Digital technology, Design and Transport
|Цифрові технології, дизайн та транспорт (ІЦТДТ)
Guestbook May 2022
· #702
· Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 31 May 2022)
keep track: The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at
once, coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions
and clues.
on the contrary: On the contrary: "Public transportation, currently representing
around 12% of the overall trips in the Karlsruhe region, would profit from a
redoubling of sharing and pooling options with a slight increase, and the same
goes for bicycle usage,".
meet the demand: To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films
for sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a
multi-national team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made
from cellulose nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde
(reinforcing glycerol).
GLA University India
'This is our forest': Climate change means uncertain future for maple trees,
syrup season (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “'This is our forest': Climate
change means uncertain future for maple trees, syrup season”. This article
describe about problems for maple trees, syrup season. For centuries, the
Abenaki people of the northeastern U.S. and Canada looked at maple sap as a gift
from their creator, arriving at a time just before spring when their ancestors'
food reserves were low. But the sweet, amber syrup and the people who produce it
today face an uncertain future. The continent's iconic sugar maple trees—revered
for their sap and fall colors—can't escape the changing climate. Rising
temperatures affect the maple trees, with the warmer climate bringing more
weather extremes, an earlier sap flow, shorter sugaring seasons and invasive
insects. And some believe it may get too hot in parts of the northeastern U.S.
for the sugar bushes, as the Abenaki call them, to remain where they've stood
for centuries. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who are
interested in protection of environment.
New braking systems and satellite navigation to help more trains run on Europe's
tracks (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “New braking systems and
satellite navigation to help more trains run on Europe's tracks”. This article
describe about new brake system for trains. This system work by radio
communication and electric drive. The project has designed a prototype pneumatic
brake whose brake pads use lighter materials, different surface patterns to
improve its grip, and has fewer components. Early tests have shown these
prototypes to be 16% lighter, reduce the braking distance by 40% and reduce wear
by 55% compared to conventional brake pads on the market. This article describe
about new coordination system. This involves using standard markers along the
track, plus radio communication and satellite navigation systems on-board the
train to tell other trains and traffic managers where they are. This satellite
and radio-based information is faster to transmit and is more efficient than
train monitoring equipment installed directly on the tracks, says Chadwick. In
my opinion this article can be interesting people who interested in logistic and
train systems.
Exam # 7
Engineering of logistics
Today I want to describe you about logistics and how its work. Logistics
engineering is a complex science that considers trade-offs in component/system
design, repair capability, training, spares inventory, demand history, storage
and distribution points, transportation methods, etc., to ensure the "thing" is
where it's needed, when it's needed, and operating the way it's needed all at an
acceptable cost. Logistic is very important science. The speed of delivery of
products that you ordered online from gas stations and others depends on this
science. In my opinion this science will will be the key to further development
of mankind.
· #701
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Diachenko) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 15:31)
1.on the contrary
But this did not bother anyone, on the contrary, they even liked it.
навітьподобалося. the demand
To meet the demand, the company released a couple more copies of the books.
3.keep track
You need to keep track of time so as not to be late for a meeting.
This text says that cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer in the
world and researchers are trying to fight it. They found that bony fish and
amphibians can regenerate their hearts. By developing a genetic
marker-independent lineage tracking system, the scientists were able to
demonstrate a continuous epicardial contribution to heart muscle cells that
increased significantly in response to injury, after injury, epicardial cells
proliferated and migrated to the site of injury, forming a honeycomb structure.
Having studied the importance of this structure, the results could not but
rejoice because the work done gives new hope to millions of patients awaiting a
heart transplant.
EXAM TOPIC #10 (History of programming)
Programming is the process of creating computer programs. It is based on the use
of programming languages in which the source texts of programs are written.
Programming appeared before the 50s of the twentieth century. The first ideas
were still Charles Babbage, who is rightfully considered the father of the
computer. He did not know about transistors, microcircuits and monitors, but he
accurately described the basic principles on which all computers are built.
The first work of the programmer was written in machine code - a binary system
of ones and zeros. This is the code of a professional computer, but for people
it was inconvenient. Assembly language appeared when the command had to be
entered using words.
· #700
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 15:13)
To Vietiev Ivan- group-KD- 211.Thank you for your coments on the article of the day, the exam topic about Me'chanics, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but the exam topic is to contain 100 words and not 196 as in your message. The audio recording sounds not bad, but it lacks fluency and there are many mispronounced words in your reading :"de'mand; is written; 'treating; 'oxigen; 'radio'frequency; con'ditions; o'riginate; 'published; re'quring; 'quantum etc." Consult a dictionary before posting. Would you remind your groupmates that in a week, on the 7-th of June, you are writing the Modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should send the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number). Have you got the instructions on modular control tests ? Continue to work online . Good luck!
· #699
Golishenko Daria, MR-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 15:05)
I read an article on the topic: "Time well spent, not wasted: Video games are
boosting wellbeing during lockdown" and this is what I can conclude.
Video games have been in demand for a long time, but during the global lockdown,
their sales have increased.
However, for those who are not already avid gamers, video games can be seen as
childhood—a waste of time devoid of redeeming qualities.
However, scientists have found that video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs and are therefore of great value to all ages.
link to article:
link to voice:
meet the demand
1. To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for
sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a
multi-national team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made
from cellulose nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde
(reinforcing glycerol).
GLA University India
on the contrary
2.ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.
keep track
3.At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
жвавих транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами,
автобусами та трамваями, водіям може бути неможливо відстежити все навколо.
· #698
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:48)
Exam topic #4 (Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles)
Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles is an academic discipline that
deals with the study of general issues of the organization of vehicles, the
basics of their production technology and repair technology. The purpose of this
discipline is to give future road transport specialists solid knowledge,
teachings and skills on the basics of organization and technology of vehicle
repair based on the theory and methods of scientific knowledge. Students who
study to be mechanics or automotive engineers take this discipline, as it is
quite important. After passing this discipline, students will receive the
necessary skills and knowledge on the organization and technology of vehicle
repair. Studying mechanics is quite difficult, and this discipline is also not
easy, it takes a lot of effort.However, good mechanics will always find work and
earn good money.
keep track-
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context(Минеповиннівідкидатицезобов'язання;
meet the demand-
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied(Наразіякістьтадоступністьданихнезадовольняютьпопиту,
· #697
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211(Lebedeva, debt) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:42)
Exam topic #3(Technical diagnostic of automobiles )
Everything changes over time, breaks down, gets old and gets worse. And cars are
not an exception. Over time, after buying a car, it tends to drive worse, don’t
work of some functions and more. Therefore, for cars there is a special
technical diagnostic. Technical diagnostics of a car is a set of goals and
objectives related to finding faults in the mechanisms and systems of a car, for
their further elimination. The main task of technical diagnostics is to ensure
safety, functional reliability and efficiency of maintenance work and reduce
losses from downtime as a result of failures from damaged terminals for repair.
Such diagnostics must be carried out often, and depending on the age of the car.
If the car is older than three years and less than eight years old, then
diagnostics can be carried out once a year. The older the car, the more often
you need to do diagnostics.This is a very important thing, as it concerns
people's lives: first of all, the driver and his passengers and the avoidance of
car accidents. it is enough to devote a little time to this, pay for the work
and be sure that you are safe and nothing will happen to the car. Of course,
mechanics who carry out diagnostics play an important role. They must be masters
of their craft and take responsibility for their work. After all, human lives
are on their shoulders, like doctors. Therefore, a mechanic must have an
education and be experienced in his profession.
keep track-
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context(Минеповиннівідкидатицезобов'язання;
meet the demand-
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied(Наразіякістьтадоступністьданихнезадовольняютьпопиту,
· #696
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:35)
Exam topic #2 (Motor Vechicles)
Motor Vechicles is an integral part of human life. It is a self-propelled land
vehicle, usually wheeled, that doesn’t run on rails and is used to transport
people or goods.Anprime example is a car or a truck. The car is designed to
transport people, and the truck is for large loads. The first cars appeared at
the end of the 19th century and are still being produced. Cars have become very
popular during this time and take a huge demand from people. Almost every person
has his own car, when you can go from one end of the city to the other in a
short period of time. Or when a person moves, a truck is a great way to move
their things to a new home. And it is convenient to save your time and spend it
on something useful. This industry is never worth it. Today, many companies are
switching to electric engines, instead of conventional diesel or gasoline ones.
It will be much more environmentally friendly and convenient. However, the
electric motor hasn’t yet taken up so much demand, but this is a matter of time.
Honestly, it's great what people could come up with Motor Vechicles and keep
improving. I'm sure that after another century, people have come up with
something even more fantastic. As practice shows, this is real. A person living
in the 18th century couldn’t have such modes of transport in the 21st century.
keep track-
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context(Минеповиннівідкидатицезобов'язання;
meet the demand-
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied(Наразіякістьтадоступністьданихнезадовольняютьпопиту,
· #695
Shishak Lilia MR-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:31)
Time well spent, not wasted: Video games are boosting wellbeing during lockdown
After reading this article “Time well spent, not wasted: Video games are
boosting wellbeing during lockdown”, I disagree with its context. In my opinion
computer games are waste of our time. Also we will become very aggressive and
nervous. Some people manage waste money on games.
On the one hand, children can find friends, but on the other hand there is also
a lot of bullying on the Internet because of this, children grow up angry and
cruel. And adults would be better off getting a job and feeding themselves and
their families.
But everyone can do with their life whatever they want.
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose
nanofiber reinforced by glycerol and glutalraldehyde.
The university will continue fundamental and applied research to develop
sustainable solutions that can mitigate the effects of natural disasters and
climate change and to meet the demand for food with alternative food sources.
keep the track
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
завантажених транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами,
автобусами та трамваями, водії не можуть стежити за всім довкола.
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному чи каламутному середовищі, риба явно має
покладатися не лише на зір.
on the contrary
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs, and therefore have enormous value for all ages.
Навпаки, ми виявили, що відеоігри допомагають задовольнити фундаментальні
психологічні потреби і, отже, мають величезну цінність для будь-якого віку.
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.
Інструменти машинного навчання, навпаки, здатні виявляти складні закономірності
щодо невеликих наборах даних.
1. Architecture as a science
The first evidence of the origins of the art of architecture comes to us from
the depths of centuries. In the prehistoric period, primitive residential
buildings began to appear - dugouts, huts, community and pile buildings,
religious buildings, which were later improved. Thus, the process of gaining
experience in construction gradually begins and at the same time the artistic
principle is activated.
From primitive cult huts primitive builders move to complex architectural forms:
menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs. These first places of worship had a more complex
structure. Burnt bricks were used for their construction, which testified to the
emergence of a new stage in the development of civilization. Thus, architecture
has always been closely linked with the history of society, with the development
of science and technology, natural and climatic conditions, worldview and
worldview of man. Architecture was also closely related to other arts, including
sculpture, painting, and decorative arts, which testifies to its synthetic
· #694
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:28)
Exam topic #1 (CAD maschines and vechicles)
Earlier, back in the 19th and mid-20th centuries, machines were desired
according to blueprints. At the same time, many projects were very successful
and profitable. But over time, everything changes. Machines are now made using
computer-aided design (CAD) software to help bring ideas to life and make it
easier to imagine,designing and improving them. CAD software is also used in
packaging, shipbuilding, aerospace design, industrial and architectural design,
film animation and many other applications. Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty
was one of the first who used this program. The use of CAD systems in automotive
design expanded significantly over the years as computer costs decreased and
technology grew by leaps and bounds. Now, almost every automotive manufacturer
in the world depends on CAD as part of its design, engineering and manufacturing
processes. Designers have used CAD to help make cars safer, by using software
tools to design and test seat belts, air bags, improved visibility, energy
transfer and absorption, and vehicle control and handling, including anti-lock
brakes. Although CAD makes the work of designers much easier, there's little
chance that CAD will ever take away the job of the automotive designer. CAD,
despite being sophisticated and invaluable in today's automotive industry, is
really just a software tool that brings innovative designs to life. It requires
human intelligence, an understanding of the automotive marketplace, the drive to
create and, most importantly, a love for designing cars to use the technology
keep track-
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context(Минеповиннівідкидатицезобов'язання;
meet the demand-
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied(Наразіякістьтадоступністьданихнезадовольняютьпопиту,
· #693
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:12)
To Filimonova Yana,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. I'm waiting for your independent work and exam topics.
· #692
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:08)
To Bondarenko M.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Don't forget about your independent work.
· #691
Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 12:40)
on the contrary
We should not ignore this task, on the contrary, we will be given more points
for it.
не повинні ігнорувати це завдання,навпаки, за нього нам дадуть більше балів.
meet the demand
This presentation does not meet the demand needs for enrollment.
keep track
This item is worth keep track, as it is one of the most important.
предмет варто держати в полі зору, оскільки він є одним з найважливіших.
Apple AirTags connected to cases of stalking, car theft
Today I chose an article about an Apple product, namely Apple Airtags. Since I
am the owner of such an item, I was very interested in this article.
This product is used to keep track of easily lost items such as a wallet, bag,
or keys. It works with bluetooth.
As it turns out, some can use them to spy on you, or to steal your car. How does
this happen? It's very simple, that is, a person can throw this device into your
pocket for example. But you will not feel it, because it is too small and light.
If we are talking about a car, then most often, Airtag is thrown to the license
If this happens, your phone will signal that someone else's device is nearby,
and then you should immediately call the police.
But in fact, this is a safe device, but as we have learned, unfortunately there
are such situations.
· #690
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 12:05)
1. keep track
You know I can't keep track of any more information.
2. on the contrary
On the contrary, I find this approach very interesting.
3. meet the demand
Good touch interface and powerful control system, can meet the demand of most
industry application process in market.
Хороший сенсорний інтерфейс і потужна система управління можуть задовольнити
попит більшості галузевих прикладних процесів на ринку.
I just read the article "Five facts about the gruesome beauty of solitary
wasps". In this article we are talking about the fact that most types of wasps
are loners. The article contains 5 interesting examples from the world of lonely
wasps. The first example was particularly interesting, in which it was a kind of
wasp that could hypnotize its prey, thereby forcing it to get to its underground
grave on its own. Also thanks to this article, I learned that venom and other
wasp secretions are a source of antibiotics. For me, this article is quite
interesting, informative and fascinating.
EXAM TOPIC #18.What is Word processing.
Word processing programs or software is a type of advanced typing program that
allows the user to record information and then allows the user to perform many
other actions with it. Having evolved and expanded over the years, word
processing programs now support things like creating, editing, and printing text
documents. Text processing technology allows people to freely and effectively
exchange ideas, thoughts, feelings and other information in writing. A word
processor is a program designed for fast and relatively inexpensive creation of
a wide range of documents. Common word processing applications include Microsoft
Notepad, Microsoft Word.
· #689
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 12:01)
To Serdichenko D.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.
· #688
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:48)
To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the exam topic " The role of the logistics metrics", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Please, indicate the title of the article you've read in the first sentence. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. Would you remind your groupmates that in a week, on the 7-th of June, you are writing the Modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should send the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number). Have you got the instructions on modular control tests ? Continue to work online . Good luck!
· #687
Gvozd to Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:40)
Thank you, but mind the usage of Present Perfect in the first sentences and remember that article TELLS.
· #686
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:35)
1. on the contrary.
On the contrary, no one wants to help us from the locals.
Навпаки, ніхто не хоче нам допомагати з місцевих.
2. keep track.
The new app gives you the ability to keep track your child's location.
3. meet the demand.
To meet the demand in our country, new types of public transport have been
задовольнити попит в нашій країні, були розроблені нові види громадського
I read the article "How palm oil became the world's most hated, most used fat
source". Palm oil is everywhere today: in food, soap, lipstick, even newspaper
ink. The plant that produces it, the African oil palm, can produce 10 times more
oil per hectare than soybeans. Because palm oil was very inexpensive,
manufacturers found new uses for it, such as replacing petroleum-based chemicals
in soaps and cosmetics. The EU is phasing out palm oil-based biofuels due to
deforestation concerns. Proponents argue that the oil palm is very productive,
switching to other oilseeds can cause even more harm.
I read the article "Electronic eye: Technology for breakdowns prevention".
Determination of deformations and the degree of wear of underground water pipes
is one of the functions of an optical measuring device. This wireless device
with a rotating laser scanner is placed inside the pipe and can move inside it.
This allows, firstly, to reduce the risk of breakage of communications, and
secondly, if monitoring shows that the pipe is still in good condition and does
not need to be dug out and changed. This invention saves money for workers'
salaries and is also very convenient and easy to use.
History of computer software.
The first electronic computers were available exclusively to programmers.
Therefore, historically, programming systems have become the first type of
software. On the machines of the first generation, programming languages did
not exist. Programmers worked in the language of machine codes. Computers were
adapted to perform mathematical calculations. It is thanks to application
software that personal computers have become widespread in most areas of human
activity: medicine, economics, education, office work, trade, and even in
everyday life. Today, the computer has become such a necessary and
multifunctional technique that we cannot live without it even a day. The
software industry is developing every day to make our computer experience
· #685
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:33)
To Spetcialna K.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Don't forget about your independent work. Please don't copy sentences from the article you've read. Keep on working.
· #684
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:25)
To Koval V.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Pay attention to the second sentence in your review (The aim of THE course...). Go on working.
· #683
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:18)
To Belous A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Pay attention to the first sentences (I've read THE article...), use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read. Go on working.
· #682
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:11)
To Novitsky Yu.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Try to avoid long quotations in your reviews. Keep on working.
· #681
Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:05)
1)I can't even keep track.
навіть не можу відстежити.
2)The additional places will help meet the demand for local students to study.
3)I did not hate to him, on the contrary.
I read the article "Computers on the verge of developing their own programs." It
talks about a new system that can write programs according to instructions. This
can allow everyone to create their own software without too much work. It will
help people with no programming knowledge to create small programs to make life
easier. Maybe for them it will be the starting point to start learning
I don't think this is a threat to programmers or web designers, since artificial
intelligence will not be able to outperform an experienced specialist. I liked
this article, this is the future.
Today I read the article "If we put computers in our brains, strange things
might happen to our minds." This article is about aligning our brains with
computers. We are already seeing how technology fills our environment and
becomes an integral part of our lives, like mechanized limbs that gave people a
new chance. It still has more advantages than disadvantages, for example, it can
cure people of a stroke, or simply make life easier for an ordinary person in
everyday life. So it is possible that in the near future there will be a
combination of the brain with the computer.
· #680
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 11:01)
To Merezhenko N.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentence (I've read THE article...). Look through the last sentence once more. Go on working.
· #679
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:56)
To Klepatska A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.
· #678
Gvozd to Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:55)
The review is interesting, but what's about your Independent practice?
· #677
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:52)
Phrases of the day:
1. Keep track -
The trend towards autonomous aids for the driver can help keep track of the
roadsides to detect animals.
Тенденція до автономних допоміжних засобів для водія може допомогти відстежувати
узбіччя для виявлення тварин.
2. Meet the demand -
Farmers continued to increase both the quantity and variety of local products to
meet the demand.
Farmers continued to increase both the quantity and variety of local products to
meet the demand.
3. On the contrary -
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
I've just read the article "NFT museum opens its doors in United States".The
Seattle NFT Museum features original artworks along with explanations of the
technology behind them, and is intended to help visitors navigate the new world
of Non-Fungible Tokens. NFTs are unique digital objects that confer
ownership.For a more understandable example, NFT can be compared to paintings by
famous artists, which, although they can be rewritten many times, but the
original still remains the same.Every month more and more collectors and
celebrities take part in NFT auctions.But many still doubt new technologies, but
as for me, it's exciting to live in the moment of development of such global
The invention and development of operating system.
The first operating systems were developed in the 1950s, when computers could
only run one program at a time. Later in the following decades, computers began
to include more and more software programs, sometimes called libraries, that
came together to create the start of today's operating systems. The three most
common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS,
and Linux. Modern operating systems use a graphical user interface, or
pronounced gooey. I think that operating systems have evolved from slow and
expensive systems to present-day technology where computing power has reached
exponential speeds and relatively inexpensive costs.
· #676
Gvozd to Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:52)
I have got your tasks and I have minded the number of the topic.
· #675
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva ,debt for 13.05 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:49)
Today i read an unusual and serious article called “America mourns another
school shooting. Why is it so difficult to strengthen US gun laws?”. This
article about a big question. About the big issue of allowing people to have
guns. Over the years, there have been many mass murders, gun suicides and
assaults in the United States. A prime example is The murders of at least 19
children and two teachers at a Texas elementary school.The statistics of such
cases doesn’t fall, and the state does nothing. A lot of inadequate people can
buy weapons and then go kill people. And of course, the Americans aren’t happy
with this at all. Everyone has fear, for yourself, for children, for loved ones.
therefore, the US government is required to tighten the requirements for
obtaining a gun license. 'Cause even people with a license commit murders. and
of course, relatives and close people need to watch a person if he has a weapon.
It is important to understand what his condition is and whether he can go to
sin. In a positive case, you need to seek help from psychiatrists and treat the
person in order to avoid disaster.
Thus, it's terrible that such tragedies happen in the world. But the authorities
must do everything to reduce them as much as possible, after all, we are talking
about human lives.
Article of the day:
keep track-
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references(Таблицятакожпризначенадлявідстеженнявсіхстандартнихпосилань)
· #674
Koval Veronika MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:48)
1. Keep track —
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Система дозволяє пошуковому командеру слідкувати одразу за декількома командами,
координувати їх дії та отримувати дані про стан дикої природи на місці подій
2. On the contrary —
On the contrary — I called you here because our odds are beyond scary.
Навпаки — я покликав Вас тому, що наші шанси дуже невеликі.
3. Meet the demand —
First, we need to think about how do we encourage people back into the market to
meet the demand for labour.
По-перше, ми повинні поміркувати, як знову заохочити людей до ринку, щоб
відповідати вимогам до кількості робітників.
In 'Study provides insight into how we sense threats in our environment' article
we gotta know about how our brain can convert the simplest lines into the
information about the surroundings. Thus, straight or smoothly curved of them
are giving us the feeling of safety, whether the angled are defined as scary.
Scientists suppose that it may be bounded to the genetic memory from those times
when our ancestors lived as apes and the first kind of lines reminded them of
open field where you can see the predator easily, and the second one – of
mountainous area, which is obviously dangerous. Overall, the connection between
instincts and feelings is described.
The 'How to teach all students to think critically' article tells us about how
one of the Sydney's universities is going to provide a new course for freshmen.
The aim of course is to help students to develop their skills of critical
thinking. Thinking about teaching someone such abstract things, the author
emphasizes four main points: argumentation, logic, psychology and the nature of
science. These moments are described, and so-called 'language of thinking',
which is defined as using scientific terms, that will be understood by students,
and compared to when a coach freezes the video of protégé doing the task and
explains what did they do wrong.
Exam topic #11. What is the difference between CLI ands GUI?
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. It takes the advantage of computer
graphics and allows user to interact with computer using components such as
windows, icons, labels etc. It is easy for user to perform tasks using GUI as it
does not require remembering commands. He can easily click on icons, drag and
drop objects using mouse. CLI stands for Command Line Interface. CLI is also
called Command Language Interpreter. It allows users to enter commands to
terminal to perform the task. When the user enters a command and presses “enter”
key, the terminal or the shell will interpret that command and will display the
response back to the terminal. Likewise, user can communicate with operating
system. A GUI is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with
devices through graphical icons and visual indicators. A CLI is an interface for
user to issue commands in the form of successive lines of text or command lines
to perform the tasks.
· #673
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:48)
1) meet the demand -
Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
2) on the contrary -
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
3) keep track -
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Today I read the article "Body cameras, live streaming bring search and rescue
into the next generation".
It claims that scientists from the University of Toronto have developed a system
of body cameras that take search and rescue operations to a new level.
These cameras have a 360-degree view and send real-time photos and videos to a
central command post.
I think this is an important development that will help save many lives.
"It is essential that members of search and rescue teams can easily exchange
that they face in order to productively search and find missing people in the
desert," said Karmana Neustaedter.
· #672
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:46)
To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Use Present Perfect in the first sentence : Today I HAVE read....
· #671
Anna Belous MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:43)
1. Keep track-
He keeps track on his cat all the time.
весь час стежить за своїм котом.
2. On the contrary-
Bright options on the contrary invigorate, increase activity and motivate new
achievements in the near future.
Яскраві варіанти навпаки бадьорять, підвищують активність і мотивують до нових
звершень у найближчому майбутньому.
3. Meet the demand-
Furthermore, the private sector could leverage capital to allow schools to
expand quickly to meet demand.
Крім того, приватний сектор міг би залучити капітал, щоб дозволити школам швидко
розширюватися, щоб задовольнити попит.
I have just read an article "Cells as computers: An OR switch in human cells
that reacts to different signals". I'm impressed by The primary criterion for
publication in Cell Reports, as for all Cell Press journals, is that like a new
biological insight. Even if such development began in 19 century, it deffinetly
has huge progress in this sphere. Cellural information will be used only in
medical diagnostic. It will help doctors to know how organism deals with some
changes. Also as we know the body's stress reactions can be very complex.
In conclusion, such forms of diagnostic would also identify when a normal state
has been reached following successful medical diagnostic.
I have just read an article "Mobile games thrive, even as pandemic keeps players
In contrast to console games with immersive worlds that can last hours,
smartphone game play involves taps on touchscreens with only a few moments of
play at a time, frequently while sipping coffee or waiting for transit. Many
mobile games are free to download, and therefore rely on a large number of users
spending a small amount of money on things like additional lives, virtual
clothing, or objects that improve in-game abilities. According to proponents,
playing mobile games can enhance moods, boost brain power, and create a sense of
To sum up, this topic is interesting and is so important in our days.
Exam topic 2.#3
Trusted operating system is generally refers to operating system at all that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security.
The Popular Criteria paired with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for
Labeled Security Protection Profile (LSPP) and obligatory access control is the
most common set of criteria for trusted operating system architecture (MAC).The
Common Requirements are the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of
the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands,
and other countries[1] to produce a set of standardized security criteria for IT
To conclude, the type of Trusted operating system is so important now in our day
and popular at the same time.
· #670
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt for (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:43)
Today i read an interesting article called “Office politics can be a force for
good, new research show” This article about office politics and how people work
there.Hovewer, it is not about all people, but about women and ethnic
minorities. As a rule, it is always difficult for such people to work and get
used to the team. They have to keep silent about all this and they can’t do
anything. And it's annoying. Many people spend a huge part of their lives at
work, and they want to have good conditions there. The solution to this problem
depends not only on employees, but also on the company itself. Thus, it will
greatly affect the productivity of work.
The new research identified five strategies to help organizations foster
healthier office politics cultures where all employees are nurtured and
1. Be transparent:Talking about politics can be uncomfortable, but failing to do
so only benefits those who already have easy access to the political arena
2. Ensure access to informal career development:successful career growth
requires a combination of formal and informal resources for development,
3. Reframe politics positively:Leaders must explicitly push back on the view
that politics can only be used for self-gain, and reframe it as a tool that can
help everyone to build connections and make the most of every opportunity
4. Leverage politics to drive inclusion:Managers play a key role in gatekeeping
the political arena, so organizations should train them to share their political
know-how and leverage their power across racial and gender lines
5. Share success stories:To make politics a normal part of a professional
success story, organizations should encourage employees who have "made it" to
talk openly about how they did so—and emphasize times when they benefited from a
helping hand, inside information or key relationships
In general, office politics is a very tricky thing and needs a lot of changes to
be beneficial.
Article of the day
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context(
· #669
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:40)
To Group MD-211. Dear students, the lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #668
Gvozd to MD-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:36)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #667
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt for 18.05) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:33)
Today i read an interesting article called “Office politics can be a force for
good, new research show” This article about office politics and how people work
there.Hovewer, it isn’t about all people, but about women and ethnic minorities.
As a rule, it is always difficult for such people to work and get used to the
team. They have to keep silent about all this and they can’t do anything. And
it's annoying. Many people spend a huge part of their lives at work, and they
want to have good conditions there. The solution to this problem depends not
only on employees, but also on the company itself. Thus, it will greatly affect
the productivity of work.
The new research identified five strategies to help organizations foster
healthier office politics cultures where all employees are nurtured and
1. Be transparent:Talking about politics can be uncomfortable, but failing to do
so only benefits those who already have easy access to the political arena
2. Ensure access to informal career development:successful career growth
requires a combination of formal and informal resources for development,
3. Reframe politics positively:Leaders must explicitly push back on the view
that politics can only be used for self-gain, and reframe it as a tool that can
help everyone to build connections and make the most of every opportunity
4. Leverage politics to drive inclusion:Managers play a key role in gatekeeping
the political arena, so organizations should train them to share their political
know-how and leverage their power across racial and gender lines
5. Share success stories:To make politics a normal part of a professional
success story, organizations should encourage employees who have "made it" to
talk openly about how they did so—and emphasize times when they benefited from a
helping hand, inside information or key relationships
In general, office politics is a very tricky thing and needs a lot of changes to
be beneficial.
Article of the day:
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.(Минеповиннівідкидатицезобов'язання;
· #666
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:31)
Made a mistake , exam topic#10 , not #4
· #665
Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:28)
keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
on the contrary
On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with their
usual tools and the meta-platform pulls the strings in the background in a way
that makes it possible to exchange information.
Навпаки, всі зацікавлені сторони продовжують взаємодіяти зі своїми звичайними
інструментами, а мета-платформа смикає за ниточки у фоновому режимі таким чином,
щоб уможливити обмін інформацією.
meet the demand
Dykstra says that new technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand for
fresh water
The article is headlined "Strong but thin transparent films made from cellulose
nanofibers with wide applicability". The article is written by Newcastle
University in Singapore. This article explains how a team of scientists decided
to develop a new method of making better cellulose clear and rigid films for
sustainable use. According to the paper, the novelty of the film lies in a new
and efficient way of adapting the interfacial bonds between the fibers and
glycerine and glutaraldehyde. Also, the optical transparency and anti-fogging
properties of the film can be further improved by treating the surface of the
film with radiofrequency oxygen plasma. I found this article interesting as this
technology has a wide range of applications such in medicine agriculture cooking
and others.
Exam topic#18 Mechanics
Mechanics is a field of mathematics and physics that deals with the relationship
between force, matter, and motion between physical objects. If we go back in
history, theoretical accounts of this area of physics originate in ancient
Greece, e.g. in the works of Aristotle and Archimedes. The Persian Islamic
polymath Ibn Sina published his theory of motion in The Book of Healing. He said
that the thrower imparted momentum to the projectile and regarded it as a
constant, requiring external forces, such as air resistance, to dissipate it. He
also argued that the projectile in a vacuum would not stop unless it was
affected, which is consistent with Newton's first law of motion. During the
early modern period, scientists such as Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, and Newton
laid the foundation for what is now known as classical mechanics. As a branch of
classical physics, mechanics deals with bodies that are either at rest or moving
at speeds much lower than the speed of light. Mechanics can also be defined as
the physical science that studies the motion of bodies and the forces acting on
them, not in the quantum realm.
· #664
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:25)
1)meet the demand
Figured out a way to meet the demand for food through alternative food sources
2)keep track
Today, people have an average of 85 passwords to keep track of, according to
password manager LastPass
3)on the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.
Інструменти ML, навпаки, здатні виявляти складні закономірності у відносно
невеликих наборах даних.
I have just read an article that says about a global data breach from Yahoo!
more than 3 billion user accounts were leaked, leaving them vulnerable to
identity theft. The company had to force all affected users to change their
passwords and re-encrypt their credentials. This article also explains how the
random number generator works and how accounts are hacked with it. After reading
this article, I learned quite a lot of new things and I will have something to
tell my friends.
I have just read an article that says about scientists who have created a device
for recording muscle activity over a relatively large area, which in the future
will automatically recognize speech. This device has a large number of suction
cups that are attached to the left and right sides of the face and neck. This
arrangement is necessary for reading a large number of muscles, which will allow
more correct speech recognition. I believe that such an invention will be quite
popular in human identity recognition, which in some areas of activity can
provide good privacy protection.
Exam topic #4. A desktop and a laptop — advantages and disadvantages.
For several years the decline in interest in desktops was clear, but laptop
sales are still lagging behind. The advent of a new generation of low TDP
processors and powerful compact graphics cards has allowed laptops to perfectly
fit the hole in which PCs felt at ease. Both sides have theirs pros and cons.
Advantages of PCs are their power, flexible design, infinite energy and immense
data storage. The strategic advantages of laptops are mobility, ease of use, and
the absence of obligatory peripherals. Disadvantages are limited operating time,
heating under load, lack of the possibility of a cardinal upgrade. Of course,
comparing laptops with a personal computer is like comparing cryptocurrency with
common money. The second is obviously more familiar and accessible, but the
future belongs to the first.
· #663
Savluk A. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:24)
Obertun Mihail KI-212
Andrew Verdysh KI-212
Thank you for your answers.
· #662
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt for 11.05 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:21)
I recently read an article about a school called «What do kids like and dislike
about school? This is why it matters, and we can do something about it».Every
person goes to school and it is important that he likes it there.
But this doesn’t happen, someone doesn’t like something. A group of researchers
conducted research and tried to find out from pupils what they like and don't
like about school.Pupils had different reasons: som liked to go to school
because of getting new knowledges, some because of friends, and some for other
reasons. If talks about negativity at school, then it often starts in the 7th
grade due to difficulties. Also, another common reason is conflicts with
teachers. Teachers are different: someone is kind towards pupils and allows a
lot of things, and someone, on the contrary, is very strict towards pupils. And
because of this imbalance, conflicts arise with teachers. There is always a way
out of any situation, and this situation is also quite resolvable. Teachers and
school management should listen to their pupils and do everything so that they
enjoy going to school. School is very important for children, there begins
independence, which then can influence the future of the child.
Thus, we can say that some people like the school, some contrary, but they need
to strive to ensure that there is as much fun as possible for children
Article of the day:
keep track-відслідковувати
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
(Таблиця також призначена для відстеження всіх стандартних посилань.)
· #661
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt for 06.05) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:11)
Today i read an unusual article called “Dungeons & Dragons and burgers: 'Really
bad outcomes' when we don't grasp fractions”. This article about about suicides
of teenagers playing the game Dungeons & Dragons. Over about five years in the
1980s there were 28 cases of adolescents who played Dungeons & Dragons and later
committed murder or suicide. Over time, people began to realize that it was
dangerous and demanded that the game be banned so that teenagers wouldn’t kill
themselves. However, one researcher believes that closing the game isn’t a
complete solution to this problem. By 1984, 3 million teenagers were playing
Dungeons & Dragons in the United States, and the baseline teen suicide rate
overall was about 360 per year. But on the other side, kids who played Dungeons
& Dragons were less likely to commit suicide than teens as a whole.Because if
disable the game, the problem won’t disappear. "We sacrifice the more logical
reasoning systems for these shortcuts because they let us get by and they
usually work," researcher Zimring said. "It's just that when they fail, they can
fail disastrously." Thus, it can be concluded that people often make decisions
quickly and illogically, thinking that the problem will disappear. But if it
doesn't disappear, then it gets even bigger for them.
Article of the day:
on the contrary-
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.(Минеповиннівідкидатицезобов'язання;
· #660
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:10)
on the contrary
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs, and therefore have enormous value for all ages.
keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
meet the demand
The study showed that mining exploration is not keeping up with future demand
for minerals and recycling in and of itself would not be able to meet the demand
The article is about a walking robot as a tiny robotic crab.
Just a half-millimeter wide, the tiny crabs can bend, twist, crawl, walk, turn
and even jump. The researchers also developed millimeter-sized robots resembling
inchworms, crickets and beetles. Although the research is exploratory at this
point, the researchers believe their technology might bring the field closer to
realizing micro-sized robots that can perform practical tasks inside tightly
confined spaces.
They can be used as agents to repair or assemble small structures or machines in
industry or as surgical assistants to clear clogged arteries, to stop internal
bleeding or to eliminate cancerous tumors.
Exam topic #10 The role of the logistics metrics.
A logistics metric is a performance measurement that is used by logistics
managers to track, visualize and optimize all relevant logistic processes
efficiently. Among others, these measurements refer to transportation, warehouse
and supply chain aspects. The logistics industry produces huge amounts of data
on a daily basis coming from warehousing processes, orders transportation,
picking and packing, among others. That said, companies who benefit from
logistics analytics solutions to improve their performance are the ones that
will thrive in the long run. The most important logistics metrics are shipping
time, order accuracy, picking accuracy, delivery time, pick and pack cycle time,
equipment utilization rate, transportation costs.
· #659
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva, debt for 04.05) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:03)
Today i read an interesting article called “A 3,400-year-old city emerges from
the Tigris River” Article is very interesting. Each city has its own history:
how it appeared, who ruled it, what people lived and more.This article tells
about the city that grew out of the river many years ago. It is located at
Kemune in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Iraq is one of the countries in the
world most affected by climate change. The south of the country in particular
has been suffering from extreme drought for months. To prevent crops from drying
out, large amounts of water have been drawn down from the Mosul reservoir. Ist
is Iraq's most important water storage since December. This led to the
reappearance of a Bronze Age city that had been submerged decades ago without
any prior archaeological investigations. But a group of German archaeologists
decided to visit this city and explore it. They were stunned by the
well-preserved state of the walls—sometimes to a height of several
meters—despite the fact that the walls are made of sun-dried mud bricks and were
under water for more than 40 years. This good preservation is due to the fact
that the city was destroyed in an earthquake around 1350 BC, during which the
collapsing upper parts of the walls buried the buildings.
So, here is such an interesting article about an unusual city with an unusual
history. And it's good that there are people who are interested in history and
architecture and can tell us a lot of interesting things.
Article of the day:
meet the demand-задовольнитипопит
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.(Наразіякістьтадоступністьданихнезадовольняютьпопиту,
· #658
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:00) the demand-отвечаютсуществующимпотребностям
To go to a certain job, you need to have skills that meet the existing needs of
2.on the contrary-напротив
In ordinary, typical apartments, the door to the bedroom is often located
directly opposite the door to the toilet.
обычных, типовых квартирах дверь в спальню нередко находится прямо напротив
двери в туалет.
3. keep track-держатьвполезрения
Good managers are able to keep both today's and tomorrow's tasks in view at the
same time.
The researchers modeled various future scenarios for the entire mobility offer
in travel demand models to find out how this new mobility offer performs best:
“Sharing and bundling options can help increase public transport use, but only
if they are widely available and available everywhere. region.The researchers'
scenarios also prove that the new mobility options offer little to no
competition from public transport or more environmentally friendly means of
transport such as bicycles. On the contrary: "Public transport, which currently
makes up about 12% of total trips in the Karlsruhe region
A whistleblower group accuses Facebook of deliberately blocking Australian
hospital and emergency services websites as part of a negotiation tactic last
year.But the algorithm also blocked other websites in what the company claims
was an accident, telling AFP on Friday that "any suggestion to the contrary is
categorically and obviously false."U.S.-based organization Whistleblower Aid
said it was actually a meta-ruse in documents filed with the U.S. Department of
Justice and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.The organization
said in a statement that Facebook's five-day shutdown of news content providers
deliberately "locked down" local governments.
Trusted operating systems.
Trusted Execution Environment is primarily a program execution environment.
The two main differences between TEE and Linux and other general-purpose
operating systems familiar to us are:
TEE performs actions not at the user's command, but at the command from the
Normal World;
TEE in TrustZone does not have its own scheduler.
Applications that run on TEE are called trustlets, similar to applets that run
on smart cards.
Trustlet is a Trusted Applet. This is a TEE program, as we have already found
out, it communicates with TEE through system calls, it has a life cycle, etc.
But still, the name indicates that this is a non-independent component. Here,
the dependency is expressed in the fact that the trustlet will make calls from
the Normal World, and then turn off along with TEE.
· #657
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:48)
1)on the contrary(навпаки)
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
означає, що, бажаючи цього, ви, навпаки, будете робити жахливі речі.
2)keep track(стежити)
You know I can't keep track any more.
3)meet the demand(задовольнитипопит)
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.
I have read an article "Digital ecosystems: Improving efficiency in the
construction industry".Ecosystem provides a means of mapping out resources and
processes digitally, making it easier to plan and reschedule activities during
the construction process.New working methods such as building information
modeling can provide digital planning data, but have yet to be implemented on a
wider scale.In conclusion i want say that project need to widening the focus to
cover other steps involved in construction steps and implementing .
· #656
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:44)
1) keep track -
Scientists will be able to keep track the night activity of these species.
2) on the contrary -
Quite on the contrary, those challenges should be faced with a common strategy.
3) meet the demand -
In recent decades, many houses have been built to meet the demand for new
останні десятиліття було побудовано багато будинків, щоб задовольнити попит на
нове житло.
Today I've read the article "Digital ecosystems: Improving efficiency in the
construction industry". It states that The Infra-Bau project is expected to
close the construction industry's digital gap.
The program allows to digitally map out resources and operations, making it
easier to arrange and reschedule tasks. The Infra-Bau is a digital ecosystem
that connects all partners in a construction phase. It creates a digital project
outline that mirrors the real-world situation on the workplace. The platform
will be installed on a real construction site and the focus will be expanded to
include additional development phases.
I consider this innovation to be incredibly beneficial as It meets the demands
of users.
Today I've read the article "Renewable energy will increase security and lower
geopolitical risk, study shows". It states that switching to renewable energy
will make the U.S. energy supply more secure by reducing the amount of mining
and materials needed to create fossil fuel systems.
The risks associated with an energy transition were examined. Even if the world
doubles it's annual production of "transition metals," it would only account for
3% of global coal production in 2020. The findings indicate that decreasing
reliance on fossil fuel export minimises risks of energy supply security.
I can conclude that concerns about energy security won't go away completely, but
the risks will reduce.
Exam topic "What is Word processing"
A word processor is a device that lets you write, edit, and print documents. The
first word processors were stand-alone machines that looked a lot like electric
Word processors are now available as cloud services or as software that can be
installed on a PC or mobile device. Bulleted or numbered lists, as well as
multi-level outlines, are created by automated lists. You may also adjust the
font size and typeface in several word programmes. Multiple users can edit
documents simultaneously in some cloud-based word processors.
Some word processors have obtained the capacity to read text aloud or speak in
another language as artificial intelligence capabilities grow more popular.
· #655
Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:43)
1) on the contrary-навпаки
Today, on the contrary, the destinies he touches become his own.
2)meet the demand-відповідатиіснуючимпотребам
Well, my surgery can meet the demand.
3)keep track-триматиуполізору
So we have to keep track him!
Today I have read an article titled
"Method finds hidden warning signals in measurements collected over time".
The article says that the when you're responsible for a multimillion-dollar
hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour, you want to be sure it's
running smoothly.
And time series can help.A time series is simply a record of a measurement taken
repeatedly over time.
I liked the article because I think that this discovery entails a number of
other equally discoveries
and I advise everyone to read the article
Today I have read an article titled
"An approach to rapidly and efficiently improve the locomotion of legged
The article says that the In recent years, roboticists have developed mobile
robots with
a wide range of anatomies and capabilities. A class of robotic systems that has
been found
to be particularly promising for navigating unstructured and dynamic
are legged robots (i.e., robots with two or more legs that often resemble
I liked the article and I advise everyone to read the article
Exam topic #8 (CAD machines and vehicles)
Today's automotive engineers and designers use CAD systems
to draw their designs quickly, work with other experts, and simulate actual
Collaboration is an important part of the process; CAD allows designers to share
with the engineering and manufacturing teams for feedback and feasibility
Designers can even create visual prototypes for consumer research and marketing
By streamlining the development process, auto manufacturers can reduce the time
from drawing board
to assembly line to roll out new models faster than ever before.
· #654
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:18)
To Vladyslava Stepanova-group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article of the day about Digital ecosystems, the exam topic "Accuracy and repeatability", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Mind that the 2-d and the 3-d ones are not the sentences, but the word combinations. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. Would you remind your groupmates that in a week, on the 7-th of June, you are writing the Modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should send the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number). Have you got the instructions on modular control tests? Continue to work online . Yours Sincerely
· #653
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:52)
On the contrary-напроти
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs, and therefore have enormous value for all ages.-
Навпаки, ми виявили, що відеоігри допомагають задовольнити фундаментальні
психологічні потреби, а тому мають величезну цінність для будь-якого віку.
Keep track-тримативполізору
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Система дозволяє командиру пошуку відстежувати кілька команд одночасно,
координувати зусилля та отримувати на місці умови та підказки.
Meet the demand-невідповідаютьіснуючимвимогам
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
Today I have read the article "Sharing and pooling options can support public
transportation and reduce car traffic"
It tells that being mobile individually, at any time, without owning a car
represents an environmentally conscientious lifestyle. To facilitate this,
public transportation authorities cooperate with service providers for new forms
of mobility such as bicycle sharing, car sharing or ridepooling. Researchers of
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) studied how publicly available mobility
options in the Karlsruhe region in the future can optimally fulfill citizens'
I think that this article is very interesting,I would reccomend everybody to
read it.
Today I have read the article "Body cameras, live streaming bring search and
rescue into the next generation"
It tells that new digital tools developed and tested at Simon Fraser University
have the potential to revolutionize wilderness search and rescue efforts.
Developed at the SFU School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), the
RescueCASTR system equips rescuers with 360-degree body cameras that send video
and photos back live to a central command post.The system lets the search
commander keep track of several teams at once, coordinate efforts and get an
on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and clues.I think that this article
is very interesting and useful,I would advice everybody to read it.
Exam topic "Мachinery
of chemical plants and enterprises of construction materials"
When it comes to building a process plant, there are many material of
construction options for you to consider. For some plants, the application
itself can dictate what MOCs are needed. Previous experience, continuity and
plant standards can also play a crucial role in this decision.
Common building materials used for process plants include carbon steel,
stainless steel, steel alloys, graphite, glass, titanium, plastic, Monel, and
many more. For this discussion let’s focus on materials of construction that are
used for highly corrosive and abrasive media.When looking at materials of
construction for highly corrosive media your options are more limited.
· #652
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022)
1) Meet the demand -
Well, my surgery can't meet the demand.
2) On the contrary -
On the contrary - cafe "Chester".
3) Keep track -
You know I can't keep track any more.
Today i have read the article "Generating high-resolution self-packaged liquid
metal nanopatterns". In a new report now published in Matter, Licong An, and a
team of scientists in materials engineering, industrial engineering, and the
nanotechnology center at Purdue University, U.S., and Wuhan University, China,
described an advanced laser lithography method. The technique facilitated the
formation of electronically self-protective liquid metal patterns with feature
sizes in the sub-microscale, to form one of the highest resolution metal surface
patterns to date. The unique structure and robust patterns offered electrical
functionality in spite of external damage. Such high-resolution, electrical,
self-protective materials are suited for next-generation nano applications.
Today i have read the artcile "Field study shows pollinators prefer saltier
nectar". A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the
U.S., has found adding sodium to floral nectar increased both visits by
pollinators and their diversity. In their paper published in the journal
"Biology Letters", the group describes how they added sodium to the nectar of
several plants and set them in a meadow and then watched how the local
pollinators reacted to them.The researchers suggest their findings indicate that
pollinators can be more highly drawn to plants that have elevated levels of
sodium—a finding that might become important as the numbers of pollinators drop
due to human activities, including climate change.
· #651
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:47)
keep track -
It can keep track of a system's long-term trends and short-term blips. -
meet the demand -
The supply of available helicopters can't meet the demand for their services -
on the contrary -
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs -
Today I have read the article "India relaxes environment rules for coal mines,
citing heatwave".
India has relaxed environmental compliance rules for coal mines.
Coal covers more than two-thirds of India's energy needs.There is a huge
shortage of this type of fossil fuel in the domestic market of the country.
Therefore, the Ministry of Environment of India, in a letter to the Ministry of
Coal and Mines, stated the need to increase the amount of coal and weakened
environmental regulations for mining companies.Also the world's third-biggest
carbon emitter is projected by the UN to become the planet's most populous
nation by the middle of the decade.
Today I have read the article "Researchers create digital humans that learn
complex movements". It tells about a new invention that combines different
models of the musculoskeletal system based on AI. With it, you can study the
movements of people to avoid lengthy experiments with real people. Scientists
say that simulation technologies are important. With their help, doctors will be
able to treat patients faster and more efficiently. I believe that this is a
very useful technology, it will help in the invention of exoskeletons and
Exam topic "Robot mechanical systems and complexes"
Modern robotics dates from the late 1960s, when progress in the development of
microprocessors made possible the computer control of a multiaxial manipulator.
Since then, robotics has evolved to connect with many branches of science and
engineering, and to encompass such diverse fields as computer vision, artificial
intelligence, and speech recognition.Contemporary robotics aims at the design,
control, and implementation of systems capable of performing a task defined at a
high level. Moreover, robotic systems can take on all kinds of forms and cover
all human life systems, without which it is impossible to imagine the modern
· #650
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:30)
To students from the group-KD-211. Good morning, everybody! Let's get started our lesson . I'm waiting for your completed tasks: your comments on the article of the day with the voice messages, the work with the phrases of the day practice. Add the exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Would you remind your groupmates that in a week, on the 7-th of June, you are writing the Modular control tests: Lexis, Grammar and Translation. Don't forget to write Variant. You should send the results on (Teacher's name; group's number; student's name; L/G/T-number). Have you got the instructions on modular control tests ? Continue to work online . Good luck!
· #649
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:28)
keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
on the contrary
On the contrary: "Public transportation, currently representing around 12% of
the overall trips in the Karlsruhe region".
Навпаки: «Громадський транспорт, на даний момент становить близько 12% від
загальної кількості поїздок у регіоні Карлсруе».
The article that I have read is titled: Digital ecosystems: Improving efficiency
in the construction industry and was written by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
The main idea of the article is that large-scale construction projects usually
involve extensive coordination. In practice, however, the way in which
information is exchanged between construction stakeholders often ends up being
an inconsistent multi-step process. The Infra-Bau 4.0 project aims to close this
gap. The platform takes all this information and maps out a digital project
hierarchy that reflects the real-life situation on the construction site.
I think that this article is interesting, but not for all people because of a
such narrowly focused theme.
Exam topic #10(Accuracy and repeatability)
Repeatability and Accuracy: What’s the Difference?
The two most common terms, accuracy and repeatability, and are often used
interchangeably. The definition of accuracy is “the degree to which a
measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct or known
value or standard.” Repeatability is a drive mechanism’s ability to return to
the same position multiple times under identical conditions.
For an example: a basketball player, if the player is accurate, he’ll always get
the ball close to the hoop. If his shooting is repeatable, he’ll always shoot to
the same location. The best players are both accurate—hitting the basket—and
repeatable—doing it every time.
· #648
Gvozd to KI-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:10)
Velikov Vlad KI-211
Krasnian Ivan KI-211
Thank you, well done.
Keep on working.
· #647
Velikov Vlad KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:06)
On the contrary-On the contrary: "Public transportation, currently representing
around 12% of the overall trips in the Karlsruhe region, would profit from a
redoubling of sharing and pooling options with a slight increase.
Keep track-The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at
once, coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions
and clues.
Meet the demand-To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films
for sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a
multi-national team to successfully develop a novel .
Today I have read the article “Strong but thin transparent films made from
cellulose nanofibers with wide applicability”. This article tells about to meet
the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose
nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde (reinforcing glycerol).
The novelty of the film involves a new and effective way of tailoring the
interfacial bonding interactions between the fibers and the glycerol and
glutaraldehyde (GA), which functioned as a plasticizer and cross-linking agent,
respectively. in conclusion, I want to say that the article is very boring, I
didn’t like it, that’s why I won’t advise it to anyone
Today I have read the article “Body cameras, live streaming bring search and
rescue into the next generation”. This article tells about New digital tools
developed and tested at Simon Fraser University have the potential to
revolutionize wilderness search and rescue efforts. Developed at the SFU School
of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), the RescueCASTR system equips
rescuers with 360-degree body cameras that send video and photos back live to a
central command post.
Visiting scholar and Ph.D. student Brennan Jones, with the University of
Calgary, built the system under the supervision of SIAT's Carman Neustaedter and
the University of Toronto's Anthony Tang.
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
clues. In conclusion, I want to say that the article is very interesting and
useful, I advise everyone to read it.
· #646
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:04)
Phrases oh the day
1) Keep track -
Keep track transports location, fuel level and other information about your
transport abroad -
2) Meet the demand -
They need to understand what the tourists want and meet the demand -
3) On the contrary -
On the contrary, we need parties, as there is no democracy without political
parties -
Why are celebrities buying million-dollar ape cartoons? NFTs, explained
Today i have read the article "Why are celebrities buying million-dollar ape
cartoons? NFTs, explained".
NFTs work much like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but with a key
difference: Each NFT is unique and indivisible. That allows them to serve as
proof of ownership for items that may themselves be easily copied and shared
online. An NFT enables people to declare, "This particular copy is the authentic
original, and here's who owns it." Although NFT sales aren't immune to fraud and
other crimes, the tokens themselves are extremely reliable as ownership records.
The article is quite interesting, I recommend reading it.
California will test digital driver's licenses. Is personal info at risk?
Today i have read the article "California will test digital driver's licenses.
Is personal info at risk?"
Now the state's Department of Motor Vehicles is planning to test a version
called a mobile driver's license or digital ID—an identity-verifying credential
stored on your smartphone. And unlike Real ID, a mobile license could give you
more control over your personal information, although critics say a poorly
designed system would threaten your privacy.
The article will be interesting and informative only for US residents. It is
interesting that such a system has been operating in Ukraine for a long time.
Exam topic #9 "Technical diagnostics of automobiles"
Technical diagnostics of a car is a set of goals and objectives related to
finding faults in the mechanisms and systems of a car, for their further
elimination. Car diagnostics should be carried out by qualified specialists who
have at their disposal modern diagnostic equipment. Only this method of
diagnosis will allow you to accurately determine the technical condition of the
mechanisms, systems and assemblies of the car. To carry out work on diagnosing a
car, special areas for diagnosing a car are created.
· #645
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 06:57)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #644
Obertun Mihail KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 15:33)
I read a very interesting article about
„The basis of calculations, design and operation of process equipment in
Innovative drive and a loving attention to detail are hallmarks of every
designer's work. The process of development from the initial idea to final
approval of the finished model covers a period of years in which the design team
jointly creates the final vehicle step by step. The team slowly transforms
various, initially competing design studies into the next generation of a
Mercedes-Benz vehicle. The design process is an integral part of the development
process. The designers collaborate closely with research, development and
production areas, coordinating and fine-tuning vehicle dimensions, material
concepts and production processes, also ensuring producibility in the process.
The article was really interesting for me and I advise fans Mercedes to read
this article
· #643
Obertun Mihail KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 15:32)
I read a very interesting article about “Technological processes in road
Technology and automation will define the future of road transport according to
new IRU research, but significant obstacles stand in the way
This topic will top the agenda of the IRU World Congress, a new global event for
transport, logistics and mobility which is opening this week in Muscat, Oman.
Findings reveal that transport companies are concerned about macro global
issues. Over half (57%) see geopolitical uncertainty as the biggest threat
facing the sector – from escalating international trade wars to growing concerns
around Brexit. The risk of global recession and the challenge of keeping up with
changing customer demand are jointly seen as the second biggest threats to
transport companies at 52%.
The article was really interesting for me.
· #642
Obertun Mihail KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 15:30)
main limitation
main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
based partly on
test is based partly on logical thinking.
little is known about
know very little is known about this theory, so we're investigating it.
Today I have read the article „Objects can now be 3D-printed in opaque resin“
A team of EPFL engineers has developed a 3D-printing method that uses light to
make objects out of opaque resin in a matter of seconds. Their breakthrough
could have promising applications in the biomedical industry, such as to make
artificial arteries.
A tiny Yoda
EPFL's 3D printer is one of the fastest in the world. Whereas most 3D printers
work by depositing a material layer by layer in a process known as additive
manufacturing, the EPFL one uses a volumetric method. "We pour the resin into a
container and spin it," says Christophe Moser, a professor at LAPD
It was very interesting to read this article.
· #641
Obertun Mihail KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 15:29)
1) as distinct from
Japanese citizens in the country -- as distinct from foreign residents -- has
dropped for the first time since statistics began to be compiled in 1975
2) as a matter of
As a matter of fact, the work that we have published in Nature Communications
stems from bricks that we bought at Home Depot
3) acquainted with
rather than community/social control, officers may have a greater opportunity to
become more acquainted with
Today I have read the article "Study debunks gender performance gap in online
video games". This is a very interesting article. This article discusses
stereotypes about gender inequality and gender in video games. I read that most
people think that women play video games much worse than men, it turns out that
this is not the case, and in general, stereotypes should not extend to gender
inequality. I like how this article is written, because everything is set out
quite clearly, using modern terms. At present, raising this topic is quite
relevant, because in today's world, discrimination on the basis of sex is a
significant problem.
· #640
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 13:43)
1) as distinct from-
other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from
those of other sellers-
2) as a matter of-
As a matter of fact, the work that we have published in Nature Communications
stems from bricks that we bought at Home Depot-Насправді,
Nature Communications,
Home Depot
3) acquainted with-
Mckenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures-
· #639
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 13:31)
1.the bulk of
The bulk of territory is controlled by the Ukrainian military.
2.the same as
I have the same as feeling with you and this is not just like.
іценепростотак. our knowledge
The first people on our planet to our knowledge was neanderthals, who had no
Idea about the world.
Першими людьми на нашій планеті, наскільки нам відомо, були неандертальці, які
не мали уявлення про світ.
· #638
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 13:26)
I read a very interesting article about “Technological processes in road
transport”. It is about Transpor companies and their attitude and opinion about
technological process. Heres what are they thinking about this:
Transport companies recognise that developments in technology and innovation
will be key to building a safe, successful and sustainable industry in the
future. One in three (33%) transport companies across every region believe that
improving safety will be the biggest innovation opportunity, while one in five
cite automation.
Boris Blanche, IRU’s Managing Director, commented: “We must also push for
legislation and policies that encourage all operators to invest in the
technology needed to make these innovations the norm. At IRU, our role is to
champion the potential of the industry and promote this cooperation, to empower
all operators in the sector to seize the great innovation opportunity.”
It was really interesting to hear their opinion!
· #637
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Monday, 30 May 2022 13:25)
Today I have read an article called "How to shop for a non-tech car".
The work tells us about a number of reasons why some people would want a
"non-tech" car instead of vehicles full of modern technologies that make them
safer and less distracting. Soma people want an old car because it is an old
school, some might find new car technology intimidating, others aren't willing
to learn. There are also people, who think many technologies banally superfluous
in the car. Many different people have their reasons to not wanting to much in
the car and just buying older used vehicles as they might serve more and better.
The article was really interesting for me.
· #636
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Sunday, 29 May 2022 19:59)
To Filimonova Yana-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammaticaly correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but there are separate mispronounced words in your reading : "can be fulfilled; tech'nique etc." I'm waiting from you the exam topic on your speciality with the voice record. It is obligatory. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on reading online every week. All the best !
· #635
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Diachenko) (Sunday, 29 May 2022 15:49)
1.overall goal
The overall goal of all people is to prevent war.
2.little is known about
Mankind little is known about space and galaxies.
3.speculate that
I can speculate that he is smart and educated.
In this text, we are told to immediately increase demands for a coherent
approach to gun and mental health reform in the United States. The reason for
this was the murder of at least 19 children and two teachers at an elementary
school in Texas. In addition, it was the 212th mass shooting in the US this year
that resulted in the death of four or more people, and the 27th shooting in an
American school. Not only that, it happened 10 days after the racist massacre of
10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York. The President and Parliament
are concerned as statistics show that more than 45,000 people in the United
States were killed by firearms in 2020, up 25% from 2015. James Alan Fox argues,
however, that incidents like this in schools create the most momentum for gun
legislation, but they will be the least affected by the legislation.
EXAM TOPIC #12 (History of computer software)
Software is a program or set of programs used to control a computer. The term
"software" itself has come into wide use since the early 1960s, when it became
relevant to distinguish between the commands that control a computer and its
physical components - hardware. The software was designed to meet the needs of
early computer programmers. The first computers were programmed directly in
binary code, but few people were able to perform this long, tedious work.
Various programming languages have been developed to simplify this process,
leading to the creation of software that serves as a kind of translator. Using
the software interface, users give commands to the computer. The program
translates them into a language understandable to the computer.
Time does not stand still, so now the software of our computers is almost
omnipotent, we can run any application, and developing software for devices is
comparable in complexity to developing the design of an aircraft.
· #634
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Diachenko) (Saturday, 28 May 2022 12:24)
1.key findings
During the 20th century in the field of geographical research, a number of key
findings were obtained.
Протягом 20 століття в області географічних досліджень було отримано ряд
ключових висновків. seen in
seen in through the window, the sky is frowning, which means it will rain.
3.lay the foundations
It was their works that lay the foundations of the modern science and power.
This text talks about how heavily polluted the ocean, coastal areas and the sea
are at the moment. The statistics are disappointing, because between 1990 and
2015 alone, about 100 million metric tons of mostly plastic waste entered the
oceans. Nikoleta Bellou and her team have been trying to combat this for several
years, each time looking at innovative solutions to combat ocean pollution.
Scientists studied about 200 solutions that plan to use drones, robots, conveyor
belts, nets, pumps or filters, depending on whether they clean up coastal areas,
the sea or the ocean floor. Unfortunately, most projects never go beyond the
development stage. Very few solutions have become a technological reality or
have been put into commercial operation. But despite this, Nikoleta Bellou does
not despair and believes that we will be able to leave clean oceans for future
EXAM TOPIC #3 (What do we need the operating system for?)
An operating system is a basic set of computer programs that manages computer
hardware, works with files, inputs and outputs data, and executes application
programs and utilities.
We need it in order to be able to manage data, as well as to carry out basic
operations for working with programs and data. The main functions of the OS are:
execution of program requests, loading programs into RAM and their execution,
standardized access to input and output devices, RAM management,
access control to data on hard and optical disk,
providing a user interface, saving information about system errors. Without an
operating system, you will actually not be able to even log into the system,
make changes, manage the computer.
The operating system is actually the heart and brain of the computer, without it
the computer is helpless, it will be nothing more than a pile of iron.
· #633
Ruban Valeria MD-212 (Diachenko) (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:46)
1. to our knowledge
To our knowledge, need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
Наскільки нам відомо, потрібно випивати не менше 2 літрів води за день.
2. the bulk of
The bulk of people are confident in themselves and their abilities.
3. the same as
Even years later, I loved you the same as i did then.
This text says that according to a new report, the world is on track to overcome
a key global warming threshold. To me, this is a very serious article because
there is a possibility that the world will warm up by more than 1.5 degrees
Celsius over the next five years. While the 1.5-degree Celsius rise will be
short-lived, the scientists say it could cause irreversible changes. In this
regard, scientists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to reduce
emissions. Because as long as we continue to emit greenhouse gases, temperatures
will continue to rise. Along with this, our oceans will continue to get warmer
and more acidic, sea ice and glaciers will continue to melt, sea levels will
continue to rise, and our weather will become more extreme. Therefore, it is
necessary to act immediately, as this is happening on our planet, which means it
concerns each of us.
EXAM TOPIC #6 (Antivirus programs.)
Antivirus program is a specialized program for detecting computer viruses and
unwanted programs in general, and recovering files infected with such programs,
as well as for prevention - prevention of infection of files or operating system
with malicious code. The first antiviruses appeared in the late 1980s. Also in
2009, an active distribution of pseudo-antiviruses began - software that is not
anti-virus but pretends to be one. In fact, rogue antiviruses can be both
programs designed to deceive users and make a profit in the form of payments for
"treatment of the system from viruses", and ordinary malicious software. Also,
antiviruses have many negative qualities, for example: the effectiveness of
antiviruses against newly compiled malware turned out to be less than 5%;
antiviruses with the highest percentage of malware detection have a high
percentage of false positives; From the appearance of the virus to the beginning
of its recognition by antiviruses, it takes up to four weeks.
As a result, I can assume that antiviruses are completely unsuitable against
fresh cyber threats.
· #632
Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:07)
to our knowledge
To our knowledge, the maximum mark for this subject is 5.
the bulk of
The bulk of our class did their homework.
the same as
This seminar discussed the same topic as the last time.
цьому семінарі обговорювалася така ж тема, що і минулий раз.
Making 3D printing truly 3D
In this article, I learned about 3D printers. As it turned out, although they
are called 3D printers, they actually print in 2D format, but they do this very
well. The researchers decided to change this. To begin with, how the printer
works: lays layers of resin on top of each other, solidifies under the influence
of laser radiation. Scientists already understand how this "mission" can be
fulfilled, namely by correcting the blue and red light that is used in printing.
Right now, the researchers know they still have a lot to do. "We're actually
just scratching the surface of what this new technique can do," they said.
· #631
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:02)
To Tanev Arseniy MD-211 Thanks. 82 points for all tasks. Next time focus on speciality exam topics.
· #630
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 13:55)
To Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 Thanks. Very good for all activities but pls work on speciality exam topics only!
· #629
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 13:47)
To Ilya Volkov MD-211 Thanks. Task1 is 82 points ( N3 sentence contains
inaccurate translation).
Task2 is good. Next time focus on exam topics!
· #628
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:31)
To Merezhenko Nikita- MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic about "Device Drivers", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online each week. Best wishes !
· #627
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:27)
To Rodion Zhan KA-211 Well done, go on working.
· #626
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:27)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #625
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:26)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 For 29.04 The comment is informative and detailed. Thank you.
· #624
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:23)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Not bad, but mind the pronounciation of the word microorganism |maɪkrəʊˈɔːɡ(ə)nɪz(ə)m|.
· #623
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:23)
For 29.04
2. Today i have read the article "Climate harm puts brakes on buying Teslas with
bitcoin". It`s about Tesla and it`s commercial company with paying bitcoin for
electric cars,but there` re saying about the computing-intense mining process of
creating new cryptocurrency that spews climate-harming emissions. Tesla
concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for bitcoin mining and
transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel, but
mining bitcoin has already become a computing power battle, with machines
devouring electricity while racing to sequence digital blocks in a chain.So, in
my opinon, such a revolutionary idea can be useful.
· #622
Rodion Zhan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:20)
Today I have read the article "The future of the cloud: no further away than
your nearest gamer". The article describes the interesting features of cloud
storage and their application. Cloud storage is getting into our lives more and
more, even if most users are not aware of it. We watch, download, upload and
share files in cloud storage more and more often, and some kind of Netflix
allows users from anywhere in the world to download series and films thanks to
cloud technology. I think today cloud technology is necessarily required for the
Internet, and in the future its potential will be able to unleash to the
Phrases of the day
1) the bulk of.
The bulk of America's orphaned wells are thought to be in eastern states where
the industry was born.
Вважається, що більшість осірілих колодязів Америки знаходиться в східних
штатах, де зародилася ця галузь.
2) to our knowledge.
To our knowledge, our work is the first to demonstrate that machine learning
algorithms can work for lightning.
Наскільки нам відомо, наша робота вперше продемонструвала, що алгоритми
машинного навчання можуть працювати для блискавки.
3) the same as.
A key area to explore is whether the rate of particle-antiparticle transitions
is the same as that of antiparticle-particle transitions.
Ключова область, яку необхідно дослідити, полягає в тому, чи є швидкість
переходів частинка-античастинка такою ж, як швидкість переходів
· #621
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikishova G.P) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:12)
1.The bulk of-большаячасть
The bulk of books originated with a description of the problem and were mainly
addressed to beginners.
