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Guestbook June 2022
· #459
· Diachenko G F to Tkachenko A, МД 213 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:52)
Your rating is 88. Good luck!
· #458
Tkachenko A. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 08:29)
Exam Task
1. Final Test paper 5
Result: 100%
2. Exam Topic “ The invention and development of operating systems”.
The first operating system was the GM-NAA I/O, developed in 1956 by General
Motors Research Department. And subsequently, operating systems have evolved
from slow and expensive systems to present-day inexpensive and fast technology.
Because early computers were very expensive, the main purpose of an operating
system in that early days was to make the hardware as efficient as possible.
Now, the purpose of the OS has evolved to encompass the task of making the user
as efficient as possible. In my opinion, it’s important to know the history of
operating system because it helps me to better understand the tendency of
computer development.
3. Text Summarizing, Unit 5
Result 100%
· #457
Diachenko G F to Tkachenko A, МД 213 (Wednesday, 29 June 2022 07:41)
Morning! This is your exam task
1 Final Test paper № 5
2 Topic The invention and development of operating systems.
3 Text Summarizing, Unit 5
Good luck!
· #456
Lebedeva E (Monday, 27 June 2022 20:35)
To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Now I am waiting for the exam topic.
· #455
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Monday, 27 June 2022 09:19)
I recently read an interesting article called «If you cry while watching movies,
it is probably a sign of your emotional strength». The article is very
informative and interesting. It talks about the reasons why people cry while
watching a movie.The question is, is it strong or weak quality? On the one
hand,people may think that you are a weakling, but on the other hand, not
everyone can be so sensitive.And the answer is in this article. Good movies are
carefully crafted to engage us and be deeply absorbing. They transport us into
the world of their characters: to see as they see, feel as they feel, and even
totally identify with a character in some cases. We know movies are not real,
but we are so engrossed that we emotionally react as though they are.But besides
this, the so-called The love hormone and Empathy play an important role. Empathy
is a key component of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and regulate your own emotions
and to understand and manage the emotions of others. High emotional intelligence
has been shown to be associated with effective leadership, professional success
and academic achievement, as well as better social and intimate relationships.
It is linked to with psychological and physical health and well-being, and
greater emotional intelligence helps to deal with stress and conflict.
therefore, if a person cries during the film, it means that he has emotional
intelligence and he is a strong enough person, but not weak at all. So if you
cry during a movie, don't think that it's bad and you're a weak person. On the
contrary, be proud of it.
· #454
Lebedeva E. (Monday, 27 June 2022 07:59)
To KA-211 Good morning! The exam is about to start. Read the instructions
Lototskyi O. KA-211
Your exam task:
1. Summarizing, Unit 6
2. Topic The basis of calculations, design and operation of process equipment
3. Final Test paper "Quiz Performance and technical specifications"
· #453
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 14:10)
problem inherent in
In addition to avoiding the problems inherent in breaking up tissues into single
В дополнение к избеганию проблем, связанных с разделением тканей на отдельные
Предлагаемые дифракционные поверхности устранят проблемы, присущие металлическим
The proposed diffractive surfaces would eliminate problems inherent in the
Предлагаемые дифракционные поверхности устранят проблемы, присущие металлическим
Perhaps these could offer better evidence as to exactly how the solar system
will die.
Возможно, они могли бы предложить лучшее доказательство того, как именно умрет
Солнечная система.
Well as to allow them to more accurately investigate
Ну, как позволить им более точно исследовать
proportional to
Node sizes are proportional to the number of speakers
Размеры узлов пропорциональны количеству динамиков
The sizes of the nodes are proportional to the human population.
Размеры узлов пропорциональны численности населения.
Today I have read the article "A technique need help". It will be needed by home
robot assistants, For example, if a person needs to serve something during
cooking or when assembling a cabinet from ikea, then the robot will be able,
without direct commands, to serve it, understanding what the person needs. These
technologies make people's lives much easier. A person does not waste time on
useless things, but can shine himself in something useful. This article was
helpful and interesting for me.
· #452
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 21 June 2022 14:09)
problem inherent in
The researchers conclude by suggesting that the problems inherent with using
В заключение исследователи предположили, что проблемы, связанные с
использованием калия
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production
Это устраняет предыдущую проблему, присущую крупносерийному производству.
proportional to
It turns out that intensity is proportional to voltage squared.
Оказывается, интенсивность пропорциональна квадрату напряжения.
This changes the electric current proportional to the amount of glucose present
Это изменяет электрический ток пропорционально количеству присутствующей
as to
Iintestinal inflammation as well as to healthy mice.
Воспаление кишечника так же, как и у здоровых мышей.
Clues as to what type of star caused the explosion
Подсказки относительно того, какой тип звезды вызвал взрыв
I read the article "the world to protect mammals". A new study has mapped
priority areas around the world to protect thousands of mammal species, with a
particular focus on single animals without relatives. Thanks to this, thousands
of species will be able to live on. The map was able to indicate both the worst
and the best places for animals to live, And animals can continue to live .I'm
glad that people care about nature. This article was useful and interesting for
· #451
· Sirotenko T. V. (Monday, 20 June 2022 07:57)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your exam topic.
· #450
Sirotenko T. V. (Monday, 20 June 2022 07:56)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments and voice messages.
· #449
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Friday, 17 June 2022 18:38)
Exam topic #9
System Modeling and System Analysis
System modeling is a system-phenomenological method that has algorithms for
obtaining the necessary information in the process of reading a person's system
and finding it. With clear algorithms, the method is so flexible and versatile
that it can be used in almost any area.
System analysis is a scientific and methodological discipline that studies the
principles, methods and means of studying complex objects by presenting them as
systems and analyzing these systems.
I believe that these scientific theremin are very interesting and they need to
be understood by people who have connected their lives with IT.
· #448
C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Friday, 17 June 2022 18:00)
I have read an article about eco-friendly technology that produce energy from
textile waste.
Team of scientists proposed a method to convert microfibers found in clothes
dryers into energy. They also developed a mathematical model to calculate
possible economic and environmental outcomes of the technology. I think that
this technology will reduce carbon emissions and will affect the cost of
recycling textile. According to research, textiles can be seen as a renewable
energy source that prevents large consumption of other sources.
To sum up, I hope that humanity will continue to invent similar technologies to
save the planet's resources.
I read an article about creating the next generation of living robots. Tiny
self-healing biological machines from frog cells that could push a payload,
self-assemble a body from single cells and do not require muscle cells to move.
Bots cells can act like sensors, motors for movement, communication networks and
recording devices to store information. I think it will greatly help people in
detecting cancer and other diseases in the early stages. But there is a lot of
work on this cells.
Personally, I think that scientists should devote more attention and work to the
safety of these cells for humans.
· #447
Sirotenko T. V. (Friday, 17 June 2022 16:50)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. I've got your exam topics, thank you.
· #446
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 17 June 2022 14:32)
To Bilyi Timur Ka-211 Thanks for the topics.
· #445
Popelashkova M. MR-211( Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 14:30)
practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен включати такі
priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому він має нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення
консенсусу, ніж сесію планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких
I read the article Building with Algorithms: Finding the Optimal Design.
In it, PhD student Cohen van der Blom talks about how he creates algorithms that
take into account all sorts of different architectural requirements in order to
achieve the best compromise.
Experts are looking for the perfect balance that results in the best design. It
also saves a lot of time: it takes much more time to set up at a later stage.
But designing such algorithms is quite difficult. They must find solutions that
balance the various requirements; mathematical representation of the problem;
fight against restrictions. The search for the right method began with standard
algorithms. By gradually adding complexity and knowing that the foundation
worked well, they were able to find a good solution to one new problem at a
time. But they still need to solve a number of practical problems before putting
them into practice correctly.
Architecture as a science
The theory of architecture is the science of the nature and specifics of
architecture and its general patterns. The theory of architecture is part of a
wider field of humanitarian knowledge about architecture as a special phenomenon
of social existence and a form of creative activity, about its genesis, essence
and social functions. This field of knowledge is called architecture studies,
which includes the history of architecture, general architectural theory, the
theory of architectural composition (shaping), architectural criticism and
On the other hand, the theory of architecture, like the theory of other forms of
art, is part of art history or, as it is sometimes formulated, "general
aesthetic theory." The latter definition is inaccurate, since architecture,
unlike construction activities in the general sense, is not only a
utilitarian-constructive and aesthetic activity, but, above all, an
“artistic-imaginative organization of space” and the environment of human life
activity. Architecture in the most general definition is a bifunctional art
form, since works of architecture are designed to combine two main functions:
utilitarian (or material-practical) and artistic (spiritual-practical).
· #444
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 14:04)
1. priority research areas
The paper highlights net-zero solutions in eight priority sectors, setting out
actions to take now, research priorities for the next decade, and future
benefits for each sector.
У документі висвітлюються рішення з нульовою чистотою у восьми пріоритетних
секторах, викладаються дії, які потрібно вжити зараз, пріоритети досліджень на
наступне десятиліття та майбутні вигоди для кожного сектора.
2. prevailing view
At a cabin in Gardiner, Parker Manning of Terre Haute, Indiana, got an up-close
view of the roiling Yellowstone River floodwaters just outside his door.
У каюті в Гардінері Паркер Меннінг із Терре-Хот, штат Індіана, зблизька побачив
бурхливі повені річки Єллоустоун прямо за його дверима.
3.practical problems
Practical problems The other big issue with the laws is that we would need a
significant advancement in AI for robots to actually be able to follow them.
Практичні проблеми Інша велика проблема із законами полягає в тому, що нам
знадобиться значний прогрес у ШІ, щоб роботи дійсно могли слідувати їм.
I read an article on the topic "A Google software engineer believes an AI has
become sentient. If he's right, how would we know?"
Google bot software is a sophisticated chat bot with artificial intelligence
that creates text in response to user input. According to software engineer
Blake Limoine, a miracle happened - the bot became sentient.
Scientists give many arguments about whether a purely physical machine can ever
truly reproduce the mind.
Based on this, one scientist decided to conduct a test. In the test, a person
communicates with a machine (text only) and tries to determine if they are
communicating with the machine or with another person. If a machine manages to
imitate a human, it is considered to exhibit a human level of intelligence.
Link to voice:
Link to article:
· #443
Ivashkevich Alina MR-211 (LMR-211 Savluk ) (Friday, 17 June 2022 14:01)
Exam topic 5: Main types of building structures.
Building structures are load-bearing and enclosing floors of buildings and
structures. Moreover, buildings mean civil facilities (residential and public)
and industrial (that is, for agriculture and industry). Buildings are buildings
for performing technical tasks.Concrete and reinforced concrete structures are
the most common (both in terms of volume and areas of application). Special
types of concrete and reinforced concrete are used in the construction of
structures operated at high and low temperatures or in chemically aggressive
environments (thermal units, buildings and structures of ferrous and non-ferrous
metallurgy, the chemical industry, etc.).Steel structures are mainly used for
frames of large-span buildings and structures, for workshops with heavy crane
equipment, blast furnaces, large-capacity tanks, bridges, tower-type structures,
etc. The areas of application of steel and reinforced concrete structures in
some cases coincide. A significant advantage of steel structures (compared to
reinforced concrete) is their lower weight.
I've read the article : "After 75 years, Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics
need updating". When science fiction author Isaac Asimov devised his Three Laws
of Robotics he was thinking about androids. He envisioned a world where these
human-like robots would act like servants and would need a set of programming
rules to prevent them from causing harm. But in the 75 years since the
publication of the first story to feature his ethical guidelines, there have
been significant technological advancements. We now have a very different
conception of what robots can look like and how we will interact with them.I
believe that robots are of course a great progress, they help people in many
ways, but I think that because of them many people can be left without work and
1)priority research area
*The paper highlights net-zero solutions in eight priority sectors, setting out
actions to take now, research priorities for the next decade, and future
benefits for each sector.
документі висвітлюються рішення з нульовою чистотою у восьми пріоритетних
секторах, викладаються дії, які потрібно вжити зараз, пріоритети досліджень на
наступне десятиліття та майбутні вигоди для кожного сектора.
*The report notes that the priority research initiatives all require some degree
of collaboration among NSF divisions, with other U.S. agencies, and with other
У звіті зазначається, що всі пріоритетні дослідницькі ініціативи вимагають
певної міри співпраці між підрозділами NSF, іншими агентствами США та іншими
2)practical problems
* Practical problems The other big issue with the laws is that we would need a
significant advancement in AI for robots to actually be able to follow them.
Практичні проблеми Інша велика проблема із законами полягає в тому, що нам
знадобиться значний прогрес у ШІ, щоб роботи дійсно могли слідувати їм.
*Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
Проте, коли ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в реальний світ і використовують його
для вирішення практичних проблем, вони повинні відповісти на такі запитання, як,
чому ШІ зробив конкретне передбачення або рішення, і чи дає він достатньо
впевненості, щоб ми могли діяти.
3)prevailing view
*"What we found contradicts the prevailing view," says Mänd, who is completing
his Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Kurt Konhauser.
що ми виявили, суперечить переважаючому погляду», – каже Менд, який завершує
свою докторську дисертацію під керівництвом професора Курта Конхаузера.
*Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species 25 October 2013, by Adam
Hinterthuer Eurasian water milfoil is growing alongside native plants in this
Вивчення проблем, що переважають у поглядах на інвазивні види 25 жовтня 2013 р.,
Адам Хінтертуер. Євразійський водяний білолистий росте поряд з місцевими
рослинами в цьому озері.
· #442
Bilyi Timur Ka-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:59)
Test topics √6(Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles)
Aauto market does not stand still and every year there is more and better cars.
current cars are made cheaper so that they are accessible to everyone, but there
are also those that are aimed at the convenience of passengers and their safety,
the so-called business class. Every car needs timely repairs. car services are
most suitable for this, they will quickly and efficiently repair the car. I do
not advise you to repair a car at home, because the repair requires special
equipment and skills, without which you can only aggravate the situation.
· #441
Oriekhov-MF211(Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:40)
Today I've read an article called "Mathematical discovery could shed light on
quantum gravity". From this article I learned how important it is to combine
Einstein's theory of gravity with quantum mechanics. This could give us deep
insights into phenomena such as black holes and the birth of the universe.This
article scientists showed how gravity emerges from a special quantum mechanical
system in a simplified model for quantum gravity called the holographic
principle. Also article may offer new insight into mysterious dark energy.This
new work may show the relationship between Einstein's theory of gravity and
quantum mechanics.
Today I've read an article called "Smart machine maintenance: New AI system also
detects unknown faults". From this article I learned about new system developed
by scientists is capable ofto detect damage and error conditions, and is also
able to recognize when previously unknown machine conditions occur. This is
something completely new and very valuable because it is not only a technical
advance but also an indispensable thing for enterprises. Especially for small
and medium-sized companies. After all, it allows more accurately plan a
technical inspection and avoid unpleasant surprises. This allows you to save not
only money, but most importantly time.
Today I've read an article called "Study debunks gender performance gap in
online video games". According to a study by a researchers at the University of
California, women advanced at least as fast in video games as men. To test the
stereotype that women are worse of players as men was analyzed more than 9,000
EverQuest II players and 2,000 players of a Chinese game, Chevaliers' Romance
III. I think this article was helpful as it can help dispel the stereotype that
men play better than women. Since currently females make up about 20 percent of
players on online games.
Today I've read an article called "Three ways to reduce the carbon footprint of
food purchased by US households". From this article I learned that researchers
in ACS' Environmental Science & Technology discovered three ways that Americans
can reduce the carbon footprint of their food purchases, without requiring
drastic dietary changes. Firstly small households should buy less food in bulk
quantities, and manufacturers should offer cost-effective package sizes.
Secondly cutting out foods with high caloric content and low nutritional values.
Also people should buy less savory bakery products and ready-made foods. In
summary, the researchers say these strategies are initial ways people can reduce
their at-home food-based carbon footprint.
· #440
Oriekhov-MF211(Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:39)
Today I've read an article called "New maps of asteroid Psyche reveal an ancient
world of metal and rock". From this article I learnded that NASA is set to
launch a probe to the asteroid belt, a region between the orbits of Mars and
Jupiter. Once inside, the spacecraft will zero in on Psyche, a large, metal-rich
asteroid that is thought to be the ancient core of an early planet. One of the
primary goals of the Psyche mission is to study the composition of the asteroid
surface using its gamma rays and neutron spectrometer and a color imager.
Today I've read an article called "New study maps priority areas around world to
protect mammals". From this article I learnded that new study has mapped
priority areas around the world to protect thousands of mammal species, with a
focus on species with few close relatives. The study identified the top places
in every continent, including parts of coastal Queensland, Australian deserts
near Alice Springs, Sumatra and Java, Madagascar, India, China and Spain. Using
this advanced genetic information, we can make much better decisions, protecting
up to 32 percent of the greater diversity of the mammalian tree of life through
more efficient use of limited resources.
Today I've read an article called "After 75 years, Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of
Robotics need updating". This article tells us that The Three Laws of Robotics
that the writer Isaac Asimov came up with are outdated and in need of
improvement because there have been significant technological advances. One of
the obvious issues is that robots today appear to be far more varied than those
in Asimov's stories, including some that are far more simple. The other big
issue with the laws is that we would need a significant advancement in AI for
robots to actually be able to follow them.
· #439
Oriekhov-MF211(Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:38)
examine more closely
If we examine more closely the wheel, you can isolate the delta of the primary
colors - red, blue and yellow
Если рассмотреть колесо более внимательно, то можно выделить дельты основных
цветов — красного, синего и желтого.
estimate the effects of
For example, experiments cannot be used to study the past, and they can only
estimate the effects of treatments that can be manipulated
Например, эксперименты нельзя использовать для изучения прошлого, и они могут
только оценивать эффекты лечения, которым можно манипулировать.
distinct from
Night terrors are distinct from nightmares in several key ways
Ночные страхи отличаются от ночных кошмаров несколькими ключевыми моментами.
by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole
Дослідження завершується окресленням трьохетапної послідовності еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
classified as
Since they are not classified as banks or lending institutions, they are outside
the reach of the Federal Reserve
Оскільки вони не класифікуються як банки чи кредитні установи, вони знаходяться
за межами досяжності Федеральної резервної системи
beyond the scope of
QEC is used in quantum computing, which has the potential to solve scientific
problems beyond the scope of supercomputers
QEC використовується в квантових обчисленнях, які мають потенціал для вирішення
наукових проблем за межами суперкомп'ютерів
speculate that
Scientists speculate that recent asteroid could have been of alien origin.
Вчені припускають, що останній астероїд міг бути інопланетного походження.
little is known about - мало що відомо про.
While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such
timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокове поводження таких
деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокове поводження.
overall goal
The overall goal is to increase the safety at sea.
Загальна мета – підвищити безпеку на морі.
· #438
Oriekhov-MF211(Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:38)
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species
Вивчення проблем переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види
priority research area
A new study led by ANU has mapped priority areas around the world to protect
thousands of mammal species
Нове дослідження, проведене ANU, намітило пріоритетні райони по всьому світу для
захисту тисяч видів ссавців
practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
Але коли ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних проблем, вони повинні відповісти на такі запитання, як,
чому ШІ зробив конкретне передбачення або рішення, і чи дає він достатньо
впевненості, щоб ми діяли.
beyond the scope
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
Тривале вирішення цієї проблеми виходить далеко за рамки цього звіту.
by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
Звіт починається з окреслення мети та цінності національних планів дій
classified as
These may be classified as underlying or predisposing factors and enabling
Вони можуть бути класифіковані як основні або сприятливі фактори та сприятливі
conditions imposed by
We have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community
Ми виконали умови, встановлені міжнародною спільнотою
comparative investigations of
Comparative investigations of crystalline samples were undertaken around a
hundred years ago.
Порівняльні дослідження кристалічних зразків проводилися близько ста років тому.
comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
Показано можливості дослідження термоелектрорушійної сили як методу комплексного
дослідження напівпровідників.
considerable disagreement
There were considerable disagreements on these issues , which were soon settled.
З цих питань існували значні розбіжності, які незабаром були врегульовані.
conduct research
For conduct research, scientists have developed new methods for studying the
Для проведення досліджень вчені розробили нові методи вивчення матеріалу.
controversial question
At the next meeting, the working group will consider the controversial question
of the scope of this project.
наступному засіданні робоча група розгляне спірне питання про масштаби цього
· #437
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:27)
priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas. — Тому він має
нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення консенсусу, ніж сесію
планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких сфер.
practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems. —
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
recommendations. — Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен
включати такі рекомендації.
Today I read the article "New study maps priority areas around the world to
protect mammals". It raises the topic of animal protection, which is quite
relevant and, fortunately, is developing in our time. A new study has mapped
priority areas around the world to protect thousands of mammal species, with a
particular focus on single animals without relatives. The map was able to
indicate both the worst and the best places for animals to live, and one cannot
but rejoice at the fact that people care about their future.
I liked this article and I will share it with my friends.
exam topic 5
Building load-bearing structures of industrial and civil buildings and
engineering structures are structures whose cross-sectional dimensions are
determined by calculation. This is their main difference from architectural
structures or parts of buildings, the cross-sectional dimensions of which are
assigned according to architectural, thermal engineering or other special
Modern building structures must meet the following requirements: operational,
environmental, technical, economic, industrial, aesthetic, etc. In the
construction of gas and oil pipeline facilities, steel and prefabricated
reinforced concrete structures are widely used, including the most progressive -
prestressed. structures made of aluminum alloys, polymeric materials, ceramics
and other effective materials.
· #436
Bilyi Timur Ka-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 17 June 2022 13:24)
Test topics √1(Motor vehicles)
Motor transport is an integral part of human life. With the help of a car, we
can travel long distances in a short period of time. long trips have become
commonplace. Now the car has become available to most people. Since recent
years, the development of motor transport has not stood still. Now the
development bias is aimed primarily at comfort and safety. new companies began
to develop to create a car with an autopilot, which further simplifies the work
of the driver. Also, large companies are beginning to abandon gasoline and
diesel engines, and they are using an electric engine to replace them.
1practical problems-практические проблемы
"Removing the tape could potentially create more of an inflammatory response in
tissue, and prolong healing," Yuk says.
пластыря потенциально может усилить воспалителеную реакцию в тканях и продлить
заживление» — говорит Юк «Это реальная практическая проблема».
мнение о вымирании динозавров, основанное на столкновении с астероидом,
подразумевает, что исчезновение динозавров должно
было быть внезапным.
исследовательские области
даем четыре рекомендации по приоритетным направлениям исследований на будущее,
основываясь на наших консультациях с экспертами.
· #435
Bilyi Timur Ka-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 17 June 2022 12:24)
Test topics√7(Technical diagnostics of automobiles)
Technical diagnostics of cars is an integral part of car repair. With the help
of diagnostics, you can find out about all the breakdowns of the car and
eliminate them in the future. This simplifies the work of the mechanic, because
some of the problems have already been clarified and it remains only to solve
it. Also, when buying a car with the help of diagnostics, you can find out the
real mileage of the car and the entire history of its service. It's like a whole
car history.
· #434
Bilyi Timur Ka-211(lebedeva) (Friday, 17 June 2022 12:13)
Exam topic √8(Management of technical maintenance of cars)
Regular transport maintenance is very important for a car. Timely replacement of
consumables and fluids extends the life of your motor. You also need to know
about proper car care. It is best to entrust this work to specialists. If you
decide to do it yourself, then you should do it according to the instructions.
After all, you need to know, for example, what kind of oil to pour or other
spare parts. There are a number of components that need to be changed regularly.
These are spare parts such as brake pads, engine oil, oil seals. Without their
replacement, the consequences can be critical.
· #433
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:27)
Exam 3 Technical operation of motor vehicles
The technical operation of motor vehicles is a set of organizational and
technical measures that ensure the maintenance of the working condition of
vehicles. This industry is in steady demand in the labor market.
Some fundamentals of maintenance and diagnostics of the car:
1. Maintenance of the car body and elements of its surface.
2. Diagnostics and maintenance of engine mechanisms.
3. Maintenance of the engine lubrication system.
4. Maintenance of the engine cooling system.
5. Maintenance of the engine power system.
6. Maintenance of electrical equipment of cars.
7. Diagnosis of electronic control systems of the car.
8. Means of diagnosing electronic engine control systems.
9. Software for electronic databases.
10. Car transmission maintenance.
11.Vehicle chassis maintenance.
12. Maintenance of vehicle controls
· #432
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:27)
Exam 1 Motor vehicle
A motor vehicle is a vehicle that is powered by an engine. This term applies to
tractors, self-powered machines and mechanisms, as well as trolleybuses and
vehicles with an electric motor with a capacity of more than 3 kW. Motor
vehicles include cars and motorcycles.
Depending on the purpose and number of seats, cars are divided into passenger
cars, buses, minibuses and trucks. Cars and buses are designed to transport
people and their luggage, but differ not only in appearance and not so much as
the number of seats.
· #431
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:25)
Exam 2 CAD machines and vehicles
CAD machines and vehicles are created with help of a computer-aided design (CAD)
system which is an automated system that implements information technology for
performing design functions. It is an organizational and technical system
designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a set of
technical, software and other means of automating its processes. CAD involves
the process of creating a technical drawing using computer software.
CAD can be used to design curves and shapes in two-dimensional (2D) space; or
curves, surfaces, and solids in three-dimensional (3D) space.
· #430
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:15)
4. Technological processes in road transport.
Road transport must not only be properly designed and maintained, but also
rationally used. Vehicles designed to carry passengers will be difficult to
adapt for the carriage of goods and vice versa to make a truck - passenger is
usually expensive and impractical. Each technological process produces its own
vehicles with their own properties, which, if not very far from each other, are
at least difficult to replace. In addition, technological processes require
competent management, well-thought-out logistics, namely again specialists who
can not only cope with technology, but also set tasks according to
· #429
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:14)
Exam 7
Technical diagnostics of automobiles
Vehicle diagnostics are the mechanics involved with identifying and assessing
that may negatively affect the normal operation of a vehicle. Mechanics may
employ a wide range
of techniques and tools in conducting vehicle diagnostics, ranging from cursory
physical checks
to more involved, computer-based analysis. Given the sometimes occult nature of
mechanical problems,
effective diagnostics are critical to successful repairs and the smooth running
of any vehicle.
Historically, effective vehicle diagnostics relied on the individual competence
of a mechanic,in his being able to use visual or audible clues to correctly
assess a vehicle malfunction.
· #428
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:09)
8 “Management of technical maintenance of cars”
This theme analyzes the current management problems of auto repair companies,
and faces the needs of traditional auto repair companies for the development of
informatization. Based on the standardization of the actual business process and
the efficient management mode of the company, it integrates the current
information system development process and combines the MVC design model. Design
the data model, function model and structure model of the automobile maintenance
and repair management system. Designed with Struts2 technology, which is mainly
used in web service systems. According to the design idea of modularization of
functions, simple and friendly interface, the system structure is divided into:
business processing layer, a decision-making management layer.
· #427
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 17 June 2022 11:06)
6. Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles
I learned some very interesting things about this topic. It turns out that on
the basis of modern standards such issues as advanced technological processes of
production of parts, types of failures and defects of car parts, control of
parts size and control methods for hidden defects, sequence of elimination of
defects of parts and components, cleaning technology, defecting and sorting
parts, technological process of assembly and testing of units, equipment and
technological processes of restoration of car parts: machining, plastic
deformation, welding and surfacing, metallization, soldering and casting with
antifriction alloys, galvanic deposition of coatings, synthetic materials, with
additional repair parts.
· #426
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 17 June 2022 08:43)
To students from the group- MD-211. Thank you for having submitted the results of the modular control tests on in due time. Your tasks are accepted and now prepare for an examination. This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your active work. Your Exam is carried out on 29-th of June, on Wednesday, 09.00. Get ready to improve your results! Good luck!
· #425
Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 17:34)
I have read an article about "3D design leads to first stable and strong
This article talks about self-assembling, stable and strong nanographene wires.
Nanographene is flexible, yet stronger than steel. With unique physical and
electronic properties, the material consists of carbon molecules only one atom
thick arranged in a honeycomb shape.
The team, led by Yasutomo Segawa, associate professor at the Institute for
Molecular Science, part of the National Institutes of Natural Science in Japan,
set out to synthesize curved, infinitely stacking nanographene-like potato chips
in a cardboard can that can assemble nanowires.
I think it is a great responsibility, in my opinion, it is a real technological
breakthrough, in the digital age.
Here are the links:
· #424
Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 17:29)
1) poorly understood.
His activities before 1760 are also poorly understood.
2) pilot study
A pilot study was conducted in South America.
3)flow chart
Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
I've read an article about unique pieces of digital art—some still images, some
digital animations—that occupy Lynn University's new NFT Museum. NFT stands for
a non-fungible token, which a collector can buy online. Lynn University opened
its NFT museum in mid-March at the hallowed innovation campus located at 4950
Communications Avenue in Boca Raton. Members of the public can view the rotating
creations by students, faculty and artists who donated their pieces to the
school. In my opinion, it is very cool that universities and museums help to
promote NFT in public
· #423
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 14:50)
Exam topic #9
Engineering and Project Management
Engineering management is the discipline concerned with the management of
engineering organizations and the art and science of planning, organizing,
assigning resources, directing and controlling activities that have a
technological component. Project management is the act of aligning processes,
tools, team members, and skills in order to produce projects that meet the
stated goal and requirements. It can also be defined as a form of management
that is necessary for the management of individual projects, companies and
people in the fields of production, industrial design or information and
telecommunication technologies.
I believe that these two concepts are closely related and come from one another.
· #422
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 14:44)
Exam topic #8
Methods and means of information protection
In the world, a lot of information is stored on the Internet. There are several
ways to protect information: an obstacle is the creation of an obstacle in the
way of a threat, masking is an action on a protected system or information,
coercion is a method when users are forced to comply with the conditions for
processing information under the threat of liability, inducement is a method in
which users comply with the conditions for processing information.
I believe that methods of protection are a forced measure of safety in the
modern world.
· #421
Savluk A. (Thursday, 16 June 2022)
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 Well done.
· #420
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 13:11)
Exam topic #7
Fundamentals of programming and algorithmic languages (Pascal, C/C, etc.);
An algorithmic programming language is a formal language used to write,
implement, and study algorithms. Unlike most programming languages, the
algorithmic language is not tied to the architecture of the computer, does not
contain details related to the device of the machine.
Like any algorithm, which, as you remember, is a sequence of instructions, a
Pascal program consists of commands
written in a specific order and format.
Commands allow you to receive, save and process data of various types.
I believe that the basics of programming should begin with algorithms, this is
called the basics of programming
· #419
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 12:29)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212, Katsapova A.,MD-212, Kondratiuk D.,MD-212, thank you for your exam topics and voice messages.
· #418
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 12:15)
Exam topic #6(Computer circuit engineering)
Computer circuitry is a scientific and technical discipline that studies
theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis of computer circuits.
The development of computer circuitry is the basis for improving the
architecture of computers, increasing their performance and reliability,
significantly reducing the mass and size. Computers are widely used in civil
aviation and other industries.
Depending on the functions performed, technical means of computer circuitry are
divided into elements, functional units and devices, as well as microprocessors
and computers. They are designed to process discrete information and are
therefore called digital.
The technical means of computer circuitry are currently based on integrated
circuits of varying degrees of complexity.
Exam topic #7(Engineering management and project management)
Engineering management is a specialized form of management related to industrial
engineering that concerns the application of engineering principles to business
An engineering manager has both the ability to apply engineering principles and
skills in organizing and directing people and projects. He is uniquely qualified
for two types of work: managing technical functions in almost any enterprise,
and managing broader functions in a high-tech enterprise.
The closest intersection of data models and engineering management is the
enterprise architecture that programmers need. This enterprise architecture has
been promoted to programmers for many years as an important tool for managers.
Exam topic #8(Methods and tools for information security)
There are the following methods and means of information protection:
Obstacle - the creation of obstacles in the way of the threat that create
difficulties for the attacker.
Management - providing control actions on the elements of the protected system.
Masking - actions on the protected system that makes them inaccessible to an
Physical means - function autonomously, creating various kinds of obstacles in
the way of destabilizing factors.
Software - special software packages included in the software in order to solve
the problems of information security.
Organizational means - measures specially provided for in the technology of the
system functioning in order to solve the problems of information protection.
Exam topic #9(Object-oriented programming)
Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of
"objects" that can contain data and code: data as fields and code as procedures.
In OOP, computer programs are developed by creating them from interacting
objects. OOP languages are varied, but the most popular ones are class-based,
meaning objects are instances of classes that also define their types.
Many of the most widely used programming languages, such as C++, Java, Python,
are multi-paradigm and support object-oriented programming to a greater or
lesser extent, usually in combination with imperative, procedural programming.
· #417
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 12:14)
Exam topic #2 (Antivirus programs)
Antivirus software is a computer program that protects against malware. It is
used to prevent, detect and remove malware.
Antivirus software has been developed to detect and remove computer viruses.
However, with the proliferation of other malware, antivirus software has begun
to protect against other computer threats.
Also, modern antivirus software can protect users from browser malware,
ransomware, dialers, scams, adware, and spyware.
Some programs include protection against infected and malicious URLs, spam,
fraudulent and phishing attacks.
Actually, you must use an antivirus so as not to pick up viruses on your
computer, and in order to avoid data leakage to the Internet.
Exam topic #3 (Software industry)
The software industry has changed the way organizations, coordination,
businesses, and even people work.
The impact of software on the global economy can be measured by the growth of
innovation, technological progress, productivity and labor force.
The software industry is expected to be the fastest growing industry with an
expected growth of 7.1%.
Also, the software industry is engaged in development, marketing and sales and
is very multifaceted.
Its scope varies from personal computer applications, operating systems, network
management tools, enterprise software, software applications, operating systems,
and specialized software.
Exam topic #4 (What is Word processing)
A word processor is a computer program that provides input, editing, formatting,
and output of text, often with some additional functionality.
Word processing is an integral component of word processing documents, it
describes the creation or editing of a document using a word processor.
Early word processors were standalone devices designed for this function, but
modern word processors are word processor programs that run on general purpose
In today's world, there is a huge need for word processing software as every
organization needs it.
Exam topic #5(Computer architecture)
A computer architecture is a specification that describes how hardware and
software technologies interact to create a computer platform or system. Computer
architecture includes the creation of a computer and everything that goes into a
computer system.
Computer architecture can be defined as a set of rules and practices that
describe the functionality, management, and implementation of computers. To be
precise, these are nothing more than the rules by which the system operates and
Instruction set architecture − It includes the features and capabilities of the
CPU, the CPU programming language, data formats, processor register types, and
instructions used by programmers.
· #416
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 12:09)
Exam topic #6
Engineering and computer graphics
Computer graphics is a special field of computer science that studies the
methods and means of creating and processing images using software and hardware
computing systems. It covers all types and forms of representation of images
available for human perception or on the monitor screen. Without computer
graphics, it is impossible to imagine not only the computer, but also the
material world. Data visualization finds application in various fields of human
activity. For example, let's call medicine, scientific research, modeling of
fabrics and clothes, and experimental design.
I believe that this area is very interesting for knowledge and self-realization.
· #415
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 12:03)
Exam topic #5
Multimedia technologies
Multimedia technologies are a set of modern means of audio, television, visual
and virtual communications used in the process of organizing, planning and
managing various types of activities. Multimedia tools allow you to create
databases, data banks and knowledge in the field of culture, science and
Multimedia technologies also include an interactive interface and other control
mechanisms. In order to better understand and understand what types of
multimedia technologies exist, it is necessary to identify and highlight the
main directions of their use.
I believe that multimedia technologies are a very interesting area that requires
more time and attention for learning.
· #414
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 11:58)
Exam topic #4
Computer architecture
Computer architecture is the logical organization and structure of the hardware
resources of a computing system and software. This is a diagram and description
of the requirements and implementation of the main components of the computer.
The architecture is based on the organization of memory and how it is addressed.
The concept of computer architecture also includes: a block diagram of a
computer, means and methods of accessing a block diagram, a set and
accessibility of registers, organization of memory and methods of addressing it,
I believe that computer architecture is one of the main components in a
· #413
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 11:53)
Exam topic #3
System programming and operating systems
System programming is a branch of programming that combines the study of new
architectures, algorithms, data structures, etc., and the activities of
designing, developing, testing and maintaining system software, i.e., to create
new information technologies. An operating system is a complex system programs,
which expands the capabilities of a computing system, as well as providing
management of its resources, loading and executing application programs, and
interacting with users. In most computing systems, operating systems are the
main, most important piece of system software.
I believe that these two areas are very important for computer technology.
· #412
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:48)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your active participation, well done.
· #411
C. Golodetska MD-212 (T. Sirotenko) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:24)
Exam topic
Theme #10
Programming is the process of creating instructions for a computer using
algorithms in a language the machine understands.
The evolution of programming languages consists of four stages: machine
language, assembly language, high-level languages and structured query language.
In 1943 the first computer was controlled using a machine language that was
based on binary codes, but this method was impractical. Then assembly language
greatly simplified the work process. In 1957 Dr. Hopper developed a program
called a compiler, that completely changed the programming. A fourth generation
language is the structured query language.
The programming language evolves along with technology, everything strives for
simplification, speed, reliability.
· #410
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:22)
To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment and work with the phrases. I'm waiting for your exam topics.
· #409
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 10:09)
1. A pilot study is a research study conducted before the intended study.
Пілотне дослідження – це дослідження, проведене до запланованого дослідження.
2. A flowchart is a visual representation of the sequence of steps and decisions
needed to perform a process.
Блок-схема — це наочне уявлення послідовності кроків і рішень, необхідних для
виконання процесу.
3. The genetic basis of aggression, however, remains poorly understood. Проте
генетична основа агресії залишається погано вивченою.
I’ve read an article about exposed fitness tracking records via unsecured
This article reports about 61 million unprotected records that contains names,
dates of birth, weight, height, gender and gps tracking was leaked. The main
problem is unknowns how long these records were exposed or who else may have had
access to the dataset. Today largest companies owns a lot of people’s
information. As for me, it’s important to know that your data keeps in safe and
security databases.
I think, that companies should spend more money and attention to security and
users also should remember about risks.
I’ve read an article about the new invention that can generate power from the
softest breeze.
This article reports about the U.S. Army’s patent that was issued for a novel
generator that uses a light breeze. It’s using low-velocity winds-less than nine
miles per hour, which are not strong enough to turn a traditional wind turbine's
blades. The new generator creates power using strips. I think it would be very
helpful to places with historically low winds.
In my opinion, the market for renewable energy isn't going away and the
invention of more alternative energy sources helps humanity to reduce the
consumption of resources.
Exam topic #9 (LINUX embedded devices-smart phones, mobile phones, digital video
recorder etc.)
An embedded system is a set of computer hardware and software based on a
microcontroller or microprocessor, controlled by a real-time operating system.
Embedded Linux is a type of operating system that was designed to be installed
and used in embedded devices.
Compared to proprietary embedded operating systems, Linux allows multiple
software, development, and support vendors.
Embedded Linux has become very popular. Many consumer electronics devices such
as phones, smart tablets, digital storage devices, personal video recorders,
cameras, wearables, and many others typically are developed with Linux.
I believe that this system has influenced the great progress of the technology
that we use every day.
· #408
Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 16 June 2022 09:54)
1)This subject is still poorly understood - Цей предмет ще погано вивченний
2)Much depends on the pilot study - Багато залежить від експериментального
3) At first, colleagues, look at the flow chart - Спочатку, колеги, подивіться
на діаграму
I have recently read the article 'Building up new data-storage memory'.The
article tells about a group of scientists from the University of Tokyo. They
created new technologies for data storage. Namely, vertical field-effect
transistors. By using other substances, they were able to create a more
"ecological" storage for data. The scientists also used computer simulations to
improve stability. According to the scientist, the device remains stable for
thousands of cycles. I find this invention useful. It will help improve the
non-volatile memory area.!
· #407
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 2 (Thursday, 16 June 2022 08:54)
Geometrically engineered rigid island array for stretchable electronics.
I just read an article about Geometrically Designed Rigid Island Matrix for
Stretchable Electronics. Stretchable electronics can be designed by integrating
hard components into a soft polymer matrix. However, it is difficult to
eliminate cracks at the interface between soft and hard materials.
Korean scientists have developed geometrically designed islands in the shape of
a ferris wheel to effectively suppress the propagation of cracks at the
interface. under various deformation modes. The optimized shape showed increased
failure strain and fatigue life compared to conventional shapes, including round
and square shaped islands. The team demonstrated how the e-skin can distinguish
between different tactile stimuli without interference, while demonstrating
markedly increased durability to withstand the conditions of daily use.
Stretchable electronics allow for many previously unknown features, offering a
variety of form factors that are generally incompatible with rigid electronics.
For example, stretchable displays, rechargeable batteries, and logic circuits
are vulnerable to lateral stretch and can be protected from mechanical
deformation through a variety of engineering strategies. However, mechanical
mismatch between rigid islands and polymeric materials can lead to interfacial
cracks and malfunction of the device. To solve this problem, researchers have
developed several strategies.
What is word processing?
Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer.
This allows the user to create documents that mimic the format and style of a
typical typewriter. This requires a computer and word processing software. The
printer can also be used to make a physical copy of a document.
Word processing is one of the earliest and most commonly used types of computer
software. In fact, word processing software is often cited as a major factor in
launching the personal computer industry. This software did such a great job of
automating processes that were previously done by a dedicated machine that this
type of software helped bring personal computers into households of ordinary
people, not just businesses.
Even today, word processors reflect their history as digital typewriters. They
display a piece of paper on the screen that captures the user's input from the
keyboard. The user can choose different font styles, sizes, colors and many
different settings. And, unlike manual word processing, the digital version is
much faster and more flexible.
A neuromorphic computing architecture that can run some deep neural networks
more efficiently
I just read an article about a neuromorphic computing architecture that can run
certain neural networks more efficiently. As artificial intelligence and deep
learning techniques become more sophisticated, engineers will need to build
hardware that can reliably and efficiently perform their calculations.
Neuromorphic computing hardware, inspired by the structure and biology of the
human brain, may be particularly promising for supporting the operation of
complex neural networks.
Researchers at the Graz University of Technology and Intel have recently
demonstrated the enormous potential of neuromorphic computing hardware to run
DNNs under experimental conditions. According to Wolfgang Maas, one of the
researchers, they showed that a large class of DNNs that process input data
extended in time, such as, for example, sentences, can be implemented much more
energy efficiently if the same problems are solved on neuromorphic equipment
with neurons. inspired by the brain, and neural network architectures.
In their tests, Maass and his colleagues evaluated the energy efficiency of a
large neural network running on a neuromorphic computing chip created by Intel.
This DNN was specifically designed to handle large sequences of letters or
numbers, such as sentences. In the future, the Intel chip and the approach
proposed by Maas and colleagues could help improve the efficiency of
neuromorphic computing hardware when dealing with large and complex DNNs. In
their future work, the team would also like to develop more biological
strategies to improve the performance of neuromorphic chips, as current
equipment only captures a small fraction of the complex dynamics and functions
of the human brain.
· #406
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 16 June 2022 08:51)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topics. Good luck!
· #405
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 1 (Thursday, 16 June 2022 08:50)
Pilot study
Within this rate knowledge of stages and logical bases of pilot study will be
Poorly understood
And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood.
Flow chart
The manual contains a flow chart summarizing the responsibilities of each key
An ironclad future for solar arrays.
Dye-sensitized solar cells promise to be a low-cost supplement to the
photovoltaic systems. Researchers at the University of Basel continue to improve
the performance with sensitizers using iron.
Sensitizers are intensely colored compounds that absorb light and convert its
energy into electricity by releasing electrons and "injecting" them into the
semiconductor. For many years, experts considered iron compounds to be
unsuitable for these applications because their excited state following light
absorption is too short-lived to be of use for energy production. This changed
around seven years ago with the discovery of a new class of iron compounds with
N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs). The research group headed by Professor Edwin
Constable and Professor Catherine Housecroft at the University of Basel's
Department of Chemistry has been working with these compounds for a number of
This discovery shows that researching different compounds of available metals
will allow us to generate more energy, in our case, solar energy from iron
What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
Any device’s operating system is nothing but an interface between the hardware
components and its user. The operating system enables the interaction between
the user and the device. It does this by providing two user interfaces: a
command-line interface (CLI) and a graphical user interface (GUI).
CLI is that the word form used for Command Line Interface. CLI permits users to
put in writing commands associate degree exceedingly in terminal or console
window to interact with an operating system. CLI is a platform or medium
wherever users answer a visible prompt by writing a command and get the response
from system, for this users have to be compelled to kind command or train of
command for performing the task. CLI is suitable for the pricey computing
wherever input exactitude is that the priority.
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. The GUI allows users to use graphics to
interact with the operating system. The graphical user interface provides menus
such as windows, scrollbars, buttons, wizards, image drawing, alternative icons,
etc. It is intuitive, easy to understand and reduces the psychological burden on
functions. In a graphical interface, information is displayed or presented to
the user in any form, such as: plain text, videos, images, etc.
· #404
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 18:26)
more specifically - більш конкретно, точніше
More specifically, 10 of the model projections show results consistent with
Точніше, 10 модельних прогнозів показують результати, що відповідають
initial stages of - початкові стадії
They also note that due to features in SSD devices, the software can also
reverse any damage that sneaks through the initial stages of an attack.
Вони також відзначають, що завдяки функціям SSD-пристроїв програмне забезпечення
також може скасувати будь-яку шкоду, яка прокрадається через початкові етапи
numerous examples - численні приклади
However, behavioral research has uncovered numerous examples of altruistic
behavior in the animal kingdom.
Проте поведінкові дослідження виявили численні приклади альтруїстичної поведінки
в царстві тварин.
Deadly impact of urban streets that look like highways: More crashes on roads
where drivers think they can drive fast
Machine analysis in the field of road safety has shown that the so-called "open"
roads are the most dangerous. Under the classification of "open" roads fell such
pictures, where the photos showed more visible sky, more roadway and more signs.
Why is this happening? There are a lot of roads in urban areas that aren't
highways but look like high-speed highways from the driver's point of view.
That's a problem because drivers behave as if those streets are highways, even
though there may be a lot of pedestrians and human activity nearby.
Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:
'Very sneaky tactics': We asked gamers how they feel about monetization in
digital gaming
Recently, microtransactions in games have become increasingly popular -
recurring, unlimited in-game purchases: for example, additional content or ways
to facilitate game progress. This is very beneficial, because as the game
progresses, the player can spend much more than with a one-time purchase of the
game itself. And this wouldn't be a problem if sometimes it wasn't mandatory.
Many greedy developers love the "pay-to-win" system, where in the same game a
paying player becomes many times stronger than an ordinary one. The latter,
obviously, don't like this approach, so they either have to put pressure on the
developers with a huge crowd, or simply quit the game because of injustice.
Comment on the article:
Hoisting, road, reclamation machines
A necessary component of the training of mechanical engineers in the field of
mechanical engineering is the study and knowledge of the science of reclamation
machines and mechanisms used at construction sites and in the operation of
reclamation systems. A technical specialist should be well aware of the purpose,
design, operation, technical data of machines and mechanisms, the conditions and
rules for their safe operation, best practices and schemes for their placement
at facilities, labor protection rules for the operation of reclamation
equipment. This knowledge is necessary for the technical and economic
substantiation of the choice of the necessary machine or set of machines,
obtaining high productivity from their use, creating conditions for the safe use
of equipment, its long-term and trouble-free operation in compliance with all
labor protection conditions.
· #403
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:32)
Phrases of the Day
1) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
We hope that these procedures will be followed quickly in order to avoid any
undue delay on this important issue.
