Chemical technology and Pharmacy
|Хімічна технологія та фармація (ІХТФ)
Guestbook – June 2022
· #84
· Rozyvailo Violetta (ХФ-211) (Borisenko T. I.) (Sunday, 19 June 2022 14:52)
1) His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
2) The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation.
3) Our goal is focused on fast and proper information management and clear
Metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus affect the concentration of glucose
in many body fluids, including saliva. The level of glucose in saliva, in turn,
has a direct impact on the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity,
which can increase the risk of developing dental diseases. There are significant
changes in the amount and composition of the microflora in the saliva of
overweight and obese patients in comparison with patients with normal weight.
Using various methods of analysis, microorganisms were identified with the
highest degree of correlation between their number and an increase in glucose
levels in saliva.
Deserts are sparsely populated arid lands with a harsh climate. However, many
species of flora and fauna in the process of evolution were able to surprisingly
adapt to these difficult living conditions. Desert-dwelling toads burrow into
the sand and hibernate for many months until the rains come. Then they wake up,
begin to feed, spawn and breed. Some desert animals have evolved to have
elongated ears or other features that help keep them cool. Other animals fully
satisfy their water needs through the food they consume. Over the past three
decades, the need to increase agricultural production to feed a growing world
population has placed increasing pressure on land and water resources.
Plastic recycling is the process of converting plastic waste into secondary raw
materials, energy, or products with certain consumer properties. However, at
present, the problem of processing waste polymer materials is becoming relevant
not only from the standpoint of environmental protection, but also due to the
fact that in the conditions of a shortage of polymer raw materials, plastic
waste becomes a powerful raw material and energy resource. The greatest
difficulties are associated with the processing and use of mixed waste. The
reason for this is the incompatibility of thermoplastics that are part of
household waste, which requires their step-by-step isolation.
· #83
Rozyvailo Violetta (ХФ-211) (Borisenko T. I.) (Saturday, 18 June 2022 18:11)
1) Scientists have addressed the problems inherent in indicator design.
2) The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the
surface area of the housing unit.
3) Opinions differ, however, as to what this extra dimension is.
Hooke's law was discovered in the 17th century by the Englishman Robert Hooke.
This discovery about the stretching of a spring is one of the laws of the theory
of elasticity and plays an important role in science and technology. The
formulation of this law is as follows: the elastic force that appears at the
moment of deformation of the body is proportional to the elongation of the body
and is directed opposite to the movement of the particles of this body relative
to other particles during deformation. It is known that the stiffness of a
spring depends on its shape, size and material from which this body is made.
Assessing the health of a coral reef without instruments, as they say, by eye,
is quite difficult. New technologies come to the aid of biologists. So,
recently, scientists gave artificial intelligence to listen to audio recordings
made by hydroacoustic equipment. The thing is that the "repertoire" of the
inhabitants of the reefs is quite diverse, but incomprehensible to the human
ear. Therefore, scientists at the University of Exeter trained artificial
intelligence to guess the “melodies” of sick and healthy reefs. “Coral reefs
face multiple threats, including climate change, so it is critical to monitor
their health and how conservation efforts are progressing.” This method is much
more practical and cheaper than traditional diagnostics involving experienced
Today, both the external conditions and the internal conditions of the
functioning of the organization are changing very quickly, which puts most
companies in front of the need to train personnel to work in new conditions.
Many organizations are faced with the need to find the most effective ways to
increase productivity and work efficiency. Training is designed to prepare staff
for the correct solution of a wider range of tasks and to ensure a high level of
efficiency in their work. At the same time, it allows not only to increase the
level of knowledge of employees and develop the required professional skills,
but also to form in them such a system of values and attitudes that
corresponds to today's realities and supports a market organizational strategy.
· #82
Nevreva M.M. to Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:13)
Thank you for the comments, they are quite all right.
· #81
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 21:28)
12. Dimensional Micro and Nano Metrology
by H.N.Hansena, K. Carneirob, H. Haitjemac, L. De Chiffre
This article tells us about issues and challenges in dimensional micro and nano
metrology by reviewing typical measurement tasks and available instrumentation
and needs and gaps are identified based on these observations. Today, every day
there is a decrease in critical dimensions are scaled down and the geometric
complexity of objects is increased so available technologies appear not
sufficient. authors give us about the developments which include new measuring
principles and instrumentation, tolerancing rules and procedures as well as
traceability and calibration.
· #80
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 21:14)
11. Optical frequency metrology
by Th. Udem, R. Holzwarth & T. W. Hänsch
Today, metrology uses a cesium atomic clock based on the half-life of
radioactive cesium to accurately measure one second, but there is another method
of measuring time. This article tells us about a new method of measuring Second.
These are extremely narrow optical resonances in cold atoms or single trapped
ions which can be measured with high resolution. A laser locked to such a narrow
optical resonance could serve as a highly stable oscillator for an all-optical
atomic clock. Now to count optical frequencies of hundreds of terahertz are
using femtosecond-laser frequency combs which gives the ability to count optical
oscillations of more than 1015 cycles per second facilitates high-precision
optical spectroscopy, and has led to the construction of an all-optical atomic
sorry, lose "clock"
· #79
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 21:03)
11. Optical frequency metrology
by Th. Udem, R. Holzwarth & T. W. Hänsch
Today, metrology uses a cesium atomic clock based on the half-life of
radioactive cesium to accurately measure one second, but there is another method
of measuring time. This article tells us about a new method of measuring Second.
These are extremely narrow optical resonances in cold atoms or single trapped
ions which can be measured with high resolution. A laser locked to such a narrow
optical resonance could serve as a highly stable oscillator for an all-optical
atomic clock. Now to count optical frequencies of hundreds of terahertz are
using femtosecond-laser frequency combs which gives the ability to count optical
oscillations of more than 1015 cycles per second facilitates high-precision
optical spectroscopy, and has led to the construction of an all-optical atomic.
· #78
Oblakov German ХФ- 211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 20:57)
debt 31.05.22
Today I have read the article "Mistletoe berries may hold the secret for
creating a biological super glue". In this article we are tells about the study
of mistletoe berries and their properties. The researchers found that through
simple wet processing, viscin fibers that adhere both to themselves and to other
materials can be stretched into thin films or assembled into three-dimensional
structures.They believe that viscin can be used as a sealant for wounds or to
cover the skin. Viscin can stick to wood, leather or feathers, as well as to
various synthetic surfaces such as plastics, glass and metal alloys. I believe
that this chemical composition will perform well in the future.
Today I have read the article "New processing technique could make potatoes
healthier". The article deals with the experiment of scientists. The goal of
this experiment was to create healthier potatoes. There is a perception that
potato products are unhealthy because eating large amounts of some potato
products can cause blood sugar levels to rise quickly, which poses a risk for
people with diabetes or those looking to control body weight.That's why,
researchers have announced early trials of a new potato processing technology
designed to make our bodies digest potato starch more slowly. This method is not
intended to prevent the potato from being overcooked, but to slow down digestion
to avoid a rapid rise in blood sugar. The method showed good results and I
believe that in the future it will allow you to eat potatoes without worrying
about the consequences.
exam topic
Clinical Pharmacy.
A clinical pharmacy is a branch of a pharmacy where clinical pharmacists provide
direct care to patients, which optimizes the use of medicines and promotes
health, well-being and disease prevention. Clinical pharmacists take care of
patients in all medical institutions, but the movement of clinical pharmacies
initially began in hospitals and clinics. Clinical pharmacists often work in
collaboration with doctors, paramedics, nurse practitioners, and other
healthcare professionals . Clinical pharmacists may enter into a formal joint
practice agreement with another healthcare provider, usually one or more
doctors, which allows pharmacists to prescribe medications and order laboratory
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
· #77
Oblakov German ХФ- 211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 20:56)
debt 24.05.22
Today I have read the article "Promising anticancer molecule identified". The
article deals with the study of scientists, the purpose of which was the
discovery of an anti-cancer molecule. Vitamin D3 has important biological
functions, including the maintenance of bone mineral density, but vitamin D3 is
also believed to have anti-cancer activity. Vitamin d3 analogs are being
actively researched, but they have led to unwanted side effects. Scientists
tested a large number of DNA aptamers, making a list of 11 representatives and
only 4 remained, one of which (Apt-7) was left for further study. Apt-7
performed well. And I believe that a DNA aptamer-based molecule could be a
promising lead candidate for anticancer therapy.
Today I have read the article "New insights into how cyanobacteria regulate zinc
uptake in the open ocean". The article deals with the study of scientists. The
aim of this study was to understand how cyanobacteria regulate zinc uptake in
the open ocean. However, they were able to detect a regulatory network that
controls the accumulation of zinc in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus in the
ocean. It allows changes in the internal zinc level of the bacterium by more
than two orders of magnitude and depends on a zinc uptake regulator protein
(Zur) that can sense zinc and react accordingly. I believe that this discovery
will be useful to the world.
exam topic
Ehno pharmacology
Ethnopharmacology is a branch of medical science in which drugs used by isolated
or primitive people are investigated using modern scientific methods. In some
cases, chemicals with the desired pharmacological properties are released and
eventually become drugs with properties recognizable in a natural product. Many
of the drugs we rely on today, from aspirin to morphine and the anti-cancer drug
Taxol, were derived from plants. The cross-cultural study of medicines derived
from natural substances, such as plants and fungi, is known as
Ethnopharmacology. He also studies natural medicines derived from plants and
other substances that have traditionally been used by groups of people to treat
various human diseases.