Большая часть книг являлась поверхностным описанием проблемы и главным образом
была адресована новичкам.
2.the same as-таже
I went to the same as job as a couple of years ago
чтоипарулетназад our knowledge-Наскольконамизвестно
To our knowledge, the pure scientific approach is practically not used in real
There is now a 50/50 chance that the world will warm by more than 1.5 degrees
Celsius over the next five years.
In 2015, the chances were close to zero.What's more, from now until 2026, there
is a 93 percent chance that one of the next five years will be the warmest on
record, displacing 2016 from its current #1 spot.While the 1.5-degree Celsius
rise will be short-lived - this time - it could still cause irreversible
changes, scientists say. This echoes the warnings in the February report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which outlined 127 ways conditions
could worsen, some of them permanently.
Two bites are enough: the first is a rough blow to the chest, affecting the
nerve bundle and paralyzing the front legs. This allows the wasp to deliver a
second, more precise sting to the brain to deliver a neurotoxin that blocks
neurotransmitter receptors involved in motor control.
2.Virus vector
The virus suppresses the caterpillar's immune system, preventing it from
attacking the wasp's egg. It also alters the caterpillar's saliva in such a way
that the plant's immune system
History of kernel development
In the late seventies, Intel introduced its next novelty. It was called Intel
8086. Thanks to this chip, all the closest pursuers of the company on the market
were left far behind. He had a high level of power, but this gave him the
opportunity to become popular. It used a 16-bit bus, which had a high level of
cost. For this processor, it was necessary to use special microcircuits and
remake the motherboard.
Motorola launched its MC68000 at the same time. He was one of the most powerful
at that time. To use it, it was necessary to have special microcircuits.
However, it was still in great demand among consumers. It offered huge
opportunities for users to use it.
At the same time, Zilog also introduced users to its new development. She
created the Z8000 processor. This novelty still causes a lot of controversy.
According to its technical
parameters, it was acceptable and its cost was low. However, not many users
wanted to use it on their computing devi
· #620
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:11)
2. Today I have read the article "Researchers isolate new types of
microorganisms that cleave ether bonds in lignin-based compound". It tells us
about how researchers from the Tokyo University of Science have isolated eight
microorganisms that decompose the model compound lignin 2. They found that one
of these microbes uses a new, unknown enzyme to cleave ester bonds, resulting in
the formation of phenol and benzoate. These findings sparked curiosity among the
research team as to whether there were additional, unknown microorganisms that
degrade lignin with various enzymes. I believe that the study of this area will
help in the development of chemistry.
1) to our knowledge -
However, to our knowledge, there are no well-defined international practices in
such cases. -
the same as - такой же как
Well, maybe writing isn't the same as visual arts... - Ну, может быть,
писательство — это не то же самое, что изобразительное искусство...
3) The bulk of - Основная часть
The bulk of the money given to climate causes was from individual donors. -
Основная часть денег, выделенных на борьбу с изменением климата, поступила от
индивидуальных доноров.
· #619
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:47)
1) the bulk of -
The bulk of the meteorite is comprised of minerals such as olivine and
phyllosilicates, with other mineral inclusions called chondrules, which, for
example, can be minerals such as magnetite or calcite.
2) the same as -
A key area to explore is whether the rate of particle-antiparticle transitions
is the same as that of antiparticle-particle transitions.
Ключовою областю для вивчення є те, чи швидкість переходів частка-античастка
така сама, як швидкість переходів античастка-частка.
3) to our knowledge -
To our knowledge, our work is the first to demonstrate that machine learning
algorithms can work for lightning.
Наскільки нам відомо, наша робота перша демонстрація того, що алгоритми
машинного навчання можуть працювати з блискавкою.
Today I read the article "Tree pollen carries SARS-CoV-2 particles farther,
facilitates virus spread".
It claims that tree pollen grains contribute to the spread of airborne viruses.
The researchers created a model to simulate the spread of willow pollen in a
small crowded area.
According to their research, the distance people need to keep from each other to
avoid getting sick with COVID-19 is significantly more than the recommended 6
However, this statement is only true in areas that are subject to the rapid
spread of COVID-19.
I think that this research will be able to prevent the spread of viruses that
are transmitted through the air.
· #618
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:25)
To Bondarenko Maria-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic about "The evolution of operating systems", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. Mind that your essays are conversational topics. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online each week. Best wishes !
· #617
Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 (Michailuk S.L.) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:19)
1.the bulk of
The bulk of territory is controlled by the Ukrainian military.
2.the same as
I have the same as feeling with you and this is not just like.
іценепростотак. our knowledge
The first people on our planet to our knowledge was neanderthals, who had no
Idea about the world.
Першими людьми на нашій планеті, наскільки нам відомо, були неандертальці, які
не мали уявлення про світ.
In the article, that I read telling about third limb of parrot. Could you
imagine this? Research at a medical college proved this. By experimenting on a
parrot, they had a small breed of "lovebirds" climb vertical surfaces. At first
it was flat, then it rose 30°, then 45° and further higher until it became
absolutely horizontal. Parrots at first climbed using only their legs, but when
the surface was already almost vertical, they used their beak, and according to
calculations, their beak took on a huge force. And the fact that the parrots
used their beak to climb to the top proves that this is their third limb.
It will be not article from the other site . I wanna write about my writer
journey. Since my childhood, when I was 12 years I started writing all sorts of
stories. For example, the bulk of stories were fanfiction based on watched
anime, or series, with famous actors, idols and other personalities, even just
with my classmates. And I wrote my stories in ordinary notebooks when I was
bored in class or I got carried away and spent the whole day at home on it. And
I still write, for 6 years now I have been writing stories, some are based on
different books or films, and there are those that were completely invented by
me, down to the names of my personages. The last story I wrote, it's still in
the process, it's a fanfic based on the trilogy of books "The Chronicles of
Narnia", specifically in parts about Prince Caspian and Journey to the End of
the World, but this is fanfiction, and I myself invent a story in it, I just
used this the universe and characters, and also added her new hero, who helps
the already young King cope with a new problem. In this story there is
friendship, and love, and an interesting journey, and a difficult solution to
mysteries, parting and meeting, joy and sadness.
· #616
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:13)
1. the bulk of.
The bulk of people are ready for change.
Основна маса людей готова до змін.
2. the same as.
Ten years later, she looks the same as she did then.
Через десять років вона виглядає так само, як і тоді.
3. to our knowledge.
To our knowledge, she was the last one who communicated with him before his
Наскільки нам відомо, вона була останньою, хто спілкувався з ним перед його
I have read the article "Glowing spider fossils prompt breakthrough study of how
they were preserved at Aix-en-Provence". Since the late 1700s, scientists have
found preserved fossilized plants and animals there. Arthropods—animals with an
exoskeleton like those of spiders—rarely fossilize. The scientist said that it
is difficult to become a fossil, for this you need to die under very specific
circumstances, and one of the easiest ways to become a fossil is to have hard
parts such as bones, horns and teeth. The scientists set out to discover the
processes that provided a path to the conservation of spider fossils. They found
that the fossils themselves contained a black polymer, and that there were
thousands of microalgae around the fossils.
Scientists have presented a "dark picture" of math textbooks around the world,
and this has serious implications for the next generation of learners. Among the
findings, the researchers found that in eighth grade textbooks, opportunities to
learn and develop math literacy are so small as to be almost non-existent. The
world has failed to provide teachers with the textbooks they need to better
develop students' quantitative literacy, mathematical thinking. There were over
50,000 exercises in the textbooks we analyzed. Of these, less than 1% involved
complex real-life applications. The solution is for governments to rethink
policy and set standards for textbooks to meet.
The development of Windows versions.
The history of Windows begins in November 1985, when the first version of
Windows 1.0 appeared. It was a set of programs that extended the capabilities of
existing operating systems for greater ease of use. The popularity of the new
version of Windows was due to several reasons. The graphical interface made it
possible to work with data not with the help of commands entered on the command
line, but with the help of visual and understandable actions on graphical
objects denoting this data. Each subsequent version became more comfortable to
use and had more functionality. To this day, Windows remains the leading
operating system.
· #615
Koval Veronika MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:13)
1. The same as —
Sometimes it may seem like you are staying the same person as you were for many
years, and that's completely OK.
Іноді може здаватися, що ти залишаєшся тою ж людиною, якою був вже багато років,
і це абсолютно нормально.
2. To our knowledge —
To our knowledge, there are at least five pitfalls, that can ruin the progress
of investigations.
3. The bulk of —
The bulk of people still believe that we are using only 10% of our brain's
potential, for some reason.
Велика кількість людейь чомусь все ще вірить у те, що ми використовуємо лише 10%
потенціалу нашого мозку.
The article is about a new technology of catching and forecasting the appearance
of cancer cells in human body, specifically in a liver. The new AI framework
called "GEEK" uses so-called machine learning and tracks gene regulatory
mechanisms, for example protein interactions and genomic neighborhoods. Knowing
that cancer is caused by gene mutations, the program may help in finding out
about probability to fell ill on the very initial stages of cancer. This will
obviously be a breakthrough in medicine.
As scientists have already discovered, examining the ancient organisms, the more
plant food an animal eats, the more complicated teeth it happens to have. But,
as told in the article, during the global pandemics one study was taken, and it
has demonstrated that there were another variants of jaws structure. Sauropods
mostly had very simple teeth, although they were herbivores. The evolutionary
strategy was in changing teeth very often, and the more complicated their teeth
were, the less times they came off. This tooth replacement pattern meant that
sauropods could focus on plants other dinosaurs and non-dinosaur plant-eaters
passed by.
Exam topic #10. The evolution of operating system.
The predecessor of OS was utility program, began to be developed with the advent
of mainframe computers in late 1940s. In the first digital computers without OS
organization of computing process was decided by programmer. In the 1950s, the
prototype of OS was observed — a monitor system. In 1965-1980 happened a
transition to integrated circuits. Almost all basic concepts inherent in modern
operating systems have been implemented. Late 1970s: a working version of the
TCP/IP protocol stack was created. In the 80s-90s, personal computers and
specialized network operating systems's appeared. In recent decades, special
attention's been paid to corporate network operating systems.
· #614
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:08)
Phrases of the day :
1. The same as -
Lengthy explanations that these terms are not the same as "occurring 1,000 years
apart" or "once every 1,000 years" have only added to the confusion.
Тривалі пояснення того, що ці терміни не те саме, що «відбувається з інтервалом
у 1000 років» або «раз на 1000 років», лише додали плутанини.
2. To our knowledge -
To our knowledge, this is the first time that people have used synchrotron light
to see the structure of graphene oxide scaffolds.
Наскільки нам відомо, це перший випадок, коли люди використовували синхротронне
світло, щоб побачити структуру каркасів з оксиду графену.
3. The bulk of -
The bulk of the money given to climate causes was from individual donors.
I've just read the article "Artificial intelligence can create better lightning
forecasts".Lightning is one of nature's most destructive forces and can cause
massive fires.Lightning is very difficult to predict, so scientists at the
University of Washington set out to improve lightning predictions using machine
learning.The new method combines weather forecasts with a machine learning
equation based on the analysis of past thunderstorms.The researchers trained the
system with lightning data from 2010 to 2016, after which they conducted a study
that showed that the new method can predict lightning two days earlier than the
old method.Scientists plan to further improve their method, as long-term trends
are important because lightning affects the chemical composition of the air.
Device drivers.
A driver is a program that is responsible for the operation of this device or
equipment, which provides communication between the computer and the device.The
emergence of new devices is extremely fast and in large numbers.Accordingly, it
is impossible to put some programs into the operating system in advance that
ensure the compatibility of the operating system with all existing devices.That
is why each manufacturer of a particular device must write drivers for their
devices.In order to find out what drivers are on the computer, you just need to
open the device manager.To install the drivers, you need to insert the disk that
comes with the device.If there is no disk, the drivers can be downloaded from
the official website of the manufacturer.
· #613
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:00)
1)the same as
They are treated the same as crimes committed in Canada.
Вони розглядаються так само, як і злочини, скоєні в Канаді.
2)the bulk of
Los Angeles imports the bulk of its water through a vast storage and delivery
3)to our knowledge
To our knowledge it's the first study showing this long-term velocity trend
I have just read an article that says about global warming and how climate
affects the number of working hours in hot countries. As scientists say, if
average global temperatures rise another 2 degrees Celsius, the loss of labor in
the coldest half of the day will exceed the current loss in the hottest half of
the day. The economic loss associated with this loss of productivity could be as
high as $1.6 trillion a year, which is unacceptable. I fully agree that global
warming directly affects our lives and I hope that soon there will be a person
who will open people's eyes in order to reduce the rise in temperature.
I have just read the article that says about a headlights which automatically
rotate when turning the steering wheel. Conventional headlights always face
forward and so as one steers into such a bend there is a blind spot to the left
or right until one has traveled through it. These headlights will be an
excellent solution for such a case in order to avoid accidents at night, there
by protecting not only yourself, but also the passengers sitting in the vehicle.
Exam topic: How new technologies affect global warming
As everyone has long known, global warming is a big problem for all of us, it
has a rather strong impact on our lives and a further increase in temperature is
unacceptable. But we are not doomed, scientists have already figured out a way
to reduce the annual temperature increase. The fact is that fossil fuels will be
forced out of the market by renewable energy and batteries. The technologies we
need haven't arrived yet, but they're on their way. Solar panels are getting
cheaper and more efficient. Battery technology is advancing rapidly. The cost of
recovering from extreme weather events and detoxifying the land we have poisoned
is pushing national and local governments to regulate and enforce environmental
regulations. The transition to carbon-free energy and cars will be easier than
eliminating greenhouse gases from agriculture, natural gas drilling and concrete
· #612
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:59)
1. to our knowledge
Since then, to our knowledge, no other research has been undertaken.
2. the bulk of
In fact, the bulk of its population lived and worked abroad.
суті справи, основна частина населення цієї країни проживає і працює за
3. the same as
They're exactly the same as last month
I just read the article "Five facts about the gruesome beauty of solitary
wasps". In this article we are talking about the fact that most types of wasps
are loners. The article contains 5 interesting examples from the world of lonely
wasps. The first example was particularly interesting, in which it was a kind of
wasp that could hypnotize its prey, thereby forcing it to get to its underground
grave on its own. Also thanks to this article, I learned that venom and other
wasp secretions are a source of antibiotics. For me, this article is quite
interesting, informative.
The evolution of operating system.
The history of the OS has about half a century. It was largely determined and is
determined by the development of the element base and computing equipment. At
the moment, the global computer industry is developing very rapidly. The
performance of the systems increases, and consequently the possibilities of
processing large amounts of data increase. Operating systems of the MS-DOS class
can no longer cope with such a data flow and cannot fully use the resources of
modern computers. Therefore, recently there has been a transition to more
powerful and most advanced UNIX-class operating systems, an example of which is
Windows NT, released by Microsoft.
· #611
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:58)
To Anastasiia Klepatska- group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic about "History of Computer Software", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online each week. Best wishes !
· #610
Anna Belous MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:44)
1) the same as
She has the same documentation as her brother about economic development.
Вона має таку ж документацію, як і її брат, про економічний розвиток.
2) to our knowledge
To our knowledge, Maria wanted to move to another city next month, but she
didn't tell her parents about it.
Наскільки нам відомо, наступного місяця Марія хотіла переїхати в інше місто, але
батькам про це не сказала.
3) the bulk of
By then, the bulk of people were sick and need to stay at home.
той час більшість людей вже захворіли і їм потрібно було залишатися вдома.
I have just read an article "Wind more effective than cold air at cooling rooms
naturally". There were a series of experiments by researchers from the
University of Cambridge. It contain that the effectiveness of non-mechanical,
low-energy methods for moderating temperature and humidity has been evaluated.
There are two types of natural cross-ventilation. First is wind-driven and
second isbuoyancy-driven. Ventilation can also be driven by temperature
differences between the inside and outside of a room. Davies Wakes and her
collegues built mathematical models to predict temperature's differences between
inside and outside. It affects how a well room ventilated. To conclude, The next
steps will be to incorporate the results into building design, making it easier
to create well ventilated, low energy buildings.
Exam topic 2.#3
Trusted operating system is generally refers to operating system at all that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security.
The Popular Criteria paired with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for
Labeled Security Protection Profile (LSPP) and obligatory access control is the
most common set of criteria for trusted operating system architecture (MAC).The
Common Requirements are the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of
the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands,
and other countries[1] to produce a set of standardized security criteria for IT
To conclude, the type of Trusted operating system is so important now in our day
and popular at the same time.
· #609
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:34)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Vitaliy, you are constantly doing one and the same mistake. You must use present perfect in the first sentence: Today I HAVE read an article
· #608
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:25)
1) the same as -
The doctor prescribed the patient the same pills as last time.
Лікар призначив пацієнту ті ж таблетки, що й минулого разу.
2) to our knowledge -
And to our knowledge, this isn't even your house.
3) the bulk of -
The bulk of them is active in the cities and districts of our region.
Основна їхня частина активна в містах та районах нашої області.
Today I've read the article "Ax-1: Why the private mission to the International
Space Station is a game changer". It claims that the Ax-1 mission is to build
the world's first private space station.
The three men chosen for this mission are well-known for dedication to their
respective communities. They'll be exploring how future astronauts will be
affected by space flight. The company intends to create a space station on the
ISS, starting with a habitation module.
I suggest that the plan to build the private space station will start a new
phase in the development of space technology.
exam topic "History of computer software".
The software converts the instructions into a language that the computer can
The term "software" wasn't established until the 1950s, and it was set up to
make early computer programmers' lives easier. IBM produced MS-DOS, the
operating system that many early computers utilised, in the 1970s. Larger
programmes could be loaded into computers without having to buy discs thanks to
CDs and hard drives. Users no longer need to download software to their
computers thanks to services such as cloud computing.
Future computers may be able to programme themselves and create new operating
systems on our behalf.
· #607
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:14)
Today I read an article about a key global warming threshold that could be
exceeded in the next 5 years. In 2015, chances were near zero. Moreover, between
now and 2026, there's a 93% likelihood that one of the next five years will be
the warmest on record, knocking 2016 out of its current No. 1 spot, the World
Meteorological Organization said in its report, released late Monday. For as
long as we continue to emit greenhouse gases, temperatures will continue to
rise. And alongside that, our oceans will continue to become warmer and more
acidic, sea ice and glaciers will continue to melt, sea level will continue to
rise, and our weather will become more extreme," Taalas said. "Arctic warming is
disproportionately high, and what happens in the Arctic affects all of us
2)*the bulk of -
by this time, the bulk of our questions have been refuted -
**the same as -
... ,
This abstract uses the same material as the lectures -
***to our knowledge -
As far as we know, this is all for a long time -
· #606
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 27 May 2022 09:11)
1)to our knowledge(якнамвідомо)
However, to our knowledge there are no well-defined international practices in
such cases.
Однак, наскільки нам відомо, чітко визначеної міжнародної практики в таких
випадках немає.
2)the bulk of(основнамаса)
Fossil fuels supply the bulk of global energy requirements.
3)the same as(такийжеякі)
Account expiration period is the same as using traditional top-up methods.
I have read an article "DNA 'Trojan horse' smuggles drugs into resistant cancer
cells".I believe that such research is critical to humanity because it can save
us from deadly diseases as well as help us in discovering new biology. We need
tocreate a streamlined and economically viable process for building the
capsules—and other shapes as well—as part of a modular drug delivery system to
imrove this technology.In conclusion i want say that the technique should
potentially work on most any form of drug-resistant cancer.
Exam topic #6
Device drivers.
More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group
of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the
computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer could not send and
receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer.Hardware devices
that are unknown by the operating system or have features unknown by the
operating system all require drivers. Below is a list of hardware devices and
peripherals that require drivers.
· #605
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 08:41)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #604
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 27 May 2022 08:39)
To students from the group-MD-211. Good morning , everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Keep on working online every week. Good luck !
· #603
Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Kudinova) homework. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:59)
I have read the article about how engineers developed a double-sided adhesive
that can quickly and firmly adhere to wet surfaces such as biological tissues
and how they improved it. For example, they can fill gaps in the lungs and
intestines in seconds. Now that the tape has been improved, it can be separated
from the underlying tissues without causing any harm to the body. For this, a
special liquid is used, after which the tape is removed like a slippery gel.
I find this article very interesting and informative. After all, I could not
even think that this adhesive tape can be used as a painless plaster for
internal organs.
· #602
Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:50)
1. a sharp rise:
The prolonged "hunger gap" has contributed to a sharp rise in malnutrition.
2. with the aid of:
He holds our brother Elijah captive with the aid of a secret weapon.
держит в плену нашего брата Элайджу с помощью секретного оружия.
3. when investigating:
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
законы предоставляют полиции право входить в помещения, проводить обыски и
осуществлять конфискацию при расследовании предполагаемых преступлений.
I read an article that the largest study of voluntary organizations has revealed
the devastating financial impact of COVID-19.
The coronavirus has brought great financial losses to many organizations. The
survey result among large organizations shows that 80 percent of all companies
predict a negative impact on the achievement of planned goals over the next 12
months, and 10 percent of all companies believe that they are likely to be
forced to close. 60% of responding organizations said COVID-19-related security
measures increased their operating costs.
In general, the COVID-19 undoubtedly negatively affected not only the entire
population of our planet, but also large enterprises.
History of computer software.
Computer software has not always been so easy and was once considered science
The software is designed to give the device on which it is installed a
meaningful look and understandable interface.
When computers were created, they contained a series of software tables and were
controlled by a set of commands. Engineers believed that if it was possible to
create a computer at all, then it was possible to make it more understandable
and even program it for a certain sequence of actions.
In 1935, Altan Turing presented the public with a theory that contained the idea
that computers could be programmed to perform certain actions in advance. As an
experiment, a series of simple commands was written, which led to the fact that
the computer moved from one stationary position to another. At the same time,
software development served as proof of the reality of such actions.
When computers were recognized as being capable of programming, these
instruction sets began to expand and become more and more complex. The first
software also contained tables with lists and a set of commands. The program
that the person used was much simpler and did not solve many problems.
But time does not stand still, this area of knowledge was constantly studied,
new personnel were trained.
Now our computer software is almost omnipotent, we can run any application, and
software development for devices is comparable in complexity to the design of an
· #601
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:14)
To Novikova I. MD-213. All the tasks are quite all right, Inna, thanks, well done! Just mind "This article TELLS about". The audio messages sound good enough, the mispronounced words are "psychlogical" and "should". Continue working. Best wishes.
· #600
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:52)
I have read the article “New tool gives researchers a better look at online
anonymous marketplaces”.
In a study presented at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Tai
teamed up with two other researchers to develop an algorithm that is able to
detect when seemingly disparate accounts belong to the same seller. The team
tested their algorithm on eight years' worth of data collected from a dozen
online anonymous marketplaces. Their algorithm detected over 20,000 accounts
belonging to roughly 15,000 individual sellers.
This article will be useful for people, who are engaged in cyber safety.
1. with the aid of
With the aid of artificial stem cells, it will soon be possible to establish new
treatments for previously incurable diseases.
допомогою штучних стовбурових клітин скоро буде можливим винайдення нових
методів лікування раніше невиліковних хвороб.
2. when investigating
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
3. a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
Evolution of the operating system.
The operating system is part of the most important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. The computer is known to have been invented by the English
mathematician Charles Babbage in the late eighteenth century. From the mid-1950s
began a new period of development of computer technology, associated with the
emergence of a new technical base. Second-generation computers have become more
reliable. In the third period of time in the technical base there was a
transition from individual semiconductors such as transistors to integrated
circuits. The fourth period, the computer became accessible to man, and the era
of personal computers.
· #599
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:49)
To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the second sentence (The article deals with/ presents/describes/is about...). I'm waiting for your exam topics and independent work.
· #598
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:43)
To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice messages and exam topic. Check the pronunciation of the following words: install, financial, functionality, protect. Don't forget to indicate the number of your exam topic. Keep on working.
· #597
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:33)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your active participation, well done. Go on working.
· #596
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:30)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. I'm waiting for your exam topics and independent work. Good luck!
· #595
Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:29)
- The probability of an ecological catastrophe rises sharply
- When investigating this area, we found new solutions
- We have developed new equipment with the aid of foreign partners
I have just read the article 'Researchers create digital humans that learn
complex movements'. The article talks about a new invention that combines
different models of the musculoskeletal system based on AI. With it, you can
study the movements of people to avoid lengthy experiments with real people.
Scientists say that simulation technologies are important. With their help,
doctors will be able to treat patients faster and more efficiently. I believe
that this is a very useful technology, it will help in the invention of
exoskeletons and prostheses.
· #594
Buyanova E MD 212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:28)
The project was completed with the aid of several students.
Проект було виконано за допомогою кількох студентів.
The commission appointed a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.
There was a sharp rise in prices last month.
I have read the article about how younger generations are changing the face of
the labor market. Of course, the new generation has an impact on the labor
market, transforming it to suit their needs. Their ideas about career
development are very different from their predecessors. Work-life balance is
high on the priority list for young workers. Sociologists have determined that
they are characterized by a craving for security, and the pleasure and interest
in work is more important than earnings. These people want to change society for
the better and are ready to learn on their own.
topic exam Antivirus programs
Antivirus - a program to protect your computer from invading viruses, spyware
and malware.The lack of important information on the hard drive is not a good
reason not to install anti-virus protection. Computer viruses interfere with the
normal functioning of Windows and install software, than the most significant
problems for the user, infect flash drives, electronic boxes, and other PCs.
Virus activity can severely damage system files, causing the operating system to
stop starting. In the future, you will regret not downloading an antivirus and
protecting your computer and personal data. Installing a free antivirus does not
cause any financial costs.
better to download.
· #593
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:27)
1. A sharp rise in wages is contributing to worries over inflation.
2. He gets about with the aid of a walking stick.
3. The primary tools that police have when investigating crimes are interviews
or interrogations and collecting physical evidence.
I’ve read an article about LiDAR sensor and its possibilities for the future.
This article reports that in 2017 Panasonic Corporation announced a 3-D sensor
that exactly measure the distance to objects with a wide angle of view. That
increased using the robots that navigate with moving objects around.
Robots also require the access in detecting objects under strong sunlight.
Panasonic has successfully corrected it, so the LiDAR can be operated even under
the bright sunlight.
In my opinion, this scanner has a great chance of being used by various
agencies. Especially in military operations, where LiDAR can see an object even
in fog.
I’ve read an article about Facebook‘s decision to launch new workplace chat
This article reports that in 2017 Facebook launched a desktop chat application
for workplace and group video chat. The app is available on all platforms and
offers the new features like screen sharing and file sharing which can be
successfully used in student’s lessons i think.
As for me, it’s important to have some devices and have possibility to use the
same app for communication.
In my opinion, the newest updates of communication apps are important for
greater opportunities for communication and conducting the learning process.
· #592
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:26)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. The tasks are performed properly. Keep on working.
· #591
C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022)
1. with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
2. when investigating
The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating.
3. a sharp rise
There had been a sharp rise in unemployment leaving families without a source of
I have read the article "Indian fossils support new hypothesis for origin of
hoofed mammals".
Researchers led by professor Ken Rose found fossils of the first ungulate animal
in India. Perissodactyl was known like the most famous species of the first
ungulates, but scientists have managed to assemble the complete skeleton of
Cambiterium - the ancestor of Perissodactyl. The study has revealed that the
Cambiterium appeared in India more than 50 million years ago and spread
throughout the world when the island joined Asia.
To sum up, this discovery is very important to create a complete understanding
of the development history of our biodiversity.
· #590
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:18)
The invention and development of operating system
The first operating systems were developed in the 1950s, when computers could
only run one program at a time. Later in the following decades, computers began
to include more and more software programs, sometimes called libraries, that
came together to create the start of today's operating systems. The three most
common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, macOS,
and Linux. Modern operating systems use a graphical user interface, or
pronounced gooey. I think that operating systems have evolved from slow and
expensive systems to present-day technology where computing power has reached
exponential speeds and relatively inexpensive costs.
I have read the article «In court, far-reaching psychology tests are
unquestioned». Psychological tests, tools, and instruments are widely used in
legal contexts to help determine the outcome of legal cases. These tools can aid
in assessing parental fit for child custody purposes, can affect the outcomes of
disability proceedings, and can even help judges determine whether an offender
should go to prison, remain incarcerated, or be exempt from death penalty. I
believe psychological tests are an integral part of a legal proceeding. I
recommend reading this article to my friends.
I have read the article «Global team of scientists determine 'fingerprint' for
how much heat, drought is too much for forests». This article talks about the
role of warming on forest mortality. Researchers have known for decades that
tree leaves absorb more sunlight than do other types of land cover. Forests can
reduce Earth's surface albedo, meaning that the planet reflects less incoming
sunlight back into space, leading to warming. I think that the fingerprint shows
that forest mortality events consistently occurred when the typically hottest
and driest months of the year got even warmer and drier. I recommend reading
this article to my friends.
1) a sharp rise -
The sharp rise in domestic demand in the region was reflected in a rising volume
of goods and services imports.
Різке підвищення внутрішнього попиту у регіоні відбито у зростанні обсягу
імпорту товарів та послуг.
2)with the aid of-задопомогою
To that end, MONUC will deploy as soon as possible, with the aid of additional
air assets.
цією метою МООНДРК за допомогою додаткових авіаційних засобів проведе
розгортання в найкоротші терміни.
3) when investigating -
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
закони надають поліції право входити до приміщень, проводити обшуки та
здійснювати конфіскацію під час розслідування передбачуваних злочинів.
· #589
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:17)
To Genova Ksenia, MD-213. In general, all the tasks are performed quite all right, Ksenia, thanks. But pls don't ask one and the same question in ALL of your comments, that of "Why do social sciences research this issue?", it is not a must. The audio messages sound good, but pls check the pronunciation of the words "war", "recent", "identify", "theft", "simplify". Go on working. Best wishes.
· #588
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:16)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Check the pronunciation of the following words: project, property, provide, create. Keep on working.
· #587
Posuvajlo Illia MD-213 (Drozhzhina) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:15)
1. When investigating
The log file will record instances of database schema changes and should be
reviewed when investigating this issue.
2. A sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
3. With the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
I have read an article named “Study shows benefit of employees managing
themselves”. This article tells us that self-leadership involves employees
influencing their own behaviors, thoughts and moods, making them less dependent
on traditional leaders to complete goals and achieve peak performance in the
workplace. The study found that self-leaders are more creative and perform
better than other employees. They are more confident in themselves, satisfied in
their roles and committed to their employers. The research suggests that
organizations might be more successful with people like this. I can recommend
this article to everyone, who interested in management.
Device drivers
Driver is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to
communicate with the computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer
could not send and receive data correctly to hardware devices. Hardware devices
that are unknown by the operating system or have features unknown by the
operating system all require drivers. Here's a list of hardware devices that
require drivers: controller, motherboard chipset, printer, scanner, sound card,
USB devices, video card. If the appropriate driver is not installed, the device
may not function properly, if at all. I think that every computer user should
have an understanding of what device drivers are.
· #586
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:08)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, audio files and sentences with the phrases. Some words have been mispronounced: results, encouraging, rather, employee. Go on working.
· #585
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:01)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: astronomer, interested, vegetation, image. I haven't seen your exam topics. Keep on working.
· #584
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:00)
To Botsman, MD-213. You've performed all the necessary tasks, Karina, thanks. But I don't see the translation of the sentences with the phrases. And pls don't overindulge with the use of the phrase "I have a couple of words", it is not a good style. The audiofiles sound very good, but for the words "astronomers" and "theories". The exam topic is not bad but too personal. You'd better dwell on the criteria of quality and reliability of software. Keep on working. Best wishes.
· #583
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:00)
I read the article "After three years of decline, shark bites are on the rise
again." The article states that shark bites have dropped dramatically in 2020
due to the pandemic. Last year was much more typical, with average bites and
fatalities from white, bull and tiger sharks.
Seashores are a favorite feeding ground for a variety of fish that use the tides
to find new food and burrow in shallow water for plants and invertebrates. These
smaller fish, in turn, attract sharks, which sometimes mistake humans for prey.
I believe that the shallow waters and rough waves in the surf zones raise
sediments that make it difficult for sharks to see their prey.
· #582
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:58)
1. a sharp rise
The sharp rise in prices symbolically stopped.
(Рiзке зростання цін символічно припинилося).
2. when investigating
He was at a loss when investigating the murder.
3.with the aid of
It is necessary to flatten the composition quickly and with the aid of a rubber
Today I read an article about a project that aims to create environmentally
friendly building materials using bacteria.
The essence of the project is aimed at whether we can use the abilities of
bacteria so that they act as a kind of glue, this will help make building
materials much better. An example is drywall in the manufacture of which,
instead of gypsum, crop waste is added, such a replacement makes drywall much
lighter and has better thermal insulation.
To sum up, the project will provide an opportunity to find an alternative
environmentally friendly replacement and improve the properties of building
I read an article about smart home programming. Many people have smart devices
in their homes that can control appliances from a distance. Smart home is
popular, but in order for everything to work, the devices need to be programmed.
But not every homeowner can cope with this task, so the developers have come up
with a new way where there are intuitive means of communicating with a smart
home. Summing up, I want to say that we live in a world where robotics has
reached high peaks. The technologies that create are aimed at making life easier
and better for us.
Exam topic #7 (Antivirus programs )
Each of us at least once in his life faced with the concept of "Computer virus".
This is a program that harms the computer. Viruses are created by cybercriminals
and hackers. But antiviruses actively fight against harmful programs. To date,
it is impossible to know the number of viruses, so your computer must be
protected. It is imperative to check files, protect your mail and put
restrictions on the ways in which a virus can enter your PC.
Summing up, I want to say that an antivirus program is designed to fight viruses
on computers, so its absence on a computer can attract a lot of unnecessary
· #581
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:58)
I have read the article about digital dollar in America. This topic is
interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider pandemic, war, and many other events in recent years have greatly
affected the dollar and its value. Many economists and politicians speculate
that the dollar will depreciate in the next 10 years and be the downfall of the
economy. The digital dollar could be a real evolution. Anything is possible.
After all, we already have documents in our phone, cryptocurrency, and why then
can't we have an online dollar?
I want to conclude that every year we evolve and every aspect of our lives
· #580
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:57)
a sharp rise -
1. This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
2. Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
Times of India.
with the aid of -
1. With the aid of high-intensity laser pulses, they were able to trigger a
reaction between water molecules on the surface of nanoparticles resulting the
creation of trihydrogen ions.
допомогою високоінтенсивних лазерних імпульсів вони змогли запустити реакцію між
молекулами води на поверхні наночастинок, в результаті чого утворилися іони
2. Civil engineers use a comparable mechanism in pre-stressed concrete with the
aid of high-strength steel and thus produce crack-resistant structural elements.
when investigating -
1. The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
2. In my work with Nick Lynn, a former UK domestic violence specialist officer,
we analyzed the language officers used when investigating 18 cases of domestic
I have read the article "Computer scientists design a tool to identify the
source of errors caused by software updates". This topic is interesting. Why do
social sciences research this issue?
I consider, every year, different companies provide people with newer and better
versions of their gadgets and operating systems. But you have to remember that
not everything that is improved is safer. Hacking and theft on the Internet are
on the rise. In this article, we see how difficult it is for developers to cope
with such problems, but they still work on them. The best option for developers
is to simplify the system.
I want to conclude that very soon, through hard work, we will reach complete
security on the internet.
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.
The most common set of criteria for trusted operating system design is the
Common Criteria combined with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for
Labeled Security Protection Profile (LSPP) and mandatory access control (MAC).
The Common Criteria is the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of
the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and other
countries[1] to develop a harmonized security criteria for IT products.
Examples of certified trusted operating systems are:
Apple Mac OS X 10.6 (Rated EAL 3+[2])
HP-UX 11i v3 (Rated EAL 4+)
Some Linux distributions (Rated up to EAL 4+)
Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Server 2008 R2 (Rated EAL 4+[3])
AIX 5L with PitBull Foundation (Rated EAL 4+[4])
Trusted Solaris
Trusted UNICOS 8.0 (Rated B1[5])
XTS-400 (Rated EAL5+[6])
IBM VM (SP, BSE, HPO, XA, ESA, etc.) with RACF
· #579
Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:50)
1. when investigating
when investigating the case, we found a lot of misinformation
2. with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
3.a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Today I have read an article: " A new appreciation of the ecology-evolution
dynamic " . According to the article, researchers found a connection between
ecology and evolution. It turned out that they influence each other. Basically,
spices should get used to changes in ecology and environment so they evolve. It
is especially noticeable in birds because their body depends on their
In my opinion, It isn't new that ecology and evolution connect but we know just
a small piece of it. So more researches should be made in order to understand
the way of evolution and how it can effect to us
Exam topic ( Advanced robots. )
Honda Motor Corporation’s Asimo, with its humanoid appearance and ability to
walk and climb stairs, has been dubbed the world’s most advanced robot. As well
as walking and climbing, Asimo is primarily a PR device whose ultimate function
is in domestic settings or helping the elderly.The robot can communicate with
people in three different languages including Japanese, Chinese and English.
Moreover it can do some sport activities like running and playing soccer.
Nowadays this robot is the best and can't be replaced on the second place for
last 22 years
· #578
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 2 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:44)
Quality and reliability of software.
One of the most overlooked yet important areas of software evaluation,
measurement and evaluation is quality. This is often not considered or even
discussed in the early planning stages of all development projects, but is
almost always the final criterion for a product to be ready for shipping or
deployment. Hence, this should be part of the conversation about setting
expectations from the very beginning of the project.
So, how can we talk about product quality? It can be measured in several ways,
but two of them give an excellent indication of the stability of a product. The
number of defects and bugs found in the system between testing and actual
delivery, and the mean time to failure or the amount of time between bugs found
before and after delivery to the customer. The reason we like these two metrics
is because they are both related to product stability, which is a critical issue
as the release date approaches. They are objective, measurable and can usually
be obtained without much difficulty from the existing quality monitoring systems
of most organizations. Generally, having fewer errors and higher MTTD is
associated with better overall quality. While the highest possible quality may
not always be the primary concern of the stakeholders, the reliability of a
design must meet certain minimum standards before it can be shipped to the
customer. For example, experience shows that most projects are about 95%
defect-free at handover after they have been running for about a day without a
Another good rule of thumb is that software tends to have a minimum acceptable
reliability when testers find less than 20 bugs per month. This applies to both
large and small applications. In other words, the product will run for
approximately an eight-hour workday. Of course, this rule of thumb mostly
applies to commercial IT applications. Industrial and military embedded
applications require a higher degree of reliability.
· #577
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 1 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:43)
With the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
When investigating
When investigating the accident, more mines were found nearby.
A sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Computer scientists suggest research integrity could be at risk due to AI
generated imagery
I just read an article about research integrity being compromised by
AI-generated images. It tells the story of a small group of researchers at
Xiamen University who have expressed dismay at the ease with which attackers can
now create fake AI images for use in research projects.
When researchers publish their work in reputable journals, they often include
photographs to show the results of their work. But now the integrity of such
photographs is being attacked by certain individuals who want to bypass standard
research protocols. Instead of taking photos of their actual work, they can
create them using artificial intelligence applications. The researchers suggest
that creating fake photos in this way could allow attackers to publish research
papers without doing any real research.
The researchers note that it is possible to create algorithms that can detect
such fakes, but at best this will be a temporary solution. Most likely, new
technologies will appear that can surpass detection software and render it
Using existing undersea fiber cables to detect seismic events.
I just read an article about using existing submarine fiber optic cables to
detect seismic events. A team of researchers has developed a way to use existing
submarine fiber optic cables to detect seismic events. In their paper, the group
describes their test project using a cable across the Atlantic Ocean.
Scientists know that cables can be used to detect seismic activity – back in the
1960s, work was done to see if they could be used to detect submarines or
underwater earthquakes. More recently, scientists have explored the possibility
of using distributed acoustic sensing as a way to detect seismic activity. Light
pulses are sent down the cable, and sensors listen for any of them that are
reflected due to jolts.
Repeaters are used to send signals over long distances across the ocean floor -
they listen to the signal, amplify it and transmit further. To help maintain
operations, repeaters have hardware to send signals in the opposite direction.
This helps isolate problems. The researchers in this new work have used this
feature to test existing cables as subsea seismic sensors. They sent light over
a cable linking the UK to Canada and then studied the signals sent by the
repeaters. They found that not only could they see seismic activity, they were
also able to find it at points between repeaters. The researchers suggest that
more work is needed to see if such a system could also provide magnitude
estimates for underwater earthquakes.
· #576
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:43)
To Nikolova S., MD-213. You've performed all the tasks, Sofia, and it is good. But I've noticed that one of your comments is an exact copy of the comment #547. Pls remember it is your INDEPENDENT work.
· #575
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:41)
I've read the article: "New galaxy images reveal a fitful start to the
An international group of astronomers claims that the formation of a galaxy can
be compared to a car.
The first galaxies may have had a "diesel-powered" star-forming engine that
slowly but continuously added new stars, without much acceleration, and smoothly
turning the gas into relatively small stars over long periods of time.
In this way, research has shown that galaxy formation is likely to be
discontinuous, with bursts of activity followed by lulls.
It is unlikely that galaxy mergers played a decisive role.
· #574
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:41)
1.Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
Лікарні повідомляли про різке зростання пацієнтів, які скаржаться на утруднене
2.The research team has observed, with the aid of advanced microscopy techniques
and electrochemical measurements.
3.The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
I read the article "Study Shows Benefits of Self-Managed Employees". The article
says that according to a new study, more US companies could benefit from
encouraging and developing employee self-leadership, which allows employees to
manage themselves rather than rely on supervisors. Self-leadership involves
employees influencing their behavior, thoughts, and moods, making them less
dependent on traditional leaders to achieve goals and maximize workplace
I believe that by combining the results of a large number of studies, the
researchers were able to come to clearer conclusions.
· #573
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:40)
1)When investigating the accident, more mines were found nearby.
час розслідування нещасного випадку поблизу було виявлено й інші міни.
2)These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Ось ці три компоненти і викликали таке різке підвищення.
3)We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
I've read the article: "Vegetation of planet Earth: Researchers publish unique
database as open access".
The "sPlotOpen" vegetation plot database is now freely available.
It contains vegetation data from 114 countries and all climatic zones of the
Each data point contains information on all plant species found in that
location, along with geographic, temporal, and methodological metadata.
The team tried to establish some comparability between datasets from different
I think that such lists are quite useful, especially for people or scientists
who are interested in one or another type of vegetation.
· #572
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:35)
To Ditkovskaya S., MD-213. Your comments on the articles are good enough, Sofia, thanks. The audiofiles sound very good, but for the words "assessment" and "command". The task with the phrases is performed properly as well as the exam topic. Go on working. Best of luck.
· #571
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:28)
To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. I'm waiting for your exam topics. Go on working.
· #570
Botsman (MD-213) Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:28)
I have read the article”The discovery of a new type of supernova illuminates a
medieval mystery” and I have a couple of words.
A worldwide team led by UC Santa Barbara scientists at Las Cumbres Observatory
has discovered the first convincing evidence for a new type of stellar
explosion—an electron-capture supernova. While they have been theorized for 40
years, real-world examples have been elusive.
In my opinion, this is a very good discovery, which suggests that most of the
theories are correct and the proof of this theory will give astronomers and
physicists a new impetus to create a general model of physics.
· #569
Botsman (MD-213) Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:25)
with the aid of
research team has observed, with the aid of advanced microscopy techniques
investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
sharp rise
sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
I have read the article "Using Dunes to Interpret Wind on Mars" and I have a few
Conditions on Mars do not allow people to live there comfortably. There are many
reasons for this. One of them is the wind. Scientists have found a new way to
study wind on Mars using dunes. They analyze their direction, height and learn
wind speed and other characteristics.
In my opinion, this is an interesting but useless study. Colonization and
exploration of Mars will not help humanity escape from the end of the world, and
even the dunes will not help us avoid it.
· #568
Botsman (MD-213) Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:24)
Quality and reliability of software
We all use a certain operating system and everyone is probably satisfied with
its use. But what about the reliability and quality of the most popular
operating systems?
Most people I know use three operating systems: Windows, MacOS and Linux. I had
the opportunity to work in all operating systems and draw my own conclusions. In
my top in terms of design and convenience, macOS takes the first place. It's
really a great operating system to work with, but many programs don't work for
this OS. Therefore, Windows takes second place, it is comfortable for daily work
and provides a lot of opportunities. But in terms of the safety of your data,
MacOS and Linux definitely win.
In conclusion, I can say that the choice of OS is a personal choice for
· #567
Terzi N. MD-213 ( Diachenko ) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:22)
with the aid of
The research team has observed, with the aid of advanced microscopy techniques
When investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
A sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
I have read the article about a University at Buffalo communication researcher
that has developed a framework for measuring the slippery concept of social
media public opinion.The researchers studied Twitter because of the ability to
see who is following whom, information that is not publicly accessible on other
platforms.The results further support the echo chamber tendencies prevalent on
social media.Social media public opinion is twice removed from the general
public opinion measured by surveys.Among those who uses social media, only a
subset of them actually express opinions on social media.This article is useful
as murmuration can allow for research that makes better use of social media data
to study public opinion as a form of social interaction
I have read the information about quality and reliability of software.Software
Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a
specified period of time in a specified environment.Software Reliability is also
an important factor affecting system reliability.It differs from hardware
reliability in that it reflects the design perfection,rather than manufacturing
perfection.Various approaches can be used to improve the reliability of
software, however,it is hard to balance development time and budget with
software reliability.This is very important as software quality reflects how
well it complies with or conforms to a given design,based on functional
requirements or specifications.That attribute can also be described as the
fitness for purpose of a piece of software.
· #566
Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:12)
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.
Trusted operating systems are special versions of off-the-shelf operating
systems, such as Windows NT and Unix, that are enhanced to be more secure. An IT
manager might use a trusted version of Windows NT on a Web server that contains
or is linked to sensitive corporate information. But beware: Trusted operating
systems are usually harder to learn and administer than standard versions.
An OS is trusted if it can provide
1. Memory Protection
2. File Protection
3. General object access contro
4. User Authentication
5. I/O device access control
6. Guaranteed fair service
So I can consider, that on a front-end Web server, TOS are pretty crucial, but I
wouldn't use them anywhere else.
· #565
Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:11)
Today I have read the article “The planet does not fall far from the star”. This
article tells about a compositional link between planets and their respective
host star has long been assumed in astronomy. For the first time now, a team of
scientists deliver empirical evidence to support the assumption—and partly
contradict it at the same time.
Stars and planets are formed from the same cosmic gas and dust. In the course of
the formation process, some of the material condenses and forms rocky planets,
the rest is either accumulated by the star or becomes part of gaseous planets.
In conclusion, I want to say that the article was quite interesting, I advise
everyone to read it.
· #564
Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:11)
under certain assumptions-
We show that, under certain assumptions, the original update postulates are
performed with-
Remarkably, these experiments were performed with laser pulses that exceed the
peak power limit in glass fibers by a factor of 40.
Примітно, що ці експерименти проводилися з лазерними імпульсами, які перевищують
межу пікової потужності у скляних волокнах у 40 разів.
column represents-
A higher value in that column represents a stronger influence of these factors.
Більше значення в цьому стовпці означає сильніший вплив цих факторів.
The article is about a way to use everyday WiFi to help robots see and navigate
better indoors.
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a low-cost,
low-power technology to help robots accurately map their way indoors, even in
poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or features. It's a new
approach to indoor robot navigation. The accuracy of localization and mapping
provided by the WiFi sensors was on par with that of the commercial camera and
LiDAR sensors.
The researchers will be combining WiFi sensors with cameras to develop a more
complete, yet inexpensive, mapping technology.
· #563
Ditkovskya Kudinova MD-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:01)
I have read the article “How much will our emissions have an impact on future
Antarctic ice loss?”.
While the impact of emissions on Antarctic ice melt may not become clear for
another hundred years, the consequences of the climate decisions made this
decade will be felt for centuries. The study, led by GNS Science's Dr. Dan
Lowry, represents a new approach to understanding Antarctic Ice Sheet change and
its potential to raise sea level by multiple meters.
This article will be useful for everyone, because it's about our planet.
I have read the article “Farming practices good for the environment and the
farmer's pocket”.
New research conducted as part of the EU-funded LIFT project has shown that
ecological practices are the way forward for Europe's farmers. Carried out at
LIFT project partner Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), United Kingdom, it
suggests that such practices help farmers increase their profits and meet
sustainable agricultural goals. The research involved the economic assessment of
four different ecological management practices maintained on livestock farms in
Scotland. Also covered the pros and the cons of proposed measures in the
This article will be useful for everyone, because we can make our planet better
A driver is a program that is responsible for the operation of this device,
contains a set of commands for this device, and provides communication between
the computer and the device.
The user communicates with external devices is carried out through special
programs of the operating system, called drivers. If you want to display the
contents of a file, just specify the disk number and file name, and give the
command to output it to the monitor, in accordance with this command, the file
system in the directory will determine exactly where the disk file is located
and will provide information to the driver that will start the desired drive,
move the read heads to the desired track, read the file into RAM. Then the
monitor driver will start working, which will transfer the information to the
monitor screen.
As you can see, drivers interact with your computer's external devices and
reflect their specifics.
With the aid of
Civil engineers use a comparable mechanism in pre-stressed concrete with the aid
of high-strength steel and thus produce crack-resistant structural elements.
Інженери-будівельники використовують аналогічний механізм у попередньо
напруженому бетоні за допомогою високоміцної сталі і таким чином виготовляють
стійкі до тріщин конструктивні елементи.
The researchers combined the power of the most advanced telescopes, such as HST
and GTC, with the aid of "natural telescopes".
Дослідники поєднали потужність найдосконаліших телескопів, таких як HST і GTC, з
A sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
Times of India.
When investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
· #562
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:58)
1. with the aid of
With the aid of artificial stem cells, it will soon be possible to establish new
treatments for previously incurable diseases.
допомогою штучних стовбурових клітин скоро буде можливим винайдення нових
методів лікування раніше невиліковних хвороб.
2. when investigating
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
3. a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
I’ve read an article about why disinformation flourished during the pandemic.
The researchers analyzed both credible and unreliable sources alongside with
people’s demand for either of them. Turns out that the demand for unreliable
information is way higher, and it has to do a lot with the fact that those
sources share information faster.
The causes of such a difference in speed aren’t stated in the article. However,
I have a strong opinion that it is because such news sources do not care for
being even remotely credible, thus do not waste time on fact checking and post
whatever comes to a journalist’s mind.
The article I’ve read tells about the decrease of students’ career prospects due
to virtualization.
During the pandemic, in-person events were severely limited. And while
digitalization of work process worked great for already employed people, it
created difficulties for students searching for jobs. We are simply not as used
to virtual networking as we are to in-person one, and that is inconvenient for
both students and companies.
However, in my opinion, that is soon to change. Either because we’ll return to
holding more in-person events when the pandemic ceases or because we as an
adaptable species will become more effective at virtual professional
· #561
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:55)
To Kunitsky Artem, KI-211. Your comments on the articles are good enough and can be assessed positively, Artem, thanks. But as for the task with the phrases you should remember to translate the phrases and the sentences with them into Ukrainian, it is a must. The audiofiles sound bad, as they contain a lot of pronunciation mistakes. You should work harder at you reading skills. You can use the "Listen and Pronounce! |Слухати і Bимовляти!" feature at the site. Continue working.
· #560
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:50)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students! The lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #559
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:43)
To Group MD-213. Good morning dear students! Our lesson is about to start and I am waiting for your completed classroom and independent practice tasks. Good luck!
· #558
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 19:42)
To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day about " WiFi to help Robots", the Exam topic "Actuators", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes !
· #557
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 KudinovaT.I. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 19:28)
1. by means of
The information can be extracted by means of questions
2. the main objective
It is the main objective of our meeting.
3. published in
The latest report was published in the Newspaper
Today a have read the article "Researchers store a quantum bit for a
record-breaking 20 milliseconds"
Computers, smartphones, GPS: quantum physics has enabled many technological
advances. It is now opening up new fields of research in cryptography (the art
of coding messages) with the aim of developing ultra-secure telecommunications
networks. There is one obstacle, however: after a few hundred kilometers within
an optical fiber, the photons that carry the qubits or "quantum bits" (the
information) disappear. They therefore need "repeaters," a kind of "relay,"
which are partly based on a quantum memory. By managing to store a qubit in a
crystal (a "memory") for 20 milliseconds, a team from the University of Geneva
(UNIGE) has set a world record and taken a major step towards the development of
long-distance quantum telecommunications networks. This research can be found in
the journal npj Quantum Information
Today i have read the article "Generating high-resolution self-packaged liquid
metal nanopatterns". In a new report now published in Matter, Licong An, and a
team of scientists in materials engineering, industrial engineering, and the
nanotechnology center at Purdue University, U.S., and Wuhan University, China,
described an advanced laser lithography method. The technique facilitated the
formation of electronically self-protective liquid metal patterns with feature
sizes in the sub-microscale, to form one of the highest resolution metal surface
patterns to date. The unique structure and robust patterns offered electrical
functionality in spite of external damage. Such high-resolution, electrical,
self-protective materials are suited for next-generation nano applications.
Exam topic #6(Motor vehicles)
The vehicle propulsion is provided by an engine or motor, usually an internal
combustion engine or an electric motor, or some combination of the two, such as
hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. For legal purpose, motor vehicles
are often identified within a number of vehicle classes including cars, buses,
motorcycles, off-road vehicles, light trucks and regular trucks. These
classifications vary according to the legal codes of each country. is the
standard for road vehicle types, terms and definitions. Generally, to avoid
requiring people with disabilities from having to possess an operator's license
to use one, or requiring tags and insurance, powered wheelchairs will be
specifically excluded by law from being considered motor vehicles.
· #556
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022)
To Velikov Vlad, KI-211. The tasks are performed good enough, Vlad, thanks. The comments are informative but you should be more attentive while writing to avoid minor mistakes:" This article tells THAT a compositional link between planets and their respective host star has long been assumed in astronomy", "This article tells THAT Quantum computers promise to". the audiofiles sound not bad, but for the words "quantum" and "generation". Pls don't forget to add the translation of the sentences in the task with the phrases. Keep on working. Best wishes.
· #555
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 16:18)
To Pozhar Sasha, KI-211. All the tasks are done quite all right, Sasha, thanks. Just check the pronunciation of the words "sculptures", "also", "archeologists", "societies", "certain" and "determine". Go on working. Best wishes.
· #554
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 16:08)
To Krasnian Ivan, KI-211. Your comments on the articles are informative and written without mistakes, Ivan, thanks. Just remember that articles don't "talk", they "TELL". All the other tasks are performed properly. The mispronounced words in your audiofiles are "major", "sites", "floods", "threat", predecessor", and "among". Keep on working. Best of luck.
· #553
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 25 May 2022)
Vietiev Ivan- group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article about 3- D Computer Models , the Exam topic "Actuators", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct . The audio recording sounds fluently, would you read the text more distinctly. Check the reading of separate words: "'Jupiter; is written etc. " The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best!
· #552
Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 14:34)
· #551
Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 14:29)
column represents
The Jupiter Column is about four meters high and combines Roman and Germanic
symbols and conceptions. The figures on the column represent the battle between
the Roman god Jupiter and a giant.
Колона Юпітера висотою близько чотирьох метрів поєднує в себе римські та
німецькі символи та уявлення.
under certain assumptions
Under certain assumptions, an explicit solution to the minimax problem is
performed with
Remarkably, these experiments were performed with laser pulses that exceed the
peak power limit in glass fibers by a factor of 40.
Примітно, що ці експерименти проводилися з лазерними імпульсами, що у 40 разів
перевищують граничну пікову потужність у скляних волокнах.
The article is headlined "3-D computer models of gigantic archaeological
objects". The article is written by Monika Landgraf, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology. This article is about modeling sculptures and other archaeological
finds in order to uncover some of the secrets and make the cultural heritage of
Ladenburg visible and tangible. The modern digitization methods of the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT) are used for this purpose. According to the
article "Non-contact digitization of objects opens up new approaches to
research," says Dr. Thomas Wöttl. The KIT team uses a professional, commercially
available digital single-lens reflex camera with 36 megapixels and conventional
lighting technology to simulate the three-dimensional structure of the column on
the computer. I found this article interesting as a lot of things in our history
are hidden and do not give every nation knowledge about its past and because of
this many people like to exalt themselves to this example in politics still
exists today.
Exam Topic #19 Actuators
A device called an actuator is a machine component that is responsible for
moving and controlling a mechanism or system. The original actuator or pneumatic
drive system and hydraulic drive system date from around the time of the Second
World War in 1938. They were first developed by Xhiter Anckeleman, who used his
knowledge of engines and brake systems to come up with a new solution for
providing maximum vehicle braking power with minimal wear. The actuator requires
a control device and a power source. It is also the mechanism that is actuated
by the control system to perform an operation or task. The control system can be
simple, software-based human, or any other. The actuator is used in industry and
sometimes also by civilians, which gives it application in life.
· #550
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 25 May 2022)
To Vladyslava Stepanova-KD-211. Thank you for your comment on the article you've read, the Exam topic:" The role of the logistics metrics", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correctly. Would you invite all students from your group to join in our online activities! Not all students are involved ! Continue to work online. Yours Sincerely
· #549
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 12:48)
under certain assumptions
We show that, under certain assumptions, the original update postulates are
performed with
Remarkably, these experiments were performed with laser pulses that exceed the
peak power limit in glass fibers by a factor of 40.
column represents
A higher value in that column represents a stronger influence of these factors.
The article is about a way to use everyday WiFi to help robots see and navigate
better indoors.
Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a low-cost,
low-power technology to help robots accurately map their way indoors, even in
poor lighting and without recognizable landmarks or features. It's a new
approach to indoor robot navigation. The accuracy of localization and mapping
provided by the WiFi sensors was on par with that of the commercial camera and
LiDAR sensors.
The researchers will be combining WiFi sensors with cameras to develop a more
complete, yet inexpensive, mapping technology.
Exam topic #9 Actuators
An actuator is a part of a device or machine that helps it to achieve physical
movements by converting energy into mechanical force. Simply put, it is the
component in any machine that enables movement. In engineering, actuators are
frequently used as mechanisms to introduce motion, or to clamp an object to
prevent motion. In electronic engineering, actuators are a subdivision of
transducers. They are devices which transform an input signal into some form of
Actuators are present in almost every machine around us, from simple electronic
access control systems, the vibrator on your mobile phone and household
appliances to vehicles, industrial devices, and robots.
· #548
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 12:36)
under a certain assumptions
This goes under a certain assumption of a growing world population's.
performed with
The latter has been performed with an extremely restricted budget which could
not but affect the quality of renovating.
column represents
The eruption column represents reached the Earth's stratosphere.
The article is titled Research reveals how much plastic debris is currently
floating in the Mediterranean Sea and was written by Frontiers.
The main idea of this article is that team of researchers have developed a model
to track the pathways and fate of plastic debris from land-based sources in the
Mediterranean Sea.Global plastic production has been increasing each year since
the 1950s, with 368m tons of plastic produced in 2019.
I guess that this article is very helpful because not so many people in our
society even thinking about how many plastic debris we have.
Exam topic#9 (The role of the logistics metrics)
A logistics KPI or metric is a performance measurement that is used by logistics
managers to track, visualize and optimize all relevant logistic processes in an
efficient way.
Among others, these measurements refer to transportation, warehouse and supply
chain aspects.The logistics industry produces huge amounts of data on a daily
basis coming from warehousing processes, orders transportation, picking and
packing, among others. A little more detailed: shipping time, order accuracy,
picking accuracy, delivery time, equipment utilization rate, transporting costs,
number of shipments, inventory accuracy and etc.
And that's why logistic metric could be helpful. Accordingly, it has a fairly
significant role in a large number of plans.
· #547
Velikov Vlad KI-211(Kudinova) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 12:23)
Performed with -All-optical phase recovery and quantitative phase imaging
performed instantly without a computer May 20, 2022
Column represents-Although well short of the record 8.7 million acres burned in
2020, this would represent the 8th largest burned area since 1984, part of a
long-term trend of more widespread conflagrations.
Under certain-In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain
assumptions, a solution exists.
Today I have read the article “The planet does not fall far from the star”. This
article tells about A compositional link between planets and their respective
host star has long been assumed in astronomy. For the first time now, a team of
scientists deliver empirical evidence to support the assumption—and partly
contradict it at the same time.
Stars and planets are formed from the same cosmic gas and dust. In the course of
the formation process, some of the material condenses and forms rocky planets,
the rest is either accumulated by the star or becomes part of gaseous planets.
in conclusion, I want to say that the article was quite interesting, I advise
everyone to read it.
Today I have read the article “Scientists use quantum computers to simulate
quantum materials”. This article tells about Quantum computers promise to
revolutionize science by enabling computations that were once thought
impossible. But for quantum computers to become an everyday reality, there is a
long way to go with many challenging tests to pass. One of the tests involves
using quantum computers to simulate the properties of materials for
next-generation quantum technologies.
In a new study from the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory
and the University of Chicago, researchers performed quantum simulations of spin
defects, which are specific impurities in materials that could offer a promising
basis for new quantum technologies. In conclusion, I want to say that the
article turned out to be rather boring, but maybe someone will like it, so I
recommend it to those who are interested.
Exam topic #2 (Technical diagnostics of automobiles )
We live in the 21st century, this is the age of technology and machines.
Wherever we go everywhere we are surrounded by cars. They make our life easier,
make it simpler, more reliable and save our time, but machines, like everything
that surrounds us, break down and fail. And in order to prevent this, cars and
equipment undergo diagnostics that prevent them from breaking. So
technolochiskaja diagnostics of cars plays an important role in their use. In
conclusion, I want to say that you need to monitor the state of your equipment
· #546
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 12:21)
performed with -
The surgery is performed with regards of individual approach to the patient. -
under certain assumptions -
Encryption protocols ensure a certain level of security under certain
assumptions concerning the abilities of the potential attackers. -
column represents -
Each row represents an attribute, and each column represents a data subject. -
Today I have read the article "3-D computer models of gigantic archaeological
objects".It tells about computer technologies that will help to reveal all the
secrets of archaeological objects.
Scientists and researchers create digital 3D models of the sculptures.
Non-contact digitization of objects opens up new approaches to research,” says
Dr. Thomas Vogtl. In the near future, they will become the digital heritage of
mankind. Also, these models can become educational material and a scientific
guide for students and future archaeologists. “The digital model forces both
archaeologists and non-specialists to perceive the artifact in a completely new
way,” the doctor also says.
I advise everyone to read this article.
Today I have read the article "Societies living in harsh environments more
likely to believe in moralizing gods, study finds".
Scientists conducted a study in which they noticed a correlation between the
standard of living and belief in a high god in certain human communities.
According to the results of these studies, they came to the conclusion that the
lower the standard of living, the higher the belief in the gods.scientists
cannot determine exactly what influences our behavior and attitudes towards
adaptive human values, and therefore they are divided into two groups. The first
group believes that a person's behavior depends on the culture of the society in
which he lives. The second group says that the environment influences human
Exam topic "Technical diagnostics of automobiles"
Technical diagnostics of automobiles is the mechanical test involved with
identifying and assessing problems that may negatively affect the normal
operation of a vehicle, a digital analysis of your car’s various computer
systems and components. Mechanics may employ a wide range of techniques and
tools in conducting vehicle diagnostics
Technical diagnostics of automobiles are beneficial tools that should be a
regular practice of any maintenance checkup for your car. It will help to ensure
that your car doesn’t suffer from long-term or catastrophic damage due to
malfunctioning parts or computer errors.
· #545
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 12:02)
Phrases of the da Column representsy
1) Column represents -
Each colored column represents a data series to be plotted on the chart -
2) Under certain assumption -
The Earth frame is also useful in that, under certain assumptions, it can be
approximated as inertial -
3) Performed with -
He has performed with anti-Western, antidemocratic statements -
1.Forests offer minimal protection against major flood events
Today i have read the article "Forests offer minimal protection against major
flood events".
New research examining whether forests can mitigate flood risk suggests they may
offer less protection against major events than had been hoped.
Although the work, which was carried out in forest sites in Ireland and the UK,
showed forests can suppress small storm flows it also underlined that they are
likely to make minimal difference in reducing the devastating impacts of major
flood events.
The article is very interesting and informative. I recommend everyone to read it
because it talks about solving possible local environmental problems.
2.Self-cleaning spacecraft surfaces to combat microbes
Today i have read the article "Self-cleaning spacecraft surfaces to combat
microbes". Astronauts live and work in orbit along with teeming populations of
microorganisms, which could present a serious threat to health—and even the
structural integrity of spacecraft. To help combat such invisible stowaways, an
ESA-led project is developing microbe-killing coatings suitable for use within
spacecraft cabins. This problem proved acute in the latter days of the ISS's
predecessor, the "Peace" space station, where microbial colonies were observed
growing on parts of spacesuits, cable insulation and even the seals of windows.
The article will appeal to those who follow the development of astronautics.
Exam topic #4 "Wheeled and tracked vehicles"
Crawl or roll?
1)Patency. It is difficult for wheeled vehicles with conventional tires to move
on soft soils, liquid mud, deep snow. They are more likely to get stuck and will
have to be towed by a tracked vehicle to get out, as the ability to hold onto
soft ground due to low ground pressure is one of the advantages of tracked
2) Stability and load capacity. Tracked vehicles are more stable than wheeled
vehicles and the tipping load of a tracked vehicle will be higher than that of a
wheeled vehicle of the same size.
3) Speed and ride quality. Among the advantages of wheeled vehicles are higher
speed and driving performance than tracked vehicles, especially on hard, flat
surfaces. Therefore, machines have wheels that, during operation, mainly drive
on public roads and on flat surfaces.
· #544
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 11:40)
To Bordan Vitalii, KI-211. Your comments on the articles are quite good, Vitalii, thanks. Just mind: "a number of other EQUAL discoveries". The task with the phrases is done properly. As for the exam topic, you'd better rearrange it as it should contain complete and quite detailed sentences, not just announcement of subjects. Go on working. Best wishes.
· #543
Savluk A. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 11:33)
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212,) I appreciate your answer, thank you! I suppose it is quite informative and useful.
· #542
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 11:31)
To Troncha Ruslan, KI-211. In general your essays of the articles are not bad, Ruslan, thanks. I would just advise you to choose articles more relevant to your future specialty. And mind the spelling of the verb "ADVISE" (not "advice" as the noun). As for the exam topic, it only tells about cranes and it should also touch other hoising machines, as the title goes. The mispronounced words in your audio record are "method", "severe", "recent" and "receive". Continue working. Best wishes.
· #541
Bordan Vitalii KI-211( Kudinova T. I. ) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:53)
1)performed with-виконуєтьсяс
It can be performed with a single center or can be multicenter.
2)column represents-стовпчикпредставляє
Each colored column represents a data series to be plotted on the chart.
3)under certain assumptions-запевнихумов
The Earth frame is also useful in that, under certain assumptions, it can be
approximated as inertial.
Today I have read an article titled
"Scientists use quantum computers to simulate quantum materials".
The article says that the quantum computers promise to revolutionize science
by enabling computations that were once thought impossible. But for quantum
to become an everyday reality, there is a long way to go with many challenging
tests to pass.
I liked the article because I think that this discovery entails a number of
other equally discoveries
and I advise everyone to read the article
Today I have read an article titled
"Skydiving salamanders live in world's tallest trees".