сподіваємося на оперативне виконання цих процедур, щоб уникнути будь-яких
необґрунтованих затримок з врегулюванням цього важливого питання.
2)in a somewhat - у кілька
The resolution we have just adopted does include, although in a somewhat muted
fashion, such an encouragement.
резолюції, яку ми зараз ухвалили, міститься, хоча й у дещо нечіткому вигляді,
такий заклик.
3) in greater detail -більш детально
The impact of trade provisions on the competitiveness of firms in developing
countries should be analysed in greater detail.
Слід докладніше проаналізувати наслідки положень, що стосуються торгівлі, для
конкурентоспроможності фірм у країнах.
· #402
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:26)
Phrases of the day:
1) numerous examples
The report contains numerous examples of how this reality is ignored.
Доклад содержит многочисленные примеры того, как игнорируется эта реальность.
2) more specifically
More specifically, they want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels,
which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.
В частности, они хотят реконструировать повышение уровня кислорода в атмосфере,
которое началось около 2,4 миллиарда лет назад, и их влияние на моря.
3) initial stages of
Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages
of development.
В настоящее время научная инфраструктура в этой области находится на начальной
стадии развития.
· #401
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:21)
1) Speculate that - припустити, що. Scientists speculate that recent asteroid
could have been of alien origin. Вчені припускають, що останній астероїд міг
бути інопланетного походження.
2) Little is known about - мало що відомо про. While several recent studies have
looked into the short-term behavior of such timber-hybrid materials, little is
known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокове поводження таких
деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокове поводження.
3) Overall goal - загальна мета. The overall goal is to increase the safety at
sea. Загальна мета – підвищити безпеку на морі.
· #400
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:20)
1) Column represents - стовпчик наводить дані. The last column represents what
the elders think about the new president.
останньому стовпчику наведено дані про думку старшого покоління щодо нового
2) Under certain assumptions - за певних припущень. Under certain assumptions,
the theory about our world was created by some supernatural powers, is
певних припущень, думка про те, що світ був створений якимись вищими силами, має
3) Performed with - виконується за допомогою. What we are going to do is can
only be performed with our allies' help.
що ми збираємося зробити, можливе лише за допомоги наших союзників.
· #399
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:13)
1) Examine more closely - розглянути уважніше. In particular, the Centre needed
to examine more closely the origin of the information submitted to it, in order
to ensure that it was receivable.
частности, Центру следовало бы тщательно источниĸи информации, ĸоторая ему
представляется, с тем чтобы определять ее приемлемость.
2) Estimate the effects of - оцінити наслідĸи. For example, experiments cannot
be used to study the past, and they can only estimate the effects of treatments
that can be manipulated - Наприĸлад, еĸсперименти не можуть бути виĸористані для
вивчення минулого, і вони можуть тільĸи оцінити ефеĸти ліĸування, яĸі можна
3) Distinct from - відмінний від. He said that law remained distinct from moral
or religious normative systems.
его словам, заĸон по-прежнему стоит отдельно от нормативных систем морального
или религиозного хараĸтера.
· #398
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:05)
Phrases of the day :
1. In other words - іншими словами.
In other words, proceed with caution, because no matter how fluent the suggested
translation appears, these types of errors abound in machine translation output.
Іншими словами, будьте обережні, тому що незалежно від того, наскільки плавним
виглядає запропонований переклад, у виводі машинного перекладу багато помилок
такого типу.
2. Digital version - цифрова версія.
Shortly after the closure of the game servers, a digital version of the game was
released on PlayStation Store, exclusively in Europe.
Незабаром після закриття ігрових серверів цифрова версія гри була випущена в
PlayStation Store, виключно в Європі.
3. In principle - у принципі.
The model uses first principles and sophisticated algorithms to simulate
management practices and their effects.
Модель використовує перші принципи та складні алгоритми для моделювання
управлінських практик та їх ефектів.
· #397
Savluk A. (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:58)
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 Well done.
· #396
Dima Braylovskiy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 14:46)
3.Trusted operating systems.
Talking about operating systems, first of all, you need to decide for what tasks
you need it. There are many different operating systems for different usage
scenarios such as general use (surfing, watching videos, playing computer games)
or network testing and cyber security. If you are a regular user or work with
text, graphics, drawings, then Windows or MacOS are most suitable for you, if
you prefer the Apple ecosystem. However, such operating systems are not well
suited for highly specialized tasks or your security, because they are quite
vulnerable or collect absolutely all information about you. If you want to
protect yourself and be conditionally anonymous, then you should use open source
Linux distributions, such as Debian or Arch Linux, inside which you can use
virtual systems for various tasks (money, communication, surfing), also you have
to get a personal vpn server and use various methods of hiding your traffic.
2.History of computer software.
Software is a component of a computer system that enables hardware to perform
various functions that a computer system is capable of. The first generation of
software for early stored-program digital computers in the late 1940s had its
instructions written directly in binary code , generally written for mainframe
computers . Later, the development of modern programming languages alongside the
advancement of the home computer would greatly widen the scope and breadth of
available software, beginning with assembly language , and continuing on through
functional programming and object-oriented programming paradigms.
· #395
Dima Braylovskiy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 14:46)
1. on the contrary.
On the contrary, no one wants to help us from the locals.
Навпаки, ніхто не хоче нам допомагати з місцевих.
2. keep track.
The new app gives you the ability to keep track your child's location.
Нова програма дає вам можливість відстежувати місцезнаходження вашої дитини.
3. meet the demand.
To meet the demand in our country, new types of public transport have been
Щоб задовольнити попит в нашій країні, були розроблені нові види громадського
1.practical problems.
This project raises many practical problems.
Цей проект викликає багато практичних проблем.
2.priority research area.
We should get together and discuss a list of priority research areas.
Ми повинні зібратися і обговорити перелік пріоритетних напрямків дослідження.
3.prevailing view.
The prevailing view was that the project plan needed to be finalized.
Переважала думка, що план проекту необхідно доопрацювати.
I've an read an article "Developing an AI that 'thinks' like humans , which
tells us about creating an AI that can process information like humans. The main
problem is how to better understand the process of machine thinking, and whether
it matches how humans process information, in order to ensure accuracy. After
much research, scientists hope that this work will pave the way for more robust
artificial intelligence technology that behaves more like humans and makes fewer
unpredictable mistakes, which will provide many opportunities for using AI.
I've just read an article "Scientists create the next generation of living
robots", which tells how a group of biologists and computer scientists at Tufts
University and the University of Vermont created new tiny, self-healing
biological machines from frog cells called "xenobots" now they intend to make a
second generation that will be able to record memory and independently assemble
a body from individual cells. In the future, they plan to use them to clean up
the oceans and for medical purposes, since they are able to regenerate,
scientists also do not deny the possibility of creating a larger organism.
This article explains how social media design and user conflicts are related. In
surveys, it was found that more people are positive about changes in the design
of social networks, such changes will allow arguing in a calmer manner, improve
the communication experience from communicating with other people and allow you
to remove questionable content, the purpose of which is to troll or incite
In general, this is quite interesting, but if you make any changes, you need to
make sure that you do not violate the freedom of speech and that the reaction of
a larger number of users is positive.
I’ve read an article "Researchers find world's first x-ray laser produces most
coherent x-ray radiation ever". The article tells about the world's first X-ray
laser, which was first introduced in 2009 in California. After being tested by a
group of physicists, it turned out that the X-rays he created were the most
coherent ever measured. They concluded that soon with the help of an X-ray
laser, scientists will be able to more accurately study the atomic structure of
materials, and it will also be useful for pharmaceutical, archaeological and
engineering projects.
· #394
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:12)
To Klepatska A.,MD-211, Serdichenko D.,MD-211, Spetcialna K.,MD-211, Bondarenko M.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topics.
· #393
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:03)
1. in other words.
In other words, his actions were not punished
Іншими словами, його дії не були покарані.
2. digital version.
Many new features will be added in the new digital version of the application.
Багато нових функцій буде додано в нову цифрову версію програми.
3. in principle.
In principle, we have the opportunity to go on vacation for the summer holidays.
В принципі, у нас є можливість поїхати у відпустку на літні канікули.
I read the article 'Buy now, pay later: Apple will now lend you money to keep
you spending and expand its empire'. Apple has created a new service called
Apple Pay Later. The Pay Later feature will be built into Apple Wallet and can
be used with any purchase made with Apple Pay. To use this feature, you will
need to pass a small check on the user's creditworthiness. This feature allows
you to divide the purchase price into four equal payments. It is completely new
and gives a new impetus to the future of technology.
I read the article 'Swimming robot gives fresh insight into locomotion and
neuroscience'. With the help of a new development of a swimming robot,
scientists have understood why some vertebrates are able to maintain their motor
abilities after spinal cord injury. A new kind of robot has been developed to
study the movement of animals. This mechanism is difficult to study in living
organisms because the various components of the central and peripheral nervous
systems are highly interconnected within the spinal cord. This study shows that
both nervous systems are important, that they are both capable of generating
swimming motions.
What is Word processing.
Word processing is the process of adding text to a word processing unit such as
a computer or typewriter. The words you enter are temporarily stored in your
computer or word processor so they can be edited before the document is printed.
Word processing software often includes several features not available on
typewriters or older word processors. Such features may include the ability to
manipulate text layout, font size and color, type of font used, line spacing,
margin settings, and the ability to insert photos, web links, graphs, charts,
· #392
Gvozd to Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:50)
I have read your Independent practice, well done.
· #391
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:37)
Homework for 31.05
After reading this article, I was impressed by the developments of astronomers
from Ohio. Researchers have come up with a potential cure for cancer.
The principle of this operation is that nanoparticles of gold or other
compatible metals are placed in a cancerous tumor and "bomb" them with
high-energy X-rays.
But high-energy X-rays can be absorbed mainly by nanoparticles. That's why they
are safer.
The reason they absorb this high-energy radiation is because the nanoparticles
are made of very heavy elements like gold or platinum.
I hope that this development will be used in modern medicine as soon as
possible. This will help save a lot of lives.
· #390
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:36)
1. In principle
In principle, if you look at it from the other side, it is possible.
В принципі, якщо подивитися на це з іншого боку, то це можливо.
2. in other words
In other words, this program works on a different principle.
Іншими словами, ця програма працює за іншим принципом.
3. digital version
In order to activate the digital version of the textbook, you must enter the
Для того, щоб активувати цифрову версію підручника, необхідно ввести код.
I just read the article "Canada mandates new cars to be zero-emissions by 2035".
It says that by 2035, all new passenger cars and light trucks sold in Canada
will be zero-emission vehicles. Thanks to this, there will be a real opportunity
to correct the situation with the ecology of the entire planet. If in the future
most of the countries switch to cars of this type, the number of emissions into
the atmosphere will significantly decrease. But since
it will be quite expensive, then most likely it will not happen very soon, and
most of the countries will not be able to afford it. So, in my opinion, the only
way to regret this process is to find a cheaper way to create accumulators.
What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
CLI and GUI are different types of user interfaces. Basically, they differ in
the graphics used in the operating system. To perform an operation in the CLI
system, you need to write a command. In the GUI, the user was provided with
visual aids that include images and icons, which makes it easier for users to
perform the task directly.
CLI systems require expertise in teams to complete a task, while GUI does not
require expertise, it can also be managed by novice users.
The graphical user interface provides a higher degree of multitasking and
greater efficiency, but the command-line interface offers more control.
· #389
Gvozd to Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:26)
Mind Present Perfect , the rest is not bad.
· #388
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:26)
1) digital version - цифрова версія
Our next aim is to create a digital version of our magazine.
Наша наступна мета – створити цифрову версію нашого журналу.
2) in principle - у принципі
We don’t have cold winters in principle.
У нас в принципі не холодні зими.
3) in other words - іншими словами
So, in other words, I have no idea.
Тобто, іншими словами, я поняття не маю.
Today I've read the article "6G component provides speed, efficiency needed for
next-gen network". It states that future devices will be able to achieve faster
speeds thanks to components produced by the University of Texas at Austin.
New radio frequency switches are in charge of keeping devices connected while
accessing data by shifting between networks and frequencies. Hundreds of
switches will most likely be included in devices, far more than are currently
available in electronics. Researchers are working to improve the ability of
switches to transform between frequencies, allowing devices to connect more
It's great that technologies are constantly improving.
Today I've read the article "Your digital footprints are more than a privacy
risk". It tells that hackers can utilize personal data acquired online to figure
out answers to security challenge questions or to practice phishing attacks.
An attacker can extract information like as contacts, connections, and locations
from a target's digital footprints. These attacks can offer the attacker access
to the victim's employer's and clients' networks and systems. According to
investigation, phishing was implicated in 25% of all data breach cases.
I think it’s obvious in modern world that employees must be taught how to manage
their digital footprints by their employers.
Exam topic "The importance of system software for computer operation. "
System software is created to satisfy the demands of the computer, particularly
maintaining its functioning and performing internal operations, as well as
preparing the ground for application software development.
The software developed for a particular machine determines its scope.
Millions of programs, ranging from gaming to scientific, make up the software on
modern computers. System programs run along with application programs and are
responsible for managing computer resources such as the central processor,
memory, and input/output. These are all-purpose programs. System software is
created to ensure that application applications work smoothly on the computer.
Operating systems, shells, network operating systems, and service programs are
all examples of system software.
· #387
Gvozd to Aleksandra Horbatenko MD-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:24)
I don't have all your debts. Where are your audio recordings?
· #386
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:22)
Phrases of the day :
1. In other words - іншими словами.
In other words, proceed with caution, because no matter how fluent the suggested
translation appears, these types of errors abound in machine translation output.
Іншими словами, будьте обережні, тому що незалежно від того, наскільки плавним
виглядає запропонований переклад, у виводі машинного перекладу багато помилок
такого типу.
2. Digital version - цифрова версія.
Shortly after the closure of the game servers, a digital version of the game was
released on PlayStation Store, exclusively in Europe.
Незабаром після закриття ігрових серверів цифрова версія гри була випущена в
PlayStation Store, виключно в Європі.
3. In principle - у принципі.
The model uses first principles and sophisticated algorithms to simulate
management practices and their effects.
Модель використовує перші принципи та складні алгоритми для моделювання
управлінських практик та їх ефектів.
I've just read the article "How do you know you're not living in a computer
simulation?". There is a well-known mental theory that our brains may have been
artificially removed from our bodies and kept alive in a vat of nutrients. This
theory was proposed by the philosopher Hilary Putnam in his book "Reason, Truth
and History". The brain-in-a-barrel thought experiment and the challenge to
skepticism have also been used in popular culture. As an example, well-known
contemporary examples include the 1999 film "The Matrix", and Christopher
Nolan's 2010 film "Inception". By viewing a filmed version of a thought
experiment, the viewer can imaginatively enter a fictional world and safely
explore philosophical ideas.
What is Word processing.
One of the most common functions of a modern personal computer is the
preparation of a variety of text documents. There are two main groups of
programs for preparing text documents: text editors and word processors. Text
editors are generally called programs that create text files without formatting
elements. Unlike word processors that can format text, insert graphics and other
objects into a document that are not related to the classical concept of "text".
Some text processors are called WYSIWYG editors, which means that the file will
not have any appearance, such editors include Word and StarWriter. Some modern
editors support the "almost" WYSIWYG concept. The appearance of the document on
the screen is slightly different from how the printed document will look, but
this is done specifically for the purpose of more efficient use of the working
document window. Examples of "almost" WYSIWYG editors are Netscape Composer and
· #385
Gvozd O.V. to MD-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:18)
Dear students!
This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your
active work.
· #384
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:41)
To Group MD-211. Dear students, the lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #383
Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 10:37)
1)the digital version-цифрова версія
Downloadcode for the digital version of the album.
Код завантаження цифрової версії альбому
2)in other words-іншими словами
I think, in other words, no word.
Я думаю, іншими словами, ні слова.
3)in principle-у принципі
That's what they decided in principle.
Ось куди, в принципі, вирішили поставити статую.
I have read article "Research reveals how experience with climate-related
disasters affects willingness to take and accept protective actions" They talk
about very important problems in the world, hurricanes, floods, fires and so on
happen very often. Therefore, all this greatly affects people, their emotions.
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi once said: "As catastrophic wildfires, hurricanes and
other natural disasters become more frequent, they have serious emotional,
social and economic consequences for people's lives." That is, we can say that
you need to somehow mitigate the effect of all problems on emotions. If a person
controls emotions, and not emotions by a person, then all spheres of life will
Today I read the article "Advances in micro-computed tomography". Researchers in
the field of biomedical physics and biology have greatly improved microcomputed
tomography, in particular phase contrast imaging and high-brightness X-rays.
They developed a new microstructured optical lattice and combined it with new
analytical algorithms. The new approach allows for a more detailed display and
analysis of the microstructure of samples, as well as for examining a
particularly wide range of samples. It also significantly reduces scan time.
This is a significant breakthrough not only in medicine and biology, but also in
materials science, for example, in geology.
· #382
Aleksandra Horbatenko MD-211 (Gvozd O.V. ) (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:39)
1) digital version
People with an Arizona driver's license or state identification card can now add
a digital version on their iPhone.
Люди с водительскими правами или удостоверением личности штата Аризона теперь
могут добавить цифровую версию на свой iPhone.
2)In principle
In principle the method is relevant for various chemical reactions
В принципе метод актуален для различных химических реакций.
3)in other words
In other words, beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
Другими словами, красота на самом деле в глазах смотрящего.
Scientists craft real live skin for robots
In this very interesting topic we can read about how robots can be nearly like
human. Well scientists from Japan created real live skin for robots and by that
invention the give us a change to live in sci-fi fiction which on our day maybe
not a fiction at all. One of main scientists in this project says:"The finger
looks slightly 'sweaty' straight out of the culture medium," with such statement
mean that in near years we will have real humanoid robots which can help in
healthcare and service industries. That real Future.
Train robot to fill glass with water and identify it
Earner of master degree in Robotics Institute create a robot which can pour
water in glass and recognize it.
such construction of robot can be used in agronomical industry or in cafes to
refill the glasses.
In idea of creator is to use the AI to recognize glass, water level, etc. But in
most cases made such AI is to hard because of reflection of water and ai don’t
saw it.
so the chief Engineer train that AI to recognize different types of liquids and
indetifine in wich glass water.
New way to recycle wastewater in drilling oil deposits
In our day oil is most used liquid in world, but when we drill this deposits
water which used in this process is became waste water which cannot used
anywhere so the engineers from university of Pittsburgh develop new recycle
system which can clear water and reuse it in process of drilling again and
reduce pollution in world. So t a closed system of treating water with waste
heat is one of way to recycle waste water but this engineers create a system
with membrane distillation system which effectively clear water.
invention of new vision for machines by small microchip
Inventors from Texas university crate a small chip which can help to see through
the fog or dust or smoke. Such interesting invention in thought of creator will
help firefighters to see through the smoke and help to fight the fire. In
another usage of such chip is car autopilots it will help "brain" of car to see
through bad weather conditions and help to reduce car collisions. Yukun doctor
of electrical engineer waste 15 year of life to crate such invention and after
lot of retries he finally made it.
Drones which can stop shooting in schools
Texas firm which create a stun guns create a drone which can use AI and cameras
to find a weapon and danger in school and
neutralize target. such interesting creation will patrol the school. But idea
was felt and nothing were created for that time because such concept cannot work
in such buildings at least drone cannot fly though the door and it can bug and
start shooting at everybody so that idea is full garbage like said Barry
Friedman New York University professor who work on AI and this was last nail.
· #381
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 09:03)
To students from the group-KD-211. Thank you for having submitted the results of the modular control tests on in due time. Your tasks are accepted and now prepare for an examination. This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your active work. Your Exam is carried out on 20-th of June, on Monday, 09.00. Get ready to improve your results! Good luck!
· #380
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 07:00)
Dear students!
This lesson is a good chance for you to post your debts. I am waiting for your
active work.
· #379
Lebedeva E. (Monday, 13 June 2022 20:05)
To Vlad Belyaev MR-211 Thank you for your exam topic, comment and work with phrases.
· #378
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 , Savluk (Monday, 13 June 2022 13:20)
in greater detail
19th explains how the coils work in greater detail.
The photos below show the issue in greater detail.
19 более подробно объясняет, как работают катушки.
На фотографиях ниже проблема показана более подробно.
in a somewhat
In a somewhat more distant future, quantum communication
"That leaves them in a somewhat precarious position moving forward."
В несколько более отдаленном будущем квантовая связь
Это оставляет их в несколько шатком положении при продвижении вперед
in order to avoid
Bigger cells are more likely to divide in order to avoid becoming deformed
In order to avoid delays, services may be transferred to another ground station
Большие клетки с большей вероятностью будут делиться, чтобы избежать деформации.
Во избежание задержек услуги могут быть переведены на другую наземную станцию.
I read an article about hackers, it says about . Over the past decade, we've
seen it all. We've had monstrous data breaches, years of prolific hacktivism.
From the Stuxnet attacks of 2010 to China's extensive mass-surveillance of the
Uyghur minority. But Flame - the most sophisticated malware strain ever created.
We can't have this list without mentioning the three ransomware outbreaks of
2017. All three were developed by government-backed hackers, but for different
reasons. I read an article about hackers, it was interesting to me
Common building materials
The construction industry uses a variety of building materials for different
aspects of a home build. Each has different strength, weight, and durability,
which makes it right for various uses. Building materials are usually
categorized into two sources: natural and manmade. Materials such as stone and
wood are natural, and concrete, masonry, and steel are manmade. But both must be
prepared or treated before they’re used in building. Here is a list of building
materials that are commonly used in construction. Steel , Concrete, Wood , Stone
, Brick .
· #377
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Monday, 13 June 2022 13:17)
focused primarily on
We focused primarily on the three conditions, but we found data connecting
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program
Мы сосредоточились главным образом на трех условиях, но обнаружили данные,
В первую очередь они сосредоточились на программе SolSmart.
for a number of reasons
It could be used for a number of reasons, the researchers say
But Wordle is intriguing for a number of other reasons
Исследователи говорят, что его можно использовать по ряду причин.
Но Wordle интригует по ряду других причин,
first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
The team also found that the first use of Canarian
Исследователи документируют первое использование кукурузы в Мезоамерике.
Команда также обнаружила, что первое использование канарского
I read an article about the flashlight experiment, it says about. The team
conducted an experiment by changing the brightness of streetlights in the city
of Arizona,., and observing how this changed how bright the city appeared from
space. According to the researchers, the changes in the streetlighting
brightness are barely perceptible, as people's eyes quickly adapt to the light
levels. They report that the city received no comments or complaints about the
changed lighting during the test. There is also no evidence or suggestion that
reducing lighting levels as part of the experiment had any adverse effect on
public safety.
City residents wouldn't notice any difference. This article was of interest to
Graphic design as a profession
Graphic designers are visual communicators who create concepts by hand or by
using specialized graphic design software. They communicate ideas to inspire,
inform, or captivate consumers through both physical and virtual art forms that
include images, words, or graphics. By constant communication with clients,
customers, and other designers, they ensure that their designs accurately
reflect the desired message and effectively express information. Many designers
work as in-house staff for a business, corporation, or non-profit organization.
· #376
Savluk A. (Monday, 13 June 2022 11:20)
Popelashkova M. MR-211
Kostyakov Dmitriy MI-211
Kondratyuk MR-211
Golishenko D. MR-211
Ivashkevich Alina MR-211
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done.
· #375
Popelashkova M. MR-211(Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 15:33)
1. for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
2. focused primarily on
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
Оцінка була зосереджена насамперед на питаннях актуальності та ефективності, а
також розглядалися питання ефективності та сталості.
3. first use of
The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
Альбом став першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів.
I read the article "First Use of Microscopic Sound Waves to Study Cellular
The University of Nottingham lecturer has won a prestigious five-year fellowship
to study the use of harmless sound waves for deep viewing in living cells for
the early diagnosis of diseases such as cancer. The new ultrasonic microscope
will use short laser pulses to generate phonons that propagate into the cell.
The signal captures and transmits changes in the "hardness" (elasticity) of
cellular features (membrane, nucleus, etc.) to create a more detailed
three-dimensional picture that would be perceptible with the help of light.
While the phonon microscope will contribute to a better understanding of many
problems in cell biology, Dr. Perez intends to focus his research on health
issues such as cancer, parasitology, osteoporosis and fertility.
"General Building Materials"
In construction, in the construction of buildings and structures, various
building materials and products from them are used. The main building materials
in industrial and civil construction are cement, concrete, brick, stone, wood,
lime, sand, ferrous metals, glass, roofing materials, plastic and others.
The source of the production of building materials is the country's natural
resources, which can be used as building materials in their natural state
(stone, sand, wood) or in the form of raw materials processed at the enterprises
of the building materials industry.
When studying building materials, they can be classified into the following
types: natural stone materials, binders, mortars, concrete and concrete
products, reinforced concrete products, artificial stone materials, forest
materials, metals, synthetic materials, etc.
All building materials have a number of common properties, but the quality
indicators of these properties are different.
Physical and mechanical properties are, firstly, the parameters of the physical
state of materials and, secondly, the properties that determine the relationship
of materials to various physical processes. The first include the density and
porosity of the material, the degree of grinding of powders, the second -
hydrophysical properties, thermophysical and some others. Technical requirements
for building materials are given in the Construction Norms and Rules.
· #374
Kostyakov Dmitriy MI-211(Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 14:14)
Recently i read an article about Textile filter testing shows promise for carbon
capture. North Carolina State University researchers found they could filter
carbon dioxide from air and gas mixtures at promising rates using a proposed new
textile-based filter that combines cotton fabric and an enzyme called carbonic
anhydrase—one of nature's tools for speeding chemical reactions.The findings
from initial laboratory testing represent a step forward in the development of a
possible new carbon capture technology that could reduce carbon dioxide
emissions from biomass, coal or natural gas power plants.
1) beyond the scope
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
Тривале вирішення цієї проблеми виходить далеко за рамки цього звіту.
2) Multiple levels
To create a complex program, you need to write code at multiple levels.
Щоб створити складну програму, потрібно писати код на кількох рівнях.
3) classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
Вони можуть бути класифіковані як основні або сприятливі фактори та сприятливі
· #373
Kostyakov Dmitriy MI-211(Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 14:06)
Recently i read an article about Novel air-conditioning technology: Artificial
muscles deliver sustainable cooling. A new type of energy efficient,
ecologically sustainable cooling technology that does not require the use of
climate-damaging refrigerants.The new technology makes use of shape-memory
materials that are also known as "artificial muscles." These materials are able
to transport heat by loading and unloading nickel-titanium wires.Researchers
have already presented the world's first machine that can cool air by flexing
artificial muscles.
1) bear in mind
These are important considerations which we should always bear in mind.
Це важливі міркування, які ми завжди повинні мати на увазі.
2) ability to achieve
The pixelated image demonstrates the imager's ability to detect an object
through a cardboard box
Піксельне зображення демонструє здатність візерунка виявляти об’єкт через
картонну коробку
3) backed up by
Firm contracts will need to be backed up by the timely availability of funding.
Тверді контракти повинні бути підкріплені своєчасним фінансуванням
· #372
Kostyakov Dmitriy MI-211(Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 14:03)
Recently i read an article about Artificial skin, that gives robots sense of
touch and beyond. A new artificial skin can now give robots the ability to sense
temperature, pressure, and even toxic chemicals through a simple touch. This new
skin technology is part of a robotic platform that integrates the artificial
skin with a robotic arm and sensors that attach to human skin. A
machine-learning system that interfaces the two allows the human user to control
the robot with their own movements while receiving feedback through their own
1) first use of
The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
Альбом став першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів.
2) focused primarily on
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
Оцінка була зосереджена насамперед на питаннях актуальності та ефективності, а
також розглядалися питання ефективності та сталості.
3) for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
· #371
Kostyakov Dmitriy MI-211(Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 13:57)
Recently i read an article about Firm proposes Taser-armed drones to stop school
shootings. The publicly traded company, which sells Tasers and police body
cameras, floated the idea of a new police drone product last year to its
artificial intelligence ethics board, a group of well-respected experts in
technology, policing and privacy. Taser developer Axon said this week it is
working to build drones armed with the electric stunning weapons that could fly
in schools and help prevent the next attack. But its own technology advisers
quickly panned the idea as a dangerous fantasy.
1)for its own sake
There's no evidence they enjoyed the VR experience for its own sake.
Немає жодних доказів того, що їм подобався досвід віртуальної реальності сам
2) published in
The research was published in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology.
Дослідження було опубліковано у журналі Basic and Applied Ecology.
3) condition imposed by
Sometimes condition imposed by only to achieve some goal.
Іноді умова нав'язується лише досягнення якоїсь мети
· #370
Kostyakov Dmitriy MI-211(Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 13:54)
Recently i read an article about Sonar technology tool to help conserve
water,that uses soundwaves to locate broken or leaking pipes. Dr. Li says the
technology provides a very accurate location of the problem so it can be fixed
without needing to dig up a wide area. The basic mechanics are like a sonar
system, which is used by bats and dolphins. We've developed acoustic technology
that can identify and pinpoint the location of a blockage or leak.
1) be expressed
Requests for information may be expressed in writing, and are registered.
Запит на отримання інформації може виражатися у письмовій формі та підлягає
2) at every point
The following three concepts apply at every point in the process
На кожному етапі процесу застосовуються наступні три концепції
3) backed up by
Effective project performance monitoring systems must be backed up by the use of
information technologies.
Ефективні системи моніторингу виконання проектів мають бути підкріплені
використанням інформаційних технологій.
· #369
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:41)
focused primarily on
Until now, science has been focused primarily on inclusions in amber. — Досі
наука була зосереджена насамперед на включеннях в бурштин.
for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
reasons. — Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
first use of
The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers. — Альбом став
першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів.
Today I read the article "A bot can identify depressed Twitter users in 9 out of
10 cases." This bot, a method of analyzing messages, their content and
publication, analyzes whether a person has a loss. The research team says that
in the future skeletal system of the body there are features of body weight on
other platforms, for example, the diagnosis of early depression, screening for
employment or police investigation.
I think this is a useful bot and it can really help with some investigations.
The main thing is that it should not be exposed to the public, as this may
adversely affect people.
exam topic 5
A building structure is an enlarged building element of a building, structure or
bridge, made of building materials and products.
Building structures are classified by purpose and building material. All
building structures are divided into load-bearing and non-bearing (mainly
enclosing). In some cases, the functions of load-bearing and enclosing
structures are combined.
According to the nature of static work, load-bearing structures are divided into
planar and spatial. In planar systems, all elements work either separately or in
the form of rigidly interconnected planar systems. In spatial, all elements work
in two directions. This increases the rigidity and load-bearing capacity of
structures and reduces the consumption of materials for their construction.
· #368
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:27)
I read an article on the topic: "Study finds local voluntary programs are
effective in promoting green energy"
A Florida State University researcher found that programs that endorse voluntary
solar energy at the local level are effective in encouraging solar energy
They found that these VEPs are really effective in promoting these local
resilience actions. This helps to show that the introduction of solar power is
highly dependent on the local regulatory framework.
SolSmart's incentives include national recognition and free assistance to help
local governments develop and implement solar best practices and earn gold,
silver and bronze designations.
Link to voice:
Link to article:
1.focused primarily on
The research is also unique, Bernardes said, because previous studies focused
primarily on firm-level consequences of behavior such as supplier sustainability
risk and corrupt opportunism.
Дослідження також є унікальним, сказав Бернардес, оскільки попередні дослідження
були зосереджені насамперед на наслідках поведінки на рівні фірми, таких як
ризик стійкості постачальників і корупційний опортунізм.
2.for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
Ця технологія є новою з ряду причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може
дати нове уявлення про фактори навколишнього середовища, які мають значний вплив
на рівень забруднення повітря.
3.first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
· #367
Ivashkevich Alina MR-211 (LMR-211 Savluk ) (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:21)
Exam topic 7: Urban or town planning
A town planner prepares the soil while an urban designer plants the seeds.
Building an entire city is essentially a collaborative process, and this
collaboration does not only happen among organisations or governments. Urban
design is the creation of city features including public space, infrastructure,
transport, landscapes and community facilities. Urban planning is the planning
of city structures such as policies, zones, neighborhoods, infrastructure,
standards and building codes.Town planning is the process of managing land
resources. It involves the control of existing and new developments, as well as
strategy preparation to ensure manage future requirements. It is a dynamic
process that changes in response to policy, development proposals and local
needs.I like the urban planner more, because his tasks are much closer to me in
I've read the article :" NASA's NuSTAR makes illuminating discoveries with
'nuisance' light". For almost 10 years, NASA's NuSTAR (Nuclear Spectroscopic
Telescope Array) X-ray space observatory has been studying some of the
highest-energy objects in the universe, such as colliding dead stars and
enormous black holes feasting on hot gas. During that time, scientists have had
to deal with stray light leaking in through the sides of the observatory, which
can interfere with observations much like external noise can drown out a phone
call.I think , the stray light data can't replace direct observations by NuSTAR.
Aside from stray light being unfocused, many objects that NuSTAR can observe
directly are too faint to appear in the stray light catalog.
1)for a number of reasons
* The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
Ця технологія є новою з ряду причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може
дати нове уявлення про фактори навколишнього середовища, які мають значний вплив
на рівень забруднення повітря.
* But Wordle is intriguing for a number of other reasons, said Riggle, whose
research focuses on the computational modeling of communication.
Але Wordle інтригує з ряду інших причин, сказав Ріггл, чиє дослідження
зосереджено на обчислювальному моделюванні комунікації.
2) focused primarily on
* "We focused primarily on the three conditions, but we found data connecting
about 20 other proteins to biological pathways or processes"
Ми зосередилися в основному на трьох станах, але ми знайшли дані, які пов’язують
близько 20 інших білків з біологічними шляхами або процесами».
* They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
Вони зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, програмі VEP, яка заохочує
місцеві органи влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних
3) first use of
* Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
* The team also found that the first use of Canarian forests by aboriginal
settlers appeared to have limited impact on the native vegetation, such as the
laurel forest of the island of la Gomera.
Команда також виявила, що перше використання канарських лісів аборигенними
поселенцями мало обмежений вплив на місцеву рослинність, таку як лавровий ліс на
острові Гомера.
· #366
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 10 June 2022 12:05)
To Zhan Rodion KA-211 Thanks for the work.
· #365
Zhan Rodion KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 11:03)
Today I have read the article. The article is called "A novel artificial
intelligence system that predicts air pollution levels".The article describes a
new technology for tracking air pollution for a short period of time.
Firstly, it will be possible to track the current level of pollution.
Secondly, it will be possible to track which action is harming nature.
In conclusion, it is a good development to track pollution levels.
My opinion is that due to the speed of analysis it could become in demand.
Phrases of the day
1.first use of:
America’s First Use of Nuclear Weapons in World War II in Japan
Перше застосування Америкою ядерної зброї під час Другої світової війни в Японії
2.focused primarily on:
My parents always focused primarly on my little brother
Мої батьки завжди зосереджувалися в першу чергу на моєму молодшому браті
3. for a number of reasons:
The war cannot end quickly for a number of reasons.
Війна не може закінчитися швидко з ряду причин.
· #364
Savluk A. (Friday, 10 June 2022 10:30)
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212
Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212,
Zelinskiy Danya KI-212,
Bolotina V. KI-212
Dmytro Mazurenko KI-212,
Velichuk Illya, ki-212
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!
· #363
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:56)
To Antonenko (KA-211) Thanks for the work. The comments and exam topics are detailed and informative. But there are mistakes in reading.
· #362
Antonenko (KA-211) (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:45)
Debt, test topic #2
Currently, computerization is rapidly penetrating into the activities of
surveying and design organizations, raising the design work to a qualitatively
new level, in which the pace and quality of design increases dramatically, many
complex engineering problems, which were previously considered only
simplistically, are more reasonably solved.
This is largely due to the use of effective specialized programs that can be
both independent and in the form of applications to general engineering
Activity on creation of software products and technical means for automation of
design works has a common name - CAD.CAD is a software package designed for
design (development) of production (or construction) objects, as well as design
and/or technological documentation. - simplifying the development of optimal
design solutions, and thereby reducing the cost of production, operation and
achieving the highest quality of machines and apparatuses;
- Increased safety and reliability of machines as a result of applying more
accurate mathematical models and engineering methods in the development of
individual design units;
- significant reduction in the design period, which affects the reduction of
costs and increases the productivity of the design office;
- expansion of the scope of application of finished design solutions through the
use of computer databases, and much more.
· #361
Antonenko (KA-211) (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:44)
Debt, text topic #5
The basic concepts to be used in the design of technological equipment are as
Product - any item or set of items of production made by the company.
Part - an item made of the same name and brand of material without the use of
assembly operations, such as a screw, nut, shaft, cast housing.
Assembly unit - a product, component parts of which are subject to
interconnection by assembly operations (screwing, joining, soldering, crimping,
Unit - an assembly unit, which can perform a particular function in products of
the same purpose only together with other components.
Unit - an assembly unit which is fully interchangeable, can be assembled
separately from other parts of the product or the product as a whole and can
perform a specific function in the product or independently.
· #360
Antonenko (KA-211) (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:44)
Debt, text topuc #4
The technological process is a part of the production process, which contains
the actions for changing and subsequent determination of the state of the
subject of production. There are many different technological processes used at
the automotive repair plant: disassembly, washing, pressure treatment,
machining, heat treatment, assembly, painting, etc.
Technological process consists of operations:
Technological operation is a completed part of the technological process,
performed at one workplace. The operation is the main calculation unit in the
technical standardization of the process, in the design of production areas, in
determining the cost of the technological process.
When performing an operation, the part very often has to be set and fastened
several times, i.e. to perform several setups.
A setup is a part of a manufacturing operation that is performed with the
workpiece (workpiece) or assembly unit being machined (assembled) unchanged.The
machined part or assembly unit being clamped in the fixture can occupy several
consecutive positions relative to the tool, i.e. positions.
· #359
Antonenko (KA-211) (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:43)
Debt, text topic #3
TEA is a set of interrelated technical, economic, organizational and social
measures to ensure:
1) the timely transfer to the transportation service or external customer
service of serviceable vehicles of the required nomenclature and quantity and at
the right time for the customer;
2) maintenance of the vehicle fleet in a workable condition when:
As a branch of science, TEA defines ways and methods of managing the technical
condition of vehicles and fleets to ensure:
- regularity and safety of transportation with the fullest realization of the
technical and operational properties of vehicles;
- specified levels of performance and technical condition;
- optimization of material and labor costs;
- minimum negative effect of motor transport on the population, personnel and
the environment.
Technical operation and service usually include the following main types of
works and services in different combinations for different enterprises:
- selection and delivery of motor vehicles, equipment, spare parts and materials
necessary for the enterprise or customer;
- purchase and sale of new and used motor vehicles and units, their evaluation;
- presale service and warranty repair;
- refueling, washing, cleaning and storage;
- maintenance and repair of motor vehicles during their operation;
- instrumental technical inspection and preparation for it;
- sale of spare parts, materials, components and accessories.
· #358
Antonenko (KA-211) (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:43)
Debt, 07.06.22.
Today I've read the article "Modifying surfaces with polymer chains promotes
uniform drying of particle-containing liquids".It's about the coffee ring
strategy and creating a consistent drying pattern.I liked the method that, to
attain consistent drying patterns, is to modify the surfaces of the particles
using polymer chains so that they effectively repel each other, being strongly
attracted to the surface of the .There is also a phenomenon that occurs when
liquids containing particles, so-called dispersions, such as ink, paint or ruddy
wine, dry out.Ring patterns are just as undesirable in technical processes as
when we spill coffee.
· #357
Antonenko (KA-211) (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:42)
Today I've read the article "Creating mRNA with an all-chemical process
may authorize for customized mRNA vaccines".It's about a process that could
represent an necessary breakthrough in the creation of customized mRNA vaccines
for various diseases and allows the production of inexpensive mRNA in large
quantities.First of all, vaccines learn cells how to create a protein that
triggers the body's immune response, allowing its natural defenses to recognize
the invading virus.Also, new vaccines that biological
processes don't authorize precise molecular design of mRNA,which limits their in
the creation of new vaccines as options become available.I liked a method that
could authorize mRNA to be injected directly instead of using lipid
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica. Maize, an ancient
food source, was first cultivated in the Maya lowlands around 6,500 years ago.
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
· #356
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:35)
1)for a number of reasons
People in many industries treat 3d printing as a key topic of interest both in
techniques and printing materials for a number of reasons
Люди в багатьох галузях розглядають 3D-друк як ключову тему, яка цікавить як
техніку, так і друкарські матеріали з ряду причин.
2)first use of
The new models represent the world's first use of 90-nm technology in UNIX®
Нові моделі є першим у світі використанням 90-нм технології в серверах UNIX®.
3)focused primarily on
Until now, science has been focused primarily on inclusions in amber.
Досі наука була зосереджена насамперед на включеннях в бурштин.
I have just read an article says about a new NanoSIMS ion probe that has been
built to document very sharp concentration gradients over very short distances
in igneous minerals, allowing the calculation of the time scale between
reheating and magma eruption. organ of interest. I believe that such a probe
will increase the safety of residents who live near volcanoes, which is good
I have just read an article says about a rover that was able to dust off a
target spot on a flat Martian rock using a dust removal tool. The purpose of the
mission was to collect samples from the target soil in order to determine its
suitability for habitation of mirkoornganisms. I believe this experiment will
help scientists have a clearer picture of Mars and its habitability.
Exam toxic : History of kernel development
Intel introduced its next novelty in the late seventies. It was called Intel
8086. Thanks to this chip, all the closest pursuers of the company on the market
were left far behind. He had a high level of power, but this gave him the
opportunity to become popular. It used a 16-bit bus, which had a high level of
cost. For this processor, it was necessary to use special microcircuits and
remake the motherboard.Motorola launched its MC68000 at the same time. He was
one of the most powerful at that time. To use it, it was necessary to have
special microcircuits. However, it was still in great demand among consumers. It
offered huge opportunities for users to use it.At the same time, Zilog also
introduced users to its new development. She created the Z8000 processor. This
novelty still causes a lot of controversy. According to its technical
parameters, it was acceptable and its cost was low. However, not many users
wanted to use it on their computing device.
· #355
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:05)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 You must use present perfect in the first sentence - Today I HAVE read ... Please, choose the topic more relevant to your speciality.
· #354
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 10 June 2022 09:03)
To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Use present perfect in the first sentence: I HAVE recently read...Your article review is interesting and informative, but too long, don't forget it must be around 100 words.
· #353
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:55)
Today I read an article about the first use of microscopic sound waves to study
cellular abnormalities. The University of Nottingham scientist has received a
prestigious five-year fellowship to explore the possibility of using harmless
sound waves to probe the depths of living cells to aid in the early diagnosis of
diseases such as cancer. There is ample evidence that the elasticity of cancer
cells is significantly different from the elasticity of normal cells, but in the
past it has been difficult to capture the features of these cells at the
microscopic level. The phonon tool has the potential to help in the early
diagnosis of diseases or improve scientific understanding. how cells behave,
mutate and proliferate in the human body.
2)*focused primarily on - основное внимание уделялось
The evaluation focused not on the correctness of the answers, but on the speed
of answering the question - В ходе оценки основное внимание уделялось не
правильности ответов, а скорости ответа на вопрос
**for a number of reasons - в силу ряда причин
we cannot hire you for a number of reasons - мы не можем нанять вас на работу в
силу ряда причин
***first use - впервые применила
our company has applied this technology for the first time - наша компания
впервые применила эту технологию
· #352
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:36)
I recently read an interesting article called “Top-rated educational math apps
may not be best for children's learning” . Today, programs for studying
mathematics are gaining immense popularity and demand. However, the researchers
decided to test how effective they are and whether they are good for children.
As part of the study, the researchers synthesized 50 research studies from 18
countries around the world which evaluated 77 educational math apps during the
first three years of school. They found that 90% of studies showed that math
apps had some benefits for supporting young children's mathematical learning and
development. In particular, learning with math apps was maximized when the apps
provided a personalized learning journey for children and gave them feedback
explaining why their answers were right or wrong, as well as giving them praise
and rewards. However, few of the top 25 math apps included features that could
do this. The researchers argue that their findings demonstrate a lack of
high-quality math apps currently available for parents and teachers and
highlight the need to improve the meaningful categorization of educational apps
on the app stores to facilitate parent and teacher choice. Thus, it can be
concluded that in general, many educational applications can improve children's
mathematical results and provide a personalized learning experience. However, it
is important to take into account different features, they are different for
children, and each has its own
1) first use of- перше використання The album marked the band's first use of
guitar synthesizers(Альбом став першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів)
2) for a number of reasons-з ряду причин.
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
reasons.(Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин)
3. focused primarily on -зосереджено насамперед на
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability(Оцінка була зосереджена
насамперед на питаннях актуальності та ефективності, а також розглядалися
питання ефективності та сталості)
· #351
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 10 June 2022 08:08)
To students from the group -MD-211. Good morning! Read the instructions again and do your module Test. Would you remind your groupmates that on Friday , on the 10-th of June, you are writing the modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should sent the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number.) Have you got the insructions on modular control tests? Continue to work on line. Good luck !
· #350
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Drozhina) (Friday, 10 June 2022 07:43)
I have read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry".
Doctoral student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing
industry when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes.
She found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on
applying AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for
creating solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework
developed with four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision
support system that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique
"fuzzy logic". Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers
with personalized service.
1) distinct from
For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
Для прозорості політику має бути легко знайти, чітко позначено та представлено
на відміну від звичайних правил HealthEngine.
2) examine more closely
In order to examine more closely the amount of research which exists in the
field, the researchers made searches in international databases.
Щоб детальніше вивчити обсяг досліджень, які існують у цій галузі, дослідники
здійснили пошук у міжнародних базах даних.
3) estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність і безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до створеної ним загальнонаціональної панелі.
Evolution of the operating system.
The operating system is part of the most important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. The computer is known to have been invented by the English
mathematician Charles Babbage in the late eighteenth century. From the mid-1950s
began a new period of development of computer technology, associated with the
emergence of a new technical base. Second-generation computers have become more
reliable. In the third period of time in the technical base there was a
transition from individual semiconductors such as transistors to integrated
circuits. The fourth period, the computer became accessible to man, and the era
of personal computers.
· #349
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 17:23)
Today I have read the article “Radio waves for the detection of hardware
tampering”. This article is about a new method of detecting cyberattacks.
Researchers in Bochum have developed a new method to detect such manipulations.
They monitor the systems with radio waves that react to the slightest changes in
the ambient conditions. Unlike conventional methods, they can thus protect
entire systems, not just individual components—and they can do it at a lower
cost. In my opinion, this method can decrease cyberattacks in all structures.
· #348
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 17:22)
Today i have read the article "Construction begins on energy storage system
relying on gravity" British startup Gravitricity began construction of a
renewable energy storage system that will rely on gravity—it will manipulate
massive weights in a shaft as a means of storing energy, which will be drop via
gravity when energy is needed, turning a shaft that drives an electric
generator. The shafts are to be nearly a mile high and the weights will range
from 500 to 5,000 tons.
· #347
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 17:13)
Today I have read the article ''Lithium-ion batteries that last longer in
extreme cold''.This article is about such a common problem for everyone that at
sub-zero temperatures, our lithium-ion batteries consume energy very quickly, or
even stop working altogether. To solve this problem, scientists from ACS Central
Science replaced the traditional graphite anode on a lithium-ion battery with a
rough carbon-based material that can withstand temperatures of -35 C without
problems. Testing was carried out at -35 C, which showed that when it is
discharged almost 100% of the charge stored in the battery.
