quantum key distribution. This revolutionary new system is used to exchange symmetric keys between parties in order to encrypt messages, which uses individual light quanta, so-called photons. The high stability of the transmission via this quantum network and it's scalability were successfully demonstrated in a field test done by researchers.
I find this article to be very interesting and the technology presented in it to be very important.
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Review 4:
Today I've read the article 'New all-fiber device simplifies free-space based quantum key distribution'.
The article tells us about a simple and stable device to generate the quantum states necessary for quantum key distribution, which was developed by the researchers at the Optical Society (OSA) . The device is also self-compensating, making it insensitive to temperature and other environmental changes .Quantum key distribution is expected to have a deep impact in the privacy and security of citizens," said Giuseppe Vallone, who led this research within the QuantumFuture research group coordinated by co-author Paolo Villoresi.
I personally find this article to be very interesting and the technology presented in it to be very important.
voice link -
Phrases of the day :
More specificaly -
'I will murder your family, more specificaly,your mother ' - he said.
initial stages of -
During the initial stages of development retardation is possible.
numerous examples
There are numerous examples of severe mental retardation.
voice link -
In this essay the difference between CLI and GUI will be briefly discussed.
First of all, we have to define the two things which we are comparing. A CLI is a way to receive commands from a user in the form of lines of text. CLI's are used by command line interpreters and processors and a good example of a CLI would be Bash along other shell-type programs. It is nimble and adaptable but may be overly sophisticated for newer users.
On the other hand, a GUI is a form of user interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and audio indicator such as primary notation. It is far easier to navigate yet may suffer losses in flexibility and variation of usage.
To conclude, CLI's are definitely a powerful tool mostly employed by professionals , while GUI's are a staple of user-friendly software, with both approaches to interfaces being in perfect balance as such.
voice link -

·        #184

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina I. (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:42)

1.numerous examples
Numerous examples show that such support by retirees is effective;
2.more specifically
Therefore it held that this question was governed by domestic law, more
specifically German law.
3.initial stages of
In the initial stages of our debate, it is worth recalling the extent of the problem.
Today I have read the article «Demystifying machine-learning systems using natural language». It is about MIT researchers that have now developed a method that sheds some light on the inner workings of black box neural networks. Modeled off the human brain, neural networks are arranged into layers of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," that process data. The new system can automatically produce descriptions of those individual neurons, generated in English or another natural language. In this article I found out that Neural networks are sometimes called black boxes because, despite the fact that they can outperform humans on certain tasks, even the researchers who design them often don't understand how or why they work so well.
Today I have read the article «Designing custom robots in a matter of minutes». It is about researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) that are getting closer to doing exactly that. In a new paper, they present a system called "Interactive Robogami" that lets you design a robot in minutes, and then 3D-print and assemble it in as little as four hours. One of the key features of the system is that it allows designers to determine both the robot's movement ("gait") and shape ("geometry"), a capability that's often separated in design systems. In my opinion even as robots become increasingly common across different parts of our world, they remain incredibly difficult to make. From designing and modeling to fabricating and testing, the process is slow and costly: even one small change can mean days or weeks of rethinking and revising important hardware.


“The importance of system software for computer operation.”
Systems software is designed to synchronize the functions of an organization's network of computer hardware and software. System software coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software, and it controls the operations of computer hardware. A computer's operating system is an example of system software. Operating systems control the computer hardware and act as an interface with application programs. System software also includes utility software. This typically means you pay a fee to use the storage space of a third party and use their backup software to manage which files are going to be backed up.

·        #183

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:42)

Audience work

Today I have read the article about AI, that can help students. Nowadays, in conditions of distance learning, many students have problems with their study. So, the main idea is that teachers receive data on student progress and knowledge levels to help those, who have problems with educational achievement, also student can pass test, that will show his level, and if he needs, he can select classes individually for productive learning and gaining knowledge. I think this this system will help a lot of students, and also it can help researchers as a material to improve their future developments.


Phrases of the day:
1) numerous examples
There are numerous examples of the collective manifestation of that capacity.
2) more specifically
More specifically, it was felt that there should be a systematic attempt to identify areas of conflict.
3) initial stages of
In the initial stages of the reform, it was difficult to make an impact.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "Impaired-driver sensor could pave the way for safer vehicles". This article tells us about new pressure sensors, that are heat-resistant, and when they are attached to seats, can tell whether a driver is drowsy or has a sudden illness, signaling a future smart car to take action. Modern camera-based systems, while useful, have drawbacks. For example, an exterior camera could be blocked by mud, and an interior camera could be less effective at night. The researchers say that in the future, a monitoring system based on the sensors might detect changes in vital signs or body posture. I find this article interesting for me, and I think, that this technology will be very progressive.



History of kernel development
The kernel program is kind of core of a computer's operating system and generally can complete control over everything in the system. The first version was launched in March 1992, it became version of the Linux kernel , that offers a basic framework for a GUI environment by providing a way for windows to be drawn on a display device and interacted with using a mouse and keyboard. Linux kernel is a true testament to the power of open source development. With time the tasks to be performed by the kernel have been simplified greatly and microkernel has been developed and is in use nowadays in different variations, called families.


·        #182

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Savluk (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:40)

1.numerous examples
Numerous examples show that such support by retirees is effective;
2.more specifically
Therefore it held that this question was governed by domestic law, more
specifically German law.
3.initial stages of
In the initial stages of our debate, it is worth recalling the extent of the problem.
Today I have read the article «Information processing tied to emergence of hierarchy in human societies». It is about that using case studies and ethnographic examples, anthropologists have for some time proposed that the emergence of hierarchical structures in human societies was in part a product of attempting to overcome cognitive limits in the number of people any one person can deal with simultaneously without hitting information processing challenges. I agree that the building of a vast new dataset that goes beyond these case studies and attempts to track variables describing all societies throughout human history and pre-history is now allowing social theories to be tested on a much larger number of examples.

Today I've read the article titled 'New approach allows for faster ransomware detection’. The article tells us about the newest advancement in cybersecurity which features far more efficient ransomware detection techniques proposed by North Carolina State University researchers. The new approach is called FAXID and it's an iteration of the previously well known XGBoost machine-learning algorithm, with the difference being that FAXID is a hardware based system which makes it extensively more resource-efficient. FAXID outperforms XGBoost by a great factor and is also able to provide parallelism.
Overall, I find this article to be very interesting and this new ransomware detection system to be greatly eficient.

Essay on the topic"Trusted Operating System"
Operating systems, especially on servers, can be weak points because of the fundamental role they play controlling basic functions such as how data is organized into files, written to disks or displayed on-screen.Any off-the-shelf operating system can be made more secure, or "hardened," with simple procedures such as changing the administrator's password from the easy-to-guess "password" or turning off connections to the Web when they're not being used. But these common-sense fixes can be time-consuming and may not protect a critical server from a determined hacker.A truly trusted operating system is born, built from the ground up with security in mind.

·        #181

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Savluk (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:35)

1.numerous examples
Numerous examples show that such support by retirees is effective;
2.more specifically
Therefore it held that this question was governed by domestic law, more
specifically German law.
3.initial stages of
In the initial stages of our debate, it is worth recalling the extent of the problem.
Today I have read the article «Information processing tied to emergence of hierarchy in human societies». It is about that using case studies and ethnographic examples, anthropologists have for some time proposed that the emergence of hierarchical structures in human societies was in part a product of attempting to overcome cognitive limits in the number of people any one person can deal with simultaneously without hitting information processing challenges. I agree that the building of a vast new dataset that goes beyond these case studies and attempts to track variables describing all societies throughout human history and pre-history is now allowing social theories to be tested on a much larger number of examples.

Today I've read the article titled 'New approach allows for faster ransomware detection’. The article tells us about the newest advancement in cybersecurity which features far more efficient ransomware detection techniques proposed by North Carolina State University researchers. The new approach is called FAXID and it's an iteration of the previously well known XGBoost machine-learning algorithm, with the difference being that FAXID is a hardware based system which makes it extensively more resource-efficient. FAXID outperforms XGBoost by a great factor and is also able to provide parallelism.
Overall, I find this article to be very interesting and this new ransomware detection system to be greatly eficient.

Essay on the topic"Trusted Operating System"
Operating systems, especially on servers, can be weak points because of the fundamental role they play controlling basic functions such as how data is organized into files, written to disks or displayed on-screen.Any off-the-shelf operating system can be made more secure, or "hardened," with simple procedures such as changing the administrator's password from the easy-to-guess "password" or turning off connections to the Web when they're not being used. But these common-sense fixes can be time-consuming and may not protect a critical server from a determined hacker.A truly trusted operating system is born, built from the ground up with security in mind.

·        #180

Goncharenko Julia Volodymyrivna, UP-211, (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:34)

Sentences with phrases of the day:
1. More specifically: More specifically, papers written by people in the U.S., the U.K. and China are far more heavily cited than are those from other countries such as Mexico and Brazil.
voice acting:
2. numerous examples: Numerous examples of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) have been discovered in plant genomes, but little is known about the formation of these important examples of gene organization.
voice acting:
3. initial stages of development: They also note that due to features in SSD devices, the software can also reverse any damage that sneaks through the initial stages of an attack.
voice acting:

essay on the topic "history of kernel development":

In September 1991, version 0.01 of the Linux kernel was released on the FTP server of FUNET, the Finnish University and Research Network, containing 10,239 lines of code. When Linus announced version 0.02 on October 5, 1991, the Linux kernel still needed MINIX to operate, but the number of volunteers from around the world who decided to contribute to the project without expecting anything in return had been steadily increasing. In December of the same year, Linux kernel 0.11 was released as the first version that could be compiled by a computer running the same kernel version. With Linux kernel 0.12, released in February 1992, Linux officially adopted the GNU General Public License (GPL).
voice acting:

Work in class:
Today I have read the article entitled "The tree of life can be a bush." This article is about a study by Uppsala University, which found that the so-called "trees of life" are more like bushes. The article also provides an example from the study, this example describes the genome of birds. This showed that evolution was moving fast, and many species emerged rapidly sequentially. Many quotes and interesting explanations of genetic phenomena have also been added to the article. This article seemed very interesting to me, I would recommend it to my loved ones.
voice acting:
link to the article:

work at home:
Today I have read the article entitled "North Carolina could lose up to 40% of its wetlands to sea level rise by 2070, new study shows". This article discusses a study that showed rising sea levels pose a serious threat to salt marshes and other coastal wetlands along the North Carolina coast. The article describes a mapping tool that can show estimates for different sea level and land use scenarios. The article also tells what exactly are useful villagers and what problems will be after their disappearance. This article seemed interesting and important to me. I will recommend it to my relatives.
voice acting:
link to the article:

·        #179

Vasylyshyn Vladislav UP-211 (Drozhzhyna) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:27)

What do we need the operating system forr
An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language.. Without an operating system, a computer is useless.Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change operating systems. The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

·        #178

Vasylyshyn Vladislav UP-211 (Drozhzhyna) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:22)

Phrases of the day:

1) More specifically
More specifically, they want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels, which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.

2) Initial stages of
Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages of development.

3) Numerous examples
The report contains numerous examples of how this reality is ignored.

Today I have read the article called "Researcher finds that military cannot rely on AI for strategy or judgment". AI decision-making is based on four key components: data about a situation, interpretation of those data, determining the best way to act in line with goals and values, and action. Machine learning advancements have made predictions easier, which makes data and judgment even more valuable. Although AI can automate everything from commerce to transit, judgment is where humans must intervene. War, however, usually lacks abundant unbiased data, and judgments about objectives and values are inherently controversial, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. The researchers argue AI would be best employed in bureaucratically stabilized environments on a task-by-task basis

Independant Practice:
Today I have read the article called "Scientists craft living human skin for robots". Scientists from Japan are crafting living human skin on robots. The method developed, presented June 9 in the journal Matter, not only gave a robotic finger skin-like texture, but also water-repellent and self-healing functions. To craft the skin, the team first submerged the robotic finger in a cylinder filled with a solution of collagen and human dermal fibroblasts, the two main components that make up the skin's connective tissues. Study's success lies within the natural shrinking tendency of this collagen and fibroblast mixture, which shrank and tightly conformed to the finger. Like paint primers, this layer provided a uniform foundation for the next coat of cells—human epidermal keratinocytes—to stick to. These cells make up 90% of the outermost layer of skin, giving the robot a skin-like texture and moisture-retaining barrier properties.

·        #177

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (debt 11.05) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:15)

History of kernel development
I believe that we can consider the history of kernel development in the example of Linux.
Once in 1991 Finnish programmer decided to create an operating system kernel for his own computer. Sooner he posted his first achievements and unexpectedly get huge help from his colleagues. They create the kernel, which can do different low-level tasks.
Linux continues used as a kernel for Unix. By happy coincidence, at the same time, the GNU team was looking for this part of their project.
Nowadays Linux - is one of the most flexible kernels. It is used for mobile devices, laptops, computers, etc.

The other days I have read the article “Best typing tutor software of 2022” by Richard Sutherland. I believe that typing skill is of great importance for us. So, the learning should be done in very effective way. That’s why it’s very important to make a right choice.
In this article Richard makes a review of the most popular programmes and analyses all the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed programmes. Among the advantages he underlines: free, progress tracking, multi-level games, modern design etc. But every medal has a reverse: ads in free version or expensive, limited statistics…
To summarize I can say that the article is quite interesting and it allows you to save your time when making the choice.
The link:
Phrases of the day:
1) general agreement on
There is general agreement that oversight is a shared responsibility.
2) from this perspective
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
3) for its own sake
I liked the design for its own sake.

Today I have read the article “15 BEST Data Visualization Tools And Software In 2022”. This article is dedicated for the problem of data visualization. From time to time we need this tool to aid people to understand the information, results of researches and so on.
The author went through 15 programmes and compared their pros and cons paying our attention at the costs of the programmes. Some of them are on cloud-based data integration platform, have a set of essential sales reports, a wide variety of visualization options or have a smart alerts to keep you informed when data outliers or anomalies happen.
If you need to work with patterns, trends, dashboards, charts you can easily make your choice at glance just having read this article.
The link:

·        #176

Maksym Koriak UP-211 (Drozhzhina) debt 18 May 2022 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:13)

Essay 'The importance of system software for computer operation'
System software is one of the most important and inherent parts of our modern computers. It used to manage the computer itself, being run in the background, maintaining the computer's operating system functions so users can run higher-level application software to perform certain tasks. Without software, most computers would be useless. For example, without your Internet browser software, you could not surf the Internet and read this article. Without an operating system, the browser could not run on your computer. So, the computer software gives opportunities for improving current processes, creating new services, and offers a chance for faster growth.

Review 1
I've just read an article about the theoretical framework of Superstring Theory. The point is that there are ten different dimensions in the Universe, and we all are contacting with four of them at the moment: the x, y, and z axes and time. Scientists try to explore new dimensions but now our development level is still too low. However, progress becomes faster and faster each day. Therefore, I hope that in future people will discover and establish contact with other forms of life which are hidden in the far reaches of the universe. I like the cosmic theme and the article is realy fascinating for reading.

Review 2
Today I have read the article "5 ways artificial intelligence could shape our lives". This text tells us how artificial intelligence will help humanity in the near future. There was a recent annual technology conference that all startups are seeking to attend, revealing new technologies that can change our lives. For example, the Provizio startup is developing an AI that will help prevent accidents with built-in sensors. Also, Copilot is developing machine learning that can write code instead of human, and, frankly, once this technology is implemented, programmers will still be in demand
In conclusion, I'd like to say that in the future, the world will be easier and safer with the AI

·        #175

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:09)

Today I've read an acticle titled "Developing smarter, faster machine intelligence with light". The text is about convolutional neural network accelerator, developed by the researchers of the George Washington University, the University of California, Los Angeles. To achieve such a breakthrough, they replaced spatial light modulators with digital mirror-based technology, thus developing a system over 100 times faster.In my opinion, this will be useful at a lot of different industries, such as self-driving cars, 5G networks, biomedical diagnostics,data-security a data-centers, and so on.
Phrases of the Day:
1) initial stages of
The initial stages of technological development present the most serious financing challenges.
2) more specifically
Or more specifically, the research on your hard drives.
3) numerous examples
One should observe numerous examples in all of life.

Today I have read the article "Researchers reconstruct the biochemical mechanisms of photosynthesis." The text is about chloroplasts embedded in plant cells contain chlorophyll, a pigment that, using photons of light and organic matter, can create oxygen and accumulate organic matter. This chemical reaction uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide from the air into sugars. This text also describes methods for controlling the spread of weeds.I think this is a very interesting and useful text that is very simple to write and explains complex things in simple language. Scientists are uncovering the basic mechanisms of photosynthesis at the molecular level.
What do we need to the operating system for?
The operating system it's the main set of programs that makes it possible to use the capabilities of a computer. Every user has it because everyone must have the possibility to control and be in connection with his/her gadget. The operating system solves 2 important problems: interface between computing system devices and programs, device, and workflow management. There are a few of the most popular of them: Linux, Windows, Android and MacOS. Each of them has its own pros and cons. For example, Linux - it's a free OS, it's more safer for you to use it, it's faster than other OS and there are a lot of free programs for Linux (including analogs of paid ones).

·        #174

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 08:03)

Audience work:
Phrases of the Day:
1)initial stages of
The department has said it is in the initial stages of an inquiry.
2)more specifically
In practical terms, it will be pursued more specifically through:
3)numerous examples
Numerous examples are given by author to illustrate this.

Today I have read the article called"Amazon unveils 'Jetsons'-like roaming robot for the home," from which I learned about the creation of a new robot from Amazon called Astra. Astra is a home assistant that can check to see if you've left the stove on when you're not home or send out an alarm. The robot uses cameras and sensors to navigate and avoid obstacles. The robot is priced at just $1,000, and Amazon says it will sell a huge number of copies soon. I think this development will make people's daily lives much easier, and I think inventions like this are the beginning of something new and important.

Exam Topic 15 : What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. It takes the advantage of computer graphics. It allows the user to interact with the computer using components such as windows, icons, labels, text boxes, and radio buttons.
CLI stands for Command Line Interface. It allows the users to enter commands to the terminal to perform the task.
GUI requires more memory as it contains a lot of graphical components. CLI is a command interface, and it does not require more memory. But it is easy to handle the tasks using the GUI even for begginers,CLI is complex: user should have good knowledge of the commands.

Independent practice:
Today I've read the article "After years in the making, Google releases new Fuchsia OS". This article is about the release of the new Fuchsia OS. An OS created by Google that will run on the Hub.
This OS is known for being open source. It differs in that it's based on the Zircon microkernel, while the rest are based on Linux. Open source in an OS can mean that there is a focus on performance, scalability, upgradeability and communities can themselves propose additions and updates to the OS. Today, this technology is available in Google's smart display.
In my opinion, this development is very important, because such an OS creates flexibility in the world of technology.

·        #173

Maksym Koriak UP-211 (Drozhzhina) debt 4 May 2022 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:58)

Essay 'Software Industry'
The software industry expanded in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers were first sold in mass-produced quantities. Universities, government, and business customers created a demand for software. Many of these programs were written in-house by full-time staff programmers. Some were distributed freely between users of a particular machine for no charge. Others were done on a commercial basis, and other firms started to grow.
The industry expanded greatly with the rise of the personal computer which brought desktop computing to the office worker for the first time. In the following years, it also created a growing market for games, applications, and utilities. DOS, Microsoft's first operating system product, was the dominant operating system at the time.
I've just read an article on an unusual topic about how urban green space influences on people in a better way. Numerous studies show that the number of green spaces is directly related to the feeling of happiness among the citizens. The data scientists from IBS and KAIST identified a direct positive relationship between social support to urban green space. This indicates that the variable of social support can serve as a mediator between green space and happiness. "Big data from satellite imagery can provide great opportunities to answer a variety of social issues," says Dr. Cha. In my opinion, working with databases will bring great progress not only in IT sphere but in social and healthcare fields too.

·        #172

Kleister Ruslan UP-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:57)

Why do we need the operating system for?
An operating system manages communication between software, other software, and hardware. Without an operating system, you could run only one program at a time. And, that program would have to have built-in drivers for every piece of hardware it interfaces with. Whether a complex program or a simple calculator app, it would need drivers for video, keyboard, possibly mouse, memory, processor, various controllers, and storage — at a minimum. Unbundling these drivers from the application, instead leaving that communication to the operating system, simplifies application programming, enables the loading of multiple programs into memory simultaneously, and enables those programs to share data and interact. In fact, many embedded systems don't have an operating system. One of the most common is the pocket calculator. The “software” runs at the lowest level of abstraction, directly on hardware. Likewise with the electronic “pocket” games from the 1980s. And the controller for my wood pellets heating stove. These devices are not designed for multiple tasks; they do one task only. There is no need for an operating system which only adds a layer of complexity.

·        #171

Kleister Ruslan UP-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:55)

1.initial stages of
They also handle the initial stages of remanding suspects into custody.
2.numerous examples
There are numerous examples of job announcements with explicit age or gender requirements.
3.more specifically
More specifically, human resource indicators could be given more emphasis.
Recently I have read the article what is entitled "US cars mandated to spot drunk drivers — and stop them". This article discusses how breath sensors and finger scan detectors play a central role in the critical US safety requirement against drunk driving, raising difficult questions about what technology can be trusted for. It was also said that a federal law that would require new cars to identify drunk drivers in coming years could save thousands of lives. However, the law signed by John Biden has left skeptics wondering if vehicles might be abandoned due to false alarms or actually become witnesses against their owners in criminal cases.
Recently I have read the article what is entitled: "Microsoft says it will end OneDrive updates to Windows 7 and 8 in March"
Honestly it tell us how microsoft says about OneDrive users on Windows, 7, 8, or 8.1 that will be unable to sync their content to the cloud starting on March 1st, 2022, according to a blog post on its Tech Community forum. OneDrive will also no longer receive updates if it’s running on a system that doesn’t have Windows 10 or Windows 11 installed.
However, Files will still be accessible from the OneDrive app no matter what version of Windows you’re using — they’ll just no longer automatically upload to the cloud.
To sum up, I can say that, it is really interesting article which consist of many detailed information and I am sure that everyone would like it to read as me.

·        #170

Chernyaev Iliya UP-211 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:51)

phrases of the day:
There are numerous examples of job announcements with explicit age or gender requirements.
The invention relates to a system of education and, more specifically, to learning how to play the piano.
In the initial stages of our debate, it is worth recalling the extent of the problem.
Today I have read an interesting article called "Controlling the speed of magnetic devices". The article tells us about the new approach to controling the speed of magnetic processes. A fundamental limitation on the speed at which magnetic materials can be manipulated associated with the ordered electron spins. In their study, the researchers used time-resolved resonant X-ray diffraction.In my opinion, researchers propose a new approach to controlling the speed of magnetic processes. They are able to demonstrate that the rate of transfer of angular momentum between opposite moments
is directly determined by the RKKY interaction force.
Today I have read an article about a new algorithm for robots to crack deadlocks.It tells us about researchers from the Nicolaus Copernicus Institute of Engineering and Technology who received a grant for their discovery.The essence of the algorithm is to compare information about the available space with its size.Lidar scanners help them with this.This development can be useful for mobile robots in industrial production, since their main problem is that they often run into so-called dead ends, due to which people have to intervene to correct the situation.I think this article is interesting and very informative.