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
· #76
Oblakov German ХФ- 211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 20:55)
debt 17.05.22
Today I have read the article "Carbon capture takes sponge-like form with new
cost-effective method". The article tells about different ways to capture
carbon. An international team of scientists is using porous, sponge-like
materials that can trap carbon dioxide in their cavities while allowing other
gases, such as nitrogen, to pass through. These materials are made from sugar
and inexpensive alkali metal salts, so they are cheap enough for large-scale
deployment and are effective in limiting environmental damage from coal-fired
power plants. For the past 100 years, amine scrubbing has been the leading
carbon capture method. However, it was very costly. I believe that this method
will someday help to capture CO2 from the air, which will be very useful to the
Today I have read the article "Can we make graphite from coal? Researchers start
by finding new carbon solid". The article deals with graphite and carbon.
Graphite is an important carbon material with many applications. Now a growing
use of graphite is anodes in lithium-ion batteries, as well as important for the
production of Tesla electric vehicles. This article does not answer the original
question "can graphite be produced from coal?", but it shows that carbon has an
overwhelming tendency to exfoliate - similar to graphite, but with many
"defects" such as pentagons and heptagons, which quite naturally fit into the
grid. In general, carbon is a miracle element - you can create life, diamond,
graphite, buckyballs, nanotubes, graphene and much more. I learned about all
this in this wonderful article, which I advise you to read.
exam topic
Subdiscipline of pharmacology.
Pharmacology deals with the study of drug interactions with living systems. It
includes three subdisciplines: pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics and
pharmacogenetics. Pharmacodynamics is one of the main branches of Pharmacology
that studies the features of the effect of drugs on the human and animal bodies.
This discipline focuses on both the pharmacological effects of drugs themselves
and the mechanisms of their development. Pharmacokinetics is a branch of
Pharmacology that studies the kinetic patterns of chemical and biological
processes occurring with a drug in the body of an animal or human.
Pharmacogenetics is the science of human genetic characteristics that affect
individual drug tolerance.
Carbon capture takes sponge-like form with new cost-effective method
· #75
Oblakov German ХФ- 211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 20:55)
debt 10.05.22
Today I have read the article "Miniproteins that can launch two-pronged attacks
on viral proteins". This article is about miniproteins. The fact is that the
rapid emergence of new strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has weakened the
protection provided by vaccines against COVID-19. For this case, scientists have
developed a new class of miniproteins that can block the entry of the virus into
our cells and stick the virions together, reducing their ability to infect.These
were mini-proteins that could bind to and block the spike protein on the surface
of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The miniprotein was also found to be thermostable - it
can be stored for months at room temperature without deterioration. I believe
that these miniproteins will serve as a good protection for people from viruses.
Today I have read the article "Research paves the way for stronger alloys". The
article tells about the research that opened the way to more durable alloys. The
study used high-speed synchrotron X-ray tomography to "photograph" the changing
crystal structures in molten alloys as they cooled. The study showed that as the
aluminum-copper alloy cools, the process of solidification begins with the
formation of faceted dendrites, which are formed by layer-by-layer laying of
basic units with a size of only a micrometer. It also gave real insight into
what happens at the micro level when an alloy is cooled, and shows the shape of
the basic building blocks of crystals in molten alloys. I believe that the end
result of the researchers' work will be very useful both in industry and in
everyday life where stronger metals would be useful.
Exam Topic
Community pharmacy
A community pharmacy is a place where a practicing pharmacist sells
pharmaceuticals and other health products or retails directly to the public,
independent of other health care providers. Community pharmacies are located in
both rural and urban settings. Representing a core aspect of many health care
delivery systems, the community pharmacy is generally known for its reliability,
availability, and trust. The functions of the public pharmacy are to provide
additional medical services to the population. These services may include health
screening, blood pressure monitoring, diabetes screening, weight loss programs,
or even substance abuse help.
Miniproteins that can launch two-pronged attacks on viral proteins
· #74
Oblakov German ХФ- 211(Drozhzhina I.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 20:54)
debt 03.05.22
Today I have read the article "Photosynthesis-inspired process makes commodity
chemicals".The article describes a process that allows the production of
consumer chemicals with the help of light. The new process, unlike the old one,
did not require high temperatures and pressures. It was cheaper and less energy
intensive. The new process is not only environmentally friendly, but works
incredibly well, successfully converting nearly 100% acetylene to ethylene. The
resulting strategy worked surprisingly well. While the current commercial
process results in 90% ethylene selectivity, the new approach achieves 99%
ethylene selectivity. I really liked this article because it contains a lot of
useful information.
Today I have read the article "All wound up: A reversible molecular whirligig".
This article is about tiny molecular machines that are capable of rotating other
molecules. Nature has already created many molecular machines, whether it be
hair-like flagella that set bacteria in motion, or a rotating enzyme that
produces the energy-storing compound adenosine triphosphate. But the researchers
decided to create their own. In order to avoid difficulties, Nicholas Giuseppone
and his colleagues decided to build a molecular machine in the shape of a figure
eight with a rotating engine in the center and a polymer chain in each of its
two loops. I advise you to read this article for more information.
Exam topic
Hospital Pharmacy
A hospital pharmacy is a pharmacy that operates within a hospital. Its tasks
include: providing medical facilities with medicines, pharmacy products;
identifying the need for them in accordance with the profile and specifics of
the work of the attached medical facilities; systematic informing the staff
about medicines. Hospital pharmacies provide a large number of drugs per day,
which are distributed to wards and intensive care units according to the
patient's medication schedule. The hospital pharmacy staff prepares sterile
products for patients, such as total parenteral nutrition and other intravenous
drugs. They can also dispense over-the-counter and prescription drugs to
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
· #73
Rozyvailo Violetta (ХФ-211) (Drozhzhina I. S.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 14:51)
1) AIDS affects all of Africa, but more specifically the Great Lakes region.
2) All are in their initial stages of implementation or renewal.
3) There are numerous examples of economies that have continued to function,
even in conflict or potential conflict situations.
Fish include aquatic cranial vertebrates characterized by the presence of gills
throughout the life cycle and paired limbs in the form of fins. Many species
spend part of their life in sea water and part in fresh water. Such fish are
forced to make long, several thousand kilometers, migrations to spawning or
feeding grounds. Many deep-sea and Antarctic fish produce antifreeze, and
therefore can live for a long time at negative water temperatures. Most fish are
cold-blooded: their body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature. Fish
make up more than half of the total number of modern vertebrate species known to
science. Over the years, the exposition grew, replenished with new exhibits.
A severe mental condition that occurs as a result of a single or repeated event
that has a super-powerful negative impact on the psyche of the individual. The
traumatic nature of the event is closely related to the feeling of helplessness
due to the inability to act effectively in a dangerous situation. In most cases,
it is the family that creates the most favorable conditions for integrating a
person with a disability into society and raising his or her status. The family
is one of the subsystems of the social space of a person with a disability. If a
person with a disability feels the love of family members, is surrounded by
reasonable attention and care, then such an emotional environment has a positive
effect on his attitude towards the family, towards himself and towards people in
Cats gnaw and tear catnip leaves, because this leads to the most effective
insect repellent due to the substances contained in the leaves. The leaves of
catnip and actinidia, equally beloved by cats, contain iridoids, substances that
repel pests from plants - in particular, nepetalactol and nepetalactone. When
cats tear or chew leaves, it results in a copious excretion of these substances,
and also affects their ratio in the leaves. When the researchers applied the
same mixture of iridoids that is produced when leaves are damaged on plastic
plates, the experimental cats actively reacted to the smell, licking and chewing
the plates, which indicates the instinctive nature of their interest in catnip -
the animals were attracted by the substances themselves, although there were no
plants nearby .!
· #72
Arsiriy Vladislav (ХТ-211, Vorobyova E.V.) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 13:59)
Today I have read the article «Researchers working to recover rare-earth
elements and secure critical materials for clean energy technologies» that tells
us about state-of-the-art methods to shed light on chemical separations needed
to recover rare-earth elements and secure critical materials for clean energy
technologies. Bastnäsite deposits are rich in rare-earth metals but must be
mined and separated from unwanted minerals through chemical processes that are
not well understood. Greater efficiency offers cost-savings as well as benefits
to the environment by decreasing mining and carbon impacts. I will wait for news
on this topic.
1. conduct research-проведения исследований
They shipped it here to conduct research.
2. considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
3. controversial question-спорный вопрос
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
· #71
Nevreva M.M. to Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:10)
Thank you for the comments, they are quite good.
