Power engineering

|Eнергетикa (IЕ)

Guestbook – April 2022




·        #124

·        Korukova Kate , ТП-2102 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 29 April 2022 13:12)

Today l have read the article "Using nanorobots to help clean heavy metals from polluted water". A team of researchers has developed nanorobots capable of removing heavy metals from contaminated water. The group describes their nanorobots and how well they performed the tests. The result was approximately 65%. The researchers say they plan to continue testing their nanorobots to see if they can be used in real conditions. Nanotechnology has the potential to solve the biggest problems facing the world today.

1) difficult to explain
It is difficult to explain a lot of the detail through the camera, the conversation becomes very inefficient.
2) data revealed
An initial review and evaluation of available data revealed discrepancies and missing elements.
3) due to insufficient
They observed the accumulated loss of load expectation (LOLE)—the probability of a blackout due to insufficient power generation—during each calendar month under an annual procurement approach, using both unconditional and temperature-dependent forced outage rates.



Today I read the article "Study examples what makes adult children cut ties with parents". It raises the topic of the relationship between children and mothers . According to the results of a study in which about 1,000 mothers participated , most mothers believe that the reason for their bad attitude is your husband or other strangers . There are also those who believe that the child has psychological problems that contribute to their bad relationship . I believe that the study has accurate results , because the study was conducted anonymously . The article seemed to me quite informative , I made a lot of positive conclusions for myself .


·        #123

Korukova Kate , ТП-2102 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 29 April 2022 08:52)

Today l have read the article "Using nanorobots to help clean heavy metals from polluted water". A team of researchers has developed nanorobots capable of removing heavy metals from contaminated water. The group describes their nanorobots and how well they performed the tests. The result was approximately 65%. The researchers say they plan to continue testing their nanorobots to see if they can be used in real conditions. Nanotechnology has the potential to solve the biggest problems facing the world today.
1) difficult to explain
It is difficult to explain a lot of the detail through the camera, the conversation becomes very inefficient.
2) data revealed
An initial review and evaluation of available data revealed discrepancies and missing elements.
3) due to insufficient
They observed the accumulated loss of load expectation (LOLE)—the probability of a blackout due to insufficient power generation—during each calendar month under an annual procurement approach, using both unconditional and temperature-dependent forced outage rates.




Today I read the article "Study examples what makes adult children cut ties with parents". It raises the topic of the relationship between children and mothers . According to the results of a study in which about 1,000 mothers participated , most mothers believe that the reason for their bad attitude is your husband or other strangers . There are also those who believe that the child has psychological problems that contribute to their bad relationship . I believe that the study has accurate results , because the study was conducted anonymously . The article seemed to me quite informative , I made a lot of positive conclusions for myself .


·        #122

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 28 April 2022 14:04)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #121

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Grodska ) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:30)

1)differences in performance
The researchers made these discoveries by comparing battery performance with two types of electrolytes: one that binds weakly to lithium ions, and one that binds strongly.-
Дослідникизробилицівідкриття, порівнявшипродуктивністьакумулятораздвоматипамиелектролітів: один, якийслабкозвязуєтьсязіонамилітію, ітой, якийзвязуєтьсясильно.
2)different points of view
Six Thinking Modes: Put On a Different 'Hat' This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its best ideas.-
Шістьрежимівмислення: надіньтеінший «капелюх» Цейінструментдаєзмогупобачитирізніточкизору, щобкомандамоглавибратинайкращіідеї.
3) different aspects of
There are new tests or scales focusing on other aspects of creativity, such as creative potential, creative self-efficacy, creativity in different domains.-
снуютьновітестиабошкали, якізосереджуютьсянаіншихаспектахтворчості, такихяктворчийпотенціал, творчасамоефективність, творчістьурізнихсферах.


I have read the article about creating a mixture that will replace sand in shotcrete. This mixture was crushed glass waste. Results are positive after one year of testing with CWG showing promise as the next generation of sustainable material.The results so far show that using CWG as a replacement for natural sand is a viable option as the concrete was able to meet and sometimes exceed the results from the base mix.In conclusion, I think that this option is much better than sand, because the glass does not absorb water and therefore will not need a lot of it.



Today i have read the article "What is Nuclear Fuel?".This article tells about the properties and functions of nuclear fuel.Nuclear fuel is made from uranium ore. It goes through several stages for processing and production.Uranium used in fuel is an isotope or atom with a certain number of neutrons known as uranium-235.Under the right conditions in the reactor, neutrons will lead to the fission or fission of U-235 atoms.Spent fuel is very hot and very radioactive. Atoms created during fission are initially unstable and emit particles that generate heat.


·        #120

Grodska E. to Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:21)

Your exam topic is well written. Continue working

·        #119

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:18)

Exam topic
Today I have read the article "Safer nuclear fuels". A team of scientists from the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have studied new types of nuclear fuel pellets for nuclear reactors. Such pellets are needed to prevent danger in an accident at the station. Such accidents were, for example, in Fukushima. The direct costs of eliminating the consequences of the accident include the cost of dismantling nuclear power plants and decontaminating contaminated areas, as well as compensation payments to the public and commercial companies.

·        #118

Grodska E. to Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:11)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentaries are informative, don’t forget to write your exam topics.

·        #117

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:10)

I have read your commentaries, they are quite correct and informative.

·        #116

Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:10)

1) Different points of view. Six Thinking Modes: Put On a Different 'Hat' This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its best ideas.
2) Different aspects of. Keskinen studied different aspects of water diplomacy together with Erik Salminen and Juho Haapala.
3) Differences in performance. Millstein and colleagues found significant differences in performance decline between the older and younger wind plant models.


I have read the article on black hole thermodynamics.  It tells about Western and Soviet physicists who studied the properties of a black hole.  They wanted to extract energy from the emerging area of ​​the "ergosphere".  Until 1950, all scientists considered this impossible, but two decades later they became convinced of the opposite, since black holes can really obey the laws of thermodynamics.  In conclusion, I love everything related to space, so the article was very interesting for me.




I have read the article about a technique that helps telescopes see objects in the night sky more clearly to combat dangerous and costly space debris.The new laser directs a visible beam into the night sky.  This light allows adaptive optics to sharpen images of space debris.  It can also send a second, more powerful beam through the atmosphere to accurately track and de-orbit space debris. In conclusion, I liked the article because first of all it is the safety of people.


·        #115

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:07)

Different aspects of Asian elephants' social lives are related to their amount of stress hormones
In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts from different points of view to nurture innovation
Вбольшинствеслучаевполезно, чтобынесколькоумовобдумывалимножествоконцепцийсразныхточекзрения, чтобыспособствоватьинновациям
The researchers made these discoveries by comparing battery performance with two types of electrolytes: one that binds weakly to lithium ions, and one that binds strongly
Исследователисделалиэтиоткрытия, сравнивпроизводительностьбатареисдвумятипамиэлектролитов: одинслабосвязываетсясионамилития, адругойсильносвязывается

Today i've read the article which tells about a research of greenhouse gas emissions. It turned out that only electric vehicles with batteries and fuel cells can achieve significant emission reductions in accordance with the Paris agreement. The analysis was carried out for the EU, USA, China and India, because these markets account for 70% of car sales. The conclusion was that during all the life cycles of a car and its fuel, pollution was approximately the same severity. The method of study was special. It takes into account the average carbon content of the fuel and apparatus. Also relies on present usage and takes into account the cost of all production, as well as natural gas leaksIn conclusion, I can say that a new, more accurate study has shown that the production and operation of electric machines is more environmentally friendly than previously thought..

·        #114

Grodska E. to Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:04)

Your commentaries are clear and well written. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Don’t forget to write your exam topics.

·        #113

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:54)

1. with respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. -
Обзорглобальногосценариявотношенииопасныхбытовыхотходовсоответствуетэтойкартине, согласностатьевМеждународномжурналепоокружающейсредеиуправлениюотходами.
2. within sight
Even as vaccine rollouts put the end of the pandemic within sight for the hard-hit auto sector, it is battling a chip shortage driven by a surge in demand for electronic devices during lockdowns. -
Несмотрянато, чтовнедрениевакциныприближаетконецпандемиидлясильнопострадавшегоавтомобильногосектора, онборетсяснехваткоймикросхем, вызваннойрезкимростомспросанаэлектронныеустройствавовремякарантина.
3. well enough
But we don't understand Antarctica well enough to say exactly what the thresholds are and at what rate sea level will rise over coming centuries. -
НомынедостаточнохорошопонимаемАнтарктиду, чтобыточносказать, каковыпорогиискакойскоростьюуровеньморябудетповышатьсявближайшиестолетия.

Today I have read the article "Trees found to reduce land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C".Green spaces in cities play a much bigger role than we can imagine. They improve the city's air basin and improve its microclimate; absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, reduce air temperature in hot weather due to evaporation of moisture. Asphalt surfaces, walls of houses, cars in hot weather are heated to very high temperatures. But greenery lowers the ambient temperature, contributing to a more comfortable microclimate. This should be taken into account in modern urban planning.


Today I have read the article "What is a bomb cyclone? An atmospheric scientist explains". A mid-latitude cyclone is a low-pressure synoptic system that forms along weather fronts in the Earth's mid-latitudes. In the continental United States, these storms most often occur from late autumn to early spring, when the temperature contrast between warm and cold air masses is greatest. During the winter, strong low pressure systems can cause a wide variety of weather effects, including heavy snow, rain, and coastal flooding. As temperatures warm and summer rolls in, cyclones become less common in the US.

·        #112

Grodska E. to Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:52)

Your commentaries are informative and well written. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct.

·        #111

Grodska E. to Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:51)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentary is clear and informative. Well done

·        #110

Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:48)

1-different points of view- різніточкизору
*Six Thinking Modes: Put On a Different 'Hat' This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its best ideas. -
Шістьрежимівмислення: надіньтеіншу «шапочку» Цейінструментдаєзмогупобачитирізніточкизору, щобкомандамоглавибратинайкращіідеї
*In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts from different points of view to nurture innovation.-
Убільшостівипадківдопомагаєбагатьомрозумамобдумуватирізноманітніконцепціїзрізнихточокзору, щоброзвиватиінновації.
2-different aspects of-
*But today I want to talk about a different aspect of the relationship between their police force and their citizens.-
*But that led to an entirely different aspect of the case!-
3-differences in performance-
*Millstein and colleagues found significant differences in performance decline between the older and younger wind plant models, with older vintages declining by 0.53% each year for the first 10 years while their younger counterparts declined by only 0.17% per year during the same decade.-
Мілльштейнтайогоколегивиявилизначнівідмінностівзниженніпродуктивностіміжстаримиімолодшимимоделямивітрянихустановок: старіурожайзнижувавсяна 0,53% щорокупротягомперших 10 років, тодіякїхнімолодшіаналогизнижувалисялишена 0,17% нарікпротягомтогождесятиліття.
*The researchers made these discoveries by comparing battery performance with two types of electrolytes: one that binds weakly to lithium ions, and one that binds strongly.-
Дослідникизробилицівідкриття, порівнявшипродуктивністьакумулятораздвоматипамиелектролітів: один, якийслабкозвязуєтьсязіонамилітію, ітой, якийзвязуєтьсясильно.

