Humanity studies |Гуманітарні науки(IГН)
Guestbook – April 2022
· #945
· Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 14:26)
Both messages presented (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:14) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:15) demonstrate your full understanding of the contents of the articles you have read, were performed without mistakes. Excellent.
· #944
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 14:21)
The message (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:50) contains all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #943
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 14:17)
The all the elements of the work (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:45) were written and pronounced without mistakes but the part "Homework" does not contain the task Phrases of the Day, that's why it cannot be assessed excellently.
· #942
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 14:12)
The message(Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:38) presents all the necessary elements
which were done excellently.
Please do not forget that the task provides both classwork and homework.
· #941
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 14:08)
Both messages presented (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:26) were written and pronounced without mistakes, but the second one does not contain all the the task Phrases of the Day which does not allow to estimate the work excellently.
· #940
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Friday, 29 April 2022 14:02)
On both abstracts (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:12)i'd like to stress a very interesting and thorough narration of the contents of the articles you have read, the absence of grammatial and phonetic mistakes. Excellent.
· #939
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 13:56)
Both of the works (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:00) contain all the necessary elements, demonstrate your complete understanding of the contents of articles you have read. Excellent.
· #938
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 13:52)
Both works presented (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:47) were done without mistakes, pronounced perfectly and can be estimates excellently.
· #937
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 IM-211 (Friday, 29 April 2022 13:46)
The message (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:28) contains the homework and classwork, they include all the necessary elements, were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #936
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Thursday, 28 April 2022 17:18)
Today I have read an article titled "Richborough: Holding cell for gladiators
found at Roman site". Archaeologists have uncovered new remains of ancient Rome,
behind which it can be considered that Richborough was one of the most important
monuments of Roman Britain. They also found the complete skeleton of a specially
buried cat, which they named "Maxipus". For me, as a culturologist, this is very
informative and now one can think that not only in Egypt and Greece cats were
treated well. I hope that archaeologists will find even more something new and
informatively useful for ancient Rome.
· #935
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Thursday, 28 April 2022 17:17)
debt 26.04
1)Peer-reviewed key findings made available for the summary for policymakers.
2)Lou's death had enormous adverse effects on Spike, as seen in several episodes
following his death.
3)We can lay the foundations today through our strong endorsement of the many
initiatives the Secretary-General has placed before us.
Today I have read an article "Matisse's masterpiece The Red Studio recreated 100
years later for New York show". The objects in the painting—including several of
the artist's own works—have been brought together for an exhibition at the
Museum of Modern Art, which later travels to Copenhagen. I really like Matisse,
I consider his work to be one of the best in modern art. My favorite painting of
his is, of course, the "The Red Studio", which is being researched. It is
incredible how accurately he was able to portray his 11 works in one picture.
· #934
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 28 April 2022 14:02)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #933
Korolyova Sophia IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 13:33)
Today I have read the article "What are waterspouts, and how do they form?".
Firstly, I want to say that this article talks about waterspouts. A waterspout,
according to scientists, is a spinning column of air that absorbs water to form
a twisted funnel of water and cloud that connects the sea and the sky. They can
form when two winds blowing in opposite directions collide. In conclusion, I
believe that this research will aid in our understanding of what waterspouts are
and how they form.
· #932
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:27)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck
· #931
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:16)
I have read the article:«An assessment of the real-world emissions performance
of a Bharat Stage VI truck and bus in India»
As I have read, a new study carried out by researchers from the International
Council on Clean Transportation with testing partner HORIBA India is among the
first to quantify the real-world emissions from Bharat Stage (BS) VI diesel
vehicles. One truck and one bus were evaluated via in-use portable emissions
measurement system (PEMS) testing and the study is released as standards and
provisions for India's in-service conformity (ISC) tests for heavy-duty vehicles
are being introduced for the first time with the BS VI regulation.
In addition,“these results illustrate how the current AIS provisions could be
improved, and it's important because a significant chunk of the NOx emissions
are being generated under conditions that are not currently included when
evaluating for compliance," said an ICCT consultant researcher and the lead
author of the study.
So,“for India's ISC testing to capture all emissions from real-world driving,
they could be amended by lowering the power threshold to 5%, including all
cold-start emissions, and increasing the percentile for data evaluations to
100%," said researcher.
Phrases of the day
1)differences in performance
Millstein and colleagues found significant differences in performance decline
between the older and younger wind plant models
2)different points of view
This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its best
інструмент дає змогу побачити різні точки зору, щоб команда могла вибрати
найкращі ідеї.
3)different aspects of
There are new tests or scales focusing on other aspects of creativity, such as
creative potential, creative self-efficacy, creativity in different domains
Існують нові тести або шкали, що фокусуються на інших аспектах творчості, таких
як творчий потенціал, творча самоефективність, креативність у різних сферах.
· #930
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:15)
I have read the article:«A global comparison of life-cycle greenhouse gas
emissions from passenger cars»
First of all, a far-reaching new study of the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions from passenger cars, including SUVs, draws sharp and meticulous
distinctions between the climate impacts of battery and fuel cell electric
vehicles on one hand and combustion vehicles on the other.
Also, the study, carried out by the International Council on Clean
Transportation (ICCT), analyzes present and projected future GHG emissions
attributable to every stage in the life cycles of both vehicles and fuels, from
extracting and processing raw materials through refining and manufacture to
operation and eventual disposal. The analysis was performed separately and in
depth for the European Union, the United States, China, and India, and captured
the differences among those markets, which together account for about 70% of new
car sales worldwide.
So in addition to its global scope, the study is methodologically comprehensive
in considering all relevant powertrain types, including plug-in hybrid electric
vehicles, and an array of fuel types including biofuels, electrofuels, hydrogen,
and electricity.
Phrases of the day
1)different aspects of
As Changeat says: "Many issues such as the origins of the water on Earth, the
formation of the Moon, and the different evolutionary histories of Earth and
2)differences in performance
Performance improves dramatically if the database contains multiple images of a
Продуктивність значно покращується, якщо база даних містить кілька зображень
3)different points of view
Many companies have stumbled when they pick up or develop an inaccurate view of
· #929
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 28 April 2022 12:14)
I have read the article:«Pushing the boundaries of space exploration with X-ray
As I have read, thanks to scientific innovations over the next four centuries,
we can now launch telescopes into space to get a better look at astronomical
objects and even study them at wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum. The
Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) launched by NASA on 9 December 2021 is
one such expedition into the cosmos.
Also, IXPE was launched on a reusable Falcon 9 rocket from the Kennedy Space
Center into an equatorial orbit at an altitude of 600 km. This orbit was chosen
to reduce the charged-particle background, maximize the lifetime of the explorer
and allow easier regular data downloads to primary and backup ground stations
(Kenya and Singapore, respectively). The observatory uses an array of 12 sun
sensors, a three-axis magnetometer, and two star trackers to maintain its course
in space.
So, a marvel of science and engineering, IXPE will provide the first information
about X-ray polarization for many astronomical sources. With its
state-of-the-art telescopes and detectors, IXPE has the potential to expand the
horizons of our knowledge about the universe.
Phrases of the day
1)different points of view
In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts
from different points of view to nurture innovation.
2)different aspects of
Different species can react differently to the changing climatic …
3)differences in performance
The researchers made these discoveries by comparing battery performance with two
types of electrolytes: one that binds weakly to lithium ions
· #928
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:50)
Class work 28/04
Today I’ve read the article “Study shows creativity assessments progressing
slowly, including racialized, gendered approaches” and I’d like to share my
To begin with the article tells us about system how to measure creativity. In
fact, this is a rather complicated process that is not without errors. For
example, researches to measure creativity are most often conducted among the
white population. Of course, it this creates a difficulty for meaningful
But, in conclusion, I want to say that creativity and intelligence are often
confused. Or simply any achievements are based on intellectual abilities. This
is not bad, but it slows down the development of creativity.
1)different points of view
In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts
from different points of view to nurture innovation.
2)different aspects of
The Working Group reviewed more than 60 papers on different aspects of the
implications of ICTs for development.
Робоча група розглянула понад 60 документів з різних аспектів впливу ICTs на
3) differences in performance
Problems associated with differences in performance requirements of vehicles
with ABS function and ABS system
Проблеми, пов'язані з відмінностями в вимогах до експлуатаційних характеристик
транспортних засобів з функцією
Today I’ve read the article “Study finds that males are represented four times
more than females in literature” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that the book industry, like any other industry, reveals all the
features of the patriarchal society in which we live. Even the fact that
adjectives are most often used to describe female characters says a lot. But
this should not be ignored. It is necessary to present more and more new images
in literature, where not only a man can be strong and powerful.
In conclusion, I want to say that this article was really interesting and
fascinating. Such research helps us to realize gender problems in our society.
1) different aspects of
Both roles are also important for different aspects of social integration.
2) differences in performance
Although the three CNN models presented differences in performance, they all
achieved promising results, outperforming several state-of-the-art approaches
for FER.
3) different points of view
but we look at that as providing different points of view with different
backgrounds, different creativity levels that help us to come up with better
solutions for our work products.
· #927
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:45)
Today I have read the article «Researchers use 3D printer to print glass» It
tells us about researchers which have successfully 3D printed chalcogenide
glass, a unique material used to make optical components that operate at
mid-infrared wavelengths. The ability to 3D print this glass could make it
possible to manufacture complex glass components and optical fibers for new
types of low-cost sensors, telecommunications components and biomedical devices.
In conclusion, 3D printing of optical materials will pave the way for a new era
of designing and combining materials to produce the photonic components and
fibers of the future.
Today I have read an article called "2011: Riots and revolutions: How we all
changed the world", which describes the events that happened in 2011 by
month.2011 has brought a wealth of change to not just in technology circles, but
the wider global community. Change should be, above any other word, the word of
the year. Between you and I, from Wikileaks to one man alone sparking a
revolution, we all played our part in changing the world. From the most popular
highlights to the crucial events that really mattered, here's how we did it. It
is not surprising that all these events took place in those times, the times
when there was the fastest development of all modern digital technologies and
exactly a couple of years after the terrible global crisis of 2008.
Phrases of the day:
1. different points of view
In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts
from different points of view to nurture innovation.
2. different aspects of
The different aspects of corporate culture are values, language, expectations,
rituals and stories.
Різними аспектами корпоративної культури є цінності, мова, очікування, ритуали
та історії.
3. differences in performance
Millstein and colleagues found significant differences in performance decline
between the older and younger wind plant models.
Мілльштейн і його колеги виявили значні відмінності в зниженні продуктивності
між старими і молодшими моделями вітряних установок.
· #926
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:38)
Phrases of the day
1) consistent with
While some protesters claimed they were injured by the "sonic weapon," those
reports are inconsistent with what an LRAD can really do.
2) comparisons revealed
The comparison revealed subtle differences in the high frequencies between real
and fake files.
Порівняння виявило незначні відмінності у високих частотах між справжніми та
підробленими файлами.
3) as seen in
As seen in this table, during the Post WWII, the negative correlation between
manufacturing activities
Як видно з цієї таблиці, під час після Другої світової війни негативна кореляція
між виробничою діяльністю.
I have read the article “Japan Firm Unveils Bat-signal of the Future”.
A free-floating image created by firing lasers into thin air was unveiled in
Japan on Monday, offering the possibility one day of projecting messages into a
cloudless sky, as seen in Batman. Inventors hope that it might eventually be
used to warn people of danger such as an approaching tsunami. The bursts of
light come hundreds of times a second, and as the beam moves, are able to form
what appear to the naked eye as rudimentary three-dimensional images.
Summing up, we can say that this is a good way to prevent danger to people who
are on the street.
· #925
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:26)
I have read the article “NIST evaluates face recognition software's accuracy for
flight boarding”.
The most accurate facial recognition algorithms have demonstrated the ability to
verify the identity of airline passengers, while making very few errors.The use
of FR is currently part of check-in process for international flights, both to
confirm the identity of the passenger for the airline's flight list and to
register the passenger's official immigration departure from of the United
States.Demographic differences in the data set have little impact. The team
investigated the differences in performance between men and women, as well as by
national origin, which were the two identifiers included in the photos. National
origin may, but not always, reflect race. Algorithms are executed with high
accuracy in all these variants. False negatives, although somewhat more typical
for women, were rare in all cases.
· #924
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:26)
I have read the article “Studies examine different understandings, varieties of
"Research has explored the possibility that the attitude towards ""diversity""
is multidimensional, not unidimensional, and that ideological differences in
relation to diversity vary depending on the subtype of diversity." More
conservative participants prefer diversity of views, and more liberal
participants prefer demographic diversity.Demographic features can be central to
human diversity prototypes and that positive attitude towards the overall
concept of diversity predicted the preferences of demographic diversity for both
conservatives and liberals.Liberals are more likely than conservatives to
support the overall concept of diversity.
I believe that the division of the concept of diversity into parts and the
definition of the parts with which people agree can be a small step towards
reducing political polarization.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1)different points of view
There are different points of view on the concepts of money issue and the
release of money into economic circulation.-Існують
різні точки зору на поняття грошової емісії та випуску грошей в економічний обіг.
2)different aspects of
Indicators and data collection are two different aspects of
та збір даних є двома різними аспектами збору інформації.
3)differences in performance
In addition, a significant portion of salaries should be redistributed to
reflect differences in performance.-Крім
значну частину заробітної плати слід перерозподілити,
відобразити відмінності в продуктивності.
· #923
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:12)
Today I've read the article about Simple method for measuring the state of
lithium-ion batteries
The demand for high-capacity rechargeable batteries is growing and so is the
need for a form of
sensitive, accurate diagnostic technology for determining the state of a battery
cell. The success of many
new developments will depend on whether batteries can be produced that can
deliver sufficient
capacity and a long effective life span. Atomic magnetometers are optically
pumped magnetometers
that use atoms in gaseous form as probes for a magnetic field. They are
commercially available and are
used in industrial applications as well as fundamental research. In the case of
battery measurements,
the batteries are placed in a background magnetic field. The batteries alter
this background magnetic field and the change is measured using atomic
"The diagnostic power of this technique is promising for the assessment of cells
in research, for quality
control, or during operation - the authors stated in their recent PAS paper.
Phrases of the day:
investigated four different aspects of the social world of 95 Asian timber
elephants living in their natural habitat in Myanmar
Ми дослідили чотири різні аспекти соціального світу 95 азіатських слонів, які
живуть у своєму природному середовищі існування в М'янмі.
2.This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its
best ideas.
інструмент дозволяє побачити різні точки зору, щоб команда могла вибрати
найкращі ідеї.
3.Millstein and colleagues found significant differences in performance decline
between the older and younger wind plant models,
Мілльштейн та його колеги виявили значні відмінності в зниженні продуктивності
між старшими і молодшими моделями вітряних установок,
Today I've read the article about NASA's Perseverance rover captures video of
solar eclipse on Mars
The images are the latest in a long history of NASA spacecraft capturing solar
eclipses on Mars. NASA's
Perseverance Mars rover used its Mastcam-Z camera to shoot video of Phobos, one
of Mars' two
moons, eclipsing the Sun. It's the most zoomed-in, highest-frame-rate
observation of a Phobos solar
eclipse ever taken from the Martian surface. Scientists already know that Phobos
is doomed: The moon
is getting closer to the Martian surface and is destined to cra]h into the
planet in tens of millions of
years. But eclipse observations from the surface of Mars over the last two
decades have also allowed
scientists to refine their understanding of Phobos' slow death spiral.
As Phobos circles Mars, its gravity exerts small tidal forces on the Red
Planet's interior, slightly
deforming rock in the planet's crust and mantle. These forces also slowly change
Phobos' orbit. As a
result, geophysicists can use those changes to better understand how pliable the
interior of Mars is,
revealing more about the materials within the crust and mantle. These
observations can help scientists
better understand the moon's orbit and how its gravity pulls on the Martian
surface, ultimately shaping
the Red Planet's crust and mantle.
Phrases of the day:
1. you will need to learn many different aspects of life
багато різних аспектів життя тобі треба буде пізнати
2.In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts
from different points of view to nurture innovation.
більшості випадків допомагає багатьом розумам обдумувати різноманітні концепції
з різних точок зору,
розвивати інновації.
3.Adams and his team used antennas that were just under 1 meter long to transmit
at 27 MHz, and found stark differences in performance between the DAM
transmitter and a conventional one.
Адамс і його команда використовували антени довжиною трохи менше 1 метра для
передачі на частоті 27 МГц і виявили суттєві відмінності в продуктивності між
передавачем DAM і звичайним.
· #922
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:00)
Today,I have read the article "E-skin able to detect changes in wind, water
drops and moving ants"
Firstly, the article talks about an electronic skin. The Chinese Academy of
Sciences is working on this new technology. The new skin can detect even the
tiniest changes in pressure and convert them into pulses. This E-skin is
sensitive enough to detect changes in air movement, falling drops, and moving
In conclusion, I want to say that this new discovery will improve the look and
capabilities of robots and will be a big breakthrough in robotics.
Phrases of the day:
1) consistent with;
The damage was consistent with a sub-group of modern beetles called palm
bruchines, the scientists reported in the journal Review of Palaeobotany and
Пошкодження відповідали підгрупі сучасних жуків,
називаються пальмовими бручинами,
повідомили вчені в журналі
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.
comparisons revealed that;
Not only did Apple Maps change at a snail's pace, but the comparison revealed
that the information added to Apple Maps wasn't as accurate as that provided by
Apple Maps змінилися не тільки швидко, але й порівняння показало, що інформація,
додана до Apple Maps, не така точна, як та, яку надає Google.
3) correctly interpret;
When it comes to correctly interpreting the sensitivity analysis that the
program gives us, it allows us to save time by avoiding having to re-optimize
many times over.
Коли справа доходить до правильної інтерпретації аналізу чутливості, який дає
нам програма, це дозволяє нам заощадити час, уникаючи необхідності багаторазової
повторної оптимізації.
Class work
I have read the article “Revealed: the more time that children chat on social
media, the less happy they feel”.
Firstly, the article talks about the research by a team of economists at the
University of Sheffield. Economists discovered that spending just one hour a day
on social media reduces a child's chances of being completely satisfied with his
or her life by around 14%. Teenagers now spend nearly three and a half times as
much time online as they do watching television each week.
Finally, I want to say that this study shows that social media use can be
detrimental on average to young people.
Phrases of the day:
1) differences in performance;
The team explored differences in performance on male versus female subjects and
also across national origin, which were the two identifiers the photos included.
Команда дослідила відмінності в продуктивності чоловіків і жінок, а також між
національним походженням, які були двома ідентифікаторами на фотографіях.
2) different aspects of;
A different aspect of good design that is conceptually simple to incorporate is
Інший аспект гарного дизайну, який концептуально простий для включення, - це
3) different points of view;
This tool lets you see different points of view so the team can choose its best
Цей інструмент дозволяє побачити різні точки зору, щоб команда могла вибрати
найкращі ідеї.
· #921
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:47)
I have recently read the article “Plastic-eating enzyme could eliminate billions
of tons of landfill waste”.
This article tells about different studies and their aim to create an enzyme
which could break down polymers into smaller pieces. It is extra meaningful for
us and planet, because every year lands and waters get more and more polluted.
An enzyme variant was created by engineers and scientists at The UT at Austin.
You can read about this discovery in Nature.
In conclusion, we can see a progress in attempts to remedy the environmental
situation and exactly this method is not harmful for environment.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) different aspects of
Both roles are also important for different aspects of social integration.
Обидві ці ролі мають важливе значення для соціальної інтеграції у різних її
differences in performance
Although the three CNN models presented differences in performance, they all
achieved promising results, outperforming several state-of-the-art approaches
for FER.
Хоча три моделі
відрізнялися в продуктивності,
вони досягли багатообіцяючих результатів,
перевершивши декілька найсучасніших підходів для
3) different points of view
People look [at diversity] perhaps in terms of colour or race, but we look at
that as providing different points of view with different backgrounds, different
creativity levels that help us to come up with better solutions for our work
Люди дивляться
точки зору кольору або раси,
ми розглядаємо це як надання різних точок зору з різним досвідом,
різним рівнем творчості,
допомагають нам знаходити кращі рішення для наших робочих продуктів.
Voice message:
Homework (на
I have recently read the article “Can Twitter become more profitable under Elon
Twitter is a social platform which has been launched in 2013. On 26th of April
it was revealed that Elon Musk, a famous investor and business magnate, is
buying this platform. So, this article informs us about chances of Twitter to
become more profitable, because Twitter has posted a net loss every year, except
2018 and 2019. Elon Musk has all possibilities to change it.
In conclusion, it seems to me that Twitter is going soon to enter a completely
new epoch of its existence.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) correctly interpret
To be able to correctly interpret their environment using complex visual inputs,
embedded vision systems require lots of processing power.
мати можливість правильно інтерпретувати навколишнє середовище,
використовуючи складні візуальні вхідні дані,
вбудовані системи зору потребують великої обчислювальної потужності.
comparisons revealed that
A detailed comparison of the surviving fragments revealed that the main
differences in terms of the ground risk were due to the different fragmentations
of the battery box.
При докладному зіставленні фрагментів, що зберігаються, було встановлено, що
основні розбіжності в ступені ризику на Землі обумовлені відмінністю характерів
фрагментації контейнера акумулятора.
3) consistent with
They centered on two greenhouse gas emissions scenarios: an optimistic one
consistent with the Paris Agreement, and a pessimistic one based on current use
of energy and greenhouse gas emissions.
Вони зосередились на двох сценаріях викидів парникових газів:
відповідає Паризькій угоді,
заснований на поточному використанні енергії та викидах парникових газів.
Voice message:
· #920
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 10:28)
Today I read an article called "Viruses that could save millions of lives".
The article talked about research into viruses that could save many lives, an
innovative way of overcoming the looming nightmare of bacteria becoming
resistant to the antibiotics on which the world depends. Although phage-based
drugs cannot completely replace antibiotics, researchers say they have great
advantages: they are cheap, have no side-effects and do not damage organs or gut
micro flora.
Bacteriophages also have the potential to counteract biological weapons and
bioterrorism, so research in this field is in high demand.
Phrases of the Day:
1)different points of view
In most cases it helps to have many minds brainstorming a variety of concepts
from different points of view to nurture innovation.
більшості випадків допомагає багатьом розумам обдумувати різноманітні концепції
з різних точок зору,
розвивати інновації.
2)different aspects of
The Working Group reviewed more than 60 papers on different aspects of the
implications of ICTs for development.
Робоча група розглянула понад 60 документів з різних аспектів впливу ICTs на
3) differences in performance
Problems associated with differences in performance requirements of vehicles
with ABS function and ABS system
Проблеми, пов'язані з відмінностями в вимогах до експлуатаційних характеристик
транспортних засобів з функцією ABS і системою
Today I have read the article called: " Online calculator shows how trees can
improve air quality and cut health costs"
A new interactive online tool is set to encourage tree planting initiatives
across the UK. It calculates how much pollution would be removed by planting
trees in local areas, as well as the corresponding public health cost savings.
The new tool builds on previous research that CEH and effect carried out for the
Office of National Statistics, which estimated that plants in the UK remove 1.4
million tonnes of air pollution and save £1 billion in avoided health costs
every year.
Phrases of the Day:
1) a great deal of In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over
many years and centuries.
природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність.
2) a little I would say that our device is a little more perfect.