· #70
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 23:39)
10. Measurement of Conducted Supraharmonic Emissions: Quasi-Peak Detection and
Filter Bandwidth
by Guglielmo Frigo
In modern power systems, the integration of renewable energy sources relies on
dedicated inverters whose power electronic circuitry switches at high
frequencies and causes conducted emissions in the supraharmonic range. It is
very important to measure the amount of emissions, as well as set the emission
limit and the performance requirements of the switches. This article tells us
about a recent algorithm for the identification of supraharmonic components and
discusses how its estimates affect the estimation of quasi-peak values. In view
of the complete standardization of supraharmonic emissions in power systems, the
project aims at developing rigorous and reproducible measurement procedures, as
well as define plausible emission limits and uncertainty budgets.
· #69
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 23:38)
9. Deep learning in optical metrology: a review
By Chao Zuo, Jiaming Qian, Shijie Feng, Wei Yin, Yixuan Li, Pengfei Fan, Jing
Han, Kemao Qian & Qian Chen
This article tells us about how we can use deep learning in optical metrology.
Nowadays, deep learning, part of machine learning, is becoming a powerful tool
for solving problems by learning from data, largely due to the availability of
massive datasets, enhanced computing power, fast data storage and new learning
algorithms for deep neural networks that can be useful in optical metrology.
Unlike the traditional "physics-based" approach, deep metrology-based optical
metrology is a kind of "data-driven" approach that has already provided many
alternative solutions to many complex problems in this field with better
· #68
Drozhzhina I to Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:17)
Thank you, your comment is good.
· #67
Drozhzhina I to Babushkina Viktoria ХФ-212 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:16)
Thank you for your work, it’s good.
· #66
Drozhzhyna I to Kurovskaya XF-212 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 13:15)
Well done.
· #65
Kurovskaya XF-212 (Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:13)
Today I have read the article «All wound up: A reversible molecular whirligig»
that tells us about molecular motors that spin and spin like spinning toys,
allowing the energy and torque of their rotation to be measured. Researchers
have been creating their own versions with the goal of using them as
transporters or pumps, or to make materials that can store and release
mechanical energy. They constructed a figure eight-shaped molecular machine with
a rotary motor in its center and a polymer chain in each of its two loops.
Follow the link to find out more.
Today I have read the article «Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma
compounds» that tells us about the main compound in aroma mist is limonene.
Limonene is treated with electricity and ethanol, turning it into a mixture of
pleasant-smelling aromatic compounds. Limonene is regularly used in its original
form, but it can also be the starting platform for other scents. Researches
tested an environmentally benign oxidation method, mixing limonene with ethanol
and applying an electrical current to the solution. The process generated an
amber-colored liquid with a pleasant odor and 17 different compounds that had
fruity, herbal, citrus and resinous notes. I will wait for news on this topic.
· #64
Kurovskaya XF-212 (Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:12)
The future of pharmacy
Coronavirus has shaken the very foundations of our health care system. The
pandemic has brought unparalleled challenges that have stretched personal and
professional resilience to the limit. Now it’s important that these positive
changes to patient care and pharmacy practice in response to COVID-19 are
retained and built upon. We must continue to improve patient experience whilst
protecting the future sustainability. These principles and priorities for
transformation are at a critical point in the evolution of health care. This is
the start of an important process requiring concerted action and collaboration
across all health care sectors from all key stakeholders. This will enable us to
jointly shape pharmacy practice, ensuring the profession’s fullest potential is
utilised to improve patient care and contribute to the sustainability. I can
help the world with the future in pharmacy.
Pharmacy in hospital
These principles and priorities for transformation are at a critical point in
the evolution of health care. This is the start of an important process
requiring concerted action and collaboration across all health care sectors from
all key stakeholders. This will enable us to jointly shape pharmacy practice,
ensuring the profession’s fullest potential is utilised to improve patient care
and contribute to the sustainability. These principles and priorities for
transformation are at a critical point in the evolution of health care. This is
the start of an important process requiring concerted action and collaboration
across all health care sectors from all key stakeholders. This will enable us to
jointly shape pharmacy practice, ensuring the profession’s fullest potential is
utilised to improve patient care and contribute to the sustainability
Pharmacology divisions
Established in 1954, the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine is one of the oldest in the world, and has a long
history of laboratory and clinical research, teaching, and service activities.
Areas of investigation range across the spectrum of pharmacology: identification
of promising drug targets; preclinical studies of lead compounds; modeling of
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships; studies of kinetics, metabolism,
safety and efficacy of drugs in humans; rational use of drugs in clinical
The Division enjoys productive research collaborations with numerous Departments
in the School of Medicine, the School of Public Health, and the School of Arts
and Sciences. Faculty in the Division are integral to the widely acclaimed and
emulated Graduate Training Program in Clinical Investigation, the first such PhD
program in the country. Throughout its history, and by means of its research and
teaching missions, Clinical Pharmacology has brought a clear molecular
perspective to the science of clinical investigation.
A compounding pharmacy
A compounding Pharmacy prepares compounded drugs, according to the prescription
of medical practitioners. These drugs may be a blend of ingredients, which are
included in the medicines in exact dosage and potency according to the needs of
patients. The aim of an approved compounding pharmacy is to offer premium
nutritional supplements and bio-identical hormone treatments for patients in the
form of capsules, tablets, lotions, and creams. These pharmacies will prepare
drugs by combining different active pharmaceutical-grade constituents, as
recommended by any registered and qualified healthcare practitioner, into exact
dosage and strength forms according to the individual needs of patients. Both
state and federal authorities control all compounding pharmacies.
Three primary disciplines of Pharmacy
The field of Pharmacy can generally be divided into three primary disciplines:
• Pharmaceutics.
• Medicinal chemistry and Pharmacognosy.
• Pharmacy practice.
Also known as a retail pharmacy, the community pharmacy is the most well known
type of pharmacy. It is this type that is most traditionally known as the
pharmacist or chemist shop.
· #63
Babushkina Viktoria ХФ-212 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:53)
Phrases of the day:
1) in other words - иными словами
In other words, no person or system is trusted and every interaction is verified
through a central entity.
2) the digital version - цифровой версии
News tagged with digital version.
3) in principle - в принципе
In principle, however, the method is relevant for various chemical reactions and
thus the production of countless synthetic products.
Today I have read the article «New research reveals unexpected function for
basic DNA-based processes during chromosome folding». Researchers have shown
that the three-dimensional organization of chromosomes in the cell nucleus is
governed by mechanisms that reads genes (transcription) and copies chromosomes
(replication). They do this by limiting the progress of a protein complex called
cohesin, which slides along the chromosomal DNA, folding it into loops. These
findings are essential for understanding the function of a healthy cell. They
are also relevant in a medical perspective since folding is essential for
several cellular processes that protects chromosomes against disease-promoting
Today I have read the article «Team uses hot water to form photocatalyst».The
production of chemical substances normally requires environmentally harmful
solvents.After the research group produced organic substances without harmful
substances for the first time by heating them in hot water, the researchers can
chalk up another success:Through hydrothermal synthesis, they succeeded in
jointly forming and combining organic and inorganic substances in the same
reaction vessel—specifically, an inorganic solid that encloses organic dye
molecules.When exposed to light the hybrid material functions like a
catalyst.Since the photocatalyst is a solid, it can be used multiple times.The
research team's specific targets for application are small organic molecules
that play a role in pharmaceuticals.
Exam Topic
Medicines and health products
Medicinal product - a substance or mixture of substances of synthetic or natural
origin in the form of a dosage form (tablets, capsules, solutions, ointments,
etc.) used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Before being
used in medical practice, medicinal products must undergo clinical trials and be
approved for use. Groups of drugs are combined according to the direction of
action or the expected effect. To achieve a therapeutic effect, drugs should be
used in the right amount (dose), after a certain period, for a certain time.
Health products are natural products made without the use of harmful substances
and chemical compounds. They help to relax and cleanse the body, affect
metabolic processes, heal and nourish the skin.
· #62
Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 08:40)
in other words
So, in other words, you haven't actually solved these cases.
digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
in principle
This group is in principle very small.
Today I have read the article "Sweetened and unsweetened coffee consumption
associated with lower death risk". The study authors found that during the
7-year follow up period, participants who drank any amount of unsweetened coffee
were 16 to 21% less likely to die than participants who did not drink coffee.
Results were inconclusive for participants who used artificial sweeteners in
their coffee. Based on these data, we can say that you do not need to exclude
coffee from your diet, but you need to be careful with some types of coffee.I
really liked this article and the fact that I learned a lot of new things.
Today I have read the article "Reducing screen time increases physical activity
in children". A group of researchers from the University of Southern Denmark has
attempted to answer a question: whether children's use of screen media devices
truly affects their engagement in physical activity or if screen time is just
replacing other sedentary behaviors? The trial results clearly suggest that
spending many hours using digital screens after school and on weekends displaces
some activities where children move more around. To avoid harming your child's
health, set a time limit when it is safe to be at your computer.
Exam Topic
Internet pharmacy
Since about the year 2000, a growing number of internet pharmacies have been
established worldwide. Many of these pharmacies are similar to community
pharmacies, and in fact, many of them are actually operated by brick-and-mortar
community pharmacies that serve consumers online and those that walk in their
door. The primary difference is the method by which the medications are
requested and received. Some customers consider this to be more convenient and
private method rather than traveling to a community drugstore where another
customer might overhear about the drugs that they take. Internet pharmacies are
also recommended to some patients by their physicians if they are homebound.