In my opinion, such technologies will make our lives much easier, because each
of us has faced such a problem and knows how unpleasant it is.
· #346
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 17:01)
I have read the article "Quantum computers learn to mark their own work ". It
tells about the tests of quantum computers. The correctness of their work is a
big question, which also depends on external factors, so scientists are trying
to eliminate this problem. Also, modern models of quantum computers, even under
ideal external conditions, do not always solve problems correctly - more one
question that scientists are working on. This article was interesting and
useful, because the introduction of quantum computers technology will help
humanity to solve very complex problems and make a breakthrough in chemistry,
biology and medicine.
· #345
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:58)
Today I have read an article about how artificial intelligence will help
unmanned vehicles not stand idle at red lights. A new study from MIT looks at
using new technology in self-driving cars to reduce travel time, fuel
consumption, or battery life. Thus, all machines will know where they are, and
will be able to transmit data about their location to each other. This will help
other cars to slow down or accelerate at the right moment to prevent an
accident. The use of this technology will help to completely get rid of traffic
lights, and reduce the number of accidents to a minimum.
· #344
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:55)
"Innovating power generation where are river runs through it'. This article
tells us about a hydroelectric. The hydroelectric power provides an alternative
to fossil fuels, but not all generation methods are equally clean or
economically viable. The classic 'solution' involves building a concrete dam and
locating a hydroelectric power plant there, but there's all sorts of associated
issues. There's the high cost of building a dam, but there's also a huge
environmental impact. You restrict migration of fish, you change the local river
topology, and you affect the whole ecological system around it. The
hydroelectric is very practical but a little harmful to the environment.
· #343
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:49)
Today I have read the article "Robots may run future farms, researchers say".
This article tells us that in the next couple of years there may be people who
will try to introduce robots into agriculture. The reason for this may be that
in our time, manual labor is becoming less effective compared to the labor of
robots, since these very robots do not need to eat and rest, and they can also
quickly collect information from a large area and transfer it to the owner of
the field. Also, replacing heavy machinery with autonomous light robots and
drones can solve the problem of soil compaction and make food production more
sustainable. This article is recommended to reading as it tells us what farmers
will do in the future in order to get more crops on a smaller field area.
· #342
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:46)
Today I read an article about a modern electric drive.
A modern electric drive is a combination of an electric motor, which is a source
of mechanical energy, control and protection equipment, as well as mechanical,
hydraulic. Electric drives are the main consumers of electricity and the main
source of mechanical energy in industry. The best way to save energy in all
industries that need to adjust the performance of machines based on AC motors is
to use an AC variable speed drive. This study and article made it possible to
understand that thanks to these engines, it is possible to achieve many times
greater energy savings
· #341
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:27)
Today I have read the article about the structure of electrical systems.
Everyone uses electricity in their everyday lives, yet lots of us do not think
how it works and how it is distributed throughout our houses. Electricity flows
in from one of two 120-volt wires and backs out through a grounded neutral wire.
Any flaw in the wire to and from these points will interrupt the current’s path
and cause a fault in one of the circuits. In my opinion, by developing these
systems, above all - their efficiency and security, we can reach technologically
advanced future way much faster.
· #340
Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 16:21)
Today I read the article "New AI navigation prevents crashes in space".
This article tells us that engineers are developing collision avoidance systems
that will help autonomous robots maintain, assemble or manufacture satellites in
orbit. Scientists must develop a reliable collision avoidance algorithm and work
schedule that works in real time so that autonomous systems can safely complete
the mission, using explainable artificial intelligence. The new artificial
intelligence is based on physics rather than relying solely on data, so it's
more reliable.
This article is useful for AI researchers and developers. I was interested in
reading this article.
· #339
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 09 June 2022 11:10)
To Group MD-212. Anichenko V., Boychuk N., Buyanova E., Golodetska C., Zibarovskiy D., Zaychik R., Katsapova A., Kondratiuk D., I've got your test results, thank you.
· #338
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:59)
To Nikolova S., MD-213. Your comments on the articles are good enough, Sofia, thanks. Pls mind "I've read THE article". And you've not successfully chosen the sentences to illustrate the use of the Phrases of the Day: sentences 2 and 3 do not contain the exact phrases, find other examples. Keep on working.
· #337
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:58)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. I've got your exam topic, thanks.
· #336
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:51)
To Novikova I., MD-213. All the tasks are performed properly, Inna, thanks. Best wishes.
· #335
Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:30)
What is the difference between CLI and GUI
The operating system enables the interaction between the user and the device. It
does this by providing two user interfaces: a command-line interface (CLI) and a
graphical user interface (GUI).
Any device’s operating system is nothing but an interface between the hardware
components and its user. The operating system enables the interaction between
the user and the device. It does this by providing two user interfaces: a
command-line interface (CLI) and a graphical user interface (GUI).
Users of GUI interact with devices or software through clickable graphical
icons. CLI is a text-based or console representation whereby users type commands
into a terminal to navigate or operate devices or software.
The notable difference is that GUI users depend on graphical elements such as
icons, menus, and windows to interact with the operating system. CLI relies more
on text inputs to perform the operating system functions. GUI stands out being a
user-friendly option, while CLI is more powerful and advanced.
· #334
Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:29)
I've read an article about universities that were looking for a way to find a
way to save carbon-free energy.Researchers from the University of Surrey and the
University of Bristol are working on innovative devices to tame and store
carbon-free renewable energy from unpredictable sources such as wind and
solar.The Chemistry Department at Surrey is working with collaborators at
Bristol, Professors Ian Hamerton and David Fermin, and Superdielectrics Ltd., an
innovative British Research Company located at the Surrey Research Park to
transform simple hydrophilic polymers which were originally developed for use as
contact lenses, to realize a second critical energy storage process.
· #333
Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:29)
1. ability to achieve- способность достигать
The pixelated image demonstrates the imager's ability to detect an object
through a cardboard box.Пиксельное изображение демонстрирует способность
тепловизора обнаруживать объект сквозь картонную коробку.
2. able to target- в состоянии ориентироваться
What we do know is that attackers gained access to Target's network on November
27, 2013.Что мы знаем точно, так это то, что злоумышленники получили доступ к
сети Target 27 ноября 2013 года.
3. a breakthrough in- прорыв в
Breakthrough in estimating fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions by University of
East Anglia Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory, Norfolk, UK.Прорыв в оценке
выбросов углекислого газа от ископаемого топлива, сделанный Атмосферной
обсерваторией Университета Восточной Англии в Вейбурне, Норфолк, Великобритания.
I've read an article about artificial intelligence that is capable of issuing
diagnoses.Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in many systems,
from predictive text to medical diagnoses. Inspired by the human brain, many AI
systems are implemented based on artificial neural networks, where electrical
equivalents of biological neurons are interconnected, trained with a set of
known data, such as images, and then used to recognize or classify new data
points.In traditional neural networks used for image recognition, the image of
the target object is first formed on an image sensor, such as the digital camera
in a smart phone.
· #332
Terzi MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 09:12)
examined in detail.
We believe that all issues within the Working Group's mandate should be examined
in detail.
expanded upon
The workshop topics are expanded upon in the discussion guide
bear in mind
These are important considerations which we should always bear in mind.
Trusted operating system
I have read the information about Trusted Operating System that generally refers
to an operating system and provides sufficient support for multilevel security
and evidence of correctness to meet a particular set of government
requirements.Also it is an operating system that meet these standards.These
standards may also vary from country to country.Some countries may due to
political or technical reasons consider the standards prescribed by another
group to be insecure and may have their own standards to call an OS trusted.The
most common set of criteria for trusted operating system design is the Common
Criteria combined with the Security Functional Requirements for Labeled Security
Protection Profile and mandatory access control.!
Polarization,fake news:what people see on the Internet.According to the Reuters
Institute Digital News,more than half of the world's Internet users now use
social media to keep up with the news.Another problem is that newsfeed
algorithms only show users content that is based on their previous online
behavior that they are likely to agree with.Other points of view tend not to be
shown at all.This creates networks of like-minded users,which reinforce shared
opinions and create the illusion of broad support.According to the
researchers,nudging could be used,for example,to indicate whether content meets
certain quality criteria.I think this is important as nudges could also
communicate additional information about other users' online behavior.
· #331
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 08:59)
Device drivers
Device driver, is a set of files that tells a piece of hardware how to function
by communicating with a computer's operating system. All pieces of hardware
require a driver, from your internal computer components, such as your graphics
card, to your external peripherals, like a printer. There are various types of
drivers for I/O devices such as keyboards, mice, CD/DVD drives, controllers,
printers, graphics cards and ports. I think that device drivers are
indispensable because without them, the computer would not be able to send and
receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer.
I have read the article «What is 3G and why is it being shut down? An electrical
engineer explains». 3G is the third generation of wireless mobile
telecommunications technology. Why are 3G networks being phased out? As mobile
carriers seek to upgrade their networks to use the latest technologies, they
periodically shut down older services, such as 3G, to free up spectrum and
infrastructure to support new services, such as 5G. I believe that progress
should not stand still. Rejecting the old, we acquire the new. This is the
essence of modern progress.I recommend reading this article to my friends.
I have read the article « Deadly heatwaves will continue to rise, study finds».
The rapid climate change we are now seeing is caused by humans using oil, gas
and coal for their homes, fаctories and transport. When these fossil fuels burn,
they release greenhouse gases - mostly carbon dioxide. These gases trap the
Sun's heat and cause the planet's temperature to rise. I believe that if the
situation does not change, the temperature will rise higher and higher. From
which not only people will suffer, but also animals. I recommend reading this
article to my friends.
1) expanded upon - доповнювати
Donald Brownlee and palaeontologist Peter Ward expanded upon the concept of a
galactic habitable zone, as well as the other factors required for the emergence
of complex life, in their 2000 book Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in
the Universe.
Дональд Браунлі і палеонтолог Пітер Уорд доповнили концепцію галактичної
населеної зони, рештою факторів необхідних для успішного існування складного
життя, у книзі від 2000 року: Унікальна Земля: Чому складне життя незвичайне для
2) examined in detail - докладно розглянути
The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action examined in detail the linkages
between democracy, development and human rights.
У віденських Декларації та Програмі дій докладно розглядається взаємозв'язок між
демократією, розвитком та правами людини.
3) bear in mind- враховувати
Now, let's all bear in mind these are poetic abstracts from long-lost ancient
Тепер, давайте будемо мати на увазі, що вони є поетичні уривки з давно втрачених
стародавніх текстів.
· #330
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 09 June 2022 08:51)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. I'm waiting for your test results. Good luck!
· #329
C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 09 June 2022 08:37)
Debt Exam topic: Antivirus programs
Today for each computer user the consequences of a cyber attack may be
irreparable, which is why the virus protection is important.
The first virus was created artificially in 1971 by a computer scientist Bob
Thomas. An experimental program called the Creeper with the spread duplicated
itself. The same year Ray Tomlinson wrote Reaper - the first antivirus - to
delete the Creeper. The first virus of unknown origin was Vienna in 1987, which
got rid of Robert Fix. The current market leader is the Avast Software with a
share of 19.11%.
In conclusion, virus protection on the device is indispensable for any user.
· #328
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 19:21)
To Bordan Vitalii, KI-211. All the tasks are performed properly, Vitalii, thanks. Just mind "Today I have read THE article" and "a number of other equally IMPORTANT discoveries". The mispronounced words in the audiofiles are "could", "micro-", "eyes", "female", "designed", "mechanic". Best wishes.
· #327
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 17:33)
Today I have read an article called "Hybrid Cars -- Pros and Cons".
The paper tells us about advantages and disadvantages of hybrid vehicles. The
main advantage of hybrid cars is their ability to use efficiently two-motor
system to economy of fuel or electricity so they can ride more, faster and maybe
even less destructive to the vehicle. But also, it is one of the main
disadvantages, since more complex the technology - the more often it will break
down, as one of the basic rules of science says, and that is probably the
reason, why some drivers doubt when choosing a hybrid car.
The article will be useful for future drivers.
· #326
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 17:33)
Today I have read an article called "Global aid response on Ukraine too
short-term, says study".
The work tells us about inefficiency of aid to Ukraine offered by international
organizations and governments. More than $15 billion overall has been pledged so
far in financial, technical and humanitarian support since Russia's invasion in
February. However, the study provides evidence that their actions have been
neither cost-effective nor appropriate and too focused on the short-term.
Instead, the experts say help must prioritize sustainable goals such as
rebuilding the country post-invasion.
The article will be useful for organisations offering help to Ukraine.
· #325
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 17:32)
1. "alternative way" LPAs offer an alternative way to accelerate and boost the
energies of the particles.
2. "able to eliminate" As highlighted by one of the heads of the study,
Professor Álvaro Caballero, the researchers were able to eliminate the
impurities of used graphite, reorganize its structure and reactivate it for new
3. "another way of" We have come up with another way of running searches for
whenever information is urgently needed, and this facilitates the information
use process.
Today I have read an article named "First use of graphene to detect cancer
The work tells us about graphene, that probably can do everything or almost
everything, now also detect cancer. By interfacing brain cells onto graphene,
researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago have shown they can
differentiate a single hyperactive cancerous cell from a normal cell, pointing
the way to developing a simple, noninvasive tool for early cancer diagnosis.
Vikas Berry who led the research says that this graphene system is able to
detect the level of activity of an interfaced cell.
The article will be useful for medics.
Themed comment:
4. Technological processes in road transport.
Road transport must not only be properly designed and maintained, but also
rationally used. Vehicles designed to carry passengers will be difficult to
adapt for the carriage of goods and vice versa to make a truck - passenger is
usually expensive and impractical. Each technological process produces its own
vehicles with their own properties, which, if not very far from each other, are
at least difficult to replace. In addition, technological processes require
competent management, well-thought-out logistics, namely again specialists who
can not only cope with technology, but also set tasks according to
· #324
Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 16:25)
I read an article about universities that were looking for a way to find a way
to save carbon-free energy.Researchers from the University of Surrey and the
University of Bristol are working on innovative devices to tame and store
carbon-free renewable energy from unpredictable sources such as wind and
solar.The Chemistry Department at Surrey is working with collaborators at
Bristol, Professors Ian Hamerton and David Fermin, and Superdielectrics Ltd., an
innovative British Research Company located at the Surrey Research Park to
transform simple hydrophilic polymers which were originally developed for use as
contact lenses, to realize a second critical energy storage process.
· #323
Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 16:25)
This article is about the team behind the microchip that allows devices to
capture clear images in all weather conditions.Researchers from The University
of Texas at Dallas and Oklahoma State University have developed an innovative
terahertz imager microchip that can enable devices to detect objects and create
images through obstacles that include fog, smoke, dust and snow.The team is
working on a device for industrial applications that require imaging up to 20
meters away. The technology could also be adapted for use in cars to help
drivers or autonomous vehicle systems navigate through hazardous conditions that
reduce visibility. On an automotive display, for example, the technology could
show pixelated outlines and shapes of objects, such as another vehicle or
pedestrians.I think it will be useful for mankind.
· #322
Zelinskiy Dab(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 16:24)
I read an article about machine learning. The creators of VALHALLA machine
learning have found a newer and more efficient way to learn. They were based on
how a person works and how he learns. This expanded their horizons of thinking
and gave them more experience. The article describes the learning process in
detail. The article also describes in detail the teaching of children in
learning a language. well dispels boredom and gives knowledge about people in
the proper approach.
· #321
Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 16:22)
I read an article about artificial intelligence that is capable of issuing
diagnoses.Artificial intelligence (AI) plays an important role in many systems,
from predictive text to medical diagnoses. Inspired by the human brain, many AI
systems are implemented based on artificial neural networks, where electrical
equivalents of biological neurons are interconnected, trained with a set of
known data, such as images, and then used to recognize or classify new data
points.In traditional neural networks used for image recognition, the image of
the target object is first formed on an image sensor, such as the digital camera
in a smart phone.
· #320
Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 16:21)
I read about an article by scientists from the Molecular Evolution
Foundation.Scientists at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution
announced today that ribonucleic acid (RNA), an analog of DNA that was likely
the first genetic material for life, spontaneously forms on basalt lava glass.
Such glass was abundant on Earth 4.35 billion years ago. Similar basalts of this
antiquity survive on Mars today.I believe that the study of the planets is
useful for people in the future.
· #319
Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 16:21)
Phrases of the day:
1.ability to achieve-The pixelated image demonstrates the imager's ability to
detect an object through a cardboard box.Пиксельное изображение демонстрирует
способность тепловизора обнаруживать объект сквозь картонную коробку. to target-What we do know is that attackers gained access to Target's
network on November 27, 2013.Что мы знаем точно, так это то, что злоумышленники
получили доступ к сети Target 27 ноября 2013 года.
3.a breakthrough in-Breakthrough in estimating fossil fuel carbon dioxide
emissions by University of East Anglia Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory,
Norfolk, UK.Прорыв в оценке выбросов углекислого газа от ископаемого топлива,
сделанный Атмосферной обсерваторией Университета Восточной Англии в Вейбурне,
Норфолк, Великобритания.
· #318
Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 15:53)
1.Предложение с фразами дня
1) be expressed-виражатись
This number can be expressed as an exact numeric value at any point in time.
Це число може бути виражене як точне числове значення в будь-який момент часу.
2) backed up by-підкріплені
Firm contracts will need to be backed up by the timely availability of funding.
Тверді контракти повинні бути підкріплені своєчасним фінансуванням.
3)at every point-На кожному етапі
There were problems at every point
На кожному етапі виникали проблеми
2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"A step closer to understanding the 'cold spot' in the cosmic microwave
The article says that the after the Big Bang, the universe, glowing brightly,
was opaque
and so hot that atoms could not form. This afterglow, known as the cosmic
microwave background,
can now be seen with telescopes at microwave frequencies invisible to human
I liked the article because I think that this discovery entails a number of
other equally discoveries
and I advise everyone to read the article
3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Black and female principal candidates more likely to experience delayed and
denied promotions".
The article says that the Black and female assistant principals are
systematically delayed
and denied promotion to principal, compared to their White or male counterparts,
despite having equivalent qualifications and more experience on average,
according to a new study.
The findings were published in June
I liked the article and I advise everyone to read the article
Exam topic #7(Motor vehicles)
Motor vehicle - a vehicle driven by an engine,
designed for operation mainly on public roads,
use of all categories and designed in accordance with their standards.
Vehicles are defined in a number of vehicle classes, including cars, buses,
motorcycles, off-road vehicles, light trucks and conventional trucks.
This term applies to tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms,
as well as trolleybuses and vehicles. Mechanical vehicles are used in
to transport both passengers and goods.
Exam topic #9(technical diagnostics of automobiles)
Vehicle diagnostics are the mechanics involved with identifying and assessing
that may negatively affect the normal operation of a vehicle. Mechanics may
employ a wide range
of techniques and tools in conducting vehicle diagnostics, ranging from cursory
physical checks
to more involved, computer-based analysis. Given the sometimes occult nature of
mechanical problems,
effective diagnostics are critical to successful repairs and the smooth running
of any vehicle.
Historically, effective vehicle diagnostics relied on the individual competence
of a mechanic,in
his being able to use visual or audible clues to correctly assess a vehicle
· #317
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 12:44)
To students from the group-KD-211. Thank you for having submitted the results of the modular control tests on in due time. Your tasks are accepted and now prepare for an examination. Your Exam is carried out on 20-th of June, on Monday, 09.00. Get ready. Now I'm waiting for your completed tasks: your comments with the voice messages, the work with the phrases of the day practice. Add the exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words Submit it in one post. Good luck!
· #316
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:23)
Today I have read the article named
«Harmful bacteria survive on wet wipes washed up on beaches, study finds»
The team at the University of Stirling found "concentrated reservoirs" of fecal
bacteria still present on waste such as wet wipes and cotton bud sticks on
beaches in Scotland.
Led by Professor Richard Quilliam, the team found that bacteria such as E. coli
and intestinal enterococci (IE) were binding to these plastics more often than
to naturally occurring materials such as seaweed and sand, thereby prolonging
their persistence in the water and at the beach.
"We all know that sewage waste on our beaches is unsightly, but it could also be
a risk to public health," said Professor Quilliam.
There has been much coverage recently of sewage waste being directly discharged
into rivers and the sea, especially after heavy rain when some sewage treatment
plants exceed their capacity for effective treatment.
I will recommend my friends to read this article.
· #315
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:22)
Today I have read the article named
«New study examines ethics of community-engaged research from the perspective of
community partners»
A new study, conducted by UC Santa Cruz, draws on the experiences of community
partners across 15 community-engaged research projects to reveal the importance
of centering equity in approaches to this work. The findings show that, while
community-engaged research has potential to help mitigate historical harms
caused by extractive research models, there are still power imbalances affecting
these projects that present ethical challenges.To study this issue, researchers
looked back on the University of California's Center for Collaborative Research
for an Equitable California.
I will recommend my friends to read this article.
· #314
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:21)
Today I have read the article named
«Regulators frown as crypto players move into banking»
Government agencies have been cracking down recently, trying to regain control
of the largely unregulated sector.
Digital currency exchange Coinbase in early September went public with a
complaint about a threat from top US markets cop the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) to sue the company if it goes ahead with its lending platform.
Coinbase Lend would allow individuals to earn interest when they loan out their
digital currencies, a service offered by several other crypto players for
several years.
In July, prosecutors in several US states went after another platform, BlockFi,
demanding it put an end to its interest-bearing accounts.
I would advise reading this article to people
· #313
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:20)
Today I have read the article named “Hopes for 'historic' global corporate tax
deal as G7 meets”
Momentum is growing behind the US-led plans to limit the ability of
multinationals like tech giants to game the system to boost profits, especially
at a time when economies around the world are reeling from the impact of the
coronavirus pandemic.
"Before the crisis, it was difficult to understand," a European source told AFP.
"After the crisis, it is difficult to accept."
Corporate tax is one of two pillars in efforts for global fiscal reform, the
other being a "digital tax" to allow countries to tax the profits of
multinationals headquartered overseas.
I would advise reading this article to people
Today I will read a topic called
“Management of technical maintenance of cars”
This article analyzes the current management problems of auto repair companies,
and faces the needs of traditional auto repair companies for the development of
informatization. Based on the standardization of the actual business process and
the efficient management mode of the company, it integrates the current
information system development process and combines the MVC design model. Design
the data model, function model and structure model of the automobile maintenance
and repair management system. Designed with Struts2 technology, which is mainly
used in web service systems. According to the design idea of modularization of
functions, simple and friendly interface, the system structure is divided into:
business processing layer, decision-making management layer.
I was very interested to read this article
· #312
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:18)
main limitation
The main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
2. based partly on
This test is based partly on logical thinking.
3. little is known about
We know very little is known about this theory, so we're investigating it.
Today I have read the article "Longer range for electric cars"
This is a very interesting article, thanks to it I learned a lot of new
interesting and useful information. This article tells about improvement of work
of electric cars. I read that, there is a question of power lies not only in the
accumulator but also in all power system.I like how this article is written,
because it describes everything quite specifically, maybe for someone it will be
difficult to read due to the presence of many technical terms, but I like it. I
will recommend my friends to read this article.
Today I will read a topic called
"Technical diagnostics of automobiles in Tesla”
Tesla is now giving access to service manuals, repair guides, diagnostic tools,
and more for free.
The new right-to-repair initiative should help owners who want to tinker with
their vehicles themselves
Last month, we reported that Tesla was fighting a new “Right to Repair”
initiative in Massachusetts, claiming it would weaken its cybersecurity.
The initiative, which was on the ballot in November, aimed to improve access to
electronic data and diagnostic tools inside vehicles.
Tesla reached out to its customers in Massachusetts and encouraged them to vote
against the new initiative.
I was very interested to read this article
· #311
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:16)
1. Column represents
This column records the incoming pelts.
2. Under certain assumptions
3. Performed with
Previously performed with a solo project.
Today I have read the article named
«Rapid adaptation of deep learning teaches drones to survive any weather»
Right now, drones are either flown under controlled conditions, with no wind, or
are operated by humans using remote controls. Drones have been taught to fly in
formation in the open skies, but those flights are usually conducted under ideal
conditions and circumstances.
However, for drones to autonomously perform necessary but quotidian tasks, such
as delivering packages or airlifting injured drivers from a traffic accident,
drones must be able to adapt to wind conditions in real time—rolling with the
punches, meteorologically speaking.
I will recommend my friends to read this article.
Today I will read a topic called
“Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles”
Repair of motor vehicles means all maintenance of and modifications and repairs
to motor vehicles, including the rebuilding or restoring of rebuilt vehicles as
defined in section 286-2, but excluding repairing tires, changing tires,
lubricating vehicles, installing light bulbs, batteries, windshield wiper
blades, and other minor accessories, cleaning, adjusting, and replacing spark
plugs, replacing oil and air filters, and other minor services, which the board
by rule determines may be performed by persons without the skills and knowledge
required of motor vehicle mechanics and helpers. No service shall be designated
as minor, for purposes of this section, if the board finds that performance of
the service requires mechanical expertise, has given rise to a high incidence of
fraud or deceptive practices, or involves a part of the vehicle essential to its
safe operation.
I was very interested to read this article
· #310
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:13)
1. Speculate that
Until the facts come in, one can only speculate.
2. Little is known about
Very little is known about your kind.
3. Overall goal
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities
for women.
Today I have read the article named
“Patents help build a global map of new space industry”
New Space' is a loosely-defined term that encompasses the recent flurry of
space-related activities coming from smaller actors rather than a handful of
space-faring nations. Put somewhat simply, while the Apollo missions were more
traditional, SpaceX, Rocket Lab (launching small satellites from New Zealand) or
LeoLabs (a space junk tracking company) are undeniably parts of a new and
different space economy. In a 2020 paper, Skoltech Associate Professor
Alessandro Golkar and Alejandro Salado of Virginia Tech found three
distinguishing traits of New Space companies: explicit customer focus, new
product development approaches, and new business models. I would advise reading
this article to people
Today I will read a topic called
“The basis of calculations, design and operation of process equipment”
The prancing Horse confirms to be a leader in the world of design, transport and
also in general. A demonstration of this fact is the performance absolutely to
be framed at Good Design Awards, prestigious awards awarded by Chicago Athenaeum
Museum, a great institution for industrial design and architecture. Four
Ferraris won the 2021 award: 812 Competizione A, 812 Competizione, SF90 Spider e
Approved. It is a great tribute to the inspiration of Flavio Manzoni and his
team, capable of transporting Ferrari into the third millennium with
increasingly refined and technological sports cars.
I will recommend my friends to read this article.
· #309
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:12)
1. By means of
The Alpha Omega shall be disseminated by means of four vessels.
2. Published in
A number of country compendiums of capacities was also published.
3. The main objective
This is the main objective of our Meeting.
Today I have read the article named
«Patented molecules that counteract the effect of the most common anticoagulant
This drug is very useful for treating patients at risk of thrombi, but on many
occasions it is essential to block its action when these patients face surgical
interventions to avoid uncontrolled bleeding. Two of these molecules have been
tested, with very good results, in assays with mice, which could be the first
step to design possible drugs. These results have been patented and published in
The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. The proof of concept was published in 2018
as a hot paper in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, in which
the researchers used Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry systems and achieved a
simple molecule that inhibited in vitro the effect of heparin, the most widely
used anticoagulant drug.
I will recommend my friends to read this article.
Today I will read a topic calleday
«Technical operation of motor vehicles in Hyundai”
It has been just over two decades since Hyundai Motor introduced its first
in-house developed engine, and already it is a leading engine maker. Hyundai
Motor has been focusing its R&D effort on creating engines that can achieve high
efficiency during everyday use.
Since good performance characteristics are still important, Hyundai Motor is
trying to strike the perfect balance between power and efficiency with special
consideration to the environment. We are committed to working towards better
performance, higher efficiency, and cleaner emissions.
I was very interested to read this article, because I like Hyundai.
· #308
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:10)
1. able to eliminate
over a 10-month period were able to continually activate the tags and codes
2. another way of
Encounter ID is a way of labeling an encounter between two people
3. alternative way
But in this case, we have discovered an alternative way to infect a key cell
type—a human.
Today I have read the article named:«Researchers uncover unique properties of a
promising new superconductor»
The collaboration includes four faculty members in the University of Minnesota's
School of Physics and Astronomy—Associate Professor Vlad Pribiag, Professor
Rafael Fernandes, and Assistant Professors Fiona Burnell and Ke Wang—along with
physicists at Cornell University and several other institutions. The study is
published in Nature Physics.Niobium diselenide is a superconducting metal,
meaning that it can conduct electricity, or transport electrons from one atom to
another, with no resistance.
I will recommend my friends to read this article.
Today I will read a topic calleday
«Technical operation of motor vehicles in Hyundai”
It has been just over two decades since Hyundai Motor introduced its first
in-house developed engine, and already it is a leading engine maker. Hyundai
Motor has been focusing its R&D effort on creating engines that can achieve high
efficiency during everyday use.
Since good performance characteristics are still important, Hyundai Motor is
trying to strike the perfect balance between power and efficiency with special
consideration to the environment. We are committed to working towards better
performance, higher efficiency, and cleaner emissions.
I was very interested to read this article, because I like Hyundai.
· #307
Bolotina V. KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 22:09)
1. Case studies
A modelling case study was conducted for winter wheat.
2. When compared
We often compare Japan with Britain.
3. Multiple levels
Well there's relationships to GNU on kind of multiple levels.
Today I have read the article “New technology to fight plagues and pathogens in
crops”.She talks about new methods of combating various types of plague and
pathogens that affect crops. Modern methods of protecting our crops without
harming the environment. Also, in my opinion, the search for new methods of pest
control is an urgent problem, because most of the chemical protection of our
crops has a negative impact on the environment, so you need to look for safe
methods, as described in this article. In general, I liked the article, I will
recommend my friends to read this article, because nowadays this information is
Today I will read a topic called «CAD machines and vehicles»
Did you ever spend hours as a kid sketching pictures of cars, devising design
variations and more streamlined looks? Or carving derby cars from blocks of
wood? Pencil and paper have gone the way of the dinosaur since then: Modern
automotive designers and engineers have a powerful tool -- computer-aided design
(CAD) software -- at their disposal to help bring their ideas to life and
facilitate the process of imagining, designing and refining them. CAD software
is also used in packaging, shipbuilding, aerospace design, industrial and
architectural design, film animation and many other applications.
Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty helped pioneer the use of CAD in automotive design by
developing a computer software system for General Motors in the mid-1960s that
automated some repetitive drafting chores.
I was very interested to read this article
· #306
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:15)
8. Management of technical maintenance of cars
The main way to reduce the intensive wear of parts and mechanisms and prevent
failures of units or components of the car, ie maintaining it in a fully
technically sound condition, is the timely and high-quality maintenance. There
are two types of repairs of cars and their units: current repairs performed in
motor transport enterprises, and overhauls performed at specialized enterprises.
Each type of maintenance includes a clearly defined list of works to be
performed. These operations are divided into two components, control and
executive. The control part of maintenance operations is mandatory, and the
executive part is performed as needed.
· #305
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:15)
7. Technical diagnostics of automobiles
Today I will tell you what technical diagnostics of cars includes. Study of
theoretical foundations related to the construction, maintenance, maintenance
and repair of cars, the impact of various factors on their reliability, the main
processes of technical diagnostics of vehicles, establishing the technical
condition of the object, forecasting changes in its parameters and failure,
basic diagnostic parameters and indicators of diagnosis, major failures and
malfunctions of units, components and mechanisms of vehicles, methods and
techniques of finding and troubleshooting with simple tools, control and test
stands and devices - all this helps to maintain the technical condition of the
car in good condition.
· #304
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:14)
6. Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles
I learned some very interesting things about this topic. It turns out that on
the basis of modern standards such issues as advanced technological processes of
production of parts, types of failures and defects of car parts, control of
parts size and control methods for hidden defects, sequence of elimination of
defects of parts and components, cleaning technology, defecting and sorting
parts, technological process of assembly and testing of units, equipment and
technological processes of restoration of car parts: machining, plastic
deformation, welding and surfacing, metallization, soldering and casting with
antifriction alloys, galvanic deposition of coatings, synthetic materials, with
additional repair parts.
· #303
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:13)
5. The basis of calculations, design and operation of process equipment
Today we will talk about the calculations, design and operation of technological
equipment. The main group of technological equipment consists of mechanical
assembly devices. Devices in mechanical engineering are called auxiliary devices
to technological equipment, which are used in the performance of processing,
assembly and control operations. The use of devices allows: to eliminate the
marking of workpieces before processing, increase its accuracy, increase
productivity, reduce production costs, facilitate working conditions and ensure
its safety, expand technological capabilities of equipment, organize
multi-machine maintenance, apply technically sound time standards and reduce the
number of workers needed to produce, which also reduces the cost of production.
· #302
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:12)
4. Technological processes in road transport
The perspective of road transport development envisages further growth of
freight turnover, quantity and quality of fleet growth, further improvement of
car use, increase of mileage, as well as increase of car operation culture. The
most important of the problems is the improvement of technological processes in
road transport, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of technical
operation of cars. The aim is to form knowledge, practical skills and relevant
competencies in modeling, design and organization of technological processes of
production and repair of road transport facilities as a basic basis for
effective technical operation of cars in modern conditions.
· #301
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:12)
3. Technical operation of motor vehicles
Road transport has greater maneuverability, good adaptability and passability in
different climatic and biographical conditions in contrast to other types of
vehicles. One of the most important problems facing road transport is to
increase the operational reliability of cars. The solution to this problem, on
the one hand, is provided by the automotive industry through the production of
more reliable cars, on the other - by improving the methods of technical
operation of cars. This requires the creation of the necessary production base
to maintain rolling stock in good condition, widespread use of advanced and
resource-saving technological processes of maintenance and repair, effective
means of mechanization, robotics and automation of production processes, staff
training, expansion of construction and road quality.
· #300
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 20:11)
2. CAD machines and vehicle
Modern requirements for the level of perfection of new technology, complexity of
design, tight deadlines for design and engineering work and complex production
technologies determine the need to move to new concepts and design technologies
- automated design using appropriate CAD. This direction was developed abroad on
the basis of the use of integrated systems of design automation and
technological preparation of production - CAD / CAM - system. CAD is
meaningfully integrated in two meanings - Computer Aided Design (computer-aided
design and construction) and Computer Aided Drafting (automated drawing). Under
CAM are identified automated system of technological preparation of production
or automated system of production management, technological preparation.
· #299
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 19:55)
To Dragnev M.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. I haven't seen your exam topics.
· #298
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:07)
Today , I learned that everyone in any organization should consider themselves
an agent of change , but those in senior positions should spend a greater
percentage of their time looking for ways to improve or eliminate existing
processes . I realized that high - level leaders are very conservative , so they
are resistant to change . But , in my opinion , the only way to gain a
measurable and significant competitive advantage is to want to take a certain
level of risk . Gaining an edge in the competition is important for a successful
business . There are many ways to achieve this. And to learn more about this, I
recommend you read this article in full .
· #297
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:07)
Today I read about the human genome , namely that about 8 % of the human genome
can be traced to retroviruses - viruses that change the normal order of genetic
transcription , have an RNA genome that is reverse transcribed into DNA and then
inserted into the genome of the host cell . The saddest retrovirus is human
immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) . Although retroviruses can have a devastating
effect on human health , the viral genetic material inserted into our genome can
have beneficial functions . For example , retroviral proteins , which are
expressed in the placenta , help humans and other mammals give birth to live
offspring . After reading this article in full , you will learn a lot of
interesting things , I recommend .
· #296
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:06)
Today I learned about interesting news . For some time , the Earth's natural
resources were depleting faster than they could be replaced. An
intergovernmental group of climate change experts has determined that by 2030 ,
rising emissions will increase , and with it , climate and temperature around
the world will change , with devastating consequences . Over the next three
decades , the world must drastically reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to
return to a more stable climate . To this end , we identify priorities for
energy , pollutants , nature , food , population and the economy . We need to
anticipate the consequences that may occur , so we need to take care of nature .
· #295
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:05)
Did you know that Romania , one of Europe's developing countries , is cutting
taxes to stimulate growth? I didn't know either . They plan to abolish the
business income tax on income reinvested in the country , reduce the social
security tax and reduce the value added tax ( VAT ) on certain food products .
Over time , she hopes to reduce income taxes for those on low incomes . The
government will either freeze or cut spending at the same time to reduce its
deficit and compensate for the lack of tax revenue . Romania seems to have the
political will to create a winning formula to attract more business and
stimulate growth . And to learn more you should follow the link and read this
article in full .
· #294
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:04)
A new study conducted by Cambridge University and based on public opinion , set
out in 36,000 Facebook posts , found that consumers could increase the number of
electric vehicles by promoting social justice and the health of the technology .
Researchers have found that effective communication about the social and medical
benefits of owning an electric vehicle can be a motivating factor for increasing
the consumption of electric vehicles . The study analyzed Facebook messages in
the United States related to electric vehicles using machine learning based on
the PESTLE system , which studies the intersection of different words and
phrases . And to find out more - I recommend following the link to the article .
· #293
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:04)
Scientists are approaching the discovery of elusive mechanisms that activate
tiny marine species, turning organic pollutants in water into less toxic
chemicals. Like the creatures of the underwater metropolis, microscopic
photosynthetic microbes - phytoplankton - float quietly in the ocean, improving
water quality. As the basis of the ocean ecosystem, phytoplankton work
tirelessly to feed marine food webs and consume large amounts of carbon dioxide
on a scale equivalent to forests. But that's not all they can do. These tiny
plants can convert organic pollutants into less toxic chemicals.
In my opinion, this is an interesting article that should be read in full.
· #292
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:03)
Tim Peak is the first official British astronaut to go into space. A former
officer of the Army Air Corps spent a month in space after the explosion of the
Russian Soyuz rocket on the International Space Station on December 15 last
year. Space travel has led to many changes in the human body, many of which have
been studied since Yuri Gagarin made the first manned space flight in 1961 - and
a large team provides guidance and training to astronauts before, during and
after any space flight.
You can learn more interesting things about space travel at the link.
· #291
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 17:02)
This article describes how Deezer entered into an agreement in 2008 to pay
Universal Music France for its catalog, but in May 2011 waived new terms,
including limiting the free offer to five songs in a row. In June, Deezer, at
the urging of music companies, limited free service to five hours per month. It
says that this change has led to the loss of many free users, but increased the
number of paid customers fivefold. The company currently has 100,000 direct
subscribers, as well as another 1.3 million who have subscribed through their
The article will be interesting for everyone who is interested in this topic.
· #290
M. Dragnev MD-212 (Sirotenko) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 16:47)
1)Case studies - тематичні дослідження.
During the physics courses we were not only told the theory, but also
demonstrated case studies.
Під час курсів фізики нам не тільки розповідали теорію, а й демонстрували
тематичні дослідження.
2) When compared - при порівнянні.
Vector graphics are much better compared to raster graphics.
Векторна графіка набагато краща в порівнянні з растровою.
3) Multiple levels - кілька рівнів.
To create a complex program, you need to write code at multiple levels.
Щоб створити складну програму, потрібно писати код на кількох рівнях.
I have read an article about Mars and liquid on it.Scientists have known for a
long time that there used to be water on Mars, but new research showed that
water was there recently, about one hundred million years ago.On a planetary
scale, this is not too much.The presence of water on the red planet gives rise
to the theory that there used to be life on Mars.Scientists disagree on why the
water from Mars disappeared, but the main theory is that the top layer of the
earth like our azon layer stopped functioning due to which all the liquid
· #289
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:50)
«for its own sake»
There's no evidence they enjoyed the VR experience for its own sake.
«from this perspective»
This unit was in the «official» Raspberry Pi case, and when you look at that
critically from this perspective, you realize there is very little allowance for
airflow through that case to cool the CPU.
«general agreement on»
There is general agreement that acupuncture is safe when administered by
well-trained practitioners using sterile needles, and that further research is
· #288
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:49)
«the main objective»
The main objective of the study was to better understand some of the causes and
consequences of electoral instability.
«published in»
The research was published in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology.
«by means of»
Typically, target DNA molecules are detected by means of specific fluorescence
· #287
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:49)
«by outlining»
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
«classified as»
It is classified as high research activity university by the Carnegie
«beyond the scope of»
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
· #286
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:48)
«comparative investigation of»
The essence comparative investigation of is to compare data.
«comprehensive investigation of»
Comprehensive investigation of proved the man's innocence.
«condition imposed by»
Sometimes condition imposed by only to achieve some goal.
· #285
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:48)
«examine more closely»
If we examine more closely the wheel, you can isolate the delta of the primary
colors - red, blue and yellow.
«estimate the effects of»
For example, experiments cannot be used to study the past, and they can only
estimate the effects of treatments that can be manipulated.
«distinct from»
Night terrors are distinct from nightmares in several key ways.
· #284
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 15:46)
«considerable disagreement»
In our group, as it turned out, there are considerable disagreements about this
«conduct research»
We were allocated a conduct research in the environmental direction.
«controversial question»
A controversial question between us and we began to resolve it.
· #283
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 14:29)
1) Column represents - стовпчик наводить дані.
last column represents what the elders think about the new president.
останньому стовпчику наведено дані про думку старшого покоління щодо нового
Under certain assumptions - за певних припущень.
certain assumptions, the theory about our world was created by some supernatural
powers, is reasonable.
певних припущень, думка про те, що світ був створений якимись вищими силами, має
Performed with - виконується за допомогою.
we are going to do is can only be performed with our allies' help.
що ми збираємося зробити, можливе лише за допомоги наших союзників.
· #282
Velichuk Illya , ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 14:17)
1) Speculate that - припустити, що.
Scientists speculate that recent asteroid could have been of alien origin.
Вчені припускають, що останній астероїд міг бути інопланетного походження.
2) Little is known about - мало що відомо про.
While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such
timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокове поводження таких
деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокове поводження.
3) Overall goal - загальна мета.
The overall goal is to increase the safety at sea.
Загальна мета – підвищити безпеку на морі.
· #281
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:59)
Today I would like to speak about coral reefs are complex ecosystems, a jumble
of microhabitats created by corals and the substrate beneath them: holes, smooth
or rough areas, and regions with steep or shallow slopes.
Where do coral larvae, called planulae, like to settle? What seascapes help
youngsters of different coral species flourish? And do varying species compete
for the same microhabitats/spots on the reef? To study these questions,
University at Buffalo scientist Ángela Martínez Quintana has created stunning 3D
digital models that visualize the surface of coral reefs in painstaking detail.
And these artful re-creations aren’t just beautiful: They’re also filled with
data on the distribution of young corals, known as recruits, that scientists are
analyzing. So, in my opinion this article is so interesting and can change
something in our life.
· #280
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:55)
You have probably seen it in supermarkets, health stores and even restaurants:
Kombucha. This effervescent fermented tea is sometimes called an “elixir of
life” by those who extoll its supposed health benefits. But what is it, and how
is it made? And where might these health benefits come from?
The key to the creation of kombucha is fermentation.
It is the process of using microorganisms - specifically yeast and bacteria - to
convert carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids. I think that this article is
so incredible.
· #279
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:53)
You’ve likely heard a lot about 5G lately. But what is it, exactly?
5G is the latest standard for mobile internet networks.
Mobile telephone services have technically been around since the 1940s. But
those systems involved dialing an operator on 80lb. car phones. And networks
could only handle a few calls at once, since the Federal Communications
Commission wouldn’t let them use much of the radio spectrum.
Over the next few decades, engineers at AT&T’s Bell Labs devised plans for a
mobile network that could span across the country. They envisioned a dense
network of hexagonal “cells” with transceivers at the center of each. This
article is so exciting and interesting.
· #278
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:49)
The subject of my writing is Plastics are a climate problem. Making precursors
for common plastics, such as ethylene and carbon monoxide (CO), consumes fossil
fuels and releases plenty of carbon dioxide (CO2). In recent years, chemists
have devised bench-top reactors called electrochemical cells that aim to reverse
the process, starting with water and waste CO2 from industrial processes and
using renewable electricity to turn them into feedstocks for plastics. But that
green vision has a practical problem: The cells often consume highly alkaline
additives that themselves take energy to make. This article is so interesting
and profitable.
· #277
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:47)
Today I’m going to write about Strange radio signals from red dwarfs could be
the start of a whole new way to look for exoplanets. A team of astronomers found
19 strange radio signals from red dwarf stars, four of which they think could be
coming from orbiting exoplanets, potentially marking the first time exoplanets
have been discovered using radio frequencies. Stars aren’t very bright in radio
frequencies. If you could turn your eyes into radio antennae, when you looked
into the sky, “you would not see stars, generally,” Callingham says, “you’d see
the sun a little bit, you’d see Jupiter really bright, and you would see mostly
galaxies.”The team haven’t proved any of these signals are from exoplanets, but
after weighing the possible explanations of the strange radio signals, they
consider exoplanets a good bet for four of the stars, Callingham says.
· #276
Velichuk Illya , ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:43)
I am going to tell you about
Oceanic islands harbour a disproportionately high number of endemic and
threatened species. Rapidly growing human populations and tourism are posing an
increasing threat to island biota, yet the ecological consequences of these
human land uses on small oceanic island systems have not been quantified. Here,
we investigated and compared the impact of tourism and urban island development
on ground-associated invertebrate biodiversity and habitat composition on
oceanic islands. To disentangle tourism and urban land uses, we investigated
Indo-Pacific atoll islands, which either exhibit only tourism or urban
development, or remain uninhabited.
· #275
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:39)
Today I have noticed an article about how apples get their shapes. Now, a team
of mathematicians and physicists have used observations, lab experiments, theory
and computation to understand the growth and form of the cusp of an
apple. Mahadevan had already developed a simple theory to explain the form and
growth of apples but the project began to bear fruit when the researchers were
able to connect observations of real apples at different growth stages and gel
experiments to mimic the growth along with theory and computations.
The research team began by collecting apples at various growth stages from an
orchard at Peterhouse College at University of Cambridge in the U.K., (the alma
mater of another famous apple lover, Sir Isaac Newton). Using those apples, the
team mapped the growth of the dimple, or cusp as they called it, over time.
· #274
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:35)
The subject of my writing is power engineering. The subject of my writing is
power engineering. The world has undergone the largest decrease of global
poverty in the past few decades. Over 100 million people have been connected to
the electric power grid every year since 2010.
This growth has been accomplished mostly by increased reliance on burning fossil
fuels. Various quality of life indicators across all countries suggest that an
average total energy consumption rate of about 5kW per person is required for
decent standards of living.However,today I’ve reached this so astonishing
article and found out a lot of new useful information.
· #273
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savluk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:32)
Today i am going to write about using chemistry to unlock the difference between
cold- and hot-brew coffee. Cold brew may be the hottest trend in coffee-making,
but not a lot is known about how this process alters the drink's chemical
characteristics. Scientists now report that the content of potentially
health-promoting antioxidants in coffee brewed without heat can significantly
differ from a cup of joe prepared with the same beans in the traditional way,
particularly for dark roasts.Today I’ve read this article and I think with help
of this we can fill in our knowledge about this incredible drink.
· #272
Velichuk Illya, ki-212 Savuk (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 13:26)
The subject of my writing is tech Xplore.
I have read an article about an airborne method for imaging underwater objects
by combining light and sound to break through the seemingly impassable barrier
at the interface of air and water. The researchers envision their hybrid
optical-acoustic system one day being used to conduct drone-based biological
marine surveys from the air, carry out large-scale aerial searches of sunken
ships and planes, and map the ocean depths with a similar speed and level of
detail as Earth's landscapes. This article was very interesting and profitable
for me.
· #271
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:28)
To Popelashkova M. MR-211 Not bad, but pay attention to the pronounciation of the word construction.
