Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics
|Електротехніка та Eлектромеханіка (IEЕ)
Guestbook – May 2022
· #199
Thank you for your comments. Keep on working. Good luck.
· #198
the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied
keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references
on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside. On the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context
Today I have read an article that talks about a new method for printing
artificial "skin" containing thermal sensors. Scientists have created a material
on the basis of which it is possible to create a coating with properties similar
to real human skin. With the help of a flexible base on which the thermal
sensors are fixed, it can be mounted on any surface, such as a robot. In this
case, he will be able to literally feel the temperature of the object with which
he is in contact. I am sure that such technology will soon go into mass
Topic: Alternative current motor
An AC motor, or as it is also called an asynchronous motor, is an electric AC
motor, the rotor speed of which is not equal to the speed of the magnetic field
created by the stator winding current. It consists of a rotor, stator, rotor
shaft, impeller and bearing. The main differences of this type of electric
motors from the rest are low production cost, ease of maintenance and operation,
as well as high reliability. Most often, this type of motor can be found in
fans, compressors, vacuum cleaners, as well as on machine tools.
· #197
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
on the contrary
On the contrary: "Public transportation, currently representing around 12% of
the overall trips in the Karlsruhe region
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
Today I have read the article "New rotating liquid reactor design solves issues
with current reactors." This article talks about Jasper Hacking's development of
a new reactor called the "Rotating Fluid Redistributor". The key to the new
reactor is the inclusion of liquid-filled rings in the packing, which help solve
several problems associated with traditional RPB reactors. Early models of this
reactor had some problems that their creator was able to fix, such as uneven
distribution of liquid chemical elements. This article is recommended to reading
as it talks about the development of a new reactor whose design will solve the
problems of old reactors.
Today I read the article "New tricks for finding better superconductive
materials". this article is about relatively high temperature superconductors.
Although this temperature is not so high (-200С•). This temperature is not so
easy to make, so this technology has not been developed for a long time, but
recently the so-called nickelates have been found, which have no resistance even
at higher temperatures . It has also recently become clear which structure
influences superconductivity. I find this article useful as it shows that it is
possible to develop superconductivity technology using nickelates.
· #196
On the
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
keep track
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
Today I have read the article "Machine learning predicts antibiotic resistance
article is about genes that are not only inherited from birth. Bacteria have the
ability to transfer genes to each other or take them from the environment
through a process called horizontal gene transfer, which is the main culprit in
the spread of antibiotic resistance. Team paper, "Functions Predict Horizontal
Gene Transfer and Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance," published in Science
Advances. I think it's better for people and those with biology. This is an
interesting article and quite informative.
Vokaroo: https://voca.ro/15hEnFZshXOB
Exam topic #5(Alternating current motor)
An AC motor is an electrical motor driven by alternating current. An AC motor
consists of two main parts: an external stator with coils that are supplied with
alternating current to create a rotating magnetic field, and an internal rotor
attached to the output shaft, creating a second rotating a magnetic field. They
have the next advantages: simple and robust structure, high operational
reliability, easy maintenance, low price. They also have a high efficiency. In
conclusion, we can say that modern technologies make it possible to create
extremely efficient engines.
· #195
les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #194
Article: https://phys.org/news/2021-12-artificial-intelligence-lightning.html
Artificial intelligence can create better lightning forecasts
Lightning is one of the most destructive forces of nature. It is very difficult
to predict where lightning will strike, but with the help of computer algorithms
that can be improved without programming, it is possible to predict where
lightning will strike. The new method combines weather forecasts with a machine
learning equation based on the analysis of past thunderstorms. The researchers
hope to improve their method with more data sources, more weather variables, and
more sophisticated methods. They would like to improve the prediction of
specific situations such as dry lightning or lightning without rain, as these
are especially dangerous for wildfires. The researchers believe that their
method can also be applied to longer-term projections.
Phrases of the Day:
the same as - такой же как
A key area to explore is whether the rate of particle-antiparticle transitions
is the same as that of antiparticle-particle transitions.
Ключевой областью для изучения является то, является ли скорость переходов
частица-античастица такой же, как скорость переходов античастица-частица.
the bulk of - большая часть
California and New York both "reopened" this week, lifting the bulk of COVID-19
Калифорния и Нью-Йорк «вновь открылись» на этой неделе, сняв большую часть
to our knowledge - Насколько нам известно
This is, to our knowledge, the first attempt to back-translate and interpret
computer vision heat maps into botanical language.
Насколько нам известно, это первая попытка обратного перевода и интерпретации
тепловых карт компьютерного зрения на ботанический язык.
· #193
Article: Unconventional and renewable source of energy
Today I read an article about an unconventional and renewable energy source.
Unconventional energy sources include the energy of the Sun, wind, tides, sea
waves, geothermal and thermonuclear energy. Special hopes are placed on
hydrogen, as it is the most promising energy carrier. Renewable, or
regenerative, "green" energy is energy from energy resources that are renewable
or inexhaustible on a human scale. The basic principle of using renewable energy
is to extract it from ongoing processes in the environment or renewable organic
resources and provide it for technical use. Renewable energy is obtained from
natural resources such as sunlight, water flows, wind, tides and geothermal
heat, which are renewable, as well as from biofuels: wood, vegetable oil,
· #192
Project management is the application of processes, methods, skills, knowledge,
and experience to achieve specific project objectives according to the project
acceptance criteria within agreed parameters. Project management has final
deliverables that are constrained to a finite timescale and budget. A key factor
that distinguishes project management from just 'management' is that it has this
final deliverable and a finite timespan, unlike management which is an ongoing
process. Because of this a project professional needs a wide range of skills;
often technical skills, and certainly people management skills and good business
Attempts to solve
On the other hand, the quantum version of annealing attempts to solve this
problem by digging tunnels through the barriers for the hope of finding deeper
focused on
EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on risky uses.
different aspects of
The two scientists were trying to explore the genetic underpinnings of different
aspects of biology—like fertility, aging, and immunity—by combining the
strengths of digital methods
· #191
Towards more energy-efficient 2D semiconductor devices
The newly discovered family of two-dimensional semiconductors could pave the way
for high-performance and energy-efficient electronics, the researchers said.
This has piqued the team's interest in ohmic or metal-semiconductor contacts
without a Schottky barrier. Because of FLP, engineers are unable to tune or
adjust the Schottky barrier between metal and semiconductor. This reduces the
flexibility of the semiconductor device design. Due to the protection, the
Schottky barrier is "detached" and can be configured to suit a wide range of
application requirements. This performance improvement helps to leverage 2D
semiconductors as a replacement for silicon technology.
· #190
Electrical systems
Your phone, laptop and electric kettle work only thanks to electricity. How does
electricity get into the socket?
Power grid is a grid designed to supply electricity to consumers. It consists of
generating stations, high-voltage power lines and distribution lines . For
transmission electricity you need to increase the voltage using a power
transformer, then transport it through a network of power lines. It travels
until reaches supply companies. These companies reduced the voltage at the
substations, where it is distributed to the shields and finally to consumers.
Thanks to power grids, people receive energy that simplifies our lives, leaving
time for personal development. And that's very good.
· #189
Unconventional and renewable energy
We hear more and more about renewable energy. Why is it becoming popular and
Renewable energy is an energy industry that specializes in obtaining and using
energy from renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources include periodic
or constant streams of energy that propagate in nature. For example, solar
energy, wind energy, hydropower, natural heat, etc.
The development of renewable energy is of great importance for the future of
mankind, because combustible minerals, which are the basis of energy production
at the beginning of the XXI century, will sooner or later be depleted.
In my opinion, the future of mankind is better in terms of renewable energy.
· #188
circuit and equipment testing
Testing of electrical equipment allows you to check the performance of
electrical installations, identify and eliminate shortcomings in the work and
ensure the safety of its operation. Industry orders and rules for the operation
of electrical installations provide for the norms and frequency of inspections,
as well as the procedure for performing these operations. Inspections have the
following types: Typical, Control, Acceptance, Operational, Special. Electrical
equipment can be checked by special electrical laboratories that have received
appropriate accreditation. Testing is mandatory for electrical systems.
· #187
To Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 just good for all three tasks. But today’s task was to focus on specialty exam topics. Pls read my announcement on the website.
· #186
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 good comments but without conclusion. Just 77 points. Keep on working hard.
· #185
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 Task1 is good. Task2 is 74 points ( pls make conclusion).
· #184
To Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 . Thanks . Just 80 points for both tasks.
· #183
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 Just 80 points. Pls mind the length of your comment (100 words is a must) and the key words in conclusion: To sum it up, in conclusion, in my opinion, etc.)
· #182
1.1 to
our knowledge - як нам вiдомо
Since then, to our knowledge, no other research has been undertaken.
1.2 the bulk of - велика частина
Fossil fuels supply the bulk of global energy requirements.
1.3 the same as - так сама , що
Well, maybe writing isn't the same as visual arts...
2.1 Today I read the article
This article tells how researchers have created a liquid lens that changes focal
length when voltage is applied. Also, this lens can be used in phones in the
future, as it focuses quickly and has no mechanical elements. The researchers
created the lens by filling the electrode with DBA liquid, which forms a dome
shape and, under the action of a current, causes the accumulation of DBA
molecules on the anode, changing the shape of the dome and focusing. I find this
research useful as it could lead to the creation of new, efficient and
inexpensive lenses that can focus quickly.
2.2 Today I read the article
https://phys.org/news/2022-05-candlelight-like-flexible.html this article is
about how they created a lamp that does not interfere with the production of
melatonin. The researchers created an organic warm light lamp on a flexible
substrate by mixing N,N'-dicarbazole-1,1'-biphenyl phosphor with red and yellow
dyes. Then this layer was placed between electrically conductive solutions with
an anode on one side and an aluminum layer on the other. During operation of
such a
lamp, a warm light was emitted, which suppresses the production of melatonin in
humans by about 1.6%. I find this development useful because it will help you
use warm, natural lighting.
· #181
Economy energy audit and management
Today I have read the article about Economy energy audit and management.
Managers can base the approach for implementing projects with longer payback
periods on the organization's economic approach and energy goals. These goals
for an organization that is simply leasing a building for five years — a
commercial office building, for example — are likely to be different from those
of an organization that owns a building — a school district, for example.
Aligning energy goals with overall organizational goals is essential to
performing a successful energy audit. Achieving energy-conservation goals will
enable managers to build on their successes and set new energy goals for the
· #180
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 Task1 is very good. Task2 is satisfactory ( too lengthy, no conclusion) .Keep on working hard.
· #179
From the article "New holographic camera sees the unseen with high precision".
Researchers have invented a new high-resolution camera that can see the
invisible, including around corners and through scattered media such as skin,
fog, and even the human skull. The new technique works by indirectly scattering
coherent light at hidden objects, which are then scattered again and returned to
the camera. Due to its high temporal resolution, the technique also has the
potential for imaging fast-moving objects, such as a beating heart through the
chest or speeding cars around a street corner. New features have been added,
such as interception of ambient light, turning "walls into mirrors" and much
· #178
Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system
Stepping motors are becoming even more important in many fields of mechanical
machines, including industrial robots. Although interfacing between stepping
motors and digital control systems is usually considered quite an easy task,
suitable drives must be used in order to achieve top performance from the
motors. microcomputer-based drive allows higher operating speeds than
conventional drives, and, in many cases, the optimization of motor movements.
The drive consists of only three chips, and is connected to a standard power
· #177
and net heating
Here are some of your many choices for heating energy sources: natural gas,
propane (LP), oil, coal, wood, electricity, heat pumps, ground source heat pumps
and solar energy. Every source of heating has differences in heat production.
Net Heating Value means the quantity of heat in Kilocalories evolved by complete
combustion at constant pressure of 1 SCM of Gas with air at the same pressure
and temperature as of gas, air and the products of combustion cooled to initial
temperature & pressure and all water formed by combustion reaction remaining in
vapor state.
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/17NDHnqEKA99
· #176
To our
knowledge - To our knowledge this is the largest successful computational screen
to date.
Наскільки нам відомо - Наскільки нам відомо, це найбільший успішний
обчислювальний екран на сьогоднішній день.
The bulk of - Los Angeles imports the bulk of its water through a
vast storage and delivery system.
Основна частина – Лос-Анджелес імпортує основну частину своєї води через
величезну систему зберігання та доставки.
The same as - For comparison, this is the same as launching 70
James Webb Space Telescopes at once.
саме, що - Для порівняння, це те саме, що запустити відразу 70 космічних
телескопів Джеймса Вебба.
From the article "Pioneering turbine sets new benchmark for tidal renewable
energy" I learned that in the first year of testing, the world's most powerful
floating tidal turbine produced 3 GWh of electricity. Turbine SR2000, considered
the most powerful working tidal turbine in the world.
The power generated by the SR2000 in 12 months of full-time operation is
sufficient to meet the annual electricity needs of about 830 UK households. The
turbine design incorporates a number of innovations. Easy access to the SR2000
for routine maintenance is an important factor.
· #175
Today I
have read the article ''Next-generation solar cells reach 24% efficiency''.This
article is about a new development in solar panel manufacturing. Scientists from
the research team of Prof. Dr. Thomas Riedl from the University of Wuppertal
have developed a special solar cell with an efficiency of 24%, this improvement
should pay off in the near future. It is also interesting that the improvement
is made on the principle of replacing old semiconductors with organic
semiconductors, again we are convinced that the tandem of the latest
technologies and nature is the key to our future. In my opinion, the development
of technologies in the field of renewable energy is our way out of an energy
catastrophe that can happen, because energy sources are not endless and their
number is decreasing faster and faster every year.
1)the bulk of
By then, the bulk of this controversy should be behind us.
2)the same as
Lengthy explanations that these terms are not the same as "occurring 1,000 years
apart" or "once every 1,000 years" have only added to the confusion
3)to our knowledge
To our knowledge, our work is the first to demonstrate that machine learning
algorithms can work for lightning
1)основна маса
На той час основна частина цієї суперечки має бути позаду.
те саме, що
Тривалі пояснення того, що ці терміни не те саме, що «відбувається з інтервалом
у 1000 років» або «один раз на 1000 років», лише додали плутанини
3) наскільки нам відомо
Наскільки нам відомо, наша робота вперше продемонструвала, що алгоритми
машинного навчання можуть працювати для блискавки
· #174
Today i
have read the article:"Physicists discover special transverse sound wave". This
article is about a new type of sound wave. A research team from the City
University of Hong Kong has discovered a new type of sound wave: A sound wave in
air oscillates laterally and carries both rotation and orbital angular momentum
like light. The data obtained destroyed the previous ideas of scientists about
the sound wave, paving the way for the development of new applications in the
field of acoustic communication, acoustic sensing and imaging. Physics textbooks
tell us that there are two kinds of waves. In transverse waves, such as light,
the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. In
longitudinal waves, such as sound, the oscillations are parallel to the
direction of wave propagation. the data showed that airborne or fluid sound
could be a transverse wave and carry full vector properties, such as angular
momentum, in the same way as light. It provides new perspectives and
functionality for sound manipulation beyond the usual scalar degrees of freedom.
So a new research in sound waves will help us unlock even more potential and use
in our favor for use in many areas of life
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1gbwzS7Jdb3y
Article: https://phys.org/news/2021-12-physicists-special-transverse.html
· #173
Speed estimation system for alternating current motor.