· #61
Nevreva M.M. to Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD (Monday, 13 June 2022 14:47)
Thank you for the comments, they are interesting and informative.
· #60
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Monday, 13 June 2022 14:34)
Title: "The free-energy principle: a rough guide to the brain?"
The free-energy pricincipe means that each agent should minimize the entropy of
their sensory states. It looks logical and natural. The human brain tries to
achieve calmness. By this principle, the cognitive systems should predict the
future state and, based on this, tailor with high precision. To realize the
prediction, the Bayesian brain is defined in the paper. The theory is based on
computational approaches like Laplace method, Bayson theorem, Gaussian-Markov
theorem. The place of them is unclear for me now, so I need to do some research.
The principle generally might provide a comprehensive account of how we
represent the world and come to sample it adaptively.
· #59
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Monday, 13 June 2022 04:11)
Title: "Conflict and Cognitive Control in the Brain"
The paper consists of assumptions about cognitive conflicts in the human brain.
There is an area of the brain with the name Prefrontal cortex (PFC). This part
is responsible for orchestration of actions in other parts of the brain. It
looks like prioritization. But for detection of cognitive conflicts the Anterior
Cingulate cortex (ACC) is responsible. This part sends a signal for PFC and the
second updates priorities of tasks.
The authors have a focus on experiments about how fast the reaction for
conflicts. By this approach, the authors found out that time to error response
is the same as successful.
Reading such papers I am thinking about how to aggregate my vision of robotics
architecture. The human brain is deep to understand and each component like ACC
will take a lot of time to realize in robotics.
· #58
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Monday, 13 June 2022 02:57)
Title: "What Can Computational Models Learn From Human Selective Attention? A
Review From an Audiovisual Unimodal and Crossmodal Perspective"
The really big article contains a lot of useful information about cognitive
computing topics. The main vector is selective attention. There are few theories
of attention. The most reachable for robotics is Free-energy model and
information theory. The main point is that stimuli for humans can be viewed as
sensory inputs. The theory has a great correlation with the perception topic in
robotics. By this theory, the robot should minimize the energy costs caused by
surprise. But anyway, all theories have rights to exist and must be considered.
The most complicated problem in attention is the cross-modal interaction. There
is an open question about how to resolve conflicts from different modalities. As
mentioned by the authors, the problem is global for discipline.
· #57
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Monday, 13 June 2022 02:55)
Fix to #55. Correct title: "Reactive multi-agent based control of mobile robot chain formations"
· #56
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Monday, 13 June 2022 02:53)
Title: "What Can Computational Models Learn From Human Selective Attention? A
Review From an Audiovisual Unimodal and Crossmodal Perspective"
The paper has a interesting research how to realize a mobile robots connected
into chain. This is a swarm approach, the snake-like strategy. Each component of
chain is connected to the next and has a master role. At the same time, for the
previous agent, it has a slave role. During step-by-step moving, the component
tries to take place of the next. To perform it, each agent has a connector
realization to recognize a position of the next one (left far, right far, left
close, right close). The modeling of chain is presented. The developers noticed
they will focus on inverse kinematic problems in the next research. For me, the
scalability is unclear. How would this solution work for 100+ items? I guess the
iteration of moving will take a lot of time and require an optimization.
· #55
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Sunday, 12 June 2022 23:58)
Title: "Reactive multi-agent based control of mobile robot chain formations"
The paper has interesting research on how to realize mobile robots connected
into chains. This is a swarm approach, the snake-like strategy. Each component
of a chain is connected to the next and has a master role. At the same time, for
the previous agent, it has a slave role. During step-by-step moving, the
component tries to take the place of the next. To perform it, each agent has a
connector realization to recognize a position of the next one (left far, right
far, left close, right close). The modeling of the chain is presented. The
developers noticed they will focus on inverse kinematic problems in the next
research. For me, the scalability is unclear. How would this solution work for
100+ items? I guess the iteration of moving will take a lot of time and require
an optimization.
· #54
Borysenko (Sunday, 12 June 2022 08:21)
To Polyak,XF-211. Your debts are worked out. Good luck
· #53
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Sunday, 12 June 2022 03:31)
Title: "Intelligent Robotic Perception Systems"
The robotic perception is crucial for a robot to make decisions, plan, and
operate in real-world environments. The general interplayer between real-world
and central operation units is sensor. Referring to human perception, there are
three stages: selection, organization, interpretation. These steps can be
realized in robotics. The authors represent them like: sensors, mapping,
That's all, the authors do not suggest anything else. The paper is the
collection of different examples which potentially use the perception already on
their side.
The paper has a review of examples of real robots. The most interesting for me
is SPENCER. This example is developed for the locations with big human flow. The
robot picks out a way between them without any collisions.
· #52
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Sunday, 12 June 2022 02:37)
Title: "Cross-Talk of Low-Level Sensory and High-Level Cognitive Processing:
Development, Mechanisms, and Relevance for Cross-Modal Abilities of the Brain"
The non-technical paper has an observation of the main brain sensory systems
development. The human brain is cross-modal. It means that we receive
information from different sources and coherent it to the one entity. The way
how to connect these different processes is defined in paper. It is possible by
Top-down and Bottom-up modulations. The modulation in the current context is the
way how the data is transferred from one brain area to another. Under review the
authors have taken out the vision, auditory, somatosensory and prefrontal
cortexes of the human brain. The main point is that all cognitive abilities,
functions, process are hard coupled. It is a reason of complexity of development
the cognitive systems in robotics.
· #51
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Borisenko) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 01:10)
debt 08.06.22
Today i have read the article "New polymer property could boost accessible solar
power". The main idea to boost solar power, wich become more and more demanded
every day. Researchers first combined achiral conjugated polymers with a
solvent. As the solvent molecules evaporated, the solution became more and more
concentrated. Through the lens of a microscope, they observed the polymers
twisted shape and helical structure. In my opinion this way is very good, cause
also Organic solar cells can be printed at high speed and low cost. So later it
may become so cheap, that anybody will be able to buy them and use almost
Today i have read the article "New method to enrich uranium in seawater". It is
about pre-enriching uranium in seawater by membrane filtration. Seawater
contains more uranium, than terrestrial reserves, but it is more difficult to
collect them from sea. The researchers have developed an effective method to
pre-enrich uranium in seawater. They fabricated a new type of glycine
cross-linked composite graphene oxide membrane, which can meet the demands of
uranium pre-enrichment in seawater. I like this article, because terrestrial
reserves of uranium are not unlimited, so researchers need to find out new way,
to get uranium from sea or other places.
· #50
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Drozhzhyna.I.S) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 00:51)
debt 07.06.22
Today i have read the article "New insights into how cyanobacteria regulate zinc
uptake in the open ocean". Аindings indicate that zinc is an essential element
for marine cyanobacteria. every other breath we take is oxygen evolved from
marine systems whilst around a half of the carbon dioxide fixed into biomass on
Earth occurs in ocean waters. So theoretically we can call oceans "lungs" of our
planet. That`s why marine cyanobacteria is very important. I like this article,
because every day our researchers continue find out new ways, how to make our
life better and eco-friendly.
Today I have read the article "Study explores remarkable negative thermal
expansion seen in layered ruthenates".I really liked this article about the
study of thermal expansion, since we meet most of the materials in our everyday
life, and it is very exciting for me to know this and the details of the
microcosm.Although I would try to find (get) layered ruthenate in other chemical
elements in the place of researchers. thereby expanding the amount of layered
ruthenate in the environment.I would also like to invite researchers to practice
various everyday semiconductors so that the thermal expansion does not affect
the crystal and other structures so much.
Exam Topic
The future of pharmacy
Pharmacy today is one of the most developed industries.Now pharmacy as a science
is gaining momentum every year. And in the future, this process will continue,
as people do not stop coming up with something new to interest their customers.
Every day, new technologies are being developed and new drugs are being created
so that patients can be cured.A pharmacist, like a doctor, is responsible for a
person's life, and I hope that this state of affairs will continue in the
future.For example, nanotechnologies are already being used to manufacture
medicines. At the moment, there are diseases for the treatment of which drugs
have not yet been invented. Therefore, medicine and pharmacy should solve this
· #49
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Borisenko) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 00:21)
debt 01.06.22
Today i have read the article "New delivery method allows slow-release of
broader array of peptide drugs in the body". Microencapsulation in biodegradable
polymers allows drugs to be released over time in the body. Because of their
large size drugs must be injected, cause you can not take them just by mouth.
The concept potentially worked, but it was not yet commercially useful.
Injections are used to treat prostate cancer, endometriosis and other conditions
and it was tested on lab rats. In my opinion it is very good method, but it is
still quite slow. But i think, that in future researchers will find way, to make
it faster.
Today i have read the article "Chemists design chemical probe for detecting
minute temperature shifts in the body". Main idea is that instead of just
creating images, an MRI machine could extract detailed information about the
chemistry of the body. It should work in such way, that temperatures anomalies
occur around the injury. In my opinion it is interesting way, but it can be
unsafe, cause of exploiting the magnetism of electrons requires microwaves,
which are dangerous for humans. And also they need special temperature to work,
because they can not work at room temperature, they need to be much colder.
