Power engineering

|Eнергетикa (IЕ)

Guestbook – June 2022


·        #38

·        Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:46)

Classwork 3

1 In Kafka's 1915 novella, travelling salesman Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning inexplicably transformed into a repulsive insect, causing his family to hide him away in shame and disgust
В новелле Кафки 1915 года коммивояжер Грегор Замза просыпается однажды утром необъяснимым образом превращенным в отвратительное насекомое, из-за чего его семья прячет его от стыда и отвращения.

2 Inigo Jones linked the Brisbane River's floods to the Bruckner Cycle of solar activity, which he determined to be 35 years long, but which has since been found to vary from 35 to 45 years
Иниго Джонс связал наводнения реки Брисбен с циклом солнечной активности Брукнера, который, как он определил, длится 35 лет, но с тех пор было обнаружено, что он варьируется от 35 до 45 лет.

3 Poland's 'priceless' primeval forest pits environmentalists against state
«Бесценный» девственный лес Польши настраивает экологов против государства

Today i've read the article which tells about what alternative source of energy we have.
It's known that biological waste contains a lot of energy. Residues such as grasses, trees, animals are called biomass and can be recycled. these residues have a high moisture content, so they require drying. But now non-economical drying options are used, such as pyrolysis. Scientists have proposed a more optimal option - HTC hydrothermal carbonization for twin-screw reactors. The reactors themselves run on solar energy. Thanks to this process, energy can be extracted even from rice husks and corn stover. In conclusion, I can say that we have many other types of energy, but people cannot refuse less environmentally friendly ones until the problem affects them directly.

·        #37

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:43)

Classwork 2

Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important
Из многих современных удобств, которые в развитых странах часто считаются само собой разумеющимися, современная санитария может быть одним из самых важных
A software application to ease the reuse of construction materials
Программное приложение для упрощения повторного использования строительных материалов
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade
В новом документе ведущих британских ученых изложены ключевые решения и меры политики, которые необходимо реализовать уже сейчас, а также приоритетные направления исследований на следующее десятилетие.

Today I've read the article which tells about what environmental problems countries face. Eighteen countries have already cut emissions dramatically and their economies continue to grow. This was done largely thanks to the residents themselves, who reduced their energy needs. The question arises as to whether it is necessary for developed countries that are guilty of climate change in the past, like Germany, Japan, etc., to help less developed countries and bear responsibility for their deeds.
In conclusion, I can say that no UN environmental meetings will lead to anything, this is just window dressing and nothing more


·        #36

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 15:40)

Classwork 1

A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Обзор мирового мнения в отношении опасных бытовых отходов соответствует этой картине, согласно письму в Международном вестнике про окружающую среду и управление отходами
As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well
Как общество, мы должны говорить о том, сколько одежды достаточно, чтобы жить хорошо
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20
Соглашение «в поле зрения» Бидон призвал к единой минимальной ставке корпоративного налога в размере 15 процентов на переговорах с Организацией экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР) и G20

Today i've read the article which tells about how 3D printing can be used in search of black holes. New printing technology called Plasma Metal Deposition could help create X-rays sky telescopes. in 2033 it is planned to launch such a telescope that would find black holes and map hot gas. Prototypes have already been created to test whether PMD can be used to print large structures. The material for creation are titanium alloys or metal powder. More than 80% of the material is wasted when using the traditional production method, which is usually block milling, and the new technique saves us from wasting resources.
In conclusion, I can say that the development of one area can lead to new inventions in another


·        #35

Vorobyova E. to Andreev from ТЯ-2104 (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:33)

As a whole, it’s good. The only remark is the use of the articles “a/the”. Please, don’t omit them and remember - “IN FUTURE”. Good luck.

·        #34

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:22)

5 week
I have read the article "Three urgent steps for better protected areas". this article is about a group of scientists and their plan to improve protected areas. Scientists propose to conduct a series of studies to understand how the loss of biodiversity can be avoided. Their plan consists of three points that must be applied to these territories during protection and use. I think that this article will be of interest to those who are interested in ecology and I liked this article because this question concerns all people on earth.



