Information Security, Radio electronics and Telecommunications
|Інформаційна безпека, радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації
Guestbook – May 2022
· #1103
· Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 15:54)
To Diakin Nikita RZ-211 The comments are quite ok, but too short. Also, there are some mispronounced words. Now I am waiting for exam topics.
· #1102
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:45)
To Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, just good for all activities.
· #1101
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:42)
To Сhmel Maksim RF-211 just good.for your comments.
· #1100
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:41)
To Vivchar Roman (RF-211 CV just good for all tasks. Thanx.
· #1099
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:37)
To Сhmel Maksim RF-211 just good.
· #1098
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:35)
To Kulaksyz S. (RF-211, just good for exam topics. Task2 is incomplete. Keep on working hard.
· #1097
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:33)
To Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) Very good , thanks.
· #1096
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:31)
To Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) Very good, thanks.
· #1095
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:28)
To Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) just 80 points , thanks.
· #1094
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:25)
To Maksim Teliga (RF-211) CV just 74 points for all tasks. Make a conclusion pls.
· #1093
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:22)
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 Just 72 points for topics There should be a conclusion. Task2 with phrases is good.
· #1092
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:16)
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) There’s one student in the group who posted the same comment on the exact topic. Task2 is 73 points . Keep on working hard.
· #1091
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:12)
To Pontus Natalia(RF-211) Task
1 is 73 points.Task2 is good.
Keep on working hag
· #1090
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:06)
To Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211)pls make a conclusion at the end. 70 points, Task2 is incomplete. Keep on working hard.
· #1089
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 14:00)
Shulyak Makar (RF-211) Pls make a conclusion but don’t state the known things .
Just 70 points.
· #1088
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:59)
24 may
Today I have read an article “How explosion in ocean life built the first
mountains”. This article tells about recent research on this topic. Ultimately
what this research has shown is that the key to the formation of mountains was
life, demonstrating that the Earth and its biosphere are intimately linked in
ways not previously understood.
the main objective
Recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conclude that
cutting fossil fuel emissions—the main objective of carbon dioxide.(ОстаннізвітиМіжурядовоїгрупиекспертівзізміникліматуроблятьвисновок,
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.(Рухомдрібнихкрапельводикеруютьзадопомогоюмагніту.)
published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
(Відповідні результати були опубліковані в Earth System Science Data.)
· #1087
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:59)
19 may
Today I have read an article “Waters off French coast in winter may be a deadly
trap for small, foraging turtles”. It tells that waters off French coast in
winter are too cold for small, foraging turtles. Published in Frontiers in
Marine Science, satellite tracking data reveals that while some turtles may be
able to return home, after their rehabilitation and release to Florida in the
US, or Cape Verde off the African coast, younger individuals are at risk of
being trapped in the region.
Article -
Audio -
above the average
His standard of living on the farm was above average and he could employ
farmworkers to help him with the improvements.(Йогорівеньжиттянафермібуввищесереднього,
information management
The consultants stressed the importance of improved information management.(Консультантинаголосилинаважливостівдосконаленняуправлінняінформацією.)
inventions related
They have patented two inventions related to underwater photography.(Вонизапатентувалидвавинаходи,
· #1086
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:58)
17 may
Today I have read an article “Russia launches classified military satellite”.
This article tells information that Russia on Thursday successfully placed into
orbit a military satellite. A Soyuz rocket carrying a classified payload blasted
off from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia in the early hours of
Thursday morning. According to the Spaceflightnow website, which covers space
launches, the launch could be a delivery of a Tundra satellite.
practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision.(Проте,
priority research area
A new study led by ANU has mapped priority research areas around the world to
protect thousands of mammal species.(Новедослідження,
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases by
Lynn Yarris, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.(ЛіннЯрріс,
· #1085
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:56)
12 may
Today I have read an article “South African groundwater project shows the power
of citizen science”. This article tells about how the South African groundwater
project has influenced the citizens. As a result of collecting data, people in
the villages are now curious about water. They want to know more and they are
really proud of being able to read the data—in other words, to be water
identify the areas
The study also identified areas in the world with the greatest diversity in
landraces of these 25 crops, which included parts of Bangladesh, Ethiopia,
India, Nepal, and Pakistan.(Дослідженнятакожвизначилорайонисвітузнайбільшоюрізноманітністюмісцевихсортівцих
grouped into
Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster.(Згадуєтьсяякчастковасинхронізація,
describe above
In addition to the common Skype interview I describe above, some interesting
twists are now seen in the marketplace.(Надодатокдозвичайногоінтерв’юв
· #1084
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:55)
10 may
Today I have read an article “Four reasons why physically punishing school
children doesn't work”. At the start of this article the author tells us his
life story and shares his experience about the topic, then he defines four main
reasons why physically punishing school children doesn't work. These reasons
are: Learning and the brain, Escalation, Role models and Psychological damage.
focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
(Вони зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, програмі VEP, яка заохочує
місцеві органи влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних
for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.(Цятехнологіяєновоюзрядупричин,
first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.(ДослідникизадокументувалипершевикористаннякукурудзивМезоамериці.)
· #1083
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:54)
5 may
Today I have read an article “Extreme drought in Brazil triggers fatal sand
storms”. It tells about unusually powered sandstorms that left six people dead
in San Paulo. All of these people were victims of falling trees or houses.
Sandstorms were the result of a long period of a lack of rain, high temperature
and low humidity. In addition to this, Brazil is facing its worst drought in 91
distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.(Вінвідрізняєтьсявіделектричноїнаукитатехніки,
examine more closely
If they took the time to more closely examine the environment, they usually find
that the processor is not the bottleneck that believe it to be.(Якщовонизнайшличас,
estimate the effects
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.(Інструменттакожможеоцінитинаслідкивирубкиіснуючоголісу,
· #1082
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:54)
To Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) Task1 is too lengthy without a conclusion. Just 60 points. As to your audio file, , you need to train to make good record, Task2 is 75 points.
· #1081
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:53)
3 may
Today I have read an article “Climate change is making one of the world's
strongest currents flow faster”. It tells about research that was made by
Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and UC Riverside. The research is
about The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the only ocean current that
circumnavigates the planet, and it is speeding up.
keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
(Система дозволяє командиру пошуку відстежувати кілька команд одночасно,
координувати зусилля та отримувати на місці умови та підказки.)
on the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.(Інструменти
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel …(Щобзадовольнитипопитнаміцнітаміцніпрозорітонкіплівкидлядовготривалогозастосування,
GLA University India
· #1080
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:47)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) Just good concerning the topic (too lengthy). Task2 is good too. Keep on working hard.
· #1079
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:41)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 You don't need to use "I find this article useful..." when you work with exam topics. Also, don't send the link to the literature. It is supposed that you are to work with more than one source when preparing the topic.
· #1078
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 13:39)
To Ram Nassur Rz 212 There are some mispronounced words. Go on practising your pronunciation, you can train your reading with the help of Listen and Pronounce, which is on this page above the Guestbook chat.
· #1077
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 12:53)
Exam Topics “Principles of information protection”.
This article is about information security and principles of information
security protection.
The purpose of this article is to tell what information security, what threats
and methods of response to threats.
A threat is defined as an event facilitated by a weakness that could lead to
unauthorised access to an electronic system. Some of the main cyber security
threats include ransomware, phishing attacks, unpatched vulnerabilities and
insider attacks.
I find this article useful for protecting information security.
Exam Topics “Authority check”.
This article is about the authority of the website.
The purpose of this article is to tell what is the authority of the site, as
well as to show methods of checking the authority of the site.
Some people call this "domain authority," which is not to be confused with the
Domain Authority (DA) metric from Moz. When we talk about domain authority,
we're talking about a general SEO concept that's synonymous with "website
This article will be useful in order to protect the use of the browser by
Exam Topics “Software firewall”.
This article is about what is a Firewall, what are the types, how it works,
The purpose of this article is to tell and show the pros of using a firewall.
A firewall is a security device — computer hardware or software — that can help
protect your network by filtering traffic and blocking outsiders from gaining
unauthorized access to the private data on your computer. Not only does a
firewall block unwanted traffic, it can also help block malicious software from
infecting your computer.
This article will be useful for people who did not use the firewall and who
though learn what it is and how it works.
· #1076
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 12:32)
If you've had an Apple TV, then you know how easy it is to lose the remote. Its
thin frame is its disadvantage.
Apple introduced AirTags, a disk that tracks your belongings through the Find My
app on the iPhone, and people joked that we could finally track the Apple TV
But it doesn't seem to be happening. During an interview with the MobileSyrup
website, the increase in the size of the Apple TV remote was enough to reduce
the rate of wastage.
After a while, Apple introduced a new version of Apple TV with an upgraded
remote control.
It also supports Siri so users can search for TV shows and movies using their
meet the demand
to meet the demand for food with alternative food sources.
keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
on the contrary
tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in relatively
small datasets.
· #1075
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:49)
Today I have read the text titled «Diversity, streaming reshape video games for
a new generation»
In which we are told about video games, or rather about their progress and
impact on people. The text also says that at the beginning of video games helped
us to unify age, gender, etc. But unfortunately, today games have only increased
these problems (or rather the problem of feminism )
In my opinion, video games still occupy a rather significant place in the life
of people today and even help many with some of their personal problems.
Therefore, I am sure that video games will develop and will soon solve problems
at the expense of gender equality.
1. meet the demand -
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications -
2. keep track -
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once -
3. on the contrary -
On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with their
usual tools -
· #1074
Gvozd to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:47)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211
Thank you for your active participation.
Well done.
· #1073
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:26)
To Avdieiev Danil RT-211
Thank you for very thorough and informative article review.
It's interesting to read it. Well done.
· #1072
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:24)
To Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Thank you for the comments and work with the phrases.
appreciate it. Keep on working.
· #1071
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:23)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211
The comment of the article is written correctly from the grammatical and lexical
viewpoint and corresponds to the standards of independent student work of such
· #1070
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:20)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211
#1057, 1058
I have read your tasks, they are quite correct and informative.
Exam Topic #8 Radio equipment is well done.
· #1069
Avdieiev Danil RT-211 Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:17)
Today I have read the article titled "Body cameras, live streaming bring search
and rescue into the next generation". It describers about the RescueCASTR system
equips rescuers with 360-degree body cameras that send video and photos back
live to a central command post. To be honest I have an idea to do the same but
for each citisens. Of course optional. It will greatly reduce the crime rate and
crime investigation rate.
1)on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
2)keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
3)meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
· #1068
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:11)
To Misha Donenko RZ-211 The exam topic is written correctly.
· #1067
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:08)
A desktop and a laptop advantages and disadvantages
Both desktop and laptop computers have advantages and disadvantages. If you are
trying to determine which option will best suit your needs, take a look at the
advantages and benefits each of them offers.
Advantages of a desktop computer, as compared to a laptop computer:
• Desktop computers have more power and more features.
• Desktop computers are easier, and less expensive, to upgrade.
• Desktop computers are generally less expensive overall and offer a better
overall value.
• Desktop computers have a more comfortable keyboard and a much easier to use
mouse. It should be noted that an aftermarket large, comfortable mouse and mouse
pad are also possible with a laptop.
• Desktop computers have larger monitors.
• Desktop computers are generally easier, and less expensive, to repair.
• Desktop computers have a lower risk of theft, which means less chance of
losing your data and having to pay to replace your computer.
Advantages of a laptop computer, as compared to a desktop computer:
• Laptop computers are highly portable and allow you to use your computer almost
• If you are an international student, a laptop computer will be much easier to
transport from home to school and back again.
• Laptop computers take up less room on a desk or table and can be put away when
not in use.
• Laptop computers have a single cord to contend with, rather than the multiple
cords associated with desktop computer use.
I think that both devices have their advantages and disadvantages. There is no
universal option yet. Therefore it is necessary to choose this or that device
according to the purposes.
Phrases of the day
1. meet the demand -
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications -
2. keep track -
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once -
3. on the contrary -
On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with their
usual tools -
· #1066
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:07)
Exam theme:Antivirus programs.
Antivirus software is a class of program designed to prevent, detect and remove
malware infections on individual computing devices, networks and IT systems.
Antivirus software, originally designed to detect and remove viruses from
computers, can also protect against a wide variety of threats, including other
types of malicious software, such as keyloggers, browser hijackers, Trojan
horses, worms, rootkits, spyware, adware, botnets and ransomware.
How antivirus software works
Antivirus software typically runs as a background process, scanning computers,
servers or mobile devices to detect and restrict the spread of malware. Many
antivirus software programs include real-time threat detection and protection to
guard against potential vulnerabilities as they happen, as well as system scans
that monitor device and system files looking for possible risks.
Antivirus software usually performs these basic functions:
Scanning directories or specific files for known malicious patterns indicating
the presence of malicious software;
Allowing users to schedule scans so they run automatically;
Allowing users to initiate new scans at any time; and
Removing any malicious software it detects. Some antivirus software programs do
this automatically in the background, while others notify users of infections
and ask them if they want to clean the files.
In order to scan systems comprehensively, antivirus software must generally be
given privileged access to the entire system. This makes antivirus software
itself a common target for attackers, and researchers have discovered remote
code execution and other serious vulnerabilities in antivirus software products
in recent years.
Phrases of the day:
1)keep track-відслідковувати.
Computer need a reliable way to keep track of the virus and contain its spread.
Комп’ютер потребує надійного способу відстеження вірусу та стримування його
2)on the contrary-навпаки
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
Навпаки, впроваджуючи сильніші протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити проблему
в її джерелі.
3)meet the demand-задовольнитипопит
Market is growing to meet the demand for electronics.
Ринок зростає, щоб задовольнити попит на електроніку.
· #1065
Shulyak Makar (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:06)
Device drivers.
More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group
of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the
computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer could not send and
receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer. Today's operating
systems have many generic drivers that allow hardware to work at a basic level
without needing drivers or software. However, if that device has features
unknown to the operating system, it will not work without drivers. For example,
you could plug any keyboard into a computer and expect it to work. However, if
that keyboard has any special keys or features, they will not work until the
drivers are installed.
The Phrases of The Day:
1) It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
означає, що, бажаючи цього, ви, навпаки, будете робити жахливі речі.
2)Someone, on the contrary, considering a townhouse as a temporary housing
meet the demand –
3)Consequently, the Court may wish not to overstretch its work schedule in the
field at any given time.
Відповідно, Суд, можливо, забажає зробити більш напруженим свій графік роботи на
місцях у будь-який заданий період часу.
· #1064
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:02)
Exam topic #2 Various security techniques.
Your network faces threats of all shapes and sizes, and thus should be prepared
to defend, identify and respond to a full range of attacks. But the reality is
that the biggest danger to most companies are not fly-by-night threat actors,
but rather attackers that are well-funded and are targeting specific
organizations for specific reasons. For that reason, your network security
strategy needs to be able to address the various methods these actors might
Access control allows you to increase your network security by limiting user
access and resources to only the parts of the network that directly apply to
individual users’ responsibilities.
Anti-malware tools are a kind of network security software designed to identify
dangerous programs and prevent them from spreading.
1)keep track
But the official numbers keep track only of those receiving unemployment
Проте офіційна статистика враховує тільки тих з них, хто звертається за
допомогою з безробіття.
2)meet the demand
They need to understand what the tourists want and meet the demand.
3)on the contrary
The real economic life, on the contrary, is always a mixture of elements of
different economic systems.
Реальна господарське життя, навпаки, завжди є сумішшю елементів різних
економічних систем.
· #1063
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 10:01)
Today I've read the articke 'Team develops mechanism to control actuation,
cooling and energy conversion for soft robotics'. Form-memory polymers have
become increasingly used in robotics. This material can shrink, expand, reshape,
and function like biological muscles when cooled. To accelerate passive cooling,
scientists have developed a flexible mechanism. It's made using 3D printing. The
resulting device can keep the temperature constant and convert thermal energy
into electricity. I think, this is an important development because it allows
you to more accurately control the change in the shape of the material and the
device will be almost independent of chargers.
1)on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
не повинні відкидати це зобов'язання; навпаки, ми повинні це враховувати в цьому
2)keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
3)meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Наразі якість та доступність даних не задовольняють попиту, що потребує
· #1062
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:58)
1. Today I have read the article 'Autonomous vehicles can be tricked into
dangerous driving behavior'.
When a driverless car is in motion, one faulty decision by its
collision-avoidance system can lead to disaster, but researchers at the
University of California, Irvine have identified another possible risk:
Autonomous vehicles can be tricked into an abrupt halt or other undesired
driving behavior by the placement of an ordinary object on the side of the road.
The researchers found that cardboard boxes and bicycles placed on the side of
the road caused vehicles to permanently stop on empty thoroughfares and
intersections. In another test, autonomously driven cars, perceiving a
nonexistent threat, neglected to change lanes as planned.
If that is true, then I hope that this drawback will be fixed really quick, as
it can become a really big problem when people don't expect it.
4. 1) on the contrary
It doesn't seem ugly to me; on the contrary, I think it's rather beautiful
2) meet the demand
Officials scrambled for ways to meet the demand
3) keep track
Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.
Exam topic #20: Principles of information protection
Information security (sometimes referred to as InfoSec) covers the tools and
processes that organizations use to protect information. This includes policy
settings that prevent unauthorized people from accessing business or personal
information. Overall, there are 3 main principles of information security:
1) Confidentiality
Confidentiality measures are designed to prevent unauthorized disclosure of
2) Integrity
Consistency includes protection against unauthorized changes (additions,
deletions, alterations, etc.) to data.
3) Availability
Availability is the protection of a system’s ability to make software systems
and data fully available when a user needs it (or at a specified time).
· #1061
Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:58)
Exam Topic
The development of Windows versions
The original Windows 1 was released in November 1985 and was Microsoft’s first
true attempt at a graphical user interface in 16-bit and then on its base was
developed Windows 2.
Windows 95 arrived in August 1995 and with it brought the first ever Start
button and Start menu.
Windows 98 was created in June 1998 and added some features to Internet Explorer
and also, added a lot of Microsoft programms.
Windows 2000 was released in February 2000 and was based on Microsoft’s
business-orientated system Windows NT and later became the basis for Windows XP.
Arguably one of the best Windows versions, Windows XP was released in October
2001 and brought Microsoft’s enterprise line and consumer line of operating
systems under one roof.
Windows XP replaced by Windows Vista in January 2007. Vista updated the look and
feel of Windows with more focus on transparent elements, search and security.
Windows 7 was first released in October 2009. It was intended to fix all the
problems and criticism faced by Vista, with slight tweaks to its appearance and
a concentration on user-friendly features and less “dialogue box overload”.
Released in October 2012, Windows 8 was Microsoft’s most radical overhaul of the
Windows interface, ditching the Start button and Start menu in favour of a more
touch-friendly Start screen.
Announced on 30 September 2014, Windows 10 has only been released as a test
version for keen users to try. The “technical preview” is very much still a work
in progress.
Phrases of the day
1) It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
означає, що, бажаючи цього, ви, навпаки, будете робити жахливі речі.
2) Well, my surgery can't meet the demand.
3) It's hard to keep track.
Важко відстежити.
· #1060
Pontus Natalia(RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:57)
Software industry
Software plays a critical role in today's global information economy:
individuals and businesses rely on operating systems and applications to carry
out daily tasks. Software runs the computers, networks and devices that enable
countless products and services from vast enterprise and communications systems
to small 'apps' that run on digital phones. The software industry consists of
the development, distribution, and maintenance of software. It can be broadly
divided into application software, system infrastructure software,
software-as-a-service (SaaS), operating systems, database and analytics
software. Fundamental forces have shaped the evolution of the industry, starting
with the emergence of personal computers, the development of computer networking
and client/server software, and the introduction and widespread adoption of the
Internet, and it continues to grow today.
Phrases of the day:
keep track –
Some stations keep track, others don't.
on the contrary –натомість,
Someone, on the contrary, considering a townhouse as a temporary housing option.
meet the demand –
They need to understand what the tourists want and meet the demand.
Вони повинні зрозуміти, чого хочуть туристи і задовольнити попит.
· #1059
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:56)
Today I've read the article "When self-driving cars crash, who's responsible?
Courts and insurers need to know what's inside the 'black box' ".
This article is about accidents in Australia and the United States, created by
vehicles controlled by AI from the Tesla company.
The main question here is who to blame for such accidents. It is believed that
manufacturers and developers may not be able to foresee and control everything
that an autonom system does. However, if during testing and monitoring these
vehicles weren't good enough, their testers can be sued.
1) meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Наявні в даний час дані за своєю якістю не відповідають існуючим потребам, що
потребує вжиття відповідних заходів.
2) on the contrary
On the contrary, identifying these additional dimensions is all part of the
process of building new kinds of machines.
Навпаки, визначення цих додаткових розмірів є частиною процесу створення нових
типів машин.
3) keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Система дозволяє командиру пошуку відстежувати кілька команд одночасно,
координувати зусилля та отримувати на місці умови та підказки.
· #1058
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:56)
Today I have read the article 'Combining AI and computational science for
better, faster, energy efficient predictions'.
The article tells about the new technology "intelligent alloys", the main
purpose of which is combining the power of computational science with artificial
intelligence to develop models that complement simulations to predict the
evolution of science's most complex systems. By using this technology, the
researchers demonstrated that they can generate predictions thousands to a
million times faster than it would take to run the simulations with full
resolution or rely on partial or even faulty information through models. I think
this technology has a huge future that is coming right now.
1)expected value
Either the present value or a future expected value should be used.
2)technology capability
At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will
continue unabated.
крайней мере, возможности информационных технологий будут расти, не ослабевая, с
экспоненциальной скоростью.
3)work schedule
Consequently, the Court may wish not to overstretch its work schedule in the
field at any given time.
Соответственно, Суд, возможно, пожелает сделать более напряженным свой график
работы на местах в любой заданный период времени.
· #1057
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:55)
Exam Topic #8 Radio equipment helping to save on bills.
Radio equipment helps to rescue on bills. For example: Radio Frequency
Identification. A technology for the unique identification of physical objects
using radio tags. The radio tag contains a microchip that stores the detection
detector, as well as a way for the antenna to convey information to special
radio receivers. This technology optimizes the development of diseases in a wide
area of the patient, which achieves the installation of labels on a specific
structure and tracking the route of its movement. This allows you to manage
efficient inventory down to a single item. It also allows you to monitor the
cost of electricity and more.
· #1056
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:52)
Today i have read an article "3D computer models of gigantic archaeological
objects".This article is about new technologies in the archaeological field.
Nowadays 3D modeling is developing very quickly. Researchers have found
applications for it in archeology. With the help of a special camera, the object
is transferred to a computer, where it is already carefully studied. This method
will help them study archaeological finds in a much closer and more detailed
In my opinion, this help to study ancient finds that were discovered earlier and
could not be studied.
Exam topic #20 ( Principles of information protection)
The three core principles of information security are called the CIA triad. Data
protection risks are calculated based on likelihood and impacts on each of these
three core IT security principles.
The main components of data security are:
The purpose of Confidentiality is to protect the data from unauthorised access.
It is possible by implementing access restrictions to allow access to authorised
entities only.
Integrity means preserving the accuracy and completeness of data. This element
ensures that data has not been tampered with and can be trusted. Data security
is sometimes confused with data integrity. It deals with the protection of data,
whereas data integrity deals with trustworthiness.
This refers to the availability of data when authorized users require this data.
Devices, systems, applications, data are of little value to any organization if
their customers can’t access it when they need it. Denial of Service attacks
prevention is an example of ensuring data availability.
1)on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
2) keep track
You know I can't keep track any more
3)meet the demand
I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the
· #1055
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:50)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211,
Exam topic #9 Commercial use of radio is well done.
· #1054
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:49)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211
Your task is complete, informative and interesting.
Well done.
· #1053
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:47)
Topic №4. A desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
There are two types of popular computers: desktop one and laptop. Advantages of
desktop are: easy to modify with hardware parts and periphery devices, speed
work. Disadvantages here are that a desktop computer is not mobile, but
stationary, except on laptops that you can walk with anywhere, and periphery
devices should be bought separately, when in laptop keyboard, touchpad, dynamics
and mostly webcam are always in-build. One advantage of a laptop, that I didn’t
say yet, is comfort to work, you can work at any time and in any place.
Disadvantage here is the battery, often its capacity is not enough for user and
most of the time it stays on the charger.
Phrases of the Day
1. on the contrary -
ENG: When we are done with this project we should not immediately start the new
one; on the contrary, we should support it by polishing and adding new features.
UKR: Коли ми закінчимо цей проект, ми не повинні відразу починати новий;
навпаки, ми повинні підтримувати його шляхом полірування та додавання нових
2. meet the demand -
ENG: Code does not meet the demand, you should rewrite it.
3. keep track -
ENG: This part of the application can be bugged, keep track on anomaly things
that you get and try to solve them.
UKR: У цій частині програми можна виявити помилки, тримайте у полі зору
аномалії, які ви отримуєте, і спробуйте їх вирішити.
· #1052
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:47)
To El-kadi RT-211
The task is not complete. Your Independent practice must contain an audio
· #1051
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:47)
Device drivers.
More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group
of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the
computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer could not send and
receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer. Today's operating
systems have many generic drivers that allow hardware to work at a basic level
without needing drivers or software. However, if that device has features
unknown to the operating system, it will not work without drivers. For example,
you could plug any keyboard into a computer and expect it to work. However, if
that keyboard has any special keys or features, they will not work until the
drivers are installed.
Phrases of the day:
meet the demand -
1) This system’s resources don’t meet the demand.
on the contrary -
2) Machine learning tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex
patterns in relatively small datasets.
keep track -
3) It is very hard to keep track of all possible mistakes in a large amount of
code, so it is good to use try-sequences.
· #1050
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:45)
Password as a general technique of secrecy
Today we can install password everywhere. On your smartphone, on social network
page, on bank account. Password reliably protects your information, but only if
you made it hard and unusual. If your password is too easy, hackers will easily
guess it using special password recovery software.
Password must be long, with different numbers, with small and capital letters
and other characters, the harder the better. Also you must have different
passwords for different needs. if you follow these rules, your information will
be under protection and your information will not be stolen by hackers and
online thieves.
1) keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Система дозволяє командиру пошуку відслідковувати кілька команд одночасно,
координувати зусилля та отримувати на місці умови та підказки.
2) on the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
Навпаки, впроваджуючи сильніші протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити проблему
в її джерелі.
3) meet the demand
Farmers continued to increase both the quantity and variety of local products to
meet demand.
· #1049
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:44)
Exam topic #9
Commercial use of radio.
Commercial broadcasting is the broadcasting of television programs and radio
programming by privately owned corporate media, as opposed to state sponsorship.
Analog audio is the earliest form of radio broadcast. AM broadcasting began
around 1920. FM broadcasting was introduced in the late 1930s with
improved fidelity. Most radios can receive both AM and FM and are called AM/FM
Radio delivers a larger audience than other media throughout the morning and is
used by people to accompany tasks and activities across the day, making it
easier for brands to people at relevant times and in relevant places.
· #1048
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:43)
To Nazariy Glugan (RT-211)
Thank you, your tasks are quite correct.
· #1047
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:43)
Today I have read the article titled "How randomly moving electrons can improve
cyber security". This article describes that in October 2017, tech giant Yahoo!
disclosed a data breach that leaked sensitive information on more than 3 billion
user accounts, leaving them vulnerable to identity theft. The article also
describes that the Company had to force all affected users to change their
passwords and re-encrypt their credentials. In recent years, there have been
several instances of such security breaches that left users vulnerable.
keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
таблиця спрямовано також те що, щоб у полі зору всі посилання стандарти.
on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
не повинні забувати про це зобов'язання; навпаки, нам слід зважити на це в
нинішньому контексті.
meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
· #1046
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:40)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211.), Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 Your exam topics are interesting and informative.
· #1045
Gvozd to Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:38)
Your reviews are rather interesting, but the quality of the audio recording is bad.
· #1044
Gvozd to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:32)
Dear students!
It's high time to post your comments.
· #1043
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:32)
Nowadays authority check is everywhere. Sites use this way of protection to
avoid situations when someone is pretending someone else. There are a lot of way
to identify the person and save the data. The most common are password,
fingerprint, face id or even personal documents. By protecting your authority a
hundred of villains cant hack you, steal important information, change something
on your profile etc. This is very important and effective way to protect
everything and its even impossible to avoid it in routine life.
Today i have read the article: "The biggest data breaches, hacks of 2021"
From the article we learn about the problem of data leakage in our time.
Nowadays, most people neglect their online security, which is why they often
suffer from malware.
In 2021, a type of ransomware spread, due to which a lot of people lost their
data. And also many popular sites were hacked and leaked user data.
In my opinion, such hacks most often occur due to the weak protection that users
choose, or because of its absence.
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films
on the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols
keep track
it can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
· #1042
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:27)
An isolated virtual machine
The popularity and widespread adoption of cloud computing has resulted in
extensified and intensive use of virtualization technology. Virtualization
technology allows the sharing of the same physical resources among several
users. This enables the consolidation of servers and a multitude of user
machines into a very small set of physical servers, by replacing the physical
machines with virtual machines, running on the same physical servers.
Consequently, several users work on and store their data in the same physical
platform.Centralized storage and centralized computing thus naturally raise the
question of security of user’s data, and motivate studies on how data security
could possibly be compromised.
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) meet the demand
We can't wait to convert buildings until the [electricity] generation,
transmission and storage infrastructure is sufficient to meet the demand.(Минеможемодочекатисяпереобладнаннябудівель,
2) on the contrary
"On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.(«Навпаки,
3) keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Vocaroo -
· #1041
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:27)
Exam topic #7: The evolution of operating system.
have become an integral part of everyone's life, but few people know that only
thanks to operating systems a person was able to get the maximum benefit from
using this. Moreover, I want to say that computers were not always easy to use.
begin with, the first OS was invented in 1955, and only people who know the
software component could use it because an ordinary layman could not simply
"google" his request. In 1985, one company made a breakthrough by making an
interface pleasing to the eye out of inconvenient typing in text. Microsoft was
able to achieve the result by creating a graphical shell for its previous
version of the OS.
conclusion, we can not even imagine what our interaction will look like with a
computer in 10 years, but I'm sure that developers will not stop at windows 11.
on the contrary —
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets
meet the demand —
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets
keep track —
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision
· #1040
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:24)
Topic №4. A desktop and a laptop - advantages and disadvantages
Laptops have compact sizes, so you can work wherever you have to; they are easy
to use because brand new devices are ready for usage. However, if you need a
well-performing laptop you’ll have to spend more money on it and there is no way
to fully upgrade it. Also because of compactness laptops cannot be cooled
Desktops in their turn, are cheaper if compared on the same level of power, and
basically, tend to be much more powerful in perspective then a laptop, so they
are suited for difficult and demanding tasks. But they are stationary, need some
space in the room, and consume more power than laptops.
In my opinion, when choosing between laptop and desktop people should consider
their budget and which way they are going to use the device because it may be
great in one way and bad in another.
Phrases of the day
meet the demand -
1) This system’s resources don’t meet the demand.
on the contrary -
2) Machine learning tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex
patterns in relatively small datasets.
keep track -
3) It is very hard to keep track of all possible mistakes in a large amount of
code, so it is good to use try-sequences.
· #1039
Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:23)
Exam topic # 6
Antivirus programs
An antivirus programme is a programme designed to combat computer viruses. These
programmes use various principles in their work to find and cure infected files.
An antivirus software works by scanning incoming files or code that's being
passed through your network traffic. Companies who build this software compile
an extensive database of already known viruses and malware and teach the
software how to detect, flag, and remove them. Once installed, most antivirus
software runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection
against virus attacks. The most popular free programmes are Avira Free
Antivirus, Avast Free AntiVirus and Microsoft Security Essentials.
Every user must keep their antivirus software up to date to ensure proper
operation of their PC.
Phrases of the day:
1) keep track -
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
Система дозволяє командиру пошуку відслідковувати кілька команд одночасно,
координувати зусилля та отримувати на місці умови та підказки.
2) on the contrary -
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
Навпаки, впроваджуючи сильніші протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити проблему
в її джерелі.
3) meet the demand -
Farmers continued to increase both the quantity and variety of local products to
meet demand.
Фермери продовжували збільшувати як кількість, так і різноманітність місцевих
продуктів, щоб задовольнити попит.
· #1038
El-kadi RT-211(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:23)
First radio speeches.
The first radio communication session was carried out on May 7, 1895. It was
carried out by the Russian physicist Alexander Popov with the help of a radio
receiver he created.
127 years have passed - and we can no longer imagine our life without radio, or
rather its continuations: television, mobile communications, the Internet, types
of communication based on the transmission of a physical signal.
1) meet the demand
The tire has a robust build to meet the demands of modern SUVs.
2) keep track
Some stations keep track, others don't.
3) on the contrary
After reducing the volume, the skin does not sag, but on the contrary, it
becomes smooth and elastic.
Після зменшення обсягів шкіра не обвисає, а навпаки, стає гладкою і пружною.
· #1037
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:22)
Today I have read the article "Volcanoes on Mars could be active, raising
possibility of recent habitable conditions". This article tells us about recent
volcanic activity on Mars. Most volcanism on the Red Planet occurred between 3
and 4 billion years ago, with smaller eruptions in isolated locales continuing
perhaps as recently as 3 million years ago. But, until now, there was no
evidence to indicate whether Mars could still be volcanically active. Scientists
made this statement leaning on data from satellites orbiting Mars.
I liked this article because I like reading about planets.
1) keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
2)meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
3)on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
· #1036
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:20)
To Ivan Zarytskiy RZ-211 The exam topic is informative and detailed. Thank you.
· #1035
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:17)
Exam topic #11
What is the difference between a hardware and a software firewall? A hardware
firewall will have a better level of security and is preferred by most business
users. However, it is slightly more expensive than a software firewall, and more
complex knowledge of system networks may be required to configure settings for
better and more desirable performance. On the other hand, a software firewall
will be cheaper, and setting up settings is often easier. They are preferred by
most home users. You can also use two firewalls at the same time. They provide
more protection, but also have more configurations and are more expensive.
1) To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for
sustainable applications.
задовольнити попит на міцні та міцні прозорі тонкі плівки для довготривалого
2) Complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting in parallel.
Складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють
3) Systems use sensors to keep track of where the vehicle is within its lane.
Системи використовують датчики, щоб відстежувати, де транспортний засіб
перебуває на своїй смузі.
· #1034
Kulaksyz S. (RF-211, S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:15)
A device driver is a small piece of software that communicates with operating
systems and tell it how to work with that specific piece of hardware.Basically
device drivers are translators that translates the hardware's language to
operating system letting it know how it should work.Some people wonder when to
upda their updates - it's best to update a device driver only if it's currently
not working.The other reason you should update your drivers is if you need all
the features to work proprely and with the best performance at all times, some
drive utilities update their drivers for you but some require manual
The first programming language was invented way back in 1843.Ada Lovelace came
up with first ever algorithm machine codes that were manually inputted.After
that no progress has been made for a quite long period of time until 1944 when
Konrad Zuse developed the first "real" programming language called "Plan
Calculus". Konrad's language allowed to solve advanced math algorithms and
equasions. The further people got into computer techonologies - further the
progress has been made, but the major event that changed the world of
programming forever was a completion of a "C" programming language
developement.Later programming languages were based solely on "C" language and
it's libraries.
keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
· #1033
Ivan Zarytskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:03)
The difference between software and hardware firewall
The main difference between a hardware firewall and a software firewall is that
the hardware firewall runs on its own physical device, while a software firewall
is installed on another machine. A common example of a software firewall is the
firewall built into most operating systems like Windows and macOS. These OS
firewalls are bundled with the operating system and can run on any compatible
However, these OS firewalls are not the only options for software firewalls.
Like hardware firewalls, software firewalls are also offered as standalone
solutions. An organization can purchase and deploy these firewalls in locations
where a hardware firewall may not be a viable option, such as in cloud
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
on the contrary
On the contrary: "Public transportation, currently representing around 12% of
the overall trips in the Karlsruhe region, would profit from a redoubling of
sharing and pooling options with a slight increase, and the same goes for
bicycle usage," Wörle says.(Навпаки:
· #1032
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 09:00)
To Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 Not bad, but you should pracise reading more.
· #1031
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:58)
To Daniil Dragin (RZ-211), Pontus Nataliia(RF-211), Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 Well done, thank you
· #1030
Сhmel Maksim RF-211 (S. Mykhailiuk ) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:57)
Kernel development
The kernel is the main center of a computer operating system (OS). This is the
kernel that provides the core services for all other parts of the OS. This is
the main layer between the OS and the hardware, and it helps with process and
memory management, file systems, device management, and networking.
The kernel is often contrasted with the shell, which is the outermost part of
the OS that interacts with user commands. Kernel and shell are terms used more
often in Unix OS
The kernel is not to be confused with the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS),
which is an independent program stored on a chip on a computer circuit board.
· #1029
Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:57)
#9 Functions of firewalls
A Firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on an organization’s previously established
security policies. At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that
sits between a private internal network and the public Internet. A firewall’s
main purpose is to allow non-threatening traffic in and to keep dangerous
traffic out.
A Firewall is a necessary part of any security architecture and takes the
guesswork out of host level protections and entrusts them to your network
security device. Firewalls, and especially Next Generation Firewalls, focus on
blocking malware and application-layer attacks, along with an integrated
intrusion prevention system (IPS), these Next Generation Firewalls can react
quickly and seamlessly to detect and react to outside attacks across the whole
network. They can set policies to better defend your network and carry out quick
assessments to detect invasive or suspicious activity, like malware, and shut it
down.erous traffic out.
As the cyber security landscape continues to evolve and attacks become more
sophisticated, Next Generation Firewalls will continue to be an essential
component of any organization’s security solution, whether you’re in the data
center, network, or cloud. To learn more about the essential capabilities your
Next Generation Firewall needs to have, download the Next Generation Firewall
(NGFW) Buyer’s Guide today.
keep track
'Cause I've been on so many, it's kind of hard to keep track.
Тому що я був на багатьох,
важко відстежити.
on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
бажаючи цього,
будете робити жахливі речі.
meet the demand
I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the
маю на увазі, що аптеки могли працювати цілодобово, і вони все одно не могли
задовольнити попит.
· #1028
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:54)
exam theme #7 Different protection mechanisms
The main protective mechanisms are activities aimed at ensuring engineering
measures of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
Protective mechanisms are divided into:
Physical - various engineering tools and structures that complicate or eliminate
the physical intrusion of offenders into objects of protection and into material
carriers of confidential information;
Hardware - mechanical, electrical, electronic and other devices designed to
protect information from leakage, disclosure, modification, destruction, as well
as counteraction to technical intelligence;
Software - special programs for computers that implement the functions of
protecting information from unauthorized access, copying, modification,
destruction and blocking;
Cryptographic - technical and software means of data encryption based on the use
of various mathematical and algorithmic methods;
When combined, these three mechanisms provide very strong protection of data and
Daily phrases:
1)keep track
These gadgets are used to keep track on migration of whales.
гаджеты используют для того чтобы следить за миграцией китов.
2)on the contrary
On the contrary, this type of batteries will only decrease the phone's battery
Напротив, этот тип батарей только уменьшит время автономной работы телефона.
3)meet the demand
Today, methods of the protection of data do not meet the demand, because
technologies develop very fast.
В настоящее время методы защиты информации не отвечают соответствующим условиям,
потому что технологии развиваются очень быстро.
· #1027
Pontus Nataliia(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:52)
1)It is the multiplexing of a single computer system among several users and the
authentication of a user's claimed identity.
2)A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3)When one of the simulated processors is waiting for an input or output
operation to finish, another virtual processor may be able to progress at its
normal rate. Thus a single processor may be able to take the place of several.
4)The descriptor register is a mechanism that controls which part of the memory
is accessible.
5)The instruction that loads the descriptor register with a new descriptor
called he privileged state bit.
1) Computer science studies computer, programming, computation, software, system
controls, development of hardware.
2) Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
3) Data processing is a conversation from raw data to machine-readable form.
4) Multiplexing is a process that transmitting multiple signals simultaneously
on single channel
1) What would happen if any running program could load it with any arbitrary
2) What does the supervisor program do?
3) What will we do with our model of guards and walls in discussing of shared
The authentication of a user's claimed identity
The authentication protocol defines a framework for these exchanges, defines a
number of actual mechanisms (but only a few of them), and allows for extensions.
The three defined methods are public-key, password, and host-based
The authentication process is framed by client requests and server responses.
The “authentication” request actually includes elements of authorization (access
rights are checked as well). A request contains: username, server name,method
name and method-specific data (the particular authentication method used for the
request and any data needed with it. For example, if the method is password, the
data provided are the password itself.)
There can be other messages exchanged, depending on the authentication request.
But ultimately the server issues an authentication response.
· #1026
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:52)
№17 Password as a general technique of secrecy
A password is a conditional word or an arbitrary set of characters, consisting
of letters, numbers and other symbols, and designed to confirm identity or
authority. All the simplest authentication systems use the password principle.
In this case, the user simply needs to know the password and enter it correctly
in order to gain unhindered access to the resource that he needs. Therefore,
password authentication is the most commonly used.
The advantage of this method is its simplicity. This factor and the fact that
the password method has been used for a very long time, appearing earlier than
all other methods, allows it to be used in a wide variety of computer programs.
Disadvantages of the password: they use passwords that can be easily and simply
guessed, can be simply intercepted or peeped in the process of entering it,
1)meet the demand
Farmers continued to increase both the quantity and variety of local products to
meet demand.
Фермери продовжували збільшувати як кількість, так і різноманітність місцевих
продуктів, щоб задовольнити попит.
2)keep track
You know I can't keep track any more.
Ти знаєш, що я більше не можу стежити.
3)on the contrary
Us on the contrary nobody helps.
Нам, навпаки, ніхто не допомагає.
· #1025
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:50)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day. Good luck
· #1024
Gvozd O.V. to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:49)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #1023
Сhmel Maksim RF-211 (S. Mykhailiuk ) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:48)
Today I have read an article about OC.
The operating system provides interaction between the user, programs, and
computer hardware.
The operating system communicates with the hardware using device drivers. A
driver is a piece of software, usually written by a hardware manufacturer, that
allows the operating system to communicate with the device.
For the user, the OS provides a user interface. In DOS, the entire interface was
on the command line. In Windows, the concept of an interface is much broader -
it includes a graphical shell, and standard dialogs, for example, open or save a
file, and a number of other things that are sometimes not quite obvious to the
For programs, the OS provides user interface elements. In addition, if we are
talking about a multitasking system, then its competence includes the
distribution of computer resources between programs. In this case, resources
should be understood primarily as processor time - the OS must ensure that none
of the programs monopolizes all resources and does not conflict with other
running applications.
Also in charge of any operating system is the maintenance of the file system. By
the way, in the days of DOS, this was its main task, which was reflected in the
In addition, the OS includes various auxiliary programs for setting up and
maintaining a PC - system utilities. In particular, these are programs for
fixing disk errors.
1)According to the Research Center, Currently, the quality and accessibility of
data do not meet the demand, a situation that needs to be remedied. and the
developers figured out how to do it
За даними Науково-дослідного центру, наразі якість та доступність даних не
відповідають попиту, що потребує виправлення. і розробники придумали, як це
2)The developers have recently added a new tool for the user. The table is also
intended to keep track on all standard references.
Нещодавно розробники додали новий інструмент для користувача. Таблиця також
призначена для відстеження всіх стандартних посилань.
3)"We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it
into account in this context." - these are the technical specifications that the
team leader gave to his subordinates
"Ви повинні не встановлювати те, що обліковується; на відповідь, ми повинні йти
в акцію в цьому контексті." - these are the technical specifications that the
team leader gave to his subordinates
· #1022
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:48)
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 /
Thank you for your essay, it's well done but you missed a lot. Go on working.
· #1021
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:45)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 )
Maxim, mind, pls. The first sentence should be: ''Today I’ve read the article
(the title of the article). It tells us about...''
· #1020
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:42)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Thank you for the comments and work with the phrases. I appreciate it. Keep on
· #1019
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:39)
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thank you for your comment on the article, audio recording. Well done.
· #1018
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:36)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) The tasks are done correctly.
· #1017
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:35)
To Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211), Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #1016
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:34)
Reading Module
1. An example of a complete isolation system is an isolated virtual machine.
2. Typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory system,
and input/output devices connected with a processor.
3. The essence of multiprogramming is a scheme that allows a single processor to
take the place of several.
4. The descriptor register is a special hardware register that controls which
part of the memory is accessible.
5. The privileged state bit is an additional bit that regulates access to the
descriptor register.
Speaking Module
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with processes, storing and
transferring the information.
2. Computer science studies computer, computation, system controls, development
of hardware, software, programming.
1. What would happen if any program could load a descriptor register with any
arbitrary value?
2. What does the supervisor program do?
3. What are we going to learn in the discussion of shared information?
Writing Module
Quality and reliability of software
Software quality reflects how well software complies with or conforms to a given
design, based on functional requirements or specifications, while reliability
pertains to the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified
period of time in a particular environment. Reliability relates to operation
rather than design of the program, and hence it is dynamic rather than static.
It accounts for the frequency with which faults cause problems. Measuring and
predicting software reliability has become vital for software managers, software
engineers, managers and engineers of products that include software, and to
users of these products.
I think that quality and reliability is a must for any product, including
· #1015
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:30)
Ex. 2
1) An example of a complete isolation system is an isolated virtual machine.
2) A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3) Processors is waiting for an input or output operation to finish, another
virtual processor may be able to progress at its normal rate.
4) Descriptor register allows virtual processor to be unaware of the existence
of the others, it is essential that some isolation mechanism be provided.
5) The instruction that loads the descriptor register with a new descriptor
called he privileged state bit.
Ex. 1
1) Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2) Computer science studies computers, computation systems control, development
hardware and software programming.
3) Data processing is a conversion of raw data in machine-readable form.
4) Multiplexing is a process of transmitting multiple signals simultaneously to
a single channel.
1) What would happen if any program could load a descriptor register with any
arbitrary value?
2) What does the supervisor program do?
3) What are we going to learn in the discussion of shared information?
The authentication of a user's claimed identity
The process of determining claimed user identity by checking user-provided
evidence is called authentication and the evidence which is provided by the user
during process of authentication is called a credential.
There are four general means of authenticating a user's identity, which can be
used alone or in combination:
Something the individual knows: Examples includes a password, a personal
identification number (PIN).
Something the individual possesses: Examples include electronic keycards, smart
cards, and physical keys.
Something the individual is (static biometrics): Examples include recognition by
fingerprint, retina, and face.
Something the individual does (dynamic biometrics): Examples include recognition
by voice pattern and handwriting characteristics.
· #1014
Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:28)
Exercise 2
1. Virtual machine is an example of complete isolation system
2. A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3. The essence of multiprogramming is a scheme that allows a single processor to
take the place of several.
4. The descriptor register controls exactly which part of memory is accessible
5. The privileged state bit is an additional bit that regulates access to the
descriptor register.
Exercise 1
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2. Computer science studies computers, computation, systems control,
development, hardware software and also a programming.
3.Data processing is a conversation from raw data to machine-readable form.
4. Multiplexing is a process that transmitting multiple signals simultaneously
on single channel
Exercise 2
1. What would happen if any program could load a descriptor register with any
arbitrary value?
2. What does the supervisor program do?
3. What are we going to learn in the discussion of shared information?
The authentication of a user's claimed identity
In the era of internet accounts on many different services we always need to be
fully protected, to be sure that our account is safe. There is different ways to
protect accounts, for example 3 questions, that only you can answer. But it is
still not the best way to be safe, because intruder can always use social
engineering and somehow know your answers, for example the city you were born.
Thats when the user authentication comes. It is the method, that requires you to
accept your login from, for example, your mobile device or email. That means if
somebody even have your login and password, he cant access to your account
without your phone or email account. This method used by many banks, large
digital accounts, cryptocurrency exchange. Also, user authentication can be
biometrical, for example Face ID from IPhones is biometrical user
authentication, as well as fingerprints.
· #1013
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Popovych (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:26)
Today i have read the article titled: "Strong but thin transparent films made
from cellulose nanofibers with wide applicability".
This article tells about the research of Dr. Sunand Roy of GLA University in
India, who led a multinational team to develop a new transparent thin film made
from cellulose nanofibers. The novelty of the film involves a new and effective
way of tailoring the interfacial bonding interactions between the fibers and the
glycerol and glutaraldehyde (GA), which functioned as a plasticizer and
cross-linking agent, respectively.
In my opinion, this research would be one of the greatest in XXI Century.
meet the demand
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.
Увеличивать количество и качество рабочей силы и специалистов для более полного
удовлетворения спроса на зарубежных рынках труда.
On the contary
Today, on the contrary, the destinies he touches become his own.
Сейчас, напротив, судьбы, которых он коснётся, становятся его судьбой.
keep track
Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
Movienizer поможет отслеживать информацию, касающуюся фильмов.
· #1012
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:25)
It's not just humans who can wear health and fitness trackers. Tech company
Invoxia introduced the Smart Dog Collar, which uses sensors and other tech to
monitor a dog's health, keep track of its whereabouts and warn owners of any
potential health issues. The collar includes miniature radar sensors capable of
measuring a dog's respiratory rate and heart rate. It uses Wi-Fi, GPS and
Bluetooth to track the physical location of your pet in case it gets lost or
escapes. Users can also get alerts if their dog has escaped. It also measures a
dog's daily activities, including your time spent walking, resting and eating.
The collar is paired with an app owners use to keep track of their pet's health.
1) on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted
2) meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel
3) keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision
· #1011
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:23)
Today i have read the article: New ultra-thin electrode material gets us a step
closer to next-generation semiconductors.
This article tells about implementation of artificial intelligence systems and
autonomous driving systems in which processors must be able to process more
Silicon-based logic devices have limitations in that processing costs and power
consumption increase as miniaturization and integration progress. To overcome
these limitations, researchers are studying electronic and logic devices based
on thin two-dimensional semiconductors at the atomic layer level. However,
controlling electrical properties by doping 2D semiconductors is more difficult
than in conventional silicon-based semiconductor devices.
Thus, it was technically difficult to implement logic devices with
two-dimensional semiconductors. It has been difficult to implement additional
logic circuits with conventional 2D semiconductor devices because they exhibit
the characteristics of either N-type or P-type devices due to the Fermi-level
pinning phenomenon. In contrast, the new electrode material allows free control
of the characteristics of N-type and P-type devices by minimizing defects at the
semiconductor interface. In other words, one device performs the functions of
both N-type devices and P-type devices. Therefore, there is no need to
manufacture N-type and P-type devices separately. Using this device, the joint
research team has successfully realized a high-performance, low-power
complementary logic circuit that can perform logic operations such as NOR and
1)On the contrary
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs, and therefore have enormous value for all ages.
2)keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
3)meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
· #1010
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:23)
To Maksim Teliga (RF-211) and Shulyak Makar (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #1009
Maksim Teliga (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:15)
1) Two concrete examples: the multiplexing of a single computer system among
several users and the authentication of a user's claimed identity.
2) A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3) Processors is waiting for an input or output operation to finish, another
virtual processor may be able to progress at its normal rate.
4) Descriptor register allows virtual processor to be unaware of the existence
of the others, it is essential that some isolation mechanism be provided.
5) The instruction that loads the descriptor register with a new descriptor
called he privileged state bit.
1) Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data.
2) he system comprises three key modules, which are centred on the Network
Control System Console.
1. 3) You may make one copy of the software in machine - readable form for
backup purposes only
4) Radio waves, like light waves and sound, are a means of transmitting energy.
1)What should the program be able to do so that it does not have protection?
2) What does the supervisor program do?
3) What will we do later?
An isolated virtual machine is a very useful software. A lot of users have this
machine for different needs. Firstly, you can emulate another operating system
in this machine. For example, you have Windows and you can use Linux on this
machine. Secondly, you can check programs on this machine, if it has viruses.
So, this machine can be useful in different ways for you.
· #1008
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:15)
Keep track.
It is better to keep track on the number of your points for the module.
Краще тримати у полі зору кількість своїх балів за модуль.
- On the contrary.
You should not neglect the memory your computer, on the contrary, we need to
clean it all the time.
Ти не повинний нехтувати пам'яттю свого комп'ютера, навпаки потрібно весь час
чистити її.
- Meet the demand.
It will be better if you meet the demand of your university.
Краще буде, якщо ви відповідатимете існуючим потребам свого університету.
History of kernel development.
The kernel is the central part of the operating system that implements the
interface between application processes and computer hardware. It is loaded into
the computer's RAM and interacts directly with the hardware, providing hardware
management, support for simultaneous operation of many users, support for
parallel execution of many processes in the system. Typically, the kernel makes
these objects available to application processes through interprocess
interaction mechanisms and system calls.
The main task of the kernel is to manage computer resources and manage their
availability to other programs to run and use. As a rule, the main resources of
the kernel are:
- CPU;
- RAM;
- Any input and output devices.
First there were the early kernels of operating systems, followed by operating
systems with time distribution. Over time, cores such as Amiga, a platform
developed by Commodore International and released in 1985, and Unix came into
the human world. Mac OS was first introduced in 1984. It was the main operating
system of the Macintosh personal computer from Apple Computer. The most popular
Microsoft Windows system was introduced in 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS. Due to
the dependence on other operating systems, the first versions of Windows are
called the operating environment. Windows became a full-fledged Windows
operating system with the advent of the Windows 9x series.
· #1007
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:13)
Today I’ve read the article (Exam Topics) “Password as a general technique of
This article is about how to create a strong password and why a strong password
is important.
The purpose of this article is to show the importance of password reliability.
Passwords safeguard your online accounts from other people who use the same
computer. More importantly, they protect you against hackers who want to steal
your personal information.
I find this article very useful because the password is the main protection of
your data.
1.keep track
The system lets the search commander keep track of several teams at once,
coordinate efforts and get an on-the-ground look at wilderness conditions and
2.on the contrary
"On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel. the demand
Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
· #1006
Shulyak Makar (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:12)
1) Two concrete examples: the multiplexing of a single computer system among
several users and the authentication of a user's claimed identity.
2) A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3) Processors is waiting for an input or output operation to finish, another
virtual processor may be able to progress at its normal rate.
4) Descriptor register allows virtual processor to be unaware of the existence
of the others, it is essential that some isolation mechanism be provided.
5) The instruction that loads the descriptor register with a new descriptor
called he privileged state bit.
1) Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data.
2) he system comprises three key modules, which are centred on the Network
Control System Console.
1. 3) You may make one copy of the software in machine - readable form for
backup purposes only
4) Radio waves, like light waves and sound, are a means of transmitting energy.
1)What should the program be able to do so that it does not have protection?
2) What does the supervisor program do?
3) What will we do later?
Writing exercise:Ex.2
Authentication of the claimed identity of the user
Authentication - an authentication procedure, for example:
checking the effectiveness of using the method of comparing the entered password
(for choosing a login) with the password stored in the database of impressive
email authentication
verification of the checksum of the file in the collection, intended by the
author of this file.
Mainly in the field of information technology.
identification of the degree of trust and external security of systems, the
ongoing verification of publicity can be unilateral or mutual. It is usually
used with cryptographic operations.
Authentication should not be confused with authorization (the procedure for
granting certain rights to a subject) and identification (the procedure for
determining a value by its identifier).
Top user authentication methods
1)Password-Based User Authentication Methods
2) Passwordless User Authentication Methods
3) Biometrics
4) Email Authentication
· #1005
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:10)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 and Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #1004
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:09)
2 Reading
1. An example of a complete isolation system is an isolated virtual machine.
2. Typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory system,
and input/output devices connected with a processor.
3. The essence of multiprogramming is a scheme that allows a single processor to
take the place of several.
The descriptor register is a special hardware register that controls which part
of the memory is accessible.
5. The privileged state bit is an additional bit that regulates access to the
descriptor register.
Speaking ex1
Internationalisation deals with the process of designing software so that it can
accommodate changing environments without changes to the code.
Computer memory is the storage space in the computer, where data is to be
processed and instructions required for processing are stored.
Get to systems control and pull the computer core.
Speaking ex 2
1. in which case the program would not have protection?
2. what does the supervisor program do?
3.what are we going to do with the model of guards and walls?
The multiplexing of a single computer system among several users
Multiplexing is a way of sending multiple signals or streams of information over
a communications link at the same time in the form of a single, complex signal.
When the signal reaches its destination, a process called demultiplexing
recovers the separate signals and outputs them to individual lines.
Multiplexing is a method used by networks to consolidate multiple signals --
digital or analog -- into a single composite signal that is transported over a
common medium, such as a fiber optic cable or radio wave. When the composite
signal reaches its destination, it is demultiplexed, and the individual signals
are restored and made available for processing.
· #1003
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:08)
Reading Module, ex 1
1. Two concrete examples: the multiplexing of a single computer system among
several users and the authentication of a user's claimed identity.
2. A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3. Processors is waiting for an input or output operation to finish, another
virtual processor may be able to progress at its normal rate.
4. Descriptor register allows virtual processor to be unaware of the existence
of the others, it is essential that some isolation mechanism be provided.
5. The instruction that loads the descriptor register with a new descriptor
called he privileged state bit.
The Speaking Module, ex 1
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2. Computer science studies computers, computation systems control, development
hardware and software programming.
3. Data processing is a conversion of raw data in machine-readable form.
4. Multiplexing is a process of transmitting multiple signals simultaneously to
a single channel.
The Speaking Module, ex 2
1. What would happen if any running program could load the descriptor register?
2. What is the purpose of a supervisor?
3. What will you expend in the discussion of shared information?
The Writing Module, ex 2
"The authentication of a user's claimed identity"
Authentication is the process of recognizing a user’s identity. It is the
mechanism of associating an incoming request with a set of identifying
credentials. The authentication process always runs at the start of the
application, before the permission and throttling checks occur, and before any
other code is allowed to proceed. The security system will search all the
abstract objects that it knows and find the specific one of which the actual
user is currently applying. Once this is done, the user has been identified.
· #1002
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Mikhailuk) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 08:03)
Today I have read the article "Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative
way to cool everything from food to computers" This article focuses on
alternative way to cool everything. Researchers have built an electrocaloric
refrigerator the size of a beverage coaster that can generate a temperature
difference of about 2 K between the hot and cold ends of the device. The cooling
mechanism, which is based on the electrocaloric effect, involves alternately
applying and removing an electric field to a material to increase and decrease
the material's temperature, respectively. The new cooling method can potentially
achieve a higher efficiency than current methods, indicating that electrocaloric
cooling devices may one day replace today's refrigerators and other cooling
devices. I think this is useful study.
1. meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Наразі якість та доступність даних не задовольняють попиту, і цю ситуацію
потрібно виправити.
2. keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
Таблиця також призначена для відстеження всіх стандартних посилань.
3. on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Ми не повинні відкидати це зобов'язання; навпаки, ми повинні це враховувати в
цьому контексті.
Audio ph:
· #1001
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:58)
Reading Module ex.2
1. An example of a complete isolation system is an isolated virtual machine.
2. Typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory system,
and input/output devices connected with a processor.
3. The essence of multiprogramming is a scheme that allows a single processor to
take the place of several.
4. The descriptor register is a special hardware register that controls which
part of the memory is accessible.
5. The privileged state bit is an additional bit that regulates access to the
descriptor register.
Speaking Module ex.1
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with processes, storing and
transferring the information.
2. Computer science studies computer, computation, system controls, development
of hardware, software, programming.
Speaking Module ex.2
1. What would happen if any program could load a descriptor register with any
arbitrary value?
2. What does the supervisor program do?
3. What are we going to learn in the discussion of shared information?
Writing Module. An isolated virtual machine.
Virtual machine is an isolated environment with access to a subset of physical
resources of the computer system. Each virtual machine performs as an
independent instance of the computer, though they are supported by the same
physical system.
It was important to create some isolation mechanism, thus the descriptor
register was made to regulate the memory access by each of the processor
instances. It regulates which piece of memory is accessible, and the processor
is able to use this range if register allows.
Also there is an additional bit, called the privileged state bit that controls
programs’ access to change the register’s value. The program, named supervisor,
which runs with bit ON controls the simulation for other programs.
· #1000
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:57)
To Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) Go on practising your pronunciation, you can train your reading with the help of Listen and Pronounce, which is on this page above the Guestbook chat.
· #999
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:54)
To students from 1/3 РФ-211 and РЗ-212. Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks (comments on th article and phrases)) and audio recordings. During the session 3 today you are requested to do the following tasks: ( exam topics and phrases of the day with appropriate links to your voice record msgs). Pls work hard to reach best results!
· #998
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:47)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
Thanks for your comment. It's informative and interesting to read.
· #997
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:43)
Today I've read the article "Dear passwords: Forget you. Here's what is going to
protect us instead"
The article covers the idea that passwords are becoming obsolete in modern
The article suggests that passwords are bound to be replaced within the next 5
years with more modern authorization methods, such as biometrical scans, face
and speech recognition. However due to concerns and little consensus on what
works best, companies restrain themselves from implementing immediate solutions.
In my opinion, the article is unimaginably controversial. I do happen to agree
with the argument of single factor authentication, however the rest of its
arguments are nothing but bold claims with little basis, like the trade-off
between personal privacy and security.
1) It can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
Іноді водіям може бути неможливо услідити за всім навколо них.
2) Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
Плантації розширилися, щоб задовольнити потреби.
3) On the contrary, the algorithms developed on one robotic guide dog can be
easily deployed to another robot.
З іншого боку, алгоритми розроблені на одному роботі собаці-поводиря можуть бути
легко використані на іншому роботі.
· #996
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:28)
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212
The task is not complete. The task Phrases of the day must contain audio.
· #995
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:28)
1) Two concrete examples: the multiplexing of a single computer system among
several users and the authentication of a user's claimed identity.
2) A typical computer consists of a processor, a linearly addressed memory
system, and some collection of input/output devices associated with the
3) Processors is waiting for an input or output operation to finish, another
virtual processor may be able to progress at its normal rate.
4) Descriptor register allows virtual processor to be unaware of the existence
of the others, it is essential that some isolation mechanism be provided.
5) The instruction that loads the descriptor register with a new descriptor
called he privileged state bit.
1) Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data.
2) he system comprises three key modules, which are centred on the Network
Control System Console.
1. 3) You may make one copy of the software in machine - readable form for
backup purposes only
4) Radio waves, like light waves and sound, are a means of transmitting energy.
1)What should the program be able to do so that it does not have protection?
2) What does the supervisor program do?
3) What will we do later?
Writing exercise:Ex.2
2) The authentication of a user's claimed identity
User authentication is a security process that covers all of the
human-to-computer interactions that require the user to register and log in.
Said more simply, authentication asks each user, “who are you?” and verifies
their response. How user authentication works
In order to gain access, users must prove to the website that they are who they
say they are. The ID and key are enough to confirm the user’s identity, which
will allow the system to authorize the user.
To put it simply, user authentication has three tasks:
1. Manage the connection between the human (user) and the website’s server
2. Verify users’ identities.
3. Approve (or decline) the authentication so the system can move to authorizing
the user.
The importance of user authentication
Understanding user authentication is crucial because it’s a key step in the
process that keeps unauthorized users from gaining access to sensitive
information. A strengthened authentication process ensures that User A only has
access to the information they need and can’t see the sensitive information of
User B.
Top user authentication methods
1)Password-Based User Authentication Methods
2) Passwordless User Authentication Methods
3) Biometrics
4) Email Authentication
· #994
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:26)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #993
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 31 May 2022)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your comments, summaries and audio recordings, please, insert the link to the article in your comment. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #992
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:01)
today i have read the article "Google Cloud unveils Healthcare Data Engine for a
holistic view of health data"
this article is about the new development of google in the field of medicine.
According to them, this invention helps to work faster with patient data. thanks
to this, you can find out everything about the client, from his simple illnesses
to clinical.
doctors say that for them a quick search for information about patients is a
priority, as this will speed up their work. in addition, many companies have
supported this idea and cooperate with hospitals.
This article really impressed me. I think this development is very important and
useful today and i like that medicine is upgrading.
1) on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання або інші
проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.
2) meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel
Щоб задовольнити попит на міцні та міцні прозорі тонкі плівки для довготривалого
застосування, доктор Сунанда Рой з GLA University India очолив багатонаціональну
команду, щоб успішно розробити новий роман.
3) keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision
Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба
повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #991
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 07:01)
To РФ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks and audio recordings.
· #990
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 31 May 2022 04:16)
1. on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things - Це
означає, що, бажаючи цього, ви, навпаки, будете робити жахливі речі
2. keep track
The trend towards autonomous aids for the driver can help keep track of the
roadsides to detect animals - Тенденція до автономних допоміжних засобів для
водія може допомогти відстежувати узбіччя для виявлення тварин
3. meet the demand
Farmers continued to increase both the quantity and variety of local products to
meet demand. - Фермери продовжували збільшувати як кількість, так і
різноманітність місцевих продуктів, щоб задовольнити попит.
2) Today I have read the article “Universal mechanism of methane formation
The formation of methane greenhouse gas is based on a universal mechanism. This
discovery was made by scientists at the University of Heidelberg and the Planck
Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology. They found that methane is produced in
the cells of organisms by a purely chemical process. Studies explain, among
other things, why methane is released not only as a result of the activity of
special microorganisms, but - as has long been observed - also by plants and
In my opinion, these results are an important step towards understanding the
aerobic formation of methane in the environment.
· #989
Lebedeva E (Monday, 30 May 2022 20:45)
To Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 The tasks are done correctly. Keep working.
· #988
Lebedeva E (Monday, 30 May 2022 20:40)
To Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 Thanks for the work. well done.
· #987
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211(Lebedeva E.) (Monday, 30 May 2022 20:07)
Долг за 26.05
Today I have read the article "DoorDash takes aim at Europe with purchase of
Wolt". This article reveals that DoorDash has added Europe to its menu by
purchasing Finnish food delivery company Wolt in an $8.1 billion deal, the
company said on Tuesday. The company reported it on the same day that DoorDash
said it's revenues rose 45 percent to $1.3 billion in the recently ended
quarter, but that its loss more than doubled to $101 million from the same
period last year. It also revealed that San Francisco-based DoorDash shares were
up more than 19 percent to surpass $229 in secondary trading following the
Daily phrases:
1) when investigating
We encourage that international tribunal to continue safeguarding the rights of
children when investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Мы призываем этот международный трибунал к продолжению деятельности в защиту
прав детей при расследовании военных преступлений и преступлений против
2) a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise in the cost of final
Эти три компонента и вызвали такое резкое повышение цены конечного продукта.
3) with the aid of
With the aid of the exoskelton, he could control his legs.
Он мог контролировать свои ноги с помощью экзоскелета .
· #986
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Monday, 30 May 2022 20:00)
долг за 10.05
exam topic #16
The Essentials of Information Protection
Information protection is a set of methods and means that ensure the integrity,
confidentiality and accessibility of information under the influence of threats
of natural or artificial nature, the implementation of which may harm the owners
and users of information. Information protection is conducted to maintain such
properties of information as:
Types of information protection:
Technical - provides restriction of access to the message carrier by hardware
and technical means:
-prevention of leakage through technical channels;
-blocking prevention;
Engineering - prevents the destruction of the media due to intentional actions
or natural influences by engineering and technical means.
Cryptographic - prevents access by means of mathematical transformations of the
message (SP):
prevention of unauthorized modification;
emergency warning disclosure.
Organizational - prevention of access to the object of information activities of
third parties through organizational measures
1)first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica
Исследователи задокументировали первое использование кукурузы в Мезоамерике
2)for a number of reasons
People in many industries treat 3d printing as a key topic of interest both in
techniques and printing materials for a number of reasons
Люди во многих отраслях относятся к 3D-печати как к ключевой теме интереса как к
технологиям, так и к материалам для печати по ряду причин.
3)focused primarily on
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
Сегодня, исследования этой темы сфокусированы преимущественно на женщинах у
которых уже есть дети.
· #985
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Monday, 30 May 2022 19:51)
Долг за 05.05
Today I have read the article ”Can your mobile phone get a virus? Yes, and
you'll have to look carefully to see the signs”. Last year, cyber security
company Kaspersky detected nearly 3.5 million malicious attacks on mobile phone
users. The spam messages we get on our phones via text message or email will
often contain links to viruses, which are a type of malicious software.
According to a global report commissioned by private company Zimperium, more
than one-fifth of mobile devices have encountered malware. So, in my opinion
people should watch the signs as: poor performance, such as apps taking longer
than usual to open, or crashing randomly; excessive battery drain; increased
mobile data consumption; unexplained billing charges; unusual pop-ups, and the
device overheating unexpectedly. And on top of that users must install
antiviruses on their devices.
Daily phrases:
1) examine more closely
It is relevant to examine more closely the obligation on States under ICESCR to
"take steps".
Уместно внимательнее изучить обязательства стран по МПЕСКП «принять меры».
2) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
Он смог оценить влияние выбросов на здоровье людей и биоразнообразие
3) distinct from
Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from
· #984
Denis Zavadsky Lebedeva RZ-211 (Monday, 30 May 2022 19:44)
Долг за 26.05
Just a half-millimeter wide, the tiny crabs can bend, twist, crawl, walk, turn
and even jump. The researchers also developed millimeter-sized robots resembling
inchworms, crickets and beetles. Although the research is exploratory at this
point, the researchers believe their technology might bring the field closer to
realizing micro-sized robots that can perform practical tasks inside tightly
confined spaces.
I consider this worthwhile research, since such an invention has many
applications today.
Reproductive health received the bulk of the additional funds.
The same as yesterday, please.
However, to our knowledge there are no well-defined international practices in
such cases.
Основну частину додаткових коштів отримало репродуктивне здоров'я.
Так само, як і вчора, будь ласка.
Однак, наскільки нам відомо, чітко визначеної міжнародної практики в таких
випадках немає.
· #983
Denis Zavadsky Lebedeva RZ-211 (Monday, 30 May 2022 19:34)
Долг за 28.04 и 19.05
ITC managed to prove mathematically that many traffic jams can be prevented if
you intervene early enough, said its co-founder and chief technology officer
Dvir Kenig, citing a 30 percent drop in traffic at the two junctions using their
system. The company says road congestion is a global scourge, calculating that
the average driver spends three days a year stuck in traffic, also pumping out
greenhouse gas emissions.
I consider this a good achievement, since this will solve a very old problem
related to traffic jams. It is possible that the technology will spread to the
whole world.
San Diego scientists have developed a system for cars capable of autonomous
driving, a system that prevents the driver from dangerous behavior on the road.
Professor Alfred claims that the system will read the driver's driving style and
behavior on the road in real time, by which means the AI will be able to prevent
a possible attempt on the driver's life.
I consider this a good discovery, because it is a serious contribution to our
security in the field of automotive infrastructure.
Malta consults with requesting States as a matter of practice.
Similarly, sensitivity as distinct from vulnerability is related to resistance
and resilience.
We are acquainted with their reporting requirements and monitoring committees.
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Мальта на практиці проводить консультації із запитуючими державами.
Аналогічно, чутливість на відміну від вразливості пов’язана зі стійкістю та
Ми ознайомлені з їхніми вимогами до звітності та моніторингових комітетів.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
Вони відправили його сюди, щоб провести дослідження.
· #982
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Monday, 30 May 2022 19:11)
долг за 03.05
exam topic #13
Computer protection tips
1. Use Windows Firewall built-in and automatic
firewall enabled.
2. Software update
Be sure to turn on Automatic Updates in Windows Update to keep Windows,
Microsoft Office, and other Microsoft programs up to date. You should also
enable automatic updates for third-party software, especially browsers, Adobe
Acrobat Reader, and other programs you use regularly.
3. Use of anti-virus software and its current version
If you run Windows Device Security in Windows or Windows Defender, you already
have Security Center installed.
4. Make sure your passwords are well-chosen and secure.
For information on how to do this, see in the article Password protection.
5. Do not open suspicious attachments and do not follow unusual links in
They can appear in emails, tweets, posts, online advertising, messages or
attachments, and sometimes pretend to be well-known and reliable sources.
6. Safe web browsing
Do not visit sites that offer potentially illegal content. Many of these sites
instantly install malicious software or offer downloads that contain malicious
software. Use a modern browser, such as Microsoft Edge, to block malicious
websites and prevent malicious code from running on your computer.
7. Stay away from pirated materials
Avoid streaming and downloading movies, music, books, or programs that do not
come from trusted sources. They may contain malware.
8. Do not use USBs or other external devices unless you own them
To avoid getting infected with malware and viruses, make sure all external
devices belong to you or come from a trusted source.
Daily phrases:
1)considerable disagreement
There were considerable disagreements about use of this technology.
2)controversial question
The controversial question is whether proton a particle or not.
3)conduct research
The budget of 2 million dollars was allocated to conduct this research.
· #981
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Monday, 30 May 2022 18:59)
Долг за 28.04
Today I’ve read the article "New model recognizes emotions in deaf individuals
by analyzing EEG signals".Researchers at Tianjin University of Technology in
China have recently developed a new brain network-based framework for
recognizing the emotions of deaf individuals. The study provided valuable
insight about the differences between the brain activity of deaf and hearing
individuals in different emotional states. This is an interesting experiment.
People with disabilities have slightly different perceptions of emotion than we
do, which can lead to psychological abnormalities in everyday life. This model
is provided free of charge and I hope that this experiment will continue and
this model will be improved.
Daily phrases:
1)considerable disagreement
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
По поводу определения терроризма существуют серьезные разногласия.
2)controversial question
The age at which religious instruction was begun was also very important and was
a very controversial question.
Большое значение имеет также возраст, с которого начинается религиозное
воспитание, и это весьма спорный вопрос.
3)conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Они обосновались здесь чтобы проводить исследования.
· #980
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:32)
To Tikhonov Ivan РЗ-213 just satisfactory. Pls work on speciality exam topics next time.
· #979
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:29)
To Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213). Task1 is 60 points ( stick to the appropriate procedure: a phrase with translation and then usage in the sentence). Task 2 is 75 points Focus on speciality exam topic next session.
· #978
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:24)
To Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 Just good . Pls work on speciality exam topics next time .
· #977
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:21)
To Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 Thanks just very good. Select speciality exam topics next time.
· #976
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:18)
To Kate Syrbu RZ-213 Thanks Just 82 points. Next time focus on exam topics posted on the website.
· #975
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:15)
To Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213 .Thanks , just 85 points. Keep on working hard.
· #974
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 27 May 2022 14:12)
To Igor Rudko (RZ-213) Pls think carefully about the conclusion: to state that it’s great that ‘the scientific society is interested in this case.’ Is not enough. Just 67 points . Other task is 75 points.
· #973
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 12:38)
To Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212), Thank you for your informative exam topics and work with phrases. Well done.
· #972
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 27 May 2022 12:36)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 The comment is quite informative. Now I am waiting for your exam topic.
· #971
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 12:09)
Today I have read the article: "Researchers bring attack-proof quantum
communication two steps forward". Some group of scientists has developed two
methods, one theoretical and one experimental, to ensure that QKD communications
cannot be attacked in this way. By the way, Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a
method for secure communication that uses quantum mechanics to encrypt
information. The first is an ultra-secure cryptography protocol that can be
deployed in any communication network that needs long-term security. The second
is a first-of-its-kind device that defends QKD systems against bright light
pulse attacks by creating a power threshold. In my opinion, it is really great
that the scientific society is interested in this case.
1) the bulk of - основна маса
The bulk of America's orphaned wells is thought to be in eastern states where
the industry was born. - Вважається, що основна частина американських осиротілих
колодязів знаходиться в східних штатах, де зародилася галузь.
2) The same as - те саме, що
While the prediction was grim, reaching this 1.5 deg C threshold is not the same
as hitting the one signed onto in the Paris Agreement. - Хоча прогноз був
похмурим, досягнення цього порогу в 1,5 градуса C не те саме, що досягти того,
що було підписано в Паризькій угоді.
3) to our knowledge - наскільки нам відомо
To our knowledge, these are the first microorganisms demonstrated to cleave the
ether bond of 2-PAP. - Наскільки нам відомо, це перші мікроорганізми, які
розщеплюють ефірний зв’язок 2-PAP.
· #970
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:51)
1.the same as- такий же як і;
Encryption methods are not the same as hashing techniques.-Методи шифрування не
те саме, що методи хешування.
2.the bulk of- основна маса;
Fossil fuels supply the bulk of global energy requirements.-Викопне паливо
забезпечує основну частину глобальних потреб в енергії. our knowledge- як нам відомо;
To our knowledge, agricultural sphere requires special cyber security measures
as well.-Наскільки нам відомо, сільськогосподарська сфера також потребує
спеціальних заходів кібербезпеки.
Exam topic #12( Hardware firewall)
A hardware firewall is a physical applience that acts as a gatekeeper. Hardware
firewall provides a number of benefits including consistent security, standalone
protection, simplified management and centralized visibility.It has four main
categories: input devices, output devices, storage, and internal
components.Keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, CPU, hard disk, RAM, ROM are
physical components of the computer that hardware firewall reffers to.If
hardware is damaged, user can replace it with the new one but not by
transferring it electrically through network. So, hardware consists of physical
electronic devices that cause processing of data and it couldn't be affected by
computer viruses.
· #969
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:47)
the same as - такий же як і;
Account expiration period is the same as using traditional top-up methods.
Термін дії рахунку такий же, як і при традиційних методах поповнення.
2) to our knowledge - як нам відомо;
However, to our knowledge there are no well-defined international practices in
such cases.
Однак, наскільки нам відомо, чітко визначеної міжнародної практики в таких
випадках немає.
3) the bulk of - основна маса/більшість;
Fossil fuels supply the bulk of global energy requirements.
Викопне паливо забезпечує основну частину глобальних потреб в енергії.
Today i have read the article that tells about the so-called mirror-circuit
method which is faster and more accurate than conventional tests and it also
helping scientists develop the technologies that are most likely to lead to the
world's first practical quantum computer, which could greatly accelerate
research for medicine, chemistry, physics, agriculture and national security. A
mirror circuit is a computer routine that performs a set of calculations and
then reverses it. In my opinion, the mirror-circuit method is important because
it gives scientists greater insight into how to improve current quantum
· #968
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:28)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #967
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:26)
Today i have read the article: "What teenagers need to know about
From the article, we learn about a specialist who teaches teenagers to protect
themselves on the Internet. Now young guys often trust their data to various
sites and programs, which is why they need to be trained to choose good, not
dangerous programs.
Teenagers are taught to behave appropriately in social networks and games, not
trusting anyone with their data. Many of them neglect their safety and get into
unforeseen situations.
In my opinion, every teenager should know the basic rules of their safety on the
Phrases of the day:
1)to our knowledge
This new study is, to our knowledge, the first time that a hybrid approach
(Це нове дослідження, наскільки нам відомо, вперше використовує гібридний
2)the same as
Light conditions in water are not the same as on land
(Умови освітлення у воді не такі, як на суші)
3)the bulk of
Most of the bulk of a planet like Earth is mantle.
(Більшу частину такої планети, як Земля, становить мантія.)
· #966
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:14)
The bulk of services are protected from various cyber attacks.
Основна частина сервісів захищена від різних кібератак.