Я б сказав, що наш апарат трохи досконалий.
3) a few We have known for a few decades that Mercury harbors water.
Ми вже кілька десятиліть знаємо, що Меркурій містить воду.
· #919
Gvozd O.V. (Thursday, 28 April 2022 09:03)
Korolyova Sophia IJ-212 Lobanova Diana IP-211 Sorokina Veronika IP-211
I have read your comments, keep on working.
· #918
Shapa .N. to Dudina KristinaIM-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 19:20) (Thursday, 28 April 2022 07:43)
The essay (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:30) includes a lot of interesting and
useful points showing that you are trying to comprehend the problem of your
essay, but some questions were asked grammatically uncorrect p.p. 1 2 4 7 8 10,
it seems to me you don't know this part of English Grammar very well, articles,
etc. - 90
· #917
Shapa .N. to the IM-211 group students (Thursday, 28 April 2022 07:11)
Your English lesson has already started, please begin sending your homeworks and classworks.
· #916
Shapa .N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 19:20)
The essay (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:30) includes a lot of imteresting and useful points snowing that you are trying to comprehen the problem of your essay, but some questions were asked grammatically uncorrect p.p. 1 2 4 7 8 10, it seems to me you don't know this part of English Grammar very well, articles, etc. - 90
· #915
Korolyova Sophia IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 19:09)
Today I read the article "Six areas where actions should be concentrated to save
this planet." This article deals with a document that consists of six levels at
which environmental action should be taken. These six areas are energy
production, natural climate solutions, pollutants, food system reform,
population stability and economic reform. You can read exactly what actions need
to be taken to prevent global devastation. The main point of this document is to
draw attention to global problems and encourage people to do something useful
for our planet. In conclusion, I want to say that it is important for all of us
to unite and act as a truly effective cooperation.
· #914
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 17:54)
The work (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:27) contains the review which was written and pronounced quite well, but the tsak Phrases of the Dau was not voiced that's why the mark cannot be excellent for this part of the work; the essay contains two grammatical mistakes, in points 4 and 10 the questions were askes uncorrect from the viewpoint of Grammar - 90.
· #913
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 17:48)
The review and the task Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:00) have been written and pronounced excellently.
· #912
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 17:48)
To Shaptefrats Diana-group-IC- 211. Thank you for your annotations on the articles you've read. I wonder why don't you record audio versions of your comments with Vocaroo? It is an obligatory requirement. The task with the phrases of the day practice is also a must, but there is non. I can't estimate your work positively. Keep on working online. Good luck!
· #911
Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 14:19)
1.Today I've read an article called "Fourteen new types of attacks on web
browsers detected" by Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum. It tells about new types of
cross-site leaks called XS-Leaks that track users' interactions with other
websites. The data obtained with help of such tracking can be easily leaked
afterwards, which potentially creates danger for the victims.
Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum researchers make sure that all of the popular browsers
are protected from risks of these leaks. At the moment more than 30 browsers are
already secure. I liked this article because it reminds us to be careful with
web surfing.
2.I have read the article about how scientists are using deep learning to
predict users' superficial judgments of human faces. Many psychology studies
have confirmed the biased nature of human judgments and decision-making. When
interacting with a new person, for instance, humans often make a series of
automatic and superficial judgments based solely on their appearance, facial
features, ethnicity, body-type, and body language. Researchers at Researchers at
Princeton University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and the Booth School of
Business of the University of Chicago have recently tried to predict some of the
automatic inferences that humans make about others based solely on their face,
using deep neural networks. Their paper, published in PNAS, introduces a machine
learning model that can predict the arbitrary judgments users will make about
specific pictures of faces with remarkable accuracy. In my opinion, this model
is very interesting and promising.
3.Today I read an article about the game Genshin Impact. This game, now, is
probably one of the most popular games today. Genshin Impact is a game that won
the hearts of gamers in the early days of the release. The game is interesting
with its plot, graphics and a large number of quests and characters. I also
recently started playing this game, and to be honest, it's really addictive. In
the first two weeks, the game brought the creators more than $ 100 million. It's
really impressive. The game is very easy to control, and everything becomes
clear over time. I know a lot of people who also like this game and have been
playing it for a long time. In my opinion, this article is interesting because
Genshin Impact is really worth a look. If you are interested in my share, I
recommend you read the article.
4.Today I have read the article called: “EXPLAINER: Just how vulnerable is the
internet?” by Frank Bajak and Matt O'brien.
tells about services (like Fastly and Cloudflare) that use the “edge server”
technology that helps companies around the world to interact with customers
faster by decreasing loading time. The incident with Fastly’s outage had shown
that any flaw in such services’ work can lead to massive problems (like data
leaks and inability to load normally) all around the Web, thus the maintenance
of those services is one of the keys to keeping the Internet safe and reliable.
I enjoyed this article because it gives a better understanding of websites’ work
and data traffic.
· #910
Tomenko M.G. to Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 12:54)
Your comment is well done. Thank you.
· #909
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 11:49)
To Lobanova Diana-group-IP-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles,the Exam topic, the audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " psy'chology; o'ccur; 'drought; 'agri'cultural 'produc'tivity etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online . All the best !
· #908
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 10:45)
To Sorokina Veronika-group-IP-211. Thank you for your comments on the articles, audio versions of your essays and the work with the phrases of the day practice, but I haven't found the Exam topic in your message. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct, but mind the misprint of separate words: "said; field etc." The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " tech'nique; o'ccuring; 'energy; i'dentify etc." The task with the phrases of the day has been performed correct. Keep on working online . All the best !
· #907
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 09:27)
I have read an interesting article today about the climate, specifically about
the global drought, which could cause a significant increase in the percentage
of migratory people in the world. Scientists predict that there will be a
massive increase in drought-induced migration in the coming years - 200 percent
more if we assume the optimistic climate projections, and 500 percent more if
world leaders do not cooperate in mitigating climate change. They say the
greatest number of people displaced by drought under unmitigated change will
occur in these countries: Nigeria, Egypt, China, Turkey, Algeria, Mexico,
Morocco and Venezuela. Also, scientists suggest that some people will not be
able to migrate.
Phrases of the day:
1. Соnsistent with (соответствует)
The long-awaited results we received consist with all our expectations
2. Comparisons revealed that (сравнения показали, что)
Comparisons revealed that our invention copes with the cleaning of floors many
times better than a conventional mop
3. Correctly interpret (правильное толкование)
To correctly interpret your dream you should read some dream books
Independent practice
Today I have read a very interesting article on ecology. The fact is that many
plants, like humans, are learning to adapt to a new habitat. Much depends on
their genetic structures. Therefore, identifying the structural patterns of
crops and their underlying biology can help improve agricultural productivity.
Most importantly, scientists identified "leaf inclination" as determining the
shape of the light-receiving part of the plant. Such gene studies can help
farmers increase yields in the future, and help plants be more adaptable.
Exam topic #2 (Clinical psychology)
Clinical psychology is an important branch of psychology that studies many
phenomena of the human psyche and their relationship to various
diseases.Clinical psychology is also called medical psychology. It deals with
the diagnosis of human mental health, the implementation of scientific research,
the implementation of psychotherapy.The psychotherapeutic methods of this
psychology can include counseling, individual procedures, classes with the
family and a variety of personal support.
· #906
Sorokina Veronika IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 09:12)
Today I`ve read the article on “What choices does the world need to make to keep
global warming below 2 degrees Celsius?”, which tells about new modeling
strategy, that explores hundreds of potential future development pathways,
provides new insights on the energy and technology choices needed for the world
to meet that target.
The new strategy, developed at the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, combines two computer
modeling techniques to scope out the energy and technology choices needed over
the coming decades to reduce emissions.
The first technique, Monte Carlo analysis, quantifies uncertainty levels for
dozens of energy and economic indicators including fossil fuel availability,
advanced energy technology costs, and population and economic growth. The MIT
study focuses on projections through the year 2100 of economic growth and
emissions for different sectors of the global economy, as well as energy and
technology use.
The second technique, scenario discovery, uses machine learning tools to screen
databases of model simulations in order to identify outcomes of interest and
their conditions for occurring.
This approach shows that there are many pathways to a successful energy
transition, that can be safe for the environment and economy.
Phrases of the day:
1) consistent with
The financial results for the biennium were consistent with those efforts.
2) correctly interpret
The lack of completeness in the reporting makes it difficult to correctly
interpret the numeric data reported.
3) comparisons revealed that
The comparisons revealed that the microwaves were influencing atomic-scale
structure by disturbing the oxygen sublattice.
Today I`ve read the article called “Progress in developing a hypoallergenic cat”
About 15% of the population suffer allergies to domestic cats, which researchers
have previously shown is largely attributable to what the Atlantic called "a
pernicious little protein" – an allergen called Fel d 1 that is shed by all
cats. Nicole Brackett and colleagues at InBio performed a bioinformatics
analysis of the Fel d 1 gene from 50 domestic cats. Further comparisons to genes
in eight exotic felid species revealed a high degree of variation, suggesting
that Fel d 1 is nonessential for cats.
Researchers sad that this data indicate that Fel d 1 is both a rational and
viable candidate for gene deletion, which may profoundly benefit cat allergy
sufferers by removing the major allergen at the source.
· #905
Gvozd to Radishevskaja, IP211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 08:32)
Thank you for your active work. The tasks are interesting.
· #904
Radishevskiy AB-211 (Borisenko) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 08:29)
1.Lengthy explanations that these terms are not the same as "occurring 1,000
years apart" or "once every 1,000 years" have only added to the confusion.
Lengthy explanations that these terms are not the same as "occurring 1,000 years
apart" or "once every 1,000 years" have only added to the confusion.
2.Berkeley News: California and New York both "reopened" this week, lifting the
bulk of COVID-19 restrictions.
Berkeley News: Каліфорнія та Нью-Йорк "відновили роботу" цього тижня, знявши
основну частину обмежень щодо COVID-19.
3."To our knowledge, this is the first time that people have used synchrotron
light to see the structure of graphene oxide scaffolds," said Chen.
«Наскільки нам відомо, це перший раз, коли люди використовували синхротронне
світло, щоб побачити структуру каркасів з оксиду графену», — сказав Чен.
Today I have read the article "Study shows benefit of employees managing
themselves". It tell us about a study that aimed to find out how the
self-organization of employees' work affects the productivity of their work. The
study showed unambiguous results - self-organization has a very positive effect
on employee productivity. Of course, this does not work for everyone, but it
will suit extroverted and responsible people well. This article even pushed me a
little to make my life better by setting my own goals more often and achieving
them, because our confidence and purposefulness directly depends on life
1.Indeed, this sulfurization phenomenon is the same as a common industrial
treatment used to preserve rubber.
Справді, це явище сульфурації є таким же, як і звичайна промислова обробка, що
використовується для консервації каучуку.
2.Professor Pollacco added: "The bulk of modern society is dependent on space.
But we now have a space traffic issue.
Професор Поллакко додав: «Велика частина сучасного суспільства залежить від
космосу. Але зараз у нас є проблема космічного руху.
3."When we started this project, nobody to our knowledge had looked at the
mechanism that controlled coral sperm motility," says Speer, the study's first
«Коли ми розпочинали цей проект, ніхто, наскільки нам відомо, не розглядав
механізм, який контролює рухливість сперматозоїдів коралів», — каже Шпеєр,
перший автор дослідження.
Today I have read the article "High-performance computer provides new insights
into the structure and function of ion channels". It tell us about the successes
in the study of proteins of human heart tissues. Simply put, it will now become
much easier for doctors to find the cause of many heart diseases such as
arrhythmia. This is good news, because if I'm not mistaken, most deaths occur
due to death from myocardial infarction, of course, in most cases other diseases
weaken the heart, which leads to a heart attack. BUT if doctors learn to support
the work of the heart more effectively and simply, then it is unknown how many
hundreds of thousands of human years of life they will save. Cool research.
· #903
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 08:17)
Asian engineers have developed a technology that virtually replaces human hands
in a production that requires sensitivity and great craftsmanship. These robots
are capable of performing adjustments and precise manipulations in exactly the
same way as a living person could do, relying on their feelings and intuition.
Although simple to set up, it was shown to outperform conventional robotic
controllers, which required a tremendous amount of knowledge and time to
fine-tune. It seems to me that this system is a good analogue of human labor,
but at the same time it is a big threat to the jobs of many people.
· #902
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 08:15)
1."These devices are essentially the same as what is used inside a computer
projector to display images on a screen, but we have adapted them to be a
critical component of our quantum simulator."
«Ці пристрої, по суті, такі ж, як і те, що використовується в комп’ютерному
проекторе для відображення зображень на екрані, але ми адаптували їх, щоб бути
критичним компонентом нашого квантового симулятора».
2.The majority of nuclear reactions—including the bulk of collisions of protons
with protons or atomic nuclei—are processes in which particles only "brush
against" each other by exchanging gluons.
Більшість ядерних реакцій, включаючи більшість зіткнень протонів з протонами або
атомними ядрами, є процесами, в яких частинки лише «стикаються» одна з одною
шляхом обміну глюонами.
3."To our knowledge, the Maxotron is the only 'sit inside' armillary sphere of
its kind in the world," says Mulhern. "It's also about the largest armillary
you're ever likely to see."
«Наскільки нам відомо, Maxotron є єдиною у світі армілярною сферою «сидять
всередині», — каже Мюльхерн. «Це також про найбільшу армілярію, яку ви
коли-небудь бачили».
European scientists have conducted a study of a previously unknown celestial
body in the halo of galactic NGC 4634. It turned out to be a candidate for a
dwarf galaxy, a star-forming substance . According to research, this candidate
is directly related to the galaxy itself, located at a distance of 1800 light
years from it (in 2008, this distance was 4600). A number of studies point to
the relationship of this candidate with the host galaxy. This points to NGC 4634
as an excellent platform for future galaxy exploration. However, further
observations are needed to determine if this object is a dwarf galaxy or just a
star formation spot
· #901
Gvozd to IS-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 08:02)
Davidenko Diana IC-211
Tsapok Margarita IC-211
Your tasks are complete and interesting. Keep on working.
· #900
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 07:57)
Today I've read the article on "Study digs up roles bacteria play in global
carbon cycle" in which researchers have developed an innovative technique for
tracking microbes and understanding the different ways in which they process
soil carbon, findings that complement our knowledge of how bacteria contribute
to the global carbon cycle.
In their work, the researchers used stable isotopes and high-throughput DNA
sequencing to identify different types of bacteria and track how each species
consumes carbon over time.
They found that microbes have different strategies for assimilating carbon.
Microbes that grow, eat and die quickly feed on plant matter with readily
available carbon, such as sugar. Meanwhile, other bacteria specialize in carbon,
which is harder to break down and absorb. These microbes grow and consume
materials more slowly, are more specialized and efficient. In the study, the
researchers divided these types of bacteria into guilds, which are groups of
organisms that access food - or carbon, in this case - equally.
Phrases of the Day:
1) when investigating
The log file will record instances of database schema changes and should be
reviewed when investigating this issue.
2) a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
3) with the aid of
The challenge of proper completion can best be met with the aid of competent,
dedicated, well-motivated staff.
Today I've read the article on "Evolutionary biologists discover mechanism that
enables lizards to breathe underwater" in which a team of evolutionary
biologists showed that lizards are anolis, or anoles that can breathe underwater
with a bubble clinging to their snout.
In its simplest form, the air bubble on the lizard's snout probably acts like a
scuba diver, providing the submerged animal with a supply of air in addition to
the air in its lungs. This is what aquatic arthropods, such as water beetles, do
to prolong their time underwater.
It is too early to say whether re-breathing lizards will lead to any specific
innovations for humans, but the biomimicry of re-breathing may be an interesting
proposition for several areas, including scuba diving technology, which led to
the name.
Exam topic # 2 Microsociology and Macrosociology.
Microsociology and macrosociology are levels of sociological knowledge that
differ in the scope of the phenomena studied.
Macrosociology is focused on the study of social phenomena on a large scale,
such as society, social institutions, communities, systems and the processes
taking place in them. The main methods of obtaining knowledge about society at
this level are analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, induction,
deduction, i.e., basically general scientific methods.
Microsociology explores areas of direct social interaction: relationships
between individuals, communication processes in small groups, the space of
everyday reality. And concrete knowledge about society is obtained as a result
of the application of empirical methods: sociological observation, survey,
· #899
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 07:48)
Phrases of the Day: 1. predetermined action
Is the country action plan annually reviewed against predetermined benchmarks?
Чи переглядається план дій країни щорічно відповідно до заздалегідь визначених
контрольних показників?
2. as follows
If so, allocate points as follows.
Якщо так, то розподіліть бали наступним чином.
3. product development
At this forum, marketing and product development strategies are formulated and
implementation plans established.
На цьому форумі формулюються маркетингові стратегії та стратегії розвитку
продукції та встановлюються плани впровадження.
Today I’ve have read the article: «How the expanded child tax credit is helping
families. This article talks about Americans who do not have a very large
income. That is considered very little in America». So а same they need to pay
taxes. And Americans with low incomes apply for loans. And now for such people
they have come up with benefits so that people would be paid money for children
called CTC, this is helping the family with money. So that the child lives well
and does not need anything. I think it's right that America helps its people.
( Phrases of the Day: 1. attempts to solve
There's no need to attempt to solve problems that don't currently exist, in lieu
of serious ones that do.
Немає потреби намагатися вирішувати проблеми, яких зараз немає, замість
серйозних, які існують. 2. focused on
The chief executive of the company attributes their success to focused
Виконавчий директор компанії пояснює їхній успіх цілеспрямованим маркетингом. 3.
different aspects on
There are two different meanings to the adverbial phrase when changing between
these prepositions.
Прислівникова фраза має два різні значення при зміні між цими прийменниками.
Today I’ve have read the article: «Next stop: A transport system accessible for
Firstly, the article talks about improving Europe's transport system.
Researchers in the Netherlands recently made an important discovery by surveying
disabled commuters. They found that city-wide improvements will help people with
disabilities visit any location without a problem. Moreover, scientists are
rolling out case studies in seven pilot cities: Brussels, Bologna, Cagliari,
Lisbon, Sofia, Stockholm and Zagreb.
Finally, I want to say that this study will help people with disabilities around
the world to improve their standard of living.
Exam topic # 2 Socialization In sociology, socialization is the process of
internalizing the norms and ideologies of society. Socialization encompasses
both learning and teaching and is thus "the means by which social and cultural
continuity are attained". Socialization is strongly connected to developmental
psychology. Humans need social experiences to learn their culture and to
survive. Socialization essentially represents the whole process of learning
throughout the life course and is a central influence on the behavior, beliefs,
and actions of adults as well as of children.
· #898
Gvozd to Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 06:58)
I have read all your tasks, they're quite correct and informative. Mind that the article TELLS, not talks.
· #897
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 06:52)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, I am waiting for your active work. If you have
debts, it is high time to post them.
· #896
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 23:12)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. Well done
· #895
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 21:51)
Today I read the article "5 Health Benefits of Reading". Regular reading not
only allows us to distract ourselves and learn new things, but also can
literally rebuild the brain. It increases emotional intelligence, helps you
remember facts better, and also teaches you how to more effectively look for
alternative solutions to complex problems. Research by psychologists and
neuroscientists shows that the positive effects of reading can be felt both in
the short and long term. A growing body of scientific work shows that, in the
short term, reading primarily allows you to develop empathy. Getting to know
characters who are sometimes very different from us, empathizing with them, can
increase our emotional intelligence.
1) The prolonged "hunger gap" has contributed to a sharp rise in malnutrition.
Тривалий «голодний сезон» сприяв різкому зростанню недоїдання.
2) When investigating the accident, more mines were found nearby.
Під час розслідування нещасного випадку поблизу були виявлені інші міни.
3) We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Ми прорізаємо скло за допомогою нашого звукового ножа.
· #894
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 17:15)
Romanika Uliana IK-211
Ruda Yana, ID-211
Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211
Good for you! Well done.
· #893
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 16:54)
Exam topic #2 «International communication»
Global or international communication is the development and sharing of
information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in international settings
and contexts. It is a broad field that incorporates multiple disciplines of
communication, including intercultural, political, health, media, crisis, social
advocacy, and integrated marketing communications, to name just a few.
Individuals with a degree in global communication might find employment in
advertising and marketing, public relations, international journalism, foreign
service, politics and lobbying, publishing, online media, entertainment, or any
other industry with an international focus.
· #892
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 16:52)
Долг за 04.04
Article of the day :
1.It deserves special attention in several respects.
2.Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
3. As your de facto consigliere my advice to you is to shut this down
Today I have read the article "Swear words and slurs - what's offensive on TV
and radio?". It talks about what often happens that a person, expressing his
emotions, can use obscenities or raise his voice, but many people do not
particularly like to swear and certainly do not want to hear swearing in their
free radio or television programs. If you are that type of person, then you can
file a complaint.
Concluding, I want to say that we should all respect each other and should not
swear with people, especially on the air or radio, because someone may not like
Today I have read the article «German Paper Hires Russian Journalist After
Anti-War Stunt». The aim of the article is to provide some information about the
principles of journalism that should be followed regardless of one's
nationality. The author begins by telling us that Maria spoke out against the
war and, despite the fact that the state media is strictly controlled, went on
the air with a no war placard. The events of her interrogation are then
described. The French president offers her asylum in France, but she refuses and
now works as a freelance correspondent for a German newspaper. I advise you to
read it.
Today I have read the article «How to Democratize News for the Public Good»
One of the essential conditions of a functional democracy is a free press. The
media crisis the world is undergoing right now is not confined to any one
newspaper or website. Declining trust in media has been caused in no small part
by the erosion of editorial independence. The current crisis in the media can
only be solved by changing the very model under which news outlets operate.
After reading this article, I came to the conclusion that journalists should
provide quality news, publishing only reliable information, not fakes. I advise
you to read it too.
Today I have read the article «Credibility, objectivity key in journalism:
Kavitha». Reliability and objectivity of information is always very important
for journalism. A journalist from India, Kavitha gave a speech at the closing
session of the women's training camp for journalists.
The main purpose of the speech was to tell that many women journalists in India
become a target, and you need to always be brave, as well as observe ethics,
objectivity and responsibility. In India, women will have obstacles in any
field, and they must face them in order to succeed .
I advise you to read the article.
Exam topic #7 «Media law and policy»
Modern journalism depends on a process of adhering to ethical and legal
standards. The basis for the proper functioning of the media in a state governed
by the rule of law will always be freedom of the media. It is important to say
that no freedom can be unlimited, because it comes with various
responsibilities. The more opportunities and freedom of action in public life,
the greater will be the measure of responsibility and the consequences after the
use of this very freedom. Any journalist must fulfil the requirements placed on
him or her and cherish his or her work and objective publications.
· #891
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 16:50)
Долг за 28.03
Today I have read the article «Journalistic Writing: Characteristics &
Functions». It tells about what journalism is a dynamic and challenging career
path that offers you various job opportunities, which range from working for a
newspaper to becoming a broadcast journalist. If you're interested in becoming a
journalist, narrowing your search allows you to focus on positions that best
match your skills and expectations. Learning about different kinds of journalism
is a great way to determine which specialization may be great for you. In this
article, we explain why it's important to understand different specializations
in journalism, explore six common types of journalism and give you additional
tips for pursuing this career.