6 week

I have read the article "Hints of unknown elementary particle explained using Swedish theory". This article is about research by Christopher Peterson of Chalmers University of Technology. Christopher Peterson says that the discovery of a new particle now would be more important even than the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. In March 2016, new results from the CERN accelerator were presented, which showed the traces even more clearly. At the same time, it became clear to Christoffer Petersson and his colleague Riccardo that the results exactly coincide with the theoretical predictions published back in 2013. I think that now such research is necessary and they should be funded as much as possible, because it is necessary to go into the future. I liked this article.



7 week
I have read the article "The reasons behind lithium-ion batteries' rapid cost decline". This article is about lithium-ion batteries, how they helped the development of modern portable technologies, how their price has dropped several times. The new battery research results are published in the journal Energy and Environmental Science in an MIT postdoc article, Mickey Ziegler, a recent graduate student of Juhen Song, Ph.D. '19, and Jessica Tranchik, professor at the MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society. This data will help to further reduce the cost of lithium-ion batteries. This article was interesting to me, I think that this is a very necessary area of research, but there are more important ones.



8 week
I have read the article "Summit supercomputer to advance research on wind power for renewable energy". This article is about the new research from GE scientists that became available after receiving the IBM Summit supercomputer. Scientists say they will be able to simulate the behavior of air flows tens of kilometers in size, up to the resolution of the air flow over individual turbine blades. I liked this article, I think that using this method is a step into the future, and soon absolutely everything will be studied through imitation on a computer.




·        #33

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova ) (Wednesday, 15 June 2022 12:22)

1 week
Today I have read the article "New proposal for a layered, conceptual, NFT-based patent framework". This article is about how researchers from the Chinese Academy proposed to use NFT technology for patents. The essence of this technology is that NFTs are unique and irreplaceable tokens. In this way, patents will be more reliable than security and the process of applying for patents and trademarks will be much faster and easier. it will also make it easier to deal with patents in the future because it will be much easier to keep track of changes in patent ownership. I find this article interesting and the study useful because nft is widespread but has almost no practical application.



2 week
I have read the article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of fishlike underwater research drones". This article is about a study by Chiba University and the Japan Agency for Marine and Terrestrial Science and Technology. Using 3D modeling, they figured out that small fish swimming in a school can sense the position and movements of their neighbors. They feel it because of the change in water pressure. Scientists believe that drones that mimic animals will be more efficient, so small fish are not the only object of such research. I was not interested in this article, but it will be useful in the fishing industry.



3 week
I have read the article "Calculating the global carbon footprint of space science". This article is about the research of a group of scientists from the University of Tulza in France. These scientists calculated the carbon footprint of space science. According to their calculations, the release from space science is 1.2 million tons per year. They calculated not only the trace of space stations, but also those on the ground. In one scientific journal, the head of the study described all the difficulties, methods and specifics of the calculations. I think that these studies are very relevant in our time, but they are unlikely to find analogues of classic fuel in this area.



4 week
I have read the article "Georgia Tech reveals data breach, 1.3 million records exposed". This article is about how, due to one vulnerable program, one hacker got access to the data of the institute. The database contained employee and student data for several years and could contain over a million records. I liked this article. I think that this article will appeal to those who are interested in cybersecurity or just news. This article was useful to me so that I can better monitor my safety.


https://www.zdnet.com/article/georgia-tech-reveals-data-breach-1-3-million-records-exposed/ https://voca.ro/19D1RgZHTd2J

·        #32

Vorobyova E. to Kucui from ТЯ-2104 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:27)

I accept your debts. They are correct and informative. Continue working at the exam topics.

·        #31

Vorobyova E. to Kuvshinov from ТФ-2112 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 11:07)

Well done, thank you for the tasks.

·        #30

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 13 June 2022 13:21)

Homework 3
Today i've read the article which says about the invention of a new material that will reduce the release of gas into the atmosphere. Microporous material captures CO2, molecules stick to its surface. The material was named CALF-20. It can be wrapped and glued to the walls of the chimne and be as a kind of filter. But the problem is that it doesn't work with water or impurities. Emissions of any other products may deprive the material of its ability to capture CO2.
In conclusion if scientists continue to explore and test new material, it will help improve air ecology.