Exam Topic what do we need the operating system for
An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language. Without an operating system, a computer is useless.Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it's possible to upgrade or even change operating systems. The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.

·        #169

Tataeva Anna (УП-211) (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:45)

Class work
Today i have read the article "A soft magnetic pixel robot that can be programmed to take different shapes". Magnetic soft robots are systems that can change shape or perform various actions when a magnetic field is applied to them. These robots have many useful features, including wireless drive, high flexibility, and endless endurance. The robot, created by Zhao and his colleagues, consists of magnetic pixels, particles containing liquid metal and a neodymium magnet , and an elastic silicon matrix. The researchers magnetized each of the magnetic pixels individually using a process known as laser heating. I think it's a useful thing in the future and i can recommend this article.

Phrases of day:
•initial stages of
Europe is going through the initial stages of a population collapse.
•Numerous examples
Numerous examples of biosynthetic gene clusters have been discovered in plant genomes.
•More specifically
More specifically, papers written by people in the U.S.

Home work
Today I have read the article " Using Rubik's cube to improve and evaluate robot manipulation" . The scientists in their experiments observed a discrepancy between what people and jobs are considered difficult when performing 3D puzzles. It was difficult for people to understand even the actions to fold the cube, but the physical manipulation of the cube is easy. It only takes the robots a few seconds to figure out how to assemble it, but the cube is hard to interact with. As the robot makes individual mistakes, they accumulate and affect its performance. Yang and his colleagues believe that the existence of such a standard will allow robotics researchers to more clearly define the direction of progress and manipulation of robots. For me, this article was a little boring, but in principle there is a place in this world. In general, the article is suitable for familiarization with this topic.

Topic:History of kernel development
The kernel is the essential center of a computer operating system.It is the core that provides basic services for all other parts of the OS.Before the kernel, developers coded actions directly to the processor, instead of relying on an OS to complete interactions between hardware and software.The majority of OSes -- and their kernels -- can be traced back to Unix, but there is one outlier: Windows. With the popularity of DOS- and IBM-compatible PCs, Microsoft developed the NT kernel and based its OS on DOS, which is why writing commands for Windows differs from Unix-based systems.
The kernel of the operating system is constantly improving, and soon the history of its development will increase.

·        #168

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:42)

debt 18.05

Audience work


Today I have read the article "Loud and clear: High-energy ads keep viewers tuned in, study shows". In this article, we are told about the correct way to present advertising for people. The research has shown, what picture should look like, how sound influence on viewers perception, and it is found that more energetic commercials are likely to be tuned in more or avoided less by viewers. Using the example of the Spotify application, researchers detected that advertising should be dynamic. This study suggests adding another dimension—the emotional or psychological state of the audience. I found this article interesting for me, and I think it will be useful for those who work in business sphere.

Phrases of the day:
1)proportional to
The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the surface area of the housing unit.
2)as to
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
3)problem inherent in
Scientists have addressed the problem inherent in indicator design.

Independent practice

Today I've read the article "Robotic exoskeleton uses machine learning to help users with mobility impairments". This article tells us, that researchers have used a combination of lightweight material engineering and artificial intelligence to create an exoskeleton robot that could help people with mobility impairments. The most important and innovative thing in this research is technology that allows the skeleton to effectively guess the intentions of the user. The main advantages of this are exoskeletons lightweight, and of course using machine learning to guess when people were actually trying to do something. As for me, this technology will definitely make a huge contribution to the improvement of exoskeleton technology.



What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
GUI is Graphical User Interface and CLI is Command Line Interface, they are the two means of interaction between a user and an computer device. A GUI is a graphical representation in which the user can interact with software or devices through simple and user-friendly interface, with visual components, that user can easily control, using only a mouse and a keyboard, while CLI is a terminal representation in which the user types commands into a terminal to operate and navigate the software or devices. So, by far, the most popular way to use computer is GUI, and CLI, faded into the background is mainly used by developers.


·        #167

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:40)

Audience work:

Phrases of the Day
1)poorly understood
The teaching method of this tutor was poorly understood by the students,so they were trying to self educate it
2)flow chart
We provide flow charts in our project for better understanding stats of done research.
3)pilot study
Unfortunately, pilot studies on our topic have completely failed, but we are looking for new solutions.
Today I read an article about the departure of one of the top managers on Facebook, Chris Cox, who worked in the company for a very long time. He did not explain the reason for his departure in his post about leaving, but it is believed that he had disagreements with Zuckerberg about the strategic development of the company. Now Meta (the recently changed name of Facebook) is one of the largest companies in the world, which has now taken its direction in the meta Universe, which is very interesting and warms up attention to our computerized future, so it was interesting for me to read this article. I agree with Forrester analyst Jessica Liu who said: Facebook Inc. is a massive and evolving company, so it's only natural that in a company that large, not everyone will agree with every strategic change, ".

Independent practice:

Today I have read the article about trends in technology ,which is called "Here are the 10 top tech trends you need to understand right now".This article is closely intertwined with the specialty I study,so it was intresting for me to read it.Today our world strives to increase the percentage of computerized processes in life and business and it great,because people can receive way more information this way and do the way more work due to automatisation. Also, it makes it possible to focus on other important things such as enviromental,life-level of population,etc.In my opinion,this article will be handy for usual people who want to follow moder-world trends,people who plan to open their business and of course for technology companies.

Exam Topic 3 : What do we need the operating system for?
Every desktop computer, tablet, and smartphone includes an operating system that provides basic functionality for the device. Common desktop operating systems include Windows, OS X, and Linux.An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It manages the computer’s resources, such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers, establish a user interface, and execute and provide services for applications software . It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer’s language.If a computer does not have an operating system, it is useless.

·        #166

Andrew Panchuk (УП-211) (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 07:32)

phrases of the day:
There are numerous side roads but this is becoming a massive man hunt.
The effect of this will be more specifically treated hereafter.
This tendency continued from the initial stage into the middle stage

Today I've read the article "Smartphone sensing platform provides early warning for lung cancer and ketosis/diabetes." It tells us about a portable smartphone platform based on a dual-emission ratio fluorescent probe designed to diagnose severe diseases. The researchers developed probes to identify acetone and isopropanol and used a smartphone application to detect biomarkers in exhaled breath. The designed methods provide a convenient way to hopefully expand the application of potential volatile biomarker studies in initial monitoring and clinical diagnosis. I believe that making such technologies portable and easy to access will help to save millions of human lives.

Thanks to an article called “Court tells Uber, Lyft to classify drivers as employees,” I learned that a California court ordered Uber and Lyft drivers to qualify as employees. This was done to ensure that drivers were not employees and were entitled to benefits. Californians deserve protection. That is why the issue of qualifications became relevant. The judge gave companies 10 days to take action. Companies are already making decisions and seeking to help workers with their financial problems. Many of the workers are looking for a suitable schedule because they are parents, students or retirees.

Exam Topic #7 the evolution of operating system.
Operating systems have evolved from slow and expensive systems to present-day technology where computing power has reached exponential speeds and relatively inexpensive costs. In the beginning, computers were manually loaded with program code to control computer functions and process code related to business logic. This type of computing introduced problems with program scheduling and setup time. Since that time, many people have written versions for various reasons. Some people felt compelled to create their own version. Others may have written versions in hopes of making money. There are groups of people who collaborate to improve current versions. In addition, businesses may write their own version to perform specific functions. Operating systems are an evolving work in progress. Developers learn lessons from previous concepts to improve the next. Batch Process overcame the problem of scheduling and job setup posed by Serial Processing.

·        #165

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:09)

22) The files are classified as top secret.
23) Your report should start by outlining the problems you are going to assess.
24) And that question is way beyond the scope of my research.

8)Virtual reality is a world created by technical means, transmitted to a person through his senses: sight, hearing, touch and others. To create a convincing set of sensations of reality, a computer synthesis of the properties and reactions of virtual reality is carried out in real time. Virtual reality objects usually behave close to the behavior of similar objects of material reality. The user can influence these objects in accordance with the real laws of physics. However, often for entertainment purposes, users of virtual worlds are allowed more than is possible in real life. I believe that virtual reality is now developing strongly and in the future people will be able to use it not only for entertainment purposes, but also to simplify everyday life.

Today I've read the article on topic "Cybersecurity: This prolific hacker-for-hire operation has targeted thousands of victims around the world". This article is about a new cyberattacks that targeted thousands of individuals and organizations all around the world. These attacks were mostly financially driven and have been ongoing since 2015. Author states that the main entry point, like in other malicious hacking campaigns, were phishing email - simple, but very effective way to hack someone. I think that such malicious phishing campaigns show the importance of the privacy and cybersecurity essentials knowledge for everyone, since everyone can become a victim someday.

Today I've read the article on topic "Facebook: Fake scientist used to spread anti-US propaganda". This article is about hundreds of fake social media accounts that were forming a disinformation network with ties to China. This network shows that the Chinese are still working on their influence campaign strategy. Fortunately, this company was not successful due to the fact that the Chinese government created fake people literally our of thin air. In general, meta removed about 600 accounts on Facebook and Instagram that were linked to the network. I think that such networks should be banned since they spread propaganda and fake news.

·        #164

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:08)

Today I have read the article «Top crypto exchange 2021: The exchanges to know». It is about crypto exchanges that help traders acquire or divest cryptocurrency holdings. They do this by converting fiat money (actual government-backed currency) into the digital currency of your choice (and vice versa when you sell). Some exchanges only take real money. Some only take digital currency. All charge fees of one sort or another, which is key to how they make a profit. In this article I found out that Cryptocurrency exchanges are a lot like the auction house World of Warcraft. Like in WoW, you're buying and selling digital goods, except this time you're buying and selling, say, Dogecoin instead of Crystalized Dread.

Today I have read the article ‘’Social business success: CEMEX’’. It is about the story of CEMEX, the world's largest building materials supplier as well as the third largest cement producer. In this article I found out that CEMEX, a $13.5 billion company (in terms of revenue), initially began in 2009 to develop an internal social network which they subsequently dubbed Shift. Designed as an internal space for workforce collaboration using a blend of consumer social networking concepts and Enterprise 2.0 ideas, Shift is comprised of people connected together with common interests, who create a rich user profile and then collaborate with each other via a standard set of social features including communities, wikis, activity streams, bookmarks, and file sharing.

7)Computer simulation is one of the effective methods for studying complex systems.Computer models are easier and more convenient to study due to the ability to carry out the so-called. Сomputational experiments in cases where real experiments are difficult due to financial or physical obstacles or may give unpredictable results.Сomputer models are easier and more convenient to study due to the ability to carry out the so-called.Here, the model is basically a representation of the system, and the modeling process is known to represent the operation of the system over time.

19)He did some comparative investigations of nanotechnology via computer.
20)He argued that the new project was a complete copy goal achievement condition imposed by head of the company.
21)Student Council Head that a more comprehensive investigation of the incident was being undertaken.

·        #163

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:07)

16)They shipped it here to conduct research.
17)A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention
18)There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.

6)Nonlinear programming is a mathematical technique for finding optimal solutions to optimization problems in which either the objective function or some of the constraints are nonlinear functions. The major task of nonlinear programming is classified as a task of finding some definite objective optimal function. In experimental science, some simple data analysis (such as fitting a spectrum with a sum of peaks of known location and shape but unknown magnitude) can be done with linear methods, but in general these problems, also, are nonlinear.
In conclusion, this technique creates conditions needed for some mathematical issues to be solved.

Today I have read the article "Supervisors focused on others' needs get 'benefit of the doubt' from employees".It is about that in the workplace, whether or not we believe that a supervisor has treated us fairly depends on a number of factors, including motive, according to new research from the University of Notre Dame.Employees evaluate the fairness of an interaction with an authority figure based on what researcher Cindy Muir, associate professor of management at Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business, describes as justice criteria or rules. In this article I found out that It can be easy to focus on objective behaviors and to lose sight of the importance of the motives that drive those behaviors. However, the researchers point out, because of the importance of motives, if supervisors and their organizations care about employees' perceptions of fairness, there is value in making sure supervisors' motivations are prosocial and not self-interested.

Today I have read the article "Study reconstructs 232-year history of prairie fire in Midwestern US". It is about researchers who combed through thousands of historical documents for first-person accounts of fires occurring between 1673 and 1905 in the Midwestern tallgrass prairie. Their study is the first systematic analysis of the timing, causes and consequences of prairie fires in this part of the world. They report their findings in Natural Areas Journal.
In this article I found out researchers said that the new study fills in some major gaps in scientists' understanding of the history of fire in North American grasslands.

·        #162

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:07)

Today I have read the article «Machine learning aids in materials design».It is about a team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory materials and computer scientists have brought their vision to fruition for energetic molecules by creating machine learning models that can predict molecules' crystalline properties from their chemical structures alone, such as molecular density. In this article I found out that The team continues to search for new properties of interest to the Lab with the vision of providing a suite of predictive models for materials scientists to use in their research.

Today I have read the article ''Customizable smart window technology could improve energy efficiency of buildings''. It is about customizable smart window technology that could improve energy efficiency of buildings. Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, Northwestern University, the University of Chicago and University of Wisconsin recently combined solar cell technology with a novel optimization approach to develop a smart window prototype that maximizes design across a wide range of criteria.In this article I found out that future considerations include developing the same technology in a flexible form so that the smart window materials can be retrofitted to cover preexisting windows.

5)In the beginning, there were many companies fighting to produce a viable operating system for the masses. The two most prominent were Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft's first entry in the operating system foray
was in 1985, a command line operating system that was not the simplest to
use but for its time was pretty user friendly. Then in 1990 there was Windows 3. 0, the first OS that had a desktop and icons to start programs.
In 1993 Microsoft released Windows NT 3. 1, the first fully operating system, These operating systems were geared toward corporate users and were slightly more robust. The next iteration of Windows was XP. This version of Windows was unique in a couple of ways.

13) Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether the languages we speak shape the way we think
14) Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of questions.
15) Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the periodic table.

·        #161

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:06)

10)Students in UC's Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory was focused primarily on solution of this complex problem in three-dimensional digital simulations.
11)Now they're building an autonomous robot for a number of reasons.
12)This simple advance in independence represents a first use of huge leap

4)In 1945, John Von Neumann devised two important concepts. The first point was known as the "Shared-Program Technique". It stated that the actual computer's hardware should be simple. His second idea "Conditional Control Transfer" acknowledged the fact that chronological computer instructions should be replaced by blocks of codes that can be called in any order at any time.
In 1957, the world first got a taste of a major programming language in the form of FORTRAN. This language was designed for scientific calculations, but it was not designed to handle input and output from users. This is why in 1958 the Algol language was created. Its basis has helped mold other well-known programming languages such as Pascal, C, C++ and Java.

Today I have read the article«The hidden evolutionary relationship between pigs and primates revealed by genome-wide study of transposable elements».It is about that in the past, geneticists focused primarily on the evolution of genes in order to trace the relationships between species. In this article I found out that more recently, genetic elements called SINEs (short interspersed elements) have emerged as a much better way to trace mammalian phylogeny, at least in the time since its massive radiation some 60 million years ago. That's because the prolific SINE family evolved differently in every lineage to become widespread throughout the entire genome of each. But SINEs are more than just highly mobile markers, they have specific functions—functions which researchers are now decoding to understand not just how, but why they move about like they do.

Today I have read the article«An abusive boss today might mean a better boss tomorrow».It is about that when bosses yell at you, your day can be ruined. It can also ruin theirs, though, and lead to major behavioral changes that flip their attitudes at work.In this article I found out about new research from Michigan State University published in Journal of Applied Psychology took prior workplace studies, which focused primarily on the impact abusive bosses have on their employees, and refocused the lens to see how the bosses respond to their own abusive behavior.

·        #160

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:05)

Today I have read the article ‘’Amazon push for lower prices could be bad for shoppers everywhere’’.It is about as antitrust scrutiny of Amazon mounts, the retail behemoth has been pressuring some of its top sellers to drop prices to ensure shoppers cannot find a lower price anywhere else—online or in a brick-and-mortar store. In this article I found out that since early this year, Amazon has been telling some of the largest third-party sellers on its Marketplace platform they can't list new products until they match prices offered by Amazon's retail competitors, like Walmart, Target and Costco, according to copies of emails between seven sellers and Amazon seen by The Seattle Times.

Today I have read the article ‘’This tool protects your private data while you browse’’.It is about a team of computer scientists at the University of California San Diego and Brave Software have developed a tool that will increase protections for users' private data while they browse the web. In this article I found out about the tool, named SugarCoat, targets scripts that harm users' privacy—for example, by tracking their browsing history around the Web—yet are essential for the websites that embed them to function.

3)A device driver is a special kind of software program that controls a specific hardware device attached to a computer. Device drivers are essential for a computer to work properly. They are necessary to permit a computer to interface and interact with specific devices. Drivers define the messages and mechanisms whereby the computer can access the device or make requests for the device to fulfill. In the early days of programming, they would often be written using assembly language, a low-level language that can access hardware and CPU instructions immediately and directly.

7)The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
8)These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling factors.
9)They then compared the results to data from a conventional nuclear power plant that were beyond the scope of their research at all.

·        #159

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:05)

4)controversial question
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial question.
5)considerable disagreement
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
6)conduct research

2)Exam topic
Software industry
The first company founded to provide software products and services was Computer Usage Company in 1955. Before that time, computers were programmed either by customers, or the few commercial computer vendors of the time, such as Sperry Rand and IBM.
The software industry expanded in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers were first sold in mass-produced quantities. Universities, government, and business customers created a demand for software. Many of these programs were written in-house by full-time staff programmers.

Today I have read the article «Demystifying machine-learning systems using natural language». It is about MIT researchers that have now developed a method that sheds some light on the inner workings of black box neural networks. Modeled off the human brain, neural networks are arranged into layers of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," that process data. The new system can automatically produce descriptions of those individual neurons, generated in English or another natural language. In this article I found out that Neural networks are sometimes called black boxes because, despite the fact that they can outperform humans on certain tasks, even the researchers who design them often don't understand how or why they work so well.

Today I have read the article «Designing custom robots in a matter of minutes». It is about researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) that are getting closer to doing exactly that. In a new paper, they present a system called "Interactive Robogami" that lets you design a robot in minutes, and then 3D-print and assemble it in as little as four hours. One of the key features of the system is that it allows designers to determine both the robot's movement ("gait") and shape ("geometry"), a capability that's often separated in design systems. In my opinion even as robots become increasingly common across different parts of our world, they remain incredibly difficult to make. From designing and modeling to fabricating and testing, the process is slow and costly: even one small change can mean days or weeks of rethinking and revising important hardware.

·        #158

VITALIY PANASIUK UP-211 dept (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 02:04)
Today I have read the article «Young adults caught in a dilemma between traditional family models and modern views».It is about the study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation that has found that even young adults who do not yet have children are influenced by traditional concepts of family. At the same time, they have modern views of equality, career engagement and childcare. The result is a dilemma that affects not only young women, but also young men early in adulthood.In this article I found out that the young adults expect that the division between career engagement and family involvement will be strongly determined by the father and mother "type" in each case, and will have to be resolved on an individual basis.
Today I have read the article«The hidden evolutionary relationship between pigs and primates revealed by genome-wide study of transposable elements».It is about that in the past, geneticists focused primarily on the evolution of genes in order to trace the relationships between species. In this article I found out that more recently, genetic elements called SINEs (short interspersed elements) have emerged as a much better way to trace mammalian phylogeny, at least in the time since its massive radiation some 60 million years ago. That's because the prolific SINE family evolved differently in every lineage to become widespread throughout the entire genome of each. But SINEs are more than just highly mobile markers, they have specific functions—functions which researchers are now decoding to understand not just how, but why they move about like they do.

1)Exam topic
Today I am going to tell you about “Common operating systems (MS-DOS and WINDOWS)”. This topic was really interesting for me and I want to tell you that the vast majority of microcomputers today run some version of Microsoft Windows as their operating system. Windows is an example of an operating system with a graphical user interface. However before the development of Windows, most PCs ran another operating system from Microsoft known as MS-DOS. MS-DOS is a non-graphical operating system. This means that all commands given to the computer must be either typed in from the keyboard or entered from a file.

1)To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
2)If they took the time to more closely examine the environment, they usually find that the processor is not the bottleneck that believe it to be.
3)Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure based on periodic reports.


·        #157

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:47)

Debt 01.06
Today I have read the article about the dangers of sharing personal information on social media. Social media is a great place to connect, share, and learn.
Most people would never consider walking into a crowded room and loudly telling complete strangers all the details of their personal lives. But often, these same people won't think twice about posting the same information on social media. The consequences of over-sharing can affect not only your personal and professional life, but also the lives of your family and friends. However, simply ensuring that your social media privacy settings are strong is not the only way to protect yourself. When you post something online, you lose control over it.
I have read the article «What Zoom's IPO says about the video collaboration space». Zoom is an easy-to-use video-conferencing application. What I like best about Zoom is its portability, which allows us to access the application from any location. The best approach is to run a meeting, an online class, or any other studies activity. Planned features such as screen sharing, raising a hand in case someone has something to say, annotating options, and the level of zoom facilitation are all excellent ways, to keep meetings quiet and focused. I believe that Zoom is one of the best communication tools, especially during this epidemic time.
In this text, I learned that the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider has conducted a new test of a model that has been developed to explain the tiny mass of neutrinos, electrically neutral particles that change type as they travel through space. Also in their recent study, the CMS team tested the seesaw model by searching for Majorana neutrinos produced by a special process, but the CMS researchers did not find signs of Majorana neutrinos. However, after a successful restart on April 22, the CMS team can look forward to collecting more data and retrying the swing.
Today I read an article about new light on the controversial question of species abundance and population density.Inspired by the negative results in the recently published largest-scale analysis of the relation between population density and positions in geographic ranges and environmental niches.Similar issue is identified in the localization of populations in the environmental space, where once again their range turned out to have been represented as significantly smaller, when compared to data available from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).In conclusion, the authors note that in order to comprehensively study the abundance of a species' populations, one needs to take into consideration a number of factors lying beyond the scope of either of the papers, including human impact.

·        #156

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:46)

Debt 25.05
I have read an article named “Study shows benefit of employees managing themselves”. This article tells us that self-leadership involves employees influencing their own behaviors, thoughts and moods, making them less dependent on traditional leaders to complete goals and achieve peak performance in the workplace. The study found that self-leaders are more creative and perform better than other employees. They are more confident in themselves, satisfied in their roles and committed to their employers. The research suggests that organizations might be more successful with people like this. I can recommend this article to everyone, who interested in management.
I read the article "Social mindfulness varies around the world." The article says in comparing the social behavior of people at the country level there are differences. The study focused on how aware people are that the other person is in control of their choices. The results showed significant differences between individuals and between countries. The researchers compared social mindfulness at the country level with a number of global indicators, including a ranking of whether countries are achieving global climate goals.
I think we saw a clear positive association in this study, but that doesn't mean there's a causal relationship with social mindfulness.