· #270
Savluk A. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:20)
Dmytro Mazurenko KI-212,
Andrew Verdysh KI-212
Obertun Mihail KI212
Danil Samsonnikov ki-212
Well done. Keep on working!
· #269
DEBT Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:08)
1) Case studies - тематичні дослідження.
During the physics courses we were not only told the theory, but also
demonstrated case studies.
Під час курсів фізики нам не тільки розповідали теорію, а й демонстрували
тематичні дослідження.
2) When compared - при порівнянні.
Vector graphics are much better compared to raster graphics.
Векторна графіка набагато краща в порівнянні з растровою.
3) Multiple levels - кілька рівнів.
To create a complex program, you need to write code at multiple levels.
Щоб створити складну програму, потрібно писати код на кількох рівнях.
Today I have read an article titled "New case study shows potential of
geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions". The article is about one of
the possible temporary solutions of the carbon emissions problem. In Munich,
Germany, the Kirchstockach power plant produces around 40 GWh of renewable
electricity annually using geothermal heat. The case studies has shown that the
carbon dioxide emissions of a geothermal power plant which is used exclusively
for electricity generation depend to more than one third on the working medium
used. As scientists commented, they will continue their researches and will be
very grateful to the government for non-stopping financing of them.
Today I have read an article titled "We keep streaming more movies and TV shows
and we especially like big screens, smart TVs and Roku". The article is about
how the multimedia industry have changed (and is still changing) during the
global pandemics. As we all know in 2020, March all the world has shut, because
of risk to catch coronavirus. Due to this all media was made to make money from
streaming services, such as Netflix, Disney+ etc. In the article the statistics
of how the demand on them has grown in different parts of the world is given.
The most remarkable affect was on South America and Africa – for 179% and 79%
· #268
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:07)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right.
· #267
DEBT Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:07)
1) Turns out that - Виявляється, що.
It turns out that the girl who claimed to work for a modeling agency was just a
Виявляється, дівчина, яка заявила, що працює в модельному агентстві, була просто
2) Under certain assumptions - за певних умов.
If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely
issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value
of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний
капітал міг вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що, за певних умов,
вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного кредиту
повинні бути однаковими.
3) Well justified - цілком виправдано.
This effort has somewhat increased the content of the report, but this is an
increase that is well justified.
Ці зусилля дещо розширили зміст звіту, але це збільшення є цілком виправданим.
Today I have read an article titled "Research team develops new strategy for
designing thermoelectric materials". Thermoelectric materials are involved in a
variety of devices converting waste heat into electrical energy, as well as for
solid-state refrigeration. Thermoelectric conversion is a viable means of
harvesting energy to help achieve a low carbon economy. Therefore, the aim of
the current project is to design new thermoelectric materials by controlling the
microstructure and composition with the ultimate goal to improve the ZT factor.
I believe that thermoelectric materials are a new achievement in the field of
Today I read an article on information shock to make sure that companies
understand that music is changing. The music industry has been through the
technological upheaval of digitization for 20 years. the first was when people
learned to download material from the Internet, and not transfer it to physical
drives. the second is streaming from content ownership to ownership, directory
access. Billboard is the benchmark of the American music industry. On March 24,
2012, the magazine will include its streaming broadcast in its ranking. It was
thanks to this action that led to the information shock that the companies saw
what the consumer needed.
· #266
Popelashkova M. MR-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:06)
1. alternative way
PAM is a suite of shared libraries that provide an alternative way providing
user authentication in programs.
PAM — це набір спільних бібліотек, які надають альтернативний спосіб
аутентифікації користувачів у програмах.
2. able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all.
Я думаю, що ми зможемо усунути цю загрозу для них раз і назавжди.
3. another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation.
Є й інший спосіб аналізу цієї ситуації.
I read the article "Research Offers Alternative Way to Explain the Complexity of
Evolution skeptics argue that some biological structures, such as the brain or
the eye, are simply too complex for natural selection to explain. Biologists
have proposed various ways in which so-called "incredibly complex" structures
can appear gradually over time, step by step. But a new study suggests an
alternative route.
Instead of gradually building from simple to complex, you start out complex and
then win over the parts you don't need, improving them and making them more
efficient as you use them. Using a computer program that mimics the process of
inheritance, mutation, recombination and reproduction, the cells are then asked
to complete a specific task. The better they performed on a task, the more
likely they were to be passed on to the next generation, and over time a new
generation of rules replaced the old ones. Initially, the patterns of black and
white cells were quite complex. But after a few more generations, some rules
"evolved" to create simpler black and white models and became more efficient at
the task.
According to the authors, we also see similar trends in nature.
"General Building Materials"
In construction, in the construction of buildings and structures, various
building materials and products from them are used. The main building materials
in industrial and civil construction are cement, concrete, brick, stone, wood,
lime, sand, ferrous metals, glass, roofing materials, plastic and others.
The source of the production of building materials is the country's natural
resources, which can be used as building materials in their natural state
(stone, sand, wood) or in the form of raw materials processed at the enterprises
of the building materials industry.
When studying building materials, they can be classified into the following
types: natural stone materials, binders, mortars, concrete and concrete
products, reinforced concrete products, artificial stone materials, forest
materials, metals, synthetic materials, etc.
All building materials have a number of common properties, but the quality
indicators of these properties are different.
Physical and mechanical properties are, firstly, the parameters of the physical
state of materials and, secondly, the properties that determine the relationship
of materials to various physical processes. The first include the density and
porosity of the material, the degree of grinding of powders, the second -
hydrophysical properties, thermophysical and some others. Technical requirements
for building materials are given in the Construction Norms and Rules.
· #265
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:06)
Exam topic #1 (Multimedia technology).
Today I will present an article about multimedia technology.
These are applications that contain multiple multimedia elements, including
text, graphics, animation, video, and sound.
Multimedia technologies refer to both hardware and software.
Multimedia products can be created and run in widely used computing
Users of multimedia systems can use various input devices in addition to
keyboards and mice, such as joysticks and trackballs.
The hardware for incorporating sound elements into multimedia systems includes
microphones, voice recognition systems, sound chips in a computer, and speakers,
which come in a variety of forms with varying capabilities and quality.
· #264
DEBT Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:05)
1) By means of - за допомогою.
First, the programme of State modernization sought to involve the citizenry in
decision-making by means of political, administrative and fiscal
По-перше, програма модернізації держави мала на меті залучення громадян у процес
прийняття рішень шляхом політичної, адміністративної та фінансової
2) Published in - опубліковано в.
The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in
February 2007.
Остання доповідь про прогрес, досягнутий у справі боротьби із соціальним
відчуженням, була опублікована у лютому 2007 року.
3) The main objective - основна мета.
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
Результати огляду свідчать, що основною метою переведення на периферію є
скорочення витрат.
Today I have read an article titled ''Lakes are changing worldwide". The article
is about one of the most dangerous problems nowadays, global warming. For
example, lakes' water level: the author tells how hard it'll be for people whose
lives depend on them. It will obviously impact on water and populations of
native fish species. The scientists also investigated developments under
different warming scenarios. In a low-emission one, the warming of lakes will
stabilize at +1.5°C above pre-industrial level and the duration of ice will be
14 days shorter. While high emission, changes could lead to an increase of +4.0
°C and 46 fewer days of ice.
Today I have read an article titled ''Mathematician devises a means for tying
impact of teaching quality to pupil's future earnings". The article is about how
it is important for a kid to be a student of a good teacher. Scientists have
done several researches to investigate if there is a connection between grades
and further success of a person. In the end, they came to a conclusion that
those who had higher scores did best in their adulthood. Nevertheless, the
difference is not that obvious and correlates between one and two percent. Not
to mention, science is still working on figuring out what exactly a good teacher
is, but suggests research efforts such as his are helping to get closer.
· #263
DEBT Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 12:03)
Articles and Phrases of the Day:
1) Speculate that - припустити, що.
Scientists speculate that recent asteroid could have been of alien origin.
Вчені припускають, що останній астероїд міг бути інопланетного походження.
2) Little is known about - мало що відомо про.
While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such
timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокове поводження таких
деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокове поводження.
3) Overall goal - загальна мета.
The overall goal is to increase the safety at sea.
Загальна мета – підвищити безпеку на морі.
Today I have read the article "Samsung researchers announce the feasibility of
commercial 'stretchable' devices". "Stretchable" devices is a new technology
that allows devices to change their shape like rubber. In a recent study,
Samsung demonstrated an organic LED and a photoplethysmography sensor into just
one device to measure and display the user's heart rate in real time. And that
continued to perform well even at high tension. In the course of the study, it
turned out that such a device works even better than the old silicon
counterparts, both in terms of performance and convenience. Thus, in the medical
industry, such devices are the future.
Today I have read the article "The router in your home might be intercepting
some of your Internet traffic—but it may be for your own good." While you are
surfing the Internet, your router intercepts some of the information about your
Internet travels. What it then does with it and where it sends it - one router
knows. And, accordingly, the recipients of information. But don't panic - most
of these manipulations are not malicious. On the contrary, it protects against
malware. There is even a case of interception of data by mistake. However,
dishonest advertisers can take advantage of such information. Surprisingly,
interception often occurs directly in the user's router. Researchers are now
working on this issue, and they have some progress.
1) Column represents - стовпчик наводить дані.
The last column represents what the elders think about the new president.
В останньому стовпчику наведено дані про думку старшого покоління щодо нового
2) Under certain assumptions - за певних припущень.
Under certain assumptions, the theory about our world was created by some
supernatural powers, is reasonable.
За певних припущень, думка про те, що світ був створений якимись вищими силами,
має сенс.
3) Performed with - виконується за допомогою.
What we are going to do is can only be performed with our allies' help.
Те, що ми збираємося зробити, можливе лише за допомоги наших союзників.
Today I have read an article titled ''A framework to automatically identify
wildlife in collaboration with humans". The article says that By effectively
combining machine learning techniques with human effort, the researchers hoped
to create a system that would better recognize animals in images of real
wildlife while overcoming some of the challenges. Over the past few decades,
computer scientists have developed many machine learning tools that can
recognize certain objects or animals in images and videos. I liked the article
and I advise everyone to read it.\
Today I have read an article titled ''Templating approach stabilises 'ideal'
material for alternative solar cells". The article says that Researchers have
developed a method to stabilize a promising material known as perovskite for
cheap solar cells, without compromising its near-perfect performance.
Perovski materials offer a cheaper alternative to silicon for producing
optoelectronic devices such as solar cells. Little was known about why the
additions of these ions improved stability overall, or even what the resulting
perovskite structure looked like. I liked the article.
· #262
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:56)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Look through sentences 2 and 4 in your second review. Don't forget about your exam topics.
· #261
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:53)
To Ivashkevich Alina MR-211 The topic is detailed and informative, but there are many words that were mispronounced: architecture, science, construction and so on.
· #260
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:49)
To Kondratyuk MR-211 Use present perfect in the first sentence: Today I HAVE read the article....Please, choose the topic more relevant to your speciality.
· #259
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:45)
To Golishenko D. MR-211 The comment and topic are written correctly, but pay attention to the reading of ther following words: structures, requirements, technical, characteristic.
· #258
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:45)
1. We may well be able to eliminate coronavirus, but we'll probably never
eradicate it. Можливо, ми зможемо знищити коронавірус, але, ймовірно, ніколи не
знищимо його.
2. A homeowner may seek an alternative energy source, such as solar power,
rather than a more standard option like oil or natural gas. Власник будинку може
шукати альтернативне джерело енергії, наприклад, сонячну енергію, а не більш
стандартний варіант, як-от нафта або природний газ.
3. We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information
is urgently needed. Ми придумали інший спосіб запуску пошуку, коли терміново
потрібна інформація
I’ve read an article about a robot which made of ice and could adapt and repair
itself on other worlds.
This article reports about the ice robot that can work in space in subzero
environments. By scientists NASA are getting better at building robots to
explore places like Mars. The idea of robot that made of ice is centered around
a modular design that could self-repair or even self-replicate. But there is a
lot of work to be done before any ice robotics technology can be implemented.
In my opinion, this work is a step in future where people will find another
planet for living.
I’ve read an article about “the dark side” of social media networks and its
harmful effects.
This article reports about most common negative impacts of using social media
and solutions that can reduce these negative effects. Social media networks are
used by more than 3.6 billion people worldwide. Nowadays scientists studying
social media harms from a psychopathological perspective. I think, the main
negative effects are cost of social exchange, annoying content, privacy
concerns, security threats and cyberbullying.
In my opinion, the friendly attitude in social media is important for modern
society because today the Internet affects people the most and mainly on their
mental health.
Exam topic #8 (What is the difference between CLI ands GUI?)
An operating system is an interface between the user and the hardware
components. An operating system provides GUI or CLI for the user to perform
tasks. A GUI consists of controls or widgets to interact with the computer. When
using the CLI, the user should enter commands to perform the tasks. Overall, GUI
is more user-friendly, but the speed is higher in CLI.
The main differences between GUI and CLI are: it’s easier to use the GUI, GUI
requires more memory as it contains a lot of graphical components, GUI is slower
than CLI, the user can change the appearance of the GUI, GUI is more flexible
whereas CLI is not much flexible.
I think that the use of different types of interfaces depends on the tasks and
user preferences.
· #257
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:43)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments and voice messages. Check the pronunciation of the following words: artificial, profile, image. I haven't seen your exam topics.
· #256
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:42)
Exam topic #1 (Multimedia technology).
Today I will present an article about multimedia technology.
These are applications that contain multiple multimedia elements, including
text, graphics, animation, video, and sound.
Multimedia technologies refer to both hardware and software.
Multimedia products can be created and run in widely used computing
Users of multimedia systems can use various input devices in addition to
keyboards and mice, such as joysticks and trackballs.
The hardware for incorporating sound elements into multimedia systems includes
microphones, voice recognition systems, sound chips in a computer, and speakers,
which come in a variety of forms with varying capabilities and quality.
· #255
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:38)
5. "Main types of building structures"
Modern building structures must meet the following requirements: operational,
environmental, technical, economic, industrial, aesthetic, etc.
For modern construction, the use of reinforced concrete in the form of
prefabricated industrial structures used in the construction of residential,
public and industrial buildings and many engineering structures is especially
Steel structures are mainly used for frames of large-span buildings and
structures, for workshops with heavy crane equipment, blast furnaces,
large-capacity tanks, bridges, tower-type structures, etc.
The main scope of stone structures is walls and partitions.
The main direction in the development of modern wooden structures is the
transition to structures made of glued wood.
I read an article on the topic "Study proposes alternative way to explain life's
Evolution skeptics argue that some biological structures, like the brain or the
eye, are simply too complex for natural selection to explain. Biologists have
proposed various ways that so-called 'irreducibly complex' structures could
emerge incrementally over time, bit by bit. But a new study proposes an
alternative route.
Instead of starting with simpler predecessors and getting more complicated
some structures could develop from complex beginnings that gradually became
simpler—an idea they called "complexity by subtraction."
1.another way of
We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information is
urgently needed, and this facilitates the information use process.
Ми придумали інший спосіб запуску пошуку, коли інформація потрібна терміново, і
це полегшує процес використання інформації. to eliminate
The ability to use commonly available materials is critical to eliminate
resource bottlenecks when producing high volumes and to achieve a minimal
environmental footprint both in the manufacturing process and at the end of
Можливість використовувати загальнодоступні матеріали є критичною для усунення
ресурсних вузьких місць при виробництві великих обсягів і для досягнення
мінімального впливу на навколишнє середовище як у процесі виробництва, так і
наприкінці терміну служби.
3.alternative way
Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative way to cool everything from food
to computers.
Електрокалорійний холодильник пропонує альтернативний спосіб охолодження всього,
від їжі до комп’ютерів.
· #254
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:34)
Today I read the article "Pet food recall expands after 70 dogs die from mold
toxin." A mold toxin was identified in the American Sportmix dog food, which
killed 70 dogs and fell ill with 80 more. The feed was tested and found to
contain a high amount of aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are toxins produced by the mold
Aspergillus flavus. They can trigger very serious illness in pets, and these
poisons can be present even if the food doesn't appear to be moldy.
I am very upset that animals have died due to human error. The most defenseless
creatures. I will share this article with my friends so that they too will be
alternative way
PAM is a suite of shared libraries that provide an alternative way providing
user authentication in programs. — PAM — це набір спільних бібліотек, які
надають альтернативний спосіб аутентифікації користувачів у програмах.
another way of
There is another way of analysing this situation. — Є й інший спосіб аналізу
цієї ситуації.
able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat for them once and for all. — Я
думаю, що ми зможемо усунути цю загрозу для них раз і назавжди.
Exam Topic 9
Nowadays, graphic design has gained great popularity, as it can be done by
people of any age from anywhere in the world. Therefore, many new convenient
programs appear to easily perform tasks.
The Affinity Designer program is suitable for experienced designers and is
capable of performing a wide range of tasks.
Adobe Illustrator CC is a timeless green graphic design classic.
CorelDraw Graphics Suite is another veteran design software that is still
relevant today.
Inkscape is a good Adobe alternative for budding designers and those who can't
afford expensive software.
You can list them for a long time, the coolest thing is that everyone can find a
program that suits him the most.
· #253
C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:29)
1. able to eliminate
Only by joint efforts we will be able to eliminate the environmental problem.
Тільки спільними зусиллями ми зможемо усунути екологічну проблему.
2. alternative way
There are other, alternative ways to treat illness.
Є й інші, альтернативні способи лікування хвороби.
3. another way of
We need to find another way of thinking, based on principles and values.
Нам потрібно знайти інший спосіб мислення, заснований на принципах і цінностях.
I have read the article about "The world's largest organism is slowly being
eaten by deer".
The root system makes up a single organism named Pando weighing 6 million tons
in the Wasatch Mountains. 106 acres of aspen clones have been around for perhaps
14000 years. But today due to global warming there is a threat of droughts and
wildfires. Also a decrease in the number of predators has led to an increase in
the population of deers and elks, which destroy the sprouts of future trees.
Personally, I think that we should try to protect Pando because it is a huge and
important ecosystem.
I have read the article about the sauropod dinosaurs tooth dilemma.
Usually carnivores have simple teeth, herbivores have complex teeth, for
processing of plant tough food. That's works for all species we met. But
sauropod doesn't match to this pattern despite his diet. Colossal dinosaur
preferred to replaced his teeth every few weeks.
Researcher Dr. Keegan Melstrom at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
found out that the reason for the simplicity of sauropod teeth is that tooth
replacement rate is related to they complexity.
Personally, I think that this study answered many questions and will help in
planet researching today.
· #252
Ivashkevich Alina MR-211 (LMR-211 Lebedeva ) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:29)
Exam topic 1 : Architecture as a science.
Architecture is the science of the construction of buildings. Architecture -
buildings created according to all the rules of beauty, they are designed to
serve for the benefit of man. Architectural buildings often serve as symbols of
a city, and can be objects of art and culture. As a rule , the architecture
represents some time interval . Each building has its own style and its own
architectural features. The architecture tends to be ensemble. Such buildings
look good in the shape of the city. Architecture includes construction,
engineering, and art. In ancient times, architecture stood on a par with
painting, sculpture, mosaics, and icons. The architectural composition includes
a spatial structure, the interconnection of all elements of the building. The
size of the building usually depends on the artistic image itself, its
monumentality or intimacy. Means of difference architecture volumes and se
lines. - IT One of the features of modern architecture is the asymmetry in the
ensemble of buildings.
I've read the article :"Study proposes alternative way to explain life's
complexity". Evolution skeptics argue that some biological structures, like the
brain or the eye, are simply too complex for natural selection to explain.
Biologists have proposed various ways that so-called 'irreducibly complex'
structures could emerge incrementally over time, bit by bit. But a new study
proposes an alternative route. It seems to me that modern technologies should
not concern human evolution. As Charles Darwin said, "Survival of the fittest".
Therefore, the best that modern science can do is not interfere with natural
1) another way of
* Another way to make crypto-adjacent investments is to invest in ETFs focused
on blockchain, which is the technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and
Інший способ робити суміжні інвестиції — це інвестувати в ETF, зосереджені на
блокчейні, який є технологією, що лежить в основі таких криптовалют, як Bitcoin
та Ethereum.
* "We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information
is urgently needed, and this facilitates the information use process.
Ми придумали інший спосіб запуску пошуку, коли інформація потрібна терміново, і
це полегшує процес використання інформації.
2) able to eliminate
* Being able to widen, and ultimately eliminate, this bottleneck would majorly
increase the performance and efficiency of HPC systems.
Здатність розширити і в кінцевому підсумку усунути це вузьке місце значно
підвищить продуктивність і ефективність систем HPC.
* As highlighted by one of the heads of the study, Professor Álvaro Caballero,
the researchers were able to eliminate the impurities of used graphite,
reorganize its structure and reactivate it for new use.
Як підкреслив один з керівників дослідження, професор Альваро Кабальєро,
дослідникам вдалося усунути домішки використаного графіту, реорганізувати його
структуру та відновити його для нового використання.
3) alternative way
* Biologists have proposed various ways that so-called 'irreducibly complex'
structures could emerge incrementally over time, bit by bit. But a new study
proposes an alternative route.
Біологи запропонували різні способи появи так званих «незменшувано складних»
структур поступово з часом, потроху. Але нове дослідження пропонує
альтернативний шлях.
* LPAs offer an alternative way to accelerate and boost the energies of the
LPA пропонують альтернативний спосіб прискорення та збільшення енергії частинок.
· #251
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:28)
I've read the article: "AI and deepfakes present new risks for internet
People looking for a real relationship over the Internet will need to learn how
to understand new technologies, because now there are a large number of programs
that can create deepfakes.
A deepfake is a realistic substitution of photos and other various materials
created using neural networks.
With this technology, criminals can create a fully synthetic image and
corresponding profile without having to extract them from another person's
social media.
Deepfake software can create completely believable but fictitious images.
So I think that on the Internet you should not enter into a relationship with
someone without making sure that this is a real person.
· #250
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:10)
1)Now there is an alternative way to select captcha with automatic recognition.
Доданий альтернативний метод виділення капчі з автоматичним розпізнаванням.
2)I got another way of talking to our enemies.
Є інший спосіб поговорити із супротивниками.
3)And let's say somehow you're able to eliminate some of their numbers on the
І, припустимо, тобі вдасться знищити якусь їхню кількість на березі.
I've read the article: "An edible QR code takes a shot at fake whiskey".
In the future, when ordering whiskey, you can ask for an edible fluorescent silk
tag with a QR code to be thrown into it.
With this label, you can determine if the whiskey you want to buy is fake.
Simply scanning the QR code with your smartphone will help confirm the
authenticity of the drink.
I believe that such a QR code is a useful development, because there are a large
number of fake products that even lead to death.
· #249
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:09)
To Dragnev M.,MD-212. Thank you for your first comment, voice message and work with the phrases. There are too many quotations in your review. What is your opinion on the issue? Check the third sentence with the phrases. Don't forget about your exam topics.
· #248
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 11:06)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments and voice messages. Check the pronunciation of the following words: climate, cybershopper.
· #247
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:45)
To МІ-211,МФ-211, МР-211 Today we are writing test paper 2. I am waiting for the test results on the email. Good luck.
· #246
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:40)
To Group MD-212. Dear students, the lesson has started. I'm waiting for your test results. Good luck!
· #245
Gvozd to MD-212 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 10:34)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon. Read the instructions again and do your module Test.
Don't forget about your debts.
· #244
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 08:25)
To students from the group -KD-211. Good morning! Read the instructions again and do your module Test. Would you remind your groupmates that on the 7-th of June, you are writing the modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should sent the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number.) Have you got the insructions on modular control tests? Continue to work on line. Good luck !
· #243
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 07 June 2022 06:55)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon. Read the instructions again and do your module Test.
· #242
Radetsky Artem KI-211(Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 21:16)
Today I read the article "Online calculator shows how trees can improve air
quality and reduce health costs." This article talks about a calculator that
calculates how much pollution could be removed by planting trees in your
backyard, as well as the corresponding health care cost savings. Professor
Lawrence Jones of the Center for Ecology and Hydrology explains: “The public is
very concerned about the potential health risks posed by pollution in many urban
areas in the UK. While reducing harmful emissions at the source is the best way
to improve air
quality. , the addition of vegetation may play a role in removing contaminants
within a local area." We were also very pleased with the positive feedback we
received on the assessment tool from these stakeholders at a recent webinar and
we hope this will encourage and support their tree planting initiatives in
pollution hotspots.”
Today I read the article "Scientists create the next generation of living
robots." Last year, a group of biologists and computer scientists at Tufts
University and the University of Vermont (UVM) created tiny new, self-healing
biological machines from frog cells called Xenobots that could move about, push
payloads, and even exhibit collective behavior in the presence of a swarm of
other xenobots. The same team has created life forms that self-assemble a body
from individual cells, do not require the movement of muscle cells, and even
demonstrate the possibility of recordable memory. I advise everyone to read this
article, as new technologies are our future.
Today I read the article "New data on the toxicity of smoke from household
stoves and power plants." This article talks about the color of smoke coming out
of chimneys, which can vary greatly depending on its source and how it was
produced. For example, small coal-fired or biomass-fired stoves typically emit
dense black smoke, while power plants produce lighter- colored smoke plumes.
Differences in the color of smoke coming out of different pipes may indicate
different aerosols in the plumes. The key question is, do the main components of
aerosols differ from these emission sources and can they have different health
effects? To investigate this, the scientists collected aerosols from large-scale
CFPPs and conventional domestic wood and coal stoves. When Prof Li and his
colleagues analyzed the aerosols produced by CFPP and conventional household
stoves in the laboratory, they found that they had significant chemical
differences. Interestingly, emissions from domestic stoves mostly contained
carbonaceous substances resulting from the incomplete combustion of coal or
biomass material. This article was very useful, because all these emissions
affect all organisms on the planet.
· #241
Radetsky Artem KI-211(Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 21:15)
Phrases of the day
1) Examine more closely - розглянути уважніше.
In particular, the Centre needed to examine more closely the origin of the
information submitted to it, in order to ensure that it was receivable.
В частности, Центру следовало бы тщательно источниĸи информации, ĸоторая ему
представляется, с тем чтобы определять ее приемлемость.
2) Estimate the effects of - оцінити наслідĸи.
For example, experiments cannot be used to study the past, and they can only
estimate the effects of treatments that can be manipulated - Наприĸлад,
еĸсперименти не можуть бути виĸористані для вивчення минулого, і вони можуть
тільĸи оцінити ефеĸти ліĸування, яĸі можна маніпулювати.
3) Distinct from - відмінний від.
He said that law remained distinct from moral or religious normative systems.
По его словам, заĸон по-прежнему стоит отдельно от нормативных систем морального
или религиозного хараĸтера.
Today I read the article "Researchers estimate more than two million deaths
annually due to air pollution." A new study has found that more than two million
deaths each year are due to human-caused outdoor air pollution. Also, while it
has been suggested that climate change could exacerbate the effects of air
pollution and increase mortality rates, the study shows that this has a minimal
impact and explains only a small proportion of current air pollution-related
deaths. This article was very interesting and informative, I advise everyone to
read this article
Today I read the article “How secure is your data when ordering a COVID
vaccine?” The Australian government has commissioned a commercial company,
HealthEngine, to set up a national COVID-19 vaccination booking system. The
platform selected through a limited Ministry of Health tender is used by vaccine
suppliers who do not have their own booking system.However, HealthEngine has a
history of mishandling sensitive patient information. HealthEngine has
strengthened its privacy and security processes in line with recommendations
contained in the ACCC Digital Platforms Investigation Report.
· #240
Radetsky Artem KI-211(Gvozd) (Monday, 06 June 2022 21:03)
9) There are many types, brands, models of cars in the world. New manufacturers
have begun stocking their vehicles with spare parts that are not durable.
Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose your car more often from the master,
because this is the safety of all passengers. Also, some drivers like to delay
repairs, and instead of changing one part, they wait until this part breaks
another part. And so it then rolls like a snowball, which forces them to change
instead of one part several times. As the saying goes: "The miser pays twice."
But it's not even about money, it's about safety.
7)Since the first automobile was introduced into our lives, we may find that
many changes have taken place around us. As a modern transport, it not only
brings convenience to our daily lives, but also improves efficiency.
One of the benefits of using cars is that it can save time and effort.
On the other hand, cars also need to be powered by petrol, gas, or electricity
in order to run, but with the current situation in the country, many people
simply cannot afford this pleasure due to fuel prices. Without a doubt, a car is
one of the best that has been invented. man . We simply do not think about how
much easier and more practical it is to travel, for example, for groceries or to
transport something. Therefore, in our time, almost every family has a car.
Logistics engineering is a field of engineering dedicated to the scientific
organization of the purchase, transport, storage, distribution, and warehousing
of materials and finished goods. Logistics engineering is a complex science that
considers trade-offs in component/system design, repair capability, training,
spares inventory, demand history, storage and distribution points,
transportation methods, etc., to ensure the "thing" is where it's needed, when
it's needed, and operating the way it's needed all at an acceptable cost.
Wheeled vehicles are much faster than tracked vehicles, and able to travel for
protracted distances using existing road systems without interruption. For
example an 8×8 vehicle can drive at 60 mph on a road for many hundreds of miles
without stopping. Tracked vehicles are not suited to travelling long distances.
Designers have used CAD to help make cars safer, by using software tools to
design and test seat belts, air bags, improved visibility, energy transfer and
absorption, and vehicle control and handling, including anti-lock
brakes.Computer-aided design plays a central role in automotive development.
3D-CAD models not only provide geometry information, but also serve as a basis
for configuration of modules and systems, as well as for different simulation
and verification processes.
· #239
Radetsky Artem KI- (Monday, 06 June 2022 21:02)
9) There are many types, brands, models of cars in the world. New manufacturers
have begun stocking their vehicles with spare parts that are not durable.
Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose your car more often from the master,
because this is the safety of all passengers. Also, some drivers like to delay
repairs, and instead of changing one part, they wait until this part breaks
another part. And so it then rolls like a snowball, which forces them to change
instead of one part several times. As the saying goes: "The miser pays twice."
But it's not even about money, it's about safety.
7)Since the first automobile was introduced into our lives, we may find that
many changes have taken place around us. As a modern transport, it not only
brings convenience to our daily lives, but also improves efficiency.
One of the benefits of using cars is that it can save time and effort.
On the other hand, cars also need to be powered by petrol, gas, or electricity
in order to run, but with the current situation in the country, many people
simply cannot afford this pleasure due to fuel prices. Without a doubt, a car is
one of the best that has been invented. man . We simply do not think about how
much easier and more practical it is to travel, for example, for groceries or to
transport something. Therefore, in our time, almost every family has a car.
Logistics engineering is a field of engineering dedicated to the scientific
organization of the purchase, transport, storage, distribution, and warehousing
of materials and finished goods. Logistics engineering is a complex science that
considers trade-offs in component/system design, repair capability, training,
spares inventory, demand history, storage and distribution points,
transportation methods, etc., to ensure the "thing" is where it's needed, when
it's needed, and operating the way it's needed all at an acceptable cost.
Wheeled vehicles are much faster than tracked vehicles, and able to travel for
protracted distances using existing road systems without interruption. For
example an 8×8 vehicle can drive at 60 mph on a road for many hundreds of miles
without stopping. Tracked vehicles are not suited to travelling long distances.
Designers have used CAD to help make cars safer, by using software tools to
design and test seat belts, air bags, improved visibility, energy transfer and
absorption, and vehicle control and handling, including anti-lock
brakes.Computer-aided design plays a central role in automotive development.
3D-CAD models not only provide geometry information, but also serve as a basis
for configuration of modules and systems, as well as for different simulation
and verification processes.
· #238
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:09)
It turns out that a new study shows that lending conditions set by the
International Monetary Fund undermine the "capacity of the state" in developing
countries, which prevents state bureaucrats from pursuing important policies in
health, education and national security. Researchers from the Universities of
Glasgow, Cambridge, Bocconi and Royal Holloway analyzed IMF loan documents to
assess the relationship between IMF-sanctioned policy reforms and bureaucratic
quality in developing countries. They found that public administrations become
weaker when they need to implement "structural" reforms aimed at the public
sector and the privatization of state-owned enterprises.
I liked this article because it is interesting and informative, I advise you to
read it too.
· #237
Dmytro Mazurenko (KI-212, Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 17:08)
Did you know that trees and entire forests around the world are threatened by
increasing extreme weather conditions and subsequent insect infestations? As
sedentary organisms, trees cannot avoid threatening environmental conditions and
must adapt their metabolic processes to withstand threats. Crucial to plants is
the production of energy-rich sugar molecules (carbohydrates) through
photosynthesis. These compounds serve as both energy sources and the main
building blocks for all metabolic processes. During extreme climates, such as
prolonged drought or heat, photosynthesis is disrupted and trees produce fewer
I advise you to read this article, because you need to know about it.
· #236
Gvozd to Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Monday, 06 June 2022 16:38)
I have got your tasks, they are not bad.
· #235
Lebedeva E. (Monday, 06 June 2022 13:06)
To Berlizov Nikita KA-211 and Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 The tasks are completed correctly.
· #234
Lebedeva E. (Monday, 06 June 2022 13:05)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Well done, thank you.
· #233
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Gvozd Olga) (Monday, 06 June 2022 12:46) to target
A person who is able to target and make quick decisions in difficult situations
is an excellent leader.
Людина, яка вміє орієнтуватися та швидко приймати рішення у складних ситуаціях,
є відмінним керівником.
2.a breakthrough in
The analysis of this drug caused a breakthrough in the field of healthy
Аналіз цього препарату став проривом у сфері здорового харчування.
3.ability to achieve
The ability to achieve goals is a very important trait for a person.
Уміння досягати цілей – дуже важлива риса для людини.
In this text, we are told that quite recently a group of scientists conducted a
study and managed to make an unprecedented breakthrough. The size of the
catalysts that were used to purify water and break down pollutants, scientists
were able to reduce to one atom. For the study, the scientists synthesized a
single palladium atom on a silicon carbide substrate. This new catalyst system
has greatly improved the kinetics of the breakdown of harmful chlorinated
contaminants in water. The low cost of the system is also critical to its
success. To build on their breakthrough, the researchers are working to
integrate the material into a hydrogenation reactor and an electrochemical cell
to create a modular water purification system that targets a variety of
· #232
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 06 June 2022 12:41)
To students from the group -KD-211. Would you remind your groupmates that on the 7-th of June, you are writing the modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should sent the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number.) Have you got the insructions on modular control tests? Continue to work on line. Good luck !
· #231
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Gvozd Olga) (Monday, 06 June 2022 12:30)
1.distinct from
Distinct from her sister, she was more sociable and energetic.
На відміну від своєї сестри, вона була більш товариською та енергійною.
2.estimate the effects of
It's bad when you can't estimate the effects of of your actions.
Погано, коли не можеш оцінити наслідки своїх дій.
3.examine more closely
If you examine more closely, you can see the fish in the water.
Якщо придивитися уважніше, то можна буде побачити рибу у воді.
This text says that according to a new report, the world is on track to overcome
a key global warming threshold. To me, this is a very serious article because
there is a possibility that the world will warm up by more than 1.5 degrees
Celsius over the next five years. While the 1.5-degree Celsius rise will be
short-lived, the scientists say it could cause irreversible changes. In this
regard, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to reduce
emissions. Because as long as we continue to emit greenhouse gases, temperatures
will continue to rise. Along with this, our oceans will continue to get warmer
and more acidic, sea ice and glaciers will continue to melt, sea levels will
continue to rise, and our weather will become more extreme. Therefore, it is
necessary to act immediately, as this is happening on our planet, which means it
concerns each of us.
· #230
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:57)
Today i read a topic named "Management of technical maintenance of cars".
This paper endeavors to present a classification, review and analysis of the
literature on Plant Maintenance Management Practices (PMMP) employed in
Automobile Industries. Historically, the purpose of fleet management was
operational efficiency, which was also the main driver of the fleet management
software development. However, as the technology matured, it became apparent
that its advantages extend beyond the original economic considerations. The
following article explores the benefits of digital fleet maintenance solutions
and their social implications. Fleet management refers to the activities aimed
at optimizing the use of vehicles used for commercial purposes. In most cases,
the term “fleet” refers to conventional motor vehicles such as cars and trucks.
· #229
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:35)
1.comparative investigation of
The essence comparative investigation of is to compare data.
Суть порівняльного дослідження полягає у зіставленні даних.
2.comprehensive investigation of
Comprehensive investigation of proved the man's innocence.
Комплексне розслідування довело невинність чоловіка.
3.condition imposed by
Sometimes condition imposed by only to achieve some goal.
Іноді умова нав'язується лише для досягнення якоїсь мети.
· #228
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:34)
Today i have read a topic about "New technology to fight plagues and pathogens
in crops”. It talks about new methods of combating various types of plague and
pathogens that affect crops. Modern methods of protecting our crops without
harming the environment. Also, in my opinion, the search for new methods of pest
control is an urgent problem, because most of the chemical protection of our
crops has a negative impact on the environment, so you need to look for safe
methods, as described in this topic. In general, I liked the topic, I will
recommend my friends to read this topic, because nowadays this information is
· #227
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:32)
1. examine more closely - более тщательного изучения
If we examine more closely the wheel, you can isolate the delta of the primary
colors - red, blue and yellow - Если рассмотреть колесо более внимательно, то
можно выделить дельты основных цветов — красного, синего и желтого.
2. estimate the effects of - оценки воздействия
For example, experiments cannot be used to study the past, and they can only
estimate the effects of treatments that can be manipulated - Например,
эксперименты нельзя использовать для изучения прошлого, и они могут только
оценивать эффекты лечения, которым можно манипулировать.
3. distinct from - отличаются от
Night terrors are distinct from nightmares in several key ways - Ночные страхи
отличаются от ночных кошмаров несколькими ключевыми моментами.
· #226
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:24)
Today i read a topic about "Technical diagnostics of automobiles". Auto repair
is typically performed by automobile mechanics who have experience in auto
diagnostics. Determining the issues of a defective automobile is a skill that
takes many years to develop. There are different types of diagnostics techniques
in use today. These typically include computer tests, road tests, customer
interviews, and basic problem-solving techniques. Automobile defects are
typically divided into three primary categories. These are the motor, the drive
train, and general electronics. Auto diagnostics requires an understanding of
each category. The mechanic will use different diagnostics techniques depending
on the category of the defect. Computer diagnostics is typically required for
most modern cars. These computer devices are connected to the automobile with
special software that reads the on-board diagnostic system. This automated
diagnostic tool interprets system errors and reports mechanical issues with the
· #225
Obertun Mihail KI212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:23)
1. able to eliminate
researchers were able to eliminate the impurities of used graphite, reorganize
its structure and reactivate it for new use.
2. another way of
Another way of putting it was scanning the globe through AI "eyes."
3. alternative way
in the United States have suggested an alternative way to allocate science
Today I have read the article named
“Researchers unlock secret path to a quantum future”
In 1998, researchers including Mark Kubinec of UC Berkeley performed one of the
first simple quantum computations using individual molecules. They used pulses
of radio waves to flip the spins of two nuclei in a molecule, with each spin's
"up" or "down" orientation storing information in the way that a "0" or "1"
state stores information in a classical data bit. In those early days of quantum
computers, the combined orientation of the two nuclei—that is, the molecule's
quantum state—could only be preserved for brief periods in specially tuned
environments. In other words, the system quickly lost its coherence. Control
over quantum coherence is the missing step to building scalable quantum
It was very interesting to read this article.
· #224
Obertun Mihail KI212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 11:05) outlining-обрисовывая в общих чертах
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole
2. classified as-классифицируется как
Since they are not classified as banks or lending institutions, they are outside
the reach of the Federal Reserve
3. beyond the scope of-выходит за рамки
QEC is used in quantum computing, which has the potential to solve scientific
problems beyond the scope of supercomputers
Today I have read the article named
“Making clean hydrogen is hard, but researchers just solved a major hurdle”
Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have found a low-cost way to
solve one half of the equation, using sunlight to efficiently split off oxygen
molecules from water. The finding, published recently in Nature Communications,
represents a step forward toward greater adoption of hydrogen as a key part of
our energy infrastructure.
As early as the 1970s, researchers were investigating the possibility of using
solar energy to generate hydrogen.
I would advise reading this article to people
· #223
Obertun Mihail KI212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:49)
I read a very interesting article about
«Management of technical maintenance of cars»
Managing a fleet of vehicles can be a logistical challenge. But with the right
fleet maintenance management software (FMMS), you can track vehicle data and
produce actionable insights to help your business. Fleet maintenance management
software enables you to track all aspects of your vehicles in real time, from
maintenance schedules and refrigerated asset temperatures to fuel usage. The
insights learned from this data can help improve safety and efficiency across
your fleet, saving your company from unforeseen issues or on-the-road
Maintenance software can also be tailored to your business’ specific operations,
whether it’s ride-sharing in a busy metropolitan area or transporting consumer
goods or industrial parts cross-country.
It was very interesting to read this article.
· #222
Obertun Mihail KI212 (Savluk) (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:46)
I read a very interesting article about
«Technical diagnostics of automobiles»
What is a Car Diagnostic Test?
The vast majority of modern vehicles are more computerized than ever before, and
truth be told, that’s a good thing. In fact, this computerization allows cars to
be thoroughly checked with self-running diagnostic tests to keep your vehicle in
optimal working order. These tests can scan components and a car’s integrated
systems for errors or malfunctions before they become truly dangerous.
Let’s break down what car diagnostic tests are and examine their various
benefits so you know when and why you should ask for them at your next
maintenance appointment.
Car diagnostic tests scan your car’s components and systems to check for issues
with components like the engine, transmission, oil tank, throttle, and many
more.Because car diagnostic tests require specific devices and expertise to read
correctly, most tests are performed with mechanics or at dealer shops
The article was really interesting for me.
· #221
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:21)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #220
Danil Samsonnikov /(ki-212 Savluk A.) (Monday, 06 June 2022 09:34) to target-могут передавать сигнал
HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high performance computing in
industries like engineering, media and animation
HP с Teradici сможет ориентироваться на пользователей высокопроизводительных
вычислений в таких отраслях, как машиностроение, медиа и анимация.
2.a breakthrough in-прорыв в
A breakthrough in developing multi-watt terahertz lasers June 11, 2020 A
breakthrough in developing multi-watt terahertz lasers by Lehigh University A
phase-locking scheme for plasmonic lasers is
Прорыв в разработке многоваттных терагерцовых лазеров 11 июня 2020 г. Прорыв в
разработке многоваттных терагерцовых лазеров Университетом Лихай Схема фазовой
синхронизации для плазмонных лазеров
3. ability to achieve-способность достигать
A new artificial skin developed at Caltech can now give robots the ability to
sense temperature, pressure, and even toxic chemicals through a simple touch.
Новая искусственная кожа, разработанная в Калифорнийском технологическом
институте, теперь может дать роботам возможность ощущать температуру, давление и
даже токсичные химические вещества простым прикосновением.
· #219
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Monday, 06 June 2022 08:12)
1)CAD machines and vehicles
CAD machines and vehicles are created with help of a computer-aided design (CAD)
system which is an automated system that implements information technology for
performing design functions. It is an organizational and technical system
designed to automate the design process, consisting of personnel and a set of
technical, software and other means of automating its processes. CAD involves
the process of creating a technical drawing using computer software.
CAD can be used to design curves and shapes in two-dimensional (2D) space; or
curves, surfaces, and solids in three-dimensional (3D) space.
· #218
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Sunday, 05 June 2022)
1) Motor vehicle
A motor vehicle is a vehicle that is powered by an engine. This term applies to
tractors, self-powered machines and mechanisms, as well as trolleybuses and
vehicles with an electric motor with a capacity of more than 3 kW. Motor
vehicles include cars and motorcycles.
Depending on the purpose and number of seats, cars are divided into passenger
cars, buses, minibuses and trucks. Cars and buses are designed to transport
people and their luggage, but differ not only in appearance and not so much as
the number of seats.
· #217
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 20:28)
1)Technical operation of motor vehicles
The technical operation of motor vehicles is a set of organizational and
technical measures that ensure the maintenance of the working condition of
vehicles. This industry is in steady demand in the labor market.
Some fundamentals of maintenance and diagnostics of the car:
1. Maintenance of the car body and elements of its surface.
2. Diagnostics and maintenance of engine mechanisms.
3. Maintenance of the engine lubrication system.
4. Maintenance of the engine cooling system.
5. Maintenance of the engine power system.
6. Maintenance of electrical equipment of cars.
7. Diagnosis of electronic control systems of the car.
8. Means of diagnosing electronic engine control systems.
9. Software for electronic databases.
10. Car transmission maintenance.
11.Vehicle chassis maintenance.
12. Maintenance of vehicle controls
· #216
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:42)
1) The basis of calculations, design and operation of process equipment.
In the last years the cars were upgraded in functions, different additions that
do the car driving more technological and safety. Car designing today rely on
special programs that simplify the work of automotive engineers. Moreover I know
that without knowledge of the basics and concepts of designing a car and its
parts, it will be very difficult for a real designers to achieve success in his
There are basic requirements for vehicle construction:
1)Vehicle’s cross-country ability
2)Car parameters
1.Car sizes;
2.Car gravity;
3.Traction of the car;
4.Vehicle reliability
6.Vehicle layout;
7.Materials of car parts.
3)Types of vehicle loads
6)Cardan shaft
7)Main gear
9)Drive to drive wheels
10)Bridge beam
12)Wheels and tyres
13)Braking systems
14)Steering mechanism
15)Frame and body
16)Addition equipment
17)Designing and Calculation of modern electric car
· #215
Trochinskaya V. MD-212(Gvozd) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:29)
Today I have read an article:"High-flying morpho butterflies evolved into
efficiency gliders" According to the article, there was made a research of
butterflies. These butterflies are known as the biggest insects and were studied
very carefully. Researchers analyzed their behavior and shape of wings . These
butterflies can't fly far away and their wings shape is more slender. However
main result of research was that researchers found the connection between the
environment and wing's shape
In my opinion, it's predictable that butterflies are connected to the habitats
and the environment but it's incredible that these butterflies made their
special schedule and way of protection
Today I've read an article: "Discoveries in sensor technology advance
personalized medicine " Researchers from various fields came together to make a
global innovation. Nowadays, most wild animals are monitored by special devices.
It helps people to get information about animal's life and health. Researchers
analyzed it and came to the conclusion that these devices could be used for
monitoring people's health . It can be located on people so that we'd be able to
see our health condition.
In my opinion , It'd be useful to integrate these devices in our life and
,moreover, researchers say that it will help to prevent asthma and heart attacks
· #214
Trochinskaya V. MD-212(Gvozd) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:29)
Debt (11.05)
Today I have read an article:" The dark side of social media networks". Nowadays
people pay attention only to good side of social media networks but everything
has a dark side . Researchers grouped negative social media effects into 6
themes . Most of them include psychological harms . For instance depression and
jealousy . According to this, researchers is trying to find a solution which
will decrease the negative effects.
In my opinion, people are addicted to social media networks and don't pay much
attention to bad effects so they're sensitive to them. According to it , it's
better to find a solution in the nearest future
Voice :
Today I have read an article:"The "smell" of coral as an indicator of reef
health" . Corals have their own mixture of elements which they throw in the
water .Researchers call it "smell". According to the article this "smell" is
changing due to the global warming. Researchers have started their investigation
and discovered new substances and effects in it. Moreover, they hope to find
evidence of their theory that "smell" shows the coral's health
In my opinion, discovering new effects and phenomenon will de usefull in
realizing the way how global warming effects not only to human but also to the
Voice :
· #213
Gvozd to Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:42)
I have read your debts, but where are the audio recordings and phrases?