Today I have read the article “Congress must preserve quality local journalism.”
it is about free and diverse press is the backbone of a healthy and vibrant
democracy. Yet, social media and search engine giants like Facebook and Google
are taking content from local newspapers.
But it is readers who are truly harmed by Big Tech’s content filtering and data
collection motives — all of which ultimately reduce the output of quality
All of it is simply unfair — to readers, and especially to the newspapers who
serve them. Congress must take action to fix this by approving an equitable
revenue model.
· #890
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:30)
Questionnaire about problems with self-esteem
1) What are you feeling when you are going to meeting with a large number of
a)anxiety and panic
c)you don’t want to go there
2)What are you will do standing at the stage in front of a large number of
а)you will yourself insecure
b)you will yourself great
c)you will never go on stage
3) Presenting the report to the class you are:
a)thinking that you look awful
b)thinking about whether your report is interesting or not
c)feeling confident and know that your report is well prepared
4)When you talk to a person you:
а)look directly into the eyes of the opponent
b) don’t look into the eyes of the opponent and constantly look away
5) Do you always say "yes" to new opportunities and acquaintances?
6) Do you like to imagine different situations in which you behave completely
differently than in life?
a) yes
b) no
c) I don’t know
7) If you were offered a job related to personnel management, what would you do?
a) refused because it is very difficult and you will have a lot of
b) would take time to think to assess their capabilities and seek advice from
family and friends
c) would immediately agree
8) How often do you make acquainted with people on your own initiative?
a) almost never or never
b) rarely, from time to time. There must be a good reason or my interest
c) I get acquainted whenever I am in the right mood
9) If you can't handle something important, then you:
a) try to do everything yourself
b) let colleagues and friends know that you need help, and continue to look for
a solution
c) I will make sure that my work is done by someone else
10) What do you do in case of failure?
a) upset, depressed
b) you are upset, but you are looking for a way out of the situation
c) you don’t care
11) How can you describe yourself
a) I am haunted by failures everywhere
b) I try to learn from my mistakes
c) I am a winner in life
· #889
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:27)
Home work
Today I have read an article called ,,A clothing measurement app for the age of
social distancing".Web engineer Jason Mayes, unveiled an app that
called,,Real-time clothing size body measurement estimator". This app is clever
and simple means of grabbing an individual's image and calculating clothing
specs such as chest size, waist and inseam. The user needs only to input height
size and then stand in front of the webcam for a quick body scan. In an instant,
the program provides basic measurements required for shirts, pants or a dress.In
my opinion, this is a great way out of the situation in the circumstances of
coronavirus.I would like to use this app to shop for clothes,and I advise it
Phrases of the day
1. The new study by the University of Exeter, published in Cell Host Microbe,
has cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics and phage therapy
Нове дослідження Університету Ексетера, опубліковане в Cell Host Microbe, кидає
нове світло на те, як найкраще поєднувати антибіотики та фаготерапію.
2. By comparing questionnaires' results from the two different phases, we can
observe how the robot's cues vary from the participants' perspective after the
interaction, so inferring the effects of inner speech on them
Порівнюючи результати опитувальників з двох різних фаз, ми можемо спостерігати,
як сигнали робота змінюються з точки зору учасників після взаємодії, таким чином
можна зробити висновок про вплив внутрішньої мови на них
3)We see very clearly that several states that are heavily reliant on oil
industries were in contraction, while other oil-producing states were more
resilient during this low oil price environment,"
Ми дуже чітко бачимо, що кілька штатів, які сильно залежать від нафтової
промисловості, перебували в стані скорочення, тоді як інші нафтовидобувні
держави були більш стійкими в умовах низьких цін на нафту"..
Class work
I believe that the problem of raising children is quite important in our time.
Therefore, I created a questionnaires compilation by this special topic.
1. How often do you praise your child? 1) Often 2) Sometimes 3) I never praise
so as not to relax
2. Will you take any punishment after getting bad grades? 1)Yes 2)No 3) I do not
punish children
3. Do you encourage children to work at school or help around the house? 1)Yes
2)No 3) Sometimes
4.How often your child can spend time in the family circle? 1) not often 2)
Every evening 3) They are on their own
5. How do you think? Is it important to impose a future profession on a reen? 1)
Yes, we are older and know better 2) No, I will accept any choice 3) I try to
strain the child, but the last word is his.
6. Can boys cry and be weak sometimes? 1) No, this is not allowed. 2) It's
normal, we all have the right to emotions
7. Must daughters help around the house? 1)Yes 2)No 3) As they want
8. Do you learn the homework with your children? 1)Yes 2)No 3) By mood
9. Is it difficult for you to explain to your child a topic that he didn't
understand at school? 1) Very difficult 2) Most often easy
10. How your child can developing socially? Does he go to any extra activities
(dance, football, drawing, boxing)? 1) No, I'm afraid to let him/her go 2) Of
course, because this is an additional development
11. Do you support the interests of your children (styles in music, films, art,
favorite games or bloggers)? 1) Yes, I support and learn a lot about young
people.2) No, I don't like modern movements
12. Do you like to fully check and control children? 1)Yes of course 2) No, I
teach them to be independent from an early age 13. Is friendship possible
between parents and children? 1)No 2)Yes 3)50/50
· #888
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:00)
Стаття :
I have read the article Space dust, asteroids and comets can account for all
water on Mercury.
Mercury harbors water ice in the shadow of the coolest craters around its poles.
Now the new simulation shows that the approaching small bodies carry enough
water to explain all the ice shields present. We have known for decades that
Mercury has water. After all, the planet has no atmosphere, so we can exclude
the presence of liquid due to lack of pressure.
For a billion years, asteroids, comets, and dust particles bring enough water to
the surface of Mercury to explain the amount we see now. Modelling provides the
basis for new theoretical models of water delivery to exoplanets — planets
beyond our solar system.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) a few
We have a few background questions.- У нас залишилося кілька питань щодо Вашої
2) a great deal of
We spend a great deal of our time together- Ми проводимо багато часу з тобою.
3) a little
I just want a little respect.- Все, що я хочу – це трохи поваги.
· #887
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:54)
самостійна робота
Today I’ve read an article about such an interesting phenomenon as the "closed
economy". A large corporation from America has been selling used books for
years. Sales are going very well, and the company is confident that it’s doing a
good job. Perhaps someone will be surprised, but the paper book is still very
popular. Many people cannot understand why paper books continue to appeal to us
despite technology. But the aesthetic pleasure of reading such books is obvious.
I always knew that the paper book would stay with us. I love reading, so news
like this warms my soul very much.
· #886
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:25)
The essay (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:12) contains all the necessay parts and even a long preliminary explanation but may be topics should concern some political situations, but certainly the essay is excellent.
· #885
Shapa L.N. to Anastasiya Vergun IM-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:20)
The article abtracts and task Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:02) were done correct but not voiced which is an obligatory point of such kind of student work, the essay is though short but very rich - 100.
· #884
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:14)
essay presented (Tuesday, 26 April 2022) includes interesting points and smart
answers to the questions - 100.
Please do not forget about the other tasks.
· #883
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:12)
topic of raising children is always relevant, but still problematic. Many
parents simply do not understand their children, can not find an approach to
them and thus inflict psychological trauma on them, some of which have to deal
with all their lives. I propose you,to figure out on the most popular problems
and find decision of course, based on the opinion of experts and scientists. So,
the first common problem is mistrust. In order to establish contact with the
child now, psychologist Natalia Kholodenko advises to approach from afar and not
be offended if the child does not reciprocate immediately.The next problem is
aggression towards parents or vice versa.In order to solve this problem, you
need to make a lot of effort. But first of all you need to build trust and
respond gently to it. Unfortunately, there are still many problems, and everyone
has different ones. In order to understand a little, I suggest you take a survey
1. Have you ever had problems communicating with your parents?
2. Did you feel "cold" in your relationship?
□ Yes
3. Are your parents the first people with whom you share all the events and
□ Yes
□ No.
4. Are you ashamed of your behavior with them
5. Do you often thank your parents and say kind words to them?
□ Yes
6. Do you take into account their desires in your life?
□ No.
7. Would you raise your children the way you were raised?
□ No.
□Maybe, but it would change something
8. Write down the problems that concern you in your relationship and your vision
of their solution
· #882
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:11)
Today I read an article about the game Genshin Impact. This game, now, is
probably one of the most popular games today. Genshin Impact is a game that won
the hearts of gamers in the early days of the release. The game is interesting
with its plot, graphics and a large number of quests and characters. I also
recently started playing this game, and to be honest, it's really addictive. In
the first two weeks, the game brought the creators more than $ 100 million. It's
really impressive. The game is very easy to control, and everything becomes
clear over time. I know a lot of people who also like this game and have been
playing it for a long time. In my opinion, this article is interesting because
Genshin Impact is really worth a look. If you are interested in my share, I
recommend you read the article.
· #881
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:10)
Today I read an article about the culture of France. It tells about some
cultural attractions of this country. From this article, I learned that many
people in France speak other languages as a result of frequent migration.
France is also the capital of gourmets. They are very fond of unusual gourmet
dishes, and they like to talk about food. Paris is the capital of fashion, so
the French dress very elegantly. Most women wear elegant long dresses and
complement the image with a beret, while men love suits and scarves. It really
looks very attractive. France is adorned with very beautiful architecture, which
their people are proud of. It was interesting for me to immerse myself in the
culture of another country for a couple of minutes. So if you are interested in
my review, I recommend reading the article.
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
· #880
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:09)
The work (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:51) includes all the elements necessary. all the tasks were performed excellently, the essay contains the points which are interesting and useful for school administration and parents. Excellent.
· #879
Shapa to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:04)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:49) contains all the elements necessary, there is a remark concerning the presentation of the article abstract, firstly the Link should be presented, it is absent in your work. As for the essay, I am not satisfied with the points you have fixed, e.g. the 3d and the 4th ones does not refer to bulling but psychological state of a person- 90.
· #878
Anastasiya Vergun IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 10:02)
Articles of the day:
-Comparing the results
Comparing the exam results of Maris and Paula, Maris has much bigger chances to
study in New York.
Порівнюючи результати іспитів Маріса і Паули, у Маріса набагато більше шансів
навчатися в Нью-Йорку.
-Clearly see that
Whole world clearly sees that Ukraine will win.
Весь світ чітко бачить, що Україна переможе.
-Cast new light on
Daria is searching for new clues that might cast new light on her investigation.
Дарія шукає нові підказки, які могли б пролити світло на її розслідування.
Today I have read an article about brand new e-scooters. A few moths ago several
brands invented e-scooters to help people reach their destinations much faster.
It is a good decision but some universities did surveys and received statistics
as a result, which showed that many people did not chose e-scooters for the
fastest way to get to their destination in the city. Many people still prefer
tramways. In my opinion and from my experience, e-scooters are the best way to
get to a close destination but not a far one.
Questionnaire for students studying and living alone in Turkey; how much
satisfied you are with your life in this country?
Name (optional):
1)Are you working after classes?
Yes / No
2)Is your salary enough for living alone in the country?
Yes / No
3)If no, then, in your opinion what salary should a student working in your
field receive?
0-2500 TL / 2500-5000 TL / 5000-7500 TL / 7500+ TL
4)Do you receive any benefits from the country?
Yes / No / I don’t know if there are some
5)How much a student in your country receives for the same work as you do in
Same salary / More than I receive / Less than I receive
6)School/university fees are:
Normal / Too high / Too low
7)Club/restaurant fees are:
Normal / Too high / Too low
8)Do you have enough holidays during the year?
Yes / No
9)In your opinion, should the country open some help services/offices for
students and foreigners?
Yes / No
10)If yes, what should be the main help for these people?
Financial support / Finding job / Giving temporary home / Teaching language
· #877
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022)
Compiling Questionnaires Power habits
Food culture plays a significant role in shaping a healthy lifestyle of man.
To maintain a healthy lifestyle, health and efficiency, a person must receive a
full nutrition.
Food and nutrition affect all biological characteristics of the human body, and
primarily on growth and development, health of all age groups, organ and system
functions, ageing rate, life expectancy.
So we have a small survey for you.
1) How many times a day do you eat?
G) Another answer…
2) What food is the main meal for you?
A) Breakfast
B) Lunch
B) Dinner
3) Do you have restrictions on the use of any food?
4) Do you have allergies to any food?
5) What part of your food is meat and meat products?
A) 90% or more
6) Do you have problems with cholesterol (or in the past?
7)How often do you eat fresh fruit ?
A)Several times a day
B)Once a day
Q)Several times a week
G) We do not eat at all
8) How many times a day do you eat sweets ?
A)Several times a day
B)Once a day
Q)Several times a week
G) We do not eat at all
9) Main meals:
A)You cook yourself using fresh food
B)Go to the restaurant
Q)You warm up pre-prepared, purchased dishes
10) Do you have a feeling of hunger during the day?
B) From time to time
· #876
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:54)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:00) contains all the elements necessary, the tasks were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay questions corresponds to the topic. Excellent.
· #875
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:51)
have read the article about how scientists are using deep learning to predict
users' superficial judgments of human faces. Many psychology studies have
confirmed the biased nature of human judgments and decision-making. When
interacting with a new person, for instance, humans often make a series of
automatic and superficial judgments based solely on their appearance, facial
features, ethnicity, body-type, and body language. Researchers at Researchers at
Princeton University, Stevens Institute of Technology, and the Booth School of
Business of the University of Chicago have recently tried to predict some of the
automatic inferences that humans make about others based solely on their face,
using deep neural networks. Their paper, published in PNAS, introduces a machine
learning model that can predict the arbitrary judgments users will make about
specific pictures of faces with remarkable accuracy. In my opinion, this model
is very interesting and promising.
Phrases of the Day:
1. comparing the results
Comparing the experimental results with computer models of how oxygen loss might
occur. Порівняння експериментальних результатів з комп’ютерними моделями того,
як може відбуватися втрата кисню.
2. clearly see that
Employers are looking for a lot of people to fill jobs and we clearly see in the
data that expenditures by consumers, for a wide range of consumption products,
are very, very high. Роботодавці шукають багато людей для заповнення робочих
місць, і ми чітко бачимо з даних, що витрати споживачів на широкий спектр
споживчих товарів дуже і дуже високі.
3. cast new light on
Ambitious experiments cast light on far reaches of periodic table. Амбітні
експерименти проливають світло на далекі межі періодичної таблиці.
Questionnaire "Bullying at school"
1. Do you know what bullying is?
а) yes
b) no
2. Have you ever encountered situations of bullying some people?
а) yes
b) no
3. Were you a participant in harassment and bullying?
a) as an observer;
b) as a victim;
c) as the aggressor (the one who is the initiator of the persecution);
d) no, it was not
4. Where is bullying most common?
a) at school;
b) in the yard, on the street;
c) in social networks, on the Internet
5. Who do you think is more likely to be bullied?
a) one who is weaker and unable to surrender;
b) one who is different from others (externally, physically);
c) one who has an opinion
6. Have you encountered situations of harassment of students by teachers?
a) yes, constantly
b) yes, but rarely
c) no, did not meet
7. Do you think that adults do not help children who are victims of bullying?
a) yes
b) no
c) did not think about it
8. Do you think bullying at school can be avoided?
a) yes, if adults notice in time;
b) yes, if the victim changes his behavior;
c) yes, if you punish the aggressor;
d) no, it is inevitable
9. Who do you think can stop bullying in an educational organization?
a) administration
b) teaching staff
c) parents
d) students
Thank you for participating!
· #874
Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:49)
Questionnaire about bullying
1)Have you ever experienced bullying at school/university or in the community?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
2)Have you ever had someone to turn to in such a situation?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
3)Are you afraid to be in the community?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
4)Is it easy for you to make new friendships?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
5)Have you been manipulated or intimidated?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
6)Have you been physically abused?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
7) Was all kinds of bullying coming from your teacher?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
8)Have you been harassed and bullied by others?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
9) Have you witnessed the moral or physical abuse of a classmate/friend?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
10)Have you been told about bullying at your institution?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
Phrases of the Day:
1) comparing the results
In addition, by comparing the results of its investigations with the
above-mentioned list, the Group of Experts found that some aircraft had changed
operators since the list was drawn up.
Крім того, порівнюючи результати цих розслідувань із вищезгаданим списком, Група
експертів дійшла висновку, що з моменту складання цього списку літаки змінили
компанію, що їх експлуатує.
2) clearly see that
But we can clearly see that only destruction, or rather a total disintegration
will be able to uproot it all.
Але ми можемо бачити, що тільки знищення чи, швидше, повна дезінтеграція буде
здатна все це викорінити.
3) cast new light on
From this came a flood of discoveries that cast new light on the nature of man
and life.
Це привело його до багатьох відкриттів, які пролили світло на природу людини та
Статья: A technique that allows robots to detect when humans need help .
I have read the article about the invention of research robot assistants.
Researchers from Franklin and Marshall College are trying to invent robots that
will help people in everyday life. For example, they can wash dishes, clean the
floor, cook dinner, and more. They can also perform these tasks regularly or at
set times. Often they can read in the eyes of the person, his facial expression
and understand that he needs help. The important thing is that they are not
created with the purpose of replacing the people, but simply as additional help
in important matters.
To be honest, I am elated that our researchers keep inventing new scientific
· #873
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:49)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:58) demonstrates that all the tasks necessary were performed excellently, but Maria I would like to remind that the structure of the article abstract presentaion should be very accurate, I mean the title is to be presented obligatorily. Excellent.
· #872
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:42)
The work (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:54) contains all the elements necessary which were performed perfectly, the essay completely corresponds to the idea and has been carried out excllently. Excellent.
· #871
Shapa L.N. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:36)
The work (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:25) completely and perfectly meets all the requirementnts for the excellent student works, the essay wondefully presents the problem reflected in the topic. Certainly excellent.
· #870
Shapa L.N. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:30)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:23) has been presented excellently, the topic contains all the information necessary. Excellent.
· #869
Shapa L.N. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:25)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:12) contains all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student works, they were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay completely presents the problem of the topic. Excellent.
· #868
Shapa L.N. to Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:19)
The structure of one of the abstracts (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:11) does not corresponds to the rules of presinting the reviews, the second abstract does not contain the task Phrases of the Day, the essay was written without mistakes and correctly presents the topic.
· #867
Shapa L.N. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:13)
This time the message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:01) contains all the elements necessary, they were done without grammatical amd phnetic mistakes, the essay correctly presents the topic. Excellent.
· #866
Shapa L.N. to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:09)
The tasks presented (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:07) does not contain ell the elements necessary, in the first abstract the voice variant of the article is absent, in the second one - the task Phrases of the Day. The essay is too emotional, though correctly presents your attitude towards the topic - 95.
· #865
Shapa L.N. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:02)
The abtrsct (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:01) has been perfectly written and pronounced, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct, but the essay is absent though perhaps you made up your mind to fix it in your work.
· #864
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 09:00)
Questionnaire on youth issues
Hello, dear teenagers, you are as much a part of our future as anyone else, so
we invite you to take our questionnaire and assess the level of problems you may
have encountered
How much free time do you think you have on weekdays?
A) no free time
B)1-2 hours
C)3-4 hours
D) More than 4 hours
2.What do you usually spend your free time on weekdays? (open question)
3.Do you feel the mental and psychological strain caused by lack of free time,
which leads to bad habits?
A) Yes
B) No
4.Do you have someone you can turn to for help?
A) Yes
B) No
5.How do you spend your leisure time? (open question)
6.Do you have a goal in life that you are striving for?
A) Yes
B) No
7.Do you feel lonely?
A) Yes
B) No
8.What role does the internet play in your life, does it replace face-to-face
communication? (open question)
9.In the last month, have you had a chance to give your opinion about anything
on the internet? If yes, have you experienced cyberbullying? (open question)
10.Are you happy with your home environment? Do you feel pressure from people
close to you?
A)Everything is fine
B) I don't spend a lot of time at home, but I have no problems with my parents
C) There is tension between us and it is uncomfortable to be at home
11) Do any of your relatives have bad habits? Do they influence you with their
bad habits? (open question)
12) Do you have a person you would like to inherit/ idolise? If yes, who is it?
(open question)
13.Are you a...
A) boy
B) girl
14.How old are you? (open question)
15.Are you studying or working?
C)studying and working
D) neither study nor work
Dear respondents! Thank you to everyone for taking the time to complete this
Today I read an article titled: "Heavy rains will pose a greater threat to
fire-stricken areas in the West". This article is about a study of the climate
patterns in the western part of the US. Researchers say there is an increased
risk of rainfall that could lead to flooding. They obtained their results using
computer models of past and future climate. Such natural climate changes occur
because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the experiment,
within five years, 90 per cent of extreme fires will be accompanied by extreme
Phrases of the Day:
1) a great deal of In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over
many years and centuries.
У природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність.
2) a little I would say that our device is a little more perfect.
Я б сказав, що наш апарат трохи досконалий.
3) a few We have known for a few decades that Mercury harbors water.
Ми вже кілька десятиліть знаємо, що Меркурій містить воду.
· #863
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:58)
team of researchers in Germany conducted an experiment that examined how dogs
reacted when food rewards were withheld, both intentionally and unintentionally.
To reach their conclusions, the researchers conducted an experiment using the
"unable vs. unwilling" paradigm. This works by examining whether test subjects
react differently toward a human experimenter who either intentionally (the
unwilling condition) or unintentionally (the unable condition) withholds rewards
from them. The researchers predicted that, if dogs are able to identify human
intentions, they would wait longer before approaching the reward in the
unwilling condition, where they were not supposed to have the reward, than in
the two unable conditions in which the reward was, in fact, meant for them.
Not only did the dogs wait longer in the unwilling condition than in the unable
conditions, they were also more likely to sit or lie down—actions often
interpreted as appeasing behaviors—and stop wagging their tails.
Phrases of the day:
1. We see very clearly that several states that are heavily reliant on oil
industries were in contraction, while other oil-producing states were more
resilient during this low oil price environment
Ми дуже чітко бачимо, що кілька держав, які сильно залежать від нафтової
промисловості, перебували в стані скорочення, тоді як інші нафтовидобувні
держави були більш стійкими в умовах низької ціни на нафту.
2. The new study by the University of Exeter, published in Cell Host Microbe,
has cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics and phage therapy
Нове дослідження Університету Ексетера, опубліковане в Cell Host Microbe, кидає
нове світло на те, як найкраще поєднувати антибіотики та фаготерапію.
3. By comparing questionnaires' results from the two different phases, we can
observe how the robot's cues vary from the participants' perspective after the
interaction, so inferring the effects of inner speech on them
Порівнюючи результати опитувальників з двох різних фаз, ми можемо спостерігати,
як сигнали робота змінюються з точки зору учасників після взаємодії, таким чином
можна зробити висновок про вплив внутрішньої мови на них
Questionnaire for statistics about how many people got into abusive
1. Has your partner been vocal about you?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
2. Have you noticed uncontrollable outbursts of anger or aggression in your
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
3. Were there ever such outbreaks directed in your direction?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
4. Have you ever been physically harmed by your partner?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
5. Have you noticed any psychological manipulations in your direction?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
6. Have you ever been forced or blackmailed into doing a certain task?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
7. Have you ever been restricted from communicating with your friends for no
reason, or the reasons were insignificant?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
8. Did your partner forbid you certain activities (walking with your
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
9. Have you had arguments or criticism with your partner about your appearance
(clothes, appearance)?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
10. Have you ever been forbidden by your partner to repent about any moments in
your relationship to your friends?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
11. Were there any moments that, at your discretion, are not acceptable, but
your partner convinces you of the opposite?