The article says that the Salamanders that live their entire lives in the crowns
of the world's tallest trees,
California's coast redwoods, have evolved a behavior well-adapted to the dangers
of falling from high places:
the ability to parachute, glide and maneuver in mid-air.
I liked the article because I like following the flora and fauna of our planet
and I advise everyone who is interested in animals to read the article
Exam topic #7(Motor vehicles)
a type of transport carried out using a car, bus and motorcycle.
One of the most important branches of material production, transporting
passengers and goods,
a set of all types of communication routes, vehicles, technical devices and
on communication routes that ensure the process of moving people and goods for
various purposes
from one place to another. Vehicles: various types of cars - cars, buses,
Cars - the most wasteful transport compared to other modes of transport
· #540
Kudinova T. I. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:51)
1)performed with-виконуєтьсяс
It can be performed with a single center or can be multicenter.
2)column represents-стовпчикпредставляє
Each colored column represents a data series to be plotted on the chart.
3)under certain assumptions-запевнихумов
The Earth frame is also useful in that, under certain assumptions, it can be
approximated as inertial.
Today I have read an article titled
"Scientists use quantum computers to simulate quantum materials".
The article says that the quantum computers promise to revolutionize science
by enabling computations that were once thought impossible.
for quantum computers
to become an everyday reality, there is a long way to go with many challenging
tests to pass.
I liked the article because I think that this discovery entails a number of
other equally discoveries
and I advise everyone to read the article
3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Skydiving salamanders live in world's tallest trees".
The article says that the Salamanders that live their entire lives in the crowns
of the world's tallest trees,
California's coast redwoods, have evolved a behavior well-adapted to the dangers
of falling from high places:
the ability to parachute, glide and maneuver in mid-air.
I liked the article because I like following the flora and fauna of our planet
and I advise everyone who is interested in animals to read the article
Exam topic #7(Motor vehicles)
a type of transport carried out using a car, bus and motorcycle.
One of the most important branches of material production, transporting
passengers and goods,
a set of all types of communication routes, vehicles, technical devices and
on communication routes that ensure the process of moving people and goods for
various purposes
from one place to another. Vehicles: various types of cars - cars, buses,
Cars - the most wasteful transport compared to other modes of transport
· #539
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova T.I.) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:49)
Exam topic "Hoisting, road, reclamation machines"
A crane is a type of machine, generally equipped with a hoist rope, wire ropes
or chains, and sheaves, that can be used both to lift and lower materials and to
move them horizontally. It is mainly used for lifting heavy things and
transporting them to other places. The device uses one or more simple machines
to create mechanical advantage and thus move loads beyond the normal capability
of a human. Cranes are commonly employed in transportation for the loading and
unloading of freight, in construction for the movement of materials, and in
manufacturing for the assembling of heavy equipment.
· #538
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova T.I.) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:48)
Today I have read the article "Expert: Secure Act regulations seek to dispel
'illusion of wealth' for older adults".
It tells that most employees in the U.S. with certain retirement accounts may be
surprised when they open their next quarterly statements—and not just because of
recent turmoil in financial markets, according to a paper from a University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign expert on U.S. tax policy and retirement issues.
The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act was enacted in
December 2019 and requires that participants in employment-based retirement
plans receive projections of what their account balances will provide in monthly
income upon retirement.
I think that this article is useful,I would reccomend everybody to read it.
· #537
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova T.I.) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:48)
under certain assumptins-за певних припущень
This goes under the assumption of a growing world population's increasing
appetite for beefy bites-Це ґрунтується на припущенні, що зростаюче населення
світу зростає апетит до м’ясних перекусів
performed with-виконується при
A team of astronomers led by Xu-Jia Ouyang of Sun Yat-sen University in Zhuhai,
China, has recently performed radio observations of IC 4997 using the tracking
mode of the FAST 19-beam receiver.-Команда астрономів під керівництвом Сю-Цзя
Оуяна з Університету Сунь Ятсена в Чжухаї, Китай, нещодавно провела
радіоспостереження IC 4997, використовуючи режим відстеження 19-променевого
приймача FAST.
column represents-стовпець представляє
Although well short of the record 8.7 million acres burned in 2020, this would
represent the 8th largest burned area since 1984, part of a long-term trend of
more widespread conflagrations.-Хоча це значно менше рекордних 8,7 мільйона
акрів, згорілих у 2020 році, це буде восьмою за величиною випаленою площею з
1984 року, що є частиною довгострокової тенденції більш поширених пожеж.
Today I have read the article "Scientists develop method for seasonal prediction
of wildfires in the US West".
It tells that This summer's western wildfire season is likely to be more severe
than average but not as devastating as last year's near-record, according to an
experimental prediction method developed by scientists at the National Center
for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
The new method, detailed in a peer-reviewed study, analyzes precipitation,
temperatures, drought, and other climate conditions in the winter and spring in
order to predict the extent of wildfires across the western United States during
the following summer.
I think that this article is very interesting and usefull,I would advice
everybody to read it.
· #536
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:27)
1. "under certain assumptions" Transferring the results to the field is then
possible under certain assumptions, but should be backed up by further
investigations in the laboratory and in the field.
2. "column represents" Each row represents an attribute, and each column
represents a data subject.
3. "performed with" Remarkably, these experiments were performed with laser
pulses that exceed the peak power limit in glass fibers by a factor of 40.
Today I have read an article called "Curiosity rover makes first use of its
The work tells us about NASA's Mars rover Curiosity that has completed
first-time use of a brush that it carries to sweep dust off rocks. The mission
has cleared dust away from a targeted patch on a flat Martian rock using the
Dust Removal Tool. The tool is a motorized, wire-bristle brush designed to
prepare selected rock surfaces for enhanced inspection by the rover's science
instruments. It is built into the turret at the end of the rover's arm.
The article will be entertaining for technology lovers.
Themed comment:
6.Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles
Nowadays motor vehicles are mostly produced on big, sometimes gigantic
factories, while some of them are made by enthusiasts, sometimes without huge
amount of money. If we talk about repair measures, repairing the first type of
cars is more systematized process and sometimes even a little bit easier
compared to second type as factory cars are more common, technology of repair is
worked out while repairing unique cars is a process that needs good knowledge of
specifically this vehicle and if not always more expensive usually more time
consuming however pretty interesting and teaching.
· #535
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:15)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #534
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 08:36)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 and Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Thanks for your exam topics. They are informative and interesting to read.
· #533
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:55)
Exam topic #1 "Motor vehicle"
Motor vehicle is a self-propelled wheeled vehicle that does not operate on
rails, such as trains or trolleys.The vehicle propulsion is provided by an
engine or motor, usually by an internal combustion engine, or an electric motor,
or some combination of the two, such as hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in
hybrids.Global vehicle ownership per capita in 2010 was 148 vehicles in
operation per 1000 people. China has the largest motor vehicle fleet in the
world, with 322 million motor vehicles registered at the end of September
2018.Automobiles have main role in transportation of cargo on the planet and the
mainkind can not imagine their life without this type of transport.
voice -
1) column represents - стовпчик представляє
Each colored column represents a data series to be plotted on the chart. - Кожен
кольоровий стовпчик представляє серію даних, що буде зображена на діаграмі.
2) Under certain assumptions - за деяких припущень
Under certain assumptions, an explicit solution to the minimax problem is
obtained. - За певних припущень отримано явний розв’язок мінімаксної задачі.
3) performed with - виконується з
Redirection of the shipment to the Consigneer is performed with an additional
charge of 50% tariff. - Переадресація до моменту вручення Отримувачу виконується
з доплатою 50% тарифу.
· #532
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:43)
1)Technological processes in road transport.
Technology does not stand still. A very long time ago, the first ICE-powered
cars appeared, but before them there were electric cars and cars with a steam
engine. For a long time, only internal combustion engines were used, to start
the engine had a capacity of 25 horsepower, but now people can be said to have
learned to fully reveal their potential, thus an everyday car can have from 700
to 1000 horsepower. But due to the fact that further increase in engine power
will cost many times more, we went back a little in time to find a clue in the
form of electric vehicles. Now we have a hybrid car that breaks down less, costs
less, and is more environmentally friendly than the ICE alternative. And in
general, we have electric cars for EVERYDAY driving with a capacity of 1000 and
1200 horsepower.
2)*performed with - выполняться ... при
This operation can only be performed in a sterile environment. - Эта операция
может выполняться только при стерильном помещении.
**column represents - столбец представляет
This column represents how broadly we cover our expenses. - Этот столбец
представляет то насколько широко мы покрываем наши расходы.
***under certain assumptions - при определенных предположениях
We need under certain assumptions to solve the problem - Нам нужны при
определенных предположения для решения проблемы.
· #531
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:05)
To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Use Present Perfect in the first sentence: Today I HAVE read ... The second part of your task is work with phrases, not articles of the day. During the lesson I am waiting for an exam topic and new work with phrases. Keep working.
· #530
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 07:01)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day. Good luck
· #529
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 20:24)
Today i read an unusual article called “War, social media and the urgent need to
update how we teach English”. Nowadays, it‘s difficult to imagine our life
without social media, especially youth. There are constantly millions of people,
who creat content and share it. The main topic of the last three months is the
war in Ukraine. Not the best topic, but what is. However, thanks to this, many
researchers believe that it is necessary to study English in a more modern way,
namely through the subject of social networks. Students should be able to create
memes, write news blogs, and produce digital news podcasts, all for an online
audience.Surly, no one suggests completely abandon the old training program, but
a modern system also needs to be created.It will be more interesting and better
for children and teenagers to learn English.And for the older generation, the
classical program is also suitable, but again, to each in his own way the best.
We can study both Hamlet as a play and how other media vividly quote its
protagonist. In the end, I believe that such changes will only benefit. As a
teenager, I’m more interested in learning English through social networks
Articles of the day:
1) the main objective- головна мета
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.(Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації – уникнути
будь-якого дефіциту – була досягнута.)
2) by means of- за рахунок
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised(Порушувалося питання винагороди учасників, наприклад за
рахунок гонорарів)
· #528
Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 13:16)
published in: Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
Відповідні результати були опубліковані в Earth System Science Data.
the main objective: The researchers included all three objectives into a
monolithic imaging chamber via direct immersion and used a solid immersion
meniscus lens to expand the range of refractive indices.
Дослідники включили всі три об’єктиви в монолітну камеру зображення за допомогою
прямого занурення та використали тверду імерсійну меніскуову лінзу для
розширення діапазону показників заломлення.
by means of: Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI are the first to
have joined two proteins together by means of a free-standing, rigid link.
Дослідники з Інституту Пола Шеррера PSI були першими, хто з’єднав два білки
разом за допомогою окремо стоячого жорсткого зв’язку.
Joining proteins together with rigid links (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Joining proteins together with
rigid links”. This article describe about method of joining proteins.
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI are the first to have joined two
proteins together by means of a free-standing, rigid link. The structural
element holds the two protein molecules together at a defined distance and
angle, much the way a barbell handle connects two weights. This type of linkage
could help, for example, to develop so-called virus-like particles for vaccines.
One advantage offered by virus-like particles is that, because they contain none
of the pathogen's genetic material, there is no chance they will multiply. For
this reason, they are safer than weakened pathogens, and they are currently
under investigation for protection against several viruses, such as the
hepatitis B and human papilloma viruses. In my opinion this article can be
interesting people who are interested in biology and medicine.
High school students measure Earth's magnetic field from ISS (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “High school students measure
Earth's magnetic field from ISS”. This article describe about how high school
students measure Earth's magnetic field. A group of high school students used a
tiny, inexpensive computer to try to measure Earth's magnetic field from the
International Space Station, showing a way to affordably explore and understand
our planet. The students used the data acquired from the space station to map
out Earth's magnetic field and compared their results to data provided by the
International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), which uses measurements from
observatories and satellites to compute Earth's magnetic field.In my opinion
this article can be interesting students and researchers.
· #527
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 13:07)
To Vietiev Ivan-group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article about Diamond mirrors, the Exam topic "Learning Robot", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct , but mind " controlled by ..." (Passive voice) in the first sentence with the phrases. The audio recording doesn't sound fluently, would you read the text more distinctly. Check the reading of separate words: "published; instructed; is written; semiconductor manufacturing; include; grasping; guidance etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best!
· #526
Gvozd to A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:28)
The reviews are rather interesting and informative. Keep on working.
· #525
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:27)
To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. But I haven't seen your exam topics. Go on working.
· #524
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:25)
To Oriekhov-MF211 The review of the article is written correctly and it's interesting to read.
· #523
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:20)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topics. Look through sentence 6 of your first review and sentences 4 and 7 of the second one. Keep on working.
· #522
Oriekhov-MF211(Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:10)
main objective
The main objective of this study was to identify the specific traits.
Основною метою цього дослідження було виявлення специфічних ознак.
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
Відповідні результати були опубліковані в Earth System Science Data.
Today I have read the article "New study explains how to broaden strategy to
avert catastrophic climate change". New study concludes that a strategy that
simultaneously reduces emissions of other climate pollutants other than
non-carbon dioxide would cut the rate of global warming in half. The non-carbon
dioxide pollutants include methane, hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants, black carbon
soot, ground-level ozone smog, as well as nitrous oxide. Adopting a dual
strategy that simultaneously reduces emissions of both carbon dioxide and the
other climate pollutants would cut the rate of warming in half by 2050, making
it much more likely to stay within these limits.
· #521
Buyanova Eva MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:08)
has not published anything for a long time.
Він давно нічого не публікував.
The main objective was to bring prices down.
Головною метою було знизити ціни.
The stone was lifted by means of a rope and pulley.
Камінь піднімали за допомогою мотузки і шківа.
I have read the article about screen time and how to use it in a right way.
A smart assistant is indispensable, but along with unprecedented opportunities,
we have a list of “side effects” in our pocket: communication and attention
disorders, depression and anxiety, problems with sleep and performance. Now
phone can check your track screen time. Most often, social networks take most of
your time. If you remove the icons of these applications from your phone, it
turns out to be unnecessary. But out of habit, the hand still fiddles with the
restless gadget. The main thing is not the applications that you use, not
willpower, but to understand why you are doing it.
I have read the article about Samsung researchers.
By improving the structure of quantum dots, it was possible to increase
significant the quantum efficiency, as well as increase the life of the QLED
element. To my way of thinking Samsung's unique technologies and materials from
which the core is made have helped the company focus on exploring the
possibilities of quantum dots for the next generation of displays.
To draw the conclusion, I can say that this study allowed them to obtain quantum
dots with high quantum efficiency and provided us with a more complete
understanding of the technologies for manufacturing quantum dots.
· #520
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:03)
Exam Topics:
Exam topic #3 (What is Word processing)
Word Processing refers to the act of using a computer to create, edit, save and
print documents. For such tasks there is software programs. For example
Microsoft Word and Google Drive Document. These programs help users in their
Also the word processor allows you to add content such as pictures, tables, and
charts to your documents as decorative items.
The editing and formatting capabilities of the word processor demonstrate the
application's true power. Text can be inserted, edited, moved, copied or
I think that such programs help people a lot in their work and simplify life in
our digital time.
Exam topic #4 (History of kernel development)
The kernel is the essential center of a computer operating system. It’s the main
layer between the OS and hardware.
The first attempt to create an OS via kernel was in 1969. Programmer Per Brinch
Hansen build up an OS, instead of converting existing OSes to be compatible with
new hardware. After that, Bell Labs researchers started work on Unix, which
radically changed OS development and kernel integration. The goal of Unix was to
create smaller applications that do specific tasks well instead of having system
try to multitask.
I think that from a user viewpoint, this technology simplifies creating shell
scripts and codes.
Exam topic #5 (A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages)
Information technology has deeply penetrated many areas of our lives. Almost any
modern person can hardly imagine himself without modern devices. So, let’s talk
about laptop and desktop.
Laptops can be easily taken from one place to another in a carrying case or
backpack. A laptop consumes less power as compared to a desktop computer.
Desktop computers offer you a wide variety of options when choosing different
components that make a device highly powerful. Desktop computers have ability of
installing powerful processors. Desktop computers are available in a wide range
of sizes.
I believe that each user has his own preferences and everyone chooses what to
Exam topic #6 (The development of Windows versions)
Microsoft Windows is computer operating system developed by Microsoft
Corporation to run personal computers.
With the 2001 release of Windows XP, Microsoft united its various Windows
packages under a single banner, offering multiple editions for users. Microsoft
in 2009 released Windows 7, an OS with new interface. Windows 8 in 2012 offered
a start screen with applications appearing as tiles on a grid and the ability to
synchronize settings so users could log on to another Windows 8 machine and use
their preferred settings. In 2015 Microsoft released Windows 10, which came with
a digital personal assistant and the Web browser Microsoft Edge.
Every day our technologies are developing faster and faster, so new operating
systems are created to make them work.
· #519
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:03)
the main objective
The main objective of the study was to better understand some of the causes and
consequences of electoral instability.
Головна ціль дослідження – краще зрозуміти деякі причини та наслідки
електоральної нестабільності.
2. published in
The research was published in the journal Basic and Applied Ecology.
Дослідження було опубліковане в журналі Basic and Applied Ecology.
3. by means of
Typically, target DNA molecules are detected by means of specific fluorescence
Зазвичай, потрібні молекули ДНК знаходять за допомогою специфічних
флуоресцентних маркерів.
The article I’ve read tells about diagnosing dogs with Leptospirosis on early
stages by using AI.
The model was trained on historical data of blood samples from dogs that did
suffer from that disease. Thanks to that, it can detect the disease without
needing a couple of weeks to prove that the levels of antibodies in the
patient’s blood rose.
To my mind, using AI for medicine has a lot to offer, as human medics are
unfortunately not always as precise as needed. Especially in veterinary, as
animals can’t speak at all, and their owners are even more imprecise about their
pet’s state.
I’ve read an article about an AI detecting Twitter users likely to spread
It analyzed a million tweets from thousands of users and learned to identify
speech patterns associated with further spreading unreliable news sources.
Interestingly enough, it was mostly conservative accounts that do not tweet
about their personal life but are suspiciously invested in politics.
To my mind, these could be mostly bots, but there are people that are actually
like that too. Regardless, the detection of those who spread misinformation is a
noble cause. Not to ban them entirely but to maybe put some indication on the
· #518
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 12:02)
1. The main objective of the following experiment was to examine whether people
are aware of potential statistical constraints that they do not produce when
spelling. Основна мета наступного експерименту полягала в тому, щоб перевірити,
чи усвідомлюють люди потенційні статистичні обмеження, яких вони не створюють
під час написання
2. Evolution by means of natural selection is the process by which traits that
enhance survival and reproduction become more common in successive generations
of a population. Еволюція шляхом природного відбору — це процес, завдяки якому
ознаки, що сприяють виживанню та розмноженню, стають більш поширеними в
наступних поколіннях популяції.
3. The work was published in March 1787. Твір побачив світ у березні 1787 року
I’ve read an article about the importance of sleep for artificial brains.
For people deep sleep is main importance for healthy and active life. But there
are machines besides people.
In 2020 scientists noticed that robots start working incorrectly without “rest”.
It’s influenced by many factors, but noise and microwaves are leading. So, the
issue of how to keep learning systems from becoming unstable is turn them off
and give a rest.
In conclusion, if the findings confirm the need for sleep in artificial brains,
i think we can probably expect the same to be true of intelligent machines that
may come about in the future.
I’ve read an article about Google’s 2020 event and its most interesting product.
This article reports about the most successful new item. It’s Google’s
Chromecast. Now it compete in streaming effectively. Also during pandemic, sales
of streaming devices really took off.
I think that so many new TVs come with streaming built in, and many consumers
will just buy a new TV instead. Also Google knows where you live, what are
watching and another private information, what is the disadvantage.
In conclusion, I want to say that people themselves choose what to use and
should always know about the disadvantages of this or that product.
· #517
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:57)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: sudden, crisis, identify. Keep on working.
· #516
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:57)
I've read the article:"Squid skin-inspired cup cozy will keep your hands cool
and your coffee hot".
Engineers have come up with an adaptive material that can insulate drink cups,
parcel boxes, etc., inspired by squids that can camouflage their bodies when
their chromatophore size changes.
The innovation is an infrared reflective polymer film. It can regulate heat with
metal structures that can separate from each other and reassemble at different
levels of deformation.
The strategy and economies of scale should allow the composite material to be
used in a wide range of applications, from coffee cup cases to tents.
· #515
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:52)
To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day about human-robot interaction research, the Exam topic "Mechanics", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind " controlled by ..." (Passive voice) in the first sentence with the phrases. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. Check the reading of separate words: " la'boratory; intrinsically etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes !
· #514
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:52)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the words: migration, beacon. Go on working.
· #513
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:47)
1.Our main objective is to construct link, as explicitly as possible, between
linear and nonlinear dynamics.
Наша головна мета полягає в тому, щоб якомога чіткіше побудувати спряженість між
лінійною та нелінійною динамікою.
2.Millions of research papers are published in a year.
За рік публікуються мільйони наукових робіт.
3.Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рух дрібних крапель води керується за допомогою магніту.
I read the article Music Eases Collective Grief. The article says that a group
of musicians uploaded their music to the site in order to help people suffering
from the Covid crisis. The purpose of this study was to identify the specific
traits that make it possible to empathize so well with those who are
experiencing personal and collective grief, to feel understood by others, and to
evaluate the tools of individual and social resilience.
I believe this research demonstrates the role of music and other art forms,
which through our emotional and social brains can help us individually and
collectively deal with sudden and dramatic situations.
· #512
Trochinskaya V. MD-212(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:46)
by means of
The information can be extracted by means of questions
2. the main objective
It is the main objective of our meeting.
3. published in
The latest report was published in the Newspaper
Today I have read an article:"High-flying morpho butterflies evolved into
efficiency gliders" According to the article, there was made a research of
butterflies. These butterflies are known as the biggest insects and were studied
very carefully. Researchers analyzed their behavior and shape of wings . These
butterflies can't fly far away and their wings shape is more slender. However
main result of research was that researchers found the connection between the
environment and wing's shape
In my opinion, it's predictable that butterflies are connected to the habitats
and the environment but it's incredible that these butterflies made their
special schedule and way of protection
Today I've read an article: "Discoveries in sensor technology advance
personalized medicine " Researchers from various fields came together to make a
global innovation. Nowadays, most wild animals are monitored by special devices.
It helps people to get information about animal's life and health. Researchers
analyzed it and came to the conclusion that these devices could be used for
monitoring people's health . It can be located on people so that we'd be able to
see our health condition.
In my opinion , It'd be useful to integrate these devices in our life and
,moreover, researchers say that it will help to prevent asthma and heart attacks
· #511
Gvozd O.V. to MD-212 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:41)
Dear students!
It's high time to post your comments.
· #510
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:40)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Look through the second sentence of your review (USED garments...). Keep on working.
· #509
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:35)
1)This is the main objective of our meeting.
Це головна мета нашої наради.
2)This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
Тепер ця фотографія може бути опублікована в модному глянцевому журналі.
3)He won by means of a friend.
Він виграв за допомогою друга.
I've read the article:"Turtles freed in Tunisia with tracking monitor".
Three rescued bighead turtles were released near Tunisia on May 22. One of them
had a beacon glued to its shell to help researchers better protect the
endangered species.
The main problem for turtles in Tunisia is related to fishing, as they become
entangled in nets.
Scientists glued a tracking monitor to one of the turtle's shells to reveal
wintering, grazing and migration patterns that play an important role in
protecting this endangered species.
I think that a tracking beacon is the best idea, because need to protect
endangered species as best as possible.
· #508
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:30)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments and voice messages. Look through the first and second sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice once more. Pay attention to the last sentence of your second review. Keep on working.
· #507
C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 11:26)
published in
My article will be published in a scientific journal.
Моя стаття буде опублікована в науковому журналі.
2. the main objective
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of solar radiation
on the human body.
Основною метою даного дослідження є оцінка впливу сонячної радіації на організм
3. by means of
The company's path to success was by means of organic growth.
Шлях компанії до успіху був за допомогою органічного зростання.
I have read the article about uncontrolled consumption catastrophe.
The largest dump of discarded clothes in the world formed in Chile's Atacama
desert. Using garments from all over the world arrive to the northern Chile port
where it might be sold again around Latin America. But every year at least
39,000 tons of clothing are sent to Atacama. Textile waste, which is toxic like
plastic, can take about 200 years to decompose. Besides, clothes have damaging
impact on Earth during create including greenhouse gases and wasted water.
To sum up, we have to remember what are the consequences of our actions.
· #506
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:55)
published in
My article published in a magazine «The time ».
( Mоя стаття опублiкована в журналi « The Time » ).
2. the main objective
Our the main objective is to achieve high results .
( Наше головне завдання - досягти високиx результатiв.
3. by means of
Tools are measured automatically by means of a digital pre - setting . (
Iнструменти вимiрюютсья автоматично за допомогою цифровиx попереднix
I read an article on how friendships at work give employees valuable insight.
Many companies leave employees in the workplace who are good friends because it
is beneficial. Studies have been conducted that have shown that friendship at
work has a positive effect, improves the quality of work through the exchange of
information and knowledge. But there are people who believe that friendship
interferes with work, distracts from the work process.
Summing up, I believe that friendship has a positive effect on work, since the
employees performance depends not only on knowledge, but also on the atmosphere
at work.
Today I read an article on creating 3D models with a simple webcam.
3D modeling takes a lot of time and good equipment. But a program was created,
thanks to which you can create a 3D model using a simple webcam. This makes 3D
modeling accessible to everyone. The program works like this: we take an object
and move it in front of the webcam, and the object is reconstructed in real
Summing up, I want to say that such programs make it easier for a person who
does this or wants to do it.
· #505
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:42)
МР-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam
topics, comments and work with phrases of the day.
· #504
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:40)
To Group MD-212. Dear students, our has started. I'm waiting for your comments, audio files, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #503
Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:38)
means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
Рух маленьких крапель води, керований за допомогою магніту
published in
The groundbreaking discovery was published in the Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation.
Новаторське відкриття було опубліковано у журналі Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation.
the main objective
Glaser et al designed the new system to feature three main objectives, which
they positioned below the specimen to provide an unobstructed open top for
three-dimensional imaging.
Глейзер та ін розробили нову систему з трьома основними об'єктивами, які вони
розташували під зразком, щоб забезпечити безперешкодний відкритий верх для
тривимірної візуалізації.
The article is headlined "Diamond mirrors for high-powered lasers". The article
is written by Leah Burrows, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and
Applied Sciences. This article is about how researchers at Harvard's John A.
Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have created a mirror
of one of the most important materials on the planet - diamond. Paulson has
created a mirror from one of the strongest materials on the planet, diamond, as
well as making a powerful laser for manufacturing with this diamond mirror.
According to the paper, the single-material mirror approach eliminates the
thermal stress problems that plague conventional mirrors when they are
irradiated with high optical powers. In the future, the researchers envision
using these mirrors in the defense industry, semiconductor manufacturing,
industrial production, and space communications. I found this article
interesting because this invention could help the industry as well as the armed
forces and help in communications, which would also give a boost to development.
Exam topic #12 Learning Robot
Robot learning is an area of research that has links to machine learning and
robotics. The term means that it studies methods that allow a robot to learn new
skills or adapt to its environment by means of learning algorithms. Examples of
skills targeted by learning algorithms include sensorimotor skills, such as
locomotion, grasping, active object categorization, and interactive skills, such
as cooperative object manipulation with a peer, and linguistic skills, such as
grounded and situated human language meaning and used in computer vision
algorithms applied in the robotics context, although they are not usually called
'robot learning'. So too, learning can be through self-study, or under the
guidance of a human teacher.
· #502
Gvozd O.V. to MD-212 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:31)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #501
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:21)
means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
the main objective
The main objective of the researchers' recent study was to realize a dissipative
time crystal in a laboratory setting.
Основною метою нещодавнього дослідження дослідників було реалізувати
дисипативний кристал часу в лабораторних умовах.
published in
Their results, which may also serve to improve current climate forecasts, have
been published in the journal Science Advances.
Їхні результати, які також можуть послужити для покращення поточних кліматичних
прогнозів, були опубліковані в журналі Science Advances.
The article is about social connection between humans and robots.
The new human-robot interaction research, published in Adaptive Behavior, is the
first ever to evaluate people's perception and interaction with an intrinsically
motivated robot that has been designed to appear sociable and companiable. The
study used a BB-8 style robot, produced by Sphero as Star Wars merchandise. To
make the robot appear more sociable, scientists programmed the robot with
algorithms to simulate curious and playful adaptation to its own experience. In
future, the research team aims to explores how robots can memorize these
behaviors and interactions for future decision-making.
Exam topic #8 Mechanics.
Mechanics is the branch of physics which deals with the study of motion of
material objects and can be classified into the three main branches:
Statics deals with the study of objects at rest. In this branch, we study the
motion of objects under the effect of forces in equilibrium. Time factor has no
role to play.
Kinematics deals with motion of material objects without taking into account the
cause of motion. Time factor plays an essential role.
Dynamics deals with motion of material objects by taking into account the cause
of motion. As the cause of motion is force, therefore, dynamics is based on the
concept of force.
· #500
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:40)
To Vladyslava Stepanova-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comment on the article you've read, the Exam topic:" The Importance of Transportation Infrastructure", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correctly. Would you invite all students from your group to join in our online activities! Not all students are involved ! Continue to work online. Yours Sincerely
· #499
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:23)
Published in - опубліковано в
Governmental studies will probably be published in 1996. Урядові дослідження,
ймовірно, будуть опубліковані в 1996 році
By means of - За допомогою
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering. Інформацію можна
витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
The main objective - Головна мета
Its main objective is to foster an understanding of data quality.
Його головна мета – сприяти розумінню якості даних.
Today i have read the article "Generating high-resolution self-packaged liquid
metal nanopatterns". In a new report now published in Matter, Licong An, and a
team of scientists in materials engineering, industrial engineering, and the
nanotechnology center at Purdue University, U.S., and Wuhan University, China,
described an advanced laser lithography method. The technique facilitated the
formation of electronically self-protective liquid metal patterns with feature
sizes in the sub-microscale, to form one of the highest resolution metal surface
patterns to date. The unique structure and robust patterns offered electrical
functionality in spite of external damage. Such high-resolution, electrical,
self-protective materials are suited for next-generation nano applications.
Today a have read the article "Researchers store a quantum bit for a
record-breaking 20 milliseconds"
Computers, smartphones, GPS: quantum physics has enabled many technological
advances. It is now opening up new fields of research in cryptography (the art
of coding messages) with the aim of developing ultra-secure telecommunications
networks. There is one obstacle, however: after a few hundred kilometers within
an optical fiber, the photons that carry the qubits or "quantum bits" (the
information) disappear. They therefore need "repeaters," a kind of "relay,"
which are partly based on a quantum memory. By managing to store a qubit in a
crystal (a "memory") for 20 milliseconds, a team from the University of Geneva
(UNIGE) has set a world record and taken a major step towards the development of
long-distance quantum telecommunications networks. This research can be found in
the journal npj Quantum Information.
· #498
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:40)
To students from the group-KD-211. Good morning , everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Keep on working online every week. Good luck !
· #497
Gvozd to KI-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:31)
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211
Bordan Vitalii KI-211
Troncha Ruslan KI-211
Thank you, all your comments are quite correct and informative. Keep on working.
· #496
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:24)
published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data. Відповідні
результати були опубліковані в Научних дані про Землю.
by means of
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI are the first to have joined two
proteins together by means of a free-standing, rigid link. Дослідники з
Інституту Пола Шеррера PSI були першими, хто з’єднав два білки разом за
допомогою окремо стоячого жорсткого зв’язку.
the main objective
The main objective of this study was to identify the specific traits. Основною
метою цього дослідження було виявлення специфічних ознак.
The article is titled Research sheds more light on the properties of young
planetary nebula IC 4997. And this text was written by Tomasz Nowakowski.
The main idea of this article with the help of Five-hundred-meter Aperture
Spherical radio Telescope, astronomers have observed a young planetary nebula
known as IC 4997. Planetary nebulae are expanding shells of gas and dust. IC
4997 located some 8,000 light years away from the Earth.
In general, I think that this article is useful because it makes it clear that
even though we already know enough information about space, we can still
discover something new and study what already exists.
Exam topic #8 (The importance of transportation infrastructure)
Transport infrastructure is one of the most important factors for a country's
Firstly, due to the correct transport infrastructure, domestic import and export
of goods is possible, which allows maintaining the level of the economy at an
appropriate level. Secondly, due to the correct transport infrastructure, it is
possible to reduce the number of traffic jams in the city, which will improve
movement and reduce fuel consumption.
In general, the development of the country depends on the transport
infrastructure due to the fact that any aspect at the moment depends on
movement: getting from point A to point B, transporting goods, transporting
energy storage devices or any spare parts.
· #495
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:16)
means of-за допомогою
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.-Рухом дрібних
крапель води керують
за допомогою магніту.
The main objective-основна мета
The objective of this study was to identify the specific traits that allow
empathizing so well with
those experiencing personal and collective grief, feel the comprehension of
others, and evaluate
individual and social resilience tools.-Метою цього дослідження було виявити
специфічні риси, які
дозволяють так добре співчувати тим, хто переживає особисте та колективне горе,
відчути розуміння
інших, а також оцінити інструменти індивідуальної та соціальної стійкості.
Published in-опублікований в
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.-Відповідні
результати були опубліковані
в Earth System Science Data.
Today I have read the article "Using artificial intelligence to predict
life-threatening bacterial
disease in dogs"
It tells that veterinarians and researchers at the University of California,
Davis, School of
Veterinary Medicine have discovered a technique to predict leptospirosis in dogs
through the use
of artificial intelligence. After many months of testing various models, the
team has developed
one that outperformed traditional testing methods and provided accurate early
detection of the
disease.The groundbreaking discovery was published in the Journal of Veterinary
I think that this article is very interesting,I would advice everybody to read
Today I have read the article "Movement of small water droplets controlled by
means of a magnet"
The Lab-on-a-chip and microfluidics community is particularly interested in the
manipulation of small volumes of fluids, droplet microfluidics. A piece of
research conducted by the
UPV/EHU's Microfluidics Cluster has found that a superparamagnetic ring forms
spontaneously around
a water droplet when an oil-based ferrofluid is in contact with the droplet
under the influence of
a magnetic field and varies according to the strength of the magnetic field
I think that this article is very useful,I would advice everybody to read it.
· #494
Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:13)
1.Предложение с фразами дня
1)the main objective-головна мета
This is the main objective of our Meeting.
Це головна мета нашої зустрічі.
2)published in-опубліковано в
This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
Це фото можна було б опублікувати в модному журналі.
3)by means of-за допомогою
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформацію можна витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Using artificial intelligence to predict life-threatening bacterial disease in
The article says that the Leptospirosis, a disease that dogs can get from
water contaminated with Leptospira bacteria, can cause kidney failure, liver
and severe bleeding into the lungs. Early detection of the disease is crucial
and may mean
the difference between life and death.
I liked the article because it seems to me that this discovery has a great
3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Release of two new datasets related to climate in Central Asia".
The article says that the as one of the climate change hot spots,
central Asia witnessed a significant warming in the past and is very likely
to experience more heatwaves and drought events in the future.Due to lack of
climate projection datasets, it's difficult to study the potential impacts of
future climate changes
on many sectors in central Asia
I liked the article
Exam topic #7(Motor vehicles)
a type of transport carried out using a car, bus and motorcycle.
One of the most important branches of material production, transporting
passengers and goods,
a set of all types of communication routes, vehicles, technical devices and
on communication routes that ensure the process of moving people and goods for
various purposes
from one place to another. Vehicles: various types of cars - cars, buses,
Cars - the most wasteful transport compared to other modes of transport
· #493
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:10)
means of - за допомогою
Target DNA molecules are detected by means of specific fluorescence markers.
Цільові молекули ДНК визначаються за допомогою специфічних флуоресцентних
published in - опубліковано в
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
Відповідні результати були опубліковані в Earth System Science Data.
the main objective - головна мета
The main objective of the researchers' recent study was to realize a dissipative
time crystal in a laboratory setting.
Основною метою нещодавнього дослідження дослідників було реалізувати
дисипативний кристал часу в лабораторних умовах.
Earth-like biospheres on other planets may be rare
A new analysis of known exoplanets has revealed that Earth-like conditions on
potentially habitable planets may be much rarer than previously thought. The
comparison was based on the possibility of photosynthesis. And it turned out
that none of the exoplanets known today have the biosphere familiar to us. Some
planets revolve around red dwarfs, unable to maintain sufficient energy levels.
Others are around huge stars, the radiation level of which is many times higher
than the norm. Due to the fact that red dwarfs are the most common in our
galaxy, it follows that the circle of possible habitable planets is
significantly narrowed.
Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:
Adaptive headlights to improve road safety
Night driving is dangerous. Especially when heading into a blind bend on an
unlit road. Due to the fact that the headlights are facing strictly forward,
there are blind spots that often lead to accidents. However, research is now
underway to invent new, adaptive headlights for automobiles. Such headlights
could direct their light in the direction of the turn, while avoiding the
formation of blind spots. Safety in cars has always evolved, but headlights have
remained virtually unchanged in structure over all this time. And it's only now
that there's been some progress.
Comment on the article:
· #492
Gvozd to Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:05)
I appreciate your work, keep on working.
· #491
Gvozd to Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:03)
Thank you for your interesting exam topic, the rest of the work is also well done.
· #490
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:00)
published in - опублікований в
This study was recently published in the Agronomy Journal. - Это исследование
было недавно опубликовано в Agronomy Journal.
by means of - за допомогою
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet. - Рухом
дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
the main objective - головна мета
This is the main objective of our meeting. - Це головна мета нашої зустрічі
Today I have read the article "Intrinsic Motivation Doesn't Exist, Researcher
Says".It tells about intrinsic motivation does not exist. Psychology professor
Reiss noticed that some researchers divide motivation into intrinsic and
extrinsic, calling extrinsic motivation low quality happiness. But at the same
time, none of the researchers gives a specific and accurate answer, what is
intrinsic motivation."Individuals differ enormously in what makes them happy –
for some competition, winning and wealth are the greatest sources of happiness,
but for others, feeling competent or socializing may be more satisfying", the
professor said.
I recommend everyone to read this article
Today I have read the article "Robot muscles 1,000 times stronger than humans".
This article describes the strength of artificial muscles, which are many times
superior to human muscles. Researchers at the University of California,
Berkeley, created muscles for robots using a material called vanadium oxide. The
material becomes stronger when heated, so scientists have invented several
systems that help heat it.
A tense muscle robot can throw objects 50 times heavier than itself at a
distance five times its length.
I recommend everyone to read this article.
· #489
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:55)
Phrases oh the day
1) Published in - oпубліковано в...
Published in July polls have shown that Obama would support the impeachment of a
third of Americans - Опубліковані в липні опитування показали, що імпічмент
Обами готові підтримати третина американців.
2) The main objective - головна мета.
The main objective of the current control - check the level of training students
to perform specific work in class - Основне завдання поточного контролю -
перевірка рівня підготовки студентів до виконання конкретної роботи на занятті.
3) By means of - за допомогою...
By means of levels and reek define heights of points or excess of one point over
another - За допомогою нівелірів і рейок визначають висоти крапок або
перевищення однієї крапки над іншою.
Millions of research papers are published in a year. How do scientists keep up?
Today i have read the article "Millions of research papers are published in a
year. How do scientists keep up?".
Researchers publish papers detailing their discoveries, breakthroughs, and
innovations in order to share those revelations with colleagues. And there are
millions of scientific papers each year. "It's impossible to read everything.
Absolutely impossible," Ajay Satpute, director of the Affective and Brain
Science Lab and an assistant professor of psychology at Northeastern. "And if
you don't know everything that has happened in the field, there's a real chance
of reinventing the wheel over and over and over again."
In this article I found the answer to my question that I ask myself when reading
various scientific articles. I recommend to get acquainted with it.
New study explains how to broaden strategy to avert catastrophic climate change
Today i have read the article "New study explains how to broaden strategy to
avert catastrophic climate change".
Slashing emissions of carbon dioxide, by itself, cannot prevent catastrophic
global warming. But a new study concludes that a strategy that simultaneously
reduces emissions of other largely neglected climate would cut the rate of
global warming in half and give the world a fighting chance to keep the climate
safe for humanity. This article discusses the main environmental problem -
global warming.
I advise everyone to read this article.
Exam topic #4 "Wheeled and tracked vehicles"
Crawl or roll?
1)Patency. It is difficult for wheeled vehicles with conventional tires to move
on soft soils, liquid mud, deep snow. They are more likely to get stuck and will
have to be towed by a tracked vehicle to get out, as the ability to hold onto
soft ground due to low ground pressure is one of the advantages of tracked
2) Stability and load capacity. Tracked vehicles are more stable than wheeled
vehicles and the tipping load of a tracked vehicle will be higher than that of a
wheeled vehicle of the same size.
3) Speed and ride quality. Among the advantages of wheeled vehicles are higher
speed and driving performance than tracked vehicles, especially on hard, flat
surfaces. Therefore, machines have wheels that, during operation, mainly drive
on public roads and on flat surfaces.
· #488
Gvozd to Velikov Vlad KI-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:39)
The tasks are complete and quite correct. Thank you for your active work.
· #487
Velikov Vlad KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:02)
Means of-Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
The main object -Planetary nebulae (PNe) are expanding shells of gas and dust
that have been ejected from a star during the process of its evolution from a
main sequence star into a red giant or white dwarf.
Published in - Using artificial intelligence to predict life-threatening
bacterial disease in dogs.
Today I have read the article “Movement of small water droplets controlled by
means of a magnet” This article tells about Droplet manipulation is kindling
great interest in several fields, including technological applications and basic
studies in dynamic systems. The Lab-on-a-chip and microfluidics community is
particularly interested in the precise manipulation of small volumes of fluids,
droplet microfluidics. A piece of research conducted by the UPV/EHU's
Microfluidics Cluster has found that a superparamagnetic ring forms
spontaneously around a water droplet when an oil-based ferrofluid is in contact
with the droplet under the influence of a magnetic field and varies according to
the strength of the magnetic field applied. In conclusion, I want to say that
the article is very informative, I recommend it to everyone, as it touches on a
problem that is relevant in our time.
Today I have read the article “Generating high-resolution self-packaged liquid
metal nanopatterns”. This article tells about that In a new report now published
in Matter, Licong An, and a team of scientists in materials engineering,
industrial engineering, and the nanotechnology center at Purdue University,
U.S., and Wuhan University, China, described an advanced laser lithography
method. The technique facilitated the formation of electronically
self-protective liquid metal patterns with feature sizes in the sub-microscale,
to form one of the highest resolution metal surface patterns to date. The unique
structure and robust patterns offered electrical functionality in spite of
external damage. Such high-resolution, electrical, self-protective materials are
suited for next-generation nano applications. As a conclusion, I want to say
that the article was rather boring due to the large number of scientific terms,
I recommend it to those who are interested in this topic.
· #486
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 06:54)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #485
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 23 May 2022 20:47)
To Anna Belous-group- MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the exam topic about Software Industry, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind the Word Order in the first sentence with the phrases. Use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " 'theory; 'product; 'author". The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online each week. Best wishes !
· #484
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 20 May 2022 17:44)
To Novitsky Yuri-group-MD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the articles you've read, the exam topic "History of Computer Software", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " requirements; caused; stationary; decision; actions; also contained; knowledge; the design of an aircraft etc." Would you consult a dictionary before posting. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #483
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:10)
To Tanev Arseniy MD-211 Task1 and Task2 are good .Exam topic needs to be rearranged and compiled in a different way. UNACCEPTED.
· #482
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 14:56)
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Departmen
Hi, be advised that Mr M.I.Bilonenko didn’t answer my phone calls and the msg
with Management of hospitality Guidelines document to register it. I sent it to
him two weeks ago. Could you call him up and find out?
· #481
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 14:45)
To Ilya Volkov MD-211 Thank you. Very good. Keep on working hard
· #480
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikishova G.P) (Friday, 20 May 2022 12:33)
1.Computer simulation-компьютерное моделирование
The cognitive approach brought to psychology mathematical methods of material
analysis and methods of computer simulation of the human psyche.
Когнитивный подход принёс в психологию математические методы анализа материала и
методы компьютерного моделирования человеческой психики.
2.Concurrent systems-параллельных систем
Асинхронность отличает распределённые системы от параллельных систем.
Asynchrony distinguishes distributed systems from concurrent systems.
3.proof theory-теория доказательств
Criminologists cover the problems, the solution of which contributes to the
proof theory of evidence, taking into account the realities of today, filling
the concept and process of proof with specific, practical content.
Криминалисты освещают проблемы, решение которых способствует развитию теории
доказательств с учётом реалий сегодняшнего дня, наполняя понятие и процесс
доказывания конкретным, практическим содержанием.
Unlike custom software models, agile software development is designed to produce
software faster, find the best time to find required documentation, and meet
software requirements. User stories that discover software requirements are the
only open source documentation. However, the processes taking place in this
system limit the ability to conduct security checks.
“The basic idea for bridging this gap between security policies and agile
software development came from a chance conversation with software industry
leaders,” Krishnan said. Krishnan said that the team still has several areas in
which they would like to develop the project.
There are two types of path planning strategies for mobile robots, depending on
whether they are used in a fixed environment or where they encounter moving
obstacles such as people or cars,” says Dr. Habibulla."The first one is pretty
easy to program, but the second one is harder."
Dr Habibulla says their algorithm could be applied in many environments,
including industrial warehouses where robots are commonly used, robotic fruit
picking, packaging and pelleting, and restaurant robots that deliver food from
the kitchen to the table.
“The method we proposed sometimes took a longer path, but it was faster and
safer, avoiding all collisions.”
History of computer software
In 1935, Altan Turing presented to the public the scheme that is contained in
the very idea that computers are programmed for the action of a person. As an
experiment, a series of simple commands were written that caused the computer to
move from one stationary position to another. At the same time, software
development served as proof of the reality of such actions.
When I had to start programming computers, more and more expand and complicate
these sets. The first software is also contained in a table with lists and a set
of commands. The program that the person used was much simpler and did not solve
many problems.But time does not stand still, this area of knowledge was
constantly studied, new personnel were trained.
Now our computer software is almost omnipotent, we can run any application, and
software development for devices is comparable in complexity to the design of an
· #479
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 20 May 2022 12:29)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #478
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:54)
To Spetcialna Katherina-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read , the exam topic "Software Industry", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online. All the best !
· #477
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:40)
proof theory - теорія доведення
Proofs theory is syntactic, as opposed to semantic model theory.
Теорія доказів є синтаксичною, на відміну теорії семантичної моделі.
2)concurrent system - паралельна/одночасна система
Nowadays, concurrent users of a system can use disk space without conflicts.
Нині, одночасні користувачі системи можуть використовувати дисковий простір без
3) computer simulation - комп'ютерна моделювання.
Computer simulation is key to developing this new approach.
Комп'ютерне моделювання є ключем до розвитку цього підходу.
Today I read the article "A new method for the simultaneous processing of
different types of waste."
It claims that the research team has developed a new method for extracting
metals from industrial waste.
This method allows you to simultaneously extract several metals from waste
during one process.
This is achieved by carbon and very high temperatures. This process continues to
be improved by scientists.
I think that the recycling of industrial waste will significantly improve the
ecological state of the Earth.
· #476
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:28)
Phrases of the day :
1. Concurrent systems - одночасні системи.
Various types of temporal logic can be used to help reason about concurrent
Різні типи темпоральної логіки можуть бути використані, щоб допомогти міркувати
про одночасні системи.
2. Proof theory - теорія доказів.
This example significantly clarifies a proof theory.
Цей приклад значно прояснює теорію доказів.
3. Computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання.
Computer simulation is the training ground for robot systems the teams will
Комп’ютерне моделювання – це тренувальний полігон для роботизованих систем, які
побудують команди.
I've just read the article "How do you know you're not living in a computer
simulation?". There is a well-known mental theory that our brains may have been
artificially removed from our bodies and kept alive in a vat of nutrients. This
theory was proposed by the philosopher Hilary Putnam in his book "Reason, Truth
and History". The brain-in-a-barrel thought experiment and the challenge to
skepticism have also been used in popular culture. As an example, well-known
contemporary examples include the 1999 film "The Matrix", and Christopher
Nolan's 2010 film "Inception". By viewing a filmed version of a thought
experiment, the viewer can imaginatively enter a fictional world and safely
explore philosophical ideas.
Software industry
The software industry is a collection of businesses and individuals who are
actively involved in developing and publishing computer software in a
professional capacity. Software generally refers to computer programs and
applications processed and executed by a computer, often through interaction and
interaction with a computer user. The software industry originated in the early
1960s during the development of electronic computing technology in connection
with the emergence of the need for mass programming. With the spread of personal
computers in the mid-1970s, the software market grew significantly. Since the
late 1990s, the hosting model of software distribution has been developed, which
was transformed into a cloud model in the second half of the 2000s. Today,
people who are well versed in software are highly valued and often occupy highly
paid jobs.
· #475
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:27)
To Zhan Rodion KA-211 Your article review is interesting and informative. Keep on working.
· #474
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:25)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 The comment is written correctly, but next time, please, choose the topic more relevant to your speciality
· #473
Koval Veronika MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:22)
Proof theory — теорія доведень.
Рroof theory is a section of logics, main idea of which is to imagine proofs as
some mathematical objects and theirs analysis.
Теорія доведень є розділом логіки, основною ідеєю якого є уявлення доведень у
вигляді певних математичних об'єктів і їх аналізу.
2. Concurrent system — паралельна система.
Some of logics specimen allow assertions to be made about the sequences of
states that a concurrent system can pass through.
Деякі з видів логіки дозволяють стверджувати послідовність станів, через які
паралельна система здатна проходити.
3. Сomputer simulation — комп'ютерна симуляція.
Knowing our crave to escapism, it isn't surprising that even the idea of
computer simulation is such an excitement for people.
Враховуючи нашу любов до ескапізму, недивно, що сама ідея комп'ютерної симуляції
настільки хвилююча для людей.
The article is about so-called 'galaxies' baby-boom'. It is well known fact
among astronomers that galaxies separated by more than 1 million light-years are
living their own life without being disturbed by neighbors. But recently an
anomaly, in some way, was discovered. Thirty six galaxies suddenly started the
process of stars formation. Some scientists compare this of child birth growth
while economics state of a country is good. Anyway, this discover may be a key
to better understanding of macro-processes which are happening in the Universe.
The article describes an idea of us living in a computer simulation. The
examples, such as 'Matrix' and 'Inception', are given to understand what the
author is writing about. Using Descartes principle to at least once in your life
doubt all things, we are approaching to the main idea of the text. Cogito ergo
sum — I think therefore I am — is a well-known quotation of the philosopher
meaning whether we are living as we see our life or we are made to see and feel
things the way we do now; as far as we can think we are alive.
Exam topic #9. The importance of system software for computer operation
A prerequisite for the operation of any modern computer device or gadget is the
presence of special software on it. It provides work on any device at all and
includes such components as the operating system, service programs, software
tools, maintenance system. The software can be system and applied. Service
systems provide the presence of an interface that is understandable to the user,
the shell of the operating system, utilities for the operation of certain
devices. Application software is required to perform specific tasks set by the
user. For example, various editors, control systems and other software.
· #472
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:20)
1.proof theory.
Proof theory is a branch of mathematical logic.
Теорія доказів є розділом математичної логіки. simulation.
Computer simulation is an integral part of the modern world.
Комп’ютерне моделювання – невід’ємна частина сучасного світу.
3.Concurrent system.
Web servers and large scale distributed databases are two classes of concurrent
Веб-сервери та великомасштабні розподілені бази даних — це два класи одночасних
I have just read an article"The dark side of social media networks". A study of
social media found 46 harmful effects, ranging from physical and mental health
problems to negative impacts on work and academic performance. Social networks
are used by more than 3 billion people worldwide. The harm of social networks
has been mainly studied from a psychopathological point of view. The researchers
grouped the negative effects into six themes. They are annoying content,
privacy, security threats, cyberbullying and others. The next step will be to
develop applications that can reduce these negative effects.
I have just read an article"Engineers develop a way to use everyday WiFi to help
robots see and navigate better indoors". Engineers have developed low-cost,
low-power technology that helps robots accurately navigate indoors, even in poor
lighting conditions. The technology consists of sensors that use Wi-Fi signals
to help the robot determine where it is heading. Most systems rely on optical
light sensors such as cameras and lidars. In this case, the so-called "WiFi
sensors" use RF signals. With the use of Wi-Fi, the researchers noted that the
technology could offer a cost-effective alternative to expensive and
power-hungry leaders.
The importance of system software for computer operation.
Every time you use a computer, smartphone, game console and many other
electronic devices, you are using some kind of software. System software is a
set of programs that provide effective control of computer system components,
such as a processor, RAM, I / O devices, network equipment, acting as an
“interlayer interface”, on one side of which is the equipment, and on the other
- user applications . Unlike application software, system software does not
solve specific application problems, but only ensures the operation of other
programs, manages the hardware resources of a computer system, etc.
· #471
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:03)
To Merezhenko Nikita-group- MD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article about Computer simulation, the Exam topic " The Development of Windows Versions" and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind the misprint of "I" and use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read(3-d form Present Perfect). The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation exce'pt "'mathe'matical ; 'multi'tasking; 'mobile." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online. Best wishes !
· #470
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:01)
1)computer simulation
All of the plans have been constructed using computer simulation
Усі плани були побудовані за допомогою комп'ютерного моделювання
2)proof theory
Theories matter a lot in proof theory
Теорії мають велике значення в теорії доказів
3)concurrent system
There are many сoncurrent computer systems in our world
У нашому світі існує багато паралельних комп’ютерних систем
I have just read an article says about scientists at the Netherlands Institute
for Space Research who want to create transitional edge sensors (TES) designed
for space exploration. Such a sensor will be able to determine the energy of
single photons much better than conventional spectrometers. The energy of one
photon is enough to heat the material enough to tip the scales towards the
normal state. This is read as a change in the current flowing through the
detectors proportional to the energy of the incoming photon. In a word, such a
sensor can be called a heatmeter, but at a much greater distance. I believe that
such a development will be quite useful in the study of planets and space in
Exam topic: LINUX embedded devices-smart phones, mobile phones Linux for mobile
devices, sometimes referred to as mobile Linux, is the usage of Linux-based
operating systems on portable devices, whose primary or only Human interface
device (HID) is a touchscreen. It mainly comprises smartphones and tablet
computers, but also some mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs)
portable media players that come with a touchscreen separately. Mobile Linux is
a relatively recent addition to the Linux range of use, with Google's Android
operating system pioneering the concept.
· #469
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 20 May 2022 09:36)
Today I have read the article named: "Concurrent heatwaves seven times more
frequent than 1980s".Scientists from around the world working on to solve the
problem of global warming.Researchers from the Washington State University have
find the Multiple large heatwaves the size of Mongolia occurred at the same time
nearly every day during the warm seasons of the 2010s across the Northern
Hemisphere.Using climate data from 1979 to 2019, the researchers found that the
number of heatwaves was seven times greater in the 2010s than in the
1980s.Heatwaves can cause disasters from crop failures to wildfires.
url -
voice -
1) computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання
By contrast, a computer simulation is the actual running of the program that
contains these equations or algorithms. - Навпаки, комп'ютерне моделювання є
фактичним ходом програми, яка містить ці рівняння або алгоритми.
2) concurrent system - паралельні системи
Because computations in a concurrent system can interact with each other while
being executed, the number of possible execution paths in the system can be
extremely large, and the resulting outcome can be indeterminate. - Оскільки
процеси в паралельних системах можуть взаємодіяти один з одним під час роботи,
кількість можливих шляхів виконання програми в системі є дуже великою, а
отримана поведінка може бути дуже складною.
3) proof theory - теорія доказів
As such, proof theory is syntactic in nature, in contrast to model theory, which
is semantic in nature. - Таким чином, теорія доказів носить синтаксичний
характер, на відміну від теорії моделей, яка носить семантичний характер.
· #468
Zhan Rodion KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 20 May 2022 09:22)
Today i have read the article “Scientific software: Quality not always good”
Computational tools are indispensable in almost all scientific disciplines.
Especially in cases where are generated large amounts of research data.
Nevertheless, scientific software can have quality deficiencies. To evaluate
software quality in an automated way, computer scientists at Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) have
designed the SoftWipe tool. This article can be really interesting for everyone.
Especially for people who are interested in computers. Personally, i think this
article is amazing. Thanks to it i learned more information about new research.
Phrases of the day
1)concurrent system
A concurrent system is one where a computation can advance without waiting for
all other computations to complete.
Одночасна система — це система, де обчислення можуть просуватися, не чекаючи
завершення всіх інших обчислень.
2)computer simulation
In order to execute the model, it needs to be implemented as a computer
Для виконання моделі її необхідно реалізувати як комп’ютерне моделювання.
3)proof theory
Some of the major areas of proof theory include structural proof theory, ordinal
analysis, provability logic and others.
Деякі з основних областей теорії доказів включають теорію структурних доказів,
порядковий аналіз, логіку доказовості та інші.
· #467
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 20 May 2022 09:01)
1)computer simulation(комп'ютерне симуляція)
Once I ran a computer simulation of your sketches, I thought I'd adapt the
Після того, як я запустив комп’ютерну симуляцію ваших ескізів, я подумав
адаптувати дизайн.
2)proof theory(теорія доказів)
The informal proofs of everyday mathematical practice are unlike the formal
proofs of proof theory.
Неформальні докази повсякденної математичної практики відрізняються від
формальних доказів теорії доказів.
3)concurrent system(одночасні системи)
By definition this is the largest number of concurrent system users that the
system is expected to support at any given moment.
За визначенням, це найбільша кількість одночасних користувачів системи, яких
система, як очікується, підтримуватиме в будь-який момент.
I have read an article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of
fishlike underwater research drones".Understanding group motion of fish by
simulation is useful for predicting their migration and designing aquatic
research robots that mimic fish behavior either for the energy-saving benefits
of moving in a group or to blend in with the ocean creatures they are
studying.In conclusion i want say that such research is also important for
predicting their migration patterns, which is of use to the fishing industry.
Exam topic #5
The development of Windows versions
The Windows operating system for desktop PCs is more formally called Microsoft
Windows and is actually a family of operating systems for personal computers.
Windows has traditionally dominated the personal computer world, running, by
some estimates, more than 75 percent of all personal computers. Beginning in the
early 2000s, Windows dominance has lessened with the growth of the Linux and Mac
operating systems.Windows provides a graphical user interface, virtual memory
management, multitasking, and support for many peripheral devices. In addition
to Windows operating systems for personal computers, Microsoft also offers
operating systems for servers and mobile devices.
· #466
Anna Belous MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:57)
Computer simulation
She presented on a conference her new computer simulation of detail.
Вона представила на конференції своє нове комп’ютерне моделювання деталей.
2.proof theory
Proof theory is studied by students of polytechnic academy in London.
Теорію доказів вивчають студенти Політехнічної академії в Лондоні.
3. concurrent system
A concurrent system is one where a computation can advance without waiting for
all other computations to complete.
Одночасна система — це система, де обчислення можуть просуватися, не чекаючи
завершення всіх інших обчислень.
I have just read an article "Decreasing development on forest and agricultural
land partly driven by gas prices, study finds".
According to a new study, development of forest and agricultural land decreased
dramatically from 2000 to 2015 compared to the previous two decades, resulting
in a broad shift toward denser development patterns across the United States.
The study had some flaws, according to the researchers, including the fact that
it did not specifically model the impact of land-use rules. They also point out
that the findings may not be indicative of a broader worldwide trend in land
development. They hope that this study will pave the way for future research
into land development in the aftermath of the pandemic and other major economic
To conclude, this topic shows us how agricultural land partly driven by gas
prices is so significant.
Exam topic #1
Sowtware industry
It all started from the first company that founded to provide software products
and services in 1955. The software industry expanded in the 1960s, almost
immediately after computers were first sold in mass-produced quantities.
Software differs from hardware in that it is a collection of rules that enables
services to be performed on a physical device. With a subscription-based model
for the client, all upgrades, patches, and issues are handled by the author.
Programming services, system services, open source, and SaaS are the four
primary categories in the software industry.
To conclude, software industry was developed so quickly since beginning of it's
existing and developing more now.
· #465
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:52)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Let's correct: Today I HAVE read an article... Be more attentive.
· #464
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:50)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Thank you for your comment. It's quite all right as well sa the work with phrases. It's great that the work was submitted on time.
· #463
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:48)
Today I read an article about concurrent heatwaves seven times more frequent
than the 1980s. Multiple large heatwaves the size of Mongolia occurred at the
same time nearly every day during the warm seasons of the 2010s across the
Northern Hemisphere, according to a study led by Washington State University
researchers. The study adds more evidence for the need to curb greenhouse gas
emissions and mitigate climate change, the researchers said, and the continued
rise in temperature means the world should prepare for more concurrent
2)*Concurrent systems - параллельных систем
We have created Concurrent systems to understand the whole picture - Мы создали
параллельные системы для понимание всей картины
**proof theory - теории доказательства
This theorem will be a breakthrough in proof theory - Эта теорема будет
прорывной в теории доказательства
*** computer simulation - компьютерное моделирование
With the help of computer simulations, we can imagine the approximate
consequences of a nuclear strike anywhere in the world. - С помощью компьютерное
моделирование мы можем представить примерные последствия ядерного удара в любую
точку мира
· #462
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:45)
To KA-211 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to attach the link of your article.
· #461
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:37)
2. I have read the article "Elon Musk says we're probably living in a computer
simulation – here's the science" Such a big name lies on already developed
technologies. The claim is that video game development has evolved over the past
40 years to the point where it will be even more exciting in a few years. And it
will also be a nice addition to it if our physical world merges with the game
world in every possible way, using VR technology or full immersion technology
that will allow you to enjoy a completely immersive game world. What can be said
about artificial intelligence? I hope this industry can develop to the point
where we can't tell a real person from an artificial one.
1. concurrent system — параллельная система
A concurrent system is one where a computation can advance without waiting for
all other computations to complete. - Параллельная система — это система, в
которой вычисления могут продвигаться вперед, не дожидаясь завершения всех
других вычислений.
2. computer simulation — компьютерное моделирование
Computer simulation is the process of mathematical modelling, performed on a
computer. - Компьютерное моделирование – это процесс математического
моделирования, выполняемый на компьютере.
3. proof theory — теория доказательств
Proof theory is the part of mathematical logic concerned with the notion of
proof. - Теория доказательств — это часть математической логики, связанная с
понятием доказательства.
· #460
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 20 May 2022 08:34)
To students from the group-MD-21 Good morning , everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Good luck !
· #459
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 20 May 2022 07:07)
To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 Thanks for your informative reviews on the articles of the day. Well done. Now I am waiting for an exam topic.
· #458
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 20 May 2022 00:19)
Today I have read the article "A guide for developing mathematical models of
large-scale complex dynamic networks".
The history of programming languages spans from documentation of early
mechanical computers to modern tools for software development. Early programming
languages were highly specialized, relying on mathematical notation and
similarly obscure syntax. The first computer codes were specialized for their
applications: Alonzo Church was able to express the lambda calculus in a
formulaic way and the Turing machine was an abstraction of the operation of a
tape-marking machine. Jacquard Looms and Charles Babbage's Difference Engine
both had simple languages for describing the actions that these machines should
perform hence they were the creators of the first programming language.
The article turned out to be very interesting, although I thought that I
wouldn't like it. It had enough new information for myself and I enjoyed reading
this article.
1. proof theory - теории доказательства
This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof
theory - Эта теорема играет важную роль как пример в конструктивной математике и
теории доказательства.
2. concurrent system - параллельных систем
Concurrent systems would also compromise the aim of the reform exercise -
Существование параллельных систем также будет противоречить основным целям
3. computer simulation - компьютерное моделирование
Computer simulations vary from computer programs that run a few minutes, to
network-based groups of computers running for hours, to ongoing simulations that
run for days - Компьютерные симуляции варьируются от компьютерных программ,
которые запускаются в течение нескольких минут, до сетевых групп компьютеров,
работающих в течение нескольких часов, до текущих симуляций, которые выполняются
в течение нескольких дней.
· #457
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 20 May 2022 00:02) - Sorry for the background noise. I have a bad
microphone on computer.
Today I have read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry".
Doctoral student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing
industry when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes.
She found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on
applying AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for
creating solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework
developed with four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision
support system that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique
"fuzzy logic". Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers
with personalized service.
I really liked this article. Thanks to it, I learned a lot of useful information
for myself and I hope that it will help those who are interested in this topic.
1) information management - управление информацией
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared - Наконец, технически требования к управлению
информацией и информационным технологиям были сопоставлены.
2) invention related to - изобретение, относящееся к
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification - Изобретение относится к
подземной газификации угля.
3) above the average - выше среднего
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe - Но средние темпы экономического роста останутся
значительно выше средних по Западной Европе.
· #456
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:39)
To Ditkovskya Mykhailiuk MD-213 all in all you’ve earned 70 points for all comments and a good mark for the sentences with phrases.
· #455
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:35)
To Botsman K. MD-213 Thanks. All in all your tasks are 79 points. Phrases of the day practice is 85 scores.
· #454
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:31)
To Novikova I MD-213 Your exam topic and the comments on the articles are good . The Phrases practice is very good Thanx.
· #453
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:18)
To Genova Ksenia MD-213 Phrases of the day is very good. All other tasks ( exam topic and comments on two articles are about good.
· #452
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:12)
To Genova Ksenia (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 just 73 points.
· #451
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 23:06)
To Lugovskoy (MD-213) Your exam topic is lengthy. The two other comments are too long with quotes. Try to be laconic. You’ve got 72 points for your activities. Pls stick to the requirements of the comments and work on time starting at 0800 hrs.
· #450
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 22:51)
To Emelyanova I. MD-213 As to your exam topic, you earned 70 points . Try to make a long story short with the conclusion.
· #449
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 22:47)
To Emelyanova I. MD-213 pls remember the word [‘ʤendə] to avoid mistake in pronunciation. Train your pronunciation before you record your voice msg. I hope you’ll improve skills working hard on the tasks.
· #448
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 22:37)
Emelyanova I. MD-213
“for more information on this topic, you should read the book by Daphne
Fairbairn, which is mentioned above. “ And you call it a comment? I can hardly
agree with you . UNACCEPTED. Task2 is also UNACCEPTABLE due to Rus. translation.
· #447
Drozhzhina to Hadzhioglo MD-213, Terzi Natalia MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 14:05)
Well done, thank you.
· #446
Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Kudinova) homework. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 13:18)
have read the article that horseshoe crabs are indeed relatives of spiders and
At first, they were thought to be closely related to crustaceans. Now scientists
classify them as arachnids. However, urinates are water dwellers, while other
arachnids have colonized land. Scientists explain this by saying that the common
ancestor of arachnids developed in the water, and only such groups as spiders
and scorpions made it to land. Or perhaps a common ancestor evolved on land and
then horseshoe crabs repopulated the sea.
This article turned out to be very interesting and showed how diverse the world
in which we live. scorpions.html
· #445
Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:45)
invention relates:
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Изобретение относится к подземной газификации угля (ПГУ).
2. information management:
Facilitate national drug control information management.
Управления информацией по контролю над наркотиками на национальном уровне.
3. above the average:
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
Его интерес к учебе был несколько выше среднего, но не являлся чем-то необычным.