·        #155

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:45)

Debt 18.05
I have read an article named “Human activity decreases survival rates of injured or displaced wildlife, meta-analysis finds”. This article tells about factors affecting the survival of wildlife. The University of Sydney researchers found that incidents such as motor vehicle collisions and domestic animal attacks account for nearly half of the reported causes of wildlife death. There are also 5 factors that affect the likelihood of survival of animals: event such as oil spill or fire, individual animal factors, intervention, habitat, nearby people and pets. I can recommend this article to everyone who is interested in the life of wild animals and human influence on it.
I have read an article named “A contact-tracing app that helps public health agencies and doesn't compromise your privacy”. Contact-tracing apps monitor who has come in contact with whom and can alert a network of people if someone nearby has been diagnosed with the virus. Researchers from the University of Washington have developed a new tool, COVIDSafe. It have other features than ordinary apps, including a symptom tracker so that users who have tested positive and are in isolation can track their symptoms. I think that this article is quite helpful and covers the topic of contact-tracing apps.
I have read an article named “The secret to a longer lifespan? Gene regulation holds a clue”. What accounts for longer lifespan? According to new research from biologists at the University of Rochester, a key piece of the puzzle lies in the mechanisms that regulate gene expression. The researchers investigated genes connected to lifespan. Their research uncovered specific characteristics of these genes and revealed that two regulatory systems controlling gene expression -circadian and pluripotency networks are critical to longevity. I think this researches are so important, because they have implications both in understanding how longevity evolves and in providing new targets to combat aging.
I have read an article named “Energy-efficient AI hardware technology via a brain-inspired stashing system”. It reveals that researchers have proposed a new artificial intelligence system inspired by brain neuromodulation called the "storage system" that requires less energy consumption. To prove the efficiency of the developed technology, the research group created artificial neural network hardware equipped with a self-rectifying synaptic array. As a result, it was able to reduce energy use by 37%. This neuromodulation-inspired stashing system that mimics the brain's neural activity is compatible with existing electronic devices and commercialized semiconductor hardware. I can recommend this article to all, who interested in AI.

And before it was debt for 11.05, not 01.05.

·        #154

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:42)

Debt 1.05
I have read an article named “Research shows that forest management in Europe is out of alignment with natural patterns”. To help give forest managers new options, a large team of European scientists completed a multi-year study of forests in thirteen countries across the continent. Their results show that most current forest management in Europe doesn't imitate the patterns of nature. The complex patterns created by natural disturbances that leave behind a mosaic of tree types, ages, and sizes, standing and downed dead wood and highly variable, resilient landscapes. I believe that this problem needs to be discussed, because forests are important for our ecology.
I have read an article named “Antarctic sea ice experiences record low extent for the second time in 5 years”. Arctic sea ice may be disappearing, but until recently, Antarctic sea ice was having the opposite experience. The researchers found that in the summertime, it is the thermodynamics that dominate the processes that cause the sea ice melting. This occurs through anomalies in the transport of heat toward the pole in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas. They were able to explain much, but their findings produced further questions. I think that this topic is important and can recommend it to everyone who interested in Antarctic.

·        #153

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:41)

Debt 04.05,or%20how%20to%20control%20it.
I've read the article :"Facebook fed posts with violence and nudity to people with low digital literacy skills". Facebook studies said algorithms harmed users with low tech skills with repeated disturbing content. Some users did not understand how content came to appear in their feeds or how to control it. These users were often older, people of color, lower-educated and of lower socioeconomic status.In another study, Facebook researchers conducted dozens of in-depth interviews and in-home visits with real people they'd identified as vulnerable users with low digital literacy skills. I believe that Facebook has committed a crime against these people, because what difference does it make what status the user has, you need to respect all people on an equal footing!
Recently, microtransactions in games have become increasingly popular - recurring, unlimited in-game purchases: for example, additional content or ways to facilitate game progress. This is very beneficial, because as the game progresses, the player can spend much more than with a one-time purchase of the game itself. And this wouldn't be a problem if sometimes it wasn't mandatory. Many greedy developers love the "pay-to-win" system, where in the same game a paying player becomes many times stronger than an ordinary one. The latter, obviously, don't like this approach, so they either have to put pressure on the developers with a huge crowd, or simply quit the game because of injustice.
The article is about a way to use everyday WiFi to help robots see and navigate better indoors.Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a low-cost, low-power technology to help robots accurately map their way indoors, even in poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or features. It's a new approach to indoor robot navigation. The accuracy of localization and mapping provided by the WiFi sensors was on par with that of the commercial camera and LiDAR sensors.The researchers will be combining WiFi sensors with cameras to develop a more complete, yet inexpensive, mapping technology.
I have read the article “Temporary employment may consolidate labor market inequality”.
A new study in European Sociological Review from Umeå University shows that temporary workers receive less employer-paid training than permanent workers. In their article, sociologists from Umeå University, investigates the role employee representation play regarding the chance of receiving employer-paid training among temporary and permanent workers. Using data from the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey they analyze answers from 22,884 workers in 35 European countries. This article will be useful for workers.

·        #152

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:40)

Debt 27.04
I have read the article :"Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we know it". Viruses have a bad reputation. They are responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic and a long list of maladies that have plagued humanity since time immemorial. Many biologists believe there is, at least for one specific type of virus—namely, bacteriophages, or viruses that infect bacteria. When the DNA of these viruses is captured by a cell, it may contain instructions that enable that cell to perform new tricks. I believe that viruses can be both useful and deadly. For thanks to the "antibiotic" virus, all viruses, both good and bad, are killed, so after it you need to drink probiotics.
I’ve read the article "Study debunks gender performance gap in online video games". The problem of gender inequality in our world has a fairly high place among other social problems. The article said that there is a stereotype that women play video games worse than men. However, Cuihua "Cindy" Shen, an assistant professor in the Department of Communication, and his colleagues from various universities, decided to check if this was true and made statistics of victories in video games. The results showed that women play as well as men.
I liked this article because it covers a rather serious problem in our world. I will advise friends to read this.

·        #151

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:36)

Debt 20.04
I have read the article “Laying the foundations for a green industry”. This article raises the problem of flying ash, which occurs after the construction of structures made of traditional materials such as: clay, sand, concrete, bricks and so on. Dr Obada Kayali and Mr Karl Shaw of the UNSW@ADFA have developed bricks and building aggregate that can be manufactured entirely from waste fly ash. They say their unique manufacturing method traps any harmful chemicals, creating an eco-friendly construction material that saves on construction costs and reduces generation of greenhouse gases. I think this invention is quite useful and will help reduce air pollution.
I have read article “Social motivation in voles differs by species and sex”. Annalise Beery conducted experiments to find out how the sex of voles affects their social behavior. Her team found that female prairie voles worked harder to see familiar voles than strangers, but male prairie voles did not show this preference for their acquaintances. Instead, the males worked hard to access any females, but showed less interest in males. But the males still huddled with familiar animals when they were together. The meadow voles, which were female only, did not work as hard as the female prairie voles to reach familiar animals. I enjoyed this article and can recommend it to anyone interested in animals and their behavior.

·        #150

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:33)

Debt 13.04
I have read the article “Designing machines that see, understand and interpret their environment”. This article will tell you about Towards Ubiquitous Low-Power Image Processing Platforms projects and their real-world cases. The first case is used in medicine. The medical X-ray imaging application is aimed at improving surgical efficiency with the mobile C-arm use case. This device displays an internal view of a patient's body in real time during the course of a surgical operation, allowing the doctor to make minimal incisions with more accuracy. TULPIPP is also used to create autonomous drones. I think this technology is very useful and has great potential in the future.
I have read the article “Study finds that social justice and health issues impact electric vehicle uptake”. David Reiner from Cambridge Judge Business School and his collaborators used machine learning and social network analysis to identify via Facebook posts what aspects people valued in electric vehicles, and found that social justice, clean air, better health and a shift toward EVs becoming a service industry emerged as key themes. I think this kind of research is good for society because it gives us the opportunity to understand the impact of certain aspects on people's attitudes toward things. I can recommend this article to those who are interested in electric cars or in social research.

·        #149

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:32)

Debt 06.04
Today I’ve read the article "Hacking and loss of driving skills are major consumer concerns for self-driving cars". This article is about the advantages and disadvantages of self-driving cars. A survey was conducted and the biggest concerns of consumers were identified: Artificial Intelligence is imperfect, the consumer will lose driver skills, security breaches in the form of hacking a personal computer or online account similar to hacking. Also, three clear benefits were free time behind the wheel, elimination of driver accidents, and faster route processing. The results of this study illustrate the clear benefits of autonomous vehicles for consumers
Today I have read the article called "A new method to measure quantum entanglement in a nuclear spin ensemble". This article tells us about quants and how they are measured. One of the primary objectives of quantum physics studies is to measure the quantum states of large systems composed of many interacting particles. This could be particularly useful for the development of quantum computers and other quantum information processing devices. This method, presented in a paper published in Nature Physics, works by exploiting the response of this system to collective spin excitations. For my opinion this research will change our imagination about quants.
Today I have read the article called "3-D computer models of gigantic archaeological objects" by Monika Landgraf. It tells about the latest technologies in the archaeological field. Nowadays 3D modeling is developing very quickly, so researchers have found a way to use it in archeology. With the help of a special camera, the object is being transformed into a computer-generated image. This method will help the researchers study archaeological finds in a much closer and more detailed way. In my opinion, this technology would be very helpful, so I like that this article is helpful in a certain way as well.
I have read the article “Volkswagen reins in production due to ongoing chip shortage”. This article is about the big car companies and their problems during the pandemic. German car giant Volkswagen will slash production at its main plant due to ongoing problems with the global supply of computer chips. Following the summer holidays for workers in Germany, work on the assembly line at the company's facility in Wolfsburg will be "limited" and will have to "adapt to the supply situation". Either, Japanese company Toyota announced that it would be reducing production in September by 40 percent. From this it turns out that the pandemic has greatly affected the production of cars around the world.

·        #148

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:30)

Debt 30.03
Today i have read the article " Brain cell differences could be key to learning in humans and AI". This article tells about modern discoveries in AI. Researchers have found that variability between brain cells might speed up learning and improve the performance of the brain and future AI. The brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons, which are connected by vast 'neural networks' that allow us to learn about the world. None of them are the same. By contrast, each cell in an AI network—is identical, with only their connectivity varying. This is the most difference between the human brain and AI.
Today, I have read the article “Getting real with immersive sword fights”.From this article, I learned that sword fighting is a weak link in virtual reality fighting games, so a team at the University of Bath, in collaboration with game development studio Ninja Theory, has come up with a solution to the challenges of creating realistic sword fighting in virtual reality: Touche is a computer model. Data Driven Machine Learning. For the research, the developers used 12 volunteers who took part in two three-minute sword fights. Participants 'feedback indicated a preference for Touche, the game's quiet technology of the developers' movements.

·        #147

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:28)

Debt 23.03
Today I have read an article about: "Ransomware gangs are running riot and paying them off doesn't help". This text is about inability protection of huge or even small companies from hackers and different cybercriminals. As for me, failure is manifested in the fact that the cyber police is not always able or willing to act. Companies are also to blame, because they could have hired a person who would have protected their system from various hackers, the so-called "good" hackers, because nowadays, there are so many robberies on the Internet that you can immediately understand that it is better to play it safe and hire a person than to be blackmailed and robbed, because then a huge amount is paid to a person or a gang who have translated all your valuable documents and all accounts for themselves.
Today I have read an article about: "Underground water pipes: Another way for cities to keep cool". This text is about usage of water pipes and their utility. To my mind it is fascinating, because it can reduce problems, which are caused by devices, for instance conditioners, which were mentioned in the text. Yes, they are also the cause of the destruction of the ozone layer. What to say about analyst statements, I disagree with Jon Dulac words, because it is useful, to have such appliance, which can cool a placement without harm to environment. But I agree with David Canal words: "We need to reduce our needs". Also I was convinced by the words of Riahi, that we should "green" our countries.
Today I have read an article about: "Finding the perfect employee". This text is about how an organization can find the very person who will be committed to the work and aligned with its interests. Of course there are many articles about this, but this offers the shortest and easiest way to find the right employee. To my mind it is useful enough, because not every person suits to certain company. As research shows us, people who interested in goals to receive work were more enthusiastic about looking for reducing carbon emissions , also opted for an adjustment payment, while the rest decided to opt for a fixed payment. I advise to read this article, because it is very important to find the right person without wasting time.
Today I have read an article about: "How can you see a satellite view of your house?". This text is about ability of watching different places or sightseeing from a free aerial view. To my mind this text was not so useful for me, because I began to use Google Maps and Google Earth in the eighth form and frequently used them to see my house, school or places of interest. Also, it is a pity, that the text did not mention another useful function of Google Maps — street view, which also can interest everyone. Therefore, I believe that this article has no semantic meaning and will not be interesting to many readers who have been using Google Maps for a long time, because those who use Android have already built-in Google applications. But this article can be useful for older people, for our grandparents.

·        #146

Julia Kofanova UP-211 (Drozhzhina.I) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 00:27)

Debt 16.03
Today I have read an article about: "Headset over headphone: Canceling unnecessary and unwanted noise". This text is about innovation in our world — armchairs which can reduce noise around you. As for me, such thing is not so important. Researchers, who have been thinking about it for 10 years, have wasted time, when they might be thinking about more important things that we really need now. To count, in headphones I spend approximately 15 hours in average a day and I do different work or householding chores with them. Of course, I watched a video where I was convinced that these chairs do not completely suppress noise, which is also a huge disadvantage, because they were invented to eliminate it.
Today I have read an article about: "Still believe an asteroid killed the dinosaurs? Think again—new theory suggests". This text is about theory that dinosaurs were not killed by asteroid, as we have been told for years about it, not only by parents, but by reliable sources too. After reading this text and discovery of two researchers, Gordon Gallup and Michael Frederick, I have understood, that in fact, their theory is more like the truth. To my mind, even though animals are smart creatures, this does not mean that they always choose their food depending on its taste or nutrients. They choose their food based on their hunger, and will not hesitate, but will eat the first creature they come across, be it a plant or an animal. This article was interesting enough.

·        #145

Yershova Y. (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 17:29)

Kuts UK-211 (Yershova) (Monday, 13 June 2022 14:38)
I've got your debts, pay attention that your comment must contain your point of view and mind the use of Present Perfect (today I HAVE read...) .

·        #144

Tomenko M.G. to Nastya Kozlova, UM-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:35)

Your comment is well done. Thank you.

·        #143

Kuts UK-211 (Yershova) (Monday, 13 June 2022 14:38)

Today I read the article " Top programming languages: Most popular and fastest growing choices for developers". Here I spoke about the popularity and advantages of the programming languages JavaScript, Python, and others. And also special attention was given to the Rust language. Rust is a programming language that has made a splash in recent years. The open source programming language is primarily used in embedded software and bare metal development, although it has also found use in AR and VR game development. But each language has its own pros and cons. Everyone chooses what he likes. I haven't chosen mine yet.

Today I read the article “Open-source growth and venture capital investment: Data, databases, challenges, and opportunities”. Here we discussed the opportunities and prospects of companies that work with open source.
The founders of Runa were themselves involved in startups, and Vinogradov described the people at Runa as tech-savvy - most of them with software development and science background. This, Vinogradov says, prompted Runa to invest in open source companies from day one, before it went mainstream: “The common view in the market was how to make money from something that is completely free and can be easily copied, and so on. This has changed. The market now understands how open source works. And open source companies can get pretty high prices. " In any case, this topic requires further observation.

Today I read the article “ This AI tool lets you visualize how climate change could affect your home”.Here we talked about a new tool with advanced artificial intelligence for image recognition that allows you to visualize the future impacts of climate change anywhere in the world, including your own home. The project, titled “This Climate Doesn't Exist,” lets you enter the address of your current home or your favorite destination and see what it might look like years later when climate change takes its toll. The article says that the project has been worked on for years, but personally I did not see anything surprising there, I am disappointed.

Today I read the article “Novel theory addresses centuries-old physics problem”. Here it was about a certain problem of three bodies. The “three-body problem”, a term coined to predict the motion of three gravitating bodies in space, is important for understanding many astrophysical processes as well as a large class of mechanical problems, and it has occupied some of the world's best physicists, astronomers and mathematicians for over three centuries. Their efforts led to the discovery of several important areas of science, but his solution remains a mystery. Many hopes were left for computer modeling, but it only proved the chaotic nature of this system.

Today I read the article “Storing energy in red bricks”. Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity, like a battery, according to new research from Washington University in St. Louis. Walls and buildings made of bricks already occupy large amounts of space, which could be better utilized if given an additional purpose for electrical storage. While some architects and designers have recognized the humble brick's ability to absorb and store the sun's heat, this is the first time anyone has tried using bricks as anything more than thermal mass for heating and cooling. The study of this technology is still ongoing.

·        #142

Kuts UK-211 (Yershova) (Monday, 13 June 2022 14:27)

Today I read the article “Scientists cast new light on molecular behavior”. It was revealed that a group of researchers led by Professor Matt Kosten of the Institute of Chemical Sciences had successfully carried out one of the most insightful tests of molecular forces ever conducted. Dr. Tom Sharples of the project team said:
“This is an innovative method that allows us to better understand molecular science. Collisions of molecules are a fundamental process in nature: chemical reactions between molecules cannot occur without them. Therefore, the modeling of high-energy media, such as flame and plasma, is based on the availability of high-precision models of individual collisions of molecules". Scientists continue to carry out the experiment, for more details on the collision of molecules.

Today I read the article "Oil-reliant Saudi Arabia faces questions over 'net zero' pledge." It told about the promises of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The promise was that all major oil companies should become carbon-neutral. The United Nations says more than 130 countries have set or are considering a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by mid-century, which it says is a "pressing need" to maintain a healthy climate. Carbon neutrality is a balance between carbon emissions and carbon sequestration from the atmosphere. And in a statement on Saturday, Saudi Arabia also said it plans to invest in "new energy sources, including hydrogen."

Today I read the article "Five things that happen to your body in space." It was said here that getting a person into outer space, in a spacesuit or at a station, has unpleasant consequences. For example: muscle atrophy, weakening of the cardiovascular system (including the heart), deteriorating aerobic capacity of the body, decreased bone strength. The immune system, which protects the body from disease, also suffers. A number of variables contribute to this, including radiation, microgravity, stress, isolation and changes in circadian rhythm, the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle that we follow on Earth. So
being an astronaut is a job that requires a very long and hard physical training.

Today I read the article "A novel energy storage solution featuring pipes and anchors". Here it was about the need to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. However, the biggest problem with renewables is that the supply is intermittent, which means that power generation at any given time does not necessarily meet the demand at that time. For example, in solar power production, the peak in power generation occurs during the daytime when the demand for electricity is low, resulting in times of surplus, followed by times of shortages. I believe that before we switch to other energy sources, a lot of time will be spent on experiments and refinements.

Today I read the article “A universe of 10 dimensions”. The article described the theory of strings, as well as described each of the ten dimensions. It has been said that we can perceive four dimensions: length, width, depth and time. The fact that we can perceive only four dimensions of space can be explained by one of two mechanisms: either the additional dimensions are compactified on a very small scale, or our world can live on a three-dimensional submanifold corresponding to the armor, all known particles except gravity will be limited . And what about other dimensions? The existence of these additional six dimensions, which we cannot comprehend, is necessary for string theory to ensure consistency in nature.

·        #141

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Grodska E. (Monday, 13 June 2022 09:15)

Independent practice
Computer programming
Computer programming is a set of instructions to facilitate specific actions. Programmers uses the programming languages for form and write that instructs how a computer, application or software program performs. Computers can do amazing things, really difficult operations, but no of them can do anything until a programmer tells it to behave in specific ways. They use specialized languages like C++, Java, Python and more for testing software performance, resolving problems, modifying software programs to improve performance, writing code, collaborating with others to resolve information technology issues.
The main goal of the CP is make our life more comfortable and better.

·        #140

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Grodska E. (Monday, 13 June 2022 09:12)

Independent practice
Functions of OS
An operating system (OS) is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. The main functions are secure (password protection), control over system performance, job accounting (keep track of time and resources that are used), error detecting aids, coordination between other software and users, the memory management - controls the primary or main memory, the processor management- manages the order in which processes have access to the processor, and how much time, the device and file management.
The OS is most important type of system software, a user even can't run an application program on the computer without it, unless the app is self booting.

·        #139

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Tomenko (Monday, 13 June 2022 09:07)

Independent practice
Today I have read the article "There are reasons girls don't study physics, and they don't include not liking math". In this one author told about the reasons why girls often don't achieve great results, comparing to boy. Many girls has heard at least once that she isn't talanted in phisics and math, " it's so much hard for you". Stereotypes, which are propagandized even on TV, in the manner of education and family life. By investigation there aren't any special abilities by nature, which have boys, but not girls. Just belief in themselves.
I think this article raises a very relevant social topic about the discrimination and its consequences in our time.

·        #138

Tomenko M.G. to Nastya Kozlova, UM-211 (Friday, 10 June 2022 18:12)

Well done. Thank you.

·        #137

Katherine Arabadji UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 10 June 2022 13:05)

debt 01.06.2022
Today I have read the article about: "We keep streaming more movies and TV shows and we especially like big screens, smart TVs and Roku". This text is about increase of viewers TV- or other Internet platform shows during the quarantine and after it weakening. Since mid-March 2020, Conviva has recorded streaming video surges of double-digit growth in time spent watching, with an uptick of 63% globally in the second quarter of 2020. Consumers are increasingly switching to smart TVs with built-in streaming capabilities. To my mind it is unsurprising, that the amount of TV-viewers is increasing, because in quarantine time of digital era we can entertain ourselves by watching different videos, playing games, etc.

1) By outlining
By outlining the whole situation, Alice could not find a way out of Wonderland, or had no desire looking for it ...
2)Classified as
They classified food as delicious and tasteless, but they don’t understand that food is one of important processes in our life and they play a big role, that’s why they shouldn’t judge.
3)Beyond the scope of
They have created something incredible, something that is said beyond the scope of commonsensical. I think they deserve a reward for that.

Today I have read the article about: "New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions". This text is about geothermal energy and its own significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. It turned out that if the heat stored in the earth's crust is used to generate electricity, the current state of the art produces less CO2 than if biogas or photovoltaics are used to generate electricity," says Dr.-Ing. Florian Heberle. To convert the geothermal heat stored in hot geothermal brine into electricity Kirchstockach uses the Organic Rankine Cycle. To my mind this article is interesting enough. It is also full of useful information because nowadays problems in environment are conspicuous, that’s why they need solution. Big amount of emission of carbon dioxide destroys ozone layer, that is bad enough. Let’s save our planet together!