I have read the article "New Fuel Cell Electrolyte". The article is quite interesting, in it you can learn everything about fuel cells as a universal source of energy. In a study recently published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, researchers at the University of Tsukuba identified sequential proton transfer - energy transfer - in an advanced carbon crystal for future fuel cells, as well as the chemistry behind the phenomenon. Such crystals are interesting as solid electrolytes - energy transfer media - in future fuel cell technologies. Improving the utility of fuel cells in a wider variety of applications, achieved in part by understanding how they work, will help minimize energy waste in the coming years.

I have read the article "Research shows a key process that cells need to recover from stress." In it, you can learn how scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital are studying the processes that allow cells to respond and adapt to environmental stress, many of which are also associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers want to understand cell responses to stress in terms of basic cell biology, they must respond to changes in their environment, such as heat, toxins, ultraviolet light, or other damaging factors that cause stress. They do this by either causing cell death or by adapting until the stress is relieved.


·        #109

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:47)

Your exam topic is quite good. Continue working

·        #108

Grodska E. to TЯ 2104 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:46)

Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck

·        #107

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:42)

Exam topic

The sources of nuclear energy can be two processes: decay and fusion of nuclei. At nuclear power plants, energy is obtained from fission. An example would be uranium-235. When neutrons hit, its concentration decays into the same neutrons, barium and krypton nuclei. New neutrons hit the same uranium, and so on. This is called a chain reaction. Receiving energy heats the coolant, most often water, forms steam, which rotates turbines. These turbines bring an electric generator to work, from where the current is already transmitted through power lines.

·        #106

Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:41)

-different points of view
1)This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its best ideas.
Этот инструмент позволяет увидеть разные точки зрения, чтобы команда могла выбрать лучшие идеи.
2)In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts from different points of view to nurture innovation.
Вбольшинствеслучаевполезно, чтобынесколькоумовобдумывалимножествоконцепцийсразныхточекзрения, чтобыспособствоватьинновациям.
-differences in performance
1)A window-based analysis based on raw data without any weighting factors and where each window was equal to 1xWHTC work also showed substantial differences in performance between the truck and bus.
Анализ на основе окон, основанный на необработанных данных без каких-либо весовых коэффициентов и где каждое окно равнялось 1x WHTC, также показал существенные различия в производительности между грузовиком и автобусом.
2)Millstein and colleagues found significant differences in performance decline between the older and younger wind plant models…
-different aspects of
1)When asked to think about 'diversity,' liberals and conservatives think about different things; different aspects of social life come to mind," Howard said.
Когда либералов и консерваторов просят подумать о «разнообразии», они думают о разных вещах; на ум приходят разные аспекты общественной жизни», — сказал Ховард.
2)Conceived in 2017, this multi-national project became a reality in 2021 owing to the participation of several space agencies that came together to realize different aspects of the mission.
Задуманный в 2017 году, этот многонациональный проект стал реальностью в 2021 году благодаря участию нескольких космических агентств, объединившихся для реализации различных аспектов миссии.
I have read the article "Georgia Tech reveals data breach, 1.3 million records exposed".
This article is about how, due to one vulnerable program, one hacker got access to the data of the institute. The database contained employee and student data for several years and could contain over a million records. I liked this article. I think that this article will appeal to those who are interested in cybersecurity or just news. This article was useful to me so that I can better monitor my safety.
https://www.zdnet.com/article/georgia-tech-reveals-data-breach-1-3-million-records-exposed/ https://voca.ro/19D1RgZHTd2J

I have read the article "The physical limit of quantum optics resolves a mystery of computational complexity". This article is about the impossibility of creating computers based on photons. It is also about several methods of working with photons and their expediency. The article provides examples of experiments and articles by scientists. I think this article will be of interest to those who are interested in technology and physics. I liked this article, but I had to read it several times to understand. https://phys.org/news/2019-06-physical-limit-quantum-optics-mystery.html https://voca.ro/1lseplKgRwxq

·        #105

Tomenko M.G. to Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 17:17)

Your comment is well done. Thank you.

·        #104

Tomenko M.G. to Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 13:07)

Well done. Thank you.

·        #103

Petrova E.I. (Friday, 22 April 2022 10:42)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #102

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 21 April 2022 13:44)

Your exam topic is prepared properly. Continue working

·        #101

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 11:40)

Exam topic

The sources of nuclear energy can be two processes: decay and fusion of nuclei. At nuclear power plants, energy is obtained from fission. An example would be uranium-235. When neutrons hit, its concentration decays into the same neutrons, barium and krypton nuclei. New neutrons hit the same uranium, and so on. This is called a chain reaction. Receiving energy heats the coolant, most often water, forms steam, which rotates turbines. These turbines bring an electric generator to work, from where the current is already transmitted through power lines. In conclusion i can say that even the most specific physical processes can become a good source of energy.

·        #100

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:45)

Your exam topic is prepared properly. Continue working

·        #99

Grodska E. to TЯ 2104 (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:40)

Dear students, the lesson has started. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck

·        #98

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:07)

Exam topic

A lot of people are worried about the safety of nuclear power plants. Operating stations in Ukraine have excellent security. Majority reactors in Ukraine are WWER-1000. These are the most stable and safe reactors in the world. People are afraid that there will be an explosion due to steam pressure. But at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, other reactors were used in general, while modern ones have many safety systems, such as auxiliary injection lines, safety valves, pumps and an emergency water supply system. Also, people are concerned about the release of radiation into the atmosphere. However, even in the primary circuit there are 3 protection systems. But the cause of such an event may be damage to fuel containers. In the case of bombardments, reliable protection is the containment and the primary circuit device. In conclusion, I can say that there is no need to worry about the reliability of nuclear power plants in Ukraine.

·        #97

Volodymyr Polyvanyi, PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:45)

TITLE: "Implicit data crimes: Machine learning bias arising from misuse of public data"
LINK: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2117203119

This article is about the fact that if datasets are used “off-label” and applied in the wrong way, then the results are subject to machine learning bias. This compromises the integrity of the artificial intelligence algorithm. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have made findings that highlight the challenges that arise when data published for one task is used to train algorithms for another task. Researchers noticed this problem when they failed to replicate the promising results of a medical imaging study. In my opinion, such publications are very useful for further research in the development of artificial intelligence.


·        #96

Julia Derkach, PhD st, (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 12:17)

TITLE: Generalized scaling of spin qubit coherence in over 12,000 host materials

The article states that scientists have uncovered a mathematical shortcut for calculating an all-important feature of quantum devices. Also researchers have published a new equation for approximating the length of time. The materials can maintain quantum information. Qubits are the fundamental unit of quantum information, the quantum version of classical computer bits. It will unlock new possibilities by bridging the quantum technology with a variety of conventional systems. As a result scientists expect that quantum technologies will be able to help improve our everyday lives. We may be able to send information over quantum communication networks.

·        #95

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:49)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #94

Sergeev Nikolay, PhD st., (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:40)

Article: " Thermal performance analysis of multi-objective optimized microchannels with triangular cavity and rib based on field synergy principle "

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214157X2100126X

Recording: https://voca.ro/1PcBWVgK6AI8

I have read the article " Thermal performance analysis of multi-objective optimized microchannels with triangular cavity and rib based on field synergy principle ". The article tells about heat transfer and heat exchange between objects. To slow down the rate of heat transfer in the tube, they used triangular grooves. In this way, they managed to slow down the flow rate and evenly distribute heat. The data obtained can be used everywhere, since this problem is relevant. By using methods like this, I believe we can prevent overheating of the components and distribute the heat.

·        #93

Lysyuk PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 10:37)

TITLE: Hybrid quantum bit based on topological insulators
LINC: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220414110823.htm

The article describes research in the field of quantum computers. Scientists have demonstrated a quantum bit (topological qubit) for the first time in the lab.
Quantum computers are not protected from environmental influences. This is the reason for the errors. The scientists managed to integrate a topological insulator into an ordinary superconducting qubit. This is a big step towards creating a topological qubit. A special feature of a qubit is topological safety. Preservation of quantum information is ensured by the geometric structure of superconductors, the special properties of the electronic material.
Hybrid qubits open up new possibilities for testing the behavior of topological materials in quantum circuits.

·        #92

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 18 April 2022 13:42)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français. Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #91

Vorobyova E. to ТЕ(ТП)-2102, ТФ-2112 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 09:21)

Good morning, students! Our English lesson has already started and I am waiting for your active work. Don’t forget about your exam topics and good luck!

·        #90

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:45)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #89

Grodska E. to Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:38)

Your commentary is quite interesting and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working

·        #88

Grodska E. to Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:37)

Thank you for your active participation in discussion on the article. Your independent practice is well written.

·        #87

Grodska E. to Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104, Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:35)

Your commentaries are clear and informative. I accept your independent practice. In general, well done.

·        #86

Grodska E. to Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104, Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:33)

Your commentaries are informative and well written. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working

·        #85

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:40)

A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Обзормировогомнениявотношенииопасныхбытовыхотходовсоответствуетэтойкартине, согласнописьмувМеждународномвестникепроокружающуюсредуиуправлениеотходами
As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well
Какобщество, мыдолжныговоритьотом, сколькоодеждыдостаточно, чтобыжитьхорошо
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20
Соглашение «вполезрения» Бидонпризвалкединойминимальнойставкекорпоративногоналогавразмере 15 процентовнапереговорахсОрганизациейэкономическогосотрудничестваиразвития (ОЭСР) и G20

Today i've read the article which tells about how 3D printing can be used in search of black holes. New printing technology called Plasma Metal Deposition could help create X-rays sky telescopes. in 2033 it is planned to launch such a telescope that would find black holes and map hot gas. Prototypes have already been created to test whether PMD can be used to print large structures. The material for creation are titanium alloys or metal powder. More than 80% of the material is wasted when using the traditional production method, which is usually block milling, and the new technique saves us from wasting resources.
In conclusion, I can say that the development of one area can lead to new inventions in another


·        #84

Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:06)

1) Within sight. Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20.
2)Well enough. As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well.
3)With respect to. A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management.


I have read the article about creating an autonomous robot that can interact with people and the environment.This robot could help self-driving cars communicate with passengers and pedestrians or could complete small-scale tasks in a business place such as delivering mail. But the problem is that the job requires intuition as a person in order for him to understand the rules of navigation.In conclusion, I really liked the article because it is the creation of a full-fledged artificial intelligence.



Fusion reactors

Fusion reactors - fusion of heavier atomic nuclei from lighter ones in order to obtain energy, which, unlike explosive thermonuclear fusion (used in thermonuclear explosive devices), is controlled.  Controlled thermonuclear fusion differs from traditional nuclear energy in that the latter uses a decay reaction, during which lighter nuclei are obtained from heavy nuclei.  In the main nuclear reactions that are planned to be used for controlled thermonuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium will be used, and in the more distant future, helium-3 and boron-11. In conclusion, I want to say that this type of reactor is much better because it can be controlled.