Today I have read the article about the speed estimation system for alternating
current motors. The theoretical speed of the rotor in an induction motor depends
on the frequency of the AC supply and the number of coils that make up the
stator. In practice, the load on the motor also plays a part —tending to slow
the rotor down. To control the speed of an AC motor, we have to increase or
decrease the frequency of the AC supply using what's called a variable-frequency
drive. In my opinion, by developing AC motors, we can enhance efficiency of
their speed estimation system.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1ivDdyGOcjEO
· #172
1)the same as - те ж саме що й
Account expiration period is the same as using traditional top-up methods.
Термін дії рахунку такий самий, як і у разі поповнення традиційним способом.
2)to our knowledge - як нам відомо
However, to our knowledge there are no well-defined international practices in
such cases.
Однак, наскільки нам відомо, не існує міжнародної практики для подібних
3) the bulk of - більша частина
The Government also continued to reject a potential troop-contributing country
that was to provide the bulk of the specialized units.
Уряд також продовжував відмовлятися від потенційної країни, яка надає війська,
яка мала б надати основну частину спеціалізованих підрозділів.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1oKPVludhG8R
Article reveal:
Today i have read the article:"Creating invisibility with superconducting
materials" This article is about about the cloak of invisibility. A new study
published in the journal De Gruyter Nanophotonics by lead authors Huangyang Chen
of Xiamen University, China, and Qiaoliang Bao suggests the use of molybdenum
trioxide material to replace expensive and difficult-to-manufacture
metamaterials in emerging new optical device technologies.
With some unique properties , this material can be an excellent platform for
controlling the flow of energy . The group's simulation results showed that when
cylindrical or rolled molybdenum trioxide materials are substituted for
metamaterials, a simplified stealth concentrator can achieve electromagnetic
stealth and energy concentration effects that would be demonstrated by a
near-perfect stealth device. Transformation optics has been a hot topic in
physics in recent decades due to the discovery that the path that light travels
through a continuous medium can be the same as its propagation through a curved
space that has undergone a coordinate transformation. So invisible - devices
will soon cease to be the subject of science fiction.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/13cpbkVF209W
· #171
Mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Today I read an artocle about mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Optimization plays an ever-increasing role in all fields. Optimization models
are mathematical models that include functions that represent goals or
objectives for the system being modeled. Optimization models can be an- alyzed
to explore system trade-offs in order to find solutions that optimize system
objectives. Papers in the engineering domain cover interests in electrical,
mechanical, and building engineering. Developers present an optimal design
methodology for tuned liquid column dampers based on the control theory using
the study in their paper titled “TLCD Parametric Optimization for the Vibration
Control of Building Structures Based on Linear Matrix Inequality.”
· #170
Pugach Max Task 1 has no appropriate. conclusion and voice recording msg. Just
65 points for both comments on the articles. The phrases of the day practice is
incomplete ( no translation). Pls check the task you have to do reading my msg
in the Guestbook at the beginning of the on-line session. Pls focus on exam
· #169
Today I have read the article "Researchers identify bacterial protein that
senses and rescues 'stalled' ribosomes"
As a molecular machine found in the cells of all organisms, the ribosome is
responsible for making new proteins. It reads the blueprint for a certain
protein on a messenger molecule—known as messenger RNA (mRNA)—and then converts
this information into new proteins.
The blueprints of proteins are stored in the DNA in the cell nucleus, where they
are transcribed into mRNA. Bearing the genetic information for a specific
protein, the mRNA leaves the nucleus and is transported to the ribosomes, where
its information is converted into proteins.
In addition to the ZMBH researchers from Heidelberg, scientists from the
University of Cologne as well as Scripps Research in Florida (U.S.) also
participated in the study. The results of the study were published in the
journal Nature.
1)with the aid of
Yes, with the aid of the machine, he could control us all.
2)when investigating
The Act establishes the rules for examining alleged human rights violations and
outlines the Ombudsman's powers when investigating incidents referred to in a
3) a sharp rise
This has led to a significant rise in the proportion of foreign-born inhabitants
on the island as well as a sharp rise in the overall population.
· #168
The article is "Indonesia raises alert level for Krakatoa's offspring volcano".
The Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia erupted in 2018, triggering a tsunami that
killed 429 people. It has been active since 1883. The disaster was the deadliest
and most destructive, killing 35,000 people. Today, scientists recorded the
activity of the volcano. The authorities have raised the alarm status to the
third level. The reason is the eruption of an ash cloud at 3000 meters. The
volcano emitted 9,000 tons of carbon dioxide. The exclusion zone has been
expanded and residents have been required to wear masks. I recommed read this
article. The article is interesting.
· #167
students from Group EM-211
Hi everybody. The lesson’s started . Waiting for your exam topics and phrases of
the day. Pls join the on-line activities and post your tasks into the Guestbook.
· #166
energy audit and management
An energy audit is a survey of enterprises and organizations to assess all
aspects of an enterprise's activities that are associated with the cost of fuel,
various types of energy and some energy carriers. Energy audit is very important
because its goals are to identify sources of irrational energy costs and
unjustified energy losses and to determine energy efficiency indicators. In
conclusion, we can say that as a result of these processes it is possible to
improve existing energy systems in order to significantly increase efficiency
and profitability.
· #165
Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system
Today i read an article about microcomputers in the stepping motor control
system. The system design includes hardware design and software design and the
circuit design contains keyboard input, LED display, the state display of light
emitting diode and alarm. The keyboard can be used to input operation
parameters, start and close system. The motor drives the load to process
preconcerted work by the keyboard input so as to carry out point-position and
speed control. The application of display circuit can show the input data of
step motor and running state. The system can carry out the above function well
by testing.
· #164
Phase regulation
Today I've read the article about phase regulation.
Phase voltage regulation is the regulation of electrical voltage by changing the
opening angle of thyristors, triacs or other devices from which the rectifier or
key is assembled. As a result of changing the opening angle to the load are
incomplete half-wave sinusoids, resulting in reduced operating voltage. This
control is used to smoothly start DC motors, control the charging current of
batteries and other purposes.
The advantages of phase control include cheapness, simplicity of the converter
and control circuits, the main disadvantages - the distortion of the voltage in
the power supply network, a large coefficient of ripple of the output voltage.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/18Kk6zuIZcB6
· #163
The peculiarities of DC injection braking.
Today I've read an interesting article about peculiarities of DC injection
DC braking is a method of slowing down AC electric motors. When the power is
disconnected from the motor, the rotor rotates freely until friction slows it to
a stop. DC braking can be used to quickly stop the rotor. DC injection brakes
require only a small module located together with another switchgear or motor
drivers mounted in a remote and convenient location. DC brake modules have no
consumable parts and don't require maintenance.
DC braking is an effective method of stopping for some mechanisms such as
hoisting machines, etc.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1igofloGjHQL
· #162
Voltage power controller for asynchronous motor.
Today I have read the article about the voltage power controller for
asynchronous motor. The speed control of such motors is obtained by changing the
supply voltage until the torque required by the load is developed at the desired
speed. Therefore, the stator voltage control method is suitable for applications
where the load torque decreases with the speed. As the operation of the motor at
voltages higher than the rated voltage is not permissible, thus this method
allows the speed control only below the rated speed of the motor. In my opinion,
by developing these controllers, we drastically increase their efficiency.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/181YB2uFvqTg
· #161
To Derbenov Illia LLN-211. Illia, thanks for your regular effective work. It’s well done. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.
· #160
To A.Chaban LLN-211 .Thank you for your completed work on May 26th. Both of your tasks deserve an excellent assessment. Check the reading of these words: pharmaceuticals, psychologists. I haven't seen your work since 28.04.2022. It's a pity. Keep on working.
· #159
To Maxim Panayotov, LN-211. Maxim, both of your activities for May 26th deserve a positive assessment. Next time pay more attention to the content of the article( exam topic) and less to your point of view on it. Start your review like this:Today I have read the article. Mispronounced words were: supply(stress), experienced, investigating. Keep on working.
· #158
To Svetlana Korenna LLN-211. Svetlana, thank you for your completed work on May 26th. Both of your tasks deserve a positive assessment.Check the pronunciation of these words: threat, eruption.Invite other students from your group to join our discussion. Keep on working.
· #157
of the day
a) a sharp rise - резкое возрастание
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
Больницы сообщают о резком увеличении числа пациентов, жалующихся на
затрудненное дыхание, - сообщает Times of India.
b) when investigating - при изучении
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
Полиция предоставила описание следственных действий, которые обычно включаются
при расследовании дела об изнасиловании.
- с помощью
With the aid of artificial stem cells, it will soon be possible to
establish new treatments for previously incurable diseases such as Alzheimer's
помощью искусственных стволовых клеток вскоре можно будет разработать новые
методы лечения ранее неизлечимых недугов, таких как болезнь Альцгеймера.
Article Review
Topic: Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system
I've just read the article "Design of stepper motor controller based on
single-ship microcomputer".
It's about controlling the rotation of stepper motors (usually three-, four-, or
five-phased) using microcomputers. The number of control pulses, the frequency,
and the sequence of the energization of the motor phases can be used to execute
this operation. It should be mentioned that a variety of problems could arise
due to poor timing. However, it is fixable with the direction signal being
determined several microseconds before the arrival of the first pole rising or
falling edge.
I found this article to be illegible to some degree and I think there might be a
better article on this topic.
· #156
Phrases of the day
with the aid of - за допомогою
When counteracted by the scientists with the aid of antioxidants. - При протидії
вченими за допомогою антиоксидантів.
a sharp rise - різкий підйом
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors. - Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може
погіршити відносини між розвиненими країнами та їхніми сусідами.
when investigating - під час розслідування
When investigating how tumors grow, or how pharmaceuticals affect different
types of cells. - При дослідженні того, як ростуть пухлини або як фармацевтичні
препарати впливають на різні типи клітин.
2. Article Review
Today Ive read the article about a new algorithm that can determine a person's
mental state from the photos they post on social networks. Such a program is
very useful, for example, to psychologists who can help the victim cope with all
the problems at the initial stages. The research team spent two years working on
a deep learning model that identifies five needs, including the use of
multimodal data such as images, text, biography, and geolocation. I believe that
such a system will be able to help people in need of help, solve their problems.
· #155
Today I
read an article on the topic"Automatic design of power supply"
The article is very interesting and shows us how important and difficult and
demanding it is to develop the right power supply. This article details the use
of semi-automated design tools. Creating a suitable power supply architecture is
a critical step in power supply design. And this step has a big responsibility.
This article can be useful for both a beginner, an experienced engineer and
ordinary readers who love these topics and consider this their hobby. And of
course, we students should have read this more often for the development of our
I recommend this article to absolutely everyone.
1)A sharp rise-Різкий підйом
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain-Різке зростання кліматичних
мігрантів може напружити
2) when investigating-під час розслідування
when investigating a rape case-під час розслідування справи про зґвалтування
3)with the aid of-за допомогою
with the aid of a purely chemical mechanism-за допомогою суто хімічного
· #154
the aid of - за допомогою
With the aid of high-intensity laser pulses, they were able to trigger a
reaction between water molecules on the surface of nanoparticles resulting the
creation of trihydrogen ions.
допомогою високоінтенсивних лазерних імпульсів вони змогли запустити реакцію між
молекулами води на поверхні наночастинок, в результаті чого утворилися іони
a sharp rise - різкий підйом
Authorities bumped the threat of Anak Krakatoa, which means Child of Krakatoa,
to level three of a four-tier volcanic alert system after witnessing a sharp
rise in activity in the last month with the biggest eruption coming on Sunday.
Влада підняла загрозу Анак Кракатау, що означає "Дитина Кракатау", підняти
третій рівень чотирирівневої системи оповіщення про вулкан після того, як за
останній місяць спостерігалося різке зростання активності з найбільшим
виверженням, яке відбулося в неділю.
when investigating - під час розслідування
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
Це може виявитися корисним при дослідженні делікатних матеріалів.
Theme: Problems of electromagnetic compatibility of power supply systems
Today I`ve read the article “EMI’s Potentially Dangerous Impact on Pacemakers”.
In our time of innovative technologies, it is almost impossible to avoid
exposure to electromagnetic waves and interference, while for people with
pacemakers, health and even life depend on it. To avoid problems with
interference effects on pacemakers, it is quite logical to control the power of
the electromagnetic field when developing devices. I think in the future it
would be necessary to find a way to isolate pacemakers from external
electromagnetic interference by, for example, coating.
· #153
performed with
The surgery is performed with regards of individual approach to the patient
column represents
The last column represents the linewidth of the phonon laser
under certain assumptions
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists
Today I have read an article about how older people react to android robots.
Researchers from the University of Bari and the University of Parma are sure
that such robots can be useful not only for educational purposes or excursions,
but also for helping elderly people around the house. Also, scientists suggest
that such robots will be useful in institutions for the care of the elderly.
Because of this, they gathered a group of people with whom the robot named
Pepper spoke. As it turned out, the older generation of people react both
positively and negatively to the presence of a robot.
TOPIC: Stepper motors and servo motors
A servo drive is a conventional motor with an additionally installed control
sensor that performs a feedback function. A stepper motor is a brushless
electric motor that works in pair with a driver board. During operation, the
motor will be held in a given position by the controller. This principle of
interconnection allows to achieve high speed and accuracy of the equipment down
to one micron. The disadvantage of the servo drive is its high cost and high
cost of repair.
A stepper motor is a brushless electric motor that has several phases (windings)
switched on in turn by the driver. Most often, stepper motors are used in
robotics, printers and industrial machines.
· #152
inherent in
To use a method called multiple annealing and looping based amplification
cycles, or MALBAC, to solve some of the problems inherent in the process of
single-cell genome amplification.
proportional to
A seashell grows at a rate proportional to its size, resulting in a delicate
As to
The research also raises concerns as to whether the species can continue to time
their arrival at the feeding grounds with the occurrence of zooplankton and
schooling fish.
I have read the article "The Mathematical Structure of Terrorism". It describes
the theory of Oxford scientist Neil Johnson, which is that all the events of our
world are natural, and moreover, he was able to find a formula that describes
them. According to his theory, any war, raid or terrorist act has a loss rate,
which they all have almost the same, knowing the number of equipment and people
involved in this event, you can calculate the exact number of victims. This
article makes me think about how everything is interconnected in our world, as
well as understand that all random events are actually not so random, just their
regularity has not yet been found.
Exam topic "Electric dynamic braking"
Electric dynamic braking is a type of braking for induction motors in which the
stator winding is disconnected from AC power and switched to DC voltage. This
braking mode is used for precise stopping of motors. During braking, the stator
winding creates a constant, stationary magnetic field. As the rotor rotates
relative to this magnetic field, the direction of the rotor EMF changes. The
rotor current will depend on the resistance in the rotor circuit. This type of
braking is used, for example, in conveyor machines, in circular saws, in
double-system electric locomotives, in conveyors for safe stopping of mechanisms
when electric motors are switched off.
· #151
performed with
Perfect appearance match between self-luminous and surface colors can
be performed with isomeric spectra.
under certain assumptions
The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a
certain assumption.
column represents
The last column represents the linewidth of the phonon laser.
I have read the article "Appearances can be deceiving: Display versus surface
colors". It tells about a study conducted by scientists from Japan. It lies in
the fact that different color rendering devices with the same characteristics
render colors differently. This feature slows down the production processes of
various techniques, and also slows down the process of studying color rendering,
which the human eye produces. In the future, Okajima will study this topic, and
now their research is trying to correct this color rendering problem. The
results of the study are also important for industry.
Exam topic "Alternating current motor"
The name alternative current electric motors comes from the fact that they
convert alternating current electrical energy into mechanical energy in motor
mode and vice versa in generator mode. They are now becoming more widespread and
are gradually replacing DC machines. They can be found in cars and hoovers, in
sophisticated machines and in ordinary children's toys. They can be found almost
everywhere, although they differ in type, construction and performance. AC
machines are divided into three main types: asynchronous, synchronous and
commutator machines. Every electric motor has the property of reversibility:
every electric motor can operate in generator mode and vice versa.