2. To our knowledge, this virus is not a problem for us.
Наскільки нам відомо, цей вірус не представляє для нас проблеми.
3. This is the same protection as the Swiss.
Це такий же захист, як і у швейцарців.
Today I have read the article "Silicone wristbands track firefighters' exposure
to harmful chemicals". I am very pleased with this research, it will really help
a person. It can also push those people who once wanted to become a firefighter
but were afraid for their health to become a firefighter. As a result, there
will be more people ready to save and help others. Although scientists cannot
yet say exactly why firefighters receive such a dose of chemicals, the practical
application of this study will be useless. I would like them to succeed. Once I
really wanted to become a firefighter.
· #965
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 11:10)
Prhases of Day
the same as:
For comparison, this is the same as launching 70 James Webb Space Telescopes at
Для порівняння, це те саме, що запустити відразу 70 космічних телескопів Джеймса
the bulk of :
For many people today, the bulk of food calories come from crop plants
domesticated thousands of years ago.
Для багатьох людей сьогодні основна частина харчових калорій надходить із
сільськогосподарських рослин, одомашнених тисячі років тому.
to our knowledge :
"To our knowledge, this is the first experimental proof that selection can drive
the ability to adapt in a Darwinian sense and increase evolvability," says
Наскільки нам відомо, це перший експериментальний доказ того, що відбір може
стимулювати здатність адаптуватися в дарвінівському сенсі та підвищувати
здатність до еволюції — говорить Вагнер.
Today, I have had an opportunity to read a very important article about the
necessary skills for a cybersecurity specialist.
According to the article, cybersecurity experts are very important in our time,
because now is the era of new technologies. As a result, the need for a large
number of quality professionals.
But the most important part of the article tells about the activities of these
specialists, and the most necessary skills for future professionals.
According to the analysis of several people in the field of Cybersecurity, we
can understand that the most important thing is communication. Because only an
honest team can achieve great results in defending something.
Honestly, I didn't think much about the importance of team communication. But I
hope that the information I received will help me succeed
· #964
Tikhonov Ivan РЗ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 27 May 2022 10:52)
to our knowledge
translate: насколько нам известно
example: The exam, as far as we know, will be held in person.The exam, as far as
we know, will be held in person.
2. the bulk of
translate: большая часть
example: Fossil fuels supply the bulk of global energy requirements.
3. the same as
tranalate: такой же, как
example: Account expiration period is the same as using traditional top-up
Today I read an article about a new threshold of global warming coming our way
in the near future. There is a 50-50 chance that the temperature will rise by
1.5 degrees in the next 5 years. According to scientists, although a 1.5 degree
warming is not critical, it will have serious consequences for the climate. And
as always the problem is associated with greenhouse gases, which are always
mentioned in talks about global warming. Gretta Thunberg also spoke on this
topic, stating that greenhouse gases will cause irreversible consequences, but
no one really listened to her words, as always, although she is right.
· #963
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 16:00)
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212)
Topic # 6 An isolated virtual machine is well done.
· #962
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:30)
Topic # 6
An isolated virtual machine.
The popularity and widespread adoption of cloud computing has resulted in
extensified and intensive use of virtualization technology. Virtualization
technology allows the sharing of the same physical resources among several
users. This enables the consolidation of servers and a multitude of user
machines into a very small set of physical servers, by replacing the physical
machines with virtual machines, running on the same physical servers.
Consequently, several users work on and store their data in the same physical
platform. A software layer is used to enable the sharing of hardware between the
different users.
· #961
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:23)
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E)
Your exam topic # 5 is well done.
· #960
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:21)
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212)
#949 950,951,953,954
Your tasks are performed completely correct, they are informative and detailed.
· #959
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:19)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Thank you, you have successfully completed the task.
· #958
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:17)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Exam topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal) is well done
· #957
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:11)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 )
Everything is good as well as your exam topic #9 (different protection
· #956
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:08)
Topic # 5
Technical basis of information protection in modern computer systems.
Information is created by people, then transformed into data, and then entered
into automated systems in the form of electronic documents, which together with
other such documents represent information resources. Computers exchange data
over communications channels. During the operation of automated systems, data
(electronic documents) are transformed in accord with information technologies
being applied. Therefore, we may identify the following seven components of
technical security:
authentication of participants involved in information exchange
protection of hardware from unauthorized access
delineation of access to documents, personal computer resources, and networks
protection of electronic documents
protection of data in communications channels
protection of information technologies
delineation of access to datastreams
· #955
Popovych E. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 15:03)
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212)
Your exam topic #7 Different protection mechanisms and your comment is
thoughtful and well done, thank you.
· #954
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 14:59)
Topic #4
Information protection systems.
Information security (sometimes referred to as InfoSec) covers the tools and
processes that organizations use to protect information. This includes policy
settings that prevent unauthorized people from accessing business or personal
information. InfoSec is a growing and evolving field that covers a wide range of
fields, from network and infrastructure security to testing and auditing.
Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized
activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or
destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such
as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property.
· #953
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 14:39)
Different approaches to secrecy and their defects.
International cyberattacks with the intent to steal intellectual property (IP)
continue to dominate the news, leaving many firms scrambling to shore up their
computer networks to thwart such hacks.However, the greatest threat may be
already within a company. In more than 85 percent of the trade secret lawsuits
in state and federal courts of the United States, the alleged misappropriator
was either an employee or a business partner. That is the startling finding of A
Statistical Analysis of Trade Secret Litigation in Federal Courts, which is
believed to be the first statistical study on the subject.
· #952
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 14:14)
Sorry, I accidentally sent you outdated exam topics twice in a row, so you
didn't accept them. But comments # 942 and # 940 are my new exam topics on other
topics. Wouldn't it be difficult for you to check them? Have I already sent you
enough comments by the end of the second module check?
· #951
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 14:12)
Today I've read the article “US offers $10 mn bounty for DarkSide hackers”. This
article is about a US government that offers 10 million dollars for finding a
leader of the high-profile ransomware gang DarkSide. Washington blamed the
Russia-based group for the online assault that forced the shutdown of the
largest oil pipeline in the eastern United States in May. Cybercrimes have been
booming, with new data out in October showing $590 (five hundred nineteen)
million in ransomware-related payments were reported to US authorities in the
first half of 2021 alone. As for me, the fight against hackers is a very
difficult confrontation.
when investigating
The Act restricts these activities to persons authorised by government issued
licences and provides Police with powers of search and arrest when investigating
suspected offences.
Этот закон разрешает заниматься этими видами деятельности только лицам,
уполномоченным делать это на основании лицензий, выданных правительством, и
предоставляет полиции право проводить обыски и аресты при расследовании
предполагаемых преступлений.
a sharp rise
The fading away of cold-war tensions and the considerable increase in the number
of participants in space activities have led to a sharp rise in levels of
international cooperation and to the growing realization that space can address
common concerns.
С исчезновением напряженности в межгосударственных отношениях периода холодной
войны и в связи с существенным ростом числа желающих участвовать в космической
деятельности произошло резкое повышение уровня международного сотрудничества и
выросло понимание потенциальных возможностей космоса в решении общих для
человечества проблем.
with the aid of
To that end, MONUC will deploy as soon as possible, with the aid of additional
air assets.
С этой целью МООНДРК с помощью дополнительных авиационных средств проведет
развертывание в кратчайшие, по возможности, сроки.
· #950
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 14:05)
Today, І have read thе аrtісlе «Virtual reality becomes more real".Scientists
from the Skoltech ADASE lab have found a way to enhance depth map resolution,
which should make virtual reality and computer graphics more realistic. One of
the issues of depth cameras is that their resolution, that is, the spatial
frequency of distance measurements, is insufficient for restoring the high
quality shape of the object, making the virtual reconstructions look all but
unrealistic.They propose a method that uses human perception of the difference
between visualizing three-dimensional reconstructions derived from ultra-high
resolution maps and reference depth maps. I hope that their method will find
wide application.
when investigating
This right might be restricted, as specified by legislation, to prevent crime or
to find out true facts when investigating criminal case.
Это право в предусмотренном законом порядке может быть ограничено для
предотвращения преступления или выявления истины во время расследования
уголовного дела.
a sharp rise
After a sharp rise in 2007, the global flow of FDI was again slowing down, which
would affect least developed countries.
После резкого роста в 2007 году глобальный приток ПИИ вновь замедляется, что
окажет негативное влияние на наименее развитые страны.
with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Мы прорезаем стекло при помощи нашего звукового ножа.
· #949
Nastya Poddubrovskaya(RZ - 212, Popovych.E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 13:59)
Today I have read the article entitled "DoorDash takes aim at Europe with
purchase of Wolt". This article reveals that DoorDash has added Europe to its
menu by purchasing Finnish food delivery company Wolt in an $8.1 billion deal,
the company said on Tuesday. The company reported it on the same day that
DoorDash said its revenues rose 45 percent to $1.3 billion in the recently ended
quarter, but that its loss more than doubled to $101 million from the same
period last year. It also revealed that San Francisco-based DoorDash shares were
up more than 19 percent to surpass $229 in secondary trading following the
when investigating
We encourage that international tribunal to continue safeguarding the rights of
children when investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Мы призываем этот международный трибунал к продолжению деятельности в защиту
прав детей при расследовании военных преступлений и преступлений против
a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Вот эти три компонента и вызвали такое резкое повышение.
with the aid of
Yes, with the aid of the machine, he could control us all.
Да, и с помощью этой машины он сможет контролировать нас всех.
· #948
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Lebedeva (Thursday, 26 May 2022 13:51)
Today i have read the article titled: "Vegetation of planet Earth: Researchers
publish unique database as open access". This text tells about a large database
of various kinds of plants that are located in different parts of the world. The
database was compiled by an international team of researchers led by Martin
Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the German Centre for Integrative
Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and the French National Centre for Scientific
Research (CNRS). In my opinion, this database will be useful to different
sections of society: both environmentalists and ordinary people. I would find
another use for this database in a school biology course.
with the aid of
To that end, MONUC will deploy as soon as possible, with the aid of additional
air assets.
С этой целью МООНДРК с помощью дополнительных авиационных средств проведет
развертывание в кратчайшие, по возможности, сроки.
when investigating
We encourage that international tribunal to continue safeguarding the rights of
children when investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Мы призываем этот международный трибунал к продолжению деятельности в защиту
прав детей при расследовании военных преступлений и преступлений против
a sharp rise
The state budget ran into serious deficits, which in turn led to a sharp rise in
inflation and a rapid depreciation in the parallel market rate of the national
Государственный бюджет был сведен с большим дефицитом, что в свою очередь
привело к резкому росту темпов инфляции и быстрому обесценению национальной
валюты на параллельном рынке.
· #947
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 13:32)
Sorry I must have forgotten to refresh the site
· #946
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 13:31)
Sorry I must have forgotten to update the site
· #945
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Lebedeva (Thursday, 26 May 2022 13:07)
Exam topic #20
Principles of information protection.
When creating software and hardware information security tools, developers are
guided by the basic principles established by the current state laws and
regulations on information security, maintaining state secrets and ensuring the
secrecy of work carried out in automated systems. The principle of reasonable
It consists in the obligatory fulfillment of two main conditions for providing
access to the performer (user) to AS information:
the executor (user) must have a sufficient 'permission form' to access
information of a given level of confidentiality - a secrecy stamp (mandatory
the executor (user) needs access to this information to perform his production
functions (traditional condition).
· #944
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:31)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:59)
Your article review is not bad, but the task with phrases has been wrongly done.
Please, check today's phrases.
· #943
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:28)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:52)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:02)
Thanks, I've got yur exam topics.
· #942
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:11)
Exam Topic #13 (Early radio development.)
While radio has a long and interesting history, its earliest beginnings are
still controversial. There is some debate about who actually invented the radio.
Prior to World War I, radio communications were not very clear, so operators
generally relied on messages in Morse code. During the war, it was used almost
exclusively by the military and became an invaluable tool for sending and
receiving messages to the military in real time. Until the start of World War
II, radio was a source of entertainment in the form of serial programs, after
the war it became more focused on playing the music of the time. In general, the
radio made it possible for new directions in music to appear.
· #941
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:05)
Today I’ve read the article “Vegetation of planet Earth: Researchers publish
unique database as open access”.
This article states that one of the largest vegetation databases, as well as all
climatic zones on Earth, was made publicly available.
The purpose of this article is to tell about opening access to a very useful and
necessary database.
It's a treasure trove of data: The global geodatabase of vegetation plots
"sPlotOpen" is now freely accessible. It contains data on vegetation from 114
countries and from all climate zones on Earth.
This article will be useful for people interested in botany and geography.
1.when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
2.a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors, the report on migration found, particularly if
wealthy countries enact restrictive policies that push people into countries
with fewer resources.
3.with the aid of
With the aid of "sPlotOpen," scientists could figure out whether the data was
collected from a forest—with various tree and grass species—or a meadow.
· #940
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 12:02)
Exam Topic #12 (Benefits of Satellite TV.)
Satellite TV has many advantages. The Satellite TV eliminates various
interferences and noises, allowing make the broadcast of the highest quality. An
important advantage is that satellite coverage extends to the whole of country,
so the location of the subscriber does not matter. By connecting to satellite
broadcasting, the subscriber chooses the desired channels for viewing, without
being tied to the packages of various operators. Therefore, satellite
broadcasting is quite profitable for the TV channels themselves, as the picture
is always high quality, and this only increases the prestige of the company
itself. Satellite TV also has a wealth of information that can be used for both
education and entertainment.
· #939
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:59)
Today I have read an article about experimental device that generates
electricity from the coldness of universe.
Some scientists have noticed that the same optoelectronic physics used to
collect solar energy, can be used to collect cold energy from space.
An international team create a device that can uses the temperature differences
between Earth and space to produce the electricity then faces the sky. In
contrast to leveraging incoming energy as a normal solar cell would, the
negative illumination effect allows electrical energy to be harvested as heat
leaves a surface.
In my opinion its very promising technology that can be another alternative
source of energy
Each row represents a device and columns represent categories.
The analysis of microglia performed with RAPID revealed significant differences
between various brain regions
the field is then possible under certain assumptions
· #938
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:57)
research team discovered a new method of protonated hydrogen. Using laser
pulses, they were able to trigger a reaction between water molecules, resulting
in trihydrogen. This situation simulates space conditions that can be called
extreme: no atmosphere, incessant radiation and cold. This is certainly a
forbidding environment for organisms like us, but it may well have played a
positive role in the emergence of our life on the planet. This ionized molecule,
is made up of three protons and two electrons, and takes the form of an
equilateral triangle. Owing to its highly reactive nature, protonated hydrogen
promotes the formation of more complex hydrocarbons. It is therefore regarded as
an important catalyst for the synthesis of organic, carbon-based molecules that
form the basis of life as we know it.
1) when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
2) a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
3) with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
· #937
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:52)
Exam Topic #7 Commercial use of radio.
Radio is not one of the highly profitable sectors of the media industry. It is
mainly used for advertising In most cases local and regional radio stations are
used as advertising media, because the coverage of each station depends on the
power of the radio transmitter and on the capacity of the radio network. I think
Radio in the usual sense is already outdated and the Internet is completely
replacing radio. It has been used since the war for encrypted and secure
communication in some commercial industries to try to abandon this outdated
technology. In this era, radio has long been obsolete.
· #936
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:48)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:27)
Thank you for your effective work with the phrases. Your article review is very
interesing and informative, but it's too long, mind that.
· #935
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:45)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:12)
You have posted the topic #1 before.
· #934
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:41)
Exam topic #18 (Protection schemes)
Over time, as computer systems became more globally recognized, it brought great
minds and innovations to the field. Many different designs have been implemented
over time for protecting information in computers, one reason for differences
among protection schemes is their different functional properties, under which
they can be categorized into unprotected, all-or-nothing and controlled sharing
Unprotected systems offer no real file access protection and they were
significantly more popular in the 1970's when computer information security
wasn't as important.
All-or-nothing systems provide total isolation of users from accessing most
files, or giving the user complete access over it.
Controlled sharing systems allow the administrator to set specific permissions
to users, such as reading, writing or executing files.
1) This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
Це може виявитись корисним при розслідюванні витонченних матеріалів.
2) This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations.
Це призводить до різкого підйому в кількості відставок.
3) With the aid of bacteria, the researchers were able to show that the extent
of methane formation directly relates to metabolic activity.
За допомогою бактерії, вчені змогли показати, що ступінь утворення метана
безпосередньо зв'язано з метаболічною діяльністю.
· #933
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:39)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:09)
Your comment is clear as well as the task with the Phrases.
You have 20 topics to choose and write for the lesson, but it's already the 3rd
time you are trying to pass the topic # 7. You have to post the topic every
session. Good luck!
· #932
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:33)
Today I have read the article: "Coronavirus puts brakes on global plastics
production". Global plastics production declined slightly in 2020 as a result of
the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, only the third time since
World War II that output has fallen. While there had been expectations of an
increase in consumption of medical plastics due to the pandemic, medical
plastics only accounted for 1.5-2.0 percent of total volumes. plastics prices
had fallen by just under seven percent in Europe as a result of the drop in oil
prices. In my opinion, people should ignore plastic to prevent pollution in the
immediate future
1) The federation said that factory closures due to coronavirus restrictions and
a reduction in stockpiles had fuelled a sharp rise—of eight percent in plastics
prices - Федерація заявила, що закриття фабрик через обмеження коронавірусу та
скорочення запасів сприяли різкому зростанню цін на пластик на вісім відсотків.
2) The researchers combined the power of the most advanced telescopes, such as
HST and GTC, with the aid of "natural telescopes" - Дослідники поєднали
потужність найдосконаліших телескопів, таких як HST і GTC, з допомогою
«природних телескопів».
3) Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures. - Дивитися на систему без необхідності руйнувати її
дуже корисно при дослідженні структур.
· #931
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:33)
Today i have read the article: Indonesia raises alert level for Krakatoa's
offspring volcano.
This article tells about Indonesian government has raised the alert level for
the progeny of the infamous Krakatau volcano to the second highest level, a day
after it erupted and sent a huge cloud of ash up to 3,000 meters into the sky.
Authorities raised the threat of Anak Krakatoa, meaning "Child of Krakatoa", to
the third level of a four-level volcano alert system after witnessing a spike in
activity last month.
They also expanded the exclusion zone around the crater the next day after
warning nearby residents wear masks outside because of the large plume of ash it
spewed over the strait separating the islands of Java and Sumatra.
Anak Krakatoa last erupted in 2018, triggering a tsunami that killed 429 people
and left thousands homeless.
Indonesia is located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where the confluence of
continental plates is causing high volcanic and seismic activity.
Four other volcanoes in the Southeast Asian archipelago are currently ranked
second in danger.
1) With the aid of
With the aid of artificial stem cells, it will soon be possible to establish new
treatments for previously incurable diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
2) When investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
3) A sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
Exam topic #1 (Concept of “Privacy”.)
Confidential information also includes information to which access is restricted
by federal laws. Constraints have different purposes. For example, protecting
the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and
legitimate interests of certain individuals, ensuring the protection of the
country and the security of the state. Confidentiality means that a person who
has access to information does not have the right to transfer such information
about other territories without the freedom of its owner.
Any journalist should know what kind of information is confidential, how to
properly use and disseminate it. Mishandling of confidential information can
lead to claims against regulatory authorities, litigation, or even criminal
· #930
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:32)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:07)
Your exam topic is quite reasonable.
· #929
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:30)
Exam topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal)
Turning the DTV signal - DTV (digital television) means the transmission and
processing of a television signal in digital form. The television signal
includes both video and audio. A digital waveform is an encoding of information
in MPEG format when the entire signal is represented as a sequence of "0" and
"1". Such signal transmission is not observed due to interference, which usually
manifests itself when the signal is exposed to the environment in the form of
snow, dashes and other small interference. This is a modern type of signal that
is actively used everywhere at the moment. The connection speed is faster than
the analog signal, but inferior to the satellite signal. I believe this is an
alternative television signal.
· #928
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:29)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022)
Your comment is thoughtful, thank you. The sentences with phrases are quite
interesting but the 1st and 3rd sentences are from our site examples. Be
attentive and continue working.
· #927
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:27)
Exam topic #9 (different protection mechanisms)
Protection mechanisms are used to enforce layers of trust between security
levels of a system. These protection mechanisms are used to protect processes
and data and are discussed in the following sections: Layering, Abstraction,
Data Hiding, Encryption. A traditional kernel-based operating system, such as
Unix, uses a two-layer approach in which the system resources are managed in a
protected kernel and everything else runs in an outer layer. Abstraction is a
common term in the world of object-oriented design. It is when data is managed
as a collection called an object. no access methods are provided as an interface
to this data. Data Hiding. This is called data hiding because the data is hidden
and inaccessible from the other layers. Encryption. Cryptography is the science
of creating algorithms used to encrypt data for the storage or transmission of
data. Encryption uses those algorithms to convert data into an unintelligible
· #926
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:27)
phrases of the day:
a sharp rise
a sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors
when investigating
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
with the aid of
The researchers combined the power of the most advanced telescopes, such as HST
and GTC, with the aid of "natural telescopes"
Handshake team is focused on human-robot interactions
Today I've read the article about the handshake team that is focused on
human-robot interactions. Engineers have gained a great success in developing
technical skills of robots. But what about their social interaction? They might
help parents while sitting with their children. They might also help people with
mental difficulties adopt
and stop feeling helpless in our society. Elderly people could get polite
treatment with all the patience and empathy. The ENSTA research team have
designed a robot that is capable of elicting different emotions depending on the
context and conditions, adapting, for instance, their arm shaking. The team also
has a research about the robots being able to distinguish the gender and how
extrovert the person whose hand they shake are, based on hardness and the
movement style of handshaking. The scientists compared human-human handshaking
with human-robot ones. The results are promising. In my opinion, even though
robots could never replace human interaction, they'll be able to help us improve
· #925
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:26)
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:52)
In general, not bad, but you missed the article link. Mind: ..with THE title.
The sentences with phrases are quite interesting but the 1st one is from our
site examples. Be attentive and continue working on the exam topic.
· #924
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:23)
Today I have read the article “T-GPS processes a graph with a trillion edges on
a single computer”. This article is about a Graps. Graphs are widely used to
represent and analyze real-world objects in many fields such as social media,
business intelligence, biology, and neuroscience. As the number of graph
applications grows rapidly, developing and testing new graph algorithms becomes
more important. Currently, many industrial applications require a graph
algorithm to handle large-scale graphs. The research team solved the problem
with the traditional two-step approach. It loads the initial small real graph
into main memory. Then T-GPS processes the graph algorithm on a small real
graph. After running the algorithm, T-GPS returns the same result as the
traditional two-step approach. The key idea behind T-GPS is to create only that
part of the synthetic graph that the algorithm needs to access on the fly.
1) when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
2) a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
3) with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
Audio ph:
Exam topic #7 Different protection mechanisms.
Standart protection mechanisms:
- encryption tools;
- means of imitation protection;
- means of coding;
- means of making key documents;
Encryption means - providing the ability to delimit access to information.
Encryption tools in which part of the crypto transformations is carried out
using manual operations are called means of coding. Electronic documents
containing key information required to perform cryptographic transformations
using encryption tools are commonly called key documents. The means of
encryption that ensure the creation of key documents are called means of
production of key documents. Protection against the imposition of false
information, the ability to detect changes in information using the
cryptographic mechanisms implemented in the ISS are provided by means of
imitation protection.
· #923
Vorobyova E. to Tikhonov from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:21)
Mind your grammar mistakes at the beginning of your class work: “I HAVE read THE article today that TELLS US about…”. Read my remarks attentively and please, don’t make the same mistakes. Go on working.
· #922
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:18)
Your work is fruitful. I appreciate your understanding of the articles, exam topic and sentences with new phrases and I approve of your regular work. Thank you.
· #921
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:16)
To Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 The comment and exam topic are written correctly.
· #920
Vorobyova E. to РЗ-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:15)
Chabanenko, Gorbatiuk, Yakimova, Syrbu
Well done, students! I am thankful for your correct answers. Continue working
like this.
· #919
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:12)
Exam Topic #1 (Cable television)
Саble televisіon systems come in two types. In thе sуstem оf the first tуpe, the
cоnversion of the trаnsmitted image into a digital signal and the reverse
conversion of the digital signal into an image are cаrrіed out directly in the
converters and signal-light. In аll links of the image and sound transmission
path, information is transmitted in digital form. In cable TV systems of the
second type, the analog signal received from the sensors is converted into a
digital form, transmitted, and then again acquires an analog form in the
receiver, in which it is fed to the video monitor. This uses existing analog TV
signal sensors and signal-to-light converters in television receivers.
· #918
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:11)
Excuse me, but how many exam topics do I need to submit ?
Exam Topic #7
(The new advancement of color Television.)
Color TV is a television broadcast technology that allows you to transmit color
information so that the TV can display video images in color. The transmission
of color images using mechanical scanners dates back to the 1880s. The advent
and development of electronic scanning and displays have made it possible to use
entirely electronic systems. The first monochrome transmission standards were
developed before World War II, but the development of civil electronics was
halted during the war. The idea of using three monochrome images to create a
color image arose and was experimented with almost immediately after the advent
of black and white television.
· #917
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:09)
When investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
2. A sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
3. With the aid of
The research team has observed, with the aid of advanced microscopy techniques
and electrochemical measurements, that the fabricated anode aids in reducing the
initial energy, which accelerates the four-electron transfer process in the
oxygen evolution reaction.
Today I have read the article “A step closer to a hydrogen-fueled economy using
an efficient anode for water splitting”. To address the challenges the depletion
of fossil fuels depletion, alternative sources must be sought. There are many
various alternative green energy sources such as solar, wind, hydrothermal,
tidal, etc. are gaining attention for reducing the global carbon footprint. The
difficulty lies in the fact that they are intermittent and not available all the
time. Water splitting is one promising energy storage solution that could
potentially lead the world to a hydrogen-powered economy. I think this research
is an important milestone on the road to improving the efficiency of water
separation technology.
· #916
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:07)
Exam topic 7 “Commercial use of radio.”
The commercial use of radio is not an easy thing. Let's understand what
"commerce" is. Commercial is any use outside of your normal circle of friends or
family. So all the radio in institutions, cafes, etc. is commercial use. Radio,
in turn, must have a license to use a specific composition on the air. This
means that those who use the radio must have a similar agreement with the
performers who play in their institution, even through the radio. This is
evidenced by the law on copyright, which is in Ukrainian legislation as well.
· #915
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 11:05)
Today I have read the article called"Lyrebird offers technology to copy the
voice of any person." This article is about the voice simulation algorithm.
which will read any text with a given emotion. Lyrebird is a group that develops
speech synthesis technologies. The target audience for this product will be
those interested in reproducing voice through audio recording. The development
is already working well and you can even control various emotions. Also, this
technology can be used not for good purposes, this problem is still being worked
I believe that this is a great treasure in the development of science, will help
us to better visualize the past and not only that.
1) when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
2) a sharp rise
The sharp rise in the price of oil and energy products was a matter of concern.
3)with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
· #914
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:54)
1. when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a theft case. - Поліція надала описи слідчих дій,
які зазвичай включаються при розслідуванні справи про крадіжку
2. a sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction. -
Це призводить до різкого зростання кількості звільнень, оскільки працівники
переоцінюють свою роботу та знаходять нові посади, які пропонують більше грошей,
гнучкості та задоволення.
3. with the aid of
Civil engineers use a comparable mechanism in pre-stressed concrete with the aid
of high-strength steel, and thus produce crack-resistant structural elements. -
Інженери-будівельники використовують аналогічний механізм у попередньо
напруженому бетоні за допомогою високоміцної сталі, і таким чином виготовляють
стійкі до тріщин конструктивні елементи.
2) Today I have read the article “Universal mechanism of methane formation
The formation of methane greenhouse gas is based on a universal mechanism. This
discovery was made by scientists at the University of Heidelberg and the Planck
Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology. They found that methane is produced in
the cells of organisms by a purely chemical process. Studies explain, among
other things, why methane is released not only as a result of the activity of
special microorganisms, but - as has long been observed - also by plants and
In my opinion, these results are an important step towards understanding the
aerobic formation of methane in the environment.
3)Exam topics #20(Principles of information protection)
Three basic principles of information protection that must be followed in an
information system:
1. confidentiality - a mandatory requirement for a person who has obtained
access to certain information not to transfer such information to third parties
without the consent of its owner, as well as ensuring that it is impossible to
access information to persons who do not have the appropriate permission (in
computer language - the corresponding access rights). 2. integrity-the absence
of any unauthorized changes (both accidental and intentional) in the protected
area. 3.reliability - a guarantee that information is obtained from a
well-known, trusted or reliable source.
· #913
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:52)
Today I have read the text with title " The researchers test electric personal
flying machine". On my opinion this ability will help humanity in future to
communicate more faster than now. We will be able to travel in any place of
world by seconds if scientists make public flying transport as it described in
films and books. But today we have only tests of personal flying machine and
this fact didn`t impressed me because first prototypes of so-called jetpacks
were made more than 5 years ago. Still, flying transport it is good prospect
that can be realized in near future and fully replace airplanes.
I liked this article, and i want to fly on this flying machine.
1. When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
2. We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
3. These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
· #912
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:51)
To Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212 Well done, thank you.
· #911
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:51)
To Avdieiev Danil (RT-211) Task1 has some grammar mistakes, This is not a conclusion you’ve made. Just 60 points. Pls focus on speciality topics Task2 is UNACCEPTED. You have the phrases and the same sentences with them comparing with other students like Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) and others. Do you know that this is a plagiarism? Pls do the tasks on your own to get positive points.
· #910
Tikhonov Ivan РЗ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:45)
a sharp rise
translate: резкое повышение
example: The sharp rise in the price of oil and energy products was a matter of
2. with the aid of
translate: с помощью
example: With a can opener I was able to open that can.
3. when investigating
translate: при изучении
I read an article today that talked about the emigration of U.S. residents due
to changing weather conditions. When I studied the problem, it turned out that
most migrants move to nearby democracies. This greatly increases the instability
between the U.S. and its adversaries, which are already very tense. Joe Biden's
administration has published risk assessments related to migration. The report
states that if the U.S. and Europe do not develop a strategy to combat climate
migration, China, Russia and other countries can take advantage of the situation
by assisting the affected countries to get approval from U.S. citizens. The
report also says that if the government does not address the problem of
greenhouse gas emissions, millions of people will be forced to leave their homes
and move.
· #909
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:41)
Exam topic #20 (Principles of information protection).
The principles of information security include: legality, balance of interests
of the individual, society and the state; complexity; systematicity; integration
with international security systems; economic efficiency.
It is impossible to create a system whose protection cannot be broken, the main
principle may be the creation of such a protection mechanism, the cost of which
will be more expensive than the information available. Therefore, it is
necessary to implement security software, which is built into the software of
the system and is necessary to perform security functions.
1When investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
Поліція надала опис слідчих дій, які зазвичай включаються під час розслідування
справи про зґвалтування.
2. with the aid of
With the aid of next-generation genome sequencing methods that allow for a
comparison between the genomes of both sexes
За допомогою методів секвенування геному наступного покоління, які дозволяють
порівняти геноми обох статей
3. a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors
Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може погіршити відносини між розвиненими
країнами та їхніми сусідами.
· #908
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:40)
To РЗ-212 The lesson will start soon and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases.
· #907
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:38)
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) pls do not copy the phrases with the sentences from your
mates posting tasks into the Guestbook.
It looks like a plagiarism.
· #906
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) Home-work (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:38)
Today I have read the article: "Coronavirus puts brakes on global plastics
production". Global plastics production declined slightly in 2020 as a result of
the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, only the third time since
World War II that output has fallen. While there had been expectations of an
increase in consumption of medical plastics due to the pandemic, medical
plastics only accounted for 1.5-2.0 percent of total volumes. plastics prices
had fallen by just under seven percent in Europe as a result of the drop in oil
prices. In my opinion, people should ignore plastic to prevent pollution in the
immediate future
1) The federation said that factory closures due to coronavirus restrictions and
a reduction in stockpiles had fuelled a sharp rise—of eight percent in plastics
prices - Федерація заявила, що закриття фабрик через обмеження коронавірусу та
скорочення запасів сприяли різкому зростанню цін на пластик на вісім відсотків.
2) The researchers combined the power of the most advanced telescopes, such as
HST and GTC, with the aid of "natural telescopes" - Дослідники поєднали
потужність найдосконаліших телескопів, таких як HST і GTC, з допомогою
«природних телескопів».
3) Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures. - Дивитися на систему без необхідності руйнувати її
дуже корисно при дослідженні структур.
· #905
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:33)
To Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) pls focus on your speciality topics. I hope you are not a part of medical staff. Just satisfactory. Task2 is UNACCEPTED. Pls translate into Ukrainian. Keep on working hard.
· #904
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:26)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211, pls train your pronunciation. Mind the word ‘climate’- ˈklaɪmət, ˈklaɪmɪt/.Work hard to improve your language speaking skills.
· #903
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:25)
Today I have read the article: "Study digs up roles bacteria play in global
carbon cycle". Soil bacteria are difficult to study because they are a key to
the health of our biosphere. They convert plant biomass into soil organic
matter, which is the basis for soil fertility and holds three times more carbon
than the atmosphere. So, bacteria control how much carbon ends up in the
atmosphere or is stored in the soil. Every year, soil microbes process about six
times more carbon than all anthropogenic emissions combined. I guess that we
need to understand what is happening with microbes and then make better
decisions about how to manage our soil.
1)The energy deposited is much lower when using electrons, this could prove
helpful when investigating delicate materials. - Енергія, що відкладається,
набагато нижча при використанні електронів, це може виявитися корисним при
дослідженні делікатних матеріалів.
2) Now scientists have succeeded in showing that methane can also be formed
without such a catalyst—with the aid of a purely chemical mechanism. - Тепер
вченим вдалося показати, що метан також може утворюватися без такого
каталізатора — за допомогою суто хімічного механізму.
3)This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility, and satisfaction.
- Це призводить до різкого зростання кількості звільнень, оскільки працівники
переоцінюють свою роботу та знаходять нові посади, які пропонують більше грошей,
гнучкості та задоволення.
Тема іспиту
Exam topic
Password and their drawbacks
To try and make passwords more secure, consumers are asked to make them more
complex, by using numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special
characters. This makes them hard to remember. And if people can’t remember them,
they write them down or use the same password on multiple websites…which makes
them less secure. Passwords can be shared, guessed, or stolen, which means they
aren’t secure. Over 50% of young people admit that they share their log-in
details with friends, and 59% of respondents admitted to reusing the same
passwords across multiple sites.
In my opinion, people need to find a balance between security and usability.
· #902
Avdieiev Danil (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:25)
Today I have read the article titled "Study shows benefit of employees managing
themselves". It describes us about that more U.S. companies could benefit from
encouraging and developing self-leadership in employees, a concept that allows
workers to manage themselves instead of relying on supervisor. Self-leadership
involves employees influencing their own behaviors, thoughts and moods, making
them less dependent on traditional leaders to complete goals and achieve peak
performance in the workplace. I find this article interesting because we can
read how people improve themself and who peolpe become independenced.
with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
Моделі ланок ланцюга збирають у блок за допомогою циліндричних та кульових
when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
При вивченні тренду на інших європейських ділянках вимальовується складніша
a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
Швидкість точкової корозії нержавіючих сталей різко зростає, оскільки потенціал,
концентрація розчину або температура незначно змінюються.
· #901
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) Mykhailiuk S. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:22)
Today i have read the article "Using bacterial cocktails to fight infections".
Probably almost all people have already faced such a situation when you get sick
and have to take broad-spectrum antibiotics, but unfortunately this drug
destroys both bad and good bacteria in your intestines, which occupy the most
important niches and help fight off pathogens. E. coli is one of the most
well-known bacteria in the human gut and is almost always referred to as a bad
bacterium, however Berbel Stecher and his team have found that commensal E. coli
protects against Salmoenella infection. I liked this article, here I could read
a lot of interesting things about bacteria.
1) when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
При изучении тренда на других европейских участках вырисовывается более сложная
2) a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
Скорость точечной коррозии нержавеющих сталей резко возрастает, поскольку
потенциал, концентрация раствора или температура изменяются незначительно.
3)with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
Модели звеньев цепи собирают в блок с помощью цилиндрических и шаровых шарниров.
· #900
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:20)
Artem Verhelis RT-211, pls focus on your speciality topics.I hope the ecology is not part of your speciality. Just 63 points. Task2 is good. Pls translate the phrases themselves. Keep on working hard.
· #899
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:19)
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:59)
Thank you for your clear and full comment. I share your opinion, but don't
forget the review must be around 100 words. The task with phrases is well done.
· #898
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:18)
with the aid of - за допомогою;
The helicopters were observed by navigation lights and with the aid of night
vision devices.
За гелікоптерами спостерігали за навігаційними вогнями та за допомогою приладів
нічного бачення.
2) a sharp rise - різкий підйом;
The prolonged "hunger gap" has contributed to a sharp rise in malnutrition.
Тривалий «голодний розрив» сприяв різкому росту недоїдання.
3) when investigating - під час вивчення/розслідування;
The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating alleged offences
relating to these items.
Поліція має повноваження проводити обшуки та виїмки під час розслідування
ймовірних правопорушень, пов’язаних із цими предметами.
Today i have read the article that tells about an international team of
researchers that has gained new insights into the protein structure and function
of the ion channels that control the heartbeat. The results of their research
could contribute to the development of cardiac drugs with fewer side effects.
Using the molecular dynamic simulation on the high-performance computer
researchers investigated the function of HCN channels. This method allows us to
watch the protein at work, as it were. In my opinion, this research is valuable
because the disadvantages and side effects of currently used drugs could perhaps
be prevented with a better understanding of the channels in a new generation of
My exam topics #496-#504
· #897
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:18)
Principles of information protection
Exam topic 20
I want to tell you about principles of information protection.Information
security (sometimes referred to as InfoSec) covers the tools and processes that
organizations use to protect information.
What are the 3 Principles of Information Security?The basic tenets of
information security are confidentiality, integrity and availability. Every
element of the information security program must be designed to implement one or
more of these principles. Together they are called the CIA Triad.Confidentiality
measures are designed to prevent unauthorized disclosure of information. The
principle of integrity ensures that data is accurate and reliable and is not
modified incorrectly.Availability is the protection of a system’s ability to
make software systems and data fully available when a user needs it (or at a
specified time).
In addition, information security is very important in the digital world.
· #896
Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 (Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:16)
This achievement was possible with the aid of incredible science skills. Це
досягнення стало можливим за допомогою неймовірних наукових навичок.
2. This same expenditure profile leads to a sharp rise in subsequent years. Цей
самий профіль витрат призводить до різкого зростання в наступні роки.
3. When investigating modern crimes it is sometimes good to seek help from the
other professionals as well. При розслідуванні сучасних злочинів іноді корисно
звернутися за допомогою і до інших фахівців.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Shark bites are rare: Eight things
to avoid to make them even rarer". This article tells us about how the
"SharkSmart" approach, adopted by the Queensland government, aims to educate and
urge people to take responsibility for reducing the risk of shark bites by
changing their own behavior. Many SharkSmart behaviors are well known, such as
not swimming at dusk or dawn when sharks may be more prevalent. It is suggested
that by not doing these eight things shown in the survey, we can make shark
bites even rarer than they already are. Even though shark bite incidents are
extremely rare in Australia but by making small changes, people can drive down
the danger even further.
· #895
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:15)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:40)
Your review is reasonable and informaive, but it's too long, don't forget about
100 words. Thank you for your effective work with the phrases.
· #894
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:14)
To Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Just good. Invite other students from Group RT-211 to join our on-line session today. We don’t have much time left within the session.
· #893
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:13)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:25)
The comment is well done, but mind the pronunciation. The examples with phrases
are quite interesting but the 1st one is not informative enugh. Go on practising
your reading.
· #892
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Mykhailiuk S. (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:12)
Today I've read the article "Discovery of 'ghost' fossils reveals plankton
resilience to past global warming events". The article is about discovering by
international team of scientists "ghost" fossils of a plankton species called
Coccolithophores. This species of plankton plays an important role in today's
oceans by supporting marine food webs and sequestering carbon in sediment.
Scientists have also found that this plankton has been seriously affected by
climate change and ocean pollution. I think this discover is very useful,
because now people can thoroughly study this species of plankton and help it
survive climate changes.
1) when investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
Дивитися на систему, не руйнуючи її, дуже корисно під час дослідження структур.
2) a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbor
Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може погіршити відносини між розвиненими
країнами та їхніми сусідами
3) with the aid of
With the aid of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the researchers were able to
show that the extent of methane formation directly relates to metabolic
За допомогою бактерії Bacillus subtilis дослідники змогли показати, що ступінь
утворення метану безпосередньо пов’язана з метаболічної активністю.
· #891
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:11)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Thanks for the comment. Well done.
· #890
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:08)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 Task1 should contain a conclusion. Just 67 points Task2 is done with free interpretation .just 74points. Pls translate the phrases themselves. Keep on working hard.
· #889
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:03)
Today I have read the article "New AI navigation prevents crashes in space".
This article tells us that engineers are developing collision avoidance systems
that will help autonomous robots maintain, assemble or manufacture satellites in
orbit. Scientists must develop a reliable collision avoidance algorithm and work
that works in real time so that autonomous systems can safely complete the
mission, using explainable artificial intelligence. The new artificial
intelligence is based on physics rather than relying solely on data, so it's
more reliable.
This article is useful for AI researchers and developers. I was interested in
reading this article.
1) with the aid of
All of the records this is exchanged can be scrambled with the aid of it.
Всі записи цього відбувається обмін може бути видерся за допомогою нього.
2)a sharp rise
LinkedIn itself announced that it is not necessary to wait on them a sharp rise
in profits.
LinkedIn сама оголосила, що не варто чекати від них різкого зростання прибутків.
3)when investigating
And people also tend to become too emotionally volatile when investigating their
own spouse.
І люди також мають тенденцію ставати занадто емоційно нестійкими при дослідженні
їх власного на предмет зради їх дружина.
· #888
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 10:02)
Link to article:
link to voice:
Today I have read the article "Smart urban solutions for more resilient cities".
It tells about a new project SMURBS, begun as part of the EU's ERA-PLANET
umbrella project, is working to increase urban resilience and enhance the
quality of life in urban regions.
To achieve this goal, it's focusing on challenges related to air quality, urban
growth, natural and
man-made disasters, health and migration. The project's first step is to
stimulate strategic planning by
connecting with local authorities, urban planners and city-level stakeholders to
map out 'what is already
out there' and 'what the users want'.
In my opinion, SMURBS will help cities with many problems related to sustainable
urban development.
1. Yes, with the aid of the machine, he could control us all.
Так, за допомогою машини він міг керувати нами всіма.
2. These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Ці три складові викликали такий різкий підйом.
3. This right might be restricted, as specified by legislation, to prevent crime
or to find out true facts when investigating criminal case.
Це право може бути обмежене в установленому законодавством порядку для
запобігання злочину або з'ясування істинних фактів при розслідуванні
кримінальної справи.
· #887
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:59)
Today I've read the article "A new machine learning system helps robots
understand and perform certain social interactions."
Robots can deliver food to campus
college and punching a hole in the golf course, but even the most sophisticated
robot cannot perform basic social interactions that are critical to human daily
The researchers also showed that their model creates realistic and predictable
social interactions. When they showed people videos of simulated robots
interacting with each other, viewers generally agreed with the model about what
type of social behavior was taking place.
In my opinion, this article is important because robots will soon begin to live
in our world, and we really need to learn how to communicate with them on a
human basis.,op
1.when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
2.with the aid of
This can be done very conveniently with the aid of viewports.
3.a sharp rise
There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.
· #886
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:59)
Exam topic #7(Different protection mechanisms)
The significance of information protection calls for multiple mechanisms that
allow people to protect their right to decide what information could be
available for other people. Methods of protection of informational systems
include access control, encryption mechanisms and regulation. It means that we
need to use antivirus programs and cryptographic closure of information to
create necessary conditions. Obstruction, enforcement and encouragement are used
as such methods as well. The point of it is to make people who have the access
to information to adhere to all established procedures to keep data save. So,
protection mechanisms are based on technical methods that actually guard the
data and on human factor which means different rules that every member of the
team should follow.
Exam topic #11 (The differences between a software and hardware firewall)
A computer system is divided into hardware and software. Hardware is the
physical parts of the computer that cause processing of data. It is manufactured
and invulnerable to computer viruses . Meanwhile software is the developed set
of instructions that tells a computer exactly what to do and that could be
affected by computer emergency. So hardware can not perform any task without
software while software can not be executed without hardware. One more
difference lies in transferring which means that we can’t transfer hardware from
one place to another electrically through network unlike software. So, hardware
and software are two parts of the computer and have different functions but
inability to work one without another is the thing in common.
· #885
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:57)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Pls train to read the exam topic before recording it. It sounds unnatural. Just 70 points. Keep on working hard.
· #884
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:54)
Exam Topic #9 (Development of television in your home country)
Ukraine has a large audiovisual offering. With some 322 TV broadcasting stations
and 590 cable TV companies . Ukraine's three chief TV channels are “Inter”,
“1+1” and “UT-1”. The TV system in the Ukraine is run by the National TV Company
of the Ukraine as well as 26 regional TV/Radio institutions. Ukraine’s TV
channel “1+1” is the largest private TV channel. This 24 hour channel has about
95% coverage and is found on UT-2. Channel “UT-1” has the highest coverage with
98%. “Inter” makes use of channel UT-3. Different parts of the country can also
receive television broadcasts from neighboring countries.
· #883
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:54)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 There is a mistake in the last sentence: But if they ARE able to do this, it will be the new step in automated systems.
· #882
Ivan Zarytskyi RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:53)
Today I read the article “New method to kill cyberattacks in less than a
second”. This article is about a new method that could automatically detect and
kill cyberattacks on our laptops, computers, and smart devices in under a
second. Using artificial intelligence in a completely novel way, the method has
been shown to successfully prevent up to 92 percent of files on a computer from
being corrupted, with it taking just 0.3 seconds on average for a piece of
malware to be wiped out. In my opinion, it’s a piece of good news for everyone
who struggles with viruses and cyberattacks on their devices.
when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.(Поліція надала опис слідчих дій, які
зазвичай передбачають під час розслідування справи про зґвалтування.)
a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors(Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може
погіршити відносини між розвиненими країнами та їхніми сусідами)
with the aid of
With the aid of "sPlotOpen," scientists could figure out whether the data was
collected from a forest—with various tree and grass species—or a meadow.(За
допомогою «sPlotOpen» вчені могли з’ясувати, чи були дані зібрані з лісу — з
різними видами дерев і трав — чи з лугу.)
· #881
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:51)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Task1 has some surplus words ( repetition). Just good. Task2 is UNACCEPTED. Pls translate into Ukrainian.
· #880
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:49)
Today I have read the article titled "Finding superconductivity in nickelates".
This article describes what, according to Antia Botan, professor of physics at
Arizona State University, the study of superconductivity is rife with
disappointments, dead ends, and accidental discoveries. “As theorists, we
generally cannot predict the emergence of new superconductors,” she said.
However, in 2021, she experienced the climax of her early career. Working with
experimenter Julia Mundy at Harvard University, she discovered a new
superconducting material, five-layer nickelate. They reported their findings to
Nature Materials in September 2021.
with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
Моделі ланок ланцюга збирають у блок за допомогою циліндричних та кульових
when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
При вивченні тренду на інших європейських ділянках вимальовується складніша
a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
Швидкість точкової корозії нержавіючих сталей різко зростає, оскільки потенціал,
концентрація розчину або температура незначно змінюються.
· #879
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:40)
Today I have read the article 'New biobattery for hydrogen storage'.
We know, that right now, the fight against climate change is making the search
for carbon-neutral energy sources increasingly urgent. That's why, a team of
microbiologists from Goethe University Frankfurt has found an enzyme in bacteria
that live in the absence of air and bind hydrogen directly to CO2, producing
formic acid. Normally, however, this formic acid is just an intermediate product
of their metabolism and further digested into acetic acid and ethanol. But the
team led by Professor Volker Müller, head of the Department of Molecular
Microbiology and Bioenergetics, has adapted the bacteria in such a way that
makes it possible not only to stop this process at the formic acid stage but
also to reverse it.
I think this is a good research, as people continue to find more ways of
obstaining a good, reliable green energy.
4. 1) when investigating
There are different ways to control for a third factor when investigating a
relationship between two variables
2) with the aid of
With the aid of a computer, concordances of many kinds can be made with
comparatively little difficulty
3) a sharp rise
There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.
· #878
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:40)
To Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Pls mind the narration style in your comment: you are not a researcher of the testing of micro and nanofibers'. Just 65 points .Task2 is 83 points. Pls translate the phrases themselves. Keep on working hard.
· #877
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:38)
Today i have read article the titled "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the
roads". This article is about international experts which want to minimize road
safety risk. But they says that this is gonna be hard, because they need to
create collective ethical framework developed by government, citizens and other
stakeholders. The researchers say it will be critical that there is a
standardized framework to enable vehicles traveling from one jurisdiction into
the next. But if they will be able to do this, it's will be the new step in
automated systems.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors.(Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може
погіршити відносини між розвиненими країнами та їхніми сусідами.)
2) with the aid of
With the aid of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the researchers were able to
show that the extent of methane formation directly relates to metabolic
activity.(За допомогою бактерії Bacillus subtilis дослідники змогли показати, що
ступінь утворення метану безпосередньо пов’язана з метаболічної активністю.)
3) when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.(Поліція надала опис слідчих дій, які
зазвичай включаються під час розслідування справи про зґвалтування.)
Vocaroo -
· #876
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:37)
Exam topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal)
Turning the DTV signal - DTV (digital television) means the transmission and
processing of a television signal in digital form. The television signal
includes both video and audio. A digital waveform is an encoding of information
in MPEG format when the entire signal is represented as a sequence of "0" and
"1". Such signal transmission is not observed due to interference, which usually
manifests itself when the signal is exposed to the environment in the form of
snow, dashes and other small interference. This is a modern type of signal that
is actively used everywhere at the moment. The connection speed is faster than
the analog signal, but inferior to the satellite signal. I believe this is an
alternative television signal.
· #875
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:37)
Today I have read the article 'An aIgorithm trained to detect unhappiness on
social networks'.
Researchers from the University of Catalonia (UOC) has developed an algorithm
that aims to help psychologists diagnose possible mental health problems through
the content people post on social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and
Twitter. Drawing on neural networks and databases, the experts trained an
algorithm to identify the content of the images and to categorize textual
content by assigning different labels proposed by psychologists, who compared
the results with a database containing over 30,000 images, captions and
A very interesting algorithm, in my opinion, which will automatically will give
the psychologists results they need, depending on our mood
1)"turns out that"
Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
Оказывается, что до сих пор остаётся огромный неиспользованный потенциал.
2)"practical problems"
There are practical problems with the installation as well.
Существуют и практические проблемы с установкой.
3) "priority research areas"
As well as priority research areas for the next decade.
А также приоритетные направления исследований на ближайшее десятилетие.
· #874
Vorobyova E. to Shlapak from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:36)
Your commentary on the article is grammatically correct, but mind your mispronounced words in it: “chemical”, “era”, “since”, “microcosm”. Your task with Phrases is good. Continue working.
· #873
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:35)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211), Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211), Misha Donenko RZ-211, Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 the comments are interesting and detailed, but next time choose topics that are more relevant to your specialty.
· #872
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:34)
1.with the aid of -за допомогою;
The helicopters were observed with the aid of night vision devices.-За
гелікоптерами спостерігали за допомогою приладів нічного бачення.
2.when investigating -під час розслідування;
It is often difficult to determine the exact source of ignition when
investigating after an explosion.-Часто буває важко визначити точне джерело
займання при розслідуванні після вибуху;
3. a sharp rise - різкий підйом;
The sharp rise in domestic demand in the region was reflected in a rising volume
of goods and services imports.-Різке зростання внутрішнього попиту в регіоні
відбилося на зростанні обсягів імпорту товарів та послуг.
Today I've read the article about the way cyber attacks could jeopardize global
food supplies. Danger is that technologies which are used in digital agriculture
are prone to cyber attacks. Actually the ag-tech sector doesn't take adequate
precautions like other corporate or defense sectors. Considering the fact that
labor-intensive food production jobs have been shifted into the digital domain ,
cybersecurity measures should be prioritized. Generally speaking the problem of
vulnerabilities of digital agriculture to cyber attacks should be solved in the
immediate future in order to avoid the food unfit .
· #871
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:28)
article I have read today is "Lakes are changing worldwide". The author of the
article claims that the temperature of lakes around the world is rising, the ice
cover is getting shorter and thinner. He also claims that it affects the
ecosystems of lakes, drinking water and fishing. To prove this, the team
developed several computer simulations with lake models on a global scale. The
researchers found a clear similarity between the observed changes in the lakes
and the modeling of lake models. It can be concluded that human-induced climate
change has already affected even lakes.
1) With the aid of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the researchers were able to
show that the extent of methane formation directly relates to metabolic
За допомогою бактерії Bacillus subtilis дослідники змогли показати, що ступінь
утворення метану безпосередньо пов’язана з метаболічної активністю.
2) Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
Дивитися на систему без необхідності руйнувати її дуже корисно під час
дослідження структур.
3) A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може погіршити відносини між розвиненими
· #870
Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211)(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 26 May 2022)
Today I have read the article "Companies dream of taxis flying over traffic
jams." As city traffic becomes more and more miserable, entrepreneurs are
looking to a future where commuters will use "air taxis" to navigate busy roads.
The rooftops of nearby garages or malls can serve as departure or arrival points
for electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. Riders can drive the
rest of the journey at their own discretion, even synchronizing rides with
car-sharing services like Uber, which owns a stake in Santa Cruz-based
California-based Joby. Thousands of regional airports, used mainly for
recreation, could become part of the air networks.
Currently, it is necessary to look for an alternative to conventional transport.
In large cities, traffic jams have become part of the life they spend on their
way to work.
1.Reference chemicals do not need to be employed when investigating a test
2.This can be done very conveniently with the aid of viewports..with the aid of
3.We are witnessing a sharp rise in terrorist acts and violent insurgency in
Afghanistan..a sharp rise
· #869
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:25)
Today I’ve read the article “Patent talk: IBM's traffic signal timing turns
This article is about the introduction of new traffic lights to be operated by
the AI.
The purpose of this article is to tell about a new invention that will get rid
of perpetual traffic jams thanks to a new traffic light system.
The idea would be that a computer would analyze the real-time flow of traffic
and then figure out the best way to manage the barrage of vehicles that clog up
our highways every single day.
I think this article will be useful for artificial intelligence developers
with the aid of
With the aid of next-generation genome sequencing methods
a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
When investigating
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
· #868
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:25)
Today I’ve read the article “Sex, drugs and TikTok: Keeping young people safe
needs a mature response, not a moral panic”. TikTok "serves up" sex and drug
videos to minors. Media reports have described the video-sharing platform, which
is designed predominantly for young people, as an "addiction machine" that
promotes harmful content. TikTok's algorithm actively "serves up" drug content
to minors, who "may lack the capability to stop watching and don't have
supportive adults around them" to help moderate their opinions. Parents have
been encouraged to stop their children using it, and the app has been urged to
censor drug content entirely. If we are serious about protecting young
people online, we need to be driven by evidence, not fear.
1.with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Ми розрізаємо скло за допомогою нашого звукового ножа.
2.a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Ці три складові викликали такий різкий підйом.
3.when investigating
We encourage that international tribunal to continue safeguarding the rights of
children when investigating war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Ми закликаємо цей міжнародний трибунал продовжувати захищати права дітей під час
розслідування військових злочинів і злочинів проти людства.
· #867
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:17)
When investigating this virus, we identifying a virus inside it.
2. The crisis in the country a sharp rise due to the recent hacking of the TKN.
3. We have assembled this satellite with the aid of the latest technology.
Today I have read the article "Discovering the universal relationship between
physical properties and fractal dimensions". Another study in the piggy bank is
not the most useful. As far as I know, a person cannot yet fully contact
nanoparticles, only at the chemical level, but chemical atoms probably consist
of nanoparticles. Based on this, we can conclude that it is too early for us to
enter this area, although on the other hand. Since we have already mastered the
macrocosm and I think we have learned a little about the megacosm, it would not
be bad to fully master the microcosm that we have right under our noses.
· #866
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:14)
Very good, you have coped with the tasks. Thank you and continue working like this.
· #865
Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:14)
Today I have read the article "Tiny robotic crab is smallest-ever
remote-controlled walking robot".This article is about the new development of
the world's smallest remote-controlled walking robot, and it represents the
important role of the adorable pikito crab.Just a half-millimeter wide, the tiny
crabs can bend, twist, crawl, walk, turn and even jump. Although the research is
exploratory at this point, the researchers believe their technology might bring
the field closer to realizing micro-sized robots that can perform practical
tasks inside tightly confined spaces.its power lies within the elastic
resilience of its body. To construct the robot, the researchers used a
shape-memory alloy material that transforms to its "remembered" shape when
In my opinion this article is very interesting to read for everyone, especially
for people who love new technologies and care about future.
when investigating
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
Закони надають поліції повноваження на проникнення, обшук та вилучення під час
розслідування підозрюваних правопорушень.
a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Ці три складові викликали такий різкий підйом.
with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Ми розрізаємо скло за допомогою нашого звукового ножа.
· #864
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:12)
To Daniil Dragin (RZ-211) The comment is quite informative. well done, thank you.
· #863
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:11)
Today I've read the artcle 'New method for the mechanical tensile testing of
micro and nanofibers'. Recently, researchers have developed a method to test the
mechanical tension of micro and nanofibers. To do this, they used magnets.As a
result, it took less time to connect the fiber to the power sensor, allowing us
to quickly change material without changing the sensor. This method allows us to
test the fibers in conditions close to real.Also, the results have become more
accurate.I think that it's very important because we can make the device taking
into account all the shortcomings of the fiber.
1)a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
Нержавіюча сталь зазнає різкого зростання швидкості точкової корозії, оскільки
потенціал, концентрація розчину або температура змінюються лише незначно.
2) with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
Моделі ланок збираються в один блок за допомогою циліндричних і кулькових
3)when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
Якщо досліджувати тенденцію на інших сайтах Європи, картина виявляється
· #862
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 09:02)
Prhases of Day
1. with the aid of :
Renewable fuel from carbon dioxide with the aid of solar energy
Відновлюване паливо з вуглекислого газу за допомогою сонячної енергії
2. when investigating :
This swipe technique will do more than help police get faster answers when
investigating drug crimes
Ця техніка пальців допоможе поліції швидше отримувати відповіді під час
розслідування злочинів, пов’язаних із наркотиками
3. a sharp rise :
The UN has warned that inaction could lead to a sharp rise in the number of
people being pushed into slavery because of COVID-19
ООН попередила, що бездіяльність може призвести до різкого зростання кількості
людей, які потрапляють у рабство через COVID-19.
Today, i have had an opportunity to read the article about the impact of online
tools against racist attacks.
According to the article, it is very important nowadays to fight cyberracism,
and one of the most effective tools is the phone.
This opens up opportunities for an immediate response to various manifestations
of racism
Specially created applications for collecting data on cases of racism, which
helps to better see the situation in certain countries
I hope that the problem of racism will be solved, because more and more people
commit suicide without enduring such mental strain
· #861
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:53)
Your home work is well done. Only don’t forget about the articles “a/the” (AN interesting article, THE tests…) Good luck.
· #860
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:50)
1)Today I have read the article ''Reducing water usage in concentrated solar
power plants with radiative cooling and cold storage''.This article is about a
new way to cool solar stations that convert solar energy into electrical energy
using steam engines or turbines. Such systems evaporate a lot of water. For
greater efficiency, these systems are installed in hot regions where there are
significant water problems. Scientists have developed a cooling method that
combines the best qualities of dry and wet cooling. Radiation cooling is a dry
cooling method that uses coolers made of a material that reflects sunlight well.
In my opinion, this system will have a positive impact on the environment,
because water is one of the most important resources, but also reduce the cost
of such energy, because the issue of logistics is being solved, because less
water is required.
1)the same as
Since it's the industry standard, the sensor is the same as found on any ship or
lab working with CO2 measurements.
Оскільки це промисловий стандарт, датчик такий самий, як і на будь-якому кораблі
чи лабораторії, що працює з вимірюванням CO2.
2)to our knowledge
To our knowledge this is the largest successful computational screen to date.
Наскільки нам відомо, це найбільший успішний обчислювальний екран на
сьогоднішній день.
3)the bulk of
Fossil fuels supply the bulk of global energy requirements.
Викопне паливо забезпечує основну частину глобальних потреб в енергії.
· #859
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 26 May 2022 08:46)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon and I am waiting for your comments and work with phrases.
· #858
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (HomeWork) (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 16:17)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1) The first column represents the comparable tapes, the second and third
columns represent tapes' width and thickness correspondingly.
Перший стовпець представляє порівняні стрічки, другий і третій стовпці
представляють ширину та товщину стрічок відповідно.
2) If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely
issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value
of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний
капітал міг би вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що за певних
припущень вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного
плеча повинні бути однаковими.
3) The surgery is performed with regards of individual approach to the patient.
Операція проводиться з урахуванням індивідуального підходу до пацієнта.
· #857
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Popovych (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 14:19)
(Отработка за 24.05.2022)
Today i ` ve read the article titled: "Scientists use quantum computers to
simulate quantum materials". This text talks about research in the field of
quantum computers, which have high hopes for those calculations that were
previously considered impossible. In a new study from the U.S. Department of
Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago,
researchers performed quantum simulations of spin defects, which are specific
impurities in materials that could offer a promising basis for new quantum
technologies. In my opinion, this study will be the greatest in the history of
mankind and will raise research to a new level.
Columns represent
Are columns that represent two particular solutions of the same homogeneous
system, explain why the sum c1 + c2 must also represent a solution of the
Являются ли столбцы, которые представляют два частных решения одной и той же
однородной системы, объясните, почему сумма c1 + c2 также должна представлять
решение системы.
Performed with
Common Tasks Performed with Visual Basic Operators perform many common tasks
involving one or more expressions called operands.
Общие задачи, выполняемые с помощью операторов Visual Basic, выполняют множество
общих задач, связанных с одним или несколькими выражениями, называемыми
under certain assumptions
National sample surveys are rarely large enough to produce small area data
directly but they do represent a valuable current source of information that can
be used, under certain assumptions, in combination with other sources to produce
small area data.
Национальные выборочные обследования редко бывают достаточно масштабными, чтобы
напрямую получать данные по малым районам, но они представляют собой ценный
текущий источник информации, который можно использовать при определенных
предположениях в сочетании с другими источниками для получения данных по малым
· #856
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 25 May 2022 10:17)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #855
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 13:06)
students from subgroup RF-211
Yakubovska,Kulaksiz and Siropulo
I haven’t seen your tasks and activities on the website today.
To students from subgroup РЗ-212
Fudulaki, Khizhnjak, Khotinsky
Where are your tasks performed for today session.
To Kholodova , group monitor, pls do not forget to invite your students to work
on line at the designated time. You all have to work hard regularly.
· #854
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:43)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211. The exam topic is written correctly. Thanks.
· #853
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:20)
To Misha Donenko RZ-211,Mykola Zhmurak, Denis Zavadsky Thanks for the work. Well done.
· #852
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:20)
isolated virtual machine.
A VM is an isolated environment with access to a subset of physical resources of
the computer system. Each VM appears to be running on the bare hardware, giving
the appearance of multiple instances of the same computer, though all are
supported by a single physical system. The history of VMs can be traced back to
the early 1960s.2 In the early 1970s IBM released its widely used VM 370 system
followed in 1974 by the VMS (Multiple Virtual Storage) systems.
There are two types of VMs, process, and system
A process VM is a virtual platform created for an individual process and
destroyed once the process terminates. Virtually all operating systems provide a
process VM for each one of the applications running.
A system VM supports an OS together with many user processes. When the VM runs
under the control of a normal OS and provides a platform-independent host for a
single application we have an application VM, e.g., Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
the main objective
Recent reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conclude that
cutting fossil fuel emissions—the main objective of carbon dioxide.(Останні
звіти Міжурядової групи експертів зі зміни клімату роблять висновок, що
скорочення викидів викопного палива — головне джерело вуглекислого газу)
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.(Рухом дрібних
крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.)
published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data. (Відповідні
результати були опубліковані в Earth System Science Data.)
· #851
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:15)
Different approaches to secrecy and their defects.
To protect your organization from cyber attacks, there are several technologies
to combat it. The most famous of them: data loss prevention, intrusion detection
and prevention system, security incident and event management, firewall,
antivirus.Let's consider two of the techniques proposed above. Prevent data loss
(verification technology, data sent by the organization for the content of
confidential data) Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a technology that
monitors all traffic coming into an organization to make sure it is not harmful.
Therefore, in order to protect the system from any of the security incidents,
the organization must use technology to protect its systems.
1.published in
This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
Це фото можна було б опублікувати в модному журналі.
2. the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was costsaving.
Огляд виявив, що головною метою офшорингу була економія витрат.
3. by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформацію можна витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
· #850
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:14)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
I have read your tasks, they are quite correct and informative.
· #849
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:13)
Artem Verhelis RT-211
Thank you for your active work, well done.
· #848
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 10:08)
Today I've read the article about two-dimensional holey graphyne. As we know,
graphite and diamond are made up of carbon atoms. Other substances have also
been discovered in the composition of which we will consider graphene. It's good
properties that can be used in semiconductors.Its main disadvantage is the
electronic structure with zero band gap, which limits the application. To solve
this problem, scientists make holes in the structure. The number and place of
their appearance cannot be controlled, but it gave good results. I think that
the study of such material can lead to a new generation of electronics.
1) the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - була досягнута.
2) by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
Порушувалося питання винагороди учасників, наприклад за рахунок гонорарів.
3) published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
Цей результат опубліковано в Annals of Mathematics.
· #847
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:58)
Today I've read the article "Engineering team creates monitoring toolkit to
speed production of biologic drugs".
This article covered by American Chemical Society journal is about new tool,
made by two Rutgers University engineers. Their tool allows to enginers who
specialises in the process of making drugs to monitor the biologic drug quality
in near real-time during the biomanufacturing process. Monitoring and control of
biomanufacturing processes are critical to ensuring drug quality.
I'm sure that this tool will be very usefull, especially when it's some medical
pillows or other demanding drugs, so it will help deliver more quality products.
1) published in
A new study published in Science Advances has examined the complex regulating
networks that affect how the plant's defenses are strengthened by external
Нове дослідження, опубліковане в Science Advances вивчає складні регулюючі
мережі, які впливають на те, як зовнішній вплив зміцнює захист рослини.
2) by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рух дрібних крапель води керується за допомогою магніту.
3) the main objective
The main objective of this study was to identify the specific traits.
Головною метою цього дослідження було виявлення конкретних характеристик.
· #846
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:56)
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #845
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:55)
Artem Verhelis RT-211
Exam topic #8 is well done.
· #844
Gvozd to Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:54)
Your review is interesting to read, the exam topic is informative.
· #843
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:53)
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211,
Exam topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal) well done. Thank you, your comment, audio
are quite correct as well as sentences with Phrases .
#836 Be more attentive.
· #842
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:49)
Today I’ve read the article "New design kit opens door to next generation of
chips". This article is about a new computer chip design kit to facilitate the
development of new chips – and are making it freely available in order to
encourage growth and innovation in the field. This kit called "FreePDK3."
FreePDK3 was developed at NC State with financial and technical support from
Synopsys. Specifically, FreePDK3 is a set of libraries and scripts that were
developed to work with the Synopsys Fusion Design Platform and Synopsys Custom
Design Platform to help people design state-of-the-art chips needed to move the
field of chip design forward. This invention is really helpful for engineers on
advanced technologies and that will be beneficial to the industry.
Article -
Vocaroo -
1) the main objective
These measures will protect civilians, which is the main objective of
anti-personnel land-mine controls.(Ці заходи забезпечать захист цивільного
населення, що є основною метою боротьби з протипіхотними наземними мінами.)
2) by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.(Рухом дрібних
крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.)
3) published in
The groundbreaking discovery was published in the Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation.(Новаторське відкриття було опубліковано в Journal of
Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation.)
Vocaroo -
· #841
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:48)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Thank you, you have successfully completed the task.
· #840
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:48)
Today I have read the article titled "Halting a wave in its tracks". This
article describes how topological ideas have recently taken center stage in
modern electromagnetism. Typical topological photonic systems are based on
non-reciprocal materials, a class of materials that allow for asymmetric
interactions between light and matter. The article also describes that, in
particular, non-reciprocal platforms can support unidirectional channels that
allow propagation in a given direction of space - say, from left to right, but
not vice versa. Such unidirectional guides are of key importance in optical
systems because their modular design allows one-way interaction requiring
optical isolation of the various modules.
by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
Було порушено й питання про винагороду учасників, наприклад, через виплату
published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
Ця пізніша робота була також опублікована в Annals of Mathematics.
the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином, основна мета процесу структурної перебудови - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - досягнута.
· #839
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022)
Today I have read the article ''I don't even remember what I read': People enter
a 'dissociative state' when using social media'.
A group of researchers from University of Washington wondered if people enter a
state of dissociation, when during the reading of a good book, they had a
feeling, as if they were transported into another world, when surfing social
media. The problem with social media platforms, the researchers said, is not
that people lack the self-control needed to not get sucked in, but instead that
the platforms themselves are not designed to maximize what people value.
In my opinion, in the times when social media becomes an inevitable part of
people to interact with somebody, this can be a serious problem, and I'm hoping,
that with the help of professional researches this problem will be solved very
quickly in the future.
4. 1) published in
The names are published in alphabetical order
2) the main objective
The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in
terms of cost
3) by means of
The lake communicates with the sea by means of a canal.
Exam topic #1 "Concept of “Privacy”
Privacy is a state of affairs where information regarding individual’s life and
conditions that are private in nature is beyond the reach and knowledge of
others. In the current technological milieu where one can access the personal
details and information regarding individual’s diverse affairs, all what privacy
means is that people want to have a control over what information needs to be
there in the public domain. Privacy ordains that the individual is at liberty to
avoid unsanctioned intrusions in his life and personal affairs and pre-supposes
that the individual will have unqualified control over the information
pertaining to him. Privacy is an interest of the human personality. It protects
the inviolate personality, the individual’s independence, dignity and integrity.
· #838
Denis Zavadsky Lebedeva RZ-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:40)
new method that could automatically detect and kill cyberattacks on our laptops,
computers and smart devices in under a second has been created by researchers at
Cardiff University. Using artificial intelligence in a completely novel way, the
method has been shown to successfully prevent up to 92 percent of files on a
computer from being corrupted, with it taking just 0.3 seconds on average for a
piece of malware to be wiped out.
I consider this an extremely worthwhile discovery, because the threat of cyber
attacks today has extremely high risks, and this is now one of the most pressing
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
It is forced upon people by means of weapons and fleets of spaceships.
If adopted both documents will be published in 1996.
Огляд виявив, що головною метою офшорингу була економія витрат.
Його нав'язують людям за допомогою зброї та флотів космічних кораблів.
У разі прийняття обидва документи будуть опубліковані в 1996 році.
· #837
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:39)
Exam topic #8
The major differences in a monochrome television and a color television
Television broadcasting stations and networks in most parts of the world
upgraded from black-and-white to color transmission between the 1960s and the
1980s. The biggest difference is the number of electron guns in the picture
tube. An electron gun is an electrical component in some vacuum tubes that
produces a narrow, collimated electron beam that has a precise kinetic energy.
A monochrome tv has only one gun as it can only show black, white, or shades of
grey in between. Color TVs have 3 guns: red, green, and blue. Varying these
tubes give you the full spectrum of colors.
· #836
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:37)
I'm sorry, but I sent my Article and Exam Topic #6 to the wrong teacher last week. They have numbers of #583 and #584
· #835
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:36)
Today I have read the article 'An aIgorithm trained to detect unhappiness on
social networks'.
Researchers from the University of Catalonia (UOC) has developed an algorithm
that aims to help psychologists diagnose possible mental health problems through
the content people post on social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and
Twitter. Drawing on neural networks and databases, the experts trained an
algorithm to identify the content of the images and to categorize textual
content by assigning different labels proposed by psychologists, who compared
the results with a database containing over 30,000 images, captions and
A very interesting algorithm, in my opinion, which will automatically will give
the psychologists results they need, depending on our mood
1)"turns out that"
Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
Оказывается, что до сих пор остаётся огромный неиспользованный потенциал.
2)"practical problems"
There are practical problems with the installation as well.
Существуют и практические проблемы с установкой.
3) "priority research areas"
As well as priority research areas for the next decade.
А также приоритетные направления исследований на ближайшее десятилетие.
· #834
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:35)
Exam topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal)
Turning the DTV signal - DTV (digital television) means the transmission and
processing of a television signal in digital form. The television signal
includes both video and audio. A digital waveform is an encoding of information
in MPEG format when the entire signal is represented as a sequence of "0" and
"1". Such signal transmission is not observed due to interference, which usually
manifests itself when the signal is exposed to the environment in the form of
snow, dashes and other small interference. This is a modern type of signal that
is actively used everywhere at the moment. The connection speed is faster than
the analog signal, but inferior to the satellite signal. I believe this is an
alternative television signal.
· #833
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:35)
Carbon nanohorns are carbon with promising properties for various applications.
Despite their promise, the underlying carrier type is poorly understood and so
far only indirect measurements have been used to get results.
Here, we directly determine the type of majority carriers using thermoEMF
measurements. Using this direct method, we show that the films show a positive
coefficient, indicating that the films behave like p-type semiconductors. This
study is confirmed by adjusting the electron density in the film layers.
These results show the basis for both measuring and chemically tuning the main
carrier type in this new nanocarbon semiconductor.
published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
by means of
The molecular deflection of light radiation by means of diamantane
· #832
Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:29)
Authentication mechanisms
Authentication is the process of ensuring that an individual is the person that
they claim to be. This involves matching a person’s claimed identity—asserted
through a credential (e.g., an ID card or unique ID number)—against one or more
authentication factors that are bound to that credential. Potential
authenticators include:
Possession factors: Something that a person demonstrates that they have, such as
a physical or virtual card or certificate, or a hardware token.
Knowledge factors: Something that a person already knows (e.g., a challenge
question or image) or memorizes (e.g., a password or PIN)
Inherent factors: Some physical attribute that a person can demonstrate that
they have (e.g., a fingerprint or iris scan).
Secure authentication (i.e., for higher levels of assurance) requires a
multi-factor approach. In general, the combination of authentication factors
should include some or all of the three above categories. In addition,
sub-factors—such as location (where are you?) and time (when are you trying to
authenticate?)—can be used in combination with the other core factors to create
further conditionality when authenticating.
published in
This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
Це фото можна було б опублікувати в модному журналі.
the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
Огляд виявив, що головною метою офшорингу була економія витрат.
by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформацію можна витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
· #831
Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211)(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:20)
Topic 8 Passwords and their drawback
Now everyone knows what a password and login are, but not everyone knows how to
safely store an use them.Using one password for all sites is extremely
dangerous. Having hacked one user's page, hackers have easy access to all the
others: financial services, cloud services, e-mail and other user applications.
Therefore, unique passwords are created for each resource.In order not to worry,
you can use password managers - these are specialized services for secure
storage of all codes. They securely encrypt data: passwords, logins, information
about the service where you want to enter passwords and logins.
1)It is forced upon people by means of weapons and fleets of
spaceships.Подчинение народа посредством оружия и космического флота.
2)The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was
cost-saving.Результаты обзора свидетельствуют о том, что основной целью перевода
на периферию является сокращение затрат
3)The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was
cost-saving.Результаты обзора свидетельствуют о том, что основной целью перевода
на периферию является сокращение затрат.
· #830
Gvozd to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:18)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211
Vasilev A.O RZ-211
Thank you for your active work, everything is well done.
· #829
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:18)
Information in our time is more expensive than any resources, since it can lead
to them, which is why there is a huge demand for information on any occasion.
Where there is demand, there are thieves, and therefore information must be
protected. You can protect it with a fairly large variation of methods, the main
one being encryption. It also has a lot of possibilities of application and
reproduction methods, because it was created back in very ancient times, for
example, the texts of the authors were written looking in the mirror, and
perhaps on an inverted notebook, so that it was impossible to just take and read
the contents. Now there are more modern ways to classify information in this
1)the main objective
Often, the main objective of any website is quality service to their customers.
Найчастіше, головним завданням будь-якого сайту є якісне сервісне обслуговування
своїх клієнтів.
2)by means of
The adults' bite is corrected by means of non-removable braces system.
За допомогою незнімних брекет-систем виправляють прикус у дорослих.
3)published in
The discovery was published in Astronomy&Astrophysics in September 2018.
Відкриття було опубліковано в журналі астрономії та астрофізиці у вересні 2018
· #828
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211(lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:17)
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls)
The first-generation firewall works as a packet filter, comparing basic
information, such as the original source, packet destination, port, or protocol
used to a specific set of rules.
The second generation of the firewall contains another parameter for filter
settings - connection status. Based on this information, the technology can
track connection start and current connection data.
Third-generation firewalls are built to filter information using all levels of
the OSI model including the application level. They recognize programs and some
common protocols such as FTP and HTTP.
Based on this information, the firewall can detect attacks trying to bypass
through the allowed port or unauthorized use of the protocol.
1. by means of
Informing is carried out by means of telephone and/or e-mail.
Информация доставляется по телефону и/или электронной почте.
2. published in
The results of this research were published in 1985.
Результаты этого исследования были опубликованы в 1985.
3. main objective
The main objective of the research was to determine whether or not graphit rods
are suitable as a moderator of nuclear reactions.
Основная цель исследования состояла в том, чтобы определить, подходят ли
графитовые стержни в качестве замедлителя ядерных реакций.
· #827
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:12)
Today I have read the article and the title of it,is «Climate change is
accelerating, according to comprehensive study»
This article talking us about the rapid climate change in our world. In my
opinion, this problem is very relevant today, because we need to take care of
the world in which we live.
Based on the article, we can understand that humanity can affect on the climate
in the better side.
For example, due to reduced emissions from factories, increasing the numbers of
electric machines, in a one word, concern for the ecology and control of
emissions into the atmosphere.
the main objective
The main objective of this study was to identify the specific traits that allow
Основною метою цього дослідження було виявлення специфічних рис, які дозволяють
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту
published in
The results were recently published in the Biophysical Journal
Результати нещодавно були опубліковані в Biophysical Journal.
· #826
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:10)
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls.)
First, let's define what a firewall is. A firewall is a network security device
that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data
packets based on a set of security rules.
A firewall doesn't have many features, and to be precise it's main purpose is to
allow non-threatening traffic in and to keep dangerous traffic out.
Firewalls, and especially Next Generation Firewalls, focus on blocking malware
and application-layer attacks, along with an integrated intrusion prevention
system (IPS), these Next Generation Firewalls can react quickly and seamlessly
to detect and react to outside attacks across the whole network.
Today I’ve read the article “Patent talk: IBM's traffic signal timing turns
This article is about the introduction of new traffic lights to be operated by
the AI.