I have read the article on "Still searching for Planet 9".
There are eight planets in the solar system.
However, astronomers are wondering if there might actually be a ninth planet,
previously undiscovered but lurking in the outer reaches of the solar system.
Thanks to new data, scientists have suggested the existence of a ninth planet in
the outer solar system. This speculative Planet 9 is estimated to be 5 to 10
Earth masses in size and orbit at a distance of 400 to 800 AU. from the sun.
Astronomers know the supposed location of this planet, but they are still
looking for Planet 9.
I read information about the history of programming.
Programming is the process of creating computer programs.
The history of programming began with the fact that Ada Lovelace wrote the first
program for Babbage's Analytical Engine, but was unable to test it.
The first working program was written in machine code, a binary system of 1s and
0s. Such a code was understood by the computer, but for people it was
inconvenient. Later, assembly language appeared, when commands had to be entered
using words. But even here, the functionality of machines was limited, so
high-level programming languages soon appeared. Thanks to them, programming
began to be widely used in life, and not only in the scientific community.
· #444
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:45)
To Botsman, MD-213. All the tasks are performed properly, Karina, thank you. I appreciate your diligent and hard work. Keep working this way. Best of luck.
· #443
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:39)
To Novikova I., MD-213. Thanks for your very well written and clear comments on the articles, Inna, well done! The conclusions you've made are reasonable and valuable. The other tasks are performed properly as well. Keep working this way. Best wishes.
· #442
Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Mykhailyk) homework. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:51)
have read the article that addressed the following question: Why are males and
females often entitled to body size and build?
Everyone knows that females and males often differ in size, shape and body
For example, in most birds, males are larger than females, because their large
size helps males to show off more effectively, attracting females.
For more on this topic, see Sex, Size, and Gender Roles: An Evolutionary Study
of Sex Size Dimorphism.
In general, the article seemed interesting to me, however, for more information
on this topic, you should read the book by Daphne Fairbairn, which is mentioned
above. body.html
· #441
Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Mykhailyk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022)
invention relates:
The invention relates to near infrared weak optical signals transmitted via
fiber-optic communication lines.
Изобретение относится к области слабых оптических сигналов ближнего
инфракрасного диапазона спектра, передающихся через оптические волоконные линии
2. information management:
The meeting underscored the critical need for capacity-building, including
training and information management.
Участники совещания подчеркнули крайнюю необходимость развития потенциала,
включая подготовку кадров и управление информацией.
3. above the average:
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
Его интерес к учебе был несколько выше среднего, но не являлся чем-то необычным.
I have read the article on "The tree of life can be a bush".
Everyone knows what the tree of life is. However, the researchers found that
evolution is portrayed in a more complex way than we are used to, and that the
tree is actually more like a bush.
This is because evolution has been fast-paced, with many species emerging in
quick succession. The more complex kinship patterns that result from this
phenomenon mean that the Tree of Life should often be understood as the Bush of
This article turned out to be very informative, because we are used to such a
concept as the tree of life, but it turns out to be more correct to say the bush
of life.
I have read information about the history of kernel development.
The kernel is the central part of the operating system; is the program that
forms the core of the operating system; it coordinates the internal functions of
the computer. The kernel works invisibly to you.
The most popular open source operating system and kernel is Linux. The project
began in 1991 with a post on the Usenet newsgroup. By that time, GNU had already
created many components for a free operating system, but its GNU Hurd kernel was
not yet ready. Therefore, the empty place of the kernel for a free operating
system was taken by Linux and, despite the limited functionality of early
versions, attracted many developers and users.
"Linux" as an operating system kernel, which was started by Torvalds, is only a
small part of many of the systems that use it, which are also commonly referred
to as "Linux". This sometimes leads to confusion, leading to the GNU/Linux
naming controversy - some supporters of the GNU movement believe that this is
the correct naming for an operating system based on the Linux kernel and using
the GNU project (such as glibc, gcc, bash, coreutils and others).
As of May 2020, the Linux kernel-based operating system family is the third most
popular operating system family in the desktop market worldwide.
· #440
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:00)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. But where are your exam topics?
· #439
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Pay attention to the first sentences (I've read THE article "..."). Keep on working.
· #438
Diachenko to Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:37)
Well done Thank you
· #437
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:37)
1. Information management is the collection, storage, management and maintenance
of data and other types of information. Управління інформацією — це збір,
зберігання, керування та підтримка даних та інших видів інформації.
2. Innovation relates to novelty and modernization whereas invention relates to
creation of something new. Інновація стосується новизни та модернізації, тоді як
винахідство стосується створення чогось нового.
3. The mean air pressure over this period was some five millibars above average.
Середній тиск повітря за цей період був приблизно на п’ять мілібар вище
I’ve read an article about progressive improvement of computer’s algorithms in
recent times.
It’s true, how good new algorithms were, but many others needed to be
reconstructed. Developers work for algorithm families had year-on-year
improvements. Also they track each time a new algorithm was proposed for the
problem and making special note of those that were efficient. But how fast they
could guarantee to solve the problem? I think we are convinced of this with new
In conclusion, nowadays more and more programmers are appearing. As for me,
working on computer with good algorithms without any problems is important for
my future career.
I’ve read an article about protecting data from stealing by hackers.
Nowadays, more and more people’s personal data like phone number, pin code or
passport are stolen by hackers from large companies.
There are some risks of lost data. It can be used to open credit card accounts
or to stole more personal information (address).
I guess, the best way to avoid hackers is to change all of your pins and do it
regularly. Also you can activate "account takeover protection" feature in your
mobile service provider.
In my opinion, this article is helpful by its peaces of advice for general
people’s data security.
· #436
Diachenko to Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:31)
Thank you for your work Well done
· #435
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:30)
have read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry". Doctoral
student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing industry
when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes. She
found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on applying
AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for creating
solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework developed with
four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision support system
that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique "fuzzy logic".
Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers with personalized
1) information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
Нарешті, технічно було порівняно вимоги до управління інформацією та
інформаційних технологій.
2)invention related to
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Винахід відноситься до підземної газифікації вугілля.
3)above the average
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe.
Але середні темпи економічного зростання залишаться значно вищими за середні в
Західній Європі.
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security. A reliable operating system
is the one that never needs to be restarted to recover from a total system
failure. The system need not be error-free. I consider an OS to be reliable if
it delivers the expected service without any interruptions during the normal
operating mode, where a mode is defined as the execution environment free from
the external factors, such as a critical hardware failure if it can function on
a machine with no reset button.
· #434
Diachenko to Posuvajlo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:29)
Thank you for you work But there are some grammar mistakes Look through again and try to find
· #433
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:25)
To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the second sentence (The article deals with/presents/describes/is about...). Go on working.
· #432
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:25)
Exam topic #6 (Driver Device )
Driver Device - a program written for a specific device to ensure the management
of this device. In our world, in a huge number, more and more complex and new
devices appear. To lay in advance in the program operating system, which ensure
the compatibility of the OS with all existing devices - it is impossible.
Therefore, the manufacturer must write several drivers to ensure the
compatibility of the device with different OS. In order to check if the driver
for the device is it is necessary: to enter the task manager and go to the
· #431
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:24)
above the average
Payment: above the average plus a reward for results.
(Оплата праці: вище середнього плюс винагорода за результат роботи).
2) information management
There is a different interpretation of the notion of "information management" in
different countries.
(Існує різне трактування поняття "інформаційний менеджмент" в різних країнах).
3) invention relates
Invention relates to medical working process of visualisation.
(Винахід відноситься до медичного робочого процесу візуалізації).
I read an article on how to reduce food waste at home. Food waste is a big
environmental problem. About 1.3 billion products end up in the trash every year
food. To reduce food waste, you need to follow the rules: use whole foods when
cooking, control portion sizes, make a meal plan for the week, make a grocery
list before going to the supermarket, when buying products, see the expiration
Summing up, I want to say that everyone can help to cope with such an
environmental problem. You just need to change your daily habits and follow the
I read an article about the new project "Solar Chimney". This invention is
intended for both fire safety and energy conservation. In the event of a fire in
a building that has a solar chimney, which acts as ventilation, people have more
time to evacuate safely. The modern chimney has a glass wall, next to which
there is a black wall, this is done to maximize the absorption of sunlight.
Summing up, we can say that such an invention will bring enormous benefits in
the life of every person and a huge benefit to the environment.
· #430
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:20)
To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 The work os quite good, but mind your reading: determine |dɪˈtɜːmɪn| ; capacity |kəˈpćsɪtɪ|.
· #429
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 3 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:20)
History of programming
Computers appeared in 1822 when Charles Babbage invented the Difference Engine.
In fact, it was the first mechanical computer; he could perform simple
calculations and perform these tasks by shifting gears for various operations.
In 1945, John von Neumann, working at the Institute for Advanced Study,
developed two important concepts that helped shape the future of computer
programming. The first point he made came to be known as the "General Program
Technique". It said that the actual hardware of the computers should be simple
and not have to manually plug in every program. Instead, complex instructions
should be used to drive simple hardware, which would greatly speed up
reprogramming at a later time. His second idea, known as "Conditional Transfer
of Control", recognized the fact that chronological computer instructions should
be replaced by blocks of codes that could be called in any order at any time.
The second half of this idea outlined the idea of logical statements such as the
If Then statement and loop statements.
In 1957, the world was first introduced to a major programming language in the
form of FORTRAN. This language was developed at IBM for scientific computing,
and while it did it well, it wasn't designed to handle input and output from
users, which is what most people/companies expected. That is why the Algol
language was created in 1958. Its foundation helped shape other famous
programming languages such as Pascal, C, C++, and Java.
· #428
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 2 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:19)
Accelerating the pace of machine learning
I just read an article about accelerating the pace of machine learning. From it,
I learned that machine learning is like erosion. The data is thrown into the
mathematical model like grains of sand flying across a rocky landscape. Some of
these grains just float with little or no impact. But some of them leave their
mark: testing, strengthening and, ultimately, changing the landscape in
accordance with its inherent patterns and fluctuations that occur over time.
Rick Blum, professor of electrical and computer engineering, is committed to
improving the power of distributed learning methods, which are becoming key to
today's artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Essentially, its
goal is to transmit far fewer pieces of data without degrading the overall
impact. Bloom and his collaborators suggest using "gradient descent technique
with sparseness and error correction" or GD-SEC to improve the efficiency of
machine learning communication conducted in a wireless worker-server
architecture. The issue was published on May 17, 2022.
By using GD-SEC, communication requirements are greatly reduced, Blume says.
This method uses a data compression approach in which each worker sets the small
components of the gradient to zero, the equivalent of signal processing to avoid
the small stuff. The worker then only pushes the remaining non-zero components
to the server. In other words, meaningful, usable data is the only batches that
run in the model.
A weakly supervised machine learning model to extract features from microscopy
I just read an article about a weakly controlled machine learning model for
feature extraction from microscopy images. Deep learning models have proven to
be promising tools for analyzing large numbers of images. Thus, over the past
decade or so, they have been introduced in a variety of settings, including
research laboratories. In the field of biology, deep learning models have the
potential to facilitate the quantitative analysis of microscopic images,
allowing researchers to extract meaningful information from these images and
interpret their observations. However, the training models for this can be very
complex, as feature extraction from microscopic images and manual annotation of
the training data are often required.
Researchers at the CERVO Center for Brain Research have recently developed an
artificial neural network that can perform in-depth analysis of microscopic
images using simpler image-level annotations. This model, dubbed MICRA-Net, was
presented in a paper published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence.
The model developed by the Laval University team can predict the presence or
absence of a certain structure in images using simple binary annotations. This
greatly reduces the time required for image annotation and simplifies the
learning process while allowing the model to handle multiple microscopic image
analysis tasks simultaneously.
In initial evaluations by the Laval University team, MICRA-Net performed
remarkably well, outperforming most of the models it was compared to. Thus, in
the future, it can be used by research teams around the world to solve complex
image analysis problems and discover important patterns in microscopic images.
· #427
Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:16)
1)This summer, production rates are above average - Цього літа темпи виробництва
перевищують середній показник.
2)The invention relates to amusement parks for children with special needs -
Винахід відноситься до розважальних парків для дітей з особливостями розвитку
3)Information management has reached a new level in our company - Інформаційний
менеджмент вийшов на новий рівень на нашому підприємстві
I have recently read the article 'Cryptography in the blockchain era'. The
article talks about blockchains and their application in the field of
cryptography. Miners using primitives create blockchains to record
cryptocurrency transactions. However, until recently, the algorithms used were
not accurate enough. Recently, scientists have changed the algorithms to improve
the performance of primitives. Now they require less power. The head of the team
of scientists calls the new discovery "cryptography with limited resources."
Such research can be useful, because many people believe that the future belongs
to cryptography.
· #426
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 1 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:16)
Information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
Above the average
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
Invention relates
The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes.
Tiny drone based on maple seed pod doubles flight time.
I just read an article about a tiny drone based on a maple seed pod. It tells
the story of three researchers at the City University of Hong Kong who have
developed a tiny drone based on a maple seed pod. In their article, they
describe how they used a maple seed pod as inspiration to increase flight time
in drones weighing less than 100 grams.
Maple seed pods are well known for their helicopter type design. As they fall
from the tree, they spin like the propeller of an unpowered helicopter,
increasing their distance from the tree as they are blown away by the wind. In
this new attempt, the researchers sought to take advantage of the inherent
structure of the maple seed pod to increase the flight times of tiny drones. To
that end, they have built a tiny drone that can spin like a maple seed pod to
stay in the air. The resulting drone could fly almost twice as long as drones
with a traditional four-rotor design.
The researchers also tested the drone's ability to carry a small payload,
including a camera. As the camera rotates with the drone, they synchronized its
frame rate to match the drone's rotation speed, creating a somewhat shaky but
useful video feed. They also demonstrated its ability to carry a 21.5 gram
device for mapping and surveillance operations.
History of kernel development.
A kernel is a computer program that resides at the core of a computer's
operating system and usually has complete control over everything on the system.
It is a part of the operating system code that is always in memory and
facilitates interaction between hardware and software components. The Kernel is
responsible for low-level tasks such as disk management, memory management, task
management, etc. It provides an interface between the user and the hardware
components of the system. When a process makes a request to the Kernel, then it
is called System Call.
The most popular open source operating system and kernel is Linux. With limited
computer technology at the time, since computer systems had not been discovered
for a long time and were still in research and development, Linux was not the
first operating system created, there were already predecessors such as Unix and
Windows. At that time the operating system was tied to the hardware/computer
itself and meant only to run on that computer, before there was no such thing as
changing the operating system, all that was left was to buy a new computer with
a new operating system. In 1990, GNU created all the components to create an
operating system from compilers, libraries, applications, user interfaces, and
so on, and only one of them was not completed, namely the kernel, which is the
core of the operating system. In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a computer science
student at the University of Helsinki, wrote an independent operating system
that could run on his new PC using the 80386 processor.
When originally published, the Linus kernel used its own license and there was a
prohibition/should not be used commercially as it made the kernel intended for
the open source community. Software used in order for Linux to use all
applications licensed under the GNU GPL and for Linux to be used as a complete
operating system, Linux requires components such as shells, compilers,
libraries, etc., all of which are licensed under the GNU GPL.
More than 100 developers participated in the development of the Linux kernel,
with their help the kernel was adapted to the GNU environment. Slackware is the
oldest distribution in existence today. In 1996, version 2.0 of the Linux kernel
was released with a new feature, namely that the Linux kernel can run on a
variety of processor platforms using symmetric multiprocessing (SMP). This
method is an alternative choice used by many companies.
· #425
Diachenko to Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:13)
Thank you for your work Well done
· #424
Posuvajlo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:11)
Information management
Information management is a critical component of all mine action programs.
2. Above the average
This rate is well above the average success rate of current candidates, which in
most cases do not even reach 20 percent.
3. Invention relates
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
I have read an article named “Energy-efficient AI hardware technology via a
brain-inspired stashing system”. It reveals that researchers have proposed a new
artificial intelligence system inspired by brain neuromodulation called the
"storage system" that requires less energy consumption. To prove the efficiency
of the developed technology, the research group created artificial neural
network hardware equipped with a self-rectifying synaptic array. As a result, it
was able to reduce energy use by 37%. This neuromodulation-inspired stashing
system that mimics the brain's neural activity is compatible with existing
electronic devices and commercialized semiconductor hardware. I can recommend
this article to all, who interested in AI.
Evolution of operating systems
The operating system acts as the controller of all the above-mentioned resources
and assigns them with specific programs. The first stage in the evolution of OS
is Serial Processing. It develops by 1940 to 1950’s programmers incorporated by
the hardware components without the implementation of the operating system. The
second stage is “The Batch system”. It is used by improving the utilization and
application of computers. Further goes Multi-Programmed System. It is used to
have several jobs to execute. And the last stage is “Macintosh Operating
System”. It was dependent on decades of research on graphical oriented personal
computer operating systems and applications.
· #423
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:06)
To Genova Ksenia, MD-213. Thanks you for the thoroughly performed and reasonable tasks, Ksenia, well done. Continue working. Best of luck.
· #422
Botsman MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:06)
problems inherent in - проблеми , пов‘язані з
But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and therefore the mathematical
complexity of the problem is inherent in the height - Але в міру деформації
краплі її висота змінюється, і тому математична складність завдання закладена у
proportional to - пропорциональна
Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness - Емпатія, як
правило, обернено пропорційна правдивості.
as to - щодо
The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with intestinal
inflammation as well as to healthy mice - Дослідники вводили сенсорні бактерії
мишам із запаленням кишечника, а також здоровим мишам.
I have read the article “Hubble probes extreme weather on ultra-hot Jupiters”
What does it mean, and what is the significance for modern science?
In two new papers, teams of Hubble astronomers report strange weather patterns
on newly discovered planets. On one planet, it rains vaporized rock, while on
another, the upper atmosphere becomes hotter by its star's intense ultraviolet
This research goes beyond simply finding weird and quirky planet atmospheres.
Summing up, we can say that the studying extreme weather gives astronomers
better insights into the diversity, complexity, and exotic chemistry taking
place in far-flung worlds across our galaxy.
· #421
Botsman MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:05)
have read the article “To star gazers: Fireworks show called Northern Lights
coming” and I have a couple of words
A fireworks show is poised to be visible across the northern United States and
Europe just in time for Halloween. On Thursday, the sun launched what is called
an "X-class solar flare" that was strong enough to spark a high-frequency radio
blackout across parts of South America. And this has a bad effect on people and
the ozone layer, which will weaken and begin to transmit more solar radiation.
I think it's very interesting to see, but the magnetic storms that precede it
have a very bad effect on people's health, so be careful this week.
· #420
Botsman MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:05)
History of programming
We often hear about programming languages and how more and more of them
appear, but few people know how this area began.
Programming had an extremely primitive look and practically did not differ from
an ordered binary code with a formalized approach. To simplify the handling of
computers, people began to actively develop languages, one of the first was
Assembler. Instead of numerical operations, it is enough for a person to know
mnemonic names, their memorization was much easier.
Already at this stage, programming languages have become closer to a
human-understandable language.
· #419
Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022)
invention relates
The invention relates to educational shooting complexes.
2. above the average
His interest in study was above the average
3. information management
Sound information management is crucial for any policy to work.
Today I have read an article: "Proposed illegal image detectors on devices are
'easily fooled'". Nowadays, we can find everything on the internet but there is
a list of illegal themes and photos . You can't find them easily but it is
possible if these images are edited. Due to that , researchers found new program
which is going to check everything more properly. It has hundreds of filters and
algorithms which will prevent posting illegal images
In my opinion, It is true that some people are trying to post illegal things so
it is important to make system with more options
Exam topic ( Trusted operating systems)
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.
Trusted operating systems are special versions of off-the-shelf operating
systems, such as Windows NT and Unix, that are enhanced to be more secure. An IT
manager might use a trusted version of Windows NT on a Web server that contains
or is linked to sensitive corporate information. Unfortunately Trusted operating
systems are usually harder to learn and administer than standard versions. Due
to that, it is hard for ordinary people to use them
· #418
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:02)
To Nikolova S., MD-213. All the tasks are prformed quite all right, Sofia, thanks. The conclusions you make are reasonable. Keep working this way. Best wishes.
· #417
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:48)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the words: algorithm, dynamic. I don't think your second review is detailed enough. Keep on working.
· #416
Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:37)
invention relates to
The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes
above the average
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe.
information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
I have read the information about the history of programming.The history of
programming languages spans from documentation of early mechanical computers to
modern tools for software development.Early programming languages were highly
specialized, relying on mathematical notation and similarly obscure syntax.The
first computer codes were specialized for their applications: Alonzo Church was
able to express the lambda calculus in a formulaic way and the Turing machine
was an abstraction of the operation of a tape-marking machine.Jacquard Looms and
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine both had simple languages for describing the
actions that these machines should perform hence they were the creators of the
first programming language.
I have read the article about a guide for developing mathematical models of
large-scale complex dynamic networks.Karthik Raghavan Ramaswamy defended his
dissertation with cum laude on developing novel data-driven modeling tools and
techniques to improve insight into complex networked systems.By exploiting
machine learning,Bayesian methods, system identification and graph
theory,Karthik Raghavan Ramaswamy developed a framework that guides the
experimenters in the complex maze of modeling dynamic networks and provides them
with the needed techniques and tools to develop high-quality models of the
sub-systems embedded in a dynamic network under different scenarios.I think this
is very useful because the results of his dissertation research find its
importance in many applications.
· #415
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:36)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: China, Asia, hijacking, coronavirus, regain. Go on working.
· #414
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:29)
History of computer software
The history of software and its development can be traced to the early
nineteenth century. All computer systems are designed to utilize the "stored
program concept" as first developed by Charles Babbage in the 1850s. The concept
was lost until the mid-1940s, when modern computers made their appearance.
Today, because of the complex and myriad tasks that a computer system can
perform, there has been a differentiation of types of software. I think that
regardless of types, software is the most critical component of any computer
system. Without it, all one has is a collection of circuits, transistors, and
silicone chips.
I have read the article « Sustainable future for coastal fisheries in the Baltic
sea». Fishing was clearly an important economic and social activity in the
Baltic Sea region since at least the 1500s. Its importance is seen in the
decision and commitment of local authorities to levy taxes on the most
profitable fisheries. Indeed in many instances the taxes were paid in fish,
rather than other forms of compensation. I believe that fishing in the Baltic
Sea is closely linked to the economic development of coastal communities and the
impacts of climate change with the increasing loss of biodiversity.
I have read the article «New report aims to improve VR use in healthcare
education». Virtual reality is a new method for training different medical
groups. Based on this technology, professionals and students of various medical
sciences can determine their level of competence for medical trеatment before
any performance on the patient. For example, it’s now possible for an entire
class of students to go on a virtual ‘field trip’ inside the human body. I
believe that this is a huge breakthrough in the field of science and medicine. I
recommend reading this article to my friends.
1) problems inherent in - проблеми , пов‘язані з
The National Bank announced transition to a new exchange rate regime, based on
targeting a currency basket as opposed to just USD. We believe the policy change
was instigated by the problems inherent in the excessively rigid control over
Національний банк оголосив про перехід до нового режиму обмінного курсу на
основі таргетування кошика валют, а не USD. Ми вважаємо, що зміна політики була
спровокована проблемами, притаманними надмірно жорсткому контролю USDKZT.
2) proportional to - пропорциональна
Stars oscillation is inversely proportional to the square root of its density.
Мерехтіння зірок обернено пропорційно квадратному кореню їх щільності.
3) as to - щодо
This process provides guidance to country offices as to areas requiring
Цей процес сприяє виробленню керівних вказівок для країнових відділень щодо тих
областей, яким слід приділити особливу увагу.
· #413
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:28)
To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentences (possessive case; indicate the title of the article you've read). Keep on working.
· #412
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) for May 12 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:20)
Quality and reliability of software
Software reliability is the probability of failure-free operation of a computer
program for a specified period in a specified environment. Quality shows how
well an object performs its proper function. Reliability is a customer-oriented
view of software quality. It relates to operation rather than design of the
program, and hence it is dynamic rather than static. Reliability has sometimes
been classified as "how quality changes over time." Product operation software
quality factors: correctness, efficiency, usability, maintainability and
flexibility. I consider an OS to be reliable and quality if it delivers the
expected service without any interruptions during the normal operating mode.
I have read the article « Americans maintain high levels of trust in science».
Public trust in science is front and center today. When Americans gauge the
kinds of things that would influence ,their faith in scientific findings, their
verdict is clear: Open public access to data and independent committee reviews
inspire, the most confidence in scientists and boost their trust in research
findings. I believe that higher levels of familiarity with the work of
scientists are associated, with more positive and more trusting views of
scientists regarding, their competence, credibility and commіtment to the
I have read the article « Can anyone be trained to be creative? ». Creativity
isn't a mysterious trait, or passed on through genetics. Creativity is a process
that can be learned, honed and mastered. Tools can increase creativity, but one
of the most significant ways to jumpstart creativity is to cultivate your
internal drive to come up with new or breakthrough ideas. Generating creativity
means allowing people to think outside the box and go against the norm
sometimes. I think that creativity skills can be learned. Not from sitting in a
lecture, but by learning and applying creative thinking processes.
1) problems inherent in - проблеми , пов‘язані з
Few further attempts have been made to estimate overall expenditure because of
the problems inherent in doing so.
Через проблеми, пов'язані з цим процесом, інших спроб визначити загальні витрати
практично не було.
2) proportional to - пропорциональна
With such a procedure, the probability of a given article being selected is
proportional to the value of sales revenue it generates.
У рамках такої процедури ймовірність відбору якогось заданого товару пропорційна
прибутку, що отримується від його продажів.
3) as to - щодо
Legal systems differ as to form requirements for security agreements and their
Правові системи по-різному регулюють питання вимог щодо форми угод про
забезпечення та його функції.
· #411
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:19)
I've read the article "Professors study ideal responses to ransomware attacks".
A pair of College of Business professors are studying how ransomware attacks
turn organizations against law enforcement trying to protect them.
A ransomware attack is similar to cyber hijacking, where criminals take over
data and demand payment or a ransom to regain access. This study explores how to
push companies to adopt strategies that reduce the risk of digital ransomware.
Experts say that organizations are attacked by ransomware every 40 seconds, so I
think this study will be very useful.
· #410
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:12)
1.The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in
У листопаді виробничий сектор продовжував зростати вищими за середні темпи.
2.The invention relates to the field of producing polymers and copolymers of
olefin oligomers.
Винахід відноситься до галузі отримання полімерів і сополімерів олефінових
3.Information management is a cycle of processes that support the organization's
learning activities.
Інформаційний менеджмент – це цикл процесів, які підтримують навчальну
діяльність організації.
I read the article "Effective protocol for protecting user's personal
information when algorithms use it to recommend content." It says that
Algorithms recommend products when we shop online or suggest songs we might like
when we listen to music on streaming apps. Researchers have developed a privacy
protocol that is so efficient that it can run on a smartphone over a very slow
I believe this research represents a key step in ensuring that the user benefits
from the nearest neighbor search, knowing that the central system will not use
his data for other purposes.
I read the article "Researchers Develop 'Socially Aware' Robots That Can
Anticipate and Safely Avoid Humans in Motion". It says that the Research Group
is using a new strategy that allows robots to avoid collisions with humans by
predicting the future location of dynamic obstacles in their path. The principle
of operation is for the robot to predict what people are going to do in the near
I believe that this study will require much more training data and offers a
promising direction that could have positive implications.
· #409
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:12)
To Ditkovskaya S., MD-213. Your comments on the articles are not bad, Sofia, thanks. But I would like you to choose articles more relevent to your future specialty, mind it pls. The task with the phrases and the exam topic are done properly, just don't forget to add the translation of the phrases themselves. Continue working. Best wishes.
· #408
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:12)
Today I've read the article "Black hole winds are no longer as they used to be".
It claims that supermassive black hole winds at galaxies' centres were more
frequent and intense than those detected in today's galaxies.
These winds were so powerful that they inhibited the growth of the black holes
they sprang from.These are the results of a study led by Italian researchers
published in "Nature".
I believe that the finding of these extraordinary galactic winds at such a
distant period could have had massive consequences for the formation and
evolution of galaxies like our own.
· #407
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:11)
information management - управління інформацією
1. Professor Feng Li, Chair of Information Management at Bayes Business School
and co-author, believes digital transformation is not just the privilege of
digital firms or new business start-ups.
Професор Фен Лі, завідувач кафедри інформаційного менеджменту в бізнес-школі
Bayes і співавтор, вважає, що цифрова трансформація — це не лише привілей
цифрових компаній або нових компаній, що починаються.
2. Suzanne Elayan, Martin Sykora, Thomas W. Jackson, and Ejovwoke Onojeharho of
the Centre for Information Management at Loughborough University, UK, suggest
that understanding humorous content and the dynamics it follows on social media
could help improve applications that carry out sentiment analysis of online
Сюзанна Елаян, Мартін Сікора, Томас В. Джексон та Еджоввоке Оноехархо з Центру
управління інформацією при Університеті Лафборо, Великобританія, припускають, що
розуміння гумористичного вмісту та динаміки, яку він слідує в соціальних
мережах, може допомогти покращити програми, які здійснюють аналіз настроїв в
Інтернеті. зміст.
invention relates to - винахід відноситься
1. The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Винахід відноситься до підземної газифікації вугілля.
2. The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation.
Винахід відноситься до анти-засліпних пристроїв для поляризованого, так і
не-поляризованого випромінювання.
above the average - вище середнього
1. June saw an increase of 188,000 private-sector jobs, up from 134,000 in May
and above the 137,000 average for the March-May period.
У червні кількість робочих місць у приватному секторі збільшилася на 188 000 у
порівнянні зі 134 000 у травні та понад 137 000 в середньому за період з березня
по травень.
2. The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in
November, as the impact of back-to-back hurricanes over the summer recedes,
according to an industry survey released on Dec. 1.
Згідно з галузевим опитуванням, опублікованим 1 грудня, виробничий сектор
продовжував зростати вищими за середні темпи в листопаді, оскільки вплив
ураганів, що відбувалися влітку, спадає.
I read an article on Mediterranean turtles. Statistics showed that the number of
turtle nests increased by 162%. Turtle hunting is prohibited throughout the
Mediterranean. This allowed the turtles to recover, but the sea still needs
protection. Because the problem with sea animals is very big. The turtles' diet
allows them to live in certain protected habitats.
Marine protected areas for turtles have been established.
Unfortunately, despite the recovery, turtles are estimated at only 3400
individuals, I think this is very small, and this global problem should be given
more attention.
Quality and reliability of software
Software quality is considered as great importance in the software engineering
field. Thus, building software of high quality is very expensive task.
Consequently in order to increase the efficiency and usefulness of quality
assurance and testing, software defect prediction is used to discover
defect-prone modules in a forthcoming version of a software system and help
allocate the effort on those modules.
One of the parts of this standard (Software engineering - Product quality)
defines six characteristics that describe the software quality of a software
1) functionality
2) reliability
3) practicality
4) efficiency
5) maintainability
6) portability
Thus, there are many other characteristics that ensure quality and reliability
of the software.
· #406
Nikolova S MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:11)
Quality and reliability of software
The theory of software reliability is based on the concept of the operable and
inoperable state of an object or system.
The standard defines software quality characteristics as a set of properties of
software products, by which its quality is described and evaluated, which can be
refined at a variety of levels of complex indicators. The software quality
metric is defined by the standard as a quantitative scale and method that can be
used to determine the value of a feature adopted for a particular software
The software quality model has the following four levels of representation.
One of the parts of this standard (Software engineering - Product quality)
defines six characteristics that describe the software quality of a software
1) functionality
2) reliability
3) practicality
4) efficiency
5) maintainability
6) portability
Thus, there are many other characteristics that ensure quality and reliability
of the software.
· #405
Nikolova S MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:10)
Today I read the article "Picoscience and a lot of new materials".
It claims that electronic materials will be smaller than nanomaterials during
the research process.
Yale University researchers are inventing new materials that are experimental,
fast, and realizable features such as simulating neurons in the brain,
calculations using magnets, and calculations using quantum mechanics.
I believe that new electronic materials are constantly expanding the
capabilities of mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart watches and
manufactured products.
· #404
Nikolova S MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:09)
problems inherent in - проблемы, связанные с
But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and therefore the mathematical
complexity of the problem is inherent in the height - Но по мере деформации
капли ее высота меняется, и поэтому математическая сложность задачи заложена в
proportional to - пропорциональна
Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness - Эмпатия, как
правило, обратно пропорциональна правдивости.
as to - в отношении
The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with intestinal
inflammation as well as to healthy mice - Исследователи вводили сенсорные
бактерии мышам с воспалением кишечника, а также здоровым мышам.
Today I have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about research on
improving the performance of lithium metal batteries to achieve higher
performance. The use of lithium metal to replace graphite in battery anodes can
double the capacity of modern lithium-ion technologies, and cars powered by
lithium-metal batteries will have twice the power reserve than cars powered by
lithium-ion batteries with the same battery weight.
I believe that this discovery can help technological progress, as well as make
people's lives easier. So I really enjoyed this article. It has a lot of useful
information that can help those people who are interested in this topic.
· #403
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:09)
1)His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
Його інтерес до навчання був дещо вищим за середній, але не був чимось
2)Facilitate national drug control information management.
Управління інформацією з контролю за наркотиками на національному рівні.
3)The invention relates to electroshock weapons.
Винахід відноситься до зброї електричними засобами ураження.
I've read the article "China's zero-COVID policy to hit Asia aviation recovery:
China's COVID-19 policy will constrain the full recovery of air travel in the
Asian region.
The world's second-largest economy is aiming to completely eradicate the
coronavirus through rapid lockdowns and mass testing. The recovery of the
aviation sector in Asia has already been relatively slow. Unfortunately, the
Asia-Pacific region will lag behind this recovery as China continues to strive
for zero-COVID.
China is facing growing calls to end its zero-COVID policy.
I think it's terrible that some kind of infection can do so much damage.
· #402
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:02)
above the average
Around 13% of retail shooters are driven by racism — slightly above the average
for all mass shooting events.
Близько 13% стрілків у магазинах керуються расизмом, що дещо вище середнього
серед усіх випадків массової стрілянини.
2. invention relates to
The invention relates to minimization of carbon emissions.
Винахід відноситься до зменшення вуглецевих викидів.
3. information management
His vision for "a decentralised information management system" soon gave birth
to the web.
Його бачення «децентралізованої системи управління інформацією» невдовзі
породила всесвітню павутину.
I’ve read an article about a planned research on whether video games’
anti-piracy software makes users` computers an easier target for a hacker
The article tells that such instances were prevalent with music CDs. When this
was discovered, Sony released a patch to uninstall such software, and the patch
was creating even greater security breaches.
Now there is information that some videogames also contain similar anti-piracy
programs that disable computer’s security measures.
To my mind, such negligence to users’ safety is revolting but expected from
companies that only care that their products can’t be pirated so that they get
more money.
The article I’ve read tells about AI learning to articulate its decisions using
The AI was given a relatively simple game to play, and asked to justify its
actions. Then human spectators were to evaluate human reasoning, an AI-generated
one and a randomly generated one. While, naturally, the human reasoning seemed
the best, the AI-generated one was the close second.
The research was, as stated, not about the technology itself but about teaching
the technology to become more understandable to us regular humans. The more AI
becomes sophisticated, the more some of it might need regular speech modules or
something of the sort.
· #401
Ditkovskya Kudinova MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:56)
information management
The team at the University's Institute for Information Management and
Communication posted a Failure Information page detailing what is known so far
about the data loss. Команда Інституту управління інформацією та комунікації
університету опублікувала сторінку з інформацією про помилки, де детально
описується, що наразі відомо про втрату даних.
Now, Batalyse GmbH is providing a modular software solution for effective data
analysis and information management, with the aim of speeding up the process of
searching for new materials and pinpointing the right mix. Тепер Batalyse GmbH
надає модульне програмне рішення для ефективного аналізу даних та управління
інформацією з метою прискорення процесу пошуку нових матеріалів та визначення
правильного поєднання.
invention related to
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification. Винахід відноситься до
підземної газифікації вугілля.
The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation. Винахід відноситься до анти-засліпних пристроїв для
поляризованого, так і не-поляризованого випромінювання.
Above the average
The August jobs number was well above the average forecast of 143,000, and
showed a strong 29,000 increase in jobs in the service sector from July, to
185,000. Кількість робочих місць у серпні значно перевищила середній прогноз у
143 000 і продемонструвала сильне збільшення робочих місць у сфері послуг на 29
000 з липня до 185 000.
Orders for durable goods -- products expected to last at least three years --
rose 9.9% from August, well above the average analyst estimate of 8%. Замовлення
на товари тривалого користування – продукти, які, як очікується, триватимуть
щонайменше три роки – зросли на 9,9% у порівнянні з серпнем, що значно вище
середньої оцінки аналітиків у 8%.
I have read the article “US Business Hiring Picks Up in August”.
Payrolls company ADP said private-sector employment rose by 201,000 in July,
after an upwardly revised July gain of 173,000. The world's largest economy
continues to struggle with tepid growth, at 1.7% in the second quarter, and high
The jobless rate ticked up to 8.3% in July and the United States added a meager
163,000 jobs.
This article will be useful for businessmen.
I have read the article “US Durable Goods Orders Rebound”.
A jump in aircraft orders drove new orders for durable manufactured goods
sharply higher in September, but not enough to offset the previous month's
plunge, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The surge in September orders
was driven by a rebound in commercial aircraft orders, whose plunge in the prior
month had dragged the headline number lower. Aircraft orders tend to be
especially volatile month-over-month.
This article will be useful for those, who like analytics.
Operating systems work as an interface between the user and the computer
Operating system is divided into four generations. In the first generation
(1945-1955) there is no operating system, so the computer system is given
instructions which must be done directly.
In the second generation(1955-1965), the computer system is not equipped with an
operating system, but several operating system functions exist like FMS and
In the third generation (1965-1980) the operating system becomes multi-user and
multiprogramming. At the last generation the operating system is used for
computer networks where users are aware of the existence of computers that are
connected to one another.
OS is one of the integral part of the software, in my opinion.
· #400
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:51)
To the students of group MD-213. Good morning everybody! Our lesson is about to start and I am ready to check your essays and other classroom and independent practice tasks. Don't forget abouit exam topics. Good luck!
· #399
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:50)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. The lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #398
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Drozhina) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:37)
have read the article “New tool gives researchers a better look at online
anonymous marketplaces”.
In a study presented at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Tai
teamed up with two other researchers to develop an algorithm that is able to
detect when seemingly disparate accounts belong to the same seller. The team
tested their algorithm on eight years' worth of data collected from a dozen
online anonymous marketplaces. Their algorithm detected over 20,000 accounts
belonging to roughly 15,000 individual sellers.
This article will be useful for people, who are engaged in cyber safety.
1) information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
Нарешті, технічно було порівняно вимоги до управління інформацією та
інформаційних технологій.
2)invention related to
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Винахід відноситься до підземної газифікації вугілля.
3)above the average
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe.
Але середні темпи економічного зростання залишаться значно вищими за середні в
Західній Європі.
I have read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry".
Doctoral student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing
industry when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes.
She found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on
applying AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for
creating solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework
developed with four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision
support system that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique
"fuzzy logic". Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers
with personalized service.
Evolution of the operating system.
The operating system is part of the most important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. The computer is known to have been invented by the English
mathematician Charles Babbage in the late eighteenth century. From the mid-1950s
began a new period of development of computer technology, associated with the
emergence of a new technical base. Second-generation computers have become more
reliable. In the third period of time in the technical base there was a
transition from individual semiconductors such as transistors to integrated
circuits. The fourth period, the computer became accessible to man, and the era
of personal computers.
· #397
Genova Ksenia (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:32)
Today I've read the article "Black hole winds are no longer as they used to be".
It claims that supermassive black hole winds at galaxies' centres were more
frequent and intense than those detected in today's galaxies.
These winds were so powerful that they inhibited the growth of the black holes
they sprang from.These are the results of a study led by Italian researchers
published in "Nature".
I believe that the finding of these extraordinary galactic winds at such a
distant period could have had massive consequences for the formation and
evolution of galaxies like our own.
· #396
Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:30)
Trusted operating systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security. A reliable operating system
is the one that never needs to be restarted to recover from a total system
failure. The system need not be error-free. I consider an OS to be reliable if
it delivers the expected service without any interruptions during the normal
operating mode, where a mode is defined as the execution environment free from
the external factors, such as a critical hardware failure if it can function on
a machine with no reset button.
I have read the article «What Zoom's IPO says about the video collaboration
space». Zoom is an easy-to-use video-conferencing application. What I like best
about Zoom is its portability, which allows us to access the application from
any location. The best approach is to run a meeting, an online class, or any
other studies activity. Planned features such as screen sharing, raising a hand
in case someone has something to say, annotating options, and the level of zoom
facilitation are all excellent ways, to keep meetings quiet and focused. I
believe that Zoom is one of the best communication tools, especially during this
epidemic time.
I have read the article « Six areas where action must fоcus to rescue this
planet». Earth and the resources of earth make life possible on it. If we were
to imagine our lives without these resources, that would not be possible. As
life cannot function without sunshine, air, vegetation, and water. However, this
is soon going to be our reality if we do not save the earth now. In all six
areas described in the article, it was about the conservаtion of resources on
the earth. I believe that this is the first problem that people should solve.
1) problems inherent in - проблеми , пов‘язані з
Conflict manifests a complex set of political, economic, social and cultural
problems inherent in our societies.
Конфлікт оголює складний комплекс політичних, економічних, соціальних та
культурних проблем, властивих нашим суспільствам.
2) proportional to - пропорциональна
The degree of temporal displacement is directly proportional to the number of
chroniton particles interacting with the transporter beam.
Відповідно до комп'ютера, ступінь темпорального переміщення прямо пропорційна
числу хронітонних частинок, що взаємодіють із променем транспортера.
3) as to - щодо
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
Наші ідеї щодо того, що може бути найкращою реформою Організації, можуть
відрізнятися одна від одної.
· #395
Genova Ksenia (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:25)
information management - управління інформацією
1. Professor Feng Li, Chair of Information Management at Bayes Business School
and co-author, believes digital transformation is not just the privilege of
digital firms or new business start-ups.
Професор Фен Лі, завідувач кафедри інформаційного менеджменту в бізнес-школі
Bayes і співавтор, вважає, що цифрова трансформація — це не лише привілей
цифрових компаній або нових компаній, що починаються.
2. Suzanne Elayan, Martin Sykora, Thomas W. Jackson, and Ejovwoke Onojeharho of
the Centre for Information Management at Loughborough University, UK, suggest
that understanding humorous content and the dynamics it follows on social media
could help improve applications that carry out sentiment analysis of online
Сюзанна Елаян, Мартін Сікора, Томас В. Джексон та Еджоввоке Оноехархо з Центру
управління інформацією при Університеті Лафборо, Великобританія, припускають, що
розуміння гумористичного вмісту та динаміки, яку він слідує в соціальних
мережах, може допомогти покращити програми, які здійснюють аналіз настроїв в
Інтернеті. зміст.
invention relates to - винахід відноситься
1. The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Винахід відноситься до підземної газифікації вугілля.
2. The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation.
Винахід відноситься до анти-засліпних пристроїв для поляризованого, так і
не-поляризованого випромінювання.
above the average - вище середнього
1. June saw an increase of 188,000 private-sector jobs, up from 134,000 in May
and above the 137,000 average for the March-May period.
У червні кількість робочих місць у приватному секторі збільшилася на 188 000 у
порівнянні зі 134 000 у травні та понад 137 000 в середньому за період з березня
по травень.
2. The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in
November, as the impact of back-to-back hurricanes over the summer recedes,
according to an industry survey released on Dec. 1.
Згідно з галузевим опитуванням, опублікованим 1 грудня, виробничий сектор
продовжував зростати вищими за середні темпи в листопаді, оскільки вплив
ураганів, що відбувалися влітку, спадає.
I read an article on Mediterranean turtles. Statistics showed that the number of
turtle nests increased by 162%. Turtle hunting is prohibited throughout the
Mediterranean. This allowed the turtles to recover, but the sea still needs
protection. Because the problem with sea animals is very big. The turtles' diet
allows them to live in certain protected habitats.
Marine protected areas for turtles have been established.
Unfortunately, despite the recovery, turtles are estimated at only 3400
individuals, I think this is very small, and this global problem should be given
more attention.
Quality and reliability of software
Software quality is considered as great importance in the software engineering
field. Thus, building software of high quality is very expensive task.
Consequently in order to increase the efficiency and usefulness of quality
assurance and testing, software defect prediction is used to discover
defect-prone modules in a forthcoming version of a software system and help
allocate the effort on those modules.
One of the parts of this standard (Software engineering - Product quality)
defines six characteristics that describe the software quality of a software
1) functionality
2) reliability
3) practicality
4) efficiency
5) maintainability
6) portability
Thus, there are many other characteristics that ensure quality and reliability
of the software.
· #394
Terzi Natalia MD-213 (Drozhzhina) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:14)
invention relates to
The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes
above the average
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe.
information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
I have read the information about the history of kernel development.Strictly
speaking,an operating system is not required to run a computer.Programs can be
directly loaded and executed on the "bare metal" machine, provided that the
authors of those programs are willing to work without any hardware abstraction
or operating system support.Eventually,small ancillary programs were left in
memory between runs.As these were developed, they formed the basis of what
became early operating system kernels.In 1969,the RC 4000 Multiprogramming
System introduced the system design philosophy of a small nucleus "upon which
operating systems for different purposes could be built in an orderly
manner"what would be called the microkernel approach.
I have read the article about a recent study,University at Buffalo engineers
report a new process of 3D printing graphene aerogels for water treatment .The
goal is to safely remove contaminants from water without releasing any
problematic chemical residue. In tests, the reconfigured aerogel removed certain
heavy metals, such as lead and chromium , that plague drinking water systems
nationwide. To demonstrate the aerogel's reuse potential , the researchers ran
organic solvents through it 10 times. Each time , it removed 100% of the
solvents.I think this article is useful because the future goal is to degrade or
destroy not only biological contaminants , but also chemical contaminants.
I have read the article about a University at Buffalo communication researcher
that has developed a framework for measuring the slippery concept of social
media public opinion.The researchers studied Twitter because of the ability to
see who is following whom, information that is not publicly accessible on other
platforms.The results further support the echo chamber tendencies prevalent on
social media.Social media public opinion is twice removed from the general
public opinion measured by surveys.Among those who uses social media, only a
subset of them actually express opinions on social media.This article is useful
as murmuration can allow for research that makes better use of social media data
to study public opinion as a form of social interaction
· #393
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:11)
To Nikolova S MD-213 pls be careful, do not post the same material several time! UNACCEPTED
· #392
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:08)
To Nikolova S MD-213 just 66 points for the topic with no conclusion. Be attentive.
· #391
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:06)
To Nikolova S MD-213 .It’s better this time. Just good for your comment.
· #390
Botsman K. MD-213 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:06)
History of programming
We often hear about programming languages and how more and more of them
appear, but few people know how this area began.
Programming had an extremely primitive look and practically did not differ from
an ordered binary code with a formalized approach. To simplify the handling of
computers, people began to actively develop languages, one of the first was
Assembler. Instead of numerical operations, it is enough for a person to know
mnemonic names, their memorization was much easier.
Already at this stage, programming languages have become closer to a
human-understandable language.
· #389
Botsman K. MD-213 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:05)
have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find
unknown hidden worlds” This is an interesting topic. In what framework and for
what purposes did scientists decide to attract new people to their work?
Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world
in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and
help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing
from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of
something big.
In conclusion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists
of different specializations. Anyone with a web browser can dive right into the
data and start searching for these possible hidden worlds and helping to check
the best candidate planets identified on the website.
· #388
Botsman K. MD-213 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:05)
problems inherent in - проблеми , пов‘язані з
But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and therefore the mathematical
complexity of the problem is inherent in the height - Але в міру деформації
краплі її висота змінюється, і тому математична складність завдання закладена у
proportional to - пропорциональна
Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness - Емпатія, як
правило, обернено пропорційна правдивості.
as to - щодо
The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with intestinal
inflammation as well as to healthy mice - Дослідники вводили сенсорні бактерії
мишам із запаленням кишечника, а також здоровим мишам.
I have read the article “Hubble probes extreme weather on ultra-hot Jupiters”
What does it mean, and what is the significance for modern science?
In two new papers, teams of Hubble astronomers report strange weather patterns
on newly discovered planets. On one planet, it rains vaporized rock, while on
another, the upper atmosphere becomes hotter by its star's intense ultraviolet
This research goes beyond simply finding weird and quirky planet atmospheres.
Summing up, we can say that the studying extreme weather gives astronomers
better insights into the diversity, complexity, and exotic chemistry taking
place in far-flung worlds across our galaxy.
· #387
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:04)
To Nikolova S MD-213 Thanks. Mind some grammar mistakes and the conclusion: pls don’t write” So I really enjoyed this article. It has a lot of useful information that can help those people who are interested in this topic”. This is your emotional attitude towards the article you’ve read. Just 60 points.
· #386
Ditkovskya Mykhailiuk MD-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:02)
information management
The team at the University's Institute for Information Management and
Communication posted a Failure Information page detailing what is known so far
about the data loss. Команда Інституту управління інформацією та комунікації
університету опублікувала сторінку з інформацією про помилки, де детально
описується, що наразі відомо про втрату даних.
Now, Batalyse GmbH is providing a modular software solution for effective data
analysis and information management, with the aim of speeding up the process of
searching for new materials and pinpointing the right mix. Тепер Batalyse GmbH
надає модульне програмне рішення для ефективного аналізу даних та управління
інформацією з метою прискорення процесу пошуку нових матеріалів та визначення
правильного поєднання.
invention related to
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification. Винахід відноситься до
підземної газифікації вугілля.
The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation. Винахід відноситься до анти-засліпних пристроїв для
поляризованого, так і не-поляризованого випромінювання.
Above the average
The August jobs number was well above the average forecast of 143,000, and
showed a strong 29,000 increase in jobs in the service sector from July, to
185,000. Кількість робочих місць у серпні значно перевищила середній прогноз у
143 000 і продемонструвала сильне збільшення робочих місць у сфері послуг на 29
000 з липня до 185 000.
Orders for durable goods -- products expected to last at least three years --
rose 9.9% from August, well above the average analyst estimate of 8%. Замовлення
на товари тривалого користування – продукти, які, як очікується, триватимуть
щонайменше три роки – зросли на 9,9% у порівнянні з серпнем, що значно вище
середньої оцінки аналітиків у 8%.
I have read the article “US Business Hiring Picks Up in August”.
Payrolls company ADP said private-sector employment rose by 201,000 in July,
after an upwardly revised July gain of 173,000. The world's largest economy
continues to struggle with tepid growth, at 1.7% in the second quarter, and high
The jobless rate ticked up to 8.3% in July and the United States added a meager
163,000 jobs.
This article will be useful for businessmen.
I have read the article “US Durable Goods Orders Rebound”.
A jump in aircraft orders drove new orders for durable manufactured goods
sharply higher in September, but not enough to offset the previous month's
plunge, the Commerce Department reported Thursday. The surge in September orders
was driven by a rebound in commercial aircraft orders, whose plunge in the prior
month had dragged the headline number lower. Aircraft orders tend to be
especially volatile month-over-month.
This article will be useful for those, who like analytics.
Operating systems work as an interface between the user and the computer
Operating system is divided into four generations. In the first generation
(1945-1955) there is no operating system, so the computer system is given
instructions which must be done directly.
In the second generation(1955-1965), the computer system is not equipped with an
operating system, but several operating system functions exist like FMS and
In the third generation (1965-1980) the operating system becomes multi-user and
multiprogramming. At the last generation the operating system is used for
computer networks where users are aware of the existence of computers that are
connected to one another.
OS is one of the integral part of the software, in my opinion.
· #385
Nikolova S MD-213 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 07:44)
Today I read the article "Picoscience and a lot of new materials".
It claims that electronic materials will be smaller than nanomaterials during
the research process.
Yale University researchers are inventing new materials that are experimental,
fast, and realizable features such as simulating neurons in the brain,
calculations using magnets, and calculations using quantum mechanics.
I believe that new electronic materials are constantly expanding the
capabilities of mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart watches and
manufactured products.
· #384
Nikolova S MD-213 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 07:43)
problems inherent in - проблемы, связанные с
But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and therefore the mathematical
complexity of the problem is inherent in the height - Но по мере деформации
капли ее высота меняется, и поэтому математическая сложность задачи заложена в
proportional to - пропорциональна
Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness - Эмпатия, как
правило, обратно пропорциональна правдивости.
as to - в отношении
The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with intestinal
inflammation as well as to healthy mice - Исследователи вводили сенсорные
бактерии мышам с воспалением кишечника, а также здоровым мышам.
Today I have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about research on
improving the performance of lithium metal batteries to achieve higher
performance. The use of lithium metal to replace graphite in battery anodes can
double the capacity of modern lithium-ion technologies, and cars powered by
lithium-metal batteries will have twice the power reserve than cars powered by
lithium-ion batteries with the same battery weight.
I believe that this discovery can help technological progress, as well as make
people's lives easier. So I really enjoyed this article. It has a lot of useful
information that can help those people who are interested in this topic.
· #383
Nikolova S MD-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 07:35)
Quality and reliability of software
The theory of software reliability is based on the concept of the operable and
inoperable state of an object or system.
The standard defines software quality characteristics as a set of properties of
software products, by which its quality is described and evaluated, which can be
refined at a variety of levels of complex indicators. The software quality
metric is defined by the standard as a quantitative scale and method that can be
used to determine the value of a feature adopted for a particular software
The software quality model has the following four levels of representation.
One of the parts of this standard (Software engineering - Product quality)
defines six characteristics that describe the software quality of a software
1) functionality
2) reliability
3) practicality
4) efficiency
5) maintainability
6) portability
Thus, there are many other characteristics that ensure quality and reliability
of the software.
· #382
Nikolova S MD-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 07:34)
Today I read the article "Picoscience and a lot of new materials".
It claims that electronic materials will be smaller than nanomaterials during
the research process.
Yale University researchers are inventing new materials that are experimental,
fast, and realizable features such as simulating neurons in the brain,
calculations using magnets, and calculations using quantum mechanics.
I believe that new electronic materials are constantly expanding the
capabilities of mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart watches and
manufactured products.
· #381
Nikolova S MD-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 07:33)
problems inherent in - проблемы, связанные с
But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and therefore the mathematical
complexity of the problem is inherent in the height - Но по мере деформации
капли ее высота меняется, и поэтому математическая сложность задачи заложена в
proportional to - пропорциональна
Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness - Эмпатия, как
правило, обратно пропорциональна правдивости.
as to - в отношении
The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with intestinal
inflammation as well as to healthy mice - Исследователи вводили сенсорные
бактерии мышам с воспалением кишечника, а также здоровым мышам.
Today I have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about research on
improving the performance of lithium metal batteries to achieve higher
performance. The use of lithium metal to replace graphite in battery anodes can
double the capacity of modern lithium-ion technologies, and cars powered by
lithium-metal batteries will have twice the power reserve than cars powered by
lithium-ion batteries with the same battery weight.
I believe that this discovery can help technological progress, as well as make
people's lives easier. So I really enjoyed this article. It has a lot of useful
information that can help those people who are interested in this topic.
· #380
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 07:08)
To students from subgroup MD-213. Welcome back to our today’s activities. Pls focus on specialty’s exam topics and phrases of the Day practice. Pls follow the patterns set: the length, conclusion, links and voice record msgs links to be posted into the Guestbook. Wish you all the best.
· #379
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 22:21)
Today I have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about research on
improving the performance of lithium metal batteries to achieve higher
performance. The use of lithium metal to replace graphite in battery anodes can
double the capacity of modern lithium-ion technologies, and cars powered by
lithium-metal batteries will have twice the power reserve than cars powered by
lithium-ion batteries with the same battery weight.
I believe that this discovery can help technological progress, as well as make
people's lives easier. So I really enjoyed this article. It has a lot of useful
information that can help those people who are interested in this topic.
1. problems inherent in - проблемы, связанные с
But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and therefore the mathematical
complexity of the problem is inherent in the height - Но по мере деформации
капли ее высота меняется, и поэтому математическая сложность задачи заложена в
2. proportional to - пропорциональна
Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness - Эмпатия, как
правило, обратно пропорциональна правдивости.
3. as to - в отношении
The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with intestinal
inflammation as well as to healthy mice - Исследователи вводили сенсорные
бактерии мышам с воспалением кишечника, а также здоровым мышам.
· #378
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 21:05)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Thanks for the topic "Management of technical maintenance of cars".
· #377
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 21:00)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Thanks for a very detailed exam topic. It could be even shorter. Go on practising your pronunciation, you can train your reading with the help of Listen and Pronounce, which is on this page above the Guestbook chat.
· #376
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 19:22)
To Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211. Thanks for your active participation, Artem, but... I have already twice told you about your mistakes in my previous notes, but you seem not to pay attention to them, alas. So you repeat the same mistakes, and it is not good. Pls be more careful and attentive, and work harder.
· #375
Savluk A. (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 13:08)
Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212,
Zelinskiy KI-212,
Andrew Verdysh KI-212
Obertun Mihail KI212
Well done. Keep on working!
· #374
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 12:08)
1. "problems inherent in" But as a droplet deforms, its height changes, and
therefore the mathematical complexity of the problem is inherent in the height.
2. "proportional to" Empathy tends to be inversely proportional to truthfulness.
3. "as to" The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with
intestinal inflammation as well as to healthy mice.
Today I have read an article called "Hybrid-drive construction machinery:
Fuel-efficient excavators".
The paper tells us about scientists at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology that
studied the possibilities for more efficient operation, using a hydraulic
excavator with a hybrid drive as an example. They found a savings potential of
around ten percent. Using an electric drive for the slewing system of an
excavator leads to an increase in efficiency of eleven percent when loading soil
or debris onto a truck, saving around eight percent of the fuel.
The article will be useful for excavator manufacturers.
Themed comment:
2.CAD machines and vehicles
Computer-aided design is the use of computers or workstations to aid in the
creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. CAD may be used
to design in two or three-dimensional space. CAD systems are really useful to
manufacturing of vehicles or machines in general, they allow to create new
projects, improve them, upgrade them to get better final product. Personally I
use two of many systems, they are AutoCAD and SolidWorks. Both systems have
their pros and cons and both systems are very useful for creating drawings and
· #373
Zelinskiy(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 11:12)
Topic:6.Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles
Vehicle repair may include any maintenance including rebuilding or restoring
rebuilt vehicles. Some countries may exclude minor services such as repairing
tires, changing tires, lubricating vehicles, installing light bulbs, batteries,
windshield wiper blades, and other minor accessories, cleaning, adjusting, and
replacing spark plugs, replacing oil and air filters, and other minor
services.The government believes that any driver can do the job and it is not at
all necessary to have a lot of experience for such services.Such services can
lead to fraud and deceit, so governments may prohibit such services in their
· #372
Zelinskiy(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 11:10)
Topic:5.The basis of calculations,design and operation of process equipment
The main concepts that should be used when designing technological equipment
Products - a set of items manufactured by the enterprise.
Detail - made of a material homogeneous in name and brand without the use of
assembly operations, for example, a screw, nut, shaft, cast body.
Assembly unit - the components of which are subject to interconnection by
assembly operations.
A node is an assembly unit that can perform a specific function in products of
the same purpose only in conjunction with other components.
The unit is an assembly unit that is fully interchangeable, can be assembled
separately from other components of the product or the product as a whole, and
is able to perform a specific function in the product or independently.
· #371
Zelinskiy(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 11:10)
Researchers at the University Hospital of Bern decided to implement a data
logger function in bacteria. This will help people track their allergic reaction
to food. These bacteria will help them choose their diet. This function will
also help detect viruses. read the article. I did not know that bacteria can
help a person in such a way.Perhaps in the future, a person will learn even
better the nature of bacteria and they will be able to get much more functions.
· #370
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 11:09)
Phrases of the day:
1.problem inherent in - Instead of engaging with all of the problems inherent in
a system that has a massive wealth gap, people will adjust their beliefs to
accommodate a more comfortable narrative.Вместо того, чтобы заниматься всеми
проблемами, присущими системе с огромным разрывом в уровне благосостояния, люди
будут корректировать свои убеждения, чтобы приспособиться к более удобному
2.proportional to - Node sizes are proportional to the number of speakers
(native plus nonnative) of each language. Размеры узлов пропорциональны
количеству носителей (носителей и неносителей) каждого языка. to - The researchers administered the sensor bacteria to mice with
intestinal inflammation as well as to healthy mice.Исследователи вводили
сенсорные бактерии мышам с воспалением кишечника, а также здоровым мышам.
· #369
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022)
1)Management of technical maintenance of cars
Maintenance should be carried out every 10,000 km or 15,000 km, which is about
once a year. For new machines, maintenance is limited to changing consumables.
But old cars can have some kind of problem every year. This does not mean that
if the car is new, then it is not necessary to call in for MOT, but vice versa,
if you follow the car from its very purchase, then it will live for a very long
time without breakdowns.
2)*as to - в отношении
we have serious doubts about your decision - у нас есть серьезные сомнения в
отношение твоего решения
**problems inherent in - проблемы, связанные с
we have addressed the problems inherent in being late - мы решили проблемы,
связанные с опозданием
***proportional to - пропорциональна
Your whole day of work is proportional to one hour of my work in terms of
earnings - Весь твой день работы пропорционален одному часу моей работы в плане
· #368
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 08:54)
Topic : Basics of production and repair of motor vehicles
In 1908 Henry Ford began production of the Model T automobile. Based on his
original Model A design first manufactured in 1903, the Model T took five years
to develop. Its creation inaugurated what we know today as the mass production
assembly line. This revolutionary idea was based on the concept of simply
assembling interchangeable component parts. Prior to this time, coaches and
buggies had been hand-built in small numbers by specialized craftspeople who
rarely duplicated any particular unit. Ford's innovative design reduced the
number of parts needed as well as the number of skilled fitters who had always
formed the bulk of the assembly operation, giving Ford a tremendous advantage
over his competition.
Ford's first venture into automobile assembly with the Model A involved setting
up assembly stands on which the whole vehicle was built, usually by a single
assembler who fit an entire section of the car together in one place. This
person performed the same activity over and over at his stationary assembly
stand. To provide for more efficiency, Ford had parts delivered as needed to
each work station. In this way each assembly fitter took about 8.5 hours to
complete his assembly task. By the time the Model T was being developed Ford had
decided to use multiple assembly stands with assemblers moving from stand to
stand, each performing a specific function. This process reduced the assembly
time for each fitter from 8.5 hours to a mere 2.5 minutes by rendering each
worker completely familiar with a specific task.
Ford soon recognized that walking from stand to stand wasted time and created
jam-ups in the production process as faster workers overtook slower ones. In
Detroit in 1913, he solved this problem by introducing the first moving assembly
line, a conveyor that moved the vehicle past a stationary assembler. By
eliminating the need for workers to move between stations, Ford cut the assembly
task for each worker from 2.5 minutes to just under 2 minutes; the moving
assembly conveyor could now pace the stationary worker. The first conveyor line
consisted of metal strips to which the vehicle's wheels were attached. The metal
strips were attached to a belt that rolled the length of the factory and then,
beneath the floor, returned to the beginning area. This reduction in the amount
of human effort required to assemble an automobile caught the attention of
automobile assemblers throughout the world. Ford's mass production drove the
automobile industry for nearly five decades and was eventually adopted by almost
every other industrial manufacturer. Although technological advancements have
enabled many improvements to modern day automobile assembly operations, the
basic concept of stationary workers installing parts on a vehicle as it passes
their work stations has not changed drastically over the years.
1. proportional to- пропорциональна
Many current biosensors use enzymes that bind glucose and produce an electric
current proportional to the concentration of glucose in the blood sample. -
Многие современные биосенсоры используют ферменты, которые связывают глюкозу и
производят электрический ток, пропорциональный концентрации глюкозы в образце
2. as to - относительно
It gave her no real direction as to where to go. - Это не дало ей реального
направления относительно того, куда идти.
3. problem inherent in - проблема
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and makes
the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater
treatment plants - Это устраняет предыдущую проблему, присущую крупномасштабному
производству, и делает процесс доступным для использования на крупных объектах,
таких как очистные сооружения.
· #367
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 07:02)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day. Good luck.
· #366
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 21:42)
read a very interesting article about “CAD machines and vehicls”.
It is explaining us what CAD machine is?
Did you ever spend hours as a kid sketching pictures of cars, devising design
variations and more streamlined looks? Or carving derby cars from blocks of
wood? Pencil and paper have gone the way of the dinosaur since then: Modern
automotive designers and engineers have a powerful tool -- computer-aided design
(CAD) software -- at their disposal to help bring their ideas to life and
facilitate the process of imagining, designing and refining them. CAD software
is also used in packaging, shipbuilding, aerospace design, industrial and
architectural design, film animation and many other applications.
Automotive CAD systems can even help identify and eliminate design faults.
Computer simulations put 3D models through a variety of real life situations .
· #365
Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 21:28)
prevailing view: Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic
frameworks store gases
Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази
priority research areas: New report recommends research priorities for Antarctic
and Southern Ocean science
Нова доповідь рекомендує пріоритети досліджень Антарктики та Південного океану
practical problems: When these experts bring AI into the real world and use it
to solve practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI
made a specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence
for us to act on it.
і коли ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних проблем, вони повинні відповісти на запитання, наприклад,
чому ШІ зробив певний прогноз або рішення, і чи дає він достатньо впевненості,
щоб ми могли діяти.
The best of both worlds: How to solve real problems on modern quantum computers
Today I have read very interesting article it is “The best of both worlds: How
to solve real problems on modern quantum computers”. This article describe about
problems of modern quantum computers and how to solve they . A hybrid quantum
and classical approach may be the answer to tackling this problem with existing
quantum hardware. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne
National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory, along with researchers
at Clemson University and Fujitsu Laboratories of America, have developed hybrid
algorithms to run on quantum machines and have demonstrated them for practical
applications using IBM quantum computers (see below for description of Argonne's
role in the IBM Q Hub at Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ORNL]) and a D-Wave
quantum computer. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who are
interested in IT and computer technologies.
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Study challenges prevailing
view of invasive species”. This article describe about what is happened with
invasive species and how control population of this species. . Zebra mussels.
Asian carp. Kudzu. Chances are you recognize these names as belonging to
invasive species—plants or animals that are relocated from their native habitat
to a foreign land, only to prove so prolific that they take over their new home.
Except that's not how the story usually goes, according to a new study. In fact,
the species we consider to be invasive usually exist in low numbers, quietly
occupying a niche at densities so low, you might not even notice they are there.
If invasive is in special conditions they can occupied full territory in other
times no. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who interested in
biology and protection of environment.