Independent practice

Today I have read the article about: " Brain cell differences could be key to learning in humans and AI". This article is about modern discoveries in AI. Researchers have found that variability between brain cells might speed up learning and improve the performance of the brain and future AI. The brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons, which are connected by vast 'neural networks' that allow us to learn about the world. None of them are the same. By contrast, each cell in an AI network—is identical, with only their connectivity varying. This is the most difference between the human brain and AI.

Today I have read an article about: "Tenfold increase in hurricane frequency this century, research predicts". This text is about researchers predicting increasing of hurricanes because of temperatures rise. If the temperature rises an additional degree, the frequency will increase by 3-4 times and if the global climate becomes two degrees warmer, there will be about 10 times as many extreme storm surges. To my mind, almost every problem is caused by global warming. According to the researchers, due to increasing of temperature, our world suffers every time from such situation. I advise you to keep our planet clean and the number of hurricanes will reduce instantly.

·        #136

Katherine Arabadji UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 10 June 2022 13:04)

debt 25.05.2022
Today I have read the article about: "Unglitching the system: Advancement in predicting software vulnerabilities". This text is about software vulnerabilities and that the early predictions are helpful for security software systems. Research Dr. Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn said standard software programs contain millions to billions of lines of code and it often takes a significant amount of time to identify and rectify vulnerabilities. "With the proposed LineVul approach we are not only able to predict the most critical areas of vulnerability but also are able to specifically identify the location of vulnerabilities down to the exact line of code." As for me software vulnerabilities aren’t good for people, especially for companies that’s why LineVul is nice decision to find, clean, reload and protect PC from unacceptable substances.

1)Performed with
The physical tasks given to us are performed only with the help of a calculator.
2) Column represents
Column represents this oversight in the chart, which is why it has fallen so sharply, this week's readings are too low.
3) Under certain assumptions
Under certain assumptions this is even permissible, because the fact she did it out of good intentions is a fact.

Independent practice
Today I have read the article about: "New algorithm searches historic documents to discover noteworthy people". This text is about new algorithm co-developed by a University at Buffalo School of Management researcher who help turn historic documents into useful, searchable data. The algorithm learns attributes only from the text—it does not rely on external sources of information such as Wikipedia or other knowledgebases. But since the OCR text is garbled, it can't determine how effective these attributes are for ranking people's names. So, the researchers used statistical measures to model the many data attributes, which helped provide the desired ranking of names. To my mind to find out something new from newspapers, documents and magazines those centuries is much better, because you can find not only that information, that you need, you can recognize something extraordinary and unusual at the same time.

·        #135

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:38)
Today I have read the article named "Teslas with Autopilot a step closer to recall after wrecks". Teslas with partially automated driving systems are one step closer to a recall after the U.S. stepped up its investigation into a series of collisions with parked ambulances or trucks with warning signs. Documents released by the agency raise serious questions about Tesla's autopilot system. The agency found that it is being used in areas where its capabilities are limited and that many drivers fail to take action to avoid accidents despite vehicle warnings. On average, the autopilot lost control of the Tesla less than a second before the crash, according to NHTSA documents detailing the investigation. The agency found that in many cases, drivers kept their hands on the wheel, as required by Tesla, but took no action to avoid the accident. This suggests that drivers are complying with the Tesla monitoring system, but does not guarantee that they are paying attention to it.

1) First use of
This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the first use of the drug.
2) Focused primarily on
It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content.
3) For a number of reasons
For a number of reasons, the authorities may still prefer to force him to surrender voluntarily.

·        #134

Exam Topic #8(System programming). Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:32)

System programming involves the development of individual pieces of software that allow the entire system to function as a whole. System programmers usually work with "low-level" programming. Typical system programs include the operating system, programming tools such as compilers, assemblers, loaders, and linkers. System programming works more closely with computer resources and machine languages, as opposed to software programming, which mainly focuses on user interaction. System programming solves problems such as reducing boot times or improving the efficiency of operations.

·        #133

Krasnianskyi Yaroslav UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:20)

Today I've read the article "First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities". It tells us about a building a unique imaging instrument that uses sub-optical-wavelength sound (or phonons).
The new ultrasound microscope will use short laser pulses to generate phonons which spread into cell. The signal picks up and feeds back variations in 'hardness' of cell features to build up a more detailed 3-D picture that would be perceptible using light.
I think this is a very interesting development because it can be used to detect cancer, to study how abnormal and healthy cells can react differently to drugs, changes in temperature, diet and atmosphere.


Phrases of the Day
1) for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have significant impacts on air pollution levels.
2) focused primarily on
For decades, popular TV shows have focused primarily on the middle class.
3) first use of
It is believed to be the first use of ion implantation to improve the performance of an intercalation pseudocapacitator.


·        #132

Akopyan Mariya UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:18)
Today I have read the article "The industry's first water-based paint for plastic cases of ICT equipment."
According to information about the new development, it reduces the use of petroleum products by 54% and volatile organic compounds by 80%. Such a water-based paint consists of two types of resins, therefore, for application to the surface, it must be heated by 100 degrees. According to the creators, this development will help to use resources more economically, and will also have a low impact on the environment.
In my opinion, this is a wonderful development, but I just had a question about the stability of such paint.
1) for a number of reasons
These problems have developed for a number of reasons.
2) first use of
In some cases, after the first use of the nits, it is possible to remove the active combing, and there is no need to repeat the procedure.
3) focused primarily on
It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content.

·        #131

Blizniuk Igor UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:06)

Today I have read the article called "Discovery of a mechanism for making superconductors more resistant to magnetic fields". Usually superconductors can be destroyed by strong magnetic fields. NIMS, Osaka University and Hokkaido University have jointly developed a superconductor that can retain its superconductivity even when a strong magnetic field is applied to it. Superconductors are used in various technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and highly sensitive magnetic sensors. These new superconductors can be used in quantum computers to retain quantum information for a long time due to its magnetic field resistance.
1.first use of
America’s First Use of Nuclear Weapons in World War II in Japan
2.focused primarily on
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability
3.for a number of reasons
The war cannot end quickly for a number of reasons.

·        #130

Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:03)

Today I have read the article “Bot can spot depressed Twitter users in 9 out of 10 cases”. The article says that an algorithm has recently been developed that can detect depression in Twitter users with an accuracy of up to 88%. This algorithm determines a person's mental state based on the content and time of their publications, the number of friends and followers, and even the use of emoticons. The proposed algorithm is platform independent, so it can be used in other social networks. I think this kind of technology would be very useful, as it could be used to diagnose depression or, for example, assess mental health in a job application.

1)The technology is novel for a number of reasons.

2)The first use of corn may have been for an early form of liquor.

3)Until now, science has been focused primarily on inclusions in amber.

·        #129

Exam Topic #10(Global computer networks). Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:56)

In recent years, the Internet is undergoing a great rise both in the world and in our country. It performs more and more functions in the field of information in human life. The e-mail address has taken a firm place on business cards of firms. True, many people, including those of a fairly respectable age, getting into the Internet'a web, spend all their free time in it. And there are quite a few of them.Spending a long time at the monitor negatively affects health. And the personal life of many suffers. During the computer boom in America, for example, for a couple of years of mass development of the Internet and long-term use of computers, the US population grew by an average of 10-20 kg. So it was necessary to carry out an emergency sports program throughout the country. But this will most likely not happen in our country, at least for another 10 years, since you yourself understand that not everyone can afford the Internet.
In the meantime, the Internet remains the fastest and most accessible provider of information, providing fast communication between people across thousands of miles.

·        #128

Akopyan Mariya UK-211 (Vorobyova) Exam Topic #10 (Reverse engineering) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:47)

There are a lot of ways to teach something. In our field - computer technology, and sometimes theoretical knowledge is not enough to understand something. You can learn at least 200 times about the details of the mechanisms, but if you do nothing, and even worse do not understand, then this is of little use. Therefore, the practical part is no less important thing in training. There is even a group of people for whom it is easier to understand the subject when they themselves begin to disassemble and assemble something, and at the same time they digest the theoretical material in an average way.

·        #127

Seryakov Illya,UK-211,Exam Topic #9(Software Development Life Cycle)(Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:46)

Software Development Life Cycle is a set of steps used to create software applications. These steps divide the development process into tasks that can then be assigned, completed, and measured.It allows a fine-grain analysis of each step of the process. It consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter or enhance specific software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of software and the overall development process.
Adherence to a suitable life cycle is very important, for the successful completion of the Project. This, in turn, makes the management easier.

·        #126

Seryakov Illya,UK-211,(Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:43)

Today I have read the article "A novel artificial intelligence system that predicts air pollution levels" about new AI.A team of Loughborough University computer scientists developed new artificial intelligence that can predict air pollution levels hours in advance. This technology can predict PM2.5 levels in advance—giving predictions for the levels in one hour to several hours' time, plus 1-2 days ahead and interprets the various factors and data used for prediction, which could lead to a better understanding of the weather, seasonal and environmental factors that can impact PM2.5
On my mind this AI can help to reduce air pollution.
1)for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have significant impacts on air pollution levels.
2)first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
3) focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.

·        #125

Akopyan Mariya UK-211 (Vorobyova) Exam Topic #9 (Fundamentals of programming) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:41)

First of all, programming is the skill of writing programs. But in what ways and what to write, this is a question of a different nature. Due to the relative newness of the profession, people often do not understand what it is. So the basics of programming are to the logic of the computer. It's not enough just to learn a language and start writing code, otherwise half the world would be "programmers", and knowledge of mathematics will not always save in this area. Therefore, if you are doing great with this subject, it is not a fact that you will be able to program.

·        #124

Exam Topic#8 (Reverse engineering). Pomukchinskiy Andrey UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:40)

Every day, mechanics are faced with new devices and they have to explore them themselves.To fix the device you need to understand how it works.Engineers come up with new mechanisms and mechanics study them.If the mechanic does not study the principle of operation of the mechanism, he may not do it correctly and the device will not work for a long time.I would like to believe that when you give away your favorite computer, they will not break it for you.I would not do what I do not know and do not advise you.

·        #123

Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:33)

Today I have read the article: “Researchers envision wood-derived, self-powered biosensors for wireless devices". This article tells about a materials that have been derived from wood can be used to generate electricity from everyday movements such as walking. The principle behind the innovation is the trioboelectric effect, a form of static electricity. Because some materials attract electrons more than others, repeatedly bringing two different materials in contact and then separating them can cause an electrical charge to build up between them. Such devices can be used to track biometric data such as heart rate, oxygen levels or skin conductivity. The innovation could improve the performance of these devices while lowering their environmental impact.
1)for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have significant impacts on air pollution levels.
2)focused primarily on
The research is also unique, Bernardes said, because previous studies focused primarily on firm-level consequences of behavior such as supplier sustainability risk and corrupt opportunism.
3)first use of
The first use of corn may have been for an early form of liquor.

·        #122

Pomukchinskiy Andrey UK-211(Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:24)
Today I have read the article "Experiment uses smart city lighting to measure streetlight emissions".There is a struggle for resources on our planet.We started to save on electricity, water and other things.Scientists from the USA came up with smart streets.With their help, people can control the light on the street.We can save electricity even when there are few people at night, the light is dimmed.Thus, they began to save electricity and taxes became less.I would like to "see smart" streets in my city.
1) first use of - It is believed to be the first use of ion implantation to improve the performance of an intercalation pseudocapacitator.
2) focused primarily on - They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
3) for a number of reasons - The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have significant impacts on air pollution levels.

·        #121

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:12)

Today I have read the article: "First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities".
This article tells about to use of phonons to safely examine the body at the microscopic level. To determine the exact location of the cancerous area and produce a 3D-model, it is necessary to use devices that kill healthy cells. But not so long ago, scientists thought of using acoustics at ultra-low waves. This allows you to safely explore the body at the cellular level. In my opinion, in the near future, we will see new treatments for various almost incurable diseases that have been found with the help of phonons.

1) focused primarily on:
We focused primarily on the three conditions, but we found data connecting about 20 other proteins to biological pathways or processes.

2) for a number of reasons:
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have significant impacts on air pollution levels.

3) first use of:
A group of scientists first use of applied a new approach to the study of body cells.

·        #120

Trofimenko Vlad, UK-211, Exam Topic #9(Object Oriented Programming)(Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:08)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming methodology based on representing a program as a set of interacting objects, each of which is an instance of a certain class, and classes form an inheritance hierarchy. Ideologically, OOP is an approach to programming as to modeling information objects, solving on a new level the main task of structured programming. The basic principles of structuring in the case of OOP: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism. Ordinary human language as a whole reflects the ideology of OOP, starting with the encapsulation of the representation of an object in the form of its name and ending with the polymorphism of using the word in a figurative sense, which ultimately develops the expression of the representation through the name object to a full-fledged concept-class.

·        #119

Trofimenko Vlad UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:00)

Today I have read the article named “Brain-computer interface could improve hearing aids “. Researchers are working on a brain-computer interface (BCI) that can tell who you're listening to in a crowded room. Most BCI research has focused on the visual system, which has more capabilities than the auditory system. The new study recruited 12 volunteers who were asked to listen to a recording of voices and pay attention to only one voice. The system managed to classify the data with an accuracy of 60%, but then the analysis time was increased and the result showed 80%. I believe that this technology will affect the field of medicine and its relationship with computer science.

Phrases of the day:
1. for a number of reasons
People have their limbs amputated for a number of reasons—from diabetes and infection to accidents and injuries.
2. focused primarily on
Unlike previous research focused primarily on the weight or biomass of fish as a measure of reef recovery, this study evaluated the life histories of fish communities.
3. first use of
It is believed to be the first use of ion implantation to improve the performance of an intercalation pseudocapacitor.

·        #118

Savluk A. (Friday, 10 June 2022 10:11)

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 Well done. Keep on working!

·        #117

Drozhzhina to George Luzhanskij, UP-211 (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:36)

Thank you, your comments are quite good.

·        #116

Drozhzhina to Матюхина Саша УП-211 (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:35)

Thank you, i appreciate your work.

·        #115

Grodska E. to UM 211 (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:43)

Dear students, the lesson will start soon. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck

·        #114

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:20)

Today I have read the article: “A novel energy storage solution featuring pipes and anchors”.
This article tells about a solution for storing energy at great depths using cheap materials. Scientists have long struggled with the problem of storing and transporting any kind of energy, and at one moment it dawned on them. In order not to use expensive high-compression compressors, scientists have created a container in the depths of the sea into which hydrogen can be placed. This will cost many times less than the current storage. In my opinion, in the near future, coastal cities will be able to see cheap electricity.

1) expanded upon:
Zhou and Huang thus expanded upon this type of model, adding new elements that allowed them to explore the interaction between a toxicant and a population in a polluted river.

2) bear in mind:
That might sound far-fetched but bear in mind that Korean PropTech company Zigbang has already opened a 30-floor VR office called Metapolis.

3) examined in detail:
Theory was all good and well in ZDNet's Patriot Act series, where the U.S. counter-terror and surveillance laws were scrutinised and examined in detail.

·        #113

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina I. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 13:54)

1.acquainted with
I'm looking forward to get acquainted with you. distinct from
Self-employment, as distinct from employment by another, is a recognized right.
3. as a matter of
There are different views regarding the extent to which the notion of abuse of rights is recognized as a matter of international law.
Today I have read the article «Information processing tied to emergence of hierarchy in human societies». It is about that using case studies and ethnographic examples, anthropologists have for some time proposed that the emergence of hierarchical structures in human societies was in part a product of attempting to overcome cognitive limits in the number of people any one person can deal with simultaneously without hitting information processing challenges. I agree that the building of a vast new dataset that goes beyond these case studies and attempts to track variables describing all societies throughout human history and pre-history is now allowing social theories to be tested on a much larger number of examples.
Today I've read the article titled 'New approach allows for faster ransomware detection’. The article tells us about the newest advancement in cybersecurity which features far more efficient ransomware detection techniques proposed by North Carolina State University researchers. The new approach is called FAXID and it's an iteration of the previously well known XGBoost machine-learning algorithm, with the difference being that FAXID is a hardware based system which makes it extensively more resource-efficient. FAXID outperforms XGBoost by a great factor and is also able to provide parallelism.Overall, I find this article to be very interesting and this new ransomware detection system to be greatly eficient.

Essay on the topic"Trusted Operating System"
Operating systems, especially on servers, can be weak points because of the fundamental role they play controlling basic functions such as how data is organized into files, written to disks or displayed on-screen.Any off-the-shelf operating system can be made more secure, or "hardened," with simple procedures such as changing the administrator's password from the easy-to-guess "password" or turning off connections to the Web when they're not being used. But these common-sense fixes can be time-consuming and may not protect a critical server from a determined hacker.A truly trusted operating system is born, built from the ground up with security in mind.

·        #112

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina I. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 13:53)

25.05 facto
There was a de jure and de facto gap in the attainment of women's equality.
2.deserves special attention
The case of this situation deserves special attention.
3.derived from
Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
Today I have read the article "First 'robotaxis' enter service in Beijing". It tells about the autonomous taxis, which can only carry two passengers at a time and are confined to the city's southern Yizhuang area. But it is expected to be years before the taxis operate fully without human intervention, due to regulations and safety requirements. Developers are hoping Chinese consumers—who have embraced e-commerce, online payments and other digital solutions—will quickly get used to the sensation of travelling in a car without a driver. I think this is unusual and interesting, because it looks like a normal car but the white taxi by the kerb has nobody driving it, and communicates with customers digitally to obtain directions and take payment.
Today I have read the article "Microsoft's new Windows 10 Universal App Platform: A 'superset of WinRT’’.It is about that Microsoft officials went public with more details about the coming Universal App Platform that will enable Windows 10 developers to write apps for 'One Windows.'Microsoft officials went public with some new details about its strategy for enabling developers to write once and run on any version of Windows during a deep-dive session at Mobile World Congress on March 2. In this article I found out that it’s worth noting that Microsoft execs still have not confirmed a report in a (now-removed) Microsoft blog post that Win32 apps, along with other digital content, also will be available in the coming single store.

Exam topic (A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages)
One of the endless human questions is the debate between desktop and laptop users. Which is better?Considering a small size of the all-in-one device and the ease of the usage, laptops bring the convenience for traveling and working away from office or home. It's mostly needed only one device to be able to work at any place you want. However, the diminutiveness also might be more difficult to be repaired, in comparison to desktops, which are much easier to be fixed or updated in terms of software or HDD. Using the separateness of the computer parts, it's easier to combine the best monitor with the favorite keyboard or mouse etc. Also, desktops are more available than laptops in terms of the costs, in exchange that you can't put your desktop in your bag for traveling.Considering all the advantages and disadvantages, both variations of computers are equally beneficial. Therefore, in my opinion, it depends only on the personal needs and preferences to choose between one of them.

·        #111

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina I. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 13:52)

1.general agreement on
We believe that the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons deserves special attention.
2.for its own sake
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake. outlining
He concluded by outlining the challenges that would need to be faced in years to come.
Today I have read the article ‘’Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target’’. It is about that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050. In this article I found out that the authors stress that each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible planning.
Today I have read the article ‘’Picoscience and a plethora of new materials’’.It is about that the revolutionary tech discoveries of the next few decades, the ones that will change daily life, may come from new materials so small they make nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. In this article I found out about new materials that will be designed and refined at the picometer scale, which is a thousand times smaller than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer (which itself is smaller than the width of a human hair). In order to do this work, scientists will need training in an array of new equipment that can measure and guide such exquisitely controlled materials. The work involves designing the materials theoretically, fabricating them, and characterizing their properties

Exam Topic #18: What is Word processing.
Word processing is the process of creating and editing text documents in special programs. There might be any text editor like Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, OpenOffice Writer, and so on.In my opinion, word processing is undoubtedly the most-used business application for personal computers, perhaps alongside World Wide Web browsers and electronic mail (e-mail) applications. Word-processing software includes basic applications designed for casual business or home users and powerful, advanced applications capable of meeting the most demanding needs.To draw the conclusion, one can say that before computers, people used typewriters to write reports or other documents, which had nowhere near the capabilities of today's word processors. With a word processor, you can easily edit and make changes to a document, move text around in a document, add images, change fonts, check for spelling errors, and much more.

·        #110

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina I. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 13:51)

1. consistent with
The calculation and graphic work must consistent with certain criteria.
2. correctly interpret
It is necessary to write the correctly interpret of the meaning of this word.
3. comparisons revealed that
The comparisons revealed that the new phone model is indeed better than the old one in many ways.
Today I have read the article «Demystifying machine-learning systems using natural language». It is about MIT researchers that have now developed a method that sheds some light on the inner workings of black box neural networks. Modeled off the human brain, neural networks are arranged into layers of interconnected nodes, or "neurons," that process data. The new system can automatically produce descriptions of those individual neurons, generated in English or another natural language. In this article I found out that Neural networks are sometimes called black boxes because, despite the fact that they can outperform humans on certain tasks, even the researchers who design them often don't understand how or why they work so well.
Today I have read the article «Designing custom robots in a matter of minutes». It is about researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) that are getting closer to doing exactly that. In a new paper, they present a system called "Interactive Robogami" that lets you design a robot in minutes, and then 3D-print and assemble it in as little as four hours. One of the key features of the system is that it allows designers to determine both the robot's movement ("gait") and shape ("geometry"), a capability that's often separated in design systems. In my opinion even as robots become increasingly common across different parts of our world, they remain incredibly difficult to make. From designing and modeling to fabricating and testing, the process is slow and costly: even one small change can mean days or weeks of rethinking and revising important hardware.

“The importance of system software for computer operation.”Systems software is designed to synchronize the functions of an organization's network of computer hardware and software. System software coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software, and it controls the operations of computer hardware. A computer's operating system is an example of system software. Operating systems control the computer hardware and act as an interface with application programs. System software also includes utility software. This typically means you pay a fee to use the storage space of a third party and use their backup software to manage which files are going to be backed up.

·        #109

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:17)

debt 18.05

Audience work

Today I have read the article "Algorithm helps robots avoid obstacles in their path". This article tells us about robots, that can do routine job without the need for a long rest, but they could collide with other problems. So, researchers are developing an algorithm to help robots avoid running into humans and other moving obstacles in their path. In every scenario, the special designed algorithm helped robots successfully navigate a path without any collisions, so the algorithm could be applied in many environments, including industrial warehouses, also it can be a potential solution for agricultural robots, for example autonomous lawn mowers, where can be many things, that can interfere. I think, that this technology will be very progressive for the next generation of robots.


Phrases of the day:
1)proportional to
The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the surface area of the housing unit.
2)as to
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
3)problem inherent in
Scientists have addressed the problem inherent in indicator design.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "A new model to automatically detect and filter spam emails". Nowadays, many users are spammed with spam emails, that can contain as well as simple advertisements, but also phishing links or malware. So, researchers at Sinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala in India find out a system of new algorithmes based on multi-objective feature selection and on an adaptive capsule network to improve anti-spam system, and is easy to implement and can be trained quickly, over short periods of time, compared to other. I find this development interesting and breakthrough for user cybersecurity.