12. Does your partner's presence cause you fear/anxiety?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
13. Do you notice certain memory lapses, although everything was fine before?
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
14. Describe situations that, in your opinion (from your experience) are an
abusive attitude towards a partner, if any:
15. Have you consulted specialists about problems in your relationship with your
Yes/No/Difficult to answer
16. Were there any situations that you think are abuse, but were not indicated
in this questionnaire
· #862
Shapa L.N. to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:57)
the message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:50) contains all the elements necessary, which were written and pronounced excellently, the essay correctly presents the topic chosed. Excellent.
· #861
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:54)
I have recently read the article «Study reveals the impact of human settlement
on island ecosystems».
This article tells about how island ecosystems changed during the years due to
colonization and human settlement. Studies show this impact is not useful, but
quite harmful. These ecosystems are vulnerable to disturbance and settlement.
Humans deforested the ecosystems that led to soil erosion and fires. Therefore,
researchers are seeking for ways to help island ecosystems recover in the near
In conclusion, this example shows how devastated human impact sometimes may be.
This article calls us to behave more rationally and human.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) comparing the results
By comparing the results to the 15-minute utility data, the team verified the
accuracy of the measurements of energy saved and spent.
Порівнявши результати з 15-хвилинними даними комунальних послуг, команда
перевірила точність вимірювань заощадженої та витраченої енергії.
2) cast new light on
A robotic 'evolution machine' capable of exploring the generational development
of chemical mixtures over long periods of time could help cast new light on the
origins of life, scientists say.
Роботизована «еволюційна машина», здатна досліджувати розвиток хімічних сумішей
протягом тривалого періоду часу, може допомогти кинути нове світло на походження
життя, кажуть вчені.
3) clearly see that
“When we statistically compared the two classes, we could clearly see that
functional mutations are inherited pairwise way more often than one would expect
at random,” Stolyarova said.
«Коли ми статистично порівняли два класи, ми могли чітко побачити, що
функціональні мутації успадковуються попарно частіше, ніж можна було б очікувати
навмання», – сказала Столярова.
Voice message:
Homework (на 28.04.22)
Compiling Questionnaires
University Student Satisfaction
1. How competent are the professors of the university?
extremely competent very competent quite competent not so component not at all
2. How well-maintained are the facilities at the university?
extremely well quite well not so well bad
3. How helpful is your academic advisor?
extremely helpful quite helpful not so helpful unhelpful at all
4. How useful are the services provided by the on-campus career centre?
extremely helpful quite helpful not so helpful unhelpful at all
5. How easy is it to get access to the resources you need from the university
library system?
extremely easy quite easy not so easy uneasy at all
6. How good is the quality of the food service at the university?
extremely good quite good not so good bad at all
7. How granted are you with the choice of extracurricular activities at the
extremely granted quite granted not so granted not granted at all
8. How satisfied are you with the university policies?
extremely satisfied quite satisfied not so satisfied unsatisfied at all
9. How likely are you to recommend this university to others?
extremely likely quite likely not so likely unlikely at all
10. How reasonable is the cost of courses?
extremely reasonable quite reasonable not so reasonable unreasonable at all
11. Are you satisfied with your experience at the university?
extremely satisfied quite satisfied not so satisfied unsatisfied at all
12. Do you feel job-competent for when you move on from the university?
yes no it is hard to say
Voice message:
· #860
Shapa L.N. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:53)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:44) has got some mistakes namely, the text of article abstract should be begun firslty from the title but not the words "the article is about ...", such an important element as the task Phrases of the Day should be obligatory present. I hope the the next message will contain all of them.
· #859
Shapa L.N. to Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:46)
the message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:40) regrettably does not contain all the elements necessary the excellent student work, and though the presented ones were written and pronounced correct and without mistakes, the absence of the voice variants of the tasks Phrases of the Day does not allow to estimate the work excellently.
· #858
Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211 Tomenko (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:46)
Today I read an article on "Transparent ultrasound chip improves cell
stimulation and imaging" In my opinion, this article will be interesting for
people who are interested in analytical chemistry. Ultrasound scanning,
especially known for monitoring pregnancy or organ imaging, can also be used to
stimulate cells and direct cell function. The team has made a transparent
biocompatible chip of the ultrasonic transducer, resembling a microscope slide
and can be inserted into any optical microscope for comfortable viewing
Phrases of the day
It is essential to clarify this issue by comparing the techno-economy of CAS
with that of MBR.
Employers are looking for a lot of people to fill jobs and we clearly see in the
data that expenditures by consumers, for a wide range of consumption products,
are very, very high
Now, a new article in Nature Communications, written by researchers from
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and MIT, U.S., presents results that
cast new light on important challenges in understanding quantum gravity.
· #857
Shapa L.N. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:41)
The work (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:34)completely meets all the requirements for independent student works of such kind, all the elements were written and pronounced correct, the essay corresponds to the topics of your specialty. Excellent.
· #856
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:34)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:31) contains all the elements necessary for the excellent student work, the all have ben written and pronounced in a correct way, the essay completely presents the topic. Excellent.
· #855
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:25)
Today I have read the article “Your eyes can control your smartphone via new
gaze-tracking tool”. It tells us that as more people watch movies, edit videos,
read the news and keep up with social media on their smartphones, scientists
have decided to create a tool, which allows users to execute operations on a
smartphone by combining gaze control and simple hand gestures. The leading
research scientist is convinced that we can’t control everything happening on
our phone, including opening applications, this is because of the Midas touch
problem. In addition, the team made the tool more productive by combining the
gaze predictor with the smartphone's built-in motion sensors to enable commands.
To my mind, this study is extremely useful, because it is now much easier to
control our smartphone using a gaze and simple gestures.
Phrases of the day
1. clearly see that
But we can clearly see that only destruction, or rather a total disintegration
will be able to uproot it all.
2. comparing the results
Comparing the results of a variety of translations, so that everything smoother!
3. cast new light on
From this came a flood of discoveries that cast new light on the nature of man
and life.
Today I have read the article “A new model to automatically detect and filter
spam emails”. It tells about a new technique for the automatic detection of spam
emails, created by scientists from India. As is known, the automatic filtering
of emails is really advantageous, as it can be helpful for users in navigating
their personal accounts. This new technological model is based on deep learning
algorithms, that`s why it can be easily implemented and trained quickly. In
addition, the model could improve the quality of life for people who receive
loads of emails, allowing them to browse through their email smoothly and only
use their accounts for their desired purpose.
To my mind, this new technical model is interesting and unique, because nowadays
lots of us receive a huge amount of spam emails, which can distract us from more
important things.
Phrases of the day
1. clearly see that
We could clearly see that we were not ready.
2. comparing the results
In the event they suffer a head injury during a game, we can determine if it's a
concussion by comparing the results.
3. cast new light on
Her letter cast a new light on the matter.
Essay : Domestic Political Development of the Countries All Around the World.
The form of government of any particular state largely determines how its
domestic policy is formed and implemented. Under authoritarian governments, a
ruling group may pursue its domestic policy goals without the input or consent
of the people being governed. But in parliamentary democratic societies, the
will of citizens has a much greater influence. In a democracy, the formal design
of domestic policy is chiefly the responsibility of elected leaders. Voters, for
instance, determine which individuals and political parties have the power to
determine policy. The mass media distribute, and opine, information about
domestic issues and influence the beliefs and opinions of the people. Lobbyists,
activist groups, and other organizations also work to influence policy through a
variety of methods. Such methods may include monetary donations, promises of
support, advertising campaigns, or demonstrations and protests.
· #854
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:23)
Today I have read the article "Ukraine war: Russia 'plans to seize southern
This article talks about the statements of the Russian Major General Rustam
Minnikayev for the next phase of the war. In addition to the capture of Donbass
and the provision of a land route to the Crimea, several more statements were
made. The main goal is the occupation of the entire southern part of Ukraine to
ensure access to Transnistria. President Zelensky suggested that fake
referendums would be held in the occupied territories.
In my opinion, the next stage of the war will be very difficult, and such
"statements" will help Ukraine prepare for defense.
1. Arrive at conclusion
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2. Attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
3. Attract more attention
However, it is the nature of the Council's work and mandate that its
shortcomings and failures will attract more attention than its successes.
Today I have read the article "France election: Macron faces immediate
challenges to power after victory"
This article talks about Emanuel Macron, who won the second round and became
President of France for the second time. But this does not mean the final
victory. Macron will have to assemble a new government that will listen to him
if he does not want to lose his post.
Experts say that this is the worst figure in the history of French history
(58.5%). Many people voted for him, only to push the right-wing forces away from
power. And now the president should implement his announced reforms as quickly
as possible, which many have come to consider undemocratic.
In my opinion, it will be difficult for Macron to hold on to the presidency if
he does not listen to the opinions of his citizens.
1. Cleary see that
In the light of the report, we clearly see that we will attain the Millennium
Development Goals only in piecemeal fashion if we do not accelerate the pace of
our work.
2. Comparing the results
To that effect, physical testing shall be conducted as appropriate for the
purposes of comparing the results obtained when using the mathematical model
with the results of a physical test
3. Cast new light on
We hope that this work can be used to cast new light on the motion of a spinning
spherical object.
3) Essay to the topic Media Technologies and Society.
It is impossible not to notice that the development of media technologies and
society took place in parallel. After all, media technologies are not only
modern telephone gadgets, but also writing, audio recordings, and graphics. This
is everything that is connected with the transfer and dissemination of
information in society.
Technology affects the way individuals communicate, learn, and think. It helps
society and determines how people interact with each other on a daily basis.
Technology has a more positive impact on humans or society as compared to
negative. It makes our life easier and reward us by providing resources or tool
that make our life much easier.
Аnd so, I can confidently say media technologies play an important role in
society today.
· #853
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:12)
Today i have read the article which
title is “Do regarding TV portrayals of women cause gender harassment?”. The
study shows how causally linked TV exposure and sexual-coercion intentions are.
Objectification of women in media play a causal role in creating a normative
context conducive to gender harassment. It emphasises attention on how toxic
masculinity norms are and how TV programs contribute to its approval. In my
opinion, impact of invalid TV representation of women is significant. It creates
a climate which is originally hostile toward women. We need to stop it and use
media to promote respect to all human beings.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attract more attention
You will attract more attention from visitors and passersby.
2) arrive at conclusion
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
3) attempts to solve
All his attempts to solve domestic problems are aimed at consolidation of the
Today I have read really interesting article. Its name’s “AI algorithms can
influence people’s voting and dating decisions”. The article tells about a
series of experiments that showed how easily people can be manipulated by AI.
Candidates had to choose who will they date or vote for. And majority chose
photos of those people who was promoted by algorithms. But that worked only with
voting. Experiments showed that when it goes about dating people more likely
believe in human advice than in algorithmic. I think that this article is very
useful because we need to know how our opinion can be influenced or manipulated
by AI to avoid that.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attract more attention
You will attract more attention from visitors and passersby.
2) arrive at conclusion
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
3) attempts to solve
All his attempts to solve domestic problems are aimed at consolidation of the
Essay to the topic 4 Communication Models.
Models of communication are conceptual models used to explain the human
communication process.
Traditionally speaking, there are three standard models of the communication
process: Linear, Interactive, and Transactional, and each offers a slightly
different perspective on the communication process.
The best known communication models are the transmitter-receiver model according
to Shannon & Weaver, the 4-ear model according to Schulz von Thun and the
iceberg model according to Watzlawick.
The linear communication model explains the process of one-way communication,
whereby a sender transmits a message and a receiver absorbs it. It's a
straightforward communication model that's used across businesses to assist with
customer communication-driven activities such as marketing, sales and PR.
· #852
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:11)
Today І read the article about "VR kіt from Microsoft" from thіs artіcle І
learned that іt іs a potentіal competіtor to Google Cardboard іn the fіeld of
vіrtual realіty. Wіth theіr inventіon, Mіcrosoft wants to draw the attentіon of
developers to the future hackathon іn whіch the company's VR kits wіll be. The
company claіms that the user can іnsert theіr smartphone іnto the box, brіng іt
to the face, thus creatіng a vіrtual realіty helmet. Unlіke the Google
Cardboard, the Mіcrosoft VR Kіt has a camera cutout. The company has thought of
VR programs that can use the camera to create augmented realіty, where vіrtual
objects are superіmposed on the real envіronment around us.
Phrases of the day
1. a great deal of
We're receiving reports that there's a great deal of police activity on the
Virginia border.
2. a few
I can recommend a few books that might help.
3. a little
You know, a little pity and a little patience wouldn't go astray.
A very common stereotype is that men don't gossip or rumors. But looking at the
statistics of real studies, 55% of men and 67% of women spend time “discussing
socially significant topics.” Rumors are not always in a negative form,
approximately 15%, but also in a positive form, 9%. Despite the minimal
statistics of all analyzed conversations, for the most part, all rumors are a
banal waste of time and discussion. Each person discusses someone and draws his
conclusions about each, but in what form will these statements take? It already
depends on the person.
Essay 8 Political communication
At its core, political communication is a dialogue between public associations
(for example, mass parties), and the broad masses (for example, elections are
affected by individuals), which implies the presence of broad masses between
groups and citizens. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines scientific
sciences, complex communication, and health research with consideration and
availability. Dissemination methods and strategies allow the dissemination of
advocates, PR coverage, speechwriters, dissemination executives, consultant
dissemination, marketers dissemination, electoral outreach, and other
dissemination professionals to create, shape and disseminate messages that can
influence the political process. Political messages include various forms,
scientific and online media, television and radio, written laws and regulations,
political proposals, political research, interpersonal communication between
candidates and potential voters, press releases, and more.
· #851
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:07)
International economics
My aim for today's essay is to inform you about international economics. First
of all we need to understand what international economics is. So, international
economics is the study of economic interactions between countries. It is divided
into these types:
International trade, international finance, international monetary economics,
international political economy. Broadly speaking, the field is split between
the study of International trade, which extends microeconomics to open
economies, and International finance, which employs macroeconomic analysis.
I reckon that international economics is quite an important discipline that
would help students to find out the pyramid of global economics.
Today I read the article named 'Putin's nuclear bluff'. This text explains why
the President of Russia is unlikely to use nuclear weapons.
The Kremlin has demonstrated a willingness to kill civilians and wreak havoc,
the use of nuclear weapons would deviate from Russia's own nuclear doctrine. The
country does not need them to defeat Kiev, and even if they did, the explosion
of weapons of mass destruction would provoke an international retaliatory
strike, including, quite possibly, direct military intervention from NATO. This
risks both major conventional war and further nuclear escalation, an outcome
that Putin does not want. The risk of nuclear war will become especially acute
if NATO forces are more directly involved in the invasion, because from Russia's
point of view, a war with NATO would threaten its sovereignty and existence.
The use of nuclear weapons will serve no military purpose other than shock and
In my point of view, the world has to give up nuclear weapons. Enormous strength
that could demolish the whole world hasn't to exist. As every day is a risk to
become a victim of man's madness.
1) arrive at conclusions
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2) attract more attention in
However, it is the nature of the Council's work and mandate that its
shortcomings and failures will attract more attention than its successes.
3)attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
Today I have read the article named "Why facts don't change our minds". This
article was written by James Clear, one of my favorite journalists. So, in this
text author explains us how we can improve communication skills thanks for some
psychological tricks. Firstly, we have to understand logic of false beliefs. The
fact is that people began a discussion not for learning, but for win. Secondly,
as the author said before, facts don't change our minds, but friendship does. If
person trust you, he will believe you subconsciously. I am reminded of Abraham
Lincoln's quote, “I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.”
Also, there's one more simple truth - be kind first to be right later.
This article was really useful for my. It contains a lot of insights which would
help everyone.
· #850
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:01)
Phrases of the day
1. Within sight
Because there is no current method of reliably tracking the devices, existing
regulations typically require civilian hobbyists and commercial operators to
keep their drones within 400 feet of the ground and within sight.
Оскільки наразі не існує методу надійного відстеження пристроїв, існуючі правила
зазвичай вимагають, щоб цивільні любителі та комерційні оператори тримали свої
дрони в межах 400 футів від землі та в межах видимості.
2. Well enough
The world produces enough food to provide every man, woman and child with more
than 2,300 kilocalories per day, which is more than sufficient.
У світі виробляється достатньо їжі, щоб забезпечити кожного чоловіка, жінки та
дитини понад 2300 кілокалорій на день, що більш ніж достатньо.
3. Will respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits
this picture.
Огляд глобального сценарію щодо небезпечних побутових відходів відповідає цій
Today I have read the article “Is Thursday the new Monday? Flexible working is
in flux”. Covid-19 impacted on all spheres of life , including work place. Many
employees don’t want to get back to office as they just got used to remote work.
Some of them have organized petitions or even walkouts to protest being recalled
to the office. It has already shown how deeply remote work policies influenced
recruitment and retention. In conclusion I should say that nothing happens
without consequences and these ones are not the first or last. People just have
to adapt and create new ways how to overcome an obstacle.
Essay “Theory of International Relations”
There are several theories of International Relations. These theories allow
specialists to understand and try to make sense of the world around through
various lenses. Each of them represents a different theoretical perspective.
Usually all of the theories are divided into few groups. For example, realism
which has been the dominant theory of international relations since the
conception of the discipline. This theory appeared in early modern Europe. Four
its ideals are state-centrism, anarchy, rationalism, power. It also exists in
the form of neorealism. Near to it are situated liberalism, neo- and
post-liberalism, Marxism, functionalism, post-structuralism, postcolonialism and
feminist international relations theory with their own distinguishing features
and representatives.
· #849
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 08:00)
Phrases of the day
1. Cast new line on
The new study by the University of Exeter, published in Cell Host Microbe, has
cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics and phage therapy.
Нове дослідження Університету Ексетера, опубліковане в Cell Host Microbe,
пролило нове світло на те, як найкраще поєднувати антибіотики та фаготерапію.
2. Comparing the results
Comparing the results of predictions made by the surrogate model to the
simulator typically used for ICF experiments, the researchers found the MaCC
surrogate was nearly indistinguishable from the simulator in errors and expected
quantities of energy yield and more accurate than other types of surrogate
Порівнюючи результати прогнозів, зроблених за допомогою сурогатної моделі, із
симулятором, який зазвичай використовується для експериментів ICF, дослідники
виявили, що сурогат MaCC майже не відрізнявся від симулятора за помилками та
очікуваними кількостями виходу енергії та більш точним, ніж інші типи сурогатних
3. Clearly see that
We see very clearly that several states that are heavily reliant on oil
industries were in contraction.
Ми дуже чітко бачимо, що кілька штатів, які сильно залежать від нафтової
промисловості, перебували в стані скорочення.
Today I have read the article “5 tools to help your remote-work business click”.
Nowadays remote work has become usual compare to pre-pandemic times. Many people
faced problems with motivation, time-management, communication etc. This article
contains several solutions. Firstly, it is necessary to provide instant
messaging by creating channels to host more permanent conversations across
departments or employees who share common interests. Secondly, do
videoconferencing. Its software allows you to host team discussions and deliver
companywide announcements face to face. Three more advice are improve scheduling
with special apps, collaborate on company objectives by using project management
systems and add something that helps storage data. I believe, this tips could be
beneficial not only for business, but also for using it on a daily basis.
· #848
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:50)
Today I have read the article "The most effective ways to reduce car traffic".
This article reveals the results of transport policy research from one of the
universities in Sweden on measures to coordinate the use of vehicles. According
to the study, most success stories used "carrots" and "whips". But the best
effect was from the application of both. Particularly productive were the
abolition of congestion fees, the replacement of parking spaces with pedestrian
and bicycle paths, as well as the restriction of cars from entering the city
center with fines for violation. I believe other cities can learn from these
successes and implement them.
Phrases of The Day
- comparing the results
Any evaluation of the success of a centre must be made by comparing the results
of the centre and the objectives of the original work plan.
Будь-яка оцінка успіху центру має здійснюватися шляхом порівняння результатів
центру та цілей початкового плану роботи.
- cast new light on
Human genome research is casting new light on Alzheimer’s disease.
Дослідження геному людини проливають нове світло на хворобу Альцгеймера.
- clearly see that
So you can clearly see that they are distinctive.
Тож ви можете чітко помітити, що вони відмінні.
Today I have read the article "Losing cultural context in emergency
communication can be a matter of life and death". It talks about the importance
of correct translation in emergencies. After all, in some countries it doesn’t
coincide with the context. Research has shown that misunderstanding the
situation causes panic in people and disorients them. That is why it is so
important to inform people in a language they understand. To do this, there are
special communities in the USА that help prepare for emergencies. I think that
cultural differences can really have bad consequences.Therefore, measures must
be taken to reduce the risk of misunderstanding as much as possible.
Phrases of The Day
- comparing the results
Any evaluation of the success of a centre must be made by comparing the results
of the centre and the objectives of the original work plan.
Будь-яка оцінка успіху центру має здійснюватися шляхом порівняння результатів
центру та цілей початкового плану роботи.
- cast new light on
Human genome research is casting new light on Alzheimer’s disease.
Дослідження геному людини проливають нове світло на хворобу Альцгеймера.
- clearly see that
So you can clearly see that they are distinctive.
Тож ви можете чітко помітити, що вони відмінні.
European security
European security is an integral part of international security, designed to
ensure the order of peace, stability and, in addition, to prevent threats of a
different nature at many levels. But it should be noted that in recent years
Europe has been increasingly confronted with complex, sometimes difficult to
predict, challenges. Conventionally, they are divided into "soft security" and
"hard security", but there is no clear boundary between these concepts. And in
some cases they are interdependent and mutually follow. Today, European security
has been significantly shaken, which makes it advisable to reconsider approaches
to implementing security.
· #847
Latova Maria IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:44)
have read the article about philosophy of the idea of anarchism.
Anarchism is a set of ideas that are united by the exclusion from the life of
society any power.
Stirner formulated the basis of anarcho individualism. The French philosopher
Pierre Joseph Proudhon is the author of the famous slogan "Anarchy is the mother
of order". Anarchism is the equality of different, so people are equal. In this
theory, people don't need government, they can rule by themselves.
One of the most successful practitioners of Anarchism was Nestor Makhno, he
raised an army of many thousands during the civil war. The free territory in the
Ukrainian Sea of Azov was builded with help of Anarchism's theory.
The ideas of Anarchism are considered to be one of the sources of the model of
social states, therefore the way the Scandinavian countries develop.
It helps a person to understand his independence and look at his neighbour as an
1) arrive at conclusions
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2) attract more attention in
However, it is the nature of the Council's work and mandate that its
shortcomings and failures will attract more attention than its successes.
3)attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
I have read about theory of hedonism.
Hedonism is a complex of philosophical and ethical doctrine, according to which
the source of good is pleasure and the source of evil is suffering.
Epicor divides all pleasures into 3 types: natural and necessary, natural but
not necessary, unnatural and unnecessary. There were a lot of philosophers,
which continued to insist on pleasure in its purest form, even I it contradicted
social norms and order. The ratio of personal and public is one of the main
problems in hedonism.
Indeed pleasures isn't the satisfaction of necessary needs they exist in order
to be shown on social networks. Such value system call primitive hedonism.