·        #83

Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:03)

-focused on
Supervisors focused on others' needs get 'benefit of the doubt' from employees
Руководители, сосредоточенныенапотребностяхдругих, получаютотсотрудников `` преимуществосомнения ''
It also creates a Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Climate Change, focused on tackling the effects of climate change on people's enjoyment of their human rights.
ОнтакжесоздаетСпециальногодокладчикапоправамчеловекаиизменениюклимата, занимающегосявопросамивоздействияизмененияклиматанаосуществлениелюдьмисвоихправчеловека.
-partly explained
"This can be partly explained by an increase in the number of fish surveys being conducted, but warming water temperatures could also be playing a role."
Отчастиэтоможнообъяснитьувеличениемколичествапроводимыхрыбныхсъемок, ноповышениетемпературыводытакжеможетсыгратьсвоюроль».
-overall goal
Our overall goal is to improve the health of Black families by helping our community members who are most disadvantaged—it's a labor of love.
Нашаобщаяцель - улучшитьздоровьечернокожихсемей, помогаянаиболееобездоленнымчленамнашегосообщества - этотрудлюбви.
Our overall goal is to create a catalyst-infused self-cleaning material that can provide a cheap and easy-to-use solution for use in reusable period products to improve the health of women in communities all over the world.
Наша общая цель - создать самоочищающийся материал с добавлением катализатора, который может обеспечить дешевое и простое в использовании решение для использования в многоразовых изделиях, предназначенных для использования в период менструального цикла, для улучшения здоровья женщин в сообществах по всему миру.
I have read the article "Three urgent steps for better protected areas". this article is about a group of scientists and their plan to improve protected areas.
Scientists propose to conduct a series of studies to understand how the loss of biodiversity can be avoided. Their plan consists of three points that must be applied to these territories during protection and use. I think that this article will be of interest to those who are interested in ecology and I liked this article because this question concerns all people on earth.
I have read the article "Recent discovery hints at northward shift in fish distribution". This article is about the migration of freshwater fish to areas far north of the known habitat. The recent finding of juveniles in the Yoneshiro River system in Akita Prefecture extends the known distribution of this species by about 500 km. Temperature-related pole range shifts have been observed for many species around the world. Temperatures in the Sea of ​​Japan have risen by about 1.5 degrees Celsius over the past hundred years and continue to rise, and a number of southern fish continue to move northward. This article was not interesting to me, but I think that it will help those who are engaged in the fishing industry.

·        #82

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Grodska ) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:49)

1)well enough
As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well.-
Яксуспільству, миповинніговоритипроте, скількиодягудостатньо, щобжитидобре.
2)within sight
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation.-
Угода «вмежахвидимості» Байдензакликавдоєдиноїмінімальноїставкикорпоративногоподаткув 15 відсотківнапереговорахзОрганізацієюекономічногоспівробітництва.
3)with respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management.-
Оглядглобальногосценаріющодонебезпечнихпобутовихвідходіввідповідаєційкартині, згідноздокументомвМіжнароднийжурналзнавколишньогосередовищатаповодженнязвідходами.


I have read the article about creating a mixture that will replace sand in shotcrete. This mixture was crushed glass waste. Results are positive after one year of testing with CWG showing promise as the next generation of sustainable material.The results so far show that using CWG as a replacement for natural sand is a viable option as the concrete was able to meet and sometimes exceed the results from the base mix.In conclusion, I think that this option is much better than sand, because the glass does not absorb water and therefore will not need a lot of it.



Today i have read the article "What is Nuclear Fuel?".This article tells about the properties and functions of nuclear fuel.Nuclear fuel is made from uranium ore. It goes through several stages for processing and production.Uranium used in fuel is an isotope or atom with a certain number of neutrons known as uranium-235.Under the right conditions in the reactor, neutrons will lead to the fission or fission of U-235 atoms.Spent fuel is very hot and very radioactive. Atoms created during fission are initially unstable and emit particles that generate heat.

·        #81

Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:48)

1-with respect to- зповагоюдо
*A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management.-
Оглядглобальногосценаріющодонебезпечнихпобутовихвідходіввідповідаєційкартині, відповіднодостаттівМіжнародномужурналізнавколишньогосередовищатауправліннявідходами.
*In their paper, the team explains that "the time series of light reflected from exoplanets by future direct imaging can provide spatial information with respect to the planetary surface."-
У своїй роботі команда пояснює, що «часовий ряд світла, відбитого від екзопланет шляхом майбутнього прямого зображення, може надати просторову інформацію щодо поверхні планети».
*Companies that reported higher levels of Industry 4.0 implementation had more moderate expectations with respect to actual energy savings, for example," explains lead author Grischa Beier.- Наприклад, компанії, якіповідомилипробільшвисокийрівеньвпровадженняІндустрії 4.0, малибільшпомірніочікуваннящодофактичноїекономіїенергії», – пояснюєпровіднийавтордослідження Grischa Beier.
2-well enough-
*As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well. –
Ми, яксуспільство, повинніговоритипроте, скількиодягудостатньо, щобжитидобре.
*The world produces enough food to provide every man, woman and child with more than 2,300 kilocalories per day, which is more than sufficient.-
Усвітівиробляєтьсядостатньоїжі, щобзабезпечитикожногочоловіка, жінкитадитинипонад 2300 кілокалорійнадень, щобільшніждостатньо
3- within sight-
* Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20. –
Угода «вмежахвидимості» Байдензакликавдоєдиноїмінімальноїставкикорпоративногоподаткув 15 відсотківнапереговорахзОрганізацієюекономічногоспівробітництватарозвитку (ОЕСР) і G20
* Because there is no current method of reliably tracking the devices, existing regulations typically require civilian hobbyists and commercial operators to keep their drones within 400 feet of the ground and within sight.-
Оскількинасьогоднішнійденьнеіснуєметодунадійноговідстеженняпристроїв, існуючіправилазазвичайвимагають, щобцивільнілюбителітакомерційніоператоритрималисвоїдронивмежах 400 футіввідземлітавмежахвидимості.
* The FAA usually requires that drones operate within sight of their operators, which limits the distance they can fly; for these flights, an exception has been made. – FAA
зазвичайвимагає, щобдронипрацюваливмежахвидимостісвоїхоператорів, щообмежуєвідстань, наякувониможутьлетіти; дляцихрейсівзробленовиняток.
I have read the article "what is energy?". Energy is the ability to do work. Modern civilization is possible because people have learned to convert energy from one form to another, and then use it to do work. After reading the article, you can learn something new for yourself, for example, various forms of energy and everything about them, these forms can be grouped into two main types: potential and working energy. After reading the article, I did not learn much new for myself, but I remembered and repeated a lot.

I have read the article "understanding the basics of heat transfer (thermal pads) and heat dissipation (radiator)". For me, this article is very interesting, since my specialty relies on this knowledge. Can I ask a question, heat transfer or heat removal? you need to do both, so that everything is cool. Both heat transfer and heat removal are proportional to the temperature difference between the two media between which heat is transferred. after reading the article, you can find out all the aspects that you need to know, as well as what happens if you neglect one or the other. For myself, I can conclude that one cannot focus on one side of the problem, since both heat transfer and heat dissipation are necessary for cooling electronics.


·        #80

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:45)

1. worthy of note
What's interesting here, and worthy of note for industry-watchers, is the diversity of automation categories wireless charging might apply to. -
Цікавимтутєрізноманітністькатегорійавтоматизації, доякихможезастосовуватисябездротовазарядка.
2. status information
Some of them use existing protocols, while others require agents to shout back monitoring status information. -
Деякізнихвикористовуютьіснуючіпротоколи, аіншівимагають, щобагентивигукувалиінформаціюпростатусмоніторингу.
3. zero out
Mumbai announced detailed plans to zero out carbon emissions by 2050, a target that puts it two decades ahead of India's national goal and makes it the first city in South Asia to set such a timeline. -
Мумбаїоголосивпродетальніпланискоротитивикидивуглецюдо 2050 року, щоставитьйогонадвадесятиліттяпопередунаціональноїметиІндіїіробитьйогопершиммістомуПівденнійАзії, якевстановилотакийграфік.

Today I have read the article "Robot swarms use collective cognition to perform tasks"Researchers have created swarms of robots that are capable of collective cognition. This realization was made possible by the transmission of status information via LEDs. During field tests in Livorno Harbor, Italy, the work was affected by waves, currents and corrosive salt water. Despite the difficult conditions, swarms of robots were able to remain clusters around their base station, as well as go on "patrol" and successfully return to base. The results can be widely used in distributed environmental monitoring and search and rescue operations.


Exam topic
Today I have read the article "Safer nuclear fuels". A team of scientists from the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have studied new types of nuclear fuel pellets for nuclear reactors. Such pellets are needed to prevent danger in an accident at the station. Such accidents were, for example, in Fukushima. The direct costs of eliminating the consequences of the accident include the cost of dismantling nuclear power plants and decontaminating contaminated areas, as well as compensation payments to the public and commercial companies.

·        #79

Grodska E. to TЯ 2104 (Thursday, 14 April 2022)

Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck

·        #78

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 17:31)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #77

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 14:11)

Today I have read the article "Two millisecond pulsars detected in globular cluster NGC 6440". An international team of astronomers has investigated a globular cluster known as NGC 6440. In result, two new millisecond pulsars have been detected in this cluster, which received designations NGC 6440G and NGC 6440H. The discovery made by Vleeschower's team expands the list of known pulsars in NGC 6440 to eight (four isolated and four binary pulsars). The researchers noted that NGC 6440H has so far the lightest mass companion among any other known pulsars in globular clusters. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it to everone who like astronomy.

·        #76

Volodymyr Polyvanyi, PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 12:37)

TITLE: "Bayesian modeling of human–AI complementarity"
LINK: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2111547119

This article is about the development and improvement of artificial intelligence algorithms. Human and machine algorithms have complementary strengths and weaknesses. University of California researchers have unveiled a new mathematical model that can improve performance by combining human and algorithmic predictions. To test the system, the researchers conducted an image classification experiment in which human participants and computer algorithms worked separately to correctly identify distorted images. When the predictions and confidence scores of both were combined, it turned out that the hybrid model resulted in better performance than either the human or machine predictions achieved individually. I believe that this approach will significantly improve the work of artificial intelligence.


·        #75

Lysyuk PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 12:22)

TITLE: Rational neural network advances machine-human discovery
LINC: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/04/220405171749.htm
This article describes a new approach to the study of natural phenomena. It is based on system modeling using differential equations in partial derivatives.
Scientists use computer neural networks.
Neural networks are the mechanism of neurons (activation functions) and synapses (weight functions).
By putting together these activation functions and weights in combination, it is possible to translate input data into output data. This uses systems of differential equations in partial derivatives, which, through Green's functions, can explain what the scientist observes.
These studies will improve the interaction between a computer and a person, which will allow a deeper study of natural phenomena.

·        #74

Julia Derkach, PhD st, (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:45)

TITLE: Comparative metabolomics with Metaboseek reveals functions of a conserved fat metabolism pathway in C. elegans
LINK: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28391-9

The article is about the scientists, who have developed Metaboseek. This is easy to use app that integrates multiple data analysis features for the metabolomics community. The researchers accomplish task by comparing the metabolites between two different worm populations. This process is called comparative metabolomics.
Сomparative metabolomics is a relatively young field compared with other data-heavy fields of biology. Thus, metabolomics researchers spend a lot of time hunting for candidate compounds. That could be useful as leads for the development of new pharmaceuticals or agrochemicals.