· #212
Danil Samsonnikov ki-212 (Savluk A.) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:22)
1.examine more closely- более тщательного изучения
If they took the time to study the environment more carefully, they usually
found that the CPU was not the bottleneck they thought it was.
Если они потратили время на более тщательное изучение среды, они обычно
обнаружили, что процессор не является узким местом, как они считают
2.distinct from-отличаются от
The researchers also settled on the term "false news" as their object of study,
as distinct from the now-ubiquitous term "fake news," which involves multiple
broad meanings.
Исследователи также остановились на термине «ложные новости» в качестве объекта
исследования, в отличие от ныне повсеместного термина «фейковые новости»,
который включает в себя несколько широких значений.
3.estimate the effects of-оценки воздействия
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Чтобы оценить влияние милитаризации полиции на преступность и безопасность
офицеров, он вернулся к построенной им общенациональной панели.
· #211
Leonid Chukarin KI-211(gvozd) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:14)
Today I read an article called «Digital divide: Data highlights internet
inequities in Chicago»The article tells how In 2021, the Infrastructure and Jobs
Investment Act allocated $65 billion to expand broadband access and adoption,
and address the inequalities exposed by the COVID pandemic and the transition to
remote work, education, and health care. But to most effectively invest this
funding in improving digital equality in the United States, new and detailed
data at the local level must be collected and analyzed to develop effective
policy and advocacy solutions for citizens and communities most in need. in the
article It is spoken in more detail about how these funds can help and in what
areas they will be invested. I liked this article very much, it presented the
material in a rather interesting and instructive way. I recommend her to get
Today I read an article called «Amazon plans new grocery store in L.A. as it
thinks about how to conquer the industry»The article says that Inc.
said on Monday that it plans to open a new type of grocery store in Los Angeles
next year, in another step in the e-commerce giant's multifaceted effort to take
over most of the big US grocery business. The company said the Woodland Hills
store will be different from Whole Foods Market Inc., Amazon's pricier chain
bought in 2017 that specializes in natural and organic products.
But Amazon declined to say how the new store will be different or what it will
be called. It said the store would have a traditional checkout system rather
than the high-tech checkout system used by Amazon Go, a 16-store chain of small
convenience stores. I liked this article very much, it presented the material in
a rather interesting and instructive way. I recommend her to get acquainted!
Today I read an article called "Study finds local voluntary programs are
effective in promoting green energy". It tells about the attempts to introduce
the use of solar energy by ordinary people. Florida State University found that
programs that encourage voluntary use of solar energy at the local level are
effective in encouraging the adoption of solar energy. SolSmart is also
described. Reading the article you can learn about all of the above in more
detail. reading .
Today I read an article called«Shortwave radio in Ukraine: Why revisiting
old-school technology makes sense in a war» . this article tells about the fact
that BBC News, the BBC announced the resumption of the broadcast of the BBC
World Service on shortwave radio for four hours a day. It said that this was
done so that people in parts of Russia and Ukraine could access its news
service. It tells what shortwave radio is and how it differs from modern
analogues, pluses and minuses, the principle of operation.
Reading the article you can learn about all of the above in more detail reading
this article talks about combating pollution from emissions of nitrogen
compounds, especially ammonia, could shorten many of the 23.3 million years of
life that were prematurely lost worldwide in 2013 due to nitrogen-related air
pollution, an international study found. conducted by Chinese scientists using
the basis of modeling, including the IIASA GAINS model. The article analyzes
these models in more detail and describes all the studies conducted by
· #210
Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (gvozd) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 17:12)
Today I read an article called «Cutting ammonia emissions is a cost-effective
way to prevent air pollution deaths»
this article talks about combating pollution from emissions of nitrogen
compounds, especially ammonia, could shorten many of the 23.3 million years of
life that were prematurely lost worldwide in 2013 due to nitrogen-related air
pollution, an international study found. conducted by Chinese scientists using
the basis of modeling, including the IIASA GAINS model. The article analyzes
these models in more detail and describes all the studies conducted by
scientists. I liked this article very much, it presented the material in a
rather interesting and instructive way. I recommend her to get acquainted!
Today I read an article called «Millions of Americans struggle to pay their
water bills: How a national water aid program could work»the article says how
plumbing and plumbing are extremely important for modern life. But these
services are not free, and people can hardly afford them. A 2019 survey found
that US households found in a fifth of the economy spend 12.4% of their income
on water and sanitation. News reports say that for low-income households, this
burden has increased during the pandemic. They talk about legislation that helps
low-income families cope with paying for energy and water. It also provides more
detailed information. I liked this article very much, it presented the material
in a rather interesting and instructive way. I recommend her to get acquainted!
Today I read an article called «New tool predicts economic impacts of natural
gas stations»The article says Researchers at the US Department of Energy's
Argonne National Laboratory today announced a new tool to analyze the economic
impact of building new CNG filling stations. This tool, called JOBS NG, is
freely available. Compressed natural gas, composed primarily of methane, is an
alternative fuel for cars and trucks that can offer greenhouse gas emission
benefits over gasoline. The article explains why the United States became
interested in such an alternative, about the pros and cons of this invention,
and interesting details. I liked this article very much, it presented the
material in a rather interesting and instructive way. I recommend her to get
Today I read an article called «New deal housing programs dramatically increased
segregation, new study finds»housing programs enacted during the New Deal
deepened segregation in American cities, creating the racial divides that
continue to characterize life in the 21st century, according to a new study by
NYU sociologist Jacob Faber. "New Deal housing policy encouraged racial
segregation, and its significant impact on American cities can still be seen
today." It tells about the impact of these laws and why they are canceled. I
liked this article very much, it presented the material in a rather interesting
and instructive way. I recommend her to get acquainted!
· #209
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 16:17)
Phrases of the day:
1)estimate the effects of - оценить последствия
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built. He compared the deployments of
SWAT teams with the number of violent crimes and officers who were killed or
injured. - Чтобы оценить влияние милитаризации полиции на преступность и
безопасность офицеров, он вернулся к построенной им общенациональной панели. Он
сравнил развертывание групп спецназа с количеством насильственных преступлений и
убитых или раненых офицеров.
2)distinct from - в отличие от
The researchers also settled on the term "false news" as their object of study,
as distinct from the now-ubiquitous term "fake news," which involves multiple
broad meanings. - Исследователи также остановились на термине «ложные новости» в
качестве объекта исследования, в отличие от ныне повсеместного термина «фейковые
новости», который включает в себя несколько широких значений.
3) examine more closely - изучить более внимательно
The deep recession forced virtually every organization and the government to
reduce costs, demand higher ROI, and more closely examine technology-related
operating costs. -Глубокая рецессия вынудила практически каждую организацию и
правительство сократить расходы, потребовать более высокой рентабельности
инвестиций и более внимательно изучить эксплуатационные расходы, связанные с
· #208
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 16:01)
Today I have read the article "Making smartphone data anonymous no longer
enough: study".
We all keep things on our phones that we don't want anyone to see. We also use
social networks and so on. In order to "protect" the phone, we set passwords.
Now they say that these measures of confidentiality are no longer suitable for
our time. For example, they did a study where there were 40,000 phone users. The
scientists "attacked" the phone, and they were able to identify 52 percent of
the people. That is, we must better "protect" our phones, and everything that is
stored there, because your phones can be "attacked" not only by scientists but
also by intruders.
My phone has a passcode and biometric lock. That is, I can unlock the phone with
my fingerprint. So far, I haven't been able to get hit by intruders, or maybe I
didn't even notice how my data could be copied. Still, I hope that didn't
I really liked the article. I like to be interested in a similar topic that we
were shown in the article. Therefore, I advise you to read it to learn a lot of
useful things about protecting your phone.
1. examine more closely - более тщательного изучения
If we examine more closely the wheel, you can isolate the delta of the primary
colors - red, blue and yellow - Если рассмотреть колесо более внимательно, то
можно выделить дельты основных цветов — красного, синего и желтого.
2. estimate the effects of - оценки воздействия
For example, experiments cannot be used to study the past, and they can only
estimate the effects of treatments that can be manipulated - Например,
эксперименты нельзя использовать для изучения прошлого, и они могут только
оценивать эффекты лечения, которым можно манипулировать.
3. distinct from - отличаются от
Night terrors are distinct from nightmares in several key ways - Ночные страхи
отличаются от ночных кошмаров несколькими ключевыми моментами.
· #207
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 14:47)
1)Technical diagnostics of automobiles
Perform an automotive diagnostic like an expert. There are six steps that the
automotive diagnostic professional will perform in order to successfully find
the cause of the problem and fix it:
1: Verification and confirmation
This is the automotive diagnostic step that will allow you to check for a
2: Define the problem
Once the preliminary analysis is completed, you will then be able to define the
origin of the problem, no matter where it is located. Be aware that a problem
can occur on both a main circuit and a sub-circuit.
3: Isolation of areas
At this step, you will isolate the problem in a circuit or in an electronic or
electrical sub-circuit.
4: Repair
This is the step where you start repairing the circuit or sub-circuit causing
the problem.
5: Final check
Verification is the final step. Indeed, this is the time when you verifie that
the repair has actually eliminated the detected problem and that your vehicle is
working properly.
· #206
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Sunday, 05 June 2022 12:03)
Work for 17.05
Phrases of the day
1) Examine more closely - розглянути уважніше.
If we examine more closely the wheel, you can isolate the delta of the primary
colors - red, blue and yellow - Якщо розглянути колесо уважніше, то можна
виокремити трикутник первинних кольорів - червоного, синього і жовтого.
2) Estimate the effects of - оцінити наслідки.
For example, experiments cannot be used to study the past, and they can only
estimate the effects of treatments that can be manipulated - Наприклад,
експерименти не можуть бути використані для вивчення минулого, і вони можуть
тільки оцінити ефекти лікування, які можна маніпулювати.
3) Distinct from - відмінний від.
Night terrors are distinct from nightmares in several key ways - Але нічні
страхи відрізняються від жахіть кількома ключовими аспектами.
New NASA mission to help us better estimate asteroid impact hazard
Today i have read the article "New NASA mission to help us better estimate
asteroid impact hazard". According to NASA's NEO program, there are more than
1,300 "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids" – objects at least 150 yards across with
a very small chance of impacting us someday because their orbital paths take
them close to Earth's orbit.
This article is quite informative and interesting. I recommend reading this
article. This article describes what may never happen, but for the safety of all
mankind, we must explore a similar.
New California bridge gets sensors to gather earthquake data
Today i have read the article "New California bridge gets sensors to gather
earthquake data". A replacement bridge under construction at the second-busiest
port in the U.S. isn't just a crucial route for cargo trucks and Southern
California commuters—it's a concrete-and-steel science experiment for engineers
and seismologists. The new bridge, which will stretch 8,800 feet over the Port
of Long Beach, is being built with about 75 seismic sensors that will measure
the forces imparted on the span when one of several nearby faults set off an
earthquake. It will replace the Gerald Desmond Bridge.
The new bridge is due to open next year.
This article is quite informative and interesting. I recommend reading this
Exam topic #10 "Technical operation of motor vehicles"
Technical operation is the most important system of road transport. The
technical operation of motor vehicles as a science determines the ways and
methods for the most effective management of the technical condition of the
fleet in order to ensure the regularity and safety of transportation with the
full implementation of the technical capabilities of the design.
The main tasks of technical operation are:
- Implementation of the potential properties of the car, laid down during its
- Reducing the cost of maintaining the car and maintaining its performance
- Increased vehicle productivity by reducing downtime due to breakdowns
· #205
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Sunday, 05 June 2022 11:08)
To Merezhenko Nikita-group- MD- 211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic about "The Operating System", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but the title of the article should be written in bold type. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation, but mind the word "im'portant" The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Continue to work online . All the best !
· #204
Lebedeva E. (Saturday, 04 June 2022 15:52)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211. The topic is very informative, but too long. It should be about 100 words.
· #203
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Saturday, 04 June 2022 10:40)
Topic: Technical operation of motor vehicles
1. Vehicle operation mode control
Vehicle operation modes refer to various operating conditions that either is
requested by the driver or decided by the SC according to the subsystem status.
Ignition key position, gear position, accelerator/brake pedal, charging plug
switch, and steering wheel angle are examples of driver inputs to the SC. In a
simple word, SC decides the vehicle mode operation and hence the overall
performance of the related subsystems.
The vehicle operation mode control is a layer above the system functional
control, which can override the strategies within the functional control layer,
according to the vehicle operation mode. In a different word, the subsystems
functional control strategies are specific to each operation mode, and SC is
responsible for implementing them accordingly. For instance, the vehicle cannot
be driven in charging mode as the drivetrain is deactivated, while the HV
battery is charging by the battery charger. Finite state machines (FSMs) are
usually used for implementing EV operation mode control strategies in the SC.
Respective vehicle operation modes are dependent on the system design, overall
vehicle control topology, and the application requirements. A typical EV
operation modes model is shown in Fig. 2. The presented model is the most
straightforward available architecture; however, this architecture could be much
more complex and detailed based on the vehicle control system architecture.
There are two main streams of operation modes—normal operation and fault
operation modes. Normal operation mode refers to the scenario that all
subsystems are working as expected; all feedback parameters are within
predefined limits, and there is no fault or warning associated with them. Fault
mode refers to the scenario when the performance of one or more local
controllers’ is not idle, some feedback parameters are out of limits or there is
a fault in the system. Therefore the SC is responsible for defining the correct
state of operation of the EV according to the driver demands, EV driveline
status, and diagnostics reporting.
2. Vehicle Operation
Nodes supporting vehicle operation may experience both spatial and temporal
anomalies. From the temporal side, sensors can record values from sensors and
identify when values suddenly change. For example, a temperature sensor could
track the last three temperature readings, so that it can compare new readings
with the average so far. Values that lie outside of the expected range could be
considered outliers.
As for spatial anomalies, a vehicle may rely on several sensors to ascertain the
actual state of a sensed environment. For example, on a cold morning, a vehicle
may use information from a thermal sensor and four tire pressure sensors to
decide whether low pressure in four tires is a result of the weather change or a
result of a series of leaks.\
· #202
Lebedeva E. (Saturday, 04 June 2022 10:31)
To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211. The work with phrases is done correctly. Keep on working.
· #201
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 23:10)
1. considerable disagreement - значительные разногласия
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement - Когда исследователи обсуждают силы, сформировавшие
человеческую историю, возникают значительные разногласия.
2. controversial question - спорный вопрос
Mainly to the very controversial question as to whether the planets play a role
in solar activity - В основном к очень спорному вопросу о том, играют ли планеты
роль в солнечной активности.
3. conduct research - проведения исследований
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features -
Разработчики смартфонов продолжают исследовать новые функции.
· #200
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 23:02)
1. considerable disagreement - значительные разногласия
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement - Когда исследователи обсуждают силы, сформировавшие
человеческую историю, возникают значительные разногласия.
2. controversial question - спорный вопрос
Mainly to the very controversial question as to whether the planets play a role
in solar activity - В основном к очень спорному вопросу о том, играют ли планеты
роль в солнечной активности.
3. conduct research - проведения исследований
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features -
Разработчики смартфонов продолжают исследовать новые функции.
· #199
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 22:54)
To Bondarenko Maria-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic "What is Word processing", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind " I've read the article.." (Present Perfect). The audio recording sounds fluently , but would you read the text more distinctly. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Continue to work online . Best wishes !
· #198
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:53)
To Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 thanks. Just 80 points for all your activities . I hope you know what word “to age” means in a technical sense and it is a verb that is used this way only.
· #197
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:52)
To Novitsky Yuri- group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read, the exam topic about CLI and GUI ,the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but there are separate mispronounced words in your reading: "su'ggests; culture; e'cology; geographical; agriculture; temperature etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Consult a dictionary before posting your message. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Continue to work online . All the best !
· #196
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:28)
To Tanev Arseniy MD-211 Task1 is good, Task2 is satisfactory. Task 3 is good. Pls think about the conclusion. General words and phrases won’t do if you want to on the right track (get good results.
· #195
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:20)
To Ilya Volkov MD-211 Thanks . Just very good.
· #194
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 21:15)
To Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 Thanks .Tasks 1 and2 are good. Homework: The comments has been written in the complicated way ( a lot of subordinate sentences. ). Just 73 points.
· #193
M. Dragnev MD-212 (Sirotenko) (Friday, 03 June 2022 20:16)
1.The players of the same team had considerable disagreement about the game
У игроков одной команды были значительные разногласия по поводу игры
2.Who is right and who is wrong is a very controversial question.
Кто прав а кто нет очень спорный вопрос
3.He conduct a medical research.
Он проводил исследования в облости медицины
For the first time, scientists have taken a picture of the black hole. This is
the second image of a black hole ever created.
The image was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope. In 2017, telescope
observed two supermassive black holes: the one in the Milky Way, which is called
Sgr A, and the one at the centre of the M87 galaxy. The image was released in
2019, and now, after three more years of painstaking data analysis, the
collaboration has finally released picture of SgrA.
“This is what we wanted to deliver on all along,” says researcher Ziri Younsi.
· #192
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:46)
To Vlad Belyaev MR-211 Thanks for the work.
· #191
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:41)
To Shishak Lilia MR-211 There is no audio for the Exam topic 2. Some words are mispronounced. Go on practising your pronunciation, you can train your reading with the help of Listen and Pronounce, which is on this page above the Guestbook chat.
· #190
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 19:30)
To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Use present perfect in the first sentence. Next time choose the topic more relevant to your speciality.
· #189
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 18:17)
To Koval Veronika- group-MD-21. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read, the exam topic " Quality and Reliability of Software", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. Mind that "ours" is an absolute pronoun.The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Would you invite your group mates to join in our online activities! Continue to work online . Best wishes !
· #188
Savluk A. (Friday, 03 June 2022 16:48)
Vlad Belyaev MR-211
Shishak Lilia MR-211
Popelyashkova M. MR-211
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211
Kondratyuk MR-211
Golishenko D. MR-211
Vlad Belyaev MR-211
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!
· #187
Savluk A. (Friday, 03 June 2022 16:39)
Kondratyuk MR-211
Shishak Lilia MR-211
Thanks for your comments. Mind, pls., your mistakes: 'Today I HAVE read THE
· #186
Savluk A. (Friday, 03 June 2022 16:30)
Andrew Verdysh KI-212
Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212
Well done. Keep on working!
· #185
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 15:27)
To Filimonova Yana-group- MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. There are separate mispronounced words in your reading:" to con'duct re'search; i'dentify; in'truder etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Would you invite your group mates to join in our online activities! Continue to work online . All the best !
· #184
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt for 01.06) (Friday, 03 June 2022)
Voice message to the text for 01.06
· #183
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 14:25)
To Anastasiia Klepatska -group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read, the exam topic "Device Drivers", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Would you invite your group mates to join in our online activities! Continue to work online . Best wishes !
· #182
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 14:20)
I recently read an interesting article called «If you cry while watching movies,
it is probably a sign of your emotional strength». The article is very
informative and interesting. It talks about the reasons why people cry while
watching a movie.The question is, is it strong or weak quality? On the one
hand,people may think that you are a weakling, but on the other hand, not
everyone can be so sensitive.And the answer is in this article. Good movies are
carefully crafted to engage us and be deeply absorbing. They transport us into
the world of their characters: to see as they see, feel as they feel, and even
totally identify with a character in some cases. We know movies are not real,
but we are so engrossed that we emotionally react as though they are.But besides
this, the so-called The love hormone and Empathy play an important role. Empathy
is a key component of emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and regulate your own emotions
and to understand and manage the emotions of others. High emotional intelligence
has been shown to be associated with effective leadership, professional success
and academic achievement, as well as better social and intimate relationships.
It is linked to with psychological and physical health and well-being, and
greater emotional intelligence helps to deal with stress and conflict.
therefore, if a person cries during the film, it means that he or she has
emotional intelligence and he or she is a strong enough person, but not weak at
all. So if you cry during a movie, don't think that it's bad and you're a weak
person. On the contrary, be proud of it.
1. considerable disagreement- значні розбіжності
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.(Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів
s-блоку, що існують значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні
бути розміщені в періодичній таблиці.)
2. controversial question-спірне питання
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity). (Її
робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення (Лінгвістична відносність))
3. conduct research-провести дослідження
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
(Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для проведення
досліджень з різних питань)
· #181
Shishak Lilia MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:56)
I read the article “What a new study reveals about selfies and teenage body
image” in which it was written that more than 80% of teenagers already have at
least 1 page on the network by the age of 13. Some teens may be at greater risk
than others due to some of the negative effects of social media - especially for
teens who are especially focused on others for approval, and for teen girls who
already face social pressure to have a perfect body. Spending a lot of time
taking photos and posting selfies on social media has been linked to thinking
about your bodies more often and thinking more negatively about your body. To
avoid such problems, I believe that there should be some clear age limit, for
example, only from the age of 15 you can create your own page on social networks
controversial question
mainly to the very controversial question as to whether the planets play a role
in solar activity.
в основном к очень спорному вопросу о том, играют ли планеты роль в солнечной
considerable disagreement
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement
Когда исследователи обсуждают силы, сформировавшие человеческую историю,
возникают значительные разногласия
conduct research
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features
Разработчики смартфонов продолжают исследовать новые функции
· #180
Vlad Belyaev MR-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:51)
controversial question
mainly to the very controversial question as to whether the planets play a role
in solar activity.
в основном к очень спорному вопросу о том, играют ли планеты роль в солнечной
but perhaps the most controversial question they pose is whether or not they are
но, пожалуй, самый спорный вопрос, который они задают, — живы они или нет.
considerable disagreement
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement
Когда исследователи обсуждают силы, сформировавшие человеческую историю,
возникают значительные разногласия
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Даже в небольшой организации могут возникнуть серьезные разногласия по каждому
из этих аспектов стратегии.
conduct research
The team has already begun to conduct research on other readout techniques to
further shorten the processing time
Команда уже начала проводить исследования других методов считывания, чтобы еще
больше сократить время обработки.
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features
Разработчики смартфонов продолжают исследовать новые функции
I read an article about rocket launch, it says about .The six astronauts for the
space station delivery mission headed to the launch pad in early afternoon. This
will be the 39th flight for Discovery, set to become the first of the three
surviving space shuttles to be retired this year and sent to a museum. It has
since logged 143 million miles since its first flight in 1984. Discovery will
spend 11 days in orbit - on top of the 352 days it's already spent circling the
planet - and will rack up another 4.5 million miles. This article was
interesting for me.
10. Unusual shapes in modern architecture
Look from building to building. The form comprised of shape, scale, size, and
more of each building is unique and has an architect’s personal touch. Every
building’s form is unique but most fall into some general category of
architectural shape. There are a handful of geometric shapes that provide the
proper support, function, and aesthetic to serve as a building’s foundation. The
pyramid has been used since ancient Egyptian and Mesoamerican times. The torus
holds a three-dimensional “donut” shape. When thinking in two dimensions it
represents an oval with a hole in the center. There are many other forms
· #179
Vlad Belyaev ( Savluk ) MR-211 (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:49)
considerable disagreement
Although there are still a considerable number of people who go online to build
There is now considerable evidence to show that
Хотя все еще есть значительное количество людей, которые выходят в интернет,
чтобы строить новые
В настоящее время имеются серьезные доказательства того, что
conduct research
The company insists it "does not conduct research
Olga Fink and her team conduct research on faults in complex systems
Компания настаивает на том, что «не проводит исследований».
Ольга Финк и ее команда проводят исследования сбоев в сложных системах
controversial question
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Являются ли рыбы разумными существами, остается нерешенным и спорным вопросом.
Новый взгляд на спорный вопрос об обилии видов и плотности популяций
I read an article about farms, it says about.Agriculture, one of the world's
oldest vocations, is also one that continues to reinvent itself with new
technology. From the introduction of the steel plow to automated tractors to
modern fertilizer applications, technology has improved effectiveness and
increased efficiency. "I think the trend is clearly there since agriculture
started and more recently, for example, with bigger and bigger tractors in
agriculture to have fewer drivers . It definitely opens up new opportunities for
other jobs . This article was helpful for me
1. Architecture as a science
I don't know about you but I classify it as art. Science is another almost
completely unrelated disciple. Engineering in a way is the bridge between
architecture and science. Engineers use the discoveries of scientists to make
things that actually do productive service in the real world. Architects use
what engineers do to create the completed assemblies we call buildings. There’s
a science to building any structure. There’s an art to making a structure
functional and beautiful. My opinion goes like this
· #178
Shishak Lilia MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:34)
The other day I read an article «Global emissions must peak by 2025 to keep
warming at 1.5°C: We need deeds not words». According to this article, which
refers to reports from the world's top climatologists, the Earth could exceed
1.5 degrees Celsius of global warming - the "safe" limit for temperature rise
set out in the Paris Agreement - as early as the early 2030s. Even in the most
optimistic scenario, when the global community manages to significantly curb
greenhouse gas emissions, there is still only a 50:50 chance that the rise in
global temperature will stop there.
The report's finding that staying below 2 degrees Celsius this century will only
happen if emissions reach net zero by 2050 is well-publicized. But there is one
rather urgent addition to this: global emissions should peak in the middle of
this decade. In other words, over the next few years.
Thus, this article wants to convey to people the idea that if we do not start
taking radical measures, then global warming will inevitable.
ссылка на статью:
1controversial question
work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether the
languages we speak shape the way we think.
робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
говоримо, формують те, як ми думаємо.
psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для дослідження з різноманітних
considerable disagreement
behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що існують значні
розбіжності з приводу того, де ці два елементи мають бути розміщені в
періодичній таблиці
3. Graphic Design as a profession
A graphic designer specializes in the design of the environment by means of
It works with signs, billboards, posters, signs, signs and diagrams that we see
in large numbers around, and also takes care of the readability of the
information we need, such as websites, magazines, newspapers, leaflets, book and
CD covers, menu in a restaurant, product catalogs, business cards, as well as
packaging of products, manufactured goods and graphic design of shop windows.
From this brief enumeration, it can be understood that wherever we go, we will
definitely see a variety of works of graphic design everywhere.
· #177
Shishak Lilia MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:18)
I have read the article “Discovery of new organism could solve common problem in
wastewater treatment”.
Researchers from La Trobe University have made a promising discovery that could
pave the way to solving a costly and hazardous problem encountered by wastewater
treatment plants the world over.
Wastewater treatment plants can face operational problems caused by foam
generated by certain bacteria. Foam reduces the quality of waste water and also
creates a hazardous environment in the plant. During experiments, scientists
discovered an unknown microscopic parasite that could become a potential cure.
I recommend everyone to read this article.
comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples
were undertaken around a hundred years ago.
Порівняльні дослідження зразків кристалічного та аморфного діоксиду кремнію
проводилися близько ста років тому.
condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community.
Ми вважаємо це найбільш прикром, оскільки ми виконали умови, встановлені
міжнародним співтовариством.
comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
Показано можливості дослідження термоелектрорушійної сили як методу комплексного
дослідження напівпровідників.
Exam topic 2
The history of architecture is considered a scientific and academic discipline,
as it inherits architecture in time and space. The first architectural
structures that arose before our era are currently a sample of any city. Even in
the smallest nodes, there are architectural elements that have their own
The history of architecture is very extensive and it is unrealistic to talk
about it in a couple of words. The simplest architectural building from the
Neolithic era. Since then, a lot has changed, but admirers of this art to this
I believe that it is necessary to preserve the heritage of our ancestors, to
discover what is behind the structures in our cities and to protect them. We are
the future, and the future is the history of the past.
· #176
Shishak Lilia MR-211 (Lebedeva ) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:17)
Time well spent, not wasted: Video games are boosting wellbeing during lockdown
After reading this article “Time well spent, not wasted: Video games are
boosting wellbeing during lockdown”, I disagree with its context. In my opinion
computer games are waste of our time. Also we will become very aggressive and
nervous. Some people manage waste money on games.
On the one hand, children can find friends, but on the other hand there is also
a lot of bullying on the Internet because of this, children grow up angry and
cruel. And adults would be better off getting a job and feeding themselves and
their families.
But everyone can do with their life whatever they want.
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose
nanofiber reinforced by glycerol and glutalraldehyde.
Щоб задовольнити попит на міцні та прозорі, тонкі плівки для стійких
застосувань, доктор Сунанда Рой з Університету GLA в Індії очолив
багатонаціональну команду, яка успішно розробила нову прозору тонку плівку,
виготовлену з нановолокон целюлози, армованих гліцерином та глутаміновим альде.
keep the track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному чи каламутному середовищі, риба явно
має покладатися не лише на зір.
on the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.
Інструменти машинного навчання, навпаки, здатні виявляти складні закономірності
щодо невеликих наборах даних.
1. The first evidence of the origins of the art of architecture comes to us from
the depths of centuries. In the prehistoric period, primitive residential
buildings began to appear - dugouts, huts, community and pile buildings,
religious buildings, which were later improved. Thus, the process of gaining
experience in construction gradually begins and at the same time the artistic
principle is activated.
From primitive cult huts primitive builders move to complex architectural forms:
menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs. These first places of worship had a more complex
structure. Burnt bricks were used for their construction, which testified to the
emergence of a new stage in the development of civilization. Thus, architecture
has always been closely linked with the history of society, with the development
of science and technology, natural and climatic conditions, worldview and
worldview of man. Architecture was also closely related to other arts, including
sculpture, painting, and decorative arts, which testifies to its synthetic
· #175
Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:09)
considerable disagreement
In our group, as it turned out, there are considerable disagreements about this
project. У нашій групі, як виявилося, є значні розбіжності щодо цього проєкту.
conduct research
We were allocated a conduct research in the environmental direction. Нам було
доручено провести дослідження в екологічному напрямку.
controversial question
A controversial question between us and we began to resolve it. Спірне питання
виникло між нами, і ми почали його вирішувати.
Making smartphone data anonymous no longer enough: study
We all keep things on our phones that we don't want anyone to see. We also use
social networks and so on. In order to "protect" the phone, we set passwords.
Now they say that these measures of confidentiality are no longer suitable for
our time. For example, they did a study where there were 40,000 phone users, the
scientists "attacked" the phone, and they were able to identify 52 percent of
the people. That is, we must better "protect" our phones, and everything that is
stored there, because your phones can be "attacked" not only by scientists but
also by intruders.
· #174
Popelyashkova M. MR-211(Savluk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 13:02)
1) controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think.
Її робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
говоримо, формують те, як ми думаємо.
2) considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що
існують значні розбіжності з приводу того, де ці два елементи мають бути
розміщені в періодичній таблиці.
3) conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для дослідження з
різноманітних питань.
I read the article "Anonymizing smartphone data is no longer enough: a study."
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoy's team at Imperial College London took anonymous data
from more than 40,000 mobile phone users. They then attacked the data looking
for patterns in these interactions. With only direct contacts of the person
included in the data set, they found that they could identify the person 15% of
the time. When further interactions between these main contacts were included,
they were able to identify 52 percent of people.
These results strongly suggest that current methods may not meet the
anonymization standard set by European regulators.
" Urban or town planning"
Urban planning answers questions about how people will live, work and play in a
given area and thus guide orderly development in urban, suburban and rural
areas. While urban planners are primarily concerned with planning settlements
and communities, they are also responsible for planning the efficient transport
of goods, resources, people, and waste; distribution of basic necessities such
as water and electricity; a sense of belonging and opportunity for people of all
colors, cultures and needs; economic growth or business development; improving
health and conserving areas of natural environmental importance, which actively
contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions, as well as protecting heritage
sites and the built environment. Urban planning is a dynamic field as the
questions about how people live, work and play change over time. These changes
are constantly reflected in planning methodologies, zonal codes and policies,
making it a high-tech, political, social, economic and environmental field.
· #173
S Mykhailiuk (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:58)
To Ilya Volkov MD-211 Task1 is very good, Task2 is good. .
· #172
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 (LMR-211 Savluk ) (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:57)
Exam topic 4:Common building materials
In construction, in the construction of buildings and structures, various
building materials and products from them are used. The main building materials
in industrial and civil construction are cement, concrete, brick, stone, wood,
lime, sand, ferrous metals, glass, roofing materials, plastic and others.
The source of the production of building materials is the country's natural
resources, which can be used as building materials in their natural state
(stone, sand, wood) or in the form of raw materials processed at the enterprises
of the building materials industry (polystyrene, expanded clay).
I've read the article : " New light on the controversial question of species
abundance and population density". Inspired by the negative results in the
recently published largest-scale analysis of the relation between population
density and positions in geographic ranges and environmental niches, Drs Jorge
Soberon and Andrew Townsend Peterson of the University of Kansas, USA, teamed up
with Luis Osorio-Olvera, National University of Mexico (UNAM), and identified
several issues in the methodology used, able to turn the tables in the ongoing
debate. After reading the article, I can say that the main problem of these
researchers is that they ignore the geographical location of certain species,
because it is the location that plays a big role in the study.
1)considerable disagreement
* When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment
Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які сформували історію людства, виникають
значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша поведінка визначається насамперед
культурою чи навколишнім середовищем.
* There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
Серед дослідників існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що краще.
2) conduct research
* Inspired by the mastery of artificial intelligence (AI) over games like Go and
Super Mario, scientists at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II)
trained an AI agent—an autonomous computational program that observes and
acts—how to conduct research experiments at superhuman levels by using the same
Натхнені оволодінням штучним інтелектом (ШІ) над такими іграми, як Go і Super
Mario, вчені з National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) навчили агента AI
— автономної обчислювальної програми, яка спостерігає та діє — як проводити
дослідницькі експерименти. на надлюдських рівнях, використовуючи той самий
* But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Але відсутність зв’язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції,
проводити дослідження та змагатися за гранти.
3) controversial question
*New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
* The mystery of polariton interactions has finally been resolved: Skoltech's
research gives a decisive answer to this controversial question.
Таємниця поляритонних взаємодій нарешті розгадана: дослідження Сколтеху дають
вирішальну відповідь на це суперечливе питання.
· #171
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:53)
conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
questions. — Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для
проведення досліджень з різних питань.
considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table. — Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів
s-блоку, що існують значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні
бути розміщені в періодичній таблиці.
controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity) — Її
робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення (Лінгвістична відносність)
Today I read the article "Study proposes alternative way to explain life's
complexity". There are skeptics who argue that such complex organs in our body
as the eyes and the brain just appear and most likely they develop in the course
of evolution. The theory was put forward that initially some of our organs were
very complex, and over time they became simpler. In other words, some details
could not just appear in the process of evolution, this is impossible. Computers
began to be created following the example of the human body.
I think people have such a long history. But I love that people keep coming up
with theories about what came before.
Exam Topic 8
People use engineering drawings to build houses, roads, sewers, bridges, and
power plants. Manufacturers need technical drawings to produce all kinds of
products, from automotive parts to microcircuits, lighting fixtures to
Engineering drawings include blueprints, diagrams, and diagrams that tell you
how to build a product, device, car, highway, or house. They also include
sketches and 2D and 3D models that represent the appearance of the completed
Technical drafters, called drafters or draughtsmen, create blueprints, diagrams,
and models that manufacturers and contractors then use to create or build
objects and other things.
· #170
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Savluk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:38)
I read an article on the topic " Making smartphone data anonymous no longer
enough: study"
Privacy measures designed to preserve the anonymity of users of smartphones are
no longer suitable for the era of digital technology. Huge amounts of data are
extracted from applications for smartphones by firms seeking developing
products, conduct research or orientate consumers using advertising. In Europe
and in many other jurisdictions, the Company are obliged to make this data by
anonymous, often deleting control details, such as names or phone numbers.
Nature Communications, says that this is not enough to preserve the
confidentiality of the individual. Now people can be identified by several
details of how they communicate with such an application like WhatsApp.
Link to article:
Link to voice:
1. considerable disagreement
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
Середи дослідників існують значущі розногласия з приводу того, що краще.
2.conduct research
Several UF/IFAS scientists conduct research for DSSAT.
Кілька вчених UF/IFAS проводять дослідження для DSSAT.
3.controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
· #169
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:18)
To Berlizov Nikita KA-211 Now I am waiting for the exam topics. Keep working.
· #168
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 12:10)
To Spetcialna Katherina-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic "History of Kernel Development" , the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is informative . Mind the rules of Sequences of Tenses in the 3-d sentence of your comments on the article. The audio recording sounds fluently. I wonder, where is the audio version of your exam topic? The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Continue to work online . Best wishes !
· #167
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:42)
NFT is non-fungible tokens which represent digital works of art, games, music
and so on. Researchers found that the NFT market is similar with interactions on
social networks. The first of its kind research.
Unbelievable growing of digital artwork happened because of pandemic. However
there are not so many buyers on this niche. The study shows that transactions
for buying and selling digital artwork follow similar patterns as interactions
on social networks. They will present it at the IEEE Blockchain 2021 conference
on December.
NFT market skyrocketed from 2017 with prices reaching astronomical levels such
as one of the first tweets for $3 million.
The research paves the way to more in-depth studies of this market. Since the
similarity between the markets ,researchers can apply the algorithms they
currently use for social networks to NFT markets. They haven't done it yet, but
in the future, who knows what benefits it can bring!
3)1.controversial question-спорный вопрос
The edition's co-authors convened about two years ago to explore all sides of
this controversial question-Около двух лет назад соавторы издания собрались,
чтобы исследовать все стороны этого спорного вопроса.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.-Среди
исследователей существуют значительные разногласия по поводу того, что лучше.
3.conduct research- проведение исследований
The driving simulator is only one of the simulators in Virtuocity that uses
immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can improve the design of
urban transport and city systems-Симулятор вождения — лишь один из симуляторов
Virtuocity, который использует иммерсивную виртуальную реальность для проведения
исследований, способных улучшить проектирование городского транспорта и
городских систем.
· #166
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:20)
In the article above mentioned about Rivian Automotive, the second most valuable
automaker in USA. It is more valuable on market than GM, that produce nearly 7
million cars a year. Moreover Rivian's goal is to release only a thousand
"green" cars. There are R1T electric truck that will be launched in September
and R1S electric SUV plans to be launched in December. Rivian had two main
backers Ford that invested one and a half billion dollars and Amazon which held
20% of their shares. Also investors are interested in huge Rivian's potential to
the growing EV market. Moreover the skyrocketing Rivian share price on the
Thursday the 11th of November lifted nearly all EV companies upward.I think the
article is very interesting , because it applies to my profession.
3)1.controversial question-спорный вопрос
Perhaps the most controversial question they pose is whether or not they are
Возможно, самый спорный вопрос, который они задают, — живы они или нет.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There is considerable disagreement
as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by culture or by the
Есть значительные разногласия относительно того, определяется ли наше поведение
в первую очередь культурой или окружающей средой
3.conduct research- проведение исследований
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features
Разработчики смартфонов продолжают исследовать новые функции
· #165
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:15)
To Serdichenko Daria-group-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read, the exam topic "The Evolution of Operating System", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind " I've read the article.." (Present Perfect). The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Send the results from your computer. Contonue to work online . Best wishes !
· #164
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 11:09)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Your comment is interesting and detailed. Thank you.
· #163
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:56)
2. Today I have read the article "Researchers report a new way to produce curvy
electronics". The article talks about a new technology for producing lenses,
solar cells and other three-dimensional curved electronics. Scientists have
developed a new method that opens the door to the efficient production of a
range of curved electronic devices, from wearables to optoelectronics to
telecommunications and biomedical applications. CAS printing works as follows:
An elastomeric or elastic balloon is inflated and coated with a sticky
substance. It is then used as a stamping material, pushing prefabricated
electronic devices to pick up the electronics and then printing them onto
various curved surfaces. I think this is a useful technology.
1. considerable disagreement - значительные разногласия
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment. - Когда исследователи обсуждают силы,
сформировавшие человеческую историю, возникают серьезные разногласия
относительно того, что в первую очередь определяется нашим поведением: культурой
или окружающей средой.
2. controversial question - спорный вопрос
In particular, how the disease is transmitted to great apes was a controversial
question until now. - В частности, вопрос о том, как болезнь передается
человекообразным обезьянам, до сих пор оставался спорным.
3. conduct research - провести исследование
The driving simulator is only one of the simulators in Virtuocity that uses
immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can improve the design of
urban transport and city systems. - Симулятор вождения — лишь один из
симуляторов Virtuocity, который использует иммерсивную виртуальную реальность
для проведения исследований, способных улучшить проектирование городского
транспорта и городских систем.
· #162
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:51)
Phrases of the Day :
1. Considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності.
There are considerable disagreement between the theory and the results obtained.
Існують значні розбіжності між теорією та отриманими результатами.
2. Controversial question - спірне питання.
The article shows a new look at the controversial question of species size and
population density.
У статті показано новий погляд на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності
3. Conduct research - провести дослідження.
They want to conduct research of the number of migrants during the war.
Вони хочуть провести дослідження кількості мігрантів під час війни.
I've just read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry".
Doctoral student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing
industry when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes.
She found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on
applying AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for
creating solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework
developed with four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision
support system that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique
"fuzzy logic". Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers
with personalized service.
History of kernel development.
In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a Finnish student, became obsessed with the idea of
writing a UNIX compatible operating system kernel for his personal computer.
The prototype for the future kernel was the MINIX operating system, which was
loaded from floppy disks and fit into the very limited memory of a personal
computer at that time. Linus Torvalds named his kernel freax, but it was later
changed by the owner of the ftp server to Linux - a hybrid of the creator's name
and the word UNIX. The most important role in the development of Linux was
played by the global computer networks Usenet and the Internet. On October 5th,
1991, Linus announced the first "official" version of Linux, version 0.02. Now
OS Linux in various modifications and distributions is installed not only on
personal computers and physical servers, but also on virtual dedicated servers
in the cloud.
· #161
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:48)
To Zhan Rodion KA-211 Your article review is interesting and informative. Keep working.
· #160
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:45)
To Berlizov Nikita KA-211 Thank you for your comment. Please, choose the topic more relevant to your speciality.
· #159
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:35)
Today I have read the article named"A little-known technology change will make
video streaming cheaper and pave the way for higher quality"
A new format for compressing video, called Versatile Video Coding (H.266/VVC)
will be released, that will change to influence humanity. It presents a massive
change that will result in video load times becoming shorter, video resolution
becoming greater, internet providers having more bandwidth available and cost
for data usage will decrease.
Codec stands for compressor/decompressor. They have two components: One is the
encoder, other is a decoder.
H.266/VVC has its focus on extremely high-resolution video.This codec is
beneficial now with the widespread growth of 4k video and TVs. It will be even
more imperative as resolution increases to 8k and beyond.
I hope it will be the arrival of the H.266/VVC technology as an important step
toward our media-saturated world becoming more inclusive.
3)1.controversial question-спорный вопрос
In particular, how the disease is transmitted to great apes was a controversial
question until now.
В частности, вопрос о том, как болезнь передается человекообразным обезьянам, до
сих пор оставался спорным.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Даже в небольшой организации могут возникнуть серьезные разногласия по каждому
из этих аспектов стратегии.
3.conduct research- проведение исследований
Department of Defense and industry leaders to conduct research designed to
thwart outside attack, UC engineering professor John "Marty" Emmert said.
Министерство обороны и лидеры отрасли проведут исследования, направленные на
предотвращение атак извне, заявил профессор инженерного дела Калифорнийского
университета Джон «Марти» Эммерт.
· #158
Zhan Rodion KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:33)
Today I have read the article "A technique that allows robots to detect when
humans need help". It will be needed by home robot assistants, and will allow
people to interact much better with robots. For example, if a person needs to
serve something during cooking or when assembling a cabinet from ikea, then the
robot will be able, without direct commands, to serve it, understanding what the
person needs. Or if you need to hold something, and the person hands it to the
robot, then the robot will take the object itself
I think this technology will help us better interact with robots in the future.
Phrases of the day:
1) conduct research.
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди для проведення досліджень.
2) considerable disagreement.
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
3) controversial question.
The first issue was the controversial question of countermeasures, which had
long been debated by the Commission.
Першим питанням було спірне питання контрзаходів, яке довгий час обговорювалося
в Комісії.
· #157
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikishova G.P) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:31)
1. controversial question-спорный вопрос
Without the effective use of international relations, in particular, it is
impossible to resolve a controversial question between various subjects of
international law.
Без эффективного использования международных отношений, в частности, невозможно
урегулировать спорный вопрос между различными субъектами международного права.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
The question of our origins has generated considerable disagreement, and
scientists have divided into several large camps.
Вопрос о нашем происхождении породил значительные разногласия, и учёные
разделились на несколько больших лагерей
3.conduct research-проведения исследований
New application of neuroscience methods requires conduct research and public
Новое приложение методов нейробиологии требует ответственного проведения
исследований и их понимания общественностью.
A small group of researchers from the UK and Spain have found in laboratory
studies that at least one species of fish is capable of experiencing "emotional
fever," suggesting that it qualifies as a sentient being.
Previous research has shown that mammals and birds, as well as one species of
lizard, react to stress with a rise in body temperature of the order of 1 or 2°C
- a reaction that some have suggested indicates that this creature is a sentient
being, i.e. able to perceive or feel things, whether emotional or physical.
New research from the National Center for Evolutionary Synthesis (NESCent)
suggests that societies with less access to food and water are more likely to
believe in these types of deities. The emergence of religion has long been
explained by either culture or environmental factors, but not both. For studying
variables related to environment, history and culture, the research team
included experts in biology, ecology, linguistics, anthropology and even
religious studies. The team studied the Ethnographic Atlas - an electronic
database of more than a thousand societies of the 20th century - for
geographical coordinates and sociological data, including the presence of
religious beliefs, agriculture and animal husbandry.
What is the difference between CLI ands GUI?
CLI is the form of the word used for the command line interface. The CLI allows
users to enter written commands in a terminal or console window to interact with
the operating system. CLI is a platform or environment in which users respond to
a visible prompt by writing a command and receive a response from the system,
for which users must be forced to enter a command or command to complete a task.
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. The GUI allows users to use graphics to
interact with the operating system. The graphical user interface presents menus
such as: windows, scrollbars, buttons, wizards, image drawing, alternate icons,
what is the difference between GUI and CLI:
1.CLI is difficult to use - yet easy to use
2. It consumes little memory - While it consumes more memory.
3. In CLI we can get high accuracy - Being in it, we get low accuracy.
4.CLI is faster than GUI - GUI speed is lower than CLI.
· #156
Koval Veronika MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:29)
1. Controversial question — спірне питання.
The question about if we are allowed to do sports while being ill for some
reason is still a controversial for a bunch of people.
Питання про те, чи можна займатися спортом під час хвороби, чомусь й досі
залишається спірним для деяких людей.
2. Considerable disagreement — значні розбіжності.
Despite considerable disagreement between directors, the movie came out.
Не дивлячись на значні розбіжності між режисерами, фільм все ж таки вийшов у
3. Conduct research — проводити дослідження.
Although scientists were deprived of necessary conditions, they continued
conducting researches, even if they had to do it under the table.
Не дивлячись на відсутність необхідних умов, вчені продовжували проводити
дослідження, навіть якщо доводилося робити це підпільно.
The article pushes such an important issue in ours age of IT, as the quality of
software. Reading it, we get to know that at the moment there are active works
being done over creating a program to check the correctness of the written code.
One of those is SoftWipe. Developed by leading in the IT area universities, it
marks programs using a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means 'does not work' and 10
is 'operates without a failure'. Essentially, the principle of SW work and its
advantages over the competitors is described.
In modern world more and more jobs are being replaced by automated system This
article overviews a case of gradual robotization of call-manager work. Fujitsu,
the Japanese company, is doing actions over producing the algorithm, which could
be useful to communicating with clients without human's interrupting. It is done
with an analysis of words' correlations and program's skill to remember what
have it processed before. We'll wait and see how the cat jumps, and what
Japanese can create.