· #48
Ivan Aphanasyev, PhD to Nevreva M.M. (Sunday, 12 June 2022 00:20)
Title: "Place Categorization and Semantic Mapping on a Mobile Robot"
The paper reviews and suggests the most of requirable topic in active robotics.
The place categorisation means the possibility of robotic platforms to recognise
an objects, to have an answer for question "Where am i?".
There is an interesting comparing between the robotics and the computer vision
community. The common neural network for typical images recognition tasks will
have a training process using known objects. It is possible by using closed
The robotics potentially will work with unknown objects. To assume it, the
authors suggest to use Bayesian Filtering from probability theory and
statistics. Based on this, the authors have an experiments for a real robot
which recognises the type of room in the office (Kitchen, Corridor, Parking
· #47
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Drozhzhyna.I.S) (Sunday, 12 June 2022 00:09)
debt 31.05.22
Today i have read the article "Systematic study resolves debate on car exhaust
catalyst design". The team first established methods to produce each catalyst
with a homogenous nanostructure to enable a comparison between them. After this,
they looked for correlations between catalytic activity and the amount of cerium
and manganese. Theirs findings show that the design of more active catalyst
materials requires the maximization of manganese atoms on the catalyst surface.
These atoms be atomatically spaced, to avoid N2O formation. In my opinion it is
very good, that researcherers find out new way, to make equipments more
eco-safe, that they are.
Today i have read the article "Light-induced changes in shape power a pump in a
marine bacterium". Bacteria and single-cell algae ferry ions into and out of
their cells using pumps that are driven by light. This pumps are not just
interest of biochemists, but also neiroscientists. They use them to probe btain
circuits in animals. Scientists used large and expensive equipment, cause they
are more detectable by X-rays. It was also discovered interesting thing, that
pump had special mechanism, which prerents ions from returning the way they
came. It is very interesting article for me.
· #46
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Drozhzhyna.I.S) (Saturday, 11 June 2022 23:48)
debt 24.05.22
Today i have read the article "Molecules found in mucus can thwart fungal
infection". It is about yeast, that lives in the human digestive tract, mouth,
urinary and reproductive organs. Usually it doesn"t cause disease, but sometimes
it can switch to a harmful form. Thats why researchers identified components of
mucus that can prevent from infection. Mucins contain many different glycans,
which are complex sugar molecules and can be spezialized to help tame spicific
pathogens. In my opinion it is very good, that our medicine moves forward and
invent new ways, to make deseases easier and cures more efficient.
Today i have read the article "How clearer reporting of negative experimental
results would improve reaction planning in chemistry". It is about a large part
down to the tendency of scientists not to report failed experiments, but it is
also theirs mistake. It was dentified three possible causes for biased
data:results may be flawed due to experimental error, chemists may rely on their
personal experience and failed reactions are reported less frequently.
Investigations showed that the experimental error had the smallest influence on
the model. In my opinion nobody is perfect, but their mistakes can help to other
chemists in future.
· #45
Borysenko (Saturday, 11 June 2022 16:30)
To Polyak,XF-211. Your comments are ok. Good luck
· #44
Nevreva M.M. to Goloborodko V. PhD (Saturday, 11 June 2022 12:24)
All your comments are clear and informative, thank you.
· #43
Nevreva M.M. to Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. (Saturday, 11 June 2022 10:05)
All your comments are clear and informative, thank you.
· #42
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Borisenko) (Saturday, 11 June 2022 00:00)
debt 25.05.22
Today i have read the article "Aerogel integrated wood provides better
insulation than existing plastic-based materials". It is about insulating
material developed from wood. New insulating material is an aerogel integrated
wood which is made without adding any additional substances. According to this,
it is not completely new material. But the main idea that this strong aerogels
could be used to replace current aerogels for super thermal insulation. It is
interesting, that building insulation isn't the only potential use for the
aerogel, but also for energy storage and conversion, and even tissue
engineering. In my opinion it`s very useful replacement and nice step in future
better life.
Today i have read the article "E-nose' sniffs out mixtures of volatile organic
compounds". From this article i found out, that there is special device to
detect volatile organic compounds, which can negatively impact health. As
example her was xylene, which exists as three isomeres. It is hard to monitor
them separately, cause they are very simular. Researchers used gas
chromatography, but this procedure requires large instruments which are quite
expensive. Advantage was that "e-nose", special electronic device, can identify
this xylene isomers within mixtures. In my opinion this device is very useful
and simple, cause can discriminate the three forms of xylene in environmental
monitoring and diagnostic health testing.
· #41
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Thursday, 09 June 2022 22:22)
8. Noise Limitations in Multi-Fringe Readout of Laser Interferometers and
by Tobias Eckhardt and Oliver Gerberding
This article tells us about laser interferometers and possible ways to improve
them. The authors worked on laser interferometers that operate in a dynamic
range exceeding one wavelength, are used as compact displacement sensors for
gravity wave detectors and inertial sensors, as well as in a number of other
high-precision applications. They had calculated and compared the Cramer–Rao
lower bound for phasemeters of some state-of-the-art two-beam interferometer
schemes and derived their noise limitations for sub-fringe operation and for
multi-fringe readout schemes and finally they got achievable noise performance
levels for one of these interferometer techniques, deep-frequency modulation
· #40
Borysenko (Thursday, 09 June 2022 19:36)
To Polyak,XF-211. Your comments (#37.#38) are done well, but you have some more debts, don't forget,pls.
· #39
Borysenko (Thursday, 09 June 2022 19:27)
To Vdovychenko, XF-212.Well done. Thanks
· #38
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:37)
7. A Possibilistic Kalman Filter for the Reduction of the Final Measurement
Uncertainty, in Presence of Unknown Systematic Errors
by Harsha Vardhana Jetti and Simona Salicone
This article tells us about the special variant of a Kalman filter. A Kalman
filter is a concept that has been in existence for decades now and it is widely
used in numerous areas to provide a prediction of the system states as well as
the uncertainty associated with it. However, the basic version of the Kalman
filter can`t propagate uncertainty in a correct way when the variables are not
distributed normally or when there is a correlation in the measurements or when
there is a systematic error in the measurements. In this version of the Kalman
filter authors define a possibilistic Kalman filter using random-fuzzy variables
which not only considers and propagates both random and systematic contributions
to uncertainty, but also reduces the overall uncertainty associated with the
state predictions by compensating for the unknown residual systematic
· #37
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Borisenko) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 20:02)
debt 18.05.22
Today I have read the article "Modifying surfaces with polymer chains promotes
uniform drying of particle-containing liquids".It's about the coffee ring
strategy and creating a consistent drying pattern.I liked the method that, to
achieve consistent drying patterns, is to change the surfaces of the particles
using polymer chains so that they effectively repel each other, being strongly
attracted to the surface of the drop.There is also a phenomenon that occurs when
liquids containing particles, so-called dispersions, such as ink, paint or red
wine, dry out.Ring patterns are just as undesirable in technical processes as
when we spill coffee.
Today I have read the article "Creating mRNA with an all-chemical process may
allow for customized mRNA vaccines".It's about a process that could represent an
important breakthrough in the creation of customized mRNA vaccines for various
diseases and allows the production of inexpensive mRNA in large quantities.First
of all, vaccines teach cells how to make a protein that triggers the body's
immune response, allowing its natural defenses to recognize the invading
virus.Also, new vaccines that use biological processes do not allow precise
molecular design of mRNA,which limits their use in the creation of new vaccines
as options become available.I liked a method that could allow mRNA to be
injected directly instead of using lipid nanoparticles.
· #36
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Borisenko) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 20:01)
Today I have read the article "Modifying surfaces with polymer chains promotes
uniform drying of particle-containing liquids".It's about the coffee ring
strategy and creating a consistent drying pattern.I liked the method that, to
achieve consistent drying patterns, is to change the surfaces of the particles
using polymer chains so that they effectively repel each other, being strongly
attracted to the surface of the drop.There is also a phenomenon that occurs when
liquids containing particles, so-called dispersions, such as ink, paint or red
wine, dry out.Ring patterns are just as undesirable in technical processes as
when we spill coffee.
Today I have read the article "Creating mRNA with an all-chemical process may
allow for customized mRNA vaccines".It's about a process that could represent an
important breakthrough in the creation of customized mRNA vaccines for various
diseases and allows the production of inexpensive mRNA in large quantities.First
of all, vaccines teach cells how to make a protein that triggers the body's
immune response, allowing its natural defenses to recognize the invading
virus.Also, new vaccines that use biological processes do not allow precise
molecular design of mRNA,which limits their use in the creation of new vaccines
as options become available.I liked a method that could allow mRNA to be
injected directly instead of using lipid nanoparticles.