·        #73

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:42)

Today I have read the article "A new method to form a lens for atomic-resolution electron microscopes". Researchers from Tohoku University have proposed a new method to form an electron lens that uses a light field instead of the electrostatic and magnetic fields employed in conventional electron lenses. A ponderomotive force causes the electrons traveling in the light field to be repelled from regions of high optical intensity. Using this phenomenon, a doughnut-shaped light beam placed coaxially with an electron beam is expected to produce a lensing effect on the electron beam. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it for everyone who interested of optics and photonics.

·        #72

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:23)

Today I have read the article "Breakthrough MicroBooNE measurement elucidates neutrino interactions". Physicists studying ghost-like particles called neutrinos from the international MicroBooNE collaboration have reported a first-of-its-kind measurement: a comprehensive set of the energy-dependent neutrino-argon interaction cross sections. This measurement marks an important step towards achieving the scientific goals of next-generation of neutrino experiments—namely, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). One of the most important neutrino properties that DUNE will investigate is how the particles oscillate between three distinct "flavors": muon neutrino, tau neutrino, and electron neutrino. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it for everyone who interested of quantum physics.

·        #71

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:11)

Articles and phrases of the day
1.upper level
Keiser's online computer forensics degree completion program features 60 upper level credits.
2.surface area
Trees found to reduce land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C
3.temperature range
Now, researchers have developed new electrolytes containing multiple additives that work better over a wide temperature range.

Today I have read the article "Method to control magnetic behavior in quantum material". The scientists at Penn State studied manganese bismuth telluride. This material made of atomically thin stacked layers, is an example of a topological insulator, exotic materials that simultaneously can be insulators and conductors of electricity, the scientists said. Further research is needed to directly use the magnetic knob, the scientists said. But if that can be achieved, it could lead to ultra-fast devices that can efficiently and reversibly control lossless currents. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it for everyone who interested of quantum physics.

·        #70

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022)

Articles and phrases of the day
1.status information
In Windows 10, Microsoft introduced the Windows Security app, which consolidates security settings and status information into a single location.
2.zero out
Mumbai announced detailed plans to zero out carbon emissions by 2050, a target that puts it two decades ahead of India's national goal and makes it the first city in South Asia to set such a timeline.
3.worthy of note
Also worthy of note, said TrendForce, is that the overall revenue reported by foundries at the start of 2021 increased despite some serious setbacks for some.

·        #69

·        Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:30)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #68

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:46)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #67

Grodska E. to Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:20)

Your tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct. The commentary is clear and informative. Keep on working

·        #66

Grodska E. to Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:19)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentary is quite good and informative. Well done

·        #65

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:00)


Blockchain-based copyright protection
Surprisingly high emissions from fuel-powered auxiliary heaters in cars
Удивительновысокиевыбросыотдополнительныхотопителей, работающихнатопливе, вавтомобилях.
In some countries, emergency departments have become important entry points for those without other means of access to medical care
Внекоторыхстранахотделениянеотложнойпомощисталиважнымиточкамивходадлятех, укогонетдругихсредствдоступакмедицинскойпомощи.

Today i've read an article which says about researches of the main particles. Physicists use form-factors to describe the energy and structure of a neutron. An experiment was recently conducted that closed some gaps in the description of it. To get more data, an electron and a positron were collided, as a result of annihilation, other particles were obtained, including a neutron and its opposite version. The experiment showed that the neutron and proton do not have a simple structure, which greatly improved the understanding of these microblocks. In the future, this may help in the study of neutron stars. In conclusion, I can say that even thanks to the study of the smallest parts of our world, we can understand something many times greater.



Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important
Измногихсовременныхудобств, которыевразвитыхстранахчастосчитаютсясамособойразумеющимися, современнаясанитарияможетбытьоднимизсамыхважных
A software application to ease the reuse of construction materials
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade
Вновомдокументеведущихбританскихученыхизложеныключевыерешенияимерыполитики, которыедолжныбытьреализованысейчас, атакжеприоритетныенаправленияисследованийнаследующеедесятилетие

Today i've read the article which says about issues related to juvenile crime. The difference in views can be easily seen in the age the child can be punished by law for an offense. Previously, people believed that a child under 14 can not commit serious crimes fully aware of this. The age of punishment was lowered to 10 years. But 88% of residents believe that the age should be higher, most often they talk about 16 years old. Statistics showed that murders committed by children under 16 account for only 1.6%
аnd only 0.3% had the highest severity score. In conclusion, sometimes even in the most civilized country, the wrong laws can be accepted.

·        #64

Vorobyova E. to Velichko from ТЯ-2104 (Sunday, 10 April 2022 18:12)

Well done, thank you. I have found no mistakes in your tasks.

·        #63

Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Saturday, 09 April 2022)

1-upper level-вищийрівень
*Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record levels again. –
*The rain produced in those upper-level clouds evaporates before reaching the surface, returning all that water to the system. –
Дощ, щовиробляєтьсявциххмарахверхньогорівня, випаровується, першніждосягтиповерхні, повертаючивсюцюводувсистему.
*Conversely, the upper-level convergence and lower-level divergence in the monsoon zone strengthened descending flow.-
Інавпаки, конвергенціяверхньогорівнятарозбіжністьнижньогорівнявзонімусонівпосилилинизхіднийпотік
2- surface area-
*The team would also like to build cells with a larger surface area, as the current cells are only about five square millimeters in size.-
Командатакожхотілабпобудуватиклітинизбільшоюплощеюповерхні, оскількипоточніклітинимаютьрозмірлишеблизькопятиквадратнихміліметрів.
*Consider a soap bubble. The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient. –
Розглянемомильнубульбашку. Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.
*In both cases, the surface area to volume ratio is increased (by either increasing the numerator or reducing the denominator)—which helps the body lose heat to its environment.- Вобохвипадкахвідношенняплощіповерхнідообємузбільшується (абозбільшуючичисельник, абозменшуючизнаменник), щодопомагаєтілувтрачатитепловнавколишнєсередовище.
3- temperature range-
*At the bottom of the mine, temperatures reach a sweltering 55 °C, which requires that air conditioning be provided so that it's comfortable for the miners to work all day.-
Наднішахтитемпературасягаєспекотних 55 °C, щовимагаєзабезпеченнякондиціонуванняповітря, щобшахтарамбулокомфортнопрацюватицілийдень.
*The bonding interaction regulation can reduce the chance of freezing at low temperature and evaporation at high temperature, which is beneficial to expand the operating temperature range.-
Регулюваннявзаємодіїсклеюванняможезменшитиймовірністьзамерзанняпринизькійтемпературітавипаровуванняпривисокійтемпературі, щовигіднодлярозширеннядіапазонуробочихтемператур
*he temperature of the Earth's crust ranges considerably. At its outer edge, where it meets the atmosphere, the crust's temperature is the same temperature as that of the air. –
температураземноїкоризначноколивається. Наїїзовнішньомукраю, девоназустрічаєтьсязатмосферою, температуракоритакажтемпература, якіповітря.
I have read the article "new process breaks metal down into atoms for sustainable production of catalysts». Scientists have discovered a new process for breaking metal down into atoms to produce heterogeneous catalysts without any chemical waste, which will lead to new sustainable ways of creating and using molecules in the most atom-efficient way. In the article you can learn about the method of researchers from the University of Nottingham, in which "bare" Pt atoms can be dispersed on powder substrates directly, splitting the massive metal into atoms at a record rate of four and a half thousand trillion atoms per second by magnetron sputtering and have achieved significant results, after which they applied for a patent. The article was quite informative and it was interesting to learn something new
I have read the article "Quantum Physics: Our Research Assumes that Objective Reality Does Not Exist." This is a scientific method that is based on reliable concepts of observation, measurement and repeatability. In this article, you can learn about an experiment that was proposed by Eugene Wigner back in 1961(
найтингсикстиван).year. He wondered what would happen if quantum mechanics were applied to an observer who was being observed. The article is quite interesting, since the method is revealed from all possible points of view and shows that, at least for local models of quantum mechanics, we need to rethink our concept of objectivity. These are all deeply philosophical questions about the fundamental nature of reality. Whatever the answer, we have an interesting future ahead of us.

·        #62

Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 16:41)

1-upper level-вищийрівень
*Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record levels again. –
*The rain produced in those upper-level clouds evaporates before reaching the surface, returning all that water to the system. –
Дощ, щовиробляєтьсявциххмарахверхньогорівня, випаровується, першніждосягтиповерхні, повертаючивсюцюводувсистему.
*Conversely, the upper-level convergence and lower-level divergence in the monsoon zone strengthened descending flow.-
Інавпаки, конвергенціяверхньогорівнятарозбіжністьнижньогорівнявзонімусонівпосилилинизхіднийпотік
2- surface area-
*The team would also like to build cells with a larger surface area, as the current cells are only about five square millimeters in size.-
Командатакожхотілабпобудуватиклітинизбільшоюплощеюповерхні, оскількипоточніклітинимаютьрозмірлишеблизькопятиквадратнихміліметрів.
*Consider a soap bubble. The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient. –
Розглянемомильнубульбашку. Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.
*In both cases, the surface area to volume ratio is increased (by either increasing the numerator or reducing the denominator)—which helps the body lose heat to its environment.- Вобохвипадкахвідношенняплощіповерхнідообємузбільшується (абозбільшуючичисельник, абозменшуючизнаменник), щодопомагаєтілувтрачатитепловнавколишнєсередовище.
3- temperature range-
*At the bottom of the mine, temperatures reach a sweltering 55 °C, which requires that air conditioning be provided so that it's comfortable for the miners to work all day.-
Наднішахтитемпературасягаєспекотних 55 °C, щовимагаєзабезпеченнякондиціонуванняповітря, щобшахтарамбулокомфортнопрацюватицілийдень.
*The bonding interaction regulation can reduce the chance of freezing at low temperature and evaporation at high temperature, which is beneficial to expand the operating temperature range.-
Регулюваннявзаємодіїсклеюванняможезменшитиймовірністьзамерзанняпринизькійтемпературітавипаровуванняпривисокійтемпературі, щовигіднодлярозширеннядіапазонуробочихтемператур
*he temperature of the Earth's crust ranges considerably. At its outer edge, where it meets the atmosphere, the crust's temperature is the same temperature as that of the air. –
температураземноїкоризначноколивається. Наїїзовнішньомукраю, девоназустрічаєтьсязатмосферою, температуракоритакажтемпература, якіповітря. –
I have read the article "Upper ocean heat storage is at record levels again". For the sixth year in a row, the world's oceans are hotter than ever, continuing their record temperatures. The heat content of the ocean is steadily increasing throughout the world, and is the main indicator of anthropogenic climate change. Scientists are constantly experimenting and trying to figure out how to stop it. It has already been established that ocean warming is the result of human-induced changes in the composition of the atmosphere, and until we reach net zero emissions, this will continue and it is not known how it will end. The article is useful to read, since most of the natural problems occur after the hands of man.
I have read the article "Energy History: The Evolution of the Electricity Industry". The history of electricity production is very long and confusing, it can be discussed for a very long time and there are many sources in which you can learn about it, one of them is this article. The text is informative and interesting, it shows and describes all the reactors from the earliest to those that are used today, and also learn about all types of energy in more detail. After reading the article, you can understand that the history of energy does not end and we will write it again a very long time

·        #61

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Grodska ) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 13:44)

1)upper level
The decline in stocks of higher trophic-level species [larger species and apex predators] leads to more fishing of smaller-bodied species at a lower trophic level.-
Зменшеннязапасіввидіввищоготропічногорівня (більшихвидівіверхівковиххижаків) призводитьдобільшоговиловувидівменшоготілананижчомутрофічномурівні
2)temperature range
But they wanted to improve the temperature range even further, so that lithium-ion batteries could perform well from -40 to 140 F.-
Алевонихотілищебільшепокращитидіапазонтемператур, щоблітій-іоннібатареїмоглидобрепрацювативід -40 до 140 F.
3)surface area
Consider a soap bubble. The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient.-
Розглянемомильнубульбашку. Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.