Today political scientists say that the level of happiness we can measure. The
viability of the state policy is no GDP, but is happiness of population.
Philosophers offer the true happiness, which consists in reducing the suffering
of another.
· #846
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:40)
Essay: 18 - European Security
European security is a set of measures taken jointly by all interested states to
ensure peace and security in Europe. Security on the European continent improved
immeasurably with the end of the Cold War, when former adversaries became
partners and cooperation and trust replaced confrontation and suspicion. The
enlargement of the European Union ended the division of the continent during the
Cold War. The European Security Strategy is the first strategic document
covering all areas of the EU's foreign policy - from aid and trade, democracy
and human rights development to diplomacy and the armed forces.
Today I have read the article which called "Hackers are attacking power
companies, stealing critical data". It tells about an ongoing hacking campaign
in which attackers have infiltrated a network of energy companies and others to
steal details of their management systems. It has long been known that
government hackers seek access to critical infrastructure. Hackers start by
attacking small companies with a low security level and move on to large
companies with a high level of security. Firstly, they identify targets and
after this, they try to get information about a user, which then can be used in
different ways.
Phrases of The Day
1) comparing the results
In the event they suffer a head injury during a game, we can determine if it's a
concussion by comparing the results.
2) cast new light
In today's world new threats cast a new light on the concepts that we use to
regulate the international order.
3) clearly see that
This 21st-century perspective allows you to clearly see that capitalism does not
work by allocating existing resources.
Today i have read the article which called "Researchers Made a New Message for
Extraterrestrials". In this article was talking about options and attempts to
communicate with alien organisms from Earth. I didn`t knew that advances in
remote sensing technologies have revealed that the vast majority of stars in our
galaxy host planets and that many of these exoplanets appear capable of hosting
liquid water on their surface—a prerequisite for life as we know it. The odds
that at least one of these billions of planets has produced intelligent life
seem favorable enough to spend some time figuring out how to say “hello.”
Phrases of The Day
1) cast new light on
From this came a flood of discoveries that cast new light on the nature of man
and life.
2) clearly see that
The local population must clearly see that justice is being served.
3) comparing the results
Comparing the results of a variety of translations, so that everything smoother!
· #845
Doroshenko Polina IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:34)
Essay to the topic “Psychology of Management”.
Psychology of management provides knowledge that can be used in solving the
problem of managing the activities of the workforce.
A feature of management psychology is that its object is the organized activity
of people. Organized activity is the activity of people united in one
organization, obeying the rules and norms of this organization and performing
the joint work assigned to them in accordance with economic, technological,
legal, organizational and corporate requirements. Management psychology is a
branch of psychology that studies the psychological patterns of managerial
activity. The main task of management psychology is to analyze the psychological
conditions and characteristics of management activities in order to improve the
efficiency and quality of work in the management system.
Phrases of the Day:
1.clearly see that
The local population must clearly see that justice is being served.
2.cast new light on
From this came a flood of discoveries that cast new light on the nature of man
and life.
3.comparing the results
Comparing the results of a variety of translations, so that everything smoother!
Today I have read the article called "Open source tool can help identify
gerrymandering in voting maps." It tells about the new development of
researchers. It is a computational technique that helps identify fraudulent
activities that benefit specific candidates or political parties. This invention
is made for people interested in reform, especially in states where baselines
are skewed. The computing tool can create many alternative voting plans over a
period of hours or days, and is available free of charge for use by voting
reform teams or anyone with a computer skills. In my opinion, this development
is very useful and can be effectively used to detect fraud on voting cards.
Also, I suppose that this tool is not as easy to use as it is said about it, to
work with the tool you need to involve sociologists and lawyers.
Phrases of the Day:
1.clearly see that
This 21st-century perspective allows you to clearly see that capitalism does not
work by allocating existing resources.
2.cast new light on
Host Microbe, has cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics and phage
3.comparing the results
In the event they suffer a head injury during a game, we can determine if it's a
concussion by comparing the results.
I have just read the article called "The emergence of cooperation: Team
mathematically describes importance of cooperation and reputation." It tells
about a new study in which scientists point out the misconception of people that
only the strongest and most selfish thrive and survive. Instead, they show how
collaboration can be a successful and sustainable strategy. Scientists have
created a new mathematical model that contains hitherto incompatible
descriptions of cooperation. It shows how previous experience with a potential
partner and his reputation affect the willingness of players to cooperate with
them. This article is very informative for me, because I used to think, like
other people, that selfish and charismatic people can achieve what they want,
but thanks to the article I learned that this is not so.
· #844
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:31)
Today I have read the article "Transparent ultrasound chip improves cell
stimulation and imaging".
The article tells about there a team of Penn State researchers has developed an
easier, more effective way to harness the technology for biomedical
applications. The team created a transparent, biocompatible ultrasound
transducer chip that resembles a microscope glass slide and can be inserted into
any optical microscope for easy viewing. Cells can be cultured and stimulated
directly on top of the transducer chip and the cells’ resulting changes can be
imaged with optical microscopy techniques.
I think the on-chip LIPUS stimulation using TUTs has the potential to attract
several in vitro and in vivo biomedical applications such as controlling stem
cell differentiation and proliferation, studying biomechanical properties of
cancer cells.
Phrases of the Day:
1) comparing the results
Play for fun and then compare the results with the world record.
2) cast new light
In today's world new threats cast a new light on the concepts that we use to
regulate the international order.
3) clearly see that
You can also clearly see that the streetlights are kept on even during the day.
I have read the article "Deep learning-based surrogate models outperform
simulators and could hasten scientific discoveries".
The article tells about there inversion of radiative transfer models (RTMs) is
key to interpreting satellite observations of air quality and greenhouse gases,
but is computationally expensive. Surrogate models that emulate the full forward
physical RTM can speed up the simulation, reducing computational and timing
costs and allowing the use of more advanced physics for trace gas retrievals.
I think efficient and accurate surrogate models can be learned best by reducing
both input and output spaces using PCA, and learning a shallow neural network to
map between them.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attract more attention
You will attract more attention from visitors and passersby.
2) arrive at conclusion
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
3) attempts to solve
All his attempts to solve domestic problems are aimed at consolidation of the
How is Information Technology Used in Public Relations?
Media monitoring software, analytics, workflow applications and the like help PR
pros to process data faster, thereby improving their relationships with their
customers. With AI, PR will be able to access all of the benefits that data
analysis can bring, including a better understanding of the digital world.
Social media has had a profound effect on public relations, creating new
opportunities and challenges for brands. It allows brands and consumers to
engage across a variety of channels in real-time, which has led to an increased
demand for brands to address consumer inquiries quickly and effectively.
Technology makes the world a better place. It gives us the freedom to live in a
better way and helps make our life easy. Technology helps in better
communication, treatment of diseases, has helped reached space, and wherever you
look around, it is there. It not only helps develop the present but also the
· #843
Shapa L.N. to Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:11)
The esssay (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 06:28) completely presents the topic and was pronounced excellent.
· #842
Shapa L.N. to Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:10)
The review (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 06:26) is not complete, and though it has been done correct the absence of the task Phrases of the Day does not allow to assessed it as excellent.
· #841
Shapa L.N. to Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:07)
The message (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 06:24) contains all the elements necessary for the independent student work of such kind, the was writen and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #840
Shapa L.N. to the IM-201 group students (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 07:01)
Your English lesson has just started, and I;m waiting for your comments, tasks, ets.
· #839
Evelina Cheban,IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 06:28)
Essay to the topic 12 “Media Technologies and Society”
Media is a very broad concept, the understanding of which depends on the
proposed context. In the broadest sense, the media should be perceived as a
special environment that determines the relationship between individuals and the
world around them. Media in this context is the main element of any social
communication, representing both information and ways of its reproduction and
transmission. This interpretation of the phenomenon under study dates back to
general sociological theories that assign the media the role of social
universality, which is inherent in society at all stages of its development.
· #838
Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 06:26)
Today I have read the article “ New Methods Of Democratic Consolidation:
Application Of Nationality Laws In Ethnically Fragmented States”
Consensus in the scientific community on democratic consolidation involves the
importance of cohesive demonstrations, or the population, which is also jointly
with a representative state or political class. One of the main obstacles to
this goal is ethnic conflict, which can easily disrupt democratic transitions
and consolidation. This article begins with a discussion of the shortcomings of
the two established concepts of conflict mitigation in ethnically fragmented
states: consocialism and federalism, especially with regard to how they define
groups and segment political power.
· #837
Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 06:24)
Today I have read the article “The Islamic State Healthcare Paradox: A Caliphate
in Crisis”
The civil war in Syria caused enormous damage to the civilian population.
Islamic State militants have launched a brutal campaign against health care
providers and infrastructure, but they are trying to promote health among other
social services in order to get support from the local population in the
controlled territories.
This article describes the Islamic State's health strategy. The article examines
these issues and analyses relevant news, academic literature and eyewitness
stories in Syria and Iraq.
1) comparing the results
To that effect, physical testing shall be conducted as appropriate for the
purposes of comparing the results obtained when using the mathematical model
with the results of a physical tes
2) cast new light on
We hope that this work can be used to cast new light on the motion of a spinning
spherical object.
3) clearly see that
In the light of the report, we clearly see that we will attain the Millennium
Development Goals only in piecemeal fashion if we do not accelerate the pace of
our work.
· #836
Karieva Sofiia IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 20:03)
topic of gender difference and problems is now very relevant. Many have
expressed their opinions on this topic, mostly opinions are always opposite.
Actually, i also want to talk about it
Gender norms and stereotypes limit the opportunities. However, much of
gender-based inequalities have placed women at a disadvantage. One example is
the "glass ceiling", a metaphor that is (mostly) applied to women who are unable
to advance in their careers due to stereotypes that they are not suited to
leadership roles. Now the statistics are changing and more and more women are
starting to take leadership positions. It's nice that the world is still
developing and changing for the better, but silence on the topic will never lead
the world to a peaceful life.
· #835
Drozhzhina I. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201, Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:58)
Thank you, well done.
· #834
Drozhzhina I. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:56)
Well done.
· #833
Drozhzhina I. to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:55)
Your comments and essay are too big, please write 100 words only. And correct the mistake: I have read THE ..
· #832
Drozhzhina I. to Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:53)
Please correct the mistake in the second comment: I have read THE article..In general your work is quite good.
· #831
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:44)
To Vdovina,IZ-212. I am sure that it is high time to remember that the first sentence should be : "I HAVE READ THE article.." Look at my example and compare it with your own sentence, find the difference and remember the right one. There are some mispronounced words in your voice messages. Try to improve it.Good luck
· #830
Drozhzhina I. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:43)
Thank you, but your comments and essay are too big! Please try to write 100 words only.
· #829
Drozhzhina I. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:40)
Well done.
· #828
Drozhzhina I. to Evelina Cheban, IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:38)
Thank you, please write your comments in one message.
· #827
Drozhzhina I. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:35)
Well done, thank you for your work.
· #826
Drozhzhina I. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:33)
In general not bad, please do your work in one message.
· #825
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:33)
Slobodzyan,IZ-211. Unfortunately you are very careless. Where is the end of the
first comment? The first sentence of the second comment should be:' I HAVE READ
THE article. You have debts, don't forget,pls
· #824
Drozhzhina I. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:30)
Well done, thank you.
· #823
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:25)
To Bortnik,IZ-211. The issue you dealt with is very interesting and useful, but you have made some mistakes in the second comment and there are no voice messages of the comments. Be more careful.pls.
· #822
Drozhzhina I. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:23)
Thank you, but where is your comments?
· #821
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:11)
To Barladian,IZ-212. Way to go. Thanks.
· #820
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 15:03)
To Goncharuk,IZ-212. Pls, read your voice messages before recording them not to stumble all the time. Don't forget that you have 4 debts. Good luck
· #819
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 14:56)
To Albertovuch, IZ-212. Way to go. Thanks
· #818
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 14:52)
To Arhunova,IZ-212. Unfortunately there are a lot of mistakes in the second written comment. No article before" article", the predicate is wrong, it should be" was WRITTEN". The second sentence should be " HAVING read this article...' The last but one sentence should be:" ... RIGHT moment, RIGHT place. The last sentence:" The author touches ( without on) an important topic.". Be attentive,pls.
· #817
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 25 April 2022 14:33)
Today I Have read an article about how journalism needs to apply transparency in
a different way to restore trust. Public confidence in the media remains at
near-record lows, driven by the perception that the news industry is supportive
and disseminating inaccurate information (“fake news”) and controversial
attitudes towards news from social media. Transparency is key to restoring
trust, according to a new Knight Foundation report on media credibility. In
contrast, research in business organizations indicates clearer meaning and more
specific transparency practices that, when applied to journalism, can help
journalists restore greater public confidence. The article is very interesting,
I advise you to read it!
Phrases of the day:
column represents
A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an item's
under certain assumptions
These inputs can be made under certain assumptions.
performed with
I've performed with you before.
· #816
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 13:58)
Class work:
Today I read an article about hyperlocal media. It is a form of citizen-driven
public media. We can assume that social media allows residents to be civically
active. The purpose of the article: To explore the potential of public sphere
spaces. Public editors encourage activism, but the author believes that
audiences rely too much on their efforts and return to couch activism. The
article fears that such social media allows authorities to spy on citizens,
which is at odds with the public sphere. Hyperlocal spaces, understand
functional and social efficiency, but the idea that this is likened to the
public sphere is objectionable. The article is very interesting, I advise you to
read it!
Phrases of the day:
column represents
A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an item's
under certain assumptions
These inputs can be made under certain assumptions.
performed with
I've performed with you before.
Today I read an article that Russia has passed a new legislative project to
block international media and social networks in order to censor information
about the war. Thus, Russia entered the "dark age of information," said CPJ
executive director Robert Mahoney. Also, Mahoney said: "The Russian media is
CPJ spoke to both Ukrainian and Russian journalists who cover the horrors of the
war. Sevgil Musayeva, a Ukrainian journalist, spoke to CPJ about the risks they
face in Ukraine. The editor of the Russian TV channel, Tikhon Dzyadko, said he
closed his TV channel and left Russia with 150 Russian journalists. This article
was informative for me.
· #815
Slobodzian Kyryllo IJ - 211 ( BORYSENKO ) (Monday, 25 April 2022)
Recruiting for outdoor programs may also attract more males to early
In a study of how small groups arrive at their conclusions
however, several issues remain with cubesat observations that further hinder its
broader applications
How to be a good citizen?
Definition of citizenship
Citizenship is a sacred honor, a plaque we carry proudly on our chests and a
burden pressing hard on our backs. A citizen is a member of a country. He has
the right and the duty to protect it and obey its laws and rules. In other
words, citizenship is the relationship between an individual and a state in
which the individual belongs, and owes allegiance to the state and in turn is
entitled to its protection.
Fortunately, being a good citizen doesn’t stop at the exchange of rights and
duties, it requires a
· #814
Slobodzian Kyryllo IJ - 211 ( BORYSENKO ) (Monday, 25 April 2022 12:17)
After examining more than 27,000 TV commercials on major U.S. networks
To arrive at that conclusion, the team had to first investigate
The question of whether we can drink from its waters has been nagging
I read an article.
The UN and its member nations devote this day to implementing UN recommendations
and promoting concrete activities within their countries regarding the world’s
water resources. Each year, one of various UN agencies involved in water issues
takes the lead in promoting and coordinating international activities for World
Water Day.
In addition to the UN member states, a number of NGOs promoting clean water and
sustainable aquatic habitats have used World Day for Water as a time to focus
public attention on the critical water issues of our era.
(голосовое не могу записать,я заболел и нет голоса)
· #813
Gvozd to Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Monday, 25 April 2022 12:13)
Thank you, well done. Keep on working.
· #812
Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 12:06)
Exam topic
Global perspective
A global perspective means being open to new ideas, problems and solutions.
Often it even means being open to changing the way you work if you find a new
system that works better. This means being culturally sensitive and willing to
learn from others. With a global perspective, we will be able to learn from
others and open up our business for example to new opportunities. We will be
able to grow in a way that others can't because they don't understand the
concept, and we will expand into new markets. Globalization is bringing the
world together, and it's happening fast. People should be open and adapt
quickly, so they can quickly see new opportunities for themselves.
· #811
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 12:02)
International communication
International commission is not for everybody. For example in business, you
have time difference with your clients, who wants to stay up all night to talk
to them.
The language is a challenge for anybody. English helps us communicate better. So
language shouldn't stop us. Knowing a few words in the other country,
understanding cultural and a big smile will take us a long ways.
The impact of communication is not only language. Actually the words we speak
represent only 10%, whereas our tone of voice represents upwards of 40% and then
our body language represents over 50%.
There are 4 elements of international communication: perception( beliefs,
values, attitudes, world views and social organisations), verbal processes,
nonverbal processes, contextual elements( business, education and health care
I think, that we have several reasons, why we should study intercultural
communications such as increases self-awareness, it helps us to avoid
ethnocentusm, for geographic changes, for workplace and economic globalisation
to compete effectively in global market, for problem-solving.
And lastly is for global and interpersonal respect!
· #810
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:57)
Today I have read the article "China sending up next space station crew in
June". In general, it tells about the current successful practice of Chinese
astronauts in the framework of an ambitious program. Compared to the United
States, China is considered to be less active in this area, but this doesn’t
indicate the absence of significant achievements.
To my point of view, it is fair to assume that despite the fears and concerns of
the United States regarding the coordination of programs with the military
mission and the exclusion of the country from the International Space Station,
China still demonstrates quite confident steps in this area.
Phrases of The Day
- arrive at conclusions
Like natural scientists, social scientists are concerned with evidence-based
research and use both quantitative and qualitative tools to arrive at
- attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
- attract more attention in
Then considered the idea, inspired by Rails, which should attract more attention
in the Java -community.
Today I have read the article "Climate change: IPCC scientists say it's 'now or
never' to limit warming". It talks about the extreme concern of environmental
experts about achieving the highest level of carbon dioxide emissions. it is
noted global CO2 emissions must peak within three years to avert the worst
effects, they said. But even now, with the most massive changes in energy
production, industry, and transport, it will not be possible to avoid rising
temperatures. I believe that, contrary to disappointing forecasts, the world
community will be able to unite and contribute to preventing an extremely
dangerous future.
Progress and development
Many of us often without thinking use these two words as synonyms, but this is
not entirely true. Progress and development, although they have some similarity
in meaning, are somewhat different in their semantic and stylistic coloring. If
we talk about progress, then it has a narrower meaning and in many ways
complements and contributes to development. At the same time, the development
doesn’t essentially stop, even if it has a negative dynamics. It is important to
understand and take into account the peculiarities of such and similar concepts
in order to avoid misunderstandings and barriers in the communication process.
· #809
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:52)
Phrases of the day
1)arrive at conclusions
In a study of how small groups arrive at their conclusions
2)attract more attention in
Recruiting for outdoor programs may also attract more males to early childhood
3)attempts to solve
Attempts at a specific door can be motivated by (c) personal...
article :
Today l have read the article “street children”Street children are a common
phrase that has been said before. Now children have become much more boring, not
interested in much more interesting phones and games. Previously, there were
children who went outside from the morning until the evening, which could not be
driven even to eat. Children invented various entertainments, looked for
adventures, came dirty all exhausted. The children used to be much friendlier,
always sharing with each other. And now all the children have become much
angrier, all swear at each other and it's very sad. This was during our parents'
Today l have read the article “By helping animals, we help people”: a volunteer
tells how animal protection saves lives”I personally volunteer with our little
brothers. every day I go with my friends and feed them, we try to find at least
one dog a home. I know what it is and how hard it is. but if we leave them, then
do we have a conscience. Being a volunteer does not mean trying to save every
abandoned animal in the world. You can take patronage of just one four-legged
comrade: for example, take a certain dog for walks. In big cities there are
shelters in which they save animals, but in our small town, there is no such
pleasure. therefore, my friends and I walk along the street and feed them and
look for .But of course there are people who are always against this and will
find a bunch of excuses that they don’t like
· #808
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:49)
Today I have read the article "David Nott: The war surgeon helping doctors save
lives in Ukraine"
This article talks about a military doctor from the UK, trauma surgeon David
Knott, who is currently helping doctors in Ukraine. Professor David has
previously had a similar practice in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, so working in
a military environment is not a problem for him. Recently, when David Noth went
home for a couple of days, a man was injured in Ukraine and without the help of
a foreign specialist, the operation was almost impossible to perform. Thus, the
Ukrainian surgeon Oleksandr was able to perform this operation "at a distance"
via video link with the professor.
In my opinion, it is thanks to such actions that we can understand that the
Ukrainian nation is strong, united and invincible.
1. Arrive at conclusion
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2. Attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
3. Attract more attention
However, it is the nature of the Council's work and mandate that its
shortcomings and failures will attract more attention than its successes.
Today I have read the article "Shanghai: Green fences baffle locked down
This article talks about the installation of green fences, which, as it were,
“seal” houses where at least one positive test for coronavirus is found. At the
same time, residents of the house are not notified about such an upgrade. In
this way, the Shanghai government is trying to fight a new outbreak of the
disease. If previously a tough policy helped to avoid a large number of cases,
now this does not work - people are starting to protest. Fences prevent the
population from accessing food and medical care.
I think that the government should take care of its citizens and try to reduce
the level of morbidity, but not by restricting freedom and violating rights.
3) Essay to the topic Social Communication.
Social communication is how and why we use language to interact with other
Social communication refers to the emergence of verbal and nonverbal skills,
social interaction, and social cognition. Social communication is important in
order to be able to build social relationships with other people. It is also
important academically, as many curriculum based activities rely on working in
groups and communication between people .There are three major skills involved
in social communication: using language for different reasons, changing
language for the listener or situation and following rules for conversations and
Human communication can take place at any level. Therefore, I think that in
order to become individuals, we must master the art of social communication.
· #807
Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:36)
Today I have read the article « Discourse, Public Space, and the Politics of
Korean "Comfort Women:" Implications for East Asian Relations»
The issue of “comfort women,” sex slaves utilized by the Japanese army during
World War II, is treated in this paper as a collective memory in the
consciousness of South Koreans. The result of these factors is the exacerbation
of tension between the South Korean and Japanese governments, mainly due to a
widely perceived belief within South Korea regarding the Japanese government’s
reluctance to engage in transparent discussions regarding history. The paper
seeks to examine the roles of memory, public space, and discourse in the comfort
women issue, examine Japan-South Korea relations, and ultimately emphasize the
importance of focusing the narrative on the individual women who were subjected
to such atrocities.
· #806
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:35)
Title: How to Democratize News for the Public Good
Today I have read the article about democracy in media.
One of the essential conditions of a functional democracy is a free press. The
media crisis the world is undergoing right now is not confined to any one
newspaper or website. Declining trust in media has been caused in no small part
by the erosion of editorial independence. The current crisis in the media can
only be solved by changing the very model under which news outlets operate.
In conclusion, i realized, that journalists must provide quality news,
publishing only truly information, not fakes.
Phrases of the day:
1. performed with
Five valid tests should be performed with each reference and test substance
2. each column
Each column represents a data subject.
3. under certain assumptions
Such forward-looking information only illustrates hypothetical results under
certain assumptions.
Title: "Hedge fund known for cutting journalism jobs is seeking to buy more
Today I have read the article about destruction of journalism.