Exam #5
Wheeled and tracked vehicles
Today I want to tell you about wheeled and tracked vehicles. Today we have many
species of movers of vehicles, more popular are wheel and track. Wheeled vehicle
it is vehicle who use wheels to move. The invention of the wheel about 6,000
years ago was a significant step in the technical progress of mankind. A wheel
is a circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle bearing. The wheel
is one of the key components of the wheel and axle which is one of the six
simple machines. Wheels, in conjunction with axles, allow heavy objects to be
moved easily facilitating movement or transportation while supporting a load, or
performing labor in machines. We have mover who is evolution of wheel it is
track. Continuous track is a system of vehicle propulsion used in tracked
vehicles, running on a continuous band of treads or track plates driven by two
or more wheels. The large surface area of the tracks distributes the weight of
the vehicle better than steel or rubber tyres on an equivalent vehicle, enabling
continuous tracked vehicles to traverse soft ground with less likelihood of
becoming stuck due to sinking.Modern continuous tracks can be made with soft
belts of synthetic rubber, reinforced with steel wires, in the case of lighter
agricultural machinery. The more common classical type is a solid chain track
made of steel plates (with or without rubber pads), also called caterpillar
tread or tank tread, which is preferred for robust and heavy construction
vehicles and military vehicles. This systems of vehicle propulsion have some
pluses and minuses for example wheel more speed system then truck or truck more
useless in heavy conditions of way than wheel. Either of this systems is
ingenious invention of mankind.
· #364
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 21:25)
read a very interesting article about “Technical operation of motor vehicle”.
With a time there are coming more and more technologys. And i found one, wich is
really interesting. The new technology is going to minimize usage of motor
vehicles with a high level of fuel consumption and provide an objective
assessment of the driver's quality and fuel efficiency for the commercially
operated transport. A new technology of individual automated control of fuel
consumption for the commercially operated motor vehicles is proposed. Thus, it
allows the automatic collection of data on operating conditions, operating hours
and fuel consumption of the vehicle. Moreover, this technology provides for the
calculation of two packages of standards for a separate assessment of the
technical condition of the vehicle and the quality of the driver's work. Norms
are unique for each motor vehicle and for each combination of the operating
conditions and regimes. That is really usefull technology.
· #363
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 21:16)
read a very interesting article about “Technological processes in road
transport”. It is about Transpor companies and their attitude and opinion about
technological process. Heres what are they thinking about this:
Transport companies recognise that developments in technology and innovation
will be key to building a safe, successful and sustainable industry in the
future. One in three (33%) transport companies across every region believe that
improving safety will be the biggest innovation opportunity, while one in five
cite automation.
Boris Blanche, IRU’s Managing Director, commented: “We must also push for
legislation and policies that encourage all operators to invest in the
technology needed to make these innovations the norm. At IRU, our role is to
champion the potential of the industry and promote this cooperation, to empower
all operators in the sector to seize the great innovation opportunity.”
It was really interesting to hear their opinion!
· #362
Obertun Mihail KI212 (SAVLUK) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 18:58)
read a very interesting article about
“Technological processes in road transport”
Findings reveal that transport companies are concerned about macro global
issues. Over half see geopolitical uncertainty as the biggest threat facing the
sector – from escalating international trade wars to growing concerns around
Brexit. The risk of global recession and the challenge of keeping up with
changing customer demand are jointly seen as the second biggest threats to
transport companies at 52%. One in three transport companies across every region
believe that improving safety will be the biggest innovation opportunity, while
one in five cite automation.
In fact, transport companies are extremely optimistic about the timescales for
automation – over three quarters of transport companies expect autonomous trucks
to become a viable option within the next decade.
I recommend reading this article
· #361
Obertun Mihail KI212 (SAVLUK) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 18:55)
read a very interesting article about
“Technical operation of motor vehicle”
Vehicle operation modes refer to various operating conditions that either is
requested by the driver or decided by the SC according to the subsystem status.
Ignition key position, gear position, accelerator/brake pedal, charging plug
switch, and steering wheel angle are examples of driver inputs to the SC. In a
simple word, SC decides the vehicle mode operation and hence the overall
performance of the related subsystems. Therefore the SC is responsible for
defining the correct state of operation of the EV according to the driver
demands, EV driveline status, and diagnostics reporting.
I recommend reading this article
· #360
Obertun Mihail KI212 (SAVLUK) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 18:52)
read a very interesting article about “CAD machines and vehicls”
This article presents a sample design and testing process of a virtual prototype
of a suspension system of two types of three-wheeled vehicles using the Autodesk
Inventor Professional software. The process was divided into two phases. The
created models were analysed in order to determine the forces at individual
connection nodes of the suspension while driving on a curved section of a road.
During the first phase, two digital models of vehicles were created, which
varied in their construction design. It was stated that this method allows for a
more efficient process of creating a new product, reducing time required for the
product to enter production phase and a more effective assessment of various
product variants.
I recommend reading this article
· #359
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 17:51)
To Koval V.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice message, work with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.
· #358
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 17:44)
Today i read a new article about new rs5-4 pack . Appearing alongside a regular Competition Pack has- speed limit raise, Alcantara, sports exhaust, the usual stuff - the Plus gets some serious upgrades. Chief among them is RS Sport Suspension Pro, aka manually adjustable coilovers. On an RS4. From the factory a Competition Plus will ride 10mm lower than standard, with a further 10mm reduction available as required. Compression and rebound are also adjustable. In conjunction with stiffer anti-roll bars and springs, Audi claims the modification will “heighten the general driving experience and help shorten lap times” yet without any impact on long distance comfort. This was not bad article, but i dont think that that pack will be able to help rs5-4!
· #357
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 17:33)
Today I have read an article called "How to shop for a non-tech car".
The work tells us about a number of reasons why some people would want a
"non-tech" car instead of vehicles full of modern technologies that make them
safer and less distracting. Soma people want an old car because it is an old
school, some might find new car technology intimidating, others aren't willing
to learn. There are also people, who think many technologies banally superfluous
in the car. Many different people have their reasons to not wanting to much in
the car and just buying older used vehicles as they might serve more and better.
The article was really interesting for me.
· #356
Obertun Mihail KI212 (SAVLUK) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 17:09)
surface area
A large surface area is also a decisive advantage in chemical sensors.
2. upper level
rain produced in those upper-level clouds evaporates before reaching the surface
3. temperature range
Certain organisms can only survive within a narrow temperature range.
Today I have read the article named
“New insights on link between genetic mutations and biological evolution”
From the longer-beaked Galapagos Island finches studied by biologist Charles
Darwin that enabled them to more effectively snatch insects, to the ability of
some humans over others to digest milk, the process of natural selection results
in genetic differences that give some organisms an edge over others.
New research by University of Toronto Mississauga biology assistant professor
Alex N. Nguyen Ba adds an important dimension to our understanding of how genes
interact in the evolutionary process.
I would advise reading this article to people
· #355
Obertun Mihail KI212 (SAVLUK) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 17:04)
1) practical problems.
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field
2) priority research area
Yale has identified the development of quantum materials as a priority research
3) prevailing view
The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population of ancient Sicily
had neither territory, power nor economic resources.
Today I have read the article named
“Making clean hydrogen is hard, but researchers just solved a major hurdle”
Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have found a low-cost way to
solve one half of the equation, using sunlight to efficiently split off oxygen
molecules from water. The finding, published recently in Nature Communications,
represents a step forward toward greater adoption of hydrogen as a key part of
our energy infrastructure.
As early as the 1970s, researchers were investigating the possibility of using
solar energy to generate hydrogen.
I would advise reading this article to people
· #354
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 14:41)
practical problems - практичні проблеми
Today's early stage AI raises several other ethical and practical problems, too.
- Сьогоднішня рання стадія штучного інтелекту також порушує кілька інших етичних
та практичних проблем.
prevailing view - переважаюча думка
What we found contradicts the prevailing view. - Те, що ми виявили, суперечить
переважаючій думці.
priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
The Action will recommend priority research areas for future biosecurity
improvement in animal production systems. - Дія буде рекомендувати пріоритетні
напрямки досліджень для майбутнього покращення біозахисту в системах
Today I have read the article "US cars mandated to spot drunk drivers—and stop
them". It tells about cars that are spotting drunk drivers and stop them.This
article reports that US cars obliges drivers to push the ignition button, which
measure blood alcohol levels under the skin's surface.Anti-cheat functions are
built into the system. It could prevent the car from starting or keep it from
moving for drivers over the .08 percent blood alcohol limit.
I think these new cars with such detection system could save thousands of lives.
Today I have read the article "Is climate change worry reducing the desire to
have children?". We live in a very difficult time. Endless wars, global
cataclysms, world unrest - all this is happening now, and, unfortunately, our
children will see it too.
The researchers conducted a social survey and asked whether Australian women
consider the world a safe and promising place for children and young people.
They argue that women are most afraid of the uncertainty of the future. "We are
already seeing rising numbers of women deciding to abandon or postpone their
desire to have children.", they say.
Exam topic "Hoisting, road, reclamation machines"
What do we know about Hoisting, road and reclamation machines? This is a very
important part of our modern world. These are huge mechanisms and machines that
build houses, roads, help farmers grow crops.
Hoisting, road and reclamation machines help people build and repair
infrastructure, without them we would not be able to build the houses in which
we live. These machines, especially reclamation machines, are necessary for
farmers, because they simplify their work and allow them to increase crop
I think human life would be more difficult without these machines.
· #353
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 13:09)
Today I have read the article "What's the prevailing opinion on social media?
Look at the
flocks, says researcher"
It tells that A University at Buffalo communication researcher has developed a
for measuring the slippery concept of social media public opinion.These
collective views on
a topic or issue expressed on social media, distinct from the conclusions
determined through
survey-based public opinion polling, have never been easy to determine.But the
framework developed and tested by Yini Zhang and her collaborators addresses
challenges like
identifying online demographics and factoring for opinion manipulation that are
on these digital battlegrounds of public discourse.I think that this article is
very interesting
and useful,I would reccomend everybody to read it.
Exam topic "Technical diagnostics of automobiles"
A car diagnostic test is a digital analysis of your car’s various computer
systems and components.
Modern vehicles are much more digitized than people may be aware of. Specialized
software works
whenever your car’s engine is powered on to monitor various features and create
data reports that
can then be collected and analyzed during a car diagnostic test.Car diagnostic
tests are typically
carried out when a vehicle’s dashboard shows a “check engine” signal or other
warning light
illumination. They can also be performed as part of regular maintenance
appointments.Though these
results can help drivers assess their vehicle’s state, keep in mind that car
diagnostic tests are
not perfectly accurate.
· #352
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:39)
To Vietiev Ivan- group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article of the day, the Exam topic about "The age of automobile", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but try to read the text more distinctly. Correct the pronunciation of separate words: "la'boratories; 'ultimate; is written; manufacturers; structures; pro'duction; Ja'pan etc." Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Would you invite all students from your group to join in our online activities. Not all students are involved. Keep on working online. All the best !
· #351
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:38)
practical problems - практичні проблеми
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field.
Дослідницькі інститути повинні продовжувати співпрацювати з національними
лабораторіями та підприємствами для вирішення практичних проблем у галузі
2) priority research area - пріорітет дослідницьких галузей
Yale has identified the development of quantum materials as a priority research
Єльський університет визначив розробку квантових матеріалів як пріоритетну
галузь досліджень.
3) prevailing view - переважаюча думка
The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population of ancient Sicily
had neither territory, power nor economic resources.
Переважала думка, що корінне населення стародавньої Сицилії не мало ні
території, ні влади, ні економічних ресурсів.
Today I read the article "Picoscience and a lot of new materials".
It claims that electronic materials will be smaller than nanomaterials during
the research process.
Yale University researchers are inventing new materials that are experimental,
fast, and realizable features such as simulating neurons in the brain,
calculations using magnets, and calculations using quantum mechanics.
I believe that new electronic materials are constantly expanding the
capabilities of mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart watches and
manufactured products.
After reading this article, I liked that scientists are engaged in research and
improvement of the quality of the Earth's atmosphere.
Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a process that
can accurately determine the Atmospheric-Ecological Capacity.
This method will accurately assess the ability of the atmospheric environment
and thus it will be possible to control air pollution at a high level.
Progress does not stand still and technology now not only pollutes the air
(pollution in their production), but also helps to purify it.
("homework last week")
After reading this article, I thought deeply about its contents.
Robots that are designed to help a person really should not only do specific
tasks, but also "understand" their meaning for more correct execution.
The robot must analyze what it is doing and why, in order to cause minimal
However, I believe that robots should not be endowed with too extensive
artificial intelligence, because they are a technique that tends to break down
and give out various kinds of errors.
Few things can happen.
The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire...)
· #350
Koval Veronika MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:25)
Practical problems — практичні проблеми.
The country managed to find a solution for practical problem that appeared on
fuel branch of market.
Країна змогла знайти рішення практичної проблеми, що виникла на топливному
2. Prevailing view — превалююча думка.
A prevailing view was to give a child an opportunity to choose how does they
want to learn a language.
Превалюючою ідеєю було дати дитині можливість самому обрати, як він хоче вивчати
3. Priority research area — приоритетні області досліджень.
Priority research areas were announced on summit, strange of you not to remember
Приоритетні області досліджень оголошувались на саміті, дивно, що ви не
пам'ятаєте цього.
The 'Black and female principal candidates more likely to experience delayed and
denied promotions' article is about inequality in schools. According to given
statistics, women and black school candidates are going through much more
struggles compared to their white male colleagues while competing for the job of
principal. Usually it is a lot easier and faster for men to achieve this goal,
and the gap between the mentioned two groups correlates between 0.5 and 2 years.
Not to mention, the problem of diversity is described in the article: the higher
we go by the carrier stairs, the less women and black people at all we can see.
The 'Driving into old age' article is about the problem in the making: how to
provide to old-aged drivers the most comfortable and safe automobiles. Since the
statistics demonstrated stable rising of the number of such people, the
producers of machines need to think about musculoskeletal factors, safety
factors, and driver-vehicle interface factors of the elders. Of course, in
future, when the self-driving vehicles will be more available, the situation is
going to be better, but right now we should take care of our experienced
Exam topic #8. Device drivers.
A driver is a program through which the OS 'understands' what devices are
connected to the motherboard in the system unit, why they are needed and how to
control them. These programs are created by the device manufacturers themselves.
The easiest way to get the necessary utility on your computer is to get a disk
with it from the box with the purchased video, network or sound card or any
other device. Each developer always supplies it in the kit. Then it is simply
installed in the required directory, which is selected automatically, after that
the system reboots. A computer without management utilities simply won't know
what to do with hardware. You will not be able to access the Internet and
download all other utilities. The same story will be with the audio device — if
there is no sound driver, then you will not enjoy your favorite music, voice
communication or watching movies before bed.
· #349
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:09)
To Bondarenko M.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice messages, work with the phrases and exam topic. Try to read distinctly next time. Go on working.
· #348
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:00)
prevailing view
The prevailing view that this product is harmful to health has been refuted by
the latest study
Переважна думка про те, що цей продукт шкідливий для здоров'я, було спростовано
останнім дослідженням
2. priority research area
One of the priority research area is the problem of territorial integrity
Одним з пріоритетних напрямків досліджень є проблема територіальної цілісності
3. practical problems
This may create serious practical problems for all concerned.
Це може створити серйозні практичні проблеми для всіх зацікавлених сторін.
I just read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve the
performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about research on
improving the performance of lithium metal batteries to achieve higher
performance. The use of lithium metal to replace graphite in battery anodes can
double the capacity of modern lithium-ion technologies, and cars powered by
lithium-metal batteries will have twice the power reserve than cars powered by
lithium-ion batteries with the same battery weight. I believe that this
discovery can help technological progress, as well as make people's lives
The evolution of operating system.
The history of the OS has about half a century. It was largely determined and is
determined by the development of the element base and computing equipment. At
the moment, the global computer industry is developing very rapidly. The
performance of the systems increases, and consequently the possibilities of
processing large amounts of data increase. Operating systems of the MS-DOS class
can no longer cope with such a data flow and cannot fully use the resources of
modern computers. Therefore, recently there has been a transition to more
powerful and most advanced UNIX-class operating systems, an example of which is
Windows NT, released by Microsoft.
· #347
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:57)
To Belous A.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Pay attention to the first sentences (I've read THE article...). Please don't copy sentences from the article you've read, use your own words. Go on working.
· #346
Gvozd to Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:43)
Mind the usage of the articles, remember that the article TELLS, not talks. I am not sure that your reviews contain 100 words ...
· #345
Anna Belous MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:41)
Priority research area
This framework should consider priorities regarding research areas, best
practices, and knowledge transfer.
Ця структура повинна враховувати пріоритети щодо дослідницьких сфер, передового
досвіду та передачі знань.
2) prevailing view
Many buyers from purchasing wooden cottage stops the prevailing view that such
houses is extremely flammable.
Багатьох покупців від купівлі дерев'яних котеджів припиняє панує думка, що такі
будинки надзвичайно легкозаймисті.
3) practical problems
Its use helps to solve a number of practical problems in the organization of
Його використання допомагає вирішити ряд практичних завдань з організації
I have just read an article "Study shows expanding conflict-of-interest problem
in congress". From 2005 to 2010 the average S&P 500 firm had 7 members of
Congress that owned stock in the firm, and some companies had closer to 100
members owning stock. Jason Ridge, assistant professor of management in Sam M.
Walton College of Business said that each percentage of congressional membership
owning stock was worth about a 1 percent improvement in return on assets.
To conclude, firms are possibly using required public disclosure laws as a new
way to influence lawmakers. Congress hold stock in their companies, scale back
the intensity of their lobbying efforts with lawmakers.
I have just read an article "How are planets formed?". The leading theory is
known as the "protoplanet hypothesis", which essentially says that very small
objects stuck to each other and grew bigger and bigger—big enough to even form
the gas giants, such as Jupiter.The Sun was a hungry youngster—it ate up 99% of
what was swirling around, NASA says—but this still left 1% of the disc available
for other things. And this is where planet formation began.The Solar System was
a really messy place at this time, with gas and dust and debris floating around.
But planet formation appears to have happened relatively rapidly.
To conclude, some scientists believe it was because the gas giants were moving
around and perturbing smaller bodies at the fringe of the Solar System.
Exam topic #4
The desktop and a laptop advantages and disadvantages
Every modern technological product excels in some important aspects while
falling short in others. The same is true of laptops, which have both virtues
and limitations. So, before you go out and buy any of your favorite laptop
models on the market, you should familiarize yourself with their distinct
features and restrictions.
Despite the fact that desktop computers have lost favor in recent years,
manufacturers continue to make them year after year.
To conclude, laptop and desktop each have pros and cons. Personally I choose
laptop, because of it portability.
· #344
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:40)
To Merezhenko N.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentence (I've read THE article...). I don't think your review is informative enough. Go on working.
· #343
Gvozd O.V. to MD-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:38)
Dear students!
It's high time to start working. I am eager to read your comments.
· #342
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:38)
1)priority research area
Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a
Гендерна рівність була ключовим пріоритетом у Європейському дослідницькому
просторі вже більше десяти років.
2)prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species by Adam Hinterthuer
Вивчення проблем, що переважають у поглядах на інвазивні види Адама Гінтертуера
3)practical problems
Today's early stage AI raises several other ethical and practical problems, too
Сучасний ШІ на ранній стадії також викликає кілька інших етичних і практичних
I have just read an article that says about the problems of treatment systems,
which pass on average half of the emerging pollutants found in wastewater.
During this review, the team determined the effectiveness of removing a specific
type of hormone-disrupting pollutant: endocrine disruptors. I believe that such
a solution will increase the efficiency of wastewater treatment, which is good
I have just read an article that talks about vehicles that run on alternative
fuels. As the developer assures, such cars consume much less fuel, which, as it
were, should reduce carbon dioxide emissions. But everything is not so simple,
despite the fact that this fuel consumes less fuel, it has a fairly good amount
of emissions into the atmosphere, and as scientists say, such fuel should be
banned, as it adversely affects the environment.
Exam topic: Trusted Operating System
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.The most common set of
criteria for trusted operating system design is the Common Criteria combined
with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for Labeled Security Protection
Profile (LSPP) and mandatory access control (MAC). The Common Criteria is the
result of a multi-year effort by the governments of the U.S., Canada, United
Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries to develop a
harmonized security criteria for IT products.
· #341
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:32)
To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the Exam topic about "Engineering Design Principles", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but try to read the text more distinctly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Would you invite all students from your group to join in our online activities. Not all students are involved. Keep on working online. Best wishes !
· #340
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:28)
1)prevailing view(переважаючий погляд)
The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should remain.
Переважала думка, що проект статті є важливим і має залишатися.
2)practical problems(практичні проблеми)
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
Узгоджуються заходи щодо подолання цих практичних проблем.
3)priority research area(пріоритетний напрямок дослідження)
One of the priority research areas is the use of cigarettes by young people.
Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є вживання сигарет молоддю.
I have read an article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve the
performance of lithium metal batteries.Using lithium metal to replace the
graphite for battery anodes is the ultimate goal for part of the battery R&D
field; these lithium-metal batteries (LMBs) have the potential to double the
capacity of today's best lithium-ion technologies.In conclusion i want say that
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field.
· #339
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikishova G.P) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:27)
1.practical problems-практических проблем
Between these legal formations there is a certain difference in their intended
purpose, in solving practical problems and in research material.
Между данными правовыми образованиями существует определённое различие в их
целевом назначении, в решении практических задач и в исследовательском
2. Prevailing view-превалирующее мнение
Превалирующее мнение в обществе зависит от мнения медийных личностей
The prevailing view in society depends on the opinion of media personalities
3. priority research areas-приоритетных исследовательских областей
Приоритет исследовательских областей состоит в том что бы как можно ближе
приблизиться к новому открытию
The priority of research areas is to get as close as possible to a new
Three laws
Asimov's proposed laws were designed to protect humans from interacting with
robots. They are:
A robot cannot harm a person or by its inaction allow a person to be harmed
A robot must obey orders given to it by humans, unless such orders are contrary
to the First Law.
A robot must protect its existence as long as such protection does not conflict
with the First or Second Laws.
As already mentioned, one of the obvious problems is that modern robots seem to
be much more diverse than in Asimov's stories, including much simpler ones.
According to a study published today in PLOS ONE by a research epidemiologist at
the University of Alberta, machine learning can be used to fill a significant
gap in Canada's public health data related to Aboriginal ethnicity and status.
Kai On Wong, Senior Researcher, Real Data Division, Clinical Trials Center. Wong
created a machine learning system to analyze the names and geographic locations
of 4.8 million people surveyed in the 1901 census, studying features such as
spelling and phonetics to predict if they belonged to one of 13 ethnic groups.
What is Word processing
Word processing is the process of adding text to a word processing unit such as
a computer or typewriter. The words you enter are temporarily stored in your
computer or word processor so they can be edited before the document is printed.
The term "word processing" is a fairly general term, so it can refer to several
types of writing without the use of pen and paper. Typewriters, for example,
process words directly on paper without storing data, while computers use
special programs to store typed data before printing.
Computers have generally taken over the duties of word processing. Special
programs are installed on computers in which a person can print manuscripts of
any length. The data is stored as an electronic document that can be opened,
closed, saved and edited at any time. This allows the user to make corrections
or changes to the document multiple times before printing the hard copy of the
· #338
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:02)
To Klepatska A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, work with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right. Go on working.
· #337
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:59)
To Serdichenko D.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Check the pronunciation of the word 'quasars'. Please indicate the titles of the articles you've read. Keep on working.
· #336
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:53)
To Spetcialna K.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. Your exam topic is too long, read the instructions once more. Don't forget to indicate the number of your exam topics. Keep on working.
· #335
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:50)
prevailing view - переважаючий погляд
The prevailing view is that the strengths of this institution far outweigh it's
Переважає думка, що сильні сторони цього інституту значно переважають його
слабкі сторони.
2) priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок досліджень
We have developed a series of priority research areas for future analysis.
Ми розробили ряд пріоритетних напрямків дослідження для подальшого аналізу.
3) practical problems - практичні проблеми
Our ideal employee can quickly conduct analytics and solve practical problems.
Наш ідеальний співробітник може швидко проводити аналітику та вирішувати
практичні завдання.
Today I've read the article "Black hole winds are no longer as they used to be".
It claims that supermassive black hole winds at galaxies' centres were more
frequent and intense than those detected in today's galaxies.
These winds were so powerful that they inhibited the growth of the black holes
they sprang from.These are the results of a study led by Italian researchers
published in "Nature".
I believe that the finding of these extraordinary galactic winds at such a
distant period could have had massive consequences for the formation and
evolution of galaxies like our own.
Today I`ve read the article "Shift toward clean, secure energy hinges on the
participation of women". It states that the EU's plan to phase out fossil fuels
has received new support.
The Club of Rome's co-president calls for more women to be involved in the
creation of technical solutions for energy security and climate change. Climate
change affects people differently depending on their gender, age, ethnicity, and
cultural background. Women's absence from technical projects and boardrooms has
a negative impact on company.
With a budget of €3.8 million, Women TechEU supports 50 women-led digital
start-ups.A research by the European Commission aims to analyse women's
involvement in the green energy revolution.
Exam topic ".Device drivers"
Device drivers are crucial for a computer system's correct operation when
without them, the hardware will not function properly. A device driver allows
different hardware devices to communicate with the operating system on the
computer. Device Drivers are required for the operation of card readers,
controllers, network cards, sound cards, printers, video cards, USB devices,
RAM, and speakers, among other things. There is a Device Driver for practically
every device connected to a computer system. Device drivers are divided into two
categories: kernel mode and user mode. Virtual drivers manage data flow from
different applications to the same hardware when we use the same hardware
· #334
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:46)
1.practical problems.
This project raises many practical problems.
Цей проект викликає багато практичних проблем.
2.priority research area.
We should get together and discuss a list of priority research areas.
Ми повинні зібратися і обговорити перелік пріоритетних напрямків дослідження.
3.prevailing view.
The prevailing view was that the project plan needed to be finalized.
Переважала думка, що план проекту необхідно доопрацювати.
The article explains that the winds created by black holes at the centers of
galaxies were more powerful than those observed in galaxies about 13 billion
years later. The winds were so strong that they slowed down the growth of the
black holes from which they originate. The work is based on observations of 30
quasars with the Very Large Telescope. Black holes can launch powerful winds
into their environment that travel at 20 percent the speed of light. The
discovery of these galactic winds at such a distant time could have enormous
implications for the birth and evolution of galaxies.
This article is about a group of experts that set a deadline of 2030 to halve
heat-trapping emissions to avoid devastating climate change. The warnings are
backed up by thousands of studies. In the document, the experts call for certain
actions and should take place in six areas. The world must drastically reduce
greenhouse gas emissions in order to return to a more stable climate. It is
critical to reduce energy demand by increasing energy productivity. Agriculture
is not able to feed all the people on Earth without damaging the climate, for
this, farmers must introduce farms that restore the environment.
A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
The computer performs many functions that people need. Watching movies, creating
programs and applications, communication, entertainment and work, all in one
place. Someone says that a computer is better than a laptop, and someone says
the opposite. The biggest plus of the laptop is its compactness and the ability
to take it with you. The computer is more convenient and more efficient. If a
person does not need to constantly have access to technology, then a computer is
for him. Also, a computer will cost more than a laptop, but it all depends on
the parameters.
· #333
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:44)
Phrases of the Day :
1. Prevailing view - переважаючий погляд.
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчення проблеми ставить під сумнів переважаючий погляд на те, як металеві
органічні каркаси зберігають гази.
2. Priority research areas - пріоритетні напрямки досліджень.
The priority research areas scientists have identified only two problems out of
a dozen presented.
Пріоритетними напрямками дослідження вчені визначили лише дві проблеми з десятка
3. Practical problems - практичні проблеми.
As a rule, practical research problems are solved in a few years.
Як правило, практичні дослідницькі завдання вирішуються за кілька років.
I've just read the article "Playing video games may enhance reading skills". In
2020, scientists from the Canadian Entertainment Software Association conducted
a study and found that video games can help improve peripheral attention skills
that are essential for reading.To confirm this, the researchers analyzed
different types of video games for the number of elements placed in the
periphery.They also put together a group of participants who completed an
attention-demanding reading task in which words flashed in one of eight possible
places on a screen for fast and efficient reading.The researchers also said the
study could lead to improvements in video game design, which could promote
healthier habits and faster skill development in children and adults who enjoy
video games.
What is the difference between CLI and GUI?
Some operating systems provide GUI and CLI while others only offer CLI. GUI
means Graphical User Interface while CLI means Command Line Interface. CLI
requires expertise in commands to perform a certain task while GUI can be
controlled a beginner. The GUI uses computer graphics to work. There is no need
to memorize commands. The GUI comes with numerous components. With the text box
editor, you can enter input in this. The menu offers a list of options to choose
from. Buttons allow the user to select a specific option. Linux and Windows use
a graphical user interface. It consists of icons, search boxes, windows, menus,
and many other graphical elements. Command language interpreter, symbolic user
interface, and console user interface are several different names for the
command line interface. First, in this system, the user types commands and
presses enter to execute that command. Thus, the user can interact with the
device. From this we can conclude that operating systems that have CLI and GUI
are much more convenient to use.
· #332
Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:44)
priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
У новому документі провідних британських учених викладено ключові рішення та
політичні заходи, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні галузі
досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Великобританія хоче досягти мети
"чистого нуля" до 2050 року.
practical problems
"Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field," said Chengcheng
"Науково-дослідні інститути повинні продовжувати співпрацювати з національними
лабораторіями та промисловими підприємствами для вирішення практичних проблем у
галузі акумуляторів", - сказав Ченгченг Фанг.
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species.
Дослідження кидає виклик сформованій думці про інвазивні види.
The article is headlined "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve the
performance of lithium metal batteries". The article is written by the
University of California - San Diego. This article is about research into
improving the performance of lithium metal batteries to achieve higher
productivity. According to the paper, the use of lithium metal to replace
graphite in battery anodes is the ultimate goal for part of battery research,
and also cars powered by lithium metal batteries will have twice the range of
cars powered by lithium-ion batteries for the same battery weight. I found this
article interesting because this discovery will help technological progress and
also make people's lives easier.
Exam topic #4 (The age of automobile)
The first car manufacturers and inventors were France and Germany in the late
1800s. After Henry Ford began mass-producing cars for the first time and
dominated the market and production. During World War II, the production was
turned over to the war effort, so Japan and Germany started mass-producing cars
for the civilian market afterward. However, America still led the auto industry,
but after the mid-1980s, Japan took over and took over the auto industry, after
which General Motors was placed on the verge of bankruptcy and dissolution and
the ghost town of Detroit was a case in point. In recent years, China has begun
to scale up production, but the leader has still not changed.
· #331
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:40)
To Group MD-211. Dear students, the lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #330
Gvozd O.V. to MD-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:36)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #329
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:24)
practical problems
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field.
Науково-дослідні установи повинні продовжувати співпрацю з національними
лабораторіями та промисловими підприємствами для вирішення практичних проблем у
сфері акумуляторів.
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species.
Вивчення проблем переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види.
priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on
our consultation with experts.
На основі наших консультацій з експертами ми робимо чотири рекомендації щодо
пріоритетних напрямків досліджень.
The article is about the robots to assist with disaster relief.
Quickly following a natural disaster, it's critical to evaluate the health and
strength of a city's infrastructure. These aerial robots aren't like the drones
providing visual footage for news outlets. Those images are helpful in conveying
a general sense of the wreckage, but detecting infrastructure damage is a
different story. Cracks, fractures, and other structural vulnerabilities are
often inconspicuous and can appear innocent to the untrained eye.
The ultimate task is a robot swarm deployed to assist engineers in damage
inspection and to make recommendations on what buildings are unsafe and
Exam topic #7 Engineering Design Principles
Discussion and formulation of design principles has traditionally focussed on
the technical and scientific rules and laws underpinning the delivery process.
In engineering, it is possible to identify basic principles which can be
referred to by all designers of any discipline when initiating their work. It is
possible to consider it in three stages. The definition of the need to be met,
the conception of a response to that need, and the organization and management,
which can affect the design process, of the delivery of that response. But also
engineering design involves many others parameters upon which the success of the
project depends.
· #328
Gvozd to KI-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:36)
Troncha Ruslan,KI-211
Velikov Vlad KI-211
Thank you, I appreciate your tasks.
· #327
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:16)
To Vladyslava Stepanova-group- KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the Exam topic about "Actuator", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation, but mind the pronunciation of some words: "'mechanism; pneu'matic". The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Would you invite all students from your group to join in our online activities. Not all students are involved. Keep on working online . Yours Sincerely.
· #326
Troncha Ruslan,KI-211,Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:58)
Today I have read the article "What's the prevailing opinion on social media?
Look at the
flocks, says researcher"
It tells that A University at Buffalo communication researcher has developed a
for measuring the slippery concept of social media public opinion.These
collective views on
a topic or issue expressed on social media, distinct from the conclusions
determined through
survey-based public opinion polling, have never been easy to determine.But the
framework developed and tested by Yini Zhang and her collaborators addresses
challenges like
identifying online demographics and factoring for opinion manipulation that are
on these digital battlegrounds of public discourse.I think that this article is
very interesting
and useful,I would reccomend everybody to read it.
· #325
Velikov Vlad KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:51)
Conduct research- But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's
ability to perform simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Controversial question- New light on the controversial question of species
abundance and population density.
Considerable disagreement -When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human
history, there is considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is
primarily determined by culture or by the environment
Today I have read the article “Societies living in harsh environments more
likely to believe in moralizing gods, study finds”. This article tells about
Just as physical adaptations help populations prosper in inhospitable habitats,
belief in moralizing, high gods might be similarly advantageous for human
cultures in poorer environments. The emergence of religion has long been
explained as a result of either culture or environmental factors but not both.
The new findings imply that complex practices and characteristics thought to be
exclusive to humans arise from a medley of ecological, historical, and cultural
variables. In conclusion, I want to say that every nation and every person has
their own faith and religion, and everything depends on their worldview.
Today I have read the article “New light on the controversial question of
species abundance and population density”. This article tells about Inspired by
the negative results in the recently published largest-scale analysis of the
relation between population density and positions in geographic ranges and
environmental niches.Both empirical work and theoretical arguments published and
cited over the last several years suggest that if someone was to take the
distributional range of a species—be it animal or plant—and draw lines starting
at the edges of the space inwards, they would find the species' populations
densest at the intersection of those lines. In the end, I want to conclude that
this article is rather boring, and not everyone may like it, since there is a
lot of scientific information in it, I recommend it to those who are interested
in geography.
· #324
Troncha Ruslan,KI-211,Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:47)
practical problems-практичні проблеми
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a specific
or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us to act on it.-Але
ці експерти привносять AI в реальний світ і використовують його для вирішення
завдань проблеми, вони повинні відповісти на запитання, наприклад, чому ШІ
зробив конкретне
передбачення або рішення, і чи дає воно достатньо впевненості, щоб ми діяли.
prevailing view-переважаючий погляд
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species October 25, 2013-Вивчення
переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види 25 жовтня 2013 р.
priority research area-пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
The report notes that the priority research initiatives all require some degree
collaboration among NSF divisions, with other U.S. agencies, and with other
У звіті зазначається, що всі пріоритетні дослідницькі ініціативи вимагають
певної міри
співпраця між підрозділами NSF, з іншими агентствами США та з іншими країнами.
Today I have read the article "Bringing AI into the real world"
It tells that Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers and health experts
COVID-19's spread have warned that for vaccines to be useful in curbing the
a significant percentage of the population must be vaccinated to reach herd
But, as SMU's Vice Provost of Research Professor Archan Misra pointed out at an
AI-centered panel discussion, held in conjunction with the SMU- Global Young
Summit (GYSS) on 15 January 2021, from a purely self-interested point of view,
each person
would be best served if all the others got vaccinated and they themselves did
not have to
I think that this article is very useful,I would advice everybody to read it.
· #323
Gvozd to Kunitsky Artem KI-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:43)
Thank you for your active work, but try to post everything in time.
· #322
Gvozd to Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:40)
I appreciate your tasks, mind your grammar, please. Your debt contains only one review, is it all?
· #321
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:37)
To students from the group-KD-211. Good morning , everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Good luck !
· #320
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022)
Priority research areas - пріоритетні напрямки досліджень
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people. Одним
із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є вживання екстазі молоддю.
2) Practical problems - практичні завдання
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems. Узгоджуються
заходи щодо подолання цих практичних проблем.
3) Prevailing view - переважна точка зору
All must be willing to accept the prevailing view when there was a strong enough
majority. Усі повинні бути готові прийняти переважаючу точку зору, коли є
достатньо сильна більшість.
Today i have read the article "Bringing emerging transportation options to
underserved communities"
Researchers surveyed the program's participants to understand how they used the
Transportation Wallet and how it helped them use different modes to get around
Portland, OR. The goal was to identify which aspects of "new mobility" services
(e.g. Uber/Lyft, bike share and e-scooters) appeal to different underserved
groups. Drawing on the survey results, the researchers developed potential
strategies to expand the reach and value of these transportation services, and
consider how to implement more programs to realize these benefits.
Today i have read the artcile "Field study shows pollinators prefer saltier
nectar". A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the
U.S., has found adding sodium to floral nectar increased both visits by
pollinators and their diversity. In their paper published in the journal
"Biology Letters", the group describes how they added sodium to the nectar of
several plants and set them in a meadow and then watched how the local
pollinators reacted to them.The researchers suggest their findings indicate that
pollinators can be more highly drawn to plants that have elevated levels of
sodium—a finding that might become important as the numbers of pollinators drop
due to human activities, including climate change.
Exam topic #6 (motor vehicles)
The vehicle propulsion is provided by an engine or motor, usually an internal
combustion engine or an electric motor, or some combination of the two, such as
hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. For legal purpose, motor vehicles
are often identified within a number of vehicle classes including cars, buses,
motorcycles, off-road vehicles, light trucks and regular trucks. These
classifications vary according to the legal codes of each country. is the
standard for road vehicle types, terms and definitions. Generally, to avoid
requiring people with disabilities from having to possess an operator's license
to use one, or requiring tags and insurance, powered wheelchairs will be
specifically excluded by law from being considered motor vehicles.
· #319
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:24)
prevailing view - переважаючий погляд
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчення проблеми, пов'язаних із переважаючим поглядом на те, як металеві
органічні каркаси зберігають гази.
priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
The Substance Use Priority Research Area (SUPRA) has zero tolerance for racial
discrimination at the individual, institutional and structural levels.
Сфера пріоритетних досліджень використання речовин (SUPRA) має нульову
толерантність до расової дискримінації на індивідуальному, інституційному та
структурному рівнях.
practical problems - практичні проблеми
Today's early stage AI raises several other ethical and practical problems, too.
Сучасний ШІ на ранній стадії також викликає кілька інших етичних і практичних
Robots need a new philosophy to get a grip
Robots are a very dangerous and highly technological machine of the future. But
for it to work effectively, it is necessary to work out its artificial
intelligence to the smallest detail. For example, if a robot needs to bring you
a glass of water, then it must not only not break it, but also not spill the
contents and serve it conveniently for you. Or so that the robot does not
accidentally kill you when you asked him to give a sharp object. The robot must
understand what it is doing and for what purpose in order for its work to be
truly effective.
Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:
Hydrogen cars won't overtake electric vehicles because they're hampered by the
laws of science
Hydrogen may be the future of the automotive industry. It is a completely eco
fuel that is capable of producing almost zero carbon emissions. Such cars are
almost 10 times more environmentally friendly than electric cars. However, not
all so simple. Specifically, in the case of cars, hydrogen requires twice as
much energy as, for example, electric vehicles. But there are also pluses.
Today, hydrogen fuel refuels faster and travels farther than electricity.
Although, with the development of technology, electricity will still remain at
the top. The only possible use for hydrogen now is in large cars, where large
batteries can be a problem.
Comment on the article:
Wheeled and tracked vehicles
Tracks or wheels? At first glance, it may seem that the choice is obvious - for
ordinary people and for ordinary purposes, wheels are more suitable. However,
usage of tracked vehicles in military, rescue, agricultural and recreational
missions where terrain conditions are difficult or unpredictable is common. This
is because tracked vehicles perform better than wheeled vehicles due to the
larger contact area of tracks which provides better flotation and better
mobility over unprepared terrain. Hence, tracked vehicles are preferred choice
for autonomous off-road tasks.
What makes university students steer clear of self-driving cars?
Self-driving cars, slowly but surely, appear one after another. To find out why
the use of unmanned vehicles is still extremely low, an Australian university
conducted a survey. During the survey, it became clear that the greatest concern
is possible failures and malfunctions. But if you fix all sorts of problems, it
can fix the situation. And although it will take some getting used to, having
high-tech self-driving cars will make our daily lives much safer and easier. And
will also make cars much more accessible to people with disabilities and people
without a driver's license.
Comment on the article:
Five new EVs to wait for in 2021
This article is about the cars we will all drive someday, because they are more
environmentally friendly.
The first car is Chevrolet Bolt EUV. It looks ugly and performance not very
good. But it's also the cheapest in the list. Hyundai Ioniq 5 still not
impressive. Next is Rivian R1T, it's pickup truck accelerating to 100 kph in 3
seconds, and that's all you need to know. Audi E-TRON GT is my favorite. It
looks cool and going fast. And GMC Hummer EV have 1000 horsepower! It blows the
But I still like cars with gasoline engines more.
Comment on the article:
· #318
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:24)
practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems. Окрім
моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
priority research area
Across a broad range of disciplines and strengthen logistic and infrastructure
support for the priority research areas. У широкому діапазоні дисциплін та
посилення матеріально-технічної та інфраструктурної підтримки для пріоритетних
напрямків досліджень.
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species. Вивчення проблем
переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види.
The article that I have read is titled Black hole winds are no longer as they
used to be. The text was written by Italian National Institute for Astrophysics.
The main idea of this article is Quasars are among the brightest objects
observable in the early universe, but due to their distance, they are quite
faint in terms of observed magnitude. And this totally unexpected discovery, it
was made possible by the high-quality data from the Xshooter instrument.
In general this article is more interesting than helpful because this
information not so useful for regular people.
Exam topic #7 (Actuator)
An actuator is a component of a machine that is responsible for moving and
controlling a mechanism or system, for example by opening a valve. In simple
terms, it is a "mover".
An actuator requires a control signal and a source of energy. The control signal
is relatively low energy and may be electric voltage or current, pneumatic, or
hydraulic fluid pressure, or even human power. Its main energy source may be an
electric current, hydraulic pressure, or pneumatic pressure.
When it receives a control signal, an actuator responds by converting the
source's energy into mechanical motion.
· #317
Gvozd to Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:18)
Thank you for your tasks, they are quite correct but use definite article with the title - I have read THE article....
· #316
Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:13)
1.Предложение с фразами дня
1)priority research areas-пріоритетна дослідницька галузь.
Carrying out their projects in priority areas of scientific research.
Виконання своїх проектів за пріоритетними напрямками наукових досліджень
2)practical problems-практична проблема
The proposed amendment will not create costs or any other practical problems.
Запропонована поправка не створить витрат чи будь-яких інших практичних проблем
3)prevailing view-переважаючий погляд
The prevailing view was to delete the words.
Переважала думка про видалення слів.
2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Bringing AI into the real world".
The article says that the even before countries began rolling out their
vaccination campaigns,
Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca's announcements had already proved fortifying
Stocks rallied and healthcare workers celebrated in the wake of the vaccine news
late last year.
But months on, that early euphoria has evaporated, replaced by uncertainty and
debate over vaccine safety,
possible side effects and varying degrees of citizen reluctance.
I liked the article
3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Carbon-capturing material could help industry reduce emissions and costs".
The article says that the alberta's world renown in carbon capture and
sequestration is set
to receive another lift thanks to the promise of a material invented and tested
in the province that offers
an efficient way to pull carbon dioxide out of industrial emissions.
I liked the article because it will help improve the efficiency of industry
Exam topic #6(robot mechanical systems and complexes )
A robotic complex is a different type of machine tool systems that has one or
more technological equipment
in its composition in the presence of industrial robots in it.
The robotic complex consists of equipment within which the product moves piece
by piece.
The control system is developed to coordinate the following events: the behavior
of the robot during the direct transfer of workpieces between equipment, when
or more robots work together on one part or assembly, and also when two or more
industrial robots
of independent tasks.
· #315
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:54)
Dear students! It's high time to write your posts.
· #314
Gvozd to Velikov Vlad KI-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 06:55)
The reviews are rather interesting, but mind, please, that the article TELLS, not talks.
· #313
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 06:53)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #312
Velikov Vlad KI-211(Gvozd) (Monday, 16 May 2022 13:11)
Little is know about -Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on
Spectaculars that -The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more
volatile crypto-currencies
Overall goals -His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for
ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Today I have the article “Bitcoin ETFs: What are they and how to invest in
them?” This article talks about Why are Bitcoin ETFs becoming increasingly
Many people have been drawn to Bitcoin by its rapid rise in price since first
being introduced in 2009. While it's down more than 40 percent since its
November 2021 all-time high, Bitcoin is still up substantially since its debut.
Naturally, the increase in price has many people wondering how they can get in
on the action.
One aspect of buying and selling Bitcoin that may have held some people back is
the limited number of brokers that offer it and trading directly through a
crypto exchange can be complicated due to a variety of fees and new trading
platforms. In conclusion, I want to say that this article is very interesting
and useful, since bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies are our future, I recommend
it to everyone.
Today I have read the article “How the world's biggest dark web platform spreads
millions of items of child sex abuse material”
This article talks about that Child sexual abuse material is rampant online,
despite considerable efforts by big tech companies and governments to curb it.
And according to reports, it has only become more prevalent during the COVID-19
pandemic. This material is largely hosted on the anonymous part of the
internet—the "darknet"—where perpetrators can share it with little fear of
prosecution. Tor is by far the largest and presents the biggest conundrum. The
open-source network and browser grants users anonymity by encrypting their
information and letting them escape tracking by internet service providers.After
reading this article, which was informative for me, I concluded that our society
is still far from ideal, I recommend it for everyone to read.
· #311
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Saturday, 14 May 2022 10:28)
deserves special attention - заслуговує на особливу увагу
The proposal on imposing an arms embargo deserves special attention.
На особливу увагу заслуговує пропозиція про введення ембарго на постачання
2) de facto - факторний
Although not called Presidents, they were de facto heads of state.
Незважаючи на те, що їх за посадою не називалися президентами, фактично вони
були главами держави.
3) derived from - походить з
The information in this report is derived from the Spring 1993 LFS.
У доповіді наводиться інформація, взята з ОРС, проведеного навесні 1993 року.
· #310
Andrew Verdysh KI-212 (Savluk) (Saturday, 14 May 2022 10:26)
in a somewhat - в декілька/дещо
The idea was implemented, but under totally different conditions and in a
somewhat different form.
Ідея була реалізована, але в зовсім інших умовах і в дещо іншій формі.
2) in greater detail - більш детально
Could you describe it in greater detail?
Чи не могли б ви описати це докладніше?
3) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
Consequently, the rule should be made more flexible, but exceptions should be
clearly delimited in order to avoid abuse.
Отже, правило слід зробити більш гнучким, але винятки мають бути чітко
розмежовані, щоб уникнути зловживань.
· #309
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 23:04)
To Serdichenko Daria-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read , the Exam topic about "The Invention and Development of Operating Systems", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed co'rrect. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #308
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 21:50)
To Filimonova Yana-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day about "Apple Watch Series 7", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but the Exam topic is o'bligatory for independent student work and there is non.The task with the phrases of the day has been performed co'rrect. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #307
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 18:56)
To Anastasiia Klepatska-group-MD- 211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article you've read, the Exam topic about "Antivirus Programs", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online each week. Yours Sincerely.
· #306
Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 13 May 2022 18:50)
order to avoid
In order to avoid conflict, let's solve this problem now. Щоб уникнути
конфлікту, давайте зараз вирішимо цю проблему.
in a somewhat
Due to force majeure, the article was presented in a somewhat different form.
Через форс-мажорні обставини стаття була подана в дещо іншій формі.
in greater detail
Can you please tell me in greater detail about this device? Чи можете ви
розповісти мені детальніше про цей пристрій?
Apple Watch Series 7: Bigger is everything
We are all familiar with Apple, and many have their products. So, I came across
an article about the watches of this company.
Jason Perlow described his observations perfectly. He says that he already has a
watch of this company, namely the Apple Watch Series 6, and he likes everything.
However, a new version of the Series 7 has appeared, which is practically no
different from the previous version. But still there are small differences,
namely, a large screen, that is, much more information on the display, which is
more convenient to read, the brightness also increases in the idle position,
which is also very convenient. Well, just as a good charge and battery. In
conclusion, he said that he thinks that this watch would be more suitable for
older people. And I agree with this, because it will be more convenient for
· #305
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 17:26)
To Koval Veronika-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read , the Exam topic about "History of Kernel Development", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. Mind that each topic is to contain 100 words and not 160 as in your post. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed co'rrect. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #304
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 13 May 2022 16:12)
in a somewhat - в декілька/дещо
The idea was implemented, but under totally different conditions and in a
somewhat different form.
Ідея була реалізована, але в зовсім інших умовах і в дещо іншій формі.
2) in greater detail - більш детально
Could you describe it in greater detail?
Чи не могли б ви описати це докладніше?
3) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
Consequently, the rule should be made more flexible, but exceptions should be
clearly delimited in order to avoid abuse.
Отже, правило слід зробити більш гнучким, але винятки мають бути чітко
розмежовані, щоб уникнути зловживань.
Today I've read the article "Researchers isolate enzyme that prevents excessive
inflammatory cell death". It states that a new enzyme involved in cell death has
been discovered.
The discovery could lead to more effective treatments for a variety of
inflammatory diseases, tumours, and viruses. The findings may potentially aid in
the treatment of disorders such as psoriasis and Crohn's disease. The clearance
of the TNFR1 death complex is aided by an enzyme called tankyrase-1. The
researchers were able to demonstrate how some viruses can accidently activate
the death complex and cause cell death. Patients with inflammatory malignancies
may have greater therapeutic choices as a result of this discovery.
Exam topic "Antivirus programs"
Antivirus software was developed with the purpose of detecting and removing
computer viruses. Other computer risks, such as infected and malicious URLs, are
also protected by certain programmes.
Antivirus engines utilise a variety of techniques to detect malware. One of the
most recent approaches used in malware detection is data mining. The antivirus
engine analyses the contents of a file against its database of known malware
signatures to identify viruses and other malware.
The behaviour of a file is classified using data mining and machine learning
techniques based on a set of file attributes obtained from the file itself.
· #303
Zelinskiy(KI-212,Savluk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 15:39)
Topic:4.Technological processes in road transport
Motor transport is a type of transport that transports goods and passengers by
cars (trucks, cars, buses, tractors and trailers). It plays an unjustifiably
modest role in the freight and passenger transportation of Ukraine. Now, without
motor transport, many people would not be able to move to other countries or
cities. Motor transport transports the resources necessary for life and the
people themselves. This shows the benefits of this land transport. only rail
transport can be compared, but it has its drawbacks.
· #302
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 15:38)
Researchers from Aalto University, University of Birmingham and University of
Oslo present results paving the way for computers to learn psychologically
plausible models of individuals simply by observing them. In newly published
conference article, the researchers showed that just by observing how long a
user takes to click menu items, one can infer a model that reproduces similar
behavior and accurately estimates some characteristics of that user's visual
system, such as fixation durations.I think that this is an interesting
interaction of a computer with a person.
· #301
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 15:37)
Phrases of the day: greater detail - This excellent video and accompanying article published at
URTech.Ca covers the process in greater detail.Это отличное видео и
сопроводительная статья, опубликованные на URTech.Ca, раскрывают процесс более
подробно. order to avoid - Mountain lions fear humans and alter their behavior in
order to avoid areas with high housing density, where human activity is most
obvious.Горные львы боятся людей и меняют свое поведение, чтобы избегать районов
с высокой плотностью жилья, где деятельность человека наиболее очевидна. a somewhat - In the future, the computer will be able to understand humans
in a somewhat similar manner as humans understand each other.В будущем компьютер
сможет понимать людей примерно так же, как люди понимают друг друга.
· #300
Savluk A. (Friday, 13 May 2022 15:15)
Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212, I appreciate your answer, thank you! I suppose it is quite informative and useful.
· #299
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 13:49)
To Novitsky Yuri-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read, the Exam topic " Quality and Reliability of Software", the audio recording of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your summaries are too complicated to be conversational topics. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " privacy; consequences; demand; huge; ensuring their quality; construction etc." The sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian and "in a somewhat " is not the same as "several". Mind that your teacher's surname is Mikeshova. Continue to work online. Good luck!
· #298
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 13 May 2022 13:19)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #297
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:58)
To Ilya Volkov MD-211 just 83 points . Thanks.
· #296
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:54)
To Tanev Arseniy MD-211 just good, thank you. There are some minor mistakes in a sentence structure .
· #295
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:14)
To Merezhenko Nikita-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day about robots , the Exam topic about "The desktop and a laptop advantages, and desadvantages", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. Mind the pronunciation of separate words: " pro'cedure; im'portant; artificial;'cyber'netics; strength." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed co'rrect. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #294
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikishova G.P) (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:12)
in order yo avoid-во избежание
in order yo avoid problems with studies, you need to study every day and do your
Во избежание проблем с учёбой нужно ежедневно учиться и делать домашнее задание
2. in a somewhat-в несколько
The necessary information can be divided into several blocks so that it can be
easily perceived
Нужную информацию можно поделить в несколько блоков чтобы можно было легко её
3. in greater detail-более подробно
Many video tutorials on programming can be found on YouTube, but in books,
information about programming is described in more detail.
Много видео уроков по программированию можно найти на YouTube но в книгах
информация о программированию расписана более подробно
Mozilla said today that "no money is exchanged to route DNS requests to
Cloudflare" as part of the DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) feature that is being phased in
for Firefox users in the US.
Mozilla disclosed the fact that its Cloudflare partnership does not include a
financial incentive in a FAQ page posted today, shared with ZDNet by a Firefox
An FAQ page has been posted to help users understand how the DoH feature works.
In the coming days, Firefox users in the US will see the following pop-up asking
if they want to keep DoH enabled after Mozilla activates the feature in Firefox,
a source told us.
On Friday, I briefly covered another potential issue with Windows Update (my
ZDNet blog colleague Mary Jo Foley went into detail about this issue here and
here). Initial PC Research at PC Doc Headquarters
The general impression I get as someone who deals directly with the company is
that Microsoft thinks this is the right thing to do and anyone who makes a fuss
ends up being wrong.
Some people believe that hidden updates and the distribution of WGA to users
under the guise of a security update pave the way for all sorts of nasty and
restrictive DRM mechanisms to be introduced into the system.
Quality and reliability of software.
Software is everywhere! Consequently, our society is highly dependent on the
correctness and reliability of this software: we need methods to show that the
software always behaves as we expect, i.e. there are errors, and this does not
violate the security or privacy of its users. This is especially true given the
exponential demand and growth of software systems. The huge consequences of
their failures have made the issues of ensuring their quality, as well as
reliable and safe operation, more relevant than ever. But, despite this, good
quantitative methods for representing the reliability of software without
restrictions have not yet been developed. Various approaches can be used to
improve software reliability, but it is difficult to balance development time
and budget with software reliability
· #293
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:31)
1)in greater detail
We will examine this move in greater detail in a later article
Ми розглянемо цей крок більш детально в наступній статті
2)in a somewhat
The Bwindi census results were made publicly available in a somewhat unusual way
Результати перепису Бвінді були оприлюднені дещо незвичайним способом
3)In order to avoid
In order to avoid the Mediterranean region turning into a desert, expert forest
management is required.
Щоб середземноморський регіон не перетворився на пустелю, необхідне експертне
управління лісами.
I have just read an article says about Mediterranean forests, which will be one
of the most affected ecosystems in the near future as temperatures rise and rain
decreases. To prevent the Mediterranean region from becoming a desert, competent
forest management is required. Just such an idea of a decision to take up people
from the Mediterranean network. Their idea was to create a platform for dialogue
and action to improve forest management practices on both sides of the
Mediterranean, which should improve the forest ecosystem and reduce devastation.
I believe that such a decision should have been pleasant from the very
beginning, in order to avoid the threat of devastation.
I have just read an article that says about climate change due to human
activities. As scientists have noted, more than 99% of peer-reviewed scientific
papers say that climate change is mainly caused by people. In this study, the
researchers want to examine the literature published from 2013 to November 2020
to see if the consensus has changed. In the course of the study, scientists
still came to the conclusion that the results collected in 2013 may not be
entirely accurate, but they cannot deny that human influence on the climate has
increased from 2013 to 2020. I believe that something needs to be done about
this. because if everything continues at the same pace, then this will lead to
great consequences.
Exam topic: System programing as the activity of programming system software.
Systems programming involves the development of the individual pieces of
software that allow the entire system to function as a single unit. Systems
programming involves many layers such as the operating system (OS), firmware,
and the development environment. The lines between systems programming and
software programming have blurred in more recent years. The primary
distinguishing characteristic of systems programming when compared to
application programming is that application programming aims to produce software
which provides services to the user directly (e.g. word processor), whereas
systems programming aims to produce software and software platforms which
provide services to other software, are performance constrained, or both.
· #292
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:30)
in greater detail
Tell me this story in greater detail.
Розкажіть мені цю історію більш детально. order to avoid
In order to avoid conflict, I stopped talking to her.
Щоб уникнути конфлікту, я перестав з нею спілкуватися. a somewhat
She is in a somewhat difficult position because of her parents.
Через батьків вона перебуває в дещо скрутному становищі.
I have just read an article "Plants can camouflage odours to avoid being eaten:
study". Plants in rainforests are able to mask their chemical odors so insects
don't eat them, according to a new study. International researchers studied 28
insect species and 20 plant species in the tropical forest reserve. Chemical
odors emitted by nearly two dozen plant species were collected into silicone
tubes, which were then taken to a laboratory for analysis. All chemicals
produced by plants carry information that plays an important role in plant
chemical camouflage.
I have just read an article "Robot muscles 1,000 times stronger than humans".
Researchers have developed robotic "muscles" that are 1,000 times stronger than
human ones. Scientists have created muscles for robots using a material called
vanadium oxide. The material becomes stronger when heated, so the researchers
add an electric current or simply heat it. A muscled robot can throw objects 50
times its own weight over five times its length in milliseconds. Several muscles
can be combined for added function and strength, much like the human
neuromuscular system.
The invention and development of operating systems.
Today we cannot imagine our life without gadgets. Now we don't have to spend a
lot of time searching for information or talking to people who are far away.
Many people do not think about what it takes to operate these devices. The
necessary thing for operating phones and computers is operating system. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. GM-HAA was the first operating system for computers. It was created
in 1955 by Robert Patrick. Windows is by far the most popular operating system.
· #291
Koval Veronika MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:22)
In a somewhat — в деякому.
In a somewhat reason the things society is going through now we had been already
experiencing decades ago.
В деякому сенсі, те, що суспільство переживає зараз, воно вже пережило
десятиріччя тому.
2. In greater detail — в більших деталях.
To gain a better understanding in a greater detail, I offer you to listen up the
report of our guest.
Щоб краще розібратися в деталях, пропоную послухати доповідь нашого гостя.
3. In order to avoid — задля попередження.
In order to avoid misunderstanding you two should have talked to each other,
other than making all this drama.
Щоб уникнути непорозумінь, вам обом треба було просто поговорити, а не
влаштовувати увесь цей спектакль.
The article reports about recent researches scientists did while studying the
"information arms race" between plants and plant-eating herbivores. All the
chemicals produced by plants carry information which has an important role in
chemically camouflaging plants in a complex plant community. In other words,
plants want to avoid being located and eaten so do their best to smell like
other plants. This study obviously would help scientists better understand how
information is passed between different species in the food chain, such as
carnivores and insect-eating herbivores — potentially paving the way for future
The theory of superstrings' essence is that our world consists of more than
three (someone could even say four) dimensions. The article describes them all.
Beginning from time, which is marked as the fourth dimension, each following
annotation is getting more and more complicated. All ends on the figure of ten
and that dimension is basically known as the point we, people, could never
imagine or see. It is kind of crazy to think about that there are so many things
that even the smartest of us can not understand.
Exam topic #7. History of kernel development.
Along with Windows and iOS, the Linux operating system is by far one of the most
common and demanded on the market. Where did it all start? In August 1991, Linus
Torvalds wrote to the "Minix" newsfeed that he was developing a free operating
system and wanted feedback from interested people. In September, Linus published
version 0.01. Particularly sentimental guys have developed images for Qemu, in
which the first versions of the kernel were launched and you could even call
outdated ls commands without helps and other delights of modern Unix commands.
Interest in the project immediately arose, and with the joint efforts of Linus
and the community, the linux-kernel began to develop. After 3 years in 1994, the
first version was released. The kernel was originally designed to be monolithic
and portable to different processor architectures. Actually, because of the
architecture, in 1992, in the Minix discussion group, a dispute "monolith-kernel
vs micro-kernel" broke out between Linus Torvalds and Andrew Tanenbaum. The main
message of the dispute was that the monolithic kernel was already obsolete in
1992, and the future belongs to microkernels, but as history has shown, even 28
years later, the monolithic kernel is still alive and continues to develop.
· #290
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:21)
Phrases of the day :
1. In greater detail - більш детально.
I think that NFT and the blockchain will be very useful in greater detail at the
Я вважаю, що на даний момент буде дуже корисно більш детально розглянуто NFT та
2. In a somewhat - дещо.
Previous research had identified the earliest cemeteries in the region in a
somewhat later period.
Попередні дослідження визначили найдавніші кладовища в регіоні дещо пізнішого
3. In order to avoid - щоб уникнути.
Mountain lions fear humans and alter their behavior in order to avoid areas with
high housing density, where human activity is most obvious.
Гірські леви бояться людей і змінюють свою поведінку, щоб уникнути районів з
високою щільністю проживання, де людська діяльність найбільш очевидна.
I've just read the article "A guide to NFTs: What are they, and why did someone
spend $69 million for one?". An NFT is a piece of data that verifies you
maintain ownership of a digital item, from a piece of artwork to a clip of a
game-winning shot in an NBA game, a tweet and many other things. NFT is a new
way of earning for creative people. For example, artist Beeple sold a work of
art for over $69 million, the third highest price for a living artist. According
to the researchers, one of the future applications of NFTs is the ability to use
them to track the ownership of land in a token, which will make life easier for
all people, not just creative individuals. But despite the many priorities,
there are also disadvantages, the main one is the possibility of losing the
password from your NFT. Also, the password can be stolen and your NFTs sold
without your permission.
History of computer software
Software is designed to give the device on which it is installed a meaningful
look and understandable interface. When computers were created, they contained a
series of program tables and were controlled using a set of commands. In the
beginning, computers were mainly used for mathematical calculations of high
complexity. But with the development of software, access to computers was opened
up for more and more people. The first software also contained a table with
lists and a set of commands. The software that humans used was much simpler and
did not solve many problems. Now our computer software is almost omnipotent, we
can run any application, and developing software for devices is comparable in
complexity to developing the design of an aircraft.
· #289
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:56)
in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
Some irrigation districts began warning earlier this month that water users must
reduce water usage in order to avoid early irrigation shutoffs.
Деякі іригаційні райони почали попереджати раніше цього місяця, що
водокористувачі повинні скоротити споживання води, щоб уникнути передчасного
відключення зрошення.
2) in greater detail - більш детально
The photos below show the issue in greater detail.
На фото нижче проблема показана більш детально.
3) in a somewhat - в декілька
In a somewhat paradoxical finding, the team also observed an increase in
proteins that inhibit the activity of protein-degrading enzymes.
У декілька парадоксальному відкритті команда також спостерігала збільшення
білків, які пригнічують активність ферментів, що розщеплюють білок.
After reading this article, I learned how bad things can be with drinking water
in other parts of the earth.
The Idaho Department of Water Resources on Friday issued an emergency drought
declaration for all but 10 of the state's 44 counties.
This drought is now in its second year and was exacerbated by the very hot
summer of 2021.
Some irrigation districts have asked water users to reduce their water
consumption, otherwise the cultivation of the fields will not be possible.
I hope that the key to solving this problem will be found as soon as possible
and people will be able to live a comfortable life again.
· #288
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:47)
To Rodion Zhan KA-211 You wrote the comment to the same article as Shurshanov Artem. Be more attentive.
· #287
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:46)
1)in a somewhat(дещо)
I am in a somewhat difficult position.
Я в дещо скрутному становищі.
2)in order to avoid(in order to avoid)
We hope that these procedures will be followed quickly in order to avoid any
undue delay on this important issue.
Ми сподіваємося, що ці процедури будуть дотримані швидко, щоб уникнути будь-яких
невиправданих затримок щодо цього важливого питання.
3)in greater detail(більш детально)
These issues could have been addressed by the report with more clarity and in
greater detail.
Ці питання можна було б розглянути у звіті з більшою ясністю та більш детально.
I have read an article "Robot muscles 1,000 times stronger than humans".
This study describes the strength of artificial muscles, which are many times
superior to human muscles. Thanks to this kind of research, we can achieve
breakthroughs in robotics and cybernetics. These muscles will replace lost human
limbs in time and brand new cars built on this technology will work in the
factories. I want to conclude that due to these researches we will be able to
pass to the new stage of mankind evolution.
Exam topic #4
A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
For first,desktop computers have more power and more features. Desktop computers
are easier, and less expensive, to upgrade. Desktop computers are generally less
expensive overall and offer a better overall value. Desktop computers have a
more comfortable keyboard and a much easier to use mouse.But,laptop computers
are highly portable and allow you to use your computer almost anywhere. If you
are an international student, a laptop computer will be much easier to transport
from home to school and back again.Laptop computers take up less room on a desk
or table and can.In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone chooses the
device that suits their lifestyle and work
· #286
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:44)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Use present perfect in the first sentence. And what is the problem with the phrase " in a somewhat "?
· #285
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:33)
To Anna Belous-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day , the Exam topic about "The desktop and a laptop advantages, and desadvantages", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. Mind the pronunciation of separate words: " 'manu'facturers; hy'pothesis." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed co'rrect. Keep on working online. All the best !
· #284
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:32)
Today I read an article about must bounce: some spiders eject after sex to avoid
death. Sometimes there are pretty valid reasons for leaving right after sex.
A team of Chinese scientists has discovered that male orb-weaving spiders fling
themselves away from their partners—pulling 20 Gs of acceleration in order to
avoid being killed and eaten by females. Of 155 successful matings, they found
152 ended with the male catapulting and thus surviving the encounter.
2)*in order to avoid - Во избежание
we will have to resort to extreme measures to avoid dire consequences - нам
придется прибегнуть к крайним мерам, чтобы избежать жутких последствий
**in greater detail - Более подробно
Today I will tell you superficially about production, and you can learn more
from my colleague - Сегодня я вам расскажу поверхностно о производстве, а более
подробно вы можете узнать у моего колеги
***in a somewhat - в несколько
· #283
Rodion Zhan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:28)
Today i have read the article “Development of quality certification programs
after the COVID-19 pandemic”
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to serious disruption to production
facilities and led to the upending of normal quality engineering and technology
programs. In the aftermath of the pandemic, there will be a pressing need to
redress this problem.
Now is the time to develop new approaches to ensure that we retrieve the
pre-COVID quality levels. This article can be really helpful not only for
scientists and also for ordinary people. Because this development can help the
whole world.
Phrases of the day
1) in order to avoid
In order to avoid the Mediterranean region turning into a desert, expert forest
management is required.
Щоб середземноморський регіон не перетворився на пустелю, необхідне експертне
управління лісами.
2)in greater detail
In this graph, the rate of temperature change in the world is shown in greater
На цьому графіку швидкість зміни температури у світі показана більш детально.