Exam topic #12. Quality and reliability of software
Consequently, our society is highly dependent on the correctness and reliability
of software: we need methods to show that the software always behaves as we
expect, i.e. there are errors, and this does not affect the security or privacy
of its users. This is especially true given the exponential demand and growth of
software systems. The huge consequences of their failures have made the issues
of ensuring their quality, as well as reliable and safe operation, more relevant
than ever. But, despite this, good quantitative methods for representing the
reliability of software without excessive restrictions have not yet been
developed. Various approaches can be used to improve software reliability, but
it is difficult to balance development time and budget with software
· #155
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:28)
Today i have read a new article for me " Mercedes New 2.0 engine - M139".
It tells us about the brand new I4 petrol perfomance engine wich Mercedes has
been developed with the help of the AMG engineers. This engine is fully made by
AMG at least because it will find its place in the most powerful and perfomance
"Mercedes-AMG" machines. For this time it has three modifications: 285 kW for
45- CLAs, As, GLAs clases; 310 kW for 45 S- CLAs, As, GLAs clases; and one new
modification is 300 kWs version for the all new C-43.
The M139 engine is based on the current Mercedes-Benz M260 engine.
Unlike the normal M260, the AMG engineers rotated the engine block 180 degrees
so that the intake system is in the front of the engine while the turbochargers
and exhaust headers are situated between the engine and firewall. The block is
closed and made from aluminum, inside there are cast iron sleeves with a special
coating to reduce friction (as on M156). A lightweight forged crankshaft and
forged pistons are installed directly from the factory.
The M139 is the most powerful i4 2 litrs petrol engine in the world! I think if
Audi one time want to bit this record it is gonna be really easy for them,
because they already have the best i4 in my opinion. EA888 with the aluminium
crankshaft and pistons, with the big turbo can do over 500 hp and this is gonna
be really relible engine it will be able to do over 100-150 thouthend kms. Just
try to imagine what is gonna be if Audi puts forged pistons and crankshaft
inside its engine......
· #154
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:19)
1.controversial question.
This topic is still a controversial question of history.
Ця тема досі залишається дискусійним питанням історії.
2.considerable disagreement.
In different countries there are considerable disagreement between each other.
У різних країнах існують значні розбіжності між собою.
3. conduct research.
They came here to conduct research.
Вони приїхали сюди, щоб провести дослідження.
I read the article "Robots may run future farms, researchers say". Agriculture
is one of the oldest occupations in the world, and its development comes every
day from one new technology. One scientist claims that the farmers of the future
will be scientists and robots. In the near future we will be able to see the
first farm with robots. The robots can work autonomously 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week, collect large amounts of farm data and perform tasks in the field. The
traceability of food products is also an advantage. This definitely opens up new
opportunities for farmers and agriculture.
I read the article "Researchers consider whether fish have feelings". Scientists
have used a variety of criteria to argue or disprove the assumption that
non-human animals have the capacity for emotion and consciousness. Some argue
that fish have too small a brain for this. Fish have little ability for learning
and memory. Others believe that the fish brain is small and organized
differently, but it also has structures from the same evolutionary origin. An
experiment was conducted, the fish were placed in aquariums with water of
different temperatures. The study showed that the body temperature of the fish
increased by 2–4 ° C - and emotional fever was the cause.
The evolution of operating system.
An operating system is one of the very important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. It is known that the computer was invented by the English
mathematician Charles Babage. Since the mid-1950s, a new period in the
development of computer technology began, associated with the emergence of a new
technical base. Second-generation computers became more reliable. In the third
period of time in the technical base there was a transition from individual
semiconductor elements such as transistors to integrated circuits. Fourth period
The computer became available to an individual, and the era of personal
computers has come.
· #153
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:19)
To Anna Belous-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the exam topic "History of Computer Software", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind "theirs" is an absolute pronoun, " I've read the article.." The audio recording sounds fluently. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Have you read my remarks about modular control tests (133). Contonue to work online . Best wishes !
· #152
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:08)
1) conduct research - проводити дослідження
They decided to conduct a research in South Africa.
Вони вирішили провести дослідження в Південній Африці.
2) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
However, he had considerable disagreements with his team mates.
Однак у нього були значні розбіжності з товаришами по команді.
3) controversial question - спірне питання
Well, I suppose that this point could be offered, but it's a controversial
Я вважаю, що цей пункт можна було б запропонувати, але це спірне питання.
Today I've read the article "6G component provides speed, efficiency needed for
next-gen network". It states that future devices will be able to achieve faster
speeds thanks to components produced by the University of Texas at Austin.
New radio frequency switches are in charge of keeping devices connected while
accessing data by shifting between networks and frequencies. Hundreds of
switches will most likely be included in devices, far more than are currently
available in electronics. Researchers are working to improve the ability of
switches to transform between frequencies, allowing devices to connect more
It's great that technologies are constantly improving.
Today I've read the article "Hydrogen production method opens up clean energy
possibilities". It states that сlean hydrogen fuel could become a more realistic
alternative to gasoline as a result of a new energy-efficient system of
producing hydrogen gas from ethanol and water.
Because of the breakthrough, hydrogen could be produced on-site at filling
stations, requiring just the transportation of the ethanol solution. The
scientists have devised an innovative way for producing hydrogen gas that is
ready to be pumped into a hydrogen fuel cell car. Moreover, they designed an
electrochemical method that requires less than half the electricity required for
pure water splitting.
I hope that alternatives to gasoline will soon be used to reduce pollution.
Exam topic "Device drivers"
Device drivers are crucial for a computer system's correct operation when
without them, the hardware will not function properly. A device driver allows
different hardware devices to communicate with the operating system on the
computer. Device Drivers are required for the operation of card readers,
controllers, network cards, sound cards, printers, video cards, USB devices,
RAM, and speakers, among other things. There is a Device Driver for practically
every device connected to a computer system. Device drivers are divided into two
categories: kernel mode and user mode. Virtual drivers manage data flow from
different applications to the same hardware when we use the same hardware
· #151
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:07)
The main theme of the article named above is to help children to discover and
explore the computer technologies and coding. Roblox is a very popular children
game,that have lego similar characters, because of that many schools are using
it in many school projects. The main reason that they are using a game
witheasy-to-learn coding is to discover the places around the world. Moreover
they can code this places themselves, such as International Space Station.
For example, instead of reading about Ancient Rome, students can go there and
explore the Colosseum together.
Roblox' goal is to 100 million students learning on the Roblox platform by the
end of this decade, with an eye on the future of learning in exciting online
The article has very educational and useful meaning for children.
3)1.controversial question-спорный вопрос
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial
question -Являются ли рыбы разумными существами, остается нерешенным и спорным
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There's been considerable disagreement among lawmakers and the space community
on how best to accomplish this.-Между законодателями и космическим сообществом
возникли значительные разногласия по поводу того, как лучше всего это сделать.
3.conduct research- проведение исследований
The team has already begun to conduct research on other readout techniques to
further shorten the processing time-Команда уже начала проводить исследования
других методов считывания, чтобы еще больше сократить время обработки.
· #150
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:06)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Please, choose the topic more relevant to your speciality. Keep working.
· #149
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 03 June 2022 10:01)
1) conduct research - проводити дослідження
Lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Відсутність зв'язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції,
проводити дослідження та конкурувати за гранти.
2) considerable disagreement - значна розбіжність
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
Серед дослідників існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що найкраще.
3) controversial question - суперечне питання
Which other creatures have consciousness remains an open and controversial
Які ще істоти мають свідомість, залишається відкритим і суперечним питанням.
Today I read the article "Picoscience and a lot of new materials".
It claims that electronic materials will be smaller than nanomaterials during
the research process.
Yale University researchers are inventing new materials that are experimental,
fast, and realizable features such as simulating neurons in the brain,
calculations using magnets, and calculations using quantum mechanics.
I believe that new electronic materials are constantly expanding the
capabilities of mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart watches and
manufactured products.
· #148
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:59)
1)considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з аспектів стратегії.
2)conduct research
The team has already begun to conduct research on other readout techniques to
further shorten the processing time
Команда вже почала проводити дослідження інших методів зчитування, щоб ще більше
скоротити час обробки
3)controversial question
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial
Чи є риби розумними істотами, залишається невирішеним і суперечливим питанням
I have just read an article that says about fish and how scientists came to the
conclusion that fish can be sentient. The study consisted of testing the
reaction of fish to emotional fever. Scientists have noticed that when a fish
gets excited, its body temperature rises by 2-3 degrees, which proves the fact
that fishes are intelligent creatures. I love this kind of research and I think
that scientists are moving in the right direction.
I have just read an article says about scientists who did find out how flowering
plants came to us and how flowering plants could have appeared about 130 million
years ago. Scientists examined fossilized plant seeds from Portugal and North
America. In this case, the remains were charred but still very well preserved,
and were between 70 and 120 million years old. At that time, there were many
more living plants on Earth than now. I believe that this discovery will give
scientists a whole new understanding of the relationship between different
groups of plants, which in turn can help in research.
· #147
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:59)
Today I have read the article named: "Societies living in harsh environments
more likely to believe in moralizing gods, study finds".Scientists have found
that the more difficult the living conditions for people, the more likely they
are to believe in honest gods.This is due to the fact that such living
conditions with the inaccessibility of water and food are less predictable, so
people look for stability in the gods.This is a surprising discovery, because
the emergence of religion has long been explained by either culture or
environmental factors, but not both.
article -
voice -
1) conduct research - провести дослідження
The driving simulator is only one of the simulators in Virtuocity that uses
immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can improve the design of
urban transport and city systems. - Симулятор водіння – це лише один із
симуляторів у Virtuocity, який використовує віртуальну реальність занурення для
проведення досліджень, які можуть покращити дизайн міського транспорту та
міських систем.
2) controversial question - спірне питання
The mystery of polariton interactions has finally been solved: Skoltech research
gives a decisive answer to this controversial question. - Загадка поляритонних
взаємодій нарешті розгадана: дослідження Сколтеху дають вирішальну відповідь на
це суперечливе питання.
3) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
There's been considerable disagreement among lawmakers and the space community
on how best to accomplish this - Між законодавцями та космічним співтовариством
виникли значні розбіжності щодо того, як найкраще цього досягти.
· #146
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:50)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 The review is quite informative, but you must use present perfect in the first sentence.
· #145
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:48)
To Berlizov Nikita KA-211 You submitted the exam topic, but you forgot to write the name of it and its number. Keep working.
· #144
Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Michailuk S.L.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:43)
1)considerable disagreement-значні розбіжності
This caused considerable disagreement among the believers and nearly led to a
church split.
Це викликало великі розбіжності серед віруючих і мало призвело до поділу церкви.
2)conduct research-провести дослідження
At present, the researchers of the faculty conduct research on grant projects.
Наразі науковці факультету проводять дослідження за грантовими проектами.
3)controversial question-спірне питання
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
Today, the world is reducing the use of fossil fuels, and manufacturers are
turning to lithium-ion batteries, which make modern life possible. These
batteries can power any technique. But as they age, they develop dendrites. They
interfere with their ability to hold a charge and can cause short circuits in
machines, which can lead to safety hazards such as battery fires.
Shan and his team, using a microscope and a small camera, were able to
geometrically depict how dendrites initially develop in a battery. Thanks to
this, manufacturers will be able to improve batteries and avoid the growth of
· #143
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:42)
The auto recycling industry in the US is estimated to contribute $25 billion to
the national economy annually. Almost all of the vehicles that are used in the
US are recycled. With around 12 million vehicles ending their useful lives each
year, it's a great opportunity to get rid of them. Most of the car parts that
can be recovered are tires, windshield glass, etc. When it comes to the
recycling, the steel and iron from old cars are recycled to produce new ones,
the same as the batteries. The tires are often used to make new roadways, the
glass from autos is used to create tile flooring, , porcelain, jewelry ,etc.
If the car has lived its life ,owner usually sell it to a junk yard or
auto-recycling facility.There are some simple recycling steps:
1.Detailed inspection
2.Draining fluids and dismantling valuable parts
3.Selling recovered auto parts
4.Crushing and shredding
3)1.controversial question-спорный вопрос
The edition's co-authors convened about two years ago to explore all sides of
this controversial question-Около двух лет назад соавторы издания собрались,
чтобы исследовать все стороны этого спорного вопроса.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.-Среди
исследователей существуют значительные разногласия по поводу того, что лучше.
3.conduct research- проведение исследований
The driving simulator is only one of the simulators in Virtuocity that uses
immersive virtual reality to conduct research that can improve the design of
urban transport and city systems-Симулятор вождения — лишь один из симуляторов
Virtuocity, который использует иммерсивную виртуальную реальность для проведения
исследований, способных улучшить проектирование городского транспорта и
городских систем.
· #142
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:39)
Today I read an article about new light on the controversial question of species
abundance and population density.Inspired by the negative results in the
recently published largest-scale analysis of the relation between population
density and positions in geographic ranges and environmental niches.Similar
issue is identified in the localization of populations in the environmental
space, where once again their range turned out to have been represented as
significantly smaller, when compared to data available from the International
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Global Biodiversity Information
Facility (GBIF).In conclusion, the authors note that in order to comprehensively
study the abundance of a species' populations, one needs to take into
consideration a number of factors lying beyond the scope of either of the
papers, including human impact.
2)*controversial question - спорный вопрос
This is a rather controversial question that can be discussed in the clock park
-Это достаточно спорный вопрос, который можно обсудить в часовом парке.
**considerable disagreement - значительные разногласия
They never gather in this topic of discussion they have considerable
disagreement about it - Они никогда не собираются в этой теме для обсуждения, у
них есть значительные разногласия по этому поводу.
· #141
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:31)
If your dog fells lonely , it will be able to call us using a new development,
in the future. It was discovered by animal-tech scientists in Britain and
Finland. The name of it is The DogPhone. The feature is when the pet shakes a
ball that has an accelerometer, which triggers a nearby devices to video call
you. The dogphone was researched by the University of Glasgow's Ilyena
Hirskyj-Douglas, with help from her labrador Zack and colleagues. After showing
Zack how to make a call using the ball, he was given to explore it for about 2
weeks. If he wanted to show off his toys and play he called owner with it,
notwithstanding some accidental cases. Zack approached the screen due to
Hirskyj-Douglas. Researchers hope this device,which is undergoing further
testing may help alleviate separation anxiety experienced by "pandemic puppies"
who are accustomed to constant contact with people during isolation.I really
liked reading the article, because I have a dog.
3)1.controversial question-спорный вопрос
HZDR researcher Frank Stefani and his colleagues have been searching for answers
for years—mainly to the very controversial question as to whether the planets
play a role in solar activity-Исследователь HZDR Фрэнк Стефани и его коллеги
годами искали ответы — в основном на очень спорный вопрос о том, играют ли
планеты роль в солнечной активности.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
There's been considerable disagreement about what the first eukaryote and its
immediate ancestors must have looked like.-Существуют значительные разногласия
по поводу того, как должны были выглядеть первые эукариоты и их непосредственные
3.conduct research- проведение исследований
How to conduct research experiments at superhuman levels by using the same
approach.-Как проводить исследовательские эксперименты на сверхчеловеческом
уровне, используя тот же подход
· #140
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:29)
To Berlizov Nikita KA-211 Well done, thank you.
· #139
Anna Belous MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:26)
1)Conduct research
Scientists conducted research on impact a physical therapy on humans.
Вчені провели дослідження впливу фізіотерапії на людину.
2)Controversial question
Ecology in Ukraine is controversial question, because of war in country and
climate changes.
Екологія в Україні є спірним питанням через війну в країні та зміни клімату
3)Considerable disagreement
Theirs conversation called considerable disagreement because of different
opinions about domestic violence.
Їхня розмова викликала значні розбіжності через різні думки щодо домашнього
I have just read an article "Flood-impact map a Canadian first".
A Western University Flood expert said that some cities of Canada may become
inundated in the next 80 years under various climate change scenarios. Four
million Canadians lived in flood-affected areas—and they and others will be
at increased risk in coming decades.Engineering professor Slobodan Simonovic's
mapping tool is a deep dive into one consequence of more frequent weather
induced by climate change. Simonovic said releasing the map tool is part of his
personal commitment, and Western's newest contribution, to mitigating and
adapting to the impact of climate change.
To conclude, the unusual—heavy deluges and unseasonal thaws that overwhelm
streets, homes, sewers and dams—will occur not once in a century but regularly,
several times in a generation.
Exam topic #2.2
History of computer software
It all starts from the early nineteenth century. All computer systems are
designed to utilize the "stored program concept" as first developed by Charles
Babbage in the 1850s.
There is software designed to perform specific business applications. There is
software that controls the overall operation of a computer system. And there is
software that is designed to carry out specialized tasks. Regardless of types,
software is the most critical component of any computer system. Without it, all
one has is a collection of circuits, transistors, and silicone chips.
To conclude, this topic is so important in computer sphere and I hope it will
be developed all the time.
· #138
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:24)
1)considerable disagreement(значні розбіжності)
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
2)conduct research(провести дослідження)
They will serve as effective tools in our conduct of research on these subjects.
Вони слугуватимуть ефективними інструментами для нашого дослідження з цих
3)controversial question(спірне питання)
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
I believe this study will seriously help the concept of biology as it provides
substantial evidence that nanobacteria are not living things.Nanobacteria have
been called the smallest cellular forms on Earth and are candidates for
explaining how cellular life originated on Earth and other extraterrestrial
bodies such as meteorites and Mars.In conclusion any such claims must be
rigorously established through verifiable documentation, which is lacking at the
present moment.
Exam topic#7
What do we need the operating system for?
An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It
manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and
hardware. Without an operating system, a computer is useless.Computer's
operating system manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most
of the time, there are several different computer programs running at the same
time, and they all need to access your computer's central processing unit ,
memory, and storage. In conclusion, operating system coordinates all of this to
make sure each program gets what it needs.
· #137
Berlizov Nikita KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:12)
Today I have read the article named"Researchers find a way to decipher some
words in the mind before they are spoken".
I really liked reading this article because it has very intriguing topic.
Researchers from Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan and led by Yamazaki
Toshimasa found a way to decipher word before a person can say it . Recently
they invited 12 volunteers of various ages, asking each to undergo EEG scans
while they thought about words and then spoke them out loud. Researchers paid
more attention to the Broca area—which is a part of the brain where formation of
words occurs before they are sent to other parts of the brain. By limiting the
vocabulary, they could correctly interpret the words approximately 25 percent of
the time. Furthermore if they focused only on Japanese characters, or syllables
the persentage could grow up to 90 percent.
I enjoyed reading this article!
3)1.conduct research- проведение исследований
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants - Но отсутствие связи
серьезно мешает организации выполнять простые функции, проводить исследования и
конкурировать за гранты.
2.considerable disagreement-значительные разногласия
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment -Когда исследователи обсуждают силы,
сформировавшие человеческую историю, возникают значительные разногласия
относительно того, определяется ли наше поведение в первую очередь культурой или
окружающей средой.
3.controversial question-спорный вопрос
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
density-Новый взгляд на спорный вопрос об обилии видов и плотности популяций
· #136
Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 (Michailuk S.L.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:08)
1. controversial question
Whether he feels the same craving for her or it was some kind of ignorance that
washed over him at one moment is a controversial question.
Чи відчуває він таку ж тягу до неї, чи це якесь невігластво охопило його в один
момент – питання спірне.
2.To conduct research
To conduct research, scientists had to find a suitable pair of individuals of a
special species of white giraffe.
Для проведення досліджень вченим довелося знайти відповідну пару особин
особливого виду білого жирафа.
3.considerable disagreement
According to Edmund, there have been considerable disagreements between Caspian
and Peter in the past, that they still behave like capricious boys, although
they are high kings.
За словами Едмунда, в минулому між Каспіаном і Пітером були значні розбіжності,
що вони досі поводяться як примхливі хлопці, хоча є високими королями.
I read a very interesting article that fish Pisces can experience emotions and
can be attributed to rational beings. For this, an experiment was conducted with
one species of Danio fish. The fish were placed in a container with water, the
degree of which differed from the usual one by only 1 ° C and three sections
with water were placed, one of their usual warmth, the other a couple of degrees
higher and the third warmest, the fish that underwent the experiment chose the
warmest section and warmed up by 2 ° higher than their usual body temperature.
From this it follows that the fish were subjected to emotional stress from which
they did so, so scientists consider this species to be intelligent.
I have read an article about The Chronicles of Narnia movie, books and TV series
and I would like to give my opinion on this excellent work by K.S. Lewis. I was
very much influenced by the first film based on a trilogy of books, incredible
characters and history, fictional world, children of war, it is very similar to
the situation in our country, when children really want to hide from all the
horror somewhere in the same wardrobe through which they fall into a wonderful
magical world. The White Witch herself looks to me like the same problem and the
same monster that children are so afraid of, and other existing animals, Aslan,
who got in their way are their friends who are ready to help, those same adults
and the same care and support which is now so lacking. The victory over such a
terrible creature as Jadis gave the children an imaginary hope that they are not
alone in this world and can overcome various obstacles through great efforts and
can also fight evil and their condition, which now affects them quite strongly.
· #135
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:51)
1. considerable disagreement
There were considerable disagreements on these issues , which were soon settled.
З цих питань існували значні розбіжності, які незабаром були врегульовані.
2. conduct research
For conduct research, scientists have developed new methods for studying the
Для проведення досліджень вчені розробили нові методи вивчення матеріалу.
3. controversial question
At the next meeting, the working group will consider the controversial question
of the scope of this project.
На наступному засіданні робоча група розгляне спірне питання про масштаби цього
I just read the article "Can we really know what animals are thinking?".It
discusses whether animals can think, in the meaning of this word that we
understand. Scientists suggest that animals do not think, as people are used to,
in sentences, and their thoughts are structured completely differently. This is
the difficulty of characterizing the thoughts of animals. Personally, I'm sure
that animals can think, but it's terribly difficult to say exactly what and how.
Human language is not suitable for expressing their thoughts. But despite this,
I hope that scientists will still be able to solve this riddle.
EXAM TOPIC #18.What is Word processing.
Word processing programs or software is a type of advanced typing program that
allows the user to record information and then allows the user to perform many
other actions with it. Having evolved and expanded over the years, word
processing programs now support things like creating, editing, and printing text
documents. Text processing technology allows people to freely and effectively
exchange ideas, thoughts, feelings, feelings, facts and other information in
writing. A word processor is a program designed for fast and relatively
inexpensive creation of a wide range of documents. Common word processing
applications include Microsoft Notepad, Microsoft Word.
· #134
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 03 June 2022 08:51)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck
· #133
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 03 June 2022 07:51)
To students from the group-MD-211. Good morning ! Let's get started our English lesson . Today I'm waiting for your completed tasks: your comments with the voice messages, your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit it in one post. Would you remind your groupmates that in a week, on the 10-th of June, you are writing the modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should sent the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number.) Have you got the insructions on moddular control tests? Continue to work on line. Good luck !
· #132
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:30)
To Nikolova S MD-213. Exam topic task is better. Try to limit your story to up to 100 words. Just good.
· #131
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:25)
To ,Nikolova S . MD-213. Pls don’t write” I want to say that the article was
quite interesting, I advise everyone to read it.” This is not a conclusion! Just
60 points
Task2 with phrases. One sentence has a vague translation which is not
characteristic of the Ukrainian language structure and that indicates you are
using G. translator. Just 60 points
· #130
Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:15)
Topic:2.CAD machines and vehicles
CAD is a multifunctional software that helps a person translate thoughts into
designs and drawings. To create a machine, many drawings are needed. Drawings
can be created very conveniently and quickly thanks to CAD. CAD has many
advantages and disadvantages, of which the speed of work is the strongest.Work
with design, then CAD may lose its advantages over this person. CAD has problems
on the part of modeling and calculations (which are almost absent).
· #129
Zelinskiy Danya,(KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:14)
Phrases of the day:
1.condition imposed by - But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as
zircon, only forms from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions
imposed by an impacting meteorite;Но реидит, который имеет тот же химический
состав, что и циркон, образуется из циркона только в условиях удара чрезвычайно
высокого давления, вызванного ударом метеорита
2.comparative investigation of - These are the findings of a shocking new study,
published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Comparative and Applied
Criminal Justice.Таковы результаты шокирующего нового исследования,
опубликованного в рецензируемом Международном журнале сравнительного и
прикладного уголовного правосудия.
3.comprehensive investigation of - Credit: KAUST A comprehensive investigation
by KAUST researchers sets the record straight on the formation of hydrogen
peroxide in micrometer-sized water droplets.Предоставлено: KAUST Всестороннее
исследование, проведенное исследователями KAUST, устанавливает рекорд
образования перекиси водорода в каплях воды микрометрового размера.
· #128
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:13)
To Ditkovskya Md-213 Excuse me. Are you the one who defines the topic for different fields? You have to make a conclusion. Just 60 points this time only for all your comments. As to phrases of the day , it looks better.Be attentive and work hard and avoid making the same approach.
· #127
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:10)
Today i have read a topic about "New technology to fight plagues and pathogens
in crops”. It talks about new methods of combating various types of plague and
pathogens that affect crops. Modern methods of protecting our crops without
harming the environment. Also, in my opinion, the search for new methods of pest
control is an urgent problem, because most of the chemical protection of our
crops has a negative impact on the environment, so you need to look for safe
methods, as described in this topic. In general, I liked the topic, I will
recommend my friends to read this topic, because nowadays this information is
· #126
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:05)
To Botsman MD-213 Task1 is good. Pls try to clearly define the phrases. Just 75 points. Task 2 I’d like you to search for other topics, not only well known ones. Just 75 points.
· #125
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:02)
1.comparative investigation of
The essence comparative investigation of is to compare data.
Суть порівняльного дослідження полягає у зіставленні даних.
2.comprehensive investigation of
Comprehensive investigation of proved the man's innocence.
Комплексне розслідування довело невинність чоловіка.
3.condition imposed by
Sometimes condition imposed by only to achieve some goal.
Іноді умова нав'язується лише для досягнення якоїсь мети.
· #124
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 16:01)
Today I have read the article "We must be sure that robot AI will make the right
decisions, at least as often as humans do." It is clear that the system of
choice by mechanism and not by man is not yet perfect. I like how this article
is written, because the information is presented clearly and is supported by
arguments. Nowadays, articles on this topic are quite relevant, because it is
too early to rely entirely on artificial intelligence, although some do not
think so. So I would recommend my friends to read this article.
· #123
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:58)
To Botsman MD-213 pls try to formulate your own sentences without using the Google translator . The punctuation marks are different in English. Just 65 points.
· #122
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:54)
To Botsman MD-213 .Pls mind: the article says. The conclusion should be different. Just 67 points.
· #121
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:49)
To Genova Md-213 Mykhailiuk Task1 is 80 points .Some other comments on the articles contain grammar mistakes . Pls do not write “I want to conclude”> To sum it up, to conclude, I think , I guess, I believe, etc. are the patterns to be used in your comments. Just 69 points.
· #120
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:33)
1.comparative investigation of
The essence comparative investigation of is to compare data.
Суть порівняльного дослідження полягає у зіставленні даних.
2.comprehensive investigation of
Comprehensive investigation of proved the man's innocence.
Комплексне розслідування довело невинність чоловіка.
3.condition imposed by
Sometimes condition imposed by only to achieve some goal.
Іноді умова нав'язується лише для досягнення якоїсь мети.
In this text, I learned that the CMS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider
has conducted a new test of a model that has been developed to explain the tiny
mass of neutrinos, electrically neutral particles that change type as they
travel through space. Also in their recent study, the CMS team tested the seesaw
model by searching for Majorana neutrinos produced by a special process, but the
CMS researchers did not find signs of Majorana neutrinos. However, after a
successful restart on April 22, the CMS team can look forward to collecting more
data and retrying the swing.
EXAM TOPIC #8 (Device drivers)
A driver is computer software that allows the operating system to access the
hardware of devices. From the point of view of a Plug and Play system, there are
three types of drivers. The first is the bus driver that services the bus
controller, adapter, bridge, or any device that has child devices. Bus drivers
are mandatory drivers and are usually supplied by Microsoft. The second is a
functional device driver that provides an interface to that device. The third is
a filter driver that sorts input and output requests for a bus, device, or
device class. From this we can conclude that the main purpose of the driver is
to simplify the process of programming the work with the device. It serves as a
"translator" between the hard interface and the applications or operating
systems that use them.
· #119
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:32)
To Novikova I MD-213 Task1 is 85 points. Task 2& 3 are good. Keep on working hat.
· #118
S. Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:25)
To Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) Are you an advertiser ? Just 73 points for your tasks..
· #117
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:23)
To Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) Are you an advertiser? Just 72 points.
· #116
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:17)
To Lugovskoy (MD-213) Task1,. Task2 and task3 do not contain all necessary structure elements. The last comment has a false link, There’ no voice record msgs and no conclusions to the comments on the articles. UNACCEPTED.
· #115
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:11)
comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon
Сравнительные исследования кристаллического и аморфного кремния
Jake A. et al, Comparative Investigations of Social Context-Dependent Dominance
Джейк А. и др., Сравнительные исследования доминирования в зависимости от
социального контекста
comprehensive investigation of
KAUST A comprehensive investigation by KAUST researchers sets the record
KAUST Комплексное исследование, проведенное исследователями KAUST, устанавливает
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the
first comprehensive investigation
Их сотрудничество с антропологами, археологами и экологами — первое всестороннее
condition imposed by
A new study shows that lending conditions imposed by the International Monetary
Новое исследование показывает, что условия кредитования, установленные
Международным валютным фондом
Bayer and Monsanto will have to accept all the conditions imposed by the
regulator to close the deal
Bayer и Monsanto должны будут принять все условия, выдвинутые регулятором, для
закрытия сделки.
I read an article about the sun, it says about .The sun is the star that we can
best characterize, so it constitutes a fundamental test for our understanding of
stellar physics.
The new solar model developed by the UNIGE team includes not only the evolution
of rotation which was probably faster in the past, but also the magnetic
instabilities it creates. It is important for the sun as for stellar physics in
general and has a direct impact on the chemical evolution of the Universe, given
that the chemical elements that are crucial for life on Earth are cooked in the
core of the stars. This article was of interest to me.
2.History of architecture
Architecture History is the study of architecture as it has evolved over
centuries and across many different landscapes and cultures. Reaching back to
the Ancient Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, Greek civilizations, and more,
architectural history is a global history. Architecture is not just about the
design and construction of a building, but also the space and ambiance of the
structure. It also considers the social and environmental impacts of a building.
Architecture will find a way to fit the needs of society and will even revive
itself when society wants to see examples of history as they were in the day.
· #114
Popelyashkova M. MR-211(Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:10)
1) comparative investigation of
Japan had the highest score for the specific form of social behviour that the
comparative research focused on: social mindfulness.
Японія отримала найвищий бал за конкретну форму соціальної поведінки, на якій
було зосереджено порівняльне дослідження: соціальну усвідомленість.
2) condition imposed by
The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014.
Команда зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов’язаних із кредитами, щоб
визначити умови політики, накладені на 131 країну-позичаль у період з 1985 по
2014 рік.
3) comprehensive investigation of
It was one of the first efforts to provide a comprehensive and quantitative
investigation at a relatively new form of marketing.
Це була одна з перших спроб забезпечити всебічне та кількісне дослідження
відносно нової форми маркетингу.
A team of astronomers led by Joel Balzan of the University of Western
Sydney in Australia reports the discovery of a new radio source whose true
nature is still unclear.
The results of their research indicate that it is probably not bright enough to
be a permanent radio source with an embedded FRB precursor.
Astronomers have concluded that the most likely remaining possibility is that
this radio source is an extragalactic background source such as a quasi-stellar
object, a radio galaxy, or an active galactic nucleus. However, there are
currently no high-resolution data on the absorption of neutral atomic hydrogen
that could confirm this assumption.
"Main programs for modern graphic design"
The development of modern technology gives graphic designers so much software
that it is often a problem to choose.
So, let's look at a few options.
Designer Affinity
This inexpensive program is suitable for experienced designers. The product is
capable of performing a wide range of design tasks, web design, typography,
concept art, as well as creating patterns for furniture, ceramics, wallpaper.
Adobe Illustrator CC
This app is constantly being updated with new features. The product is available
for both Mac and Windows.
CorelDraw Graphics Suite
In addition to the fact that this application allows you to work with vector
graphics, it is also possible to create multi-page layouts. The latest version
will please designers.
A good Adobe alternative for beginner designers and those who cannot afford
expensive software.
Tools are available for text, paths, shapes, bullets, gradients, transparency
effects, and more.
Xara Designer Pro X
This software is suitable for both vector and raster images. As you understand,
this means that this program has an arsenal of all the tools related to graphic
Another benefit of this software is access to millions of archived photos.
Affordable graphic design tool. It comes with a huge library of designs for all
purposes, social media optimized formats and tons of tools.
· #113
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 15:08)
To Lugovskoy (MD-213) Task1 is incomplete ( no translation). Task2 and task3 have lexis mistakes with no title and voice record msgs. There is no need to do the task at the expense of quality. Just 60 points this time.
· #112
Savluk A. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 14:04)
Golishenko D. MR-211 Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases, well done.
· #111
Savluk A. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 14:03)
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 Your comment on the chat of the day is quite interesting. You have understood the main idea. Good luck!
· #110
Savluk A. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:59)
Popelyashkova M. MR-211 I appreciate your comment but there is no title of the article.
· #109
Savluk A. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:53)
Kondratyuk MR-211 Don't forget the summary should be around 100 words. Go on working. Good luck!
· #108
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:28)
Exams topic № 3 " Graphic Design as a profession"
Graphic design is an online registration that deals with the visual design of
various symbols, images and texts with the help of new industrial technologies,
computer graphics and special computer programs.
Graphic design can specialize in only one direction, or it can combine several
of them.
Sometimes the profession of a graphic designer is confused with a web designer,
but they are not the same thing. A web designer deals exclusively with the
design of objects that exist and work on the Internet.
These are websites, mobile applications, electronic banners, email templates for
email newsletters. This includes user interface design.
Link to voice:
I read an article on the topic" Beyond research output, student well-being
should be part of university quality indicators"
Increasingly, students want more from higher education institutions than skills
and knowledge, diplomas and the promise of employment. They also want care and
guidance. Students even want to actively collaborate in their university's
quality assurance processes. However, universities often end up ignoring student
needs. Universities around the world invest in quality assurance processes to
achieve national and international accreditation.
Innovation that generates long-term value is undeniably important. But no, if it
does not allow you to take the values associated with well-being seriously.
We need a new university quality assurance program with more inclusive processes
and well-being.
By exceeding average scores and future salaries, students want to study at
university and earn degrees that are more attentive to well-being.
Link to article:
Link to voice:
1.comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples
were undertaken around a hundred years ago. Порівняльні дослідження зразків
кристалічного та аморфного діоксиду кремнію проводилися близько ста років тому.
2.condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community.
Ми вважаємо це найбільш прикром, оскільки ми виконали умови, встановлені
міжнародним співтовариством.
3.comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
Показано можливості дослідження термоелектрорушійної сили як методу комплексного
дослідження напівпровідників.
· #107
(debt)Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:15)
I read the article Gene Discovery May Help Peaches Tolerate Climate Stress. The
article says a team of scientists has identified genes that allow peaches and
their wild relatives to endure stressful conditions, findings that could help
domesticated peaches adapt to climate change , sweetness and other
characteristics. Climate change has also affected many species that flower and
bear fruit in temperate latitudes, including peach, causing them to bloom
I believe this discovery may eventually allow breeders to control the flowering
date of their trees so that the peach crop is ready for harvest when growers and
the market are ready.
· #106
(debt) Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:05)
I read the article Cybershoppers Make Better Shopping Decisions on PCs Than
Phones: A Study. This holiday shopping season, consumers can make better
shopping decisions using their PCs rather than smartphones or other mobile
devices, according to new research. This is the first study to make a
distinction between screen size and information reduction, which is often
I think the study helped to find out that when choosing something, shoppers will
have a more accurate shopping experience in accordance with their preferences,
using a PC, rather than a mobile format.
· #105
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:24)
condition imposed by
new condition imposed by the Committee raises some difficult legal issues. —
Висунення Комітетом такої нової умови не може не призвести до серйозних
юридичних труднощів.
investigation of
investigations based on DNA analysis were performed by the Netherlands Forensic
Institute (NFI), in response to a request made by the United Nations Mission. —
На прохання Місії проводилися порівняльні дослідження на основі аналізу ДНК в
Інституті судової медицини Нідерландів.
investigation of
urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to commence a comprehensive
investigation of those cases, in accordance with the 2008 agreement, without
further delay. — Оратор настійно закликає Корейську Народно-Демократичну
Республіку невідкладно розпочати всеосяжне розслідування цих справ відповідно до
угоди 2008 року.
I read the article "Bio-based resin: A breakthrough in rapid prototyping".
Lithuanian researchers have synthesized and tested bio-based smog for optical 3D
printing. The resin is made from renewable raw materials, which means it is
environmentally friendly. The developed material is still very new and requires
corrections, but in the future it will be a good step into a brighter future.
I will share this article with friends and ask their opinion on this matter, but
I think it's cool.
Exam Topic 7
Urban planning began as a profession largely dedicated to preventing various
types of crises resulting from urban growth and providing the conditions for
public health. Due to the advancement of technology in the 19th century, the
deterioration of air and water quality made it necessary to introduce
regulations to protect the health of residents of developing cities.
In the long term, we must find an appropriate way to plan for the cities of the
future because of the environment and its importance to our lives and animals.
Governments are trying their best and focusing their budget on countless
research. But, most importantly, those who should play and play an important
role in this game are themselves residents of these cities.
· #104
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:24)
Exam topic №9 "Main programs for modern graphic design"
Knowledge and ability to use computer programs for graphic design is a basic
requirement for employment.
The most common software in graphics studios is the Adobe Creative Suite. It
consists of three main programs: Photoshop (image editing and creation;
photomontage); Illustrator (logo creation, printing house); Indesign (printing
house, graphic preparation for printing).
A web designer can use SWF, HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript and other programming
languages to create graphic designs for websites. The designer must know the
product production process, order processing methods, and understand the
principles of offset printing, photography and interactive media, such as
animation, film, video, and other types of computer multimedia.
Link to voice:
I read an article on the topic " Ancient minerals on Earth can help explain the
early solar system"
Not so long ago, scientists managed to discover an extremely rare mineral -
reidite. Its appearance is of great importance for understanding the early
evolution of our solar system. To understand the significance of these small
particles of reidite, we must first consider the Moon.
The most prominent features on the Moon's surface are circular craters formed by
countless meteorite impacts. Compared to the moon, there were not many
collisions with the Earth. Despite the small size of the Scottish reidite, the
find is extremely important. This shows that reidite is stable over many years
and does not necessarily turn back into zircon. Therefore, after a long time, we
can track long-standing collisions on the Earth's surface.
Link to voice:
1.Comparative investigations of
These are the findings of a shocking new study, published in the peer-reviewed
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
Це результати нового шокуючого дослідження, опублікованого в рецензованому
Міжнародному журналі Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
2.Сomprehensive investigation of
Optical horn antennas open up a unique new form of spectroscopy enabling the
investigation of single proteins in their native state and in real time.
Оптичні рупорні антени відкривають унікальну нову форму спектроскопії, що дає
змогу досліджувати поодинокі білки в їх природному стані та в режимі реального
3. Оnditions imposed by
The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014.
Команда зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов'язаних із кредитами, для
визначення умов політики, накладених на 131 країну-позичальника у період з 1985
по 2014 рік.
· #103
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:23)
comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples
were undertaken around a hundred years ago. — Порівняльні дослідження зразків
кристалічного та аморфного діоксиду кремнію проводилися близько ста років тому.
condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community. — Ми вважаємо це найбільш прикром,
оскільки ми виконали умови, встановлені міжнародним співтовариством.
comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown. — Показано можливості
дослідження термоелектрорушійної сили як методу комплексного дослідження
Today I read the article "A system to control robotic arms based on augmented
reality and a brain-computer interface". It says that Chinese researchers have
created robotic arms based on augmented reality and a brain-computer interface.
There are still drawbacks in the development, for example, low flexibility, but
I think it is a matter of time and later the developers will fix everything.
I am very glad that people think about others, albeit with disabilities, people.
It's great, because we are all equal. I will be sharing this article with my
friends so that they too can enjoy the new development.
Emax Topic 3
In our time - the time of the latest technology, the profession of a graphic
designer is in high demand. The profession of a designer is one of the most
fashionable today. In this profession, one must be able to express one's ideas
in graphics, in knowledge of the history of art, design and their current state,
to master specialized computer programs. Developed artistic taste, figurative
and spatial thinking, initiative, creativity, ingenuity, sense of style, visual
memory, involvement in modern culture are important qualities that a designer
should possess. Graphic designers work and are in demand in design studios,
branding and advertising agencies, publishing houses and in any public
enterprises and private firms that prefer to keep their own designer on staff.
A graphic designer is a creative profession, close in meaning and philosophy to
the work of an artist who creates paintings.
· #102
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:58)
To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thank you for your audio file. Check the pronunciation of the following words: consequences, privacy, ensuring.
· #101
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:51)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic, well done.
· #100
Buyanova E MD-212 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:49)
There is a link to audio right after the first text, but here it is again
· #99
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:41)
To Novikova I., MD-213. All the tasks are performed properly and assessed positively, Inna, thank you. The audiofiles sound quite good a s well, just check the pronunciation of the words "thermoelectric", "refrigeration", "ultimate". Keep on working. Best wishes.
· #98
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:39)
1. Not just time stopped, which is the condition imposed by all photographs, but
objects held in a kind of supreme suspension. Не просто час зупинився, що є
умовою всіх фотографій, а й об'єкти, які тримаються в якомусь вищому підвішеному
2. In a comparative investigation, a scientist looks for patterns through
comparison of similarities and differences over time and under various
conditions. У порівняльному дослідженні вчений шукає закономірності через
порівняння подібності та відмінності в часі та за різних умов.
3. Comprehensive Security & Investigations is an investigative firm focused on
delivering facts and results for our clients. Комплексна безпека та
Розслідування — це слідча фірма, яка зосереджена на наданні фактів і результатів
нашим клієнтам.
I’ve read an article about committing crime by young people.
This article reports that young people are more likely to carry out violent acts
if they have weak empathy, shame or guilt. Having poor morals doesn't mean that
a young person is bad. Morality is learnt in childhood. So, I think that social
circle in childhood is very important. Research shows that spending time with
people who provide examples of strong morals can lead to law-abiding behavior.
Students absorb positive moral behaviors when surrounded with just and fair
In conclusion, society should think about their children and their influencing
on them.
I’ve read an article about dangerous pet food.
This article reports that pet food recall expands after 70 dogs die from mold
toxin. There's an expanded nationwide recall of pet food products underway,
after links were found between a mold-borne toxin. Aflatoxins are toxins
produced by the mold. They can trigger very serious illness in pets, and these
poisons can be present even if the food doesn't appear to be moldy. I think if
consumer’s pet is showing signs of illness they should consult their
In conclusion, pet’s owners should be careful with themselves and what pet food
they buying.
Exam topic #7 (Quality and reliability of software)
One of the most important areas of software are quality and reliability.
The reason users like these two measures is that they both relate to product
stability. They are objective, measurable and integral to working with software.
Reliability and software quality are two areas to consider during the design
phases of a project. Quality refers to how well the software conforms to a given
design based on functional requirements or specifications, while reliability
refers to the stable operation of the software over a period of time in a
specific environment.
I believe that good software is necessary for every person who works on a
computer, because without it there would be no such opportunities that exist
· #97
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:35)
I have read the article “The planet does not fall far from the star”.
This article tells about a compositional link between planets and their
respective host star has long been assumed in astronomy. For the first time now,
a team of scientists deliver empirical evidence to support the assumption—and
partly contradict it at the same time.
Stars and planets are formed from the same cosmic gas and dust. In the course of
the formation process, some of the material condenses and forms rocky planets,
the rest is either accumulated by the star or becomes part of gaseous planets.
In conclusion, I want to say that the article was quite interesting, I advise
everyone to read it.
1)comprehensive investigation of
Firstly, in late 2004 the Office of the Ombudsmen initiated a comprehensive
investigation into prison management.
По-перше, наприкінці 2004 року Офіс омбудсменів розпочав комплексне
розслідування щодо управління в’язницею.
2)Comparative investigations of
The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established in
У Казахстані створено Інститут правових і порівняльних розслідувань
3)condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community.
Ми вважаємо це найбільш прикром, оскільки ми виконали умови, встановлені
міжнародним співтовариством.
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security. A reliable operating system
is the one that never needs to be restarted to recover from a total system
failure. The system need not be error-free. I consider an OS to be reliable if
it delivers the expected service without any interruptions during the normal
operating mode, where a mode is defined as the execution environment free from
the external factors, such as a critical hardware failure if it can function on
a machine with no reset button.
· #96
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:27)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the word 'Japan'. I'm waiting for your exam topics! Go on working.
· #95
Posuvajlo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:24)
1. Comprehensive investigation of
This mechanism should ensure a comprehensive investigation and the cooperation
of all countries relevant to the investigative procedures and their
2. Comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of DNA analysis were performed by the Netherlands
Forensic Institute, in response to a request made by the United Nations Mission.
3. Condition imposed by
This new condition imposed by the Committee raises some difficult legal issues.
I have read an article named “The secret to a longer lifespan? Gene regulation
holds a clue”. What accounts for longer lifespan? According to new research from
biologists at the University of Rochester, a key piece of the puzzle lies in the
mechanisms that regulate gene expression. The researchers investigated genes
connected to lifespan. Their research uncovered specific characteristics of
these genes and revealed that two regulatory systems controlling gene expression
-circadian and pluripotency networks are critical to longevity. I think this
researches are so important, because they have implications both in
understanding how longevity evolves and in providing new targets to combat
· #94
Drozhzhina I to Terzi N. MD-213 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:18)
I appreciate your work, thank you
· #93
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:17)
To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and exam topic. Look through your work with the phrases of the Day Practice (the first sentence). I haven't found your audio file to the first comment. Keep on working.
· #92
Drozhzhina I to Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:16)
Well done, thank you.
· #91
Popelyashkova M. MR-211(Savluk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:15)
1) condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community.
Мы рассматриваем это как факт, достойный сожаления, поскольку мы со своей
стороны выполнили все условия, навязанные нам международным сообществом.
2) comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples
were undertaken around a hundred years ago.
Сравнительные исследования образцов кристаллического и аморфного диоксида
кремния проводились около ста лет назад.
3) comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
Показаны возможности изучения термоэлектродвижущей силы как метода всестороннего
исследования полупроводников.
A group of astronomers from the University of Geneva in Switzerland, in
collaboration with the University of Liège, has developed a new theoretical
model: considering the time-varying rotation of the sun and the magnetic fields
it creates. The new solar model developed by the UNIGE team includes not only
the evolution of rotation, which was likely faster in the past, but also the
magnetic instabilities it creates.
This model not only correctly predicts the concentration of helium in the outer
layers of the Sun, but also reflects the concentration of lithium, which has so
far resisted modeling. "The abundance of helium is correctly reproduced by the
new model because the internal rotation of the Sun, caused by magnetic fields,
creates turbulent mixing that prevents this element from falling too quickly
towards the center of the star."