The purpose of this article is to tell about a new invention that will get rid
of perpetual traffic jams thanks to a new traffic light system.
The idea would be that a computer would analyze the real-time flow of traffic
and then figure out the best way to manage the barrage of vehicles that clog up
our highways every single day.
I think this article will be useful for artificial intelligence developers
the main objective
The main objective of this study was to identify the specific traits that allow
Основною метою цього дослідження було виявлення специфічних рис, які дозволяють
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту
published in
The results were recently published in the Biophysical Journal
Результати нещодавно були опубліковані в Biophysical Journal.
· #825
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:08)
Today I've read an article called"Apple updates App Store payment rules in
concession to developers".
The article tells about conviction Epic and Apple.
Apple will be able to ask users for basic information, such as names and e-mail
addresses, "as long as this request remains optional", said the iPhone maker.
But the concession is unlikely to satisfy firms like "Fortnite" developer Epic
Games, with which the tech giant has been grappling in a drawn-out dispute over
its payments policy.
Epic launched a case aiming to break Apple's grip on the App Store, accusing the
iPhone maker of operating a monopoly in its shop for digital goods or services
but they couldn't do it.
in my opinion, this dispute did not affect the user in any way
Exam topic #6 ( Different protection mechanisms)
In psychoanalytic theory, a defence mechanism , is an unconscious psychological
operation that functions to protect a person from anxiety-producing thoughts and
feelings related to internal conflicts and outer stressors.
Defence mechanisms may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on
the circumstances and frequency with which the mechanism is used. Defence
mechanisms are psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious
mind to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings
of anxiety and unacceptable impulses . These processes that manipulate, deny, or
distort reality may include the following: repression, or the burying of a
painful feeling or thought from one's awareness even though it may resurface in
a symbolic form; identification, incorporating an object or thought into
oneself; and rationalization, the justification of one's behaviour and
motivations by substituting "good" acceptable reasons for the actual
1)published in
this is published in 2020
2) the main objective
This is the main objective of our Meeting
3) by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your diligence
· #824
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:07)
El-kadi RT-211
Read my remarks attentively, pls.. You are making the same mistakes.I hope I'll
hear your voice record one day.
· #823
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:06)
Exam topic #9
In network security, a firewall is a system based on software or hardware, which
is a kind of intermediary between secure and untested networks, as well as their
parts. The main function of a firewall is to filter out harmful and potentially
dangerous content and connections. In computer networks, a firewall detects and
blocks network traffic based on predefined or dynamic rules. They protect
networks and devices from the intrusion of potentially dangerous cybercriminals
who can infect devices and use them for malicious purposes. Modern firewalls
often have built-in additional security systems.
1) Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
Відповідні результати були опубліковані в Earth System Science Data.
2) The medicane evolution was clearly captured by the model, by means of
increased sea level.
Модель чітко відобразила еволюцію медицини за допомогою підвищення рівня моря.
3) The main objective of the Paris Agreement, a global framework to tackle
climate change.
Головна мета Паризької угоди — глобальна рамка для боротьби зі зміною клімату.
· #822
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:05)
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thanks for your comment, it's reasonable
· #821
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:04)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 )
#802, 809
Exam topic#8 (principles of information protection) is well done. Your comment
is thoughtful and well done, thank you.
· #820
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 09:01)
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. The task Phrases of the day
and your exam topic #17 (Password as a general technique of secrecy) were
performed correctly.
· #819
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:59)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. The task Phrases of the day
was performed correctly.
· #818
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:57)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Your comment is thoughtful and well done, thank you.
· #817
El-kadi RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:56)
read an article about the history of computer viruses. And the most large-scale
threat is the computer virus "Melissa". Within a few hours, the threat infected
tens of thousands of computers around the world, including the devices of state
institutions. This threat spread through an email with an attached Word
document, after which the infected email was automatically sent to another 50
addresses of the victim. This "Melisa" malware caused $80 million in damage.
The action from the poles of the body is by means of the nerves. Дія з полюсів
тіла відбувається за допомогою нервів.
Privacy has always been the main objective of the European Union. Приватність
завжди була основним завданням Євросоюзу.
Abstracts selected will be published in collection of articles of conference.
Тези доповідей, що пройшли конкурсний відбір, будуть опубліковані в Збірці праць
· #816
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:52)
main protective mechanisms - activities aimed at ensuring engineering measures
of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. Protective
mechanisms are divided into:
Physical - various engineering tools and structures that complicate or eliminate
the physical intrusion of offenders into objects of protection and into material
carriers of confidential information;
Hardware - mechanical, electrical, electronic and other devices designed to
protect information from leakage, disclosure, modification, destruction, as well
as counteraction to technical intelligence;
Software - special programs for computers that implement the functions of
protecting information from unauthorized access, copying, modification,
destruction and blocking;
Cryptographic - technical and software means of data encryption based on the use
of various mathematical and algorithmic methods;
Combined - the combined implementation of hardware and software and
cryptographic methods of information security.
1)by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту
2)the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
Огляд виявив, що головною метою офшорингу була економія витрат.
3)published in
Millions of research papers are published in a year.
За рік публікуються мільйони наукових робіт.
· #815
Gvozd O.V. to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:47)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #814
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:47)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day. Good luck.
· #813
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:45)
To Pontus Nataliia(RF-211) Thanks for your comment. It's very informative and interesting to read.
· #812
Pontus Nataliia(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:44)
Today I have read the article “A new machine-learning system helps robots
understand and perform certain social interactions”. Robots can deliver food on
a college campus and hit a hole in one on the golf course, but even the most
sophisticated robot can't perform basic social interactions that are critical to
everyday human life.That's why to study social interactions, the researchers
created a simulated environment where robots pursue physical and social goals as
they move around a two-dimensional grid.The researchers also showed that their
model creates realistic and predictable social interactions. Enabling robots to
exhibit social skills could lead to more positive human-robot interactions.
Robots will live in our world soon enough and they really need to learn how to
communicate with us on human terms.
Phrases of the Day:
1)by means of
Informing is carried out by means of telephone and/or e-mail.
Інформування здійснюється за допомогою засобів телефонного зв'язку та/або
електронної пошти.
2) published in
Research results published in international dental journals can be found on
Результати досліджень, опубліковані в міжнародних стоматологічних журналах,
можна знайти по «Medline».
3) the main objective
Privacy has always been the main objective of the European Union.
Приватність завжди була основним завданням Євросоюзу.
· #811
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:41)
To Chmel Maksim RF-211 Task1 is Good. Task2 is UNACCEPTED .Pls translate the sentences with the phrases into Ukrainian.
· #810
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:40)
To Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) , Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211), Alexander Shibaev (RF-211), Shulyak Makar (RF-211) Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) Thank you for the participation in discussion on the articles. Your comments are quite good.
· #809
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:35)
Single-walled carbon nanohorns are an allotrope of carbon with promising
properties for a variety of applications. Despite their promise, the majority
carrier type (i.e., electrons or holes) that defines the electronic properties
of this novel semiconductor is poorly understood and so far only indirect
measurements have been employed to arrive at contradictory results.
Here, we directly determine the majority carrier type in single-wall carbon
nanohorns for the first time by means of thermopower measurements. Using this
direct method, we show that SWCNH films exhibit a positive Seebeck coefficient
indicating that SWCNHs behave as p-type semiconductors. This result is further
corroborated by intentionally tuning the hole or electron concentrations of
SWCNH layers via redox doping with molecular electron acceptors and donors,
These results provide a framework for both measuring and chemically tuning the
majority carrier type in this emerging nanocarbon semiconductor.
1. published in
This study was recently published in the Agronomy Journal
2. by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
3.the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
· #808
Chmel Maksim RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:35)
It’s generally accepted that Ada Lovelace’s “Algorithm for the Analytical
Engine” is the first computer language ever created. Its purpose was to help
Charles Babbage with Bernoulli number computations and Ada designed it. Lovelace
describes her machine as different from previous calculating machines because of
its ability to be programmed to solve problems of any complexity. Her
contributions to the computer programming world are important because it showed
the capabilites of computed devices almost 100 years before the thought of a
modern programming computer was realized.
1)Scientists recently conducted a study. This result is published in Annals of
Ученые недавно провели исследование. Этот результат опубликован в Annals of
2)The trials were successful and the issue of remuneration of the participants,
for example in the form of fees, was raised.
Испытания прошли успешно, и был поднят вопрос о вознаграждении участников,
например, в виде гонорара.
3)State production of all goods in the required volume. Thus, the main goal of
the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit - has been achieved.
Государственное производство всех товаров в необходимом объеме. Таким образом,
основная цель процесса реструктуризации - избежать любого дефицита - достигнута.
· #807
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:34)
To Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Pls read the task of the session in the Guestbook set by me. Just good for both tasks. Now pls prepare the exam topic and post it into the Guestbook.
· #806
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:27)
Today I have read an article titled: “Movement of small water droplets
controlled by means of a magnet” by University of the Basque Country. This
article is about how droplet manipulation is of great interest in several areas,
including technological applications and fundamental research on dynamical
systems. The Lab-on-a-chip community is particularly interested in the precise
manipulation of small volumes of fluids, microfluidics of droplets.
The study, showed that a superparamagnetic ring spontaneously forms around a
water droplet when an oil-based ferrofluid is in contact with the droplet under
the influence of a magnetic field, and changes according to the strength of the
applied magnetic field.
Under the influence of the magnetic field, water droplets can be enclosed in the
ferrofluid and move remotely, moving the magnet, due to the magnetic properties
of the ferrofluid.
I find this research quite useful, as this finding makes reliable, controlled,
and programmable manipulation of confined water droplets possible.
Phrases of the day:
1) The results were recently published in the Biophysical Journal.
Результати нещодавно були опубліковані в Biophysical Journal.
2) Biden’s main objective in Japan is to check China at every step.
Основна мета Байдена в Японії – перевіряти Китай на кожному кроці.
3) Here, we directly determine the majority carrier type in single-wall carbon
nanohorns for the first time by means of thermopower measurements.
Тут ми вперше безпосередньо визначили тип мажоритарних носіїв у одностінних
вуглецевих наноріжках за допомогою термоенергетичних вимірів.
· #805
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:25)
Today I’ve read the article “Movement of small water droplets controlled by
means of a magnet”.
This article is about the ability to manipulate drops, which is of great
interest in many fields, including technology applications and basic research in
dynamic systems.
The purpose of this article is to tell about a study in which scientists try to
control a drop of water with the help of a magnet.
under a magnetic field the water droplets can be encapsulated in the ferrofluid,
and be moved remotely by moving a magnet, thanks to the magnetic properties of
the ferrofluid.
I think this article will be useful for people interested in molecular physics.
1.the main objective
The main objective of the Paris Agreement, a global framework to tackle climate
change, is to hold the global average temperature increase to well below 2°C
above pre-industrial levels and endeavor to limit the temperature increase to
2.published in
The groundbreaking discovery was published in the Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation. means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
· #804
Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:24)
Today i have read article, called "It's official: Science says grannies are good
for you" by CC0 Public Domain. It talks about researchers at Emory University.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging they scanned brain of grandmothers,
while showing them their grandchildren`s photo. "When they see the photo, they
feels the same emotion as a grandchildren, for example, if kid expressing the
joy, they are feeling it as well, because of the brain that are involved with
emotional empathy," - said James Rilling, the neuroscientist who led the study.
In contrast, when they saw photo of their adult child, there was a stronger
activation of brain regions linked to cognitive empathy—trying to understand
what a person is thinking or feeling and why, without as much emotional
engagement. Many grandmothers felt they could be more present now that they were
free of the time and financial pressure they experienced when raising their own
child. I found this article really important, because it shows everyone that our
grandparents are also a huge part of our live, even because they are emotionnaly
connected to us.
Phrases of the day:
1. The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформацію можна витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
2. Information about the approval was published in the Official Journal on 3 May
Інформація про схвалення була опублікована в Офіційному журналі 3 травня 2006
3. The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
Огляд виявив, що головною метою офшорингу була економія витрат.
· #803
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:23)
Today I've read an article "Engineers evaluate the factors affecting battery
performance at low temperatures" published by Tsinghua University Press.
The main face of this paper is professor Yi-Chun Lu from the China University of
Hong Kong.
This article tells us about battery function under cold conditions that is an
ongoing challenge, motivating researchers to improve low temperature performance
of batteries. Energy storage with rechargeable battery technologies powers our
digital lifestyles and supports renewable energy integration into the power
grid. The main challenges for low temperature aqueous batteries are that the
electrolytes freeze, the ions diffuse slowly, and the redox kinetics are
consequently sluggish. These parameters are closely related to the
physicochemical properties of the low temperature aqueous electrolytes used in
batteries. To improve battery performance under cold conditions, therefore,
requires understanding how the electrolytes respond to cold. Study author Lu
predicted that "ideal antifreezing aqueous electrolytes should not only exhibit
low freezing temperature Tm but also possess strong supercooling ability," i.e.
the liquid electrolyte medium should remain liquid even below freezing
So, in the future, the authors hope to further study the physicochemical
properties of electrolytes that contribute to improved aqueous battery
performance at low temperatures. This will not only increase their energy
efficiency, but also increase their capacity.
1. The research was published in the journal. - Дослідження опубліковано в
2. The properties of the product can be controlled very precisely by means of
the recipe. - Властивості продукту можна дуже точно контролювати за допомогою
3. The main objective was to bring prices down. - Головною метою було знизити
· #802
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:21)
Exam topic#8 (principles of information protection)
Some of the key security controls that you can use to maintain confidentiality
are: Encrypting information ensures that even if an unauthorized user is able to
get access to the information, without the decryption key the information will
be in an unreadable format. By having strong passwords it reduces the chances of
someone being able to access accounts or resources by guessing the password. Two
factor authentication supplements traditional login information by requiring an
additional code. Identity and Access Management, Proper Technical Controls and
Physical Locks and Doors.
· #801
Shulyak Makar (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:19)
Today I have read the article:"Shining new light on cell membranes with improved
imaging". It was so interesting.
Research from the lab of Matthew Lew at Washington University in St. Louis
offers entirely new ways to see the very small.
They have developed novel hardware and algorithms that allow them to visualize
the building blocks of the biological world beyond three dimensions in a way
that, until now, wasn't feasible. After all, cells are 3D objects and full of
"stuff"—molecules—that moves around, rotates, spins and tumbles to drive life
Wu's research also provides a new way to image cell membranes and, in a way, to
see inside of them. Using fluorescent tracer molecules, she maps how the tracers
interact with fat and cholesterol molecules in the membrane, determining how the
lipids are arranged and organized
The researchers developed computational imaging technology, which synergizes
software and hardware together, to successfully see the previously unseeable.
1)published in - опубліковано в
The research was published in the journal
Дослідження опубліковано в журналі
2) by means of- за допомогою
The properties of the product can be controlled very precisely by means of the
Властивості продукту можна дуже точно контролювати за допомогою рецептури.
3) the main objective- головна мета.
The main objective was to bring prices down.
Головною метою було знизити ціни.
· #800
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:18)
Audio(text + phrases):
Today i have read an article titled "Movement of small water droplets controlled
by means of a magnet".
The text says that droplet manipulation is kindling great interest in several
fields, including technological applications and basic studies in dynamic
systems. A piece of research conducted by the UPV/EHU's Microfluidics Cluster
has found that a superparamagnetic ring forms spontaneously around a water
droplet when an oil-based ferrofluid is in contact with the droplet under the
influence of a magnetic field and varies according to the strength of the
magnetic field applied. The ring consists of an oil-based ferrofluid, a stable
suspension of ferromagnetic particles in an oil phase. It appears spontaneously
due to the oil-water interfacial interaction under the influence of a magnetic
field. This work opens the door to new applications in inverted or open-surface
microfluidics, lays the foundations for new studies into interactions between
two immiscible liquids and could lead to new studies, a new piece of knowledge
relating to liquid-liquid interaction.
I think that the results of these studies will soon find their scope.
Phrases of the day
1. by means of - за допомогою
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet - Рухом дрібних
крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
2. published in - опубліковано в
The groundbreaking discovery was published in the Journal of Veterinary
Diagnostic Investigation - Новаторське відкриття було опубліковано в Журналі
ветеринарно-діагностичних досліджень.
3. the main objective - головна мета
Glaser et al designed the new system to feature three main objectives, which
they positioned below the specimen to provide an unobstructed open top for
three-dimensional imaging - Глейзер та інші розробили нову систему, щоб мати три
основні цілі, які вони розташували під зразком, щоб забезпечити безперешкодний
відкритий верх для тривимірного зображення.
· #799
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:16)
Today I have read the article " Higher levels of organic pollutants found in
homes located near natural gas wells, study finds". This article states that a
study by the University of Toronto found that those who live near natural gas
wells are exposed to higher levels of certain organic pollutants in their homes.
The study looked at the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air
and drinking water in the homes of pregnant women living in northeastern British
Columbia. I find this article useful because there is very little research on
indoor air quality in regions with a lot of unconventional use of natural gas.
1. published in
This study was recently published in the Agronomy Journal
Це дослідження нещодавно опубліковано в Agronomy Journal
2. by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рух дрібних крапель води керується за допомогою магніту.
3.the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином головна мета процесу реструктуризації – уникнути будь-якого дефіциту
– була досягнута
· #798
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:15)
To Vivchar Roman (RF-211) Thanks. Nothing ventured nothing have as proverb says, the quickness and at the expense of quality. Be attentive and train your pronunciation, consult your dictionary. There are a lot of mistakes in pronunciation of words and word combinations relating to your speciality (e.g. antivirus, objective, specialized, appeared, unequivocally, etc.) . Pls consult the dictionary first. Task 2 is 67 points, Task1 is good. Be assiduous and keep on working hard to improve your speaking skills!
· #797
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:11)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211, Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211), Teliga Maksim (RF-211) and Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) Well done, thank you!
· #796
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:10)
Exam topic #17 (Password as a general technique of secrecy)
A password is your personal key to a computer system. Passwords help to ensure
that only authorized individuals access computer systems. Passwords also help to
determine accountability for all transactions and other changes made to system
resources, including data. Passwords are a critical part of information and
network security. Passwords serve to protect against unauthorized access, but a
poorly chosen password could put the entire institution at risk. There are few
general recommendations about creating passwords: 1) Passwords should be long
and unique; 2)Old passwords should not be re-used.
· #795
Gvozd to Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:08)
As far as I understand you have decided to do everything in advance... Well, the tasks are not bad.
· #794
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:02)
Today I've read the article "Smart farming: AI technologies for sustainable
The article covers the recent attempt at implementation of AI technology into
the agricultural field.
The agricultural sector is starting to face major challenges, which the NaLamKI
project attempts to address. Utilizing AI technology, this project will aid
farmers in analyzing crop and soil conditions over large areas of land, as well
as providing farmers other means of aid, such as providing recommendations on
how to address soil with low water levels.
Overall, I find this project to be interesting, albeit vastly over-engineered. I
frankly disagree that every possible sector needs the implementation of high-end
technologies like AI, I find simpler solutions to often be more effective.
1) Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхне дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Природа Мікробіології.
2) The main objective of the meeting was to discuss a framework for accelerating
the implementation of the global and regional platforms for action in Africa.
Головною метою зустрічі було обговорення структури для прискорення реалізації
глобальних та регіональних платформ для дій в Африці.
3) Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рух малих краплей води за допомогою магніту.
· #793
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Mikhailuk) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:01)
Today I have read the article "Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative
way to cool everything from food to computers" This article focuses on
alternative way to cool everything. Researchers have built an electrocaloric
refrigerator the size of a beverage coaster that can generate a temperature
difference of about 2 K between the hot and cold ends of the device. The cooling
mechanism, which is based on the electrocaloric effect, involves alternately
applying and removing an electric field to a material to increase and decrease
the material's temperature, respectively. The new cooling method can potentially
achieve a higher efficiency than current methods, indicating that electrocaloric
cooling devices may one day replace today's refrigerators and other cooling
devices. I think this is useful study.
1. the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином головна мета процесу реструктуризації – уникнути будь-якого дефіциту
– була досягнута.
2. published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
Цей результат опубліковано в Annals of Mathematics.
3. by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
Порушувалося питання винагороди учасників, наприклад за рахунок гонорарів.
Audio ph:
· #792
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 08:00)
Today i have read the article: Making racetrack noise bearable with physics.
This article tells about Bonnie Schnitt and his team, who decided to reduce
noise in the Michigan area from a nearby race track.
A discussion of this problem took place during the 182nd meeting of the Acoustic
Society of America.
Race tracks can generate noise from many types of vehicles such as racing cars,
street racing cars, racing bikes, go-karts, monster trucks, and cheering
spectators. Schnitta and her team studied several different types of barriers,
including berms, acoustic barriers, or dense foliage, to keep this noise from
penetrating surrounding homes and businesses.
The team mathematically modeled a Michigan race track, focusing on sections of
the track where cars tend to accelerate and make the most noise. From there, the
sound was softened by strategically placed projections. The goal was to reduce
the level of sound heard in the surrounding area by no more than 5 decibels
above the background level.
Schnitt said that the most effective solution to street noise may even be social
in nature. Racetrack made an agreement with a nearby church to suspend services
during services combined with acoustic treatment and said the best strategy is
diplomacy with a set of math solutions used in the discussion.
1)The main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
2)published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data.
3)By means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
· #791
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:59)
article is headlined “The most effective ways to reduce car traffic”. The author
of the article is Lund University.
The main idea of the article is a problem of major source of climate pollution
in Europe – traffic.And researchers gave 12 measures to reduce car use:
1)Congestion charge
2. Parking & traffic control
3. Limited traffic zone
4. Mobility service for commuters
5. Workplace parking charge
6. Workplace travel planning
7. University travel planning
8. Mobility services for university
9. Car sharing
10. School travel planning
11. Personalised travel planning
12. App for sustainable mobility
"We didn't find one silver bullet—the cities that were successful combined a few
different policy instruments, especially charging for or restricting driving and
parking, combined with investing in public and active transport infrastructure
like bike lanes," says Kimberly Nicholas. Especially effective measures included
a congestion charge, which cities including London, Milan, Stockholm, and
Gothenburg have used to reduce traffic across the whole city center by 12–33%.
Oslo's replacement of parking spaces with strollable car-free streets and bike
lanes, and Rome's restriction on cars entering the city center, with violation
fines used to finance public transport, both reduced car traffic around
10–20%.Collaborations between cities, employers and universities could also play
an important role in reducing traffic.
I think these measures for traffic management will have a good effect on the
atmosphere and improving quality of life and sustainable mobility for residents.
Phrases of the day
1)published in - опубліковано в
The research was published in the journal
Дослідження опубліковано в журналі
2) by means of- за допомогою
The properties of the product can be controlled very precisely by means of the
Властивості продукту можна дуже точно контролювати за допомогою рецептури.
3) the main objective- головна мета.
The main objective was to bring prices down.
Головною метою було знизити ціни.
· #790
Teliga Maksim (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:55)
new method that could automatically detect and kill cyberattacks on our laptops,
computers and smart devices in under a second has been created by researchers at
Cardiff University.Using artificial intelligence in a completely novel way, the
method has been shown to successfully prevent up to 92 percent of files on a
computer from being corrupted, with it taking just 0.3 seconds on average for a
piece of malware to be wiped out.By training computers to run simulations on
specific pieces of malware, it is possible to make a very quick prediction in
less than a second of how the malware will behave further down the line.
1) published in (публікувати)
The newspaper is published daily
Газета виходить щодня
2) by means of ( за допомогою)
insects propagate themselves by means of eggs
комахи розмножуються за допомогою яєць
3) the main objective(головна мета)
The main objective was to bring prices down
Головною метою було знизити ціни
· #789
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:53)
Today I've read the article called "Bird populations in eastern Canada declining
due to forest 'degradation,' research shows". It tells us about bird species
that live in wooded areas. The scientists looked at how the forest degradation
affected bird habitat. Researchers found that the loss of habitat for nesting
occurred in 66% of the 54 most common bird species in the forest from 1985 to
2020 and was closely linked to the loss of old forests. They assumed that after
cutting down a natural forest if you plant more trees, all other plants and
animals will be filled, but a new study shows that this is not the case.
published in
Related results were published in Earth System Science Data
Відповідні результати були опубліковані в Дані науки про Землю
the main objective
This task has become the main objective for 1998 of the Human Rights Field
Це завдання стало головним завданням польового офісу з прав людини на 1998 рік.
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
· #788
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:52)
To Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.
· #787
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:52)
Today I’ve read an article “Blockchain bridge Wormhole pays record $10m bug
bounty reward”. An ethical hacker has earned a record $10 million bug bounty
reward after discovering a critical security vulnerability in the Wormhole core
bridge contract on Ethereum. Wormhole is a decentralized, universal
message-passing protocol that enables interoperability between blockchains such
as Ethereum, Terra, and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). An attacker exploiting the
vulnerability “could have held the entire protocol to ransom with the threat
that the Ethereum Wormhole bridge would be bricked, and all the funds residing
in that contract lost forever”. I think people like him are making the world
better, they don’t abuse a bug to steal but solve it so everybody’s finances can
be safe.
Phrases of the Day
1. by means of - за рахунок
ENG: The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
UKR: Порушувалося питання винагороди учасників, наприклад за рахунок гонорарів.
2. published in - опубліковано
ENG: This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
UKR: Цей результат опубліковано в Annals of Mathematics.
3. the main objective - головна мета
ENG: Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit
- has been achieved.
UKR: Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - була досягнута.
· #786
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:41)
Today I’ve read an article about how artificial intelligence is used to predict
Leptospirosis in dogs.
It is stated that traditional testing lacks sensitivity in the early disease
process and can take more than two weeks, while the AI model is capable of
making a precise and swift diagnosis. AI was trained on more than 400 samples,
and as a result it can find 100% of leptospirosis positive and 90% of
leptospirosis negative dogs.
The group of researchers hope this testing model will be available on an online
resource for veterinarians to enter patient data and receive a timely
prediction. Also it may be applied into human medicine, and the group actively
pursues AI for predicting other infections.
Phrases of the day
1. published in
The article was finally published in a science journal.
- Нарешті стаття була опублікована в науковому журналі.
2. by means of
Only by means of these interactions were they able to find out the problem.
- Тільки за допомогою цих взаємодій вони змогли з’ясувати проблему.
3. the main objective
The main objective is to create a maintainable and flexible information system.
- Основна мета – створити функціональну та гнучку інформаційну систему.
· #785
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:33)
By means of.
It is necessary to collect points for the module, for example by means of
independent ones.
Потрібно добирати бали на модуль, наприклад за допомогою здачі самостійних.
- The main objective.
The main objective of most students is to get a diploma.
Основною метою більшості студентів є отримання диплома.
- Published in.
My comment was published in infopolytech8.
Мій коментар був опублікований у infopolytech8.
Antivirus programs.
An anti-virus program is a specialized program for detecting computer viruses,
as well as unwanted programs and recovering files infected by such programs and
preventing malware from infecting files or the operating system with malicious
The first antiviruses appeared in the late 1980s, it is difficult to
unequivocally establish the time of their appearance. The pioneers were AntiVir
and Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus Toolkit, created in 1988, and Symantec antivirus
for Macintosh, launched a year later.
In November 2014, the international human rights organization Amnesty
International released the Detect anti-virus program, designed to detect malware
distributed by government agencies to spy on civil activists and political
opponents. The antivirus, according to the creators, performs a deeper scan of
the hard drive than conventional antiviruses. The antivirus, according to the
creators, performs a deeper scan of the hard drive than conventional
antiviruses. Analytical company Imperva, as part of the Hacker Intelligence
Initiative project, has published a study that shows the low effectiveness of
most antiviruses in real conditions.
According to the results of various synthetic tests, antiviruses show an average
efficiency of around 97%, but these tests are carried out on databases of
hundreds of thousands of samples, the vast majority of which are no longer used
for attacks.
· #784
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:29)
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative, the tasks Phrases of the
day were performed correctly.
· #783
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:28)
To Biehin Yevhen RF-211 Thank you for your comment. It's quite all right.
· #782
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:26)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. The task Phrases of the day
and your exam topic #10 were performed correctly.
· #781
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:20)
Today I have read an article titled: “Using artificial intelligence to predict
life-threatening bacterial disease in dogs”. This article tells us about a
disease that can cause liver failure or severe bleeding into the lungs in dogs.
Fortunately, the AI has already been created to accurately recognize if dog has
this disease. The research involved historical data of patients at the UC Davis
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital that had been tested for leptospirosis.
Routinely collected blood work from these 413 dogs was used to train an AI
prediction model. Over the next year, the hospital treated an additional 53 dogs
with suspected leptospirosis. The model correctly identified all nine dogs that
were positive for leptospirosis. The model also correctly identified
approximately 90% of the 44 dogs that were ultimately leptospirosis negative.
1) published in
The newspaper is published daily
Газета виходить щодня
2) by means of
insects propagate themselves by means of eggs
комахи розмножуються за допомогою яєць
3) the main objective
The main objective was to bring prices down
Головною метою було знизити ціни
· #780
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:19)
Today I've read the article "What happens when plants have stress reactions to
It has previously been established that touch can trigger stress reactions in
plants. Now researchers at Lund University in Sweden have found genetic keys
that explain how plants respond so strongly to mechanical stimuli. When you
water your garden plants, they react directly at a biochemical level. When a
knife edge cuts a rhubarb stalk, thousands of genes are activated, and stress
hormones are released. Unlike humans, plants can not feel pain, but they still
react strongly to mechanical stimuli from human touch, hungry animals, wind and
rain, for example.
article -
audio -
1) the main objective - This is the main objective of our Meeting. Это является
главной целью нашего Совещания.
2) by means of - Insects propagate themselves by means of eggs. Hасекомые
размножаются с помощью яиц.
3) published in - This photo could be published in a fashion magazine. Теперь
эта фотография может быть опубликована в модном журнале.
audio -
· #779
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:11)
students from subgroups RF-211 and РЗ-212
Welcome back to our today’s session.Pls prepare the following tasks: exam
speciality topics and phrases of the day practice. Post them into the Guestbook
with appropriate links to the topics and phrases and voice record msgs. Wish you
all the best!
· #778
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 07:07)
To РФ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day.
· #777
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 06:59)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments and audio
recordings. Don't forget to write the sentences with Phrases and record them.
Please, do it in one postt!
· #776
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 24 May 2022 05:04)
1. published in
A new study published in Science Advances has examined the complex regulating
networks that affect how the plant's defences are strengthened by external
influences. - У новому дослідженні, опублікованому в Science Advances,
досліджено складні регулюючі мережі, які впливають на те, як зовнішній вплив
посилює захист рослин.
2. the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving. -
Огляд виявив, що головною метою офшорингу була економія витрат.
3. by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.- Рухом дрібних
крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
2) Today I have read the article “Smart farming: AI technologies for sustainable
Changing climatic conditions, the shortage of skilled workers, the use of
pesticides—a wide range of factors have an impact on the quality and flow of
agricultural processes. Researchers at the Heinrich Hertz Institute, are aiming
to make this more efficient and sustainable by means of cloud and AI
technologies. The data and AI services will be provided in a decentralized
manner using cloud infrastructure with data sovereignty. What's more, a
decentralized, distributed-learning AI system will be established, with data
stored locally at the farms.
In my opinion, AI will significantly improve agricultural production
3) Exam topic#10 (Software firewall)
A software firewall is a firewall that is installed on a computer or server, and
tasked with network security. It provides more robust and cohesive security for
enterprises of all sizes by working with a wide variety of other technology
security solutions. A software firewall is needed to monitor incoming and
outgoing traffic for potential risk or suspicious user behaviour. It is able to
make setting security policies much easier, faster and more flexible. This type
of firewall is also critical as it requires very little space and can be
installed remotely on any number of devices. So it is fast becoming in the
solution of choice for many reasons.
· #775
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Monday, 23 May 2022 09:16)
sorry, I accidentally sent you an exam topic that you've checked before.
Check my exam topics, please (#695 #720). Sorry again
· #774
S.Mykhailiuk (Sunday, 22 May 2022 21:06)
To Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 Thanks.Task1 is good. There is one grammar mistake. Unable to listen to your voice msg as it can hardly be opened.Just 76 points. Task2 is 78 points. Stick to the procedures pls. Keep on working hard.
· #773
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (долг за 31.05) (Saturday, 21 May 2022 13:44)
Today i have read the article "Zero-trust architecture may hold the answer to
cybersecurity insider threats". This article tells us about a defensive approach
to cybersecurity. Now cloud storage is popular, which means that the company
allows an employee to work with data from anywhere in the world. This popularity
is the holy grail for vindictors and people who carry out cyberattacks. Constant
high-profile incidents with hacks and cyber attacks confirm this. I believe that
this has a bad effect on the protection of the data of ordinary users and the
countries themselves. A good group of people with cyberattack knowledge can hack
anything, and that has to be fought.
Secrecy is security, and security is victory.
2)government organizations
Bilateral and multilateral agencies, development banks and government
organizations can play a major role in improving this situation.
3)paradigm shift
it's a space where a supervisor and an employee engage in a knowledge transfer
about an impending vocational paradigm shift.
· #772
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (долг за 24.05) (Saturday, 21 May 2022 13:33)
Today i have read the article "Cyber attack causes chaos in Costa Rica
government systems". This article tells us about about a cyberattack that
disabled government computer systems in Costa Rica. The country refused to pay
the ransom, and the Russian-speaking Conti gang announced a cyber attack. The
cyberattack disrupted the country's import and export logistics. The situation
itself can be described in a nutshell "the power of the Internet", it is
terrible, people millions of kilometers from the country can hack its data, sell
it or distribute it for free, destroy the entire economy and people's lives, it
is clear that Costa Rica is not the most informationally developed country , but
the very fact that this happened makes many people wonder if I am safe from a
cyber attack.
The officers submitted an internal report upon completion of the mission
2)computer system
Icinga is an open-source computer system and network monitoring application.
3)initial attack
We thought he was killed during the initial attack.
· #771
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (долг за 17.05) (Saturday, 21 May 2022 13:16)
Today i have read the article "The 'bots' at heart of Twitter buyout row". This
article tells us about deal with Twitter and bots. Bots have put Elon Musk on
hold on his twitter purchase, bots have become sophisticated in the last 10
years and are one of the top cyber threats. Bots are used in more than in three
out of four cyber crimes and fraud incidents that occur online. Why would
Twitter use bots when there are so many people there? It's simple, more
visibility, more money from sponsors who look at user reach. I believe that bots
that are used for evil purposes harm people who have been deceived by bots.
Internet spy software works in hidden mode so it is known as stealth keylogger
2) fake accounts
Create fake accounts and rate yourself.
3)social media platforms
The Department also promoted volunteering opportunities through its social media
· #770
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (долг за 10.05) (Saturday, 21 May 2022 13:02)
Today i have read the article "Social network Grindr going public at $2.1 bn
value". This article tells us about the social network Grindr, the owner of
which has announced that it has announced a merger with a special company to go
public, the cost of which is estimated at 2.1 billion dollars. This social
network is focused on the LGBTQ+ community. The Chinese cybersecurity service
carried out an operation to eliminate the application from the country, and the
Norwegian government fined the application due to the distribution of user data.
I believe that this application violates the laws of the countries in which it
is located, which was confirmed by China and Norway, if you do not take into
account the fact that the world has not treated people of a different
orientation badly for a long time, but in China this is a taboo, so this
application has defiled it laws and should be punished.
1)public company
The proponent was the public company "Hrvatska elektroprivreda" of Croatia.
That company is called Tufnell Engineering, the company co-owned by Mr Rafael
3)personal data
Your minions are mining personal data off that old equipment, which can only
mean you're committing identity theft.
· #769
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (долг за 3.05) (Saturday, 21 May 2022 12:47)
Today i have read the article "Wi-Fi may be coming soon to a lamppost near you".
This article tells us about the widespread use of WI-FI in cities. Researchers
have developed and tested a new model that will help wireless providers analyze
at what height to attach Wi-Fi equipment to lampposts. The studies were
confirmed in practice and the test was successful, which meant further
distribution. This means that WI-FI will become even more accessible to all
citizens. I believe that this will have a positive impact on Internet users and
help technology reach more people.
1)transmission frequency
PG Control Inverter High Voltage IPE200 Engineering Transmission Frequency
2) antenna design
He encoded the S.O.S. antenna design into the music box.
You can dismantle that transmitter by removing the encoder chip.
· #768
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 16:13)
students from Group РЗ-213
Be advised that 10 students participated in our today’s on-line activities only
. Thank you and next session, I’d like you all to work with your exam topics
from the list of our website + phrases of the day. All the best, students.
· #767
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 16:05)
To Anna Yakymova/ RZ-213 Task1 is very good. Task2 is 72 points.Pls focus on the speciality articles as a priority in your on-line activities during the sessions.
· #766
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:59)
To Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213 Pls focus on the topic related to your speciality. Just 65 points. Task2 should be done according to the procedure ( a phrase with translation). Do you know about that? Just 60 points . Take my remarks into account and improve your approach to get better results in the sessions to come.
· #765
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:52)
To Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 Pls follow the requirements for the phrases of the day practice. You comments on the article were not revealed. The conclusion is different from the fact your perceive the phenomenon and treat it. Just 67 points for all activities. Keep on working hard.
· #764
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Popovych (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:46)
(Отработка за 17.05.2022)
Today i have read the article titled: Sophisticated fluid mechanics model:
Space–time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics.
This article tell ` s about complex aerodynamics and how scientists at Rice
University and Waseda University in Tokyo have perfected their computer modeling
techniques to the point where you can see right down to the flow around rolling
tires. The results are there for all to see in a video produced by Takashi
Kuraishi, a research associate in the George R. Brown School of Engineering lab
of Tayfun Tezduyar, the James F. Barbour Professor of Mechanical Engineering,
and a student of alumnus Kenji Takizawa, a professor at Waseda and an adjunct
professor at Rice. In my opinion, this research will be extremely useful in the
field of physics and the study of car streamlining in order to give a more
aerodynamic shape to future cars.
computer simulation
Specialists in fluid dynamics at Rice University and Waseda University in Tokyo
have developed their computer simulation methods to the point where it's
possible to accurately model moving cars, right down to the flow around rolling
Специалисты по гидродинамике из Университета Райса и Университета Васэда в Токио
усовершенствовали свои методы компьютерного моделирования до такой степени, что
стало возможным точно моделировать движущиеся автомобили, вплоть до обтекания
катящихся шин.
proof theory
Proof Theory Jeremy Avigad October 24, 2017 Abstract Proof theory began in the
1920's as a part of Hilbert's program.
Теория доказательств Джереми Авигад 24 октября 2017 г. Теория доказательств
началась в 1920-х годах как часть программы Гильберта.
concurrent system
Mathematical models to analyse concurrent systems performance and complexity in
the form of Petri nets are published in a critical research paper by Esparza and
Математические модели для анализа производительности и сложности параллельных
систем в виде сетей Петри опубликованы в критической исследовательской статье
Эспарзы и Нильсена.
· #763
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:44)
To Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213) Just 80 points. Pls insert some phrases like “To sum it up, I guess, etc at the end of your comments.
· #762
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:40)
To Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213 Thanks 85 points.
· #761
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:37)
To Chernetskiy Nikita.RZ-213. . These’s no conclusion in your comments on the article. Just 70 points.Task is 74 scores as there’s no translation of the phrases.
· #760
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:31)
To Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 Pls sick to the pattern in task4. Just 74 points. Task2 is good.
· #759
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:26)
To Kate Syrbu RZ-213 Thanks There grammar mistakes in the sentences (“ which” >who). Just 75 points for all activities. Keep on working hard.
· #758
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 20 May 2022 15:20)
To Igor Rudko (RZ-213) Task1 has some grammar mistakes Just 74 points . Task2. Point 3 sentence is incomplete translation. Just 74 points.
· #757
Chernetskiy Nikita.RZ-213. (Vorobyova) (Friday, 20 May 2022 13:48)
Exam topic 12
What is a Hardware Firewall?
A hardware firewall is a physical appliance that is deployed to enforce a
network boundary. All network links crossing this boundary pass through this
firewall, which enables it to perform inspection of both inbound and outbound
network traffic and enforce access controls and other security policies.
These firewalls, which contain both the hardware and software features necessary
to enforce a network boundary, can offer a variety of different networking and
security features, including URL filtering, an intrusion prevention system
(IPS), and even Wi-Fi support.
In my mind, a router may provide the protection you need.
· #756
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 20 May 2022 12:30)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #755
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Friday, 20 May 2022 12:27)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
Exam topic #12 ( Hardware firewall)
A physical firewall device or firewall hardware is an appliance that sits
in-between the uplink and the client system and filters
what traffic gets through based on pre-configured security policies, user
profiles, and business rules.
The uplink carries incoming traffic from public or private networks, whereas the
client system is a server, an employee desktop, a WFH system, an IoT node,etc.
Firewall solutions are an integral component of enterprise security. A 2020
report by Palo Alto Networks found that firewalls, including hardware
were the no.1 security measure enterprises adopt to protect their
infrastructure. The report said that 96.6% of companies have a firewall in
place, with 53.8%
also deploying web application firewalls. In fact, more than 1 in 4
organizations rely solely on firewall hardware instead of software or
cloud-based solutions.
1)examine more closely
I think I will examine it more closely.
2) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
The stems have distinct smelling foliage when young.
· #754
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 12:16)
Today I have read the article: "Addressing the issue of using hacked data in
research efforts". The authors suggest that the research community needs to
establish whether using hacked data is ethical, and if so, under what
conditions. By posting something, the data became public, which made it legal
for researchers to use it in their own studies if they wished. Doing so,
however, raises ethical questions because the people represented by the data
have not given their permission for their data to be used for such purposes.
In my opinion, user privacy should be considered but, unfortunately, researchers
make it clear in their papers that user's data was used without consent.
1) proof theory - теорія доказів
Scientists prove a theory about the collision of dwarf galaxies by explaining
dark matter–free galaxies - Вчені доводять теорію про зіткнення карликових
галактик, пояснюючи галактики без темної матерії
2) concurrent system - паралельна система
A concurrent system of controls is over sequence and dispersity in multiblock
copolymers - Одночасна система контролю – це над послідовністю та дисперсністю в
3) computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання
Under a project led by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science, researchers
have used computer simulations to show that weather phenomena - У рамках
проекту, очолюваного Центром обчислювальних наук RIKEN, дослідники використали
комп’ютерне моделювання, щоб показати, що погодні явища
· #753
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 12:16)
proof theory - теорія доказів;
This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof
Ця теорема також грає важливу роль у конструктивній математиці та теорії
2) computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання;
In this research, computer simulation is the training ground for robot systems
the teams will build.
У цьому дослідженні комп’ютерне моделювання є навчальним полігоном для систем
роботів, які будуть створювати команди.
3) concurrent system - паралельна система;
The principal application of these logics is in writing specifications for
concurrent systems.
Основне застосування цієї логіки полягає в написанні специфікацій для одночасних
Today i have read the article about research by Tetsuro Kobayashi of City
University of Hong Kong and his colleagues which recruited hundreds of Japanese
adults to participate in experiments focused on misinformation about Zainichi
Koreans—permanent residents of Japan with Korean heritage. Analysis of the
participants' actions and feelings revealed that online search successfully
reduced belief in the misinformation about Zainichi Koreans but some
participants also showed an increase in negative feeling toward Zainichi Koreans
after conducting their searches. In my opinion, further research is needed to
confirm the findings and explore them in other cultural contexts.
· #752
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:51)
Today I would like to talk about how authentication works in applications on a
wide variety of platforms, from mobile applications to console-based utilities.
Authentication is the process whereby a user authenticates their identity to a
system. The system provides personal data only to its owner.
The authentication mechanism at a basic level is quite simple - you need to
enter your data in the form of a login and password. Check the data for a match,
and if the data match each other - then you are the true owner of the account.
An account is a set of data about the user stored in the system. As a rule, only
one user has access to an account - its owner.
As our data is stored in a database when registering with any service - then the
process of authentication is applied to the basic principles of working with
databases (hereinafter the database) - this is reading, writing, updating and
deleting data. In this case, during each of the actions with the database the
possibility of committing these actions by the user is checked.
1.concurrent system
The principal application of these logics is in writing specifications for
concurrent systems. simulation
But a computer simulation is a kind of a model.
3.proof theory
The informal proofs of everyday mathematical practice are unlike the formal
proofs of proof theory.
· #751
Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:46)
Proof theory is one of the most discussed topics in the science community these
days. Теорія доказів сьогодні є однією з найбільш обговорюваних тем у науковому
2. Concurrent Systems present a modern approach to software systems, ideally
suited to the needs of today's students and programmers. Паралельні системи
представляють сучасний підхід до програмних систем, ідеально відповідний
потребам сучасних студентів і програмістів.
3. Every weather forecast has to be done by using a computer simulation. Кожен
прогноз погоди потрібно робити за допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "New theory suggests collision of
dwarf galaxies could explain dark matter–free galaxies". This article tells us
about how a team of astrophysicists affiliated with multiple institutions in the
U.S., one in Germany and one in Canada, has developed a new theory to explain
the existence of odd, dark matter–free dwarf galaxies. It said that a collision
between two dwarf galaxies could explain the dark matter–free dwarf galaxies
that have been discovered over the past several years. A collision between two
dwarf galaxies could have split the gas within them , resulting in the formation
of new, smaller dwarf galaxies, some with no dark matter. Those without dark
matter, the researchers suggest, could have formed because dark matter does not
interact with itself or regular matter, meaning it could easily have exited the
debris field from the collision, and even continued out into space.
· #750
Chernetskiy Nikita.RZ-213. (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:15)
Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from ESPCI Paris, Chiba University,
and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology have used a 3D
simulation to show that small fish swimming in a school can sense the position
and tail beat of their neighbors as water pressure variation on the side of
their bodies. This mechanism is thought to enable fish to maximize swimming
efficiency in a group even in complete darkness, when no visual cues are
available.To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish
must clearly rely on more than just vision. "In this study, we simulate two
rummy nose tetra fish swimming adjacently in various configurations in calm
waters.Similarly, swarms of robotic fish equipped with pressure sensors might
exploit the hydrodynamic advantages of moving in a group to replace larger
underwater drones that explore historic shipwrecks—such as that of the recently
discovered Ernest Shackleton's Endurance—or observe fish behavior.
Audio: simulation
NASA scientists use a computer simulation
Вчені NASA використовують комп’ютерне моделювання
2. concurrent system
CSP helps users to understand concurrent systems, and to decide whether a
program meets its specification
CSP допомагає користувачам зрозуміти одночасні системи та вирішити, чи
відповідає програма її специфікаціям
3.proof theory
Find review ratings for Basic Proof Theory
Знайдіть оцінки за базовою теорією доказів
· #749
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:08)
1.proof theory- теорія доказів;
The primitive recursive functionals are important in proof theory and
constructive mathematics.- Примітивні рекурсивні функціонали важливі в теорії
доказів і конструктивній математиці.
2.concurrent system- паралельна система;
Depending on the compiler and the nature of other concurrent system activity,
failures may only occur intermittently.- Залежно від компілятора та характеру
іншої паралельної діяльності системи, збої можуть виникати лише періодично.
3. computer simulation- комп'ютерне моделювання;
The results of computer simulation could be compared with the statistical data.-
Результати комп'ютерного моделювання можна порівняти зі статистичними даними.
I want to share my thoughts after reading the article about no-code way to
program websites, mobile apps and games. Nowadays there are many platforms that
allow nonprogrammers create software through drag-and-drop graphical user
interfaces instead of traditional line-by-line coding. For example, a user can
drag a label, drop it to a website and define a workflow. In addition to website
builders, there are no-code platforms for game and mobile app development. These
tools provide a user interface with built-in editors for raster graphics, game
level design, scripting, paths and "shaders" for representing light and shadow.
I agree that such platforms contribute to increasing the number of developers
which is good because of increased demand . Also, I believe that no-code
programming will help in machine learning field as it can make it easier to use
artificial intelligence for many purposes.
· #748
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:07)
Prhases of Day
proof theory:
Proof theory can be described as the study of the general structure of
mathematical proofs, and of arguments with demonstrative force as encountered in
Теорію доказів можна описати як вивчення загальної структури математичних
доказів і аргументів з демонстративною силою, які зустрічаються в логіці.
concurrent system :
A concurrent system is one where a computation can advance without waiting for
all other computations to complete.
Одночасна система — це система, де обчислення можуть просуватися, не чекаючи
завершення всіх інших обчислень.
computer simulation :
So, yes, you may well be a brain in a vat and your experience of the world may
be a computer simulation programmed by an evil genius.
Отже, так, ви цілком можете бути мозком у чані, а ваш досвід світу може бути
комп’ютерним моделюванням, запрограмованим злим генієм.
Today, I have had an opportunity to read the article about the role of the
computer in the development of smart robots.
Lehigh University scientist Jeffrey Trinkle and his team are working on a
project so that the robots can collect things, repair them, lift them off the
floor so that they have real muscles and real movements.
It is noted that the main element of such research will be computer simulation,
which will create a virtual landfill where all the necessary tests will take
They will help to understand faster, better what such robots should be, and how
to improve their productivity.
· #747
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:05)
Your task is to create proof theory the hacking over the past month.
Ваше завдання-створити докази злому за останній місяць.
2. We use a Howitzer mat to protect concurrent systems.
Ми використовуємо гаубичний килимок для захисту паралельних систем.
3. We use computer simulation of hacking a cybersecurity system.
Ми використовуємо комп'ютерне моделювання злому системи кібербезпеки.
Today I have read the article "The Northern Lights can be heard even when it is
not visible" Well, as for me, this is a useless discovery, although as they say
"Even the most useless thing can find its application", by application I mean
improving something or making a person progress. Maybe it's fun to hear the
Northern Lights but not see it, but again, who needs it, at least for now.
There's not even much to say. I would like more from this study.
· #746
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 11:03)
Today i have read the article: "Research team identifies methods to predict
future cyberattacks".
From the article, we learn about a group of researchers who wants to create a
method that will predict future cyberattacks. Currently, the number of
cyberattacks against different companies has increased. Because of what, many
people lost their data, and the damage cost a huge amount. Analyzing all cases
of cyberattacks, scientists develop a method to prevent them.
In my opinion, this method will help protect the data of trusted companies, as
well as reduce the financial harm to these companies.
Phrases of the day:
1)computer simulation
NASA scientists use a computer simulation
(Вчені NASA використовують комп’ютерне моделювання)
2) concurrent system
CSP helps users to understand concurrent systems, and to decide whether a
program meets its specification
(CSP допомагає користувачам зрозуміти одночасні системи та вирішити, чи
відповідає програма її специфікаціям)
3)proof theory
Find review ratings for Basic Proof Theory
(Знайдіть оцінки за базовою теорією доказів)
· #745
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:57)
Link to article:
link to voice:
Today I have read the article "Smart urban solutions for more resilient cities".
It tells about a new project SMURBS, begun as part of the EU's ERA-PLANET
umbrella project, is working to increase urban resilience and enhance the
quality of life in urban regions.
To achieve this goal, it's focusing on challenges related to air quality, urban
growth, natural and
man-made disasters, health and migration. The project's first step is to
stimulate strategic planning by
connecting with local authorities, urban planners and city-level stakeholders to
map out 'what is already
out there' and 'what the users want'.
In my opinion, SMURBS will help cities with many problems related to sustainable
urban development.
1. The principal application of these logics is in writing specifications for
concurrent systems.
Основне застосування цієї логіки полягає в написанні специфікацій для одночасних
2. The results of computer simulation are compared with the statistical data of
the bank «Brokbusinessbank».
Результати комп’ютерного моделювання порівнюються зі статистичними даними банку
3. This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof
Ця теорема також грає важливу роль у конструктивній математиці та теорії
· #744
Anna Yakymova/ RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 20 May 2022 10:47)
Phrases of the day:
- computer simulation - комп'ютерне моделювання
In this research, computer simulation is the training ground for robot systems
the teams will build.
(У цьому дослідженні комп’ютерне моделювання є навчальним полігоном для систем
роботів, які будуть створювати команди.)
- proof theory - теорія доказів
Proof theory A branch of mathematical logic which deals with the concept of a
proof in mathematics and with the applications of this concept in various
branches of science and technology.
(Теорія доказів Розділ математичної логіки, який займається концепцією доказу в
математиці та застосуванням цього поняття в різних галузях науки і техніки.)
- concurrent system - паралельна система
Concurrent programming encompasses programming languages and algorithms used to
implement concurrent systems.( Паралельне програмування охоплює мови
програмування та алгоритми, що використовуються для реалізації паралельних
The article is headlined «A visual database of human plasma compounds». The
article is about creation of a database of metabolites from blood samples by
Japanese scientists. This database is available online for the whole world.
Other countries and regions also cover similar bases. Many people add samples to
jMorp so that the application is useful and scientists can analyze the data. And
scientists update the database every year.
I found the article interesting because such a database is convenient and useful
in the digital age.
· #743
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 14:26)
Today i have read the article "Mass scale manipulation of Twitter Trends
discovered". A team at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne found evidence
of mass-scale manipulation of Twitter trends. They found that almost half of all
the local Twitter trending topics in Turkey were fake. They suggested that many
viral trends are created solely by bots due to a vulnerability in Twitter's
trends algorithm. They further noted that because the algorithm used by Twitter
does not allow for deletions, attackers can push trends until they become
1) We needed one-screen narrative information management yesterday.
Вчора нам знадобилось управління інформацією на екрані
2)A patent document reads: "The present invention relates to a space vehicle.
У патентному документі написано: "Справжній винахід є космічним апаратом"
3)Last year, they sold the game for $5 above the average price.
В минулому році вони продали гру на 5 доларів дорожче за стандартну ціну
· #742
Popovych E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 13:32)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Timophey, check, pls., your voice message of the Phrases and the exam topic
· #741
Popovych E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 13:02)
Khotynskiy O, (RZ-212)
Your exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls.) and Prases are well done but what
about the comment on the article? Keep on working .
· #740
Popovych E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:59)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
# 696, 698
Your exam topic #8 (Passwords and their drawbacks), comment, audio are quite
correct as well as sentences with Phrases
· #739
Popovych E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:48)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
#689, 690
Exam Topic #6 is well done.
Thank you for your comment and voice message.
· #738
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:47)
Eugene Chervony RT-212 pls indicate the link to the source. Just 75 points for
both exam topics.
As to your comment on the article, you are supposed to formulate your own
sentences but not to copy sentences from the article itself. Just 60 points. Be
productive. The phrases of the day practice is good.
· #737
Popovych E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:46)
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212)
Exam topic "Software firewall" is well done.
· #736
Popovych E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:44)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212)
Exam topic #6 (what is the difference between software and hardware firewall) is
well done.
· #735
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:38)
Exam topic #4(Information protection systems)
Confidentiality, integrity and availability of information are main principles
all information protection systems should support. To build and efficiently use
the system we need to identify requirements specific to the object, use
established practices and methods, organize the regular performance monitoring
and do some other extra tasks. Quality information protection system consists of
separate systems each of which has its own functions. For example, anti-virus
protection system, incident management system and data leak protection system.
Also, security of application and corporate network perimeter are included as
well. There are much more tools actually and all of them are used in providing
information security. So, information protection system is complex object which
is being used due to specific requirements and is guaranteeing confidentiality,
integrity and availability of information.
· #734
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:32)
Exam topic #20 (Principles of information protection.)
First, let's find out what Information Protection is. Information protection or
security (sometimes referred to as InfoSec) covers the tools and processes that
organizations use to protect information.
The main components that explain the principles of security are Confidentiality,
Integrity, Availability.
The purpose of Confidentiality is to protect the data from unauthorized access.
It is possible by implementing access restrictions to allow access to authorized
entities only.
Integrity means preserving the accuracy and completeness of data. This element
ensures that data has not been tampered with and can be trusted.
Availability refers to the availability of data when authorized users require
this data. Devices, systems, applications, data are of little value to any
organization if their customers can't access it when they need it.
1) above the average
Both regions witnessed buoyant economic growth significantly above the average
performance of the developed countries and the world economy at large.
В обох регіонах спостерігалося бурхливе економічне зростання, що значно
перевищує середні показники розвинутих країн і світової економіки в цілому.
2) information management
The meeting underscored the critical need for capacity-building, including
training and information management.
Зустріч підкреслила критичну потребу у розвитку потенціалу, включаючи навчання
та управління інформацією.
3) invention relates
The invention relates to the field of producing polymers and copolymers of
olefin oligomers produced by a trimerization reaction of olefin monomers.
Винахід відноситься до галузі отримання полімерів і сополімерів олефінових
олігомерів, отриманих реакцією тримеризації олефінових мономерів.
· #733
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:30)
To Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Mind “континентальна частина США». Point 3 is not a sentence. Just 60 points. Task2 has not been revealed in your comment. Just 74 points. Pay attention to the pronunciation and melody in your voice record msg.
· #732
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:30)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:37)
Your Exam topic #5 “Early radio development” is well done.
· #731
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:21)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:36)
Your comment is thoughtful, thank you. The sentences with phrases are quite
interesting but the 2nd one is from our site examples. Be attentive and continue
· #730
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:20)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212
Exam Topic # 6 (Turning the DTV signal.) Unfortunately. the same remarks. You
have to do it again to meet the appropriate requirements.
· #729
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:19)
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:34)
Your exam topics #2,6,3,4 are quite alright but yu have to mention the topics'
names as well.
· #728
Khotynskiy O, (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:18)
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls.)
First, let's define what a firewall is. A firewall is a network security device
that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data
packets based on a set of security rules.
A firewall doesn't have many features, and to be precise it's main purpose is to
allow non-threatening traffic in and to keep dangerous traffic out.
Firewalls, and especially Next Generation Firewalls, focus on blocking malware
and application-layer attacks, along with an integrated intrusion prevention
system (IPS), these Next Generation Firewalls can react quickly and seamlessly
to detect and react to outside attacks across the whole network.
1) invention relates
The invention relates to devices for producing ozone in an electrical discharge
and can be used for producing ozone generators.
Винахід відноситься до пристроїв для отримання озону в електричному розряді і
може бути використане для виробництва генераторів озону.
2) above the average
This rate is well above the average success rate of current candidates, which in
most cases do not even reach 20 per cent.
Цей показник значно перевищує середній показник успішності нинішніх кандидатів,
який у більшості випадків не досягає навіть 20 відсотків.
3) information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
Краще управління інформацією та її аналіз приносить користь групі ризику та
постраждалим групам населення.
· #727
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:14)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 The comment is well done, but you should go on practising your pronunciation, you can train your reading with the help of Listen and Pronounce, which is on this page above the Guestbook chat.
· #726
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:14)
To Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Pls read the article in English not in Russian! Also post links to the sources in English into the Guestbook.Pls train your pronunciation and melody. Pls pay attention to the way you narrate your comment. UNACCEPTED.
· #725
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:13)
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:30)
Please, work regularly. Try to choose the topics which are more relevant to your
specialty. In general , not bad, but I can assess the task with the phrases only
with today's phrases.
· #724
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:10)
Today I’ve read the article “Patent talk: IBM's traffic signal timing turns
This article is about the introduction of new traffic lights to be operated by
the AI.
The purpose of this article is to tell about a new invention that will get rid
of perpetual traffic jams thanks to a new traffic light system.
The idea would be that a computer would analyze the real-time flow of traffic
and then figure out the best way to manage the barrage of vehicles that clog up
our highways every single day.
I think this article will be useful for artificial intelligence developers.
1.above the average
The August jobs number was well above the average forecast of 143,000, and
showed a strong 29,000 increase in jobs in the service sector from July, to
2.information management
Professor Feng Li, Chair of Information Management at Bayes Business School and
co-author, believes digital transformation is not just the privilege of digital
firms or new business start-ups.
3.invention relates to
The present invention relates generally to the field of traffic control, and
more particularly to controlling a traffic signal through cognitive computing
that incorporates real time data at an intersection.
· #723
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 12:02)
To Stanislav Popik РТ-212 exam topic 2 is 73 points. Pls don’t make short sounds long. ( e.g. television, etc) . As to the phrases of the day practice, pls follow the pattern : a phrase itself with Ukrainian translation.Just 70 points. The comment is good. Keep on working hard and be patient.
· #722
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:57)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:29)
Your comment is reasonable and clear but rather long, mind that.The task with
the phrases is correct, thanks.
· #721
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:49)
To Revyakin A.(RT-212) Task1 is satisfactory. Pls stick to the pattern. Task2 is good. Try to make a long story short.
· #720
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:46)
I'm sorry, I accidentally sent you an exam topic that you've checked before.
Here is my examination topic, which I wanted to send immediately. Sorry again
Exam Topic #7
(The new advancement of color Television.)
Color TV is a television broadcast technology that allows you to transmit color
information so that the TV can display video images in color. The transmission
of color images using mechanical scanners dates back to the 1880s. The advent
and development of electronic scanning and displays have made it possible to use
entirely electronic systems. The first monochrome transmission standards were
developed before World War II, but the development of civil electronics was
halted during the war. The idea of using three monochrome images to create a
color image arose and was experimented with almost immediately after the advent
of black and white television.
· #719
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:45)
To Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) pls improve your pronunciation and melody. You’ve got 73 points for your activities. Keep on working hard.
· #718
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211 Just good.
· #717
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:37)
Exam topic #5 “Early radio development.”
The fact that such a phenomenon as electromagnetic waves became known quite by
accident. In 1820, the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted discovered the
connection between magnetism and electricity as a result of his experiment.
In 1895, the first apparatus appeared that received radio signals (through Morse
code). Its inventor was the Russian scientist Alexander Popov. But, I must say
that its authorship is in question. The main competitor is considered to be his
Italian entrepreneur and radio engineer Guglielmo Marconi. In 1896, he
discovered an identical apparatus, the operation of which was similar. He also
received the first patent in the radio industry.
· #716
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:36)
Today I have read the article "Researchers manage to generate attosecond pulses
at 100 kHz repetition rate" It's about Attosecond Laser Pulses. Light pulses
with a duration of one hundred attoseconds make it possible to study the
ultrafast dynamics of electrons. Usually, a two-laser pulse is used in the
experiment. The first excites the system, and the second takes a picture. One of
the most beneficial ways to observe system dynamics is REMI. And also one of the
factual studies is that laser pulses that control generation should have a pulse
duration as close as possible to a single light cycle.
I believe that the development of this technology will make it possible to
achieve great success in various fields of science and in everyday life.
1)Above the average
The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in November.
2)information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
3) the invention relates to
The invention refers to the new inventions of the last month.
· #715
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:35)
To Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 Thanks for an informative comment. Keep working.
· #714
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:34)
Topic #2
Analog TV is outdated. Why is this happening? The quality of sound and picture
of analog TV is worse. Satellite TV gives a very high quality picture. HD
quality and stereo sound are the main advantages. In addition, the client can
receive a huge package of channels, including thematic ones. This means that the
viewer has the opportunity to watch their favorite shows and movies without
annoying advertising. In addition, many providers offer nice bonuses for
satellite television, for example, the ability to pause a movie, record the
broadcast or watch the program schedule directly over picture. Finally, thanks
to the variety of offers and tariff plans, you will be able to choose the most
advantageous price.
Topic #6
DTV channels are preferred to watch in all countries due to their availability
and the quality of the transmitted picture. Most of them are broadcasted free,
and anyone can use them for their TV. In order for the TV to receive a signal
with this technology, its receiver must support DTV. Usually an external
receiver is used for this. Modern TV models have such receivers by default. The
transmitted signal is encoded in MPEG digital format and shown as a binary code.
Its advantage is that the weather does not affect the signal. The disadvantage
is that there are few channels and there is no way to choose your favorite
Topic #3
Radio is based on electromagnetic waves. Everyone knows this today. But humanity
guessed this at the end of the seventeenth century. English scientist Michael
Faraday in the late 1830s, announced the discovery of electromagnetic waves.
After that, another scientist from the UK, James Maxwell, completed of theory of
electromagnetic field. In April 1896, at a meeting of the Russian Physical and
Chemical Society, Popov, using a Hertz vibrator and a receiver of his own
design, transmitted a message to a distance of 250 m. This event was the basis
for the development of radio Since 1921, the transmission of music and voice
broadcasting has become possible.
Topic #4
Commercial radio enables companies to offer their products to a huge number of
people. Advertisers can direct their ad to different regions to increase sales.
Also, listeners are researched to create commercials, types of goods offered.
Radio ads are adapted to specific times of the day. In order for it to be heard
by more specific customers to whom the advertisement was directed. The radio
company must also advertise itself in order to have more customers for
advertising and be interesting to listeners, since the number of listeners
determines the rating of the company. The radio station must have a frequency
license and an artist agreement under copyright law.
· #713
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:33)
To Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212) Please, mind that management information systems это информационная система управления.
· #712
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:30)
Today i have read the article "Students are told not to use Wikipedia for
research, but it's a trustworthy source". Many teachers, during school time,
forbade students to use Wikipedia, they do not trust this source. But, in
Wikipedia there is a policy of neutrality of reliability and knowledge, which
means that all information is accurate, the article on Wikipedia deserves more
attention. Teachers are confused only by the fact that Wikipedia can be edited
by any user, not just experts. But this does not make Wikipedia information
unreliable, because, for example, it is almost impossible to conduct
conspiracies there. I liked this article and I hope that many who doubted this
source will start to trust him.
1) the invention relates to
The invention relates to a method for improving current conductivity
2)above the average
The level of their quality is much above the average
3. Information management
News tagged with information management.
Today, I have read the article called "Facebook to shut down face-recognition
system, delete data". This text tells us about Facebook's announcement about the
closure of the facial recognition system and the removal of all biometric data.
Over the past few weeks, there have been global changes at Facebook, which led
to the decision to remove the face identification software function. In many
countries, the police and other municipal services have already begun to
prohibit the use of facial recognition, as this system can be easily tricked. I
believe that removing this function is a very reasonable decision, because the
data of each person should be protected.
1) grouped into
The new study was grouped into five parts from one.
2) described above
All the experiments described above were carried out quite recently.
3) identify the areas
More people need to be connected to identify the areas of study.
Today I have read the article. It tells us about tablets are growing as a core
enterprise tool, but they aren't replacing laptops. Enterprises typically use
tablets as single-use devices, running one particular app exclusively, or as a
multifunction tool. Many tablets primarily use wi-fi, which means that network
security and segmentation should be addressed so you know exactly which part of
the network the device is running on. IT leaders need a deep understanding of
the workforce and the kind of work they do before they determine whether to
approach tablets as single-use devices or multifunctional tools. I think this
article will be interesting everybody who want to know something new.
1) distinct from
Our new research is distinct from last year research.
2) examine more closely
We were able to obtain new samples to examine more closely these fumes.
3) estimate the effects of
Previously used different emission spectra to estimate the effects of radiation.
· #711
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:29)
To Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212 The topic is written correctly, but you forgot to write the translation of the sentences with phrases.
· #710
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:29)
phrases of the day:
invention relates to
Invention relates to imaging systems and can be used to detect concealed
Ukraine improved the ranking indicators of standard of living and joined the
group of countries with a development above the average.
information management
It can be integrated seamlessly into other business processes and information
management scenarios.
Today I've read the article about the fact that adults, not children, prefer
friendly looking robots. As long as human-robot interactions are becoming more
and more prevalent we need to improve it as much as we can. Howbeit, appearance
plays significant role in human socialization and therefore the level of trust.
Sari Nijssen explored the situations in which both adults and children were
asked whether they'll help and get helped by robots with different appearance or
not. Surprisingly, children didn't care if robot is more alike human. They paid
attention to robots who had more human behavior and shared toys with them
willingly. On the other hand, adults preferred to help friendly looking robots.
However, they found these robots distrustful in a context of getting help. It
shows that the appearance of robots should depend on the area they are used at.
In my opinion, this research can help engineers boost the level of our trust to
· #709
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:24)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:08)
Read my remarks attentively to avoid making one and the same mistakes: the
article TELLS... The comment is not bad but should be more detailed. In the task
with the phrases the 2nd examplr doesn't meet the requirements.
· #708
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:21)
To Stanislav Popik РТ-212 . Hi, you are the only one who tries to speed me up. Be patient.
· #707
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:18)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:56)
I can't assess your Exam Topic #7 (The new advancement of color Television)
today as you you have already done it before.
· #706
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:18)
Exam topic #16 (The Essentials of Information Protection)
The essentials of information protection forms a triad-like model. This triad
consists of three main components: confidentiality, integrity and availability.
The principle of confidentiality asserts that the information in question is
secure from any unauthorized access to it, and is kept secret.
Information integrity refers to the certainty that the information is not
tampered or degraded, during and after submission or while working with it.
Availability of information suggests not only that the information is available
to the authorized user when it is needed, but also that it doesn't compromise
any information security in the process of delivering information to the user.
1) The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in
Виробничий сектор продовжував рости з більш ніж середньою швидкістю в Листопаді
2) The present invention relates generally to the field of traffic control.
Даний винахід відноситься загалом до сфери контролю руху
3) Rick worked with management information systems.
Рік працював із системами інформаційного управління
· #705
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:16)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:56)
The sentences with phrases are quite interesting but the 2nd one doesn't meet
the requirements. Your comment on the article is thoughtful, thank you.
· #704
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:14)
Hello, you haven't checked my works #641 #642
· #703
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:09)
To Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Be patient. Do not manage my feedback as you are not the only one student in a group on line!
· #702
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:08)
Today I have read an article that talks about the lack of bluetooth devices.
Researchers have found security flaws in more than 480 Bluetooth devices. In my
opinion, this is very important. Where are the manufacturers looking ?!
They can affect medicine because there are devices that work on bluetooth. Such
as pacemakers, blood glucose monitors, and drug delivery devices.
Many vendors have already developed patches for software development kits.
For better or worse, the threat cannot be launched over the Internet. I really
liked this article. You need to know about the threat in advance
The August jobs number was well above the average forecast of 143,000
Chair of Information Management at Bayes Business School
The present invention relates generally to the field of traffic control
· #701
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:07)
To Moskalenko Kirill(РТ-212) Just 72 points for all 4 tasks. Mind a good conclusion that comes out of the contents!
· #700
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:02)
Hello, please check my comments : #632 #633 #636 #637
· #699
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 11:01)
To Moskalenko Kirill(РТ-212) just good for both exam topics. Be attentive: “his”> “ITS”.
· #698
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:59)
Exam topic #8 (Passwords and their drawbacks)
There are several disadvantages of passwords:
1) Users, due to their own inexperience, often use passwords that can be easily
guessed. The most commonly used password is a derivative of the client ID.
Sometimes it is the identifier itself, which is very predictable. Users take as
a password the name of their dog, the name of their own created website, the
name of the hockey team they support, a phrase that is often used. It is not
difficult for a skilled attacker to crack such a password.
2) The password can be simply intercepted or peeped in the process of entering
3) The password can simply be knocked out of the owner. After all, sometimes
violence can be used to gain access to important information.
The main disadvantage of password authentication is the possibility of
transferring the password to another person, which happens quite often. And if
in personal life the user suffers from such actions, then in corporate networks
this poses a financial, legal and reputational threat to the company itself.
· #697
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:58)
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022)
Thank you for your effective work with all tasks, well done. Pay attention to
the pronunciation: data.
· #696
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 ( Popovych) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:57)
Today i have read the article: Impact of big data in predictive analytics toward
technological development in cloud computing.
This article tells about group of scientists who are considering the impact of
big data. They note that one of the biggest problems faced by those who will
work with big data is that although some of them may be well structured, most of
them are only partially structured and huge volumes are completely unstructured.
Storing, managing and analyzing all this data is one of the biggest problems
facing computer technology today. Although cloud computing provides many tools
necessary for distributed use, there is still a long way to go before we can
really fully cope with big data. However, distributed storage and massive
parallel processing of big data in the cloud can become the basis on which the
future of big data and predictive analysis can be built. The team looks at many
of the existing approaches that use historical data and machine learning to
build predictions of future scenario outcomes based on modern big data sources.
"The main goal is to turn the cloud into a scalable data analysis tool, not just
a data warehouse and technology platform,"- team writes.
Above the average
The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in November.
information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
Information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
· #695
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:57)
Exam Topic #1 (Cable television)
Саble televisіon systems come in two types. In the system of the first type, the
conversion of the transmitted image into a digital signal and the reverse
conversion of the digital signal into an image are carried out directly in the
converters and signal-light. In all links of the image and sound transmission
path, information is transmitted in digital form. Such systems are still under
development. In cable TV systems of the second type, the analog signal received
from the sensors is converted into a digital form, transmitted, and then again
acquires an analog form in the receiver, in which it is fed to the video
monitor. This uses existing analog TV signal sensors and signal-to-light
converters in television receivers.
· #694
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:57)
To Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) I think that experiments are of importance, it’s a drive to prove smth or decline. Just 67 point for your activities. Pls live and learn.
· #693
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:56)
Exam Topic #7 (The new advancement of color Television)
Color television is a television technology that allows you to transmit images
in natural colors. All analogue color television systems intended for
terrestrial broadcasting complied with the principle of compatibility, ie color
television could be received and reproduced by both black and white and color
television receivers. Modern standards for analog color television provide for
the transmission of a brightness signal and two color, still maintaining
compatibility with black and white receivers. The bandwidth occupied by color
signals may be limited by the reduced sensitivity of the human eye to the
clarity of the color image.
· #692
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:56)
Аbove the average
The continental United States experienced the warmest spring on record this
year, with temperatures far above the average over the past century, government
scientists said Thursday.
2. Invention relates
Invention opens the door to safer and less expensive X-ray imaging.
3. Information management
News tagged with information management.
Today I have read the article “New algorithm approach paves the way for larger,
more complex metalenses”. Metalens would need to be scaled up significantly
before being used commercially, meaning the number of nanopillars would be in
the billions. This technique will enable new metasurface designs that could
impact virtual or augmented reality, unmanned vehicles, and machine vision for
on-board systems and satellites. To overcome these limitations, the team taught
a computer program the physics of designing metasurfaces. I believe that the
metasurface opens up a new way to change the future of virtual reality.
· #691
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 19 May 2022)
Today i have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about a new method
how to produce optimal performance. Scientists say that using lithium metal to
replace the graphite for battery anodes is the ultimate goal for part of the
battery R&D field. For example, lithium metal battery-powered electric vehicles
would have twice the range of lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles, for the same
battery weight. But even it is not the best way, because of its short lifespan
and potential safety hazards, specifically short circuits caused by lithium
dendrite growth. But as they said, this inventions would have to be retooled for
this new technique to be applied.
I found this article quite interesting, as there i got new knowledge about
techical process. So, i like this article.
1) above the average
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe
Але середні темпи економічного зростання залишаться значно вищими за середні в
Західній Європі
2) invention relates
The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes
Винахід відноситься до навчально-оздоровчих стрілецьких комплексів
3) information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared
Нарешті, технічно було порівняно вимоги до управління інформацією та
інформаційних технологій
· #690
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:53)
Today I have read the text titled «Diversity, streaming reshape video games for
a new generation»
In which we are told about video games, or rather about their progress and
impact on people. The text also says that at the beginning of video games helped
us to unify age, gender, etc. But unfortunately, today games have only increased
these problems (or rather the problem of feminism )
In my opinion, video games still occupy a rather significant place in the life
of people today and even help many with some of their personal problems.
Therefore, I am sure that video games will develop and will soon solve problems
at the expense of gender equality.
1) above the average
In new studies, the pressure level sensor shows values above the average.
2) the invention relates to
The invention refers to the new inventions of the last month.
3) information management
Information management is a very important industry in recent times.
· #689
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:51)
Exam Topic #6
First history fact of television in Ukrainian SSR was in 1925, when the talented
experimental physicist Boris Grabovsky managed to make the first television
broadcast in the former USSR and throughout the world. In 1939 the first
telecast was made in Kyiv. 1969, color television appeared in Ukraine. The
uniqueness of the design was that it was the first in the world to be all-welded
and unparalleled. At present, the transmission and distribution network consists
of 57 powerful TV stations. This system provides viewers with programs
throughout Ukraine. It's very cool to realize all the way that television has
come a long way in Ukraine.
· #688
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:47)
Exam Topic #8 (Benefits of Satellite TV)
Streaming television takes data and in homes, particularly in rural areas, too
much streaming can be a strain on your Internet resources. Many rural homes use
satellite Internet as their connectivity type. While great for many functions
including streaming, if there are too many devices streaming at once, you may
experience connectivity issues. Furthermore, in homes with many devices,
streaming can drain your monthly data leading to overages or throttling.
Subscribing to satellite television services gives your home more ways to stay
entertained without putting a strain on your Internet service.
· #687
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:47)
Exam Topic #6 (Commercial use of radio)
Commercial radio provides brands with a way to speak to millions of people via a
medium they trust. Radio advertising also stretches beyond the traditional 30
second ad, with longer ads, sponsorship, branded content and innovate digital
solutions increasingly providing advertisers with new and more creative ways to
get their message to potential customers. Advertisers can direct their message
to specific demographics, psychographics, geographic areas, and around events
and genres in a market. Radio advertisements are tailored to particular times of
day to ensure you're reaching your desired audience at precisely the right time.
· #686
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:46)
Today I have read the article "Accelerating the pace of machine learning". It
says that data is hurled at a mathematical model like grains of sand skittering
across a rocky landscape. Some of those grains simply sail along with little or
no impact. But some of them make their mark: testing, hardening, and ultimately
reshaping the landscape according to inherent patterns and fluctuations that
emerge over time. Problems in distributed optimization appear in various
scenarios that typically rely on wireless communications and privacy are
fundamental challenges. Researchers are working on a new method. Its purpose is
to transmit far fewer pieces of data without degrading the overall impact. I
think it would help the advancement of artificial intelligence.
1) above the average
In new studies, the pressure level sensor shows values above the average.
2) the invention relates to
The invention refers to the new inventions of the last month.
3) information management
Information management is a very important industry in recent times.
· #685
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:45)
Today I have read an article about signal ranges.
This article is very difficult for me to understand. Before the satellite could
begin its journey, in the first half of the project, equipment had to be
developed and built. It is not clear to me why they are needed if every detail
interferes with the transmission of the Q and W frequencies. There are many
problems in creating a distributor and a receiver. I think a lot of the
experiments that have been done are not worth the cost. I see no point in such
The August jobs number was well above the average forecast of 143,000
Число рабочих мест в августе значительно превысило средний прогноз в 143 000
Chair of Information Management at Bayes Business School
Кафедра управления информацией в бизнес-школе Bayes
The present invention relates generally to the field of traffic control
Настоящее изобретение в целом относится к области управления дорожным движением
· #684
Yershova Y. to PT-212, PE-211 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:45)
Dear students! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings, exam topics as well. Do not forget about Phrases of the day practice. Good luck!
· #683
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:45)
To Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 Thanks for your active work.
· #682
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:44)
Exam topic #17 (Password as a general technique of secrecy)
A password is your personal key to a computer system. Passwords help to ensure
that only authorized individuals access computer systems. Passwords also help to
determine accountability for all transactions and other changes made to system
resources, including data. Passwords are a critical part of information and
network security. Passwords serve to protect against unauthorized access, but a
poorly chosen password could put the entire institution at risk. There are few
general recommendations about creating passwords: 1) Passwords should be long
and unique; 2)Old passwords should not be re-used.