·        #29

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 13 June 2022 13:20)

Homework 2
Today i've read the article which says about issues related to juvenile crime. The difference in views can be easily seen in the age the child can be punished by law for an offense. Previously, people believed that a child under 14 can not commit serious crimes fully aware of this. The age of punishment was lowered to 10 years. But 88% of residents believe that the age should be higher, most often they talk about 16 years old. Statistics showed that murders committed by children under 16 account for only 1.6% аnd only 0.3% had the highest severity score. In conclusion, sometimes even in the most civilized country, the wrong laws can be accepted.

·        #28

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 13 June 2022 13:19)

Homework 1

Today i've read an article which says about researches of the main particles. Physicists use form-factors to describe the energy and structure of a neutron. An experiment was recently conducted that closed some gaps in the description of it. To get more data, an electron and a positron were collided, as a result of annihilation, other particles were obtained, including a neutron and its opposite version. The experiment showed that the neutron and proton do not have a simple structure, which greatly improved the understanding of these microblocks. In the future, this may help in the study of neutron stars. In conclusion, I can say that even thanks to the study of the smallest parts of our world, we can understand something many times greater.


·        #27

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Vorobyova) (Friday, 10 June 2022 10:05)

Articles and phrases of the day:
1.focused primarily on
We focused primarily on the three conditions, but we found data connecting about 20 other proteins to biological pathways or processes.
2.first use of
The first use of corn may have been for an early form of liquor.
3.for a number of reasons
MDS is more efficient than traditional separation techniques for a number of reasons.

Today I have read the article "Using mirrors, lasers and lenses to bend light into a vortex ring". A team of researchers from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and the University of Dayton has developed a way to bend light into a vortex ring using mirrors, lasers and lenses. In their study, published in the journal Nature Photonics, the group built on work done by other teams in which vortex rings were observed incidentally, and then mathematically designed a system that could generate them on demand. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it to everyone who interested of optics and photonics.

·        #26

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:43)

I have read your tasks, they are clear and informative. Well done

·        #25

Grodska E. to TЯ 2104 (Thursday, 09 June 2022 10:41)

Dear students, the lesson will start soon. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck

·        #24

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 21:21)

Classwork 5

Different aspects of Asian elephants' social lives are related to their amount of stress hormones
Разные аспекты общественной жизни азиатских слонов связаны с количеством гормонов напряжения

In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts from different points of view to nurture innovation
В большинстве случаев полезно, чтобы несколько умов обдумывали множество концепций с разных точек зрения, чтобы способствовать инновациям

The researchers made these discoveries by comparing battery performance with two types of electrolytes: one that binds weakly to lithium ions, and one that binds strongly
Исследователи сделали эти открытия, сравнив производительность батареи с двумя типами электролитов: один слабо связывается с ионами лития, а другой сильно связывается

Today i've read the article which says about issues related to juvenile crime. The difference in views can be easily seen in the age the child can be punished by law for an offense. Previously, people believed that a child under 14 can not commit serious crimes fully aware of this. The age of punishment was lowered to 10 years. But 88% of residents believe that the age should be higher, most often they talk about 16 years old. Statistics showed that murders committed by children under 16 account for only 1.6% аnd only 0.3% had the highest severity score. In conclusion, sometimes even in the most civilized country, the wrong laws can be accepted.

·        #23

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 21:20)

Classwork 3

A Picasso self-portrait estimated to be worth $70 million and due to go under the hammer in New York on Tuesday, has been "accidentally damaged" and withdrawn from auction, Christie's said
По сообщению Christie
's, автопортрет Пикассо, который оценивается в 70 миллионов долларов и должен быть продан с молотка в Нью-Йорке во вторник, был «случайно поврежден» и снят с аукциона.

ResearchersAlessandroVezzosiandAgneseSabatohavedocumented 21 generationsofLeonardo DaVinci'sfamilycovering 690 yearsandidentified 14 livingmalefamilydescendants
Исследователи Алессандро Веццози и Аньезе Сабато задокументировали 21 поколение семьи Леонардо да Винчи, охватывающее 690 лет, и идентифицировали 14 живых потомков семьи мужского пола

AteamofSydneyresearchershasdrawninspirationfroma 19thcenturymap, commissionedby Napoleon tocharthisdefeatinRussia, toshowhowinsulinworksinthehumanbody
Команда сиднейских исследователей черпала вдохновение в карте
XIX века, заказанной Наполеоном, чтобы обозначить его поражение в России и показать, как инсулин действует в организме человека.