However, the problem has not been completely resolved. This 24-telescope
observatory is due to fly to Lagrange Point 2 in 2026 to detect and characterize
minor planets and refine the characteristics of their parent star."Main types of building structures"
The division of building structures according to their functional purpose into
bearing and enclosing structures is largely arbitrary. If such structures as
arches, trusses or frames are only load-bearing, then wall and roof panels,
shells, vaults, folds usually combine enclosing and load-bearing functions,
which corresponds to one of the most important trends in the development of
modern building structures. And they, in turn, are divided into flat and
spatial. Spatial structures are characterized by a more favorable (compared to
flat) distribution of forces and, accordingly, lower consumption of materials.
By type of material, the following main types of building structures are
distinguished: concrete and reinforced concrete.
Concrete and reinforced concrete structures are the most common. Special types
of concrete and reinforced concrete are used in the construction of structures
operated at high and low temperatures or in chemically aggressive environments.
Steel structures are mainly used for frames of large-span buildings and
structures, for workshops with heavy crane equipment, blast furnaces, and
· #90
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:14)
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multileve security. A reliable operating system
is the one that never needs to be restarted to recover from a total system
failure. The system need not be error-free. I consider an OS to be reliable if
it delivers the expected service without any interruptions during the normal
operating mode, where a mode is defined as the execution environment free from
the external factors, such as a critical hardware failure if it can function on
a machine with no reset button.
I have read the article « Research team develops new strategy for designing
thermoelectric materials». Thermoelectric materials are involved in a variety of
devices converting waste heat into electrical energy, as well as for solid-state
refrigeration. Thermoelectric conversion is a viable means of harvesting energy
to help achieve a low carbon economy. Therefore, the aim of the current project
is to design new thermoelectric materials by controlling the microstructure and
composition with the ultimate goal to improve the ZT factor. I believe that
thermoelectric materials are a new achievement in the field of science.
I have read the article «What Zoom's IPO says about the video collaboration
space». Zoom is an easy-to-use video-conferencing application. What I like best
about Zoom is its portability, which allows us to access the application from
any location. The best approach is to run a meeting, an online class, or any
other studies activity. Planned features such as screen sharing, raising a hand
in case someone has something to say, annotating options, and the level of zoom
facilitation are all excellent ways, to keep meetings quiet and focused. I
believe that Zoom is one of the best communication tools, especially during this
epidemic time.
1) condition imposed by - умовами, що встановлюються
This new condition imposed by the Committee raises some difficult legal issues.
Висунення Комітетом такої нової умови не може не призвести до серйозних
юридичних труднощів.
2) comparative investigation of - порівняльні дослідження
Comparative investigations based on DNA analysis were performed by the
Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), in response to a request made by the
United Nations Mission.
На прохання Місії проводилися порівняльні дослідження на основі аналізу ДНК в
Інституті судової медицини Нідерландів.
3) comprehensive investigation of - широке розслідування
He urged the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to commence a comprehensive
investigation of those cases, in accordance with the 2008 agreement, without
further delay.
Оратор настійно закликає Корейську Народно-Демократичну Республіку невідкладно
розпочати всеосяжне розслідування цих справ відповідно до угоди 2008 року.
· #89
Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:13)
1. comparative investigation of
The Institute of comparative investigations was established in my city
2. condition imposed by
All students accepted the condition imposed by my group
3. comprehensive investigation of
Police informed citizens that a more comprehensive investigation is going to be
Today I have read an article: "What the metaverse is and how it will work". It's
said about new technology which Facebook presented as its new goal. According to
the article, metaverse is going to be a virtual place where people will work,
travel ,go shopping and so on . People will have two realities.Huge companies
try to help Facebook in its plans . Unfortunately it'll take 15 years to make
this technique safe and prevent it from crashing so people would be able to use
In my opinion, we need this innovation which will make our life easier.
Metaverse'll help us to deal with our problems from home
Exam topic ( History of programming )
In today's world, computer programming is required to keep the systems and
devices we use every day operating smoothly. Programming languages enable humans
to interact with machines and make them perform necessary operations.
The first programming language was developed in 1883 when Ada Lovelace and
Charles Babbage worked together on a primitive mechanical computer. They wrote
an algorithm for the Analytical Engine, the first computer program, to compute
Bernoulli numbers.
Computer programming languages in use today were built on the concepts designed
in older languages. Many older languages are still in use today or are being
used as a foundation for new languages.
· #88
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:11)
To Genova K., MD-213. The classroom and independent practice tasks are performed good enough, Ksenia, thanks. But you keep overusing one and the same question in your comments, that of "Why do social sciences research this issue?", why? It is not always to the point. And don't forget that articles don't talk, they TELL: "The article TELLS". The mispronounced words in your audiofiles are "gender", "inequality", "unfortunately", "micron", "uneven", "function" and "accept". Keep on working.
· #87
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:07)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Look through the first sentence of your review once more. Some words are mispronounced: perceive, climate, registered. Keep on working.
· #86
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:04)
I've read the article:"New dinosaur species used fearsome claws to graze along
the coast".
Scientists have described the youngest Therizinosaurus fossil from Japan found
in marine sediments.
Therizinosaurs were a large group of herbivorous dinosaurs.
Scientists from Japan and the United States have described a new therizinosaurid
species from Japan and looked at the claws of therizinosaurus in a new way.
The fossil described in this work consists of a partial vertebra and part of the
wrist and forefoot, and sections of the claws have also been reconstructed.
I think it is very surprising that such living creatures once lived on our
· #85
(debt) Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:53)
I read the article "Technology does not harm the social skills of "modern
children"". The article says that a new study suggests that despite the time
spent on smartphones and social media, young people today are just as socially
skilled as those of the previous generation. There was one exception: social
skills were slightly lower in children who visited online games and social
networking sites per day.
I believe that through this study, new generations will learn that good social
relationships mean the possibility of successful communication both face to face
and on the Internet.
· #84
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:52)
1)The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established.
Створено Інститут правових та порівняльних досліджень.
2)After gaining state independence increased the importance of comprehensive
investigation of folklore samples and followed by new scientific projects.
Після здобуття державної незалежності підвищилася важливість всебічного вивчення
фольклорних зразків, наукових проектів.
3)This new condition imposed by the Committee raises some difficult legal
Висунення Комітетом такої нової умови не може не призвести до серйозних
юридичних труднощів.
I've read the article:"Social mindfulness varies around the globe". The social
behavior of people in different countries is different.
Japan received the highest score for a specific form of social behavior.
There has been a lot of research on people's behavior when it comes to money, to
what extent they are willing to share it with friends, family or strangers.
The study focused on the extent to which people are aware that the other person
is in control of their choices.
I think that all this should be taken easier and you need to treat people well,
because then they will be kind to you.
· #83
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:51)
To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Look through the third sentence once more (in the 1980s ...). Go on working.
· #82
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:50)
To Ditkovskya S., MD-213. Thank you for the properly done classroom and independent practice tasks, Sofia. Just mind that the verb does not take the ending -s with the subject in the plural: "sociologists from Umeå University, INVESTIGATE the role". And pls check the pronunciation fo the words "inadequate" and "functionalities". Keep on working. Best wishes.
· #81
Buyanova E MD 212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:48)
Finally, these requirements are expanded many times when trying to conduct
comparative studies, without the slightest probability, is it possible to
understand the essence of what is happening.
Нарешті, ці вимоги багаторазово розширюються, коли намагаються провести
порівняльні дослідження, без найменшої ймовірності, чи можна зрозуміти суть
того, що відбувається.
It imposed a condition that neither he nor anyone on his behalf could protest
his innocence.
Він ставив умову, щоб ні він, ні хтось від його імені не могли заперечувати його
So a comprehensive investigation of the problem is still lacking.
Тому всебічного дослідження проблеми все ще бракує.
Today I have read the article about the dangers of sharing personal information
on social media. Social media is a great place to connect, share, and learn.
Most people would never consider walking into a crowded room and loudly telling
complete strangers all the details of their personal lives. But often, these
same people won't think twice about posting the same information on social
media. The consequences of over-sharing can affect not only your personal and
professional life, but also the lives of your family and friends. However,
simply ensuring that your social media privacy settings are strong is not the
only way to protect yourself. When you post something online, you lose control
over it.
Exam topic 5: The development of Windows versions
Windows is one of the most popular operating systems today. Despite its
simplicity, the first version of Windows already contained many innovative
tools. The next major release of Windows introduced the famous Excel and Word,
and Aldus PageMaker played an equally important role in the success of Windows.
Along with Windows 3.1, the concept of "Multimedia PC" also appeared. This
version became not only a major source of income for Microsoft, but also a huge
success in the IT world. Windows NT introduces a new service called Active
Directory. Microsoft has chosen to call its latest update "Windows 10", skipping
version 9. One reason could be the scale and importance of the project.
Today I read an article about an algorithm trained to detect unhappiness on
social networks. We spend a significant portion of our time sharing images,
videos or thoughts on social media. And that is why such a program is very
useful, for example, people with problems can be helped to cope in the initial
stages. The research team spent two years working on a deep learning model that
identifies five needs, including the use of multimodal data such as images,
text, biography, and geolocation. I believe that such a system can help people
who need help solve their problems.
· #80
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:40)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Check the pronunciation of the following words: heart, reconstructed, demand. Keep on working.
· #79
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:38)
I read the article "Research shows that young people turn falling in love into
love." The article states that scientists have conducted a study during which
people experience a waxing and waning romantic interest in partners who might,
but often do not, become committed partners. The study found that one of the
best predictors of sustained interest in a partner are attachment markers, these
traits are traditionally considered markers of paired relationships. When
feelings of affection begin to show, young people perceive this as a hobby that
is worth continuing.
I believe the study predicted romantic interest during early relationship
development pre-registered study using machine learning
· #78
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:35)
To Nikolova S., MD-213. Your comments are reasonable and clear, Sofia, thanks. The other tasks are well-done as well. Just mind the spelling of the verb "ADVISE" and the pronunciation of the words "legal", "enthusiasts", "components" and "commands". Go on working. Best wishes.
· #77
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 (LMR-211 Savluk ) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:32)
Exam topic 6 : What is technical drawing in architecture
The importance of technical drawing in the work of an architect cannot be
overestimated. His drawings are diverse both in character and in the manner of
execution. The technical drawing of an architect plays a fundamental role from
the very first design steps. Whatever object we take, whether it concerns the
layout of the city, the interior or the complex of buildings, the technical
drawing has a dominant role, and sometimes a decisive one.A technical drawing is
a visual graphic representation of an object, made by hand on an eye scale, in
which the technical idea of the object is clearly disclosed, its constructive
form is correctly transferred, and proportional relationships are correctly
I've read the article : New theoretical model accounts for sun's rotation and
magnetic field.
In the early 2000s, a new set of data revised the chemical abundances at the
surface of the sun, contradicting the values predicted by the standard models
used by astrophysicists. Often challenged, these new abundances made it through
several new analyses. As they seemed to prove correct, it was thus up to the
solar models to adapt, especially since they serve as a reference for the study
of stars in general. I think that sometimes people spoil a lot of things with
their actions, but what these guys do may be a scientific breakthrough.
1)comprehensive investigation of
* A comprehensive investigation by KAUST researchers sets the record straight on
the formation of hydrogen peroxide in micrometer-sized water droplets, or
microdroplets, and shows that ozone is the key to this transformation1,2.
Всебічне дослідження, проведене дослідниками KAUST, встановлює рекорд утворення
перекису водню в краплях води мікрометрового розміру або мікрокраплі і показує,
що озон є ключем до цього перетворення1,2.
* Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is
the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and
animal species in different cultures worldwide through time.
Їхня співпраця з антропологами, археологами та екологами є першим всебічним
дослідженням того, як люди взаємодіяли з видами рослин та тварин у різних
культурах по всьому світу протягом часу.
2) condition imposed by
* The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014.
Команда зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов'язаних із кредитами, для
визначення умов політики, накладених на 131 країну-позичальника у період з 1985
по 2014 рік.
* Without the conditions imposed, the operation will significantly reduce the
alternatives that Mexican farmers have at their disposal to a broad range of
seeds and non-selective pesticides, which could lead to higher prices and less
innovation, research and development of new products," the regulator said.
Без накладених умов операція значно скоротить наявні в розпорядженні
мексиканських фермерів альтернативи широкому спектру насіння та неселективних
пестицидів, що може призвести до підвищення цін та скорочення інновацій,
досліджень та розробок нових продуктів». - Сказав регулятор.
3)comparative investigation of
* "In our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile Nathusius'
pipistrelles (Pipistrellus nathusii) dead beneath wind turbines than expected
from their frequency in the local population, suggesting that juvenile bats may
be particularly vulnerable to encounters with wind turbines," says Dr. Christian
Voigt, head of the Leibniz-IZW Department of Evolutionary Ecology and senior
author of the paper.
«У нашому порівняльному дослідженні ми спостерігали більше молодих нетопірів
Натузіуса (Pipistrellus nathusii), загиблих під вітряними турбінами, ніж
очікувалося, виходячи з їхньої частоти серед місцевого населення, що дозволяє
припустити, що молоді кажани можуть бути особливо вразливі для зіткнень з
вітряними турбінами , - Каже доктор Крістіан. Фойгт, голова відділу еволюційної
екології Leibniz-IZW та старший автор статті.
* Comparative Investigations of Social Context-Dependent Dominance in Captive
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Wild Tibetan Macaques (Macaca thibetana)
Порівняльні дослідження домінування залежно від соціального контексту у шимпанзе
(Pan troglodytes), що містяться в неволі, і диких тибетських макак (Macaca
· #76
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 (LMR-211 Savluk ) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:31)
Exam topic 3 : Graphic Design as a profession
A graphic designer is an online specialist who deals with the visual design of
various symbols, images and texts. He works with the help of new industrial
technologies, computer graphics and special computer programs. A graphic
designer develops custom logos, fonts, outdoor advertising, packaging, magazine
covers, various symbols, corporate identity of a company or brand. With the help
of his work, this specialist forms the image of the company in the eyes of
consumers.A graphic designer can specialize in only one direction, or he can
combine several of them. Sometimes the profession of a graphic designer is
confused with a web designer, but they are not the same thing. A web designer
deals exclusively with the design of objects that exist and work on the
I've read the article :Elephants solve problems with personality. Just as humans
have their own individual personalities, new research in the Journal of
Comparative Psychology shows that elephants have personalities, too. Moreover,
an elephant's personality may play an important role in how well that elephant
can solve novel problems."Research with free-ranging elephants can extend this
study to determine which personality traits are most important for solving novel
problems that elephants experience in the wild," says Barrett, a 2020 graduate
of UW's Program in Ecology and the Department of Zoology and Physiology.I
believe that these people are doing a good deed, because by developing the
personality of an elephant, they thereby develop in him the ability to think and
analyze, perhaps this will help him save himself from predators in the future.
1)comprehensive investigation of
* A comprehensive description of the human tissue virome in healthy individuals
by The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo Human tissue virome
Всебічний опис вірому тканин людини у здорових людей, підготовлений Інститутом
медичних наук Токійського університету, Атлас вірому тканин людини.
* "Systematic sampling and measurement methods would help to establish the
microplastics dataset in snow, ice, soil and other environment matrix, and to
promote the comprehensive investigations of microplastic pollution globally,"
said Dr. Zhang Yulan, corresponding author of the study.
«Систематичні методи відбору проб та вимірювань допоможуть встановити набір
даних про мікропластику в снігу, льоду, ґрунті та іншій матриці навколишнього
середовища, а також сприятимуть всебічним дослідженням забруднення
мікропластиком у всьому світі», — сказав д-р Чжан Юйлань, співавтор дослідження.
2) condition imposed by
* But reidite, which has the same chemical composition as zircon, only forms
from zircon at the extremely high-pressure shock conditions imposed by an
impacting meteorite;
Але реідит, який має той же хімічний склад, що і циркон, утворюється з циркону
лише в умовах удару надзвичайно високого тиску, спричиненого ударом метеориту;
* Besides the usual parameters that define the flow regime of this type of
volcanic material current, our model includes the contour conditions imposed by
a particular topography which allows establishing how the flow conditions vary
along with its emplacement," notes Joan Martí.
Крім звичайних параметрів, що визначають режим потоку цього типу потоку
вулканічного матеріалу, наша модель включає контурні умови, що накладаються
конкретною топографією, що дозволяє встановити, як умови потоку змінюються разом
із його розміщенням», - зазначає Хоан Марті.
3) comparative investigation of
* Pye claims that the investigation of English has become the standard for all
language-acquisition research and creates a lens that distorts research on other
Пай стверджує, що вивчення англійської мови стало стандартом для всіх досліджень
у галузі оволодіння мовою, та створює призму, яка спотворює дослідження інших
* Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide
samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago, almost as soon as the Laue
method for the diffraction of X-ray or neutron beams on solid bodies had been
Порівняльні дослідження зразків кристалічного та аморфного діоксиду кремнію було
здійснено близько ста років тому, майже відразу після того, як був розроблений
метод Лауе для дифракції рентгенівських або нейтронних пучків на твердих тілах.
· #75
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 2 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:24)
Sustainable electrochemical process could revolutionize lithium-ion battery
A new technology uses electrochemistry to efficiently separate and recover the
metals, making spent batteries a highly sustainable secondary source of cobalt
and nickel—the reserves of which are currently dwindling.
Cobalt and nickel have similar electrochemical properties — or standard
reduction potentials — making it challenging for chemists to recover pure forms
of each metal from battery electrodes. A new method uses selective
electrodeposition to recover valuable metals from commercially sourced lithium
nickel manganese cobalt oxide — or NMC — battery electrodes. It produces final
product purities of approximately 96.4% and 94.1% for cobalt and nickel,
respectively, from spent NMC electrode wastes. An economic analysis of the new
approach showed that it was competitive with current Li-battery recycling
methods once material revenue, material cost and energy consumption were all
The development of electrochemistry will allow us to recycle more waste and, at
the same time, solve the problem of the shortage of certain metals.
An ironclad future for solar arrays.
Dye-sensitized solar cells promise to be a low-cost supplement to the
photovoltaic systems. Researchers at the University of Basel continue to improve
the performance with sensitizers using iron.
Sensitizers are intensely colored compounds that absorb light and convert its
energy into electricity by releasing electrons and "injecting" them into the
semiconductor. For many years, experts considered iron compounds to be
unsuitable for these applications because their excited state following light
absorption is too short-lived to be of use for energy production. This changed
around seven years ago with the discovery of a new class of iron compounds with
N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs). The research group headed by Professor Edwin
Constable and Professor Catherine Housecroft at the University of Basel's
Department of Chemistry has been working with these compounds for a number of
This discovery shows that researching different compounds of available metals
will allow us to generate more energy, in our case, solar energy from iron
The invention and development of operating systems.
The earliest computers did not have operating systems. The programmers
interacted directly with the hardware via switches, tape, or punched cards.
Because the computer could run much faster than the programmer could load or
unload tape or cards, the computer spent a lot of time idle. To overcome this
costly downtime, the first rudimentary operating systems (OS) were developed.
These were simple programs that always resided in the computer's memory and
organized user programs by type and then automatically launched them one after
the other. The next step was the introduction of disk systems. Because disks are
random-access devices, information about them can be accessed in any order.
Disks were used to store user input and output until the CPU was ready to use
them. Once the CPU had finished executing one task, it could move to disk for
another task that was ready to run. Time sharing was the next logical
In time-sharing operating systems, the CPU processes many jobs at the same time,
switching between them so quickly that it is imperceptible. Thus, while one user
is typing a command, the CPU is executing another user's program.
· #74
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 1 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:24)
Comparative investigations of
A comparative investigation of methods for longitudinal data with limits of
detection through a case study.
Conditions imposed by
Unilateralism and conditions imposed by the powerful upon others are rampant
throughout the world.
Comprehensive investigation of
This is also the reason why Ethiopia has been adamantly resisting a
comprehensive investigation of all the events that led to the current crisis.
A marsupial robotic system that combines a legged and an aerial robot.
I just read an article about a marsupial robotic system that combines a foot and
air robot. It describes how the team at NTNU and ETH Zurich developed a
marsupial robotic system that allowed collaborative research and mapping of the
capabilities of a legged and aerial robot in a marsupial configuration.
Presented in an article pre-published on arXiv and ready for publication in a
peer-reviewed journal, this system is designed to efficiently navigate and
explore unknown subterranean environments.
The team envisioned that their system would be deployed to carry out missions in
unknown underground environments. In this scenario, ANY robot with legs will be
sent into an unknown environment with an RMF-Owl flying robot on its back. While
navigating through the environment, the ANYmal robot can create a map of the
unknown space. However, in doing so, it can also identify potential areas in its
environment where the RMF-Owl flying robot could be deployed.
In the future, their system may be implemented in a number of real environments.
For example, it can be used in ruined mines, narrow passage areas, caves, and
even large industrial facilities with complex control requirements. In all of
these scenarios, the team system can provide more accurate and thorough research
or verification.
Trusted operating systems.
We have various standards organizations that make decisions and approve certain
standards. Groups such as ISO, IEEE, ITU-T, FCC, etc. are such organizations and
they develop standards for machines, operating procedures, devices and software
Similarly, there is a set of standards developed by government agencies to
describe the best security standard for an operating system. One of these is the
Common Criteria (usually combined with several other profiles such as the
Labeled Security Protection Profile and Required Access Control), which is a
very broad and generalized list of requirements that an operating system must
meet in order to be labelled. as a trusted operating system.
There is no perfect definition of a trusted operating system other than that it
is an operating system that conforms to these standards. These standards may
also vary from country to country. Some countries may, for political or
technical reasons, consider the standards prescribed by another group to be
insecure, and may have their own standards to call an operating system secure.
· #73
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:23)
To Botsman K., MD-213. Thanks for the thoroughly done and well-written comments on the articles, Karina. All the other tasks are performed properly as well. Just be a bit more careful not to miss words: "What ARE the advantages of this information?". And check the pronunciation of the words "commands", "specialists" and "discussion". Continue working. Best wishes.
· #72
Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:20)
1.conditions imposed by
We have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community
2.Comparative investigations of
Comparative investigations of crystalline samples were undertaken around a
hundred years ago.
3.comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
The history of computer software
I have read the information about the history of computer software.Software is
the component in a computer system that permits the hardware to perform the
various functions that a computer system is capable of doing.The history of
software and its development can be traced to the early nineteenth
century.Today,because of the complex and myriad tasks that a computer system can
perform,there has been a differentiation of types of software.There is software
designed to perform specific business applications.There is software that
controls the overall operation of a computer system.And there is software that
is designed to carry out specialized tasks.Regardless of types, software is the
most critical component of any computer system.
I have read the article about temporary employment that may consolidate labor
market inequality.Study shows that temporary workers receive less employer-paid
training than permanent workers.I think this is a very important finding,as it
illustrates one of the mechanisms of how temporary employment may strengthen
labor market inequalities rather than working as a stepping-stone to more secure
employment.The researchers can conclude that having a union representative
present at the workplace,a representative that an employee can meet and talk
to,for instance regarding training and competence development,is beneficial for
both temporary and permanent workers.And employment stability matters for many
aspects of life, such as mental health and possibilities to establish a family
· #71
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:17)
1.The basic condition imposed on the citizens right to assemble is that the
assembly should be .
Основною умовою права громадян на зібрання є те, що зібрання має бути .
2.We have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community
Ми виконали умови, встановлені міжнародним співтовариством
3.Comparative investigations of crystalline samples were undertaken around a
hundred years ago.
Порівняльні дослідження кристалічних зразків були проведені близько ста років
I read the article "Social mindfulness varies around the world." The article
says in comparing the social behavior of people at the country level there are
differences. The study focused on how aware people are that the other person is
in control of their choices. The results showed significant differences between
individuals and between countries. The researchers compared social mindfulness
at the country level with a number of global indicators, including a ranking of
whether countries are achieving global climate goals.
I think we saw a clear positive association in this study, but that doesn't mean
there's a causal relationship with social mindfulness.
· #70
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:16)
1. comparative investigation of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of
cognitive abilities in lemurs.
Дослідження представляє перше систематичне і порівняльне вивчення когнітивних
здібностей лемурів.
2. condition imposed by
The company sold off some of its seeds and pesticides businesses, worth 7
billion euros, to a rival —a condition imposed by authorities.
Компанія продала декілька своїх бізнесів з продажу насіння і пестицидів на 7
мільярдів євро конкурентам – умова, поставлена властями.
3. comprehensive investigation of
The new research is the most comprehensive investigation of how mercury is
deposited in the Arctic.
Нове дослідження – найбільш зрозуміле з тих, що вивчають розподіл ртуті в
I’ve read the article about how “Cybershoppers make better buying decisions on
PCs than phones”.
It says that people are much more informed about the product they’re viewing on
the PC. All because mobile screen version reduces the information it gives right
away for the sake of interface.
People just aren’t likely to dig a little further on their phone. In my opinion,
it is also because the mobile versions of shopping websites sometimes place
where to search for additional info differently than on PC. It makes it even
less convenient. There has to be some balance between mobile interface standarts
and actual usability.
The article I’ve read tells about how we humans don’t really grasp fractions and
statistics as a whole.
We are used to anecdotal evidence and often overlook statistics and miss the
“bigger picture”. This way, when in 80’s few kids who happened to play Dungeons
& Dragons committed suicide, a whole campaign against the game started, telling
it provokes violence and suicide. What people failed to grasp, however, is that
the suicide rate for D&D players was actually lower than for non-players.
I would argue that it’s our nature to easily believe stories, not data, but if
that doesn’t change, the consequences might be disastrous.
· #69
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:13)
1. comprehensive investigation of
We demand objective and comprehensive investigation of this case .
(Очікуємо на об'єктивне та справедливе розслідування цієї справи ).
2. condition imposed by
The opposition does not accept the conditions imposed by President
(Опозиція не приймає умови, висунуті президентом).
3. comparative investigation of
The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established in
(У Казахстані створено Інститут правових та порівняльних досліджень).
I read an article about an invention - a laser that will help get rid of space
Space debris is a big problem for humanity. But thanks to new technologies that
allow us to see objects in the night sky more clearly, thereby increasing the
success in solving this problem. The new laser, installed on the telescope, is
able to determine accurate dimensions and safely remove space debris from orbit.
They also want to use this device to provide high-speed communications.
Summing up, I want to say that the development and creation of new technologies
makes our life better.
Today I read an article on creating 3D models with a simple webcam.
3D modeling takes a lot of time and good equipment. But a program was created,
thanks to which you can create a 3D model using a simple webcam. This makes 3D
modeling accessible to everyone. The program works like this: we take an object
and move it in front of the webcam, and the object is reconstructed in real
Summing up, I want to say that such programs make it easier for a person who
does this or wants to do it.
Exam topic #8 (What do we need the operating system for?)
The operating system is a set of programs for managing computer resources and
user interaction. The most famous operating systems today are: Microsoft
Windows, Linux, MacOS. The Windows license allows us to run several applications
and switch between them while working, and also has wide functionality
opportunities. Company Apple on computers uses various versions of the MacOS
operating system, has a clear and user-friendly interface. Summing up, I want to
say that OS is the brain and heart of the computer, without it the computer is
useless, it's just hardware, we won't be able to log into the system, in the
bring changes, manage the computer.
· #68
Genova md-213 Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:05)
I have read the article "Do personality traits and social norms impact the
gender pay gap?".
This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider the topic of inequality is very relevant in our time. Ever since the
20th century, people have understood that we have to work for equality. And in
all this time this activity has achieved great success. Women now have as many
rights as men. But why in nearly a century and a half have many topics still not
been brought to perfection? The article talks about the problem of unequal
wages. Is there really such a thing in our modern world? Unfortunately, yes.
I want to conclude that we still have a lot of work to do on equality issues.
I have read the article "Smallest earthquakes ever detected in micron-scale
metals". This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
It's about the complex intermittent redistribution of lattice dislocations due
to external loading, which is also the reason for the formation of an uneven
stepped surface. There are experiments on the compression of such single-crystal
zinc micropillars in a scanning electron microscope confirmed that these
so-called acoustic signals do indeed occur during strain bursts, so this
experiment allowed us to practically hear the “sound of dislocations” for the
first time.
I want to conclude that the most surprising result of the experiments is that
this process, despite the fundamental differences in the mechanisms of
deformation of metals and tectonic plates, turned out to be completely similar
to earthquakes.
History of programming
The computer's history was started from a very long time ago about 200 years
which at the birth of the abacus that made by wooden rack holding two horizontal
wire beads string on them. The abacus made an idea for created a computer.
Blaise Pascal was the one the credit for building the first digital computer. He
invented the numerical wheel calculator that adds entered with dials to help his
father with his duties. In 1671, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented a
computer that had a special step system gear mechanism for the addend digit, and
it was build in the 1694. When Thomas of Colmas created the first successful
mechanical calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Digital computer was started by John P. Eckert, John W. Manchly and their
associates at Moore School of Electrical in Pennsylvania build a high-speed
computer to do the job. The machine called ENIAC. It used the electronic power,
vacuum tube and a lot more to build the ENIAC which was commonly accepted as
first successful high speed electronic digital computer. The modern stored
program EDC became essential for future generation of high-speed digital
computer. The stored program involves many features of computer design and
· #67
Genova md-213 Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:04)
comprehensive investigation of
ANSTO has contributed to a comprehensive investigation of a promising type of
nanoparticle that could potentially be used for intractable brain cancers in a
combined therapy. ANSTO внесла внесок у комплексне дослідження перспективного
типу наночастинок, які потенційно можуть бути використані для лікування раку
мозку, який не можна вилікувати, у комбінованій терапії.
The study represents the most comprehensive investigation of historic genetic
diversity in whales from around the Antarctic region prior to commercial
whaling. Дослідження являє собою найбільш повне дослідження історичного
генетичного різноманіття китів з усього антарктичного регіону до комерційного
китобійного промислу.
conditions imposed by
Until conditions imposed by publishing companies through the distribution
consoles are changed, Fort Worth library spokesman Adam Wright said, the battle
will rage on. Речник бібліотеки Форт-Верта Адам Райт сказав, що доти, доки
умови, накладені видавничими компаніями через консолі розповсюдження, не будуть
змінені, боротьба триватиме.
That affordability makes hematite attractive as an oxygen-carrier material, but
high performance at the conditions imposed by the chemical looping process is
also important. Доступність за ціною робить гематит привабливим як
матеріал-переносник кисню, але також важлива висока продуктивність в умовах,
пов’язаних з хімічним циклом.
comprehensive investigation of
It was one of the first efforts to provide a comprehensive and quantitative
investigation at a relatively new form of marketing. Це була одна з перших спроб
забезпечити всебічне та кількісне дослідження відносно нової форми маркетингу.
The study included an investigation of the urbanization process in relation to
the size of the population, the settlement area, and the geographical location
of the urban centers. Дослідження включало дослідження процесу урбанізації у
зв’язку з чисельністю населення, площею поселення та географічним розташуванням
міських центрів.
· #66
Ditkovskya Md-213,Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:02)
I have read the article “What we knew about water was right after all”.
Recent research revealed that water spontaneously transforms into 30–110
micromolar hydrogen peroxide in microdroplets, obtained by condensing vapor or
spraying water using pressurized nitrogen gas. To delve further into this
phenomenon, Himanshu Mishra assembled a team involving computational fluid
dynamicists and engineers Hong Im and Sigurdur Thoroddsen. Computer simulations
by postdoc Xinlei Liu and high-speed imaging by Ziqiang Yang demonstrated that
bowl-shaped shock waves formed in sprays, but these conditions were inadequate
to chemically transform water into H2O2 .
This article will be useful for scientists.
I have read the article “Temporary employment may consolidate labor market
A new study in European Sociological Review from Umeå University shows that
temporary workers receive less employer-paid training than permanent workers. In
their article, sociologists from Umeå University, investigates the role employee
representation play regarding the chance of receiving employer-paid training
among temporary and permanent workers. Using data from the 2015 European Working
Conditions Survey they analyze answers from 22,884 workers in 35 European
This article will be useful for workers.
Linux is perhaps the only operating system that has the most dedicated and
committed followers. Development of the components of Linux started in the year
1991. Linus built the kernel that formed the heart of Linux operating system and
included UNIX programs and utilities, and additional programs and utilities from
Richard Stallman. Since then many versions of Linux, which have amazing
functionalities and animations, have been produced. Examples of such versions
include Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, and SUSE.
So, Linux is perhaps the only operating system that has so many followers
because of their quality not only of kernel.
comprehensive investigation of
ANSTO has contributed to a comprehensive investigation of a promising type of
nanoparticle that could potentially be used for intractable brain cancers in a
combined therapy. ANSTO внесла внесок у комплексне дослідження перспективного
типу наночастинок, які потенційно можуть бути використані для лікування раку
мозку, який не можна вилікувати, у комбінованій терапії.
The study represents the most comprehensive investigation of historic genetic
diversity in whales from around the Antarctic region prior to commercial
whaling. Дослідження являє собою найбільш повне дослідження історичного
генетичного різноманіття китів з усього антарктичного регіону до комерційного
китобійного промислу.
Comparative investigations of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of
cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution
of cognitive abilities in primates. Дослідження являє собою перше систематичне і
порівняльне дослідження когнітивних здібностей у лемурів і дає важливе уявлення
про еволюцію когнітивних здібностей у приматів.
A comparative investigation of mussel-mimetic sealants for fetal membrane
repair, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Порівняльне
дослідження міметичних герметиків для відновлення плодових мембран, Journal of
the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
conditions imposed by
The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014. Команда
зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов’язаних із кредитами, щоб визначити умови
політики, накладені на 131 країну-позичаль у період з 1985 по 2014 рік.
Toxin production is stimulated under stressful conditions, which the researchers
imposed by adding different concentrations of an antibiotic to the culture.
Продукція токсину стимулюється в стресових умовах, які дослідники нав’язували,
додаючи в культуру різні концентрації антибіотика.
· #65
Nikolova S MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:02)
What is the difference between CLI and GUI
The operating system enables the interaction between the user and the device. It
does this by providing two user interfaces: a command-line interface (CLI) and a
graphical user interface (GUI).
Any device’s operating system is nothing but an interface between the hardware
components and its user. The operating system enables the interaction between
the user and the device. It does this by providing two user interfaces: a
command-line interface (CLI) and a graphical user interface (GUI).
Users of GUI interact with devices or software through clickable graphical
icons. CLI is a text-based or console representation whereby users type commands
into a terminal to navigate or operate devices or software.
The notable difference is that GUI users depend on graphical elements such as
icons, menus, and windows to interact with the operating system. CLI relies more
on text inputs to perform the operating system functions. GUI stands out being a
user-friendly option, while CLI is more powerful and advanced.
· #64
Nikolova S MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:01)
Today I have read the article "Body cameras, live streaming bring search and
rescue into the next generation"
It tells that new digital tools developed and tested at Simon Fraser University
have the potential to revolutionize wilderness search and rescue efforts.
Developed at the SFU School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), the
RescueCASTR system equips rescuers with 360-degree body cameras that send video
and photos back live to a central command post.The system lets the search
commander keep track of several teams at once, coordinate efforts and get an
on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and clues.I think that this article
is very interesting and useful,I would advice everybody to read it.
· #63
Nikolova S MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 09:01)
1. by outlining - изложены
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole - Исследование завершается описанием трехэтапной
последовательности эволюции метаморфической подошвы.
2. classified as - классифицированы как
It is classified as high research activity university by the Carnegie Foundation
- Фонд Карнеги классифицирует его как университет с высокой исследовательской
3. beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis -
Экономическая эффективность для производства продуктов питания вышла за рамки
Today I have read an article called "Self-driving cars need 'adjustable ethics'
set by owners".
The work tells us about one of the issues of self-driving vehicles, namely the
legal liability for death or injury in the event of an accident. Car maker could
be sued over the car's actions, if manufacturer programs the car so the driver
has no choice but if allow car owner to determine a set of values or options in
the event of an accident, company can shift liability to the car owner.
The work will be entertaining for technology enthusiasts.
· #62
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:59)
debt (24.05)
1. the main objective
The main objective of the study was to better understand some of the causes and
consequences of electoral instability.
Головна ціль дослідження – краще зрозуміти деякі причини та наслідки
електоральної нестабільності.
2. published in
The research was published in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology.
Дослідження було опубліковане в журналі Basic and Applied Ecology.
3. by means of
Typically, target DNA molecules are detected by means of specific fluorescence
Зазвичай, потрібні молекули ДНК знаходять за допомогою специфічних
флуоресцентних маркерів.
The article I’ve read tells about diagnosing dogs with Leptospirosis on early
stages by using AI.
The model was trained on historical data of blood samples from dogs that did
suffer from that disease. Thanks to that, it can detect the disease without
needing a couple of weeks to prove that the levels of antibodies in the
patient’s blood rose.
To my mind, using AI for medicine has a lot to offer, as human medics are
unfortunately not always as precise as needed. Especially in veterinary, as
animals can’t speak at all, and their owners are even more imprecise about their
pet’s state.
I’ve read an article about an AI detecting Twitter users likely to spread
It analyzed a million tweets from thousands of users and learned to identify
speech patterns associated with further spreading unreliable news sources.
Interestingly enough, it was mostly conservative accounts that do not tweet
about their personal life but are suspiciously invested in politics.
To my mind, these could be mostly bots, but there are people that are actually
like that too. Regardless, the detection of those who spread misinformation is a
noble cause. Not to ban them entirely but to maybe put some indication on the
· #61
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:58)
To Group MD-213. Good morning dear students! Our lesson has started and I am waiting for your completed classroom and independent practice tasks. Good luck!
· #60
Botsman MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:56)
conditions imposed by - умови встановлені
Where a country's capacity to develop has been disrupted by conflict, the
financial conditions imposed by international lending institutions should be
Якщо здатність країни до розвитку була порушена через конфлікт, фінансові умови,
встановлені міжнародними кредитними установами, мають бути пом’якшеними.
Comparative investigations of - Порівняльні дослідження про
The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established in
У Казахстані створено Інститут правових і порівняльних розслідувань
comprehensive investigation of - всебічного розслідування
Firstly, in late 2004 the Office of the Ombudsmen initiated a comprehensive
investigation into prison management.
По-перше, наприкінці 2004 року Офіс омбудсменів розпочав комплексне
розслідування щодо управління в’язницею.
I have read the article about black holes and a new Discover about pressure
inside them. What does it mean for modern science?
A black hole isn’t just a regular hole or a trash can. Scientists and their
researches show us the behaviour of these ex-stars. What the advantages of this
information? So, it means that black holes aren’t just a corpse. They have
nuclear process inside. So that, pressure is a proof of life and life activity.
Summing up , it’s a great discovery. This information will help the humankind in
the future. And I believe one day we will have the energy from the middle of
Milky Way
· #59
Botsman MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:56)
History of computer software
Computer software has not always been so easy and used to be considered science
When computers were created, they contained a series of software tables and were
controlled by a set of commands. In 1935, Altan Turing presented the public with
a theory that contained the idea that computers could be programmed to perform
certain actions in advance. Now our computer software is almost omnipotent, we
can run any application, and device software development is comparable in
complexity to the design of an aircraft.
Summing up, we can say that despite the fact that computers used to be
considered only a tool for specialists, history does not stand. Everything
develops, and even the computer, which used to be only a subject of discussion
· #58
Botsman MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:55)
I have read the article "New technology makes it possible to see clearly through
murky water".
tells us about a new underwater imaging technology that improves image quality
in troubled waters. Unlike the old method of polarimetric underwater
photography, the new method involves using a camera that is sensitive to
polarization, which makes the image better. Haofeng Hu from Tianjin University
in this article talks about testing in laboratories where the new method was
tested, as well as about the success in testing. This, in turn, will allow the
technology to be applied in practice in the future.
liked this article because it tells about a very useful technology.
· #57
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:50)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. The lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #56
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Drozhina) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:39)
I have read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry".
Doctoral student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing
industry when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes.
She found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on
applying AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for
creating solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework
developed with four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision
support system that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique
"fuzzy logic". Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers
with personalized service.
1)comprehensive investigation of
Firstly, in late 2004 the Office of the Ombudsmen initiated a comprehensive
investigation into prison management.
По-перше, наприкінці 2004 року Офіс омбудсменів розпочав комплексне
розслідування щодо управління в’язницею.
2)Comparative investigations of
The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established in
У Казахстані створено Інститут правових і порівняльних розслідувань
3)condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions
imposed by the international community.
Ми вважаємо це найбільш прикром, оскільки ми виконали умови, встановлені
міжнародним співтовариством.
I have read the article “New tool gives researchers a better look at online
anonymous marketplaces”.
In a study presented at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Tai
teamed up with two other researchers to develop an algorithm that is able to
detect when seemingly disparate accounts belong to the same seller. The team
tested their algorithm on eight years' worth of data collected from a dozen
online anonymous marketplaces. Their algorithm detected over 20,000 accounts
belonging to roughly 15,000 individual sellers.
This article will be useful for people, who are engaged in cyber safety.
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security. A reliable operating system
is the one that never needs to be restarted to recover from a total system
failure. The system need not be error-free. I consider an OS to be reliable if
it delivers the expected service without any interruptions during the normal
operating mode, where a mode is defined as the execution environment free from
the external factors, such as a critical hardware failure if it can function on
a machine with no reset button.
· #55
Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 08:32)
The invention and development of operating system
The first operating systems were developed in the 1950s, when computers could
only run one program at a time. Later in the following decades, computers began
to include more and more software programs, sometimes called libraries, that
came together to create the start of today's operating systems. The three most
common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS,
and Linux. Modern operating systems use a graphical user interface, or
pronounced gooey. I think that operating systems have evolved from slow and
expensive systems to present-day technology where computing power has reached
exponential speeds and relatively inexpensive costs.
I have read the article «Getting the message right on nature-based solutions to
climate change». Сlimate change is happening now, and it’s the most serious
threat to life on our planet. Because both forests and oceans play vitally
important roles in regulating our climate, increasing the natural ability of
forests and oceans to absorb carbon dioxide can also help stop global warming. I
consider that nature based solutions can play a key role in tackling climate
change and nature crises, while delivering other benefits for people. I
recommend reading this article to my friends.
I have read the article «In court, far-reaching psychology tests are
unquestioned». Psychological tests, tools, and instruments are widely used in
legal contexts to help determine the outcome of legal cases. These tools can aid
in assessing parental fit for child custody purposes, can affect the outcomes of
disability proceedings, and can even help judges determine whether an offender
should go to prison, remain incarcerated, or be exempt from death penalty.
Individuals taking the test may give false responses. I believe psychological
tests are an integral part of a legal proceeding. I recommend reading this
article to my friends.
1) condition imposed by - умовами, що встановлюються
Where a country's capacity to develop has been disrupted by conflict, the
financial conditions imposed by international lending institutions should be
У тих випадках, коли потенціал країни у сфері розвитку виявився підірваним
внаслідок конфлікту, фінансові умови, що встановлюються міжнародними кредитними
установами, мають бути м'якшими.
2) comparative investigation of - порівняльні дослідження
Stiftung Warentest carries out more than 200 comparative product tests and
investigations of services from nearly all areas of everyday life every year.
Щорічно Штіфтунг Варентест проводить понад 200 випробувань якості товарів та
послуг, що становлять майже всі сфери повсякденного життя.
3) comprehensive investigation of - широке розслідування
In order to ensure a comprehensive investigation of the facts, the Commission
recommended that the complaints made to various bodies concerning violations of
human rights should be examined.
З метою забезпечення всебічного розслідування обставин Комісія рекомендувала
розглядати скарги, що подаються в різні органи, на порушення прав людини.
· #54
Genova Md-213 Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:43)
comprehensive investigation of
ANSTO has contributed to a comprehensive investigation of a promising type of
nanoparticle that could potentially be used for intractable brain cancers in a
combined therapy. ANSTO внесла внесок у комплексне дослідження перспективного
типу наночастинок, які потенційно можуть бути використані для лікування раку
мозку, який не можна вилікувати, у комбінованій терапії.
The study represents the most comprehensive investigation of historic genetic
diversity in whales from around the Antarctic region prior to commercial
whaling. Дослідження являє собою найбільш повне дослідження історичного
генетичного різноманіття китів з усього антарктичного регіону до комерційного
китобійного промислу.
conditions imposed by
Until conditions imposed by publishing companies through the distribution
consoles are changed, Fort Worth library spokesman Adam Wright said, the battle
will rage on. Речник бібліотеки Форт-Верта Адам Райт сказав, що доти, доки
умови, накладені видавничими компаніями через консолі розповсюдження, не будуть
змінені, боротьба триватиме.
That affordability makes hematite attractive as an oxygen-carrier material, but
high performance at the conditions imposed by the chemical looping process is
also important. Доступність за ціною робить гематит привабливим як
матеріал-переносник кисню, але також важлива висока продуктивність в умовах,
пов’язаних з хімічним циклом.
comprehensive investigation of
It was one of the first efforts to provide a comprehensive and quantitative
investigation at a relatively new form of marketing. Це була одна з перших спроб
забезпечити всебічне та кількісне дослідження відносно нової форми маркетингу.
The study included an investigation of the urbanization process in relation to
the size of the population, the settlement area, and the geographical location
of the urban centers. Дослідження включало дослідження процесу урбанізації у
зв’язку з чисельністю населення, площею поселення та географічним розташуванням
міських центрів.
· #53
Genova Md-213 Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:43)
I have read the article "Do personality traits and social norms impact the
gender pay gap?".
This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider the topic of inequality is very relevant in our time. Ever since the
20th century, people have understood that we have to work for equality. And in
all this time this activity has achieved great success. Women now have as many
rights as men. But why in nearly a century and a half have many topics still not
been brought to perfection? The article talks about the problem of unequal
wages. Is there really such a thing in our modern world? Unfortunately, yes.
I want to conclude that we still have a lot of work to do on equality issues.
I have read the article "Smallest earthquakes ever detected in micron-scale
metals". This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
It's about the complex intermittent redistribution of lattice dislocations due
to external loading, which is also the reason for the formation of an uneven
stepped surface. There are experiments on the compression of such single-crystal
zinc micropillars in a scanning electron microscope confirmed that these
so-called acoustic signals do indeed occur during strain bursts, so this
experiment allowed us to practically hear the “sound of dislocations” for the
first time.
I want to conclude that the most surprising result of the experiments is that
this process, despite the fundamental differences in the mechanisms of
deformation of metals and tectonic plates, turned out to be completely similar
to earthquakes.
History of programming
The computer's history was started from a very long time ago about 200 years
which at the birth of the abacus that made by wooden rack holding two horizontal
wire beads string on them. The abacus made an idea for created a computer.
Blaise Pascal was the one the credit for building the first digital computer. He
invented the numerical wheel calculator that adds entered with dials to help his
father with his duties. In 1671, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented a
computer that had a special step system gear mechanism for the addend digit, and
it was build in the 1694. When Thomas of Colmas created the first successful
mechanical calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Digital computer was started by John P. Eckert, John W. Manchly and their
associates at Moore School of Electrical in Pennsylvania build a high-speed
computer to do the job. The machine called ENIAC. It used the electronic power,
vacuum tube and a lot more to build the ENIAC which was commonly accepted as
first successful high speed electronic digital computer. The modern stored
program EDC became essential for future generation of high-speed digital
computer. The stored program involves many features of computer design and
· #52
Botsman MD-213 (Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:26)
I have read the article "New technology makes it possible to see clearly through
murky water".
tells us about a new underwater imaging technology that improves image quality
in troubled waters. Unlike the old method of polarimetric underwater
photography, the new method involves using a camera that is sensitive to
polarization, which makes the image better. Haofeng Hu from Tianjin University
in this article talks about testing in laboratories where the new method was
tested, as well as about the success in testing. This, in turn, will allow the
technology to be applied in practice in the future.
liked this article because it tells about a very useful technology.