3) in a somewhat
In a somewhat unique approach, Berman is seeking to get his clients their money
back under California laws.
У певній мірі унікальним підходом Берман прагне повернути гроші своїм клієнтам
відповідно до законів Каліфорнії.
· #282
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 13 May 2022 09:09)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Thank you for your comment and work with phrases. It's quite all right.
· #281
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 13 May 2022)
2. Today i have read the article “Development of quality certification programs
after the COVID-19 pandemic”
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has led to serious disruption to production
facilities and led to the upending of normal quality engineering and technology
programs. In the aftermath of the pandemic, there will be a pressing need to
redress this problem.
Now is the time to develop new approaches to ensure that we retrieve the
pre-COVID quality levels. This article can be really helpful not only for
scientists and also for ordinary people. Because this development can help the
whole world. I enjoy this article a lot.
3. Phrases;
1. in order to avoid - чтобы избежать
Mountain lions fear humans and alter their behavior in order to avoid areas with
high housing density - Горные львы боятся людей и меняют свое поведение, чтобы
избегать районов с высокой плотностью жилья.
2. in a somewhat - в несколько
The scientists believe this was partially due to the Wyoming mine being located
in a somewhat protected pit. - Ученые считают, что частично это произошло из-за
того, что шахта в Вайоминге находилась в несколько защищенной яме.
3. in greater detail - более подробно
The photos below show the issue in greater detail. - На фотографиях ниже
проблема показана более подробно.
· #280
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 13 May 2022 08:39)
To students from the group-MD-211. Good morning , everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Good luck !
· #279
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 13 May 2022 08:36)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #278
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 13 May 2022 08:35)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Well done, thank you.
· #277
Anna Belous MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 13 May 2022 08:16)
In greater detail
In greater detail we will discuss this topic in our classroom tomorrow.
Більш детально ми обговоримо цю тему завтра в нашому класі.
2. In order to avoid
It was important to stay strong in discussion in order to avoid loss.
Важливо було залишатися сильним у дискусії, щоб уникнути програшу.
3. In a somewhat
I am not in a somewhat difficult position now, because I earned money yesterday.
Я зараз не в дещо скрутному становищі, бо вчора заробив гроші.
I have just read an article "How are planets formed?". The leading theory is
known as the "protoplanet hypothesis", which essentially says that very small
objects stuck to each other and grew bigger and bigger—big enough to even form
the gas giants, such as Jupiter.The Sun was a hungry youngster—it ate up 99% of
what was swirling around, NASA says—but this still left 1% of the disc available
for other things. And this is where planet formation began.The Solar System was
a really messy place at this time, with gas and dust and debris floating around.
But planet formation appears to have happened relatively rapidly.
To conclude, some scientists believe it was because the gas giants were moving
around and perturbing smaller bodies at the fringe of the Solar System.
Exam topic #4
The desktop and a laptop advantages and disadvantages
Every modern technological product excels in some important aspects while
falling short in others. The same is true of laptops, which have both virtues
and limitations. So, before you go out and buy any of your favorite laptop
models on the market, you should familiarize yourself with their distinct
features and restrictions.
Despite the fact that desktop computers have lost favor in recent years,
manufacturers continue to make them year after year.
To conclude, laptop and desktop each have pros and cons. Personally I choose
laptop, because of it portability.
· #276
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 13 May 2022 08:02)
Today I have read the article named: "Euclid telescope ready for extreme space
environment". The Euclid telescope has successfully passed the tests, which
revealed that it can work in space conditions. Euclid will study dark energy and
dark matter. Whilst these cannot be seen directly by any telescope, their
presence and influence can be inferred by observing the large scale distribution
of galaxies in the universe. Euclid will image billions of galaxies with
unprecedented accuracy out to a distance of ten billion light-years. These
measurements will enable astronomers to improve their understanding of the
expansion history of the universe and the growth rate of cosmic structures.
url -
voice -
1) in greater detail - більш детально
In the next section, we will consider the linkages between surveys and big data
sources in greater detail. - У наступному розділі ми розглянемо зв'язки між
опитуваннями та великими джерелами даних більш детально.
2) in a somewhat - дещо
I am in a somewhat difficult position. - Я в дещо скрутному становищі.
3) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
That is our planet is still doomed, but from people hide this information in
order to avoid panic. - Тобто наша планета однаково приречена, але від людей цю
інформацію приховують, щоб уникнути паніки.
· #275
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 12 May 2022 16:44)
Ditkovskaya S.,
Nikolova S.,
Botsman K.,
Genova K.
Thank you for your active participation and hard work, girls, well done! Your
comments are informative and the other tasks are done properly. Keep working
this way, good luck.
· #274
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 12 May 2022 16:30)
To Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211. I've checked your comments, the task with the phrases and the exam topic, Artem, thanks. But though the comments are informative enough, there are a lot of grammar mistakes in all of them: it is the wrong use of articles a/the, the use of "to be", etc. Pls work harder and check your tasks before posting them in the guestbook.
· #273
· Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:43)
I have read the article “New tool gives researchers a better look at online
anonymous marketplaces”.
In a study presented at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Tai
teamed up with two other researchers to develop an algorithm that is able to
detect when seemingly disparate accounts belong to the same seller. The team
tested their algorithm on eight years' worth of data collected from a dozen
online anonymous marketplaces. Their algorithm detected over 20,000 accounts
belonging to roughly 15,000 individual sellers.
This article will be useful for people, who are engaged in cyber safety.
1) Described above
The obstacles described above undermine efforts to combat impunity.
2) Grouped into
The most critical risks identified can be grouped into three categories.
3) Identify the areas
The workshop will help policymakers identify the areas where men and women have
different needs in their countries.
Evolution of the operating system.
The operating system is part of the most important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
The computer is known to have been invented by the English mathematician Charles
Babbage in the late eighteenth century. From the mid-1950s began a new period of
development of computer technology, associated with the emergence of a new
technical base. Second-generation computers have become more reliable. In the
third period of time in the technical base there was a transition from
individual semiconductors such as transistors to integrated circuits. The fourth
period, the computer became accessible to man, and the era of personal
· #272
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:06)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: biodiversity, microtransactions, results, violate. Go on working.
· #271
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:05)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the second sentence of your first review. Go on working.
· #270
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:01)
To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. I'm waiting for your exam topics. Go on working.
· #269
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:44)
I read the article "Scientists have identified the world's most irreplaceable
protected areas." The article says that a new scientific study has identified
the most important protected areas for preventing the extinction of mammals,
birds and amphibians in the world. As a result of international collaboration,
this analysis provides practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness
of protected areas in conserving global biodiversity. Many of these
irreplaceable areas have already been designated “Outstanding Universal Value”
under the UNESCO World Heritage Convention.
I believe that protected areas can only fulfill their role in reducing
biodiversity loss if they are effectively managed.
· #268
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:36)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the first and last sentences (the article 'an' is not used with plurals). Go on working.
· #267
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:30)
1. The actions described above will find reflection, in due course, in the
structure and content of the regular budget of the Organization.
Описані вище дії знайдуть своє відображення в структурі та змісті регулярного
бюджету Організації.
2.By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly
grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens.
Використовуючи переваги технології блокчейн, цифрові активи широко групуються на
взаємозамінні та незмінні токени.
3.The first logical step is to identify the areas of greatest difficulty.
I read the article "'Very clever tactic': we asked gamers how they feel about
monetization in digital games." The article states that over 40% of the world's
population plays video games. But besides being entertaining, digital games are
also a product. The need to receive money from players is an integral part of
game design. A popular method of monetizing games is microtransactions. These
are recurring in-game purchases with no limits, such as additional content or
ways to make it easier to progress in the game.
I believe that many types of microtransactions in digital games may violate
consumer protection regulations.
· #266
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:30)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: area, autism, increase, identify. Keep on working.
· #265
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:29)
1. Identify the areas that should be addressed in an intervention based on his
or her developmental stage.
2. They were grouped into three geographic regions.
3. Furthermore, that solution requires the significant amount of additional aid
described above.
Крім того, це рішення вимагає значної додаткової допомоги, описаної вище.
I’ve read an article about introduction robotics in people’s workplaces.
This article reports that robotics more and more being implemented in our daily
lives. It affects on workplaces and mainly economic. But there is the
relationship between demographic change (aging) and the quantity of robotics.
That’s why in Japan, Germany and South Korea the number of robot usage is the
largest. Also robots help us to make easily our everyday tasks for comfortable
In conclusion, the main idea of an article is researching more about effects of
robots on workforce and improving economics in countries.
I’ve read an article about algorithms that gives bicyclists the “green wave” at
traffic signals.
This article reports that research effort introduces machine-learning algorithms
to work with their mobile app. Developed and tested in earlier phases of the
project, the app allows cyclists to passively communicate with traffic signals
along a busy bike corridor. Researchers hope to eventually make their app
available in other cities. The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and
more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections. I think that all
countries need this to ensure traffic safety.
In conclusion, more cities must use modern technologies to prevent traffic
· #264
Buyanova E MD 212 (T. Sirotenko) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:23)
grouped into
The children were grouped into age.
Діти були згруповані за віком.
identify areas
She tried to identify areas fairs.
described above
Prepare the candle mold as described above.
I have read the article about How food choices can help the planet.
What we choose to eat is observed in the climate and environment. The choice of
vegetable use on the planet, can reduce the coverage of representatives of the
gas group by up to 73 percent . Many people are transitioning to a vegan or
plant-based diet. Appeared in stores a lot more vegan products than before. You
can find sausages and dairy products of plant origin, but even these are not
always harmless to our planet and therefore it is worth taking a closer look at
what we eat.
Today I have read the article “Welcome back to the theatre, Sydney". After such
a long renovation, the theatre finally opens its doors in December. The Royal
Theatre is a symbol of Sydney. The latter version was a mixture of
entertainment, including drama, musicals, and comedy. After closing, a lot of
people got upset because it was so important to them. Now the Royal Theatre is
ready to open its doors again, welcoming visitors with open arms. The intention
of the rediscovery was to restore some of his original fame, said the creator
· #263
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:22)
To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. They are quite all right. Keep on working.
· #262
C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:16)
1. described above
Another group got the treatment described above, but also got the placebo.
Інша група отримувала лікування, описане вище, але також приймала плацебо.
2. grouped into
Sources of surface water pollution are generally grouped into two categories
based on their origin.
Джерела забруднення поверхневих вод зазвичай поділяються на дві категорії
залежно від їхнього походження.
3. identify the areas
He said that students need to identify the area of his or her interest to pursue
as career.
сказав, що студенти повинні визначити сферу своїх інтересів, щоб продовжити
I have read an article about a real spy glasses.
The Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses were presented by Mark Zuckerperk's Facebook
company. The device is equipped with 5 megapixel cameras, microphones and
dynamics, can be controlled using Facebook Assistant or a button on the frame to
start recording. Neat work allows to shoot videos up to 40 seconds long, as well
as take pictures. Different types of lenses are available, for people with poor
vision and with sun protection.
Personally, I think that a new smart glasses can give us life without screens,
we can be in touch and see the world around.
· #261
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:14)
I read an article about cats adopted by families with autistic children. The
researchers found that cats adapted well to new families and became less
stressed over time.
Research has also shown that pets can help reduce stress and anxiety in children
with autism. These children may have sensitivity issues and problematic
behaviors, and because of these concerns, proven foster cats may increase the
likelihood of long-term marriage for the baby and the cat.
I think this is a good study because people will not be afraid to adopt cats,
even if they have children with autism.
· #260
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:11)
1)The most critical risks identified can be grouped into three categories.
Найбільш важливі ризики, які були виявлені, можна поєднати у три категорії.
2)Changes during the reporting period have been described above.
Інформацію про зміни, що мали місце за звітний період, викладено вище.
3)It was important to identify the areas of cooperation and then concentrate on
Важливо виявити сфери співробітництва, а потім зосередити на них увагу.
I read an article on Mediterranean turtles. Statistics showed that the number of
turtle nests increased by 162%. Turtle hunting is prohibited throughout the
Mediterranean. This allowed the turtles to recover, but the sea still needs
protection. Because the problem with sea animals is very big. The turtles' diet
allows them to live in certain protected habitats.
Marine protected areas for turtles have been established.
Unfortunately, despite the recovery, turtles are estimated at only 3400
individuals, I think this is very small, and this global problem should be given
more attention.
· #259
Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:07)
1)We need to identify the areas of study for its accuracy -
2)Based on the data described above, we can make the calculations -
3)The article is grouped into eight paragraphs -
I have just read the article 'Improving computational cost of the
bicycle-sharing problem'. Bike-sharing is a popular way to avoid emissions and
get to your destination quickly. But from time to time bicycles need to be
restored in special ports. It takes a lot of resources to calculate for correct
recovery, but scientists have been able to improve this system. To do this, they
reduced the amount of unnecessary calculations and used more suitable programs
for this. I hope this can improve and expand bike sharing. So people will
pollute the atmosphere less.
· #258
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:04)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right. Go on working.
· #257
Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:00)
1 identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas where animals can live
2 grouped into
The most critical risks can be grouped into three categories
3 described above
All measures described above are going to be done
Today I have read an article " World's first, satellite-based monitoring system
goes global to help save coral reefs" .Researchers sure that coral reefs are
going to extinct by 2050 . Due to that new system was invented. This system can
help researchers to get information about coral's condition and monitor it. This
information may be helpful for people to prevent coral reefs from stress
In my opinion, It is going to be next step for people to help the environment
and improve the ecology because there are a lot of problems which should be
solved and coral reefs are going to be a first one
Exam topic(What is Word processing )
Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer.
It allows a user to create documents that mimic the format and style of a
typical typewriter.
Word processing is one of the earliest and most commonly used types of computer
Even today, word processors reflect their history as digital typewriters. They
display a sheet of paper on the screen, which captures user input from the
keyboard. The user can select different font styles, sizes, colors and many
different customizations. And moreover the digital variety is much faster and
more flexible.
· #256
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:49)
1) identify the areas
Need to identify the areas for planting trees.
2) grouped into
I would like to offer my thoughts, grouped into ten points.
хотів би запропонувати вашій увазі мої відповіді, згруповані у десять пунктів).
3) described above
Both yield the same result described above.
I read an article about an invention - a laser that will help get rid of space
Space debris is a big problem for humanity. But thanks to new technologies that
allow us to see objects in the night sky more clearly, thereby increasing the
success in solving this problem. The new laser, installed on the telescope, is
able to determine accurate dimensions and safely remove space debris from orbit.
They also want to use this device to provide high-speed communications.
Summing up, I want to say that the development and creation of new technologies
makes our life better.
Today I read an article about developing a new technology to clearly see objects
through murky water.
The device can be useful for finding archaeological artifacts and exploring
underwater depths. This device makes the image clearer, conveying everything to
the smallest detail. But the further development of this device will not stop
there. The inventors want to test it in the ocean, increasing the distance from
the image for a more detailed study of the depths of the ocean.
Summing up, I want to say that thanks to such technologies we are not only
improving, but also gaining new knowledge.
Exam topic #5 (What do we need the operating system for?)
The operating system is a set of programs for managing computer resources and
user interaction. The most famous operating systems today are: Microsoft
Windows, Linux, MacOS. The Windows license allows us to run several applications
and switch between them while working, and also has wide functionality
opportunities. Company Apple on computers uses various versions of the MacOS
operating system, has a clear and user-friendly interface. Summing up, I want to
say that OS is the brain and heart of the computer, without it the computer is
useless, it's just hardware, we won't be able to log into the system, in the
bring changes, manage the computer.
· #255
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:40)
I have read the article "Do personality traits and social norms impact the
gender pay gap?".
This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider the topic of inequality is very relevant in our time. Ever since the
20th century, people have understood that we have to work for equality. And in
all this time this activity has achieved great success. Women now have as many
rights as men. But why in nearly a century and a half have many topics still not
been brought to perfection? The article talks about the problem of unequal
wages. Is there really such a thing in our modern world? Unfortunately, yes.
I want to conclude that we still have a lot of work to do on equality issues.
· #254
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:39)
identify the areas -
1. The results could help identify suitable areas for protection, according to
the researchers.
identify suitable areas pro protection,
2. The team used special radar technology and analysis tools to detect changes
in the land and identify the exact areas where land subsidence —a common effect
of sinkholes—is occurring.
grouped into -
1. Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster.
Згадується як часткова синхронізація, він виникає таким чином, що системи можуть
бути згруповані в кластери таким чином, що синхронність спостерігається лише в
кожному кластері.
2. By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly
grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT).
described above -
1. It would take a particular nautical luddite to condemn a practitioner's
abandonment of the vessels described above in pursuit of a better life.
Знадобиться особливий морський лудит, щоб засудити практику відмову від суден,
описаних вище, у гонитві за кращим життям.
2. Please note that the options described above can only be changed via the
desktop client.
Зверніть увагу, що описані вище параметри можна змінити лише через клієнт
настільного комп’ютера.
I have read the article "Smallest earthquakes ever detected in micron-scale
metals". This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
It's about the complex intermittent redistribution of lattice dislocations due
to external loading, which is also the reason for the formation of an uneven
stepped surface. There are experiments on the compression of such single-crystal
zinc micropillars in a scanning electron microscope confirmed that these
so-called acoustic signals do indeed occur during strain bursts, so this
experiment allowed us to practically hear the “sound of dislocations” for the
first time.
I want to conclude that the most surprising result of the experiments is that
this process, despite the fundamental differences in the mechanisms of
deformation of metals and tectonic plates, turned out to be completely similar
to earthquakes.
History of programming
The computer's history was started from a very long time ago about 200 years
which at the birth of the abacus that made by wooden rack holding two horizontal
wire beads string on them. The abacus made an idea for created a computer.
Blaise Pascal was the one the credit for building the first digital computer. He
invented the numerical wheel calculator that adds entered with dials to help his
father with his duties. In 1671, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented a
computer that had a special step system gear mechanism for the addend digit, and
it was build in the 1694. When Thomas of Colmas created the first successful
mechanical calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
Digital computer was started by John P. Eckert, John W. Manchly and their
associates at Moore School of Electrical in Pennsylvania build a high-speed
computer to do the job. The machine called ENIAC. It used the electronic power,
vacuum tube and a lot more to build the ENIAC which was commonly accepted as
first successful high speed electronic digital computer. The modern stored
program EDC became essential for future generation of high-speed digital
computer. The stored program involves many features of computer design and
· #253
Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:34)
described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible
grouped into
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas
I have read the article about a comprehensive study of technological change.New
research from MIT aims to assist in the prediction of technology performance
improvement using U.S. patents as a dataset.The major purpose of this new study
is to provide predictions of the performance improvement rates for the thousands
of domains not accessed by empirical measurement.Their method provides
predictions of performance improvement rates for nearly all definable
technologies for the first time.I think this article is very useful because
Technologies that improve faster win the market and this search system enables
technology managers, investors, policymakers to quickly look up predictions of
improvement rates for specific technologies.
History of kernel development
I have read the information about the history of kernel development.Strictly
speaking,an operating system is not required to run a computer.Programs can be
directly loaded and executed on the "bare metal" machine, provided that the
authors of those programs are willing to work without any hardware abstraction
or operating system support.Eventually,small ancillary programs were left in
memory between runs.As these were developed, they formed the basis of what
became early operating system kernels.In 1969,the RC 4000 Multiprogramming
System introduced the system design philosophy of a small nucleus "upon which
operating systems for different purposes could be built in an orderly
manner"what would be called the microkernel approach.
· #252
Botsman MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:25)
History of kernel development
We often hear about some kind of processor core. But many people think that it
looks like a ball inside your device, like inside our planet. But everything is
a little more complicated.
The core is something ephemeral, not literal. The core is not in the middle of
nowhere. We can say that it is simply the main part of any operating system. The
kernel is like the brain of your computer, and the operating system is its arms
and legs. Therefore, the history of the development of kernels coincides with
the history of the creation of operating systems.
Summing up, we can say that people often do not even realize that the kernel is
just a part of the OS.
· #251
Botsman MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:24)
I've read the article "Scientists show how fast algorithms are improving across
a broad range of examples" by Rachel Gordon, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. It tells us about the role of algorithms in the computer systems.
Algorithms instruct the computer on how to interpret data so that it may be
turned into something valuable. The less work the computer needs to do, the more
efficient the algorithm is. Also, the algorithms are improving, which means less
processing power will be required.
my mind this topic is really interesting and the theme of it is quite important
for the computers’ development.
· #250
Botsman MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:24)
From this perspective -
this perspective, we have integrated quantum computer in our strategy.
цієї точки зору ми інтегрували квантовий комп’ютер у нашу стратегію.
agreement on -
is no general agreement on which system will turn out to be the best.
its own sake -
many people are not very curious and don't enjoy learning for its own sake.
Однак багато людей не дуже допитливі і не люблять навчання заради нього самого.
I have read the article “Largest virtual universe free for anyone to explore”
and I have a couple of words.
Scientists made the hugest simulation of universe using computer. This
simulation can be downloaded by anybody. “Uchoo” will help scientists to
understand the history of a real cosmos using a large database.
In my opinion, this research is really interesting and useful due to its
uniqueness. I think this will really help in the study of space, since the
simulation is very accurate. Thus, many calculations can be done right there,
because space is very predictable.
· #249
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:21)
To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, audio files and sentences with the phrases. Look through the last sentences once more. Keep on working.
· #248
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 2 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:17)
Device drivers
Device drivers are computer applications that facilitate interaction between
user programs and hardware devices. Drivers communicate with hardware components
through the computer communication bus or computer subsystems to which the
hardware devices are connected. The user application initiates a request to the
driver; which in turn passes the request to the connected component in a
synchronized format. Once the hardware responds with data, the driver responds
to the user program with the retrieved data.
In computing, device drivers are computer programs designed to operate or
control peripheral devices connected to a computer. Drivers provide an interface
through which computer programs can access hardware devices and use their
functions without even knowing the details of the hardware. Device drivers are
developed to make hardware components run smoothly and work with multiple
operating systems.
The user application initiates a request to the driver; which in turn passes the
request to the connected component in a synchronized format. Once the hardware
responds with data, the driver responds to the user program with the retrieved
data. Drivers can interface with laser printers, graphics adapters, system
cards, voice cards, buses of varying functionality, low-bandwidth input/output
channels, storage utilities such as hard drives, image viewers, and modern
cameras. functions. The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is a vital kernel disk
designed to power the computer when it is turned on. The BIOS driver resides on
the motherboard and loads the basic hardware, including memory drives, output
graphics card, pointer, and keyboard. Motherboard drivers are installed in the
operating system to support video and audio functions and allow you to perform
basic computer operations. Motherboard drivers include software that allows the
mouse and keyboard to use USB ports, broadband ports, and I/O ports.
· #247
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 1 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:16)
Identify the areas
The workshop will help policymakers identify the areas where men and women have
different needs in their countries.
Described above
The obstacles described above undermine efforts to combat impunity.
Grouped into
The most critical risks identified can be grouped into three categories.
A reconfigurable robotic system for cleaning and maintenance
I just read an article about a reconfigurable cleaning and maintenance robotic
system. It talks about robots or other systems that can adapt their state,
configuration or morphology to perform various tasks more efficiently. In recent
years, computer scientists around the world have developed new autonomous and
reconfigurable systems for a variety of applications including surveillance,
cleaning, maintenance, and search and rescue.
Researchers at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) have
recently developed a new reconfigurable robot that can help people clean and
maintain. This system, presented in an article published in the Journal of
Mechanical Design, is based on a heuristic approach that could eventually also
be used to create other reconfigurable robots. The first goal of the work was to
develop a new heuristic approach that could be used to develop reconfigurable
robotic systems. The heuristic approach developed by them consists of three
levels, namely: input, output and formulating layers. While the three layers are
common to most if not all design processes, the components the team has included
in the output layers are specifically tailored to support the transformation of
reconfigurable systems.
The robotic system is capable of omnidirectional locomotion, which essentially
means that it can move in all directions in its environment. This ability is
provided by four independent steering and movement components that allow the
robot to make tight turns while cleaning and cover large surface areas. In the
future, the robotic system developed by this group of researchers will be put
into practice to automate cleaning and maintenance tasks. In addition, the
heuristic approach and underlying architecture can be used to create other
reconfigurable systems, including autonomous vehicles or robots for other
Using graph neural networks to measure the spatial homogeneity of road networks
I just read an article about using graph neural networks to measure the spatial
homogeneity of road networks. Researchers from Purdue University and Peking
University recently conducted a study aimed at better understanding road
networks in cities around the world using machine learning tools. Their paper,
published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence, outlines the results of an
in-depth analysis of roadmap-related data collected in 30 cities around the
Past research indicates that there are a number of models for the spatial
homogeneity of the URN. These patterns can be captured using graph neural
networks (GNNs), advanced graph-based machine learning tools often used in
computer vision and natural language processing applications. The key advantage
of GNNs is that they can learn network views by analyzing very large amounts of
data. In their paper, Ukkusuri, Ma and colleagues specifically used GNN to
analyze more than 11,790 URNs in 30 cities around the world to predict a new
metric called network homogeneity.
Before doing the analysis, the researchers divided all the URNs in their dataset
into two parts: the "hidden area" and the "observed area". Subsequently, they
specifically trained the GNN to learn the patterns of road networks in the
observed regions in order to then predict the structure of the network in the
hidden region. The evolution of road networks in large cities is usually driven
by top-down urban planning policies. A graph neural network model can help
evaluate and compare some of these policies.
· #246
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:05)
1. identify the areas
Scientists can now identify the areas where it will occur.
2. grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
розвиваючомуся мозку синапси можуть бути розділені на функціональні та мовчазні.
3. described above
The different solutions described above may contribute to the successful
integration of more solar energy.
The article I’ve read tells about gamers’ struggles with lootboxes.
The young adults who play videogames with a lootbox feature tend to overspend
money on them to increase their chances of getting items they want. It is
similar to a gambling addiction and that stresses the gamers out.
Game developers are progressively making the games less and less enjoyable or
playable being free to play. Be it lootboxes or expensive DLCs with major plot
points that you won’t want to miss – the gaming industry is a massive cashgrab,
and the only thing that could stop it from worsening is gamers stopping spending
so much money on it.
I’ve read an article about protecting critical infrastructure from DDOS attacks
by using a deep learning AI.
The cyber attackers are very good at disguising their doings as seemingly
naturally occurring system failures or power surges. Thus, it’s pretty easy to
confuse the two even for an algorithm. But with deep learning models the chance
of recognizing an actual cyberattack has come to 99 percent.
To my mind, such a step towards securing important infrastructure will be a
great improvement for countries’ and people’s wellbeing, if its implementation
isn’t abandoned at its core.
· #245
Nikolova S MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:52)
History of programming
Did you know that the first programming language was invented way back in 1843?
Ada Lovelace came up with the first-ever machine algorithm for an early
computing machine that she wrote down on a piece of paper because no computers
existed at the time! Programming languages have obviously come a long way since
then but in order to understand the history of programming languages, one must
first acknowledge their origin. The first known programming languages were
complicated machine codes that were manually inputted into early computing
machines. The history of programming languages is fascinating. Who would have
thought that an algorithm from the mid-19th century would pave the way for the
technology-driven society we live in today. From early machine codes to the
sophisticated human-readable code that powers our favorite technologies today,
programming languages have come a long way. What’s for certain, computer
programming will continue to develop as it has done for the past 150 years and
it’s exciting to see what the future brings.
· #244
Nikolova S MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:52)
The article is about the industrial robots and how they're moving to sectors
beyond the automotive industry.
It's steadily easier for users to work with industrial robots, and it's possible
through new solutions such as interfaces, control units and software allowing
diverse tasks to be automated even by people without any experience in robotics.
One significant driver is the new generation of lightweight robots that enable
man and machine to work closely together – with no safety guard between. Initial
applications have been realized in the automotive industry. The man-machine
partnership will assume a key role in advancing intelligent production visions.
· #243
Nikolova S MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:51)
rom this perspective -
From this perspective, we have integrated quantum computer in our strategy.
цієї точки зору ми інтегрували квантовий комп’ютер у нашу стратегію.
general agreement on -
There is no general agreement on which system will turn out to be the best.
for its own sake -
However, many people are not very curious and don't enjoy learning for its own
Однак багато людей не дуже допитливі і не люблять навчання заради нього самого.
Today I have read an article called "How to shop for a low-tech car".
The work tells us about a number of reasons why some people would want a
"low-tech" car instead of vehicles full of modern technologies that make them
safer and less distracting. Some might find new car technology intimidating,
others aren't willing to learn. There are also people, who think many
technologies banally superfluous in the car. Many different people have their
reasons to not wanting to much in the car and just buying older used vehicles as
they might serve more and better.
The article will be useful for carmakers.
· #242
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:50)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. The lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #241
Ditkovskya Kudinova MD-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:40)
Identify the areas
A new scientific study has identified the protected areas most critical to
preventing extinctions of the world's mammals, birds and amphibians.
Novel method identifies areas most suitable for conservation of black lion
Новий метод визначає ділянки, найбільш придатні для збереження тамарину чорного
Grouped info
Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster.
Згадується як часткова синхронізація, вона виникає так, що системи можуть бути
згруповані в кластери таким чином, що синхронність спостерігається лише в
кожному кластері.
When a transaction is completed, it is recorded and grouped into a block, with
information such as time stamps and amounts.
Коли транзакція завершена, вона записується та групується в блок із такою
інформацією, як позначки часу та суми.
Described above
The researchers tested out the idea on an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) in a
scenario like the one described above.
Дослідники перевірили ідею на безпілотному літальному апараті (БПЛА) за
сценарієм, подібним до описаного вище.
In addition to the security loopholes described above, the team from the Horst
Görtz Institute also discovered a weakness specifically in Adobe products.
додаток до лазівок у безпеці, описаних вище, команда з Інституту Хорста Ґьорца
також виявила слабкість саме в продуктах Adobe.
I have read the article “New tool gives researchers a better look at online
anonymous marketplaces”.
In a study presented at the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference, Tai
teamed up with two other researchers to develop an algorithm that is able to
detect when seemingly disparate accounts belong to the same seller. The team
tested their algorithm on eight years' worth of data collected from a dozen
online anonymous marketplaces. Their algorithm detected over 20,000 accounts
belonging to roughly 15,000 individual sellers.
This article will be useful for people, who are engaged in cyber safety.
I have read the article “Scientists identify the world's most irreplaceable
protected areas”.
The study, published in the latest edition of international journal Science,
calculates the 'irreplaceability' of individual protected areas, based on data
on 173,000 terrestrial protected areas and assessments of 21,500 species on The
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Seventy-eight sites have been identified as
exceptionally irreplaceable. Together, they harbour the majority of the
populations of more than 600 birds, amphibians, and mammals, half of which are
globally threatened.
This article will be useful for the environmentalists.
Anti-virus is a designated computer program, recognized for the protection of
viruses, with the method of saving data and optimal operation of a personal
computer. The main tasks of antiviruses:
scan files and programs in real time, on-demand computer scan,scanning Internet
traffic, email scanning, protection against attacks by hostile web sites.
Antivirus programs use two specific principles for working:
-Scanning your computer and matching an already existing virus with a database
on a server of a certain manufacturer
-Scanning and detecting programs that behave suspiciously and may by definition
be malware.
Antivirus is one of the integral part of the software, in my opinion.
· #240
Tkachenko Alina MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:09)
Device driver
Device driver or hardware driver is a computer program that operates or controls
a particular device attached to a computer or automaton. A driver provides a
software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems and other
computer programs to access hardware functions without knowing precise details
about the hardware being used.
Without drivers, the computer could not send and receive data correctly to
hardware devices, such as printer. In conclusion I should say that It’s
important not to forget about drivers. I have learned it from my own experience
when I was trying to reinstall windows software.
I’ve read an article “Developing an ultra-scalable artificial synapse”. A
research team has developed a new type of artificial synapse based on 2D
materials for highly scalable brain-inspired computing. For brain-inspired
computing to work, synapses remembering the connections between two neurons are
necessary, like human brains. But artificial synapses built on digital circuit
typically occupy large spaces, there are usually limitations in terms of
hardware efficiency and costs. To tackle this issue, researchers mimicked
behaviors of synapses using 2D materials. In my opinion, it is a very good idea
to use our brain structure in IT, because our brain is the greatest computer.
Phrases of the day
Identify the area
Scientists were identified the areas of application of the technology and it is
wider than it may seem.
Group into
When a transaction is completed, it is recorded and grouped into a block, with
information such as time stamps and amounts.
Described above
Please note that the options described above can only be changed via the desktop
· #239
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 07:32)
Phrases of the day
1) Grouped into -
There are a total of 52 areas grouped into 11 histological areas -
2) Described above -
Free program that has more features than described above -
3) Identify the areas -
Need to identify the areas for planting trees -
Driving into old age
Today i have read the article "Driving into old age".
Worldwide the number of drivers over the age of 65 is increasing rapidly. As
such, there is an urgency in the need to design vehicles that are ergonomically
suited to this demographic to accommodate physical ailments and limitations that
are usually not seen in younger people.
Research published in the International Journal of Vehicle Design, discusses the
major ergonomic concerns of older drivers that might improve driving posture,
improve attention, and decrease fatigue during driving.
This article describes a significant problem for older drivers. I recommend this
Southern California's Metropolitan Water District declares water shortage
Today i have read the article "Southern California's Metropolitan Water District
declares water shortage emergency".
Southern California officials on Tuesday took the unprecedented step of
declaring a water shortage emergency and ordering outdoor usage be restricted to
just one day a week for about 6 million people in parts of Los Angeles, Ventura
and San Bernardino counties.California's drought, now in a third year, has
become the driest on record and has been intensified by hotter temperatures
unleashed by climate change.
This article draws people's attention to really serious problems that can lead
humanity to catastrophic consequences
Exam topic #3 "Engineering of logistics"
Logistics engineering is a science that studies the formation, support and
management of the product life cycle. All business processes - warehouse,
transport, production, technological - are transformed into an efficient
material flow. In the field of logistics engineering, the change
(reorganization) of the company's existing logistics processes is reengineering.
Logistics engineering as a method includes:
- study of the structure and properties of existing logistics processes of the
client company
- design of new logistics systems, their modeling
- identifying "bottlenecks" and improving the efficiency of existing logistics
processes based on optimization and reengineering
- development of programs for the creation and modernization of logistics
infrastructure facilities.
· #238
Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 22:53)
general agreement on: While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a
core star begins, how the energy escapes from the star (the process that causes
the explosion) is not fully understood.
from this perspective: From this perspective, patterns are instances of
templates in this context.
for its own sake: And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only
irrelevant, but even harmful to conservation practice.
деякі стверджують, що цінувати природу заради неї самої не лише нерелевантно,
але навіть шкідливо для практики збереження природи.
Forget the fly swatter: Biologists map genes to fight stable flies (
Today I nave read very interesting article it is “ Forget the fly swatter:
Biologists map genes to fight stable flies”. This article describe about new
research to fight stable flies. This research based on methods of genetic
engineering. Researchers hope to use an agricultural pest's genetic code against
it to prevent billions of dollars in annual losses in the United States. Stable
flies, or Stomoxys calcitrans, are spotted, tan-colored flies found around the
world. They are easily mistaken for the common housefly but for one notable
distinction: They bite. Stable flies don't bite so much as chomp. They are the
scourge of beachgoers in Florida and recreational boaters in upstate New York.
According to Thomas Jefferson, they tormented signatories of the Declaration of
Independence. In my opinion this article can be interesting biologists, people
who work in agriculture and some people.
Getting the message right on nature-based solutions to climate change (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Getting the message right on
nature-based solutions to climate change”. This article describe about new
opportunities in protection of environment. Nature‐based
solutions can play a key role in helping to tackle the climate and nature
crises, while delivering other benefits for people, according to a new paper
today from the Nature-based Solutions Initiative (NbSI) at the University of
Oxford—but it is vital to get the message right about how to deliver successful
NbS and avoid potential pitfalls. After discussing the promises and pitfalls of
NbS, today's paper encourages policymakers, practitioners and researchers to
consider four guiding principles to deliver sustainable benefits. In my opinion
this article can be interesting people who are interested in protection of
Exam #4
Technical operation of motor vehicles
Today I want to describe you of secrets of technical operation of motor
vehicles. Today you should to read owners manual to make live your car longer
but today manufacturers isn’t profitably make machines with long resource
because they today manufacturers is profitably makes machines with short
resource is not without saying if they have reputation of costly brand. They can
write isn’t profitably advices to resource of your item for example it is longer
using your car without chance of oil or some other liquids. If manual describe
to you change oil in your engine every 15000 km you should make this early of
example every 5000 km because oil in your engine can go bad earlier than you
think. Its goes without saying you should to pay attention to consumables of
your car and you should feeling what is happen with your car, and don’t lost
signals of mistakes.
Thank for reading.
· #237
Gvozd to Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 21:26)
Thank you for your participation, the reviews are quite detailed.
· #236
Lebedeva E (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 19:45)
To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 The topics are informative and detailed. Let's correct: " It can help...."
· #235
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 17:31)
To Vladyslava Stepanova-group-KD- 211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article of the day, the Exam topic "Robot Programming", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Would you invite all students from your group to join in our online activities. Not all students are involved. Keep on working online . Yours Sincerely.
· #234
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 16:56)
Exam Topic №6
Automobile Repair and Mechanics Automobile repair isn't only an interesting
field to me, also I feel automobile maintenance is necessary knowledge to have
in today's auto market. Like studying for school or learning the skills of a
job. I feel knowing how to repair a vehicle will produce a cost effective
lifestyle, and take out all the hassle anyone who owns a vehicle encounters
everyday. How many people can change their own oil that don't work as mechanics,
or what is the average repair bill for a same day repair are questions that
bring concern to how becoming my own handyman makes a productive choice. I
decided to explore the topic a little more to get a better understanding of the
requirements to become an auto mechanic, for I have decided to become certified
in Automobiles and Automotive industry.
Repair of motor vehicles means all maintenance of and repairs to motor vehicles
performed by an automotive repair dealer including automotive body repair work,
but excluding those repairs made pursuant to a commercial business agreement and
also excluding repairing tires, changing tires, lubricating vehicles, installing
light bulbs, batteries, windshield wiper blades and other minor accessories,
cleaning, adjusting, and replacing spark plugs, replacing fan belts, oil, and
air filters, and other minor services, which the director, by regulation,
determines are customarily performed by gasoline service stations.
· #233
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 16:36)
To Stepanov Maksim-group-KD-211. Thank you for your annotations on the article about "Climate Change", the Exam topic "How robots work" and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are informative and grammatically correct, but the audio versions of the essays are obligatory of independent student work and there are non. The task with the phrases of the day has been done correct. Continue to work online every week. Good luck !
· #232
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 16:28)
Exam Topic №8
Preventive maintenance of your car is probably your most important responsiblity
to keep your ride safe and happy. It can save your money on repairs arises in
future. The preventive maintenance of your car carry out with checking tire
pressure and fluids, changing the engine oil, perform scheduled inspection,
check your battery, replace the air filter and windshiled wiper as well as
checking other parts of the car. It can helps you to keep your car healthy and
catch the serious problem before it becomes a major problem.
Regular preventive maintenance of your car is the most effective way to prolong
it's life, make it more reliable and saves your money associated with the
preventable car troubles. By skipping the preventive maintenance will ruin the
parts of your car and somehow create big issues in the future. So, it is very
necessary to ensure that your car is running with maximum efficiency and speed.
1. for its own sake -
And some argue valuing nature for its own sake isn't only irrelevant, but even
harmful to conservation practice -
2. general agreement on -
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins, how
the energy escapes from the star (the process that causes the explosion) isn't
fully understood -
3. from this perspective -
From this perspective, patterns are instances of templates in this context -
· #231
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 15:37)
To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day about the industrial robots, the Exam topic about "Logistics Systems," the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. Mind the pronunciation of separate words: " 'process; 'products; de'mands; en'sures; 'seamless; com'petitors; 'auto'motive." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed co'rrect. Keep on working online. All the best !
· #230
Stepanov Maksim (KD-211 Mikeshova) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:59)
from this perspective
And the best example of what can be done with the cloud from this perspective is
definitely Valve Corporation's Steam platform.
for its own sake
Should we conserve nature only for humans or also for its own sake as well?
general agreement on
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins, how
the energy escapes from the star is not fully understood.
The article is titled Climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists
and was written by Purdue University.
The main idea of the article is that human-caused climate change extends beyond
climate scientists to the broader scientific community. Previous studies have
shown that about 97 percent of actively publishing climate scientists believe in
human-caused climate change, and a review of scientific literature on the
existence of climate change indicated that about 97 percent of studies affirm
climate change is happening.
In general this article is rather helpful because of information about climate
change that is important topic for the future.
Exam Topic#2 How Robots Work
Robot – is a labor. This is an automatic machine designed to carry out various
kinds of operations, which operates according to a previouosly written program.
The robots also have basic technologies that are written into their information
base: locomotion, object recognition, motors, artificial intelligence,
recharging, navigation, and appearance. Based on this, there is a special
science that deals with the creation of robots and is responsible for their
movements, speech, understanding, etc., and it is called robotics.
Robots work with the help of energy from media, as well as with the help of
software inside them. (
Climate change consensus extends beyond climate scientists
A Purdue University-led survey of nearly 700 scientists from non-climate
disciplines shows that more than 90 percent believe that average global
temperatures are higher than pre-1800s levels an
· #229
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:22)
Today I have read an article called "How to shop for a low-tech car".
The work tells us about a number of reasons why some people would want a
"low-tech" car instead of vehicles full of modern technologies that make them
safer and less distracting. Some might find new car technology intimidating,
others aren't willing to learn. There are also people, who think many
technologies banally superfluous in the car. Many different people have their
reasons to not wanting to much in the car and just buying older used vehicles as
they might serve more and better.
article will be useful for carmakers.
· #228
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:22)
1. "from this perspective" From this perspective, patterns are instances of
templates in this context.
2. "general agreement on" While there is general agreement on how the collapse
of a core star begins, how the energy escapes from the star (the process that
causes the explosion) is not fully understood.
3. "for its own sake" And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only
irrelevant, but even harmful to conservation practice.
Today I have read an article called "Bot can spot depressed Twitter users in 9
out of 10 cases".
The paper tells us about newly developed algorithm that can spot depression in
Twitter users with 88.39% accuracy. The algorithm determines someone's mental
state by extracting and analyzing 38 data points from their public Twitter
profile, including the content of their posts, their posting times, and the
other users in their social circle. Developers say similar systems could have a
range of different uses in the future across multiple platforms.
The article will be useful for doctors.
Themed comment:
8. Management of technical maintenance of cars
Technical diagnostics of automobiles is very important part of usage of our
cars, including in order to carry out timely technical maintenance. As with
diagnostics, maintenance should be performed by a professional mechanic, if the
owner of the car wants the car to continue to work well, and not to turn into a
pile of scrap in a short period of time. But not only the professionalism of the
mechanic, you should also take care of the quality of consumables and spare
parts, which can cost a certain amount, but will definitely save on further
forced repairs of the car.
· #227
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:02)
for its own sake
If you think that nature also matters for its own sake, then you'll approach
those decisions very differently.
general agreement on
We can see that the world's conservation community is in general agreement on
many fundamental beliefs and objectives.
from this perspective
From this perspective, we have integrated quantum computer in our strategy.
цієї точки зору ми інтегрували квантовий комп’ютер у нашу стратегію.
The article is about the industrial robots and how they're moving to sectors
beyond the automotive industry.
It's steadily easier for users to work with industrial robots, and it's possible
through new solutions such as interfaces, control units and software allowing
diverse tasks to be automated even by people without any experience in robotics.
One significant driver is the new generation of lightweight robots that enable
man and machine to work closely together – with no safety guard between. Initial
applications have been realized in the automotive industry. The man-machine
partnership will assume a key role in advancing intelligent production visions.
Exam topic #6 Logistics Systems
Logistics is the process of getting products from suppliers to customers. It
involves acquiring products and wholesalers, manufacturing and storing and
delivering those products. Logistics is important because of implementing
seamless logistics is an essential element for not only keeping pace with
customer demands but also outperforming competitors. It ensures that you have a
plan in place to fulfill the needs of your customers, and one which oversees the
kind of resources you have to manufacture and consume your product. Done
correctly, logistics management can help companies lower their expenses and
improve customer service. Logistics affects your bottom line and customer
· #226
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 13:00)
from this perspective
From this perspective, patterns are instances of templates in this context.
general agreement on
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins, how
the energy escapes from the star is not fully understood.
for its own sake
Should we conserve nature only for humans or also for its own sake as well?
маємо ми берегти природу лише для людей чи також заради неї самої?
The article is titled Shedding new light on supernova mystery and was written by
Science and Technology Facilities Council.
The main idea of this article is that physicists have a new theory on the
mysterious mechanism that causes the explosion of massive, or core, stars. A
core star collapses when it runs out of the nuclear fuel it depends on and folds
in on itself in less than a second under its own huge weight. This process
releases enormous amounts of gravitational energy, causing an explosion.
In general I think that this article is interesting and helpful to enrich human
Exam topic #6(Robot programming)
In general it is impossible to ever know the true state of the environment.
Robot control software can guess the state of the world based on measurements
from its sensors. It can only attempt to change something.Thus, one of the first
steps in control design is to come up with an abstraction of the real world,
known as a model, with which to interpret our sensor readings and make
decisions. As long as the real world behaves according to the assumptions, we
can make good guesses.
And that's why if world deviates from these assumptions, however, we will no
longer be able to control robot.
· #225
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:35)
To Pozhar Sasha, KI-211. All the tasks are performed quite all right, Sasha, thanks. Just mind "It tells THAT intrinsic motivation does not exist". Continue working. Best wishes.
· #224
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:28)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #223
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:26)
To students from the group-KD-211. Good afternoon, everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Good luck !
· #222
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:22)
To Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211. Your comments on the articles are quite all right, Alexandr, thanks. The exam topic is correct, as well as the task with the phrases. Go on working. Good luck.
· #221
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:18)
from this perspective -
From this perspective, we have integrated quantum computer in our strategy. -
general agreement on -
There is no general agreement on which system will turn out to be the best. -
for its own sake -
However, many people are not very curious and don't enjoy learning for its own
sake. -
Today I have read the article "Intrinsic Motivation Doesn't Exist, Researcher
Says".It tells about intrinsic motivation does not exist. Psychology professor
Reiss noticed that some researchers divide motivation into intrinsic and
extrinsic, calling extrinsic motivation low quality happiness. But at the same
time, none of the researchers gives a specific and accurate answer, what is
intrinsic motivation."Individuals differ enormously in what makes them happy –
for some competition, winning and wealth are the greatest sources of happiness,
but for others, feeling competent or socializing may be more satisfying", the
professor said.
I recommend everyone to read this article
Today I have read the article "Is climate change worry reducing the desire to
have children?". We live in a very difficult time. Endless wars, global
cataclysms, world unrest - all this is happening now, and, unfortunately, our
children will see it too.
The researchers conducted a social survey and asked whether Australian women
consider the world a safe and promising place for children and young people.
They argue that women are most afraid of the uncertainty of the future. "We are
already seeing rising numbers of women deciding to abandon or postpone their
desire to have children.", they say.
Exam topic "Engineering of logistics"
Engineering of logistics is a branch of engineering whose object of study is the
process , that is, the purchase, transport, storage and distribution of raw
materials , semi-finished products and finished products, in order to achieve
efficient management of these activities. Its scope of application is closely
related to industrial and business systems.Engineering of logistics as a
discipline is a very important aspect of systems engineering that also includes
reliability engineering. We often encounter engineering of logistics even in an
ordinary store.This science is very important for the modern and hurrying world.
· #220
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:12)
To Bordan Vitalii, KI-211. It is good you've peformed all the tasks of the day as well as the independent practice work, Vitalii, thanks. But pls try to be more attentive not to make misprints or omit something: "Today I have read THE article"; "I liked the article BECAUSE"; " I advise everyone to read IT". Continue working. Best wishes.
· #219
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:02)
To Krasnian Ivan, KI-211. All the tasks are performed quite all right, Ivan, well done! Keep working this way. Best of luck.
· #218
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:00)
general agreement on -
There is no general agreement on which system will turn out to be the best.
for its own sake -
Many people are not very curious and don't enjoy learning for its own sake.
from this perspective -
From this perspective, patterns are instances of templates in this context.
цієї точки зору, зразки є екземплярами шаблонів у цьому контексті.
Bot can spot depressed Twitter users in 9 out of 10 cases
New bot in Twitter can spot depressed people with an accuracy of almost 90%. By
analyzing many aspects of a user page, the algorithm could have a number of
different applications across multiple platforms in the future, such as early
diagnosis of depression, employment screening, or police investigations. Bot
takes into account 38 different factors, such as the user's use of positive and
negative words, the number of friends and followers they have, and their use of
emoji, and determines the mental and emotional state of this user. Of course,
this is not 100% yet, but for a computer it's still very good.
Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:
Size of mobile web pages increased tenfold in ten years, with implications for
energy consumption
Every year, the energy spent on Internet resources is increasing, which
dramatically affects energy consumption in general. On a fiber network, to which
computers are often connected, the energy consumption of the transferred bit is
still moderate, whereas a mobile network consumes up to a thousand times more
energy. For example, watching a two-hour 4K resolution movie over a mobile
network consumes the same amount of electricity as heating a sauna or driving an
electric car for 20 kilometers. But this consumption can be reduced by simply
making the sites design a little more minimalist, using other image formats,
Comment on the article:
Wheeled and tracked vehicles
Tracks or wheels? At first glance, it may seem that the choice is obvious - for
ordinary people and for ordinary purposes, wheels are more suitable. However,
usage of tracked vehicles in military, rescue, agricultural and recreational
missions where terrain conditions are difficult or unpredictable is common. This
is because tracked vehicles perform better than wheeled vehicles due to the
larger contact area of tracks which provides better flotation and better
mobility over unprepared terrain. Hence, tracked vehicles are preferred choice
for autonomous off-road tasks.
· #217
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:54)
To Troncha Ruslan, KI-211. Thanks for the informative and interesting essays, Ruslan, good for you. The exam topic and the task with the phrases are performed properly as well. Continue working. Best of luck.
· #216
Bordan Vitalii KI-211( Kudinova T.I.) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:54)
1)general agreement-спільноїзгоди
They came to a general agreement and there are no questions to each other
2)for its own sake-зарадисебесамой.
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.
3)this perspective-зцієїточкизору
From this perspective , fortune telling could be dangerous.
Today I have read an article titled
"Conserving for nature's sake or our own?".
The article says that the value of nature in conservation may seem simple,
straightforward and fundamental.
Yet a persistent question arises: Should we conserve nature only for humans or
also for its own sake as well?
Examining nature's intrinsic value usually wallows as a dusty philosophical
I liked the article becose we must understand that nature must be protected and
i advise everyone to read
Today I have read an article titled
"Conservationists clash over ways forward despite sharing 'core aims', study
The article says that the first large-scale study of the views held by those
to protect the natural world has found agreement on the goals of
conservation—but substantial disagreement
on how to move towards them.Latest research reveals a sizable consensus among
conservationists for many core
aims: maintaining ecosystems, securing public support ,and other.
I liked the article i advise everyone to read
Exam topic #5(Wheeled and tracked vehicles)
wheeled vehicle used for transportation. Most definitions of cars say they drive
primarily on roads,
seat one to eight people, have four wheels,
and primarily carry people rather than goods.A tracked vehicle is a vehicle that
on tracks instead of wheels.
The main advantage of tracked vehicles over wheeled vehicles is that they
are in contact with a larger area. This makes them suitable for use on mud, ice
and snow.
Widely used as engineering machines,and in the army
· #215
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:44)
To Kunitsky Artem, KI-211. Your comments on the articles are quite all right, Artem, thanks, just don't forget to express your own opinion on the subject. And there are a lot of prononciation mistakes in your audio messages, you should work harder to improve your reading skills. Go on working.
· #214
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:37)
Phrases of the day
1)Correctly interpret-
To correctly interpret your dream, you need to highlight the highlights and to
decompose it into several components -
2)Consistent with -
Consistent with approach, methodology and intent of the harmonizing position
taken by the United Nations - cоответствуетподходу,
revealed that -
According to Prof. Kaessmann, this comparison revealed a temporal pattern that
is shared between different cell types -
Time travel could be possible, but only with parallel timelines
Today i have read the article "Time travel could be possible, but only with
parallel timelines".
Our modern understanding of time and cause and effect comes from general
The theory of theoretical physicist Albert Einstein combines space and time into
a single entity -"space-time" -
and provides a surprisingly complex explanation of how they both work.
Time travel and parallel timelines almost always go hand in hand in science
fiction, but there is evidence that they must go hand in hand in real science as
This article, in my opinion, has no intellectual value and is more like
something from the realm of science fiction.
Designing machines that see, understand and interpret their environment
Today i have read the article "Designing machines that see, understand and
interpret their environment".
To be able to correctly interpret the environment using complex visual inputs,
embedded machine vision systems require
a lot of processing power. In addition to power consumption, designers of such
embedded systems need to overcome other
technical constraints such as cost, size, weight, and acoustic noise.
The TULIPP project, funded by the EU, solved these problems and developed a
reference platform for developers of machine vision systems.
The article is interesting and research in this area will significantly increase
road safety
· #213
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:36)
Work for the last lesson (13.04)
Phrases of the day
1)Comparing the results -
Any evaluation of the success of a centre must be made by comparing the results
of the centre and the objectives of the original work plan -Будь-якаоцінкауспіхуцентрумаєздійснюватисяшляхомпорівняннярезультатівцентрутацілейпочатковогоплануроботи.
2)Cast new light on -
Well, that would certainly cast new light on her credibility as my dad's alibi -
3)Clearly see that -
This 21st-century perspective allows you to clearly see that capitalism does not
work by allocating existing resources -
The value of conserving large landscapes, not just isolated parks and preserves
Today i have read the article "The value of conserving large landscapes, not
just isolated parks and preserves".
As human development spreads ever farther around the world, very few large
ecosystems remain relatively intact and uninterrupted by highways, cities or
other human-constructed obstacles.
Y2Y is one of the world's earliest and largest landscape conservation
The current draft calls for protection of 30% of lands and seas worldwide by
2030, based on the growing science of area-based conservation.
This article describes a very important project for our time, so I recommend
read this article. Perhaps this article opens your eyes to current environmental
Scientists discover new exoplanet with an atmosphere ripe for study
Today i have read the article "Scientists discover new exoplanet with an
atmosphere ripe for study".
An international team of scientists has discovered a new Neptune-sized exoplanet
with a 24-day orbital period around a nearby dwarf star.
The recent discovery offers exciting research opportunities thanks to the
planet's dense atmosphere, small star, and how fast the system is moving away
from Earth.
I believe that the result of such research will only be useful for many years to
come. Meanwhile, at the moment there are a huge number of topics that require
I recommend reading more mundane articles.
Exam topic #1 (Dynamics and Strength of Machines)
Dynamics of machines and mechanisms a section of the theory of machines and
mechanisms, which studies the movement
of mechanisms and machines, taking into account the forces acting on them. Main
tasks: establishing the
laws of movement of links of mechanisms, regulating the movement of links,
finding friction losses,
determining reactions in kinematic pairs, balancing machines and mechanisms. The
science of general
methods for studying the properties of mechanisms and machines and designing
their schemes. Main
directions: dynamics of machines and mechanisms; kinematics, kinetostatics and
synthesis of mechanisms.
Audiofile :
· #212
Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:35)
Phrases of the day
1) General agreement on -
undertakings made within international forums such as the General Agreement on
Tariffs and Trade -
2) For its own sake -
Ideas emerge when a part of the real or imagined world is studied for its own
sake -
3) From this perspective -
From this perspective, it is definitely better to give the people the right to
distribute money at a local level -
Audiofile (Phrases) :
Readers share some advice for Starbucks
Today i have read the article "Readers share some advice for Starbucks".
Starbucks is a very popular cafe chain in the USA. People feel strongly about
what Starbucks can do for them and their communities. That's why they decided to
improve Starbucks.
1.) Make Wi-Fi free and easy.
2.) Fix the Starbucks cards.
3.) Let people order ahead and pick up their drinks with less hassle.
4.) Let the baristas and engaged customers blog through the local screens and a
store-specific Web site.
5.) Think of the store as a news stand.
Starbucks visitors gave some tips to improve the chain.
The article will be informative for fans of the Starbucks cafe chain.
Forget the fly swatter: Biologists map genes to fight stable flies
Today i have read the article "Biologists map genes to fight stable flies".
Researchers hope to use an agricultural pest's genetic code against it to
prevent billions of dollars in annual losses in the United States. Stable flies
are arguably one of the most important pests of livestock in the United States.
The flies cause an estimated $2.2 billion in livestock production each year,
according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cows beset by stable flies
produce less milk and put on less weight.
This article is quite informative. I recomend it.
Exam topic #2 (Hoisting, road, reclamation machines)
Road construction machines - a group of machines designed for construction work,
as well as for the operation and maintenance of roads.
Depending on the functions performed, road-building machines are divided into
the following groups: preparatory work machines, soil compaction machines,
machines for the production and transport of concrete mixes, crushing and
screening equipment, machines for the construction of artificial structures,
snowplows and road cleaning machines, etc.
In the classification of scientific specialties, this area of knowledge
belongs to the specialty "Road, construction and hoisting and transport
Audiofile :
· #211
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova T.I.) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022)
From this perspective-зцієїточкизору
From this perspective, planning the diffusion of social media through an
is little different from planning a traditional enterprise software
General agreement on-спільназгодапо
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins, how
energy escapes from the star (the process that causes the explosion) is not
For its own sake-зарадинеїсамої
And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only irrelevant, but even
to conservation practice.-Ідеякістверджують,
Today I have read the article "Conserving for nature's sake or our own?"
It tells that the value of nature in conservation may seem simple,
straightforward and
fundamental. Yet a persistent question arises: Should we conserve nature only
for humans
or also for its own sake as well?Examining nature's intrinsic value usually
wallows as a
dusty philosophical quest. And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not
irrelevant, but even harmful to conservation practice. These critics point to
like invasive species, habitat loss or climate change adaption and the
trade-offs made
in navigating conservation decisions.
I think that this article is very interesting,I would reccomend everybody to
read it.
Today I have read the article "Shedding new light on supernova mystery"
It tells that physicists have a new theory on the mysterious mechanism that
causes the
explosion of massive, or core, stars. These ‘Type II supernovae’, the term given
exploding core stars, are huge and spectacular events – intriguing because for a
time they emit as much light as is normally produced by an entire galaxy. In
fact, the
enormous amount of energy they release is second only to the Big Bang itself.
I think that this article is interesting,I would advice everybody to read it.
Exam topic "CAD machines and vehicles"
Computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computers (or workstations) to aid in
creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design.This software is
used to
increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality of design,
communications through documentation, and to create a database for
CAD software for mechanical design uses either vector-based graphics to depict
objects of traditional drafting, or may also produce raster graphics showing the
appearance of designed objects. However, it involves more than just shapes. As
in the
manual drafting of technical and engineering drawings, the output of CAD must
information, such as materials, processes, dimensions, and tolerances, according
application-specific conventions.
· #210
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:20)
1) From this perspective -
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
2) General agreement on -
Like the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade before it, WTO works by
і попередня Генеральна угода з тарифів і торгівлі, СОТ працює на основі
3) For its own sake -
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
Today a have read the article "Researchers store a quantum bit for a
record-breaking 20 milliseconds"
Computers, smartphones, GPS: quantum physics has enabled many technological
advances. It is now opening up new fields of research in cryptography (the art
of coding messages) with the aim of developing ultra-secure telecommunications
networks. There is one obstacle, however: after a few hundred kilometers within
an optical fiber, the photons that carry the qubits or "quantum bits" (the
information) disappear. They therefore need "repeaters," a kind of "relay,"
which are partly based on a quantum memory. By managing to store a qubit in a
crystal (a "memory") for 20 milliseconds, a team from the University of Geneva
(UNIGE) has set a world record and taken a major step towards the development of
long-distance quantum telecommunications networks. This research can be found in
the journal npj Quantum Information.
Today i have read the article "Design and implementation of a lithium-ion
battery management system for EVs".
The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) is moving apace, mainly being
driven by the need to remove polluting vehicles from our towns and cities and to
curb our carbon emissions by switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy
sources. As more and more drivers switch to EVs, there is a pressing need to
ensure that the rechargeable batteries on which they rely are running under
optimal and safe conditions. Research in the International Journal of Energy
Technology and Policy considers the design and implementation of a new type of
battery-management system for the lithium-ion batteries commonly used in EVs.
· #209
Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:05)
To Group KI-211. Good afternoon dear students! Our lesson is on and I am ready to check your tasks. Good luck!
· #208
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 10:31)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 The exam topic is written correctly. Thank you.
· #207
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 10:28)
1) Technical diagnostics of automobiles
Car diagnostics is carried out in several ways: by computer, appearance and in
practice. Diagnostics with the help of a computer, it's just connect the
computer to the car and see where there are errors with the help of a special
program. You can do the diagnostics yourself, but only the running gear, for
this you need to raise the car on a lift and turn the wheels, for example. But
it is also possible to carry out diagnostics in practice, while you are driving,
you can hear extraneous sounds, check the performance of almost everything.
2)*for its own sake -
we need to do this for her own sake -
**general agreement -
I think we will come to a general agreement on this matter -
***from this perspective -
from this perspective you are right -
· #206
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 08:09)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Well done, thank you.
· #205
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 07:55)
Topic #8 Management of technical maintenance of cars
Car maintenance is a set of preventive measures prescribed for the production of
cars. The volume and content of the operations included in the maintenance of
the car is determined by the make and model of the car, as well as factors such
as current mileage,seasonality and reaching a certain storage period if the car
has not been used during this period.For passenger cars, the types and numbering
of MOT may look like this:
- daily maintenance;
- zero maintenance - TO-0;
- periodic maintenance (numbered) - TO-1 ... TO-10 (TO-12);
- seasonal maintenance
The rule of inspecting the vehicle before leaving on a trip and eliminating the
identified shortcomings is mandatory for every driver and car.And such a
requirement, especially for trucks and buses, is fully justified the
transportation of people and bulky goods requires increased security measures.
voice -
1) for its own sake -
I do a lot of math, but I don't really like math for its own sake. -
Яздійснююбагато обчислень, але я не дуже люблю математику заради неї самої.
2) general agreement on -
There was general agreement on a number of points concerning the format and
content of the mission statement. -
3) from this perspective -
It is from this perspective that recent events on both the security and the
economic front need to be seen -
· #204
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 07:36)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 The exam topic "Technological processes in road transport" is written correctly, but too long. Now I am waiting for the work with phrases.
· #203
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 07:09)
Test topic: Technological processes in road transport
Purpose: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in logistics performance
on road transportation is expressed in terms of operation cost and turns rotund
time. Though, numerous effects known from the utilization of ICT in the road
transportation and importance of vehicle tracking for logistics industry is
immeasurable. The most basic use of a GPS device is, of course, tracking vehicle
locations an extremely useful device to companies that use a fleet of vehicles
in their line of business. Tracking for logistics industry can also provide
information necessary to fleet management for instance if the driver has done
his distribution task, the time or estimated time of completion, the place,
rapidity, etc. With GPS tracking for logistics industry, you are conscious of
the actions of fleet at any given time. Design/methodology/approach: This
analysis thus seeks to fill the gap of knowledge by examining the influence of
ICT on logistics performance on road transport. Keeping in today's technology
requirement, resources, the leading web-based ERP solution providers in India,
offers a powerful and efficient ERP solution for logistic and warehouse
management. Practical Implication: This research would be useful to understand
the Logistics ERP software symbolizes an advanced manner of organizing, shipping
and transport associated processes with comfort and convenience. Findings: This
paper scrutinizes the influence of ICT on logistics by conducting a survey of
writings on academic logistics magazines, newsletters and articles. It founds an
outline for analysing the effect of information technology on road transport in
terms of e-commerce, logistics and suggests theoretical mechanisms of impact.
· #202
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 07:01)
To Oriekhov-MF211 Thank you for your informative review on the article of the day and work with phrases.
· #201
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 07:00)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day.
· #200
Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 21:00)
first use of: First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities.
for a number of reasons: The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one
being that it has the potential to provide new insight into the environmental
factors that have significant impacts on air pollution levels.
focused primarily on: They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that
encourages local governments to adopt best practices to promote solar
SolSmart, VEP,
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “First use of microscopic sound
waves to study cell abnormalities”. This article describe about new method of
research cell abnormalities. This method is use of harmless sound waves to view
deep inside living cells to aid early diagnose in diseases such as cancer. The
phonon tool will allow scientists to observe the mechanical properties inside
living cells in much higher resolution than with current optical or acoustic
methods—resulting in better picture quality—and over more sustained periods of
time. While the phonon microscope will support greater understanding of many
issues in cell biology, Dr. Perez intends to focus his research on health
problems such as cancer, parasitology, osteoporosis and fertility. In my opinion
this article can be interesting people who are interested in biology or
How to shop for a low-tech car (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “How to shop for a low-tech
car”. This article describe about how to shop for a low-tech car if you don’t
want to learn new functions of car. New vehicles are more technologically
advanced than ever. A car today can mirror your smartphone on its center display
screen, warn you of objects in your blind spot, brake on its own in an
emergency, adjust the climate control via voice, and much more. But no everyone
need new technologic functions. In my opinion this article can be interesting
old drivers.
Dynamics and Strength of Machines
Today I want to describe you how to research dynamics and strength of machines.
This is easier than you think. To research strength of machines people use
science of strength of material . This science based of properties some
materials and using functions with sizes of part of machine. But this is old
method of researching now engineers use some computer soft. They export 3d model
of part in program and export conditions of using this part and takes results of
research for one moment. Today live of engineer become most easy every day and
we can makes more fantastic designs than early.
· #199
Oriekhov-MF211(Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 15:54)
for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
SolSmart, VEP,
first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
Today I've read an article called "A novel artificial intelligence system that
predicts air pollution levels". From this article I learned about new artificial
intelligence system have developed that can predict air pollution levels hours
in advance. This AI is used for to predict PM2.5 that is often characterized as
reduced visibility in cities and hazy-looking air when levels are high. There
are systems that already exist that can predict PM2.5 but Loughborough
University's research looks to take the technology to the next level. The
developed system will now be tested on live data captured by sensors deployed in
Shenzhen, China.
· #198
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 14:45)
To Vladyslava Stepanova-group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article, the Exam topic about "Legged Robots", the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct . The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online every week and invite your groupmates to join in our online activities. Not all students of your group are involved. Yours Sincerely.
· #197
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 13:44)
To Perepelytsyn Danylo -group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article, the Exam topic, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Mind that the title of the article should be written in bold type. The third one with the phrases of the day isn't a sentence, but a word combination. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind separate mispronounced words: " I've read (3-d form Present Perfect) ; logistic; act; organized; partially; environmentally; generating; e'lectricity." Consult a dictionary before posting. The task with the phrases has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #196
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:28)
To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment and work with the phrases. They are quite all right. Go on working.
· #195
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:22)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases, well done. Go on working.
· #194
C. Golodetska MD-212 (T. Sirotenko) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:09)
1. first use of
The first recorded use of a medicinal clay bath was in Mesopotamia.
Перший описаний випадок медичного використання грязьових ванн належить до
2. for a number of reasons
This situation can emerge for a number of reasons , one of them is incorrect
setting of the server connection.