Today i've read an article which says about researches of the main particles. Physicists use form-factors to describe the energy and structure of a neutron. An experiment was recently conducted that closed some gaps in the description of it. To get more data, an electron and a positron were collided, as a result of annihilation, other particles were obtained, including a neutron and its opposite version. The experiment showed that the neutron and proton do not have a simple structure, which greatly improved the understanding of these microblocks. In the future, this may help in the study of neutron stars. In conclusion, I can say that even thanks to the study of the smallest parts of our world, we can understand something many times greater.

Classwork 4

In Kafka's 1915 novella, travelling salesman Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning inexplicably transformed into a repulsive insect, causing his family to hide him away in shame and disgust
В новелле Кафки 1915 года коммивояжер Грегор Замза просыпается однажды утром необъяснимым образом превращенным в отвратительное насекомое, из-за чего его семья прячет его от стыда и отвращения.

Inigo Jones linked the Brisbane River's floods to the Bruckner Cycle of solar activity, which he determined to be 35 years long, but which has since been found to vary from 35 to 45 years
Иниго Джонс связал наводнения реки Брисбен с циклом солнечной активности Брукнера, который, как он определил, длится 35 лет, но с тех пор было обнаружено, что он варьируется от 35 до 45 лет.

Poland's 'priceless' primeval forest pits environmentalists against state
«Бесценный» девственный лес Польши настраивает экологов против государства

Today i've read the article which tells about what alternative source of energy we have.
It's known that biological waste contains a lot of energy. Residues such as grasses, trees, animals are called biomass and can be recycled. these residues have a high moisture content, so they require drying. But now non-economical drying options are used, such as pyrolysis. Scientists have proposed a more optimal option - HTC hydrothermal carbonization for twin-screw reactors. The reactors themselves run on solar energy. Thanks to this process, energy can be extracted even from rice husks and corn stover. In conclusion, I can say that we have many other types of energy, but people cannot refuse less environmentally friendly ones until the problem affects them directly.

·        #22

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 08 June 2022 21:19)

Classwork 1

It can be expressed similarly to coating the surface of a pill in a capsule with a thin film
Его можно выразить аналогично покрытию поверхности таблетки в капсуле тонкой пленкой

This is a field that has a value at every point in spacetime, but no direction
Это поле, имеющее значение в каждой точке пространства-времени, но не имеющее направления

Interestingly, this possibility is backed up by evidence from other, more distant supervoids
Интересно, что эта возможность подтверждается данными из других, более отдаленных суперпустот

Today i've read the article which tells about a research of greenhouse gas emissions. It turned out that only electric vehicles with batteries and fuel cells can achieve significant emission reductions in accordance with the Paris agreement. The analysis was carried out for the EU, USA, China and India, because these markets account for 70% of car sales. The conclusion was that during all the life cycles of a car and its fuel, pollution was approximately the same severity. The method of study was special. It takes into account the average carbon content of the fuel and apparatus. Also relies on present usage and takes into account the cost of all production, as well as natural gas leaks. In conclusion, I can say that a new, more accurate study has shown that the production and operation of electric machines is more environmentally friendly than previously thought..

Classwork 2

Members of the Azov Battalion, a far-right unit of the Ukrainian National Guard, claimed a number of its fighters had been injured by white smoke emitted from a device dropped by a Russian drone
Бойцы батальона «Азов», крайне правого подразделения Национальной гвардии Украины, заявили, что несколько их бойцов были поражены белым дымом, вылетевшим из устройства, сброшенного с российского беспилотника.

State-of-the-art computer code could advance efforts to harness fusion energy. Aug
31, 2021
Современный компьютерный код может продвинуть усилия по использованию энергии синтеза. 31 августа 2021 г.