The importance of system software for computer operation

System software is one of the most important and inherent parts of our modern computers. It used to manage the computer itself, being run in the background, maintaining the computer's operating system functions so users can run higher-level application software to perform certain tasks. Without software, most computers would be useless. For example, without your Internet browser software, you could not surf the Internet and read this article. Without an operating system, the browser could not run on your computer. So, the computer software gives opportunities for improving current processes, creating new services, and offers a chance for faster growth.


·        #108

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:08)

debt 01.06

Audience work

Today I have read the article "How AI can transform traditional HR recruitment processes". This article tells us about new ways of recruitment people, using AI. HR is one of the industries that have been transformed by AI. This is because finding the right candidate involves data such as a candidate's details and search processes conducted by organizations. With AI-powered HR training modules, employees can study and learn about their roles and responsibilities. For employees to progress in their careers, AI-powered systems can recommend relevant skill sets based on their job description. As for me, I think this AI use way is very helpful both for HR stuff and for future employee.


Phrases of the day:
1) by outlining
The two stages of the process of speciation can be characterized, finally, by outlining their distinctions.
2) classified as
Such processes are classified as electrocyclic.
3) beyond the scope of
History on that scale is beyond the scope of biography.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "What is an algorithm? How computers know what to do with data". Everyone knows that computer programs are made up of algorithms, but what are algorithms consist of? In the most general sense, an algorithm is a series of instructions telling a computer how to transform a set of facts about the world into useful information, it has three steps: input(getting information to work with), transformation(working with data), output(result). Also, over time, the algorithms become more complicated, and it’s already difficult to simply describe all the algorithms by people, so machine learning was created for it. I found this article interesting for me.


What is Word processing.

Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer. It is usually used for a document using a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and many others. Nowadays, most Word processors are capable of opening most word processor files, so, a word processing doesn't depend on file format opening and saving, and as long as you have access to one of them, you can open the file. You can also use printer to create a physical copy of the document. I think, that Word processing evolution won't stop only on computer software, because from ordinary typewriters, people quickly moved on to portable devices on which it is possible to create documents.


·        #107

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:08)

debt 25.05

Audience work

Today I have read the article "When AI companions for lonely people seem a bit too human". This article tells us about how AI can help lonely people. Researchers suggest people may not be comfortable with AI companions that look and talk too much like real humans, so they decided to prove it during the experiment. And, the result of experiment have proved that people have "mistrust" of robots, and that researchers think an AI companion for lonely people would be good for casual conversation, but should not be a replacement for a more intimate and deep friendship. I think, that speaking with AI is kind strangely, because conversation with real person can't be replaced.


Phrases of the day:
1)performed with
Previously performed with a solo project.
2)column represents
A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an item's price.
3)under certain assumptions
There are a few important algorithms that have been proven secure under certain assumptions.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "Researchers build models using machine learning technique to enhance predictions of COVID-19 outcomes". Machine learning systems are developiing in all areas, because they can work with Big Data many times faster than a human do. This article tells us about system, that can enhance predictions of Covid-19, using holding data on multiple servers, called federated models, that demonstrated more enhanced predictive power, than local models did. I think this technology will develop further, so it will make easier to identify the symptoms of various diseases in order to start treating them as soon as possible.


The development of Windows versions

Windows in known now as the most popular, the most common operating system for all users worldwide. The operating system takes its way from the beginning of the 80th, including intuitive user interface and at that time, mouse control, which was a very new concept. Further development in 1990s was the most breakthrough for technology, because it gave a huge technological growth for the operating system, and it become modern operating system. The development of Windows operating systems has not only changed the way we work, play, and spend our time, it has also incrementally prepared us for what is next in modern technology.


·        #106

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina)debt 11.05 (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:36)

Operating systems have evolved from slow and expensive systems to present-day technology where computing power has reached exponential speeds and relatively inexpensive costs. In the beginning, computers were manually loaded with program code to control computer functions and process code related to business logic. As a result, they created an operating system to process jobs in batches. Later they created Multitasking and Time-Sharing to run multiple jobs and allow user interaction to improve efficiency. Multitasking brought challenges to manage operations required by multiple jobs in which computer vendors resolved with interrupts.

Phases of the day
1: This is a guitar that gives you fantastic tone at every point along the fretboard.
2:Questions not backed up by pain are like tin coins.
3:Weights can be expressed in user-selectable units.
Today I have read an article "A quantum drum that stores quantum states for record-long times".Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have improved the coherence time of a previously developed quantum membrane dramatically. The improvement will expand the usability of the membrane for a variety of different purposes. With a coherence time of one hundred milliseconds, the membrane can for example store sensitive quantum information for further processing in a quantum computer or network. The result has now been published in Nature Communications.A big step to future.

Today I have read an article "Great timing, supercomputer upgrade lead to successful forecast of volcanic eruption".In  the fall of 2017, geology professor Patricia Gregg and her team had just set up a new volcanic forecasting modeling program on the Blue Waters and iForge supercomputers. Simultaneously, another team was monitoring activity at the Sierra Negra volcano in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. One of the scientists on the Ecuador project, Dennis Geist of Colgate University, contacted Gregg, and what happened next was the fortuitous forecast of the June 2018 Sierra Negra eruption five months before it occurred.

·        #105

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:31)

debt 11.05

Audience work

Today I have read the article about fundamental models and the next generation of AI. This article tells us about machine learning systems that are making a splash with their incredible ability to generate creative work. This so-called "foundation models" work by training a single huge system on large amounts of general data, then adapting the system to new problems, and are running on "deep neural networks," which are loosely inspired by how the brain works. And they have already written their own article! I think, if machine learning continue develop farther in this way, it will bring to us new huge transformations, both in professional and creative work, and even in our everyday life.


Phrases of the day:
1)general agreement on
I think there is general agreement that significant progress has been made.
2)for its own sake
But buying equipment for its own sake is pointless.
3)from this perspective
So from this perspective he was right.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "Your digital footprints are more than a privacy risk. They could help hackers infiltrate computer networks". When you use the internet, you leave behind a trail of data, a set of digital footprints. These include your social media activities, web browsing behavior, etc. Hackers are able to use personal information gathered online to get answers to security questions, or to make phishing attacks. Spear phishing attacks can fool even those who are trained to recognize phishing attacks, as it happened many times with business email compromise attacks. As for me, I can agree with author, and it is important both as for organizations to educate their employees and members about managing their digital footprints.


Quality and reliability of software
Software Reliability is the ability of a system to perform its established functions under static conditions for a specific period. Software Reliability and software quality are very close definitions, because both include functionality, performance, capability, maintainability, and documentation. The high complexity of software is the major contributing factor of Software Reliability problems. While system developers tend to push complexity into the software, any system with a high degree of complexity in developing software will include hard reachment a certain level of reliability. I think, that it is hard to balance development time and budget with software reliability, but these two factors are influenced by the work of the developers themselves.


·        #104

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:29)

debt 04.05

Audience work

Today I have read the article "Researcher creates free comment moderation software for YouTube". This extension for Youtube helps content creators to moderate and monitor comments. Because of suspected that digital content creators from minority groups suffered disproportionate online harassment, researchers, team of developers based on these data, created a system for YouTube creators to support better authoring, maintenance and auditing of word filters, which can tag and quarantine potentially offensive comments before they become public. I think, that this system is very useful for big content creators and for creators, that are in minority groups, so it would be easily for them to filter inappropriate comments.


Independent practice

Today I have read the article about company investment in metaverse. Nowadays, new type of Internet "world" called metaverse is growing and developing enormously, and many huge companies have started to invest their resources in that. But what is the Metaverse? In general, it's a virtual world where users can interact digitally as they would in the real world. Augmented and virtual reality are part of the metaverse. The potential uses span a range of fields and interests: gaming, health and wellness, media, entertainment and education. As for me, this huge system is very interesting, but at the same time in can forever change our real life, because if humanity meets in the virtual world, then in the real world there will be no longer such a socialized society.


Device drivers.

A device driver is a software program that controls a specific hardware device that is connected to a computer. Device drivers are necessary for a computer devices, such as keyboard, microphone, and other devices to work properly. Device drivers requests for device access and actions from the operating system and its active applications to their accordant hardware devices. They also handle device responses and messages for delivery to the computer. To sum up, device drivers are very considerable in correct computer working, because it helps to device work properly and because of it, we can install same device drivers on computers with different specifications.

·        #103

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Grodska E. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 23:12)

Independent practice
Types of databases
In present great massive of information people usually use databases for structure it. This is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system. A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). There are different types of them and so they perform different roles. A flat model (tables are not related to each other), a hierarchical database schema model (parent-child relationships, like a family tree), a graph (related using “edges”), a relational (use primary key and foreign key columns), a star (one table of transactional facts, linked to many dimension tables of “by” criteria) and snowflake schemas are really needless tools for make our information be in safety and orderliness.

·        #102

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 23:01)

Independent practice
Today I have read the article " Do mushrooms really use language to talk to each other? A fungi expert investigates". In this one author told about the probability that mushrooms can communicate with each other by their root system and transmit electrical impulses to all members of this root network. By research, they can transmit signals of danger and even nutrients to the weaker members. For doing greater conclusions it needs more investigations. This information will be able change our mind about mushroom's role and life in nature.
I think this article is written well, for general development, but for me isn't actual.

·        #101

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Tomenko (debt) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:56)

Today I have read the article " Imaging breakthrough could aid development of quantum microscopes". In this one author told about the breakthrough in quantum imaging could lead to the development of advanced forms of microscopy for use in medical research and diagnostics. Physicists generated images by finding a new way to exploit a quantum phenomenon known as Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference. They used their setup to create high-resolution images of clear acrylic sprayed onto a microscope slide at an average depth of 13 microns, and a set of letters. There is the prospect of being able to see extremely fine details clearly.
I think this article is informative and interesting, described tech looks like our future.

1) comparative investigation of
In our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile nathusius' pipistrelles dead beneath wind turbines than expected from their frequency in the local population.
2) comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures.
3) condition imposed by
But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting meteorite.

·        #100

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Grodska E. (debt) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:52)

Today I have read the article " AI and deepfakes present new risks for internet relationships". In this one author told about the risks of love's search in internet because of our digitalisation. By the investigations romantic scams that brought criminals $131 million from Australians in 2020 alone. Scammers use not only fake photos and data, because when the public has become aware of them, has been advised to use detection methods of fictional images and profiles. But nowaday's tools allow to make deepfakes, which have evolved to encompass voice recordings and used with other fraudulent activities.
I think this article is interesting and actual in our time, we should be in save from crimes like this.

1) comparative investigation of
In our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile nathusius' pipistrelles dead beneath wind turbines than expected from their frequency in the local population.
2) comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures.
3) condition imposed by
But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting meteorite.

·        #99

Nastya Kozlova, UM-211, Grodska E. (debt) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:45)

Today I have read the article " Neuroscientist explains differences between AI and human learning". In this one author told about the differences between AI's and human's methods of learning and thinking. This right that AI system was projected by human brain pattern, and in general the results are they can be trained to recognize patterns and even "generalize" to stimuli that are similar (but not identical) to what they've seen before. But the process of that is really different - artificial neural nets are typically trained by "supervised learning" with great amount of initial data, use an algorithm called "backpropagation" to pass errors etc.
I think this article is really interesting and quite informative for me, I like it.

1) a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing difficulties, the Times of India reported.
2) with the aid of
Civil engineers use a comparable mechanism in pre-stressed concrete with the aid of high-strength steel and thus produce crack-resistant structural elements.
3) when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually included when investigating a rape case.

·        #98

Philipp Mironuk UM-211 "Grodska" "Homework" (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:45)

I read the article Researchers use coal waste to create sustainable concrete. This article is about how Washington State University researchers created a sustainable alternative to traditional concrete using coal fly ash, a by-product of coal-based electricity generation. This is useful because it immediately solves two major environmental problems by using coal waste and significantly reducing the environmental impact of concrete production. The team designed fly ash concrete to be permeable, which means water can pass through it, replenishing ground water and reduce the risk of flooding. This article is interesting to read because it is good for our ecology.


·        #97

Tomenko M.G. to Mironiuk Philipp UM-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:30)

Your comment is well done. Thank you.

·        #96

Mironiuk Philipp UM-211 Homework "Tomenko" (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 09:30)

I have read the article Delhi shuts schools as government considers 'pollution lockdown'. This article is about the fact that the authorities in Delhi have closed all schools for a week since Saturday due to the strong air pollution. Delhi is considered the dirtiest capital in the world. It contains a lot of toxic emissions from factories and cars. Tens of thousands of farmers in the capital burn their stubble - or crop residue - at the start of each winter, clearing freshly harvested paddy fields to make way for wheat. This article is helpful to read as we need to take care of our nature.

·        #95

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:19)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #94

Katherine Arabadji UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:45)

debt 18.05.2022
Today I have read the article about: “US traffic deaths up 7% last year, highest number since 2007”. This text is about increase in deaths in car accidents in the United States compared to other years. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration blamed the increase on drivers taking more risks on less-congested roads by speeding, failing to wear seat belts, or driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol. The agency said it has data showing that speeds increased through the year, and examples of extreme speeding became more common. To my mind this article is interesting enough, but its information is not pleasing to the eye. The number of road accidents can be reduced either by careful driving by all drivers, or by not selling driver's licenses to people who have not passed a driving test.
1)Problem inherent in
Yuriy found a problem inherent in the given us task, he was upset.
2)Proportional to
Therefore, the condition of the mathematical problem the weight was directly proportional to the growth.
3)As to
He was smart as to our school worker, nothing more

Today I have read the article about: “Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly”. This text addresses the issue did you ever wonder if you were presented with all airline options, or what kind of itineraries you could have received had you explored all airline sites one by one? "That dispute created a clear shift in the choice set available to consumers visiting Orbitz, with the timing being driven entirely by the contract renegotiation deadline," said Selin Akca of the University of Zurich. In my opinion airline sites much better than travel site aggregators because more consumers tend to express loyalty to a specific airline over a specific aggregator, and they will use multiple aggregators to get the best option on the airline to which they are most loyal from a brand perspective.

Independent practice
Today I have read the article about: "Virtual schooling exposes digital challenges for Black families, study finds". This article is about lack of new technologies in Black families. Nowadays two-thirds of the country's Black children are born into single-parent household, that is too terrible. Parents cannot cope with their child online studies, because they even don't have enough money to pay for new technological appliances. In my opinion, this situation shows us, that in our world there is still disparity between races. Most often people with black skin are fired, after all, already in the modern world there is still a dislike for such, and they are fired not for the quality of work, but for the colour of their skin. That's why pupils cannot adapt to study from home. As for me, it is too flagrantly. I think, that people from Black families should have at least a little respect.

Today I have read the article about: "Electric vehicle". This text is about what is electric vehicle and its usefulness on our planet. An electric vehicle is a vehicle which uses one or more electric motors for propulsion. Electric vehicles can include electric cars, trains, airplanes, boats, motorcycles and scooters, and spacecraft. To my mind, such decision, as the development and use of such modes of transport is one of the best and safest for our environment. More often vehicles use petrol, after which carbon dioxide is emitted, which not only pollutes the air, but also destroys the ozone layer, which leads to global warming. But electric receive energy thanks to alternative renewable sources. It is fabulous, because people began to think about themselves, about animals, about the harm of using gasoline.

·        #93

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:05)

Today I have read the article “Team develops lithium-air battery with an energy density higher than current lithium ion batteries”.
This article tells about creating a new generation battery. Scientists have invented a lithium-air battery, which by its characteristics bypasses the existing ones. This invention will find application in a wide range of technologies that require autonomous energy sources. In my opinion, in the near future, we will see new modes of transport that allow us to cross the oceans.

1) controversial question:
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population density.

2) considerable disagreement:
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by culture or by the environment.

3) conduct research:
Once the beamline was simulated and the AI agent learned how to conduct research experiments using the virtual beamline, it was time to test the AI's capability of dealing with many unknown samples.

·        #92

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 20:04)

To Krasnianskyi Yaroslav UK-211
Exam Topic #10(Computer Architecture) is well done.

·        #91

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 20:03)

To Vasylchyk Yana UK-211
Exam Topic #7 (Operating systems) is well done.

·        #90

Savluk A. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 14:15)

Nikitin Nikita UK-211
Sagaidak Vlad UK-211
Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211
Skridonenko Misha UK-211
Trofimenko Vlad UK-211
Pomukchinskiy Andrey UK-211
Maksym Koriak UP-211
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!

·        #89

Savluk A. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 14:13)

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 I appreciate your comments.

·        #88

Tomenko M.G. to UM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:52)

To Ilya Melnikov
Mironiuk Philipp UM-211
Good for you! Well done.

·        #87

Ilya Melnikov (Tomenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:24)

Today I have read the article"Elephants solve problems with personality".
Just as humans have their own individual personalities, new research in the Journal of Comparative Psychology shows that elephants have personalities, too. Moreover, an elephant's personality may play an important role in how well that elephant can solve novel problems. The article was written by Lisa Barrett and Sarah Benson-Amram in the University of Wyoming's Animal Behavior and Cognition Lab, led by Benson-Amram. It may be viewed here. The authors of the paper tested 15 Asian elephants and three African savanna elephants in three zoos across the country—the San Diego Zoo, the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park and the Oklahoma City Zoo—with the help of elephant caretakers. In conclusion, I want to say that this is a very interesting article.
1)condition imposed by
I have to do my homework because this condition is imposed by the university
2) comprehensive investigation of
This fact requires a comprehensive investigation.
3) comparative investigation of
Сomparative investigation are needed to understand which is better.

·        #86

Ilya Melnikov (Tomenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:23)

Today I have read the article"Elephants solve problems with personality".
Just as humans have their own individual personalities, new research in the Journal of Comparative Psychology shows that elephants have personalities, too. Moreover, an elephant's personality may play an important role in how well that elephant can solve novel problems. The article was written by Lisa Barrett and Sarah Benson-Amram in the University of Wyoming's Animal Behavior and Cognition Lab, led by Benson-Amram. It may be viewed here. The authors of the paper tested 15 Asian elephants and three African savanna elephants in three zoos across the country—the San Diego Zoo, the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park and the Oklahoma City Zoo—with the help of elephant caretakers. In conclusion, I want to say that this is a very interesting article.

·        #85

Krasnianskyi Yaroslav UK-211 Exam Topic #10(Computer Architecture) (Popovych E.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:05)

Computer architecture represent the means of interconnectivity for a computer's hardware components as well as the mode of data transfer and processing.
Computer Architecture can be divided into mainly three categories:

Instruction set Architecture or ISA − whenever an instruction is given to processor, its role is to read and act accordingly. It allocates memory to instructions and also acts upon memory address mode.

System design - physical part of the computer system that includes all hardware parts of a computer.

Microarchitecture - it is the hardware implementation of how an ISA is implemented in a particular processor.

The main role of Computer Architecture is to balance the performance, efficiency, cost and reliability of a computer system.


·        #84

Mironiuk Philipp UM-211"Tomenko" (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:54)

I read the article China launches dark matter detection satellite into orbit. This article is about the fact that China launched its satellite into space to study high-energy particles and dark matter. The satellite has four sensors on board: a BGO calorimeter, a silicon-tungsten tracker, a neutron detector and a detector with a plastic scintillator. Each is part of a common goal of capturing high-energy particles and then tracing them back to their source, which the team believes will be the dark matter particle of the collision. This article is helpful to read as space is a bunch of unknowns.

comparative investigation of
Prior to the meeting, the Expert Working Group had prepared a comparative study on administrative modernization of the four countries.

condition imposed by
Unilateralism and conditions imposed by the powerful upon others are rampant throughout the world.

comparative investigation of
In his opinion, Swedish authorities never made a comprehensive investigation about his need for protection.

·        #83

Grodska E. to Ilya Melnikov UM 211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:27)

Your commentary is quite good and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working

·        #82

Grodska E. to Philipp Mironuk UM-211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:26)

I have read your tasks, they are clear and well written. Continue working

·        #81

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 Exam Topic #10 (Language processors) (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:21)

A programming language processor is considered a formal method for translating from any specified programming language to machine language. This chapter focusses on theoretical or conceptual considerations underlying the design of programming language processors. It is impossible to present a coherent discussion of programming language processors without a preliminary understanding of the features of language with which the processor must deal and without some introduction to notions of grammar, syntactic analysis, and semantic analysis. The chapter also presents a tabular presentation of the development history of programming languages and language processors, listing historical milestones. The chapter discusses types of programming language processors, along with typically ascribable features. It discusses three major types of programming language processors—conventional processors, syntax-directed processors, and list processors. The problem of evaluation of programming language processors is evaluated. The present status of programming language processors, on existing problem areas, and on apparent trends is discussed.

·        #80

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 Exam Topic #9 (Reverse engineering) (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:18)

Whether it's rebuilding a car engine or diagramming a sentence, people can learn about many things simply by taking them apart and putting them back together again. That, in a nutshell, is the concept behind reverse-engineering—breaking something down in order to understand it, build a copy or improve it. A process that was originally applied only to hardware, reverse-engineering is now applied to software, databases and even human DNA. Reverse-engineering is especially important with computer hardware and software. Programs are written in a language, say C++ or Java, that's understandable by other programmers. But to run on a computer, they have to be translated by another program, called a compiler, into the ones and zeros of machine language. Compiled code is incomprehensible to most programmers, but there are ways to convert machine code back to a more human-friendly format, including a software tool called a decompiler.

·        #79

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 Exam Topic #8 (Principal tasks of electronic circuit) (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:13)

The principal tasks of electronic circuit engineering are the determination of the structures of electronic circuits that perform certain functions and the calculation of the parameters of the circuit elements. On the basis of an electronic circuit, the corresponding device (system component) is developed. The device must operate reliably for a specified time under the conditions actually encountered in use. The factors that must be taken into account here include the variation in the element parameters, the aging of the elements, the influence of the environment, and the effects of disturbances. Consequently, in designing circuits it is necessary to calculate not only the nominal values of the element parameters but also the tolerances for the values. In addition, the reliability of the device must be provided for—that is, the stable operation of the circuit under external disturbances must be ensured.

·        #78

Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Popovych E.) Exam Topic #7 (Operating systems) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:08)

The most important piece of software is the operating system. The OS manages the computer's memory, processes, and all of the software and hardware on the computer. The operating system is the interface that allows the user and the computer to interact. As a rule, users use the version of the operating system that was originally installed when they purchased the computer. But it can be updated or even changed. The most famous and widely used operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux.

·        #77

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 Exam Topic #7 (Fundamentals of programming) (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:43)

Here are the 5 basic concepts of any programming language: Data type, Function, Dynamics, Syntax, Programming Paradigms. Data types are a classification of data that determines how the compiler or interpreter will process the data. It defines the allowable operations on the data, the meaning of the data, and how the data can be stored. Function is a clustered sequence of operation to perform a well defined action. Different programming languages uses different terminology for functions: methods, sub-routines, procedures. Function introduces a key concept in programming called scope. The dynamics of data and function is provided by the looping and iteration rules — also referred to as Control Structure. It literally controls the structure of your program. The ‘for’ loop and ‘while’ loop are some example of providing a dynamic to the whole program. These dynamics allow the programming language to solve problems in a faster way. These dynamics provides the ‘DRY’ principle a role in programming.