· #35
Polyak Alina XF-211 (Drozhzhyna.I.S) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 17:46)
debt 17.05.22
Today I have read the article "Engineers model nanoscale crystal dynamics in
easy-to-view system".It is about how shear affects grain boundaries in
polycrystalline materials.Undoubtedly, the shift at the crystal-void boundary
can indeed influence how microstructures develop.Also common metals, ceramics
and semiconductors appear uniform and solid.In my opinion, on a molecular scale,
these materials are polycrystalline, separated by defects known as grain
boundaries.I really liked the study of when, a solid condensed matter, which
predicts the reorientation angles and energies of low-angle grain boundaries
characterized by a slight displacement between neighboring crystals.Despite
this, voids act as sources and sinks for the movement of grain boundaries.
Today I have read the article "Unfreezing waters in ligand binding sites to aid
in drug discovery".It's about frozen block structures that play a central role
in understanding function and drug development.Ligands are molecules that bind
to a receptor protein.Also, the binding of a protein to ligands and the
resulting shape changes are critical elements to consider in drug development.I
really liked the fact that drug discoverers rarely look closely at the raw
experimental data, which is presented in the form of an electron density
map.Despite this, the influence of temperature and the water network affects a
huge number of structures, the results obtained can have a wide impact on drug
· #34
Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Borisenko T.I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:08)
be expressed
Many scientific and technical formulas can be expressed as equations.
at every point
At every point in time, there are infinite possibilities
backed up by
This service desk is to be backed up by the developer as required.
Today I have read the article "Remote work doesn't negatively affect
productivity, study suggests". A research team from the Texas A&M University
School of Public Health found that employee and company resiliency may be
enhanced through the opportunity for employees to work remotely. The researchers
looked at employee technology data before, during and after Hurricane
Harvey.They concluded that remote work does not adversely affect productivity.
Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular with both employees and
employers.I am sure that this approach allows you to reach your full
potential.Being able to work from home provides people with a number of very
important benefits
Today I have read the article "Antibiotics can lead to fungal infection because
of disruption to the gut's immune system". A team at the University's Institute
of Immunology and Immunotherapy, in conjunction with researchers at the National
Institutes of Health, discovered that antibiotics disrupt the immune system in
the intestines, meaning that fungal infections were poorly controlled in that
area. The study demonstrates the potential for immune-boosting drugs, but
researchers also say their work also highlights how antibiotics can have
additional effects. Any antibiotics should be taken only on prescription. The
main rule is to use antibiotics only in cases when it is impossible to do
without them. Do not self-medicate.
· #33
Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:45)
To Babushkina,XF-212. Way to go. Good luck
· #32
Babushkina Viktoria ХФ-212 (Borisenko T. I.) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:42)
Phrases of the day:
1) be expressed - выражаться
Heart muscle cells have different functions than skin cells and so require
different genes to be expressed.
2) backed up by - подкреплены
Interestingly, this possibility is backed up by evidence from other, more
distant supervoids.
3) at every point - на каждом этапе
It's that at every point, new influences from different sources come into play.
Today I've read the article «A new look at how genes unfold to enable their
expression».Cornell researchers have uncovered surprising new information about
the process by which genes are unwrapped and exposed so that they can be
expressed.Scientists have long suspected that RNA polymerase II itself drives
the unwrapping of DNA from its normal tightly packaged state, but a new study
offers a quite different view.It presents evidence that DNA unwinds from its
tight packing even before the transcription enzyme makes contact with that DNA
and begins to read it.The researchers suspect that what they have found holds
true for many highly activated genes - those that are called upon to manufacture
large quantities of proteins.
Today I've read the article«How coronavirus aerosols travel through lungs».More
than 65% of inhaled coronavirus particles reach the deepest region of our lungs
where damage to cells can lead to low blood oxygen levels,new research has
discovered,and more of these aerosols reach the right lung than the left.This is
due to the highly asymmetrical anatomical structure of the lungs and the way air
flows through the different lobes.The researchers modeled three different flow
rates—7.5, 15 and 30 liters per minute.The model showed greater virus deposition
at lower flow rates.As well as improving our understanding of coronavirus
transmission,the findings have implications for the development of targeted drug
delivery devices that can deliver medicine to the areas of the respiratory
system most affected by the virus.
· #31
Borysenko (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:41)
To Vdovychenko and Kurovskaya,XF-212. Well done. Best wishes
· #30
Kurovskaya XF-212 (Borisenko) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 11:20)
be expressed - выражаться
The subjective can hardly be expressed by the objective.
at every point - на каждом этапе
It's exploding at every point in history.
backed up by - подкреплены
But these have not been backed up by practical action.
Today I have read the article «All wound up: A reversible molecular whirligig»
that tells us about molecular motors that spin and spin like spinning toys,
allowing the energy and torque of their rotation to be measured. Researchers
have been creating their own versions with the goal of using them as
transporters or pumps, or to make materials that can store and release
mechanical energy. They constructed a figure eight-shaped molecular machine with
a rotary motor in its center and a polymer chain in each of its two loops.
Follow the link to find out more.
Today I have read the article «Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma
compounds» that tells us about the main compound in aroma mist is limonene.
Limonene is treated with electricity and ethanol, turning it into a mixture of
pleasant-smelling aromatic compounds. Limonene is regularly used in its original
form, but it can also be the starting platform for other scents. Researches
tested an environmentally benign oxidation method, mixing limonene with ethanol
and applying an electrical current to the solution. The process generated an
amber-colored liquid with a pleasant odor and 17 different compounds that had
fruity, herbal, citrus and resinous notes. I will wait for news on this topic.
· #29
Anton Safonenko (XT-211, Andreikova) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022)
Phrases of the day
1 - backed up by - подкреплены
Effective project performance monitoring systems must be backed up by the use of
information technologies.
2 - at every point - На каждом этапе
The following three concepts apply at every point in the process.
3 - be expressed - выражаться
Requests for information may be expressed in writing, and are registered.
Today I have read the article "How food waste helped us discover the existence
of a Christian community in 12th century Islamic Iberia". This article tells
about how human excavations, such as food, can determine the religion of the
people who lived at that time. The analysis of food waste can provide insight
into the sociocultural identity of groups of people in the past. This is done by
assessing the frequency of occurrence of certain species in the waste. In this
regard, the presence of pig carcasses in the dumps of medieval Iberia is of
particular importance, since pork is prohibited by the religious laws of both
Muslims and Jews, and thus represents a marker of ethnic identity in medieval
· #28
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 00:15)
6. Applicability of Metrology to Information Technology
by Martha M. Gray
This article drew attention to the need to standardize methods for measuring
information technology. The author raises questions about which measurements are
suitable for IT and which ones for software. The existing measures for the
quality, complexity, reliability, productivity of software developers, cost, and
time of work are indicated. The author gives us models for evaluating software
development processes and indicators of the quality of software, use of which
can offer better design methods and improve software quality, but they do not
provide an estimate of the size and cost of software development.
· #27
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 00:13)
5. Systematic Distortion Factor and Unrecognized Source of Uncertainties in
Nuclear Data Measurements and Evaluations
by Nikolay V. Kornilov, Vladimir G. Pronyaev and Steven M. Grimes
When measuring, we get not only some quantitative characteristic of a physical
quantity but also its uncertainty part. As a result of experiments, we can
calculate and systematize the measurement uncertainty. Recommendations for the
presentation of measurement uncertainty are given in metrology manuals: the
statistical and systematic components of the uncertainty should be explained,
evaluated and presented separately as measurement results. due to many factors,
including the human one, all measurements are largely subjective, which makes
the systematic distortion factor (SDF) a permanent guest of any experiment. SDF
can also be a physical effect that can only be ruled out by additional
measurements or analysis. For a set of measured data with the best estimate of
the true value, their differences beyond their uncertainties can be explained by
the presence of an unrecognized source of uncertainty (USU) in the data. The
article considers the introduction and consideration of USU when evaluating data
in cases where it is impossible to eliminate the SDF.
· #26
Goloborodko Volodymyr PHD Nevreva M.M. (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 00:12)
3D Temperature Distribution Model Based on Thermal Infrared Image
by Tong Jia, HongYu Wang, DongYue Chen, MingYa Hou, ChengDong Wu, Mo Tu, Yuli
Jiang, and Shuai Zhang
This article tells us about the 3D temperature distribution reconstruction
system based on binocular vision technology. This method used binocular vision
to create a 3D map (point cloud), which can help to create a 3D thermal map of
the explored object. But unfortunately, standard methods of calibration became
useless, so we need to calibrate the infrared camera apart from binocular
vision. Also, we need to minimize ping between creating 3D point cloud and
thermal vision to create a truly 3D temperature distribution model.
· #25
Babushkina Viktoria ХФ-212 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:47)
Phrases of the day:
1) able to eliminate - можем устранить
As highlighted by one of the heads of the study the researchers were able to
eliminate the impurities of used graphite, reorganize its structure and
reactivate it for new use.
2) another way of - еще один способ
We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information is
urgently needed, and this facilitates the information use process.