AflarestackispicturednexttopumpjacksandotheroilandgasinfrastructureonApril 24, 2020 near Odessa, Texas
Факельная труба рядом с насосными станками и другой нефтегазовой инфраструктурой 24 апреля 2020 года недалеко от Одессы, штат Техас

Todayi'vereadthearticlewhichtellsaboutmoreaboutviking'slive. The word "viking" in Old Norse means practice but "vikingr" a person. Today this word is used to describe any scandinavian of that era. There are many prerequisites for the fact that the Vikings landed 500 years earlier in America than the Columbus, because they laid a large number of trade routes. The word "drakkar" is sometimes considered a Viking word for a boat, the prow of which was sometimes depicted as a decorative dragon. But some historians insist that the term is as recent as the 19th century, inspired by the modern Swedish word for dragon, "drake" in singular and "drakar" in plural. In conclusion, I can say that art, such as cinema, can distort the perception of reality, and do not forget about the facts, such as the fact that the Viking helmets were without horns

·        #21

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 06 June 2022 10:21)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #20

Vorobyova E. to Korukova from ТП-2102 (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:37)

Please, mind the use of the Present Perfect Tense at the beginning of one of your reviews on the article and the article “the”: “Today I HAVE READ the article under the title…”; “THE scientists”…). Go on working.

·        #19

Korukova Kate ТП-2102 (Vorobyova E) (Friday, 03 June 2022 09:16)


Today I read the article "Study examples what makes adult children cut ties with parents". It raises the topic of the relationship between children and mothers . According to the results of a study in which about 1,000 mothers participated , most mothers believe that the reason for their bad attitude is your husband or other strangers . There are also those who believe that the child has psychological problems that contribute to their bad relationship . I believe that the study has accurate results , because the study was conducted anonymously . The article seemed to me quite informative , I made a lot of positive conclusions for myself .

-conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of questions.
-considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the periodic table.
-controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).

Today I have read the article "Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help". It tells us about artificial intelligence (AI) that can assess student performance and assist teachers in identifying students who require academic assistance.
Scientists have a lot of data from online learning that may be effectively used to improve distant learning. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to identify underachievers and discover their "weaknesses" will be one of the future advances. The application will provide teachers with data, extensive analysis, and a list of kids who are performing poorly.
I believe that anyone interested in artificial intelligence will find this material interesting.

·        #18

Vorobyova E. to Salahor from ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 14:08)

As a whole, it’s good. But, please, don’t forget about the articles (A hot lava, THE new research, THE scientists…) Keep on working.

·        #17

Vorobyova E. to Boiko from ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 14:02)

Well done, your tasks are written and voiced correctly. Thank you.

·        #16

Tomenko M.G. to Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112 Korukova Kate , ТП-2102 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:47)

Thank you. That's the right way to do it. Well done.

·        #15

Julia Derkach. PhD st.(Diachenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:24)

Title. Scalable high-repetition-rate sub-half-cycle terahertz pulses from spatially indirect interband transitions
Link. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-022-00824-6

This article is about the information processing must be faster than electronic circuits can muster. This essentially enables quantum computers to work through multiple scenarios simultaneously. Rather than exploring them one after the other. They know the key factor of unipolar pulses. May be able to shape terahertz pulses to be even more asymmetric. And tailored for controlling semiconductor qubits. The pulses could also be used for ultrafast processing of conventional information. So research was supported by the German Research Foundation.

·        #14

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:08)

1. Comparative investigations of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in primates. - Исследование представляет собой первое систематическое и сравнительное исследование когнитивных способностей лемуров и дает важные сведения об эволюции когнитивных способностей у приматов.
2. comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures. - Их сотрудничество с антропологами, археологами и экологами является первым всесторонним исследованием того, как люди взаимодействовали с видами растений и животных в разных культурах.
3. conditions imposed by
The third quarter also saw Bayer sell off some of its seeds and pesticides businesses, worth 7.6 billion euros, to rival BASF—a condition imposed by competition authorities before the Monsanto. - В третьем квартале Bayer также продала часть своего бизнеса по производству семян и пестицидов на сумму 7,6 млрд евро, чтобы конкурировать с BASF — условие, выдвинутое антимонопольными органами перед Monsanto.

Today I have read the article "Billions of years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions...".Many years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions broke loose on the moon, blanketing hundreds of thousands of square miles of the orb's surface in hot lava. Now, new research from CU Boulder suggests that volcanoes may have left another lasting impact on the lunar surface: sheets of ice that dot the moon's poles. According to the group's estimates, roughly 41% of the water from volcanoes may have condensed onto the moon as ice. It's a bounty for moon explorers who need water to drink.


Exam topic
Today I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #13

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 13:07)


Exam topic
Today I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #12

Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:56)

1) Condition imposed by. We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community.
2) Comprehensive investigation of. The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
3) Comparative investigation of. Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago.