·        #76

Ilya Melnikov (Grodska) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:34)
1)condition imposed by
I have to do my homework because this condition is imposed by the university
2) comprehensive investigation of
This fact requires a comprehensive investigation.
3) comparative investigation of
Сomparative investigation are needed to understand which is better.

·        #75

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 Exam Topic #6 (Fundamentals of algorithmic languages) (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:33)

At the most basic level we can define an algorithm as a set of steps that when finished result in the completion of a task, or the solution to a problem. Under this definition though we could easily deduce that entire programs are algorithms as they are made up of a series of steps, albeit many steps, for completing a task. However, when we discuss algorithms in the realm of computer science they are generally seen as small concise steps intended to complete a specific task. Algorithms can be classified dependent upon how they go about solving a problem. Some examples of types of algorithms include: divide and conquer, greedy, and brute force algorithms. The classifications give details with regards to how the algorithm performs. A brute force algorithm is one that will try all workable solutions until a match is given. Over the years, a multitude of algorithms have been developed that have been applied to solve a wide range of problem from searching, and sorting data within a data structures, to rendering realistic graphics in games.

·        #74

Philipp Mironuk UM-211 "Grodska" (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:30)

I have read the article The secret to a longer lifespan? Gene regulation holds a clue. This article is about how different mammals age differently. Take, for example, naked mole rats ; the former can live up to 41 years, nearly ten times longer than rodents of similar size. Longer lifespans are explained in mechanisms that regulate gene expression. They found that long-lived species tend to have low expression of genes involved in energy metabolism and inflammation. ThThis article is good to reading because it could pave the way for new anti-aging interventions person.

comparative investigation of

Prior to the meeting, the Expert Working Group had prepared a comparative study on administrative modernization of the four countries.

condition imposed by

Unilateralism and conditions imposed by the powerful upon others are rampant throughout the world.

comprehensive investigation of

In his opinion, Swedish authorities never made a comprehensive investigation about his need for protection.

·        #73

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 Exam Topic #5 (Computer architecture) (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:27)

All computers, no matter their size, are based around a set of rules stating how software and hardware join together and interact to make them work. This is what is known as computer architecture. Computer architecture is the organisation of the components which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function. It defines what is seen on the machine interface, which is targeted by programming languages and their compilers. There are three categories of computer architecture: system design, instruction set architecture, microarchitecture, and all work together to make a machine function.

·        #72

Ilya Melnikov (Grodska) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:26)

Today I have read the article “Primate brain size does not predict their intelligence”.
Chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans are our closest relatives, and like us they have relatively large brains and they are very intelligent. But do animals with larger brains really perform better in cognitive tests? A research team from the German Primate Center (DPZ) - Leibniz Institute for Primate Research in Göttingen has for the first time systematically investigated the cognitive abilities of lemurs, which have relatively small brains compared to other primates. Conducting systematic tests with identical methods revealed that cognitive abilities of lemurs hardly differ from those of monkeys and great apes. Instead, this study revealed that the relationship between brain size and cognitive abilities cannot be generalized and it provides new insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in primates. I think the research is useful because if animals can learn to think as smartly as humans, that would be cool. In the end, I want to say that people are the same animals who have learned to use their brain by 40%, maybe some other species can surpass us, I don’t know.

·        #71

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:22)

To Blizniuk Igor UK-211
Exam Topic #6(Global computer network) is well done.

·        #70

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:21)

To Vasylchyk Yana UK-211
Thank you, your comment, audio are quite correct as well as sentences with Phrases

·        #69

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:20)

To Krasnianskyi Yaroslav UK-211
Good work, thorough and clear, thank you.

·        #68

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:18)

To Akopyan Mariya UK-211
Thank you for your informative and grammatically correct commentaries.

·        #67

Blizniuk Igor UK-211 (Popovych E.) Exam Topic #6(Global computer network) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:16)

A computer network is two or more computers connected to each other by cable or wirelessly. Networks are divided into two types: LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network). They differ in that they connect different numbers of computers and of course the scale of the whole thing is different. A LAN is a network that can connect a couple of houses next door and a WAN is something that connects entire continents. Two popular global network architectures are the ISO Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) and IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA). Which help to keep the whole web running smoothly.

·        #66

Timofey Shestopalov UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:09)
Today I have read the article named "Nearly 1 in 5 Amazon delivery drivers get hurt on the job each year, new report says". In 2021, one in five delivery drivers working for Amazon were injured on the job, according to a new report. The same report states that one in seven was injured so badly that they either had to change jobs or take time off after the injury. Amazon's shipping and workload quotas are helping to escalate the worker injury crisis across all segments of the Amazon delivery system. However, Amazon refused to address the root problem that is causing injury to its shipping system: improper shipping requirements. Injuries among Amazon delivery system workers, including drivers, as well as employees at delivery stations and sorting centers, have jumped 38% over the past year, according to the organizing center.

1) Comparative investigation of
The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established in Kazakhstan
2) Comprehensive investigation of
This is also the reason why Ethiopia has been adamantly resisting a comprehensive investigation of all the events that led to the current crisis.
3) Condition imposed by
This new condition imposed by the Committee raises some difficult legal issues.

·        #65

Exam Topic #7(Software engineering) Sagaidak Vlad UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:04)

Software is a program or set of programs containing instructions that provide the desired functionality. And engineering is the process of designing and building something that serves a specific purpose and finds a cost-effective solution to problems. And if you combine these two things you get software engineering. Software engineering is the development of a program or set of programs that are used to make a computer run correctly and make this huge system work correctly. It is a very important and demanded niche, because every year we are developing more and more, and we constantly need new programs for our comfortable work.

·        #64

Vasylchyk Yana UK-211 (Popovych E.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:44)

Today I have read the article
“Scientists explain why Uranus and Neptune are different colors”. Neptune and Uranus have a lot in common. They have similar masses, sizes, and atmospheres. But Neptune has a distinctly bluer color. Observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and NASA's Infrared Telescope have shown that the haze on Uranus makes it slightly paler than Neptune. The researchers have developed an atmospheric model that matches observations of both planets. Using this model, scientists have found that Neptune has a more active atmosphere than Uranus, which affects the amount of haze over this planet and, accordingly, its color.

They support the calls for a more comprehensive investigation.

Comparative investigations based on DNA analysis were performed by the Netherlands Forensic Institute.

Conditions imposed by international financial institutions make life almost impossible for African countries.

·        #63

Grodska E. to UM 211 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:42)

Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck

·        #62

Krasnianskyi Yaroslav UK-211 (Popovych E.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:33)

Today I've read the article "Urban magnetic fields reveal clues about energy efficiency, pollution". It tells us about a city's magnetic footprint can be used to monitor the health of that city, including a pollution monitoring system and as a tool to optimize energy conservation.
The researchers analyzed the urban magnetic fields between Berkeley and Brooklyn. They explore what information can be obtained from magnetic field sensors to understand how cities work and to provide information that can be valuable for a variety of studies.
To do this, researchers collected magnetic field data continuously during a four-week period, using synchronized measurements with a network of sensitive magnetometers.
The results of their work showed that Berkeley reaches almost zero magnetic field activity at night, while Brooklyn's magnetic activity lasts day and night.


Phrases of the Day:
1) conditions imposed by
Those are likely to be similar to the final conditions imposed by the FCC.
2) comparative investigation of
Surprisingly there are still few comparative investigations of these lake ecosystems and how they could support trout during a time for increasing global changes.
3) comprehensive investigation of
He recommends that a comprehensive investigation of the deep ocean habitat, which has only been studied randomly so far, should take place before this environment, that is deemed as having been stable for many millennia, is likely to change significantly due to the now expected decrease in oxygen.


·        #61

Nikitin Nikita UK-211 (Savluk) Exam Topic #9 (System programming) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:31)

Today I will talk about System programming.System programming is an essential and important foundation in any computer’s application development, and always evolving to accommodate changes in the computer hardware. This kind of programming requires some level of hardware knowledge and is machine dependent; the system programmer must therefore know the intended hardware on which the software is required to operate. Additionally, the programmer may make some assumptions on the hardware and other system components. The software is usually written in a low-level programming language which is able to operate efficiently in a resource-constrained environment, and with little runtime overhead using a small library, or none at all.


·        #60

Seryakov Illya,UK-211,Exam Topic #8(Reverse engineering)(Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:30)

Reverse engineering is a process or method through which one attempts to understand through deductive reasoning how a previously made device, process, system, or piece of software accomplishes a task with very little insight into exactly how it does so.Reverse-engineering is used for many purposes: as a learning tool; as a way to make new, compatible products that are cheaper than what's currently on the market; for making software interoperate more effectively or to bridge data between different operating systems or databases; and to uncover the undocumented features of commercial products.Reverse engineering is usually done by methods such as activity monitoring,disassembly and decompilation.

·        #59

Seryakov Illya,UK-211,(Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:29)

Today I have read the article "New theoretical model accounts for sun's rotation and magnetic field" about new research of the sun.UNIGE team developed new solar model which includes not only the evolution of rotation which was probably faster in the past, but also the magnetic instabilities it creates. This model not only does rightly predict the concentration of helium in the outer layers of the sun, but it also reflects that of lithium which resisted modeling until now.
I think this research will help to analyze the sun and other stars similar to ours.
1)comparative investigation of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in primates.
2)comprehensive investigation of
The study represents the most comprehensive investigation of historic genetic diversity in whales from around the Antarctic region prior to commercial whaling.
3)condition imposed by
The third quarter also saw Bayer sell off some of its seeds and pesticides businesses, worth 7.6 billion euros, to rival BASF—a condition imposed by competition authorities before the Monsanto deal could go ahead.

·        #58

Nikitin Nikita UK-211 ( Savluk ) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:18)

Recently I've read the article "New research reveals humanity's roles in ecosystems,,. It tells us about a new study in the field of biology.In some systems, humans as super-generalist predators can fit into ecosystems without causing extinctions or major environmental degradation. For example, according to Dunne's pioneering analysis published in Scientific Reports in 2016, the Sanak Island (Alaska) Aleut fed on a whopping 122 of 513 taxa in the nearshore marine ecosystem. However, like other predators, they switched from their favorite prey—sea lions—to shellfish, kelp, or whatever was readily available when the weather did not allow them to hunt in open water.I think this is an important study for our planet.


Phrases of day practice:

1)Condition imposed by
Conditions imposed by international lending institutions should be relaxed.
2)Comprehensive investigation of
Nevertheless, it is expected to be a comprehensive investigation into the matter.
3)Comparative investigation of
This Note provides the results of the comparative investigation of requested.


·        #57

Akopyan Mariya UK-211 (Popovych E.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:15)
Today I have read the article "Everything we knew about water was right". What is it about?
According to the article, one way or another, water releases hydrogen peroxide, although there is not much of it. At first there was no explanation for this phenomenon and everything was dismissed as "spontaneity". But recently the reason was found: under certain conditions, hydrogen peroxide is indeed formed in the reaction with ozone and nitrogen.
To be honest, I still don't really understand where this research can be useful. Perhaps it would make sense to create some conditions in the environment.
1) conditions imposed by
Second, there are rules for some but not for others, such as the conditions imposed by the IMF and the World Bank.
2) comprehensive investigation of
After gaining state independence increased the importance of comprehensive investigation of folklore samples and followed by new scientific projects.
3) comparative investigations of
Comparative investigations based on DNA analysis were performed by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), in response to a request made by the United Nations Mission.

·        #56

Popovych E. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:11)

To Blizniuk Igor UK-211
Thank you, you have successfully completed the task.

·        #55

Sagaidak Vlad UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:09)

Today I have read the article called 'Transformational' machine learning approach could accelerate the search for new treatments for diseases' It tells about how researchers have developed a new approach to machine learning that 'learns to learn' and outperforms existing machine learning methods for drug development, which in turn could accelerate the search for new treatments for diseases.The method, called transformational machine learning (TML), was developed by a team from the UK, Sweden, India and the Netherlands. It learns from multiple problems and boosts productivity while it learns. I think machine learning can improve all areas of our lives, even the important and difficult ones like medicine

-Condition imposed by
Condition imposed by the company can lead to consequences.
-Comparative investigation.
Comparative investigation showed good results.
-Comprehensive investigation.
Сomprehensive investigation can better understand the cause of this problem.

·        #54

Timofeenko Valentyn UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:57)

Today I've read an article about mass shootings in developed countries. Mass shootings in the U.S. account for 73% of all 139 incidents occurring in developed countries between 1998 to 2019. During this time, 62% of all 1,318 fatalities from the attacks also happened in the states.
Half of the 36 developed countries studied have not had a single mass shooting in the last 22 years, and only five had more than two incidents. In stark contrast, the U.S. has a mass shooting every single year—it is the only country to do so.
Emerging patterns show:
91% of perpetrators were born in the country they attacked
99% were male
One-third had military experience
7% had a history of law enforcement experience
Comparing and summarizing, Dr. Silva added: "Mass shootings are a uniquely American problem, particularly in relation to other developed countries."

1. conditions imposed by
We have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community

2. Comparative investigations of
Comparative investigations of crystalline samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago.

3. comprehensive investigation of
So a comprehensive investigation of the problem is still lacking.

·        #53

Exam Topic #9(Reverse engineering). Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:54)

Reverse engineering is a process of discovering technological aspects or principles of a device, through the analysis of its structure, function, and operations. The disassembly and reassembly of the device while taking care of its documentation are necessary steps involved in the reverse engineering. The reverse engineering is adopted because it is the reverse engineering process presents a conventional manufacturing process presenting an overall manufacturing. The reverse engineering specifies production specification which helps in outlining various conventional manufacturing procedure . The reverse engineering is therefore adopted to help in determining the feasibility of the project while specifying the appropriate accuracy of the product.Reverse engineering is used in software security. The use of reverse engineering in programming is to ensure that the systems are not susceptible any serious security faults. That is making the systems strong and preventing hackers and spywares from accessing it.This has promoted ethical hacking whereby an individual hacks into the system to find out if the system is still susceptible to hacking or spywares.
Reverse engineering enables developers to be able to add or remove features without knowing the source code. Moreover, the developers are able to use very many techniques to incorporate new features into the existing software. Software engineering is used to in software setting. In the virus study and analysis, most of the viruses normally don’t leave instructions on how they wrote the code and what they were set to accomplish. Reverse software Engineering has made this study and analysis to be very possible and easy.

·        #52

Blizniuk Igor UK-211 (Popovych E.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:52)

Today I have read the article called "Computer Security Researchers Seek to Prevent Technology Abuse" It tells about how researchers at Cornell Tech have developed a new approach to help prevent domestic violence victims from having abusers hack into their devices and social networks to monitor, stalk and harm them.The model focuses on "continuity of care," so clients experience a seamless relationship with one volunteer tech advisor over.As a next step, she wants to explore additional ways to evaluate ongoing security-care relations from the perspective of survivors, particularly people from marginalized communities.I think this is very important because technology is designed to help people.
-condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community
-comprehensive investigation of
A comprehensive investigation of the basin revealed its lateral and vertical dimensions and hydrogeological characteristics
-comparative investigation of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in primates

·        #51

Trofimenko Vlad, UK-211, Exam Topic #8(Global computer networks)(Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:46)

Global computer network - a computer network that covers large areas and includes a large number of computers. GCNs serve to unite disparate networks so that users and computers, wherever they are, can interact with all other participants in the global network. Some GCSs are built exclusively for private organizations, others are a means of communicating corporate LANs with the Internet or via the Internet with remote networks that are part of corporate ones. Most often, the GCS relies on leased lines, at one end of which the router is connected to the LAN, and at the other end, the switch communicates with the rest of the GCS.

·        #50

Ovcharuk Alexander UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:40)

Today I have read the article"Electrolyte additive offers lithium battery performance breakthrough". It tells about an electrolyte additive allows stable high-voltage cycling of nickel-rich layered cathodes. Their work could lead to improvements in the energy density of lithium batteries that power electric vehicles.Batteries consist of two electrical terminals—electrodes called the cathode and the anode—that are separated by another battery component, the electrolyte. Electrons go through an external circuit connecting the two electrodes and ions go through the electrolyte. Both shuttle back and forth between the electrodes during charge-discharge cycles.High voltage operation is important because the total energy stored in a battery, important for vehicle range, goes up as the useful operating voltage increases. The electrolyte additive enables a nickel-rich layered cathode to be cycled at high voltages to increase the energy density and still retain 97 percent of its initial capacity after 200 cycles.
1)condition imposed by
But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting meteorite.
2)comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures.
3)comparative investigation of
"in our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile nathusius" pipistrelles dead beneath wind turbines than expected from their frequency in the local population.

·        #49

Skridonenko Misha UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:36)

Today I have read the article: "New theoretical model accounts for sun's rotation and magnetic field".
This article tells about a new way of viewing the Sun from the inside. Scientists for a long time could not predict the activity of the Sun a month before their appearance. But thanks to improved analysis, they were able to view the Sun from the inside. In my opinion, in the near future, we will see new methods of protection against solar activity, as well as be prepared in advance for sudden solar flares.

1) comprehensive investigation of:
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures worldwide through time.

2) comparative investigation of:
Comparative investigation of juvenile Nathusius' pipistrelles killed by wind turbines more and more observed.

3) condition imposed by:
But reidite only forms from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting meteorite.

·        #48

Trofimenko Vlad UK-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:12)

Today I have read the article named “The lightness of being: Smaller computer logic components through photon-molecule interaction”. Scientists from around the world are trying to reduce the size of computing nodes using molecules to evaluate logical functions. Logic is connected to sentences, it is easier to deal with binary sentences, because in such cases the state is either true or not. The main problem is the size of the switch reaching its limit as the size of the atom. I believe that molecules can help with complex operations. This can be useful in the fields of molecular biology and nano medicine.

Phrases of the day:
1. condition imposed by
The third quarter also saw Bayer sell off some of its seeds and pesticides businesses, worth 7.6 billion euros, to rival BASF—a condition imposed by competition authorities before the Monsanto deal could go ahead.
2. comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures worldwide through time.
3. comparative investigation of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in primates.

·        #47

Pomukchinskiy Andrey UK-211( Savluk ) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:59)
Today I have read the article"Highly skilled workers more likely to have control over their working day".Now many people are used to the fact that you have to be at work for a certain time.During this time, you cannot be distracted by family or personal affairs.Imagine that you have a flexible schedule and you can spend time during the day as you please.It is very convenient when you are given the amount of work for a month and you decide how and when you do it.I would like to work at a flexible job.
1) comparative investigation of - Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago, almost as soon as the Laue method for the diffraction of X-ray or
2) condition imposed by - But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an impacting meteorite; pressures equal to those...
3) comprehensive investigation of - When notified of an accident, the national investigation agency deploys a team to the site - in the UK this is the Air Accidents Investigation Branch of the Department for Transport.

·        #46

Maksym Koriak UP-211 (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 15:08)

1) classified as
The University of Oregon is classified as high research activity university by the Carnegie Foundation.
2) beyond the scope of
The discipline has expanded beyond the scope of anthropology, which studies the societies and cultures of the world
3) by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the metamorphic sole

Essay 'Software industry'
The software industry expanded in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers were first sold in mass-produced quantities. Universities, government, and business customers created a demand for software. Many of these programs were written in-house by full-time staff programmers. Some were distributed freely between users of a particular machine for no charge. Others were done on a commercial basis, and other firms started to grow.
The software industry includes businesses for development, maintenance and publication of software that are using different business models, mainly either "license/maintenance based" or "Cloud based"
The industry expanded greatly with the rise of the personal computer which brought desktop computing to the office worker for the first time. In the following years, it also created a growing market for games, applications, and utilities. DOS, Microsoft's first operating system product, was the dominant operating system at the time.

Review 1
Today I have read the text "Designing machines that see, understand and interpret their environment". It talks about advanced pedestrian assistance systems "ADAS," which involves integrating computer vision into machines that use algorithms to decode meaning based on the observation of pixel patterns in images or videos. An example of this is the TULIPP reference platform, which consists of a complete development kit and real-world use cases. . The use cases cover "medical x-ray imaging, automotive advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
This text is quite informative, recommended reading for those interested in technology.

Review 2
Today i have read the article " Brain cell differences could be key to learning in humans and AI". This article tells about modern discoveries in AI. Researchers have found that variability between brain cells might speed up learning and improve the performance of the brain and future AI. The brain is made up of billions of cells called neurons, which are connected by vast 'neural networks' that allow us to learn about the world. None of them are the same. By contrast, each cell in an AI network—is identical, with only their connectivity varying. This is the most difference between the human brain and AI.


·        #45

Maksym Koriak UP-211 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:51)

1) classified as
The University of Oregon is classified as high research activity university by the Carnegie Foundation.
2) beyond the scope of
The discipline has expanded beyond the scope of anthropology, which studies the societies and cultures of the world
3) by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the metamorphic sole

Essay 'difference between CLI and GUI'
Nowadays, users don't quite understand the difference between CLI and GUI. GUI is a visual representation of communication that makes it easy for users to interact with electronic devices. CLI was the standard way of interacting with computing devices in the early days of computing. But this has changed since the invention of GUI, which is seen as a more user-friendly alternative. The notable difference is that GUI users depend on graphical elements such as icons, menus, and windows to interact with the operating system. CLI relies more on text inputs to perform the operating system functions. GUI stands out being a user-friendly option, while CLI is more powerful and advanced.

Review 1
Today i have read the article called "Dexterous robotic hands manipulate thousands of objects with ease". At just one year old, a baby is more dexterous than a robot. Sure, machines can do more than just pick up and put down objects, but we're not quite there as far as replicating a natural pull towards exploratory or sophisticated dexterous manipulation goes. OpenAI gave it a try with "Dactyl", using their humanoid robot hand to solve a Rubik's cube with software that's a step towards more general AI, and a step away from the common single-task mentality. We started to teach the AI step by step, like babys.

Review 2
Today I have read the article "5 ways artificial intelligence could shape our lives". This text tells us how artificial intelligence will help humanity in the near future. There was a recent annual technology conference that all startups are seeking to attend, revealing new technologies that can change our lives. For example, the Provizio startup is developing an AI that will help prevent accidents with built-in sensors. Also, Copilot is developing machine learning that can write code instead of human, and, frankly, once this technology is implemented, programmers will still be in demand
In conclusion, I'd like to say that in the future, the world will be easier and safer with the AI

·        #44

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:18)

Audience work

Today I have read the article "How AI can transform traditional HR recruitment processes". This article tells us about new ways of recruitment people, using AI. HR is one of the industries that have been transformed by AI. This is because finding the right candidate involves data such as a candidate's details and search processes conducted by organizations. With AI-powered HR training modules, employees can study and learn about their roles and responsibilities. For employees to progress in their careers, AI-powered systems can recommend relevant skill sets based on their job description. As for me, I think this AI use way is very helpful both for HR stuff and for future employee.