· #150
Derbenov Illia LLN-211
Maxim Panayotov, LN-211
I appreciate your comments. Go on working.
· #149
performed with
This trick with the light bulbs that you performed with just such panache at
your housewarming party.
column represents
A column in a table in a database represents the name of the values in that
column for each row in the table.
under certain assumptions
For them, the optimality of behavior is only a theorem that may be demonstrated
under certain assumptions.
Today I have read the article "New rotating liquid reactor design solves issues
with current reactors." This article talks about Jasper Hacking's development of
a new reactor called the "Rotating Fluid Redistributor". The key to the new
reactor is the inclusion of liquid-filled rings in the packing, which help solve
several problems associated with traditional RPB reactors. Early models of this
reactor had some problems that their creator was able to fix, such as uneven
distribution of liquid chemical elements. This article is recommended to reading
as it talks about the development of a new reactor whose design will solve the
problems of old reactors.
Branch Circuit Motor Protection
Motor circuit protection describes the short-circuit protection of conductors
supplying power to the motor, the motor controller, and motor control
circuits/conductors. 430.52 provides the maximum sizes or settings for
overcurrent devices protecting the motor branch circuit. A branch circuit is
defined in Article 100 as “The circuit conductors between the final overcurrent
device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s).”The exceptions in 430.52 allow
the user to increase the size of the overcurrent device if the motor is not able
to start. All Class CC fuses can be increased to 400%, along with non-time-delay
fuses not exceeding 600 amps.
· #148
les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #147
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 Your phrases of the day practice is very good. But your comments on the articles are 73 points each. It’s surplus to incorrectly insert “article reveal”> It should be “article review “Then there are misprints in the comment. Pls go insight when you try making a conclusion.
· #146
To Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 Task1 is incomplete (sentences translation is unavailable) Task2 and task3 are satisfactory. The conclusion should be made out the contents. Pls don’t write “ I find this article useful because it shows...” This is your attitude towards the info written in the article. Pls analyze the info.
· #145
To Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 Unfortunately, this is not a comment, pls do not copy the sentences from the article (plagiarism). UNACCEPTED. Task2 is good.
· #144
To Golubov Paul EM-211 Phrases of the day practice is incorrectly done Task2 is 65 points .There some grammar mistakes and the conclusion should be different: pls do not repeat the main items again, A conclusion: To sum it up, New rotating liquid reactor design will be more efficient and productive in this field.
· #143
les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #142
Phrases of the day
a) concurrent systems - параллельные системы
Concurrent systems are systems comprising a collection of independent components
which may perform operations concurrently — that is, at the same instant of
Параллельные системы — это системы, состоящие из набора независимых компонентов,
которые могут выполнять операции параллельно, то есть в один и тот же момент
b) proof theory - теория доказательств
Proof theory has turned into a fascinating area of research at the intersection
of philosophy, mathematics and, increasingly, computer science.
Теория доказательств превратилась в увлекательную область исследований на стыке
философии, математики и, всё чаще, компьютерных наук.
c) computer simulation - компьютерная симуляция
Specialists in fluid dynamics at Rice University and Waseda University in Tokyo
have developed their computer simulation methods to the point where it's
possible to accurately model moving cars, right down to the flow around rolling
Специалисты по гидродинамике из Университета Райса и Университета Васэда в Токио
усовершенствовали свои методы компьютерного моделирования до такой степени, что
стало возможным точно моделировать движущиеся автомобили, вплоть до обтекания
катящихся шин.
Article Review
I've just read the article "Gender equity can cause sex differences to grow
bigger". Its main topic is about the two clashing points of view - rationalist
biology and empiricist socialization. The first one regards differences between
males and females as the result of evolution. Empiricist socialization, on the
other hand, states that such differences come from the long-term social
imparity. One research showed that the ongoing policy of gender equity might
make the issue more extreme, dividing the sexes even further.
I suggest that the biggest contrast is principally brought by our biological
dissimilarities, which, in turn, lead to behavioral differences and polarized
· #141
1)concurrent system-паралельна система
In force concurrent systems, equilibrium conditions must be satisfied-
У діючих паралельних системах повинні виконуватися умови рівноваги/
2)computer simulation-комп'ютерне моделювання
How computer simulation will accelerate development of human-interactive 'smart
Як комп’ютерне моделювання прискорить розвиток інтерактивних «розумних роботів»
з людьми
3)proof theory-теорія доказів
Proof theory is syntactic in nature-Теорія доказів має синтаксичний характер
Today I have read the article"How do you know you're not living in a computer
The article is very interesting, for me personally. After all, in fact, I often
wonder if this is all real? maybe we're just someone's underdogs? maybe it's the
matrix? why not, the film matrix simply gives additional food for thought to
this topic. Maybe even we see some kind of failures on our planet, but it seems
to us that this is the norm. In any case, even if this is so, it is very
difficult to prove and have to live your ordinary life. In fact, even books are
written on this topic. Maybe something happens after death...
· #140
1)Concurrent systems - Параллельные системы
Concurrent systems would also compromise the aim of the reform exercise.
Существование параллельных систем также будет противоречить основным целям
2)Computer simulation - Компьютерное моделирование
In order to execute the model, it needs to be implemented as a computer
Чтобы создать такую модель, она должна быть реализована через компьютерное
3)Proof theory - теория доказательств
This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof
Эта теорема играет важную роль как пример в конструктивной математике и теории
Today I have read the article "New rotating liquid reactor design solves issues
with current reactors." This article talks about Jasper Hacking's development of
a new reactor called the "Rotating Fluid Redistributor". The key to the new
reactor is the inclusion of liquid-filled rings in the packing, which help solve
several problems associated with traditional RPB reactors. Early models of this
reactor had some problems that their creator was able to fix, such as uneven
distribution of liquid chemical elements. This article is recommended to reading
as it talks about the development of a new reactor whose design will solve the
problems of old reactors.
Link - https://phys.org/news/2021-10-rotating-liquid-reactor-issues-current.html
Voice - https://voca.ro/17J9rTnXVcoq
· #139
Microprocessor technology
A microprocessor is a computer processor where the data processing logic and
control is included on a single integrated circuit, or a small number of
integrated circuits. The microprocessor contains the arithmetic, logic, and
control circuitry required to perform the functions of a computer's central
processing unit. The integrated circuit is capable of interpreting and executing
program instructions and performing arithmetic operations The microprocessor is
a multipurpose, clock-driven, register-based, digital integrated circuit that
accepts binary data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in
its memory, and provides results (also in binary form) as output.
Microprocessors contain both combinational logic and sequential digital logic,
and operate on numbers and symbols represented in the binary number system.
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/1eN8PYNBkYqm
· #138
energy audit and management.
Today i read an article about economy energy audit and management. The
efficiency audit system is most appropriate for energy utilization and
performance investigation since it seeks to compare actual level of energy uses
as against planned targets. This is often justified by such techniques as
budgeted energy cost variance analysis, present value depreciation method,
profit variance analysis, and cash flow and financial criteria analysis. Method
of building auditing is used to assess all equipment and the associated
operational systems and generate more elaborate calculations of energy use.
Energy audit must show detailed calculation and proposed measure by furnishing
clear information towards mitigating potential losses.
· #137
Much of modern business is project-oriented.Now project management is becoming a
topical issue for managers of all levels.
The project is a event with defined deadlines, the purpose of which is to obtain
innovative results. Project management helps to achieve goals quickly and
efficiently. In the process, a system of complexes is formed, which is used to
achieve the overall goals of the company.
The project management system includes: formation of project requirements;
definition of goals; implementation of communication between the parties
In my opinion, the skill of project management will be useful in electrical
engineering. This is how the latest technologies develop.
· #136
"Energy from seawater for underwater operations"
Submersibles, diving robots and detectors all require their own power source to
operate for extended periods of time independently of the vessel. To do this,
there is a new, inexpensive system for direct electrochemical energy extraction
from seawater. If the power consumption is low, the electrons entering the
cathode are transferred directly to the dissolved oxygen. Since the dissolved
oxygen in seawater is inexhaustible, low current power can theoretically be
provided indefinitely. This new system is very stable in corrosive seawater. It
worked continuously for four days in high-energy mode with no loss of power.
· #135
audit and management
Energy audit and energy management are important elements in the EU and Federal
Government energy efficiency strategies. With good reason, as they provide
companies with valuable know-how to increase their energy efficiency. Thanks to
these measures, companies recognise and exploit their energy saving potential,
allowing them to reduce their energy consumption significantly.
In energy audits, an internal or external auditor investigates the energy
consumption and costs, identifies savings potential and assess it from a
commercial perspective. Energy management that helps to develop measures, to put
them into practice and to monitor them constantly is needed in order to
integrate the improved efficiency within the company on a permanent basis.
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/1iOLzZtYLhw9
· #134
I have read the article "Team demonstrates simultaneous readout of 60 bolometers
for far-infrared space telescopes". Light with sub-millimeter and far-infrared
wavelengths from deep space can travel long distances, penetrating right through
dust clouds, and bring us information about the history of the universe and the
origin of galaxies, stars and planets. However, the long journey has weakened
these signals, and we require sensitive detectors operating at millikelvin
temperatures on a space instrument. Transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers are
superconducting detectors taking advantage of the collapse of the
superconducting state, and therefore a steep increase in resistance when its
temperature even slightly increases. So, their resistance is extremely sensitive
to a change in temperature caused by the heating power from light. When heated
by incoming photons, the tiny change of the temperature can produce measurable
current responses in the detector.
https://voca.ro/18VAOVjhCRQ2 Phrases of the day
proof theory
This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof
concurrent system
Concurrent systems would also compromise the aim of the reform exercise.
computer simulation
In order to execute the model, it needs to be implemented as a computer
теорія доказів
Ця теорема також грає важливу роль у конструктивній математиці та теорії
паралельна система
Одночасні системи також ставлять під загрозу мету реформи.
комп'ютерне моделювання
Для виконання моделі її необхідно реалізувати як комп’ютерне моделювання.
· #133
1 proof
theory - теорiï доказiв
This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof
2.computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання
But a computer simulation is a kind of a model.
3. Concurrent systems - паралельнi системи
The principal application of these logics is in writing specifications for
concurrent systems.
2.1 Today I read the article
https://phys.org/news/2021-05-electric-cars-special-dyes-unnecessary.html. This
article is about the fact that in the near future there will be color indicators
of insulation wear in the windings of electric motors. The insulation
deteriorates over time due to the action of temperature, while alcohol is
released from the winding, to which the indicator reacts, changing color from
red-orange to light green. This will prevent the engine from being replaced or
repaired. I find this article useful because it shows how you can save an
electric car engine from repair in the future.
2.2 Today I read the article
https://phys.org/news/2021-10-superconductive-materials.html this article is
about relatively high temperature superconductors. Although this temperature is
not so high (-200С•). This temperature is not so easy to make, so this
technology has not been developed for a long time, but recently the so-called
nickelates have been found, which have no resistance even at higher temperatures
. It has also recently become clear which structure influences
superconductivity. I find this article useful as it shows that it is possible to
develop superconductivity technology using nickelates.
· #132
Today i have read the article:"Discovery of high-speed moving plasma turbulence
that outpaces the movement of heat" . This article is about about a new
discovery in plasma turbulence. To obtain a thermonuclear power plant, it is
necessary to stably hold the plasma with a temperature of more than 100 million
degrees Celsius in a magnetic field and maintain it for a long time. Research
group first discovered that turbulence moves faster than heat when heat escapes
into the plasma in the Large Spiral Device (LHD). One characteristic of this
turbulence makes it possible to predict changes in the plasma temperature. A
"barrier" can form in the plasma that blocks the transfer of heat from the
center to the outside. The barrier creates a strong pressure gradient in the
plasma and creates turbulence. Associate Professor Kenmochi and his research
team developed a method to overcome this barrier by creating a magnetic field.
this experiment led to the world's first discovery of turbulence moving ahead of
heat at 40,000 kilometers per hour. The speed of this turbulence is close to the
speed of a rocket.Therefore, this article makes it clear that turbulence has not
yet been studied far.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1254k6BUbMMb
· #131
1)computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання
Once I ran a computer simulation of your sketches, I thought I'd adapt the
Після комп’ютерного моделювання по твоїм ескізам я подумав, що зможу адаптувати
конструкцію до моїх матеріалів.
2)proof theory - теорії доказів
The informal proofs of everyday mathematical practice are unlike the formal
proofs of proof theory.
Неформальні докази повсякденної математичної практики відрізняються від
формальних доказів теорії доказів.
3)Concurrent systems - паралельних систем
The principal application of these logics is in writing specifications for
concurrent systems.
Основне застосування цієї логіки полягає в записі специфікацій для паралельних
Voice Link: https://voca.ro/1iY8QPi0rTbW
Article reveal:
Today i have read the article:"Nonprogrammers are building more of the world's
software: A computer scientist explains 'no-code'". This article about how
people who make software without program code. Traditional computer programming
has a steep learning curve that requires learning a programming language such as
C/C++, Java or Python just to build a simple application. Codeless is a way to
program websites, mobile apps, and games without the use of codes, scripts, or
command sets. People learn easily from visual cues, which has led to the
development of document and media editors on a "what you see is what you get"
approach. In the 1990s, websites were the most familiar interface for users.
However, creating a website requires HTML coding and script-based programming,
which is not easy for a person who does not have programming skills. This led to
the release of the first no-code platforms, including Microsoft FrontPage and
Adobe Dreamweaver. Following the on the "what you see is what you get"
principle, non-programmers can drag and drop website components such as labels,
text boxes, and buttons without using HTML code. Therefore, today, in order to
create a website or some other manipulations in coding, you can do this without
the knowledge itself.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1aXQPFt1sDhI
· #130
Voltage power controller for asynchronous motor.
Today I have read the article about the voltage power controller for
asynchronous motors. The three-phase asynchronous motor is an induction motor
with the rotor speed slipped from the stator rotating magnetic field speed. One
of the main properties - electromagnetic torque is positively correlated with
the voltage and negatively correlated with the power frequency. As a result, for
situations when the power supply voltage is insufficient, especially high-power
motors, there will be a humming state that cannot be started normally. In my
opinion, by developing asynchronous motors, we can simplify the correlation
between their parameters: voltage power, current, speed, etc.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1eKGiCQkmx6Z
· #129
Mathematical models and optimization techniques
A mathematical model is a mathematical representation of reality, in the
situation of designing a power system, this is a mathematical model, in
particular, designed to predict the behavior of a power system, but always
represents one or another degree of its idealization. Optimization of processes
requires the presence of these same processes. A process is a sequence of
actions aimed at obtaining value for the customer. Optimization can fix things
like creation speed, cost, lack of control. In conclusion, we can say that such
processes are important for the implementation of projects.
· #128
energy audit and management
The number of people on Earth is increasing. This is a problem because more
energy is consumed than is produced. Energy management is looking for ways to
reduce energy costs. Which are the ways?
Energy management is an activity aimed at providing effective ways to implement
an energy saving strategy.Energy saving is an activity that is aimed at
economical primary and transformed energy.Energy audit is an activity aimed at
reducing the use of energy resources.
In my opinion, energy management is always relevant. Modernity needs
electricity, and the activities of specialists of energy provide an opportunity
to use electricity for future.