3) alternative way - альтернативный способ
LPAs offer an alternative way to accelerate and boost the energies of the
Today I have read the article «A novel process to capture and convert CO2 from
air».Direct air capture is a promising novel technology for the extraction of
carbon dioxide from ambient air via liquid or solid sorbents.The CO2 provided by
this process can be either stored in geological formations or used as feedstock
for the production of carbon-neutral fuels and energy carriers.Тhe first
objective of researcher was to optimize DAC processes in order to reduce their
costs.The second objective of his research was to identify an optimal process
integration between DAC and the methanation of carbon dioxide.He olso found that
a great reduction of the energy demand can be achieved through efficient heat
Today I have read the article «Ultrafine ruthenium nanocrystals as an
alternative to platinum for a pH-universal hydrogen evolution reaction».
Currently, electrocatalytic water splitting is one of the most inexpensive,
clean, reliable, quiet and affordable industrial-grade efficient hydrogen
production technologies. However, the most effective platinum based catalysts
for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are subject to high price and
unsatisfactory stability. Therefore, low cost, high efficiency and high
stability HER electrocatalysts are urgently needed to replace Pt based
electrocatalysts.Recently, a research team designed a high-quality N-doped
graphene aerogel supporting Ru nanocrystal nanocomposites. I think this is an
interesting article.
Exam Topic
Medicines and health products
Medicinal product - a substance or mixture of substances of synthetic or natural
origin in the form of a dosage form (tablets, capsules, solutions, ointments,
etc.) used for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Before being
used in medical practice, medicinal products must undergo clinical trials and be
approved for use. Groups of drugs are combined according to the direction of
action or the expected effect. To achieve a therapeutic effect, drugs should be
used in the right amount (dose), after a certain period, for a certain time.
Health products are natural products made without the use of harmful substances
and chemical compounds. They help to relax and cleanse the body, affect
metabolic processes, heal and nourish the skin.
· #24
Drozhzhina I to Kurovskaya XF-212 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:11)
Thank you for your participation, but where is your essay?
· #23
Drozhzhina I to Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:10)
Well done thank you
· #22
Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:23)
another way of
They couldn't think of another way of doing it and I just carried the message.
able to eliminate
Only by joint efforts will we be able to eliminate the Chernobyl problem.
alternative way
Is there an alternative way of resolving these problems?
Today I have read the article "New evidence of how exercise can counter diabetes
damage". Angiogenesis is the ability to form new blood vessels. Endothelial
cells line our blood vessels and are essential to that new blood vessel growth.
The MCG scientists have the first evidence that in the face of diabetes, even
one 45-minute session of moderate intensity exercise enables more exosomes to
deliver directly to those cells more of the protein. To draw the conclusion, one
can say that people with diabetes are recommended to exercise with resistance
2-3 times a week on inconsistent days
Today I have read the article "New research moves closer to harnessing viruses
to fight bacteria and reduce antibiotic use". Antibiotic resistance occurs when
bacteria change in response to the use of these drugs. Phage therapy is the
concept of using viruses (known as phage) that are harmful to humans to kill
bacteria. The new study has cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics
and phage therapy. Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem for humanity and
needs to be addressed immediately. All things considered phage therapy could be
an important part of the toolkit, in reducing antibiotic use.
Exam Topic
Ethnopharmacology is the cross-cultural study of how people derive medicines
from plants, animals, fungi, or other naturally occurring resources. Up to now,
the field has focused mostly on developing drugs based on the medicinal use of
plants by indigenous people. The "discovery" that indigenous knowledge about
medicinal plants may hold clues for curing "western" diseases has become one of
the most widely used arguments for conserving cultural and biological
diversity.But medicinal plant research includes much more than the discovery of
new drugs. Recently, the field has been expanding to also include such diverse
subjects as negotiation of power based on medicinal plant knowledge and the
co-evolution of humans and plants.
· #21
Kurovskaya XF-212 (Drozhzhina) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:13)
another way of - еще один способ
This is just another way of manipulating me.
alternative way - альтернативный способ
There are other, alternative ways to treat illness.
able to eliminate - можем устранить
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all.
Today I have read the article «All wound up: A reversible molecular whirligig»
that tells us about molecular motors that spin and spin like spinning toys,
allowing the energy and torque of their rotation to be measured. Researchers
have been creating their own versions with the goal of using them as
transporters or pumps, or to make materials that can store and release
mechanical energy. They constructed a figure eight-shaped molecular machine with
a rotary motor in its center and a polymer chain in each of its two loops.
Follow the link to find out more.
Today I have read the article «Zapping orange peel oil into new, pleasant aroma
compounds» that tells us about the main compound in aroma mist is limonene.
Limonene is treated with electricity and ethanol, turning it into a mixture of
pleasant-smelling aromatic compounds. Limonene is regularly used in its original
form, but it can also be the starting platform for other scents. Researches
tested an environmentally benign oxidation method, mixing limonene with ethanol
and applying an electrical current to the solution. The process generated an
amber-colored liquid with a pleasant odor and 17 different compounds that had
fruity, herbal, citrus and resinous notes. I will wait for news on this topic.
· #20
Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Borisenko T.I.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:32)
another way of
They couldn't think of another way of doing it and I just carried the message.
able to eliminate
Only by joint efforts will we be able to eliminate the Chernobyl problem.
alternative way
Is there an alternative way of resolving these problems?
Today I have read the article "New evidence of how exercise can counter diabetes
damage". Angiogenesis is the ability to form new blood vessels. Endothelial
cells line our blood vessels and are essential to that new blood vessel growth.
The MCG scientists have the first evidence that in the face of diabetes, even
one 45-minute session of moderate intensity exercise enables more exosomes to
deliver directly to those cells more of the protein. To draw the conclusion, one
can say that people with diabetes are recommended to exercise with resistance
2-3 times a week on inconsistent days
Today I have read the article "New research moves closer to harnessing viruses
to fight bacteria and reduce antibiotic use". Antibiotic resistance occurs when
bacteria change in response to the use of these drugs. Phage therapy is the
concept of using viruses (known as phage) that are harmful to humans to kill
bacteria. The new study has cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics
and phage therapy. Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem for humanity and
needs to be addressed immediately. All things considered phage therapy could be
an important part of the toolkit, in reducing antibiotic use.
Exam Topic
Ethnopharmacology is the cross-cultural study of how people derive medicines
from plants, animals, fungi, or other naturally occurring resources. Up to now,
the field has focused mostly on developing drugs based on the medicinal use of
plants by indigenous people. The "discovery" that indigenous knowledge about
medicinal plants may hold clues for curing "western" diseases has become one of
the most widely used arguments for conserving cultural and biological
diversity.But medicinal plant research includes much more than the discovery of
new drugs. Recently, the field has been expanding to also include such diverse
subjects as negotiation of power based on medicinal plant knowledge and the
co-evolution of humans and plants.
· #19
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 01:20)
3. Development of a Toolchain for Automated Optical 3D Metrology Tasks
by Prakash Jamakatel, Maximilian Eberhardt and Florian Kerber
Today, production is characterized by a wide range of automated production
lines, which allows you to quickly set up mass production. At the same time,
there is a problem of more complex artificial high-precision production, where
it would be good to use robots, but due to mass automation, it is not
profitable. This article reviews the Robotic Operational System (ROS), which
allows you to use visual control to expand the basic range of applications of
robots, manipulators and CNC machines. The processing steps comprise several
consecutive tasks: CAD-based object registration, pose generation for
sensor-guided applications, trajectory generation for the robotic manipulator,
the execution of sensor-guided robotic processes, test and the evaluation of the
results. The main benefits of the ROS framework are readily applicable tools for
digital twin functionalities and established interfaces for various manipulator
systems. As a result, authors get that complex geometry can be automatically
reconstructed, and they outperformed a standard method used as a reference.
Hence, extensions to other vision-controlled applications seem to be feasible.
· #18
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 01:20)
2. The GUM Tree Calculator: A Python Package for Measurement Modelling and Data
Processing with Automatic Evaluation of Uncertainty
by Blair D. Hall
Today, industrial production is moving to fully autonomous production under the
direction of AI, so the question arises and automation of metrological control
and calculation of measurement uncertainties (GUM). Therefore, based on the
Python programming language, a package was created that implements algorithmic
data processing using ‘uncertain numbers’ that meet the general GUM criteria for
the ideal format for expressing uncertainty. This article tells us about the
methods and tools of this package, which allows you to use an uncertain number
to represent a physical quantity that is not defined. Using uncertain numbers,
measurement models can be clearly and concisely expressed in terms of the
quantities involved.
· #17
Goloborodko Volodymyr. PHD. Nevreva M.M. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 01:19)
1. Analysis of Vector Network Analyzer Thermal Drift Error
By Aleksandr Bystrov, Yi Wang and Peter Gardner
In industry, there is a need to calibrate measuring instruments to ensure the
reproducibility of measurements. In this article, the authors tell us about an
experiment which can save time without loss of quality of measurements when
conducting research in the terahertz-frequency range. They use
low-terahertz-frequency extender modules to study the thermal drift errors of a
vector network analyzer. As a result, it was shown that the measurement error
decreased rapidly during the first half-hour of warm-up and stabilized by 3
hours after turning on the equipment, so it can show us how much time they need
to warm-up equipment to optimize the measurement’s accuracy.
· #16
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:20)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #15
Drozhzhina I to Kurovskaya ХФ-212 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 13:20)
Not bad but where is your essay on the exam topic?