Alden Global Capital, a hedge fund known for destroying local newsrooms, is
seeking to buy Lee Enterprises, a public company with a network of daily
newspapers serving 77 markets. Previous deal with BH Media Group Buffett, which
included the purchase of 31 publications, was closed in March 2020. The Denver
Post published an editorial in 2018 in which it attacked Alden, calling the
owners "main capitalists" after the hedge fund made deep cuts.
In conclusion, Alden continues to lie, so his foundation cannot be allowed to
own any editions.
· #805
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:31)
Today I have read the article on the topic “Credibility, objectivity key in
journalism: Kavitha” . Reliability and objectivity of information is always very
important for journalism. A journalist from India, Kavitha gave a speech at the
closing session of the women's training camp for journalists.
The main purpose of the speech was to tell that many women journalists in India
become a target and you need to always be brave, as well as observe ethics ,
objectivity and responsibility.
In conclusion, I want to say that in India, women will have obstacles in any
field, and they must face them in order to succeed .
Phrases of the day
1) Under certain assumptions, there are few options left.
2) I've performed with you before.
3) A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an
item's price.
Today I have read the article on the topic “Congress must preserve quality local
journalism.” A free and diverse press is considered the foundation of democracy.
Quality journalism is key to sustaining civil society, and local journalism
provides important information to communities.
These days, Google and Facebook are pulling content from newspapers. Because of
this, publishing revenues have fallen over 50 percent in recent years due to
massive distribution through dominant digital platforms like Facebook and
In conclusion, I want to say that democracy depends on the media, such as a
· #804
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:28)
Today I have read the article "Social media networks need new emoticon colors to
stop messages being misread, study warns". The article tells about the influence
of the color of emoticons on its interpretation, as well as on the correct
transmission of emotions to the interlocutor. Also talks about a study in which
there were forty emoticons and they were in 8 colors. It was this that made it
possible to convey emotions at a certain level. I find this idea quite
interesting because I use emoticons and sometimes it's not always possible to
convey the right emotions.
1. column represents
Each row represents a device and columns represent categories.
2. under certain assumptions
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists.
3. performed with
I've performed with you before.
Today I have read the article "In noisy situations, your words and gestures help
you to be understood". This article talks about the usefulness of using gestures
when talking in noisy environments. This is what allows the interlocutor to
understand you. You can also check out a study that used gestures as a way to
communicate. I think that the way of using gestures in noisy places allows you
to more comfortably understand the interlocutor. This way of communication is
quite relevant in our time, especially when you go to a club or some kind of
rock concert.
Essay to the topic 5.Global Perspectives.
(Cambridge Primary Global Perspectives)
This curriculum develops the skills of research, analysis, evaluation,
reflection, collaboration and communication. It strengthens the links across all
of the other subject including English, mathematics and science.Having a global
perspective enables you to learn from others, and can open up your business to
new opportunities. It can also help you grow in new ways. Further training to
ensure that business leaders can effectively make decisions within a leadership
role is top of mind for management, according to research.
Teaching from a global perspective provides the employer with global workers.
Such teaching produces students who possess the knowledge of languages, culture,
social systems, dress, religion, and cultural norms, as well as skills for
employment in the global marketplace
· #803
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:25)
Essay (debt)
Globalization Processes
My aim for today's essay is to tell about processes of globalization.
Globalization is the process by which ideas, knowledge, information, goods and
services spread around the world. In a globalized economy, countries specialize
in the products and services they have a competitive advantage in.
Let's discover some processes of globalization.
Firstly, is the internet and internet communication. The internet has increased
the sharing and flow of information and knowledge, access to ideas and exchange
of culture among people of different countries.
Secondly, is communication technology. The introduction of 4G and 5G
technologies has dramatically increased the speed and responsiveness of mobile
and wireless networks.
Thirdly, is transportation. Advances in air and fast rail technology have
facilitated the movement of people and products.
Globalization enables countries to access less expensive natural resources and
lower cost labor. As a result, they can produce lower cost goods that can be
sold globally.
So, as we can see, globalization is really important for today's world.
Today I read the article named 'Satire, Agency and the Contestation of
Patriarchy in Ibibio Women’s Songs'. This text is about way Ibibio women in Akwa
Ibom State, South-eastern Nigeria use satirical songs to challenge conservative
gender ideologies and stereotypes in a bid to access power and agency within
their patriarchal society.The article identifies three main tropes in which the
songs are framed: social challenges of marriage, asserting agency and contesting
patriarchy. The study concludes that satirical songs represent cultural material
with which marginalised women express their views and exercise agency against
cultural forces that often subjugate them. In this way, these songs provide a
veritable site for expanding the frontiers of feminism.
So, in my opinion, it is awesome that women resist the patriarchal system. I
believe that even songs could be a great weapon.
Phrases of the Day
1) attract more attention
You'll attract more attention from visitors and passersby.
2) arrive at conclusion
We are certain that you will arrive at the same conclusion .
3) attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
Today I read the article named 'Zanshin: Learning the Art of Attention and Focus
From a Legendary Samurai Archer'. This text is about German professor Eugen
Herrigel who came to Japan and began training in Kyudo, the Japanese martial art
of archery. He was taught by a legendary archer named Awa Kenzo. But for the
first four years of his training, Herrigel was only allowed to shoot at a roll
of straw just seven feet away. When he was finally permitted to shoot at more
distant targets, Herrigel’s performance was dismal. The arrows flew off course
and he became more discouraged with each wayward shot.Kenzo, however, looked at
his student and replied that it was not whether one aimed, but how one
approached the task that determined the outcome. That night Eugen came to his
master who was training. Kenzo hit the bull's-eye in pitch darkness.
So, this story is quite philosophical. As we can apply the words of the master
in all areas of life.
· #802
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:25)
have read about theory of hedonism.
Hedonism is a complex of philosophical and ethical doctrine, according to which
the source of good is pleasure and the source of evil is suffering.
Epicor divides all pleasures into 3 types: natural and necessary, natural but
not necessary, unnatural and unnecessary. There were a lot of philosophers,
which continued to insist on pleasure in its purest form, even I it contradicted
social norms and order. The ratio of personal and public is one of the main
problems in hedonism.
Indeed pleasures isn't the satisfaction of necessary needs they exist in order
to be shown on social networks. Such value system call primitive hedonism.
Today political scientists say that the level of happiness we can measure. The
viability of the state policy is no GDP, but is happiness of population.
Philosophers offer the true happiness, which consists in reducing the suffering
of another.
· #801
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:21)
Today I read the article "#Nomakeup trend fails to discourage the use of
Today, the "no makeup" movement has appeared on social networks, which
encourages women to take selfies without makeup and fall in love with their
natural beauty. The natural beauty movement does not exempt women from cosmetics
cosmetics sales have grown along with the growth of the make-up rejection
I think it is very important to love yourself regardless of whether you have
makeup on or not, you need to do only what you want.
Phrases of the Day
1. column represents
Each row represents a device and columns represent categories.
2. under certain assumptions
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists.
3. performed with
I've performed with you before.
Today I read the article with a statement about the effectiveness of Pfizer's
vaccine against a new strain of coronavirus found in South Africa. Scientists
are still studying this new strain, but they assume that it is more contagious,
but the disease with it is not so complicated and should not cause serious
In my opinion, this is great news. In the end, in the third year of the
pandemic, the whole world was pretty tired, and the news about the new strain
caused a negative wave again. I hope everything will be back to normal soon.
Essay 7
Public relations (PR) is the set of techniques and strategies related to
managing how information about an individual or company is disseminated to the
public, and especially the media. Its primary goals are to disseminate important
company news or events, maintain a brand image, and put a positive spin on
negative events to minimize their fallout. PR is used to help an organization
cultivate a good relationship with its public and maintaining a positive
relationship with stakeholders is crucial to the success of every organization.
If the public perspective of a company is negative, people will look elsewhere
and avoid using its products or services.
· #800
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:21)
have read the article about philosophy of the idea of anarchism.
Anarchism is a set of ideas that are united by the exclusion from the life of
society any power.
Stirner formulated the basis of anarcho individualism. The French philosopher
Pierre Joseph Proudhon is the author of the famous slogan "Anarchy is the mother
of order". Anarchism is the equality of different, so people are equal. In this
theory, people don't need government, they can rule by themselves.
One of the most successful practitioners of Anarchism was Nestor Makhno, he
raised an army of many thousands during the civil war. The free territory in the
Ukrainian Sea of Azov was builded with help of Anarchism's theory.
The ideas of Anarchism are considered to be one of the sources of the model of
social states, therefore the way the Scandinavian countries develop.
It helps a person to understand his independence and look at his neighbour as an
1) arrive at conclusions
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2) attract more attention in
However, it is the nature of the Council's work and mandate that its
shortcomings and failures will attract more attention than its successes.
3)attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
· #799
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:20)
Name: EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on risky uses
Today I have read the article “EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on
risky uses”. It is about conversation which took place in spring, people
discussed significant questions, like what kind of dangerous situations AI could
cause if it hasn’t got border. For example, facial recognition is able to find
missing or wanting people, but also it undermines people’s freedom if
authorities use AI in this cases. However, it would take few years to regulate
all aspects of the process of using in every sphere of life for every person. To
my mind, it is complicated enough, but also useful and something to what people
should pay attention, as all we know technologies innovate super fast.
1) column represents
A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an item's
2) performed with
I've performed with you before.
3) under certain assumptions
There are a few important algorithms that have been proven secure under certain
assumptions .
Name: Solutions journalism digs deeper
Today I have read article "Solutions journalism digs deeper" was wrote by Kaia
Sand about studying national data on foster care placement stability and
disruptions. Read this article i think that is really painful for homeless
children to move every time from one family to another. It is because of their
pain of being in those places fore children which are homeless. Also, I think
that a lot of exiting moments in new family will make children smile and think
that they are in a write moment and in a write place. The author touches on an
important topic, be sure to read.
· #798
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:19)
The Conversation Ukrainian invasion: Putin’s conflict is showcasing a new age
for war reporting
Today I have read the article about the invasion of Ukraine and how this affects
the development of war reporting. The purpose of the article is to give some
information to the reader about the development of war journalism and its impact
on the masses. The author begins by quoting a historian who argues that the
goals of the military and the media are incompatible. But in Ukraine this
dilemma is blurred. Much attention is given to comparing the capabilities of
journalists during World War II and now. I advise you to read it.
Phrase of the day
1 published in
The results of the study will be published in the afternoon.
2 the main objective
The main objective of our meeting is to discuss the new project.
3 by means of
Information can be obtained by means of cooperation with the company
Straight talk: Ann Curry reflects on her career, restoring trust in journalism
and love for Oregon.
Today I have read the article about Ann Curry's frank talk about her career in
journalism. The purpose of the article is to give some information to the reader
about the principles of honest journalism. The author begins by reporting on Ann
Curry's award for services to broadcast journalism. Much attention is given to
Curry's career, which has come a long way in the field of journalism. The award
honours her four decades of reporting on important social issues. In an
interview with Loral Porter, Annie reflected on her career of her principles in
her work and her confidence in journalism. I advise you to read it.
· #797
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:18)
i have read the article: " NATO to discuss ways to deter Russia:
Lithuanian official ". This is old news, written last year, before the start of
the new war. It says that NATO discussed the issue of containing Putin, against
the backdrop of new military activity on the borders with Ukraine and the crisis
of emigrants on the borders of the EU. This is indicative of how much has
changed since that time, but one thing remains inviolable: Ukraine is defending
itself against a global threat, and some Western countries, such as Germany, are
still not ready to break off relations with this threat. It would be great if
future history books wrote about this.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attract more attention
You'll attract more attention from visitors and passersby.
2) arrive at conclusion
We are certain that you will arrive at the same conclusion .
3) attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
I have read the article: "Reuters: Swiss veto German request to re-export
ammunition to Ukraine, SonntagsZeitung reports." It says that Switzerland twice
blocked the transfer of ammunition to Ukraine for the equipment that Germany is
transferring to us. All because of the neutrality that does not allow
Switzerland to transfer weapons and military assistance to other countries, but
what is even stranger іs that Germany approached such a question, knowing full
well the nuances of Swiss law. I'm disappointed with the European "circus".
18.European Security.
The topic of European security is always topical, especially now, when there is
a war in the center of Europe. As it turns out, European security is tied to
many non-military levers of pressure, such as the migrant crisis and energy
stability. No less important is the environmental factor, which threatens the
disappearance of entire European countries. There are also external political
threats such as Russia or Iran, which are serious sponsors of terrorism and are
capable of shaking the peace not only in Ukraine, but also anywhere else in
· #796
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:17)
Voloschuk,IZ-212. Unfortunately you have ignored Present Perfect in both
comments, it should be; I HAVE LEARNED... I HAVE FOUND... You have a lot of
debts, don't forget it ,pls
Good luck
· #795
Evelina Cheban, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:15)
Essay to the topic 13.«How is Information Technology Used in Public Relations?»
Today it is difficult to imagine the world without using computer equipment.
The development and application of public relations technologies are essentially
processes of gradual rationalisation and optimisation of the purposeful
activities of the subject of management within the framework of its performance
of certain tasks. Ultimately, they enhance the ability of the subject of
government to monitor and manage a particular area of social change.
The formation and application of technologies in the public relations system
depends directly on the qualifications and competence of people, their practical
knowledge and skills to use certain technical resources. As a rule, low
availability of technical or human resources reduces the efficiency of public
relations technologies. Therefore, not so much the effectiveness of application
as the very existence of public relations technologies is due to the state of
affairs in the region or organisation, the ability of managers to use the
accumulated experience, to realise the available opportunities in a particular
· #794
Evelina Cheban, IM-201 ( Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:13)
Today I have read the article « Biased Narratives in the Media: Coverage of
Fatal Shootings During Black Lives Matter Demonstrations» .
During the summer of 2020, two fatal shootings occurred following Black Lives
Matter protests. Two shootings, each committed by members of opposing political
ideologies and opposite their victims, present an opportunity to check for
ideological bias in the news by comparing CNN and Fox coverage, sources who lean
opposite on media bias scales, in the immediate aftermath of fatal shootings.
Similarly, Fox news relied more on a thematic frame surrounding violence
occurring during BLM protests, most notably in Portland, where a BLM protester
fatally shot a counter-protester. The presence of bias in each case underscores
the value of a diverse media diet, and the need to rely on sources that
challenge rather than reinforce one’s own biases.
1) arrive at conclusions
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2) attract more attention in
However, it is the nature of the Council's work and mandate that its
shortcomings and failures will attract more attention than its successes.
3)attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
· #793
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:09)
Gaydarzhi,IZ-212... Your written comments are interesting , but your voice
messages leave much to be desired. There are some mistakes in your comments. You
have missed the subject in the first sentence, it should be :"... IT is a very
popular...". Don't forget about your debts
Good luck
· #792
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:01)
Essay to the topic “Communication Models”.
Communication models are systematic representations of the process which helps
in understanding how communication works can be done. They form general
perspectives on communication. It is also used to understand how the receivers
will interpret the message. There are three general types of communication
models. Linear model of communication is a simple communication model. The
message flows in a straight line from sender to the receiver. There is no
concept of feedback. In transactional model, senders and receivers both are
known as communicators and both play equally important role in communication.
Interactive model or convergence model is similar to transactional model. But,
interactive model is mostly used for new media like internet. Here, people can
respond to any mass communications like videos, news, etc. People can exchange
their views and ideas.
Phrases of the Day:
1.attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
2.attract more attention in
The album was sufficiently successful to attract more attention.
3.arrive to conclusions
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
I have already read the article called "When to release free and paid apps for
maximal revenue." This article is about a study that explores the interactions
between free and paid apps over their lifespan. In the last decade, there has
been a trend towards the free version of apps. During this study, the research
team examined the decisions of app publishers to offer free, paid, or both
versions of an app, given the dynamic interactions between them. The results
provide application publishers with valuable insight into how to manage
versioning decisions over the life of an application. For me personally, it is
more convenient to use free applications, as well as for many people, because
society may not have enough funds to use certain applications.
Today I have read the article called "Most Australians support tax levy to
improve aged care." It reveals that a majority of Australians are unsure about
the country's old age care system, with more than one in 10 saying they don't
trust the government at all on this issue. These results came at a time when the
reform of the elderly care system was in the center of attention of politicians
and voters. This shows a bleak picture of the state of care for the elderly from
the perspective of Australians. The researchers also asked people for their
views on the future of funding for the aged care system, and in particular
whether they support the collection to improve support for aged care. The survey
found Australians support any effort to improve elderly care with additional
· #791
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:01)
Today I have read the article “Ever been lost in the grocery store? Researchers
are closer to knowing why it happens». It tells us that researchers have long
struggled to learn how our brain remembers completely similar environments and
how it avoids confusion. Due to the research, the brain may treat similar
environments as if they are even more different than a pair of environments that
have nothing in common. The study also strengthens support for a theory about
where the brain stores information on the similarities between two environments.
Scientists believe that this information may be kept in a section near the front
of the brain that manages complex functions such as planning and decision
To my mind, it is a good idea to conduct such deep experiment, because in fact
the results may appear significant to our science development.
Essay :Domestic Political Development of Ukraine.
June 28, 1996, with the adoption of the new democratic constitution, a
multi-party political system and the legally declared fundamental rights and
freedoms of citizens of Ukraine, as well as the rights of national minorities of
the country, were introduced. Various ethnic groups of Ukraine are guaranteed
the right to receive education in their native language, to develop cultural
life, and to use national languages in everyday life. According to the
Constitution, the state language of the country is Ukrainian. The Verkhovna Rada
of Ukraine is the only legislative body of state power in Ukraine, which has a
collegiate structure and consists of 450 people’s deputies of Ukraine elected
for a period of 5 years on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by
secret ballot.
· #790
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:00)
Today I have read the article “Simple method to determine if nuts and dairy
products contain poison”. It tells us about the environmentally friendly method,
which can be used to easily determine if food contains toxic aflatoxin-B1. The
new method was focused and tested on raw and roasted hazelnuts, raisins and
dried figs.These nuts can be mostly seen in Turkey, however the method can also
be useful to other countries producing or purchasing food. Moreover, in this
experiment researchers used quantum-chemical calculations to select suitable
chemical agents, which made it possible to work out optical characteristics of
To my mind, this study is extremely useful as it shows us how literally prevent
food death using a simple method created by scientists.
Phrases of the day
1. arrive at conclusions
We need now to continue that work and to arrive at conclusions acceptable to
2. attempts to solve
All his attempts to solve domestic problems are aimed at consolidation of the
3. attract more attention in
Only by branding and building up prestige at the outset can it attract more
attention from the international community.
· #789
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:00)
Gladka,IZ-212. Rather nice but consult the pronunciation of some words in the
dictionary. Best of luck
· #788
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:55)
Class work
The title of the article is "How to Improve Public Speaking Skills".
Unfortunately, the name of the author of the article is not given, but we can
assume that the author is the editor of English Club TV. This article is about
how to overcome the language barrier and develop public speaking skills in
English. Thanks to the article, I learned some tips for easy language learning
and quick vocabulary memorization. The most important one for me was the advice
on memorizing fixed phrases. I found this article useful and interesting for
beginners to learn English.
Phrases of the Day
1. column represents
Each row represents a device and columns represent categories.
2. under certain assumptions
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists.
3. performed with
I've performed with you before.
The article is called "Journalism: Digital Giants Paying for Content is good
news, but will it support the local press?" The author of the article is Amy
Binns. The text discusses such an important topic as making money online on news
platforms. Experts argue that nowadays all profits go to social networks such as
Facebook. Therefore, in order to make sure that everything is fair and every
effort is appreciated, a law was passed that Facebook and Google must share
advertising revenues with media organizations. I find this article relevant to
consumers of news on Internet resources.
· #787
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:53)
To Drozd,IZ+212. Well done. Thanks.
· #786
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:51)
Today I've read the article about camping is a very popular form of living
outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature
or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your
own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.
Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they
visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active
sports like mountain biking or just simply relax.
under certain assumptions
under certain time assumptions
performed with
performed with the computer turned on
column represents
the column represents the sum of the numbers
Today I've read an article about Ancient Egypt, one of history's first
civilizations arose around the Nile River about 5,000 years ago. It lasted for
over 2,000 years. The Nile River was the centre of Ancient Egypt. The annual
floods brought rich black soil to the banks of the Nile River and made it
possible for farmers to grow crops. The river was also Egypt's main
transportation route. The ancient Egyptians discovered many things. They
invented the first kind of paper from the papyrus plant and were the first
people to write in pictures, called hieroglyphs. But they became most famous for
building stone structures, called pyramids, in which they buried their pharaohs.
· #785
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:50)
Today I have read the article "Better control of development aid through AI".
The article tells about there the complexity and rise of data in healthcare
means that artificial intelligence (AI) will increasingly be applied within the
field. Several types of AI are already being employed by payers and providers of
care, and life sciences companies. The key categories of applications involve
diagnosis and treatment recommendations, patient engagement and adherence, and
administrative activities.
The article is very interesting, although there are many instances in which AI
can perform healthcare tasks as well or better than humans, implementation
factors will prevent large-scale automation of healthcare professional jobs for
a considerable period.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attract more attention
You'll attract more attention from visitors and passersby.
2) arrive at conclusion
We are certain that you will arrive at the same conclusion .
3) attempts to solve
This was agreed, bearing in mind recent negative experiences that resulted from
unsuccessful attempts to solve the problem.
I have read the article "Why we still fall for influencers, salesmen and
politicians who lie".
The article tells about there еach influencer has their own audience that trusts
them, and this makes them attractive for advertising cooperation. When a brand
speaks to people through a person they trust, it is much more effective than
direct advertising to a cold audience. Influencers can be categorized by the
social media they post on most often, their content formats, and their
I think this article is a useful reminder of the emerging context in which
leaders with integrity will need to navigate to be able to realize their
Information protection systems
The process of informatization has affected almost all aspects of society.
Informatization is a characteristic feature of modern society.
With the emergence of new information technologies, information becomes an
essential attribute of ensuring the activities of states, legal entities, public
associations and citizens. Many decisions taken at different levels - from heads
of state to the average citizen - depend on the quality and reliability of
information, on its promptness in obtaining it.
To solve many problems of information security it is necessary to apply the
following measures: legislative, organizational, and software and hardware.
Ignoring at least one aspect of this problem can lead to the loss of
information, which in the life of modern society is becoming increasingly
important and plays an important role.
· #784
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:46)
Today I have read the article about climate change misinformation misleading too
many people, but there are ways to fight it. In the past decade, people in the
UK have witnessed how climate change has evolved from an abstract threat
discussed in the news to a larger phenomenon in everyday life. As the frequency
and intensity of heat waves, floods and other extreme weather events have
increased, so has public concern about climate change. In 2019, a survey was
conducted that showed that 80% of people are rightly or very concerned, while in
a more recent survey, climate change was named the most important and important
issue. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1. And "Signature" columns represent the status.
2. Previously performed with a solo project.
3. At the time of budget preparation, it was necessary to make certain
assumptions regarding expected opening balances for the next biennium.