· #127
main functions of electronic starters and variable speed drives
The most common way of starting asynchronous motors is directly on the line
supply. The inrush current on start-up can interfere with the operation of other
devices connected on the same line supply Mechanical shocks during starting that
cannot be tolerated by the machine or may endanger the comfort and safety of
users Acceleration and deceleration cannot be controlled. Speed cannot be
controlled Starters and variable speed drives are able to counter these
problems. Electronic technology has made them more flexible and has extended
their field of application. The main functions of electronic starters are to
improve the circuit for better use and protection.
· #126
Peculiarities of the usage of the stepping motors to position control.
Today I've read the article about peculiarities of the usage of the stepping
motors to position control.
A stepping motor is an electric motor in which a pulse supply of electric
current causes its rotor not to rotate continuously but to rotate at a given
angle each time. According to it, the angle of rotation of the rotor depends on
the number of current pulses and the angular velocity of the rotor is exactly
equal to the frequency of the pulses multiplied by the angle of rotation of the
rotor for one cycle of the motor.
Accordingly we can use a stepping motor to position control.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1nEq1Aj129fO
· #125
Mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Today I've read an interesting article about mathematical models and
optimization techniques.
Mathematical model is a system of mathematical correlations that describe the
studied process or phenomenon. Mathematical models allow us to predict the
course of the process, calculate the initial parameters of the process, manage
the process, design systems with the desired characteristics. Mathematical
optimization is the selection of the best element from the set of available
alternatives. In the design process the task is to determine the best the
structure or value of the parameters of objects.
Mathematical models and optimization methods help us optimize any process and
get better results.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1mS6nCnQ8r7R
· #124
A new fuel cell electrolyte
Back in the 1930s, inventors commercialized fuel cells as a versatile energy
source. Revealed sequential proton transfer - energy transfer - in an advanced
carbon crystal for future fuel cells, such crystals are interesting as solid
electrolytes - energy transfer media - in future fuel cell technologies. Solid
electrolytes offer advantages such as high energy efficiency and long-term
stability that some electrolytes lack. The researchers calculated the molecular
energy as a function of the molecular geometry of the crystals and compared our
results with experimental data. The peaks calculated by the researchers agree
with the experimental data.
· #123
Branch Circuit and Equipment Testing.
Today I have read the article about branch circuit and equipment testing. Normal
instrument testing of a static circuit reveals little about the quality of
wiring or the integrity of the circuit. However, testing under load and
calculating the voltage drop can identify 90% of these hidden defects. Voltage
drop is a measure of how much a circuit's voltage fluctuates once a load is
applied. It can be calculated by comparing a voltage measurement with no load on
the circuit to a voltage measurement under full load. In my opinion, by
developing testing methods we can drastically increase the efficiency of branch
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1idl2sEMvdti
· #122
To Derbenov Illia LLN-211. Thanks for your regular effective work. It’s well done, as aways. Keep on working.
· #121
To Maxim Panayotov, LN-211. Maxim, your comment is informative enough but check the reading of these words: China, giants. Today's phrases of the day are: above the average, information management ; invention relates to. I am waiting for your work with the phrases of the day. Keep on working.
· #120
Phrases of the day
a) information management - управление информацией
Professor Feng Li, Chair of Information Management at Bayes Business School and
co-author, believes digital transformation is not just the privilege of digital
firms or new business start-ups.
Профессор Фэн Ли, заведующий кафедрой управления информацией в бизнес-школе
Байеса и соавтор, считает, что цифровая трансформация — это не только привилегия
цифровых фирм или новых бизнес-стартапов.
b) above the average - выше среднего
The August jobs number was well above the average forecast of 143,000, and
showed a strong 29,000 increase in jobs in the service sector from July, to
Количество рабочих мест в августе было намного выше среднего прогноза в 143 000
и показало сильное увеличение рабочих мест в секторе услуг на 29 000 с июля до
185 000.
c) invention relates - изобретение относится
The patent stated that "The present invention relates generally to the field of
traffic control, and more particularly to controlling a traffic signal through
cognitive computing that incorporates real time data at an intersection."
В патенте говорилось, что «настоящее изобретение в целом относится к области
управления дорожным движением и, в частности, к управлению светофором с помощью
когнитивных вычислений, которые включают данные в реальном времени на
2. Article review
Topic: Voltage power controller for asynchronous motor
I've just read the article "Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor".
The title implies that there are several ways the speed of an induction (or
asynchronous) motor can be controlled. Those include frequency control, changing
the number of stator poles, controlling supply voltage an adding rheostat in the
stator circuit. And when we talk about controlling supply voltage we need to
analyze the formula for motor's torque. We know that if we decrease supply
voltage torque will also decrease. But this method is not that efficient and it
can also cause overheating.
In conclusion, controlling supply voltage does indeed work but is rarely used.
· #119
Today I
have read article "Economy of the region"
The article is interesting and it is said that the economy. which is very
important for our present time. Let's talk about China, one of the giants of the
world economy. Everything started with a car, for the world it has become an
important element of its growing integration into the world economy. But China
is also considered a big competitor by some countries, such as the United
States. Even so, a broader assessment of the economic impact suggests that it
has been positive for the US economy. US policymakers are increasingly critical
of the role of the World Trade Organization and China's industrial policy. I
recommend the article.
1) 2) 3) words of the day don't work for me again
· #118
proportional to
These measures in turn, if they are to be legitimate, must be proportional to
the severity of the threat
as to
Legal systems differ as to form requirements for security agreements and their
problems inherent in
Scientists have addressed the problems inherent in indicator design.
Today I have read an article about a new renewable energy technology. A team
from the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy was able to generate
electricity from heat emitted as infrared light. Now the main sources of
renewable energy are solar panels, but they can only work during the day and
only in clear weather. By integrating this technology into solar panels, it will
be possible to receive energy even at night. This technology will make it
possible to significantly increase the reserves of "clean" energy and,
consequently, to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by
several times.
Topic: Voltage power controller for asynchronous motor
Changing the voltage applied to the stator winding of an induction motor makes
it possible to control the speed using relatively simple technical means and
control circuits. Most often, a voltage regulator is used for this purpose. It
allows not only to ensure a smooth start of the motor and the degree of speed
control, but also to protect the engine from overloads. By rectifying the supply
voltage, the frequency converter internally generates the required frequency and
voltage values, and supplies them to the electric motor. Thus, the regulation of
the voltage power in asynchronous motors occurs.
· #117
1)problem inherent in
Scientists have addressed the problems inherent in indicator design.
2)as to
ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
3)proportional to
The study shows that the variance of the number of newly infected cases is
proportional to the contact intensity.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1nbYmfcZYc4d
Today I've read a very interesting article called "Here are the 10 top tech
trends you need to understand right now"
tells about the top 10 strategic technological trends of 2019. In my opinion,
the most interesting is "Autonomous things".
include robots, drones and autonomous vehicles that use AI to automate functions
previously performed by humans. According to Gartner, the next transition is
likely to be from stand-alone smart devices to a number of shared devices that
work independently or with the help of humans.
In general, I really liked this article, it tells about things that
were very promising in 2019 and should have moved science forward.
Exam topic #3 ( Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system)
What is an microcomputers in the stepping motor control system. The system
design includes hardware design and software design and the circuit design
contains keyboard input, LED display, the state display of light emitting diode
and alarm. The keyboard can be used to input operation parameters, start and
close system. The motor drives the load to process preconcerted work by the
keyboard input so as to carry out point-position and speed control. The
application of display circuit can show the input data of step motor and running
state. The system can carry out the above function well by testing.
· #116
1)for its own sake
And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only irrelevant, but even
harmful to conservation practice.
2)from this perspective
The answer sounds obvious, when you look at translation from this perspective.
3)general agreement on
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1jqCgwyNrONC
I have read the article "Top programming languages: Most popular and
fastest-growing choices for developers". It relates to which purposes some
programming languages are being used. As follows the leader of the list is
JavaScript, which is mostly used for web development. After comes python, which
technological capabilities make this language the best solution for data
science. Top 3 list ends with Java, which similarity to JavaScript lies only in
the name. Java is commonly used in mobile or desktop programming but is very bad
in web programming or data science.
my opinion, this article gives us a clear layout of the top programming
languages world.
Exam topic #5(Alternating current motor)
An AC motor is an electrical motor driven by alternating current. An AC motor
consists of two main parts: an external stator with coils that are supplied with
alternating current to create a rotating magnetic field, and an internal rotor
attached to the output shaft, creating a second rotating a magnetic field. They
have the next advantages: simple and robust structure, high operational
reliability, easy maintenance, low price. They also have a high efficiency. In
conclusion, we can say that modern technologies make it possible to create
extremely efficient engines.
· #115
inherent in
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and makes
the process available for use in large facilities
as to
As to part of a government effort to reduce animal testing, researchers at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology have worked with the Consumer
Product Safety Commission.
problem inherent in
"Instead of engaging with all of the problems inherent in a system that has a
massive wealth gap, people will adjust their beliefs to accommodate a more
comfortable narrative.
Today I have read article "Innovative fabric enables digital communication
between wearers, nearby devices". This article about a new innovative fabric. It
tells us that researchers at the School of Engineering have integrated advanced
metamaterials into flexible fabrics to create a system capable of battery-free
communication between garments and nearby devices. The system resembles the
principle of operation of NFC, when the user brings his phone to the terminal
and thus pays for purchases using this technology. The fabric has been designed
to provide high flexibility and resistance to body movements. The lead author of
this invention said the materials used in the system are cheap and easy to
manufacture and customize. https://voca.ro/1i90jXfkHAeo
Alternating current motor
An AC motor is a common type of electric motor, driven by an alternating
current. Like the majority of effective practical motors used in everyday
industrial applications , AC motors offer a relatively efficient method of
producing mechanical energy from a simple electrical input signal.
AC motors are distinguished from many other types of electrical motor - and from
the somewhat more familiar DC (direct current) motors in particular - by several
important criteria. The most fundamental of these is the fact that an AC motor
relies specifically on alternating the flow of current around its circuit to
produce efficient mechanical energy.
· #114
prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
practical problems
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
priority research areas
The Arctic Ocean should continue to be a priority area for research in the area
of climate change
Today I have read an article about a new algorithm that can determine a person's
mental state from the photos they post on social networks. Such a program is
very useful, for example, to psychologists who can help the victim cope with all
the problems at the initial stages. The research team spent two years working on
a deep learning model that identifies five needs, including the use of
multimodal data such as images, text, biography, and geolocation. I believe that
such a system will be able to help people in need of help, solve their problems.
TOPIC: Stepper motors and servo motors
A servo drive is a conventional motor with an additionally installed control
sensor that performs a feedback function. A stepper motor is a brushless
electric motor that works in pair with a driver board. During operation, the
motor will be held in a given position by the controller. This principle of
interconnection allows to achieve high speed and accuracy of the equipment down
to one micron. The disadvantage of the servo drive is its high cost and high
cost of repair.
A stepper motor is a brushless electric motor that has several phases (windings)
switched on in turn by the driver. Most often, stepper motors are used in
robotics, printers and industrial machines.
· #113
priority research area
The report notes that the priority research initiatives all require some degree
of collaboration among NSF divisions
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases by
Lynn Yarris
practical problems
Practical problems The other big issue with the laws is that we would need a
significant advancement for robots to actually be able to follow them.
Today I have read article "Innovative fabric enables digital communication
between wearers, nearby devices". This article about a new innovative fabric. It
tells us that researchers at the School of Engineering have integrated advanced
metamaterials into flexible fabrics to create a system capable of battery-free
communication between garments and nearby devices. The system resembles the
principle of operation of NFC, when the user brings his phone to the terminal
and thus pays for purchases using this technology. The fabric has been designed
to provide high flexibility and resistance to body movements. The lead author of
this invention said the materials used in the system are cheap and easy to
manufacture and customize. https://voca.ro/1i90jXfkHAeo
Alternating current motor
An AC motor is a common type of electric motor, driven by an alternating
current. Like the majority of effective practical motors used in everyday
industrial applications , AC motors offer a relatively efficient method of
producing mechanical energy from a simple electrical input signal.
AC motors are distinguished from many other types of electrical motor - and from
the somewhat more familiar DC (direct current) motors in particular - by several
important criteria. The most fundamental of these is the fact that an AC motor
relies specifically on alternating the flow of current around its circuit to
produce efficient mechanical energy.
· #112
1)practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
2)prevailing view
Nationalism is also influencing the prevailing view of vaccines in Turkey.
3)priority research areas
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1frX3CfzHjIR
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-caught-camera-ai-combat-street.html
Today, I have read the article ”Caught on camera: Using AI to combat street
crime”, which I find very informative. This article describes the new solution
to reduce street crimes. Researchers at Monash University Malaysia's School of
Information Technology are developing cameras with an artificial intelligence
(AI) system that can detect crime on the streets. This system allows police to
be alerted to potential danger to someone's life.
my mind, this new invention is very useful, because it can make our world safer.
Topic #1(Engineering and computer graphics).
The topic of computer
graphics today is a very important aspect in IT. In addition to being common,
for example, in games, it is also used to visualise all kinds of things, from
pictures to models of space objects. The quality of computer graphics has
changed very rapidly, from neon tubes to RTX technologies and the use of LED
monitors. Today, computer graphics are also used by AI to solve artificially set
tasks, such as driving on a road or teaching a robot to move. Therefore, I
believe that it (graphics) will improve more and more, and at some point it will
not be necessary to make films with the participation of actors, because they
can be drawn indistinguishably from a real counterpart.
· #111
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-uci-people-high-five.html
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/14R7ZUt8ad0E
Today I have read the article about a new innovative fabric. It tells us that
researchers at the School of Engineering have integrated advanced metamaterials
into flexible fabrics to create a system capable of battery-free communication
between garments and nearby devices. The system resembles the principle of
operation of NFC, when the user brings his phone to the terminal and thus pays
for purchases using this technology. The fabric has been designed to provide
high flexibility and resistance to body movements. The lead author of this
invention said the materials used in the system are cheap and easy to
manufacture and customize. I believe this development could have a very big
impact on the future.
Phrases of the day:
1)poorly understood
It is largely unexplored, poorly understood, and the stuff of legends.
2)pilot study
In fact, none of the three models designed for the pilot study related to this
category of staff.
3)flow chart
The manual contains a flow chart summarizing the responsibilities of each key
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1bcABsxTLTFq
· #110
The main functions of electronic starters and variable speed drives.
Today I have read the article about electronic starters and variable speed
drives. A starter is a device that controls the use of electrical power to
equipment, usually a motor. As the name implies, starters "start" motors but
they can also stop, reverse and protect them. While variable speed drive is a
device used to control the speed and torque of an AC motor by adjusting the
motor’s input frequency and voltage. So, we can say that starter controls the
motor, whereas drive controls its speed. In my opinion, by developing these
devices, we can drastically increase their efficiency in the future.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/11eUXiouNOMM
· #109
les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #108
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 Just good for both tasks.
· #107
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 .Thanks . Just very good.
· #106
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 just good . Keep on working hard and read the tasks set by the teacher deforestation the lesson in a post.
· #105
To Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 just good for all activities. Pls avoid writing “ I find this article useful “ all the time. Keep on working hard and read the task each time the teacher sets before each on -line session starts.
· #104
To Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 just 79 points, thanks.
· #103
energy audit and management.
Today I read an article about Economy energy audit and management. What is the
main purpose of an energy audit? A professionally conducted energy audit, based
on, of course, reliable data on the economic activity of the facility, creates
the basis for optimizing its energy consumption and financial costs. The first
step towards improving energy efficiency is an energy audit. And although the
result of the energy audit is only advisory in nature, and the implementation of
energy saving measures is the next step, the main thing is that the energy
audits are carried out by specialists, and the conclusion about the state of the
facility is correct.