I have read the article about a device that transmits music to the brain and uses no headphones.The technology uses a 3D sensing module that locates and tracks the position of the ear by sending sound using ultrasonic waves to create sound pockets near the user's ears.This is quite a handy gadget, because when listening to music you can fully hear all the sounds in the room.In conclusion, this is a very convenient and interesting technology, but at the time of its release it will be very expensive so not everyone will be able to afford this gadget.


Exam topic

I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. In conclusion, JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #11

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:52)

Articles and phrases of the day:
1.comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago.
2.comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
3.condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community.

Today I have read the article "Transparency on demand: A novel process can render artificial materials transparent or even entirely invisible". A team of scientists from the University of Rostock has succeeded in developing an entirely new approach for the design of artificial materials that can transmit light signals without any distortions by means of precisely tuned flows of energy. The findings presented in this work represent a breakthrough in fundamental research on non-Hermitian photonics and provide new approaches for the active fine-tuning of sensitive optical systems, for example, sensors for medical use. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it to everyone who interested of optics and photonics.

·        #10

Grodska E. to Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:45)

I have read your tasks, they are clear and well written. Well done

·        #9

Grodska E. to Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:43)

Your commentaries are informative and interesting. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working

·        #8

Korukova Kate , ТП-2102 (Tomenko) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:37)

Today l have read the article "Using nanorobots to help clean heavy metals from polluted water". A team of researchers has developed nanorobots capable of removing heavy metals from contaminated water. The group describes their nanorobots and how well they performed the tests. The result was approximately 65%. The researchers say they plan to continue testing their nanorobots to see if they can be used in real conditions. Nanotechnology has the potential to solve the biggest problems facing the world today.
-condition imposed by
We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community.
-comparative investigation of
Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago.
- comprehensive investigation of
The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.

Today I have read the article "Trees found to reduce land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C".Green spaces in cities play a much bigger role than we can imagine. They improve the city's air basin and improve its microclimate; absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, reduce air temperature in hot weather due to evaporation of moisture. Asphalt surfaces, walls of houses, cars in hot weather are heated to very high temperatures. But greenery lowers the ambient temperature, contributing to a more comfortable microclimate. This should be taken into account in modern urban planning

·        #7

Grodska E. to Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:28)

I have read your tasks, they are informative and well written. Don’t forget to write your exam topic

·        #6

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Grodska ) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:08)

1)comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures.-Їхня співпраця з антропологами, археологами та екологами є першим комплексним дослідженням того, як люди взаємодіяли з видами рослин і тварин у різних культурах...
2)condition imposed by
The abundance of helium is correctly reproduced by the new model because the internal rotation of the sun imposed by the magnetic fields generates a turbulent mixing which prevents this element .-Нова модель правильно відтворює велику кількість гелію, оскільки внутрішнє обертання Сонця, викликане магнітними полями, створює турбулентне перемішування, яке перешкоджає цьому елементу.
3)comparative investigation of
in our comparative investigation we observed more juvenile nathusius' pipistrelles dead beneath wind turbines than expected from their frequency in the local population.-у нашому порівняльному дослідженні ми спостерігали більше молодих натузіусів загиблих під вітряними турбінами, ніж очікувалося з огляду на їх частоту серед місцевого населення.


Today i have read the article "New theoretical model accounts for sun's rotation and magnetic field".This article tells about the discovery of new chemicals in the Sun.These discoveries completely changed astrophysics and astronomy in general.Thanks to the Sun, other stars have been studied, so scientists are now changing the data of stars, their chemical composition and size.Now the new model of the sun is correctly predicted, but I believe that the star will be studied and new facts will be revealed.




I have read the article "UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by 2051". It tells of the Fukushima accident in 2011 in northeastern Japan. At the moment there is a question of removal of highly radioactive fuel remains from three damaged reactors, and decommissioning of the power plant.
Japanese scientists hope to tackle this problem in about 30 years, but some experts say it is optimistic, even if decommissioning is possible. In conclusion, I would like to wish good luck to Japanese scientists in solving this problem.