Today I have read the article about why some of Ghana’s private media fight
corruption: reasons, rules and resources. The most important players in the
fight against corruption are naturally considered the media. The media create
awareness, provide platforms for discussion and demand accountability. For
example, investigative documentaries such as Cash for Justice and Contracts for
Sale also show how the media can help expose corruption. And how they can create
pressure for accountability and reform. In the Fourth Republic, the Ghanaian
media have largely abandoned their watchdog role. The research of the author of
this article has shown that some media help, rather than fight, corruption. I
recommend to read this article.
· #783
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-212 (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:45)
Dear students.
Not everyone has posted an exam topic. I am waiting for your active work.
· #782
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:41)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck
· #781
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:40)
Phrases of the day
1. Arrive at conclusion
Like natural scientists, social scientists are concerned with evidence-based
research and use both quantitative and qualitative tools to arrive at
2. Attempts to solve
Attempts to solve the problem by giving managers shares have largely failed.At
the same time, alternative corporate forms are flourishing.
3. Attract more attention in
Materials have continued to attract researchers' attention in logic, storage,
Today I have read the article “Industry once again warns Australian government
about falling behind in tech”. The point is that Australia risks falling behind
as a technologically-driven nation unless it recognise emerging digital
technologies as a central, independent sector. In comparison with Australia
Canada, UK an USA have placed more resources towards prioritising digital
technologies as a strategy to bolster competitiveness. That`s what should be
done: elevate emerging digital technologies, more investment is needed towards
improving the digital literacy of Australians, include research. To my mind, IT
has become a main place for activities nowadays, so it is vital to develop all
its kinds.
Today I have read the article “Finding governments' role in the Internet”.
Governments in the Asia-Pacific continue to play an important role in laying the
groundwork by investing in the Internet. In this region several problems exist.
For example, in India, you still have to run voice on one line and data on
another, which doubles the cost and cripples the creative adoption of
living-room technology. However, in Korea and Japan the government's continued
influence on broad adoption of the Internet and China builds broadband wireless
capability. In conclusion, in Asia there are so many economies that are at the
stage where they and the governments need to step up and push the right buttons
in the investment of this infrastructure.
Essay “Psychology of management”
Psychology of management is a discipline which examines psychology side of
management. It collects and analyses many factors connected with psychological
conditions in order to increase quality of work. The purpose of this discipline
is to ensure that managers of an organization are able to gain better insights.
With the help of managerial psychology, any manager can prevent and predict any
harmful pattern which can have a decline on the quality or the quantity of the
work. It can also help an individual to control or implement different
techniques and methods which can benefit an organization or a company in the
long run.
· #780
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:40)
Today I have read a fascinating article in which a journalist says goodbye to
the publication and writes her last article. The girl talks about her path and
proves that being a journalist is not at all easy. In the article, the girl
makes it clear to us that journalism has made a person out of her and she does
not want a bit about this stage in her life. Drawing conclusions, I came to one
opinion: the article is beautiful. In it you will find out how the girl said
goodbye to the team and who she will miss the most, I recommend reading
Plus, Katrina's celebrity will attract more attention.
We arrive at a conclusion, which can seem paradoxical.
All his attempts to solve domestic problems are aimed at consolidation of the
Today I havе read the article « French elections: Macron and Le Pen to fight for
Emmanuel Macron has won the first round of the French elections, and far-right
rival Marine Le Pen will fight him for the presidency for the second time.
Ms Le Pen called on every non-Macron voter to join her and "put France back in
Mr. Macron's team is planning a series of large rallies and major television
appearances. Most of the other candidates on the left supported him, as did
Valerie Pecresse, but former Socialist candidate Segolene Royal said the
president must now "earn" a victory.
· #779
Yunko Illya Im-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:35)
student debt
Essay "Media Technologies and Society" media technologies have now become very
popular media one of the most popular things in the world every person starts or
ends his day with the news. be it video news such as: TV news or for example
YouTube news. It also includes newspapers and magazines. Or radio in a bus or
car, media technologies are found everywhere and everywhere. We cannot spend a
day without social networks or news, as this has long been a part of us. And if
we talk about media technologies, then you can see that even if something new
comes, the old is not forgotten. Let's say TVs came, but everyone also listens
to the radio. Or people have switched to social networks, but they also watch
TV. It shows how media affects our lives. I believe that media technologies are
now well developed, but not at the best level, there is still room for
· #778
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:33)
Andreeva,IZ-211. Pls, read my remarks attentively! All the time you make one and
the same mistakes
The article isn't SHE it is IT,so the second sentence should be :" IT tells
us..." Present Perfect should be used in the first sentence, it should be :"
Today I HAVE READ the article..." Mind it! Best wishes
· #777
Yunko Illya Im-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:31)
student debt
Essay on the topic "progress and development" at the moment the progress of our
world is very great, 60 years ago we had large computers that did only one task
per day, now we have artificial intelligence, a phone with unlimited Internet
access, and also a medical breakthrough, such as printing organs on a 3D
printer. and if someone had told me 60 years ago what this would be, I would
have considered him crazy. And now this is our reality, one-click delivery,
space tours to Mars, robots that help with loneliness, and this is only a small
part of what people have done in 60 years
. You can say that I am pleased that my earth has gained such progress in 60
· #776
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:24)
Today I read the article "How Friendships Change in Adulthood". She tells us
about the changes in friendships that come with growing up. My opinion is
similar to the author, because in adulthood marriage and children often become a
priority, and in this regard, friendship goes into the background. If in
childhood it was enough to run up to the house and call for a walk, then in
adulthood it will not work out that way. You will have to call and arrange a
time convenient for both. In this case, in the future, friends move away, or
even completely disappear from life. I recommend reading this article to anyone
who is interested in the topic.
· #775
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:23)
To Ivashenko,IZ212. Unfortunately you don't work regularly, you have a lot of debts. Your voice messages are full of mispronounced words. Try to improve it. Good luck
· #774
Borysenko (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:15)
Moskalyk,IZ-211. Your written comments are good but your voice messages are
still full of mispronounced words.I am waiting for your exam topic. Best wishes
· #773
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:11)
1.arrive at conclusions
Use both quantitative and qualitative tools to arrive at conclusions.
2.attempts to solve
Attempts to solve this problem by adding stretchy polymers, or elastomers.
3.attract more attention in
If you're keen to attract more attention online, it's wise to devote time,
energy and money to enhancing your website.
Today I read the article "The Art of the Handshake". She tells us about how
intimate the handshake gesture is. My opinion in some cases coincides with the
author of the article, because he points out that a good handshake says a lot
about a person. After all, such a person can achieve a lot, not the fact that he
will do it, but he can. Knowing all the subtleties of psychology and gestures,
you can predict the actions of a person, his character and mood. I recommend
reading this article to understand human psychology.
· #772
Ivashenko Liza IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 10:00)
A broadcast journalist is a reporter who works for a news agency and reports
stories on television or over the radio. Broadcast reporters visit the sites of
breaking stories to provide information to the public as quickly as possible.
Reporters gather information about events by interviewing victims, witnesses and
others relevant to a story. After getting the information they need, the field
reporter or another reporter in the newsroom will share the story on a daily
news show.
Phrases of the day:
1. I've performed with you before.
2. I will sign your contract under certain assumption.
3. A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an
item's price.
To work in broadcast journalism, one usually needs at least a bachelor's degree.
Broadcast journalist students learn the basics of what it means to report the
news over their specific medium, and the differences between their work and
those of print journalists.
Though all journalists want to deliver the news as coherently as possible, the
written space afforded most print journalists allows them to give background and
flesh out important facts of a story in greater detail. Broadcast journalists,
often handcuffed to strict 30-second or one-minute segments, don't have that
luxury. Broadcast journalists must be to the point, delivering facts in plain,
easily digestible language.
· #771
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:46)
Thank you, the topic is informative, but I can't say that it is clear and easy to learn.
· #770
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:43)
Valeria, the same problem. Post a new exam topic, please.
· #769
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:42)
Exam topic #5 Media history
Media history considers the historical dimension of communicating information,
knowledge, and values to a broad audience. Although the term ‘media’ came into
use only in the 1920s to denote the structures of such communication, media
history takes account of the period at least from the advent of the handpress in
the fifteenth century, and some interpretations include the scriptoria, oral
traditions, and wall paintings of medieval times, delving occasionally into
ancient and prehistory as well. The numerous approaches to media history share
an interest in understanding the impact such structures have had on societies
around the globe, the particular forms they have taken, and the dynamics of
historical change. Each of these areas is the subject of a significant body of
theoretical and empirical work, with many intersections and overlaps, taking
examples from the various media, their spatial contexts, and development over
· #768
Gvozd to Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:34)
Vlad, I have read this topic. Please, post a new one.
· #767
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:33)
Exam topic #2 (Gender matters).
One of the important things in gender inequality is sexual harassment. Most
often this happens between a female employee and the boss.
Something space is still considered when a woman works. In the same races of
fast food. Or generally in those works that are considered exclusively male.
For some, it will be a discovery or not, but not only women are subjected to
this. Since 2017, men began to openly declare this. And representatives of other
races too. And someone, unfortunately, is silent for many years. Most often it
is because of fear.
· #766
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:33)
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212
Raylian (IG - 212)
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Thank you, your exam topics are rather interesting and informative.
· #765
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:24)
Exam topic "Interpersonal communication"
Communicating a multifaceted complex process of establishing contacts between
people, exchanging information and creating this common strategy of interaction,
coordination, understanding of another person. The need for other people is
realized in communication. Interpersonal relationships are manifested in the
compatibility of people. Compatibility is the optimal combination of human
qualities in the communication process that contribute to the success of joint
activities. Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human
psyche, its and the formation of intelligent, cultural behavior. Through
communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to the wide
opportunities for learning, a person forms and acquires all his higher cognitive
abilities and qualities through active communication with developed people, he
himself becomes a person.
· #764
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:22)
Topic: Public Relations
Public relations can be an effective way of promoting tourism businesses of all
sizes, including SMEs. It does not always require a high investment, which can
make it accessible to a range of budgets.
With public relations you can:
• establish good relationships
• differentiate your business from its competitors
• generate credibility and trust
• spread your image and brand presence
• gain customer loyalty in the mid- to long-term
• help to forecast potential crises though analysing, interpreting and
anticipating public opinion.
The better your image is, the more likely you are to increase sales and enjoy
other benefits to your business.
To achieve results, you will need to develop a public relations strategy.
· #763
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:21)
Exam topic: Global Perspectives
We can say that global problems represent an unprecedented exacerbation and
deepening in modern conditions of the contradictions that existed before in the
system "man - society - nature". First of all, two interrelated processes
underlie their exacerbation:
1) on the one hand, global problems are the result of the improvement and
development of productive forces and production relations, the result of the
development of the material culture of society;
2) on the other hand, the emergence and aggravation of global problems is the
result of social progress.
Thus, global problems are a set of problems on the solution of which the
preservation of civilization depends; for their solution, they require the
combined efforts of all mankind.
· #762
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:12)
Exam topic: Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication in simple terms is the interaction of an individual
with other individuals. Interpersonal communication is due to personal motives,
manifested in the corresponding needs, interests, goals and ideals of certain
people. The main goal of interpersonal communication is an in-depth study of
various social factors, various interactions of individuals included in this
group. If there is no contact between people, then the human community will not
be able to carry out joint full-fledged activities, since proper mutual
understanding will not be reached between them.
· #761
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:08)
Topic: Media ethics
Today I will discuss such a thing as media ethics. To put it simply: these are
the ways of behavior that the media should adhere to. Many of the complexities
in media ethics arise from the conflict between ethical standards and the desire
of media companies to make money. In fact, one can talk about ethics in the
media for a very long time. The same movies have pastel prices and foul
language, but parents don't want their kids to see it. This is a huge issue in
media ethics. These examples are only a small part of the ethical issues that
pervade all aspects of the media.
· #760
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 09:00)
Exam topic #2 (Global perspectives).
Global perspectives are based on the development of new technologies. The world
is improving because people are working hard to improve the overall situation.
New inventions improve our lives. In many areas, we are making significant
progress, such as medicine opening up new possibilities, doctors performing
heavy operations every year, mechanical engineering using robots and devices,
and scientists exploring future life on Mars. Statistics on the development of
specialists in various fields are growing. Various companies are gaining more
and more profits, the country's economic situation is changing for the better.
Nothing is impossible in our life, the main thing is to have the desire and
purposefully step forward.
· #759
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 25 April 2022 08:59)
Topic :
"Global Perspectives"
Journalism now has truly global development prospects. These prospects have been
shaken during the pandemic by the spread of misinformation. The spread of
disinformation in today's information environment contributes to a decrease in
trust in experts, which contributes to the further spread of disinformation. But
the pandemic has also demonstrated the continued importance of journalism, as
news organizations provide audiences with vital information and promote rallying
and solidarity. Journalism still has room to grow, and it has already made great
progress. There are many opportunities and nuances for improvement, and if
journalists are not lazy, like plagiarism and write low-quality material, then
journalism will rise to incredible heights.
Vocaroo :
· #758
Grodska E. to IJ 212 (Monday, 25 April 2022 08:51)
Dear students, the lesson has started. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck
· #757
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 25 April 2022 08:48)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, I am waiting for your Exam topic. If you have debts,
it is high time to post them.
· #756
Moskalyk Diana IJ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 25 April 2022 07:39)
Today I have read the article “New sensor detects ever smaller nanoparticles”.
Normal microscopes produce increased images of small structures or objects using
light. Optical resonators enhance the interaction between light and
nanoparticles. In case the nanoparticle is in a captured light field, it
interacts with light thousand times, so that the change in light intensity can
be measured. The light field has different intensity at different points of
space. This allows to draw conclusions about the position of nanoparticle in the
3D space. In the new fiber-based resonator Fabri-Pero, high reflective mirrors
are located at the ends of glass fibers.
This allows us to get a hydrodynamic particle radius, that is, the water
thickness surrounding the particle, from its three-dimensional movement.
- Boeing attempts uncrewed test flight to ISS a second time.
- Like natural scientists, social scientists are concerned with evidence-based
research and use both quantitative and qualitative tools to arrive at
- Recruiting for outdoor programs may also attract more males to early childhood
Today I have read the article"Food insecurity in First Nations"
A decade-long study, along with a researcher from the University of Montreal,
warns that many Aboriginal peoples face food insecurity three to five times more
often than the general population of Canada, especially families with children.
The main reasons are socio-economic inequality, systemic and regulatory barriers
and much more. The essence of the study was to test the quality of the products
that residents use. Conclusion: traditional food in general is very safe to eat
and much healthier. However, there are many barriers between indigenous peoples
and their favorite foods, including government regulations, industry and, most
importantly, the growing threat of climate change.
· #755
Borysenko (Sunday, 24 April 2022 17:56)
To Vakalyuk,IZ-211. Your written comments are rather good. As to your voice messages, I would advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice messages. Good luck
· #754
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Sunday, 24 April 2022 15:23)
Задолженность за 04.04
In this article, I learned that computer scientists at Loughborough University
have developed new artificial intelligence algorithms that are designed to
change the way football clubs, teams and individual players are analyzed on the
field. Dr. Baihua Li, project leader, said the technology could revolutionize
the sport by enabling clubs to efficiently identify and quickly recruit talented
players. I believe that the new algorithm invented by scientists will play a key
role in the sport of the future. The article is very useful for people who are
fond of football and play professionally
Many psychotherapists treat people with "Guided Imagination". This method helps
to relax after a hard day or after experienced stress. This technique includes
techniques of imagination and visualization of positive moments. This technique
is safe for human health. The technique includes the following physiological
changes: slow breathing, pressure change. It also helps some people with a low
level of stress resistance to take stress, not so close to their hearts, and the
technique helps to quickly get people out of depression. In my opinion, everyone
should try this technique to improve their psychological health.
Phrases of the day
1. additional information
alongside additional information about those users' mental health.
2. argued that
He argued that the motion of the northern lights alters
3. correlated with
correlated with the degree of crystallinity of lithium peroxide
· #753
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:55)
Today І read the article about "VR kіt from Microsoft" from thіs artіcle І
learned that іt іs a potentіal competіtor to Google Cardboard іn the fіeld of
vіrtual realіty. Wіth theіr inventіon, Mіcrosoft wants to draw the attentіon of
developers to the future hackathon іn whіch the company's VR kits wіll be. The
company claіms that the user can іnsert theіr smartphone іnto the box, brіng іt
to the face, thus creatіng a vіrtual realіty helmet. Unlіke the Google
Cardboard, the Mіcrosoft VR Kіt has a camera cutout. The company has thought of
VR programs that can use the camera to create augmented realіty, where vіrtual
objects are superіmposed on the real envіronment around us.
Phrases of the day
1. a great deal of
We're receiving reports that there's a great deal of police activity on the
Virginia border.
2. a few
I can recommend a few books that might help.
3. a little
You know, a little pity and a little patience wouldn't go astray.
A very common stereotype is that men don't gossip or rumors. But looking at the
statistics of real studies, 55% of men and 67% of women spend time “discussing
socially significant topics.” Rumors are not always in a negative form,
approximately 15%, but also in a positive form, 9%. Despite the minimal
statistics of all analyzed conversations, for the most part, all rumors are a
banal waste of time and discussion. Each person discusses someone and draws his
conclusions about each, but in what form will these statements take? It already
depends on the person.
Essay15 .Globalization Processes.
Globalization has become a buzzword since the end of the Cold War, but the
phenomenon has long been a problem in foreign relations. To the extent that it
slows down the expansion of trade and investment, it can be defined as economic
expansion, as in the transition from a measure of territorial expansion in the
nineteenth to a thorough internationalization of markets in the twentieth
analysis. But such use is too limited; they do not adequately define the
phenomenon that evaluates American diplomacy and contains elements of its
economy and culture.
· #752
Shapa L.N. to Kate Bondar IM-211 (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:38)
Both abstracts (Thursday, 21 April 2022 13:04) and (Thursday, 21 April 2022 15:17) do not contain all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student works, and though they were written and pronounced excellently they cannot be estimated in this way because of the absence of the tasks Phrases of the Day.
· #751
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:32)
The structure of the review (Thursday, 21 April 2022 12:50) should be shanged a little, the first place the Link of the article is to occupy, it is more suitable for teachers, but it's a general remark, the review itself was written and pronounced perfectly, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #750
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211 (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:26)
The review (Thursday, 21 April 2022 11:08) shows your complete understanding of the main idea of the article you have read, was written grammatically and phonetically correct, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #749
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:22)
work (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:55) presents two abstracts which contain
all the necessary elements and were written and pronounced perfectly, the tasks
Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #748
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:16)
The abstracts presented (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:54) do not contain any grammatical or phonetic mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done also correct. Certainly, excellent.
· #747
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:11)
Both reviews in the message (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:53) demonstrate your complete understanding of the contents of the articles you have readm were witten and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent
· #746
Shapa L.N. to Kate Bondar IM-211 (Friday, 22 April 2022 19:05)
The message (Thursday, 21 April 2022 12:28) was written and pronounced excellently, but you should first of all present the Link of the article. In general the work can be estimated as excellent.
· #745
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 15:32)
Today I have read the article "Ukraine conflict: What is Nato and how has it
responded to Russia's invasion?"
Тhis article talks about the North Atlantic alliance, the main goal of which is
military and economic assistance to each other in the event of a war. In short,
NATO is a military bloc. The bloc's troops have now been in large numbers in
Eastern Europe since 2014 (since the annexation of Crimea). Now, during the
Ukrainian-Russian war, NATO cannot send military assistance to Ukraine, because
the latter is not a member of the organization. However, individual countries of
the bloc sends aid to our country.
I thaink that the existence of such blocs is very important if their main goal
is to maintain peace
1. According to
All materials on the website are protected according to the legislation.
2. Nonetheless
Modest progress had nonetheless been achieved in priority areas.
3. A common problem
The lack of solid monitoring and evaluation capacity is a common problem
Today I have read the article "Ukraine war: Russia 'plans to seize southern
This article talks about the statements of the Russian Major General Rustam
Minnikayev for the next phase of the war. In addition to the capture of Donbass
and the provision of a land route to the Crimea, several more statements were
made. The main goal is the occupation of the entire southern part of Ukraine to
ensure access to Transnistria. President Zelensky suggested that fake
referendums would be held in the occupied territories.
In my opinion, the next stage of the war will be very difficult, and such
"statements" will help Ukraine prepare for defense.
3)Essay to the topic "Psychology of Management"
Management psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the psychological
patterns of management activity. The main task of this section of psychology is
to increase the efficiency and quality of work through the analysis of
psychological conditions and special managerial activities. Basically, the
psychology of management is aimed specifically at the leader, since his
activities are diverse. In order to successfully carry out the effective
operation of the enterprise, make optimal decisions, work with people, a
talented leader must combine abilities, experience, knowledge, and the ability
to apply them.
I think that every good leader should become familiar with the psychology of
· #744
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 14:07)
Today I have read the article called "Thoughts on how to think (and talk) about
RNA structure" This article about the rapid synthesis of three-dimensional
molecules for the development of new drugs has been the main goal of organic and
medicinal chemistry in recent decades. These drug could only be produced at
great expense. Scientists have discovered a new method of drugs production where
the molecules used are commercially available at low cost or easily
manufactured.. Thanks to this method, it will be possible to produce moredrugs
and make them more accessible to all. I found this article very informative.
· #743
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 13:58)
I have read the article "Seeing more deeply into nanomaterials: New 3D imaging
tool achieves highest resolution yet".This article about,
researchers who have built designed
nanoparticle-based 3D materials that canwithstand a vacuum, high temperatures,
high pressure, and high radiation. This new fabrication process results in
robust and fully
engineered nanoscale frameworks that not only can accommodate a variety of
functional nanoparticle types but also can be quickly
processed with conventional nanofabrication methods.
This article is very interesting and this invention is important
· #742
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 13:46)
Today i have read the article "New tech will free cheaper, cleaner lithium
supply – report'" It talks about reengineering
one of the heaviest battery components
sheets of copper or aluminum foil. This
reinvention can make batteries more safety
and lighter. Also that the new batteries should
be easy to manufacture and also cheaper,
because it replaces some of the copper with an
inexpensive polymer.In my mind this is
awesome news. Because one of the main
environmental problems is litum recycling
Reducing battery weight and flammability
could also have a big impact on recycling by
making the transportation of recycled
batteries less expensive.
· #741
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 13:45)
Today i have read the article"Scientists create working, ‘swarming’
article about researchers who have developed
a method for giving tiny artificial
microswimmers a certain ability to learn using
machine learning algorithms. This
microswimmers can change their direction of
motion by heating tiny gold particles on their
surface and converting this energy into
motion.Researchers hope that the combination
of artificial microswimmers and machine
learning methods will provide new insights
into the emergence of collective behavior in
biological systems.
I would recommend this article. Because you
can discover a lot of new information from it
· #740
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 11:43)
Today I have read the article called "The psychological cost of corruption in
developing countries." This article tells about a world famous phenomenon such
as corruption, namely in developed countries. This is a crime that most often
slows down economic growth and undermines the development of a country. In
developed countries, corruption develops through informal money that is paid to
local officials. In addition to its financial implications, corruption often has
devastating psychological effects. Because corruption is present in the spheres
of education and health care, and because of this, people feel helpless and
deprived of basic rights. I believe that corruption is a terrible phenomenon and
in order for it not to have the right thinking among people, as well as high
salaries, so that people don't have to steal.