1.invention relates
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
2.information management
Sound information management is crucial for any policy to work.
3.above the average
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
· #681
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:43)
1. information management
Information management is the entire range of technical, operational, and social
functions of a system that is used to handle information. - Управління
інформацією — це весь спектр технічних, операційних і соціальних функцій
системи, яка використовується для обробки інформації.
2. invention relates
The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation. - Винахід відноситься до пристроїв проти засліплення як
поляризованого, так і неполяризованого випромінювання.
3. above the average
His interest in study was somewhat above the average, but not wholly unusual. -
Його інтерес до навчання був дещо вище середнього, але не зовсім незвичайний.
2) Today I have read the article “Researchers design 'socially aware' robots
that can anticipate and safely avoid people on the move”.
A team of researchers led by University of Toronto Professor Barfoot is using a
new strategy that allows robots to avoid colliding with people. To decide where
to move, the robot makes use of Spatio-temporal Occupancy Grid Maps. These are
3D grid maps maintained in the robot's processor. The robot choses its future
actions by processing these maps through existing trajectory-planning
In my opinion, thanks to this study, processor robots will be able to predict
where people and other objects will go in crowded rooms.
Exam topic #20 (Principles of information protection)
The main legal principles of information protection are the principles of
legality, priority, ownership and economic feasibility. The principle of
legality is expressed in the need for legal regulation of this area of social
relations. From the principle of the priority of international law over domestic
law, it follows that the object of classification cannot be information that a
state makes public or communicates in accordance with conventions or agreements.
The principle of ownership and economic expediency gives the right to
information owners to take measures to protect this information, as well as
evaluate its consumer properties.
· #680
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:41)
Exam topic "Software firewall"
Properly configured software firewalls are a very useful additional layer
of security we can add to the hosts residing on our networks. Such firewalls
generally contain a subset of the features we might find on a large firewall
appliance but are often capable of very similar packet filtering and stateful
packet inspection. We often find the rulesets of such applications expressed
in terms of the particular applications and ports allowed to send and receive
traffic on the various network interfaces that exist on the host. Such softwares
can range from the relatively simple versions that are built into and ship with
common operating systems, such as Windows, to large versions intended for use on
corporate networks that include centralized monitoring and the capability for
more complex rules and management options.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Astronomers may have discovered
the first planet outside of our galaxy". This article tells us about how Rosanne
Di Stefano of the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts and her
colleagues with the help of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, opened up a new
window to search for exoplanets at greater distances than ever before. This new
result was based on transits, events in which the passage of a planet in front
of a star blocks some of the star's light and produces a characteristic dip.
Scientists looked for X-ray transits in three galaxies beyond the Milky Way
galaxy, using both Chandra and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and after
looking through 443 different systems in 3 galaxies, they only found 1 single
exoplanet candidate. The authors will search the archives of both Chandra and
XMM-Newton for more exoplanet candidates in other galaxies.
1. above the average
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe.
2. invention relates
The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes.
3. information management
Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
Audio ph:
· #679
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:40)
To РЗ-212 The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day.
· #678
Vorobyova E. to Chabanenko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:22)
It’s good, but don’t omit the articles (AN erosion) and mind - “to consist OF”. Continue working and good luck.
· #677
Moskalenko Kirill(РТ-212)(Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:16)
Topic # 9
In Ukraine, the first acquaintance with television occurred on February 1, 1939.
The first TV-sets were mechanical, they used the so-called Nipkow discs. They
had only one advantage: his programs, transmitted in the middle wave range,
could be received over a vast territory. However, the quality of the mechanical
television picture was worse. A new page of Ukrainian electronic television was
opened only on November 6, 1951 in Kyiv, on Khreshchatyk Street, a new
television center was officially put into operation, next to it there was a
radio transmission tower. In those days, television, compared with today, was
quite simple. There were only 3 TV channels.
Topic #1
From a technical point of view, the difference between terrestrial, cable and
satellite television is the way the signal is delivered. Cable TV provides a
better picture that is not interfered with by radio interference. An almost
unlimited number of channels can be transmitted over a cable, especially fiber
optic. Depending on the scale and technical features of networks, cable
television helps to establish different types of communication: between
individuals, between groups of people, between communities. Advertising is much
cheaper than on any broadcast studio. Issues of Ukrainian cable systems are
still common: lack of software, poor technical base, unresolved issues of
organization, financing, copyrights.
· #676
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:15)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:03)
I appreciate your comment, it’s quite informative and clear.
· #675
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:15)
1.above the average-вище середнього;
This rate is well above the average success rate of current candidates, which in
most cases do not even reach 20 per cent.-Цей показник значно перевищує середній
показник успішності нинішніх кандидатів, який у більшості випадків не досягає
навіть 20 відсотків.
2.information management-управління інформацією;
Sound information management is crucial for any policy to work.-Грамотне
управління інформацією має вирішальне значення для функціонування будь-якої
3.invention relates-винахід відноситься;
The invention relates to near infrared weak optical signals transmitted via
fiber-optic communication lines.-Винахід відноситься до слабких оптичних
сигналів ближнього інфрачервоного випромінювання, що передаються по
волоконно-оптичних лініях зв'язку.
Today I've read the article about accelerating the pace of machine learning and
I want to share some interesting thoughts about it.The state of machine learning
was described as erosion in the article cause of the data that are similar to
grains can simply sail with no impact or can make the mark.So , to improve the
situation the goal which consists in hurling far fewer grains of data without
degrading the overall impact should be reached."Gradient Descent method with
Sparsification and Error Correction" was considered as the successful solution.
So, through the use of this method communication requirements are significantly
reduced and the overall perfomance increased.
· #674
Moskalenko Kirill(РТ-212)(Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:14)
I've read an article "New AI method makes self-driving vehicles better drivers".
Basically, the study was focused on combining neural learning with common sense.
This way, the AI can, for example, understand that an object that goes behind
another object does not disappear. This is totally necessary for putting a
self-driving car into the real world traffic. Plus, apparently, before this
people weren't able to understand reasonings for the AI's decisions, which is
also pretty, I guess, alarming. I know almost nothing about how these things
work, but it's great that AIs are getting closer to be able to fit into the real
1) the invention relates to
The invention relates to a method for improving current conductivity
Винахід відноситься до способу підвищення провідності струму
2)above the average
The level of their quality is much above the average
Рівень їх якості значно вище середнього
3. Information management
News tagged with information management.
Новини з тегами керування інформацією.
Today I have read the article "Nimble robotic arms that perform delicate surgery
may be one step closer to reality ". This text tells us about research from
Northeastern that has worked to eliminate hard, jerky movements in robotic arms
to make them graceful and nimble enough. If they can reach a high level, then
these discoveries may one day allow doctors to remotely perform operations on a
remote battlefield, or help bomb defusers safely remove an explosive device.
Their project also involves the creation of remote-controlled robotic
manipulators. I think, this article will be interesting to people who like
1) distinct from
Our new research is distinct from last year research.
Наше нове дослідження відрізняється від минулорічного.
2) examine more closely
We were able to obtain new samples to examine more closely these fumes.
Ми отримали нові зразки для більш ретельного вивчення цих випарів.
3) estimate the effects of
Previously used different emission spectra to estimate the effects of radiation.
Раніше використовувалися різні спектри випромінювання для оцінки впливу
· #673
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:13)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-21) and Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #672
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:13)
phrases of the day:
invention relates to
Invention relates to imaging systems and can be used to detect concealed
Винахід відноситься до систем формування зображення і може бути використано для
виявлення прихованих предметів.
above the average
Ukraine improved the ranking indicators of standard of living and joined the
group of countries with a development above the average.
Україна поліпшила показники в рейтингу рівня життя і увійшла до групи країн з
розвитком вище середнього.
information management
It can be integrated seamlessly into other business processes and information
management scenarios.
Її можна легко інтегрувати в інші бізнес-процеси та сценарії управління
Today I've read the article about the research that shows that people learn to
use brain-computer interfaces the same way as other motor skills. Probs analyze
brain waves and detect certain patterns they were designed to recognize. To
discover the legitimacy between human brain and computer, the research team at
the University of Washington asked seven volunteers who had already had brain
probes implanted for long term study to control the path of a cursor. When they
began to master mind-controlling it, the entire network began to quit as it
happens during the process of learning something that requires motor skills.
Even though, people don't get data coming in from their limbs, I think that this
research can be helpful and promising in studying human brain and developing
devices for people with disabilities.
· #671
Vorobyova E. to Chernetskiy from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:10)
Well done, only mind the articles “a/the” (THE research, AN agricultural machinery…) Keep on working at the exam topics.
· #670
Vorobyova E. to Shpychka from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:04)
As a whole, it’s good. I approve of your regular work. But remember - “IN FUTURE”. Go on working.
· #669
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:03)
Exam Topic #6
First history fact of television in Ukrainian SSR was in 1925, when the talented
experimental physicist Boris Grabovsky managed to make the first television
broadcast in the former USSR and throughout the world. In 1939 the first
telecast was made in Kyiv. 1969, color television appeared in Ukraine. The
uniqueness of the design was that it was the first in the world to be all-welded
and unparalleled. At present, the transmission and distribution network consists
of 57 powerful TV stations. This system provides viewers with programs
throughout Ukraine. It's very cool to realize all the way that television has
come a long way in Ukraine.
· #668
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:03)
Today I've read the article "Storing energy in red bricks". This article tells
about a red brick device. The Brick has been used in walls and buildings for
thousands of years, but rarely has been found fit for any other use. Now,
chemists have developed a method to make or modify "smart bricks" that can store
energy. Really, walls and buildings made of bricks already occupy large amounts
of space, which could be better utilized if given an additional purpose for
electrical storage.
In my opinion this is a very interesting and cool idea for progress in
construction and technology.
above the average
The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above-average rate in November
information management
Information Management at Bayes Business School and co-author, believes digital
invention relates
The present invention relates generally to the field of traffic control
· #667
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:02)
Topic #3
Cable television.
It is probably impossible to imagine human life without television at the
present stage. The most nontrivial ideas, ranging from SMART technologies to
interactive TV, are brought into reality for the convenience of watching TV
programs. Firstly, the main advantage of this kind of broadcasting is that users
have a wide range of functionality, which will make watching favorite programs
pleasant and comfortable. In addition, there is an opportunity to display a
program guide on the TV screen and integration with the most popular social
networks is provided. Secondly, the wide technical potential. The picture
impresses with its quality, especially when HD-channels are broadcast. The
picture is clear, has no glare or other interference. For me, satellite
television simply postponed the death of television.
Exam Topic #4 Radio equipment helping to save on bills.
Radio equipment helps to rescue on bills. For example: Radio Frequency
Identification. A technology for the unique identification of physical objects
using radio tags. The radio tag contains a microchip that stores the detection
detector, as well as a way for the antenna to convey information to special
radio receivers. This technology optimizes the development of diseases in a wide
area of the patient, which achieves the installation of labels on a specific
structure and tracking the route of its movement. This allows you to manage
efficient inventory down to a single item. It also allows you to monitor the
cost of electricity and more.
· #666
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 10:00)
article I have read today is "How to meet demand in bacterial 'factories'". The
article raises the problem of the constant lack of bacteria for various needs.
There aren't enough factories to meet demand, and therefore, factories of such
bacteria work almost non-stop. But researchers from the University of Bristol
have found a way to solve this problem. Its simple mathematical model will help
the designers of these synthetic constructs take into account the battle for
resources, leading to designs that reduce the load on bacterial factories.
1) Improvement of information management and sharing methods is an urgent issue.
Удосконалення методів управління інформацією та обміну є актуальною проблемою.
2) The present invention relates to the class of small arms.
Даний винахід відноситься до класу стрілецької зброї.
3) Credit program, mill positions pay hourly wages and salaries above the
average in the region.
Кредитна програма, посади заводів оплачують погодинну оплату праці вище
середньої по області.
· #665
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:58)
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:56)
Your comment is clear and full. I appreciate your opinion.
· #664
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:56)
Today I've read the article "Researchers Train Computers to Predict the Next
Designer Drugs."
UBC researchers have trained computers to predict the next designer drugs before
they hit the market, a technology that could save lives.
Law enforcement agencies seek to identify and regulate new versions of dangerous
psychoactive drugs such as bath salts and synthetic opioids, while clandestine
chemists work to synthesize and distribute new molecules with psychoactive
effects similar to classic drugs.
In my opinion, this article is very important, because this technology will help
law enforcement agencies around the world in the future.,op
1.invention relates
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
2.information management
Sound information management is crucial for any policy to work.
3.above the average
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
· #663
Chernetskiy Nikita.RZ-213. (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:55)
Today i have read the article "Farm vehicles are now heavier than most
dinosaurs: Why that's a problem". This arctile tells us about research on the
weight of agricultural machinery and its significance on the planet's ecosystem.
This study showed that the pressure of machinery affects the density of the
soil, which in turn leads to chronic soil compaction, which greatly affects
people's lives, because this action can lead to flooding, reduce crop and plant
growth. I believe that this can be equated with global climate change, constant
forest fires and floods, and we need to fight this problem here and now, before
it's too late.
1)A new study
And a new study has just been concluded which will give me the ability to take
no personal responsibility in this decision.
2)off the land
Someone was very keen to have them off the land.
3)urban landscapes
Today it would seem that urban landscapes that stimulate our memory are
· #662
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:54)
Burlak Yevhen (RZ-211. Yershova Y.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:32)
Thanks for your comment. It's informative and interesting. Please, choose the
topics which are more relevant to your specialty. The task with phrases has been
wrongly done, you should check today's phrases.
· #661
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:54)
Today i have read the article: "Bringing 3D to the operating room".
From the article we learn about the desire of scientists to introduce a 3D
system into the operational process. Many doctors have been performing
operations for many decades and have vast experience in this matter. Scientists
offer safer operations using a 3D image-to-image overlay system. This will help
to better control the actions of the doctor during the operation.
In my opinion, such a system will increase the chance of success in complex and
long operations in the future.
Phrases of the day:
1)Development of new information management tools
2)The invention relates to a microscope
3)That's two degrees above the average of 90 for the day
· #660
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:50)
Today I have read an article about a new algorithm that can determine a person's
mental state from the photos they post on social networks. This program is very
useful, for example, to psychologists who can help the victim cope with all the
problems at the initial stages. The research team spent two years working on a
deep learning model that identifies five needs, including the use of multimodal
data such as images, text, biography, and geolocation. I believe that this
system will be able to help people in need of help, to solve their problems.
1)invention relates
Invention relates to medical working process of visualisation.
Винахід відноситься до медичного робочого процесу візуалізації.
2)above the average
Storage temperature of the fruit should not be above the average room.
Температура зберігання плодів не повинна бути вище середньої кімнатної.
3) information management
It can be integrated seamlessly into other business processes and information
management scenarios.
Її можна легко інтегрувати в інші бізнес-процеси та сценарії управління
· #659
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:48)
Exam topic #6 (what is the difference between software and hardware firewall)
The main difference between a hardware firewall and a software firewall is that
A software firewall is a software application placed on a computer, while a
hardware firewall is embedded in physical devices such as routers. Software
firewalls secure the PCs on which they are installed, whereas hardware firewalls
secure the whole network. Hardware firewalls can be set to use proxy services to
filter data packets, but software firewalls do not use proxy services.
· #658
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:42)
Your exam topic is written correctly. But you should have voiced it. Remember this and next do it obligatory.
· #657
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:41)
Exam topic 12
What is a Hardware Firewall?
A hardware firewall is a physical appliance that is deployed to enforce a
network boundary. All network links crossing this boundary pass through this
firewall, which enables it to perform inspection of both inbound and outbound
network traffic and enforce access controls and other security policies.
These firewalls, which contain both the hardware and software features necessary
to enforce a network boundary, can offer a variety of different networking and
security features, including URL filtering, an intrusion prevention system
(IPS), and even Wi-Fi support.
In my mind, a router may provide the protection you need.
· #656
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:39)
Exam topic 12
What is a Hardware Firewall?
A hardware firewall is a physical appliance that is deployed to enforce a
network boundary. All network links crossing this boundary pass through this
firewall, which enables it to perform inspection of both inbound and outbound
network traffic and enforce access controls and other security policies.
These firewalls, which contain both the hardware and software features necessary
to enforce a network boundary, can offer a variety of different networking and
security features, including URL filtering, an intrusion prevention system
(IPS), and even Wi-Fi support.
In my mind, a router may provide the protection you need.
· #655
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:39)
To Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211) The comment is not bad, but there are some mispronounced words: oscillator |ˈɒsɪleɪtə|, microscope |ˈmaɪkrəskəʊp| and so on.
· #654
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:34)
To Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 Pay attention that you don't need definite article 'the' of you use pronoun 'this' - This the article is about... Also, you should pracise your reading more.
· #653
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:33)
Despite all the fears, the frequencies will still above the average.
Незважаючи на всі побоювання, частоти все одно будуть вище середнього.
The invention relates to high-precision measuring instruments.
Винахід відноситься до високоточних вимірювальних приладів.
Finally, there are no problems in the field of information management.
Нарешті, немає проблем у сфері управління інформацією.
Today I've read the article which tells us about programming without code.
Learning traditional programming languages requires limited skills and a large
amount of knowledge, which in turn
intimidates a large number of novice programmers. And that's why the so-called
way of programming "no-code" was created.
With the growing popularity of this method, he began to occupy a fairly large
niche in programming, because absolutely
anyone who wants to start creating websites can easily do this without knowing
any language. ,,No-code,, based on visual
cues, what you see is what you get.Everything is extremely simple. This method
is especially popular in our time because
the demand for sites is growing every day.
I believe that this way of programming has a huge potential and in the near
future it will be able to occupy many more
areas in programming.
· #652
Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211)(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:33)
Today I've read the article 'New nanomechanical oscillators with record-low
loss'. Scientists have long studied mechanical resonators. Recently, they found
that a regular polygon suspended at its vertices supports oscillating modes
around the perimeter with almost no loss. So they decided to make resonators in
this form. As a result, a device can measure oscillations of almost the same
force as a modern atomic force microscope.Precision force sensing is an
important application of nanomechanical resonators.The resonators are compact
and not quite large, which will allow them to be used in many places. I think
it's very important because it will help in studying weak forces and quantum
1)Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
populations.information management
2)His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly
unusual.above the average
3)The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
· #651
Burlak Yevhen (RZ-211. Yershova Y.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:32)
Today i have read the article "Farm vehicles are now heavier than most
dinosaurs: Why that's a problem". This arctile tells us about research on the
weight of agricultural machinery and its significance on the planet's ecosystem.
This study showed that the pressure of machinery affects the density of the
soil, which in turn leads to chronic soil compaction, which greatly affects
people's lives, because this action can lead to flooding, reduce crop and plant
growth. I believe that this can be equated with global climate change, constant
forest fires and floods, and we need to fight this problem here and now, before
it's too late.
1)A new study
And a new study has just been concluded which will give me the ability to take
no personal responsibility in this decision.
2)off the land
Someone was very keen to have them off the land.
3)urban landscapes
Today it would seem that urban landscapes that stimulate our memory are
· #650
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:31)
You have already sent this exam topic. It’s correct. Choose another topic for your preparation for the exam. Good luck.
· #649
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:30)
To Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 and Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #648
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:22)
In general, good work. But please, use the articles “a/the” correctly, e.g. “…I have had an opportunity to read THE article about…”. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. It’s obligatory.
· #647
Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:22)
Today I have read the article"Astronauts may one day drink water from ancient
moon volcanoes". This the article is about a new research from CU Boulder
suggests that volcanoes may have left another lasting impact on the lunar
surface: sheets of ice that dot the moon's poles.The new study adds to a growing
body of evidence that suggests that the moon may be awash in a lot more water
than scientists once believed. The researchers drew on computer simulations, or
models, to try to recreate conditions on the moon long before complex life arose
on Earth. They discovered that ancient moon volcanoes spewed out huge amounts of
water vapor.
In my opinion , this article is very interesting for everyone , especially for
people who love deep space and new technologies . I think this technology will
become very useful soon .
above the average
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual.
Його інтерес до навчання був дещо вище середнього, але не зовсім незвичайний.
invention relates
The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes.
Винахід відноситься до навчально-оздоровчих стрілецьких комплексів.
information management
Sound information management is crucial for any policy to work.
Грамотне управління інформацією має вирішальне значення для функціонування
будь-якої політики.
· #646
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:22)
To To students from subgroup RT-211. & RE-212 Welcome back to our today’s activities. Pls focus on specialty’s exam topics and phrases of the Day practice. Pls follow the patterns set: the length, conclusion, links and voice record msgs links to be posted into the Guestbook. Wish you all the best.
· #645
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ 213 (Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:22)
Exam topic: Price War A price war describes a series of successive price cuts for goods or services caused by intense market competition. In the short term, price wars are won by consumers who purchase a familiar good or service at a lower price. Often, price wars harm participating companies, as they cause a decrease in marginal profit, which may raise the question of leaving the company from the market. In the event of a competitor leaving the market, the monopoly supplier can again “raise” the price, and even higher than those that were before the start of the price war, which negatively affects customers who are already deprived of the opportunity to go to the competitor who left the market. Link to voice:
· #644
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:21)
Today I have read the article “New approach allows for faster ransomware
detection”.Researchers have developed a new approach for implementing ransomware
detection techniques, allowing them to detect a broad range of ransomware far
more quickly than using previous systems. Ransomware is a type of malware. When
a system is infiltrated by ransomware, the ransomware encrypts that system's
data—making the data inaccessible to users. The people responsible for the
ransomware then extort the affected system's operators, demanding money from the
users in exchange for granting them access to their own data. In my opinion,
this is a good detection system, that can decrease the number of hacked systems
with ransomware.
above the average
His standard of living on the farm was above average and he could employ
farmworkers to help him with the improvements.(Його рівень життя на фермі був
вище середнього, і він міг найняти фермерів, щоб допомогти йому з покращенням.)
information management
The consultants stressed the importance of improved information
management.(Консультанти наголосили на важливості вдосконалення управління
inventions related
They have patented two inventions related to underwater photography.(Вони
запатентували два винаходи, пов’язані з підводною фотографією.)
· #643
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:19)
Today I’ve read an article called “How AI is shaping the cybersecurity arms
race”. AI is well suited to finding patterns in big amounts of data. There are
two main ways AI is bolstering cybersecurity. First, AI can help automate many
tasks that a human would handle manually. These include detecting unknown
workstations, servers, code repositories and other hardware and software.
Second, AI can help detect patterns within large quantities of data that human
analysts can’t see. For example, AI could detect the key linguistic patterns of
hackers posting threats in the dark web and alert analysts. Despite the benefits
of AI, we might be worried about how much we can trust automated systems.
In my opinion, researches in using AI in cybersecurity is a big step, which can
improve the protection of data.
Daily Phrases:
1. information management
Information management is a very important industry in recent times.
В последнее время управление информацией это очень важная индустрия.
2.above the average
The new AI system invented by FKQW scientist team is showing results that are
way above the average.
3.the invention relates to
In addition, the invention relates to a method for producing said composition
and to a treatment method.
Кроме того, изобретение относится к способу получения этого сплава и к способу
· #642
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:19)
Exam topic #2 “Turning the DTV signal.”
Turning the DTV signal - DTV (digital television) means the transmission and
processing of a television signal in digital form. The television signal
includes both video and audio. A digital waveform is an encoding of information
in MPEG format when the entire signal is represented as a sequence of "0" and
"1". Such signal transmission is not observed due to interference, which usually
manifests itself when the signal is exposed to the environment in the form of
snow, dashes and other small interference. This is a modern type of signal that
is actively used everywhere at the moment. The connection speed is faster than
the analog signal, but inferior to the satellite signal. I believe this is an
alternative television signal.
· #641
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:17)
Today I have read the article called "Electric gains in battery performance"
This article is about zinc ion batteries. They will allow stationary storage of
energy, which promises to be cheaper, safer and more environmentally friendly
than lithium-ion batteries. Previously, this type of battery drained very
quickly, but now scientists have developed a new combination of electrolyte and
electrode that has improved several aspects of their performance. These
batteries will make it possible to switch to ecological energy sources and move
away from fossil fuels.
Given that the cost of creating this battery is low, and the performance is
higher, I believe that these batteries will replace not only lithium-ion, but
also graphite, which is so much talked about.
1)invention relates
The invention relates to auxiliary means for shooting
Винахід відноситься до допоміжних засобів для стрільби
2)above the average
And the level of their quality is much above the average
А рівень їх якості значно вище середнього
3) information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
Краще управління інформацією та її аналіз приносить користь групі ризику та
постраждалим групам населення
· #640
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:15)
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:09)
The review is quite good but rather long, it must be around 100 words.
· #639
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:15)
Prhases of Day
1. information management :
However, improvement of information management and sharing methods is an urgent
Проте вдосконалення методів управління інформацією та обміну є актуальною
2. invention relates :
The present invention relates generally to the field of traffic control, and
more particularly to controlling a traffic signal through cognitive computing
that incorporates real time data at an intersection.
Даний винахід загалом відноситься до галузі управління трафіком, а більш
конкретно до керування сигналом дорожнього руху за допомогою когнітивних
обчислень, які включають дані в реальному часі на перехресті.
3. above the average :
Excluding one-time items, earnings per share were 82 cents in the April-June
quarter, well above the average analyst estimate of 77 cents.
Без урахування одноразових статей, прибуток на акцію становив 82 центи в
кварталі квітня-червня, що значно вище середньої оцінки аналітика в 77 центів.
Today, i have had an opportunity to read an article about new ways to detect
Honestly, there is a very big problem in the world of using deep fakes, because
it can usually be used intentionally to manipulate people.
And that`s why scientists have decided to find a new algorithm that will make it
easier to recognize deepfake.
As a result, they have been able to improve detection accuracy by as much as
10%, which is great.
But scientists have noted that the new algorithm works so effectively only with
photos, but they are trying to do everything possible to improve this system.
I believe all these studies are very important nowadays, as there are many
examples of how manipulating people can cause chaos around the world.
· #638
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:15)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 Not bad, but let's correct: This article is about A touchscreen which IS built into the table....
· #637
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:13)
Exam Topic #3 (Early radio development.)
The first radio receiver was patented in 1893 by the Serbian scientist N. Tesla.
In Ukraine, the first civil radio communication was established 110 years ago -
on December 30, 1902, on the line Kherson. Thanks to the radio, the word
"hacker" appeared - the so-called crackers of secret passwords at radio
stations. The Eiffel Tower owes its "life" to the radio itself. It was built
specifically for the World Exhibition of 1889, and after 20 years it was planned
to be dismantled. However, when the radio was opened, it was decided to install
antennas on it for greater range and signal strength. This saved the current
symbol of Paris. As a result, radio has not disappeared even with the advent of
the Internet. The radio has become possible to listen to online without any
· #636
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:12)
Exam Topic # 6 (Turning the DTV signal.)
Digital TV DTV is an audiovisual television transmission using digital coding
signals, unlike the previous analog television technology, which used analog
signals. At the time of its development, it represented the first significant
evolution of television technology since color television in the 1950s. Modern
digital television is transmitted in high definition with higher resolution than
analog deficit television. It usually uses a wide aspect ratio. This allows more
economical use of the deficit of the radio spectrum space. A transition from
analog to digital broadcasting began around 2000. Thus, different digital
broadcasting standards have been adopted in different parts of the world.
· #635
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:12)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:04)
Your comment on the article is not bad, but you have to choose the topics which
are relevant to your specialty. Please, do not insert quotes in your comment.
· #634
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:11)
Your comments on the articles are meaningful and informative. They are grammatically correct. Your exam topic about cloud computing is written and voiced correctly too. Thank you and good luck.
· #633
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:11)
comment #231
Hello, have you credited the previous two exam topics to me? Or do I need to
correct them?
· #632
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:10)
Аbove the average
Вище середнього
The continental United States experienced the warmest spring on record this
year, with temperatures far above the average over the past century, government
scientists said Thursday.
Континентальні Сполучені Штати пережили найтеплішу весну за всю історію цього
року, температура значно вища за середню за минуле століття, повідомили в четвер
урядові вчені.
2. Invention relates
Винахід відноситься
Invention opens the door to safer and less expensive X-ray imaging
Винахід відкриває двері для безпечнішого та менш дорогого рентгенівського
3. Information management
Управління інформацією
News tagged with information management.
Новини з тегами керування інформацією.
Today I have read the article entitled “Photonic technology enables real-time
calculation of radio signal correlation”. Researchers have developed a new
analog photonic correlator that can be used to detect an object transmitting a
radio signal. It can be useful for detecting cell phones, signal jammers or
various tracking tags. The device is much simpler than today's analog or digital
correlators and uses standard telecommunications components. The correlator
works like a photonic processor, using fiber optic components to convert two RF
signals into optical ones. I think that in the near future, researchers will do
further work on miniaturization and full integration of the correlator.
· #631
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:09)
Today I have read the article “Efficient protocol to secure a user's private
information when algorithms use it to recommend content”. Algorithms that
recommend products work by using personal information like our past purchases
and browsing history to generate tailored recommendations, so the sensitive
nature of such data makes preserving privacy extremely important. Researchers
developed a privacy-preserving protocol that is so efficient it can run on a
smartphone over a very slow network. Their technique safeguards personal data
while ensuring recommendation results are accurate. In addition to user privacy,
their protocol minimizes the unauthorized transfer of information from the
database, known as leakage, even if a malicious agent tries to trick a database
into revealing secret information. So, in my opinion, this protocol would be
useful because it helps to prevent user's data leakage.
Phrases of the day
1)above the average
And the level of their quality is much above the average.
2)invention relates
More specifically, the invention relates to an electrical connector for
electrical association with a printed circuit board.
3) information management
Information management is generally an enterprise information system concept,
where an organization produces, owns and manages a suite of information.
· #630
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:08)
Today i have read the article titled "Turning the tables into touchscreens".
This article is about touchscreen which built into the table. Scientists used a
synchronized projector and camera to produce a touchscreen-like interface on a
flat surface. This work may lead to portable projection systems that can be used
to create large interactive displays nearly anywhere. Also this invention can be
used to produce a touch display on any flat surface.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
populations.(Краще управління інформацією та її аналіз приносить користь групі
ризику та постраждалим групам населення.)
2) above the average
His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly
unusual.(Його інтерес до навчання був дещо вище середнього, але не зовсім
3) invention relates
The invention relates to anti-dazzle devices for both polarized and
non-polarized radiation.(Винахід відноситься до пристроїв проти засліплення як
поляризованого, так і неполяризованого випромінювання.)
Vocaroo -
· #629
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:07)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:02)
Your review is interesting and informative, but too long, it must be around 100
words, mind that.
· #628
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) Home-work (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:05)
Today I have read the article: "Invention uses machine-learned human emotions to
'drive' autonomous vehicles". Some scientists developed a new technology for
autonomous systems that is responsive to human emotions based on machine-learned
human moods. By the way, his solution, "Adaptive Mood Control in Semi or Fully
Autonomous Vehicles," has earned a very competitive utility patent from the
United States Patent and Trademark Office for FAU. In my opinion, one of the
major issues with the technology of fully or semi-autonomous vehicles is that
they may not be able to accurately predict the behavior of other self-driving
and human-driving vehicles.
1) The scientists tested the energy-saving performance of their invention
related to using simulations of climate data covering all populated parts of the
globe - Вчені перевірили енергозберігаючу ефективність свого винаходу, пов'язану
з використанням моделювання кліматичних даних, що охоплюють усі населені частини
земної кулі
2) Through clustering analysis of users’ past behavior data, the information
management can show the user behavior expectation, which is then used to
evaluate the trust in users’ behavior. - Завдяки кластерному аналізу даних про
минулу поведінку користувачів, управління інформацією може показати очікування
поведінки користувачів, які потім використовуються для оцінки довіри до
поведінки користувачів.
3) Manufacturing is losing its biggest draw for low-wage workers—a stable career
path to above the average wages— at a time when it’s trying to hire more of
those people than previously - Виробництво втрачає найбільшу привабливість для
працівників з низькою заробітною платою — стабільний кар’єрний шлях до зарплати
вище середньої — у той час, коли воно намагається найняти більше цих людей, ніж
· #627
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:05)
Today I’ve read the article “Instagram and teens: How to keep your kids safe”
The goal was to protect children's online privacy by requiring websites and
online services to disclose clear privacy policies and obtain parental consent
before collecting personal information about their children. To comply, social
media companies routinely prohibited children under 13 from subscribing to their
services, although it is widely documented that children subscribe anyway, with
or without parental permission. Facebook says it has added many safety measures
and features over the years to improve teens' wellbeing on Instagram, such as
mental health support for people looking for common hashtags related to eating
disorders or self-harm. The company also tested hiding "likes", which means that
when you post something, if you're a young person, you don't have to worry about
how many people will like your post or see it. Parents shouldn't forbid their
child to surf the Internet for a long time. Children love to be aware of all the
events that happen on the Internet, and this gives them a sense of power.
1.above the average
Often, the average food intake of pregnant and lactating mothers was far
below the average intake of the adult male.
Часто середнє споживання їжі вагітними та годуючими матерями було набагато нижче
середнього споживання дорослого чоловіка.
2.invention relates
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Винахід відноситься до підземної газифікації вугілля.
3.information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
Краще управління інформацією та її аналіз приносить користь групі ризику та
постраждалим групам населення.
· #626
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:04)
Today I've read an article titled, this article about"Traveling fires pose an
underestimated risk to open building spaces"
The article tells about traveling fires which are distributed which big speed.
But researchers are currently trying to correct these mistakes.
Dr. Egle Rackauskaite, who led the work while at Imperial's Department of
Mechanical Engineering, said: "Despite the lack of advanced studies, traveling
fires have been observed in real incidents—for example, in the World Trade
Centre towers after the 11 September 2001 attacks. However, these fires have
rarely been studied on an experimental basis. At the same time, some modern
structures have open-plan spaces between 4 and 50 times larger than the largest
compartment fire experiments conducted to date."
I think it's right that researchers are trying to protect society from the
threat of traveling fires.
1)invention relates
The invention relates to auxiliary means for shooting
2)above the average
And the level of their quality is much above the average
3) information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
· #625
Igor Rudko (RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:03)
Today I have read the article: "Algorithms trained on historical data make more
accurate forecasts of population changes than demographic modeling". Machine
learning algorithms can be used to make accurate forecasts about population
changes. In fact, there is work that demonstrates that the best of the available
algorithms trained on historical data works better than conventional demographic
modeling based on periodic census data. Understanding population dynamics and
forecasting how a population might change in years to come is a critical part of
policymaking and planning for healthcare, education, housing, transport, and
infrastructure. In my opinion, ten-year census cycles are useful, but they do
not give a fine-grained account of a changing population.
1) The manufacturing sector continued to grow at an above the average rate in
November, as the impact of back-to-back hurricanes over the summer recedes -
Обробний сектор продовжував зростати вищими за середні темпи в листопаді,
оскільки вплив ураганів, що відбувалися влітку, спадає,
2) Information management, and analysis of all of this data is one of the
greatest challenges facing computing today. - Управління інформацією та аналіз
усіх цих даних є однією з найбільших проблем, що стоять перед обчислювальною
технікою сьогодні.
3) HeadFi is an invention related to regular headphones but with a small plug-in
adapter that turns a regular headphone into a sensing device. - HeadFi - це
винахід, пов'язаний зі звичайними навушниками, але з невеликим вставним
адаптером, який перетворює звичайні навушники в сенсорний пристрій.
Exam topic - An isolated virtual machine.
The popularity and widespread adoption of cloud computing have resulted in
extensive and intensive use of virtualization technology. By the way, it enables
the consolidation of servers and a multitude of user machines into a very small
set of physical servers, by replacing the physical machines with virtual
machines, running on the same physical servers. In fact, a software layer is
used to enable the sharing of hardware between the different users. In my
opinion, this leads to anxiety about the security of their data and working
environment for the users, as these are situated only one software layer apart
from those belonging to the other users.
· #624
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:02)
Today I have read the article 'A strategy to discern between real and virtual
video conferencing backgrounds'.
Right now, most video-conferencing platforms now also allow users to use virtual
backgrounds, so that they don't need to show their home environments to their
co-workers and to reduce the risk of distractions. While being able to change
the background increases users' privacy, fake backgrounds can also be used with
malicious intent, to give the impression of a false location, for instance
suggesting that a user is at the office when he is actually at home. For this
measure, Researchers at Sabanci University, Florida International University,
and University of Padua have recently developed a tool that could be used to
distinguish between real and virtual backgrounds in video-conferencing
platforms. Their method, introduced in a paper pre-published on arXiv, was found
to successfully discern between real and "artificial backgrounds" in two
distinct and common attack scenarios.
A good method, in my opinion, which allows to uncover those, who use background
method to lazily hide the fact of absence from their workplace.
4. 1) above the average
The temperature has been above the average recently
2) invention relates
The invention relates to a substitute material for rehabilitating articular
cartilage and a preparation method thereof
3) information management
An information management system allows to manage the distribution of
· #623
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 09:00)
1)Today I have read the article ''Algae-powered computing: Scientists create
reliable and renewable biological photovoltaic cell''.This article is about a
new invention in the field of renewable energy. Scientists have been able to
create a mechanism that uses algae as an electricity generator. Algae naturally
collects energy from the sun through photosynthesis. This device naturally
harvests the sun's energy through photosynthesis. The system is made from
common, inexpensive, and largely recyclable materials. The scientists also
expected the system to stop working in just a few weeks, but it kept working.
In my opinion, the development of such technologies is a good prospect for the
electric power industry, because there are already many devices that consume a
small amount of electricity and it is not advisable to power them with
lithium-ion batteries.
1)information management
Better information management and analysis benefits at-risk and affected
Краще управління інформацією та її аналіз приносить користь групі ризику та
постраждалим групам населення.
2)invention relates
The invention relates to subsurface coal gasification.
Винахід відноситься до підземної газифікації вугілля.
3)above the average
His growth curve is well above average.
Його крива зростання значно вище середнього.
· #622
Eugene Chervony RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:59)
Exam Topic #2 (Cable television)
Cable television is one of the options for transmitting a signal (both
television and radio signals) over a distance. Both analog and digital format
transmission is possible. For the first time in the world, cable television
appeared in the spring of 1948 in Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania, USA. A modern
cable television network includes a head station, trunk communication channels,
sub-trunk lines and home distribution networks. Cable TV has some advantages
over digital and satellite: higher signal quality, high noise immunity, no
problems with signal transmission in cities with dense multi-storey buildings.
· #621
Eugene Chervony RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:58)
Exam Topic #1 (First radio speeches)
In 1904, English radio engineer John Fleming invented the first radio tube. By
the early 1920s, the development of radio tubes had reached a level sufficient
for the advent of radio broadcasting. While most experimenters were trying to
create something similar to telephone technology, others were trying to reach a
wider broadcast coverage. The first experimental radio station was created by
Charles Herrold in 1909. Gerrold placed the transmitter and antenna on the roof
of his radio engineering college. Initially, only dots and dashes were
transmitted. But already in 1912, weekly broadcasts of phonographic records
· #620
Eugene Chervony RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:58)
Today I have read the article "Engineers show how tungsten oxide can be used as
a catalyst in sustainable chemical conversions". It says that engineers rely on
catalysts for a vast array of applications from food manufacturing to chemical
production, so finding efficient, environmentally friendly catalysts is an
important avenue of research. The project used computational simulations to
understand how tungsten oxide interacts with hydrogen at the molecular level and
the findings were verified through lab experimentation. I think that new
research could lead to the creation of new, sustainable catalysts based on
tungsten oxide and similar compounds.
1) above the average
In new studies, the pressure level sensor shows values above the average.
У нових дослідженнях датчик рівня тиску показує значення вище середнього.
2) the invention relates to
The invention refers to the new inventions of the last month.
Винахід відноситься до нових винаходів останнього місяця.
3) information management
Information management is a very important industry in recent times.
Управління інформацією є дуже важливою галуззю останнім часом.
· #619
Yershova Y. to PЗ-211 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:53)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #618
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:52)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck
· #617
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:47)
There are no mistakes in your commentary on the article. So, your home work is interesting and correct. I am thankful to you.
· #616
Vorobyova E. to РЗ-213 (Thursday, 19 May 2022 08:45)
Mitriev and Chabanenko
Your exam topics are well done. Thank you and continue writing them.
· #615
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V.) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 21:47)
going to write a few words about the article I have recently read. The article
is headlined 'Chinese developers expose data belonging to Android gamers' .The
Chinese developers of popular Android games have disclosed information belonging
to users through an unsecured server.The vpnMentor's cybersecurity team revealed
EskyFun as the owner of the server, which has made public on the network.EskyFun
is the developer of Android games.The team says that EskyFun has introduced
alarming tracking and permissions settings. The database was more than needed
for mobile games. The records included various confidential information. For
example, phone numbers, mobile device event logs, email addresses, device
information, etc .
In my view, many cyberattacks have been caused by people not caring about their
· #614
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 20:36)
Exam topic #2(Various security techniques)
There are many tools and techniques that allow people to provide data security.
Formal protection tools include physical safety equipment like different
mechanical, electric and electronic mechanisms. For example, noise generators,
surge protectors, scanning radio and many other devices can cut off the data
leak. Software is one more tool which is used for solving problems connected to
information security support. DLP-system is the example of comprehensive
solution and its functions include prevention of data leak, reformation of
information and redirection of its flow. Implementation of cryptographic and
steganographic protective methods provides secure network transmission. To sum
up, above-mentioned techniques are formal guards and along with formal ones
including legislative, institutional, moral and ethical provide data security.
Exam topic #3(Different approaches to secrecy and their defects)
Secrecy is the property of the object entity of which represents a state or
official secret and is hidden from unauthorized persons. Special technical,
administrative and operational measures are used in order to provide integrity
of secrecy. To the degree of secrecy all objects, documents and reports are
divided into three groups. First group includes confidential information and
along with the top secret data which represent the second group are related to
state secret. Third group includes secret reports which are accounted for
official secret. One of the defects is the imbalance between secrecy and
transparency. In some situations there is a need to look at reports to check how
public resources are being wasted, for example. So, one of the important aims of
the country is to find the balance between national security interests and
· #613
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 17:04)
Exam topic #1 (Concept of “Privacy”)
Present-day realities with all possible threats people are facing with lead to
globalizing the concept of “Privacy”. Privacy means the ability of a person to
determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent personal information
about them is shared with or communicated to others. The information can include
one's name, location, contact information, or online or real-world behavior.
Data privacy is very important as it is considered a fundamental human right to
a free society, like the right to free speech. Organizations use data protection
practices to let people trust that their personal data will be safe. So,
everyone has the right to keep personal information private and this is not just
about moral principles but about the law which guards this right.
· #612
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213 (Vorobyova E.V.) (Homework) (Wednesday, 18 May 2022 14:47)
Exam topic: Price War A price war describes a series of successive price cuts for goods or services caused by intense market competition. In the short term, price wars are won by consumers who purchase a familiar good or service at a lower price. Often, price wars harm participating companies, as they cause a decrease in marginal profit, which may raise the question of leaving the company from the market. In the event of a competitor leaving the market, the monopoly supplier can again “raise” the price, and even higher than those that were before the start of the price war, which negatively affects customers who are already deprived of the opportunity to go to the competitor who left the market. Link to voice:
· #611
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 18:51)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211) The topic is written correctly, but you should practise reading more as there are mistakes in reading such words as characters, rights, unauthorized, access, disadvantages....
· #610
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 17:44)
Exam topic #8
Password - a secret word or a sequence of characters intended to confirm a
person or his rights. Passwords are used to protect information from
unauthorized access. Passwords have many disadvantages: they are easy to steal,
but difficult to remember, and manage them sometimes exhausting. Many users
believe that the password should be as long and complex as possible, although in
reality it even increases the risk. With a complex password, users usually want
to use it for multiple accounts, making them even more vulnerable.Because the
less you enter the password, the better.
1) The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population had neither
territory, power nor economic resources.
Переважала думка, що корінне населення не має ні території, ні влади, ні
економічних ресурсів.
2) She devoted attention to practical problems in energy and the environmen.
Вона приділила увагу практичним проблемам в енергетиці та екології.
3) Yale has identified the development of quantum materials as a priority
research area.
Єльський університет визначив розробку квантових матеріалів як пріоритетний
напрямок досліджень.
· #609
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:13)
To Biehin Yevhen RF-211 just good . Thanks. Keep on working hard.
· #608
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:10)
To Maksim Teliga (RF-211) Just good, thank you.
· #607
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:08)
To Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) . Thanks . Just good.
· #606
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:04)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 Thanks Just 80 points for both tasks. Keep on working hard.
· #605
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 12:01)
To Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) Exam topic is too long and without conclusion. 2021 was over long ago: mind your narration. Just 74 points.
· #604
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:55)
To Pontus Natalia(RF-211) Thanks .Just good. Keep on working hard.
· #603
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:51)
Chmel Maksim RF-211 Thanks .
Just good for both activities. Keep on working hard.
· #602
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:45)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) Thanks. Two tasked have been perfectly done by you. But you need to pre-train your pronunciation and melody to improve your speaking activities. Just 79 points
· #601
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:37)
To Shulyak Makar RF-211 Task1 is lengthy just 74 points. Task2 contains a mistake ( let discuss it). Just good. Pls work hard.
· #600
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:30)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211, Kovalzhi Andrey rz-211, Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211, Misha Donenko RZ-211, Daniil Dragin (RZ-211), Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 Thanks for your active work. Well done.
· #599
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:29)
Kasatkin Kirill RZ-211 and Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 The reviews on the articles are
written correctly. Now I am waiting for exam topics. Keep working.
· #598
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:27)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211) You submited the Exam topic #3 on 3.05.22. I am waiting for another topic. Keep working.
· #597
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:21)
To Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211) The exam topic is written correctly, However, you forgot about translation of the sentences with phrases of the day.
· #596
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:20)
To Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211) The tasks are quite ok, but there is a mistake in the question 2. You forgot about an auxiliary verb.
· #595
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 11:06)
To Denis Zavadsky Levedeva RZ-211 The review on the article is written correctly. Now I am waiting for your exam topic.
· #594
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:46)
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work. It is nice that you
do it regularly.
· #593
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article "What's the prevailing opinion on social media?"
A University at Buffalo communication researcher has developed a framework for
measuring the slippery concept of social media public opinion.The framework and
the findings from an analysis of social network structure and opinion expression
from over 193,000 Twitter accounts, which followed more than 1.3 million other
accounts, suggest that flock membership can predict opinion and that the
murmuration framework reveals distinct patterns of opinion intensity.The results
further support the echo chamber tendencies prevalent on social media, while
adding important nuance to existing knowledge.
article -
Voice -
1)priority research area - This framework should consider priorities regarding
research areas, best practices, and knowledge transfer.Эта структура должна
учитывать приоритеты в отношении областей исследований, передового опыта и
передачи знаний.
2)prevailing view - The prevailing view was that both issues should be dealt
with. Возобладало мнение о том, что следует рассмотреть оба этих вопроса.
3)practical problems - Besides controlling users, HDCP denies their fair-use
rights and causes numerous practical problems. Помимо контроля над
пользователями, HDCP лишает их прав на добросовестное использование и создает
множество практических проблем.
Voice -
· #592
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:27)
Avdieiev Danil RT-211
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #591
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:26)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Exam Topic #8 (The major differences in a monochrome television and a color
television receiver) is well done.
· #590
Avdieiev Danil RT-211 Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:24)
Today I have the article titled "Researchers determine optimum pressure to
improve the performance of lithium metal batteries". It describes us about a
team of materials scientists and chemists has determined the proper stack
pressure that lithium metal batteries, or LMBs, need to be subjected to during
battery operation in order to produce optimal performance. I find this article
useless, because nowadays we less and less use lithium metal batteries. But
probably this research will change it. We'll see.
1) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчаються проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази.
2) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision.
Поки ці експерти впроваджують ІІ в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних завдань, їм доводиться відповідати на такі питання, як,
наприклад, чому ІІ зробив той чи інший прогноз чи рішення.
3) priority research area
A new study led by ANU has mapped priority areas around the world to protect
thousands of mammal species.
Нове дослідження проведене ANU, накреслело пріоритетні території по всьому світу
для захисту тисяч видів ссавців.
· #589
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:23)
Exam Topic #8 (The major differences in a monochrome television and a color
television receiver)
I think we all know that the major difference between black and white and color
television is the color of the image itself. Monochrome monitors actually use
two colors, one for the image on the display and the other for the background.
Also, monochrome is known as black and white television. At the same time, color
television is a technology and technique associated with the transmission of
moving images by color TV. The monitors used in this television have three guns
in red, green and blue. Varying these tubes gives us the full range of colors.
· #588
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:16)
Exam topic 3 Different approaches to secrecy and their defects.
To protect your organization from cyber attacks, there are several technologies
to combat it. The most famous of them: data loss prevention, intrusion detection
and prevention system, security incident and event management, firewall,
Let's consider two of the techniques proposed above.
Prevent data loss (verification technology, data sent by the organization for
the content of confidential data)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a technology that monitors all traffic
coming into an organization to make sure it is not harmful.
Therefore, in order to protect the system from any of the security incidents,
the organization must use technology to protect its systems.
1)practical problems
However, despite positive developments, many practical problems still exist.
Однак, не зважаючи на позитивні зміни, залишилося і багато практичних проблем.
2)prevailing view
The prevailing view that synthetic satin releases toxic substances is not
confirmed by laboratory tests.
Існуюча думка, що синтетичний сатин виділяє токсичні речовини не підтверджено
лабораторними дослідженнями.
3)priority research area
The goal of the competition is to support policy-relevant research projects
under five priority research areas.
Мета конкурсу є підтримка політично значущих проектів науково-дослідних до п'яти
пріоритетних областях.
· #587
Gvozd to Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:13)
The exam topic is informative and useful. The review is interesting.
· #586
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:12)
Artem Verhelis RT-211
The task is not complete. Your Independent practice must contain a review and
· #585
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:06)
Today I've read the article "Computers learn to understand humans better by
modelling them" It's about results of study that simply by observing how long it
takes a user to click menu items, an AI can infer a model that reproduces
similar behavior and accurately estimates some characteristics of that user's
visual system, such as fixation duration. The inference method of this model is
based on Approximate Bayesian Computing, a machine learning technique that was
developed to infer very complex models from observations. I think that this
technology will be very useful, for example in detection of symptoms of a
decrease in human cognitive functions.
1) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчаються проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази.
2) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to
solve practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made
a specific prediction or decision.
Поки ці експерти впроваджують ІІ в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних завдань, їм доводиться відповідати на такі питання, як,
наприклад, чому ІІ зробив той чи інший прогноз чи рішення.
3) priority research area
A new study led by ANU has mapped priority areas around the world to protect
thousands of mammal species.
Нове дослідження проведене ANU, накреслело пріоритетні території по всьому світу
для захисту тисяч видів ссавців.
· #584
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Borysenko T. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:02)
Exam Topic #6
First history fact of television in Ukrainian SSR was in 1925, when the talented
experimental physicist Boris Grabovsky managed to make the first television
broadcast in the former USSR and throughout the world. In 1939 the first
telecast was made in Kyiv. 1969, color television appeared in Ukraine. The
uniqueness of the design was that it was the first in the world to be all-welded
and unparalleled. At present, the transmission and distribution network consists
of 57 powerful TV stations. This system provides viewers with programs
throughout Ukraine. It's very cool to realize all the way that television has
come a long way in Ukraine.
· #583
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Borysenko T. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:01)
(Class work)
Today I have read the article 'Combining AI and computational science for
better, faster, energy efficient predictions'.
The article tells about the new technology "intelligent alloys", the main
purpose of which is combining the power of computational science with artificial
intelligence to develop models that complement simulations to predict the
evolution of science's most complex systems. By using this technology, the
researchers demonstrated that they can generate predictions thousands to a
million times faster than it would take to run the simulations with full
resolution or rely on partial or even faulty information through models. I think
this technology has a huge future that is coming right now.
1)"when compared"
This figure is even less significant WHEN COMPARED to the assets such
enterprises control.
2)"muptiple levels"
And the beauty of the book is that it works on MULTIPLE LEVELS.
3)"case studies"
The training will be based on CASE STUDIES, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
· #582
Shulyak Makar RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:01)
operating system is a set of programs that controls the hardware component of
any PC, organizes interaction between users. An operating system is needed to
manage computer devices and computing processes.
Operating system features:
1) Management of computer devices and their distribution. Computer devices RAM,
disks, tools located outside the system unit (printer, mouse, speakers), etc.
2) Management of the computing process. OP - a sequence of actions that are
specified by the program.
3) Establishing the relationship between the user and the device.
OS classification:
Operating system of one or more users;
Single-tasking and multi-tasking operating systems.
The OS manages computing processes and computer resources: disks, memory, mouse,
printer, etc.
The OS is the middle boundary between the PC and the user.
Modern operating systems are characterized by a complex structure, all elements
perform certain functions for managing a computer:
File system management.
command processor.
Graphical interface.
Service programs.
Reference system.
Phrases of Th Day:
1)priority research area-пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
Cybercrime is priority research area for scientists
Кіберзлочинність є пріоритетним напрямком дослідження науковців
2)prevailing view-переважаючий погляд
If that is the prevailing view, let us have discuss it.
Якщо така точка зору переважає, давайте обговоримо її.
3)practical problems-практичні проблеми
This project illustrates the difficulties involved when we bring machine
learning and AI into the real world
Цей проект ілюструє труднощі, пов’язані з впровадженням машинного навчання та
штучного інтелекту в реальний світ.
· #581
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:00)
Artem Verhelis RT-211,
Exam topic #7 Turning the DTV signal is well done.
· #580
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:58)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Thank you for your comment. The review you have sent was written correctly, it
meets all the requirements for such kind of independent student work.
· #579
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:53)
Exam topic #7
Turning the DTV signal
Digital TV refers to all types of this television broadcasting. DTV signal
belong only to live in a channel TV.
The transmitted DTV signal is encoded in MPEG digital format and represented as
a binary code. The basis of its popularity is that the signal is not affected by
weather conditions as it used to be with analog signal. Even if it is rainy or
windy outside, the TV won't lose a signal. DTV channels are preferred to watch
in all countries due to their availability and the quality of the transmitted
· #578
Denis Zavadsky Levedeva RZ-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:52)
Researchers have developed an algorithm that can identify the basic needs of
users from the text and images they share on social networks. The experts hope
this tool will help psychologists to diagnose possible mental health problems.
The study suggests that Spanish-speaking users are more likely to mention
relationship problems when feeling depressed than English speakers.
I think this is a good innovation, as it can help solve a whole range of
problems regarding the relationship of people on the network, where so many
violators of someone else's order should be punished.
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Переважала думка, що текст проекту статті 32 слід зберегти у редакції.
Узгоджуються заходи щодо подолання цих практичних проблем.
Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є вживання екстазі молоддю.
· #577
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:49)
Device drivers
In computing, a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a
particular type of device that is attached to a computer or automaton. A driver
provides a software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems
and other computer programs to access hardware functions without needing to know
precise details about the hardware being used. A driver communicates with the
device through the computer bus or communications subsystem to which the
hardware connects. When a calling program invokes a routine in the driver, the
driver issues commands to the device (drives it). Once the device sends data
back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling
Summing up, we can say that without drivers, the correct operation of computer
functions is impossible and you should always install drivers before fully using
the computer.
Phrases of the Day:
1. practical problems - практичні проблеми
These experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve practical
problems - Ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних проблем.
2. priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade - У новій роботі провідних британських вчених викладено ключові рішення
та політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки
досліджень на наступне десятиліття.
3. prevailing view - переважна точка зору
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species - Вивчення проблем
переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види.
· #576
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:47)
Topic 8 Passwords and their drawback
Now everyone knows what a password and login are, but not everyone knows how to
safely store an
use them.
Using one password for all sites is extremely dangerous. Having hacked one
user's page, hackers have easy access to all the others: financial services,
cloud services, e-mail and other user applications. Therefore, unique passwords
are created for each resource.
In order not to worry, you can use password managers - these are specialized
services for secure storage of all codes. They securely encrypt data: passwords,
logins, information about the service where you want to enter passwords and
Today I've read the article "Storing energy in red bricks". This article tells
about a red brick device. The Brick has been used in walls and buildings for
thousands of years, but rarely has been found fit for any other use. Now,
chemists have developed a method to make or modify "smart bricks" that can store
energy. Really, walls and buildings made of bricks already occupy large amounts
of space, which could be better utilized if given an additional purpose for
electrical storage.
In my opinion this is a very interesting and cool idea for progress in
construction and technology.
priority research
The report notes that the priority research initiatives all require some degree
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive specie
practical problems
this practice causes two important practical problems
· #575
Chmel Maksim RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:47)
Today's operating systems have many generic drivers that allow hardware to work
at a basic level without needing drivers or software. However, if that device
has features unknown to the operating system, it will not work without drivers.
For example, you could plug any keyboard into a computer and expect it to work.
However, if that keyboard has any special keys or features, they will not work
until the drivers are installed.
If the appropriate driver is not installed, the device may not function
properly, if at all. With some devices, the device may work, but all of its
features may not work. For example, a computer mouse usually works without
drivers, but if it has more buttons than the traditional mouse, those extra
buttons will not work until the drivers are installed.
1)The scientists assembled a conference that it is therefore intended to
resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building meeting than a planning
session to list priority research areas.
Вчені зібрали конференцію, тому вона має нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та
нараду для досягнення консенсусу, ніж сесію планування, щоб перерахувати
пріоритетні напрямки досліджень.
2)Elon Max recently founded his own foundation This project funded research on
technical solutions for practical problems.
Ілон Макс нещодавно заснував власний фонд. Цей проект фінансував дослідження
технічних рішень практичних проблем.
3)The scientists developed a special measure. The prevailing view, however, was
that the draft Guide should not include such recommendations.
Вчені розробили спеціальний захід. Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва
не повинен включати такі рекомендації.
· #574
Pontus Natalia(RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:42)
Phrases of the Day:
1) prevailing view - переважна думка
Depending on this assessment, the prevailing view is changing.
Залежно від цієї оцінки переважна думка змінюється.
2) practical problems - практичні проблеми
Despite the positive developments, many practical problems still exist.
Не зважаючи на позитивні зміни, залишилося і багато практичних проблем.
3) priority research areas – область пріорітетних досліджень
Priority research areas are also information technologies for complex signals,
information safety and telecommunications.
Пріоритетними напрямами досліджень також є інформаційні технології обробки
складних сигналів, інформаційна безпека та телекомунікації.
Digital security is the collective term that describes the resources employed to
protect user’s online identity, data, and other assets. These tools include web
services, antivirus software etc.
Authentication system helps to protect the data from threats such as hacking and
fishing as it identifies new users, monitors traffic, approves or blocks
unauthorized access.
As for methods, that can help users to maintain their digital safety and
security, updating antivirus systems can be extremely helpful. It also ensures
any website user is visiting has safe and secured connection.
Using these simple digital security resources any user can stay digitally safe.
· #573
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:41)
Today I've read the article 'New nanomechanical oscillators with record-low
loss'. Scientists have long studied mechanical resonators. Recently, they found
that a regular polygon suspended at its vertices supports oscillating modes
around the perimeter with almost no loss. So they decided to make resonators in
this form. As a result, a device can measure oscillations of almost the same
force as a modern atomic force microscope. The resonators are compact and not
quite large, which will allow them to be used in many places. I think it's very
important because it will help in studying weak forces and quantum effects.
1)prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен включати такі
2)priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому за своїм задумом воно швидше нагадує мозкову атаку, пошук консенсусу, ніж
сесію зі складання переліку пріоритетних дослідницьких областей.
3) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
· #572
Kovalzhi Andrey rz-211(Lebedeva. E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:41)
Exam topic #8
Password-based authentication is one of the most popular approaches to
authenticate a user in various enterprise applications. But there are many
drawbacks associated with the password based authentication systems, for
example: easy passwords can be cracked, random passwords are hard to remember,
multiple passwords can't be remembered, problems with passwords that needs to be
continuously changed, security vs. Ease-of-Use for Passwords and shoulder
Surfing Attack. Passwords can be shared, guessed or stolen, which means they
aren’t secure. However most of this problems can be solved by proper storage of
passwords and other confidential information.
Daily phrases:
1) practical problems
To solve a practical problem, you can't just solve the computational piece, you
have to incorporate the human behavioral piece too.
Чтобы решить практическую проблему, недостаточно просто решить вычислительную
часть, нужно также учитывать поведение человека.
2)prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that MIT scientists team need to stop the
3)priority research area
A newspaper by leading UK scientists proposes key solutions that should be
implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the
UK is willing to reach its targets by 2050.
Газета ведущих британских ученых предлагает ключевые решения которые должны быть
реализованы сейчас, а также приоритетные направления исследований на следующее
десятилетие, если Великобритания хочет достичь своих целей к 2050 году.
· #571
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:39)
Exam theme:The development of Windows versions.
Windows operating system is one of the most widespread operating systems that is
exercised all over the world which was developed by Microsoft.In the beginning,
we were supposed to use windows only on our computers but succeedingly later
that we observe Windows on our mobile phones too and an up-gradation of the
Windows 10 along with it.
Windows 1
The earliest version of windows MS-DOS was called the Microsoft disk operating
system which was the character-based operating system that was used in many
computers but didn’t get much success.
Windows 2
This was the very first version of the operating system to access Microsoft Word
and Microsoft excel.
Windows 3
Windows 3 covers all the early versions of MS-DOS which came out with the
program manager and soon became the modern windows version.
Windows 95
As Windows 95 was out it became very famous, which took the world of operating
systems at the top. It allows you the feature to place the icon wherever you
like. Several more innovations such as internet explorer, Recycle bin, start
button. All those icons appear to present on your desktop.
Windows 98
Windows 98 wasn't so different from windows 95, it almost worked the same as
Windows 95, Therefore few upgrades happened.
Windows XP
Windows XP was launched in the year 2001. Which became the fastest growing
operating system by windows after the success of window 95.
Windows Vista
It took almost 5 whole years to launch Windows Vista while developing websites
there were so many errors, and it appears after the restoration of such errors,
so the late launch was justified.
Windows 7
Windows 7 uplifted all the errors of Windows Vista and came with the new name
windows 6 view. This was an extremely powerful windows operating system. Several
offices are still using this till now. This was supposed to upgrade windows 7 to
windows 10.
Windows 8 Desktop
Microsoft wasn’t capable of bringing that operating system that used to operate
on both tablet and PC. You have the option to easily upgrade Windows 8 to
Windows 10.
Windows and Windows 8.1
Microsoft implements this characteristic such as computers, tablets, mobile
updates back then in 2014. It possesses some modifications such as the start
menu. Window 8.1 will be refreshed to windows 10.
Windows 10
The latest version of windows is fantastic. The complete variant hadn’t arrived
yet into the business. Although according to the sources Microsoft is planning
to bring the new Windows 10X named “The New Windows”. Which is supposed to be
launched near the end of March or April 2021.
Phrases of the day
1)priority research area-пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
Cybercrime is priority research area for scientists
Кіберзлочинність є пріоритетним напрямком дослідження науковців
2)prevailing view-переважаючий погляд
If that is the prevailing view, let us have discuss it.
Якщо така точка зору переважає, давайте обговоримо її.
3)practical problems-практичні проблеми
This project illustrates the difficulties involved when we bring machine
learning and AI into the real world
Цей проект ілюструє труднощі, пов’язані з впровадженням машинного навчання та
штучного інтелекту в реальний світ
· #570
Gvozd to Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:38)
I appreciate your task, it is interesting and informative.
· #569
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022)
Today I have read the article 'An algorithm trained to detect unhappiness on
social networks'.
Researchers from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has developed an
algorithm that aims to help psychologists diagnose possible mental health
problems through the content people post on social platforms such as Instagram,
Facebook and Twitter. Drawing on neural networks and databases, the experts
trained an algorithm to identify the content of the images and to categorize
textual content by assigning different labels proposed by psychologists, who
compared the results with a database containing over 30,000 images, captions and
A very interesting algorithm, in my opinion, which will automatically will give
the psychologists results they need, depending on our mood
4. 1) prevailing view
The problem is further exacerbated by the prevailing view as to the nature and
constituents of leadership in schools.
2) priority research area
Progress in this priority research area is a central element of the Lisbon
3) practical problems
There are practical problems with the installation as well.
Exam Topic #13 'Authentication mechanisms'
Authentication mechanisms are modules that authenticate the user with a specific
challenge or authentication technology, such as user name and password and
one-time password. The order on which the authentication mechanisms are run is
controlled by an authentication policy. An authentication policy is an XML
document that you create with the authentication policy editor. The
authentication policy dictates the order of authentication mechanisms to
execute. During an authentication event, the Authentication Service manages the
execution of the authentication policy that is required for the event. Each
authentication mechanism is included on the authentication policy workflow. This
workflow is started by the Authentication Service authentication policy. After
the user successfully authenticates to all of the authentication mechanisms that
are required by the authentication policy, the Authentication Service generates
a user credential.
· #568
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:35)
Exam topic №8 - Device drivers
In computing, a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a
particular type of device that is attached to a computer or automaton. It
communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications
subsystem to which the hardware connects. A driver provides a software interface
to hardware devices, enabling operating systems and other computer programs to
access hardware functions without needing to know precise details about the
hardware being used.
I think drivers are the most important programs in a regular computer, that
helps communicate OS and software with the hardware, accordingly making our work
easier and faster.
Phrases of the Day
1. priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
ENG: Priority research area of our company was the security of data centers.
UKR: Пріоритетним напрямком досліджень нашої компанії була безпека ЦОД.
2. prevailing view - переважна думка
ENG: Prevailing view of our employees was that we should improve the visual part
of the application.
UKR: У наших співробітників переважала думка, що ми повинні покращити візуальну
частину програми.
3. practical problems - практичні проблеми
ENG: After weeks of coding I have no practical problems.
UKR: Після тижнів кодування я не маю жодних практичних проблем.
· #567
Kasatkin Kirill RZ-211 (Lebedeva E. V) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022)
Kasatkin Kirill RZ-211 (Lebedeva E. V)
Today I have read the article "Bringing AI into the real world"
Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers and health experts modeling COVID-19's
spread have warned that for vaccines to be useful in curbing the pandemic, a
significant percentage of the population must be vaccinated to reach herd
But professor Misra explained that each person would be best served if all the
others got vaccinated and they themselves did not have to vaccinate—because that
would stop the spread of the virus without their having to take on the possible
risks of side effects.
I think this is an interesting research.
1) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems,
they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a specific prediction or
decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us to act on it.
Але коли ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних проблем,
вони повинні відповісти на запитання, наприклад, чому ШІ зробив конкретне
передбачення або рішення, і чи дає це достатньо впевненості, щоб ми діяли.
2) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species
Дослідження проблем переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види
3) priority research areas
as well as priority research areas for the next decade
а також пріоритетні напрямки досліджень на наступне десятиліття
voiceover phrases:
· #566
Gvozd to Vasilev A.O RZ-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:32)
The review of the article is really interesting and useful. Thank you, well done.
· #565
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:31)
Principles of information protection.
What are the 3 Principles of Information Security? The basic tenets of
information security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Every
element of the information security program must be designed to implement one or
more of these principles. Together they are called the CIA Triad.
Confidentiality: Confidentiality measures are designed to prevent unauthorized
disclosure of information. The purpose of the confidentiality principle is to
keep personal information private and to ensure that it is visible and
accessible only to those individuals who own it or need it to perform their
organizational functions.
Integrity: Consistency includes protection against unauthorized changes
(additions, deletions, alterations, etc.) to data. The principle of integrity
ensures that data is accurate and reliable and is not modified incorrectly,
whether accidentally or maliciously.
Availability: Availability is the protection of a system’s ability to make
software systems and data fully available when a user needs it (or at a
specified time). The purpose of availability is to make the technology
infrastructure, the applications, and the data available when they are needed
for an organizational processor for an organization’s customers.
practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision.(Проте, коли ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в
реальний світ і використовують його для вирішення практичних проблем, вони
повинні відповісти на такі запитання, як, чому ШІ зробив конкретне передбачення
або рішення, і чи дає він достатньо впевненості, щоб ми могли діяти.)
priority research area
A new study led by ANU has mapped priority research areas around the world to
protect thousands of mammal species.(Нове дослідження, проведене ANU, накреслило
пріоритетні дослідницькі області в усьому світі для захисту тисяч видів
prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases by
Lynn Yarris, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.(Лінн Ярріс, Національна
лабораторія Лоуренса Берклі, вивчити проблеми, пов'язані з переважаючим поглядом
на те, як металоорганічні каркаси зберігають гази.)
· #564
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:29)
Exam topic #3
Password - a secret word or a sequence of characters intended to confirm a
person or his rights. Passwords are used to protect information from
unauthorized access. Passwords have many disadvantages: they are easy to steal,
but difficult to remember, and manage them sometimes exhausting. Many users
believe that the password should be as long and complex as possible, although in
reality it even increases the risk. With a complex password, users usually want
to use it for multiple accounts, making them even more vulnerable.Because the
less you enter the password, the better.
1) The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population had neither
territory, power nor economic resources.
Переважала думка, що корінне населення не має ні території, ні влади, ні
економічних ресурсів.
2) She devoted attention to practical problems in energy and the environmen.
Вона приділила увагу практичним проблемам в енергетиці та екології.
3) Yale has identified the development of quantum materials as a priority
research area.
Єльський університет визначив розробку квантових матеріалів як пріоритетний
напрямок досліджень.
· #563
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:24)
Exam topic #17: “Password as a general technique of secrecy”.
A password is your personal key to a computer system. Passwords help to ensure
that only authorized individuals access computer systems. Passwords also help to
determine accountability for all transactions and other changes made to system
resources, including data. Passwords are a critical part of information and
network security. Passwords serve to protect against unauthorized access, but a
poorly chosen password could put the entire institution at risk. There are few
general recommendations about creating passwords: 1) Passwords should be long
and unique; 2)Old passwords should not be re-used. So, in my opinion, all people
using computer systems should create passwords and make them strong to prevent
being hacked.
Today I have read the article “An algorithm trained to detect unhappiness on
social networks”. Researchers have developed an algorithm that can identify the
basic needs of users from the text and images they share on social networks. The
experts hope this tool will help psychologists to diagnose possible mental
health problems. Drawing on neural networks and databases, the experts trained
an algorithm to identify the content of the images and to categorize textual
content by assigning different labels proposed by psychologists, who compared
the results with a database containing over 30,000 images, captions and
comments.The authors believe that their research can help improve preventive
measures, ranging from identification to improved treatment when a person has
been diagnosed with a mental health disorder.
prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was the proposal constituted a major and
unnecessary departure from the existing Arbitration Rules. (Однак переважала
думка, що пропозиція є серйозним і непотрібним відхиленням від існуючого
Арбітражного регламенту.)
priority research areas
Following this first exercise of excluding areas not needing further research,
the small groups were given the task to list a maximum of 20 priority research
areas. (Після першої вправи виключення областей, які не потребують подальших
досліджень, невеликі групи отримали завдання перерахувати максимум 20
пріоритетних дослідницьких областей.)
practical problems
Some practical problems in the teaching of ethics to medical students are
described. (Описано деякі практичні проблеми у навчанні студентів-медиків
· #562
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:24)
Different protection mechanisms
Information protection - a set of methods and tools that ensure the integrity,
confidentiality and availability of information for the conditions of exposure
to threats of natural or artificial nature, the implementation of which may harm
the owners and users of information. The term lives in Ukraine to describe
comprehensive measures to ensure information security.
Information protection is conducted to maintain such properties of information
- inability to modify information by an unauthorized user.
- information cannot be obtained by an unauthorized user.
- this is exactly what the authorized user can use the information in accordance
with the rules established by their security policy, without specifying longer
than the specified (accepted) time interval.
Information threats
in accordance with the properties of I., there are some threats to its security:
1. threats to integrity:
2. destruction;
3. modification;
4. threats to availability:
5. blocking;
6. destruction;
7. threats to privacy:
8. unauthorized access (NSA);
9. leak;
1)practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем у країнах,
що розвиваються.
2)prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as
Переважала думка, що текст проекту статті 32 слід зберегти у редакції.
3)priority research area
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є вживання екстазі молоддю.
· #561
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022)
Exam Topic #2
The Importance of System Software for Computer Operation
System software is a type of computer program designed to run computer hardware
and application programs. Considering a computer system as a layered model,
system software is the interface between hardware and user applications. The
operating system is the most well-known example of system software. The OS
controls all other programs on the computer. System software is used to manage
the computer itself. It runs in the background, supporting the basic functions
of the computer so that users can run higher-level application software to
perform certain tasks. Essentially, system software provides a platform for
running application software.
To sum up, system software is an important part as it is used to manage the
computer itself.
priority research area — пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
These research priority areas represent the currently strongest research fields
of University,
Ці пріоритетні дослідницькі напрямки представляють на сьогодні найсильніші
дослідницькі галузі університету
prevailing view — переважаючий погляд
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази
practical problems — практичні проблеми
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems
Окрім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми
· #560
Maksim Teliga (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:20)
Topic #4 - What do we need operating system for?
The fundamental goal of a Operating System is to execute user programs and to
make tasks easier. Various application programs along with hardware systems are
used to perform this work. Operating System is software that manages and
controls the entire set of resources and effectively utilizes every part of a
The figure shows how OS acts as a medium between hardware units and application
1) priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
The paper highlights net-zero solutions in eight priority sectors, setting out
actions to take now, research priorities for the next decade, and future
benefits for each sector.
У документі висвітлюються нульові рішення у восьми пріоритетних секторах,
викладаються дії, які необхідно вжити зараз, пріоритети досліджень на наступне
десятиліття та майбутні переваги для кожного сектора.
2) prevailing view - домінуючий погляд
Nationalism is also influencing the prevailing view of vaccines in Turkey.
Націоналізм також впливає на домінуючий погляд на вакцини в Туреччині.
3) practical problems - практичні проблеми
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Окрім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #559
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:20)
desktop and a laptop-advantages and disadvantages.
Both desktop and laptop computers have advantages and disadvantages. If you are
trying to determine which option will best suit your needs, take a look at the
advantages and benefits each of them offers.
Advantages of a desktop computer, as compared to a laptop computer:
• Desktop computers have more power and more features.
• Desktop computers are easier, and less expensive, to upgrade.
• Desktop computers are generally less expensive overall and offer a better
overall value.
Advantages of a laptop computer, as compared to a desktop computer:
• Laptop computers are highly portable and allow you to use your computer almost
• If you are an international student, a laptop computer will be much easier to
transport from home to school and back again.
• Laptop computers take up less room on a desk or table and can be put away when
not in use.
Phrases of the day
1) priority research area
The foundation's enormous wealth has even raised fears that it could distort our
priority research area
Величезний багатство фонду навіть викликало побоювання, що це може спотворити
нашу пріоритетну область досліджень
2) prevailing view
The prevailing view is that resistance expressed itself in a wide range of
Переважає думка, що опір виражається в широкому спектрі діяльності.
3) practical problems
These are serious, practical problems.
Це серйозні практичні проблеми.
· #558
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:14)
To Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) Thanks, very good.
· #557
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:13)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
Exam topic #4 ( Information protection systems)
In order to run a successful, secure organization, IT leaders need
well-documented policies that address potential security issues and explain how
these issues will be managed within the company. These policies are also
fundamental to the IT audit process, as they establish controls that can be
examined and validated.
Examples of security policies
Security policies come in several forms, including the following:
General information security policy. Provides a holistic view of the
organization's need for security and defines activities used within the security
Access security policy. Addresses how users are granted access to applications,
data, databases and other IT resources. This policy is particularly important
for audits.
Authentication policy. Governs how users are verified to access a system's
Password policy. Defines how passwords are configured and managed.
Perimeter security policy. Defines how an organization protects its network
perimeter from unauthorized access and the technologies used to minimize
perimeter porosity.
Cybersecurity policy. Defines how an organization prepares and responds to
malware, phishing, viruses, ransomware and other attacks.
1)prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the matter merited attention in the
context of the draft Convention.
2)priority research areas
The demand for more democratic input, finally, also seeks to influence research
priorities .
3)practical problems
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
· #556
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:12)
To Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) Thanks. Just 80 points for your activities.Keep on working hard.
· #555
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:12)
Topic №6 - Antivirus programs
Antivirus is a type of software designed to detect and delete viruses and other
malware, prevent essential damage from them, protect your computer from spam,
phishing attacks, scam etc.
Most antiviruses work in the background, thus providing constant protection.
Antiviruses check files and programs on 3 criteria to find virus: if the process
looks and performs like known malware; if there is a noticeable part of malware
in the program's codebase; if there is any suspicious activity which could be an
unknown threat.
There are a lot of antivirus programs available on the Internet and in my
opinion, most of them perform quite well, suitable for all specific demands and
should be used to protect data.
Phrases of the day
priority research area - пріоритетні сфери досліджень
1) Priority research areas are information technologies, artificial intelligence
and information security.
- Пріоритетними сферами дослідження також є інформаційні технології, штучний
інтелект та інформаційна безпека.
prevailing view - точка зору що превалює / переважна думка
2) The prevailing view is that potentially dangerous and complicated features
such as multiple inheritance and operator overloading are better not to use if
- Переважна точка зору заключається в тому, що потенційно небезпечні та складні
функції такі як множинне успадкування та перевантаження операторів краще не
використовувати, якщо це можливо.
practical problems - практичні проблеми
3) While designing classes of objects, students can face various practical
- При проектуванні класів об'єктів студенти можуть зіткнутися з різними
практичними проблемами.
· #554
Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211)(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:11)
Topic№2Various security techniques
Network security is a term that describes the security tools, tactics and
security policies designed to monitor, prevent and respond to unauthorized
network intrusion, while also protecting digital assets, including network
traffic. Network security includes hardware and software technologies (including
resources such as savvy security analysts, hunters, and incident responders) and
is designed to respond to the full range of potential threats targeting your
network.Within network security, there are three key focuses that should serve
as a foundation of any network security strategy: protection, detection and
response.Protection entails any security tools or policies designed to prevent
network security intrusion. Detection refers to the resources that allow you to
analyze network traffic and quickly identify problems before they can do harm.
And finally, response is the ability to react to identified network security
threats and resolve them as quickly as possible.
1.The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained
as drafted.prevailing view
2.This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.practical problems
3.One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young
people.priority research areas
· #553
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:09)
Today i have read the article titled "Using optical beaming to power a portable
5G base station". This article is about sending power through the air to run a
5G base station. The light is captured at the receiving station using a special
type of photovoltaic array and is then converted to electricity. The test system
sent 48 watts over 300 meters. But company Ericcson claims that the system is
capable of sending up to 1,000 watts up to distances of a kilometer. The
invention could be really useful, because the receiving stations can be
portable, the system could be used in a wide variety of applications, including
providing power at concerts and powering submersible drones.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.(Крім моральних
заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші злочинцям, ця
практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.)
2) priority research area
Infrastructure support for the priority research areas.(Інфраструктурна
підтримка пріоритетних напрямків досліджень.)
3) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species.(Вивчення проблем
переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види.)