Today i have read the article "Molecules produced by cells in response to stress may be indicators of disease".This article tells about the body's ability to respond to different types of stress.The body has the ability to adapt to stress, but over time, this property weakens, which can lead to various diseases. Studies have shown that cells during stress release certain molecules that adapt to the body, but also cause various diseases.These molecules are indicators of diseases that are difficult to find.I believe that this is a great contribution to medicine.




Today i have read the article "Coolant system".This article tells about the functions of the cooling system in nuclear reactors.The cooling system is responsible for safety and plays a crucial role in transforming nuclear fission into useful energy.The cooled liquid enters the zone of nuclear decay and leaves at high temperature.
This fluid then enters the thermodynamic turbines and is converted into energy. There is also gas cooling, but heat is already generated under high pressure.


·        #60

Vorobyova E. to Salahor from ТЯ-2104 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 13:22)

Your grammar in your comments is good, but there are plenty of mispronounced words in them, such as: “temperature”, “chemical”, “habitable”, “comfortable” (the stress), “factors”, “greatly”, “improve”, “dioxide”, “moisture”. Please, check the correct pronunciation of the unknown words before recording. Good luck.

·        #59

Vorobyova E. to Trochanskiy from ТЯ-2104 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 13:14)

It’s a good result. But pay attention to the use of the articles “a/the” (“…is about THE research by…”). Continue working.

·        #58

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 12:57)

1. surface area
The lake's surface area has shrunk to a third of its maximum extent, for example, returning around 100,000 formerly lakebed-acres to terrestrial habitat. -
Площаповерхніозераскоротиласянатретинусвогомаксимальногорозміру, наприклад, близько 100 000 акрівранішеозерногоднаповернулисядоназемногосередовищапроживання.
2. temperature range
The bonding interaction regulation can reduce the chance of freezing at low temperature and evaporation at high temperature, which is beneficial to expand the operating temperature range. -
Регулюваннявзаємодіїзвязкуможезменшитиймовірністьзамерзанняпринизькійтемпературітавипаровуванняпривисокійтемпературі, щовигіднодлярозширеннядіапазонуробочихтемператур.
3. upper level
If greenhouse gas emissions and the resulting climate change cannot be halted, the upper level of this warming range would most likely be crossed by the end of this century. -
Якщовикидипарниковихгазівіповязанізцимзміникліматунеможутьбутизупинені, верхнійрівеньцьогодіапазонупотепління, швидшезавсе, будеперетнутийдокінцяцьогостоліття.

Today I have read the article "What is the temperature of the Earth's crust?". According to the chemical composition of the Earth can be divided into the earth's crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core and inner core. One of the things that makes a planet habitable is its proximity to our sun to get enough energy. Moreover, the Earth is warm enough that water does not evaporate, which is one of the factors of life. But the temperature of the earth's crust also varies greatly depending on where and when you measure it.


Today I have read the article "Trees found to reduce land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C".Green spaces in cities play a much bigger role than we can imagine. They improve the city's air basin and improve its microclimate; absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, reduce air temperature in hot weather due to evaporation of moisture. Asphalt surfaces, walls of houses, cars in hot weather are heated to very high temperatures. But greenery lowers the ambient temperature, contributing to a more comfortable microclimate. This should be taken into account in modern urban planning.

·        #57

Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 12:48)

-by means of
1.Computer modeling of deposition and land growth by means of river diversions suggests that the subsidence driven by accumulating sediment has a limited impact on reducing the rate of land growth, both horizontally and vertically.
Компьютерное моделирование отложений и роста земель посредством отводов рек предполагает, что оседание, вызванное накоплением наносов, имеет ограниченное влияние на снижение скорости роста земель как по горизонтали, так и по вертикали.
-published in
1.In a study published in mBio, a team at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has uncovered important details about Shigella's translocon,
В исследовании, опубликованном в mBio, команда Массачусетской больницы общего профиля (MGH) обнаружила важные детали о транслоконте Шигеллы.
2.In a paper published in the journal Science in 2015, a team of researchers reported the discovery of what was believed to be an example of the first known four-legged snake fossil
Встатье, опубликованнойвжурнале Science в 2015 году, группаисследователейсообщилаоботкрытиитого, чтосчиталосьпримеромпервойизвестнойокаменелостичетвероногойзмеи.
I have read the article "Hints of unknown elementary particle explained using Swedish theory". This article is about research by Christopher Peterson of Chalmers University of Technology. Christopher Peterson says that the discovery of a new particle now would be more important even than the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. In March 2016, new results from the CERN accelerator were presented, which showed the traces even more clearly. At the same time, it became clear to Christoffer Petersson and his colleague Riccardo that the results exactly coincide with the theoretical predictions published back in 2013. I think that now such research is necessary and they should be funded as much as possible, because it is necessary to go into the future. I liked this article.
Exam Topics
I have read the article "The four LHC experiments are getting ready for pilot beams". This article is about the preparation of the LHC for the pilot beam experiment. Four experiments can make even more accurate measurements. But I had to upgrade all the components and systems of the LHC. This article talks about all the updates and innovations in the period from 2019 to 2022, in order to make it fashionable to carry out the planned experiments in full. I liked this article, I think it is very important for the development of this direction.

·        #56

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 12:25)

Your commentaries are informative and clear. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working and good luck

·        #55

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 12:05)

For the last couple of years I've been in the trenches managing a sizeable collaboration space across three continents for a large multinational enterprise
Последниепарулетябылвокопах, управляязначительнымпространствомдлясовместнойработынатрехконтинентахдлякрупногомногонародногопредприятия
Tooth root surface area can determine primate size
In short, temperatures can reach up to 465 °C on the side facing the sun, and drop to -184°C on the side facing away from it
Корочеговоря, температураможетдостигать 465 ° C настороне, обращеннойксолнцу, иопускатьсядо -184 ° C настороне, обращеннойотнего

Today I've read the article which tells about what environmental problems countries face. Eighteen countries have already cut emissions dramatically and their economies continue to grow. This was done largely thanks to the residents themselves, who reduced their energy needs. The question arises as to whether it is necessary for developed countries that are guilty of climate change in the past, like Germany, Japan, etc., to help less developed countries and bear responsibility for their deeds.
In conclusion, I can say that no UN environmental meetings will lead to anything, this is just window dressing and nothing more


Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record levels again
Those in ex-mining areas are also less likely to vote for new populist and nationalist parties compared to socio-economic counterparts elsewhere
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet

Today I've read the article which tells about how national identity plays a role in the fight against the virus. Pride in one's nation can contribute to the collective fight against COVID, one example is New Zealand. Although the problem was global, only a few countries began to effectively counter the pandemic thanks to the people, which, as a result, entails a sense of pride of the people, and so on. A survey of 50 thousand people from 67 countries showed that people who associate themselves with their country are more involved in healthcare.
In conclusion, I can say that even the most diverse elements of human consciousness can be interconnected more tightly than we think.


·        #54

Grodska E. to Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:08)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentary is quite good and informative. Well done

·        #53

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:43)

1. upper level
Three years ago, he realized the odd behavior of extreme upper-level wind was a real phenomenon and not a problem with instrumentation. -
Трирокитомувінзрозумів, щодивнаповедінкаекстремальноговітруверхньогорівняєреальнимявищем, анепроблемоюзприладами.
2. temperature range
In the case of this material, this correlation can be seen in a particularly wide temperature range, and the underlying mechanism is known. -
Увипадкузцимматеріаломцюкореляціюможнапобачитивособливоширокомудіапазонітемператур, аосновниймеханізмвідомий.
3. surface area
Consider a soap bubble. The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient. -
Розглянемомильнубульбашку. Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.

Today I have read the article "Trees found to reduce land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C".Green spaces in cities play a much bigger role than we can imagine. They improve the city's air basin and improve its microclimate; absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, reduce air temperature in hot weather due to evaporation of moisture. Asphalt surfaces, walls of houses, cars in hot weather are heated to very high temperatures. But greenery lowers the ambient temperature, contributing to a more comfortable microclimate. This should be taken into account in modern urban planning.


Today I have read the article "What is a bomb cyclone? An atmospheric scientist explains". A mid-latitude cyclone is a low-pressure synoptic system that forms along weather fronts in the Earth's mid-latitudes. In the continental United States, these storms most often occur from late autumn to early spring, when the temperature contrast between warm and cold air masses is greatest. During the winter, strong low pressure systems can cause a wide variety of weather effects, including heavy snow, rain, and coastal flooding. As temperatures warm and summer rolls in, cyclones become less common in the US.

·        #52

Grodska E. to Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:42)

Thank you for your active work and informative commentaries. Well done

·        #51

Grodska E. to TЯ 2104 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:41)

Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck

·        #50

Trochanskyi Denys ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:08)

-by means of
1.Computer modeling of deposition and land growth by means of river diversions suggests that the subsidence driven by accumulating sediment has a limited impact on reducing the rate of land growth, both horizontally and vertically.
Компьютерное моделирование отложений и роста земель посредством отводов рек предполагает, что оседание, вызванное накоплением наносов, имеет ограниченное влияние на снижение скорости роста земель как по горизонтали, так и по вертикали.
-published in
1.In a study published in mBio, a team at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has uncovered important details about Shigella's translocon,
В исследовании, опубликованном в mBio, команда Массачусетской больницы общего профиля (MGH) обнаружила важные детали о транслоконте Шигеллы.
2.In a paper published in the journal Science in 2015, a team of researchers reported the discovery of what was believed to be an example of the first known four-legged snake fossil
Встатье, опубликованнойвжурнале Science в 2015 году, группаисследователейсообщилаоботкрытиитого, чтосчиталосьпримеромпервойизвестнойокаменелостичетвероногойзмеи.
I have read the article "Hints of unknown elementary particle explained using Swedish theory". This article is about research by Christopher Peterson of Chalmers University of Technology. Christopher Peterson says that the discovery of a new particle now would be more important even than the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. In March 2016, new results from the CERN accelerator were presented, which showed the traces even more clearly. At the same time, it became clear to Christoffer Petersson and his colleague Riccardo that the results exactly coincide with the theoretical predictions published back in 2013. I think that now such research is necessary and they should be funded as much as possible, because it is necessary to go into the future. I liked this article.
I have read the article "The reasons behind lithium-ion batteries' rapid cost decline". This article is about lithium-ion batteries, how they helped the development of modern portable technologies, how their price has dropped several times. The new battery research results are published in the journal Energy and Environmental Science in an MIT postdoc article, Mickey Ziegler, a recent graduate student of Juhen Song, Ph.D. '19, and Jessica Tranchik, professor at the MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society. This data will help to further reduce the cost of lithium-ion batteries. This article was interesting to me, I think that this is a very necessary area of research, but there are more important ones.