Vocaroo: I'm sorry but I can't record a voice mail right now. Thanks for
· #102
Today I read an article about project management. A project is an event (or
process) with a clearly defined time frame, the purpose of which is to create a
unique product or obtain some innovative results. Projects themselves are an
integral part of the real life of any organization. Each company has its own
development strategy and the goals generated by it, which are formed into
separate projects. Project management helps to quickly and efficiently achieve
the set goals. In addition, in the process of this, a whole system of complexes
is formed that can be used for the general purposes of the company, and a scheme
for the competent distribution of resources is developed.
· #101
motor and Servo motor
We often use servo and stepper motors in the industry. Which is the best?
Servomotor is a type of actuators that move the signal to a certain position and
store it. They have a high speed and power. The disadvantages are the expensive,
the need for qualified service.
A stepper motor is device that converts electrical control signals into angular
movements of the rotor with fixation in a given position. The engine is easy to
operate, adjusts speed without feedback. Disadvantages are the speed limit and
the possibility of losing steps.
I think, that we can’t detect from them, because engines are active, but in
different situations.
· #100
Fundamentals of motor circuit protection
Today I've read an interesting article about Motor circuit protection.
An overcurrent is when current exceeds the rated current of the motor or the
ampacity of its conductors. This can be from an overload, short circuit or
ground fault.
Overload is when operation of a motor in excess of its normal, full-load rating
persists for a long enough time it would cause damage or overheating of the
motor. A short-circuit or ground-fault is not considered an overload condition.
Overload protection protects the motor from becoming a fire hazard.
Motor overload protection is not designed or may not be able to stop
short-circuit currents or ground-fault currents. A fault is not an overload.
However, an overload is considered an overcurrent.
· #99
Review: Dynamic Electric Motor
The Dynamic Electric Motor offers a more efficient power source coupled with
noise and weight reduction. Motor kits are torque controlled. Power moves from
one motor kit to the next seamlessly as the shaft speed changes. The design
allows for low voltage operation and eliminates the need for a transmission.
Although developed for oceanographic exploration vehicles, there is a wide range
of applications that could benefit from a more efficient electric motor.
Traditionally, a large dynamic range is produced with high voltage and a
transmission. Increasingly these motors in exploration vehicles are run on
batteries as a source of power.
Attempts to solve
On the other hand, the quantum version of annealing attempts to solve this
problem by digging tunnels through the barriers for the hope of finding deeper
focused on
EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on risky uses.
different aspects of
The two scientists were trying to explore the genetic underpinnings of different
aspects of biology—like fertility, aging, and immunity—by combining the
strengths of digital methods
· #98
voltage power controller for asynchronous motor
Today I've read an interesting article about Voltage regulation and power-saving
method of asynchronous motor.
Asynchronous motors are widely used in industry, agriculture, transportation,
national defense and military, and daily life due to their simple structure,
convenient manufacturing, low price, little maintenance and can be used in harsh
environments. Most of the current industrial drives are powered by asynchronous
motors, including fans, water pumps, oil pumps, and compressors, which consume
huge amounts of electricity, especially in the petrochemical industry.
When the load changes, the voltage-regulating circuit is used to change the
motor input voltage so that it can track the optimal voltage to save power.
Finally, through simulation analysis, the results show that the linear active
disturbance rejection controller is better than the traditional
· #97
The peculiarities of DC injection braking.
Today I have read the article about the peculiarities of the DC injection
braking. DC injection braking is a method of stopping an induction motor without
the use of a frictional braking mechanism. Special controls implement DC braking
by injecting a direct current into the motor stator windings after the
alternating current has been switched off. Next, applied DC voltage creates a
fixed magnetic field, which provides a strong stationary braking torque to stop
the motor. In my opinion DC injection braking has been a viable alternative to
more expensive stopping methods and could become even more efficient in the
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1mBxbQ9aPpm9
· #96
Tying quantum computing to AI prompts a smarter power grid
Quantum computing and artificial intelligence can learn to decode electrical
grid problems and fix system failures so quickly that people may not notice it.
Electricity is transmitted over regional grids, but due to old power
lines,storms, fallen trees and other accidents, interruptions in operation
occur. in 2017, the power deviation rate rose to nearly eight hours on average.
In 2018, consumers were hit by six hours of power outages, quickly diagnosing
power system faults is essential. Today's systems have sensors, but even they
are not good enough now. We need efficiency. It is very expensive to wait
minutes, hours or days.
· #95
Engineering graphics
Engineering graphics is the creation of engineering drawings. These are
representations of physical objects and locations on paper (or in 2 dimensional
or 3 Dimensional electronic format). In a typical introductory engineering
graphics course it covers the basics of drawing view creation (left side, right
side, etc.), presetantation of lines (Hidden, no hidden) and projections such as
isometric. It also inlcudes things like dimensioning, tolerancing and other
items required to properly communicate the concept to another person. The
profession of a graphic engineer is currently in great demand, as it includes
the creation of drawings of various parts and devices.
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/1nHe0RPjULUZ
· #94
Project management is the activity of solving problems and achieving the goals
of the project. Project management can be divided into three main stages. The
first is the plan. At this stage, a plan and scheme of the electrical system is
developed and methods are sought for solving the set goal of the project. The
second is the management and execution of the project in reality. installation
of the electrical circuit begins. The third is completion. During this, a check
is made to see if the system is faulty.
· #93
Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system
Today i read an article about microcomputers in the stepping motor control
system. The system design includes hardware design and software design and the
circuit design contains keyboard input, LED display, the state display of light
emitting diode and alarm. The keyboard can be used to input operation
parameters, start and close system. The motor drives the load to process
preconcerted work by the keyboard input so as to carry out point-position and
speed control. The application of display circuit can show the input data of
step motor and running state. The system can carry out the above function well
by testing.
· #92
Information Systems and Technology
Information systems and technology are often thought to be the same thing. Both
areas deal with the usage of computers, so both could be considered
subcategories of the other. The truth is, while more similarities exist between
these two areas than differences, there are some small differences. Information
technology is more about the hardware, software and telecommunications.
Information systems is about the creation, sharing, and distribution of
information that is generated by computers and their users. Jobs in information
systems and technologies in our time represent a significant part of all jobs
and in the future this number will only increase
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/1e1FutBV1BYI
· #91
1. in a
somewhat - дещо I am in a somewhat difficult position.
2. in greater detail - детальніше These issues could have been addressed by the
report with more clarity and in greater detail.
3. in order to avoid - для уникнення It was essential to ensure the greatest
possible consistency between those two processes in order to avoid
1.1 Today I read the article
https://phys.org/news/2022-04-capture-x-ray-images-electric-vehicle.html This
article talks about how X-rays are used to study battery degradation. This is
because when a battery is disassembled, it is destroyed, making it impossible to
inspect a large portion of the battery for other effects of cracking the rest of
the battery. This method also allows you to see the process of destruction of
the battery without opening. Also, during the study by this method, electrolyte
leaks into cracks were found, which further worsens the performance of the
battery. I find this research useful as it may help develop a battery that is
more resistant to damage.
1.2 Today I read the article
https://phys.org/news/2021-10-power-electronics-mechanical-motion.html In this
article, researchers have developed a film between aluminum layers that is
capable of generating an electrical charge when pressed and released.
Using several of these HNGs, the researchers built a multi-unit HNG capable of
powering a wristwatch and a calculator. It is also important to note that this
is the first single-phase multiferroic operating at room temperature with a
colossal permittivity. I find this article useful in the sense that it can help
in the creation of mechanical devices that can generate electricity with
relative ease and power electrical appliances with it.
· #90
Today i
have read the article:"In balance: Quantum computing needs the right combination
of order and disorder". This article is about analysis and advanced structures
of quantum computer devices to demonstrate that some of them actually operate
dangerously close to the threshold of chaotic meltdown. The challenge is to walk
the fine line between too high and too low clutter in order to protect device
operation. In the race for what could be the key technology of the future, tech
giants such as IBM and Google are investing huge resources in developing quantum
computing hardware. However, modern platforms are not yet ready for practical
use. Many problems remain, including the control of device imperfections. To
understand this seemingly paradoxical moment, one should imagine a transmon
qubit as a kind of pendulum. Qubits linked together to form a computational
structure define a system of coupled pendulums—a system that, like classical
pendulums, can easily be energized to uncontrollably large oscillations with
catastrophic consequences. It can be concluded that algorithms are also hard to
keep in order, especially if these algorithms are related to quantum computing.
Article: https://phys.org/news/2022-05-quantum-combination-disorder.html
Voice link: https://voca.ro/135xtxdgq0qm
· #89
Today I
have read the article ''Next-generation solar cells reach 24% efficiency''.This
article is about a new development in solar panel manufacturing. Scientists from
the research team of Prof. Dr. Thomas Riedl from the University of Wuppertal
have developed a special solar cell with an efficiency of 24%, this improvement
should pay off in the near future. It is also interesting that the improvement
is made on the principle of replacing old semiconductors with organic
semiconductors, again we are convinced that the tandem of the latest
technologies and nature is the key to our future. In my opinion, the development
of technologies in the field of renewable energy is our way out of an energy
catastrophe that can happen, because energy sources are not endless and their
number is decreasing faster and faster every year.
https://voca.ro/1ovlk889pD2Z __
1)In a somewhat - дещо. In a somewhat paradoxical finding, the team also
observed an increase in proteins that inhibit the activity of protein-degrading
У дещо парадоксальній знахідці команда також помітила збільшення білків, які
пригнічують активність ферментів, що розкладають білки.
2)in order to avoid - щоб уникнути by Phineas Rueckert Caterpillar species from
the study. Credit: Antonio López-Carretero Plants in dense tropical forests are
able to mask their chemical scents in order to avoid being detected
Види гусениці з дослідження. Авторство: Антоніо Лопес-Карретеро Рослини в густих
тропічних лісах можуть маскувати свої хімічні запахи, щоб уникнути їх виявлення
3)in greater detail - більш детально This excellent video and accompanying
article published at URTech.Ca covers the process in greater detail.
_ Це чудове відео та супровідна стаття, опублікована на URTech.Ca, більш
детально висвітлює процес.
· #88
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 Pls be sure to train your pronunciation and melody before you start recording the msg. I’d like to make some corrections: for both tasks you’ve earned 75 points.
· #87
Today I have read the article "A supernumerary robotic arm adds functionality
for carrying out common tasks". A team of researchers has created a wearable,
freelance robotic arm that adds functionality to common human tasks. The robot
arm was designed to show the ability to use a freelance device that can be used
to assist its wearer in a variety of activities. For example, she helps the user
pick apples from the tree, helps draw a wall, and pulls out power tools. This
hand is designed to do what a human hand can do and provides the user with the
added versatility of having three hands.
· #86
1) in a somewhat - дещо
The Kirchhoff method can only be used in in a somewhat cases.
Метод Кірхгофа можна використовувати лише в деяких випадках.
2)in greater detail - більш детально
To improve personal safety, it is better to learn evacuate plan in greater
Щоб підвищити особисту безпеку, краще вивчити евакуаціонний план більш детально.
3) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
We hope that these procedures will be followed quickly in order to avoid any
undue delay on this important issue
Ми сподіваємося на оперативне виконання цих процедур, щоб уникнути будь-яких
необґрунтованих затримок з врегулюванням цього
важливого питання.
Voice link:https://voca.ro/12EbzzpTj22l
Article reveal:
Today I have read the article:"Euclid telescope ready for extreme space
environment". This article is about successful tests of the telescope and
instruments for space flight and the study of dark matter and dark energy. It
has long been known that the universe is expanding as measurements of distant
galaxies show that they are moving away from us. Expansion, along with the
growth of cosmic structures, such as superclusters of galaxies, is influenced by
dark energy and dark matter, but scientists do not yet fully understand these
phenomens. This telescope will display billions of galaxies up to ten billion
light-years away with unprecedented accuracy. The review will cover more than a
third of the night sky.In the vacuum tank, Euclid tested the simulated space
conditions in a vacuum, while the structure cooled to -150 ° C, at the same
temperature it will work in space.Euclid will be launched from the European
spaceport in French Guiana, the launch window will open in late 2022. We can say
that this telescope is a major breakthrough in space engineering and in the
future will explore the depths of space.
Article: https://phys.org/news/2021-09-euclid-telescope-ready-extreme-space.html
Voice link: https://voca.ro/1epmvXzqUlMK
· #85
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 Thank both tasks are very good but read today’s task pls !
· #84
Mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Today I read an artocle about mathematical models and optimization techniques.
Optimization plays an ever-increasing role in all fields. Optimization models
are mathematical models that include functions that represent goals or
objectives for the system being modeled. Optimization models can be an- alyzed
to explore system trade-offs in order to find solutions that optimize system
objectives. Papers in the engineering domain cover interests in electrical,
mechanical, and building engineering. Developers present an optimal design
methodology for tuned liquid column dampers based on the control theory using
the study in their paper titled “TLCD Parametric Optimization for the Vibration
Control of Building Structures Based on Linear Matrix Inequality.”
· #83
circuit motor protection
The induction motor needs protection from problems that can lead to reduced
service life. And for quick disconnection from the mains in emergency
situations. How can electric motors be protected?
Overload protection contains fuses that destroy live parts under the action of
current. They prevent short circuits.
The principle of thermal protection is based on the use of a bimetallic plate,
which heats up. Deformation of the plate leads to turn off the engine.
Relays are used to prevent the motor from running at low voltage. They signal
the engine shutdown in this situation.
Protection devices need to be improved to reduce accidents.
· #82
order to avoid - It was essential to ensure the greatest possible consistency
between those two processes in order to avoid contradictions.
Щоб уникнути - Важливо було забезпечити якомога більшу узгодженість між цими
двома процесами, щоб уникнути протиріч.
In greater detail - This distinction will be discussed in greater detail below.
Більш детально - Це розрізнення буде більш детально обговорено нижче.
In a somewhat - Table 10 is in effect a summary table, as it consolidates
operational expenditures into a single table, though in a somewhat aggregate
У дещо - Таблиця 10 фактично є підсумковою таблицею, оскільки вона об'єднує
оперативні витрати в одну таблицю, хоча і в дещо зведеній формі.
Today I have read the article "Photovoltaic solar heating system uses 95% of
energy available to heat water". A research team from the University of Cordoba
has developed a sustainable photovoltaic solar device that can heat water up to
80 degrees, just like a conventional electric heater. Photovoltaic solar heating
can be considered a clean and renewable energy option. Easy to install, quiet
and maintenance-free, it also prevents fossil fuel consumption. This new system
is specifically targeted at domestic hot water, but it can be applied for
commercial and industrial use. The device is currently in an experimental phase
with the prospect of commercialization in the future.
· #81
main functions of electric starters and variable speed drivers
An electric starter is an electric motor used to start an internal combustion
engine. The electric motors of automobile starters have a special design with
four brushes, which allows you to increase the current of the rotor and the
power of the electric motor. When the starter is turned on, electric current is
supplied to the traction relay. After starting, the freewheel allows the engine
flywheel and the starter motor to rotate independently of each other. A driver
is a computer software with which other software can control the starter in this
· #80
students from group EM-211
Welcome back to the on-line session. Today’s tasks are the exam topics and the
phrases of the Day practice. Make sure that you post your tasks into the
Guestbook with the links to the source and with voice record msg links. All the
· #79
Stepper Motors and Servo Motors.
Today I've read an interesting article about stepper motors and servo motors.