Phrases of the day:
1) by outlining
The two stages of the process of speciation can be characterized, finally, by outlining their distinctions.
2) classified as
Such processes are classified as electrocyclic.
3) beyond the scope of
History on that scale is beyond the scope of biography.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "What is an algorithm? How computers know what to do with data". Everyone knows that computer programs are made up of algorithms, but what are algorithms consist of? In the most general sense, an algorithm is a series of instructions telling a computer how to transform a set of facts about the world into useful information, it has three steps: input(getting information to work with), transformation(working with data), output(result). Also, over time, the algorithms become more complicated, and it’s already difficult to simply describe all the algorithms by people, so machine learning was created for it. I found this article interesting for me.


What is Word processing.

Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer. It is usually used for a document using a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and many others. Nowadays, most Word processors are capable of opening most word processor files, so, a word processing doesn't depend on file format opening and saving, and as long as you have access to one of them, you can open the file. You can also use printer to create a physical copy of the document. I think, that Word processing evolution won't stop only on computer software, because from ordinary typewriters, people quickly moved on to portable devices on which it is possible to create documents.


·        #43

Horbulisnkyi Serhii UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:18)

Audience work:

Today I have read the articlе called "Virtual reality won't make cows happier, but it might help us see them differently" by Sarah Webber. It tells about Russian farmers testing virtual reality for milking cows. The idea was to make cows happier, so that they could produce more milk. However, studies have shown that virtual reality may be appealing to humans, but probably has much less value for animals. When orangutans were given digital games, researchers found that watching the animals use the technology affected people's empathy for the primates. I liked this article because it’s quite entertaining.

Today I have read the articlе called "Scientists create artificial neural networks that detect symmetry and patterns" by National Science Foundation. It tells about a research team from Lehigh University that have developed and effectively trained an artificial neural network that can recognize symmetry and structural similarity in materials and create similar projections. The team used special machine learning methods to train the neural network. With improved data management and accessibility, this algorithm will be able to detect new trends and patterns, improving the efficiency of experiments and speeding up research. I liked this article because the system is promising.

Individual practice

Today I have read the article called "Google's new Go-playing AI learns fast, and even thrashed its former self" by Geoff Goodhill. It tells about Google’s AI system AlphaGO, that, according to article, "took the world of Artificial Intelligence by storm". AlphaGo Zero has been trained for three days straight and achieved an ELO rating of more than 4,000, while the previous version needs 30 days of non-stop training to achieve the same result. AlphaGo Zero is an important step forward for AI because it demonstrates the feasibility of pure reinforcement learning, uncorrupted by any human guidance. This removes the need for lots of expert human knowledge to get started, which drastically simplifies the development. I liked the article because it’s thrilling.
The article:

Today I have read the article called "3-D computer models of gigantic archaeological objects" by Monika Landgraf. It tells about the latest technologies in the archaeological field. Nowadays 3D modeling is developing very quickly, so researchers have found a way to use it in archeology. With the help of a special camera, the object is being transformed into a computer-generated image. This method will help the researchers study archaeological finds in a much closer and more detailed way. In my opinion, this technology would be very helpful, so I like that this article is helpful in a certain way as well.

Phrases of the day:
1) classified as
It's now classified as top secret.
2) by outlining
The report concludes by briefly outlining major issues.
3) beyond the scope of
He knows technical details beyond the scope of his job.

Essay: What is Word processing?
Word Processing refers to an act of using a computer to create, edit, save and print documents. In order to perform word processing, specialized software (known as a Word Processor) is needed. One example of a Word Processor is Microsoft Word, but other word processing applications, such as Google Drive Document, are also widely used. These programs allow users to create a wide variety of documents. In addition to typing text, the word processor allows you to add content such as pictures, tables, and charts. Additionally, the appearance of the text can be modified in numerous ways. Most word processors also give your the ability to check your spelling and grammar and many have built-in dictionaries and other tools to assist you in your writing.

·        #42

Horbulisnkyi Serhii UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:17)

DEBT 25.05

Today I have read the article called “Key to resilient energy-efficient AI may reside in human brain” by Jamie C. Oberdick. It tells about a promising direction in the development of artificial intelligence based on new discoveries in neuroscience. A clearer understanding of how brain cells function can help with them being emulated in the physics of hardware devices, and may result in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems that autonomously self-repair and consume much less energy, according to a team of Penn State researchers. I like this article because the whole concept is quite promising.
The article:

Today I have read the article called "Study explores how a robot's inner speech affects a human user's trust" by Ingrid Fadelli. It tells about a University of Palermo study that examined the effect of a robot's internal speech on a user's trust in it. The results showed that participants felt that the robot's ability to talk to itself out loud made it more human-like, which increased the trust in the robot. In addition, in their previous work, the researchers showed that a robot's performance can improve when it talks to itself. I enjoyed this article because it tells about an interesting research.
The article:

Phrases of the day:
1. under certain assumptions
Under certain assumptions on, we prove that the equation has infinitely many solutions.
2. column represents
A column represents certain data, such as person's name or an item's price.
3. performed with
I think we've performed this show with him before.

Essay: The importance of system software for computer operation
System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's hardware and application programs. If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and user applications. And that’s the main reason why system software is important – even crucial, in fact. Without system software, the machine wouldn’t be able to read and execute interpreted commands, and sending direct commands to the machine would take an enormous amount of time. Although system software is not as simple as application software, it’s still necessary to operate with a computer in a certain way or form.

·        #41

Philipp Mironiuk UM-211 "Grodska" "Homework" (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:07)

I have read the article World population in 2100 could be 2 billion below UN projections. In 2100, there will be 8.8 billion souls on Earth, two billion less than current projections. These projections suggest good news for the environment, less stress on food production systems and lower carbon emissions, as well as significant economic opportunities for parts of Africa. However, most countries outside of Africa will experience a shrinking workforce and a reversal of the demographic pyramids, with serious negative consequences for the economy. This article is interesting to read.

·        #40

Drozhzhina I to Olha Bazyaeva, UP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:33)

Thank you for your work, it’s good.

·        #39

Drozhzhina I to Матюхина Саша УП-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:30)

Your comments are too big, and you should record your work with phrases of the day. Continue working.

·        #38

Drozhzhina I to Vasylyshyn Vladislav UP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:27)

Not bad, thank you

·        #37

Drozhzhina I to Maxim Gorokhov, УП-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:23)

Thank you for your work, it’s good enough.

·        #36

Drozhzhina I to Anton Goshtanar УП-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:21)

Please correct the mistake: I have read THE article. Your comment is good I appreciate it

·        #35

Drozhzhina I to Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:17)

Thank you, well written

·        #34

Drozhzhina I to Goncharenko Julia Volodymyrivna, UP-211, (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:16)

Please correct the mistake: the article TELLS… in general your comments are quite good.

·        #33

Drozhzhina I to Kleister Ruslan UP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:14)

I appreciate your work, thank you

·        #32

Drozhzhina I to Zvezdun Leonid UP-211 (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:11)

Well done, thank you!

·        #31

Kleister Ruslan UP-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:10)

The article,I have read today is entitled "Putting artificial intelligence to work in the lab".From the text I got to know that an Australian-German collaboration has demonstrated fully-autonomous SPM operation, applying artificial intelligence and deep learning to remove the need for constant human supervision. New AI-driven system, dubbed DeepSPM, can operate and acquire optimal SPM data autonomously, for multiple straight days, and without any human supervision Crucial to the success of DeepSPM is the use of a self-learning agent, as the correct control inputs are not known beforehand. To sum up, the new system bridges the gap between nanoscience, automation and artificial intelligence (AI), and firmly establishes the use of machine learning for experimental scientific research.
The article, I have read today, is entitled "Warning over 'blind adoption' of AI and rights impact" From the text i got to know that much of the attention on developments in AI is focused on its potential to support economic growth, but the fact how different technologies can affect fundamental rights has received less attention.There is a risk that people are blindly adopting new technologies without assessing their impact before actually using them.On the contrary, caution is needed as "there is a lot of information that can be linked to protected attributes". To sum up, people need to know when AI is used and how it is used, as well as how and where to complain.

·        #30

Drozhzhina I to Tataeva Anna (УП-211) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:10)

Thank you for your work, please record your message with phrases.

·        #29

Tataeva Anna (УП-211) (Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:06)

Class work
Today i have read the article "A soft magnetic pixel robot that can be programmed to take different shapes". Magnetic soft robots are systems that can change shape or perform various actions when a magnetic field is applied to them. These robots have many useful features, including wireless drive, high flexibility, and endless endurance. The robot, created by Zhao and his colleagues, consists of magnetic pixels, particles containing liquid metal and a neodymium magnet , and an elastic silicon matrix. The researchers magnetized each of the magnetic pixels individually using a process known as laser heating. I think it's a useful thing in the future and i can recommend this article.

Phrases of day:
•by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution.
•beyond the scope of
The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the scope of our study.
•classified as
It is classified as high research activity university.

Home work
Today I have read the article " Using Rubik's cube to improve and evaluate robot manipulation" . The scientists in their experiments observed a discrepancy between what people and jobs are considered difficult when performing 3D puzzles. It was difficult for people to understand even the actions to fold the cube, but the physical manipulation of the cube is easy. It only takes the robots a few seconds to figure out how to assemble it, but the cube is hard to interact with. As the robot makes individual mistakes, they accumulate and affect its performance. Yang and his colleagues believe that the existence of such a standard will allow robotics researchers to more clearly define the direction of progress and manipulation of robots. For me, this article was a little boring, but in principle there is a place in this world. In general, the article is suitable for familiarization with this topic.

Topic:History of kernel development
The kernel is the essential center of a computer operating system.It is the core that provides basic services for all other parts of the OS.Before the kernel, developers coded actions directly to the processor, instead of relying on an OS to complete interactions between hardware and software.The majority of OSes -- and their kernels -- can be traced back to Unix, but there is one outlier: Windows. With the popularity of DOS- and IBM-compatible PCs, Microsoft developed the NT kernel and based its OS on DOS, which is why writing commands for Windows differs from Unix-based systems.
The kernel of the operating system is constantly improving, and soon the history of its development will increase.

·        #28

Zvezdun Leonid UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:30)

Phrases of the day:
1) classified as
Anti-personnel mines are classified as excessively injurious weapons.
2) by outlining
It starts by outlining the obligations of Governments to respect, protect and fulfil people's right to food, and then moves on to extend the traditional boundaries of human rights.
3) beyond the scope of
Both this point and joint dominance are beyond the scope of this paper.
Today i have read the article "IT security at home: Hard but not impossible". This text is about a security tools such as VPN, antivirus, two-factor authentication. If you have got the ability to use online services through a browser to do most of your work, that helps you segment the corporate data away from personal data. But you have to assume that everything that connects to your network is treat it as such, so you need to guard against phishing. I like this article, because organizations that follow best practices are in the best position to handle quarantines securely.
Today i have read the article "Six ways the world's fastest computers have changed your life". This text is about the areas in which the fastest computer helps a person and makes his life much easier. Supercomputers already impact our lives in ways most of us are unaware of. The advancements derived from high-performance computers have trickled down into things many of us do every day-like checking the weather, driving to the doctor's office, watching a movie, or managing our bank accounts and so on. I like this article, as the topic is interesting and can be useful for everyone.

“The importance of system software for computer operation.”
Systems software is designed to synchronize the functions of an organization's network of computer hardware and software. System software coordinates the activities and functions of hardware and software, and it controls the operations of computer hardware. A computer's operating system is an example of system software. Operating systems control the computer hardware and act as an interface with application programs. System software also includes utility software. This typically means you pay a fee to use the storage space of a third party and use their backup software to manage which files are going to be backed up.

·        #27

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:27)

Tataeva Anna (УП-211)
Матюхина Саша УП-211
George Luzhanskij, UP-211
Chernyaev Iliya UP-211
Lavrinova Yana UP-211
Andrew Panchuk
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!

·        #26

Olha Bazyaeva, UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:20)

1) beyond the scope of
It's a long list of grievances that go well beyond the scope.
2) classified as
Since 2006, Pluto has been classified as a dwarf planet.
3) by outlining
The report starts by outlining the basic information about the coursework.

Today I've read the articlе "COP26: Architectural firm envisions skyscrapers that capture CO2". This article tells us about a project by the architecture firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. They present skyscrapers with technology that either captures carbon extracted from the air or stores it for sale to manufacturers. Such a building would have a lifespan of about 60 years, during which it would absorb four times as much carbon as it emits. The SOM team notes that the carbon extracted from the building can be used to create materials for road surfaces, pipes or other parts of urban structures.

Today I've read the articlе "New algorithm searches historic documents to discover noteworthy people". This article tells us about a new algorithm developed by a researcher at the University of Buffalo's School of Management. The algorithm helps turn historical documents into useful search data. It can find and rank people's names by importance based on a number of attributes, including the context of the name, the title before the name, the length of the article, and how often the name is mentioned in the article. The algorithm ranks people's names based on results from optical character recognition. I liked the article.

What do we need the operating system for?
We use operating systems every day to perform some daily tasks like checking mail, surfing the web, playing games and other activities. All of these wouldn't be possible without operating system running on your device. Some people use operating systems to do a bit more complicated tasks like software development, web-design, scientific researches, etc. I think that we need operating systems for further humanity development, since it wouldn't be possible to perform complex studies without advanced operating systems and operating systems in general.

·        #25

Olha Bazyaeva, UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:20)

Today I've read the articlе "This robot lives with an Antarctica penguin colony, monitoring their every move". This article tells us about a project funded by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, an independent nonprofit oceanographic institute. The project focuses on the place of emperor penguins in the food chain. A remote-controlled ground robot silently spies a colony of emperor penguins in Atka Bay. The team hopes to learn more about how climate change can affect animals living in the Antarctic. The plan is to monitor the penguins for the next 30 years, with the first data set to be completed in 2026. I liked this article.

Today I've read the articlе "Zen and the art of virtual reality maintenance". This article describes how virtual reality can be a useful and innovative tool in Buddhist learning. The team from Silpakorn University explains that the experience within a virtual reality environment can encourage better memory in students. Moreover, it allows the user to "experience" an environment in safety allowing them to "know" events indirectly but with greater authenticity than is possible with conventional photographs or movies. They add that by purposefully creating an appropriate virtual world it might be possible to imbue a better understanding of the core philosophy of the given artworks.

A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
Laptops and desktops are the most used devices after smartphones. When it comes to working without a fixed location, laptops are the best choice. They're convenient for traveling and working outside the office or home. Computers, on the other hand, are convenient for home use. Computers have the advantage of separating computer parts. A desktop computer is easier to fix or upgrade the software or hard drive.
Laptops and desktops have both advantages and disadvantages. So it's best to choose a device based on your goals and desires.

·        #24

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:12)

Today I have read the article “Predicting the ocean: Improved forecast and insights for the Mediterranean and Black Seas” by CMCC Foundation. A lot of science specialists are searching and observing Black and Mediterranean seas. The reason of it is a fact, that monitoring of seas’ parameters is extremely important for modern life because of many factors. This text was created for storm surge and cyclone predictions, navigation, oil spill emergency management, coastal engineering, fishing and tourism. To my mind, this article is important nowadays. I like that the author pays attention to this side of science world.
The link:

Today I have read the article "A way to spot computer-generated faces" by Bob Yirka. Generative adversary networks create deepfakes based on studies of real photos. Fake faces are usually used for catfishing or other types of nefarious activity. Soon the group of researchers noticed a possiblity to distinguish deepfake and real fake. We should carefully look at pupils on the "real" eyes. If pupils are not round and take some shapes it means that you are watching on fake face. Unfortunately, bed guys can noticed this feature and fix it. By the way, not everyone knows it, so we can check real it or not.
The link:

Trusted operating systems
First of all an Operating System is an interface between a computer user and computer hardware. Modern operating systems have two features that make them indispensable in both reliability and security. Firstly, these operating systems are huge in size, and secondly, they have very poor error isolation. The Linux kernel has over 2.5 million lines of code, while the Windows XP kernel is at least twice that. Let’s choose the best-trusted ones: Windows, Ubuntu (is a Linux-based operating system), macOS, Solaris, and Chrome OS. For home use, Windows and macOS are best. The former is better for gaming, while the latter features exclusive software and advanced ecosystem work.

·        #23

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:10)
Tactile sensation is an incredibly important part of how humans perceive their reality. Haptics or devices that can produce extremely specific vibrations that can mimic the sensation of touch are a way to bring that third sense to life. However, as far as haptics have come, humans are incredibly particular about whether or not something feels right, and virtual textures don't always hit the mark. Now, researchers have developed a new method for computers to achieve that true texture. Called a preference-driven model, the framework uses our ability to distinguish between the details of certain textures as a tool in order to give these virtual counterparts a tune-up.

·        #22

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:10)
Today I have read an article "Using everyday WiFi to help robots see and navigate better indoors".Engineers have developed a low cost, low power technology to help robots accurately map their way indoors, even in poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or features. The technology uses WiFi signals, instead of light, to help the robot 'see' where it's going. It helps robots accurately map their way indoors, even in poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or features."We can use WiFi signals, which are essentially free, to do robust and reliable sensing in visually challenging environments," said one the scientists.

·        #21

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:09)

What is world progressing
Computer science is a critical and growing field of study.When we take a look back to 1992, only a meagre 10 websites existed globally. Nearly thirty years later our lives are heavily influenced by advanced computational systems. Robotic surgery has been used by hospitals around the world for around 15 years, but recent advancements continue to revolutionise surgery. Innovations in robotics have allowed doctors to take laparoscopic surgery to the next level.This is only about medicine, it's difficult to imagine how the world has changed since last decade.

·        #20

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:01)

1.beyond the scope of
It's a long list of grievances that go well beyond the outliningHe concluded by outlining the challenges that would need to be faced in years to come.3.classified asAdditional and separate labels are required for materials classified as marine pollutants.
Exam Topic #18: What is Word processing.Word processing is the process of creating and editing text documents in special programs. There might be any text editor like Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, OpenOffice Writer, and so on.In my opinion, word processing is undoubtedly the most-used business application for personal computers, perhaps alongside World Wide Web browsers and electronic mail (e-mail) applications. Word-processing software includes basic applications designed for casual business or home users and powerful, advanced applications capable of meeting the most demanding needs.To draw the conclusion, one can say that before computers, people used typewriters to write reports or other documents, which had nowhere near the capabilities of today's word processors. With a word processor, you can easily edit and make changes to a document, move text around in a document, add images, change fonts, check for spelling errors, and much more. I have read the article ‘’Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target’’. It is about that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050. In this article I found out that the authors stress that each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible planning. I have read the article ‘’Picoscience and a plethora of new materials’’.It is about that the revolutionary tech discoveries of the next few decades, the ones that will change daily life, may come from new materials so small they make nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. In this article I found out about new materials that will be designed and refined at the picometer scale, which is a thousand times smaller than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer (which itself is smaller than the width of a human hair). In order to do this work, scientists will need training in an array of new equipment that can measure and guide such exquisitely controlled materials. The work involves designing the materials theoretically, fabricating them, and characterizing their properties

·        #19

Vasylyshyn Vladislav UP-211 (Drozhzhyna) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022)

Phrases of the day:

1) by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.

2) beyond the scope of
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report

3) classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling factors.

Today I have read the article called "Researchers develop alternative to lithium batteries". Lithium-ion batteries are currently the preferred technology to power electric vehicles, but they're too expensive for long-duration grid-scale energy storage systems, and lithium itself is becoming more challenging to access. Yan Yao, Cullen Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and his colleagues developed a homogeneous glassy electrolyte that enables reversible sodium plating and stripping at a greater current density than previously possible. The researchers found a novel form of oxysulfide glass electrolyte that has the potential to satisfy all of these requirements at the same time. A high-energy ball milling process was used to create the electrolytes at room temperature.

Independent Practice
Today I have read the article called "How randomly moving electrons can improve cyber security". Kausik Majumdar, Associate Professor at ECE has developed a record-breaking true random number generator. Encrypted information can be decoded only by authorized users who have access to a cryptographic "key." But the key needs to be unpredictable and, therefore, randomly generated to resist hacking. Cryptographic keys are typically generated in computers using pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs), which rely on mathematical formulae or pre-programmed tables to produce numbers that appear random but are not. In TRNG device, random numbers are generated using the random motion of electrons. It consists of an artificial electron trap constructed by stacking atomically-thin layers of materials like black phosphorus and graphene.

Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness to meet a particular set of government requirements. The most common set of criteria for trusted operating system design is the Common Criteria combined with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for Labeled Security Protection Profile (LSPP) and mandatory access control (MAC). The Common Criteria is the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries to develop a harmonized security criteria for IT products.

·        #18

Goncharenko Julia Volodymyrivna, UP-211, (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022)

essay on the topic "what is a difference between CLI and GUI":
CLI is that the word form used for Command Line Interface. CLI permits users to put in writing commands associate degree exceedingly in terminal or console window to interact with an operating system. CLI is a platform or medium wherever users answer a visible prompt by writing a command and get the response from system, for this users have to be compelled to kind command or train of command for performing the task.
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. GUI permits users to use the graphics to interact with an operating system. In graphical user interface, menus are provided such as : windows, scrollbars, buttons, wizards, painting pictures, alternative icons etc.
voice acting:

work at home:
Today I have read the article entitled "New research highlights the role of green spaces in conflict". This article discusses that greenery can be not only a sedative, but also a way to control. The article discusses the analysis of classified US documents on fighting insurgents through the landscape. The article also notes that specially designed landscapes can promote social cohesion and reduce the likelihood of uprising. The article gives examples of such manipulation of people. The scientist also added that the survey could be a lens to study changes in the landscape of past wars. I liked the article.
voice acting:
link to the article:

work in class:
Today I have read the article called "Books outline what it takes to put astronauts in space." This article is a collection of books edited by a psychologist at Rice University, which analyzes research on what exactly should be given to astronauts during space travel. The article also describes the attempt to understand the problems of human activity in space exploration. The article also contains comments from scholars on books and research. The article also notes that the book used the idea of a long-term mission to Mars. So, the article seemed quite interesting to me. I would recommend it to my loved ones.
voice acting:
link to the article:

·        #17

Tataeva Anna (УП-211) (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:33)

Audience work

Today i have read the article:"The history of the discovery of X-ray radiation".In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen makes the world's first X-ray photograph of a human hand. Not long before this, the scientist discovered X-rays, which are capable of penetrating various materials. X-rays are currently an important diagnostic tool in medicine.In addition, X-rays are widely used in manufacturing: to detect internal defects in parts and to determine the atomic structure of substances, as well as their chemical composition.They have found application in security systems, for example, to scan luggage.
I can recommend this article for to familiarize yourself with this topic.

Phrases of day:
•by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution.
•beyond the scope of
The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the scope of our study.
•classified as
It is classified as high research activity university.

Home work

Today i have read the article:"Patent for the first car".
In 1886 - German engineer Karl Benz received a patent for the world's first car with an internal combustion engine. It was a three-wheeled two-seat carriage on high spoked wheels. The car was equipped with a water-cooled gasoline engine.The first independent motor rally was made by Benz's wife.At the same time, the car had to be pushed uphill, after which Benz thought about how to design a gearbox.
Thanks to this invention we have comfortable means of transportation. I advise you to read the history presented in this article.