Vocaroo -
· #552
Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:09)
Exam topic #3 (What do we need the operating system for?)
An operating system is one of the concepts associated with computers, and is the
basic system by which the technology works. It is essentially a package of
different programs which, by interacting, allow the computer to work smoothly
and correctly.
An operating system has three main functions: manage the computer's resources,
such as the central processing unit, memory, disk drives, and printers,
establish a user interface, and execute and provide services for applications
software.If the hardware is not equipped with an operating system, the computer
will not work at all.
Phrases of the day
1) priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок дослідження
The paper highlights net-zero solutions in eight priority sectors, setting out
actions to take now, research priorities for the next decade, and future
benefits for each sector.
У документі висвітлюються нульові рішення у восьми пріоритетних секторах,
викладаються дії, які необхідно вжити зараз, пріоритети досліджень на наступне
десятиліття та майбутні переваги для кожного сектора.
2) prevailing view - домінуючий погляд
Nationalism is also influencing the prevailing view of vaccines in Turkey.
Націоналізм також впливає на домінуючий погляд на вакцини в Туреччині.
3) practical problems - практичні проблеми
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Окрім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #551
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 09:03)
Software firewall №10
Software firewall - a generic name for physical devices or software applications
configured to allow, deny, encrypt, pass network traffic between areas of
different network security according to the desired set of security rules.
The firewall can be in the form of a separate device or software installed on a
personal computer or proxy server.
Firewalls are divided into:
-stateless, which do not monitor current connections, but filter the data flow
solely on the basis of static rules;
-stateful, with tracking of current connections and skipping only such packets
that correspond to the logic and algorithms of the relevant protocols and
programs. These types of firewalls allow you to more effectively deal with a
variety of DDoS attacks and vulnerabilities in some network protocols.
1)priority research area
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є вживання екстазі молоддю.
2)practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Крім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
3)prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as
Переважала думка, що текст проекту статті 32 слід зберегти у редакції.
· #550
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:50)
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Keep on
· #549
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:48)
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212)
Thank you for your comment. The review you have sent was written correctly, it
meets all the requirements for such kind of independent student work.
· #548
Ilinchuck Vladislav RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:47)
5#Technical basis of information protection in modern computer systems.
As computers become better understood and more economical, every day brings new
applications. Many of these new applications involve both storing information
and simultaneous use by several individuals.
Many examples of systems requiring protection of information are encountered
every day: credit bureau data banks; law enforcement information systems;
time-sharing service bureaus; on-line medical information systems; and
government social service data processing systems. These examples span a wide
range of needs for organizational and personal privacy.
Examples of security techniques sometimes applied to computer systems are the
-labeling files with lists of authorized users,
-verifying the identity of a prospective user by demanding a password,
-shielding the computer to prevent interception and subsequent interpretation of
electromagnetic radiation,
-enciphering information sent over telephone lines,
-using redundant circuits or programmed cross-checks that maintain security in
the face of hardware or software failures,
certifying that the hardware and software are actually implemented as intended.
In many cases, it is not necessary to meet the protection needs of the person
responsible for the information stored in the computer entirely through
computer-aided enforcement. External mechanisms such as contracts, ignorance, or
barbed wire fences may provide some of the required functional capability. This
discussion, however, is focused on the internal mechanisms.
priority research area
This framework should consider priorities regarding research areas, best
practices, and knowledge transfer.
Ця структура повинна враховувати пріоритети щодо напрямків досліджень,
передового досвіду та передачі знань.
practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем у країнах,
що розвиваються.
prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as
Переважала думка, що текст проекту статті 32 слід зберегти у редакції.
· #547
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:47)
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212
Your comments are well done. Continue working.
· #546
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:46)
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
#522, 526
Exam topic #16 (The Essentials of Information Protection) is well done.
Thank you for the comments and work with the phrases. I appreciate it. Keep on
· #545
Gvozd O.V. to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:45)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #544
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:43)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
The comment of the article is written correctly and corresponds to the standards
of independent student work of such kind.
· #543
Khotynskiy O, (RZ-212, Mikhailuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022)
Today I have read the article "Video gamers skills enhanced by training 10
minutes a day". It tells how scientists from Lero, the Science Foundation's
Irish Software Research Center and the University of Limerick concluded that
gamers can improve their gaming skills with just 10 minutes of practice a day.
Such training turned out to be the most effective with the additional use of
transcranial Direct Current Stimulation; for this, the participants of the
experiment were put on a special headset. As a result of the study, scientists
came to the conclusion that neurostimulation can significantly accelerate the
improvement of motor activity.
For me, as a gamer, this information seemed very interesting and useful, because
now I also know how I can improve my skill in video games in the shortest
possible time.
1) prevailing view
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing
Переважає думка, що північноамериканський мусон може змінитися, що все може
стати сухішим або вологим, оскільки змінюється тепловий контраст між сушею та
2) practical problems
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
Узгоджуються заходи щодо подолання цих практичних проблем.
3) priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
У новій роботі провідних британських вчених викладено ключові рішення та
політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки
досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Велика Британія хоче досягти своєї
чистої нульової цілі до 2050 року.
· #542
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:42)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your exam topics, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #541
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:41)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work. It is nice that you
do it regularly.
· #540
Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211, Lebedeva E. V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:40)
Exercise 2
1. The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2. Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3. An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4. They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5. An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Exercise 1
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2. Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art
3. Bit is a smallest unit information in computer’s memory
4. Sequence is a particular order in which things happened are arranged
Exercise 2
1. Why do some systems have programs that generate random sequences of letters
for use as passwords?
2. What the "masquerader" does after receiving the password?
3. What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Passwords is the basic way to protect our accounts. We always should try to
create the strong password, for our information to be secured. Nowadays a lot of
big services added a double authentication system to our accounts, so even if
our login and password fall into the wrong arms, they cant get access to account
without our mobile phone. This simple method helps to save our account from
being hacked. So, passwords is still the basic protection of the account, but if
we want to fully protect our data, we need to use all the methods.
· #539
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:38)
To Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) The topic is written correctly, but there are mistakes in the questions.
· #538
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:38)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #537
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:37)
To Ram Nassur Rz 212 You didn't write the name of the article and its author. Also you forgot to give the translation of the sentences with phrases of the day.
· #536
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:35)
Today I’ve read the article “Bringing AI into the real world”.
This article is about use of artificial intelligence in modelling and in real
The purpose of this article is to show how artificial intelligence can be used
in real life.
Thus, explained AI helps to make decisions effective, said Professor Lo, and
established methods and principles of cognitive psychology can be applied to
develop solutions that can make black boxes AI more understandable.
I believe this article will be useful for people interested in artificial
intelligence, as well as the article will be useful for the self-development of
the reader.
1.prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species
2.priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
3.practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
· #535
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:33)
To Pontus Natalia(RF-211) Thanks for the work. Mind the word order in the second question.
· #534
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:33)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2) Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Transferring funds electronically to a bank account.
2) Fingerprint, facial recognition, and digital signature specialists.
3) Computer memory upgrades are needed when your computer operation slows down.
4) Put everything in tiptop order.
Ex 2 Speaking
1) Why half of passwords are easy to guess?
2) What the "masquerader" does after receiving the password?
3) What it means if computer programed to "masquerade"?
Ex2 Writing
Password security is important. If you are guilty of using weak passwords,
reusing or rotating certain words or numbers, you’ll be at risk of getting
hacked. The consequences of a break-in could be catastrophic, with victims
losing data, emails, money, images or even important personal information. If
someone obtains all of this, you could even be at risk of identity theft.
If you want your accounts and data to stay private and secure, you need to know
exactly what constitutes a strong password and what to avoid when looking into
password security.
Why password security is important…
Cyber-security is a major issue these days with the impacts of a successful hack
being potentially massive. Usually, the most common way a hacker will break into
your computer or account will be by guessing your password. Commonly used and
weak passwords allow intruders to easily access and control your device. Some
other ways a hacker may try to ‘break-in’ to your account or device include:
Hackers use an automated software that works through a cycle of guess work. The
software will pair numerous combinations of usernames and passwords until it
finds a match. Therefore, the easier your password is to guess, the more likely
the software will be able to break-in to your account or device.
A hacker dictionary includes a list of the most common password combinations.
They run this dictionary against your passwords, making you vulnerable to
break-ins if your passwords are weak and used across multiple devices or
· #533
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:32)
renewable energy is expected to become a much larger share of the global energy
mix, storage solutions are needed.
The article describes the needs for energy storage. As well as opportunities to
understand how technology can help. Become cost-effective and energy-saving
Longer life energy storage technologies may include hydraulic pumps; salt melts.
Also, these technologies can provide network-wide storage in the long term;
however, more detailed analysis is needed to motivate industry investment and
determine the full value of the technology to the network.
For more complete results: better temporal representation for production cost
models and capacity planning models; behaovir of storage technologies under
different loads and levels of renewable energy sources; and more informed
technology validation.
Overall, long-term storage technologies can displace carbon-intensive energy
sources, provide sustainability and transfer delay benefits, and become an
economically viable investment.
priority research area
Finally, the Action will recommend priority research areas for future
biosecurity improvement in animal production systems
prevailing view
Nationalism is also influencing the prevailing view of vaccines in Turkey.
practical problems
That was fairly positive: the algorithms work, but we still need to solve a
number of practical problems before we can properly apply them in practice
· #532
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:32)
To Kate Kholodova (РЗ- 212) Task1 has grammar errors with the conclusion unavailable. Just 70 points. Task2 is 77 points, please translate the phrases themselves. Keep on working hard.
· #531
Pontus Natalia(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:29)
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2) Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art
3) Bit is a smallest unit information in computer’s memory
4) Sequence is a particular order in which things happened are arranged
Ex 2 Speaking
1) Which was discovered in a recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a
typical time-sharing system?
2) Why the caller may not even suspect that his password has been stolen?
3) What can be done with the computer to steal the user's password?
Ex 2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2) Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Ex 2 Writing
Confidentiality is becoming an increasingly rare commodity today. It's important
to know that Passwords provide a line of protection against unauthorized access
to your computer and personal information. The more secure the password, the
more secure your computer is from hackers and malware. That's why you should
maintain strong passwords for all accounts on your computer. Here are some tips
to help you protect your privacy.
Do not use the same password for multiple accounts.
Do not use personal information when creating your password.
Avoid successive keyboard shortcuts.
Always log out if you leave your device for the day.
Avoid entering passwords on computers that you do not control - they may be
equipped with malicious software that intentionally steals your password.
Avoid entering passwords when connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi connections -
hackers can intercept your passwords and data through unsecured connections.
Never share your password with anyone.
We are all responsible for the preservation of our information. These tips will
help you avoid most of the pitfalls you may encounter along the way.
· #530
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212, Popovych. E) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:27)
Today I have read the article: "A decade of hacking: The most notable
cyber-security events of the 2010s". There were many interesting situations, but
I choose two. Firstly, I would like to tell you about The Target hack. Target
admitted that malware planted on its stores' systems had helped hackers collect
payment card details for roughly 40 million users. Secondly, there was an
accident with stolen data. Company Adobe admitted that hackers had stolen the
data of more than 153 million users. For many years to come, the incident was
used to push for the adoption of strong password hashing functions. In my
opinion, we need to analyze these cases and try to prevent them from happening
in the future.
priority research area
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Одной из приоритетных областей этого исследования является вопрос употребления
"экстази" молодыми людьми.
practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
В рамках этой программы финансировались исследования по поиску технических
решений практических проблем, с которыми сталкиваются развивающиеся страны.
prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should remain.
Возобладало мнение о том, что данный проект статьи играет важную роль и что его
следует сохранить.
· #529
Tihonov Ivan (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V) Debt for 12.05.2022 (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:25)
prevailing view
translate: превалирующее мнение
example: The prevailing view was that both issues should be dealt with.
2. practical problems
translate: практические проблемы
example: During the experiment, we encountered a number of practical problems.
3. priority research area
translate: приоритетное исследование областей
example: In order to speed up the experiment, the money was allocated to
priority research areas.
I read an article today about the study of space, specifically the behaviour of
black holes. During the first billion years of our Universe, the winds created
by massive black holes were much stronger than now. The strength of this wind
stopped the growth of black holes. This was shown by research at the Italian
National Institute of Astrophysics in Trieste. The work is based on observations
of 30 quasars using a very large telescope. Quasars are extremely bright point
sources in the nuclei of distant galaxies, their emission comes from the
intensity of a central black hole sucking in the surrounding energy. About half
of the quasars observed in this study exhibit black hole winds, which are much
more frequent and 20 times more powerful than those known in quasars of closer
cosmos when the Universe was about 4 billion years old. This study showed that
cosmic wind energy could stop the growth of black holes. Humanity now knows a
little more about the cosmos.
· #528
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Mikhailuk) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:24)
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Astronomers may have discovered
the first planet outside of our galaxy". This article tells us about how Rosanne
Di Stefano of the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts and her
colleagues with the help of NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, opened up a new
window to search for exoplanets at greater distances than ever before. This new
result was based on transits, events in which the passage of a planet in front
of a star blocks some of the star's light and produces a characteristic dip.
Scientists looked for X-ray transits in three galaxies beyond the Milky Way
galaxy, using both Chandra and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and after
looking through 443 different systems in 3 galaxies, they only found 1 single
exoplanet candidate. The authors will search the archives of both Chandra and
XMM-Newton for more exoplanet candidates in other galaxies.
1. practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
2. prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак переважала думка, що проект посібника не повинен містити таких
3. priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому він має нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення
консенсусу, ніж сесію планування, щоб перерахувати пріоритетні напрямки
Audio ph:
· #527
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:21)
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211),Maksim Teliga (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) There is a mistake in the question 2. You forgot about
auxiliary verb.
· #526
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:16)
Today I have read the article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools
of fishlike underwater research drones". This article is about using 3D
simulation to show that small fish swimming in a canopy can feel the position
and beating of their neighbors' tails as a change in water pressure in their
body. It is believed that this mechanism allows fish to swim as efficiently as
possible in a group, even in complete darkness, when visual cues are not
available. I believe that knowing how much energy a fish consumes in food by
optimizing its movement in groups is also important for predicting their
migration patterns, which is useful for the fishing industry.
1.prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases by
Lynn Yarris
Лінн Ярріс вивчити проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві
органічні каркаси зберігають гази
2.priority research area
Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a
Гендерна рівність була ключовим пріоритетом в Європейському дослідницькому зоні
понад десять років.
3. practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems
Але коли ці експерти впроваджують AI в реальний світ і використовують його для
вирішення практичних проблем
· #525
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:15)
Shulyak Makar RF-211,Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) Well done.
Alexander Shibaev and Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 There are mistakes in the
· #524
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:15)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect is connected with the choice of password
because if a person chooses his own password it may be too easy for someone to
guess it.
2) Some systems generate random passwords because, as study shows, a lot of
chosen passwords were found to be short enough to guess by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) Passwords and unforgeable objects are "one-way" authentication schemes. They
authenticate the user to the computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another computer
under the interceptor's control.
Ex. 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing and transferring information.
2) Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art.
3) Bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer's memory.
4) Sequence is a particular order in which things that happened are arranged.
Ex. 2 Speaking
1) What does the recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords show?
2) What does the "masquerader" do after receiving the password?
3) What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Ex. 2 Writing
Password as a general technique of secrecy
A password is your personal key to a computer system. Passwords help to ensure
that only authorized individuals access computer systems. Passwords also help to
determine accountability for all transactions and other changes made to system
resources, including data. If you share your password with a colleague or
friend, you may be giving an unauthorized individual access to the system and
may be held responsible for their actions.
· #523
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:12)
Today i have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about a new method
how to produce optimal performance. Scientists say that using lithium metal to
replace the graphite for battery anodes is the ultimate goal for part of the
battery R&D field. For example, lithium metal battery-powered electric vehicles
would have twice the range of lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles, for the same
battery weight. But even it is not the best way, because of its short lifespan
and potential safety hazards, specifically short circuits caused by lithium
dendrite growth. But as they said, this inventions would have to be retooled for
this new technique to be applied.
I found this article quite interesting, as there i got new knowledge about
techical process. So, i like this article.
1) priority research area
Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a
Гендерна рівність була ключовим пріоритетом у Європейському дослідницькому
просторі вже більше десяти років
2) practical problems
Solving practical problems
Розв’язування практичних задач
3) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази
· #522
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:11)
Exam topic #16 (The Essentials of Information Protection)
Information protection is a set of organizational and technical measures and
legal norms to prevent harm to the interests of the owner of the information or
the AU and persons who use the information. Ensuring the security of information
technology is a complex problem, which includes the legal regulation of the use
of IT, technology improvement
their development, development of the certification system, provision of
appropriate organizational and technical conditions of operation.
Means of information protection: Moral and ethical means, Legal means of
protection, Administrative (organizational) means of information protection,
Means of physical (technical) protection of information, Software means of
· #521
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E. V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:10)
Reading Module
Ex. 2
1. The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2. Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3. An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4. They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5. An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control.
Speaking module
Ex. 1
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2. Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art.
3. Bit is a smallest unit information in computer’s memory.
4. Sequence is a particular order in which things happened are arranged.
Ex. 2
1. Why do some systems have programs that generate random sequences of letters
for use as passwords?
2. What the "masquerader" does after receiving the password?
3. What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Writing module
Ex. 2
Password as a general technique of secrecy
A password is a string of characters intended to differentiate an authorized
user (for the purpose of permitting access) from an unauthorized user. Password
is used to prove one's identity, or authorize access to a resource.
Password confidentiality not only keeps the user's data secure, but also helps
prevent the unauthorized use of an individual's credentials to access the
organization's data. The stronger your password, the more protected your
computer will be from hackers and malicious software. You should maintain strong
passwords for all accounts on your computer.
· #520
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:08)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2) Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2) Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art
3) Bit is a smallest unit information in computer’s memory
4) Sequence is a particular order in which things happened are arranged
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What does the recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords show?
Why do systems have programs that generate random passwords?
2) What does the "masquerader" do after receiving the password?
3) What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Password as a general technique of secrecy.
Password is a main way, how to protect your information. Passwords help to
ensure that only authorized individuals access computer systems. Nowadays we
have a lot of another methods protecting like faceID, finger scan, and another,
but you must have word password. Your password should not be the same as your
username. Your password should be unique. Do not use the same password across
multiple accounts. Don't use apps that you don't know because hackers can steal
your password.
· #519
Shulyak Makar RF-211 (Lebedeva E. V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:04)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect is connected with the choice of password
because if a person chooses his own password it may be too easy for someone to
guess it.
2) Some systems generate random passwords because, as study shows, a lot of
(more than 50 percent) of chosen passwords were found to be short enough to
guess by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) Passwords and unforgeable objects are "one-way" authentication schemes. They
authenticate the user to the computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another computer
under the interceptor's control.
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing and transferring information.
2) Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art.
3) Bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer's memory.
4) Sequence is a particular order in which things that happened are arranged.
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What does the recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords show?
1.1) Why do systems have programs that generate random passwords?
2) What does the "masquerader" do after receiving the password?
3) What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Ex 2 Writing
Passwords are one of the most basic ways to protect our personal information
these days. They are used for basic protection of our data and if we do not take
the creation of a password seriously, then problems can arise. But the problem
of easy passwords has already been solved - double authentication. After you
have entered the password, you still need to confirm the login from the mobile
device. This simple procedure helps to save your account in case your password
is not strong. Thats why nowadays a weak password can still save your data.
· #518
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:01)
Today I've read the article "Using computers to better understand art".
The article covers an interesting topic of our abstract and subjective
understanding of art, as well as how a machine can analyze and detect patterns
in art.
The Workflows for Analysis of Images and Visual Stylometry is a digital tool,
which is capable of analyzing art and identifying specific pieces of it, using a
neural network. The tool is very intuitive in its design, presenting its use
process being as simple as drawing a flowchart.
I think the article is compelling, however I doubt the technology will see
success as a machine that can understand art. Art really comes down to being
subjective, and, until an AI can have a true mind of its own, I remain skeptical
to the idea, that art could be expressed in mathematical expressions.
1) A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy
actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for
the next decade.
Нова публікація від провідних вчених Великої Британії започатковує головні
рішення та зміни в політиці, які потрібно реалізувати зараз, а також пріоритетні
галузі дослідження для наступного десятиліття.
2) The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population had neither
territory, power nor economic resources.
Переважаючим поглядом було те, що корінне населення не мало ні території, ні
влади, ні економічних ресурсів.
3) This practice causes two important practical problems.
Ця практика створює дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #517
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:59)
Reading (Ex.2)
1. The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2. Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3. An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4. They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5. An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Speaking (Ex.1)
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2. Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art
3. Bit is a smallest unit information in computer’s memory
4. Sequence is a particular order in which things happened are arranged
Speaking (Ex.2)
1, Why do some systems have programs that generate random sequences of letters
for use as passwords?
2. What the "masquerader" does after receiving the password?
3. What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Writing (Ex.2)
Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your
computer and personal information. The stronger your password, the more
protected your computer will be from hackers and malicious software. You should
maintain strong passwords for all accounts on your computer.
In general, a password is an arbitrary string of characters including letters,
digits, or other symbols. If the permissible characters are constrained to be
numeric, the corresponding secret is sometimes called a personal identification
number. The security of a password-protected system depends on several factors.
The overall system must be designed for sound security, with protection against
computer viruses, man-in-the-middle attacks and the like. Physical security
issues are also a concern, from deterring shoulder surfing to more sophisticated
physical threats such as video cameras and keyboard sniffers. Passwords should
be chosen so that they are hard for an attacker to guess and hard for an
attacker to discover using any of the available automatic attack schemes.
Nowadays, it is a common practice for computer systems to hide passwords as they
are typed. The purpose of this measure is to prevent bystanders from reading the
password; however, some argue that this practice may lead to mistakes and
stress, encouraging users to choose weak passwords. As an alternative, users
should have the option to show or hide passwords as they type them.
· #516
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:59)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2) Some systems generate random passwords because, as study shows, a lot of
(more than 50 percent) of chosen passwords were found to be short enough to
guess by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Speaking ex1
Internationalisation deals with the process of designing software so that it can
accommodate changing environments without changes to the code.
Computer memory is the storage space in the computer, where data is to be
processed and instructions required for processing are stored.
We should avoid producing documents that are lengthy and inconclusive
Speaking ex 2
1. why do you need a program to generate a random password?
2 what does the masquerader do after getting the password?
3. What happens when a computer is disconnected from communication
Password as a general technique of secrecy
Passwords provide the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your
computer and personal information. The stronger your password, the more
protected your computer will be from hackers and malicious software. You should
maintain strong passwords for all accounts on your computer. For example you
should use a unique password for each of your important accounts. Do not use the
same password across multiple accounts.Also your password should be at least 8
characters long. Password should consist of lowercase and uppercase letters,
numbers and symbols. A long password will offer more protection than a short
password if it is properly constructed. And of course do not use personal
information such as your name, age, date of birth, child’s name, pet’s name, or
favorite color/song when constructing your password.
· #515
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:54)
1. priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas. - Тому він має
нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення консенсусу, ніж сесію
планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких сфер.
2. prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the matter merited attention in the
context of the draft Convention. - Проте переважала думка, що це питання
заслуговує уваги в контексті проєкту Конвенції.
3. practical problems
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field - Науково-дослідні
установи повинні продовжувати співпрацю з національними лабораторіями та
промисловими підприємствами для розв'язання практичних проблем у сфері
2) Today I have read the article “Super-strong surgical tape detaches on
Last year, MIT engineers developed a double-sided adhesive that could quickly
and firmly stick to wet surfaces such as biological tissues. Now they have
further developed the adhesive so that it can be detached from the underlying
tissue without causing any damage. By applying a liquid solution, the new
version can be peeled away like a slippery gel in case it needs to be adjusted
during surgery, for example, or removed once the tissue has healed.
In my opinion, this invention will facilitate the work of the surgeon during the
· #514
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:53)
To Vivchar Roman (RF-211) Thanks .Task1- «області»- «галузі» Just good. Task2 is a bit lengthy. Just 79 points. Keep on working hard and invite others belonging to this subgroup to join us during this session.
· #513
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:51)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect is connected with the choice of password
because if a person chooses his own password it may be too easy for someone to
guess it.
2) Some systems generate random passwords because, as study shows, a lot of
(more than 50 percent) of chosen passwords were found to be short enough to
guess by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) Passwords and unforgeable objects are "one-way" authentication schemes. They
authenticate the user to the computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another computer
under the interceptor's control.
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing and transferring information.
2) Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art.
3) Bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer's memory.
4) Sequence is a particular order in which things that happened are arranged.
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What does the recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords show?
1.1) Why do systems have programs that generate random passwords?
2) What does the "masquerader" do after receiving the password?
3) What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Ex 2 Writing
1) Password as a general technique of secrecy.
Password is a combination of characters that most information systems use for
our personal data protection. Passwords provide the first line of defense from
unauthorized access to your computer, account and other personal information.
There is a main problem that if your password is short and easy enough, it can
be guessed, so it is important to make sure that passwords you are using are
strong enough and are different for various platforms and services that use are
registered at.
If you’ve avoided the problem of short and easy passwords, there is still a
defect in this technique, that is if systems where you expose the password are
distant from the computer, the password must be sent through another
communication system, and may be intercepted.
· #512
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:51)
Reading Module, Ex 2
1. The most often mentioned defect lies in the choice of password – if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2. Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3. An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4. They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5. An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control.
The Speaking Module, Ex 1
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2. Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art.
3. Bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer's memory.
4. Sequence is a particular order in which things happen..
The Speaking Module, Ex 2
1. Why do some systems have programs that generate random sequences of letters
for use as passwords?
2. What does the "masquerader" do after receiving the password?
3. What can a computer that is under the interceptor’s control to penetrate a
password system?
The Writing Module, Ex 2
A password is secret data, typically a string of characters, usually used to
confirm a user's identity. Traditionally, passwords were expected to be
memorized, but the large number of password-protected services that a typical
individual accesses can make memorization of unique passwords for each service
impractical. In general, a password is an arbitrary string of characters
including letters, digits, or other symbols. Passwords should be chosen so that
they are hard for an attacker to guess and to discover using any of the
available automatic attack schemes. The overall system must be designed for
sound security, with protection against computer viruses, man-in-the-middle
attacks and the like. Physical security issues are also a concern, from
deterring shoulder surfing to more sophisticated physical threats such as video
cameras and keyboard sniffers.
In my opinion, a password is the simplest method to secure data, but at the same
time it should not be neglected by making an easy combination of symbols.
· #511
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:45)
Practical problems.
When you run the code, it gives errors of practical problems.
Під час запуску коду видає помилки практичних проблем.
- Prevailing view.
The prevailing view of the group was that mathematics was a boring subject.
Переважна думка групи полягала в тому, що математика є нудним предметом.
- Priority research areas.
Priority research areas are those related to electronics.
Пріоритетними дослідницькими областями є області, пов'язані з електронікою.
> The importance of system software for computer operation.
System programs combine with application programs and resources to control the
computer - CPU, memory, I/O.
These are widespread programs intended for all computer users. System software
is designed to run application programs on a computer.
The operating system acts as a link between the hardware, on the one hand, and
executes programs, as well as the user, on the other hand of the computer.
The operating system is usually stored in the external memory of the computer -
on the disk. When you turn on the computer, it is read from disk memory and
placed in RAM. This process is called booting the operating system.
An operating system can be called a software extension of a computer's control
device. The operating system hides complex unnecessary details of interaction
with the hardware from the user, forming a layer between them. As a result,
people are freed from the very laborious work of organizing interaction with
computer hardware.
In addition, it is the OS that provides the ability to customize the computer:
the OS determines which components the computer on which it is installed is
assembled from, and configures itself to work with these components.
· #510
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:44)
1/3 of students from groups RF-211, РЗ-212
Welcome back to our activities this Monday. I am waiting for your comments,
summaries and audio recordings, please, insert the link to the article in your
comment. Do not forget about Phrases of the day.
· #509
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:44)
Today i have read the article: “How do you know where a drone is flying without
a GPS signal?”This article tells about person Jukko Kinnari who can determine
the location of the drone using sensors and data on the map. Ln decided to find
a way to find the object if we do not have access to satellite communications.
The researcher said that the drone has other sensors in addition to the camera,
such as a compass, pressure and angular velocity. In this way, Djukko combined
the map data and data from the drone camera to know where and when the drone was
flying. After his dessert, he went to work at saab because he was interested in
how research affects the generation of innovation. Doctoral research was able to
show him how the world has developed rapidly in different areas over the past 10
years. I believe that his research has brought many scientific advances. And
with it, we have a lot more machine learning capabilities than ever before.
practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
priority research areas
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
· #508
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:34)
To Biehin Yevhen RF-211 Not bad, but you forgot about auxiliary verb in the question 2.
· #507
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:18)
2 Reading
1) The most often mentioned defect lies in choice of password--if a person
chooses his own password, he may choose something easily guessed by someone else
who knows his habits.
2) Because in one recent study of some 300 self-chosen passwords on a typical
time-sharing system, more than 50 percent were found to be short enough to guess
by exhaustion.
3) An alternative approach to secrecy is unforgeability. The user is given a
key, or magnetically striped plastic card, or some other unique and relatively
difficult-to-fabricate object.
4) They are "one-way" authentication schemes. They authenticate the user to the
computer system, but not vice versa.
5) An easy way for an intruder to penetrate a password system, is to intercept
all communications to and from the terminal and direct them to another
computer--one that is under the interceptor's control
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes that are
storing or transferring information.
2) Forgery is a process of producing a copy of a document signature, banknote or
work of art
3) Bit is a smallest unit information in computer’s memory
4) Sequence is a particular order in which things happened are arranged
Ex 2 Speaking
1) Why do some systems have programs that generate random sequences of letters
for use as passwords?
2) What the "masquerader" does after receiving the password?
3) What happens to a computer that has been cut off from communications?
Ex 2 Writing
Password as a general technique of secrecy
Passwords are one of the most basic ways to protect our personal information
these days. They are used for basic protection of our data and if we do not take
the creation of a password seriously, then problems can arise. But the problem
of easy passwords has already been solved - double authentication. After you
have entered the password, you still need to confirm the login from the mobile
device. This simple procedure helps to save your account in case your password
is not strong. Thats why nowadays a weak password can still save your data.
· #506
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:02)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your comments, summaries and audio recordings, please, insert the link to the article in your comment. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #505
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 17 May 2022 07:00)
To РФ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks. Good luck.
· #504
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 16 May 2022 13:32)
Exam topic #12
A hardware firewall is a physical appliance that is deployed to enforce a
network boundary. All network links crossing this boundary pass through this
firewall, which enables it to perform inspection of both inbound and outbound
network traffic and enforce access controls and other security policies. A
network security solution, a hardware firewall is designed to protect an
organization’s network boundary by being deployed in inline mode. This means
that the physical network cables over which traffic can cross this boundary are
connected to ports on the “inside” and “outside” of the firewall.
· #503
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 16 May 2022 13:10)
Exam topic #11
Firewalls, both hardware and software, protect computers from hackers and other
online threats by blocking dangerous pieces of data from reaching the system.
The main difference between a hardware firewall and a software firewall is that
a software firewall is a software application placed on a computer, while a
hardware firewall is embedded in physical devices such as routers. Software
firewalls secure the PCs on which they are installed, whereas hardware firewalls
secure the whole network. Hardware firewalls can be set to use proxy services to
filter data packets, but software firewalls do not use proxy services.
· #502
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 16 May 2022 12:58)
Exam topic #10
Software firewall is a firewall that is installed on a computer or server, and
tasked with network security. It works with a wide variety of other technology
security solutions to provide more robust and cohesive security for enterprises
of all sizes. When a software firewall is installed on a server, it opens up
like an umbrella of protection over all other computers connected to the
network. It is able to monitor both incoming and outgoing traffic for potential
risk or suspicious user behaviour, and also makes setting security policies much
easier, faster and more flexible.
· #501
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 16 May 2022 12:28)
Exam topic #9
Firewall is a computer network security system capable of protecting against
viruses, malware, spam, and other types of attacks. The functions of a firewall
in a network are: controlling and monitoring Data Packet Flow, become a Network
Security Post, log user activity and prevent information leakage. When your
computer has firewall protection, everything entering and leaving the computer
will be monitored. The firewall monitors all information traffic to allow ‘good
data’ to enter, and blocks ‘bad data’ from entering the computer.
· #500
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Sunday, 15 May 2022 18:06)
Exam topic #8
Password-based authentication is one of the most popular approaches to
authenticate a user in various enterprise applications. But there are many
drawbacks associated with the password based authentication systems, for
example: easy passwords can be cracked, random passwords can't be remembered,
remembering Multiple Passwords, problems with passwords that needs to be
continuously changed, security vs. Ease-of-Use for Passwords, shoulder Surfing
Attack. Passwords can be shared, guessed or stolen, which means they aren’t
· #499
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Sunday, 15 May 2022 17:16)
Exam topic #7
Protection mechanisms are used to enforce layers of trust between security
levels of a system. These protection mechanisms are used to protect processes
and data: layering, abstraction, data hiding and encryption. Layering is
specific to protecting operating system resources and to setting security zones.
Abstraction is the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) that “shows”
only essential attributes and “hides” unnecessary information. Data hiding is a
method used in OOP to hide information within computer code. Encryption is the
method by which information is converted into secret code that hides the
information's true meaning.
· #498
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Sunday, 15 May 2022 16:35)
Exam topic #6
A virtual machine (VM) is an isolated environment with access to a subset of
physical resources of the computer system. Each VM appears to be running on the
bare hardware, giving the appearance of multiple instances of the same computer,
though all are supported by a single physical system. There are two types of
VMs, process and system. A process VM is a virtual platform created for an
individual process and destroyed once the process terminates. A system VM
supports an OS together with many user processes. A system VM provides a
complete system and each VM can run its own OS, which in turn can run multiple
· #497
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Sunday, 15 May 2022 13:27)
Exam topic #5
Technical security is a very common type of security used in organizations which
use computers or nearly any type of technology. It deals with detecting
loopholes in a security system and finding adequate solutions to address the
risk of technical failure or hacking. Since most data exists in a non-physical
form, with the shifting of data to cloud drives and handheld gadgets, it is
difficult to ensure a secure session and transfer of information.
Technical security refers to a series of techniques which authenticates the
users login and data such that only verified user applications can read and
access data and applications.
· #496
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Sunday, 15 May 2022 11:51)
Відпрацювання за 13.05.2022
1) in principle - в принципі;
Government indicated acceptance in principle but that pre-election timing was
not appropriate.
Уряд в принципі погодився, але передвиборний час був невідповідним.
2) in other words - іншими словами;
They're not specific against, in other words, the desire of a man for a man.
Іншими словами, вони не суперечать бажанню чоловіка до чоловіка.
3) the digital version - цифрова версія;
What you're going to hear now, and what you've never heard before, is an
enhanced digital version.
Те, що ви почуєте зараз, і те, чого ви ніколи не чули раніше, — це розширена
цифрова версія.
Today i have read the article about driver's licenses on iPhones. Apple
announced that Arizona is the first state to offer residents the option to add
their licenses or IDs directly to the Wallet app. The feature is support on the
iPhone 8 and later devices, as well as the Apple Watch 4 and later. Apple says
data presented in the process is encrypted and sent directly between the device
and the digital reader. I think that digital drivers license is convinient
technology because the Wallet ID will be work at various TSA checkpoints just by
tapping an iPhone or Apple Watch to a digital scanner.
· #495
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 13 May 2022)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #494
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:51)
some other students from group РЗ-213.
At least 9 more students have failed to. join our activities today at the
designated timeframe.
To monitor Chabanenko
Pls invite these students to prepare and post the tasks into the Guestbook
· #493
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:43)
To Igor Rudko (RZ-213) Task1 is good. Task2 Pls do this task on your own. Phrase 3 with a sentence has been used by one of your students earlier. Try avoid plagiarism! Just 60 points. Be responsible.
· #492
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:35)
To Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213
You didn’t meet all requirements to the phrases of the Day practice. Be
· #491
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022)
To Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 Task1. You didn’t all requirements to the phrases of the Day practice.just satisfactory. Task2 is good. Keep on working hard.
· #490
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:27)
To Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213 Thanks . Just good.
· #489
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:19)
To Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 Thanks. Just 83 points. Keep on working hard.
· #488
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:16)
To Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 thanks , just good. Be healthy.
· #487
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:09)
To Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213) Thanks . Very good.
· #486
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 13 May 2022 12:03)
To Yakymova Anna/RZ-213 . thanks, just very good.
· #485
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022)
Today I have read the article: "A decade of hacking: The most notable
cyber-security events of the 2010s". There were many interesting situations, but
I choose two. Firstly, I would like to tell you about The Target hack. Target
admitted that malware planted on its stores' systems had helped hackers collect
payment card details for roughly 40 million users. Secondly, there was an
accident with stolen data. Company Adobe admitted that hackers had stolen the
data of more than 153 million users. For many years to come, the incident was
used to push for the adoption of strong password hashing functions. In my
opinion, we need to analyze these cases and try to prevent them from happening
in the future.
1) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
Plants in dense tropical forests are able to mask their chemical scents in order
to avoid being detected and eaten by insects. - Рослини в густих тропічних лісах
здатні маскувати свої хімічні запахи, щоб уникнути виявлення та поїдання
2) in greater detail - більш детально
We have gone through this stage in greater detail so you can see how companies
naturally progress through this journey in a completely vendor-agnostic way. -
Ми пройшли цей етап більш детально, щоб ви могли побачити, як компанії,
природно, просуваються в цьому шляху, абсолютно не залежно від постачальників.
3) in a somewhat - дещо
The scientists believe this was partially due to the Wyoming mine being located
in a somewhat protected pit. - Вчені вважають, що частково це сталося через те,
що шахта Вайомінга була розташована в дещо захищеній ямі.
· #484
Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:55)
The Council calls on all the Liberian factions to stop the fighting immediately
and put the peace process back on track in order to avoid further suffering.
Рада закликає всі ліберійські угруповання негайно припинити бої та повернути
мирний процес у русло, щоб уникнути подальших страждань.
2. The draft had been presented in a somewhat unusual form to facilitate
comparison with the earlier version of the text which had been available in all
languages. Проект був представлений у дещо незвичайній формі, щоб полегшити
порівняння з попередньою версією тексту, яка була доступна всіма мовами.
3. Two such frameworks are described in greater detail below. Дві такі
фреймворки більш детально описані нижче.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Who benefits from praise?
Researcher publishes study on how recognition affects motivation". This article
tells us about how recognition motivates individuals who were not praised rather
than those in the limelight. A recent study done by Nick Zubanov, a professor of
business economics at the University of Konstanz, and Nicky Hoogveld from the
Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs shows that human behaviour is influenced by
the individual's personal understanding of the norm. This applies for academia
as well as business environments. Student performance is influenced not only by
personal benefits, such as grades or passing an exam, but also by the existing
performance norms.
· #483
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:47) greater detail- більш детально;
All risks should be explored in greater detail to improve the data protection
system.-Усі ризики слід детальніше досліджувати для покращення системи захисту
даних. a somewhat-дещо;
Expert needs to look at the programming code in a somewhat more general
framework.-Експерту потрібно поглянути на програмний код у дещо більш загальних
рамках. order to avoid-щоб уникнути;
P2P transmission technology is used in order to avoid the data leakage.-Для
уникнення витоку даних використовується технологія передачі P2P.
Today I've read the article about methods of predicting future cyberattacks.
Cyberattacks pose a big threat our modern society is faced with so researchers
are investigating ways to predict these attacks in order to avoid the
damage.Mathematical tools and computer stimulation are being explored as the
implement of the method.Also , analysis of macroscopic levels of abstractions is
the part of the research.The team used Granger causality to determine the nature
of the cyberattack signals which means that signals can be analyzed and
compared.For now, success of the research consists in knowledge of distinctive
nature of the attacks and discovering tools that will help in predicting
.Developing the appropriate defense tools to protect against sophisticated
attacks is expected in the future.
· #482
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 11:08)
- We will tell you in greater detail about this attack tomorrow.
- Завтра ми розповімо вам більш детально про цей напад.
2. - We will conduct a more thorough security check of the network every day in
order to avoid repeated attacks.
- Ми будемо проводити більш ретельну перевірку безпеки мережі кожен день, щоб
уникнути повторних атак.
3. - Although in a somewhat generalized form, we have made a project about the
cybersecurity of ships.
- Хоча і в дещо узагальненому вигляді, але ми зробили проект про кібербезпеку
Today I have read the article "Who benefits from praise? The researcher
publishes a study on how recognition affects motivation." As for me, it's not
that straight news and discovery. In principle, everyone has known this for a
long time. It's already clear that when you are praised, you feel more
confident, your mood rises, and so on.. I have experience in this matter and I
can confidently confirm the words of Zubanov and Hugveld. This research can have
a very big impact on the future education of schoolchildren and students.
· #481
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:59)
The idea is that hackers compromise an online store, and leave behind malicious
code that logs payment card information.
Ідея полягає в тому, що хакери компрометують інтернет-магазин і залишають за
собою шкідливий код, який реєструє інформацію платіжної картки.
2. This distinction will be discussed in greater detail below.
Докладніше про зазначену відмінність буде сказано далі.
3. The Great Hack is a great documentary to watch if you ever need an insight
look at the whole scandal.
The Great Hack — чудовий документальний фільм, який варто подивитися, якщо вам
коли-небудь знадобиться глибокий погляд на весь скандал.
As the decade of the 2010s draws to a close, ZDNet looks back at the most
important cybersecurity developments of the past decade. Over the past decade,
we have seen it all. We've had data leaks, years of fruitful hacking, a lot of
financially motivated national-level cyber-espionage, and destructive malware
that cripple systems. Between 2010 and 2015, a group of five people hacked
several news services from where they stole press releases that would be
announced shortly. Sounds like a waste of time? No, it definitely wasn't. It was
actually one of the smartest hacks of the decade because the group used the
insider information they got to anticipate stock market moves and make deals
that generated over $100 million in profits. The Capital One hack that was
disclosed in July 2019 impacted more than 100 million Americans and six million
Canadians. Data from the breach is not believed to have been publicly shared
en-masse, so most users who had their data stolen are most likely safe. Yet, the
breach stands out because of the way it happened.
I'm sorry, but my throat hurts and I can't record :(
· #480
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:51)
Prhases of Day
in order to avoid:
In order to avoid the Mediterranean region turning into a desert, expert forest
management is required.
Щоб середземноморський регіон не перетворився на пустелю, необхідне експертне
управління лісами.
in a somewhat :
My article shows Einstein in a somewhat more human light than what we normally
think of him
Моя стаття показує Ейнштейна в дещо більш людському світлі, ніж те, що ми
зазвичай думаємо про нього
in greater detail :
The CBA has in truth done anything but that, as I will explain in greater detail
in coming days, once I have had the opportunity to give this long and complex
document its due consideration.
По суті, CBA зробив все, що завгодно, крім цього, як я поясню більш детально в
найближчі дні, коли я мав можливість належним чином розглянути цей довгий і
складний документ.
Today, I have had an opportunity to read an article about hackers who broke the
FSB contractor. To tell the truth it was very interesting and intriguing.
As a result of this hacking, more than 7.5 terabytes of valuable data of the
Russian special services were stolen. Many projects that were developed were
It should be remembered that this is the second time that a FSB contractor has
been hacked. In my opinion, this is a very serious blow to Russia's
cybersecurity, because the difference between the hacks is one year.
This shows that their defense system is very weak. I hope that soon we will
learn even more secret information that Russia is hiding
· #479
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 13 May 2022 10:45)
Phrases of the day:
1) in a somewhat - дещо
The scientists believe this was partially due to the Wyoming mine being located
in a somewhat protected pit.(Вчені вважають, що частково це сталося через те, що
шахта Вайомінга була розташована у дещо захищеному шурфі.)
audio recording:
2) in greater detail - більш детально
The photos below show the issue in greater detail. (На наведених нижче
фотографіях проблема показується більш детально.)
audio recording:
3) in order to avoid - щоб уникнути
In order to avoid the Mediterranean region turning into a desert, expert forest
management is required.(Щоб не перетворення середземноморського регіону на
пустелю, потрібне експертне управління лісами.)
audio recording:
audio recording:
I have read an article about the most common database security vulnerabilities.
A lot of money can be made from hacking a businesses' servers and stealing data.
The are the most popular reasons of hacking: deployment failures, broken
databases, data leaks and other. System administrators need to develop a
practice of caring for their databases to stay on top of threats and to fix
In conclusion, the number of worldwide cyber attacks are growing and if this
continues, many of our personal data may be lost and possibly sold, so
protection on corporate networks is very important.
· #478
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 13 May 2022 08:55)
Today I have read the article "Smartphone-based solution designed to help people
who need to communicate with eye gestures". It tells us about a new smartphone
app called GazeSpeak that helps people with ALS speak using their eyes. ALS,
which stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a neurodegenerative disease
that causes the person to lose motor control. First, the communicating person
faces the smartphone's back camera and looks in a certain direction to select a
letter grouping. Then, the app registers which group of letters was selected,
and the process repeats with individual letters. A study on the eye-tracking
system found that it was faster and and more usable than other commonly-used
low-tech solutions.
1)in greater detail
They were then asked to specify their favorite fantasy and describe it in
greater detail.
Їх також попросили описати свою улюблену фантазію в деталях.
2)in order to avoid
That is our planet is still doomed, but from people hide this information in
order to avoid panic.
Тобто наша планета однаково приречена, але від людей цю інформацію приховують,
щоб уникнути паніки.
3)in a somewhat
This year we arranged it in a somewhat unusual format - in the form of a
corporate magazine about stars.
Цього року ми оформили його у дещо незвичному форматі - у вигляді корпоративного
журналу про зірок.
· #477
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 17:03)
Well done, I have found no mistakes in all the tasks. Go on working like this.
· #476
Vorobyova E. to Chernetskiy from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 17:01)
Your home work is written and voiced correctly. Thank you.
· #475
· Popovych E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 13:24)
To Kate Kholodova (RZ-212)
Exam topic "Password as a general technique of secrecy" is well done.
· #474
Popovych E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 13:23)
To Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Exam topic:Concept of "Privacy” is well done
Thanks for your participation in our discussion.
Well done. I appreciate your opinion. Go on working
· #473
Popovych E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 13:21)
To Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
# 437,443
Exam topic #19 (Potential security violations.) is well done
Thanks for your article review. I see you have understood the main idea and made
the right conclusion.
Keep on working.
· #472
Popovych E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 13:19)
To Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212)
# 413, 424
Exam topic #5 (Potential security violations) is well done
Thank you for the comments.
They're clear and well done.
· #471
Popovych E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 13:07)
To Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212)
Exam topic #2 ("Various security techniques.")
don't need to write one topic twice!
· #470
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:32)
To 212 Ram Nassur Rz 212 When you write review of the article, you must give the name of the article and basic information. Also, there are some mistakes in your reading.
· #469
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:30)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 The review of the article is written correctly. Now I am waiting for your exam topic.
· #468
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:28)
To Kravchenko Kostiantyn, Nikitina Anastasia , Kolomiets Volodymir, Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 Thanks for your active work. Well done.
· #467
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:27)
Today I've read the article "UrbanDenoiser: An AI application that filters out
city noise to allow for clearer seismic sensor data". Scientists have created
seismometers as possibility to detect earthquakes - a natural phenomenon that
brings a lot of destruction and leads to death. But human activities in cities,
such as vehicles and trains, produce a lot of seismic noise, which interferes
with the seismometer's ability to detect earthquakes. So this article is about
new work, where researchers developed a deep learning application that
determines which seismic data is natural and artificial and filters out the
unnatural one.
1.identify areas
The Secretariat would seek to identify areas for cost-cutting.
2.described above
She met with X who recounted the events described above.
3.grouped into
The most critical risks identified can be grouped into three categories.
· #466
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 12:25)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:46)
Your comment on the article is rather good, but I'd like to know more about your
attitude towards the issue presented. The examples with phrases are quite
interesting but the 2nd one isn't informative enough.
· #465
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Thursday, 12 May 2022)
issues of confidential information protection are relevant for every modern
enterprise. Confidential company data must be protected from leakage, loss,
other fraudulent actions, as this can lead to critical consequences for the
business. It is important to understand what data needs to be protected, to
determine the ways and methods of organizing information security.
The information, which is extremely important to the business, must have limited
access to the company, and its use is subject to strict regulation. The data,
which needs to be carefully protected, includes:
trade secrets, production documentation of a secret nature, company know-how,
customer base, personal data of employees,
other data that the company deems necessary to protect from leakage.
Information confidentiality is often violated as a result of fraudulent actions
of employees, implementation of malicious software, fraudulent operations of
external intruders.
To detect, store, identify sources, recipients, and methods of information
leakage different IT-technologies are used, among which DLP and SIEM-systems,
working in an integrated and comprehensive way, should be mentioned.
1)estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
2)examine more closely
To understand the technique, I will examine the instructions more closely.
3)distinct from
Such people often live in politically marginalized groups distinct from the
dominant culture.
· #464
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:46)
Today I have read the article about new batteries which cut electric car costs
and increase range. A future breakthrough in battery chemistry will increase the
mileage of electric vehicles on a single charge to 450 miles and reduce the
price of electric vehicles. Most well-known car companies have announced plans
to produce electric cars and their components. These events are due to
government pollution regulations tighten worldwide. General Motors also wants to
oust Tesla as the world leader in electric vehicles. The new batteries will be
able to hold twice as much energy and will cost 60% cheaper than current
batteries. Electric cars are increasingly spreading around the world. The future
is near.
Every method described above has its own pros and cons
Europe and Oceania, to identify the areas of investment and research necessary
to develop
it emerges such that systems can be grouped into clusters
· #463
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:40)
Exam topic #14 (Authority check)
Amongst the security design principles, the principle of complete mediation
stands out: every access to every object must be checked for authority. This
principle, when systematically applied, is the primary underpinning of the
protection system. It implies that a foolproof method of identifying the source
of every request must be put in effect. It also requires that an authority check
is to be examined skeptically: If a change in authority occurs, such results
must be systematically updated. An authority can be validated by many forms,
most commonly encountered would be a password, or its variations, hardly
replicable objects, and biometrics.
1) Such systems can be grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only
observed in each cluster.
системи можуть бути розбиті на такі групи, що синхронність наблюдається лише в
кожній групі.
2) The results could help identify suitable areas for protection.
Результати могли б допомогти визначити підходимі зони для захисту.
3) The forecasters from this project participated in a replication of the second
study described above.
Синоптики з цього проекту взяли участь в реплікації другого дослідження,
описаного вище.
· #462
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:31)
Exam topic #16 (The Essentials of Information Protection)
Information protection is a set of organizational and technical measures and
legal norms to prevent harm to the interests of the owner of the information or
the AU and persons who use the information. Ensuring the security of information
technology is a complex problem, which includes the legal regulation of the use
of IT, technology improvement
their development, development of the certification system, provision of
appropriate organizational and technical conditions of operation.
Means of information protection: Moral and ethical means, Legal means of
protection, Administrative (organizational) means of information protection,
Means of physical (technical) protection of information, Software means of
1.grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
час розвитку мозку синапси можуть бути згруповані у функціональні синапси та
тихі синапси.
2.identify the areas
The team used special radar technology and analysis tools to detect changes in
the land and identify the exact areas where land subsidence —a common effect of
sinkholes—is occurring.
3.described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
альтернативи описані вище технічно здійсненні та використовувалися в комерційних
· #461
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:24)
Stanislav Popik
(Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022)
Your tasks are quite correct, thank you.
· #460
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:18)
Exam topic #20 (Principles of information protection)
The three core principles of information security are confidentiality, integrity
and availability. The purpose of confidentiality is to protect the data from
unauthorised access. It is possible by implementing access restrictions to allow
access to authorised entities only. Integrity means preserving the accuracy and
completeness of data. This element ensures that data has not been tampered with
and can be trusted. This refers to the availability of data when authorized
users require this data. Devices, systems, applications, data are of little
value to any organization if their customers can’t access it when they need it.
1) identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas where dynamic modelling should be used
to support the medium-term objectives.
Група спробувала визначити сфери, де динамічне моделювання має використовуватися
для підтримки середньострокових цілей.
2) grouped into
By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly grouped
into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT)
Використовуючи переваги технології блокчейн, цифрові активи широко групуються на
взаємозамінні та незмінні токени (NFT).
3) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
альтернативи, описані вище, є технічно здійсненними і використовувалися в
комерційних застосуваннях.
· #459
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:16)
Chervony Eugene RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022)
Unfortunatelly, I can't assess your work with exam topics #7, 8 as there are no
audio files. Don't forget they must be 100 words each and you have to record
voice messages.
· #458
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:16)
Exam topic #16 ("The Essentials of Information Protection.")
In all the years of the existence of mankind, information has been the most
important resource that helped civilizations develop, fight and survive. Nothing
has changed in our time, and therefore people have come up with certain methods
of protecting information.
The basic tenets of information security are confidentiality, integrity and
availability. Every element of the information security program must be designed
to implement one or more of these principles. Together they are called the CIA
Confidentiality measures are designed to prevent unauthorized disclosure of
Consistency includes protection against unauthorized changes (additions,
deletions, alterations, etc.) to data.
Availability is the protection of a system’s ability to make software systems
and data fully available when a user needs it (or at a specified time).
1) grouped into
The Presidency's functions may be grouped into three main areas: administrative,
judicial and external relations.
Функції Президентства можна згрупувати у три основні сфери: адміністративні,
судові та зовнішні зв’язки.
2) described above
The orders provided for under the Bill are designed to protect persons in the
circumstances described above.
Розпорядження, передбачені законопроектом, призначені для захисту осіб, які
перебувають у зазначених вище обставинах.
3) identify the areas
The workshop will help policymakers identify the areas where men and women have
different needs in their countries.
Семінар допоможе політикам визначити сфери, де чоловіки та жінки мають різні
потреби у своїх країнах.
· #457
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:13)
Today I’ve read the article “Exploring partial synchronization in networked
This article is about partial synchronization in the network, as well as about
the concept of synchronization and how it manifests around us.
The purpose of this article is to tell about partial synchronization in network
Synchronization is all around us: from thousands of fireflies congregating near
trees and lighting up simultaneously to an excited audience taking part in
"Mexican waves" during a football match, and the list goes on.
This article can be useful for people who are interested in technology and also
want to understand their surroundings .
1.identify the areas
Our study innovated by combining these two datasets in an approach that enabled
us to identify the areas that are theoretically most suitable and compare them
with the areas in which the species actually lives now
2.described above
The researchers tested out the idea on an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) in a
scenario like the one described above.
3.grouped into
Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster.
· #456
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:12)
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:04)
Your comment is clear and good as well as the task with the Phrases, thank you.
· #455
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:11)
Exam topic #3 «Radio equipment helping to save on bills.»
Radio equipment helps to save on bills. For example: Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) A technology for the unique identification of physical
objects using radio tags. The radio tag contains a microchip that stores the
detection detector, as well as a way for the antenna to transmit information to
special radio receivers. This technology optimizes the development of diseases
in a wide area of the patient, which achieves the installation of labels on a
specific structure and tracking the route of its movement. This allows you to
manage efficient inventory down to a single item. It also allows you to monitor
the cost of electricity and more.
· #454
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:10)
Today I have read the article called"Improving the conductivity of metal
nanoelectrodes achieved via plasmon-enhanced laser nanosoldering" This
technology has the unique advantages of high resolution, true 3D and
flexibility. Unlike traditional heating annealing, the heating part of this
method is localized only near the hot spot, which does not cause thermal damage
to the substrate. The technology of laser nanosoldering increases the
conductivity of the electrode and facilitates further work. During this method,
there is a certain accumulation effect that increases conductivity and
I believe that such soldering is the future and we should switch to more
efficient and budget methods.
1)identify the areas
The results could help identify suitable areas for protection, according to the
2) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial application.
3)grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
· #453
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:09)
Using blockchain technologies, it can be divided into fungible and non-fungible
NFT tokens.
The researchers proposed a tiered patent structure based on NFTs.
Tokenization patents will provide greater transparency and traceability.
NFT-based patents provide a reliable exchange of information between offices
around the world.
Using hashing, IP holders can record claims, such as hashes or encrypted claims,
on the blockchain network. The IP owner can prove his ownership with the
original document and its hash or private key without the involvement of third
This would give them the ability to "tokenize" their patents. Since each
transaction will be recorded on the blockchain, it will be much easier to track
changes in patent ownership.
identify the areas
identify the areas where these birds would be more sensitive to onshore wind
turbine or power line development.
grouped into
By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly grouped
into fungible and non-fungible tokens.
· #452
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:09)
Exam topic #2 ("Various security techniques.")
Network security is a term that describes the security tools, tactics and
security policies designed to monitor, prevent and respond to unauthorized
network intrusion, while also protecting digital assets, including network
traffic. Every year, hackers come up with more and more methods with which you
can hack into networks, but cybersecurity experts also do not stand still and at
the moment they have invented these 14 methods to protect networks:
Access control
Anti-malware software
Anomaly detection
application security
Data loss prevent (DLP)
Email security
Endpoint security
Intrusion prevention systems
Network segmentation
Security information and event management (SIEM)
Virtual private network (VPN)
Web security
Wireless security
These methods allow you to most effectively protect networks and prevent
unauthorized access to them.
1) grouped into
Green growth and green economy-related indicators identified to date can be
grouped into three main categories.
Показники зеленого зростання та зеленої економіки, визначені на сьогодні, можна
згрупувати в три основні категорії.
2) described above
The actions described above will find reflection, in due course, in the
structure and content of the regular budget of the Organization.
Описані вище дії знайдуть своє відображення в структурі та змісті регулярного
бюджету Організації.
3) identify the areas
They can help identify the areas where human rights education and training are
most needed for the population at large.
Вони можуть допомогти визначити сфери, де освіта та навчання з прав людини
найбільше потребують населення в цілому.
· #451
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:07)
To students ,Acheev,Vergemis, Glugan, Ergul,, Ermolenko,Krivosheenko, Mikhailov,
from group RT-211.
You haven’t joined our activities on on-line at the designated timeframe today.
Pls participate regularly to improve your language skills in ESP English.
· #450
Chervony Eugene RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:06)
Exam Topic #8 (Benefits of Satellite TV)
Streaming television takes data and in homes, particularly in rural areas, too
much streaming can be a strain on your Internet resources. Many rural homes use
satellite Internet as their connectivity type. While great for many functions
including streaming, if there are too many devices streaming at once, you may
experience connectivity issues. Furthermore, in homes with many devices,
streaming can drain your monthly data leading to overages or throttling.
Subscribing to satellite television services gives your home more ways to stay
entertained without putting a strain on your Internet service.
· #449
Chervony Eugene RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:05)
Exam Topic #7 (The major differences in a monochrome television and a color
television receiver)
The biggest difference is the number of electron guns in the picture tube. A
monochrome tv has only one gun as it can only show black, white, or shades of
grey in between. Color TVs have 3 guns: red, green, and blue. Varying these
tubes give you the full spectrum of color. Beyond that there are differences in
the reciever, which has to decode the data for 3 guns instead of one, and in the
drivers for the guns.
· #448
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:04)
Exam topic #2 ("Various security techniques.")
Network security is a term that describes the security tools, tactics and
security policies designed to monitor, prevent and respond to unauthorized
network intrusion, while also protecting digital assets, including network
traffic. Every year, hackers come up with more and more methods with which you
can hack into networks, but cybersecurity experts also do not stand still and at
the moment they have invented these 14 methods to protect networks:
Access control
Anti-malware software
Anomaly detection
application security
Data loss prevent (DLP)
Email security
Endpoint security
Intrusion prevention systems
Network segmentation
Security information and event management (SIEM)
Virtual private network (VPN)
Web security
Wireless security
These methods allow you to most effectively protect networks and prevent
unauthorized access to them.
· #447
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:04)
Today I have read the article "As much pressure as Uranus' core: The first
materials synthesis research and study in the terapascal range". It says that a
research team has pushed the boundaries of high-pressure and high-temperature
research into cosmic dimensions. For the first time, they have succeeded in
generating and simultaneously analyzing materials under compression pressures of
more than one terapascal. Such extremely high pressures prevail, for example, at
the center of the planet Uranus; they are more than three times higher than the
pressure at the center of the Earth. I think that the doors are now wide open
for creative materials research that generates and visualizes unexpected
structures under extreme pressures.
1) grouped into
The new study was grouped into five parts from one.
2) described above
All the experiments described above were carried out quite recently.
3) identify the areas
More people need to be connected to identify the areas of study.
· #446
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 11:02)
Exam topic "Password as a general technique of secrecy"
In now days world we must talk about modern problems in sphere of saving and
defending information. It's actual theme because we live in such time when every
person or even big company use computer to keep and save information. Like facts
evidence number of cyber-crimes and crimes connected with stealing information
are growing every year, so companies and people must solve this problem. Using
any passwords is one of the most powerful systems of protection information and
on the other hand one of the easiest to break. People must learn some rules, how
to use and correctly make password. For example, making it without using any
dates, names, cities or something else, connected with person, without repeating
some numerals or key words, like “password”, “love” or something in this area.
So using password is one of the most common and important things in sphere of
saving information.
Today I have read the article "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the
roads". It tells about artificial intelligence in transport, designed to
optimize traffic. While many argue, trusting a computer to control the road with
other people can be dangerous - scientists are doing research on road behavior
in order to create their own "robots" as safely as possible. This system will
help to optimize traffic, making it more unloaded, and in addition to relieve
humanity from the need for transportation, for example, and other activities
where you need to constantly move around the city by car. Scientists are
convinced that this technology is really necessary.
In my opinion, the main disadvantage is that it reduces the value of human
labor, therefore it leaves people without work. But I think if they will teach
robots they will do a perfect job.
1) identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas where dynamic modelling should be used
to support the medium-term objectives.
2) grouped into
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
3) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
Audio ph:
· #445
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:57)
Today I've read the article about the signs that tell us that the phone probably
have a virus.A virus can limit your phone's functionality, send your personal
information to hackers, send your contacts spam messages linking to malware, and
even allow the virus's operator to "spy" on you by capturing your screen and
keyboard inputs, and tracking your geographical location.To avoid an unfortunate
outcome we should pay attention on some perfomance indicators of the phone as
poor perfomance, excessive battery drain and increased mobile data
consumption.Also, the user can get unexplained billing charges, unusual pop-ups
and an unexpected overheating device.So to prevent further damage user should
use a reliable antivirus app , clean the phone's storage and cash and delete any
suspicious or unfamiliar apps.Unfortunately, the situation when the phone gets a
virus is common but applying security measures described above we can reduce the
risk .
1. Grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
2. Identify the areas
The results could help identify suitable areas for protection, according to the
3. Described above
The forecasters from this project participated in a replication of the second
study described above.
· #444
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:54)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 Just good but pls make a conclusion on the speciality exam topic. Keep on working hard and on time.
· #443
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 ( Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:53)
Exam topic #19 (Potential security violations.)
Information (computer) security threats are various actions that can lead to a
violation of the state of information protection. In other words, these are
possible events, processes or actions that can lead to serious consequences in
the field of informatization and a computer system.
Information security threats can be divided into two types: natural and
artificial. Consideration includes natural phenomena that do not develop from
man, such as hurricanes, floods, fires, etc. Artificially expected consequences
from a person can be intentional and unintended. Unintentional occurrences due
to negligence, inattention and ignorance. An example of such a threat can be the
installation of programs that are not included in the normal mode of operation
and further disrupt the system, which leads to the loss of information.
Deliberate attacks, unlike the previous ones, attacks on purpose. They can be
attacked both from outside and from within the company. The result of the
implementation of this type of threat is the alienation of funds and
intellectual property of the organization.
· #442
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:53)
Exam topic:Concept of "Privacy”
Privacy is a value so complex, so entangled in competing and contradictory
dimensions, so engorged with various and distinct meanings, that I sometimes
despair whether it can be usefully addressed at all. But as to capturing the
core concept of privacy itself, I find myself cautious and reserved. In this
brief Review Essay, I shall isolate and review three different and in some
respects incompatible concepts of privacy that are each mentioned in the
Prologue to The Unwanted Gaze. The first connects privacy to the creation of
knowledge; the second connects privacy to dignity; and the third connects
privacy to freedom. I shall argue that the first concept should not be
understood as a question of privacy; that the second is a helpful way of
apprehending privacy, but that it should focus our attention primarily upon
forms of social structure; and that the third is best conceived as an argument
for liberal limitations on government regulation.
· #441
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:51)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022)
All your tasks are well done.
appreciate your effective work, thank you.
· #440
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:48)
To Avdieiev Danil (RT-211) Are you all right? Unfortunately , this is not your specialty exam topic . Are you a student from historical department? UNACCEPTED!
· #439
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) Home-work and Exam topic (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:47)
Today I have read the article: "A guide to NFTs: What are they, and why did
someone spend $69 million for one?" It's short for non-fungible tokens. By the
way, fungible items are easily interchangeable. Take money as an example. If we
each have a $20 bill, we could swap them without any change to their value. In
the case of a non-fungible token, each one is unique and cannot be directly
exchanged for another. In my opinion, the NFTs and blockchain technology is
going to become the way that people store records digitally because of the
security associated with it
1)Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster -
2) Average on-road vehicle fuel economy based on vehicle registrations and
household income to identify the areas with the highest energy burden for
transportation fuel. -
3) The researchers tested out the idea of an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) in a
scenario like the one described above. -
Translation for phrases in past work
1)Novel method identifies areas most suitable for conservation of black lion
tamarin -
2)By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly
grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT). -
3)Grouping students into ability-based sets holds back less able pupils -
Exam topic Software firewall
A software firewall is a firewall that is installed on a computer or server and
tasked with network security. It works with a wide variety of other technical
security solutions to provide more security for enterprises of all sizes. When a
software firewall is installed on a server, it opens up like an umbrella of
protection over all other computers connected to the network. In my opinion, a
software firewall is better than a hardware firewall because It is able to
monitor both incoming and outgoing traffic for potential risk or suspicious user
behavior, and also makes setting security policies much easier, faster, and more
· #438
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:46)
Exam Topic #10
(The major differences in a monochrome television and a color television
Monochrome television only transmits brightness information, and the relative
luminance of the images must at least roughly match the brightness of the
subject. Significant tone distortion is quite acceptable. The reproduction of
brightness becomes very important only if detail disappears in some tones. A
full color television signal is much more complex in structure than a black and
white television signal and carries much more information. But the general
characteristics of color television are almost the same as those of black and
white television. Modern television is based on the transmission of color images
using flat screens on plasma and liquid crystal panels.
· #437
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:45)
Today i have read the article “Researchers use advanced light to reveal how
different biofuels behave”.
article tells about a team of scientists who decided to find out which fuel is
of the highest quality. They selected DIB fuel as the test subject and conducted
many different scientific experiments. They compared both their price and the
particle molecules that were in it using a powerful accelerator: Advenced Light
Source. They also compared the properties of fuel combustion. In the end, they
found out that the chemistry of fuel for vehicles is complex due to the design
and considerations of engines, auxiliary infrastructure and Fuel Engineers must
ensure that the fuel sold fits in octane standard envelopes. By knowing the
combustion properties of specific fuel components, mixtures can be made with
less empirical testing.
1)identify the areas
The results could help identify suitable areas for protection, according to the
2) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
3)grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
· #436
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:44)
Exam Topic #9 (Development of television in your home country.)
The history of television in Ukraine began in 1925, when the talented
experimental physicist Boris Grabovsky managed to make the first television
broadcast in the former USSR and throughout the world. Then the invention of our
countryman, unfortunately, could not play a decisive role. In 1939 the first
telecast was made in Kyiv. In 1949, the construction of a new television center
began at 26 Khreshchatyk Street. 1969, color television appeared in Ukraine. The
uniqueness of the design was that it was the first in the world to be all-welded
and unparalleled. At present, the transmission and distribution network consists
of 57 powerful TV stations. This system provides viewers with programs
throughout Ukraine.
· #435
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:43)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211, Task1 is 74 points , you are supposed to reveal the
contents of the article and the conclusion should start with a word like:”To sum
it up, I think, I believe, in conclusion, in my opinion,etc.
you know about it?
Task2 is good.
· #434
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:43)
1. Grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
2. Identify the areas
The results could help identify suitable areas for protection, according to the
3. Described above
The forecasters from this project participated in a replication of the second
study described above.
Today I have read the article «Live online TV, once a bargain, is getting more
expensive». Cable managers ridiculed online TV packages as unrealistically
cheap, but their popularity grew. Online TV providers attracted users with
digital "thin packets" that were cheaper than cable TV. Many are now raising
prices, often as packages become more and more reminiscent of traditional
television packages. In my opinion, the problem with television services is that
the cost of programs is rising, there will eventually be a sharp drop in demand
from users, and then entertainment companies may eventually feel the bite.
· #433
Yershova Y. to PT-212, PE-211 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:40)
Dear students! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings, exam topics as well. Do not forget about Phrases of the day practice. Good luck!
· #432
Chernetskiy Nikita.RZ-213. (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:38)
Today I have read the article 'AI predicts infant age, gender based on
It's hard to tell the difference between a newborn boy and girl based solely on
temperament characteristics such as the baby's propensity to display fear, smile
or laugh. For this case, a new study in PLOS ONE used machine learning to
analyze temperament data on 4,438 babies in an attempt to classify the infants
by gender and age. The results indicate it is far easier for computer algorithms
to determine the age of a baby than it is for them to decipher a baby's gender
based off temperament data during the infant's first 48 weeks of life.
A very interesting, in my opinion, techonology, so I would definently love to
see it's getting a wide use.
4. 1) grouped into
The fact sheets are grouped into seven sections
2) described above
The acetic acid process described above is an example
3) identify the areas
This arrangement would facilitate indication of flow and could be used to
identify the areas in which sprinkler heads were in operation.
· #431
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:37)
To РЗ-212 Good morning! The lesson will start in a few minutes and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day. Good luck
· #430
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:36)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Task 5 and 6 are 74 points. Pls make conclusions . A piece of advice : Don’t state anything you are not certain of.
· #429
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:35)
Mind your grammar mistakes at the end of the commentary on the article: “I guess that THE scientists ARE doing a great job by…”. Your sentences with new phrases are written correctly. Continue working.
· #428
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:35)
1) 1. described above
The actions described above will find reflection, in due course, in the
structure and content of the regular budget of the Organization. -
2. identify the areas
We must therefore intensify efforts to identify areas where cooperation between
the OAS and the United Nations can be strengthened. -
3. grouped into
Green growth and green economy-related indicators identified to date can be
grouped into three main categories -
2) Today I have read the article “Developing an ultra-scalable artificial
A research team led by Associate Professor Desmond of the University of
Technology and Design in Singapore has developed a new type of artificial
synapse based on two-dimensional materials for high-scale computing processes
that inspire the brain. In addition, this artificial synapse demonstrates for
the first time that it can be implemented using the same device that operates
both functional and silent synapses.
In my opinion, this development can dramatically reduce equipment costs by
replacing functional and silent synapses that have been based on complex digital
circuits with a single device.
Exam topic #17 (Password as a general technique of secrecy.)
Passwords have been the staple of secrecy and access restriction since ancient
times. Even the Roman military used passwords for their guards to securely
identify each other In modern times passwords have become the most common form
of securing secrecy, as they are generally used by governments, militaries,
hospitals, banks or even just the common citizen to prevent unauthorized access
to their accounts and information. With developments in biometrics, single
s and multifactor authentication, passwords as the general security tool
may soon be facing competitors after millennia, however, due to their cost,
immediacy and convenience, passwords can still be expected to remain the best
option for decades.
· #427
Vorobyova E. to Syrbu from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:31)
Mind your incorrect sentence at the beginning of your commentary on the article: “…about THE Chinese research team THAT has proposed…”. Your sentences with new phrases are quite good. Go on working and don’t forget about your exam topics.
· #426
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:27)
To Avdieiev Danil (RT-211) pls find speciality topic. Task1 is 70 points. Pls avoid writing “ this article is useful”.Task2 is good, Pls read my task set to the group at the beginning of our lesson .
· #425
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:27)
Not bad, but don’t forget about the correct use of the articles “a/the”: “…A very interesting article about THE methods that…”. Continue working.
· #424
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:27)
A research team led by Prof. QU Qiang from the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced
Technology proposed a layered, conceptual, NFT-based patent framework. Applying
for a patent and trademark is time-consuming and costly. With the help of unique
features of NFT technology, it is possible to accelerate this process. In fact,
tokenizing patents would provide more transparency, traceability, and
cost-efficiency of commercialization. NFT-based patents may facilitate reliable
information sharing among offices and patentees around the world, reducing the
burden on examiners and perhaps even accelerating harmonization efforts. It
would give them the ability to 'tokenize' their patents. Because every
transaction would be logged on a blockchain, it will be much easier to trace
patent ownership changes.
1) described above
The researchers tested out the idea on an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) in a
scenario like the one described above.
2) identify the areas
Our study innovated by combining these two datasets in an approach that enabled
us to identify the areas that are theoretically most suitable.
3)grouped into
By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly grouped
into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT).
· #423
Vorobyova E. to Semidentova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:25)
Well done, I appreciate your opinion on the article and your sentences are written correctly.
· #422
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:25)
Today I have read the article: "Citizen science study detects the vast amount of
microplastics in Catalan bathing areas". The presence of microplastics in the
oceans is documented and reported by oceanographic research, but data on the
pollution in the nearshore regions are hard to find due to access difficulties
faced by scientific boats. Some groups of scientists, with help of volunteers,
collected 25,000 microplastics with special nets towed from rowing boats. In
fact, they reveal that coastal areas feature a vast amount of plastic debris,
the presence of which is under a great temporal variability. I guess that
scientists doing a great job by clearing the water pollution
1)Novel method identifies areas most suitable for conservation of black lion
2)By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly
grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT).
3)Grouping students into ability-based sets holds back less able pupils
· #421
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:25)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:50)
In general, your review is quite good, but it could be more detailed, don't
forget about 100 words. The examples with phrases are not bad but the 2nd one is
not informaive enough, it must be a full sentence.
· #420
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:20)
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Task1 is with no conclusion. Just 63 points. Task2 has been wrongly done. Pls do it again and stick to the pattern:( a phrase with a translation) and a sentence with the Ukrainian translation).
· #419
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:19)
1) identify the areas -
They also help identify areas for improvement.
2) grouped into -
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
3) described above -
The obstacles described above undermine efforts to combat impunity.
Today i have read the article about a chinese research team has proposed a
layered, conceptual, NFT-based patent framework. NFT-based patents may
facilitate reliable information sharing among offices and patentees around the
world, reducing the burden on examiners and perhaps even accelerating
harmonization efforts. The IP owner can prove his/her property right using the
original document and its hash or private key without third-party involvement. I
think that tokenizing patents would provide more transparency, traceability, and
cost-efficiency of commercialization.
· #418
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:18)
Link to article
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1)identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas where dynamic modelling should be used
to support the medium-term objectives.
Група спробувала визначити сфери, де динамічне моделювання має використовуватися
для підтримки середньострокових цілей.
2)grouped into
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
3) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
альтернативи, описані вище, є технічно здійсненними і використовувалися в
комерційних застосуваннях.
· #417
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:15)
1. Our research was aimed at solving one of the main problems in football.
Наше дослідження було спрямоване на вирішення однієї з головних проблем у
2. These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
3. All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been
used in commercial applications.
альтернативи, описані вище, є технічно здійсненними і використовувалися в
комерційних застосуваннях.
Robots are gradually infiltrating various areas and settings, including sports
competitions. Robotic football is an innovative version of football that
replaces human players with robots. Robotic soccer competitions have been going
on for decades. First introduced in the 90s, they are now grouped into a single
initiative, marked by regular tournaments and leagues, dubbed RoboCup. The
humanoid robots participating in RoboCup are getting better and better over
time, making the games more fun and dynamic. To perform well in these
competitions, robots should ideally have a wide range of capabilities, including
good locomotion, path planning, localization and interaction skills. A heuristic
search algorithm developed by the researchers calculates the trajectories that
would allow the ball to pass from a given location on the football field to the
goal of the opposing robot team. The method used takes into account all
available information about the state of the game. This approach allows robots
to plan not just one strike, but the entire attack. The researchers evaluated
its performance by comparing it to several basic methods in a series of
simulation tests. So far, the researchers have only tested their algorithm in
simulations, but it could eventually be applied to real humanoid robots to
further explore its potential under specific conditions.
I'm sorry, but my throat hurts and I can't record :(
· #416
Vorobyova E. to Chabanenko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:14)
Well done. There are no grammar and phonetic mistakes in your review on the article and sentences. Thank you and don’t forget about your exam topics. It’s a mandatory requirement.
· #415
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:10)
Exam (television receiver)
a television receiver is a device that receives a digital television signal,
decodes it and converts it into an analog signal for output via RCA or SCART
connectors, or converts it into a digital signal for output via an HDMI
connector, and transmits it further to a TV. There is also IPTV receiver
technology: in In this case, the receiver is connected to the networks of the
digital television / Internet operator using ADSL, Ethernet or Wi-Fi, and
television broadcasting is carried out using a local network or the Internet.
· #414
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:04)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Task1 and Task2 are good but there are grammar mistakes. Pls do not find excuses for the failure to join our designated activities. Be attentive and keep on working hard .
· #413
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:04)
Exam topic #5 (Potential security violations)
Any security violation and breach certainly includes illicit access to some
resources, being systems, data, or operations. In this context, the evolution of
security policies has brought access control at the core of security, but also
privacy protection. Therefore, beyond legacy access control models, a variety of
systems have been proposed, introducing a manifold of additional features. Most
of the prominent approaches typically propose enhancements to RBAC. The
motivation, application domain, and usage patterns followed by the studied
approaches vary significantly.
· #412
Avdieiev Danil (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 10:04)
Exam topic
On June 22, 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union. As soon as this became
known, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party
of Bolsheviks immediately gathered to take urgent measures to repel the attack.
Along with urgent measures of a military nature, it was decided to address the
population on the radio in connection with the outbreak of war. The Politburo
considered it logical that I.V. Stalin, the head of the Communist Party and the
Soviet government, should address the people. Stalin, citing political reasons
for his refusal, proposed to entrust the speech to the People's Commissar for
Foreign Affairs, V. M. Molotov. Members of the Politburo actively objected to
this, believing that the people would not understand such a substitution, when
such a responsible and important statement is made not by the generally
recognized leader of the state, but by another person, moreover, it is the
leader of the country who should call on the people to rise to defend the
Motherland. Nevertheless, Stalin continued to insist on his own, explaining his
position by the fact that the general political situation was not yet completely
clear, that he would speak later, when the situation on the fronts cleared up
and it would be possible to make a more balanced and definite statement. In
connection with Stalin's stubborn refusal to speak, the Politburo entrusted this
speech to Molotov, although a number of members of the Politburo continued to
consider such a step erroneous.
· #411
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:59)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 Task1 is 68 points: no conclusion, no pre-training the comments before recording it. Task2 is better but with no translation of the phrases themselves. Just 78 points.