Stepper motor - synchronous three-phase mechanism. The rotation of this
brushless motor performs intermittent steps of the desired size with a fixed
position of the rotor at the end of each movement. The built-in motor device
which performs control functions, sends signals to the pieces of conductor fixed
in the rings of the housing. Servo motor - an electromechanical system that
drives the operating mechanisms, maintains the speed of rotation of working
machines. The servo motor is paired with a special board. Such drives have a
complex system of connection and control.
Such motors are actively used in industry.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/13rBYzXz8KO5
· #78
Researchers visualize bacteria motor in first step toward human-produced
electrical energy
One day people will be able to generate their own electrical energy. The energy
conversion efficiency of rotary molecular motors is much higher than that of
artificial motors, and the energy conversion of rotating molecular motors is
reversible. If we fully understand the mechanism, it will lead to the
implementation of highly efficient artificial engines in the future. By
capturing a high-resolution image of a single molecule, the researchers could
observe its behavior over time. The motor complex uses the chemical energy of
the cell to mechanically rotate and convert energy into an electrochemical
potential - just like a person uses energy from food.
· #77
Stepping motor control system.
Today I've read the article about stepping motor control system.
The stepping motor is a traditional actuator of many electronic devices and
systems. It's a collectorless DC motor with fixed shaft positions. Proper
control of a bipolar stepping motor requires an electrical circuit that must
perform the functions of start, stop, reverse and change speed. The switch must
change the polarity of the current in the windings. It's two transistor bridges
the diagonal of which includes stator windings. By successively switching the
current in the windings you can make the vector of the magnetic field rotate
followed by the rotor in the forward or reverse sequence.
It allows us to use the stepping motor conveniently and safely.
· 76
· Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:39)
To Derbenov Illia LLN-211. Illia, thanks for your regular effective work. It’s well done, as always. Keep on working.
· #75
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:34)
To Maxim Panayotov, LN-211. Maxim, thanks for your regular effective work.Both of your activities for May 12th deserve a positive assessment.Unfortunately, I haven't seen the example with the third phrase of the day and its voice message.Next time check your recording before posting it in the guestbook. Your reading was too quiet. Keep on working.
· #74
Derbenov Illia LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I. F.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:25)
1. Phrases of the day
a) identify the areas -
Scientists from 50 international research institutions and universities tracked
the movements of both whale sharks and ships across the globe to identify areas
of risk and possible collisions.
b) grouped into -
When a transaction is completed, it is recorded and grouped into a block, with
information such as time stamps and amounts.
c) described above -
This results in the contraction of the extracellular part described above and
the formation of the membrane pore.
приводит к сокращению внеклеточной части, описанной выше, и образованию
мембранной поры.
Article review
Topic: Branch circuit and equipment testing
I've just read the article "Testing & Exercising Branch Circuit Breakers".
In this article the author tells about his personal experience with testing
branch circuit breakers. He underscores the necessity of their proper
maintenance in order to avoid failures in their work.
Breakers can fail due to inactivity and a variety of reasons could lead to
malfunction: a burned out trip coil, dirt, hardened grease, corrosion etc. The
author also says that throughout years he determined that any breaker can have a
4% failure rate.
Therefore, he recommends testing the work of every single mechanism at least 3
or 4 times prior to implementation.
· #73
Maxim Panayotov, LN-211 (Duvanskaya I.F.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:10)
Today i have read article "Information Systems and Technology"
I didn’t read an ordinary article, I read about an institute that is launching a
new office for research computing, data and technology. This is the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But computing resources and data continue
to grow - both in number and in complexity. Therefore, the Institute is making
renewed efforts to provide researchers with access to the advanced computing
resources and data management services they need to achieve the best results. An
office is due to open in September, which in recent years has helped improve the
computing resources available to MIT researchers. The article is interesting and
I advise everyone.
1)grouped into-згрупованів
It emerges such that systems can be grouped into-Вінвиходитьтаким,
2)identify the areas-визначитиобласті
That enabled us to identify the areas that are theoretically most-
3)described above-This is the word of the day and I couldn't find a sentence for
it because the link doesn't work(
· #72
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:25)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #71
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:56)
for its own sake
They are not greedy and do not seek treasure for its own sake
from this perspective
The answer sounds obvious, when you look at translation from this perspective
general agreement on
It is my understanding that there is general agreement on this point
today I have read an article about a new development from Sandia, which will
improve security at airports, as well as speed up the process of passing through
a metal detector. You will no longer need to take off your shoes and belt in
order to pass security control. With the help of artificial intelligence and
computer vision, the machine itself recognizes things that will be marked as
"dangerous". Also, this project introduced machine learning technology, which
will allow the algorithm to improve itself and identify new types of threats. I
am sure that in the near future this technology will be used in every airport in
the world.
Topic: Electric dynamic bracking
Dynamic braking is a type of braking of asynchronous electric motors, in which
the rotation of the stator is disconnected from the network, consumes current
and turns on DC voltage. This braking mode is used to precisely stop motors.
During braking, the stator winding creates a constant fixed magnetic field.
Thus, the direction of the electromagnetic moment changes, that is, it becomes
braking and under the action of this moment braking occurs. In order to regulate
the braking force of the engine, you just need to change the value of the
voltage supplied to the stator winding or the resistance in the rotor circuit
· #70
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:27)
general agreement on
Currently there is general agreement on the importance of Norway's aquaculture
for its own sake
Conducting research for its own sake is reward enough, but it is always
heartening when the findings generate interesting novel avenues for exploration.
from this perspective
From this perspective, you begin to get a picture of Cisco, Qualcomm, and other
5G stakeholders such as HPE and Intel, carving as many niches for prospective
edge, or edge cloud, customers as they can.
I have read the article "5G reinvented: The longer and bumpier road to
ubiquity." It tells about the new 5G towers. It also tells about how countries
are dealing with the issue of installing them. Because of recent world events,
campaigns have been unable to install them worldwide. The article was
interesting and useful, because the introduction of this technology will allow
you to connect to the Internet anywhere in the world and will be able to provide
quality communications, in my opinion, in these days of modern technology such a
possibility is just necessary, especially if your profession is directly related
to it.
Exam practice "Peculiarities of the usage of the stepping motors to position
Nowadays stepper motors are becoming more and more widespread in modern
technological equipment. They are used as drives in different mechanisms in
industries, automobiles and household appliances. The peculiarity of its use is
that it can be considered without a collector unit. The windings are part of the
stator. On the rotor is a permanent magnet or toothed block of soft magnetic
material. All commutation is done by external circuits. Usually the
motor-controller system is designed so that it is possible to move the rotor to
any fixed position, i.e. the system is controlled by position.
· #69
Mazur Sasha (PC-211, Diachenko) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:22)
general agreement on
While there is general agreement on how the collapse of a core star begins
from this perspective
From this perspective, patterns are instances of templates in this context.
for its own sake
And some argue valuing nature for its own sake is not only irrelevant, but even
harmful to conservation practice.
Today i have read article "Protection against cyberattacks requires smarter
approach".This article about the risks of cyberattacks.Stories about large
organizations being targeted by ransomware, malware and other cybercrime reach
the news almost daily. These attacks lead to significant expenses, but also to
leaked private data and, in extreme cases, even to highly classified information
being exposed.It is a world in which the attackers and their approach
continuously evolve and innovate.I think,Due to the rapid development of
hackers, anti-virus programs need to be updated and improved daily to each of us
can feel safety.
Peculiarities of the usage of the stepping motors to position control
As all with electric motors, stepper motors have a stationary part (the stator)
and a moving part (the rotor). On the stator, there are teeth on which coils are
wired, while the rotor is either a permanent magnet or a variable reluctance
iron core. Figure 1 shows a drawing representing the section of the motor is
shown, where the rotor is a variable-reluctance iron core.he basic working
principle of the stepper motor is the following: By energizing one or more of
the stator phases, a magnetic field is generated by the current flowing in the
coil and the rotor aligns with this field. By supplying different phases in
sequence, the rotor can be rotated by a specific amount to reach the desired
final position
· #68
Savluk A. (Monday, 09 May 2022 14:42)
Derbenov Illia LLN-211 I appreciate your answer, thank you! I suppose it is quite informative and useful.
· #67
Chernyavsky Maksym ES-211(Andreikova) (Sunday, 08 May 2022 12:34)
The peculiarities of DC injection braking
DC braking is a method for decelerating AC motors. DC voltage is applied to the
AC motor winding after the AC voltage is switched off, providing braking force
to the rotor. A DC injection braking system can be used as an alternative to a
friction braking system. The energy generated during braking is dissipated as
heat by the motor ,especially the rotor, and the controller, so the thermal
limits of these components determine how much braking current can be applied and
the amount of time it can be applied before overheating occurs.
· #66
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 21:16)
To Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 . Andrew, pls write your apology msg in English. Pls learn to make conclusion without which you can’t receive a good mark.Also train your pronunciation and melody to improve the speaking skills. Just 70 points. Keep on working hard.
· #65
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 21:08)
To Zaichenko Ihor EM-211 There is no need of quoting the professor ‘s statement. Pls make up your own story. Just 65 points. Join our on-line session on time.
· #64
Osolinskyi Nikita ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 14:32)
Electrical systems.
Today i read an article about electric system. An electric system is a network
of electrical components deployed to supply, transfer, and use electric power.
An example of a power system is the electrical grid that provides power to homes
and industries within an extended area. The electrical grid can be broadly
divided into the generators that supply the power, the transmission system that
carries the power from the generating centers to the load centers, and the
distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and industries. Smaller
power systems are found in industry, hospitals, commercial buildings, and homes.
· #63
Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 (SL.Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 14:03)
Today I read the article "Researchers use AI to simultaneously optimize the
duration of battery power flow." An article that researchers use artificial
intelligence in instantaneous batteries. For researchers, the main task is to
find target molecules that can store all the energy and most importantly to be
stable for some time they receive. They have designed optimized artificial
intelligence to identify molecules based on all properties. According to
researchers, this study is used not only in durable batteries.
· #62
Zaichenko Ihor EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 13:06)
Today I read an article entitled "Imaging breakthrough could aid development of
quantum microscopes." This article deals with how scientists are trying to
achieve the development of quantum microscopes, and this article provides a
detailed analysis of how scientists achieved results to further improve the
quality of the picture, in order to consider more microscopic elements such as
cell membranes, or DNA filaments. One of the professors said this speech:
"Ordinary microscopy using visible light taught us a huge world of nature and
helped us achieve an incredible range of technological advances." This article
turned out to be very interesting and informative for me, as for me this article
can be read by people for their own interest, or for the purposes of
· #61
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:53)
To Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 Task1 is good ( select the phrases associated with the speciality) Task 2 doesn’t contain a reasonable conclusion. Pls train to pronounce words like ‘dome, read, etc.)Just 60 points. Task 3 is better. You earned 74 points. Again improve your speaking skills. Keep on working hard and on time but not at the last minute of the session!
· #60
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:42)
To Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 . You are not allowed to post msg in a language which is different from English. Pls follow the rules and procedure while performing the tasks.
· #59
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:30)
To Merkulov Kostya EM-211 The comment is too lengthy : 100 words is a must with some quotes. Quotes do not show your language skills but enlarge the volume of the assay. Just 60 points . Be attentive and keep on working hard on time!
· #58
Derbenov Illia LLN-211 (Savluk A. O.) (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:11)
1. Phrases of the day
a) able to target -
And by not seeing the foreground and background scenes, the mantises are both
better able to target their prey and drastically cut down on the computing power
humans would use staring at the same scene.
b) a breakthrough in -
A breakthrough in quantum imaging could lead to the development of advanced
forms of microscopy for use in medical research and diagnostics.
c) ability to achieve -
One critical feature of the proposed mechanism is the ability to achieve
low-latency beam switching and high-accuracy beam control.
Одной из важнейших особенностей предлагаемого механизма является возможность
достижения переключения луча с малой задержкой и высокоточного управления лучом.
Article review
I've just read the article "Electric vehicles could be powered by hydrogen
harvested from sewage".
It's about a new recycling technique developed at the University of Warwick. The
process is based around Microbial Electrolysis Cells, which are electromagnetic
microorganisms that break down pollutants in wastewater. As a result, clean
water and hydrogen gas are produced. One of the problems was the cost of
graphite anodes, which are necessary during electrolysis. But the researchers
found out that using recycled carbon fiber mats is both cheaper and more
The team is very pleased with the results and plans to expand to industrial
scale, which, to my mind, is a smart and profitable idea.
· #57
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:56)
To Kurko Ivan EM-211 Pls find articles associated with your speciality. There’s no need for quotes.Just 67 points.
· #56
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:55)
my number is +380968566008
· #55
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:51)
Task 1 is incomplete and doesn’t meet the requirements UNACCEPTED Task2 : the word’ conclusion’ is surplus. Just 76 points.
· #54
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:06)
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 ,Ok, Pls give me your Viber number ( phone number) and
I ‘ll contact you in the afternoon.
· #53
Merkulov Kostya EM-211(SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:46)
Today I read an article about "How to boosting access reliability in wireless
To meet the demands of the Internet of Things applications demanding low latency
and high reliability, grant-free random access has been proposed as a promising
enabler that can simplify the connection procedures and significantly reduce
access delays. With grant-free random access, channel resources can be accessed
without undergoing a handshake process.
The research team is exploring the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) as a
possible solution to these demands. An RIS is a programmable structure where the
electric and magnetic properties of the surface can be changed. "We propose to
leverage the burgeoning reconfigurable intelligent surface for grant-free
massive access working at millimeter-wave frequency to further boost access
reliability," said Xingyu Zhou, lead study author from the Advanced Research
Institute of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Beijing Institute of Technology.
The team studied a scenario that involved a cluster of RIS subarrays operating
in reflection mode to assist the grant-free massive access in a smart factory.
The RIS subarrays offer an additional degree of freedom and the appropriate
refraction matrices design. In the grant-free access models, the most
challenging problems are active device detection (ADD) and channel estimation
(CE), called joint-ADDCE or JADDCE. By using theoretical derivation, where the
scientists draw conclusions from other known assumptions, the team was able to
show that the challenging JADDCE problem in this context has the same
mathematical form as the traditional grant-free massive access. So they used the
efficient approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm, to overcome the JADDCE
challenges. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of their
proposed scheme, the team carried out numerical simulations to compare their
scheme with the state-of-the-art solutions. Their scheme improved the access
channel conditions and enhanced the quality of access services in the smart
factory scenario.
Looking ahead the team members see the potential for wide-ranging applications.
"Our proposed scheme can be widely used in the future Internet of Things
network, such as in smart factories or smart cities, to enhance the efficiency
of massive access," Zhou said. "In future work, we will further exploit the
powerful AI tool to implement signal processing more efficiently. Meanwhile, we
will evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme from more dimensions and
· #52
Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 (SL.Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:36)
Сьогодні я прочитав статтю «Дослідники використовують ШІ для одночасної
оптимізації кількох властивостей батареї потоку». Стаття про те, що дослідники
використовуватимуть штучний інтелект у проточних батареях. Для дослідників
головне завдання — знайти молекули-мішені, які можуть зберігати багато енергії
і, головне, щоб вони були стабільними протягом певного часу доби. Вони почали
оптимізувати штучний інтелект, щоб ідентифікувати молекули на основі трьох
властивостей. За словами дослідників, це дослідження знайде застосування не
тільки в довговічних батареях.