·        #5

Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 12:02)

1) Condition imposed by. We deem this most regrettable, because we have complied with the conditions imposed by the international community.
2) Comprehensive investigation of. The possibilities of the thermoelectromotive force study as a method for comprehensive investigation of semiconductors are shown.
3) Comparative investigation of. Comparative investigations of crystalline and amorphous silicon dioxide samples were undertaken around a hundred years ago.

I have read the article about a device that transmits music to the brain and uses no headphones.The technology uses a 3D sensing module that locates and tracks the position of the ear by sending sound using ultrasonic waves to create sound pockets near the user's ears.This is quite a handy gadget, because when listening to music you can fully hear all the sounds in the room.In conclusion, this is a very convenient and interesting technology, but at the time of its release it will be very expensive so not everyone will be able to afford this gadget.



Nuclear fuel

I have read the article about a nuclear fuels. Nuclear fuel is the fuel that is used in a nuclear reactor to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. These fuels are fissile, and the most common nuclear fuels are the radioactive metals uranium-235 and plutonium-239. All processes involved in obtaining, refining, and using this fuel make up a cycle known as the nuclear fuel cycle. Nuclear fuels require far more complicated systems to extract their energy, which calls for greater regulation. In conclusion, nuclear fuel is very efficient, but because it is not fully recyclable, it cannot be disposed of and is therefore not environmentally friendly.

·        #4

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 02 June 2022 11:01)

1. Comparative investigations of
The study represents the first systematic and comparative investigation of cognitive abilities in lemurs and provides important insights into the evolution of cognitive abilities in primates. - Исследование представляет собой первое систематическое и сравнительное исследование когнитивных способностей лемуров и дает важные сведения об эволюции когнитивных способностей у приматов.
2. comprehensive investigation of
Their collaboration with anthropologists, archaeologists, and ecologists is the first comprehensive investigation of how humans interacted with plant and animal species in different cultures. - Их сотрудничество с антропологами, археологами и экологами является первым всесторонним исследованием того, как люди взаимодействовали с видами растений и животных в разных культурах.
3. conditions imposed by
The third quarter also saw Bayer sell off some of its seeds and pesticides businesses, worth 7.6 billion euros, to rival BASF—a condition imposed by competition authorities before the Monsanto. - В третьем квартале Bayer также продала часть своего бизнеса по производству семян и пестицидов на сумму 7,6 млрд евро, чтобы конкурировать с BASF — условие, выдвинутое антимонопольными органами перед Monsanto.

Today I have read the article "Billions of years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions...".Many years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions broke loose on the moon, blanketing hundreds of thousands of square miles of the orb's surface in hot lava. Now, new research from CU Boulder suggests that volcanoes may have left another lasting impact on the lunar surface: sheets of ice that dot the moon's poles. According to the group's estimates, roughly 41% of the water from volcanoes may have condensed onto the moon as ice. It's a bounty for moon explorers who need water to drink.


Exam topic
Today I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #3

Grodska E. to TЯ 2104 (Thursday, 02 June 2022 10:41)

Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck

·        #2

Volodymyr Polyvanyi, PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 14:02)

TITLE: "Enhancing automated analysis of marine soundscapes using ecoacoustic indices and machine learning"
LINK: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X22004575?via%3Dihub

This article is about using artificial intelligence to study coral reefs. Scientists at the University of Exeter trained a computer algorithm using several sonar records of the reefs, allowing the machine to tell the difference. Coral reefs have a complex landscape and experts have to conduct a thorough analysis in order to measure the health of the reefs based on sonar sound recordings. The computer analyzed many records and successfully determined the condition of the reef in most cases. The team used the results to track the progress of reef restoration efforts. In my opinion, this study shows how important it is to use artificial intelligence in various fields of science.


·        #1

Lysyuk PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 01 June 2022 10:41)

TITLE: 'Nanomagnetic' computing can provide low-energy AI
LINC: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/05/220505114646.htm

The article describes research in the field of implementation of brain neurons with the help of nanomagnets.
In traditional computers, a lot of energy is spent processing and transferring information by electrons to memory. The software was used to simulate the interaction of magnets.
Nanomagites process and transmit information in the form of a wave, where each magnet affects the state of neighboring magnets. Much less energy is wasted. Processing and storage of information can be carried out jointly.
Magnetic systems can be integrated into conventional computers to improve energy efficiency. Nanomagnetic calculations are many times more efficient than conventional calculations.


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