· #410
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Mykhailiuk S. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:53)
Today I've read the article "UrbanDenoiser: An AI application that filters out
city noise to allow for clearer seismic sensor data". Scientists have created
seismometers as possibility to detect earthquakes - a natural phenomenon that
brings a lot of destruction and leads to death. But human activities in cities,
such as vehicles and trains, produce a lot of seismic noise, which interferes
with the seismometer's ability to detect earthquakes. So this article is about
new work, where researchers developed a deep learning application that
determines which seismic data is natural and artificial and filters out the
unnatural one.
1) identify the areas
To identify the priority areas, the authors—leading marine biologists, climate
experts, and economists—analyzed the world's unprotected ocean waters
Длявизначенняпріоритетнихсфер, автори —
2) grouped into
When a transaction is completed, it is recorded and grouped into a block, with
information such as time stamps and amounts.
Після завершення транзакції, це записується та групується в блок із такою
інформацією, як позначки часу та суми.
3) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
альтернативи описані вище варіанти є технічно можливими і мають місце у
· #409
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Myhayliuk S.L. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:51)
I sent it last week, but there was no class with you and I decided to send it
Exam Topic #5
Commercial use of radio is primarily based on the practice of airing radio
advertisements and television advertisements for profit. In 1920, Westinghouse,
one of the leading radio manufacturers, had an idea for selling more radios: It
would offer programming. Radio began as a one-to-one method of communication, so
this was a novel idea. Well, on November 2, 1920, station KDKA made the nation's
first commercial broadcast. They chose that date because it was election day,
and the power of radio was proven when people could hear the results of the
Harding-Cox presidential race before they read about it in the newspaper. It was
a breakthrough in the commercial use of radio and marked the beginning of the
golden age of radio.
· #408
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Myhayliuk S.L. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:51)
Exam #6
It is generally recognized that the first radio transmission was made from a
temporary station set up by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 on the Isle of Wight. This
followed on from pioneering work in the field by a number of people. Radio
transmission of music and talk must have begun around 1905–1906, and
commercially around 1920–1923. VHF stations (very high frequencies) were
launched 30–35 years later. By the 1950s, virtually every country had a
broadcasting system, usually owned and operated by the government. A dramatic
change came in the 1960s with the advent of small, inexpensive, portable
transistor radios, which increased the possibilities of ownership and use. It's
very exciting to learn how radio went through its journey to its peak of
communication work
· #407
Avdieiev Danil (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:50)
Today I have read the article titled "AI agent offers rationales using everyday
language to explain its actions". It describes about an artificially intelligent
(AI) agent that can automatically generate natural language explanations in
real-time to convey the motivations behind its actions. The work is designed to
give humans engaging with AI agents or robots confidence that the agent is
performing the task correctly and can explain a mistake or errant behavior. I
find this article usefull but this research usefull for the whole planet,
because work with robots will become faster.
1)for its own sake
It was underlined that transparency isn’t an end in itself, nor is it to be
pursued for its own sake.
2)general agreement on
It must, however, be acknowledged that there had also been no general agreement
on those proposals in the informal consultations.
3)from this perspective
No other international forum has yet addressed these issues from this
Жоден інший міжнародний форум ще не розглядав ці питання з цієї точки зору.
· #406
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:50)
Today i have read the article: "The biggest data breaches, hacks of 2021"
From the article we learn about the problem of data leakage in our time.
Nowadays, most people neglect their online security, which is why they often
suffer from malware.
In 2021, a type of ransomware spread, due to which a lot of people lost their
data. And also many popular sites were hacked and leaked user data.
In my opinion, such hacks most often occur due to the weak protection that users
choose, or because of its absence.
identify the areas
Novel method identifies areas most suitable for conservation of black lion
described above
abandonment of the vessels described above in pursuit of a better life.
grouped into
In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses
· #405
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:48)
Hello. I'm sorry but I send my Exam topic to another teacher on Tuesday.
· #404
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:48)
1.described above-описанівище;
The obstacles described above undermine efforts to combat impunity.-Описанівищеперешкодипідриваютьзусилляпоборотьбізбезкарністю.
2.identify the areas-визначитиобласті;
They can help identify the areas where human rights education and training are
most needed for the population at large.-Вониможутьдопомогтивизначитисфери,
3.grouped into-згрупованів
The Presidency's functions may be grouped into three main areas: administrative,
judicial and external relations.-ФункціїПрезидентстваможназгрупуватиутриосновнісфери:
Today I've read the article about the signs that tell us that the phone probably
have a virus.A virus can limit your phone's functionality, send your personal
information to hackers, send your contacts spam messages linking to malware, and
even allow the virus's operator to "spy" on you by capturing your screen and
keyboard inputs, and tracking your geographical location.To avoid an unfortunate
outcome we should pay attention on some perfomance indicators of the phone as
poor perfomance, excessive battery drain and increased mobile data
consumption.Also, the user can get unexplained billing charges, unusual pop-ups
and an unexpected overheating device.So to prevent further damage user should
use a reliable antivirus app , clean the phone's storage and cash and delete any
suspicious or unfamiliar apps.Unfortunately, the situation when the phone gets a
virus is common but applying security measures described above we can reduce the
risk .
· #403
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Myhayliuk S.L. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:47)
Today I've read the article “US offers $10 mn bounty for DarkSide hackers”. This
article is about a US government that offers 10 million dollars for finding a
leader of the high-profile ransomware gang DarkSide. Washington blamed the
Russia-based group for the online assault that forced the shutdown of the
largest oil pipeline in the eastern United States in May. Cybercrimes have been
booming, with new data out in October showing $590 (five hundred nineteen)
million in ransomware-related payments were reported to US authorities in the
first half of 2021 alone. As for me, the fight against hackers is a very
difficult confrontation.
1)This figure is even less significant WHEN COMPARED to the assets such
enterprises control.
2)And the beauty of the book is that it works on MULTIPLE LEVELS.
3)The training will be based on CASE STUDIES, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
· #402
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:43)
Today I've read the article 'Chinese scientists develop highly robust
stretchable electrode for E-skin applications'.A stretchable electrode has
recently been developed. It's developed by on-site assembly of electrospin
elastic nanofiber frames and liquid metal nanoparticles applied by
electrospraying. The basis of this method of creation is the interaction of
fishing nets with water. Liquid metal provides the strength of the structure
when heated, exposed to various chemicals. Also,the electrical resistance of the
metal is insensitive to a high degree of mechanical tension and remains stable
for a long time. I think it can be used for monitoring of human health.
1)identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas where dynamic modelling should be used
to support the medium-term objectives.
Група спробувала визначити сфери, де динамічне моделювання має використовуватися
для підтримки середньострокових цілей.
2)grouped into
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
3) described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
альтернативи, описані вище, є технічно здійсненними і використовувалися в
комерційних застосуваннях.
· #401
Vorobyova E. to Simchuk from РЗ-313 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:40)
There are too many quotes in your response and because of that, your commentary is too long, it should contain no more than 100 words. Bear in mind this requirement. Besides, your grammar mistakes are the following: “Today I HAVE read…”; “THE researchers at Hong Kong University…”; “IN FUTURE”. Start working at your exam topics. It’s obligatory. Good luck.
· #400
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:40)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #399
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:40)
Today I have read the article titled "Laser bursts drive fastest-ever logic
gates". This article explains that the longstanding quest of science and
technology has been to develop electronics and information processing that
operate on the fastest time scales allowed by the laws of nature. A promising
way to achieve this goal involves using laser light to control the movement of
electrons in matter, and then using that control to design electronic circuit
elements, a concept known as light wave electronics.
for its own sake
It was underlined that transparency isn’t an end in itself, nor is it to be
pursued for its own sake.
general agreement on
It must, however, be acknowledged that there had also been no general agreement
on those proposals in the informal consultations.
from this perspective
No other international forum has yet addressed these issues from this
Жоден інший міжнародний форум ще не розглядав ці питання з цієї точки зору.
· #398
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:39)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Thanks for an informative comment.
· #397
Vorobyova E. to Shlapak from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:31)
Your commentary on the article is interesting and informative. There are no mistakes in it. Your sentences from Phrases of the Day Practice are quite all right too. Continue working this way.
· #396
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:30)
Today I have read the article "Newly discovered lake may hold secret to
Antarctic ice sheet's rise and fall".This article is about the new open lake
Snow Eagle,lies a few hundred miles inland, under the same ice sheet. Scientists
investigating the underside of the world's largest ice sheet in East Antarctica
have discovered a city-size lake whose sediments might contain a history of the
ice sheet . This lake is likely to have a record of the entire history of the
East Antarctic Ice Sheet, its initiation over 34 million years ago, as well as
its growth and evolution across glacial cycles since then.
In my opinion , this article is very interesting for everyone , especially for
people who love new information and new technologies . I think this will become
very useful soon .
described above
The obstacles described above undermine efforts to combat impunity.
grouped into
The most critical risks identified can be grouped into three categories:
identify the areas
Equally, it will be necessary to identify the areas in which the forum would not
be given authority to act.
Крім того, необхідно буде визначити сфери, у яких форум не мав би повноважень
· #395
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:29)
You have coped with the tasks. Thank you and go on working like this.
· #394
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:27)
Today I have read the article “AI traffic light system could make traffic jams a
distant memory”. This article is about a possibility of not stucking in a
traffic jams. The system—the first of its kind—reads live camera footage and
adapts the lights to compensate, keeping the traffic flowing and reducing
congestions. The system uses deep reinforcement learning, where a program
understands when it is not doing well and tries a different course of action—or
continues to improve when it makes progress. In my opinion, this can decrease
the amount of car accidents on road.
· #393
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:26)
Today I have read the article “AI traffic light system could make traffic jams a
distant memory”. This article is about a possibility of not stucking in a
traffic jams. The system—the first of its kind—reads live camera footage and
adapts the lights to compensate, keeping the traffic flowing and reducing
congestions. The system uses deep reinforcement learning, where a program
understands when it is not doing well and tries a different course of action—or
continues to improve when it makes progress. In my opinion, this can decrease
amount of car accidents on road.
· #392
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:25)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:12)
Thanks for your comment.
It's informative and interesting, but too long.
· #391
Simchuk Alexey (Vorobyova RZ-213) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:23)
Today I read an interesting scientific article called "A thin sensor for
computer vision based on a micro lens array (MLA)".Recent technological advances
have enabled the creation of increasingly sophisticated sensors that can track
movements and changes in real-world environments with remarkable levels of
precision. Many engineers are now working to make these sensors thinner so that
they can be embedded in a variety of devices, including robotic limbs and
wearable devices. Researchers at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
have recently developed a thin sensor for computer vision applications, which is
based on a micro lens array (MLA). MLAs are 1D or 2D arrays comprising several
small lenses, which are generally arranged in either squared or hexagonal
"In this study, we combined an old technology, a micro lens array, with
vision-based tactile sensors," Xia Chen, one of the researchers who carried out
the study, told TechXplore. "This work builds on the work using the pinhole
arrays to capture the image. We wanted to achieve a thin-format vision-based
tactile sensor, as few studies so far focused on changing the imaging system of
vison-based tactile sensor."
To create their sensor, which is 5 millimeters thin, Chen and his colleagues
placed multiple micro lenses over the full surface of an elastic layer. To
ensure that the surface of the lenses was uniformly spherical and smooth, they
used two techniques known as thermal reflow and soft lithography, which are
often used to reshape structures at a micro- and nano- scale.
"We capture the image in multiple vision units, like many insects do, and once
the touching events happens, we process the images to provide feedback, such as
force mapping," Chen explained. "The unique advantage of our sensor is that by
re-designing the imaging system, we achieved a thin-format size. Now the
thickness of sensor is around 5 millimeters, while this parameter for other
vision-based tactile sensors is at least 18 millimeters."
So far, Chen and his colleagues evaluated their sensor in a series of
preliminary tests, achieving very promising results. They found that their
device could capture clear tactile images with a high spatial resolution and
could also map displacements in surfaces and force distributions with high
levels of accuracy.
In the future, the thin, MLA-based sensor developed by this team of researchers
could be integrated into a variety of electronic and robotic systems, to enhance
their ability to detect the tactile properties of surrounding environments or
collect valuable tactile data. Meanwhile, Chen and his colleagues would like to
develop their sensor further, while also integrating it and testing it in
various real-world devices.
"By improving or re-creating the hardware of vision-based tactile sensors, we
believe that our sensor could assist many computer vision tools, such as object
recognition and tracking tools," the team of researchers told TechXplore. "We
believe there is more potential in multiple vision units, so we may build a
three-dimensional position based on this sensor in the future. In addition, we
would like to combine the sensor with a robotic arm to execute more tasks."
1.identify the areas
My boss told me to define areas of work.
2.described above
We were asked to read what is described above.
3.grouped into
We are grouped into one big group for scientific development
· #390
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:22)
1. We need to identify the areas of attack on us.
2. The cyber attack protection proposals described above are not relevant today.
3. We use new methods of protection against cyber attacks, which are grouped
into many subsystems.
Today I have read the article "Driving in old age". It may sound unpleasant for
someone, but as I have noticed, many countries are not up to pleasing elderly
people in driving right now. And car manufacturing companies are more focused on
improving driving conditions for the younger generation. And it is definitely
not in the near future that an automatic transmission will be available to an
ordinary person, and many old people do not go to retrain and get used to
automation. Although based on the experience of my friends, automation is very
· #389
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:22)
Prhases of Day
1. described above :
The Cracow physicists, funded by the Polish National Science Centre, decided to
solve the problem described above in the following way.
Краківські фізики, фінансовані Польським національним центром науки, вирішили
вирішити описану вище проблему таким чином.
2. identify the areas :
Everyone - from the local population to volunteers on the other side of the
world - was able to share information in order to map out the situation and
identify the areas that were hardest hit.
– від місцевого населення до волонтерів на іншому кінці світу – змогли
поділитися інформацією, щоб скласти карту ситуації та визначити райони, які
найбільше постраждали.
3. grouped into :
They did not know the rationales were grouped into the two categories.
Вони не знали, що обґрунтування були згруповані в дві категорії.
Today, a very interesting article was read by me. Scientists have developed a
certain algorithm using AI, which can prevent the spread of misinformation.
The team, led by Dr. Nikos Aletras, analyzed more than 6,000 different users and
their Twitter messages. Using this information, they try to see if people will
continue to use unreliable sources
In the study, scientists divided users into two groups, the first - uses only
official data and sources, the other unreliable resources. Using this
information, they taught AI to predict which user might continue to spread
inaccurate information.
All these studies are very important in our time, when with the help of
information it is possible to manipulate and use people for their own benefit.
· #388
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:21)
To students Avdeev,Acheev,Barsukova, Vergemis, Glugan,El-Kadi Zaharia, Ergul,,
Ermolenko,Krivosheenko, Kysnyak, Mikhailov, Monsun-Zade fro group RT-211.
It’s high time to join today’s on-line activities with exam topics and sentences
with the phrases of the Day with the links posted into the Guestbook. Pls do not
waste your time and work within the timeframe of your session.
Submit your tasks right now, pls.
· #387
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:19)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 Thanks for a detailed comment on the article.
· #386
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:17)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 You wrote exam topic 7 on 10.05, so today you must write review on the article. The work with phrases is done correctly. Keep working.
· #385
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:16)
Today i have read the article titled "3D-printed objects that sense how a user
is interacting with them". This article is about a new method to 3D print
mechanisms that detect how force is being applied to an object. To perform this,
the researchers integrated electrodes into structures made from metamaterials,
which are materials divided into a grid of repeating cells. Metamaterials can
support different mechanical functionalities. This invention is really useful.
Designers could use this method to 3D print "interactive input devices," like a
joystick, switch or handheld controller. It's will make their work easier.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) described above
The researchers tested out the idea on an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV) in a
scenario like the one described above.(Дослідникиперевірилиідеюнабезпілотномулітальномуапараті
2) identify the areas
Our study innovated by combining these two datasets in an approach that enabled
us to identify the areas that are theoretically most suitable. (Нашедослідженнябулоінноваційнимшляхомоб’єднанняцихдвохнаборівданихупідході,
3) By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly
grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT).(Використовуючиперевагитехнологіїблокчейн,
Vocaroo -
· #384
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:15)
To Kovalzhi Andrey rz-211 Well done, thank you.
· #383
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:14)
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:04)
Your review is rather good, very informative, but too long, mind that.
· #382
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:12)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
1) identify the areas
The Secretariat would seek to identify areas for cost-cutting.
2) described above
She met with mr Bob who recounted the events described above.
3)grouped into
These kinds of skills can be grouped into three categories.
· #381
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:12)
The article I have read today is "Shedding new light on supernova mystery". The
author of the article says that physicists have a new theory about the
mysterious mechanism that causes the explosion of massive, or heart, stars. The
main star collapses when it runs out of nuclear fuel, on which it depends, and
builds up in less than a second under its own enormous weight. This process
releases a huge amount of gravitational energy, causing an explosion. In my
opinion, the study of new processes in space is necessary for us time and quite
1) In developing brains, synapses can be grouped into functional synapses and
silent synapses.
мозку, що розвивається, синапси можна згрупувати у функціональні синапси та
безшумні синапси.
2) Novel method identifies areas most suitable for conservation of black lion
Новий метод визначає ділянки, найбільш придатні для збереження тамарину чорного
3)They attribute this divergence from the aggregated conclusions described above
to a significantly larger data set.
Вони пов’язують це розходження з агрегованими висновками, описаними вище, до
значно більшого набору даних.
· #380
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:10)
Different protection mechanisms.
Protection mechanisms are used to enforce layers of trust between security
levels of a system. These protection mechanisms are used to protect processes
and data and are discussed in the following sections:
Data Hiding
Most systems use a form of layering as a way to protect system resources. A
traditional kernel-based operating system, such as Unix, uses a two-layer
approach in which the system resources are managed in a protected kernel and
everything else runs in an outer layer known as the user's space.
Abstraction is a common term in the world of object-oriented design. It is when
data is managed as a collection called an object. Objects are usually defined as
classes that define the data and the methods that can be used to access the
object. Methods provide a predictable way to access the object's data, which
allows the entire data within the class to be managed as a unit that can enforce
access controls and integrity of the data.
Data Hiding
Sometimes access to data should not be provided—for example, data values within
an application module that are used for internal calculations. In this case, no
access methods are provided as an interface to this data. This is called data
hiding because the data is hidden and inaccessible from the other layers.
Cryptography is the science of creating algorithms used to encrypt data for the
storage or transmission of data. Encryption uses those algorithms to convert
data into an unintelligible form. In basic terms, encryption uses a secret key,
a private value, to perform a mathematical function on the data to make it
unusable by the casual observer.
identify the areas
The study also identified areas in the world with the greatest diversity in
landraces of these 25 crops, which included parts of Bangladesh, Ethiopia,
India, Nepal, and Pakistan.(Дослідженнятакожвизначилорайонисвітузнайбільшоюрізноманітністюмісцевихсортівцих
grouped into
Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster.(Згадуєтьсяякчастковасинхронізація,
describe above
In addition to the common Skype interview I describe above, some interesting
twists are now seen in the marketplace.(Надодатокдозвичайногоінтерв’юв
· #379
Kovalzhi Andrey rz-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:10)
Today i have read the article "Research shows how statistics can aid in the
fight against misinformation". This text is about a professor of mathematics
who, with his team, invented a way to find misinformation using statistical data
and remove "black boxes" from a machine learning system. With the use of
algorithms and computer models, machine learning is increasingly playing a role
in helping to stop the spread of misinformation, but a main challenge for
scientists is the black box of unknowability, where researchers don't understand
how the machine arrives at the same decision as human trainers.
In my opinion, this study is a great way to avoid new mistakes from machine
learning and destroy fakes.
Daily phrases:
1. grouped into
Participants of the experiment were grouped into 3 small groups.
2. identify the areas
New method identifies areas most suitable for conservation of tamarin.
3. described above
Scientists conducted multiple experimnets to prove the equation described above.
Ученые провели множественные эксперименты чтобы доказать уравнение описанное
· #378
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:09)
Mind your grammar mistakes at the beginning of your commentary on the article: “The article DEALS with THE…” Your sentences from Phrases of the Day Practice are done thoroughly. But your exam topics are too long, they should contain no more than 100 words. Pay attention to this and go on working. Good luck.
· #377
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:05)
Thank you for the preparation for your exam. Your essay is written correctly. Continue working like this.
· #376
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:04)
Today I have read the article “A model that can help inexperienced users
identify phishing emails”. Phishing attacks are attacks through which criminals
trick users into sending them money and sensitive information, or installing
malware on their computer, by sending them deceptive emails or messages.
Researchers have recently developed a machine learning-based approach that could
help users to identify phishing emails, so that they don't inadvertently install
malware or send sensitive data to cyber-criminals. The model introduced by the
researchers combines a variety of state-of-the-art phishing detection methods
into a single, concise "informational package." In contrast with other
previously proposed approaches, therefore, it presents users with probabilities,
instead of "hard truths," preventing errors that might result in the loss of
important messages. So, in my opinion, this model would be useful because there
will be less chance that user get a phishing email.
identify the areas
I expect with collective efforts, the outcome of this webinar will be utilised
to identify the areas of steel usage.
described above
Do the same accountability and control procedures described above apply to
Federal property?
grouped into
There are 12 towns grouped into four zones with three towns per zone.
· #375
Vorobyova E. to Chernetskiy from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:02)
Your exam topic is quite good. There are no mistakes in it. Thanks for your active work.
· #374
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:02)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022)
Thanks for your interesting, clear comment, it's good but mind the pronunciation
"read" 3rd form [red]
· #373
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 12 May 2022 09:01)
To Daniil Dragin (RZ-211) and Misha Donenko RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #372
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:58)
Phrases of the day:
-grouped into -згрупованів
Referred to as partial synchronization, it emerges such that systems can be
grouped into clusters such that synchrony is only observed in each cluster.(Згадуєтьсяякчастковасинхронізація,
audio recording:
- described above -
Emergency situations like the fire scenario described above are just one
audio recording:
-identify the areas - identify the areas
The results could help identify suitable areas for protection, according to the
audio recording:
audio recording:
The article is deal with generation and application of the high-Q resonance in
all-dielectric metasurfaces. Metamaterials are electromagnetic structures
of subwavelength units, which can control of the electromagnetic waves.
All-dielectric metasurfaces have attracted everyone's attention due to their
high efficiency and low loss. Metasurfaces based on traditional optical
materials can only support relatively low Q resonances. The concept of BIC
provides a new solution to overcome this problem and firstly appears in quantum
mechanics. It is reported that this study paves the way for new opportunities,
the development of high-quality photonic applications and innovations in optical
· #371
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 12 May 2022)
1. Today I have read the article 'AI predicts infant age, gender based on
It's hard to tell the difference between a newborn boy and girl based solely on
temperament characteristics such as the baby's propensity to display fear, smile
or laugh.
For this case, a new study in PLOS ONE used machine learning to analyze
temperament data on 4,438 babies in an attempt to classify the infants by gender
and age. The results indicate it is far easier for computer algorithms to
determine the age of a baby than it is for them to decipher a baby's gender
based off temperament data during the infant's first 48 weeks of life.
A very interesting, in my opinion, techonology, so I would definently love to
see it's getting a wide use.
4. 1) grouped into
The fact sheets are grouped into seven sections
2) described above
The acetic acid process described above is an example
3) identify the areas
This arrangement would facilitate indication of flow and could be used to
identify the areas in which sprinkler heads were in operation.
· #370
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:54)
To students from group RT-211 .
Welcome back to our activities.
Prepare one of the exam topics and phrases of the Day practice with appropriate
links to the source and voice record msgs links and post them into the Guestbook
without delay.
wish you all the best.
· #369
Lebedeva E (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:52)
To РЗ-211 The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments and work with phrases.
· #368
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:50)
1)Today I have read the article ''Next-generation solar cells reach 24%
efficiency''.This article is about a new development in solar panel
manufacturing. Scientists from the research team of Prof. Dr. Thomas Riedl from
the University of Wuppertal have developed a special solar cell with an
efficiency of 24%, this improvement should pay off in the near future. It is
also interesting that the improvement is made on the principle of replacing old
semiconductors with organic semiconductors, again we are convinced that the
tandem of the latest technologies and nature is the key to our future.
my opinion, the development of technologies in the field of renewable energy is
our way out of an energy catastrophe that can happen, because energy sources are
not endless and their number is decreasing faster and faster every year.
1)grouped into
The reasons for the increases can be grouped into two broad categories.
Причини підвищення можна згрупувати у дві великі категорії.
2)identify the areas
They also help identify areas for improvement.
Вони також допомагають визначити сфери для покращення.
3)described above
She met with X who recounted the events described above.
Вона зустрілася з X, який розповів про події, описані вище.
· #367
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 12 May 2022 08:29)
Today I’ve read the article “New discovery opens the way for brain-like
computers”. Research has long strived to develop computers to work as energy
efficiently as our brains. The discovery opens the way for more efficient
technologies, everything from mobile phones to self-driving cars. In recent
years, computers have been able to tackle advanced cognitive tasks, like
language and image recognition or displaying superhuman chess skills. According
to Johan Åkerman, the discovery will enable faster, easier to use and less
energy consuming technologies in many areas. More energy-efficient calculations
could lead to new functionality in mobile phones. The more energy-efficiently
that cognitive calculations can be performed, the more applications become
1.identify the areas
They can help identify the areas where human rights education and training are
most needed for the population at large.
Вони можуть допомогти визначити сфери, де освіта та навчання в галузі прав
людини найбільше потребують населення в цілому.
2.grouped into
Green growth and green economy-related indicators identified to date can
be grouped into three main categories.
Показники зеленого зростання та зеленої економіки, визначені на сьогодні, можна
згрупувати в три основні категорії.
3.described above
She met with X who recounted the events described above.
Вона зустрілася з X, який розповів про події, описані вище.
· #366
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 07:43)
To students Avdeev,Acheev,Barsukova, Vergemis, Glugan,El-Kadi Zaharia, Ergul,,
Ermolenko,Krivosheenko, Kysnyak, Mikhailov, Monsun-Zade fro group RT-211.
It’s high time to join today’s on-line activities with exam topics and sentences
with the phrases of the Day with the links posted into the Guestbook.
Pls do not waste your time and work within the timeframe of your session.
· #365
Yershova Y. to PЗ-211 (Thursday, 12 May 2022 07:29)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #364
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 12 May 2022 06:50)
To students from group RT-211 .
Welcome back to our activities.
Prepare one of the exam topics and phrases of the Day practice with appropriate
links to the source and voice record msgs links and post them into the Guestbook
without delay.
wish you all the best.
· #363
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 22:27)
Exam topic 8
Passwords and their drawbacks
The most basic form of user authentication, particularly on the Web, is the
password authentication protocol. This method of authentication forces you to
remember username/password combinations to access accounts or special sections
of a website. While effective and in some ways fundamentally a part of online
security, password authentication protocols fail when you don't address them
seriously. So the main disadvantage is that it can be simply guessed.
typically can't guess a password unless you know something about the user of
that password, and then only if the password represents something knowable about
that user.
Computer programs, however, can launch brute force attacks on password systems.
This means that a program literally reads through a provided dictionary of
terms, trying each word until the correct combination of characters breaks the
password. Typically, protecting yourself from these attacks requires you to
create complex passwords that include numbers, letters, and special symbols,
which can be hard to remember.
Also, don't forget about the danger for the password in public places.
First, someone physically near you may look over your shoulder and read your
password, or look at your keyboard and note your key strokes.
Second, someone connected to the network might try to intercept your password
information as you log in using network programs that monitor the local Wi-Fi
hot spot.
Your password is the last point of defense between you and criminals who'd like
to access your personal data.
Therefore, you should always follow the rules for creating and using a password
so that it has minimal drawbacks.
· #362
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 22:24)
Exam topic 1
Concept if "Privacy"
What does privacy mean?
Well, it depends on who you ask.
Broadly speaking, privacy is the right to be let alone, or freedom from
interference or intrusion. Information privacy is the right to have some control
over how your personal information is collected and used.
most people these days what they think of when it comes to privacy and you’re
likely to have a conversation about massive data breaches, wearable tech, social
networking, targeted advertising miscues.
With speed-of-light technological innovation, information privacy is becoming
more complex by the minute as more data is being collected and exchanged.
As the technology gets more sophisticated (indeed, invasive), so do the uses of
data. And that leaves organizations facing an incredibly complex risk matrix for
ensuring that personal information is protected.
a result, privacy has fast-emerged as perhaps the most significant consumer
protection issue—if not citizen protection issue—in the global information
Privacy of information is what cybersecurity specialists are currently working
There are many ways to protect privacy as it's one of the objects of information
protection in general. Information privacy and personal privacy are closely
related, so the protection of privacy is very important for the protection of
human rights.
· #361
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 22:21)
Exam topic 4
Information protection systems
More and more sectors of human activity are becoming so much imbued with these
new information technologies. But providing huge opportunities, information
technology, however, carry a greater risk and creating an entirely new,
little-studied area for possible threats, which implementation can lead to
unpredictable and even catastrophic consequences. An increasing number of
computer crimes that may lead ultimately to the decreasing of the economy.
Failure of information technology used in the management of nuclear power plants
or chemical plants can cause ecological disasters. And so it should be clear
that the information is a resource that must be protected.
Systems of information security are the same thing as the information protection
systems and they protect sensitive information from unauthorized activities,
including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or
The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such as customer
account details, financial data or intellectual property.
There are such types of systems like :
Personal data protection systems, data access control systems, intrusion
detection and prevention systems and many others.
They are all very important for cyber security.
· #360
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 22:18)
I'm going to write a few words about the article I have recently read. The
article is headlined 'Chinese developers expose data belonging to Android
gamers' .The Chinese developers of popular Android games have disclosed
information belonging to users through an unsecured server.The vpnMentor's
cybersecurity team revealed EskyFun as the owner of the server, which has made
public on the network.EskyFun is the developer of Android games.The team says
that EskyFun has introduced alarming tracking and permissions settings. The
database was more than needed for mobile games. The records included various
confidential information. For example, phone numbers, mobile device event logs,
email addresses, device information, etc .
my view, many cyberattacks have been caused by people not caring about their
· #359
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (HomeWork) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 15:10)
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls)
Firewalls are important because they have had a huge influence on modern
security techniques
and are still widely used. They first emerged in the early days of the internet,
when networks
needed new security methods that could handle increasing complexity. Firewalls
have since become
the foundation of network security in the client-server model – the central
architecture of modern
computing. Most devices use firewalls – or closely related tools – to inspect
traffic and mitigate
threats. In my opinion, not even programmers must use firewalls, everyone should
to learn how to update
his Internet privace.
· #358
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 12:24)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants !
Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #357
Chernetskiy Nikita.RZ-213. (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 11:00)
Privacy is a value so complex, so entangled in competing and contradictory
dimensions, so engorged with various and distinct meanings, that I sometimes
despair whether it can be usefully addressed at all. But as to capturing the
core concept of privacy itself, I find myself cautious and reserved. In this
brief Review Essay, I shall isolate and review three different and in some
respects incompatible concepts of privacy that are each mentioned in the
Prologue to The Unwanted Gaze. The first connects privacy to the creation of
knowledge; the second connects privacy to dignity; and the third connects
privacy to freedom. I shall argue that the first concept should not be
understood as a question of privacy; that the second is a helpful way of
apprehending privacy, but that it should focus our attention primarily upon
forms of social structure; and that the third is best conceived as an argument
for liberal limitations on government regulation.
Concept of "Privacy"
· #356
S.Mykhailiuk (Wednesday, 11 May 2022 09:41)
To group RT-211 Welcome back to our activities. Prepare one of the exam topics and phrases of the Day practice with appropriate links to the source and voice record msgs links and post them into the Guestbook without delay.
· #355
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 20:04)
To Neblienko V. / RZ-212 /
Thanks for your comment.
general it's good.
· #354
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 20:02)
To Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211
Thanks for your active work.
It's quite all right.
· #353
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 20:01)
To Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211
Thanks for your article review. I see you have understood the main idea and made
the right conclusion.
Keep on working.
· #352
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:59)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211
Thank you for the comments. They're clear and well done.
· #351
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:58)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211,
#320, 321
Exam topic #6 is well done.
abstract demonstrates that you have understood the main idea of the article and
expressed your understanding in a correct way.
· #350
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:56)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211
Exam topic #6 The new advancement of color Television is well done.
· #349
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:54)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211
The review you have sent was written correctly, it meets all the requirements
for such kind of independent student work.
· #348
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:52)
To Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
#314, 334
Exam Topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal) is well done.
Thank you for your participation in the discussion.
I appreciate your active work). Your comments are quite interesting.
am waiting for your new answers.
· #347
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:49)
To Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Thank you, your comment, audio are correctas well as the sentences with Phrases
· #346
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:46)
To Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Thank you for your comment on the article, audio recording.
Well done.
· #345
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:44)
To Badyuk Eduard RZ-212
The comment of the article is written correctly and corresponds to the standards
of independent student work of such kind.
· #344
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 19:43)
To Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work.
is nice that you do it regularly.
· #343
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:51)
To Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211. Task1 is 87 points. Task2 is very long (100-word story is a must). Pls do not quote. Try to make conclusion. And pls choose the article associated with your speciality. Just 63 points.
· #342
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:46)
To students from subgroups RF-211,РЗ-211
Yakubovska, Kulaksiz.
Fudulaki,Huzhnyak haven’t been participated in today’s session. Pls do your
tasks and post them into the Guestbook
· #341
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:40)
We live in the digital age: we study, improove, relax and work.
if we do this without using the Internet just on pc, then we are often protected
by antiviruses such as kaspersky or eset32
But what to do when surfing the internet? How to protect yourself from Internet
This is where the firewall comes to the rescue.
A firewall is designed to filter network traffic passing through it.
Formation of regulations for the order of access to services; Registration and
accounting of access attempts to the device from the outside and from internal
network objects; Interfering with obtaining information about a device or
network; Broadcasting false data about the protected network
· #340
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:23)
To Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 I got your audio recording. Please? don't hurry while reading the text!
· #339
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:01)
To Khotynskiy Oleg (РЗ- 212). Task1 is lengthy (100 words is a must). Pls stop selecting the topics on different speciality you have nothing to do with. There are also some grammar mistakes. Just 67 points. Task 2 is better.
· #338
Denis Zavadsky Lebedeva RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:45)
· #337
Gvozd to Anton Ardelyan RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:35)
The tasks are complete and informative. Try to post them in time.
· #336
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Popovych (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:30)
(Im sorry for being late)
Today i have read the article titled: "First use of microscopic sound waves to
study cell abnormalities". This article tells about A University of Nottingham
academic has won a prestigious five-year fellowship to explore the use of
harmless sound waves to view deep inside living cells to aid early diagnose in
diseases such as cancer.
Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow, Dr. Fernando Perez-Cota, from the Faculty
of Engineering, is building a unique imaging instrument that uses
sub-optical-wavelength sound (or phonons).
Phonons are typically used in the semiconductor and consumer electronics
industries, however their use in scientific imaging is something new.
my opinion, this research advances medicine to an unprecedented level!
First use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
Первое использование микроскопических звуковых волн для изучения клеточных
Focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
В первую очередь они сосредоточились на программе SolSmart, VEP, которая
побуждает местные органы власти внедрять передовой опыт для продвижения
солнечных установок.
for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
Эта технология является новой по ряду причин, одна из которых заключается в том,
что она может дать новое представление о факторах окружающей среды, которые
оказывают значительное влияние на уровни загрязнения воздуха.
· #335
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 11:28)
Today i have read the article "A deep learning technique to solve Rubik's cube
and other problems step-by-step" This article give us companation about an
associate professor at the University of Nottingham, developed a deep-learning
technique that could learn a so-called "fitness function" from a set of sample
solutions to a problem. It could be used to solve a Rubik's cube and other
problems step by step. In speaking with TechXplore, Johnson noted that the
Rubik's cube is a complex puzzle, but any of its huge number of combinations are
at most 20 steps from a solution.
1)It was his first use of a digital camera.
Це було перше використання цифрової камери
2)Facebook triumphed for a number of reasons.
Facebook був нагороджений через ряд причин
3)A change that many analysts, focused primarily on politics rather than
culture, are failing to notice.
Зміни, які не помічають багато аналітиків, зосереджених насамперед на політиці,
а не на культурі.
· #334
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:45)
Exam Topic #7 (Turning the DTV signal)
The transition to digital television, as well as the official digital switch, is
a process in which old analogue television broadcasting technologies are being
transformed into digital television and replaced by it. The transition may also
include the conversion of analog cable to digital cable or Internet-based
television, as well as from analog to digital satellite television. This process
was started by some countries around 2000. This is an interesting process
because existing viewer-owned analog TVs cannot receive digital broadcasting. So
they had to buy new equipment. The government usually helped them financially to
do so by a certain deadline.
· #333
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:29)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #332
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:28)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:18) The exam topic ' Different protection mechanisms.' is written correctly. But I don't see your audio file, so I can't accept this work.
· #331
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:22)
Various security techniques.
Your network faces threats of all shapes and sizes, and thus should be prepared
to defend, identify and respond to a full range of attacks.
But the reality is that the biggest danger to most companies are not
fly-by-night threat actors, but rather attackers that are well-funded and are
targeting specific organizations for specific reasons. For that reason, your
network security strategy needs to be able to address the various methods these
actors might employ.
Network security protects your network and data from breaches, intrusions, and
other threats.
Here are the network security basics to secure business networks.
Here are different network security tools and techniques designed to help you do
just that:
Access control
Access control allows you to increase your network security by limiting user
access and resources to only the parts of the network that directly apply to
individual users’ responsibilities.
Anti-malware software
Anti-malware tools are a kind of network security software designed to identify
dangerous programs and prevent them from spreading.
Anomaly detection
Network anomaly detection engines (ADE) allow you to analyze your network, so
that when breaches occur, you’ll be alerted to them quickly enough to be able to
for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
first use of
It also adhered to the principle of no first use of armed force.
Він також дотримувався принципу невикористання збройної сили вперше.
focused primarily on
Many reports focused primarily on practical measures implementing article 5.
Багато доповідей були зосереджені насамперед на практичних заходах щодо
виконання статті 5.
· #330
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:18)
Different protection mechanisms.
Protection mechanisms are used to enforce layers of trust between security
levels of a system.
These protection mechanisms are used to protect processes and data and are
discussed in the following sections:
Data Hiding
Most systems use a form of layering as a way to protect system resources. A
traditional kernel-based operating system, such as Unix, uses a two-layer
approach in which the system resources are managed in a protected kernel and
everything else runs in an outer layer known as the user's space.
Abstraction is a common term in the world of object-oriented design.
It is when data is managed as a collection called an object. Objects are usually
defined as classes that define the data and the methods that can be used to
access the object. Methods provide a predictable way to access the object's
data, which allows the entire data within the class to be managed as a unit that
can enforce access controls and integrity of the data.
Data Hiding
Sometimes access to data should not be provided—for example, data values within
an application module that are used for internal calculations.
In this case, no access methods are provided as an interface to this data. This
is called data hiding because the data is hidden and inaccessible from the other
Cryptography is the science of creating algorithms used to encrypt data for the
storage or transmission of data.
Encryption uses those algorithms to convert data into an unintelligible form. In
basic terms, encryption uses a secret key, a private value, to perform a
mathematical function on the data to make it unusable by the casual observer.
· #329
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:16)
Today I've read the article "In first, SpaceX launches recycled rocket and
spaceship (Update)". This article is about SpaceX has launched a rocket and a
cargo ship for the first time, a step forward in the company's goal of reducing
the cost of space travel. After the launch, the California-based company headed
by Internet tycoon Elon Musk landed its rocket booster upright on solid ground
at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The gleaming white Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9
rocket soared into the blue sky over Florida at 10:36 am. The Dragon capsule was
flown to the ISS in 2015. The mission is SpaceX's 13th of 20 under a $1.6
billion contract with NASA.
Voice -
Article -
1)first use of - It also adhered to the principle of no first use of armed
Он также придерживался принципа неприменения вооруженной силы первым.
2)for a number of reasons - These problems have developed for a number of
Эти проблемы возникли по ряду причин.
3)focused primarily on - It's a little bored but I focused primarily on content.
Это немного скучно, но я сосредоточился в первую очередь на содержании.
Voice -
· #328
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:13)
To Dima Kozhushko RZ-211 The topic is written correctly, but pay attention to the pronunciation of the words " technique, characters". Keep on working.
· #327
Dima Kozhushko RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022)
Password as a general technique of secrecy
Today we can install password everywhere. On your smartphone, on social network
page, on bank account. Password reliably protects your information, but only if
you made it hard and unusual. If your password is too easy, hackers will easily
guess it using special password recovery software.
Password must be long, with different numbers, with small and capital letters
and other characters, the harder the better.
Also you must have different passwords for different needs. if you follow these
rules, your information will be under protection and your information will not
be stolen by hackers and online thieves.
1)first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
2)for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors
Ця технологія є новою з ряду причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може
надати нове уявлення про фактори навколишнього середовища.
3)focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
Вони зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, яка заохочує місцеві органи
влади впроваджувати передовий досвід для просування сонячних установок.
· #326
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:06)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #325
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:06)
Today I've read the article "US tech titans look to ditch passwords". It's about
decision of a few big companies to replace standard passwords with a more secure
way to access accounts or devices. The main reason why they want to do this is
the fact that a lot of people make overly simple passwords or using the same one
to make it easier to manage many accounts, so it makes easier for hackers to
stole personal data.
example, people already can
unlock their mobile phones with fingerprint or face recognition.
Support for password-free log-ins will be introduced into Android and Chrome
software over the course of the coming year, said Google product manager.
1) first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
2) focused primarily on
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
На сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені в основному на жінках,
які вже мають дітей.
3) for a number of reasons
These cost disparities likely arise for a number of reasons, the study authors
Розбіжності у витратах, ймовірно, виникають із кількох причин, кажуть автори
· #324
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:05)
To Denis Zavadskik The topic "Principles of information protection" is written correctly, but there is no audio recording. Keep on working.
· #323
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:02)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 The topic is written correctly. Unfortunately there are some mispronounced words in your voice recording
· #322
Gvozd to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 10:02)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211
Botasniuk Ivan RZ-211
Thank you, all your tasks are well done.
appreciate them.
· #321
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:55)
Exam #6
It is generally recognized that the first radio transmission was made from a
temporary station set up by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 on the Isle of Wight. This
followed on from pioneering work in the field by a number of people. Radio
transmission of music and talk must have begun around 1905–1906, and
commercially around 1920–1923. VHF stations (very high frequencies) were
launched 30–35 years later. By the 1950s, virtually every country had a
broadcasting system, usually owned and operated by the government. A dramatic
change came in the 1960s with the advent of small, inexpensive, portable
transistor radios, which increased the possibilities of ownership and use. It's
very exciting to learn how radio went through its journey to its peak of
communication work
· #320
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:53)
Today I have read the article 'Combining AI and computational science for
better, faster, energy efficient predictions'.
article tells about the new technology "intelligent alloys", the main purpose of
which is combining the power of computational science with artificial
intelligence to develop models that complement simulations to predict the
evolution of science's most complex systems.
By using this technology, the researchers demonstrated that they can generate
predictions thousands to a million times faster than it would take to run the
simulations with full resolution or rely on partial or even faulty information
through models. I think this technology has a huge future that is coming right
1)expected value
Either the present value or a future expected value should be used.
Следует использовать либо нынешнее значение, либо будущие ожидаемые значения.
2)technology capability
At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will
continue unabated.
По крайней мере, возможности информационных технологий будут расти, не
ослабевая, с экспоненциальной скоростью.
3)work schedule
Consequently, the Court may wish not to overstretch its work schedule in the
field at any given time.
Соответственно, Суд, возможно, пожелает сделать более напряженным свой график
работы на местах в любой заданный период времени.
· #319
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:48)
Exam topic #6
The new advancement of color Television.
Attempts to transmit a color image began at the same time with the advent of
mechanical television.
The world's first color television broadcast was in July 3, 1928 in Glasgow, and
was carried out by one of the founders of mechanical television, John Baird.
A revolution in the development of color television happened after the end of
World War II. In May 1969, during the flight of Apollo 10, astronauts Tom
Stafford, John Young and Eugene Cernan used a special television camera in space
for the first time and for the first time conducted a color television broadcast
from space.
· #318
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:42)
Today I have read the article titled "If your phone, car or home alarm relies on
3G, you need to prepare for a shutdown". This article explains that mobile phone
companies' 5G networks bring more speed and innovation to consumers, but there
is at least one trade-off: to open up the air to 5G, companies shut down old
networks that many devices and services still use. It also describes how these
old 3G networks were hailed as a revolutionary achievement in bandwidth and
connectivity when they debuted in the United States in 2002. phones and many
other devices.
bear in mind
These are important considerations which we should always bear in mind.
Це важливі міркування, які ми завжди повинні мати на увазі.
examined in detail
We believe that all issues within the Working Group's mandate should be examined
in detail.
Ми вважаємо, що всі питання, що входять до мандата Робочої групи, мають бути
детально розглянуті.
expanded upon
The workshop topics are expanded upon in the discussion guide, which is to
supplement the present annotations.
Теми семінару розширені в посібнику для обговорення, який має доповнити наявні
· #317
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:42)
Hardware firewall
Hardware firewalls rely on hardware to perform packet filtering. The major
advantages of a hardware firewall are increased bandwidth and reduced latency.
Note that bandwidth is the number of packets a firewall can process per unit of
time, and latency is the amount of time require to process a packet. Hardware
firewalls can operate at faster bandwidths, which translates to more packets per
second (10 Gbps is easily achieved). In addition, hardware firewalls can operate
faster since processing is performed in dedicated hardware. The firewall
operates almost at wireline speeds; therefore, very little delay is added to
accepted packets. This is important since more applications, such as multimedia,
need QoS for their operation. The disadvantage is that upgrading the firewall
may require replacement of hardware, which can be more expensive.
Vocaroo -
1) first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities.(Перше
використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для вивчення аномалій клітин.)
2) focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.(Вони
зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, VEP, яка заохочує місцеві органи
влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних установок.)
3) for a number of reasons
"MDS is more efficient than traditional separation techniques for a number of
reasons".(«MDS є більш ефективним, ніж традиційні методи поділу з ряду причин».)
Vocaroo -
· #316
Botasniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:42)
Exam topic #13. Authentication mechanisms
Authentication mechanisms are modules that authenticate the user with a specific
challenge or authentication technology, such as user name and password and
one-time password. There are five most popular authentication mechanisms:
1)Passwords. A password is a shared secret known by the user and presented to
the server to authenticate the user.
2)Hard Tokens. These are small hardware devices that the owner carries to
authorize access to a network service. The device may be in the form of a smart
card, or it may be embedded in an easily-carried object such as a key fob or USB
3)Soft tokens. These software-based security token applications typically run on
a smartphone and generate an OTP for signing on.
4)Biometric Authentication. Biometric authentication methods include retina,
iris, fingerprint and finger vein scans, facial and voice recognition, and hand
or even earlobe geometry.
5)Device Identification. A specific noteworthy example of contextual
authentication is for the authentication server to be able to recognize a
particular device over repeated interactions.
Today I have read the article “Framework to describe individual machine-learning
model decisions”. Modern machine-learning models are so complex that even the
researchers who design them can't fully understand how they make predictions.
So, researchers created a mathematical framework to formally quantify and
evaluate the understandability of explanations for machine-learning models. This
can help pinpoint insights about model behavior that might be missed if the
researcher is only evaluating a handful of individual explanations to try to
understand the entire model. In my opinion, this will help researchers work with
artificial intelligence easier and more productively.
focused primarily on
Operations management is focused primarily on the application of technology in
manufacturing. (Операційний менеджмент орієнтований насамперед на застосування
технологій у виробництві.)
first use of
The first use of paper was in China in the 2nd Century BC, and it wasn't widely
used by Europeans until centuries later. (Перше використання паперу було в Китаї
у 2 столітті до нашої ери, а європейці широко почали використовувати його лише
кілька століть по тому.)
for a number of reasons
These problems have developed for a number of reasons. (Ці проблеми виникли з
ряду причин.)
· #315
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:42)
Today I have read the article 'US tech titans look to ditch passwords'.
Present tech and IT titans, such as Apple, Google and Microsoft, are currently
working for a way to get rid of passwords and replace them with a more secure
way to access accounts or devices. Reliance on passwords alone is decried as a
major security flaw on the internet, with people keeping them overly simple or
using the same one repeatedly to make it easier to manage many accounts. Because
of this, eliminating passwords was billed as more secure than two-factor
authentication that involves getting one-time passcodes texted or emailed as
secondary confirmation when logging into sites or services.
I think this is a very good and right decision, as the old-fashioned way of
security becoming less and less effective nowadays.
4. 1) focused primarily on
Government health experts also focused primarily on partner reduction
2) first use of
The first use of harebrained dates to 1548
3) for a number of reasons
The explanation of the difference is important for a number of reasons.
Exam topic #4: Information protection systems
Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized
activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or
destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such
as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property.
Organizations must allocate funds for security and ensure that they are ready to
detect, respond to, and proactively prevent, attacks such as phishing, malware,
viruses, malicious insiders, and ransomware.
· #314
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:40)
Today I've read the article 'Developing a better ionic skin'. Artificial leather
has recently been created from biocompatible hydrogels. Hydrogel sensors contain
salts with positive and negative ions of different sizes and when pressure is
applied to the sensor, the ions begin to move at different speeds and this
creates an electrical signal. As a result, this skin responds to the stimulus
almost as well as ours. Hydrogels also have elasticity and softness of genuine
leather. I think this is a very important development because using it in the
manufacture of prostheses will make them more comfortable to wear.
1) first use of
The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
На цьому альбомі гурт вперше застосував гітарні синтезатори.
2) focused primarily on
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
Оцінка була зосереджена насамперед на питаннях актуальності та ефективності, а
також розглядалися питання ефективності та сталості.
3) for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
· #313
Denis Zavadskik Lebedeva RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:40)
Principles of information protection.
Information in our time is more expensive than any resources, since it can lead
to them, which is why there is a huge demand for information on any occasion.
Where there is demand, there are thieves, and therefore information must be
protected. You can protect it with a fairly large variation of methods, the main
one being encryption. It also has a lot of possibilities of application and
reproduction methods, because it was created back in very ancient times, for
example, the texts of the authors were written looking in the mirror, and
perhaps on an inverted notebook, so that it was impossible to just take and read
the contents. Now there are more modern ways to classify information in this
· #312
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:40)
Exam topic #8 "Passwords and their drawbacks."
Password is the main method of protecting the account, but it has disadvantages.
I'll tell you about some of them.
To try and make passwords more secure, consumers are asked to make them more
complex, by using numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and special
characters. This makes them hard to remember. And if people can’t remember them,
they write them down or use the same password on multiple websites…which makes
them less secure.
Passwords can be shared, guessed or stolen, which means they aren’t secure. Over
50% of young people admit that they share their log-in details with friends, and
59% of respondents admitted to reusing the same passwords across multiple sites.
1)first use of
Many legends have been documented surrounding the first use of coffee.
Існує багато легенд навколо першого використання кави.
2)for a number of reasons
The player could not fully Express themselves in the German League for a number
of reasons.
Футболіст не зміг повноцінно проявити себе в німецькому чемпіонаті з ряду
3)focused primarily on
Its platform was focused primarily on copyright reform and freedom from Internet
Його платформа була орієнтована в першу чергу на реформи авторського права і
свободу від цензури в Інтернеті.
· #311
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:30)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211, Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211), Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211, Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 , Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211), Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 ) Thank you for your comments and exam topics. In general, they are good.
· #310
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:29)
Today I've read an article called 'NASA shows upper-level westerly winds
affecting Tropical Storm Fred'.The article is about changes in weather. Much
attention is given to the effect of upper-level winds on a tropical storm.
NASA's aqua satellite imagery showed the highest thunderstorms southeast of the
storm's center. AIRS data also showed some of the highest, coldest, strongest
thunderstorms with the temperature of the top of the clouds over storm Fred.
Then this cyclone is encountering strong upper-level winds, so weakening is
In my opinion this information is useful because it is especially difficult to
predict weather changes. And everyone wants to know what the weather will be
like tomorrow.
Exam topic #20 ( Principles of information protection)
The three core principles of information security are called the CIA triad. Data
protection risks are calculated based on likelihood and impacts on each of these
three core IT security principles.
The main components of data security are:
The purpose of Confidentiality is to protect the data from unauthorised access.
It is possible by implementing access restrictions to allow access to authorised
entities only.
Integrity means preserving the accuracy and completeness of data. This element
ensures that data has not been tampered with and can be trusted. Data security
is sometimes confused with data integrity. It deals with the protection of data,
whereas data integrity deals with trustworthiness.
This refers to the availability of data when authorized users require this data.
Devices, systems, applications, data are of little value to any organization if
their customers can’t access it when they need it. Denial of Service attacks
prevention is an example of ensuring data availability.
1) for a number of reasons
Funds are often available but not accessible for a number of reasons
2)first use of
It also adhered to the principle of no first use of armed force
3)focused primarily on
It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content
· #309
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:28)
Today l have read the article titled «Viewpoint -- Give Yourself Some "Wiggle
Room" to Drive Innovation and Change».Text tells us about the nessesary for
people to change and improve themselves (talking about improvements in
technology),but at the same time people are not ready to make changes in their
lives. The article explains to us away out of this situation,the so-called
golden mean, in which we will have practically no risks and we will be able to
observe the success and progress in technology. In my opinion, this article
helps us to correctly assess risks and motivates us to innovate and progress.
1.for a number of reasons
I chose it for a number of reasons, Stephen.
Я вибрав його з кількох причин, Стівене.
2.first use of
This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the
first use of the drug.
Цю проблему вирішує старанна повторна обробка голови через тиждень після першого
застосування препарату.
3.focused primarily on
It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content.
Це трохи бурштиновий, але я зосередився насамперед на змісті.
· #308
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:26)
isolated virtual machine
Nowadays, there are many sites and blogs that detail everything about virtual
machines, and some of them have even been tested, and clearly described how to
configure them. A virtual machine is a separate virtual machine on which you can
install operating systems, programs, drivers, and more. We have already learned
about some ways to use a virtual machine from its definition. Thanks to a
virtual machine on your real computer, you can run several more virtual
computers with the same or a different operating system. At the same time, you
can easily exchange data between your real and virtual computer. We also note
that the virtual machine is primarily a platform for testing programs. Among
which, as you know, can be harmful. Another virtual machine is used by hackers
to test their own and other people's Trojans, rat programs and other miracle
At the same time, virtual machines are used for various purposes and tasks:
- Common installation on the computer of several operating systems;
- Software testing;
- Safe launch of suspicious programs;
- Emulation of a computer network;
- Launch applications that cannot be run from your operating system.
1.for a number of reasons
I chose it for a number of reasons, Stephen.
Я вибрав його з кількох причин, Стівене.
2.first use of
This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after
the first use of the drug.
Цю проблему вирішує старанна повторна обробка голови через тиждень після першого
застосування препарату.
3.focused primarily on
It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content.
Це трохи бурштиновий, але я зосередився насамперед на змісті.
· #307
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:23)
Today i have read the article titled "What the metaverse is and how it will
work". This article is about a "virtual environment". Think of it as the
internet brought to life, or at least rendered in 3D. Essentially, it's a world
of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work and
play, using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps
or other devices. This is really valuable invention, it's the next evolution of
connectivity where all of those things start to come together in a seamless,
doppelganger universe.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities.(Перше
використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для вивчення аномалій клітин.)
2) focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.(Вони
зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, VEP, яка заохочує місцеві органи
влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних установок.)
3) for a number of reasons
"MDS is more efficient than traditional separation techniques for a number of
reasons".(«MDS є більш ефективним, ніж традиційні методи поділу з ряду причин».)
Vocaroo -
· #306
Gvozd to Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:20)
Thank you, your task is not bad, keep on working.
· #305
Kuleshov Konstantin(RZ-211)(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:18)
Principles of information protection№20
Information security (sometimes referred to as InfoSec) covers the tools and
processes that organizations use to protect information. This includes policy
settings that prevent unauthorized people from accessing business or personal
information. InfoSec is a growing and evolving field that covers a wide range of
fields, from network and infrastructure security to testing and
auditing.Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized
activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or
3 Principles of Information Security:
An Information Security Policy (ISP) is a set of rules that guide individuals
when using IT assets. Companies can create information security policies to
ensure that employees and other users follow security protocols and procedures.
Security policies are intended to ensure that only authorized users can access
sensitive systems and information.
1.The "Alpha" version was an experiment that focused primarily on the
French-speaking blogosphere.
2.These problems have developed for a number of reasons.
3.It also adhered to the principle of no first use of armed force
· #304
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:17)
Today I have read the article "Newly discovered lake may hold secret to
Antarctic ice sheet's rise and fall".This article is about the new open lake
Snow Eagle,lies a few hundred miles inland, under the same ice sheet. Scientists
investigating the underside of the world's largest ice sheet in East Antarctica
have discovered a city-size lake whose sediments might contain a history of the
ice sheet . This lake is likely to have a record of the entire history of the
East Antarctic Ice Sheet, its initiation over 34 million years ago, as well as
its growth and evolution across glacial cycles since then.
In my opinion , this article is very interesting for everyone , especially for
people who love new information and new technologies . I think this will become
very useful soon .
for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
first use of
It also adhered to the principle of no first use of armed force.
Він також дотримувався принципу невикористання збройної сили вперше.
focused primarily on
Many reports focused primarily on practical measures implementing article 5.
Багато доповідей були зосереджені насамперед на практичних заходах щодо
виконання статті 5.
· #303
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:16)
Today i have read the article: "The biggest data breaches, hacks of 2021"
From the article we learn about the problem of data leakage in our time.
Nowadays, most people neglect their online security, which is why they often
suffer from malware.
In 2021, a type of ransomware spread, due to which a lot of people lost their
data. And also many popular sites were hacked and leaked user data.
In my opinion, such hacks most often occur due to the weak protection that users
choose, or because of its absence.
first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
Перше використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для вивчення аномалій клітин
focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation
Вони зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, VEP, яка заохочує місцеві
органи влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних установок.
for a number of reasons.
The technology is novel for a number of reasons
Технологія нова з кількох причин
Exam topic #14 ("Authority check”)
Nowadays authority check is everywhere. Sites use this way of protection to
avoid situations when someone is pretending someone else. There are a lot of way
to identify the person and save the data. The most common are password,
fingerprint, face id or even personal documents. By protecting your authority a
hundred of villains cant hack you, steal important information, change something
on your profile etc. This is very important and effective way to protect
everything and its even impossible to avoid it in routine life.
· #302
Roman Gavrilenko RZ-211 (Vorobyova) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:15)
1)"The vaccine is not spreading as quickly as any of us expected, and new
international travel restrictions requiring customers to test negative for
Covid-19 have reduced demand."
Said in a letter from CEO Doug Parker and President Robert Isom
American no longer expects to reach full capacity this summer, they said.
The Americans laid off 19,000 workers in October after the expiration of the
previous round of federal support, but brought back the workers.
In a letter to employees, the airline said the airline expects to fly at least
45% less in the first quarter, extending the industry's downturn as travel
recovery expectations are delayed due to the slow rollout of coronavirus
Due to the coronavirus, flights have been reduced so as not to spread the virus
to other countries and the planet itself. In order to avoid this, the management
of the airport issued a decree that at least 45% of flights would operate. They
will also maintain the stability of the reception of passengers, when the
vaccine is released, they will resume all flights.
4) first quarter
In the first quarter of 2020, the Ministry of Education and Science issued a
decree to close all enterprises for quarantine.
During this period, any worker must stay at home.
early retirement
In some countries, older people were forced into early retirement.
· #301
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 09:05)
Today I read the article “Researchers now able to predict battery lifetimes with
machine learning”. This article is about a new method of predicting battery
lifetime. Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National
Laboratory have turned to the power of machine learning to predict the lifetimes
of a wide range of different battery chemistries. By using experimental data
gathered at Argonne from a set of 300 batteries representing six different
battery chemistries, the scientists can accurately determine just how long
different batteries will continue to cycle. In my opinion, that’s a piece of
great news, because now developers of batteries for different sorts of items can
increase or decrease the lifetime of their product and reduce the price tags of
focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation. (Вони
зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, програмі VEP, яка заохочує місцеві
органи влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних установок.)
for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.(Ця технологія є новою з ряду
причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може дати нове уявлення про фактори
навколишнього середовища, які мають значний вплив на рівень забруднення
first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.(Дослідники
задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.)
· #300
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:58)
To Chmel Maksim RF-211 Task1 is lengthy. Just 74 points and Task2 has to be done according to the pattern : a phrase itself with the translation and then a sentence either the phrase usage. Just 74 points.
· #299
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022)
Exam topic #5
Information protection is a set of methods and means that ensure the integrity,
confidentiality and accessibility of information under the influence of threats
of a natural or artificial nature.
The basics of information protection include:
Technical protection - provides restriction of access to the message carrier by
hardware and technical means.
Engineering protection - prevents the destruction of the media due to
intentional actions or natural influences by engineering and technical means.
Cryptographic protection - prevents access by mathematical transformations of
the message.
Organizational protection - prevention of access to the object of information
activities of third parties through organizational measures.
1) Canada has focused primarily on increasing the bandwidth of an optical
quantum memory.
Канада зосередилася в основному на збільшенні пропускної здатності оптичної
квантової пам'яті.
2) Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
3) It could be used for a number of analysis, criminal investigations or
employment screening.
Його можна використовувати для ряду аналізів, кримінальних розслідувань або
перевірки зайнятості.
· #298
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Popovych.E) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:53)
Today I have read the article "Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record
levels again". At the moment, the world's oceans are hotter than ever and have
been breaking temperature records for the 6th year in a row. Kevin Trenbert, an
eminent scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado,
said that the world's oceans are getting warmer every year, which is the main
indicator of anthropogenic climate change.
The researchers also found that in 2020, the top 2,000 meters of all oceans
absorbed 145 times more energy than humanity produced in 2020. Simply put, every
year the carelessness of man and his indifference towards nature, due to its
benefits, worsens the state of the world around us more and more, and the first
and most noticeable doom bringer is the ocean.
I believe that humanity needs to start taking some significant measures as soon
as possible in order to start correcting the situation, because at such a pace,
global warming, which we hear about more and more every year, will come much
faster than we think and then humanity will feel the full wrath of nature.
1) focused primarily on
Clearance was focused primarily on Battle Area Clearance.
Очистка була зосереджена насамперед на очищенні зони бою.
2) first use of
This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the
first use of the drug.
Цю проблему вирішує старанна повторна обробка голови через тиждень після першого
застосування препарату.
3) for a number of reasons
Funds are often available but not accessible for a number of reasons.
Кошти часто доступні, але недоступні з ряду причин.
· #297
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:52)
Essentials of Information Protection №16
Information protection is a set of methods and means that ensure the integrity,
confidentiality and accessibility of information under the influence of threats
of natural or artificial nature, the implementation of which may harm the owners
and users of information. Information protection is conducted to maintain such
properties of information as:
Types of information protection:
Technical - provides restriction of access to the message carrier by hardware
and technical means:
-prevention of leakage through technical channels;
-blocking prevention;
Engineering - prevents the destruction of the media due to intentional actions
or natural influences by engineering and technical means.
Cryptographic - prevents access by means of mathematical transformations of the
message (SP):
prevention of unauthorized modification;
emergency warning disclosure.
Organizational - prevention of access to the object of information activities of
third parties through organizational measures
1)first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці
2)for a number of reasons
People in many industries treat 3d printing as a key topic of interest both in
techniques and printing materials for a number of reasons
Люди в багатьох галузях розглядають 3D-друк як ключову тему, яка цікавить як
техніки, так і друкарських матеріалів з ряду причин.
3)focused primarily on
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
На сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені переважно на жінках,
які вже мають дітей.
· #296
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:50)
To RZ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases of the day.
· #295
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:49)
I'm sorry, the last message was addressed to S. Mykhailuk
· #294
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:48)
Today I have read the article "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring
problems of its own". As we know, in recent years, more and more people have
begun to protest against the use and production of ordinary cars that can only
be driven by using gasoline. Many environmental activists are urging people to
switch to electric vehicles, but few people know that the mass use of electric
vehicles can also lead to problems.
First, the cells used in the production of batteries are finite and their number
is limited. Also, the appearance of electric vehicles will not be able to solve
the problem of sedentary population, and with an increase in the number of
electric vehicles on the roads, traffic jams will become even more frequent and
As for me, the main advantage of electric vehicles - the rejection of the use of
internal combustion engines will cover all these minor disadvantages.
1) first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
Перше використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для вивчення аномалій клітин
2) focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
Вони зосередилися насамперед на програмі SolSmart, VEP, яка заохочує місцеві
органи влади впроваджувати найкращі практики для просування сонячних установок.
3) for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
Ця технологія є новою з ряду причин, одна з яких полягає в тому, що вона може
дати нове уявлення про фактори навколишнього середовища, які мають значний вплив
на рівень забруднення повітря.
· #293
Gvozd O.V. to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:41)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #292
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:35)
Today I’ve read the article “Study finds local voluntary programs are effective
in promoting green energy'”.
This article is about the introduction of new programmes by the State that
encourage the voluntary use of solar panels .
The purpose of this article is to tell about the new program of encouragement
for the use of solar panels by citizens.
Programs encouraging voluntary solar energy use at the local level are effective
in spurring the adoption of solar power, a Florida State University researcher
has found.
I believe that this article will be useful for overall development and for those
who live in the country where these programs are created.
1.first use of
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
2.for a number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
3.focused primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
· #291
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:28)
To Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) and Maksim Teliga (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #290
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:26)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211, Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211), Gridnev Dmytro RF-211, Your exam topics are quite good as well as the work with phrases.
· #289
Chmel Maksim RF-211( S. Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:25)
Today I have read an article about OC.
The operating system provides interaction between the user, programs, and
computer hardware.
The operating system communicates with the hardware using device drivers. A
driver is a piece of software, usually written by a hardware manufacturer, that
allows the operating system to communicate with the device.
For the user, the OS provides a user interface. In DOS, the entire interface was
on the command line. In Windows, the concept of an interface is much broader -
it includes a graphical shell, and standard dialogs, for example, open or save a
file, and a number of other things that are sometimes not quite obvious to the
For programs, the OS provides user interface elements. In addition, if we are
talking about a multitasking system, then its competence includes the
distribution of computer resources between programs. In this case, resources
should be understood primarily as processor time - the OS must ensure that none
of the programs monopolizes all resources and does not conflict with other
running applications.
Also in charge of any operating system is the maintenance of the file system. By
the way, in the days of DOS, this was its main task, which was reflected in the
In addition, the OS includes various auxiliary programs for setting up and
maintaining a PC - system utilities. In particular, these are programs for
fixing disk errors.
1)The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
На цьому альбомі гурт вперше застосував гітарні синтезатори.
2)The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цієї доповіді була складним завданням з низки причин.
3)The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
У ході оцінки основна увага приділялася питанням актуальності та ефективності, а
також дієвості та стійкості.
· #288
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:23)
Exam topic #15 (What is the difference between CLI ands GUI?)
The notable difference is that GUI users depend on graphical elements such as
icons, menus, and windows to interact with the operating system. CLI relies more
on text inputs to perform the operating system functions. GUI stands out being a
user-friendly option, while CLI is more powerful and advanced.
The main difference between the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the Command
Line Interface (CLI) is visualization. Visualization is the use of images,
animations, or diagrams, to aid interaction between systems or represent
information. With the CLI, you are only able to interact with the computer
through text-based commands. But with the GUI, almost all visuals are clickable
and easy to interact with.
Phrases of the day:
1) To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
1) На сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені переважно на жінках,
які вже мають дітей.
2) There are a number of other technical reasons why shortwave radio can be very
useful in crisis situations.
2) Існує ряд інших технічних причин, чому короткохвильове радіо може бути дуже
корисним у кризових ситуаціях.
3) It is believed to be the first use of ion implantation to improve the
performance of an intercalation pseudocapacitor.
3) Вважається, що це перше використання іонної імплантації для покращення
продуктивності інтеркаляційного псевдоконденсатора.
· #287
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) (Lebedeva.E) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:22)
Trusted operating system
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.
The most common set of criteria for trusted operating system design is the
Common Criteria combined with the Security Functional Requirements (SFRs) for
Labeled Security Protection Profile (LSPP) and mandatory access control (MAC).
The Common Criteria is the result of a multi-year effort by the governments of
the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands and other
countries[1] to develop a harmonized security criteria for IT products.
Phrases of the day:
1) for a number of reasons
But there are a number of reasons why someone would need a "high-tech" car.
Але є ряд причин, чому комусь знадобиться «високотехнологічний» автомобіль.
2) first use of
The first use of electric lamps was in the 19th century
Вперше електричні лампи почали використовувати в 19 столітті
3) focused primarily on
Development focused "primarily on creating the overall system design."
Розробка була зосереджена «в першу чергу на створенні загального дизайну
· #286
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:16)
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work. It is nice that you
do it regularly.
· #285
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:14)
Today i have read the article "Plant-based, probiotics and vitamins: What new
diets mean for farmed fish health". This article is about how fish change
depending on their nutrition. People consume a lot of fish therefore their
reproduction is very important. scientists even tried to make some of the
predatory species vegetarian, but according to them, how to do this remains a
mystery. they experimented with creating foods that had vitamins or bacteria
that would increase the size of the fish and it really worked. some food even
changed their stomach
As for me, the article is really interesting, because i got a lot of new
imformation. And now i even want to know much more about it.
1) for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин
2) first use of
The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
Цей альбом став першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів
3) focused primarily on
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
Оцінка була зосереджена насамперед на питаннях актуальності та ефективності, а
також розглядалися питання ефективності та сталості.
· #284
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:13)
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
Exam topic #12 (Hardware firewall) is well done.
· #283
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:12)
Quality and Reliability of Software
Software quality is divided into functional and structural quality. Software
functional quality reflects how well it complies with or conforms to a given
design, based on functional requirements or specifications. Software structural
quality refers to how it meets non-functional requirements that support the
delivery of the functional requirements. Software reliability is defined as the
probability that a software system fulfills its assigned task in a given
environment, assuming that the hardware and the input are free of error. It’s an
essential connection of software quality, composed with functionality,
usability, performance, serviceability, capability, installability,
maintainability, and documentation. Software Quality and Reliability is hard to
achieve because the complexity of software turns out to be high. System
developers tend to push complexity into the software layer, with the speedy
growth of system size and ease of doing so by upgrading the software.
I think quality and reliability are two important things that should be always
discussed on the development stage of software.
Phrases of the day:
1. focused primarily on - зосереджена насамперед на
ENG: The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness
and also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
UKR: Оцінка була зосереджена насамперед на питаннях актуальності та
ефективності, а також розглядалися питання ефективності та сталості.
2. first use of - перше використання
ENG: The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
UKR: Альбом став першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів.
3. for a number of reasons - з ряду причин
ENG: The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
UKR: Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
· #282
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:12)
To Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211, Task1 is very good. Task2 is too long. Pls make it shorter and post again to ge a mark. Do exam topic pls. Read my initial msg addressed to all students.
· #281
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:11)
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #280
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:11)
Exam topic #12 (Hardware firewall)
Firewalls are special security computer programs that constantly scan, receive,
and send data to the Internet. Figuratively speaking, these are virtual walls
that protect your computer from the dangers of the Internet: viruses, rootkits,
spyware, and so on. However, it is worth noting that a firewall is not the only
or most reliable source of protection for your computer. Typically, for maximum
security, a firewall always works with antivirus and antispyware software.
In most cases, the firewall is installed directly on the work machine (PC), but
sometimes, as in the case of different offices, where there are many computers,
the firewall is placed as a physical device
· #279
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:08)
Today I have read the article " Higher levels of organic pollutants found in
homes located near natural gas wells, study finds". This article states that a
study by the University of Toronto found that those who live near natural gas
wells are exposed to higher levels of certain organic pollutants in their homes.
The study looked at the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air
and drinking water in the homes of pregnant women living in northeastern British
Columbia. I find this article useful because there is very little research on
indoor air quality in regions with a lot of unconventional use of natural gas.
1.focused primarily on
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children
На сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені в основному на жінках,
які вже мають дітей.
2. first use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
Дослідники задокументували перше використання кукурудзи в Мезоамериці.
3.for a number of reasons
There are a number of other technical reasons why shortwave radio can be very
useful in crisis situations.
Існує ряд інших технічних причин, за якими короткохвильове радіо може бути дуже
корисним у кризових ситуаціях.
· #278
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:07)
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) Task1 :one item has been wrongly done. Pls translate the
phrases themselves. Avoid using political issues.Just 60 points.
Task2 is lengthy. Pls indicate the exam topic number. Just 70 points . Be
careful and attentive.
· #277
Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211, S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:07)
1)Phrases of the day:
1) first use of – перше використання
The first use of corn may have been for an early form of liquor. - Перше
використання кукурудзи, можливо, було для ранньої форми лікеру.
2) focused primarily on – зосереджений насамперед на
Popular TV shows have focused primarily on the middle class. - Популярні телешоу
орієнтовані в першу чергу на середній клас.
3) for a number of reasons – з ряду причин
This is more effective than traditional separation methods for a number of
reasons. - Це ефективніше традиційних методів поділу з ряду причин.
Today i have read the article:Study finds local voluntary programs are effective
in promoting green energy. Programs encouraging voluntary solar energy use at
the local level are effective in spurring the adoption of solar power, a Florida
State University researcher has found.
Tian Tang, an assistant professor in the Askew School of Public Administration
and Policy, studied the effectiveness of voluntary environmental programs (VEPs)
that encourage local governments to promote solar-friendly practices.
"We found that these VEPs are really effective in promoting these local
sustainability actions," Tang said. "This helps show that solar adoption is
heavily influenced by the local regulatory and policy environment."
Doctoral students Hunter Hill and Morgan Higman worked with Tang on the study,
published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. They focused
primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local governments to
adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
SolSmart's incentives include national recognition and no-cost assistance to
help local governments develop and adopt solar-friendly best practices and
achieve gold, silver and bronze designations.
"The recognition as a 'SolSmart Community' is effective, and a lot of local
governments and communities like this image and being able to brand themselves
this way," Tang said. "It's a marketing tool to say, 'Our community is
sustainable' and another way to attract people and businesses into these
Tang said those incentives are working, as the study showed local government
participation in SolSmart is associated with an increased solar installed
capacity of 18% to 19% per month.
The voluntary aspect of VEPs factors strongly in their success, Tang said.
"The mandatory approach to clean energy and environmental issues may not be
welcome in a lot of places and may not be passed in a lot of places," she said.
"That's why providing a voluntary program that local governments can opt in
according to their needs makes sense."
Tang added: "Flexibility for the implementation is another key factor and allows
basic actions which help local governments and communities to start small with
basic things, to pursue them and then to pursue a higher designation."
As for me, it is more efficient to use energy on fuel, since it gives more
energy, but at the same time it pollutes the atmosphere, which makes it less
safe, and the solar panel does not have such a problem, because it remains the
best choice.
· #276
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:07)
What is the diffence between CLI and GUI?
The operating system enables the interaction between the user and the device. It
does this by providing two user interfaces: a command-line interface (CLI) and a
graphical user interface (GUI).
A graphical user interface (GUI) is a visual representation of communication
that makes it easy for users to interact with electronic devices. GUI combines
many graphical representations, including graphic icons such as menus, cursors,
tabs, mouse, windows, and scroll bars.
Command-line interface (CLI) is a command-line program that relies on text
inputs to perform operating system functions. CLI was the standard way of
interacting with computing devices in the early days of computing. But this has
changed since the invention of GUI, which is seen as a more user-friendly
This article has successfully explained how GUI differs from CLI.
1. first use of - перше використання
First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities - Перше
використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для вивчення аномалій клітин.
2. focused primarily on - зосереджено насамперед на
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program - Вони зосередилися насамперед на
програмі SolSmart.
3. for a number of reasons - з ряду причин
The technology is novel for a number of reasons - Ця технологія є новою з ряду
· #275
Gridnev Dmytro RF-211(Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:04)
Exam topic:The evolution of the Operating System
When we say Operating System, we think about MacOS, Windows, Linux etc. Early
generations of Operating System didn’t look like that. There are four
generations of Operating System.
The first generation (1940s – 1950s)
1940 is the year when the first electronic computer was developed. This computer
was created without any operating system. In that time, program was written for
each task in absolute machine language. It was used for solving only simple
mathematical calculations and this calculations didn’t require an operating
The second generation (1955 – 1965)
The second generation represent the first operating system known as GMOS. This
operating system was developed for the IBM computer. GMOS was based on single
stream batch processing system, because it collects all similar jobs in groups
or batches and then submits the jobs to the operating system using a punch card
to complete all jobs in a machine. Operating system is cleaned after completing
one job and then continues to read and initiates the next job in punch card. In
that time, machines were very big and not everyone could use them, but only
professional operators.
The third generation (1965 – 1980)
New operating system that could perform multiple tasks in a single computer
program was success for this generation and this capability is called
multiprogramming. Another progress which leads to developing of personal
computers in fourth generation is a new development of minicomputers with DEC
The fourth generation (1980 – Present day)
Development of personal computer represent the fourth generation. The cost of
personal computer was high back then. Microsoft and the Windows operating system
were related to creating personal computers. Some of the popular operating
systems are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Linux operating system was created
in early 1990s. The first Windows operating system was created by Microsoft in
1975. Windows realised operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows
XP. Most Windows users use the Windows 10 operating system. Apple realised
another popular operating system developed in the 1980s which is named as
Macintosh OS or Mac OS.
Which operating system is the best for programming depends on the career domain
of the programmer, because every OS has advantages and limitations.
Phrases of the day:
1) for a number of reasons
But there are a number of reasons why someone would need a "high-tech" car.
Але є ряд причин, чому комусь знадобиться «високотехнологічний» автомобіль.
2) first use of
The first use of electric lamps was in the 19th century
Вперше електричні лампи почали використовувати в 19 столітті
3) focused primarily on
Development focused "primarily on creating the overall system design."
Розробка була зосереджена «в першу чергу на створенні загального дизайну
· #274
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:02)
To Julia Shevchuk (RF-211), Shulyak Makar RF-211 Your exam topics are quite good and correctly presented without grammatical mistakes. Good work.
· #273
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:02)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
Thank you for your active work, well done.
· #272
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:01)
To Kate Kholodova (RZ-212) Thanks. Task1 has a minor mistake ( the article SAYS, pls remember). Just 80 points. Task2 :there’s no translation of the phrases. Just 74 points. Keep on working hard. Have you read my today’s task set to all subgroups?
· #271
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 08:00)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-112
I have read your tasks, they are quite correct and informative.
· #270
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:59)
To Ivkov Yurii (RF-211), Denis Zavadsky, Biehin Yevhen RF-211, Pontus Natalia(RF-211) Thanks for your active work. Well done.