· #51
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:29)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #50
Kurko Ivan EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:20)
Today I read an article about Catalyst Breakthrough: Smaller than Nanoscale
water purification has always been an expensive process in science and
scientists have always tried to do something for this, today scientists have
found a method of water purification with pallium atoms on a silicon carbide
substrate, which significantly reduces chlorine-containing substances in water
and even completely removes them, low cost for this experiment it increases its
permeability to the masses, here is what the scientist said about this
experiment. This not only increases the kinetics and drastically reduces the
cost, but also means that for the first time we can carry out the selective
destruction of pollutants for water purification, CONCLUSION I consider this
study necessary for our planet, since people every day drink insufficiently
purified water with the same and poison their own
· #49
Kurko Ivan EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:08)
ability to achieve - the ability to achieve higher skills depends only on you
a breakthrough - after the discovery of lightning batteries in the energy sector
there was a breakthrough
able to target - people able to target by phone
today I read an article about how EKANS ransomware attacks industrial control
To date, ransomware programs are still popular and extort money from private
services and servers, since the program can penetrate computer files, thereby
blocking all windows except its own, which has a field for the decryption key
and a card number to which the site owner needs to pay money to obtain the key,
FireEye works in cybersecurity and is trying to develop schemes to combat these
processes and has already achieved some goals
CONCLUSION I believe that it is necessary to deal with such services, as this is
very malicious software that harms the work of various structures
· #48
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:57)
To Zaichenko Ihor EM-211 pls do not show your attitude towards the material selected by you. You should focus on your speciality. There’s no reasonable conclusion available . Just 60 points this time only.
· #47
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:47)
Unfortunately, the headman is not able to contact you, so can you contact me about module grades and how you can be contacted?
· #46
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:36)
To Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 Task1 is good but pls focus phrases associated with your speciality. Task2 is good but lengthy with some drawbacks available. Pls mind this. Let the monitor get in touch with me to talk about module test marks.
· #45
Kondratev Vitaliy Em-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:34)
1. able to target -
Joshua has unexpectedly developed the ability to target and destroy memory cells
2. a breakthrough in -
I need a breakthrough in Eloise's case to save me from full-blown Hindenberg.
3. ability to achieve -
It is true that history will judge us on our ability to achieve national
1.1 Today I read the article
https://techxplore.com/news/2022-04-paper-thin-loudspeaker.html In this article,
the researchers created a leaf-shaped speaker that sounds good enough. This
speaker is very thin, and creates sound in this speaker with very small domes,
which, under the influence of current, begin to vibrate and mix the air,
creating sound. Such a system is very good, as many of these domes create a
single clean sound, and consume a small amount of energy. I find this article
useful because it shows a very useful invention that will be useful to everyone.
1.2 Today I read the article
This article explains how startup Envia Systems developed a revolutionary
lithium-ion battery density (400 Wh/kg).
This is important because these lighter batteries will have the same capacity as
other heavier batteries. And at the same time, an electric car with such a
battery will be able to travel more on a single charge.
Regardless of what the industry says about the transition to "interlithium",
lithium-ion batteries will become dominant in the next decade. I find this
research useful as it will help reduce the cost and increase the life of
batteries in cars.
· #44
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:28)
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 Pls make your own conclusion at the end. Just 74 points this time. Try to do your task properly. There is a sign for the better this time.
· #43
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:25)
Article reveal:
Today i have read the article:"A breakthrough in developing multi-watt terahertz
lasers". this article describes a new phase-synchronization scheme for plasmon
lasers, which differs markedly from previous studies of phase-synchronized
lasers. terahertz lasers have been the focus of intense research because of
their ability to penetrate common packaging materials such as plastics, fabrics,
and cardboard, and have been used to identify and detect various chemicals and
biomolecular species, and even to visualize certain types of biological tissue
without causing damage. Realizing the potential of terahertz lasers for us
depends on increasing their intensity and brightness by increasing the output
power and beam quality. To increase the output optical power and beam quality of
semiconductor lasers, scientists often use phase synchronization, an
electromagnetic control system that forces an array of optical cavities to emit
radiation with synchronization. The future of tagged lasers is very promising
and will soon be very productive in helping humans.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/121eAfhIrAIv
Article reveal:
Voice link:
· #42
Bimbas Danil, ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:22)
Defect distribution in ion-implanted SiC diodes
I read the article on Defect Distribution in Ion Implantable SiC Diodes. The
problem discussed in the article is that
Silicon carbide (SiC) unipolar semiconductors are widely used in industry, but
their performance is limited by the tradeoff between breakdown voltage and drift
layer resistivity or on-state resistivity. To study the depth distribution of
defects, the research team fabricated two SiC PiN diodes with p-layers doped
with aluminum. However, for a diode formed by ion implantation, the researchers
found that doping with aluminum provides high resistivity. The article explained
to me how scientists plan to balance conduction and switching losses in bipolar
· #41
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:22)
To Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 Thanks 78 points for both tasks. Keep on working hard.
· #40
Pavlov Eugene ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:20)
Review: stepper motor and servo motor
Today I've read an interesting article about Stepper Motors vs. Servo Motors.
Selecting between a servo motor and a stepper motor can be quite a challenge
involving the balancing of several design factors. Cost considerations, torque,
speed, acceleration, and drive circuitry all play a role in selecting the best
motor for your application.
Stepper and servo motors differ in two key ways: their basic construction and
their means of control. Both provide rotational force to move a system. Steppers
have more steps, or positions the motor can hold.Overall, servo motors are best
for high speed, high torque applications. The design of the stepper motor
provides a constant holding torque without the need for the motor to be powered.
The torque of a stepper motor at low speeds is greater than a servo motor of the
same size.
· #39
Bimbas Danil, ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:19)
Ultra-low power chips help make small robots more capable
I read an article that talks about a brain-inspired Ultra-Low Power Hybrid Chip
that can help palm-sized robots collaborate and learn from their experiences.
The team is working with colleagues on motors that use MEMS technology that can
run at much less power than conventional motors. In time-domain calculations,
information is carried by two different voltages encoded in pulse widths. The
communication between robots allows them to jointly search for a target. At the
end of the article, scientists say that they have found a way to make such
robots and now they need to be improved.
· #38
Ilia Chugui ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:19)
Power supply of civil engineering structures and utilities
The power supply of civil engineering structures and utilities, like any power
supply, begins with a powerful current source and its subsequent distribution.
In this case, any electrical appliance is part of the electrical network, which
starts at the power station, having a huge voltage to diverge throughout the
city, and already in buildings with the help of electrical panels lowers its
voltage and is distributed among electrical appliances. In each switchboard for
each large current consumer (apartment, shop, etc.) there is a separate meter
and automatic machines, with which you can easily de-energize such consumers.
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/1uJhMlTI4tKD
· #37
Pavlov Eugene ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:14)
Review: speed estimation system for alternating current motor
Today I've read the article about a speed estimation method.
Speed estimation method is sensitive to motor parameters,
especially rotor resistance. Therefore, reactive powerbased MRAS is used to
perform the rotor resistance
online estimation. A simulation model is constructed based on the block diagram.
The simulation results verified the effectiveness
of the proposed method at low, medium and high speeds,
respectively. Due to the skin effect and saturation level caused by
temperature and frequency, motor parameters will change.
In particular, the rotor resistance becomes up to twice the
original when the motor is running. Therefore, to ensure accuracy of the speed
estimation, it is necessary to perform online estimation of
the rotor resistance
· #36
Zaichenko Ihor EM-211( SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:12)
Today in class I read an article entitled "A breakthrough in catalysts: Smaller
than nanoscale." This article describes how university scientists try to improve
water purification with chemical materials, but since this work requires a lot
of experience, they make sure that the size is very small up to one atom. It is
also told about how exactly a certain chemical element affects water
purification, it is also said that this element is quite not expensive and can
be used. Now scientists are developing another material that will help them in
their further work. For me, the article was not very interesting, and boring,
those people who want to like it, learn more about water purification.
(ability to achieve )-You are able to achieve the goal you set.
(breakthrough)-A breakthrough in the field of water treatment has not been
visible for a long time.
(able to target )-This conductor can transmit a very fast signal.
· #35
Tyschuck Alexandr EM-211 (SL Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:09)
Daily phrases:
1)able to target -
Joshua has unexpectedly developed the ability to target and destroy memory
2) a breakthrough in -
We urge all parties concerned to return to talks and negotiate a breakthrough in
the peace process.
закликаємо всі зацікавлені сторони повернутися до столу переговорів та домогтися
прориву у мирному процесі.
3)ability to achieve -
Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one of
the greatest company resources.
здатність досягати максимальних результатів при заданому бюджеті є одним із
найкращих ресурсів компанії.
Voice link: https://voca.ro/15MM7g7KPVkg
Article reveal:
Today i have read the article: "An approach to achieve compliant robotic
manipulation inspired by human adaptive control strategies". This article is
about how people adapt their manipulation strategies depending on the task they
are trying to accomplish. Many robots fail at manipulative tasks is that they
lack an innate human skill called adaptive submission. This skill allows humans
to adapt their movements and manipulation strategies according to the strength
of the interaction with the object they are trying to manipulate. To replicate
this ability in robots, the researchers drew inspiration from research in
neurobiology, especially those related to human motion control. The approach
draws inspiration from the biomimetic control model, which describes how humans
learn to adaptively control their muscle movements to perform manipulative
tasks. Thus, the new model allows robots to simultaneously acquire resistance
and force information as they execute movement trajectories derived from a human
demonstration of a task.So soon it is quite possible that robots will be able to
replace humans in many areas of activity.
P.s. Where can we see the grades for the module?
Voice link: https://voca.ro/157nhuXY4k9M
· #34
Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 (SL Mikhailuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:09)
Today I have read the article "Researchers first to develop an organic battery".
Researchers at the Organic Electronics Lab have demonstrated for the first time
a large-capacity organic battery that can be used to store energy from wind
turbines and solar cells, and as a power bank for cars. These are stationary
batteries, in which the energy is in the electrolyte, outside the cell itself,
as in a fuel cell. Organic redox batteries have a lower energy density than
batteries containing vanadium, but are extremely cheap, fully recyclable, safe
and ideal for storing energy and compensating for load changes in the power
· #33
Pokhylenko Andrey EM-211 (SL.Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:04)
VOOCARO: https://voca.ro/1jANIYz1owaA
Today I`ve read the article "A switch to battery electric vehicles is the best
option for cleaner road transportation, study finds. It says that the widespread
use of battery electric vehicles provides the greatest energy efficiency and
potential to reduce CO2 emissions. However, they caution that in order to unlock
the full potential of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), the electric grid must
first be improved to meet the increased demand for electricity. Also, studies
have found that any way of developing hydrogen power will have higher CO2
emissions . Battery electric vehicles is the best option for cleaner road
Phrases of the day:1) a breakthrough in
The machine represents a breakthrough in stage technology.
2) able to target
The rebel arsenal is getting more sophisticated and better able to target
3) ability to achieve
The unrestrained free market's ability to achieve this is the self-serving
delusion of the elite.
прорив у
Машина являє собою прорив у сценічній технології.
2) здатний націлювати
Арсенал повстанців стає все більш досконалим і здатним краще націлюватись на
3) здатність досягати
Здатність необмеженого вільного ринку досягти цього є корисливою оманою еліти
· #32
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:03)
To Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 Task1 is 74, pls stick to the pattern ( a phrase with a translation, it’s usage in the sentences on your speciality). Task2 must be dedicated to your specialty! There is no conclusion. Just 64 points. Consider your approach pls.
· #31
Prodanov Dmutro EM-211 (SL Mikhailuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:53)
A breakthrough in - A breakthrough in catalysts: Smaller than nanoscale.
Able to target - HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high
performance computing in industries like engineering, media and animation.
- HP
Ability to achieve - One of the biggest challenges in AI development is the
ability to achieve human-like learning and perception.
Здатність досягати. Однією з найбільших проблем у розвитку ШІ є здатність
досягати людського навчання та сприйняття.
Today I have read the article "Good dog or bad dog? New study shows that breed
isn't really a predictor of behavior". I learned that a new genetic study
involving more dogs and responses from owners has shown that dog breed alone is
a poor predictor of behavior. Breed plays a role in how aggressive, obedient, or
affectionate a dog can be. These stereotypes can lead to breed-specific laws,
insurance restrictions, and housing bans for some dog breeds, including pit
bulls and German shepherds. Most of the behavior patterns of modern dog breeds
most likely come from thousands of years of evolution from the wolf to the wild
dog, the domesticated dog, and finally to modern breeds. These inherited traits
predate our concept of modern dog breeds by thousands of years.
· #30
Ilia Chugui ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:41)
Power saving modes and technologies
Power saving is necessary for mobile devices that do different workloads in
order to use energy efficiently. For example laptops and mobile phones. Power
saving modes and technologies usually activated manually or when the battery is
low and consist of the following effects: dimming the screen, slowing down
performance and turning off any wireless networks. It is also worth noting that
even though the sleep mode on computers reduces power consumption, however, all
processes are in full readiness to start again, which means that the device
continues to consume energy, albeit in a small amount.
Vocaroo - https://voca.ro/14JcKDyT9OtA
· #29
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:35)
To students from group EM-211
The lesson has already started. Your task is to post the comments on the article
of the Day relating to your specialty with the reference to the source, the
sentences with the phrases and voice records . msgs. So pls join the on-line
activities right now and do your best!
· #28
Osolinskyi Nikita ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:34)
The role of plugging in motor stopping
Today i read an article about role of plugging in motor stopping. Plugging
provides the fastest stop, but it can be harsh on both the electrical and
mechanical components. Because of this, it’s the least commonly used method of
braking, but it is appropriate for some applications. Plugging — sometimes
referred to as “reverse current braking” — is possible on both DC motors and AC
induction motors. One of the potential problems with plugging as a braking
method is that it can be difficult to brake the motor at exactly zero speed.
Plugging is used in equipment such as elevators, cranes, presses, and mills,
where a rapid stop of the motor is required.
· #27
Chorny Maxim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:33)
Review: The role of plugging in motor stopping.
Today I have read the article about the role of plugging in motor stopping.
There are generally three types of electrical braking for motors, among them
plugging provides the fastest stop. When the motor speed reaches zero, it will
begin to reverse, or rotate in the opposite direction, leading plugging
contactor to disconnect the motor from the supply. Yet, it has some problems,
such as difficulty to brake the motor at exactly zero speed, induction of high
mechanical shock loads on the motor and overheat. Despite all these drawbacks,
plugging is still used in nowadays elevators, cranes, presses, and mills.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1oBhigArtQyb
· #26
Chernyavsky Maksym ES-211(Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:30)
Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system.
Stepper motors are widely used in devices that require microcomputer controlled
precision movement. To simplify the development process and reduce the cost of
final products using stepper motors, many companies offer microcontrollers with
an integrated stepper motor driver. Such stepper motors with embedded
microcomputer are widely used in robotics, industrial electronic automation
equipment, medical equipment, advertising equipment, stage lighting, printing
equipment, textile equipment, external application computer equipment and many
other occasions. In conclusion, we can say that modern computer technologies are
actively being introduced into electrical engineering, which greatly facilitates
many processes.
· #25
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 07:24)
Electric dynamic braiking
When using any device, we need to artificially stop the engine. One of the ways
to brake an induction motor (AC motor) is electrodynamic braking.
Electrodynamic braking is a type of braking in which the motor is disconnected
from an AC source and connected to a DC network. Braking speed can be changed.
The speed depends on the strength of the direct current and the kinetic energy
of the electric drive, which is converted from mechanical to electrical.
Electrodynamic braking is actively used in our lives. It is present in the
engines of electric trains, trolleybuses, trams, etc. At the moment it is still
· #24
Bohdan Demchenko ЕS-211 (Andreikova) (Friday, 06 May 2022 05:19)
Review: The main functions of electronic starters and variable speed drives.