·        #49

Vorobyova E. to Salahor from ТЯ-2104 (Friday, 08 April 2022 15:35)

You were mistaken. I accepted your work. But comments on articles and exam topics are different tasks.

·        #48

Salahor Ihor to Vorobyova E. (Friday, 08 April 2022 10:51)

In the previous lesson I did like everything, but only you did not count my work

·        #47

Salahor Ihor to Vorobyova E. (Friday, 08 April 2022 10:47)

I'm sorry, why didn't you count my exam topic? I did everything right.

·        #46

Vorobyova E. to Korukova from ТР-2102 (Friday, 08 April 2022 10:45)

One review on the article is correct but you are mistaken in the other: “Today I HAVE read the article about…” Mind it and start writing your exam topics. Good luck.

·        #45

Korukova Kate , ТП-2102 (Vorobyova) (Friday, 08 April 2022 10:03)

Today I have read the article "A security technique to fool would-be cyber attackers".
Multiple programs running on the same computer may not be able to directly access each other's hidden information,
but because they share the same memory hardware, their secrets could be stolen by a malicious program through a "memory timing side-channel attack."
This malicious program notices delays when it tries to access a computer's memory, because the hardware is shared among all programs using the machine.
It can then interpret those delays to obtain another program's secrets, like a password or cryptographic key.
To prevent contention attacks, the researchers developed a scheme that "shapes" a program's memory requests into a predefined pattern that is independent of when the program actually needs to use the memory controller.
In my opinion this is a useful discovery for information security.

site: https://techxplore.com/news/2022-02-technique-would-be-cyber.html

vertical direction
A branched flow generated by a random potential with different characteristic length scales in the horizontal and the vertical direction.

common data model
Common data models will also play a role in remote patient monitoring, which Cloud for Healthcare also supports through Azure for IoT.

collaboration space
For the last couple of years I've been in the trenches managing a sizeable collaboration space across three continents for a large multinational enterprise.


Today I read the article "Microsoft's Common Data Model: What users (not just Dynamics 365 ones) need to know". It turned out to be very interesting , after reading it , I learned how the Microsoft data model was created , how the CDM code and more than 250 objects were presented via GitHub . At the end of the article , you can notice that Microsoft representatives informed Ignite participants that they are working on entity definitions from Dynamics 365 for freelancing and operations , marketing , and so on . They are planning pre - release versions of CDM integration in their Azure data services . And in the near future they plan to tell more about the open data initiative .

·        #44

Vorobyova E. to ТЕ(ТП)-2102, ТФ-2112 (Friday, 08 April 2022 09:19)

Students! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your active work.

·        #43

Grodska E. to Khamruk Denis ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 15:38)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentaries are informative, but be more attentive to avoid making mistakes, the first sentence should be: Today I have read the article… Continue working

·        #42

Tomenko M.G. to Korukova Kate ТП - 2102 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:17)

Thank you. That's the right way to do it. Well done.

·        #41

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova ) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:04)

1)as often as
Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important.-
Середбагатьохсучаснихзручностей, якічастосприймаютьсяякналежневрозвиненихкраїнах, сучаснасанітаріяможебутиоднієюзнайважливіших.
2)application program
A software application to ease the reuse of construction materials.-
3)additional references
The references are predominately using the sales and service functionality across a variety of industries and size of deployments, including several with more than 1,000 users.-
Удовідникахпереважновикористовуютьсяфункціїпродажутаобслуговуванняврізнихгалузяхірозмірахрозгортань, включаючидекільказпонад 1000 користувачів.


Today i have read the article "Molecules produced by cells in response to stress may be indicators of disease".This article tells about the body's ability to respond to different types of stress.The body has the ability to adapt to stress, but over time, this property weakens, which can lead to various diseases. Studies have shown that cells during stress release certain molecules that adapt to the body, but also cause various diseases.These molecules are indicators of diseases that are difficult to find.I believe that this is a great contribution to medicine.




Today i have read the article "Coolant system".This article tells about the functions of the cooling system in nuclear reactors.The cooling system is responsible for safety and plays a crucial role in transforming nuclear fission into useful energy.The cooled liquid enters the zone of nuclear decay and leaves at high temperature.
This fluid then enters the thermodynamic turbines and is converted into energy. There is also gas cooling, but heat is already generated under high pressure.


·        #40

Korukova Kate ТП - 2102 (Tomenko) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:44)

Today I read the article "Research has shown that virtual learning poses problems with digital technologies for black families." It tells about the problems of black people with digital technologies . A study was conducted at the University of Missouri, which showed how the approach to virtual learning due to COVID-19 revealed a lack of digital resources on the part of black families living in the United States. Many parents were protesting the transition of education to civics , as they were afraid for the psychological health of their children . But the mission of this study was to improve the health of black families by helping the most disadvantaged children of our society . The article was quite interesting , so I want to recommend it for reading .


·        #39

Korukova Kate ТП - 2102 (Tomenko) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:39)

Today I read the article "Research has shown that virtual learning poses problems with digital technologies for black families." It tells about the problems of black people with digital technologies . A study was conducted at the University of Missouri, which showed how the approach to virtual learning due to COVID-19 revealed a lack of digital resources on the part of black families living in the United States. Many parents were protesting the transition of education to civics , as they were afraid for the psychological health of their children . But the mission of this study was to improve the health of black families by helping the most disadvantaged children of our society . The article was quite interesting , so I want to recommend it for reading .


1) The application program must keep track of which memory bank holds a required piece of data, and then call the bank-switching routine to make that bank active.
2)additional references
It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research. It gave us the general background we needed to dig further.
3) The database was reviewed for additional references and individual sections of the compendium were subjected to internal review and scrutiny.

·        #38

Tomenko M.G. to Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:33)

Well done. Thank you.

·        #37

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:32)


Today I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #36

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:23)


Today I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #35

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:06)

Articles and phrases of the day
1.as often as
Conversely, if the most vulnerable rural children consumed wildmeat as often as the least vulnerable rural children, anemia prevalence among the former may drop by 19%.
2.additional references
There is no such constraint on any additional references associated with Methods or Supplementary Information.
3.application program
Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data in its API, or application program interface.

Today I have read the article "Astrophysicists theorize a new type of neutron star". In their paper Arthur Suvorov and Kostas Glampedakis suggest that an exotic type of neutron star could be created if there is an ultra-strong magnetic field created during a collision between neutron stars. The researchers suggest that if such a neutron star came to exist, it would have a unique signature, consisting of quick bursts of gamma rays and then X-rays during its initial stage, what make detect such signals should be possible with existing equipment. I was interested to read this article and I can recommend it to everyone who interested of astrophysic.

·        #34

Vorobyova E. to Velichko from ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:00)

Thank you for your fruitful work. It’s written and voiced correctly. Keep on working.

·        #33

Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:58)

1-additional references- додатковіпосилання
*Additional resources include product guides, hiring and recruitment blogs, and interview resources.-
Додатковіресурсивключаютьпосібникизпродуктів, блогизнаймутанаймання, атакожресурсидляспівбесід
*It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research. –
*Remove any additional/residual implementations you put into place, such as a keyword-specific link pointing to the post in your sidebar, home page, or other pages that reference the post.-
Видалітьбудь-якідодаткові/залишковіреалізації, яківивстановили, наприкладпосиланнянаключовеслово, щовказуєнапублікаціюнабічнійпанелі, домашнійсторінцічиіншихсторінках, якіпосилаютьсянапублікацію.
2-The application program-
*A software application to ease the reuse of construction materials. –
*A programming tool or software development tool is a program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. –
Інструментпрограмуванняабоінструментрозробкипрограмногозабезпечення цепрограмаабододаток, якірозробникипрограмногозабезпеченнявикористовуютьдлястворення, налагодження, підтримкичиіншоїпідтримкиіншихпрограмідодатків
*Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data in its API, or application program interface.-
Деякічиновникитиснулина Google і Apple, щобвонидозволиливикористовуватиданіпромісцезнаходженнявсвоєму API абоінтерфейсіприкладноїпрограми
3- as often as-
*While it is often associated with mild disease, if untreated P. malariae can cause long-lasting, chronic infections that may last a lifetime, researchers say.-
Хочацечастоасоціюєтьсязлегкимзахворюванням, якщонелікувати P. malariae, можевикликатитриваліхронічніінфекції, якіможутьтривативсежиття, кажутьдослідники.
*Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important.-
Серед багатьох сучасних зручностей, які часто сприймаються як належне в розвинених країнах, сучасні санітарні умови можуть бути одними з найважливіших.
*¬An AP data analysis of records from 1999-2019 shows that in weather stations across America, hot records are being set twice as often as cold ones.- Аналізданих AP прорекордиза 1999-2019 рокипоказує, щонаметеостанціяхповсійАмерицігарячірекордивстановлюютьсявдвічічастіше, ніжхолодні.
I have read the article "Physicists Announce Results That Strengthen Evidence for New Fundamental Physics." The results announced by the experiment of today's physicists have revealed further hints of phenomena that cannot be explained by our current theory of fundamental physics. The article describes in detail the whole experiment and how scientists want to test it. Now we can say with confidence that physics is a very interesting and informative science, you can be convinced of this by reading this article, and soon we will see the results of a very large work in the field of science
I have read the article « Wastewater Provides a Planetary Laboratory for the Study of Human Health». A new study suggests that wastewater infrastructure can provide societal benefits that go far beyond dramatically improving community hygiene. In the article, you can learn in detail about the method in which wastewater samples can be used as a diagnostic tool to study health indices across the whole society. I believe that this is a useful article, since in our time science does not stand still and you can freely learn a lot of interesting and new things for yourself.

·        #32

Khamruk Denis ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:56)

1) The application program must keep track of which memory bank holds a required piece of data, and then call the bank-switching routine to make that bank active.
Прикладная программа должна отслеживать, какой банк памяти содержит требуемые данные, и вызывать процедуру переключения банков, чтобы сделать этот банк активным.
2) We can eat here as often as we like.
Мы можем обедать здесь так часто как нам захочется.
3) The database was reviewed for additional references and individual sections of the compendium were subjected to internal review and scrutiny.
Был проведен обзор базы данных в целях включения в нее дополнительных ссылок, а отдельные разделы компендиума были подвергнуты внутреннему обзору и тщательному изучению.

Today I read the article "These sneaky hackers hid inside their victims' networks for nine months". It mainly deals with hackers and their actions. Some highs are free and independent, and there are those who are sponsored by the states. Hackers are different because they are still ordinary people with their own opinions, as well as people, there are hackers who are harmful and there are those who are beneficial. In any case, people who are useful are in any case better than people who are harmful. Therefore, I think that you can’t judge people by the cover, that is, if a hacker does not mean that he is a pest and spoils something all the time.