· #51
Botsman MD-213 (Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:26)
History of computer software
Computer software has not always been so easy and used to be considered science
When computers were created, they contained a series of software tables and were
controlled by a set of commands. In 1935, Altan Turing presented the public with
a theory that contained the idea that computers could be programmed to perform
certain actions in advance. Now our computer software is almost omnipotent, we
can run any application, and device software development is comparable in
complexity to the design of an aircraft.
Summing up, we can say that despite the fact that computers used to be
considered only a tool for specialists, history does not stand. Everything
develops, and even the computer, which used to be only a subject of discussion
· #50
Botsman MD-213 (Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:25)
conditions imposed by - умови встановлені
Where a country's capacity to develop has been disrupted by conflict, the
financial conditions imposed by international lending institutions should be
Якщо здатність країни до розвитку була порушена через конфлікт, фінансові умови,
встановлені міжнародними кредитними установами, мають бути пом’якшеними.
Comparative investigations of - Порівняльні дослідження про
The Institute of legal and comparative investigations is established in
У Казахстані створено Інститут правових і порівняльних розслідувань
comprehensive investigation of - всебічного розслідування
Firstly, in late 2004 the Office of the Ombudsmen initiated a comprehensive
investigation into prison management.
По-перше, наприкінці 2004 року Офіс омбудсменів розпочав комплексне
розслідування щодо управління в’язницею.
I have read the article about black holes and a new Discover about pressure
inside them. What does it mean for modern science?
A black hole isn’t just a regular hole or a trash can. Scientists and their
researches show us the behaviour of these ex-stars. What the advantages of this
information? So, it means that black holes aren’t just a corpse. They have
nuclear process inside. So that, pressure is a proof of life and life activity.
Summing up , it’s a great discovery. This information will help the humankind in
the future. And I believe one day we will have the energy from the middle of
Milky Way
· #49
Ditkovskya Md-213 Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:23)
I have read the article “What we knew about water was right after all”.
Recent research revealed that water spontaneously transforms into 30–110
micromolar hydrogen peroxide in microdroplets, obtained by condensing vapor or
spraying water using pressurized nitrogen gas. To delve further into this
phenomenon, Himanshu Mishra assembled a team involving computational fluid
dynamicists and engineers Hong Im and Sigurdur Thoroddsen. Computer simulations
by postdoc Xinlei Liu and high-speed imaging by Ziqiang Yang demonstrated that
bowl-shaped shock waves formed in sprays, but these conditions were inadequate
to chemically transform water into H2O2 .
This article will be useful for scientists.
I have read the article “Temporary employment may consolidate labor market
A new study in European Sociological Review from Umeå University shows that
temporary workers receive less employer-paid training than permanent workers. In
their article, sociologists from Umeå University, investigates the role employee
representation play regarding the chance of receiving employer-paid training
among temporary and permanent workers. Using data from the 2015 European Working
Conditions Survey they analyze answers from 22,884 workers in 35 European
This article will be useful for workers.
Linux is perhaps the only operating system that has the most dedicated and
committed followers. Development of the components of Linux started in the year
1991. Linus built the kernel that formed the heart of Linux operating system and
included UNIX programs and utilities, and additional programs and utilities from
Richard Stallman. Since then many versions of Linux, which have amazing
functionalities and animations, have been produced. Examples of such versions
include Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, and SUSE.
So, Linux is perhaps the only operating system that has so many followers
because of their quality not only of kernel.
comprehensive investigation of
ANSTO has contributed to a comprehensive investigation of a promising type of
nanoparticle that could potentially be used for intractable brain cancers in a
combined therapy. ANSTO внесла внесок у комплексне дослідження перспективного
типу наночастинок, які потенційно можуть бути використані для лікування раку
мозку, який не можна вилікувати, у комбінованій терапії.
The study represents the most comprehensive investigation of historic genetic
diversity in whales from around the Antarctic region prior to commercial
whaling. Дослідження являє собою найбільш повне дослідження історичного
генетичного різноманіття китів з усього антарктичного регіону до комерційного
китобійного промислу.
Comparative investigations of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of
cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution
of cognitive abilities in primates. Дослідження являє собою перше систематичне і
порівняльне дослідження когнітивних здібностей у лемурів і дає важливе уявлення
про еволюцію когнітивних здібностей у приматів.
A comparative investigation of mussel-mimetic sealants for fetal membrane
repair, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Порівняльне
дослідження міметичних герметиків для відновлення плодових мембран, Journal of
the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials.
conditions imposed by
The team collected over 4,500 loan-related IMF documents to identify policy
conditions imposed on 131 borrowing countries between 1985 and 2014. Команда
зібрала понад 4500 документів МВФ, пов’язаних із кредитами, щоб визначити умови
політики, накладені на 131 країну-позичаль у період з 1985 по 2014 рік.
Toxin production is stimulated under stressful conditions, which the researchers
imposed by adding different concentrations of an antibiotic to the culture.
Продукція токсину стимулюється в стресових умовах, які дослідники нав’язували,
додаючи в культуру різні концентрації антибіотика.
· #48
Terzi N. MD-213 (Drozhzhina) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:17)
1.conditions imposed by
We have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community
2.Comparative investigations of
Comparative investigations of crystalline samples were undertaken around a
hundred years ago.
3.comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for
comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
I have read the article about a guide for developing mathematical models of
large-scale complex dynamic networks.Karthik Raghavan Ramaswamy defended his
dissertation with cum laude on developing novel data-driven modeling tools and
techniques to improve insight into complex networked systems.By exploiting
machine learning,Bayesian methods, system identification and graph
theory,Karthik Raghavan Ramaswamy developed a framework that guides the
experimenters in the complex maze of modeling dynamic networks and provides them
with the needed techniques and tools to develop high-quality models of the
sub-systems embedded in a dynamic network under different scenarios.I think this
is very useful because the results of his dissertation research find its
importance in many applications.
Quality and reliability of software
I have read the information about quality and reliability of software.Software
Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a
specified period of time in a specified environment.Software Reliability is also
an important factor affecting system reliability.It differs from hardware
reliability in that it reflects the design perfection,rather than manufacturing
perfection.Various approaches can be used to improve the reliability of
software, however,it is hard to balance development time and budget with
software reliability.This is very important as software quality reflects how
well it complies with or conforms to a given design,based on functional
requirements or specifications.That attribute can also be described as the
fitness for purpose of a piece of software.
I have read the article about temporary employment that may consolidate labor
market inequality.Study shows that temporary workers receive less employer-paid
training than permanent workers.I think this is a very important finding,as it
illustrates one of the mechanisms of how temporary employment may strengthen
labor market inequalities rather than working as a stepping-stone to more secure
employment.The researchers can conclude that having a union representative
present at the workplace,a representative that an employee can meet and talk
to,for instance regarding training and competence development,is beneficial for
both temporary and permanent workers.And employment stability matters for many
aspects of life, such as mental health and possibilities to establish a family
· #47
Nikolova S MD-213(S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:14)
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.
Trusted operating systems are special versions of off-the-shelf operating
systems, such as Windows NT and Unix, that are enhanced to be more secure. An IT
manager might use a trusted version of Windows NT on a Web server that contains
or is linked to sensitive corporate information. But beware: Trusted operating
systems are usually harder to learn and administer than standard versions.
An OS is trusted if it can provide
1. Memory Protection
2. File Protection
3. General object access contro
4. User Authentication
5. I/O device access control
6. Guaranteed fair service
So I can consider, that on a front-end Web server, TOS are pretty crucial, but I
wouldn't use them anywhere else.
· #46
Nikolova S MD-213(S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:13)
Today I have read the article “The planet does not fall far from the star”. This
article tells about a compositional link between planets and their respective
host star has long been assumed in astronomy. For the first time now, a team of
scientists deliver empirical evidence to support the assumption—and partly
contradict it at the same time.
Stars and planets are formed from the same cosmic gas and dust. In the course of
the formation process, some of the material condenses and forms rocky planets,
the rest is either accumulated by the star or becomes part of gaseous planets.
In conclusion, I want to say that the article was quite interesting, I advise
everyone to read it.
· #45
Nikolova S MD-213(S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 07:12)
under certain assumptions- за певних припущень
We show that, under certain assumptions, the original update postulates are
Показано, що за певних припущень вихідні постулати оновлення задовольняються.
performed with- виконується с
Remarkably, these experiments were performed with laser pulses that exceed the
peak power limit in glass fibers by a factor of 40.
Примітно, що ці експерименти проводилися з лазерними імпульсами, які перевищують
межу пікової потужності у скляних волокнах у 40 разів.
column represents- стовпець представляє
A higher value in that column represents a stronger influence of these factors.
Більше значення в цьому стовпці означає сильніший вплив цих факторів.
The article is about a way to use everyday WiFi to help robots see and navigate
better indoors.
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a low-cost,
low-power technology to help robots accurately map their way indoors, even in
poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or features. It's a new
approach to indoor robot navigation. The accuracy of localization and mapping
provided by the WiFi sensors was on par with that of the commercial camera and
LiDAR sensors.
The researchers will be combining WiFi sensors with cameras to develop a more
complete, yet inexpensive, mapping technology.
· #44
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 19:21)
To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 Your article review and exam topics are interesting and informative, but too long, don't forget that they must be around 100 words. I can accept only one work with phrases as all three works are absolutely identical.
· #43
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 17:24)
Exam Topic №4
A car is a self-propelled machine driven by an engine mounted on it. The car
consists of individual parts, assemblies, mechanisms and systems. The car
consists of three main parts: engine, body and chassis.
An engine is an energy-power machine that converts any type of energy into
mechanical work. For the movement of the car, an engine is needed - a source of
mechanical energy. The vast majority of modern cars are equipped with piston
(thermal) engines, called internal combustion engines, since the heat released
during the combustion of fuel in the cylinders is converted into mechanical
A piston internal combustion engine consists of the following mechanisms and
systems: crank and gas distribution mechanisms, as well as systems - power,
cooling, lubrication, ignition and start-up.
The crank mechanism perceives the pressure of gases and converts the rectilinear
reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotational motion of the crankshaft.
The gas distribution mechanism is designed to let a combustible mixture
(carburetor and gas engines) or air (diesels) into the cylinder and exhaust
The cooling system ensures the normal temperature regime of the engine, in which
it doesn't overheat and doesn't overcool.
The lubrication system is necessary to reduce friction between parts, reduce
their wear and remove heat from rubbing surfaces.
The power supply system serves to supply separately fuel and air to the diesel
cylinders or to prepare a combustible mixture from finely atomized fuel and air
and to supply the mixture to the cylinders of a carburetor or gas engine and
exhaust gases.
The ignition system provides ignition of the working mixture in carburetor or
gas engines (in diesel engines, fuel ignites on contact with hot air, so they
don't have a special ignition system).
The starting system is used to start the engine.
1. by outlining - изложены
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole - Исследование завершается описанием трехэтапной
последовательности эволюции метаморфической подошвы.
2. classified as - классифицированы как
The suit calls on the companies to comply with a state law that went into effect
at the start of this year - В иске содержится призыв к компаниям соблюдать закон
штата, вступивший в силу в начале этого года.
3. beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the
scope of our study - Степень, в которой люди могут подвергаться воздействию этих
патогенов, выходит за рамки нашего исследования.
· #42
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 17:10)
Today I have read the article "3D-printed graphene aerogels for water
treatment". Graphene is a nanomaterial formed by elemental carbon and is
composed of a single flat sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a repeating
hexagonal lattice. An airgel based on graphene with the addition of some other
polymers can filter out almost all organic and metallic compounds. Also for him
there are no problems with manufacturing in a larger size, unlike analogues.
Today, the creators of this material are looking for opportunities for mass
production of such filters.
In general, I really liked the article. In it I learned a lot of new and
interesting things. I can’t say that this information can be useful to me in
life, but it was interesting to read this article anyway.
1. by outlining - изложены
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole - Исследование завершается описанием трехэтапной
последовательности эволюции метаморфической подошвы.
2. classified as - классифицированы как
The suit calls on the companies to comply with a state law that went into effect
at the start of this year - В иске содержится призыв к компаниям соблюдать закон
штата, вступивший в силу в начале этого года.
3. beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the
scope of our study - Степень, в которой люди могут подвергаться воздействию этих
патогенов, выходит за рамки нашего исследования.
· #41
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 16:52)
Exam Topic №3
Development of the Motor Vehicles in the World For decades motor vehicles have
become familiar in the world, vehicles have evolved from simple steam powered
engines that could be used for transportation to hydrogen powered engine
vehicles and then the petrol gasoline powered engine vehicles. Recently there
has been development of electric vehicles to reduce the effect of pollution the
petrol powered vehicles emits. The charged vehicles can go for an average of
60kms before they are recharged again. Invention of the vehicle has steered
world economic growth, people are able to move rapidly to various destination to
transact their businesses hence they are able to save time.
The technical operation of vehicles as a science determines the ways and methods
for the most effective management of the technical condition of the vehicle
fleet in order to ensure the regularity and safety of transportation with the
most complete implementation of the technical capabilities of the design and
ensuring the specified levels of operational reliability of the vehicle,
optimizing material and labor costs, minimizing the negative impact of technical
condition of the rolling stock on personnel and the environment.
The technical operation of vehicles as a field of practical activity is a set of
technical, social, economic and organizational measures that ensure the
maintenance of the vehicle fleet in good condition with the rational expenditure
of labor and material resources and the provision of normal working and living
conditions for personnel. The efficiency of the technical operation of vehicles
is ensured by the engineering and technical service.
1. by outlining - изложены
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole - Исследование завершается описанием трехэтапной
последовательности эволюции метаморфической подошвы.
2. classified as - классифицированы как
It is classified as high research activity university by the Carnegie Foundation
- Фонд Карнеги классифицирует его как университет с высокой исследовательской
3. beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis -
Экономическая эффективность для производства продуктов питания вышла за рамки
· #40
Troncha Ruslan,KI-211,Gvozd O.V. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 16:33)
On the contrary-напроти
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs, and therefore have enormous value for all ages.-
Навпаки, ми виявили, що відеоігри допомагають задовольнити фундаментальні
психологічні потреби, а тому мають величезну цінність для будь-якого віку.
Keep track-тримати в полі зору
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Система дозволяє командиру пошуку відстежувати кілька команд одночасно,
координувати зусилля та отримувати на місці умови та підказки.
Meet the demand-не відповідають існуючим вимогам
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications-Щоб задовольнити попит на міцні та міцні прозорі тонкі плівки для
довготривалого застосування
Today I have read the article "Sharing and pooling options can support public
transportation and reduce car traffic"
It tells that being mobile individually, at any time, without owning a car
represents an environmentally conscientious lifestyle. To facilitate this,
public transportation authorities cooperate with service providers for new forms
of mobility such as bicycle sharing, car sharing or ridepooling. Researchers of
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) studied how publicly available mobility
options in the Karlsruhe region in the future can optimally fulfill citizens'
I think that this article is very interesting,I would reccomend everybody to
read it.
Today I have read the article "Body cameras, live streaming bring search and
rescue into the next generation"
It tells that new digital tools developed and tested at Simon Fraser University
have the potential to revolutionize wilderness search and rescue efforts.
Developed at the SFU School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), the
RescueCASTR system equips rescuers with 360-degree body cameras that send video
and photos back live to a central command post.The system lets the search
commander keep track of several teams at once, coordinate efforts and get an
on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and clues.I think that this article
is very interesting and useful,I would advice everybody to read it.
Exam topic "Мachinery of chemical plants and enterprises of construction
When it comes to building a process plant, there are many material of
construction options for you to consider. For some plants, the application
itself can dictate what MOCs are needed. Previous experience, continuity and
plant standards can also play a crucial role in this decision.
Common building materials used for process plants include carbon steel,
stainless steel, steel alloys, graphite, glass, titanium, plastic, Monel, and
many more. For this discussion let’s focus on materials of construction that are
used for highly corrosive and abrasive media.When looking at materials of
construction for highly corrosive media your options are more limited.
· #39
Zelinskiy Danya,(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 15:33)
I read an article about a small robot that was made with wheels. This robot can
move on any surface and objects that it has never seen. It moves without
doubting its actions. This robot also proves that wheels are better than legs in
some places. Among other things, it can walking on the surface, not just driving
thanks to wheel locks and other functions. I think that there is a future for
robots and other AI, but humanity may not see a great implementation soon.
· #38
Zelinskiy Danya,(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 15:31)
Topic:8.Management of technical maintenance of cars
I have a friend who worked at a service station. He once had to replace the
director for a while. He needs to be in charge of maintenance management. This
job included inspecting the machine, ordering new parts, installing new parts,
estimating the cost repair. This gave a friend a lot of experience in
life.Maintenance management needs to be carefully monitored, this is a very
responsible job. Now he helps build a ballid in the technical department.
· #37
Zelinskiy Danya,(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 15:30)
Topic:7.Technical diagnostics of automobiles
Computer diagnostics is a very cool thing - that it allows you to find machine
problems without physical intervention. You do not need to disassemble the
machine to find out the cause of machine problems. It is like looking for
evidence. When some errors occur, the system writes them to its data and can be
viewed. The electrician is mainly responsible for this. We have people in the
department who love to do this. Quite often they leave posts about the work
done. Last time it was a BMW E34. Sometimes I find it interesting to read.
· #36
Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022)
I read an article about international researchers who conducted the study. The
studies were conducted with the police in six southern countries. As it turned
out, the police did not reduce the crime rate. Also, citizens became less
trusting. The group describes how they conducted an experiment to test for
public order, and what they learned of them. The study was conducted in order to
find out whether it would be useful if the police could get to know their
population more and know the residents personally. This would help in clarifying
problems or speed up the work of the police in different situations.
· #35
Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 15:29)
Phrases of the day:
1.classified as - The problems compounded for users less conversant with
technology in countries Facebook classified as "at-risk," including India,
Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ethiopia, Russia and the Philippines, the research
found.Исследование показало, что проблемы усугубляются для пользователей, менее
знакомых с технологиями в странах, которые Facebook классифицирует как
«подверженные риску», включая Индию, Сирию, Ирак, Йемен, Эфиопию, Россию и
2.beyond the scope of - While detecting signals from Earth is beyond the scope
of this technology demonstration, SEAQUE will use its detector array to count
the photons generated by its entanglement source.
Хотя обнаружение сигналов с Земли выходит за рамки этой демонстрации технологии,
SEAQUE будет использовать свою детекторную матрицу для подсчета фотонов,
генерируемых источником запутывания. outlining - The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the
evolution of the metamorphic sole. Исследование завершается описанием
трехэтапной последовательности эволюции метаморфической подошвы.
· #34
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 15:25)
1. "by outlining" The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the
evolution of the metamorphic sole.
2. "classified as" It is classified as high research activity university by the
Carnegie Foundation.
3. "beyond the scope of" Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the
scope of the analysis.
Today I have read an article called "Self-driving cars need 'adjustable ethics'
set by owners".
The work tells us about one of the issues of self-driving vehicles, namely the
legal liability for death or injury in the event of an accident. Car maker could
be sued over the car's actions, if manufacturer programs the car so the driver
has no choice but if allow car owner to determine a set of values or options in
the event of an accident, company can shift liability to the car owner.
The work will be entertaining for technology enthusiasts.
Themed comment:
5.The basis of calculations, design and operation of process equipment
Process equipment need to be calculated, designed and operated properly, as well
as vehicles, because it's very complex and important technologies, that also may
be part of diagnostic, technical maintenance, or repair processes of vehicles.
To calculate the process equipment, you can use systems like Ansys, to design -
systems like SolidWorks. Proper operation involves diagnostic, technical
maintenance and repair if needed as well. Given the fact that this is quite
complex equipment, it should be operated by professionals who are well aware of
the intricacies of working with it. However design and calculation is good
practice for newcomers.
· #33
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Gvozd O.V. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:48)
For yesterday.
beyond the scope of - поза межами
A universe without mathematics is beyond the scope of our imagination.
Всесвіт без математики поза межами нашої уяви.
by outlining - шляхом окреслення
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Дослідження завершується окресленням трьохетапної послідовності еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
classified as - класифікується як
If they said 'yes' they were classified as standard touch typists.
Якщо вони сказали «так», вони були класифіковані як стандартні сенсорні
Deadly impact of urban streets that look like highways: More crashes on roads
where drivers think they can drive fast
Machine analysis in the field of road safety has shown that the so-called "open"
roads are the most dangerous. Under the classification of "open" roads fell such
pictures, where the photos showed more visible sky, more roadway and more signs.
Why is this happening? There are a lot of roads in urban areas that aren't
highways but look like high-speed highways from the driver's point of view.
That's a problem because drivers behave as if those streets are highways, even
though there may be a lot of pedestrians and human activity nearby.
Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:
'Very sneaky tactics': We asked gamers how they feel about monetization in
digital gaming
Recently, microtransactions in games have become increasingly popular -
recurring, unlimited in-game purchases: for example, additional content or ways
to facilitate game progress. This is very beneficial, because as the game
progresses, the player can spend much more than with a one-time purchase of the
game itself. And this wouldn't be a problem if sometimes it wasn't mandatory.
Many greedy developers love the "pay-to-win" system, where in the same game a
paying player becomes many times stronger than an ordinary one. The latter,
obviously, don't like this approach, so they either have to put pressure on the
developers with a huge crowd, or simply quit the game because of injustice.
Comment on the article:
Hoisting, road, reclamation machines
A necessary component of the training of mechanical engineers in the field of
mechanical engineering is the study and knowledge of the science of reclamation
machines and mechanisms used at construction sites and in the operation of
reclamation systems. A technical specialist should be well aware of the purpose,
design, operation, technical data of machines and mechanisms, the conditions and
rules for their safe operation, best practices and schemes for their placement
at facilities, labor protection rules for the operation of reclamation
equipment. This knowledge is necessary for the technical and economic
substantiation of the choice of the necessary machine or set of machines,
obtaining high productivity from their use, creating conditions for the safe use
of equipment, its long-term and trouble-free operation in compliance with all
labor protection conditions.
· #32
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:41)
To Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 Thank you for your clear and informative topic.
· #31
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 (LMR-211 Lebedeva ) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:20)
Exam topic 2:
Architecture is included in the triad of major arts (painting, sculpture,
architecture). Architecture is a very ancient form of human activity. It has
existed for about as long as human society. It began to take shape under the
primitive communal system and reached greater development already under the
slave system. There are 3 important issues that the architect must solve:
Benefit, Strength, Beauty. As an art form, architecture enters the sphere of
spiritual and material culture. According to the method of forming images,
architecture is classified as a non-pictorial art that uses non-iconic signs, or
abstract images, objects, phenomena, actions that are addressed directly to the
associative mechanisms of perception.
· #30
Obertun Mihail KI212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:09)
I read a very interesting article about
“Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles”
In 1908 Henry Ford began production of the Model T automobile. Based on his
original Model A design first manufactured in 1903, the Model T took five years
to develop. Its creation inaugurated what we know today as the mass production
assembly line. This revolutionary idea was based on the concept of simply
assembling interchangeable component parts. Prior to this time, coaches and
buggies had been hand-built in small numbers by specialized craftspeople who
rarely duplicated any particular unit. Ford's innovative design reduced the
number of parts needed as well as the number of skilled fitters who had always
formed the bulk of the assembly operation, giving Ford a tremendous advantage
The article was really interesting for me.
· #29
Obertun Mihail KI212 (Savluk) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 13:08)
1. by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
2) classified as
The suit calls on the companies to comply with a state law that went into effect
at the start of this year.
3)beyond the scope of
The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the
scope of our study
I read a very interesting article about “Facebook fed posts with violence and
nudity to people with low digital literacy skills”
Facebook studies said algorithms harmed users with low tech skills with repeated
disturbing content. Some users did not understand how content came to appear in
their feeds or how to control it. These users were often older, people of color,
lower-educated and of lower socioeconomic status.
It tested users on how well they understood Facebook's app interface and terms
like "tagging" someone on social media. Their score was the number of questions
they answered correctly. The researchers then compared the users' scores to the
types of content Facebook's algorithms fed them over a 30-day period.
The article was really interesting for me.
· #28
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:41)
To Popelyashkova M. MR-211 I got your audio recordings. Thank you.
· #27
Popelyashkova M. MR-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:34)
· #26
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:30)
To Vlad Belyaev MR-211 The comment and the exam topic are written correctly. However, you forgot about the translation of thesentences with phrases,
· #25
Vlad Belyaev MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:22)
beyond the scope of
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the
scope of our study
classified as
And by giving it wheels, the robot is now classified as a car, a quadruped and a
humanoid robot
Since they are not classified as banks or lending institutions, they are outside
the reach of the Federal Reserve
by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Outlining priorities for investors and policymakers to support the sector, the
report calls for the urgent mobilization
This article is about the fact that not all urban areas in the United States can
grow food.
Some but not all U.S. metro areas could grow all the food they need locally,
according to a new study estimating the degree to which the American food supply
could be localized based on population, geography, and diet. Metro centers in
the Northwest and interior of the country have the greatest potential for
Not everyone lives near enough agricultural land to have an entirely local or
even regional food supply. It would be important to make production benefit
conservation and create opportunities for farmers to adopt more sustainable
practices. Policies should also recognize the capacity of the natural resources
in a given locale or region—and consider the supply chain, including capacity
for food processing and storage. This article was interesting to me.
Main programs for modern graphic
The best graphic design software is a must for professional graphic designers
and anyone else who wants to unleash the creative options that current
technology allows to make quality design pieces of any kind. There are numerous
programs available to create print and digital design these days. If you want
the best graphic design software for vector drawing and editing, there's little
need to look further than Adobe Illustrator. If you feel Adobe's subscription
model is a little too pricy then Serif's Affinity Designer is a very strong
alternative. If you're new to graphic design, there are a number of apps that
allow you to get started for free. Better choose them.
· #24
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:50)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Well done, thank you.
· #23
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:48)
Popelyashkova M. MR-211 The tasks are done correctly, but something is wrong with you audio: К сожалению, запрошенный медиафайл найти не удалось. Возможно, срок его действия истек, или он был удален. Please, send the audio again.
· #22
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:44)
Technical operation of motor vehicles
The technical operation of vehicles is a set of organizational and technical
measures that ensure the possibility of using the state of flexible means. This
function provides a steady demand in the labor market. It is necessary to single
out two main tasks of the operation of vehicles: providing the department of the
enterprise engaged in transportation with the required number of serviceable
vehicles and supporting the vehicles listed on the balance sheet of the
enterprise in working condition.
*classified as - классифицированы как
They can be classified as dangerous to society - Они могут быть классифицированы
как опасные для общества
**by outlining - изложены
In this document by outlining the most basic rules - В этом документе, изложив
самые основные правила
***beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
The long-term solution to this problem is far beyond the scope of our work at
this company - Долгосрочное решение этой проблемы выходит далеко за рамки охвата
нашей работы в этой компании
· #21
Popelyashkova M. MR-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:39)
1) classified as
Facebook classified as "at-risk," including India, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ethiopia,
Russia and the Philippines, the research found.
Согласно исследованию, Facebook классифицируется как «группа риска», включая
Индию, Сирию, Ирак, Йемен, Эфиопию, Россию и Филиппины.
2) by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Исследование завершается описанием трехэтапной последовательности эволюции
метаморфической подошвы.
3)beyond the scope of
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
Экономическая эффективность производства продуктов питания не рассматривалась.
When the best tool for the job isn't enough, engineers figure out how to create
a new one. This is what John Slater did with a technique called traction force
microscopy, which is commonly used by scientists, engineers, and biophysicists
to measure the forces generated by cells in the environment.
The human body contains about 37 trillion cells. In every tissue, cells are held
together by an extracellular matrix.
An individual cell has actin stress fibers, and when these fibers contract, the
cell pulls on the matrix. The amount he draws to the matrix - the total force he
generates - really affects his behavior. This cell-environment interaction plays
a large role in the regulation of cell fate and allows cells to sense and
respond to the physical properties of their local environment.
"What is technical drawing in architecture"
A new idea that is born in a person’s mind, a new image of an object that has
suddenly arisen, require immediate fixing, and the simplest, most convenient and
fastest form of fixing a creative thought is a drawing.
The active creative activity of an inventor, engineer always begins with a
technical drawing.
The technical drawing allows you to immediately see the benefits of new design
improvements and gives you the basis to start retrofitting or replacing
individual parts of the machine. The solution of design problems is greatly
facilitated by the preliminary execution of sketches, technical drawings.
Several of these pre-made images allow you to choose the best option for the
future shape, or design of the object. But the main advantage of a technical
drawing is that it forces the author to go further, to make additions and
corrections to his drawing, activates and improves his creative thought.
· #20
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:39)
To Golishenko D. MR-211 In your exam topic 'Architecture as a science' you speak about architectural style, not a science.
· #19
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:25)
To Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 The content of the Exam topic 2 "History of architecture" doesn't meet the requirements. You don't need to speak about works of art. Please, correct it. The comment is ok.
· #18
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:19)
"Architecture as a science"
The architectural style is a characteristic feature of the method of the history
of architecture and can be defined as a set of main features and characteristics
of architecture of a certain time and place, manifested in the features of its
functional, constructive and artistic aspects (the purpose of buildings,
building materials and structures, methods of architectural composition). The
concept of architectural style is included in the general concept of style as an
artistic worldview, covering all aspects of the art and culture of society in
certain conditions of its social and economic development, as a combination of
the main ideological and artistic features of the master's work.
Link to voice:
Comment to the article:
"A wheeled car, quadruped and humanoid robot: Swiss-Mile Robot from ETH Zurich"
The Swiss-Mile team, a subsidiary of ETH Zurich, improved their ANYmal robot
with wheels, a result known as the Swiss-Mile robot. And, given the wheels, the
robot is now classified as a car, four-legged and humanoid robot, depending on
its activity at any given time. Like the original ANYmal, the Swiss-Mile has a
cartoonish look, like it rolled out of one of Pixar's Cars movies.
This makes it clear that in many cases the wheels are much more efficient than
the legs. The robot appears to drive impatiently as it rolls around, displaying
nimble agility.
Link to article:
Link to voice:
1. by outlining
The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of the
metamorphic sole.
Дослідження завершується викладенням трьохетапної послідовності для еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
2. classified as
And by giving it wheels, the robot is now classified as a car, a quadruped and a
humanoid robot, depending on its activity at any given time.
А завдяки колесам робот тепер класифікується як автомобіль, чотириногий і
гуманоїдний робот, залежно від його активності в будь-який момент часу.
3.beyond the scope of
Economic efficiency for food production was beyond the scope of the analysis.
Економічна ефективність виробництва харчових продуктів виходила за рамки
· #17
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 (LMR-211 Lebedeva ) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:14)
Exam topic 2 "History of architecture"
Works of art cannot exist without an audience. By themselves, they are just dead
bodies, pieces of canvas, sheets of paper, pieces of marble and brick boxes.
Only people give them life. Artistic creation is like sheet music or a piece.
The music is composed, but will not sound until the musicians get down to
business. The playwright has already painted all the roles, but without the
actors the curtain will not rise. We, art critics, explain the meaning, pay
attention to details, give old things a relevant sound. Our role is akin to the
vocation of a conductor or director. But every time a work begins to live
precisely when the viewer comes to it.
I've read the article :"Facebook fed posts with violence and nudity to people
with low digital literacy skills". Facebook studies said algorithms harmed users
with low tech skills with repeated disturbing content. Some users did not
understand how content came to appear in their feeds or how to control it. These
users were often older, people of color, lower-educated and of lower
socioeconomic status.In another study, Facebook researchers conducted dozens of
in-depth interviews and in-home visits with real people they'd identified as
vulnerable users with low digital literacy skills. I believe that Facebook has
committed a crime against these people, because what difference does it make
what status the user has, you need to respect all people on an equal footing!
1)beyond the scope of
* While detecting signals from Earth is beyond the scope of this technology
demonstration, SEAQUE will use its detector array to count the photons generated
by its entanglement source.
Хоча виявлення сигналів із Землі виходить за рамки демонстрації цієї технології,
SEAQUE використовуватиме свій масив детекторів для підрахунку фотонів, створених
його джерелом заплутування.
* Moreover, it is easy to set up in the lab, 50% faster and cheaper than similar
existing protocols and enables the study of molecular mechanisms of disease
beyond the scope of current single-cell sequencing tools."
Більше того, його легко налаштувати в лабораторії, на 50% швидше і дешевше, ніж
аналогічні існуючі протоколи, і дає змогу вивчати молекулярні механізми
захворювання, що виходять за рамки сучасних інструментів секвенування однієї
2) by outlining
* The team has also just published two papers (led by Smith and Sheikh)
outlining the details of the data acquisition and analysis, and a research note
describing follow-up observations of Proxima Centauri conducted with the Parkes
Telescope in April 2021.
Команда також щойно опублікувала дві статті (на чолі зі Смітом і Шейхом), де
викладено деталі збору та аналізу даних, а також дослідницьку записку з описом
подальших спостережень Проксими Центавра, проведених за допомогою телескопа
Паркса в квітні 2021 року.
* Santiago Tobón, with Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia, has
published a Perspective piece in the same journal issue, explaining the ideas
behind community policing and outlining the work done by the team.
Сантьяго Тобон, з Університетом EAFIT, Медельін, Антіокія, Колумбія, опублікував
у тому ж номері журналу статтю «Перспективу», в якій пояснюються ідеї, що лежать
в основі поліцейської діяльності громади, та описується робота, виконана
3) classified as
* The suit calls on the companies to comply with a state law that went into
effect at the start of this year that requires "gig workers" such as Uber and
Lyft drivers to be classified as employees, eligible for unemployment, medical
and other benefits.
Позов закликає компанії дотримуватися закону штату, який набув чинності на
початку цього року, який вимагає, щоб «працівники концертів», такі як водії Uber
і Lyft, були класифіковані як працівники, які мають право на виплати по
безробіттю, медичні та інші виплати.
* It is classified as high research activity university by the Carnegie
Він класифікується як університет високої дослідницької діяльності Фондом
· #16
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 11:05)
Technological processes in road transport
There are many technological processes in the car. The car is crammed with a
myriad of sensors, from tire wear to the weather. The technology in cars is
mind-blowing, for example, in the newest electric cars, you only need to swipe
your finger across the screen to start the car, and in the internal combustion
engine you just need to press the gear lever.
*classified as - классифицированы как
They can be classified as dangerous to society - Они могут быть классифицированы
как опасные для общества
**by outlining - изложены
In this document by outlining the most basic rules - В этом документе, изложив
самые основные правила
***beyond the scope of - за рамки сферы охвата
The long-term solution to this problem is far beyond the scope of our work at
this company - Долгосрочное решение этой проблемы выходит далеко за рамки охвата
нашей работы в этой компании
· #15
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:39)
To Kondratyuk MR-211 The comment and the exam topc are written correctly, but there are mistakes in pronounciation. Pay attention to the reading of architecture/ˈɑː.kɪ.tek.tʃər/
· #14
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:29)
keep track
The (ETCS) system has to keep track of all the trains, and has to keep track of
all the track status. — Система (ETCS) має відстежувати всі поїзди та
відстежувати стан усіх колій.
meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied. — Наразі якість та доступність даних не
відповідають попиту, і ситуація, яку необхідно виправити.
on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context. — Ми не повинні відкидати це зобов'язання; навпаки, ми
повинні це враховувати в цьому контексті.
I read the article "Study debunks gender performance gap in online video games".
The problem of gender inequality in our world has a fairly high place among
other social problems. The article said that there is a stereotype that women
play video games worse than men. However, Cuihua "Cindy" Shen, an assistant
professor in the Department of Communication, and his colleagues from various
universities, decided to check if this was true and made statistics of victories
in video games. The results showed that women play as well as men.
I liked this article because it covers a rather serious problem in our world. I
will advise friends to read this.
Exam Topic 1
Architecture is the art and science of building, designing buildings and
structures, as well as the totality of buildings and structures that create a
spatial environment for human life and activity.
Architecture is very important, it includes a lot of points and ramifications.
To create one house, you need many people who will first design it, then make
sure that it will stand firmly on the ground, think over the design and many
more nuances.
Architects are not just people who draw, they are very respected and important
people on whom the urban planning of the city directly depends. The main thing
is that they take their work seriously.
· #13
Kondratyuk MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:19)
by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans. —
Звіт починається з окреслення мети та цінності національних планів дій.
beyond the scope of
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
— Тривале вирішення цієї проблеми виходить далеко за рамки цього звіту.
classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
factors. — Вони можуть бути класифіковані як основні або сприятливі фактори та
сприятливі фактори.
I read the article "A universe without mathematics is beyond the scope of our
imagination". It is believed that mathematics is an invented science, but
without it we will not even be able to explain the usual operations of physics.
The language of mathematics is much more powerful than any other human language,
because it is used in all discoveries. What should not surprise us is that
mathematics is not just a language for describing the external world, but in
many ways the only one.
I liked this article, it was interesting to read. I have always liked
mathematics and this article has become proof that mathematics is not just a
school subject, but the foundation of our life.
Exam Topic 2
The history of architecture is as vast as the history of mankind. After all,
these are two interrelated points. Architecture has its origins long before our
era. Then it was just stones laid one on top of the other, but now the
construction is done according to this method, but they also give the buildings
an aesthetic binding.
The history of architecture is also a science, our heritage, which we must
protect and cherish, because if we do not have historical buildings left, then
our history will not exist. But fortunately, such sights have always been
treated appropriately, so I'm not worried that we will lose our history.
· #12
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:17)
To Zhan Rodion KA-211 Your exam topic is interesting and informative. Keep on working.
· #11
Zhan Rodion KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:12)
Technical diagnostics is a branch of knowledge that studies the technical
condition of objects of diagnosis and manifestation of technical conditions,
develops methods for their definition, as well as the principles of construction
and organization of the use of diagnostic systems. Technical diagnostics - the
process of determining the technical condition of the object of diagnosis
without disassembly with a certain accuracy. It helps to: increase the
reliability of cars through the timely appointment of maintenance or repair and
prevention of failures and malfunctions; increasing the durability of units,
assemblies by reducing the number of partial disassembly; reducing the cost of
spare parts, consumables and labor costs for maintenance and repairs by carrying
out the latter as needed on the basis of diagnostic data, which is carried out,
as a rule, as planned.
The operation of various vehicles in the sectors of the economy is accompanied
by high costs to maintain their working condition throughout its life.
Preservation of serviceability of vehicles is provided by performance of planned
and preventive works on maintenance and repair, and also the unscheduled repairs
which are carried out for elimination of failures arising in the
interprophylactic periods, and malfunctions.
Phrases of the day:
1. by outlining.
The report concludes by outlining briefly major issues in the financing of the
sectoral clusters under review.
У завершенні звіт коротко викладає основні питання фінансування галузевих
кластерів, що розглядаються.
2. beyond the scope of.
Maybe you can make a difference if you think beyond the scope of those pages.
Можливо, ви зможете змінити ситуацію, якщо ви будете думати за межами цих
3. classified as.
Foreigners classified as illegal migrants and awaiting expulsion were held in
special detention facilities.
Іноземців, які були віднесені до категорії нелегальних мігрантів та очікували на
видворення, утримували в спеціальних ізоляторах.
· #10
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 09:42)
To Popelyashkova M. MR-211 Well done, thank you.
· #9
Popelyashkova M. MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 09:29)
1) classified as
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
Они могут быть классифицированы как лежащие в основе или предрасполагающие
факторы и стимулирующие факторы.
2) beyond the scope of
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this report.
Долгосрочное решение этой проблемы выходит далеко за рамки сферы охвата
настоящего доклада.
3) by outlining
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
В начале доклада изложены цели и значение национальных планов действий.
A new study has found that harmful bacteria on plastic waste washed up on
beaches by sewage can survive long enough to pose a risk to human health.
A team from the University of Stirling conducted various experiments and found
that bacteria such as E. coli and E. coli bonded to these plastics more often
than to natural materials, thereby prolonging their persistence in and on the
water surface.
All this is due to the direct discharge of wastewater into rivers and the sea.
Scientists collected whole bags of plastic waste.
The team also found evidence that Vibrio species are able to colonize wet wipes.
And they found high rates of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria on tissues and
"Graphic design as a profession"
Graphic designer - one of the most creative and popular professions today, in
the age of digital marketing, advertising and rapid development of information
What does a graphic designer do?
Creating corporate identity and brand book;
design of printed products: magazines, newspapers, books, calendars, booklets,
business cards;
font development;
web design;
design of all types of advertising.
And this list can go on and on, because wherever we go, we will see a variety of
graphic design works.
The work of a graphic designer has many advantages and disadvantages. The
advantages include: the potential for career growth and development, a good
salary, the opportunity to work remotely, and it's just interesting and creative
Disadvantages: the work of the designer is very inactive, almost all the time
you have to sit in front of a computer; almost every day designers have to deal
with customer edits. And this is probably the hardest.
· #8
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 09:28)
To Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 Thanks for the informative topic and comment. Please, mind thespelling of the contraction: 'I've' instead of 'I'h '.
· #7
Ivashkevich Alina MP-211 (LMR-211 Lebedeva ) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 09:02)
Exam topic 9 "Main programs for modern graphic design"
Graphic design is now gaining its popularity and relevance more than ever. I
know a lot of programs in which designers work, including me. Photoshop - this
program allows you to make banners, collages and you can also draw in it.
Illustrator is a program in which you can draw only simple shapes and create
vector illustrations. Also in this program logos, booklets and much more are
created. Figma - this program can be used by both a web designer and a graphic
designer, it is easy to use and performs the same function - creating
beauty.Modern programs greatly simplify the life of a modern designer, so they
are now very popular and in demand.
I'h read the article :"Viruses are both the villains and heroes of life as we
know it". Viruses have a bad reputation. They are responsible for the COVID-19
pandemic and a long list of maladies that have plagued humanity since time
immemorial. Many biologists believe there is, at least for one specific type of
virus—namely, bacteriophages, or viruses that infect bacteria. When the DNA of
these viruses is captured by a cell, it may contain instructions that enable
that cell to perform new tricks. I believe that viruses can be both useful and
deadly. For thanks to the "antibiotic" virus, all viruses, both good and bad,
are killed, so after it you need to drink probiotics.
1)beyond the scope of
* "The extent to which people could be exposed to these pathogens is beyond the
scope of our study, but obviously there's always a risk of children picking up
and playing with wet wipes or other plastic waste on the beach."
«Ступінь, в якій люди можуть бути піддані впливу цих патогенів, виходить за
рамки нашого дослідження, але, очевидно, завжди існує ризик того, що діти
підберуть і гратимуться з вологими серветками чи іншим пластиковим сміттям на
* Though it is beyond the scope of this paper, I can add that landscape
architects need to understand better the role of the profession in, for example,
tree-planting efforts.
Хоча це виходить за рамки цієї статті, я можу додати, що ландшафтні архітектори
повинні краще розуміти роль професії, наприклад, у посадці дерев.
2) by outlining
* The study concludes by outlining a three-step sequence for the evolution of
the metamorphic sole
Дослідження завершується окресленням трьохетапної послідовності еволюції
метаморфічної підошви.
* Outlining priorities for investors and policymakers to support the sector, the
report calls for the urgent mobilization of climate adaptation funding for
Викладаючи пріоритети для інвесторів і політиків щодо підтримки сектору, звіт
закликає до термінової мобілізації фінансування для адаптації до клімату для
3) classified as
* The problems compounded for users less conversant with technology in countries
Facebook classified as "at-risk," including India, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Ethiopia,
Russia and the Philippines, the research found.
Дослідження показало, що проблеми посилюються для користувачів, менш обізнаних з
технологіями в країнах, які Facebook класифікують як «групи ризику», включаючи
Індію, Сирію, Ірак, Ємен, Ефіопію, Росію та Філіппіни.
* Uber argues that requiring drivers to be classified as employees would leave
jobs only for a small fraction of its drivers and that costs would become more
Uber стверджує, що вимога класифікувати водіїв як співробітників залишить роботу
лише для невеликої частини його водіїв і що витрати стануть дорожчими.
· #6
Illia Pasieka AS211 (Vorobyova E.) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:55)
Finally, 3D-printed graphene aerogels for water treatment
Today I've read about new graphene aerogels,
how they are created and what are their features.
Graphene is a nanomaterial formed by elemental carbon and is composed of a
single flat sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a repeating hexagonal lattice.An
airgel based on graphene with the addition of some other polymers can filter out
almost all organic and metallic compounds. Also for him there are no problems
with manufacturing in a larger size, unlike analogues.
Today, the creators of this material are looking for opportunities for mass
production of such filters.
1)classified as
These chemicals are classified as highly hazardous
2)beyond the scope of
Quantum mechanics is beyond the scope of Newtonian
3)by outlining
He explained the topic, by outlining only the main thesis.
· #5
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:36)
To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 The exam topic is very informative. Now I am waiting for the audio
· #4
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 08:29)
Exam topic (Management of the technical maintenance of cars)
A faulty car on the road is a source of disaster and misfortune . And in order
for a car to bring joy, it must always be in good working order. It isn’t
difficult to check the technical condition of the car daily before leaving and
after returning to the garage. The condition of the car should also be monitored
by instruments while driving. But driving even in a serviceable but dirty car is
unpleasant, so it should be washed from the outside, and the interior cleaned
inside. Cleanliness is more than just aesthetics.This is primarily the
protection of the metal from the effects of dirt, salt, various chemical
compounds, that is, it is a means of combating corrosion, a means of extending
the life of a car.Finally, the car often has to be refueled, topped up with oil
in the units. Moreover, the oil hasn’t only to be topped up, but also completely
replaced, since over time during operation it loses its original properties,
dust, dirt, water, wear products in the form of metal particles and oil
combustion products accumulate in it. So, the work associated with maintaining
the car in good condition is called technical maintenance. Vehicle maintenance
is understood as a complex of periodically carried out actions aimed at
maintaining it in a technically sound, reliable, and operable condition. Vehicle
maintenance is of a preventive (preventive) nature and is carried out according
to a plan after a certain set mileage or seasonally. The car needs to be washed
and refueled periodically, after a certain mileage it needs to adjust some
units, to perform electrical and other work. Finally, in spring and autumn, the
car must be prepared for summer and winter operation. Maintenance involves the
performance of control and diagnostic, fixing, adjusting, lubricating,
refueling, electrical work. They are performed, as a rule, without disassembling
the units and without removing them from the car.
1)beyond the scope-поза межами
The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this
report.(Тривале вирішення цієї проблеми виходить далеко за рамки цього звіту.)
2)by outlining -шляхом окреслення
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
(Звіт починається з окреслення мети та цінності національних планів дій)
3)classified as -класифікується як
These may be classified as underlying, or predisposing, factors and enabling
(Вони можуть бути класифіковані як основні або сприятливі фактори та сприятливі
· #3
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:56)
To Golishenko D. MR-211 Thanks for the exam topic and audio links. However, tyou should check pronunciation of the following words: realize, variety, fascinates, those, appreciate, requirement, perpetuate, author...
· #2
Golishenko D. MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 07:02)
" Unusual shapes in modern architecture"
Against the background of other creative areas of human activity, architecture
makes it possible to realize the most daring ideas.
The variety of its styles, forms and directions fascinates and delights, and at
times simply fascinates and surprises those who know how to appreciate
everything beautiful and unusual.
Living houses, reading houses, museums and attractions, greenhouses, offices and
shopping centers: Strawberry Shop, Twisted Houses and Collapsing Houses, Giant
Shopping Cart House and much more.
Architecturally unusual buildings - what is it, the requirement of the time,
investment, PR move of the architect and the desire to perpetuate his name, or
is it a reflection of the author's inner world.
link to voice:
· #1
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 06:57)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day.