Topic: Software
As is known, a computer needs not only tackle but also software.
Software- programs for directing the operations of a computer or electronic data.The computer programs instruct the tackle how to conduct the processing. Computers can input, calculate, compare, and affair data.
The software determines the order in which these operations must be performed.
System programs are designed for specific pieces of hardware. These programs are called drivers. They coordinate supplemental tackle and computer conditioning.
Communication software is used to transfer data within and between computer systems. These programs generally give data protection and error checking.
That is, software is an important part of a computer necessary for its operation.

·        #16

Maxim Gorokhov, УП-211,(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:32)

phrases of the day
1. This question goes beyond the scope of our research.
2.By outlining the difference between the methods we want to introduce clarity in the results.
3.This classifies as a web app rather than a web site.
review 1:
Today I've read the article titled 'Charting a safe course through a highly uncertain environment'.
This article tells us about a trajectory-planning system for autonomous vehicles that was developed by MIT researchers. This system shows it's advanced features in enabling active navigation in an environment filled with unknown variables such as shapes and sizes of objects in it.
This may allow autonomous vehicles to traverse dangerous and chaotic environments by modelling those environments as a map of probabilities of different events and optimizing their way with the consideration of risks.
I find this article to be very interesting and the technology it describes to be very useful.
review 2:
Today I've read the article titled "Roboticists go off road to compile data that could train self-driving ATVs".
The article tells us about the study conducted by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University to gather data necessary for the creation of self driving ATV's. The study was largely defined by driving usual ATV's through a variety of terrains and conditions while gathering data about key aspects of the vehicle movement and it's structural reaction, such as velocity of the vehicle itself and suspension shock.
The data collected will be used to create the AI model for the future self driving ATV to use.
I find this article to be very interesting although I don't see any priority in using an ATV as a subject of this development.
review 3:
Today I've read the article titled 'How to compete with robots'.
The article tells us about a prediction model that was created by a team of roboticists from EPFL and economists from the University of Lausanne to assess the risks that are imposed on various jobs with the advent of automation. This system maps the data on robot capabilities on the distribution of requirements for a variety of jobs presented in the O*net database in the US.
This suggests which jobs may become obsolete for humans and help people occupying those jobs to adapt in time and re-profile themselves.
I find this article to be very interesting and this system to be extremely important to smoothen the adaptation of our society to automation.
review 4:
Today I've read the article titled 'New approach allows for faster ransomware detection'.
the article tells us about the newest advancement in cybersecurity which features far more efficient ransomware detection techniques proposed by North Carolina State University researchers. The new approach is called FAXID and it's an iteration of the previously well known XGBoost machine-learning algorithm, with the difference being that FAXID is a hardware based system which makes it extensively more resource-efficient. FAXID outperforms XGBoost by a great factor and is also able to provide parallelism.
Overall, I find this article to be very interesting and this new ransomware detection system to be greatly eficient.
History of computer software
In this essay the history of computer software will be discussed thoroughly, albeit rather briefly.
Firstly, one could assume correctly that the history of software begins with the first computers. The first generation of software was introduced in the 1940’s as binary code instructions for earliest mainframe machines.
Later on, the software has still been largely bundled with the hardware by developers, although it all gradually began to change by the early 70’s , when independently packaged software appeared. The idea of open-source software was soon to be introduced as well.
Overall, the history of software spans as back as the creation of first computers and the software variety has been exponentially diversifying ever since.

·        #15

Kleister Ruslan UP-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:29)

Desktop and laptop advantages and disadvantages
Both desktop and laptop computers have advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of a desktop computer, as compared to a laptop computer. Desktop computers have more power and more features. They are easier, and less expensive, to upgrade. Desktop computers are generally less expensive overall and offer a better overall value. Desktop computers are generally easier, and less expensive, to repair. Also they have a lower risk of theft, which means less chance of losing your data and having to pay to replace your computer. Advantages of a laptop computer, as compared to a desktop computer. Laptop computers are highly portable and allow you to use your computer almost anywhere. If you are a student, a laptop computer will be much easier to transport from home to school. Such computers have a single cord to contend with, rather than the multiple cords associated with desktop computer use.

·        #14

Kleister Ruslan UP-211 Drozhzhina (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:28)

1.classified as
It's now classified as top secret. outlining
Hinch wasn't protecting anyone by outlining Bayley's previous offences.
3.beyond the scope of
Assessing politics was beyond the scope and resources of the analysis.
The article I have read today is entitled "Researchers build first AI tool capable of identifying individual birds". From the text I got to know that researchers show that computers can consistently recognize dozens of individual birds, even though we cannot tell these individuals apart ourselves In the study, researchers from institutes in France, Germany Portugal and South Africa describe the process for using AI to individually identify birds. This involves collecting thousands of labeled images of birds and then using this data to train and test AI models. This study represents the first successful attempt to do this in birds. To sum up, the development of methods for automatic, non-invasive identification of animals completely unmarked and unmanipulated by researchers represents a major breakthrough in this research field.
The article I have read today is entitled "Financial markets embrace brave new world of AI".From the text I got to know that artificial intelligence now seeks to take trading into new realms, where "machine learning" (ML) software compares dozens of databases in the blink of an eye to monitor risk.Survey evidence suggests AI will gain more traction in the financial services sector in the coming years.Data analytics firm , which conducted a recent study of market professionals, says more than half of respondents believe they will have incorporated AI over the next two years.To sum up , AI can assist investment funds and portfolio managers to manage risk—and pick which stocks are best for which clients.

·        #13

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:27)
Today I have read an article "What is algorithm".In the most general sense, an algorithm is a series of instructions telling a computer how to transform a set of facts about the world into useful information. The facts are data, and the useful information is knowledge for people, instructions for machines or input for yet another algorithm.To a computer, input is the information needed to make decisions.Next comes the heart of an algorithm – computation. This is a key part of our algorithm. Finally, the last step of an algorithm is output. So, an algorithm is the process a computer uses to transform input data into output data

·        #12

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:26)

Phases of the day
1:Such services could therefore be classified as niche products.
2:This stage is beyond the scope of this document.
3:Oral submissions should begin by outlining the plan to be followed. I have read an article "What is Command line".In the text author try to answer on this question in details. In short, the command line interface is a way of interacting with your computer.The command line, or command-line interface (CLI), is a text-based interface that allows you to type commands via lines of text that are then processed by the computer.However in the text author tell us about the nuanses of command Line.As an example what is difference between Shell, Bash, Terminal, and Command Prompt?The term “shell” is typically used to reference any command line interface.

·        #11

Anton Goshtanar УП-211(Drozhzhina) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:25)

Windows relies on what’s called a graphical user interface (GUI), first developed – but left to gather dust – by Xerox back in 1975.
The first Windows received a very lukewarm critical reception.Windows 3.0 would ensure Microsoft entered the new decade on a commercial high, selling 10 million copies and taking Microsoft that much nearer to its destiny as a global brand.And now, the end is here, well, maybe not the end. But Windows 10 – widely considered the most secure enterprise operating system ever.Let’s just say that software, rather than marketing, has always been Microsoft’s thing.

·        #10

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Savluk (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:22)

1.beyond the scope of
It's a long list of grievances that go well beyond the scope outlining
He concluded by outlining the challenges that would need to be faced in years to come.
3.classified as
Additional and separate labels are required for materials classified as marine pollutants.

·        #9

Матюхина Саша УП-211 Savluk (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:21)
Exam Topic #18: What is Word processing.
Word processing is the process of creating and editing text documents in special programs. There might be any text editor like Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, OpenOffice Writer, and so on.In my opinion, word processing is undoubtedly the most-used business application for personal computers, perhaps alongside World Wide Web browsers and electronic mail (e-mail) applications. Word-processing software includes basic applications designed for casual business or home users and powerful, advanced applications capable of meeting the most demanding needs.To draw the conclusion, one can say that before computers, people used typewriters to write reports or other documents, which had nowhere near the capabilities of today's word processors. With a word processor, you can easily edit and make changes to a document, move text around in a document, add images, change fonts, check for spelling errors, and much more.
Today I have read the article ‘’Scientists set out immediate actions and future research priorities to help UK to reach net zero target’’. It is about that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050. In this article I found out that the authors stress that each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible planning.
Today I have read the article ‘’Picoscience and a plethora of new materials’’.It is about that the revolutionary tech discoveries of the next few decades, the ones that will change daily life, may come from new materials so small they make nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. In this article I found out about new materials that will be designed and refined at the picometer scale, which is a thousand times smaller than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer (which itself is smaller than the width of a human hair). In order to do this work, scientists will need training in an array of new equipment that can measure and guide such exquisitely controlled materials. The work involves designing the materials theoretically, fabricating them, and characterizing their properties

·        #8

Zvezdun Leonid UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:21)

Phrases of the day:
1) classified as
Anti-personnel mines are classified as excessively injurious weapons.
2) by outlining
It starts by outlining the obligations of Governments to respect, protect and fulfil people's right to food, and then moves on to extend the traditional boundaries of human rights.
3) beyond the scope of
Both this point and joint dominance are beyond the scope of this paper.
Today i have read the article "A look back: IT lessons from the pandemic". This text is about a way for redefining the customer experience and what is the interconnectedness of everything. The most important lesson for many organizations was that their disaster recovery plans were inadequate and rarely applicable to the pressures and challenges of the pandemic. Businesses realized that their current business models were just not resilient enough. I like this article, because one important part of the new, adjusted processes is for teams in the organization to observe each other constantly and adjust based on those observations.
Today i have read the article "Accelerating AI is not a one size fits of all solution". This text explains what are AI hardware accelerators and why would your company need an AI accelerator. The choice of the right accelerator depends on a wide range of parameters to consider, including the type of workload, the algorithms being used, the architecture of the neural network, the size of the dataset, memory and bandwidth requirements, electricity needs, cost, and where the chips are going to be deployed. I like this article, as the topic is interesting and can be useful for everyone.

“Software industry.”
The software industry has created ways for unsuccessful companies to be protected against willlingly misleading the public. The real question is weather software sold after notification of the problems should be protected by this agreement. Business is simply business where ever it is conducted. The software industry should not be allowed to continue selling corrupt applications under the protection of the standard Universal Agreement. Business’s need to be forthcoming in regards to problems with their software. The Government should not pad this industry in order to gain a competitive advantage in the world-wide marketplace by encouraging unethical practices.

·        #7

George Luzhanskij, UP-211(Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:18)

Audience work

Today I have read the article about the problem of self-driving vehicles. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is already making decisions in business, healthcare and manufacturing, but this algorithms generally still get help from people applying checks and making the final call, and the researchers wondered, what would happen if AI systems had to make independent decisions that could save or harm humans. AI is not "good" or "evil." The effects it has on people will depend on the ethics of its developers. As for me, I can agree with the author of the article, that people need to provide a global ethical AI framework, but still there is no clear answer to solving this problem.


Phrases of the day:
1) by outlining
The two stages of the process of speciation can be characterized, finally, by outlining their distinctions.
2) classified as
Such processes are classified as electrocyclic.
3) beyond the scope of
History on that scale is beyond the scope of biography.

Independent practice

Today I have read the article "3D motion tracking system could streamline vision for autonomous tech". This article tells us about a new real-time, 3D motion tracking system developed at the University of Michigan, which combines transparent light detectors with advanced neural network methods to create a system that could one day replace LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) and cameras in autonomous technologies.
The technology works particularly well for stable systems, due to neural network, that is trained to search for specific objects in the entire scene. I think, that this technology will provide new opportunities in many areas.


Antivirus programs

Nowadays, when information can be transmited from home computers over networks, or just between two computers, it has a higher degree of risk of being stolen by hackers. Your computer may be infected with a virus that will steal personal information, or use your computer to perform illegal operations. So, antivirus program are the most effective way
to protect a computer against viruses. They protect computer by analysing and removing malware programs, that are found in memory, incoming files, etc. Antivirus programs can be both paid and free, but paid versions still provide more functionality and protection. To sum up, antivirus programs are very profitable and most efficient way of computer protection, both as for large companies and home PCs.


·        #6

Chernyaev Iliya UP-211 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:13)

phrases of the day:
beyond the scope of - He knows technical details beyond the scope of his job.
classified as - It's now classified as top secret.
by outlining - The report begins by outlining the norms and principles of human rights.

Today I have read the article "A way to spot computer-generated faces". In the era of Internet and advanced electronics it's not difficult to create a fake photo of person, which can be used in malevolent purposes. So recently a small team of researchers from The State University of New York at Albany, the State University of New York at Buffalo and Keya Medical has found a common flaw in computer-generated faces by which they can be identified. Fake photos can be created using neural networks which are not perfect, they are tend to create less-than-round pupils. This note can be used as a marker of computer-generated faces. I think this technology can help us to find intruders.

Today I have read the article "Scientists develop printable water sensor". In this article is described a new technology created by Spanish-Israeli team of scientists. They developed a new versatile plastic-composite sensor which can detect tiny amounts of water and be printed on 3-D printer. The sensor is also cheap, flexible and non-toxic and changes its color from purple to blue in wet conditions. Why is the new sensor so useful? In many fields, including health, food quality control, environmental monitoring
and technical applications, there is a growing demand for responsive sensors that show fast and simple changes in the presence of
specific molecules, and water sensors are among the most commonly used. In my opinion, scientists developed useful and interesting technology.

exam topic: What is word processing
Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer. It allows a user to create documents that mimic the format and style of a typical typewriter. It requires a computer and word processing software. Word processing is one of the earliest and most commonly used types of computer software. In fact, word processing software is often cited as a major factor in the launch the personal computer industry. This software did such a great job of automating processes that had previously been performed by a dedicated machine (in this case a typewriter) that this type of software helped bring personal computers into the households of regular people, rather than just businesses.

·        #5

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:07)

Audience work:

Phrases of the Day
1)beyond the scope of
Their crazy setup went beyond the scope of my research.
2) by outlining
They begin by outlining a complex news analysis about the upcoming presidential election.
3)classified as
His actions was classified as crime in court
Today I have read the article called "Websites are tracking you through your device's dying battery". After reading it I understood how my phone's charge level can be the danger to your anonymous internet usage. The user battery api give site developers permissions to get information about charge of the user's phone to improve sites performance and decrease battery usage, but with this api the attackers implemented a code in order to track a specific user moving through the sites. I think this article can be interesting for developers of a safety software and users. If only we wouldn't be needed to fear about our anonymity in the internet.

Exam Topic 15 : What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. It takes the advantage of computer graphics. It allows the user to interact with the computer using components such as windows, icons, labels, text boxes, and radio buttons.
CLI stands for Command Line Interface. It allows the users to enter commands to the terminal to perform the task.
GUI requires more memory as it contains a lot of graphical components. CLI is a command interface, and it does not require more memory. But it is easy to handle the tasks using the GUI even for begginers,CLI is complex: user should have good knowledge of the commands.

Independent practice:
Today I have read the article called "Why installing software updates makes us WannaCry". Three years ago the computer virus named WannaCry infected approximately one hundred thousand computers around the world. WannaCry broke the defence of the computers using bug that have been fixed soon in the newest microsoft security update. The only reason this attack became such a threat is the laziness of people. People could have protected their PC only by updating to the newest update as it launched. I find this article useful because this problem hasn't been solved yet and isn't going to be solved soon.

·        #4

Andrew Panchuk (УП-211) (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:04)

phrases of the day:

beyond the scope of
Assessing politics was beyond the scope and resources of the analysis

by outlining
The report concludes by outlining briefly major issues in the financing of the sectoral clusters under review

classified as
It's now classified as top secret

Today I have read the article "New AI-powered deep learning model to support medical diagnostics".This article tells about artificial intelligence that can predict the future development of certain diseases in humans before they even appear. This AI works by analyzing large datasets of patients and tries to find a specific pattern for each disease. The presence of such data will help doctors at the stage when a person cannot yet detect a disease, but AI, knowing by analyzing the patterns of development of diseases, can find this disease. The sooner we learn to find diseases, the more effective the treatment will be.
In my opinion, the development of this technology will save many lives.

Independent practice:
Tоday, I have read the article "Machine learning, meet human emоtiоns: Hоw tо help a cоmputer mоnitоr yоur mental state". In my оpiniоn, this is just a great discоvery. Because in оur mоdern wоrld we cannоt live a day withоut a telephоne, the Internet, and sо оn. And we are currently increasing the usage оf AI fоr the cоnvenience and autоmatiоn оf sоme kind оf actiоn. Fоr example, all familiar AI Siri develоped by the famоus cоmpany Apple tо simplify оur interactiоns with the phоne. And if we can imprоve the AI, then it will nо lоnger just be an assistant tо simplify the interface, but alsо will be an integral assistant in оur life that will make it easier.

Exam topic #18 “what is word processing”
Word Processing is the essential tools for creation of documents. There are various type of computer program that process on words available in market, but most popular application is Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word’s ease of use has made World one of the most widely used word processing application currently on the market since it allows for compatibility across multiple computers as well as collaborative feature. Word is fairly simple program to use for completing simple tasks. Many letters are typed in the office. The officer dictates a letter. The typist first types a draft copy of the letter. The officer goes through it to check mistakes regarding spelling errors, missing words, etc. and suggests corrections. The typist changes the letter as suggested by the officer.

·        #3

Lavrinova Yana UP-211(Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:54)

18.05 debt
Audience work:

Phrases of the Day
1)poorly understood
The teaching method of this tutor was poorly understood by the students,so they were trying to self educate it
2)flow chart
We provide flow charts in our project for better understanding stats of done research.
3)pilot study
Unfortunately, pilot studies on our topic have completely failed, but we are looking for new solutions.
Today I read an article about the departure of one of the top managers on Facebook, Chris Cox, who worked in the company for a very long time. He did not explain the reason for his departure in his post about leaving, but it is believed that he had disagreements with Zuckerberg about the strategic development of the company. Now Meta (the recently changed name of Facebook) is one of the largest companies in the world, which has now taken its direction in the meta Universe, which is very interesting and warms up attention to our computerized future, so it was interesting for me to read this article. I agree with Forrester analyst Jessica Liu who said: Facebook Inc. is a massive and evolving company, so it's only natural that in a company that large, not everyone will agree with every strategic change, ".

Independent practice:

Today I have read the article about trends in technology ,which is called "Here are the 10 top tech trends you need to understand right now".This article is closely intertwined with the specialty I study,so it was intresting for me to read it.Today our world strives to increase the percentage of computerized processes in life and business and it great,because people can receive way more information this way and do the way more work due to automatisation. Also, it makes it possible to focus on other important things such as enviromental,life-level of population,etc.In my opinion,this article will be handy for usual people who want to follow moder-world trends,people who plan to open their business and of course for technology companies.

Exam Topic 6: Antivirus programs
Let's start with simple as definition.What is antivirus?This is software that is created specifically to help detect, prevent and remove malware.How does it works?Antivirus software begins operating by checking your computer programs and files against a database of known types of malware. Since new viruses are constantly created and distributed by hackers, it will also scan computers for the possibility of new or unknown type of malware threats.Once installed, most antivirus software runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection against virus attacks.
Comprehensive virus protection programs help protect your files and hardware from malware such as worms, Trojan horses and spyware, and may also offer additional protection such as customizable firewalls and website blocking.

·        #2

Vasenko Anastasia UP-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:44)

Today I have read the article “Extending nuclear power accident computer code for advanced reactor designs” by Sandia National Laboratories. The author examines the advantages of Sandia’s nuclear accident modeling computer code. This code is necessary to demonstrate a real tool of nuclear safety evaluation for representatives of the nuclear industry in the USA and at international level. I believe that it is really very important to have such code. We need it to modulate severe accidents and to avoid them during operation of a real nuclear power plant. This code can predict nuclear facility behavior based on gathered data from Lower Head Failure experiments and can be used for different reactor geometries, fuel types and coolant systems.
The link:
Phrases of the Day
1) by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
2) beyond the scope of
He knows technical details beyond the scope of his job.
3) classified as
It's now classified as top secret.

I have read the article “We created holograms you can touch: You could soon shake a virtual colleague's hand” by Ravinder Dahiya, The Conversation. This article is about holograms with a sense of touch. Ravinder Dahiya focuses on the new possibilities during communication developed at the University of Glasgow. They developed a hologram that gives you a feeling of touching real people due to technology of air jets. From my point of view this research can be very useful in the future. Even now holograms are used in medical systems, education, art, security and defense. Unfortunately we live in Covid and war time and sometime we can’t communicate with other people in real time. Due to this technology we can be closer to our friends and relatives. Definitely this will make us happier!
The link:

Device drivers
A device driver is a special kind of software program that controls a specific hardware device attached to a computer. It provides an interface between the I/O manager and the associated hardware. Device drivers in Windows do not interact directly with the hardware, but call functions in the HAL to get an interface with the hardware. Drivers are usually written in C (sometimes C++) and therefore, if used properly, HAL routines can be portable as source code between Windows-supported CPU architectures, and as an executable can be portable within an architectural family. Because such software runs at high levels of privilege, it could lead to system compromise or vulnerabilities on the security side, or outright failure and performance problems on the operational side.

·        #1

Goncharenko Julia Volodymyrivna, UP-211, (Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:16)

Sentences with phrases of the day:
1. beyond the scope of: Benefits of Tillamook Bay wetlands restoration extend far beyond the scope of initial project, report finds by Michelle Klampe.
voice acting:

2. by outlining: A large research team called the ADMX Collaboration was outlining the results of a different search for dark matter.
voice acting:

3. classified as: Uber argues that requiring drivers to be classified as employees would leave jobs only for a small fraction of its drivers and that costs would become more expensive.
voice acting:

Work at home:
Today I have read the article entitled "Your emotions are the new hot commodity — and there's an app for that." This article says that since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have relied even more on digital devices. The article also lists the number of applications for Android and Apple users, and also talks about the benefits of applications. The article also talks a lot about applications that are designed to explore emotions. The article also lists the pros and cons of using applications that explore human emotions. The article seemed quite interesting to me, I would recommend it.
voice acting:
link to the article:

Work in class:
Today I have read the article entitled "NASA outlines science goals for future astronauts on the Moon." This article is about a report from NASA, in which NASA published plans for 2024. Also in the article are quotes from scientists about future plans. The article goes on to discuss the launch of the Orion space launch system and unmanned spacecraft. The article also notes that NASA has identified 7 main goals for launching the spacecraft in 2024. It has also been proposed to develop lighter scientific instruments capable of conducting more than one study or measurement. The article seemed interesting to me.
voice acting:
link to the article:

essay on the topic"Trusted Operating System"
Operating systems, especially on servers, can be weak points because of the fundamental role they play controlling basic functions such as how data is organized into files, written to disks or displayed on-screen.
Any off-the-shelf operating system can be made more secure, or "hardened," with simple procedures such as changing the administrator's password from the easy-to-guess "password" or turning off connections to the Web when they're not being used. But these common-sense fixes can be time-consuming and may not protect a critical server from a determined hacker.
A truly trusted operating system is born, built from the ground up with security in mind.
voice acting:


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