Today I read the article "Vertical turbines could be the future for wind farms". It says that the already familiar look of traditional propeller wind turbines in the future may be replaced by wind farms containing more compact and efficient vertical turbines. A new study from Oxford Brookes University has shown that vertical turbine design is much more efficient than traditional turbines in large wind farms, and when installed in pairs, vertical turbines increase each other's performance. If vertical turbines are more efficient than traditional wind turbines, I think it is worth progressing further and if there is a way to upgrade old wind turbines to newer ones, then there is a way to improve vertical turbines and find new ones that are better than now.

·        #31

Vorobyova E. to Salahor from ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:52)

Your comments with Phrases of the Day Practice are all right. Start working at your exam topics, please.

·        #30

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:43)

1. additional references
It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research. It gave us the general background we needed to dig further. -
Цебуловідправноюточкоютаколекцієюдодатковихпосиланьдлянашогодослідження. Це дало нам загальний фон, який нам потрібно було копати далі.
2. as often as
DNA mutate twice as often as genetic segments and that the mutation rate of less important genes is almost 50 percent higher than that of those that are essential for the plant's survival. -
ДНКмутуєвдвічічастіше, ніжгенетичнісегменти, ішвидкістьмутаціїменшважливихгенівмайжена 50 відсотківвища, ніжутих, якінеобхіднідлявиживаннярослини.
3. The application program
In the meantime, the DP3T team is working to ensure that the system will be ready to welcome a forthcoming application program interface from Apple and Google, which is still under development. -
Тимчасомкоманда DP3T працюєнадтим, щобсистемабулаготоваприйнятимайбутнійінтерфейсприкладноїпрограмивід Apple і Google, якийвсещезнаходитьсянастадіїрозробки.

Today I have read the article "DARPA seeks to create software systems that could last 100 years". Software needs constant updating for new features, capabilities, and security to prevent constant updates and reduce costs. The BRASS team is planning a whole new clean approach to software design, composition and adaptation. This approach aims to enable the expression and discovery of new types of specifications, software analysis, and formal methods that accurately capture the relationship between computing and the resources they use, as well as algorithmic transformations that allow applications to adapt to change.


Today I have read the article "Safer nuclear fuels". A team of scientists from the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have studied new types of nuclear fuel pellets for nuclear reactors. Such pellets are needed to prevent danger in an accident at the station. Such accidents were, for example, in Fukushima. The direct costs of eliminating the consequences of the accident include the cost of dismantling nuclear power plants and decontaminating contaminated areas, as well as compensation payments to the public and commercial companies.

·        #29

Vorobyova E. to Trochanskiy from ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:38)

Your work is fruitful. Well done and start writing your exam topics, please.

·        #28

Vorobyova E. to Boykin from ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:36)

Your review on the article is quite informative. It has no mistakes. Also, your sentences with new phrases are written correctly. Thank you.

·        #27

Kuvshinov Vadim, TF-2112, (Tomenko) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:34)

Articles and phrases of the day

·        #26

Grodska E. to Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:20)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentaries are quite interesting and informative. Continue working

·        #25

Eduard Andreev ТЯ-2104 (Grodska ) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:17)

1)as often as
Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important.-
Середбагатьохсучаснихзручностей, якічастосприймаютьсяякналежневрозвиненихкраїнах, сучаснасанітаріяможебутиоднієюзнайважливіших.
2)application program
A software application to ease the reuse of construction materials.-
3)additional references
The references are predominately using the sales and service functionality across a variety of industries and size of deployments, including several with more than 1,000 users.-
Удовідникахпереважновикористовуютьсяфункціїпродажутаобслуговуванняврізнихгалузяхірозмірахрозгортань, включаючидекільказпонад 1000 користувачів.


Today I have read the article "UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by 2051". It tells of the Fukushima accident in 2011 in northeastern Japan. At the moment there is a question of removal of highly radioactive fuel remains from three damaged reactors, and decommissioning of the power plant.
Japanese scientists hope to tackle this problem in about 30 years, but some experts say it is optimistic, even if decommissioning is possible. In conclusion, I would like to wish good luck to Japanese scientists in solving this problem.




Today i have the article "Nuclear Chain Reaction".This article tells the types of chain reactions, their processes and hazards. Nuclear chain reaction is a self-propagating process in which the number of neutrons multiplies rapidly almost geometrically during fission. There are two types of chain reaction.
Сontrolled where neutron distribution is regulated and uncontrolled.The chain reaction is very dangerous because it is the fastest reaction in the world, which gives off a lot of heat, which eventually leads to an explosion.

·        #24

Grodska E. to Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:46)

Your commentaries are well written and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working and good luck

·        #23

Trochanskyi Denis ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:45)

1)practical problems
-Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a specific prediction or decision.
Темнеменее, когдаэтиэкспертывводятИИвреальныймирииспользуютегодлярешенияпрактическихзадач, онидолжныответитьнатакиевопросы, как, например, почемуИИсделалконкретныйпрогнозилирешение.
-"To solve a practical problem, you can't just solve the computational piece, you have to incorporate the human behavioral piece," he said.
Чтобырешитьпрактическуюзадачу, вынеможетепросторешитьвычислительнуючасть, выдолжнывключитьчастьчеловеческогоповедения», - сказалон.
2)prevailing view
-"The aggregates are arranged in orderly superlattice structures, which is in stark contrast to the prevailing view that the adsorption of gas molecules by MOFs occurs stochastically."
Агрегатыорганизованывупорядоченныесверхрешеточныеструктуры, чторезкоконтрастируетспреобладающиммнениемотом, чтоадсорбциямолекулгаза MOF происходитстохастически».
-"What we found contradicts the prevailing view," says Mänd
То, чтомыобнаружили, противоречитпреобладающемумнению», - говоритМянд.
3)priority research areas
-A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade.
ВновомдокументеведущихученыхВеликобританииизлагаютсяключевыерешенияиполитическиемеры, которыенеобходимореализоватьсейчас, атакжеприоритетныеобластиисследованийнаследующеедесятилетие.
-The report recommends the following as key needs for supporting and implementing the priority research goals and other areas of Antarctic and Southern Ocean science.
I have read the article "Summit supercomputer to advance research on wind power for renewable energy". This article is about the new research from GE scientists that became available after receiving the IBM Summit supercomputer. Scientists say they will be able to simulate the behavior of air flows tens of kilometers in size, up to the resolution of the air flow over individual turbine blades. I liked this article, I think that using this method is a step into the future, and soon absolutely everything will be studied through imitation on a computer.
I have read the article "Tiny graphene microchips could make your phones and laptops thousands of times faster, say scientists". This article is about research by scientists from the UK. They unveiled new proprietary properties of graphene, which it gets after it is folded like origami. Graphene chips will come out 100 times smaller and more compact than traditional semiconductor chips. I liked this article, I think that now such technologies are necessary, because the modern traditional semiconductor industry is almost at the limit.


·        #22

Velichko Polina ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:41)

1-additional references- додатковіпосилання
*Additional resources include product guides, hiring and recruitment blogs, and interview resources.-
Додатковіресурсивключаютьпосібникизпродуктів, блогизнаймутанаймання, атакожресурсидляспівбесід
*It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research. –
*Remove any additional/residual implementations you put into place, such as a keyword-specific link pointing to the post in your sidebar, home page, or other pages that reference the post.-
Видалітьбудь-якідодаткові/залишковіреалізації, яківивстановили, наприкладпосиланнянаключовеслово, щовказуєнапублікаціюнабічнійпанелі, домашнійсторінцічиіншихсторінках, якіпосилаютьсянапублікацію.
2-The application program-
*A software application to ease the reuse of construction materials. –
*A programming tool or software development tool is a program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. –
Інструментпрограмуванняабоінструментрозробкипрограмногозабезпечення цепрограмаабододаток, якірозробникипрограмногозабезпеченнявикористовуютьдлястворення, налагодження, підтримкичиіншоїпідтримкиіншихпрограмідодатків
*Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data in its API, or application program interface.-
Деякічиновникитиснулина Google і Apple, щобвонидозволиливикористовуватиданіпромісцезнаходженнявсвоєму API абоінтерфейсіприкладноїпрограми
3- as often as-
*While it is often associated with mild disease, if untreated P. malariae can cause long-lasting, chronic infections that may last a lifetime, researchers say.-
Хочацечастоасоціюєтьсязлегкимзахворюванням, якщонелікувати P. malariae, можевикликатитриваліхронічніінфекції, якіможутьтривативсежиття, кажутьдослідники.
*Of the many contemporary conveniences often taken for granted in developed countries, modern sanitation may be among the most important.-
Серед багатьох сучасних зручностей, які часто сприймаються як належне в розвинених країнах, сучасні санітарні умови можуть бути одними з найважливіших.
*¬An AP data analysis of records from 1999-2019 shows that in weather stations across America, hot records are being set twice as often as cold ones.- Аналізданих AP прорекордиза 1999-2019 рокипоказує, щонаметеостанціяхповсійАмерицігарячірекордивстановлюютьсявдвічічастіше, ніжхолодні.
I have read the article "why student suspension or expulsion often does more harm than good". The number of students suspended or expelled from Australian schools is on the rise. Suspension and expulsion is widely used in Australia, the UK and the US to respond to problem behavior. But evidence shows that this tactic is not effective in changing student behavior and carries serious long-term risks to student well-being. You can understand that this is not the best strategy and in this article there are many facts that confirm this. The article will be useful not only for students but also for teachers
I have read the article "Retarder to Fuel Ratio". The article is very informative and useful for me, as it is directly related to my specialty, for example, the ratio of moderator to fuel is the ratio of the number of moderator cores in the volume of the reactor core to the number of fuel cores. The ratio of the moderator to fuel is especially affected by: the probability of resonant escape, the thermal utilization coefficient and the thermal and rapid probability of leakage. The article has pictures from which you can clearly understand what is at stake and learn more about all the processes in the reactor.


·        #21

Grodska E. to Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:37)

The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentaries are clear and informative. Well done

·        #20

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:36)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennet le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #19

Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:33)

1) As often as. Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones, AP finds 19 March 2019, by Seth Borenstein And Nicky Forster In this July 1.
2) Additional references. It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research.
3) Application program. Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data in its API, or application program interface.


I have read the article about how physicists from all over the world tried to predict the trajectory of a soccer ball using formulas and find out the expected outcome of a match.They thought it would be easy but it turned out that it is influenced by many factors that cannot be determined by physical formulas.In conclusion, I think that in football it is very difficult to calculate the expected result by formulas, because it has a small number of points, it can happen in basketball and the number of points to win is much higher.



Fusion reactors

Fusion reactors - fusion of heavier atomic nuclei from lighter ones in order to obtain energy, which, unlike explosive thermonuclear fusion (used in thermonuclear explosive devices), is controlled.  Controlled thermonuclear fusion differs from traditional nuclear energy in that the latter uses a decay reaction, during which lighter nuclei are obtained from heavy nuclei.  In the main nuclear reactions that are planned to be used for controlled thermonuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium will be used, and in the more distant future, helium-3 and boron-11. In conclusion, I want to say that this type of reactor is much better because it can be controlled.