Today I've read the article about the main functions of electronic starters and
variable speed drives.
Starters are devices that control the use of electrical power to equipment. The
electronic starters provide start of the engines. They can also stop, reverse,
accelerate and protect them. The basic function of a variable speed drive (VSD)
is to control the flow of energy from the mains to the process. Power from the
electrical supply goes into a drive and the drive then regulates the power that
is fed to the motor.
I'm absolutely sure that these devices are important components for regulating
and controlling electricity.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1jKFuEZN1N5l
· #23
Bohdan Demchenko ЕS-211 (Andreikova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 20:54)
Review: Branch Circuit Motor Protection.
Today I've read an interesting article about branch circuit motor protection.
The main devices for protecting an electric motor are fuses, circuit breakers,
thermal relays. Fuses are designed to protect electrical networks from overloads
and short circuits. Circuit breakers are designed to turn on/off asynchronous
electric motors and other power receivers and also to protect them from overload
currents and short circuits. Thermal relays are used to protect electric motors
from overloads of unacceptable duration and also from breakage of one of the
I'm confident all these devices help to prevent unpleasant problems with
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/14hqZececZxB
· #22
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 05 May 2022 19:34)
To Maxim Panayotov, LN-211. Maxim, both of your tasks for May 5th deserve a positive assessment. Check the reading of these words: relevant, society, environmental, improved, alternatives. Keep on working.
· #21
Bersenova Nikolina ES-211 ( Andreikova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 18:04)
Alternating current motor
One of the interesting devices is the AC motor, because it is present in most
home appliances, which we use every day.
An AC motor is a type of electric motor that uses the phenomenon of
electromagnetic induction. This electric motor drives alternating current - a
type of electric current that periodically changes direction and continuously
changes its value over time.
It has become popular because it has a simple structure and is easy to manage.
It does not take up much space and creates the ability to both consume and
generate electricity. It can be used both in heavy industry and in living
· #20
Chorny Maxim ES-211 (Andreikova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:41)
Review: Stepper Motors and Servo Motors.
Today I have read the article about the differences between servo and stepper
motors. Servo motors are often considered a high-performance alternative to
their stepper "opponent". Stepper motors are used as open-loop position control,
without any feedback encoder, so the controller could turn it to a known
position until it activates an end limit switch. While servo motor immediately
turns to whatever angle the controller instructs it to, regardless of the
initial position at power-up. In my opinion, despite being more expensive than
stepper motors, servo motors easily compensate this with improved performance of
the capacity system.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1hnDkeeVMdY8
· #19
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 05 May 2022 14:12)
To Alisa Horb LLN-211. Alisa, thank you for your work on May 5th. Your review is too short and contains only 77 words ,instead of 100. Check the reading of these words: Wind, optimizes, productivity. You used the wrong phrases of the day in your work on May 5(distinct from; examine more closely, estimate the effects of). Try it again.Keep on working.
· #18
Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 05 May 2022)
To Derbenov Illia LLN-211. Illia, thank you for your work on May 5th. It’s well done. Keep on working.
· #17
Derbenov Illia LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I. F.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:04)
1. Phrases of the day
a) distinct from -
For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
b) estimate the effects of -
The American Sociological Review study is the first to estimate the effects of
early-20th-century housing policies on subsequent segregation patterns.
American Sociological Review
c) examine more closely -
Consequently, I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of
the more strategic and intriguing success stories that I've been able to
discover in the last 24 months.
Следовательно, я подумал, что было бы интересно более подробно изучить некоторые
наиболее стратегические и интригующие истории успеха, которые мне удалось
обнаружить за последние 24 месяца.
Article review
Topic: Project management
I've just read the article "A framework for AI-powered agile project
It tells about a tool that tackles four main project management areas:
identifying backlog items, refining backlog items and sprint planning, as well
as pro-active monitoring of sprint progress and risk management. Being the most
challenging areas of every IT-project, they are thought to be best regulated not
by a human being, but artificial intelligence.
The developers say their aim is to make the AI-technology a game-changing tool
to increase software quality and productivity.
I've always been deterred from AI due to its complexity. However, the modern age
is bound to be dominated by it.
· #16
Alisa Horb LLN-211 (Duvanskaya I. F. ) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:01)
Today I have read the article 'New FLORIS release significantly (сигнификатли)
increases (инкрисис)
computation (компутейшн)
The Wind Energy Management Research Group at the National Renewable Energy Lab
announced the release of version 3.0 of the FLOw Redirection and Induction in
Steady State wind farm management software.
FLORIS optimizes flow management strategies so that existing wind farms can
increase productivity and future projects can maximize profits.
This article is very interesting. I advise everyone to read it.
1) de facto
De facto they did a lot of mistakes in there work.
2) deserves special attention
This work deserves special attention.
3) derived from
Our happiness is derived from the fulfilment of our expectations.
· #15
Maxim Panayotov, LN-211 (Duvanskaya I.F.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:48)
1)examine more closely-розглянутиуважніше
I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closel-Яподумав,
2)estimate the effects of-оцінитинаслідки
Very few studies have attempted to estimate the effects of past-Дужемалодослідженьнамагалисяоцінитинаслідкиминулого
3)distinct from-відміннийвід
It is distinct from electrical science and technology-Вінвідрізняєтьсявіделектротехнікитанауки
Today I have read the article "Air conditioning and refrigeration"
The article is very useful and interesting, just now the weather is warmer and
this topic is becoming more and more relevant.
air conditioning
have an important impact on the final use of energy in many sectors of modern
What's more, they also have a serious environmental impact due to the working
fluids, which is amazing.
But there are also problems.
safety aspects associated with the most flammable alternatives.
Common to all these challenges is that the energy efficiency of components and
systems must be improved to keep energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
under control. The article is difficult to understand but very good.
· #14
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 12:55)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #13
Kucher Yulia , PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 12:21)
1)derived from
is a natural and easy to source material derived from wood.
2)de facto
formerly de facto abolitionist countries resumed executions.
special attention
problem of pollution deserves special attention.
Today I have read the article "Machine learning predicts antibiotic resistance
article is about genes that are not only inherited from birth. Bacteria have the
ability to transfer genes to each other or take them from the environment
through a process called horizontal gene transfer, which is the main culprit in
the spread of antibiotic resistance. Team paper, "Functions Predict Horizontal
Gene Transfer and Emergence of Antibiotic Resistance," published in Science
Advances. I think it's better for people and those with biology. This is an
interesting article and quite informative.
Topic18: Project management
What is an project management? Project management is the process of leading the
work of a team to achieve all project goals within the given constraints. The
objective of project management is to produce a complete project which complies
with the client's objectives. In many cases the objective of project management
is also to shape or reform the client's brief to feasibly address the client's
objectives. Once the client's objectives are clearly established they should
influence all decisions made by other people involved in the project – for
example project managers, designers, contractors and sub-contractors. In every
project, the main thing is the right cooperation of people.
Vokaroo: https://voca.ro/1dmyd0IHMuKJ
· #12
Vytvytska Katerina PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 12:13)
de facto
Best serves as de facto spokesperson for a new leak website called Distributed
Denial of Secrets.
deserves special attention
There are multiple causes for this existential crisis, but one in particular
deserves special attention.
derived from
Replacing petroleum-based aviation fuel with sustainable aviation fuel derived
from a type of mustard plant can reduce carbon emissions.
I have read the article "Plant-based jet fuel could reduce emissions by 68%". It
tells about the development of a new rocket fuel from Carinata that could reduce
air emissions. Punit Divedi's team calculated that such fuel production from
Carinata is cheaper. Growing this plant in the southern USA does not pose any
problems, because this picky plant can grow there all year round, because
winters are not very harsh there. This article makes me think about the huge
impact industry has on our planet. I hope that this project will come true and
global warming will slow down.
Exam topic "Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system"
Stepper motor systems are very widely used nowadays. They are used as actuators
in various mechanisms in factories, automobiles and household appliances.
Microcomputers consist of a single chip, which contains all the components of a
computer. They are programmed to transmit the current value of the rotor
position to the controller, and they also transmit signals from the controller
using pulses to the transport module for higher integration. The microcomputers
in the stepper motor control system help to transfer signals from the winding of
the stepper motor and also help to control the rest of the system.
· #11
Yaroshevskiy Maksim PC-211 (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 11:59)
derived from
Biofuels - fuels derived from biomass - might offer a promising supplement.
deserves special attention
The proposal on imposing an arms embargo deserves special attention.
de facto
These rights must be enjoyed both de jure and de facto.
Today I have read an article about how scientists from the Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
have developed a glove that, due to the pneumatic system, can squeeze and expand
the hand while grabbing objects. This glove can be used in several branches. For
example, for people with disabilities who can no longer control their hand, or
to create android robots. This technology has existed for a long time, but it
was PneuAct that was able to make stream production of such gloves.
Topic: Pecukiarities of the usage of the stepping motors to position control
There are two types of AC motor speed control systems: vector control and V/f
control. At the heart of vector control is the idea of voltages, currents,
flows as spatial vectors. With vector control in an asynchronous electric drive,
it is possible to maintain a constant rotor flux linkage in transients. Scalar
control or V / f-regulation of an induction motor is a change in the speed of
the motor by influencing the frequency of the voltage on the stator with a
simultaneous change in the module of this voltage.
· #10
Diachenko to Mazur Sasha (PC-211, (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 11:47)
Thank you for Topic Well done
· #9
Mazur Sasha (PC-211, Diachenko) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 11:24)
Stepping motor control system
Stepping motors can be viewed as electric motors without
commutation. Typically, all windings in the motor are part
of the stator, and the rotor is either a permanent magnet or,
a toothed block of some magnetically soft material. All of the commutation
must be handled externally by the motor controller, and
typically, the motors and controllers are designed so that the
motor may be held in any fixed position as well as being
rotated one way or the other. Most steppers, as they are also
known, can be stepped at audio frequencies, allowing them
to spin quite quickly, and with an appropriate controller, they
may be started and stopped “on a dime” at controlled
· #8
Kucher Yulia (PC-211, Diachenko) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 11:02)
1) consistent with
formation age of felsic porphyries is consistent with the metallogenic age.
2)correctly interpret
lack of completeness in the reporting makes it difficult to correctly interpret
the numeric data reported.
3)comparisons revealed that
of the images revealed an object which had decreased in luminosity in both
visible light and infrared light.
Vocaroo: https://voca.ro/12NxpoFrnGUB
I have read the article "Smart machine maintenance: New AI system also detects
unknown faults". It tells us about a new artificial intelligence system that, on
the basis of the work of sensors, can understand about upcoming faults in the
system. For example, such systems can be used in automobiles or manufacturing
machines. Based on sensor readings, specifically changes in readings, the AI can
infer where the problem is and report it to the operator in the service center.
In my opinion, this artificial intelligence system is very useful, because it
can improve safety on the roads and industries.
#14Topic: Voltage power controller for asynchronous motor
Vodsroo: https://voca.ro/1973ni7bCgi8
What is an Voltage power controller for asynchronous motor?
i an read the article about a voltage power controller for asynchronous motor.
Starting asynchronous motor the most common way of starting asynchronous motors
is directly on the line supply. This technique is often suitable for a wide
variety of machines. However, it sometimes brings with it restrictions that can
be inconvenient for some applications, and even incompatible with the functions
required from the machine. Stator Voltage Control of Induction Motor, both
single- and three-phase, allow a stepless control of voltage from its zero
value, they are also used for soft start of motors.
· #7
Diachenko to Mazur Sasha (PC-211, (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 11:02)
Thank you for your work but Where is TOPIC ?
· #6
Mazur Sasha (PC-211, Diachenko) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 10:45)
de facto
Admittedly, these DNA nanostructures (4WJ) are smart, but there is the
disadvantage of DNA structures that DNA is de facto a biodegradable polymer.
derived from
The FMN riboswitch is found in bacterial RNAs involved in the biosynthesis of
flavin metabolites derived from vitamin B2.
deserves special attention
"Residues deserve special attention in the context of crop protection," plant
pathologist Frédéric Suffert explains.
Today i have read article "How smart is an octopus?"This article about how
researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered octopuses' unique
brainpower. They have studied several species that lived in different
environments and interacted with other animals with varying frequencies. The
study has shown that active interaction means more complex behavior comparable
to that of small mammals. It was also determined that larger brain's surface
area indicates more intricate cognitive abilities.
This article does a great job of shedding light on complexity of the octopus'
nervous system. To my mind, we know too little about marine life and the ocean
itself to set our minds on space.
Today i have read article "Storing energy in red bricks".This is story about Red
bricks.Can you Imagine plugging in to your brick house.
Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can
be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity,
like a battery, according to new research from Washington University in St.
Now, chemists in Arts & Sciences have developed a method to make or modify
"smart bricks" that can store energy until required for powering devices.
I think in future we can use this metod and use red bricks like a powerbank.
· #5
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 15:36)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #4
Drozhzhina I. to Kucher Yulia,PC-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:43)
Well done but don't forget about essay!
· #3
Drozhzhina I. to Sasha Mazur PC-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:42)
Thanks for your work, please correct the mistake: have read THE article.. and there is no link to the second review and i don't see your essay on the exam topic. Continue working.
· #2
Kucher Yulia,PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:57)
considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1frX3CfzHjIR
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-caught-camera-ai-combat-street.html
Today, I have read the article ”Caught on camera: Using AI to combat street
crime”, which I find very informative. This article describes the new solution
to reduce street crimes. Researchers at Monash University Malaysia's School of
Information Technology are developing cameras with an artificial intelligence
(AI) system that can detect crime on the streets. This system allows police to
be alerted to potential danger to someone's life.
my mind, this new invention is very useful, because it can make our world safer.
vocaroo: https://voca.ro/1kMCs7lXOtFW
Article: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-01-ai-space.html
Today I have read the article "New AI navigation prevents crashes in space".
This article tells us that engineers are developing collision avoidance systems
that will help autonomous robots maintain, assemble or manufacture satellites in
orbit. Scientists must develop a reliable collision avoidance algorithm and work
that works in real time so that autonomous systems can safely complete the
mission, using explainable artificial intelligence. The new artificial
intelligence is based on physics rather than relying solely on data, so it's
more reliable.
This article is useful for AI researchers and developers. I was interested in
reading this article.
· #1
Sasha Mazur PC-211 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:56)
conduct research
In 2018, NIMS and Softbank co-founded the Advanced Technologies Development
Center to conduct research with the goal of putting
considerable disagreemen
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Today i have read article "How smart is an octopus?"This article about how
researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered octopuses' unique
brainpower. They have studied several species that lived in different
environments and interacted with other animals with varying frequencies. The
study has shown that active interaction means more complex behavior comparable
to that of small mammals. It was also determined that larger brain's surface
area indicates more intricate cognitive abilities.
This article does a great job of shedding light on complexity of the octopus'
nervous system. To my mind, we know too little about marine life and the ocean
itself to set our minds on space.
Review Microcomputers in the stepping motor control system
Today I have read article about software of stepping motor control systems.
Nowadays, stepping motors are becoming even more important in many fields of
mechanical machines, including industrial robots. Microcomputer-based drive
allows higher operating speeds than conventional drives, and, in many cases, the
optimization of motor movements. The drive consists of only three chips, and is
connected to a standard power amplifier. Despite some problems, such as
programming, interfacing and reliability, microcomputers are still quite
efficient. In my opinion by solving these obstacles we can bring stepping motor
control systems to the peak of perfection.