Така ситуація може виникнути з низки причин, однією з яких є неправильне
настроювання з'єднання з сервером.
3. focused primarily on
It is focused primarily on the study of the origin, distribution and evolution
of life.
Вона орієнтована насамперед на вивчення походження, поширення та еволюції життя.
I have read the article "Use of ISS astronaut pictures for light pollution
Light pollution is defined as the amount of diffuse light such as scattered
light from street lamps, which is less beneficial than LED light, less
efficient, and severely limits the visibility of faint stars. ISS is the only
place from which we can estimate the prevalence of different types of lighting.
We can create an interactive light map using high-precision images from space
and measure the impact of light pollution on the environment and human health.
In conclusion, the research can help us improve our living conditions in the
· #193
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:08)
1. There are a number of reasons for the failure of this year's wheat crop.
2. First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities is September
Перше використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для вивчення аномалій клітин
відбулося у вересні 2018 року.
3. Instead, he seems primarily focused on economic issues. Натомість він,
здається, в першу чергу зосереджений на економічних питаннях.
I’ve read an article about invisible influence of bots on social media.
This article reports that new research found that bots can be the driving forces
for spreading false information and truthful facts at the same time. In internet
terms, bots are non-human actors that often try to go undetected. Their
invisible influence may be affecting news reports and social media research.
Also bots can be used for bad purposes to obtain information or money from the
user. I think that algorithms should be able to block such accounts.
In conclusion, I think that the ability to recognize bots is very important
nowadays to prevent yourself to be deceived.
I’ve read an article about cars that are spotting drunk drivers and stop them.
This article reports that US cars obliges drivers to push the ignition button,
which measure blood alcohol levels under the skin's surface. Anti-cheat
functions are built into the system, which could prevent the car from starting
or keep it from moving for drivers over the .08 percent blood alcohol limit. I
think that this is the beginning of the end of drunk driving. So, I hope that
technology would be in many countries.
In conclusion, new cars with such detection system could save thousands of
· #192
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:06)
I read "Shortwave Radio in Ukraine: Why it makes sense to go back to old-school
technology in war." The article says traditional broadcast television and radio
are fundamentally different from modern Internet services. When someone uses a
shortwave radio, there is no trace of its use. This makes it difficult for the
occupying forces to find those who listen to foreign media. In addition, mobile
phones and other digital radio technologies are designed to use low transmit
I find in hostile environments that older, simpler technologies are sometimes
more accessible and can provide a more reliable communication channel than more
sophisticated modern alternatives.
· #191
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:02)
To Anastasiya Romanenko- group-KD- 211. Thank you for your comments on the article, the Exam topic , the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Mind that title of the article should be written in bold type. The first one with the phrases isn't a sentence, but a word combination. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words:" 'primarily; 'micro'controller; automating etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online every week. Best wishes !
· #190
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:57)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: financial, channeling, invasion. Keep on working.
· #189
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:50)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Try to give your examples from the articles for the phrases of the Day Practice. Go on working.
· #188
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:48)
1.To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені переважно на жінках, які
вже мають дітей.
2.There are a number of other technical reasons why shortwave radio can be very
useful in crisis situations.
Існує ряд інших технічних причин, чому короткохвильове радіо може бути дуже
корисним у кризових ситуаціях.
3.First use of Deutsch's Algorithm in a cluster state quantum computer.
I read the article "Global Aid Response to Ukraine Too Short, Study Says". The
article says that, according to the study, those who offer assistance to Ukraine
are inefficiently channeling their aid. To date, a total of more than $15
billion in financial, technical and humanitarian assistance has been disbursed
since the Russian invasion in February triggered a man-made crisis. Aid should
prioritize sustainable goals, such as rebuilding a country after an invasion.
I believe that future research is now needed to look back on the experience of
the Russian invasion and to draw important lessons from different countries
regarding budgeting, humanitarian policy, accounting and financial auditing, and
to support a country on the defensive.
· #187
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:39)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentences (I've read the article "...". It deals with/describes/presents/is about...). Keep on working.
· #186
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:36)
I read an article about the tree of life.
The researchers found that evolution is more difficult, so a tree can be a bush,
due to the larger number of species. Different parts of the genome tell new
things about the relationship between new species. This phenomenon is the result
of genetic variation.
Using retrotransposed elements, the researchers found that, for example, a
cuckoo could be related to a hummingbird, at the same time as to another part.
Therefore, due to more complex kinship patterns, the Tree of Life can be
perceived as a bush of life.
· #185
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:30)
SORRY!I accidentally confused the new article with the old one, and sent the old
one. I corrected it for the new one.
1)The Task Force's investigations have focused primarily on significant
2)These problems have developed for a number of reasons.
3)The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
I read an article about Samsung Electronic.
The company reported a 28 percent jump in profits despite supply problems due to
the pandemic.
The profit of the world's largest chip maker for the period July-September
reached $ 13.5 billion.
Its sales are up 10 percent from last year to a record $ 74 trillion.
While the coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the global economy, it has
helped many tech companies thrive.
Working from home in the wake of the pandemic has boosted demand for devices
based on Samsung chips, as well as home appliances such as TVs and washing
· #184
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:30)
1) for a number of reasons
These problems have developed for a number of reasons.
2) first use of
This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the
first use of the drug.
проблема вирішується старанною повторною обробкою голови через тиждень після
першого застосування препарату).
3) focused primarily on
This study focused primarily on salinity problems.
I read an article on developing a robot that can hear, see, and walk around your
home. His name is Astro. He can check to see if you have turned off the
electrical appliances, or report if someone unfamiliar enters the house. You can
also put something on Astro's back and he will take it to someone in the house.
In addition to the robot, the company has developed a screen with a voice
assistant in the form of a frame, this invention will help in cooking.
Summing up, I want to say that inventions make our life safer, better and more
I read an article that talks about mobile phones, what they improve by getting
smarter. There are many applications in the phone, one of them is GPS. With it,
you can determine your location or get directions to the place you need. But the
app has a drawback: in order to keep in touch with a satellite, the GPS needs a
clear view, so if you are in a building, it will not be able to determine your
Summing up, I want to say that we are improving in the field of information
technology and thanks to this we make our life better, easier.
· #183
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:26)
focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
SolSmart, VEP,
for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
The article is titled Study finds local voluntary programs are effective in
promoting green energy and was written by Mark Blackwell Thomas from Florida
State University.
The main idea of this article is that local voluntary programs are effective in
promoting green energy. Those programs are working, as the study showed local
government participation in SolSmart is associated with an increased solar
installed capacity of 18% to 19% per month.
In general, I guess that this article is rather interesting than helpful because
this information is more about something that already improving people lives.
Exam topic #5(Legged Robots)
Legged robots are a type of mobile robot which use articulated limbs, such as
leg mechanisms, to provide locomotion.
They are more versatile than wheeled robots and can traverse many different
terrains, though these advantages require increased complexity and power
consumption. Legged robots often imitate legged animals, such as humans or
insects. Legged robots can be categorized by the number of limbs they use:
One-legged, Two-legged, Four-legged, Six-legged, Eight-legged and hybrids.
Hybrids are using a combination of legs and wheels. This grants a machine the
speed and energy efficiency of wheeled locomotion as well as the mobility of
legged navigation.
· #182
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:19)
1)The Task Force's investigations have focused primarily on significant
2)These problems have developed for a number of reasons.
3)The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
I read an article called "Samsung researchers announce the feasibility of
commercial 'stretchable' devices".
Samsung has put forward a study discussing a technology that circumvents the
limitations of stretchable devices.
Researchers have succeeded in incorporating a stretchable organic LED display
and a photoplethysmography sensor into a device to measure and display heart
rate in real time.
The research team explains that the goal is to allow device owners to check
their heart rate throughout the day without worrying about reduced performance
due to excessive movement.
I think this device is useful, because it is useful to know the heart rate when
you are sick.
· #181
Perepelytsyn Danylo KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:10)
1. Research into the global environmental impact of plastics has also focused
primarily on the disposal phase.
Дослідження глобального впливу пластмас на навколишнє середовище також
зосереджені насамперед на етапі утилізації.
2. MDS is more efficient than traditional separation techniques for a number of
reasons," says Tajfirooz.
є більш ефективним, ніж традиційні методи поділу з ряду причин», – каже
3. First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
I have read this article and fully support the methods of spreading this type of
As for me, people should have at least partially switched to environmentally
friendly methods of obtaining energy for a long time. Solar batteries are one of
the main and achievable options for every person who has his own house and,
accordingly, a roof to place his mini power plants there.
I hope that in a couple of years we will be able to see a complete transition to
alternative methods of generating electricity.
Exam Topic #2
What is logistics engineering?
Logistics engineering for me is the design of a logistics system. Let me give
you an example. A start-up in the field of cooking and serving food half an hour
after you place an order wonders how they are going to act together. They need
to be prepared, packed, and delivered in 30 minutes. How many kitchens, in which
place, what kind of packaging, and how are transportation and delivery
organized? That's what engineering logistics is. How do I organize my logistics
to deliver flawless goods and services.
· #180
Gvozd to Kunitsky Artem KI-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:01)
I appreciate your work. Keep on working.
· #179
Gvozd to A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:59)
Thank you, the task is complete and informative.
· #178
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:56)
1) First use of -
It also adhered to the principle of no first use of armed force.
2)Focused primarily on -
In the United Kingdom, legislation focused primarily on the issue of consent.
3) For a number of reasons -
He is probably right, for a number of reasons, which I will not discuss now.
Today a have read the article "Researchers store a quantum bit for a
record-breaking 20 milliseconds"
Computers, smartphones, GPS: quantum physics has enabled many technological
advances. It is now opening up new fields of research in cryptography (the art
of coding messages) with the aim of developing ultra-secure telecommunications
networks. There is one obstacle, however: after a few hundred kilometers within
an optical fiber, the photons that carry the qubits or "quantum bits" (the
information) disappear. They therefore need "repeaters," a kind of "relay,"
which are partly based on a quantum memory. By managing to store a qubit in a
crystal (a "memory") for 20 milliseconds, a team from the University of Geneva
(UNIGE) has set a world record and taken a major step towards the development of
long-distance quantum telecommunications networks. This research can be found in
the journal npj Quantum Information.
Today i have read the article "Design and implementation of a lithium-ion
battery management system for EVs".
The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) is moving apace, mainly being
driven by the need to remove polluting vehicles from our towns and cities and to
curb our carbon emissions by switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy
sources. As more and more drivers switch to EVs, there is a pressing need to
ensure that the rechargeable batteries on which they rely are running under
optimal and safe conditions. Research in the International Journal of Energy
Technology and Policy considers the design and implementation of a new type of
battery-management system for the lithium-ion batteries commonly used in EVs.
Exam topic #4 (CAD machines and vehicles)
Today's automotive engineers and designers use CAD systems to draw their designs
quickly, work with other experts, and simulate actual performance. Collaboration
is an important part of the process; CAD allows designers to share information
with the engineering and manufacturing teams for feedback and feasibility
studies. Designers can even create visual prototypes for consumer research and
marketing purposes. By streamlining the development process, auto manufacturers
can reduce the time from drawing board to assembly line to roll out new models
faster than ever before. Automotive CAD systems can even help identify and
eliminate design faults.
· #177
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:49)
To Koval V.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topic. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.
· #176
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:46)
1. first use of
The team also found that the first use of Canarian forests by aboriginal
settlers appeared to have limited impact on the native vegetation.
Команда також визначила, що перше користування Канарськими лісами
поселенцями-аборигенами, здається, мала обмежений вплив на рослинність.
2. for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
Технологія новітня за рядом причин, одна з яких те, що вона моє потенціал для
того, щоб надати нове розуміння екологічних чинників, які значно впливають на
рівень забруднення повітря.
3. focused primarily on
For decades, popular TV shows have focused primarily on the middle class.
The article I’ve read tells about improving safety education using video games.
A mobile accident simulator game was created, and the research was conducted on
hundreds of players worldwide. As player’s gameplays’ analysis shows, their
capability of assessing critical situations significantly improved over time,
just like their safety knowledge.
To my mind, a lot of survival and safety skills can be improved with videogames,
because then you’re more invested in replaying and finally getting it right than
when you’re just listening to a safety tips lecture one time. It is also
important that such educational games should be as realistic as possible.
I’ve read an article about a bot capable of detecting depressed Twitter users.
It is said to analyze Twitter presence such as mutuals, their language and usage
of emojis etc. And it flags user’s depression with almost 90 percent accuracy,
which is a fantastic result for an AI.
The technology is possibly to be used by employers, and I don’t think that’s a
good thing. It’s already hard to find a job when you’re mentally stable, and
even harder if you’re depressed. Such info in the hands of recruiters may create
additional discrimination, and unemployment may worsen the depression, which may
result in suicide.
· #175
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:40)
To Group MD-212. Dear students, the lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #174
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:33)
To МІ-211,МФ-211, МР-211 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to attach the link of your article.
· #173
Gvozd to MD-212 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:31)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #172
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:15)
first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
focused primarily on
Research into the global environmental impact of plastics has also focused
primarily on the disposal phase.
The article is about the co-operative robots. The researchers have programmed a
group of 40 extremely simple robots that are able to form a dense cluster
without the need for complex computation, similarly to how a swarm of bees or a
flock of birds is able to carry out tasks collectively. Each robot uses just one
sensor that tells them whether they can 'see' another robot in front of them,
and based on it, they will move until they can see one.
The researchers are now focusing on programming the robots to accomplish simple
tasks, for example moving the objects around or sorting them into groups.
Exam topic #5 Robot programming and interface.
Robot programming is programming the microcontroller inside a robot for
performing a specific application using actuators and feedback from various
sensors. The robot applications include pick and place of the object, moving the
robot from A to B, etc.
Industrial robot applications use SCADA or vendors’ proprietary programming
languages, such as ABB and KUKA. This programming is done from the industrial
robot’s teach pendant. RAPID is the programming language used in ABB industrial
robots to automate robotic applications.
Robotic programming creates intelligence in the robot for self-decision making,
implementing controllers like PID to move joints, automating repeated tasks, and
creating robotic vision applications.
· #171
Gvozd to Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:48)
Thank you for your tasks, they are quite detailed and correct.
· #170
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:38)
focused primarily on -
In the past, geneticists focused primarily on the evolution of genes in order to
trace the relationships between species. -
first use of -
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica. -
for a number of reasons -
These cost disparities likely arise for a number of reasons, the study authors
said. -
Today I have read the article "The American Dream is more attainable for TV
characters than Americans".
We've all heard of the "American Dream" at some point. It tells that anyone,
regardless of their race or socioeconomic status, can achieve success through
hard work and talent.In fact, it is very difficult to succeed in the USA,
because several dozen highly qualified specialists apply for one job at once.63
percent of lower-class black children do not succeed and live the same life as
their parents. Sociologists and researchers claim that American television shows
have created this "American dream".These TV shows should tell the truth, talk
about the problems of American society, they said.
Today I have read the article "Beyond electric cars: How electrifying trucks,
buses, tractors and scooters will help tackle climate change".
It tells about the total electrification of vehicles will help humanity in the
fight against global warming.
The battle between electric vehicles and combustion engine vehicles began in the
early 20th century. Electric cars were less noisy, but very slow and took a very
long time to charge the battery. All people chose cars with an internal
combustion engine. But now the atmosphere is polluted and people are looking for
ways to clean it up. First of all, people think that if they start using
electric vehicles, the situation will change for the better.
· #169
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:30)
To students from the group-KD-211. Good morning everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Good luck !
· #168
Gvozd to KI-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:28)
Troncha Ruslan KI-211
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211
I appreciate your tasks, keep on working.
· #167
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:23)
Today I have read the article "Growing carbon footprint for plastics".
It tells that plastics are useful, cheap and extremely popular. Global demand
has quadrupled
in the last forty years and is expected to continue to rise, with
correspondingly negative
consequences for the environment and human health. The public is generally aware
of the
environmental harm caused by plastics at the end of their life cycle in
particular, such as
when they release greenhouse gasses and air pollutants when burned, or pollute
water and soil
in the form of microplastics.
I think that this article is very usefull,I would recommend everybody to read
· #166
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:23)
For a number of reasons-знизкипричин
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have significant
on air pollution levels.-Цятехнологіяєновоюзрядупричин,
Focused primarily on-основнаувагаприділялася
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
First use of-впершепримінити
First use of Deutsch's Algorithm in a cluster state quantum computer.-Першевикористання
Today I have read the article "How to investigate when a robot causes an
accident, and
why it's important that we do"
It tells that robots are featuring more and more in our daily lives. They can be
incredibly useful (bionic limbs, robotic lawnmowers, or robots which deliver
meals to
people in quarantine), or merely entertaining (robotic dogs, dancing toys, and
drones). Imagination is perhaps the only limit to what robots will be able to do
in the
future.I think that this article is very interesting,I would reccomend everybody
to read it.
· #165
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:11)
first use of -
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
focused primarily on -
For decades, popular TV shows have focused primarily on the middle class.
for a number of reasons -
The idea has been around for years, but it remains problematic for a number of
Ідея існує вже багато років, але залишається проблематичною з ряду причин.
Bot can spot depressed Twitter users in 9 out of 10 cases
New bot in Twitter can spot depressed people with an accuracy of almost 90%. By
analyzing many aspects of a user page, the algorithm could have a number of
different applications across multiple platforms in the future, such as early
diagnosis of depression, employment screening, or police investigations. Bot
takes into account 38 different factors, such as the user's use of positive and
negative words, the number of friends and followers they have, and their use of
emoji, and determines the mental and emotional state of this user. Of course,
this is not 100% yet, but for a computer it's still very good.
Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:
Size of mobile web pages increased tenfold in ten years, with implications for
energy consumption
Every year, the energy spent on Internet resources is increasing, which
dramatically affects energy consumption in general. On a fiber network, to which
computers are often connected, the energy consumption of the transferred bit is
still moderate, whereas a mobile network consumes up to a thousand times more
energy. For example, watching a two-hour 4K resolution movie over a mobile
network consumes the same amount of electricity as heating a sauna or driving an
electric car for 20 kilometers. But this consumption can be reduced by simply
making the sites design a little more minimalist, using other image formats,
Comment on the article:
Exam topic I will do tomorrow for another teacher, because now I don't have
enough time for it.
· #164
Gvozd to Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:54)
I am glad that you work in any circumstances. But remember that the first sentence should be like this: I have read the article.... . Choose the articles of your speciality.
· #163
Gvozd to Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:47)
Thank you, but remember - if you write the title of the article, you should use definite article THE.
· #162
Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (gvozd) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:47)
for a number of reasons -Funds are often available but not accessible for a
number of reasons.
first use of- This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week
after the first use of the drug.
Focused primarily on-Clearance was focused primarily on Battle Area Clearance.
Today I read an article called "Study finds local voluntary programs are
effective in promoting green energy". It tells about the attempts to introduce
the use of solar energy by ordinary people. Florida State University found that
programs that encourage voluntary use of solar energy at the local level are
effective in encouraging the adoption of solar energy. SolSmart is also
described. Reading the article you can learn about all of the above in more
detail. reading .
Today I read an article called «Shortwave radio in Ukraine: Why revisiting
old-school technology makes sense in a war» . this article tells about the fact
that BBC News, the BBC announced the resumption of the broadcast of the BBC
World Service on shortwave radio for four hours a day. It said that this was
done so that people in parts of Russia and Ukraine could access its news
service. It tells what shortwave radio is and how it differs from modern
analogues, pluses and minuses, the principle of operation.
Reading the article you can learn about all of the above in more detail. reading
· #161
Bordan Vitalii KI-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:44)
1)focused primarily-основнаувагаприділялася
It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content
2)for a number of reasons-
These problems have developed for a number of reasons.
3)first use of-першевикористання
Kerosene helped me, nothing happened after the first use.
Today I have read an article titled
"Growing carbon footprint for plastics".
The article says that from plastics are useful, cheap and extremely popular.
Global demand has quadrupled in the last forty years and is expected to continue
to rise,
with correspondingly negative consequences for the environment and human health.
The public is generally aware of the environmental harm caused by plastics at
the end of their life cycle in.
I liked the article becose we must understand that nature must be protected
Today I have read an article titled
"Road salts linked to high sodium levels in tap water".
The article says that from when snowstorms hit, deicing agents such
as road salts and brine help keep streets and walkways open.
However, some deicers release sodium and chloride into the surrounding
Links between elevated sodium intake and human health risks, such as high blood
are well established. The effects of deicers on drinking water, however, have
been less clear.
I liked the article.
Exam topic #5(Wheeled and tracked vehicles)
wheeled vehicle used for transportation. Most definitions of cars say they drive
primarily on roads,
seat one to eight people, have four wheels,
and primarily carry people rather than goods.A tracked vehicle is a vehicle that
on tracks instead of wheels.
The main advantage of tracked vehicles over wheeled vehicles is that they
are in contact with a larger area. This makes them suitable for use on mud, ice
and snow.
Widely used as engineering machines,and in the army
· #160
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 06:53)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #159
Savluk A. (Monday, 09 May 2022 15:52)
Zelinskiy KI-212
Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212,
Thank you for your answers.
· #158
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Saturday, 07 May 2022 13:21)
Good afternoon. Belous Annа sent my work to you by mail.
· #157
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 22:15)
To Filimonova Yana-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but try to read the text more distinctly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. Would you consult a dictionary before posting. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct, but the Exam topic with the voice recording is obligatory and there is non. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #156
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 21:46)
To Serdichenko Daria-group-MD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the articles you've read, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the Phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammaticaly correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Your modular control tests are not kept on Continue to work online every week. Best wishes!
· #155
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 21:08)
To Spetcialna Katherina- group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but try to read the text more distinctly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. Would you consult a dictionary before posting. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #154
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 19:20)
To Novitsky Yuri-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Remember, there should be Subject and Predicate in the sentence. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but mind some mispronounced words: " function; initial; century etc." Would you consult a dictionary before posting. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. Good luck !
· #153
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 18:01)
To Koval Veronika-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles you've read, the Exam topics with the audio versions and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The tasks with the phrases of the day have been performed correct. You should have sent your debt for 03.05.2022 to Sirotenko. Continue to work online every week. Best wishes!
· #152
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 17:32)
Today I have read the article "Artificial skin could give robots a sense of
touch similar to humans". It states that Johannes Weichart has developed an
artificial skin that emulates the sense of touch in a human finger.
The artificial skin is pliable, which means it can be used to cover soft and
unevenly formed materials. Johannes Weichart has spent the first three years of
his doctoral studies demonstrating that his idea functions in principle. The
challenge now is to make the artificial skin more robust and, crucially,
suitable for real-life applications. He was among the nominees for the Spark
Award, which was presented last week.
The article was quite interesting. Thanks to it, I first learned about
artificial skin, which is a great breakthrough in science.
1. a breakthrough in -
Signing that contract would mean a breakthrough in engineering -
2. able to target -
Our company will be able to better target the needs of the clients, if you leave
the feedback -
3. ability to achieve -
Effectiveness is the ability to achieve stated goals -
· #151
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 17:18)
Today I have read the article "Samsung researchers announce the feasibility of
commercial 'stretchable' devices". They are already available to buy, although
are judged to be a next-generation product. Samsung developers confirm that
since such equipment can already be used in semiconductor processes, it may be
very helpful for commercialization and salability of stretchable devices. For
example, Samsung have already created a device to measure and display the user's
heart rate. This process allowed for an electronic stretchable device capable of
assessing bodily metrics via the skin. Overall, such technology is truly a
breakthrough in modern world, due to it's range of usage and possibilities.
I really liked the article, because I learned a lot of interesting things about
the development of my favorite company Samsung. I have a lot of their products,
so it was very interesting to read.
1. controversial question -
The question about if we are allowed to do sports while being ill for some
reason is still a controversial for a bunch of people -
2. considerable disagreement -
Despite considerable disagreement between directors, the movie came out -
3. conduct research -
Although scientists were deprived of necessary conditions, they continued
conducting researches, even if they had to do it under the table -
· #150
Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 16:03)
Today I have read the article "How tiny machines become capable of learning".
This article says that scientists have developed a method to give tiny
artificial micro swimmers a certain learning ability using machine learning
Microfloaters are artificial, self-propelled microscopic particles. They are
capable of directional movement in solution. The group developed special
particles smaller than one-thirtieth of the diameter of a hair. They can change
direction by heating tiny gold particles on their surface and converting that
energy into motion.
According to scientists, the combination of artificial intelligence and active
systems, as in these microfloaters, is the first small step towards new
intelligent microscopic materials that can autonomously perform tasks, as well
as adapt to a new environment.
I really liked the article, because in it I learned a lot of useful information
and became more knowledgeable in this topic.
1. able to target -
New invention able to target the enemy automatically -
2. a breakthrough in -
A breakthrough was made in modern medicine -
3. ability to achieve -
The ability to achieve a goal is an integral part of a successful person -
· #149
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 15:46)
To Bondarenko Maria-group-MD- 211. Thank you for your comments on the article about wildfires, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but would you read the text more distinctly. There are separate mispronounced words: " 'viruses; im'portant; new threats; auto'matic;re'sult etc." Would you consult a dictionary before posting. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #148
Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 06 May 2022 14:44)
ability to achieve
Their group is famous for their ability to achieve all their goals.
a breakthrough in
A Ukrainian group of researchers has made a huge breakthrough in the topic of
able to target
Now there are many modern technologies that able to target between them.
Зараз є безліч сучасних технологій, здатних передавати сигнали між собою.
Researchers develop a paper-thin loudspeaker.
In this article, I learned that Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers
have developed a paper-thin loudspeaker that can turn any surface into an active
sound source. That is, this thin-film loudspeaker reproduces sound with minimal
distortion, consuming only a fraction of the power required by a traditional
loudspeaker. And it's the size of a palm.
Such a device can be glued everywhere, for example, in a car or even pasted over
wallpaper in a room with them. It can also be used in movie theaters or
attractions for 3D sound. That is, such a device can be used everywhere, because
it is small, thin, compact, and it does not need a lot of energy or batteries. I
think this is a very good invention, because it is convenient and useful for
creating new microphones and speakers.
· #147
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 14:33)
To Tanev Arseniy MD-211 Thanks you’ve earned very good marks for your activities.
· #146
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 14:29)
To Ilya Volkov MD-211 Thanks. Very good.
· #145
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:30)
To Anastasiia Klepatska -MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online every week. Best wishes!
· #144
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:45)
To Merezhenko Nikita group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Please, indicate the title of the article in the first sentence. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Continue to work online every week. Best wishes!
· #143
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:33)
To Zhan Rodion KA-211 The comment is written correctly, but you forgot to attach audio file. Go on working.
· #142
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:32)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 I got your work with phrases. Now I am waiting for the review of the article.
· #141
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:28)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Thanks for the comment. Now I am waiting for an exam topic.
· #140
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:26)
To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 The comment is written correctly, but you should pracise reading more.
· #139
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:26)
1.Able to target.
New invention able to target the enemy automatically.
Новий винахід здатний націлитися на ворога автоматично.
2.A breakthrough in.
A breakthrough was made in modern medicine.
3.Ability to achieve.
The ability to achieve a goal is an integral part of a successful person.
I read an article about robots and a new method to reprogram them. For example,
a robot that is designed to take mugs. But the robot must take different mugs,
both taller and narrow mugs that are stored upside down. Reprogramming takes a
long time. But the new technique will require only a few human demonstrations.
This machine learning technique allows the robot to pick up and place
never-before-seen objects in random poses. Within 10-15 minutes, the robot will
be ready for a new pick and place task. This method uses a neural network
specifically designed to reconstruct the shapes of 3D objects.
This article reveals that scientists have developed a method to give tiny
artificial micro swimmers a certain learning ability using machine learning
algorithms. Microfloaters are artificial, self-propelled microscopic particles.
They are capable of directional movement in solution. The group developed
special particles smaller than one-thirtieth of the diameter of a hair. They can
change direction by heating tiny gold particles on their surface and converting
that energy into motion.According to scientists, the combination of artificial
intelligence and active systems, as in these microfloaters, is the first small
step towards new intelligent microscopic materials that can autonomously perform
tasks, as well as adapt to a new environment.
Exam topic # 8
Device drivers.
Almost no device can now do without a driver. A driver is a program that
controls an external device on a computer. When you connect third-party
equipment to your computer, you simply cannot interact with it without the help
of the explorer program. Drivers are needed for many devices, such as a video
card, mouse and keyboard, camera, and so on. Each device has its own driver. The
first forerunners of modern drivers appeared in the 1950s and were libraries.
· #138
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:23)
Phrases of the Day :
1. Able to target -
The company will be able to target more rapid growth and innovation.
2. A breakthrough in -
Astronomy has made a breakthrough in the study of magnetic reconnection, which
could prevent space storms.
Астрономія зробила прорив у вивченні магнітного перез'єднання, яке могло б
запобігти космічним бурям.
3. Ability to achieve -
One of the biggest challenges in AI development is the ability to achieve
human-like learning and perception.
I've just read the article "Researchers investigate Apple's privacy labels". Not
so long ago, Apple introduced privacy labels to its app store, CyLab researchers
were eager to study them. The researchers scanned the US Apple app store every
week from April to November 2021, collecting privacy label information and
metadata for more than 1.4 million apps. Studies have shown that more than half
of all apps in the app store still do not have a privacy label. We also found
that app updates are an important factor in creating privacy labels. The
researchers watched 12 iOS developers create privacy labels, and nine out of
twelve developers made mistakes in the label. After that, the researchers argue
that in order for sensitivity labels to become more widely adopted, better
developer support is needed, including better design and evaluation of developer
History of programming
The history of programming began in 1822, when the English mathematician Charles
Babbage began work on a difference engine, hoping to replace people with it.
This machine became the prototype of the modern computer and gave rise to
programming. For the first computers, the code looked like a combination of ones
and zeros, which was very inconvenient, since the language was cumbersome and
time-consuming. Assembly language soon began to be used, thanks to which
programmers used letters or abbreviated words instead of binary code. But even
here there were problems, so high-level programming languages soon appeared,
which are still used today.
· #137
Koval Veronika MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Debt for 03.05.2022) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:22)
1. Controversial question —
The question about if we are allowed to do sports while being ill for some
reason is still a controversial for a bunch of people.
Питання про те, чи можна займатися спортом під час хвороби, чомусь й досі
залишається спірним для деяких людей.
2. Considerable disagreement —
Despite considerable disagreement between directors, the movie came out.
дивлячись на значні розбіжності між режисерами, фільм все ж таки вийшов у
3. Conduct research —
Although scientists were deprived of necessary conditions, they continued
conducting researches, even if they had to do it under the table.
дивлячись на відсутність необхідних умов, вчені продовжували проводити
дослідження, навіть якщо доводилося робити це підпільно.
The 'Scientific software: Quality not always good' article pushes such an
important issue in ours age of IT, as the quality of software. Reading it, we
get to know that at the moment there are active works being done over creating a
program to check the correctness of the written code. One of those is SoftWipe.
Developed by leading in the IT area universities, it marks programs using a
scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means 'does not work' and 10 is 'operates without a
failure'. Essentially, the principle of SW work and its advantages over the
competitors is described.
In modern world more and more jobs are being replaced by automated systems.
'Fujitsu develops task-oriented dialogue technology with AI' overviews a case of
gradual robotization of call-manager work. Fujitsu, the Japanese company, is
doing actions over producing the algorithm, which could be useful to
communicating with clients without human's interrupting. It is done with an
analysis of words' correlations and program's skill to remember what have it
processed before. We'll wait and see how the cat jumps, and what Japanese can
Exam topic #6. Software industry.
Software differs from hardware in that it has a set of rules that allow services
to be provided on a physical device. The software industry is actually only a
small part of the overall computer programming activity as it is related to
software traded between software producers and software consumers.The software
industry can be divided into four main categories: programming services, systems
services, open source, and SaaS. Programming services has historically been the
largest sector. Companies were often the first to find solutions to business
needs in data analysis, storing and organizing data, or providing software to
run hardware. System services grew rapidly during the 1960s and 1970s and then
exploded in the 1980s with the advent of personal computers (PCs) and
Microsoft's original disk operating system (DOS). Open source refers to a code
base that has been created and can be purchased for free. SaaS providers compete
for market share by trying to provide as many services as possible within their
offerings to suit as many situations as possible.
· #136
Koval Veronika MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:21)
1. Able to target —
Beginning from next month the habitants of the peninsula will be able to target
the registration of meter via mobile app.
Мешканці півострову зможуть передавати показники лічильників електроенергії
через мобільний додаток починаючи з наступного місяця.
2. Ability to achieve —
The criteria of influence is the ability to achieve wanted results and to set
important processes, having influenced the behavior and thoughts of the others.
Критерієм впливовості є здатність досягати бажаних результатів і формувати
важливі процеси, впливаючи на поведінку і мислення інших.
3. A breakthrough in —
In 2022 there will be a great breakthrough in the multifactorial lead-up to
ageing processes investigations.
2022 буде зроблено великий прорив в багатофакторному підході до вивчення
процесів старіння.
The article is about the website which Microsoft company is planning to develop
now. Due to success of the Shopify platform that provides hosting plans that
include network, storage, and compute; integrated payment systems; templates;
and domain creation or hosting; and customers' demand, they're going to create
their own one. According to the rumors, the name's going to be Cayman and their
task will be to build services and tools for enabling commerce inside Microsoft
and for third parties. Overall, though there is a lack of information, Microsoft
will obviously not miss their chance to get to market with the new service.
The article is about a revolutionary technology of flexible displays. They are
already available to buy, although are judged to be a next-generation product.
Samsung developers confirm that since such equipment can already be used in
semiconductor processes, it may be very helpful for commercialization and
salability of stretchable devices. For example, Samsung have already created a
device to measure and display the user's heart rate. This process allowed for an
electronic stretchable device capable of assessing bodily metrics via the skin.
Overall, such technology is truly a breakthrough in modern world, due to its
range of usage and possibilities.
Exam topic #5. The development of Windows versions.
In the early 1980s, IBM was working on a personal computer based on the Intel
8088 processor. When IBM approached Microsoft to license Basic for their new IBM
PC, Microsoft agreed. The final name of the resulting OS was MS-DOS 1.0.
Microsoft's first "Windows" products were not operating systems. These were
graphical environments for MS-DOS. So, in 1985, 1987 and 1990, the first three
versions of Windows were released — 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0. In August 1995, Windows 95
was released, the first system in the Windows 9x family. It was already a
full-fledged operating system with the appropriate capabilities. The success of
Windows 2000 set the direction for the next generation, Windows XP. XP's
problems were taken into account in the development of Windows 7. Microsoft paid
more attention to testing and performance of the new system. Windows 7 quickly
supplanted the predecessors. By 2015, Microsoft releases Windows 10. During
development, Microsoft continued to develop the idea of a single system for
different devices. In the "top ten" appeared the voice assistant Cortana,
returned the "Start" menu, system security was improved.
· #135
Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:20)
1. 05-forest-species-declining-
2. Today I've read the article "Less forest, more species: Declining
biodiversity in Tibet in response to climate change". It
tells us about the prediction how the biodiversity of alpine regions will
decline in response to global warming-when the mountain forests spread to higher
elevations. The extensive forests are the most species-rich region. With
increasing elevation, biodiversity steadily declines. If the evolution of
mountain ranges in the course of millennia is considered, it becomes clear that
the landscape above the tree line contains many more species than the mountain
forests. As a result, today, there is much more forest available, which can
contain various types of habitat, like glades and forest streams. With the aid
of an ice model the researchers were able to precisely trace how the plant
community changed with the elevation of the glacier and the shifting tree line.
The researchers' data could potentially help to develop new management
strategies for combatting the loss of diversity.
1) ability to achieve -
It will depend upon my ability to achieve -
2) a breakthrough in -
We're on the verge of a medical breakthrough that could save countless lives. -
3) able to target -
All electrical devises able to target -
· #134
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:15)
1) able to target -
Developers will be able to target different versions - either a range or
individual - of the UAP, not the underlying version of Windows, according to
Matt Lacey.
словам Метта Лейсі, розробники змогли орієнтуватися на різні версії - або на
діапазон, або на окремі - УПД(універсальну платформу додатків), а не на базову
2) a breakthrough in -
A team of scientists led by the University of East Anglia has made a major
breakthrough in detecting changes in fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions more
quickly and frequently.
3) ability to achieve -
Highlights include the ability to achieve full throughput on CPU-constrained
After reading this article, I was impressed by the developments of astronomers
from Ohio. Researchers have come up with a potential cure for cancer.
The principle of this operation is that nanoparticles of gold or other
compatible metals are placed in a cancerous tumor and "bomb" them with
high-energy X-rays.
But high-energy X-rays can be absorbed mainly by nanoparticles. That's why they
are safer.
The reason they absorb this high-energy radiation is because the nanoparticles
are made of very heavy elements like gold or platinum.
I hope that this development will be used in modern medicine as soon as
possible. This will help save a lot of lives.
· #133
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:14)
1)a breakthrough in
Machine learning yields a breakthrough in the study of stellar nurseries.
2)able to target
Using your Windows PC you'll be able to target PowerShell scripts against
specific Unix commands
3)ability to achieve
The ability to achieve a lower device threshold voltage potentially enables high
performance operation at lower voltages.
Можливість досягнення нижчої порогової напруги пристрою потенційно забезпечує
високу продуктивність при більш низьких напругах.
I have just read an article that says about researchers from the Weizmann
Institute of Science who are trying to create an artificial intelligence, like
in humans. But they cannot create it for many reasons, such as: humanity, joy,
understanding, regret and many other factors that are genetically inherent in a
person, can be difficult for artificial intelligence. This is due to the fact
that scientists still cannot understand how the human brain works, which makes
it difficult to create. I think that they will cope with this task, because a
person has no barriers and if he wants, then he always achieves his goal.
Exam topic: What is Word processing.
Word processing is the act of using a computer to transform written, verbal, or
recorded information into typewritten or printed form. Of all the computer
applications in use, word processing is by far the most common. Word processing
technology allows human beings to freely and efficiently share ideas, thoughts,
feelings, sentiments, facts, and other information in written form. Word
processing software can easily create, edit, store, and print text documents
such as letters, memoranda, forms and so on. A professional looking document can
be easily created and readily updated when necessary.
· #132
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:12)
Today I have read the article named "Could a computer ever learn the same way
people and animals do?".Artificial intelligence has stepped far ahead since the
creation of the Turing test.Now the scientists of the world are faced with the
task of teaching robots to learn throughout their lives, while learning new
things and not forgetting the old, as people do.At this stage, researchers need
to find a way to get around the small amount of memory cards in robots,which
will allow them to train machines to operate in new conditions.
url -
voice -
1) ability to achieve -
Interpersonal relationships have an outsize effect on our ability to achieve
success. -
2) able to target -
We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities. -
3) a breakthrough in -
One of the great advantages of our time can be called a breakthrough in the
field of building technologies. -
· #131
Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikishova G.P) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:08)
1.A breakthrough in-прорыв
In the 21st century, humanity has made a big breakthrough in technology
2.ability to achieve-способностьдостигать
Every person has the ability to achieve their goals, the main thing is to work
hard to achieve them.
3.Able to target-могутпередаватьсигнал
In airplanes, ships, etc. there are special devices that .Able to target for
Here's ZDNet's top pick for affordable, useful gadgets and tech accessories that
make great gifts for any occasion.
Fryer Ninja AF101
• Four preset cooking modes
• Can be washed in the dishwasher
Amazon Echo Show 8
• Smart display that can act as an assistant or display favorite photos
• Camera with auto framing so you are always in the center of the frame
Google Nest Mini
The best simple smart assistant
• Can control other devices in your home
• Works like a music player
Stick Up Cam
• Customizable privacy zones
• Listen and talk to people on your phone or tablet
Target RedCard: a credit card for large purchases
Back to school, work or outing, Target has become one of the favorite places for
people looking for everyday items. Like most other major retailers, this store
offers shoppers the opportunity to save extra with their Target RedCard credit
The 5% discount is the main advantage of the card, but it has other useful
bonuses as well. These include extended returns, free 2-day shipping, and
exclusive cardholder-only offers.
• 5% discount on purchases (including Starbucks stores)
• Free 2 day shipping
• Extended return
Device drivers
A driver is computer software that allows other software (the operating system)
to access the hardware of a device. Typically, operating systems come with
drivers for key hardware components that the system cannot function witho
Approach to building drivers
A driver consists of several functions that handle specific operating system
events. Usually these are 7 main events:
• Driver download. Here the driver registers in the system, performs initial
initialization, etc.
• Unloading. The driver frees the seized resources - memory, files, devices,
• Opening the driver. The beginning of the main work. Typically, a driver is
opened as a file by the program, by fopen() on UNIX-like systems, or
CreateFile() on Win32.
• Read/Write: The program reads or writes data from/to the device served by the
• Close: The reverse operation of opening, frees the resources used by the
opening and destroys the file descriptor.
• I/O control (IO Control, IOCTL). Often, a driver supports an I/O interface
that is specific to a given device.
· #130
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:07)
1) a breakthrough in -
Signing that contract would mean a breakthrough in engineering.
2) able to target -
Our company will be able to better target the needs of the clients, If you leave
the feedback.
Наша компанія зможе краще орієнтуватися на потреби клієнтів, якщо ви залишите
3) ability to achieve -
Effectiveness is the ability to achieve stated goals.
Today I've read the article "Artificial skin could give robots a sense of touch
similar to humans". It states that Johannes Weichart has developed an artificial
skin that emulates the sense of touch in a human finger.
The artificial skin is pliable, which means it can be used to cover soft and
unevenly formed materials. Johannes Weichart has spent the first three years of
his doctoral studies demonstrating that his idea functions in principle. The
challenge now is to make the artificial skin more robust and, crucially,
suitable for real-life applications. He was among the nominees for the Spark
Award, which was presented last week.
Exam topic "History of kernel development"
The kernel is the memory-resident part of the operating system code. It uses
device drivers to manage all hardware resources.
On most systems, the kernel is one of the first programs loaded on startup. A
computer cannot function without an operating system. On the "bare metal"
machine, programmes can be loaded and executed immediately. During the 1950s and
1960s, this was how most early computers worked. The RC 4000 Multiprogramming
System introduced the small nucleus system design paradigm in 1969.
Monolithic kernels, which are designed for speed, run entirely in a single
address space with the CPU in supervisor mode.
· #129
Zhan Rodion KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:58)
Today I have read the article called "A breakthrough in medical acoustics".This
article informs us that researchers at Delft University of Technology in Twente
have made a breakthrough in the field of medical ultrasound. For many years it
remained a mystery how exactly ultrasound vaporizes droplets. The explanation
was found in the study of the propagation of ultrasound. The sound splits into
several harmonics with enough energy to vaporize the drop. With the help of
ultrasound, pressure can be reduced, this will find application in many medical
processes. I liked this article because it informs me about discoveries in
medicine that could save my life in the future.
Phrases of the day
1)a breakthrough in.
Scientists have recently made a breakthrough in the field of biotechnology.
2)able to target.
HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high performance computing in
industries like engineering, media and animation.
3)ability to achieve.
AI intelligence has shown its ability to achieve high performance in some tasks.
· #128
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:55)
To build on their breakthrough, the researchers are working on integrating the
material into a hydrogenation reactor and electrochemical cell to make a modular
water treatment system that targets various pollutants, with a particular focus
on anthropogenic halogenated, toxic organics, including PFAS chemicals.
2) *able to target -
nowadays you can make a device that is able to target from improvised means -
**a breakthrough in -
breakthroughs in 21 studies every year, and these breakthroughs are very
significant -
*** ability to achieve -
we have the ability to achieve incredible results in this area -
· #127
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:55)
To Anna Belous- group- MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the Exam topic with the audio version and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Your modular control tests are kept on Continue to work online every week. Best wishes!
· #126
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:38)
1)ability to achieve(здатністьдосягати)
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
здатність досягати максимальних результатів, залишаючись у межах бюджету, є
одним із найбільших ресурсів компанії.
2)able to target(здатнийнацілюватися)
Second, as their knowledge base expands, scientists will be able to target
tumors with increasing safety and effectiveness.
3)a breakthrough in(прориву)
Your holistic detective agency is a breakthrough in applied quantum mechanics.
Thanks to such inventions, we are making breakthroughs in exploring uncharted
terrain. For instance, we can better understand animal behaviour thanks to
small, invisible robots with cameras.Researchers also plan to add other
electronic components, including power supplies, circuits and control units, to
the transparent, soft robot they have created; adapting the transparent
components and robot body accordingly.In conclusion this could eventually make
the robot untethered, allowing it to operate autonomously and for longer periods
of time.
Exam topic #3
The evolution of operating system.
The first computers used batch operating systems, in which the computer ran
batches of jobs without stop. Programs were punched into cards that were usually
copied to tape for processing. When the computer finished one job, it would
immediately start the next one on the tape.Professional operators, not the
users, interacted with the machine. Users dropped jobs off, then returned to
pick up the results after their jobs had run. This was inconvenient for the
users, but the expensive computer was kept busy with a steady stream of jobs.The
real-time operating system is an advanced multi-feature operating system applied
when there are rigid time needs for the flow of data or the operation of a
processor.In conclusion, the evolution of operating systems is inevitable and
sooner or later we will move back into a new era.
· #125
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:28)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #124
Anna Belous MD 211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:02)
1. Able to target
My cousin is not leaving here until we figure out how Peter was able to target
only cousins.
двоюрідний брат не піде звідси, поки ми не з’ясуємо, як Пітер зміг націлитися
лише на кузенів.
2.a breakthrough in
They made a breakthrough in computer programming.
3. ability to achieve
Her ability to achieve results while staying within the budget is one of the
greatest her resources.
здатність досягати результатів, залишаючись у межах бюджету, є одним із
найбільших її ресурсів.
I have just read an article "The '80s Song That Princess Diana Loved Singing in
the Car Is "Simply the Best". Prince William shared a special memory of his
late mother, Princess Diana, that'll make you go, "Aww!" In an episode of Apple
Fitness+'s Time to Walk series, which airs on Dec. 6, William shared Diana's
favorite song to sing in the car as a way to calm his anxieties and inside pain
on the way to boarding school, according to people.
conclude, now William is busy creating special moments with his own children:
Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. "Most mornings there's a
massive fight between Charlotte and George as to what song is played in the
morning," he said. And he has to, now, basically prioritize that one day someone
does this one, and another day it's someone else's turn.
Exam topic #7
The evolution of operating system
It all started from 1945-1955, when appeared first operating system for
The problems here are the scheduling and setup time. The user’s login for
machine time by wasting the computed time.
In 1976, the CP/M operating system was released for Altair and comparable
computers by digital research. Later versions of DOS and CP/M included a
command-line interface that was comparable to that of time-sharing operating
systems. These PCs are for single users only and do not apply to shared users.
The real-time operating system is a multi-featured operating system that is used
when there are strict timing requirements for data flow or processor activity.
To conclude, operating system is the important part of modern computers. Also
The distributed operating system is an interconnection between two or multiple
nodes but the processor doesn’t share any memory.
· #123
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:59)
a breakthrough in
This discovery will make a breakthrough in this field of science.
Це відкриття зробить прорив у цій галузі науки.
2. ability to achieve
Her ability to achieve what she wants is amazing
Її здатність досягати того, чого вона хоче, дивовижна
3. able to target
We wanted to be able to target specific geographic communities.
Ми хотіли звертатися до конкретних географічних районів.
I just read the article "Battling wildfire s from behind the scenes". It tells
about the problem of forest fires in Europe and how to solve it.In the last few
years, more and more often in the news you can see information about a new fire
that claimed many lives. This problem is very urgent and needs to be solved. I
think that creating a system that will automatically be able to track and detect
the danger of forest fires from space is one of the best ways to solve this
problem. This program will be able to help firefighters react faster to ignition
and will make it possible to prevent large-scale fires.
Exam topic 6
"Antivirus programs"
To detect, remove and protect against computer viruses, special programs have
been developed that allow you to detect and destroy viruses.Such programs are
called antivirus programs.
The effectiveness of an antivirus program depends on the relevance of its threat
database. New threats appear every day, so it is very important to use an
antivirus that constantly updates databases of viruses and other dangerous
Unfortunately, there is currently no such antivirus program that could protect
your computer from all possible viruses, but some companies have achieved good
results and there is hope that such a program will be created.
· #122
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:47)
To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #121
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:22)
To students from the group-MD-211. Good morning everybody! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comments should include up to 100 words. Submit the results in one post. Good luck !
· #120
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 22:14)
To Ditkovskya Mykhailiuk MD-213 . Thanks for your activities: but quality should come first. Except for one topic you focused on those that are not part your speciality. There are no reasonable conclusion available You got satisfactory marks for them. As for M.Windows you receive good mark. Pls observe the pattern working with the phrases of the day. First , try to translate the phrases themself and enumerate them. Just 72 points . Pls take my remarks into account.
· #119
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 21:46)
Recently i read an interesting article called “ How our brains influence
language change”. Nowadays, there are a lot of langueages in the world and every
person speaks in his/her language, as if it were his native language or foreign.
But each language has its own history and in ancient times they are different
from today's time. Scientists from University of Vienna conducted research and
became interesting resultant. For example, the Early Middle Ages, the English
word make was pronounced as "ma-ke" (with two syllables and a short "a" similar
to the vowel in cut), whereas in the Late Middle Ages, it was pronounced as
"maak" (with one syllable and a long "a" similar to the vowel in father). Now,
of course, it’s difficult for the new generation to pronounce words from old
English, and on the contrary, old generation difficult to pronounce words from
new English. In conclusion, I would like to say, that the general ability of our
brains to preferentially perceive and remember frequent patterns is an important
factor in how languages change. Languages are interesting and unusual thing,
some languages appear, some languages disappear, and as practice shows, they
change over time.
Article of the days:
1)examine more closely-розглянути уважніше
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests plantations with wastewater(Існують серйозні
підстави для більш ретельного вивчення можливостей використання стокової води
для поливів дерев'їв і орошения лісонасаджень).
2)distinct from- відрізняться від
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure based on
periodic reports(Ці процедури відрізнялися від звичайної процедури моніторингу
на основі періодичних звітів).
3) estimate the effects- оцінити наслідки
If based on reliable data, they could be used to estimate the effects of
reducing atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and other air pollutants.(Якщо вони
розглянуті на основі надійних даних, їх можна застосовувати для визначення
впливу атмосферних концентрацій SO2 та інших загрязнителей повітря)
· #118
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:11)
This article is devoted to electrical conductivity and knowledge about buildings
starting from the understanding of the earth's crust.For example, the presence
or absence of melt or fluids plays a major role in plate tectonic processes.
Most our knowledge in this area comes from geophysical surveys. However, the
relationship between measurable geophysical parameters and the actual conditions
in the Earth's interior is often ambiguous. To improve this state of affairs,
LMU geophysicist Max Moorkamp has developed a new method, whereby data on the
distribution of electrical conductivity and density in the Earth's crust is
combined and processed using a method derived from medical imaging.
I believe that the study of the earth will give more understanding of how you
can increase the population.
· #117
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:11)
Topic : 3.Technical operation of motor vehicles
The technical operation of vehicles is a set of organizational and technical
measures that ensure the maintenance of the working condition of vehicles. This
industry is in steady demand in the labor market. The main tasks of training
specialists in the field of technical operation of cars are to study the devices
of modern cars and their units, the operating materials used, the methods and
means of performing maintenance and car repairs, the organization and technology
of work in motor transport organizations .
· #116
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:10)
Topic : 2.CAD machines and vehicles
In my specialty, Autocad and Solidworks are used. These softwares help in
designing and creating drawings. Autocad is used mainly for creating drawings,
but it can also be used to model. From my personal experience, I can say that
modeling is more convenient in Solidworks. Maybe because I'm used to the
Solidworks mindset, but this software seems more convenient to me. I had to get
acquainted with it much earlier. In addition, it is easier for me to work with
drawings in Solidworks, since there is no need to set dimensions and draw a part
from scratch, I just need to transfer the model to iso and select the type of
· #115
Zelinskiy (KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:09)
Phrases of the day:
1.deserves special attention - Of course, carbon dioxide plays a key role in
global warming, but among all the greenhouse gases, methane deserves special
attention because of its larger global warming potential.Конечно, углекислый газ
играет ключевую роль в глобальном потеплении, но среди всех парниковых газов
особого внимания заслуживает метан из-за его большего потенциала глобального
2. de facto- "It became the de facto target", and proof of the IPCC's influence
in shaping global policy, Thorne said in a Zoom interview.«Он стал целью
де-факто» и доказательством влияния МГЭИК на формирование глобальной политики,
сказал Торн в интервью Zoom.
3.derived from - Most of the next generation of physicists opted for equations
that derived from conflicting theoretical frameworks without worrying much about
the underlying philosophical concepts. Большинство физиков следующего поколения
предпочли уравнения, выведенные из противоречивых теоретических основ, не
слишком беспокоясь о лежащих в их основе философских концепциях.
· #114
Sivak Alina MD-212 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:48)
was reading the article "Chinese hackers reportedly attacked India's power
grid". India's energy industry has been targeted by hackers in a lengthy
operation believed to be carried out by a state-sponsored Chinese group, an
American private cybersecurity company. A ShadowPad Trojan believed to have been
developed by contractors for China's Ministry of State Security was involved,
leading to the conclusion that it was a state-sponsored hacking attempt.
The purpose of intrusions may be to gain a deeper understanding of complex
systems in order to facilitate the development of capabilities for future use or
gain sufficient access to the system.
· #113
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:34)
To Botsman K.,MD-213. Your essays are quite all right, Karina, as well as the other tasks, thanks. Just mind the spelling of my surname, it is Kudinova. Keep on working. Best wishes.
· #112
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:28)
To Novikova I. MD-213. Thank you for the well-written and properly done tasks, Inna. Go on working. Best wishes.
· #111
Drozhzhina I. to Terzi Natalia (MD-213) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:20)
Thank you, well done.
· #110
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:58)
To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the translation of the first sentence. Check the pronunciation of the word 'engaged'.
· #109
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:56)
To Botsman MD-213 just 74 points There is a link to the source missing.
· #108
Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:52)
have read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry". Doctoral
student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing industry
when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes. She
found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on applying
AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for creating
solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework developed with
four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision support system
that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique "fuzzy logic".
Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers with personalized
1) distinct from
For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
Для прозорості політику має бути легко знайти, чітко позначено та представлено
на відміну від звичайних правил HealthEngine.
2) examine more closely
In order to examine more closely the amount of research which exists in the
field, the researchers made searches in international databases.
Щоб детальніше вивчити обсяг досліджень, які існують у цій галузі, дослідники
здійснили пошук у міжнародних базах даних.
3) estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність і безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до створеної ним загальнонаціональної панелі.
Evolution of the operating system.
The operating system is part of the most important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. The computer is known to have been invented by the English
mathematician Charles Babbage in the late eighteenth century. From the mid-1950s
began a new period of development of computer technology, associated with the
emergence of a new technical base. Second-generation computers have become more
reliable. In the third period of time in the technical base there was a
transition from individual semiconductors such as transistors to integrated
circuits. The fourth period, the computer became accessible to man, and the era
of personal computers.
· #107
Alina Tkachenko MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:52)
I have read an article about next generation of living robots. Scientists
created novel, tiny self-healing biological machines from frog cells called
"Xenobots" that could move around, push a payload, and even exhibit collective
behaviour in the presence of a swarm of other Xenobots. They are constructed
like a traditional robots but using cells and tissues rather than artificial
components to build the shape and create predictable behaviour. The new
generation of Xenobots behaves much more like real cells they more faster, have
longer lifespans, and they still have the ability to work together in groups and
heal themselves if damaged. In my opinion, this article shows us how computer
technology could be useful even at the cellular level.
Phrases of the day
Examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely
Estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Distinct from
Healthcare is distinct from other sectors in that the manipulation of critical
infrastructure has the potential to directly impact human life.
Topic: Antivirus
Antivirus is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search
for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like
worms, trojans, adware, and more. Today's viruses changes appearance quickly to
avoid detection by older, definition-based antivirus software. Viruses can be
programmed to cause damage to your device, prevent a user from accessing data,
or to take control of your computer. In my opinion, computer can’t work properly
without antivirus nowadays and as a future IT specialist I should understand its
main functions and benefits for devices.
· #106
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:51)
To Botsman MD-213. Thanks 885 points for 2 tasks.
· #105
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:44)
To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Look through the first sentence once more (possible?). Go on working.
· #104
Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:39)
1.To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety,
he returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність та безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до загальнонаціональної панелі, яку він створив.
2.If they took the time to more closely examine the environment, they usually
find that the processor is not the bottleneck that believe it to be.
Якщо вони знайшли час, щоб уважніше вивчити навколишнє середовище, вони зазвичай
виявляють, що процесор не є вузьким місцем, як вважають.
3.It is distinct from morbidity rate, which refers to the number of individuals
in poor health during a given time period.
Він відрізняється від рівня захворюваності, який відноситься до кількості людей
із поганим здоров'ям протягом певного періоду часу.
I read the article "Kids aged 3+ find YouTube better for learning than other
types of videos". The article says that young children find YouTube videos
better for learning than TV shows or videos. These are the main findings of a
2019 study conducted at US Children's Museums.
I think this study shows that kids think YouTube is better for learning.
However, it is possible that, simply believing that YouTube has more educational
value, children may be more engaged and thus learn more by watching videos on
YouTube than when they encounter educational videos elsewhere.
· #103
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:29)
To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.
· #102
Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:28)
1. Let's examine each of the three choices a bit more closely. Давайте
розглянемо кожен із трьох варіантів трохи докладніше.
2. It is distinct from morbidity rate, which refers to the number of individuals
in poor health during a given time period. Він відрізняється від рівня
захворюваності, який відноситься до кількості людей із поганим здоров’ям
протягом певного періоду часу.
3. The authors used child fixed effects models to estimate the effects of
parental divorce. Автори використовували моделі фіксованих ефектів дитини для
оцінки наслідків розлучення батьків.
I’ve read an article about possible to see around corners to detect objects’
This article reports that computer vision researchers have demonstrated they can
use special light sources and sensors to see around corners enabling them to
reconstruct the shapes of unseen objects. Most of what people see and what
cameras detect comes from light that reflects off an object and bounces directly
to the eye or the lens. I think that the technology will help in many work
In conclusion, it is very interesting that with every day science develops more
and more technologies that appear for the development of humanity.
I’ve read an article about training journalists in the era of fake news.
This article reports about kinds of fake news and its effects. For example, deep
fake - is realistic videos that shows a “real” person in it. Fake news is
seeping into social media platforms. I think, that the main problem is when
someone posts false information on its accounts it can be reposted by a large
number of newspapers. So, experts discussed how to train reporters for these
In conclusion, I want to say that it’s needed to learn the difference between
"misinformation" and "disinformation" for intelligent use of the Internet.
· #101
Botsman MD-213 (Kydinova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:26)
have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find
unknown hidden worlds” This is an interesting topic. In what framework and for
what purposes did scientists decide to attract new people to their work?
Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world
in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and
help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing
from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of
something big.
In conclusion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists
of different specializations. Anyone with a web browser can dive right into the
data and start searching for these possible hidden worlds and helping to check
the best candidate planets identified on the website.
· #100
Botsman MD-213 (Kydinova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:24)
Device drivers
We often hear about the concept of "driver". It seems that this is one of the
main properties of the correct operation of the computer. Is it so ? And what
does the word driver actually mean?
A driver is a special program for a computer device, such as a sound card or
printer. It is needed as a layer between the hardware and the operating system,
providing a complete list of the functionality of the latter. Without a driver,
the device cannot work fully, for example, a phone connected to a computer can
only be recognized as an external drive until you install a driver for it.
Summing up, we can say that the driver is not the most important part of the
hardware of your computer, but a user without drivers will not even be able to
connect a mouse
· #99
Botsman MD-213 (Kydinova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:23)
estimate the effects of -оцінити наслідки
The guidelines request Parties to estimate the effects of policies and measures
by sector.
Керівництво вимагає від Сторон оцінити наслідки політики та заходів за
distinct from -відмінний від
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure based on
periodic reports.
Ці процедури відрізнялися від звичайної процедури моніторингу на основі
періодичних звітів.
examine more closely -розглянути уважніше
However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences between
the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and UNDP.
Проте, можливо, варто більш уважно вивчити відмінності між Секретаріатом та його
колегами в Нью-Йорку, а саме ЮНІСЕФ та ПРООН.
I have read the article “Hubble probes extreme weather on ultra-hot Jupiters”
What does it mean, and what is the significance for modern science?
In two new papers, teams of Hubble astronomers report strange weather patterns
on newly discovered planets. On one planet, it rains vaporized rock, while on
another, the upper atmosphere becomes hotter by its star's intense ultraviolet
This research goes beyond simply finding weird and quirky planet atmospheres.
Summing up, we can say that the studying extreme weather gives astronomers
better insights into the diversity, complexity, and exotic chemistry taking
place in far-flung worlds across our galaxy.
· #98
Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:22)
Distinct from
However, evidence indicates it was genetically distinct from the Eurasian
2. Estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
3. Examine more closely
However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences between
the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York.
I have read an article named “Research shows that forest management in Europe is
out of alignment with natural patterns”. To help give forest managers new
options, a large team of European scientists completed a multi-year study of
forests in thirteen countries across the continent. Their results show that most
current forest management in Europe doesn't imitate the patterns of nature. The
complex patterns created by natural disturbances that leave behind a mosaic of
tree types, ages, and sizes, standing and downed dead wood and highly variable,
resilient landscapes. I believe that this problem needs to be discussed, because
forests are important for our ecology.
Antivirus programs
Today, people rely on create, store and manage a lot of information and has a
higher degree of security risk of data loss. Antivirus program are an effective
way to protect a computer. An antivirus program protects a computer against
viruses by identifying and removing any viruses found in memory. Operating
systems often includes antivirus, so you don’t have to look it for yourself.
That software work by scanning for programs that attempt to modify the boot
program, the operating system, and other programs that normally are read from
but not modified. I think that all users of PC should use antivirus for they
· #97
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:21)
To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentence, indicate the title of the article you've read. Some words are mispronounced: estimate, theory, intelligence. Go on working.
· #96
Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:15)
examine more closely
We should examine this topic more closely
2 distinct from
Everything is distinct from what I saw last time
3 estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health
Today I've read an article:" Using deep learning algorithm to give bicyclists
the green wave at traffic signals ". Nowadays bicyclists are part of traffic and
there was made a special app for them. According to the article this app has a
connection with all traffic signals so that bicyclists can understand what speed
they should use or maybe they should change the direction.
In my opinion, this app is going to be very popular because bicyclists use their
own power to ride so they can get tired easily and this app can help to regulate
their speed, effort and green signal waiting time
Exam topic(The evolution of operating system.)
The first computers used batch operating systems, in which the computer ran
batches of jobs without stop. When the computer finished one job, it would
immediately start the next one.Professional operators interacted with the
machine. This was uncomfortable for the users and moreover the machine worked
extremely slowly
In the 1960s, time-shared operating systems began replacing batch systems. Users
interacted directly with the computer via a printing terminal and operating
systems guarantee that critical tasks be completed fast and people don't have to
wait for long
· #95
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:14)
read an article on spam.
According to Professor Laplante, the answer to the question why spam is
omnipresent is two-fold: it is easy to create and distribute, and it is
beneficial for those who send it.
Spammers receive email addresses from various sources, they exchange lists of
addresses with each other and receive lists under a false pretense.
Every time you give your email in exchange for information posted on the net, it
becomes fair game for spammers.
Therefore, you need to be careful when posting your email address on websites,
and even better, place it on rare occasions.
· #94
Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:13)
These technologies are distinct from those we have seen before - Ці технології
відрізняються від тих, що ми бачили раніше
2)This issue needs to be examined more closely - Це питання має бути досліджено
більш ретельно
3) We need new data to estimate the effects of global warming - Нам потрібні
нові дані для оцінки впливу глобального потепління
I have just read the article 'A new wearable technology—for plants'. The article
describes a new device for plants. It is attached, for example, to a flower and
transmits status information to the owner's phone. Should the gardener water it
or wait some more time. Also, during the operation of the device, a machine
learning method is used. At the moment, experiments are carried out only in
greenhouses, but now scientists are ready to transfer tests to open-air gardens.
I consider this study important, because such devices can be used in the future
for remote patient diagnostics.
· #93
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:03)
To Lugovskoy (MD-213) Your comments and topics are lengthy, exam topic has no voice msg. Just 73 points.
· #92
Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:03)
1)His theory requires more examine more closely.
Його теорія потребує більш ретельного вивчення.
2)This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
Його функції відрізняються від функцій цих органів, але доповнюють їх.
3)It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
Вона здатна оцінювати вплив вибросів на здоров'я людини та біорiзноманiття.
I read an article on computer skill.
It is difficult for humans to interpret the deeper meaning and context of social
media and news articles, but the Purdue University team is trying to develop new
ways to model the human language and enable computers to understand us better.
The problem is that online communication relies on readers already knowing the
context, it is an important part of the message. Scientists use methods
extracted from artificial intelligence and computational social science.
The lab studies the language used on social media to understand the context and
assumptions of speakers and writers, which I think is very convenient.
· #91
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:56)
To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages, work with the phrases and exam topic. Check the pronunciation of the following words: agile, actively, create. Go on working.
· #90
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:47)
have read the article « Study digs up roles bacteria play in global carbon
cycle». Bacteria sustain life by their ability to decompose plant and animal
bodies, replenishing the limited amount of carbon dioxide needed for
photosynthesis. As a result, they act as carbon decomposers in the carbon cycle.
Bacteria are mostly decomposers in the carbon cycle. Bacteria are also important
in agriculture for the compost and fertilizer production. I consider that
bacteria are economically important as these microorganisms are used by humans
for many purposes. Life on earth is impossible without bacteria.
· #89
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:47)
To Nikolova S., MD-213. Your comments on the articles are informative and clear, Sofia, thanks. The rest of the tasks are assessed positively as well. But you'd better rearrange the last sentence in your independent practice comment. Go on working. Best of luck.
· #88
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:44)
have read the article « UN report to lay out options to halt climate crisis».
The UN has many interesting reports on this topic. But I want to highlight those
arguments that, in my opinion, are the most effective. Changing our main energy
sources to clean and renewable energy is the best way to stop using fossil
fuels. These include technologies like solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal
power. Switch to sustainable transport. Petrol and diesel vehicles, planes and
ships use fossil fuels. Only together can we prevent the climate crisis! I
recommend reading this article to my friends.
1) deserves special attention - заслуговує на особливу увагу
The proposal on imposing an arms embargo deserves special attention.
На особливу увагу заслуговує пропозиція про введення ембарго на постачання
2) de facto - факторний
Although not called Presidents, they were de facto heads of state.
Незважаючи на те, що їх за посадою не називалися президентами, фактично вони
були главами держави.
3) derived from - походить з
The information in this report is derived from the Spring 1993 LFS.
У доповіді наводиться інформація, взята з ОРС, проведеного навесні 1993 року.
· #87
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:39)
To Genova Ksenia, MD-213. Both the classroom and independent practice tasks are performed properly, Ksenia, thank you. Just mind that articles TELL and don't TALK. Continue working. Best wishes.