· #14
Nevreva M.M. to Markolenko T. PhD (Saturday, 04 June 2022 15:04)
Thank you for your both comments, well done.
· #13
Nevreva M.M. to Razinkov PhD (Saturday, 04 June 2022 14:56)
Thank you for the comments, they are clear and informative. Mind,pls. :"The objective OF this article... ".
· #12
Markolenko_PhD st_NevrevaM.M. (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:54)
Title: Comparison of combustion properties of simulated biogas and methane
In this work, using calculation algorithms, the combustion properties of a
simulated gas consisting of 60% methane and 40% carbon dioxide by volume are
determined, comparing them with the properties of pure methane. The influence of
these properties on the characteristic flame phenomena of the premixed mixture
is shown. The results show a strong effect of carbon dioxide on combustion
properties and characteristic flame parameters with biogas premixing.
These calculations can be used to determine the temperature and combustion rate
when burning a mixture of natural gas and biogas in a boiler furnace.
· #11
Markolenko_PhD st_NevrevaM.M. (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:53)
Title: Combustion of Renewable Biogas Fuels
The article examines the impact of biogas fuel composition variability and lower
calorific value on the combustion process. Natural gas, anaerobic biogas,
landfill biogas and natural gas/biogas mixture combustion have been
investigated. CFD results show lower peak flame temperature and CO mole
fractions inside the combustor, as well as lower NOx emissions at the combustor
outlet for biogas compared to natural gas fuel. The presence of non-combustible
components in the biogas reduces the flame temperature and hence the NOx
These studies will be useful for determining the concentrations of emissions
from the combustion of various types of hydrocarbon fuels.
· #10
Razinkov Vladyslav PhD Nevreva M. M. (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:09)
Title: "Modeling the Incident Solar Radiation of the City of N’Djamena (Chad) by
the Capderou Method"
The objective this article was to present a model, which allows the
determination of the solar component on two surfaces (horizontal and inclined).
This model allowed us to determine, over time, the component of global, direct,
and diffuse solar radiation over a period that will cover the different seasons
of the year. The calculation is done according to Klein’s days over all the
months of the year. These results allowed to validate the applicability of this
model in a climate other than the desert climate.
· #9
Razinkov Vladyslav PhD Nevreva M. M. (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:08)
Title: "Enhanced prediction of solar radiation using NARX models with corrected
input vectors"
The main objective of this work is to analyze and configure appropriately the
input vectors to enhance the performance of NARX models to forecast solar
radiation one hour ahead. For that, databases from three cities of Mexico with
different climates were obtained. These databases consisted of hourly
measurements of the following variables: solar radiation, wind speed, relative
humidity, pressure, and temperature. Results showed that, in all three cases,
proper NARX models were produced even when using input vectors formed only with
solar radiation and temperature data.
· #8
Borysenko (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:17)
To Kurovskaya,XF-212. I would ask you again to read your comments before recording them to avoid mispronouncing the words. Best wishes
· #7
Kurovskaya ХФ-212 (Drozhzhina) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:43)
1. conduct research-проведения исследований
They shipped it here to conduct research.
2. considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
3. controversial question-спорный вопрос
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Today I have read the article «Researchers working to recover rare-earth
elements and secure critical materials for clean energy technologies» that tells
us about state-of-the-art methods to shed light on chemical separations needed
to recover rare-earth elements and secure critical materials for clean energy
technologies. Bastnäsite deposits are rich in rare-earth metals but must be
mined and separated from unwanted minerals through chemical processes that are
not well understood. Greater efficiency offers cost-savings as well as benefits
to the environment by decreasing mining and carbon impacts. I will wait for news
on this topic.
Today I have read the article «Developing a block copolymer that could enable
safer, more stable batteries» that tells us about polymer materials that can
provide safer and more stable batteries. Polymers are promising electrolytes for
solid-state lithium batteries for their low cost, flexibility and
processibility, but performance needs to be improved. The team designed a block
copolymer that sandwiches a conductive core between rigid outer layers that
protect the "filling." The use-inspired design is nanoengineered to block
dendrites, lithium growths that could pierce electrolytes and damage batteries.
I will wait for news on this topic.
· #6
Kurovskaya ХФ-212 (Borisenko T. I.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:42)
1. conduct research-проведения исследований
They shipped it here to conduct research.
2. considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
3. controversial question-спорный вопрос
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Today I have read the article «Developing a block copolymer that could enable
safer, more stable batteries» that tells us about polymer materials that can
provide safer and more stable batteries. Polymers are promising electrolytes for
solid-state lithium batteries for their low cost, flexibility and
processibility, but performance needs to be improved. The team designed a block
copolymer that sandwiches a conductive core between rigid outer layers that
protect the "filling." The use-inspired design is nanoengineered to block
dendrites, lithium growths that could pierce electrolytes and damage batteries.
I will wait for news on this topic.
Today I have read the article «Researchers working to recover rare-earth
elements and secure critical materials for clean energy technologies» that tells
us about state-of-the-art methods to shed light on chemical separations needed
to recover rare-earth elements and secure critical materials for clean energy
technologies. Bastnäsite deposits are rich in rare-earth metals but must be
mined and separated from unwanted minerals through chemical processes that are
not well understood. Greater efficiency offers cost-savings as well as benefits
to the environment by decreasing mining and carbon impacts. I will wait for news
on this topic.
· #5
Borysenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 18:00)
To Babushkina,XF-212. Way to go. Best wishes
· #4
Babushkina Viktoria ХФ-212 (Borisenko T. I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:54)
Phrases of the day:
1) by outlining - изложены
By outlining the gaps in our understanding that still exist, the authors hope,
in principle, to provide a roadmap for future research on the topic.
2) classified as - классифицированы как
Most of the 17 elements classified as rare earths are not actually rare, but
they are difficult and expensive to extract from the ground and separate from
each other.
3) beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
Today I have read the article "A closer look at the creation of a metamorphic
sole".When two of Earth's tectonic plates collide, the heavier plate is forced
underneath and back into the mantle in a process called subduction.During the
early stages of newly initiated subduction zones, the uppermost part of the
downward traveling plate can detach and accrete to the base of the overriding
(upper) plate.Later, these slices can be exposed at Earth's surface and are
known as metamorphic soles.The study concludes by outlining a three-step
sequence for the evolution of the metamorphic sole.Thanks to this article, we
will learn a little more about metamorphic soles.
Today I have read the article "Machine-learning algorithm automatically
classifies sleep stages of lab mice".Researchers have created a new artificial
intelligence program for automatically classifying the sleep stages of mice that
combines two popular machine learning methods.The use of this system for
automatically annotating data can significantly assist sleep researchers when
analyzing the results of their experiments.They combined two machine-learning
techniques, convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory
(LSTM) recurrent neural networks to achieve accuracies that surpass those of the
best existing automatic methods.Тhis program can already speed up the work of
researchers in the field of sleep, which may lead to a much clearer
understanding of how sleep operates.
· #3
Borysenko (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:15)
To Vdovychenko,XF+212. Well done. Thanks
· #2
Tetiana Vdovychenko ХФ-212 (Borysenko T.I.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:59)
beyond the scope of
I think that's beyond the scope of redirect.
by outlining
This Chapter concludes by outlining recommended suppletive rules.
classified as
Cargo classified as unsafe is inspected at the cargo terminal.
Today I have read the article "Sweetened and unsweetened coffee consumption
associated with lower death risk". The study authors found that during the
7-year follow up period, participants who drank any amount of unsweetened coffee
were 16 to 21% less likely to die than participants who did not drink coffee.
Results were inconclusive for participants who used artificial sweeteners in
their coffee. Based on these data, we can say that you do not need to exclude
coffee from your diet, but you need to be careful with some types of coffee.I
really liked this article and the fact that I learned a lot of new things.
Today I have read the article "Google's new research app shows participants how
their data is driving health insights". In a bid to improve clinical research
participation and engagement, the Google Health team announced the launch of a
new Android app. Off the bat, the Google Health Studies app allows users to view
a list of open studies and review the inclusion criteria for each. The Google
Health Studies App is a clear counterpart to Apple's Research app, which it
launched to iOS. In my opinion, this application will help researchers better
understand the risk factors, the dynamics of transmission of some diseases.
· #1
Florinsky Dmitry XT-211 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:26)
Every living organism in our planet has the ability to self-learn. They learn
how to react situations using appropriate actions. But robots can`t self-learn
cuz people can`t recreate algorithms which using living organism.
A team of physicists at Leipzig University led by Professor Frank Cacho’s, in
collaboration with colleagues at Charles University Prague, have developed a
method for giving tiny artificial micro swimmers a certain ability to learn
using machine learning algorithms. The micro swimmers find their way through the
liquid while repeatedly being thrown off of their path, mainly by Brownian
motion. "Our results show that the best swimmer is not the one that is fastest,
but rather that there is an optimal speed," said Viktor Holubec, who worked on
the project as a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and has now
returned to the university in Prague.
I don`t know how to react to this news, cuz I watched all Terminator franchise,
and it`s no good for us.
Phrases of the day:
retrieve this- извлекать/получать это
artificial- искусственный
appropriate- соответствующий