· #269
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:53)
Today I've read the article "Exploring the use of artificial intelligence in
The article covers the recent research of artificial intelligence usage in
Matias del Campo, one of the researchers for this project, said that he and his
partner were obsessed with this idea for decades. During their journey they have
experimented on two-dimensional to three-dimensional style transfer tasks, as
well as performed an attempt to evaluate the ability of an artificial
intelligence to create 'imagined' designs.
I think the article is interesting, although it does make me feel uncertain
about the job market influence that artificial intelligence will have in the
future, as an architect could easily have his job taken by an AI.
1) First use of microscopic sound waves to study cell abnormalities
Перше використання мікроскопічних звукових хвиль для дослідження аномалій клітин
2) The technology is novel for a number of reasons
Ця технологія незвичайна через ряд причин
3) We were focused primarily on locations we have modern data for
Ми були сфокусовані в першу чергу на місцях для яких ми маємо сучасну інформацію
· #268
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022)
history of computer software
Software is a component of a computer system that allows you to perform various
functions that support the computer system. The history of software and its
development dates back to the early nineteenth century. All computer systems use
the "stored program concept" first developed by Charles Babbage in the 1850s.
The concept was lost until the advent of modern computers in the 1940s. Today,
due to the complexity and solving of tasks that a computer system can perform,
there is a differentiation of software types. There is software designed to run
specific business applications. There is software that draws attention to the
operation of a computer system. And there is software designed to perform
specialized tasks. Regardless of the types, software is the original component
of any computer system. Without it, all you have is a collection of circuits,
transistors, and silicon chips.
1) first use of
The first use of corn may have been for an early form of liquor.
Перше використання кукурудзи, можливо, було для ранньої форми лікеру.
2)focused primarily on
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children.
На сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені переважно на жінках,
які вже мають
3) for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
· #267
Shulyak Makar RF-211 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:49)
Device driver.
In computing, a device driver is a computer program that operates or controls a
particular type of device that is attached to a computer or automaton.A driver
provides a software interface to hardware devices, enabling operating systems
and other computer programs to access hardware functions without needing to know
precise details about the hardware being used.
A driver communicates with the device through the computer bus or communications
subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program invokes a
routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device (drives it).
Once the device sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in
the original calling program.
Drivers are hardware dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually
provide the interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous
time-dependent hardware interface.
Phrases of The Day:
1)The State of Qatar has therefore focused primarily on the areas of education
and the elimination of illiteracy. - Тому держава Катар зосередилася насамперед
на сферах освіти та ліквідації неписьменності.
2)This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the
first use of the drug. - Цю проблему вирішує старанна повторна обробка голови
через тиждень після першого застосування препарату.
3)I chose it for a number of reasons, Stephen. - Я вибрав його з кількох причин,
· #266
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:46)
For a number of reasons.
For a number of reasons, I was unable to attend mathematics.
З ряду причин я не зміг бути присутнім на математиці.
- First use of.
The chef first use of this recipe to his dish.
Кухар уперше застосував цей рецепт до своєї страви.
- Focused primarily on.
On May 9, the focused primarily on veterans.
9 травня основна увага приділялася ветеранам.
Device drivers.
A driver is computer software by which other software accesses the device's
hardware selection. Usually, drivers are supplied with the operating sources to
use the hardware kit, you will not be able to find the system. However, some
vendors use special drivers, standard cooking devices. In general, a driver
should not interact with hardware services, it can only simulate them, use
software services that are not related to control, or do nothing.
The operating system manages some "virtual device" that understands a standard
set of commands. The driver translates these commands into commands that the
device itself understands. This ideology is called "hardware abstraction". For
the first time in domestic computer technology, such an approach appeared in the
EC series of computers, and this kind of control software was called channel
A driver consists of several functions that handle specific operating system
events. Usually these are 7 main events:
Driver download;
Opening the driver;
Start of the main work;
With the development of systems that combine on one board not only the central
elements of a computer, but most of the computer devices as a whole, the
question arose of the convenience of supporting such systems, which were called
"hardware platform", or simply "platform".
· #265
Povoznikov Artem RZ-112 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:44)
Today i have read the article: Devastating skin disease covering up to 70% of a
dolphin's body tied to climate change
This article tells about Scientists who discovered a new type of skin disease in
dolphins. This is due to climate change and water salinity. Due to frequent
rains and ugaranas, the salinity in the water began to decrease and becomes
fresh. Since dolphins are not used to such conditions, they have a skin disease
that in some cases is fatal. Because of this disaster, scientists have created a
document, the content of which should mitigate the factors that lead to such a
disease, and this is perhaps the first steps towards the elimination of this
deadly disease. I think the solution to this problem is to start with the people
themselves. Since it was because of us that the problems with climate change and
the development of this disease in dolphins began.
1. number of reasons
The technology is novel for a number of reasons, one being that it has the
potential to provide new insight into the environmental factors that have
significant impacts on air pollution levels.
2.focus primarily on
They focused primarily on the SolSmart Program, a VEP that encourages local
governments to adopt best practices to promote solar installation.
3.First use of
Researchers document the first use of maize in Mesoamerica.
· #264
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:39)
What is Word processing?
Word processing is about creating, editing, saving and printing documents. To
perform word processing a particular software called Word Processor is required.
These programs allow users to create different documents such as reports, notes,
articles, newsletters etc, but basically they are not limited to specific types.
In addition to the text word processors can add and operate with pictures,
tables, diagrams and some decorative elements.
When editing the document Word Processors are capable of changing text’s
properties in different ways, also most of them support check of spelling system
so the program will show grammatical and punctuation mistakes if there are any,
or even offer their corrections.
Phrases of the day
1) for a number of reasons
This algorithm is unsuitable in this task for a number of reasons.
- Цей алгоритм непридатний для цієї задачі з ряду причин.
2) focused primarily on
Most reports focused primarily on the system's security problems.
– Більшість звітів зосереджені на проблемах безпеки системи.
3) first use of
It is hard to implement some method if you’ve never worked with this framework.
- Важко реалізувати якийсь метод, якщо ви ніколи не працювали з цим фреймворком.
· #263
Denis Zavadsky Lebedeva RZ-211 (Tuesday, 10 May 2022)
a new study, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne
National Laboratory have turned to the power of machine learning to predict the
lifetimes of a wide range of different battery chemistries. By using
experimental data gathered at Argonne from a set of 300 batteries representing
six different battery chemistries, the scientists can accurately determine just
how long different batteries will continue to cycle.
I consider this a significant contribution to human research because it can help
automation and logistics in terms of time-cost in so many industries.
For example, manufactor production of any hardwork instruments.
Clearance was focused primarily on Battle Area Clearance.
Funds are often available but not accessible for a number of reasons.
This problem is solved by diligent re-treatment of the head a week after the
first use of the drug.
Очистка була зосереджена насамперед на очищенні зони бою.
Кошти часто доступні, але недоступні з ряду причин.
Цю проблему вирішує старанна повторна обробка голови через тиждень після першого
застосування препарату.
· #262
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:26)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
I have got your independent, class practice and the exam topic. Well done.
· #261
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebdeva E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:19)
Trusted Operating Systems
Trusted Operating System (TOS) generally refers to an operating system that
provides sufficient support for multilevel security and evidence of correctness
to meet a particular set of government requirements.
An OS is trusted if it can provide:
Memory Protection : Each user’s program must run in a portion of memory
protected against unauthorized accesses. The protection will certainly prevent
outsiders’ accesses, and it may also control a user’s own access to restricted
parts of the program space. Differential security, such as read, write, and
execute, may be applied to parts of a user’s memory space
General object access control : Users need general objects, such as constructs
to permit concurrency and allow synchronization. However, access to these
objects must be controlled so that one user does not have a negative effect on
other users
User Authentication : must identify each user who requests access and must
ascertain that the user is actually who he or she purports to be. The most
common authentication mechanism is password comparison.
1) for a number of reasons
It's frustrating for a number of reasons.
Це засмучує з ряду причин.
2) first use of
The first use of hand writing appeared almost 5,500 years ago.
Перше використання рукописного письма з’явилося майже 5500 років тому
3) focused primarily on
He seems primarily focused on economic issues.
Він, здається, в першу чергу зосереджений на економічних питаннях
· #260
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Mikhailuk) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:13)
Today I have read the article "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the
roads". It tells about artificial intelligence in transport, designed to
optimize traffic. While many argue, trusting a computer to control the road with
other people can be dangerous - scientists are doing research on road behavior
in order to create their own "robots" as safely as possible. This system will
help to optimize traffic, making it more unloaded, and in addition to relieve
humanity from the need for transportation, for example, and other activities
where you need to constantly move around the city by car. Scientists are
convinced that this technology is really necessary.
In my opinion, the main disadvantage is that it reduces the value of human
labor, therefore it leaves people without work. But I think if they will teach
robots they will do a perfect job.
1) focused primarily on
The evaluation focused primarily on issues of relevance and effectiveness and
also addressed issues of efficiency and sustainability.
Оцінка зосереджена насамперед на проблемах актуальності та ефективності, а також
розглядалися питання ефективності та стійкості.
2) for a number of reasons
The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number of
Підготовка цього звіту була досить складною з ряду причин.
3) first use of
The album marked the band's first use of guitar synthesizers.
Альбом став першим використанням гітарних синтезаторів.
Audio ph:
· #259
Pontus Natalia(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:10)
Software industry
Software plays a critical role in today's global information economy:
individuals and businesses rely on operating systems and applications to carry
out daily tasks. Software runs the computers, networks and devices that enable
countless products and services from vast enterprise and communications systems
to small 'apps' that run on digital phones. The software industry consists of
the development, distribution, and maintenance of software. It can be broadly
divided into application software, system infrastructure software,
software-as-a-service (SaaS), operating systems, database and analytics
software. Fundamental forces have shaped the evolution of the industry, starting
with the emergence of personal computers, the development of computer networking
and client/server software, and the introduction and widespread adoption of the
Internet, and it continues to grow today.
Phrases of the day:
1) first use of – перше використання
The first use of corn may have been for an early form of liquor.
Перше використання кукурудзи, можливо, було для ранньої форми лікеру.
2) focused primarily on – зосереджений насамперед на
Popular TV shows have focused primarily on the middle class.
Популярні телешоу орієнтовані в першу чергу на середній клас.
3) for a number of reasons – з ряду причин
This is more effective than traditional separation methods for a number of
Це ефективніше традиційних методів поділу з ряду причин.
· #258
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:08)
subgroups RF-211,РЗ-212
Hi everybody. The lesson has already started and I am waiting for your exam
topics and work with phrases to be fulfilled according to the patterns. Let’s
get started, students.
· #257
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:03)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments and audio
recordings. Don't forget to write the sentences with Phrases and record them.
Please, do it in one postt!
· #256
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 07:02)
To RF-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your exam topics and work with phrases.
· #255
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 10 May 2022 04:58)
1. for a number of reasons
These cost disparities likely arise for a number of reasons, the study authors
said. - За словами авторів дослідження, ці відмінності у витратах, ймовірно,
виникають з кількох причин.
2. focused primarily on
To date, research into the subject has focused primarily on women who already
have children. - На сьогоднішній день дослідження з цієї теми зосереджені
переважно на жінках, які вже мають дітей.
3. first use of
It is believed to be the first use of ion implantation to improve the
performance of an intercalation pseudocapacitor - Вважається, що це перше
використання іонної імплантації для покращення продуктивності інтеркаляційного
2) Today I have read the article ''Robotic telekinesis: Allowing humans to
remotely operate and train robotic hands''.
This article is about robotic telekinesis, which allows the user to remotely
control a robotic arm by simply demonstrating movements in front of the camera.
Only 1 RGB camera is required to control this system, which in the future allows
you to make the system mass-produced and really helps in solving real problems.
In my opinion, this technology will be in great demand in everyday conditions,
but the biggest plus is that the system can be controlled from anywhere in the
3) Exam topic #4 (Information protection systems)
Information security, sometimes shortened to InfoSec, is the practice of
protecting information by mitigating information risks. It is part of
information risk management. It typically involves preventing or reducing the
probability of unauthorized/inappropriate access to data, or the unlawful use,
disclosure, disruption, deletion, corruption, modification, inspection,
recording, or devaluation of information.
Methods of information protection:
1. Obstruction of the alleged abductor by physical and software means;
2. Managing or influencing the elements of the protected system;
3. Disguise or convert data, usually by cryptographic means;
4. Coercion, or the creation of conditions under which the user will have to
comply with the rules of data handling;
· #254
Popovych E. (Monday, 09 May 2022 18:42)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Exam Topic #6 (First radio speeches) is good but write, pls., on time.
· #253
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 13:08)
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213
I can hardly fine terms in your task. Pls stick to the pattern (phrase itself
and its translation, then the way you’ve done it- usage in the sentences). Just
60 points this time. Task2 should not start like this. I hope you know it.
First, indicate the title of the article and a link to the source ( unavailable)
These is no conclusion at the end and a mistake in sentence structure (“
Neural-Fly equipped autonomous quadcopters are so have learned to respond to
high winds ) Just 60 points. Pls work on time .
· #252
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:52)
To Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213 Thanks Task 1 is 85 points. Task 2 has some grammar mistakes, (sentence structure mistakes). Just good. Keep on working hard and ON TIME.
· #251
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:45)
To Igor Rudko (RZ-213) Pls select the speciality topics Just 60 points. Task2 pls be attentive or check what Google translator suggested to you. (тому зловмисники, які можуть націлити на експлойт?, цей недолік). “A breakthrough in droplet manipulation. - Прорив у маніпуляціях з краплями.” -is that a complete sentence ? What do you think? Just 60 points. Keep on working hard.
· #250
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:33)
To Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 Task1 is good due separate mistakes. Task2 has been wrongly done by you.Pls try to understand the task . Make up sentences with the phrases on speciality. I’ve explained it to your monitor many times before. What you’ve done can hardly be considered to be sentences . I hope you know what a sentence stands for. UNACCEPTED!
· #249
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:27)
Exam Topic #6 (First radio speeches)
The first radio appearances were given by Roosevelt in the USA. It was a series
of evening radio speeches. He spoke about the recovery after the Great
Depression, the declaration of a state of emergency and the course of World War
II. On the radio, he could suppress rumors, oppose conservative-dominated
newspapers, and explain his policies directly to the American people. The
introduction of such speeches was later described as a "revolutionary experiment
with the nascent media platform." The series of chats were among the first 50
recordings made part of the National Recording Registry of the Library of
· #248
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:25)
To Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 Sentence 3 contains a grammar mistake (The devices we have are able to...). Just good. Task 2 has sentence structure mistakes whose contents has not been revealed clearly. You’ve used the abbreviations “AI” very often. The contents should be closer to your speciality . So keep on working hard on your tasks.
· #247
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:19)
To be truly useful, drones—that is, autonomous flying vehicles—will need to
learn to navigate real-world weather and wind conditions.
Щоб бути по-справжньому корисними, дрони, тобто автономні літаючі апарати,
повинні навчитися орієнтуватися в реальних погодних і вітрових умовах.
2. And along the way they created a breakthrough in computer visualization.
І попутно зробили прорив у комп’ютерній візуалізації.
3. Effectiveness is the ability to achieve stated goals or objectives, measured
in terms of both output and impact.
Ефективність — це здатність досягати поставлених цілей або завдань, що
вимірюється як результатом, так і впливом.
To be useful, drones must learn to navigate real weather and wind conditions.
Currently, drones either fly in controlled conditions, without wind, or are
controlled by people using remote controls. However, in order for drones to
autonomously perform essential but mundane tasks, drones must be able to adapt
to wind conditions in real time. To solve this problem, a team of engineers at
Caltech has developed a deep learning method that can help drones cope with new
and unknown wind conditions in real time by simply updating a few key
parameters.The researchers say that Neural-Fly solves these problems by using a
so-called split strategy, with which only a few parameters of the neural network
need to be updated in real time. After receiving just 12 minutes of flight data,
Neural-Fly equipped autonomous quadcopters are so have learned to respond to
high winds that their performance has greatly improved. In addition, flight data
collected by an individual drone can be shared with another drone, creating a
knowledge pool for autonomous.
· #246
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:18)
breakthrough in -прорив у;
New methods of cryptography were a breakthrough in data protection area.-Нові
методи криптографії стали проривом у сфері захисту даних.
2.ability to achieve-здатність досягти;
Two factor authentication gives users ability to achieve secure use of social
media.-Двофакторна аутентифікація дає користувачам можливість безпечно
використовувати соціальні мережі. to target- спроможний досягти/влучити;
Artificial intelligence is able to target complex tasks and soon it'll be able
to achieve even more.-Штучний інтелект здатний вирішувати складні завдання, і
незабаром він зможе досягти ще більше.
I want to share my opinion after reading news about ditching passwords by
replacing them with other ways of protecting acounts.The drawback of passwords
is that people repeat one combination to different accounts so it is easier to
manage many accounts but also easier to hack .What is more, these reusable
passwords can be very simple so the level of protection is low.To solve the
problem tech titans as Apple and Microsoft are looking forward unlocking mobile
phones with fingerprint or face recognition.It is not an innovation but as it is
not very common to use so the new breakthrough in this area is expected.New
standarts will let websites and device makers build secure, passwordless options
into their offerings.It means that using secure keys instaed of passwords would
stymy phishing scams that trick people into disclosing log-in credentials and
hackers that steal such data.I agree that we need new methods to secure our data
as there are a lot of threats so protection innovations should cope with them.
· #245
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 06 May 2022 12:13)
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213
Pls stop using examples associated with so called “propaganda “ , focus on your
speciality. By the way, are you an expert in the environment?Task1 is 70 points.
Task2 is 70 points . Use active form instead a passive form ( A very interesting
article was read by me). The conclusion should contain a standard phrases not a
slang or colloquial words. Take this into account! Work hard. As to your voice
msg , it leaves much to be desired: pls learn how to pronounce separate words
and the words you definitely know (read- [red], Participle II) Improve you
melody. So you have to make a lot of tremendous efforts to achieve better
· #244
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:56)
Today I have read the article: "Breakthrough in estimating fossil fuel carbon
dioxide emissions". The researchers are able to detect changes in emissions with
higher frequency, such as daily estimates, and can clearly see two periods of
reductions. By the way, they trained the machine learning model on pre-pandemic
data, to estimate the fossil fuel CO2 they would have expected to observe at
Weybourne if the pandemic had never occurred. Moreover, they then compared this
estimate to the fossil fuel CO2 that was actually observed during 2020-2021,
which revealed the relative reduction in CO2 emissions. In my opinion, it is
really great that scientific society is focused on this problem and trying to
fix it.
1)A breakthrough in - Прорив у
A breakthrough in droplet manipulation. - Прорив у маніпуляціях з краплями.
2) able to target - здатний націлювати
Security products must run with high privilege levels, and so attackers able to
target the exploit this flaw could potentially disable security solutions. -
Продукти безпеки повинні працювати з високими рівнями привілеїв, і тому
зловмисники, які можуть націлити на експлойт, цей недолік, потенційно можуть
вимкнути рішення безпеки.
3) ability to achieve - здатність досягати
Just try and get a robot to have the ability to achieve a similar degree of
nuance. - Просто спробуйте отримати робота, щоб він мав можливість досягти
подібного ступеня нюансів.
· #243
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 11:36)
Today i have read the article: "The biggest data breaches, hacks of 2021"
From the article we learn about the problem of data leakage in our time.
Nowadays, most people neglect their online security, which is why they often
suffer from malware.
In 2021, a type of ransomware spread, due to which a lot of people lost their
data. And also many popular sites were hacked and leaked user data.
In my opinion, such hacks most often occur due to the weak protection that users
choose, or because of its absence.
Phrases of the day:
1)ability to achieve
The ability to achieve major organizational transitions.
Здатність досягати великих організаційних змін.
2)able to target
The company will be able to target
(Компанія зможе орієнтуватися)
3) a breakthrough in
Capture a breakthrough in medical research
(Зробити прорив у медичних дослідженнях)
· #242
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (S.Mikhailyuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:48)
The creation of this program will give us the ability to achieve the highest
possible results of repelling cyber attacks.
Створення цієї програми дасть нам можливість домогтися максимально можливих
результатів відображення кібератак.
2. We have made a breakthrough in detecting viral AI.
Ми зробили прорив у виявленні вірусного штучного інтелекту.
3. The devices we have able to target an alarm signal to the main cyber defense
Пристрої, які у нас є, здатні направляти сигнал тривоги на головну будівлю
Today I have read article about "How the study of neuroscience can affect the
development of improved AI systems." In part, I agree with Shimon Ulman when AI
is learning based on thousands of examples of people, as for me it's even
difficult to call AI. But on the other hand, maybe AI analyzes such a number of
plus or minus identical situations in order to create its most productive and
effective version of these situations. But the fact that we still don't know
everything about our brain is true and this is a problem that needs to be
· #241
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 06 May 2022 10:43)
Prhases of Day
able to target:
Two documents outlined how the U.S. spy agency is able to target non-U.S.
residents, while the other outlined how it can minimize data collection from
U.S. residents.
У двох документах описано, як американське шпигунське агентство може
націлюватися на нерезидентів США, а в іншому — як воно може мінімізувати збір
даних від жителів США.
ability to achieve :
Finally, evolution's most impressive feat remains too poorly understood to be
replicated by computer, namely the ability to achieve major organizational
Нарешті, найбільш вражаючий подвиг еволюції залишається занадто погано вивченим,
щоб його відтворити комп’ютером, а саме здатність досягати значних
організаційних змін.
a breakthrough in:
A breakthrough in creating invisibility cloaks, stealth technology.
Прорив у створенні плащів-невидимок, технології стелс.
Today, A very interesting article was read by me.The main idea is to solve the
problem of wastewater pollution.
It is noted that the issue of cleaning is very important for our environment,
but unfortunately it is very energy consuming.
And that's why scientists from Warwick University tried to find ways to solve
this problem, fortunately they succeeded and overfulfilled the task. After
performing certain tests, they were able not only to purify water, but also to
obtain hydrogen
This is very important for us, because the possibility of obtaining hydrogen is
already very valuable. It can be used in various industries, or electric
I think it's very cool. Every year there are new ways to overcome certain
problems such as environmental pollution, etc.
· #240
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 06 May 2022 09:30)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #239
Lebedeva E. (Friday, 06 May 2022 08:28)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #238
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 06 May 2022)
Today, I have read the article ”Caught on camera: Using AI to combat street
crime”, which I find very informative. This article describes the new solution
to reduce street crimes. Researchers at Monash University Malaysia's School of
Information Technology are developing cameras with an artificial intelligence
system that can detect crime on the streets. This system allows police to be
alerted to potential danger to someone's life.In my opinion, this new invention
is very useful, because it can make our world safer.
1)ability to achieve
How has it limited your ability to achieve a personal goal?
Як це обмежило вашу здатність досягати особистої мети?
2) able to target
The authorities would be able to target each of us - just like Tesco does, only
much better.
Влада зможе націлитися на кожного з нас - так само, як це робить Tesco, тільки
набагато краще.
3) a breakthrough in
That will require a breakthrough in software that mimics perception.
Це вимагатиме прориву в програмному забезпеченні, яке імітує сприйняття.
· #237
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 16:14)
Eugene Chervony RT-212 Just good for both tasks. Thank you. Keep on working hard.
· #236
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 16:09)
To Revyakin A.(RT-212) There minor lexis mistakes. Just 73 points. Task2: pls follow the pattern: the phrase of the day with translation. and then it’s usage in a sentence. And what is important is making up sentences relating to your speciality. You’ve earned 6o points. Be attentive and keep on working hard.
· #235
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 16:01)
To Stanislav Popik РТ-212 There are some mistakes in your pronunciation ( aspects -`æspekt], etc. Just 65 points. Task2 is incomplete and therefore. UNACCEPTED ( translation of phrases and sentences is unavailable!). Be attentive and keep on working hard.
· #234
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:48)
To Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Thanks Just good for both activities.
· #233
S.M. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:41)
To Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Pls indicate the link to the source and make a conclusion. Just 74 points.
· #232
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:38)
To Vivchar Roman (RF-211) Pls do not use quotes! The English is a must in the Guestbook! Your comment is lengthy. Just 72 points Pls try to participate in our on-line activities on line.
· #231
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:30)
To Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Thanks . Good, pls make a conclusion in exam topics too and link to the source.
· #230
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:25)
To Stepanenko Vladislav (RT-212) just good. Thanks.
· #229
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:23)
To Stepanenko Vladislav (RT-212. Thanks. Just good. Try to make a conclusion.
· #228
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:20)
To Arina Omelchenko RE-211 Thanks . Just 80 points for both tasks. Pls translate the phrases themselves into Ukrainian.
· #227
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:17)
To Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Task1 is 73 points. Task2 is incomplete: pls translate into Ukrainian. Be attentive and keep on working hard.
· #226
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:12)
To Stanislav Popik РТ-212 Thanks. Just 78 points for two tasks. Try to translate the phrases themselves.
· #225
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:08)
To Arina Omelchenko RE-211 Thanks . Pls make a conclusion.. Just 74 points
· #224
Popovych E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 14:12)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
#208, 214
Examine topic #5 (Technical basis of information protection in modern computer
systems) is well done.
Thank you for your comment and voice message.
· #223
Popovych E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 14:10)
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212)
Thank you, you have successfully completed the task.
· #222
Popovych E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 14:09)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Topic 8 Passwords and their drawback is well done.
Your comment has clear layout and quite correct as well as the task with the
phrases, thank you.
· #221
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 12:16)
Kolomiets Vova RZ-212
Thank you, the exam topic is informative and clear.
· #220
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:47)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:33)
Your topic #4 Commercial use of radio is good , but mind the pronunciation:
profitable mainly regional advertising since.
· #219
Kolomiets Vova RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:38)
Exam topic #14 ("Authority check”)
Nowadays authority check is everywhere. Sites use this way of protection to
avoid situations when someone is pretending someone else. There are a lot of way
to identify the person and save the data. The most common are password,
fingerprint, face id or even personal documents. By protecting your authority a
hundred of villains cant hack you, steal important information, change something
on your profile etc. This is very important and effective way to protect
everything and its even impossible to avoid it in routine life.
1) estimate the effects of
The American Sociological Review study is the first to estimate the effects of
early-20th-century housing policies on subsequent segregation patterns.
Дослідження американського соціологічного огляду є першим, що оцінило вплив
житлової політики початку 20-го століття на наступні моделі сегрегації.
2) examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
Ми також уважніше вивчаємо дисципліну з інформатики та рівні ступеню.
3) distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper
Він відрізняється від електротехніки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як мідь.
· #218
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:33)
topic Commercial use of radio.
Radio is not one of the highly profitable sectors of the media industry. It is
mainly used for advertising In most cases local and regional radio stations are
used as advertising media, because the coverage of each station depends on the
power of the radio transmitter and on the capacity of the radio network. I think
Radio in the usual sense is already outdated and the Internet is completely
replacing radio. It has been used since the war for encrypted and secure
communication in some commercial industries to try to abandon this outdated
technology. In this era, radio has long been obsolete.
· #217
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:32)
Thank you, I will try
· #216
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:31)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
Your review is really interesting and urgent, the exam topic is informative.
Well done, thank you.
· #215
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:29)
Chervony Eugene RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:24)
You posted Exam Topic #1 last week, be attentive.
· #214
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:29)
Examine topic #5 (Technical basis of information protection in modern computer
Technical protection includes a whole range of works: from premises to detection
of detection, data detection, detection of detection of funds and detection of
detection of detection to detection of detection of funds and detection of
Technical protection is aimed at improving the safety of technological data,
know-how, information from patents, the possibility of developing or acquiring
technologies, licenses. Cases and cases of technical protection against the
collection of information on financial transactions in relation to financial
institutions, loans, counterparties, data providers (DPIs), employees, customers
and enterprises were also identified. The objects of the system of technical
protection of information are:
1.databases (DB) with information about partners, clients (customers), suppliers
(services, goods, resources);
2.documentation in electronic form (including in electronic document management
systems, EDI) and on paper;
3.any information constituting a commercial secret (usually financial data:
assets and liabilities of the enterprise, loans and receivables, salaries of key
employees, etc.);
4.technological, technical and production information - the specifics of
production processes, know-how, the composition of equipment and the topology of
technological chains.
· #213
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:27)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:19)
You have successfully completed the tasks, thanks.
· #212
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:25)
Today I've read the article "Stop blaming people for choosing bad passwords.
It's time websites did more to help"
The article covers the fact that many websites fail to effectively encourage
their users to create stronger passwords for their accounts.
The article states that, although it is accurate that users themselves willingly
make weak passwords, websites themselves also neglect enforcing specific
guidelines or restrictions on password creation.
I find the article interesting: it's well written, however I find its message
hard to agree with. Forcing users to make complex passwords in public systems
won't teach them the importance of it - it will only show them how to do it. I
believe only through first-hand experience the user can learn the importance of
a strong password.
1) The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland.
Інструмент також може оцінювати наслідки вирубки існуючих лісів
2) Let's examine each of the three choices a bit more closely.
Розглянемо кожний з трьох виборів поближче
3) Healthcare is distinct from other sectors in that the manipulation of
critical infrastructure has the potential to directly impact human life.
Охорона здоров'я відрізняється від інших секторів, так як маніпуляція над
критичною інфраструктурою може прямо впливати на життя людини
Exam topic #15 (The authentication of a user's claimed identity)
A user needs to verify that he is in communication with the expected computer
system, and that he is granted the permit to utilize it.
In most systems, the authentication is done through the process of claiming an
identity and verifying the validity of this claim, such as using a username and
a password.
This combination is most common and simplistic, however has plenty of room for
improvements and derivations, like limited-use passwords.
An alternative approach to authentication is considered to be unforgeability,
such as a physical key or a magnetic plastic card, which can prove to be
challenging to fabricate.
· #211
Chervony Eugene RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:25)
Exam Topic #2 (Commercial use of radio)
Commercial radio provides brands with a way to speak to millions of people via a
medium they trust. Radio advertising also stretches beyond the traditional 30
second ad, with longer ads, sponsorship, branded content and innovate digital
solutions increasingly providing advertisers with new and more creative ways to
get their message to potential customers. Advertisers can direct their message
to specific demographics, psychographics, geographic areas, and around events
and genres in a market. Radio advertisements are tailored to particular times of
day to ensure you're reaching your desired audience at precisely the right time.
· #210
Chervony Eugene RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:24)
Exam Topic #1 (Development of television in your home country)
According to the historical chronicle, the opening of television broadcasting in
Kyiv took place on February 1, 1939. In addition, in the mid-30s, TV experiments
were carried out in Odessa. However, the television that was tried to be
introduced in Ukraine in the 1930s was not quite the electronic television that
we have now, but mechanical. Mechanical television had only one plus compared to
electronic: its programs, transmitted in the medium wave range, could be
received over a vast territory. A new page of Ukrainian television - already
electronic - was opened already in 1951.
· #209
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:24)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:12)
I am glad you find that article interesting, but your review should be more
detailed and contain the title of the article and more facts about the subject
discussed. Mind: the article TELLS.. Go on practising your fluent reading.
· #208
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:23)
Today i have read the article: Study shows laboratory-developed protein spikes
consistent with COVID-19 virus. This article tels about researchers who
conducted experiments on artificial protein spines. They were crafted with
precision like the thorns that are located on the Covid-19 virus. Many copies
were developed in different scientific laboratories and each was similar to each
other. Using these thorns, scientists began to better investigate the virus,
which in turn helps to develop a vaccine and produce antibody tests.In April
2020, Professor Crispin and his team took samples of each type of thorns and was
able to find out that all the different batches of the spike protein mimic key
features. Glycosylation of inactivated virions. They also managed to find out
that bilok has a great effect on the structure of glycans. This information can
help in the fight against new types of viruses.
think this is a great approach and with its help we can get closer to victory in
the Coronavirus.
Distinct from
Therefore it's unlikely many people will find, let alone read it. For
transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and presented
as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
Estimate the effects of
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.
Examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
· #207
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:21)
Exam topic #1“Cable television”
Cable TV in the modern world is already less popular than 5 years ago. Now
satellite and Internet television are popular. These are faster ways to receive
a signal than cable. It's also cheaper and better quality. Cable TV has
significant signal loss and the cost of running wires is higher. A couple of
years ago, cable television left Ukraine, analog signals no longer come to our
TVs, and we stepped forward in this area. I believe that progress can`t be
stopped and this is the right decision, we must improve and develop the types of
signal transmission and our television vision.
· #206
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:19)
Today i have read the article called"A highly performing transistor based on an
inorganic metal halide perovskite" which tells us about transistors. Transistors
are electronic components that amplify and control the flow of electricity
within most electronic devices in existence. The principle behind the operation
of the new transistors is similar to the principle underlying the operation of
conventional enhancement-mode silicon transistors. computers, TVs and
smartphones. At present, the developed tin-based transistor shows high
performance, but its stability in air is low.
I believe that even such well-established technologies need to be improved.
1)estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
2)examine more closely
To understand the technique, I will examine the instructions more closely.
3)distinct from
Such people often live in politically marginalized groups distinct from the
dominant culture.
· #205
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:17)
Today I have read the article "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the
roads". It tells about artificial intelligence in transport, designed to
optimize traffic. While many argue, trusting a computer to control the road with
other people can be dangerous - scientists are doing research on road behavior
in order to create their own "robots" as safely as possible. This system will
help to optimize traffic, making it more unloaded, and in addition to relieve
humanity from the need for transportation, for example, and other activities
where you need to constantly move around the city by car. Scientists are
convinced that this technology is really necessary.
In my opinion, the main disadvantage is that it reduces the value of human
labor, therefore it leaves people without work. But I think if they will teach
robots they will do a perfect job.
1) distinct from
Those procedures were distinct from the regular monitoring procedure based on
periodic reports.
2) examine more closely
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests plantations with wastewater.
3) estimate the effects of
If based on reliable data, they could be used to estimate the effects
of reducing atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and other air pollutants.
Audio ph:
Exam topic: Passwords and their drawbacks
These common password requirements for computer systems are designed to prevent
unauthorized access to personal and often confidential information. Secure
passwords are usually composed of upper and lower case letters combined with
numbers and special characters and are at least six characters long. The biggest
problem is remembering long and complex passwords. The complex characteristics
of secure passwords pose an annoying problem for password users. That is, while
such passwords are difficult for attackers to guess, they are generally much
more difficult for authorized users to remember.
· #204
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:17)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:08)
I appreciate your comment, it’s quite informative, but rather long. Please,
mention the article's name as well.
· #203
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:14)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212(Thursday, 05 May 2022 )
Your exam topics #8, #2 are well done, thanks.
· #202
Tihonov Ivan (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:12)
distinct from
translate: отличаются от
example: This is how a windows system distinct from a linux system.
2. estimate the effects of
translate: оценивать воздействие
example: Page three describes the casualties estimates As well as secondary
3. examine more closely
translate: для более тщательного изучения
example: We assure you that the issue will be more thoroughly investigated this
I read an article today about Chinese hackers attacking the power grid in India.
The attack was reportedly carried out over a long period of time by an American
group of hackers sponsored by China. The group mainly used the ShadowPad Trojan,
which was developed by Chinese cybersecurity experts. Zhao Lijian, a spokesman
for China's foreign ministry, reported that China does not support any kind of
virus attacks, and is fighting them. He also said that if information companies
care about their security, they should be more vigilant about the actions of
hackers from the U.S. and China. After a brief lull after its first report,
Recorded Future reported that the Insikt Group had once again begun monitoring
hacking attempts at network organisations in India. The attempted attacks
targeted "government load control centres" near the disputed border in Ladakh,
where 24 people were killed in a June 2020 clash between Chinese and Indian
troops. This conflict has been going on for a very long time, the Chinese have
been at war with the Indians for a very long time.
· #201
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:12)
Today I have read an article that talks about the lack of bluetooth devices.
Researchers have found security flaws in more than 480 Bluetooth devices. In my
opinion, this is very important. Where are the manufacturers looking ?!
They can affect medicine because there are devices that work on bluetooth. Such
as pacemakers, blood glucose monitors, and drug delivery devices.
Many vendors have already developed patches for software development kits.
For better or worse, the threat cannot be launched over the Internet. I really
liked this article. You need to know about the threat in advance
it is distinct from electrical science and technology
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of the more
· #200
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:12)
Examine topic #15 (Lithography tools)
Lithography equipment includes different methods of creating a printed image
scheme, such as photolytography using a mask or template and nanolitography that
uses an electron beam image to obtain a template. Another type of lithography
process is used to create three -dimensional prototypes. Stereolithography
creates three -dimensional object drawings by tracking the laser beam on the
surface of the polymeric material of the container. The laser beam strengthens
the layer, which is then built into the polymer and the other layer hardens.
This process continues until the three -dimensional prototype is completed.
There are four types of lithography equipment: mask aligners steppers, direct
writing tools and wafer inspection tools.
· #199
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:11)
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:00)
Good work, thorough and clear, thank you.
· #198
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:08)
phrases of the day:
examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
estimate the effects
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
distinct from
Healthcare is distinct from other sectors in that the manipulation of critical
infrastructure has the potential to directly impact human life.
Today I’ve read the article about the electrolyte design strategy for making
divalent metal batteries. Such metals as calcium and magnum are much more
affordable and accessible than usual lithium. However, the main impediments of
these metals are low working voltages, poor metal migration into the cathode and
less than desired cycling performance caused by the absence of an electrolyte
that does not cover the anode. A group of researchers from the University of
Maryland has designed a strategy for making magnum an appropriate material for
batteries. Their strategy involved the chelating agents interactions with
cations to improve the reversibility of the battery and its charge-transfer
kinetics. In my opinion, this research has led us to the opportunity to get rid
of the toxic and expensive lithium and replace it with more appropriate metal
such as magnum.
· #197
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:08)
Exam Topic #2 (Benefits of Satellite TV)
Cable TV often cannot give a good and clear picture, which always upsets the
viewer. In this case, you can purchase a satellite dish that provides a
high-quality digital image. Of the main advantages of a satellite dish, the
following can be distinguished: digital sound and image quality, a large
selection of channels, more profitable cost, broadcasting channels in foreign
languages. Many pay-per-view satellite TV channels give viewers the opportunity
to watch a show/series several weeks in advance. Of course, there are downsides
to satellite TV. The first is its sensitivity. During heavy rain, snow or
storms, image quality deteriorates, but experts say that this is only a matter
of correct and accurate installation.
· #196
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:06)
Exam Topic #8 (Radio equipment helping to save on bills)
At the time, many experts in America said that radio would kill the record
industry. It allowed the public to listen to music for free, for which they
paid. While some companies saw radio as a new means of promotion, others feared
it would cut into profits from record sales and live performances. Many record
companies did not license their recordings for radio play, and their main stars
signed agreements that they would not perform on radio broadcasts. Indeed, the
recording industry plummeted in profits after the advent of radio. The number of
transmitters grew, and record sales fell.
· #195
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:06)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:56)
Your comment is clear as well as the task with the phrases. Check the
pronunciation: read (3rd form) extremely key. Don't forget about the exam topic.
· #194
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:04)
Today I have read the article called "Electric gains in battery performance"
This article is about zinc ion batteries. They will allow stationary storage of
energy, which promises to be cheaper, safer and more environmentally friendly
than lithium-ion batteries. Previously, this type of battery drained very
quickly, but now scientists have developed a new combination of electrolyte and
electrode that has improved several aspects of their performance. These
batteries will make it possible to switch to ecological energy sources and move
away from fossil fuels.
Given that the cost of creating this battery is low, and the performance is
higher, I believe that these batteries will replace not only lithium-ion, but
also graphite, which is so much talked about.
1) examine more closely
It is relevant to examine more closely the obligation on States under ICESCR to
"take steps".
Доречно більш уважно вивчити зобов’язання держав за МПЕСКП «вжити заходів».
2) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
Він зміг оцінити вплив викидів на здоров’я людини та біорізноманіття.
3) distinct from
Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from
Інженерія та технологія – це дисципліни, відмінні одна від одної та від науки.
· #193
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 11:00)
Today I have read the article "Engineered crystals could help computers run on
less power". It says that computers may be growing smaller and more powerful,
but they require a great deal of energy to operate. In a study engineers
describe a major breakthrough in the design of a component of transistors, that
could significantly reduce their energy consumption without sacrificing speed,
size or performance. The new study shows how negative capacitance can be
achieved in an engineered crystal composed of a layered stack of hafnium oxide
and zirconium oxide. To sum up, their goal is to reduce the energy needs of this
basic building block of computing, because that brings down the energy needs for
the entire system.
1) distinct from
Our new research is distinct from last year research.
2) examine more closely
We were able to obtain new samples to examine more closely these fumes.
3) estimate the effects of
Previously used different emission spectra to estimate the effects of radiation.
· #192
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:59)
Today l have read the article titled «Viewpoint -- Give Yourself Some "Wiggle
Room" to Drive Innovation and Change».Text tells us about the nessesary for
people to change and improve themselves (talking about improvements in
technology),but at the same time people are not ready to make changes in their
lives. The article explains to us away out of this situation,the so-called
golden mean, in which we will have practically no risks and we will be able to
observe the success and progress in technology. In my opinion, this article
helps us to correctly assess risks and motivates us to innovate and progress.
1.estimate the effects
Very few studies have attempted to estimate the effects of past climate change
on air quality and health.
2.examine more closely
However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences between
the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and UNDP.
3.distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.
· #191
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:57)
Topic 8 Passwords and their drawback
Now everyone knows what a password and login are, but not everyone knows how to
safely store an
use them.
Using one password for all sites is extremely dangerous. Having hacked one
user's page, hackers have easy access to all the others: financial services,
cloud services, e-mail and other user applications. Therefore, unique passwords
are created for each resource.
In order not to worry, you can use password managers - these are specialized
services for secure storage of all codes. They securely encrypt data: passwords,
logins, information about the service where you want to enter passwords and
· #190
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:57)
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
Your reviews are rather interesting, keep on working.
· #189
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:56)
Distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.
2. Examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
3. Estimate the effects of
Rather than using complex computer models to estimate the effects of
greenhouse-gas emissions, Lovejoy examines historical data to assess the
competing hypothesis.
Today I have read the article « Establishing the boundaries of quantum secure
communications». This article is about the breakthrough in quantum secure
communication. Today's classic means of communication are potentially vulnerable
to interceptors. Conventional data encryption is based on the factorization of
large integers that are easily solved on a quantum computer. Both parties can
distribute secret keys in a two-point connection. Therefore, the establishment
of these restrictions is extremely important for both theorists and
experimenters. I believe this is a groundbreaking result because it sets a
marginal performance that no two-point quantum key distribution protocol can
· #188
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:55)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Your task is absolutely complete and informative. Thank you.
· #187
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:53)
Today I’ve read the article “Chinese hackers reportedly target India's power
This article is about India’s Energy Sector has been targeted by hackers in an
operation believed to have been carried out by a state-sponsored Chinese group,
the American private cybersecurity company.
The purpose of this article is to understand the situation of the attack of
Chinese hackers.
"The objective for intrusions may include gaining an increased understanding
into these complex systems in order to facilitate capability development for
future use or gaining sufficient access across the system in preparation for
future contingency operations,"
I believe this article will be interesting for people working and interested in
1.estimate the effects
Very few studies have attempted to estimate the effects of past climate change
on air quality and health.
2.examine more closely
However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences between
the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and UNDP.
3.distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.
· #186
Yershova Y. to PT-212, PE-211 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:45)
Dear students! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings, exam topics as well. Do not forget about Phrases of the day practice. Good luck!
· #185
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:43)
These procedures differed from the normal monitoring procedure based on periodic
Ці процедури відрізнялися від звичайної процедури моніторингу на основі
періодичних звітів.
2. There are good reasons for a more thorough study of the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests with wastewater.
Існують вагомі підстави для більш ретельного вивчення доцільності зрошення дерев
та лісових насаджень стічними водами.
3. We are very optimistic about the whole trend of wearable electronics,
especially regarding the integration of these energy storage devices with energy
storage devices.
Ми дуже оптимістично ставимося до всієї тенденції носимої електроніки, особливо
щодо інтеграції цих пристроїв накопичення енергії з накопичувачами енергії.
Designed by Jacobs School of Engineering scientists, the long-sleeved shirt can
store and store energy while the wearer is moving or exercising. The school's
nanoengineers expect that the prototype will someday be improved to the point
where electronic devices such as mobile phones won't depend on the electrical
grid for power, but will be able to run on items of clothing people wear every
day. The shirt collects energy from the human body, which can be stored and then
used to power small electronics such as LCD wristwatches. Biofuel cells, which
are powered by sweat generated by the wearer, are located inside the shirt on
the chest. They are lightweight, flexible, and won't bend, fold, or wrinkle. The
shirt can be washed in water if no detergent is used. The energy generated by
waving the user's arms while running or walking works on the same principle as
static electricity. We are definitely moving towards the next generation of
· #184
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:34)
1. estimate the effects
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built. - Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації
поліції на злочинність і безпеку офіцерів, він повернувся до створеної ним
загальнонаціональної панелі.
2. distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.
- Він відрізняється від електричної науки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як мідь.
3. examine more closely
If they took the time to more closely examine the environment, they usually find
that the processor is not the bottleneck that believe it to be. - Якщо вони
знайшли час, щоб уважніше вивчити навколишнє середовище, вони зазвичай
виявляють, що процесор не є вузьким місцем, як вважають.
2) Today, І have read thе аrtісlе «Chinese hackers reportedly target India's
power grid»
Over the past few months, the Massachusetts-based Insikt Group said it had
gathered evidence that hackers had attacked seven Indian government centres
responsible for monitoring the power grid near the border area. The group mainly
used the ShadowPad Trojan, which is believed to have been developed by
contractors for China's Ministry of State Security.
In my opinion the purpose of intrusions may include a deeper understanding of
these complex systems to facilitate the development of opportunities for future
use or to gain sufficient access to the entire system in preparation for future
emergency operations.
3) Exam topic #11 ("The differences between a software and hardware firewall.")
It would seem that software firewall and hardware firewall perform the same
function - they protect the computer from unauthorized access, but they use
completely different methods and work in completely different conditions. The
main difference between a hardware firewall and a software firewall is that the
hardware firewall runs on its own physical device, while a software firewall is
installed on another machine. A common example of a software firewall is the
firewall built into most operating systems like Windows and macOS. These OS
firewalls are bundled with the operating system and can run on any compatible
· #183
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:33)
I accept your class and home work. There are no mistakes in them. Thank you.
· #182
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:30)
for your home work: please, don’t omit the articles where necessary, e.g. “Today
I have read AN interesting article about THE methods…”
As for your exam topic, it’s well done, full of details and your point of view
is meaningful. I share it. Thank you and continue working. Don’t forget about
the commentary on the article. It’s obligatory. Good luck.
· #181
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:28)
Exam topic #12 (Hardware firewall)
Firewalls are special security computer programs that constantly scan, receive,
and send data to the Internet. Figuratively speaking, these are virtual walls
that protect your computer from the dangers of the Internet: viruses, rootkits,
spyware, and so on. However, it is worth noting that a firewall is not the only
or most reliable source of protection for your computer. Typically, for maximum
security, a firewall always works with antivirus and antispyware software.
In most cases, the firewall is installed directly on the work machine (PC), but
sometimes, as in the case of different offices, where there are many computers,
the firewall is placed as a physical device
1.examine more closely
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely
Ми також вивчаємо дисципліну з інформатики та рівні дипломніше
2.estimate the effects of
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність та безпеку офіцерів
3.distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology
Він відрізняється від електротехніки
· #180
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:27)
Today I have read the article called "Study: Expanding teleworking would reduce
pollution by up to 10%". According to research, air NO2 level dropped during
Barcelona quarantine. NO2 is one of the elements of traffic emissions. It is
easy to understand the connection between these two statements. This study
looked at introducing teleworking a few days a week to reduce overall air
pollution. And it shows that the more people work remotely, the cleaner the air
will be. Of course, not all professions allow you to work at home. I have
already read many articles and noticed how much the pandemic has affected our
lives, a lot of research has been done. I think this article is really relevant.
it is distinct from electrical science and technology
(это отличается от электротехнической науки и техники)
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
(Инструмент также может оценить последствия вырубки существующих лесных массивов
путем расчета)
I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of the more
(Я подумал, что было бы полезно более подробно изучить некоторые из наиболее
· #179
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) Home-work (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:26)
Today I have read the article: "Researchers estimate over two million deaths
annually from air pollution". Over two million deaths occur each year as a
direct result of human-caused outdoor air pollution, a new study has found. In
addition, while it has been suggested that a changing climate can impact the
effects of air pollution and increase death rates, the study shows that this has
a minimal effect and only accounts for a small proportion of current deaths
related to air pollution. In my opinion, it is a total disaster, that this
problem is in our society, so we need to reduce air pollution and save our
ecology for our lives
1) We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more
closely - Ми також уважніше вивчаємо дисципліну з інформатики та рівні ступеню
2) Scientists use complex computer models to estimate the effects of
greenhouse-gas emissions - Вчені використовують складні комп’ютерні моделі для
оцінки впливу викидів парникових газів
3) The policy should be easy to find, clearly labeled, and presented as distinct
from HealthEngine's regular policies - Політику слід легко знайти, чітко
позначити та представити на відміну від звичайних правил HealthEngine
· #178
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:26)
Dear students.
The lesson will start soon, I am waiting for your reviews, exam topics and
sentences with phrases.
· #177
Vorobyova E. to Chabanenko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:24)
Your sentences with new phrases are performed correctly. Your exam topic is well done too. I am waiting for your commentary on the article. Good luck.
· #176
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:22)
phrases of the day:
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
Ми також уважніше вивчаємо комп'ютерні дисципліни та наукові степені.
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність та безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до загальнонаціональної панелі, яку він створив.
Healthcare is distinct from other sectors in that the manipulation of critical
infrastructure has the potential to directly impact human life.
Охорона здоров’я відрізняється від інших секторів тим, що маніпулювання
критичною інфраструктурою може безпосередньо вплинути на життя людей.
Today I’ve read the article about a new material for the battery of the future.
Renewable sources of energy are not steady. One day they produce too much
energy, another day - not enough. We need to store green energy as we plan to
move away from fossil fuels. Li-ion batteries are the best option for this goal
right now. However, there are some flaws in this technology such as high
flammability. The main reason of Li-ion batteries catching on fire is liquid
organic electrolytes. In the meantime, solid electrolytes are less mobile and
efficient. A group of researchers from UCLouvain have disclosed a new material,
LiTi2(PS4)3, or LTPS. The level of diffusion coefficient in LTPS is the highest
of all solids. But there's still a need for further researches to enable its
commercialization in future. In my opinion, this research might be very
perspective as it paves the way for the search for new materials with similar
diffusion mechanisms.
· #175
Vorobyova E. to Shpychka from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:22)
Your commentary on the article is written correctly as well as your Phrases of the Day Practice and exam topic. Thank you.
· #174
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:21)
Denis Zavadsky RZ-211
Well done, keep on working.
· #173
Stepanenko Vladislav (RT-212) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:14)
Benefits of Satellite TV.
The time when satellite television was an expensive pleasure has long passed and
has decreased in price many times since its inception. Analog TV is gradually
fading into the background, giving way to satellite TV. One of the main
advantages of satellite TV is the picture and sound quality. Many channels are
already broadcasting in high definition (HD) format and using stereo sound,
which will allow you to fully enjoy your favorite movie or sports broadcast.
Also, the ability to connect a huge selection of TV channel packages for every
taste and create individual channel lists, the ability to record TV shows and
movies and watch them at a convenient time for you. In my opinion, analog TV
loses to satellite in everything, except that the signal on satellite depends on
the weather and sometimes needs to be reconfigured.
· #172
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:13)
Today I have read the article: "Online calculator shows how trees can improve
air quality and cut health costs". A new interactive online tool is set to
encourage tree planting across the UK. In fact, it calculates how much pollution
would be removed by planting trees in local areas, as well as the corresponding
public health cost savings. By the way, the tool can also estimate the effects
of felling existing woodland by calculating the health costs attributable to the
PM2.5 that would no longer be removed from the air by those trees. In my
opinion, trees make urban areas more attractive and improve local air quality,
thereby boosting people's health. As our ongoing research has shown, this in
turn can have significant positive economic benefits.
1) Consequently, I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some
of the more strategic success stories. - Отже, я подумав, що було б цікаво
детальніше вивчити деякі з найбільш стратегічних історій успіху.
2) The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland. -
Інструмент також може оцінити наслідки вирубки існуючого лісу.
3) It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the
flow of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as
copper. - Він відрізняється від електричної науки та техніки, які мають справу з
потоком електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як
Exam topic: Different protection Mechanism
Protection mechanisms are used to enforce layers of trust between security
levels of a system. Layering is specific to protecting operating system
resources and setting security zones. Sometimes access to data should not be
provided—for example, data values within an application module that are used for
internal calculations. In this case, no access methods are provided as an
interface to this data. Encryption uses a secret key, a private value, to
perform a mathematical function on the data. In my opinion, without a protection
mechanism, it would be impossible to prevent individual users from having full
access to the system.
· #171
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:07)
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls)
(yesterday i send you homework, could you check it. Thank you!)
Firewalls are important because they have had a huge influence on modern
security techniques
and are still widely used. They first emerged in the early days of the internet,
when networks
needed new security methods that could handle increasing complexity. Firewalls
have since become
the foundation of network security in the client-server model – the central
architecture of modern
computing. Most devices use firewalls – or closely related tools – to inspect
traffic and mitigate
threats. In my opinion, not even programmers must use firewalls, everyone should
to learn how to update
his Internet privace.
· #170
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:01)
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:52)
Your comment on the article is quite good and very useful, but don't forget abut
100 words. Thank you for your effective work with the phrases.
· #169
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:59)
1.examine more closely- уважніше дослідити /вивчити;
Rather than bemoaning a new age of anxiety , we need to examine more closely the
anxieties of our age.-Замість того, щоб оплакувати нову епоху тривоги, нам
потрібно уважніше вивчити тривоги нашого віку.
2.distinct from- відрізняється від;
However,evidence indicates it was distinct from his fingerprints.-Однак докази
показують, що це відрізнялося від його відбитків пальців.
3.-estimate the effects of-оцінити вплив/наслідки;
Summary of approaches is used to estimate the effects of measures.-Резюме
підходів використовується для оцінки наслідків заходів.
Exam topic #20(Principles of information protection)
Information security covers the tools and processes like policy settings that
prevent unauthorized people from accessing business or personal information. Its
aim is to protect sensitive information from unauthorized activities, including
inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or destruction.
Information protection is based on the CIA Triad concept which consists of three
main principles: confidentiality, integrity and availability.Confidentiality
principle means the necessity of keeping personal information private and
ensuring that it is visible and accessible only to those individuals who own it
or need it to perform their organizational functions.The principle of integrity
ensures that data is accurate and reliable and is not modified incorrectly,
whether accidentally or
maliciously.Availability is the protection of a system’s ability to make
software systems and data fully available when a user needs it (or at a
specified time). So these three principles are main in data security and
observance of each can satisfy the need of basic protection.
· #168
Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:59)
robot "chef" has been trained to taste food at different stages of the chewing
process to assess whether it's sufficiently seasoned.
Working in collaboration with domestic appliances manufacturer Beko, researchers
from the University of Cambridge trained their robot chef to assess the
saltiness of a dish at different stages of the chewing process, imitating a
similar process in humans.
I consider this a good achievement, because it can prevent many cases of
poisoning among people by the wrong food.
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests plantations with wastewater.
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
Існують вагомі причини для більш ретельного вивчення доцільності зрошення дерев
та лісових насаджень стічними водами.
Він зміг оцінити вплив викидів на здоров’я людини та біорізноманіття.
Ця роль відрізнялася від правоохоронної, але доповнювала.
· #167
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:57)
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:44)
Your comment is thoughtful, thank you, but rather long, it must be around 100
words. Go on practising your reading.
· #166
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:52)
Today I have read the article ”Can your mobile phone get a virus? Yes, and
you'll have to look carefully to see the signs”. Last year, cyber security
company Kaspersky detected nearly 3.5 million malicious attacks on mobile phone
users. The spam messages we get on our phones via text message or email will
often contain links to viruses, which are a type of malicious software.
According to a global report commissioned by private company Zimperium, more
than one-fifth of mobile devices have encountered malware. So, in my opinion
people should watch the signs as: poor performance, such as apps taking longer
than usual to open, or crashing randomly; excessive battery drain; increased
mobile data consumption; unexplained billing charges; unusual pop-ups, and the
device overheating unexpectedly. And on top of that users must install
antiviruses on their devices.
distinct from
The structure of the neuron is absolutely distinct from all other cells in the
human body.
estimate the effects of
The economic studies that estimate the effects of counteradvertising
consistently find that counteradvertising is an effective method of reducing
examine more closely
Let us now examine more closely the structure of this system , whose essential
details have been merely outlined in Part I of this paper .
· #165
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:51)
Today i have read the article called"Theoretical Physics: Dark matter and dark
energy are different aspects of a single unknown force"which tells us about
scientific model proposed by Scherrer that can unify dark matter and dark energy
using a second-generation scalar field,which is known as k-essence.The problem
is that dark matter and dark energy behave differently.Dark matter have mass,but
dark energy has quite opposite properties.The k-essence model can change its
behavior over time.For example it looks like dark matter for a while and then it
looks like dark energy.I think this model avoids many previous
obstacles,nevertheless it has some drawbacks.
1) examine more closely
It is relevant to examine more closely the obligation on States under ICESCR to
"take steps".
Доречно більш уважно вивчити зобов’язання держав за МПЕСКП «вжити заходів».
2) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
Він зміг оцінити вплив викидів на здоров’я людини та біорізноманіття.
3) distinct from
Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from
Інженерія та технологія – це дисципліни, відмінні одна від одної та від науки.
· #164
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:50)
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211
Thank you for your participation in discussion of the article.
· #163
Stepanenko Vladislav (RT-212) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:46)
new advancement of color Television.
Color television is a television technology that transmits a moving image in
natural colors. All analog color television systems intended for terrestrial
broadcasting followed the principle of compatibility, that is, a color
television broadcast could be received and reproduced by both black and white
and color television receivers. At the same time, black-and-white receivers used
only the luminance signal, which is no different from the usual black-and-white
video signal. Color information was transmitted using an additional signal used
only by color televisions.This decision made it possible to carry out color
broadcasting on the already existing fleet of black-and-white TVs and continue
to produce them as an inexpensive alternative to color receivers. In my opinion,
Television continues to evolve to this day, but the transition to color was one
of the most important steps in its development.
· #162
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:44)
Today i have read the article "A soft magnetic pixel robot that can be
programmed to take different shapes". new kind of robots - magnetic robots.
Magnetic soft robots are systems that can change shape or perform various
actions when a magnetic field is applied to them. They have many useful features
including wireless drive, high flexibility and endless endurance. In the future,
micro-scale soft magnetic robots can be implemented in a variety of conditions;
for example, helping people to monitor the environment or perform biomedical
procedures remotely, even if at the moment they can only perform primitive
functions. Although the danger of total government control through the use of
cameras in a magnetic robot increases, I think this invention is quite useful,
with its help we will be able to explore the most unexplored corners of our
estimate the effects of
1)A few Parties were able to estimate the effect of particular measures.
distinct from
2)This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
examine more closely
3)Executions by guerrilla forces were a controversial issue that he hoped to
examine more closely.
· #161
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:44)
Exam topic #8 Passwords and their drawbacks
Many people in today's world are still using passwords like "12345" while this
password guessing has reached a new level where anything can be cracked. Some of
the disadvantages of passwords are the ease of interception or spying on them
and the ability to deceive using different similar websites on which the
password was used.
Now there is two-factor authentication, in which it is very difficult to hack a
person, but even it does not always help.
In my opinion, everyone needs to take a closer look at creating a password in
order to save their data.
· #160
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:43)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:34)
I appreciate your comment, it’s quite informative, but too long, mind that. Go
on working on your reading.
· #159
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:42)
Today i have read the article: "This algorithm has opinions about your face".
From the article, we learn about a new discovery by researchers from the Stevens
Institute. The discovery lies in an algorithm that can evaluate a person's face
by the stereotyped opinions of other people. When meeting, people evaluate the
appearance of a person and build their first opinion on this. It is on this that
the program is built so that people themselves find out what they might think
about them.
In my opinion, this program will help people adapt to new meetings.
Phrases of the day:
1)They then used computer models to estimate the effects on the climate.
2)Those matters must be examined more closely.
3)It is distinct from morbidity rate
· #158
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:41)
Mind the correct use of the articles: “Today I have had THE opportunity to read THE article about…” Your sentences with new phrases are written, voiced and translated correctly. Thank you.
· #157
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:39)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:23)
Your comment on the article is very interesting and informative, thank you, but
pay attention to the pronunciation: read (3rd form), artificial. Your work with
Phrases of the Day is good and complete.
· #156
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 ( S. Mykhailiuk ) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:38)
Exam Topic #1 (Cable television)
Cable television systems come in two types. In the system of the first type, the
conversion of the transmitted image into a digital signal and the reverse
conversion of the digital signal into an image are carried out directly in the
converters and signal-light. In all links of the image and sound transmission
path, information is transmitted in digital form. Such systems are still under
development. In cable TV systems of the second type, the analog signal received
from the sensors is converted into a digital form, transmitted, and then again
acquires an analog form in the receiver, in which it is fed to the video
monitor. This uses existing analog TV signal sensors and signal-to-light
converters in television receivers.
· #155
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:36)
Борг за 03.05, вибачте, але я не зміг відправити роботу вчора.
- De facto.
This table is based on de facto information.
Ця таблиця ґрунтується на фактичній інформації.
- Deserves special attention.
Resource monitoring deserves special attention.
Моніторинг ресурсів заслуговує особливої уваги.
- Derived from.
Information derived from resource monitoring will help protect your computer.
Інформація, отримана з моніторингу ресурсів, допоможе зберегти ваш комп'ютер.
Today i have read an article "Chinese hackers reportedly target India's power
grid". This article is about how China unleashed a flurry of cyber attacks on
India and its industry. India's energy sector has been targeted by hackers in a
lengthy operation believed to be carried out by a state-sponsored Chinese group,
an American private cybersecurity company detailed in a new report. Insikt
Group, the threat intelligence arm of Massachusetts-based Recorded Future, said
it had gathered evidence that the hackers targeted seven Indian government
centers responsible for power dispatch and network management near the border
zone disputed by the two parties.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Thursday that the report
was "noted" by Beijing, but that China "strongly opposes and combats any form of
cyber attacks, and will not encourage, support or condone any cyber attacks."
“I would like to advise the company concerned that if they truly care about
global cyber security, they should pay more attention to US government cyber
attacks on China and other countries and do more to promote dialogue and
cooperation between countries. use the problem of cyberattacks to create
problems and slander China,” he told reporters.
Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said India has not discussed
the issue with China.
“We have seen the reports. There is a mechanism in place to protect our critical
infrastructure to keep it resilient. We have not raised this issue with China,”
he said.
The Insikt Group has already discovered and reported on the alleged
Chinese-sponsored hack of 10 Indian energy sector organizations in February 2021
by a group known as RedEcho. A more recent hack "displays consistency in purpose
and capability" with RedEcho, but there are also "noticeable differences"
between the two, so the group was given the working title Threat Activity Group
38, or TAG-38, as more information was gathered. "The goal of intrusions may be
to better understand these complex systems to facilitate development of
capabilities for future use or gain sufficient access to the system to prepare
for future operations in contingencies," Recorded Future said in a statement.
· #154
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:36)
Exam Topic #7 (The new advancement of color Television)
Color television is a television technology that allows you to transmit images
in natural colors. All analogue color television systems intended for
terrestrial broadcasting complied with the principle of compatibility, ie color
television could be received and reproduced by both black and white and color
television receivers. Modern standards for analog color television provide for
the transmission of a brightness signal and two color, still maintaining
compatibility with black and white receivers. The bandwidth occupied by color
signals may be limited by the reduced sensitivity of the human eye to the
clarity of the color image.
· #153
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:34)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
1)examine more closely
I think I will examine it more closely.
2) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
The stems have distinct smelling foliage when young.
· #152
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:34)
Today i have read the article titled "A technique that allows robots to detect
when humans need help". This article is about computational tools that could
enhance the performance of socially assistive robots, by allowing them to
process social cues given by humans and respond accordingly. The key objective
of the recent study carried out by Wilson, Aung and Boucher was to allow robots
to automatically process eye-gaze-related cues in useful ways. This invention
will help people with everyday tasks, such as cooking dinner, learning math, or
assembling furniture.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) estimate the effects of
Very few studies have attempted to estimate the effects of past climate change
on air quality and health.(Дуже мало досліджень намагалися оцінити вплив минулих
змін клімату на якість повітря та здоров’я. )
2) examine more closely
I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of the more
strategic and intriguing success stories that I've been able to discover in the
last 24 months.(Я подумав, що було б приємно детальніше вивчити деякі з більш
стратегічних та інтригуючих історій успіху, які мені вдалося відкрити за останні
24 місяці.)
3) distinct from
However, the coordinated effort to target Indian power grid assets in recent
years is notably distinct from our perspective.(Однак скоординовані зусилля,
спрямовані на індійські енергосистеми в останні роки, помітно відрізняються від
нашої точки зору.)
Vocaroo -
· #151
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:33)
Distinct from
Відрізняється від
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.
Він відрізняється від електричної науки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як мідь.
2) Examine more closely
Більш ретельне вивчення
We also examine the computer science discipline and degree levels more closely.
Ми також уважніше вивчаємо дисципліни інформатики та рівні ступенів.
3) Estimate the effects of
Оцінка впливу
Rather than using complex computer models to estimate the effects of
greenhouse-gas emissions, Lovejoy examines historical data to assess the
competing hypothesis.
Замість використання складних комп'ютерних моделей для оцінки впливу викидів
парникових газів, Лавджой вивчає історичні дані, щоб оцінити конкуруючу
Today I have read the article entitled «Live online TV, once a bargain, is
getting more expensive». Cable managers ridiculed online TV packages as
unrealistically cheap, but their popularity grew. Online TV providers attracted
users with digital "thin packets" that were cheaper than cable TV. Many are now
raising prices, often as packages become more and more reminiscent of
traditional television packages. In my opinion, the problem with television
services is that the cost of programs is rising, there will eventually be a
sharp drop in demand from users, and then entertainment companies may eventually
feel the bite.
· #150
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:33)
Prhases of Day
1. distinct from :
Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and
from art, which is more concerned with the expression of ideas.
Ігри відрізняються від роботи, яка зазвичай виконується за винагороду, і від
мистецтва, яке більше займається вираженням ідей.
2. estimate the effects of :
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність і безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до створеної ним загальнонаціональної панелі.
3. examine more closely :
Search to examine more closely and thousands of other words in English
definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso.
Знайдіть, щоб детальніше вивчити тисячі інших слів у англійському словнику
визначення та синонімів від Reverso.
Today I have had an opportunity to read an article about invention of a new
electrolyte.To tell the truth the topic of electrolytes is new to me, but the
article is very interesting
Because these studies have an impact on our lives. Electrolytes are a major part
of all our batteries.Scientists have set a goal to create the perfect battery
that can store a lot of energy and do it safely.
That is why they have recently found a possible way to achieve the goal.
According to research, a new type of electrolyte has several advantages.
Unfortunately, the research is slow, as it is very difficult to create the
necessary requirements for testing.
I hope that someday we will be able to create the perfect battery.
· #149
Yershova Y. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:33)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:19)
Your review is meaningful, thank you, but mind the pronunciation. You have to
work harder on your reading. The sentences with phrases are quite interesting
but the example 2 is not informative enough. .
· #148
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:32)
Hello. The past message is text from the past month that you didn't notice and wasn't checked.
· #147
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:31)
Photo ]
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (S. Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 09:17)
Today i have read the article called"Theoretical Physics: Dark matter and dark
energy are different aspects of a single unknown force"which tells us about
scientific model proposed by Scherrer that can unify dark matter and dark energy
using a second-generation scalar field,which is known as k-essence.The problem
is that dark matter and dark energy behave differently.Dark matter have mass,but
dark energy has quite opposite properties.The k-essence model can change its
behavior over time.For example it looks like dark matter for a while and then it
looks like dark energy.I think this model avoids many previous
obstacles,nevertheless it has some drawbacks.
1)estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
2)examine more closely
To understand the technique, I will examine the instructions more closely.
3)distinct from
Such people often live in politically marginalized groups distinct from the
dominant culture.
· #146
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:31)
These communication schemes are distinct from modern ones.
Ці комунікаційні схеми відрізняються від сучасних.
This security system requires to examine more closely.
Ця система безпеки потребує більш ретельного вивчення.
If the development is already fully completed, then an estimate the effects of
can already be done.
Якщо розробка вже повністю завершена, то оцінку наслідків вже можна зробити.
Today I've read the article which tells us about Chinese cyber attacks on India.
In a short period of time, about 10 cyber attacks by Chinese hacker groups on
the energy sector of India were carried out. It is noteworthy that all cyber
attacks were carried out on the territory of enterprises located in the
territory where about a year ago there was an armed conflict between India and
China. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian completely denies the
government's attitude towards cyberattacks and against any type of cybercrime.
The Minister of Energy of India, in turn, says that there are no serious
consequences and their security system is ready for anything.
In my opinion, any cyber attacks are crimes whether they are related to the
government or not. And the criminals must be punished anyway.
· #145
Vorobyova E. to Shlapak from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:30)
Please, read my remarks attentively and don’t make the same grammar mistakes: “Today I HAVE READ THE article about…” Mind it and continue working. Thank you for your understanding of the article. Your point of view is interesting.
· #144
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:29)
Good afternoon, I have completed more than half of the exam topics and forgot which ones I have completed, could you somehow tell me which ones are left to do. P.S. If all of them have to be completed, then I will do it, but as I understood, it is possible not to do everything because you said "... PREFERABLY do everything before the exam...".
· #143
Eugene Chervony RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:29)
Today I have read the article "Building a better quantum bit: New qubit
breakthrough could transform quantum computing". It says that digital device
basic unit of information is the bit, either 0 or 1. Scientists worldwide are
racing to develop a new kind of computer based on the use of quantum bits, or
qubits, which can simultaneously be 0 and 1 and could one day solve complex
problems beyond any classical supercomputers. The team created its qubit by
freezing neon gas into a solid at very low temperatures, spraying electrons from
a light bulb onto the solid and trapping a single electron there. Neon is one of
only six inert elements, meaning it does not react with other elements. It seems
to me that the era of quantum computers will come very soon.
1) distinct from
Our new research is distinct from last year research.
Наше нове дослідження відрізняється від минулорічного.
2) examine more closely
We were able to obtain new samples to examine more closely these fumes.
Ми отримали нові зразки для більш ретельного вивчення цих випарів.
3) estimate the effects of
Previously used different emission spectra to estimate the effects of radiation.
Раніше використовувалися різні спектри випромінювання для оцінки впливу
· #142
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:25)
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211)
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211
Your tasks are complete and informative. Continue working.
· #141
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:24)
Misha Donenko RZ-211
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211
Thank you, I appreciate your tasks.
· #140
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:23)
Today I have read the article 'Machine-learning model can identify the action in
a video clip and label it, without the help of humans'.
When a machine "sees" a photo, it must encode that photo into data it can use to
perform a task like image classification. This process becomes more complicated
when inputs come in multiple formats, like videos, audio clips, and images.
That's why, Alexander Liu and his collaborators developed an artificial
intelligence technique that learns to represent data in a way that captures
concepts which are shared between visual and audio modalities. Using this
knowledge, their machine-learning model can identify where a certain action is
taking place in a video and label it.
I think this is a good idea, which will make the progress towards creating good,
understandable AI even more smooth and easier.
4. 1) examine more closely
It is relevant to examine more closely the obligation on States under ICESCR to
"take steps".
2) estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
3) distinct from
Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from
· #139
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:20)
1)Today I have read the article ''From seawater to drinking water, with the push
of a button''.This article is about a portable desalination plant weighing less
than 10 kg that can remove particles and salts to produce drinking water. This
device consumes a small amount of electricity, which further increases its
mobility, since a small solar panel is enough to power this installation. This
installation is already operating in remote areas with extremely limited
resources (communities on small islands or on board marine cargo ships) and
provides them with water.
In my opinion, the problem of drinking water is already a cornerstone for many,
let alone our future (considering our consumption of drinking water) in which
drinking water will be worth its weight in gold, and the development of these
technologies can become a life jacket for humanity.
1)distinct from
For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
Для прозорості політику має бути легко знайти, чітко позначено та представлено
на відміну від звичайних правил HealthEngine.
2)estimate the effects
To estimate the effects of police militarization on crime and officer safety, he
returned to the nationwide panel he had built.
Щоб оцінити вплив мілітаризації поліції на злочинність і безпеку офіцерів, він
повернувся до загальнонаціональної панелі, яку він створив.
3)examine more closely
It is relevant to examine more closely the obligation on States under ICESCR to
"take steps".
Доречно більш уважно вивчити зобов’язання держав за МПЕСКП «вжити заходів».
· #138
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:19)
Today i have read the article "Google Cloud unveils Healthcare Data Engine for a
holistic view of health data"
this article is about the new development of google in the field of medicine.
According to them, this invention helps to work faster with patient data. thanks
to this, you can find out everything about the client, from his simple illnesses
to clinical.
doctors say that for them a quick search for information about patients is a
priority, as this will speed up their work. in addition, many companies have
supported this idea and cooperate with hospitals.
This article really impressed me. I think this development is very important and
useful today and i like that medicine is upgrading.
distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons
estimate the effects of
Rather than using complex computer models to estimate the effects of
greenhouse-gas emissions
examine more closely
I wanted to examine the product more closely
· #137
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:18)
The basic principles of protection against various cyber attacks distinct
2. This problem requires examine more closely.
3. We use them estimate the effects of on the object.
Today I read an article "The new Facebook logo arrives as its "family" grows."
Perhaps this will be something important for Facebook, but for an ordinary user
it's just an updated inscription, someone will like it, someone will not. And
the fact that this inscription, as I understand it, reflects all the products of
Facebook, is not very important for users and they will not even know about it
until they see or hear this news. Although I understand that the update of the
view is not made for users, but because Facebook is under the scrutiny of
regulators around the world about how it monitors content on its platforms.
· #136
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:18)
Today I have read the article " Experiments measure freezing point of
extraterrestrial oceans to aid search for life". This article is about a
researchers from the University of Washington and the University of California,
Berkeley have conducted experiments that measured the physical limits for the
existence of liquid water in icy extraterrestrial worlds. This blend of
geoscience and engineering was done to aid in the search for extraterrestrial
life and the upcoming robotic exploration of oceans on moons of other
planets.The study focused on eutectics, or the lowest temperature that a salty
solution can remain liquid before entirely freezing. In my opinion , this
article is very interesting for everyone , especially for people who love deep
space and new technologies . I think this new technology will become very useful
soon .
examine more closely
Executions by guerrilla forces were a controversial issue that he hoped to
examine more closely.
Страти партизанськими загонами були спірним питанням, яке він сподівався
розглянути більш уважно.
distinct from
This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
Ця роль відрізнялася від правоохоронної, але доповнювала.
estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
Він зміг оцінити вплив викидів на здоров’я людини та біорізноманіття.
· #135
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:18)
article I read today is "Study sheds new light on the origin of civilization".
The author of the article claims that the transition to agriculture has led to
the development of complex hierarchical societies. The authors suggest that this
is because the nature of the grain requires that it be harvested and stored in
accessible places, making it easier to appropriate as a tax than root crops that
remain in the ground and are less stored. It can be concluded that it was thanks
to grain crops that civilized societies emerged.
1) It is possible estimate the effects of felling forests by calculating the
health costs attributable.
Можна оцінити наслідки вирубки лісів, обчислюючи витрати на оздоровлення.
2) It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the
flow of electrons.
Він відрізняється від електротехніки та техніки, які мають справу з потоком
3) Scientists need to examine more closely human impact on the environment in
more detail.
Науковцям необхідно більш детально вивчити вплив людини на навколишнє
· #134
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:14)
Facebook has unveiled a new logo representing the Silicon Valley company. The
move aims to highlight the "brand" of Facebook, which operates a range of apps
and services.
The new branding, basically the company's name in clear letters, will be
imprinted on its "family" of offerings, including WhatsApp, Messenger,
Instagram, Oculus, Workplace, Portal and Calibra. "Today, we're updating our
company branding to better reflect Facebook products."
The move comes as Facebook is under scrutiny from regulators around the world
regarding how it controls content on its platforms.
Facebook created Calibra as a digital wallet for use with the proposed Libra
cryptocurrency, which has been criticized by regulators and legislators in
various countries.
estimate the effects of
Their study (which is the first to directly estimate the effects of water right
distinct from
For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies.
examine more closely
Along with the Enterprise 2.0 Conference last week, the details and trends of
which I'll examine more closely in my next post
· #133
Vorobyova E. to РЗ-213 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:05)
Good morning, students! Our English lesson has already started and I am waiting for your comments, sentences with phrases and exam topics. Good luck.
· #132
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 05 May 2022 09:01)
Today I read the article “New method detects deepfake videos with up to 99%
accuracy”. This article is about the experience of detecting deepfake videos.
Computer scientists at UC Riverside can detect manipulated facial expressions in
deepfake videos with higher accuracy than current state-of-the-art methods. The
method also works as well as current methods in cases where the facial identity,
but not the expression, has been swapped, leading to a generalized approach to
detect any kind of facial manipulation. The achievement brings researchers a
step closer to developing automated tools for detecting manipulated videos that
contain propaganda or misinformation. In my opinion, it’s great, because now it
will be harder for propaganda makers to do deepfake videos of senior government
distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as
copper.(Він відрізняється від електричної науки та техніки, які мають справу з
потоком електронів та інших носіїв заряду через металеві провідники, такі як
examine more closely
If they took the time to more closely examine the environment, they usually find
that the processor is not the bottleneck that believe it to be.(Якщо вони
знайшли час, щоб більш уважно вивчити навколишнє середовище, вони зазвичай
виявляють, що процесор не є вузьким місцем, яким він вважає.)
estimate the effects
The tool can also estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by
calculating the health costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be
removed from the air by those trees.(Інструмент також може оцінити наслідки
вирубки існуючого лісу, обчислюючи витрати на охорону здоров’я, пов’язані з
PM2,5, які більше не будуть видалятися з повітря цими деревами.)
· #131
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:52)
Today I’ve read the article “New chip hides wireless messages in plain sight”.
Emerging 5G wireless systems are designed to support high-bandwidth and
low-latency networks connecting everything from autonomous robots to
self-driving cars. For networks that support latency-critical systems such as
self-driving cars, robots and other cyber-physical systems, minimizing
time-to-action is critical. Now we are in a new era of wireless—the networks of
the future are going to be increasingly complex while serving a large set of
different applications that demand very different features. I think it is a good
idea that it would be possible to use encryption along with the new system for
additional security.
New chip hides wireless messages in plain sight (
1.distinct from
This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
Ця роль відрізнялася від правоохоронної, але доповнювала.
2.examine more closely
The international community, including the Security Council, should also examine
more closely the anticipated long-term requirements after the Tribunals had
completed their mandates.