· #86
Terzi N. MD-213 ( Diachenko ) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:36)
examine more closely
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees
estimate the effects of
They could be used to estimate the effects of reducing atmospheric
distinct from
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure
Device drivers
I have read the information about the device driver.This is a computer program
that operates or controls a particular type of device that is attached to a
computer or automaton.A driver provides a software interface to hardware
devices,enabling operating systems and other computer programs to access
hardware functions without needing to know precise details about the hardware
being used.A driver communicates with the device through the computer bus or
communications subsystem to which the hardware connects.When a calling program
invokes a routine in the driver,the driver issues commands to the device.Once
the device sends data back to the driver,the driver may invoke routines in the
original calling program.
I have read the article about how new study demonstrates radio signal benefits
from decades-old theory.Engineering researchers have demonstrated that a
longstanding theoretical method called direct antenna modulation has real-world
utility for boosting the quality of radio signals when transmitting at high data
rates.“You can always improve signal quality by using a larger antenna, but
that's simply not practical for many wavelengths," says Jacob Adams.The team
found the DAM signal was still viable at data transmission rates where
transmissions from the conventional antenna were simply indecipherable. I think
this article is really important because researches are currently working on
ways to further improve the power handling of DAM devices.
· #85
Novikova MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:34)
History of programming
The first programming language was developed in 1883 when Ada Lovelace and
Charles Babbage worked together on the Analytical Engine, which was a primitive
mechanical computer. Lovelace was able to discern the importance of numbers,
realizing that they could represent more than just numerical values of things.
During the 1970s, programming languages began to get simpler and easier to use.
Languages in use today were built on the concepts designed in older languages.
The newer languages often aim to simplify the work of programmers. I think that
computer programming languages will remain an integral part of modern life for a
long time to come.
· #84
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:26)
Exam topic #4 (Antivirus programs )
Each of us at least once in his life faced with the concept of "Computer virus".
This is a program that harms the computer. Viruses are created by cybercriminals
and hackers. But antiviruses actively fight against harmful programs. To date,
it is impossible to know the number of viruses, so your computer must be
protected. It is imperative to check files, protect your mail and put
restrictions on the ways in which a virus can enter your PC.
Summing up, I want to say that an antivirus program is designed to fight viruses
on computers, so its absence on a computer can attract a lot of unnecessary
· #83
N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:23)
examine more closely
The Advisory Committee also intends to examine more closely the outcome of the
(Консультативний комітет також має намір більш уважно вивчити результати
2) distinct from
This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
(Його функції відрізняються від функцій цих органів, але доповнюють їх).
3) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health.
(Він зміг оцінити вплив викидів на здоров’я людини).
I read an article about smart home programming. Many people have smart devices
in their homes that can control appliances from a distance. Smart home is
popular, but in order for everything to work, the devices need to be programmed.
But not every homeowner can cope with this task, so the developers have come up
with a new way where there are intuitive means of communicating with a smart
home. Summing up, I want to say that we live in a world where robotics has
reached high peaks. The technologies that create are aimed at making life easier
and better for us.
Today I read an interesting article about a manipulator that will help a person
perform complex operations. Now inventors are trying to make its movements
smoother and more agile. This invention will allow doctors to remotely perform
complex operations or help specialists defuse a bomb at a safe distance. Summing
up, I want to say that robotics is used in all types of industry, construction,
everyday life, especially in the extreme spheres of human activity. The
development in the field of robotics brings to mankind many new and useful
technologies, making our life better and easier.
· #82
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:21)
To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments and voice messages. But you haven't finished your work with the phrases. The sentences should have been translated. Keep on working.
· #81
Nikolova S MD-213 (Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:08)
History of kernel development
A Kernel is a computer program that is the heart and core of an Operating
System. Since the Operating System has control over the system so, the Kernel
also has control over everything in the system. It is the most important part of
an Operating System. The Kernel remains in the memory until the Operating System
is shut-down. Primarily the Kernel is responsible for low-level tasks such as
disk management, memory management, task management, etc. It provides an
interface between the user and the hardware components of the system. A Kernel
is provided with a protected Kernel Space which is a separate area of memory and
this area is not accessible by other application programs. So, the code of the
Kernel is loaded into this protected Kernel Space.
· #80
Nikolova S MD-213 (Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:07)
Today i have read an article: "Artificial brains may need sleep too". According
to new research androids will almost certainly need periods of rest that offer
benefits similar to those that sleep provides to living brains. Research team
found that the network simulations became unstable after continuous periods of
unsupervised learning. When they exposed the networks to states that are
analogous to the waves that living brains experience during sleep , stability
was restored. The discovery came about as the research team worked to develop
neural networks that closely approximate how humans and other biological systems
learn to see. So to sum it up i can say that this is a great research that could
help us to better understanding of how artificial intelligence works.
· #79
Nikolova S MD-213 (Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:06)
deserves special attention - заслуговує на особливу увагу
The situation of the Twa minority deserves special attention, but unfortunately
does not always receive it. Становище меншини тва заслуговує на особливу увагу,
але, на жаль, не завжди приділяється їй.
de facto - де факто
During the reporting period the de facto authorities carried out three
executions. Протягом звітного періоду де-факто органи влади здійснили три
derived from - походить з
Well, Halloween is derived from Samhain. Ну, Хеллоуїн походить від Samhain.
The American Educational Research Association show that teachers give lower
marks to girls' math skills when girls and boys have similar achievement and
behavior. In addition, using two national datasets collected more than a decade
apart, this study found that girls' lower grades by teachers likely contributed
to the widening gender gap in mathematics. Research has also found differences
in teachers' perceptions of students, with teachers rating girls' math ability
as lower than boys with similar behaviors and academic performance. The opinions
of the public, especially teachers, are important to students as they can act as
self-fulfilling prophecies.
· #78
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:06)
To Lugovskoy (MD-213) just 74 points for all your comments. Pay attention to the conclusion: I think, believe, to sum it up.
· #77
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:06)
I have read the article about sounds of nature that are good for mental health
and help protect the environment. This topic is interesting. Why do social
sciences research this issue?
I consider nature is very much interconnected with man. When we go outside and
hear the rustling of leaves and the singing of birds, we begin to feel less
anxious. Everything that is happening to the ecosystem now also affects us. When
nature feels good and safe, we feel similarly.
To sum up, we can conclude from the article that nature heals us and our minds.
So we alone are responsible for the state of nature.
· #76
A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:02)
examine more closely
In order to examine more closely the amount of research which exists in the
field, the researchers made searches in international databases.
2. estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
3. distinct from
Healthcare is distinct from other sectors in that the manipulation of critical
infrastructure has the potential to directly impact human life
The article I`ve read tells about improving kids` reading abilities with
The researchers designed a non-violent action game and studied the reading
skills of those children who played it and those who used Scratch for training.
As it turned out, the kids who were playing the videogame greatly improved them,
even though the game wasn`t text-based, whereas the control group`s skills
didn`t change much.
From personal experience, I do think videogames improve cognitive abilities as a
whole, just as long as they’re not your only way to pass time, otherwise you
just won’t get or want anything done in real life.
I’ve read an article about making AI more emotionally intelligent by using
physiological signals.
The study showed that AI that generates its responses in conversations with
users based not only on observable info like posture or tone of the voice, but
also on biological signals, tend to be estimated as more enjoyable. Furthermore,
such an AI could potentially help detecting and dealing with mental illnesses.
To my mind, a robot monitoring your physical state still sounds a bit
disturbing, but as it may help improve mental health, I’d let it be, hoping that
people using such an AI won’t eventually stop talking to actual humans.
· #75
Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:01)
distinct from - відмінний від
1. It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the
flow of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as
Він відрізняється від електричної науки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як мідь.
2. For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
Для прозорості політику має бути легко знайти, чітко позначено та представлено
на відміну від звичайних правил HealthEngine.
estimate the effects of - оцінити наслідки
1. The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.
Інструмент також може оцінити наслідки вирубки існуючого лісу, обчислюючи
витрати на охорону здоров’я, пов’язані з PM2,5, які більше не будуть видалятися
з повітря цими деревами.
2. The team will use what it learns about the Yarkovsky effect on RQ36 to help
estimate the effects on other asteroids.
Команда використає те, що вона дізнається про ефект Ярковського на RQ36, щоб
оцінити вплив на інші астероїди.
examine more closely - розглянути уважніше
1. We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more
Ми також уважніше вивчаємо дисципліну з інформатики та рівні ступеню.
2. There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees.
Існують вагомі причини для більш ретельного вивчення доцільності поливу дерев
I have read the article "Do personality traits and social norms impact the
gender pay gap?".
This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider the topic of inequality is very relevant in our time. Ever since the
20th century, people have understood that we have to work for equality. And in
all this time this activity has achieved great success. Women now have as many
rights as men. But why in nearly a century and a half have many topics still not
been brought to perfection? The article talks about the problem of unequal
wages. Is there really such a thing in our modern world? Unfortunately, yes.
I want to conclude that we still have a lot of work to do on equality issues.
Device drivers are computer applications that facilitate the interaction between
userprograms and hardware devices. Drivers communicate with hardware components
via a computer communications bus or computer subsystems that attach hardware
devices. A user application initiates a query into the driver; which in turn
passes the query to the attachedcomponent in a synchronized format. Once the
hardware responds with data, the driver repliesthe user program with the fetched
data.Drivers play a crucial role in Linux operating systems. User applications
can runeffectively on both higher levels and on lower levels. This paper
discusses device drivers andexplains how programmers code device drivers and
integrate them into Linux systems. The paper also describes how device drivers
interact with hardware devices and user applications. Finally the article
explores the roles device drivers play in Linux systems.
· #74
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 2 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:00)
Researchers develop 3D imaging technique to understand how dendrites form in
There's a problem with lithium-ion batteries: as they age and are charged, they
develop dendrites. A research team from the University of Houston is trying to
solve the dendrite problem by investigating how these structures grow on
Dendrites are spiky structures that accumulate on the batteries' anodes. These
structures reduce the life of the batteries, and can short-circuit machines,
potentially causing safety hazards like battery fires. Researchers have
developed a 3D microscopy to image and study the localized electrochemical
environments and understand where dendrites start forming in batteries.
This discovery shows that researching inner processes that are happening within
a lithium-ion battery helps us create the next generation of improved batteries.
New transistor could cut 5% from world's digital energy budget
The physicists recently teamed up to craft the first magneto-electric
transistor. The team's design could reduce the number of transistors needed to
store certain data by as much as 75%.
Spin is a magnetism-related property of electrons that points up or down and can
be read, like electric charge can, as a 1 or 0. Chromium oxide is magneto-
electric, meaning that the spins of the atoms at its surface can be flipped from
up to down by applying a small voltage. When applying positive voltage, the
spins of the chromium oxide point up, ultimately forcing the spin orientation of
the electric current to turn left and yield a detectable signal in the process.
This innovation shows that development of transistors isn’t limited on studying
semiconductors only, and we have a lot more to research in this field.
The evolution of operating system
Operating systems as they are known today trace their lineage to the first
distinctions between hardware and software. The first digital computers of the
1940s had no concept of abstraction, their operators inputted machine code
directly to the machines they were working on. As computers evolved in the 1950s
and 1960s however, the distinction between hardware such as the CPU and memory
and the software that was written on top of it became apparent.
Unix was the first successful "timesharing" operating system. In a time-sharing
system, multiple programs appear to execute at once, but in reality, the
fast-working computer processor is alternating quickly among several different
programs. Computers as we know them today evolved from these hobbyist machines
into something that was more accessible to consumers. The "big three"
manufacturers that ignited this era included Tandy/Radio Shack, Apple Computer
and Commodore. Conspicuously absent was IBM, who would not enter the PC market
until the early 1980s.
As hardware evolved and desktop computers became common, so too did the
operating systems that ran on them.
Except for small embedded computers, most operating systems today perform
timesharing similar to the strategy used for the original Unix operating system.
· #73
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:00)
To Ditkovskya, MD213. All the tasks are done quite all right, Sofia, thanks. Keep on working this way. Best wishes.
· #72
Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk 1 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:00)
Examine more closely
Given the great diversity of issues addressed under the rubric of "the rule of
law" in various organs of the United Nations, it would certainly be useful to
examine more closely the notion of "rule of law".
Distinct from
However, evidence indicates it was genetically distinct from the Eurasian
Estimate the effects of
The guidelines request Parties to estimate the effects of policies and measures
by sector.
Researcher creates free comment moderation software for YouTube
The free, open-source tool, called FilterBuddy is designed to give professional
content creators — anyone who makes a living publishing on social media
platforms — the power to protect themselves and their audiences.
To develop FilterBuddy, the creator investigated content moderation tools that
come standard with popular platforms. He learned the keyword filtering tools
that platforms provide are hard to use and largely ineffective. FilterBuddy also
includes an interactive filter capture preview, the ability to build atop
filters created by others and time-series graphs and tables to understand what
comments are caught by what filters over time. This innovation shows that
building new, more effective tools of moderating comments will help us reach the
safer and fairer internet.
Antivirus Software
It is very importation to have antivirus software for the computer, so that a
virus cannot attach itself to your computer, files, drives, and disk. A person
needs antivirus software programs to also assist them with maintaining their
privacy and guarding against online theft, spoofing, phishing, internet scams,
and identify theft.
Today there are more than 54,000 known viruses and at least 200 are considered
threats at any time. Combination threats are becoming more and more common also.
A combination threat combines Internet worms, viruses, and Trojans. Antivirus
software was originally developed to detect and remove computer viruses, hence
the name. However, with the proliferation of other malware, antivirus software
started to protect from other computer threats. In particular, modern antivirus
software can protect users from malicious browser helper objects (BHOs), browser
hijackers, ransomware, keyloggers, backdoors, rootkits, trojan horses, worms,
malicious LSPs, dialers, fraud tools, adware, and spyware.
· #71
Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 05 May 2022)
To Group MD-213.Good morning everybody! The lesson has just started and I am waiting for your classroom and independent practice tasks, as well as for your exam topics. Good luck!
· #70
Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:50)
To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. The lesson has started. It's time to start working. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, sentences with the phrases and exam topics. Good luck!
· #69
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:37)
To Genova Ksenia This time it’s better. Just 78 points.
· #68
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:34)
To Genova Ksenia Pls choose appropriate means of communication to make your comments. Avoid using “ But you have to remember that “. Are you a lecturer’ Just 70 points for your comment. Task1 ( phrases: pls translate the phrases selected too Just 65 points. Pls keep on working hard.
· #67
Ditkovskya Kudinova MD213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:33)
I have read the article “'Death shadow' dinosaur unearthed in Argentina”.
Argentine paleontologists have announced the discovery of an apex-predator
dinosaur that measured three stories from nose to tail and eviscerated its prey
with sharp, curved claws. It lived about 70 million years ago towards the end of
the Cretaceous period in what was then a tropical forest, long before the Andes
mountain range and glaciers that now define Patagonia.
This article will be useful for fans of dinosaurs.
Microsoft Windows history of the versions
Microsoft Windows has seen nine major versions since its first release in 1985.
Microsoft’s Windows 2 replaced it in December 1987. The big innovation for
Windows 2 was that windows could overlap each other, and it also introduced the
ability to minimise or maximise windows instead of “iconising” or “zooming”.
Windows 95 arrived in August 1995 and with it brought the first ever Start
button and Start menu. Released in June 1998, Windows 98 brought with it IE 4,
Outlook Express, Windows Address Book, Microsoft Chat and NetShow Player, which
was replaced by Windows Media Player 6.2 in Windows 98 Second Edition in
1999.Announced on 30 September 2014, Windows 10 has only been released as a test
version for keen users to try. The “technical preview” is very much still a work
in progress.
Now Microsoft is developing a new version, so we’ll look forward to try a
Distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors. Він
відрізняється від електротехніки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники.
The team also showed the computer profile was the same over time and distinct
from other people. Команда також показала, що профіль комп’ютера з часом був
таким самим і відрізнявся від інших людей.
Examine more closely
Consequently, I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of
the more strategic and intriguing success stories that I've been able to
discover in the last 24 months. Отже, я подумав, що було б освіжаючим детальніше
вивчити деякі з найбільш стратегічних та інтригуючих історій успіху, які мені
вдалося відкрити за останні 24 місяці.
On the Enterprise 2.0 Conference last week, the details and trends of which I'll
examine more closely in my next post. На конференції Enterprise 2.0 минулого
тижня, деталі й тенденції якої я детальніше розгляну у своїй наступній
Estimate the effect on
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.Інструмент також може оцінити наслідки
вирубки існуючого лісу, обчислюючи витрати на охорону здоров’я, пов’язані з
PM2,5, які більше не будуть видалятися з повітря цими деревами.
The American Sociological Review study is the first to estimate the effects of
early-20th-century housing policies on subsequent segregation patterns.
Дослідження американського соціологічного огляду є першим, що оцінило вплив
житлової політики початку 20-го століття на наступні моделі сегрегації.
I have read the article “Online calculator shows how trees can improve air
quality and cut health costs”.
A new interactive online tool is set to encourage tree planting initiatives
across the UK. It calculates how much pollution would be removed by planting
trees in local areas, as well as the corresponding public health cost savings.
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.
This article will be useful for environmentalists.
· #66
Botsman (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:32)
estimate the effects of -оцінити наслідки
The guidelines request Parties to estimate the effects of policies and measures
by sector.
Керівництво вимагає від Сторон оцінити наслідки політики та заходів за
distinct from -відмінний від
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure based on
periodic reports.
Ці процедури відрізнялися від звичайної процедури моніторингу на основі
періодичних звітів.
examine more closely -розглянути уважніше
However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences between
the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and UNDP.
Проте, можливо, варто більш уважно вивчити відмінності між Секретаріатом та його
колегами в Нью-Йорку, а саме ЮНІСЕФ та ПРООН.
I have read the article “Hubble probes extreme weather on ultra-hot Jupiters”
What does it mean, and what is the significance for modern science?
In two new papers, teams of Hubble astronomers report strange weather patterns
on newly discovered planets. On one planet, it rains vaporized rock, while on
another, the upper atmosphere becomes hotter by its star's intense ultraviolet
This research goes beyond simply finding weird and quirky planet atmospheres.
Summing up, we can say that the studying extreme weather gives astronomers
better insights into the diversity, complexity, and exotic chemistry taking
place in far-flung worlds across our galaxy.
· #65
Botsman (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:32)
Device drivers
We often hear about the concept of "driver". It seems that this is one of the
main properties of the correct operation of the computer. Is it so ? And what
does the word driver actually mean?
A driver is a special program for a computer device, such as a sound card or
printer. It is needed as a layer between the hardware and the operating system,
providing a complete list of the functionality of the latter. Without a driver,
the device cannot work fully, for example, a phone connected to a computer can
only be recognized as an external drive until you install a driver for it.
Summing up, we can say that the driver is not the most important part of the
hardware of your computer, but a user without drivers will not even be able to
connect a mouse
· #64
Genova Ksenia (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:27)
I have read the article about digital dollar in America. This topic is
interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider pandemic, war, and many other events in recent years have greatly
affected the dollar and its value. Many economists and politicians speculate
that the dollar will depreciate in the next 10 years and be the downfall of the
economy. The digital dollar could be a real evolution. Anything is possible.
After all, we already have documents in our phone, cryptocurrency, and why then
can't we have an online dollar?
I want to conclude that every year we evolve and every aspect of our lives
· #63
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:26)
To Novikova I MD-213 Thanks, 85 points. Pls indicate those extra tasks you’ve done today instead of the previous week.
· #62
Genova Ksenia (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:26)
distinct from
1. It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the
flow of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as
Він відрізняється від електричної науки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як мідь.
2. For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
Для прозорості політику має бути легко знайти, чітко позначено та представлено
на відміну від звичайних правил HealthEngine.
estimate the effects of
1. The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.
Інструмент також може оцінити наслідки вирубки існуючого лісу, обчислюючи
витрати на охорону здоров’я, пов’язані з PM2,5, які більше не будуть видалятися
з повітря цими деревами.
2. The team will use what it learns about the Yarkovsky effect on RQ36 to help
estimate the effects on other asteroids.
Команда використає те, що вона дізнається про ефект Ярковського на RQ36, щоб
оцінити вплив на інші астероїди.
examine more closely
1. We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more
Ми також уважніше вивчаємо дисципліну з інформатики та рівні ступеню.
2. There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees.
Існують вагомі причини для більш ретельного вивчення доцільності поливу дерев
I have read the article "Computer scientists design a tool to identify the
source of errors caused by software updates". This topic is interesting. Why do
social sciences research this issue?
I consider, every year, different companies provide people with newer and better
versions of their gadgets and operating systems. But you have to remember that
not everything that is improved is safer. Hacking and theft on the Internet are
on the rise. In this article, we see how difficult it is for developers to cope
with such problems, but they still work on them. The best option for developers
is to simplify the system.
I want to conclude that very soon, through hard work, we will reach complete
security on the internet.
Device drivers are computer applications that facilitate the interaction between
userprograms and hardware devices. Drivers communicate with hardware components
via a computer communications bus or computer subsystems that attach hardware
devices. A user application initiates a query into the driver; which in turn
passes the query to the attachedcomponent in a synchronized format. Once the
hardware responds with data, the driver repliesthe user program with the fetched
data.Drivers play a crucial role in Linux operating systems. User applications
can runeffectively on both higher levels and on lower levels. This paper
discusses device drivers andexplains how programmers code device drivers and
integrate them into Linux systems. The paper also describes how device drivers
interact with hardware devices and user applications. Finally the article
explores the roles device drivers play in Linux systems.
· #61
Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:23)
have read the article « Want to get things done in tech? You'll need these
surprising new allies». Tech is red hot right now, for many reasons. A
successful tech worker knows how to keep updated with the latest and greatest
technology and trends going on in the industry. Keep pace with fast-emerging new
domains, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies.
Consider individual sectors and their potential for future growth. The demand
for specific technological products, and services constantly, fluctuates
according to trends in innovation. I think that experiment with new ideas and
tech. Experimenting tests hypotheses, brings out curiоsity, develops the
· #60
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:22)
To Nikolova S MD-213 Thanks 82 points Keep on working hard.
· #59
Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:20)
have read the article « Research team develops new strategy for designing
thermoelectric materials». Thermoelectric materials are involved in a variety of
devices converting waste heat into electrical energy, as well as for solid-state
refrigeration. Thermoelectric conversion is a viable means of harvesting energy
to help achieve a low carbon economy. Therefore, the aim of the current project
is to design new thermoelectric materials by controlling the microstructure and
composition with the ultimate goal to improve the ZT factor. I believe that
thermoelectric materials are a new achievement in the field of science.
1) deserves special attention - заслуговує на особливу увагу
The difficult situation facing the international mobilization of development
resources deserves special attention.
На особливу увагу заслуговує складна ситуація, що склалася в галузі міжнародної
мобілізації ресурсів на цілі розвитку.
2) derived from - походить з
Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
Інформація, що надходить з бази даних, завжди представлятиметься по групам.
3) de facto - фактичний
Because our de facto President of East Timor has already addressed this issue, I
will not elaborate further.
Оскільки наш фактичний президент Східного Тимору вже торкнувся цього питання, я
не зупинятимуся на ньому докладно.
· #58
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:18)
Nikolova S MD-213 Just good . Your comment has minor mistakes.
· #57
Novikova I MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:12)
Device drivers
Device driver, is a set of files that tells a piece of hardware how to function
by communicating with a computer's operating system. All pieces of hardware
require a driver, from your internal computer components, such as your graphics
card, to your external peripherals, like a printer. There are various types of
drivers for I/O devices such as keyboards, mice, CD/DVD drives, controllers,
printers, graphics cards and ports. I think that device drivers are
indispensable because without them, the computer would not be able to send and
receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer.
· #56
Terzi Natalia (MD-213) Drozhzhina (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:07)
examine more closely
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees
estimate the effects of
They could be used to estimate the effects of reducing atmospheric
distinct from
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure
Antivirus programs
An antivirus is a type of software used to prevent, scan, detect, and remove
viruses from a computer.Once installed, most antivirus programs automatically
run in the background to provide real-time protection against virus attacks.
Antivirus and computer protection software are designed to evaluate data such as
web pages, files, software, and applications to help find and eliminate malware
as quickly as possible.
Most of them provide real-time protection that can protect your devices from
incoming threats.This topic is very important, so you should regularly scan your
entire computer for known threats and provide automatic updates; and detect,
block, and remove malicious codes and software.
I have read the article that designing machines understand and interpret their
environment.Embedded vision technologies are increasingly used in a wide range
of applications.These involve the integration of computer vision in machines
that use algorithms to decode meaning from observing pixel patterns in images or
video.To be able to correctly interpret their environment using complex visual
inputs, embedded vision systems require lots of processing power.The 3-year
TULIPP project ended in January 2019.This is very useful as it focused on
developing high-performance, energy-efficient embedded systems for the growing
variety of progressively complex image processing applications emerging across a
wide range of industry sectors.
I have read the article about a comprehensive study of technological change.New
research from MIT aims to assist in the prediction of technology performance
improvement using U.S. patents as a dataset.The major purpose of this new study
is to provide predictions of the performance improvement rates for the thousands
of domains not accessed by empirical measurement.Their method provides
predictions of performance improvement rates for nearly all definable
technologies for the first time.I think this article is very useful because
Technologies that improve faster win the market and this search system enables
technology managers, investors, policymakers to quickly look up predictions of
improvement rates for specific technologies.
· #55
Ditkovskya Mykhailiuk MD-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:06)
I have read the article “'Death shadow' dinosaur unearthed in Argentina”.
Argentine paleontologists have announced the discovery of an apex-predator
dinosaur that measured three stories from nose to tail and eviscerated its prey
with sharp, curved claws. It lived about 70 million years ago towards the end of
the Cretaceous period in what was then a tropical forest, long before the Andes
mountain range and glaciers that now define Patagonia.
This article will be useful for fans of dinosaurs.
Microsoft Windows history of the versions
Microsoft Windows has seen nine major versions since its first release in 1985.
Microsoft’s Windows 2 replaced it in December 1987. The big innovation for
Windows 2 was that windows could overlap each other, and it also introduced the
ability to minimise or maximise windows instead of “iconising” or “zooming”.
Windows 95 arrived in August 1995 and with it brought the first ever Start
button and Start menu. Released in June 1998, Windows 98 brought with it IE 4,
Outlook Express, Windows Address Book, Microsoft Chat and NetShow Player, which
was replaced by Windows Media Player 6.2 in Windows 98 Second Edition in
1999.Announced on 30 September 2014, Windows 10 has only been released as a test
version for keen users to try. The “technical preview” is very much still a work
in progress.
Now Microsoft is developing a new version, so we’ll look forward to try a
Distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors. Він
відрізняється від електротехніки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники.
The team also showed the computer profile was the same over time and distinct
from other people. Команда також показала, що профіль комп’ютера з часом був
таким самим і відрізнявся від інших людей.
Examine more closely
Consequently, I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of
the more strategic and intriguing success stories that I've been able to
discover in the last 24 months. Отже, я подумав, що було б освіжаючим детальніше
вивчити деякі з найбільш стратегічних та інтригуючих історій успіху, які мені
вдалося відкрити за останні 24 місяці.
On the Enterprise 2.0 Conference last week, the details and trends of which I'll
examine more closely in my next post. На конференції Enterprise 2.0 минулого
тижня, деталі й тенденції якої я детальніше розгляну у своїй наступній
Estimate the effect on
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.Інструмент також може оцінити наслідки
вирубки існуючого лісу, обчислюючи витрати на охорону здоров’я, пов’язані з
PM2,5, які більше не будуть видалятися з повітря цими деревами.
The American Sociological Review study is the first to estimate the effects of
early-20th-century housing policies on subsequent segregation patterns.
Дослідження американського соціологічного огляду є першим, що оцінило вплив
житлової політики початку 20-го століття на наступні моделі сегрегації.
I have read the article “Online calculator shows how trees can improve air
quality and cut health costs”.
A new interactive online tool is set to encourage tree planting initiatives
across the UK. It calculates how much pollution would be removed by planting
trees in local areas, as well as the corresponding public health cost savings.
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.
This article will be useful for environmentalists.
· #54
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:04)
To Nikolova S MD-213. Pls choose the topic associated with your speciality. Also train your pronunciation and melody Just 72 points. Task2 is good.
· #53
Nikolova S MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 07:25)
History of kernel development
A Kernel is a computer program that is the heart and core of an Operating
System. Since the Operating System has control over the system so, the Kernel
also has control over everything in the system. It is the most important part of
an Operating System. The Kernel remains in the memory until the Operating System
is shut-down. Primarily the Kernel is responsible for low-level tasks such as
disk management, memory management, task management, etc. It provides an
interface between the user and the hardware components of the system. A Kernel
is provided with a protected Kernel Space which is a separate area of memory and
this area is not accessible by other application programs. So, the code of the
Kernel is loaded into this protected Kernel Space.
· #52
Nikolova S MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 07:24)
Today i have read an article: "Artificial brains may need sleep too". According
to new research androids will almost certainly need periods of rest that offer
benefits similar to those that sleep provides to living brains. Research team
found that the network simulations became unstable after continuous periods of
unsupervised learning. When they exposed the networks to states that are
analogous to the waves that living brains experience during sleep , stability
was restored. The discovery came about as the research team worked to develop
neural networks that closely approximate how humans and other biological systems
learn to see. So to sum it up i can say that this is a great research that could
help us to better understanding of how artificial intelligence works.
· #51
Nikolova S MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 07:23)
The American Educational Research Association show that teachers give lower
marks to girls' math skills when girls and boys have similar achievement and
behavior. In addition, using two national datasets collected more than a decade
apart, this study found that girls' lower grades by teachers likely contributed
to the widening gender gap in mathematics. Research has also found differences
in teachers' perceptions of students, with teachers rating girls' math ability
as lower than boys with similar behaviors and academic performance. The opinions
of the public, especially teachers, are important to students as they can act as
self-fulfilling prophecies.
deserves special attention - заслуговує на особливу увагу
The situation of the Twa minority deserves special attention, but unfortunately
does not always receive it. Становище меншини тва заслуговує на особливу увагу,
але, на жаль, не завжди приділяється їй.
de facto - де факто
During the reporting period the de facto authorities carried out three
executions. Протягом звітного періоду де-факто органи влади здійснили три
derived from - походить з
Well, Halloween is derived from Samhain. Ну, Хеллоуїн походить від Samhain.
· #50
Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 17:21)
controversial question: New light on the controversial question of species
abundance and population density.
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
conduct research: But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's
ability to perform simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Але відсутність зв’язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції,
проводити дослідження та змагатися за гранти.
considerable disagreement : When researchers discuss the forces that shaped
human history, there is considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is
primarily determined by culture or by the environment.
Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які сформували історію людства, виникають
значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша поведінка визначається насамперед
культурою чи навколишнім середовищем.
Societies living in harsh environments more likely to believe in moralizing
gods, study finds (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Societies living in harsh
environments more likely to believe in moralizing gods, study finds”. This
article describe about how living conditions have effect to the religion. "When
life is tough or when it's uncertain, people believe in big gods," says Russell
Gray, a professor at the University of Auckland and a founding director of the
Max Planck Institute for History and the Sciences in Jena, Germany. "Prosocial
behavior maybe helps people do well in harsh or unpredictable environments." The
emergence of religion has long been explained as a result of either culture or
environmental factors but not both. The new findings imply that complex
practices and characteristics thought to be exclusive to humans arise from a
medley of ecological, historical, and cultural variables. In my opinion this
article can be interesting everybody because it is our past.
Internet connectivity is oxygen for research and development work
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Internet connectivity is
oxygen for research and development work”. This article describe about problems
of internet communication in underdeveloped countries. Pete Goldsmith, director
of the Soybean Innovation Lab at University of Illinois, works closely with
partner organizations in several African countries. He noticed that his African
colleagues were often dealing with technological problems that made
communication very challenging. For example, sometimes they had to rely on their
cell phones because their institution's internet access was unreliable. In my
opinion this article can be interesting scientists and people who are interested
in IT- technology .
· #49
Lebedeva E (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 15:31)
To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 The topic is written correctly, but you should practice your reading more.
· #48
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 12:54)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #47
Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 11:49)
1. "derived from" PIC is produced using a non-toxic material derived from
glucose called ISB as a monomer.
2. "de facto" De facto lifers make up almost half the state's life without
parole population.
3. "deserves special attention" "These two strategies deserve special attention
in future studies, as possible keys to the survival of corals under similar
conditions," Dr. Cooke said.
Today I have read an article called "Is free Wi-Fi a good deal for coffee
The work tells us about tricky balancing of shop owners between making a profit
and attracting more customers with the extra cost of setting up Wi-Fi hotspots.
Some of the shops approach the issue with a certain creativity, like Peet's that
gives customers a code to access the store's Wi-Fi for two hours after they
purchase something or Starbucks, where customers who activate a Starbucks Card
can get two hours of free access with each visit.
The article will be useful for start-up entrepreneurs.
Themed comment:
7.Technical diagnostics of automobiles
Technical diagnostics of our cars is very important part of using these cars. As
we use our cars, they may have some small and not very small problems, so it is
important to check the technical condition of the car sometimes, and the more
often this is done, the better it will be for the car. That may cost a bit
money, but it is probably better to identify the problem at an early stage and
fix it, than then repair more components, or the whole machine which will be
much more difficult and at a much higher cost.
· #46
Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 09:32)
Cars are indispensable in our lives. This is something that is used almost every
day. Cars are important not only for an ordinary person, but also for the whole
state. Since every detail of the car is made at the factory, this gives a lot of
jobs. Let's not forget about auto workshops, where you need to come to change
consumables (brake pads, oil seal, etc.). If people lose their cars at the
moment, there will be a huge house and unemployment. Cars are a very important
part of life that cannot be replaced.
2)*deserves special attention - заслуживает особого внимания
how our best employee works deserves special attention - то как работает наш
лучший сотрудник заслуживает особого внимания
**derived from - получаемое из
I don't know what phrase to come up with - я не знаю какую фразу придумать
***de facto - фактической
our indicators are based on defacto equipment, and not what is obtained in
theoretical equations - у нас показатели основаны на defacto оборудовании, а не
то что в теоритических уровнениях получается
· #45
Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 09:11)
Recently i read an interesting article called « Taste of the future: Robot chef
learns to 'taste' as it goes ». In this article talks about new technology step
in cooking. A company “Beko”, that appliances manufacturer is with scientist
from the University of Cambridge trained a new type of robot, that can assess
the saltiness of a dish at different stages of the chewing process, imitating a
similar process in humans. Experiments were carried out on inexpensive products
and fast food dishes. The experiment dish for robot was scrambled eggs and
tomatoes. Scientists found, that this approach "taste as you go" improves
abilities and opportunities of the robot and they won’t stop. Company “Beko” in
the future want to make this robot much better, so that he can taste different
types of food, improve sensory capabilities so that, for example, he can taste
sweet or fatty foods. And the main idea of this experiment considered in help,
for example, for busy housewives, or nursing homes, or people who don't want to
or don't like to cook and other. This robot is one more example of progress in
technology and in the future. In the couple of years, i think that this kitchen
assistant will be very popular and will be in many houses, because, it’s really
good thing, to make your day freer and do what you want.
Articles of the day:
derived from- отримуємо з
Biofuels - fuels derived from biomass - might offer a promising supplement.
(Біопаливо - паливо, отримане з біомаси - може бути
багатообіцяючим доповненням.)
de facto- фактичної
Table based on de facto population (Таблиця на основі фактичного населення.)
deserves special attention -заслуговує на особливу увагу
It is not only financial, but also technical and technological, and deserves
special attention in terms of monitoring and assessment.(Вона не тільки
фінансова, але й техніко-технологічна, і заслуговує на особливу увагу з точки
зору моніторингу та оцінки.)
· #44
Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 07:58)
To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Thanks for an informative review of the article
· #43
Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 07:52)
Today I have read the article named "Competitor fears Musk's SpaceX could
'monopolise' space". SpaceX the company of Elon Musk launching of thousands of
satellites into low Earth orbit threatens the "de-facto monopolisation" of
space, the head of competitor company Arianespace Stephane Israel has
warned.Mission of SpaceX ultimately to blanket poorly connected and isolated
areas of the globe with internet connectivity, for this FCC apply permission to
some 2,800 satellites.Israel noted that 35 percent of satellites belong to one
man—Elon Musk. "And if you include satellites of more than 50 kilogrammes,
that's more than 50 percent."
article -
voice -
1) derived from - отримані з
Ingredients derived from natural protein sources: soy, wheat and pea protein. -
Складники, отримані з природних джерел протеїну: сої, пшениці та гороху.
2) de facto - де-факто
Tibet experienced de facto independence between 1912 and 1949. - Тибет був
де-факто незалежним між 1912 і 1949 роками.
3) deserves special attention - заслуговує на особливу увагу.
Polish church architecture deserves special attention. - Історія самостійності
православної церкви Польщі заслуговує на особливу увагу.
· #42
Lebedeva E (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 07:16)
To КА-211 Good morning! It's high time to start working. I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases.
· #41
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 15:36)
To Vietiev Ivan-group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the Exam topic about robots, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but mind some mispronounced words:" conduct; function; begun; considerable; is written; production; functionality etc." Would you consult a dictionary before posting. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. All the best !
· #40
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 14:54)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #39
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:31)
To Perepelytsyn Danylo-group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article you've read, the Exam topic about logistics, the audio versions of your essays and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice, but the last one isn't a sentence, but a word combination. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of the words from the exam topic: "logistics; production; through etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct.Continue to work online each week. All the best!
· #38
Gvozd to Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:26)
Thank you, the task is complete. What's about your Independent practice?
· #37
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:23)
To Serdichenko D.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentences (use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read). Your texts are too long, use Word Count Tool to check it. Please indicate the number of your exam topic next time.
· #36
Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:12)
1.controversial question.
This topic is still a controversial question of history.
Ця тема досі залишається дискусійним питанням історії.
2.considerable disagreement.
In different countries there are considerable disagreement between each other.
У різних країнах існують значні розбіжності між собою.
3. conduct research.
They came here to conduct research.
Вони приїхали сюди, щоб провести дослідження.
I have just read an article "A small, wide-field-of-view camera built based on
fish eyes". A group of researchers have created a small camera with a wide field
of view based on the structure of a fish eye. Fisheye research was done to
ensure that small smartphone cameras have a wide field of view and do not take
up much space. The researchers noted that the fish eye has a single lens and a
curved retina. Also, common fish species have high visual acuity and a large
depth of field. And so a new kind of camera was born. The researchers took
pictures with a camera, capturing images from wide angles at different
distances. Their work is an important step towards the development of cameras
with a wide field of view.The discovery may find wide application in the future
in home personalized health care, education and remote scientific research.
I have just read an article "The new tattoo: Drawing electronics on skin". In a
new study, University of Missouri engineers have demonstrated that a simple
combination of pencils and paper can be used to create devices that can be used
to monitor personal health. In the course of the study, the researchers found
that pencils containing more than 90% graphite were able to conduct a large
amount of the energy created by the friction between paper and pencil. The
researchers found that 93% graphite pencils are the best for creating various
overhead bioelectronic devices. The researchers said their discovery could have
broad future applications in home-based, personalized health care, education and
remote scientific research.
Exam topic.
The evolution of operating system.
An operating system is one of the very important parts of a computer. An
operating system is a set of interconnected programs designed to manage computer
resources. It is known that the computer was invented by the English
mathematician Charles Babage at the end of the eighteenth century. His
"analytical engine" could not really work, because the technologies of that time
did not meet the requirements for the manufacture of precision mechanics parts
that were necessary for computer technology. Since the mid-1950s, a new period
in the development of computer technology began, associated with the emergence
of a new technical base. Second-generation computers became more reliable .In
the third period of time in the technical base there was a transition from
individual semiconductor elements such as transistors to integrated circuits.
Fourth period (1980 - present) The computer became available to an individual,
and the era of personal computers has come.
· #35
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:10)
To Spetcialna K.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. Your exam topic is too long. Please use Word Count Tool to check the length of your texts.
· #34
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:06)
To Merezhenko N.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read in the first sentence. I don't think your review is detailed enough.
· #33
Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:05)
conduct research - проводити дослідження
Lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Відсутність зв'язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції,
проводити дослідження та конкурувати за гранти.
2) considerable disagreement - значна розбіжність
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
Серед дослідників існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що найкраще.
3) controversial question - суперечне питання
Which other creatures have consciousness remains an open and controversial
Які ще істоти мають свідомість, залишається відкритим і суперечним питанням.
After reading this article, I felt joy for the people of East Africa.:
Telecommunications and Internet giants presented the 24Africa project.
The cable connecting Africa and Europe with high-speed internet is the longest.
Many Africans access the Internet through their phones, and even those with a
landline usually have slow connection speeds to the rest of the world due to
insufficient bandwidth.
Project "24Africa" should solve this problem.
I like that in our world, technologies are not only developed, but also shared
with others.
· #32
Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:02)
Phrases of the Day :
1. Considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності.
There are considerable disagreement between the theory and the results obtained.
Існують значні розбіжності між теорією та отриманими результатами.
2. Controversial question - спірне питання.
The article shows a new look at the controversial question of species size and
population density.
У статті показано новий погляд на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності
3. Conduct research - провести дослідження.
They want to conduct research of the number of migrants during the war.
Вони хочуть провести дослідження кількості мігрантів під час війни.
I've just read the article "How algorithms can help the clothing industry".
Doctoral student Sheenam Jain decided to integrate algorithms into the clothing
industry when writing her doctoral thesis, which could help personalize clothes.
She found that in the apparel industry there is generally little focus on
applying AI to product and customer data. So Jain developed two models for
creating solutions. The first model is a clothing classification framework
developed with four machine learning methods. The second model was a decision
support system that she developed with the artificial intelligence technique
"fuzzy logic". Through her research, merchants are able to provide customers
with personalized service.
The development of Windows versions
Windows is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. The first
version of Windows 1.0 was released in 1985. The version was not popular, but
Microsoft still supported it for 16 years. In December 1987, Microsoft releases
the second version of Windows 2.0 with improved graphics, more memory and
hotkeys. In May 1990, Windows 3.0 was released, which began the success of the
system. This version included the well-known Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In
1993, Windows NT 3.1 was released, which was considered one of the most stable
operating systems. In the Windows 95 version, a familiar graphical interface was
formed with elements such as the Start button with its menu, the taskbar and the
desktop with icons. Windows 98 included support for DVDs and USB devices, had a
Windows Update utility, which automatically install operating system updates. In
2000, they released Windows 2000 Professional, which had many vulnerabilities,
and also turned out to be a system for the business segment. In October 2001,
Microsoft launched Windows XP, which became the most used operating system until
2012. Windows 7 has learned to work correctly with various networks, install
drivers for connected devices on its own, and has received such a perfect
security system that eliminates the need to install a third-party antivirus. In
2014, Windows 10 was released, which received a beautiful interface, received
several desktops and a notification center.
· #31
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:01)
To Bondarenko M.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice messages, work with the phrases and exam topic. Please try to pronounce sounds distinctly. Check the pronunciation of the following words: antivirus, results, virus. Go on working.
· #30
Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:54)
1)considerable disagreement(значні розбіжності)
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
2)conduct research(провести дослідження)
They will serve as effective tools in our conduct of research on these subjects.
Вони слугуватимуть ефективними інструментами для нашого дослідження з цих
3)controversial question(спірне питання)
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
I believe this study will seriously help the concept of biology as it provides
substantial evidence that nanobacteria are not living things.Nanobacteria have
been called the smallest cellular forms on Earth and are candidates for
explaining how cellular life originated on Earth and other extraterrestrial
bodies such as meteorites and Mars.In conclusion any such claims must be
rigorously established through verifiable documentation, which is lacking at the
present moment.
· #29
Gvozd to MD-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:50)
Tanev Arseniy MD-211
Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211
Your comments are not bad, the reviews are rather interesting.
· #28
Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:46)
1)controversial question
How deep fish can live has long been a controversial question
Наскільки глибоко може жити риба, довгий час було спірним питанням
2)conduct research
Olga Fink and her team conduct research on faults in complex systems
Ольга Фінк та її команда проводять дослідження несправностей у складних системах
3)considerable disagreement
There's been considerable disagreement among lawmakers and the space community
on how best to accomplish this.
Між законодавцями та космічним співтовариством виникли значні розбіжності щодо
того, як найкраще цього досягти.
I have just read an article that says about a group of researchers who for a
long time could not figure out how to create a high-angle camera. While studying
the fish, they noticed that the viewing angle of their eyes is about
160 degrees. Based on this research, the scientists created a lens shaped like a
fisheye and due to this they were able to create a wide-angle camera for
wide-format photos.
I have just read an article that says about professors from the Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences who wrote an article in which they suggest that
the farmers of the future will probably be scientists, programmers and robots.
They think that in the next few years we will see the first farm trying
to integrate all these technologies. I think that this is quite likely and
logical, because it is already 2022, and most things related to agriculture have
not yet been automated, I immediately want to ask the question why is this so?
how did it happen? Well, I hope that soon scientists will correct this
· #27
Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:41)
considerable disagreement
There were considerable disagreements on these issues , which were soon settled.
З цих питань існували значні розбіжності, які незабаром були врегульовані.
2. conduct research
For conduct research, scientists have developed new methods for studying the
Для проведення досліджень вчені розробили нові методи вивчення матеріалу.
3. controversial question
At the next meeting, the working group will consider the controversial question
of the scope of this project.
На наступному засіданні робоча група розгляне спірне питання про масштаби цього
I just read the article "Can we really know what animals are thinking?".It
discusses whether animals can think, in the meaning of this word that we
understand. Scientists suggest that animals do not think, as people are used to,
in sentences, and their thoughts are structured completely differently. This is
the difficulty of characterizing the thoughts of animals. Personally, I'm sure
that animals can think, but it's terribly difficult to say exactly what and how.
Human language is not suitable for expressing their thoughts. But despite this,
I hope that scientists will still be able to solve this riddle.
Exam topic 6
"Antivirus programs"
To detect, remove and protect against computer viruses, special programs have
been developed that allow you to detect and destroy viruses.Such programs are
called antivirus programs.
The effectiveness of an antivirus program depends on the relevance of its threat
database. New threats appear every day, so it is very important to use an
antivirus that constantly updates databases of viruses and other dangerous
Unfortunately, there is currently no such antivirus program that could protect
your computer from all possible viruses, but some companies have achieved good
results and there is hope that such a program will be created.
· #26
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:16)
To Anastasiya Romanenko group-KD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article you've read, the Exam topic, the audio versions of your essays and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice, but the last one isn't a sentence, but a word combination. The audio recording sounds fluently, but try to read sentences and the text of the article more distinctly. The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes !
· #25
Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:15)
1)considerable disagreement-значні розбіжності
This caused considerable disagreement among the believers and nearly led to a
church split.
Це викликало великі розбіжності серед віруючих і мало призвело до поділу церкви.
2)conduct research-провести дослідження
At present, the researchers of the faculty conduct research on grant projects.
Наразі науковці факультету проводять дослідження за грантовими проектами.
3)controversial question-спірне питання
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
I read the article "New technology makes it possible to see clearly through
murky water". It talks about a new technology that helps you shoot underwater,
improving image quality in murky waters. Unlike the old method of underwater
photography, the new method involves the use of a polarization-sensitive camera,
which improves the quality of the image. Haofeng Hu from Tianjin University in
this article talks about trials in laboratories where the new method was tested,
as well as trial successes. This will allow in the future to apply the
technology in practice. I liked this article because it talks about a very
useful technology that will help people.
Today I read the article "Advances in micro-computed tomography". Researchers in
the field of biomedical physics and biology have greatly improved microcomputed
tomography, in particular phase contrast imaging and high-brightness X-rays.
They developed a new microstructured optical lattice and combined it with new
analytical algorithms. The new approach allows for a more detailed display and
analysis of the microstructure of samples, as well as for examining a
particularly wide range of samples. It also significantly reduces scan time.
This is a significant breakthrough not only in medicine and biology, but also in
materials science, for example, in geology.
· #24
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:04)
To Belous A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages, work with the phrases and exam topic. Look through the first sentences (use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article). Try to use your own words, don't copy sentences from the article you've read. Check the pronunciation of the word 'flood'.
· #23
Gvozd to Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:04)
Thank you for your tasks, they are quite detailed and correct. Keep on working.
· #22
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:48)
To Klepatska A.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: legislative, migrant. Keep on working.
· #21
Anna Belous MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:45)
1)Conduct research
Scientists conducted research on impact a physical therapy on humans.
Вчені провели дослідження впливу фізіотерапії на людину.
2)Controversial question
Ecology in Ukraine is controversial question, because of war in country and
climate changes.
Екологія в Україні є спірним питанням через війну в країні та зміни клімату
3)Considerable disagreement
Theirs conversation called considerable disagreement because of different
opinions about domestic violence.
Їхня розмова викликала значні розбіжності через різні думки щодо домашнього
I have just read an article "Flood-impact map a Canadian first".
A Western University Flood expert said that some cities of Canada may become
inundated in the next 80 years under various climate change scenarios. Four
million Canadians lived in flood-affected areas—and they and others will be
at increased risk in coming decades.Engineering professor Slobodan Simonovic's
mapping tool is a deep dive into one consequence of more frequent weather
induced by climate change. Simonovic said releasing the map tool is part of his
personal commitment, and Western's newest contribution, to mitigating and
adapting to the impact of climate change.
To conclude, the unusual—heavy deluges and unseasonal thaws that overwhelm
streets, homes, sewers and dams—will occur not once in a century but regularly,
several times in a generation.
I have just read an article "Planting trees in Europe could lead to more
rainfall".In paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience, the group
describes using data from rain gauges across Europe to build their models. Prior
research has suggested due to climate change, large parts of Europe could see
less rainfall in the coming years. In this new effort, the researchers looked at
what could happen in Europe if efforts to plant more trees were stepped up.The
researchers found that forested areas received more rainfall than agricultural
areas. They also found that converting agricultural land to forested land would
increase rainfall both locally and downstream
To conclude, the researchers couldn't explain why forests get more rainfall.
Exam topic#9
History of kernel development 9
History of kernel development began from the 1950s and early 1960s, which were
reset and reloaded between the execution of different programs.
Low-level tasks including as disk management, memory management, task
management, and so on are handled by the Kernel. It serves as a link between the
user and the system's hardware components. A System Call occurs when a process
makes a request to the Kernel. There are certain instructions that need to be
executed by Kernel only.
To conclude, kernel is modern system and give opportunity to all people and
modern computers cause it is so important now.
· #20
Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:40)
controversial question
Whether he feels the same craving for her or it was some kind of ignorance that
washed over him at one moment is a controversial question.
Чи відчуває він таку ж тягу до неї, чи це якесь невігластво охопило його в один
момент – питання спірне.
2.To conduct research
To conduct research, scientists had to find a suitable pair of individuals of a
special species of white giraffe.
Для проведення досліджень вченим довелося знайти відповідну пару особин
особливого виду білого жирафа.
3.considerable disagreement
According to Edmund, there have been considerable disagreements between Caspian
and Peter in the past, that they still behave like capricious boys, although
they are high kings.
За словами Едмунда, в минулому між Каспіаном і Пітером були значні розбіжності,
що вони досі поводяться як примхливі хлопці, хоча є високими королями.
I read a very interesting article that fish Pisces can experience emotions and
can be attributed to rational beings. For this, an experiment was conducted with
one species of Danio fish. The fish were placed in a container with water, the
degree of which differed from the usual one by only 1 ° C and three sections
with water were placed, one of their usual warmth, the other a couple of degrees
higher and the third warmest, the fish that underwent the experiment chose the
warmest section and warmed up by 2 ° higher than their usual body temperature.
From this it follows that the fish were subjected to emotional stress from which
they did so, so scientists consider this species to be intelligent.
I have read an article about The Chronicles of Narnia movie, books and TV series
and I would like to give my opinion on this excellent work by K.S. Lewis. I was
very much influenced by the first film based on a trilogy of books, incredible
characters and history, fictional world, children of war, it is very similar to
the situation in our country, when children really want to hide from all the
horror somewhere in the same wardrobe through which they fall into a wonderful
magical world. The White Witch herself looks to me like the same problem and the
same monster that children are so afraid of, and other existing animals, Aslan,
who got in their way are their friends who are ready to help, those same adults
and the same care and support which is now so lacking. The victory over such a
terrible creature as Jadis gave the children an imaginary hope that they are not
alone in this world and can overcome various obstacles through great efforts and
can also fight evil and their condition, which now affects them quite strongly.
· #19
Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:40)
To Group MD-211. Dear students, the lesson has started. It's time to start working. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages, work with the phrases of the Day Practice and exam topics. Good luck!
· #18
Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:35)
conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Однак відсутність зв'язку серйозно обмежує здатність організації виконувати
прості функції, проводити дослідження та брати участь у конкурсі на отримання
considerable disagreement
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
Серед дослідників існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що найкраще.
controversial question
Skoltech's research gives a decisive answer to this controversial question.
Дослідження Сколтеха дають рішучу відповідь на це спірне питання.
The article is headlined "Robots may run future farms, researchers say". The
article is written by Brad Buck, University of Florida. The main message of the
article is that in the near future, robots and information technology will rule
agriculture. According to the article, robots and autonomous devices have
already begun to enter the agricultural industry. A number of reasons have
contributed to this, such as the high cost of labor, but at the same time the
amount of land on which crops can be grown and freshwater is shrinking - both
because of climate change and population growth. I found this article
interesting because increasing the efficiency of agricultural production will
lower the cost of production, which will raise the standard of living.
Exam topic#4 Advanced robots.
The most advanced robot today is ASIMO from Honda, but because of its limited
functionality, it has never been used anywhere except as a PR for the company,
so it has a humanoid appearance and imitates human walking. Also, Carnegie
Mellon University created one of the world's most complex snake-like robots,
while a team from the University of California, Berkeley, is working on
insect-sized robots. These robots are also heavy, but they have much more
functionality than Asimo.
· #17
Gvozd to MD-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:29)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #16
Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:25)
conduct research
It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
Також було дуже цікаво проводити дослідження в трьох різних університетах.
considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
The article is about that conservation not an effective tool for reducing
infectious disease in people.
The study's authors compared data on 24 infectious diseases—ranging from
malaria, dengue and rabies to typhoid, tuberculosis and leprosy—with separate,
published data on population density, wealth, bird and mammal species richness,
forest cover, precipitation and other environmental measures to analyze the
effects these factors had, if any, on disease burden per country. Over the
20-year period, they saw no relationship between biodiversity (number of species
present) and the overall burden of infectious disease.
This study clearly shows that—at the country level—conservation is not a
disease-control tool.
Exam topic #4 Lead-acid battery.
Lead acid batteries are the most commonly used type of battery in photovoltaic
systems. Although lead acid batteries have a low energy density, only moderate
efficiency and high maintenance requirements, they also have a long lifetime and
low costs compared to other battery types. One of the singular advantages of
lead acid batteries is that they are the most commonly used form of battery for
most rechargeable battery applications, and therefore have a well-established
established, mature technology base. As they are inexpensive compared to newer
technologies, lead–acid batteries are widely used even when surge current is not
important and other designs could provide higher energy densities.
· #15
Perepelytsyn Danylo KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:21)
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.
Серед дослідників існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що краще.
2. It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
Також було дуже цікаво проводити дослідження в трьох різних університетах
3. New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції
I have read this article and fully agree with the information provided there.
Many teenagers are already registered on social. networks from a very young age.
This all speaks of the rapid growth of the popularity of the Internet. I think
that this is good because children from a young age begin to explore the world,
look at other older or smarter people and strive for this. All complexes caused
by watching beautiful and smart people can develop into a desire to develop over
Exam topic #1
What are the steps of logistics?
There are 3 steps of Logistics:
1. Inbound Logistics: This includes storage and transportation of various
products and information from the suppliers, through the warehouse.
2. Outbound Logistics: Outbound logistics is the movement of finished products
from production facilities to the next supply chain link through warehouses.
This is often referred to as the order fulfillment process.
3. Reverse Logistics: Reverse logistics refers to the movement of items or goods
from the end-users back through the supply chain to the appropriate party
· #14
Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:19)
considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
However, he had considerable disagreements with his team mates.
Однак у нього були значні розбіжності з товаришами по команді.
2) controversial question - спірне питання
Although this is a controversial question, I think you're probably right.
Хоча це спірне питання, я думаю, що це, мабуть, правильно.
3) conduct research - проводити дослідження
They decided to conduct a research in Mexico.
Вони вирішили провести дослідження в Мексиці.
Today I've read the article "Study: Gen Z has the lowest financial literacy". It
states that generation Z has the lowest levels of financial education.
Financial wellness across generations tends to be more compromised among those
with lower levels of finance proficiency. Twenty-eight percent of Gen X
respondents said they have trouble making ends meet on a monthly basis. The
P-Fin Index assesses the knowledge and awareness needed to make sensible
financial decisions and manage personal finances effectively. According to the
survey, 39% of respondents are now motivated to improve their financial
I believe that promoting financial education is a good concept.
Today I've read the article "US must act to protect climate migrants, government
report says". It states that National security officials warn about a rise in
worldwide migration.
A study found that refugees are more likely to seek shelter in the nearest
stable democratic states. National security officials recommend a series of
steps, including sending US aid to help people affected by climate-related
disasters in their home countries, more tracking of extreme weather events that
are likely to displace people, and possible legislative action to protect
climate migrants.
I support the series of steps proposed by the national security officials.
· #13
Gvozd to Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:19)
have got your tasks and exam topic.
Well done, keep on working.
· #12
Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:43)
controversial question - спірне питання
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
density. - Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності
conduct research - провести дослідження
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features. -
Розробники смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.
considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment. - Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які
сформували історію людства, існують значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша
поведінка визначається насамперед культурою чи навколишнім середовищем.
Today I have read the article "Societies living in harsh environments more
likely to believe in moralizing gods, study finds".
Scientists conducted a study in which they noticed a correlation between the
standard of living and belief in a high god in certain human communities.
According to the results of these studies, they came to the conclusion that the
lower the standard of living, the higher the belief in the gods.scientists
cannot determine exactly what influences our behavior and attitudes towards
adaptive human values, and therefore they are divided into two groups. The first
group believes that a person's behavior depends on the culture of the society in
which he lives. The second group says that the environment influences human
Today I have read the article "World speed record for a self-driving car"
The self-driving car created by the Politecnico di Milano-PoliMOVE broke the
world speed record.The Politecnico Team had already achieved the record on 26
April but decided to raise the bar and improve its performance.On April 27, the
team broke their own record and the self-driving car reached a speed of 310
kph.Members of this team claim that a complex system controlled the car, and if
it made one mistake, the consequences would be different.
Exam topic "Dynamics and Strength of Machines"
"Dynamics and strength of machines" is the most important part of mechanical
engineering.This science is very important for the modern world. People would
not be able to build the precision machines that surround us.Detailed research
and study of various mechanisms and machines will help humanity to discover new
Strength, reliability and durability are the requirements that must be met by
any products, devices and structures. Significant material losses or even
threats to human health and life may come because of non-fulfillment of these
· #11
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:30)
To students from group KD-211. Good morning! Let's get started our English lesson today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Add the Exam topic on your speciality with the audio version. Mind that your comment should include up to 100 words. Submit it in one post. Good luck!
· #10
Gvozd to KI-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:26)
Kunitsky Artem KI-211
Bordan Vitalii KI-211
Troncha Ruslan KI-211
Thank you for your active participation. All your tasks are quite detailed and
· #9
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:18)
Exam topic "Motor vehicles"
As of 2011, there were more than one billion motor vehicles in use in the world,
excluding off-road
vehicles and heavy construction equipment.The US publisher Ward's estimates that
as of 2019, there
were 1.4 billion motor vehicles in use in the world.
Global vehicle ownership per capita in 2010 was 148 vehicles in operation per
1000 people.China has
the largest motor vehicle fleet in the world, with 322 million motor vehicles
registered at the end
of September 2018.The United States has the highest vehicle ownership per capita
in the world, with
832 vehicles in operation per 1000 people in 2016.Also, China became the world's
largest new car
market in 2009.
· #8
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:17)
Today i have read the article "Societies living in harsh environments more
likely to believe
in moralizing gods, study finds".
It tells that Just as physical adaptations help populations prosper in
inhospitable habitats,
belief in moralizing, high gods might be similarly advantageous for human
cultures in poorer
environments. A new study from the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
(NESCent) suggests
that societies with less access to food and water are more likely to believe in
these types of
I think that this article is very interesting and usefull,I would reccomend
everybody to read it.
· #7
Troncha Ruslan KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:16)
Conduct research-проведення досліджень
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.-Але відсутність зв’язку
заважає організації виконувати прості функції, проводити дослідження та
змагатися за
Considerable disagreement-значні розбіжності
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by culture or by
environment-Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які сформували історію людства,
значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша поведінка визначається насамперед
культурою чи
навколишнім середовищем.
Contoversial question-спірне питання
It provides insights on the controversial question of where these hoofed animals
concluding that they arose in or near present day India.-Він дає уявлення про
питання про те, де еволюціонували ці копитні, і робиться висновок, що вони
виникли в
сучасній Індії або поблизу неї.
Today I have read the article "New light on the controversial question of
species abundance
and population density".
It tells that Inspired by the negative results in the recently published
analysis of the relation between population density and positions in geographic
ranges and
environmental niches, Drs Jorge Soberon and Andrew Townsend Peterson of the
University of
Kansas, USA, teamed up with Luis Osorio-Olvera, National University of Mexico
(UNAM), and
identified several issues in the methodology used, able to turn the tables in
the ongoing
I think that this article is very interesting and usefull,I would recommend
everybody to read
· #6
Bordan Vitalii KI-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:15)
1.Предложение с фразами дня
1)conduct research-проводити дослідження
They shipped it here to conduct research .
Вони влаштувалися тут щоб проводити дослідження
2)considerable disagreement-значні розбіжності
There is considerable disagreement about what is meant precisely by the term
Існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що саме мається на увазі під терміном
3)controversial questions-суперечливі питання
Now these are controversial questions , and so we tend to shrink from them.
Зараз це суперечливі питання, і тому ми схильні уникати їх.
2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"What a new study reveals about selfies and teenage body image".
The article says that from Facebook to Instagram ,
it's no secret social media has become a common form of communication,
but have you ever left your feeds feeling bad about yourself?
If so, you're not alone, according to a new study conducted. Social media
a unique set of challenges for those who feel vulnerable.
I liked the article and I advise everyone to read it
3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"How Earth's orbital shift shaped the Sahara".
The article says that a change in the Earth’s orbit, many scientists believe,
transformed the “Green Sahara” into what is now the largest desert on the
While scientists are still trying to find out if the slow shift in orbit had
or gradual environmental consequences, they say Earth’s orbit will continue to
change today
and into the future.
I liked the article because this is an interesting fact for me and I advise
everyone to read it
Exam topic #4 (Machine of chemical plants and enterprises of constion materials)
This equipment facilitates the chemical plant to function efficiently
and has high capability of carrying out the heat recovery from fluids,
gases, vapors. These products are quality tested on well defined
parameters that ensures its durability and reliability. It can beat heat
they are widely used to efficiently transfer heat from one fluid to another.
Also Centrifuge Machines. These machines operate on the principle of settling,
in which centripetal acceleration is used to separate substances that have a
variable density.
· #5
Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:15)
Conduct research - провести дослідження
They shipped it here to conduct research. Вони відправили його сюди для
проведення досліджень.
2) Controversial question - Спірне питання
Now these are controversial questions, and so we tend to shrink from them. Зараз
це суперечливі питання, і тому ми схильні уникати їх.
3) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
There is considerable disagreement among observers about the extent of these
casualties. Серед спостерігачів існують значні розбіжності щодо масштабів цих
Today i have read the article "The most precise-ever measurement of W boson mass
suggests the standard model needs improvement"
After 10 years of careful analysis and scrutiny, scientists of the CDF
collaboration at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory announced today that they have achieved the most precise measurement
to date of the mass of the W boson, one of nature's force-carrying particles.
Using data collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab, or CDF, scientists
have now determined the particle's mass with a precision of 0.01%—twice as
precise as the previous best measurement. It corresponds to measuring the weight
of an 800-pound gorilla to 1.5 ounces.
Today i have read the article "Advances in micro-computed tomography".
Researchers in biomedical physics and biology have significantly improved
micro-computed tomography, more specifically imaging with phase contrast and
high brilliance X-ray radiation. They have developed a new microstructured
optical grating and combined it with new analytical algorithms. The new approach
makes it possible to depict and analyze the microstructures of samples in
greater detail, and to investigate a particularly broad spectrum of samples.This
is a significant breakthrough in this area.
· #4
Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:10)
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
density. Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції
considerable disagreement
There's been considerable disagreement about what the first eukaryote and its
immediate ancestors must have looked like. Існували значні розбіжності щодо
того, як мав виглядати перший еукаріот та його безпосередні предки.
conduct research
How to conduct research experiments at superhuman levels by using the same
approach? Як проводити дослідницькі експерименти на надлюдському рівні,
використовуючи той самий підхід?
The article is titled Internet connectivity is oxygen for research and
development work and was written by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The main idea of article is that fast and reliable internet access is
fundamental for research and development activity around the world. And for that
reason the research team is currently expanding the study, collecting data from
nine institutions and five networking organizations operating in three
countries, in order to create a more robust picture of internet connectivity
challenges and potential solutions across Africa.
In general, I guess that this article is rather cognitive than helpful, because
not so many people understand the value of the Internet.
Exam topic#4(Lead-acid battery)
The lead–acid battery is a type of rechargeable battery first invented in 1859
by French physicist Gaston Plante.
It is the first type of rechargeable battery ever created. Compared to modern
rechargeable batteries, lead–acid batteries have relatively low energy density.
Despite this, their ability to supply high surge currents means that the cells
have a relatively large power-to-weight ratio. These features, along with their
low cost, make them attractive for use in motor vehicles to provide the high
current required by starter motors.
But from the worst side excessive charging causes electrolysis, emitting
hydrogen and oxygen. This process is known as "gassing", in other words -
· #3
Gvozd to Velikov Vlad KI-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:55)
Thank you, the reviews are rather interesting, the tasks are complete.
· #2
Velikov Vlad KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:12)
Conduct research-But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's
ability to perform simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Controversial question-New light on the controversial question of species
abundance and population density.
Considerable disagreement-Even in a small organization, there is likely to be
considerable disagreement on each of these aspects of strategy.
Today I have read the article “Making social change efforts more effective”.
This article talks about that Many organizations take on big problems like
alleviating poverty or combatting climate change. But how can they—and their
funders—know that their efforts are working? What are the best ways to measure
complex interventions and determine which approaches lead to true change? These
questions are at the heart of a new book by Alnoor Ebrahim, a professor of
management at The Fletcher School and the Tisch College of Civic Life. In
conclusion, I want to say that the article was a bit boring for me, but others
might like it because someone might be interested in this topic.
Today I have read the article “Research shows how statistics can aid in the
fight against misinformation”. This article talks about that an American
University math professor and his team have created a statistical model that can
be used to detect misinformation in social posts. The model also avoids the
problem of black boxes that occur in machine learning. With the use of
algorithms and computer models, machine learning is increasingly playing a role
in helping to stop the spread of misinformation, but a main challenge for
scientists is the black box of unknowability, where researchers don't understand
how the machine arrives at the same decision as human trainers. I want to
summarize, the article is quite interesting and useful, since disinformation
takes a lot of time in our lives and we believe in it, so I advise the article
to everyone.
· #1
Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 06:53)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.