·        #18

Boiko Sergiy ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:18)

1) As often as. Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones, AP finds 19 March 2019, by Seth Borenstein And Nicky Forster In this July 1.
2) Additional references. It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research.
3) Application program. Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data in its API, or application program interface.


I have read the article about a device that transmits music to the brain and uses no headphones.The technology uses a 3D sensing module that locates and tracks the position of the ear by sending sound using ultrasonic waves to create sound pockets near the user's ears.This is quite a handy gadget, because when listening to music you can fully hear all the sounds in the room.In conclusion, this is a very convenient and interesting technology, but at the time of its release it will be very expensive so not everyone will be able to afford this gadget.



Nuclear fuel

I have read the article about a nuclear fuels. Nuclear fuel is the fuel that is used in a nuclear reactor to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. These fuels are fissile, and the most common nuclear fuels are the radioactive metals uranium-235 and plutonium-239. All processes involved in obtaining, refining, and using this fuel make up a cycle known as the nuclear fuel cycle. Nuclear fuels require far more complicated systems to extract their energy, which calls for greater regulation. In conclusion, nuclear fuel is very efficient, but because it is not fully recyclable, it cannot be disposed of and is therefore not environmentally friendly.

·        #17

Grodska E. to Trochanskyi Denis ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:53)

Your commentaries are informative and interesting. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Well done

·        #16

Grodska E. to Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:52)

Your commentary is quite good, but correct the first sentence, it should be: Today I have read the article… The tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct.

·        #15

Salahor Ihor ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:44)

1. additional references
It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our research. It gave us the general background we needed to dig further. -
Цебуловідправноюточкоютаколекцієюдодатковихпосиланьдлянашогодослідження. Це дало нам загальний фон, який нам потрібно було копати далі.
2. as often as
DNA mutate twice as often as genetic segments and that the mutation rate of less important genes is almost 50 percent higher than that of those that are essential for the plant's survival. -
ДНКмутуєвдвічічастіше, ніжгенетичнісегменти, ішвидкістьмутаціїменшважливихгенівмайжена 50 відсотківвища, ніжутих, якінеобхіднідлявиживаннярослини.
3. The application program
In the meantime, the DP3T team is working to ensure that the system will be ready to welcome a forthcoming application program interface from Apple and Google, which is still under development. -
Тимчасомкоманда DP3T працюєнадтим, щобсистемабулаготоваприйнятимайбутнійінтерфейсприкладноїпрограмивід Apple і Google, якийвсещезнаходитьсянастадіїрозробки.

Today I read the article "We need to make sure that the AI robot makes the right decisions, at least as often as humans do." Each robot has its own program of action, but they are constantly faced with a choice. For example, a Tesla car, it is completely computer controlled, but in emergencies he has the choice to crash into a car or knock down a person, he will think how to do less damage, but who will be responsible if the car knocks down a person? That's right, no one.


Today I have read the article "Better nuclear fusion reactor walls represent a major engineering advance for the technology". Scientists from a laboratory in England broke the record for the amount of energy produced during a controlled, long-term synthesis reaction. Recent JET results have shown that years of research in plasma physics and materials science have yielded results and brought scientists to the brink of using fusion for electricity generation. JET will provide a huge leap forward to the goal of industrial fusion power plants.

·        #14

Grodska E. to ТЯ 2104 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:41)

Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck

·        #13

Trochanskyi Denis ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:41)

-by means of
1.Computer modeling of deposition and land growth by means of river diversions suggests that the subsidence driven by accumulating sediment has a limited impact on reducing the rate of land growth, both horizontally and vertically.
Компьютерное моделирование отложений и роста земель посредством отводов рек предполагает, что оседание, вызванное накоплением наносов, имеет ограниченное влияние на снижение скорости роста земель как по горизонтали, так и по вертикали.
-published in
1.In a study published in mBio, a team at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has uncovered important details about Shigella's translocon,
В исследовании, опубликованном в mBio, команда Массачусетской больницы общего профиля (MGH) обнаружила важные детали о транслоконте Шигеллы.
2.In a paper published in the journal Science in 2015, a team of researchers reported the discovery of what was believed to be an example of the first known four-legged snake fossil
Встатье, опубликованнойвжурнале Science в 2015 году, группаисследователейсообщилаоботкрытиитого, чтосчиталосьпримеромпервойизвестнойокаменелостичетвероногойзмеи.
I have read the article "Hints of unknown elementary particle explained using Swedish theory". This article is about research by Christopher Peterson of Chalmers University of Technology. Christopher Peterson says that the discovery of a new particle now would be more important even than the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. In March 2016, new results from the CERN accelerator were presented, which showed the traces even more clearly. At the same time, it became clear to Christoffer Petersson and his colleague Riccardo that the results exactly coincide with the theoretical predictions published back in 2013. I think that now such research is necessary and they should be funded as much as possible, because it is necessary to go into the future. I liked this article.
I have read the article "The reasons behind lithium-ion batteries' rapid cost decline". This article is about lithium-ion batteries, how they helped the development of modern portable technologies, how their price has dropped several times. The new battery research results are published in the journal Energy and Environmental Science in an MIT postdoc article, Mickey Ziegler, a recent graduate student of Juhen Song, Ph.D. '19, and Jessica Tranchik, professor at the MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society. This data will help to further reduce the cost of lithium-ion batteries. This article was interesting to me, I think that this is a very necessary area of research, but there are more important ones.

·        #12

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 16:56)

Today i've read the article which tells about what alternative source of energy we have.
It's known that biological waste contains a lot of energy. Residues such as grasses, trees, animals are called biomass and can be recycled. these residues have a high moisture content, so they require drying. But now non-economical drying options are used, such as pyrolysis. Scientists have proposed a more optimal option - HTC hydrothermal carbonization for twin-screw reactors. The reactors themselves run on solar energy. Thanks to this process, energy can be extracted even from rice husks and corn stover. In conclusion, I can say that we have many other types of energy, but people cannot refuse less environmentally friendly ones until the problem affects them directly.


·        #11

Volodymyr Polyvanyi, PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 12:56)

TITLE: "Unbiasing fermionic quantum Monte Carlo with a quantum computer"
LINK: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04351-z

This article is about the development of algorithms that facilitate the transition from classical computers to quantum ones. In their new study, researchers at Columbia University are studying an algorithm that reduces statistical errors, or the noise generated by quantum bits or qubits, when solving chemical equations. The algorithm uses quantum Monte Carlo to calculate probabilities when there are a large number of random unknown variables involved in the game, like in a game of roulette. I believe that this is a very important study that will bring closer the use of quantum computers in everyday life.


·        #10

Sergeev Nikolay, PhD st., (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 12:29)

Article: " Comparison of nanofluid wetting characteristics in untreated and superhydrophilic microgrooved heat pipes "

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214157X21001192

Recording: https://voca.ro/1iEapu6Vuhqg

I have read the article " Comparison of nanofluid wetting characteristics in untreated and superhydrophilic microgrooved heat pipes ". The article tells us about the problem of heat removal from electronic components. To solve this problem, heat pipes with a microgroove are used. To improve heat dissipation, the characteristics of the microgrooves are changed. Especially in recent times, due to the rapid development of technology, such methods will help us not to stop there. I believe that using such technologies and methods we will be able to increase the power of the equipment without increasing the size of the equipment.

·        #9

Lysyuk PhD st. (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 12:18)

TITLE:Revamped design could take powerful biological computers from the test tube to the cell
LINC: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/03/220323151655.htm

This article describes new ideas in the development of biological computers. This is the use of RNA nucleic acids.
In biological computers using DNA, information is encoded by the four nucleotides A, T, C, and G, not ones and zeros. But they only work once. Scientists have developed long-lived biological computers based on RNA nucleic acids. Living cells can continuously create these strands of RNA using cells DNA as a template.The next step will be the introduction of biological computers into the genome of the organism.
These researches open a new way in the field of creation of durable biological computers.

·        #8

Julia Derkach, PhD st, (Diachenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 12:12)

TITLE:Network cartographs for interpretable visualizations
LINK: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43588-022-00199-z
The article states that researchers are developed a method. That makes it possible to specify in advance which network properties. And information should be visually represented in order to explore them interactively. The key idea research was to develop different views for large networks to capture the complexity. Also get a more comprehensive view and present it in a visually understandable way. Menche Lab scientists developed four different network layouts. Any network information can be encoded and visualized in this fashion. In my opinion, using the new layouts, we can now specify in advance that we want to see.

·        #7

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 04 April 2022)

Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #6

Grodska E. to Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Monday, 04 April 2022 15:25)

Your commentary is quite interesting and informative. Well done

·        #5

Yaroslaw Kucyi ТЯ-2104 (Grodska) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 10:22)

Today i've read the article which tells about how the war affected the Ukrainian economy. Harvard researchers came to the conclusion that the economy of Ukraine is steadily moving from Russia to the West. For example, in 2014, exports to Russia decreased by one third. And the EU now receives more than 40% of all Ukrainian export. it's about twice as much. Ukraine got new opportunities. Germany has become an important investor. Several versts of the population of Finland, Italy, Japan, Switzerland and other countries have already suffered from the war. Scientists analyze each city and build graphs of changes in the economic composition. In conclusion, I want to say that you will still feel war's consequences for yourself, no matter how far you are from


·        #4

Petrova E.I. (Friday, 01 April 2022 11:04)

Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #3

Vorobyova E. to Korukova from ТП-2102 (Friday, 01 April 2022 09:24)

I have checked your work and found some mistakes, e.g.: “IN SUMMER”, “THE ARTICLE was quite interesting. So I recommend IT to you.”; and your mispronounced words are “through”, “database”, “result”, “recommend”. Your sentences with new phrases are correct. Go on working.

·        #2

Korukova Kate ТП-2102 (Vorobyova E) (Friday, 01 April 2022 09:13)

The article was about more than 60 million wearable fitness tracking records available through the unsecured database of the Planet website, together with cybersecurity researcher Jeremy Fowler, she stated that the database belongs to GetHealhe. The platform of this company can receive health data from sources such as Fibit, Google Fit and others. In the summer of two thousand two hundred and the first year, an unsecured password database was discovered. As a result , more than sixty million data , user information , sometimes confidential , were not protected . When the team checked the data, it turned out that most of the lost information was taken from Fibit and AppleHealthKit. Satya was quite interesting , so I want to recommend her to you .

https://www.zdnet.com/ar ticle/over-60-million-records-exposed-in-wearable-fitness-tracking-data-breach-via-unsecured-database/

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Explore further Butterflies and moths evolve in order to adapt to warmer urban areas More information.
findings confirm
These findings confirm the suspicions of web design bloggers that websites are becoming more similar.
from this standpoint
Indeed, from this standpoint, there is no contradiction between profit maximization and the common good.

·        #1

Vorobyova E. to ТЕ(ТП)-2102, ТФ-2112 (Friday, 01 April 2022 09:02)

Good morning, students! Our English lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on articles and Phrases of the Day Practice. Don’t forget to submit your audio messages. Good luck.


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