Міжнародне співтовариство, у тому числі Рада Безпеки, має також уважніше вивчити
очікувані довгострокові потреби після того, як трибунали виконають свої мандати.
3.estimate the effects of
It was able to estimate the effects of emissions on human health and
Він зміг оцінити вплив викидів на здоров’я людини та біорізноманіття.
· #130
Yershova Y. to PЗ-211 (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:50)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #129
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 05 May 2022 08:48)
I am waiting for your exam topics and sentences with phrases.
· #128
S.Mykhailiuk (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 21:28)
To Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211 Thanks . Task 1 .Pls translate the phrases first and then translate the whole sentence Just good. Task 2 is a bit lengthy but interesting in its contents.There is a minor mistake. Just 83 points.
· #127
Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211, S. Mykhailiuk (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 19:32)
1)Phrases of the Day:
1. Table based on de facto population. - Таблиця на основі фактичного населення.
2. It is not only financial, but also technical and technological, and deserves
special attention in terms of monitoring and assessment. - Вона не тільки
фінансова, але й техніко-технологічна, і заслуговує на особливу увагу з точки
зору моніторингу та оцінки.
3. Biofuels - fuels derived from biomass - might offer a promising supplement. -
Біопаливо - паливо, отримане з біомаси - може бути багатообіцяючим доповненням.
Today i have read article about "Hackers Claim to Target Russian Institutions in
Barrage of Cyberattacks and Leaks". This article about Hackers claim to have
broken into dozens of Russian institutions over the past two months, including
the Kremlin’s internet censor and one of its primary intelligence services,
leaking emails and internal documents to the public in an apparent hack-and-leak
campaign that is remarkable in its scope. The hacking operation comes as the
Ukrainian government appears to have begun a parallel effort to punish Russia by
publishing the names of supposed Russian soldiers who operated in Bucha, the
site of a massacre of civilians, and agents of the F.S.B., a major Russian
intelligence agency, along with identifying information like dates of birth and
passport numbers. It is unclear how the Ukrainian government obtained those
names or whether they were part of the hacks. Much of the data released by the
hackers and the Ukrainian government is by its nature impossible to verify. As
an intelligence agency, the F.S.B. would never confirm a list of its officers.
Even the groups distributing the data have warned that the files swiped from
Russian institutions could contain malware, manipulated or faked information,
and other tripwires. Some of the data may also be recycled from previous leaks
and presented as new, researchers have said, in an attempt to artificially
increase the hackers’ credibility. Or some of it could be manufactured —
something that has happened before in the ongoing cyberconflict between Russia
and Ukraine, which dates back more than a decade.But the hacking effort appears
to be part of a campaign by those opposing the Kremlin to help in the war effort
by making it extremely difficult for Russian spies to operate abroad and by
planting a seed of fear in the minds of soldiers that they could be held to
account for human rights abuses. Dmitri Alperovitch, a founder of the Silverado
Policy Accelerator, a Washington think tank, and the former chief technology
officer at the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, said there was reason to maintain
a healthy skepticism about the reliability of some of the leaks. What can I say
after reading this article, I hope that all this information is reliable and I
hope that the Russians will suffer, we all know what kind of country this is,
therefore this article makes sense to be.
· #126
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (HomeWork) (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 16:43)
Link to article
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1. De facto, the number of animals in the zoo is much less than they say
Фактична кількість тварин у зоопарку набагато менша, ніж про це говорять
2. Investment funds pay off as the profit derived from the firm goes up
Інвестиційні кошти окупаються так як прибуток, що отримується з фірми, йде вгору
3. The work of Tom Cooper deserves special attention in terms of helping the
army of Ukraine
Робота Тома Купера заслуговує на окрему увагу в плані допомоги армії України
· #125
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 04 May 2022 12:55)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #124
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 17:03)
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls) is well done.
· #123
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 15:36)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #122
S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022)
To students Chmel, Colomiets. Pls participate in our activities.
· #121
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022)
students Camel, Vivchar, Yakubovska, Kulaksis, Siropulo from Group RF-211.
To students Fudulaki, Huzhnyak, Yushin and Koloniets
You didn’t work on line today. Pls report the reasons for outage to your monitor
Vlada Gromovaya today and she will let me know about it. Pls try to participate
on the designated timeframe of the on-line lesson.
· #120
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 14:10)
today's world, data security has become the number one issue. Every day network
administrators are at war with virus developers and hackers to protect their
A hardware firewall is the first line of defense, as they are mostly configured
on network boxes containing configured hardware and software. It monitors every
packet that reaches your network by checking its source, destination address and
header if it can be trusted.
Hardware firewalls are good for small and medium-sized business owners with a
small network of computers with 5 or more PCs. They become cost effective
because if you choose to purchase software licenses for each machine, say 20 to
30 copies per annual subscription fee, it will cost you a lot of money.The
hardware firewall has built-in IPS / IPDS, which used to be used as a separate
device. But now they are included, offering us more protection.
1)There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
2)CSSW is negotiating to have some funds through WHO to conduct research and
field studies on health.
3)A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
· #119
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 14:07)
To Biehin Yevhen RF-211 Thanks your scores are 74 and 75 points. Keep on working hard.
· #118
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 14:05)
To Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) Thanks but pay attention to the pronunciation and melody.Pls avoid using synonyms in one sentence (take a picture. ....)Just 78 points. Task2 is 82 points. Keep on working hard. As you see, not students participated in today’s activities and posted at the predicted time ( closer to the end of a class).
· #117
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 13:31)
To Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) pls mind each sentence contains the word”misinformation”. Pls train your melody . Mind the word ‘ nuances’. Just 70 points. You’ve earned 78 points for task 2.
· #116
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 13:22)
To Shulyak Makar RF-211 Pls make a conclusion at the end. Pls avoid using quotes. Train your pronunciation. Just 67 points . Task2 is 76 points. Keep on working hard.
· #115
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 13:14)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 Thanks for your attempts. There are some minor mistakes in sentence structure especially in your conclusion. Pls train before you record your speech. Just 78 points . Task2 is 82 points.Krep on working hard to improve your results.
· #114
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) just 75 points for both tasks. But I advise you should make a comment using 100 words only. Also improve your pronunciation and speaking level otherwise I’ll have to give you lower mark. Try to work hard.
· #113
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:48)
To Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) Your comments are very lengthy . Try to avoid using quotes. Just 73 points. Task2 is 75 points but try to post sentences relating to your speciality.
· #112
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 12:25)
To Alexander Shibaev (RF-211) Thanks . But try to be precise and make a long story short without quotes. Just 74 points. Task 2 is good. Try to make up sentences with phrases in a proper way: translate the phrases first and avoid using ‘it’ . It’s better to use noun.
· #111
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 11:20)
To. Pontus Natalia(RF-211) There’s no reference to the source .There are repetition of verbs in one sentence with no conclusion. Just 67 points. Task2 contains the first phrase with the same sentence you can come across in the Guestbook where other students posted it.Be creative. Just 67 points.
· #110
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:43)
Exam topic #9 (Functions of firewalls)
The first-generation firewall works as a packet filter, comparing basic
information, such as the original source, packet destination, port, or protocol
used, to a specific set of rules.
The second generation of the firewall contains another parameter
for filter settings - connection status. Based on this information, the
technology can track connection start and current connection data.
Third-generation firewalls are built to filter information using all levels of
the OSI model.
including the application level. They recognize programs
and some common protocols such as FTP and HTTP.
Based on this information, the firewall can detect attacks
who are trying to bypass it through the allowed port
or unauthorized use of the protocol.
· #109
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:35)
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211)
Artem Verhelis RT-211
Avdeev Danil RT-211
Your comments are good. Thanks for your work. Good luck.
· #108
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:32)
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Thank you, you have successfully completed the task.
· #107
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:30)
Artem Verhelis RT-211
Exam topic #5 is well done
· #106
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:29)
El-kadi RT-211
Read my remarks attentively, pls.. You are making the same mistakes.I hope I'll
hear your voice record one day. Don't forget about thr links to the article and
the audio description of the article and Phrases.Keep on working
· #105
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:28)
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211
Timur Ergul RT-211
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Your tasks are done thoroughly and correctly. I liked your work. Go on working.
· #104
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:25)
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211,
#50, 52
Exam Topic #5 is well done
Everything is clear from your review on the article. It’s interesting and
written and voiced correctly. Thank you for your understanding of the tasks.
· #103
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:23)
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thank you for your comment and voice message.
· #102
Pontus Natalia(RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:22)
Software industry
Software plays a critical role in today's global information economy:
individuals and businesses rely on operating systems and applications to carry
out daily tasks. Software runs the computers, networks and devices that enable
countless products and services from vast enterprise and communications systems
to small 'apps' that run on digital phones. The software industry consists of
the development, distribution, and maintenance of software. It can be broadly
divided into application software, system infrastructure software,
software-as-a-service (SaaS), operating systems, database and analytics
software. Fundamental forces have shaped the evolution of the industry, starting
with the emergence of personal computers, the development of computer networking
and client/server software, and the introduction and widespread adoption of the
Internet, and it continues to grow today.
Phrases of the day:
1) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
2) conduct research - провести дослідження
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features.
Розробники смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.
3) controversial question - спірне питання
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
· #101
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:21)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212)
Exam topic #5 (software firewall) is well done
· #100
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:21)
Today i've read the article "NYPD body cameras decrease citizen complaints and
arrests". The author is Benjamin Kessler from George Mason University.
This article tells us about how police body worn cameras have become a
controversial element in the larger debate about policing and the relationship
between police and citizens in the United States. Thanks to a court-mandated
department-wide rollout of these cameras involving 35,000 New York Police
Department officers, starting in 2018, a large volume of publicly available data
has been made available to study their effects, detailing the universe of NYPD
stops from January 2017 to December 2019. The cameras are not a cure-all.
Citizen complaints alleging improper use of force, for example, remained flat.
And smaller police departments with more modest budgets face legitimate resource
constraints, ranging from difficulty in paying for cameras, challenges when
training officers to use them properly, and infrastructure issues in preserving
the vast archives of video evidence. Data-driven analysis of Brad Greenwood, an
associate professor of information systems and operations management at the
George Mason University's School of Business, may help these smaller
municipalities weigh the costs and benefits of adopting the technology.
In this article Brad Greenwood wrote "We have reached a point in society,
regrettably in my opinion, where people are taking positions on what will be
good or bad before the word 'go." It is only going to be through careful and
rigorous study of what is happening on the ground that we are going to be able
to give actionable information to decision makers so they can make thoughtful
determinations about how to capture the benefits of emerging technologies and
avoid the potential problems." In my opinion, that idea is very suitable not
only for the United States, but for all other countries where there are problems
with "abuse of power", abuse or intimidation.
1. Police body worn cameras have become a controversial element in the larger
debate about policing and the relationship between police and citizens in the
United States. - Поліцейські камери на тілі стали суперечливим елементом у
широкій дискусії про поліцейську діяльність та відносини між поліцією та
громадянами в Сполучених Штатах.
2. Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table. - Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів
s-блоку, що існують значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні
бути розміщені в періодичній таблиці.
3. They shipped it here to conduct research. - Вони відправили його сюди для
проведення досліджень.
· #99
Avdeev Danil RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:20)
Today I have read the article titled "Survey measures whites', Blacks' views on
American identity, guns, political violence". It describes us about survey from
University of Illinois Chicago researchers found strong consensus both across
and within white and black populations in the U.S., and transcending political
party lines, when freedom of speech, voting rights, respect for institutions,
and peaceful resolution of political conflict were considered as key dimensions
of what it means to be American. I find this article interesting, because
nowadays discrimination problem is one of the most famous problem, but more and
more people are becoming tolerant of others.
1)conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для проведення
досліджень з різних питань.
2) controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think.
Її робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення.
3) considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що існують
значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні бути розміщені в
періодичній таблиці.
· #98
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:20)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 )
Thank you for your essay, but mind that your comment should include up to 100
words. Use Word Count Tool to check it. Go on working.
· #97
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:17)
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212
Kolomiets Vova РЗ-212
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 /
Thank you for your comments on the article, audio recordings.
· #96
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:14)
article is headlined "The new tattoo: Drawing electronics on skin".Author's name
is Zheng Yan.
According to the text:One day, people could monitor their own health conditions
by simply picking up a pencil and drawing a bioelectronic device on their skin.
In a new study, University of Missouri engineers demonstrated that the simple
combination of pencils and paper could be used to create devices that might be
used to monitor personal health.
Since its invention, pencils—made of lead including various levels of graphite,
clay and wax—have often been used for writing and drawing. In the study, the
researchers discovered that pencils containing more than 90% graphite are able
to conduct a high amount of energy created from the friction between paper and
pencil caused by drawing or writing. Specifically, the researchers found pencils
with 93% graphite were the best for creating a variety of on-skin bioelectronic
devices drawn on commercial office copy paper. Yan said a biocompatible spray-on
adhesive could also be applied to the paper to help it stick better to a
person's skin.
Next step would be to further develop and test the use of the biomedical
components, including electrophysiological, temperature and biochemical
sensors."For example, if a person has a sleep issue, we could draw a biomedical
device that could help monitor that person's sleep levels".
I think the article is very important for out future life because this invention
could have broad future applications in home-based, personalized health care,
education and remote scientific research such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Phrases of the Day:
1)considerable disagreement - considerable disagreement.
As a result, there is considerable disagreement about how best to write a code.
В результаті виникають значні розбіжності щодо того, як найкраще написати код.
2)controversial question- суперечливе питання.
Whether fishes are sentient beings remains an unresolved and controversial
Чи є риби розумними істотами, залишається невирішеним і суперечливим питанням.
3)conduct research-провести дослідження;
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features.
Розробники смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.
· #95
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:13)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #94
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:09)
Today I've read the article "A wheeled car, quadruped and humanoid robot:
Swiss-Mile Robot from ETH Zurich".
This article is about four-legged robot with wheels created by ETH Zurich
company. This is modified model of ANYmal robot known as Swiss-Mile, called the
same as team that created it. It has two modes of movement. The first one is
rolling on wheels, with the ability to overcome stairs, ledges or bumps. The
second mode is walking on four legs like a dog or on two like a human. It can
bring its benefits as by delivering pleasure to its owners as can be used as a
package or parcel deliverer.
1) considerable disagreement
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there
is considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined
by culture or by the environment.
Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які сформували історію людства,
існують значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша поведінка визначається культурою
чи середовищем.
2) controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
3) conduct research
It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
Це також було дуже цікаво проводити дослідження у трьох різних університетах.
· #93
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:09)
Today i have read the article "A soft magnetic pixel robot that can be
programmed to take different shapes". new kind of robots - magnetic robots.
Magnetic soft robots are systems that can change shape or perform various
actions when a magnetic field is applied to them. They have many useful features
including wireless drive, high flexibility and endless endurance. In the future,
micro-scale soft magnetic robots can be implemented in a variety of conditions;
for example, helping people to monitor the environment or perform biomedical
procedures remotely, even if at the moment they can only perform primitive
functions. Although the danger of total government control through the use of
cameras in a magnetic robot increases, I think this invention is quite useful,
with its help we will be able to explore the most unexplored corners of our
conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
2) considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
3) controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).
· #92
Gvozd to Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 10:01)
Your task is well done and informative.
· #91
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:56)
Today I have read the article 'Researchers think soot can help with the energy
It tells about the group of researchers from the University of Houston and
Mexico's Universidad Intercultural Indígena de Michoacán, who found how to make
a reality a method of turning environmental pollutants into renewable solar
energy while reducing carbon emissions. The scientists demonstrated how soot,
the byproduct of burned organic materials like biomass, carbon and hydrocarbons,
can convert solar energy into heat. The biomass extracted from burned wood in
the Mexican state of Michoacán was found to be the most effective, according to
the findings published in the journal Carbon. Ultimately, the researchers used
the soot to produce a paste-like coating with high solar-to-heat-conversion
I think this is somehow an interesting method of using burned wood to make
absorption of solar energy easier, proving that even damaged biologicall
surfaces, such as wood, can still make a good use of obstaining 'green' energy.
4. 1) conduct research
Researchers rarely conduct research with a finished model of the causal process
they want to test in mind
2) considerable disagreement
There is considerable disagreement over the safety of the treatment
3) controversial question
The decision to use the bomb remains the most controversial question of the
Second World War.
6. Exam topic №9: Functions of Firewalls
A firewall is a security device in the form of computer hardware or software. It
can help protect your network by acting as an intermediary between your internal
network and outside traffic. It monitors attempts to gain access to your
operating system and blocks unwanted incoming traffic and unrecognized sources.
A firewall acts as a barrier or gatekeeper between your computer and another
network like the internet. She can help protect your computer and data by
managing your network traffic. It does this by blocking unsolicited and unwanted
incoming network traffic. A firewall validates access by assessing this incoming
traffic for anything malicious like hackers and malware that could infect your
· #90
Gvozd to Vasilev A.O RZ-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:55)
Thank you for your task. Mind definite article in the first sentence: I have read THE article...
· #89
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:52)
To Misha Donenko RZ-211 Well done, thank you
· #88
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:49)
To Denis Zavadsky Thanks for sharing your opinion on the article here.
· #87
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:47)
Audio(Article + Phrases):
Today i have read an article titled "Internet connectivity is oxygen for
research and development work" by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The text says that technological limitations can become stumbling blocks to
efficient communication and cause significant disadvantages. Pete Goldsmith,
director of the Soybean Innovation Lab at University of Illinois, noticed that
his African colleagues were often dealing with technological problems that made
communication very challenging. Goldsmith, Hixson, and Smith conducted an
in-depth case study of information communication technology (ICT). Based on this
study, the research team developed the ICT Health Checkup, an assessment
procedure for IT administrators to methodically assess the current state of
their system, identify gaps affecting performance, and document steps for
remediation. ICT Health Checkup measures the current conditions and can be used
as a benchmarking tool to measure improvements.
I think we need to constantly improve the Internet, especially for such an
important area as science. Better Internet allows you to complete some research
sooner and be able to store data somewhere.
Phrases of the Day
1. controversial question - спірне питання
Police body worn cameras have become a controversial element in the larger
debate about policing and the relationship between police and citizens in the
United States - Поліцейські камери на тілі стали суперечливим елементом у
широкій дискусії про поліцейську діяльність та відносини між поліцією та
громадянами в Сполучених Штатах.
2. considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
"When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment," says primary author Carlos Botero, a researcher
at the Initiative for Biological Complexity at North Carolina State University -
«Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які сформували історію людства, виникають
значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша поведінка визначається насамперед
культурою чи навколишнім середовищем», — говорить основний автор Карлос Ботеро,
дослідник Ініціативи з біологічної складності в Університеті штату Північна
3. conduct research - провести дослідження
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants - Але відсутність
зв’язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції, проводити
дослідження та змагатися за гранти.
· #86
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:44)
Addition to comment #82
· #85
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:44)
Today I've read the article 'Recycled glass waste used as sand replacement in 3D
printing'. Researchers have developed the ability to use recycled glass in 3D
printing. As we know, glass is made of sand, so it can be completely recycled.
Nevertheless, it is the least recycled types of waste. A concrete formula was
invented consisting of recycled glass, cement, water and additives for 3D
printing. In laboratory tests, the 3D-printed design showed excellent
construction ability. Printed concrete didn't deform or break down before it
hardened. I think it'll help us reduce waste and buildings won't collapse for
long time.
1)conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для проведення
досліджень з різних питань.
2) controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think.
Її робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення.
3) considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що існують
значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні бути розміщені в
періодичній таблиці.
· #84
Stanislav Kryvosheienko RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:44)
Today I have read the article "Tenfold increase in hurricane frequency this
century, research predicts" This aticle is about research that has shown that
there was an increasing tendency for storm hurricane surges when the climate was
warmer. But nobody knows how much worse will it get as temperatures rise in the
future. New research from the Niels Bohr Institute show that there will be a
tenfold increase in frequency if the climate becomes two degrees Celcius warmer.
voicle -
article -
1)Considerable disagreement - Considerable disagreement exists, however, on how
to interpret that research. Однако существуют значительные разногласия по поводу
того, как интерпретировать это исследование.
2)Controversial question - A good example is the potentially controversial
question of prevention. Хорошим примером является потенциально спорный вопрос о
3)Conduct research - They shipped it here to conduct research. Они обосновались
здесь чтобы проводить исследования.
Voice -
· #83
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:43)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #82
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:43)
Today I’ve read an article called “How AI is shaping the cybersecurity arms
race”. Artificial intelligence is particularly well suited to finding patterns
in huge amounts of data. There are two main ways AI is bolstering cybersecurity.
First, AI can help automate many tasks that a human analyst would often handle
manually. These include automatically detecting unknown workstations, servers,
code repositories and other hardware and software on a network. Second, AI can
help detect patterns within large quantities of data that human analysts can’t
see. For example, AI could detect the key linguistic patterns of hackers posting
emerging threats in the dark web and alert analysts. Despite the significant
benefits of AI for cybersecurity, we might be worried about how much they can
trust automated systems. AI is also useful for malicious hackers, who are using
methods like reinforcement learning and generative adversarial networks.
In my opinion, researches in using AI in cybersecurity is a big step, which can
improve the protection of data, servers and workstations.
Phrases of the day:
1. controversial question - суперечливе питання
ENG: Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of
whether the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).
UKR: Її робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими
ми розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення (Лінгвістична відносність).
2. considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
ENG: Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there
is considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in
the periodic table.
UKR: Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що
існують значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні бути розміщені
в періодичній таблиці.
3. conduct research - проведення досліджень
ENG: Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety
of questions.
UKR: Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для проведення
досліджень з різних питань.
· #81
Lebedeva Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:41)
27 April on the straight of the Space Shuttle airstrip at NASA's Kennedy Space
Center in Cape Canaveral, the car created by the Politecnico di Milano-PoliMOVE
broke the world speed record for a fully autonomous car on a straight (the
previous record held by Roborace was 175.49 mph/282.42 kph). The Politecnico
Team had already achieved the record on 26 April but decided to raise the bar
and improve its performance. On 27 April, PoliMOVE's car beat its own record to
reach an incredible speed of 192.2 mph/309.3 kph, smashing through the "wall" of
186.4 mph/300 kph.
I consider this a minor discovery, since a self-propelled vehicle needs to be
safer due to the lack of direct control over it.
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди, щоб провести дослідження.
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
· #80
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:41)
Computer protection tips
1. Use Windows Firewall built-in and automatic
firewall enabled.
2. Software update
Be sure to turn on Automatic Updates in Windows Update to keep Windows,
Microsoft Office, and other Microsoft programs up to date. You should also
enable automatic updates for third-party software, especially browsers, Adobe
Acrobat Reader, and other programs you use regularly.
3. Use of anti-virus software and its current version
If you run Windows Device Security in Windows or Windows Defender, you already
have Security Center installed.
4. Make sure your passwords are well-chosen and secure.
For information on how to do this, see in the article Password protection.
5. Do not open suspicious attachments and do not follow unusual links in
They can appear in emails, tweets, posts, online advertising, messages or
attachments, and sometimes pretend to be well-known and reliable sources.
6. Safe web browsing
Do not visit sites that offer potentially illegal content. Many of these sites
instantly install malicious software or offer downloads that contain malicious
software. Use a modern browser, such as Microsoft Edge, to block malicious
websites and prevent malicious code from running on your computer.
7. Stay away from pirated materials
Avoid streaming and downloading movies, music, books, or programs that do not
come from trusted sources. They may contain malware.
8. Do not use USBs or other external devices unless you own them
To avoid getting infected with malware and viruses, make sure all external
devices belong to you or come from a trusted source.
1.controversial question
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
2.conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди для проведення досліджень.
3. considerable disagreement
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
· #79
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:40)
Today I've read an article called 'NASA shows upper-level westerly winds
affecting Tropical Storm Fred'.The article is about changes in weather. Much
attention is given to the effect of upper-level winds on a tropical storm.
NASA's aqua satellite imagery showed the highest thunderstorms southeast of the
storm's center. AIRS data also showed some of the highest, coldest, strongest
thunderstorms with the temperature of the top of the clouds over storm Fred.
Then this cyclone is encountering strong upper-level winds, so weakening is
In my opinion this information is useful because it is especially difficult to
predict weather changes. And everyone wants to know what the weather will be
like tomorrow.
Exam topic #7 ( Different protection mechanisms)
In psychoanalytic theory, a defence mechanism , is an unconscious psychological
operation that functions to protect a person from anxiety-producing thoughts and
feelings related to internal conflicts and outer stressors.
Defence mechanisms may result in healthy or unhealthy consequences depending on
the circumstances and frequency with which the mechanism is used. Defence
mechanisms are psychological strategies brought into play by the unconscious
mind to manipulate, deny, or distort reality in order to defend against feelings
of anxiety and unacceptable impulses . These processes that manipulate, deny, or
distort reality may include the following: repression, or the burying of a
painful feeling or thought from one's awareness even though it may resurface in
a symbolic form; identification, incorporating an object or thought into
oneself; and rationalization, the justification of one's behaviour and
motivations by substituting "good" acceptable reasons for the actual
1)considerable disagreement
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism
2)conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research
3)controversial question
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention
· #78
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:38)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 The topic The differences between a software and hardware firewall is written correctly.
· #77
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:36)
Exam topic #6 "An isolated virtual machine"
Virtual Machine is a completely separate individual operating system
installation on your usual operating system. It is implemented by software
emulation and hardware virtualization.
Virtual machine is a software implementation of a physical machine – computer –
that works and executes analogically to it. Virtual machines are divided in two
categories based on their use and correspondence to real machine: system virtual
machines and process virtual machines. First category provides a complete system
platform that executes complete operating system, second one will run a single
Virtual machine has advantages and disadvantages.
On the one hand the user could install two or more os. On the other hand
this utilitty needs powerful system.
1)controversial question
It's a surprisingly controversial question, given the number of asked people.
Це дивовижно суперечливе питання, враховуючи кількість запитаних людей.
2)conduct research
They pay professors to teach, not conduct research.
Вони платять професорам викладати, а не проводити дослідження.
3)considerable disagreement
This caused considerable disagreement among the believers and nearly led to a
church split.
Це викликало значну незгоду серед віруючих і майже призвело до церковного
· #76
Shulyak Makar RF-211 (S. Mykhailyuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:36)
Today I have read the article: "Making smartphone data anonymous no longer
enough: study".
Privacy measures that are meant to preserve the anonymity of smartphone users
are no longer suitable for the digital age, a study suggested on Tuesday.
Vast quantities of data are scooped up from smartphone apps by firms looking to
develop products, conduct research or target consumers with adverts.
In Europe and many other jurisdictions, companies are legally bound to make this
data anonymous, often doing so by removing telltale details like names or phone
But the study in the Nature Communications journal says this is no longer enough
to keep identities private.
The researchers say people can now be identified with just a few details of how
they communicate with an app like WhatsApp.
One of the paper's authors, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye of Imperial College
London, told AFP it was time to "reinvent what anonymisation means".
Phrases of the Day:
1)considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності.
There is considerable disagreement over the relationship between evolution and
culture. - Існують значні розбіжності щодо співвідношення між еволюцією та
2)controversial question - спірне питання.
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention. -
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
3)conduct research - провести дослідження.
They shipped it here to conduct research. - Вони відправили його сюди для
проведення досліджень.
· #75
Gvozd to Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:34)
The review is interesting, the task is complete.
· #74
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:32)
To Pontus Natalia(RF-211) The tasks are done correctly, but there are some mistakes in reading..
· #73
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Gvozd O. V) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:30)
Today I have read the article ”Scientific advance leads to a new tool in the
fight against hackers”. Using the laws of quantum physics, the researchers
developed a new security protocol that uses a person's geographical location to
guarantee that they are communicating with the right person that is secure
against even the most advanced cyber attacks. The researchers' recipe for
securing a person's location combines the information in a single quantum bit -
a qubit - followed by classical bits, consisting of the ones and zeroes that we
are familiar with from ordinary computers. Both types of bits are needed to send
a message that is impossible for cybercriminals to read, hack or manipulate, and
which can confirm whether a person is in your bank's office or in some far-off
Exam topic #20. Principles of information protection.
There are three main principles of information protection: 1) Confidentiality:
The purpose of Confidentiality is to protect the data from unauthorised access.
It is possible by implementing access restrictions to allow access to authorised
entities only. Examples of data confidentiality compromise would be unauthorised
disclosure, password theft or sensitive data theft; 2) Availability: This refers
to the availability of data when authorized users require this data. Devices,
systems, applications, data are of little value to any organization if their
customers can’t access it when they need it. Denial of Service attacks
prevention is an example of ensuring data availability; 3) Integrity: Integrity
means preserving the accuracy and completeness of data. This element ensures
that data has not been tampered with and can be trusted.
controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think - Її робота дала нове розуміння
суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми говоримо, формують те, як ми
Considerable diagreement
There has been considerable disagreement on how best to deal with the crisis -
Виникли значні розбіжності думок щодо того, як краще впоратися з кризою.
Conduct research
The standard applies to all faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students
of the University who design and conduct research - Стандарт поширюється на всіх
викладачів, співробітників, аспірантів та студентів університету, які
розробляють та проводять дослідження.
· #72
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (S. Mykhailyuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:29)
Today I read an article called "Research shows how statistics can aid in the
fight against misinformation." An American University professor and his team
have created a statistical model that can be used to find misinformation in
social posts. Using a set of COVID-19 misinformation tweets, Zois Bukuvalas
shows how statistical models can find social media misinformation during events
such as a pandemic or natural disaster. The researchers carefully labeled the
tweets as misinformation or the truth and used a set of predetermined rules
about the language used in the disinformation to determine their choice. They
also looked at the nuances of human language and the linguistic features
associated with disinformation. The statistical model will need to learn how
different elements in social posts interact to create misinformation. In its
current form, the model is best used by sociologists or others who are
researching ways to detect misinformation.
To sum up, the statistical machine is a great step into the future as it helps
to identify disinformation
conduct research — провести дослідження
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features
Розробники смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.
controversial question — спірне питання
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції
considerable disagreement — значні розбіжності
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії
· #71
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:27)
Exam topic #5
Development of television in your home country.
Television in Ukrainian SSR was introduced in 1951. In 1949s, radio amateurs
built the country's first amateur television center in Kharkov, and in May 7,
six months before the Kyiv television center went on the air, broadcasting began
from the first amateur television center.
Since 1954, there were only three official television centers in the USSR: in
Moscow, Leningrad and Kyiv, and the audience of television viewers wasn't too
large. In August 18, 2011, was held competition, according to the results of
which channels must be selected for digital television.
Nowdays, television in Ukraine is divided into state and commercial.
· #70
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:27)
differences between a software and hardware firewall.
Software firewall is a special type of computer software runs on a
computer/server. It’s main purpose is to protect your computer/server from
outside attempts to control or gain access and depending on your choice of
software firewall. Software firewall can also be configured for checking any
suspicious outgoing requests. Hardware firewall It is physical piece of
equipment planned to perform firewall duties. A hardware firewall can be a
computer or a dedicated piece of equipment which serve as a firewall. Hardware
firewall are incorporated into the router that is situated between the computer
and the internet gateway.
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.(Але відсутність
зв’язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції, проводити
дослідження та змагатися за гранти.)
2) considerable disagreement
There is considerable disagreement among researchers about which is best.(Серед
дослідників існують значні розбіжності щодо того, що краще.)
3) controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
density.(Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності
Vocaroo -
· #69
El-kadi RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:24)
read an article about "Security Holes." And there was one interesting security
hole, namely "corrupted UI (User Interface)". Despite the fact that in this case
the user data is not compromised, a corrupted UI can lead to huge losses for the
business. How much can a large marketplace lose if the site cannot be used for
at least a couple of hours. By "Unusable" I don't mean a poorly designed UI, but
its vulnerability. Taking advantage of this, a hacker can make the button
confirm payment for the goods when prompted will "run away" from the user.
1) controversial question
If you have a controversial question, we will listen to you and give you some
variants of the problem solution.
Якщо у вас виникло навіть дуже спірне питання, будьте певні, що вас обов'язково
вислухають і запропонують варіанти його рішення.
2) considerable disagreement
As several prominent politicians, researchers, and scholars have made clear in
the public discourse, there is considerable disagreement about feminism in
contemporary Western society.
Як зазначають багато відомих політиків, дослідників та вчених, у сучасному
західному суспільстві існують чималі розбіжності щодо визначення фемінізму.
3) conduct research
Candidates often have the opportunity to conduct research internationally.
Кандидати часто мають можливість проводити дослідження на міжнародному рівні.
· #68
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:23)
Exam topic #5 (software firewall)
Software firewall is a firewall that is installed on a computer or server, and
tasked with network security. It works with a wide variety of other technology
security solutions to provide more robust security for enterprises of all sizes.
When a software firewall is installed on a server, it opens up like an umbrella
of protection over all other computers connected to the network. It is able to
monitor both incoming and outgoing traffic for potential risk or suspicious user
behaviour, and also makes setting security policies much easier, faster and more
flexible. This type of firewall is fast becoming in the solution of choice for
many reasons. Enterprises love the lower initial cost with few restrictions on
the number of devices to be protected. This type of firewall is also critical as
it requires very little space, and can be installed remotely on any number of
Daily Phrases:
1. conduct research
In 2018, NIMS and Softbank co-founded the Advanced Technologies Development
Center to conduct research with the goal of putting lithium-air batteries into
practical use in mobile phones, the Internet of Things (IoT), and other
В 2018 NIMS и Softband вместе основали Центр по развитию продвинутых технологий
чтобы проводить исследования, целью которых было внедрение литий-воздушных
батарей в телефоны, интернет вещей и в прочие технологии.
2. considerable disagreement
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment
Когда исследователи обсуждают силы, которые сформировали историю человечества,
возникают значительные разногласия касательно того, что в первую очередь влияет
на наше поведение: культура или окружение?
3.Tiny particles called nanobacteria were discovery 20 years ago, but the most
controversial question is whether or not they are alive.
Крошечные частицы называемые нанобактериями были открыты 20 лет назад, но самый
спорный вопрос заключается в том, живы они или неь?
· #67
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:23)
Today l have read the article titled «I selfie, therefore I am': Instagram 10
years on».In this text, we are told about the changes in Instagram over 10
years, as well as the pros and cons of this app. For example, we are told about
a significant improvement in the service , from the usual photo processing 10
years ago, to an element without which now is difficult to imagine our life.
Instagram (based on information from the text) helped many companies, brands and
ordinary people to make life easier.
In my opinion, we need Instagram today, but as the psychologist correctly noted
in the text, teenagers do not need to strive for the ideal life that they see in
the Internet application.
1) considerable disagreement
Considerable disagreements often arise between me and my friends about the role
of the United States in the geopolitical arena.
Між мною та моїми друзями часто виникають значні розбіжності щодо ролі
Сполучених Штатів на геополітичній арені.
2) controversial question
Aid to third-world countries has always been a very controversial question.
Допомога країнам третього світу завжди була дуже спірним питанням.
3) conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди для проведення досліджень.
· #66
Timur Ergul RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:22)
Today I've read the article "Intel applies for stacked forksheet transistor
patent". It tells us about a new type of transistors. Intel has applied for a
patent application, for a type of stacked transistor that might allow the
company to produce chips with 18 Angstrom transistors on them. Intel has shown
interest in this technology, so with small steps per month, we can expect them
in the future. Imec claimed on their statement that their design would result in
a critical 10% speed gain value or a 24% reduction in power. In my humble
opinion, the real results we will see in the future.
1)Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Их химические свойства так сильно отличаются от других s-элементов, что порой
возникают значительные разногласия относительно положения элементов в
периодической системе.
2)Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи применяют эти знания для проведения исследований по различным
3)Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).
Её исследования позволили по-новому взглянуть на спорный вопрос, влияет ли язык,
на котором мы говорим, на наше мышление (теория лингвистической
· #65
Pontus Natalia(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:22)
Ex. 2
1) The protection schemes are divided according to their functional properties.
2) There are unprotected systems, all-or-nothing systems, controlled sharing,
and user-programmed sharing controls.
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data
5) By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
Ex1. Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2) Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3) Data are the facts and statistics collected to reference and analyze.
4) File is a set to related data.
Ex2. Speaking
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) Why do users need to construct a protected subsystem?
Digital security is the collective term that describes the resources employed to
protect user’s online identity, data, and other assets. These tools include web
services, antivirus software etc.
Authentication system helps to protect the data from threats such as hacking and
fishing as it identifies new users, monitors traffic, approves or blocks
unauthorized access.
As for methods, that can help users to maintain their digital safety and
security, updating antivirus systems can be extremely helpful. It also ensures
any website user is visiting has safe and secured connection.
Using these simple digital security resources any user can stay digitally safe.
· #64
Lebedeva (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:19)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Thanks for the work
· #63
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:15)
To Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211) Task1 contains grammar mistakes. Task2 should contain phrases with translation first . Just 68 points this time . Pls focus on exam topics next time.Keep on working hard.
· #62
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:14)
Today I have read the article titled "Ultrafast optical-magnetic memory device".
This article describes how magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) technology
offers significant potential for a versatile next-generation memory
architecture. However, modern MRAMs are still mostly limited to a sub-nanosecond
rate limit, which remains a longstanding scientific challenge in spintronics
R&D. The article also describes that in this two PhD project, Luding Wang
experimentally demonstrated a fully functional picosecond opto-MRAM building
device by integrating ultrafast photonics with spintronics. In the end, based on
what I've read before, I can say that this technology is still under development
and is imperfect.
1)controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції
2)considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
3)conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants."
Але відсутність зв’язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції,
проводити дослідження та змагатися за гранти».
· #61
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:11)
Concept of “Privacy”
Privacy is a valuable aspect of personality. Sociologists and psychologists
agree that a person has a fundamental need for privacy. A person’s right to
privacy entails that such a person should have control over his or her personal
information and should be able to conduct his or her personal affairs relatively
free from unwanted intrusions. Privacy is also at the core of our democratic
values. An individual has an interest in the protection of his or her privacy as
preserving privacy encourages dignity, self-determination, individual autonomy
and ultimately promotes a more robust and participatory citizenry.
considerable disagreement
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment(Коли дослідники обговорюють сили, які сформували
історію людства, виникають значні розбіжності щодо того, чи наша поведінка
визначається насамперед культурою чи навколишнім середовищем.)
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
density.(Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності
conduct research
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features.(Розробники
смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.)
· #60
Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) (S. Mykhailyuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:10)
Today I have read the article "A small, wide-field-of-view camera built based on
fish eyes" by Bob Yirka. A group of researchers from several institutes wanted
to develop a wide-field-of-view camera in a smartphone. Researchers looked at
the eyes of most fish and noticed that they have a single lens and a curved
retina, and are known to have wide-angle capabilities.Combining a monocentric
lens, a hemispherical silicon nanorod photodiode, and adding an aperture in a
special case resulted in a very small device for imaging with a wide field of
view. The researchers photographed with the camera, taking pictures from a wide
angle at different distances.
In my opinion, this development is an important step toward creating cameras
with a wide field of view suitable for portable devices and drones.
Phrases of the day
1) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
2) conduct research - провести дослідження
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features. Розробники
смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.
3) controversial question - спірне питання
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
· #59
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:09)
Today I’ve read an article about how algorithms can help the clothing industry.
It is about a student's project directed to use AI and big data to improve the
industry’s value chains. Sheenam Jain developed two models for companies to use.
First one classifies clothing and is based on a machine learning algorithm
"random forest" that can be integrated with a recommendation system.
Second is a system created to help companies make a decision on which fabric is
better for the current user.
I think Jain did a great research, and thanks to this thesis the clothing
industry now has a model on how to use big data, thus providing customers better
Phrases of the day
controversial question
- спірне питання
Creators of xenobots were faced with a controversial question if xenobots are
animals or robots.
- Перед творцями ксеноботів постало спірне питання чи є ксеноботи тваринами, чи
conduct research
- проводити дослідження
When conducting research on image matrix it is important to be sure if the init
photo is genuine.
- При проведенні дослідження матриці зображення важливо бути впевненим, що
початкова фотографія є справжньою.
considerable disagreement
- суттєві розбіжності
There is always a considerable disagreement of how all should be done on the
step of implementing the idea into a working program or game among the whole
- Серед усієї команди часто виникають значні розбіжності щодо того, як усе
робити на етапі втілення ідеї в робочу програму чи гру.
Audio for article and phrases:
· #58
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:09)
Today I have read an article titled "The ethics of artificial intelligence".
This article tells us about what AI is, what its being used for and what is an
ethical AI.
AI means computers doing intelligent things—performing cognitive tasks such as
thinking, reasoning, and predicting—that were once thought to be the sole
province of humans. It's not a single technology or function.
Generally, AI involves algorithms, machine learning, and natural language
AI is used in countless areas.
In healthcare, AI is used to detect tumors in MRI scans, to diagnose illness,
and to prescribe treatment. In education, AI can evaluate teacher performance.
In transportation, it's used in autonomous vehicles, drones, and logistics. In
banking, it's determining who gets a mortgage. In finance, it's used to detect
fraud. Law enforcement uses AI for facial recognition. Governments use AI for
benefits determination. In law, AI can be used to examine briefs parties have
written and look for missing case citations.
Phrases of the day
1) Conduct research
He continues to conduct research and publish scientific books and articles
Він продовжує вести дослідження та публікувати наукові книги та статті
2) Controversial question
"They told me it was a controversial question".
«Мені сказали, що це спірне питання».
3) Considerable disagreement
There is considerable disagreement over the relationship between evolution and
Існують значні розбіжності щодо співвідношення між еволюцією та культурою.
· #57
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:08)
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) Let's correct: Information systems security does not just
deal with computer information, but also protect data...
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Thanks for a detailed comment.
· #56
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Vorobyova E.V) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:07)
Topic 8 Passwords and their drawback
Now everyone knows what a password and login are, but not everyone knows how to
safely store an
use them.
Using one password for all sites is extremely dangerous. Having hacked one
user's page, hackers have easy access to all the others: financial services,
cloud services, e-mail and other user applications. Therefore, unique passwords
are created for each resource.
In order not to worry, you can use password managers - these are specialized
services for secure storage of all codes. They securely encrypt data: passwords,
logins, information about the service where you want to enter passwords and
considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
conduct research
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features
Розробники смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій
· #55
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:07)
To Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212) Pls select topics that have something to do with your speciality. Just 72 points this time . Task2 should be based on your speciality. Just 72 points. Prepare exam topics next week, pls.
· #54
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:04)
Today I have read the article "Earthquake modelers unite to compare and improve
code".This the article is about a new development of computational physics based
models that simulate earthquake sequences and non-earthquake motions.In a new
study, Jiang et al report on international community–driven efforts to compare
and verify the different numerical codes underlying simulations of fault zone
processes These simulations could help uncover new insights into earthquakes,
including factors that affect their timing, location, duration, and magnitude.
In my opinion, this article is very interesting to read for everyone especially
for people who love new technologies and dream about the future.
controversial question
A good example is the potentially controversial question of prevention.
Хорошим прикладом є потенційно спірне питання профілактики.
considerable disagreement
Three months ago, I said that there was considerable disagreement about these
issues, but that two things were certain.
Три місяці тому я сказав, що є значні розбіжності щодо цих питань, але дві речі
conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди для проведення досліджень.
· #53
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:04)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211) Exam topic #3 is written correctly.
· #52
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:04)
Exam Topic #5
Commercial use of radio is primarily based on the practice of airing radio
advertisements and television advertisements for profit. In 1920, Westinghouse,
one of the leading radio manufacturers, had an idea for selling more radios: It
would offer programming. Radio began as a one-to-one method of communication, so
this was a novel idea. Well, on November 2, 1920, station KDKA made the nation's
first commercial broadcast. They chose that date because it was election day,
and the power of radio was proven when people could hear the results of the
Harding-Cox presidential race before they read about it in the newspaper. It was
a breakthrough in the commercial use of radio and marked the beginning of the
golden age of radio.
· #51
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:03)
To Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 ) Thanks for a detailed information on Authentication mechanisms.
· #50
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:02)
Today I have read the article 'Combining AI and computational science for
better, faster, energy efficient predictions'.
The article tells about the new technology "intelligent alloys", the main
purpose of which is combining the power of computational science with artificial
intelligence to develop models that complement simulations to predict the
evolution of science's most complex systems. By using this technology, the
researchers demonstrated that they can generate predictions thousands to a
million times faster than it would take to run the simulations with full
resolution or rely on partial or even faulty information through models. I think
this technology has a huge future that is coming right now.
1)expected value
Either the present value or a future expected value should be used.
Следует использовать либо нынешнее значение, либо будущие ожидаемые значения.
2)technology capability
At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will
continue unabated.
По крайней мере, возможности информационных технологий будут расти, не
ослабевая, с экспоненциальной скоростью.
3)work schedule
Consequently, the Court may wish not to overstretch its work schedule in the
field at any given time.
Соответственно, Суд, возможно, пожелает сделать более напряженным свой график
работы на местах в любой заданный период времени.
· #49
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:01)
To ilokamenskyi Anton, Rosinskiy Kyrylo Not bad, but there are mistakes in the questions.
· #48
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 09:00)
To Kate Kholodova (RZ-212) Pls select topics relating to your speciality. The comment contains some grammar mistakes Just 65 points Task2 should contain examples based on your speciality. Just 74 points. Keep working hard.Net week pls focus on exam topics left for you to do.
· #47
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:59)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) and Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #46
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:58)
Authentication mechanisms №13
The authentication mechanism is one of the administrative tools. It allows you
to determine which of the users listed in the list of system users is currently
connected to the application solution and goes through three stages:
identification (user definition), authentication (user verification),
authorization (gaining access). There are several authentication methods:
-use of electronic signature
- by passwords (reusable or one-time)
- via SMS
- user information (used for two-step authentication)
-user data (based on geodata about the user's location using GPS)
- biometric authentication (fingerprint, face scan, iris pattern)
Depending on the number of methods used, one-factor and multi-factor
authentication are distinguished. To prevent intruders from gaining access to
data and authentication information, cryptographic authentication protocols are
used to protect against unauthorized access to information.
1)controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції
2)considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
3)conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants."
Але відсутність зв’язку серйозно заважає організації виконувати прості функції,
проводити дослідження та змагатися за гранти».
· #45
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:53)
To Maksim Teliga (RF-211) just good for Task1 and very good for task 2.
· #44
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:52)
Exam topic #3
To protect your organization from cyber attacks, there are several technologies
to combat it. The most famous of them: data loss prevention, intrusion detection
and prevention system, security incident and event management, firewall,
Let's consider two of the techniques proposed above.
Prevent data loss (verification technology, data sent by the organization for
the content of confidential data)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a technology that monitors all traffic
coming into an organization to make sure it is not harmful.
Therefore, in order to protect the system from any of the security incidents,
the organization must use technology to protect its systems.
1) It provides insights on the controversial question of where hoofed animals
Він дає розуміння суперечливого питання про те, де еволюціонували копитні.
2)Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement
on each of aspects of strategy.
Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з аспектів стратегії.
3)It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
Також було дуже цікаво проводити дослідження в трьох різних університетах.
· #43
Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:43)
Today i have read an article titled "Research shows how statistics can aid in
the fight against misinformation" by Rebecca Basu, American University. It talks
about a statistical model, which can determine misinformation posts on Twitter.
By using math and statistic, machine is learning by itself and already can
determine fake information in 112 tweets with 90% accuracy. For example, two of
the tweets in the dataset contain "bat soup" and "COVID" together. The tweets
were labeled misinformation by the researchers, and the model identified them as
such. They`ll continue to modify model, to upgrade user interface and more tools
to use, like determening tweets with some kind of a multimedia. I hope that this
will start new era of information on web, without fakes and disinformation, for
people to be sure what they see.
Phrases of the day
1. There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
2. It also has the authority to conduct research and studies and to carry out
construction projects.
Він також має повноваження проводити дослідження та виконувати будівельні
3. Another controversial question within the Liability Convention relates to the
provisions on the applicable law.
Інше спірне питання в рамках Конвенції про відповідальність стосується положень
про застосовне законодавство.
· #42
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:41)
2 Reading
1) It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2) Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems, Controlled sharing,
User-programmed sharing controls
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5) By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information
2) Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system
3) Data are the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze
4) File is a set to related data
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes
3) Why users need to construct a protected subsystem
Information systems security does not just deal with computer information, but
also protecting data and information in all of its forms, such as telephone
Risk assessments must be performed to determine what information poses the
biggest risk. For example, one system may have the most important information on
it and therefore will need more security measures to maintain security. Business
continuity planning and disaster recovery planning are other facets of an
information systems security professional. This professional will plan for what
could happen if a major business disruption occurs, but still allow business to
continue as usual.
· #41
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:41)
To Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) There is a mistake in the third question. Use auxiliary verb in the question.
· #40
Gvozd O.V. to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:40)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #39
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:39)
Today I’ve read the article “Life as we know it most likely arose via 'long,
slow dance'”.
This article is about speculation about eukaryotic origins as slow growth of
intimacy - the result of a long, slow dance between the kingdoms, rather than a
quick attempt, as depicted in the textbooks.
The purpose of this article is to provide a new theory on eukaryotic origin.
Eukaryotic cells of plants, animals and protists are markedly different from
cells of their single-celled, prokaryotic relatives, archaea and bacteria.
Eukaryotic cells are much larger and have much greater internal complexity,
including many internal membrane-bound compartments.
I think this article will be useful for people interested in biology.
1.conduct research
Several UF/IFAS scientists conduct research for DSSAT.
2.controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
3.considerable disagreement
Although scientists generally agree that eukaryotes can trace their ancestry to
a merger between archaea and bacteria, there's been considerable disagreement
about what the first eukaryote and its immediate ancestors must have looked
· #38
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:37)
Exam topic #5 (software firewall)
Software firewall is a firewall that is installed on a computer or server, and
tasked with network security. It works with a wide variety of other technology
security solutions to provide more robust and cohesive security for enterprises
of all sizes. When a software firewall is installed on a server, it opens up
like an umbrella of protection over all other computers connected to the
network. It is able to monitor both incoming and outgoing traffic for potential
risk or suspicious user behaviour, and also makes setting security policies much
easier, faster and more flexible. This type of firewall is fast becoming in the
solution of choice for many reasons. Enterprises love the lower initial cost
with few restrictions on the number of devices to be protected. This type of
firewall is also critical as it requires very little space, and can be installed
remotely on any number of devices.
· #37
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:37)
Today I have read the article "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring
problems of its own". As we know, in recent years, more and more people have
begun to protest against the use and production of ordinary cars that can only
be driven by using gasoline. Many environmental activists are urging people to
switch to electric vehicles, but few people know that the mass use of electric
vehicles can also lead to problems.
First, the cells used in the production of batteries are finite and their number
is limited. Also, the appearance of electric vehicles will not be able to solve
the problem of sedentary population, and with an increase in the number of
electric vehicles on the roads, traffic jams will become even more frequent and
As for me, the main advantage of electric vehicles - the rejection of the use of
internal combustion engines will cover all these minor disadvantages.
1) considerable disagreement
Considerable disagreements often arise between me and my friends about the role
of the United States in the geopolitical arena.
Між мною та моїми друзями часто виникають значні розбіжності щодо ролі
Сполучених Штатів на геополітичній арені.
2) controversial question
Aid to third-world countries has always been a very controversial question.
Допомога країнам третього світу завжди була дуже спірним питанням.
3) conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди для проведення досліджень.
· #36
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:29)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) and Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #35
Kate Kholodova (RZ-212, Mikhailuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:29)
Today I have read the article "Smart urban solutions for more resilient cities".
It tells about a new project SMURBS, begun as part of the EU's ERA-PLANET
umbrella project, is working to increase urban resilience and raise the quality
of life in urban regions. To achieve this goal, it's focusing on challenges
related to air quality, urban growth, natural and man-made disasters, health and
migration. The project's first step is to stimulate strategic planning by
connecting with local authorities, urban planners and city-level stakeholders to
map out 'what is already out there' and 'what the users want'.
In my opinion, SMURBS will help cities with many problems related to sustainable
urban development.
article -
audio -
1) conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання, щоб проводити
дослідження з різноманітних питань.
2)considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there
is considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in
the periodic table.
Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що є значні
розбіжності з приводу того, де ці два елементи мають бути розміщені в
періодичній таблиці.
3)controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).
Її робота дала нове розуміння спірного питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення (лінгвістична відносність).
Audio ph:
· #34
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:28)
Ex. 2
1) Protection schemes are divided according to their functionality.
2) There are unprotected systems, all-or-nothing systems, controlled sharing,
and user-programmed sharing controls.
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5) Subsystem programs protect and control operations performed on the data.
Speaking module:
Ex. 1
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2) Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3) Data are the facts and statistics collected together to reference and
4) File is a set to related data.
Ex. 2
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) Why users need to construct a protected subsystem?
Writing module:
Information protection systems
The information protection system is a set of technical and organizational
measures that are aimed at ensuring the information security of an organization.
The main object of protection is the data processed in the automated control
system and involved in the implementation of work processes.
The information protection system must be comprehensive, i.e. apply not only
technical, but also legal and administrative means of protection. The protection
system is characterized not only by flexibility but also by adaptation to
rapidly changing environmental conditions. Administrative measures (e.g. regular
change of passwords, strict order of their storage, as well as proper allocation
of user permissions and analysis of system logs) play a major role.
Phrases of the day:
1) Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement
on each of these aspects of strategy.
1) Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії.
2) Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features.
2) Розробники смартфонів продовжують дослідження нових функцій.
3) New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
3) Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції.
· #33
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:27)
To Alexander Shibaev (RF-211) Use auxiliary verb Do in the third question.
· #32
Maksim Teliga (RF-211) (S. Mykhailyuk) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:24)
Today I have read the article about the new operating system. An international
team of researchers has developed a computer system that can analyze a sample of
chemical waste and create the routes to synthesize new, useful chemicals. They
point out that even a waste sample with a small number of molecules can generate
millions of routes toward the creation of a new product. In this new effort, the
researchers used a computer system designed to understand the intricacies of
complicated entities based on single samples. On my mind it is very interesting
and useful way how to research new element that in future can help us in
medicine, engineering and more else...
1) conduct research - провести дослідження
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для проведення
досліджень з різних питань.
2) considerable disagreement - значні розбіжності.
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що існують
значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні бути розміщені в
періодичній таблиці.
3) controversial questions - спірні питання.
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).
Її робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення (Лінгвістична відносність).
· #31
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:23)
Ex.2 (Reading)
1. The protection schemes are divided according to their functional properties.
2. There are unprotected systems, all-or-nothing systems, controlled sharing and
user-programmed sharing controls.
3. Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370.
All-or-nothing systems: Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX.
4. A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data.
5. The programs of the subsystem completely control the operations performed on
the data.
Ex.1 (Speaking)
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2. Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3. Data is the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze.
4. File is a set of related data.
Ex.2 (Speaking)
1. What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2. What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3. Why users need to construct a protected subsystem?
Information Security Systems
Information security, also known as infosec is the process of securing data and
information secure from any kind of violations in the form of theft, abuse, or
loss. Information security aims to protect data at different stages- whether it
is while storing it, transferring it or using it. For practical reasons, it is
also referred to as data security as it involves protecting all kinds of print
or electronic data.
Information security has evolved as one of the main requirements of businesses
worldwide today. Since data is our main asset in the digital economy, it becomes
of paramount importance to protect that data. Companies of all scales, from big
corporate giants to self-funded startups have all started to invest in
information security, creating a huge demand for experts in the domain.
· #30
Neblienko V. / RZ-212 / Popovych (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:21)
Today i have read the article titled: "Research shows how statistics can aid in
the fight against misinformation". This text is about a professor of mathematics
who, with his team, invented a way to find misinformation using statistical data
and remove "black boxes" from a machine learning system. With the use of
algorithms and computer models, machine learning is increasingly playing a role
in helping to stop the spread of misinformation, but a main challenge for
scientists is the black box of unknowability, where researchers don't understand
how the machine arrives at the same decision as human trainers.
In my opinion, this study is a great way to avoid new mistakes from machine
learning and destroy fakes.
conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Но отсутствие связи серьезно мешает организации выполнять простые функции,
проводить исследования и конкурировать за гранты.
controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Новый взгляд на спорный вопрос об обилии видов и плотности популяций
considerable disagreement
The 2020 presidential election and Donald Trump's legacy, reveals considerable
disagreement on the use of violence in certain settings.
Президентские выборы 2020 года и наследие Дональда Трампа выявляют значительные
разногласия по поводу применения насилия в определенных условиях.
· #29
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:21)
2 Reading
1) Protection schemes are divided according to their functional properties.
2) There are unprotected systems, all-or-nothing systems, controlled sharing,
user-programmed sharing controls.
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data.
5) By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates, thus protecting different
Ex. 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2) Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3) Data is the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze.
4) File is a set of related data.
Ex. 2 Speaking
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) Why do users need to construct a protected subsystem?
Information protection system
Information protection system (sometimes referred to as Information Security)
covers the tools and processes that organizations use to protect information.
This includes policy settings that prevent unauthorized people from accessing
business or personal information. InfoSec is a growing and evolving field that
covers a wide range of fields, from network and infrastructure security to
testing and auditing. Information security protects sensitive information from
unauthorized activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any
disruption or destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of
critical data such as customer account details, financial data or intellectual
property. The consequences of security incidents include theft of private
information, data tampering, and data deletion. Attacks can disrupt work
processes and damage a company’s reputation, and also have a tangible cost.
Organizations must allocate funds for security and ensure that they are ready to
detect, respond to, and proactively prevent, attacks such as phishing, malware,
viruses, malicious insiders, and ransomware.
· #28
Nikitina Anastasia RZ-212(Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:20)
Today I have read the article " This AI tool lets you visualize how climate
change could affect your home". This article says that the new tool with
advanced AI image recognition allows you to visualize the future effects of
climate change anywhere in the world, including your own home. I think this
project is a good idea, because the project called "This Climate Doesn't Exist
"allows you to enter the address of your current home or your favorite place to
travel and see what it might look like years later, when climate change has
taken its toll.
1.controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції
2.conduct research
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features.
Розробники смартфонів продовжують досліджувати нові функції.
3.considerable disagreement
There's been considerable disagreement among lawmakers and the space community
on how best to accomplish this.
Між законодавцями та космічним співтовариством виникли значні розбіжності щодо
того, як найкраще цього досягти
· #27
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:20)
team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in South Korea and one
from the U.S. has built a small, wide-field-of-view camera based on the
structure of fish eyes. In their paper published in the journal Nature
Electronics, the group describes their study of aquatic eyes in their search for
a way to make smaller and lighter wide-field-of-view cameras and the development
of the camera they made based on their findings. Smartphone developers continue
to conduct research into new features. One such feature may be
wide-field-of-view cameras. Currently, such cameras require the use of several
bulky lenses and are too heavy for use in small devices. To address these
problems, the researchers turned their attention to aquatic eyes, specifically
those in most fish. Inspired by their findings, the researchers set out to
create a camera based on the structure of the fish eyes they had been studying.
They built a core-shell type monocentric lens that had separate refractive
indices for the shell and core. Testing showed it to have optical
characteristics that were comparable to current cameras with protruding
lenses—it also had a 120-degree field of view and depth of field between 20
centimeters and infinity. The researchers took pictures with the camera,
capturing images from wide angles at various distances. They suggest their work
is a major step toward the development of wide-field-of-view cameras suitable
for use in portable devices and drones.
1. controversial question
It provides insights on the controversial question of where these hoofed animals
evolved, concluding that they arose in or near present day India.
2. conduct research
It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
3. considerable disagreement
The edition's co-authors convened about two years ago to explore all sides of
this controversial question
· #26
Kolomiets Vova РЗ-212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:17)
Today I have read the article “AI automatic tuning delivers step forward in
quantum computing”. This article about a machine learning algorithm. It
interacts with a quantum device and "tunes" it faster without any human
intervention. Classical computers are made up of billions of transistors, which
together can perform complex calculations. The standard way to correct these
deficiencies is to adjust the input voltages to correct them. Determining the
correct combination of voltage regulation is time consuming, even for a single
quantum device. Scientists' machine learning algorithm takes a similar approach
to the Minecraft player. I hope that soon we can use our approach to fully
customize a small-sized quantum computer. "
1) conduct research
Health psychologists apply this knowledge to conduct research on a variety of
Психологи в галузі охорони здоров’я застосовують ці знання для проведення
досліджень з різних питань
2)considerable disagreement
Their behaviour is so different from the other s-block elements that there is
considerable disagreement over where these two elements should be placed in the
periodic table.
Їхня поведінка настільки відрізняється від інших елементів s-блоку, що існують
значні розбіжності щодо того, де ці два елементи повинні бути розміщені в
періодичній таблиці.
3)controversial question
Her work has provided new insights into the controversial question of whether
the languages we speak shape the way we think (Linguistic relativity).
Її робота дала нове розуміння суперечливого питання про те, чи мови, якими ми
розмовляємо, формують наш спосіб мислення (Лінгвістична відносність)
· #25
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Popovych.E) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:17)
Today I have read the article "Scientists sequence genome of high-value grape,
seek secrets of wine's aroma". It tells how scientists from Uruguay and their
European colleagues sequenced the genome of the valuable grape variety Tannat.
Wines made from Tannat are considered the healthiest of red wines, as they help
lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and promote healthy blood clotting.
According to the largest wine producers, now winemaking has become not only an
art, but also a whole science!
I think this is great news, because now drinking wine while having a pleasant
conversation with friends is not only a method of having a good time, but also a
real healing ritual!
1) considerable disagreement
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
Існували значні розбіжності щодо визначення тероризму.
2) controversial question
Another controversial question within the Liability Convention relates to the
provisions on the applicable law.
Інше спірне питання в рамках Конвенції про відповідальність стосується положень
про застосовне законодавство.
3) conduct research
The aim was to conduct research and establish a dialogue on reforming the
international financial system with a view to reducing financial volatility.
Метою було провести дослідження та налагодити діалог щодо реформування
міжнародної фінансової системи з метою зменшення фінансової нестабільності.
· #24
Gridnev Dmytro(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:14)
2 Reading
1) It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2) Systems of information:Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems,
Controlled sharing, User-programmed sharing controls
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5) By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Design seen as information processing leads to a concern with accuracy of
information transfer.
2) The whole distribution system broke down.
3) Further analysis of the data is needed.
4) This method offers the option of using results from the base calculation to
calculate the coefficients for the larger data set.
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) What user can develop by by constructing a protected subsystem?
Information security systems
Information security systems includes the information protection measures such
as marking, storage, proper transmission, and destruction of information. It
also contain information technology security to protect the automated
information systems, the hardware, the software, and the data being stored,
processed, or transmitted through them as well as the protection of intellectual
property rights. The threats to information and intangible assets may be
intentional, natural, and inadvertent. The methods that comprise the threat to
information assets cover the gamut from old, the time-tested techniques to new,
and the innovative collection measures such as data mining, electronic
eavesdropping, theft of hardcopy information, and theft of softcopy
information/media. Technology, which is moving and advancing at an amazing pace,
results in wonderful opportunities for information sharing, productivity, and
accomplishment; however, it also represents a new policy for security risks.
Following a thorough risk assessment, an orchestrated suite of security, legal,
and management solutions are applied to the identified organizational risks. The
protection officers play a key role in the protection of information , influence
the reputation of an organization and acknowledge the nature of the assets that
they are responsible for protecting.
· #23
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:11)
Today I've read the article: "A framework to automatically identify wildlife in
collaboration with humans"
The article covers University of California's recently developed wildlife
identification framework.
This newly presented approach initially started out as exploration of an idea,
that AI technology is capable of classifying and studying wildlife images
captured by movement-triggered camera traps.
The effective use of this framework could significantly aid ecologists in their
work, by simplifying the process of generating species distribution maps in
specific locations.
In my opinion the article does happen to be quite intriguing. Artificial
Intelligence in general I find to be an interesting topic, and seeing it be
utilized in various ways makes an interesting article to read.
1) It provides insights on the controversial question of where these hoofed
animals evolved.
Воно дає уявлення про суперечливе питання, де ці копитні звірі еволюціонували.
2) Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement
on each of these aspects of strategy.
Навіть у малій організації ймовірно будуть значні незгоди на кожні аспекти
3) They shipped it here to conduct research.
Вони відправили його сюди для проведення досліджень.
· #22
Shulyak Makar RF-211 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:08)
Reading Module, Ex 2
1. It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2. Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems, Controlled sharing,
User-programmed sharing controls
3. Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4. A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5. By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
The Speaking Module, Ex 1
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2. Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3. Data is the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze.
4. File is a set of related data.
The Speaking Module, Ex 2
1) What designs have been proposed and mechanisms implemented for?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) What user can develop by constructing a protected subsystem?
Information Security Systems (ISS)
The information security system should be comprehensive, that is, apply not only
technical, but also legal and administrative means of protection. The protection
system is not only flexible, but also adaptable to rapidly changing
environmental conditions. In this case, administrative measures play the main
role. An information security system is a set of technical and organizational
measures that are aimed at ensuring the information security of an organization.
Examples of typical information security systems:
-Typical system against threats of unauthorized access.
-Generic Malicious Code Threat Protection System.
-Standard system of firewalling and protection of communication channels.
-Typical Security Analysis System.
-Typical Intrusion Detection System.
· #21
Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:06)
Ex. 2
1. It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2. Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems, Controlled sharing,
User-programmed sharing controls
3. Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4. A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5. By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
Ex. 1
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information
2. Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system
3. Data are the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze
4. File is a set to related data
Ex. 2
1. What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2. What is the reason for differences among protection schemes
3. Why users need to construct a protected subsystem
Information Security Systems
Implementing security controls always can help an organization reduce risk to
safe levels. There are three types of control: logical, administrative,
Logical controls are based on the protection of access to information systems,
software, passwords, firewalls, monitoring information and access control to
information systems, when physical is a control of the workplace enviroment such
as alarms, cameras, locks.
The administrative type of control consists of approved procedures, standards
and principles. It forms the framework for doing business and managing people,
for example laws and regulations created by state bodies. Other examples of
administrative controls include corporate security policies, passwords,
recruitment, and disciplinary actions.
· #20
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 08:05)
students from RF -211 and РЗ-212
I’m waiting for your comments and audio recordings. Don't forget to write the
sentences with Phrases and record them. Please, do it in one postt!
· #19
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E.V (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:59)
The researchers built a small camera with a wide field of view based on the
structure of the fish eye.
Smartphone makers continue to explore new features. One such feature could be
cameras with a wide field of view. To solve this, the researchers turned their
attention to the eyes of aquatic organisms, especially in most fish. They noted
that the fish eye has a single lens and a curved retina.
The scientists decided to build a camera based on the fish eye structure they
were studying. They built a lens that had separate refractive indices for the
shell and core.
Testing has shown that its performance is similar to current protruding lens
cameras - it also has a 120-degree field of view.
They suggest that their work is an important step towards the development of
cameras with a wide field of view.
controversial question
Skoltech's research gives a decisive answer to this controversial question.
conduct research
Smartphone developers continue to conduct research into new features.
considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy.
· #18
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:57)
Reading Module, Ex 2
1. It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2. Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems, Controlled sharing,
User-programmed sharing controls
3. Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4. A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5. By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
The Speaking Module, Ex 1
1. Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2. Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3. Data is the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze.
4. File is a set of related data.
The Speaking Module, Ex 2
1) What designs have been proposed and mechanisms implemented for?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) What user can develop by constructing a protected subsystem?
The Writing Module
Protection schemes
A lot of different designs have been proposed and mechanisms implemented for
protecting information in computer systems, and therefore protection schemes
were divided according to their functional properties. Unprotected systems: Some
systems have no provision for preventing a determined user from having access to
every piece of information stored in the system. All-or-nothing systems: These
are systems that provide isolation of users, sometimes moderated by total
sharing of some pieces of information. Controlled sharing: Significantly more
complex machinery is required to control explicitly who may access each data
item stored in the system. User-programmed sharing controls: A user may want to
restrict access to a file in a way not provided in the standard facilities for
controlling sharing. For such cases, and a myriad of others, a general escape is
to provide for user-defined protected objects and subsystems. All of these
protection schemes made computer systems and its data more safe against
unauthorized users.
· #17
Shevchuk Julia (RF-211) ( Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:55)
Reading ex 2
1. It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2. Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems, Controlled sharing,
User-programmed sharing controls
3. Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and IBM's VM/370
sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development Corporation's
Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and Newman's TENET
4. A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5. By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
speaking Ex1
Internationalisation deals with the process of designing software so that it can
accommodate changing environments without changes to the code.
Education for matrimony and parenthood is a self-contained system of upbringing
and education of pupils and it is therefore understood as an integral part of
the education process.
Investigation, consultations and analysis related to the foregoing issues
involved a number of other considerations that were factored into CSG
speaking ex 2
1. What has been proposed to protect information in computer systems?
2. what is the reason for the differences between protection schemes?
3. what can a user do after building a protected subsystem?
information security systems
An information security system is a set of technical and organizational measures
that are aimed at ensuring the information security of an organization. The
information security system should be comprehensive, that is, apply not only
technical, but also legal and administrative means of protection. The protection
system is characterized not only by flexibility, but also by adaptation to
rapidly changing environmental conditions. In this case, the main role is played
by administrative measures (for example, regular password changes, strict order
of their storage, as well as the correct distribution of user rights and
analysis of event logs in the system)
The information security system, which has been formed to date, includes the
following general methodological principles: Adequacy to the requirements;
Conceptual unit HCTBO; Adaptation to changing conditions; Functional
independence; Ease of use; Minimization of rights; adequate response; Full
control and economy. The completeness of control implies that all information
security procedures should be fully controlled by the security system, and the
key results of the control are recorded in special logs.
· #16
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:53)
To Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #15
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:46)
2 Reading
1) Protection schemes are divided according to their functional properties.
2) There are unprotected systems, all-or-nothing systems, controlled sharing,
user-programmed sharing controls.
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data.
5) By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates, thus protecting different
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information.
2) Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system.
3) Data is the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze.
4) File is a set of related data.
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes?
3) Why do users need to construct a protected subsystem?
Protection schemes
Protection refers to a mechanism which controls the access of programs,
processes etc. Protection schemes are divided according to their functions.
Unprotected systems that can’t prevent user’s access to data, so basically they
provide no security.
All-or-nothing systems provide isolation of users, and sometimes allow them to
share some data. If the user is isolated, from the perspective of security he is
somewhat using his private computer. Such systems also may have public
libraries, to which users have equal access.
Controlled-sharing systems give access only to authorized users, thus they are
way more complex, because they require control over who may access each data in
the system.
Systems with user-programmed sharing controls: such systems allow users to
restrict access to a file in some nonstandard way. For example, the file is
available only at daytime, or can be redacted only if the author agrees.
· #14
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:46)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
The comment of the article is written correctly and corresponds to the standards
of independent student work of such kind.
· #13
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:40)
Today i have read the article: Should you worry about Boeing 737s? Only if you
run an airline.
This article tells about breakdown found in a Boeing part. A component called a
cucumber fork that helps to strengthen the connection between the wing and the
body of the aircraft has a crack. Related to component fatigue. The crack itself
does not harm the aircraft's performance, but may cause mistrust among the
customers of this company. Because of this, 33 aircraft were sent for repairs.
This is due to the fact that there were cases when aircraft fell apart
immediately after takeoff and this led to a large number of victims. Any design
can suffer from component fatigue but it is difficult to predict when this will
happen. Regular checks on aircraft to find cracks in the early stages became a
solution to this problem. At a critical stage, this part will be replaced with a
new one.
Considerable disagreement
When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment.
Conduct research
But lack of connectivity severely hinders an organization's ability to perform
simple functions, conduct research, and compete for grants.
Controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
· #12
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebdeva E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022)
2 Reading
1) It is convenient to divide protection schemes according to their functional
properties. A rough categorization is the following.
2) Unprotected systems, All-or-nothing systems, Controlled sharing,
User-programmed sharing controls
3) Unprotected systems: Disk Operating System for the IBM System 370
All-or-nothing systems: Examples include the Dartmouth Time-Sharing System and
IBM's VM/370 system.
Controlled sharing: Digital Equipment Corporation's, System Development
Corporation's Advanced Development Prototype System, and Bolt, Beranek, and
Newman's TENEX
4) A protected subsystem is a collection of programs and data with the property
that only the programs of the subsystem have direct access to the data (that is,
the protected objects).
5) By constructing a protected subsystem, a user can develop any programmable
form of access control to the objects he creates.
Ex 1 Speaking
1) Information Science is a discipline that deals with processes of storing and
transferring information
2) Subsystem is a self-contained system within a larger system
3) Data are the facts and statistics collected together to reference and analyze
4) File is a set to related data
Ex 2 Speaking
1) What has been implemented for protecting information in computer systems?
2) What is the reason for differences among protection schemes
3) Why users need to construct a protected subsystem
Information Security Systems
Selecting and implementing appropriate security controls will help an
organization reduce risk to acceptable levels. There are the following types of
Administrative. The administrative type of control consists of approved
procedures, standards and principles. It forms the framework for doing business
and managing people. Laws and regulations created by state bodies are also one
of the types of administrative control. Other examples of administrative
controls include corporate security policies, passwords, recruitment, and
disciplinary actions.
Logical. Logical controls (also called technical controls) are based on the
protection of access to information systems, software, passwords, firewalls,
monitoring information and access control to information systems.
Physical. This is the control of the workplace environment and computing
facilities (heating and air conditioning, smoke and fire alarms, fire protection
systems, cameras, barricades, fences, locks, doors, etc.).
· #11
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:17)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work. It is nice that you
do it regularly.
· #10
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:12)
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212)
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #9
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:08)
1. controversial question
It provides insights on the controversial question of where these hoofed animals
evolved, concluding that they arose in or near present day India. - Він дає
уявлення про суперечливе питання про те, де еволюціонували ці копитні, і
робиться висновок, що вони виникли в сучасній Індії або поблизу неї.
2. conduct research
It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
universities. - Також було дуже цікаво проводити дослідження в трьох різних
3. considerable disagreement
The edition's co-authors convened about two years ago to explore all sides of
this controversial question - Співавтори видання зібралися близько двох років
тому, щоб вивчити всі сторони цього спірного питання
2) Today, І have read thе аrtісlе «Massive twin star discovered snuggling close
to its stellar sibling in its cradle»
Astronomers have discovered a binary star system with the nearest young massive
stellar objects ever measured. An international team led by the University of
Leeds has determined that the distance between the massive young star PDS and
its orbital satellite is only 30 astronomical units, making them the closest
stellar satellites. Massive stars have a significant impact on their space
In my opinion, the discovery of massive young binary stars is a crucial step
forward in answering many of the questions we still have about these stellar
· #8
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212, Popovych.E) (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:06)
Today I’ve read the article "New model recognizes emotions in deaf individuals
by analyzing EEG signals".Researchers at Tianjin University of Technology in
China have recently developed a new brain network-based framework for
recognizing the emotions of deaf individuals.The study provided valuable insight
about the differences between the brain activity of deaf and hearing individuals
in different emotional states. This is an interesting experiment. People with
disabilities have slightly different perceptions of emotion than we do, which
can lead to psychological abnormalities in everyday life. This model is provided
free of charge and I hope that this experiment will continue and this model will
be improved.
considerable disagreement
There was considerable disagreement regarding the definition of terrorism.
По поводу определения терроризма существуют серьезные разногласия.
controversial question
The age at which religious instruction was begun was also very important and was
a very controversial question.
Большое значение имеет также возраст, с которого начинается религиозное
воспитание, и это весьма спорный вопрос.
conduct research
They shipped it here to conduct research.
Они обосновались здесь чтобы проводить исследования.
· #7
Lebedeva E (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 07:00)
To РФ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your works.
· #6
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 03 May 2022 06:59)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments and audio
recordings. Don't forget to write the sentences with Phrases and record them.
Please, do it in one postt!
· #5
Koval Vlad (rz 213) (Vorobyova E.) debt (Sunday, 01 May 2022 12:45)
Today I've read an article : "New Techniques for Improving the Security of
Two-Factor Authentication Systems". The article tells us about more secure
two-factor authentication passwords. Everyone who uses the Internet has an
account on different platforms. The account may provide confidential
information, and this information is not subject to declassification. Therefore,
for greater security, it is necessary to use 2-fa authentication. The 2-fa
authentication solution is that you either have to answer the question or do
something. The most popular method is using SMS or push notifications when you
use a highly effective code that you enter on the authentication page.
· #4
Koval Vlad (rz 213) (Vorobyova E.) debt (Sunday, 01 May 2022 12:41)
Today I've read an article : "Shaping improvements in the ability of robots to
broadcast objects to people." This article tells us about a method that allows
bots to safely select objects near people who also give them away. Scientists
with NVIDIA recently embraced the dimensions that could be used to increase the
capabilities of robots, as well as studying objects from recently evolved human
scouts. Their learning aspect of the bot decides during this, in order to first
apply elementary modeling techniques, but then find the best option to support
STORM. This form of teaching is very effective. That the need arose in
connection with robots in the near future, and also for this reason well, what
is now revealed functioning must be obtained earlier by now.
· #3
Koval Vlad (rz 213) (Vorobyova E.) debt (Sunday, 01 May 2022 12:38)
Today i've read an article : "The most powerful supercomputer in society has
also been launched." This article tells about the most powerful supercomputer
abandoned in the Land of the Rising Sun. It is called Fugaku, someone
specialized for the purpose of executing questions with long-term and
large-scale forecasting, but in addition, it is able to boast 100 times the
performance of the add-ons than its ancestor, the K supercomputer. With its
support, scientists have every chance to start using it in different plans, from
mitigating the effects of atmospheric climate change to drug research. The Tokyo
Institute of Medicine also found that the supercomputer enables them to examine
the coffin allele in less than a period, but not in months. In my opinion, given
a huge boost in the studies as well as the study of medicine.
· #2
Koval Vlad (rz 213) (Vorobyova E.) debt (Sunday, 01 May 2022 12:25)
Today I've read an article: «Season of death of domestic horses deposited in a
ritual complex from Bronze Age Mongolia». The article tells us about the horse,
as a domestic animal, had a strong impact on the organization of ancient
societies of the eastern steppes of Eurasia. Horses deposited in a Late Bronze
Age monument died at different time periods during winter. They also demonstrate
that winter slaughtering of horses was probably constrained by a combination of
economic and practical decisions regarding meat preservation. In my opinion this
article is interesting in context of the modern Mongolia and the practice of the
· #1
Koval Vlad (rz 213) (Vorobyova E.) debt (Sunday, 01 May 2022 12:06)
Tоday I've read an artcle : “Machine Training, Encountering Somatic Feelings: As
well as helping to monitor human health.” This note is about testing projects
that contribute to the emergence of sensory feelings in robots. Experiencing the
detection of diseases in cars. However, including in terms of issues that they
exceed, but without exception with-because of this, then that one's mind is
quite difficult. However, it is expected that there will be improvements in data,
technological processes, which can be very useful in absolutely all cases. For
example, in medicine, in simple household processes, in construction, and in a
significant other way. Read this note, we are aware that people have a chance to
get many chances for the future.