Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
|ЕлектротехнікатаEлектромеханіка (IEЕ)
Guestbook – January 2022
· #1
Demianenko Hanna, Postgraduate student, (Diachenko) (Friday, 07 January 2022 11:32)
I had read article "Managing the Security of Information Exchanges". It talks
about what an organization often has mission and business-based needs to
exchange (share) information with one or more other internal or external
organizations via various information exchange channels. But, it is recognized
that the information being exchanged also requires the same or similar level of
protection as it moves from one organization to another. This publication
focuses on the security management of information exchanged or accessed before,
during, and after the exchange, and provides guidance on identifying information