· #739
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 22 April 2022 10:44)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #738
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 08:35)
I have read the article: "The New York Times: Russia-Ukraine News: Biden
Announces More Aid for Ukraine"
It says that the United States will transfer $800 million in aid to Ukraine, in
addition, Biden promised $500 million in direct financial support. In my
opinion, it is incredible and inspiring, with a strong political rear, Ukraine
is accurately able to repel Russian aggression. It remains to be hoped that our
other partners will follow the example of the United States and help strengthen
not only our army, but also the economy, which has suffered incredibly from the
1. Focused on
Their recent work focused on actuators for the knee joints.
2. Partly explained
This can be partly explained by an increase in the number of fish surveys.
3. Overall goal
Оur overall goal is to create a catalyst-infused self-cleaning material.
I have read the article: "The Associated Press - en Español: Russia test-fires
new intercontinental ballistic missile." It talks about the test launch of a new
Russian intercontinental missile. This gesture can definitely be regarded as a
demonstrative threat, with a hint of the greatness of the Russian defense
sector, but Ukrainian tractors are already pulling its "greatness" across the
fields, and there is no point in proving the lethality of Russian missiles for
civilians. In my opinion, such actions should only highlight the need for new
Western sanctions against Russia.
7.Public Relations.
One of the most important topics for promoting a brand, person or idea is PR. It
is difficult to overestimate the impact of Public Relations on modern human
culture, no commerce can do without PR today, even small entrepreneurs who
cannot hire a specialist resort to the basics of PR on their own, trying to
create a positive image of their product or service through the communication
channels available to them. the rest. The most boring topics like calculators
and milling machines become exciting when the hand of a skilled PR manager
touches them.
· #737
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Friday, 22 April 2022 08:34)
I have read the article: "CNN: Macron vs. Le Pen: The French presidential
election runoff explained." It says that the second round of the presidential
elections in France will be very tense. Several factors could influence them:
rising petrol and gas prices, the debate that will take place on April 20 and
the war in Ukraine, all three topics are the most relevant among the entire
French society, and although Le Pen has the most support in her entire career,
Macron also may lose. In the face of a real threat of a European war, the French
may choose Macron, or vice versa, choose Le Pen, for her promises to reduce gas
and gasoline prices.
Phrases of the day:
1. Only a few studies
Only a few studies carried out in France, Japan and the United States deal with
the effects of railway noise in schools.
2. demonstrate the feasibility
A pilot initiative will be conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of
decentralized and renewable alternative energy systems.
3. it is clear that
Yet it is clear that significant challenges remain to be addressed.
I have read the article: "ABC News: US Army using lessons from Ukraine war to
aid own training.".It talks about the fact that the United States is beginning
to train its troops, taking into account the experience that is familiar to
every Ukrainian today. For example, they will separately work out the attack of
an imaginary enemy in social networks, and messages about mining or shelling. Or
information about how to fight an enemy who wants to destroy a city with
missiles and thereby take it can be no less useful for soldiers. Weather
conditions are also taken into account, which significantly affect the
conditions of the battle during snow or cold rain.
Essay: 20. Media Technologies and Society.
Media technology is about information and its consumption by society. Today we
cannot talk about any promotion of a brand or an idea, even a religion, without
the use of such technologies. What can be attributed to media technologies? For
example, our pages in social networks, cartoons and comics, posters or any other
type of information that is encrypted in an accessible way can be attributed to
media technologies. Bloggers and contemporary artists, who have learned to sell
not only a particular product, but also experiences from it, have received
significant success thanks to this theme.
· #736
Kate Bondar IM-211 ( Shapa) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 15:17)
Today I have read an article «Researchers develop new ways of visualizing
ancient small objects by combining technologies». Technology is in constant
development and improvement. For researchers and society, it became possible to
see the past, and not just read about it, this provides invaluable information
about the past, gives the opportunity to study life in more detail and how
everything was in its original form. Recently, digital photographs have replaced
ordinary photographs from history textbooks, in the process of improvement, a 3D
scanner was invented that models the picture to the smallest detail. But there
was one minus, unfortunately, at the moment the cost of such equipment is too
high. But less high-quality alternatives have been developed that are available
to everyone. Instructions for creating high-quality artifact models are still in
development. Scientists are trying to fill this gap as soon as possible.
· #735
Kate Bondar IM-211 ( Shapa) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 13:04)
Today I have read an article «In US, every dog has its DNA test». This type of
innovation began to gain popularity 10 years ago. Thanks to this test, dog
owners can find out in more detail the characteristics of their pet. The test is
also popular for medical purposes. Each breed of dog has its own characteristics
and medically too, which means that different types of diseases can be
transmitted genetically. The test simplifies the work of doctors by suggesting
some nuances. And also, it became possible to find out if the dog has a mixture
of breeds in the genus. Americans love their furry friends very much and try to
do everything possible to improve their lives. the saying "we are responsible
for those we have tamed" is not just words for Americans.
· #734
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 12:50)
Phrases of the Day:
1) a little
We should imagine a wide range of people livening up bread with small quantities
of meat and cheese, or eating pottages of leeks and whole grains with a little
meat thrown in.
2) determine whether
To determine whether the higher pollution levels were caused by the fires, the
scientists eliminated other potential emission sources.
Щоб визначити, чи вищий рівень забруднення викликаний пожежами, вчені виключили
інші потенційні джерела викидів.
3) a great deal of
In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over many years and
У природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність
I have read the article “'Vegan spider silk' provides sustainable alternative to
single-use plastics”.
Researchers have created a plant-based, sustainable, scalable material that
could replace single-use plastics in many consumer products. The material is
home compostable, whereas other types of bioplastics require industrial
composting facilities to degrade. The key breakthrough here is being able to
control self-assembly, so we can now create high performance materials.
In conclusion we can say that this is a useful discovery because there is a
huge, huge issue of plastic pollution in the world, and we are in the fortunate
position to be able to do something about it.
· #733
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 21 April 2022 12:31)
Dear students, the lesson has started. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck
· #732
Kate Bondar IM-211 ( Shapa) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 12:28)
Today I have read an article «Allergy-friendly apple varieties». I learned that
some varieties of apples have been awarded the ECARF seal from the European Skin
Research Centre. And in a few years, apples that are officially deemed
allergy-friendly will be available in supermarkets. This is thanks to a project
in which researchers, in collaboration with the Züchtungsinitiative Niederelbe
(ZIN), were able to successfully develop two varieties of apples that are
officially recognized as safe for people with allergies. Thanks to numerous
studies and scientific studies, it will become much easier for people with
Phrases of the Day
1.a great deal of- Велика кількість, багато.
We're receiving reports that there's a great deal of police activity on the
Virginia border. Ми отримуємо повідомлення про велику активність поліції на
кордоні з Вірджинією.
2.a few – кілька
I can recommend a few books that might help. Я можу порадити кілька книг, які
можуть допомогти.
3.a little – трохи
You know, a little pity and a little patience wouldn't go astray. Знаєш, трохи
терпіння та співчуття не завадили б.
· #731
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 12:09)
Today I have read the article «How children are being targeted with hidden ads
on social media».
This article tells us about «content marketing». The main idea of this thing is
to get customers attention to the product of some company or organisation. When
people scroll on social media and see some interesting adverts, they want to
check it out. However, when children use social media, they can see adverts
about cigarettes or alcohol and it is going to make them try it out.
In conclusion, the content marketing has to be safer and not available for
children under 18.
Phrases of the day:
1.a little
Well, I'd... say our... handheld's a little more advanced.
2.a few
I won't deny you have a few good points.
3.a great deal of
It must require a great deal of energy
Today I read an article titled: "Heavy rains will pose a greater threat to
fire-stricken areas in the West". This article is about a study of the climate
patterns in the western part of the US. Researchers say there is an increased
risk of rainfall that could lead to flooding. They obtained their results using
computer models of past and future climate. Such natural climate changes occur
because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the experiment,
within five years, 90 per cent of extreme fires will be accompanied by extreme
· #730
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 21 April 2022 11:08)
Today I have read the article “Next stop: A transport system accessible for
Firstly, the article talks about improving Europe's transport system.
Researchers in the Netherlands recently made an important discovery by surveying
disabled commuters. They found that city-wide improvements will help people with
disabilities visit any location without a problem. Moreover, scientists are
rolling out case studies in seven pilot cities: Brussels, Bologna, Cagliari,
Lisbon, Sofia, Stockholm and Zagreb.
Finally, I want to say that this study will help people with disabilities around
the world to improve their standard of living.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attempts to solve;
There's no need to attempt to solve problems that don't currently exist, in lieu
of serious ones that do.
Немає потреби намагатися вирішувати проблеми, яких зараз немає, замість
серйозних, які існують.
2) focused on;
The chief executive of the company attributes their success to focused
Виконавчий директор компанії пояснює їхній успіх цілеспрямованим маркетингом.
3) different aspects on;
There are two different meanings to the adverbial phrase when changing between
these prepositions.
Прислівникова фраза має два різні значення при зміні між цими прийменниками.
· #729
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:55)
Today I’ve read the article about Ten countries fire warning shot at Google
The Google Buzz problem didn't go unnoticed by the government technology leaders
in ten other countries. In fact, the information czars of Canada, France,
Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, and the
United Kingdom collectively informed Google CEO Eric Schmidt that they were not
amused (PDF). They said it wasn't the first time Google had pulled a stunt like
this. They claimed that Google violated individuals ability to control their
personal information. Then, later in the letter, the gaggle of ten information
czars presented six commandments of information privacy, to making sure those
settings are easy to find and use, to making sure personal data is protected,
and for allowing people to delete their accounts.
In other words, continuing to annoy these nations could be economically painful
for Google. For now, the threat is merely implied.
Phrases of the day:
1. In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over many years and
У природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність.
2. Captured with Perseverance's next-generation Mastcam-Z camera on April 2, the
397th Martian day, or sol, of the mission, the eclipse lasted a little over 40
seconds—much shorter than a typical solar eclipse involving Earth's Moon.
Зроблене камерою наступного покоління Mastcam-Z Perseverance 2 квітня, 397-го
марсіанського дня, або соль, місії, затемнення тривало трохи більше 40 секунд —
набагато менше, ніж типове сонячне затемнення за участю Місяця Землі.
3. For decades, astronomers have detected smaller black holes equal in mass
either to a few suns or giant black holes with mass similar to millions of suns
but the missing-link of black holes in between those sizes have eluded
Протягом десятиліть астрономи виявляли менші за масою чорні діри, рівні чи то
кільком сонцям, або гігантські чорні діри з масою, подібною до мільйонів сонць,
але відсутня ланка чорних дір між цими розмірами не була виявлена.
In a report published by Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, University
of Illinois Chicago researchers detail findings from three studies that explore
the connection between political ideology, attitudes, and beliefs toward
The first study found more conservative participants preferred viewpoint
diversity and more liberal participants preferred demographic diversity. The
second study assessed participants' attitudes towards the general concept of
diversity without providing a definition of the term the third study aimed to
investigate possible variations in the perceived meaning of "diversity" by
asking participants to judge the relevance of a set of features to diversity.
The divergent political and social media realms where liberals and conservatives
are centered, combined with increased political and affective polarization,
likely accounts for the difference of perspective on both sides, according to
the researchers, who add that the results provide hope for bridging the
liberal-conservative political divide.
Phrases of the day:
1. today I made a great deal of tasks
Сьогодні я зробив багато завдань
2. There is little evidence from research in modern languages that this is the
best way to develop students' fluency or understanding, and there has been a
steady decline in the numbers of students choosing Latin for examination.
"Falling uptake means there is now a moral imperative for us to be open to
different ideas," he said.
Дослідження сучасних мов мало свідчать про те, що це найкращий спосіб розвинути
вільне володіння або розуміння студентів, і спостерігається постійне зниження
кількості студентів, які обирають латинську мову для іспитів.
3. On February 25 2022, a few days from the end of the Southern hemisphere's
summer, a record minimum in Antarctic sea ice extent was set—the first time it
has hit under 2 million square kilometers since launch of satellite observations
of the poles in 1978.
25 лютого 2022 року, через кілька днів після закінчення літа південної півкулі,
було встановлено рекордний мінімум протяжності морського льоду в Антарктиці —
вперше він досяг 2 мільйонів квадратних кілометрів з моменту запуску
супутникових спостережень полюсів у 1978 році.
· #728
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:54)
Today I have read the article «How children are being targeted with hidden ads
on social media».
This article tells us about «content marketing». The main idea of this thing is
to get customers attention to the product of some company or organisation. When
people scroll on social media and see some interesting adverts, they want to
check it out. However, when children use social media, they can see adverts
about cigarettes or alcohol and it is going to make them try it out.
In conclusion, the content marketing has to be safer and not available for
children under 18.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) a few
We needed to take a few precautions before contacting you.
Ми повинні були вжити кількох заходів, перш ніж зв'язатися з вами.
2) a great deal of
In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over many years and
У природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність.
3) a little
We should imagine a wide range of people livening up bread with small quantities
of meat and cheese, or eating pottages of leeks and whole grains with a little
meat thrown in.
Нам слід уявити, що широке коло людей живить хліб невеликою кількістю м’яса та
сиру або їсть картоплю з цибулі-порею та цільного зерна з невеликою кількістю
Voice message:
Homework (на 26.04.22)
I have recently read the article «How cotton was born».
Cotton is a wide-popular and crucial crop used in clothing industry. This plant
is an important element of many economies around the world. However, this
article tells us about how this plant was domesticated by farmers and the
studies made by lots of researchers who try to explore and discover conundrums
about cotton’s genome. One of the biggest achievements is scientists have
discovered that modern cotton is different from cotton domesticated by farmers
thousands years ago.
In my opinion, this kind of studies is necessary for clothing industries,
because it can help improve the quality of clothes.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) partly explained
This decline is partly explained by the downturn in the demand for labour and
the expansion of higher educational capacity.
Цей занепад почасти пояснюється змінами у попиті на робочу силу та збільшенням
попиту на більш кваліфіковану працю.
2) focused on
They focused on three North American regions: the Pacific Northwest, the central
United States, and the Northeast.
Вони зосередилися на трьох північноамериканських регіонах: північно-західній
частині Тихого океану, центральній частині Сполучених Штатів і північному сході.
3) overall goal
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities
for women.
Загальною метою плану дій було сприяння рівним можливостям для жінок.
Voice message:
· #727
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:53)
Class work
Today I read an article titled: "Heavy rains will pose a greater threat to
fire-stricken areas in the West". This article is about a study of the climate
patterns in the western part of the US. Researchers say there is an increased
risk of rainfall that could lead to flooding. They obtained their results using
computer models of past and future climate. Such natural climate changes occur
because of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the experiment,
within five years, 90 per cent of extreme fires will be accompanied by extreme
Phrases of the Day:
1) a great deal of
In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over many years and
У природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність.
2) a little
I would say that our device is a little more perfect.
Я б сказав, що наш апарат трохи досконалий.
3) a few
We have known for a few decades that Mercury harbors water.
Ми вже кілька десятиліть знаємо, що Меркурій містить воду.
Today I have read the article called: " Online calculator shows how trees can
improve air quality and cut health costs" A new interactive online tool is set
to encourage tree planting initiatives across the UK. It calculates how much
pollution would be removed by planting trees in local areas, as well as the
corresponding public health cost savings. The new tool builds on previous
research that CEH and effect carried out for the Office of National Statistics,
which estimated that plants in the UK remove 1.4 million tonnes of air pollution
and save £1 billion in avoided health costs every year.
Phrases of the Day:
1) a great deal of
In a natural forest, a great deal of complexity emerges over many years and
У природному лісі багато років і століть виникає велика складність.
2) a little
I would say that our device is a little more perfect.
Я б сказав, що наш апарат трохи досконалий.
3) a few
We have known for a few decades that Mercury harbors water.
Ми вже кілька десятиліть знаємо, що Меркурій містить воду.
· #726
Shapa L.N. to Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:39)
The essay (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:32) presented was logically and consequently written, completely corresponsds to the topic including in your specialty. Excellent.
· #725
Shapa L.N. to Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Thursday, 21 April 2022)
Both reviews (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 16:58) and (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:05) were written and pronounced without mistakes, correctly narrate the contents of the articles, the tasks Phrases of the Day do not contain voice variants, that's why the works cannot be assessed as excellent.
· #724
Shapa L.N. to Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Thursday, 21 April 2022 10:26)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:32) and (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:33) include all the elements necessary, demonstrate your complete understanding of the contents of the articles you have read. Excellent.
· #723
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 18:14)
Today I read the article about a new research analysis conducted by the
University of Portsmouth, a High Court jury can determine when someone is lying,
even if they are wearing a face mask. It was concluded that face masks do not
interfere with jury decision-making. Facial expressions and other forms of
nonverbal behavior are unreliable indicators of deception, and masking these
actions improves jurors' ability to distinguish truth from lies. I consider it
very good news that the precautions regarding COVID19 will not hurt the trial.
Phrases of the day:
1. Only a few studies
Only a few studies carried out in France, Japan and the United States deal with
the effects of railway noise in schools.
2. demonstrate the feasibility
A pilot initiative will be conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of
decentralized and renewable alternative energy systems.
3. it is clear that
Yet it is clear that significant challenges remain to be addressed.
Today I read the article "#Nomakeup trend fails to discourage the use of
Today, the "no makeup" movement has appeared on social networks, which
encourages women to take selfies without makeup and fall in love with their
natural beauty. The natural beauty movement does not exempt women from cosmetics
cosmetics sales have grown along with the growth of the make-up rejection
I think it is very important to love yourself regardless of whether you have
makeup on or not, you need to do only what you want.
Essay 7. Public Relations.
Public relations (PR) is the set of techniques and strategies related to
managing how information about an individual or company is disseminated to the
public, and especially the media. Its primary goals are to disseminate important
company news or events, maintain a brand image, and put a positive spin on
negative events to minimize their fallout. PR is used to help an organization
cultivate a good relationship with its public and maintaining a positive
relationship with stakeholders is crucial to the success of every organization.
If the public perspective of a company is negative, people will look elsewhere
and avoid using its products or services.
· #722
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 17:56)
Today I read the article with a statement about the effectiveness of Pfizer's
vaccine against a new strain of coronavirus found in South Africa. Scientists
are still studying this new strain, but they assume that it is more contagious,
but the disease with it is not so complicated and should not cause serious
In my opinion, this is great news. In the end, in the third year of the
pandemic, the whole world was pretty tired, and the news about the new strain
caused a negative wave again. I hope everything will be back to normal soon.
Phrases of the day:
1. Focused on
Their recent work focused on actuators for the knee joints.
2. Partly explained
This can be partly explained by an increase in the number of fish surveys.
3. Overall goal
Оur overall goal is to create a catalyst-infused self-cleaning material.
Today I read the article "Canada's Connectivity Gap, Leaving Rural, Remote and
Indigenous Communities even further behind." This highlights the current problem
in Canadian society, there is a certain gap in ties. This fact has many
disadvantages, including poor delivery of education and healthcare to remote and
rural regions. It also hinders the reconciliation of the economy and the low
level of participation of indigenous communities. The authorities plan to
provide ultra-fast communication networks in these communities, assessing
social, economic, and other political problems. As for me, it is now necessary
to have access to the Internet, wherever you are, to improve the quality of life
of those who need it, and integrate the economy of the whole country.
Essay 9. International Security.
To date, a unified approach to the definition of the term "international
security" in the scientific literature has not been developed. In the most
general sense, this concept is defined in the Charter of the United Nations, the
main task of which is to maintain international peace and security. To this end,
to prevent and eliminate threats to the peace, suppress acts of aggression and
other violations of the peace, the UN has the right to take effective collective
measures and by peaceful means, by the principles of international law and
justice, resolve or settle international disputes or situations capable of
disturbing the peace. At the same time, it excludes the violation of world peace
and the creation of any form of threat to the security of people.
International security, ensured by the joint efforts of countries on a global
and/or regional scale, is otherwise called collective security. The collective
security mechanism, the functioning of which is enshrined in the UN Charter, is
an integral part of international security.
· #721
Grodska E. to Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 12:33)
I have read your tasks, they are clear and informative. Well done
· #720
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 12:31)
Dear students, the lesson has started. Read the instruction again and do your module Test. Good luck
· #719
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:51)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #718
Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:32)
Essay (12.04)
«The influence of non-traditional and traditional sources of energy on the
economy of USA»
The energy sector is crucial for economy of all countries without exceptions.
Climate change is a real and imminent threat to the prosperity that many have
now achieved and that millions of people are striving and working for. The world
stands on the threshold of an unprecedented turning point.
The United States of America, a nation of 50 states, occupies a large part of
North America.
In the US, an important energy milestone has been reached: the price of solar
and wind energy has reached the same price as a kilowatt produced by burning
coal or gas in the traditional way. California, for example, wants to get all of
its electricity from renewable sources. According to the law, 50% of electricity
must be generated in this way by 2025, and 60% by 2030. Relative to Latin
America, because of the huge investments in hydroelectric power since the 1960s,
very clean power generation technologies are used compared to the rest of the
world. In fact, almost 56% of the energy produced there comes from renewable
sources, including hydropower.
In the end, the US still has a long way to go towards sustainable energy, but
the global debate that culminated in the approval of the SDG mechanism in
September 2015 solemnly recognised the fact that energy is an important tool for
the sustainable development agenda.
· #717
Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:05)
Phrases of the day:
1. Focused on
- Their recent work focused on actuators for the knee joints.
- Їхня нещодавня робота була зосереджена на приводах для колінних суглобів.
2. Partly explained
- This can be partly explained by an increase in the number of fish surveys.
- Частково це можна пояснити збільшенням кількості виловів риби.
3. Overall goal
- Our overall goal is to create a catalyst-infused self-cleaning material.
- Наша загальна мета — створити самоочисний матеріал, наповнений каталізатором.
I have read an article called «How will climate change affect where
high-elevation Alpine birds live?»
A recent study published in Global Change Biology looked at where
climate-sensitive bird species that depend on high altitude habitats can survive
in the European Alps in the face of climate change. The researchers focused
their analysis on four species: the stone ptarmigan, waterhorse, alpine accentor
and white-winged snowshoe grouse. Knowing how the distribution of high altitude
birds will change and which areas will offer suitable conditions also in the
warmer future is key to the conservation of such sensitive species and the
unique conditions in which they inhabit.
· #716
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 10:48)
Today I have read the article "Variable schedules harm workers and businesses".
In this article, you can learn about variable work schedules and its harm to the
human condition. All the comments about this can be read in the comments to the
research of scientists, which were conducted by doctoral student Hyesook Chung.
The loss of human capital leads to dramatic changes within firms. After reading
the article, we can conclude that having a regular work schedule, a person will
be able to have a stable income, good family relationships and good health.
Phrases of the Day
1.overall goal
The overall goal of this project is to help selected EECCA countries to improve
the quality and effectiveness of municipal water sector services delivered to
their population.
2. partly explained
The growth in the consumer prices may be partly explained by the seasonal food
price increase.
3. focused on
Advertising campaigns are focused on explaining the aim of an ISO 9000 Quality
System as a means of improvement and guarantee of the Certified company.
Today I read an article on "New research examines the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on nuclear safety" This article was very interesting and gave me new
information about the code and the restrictions it has created. The COVID-19
pandemic has had a significant impact on the nuclear sector and its critical
national infrastructure. Problems include increasing absenteeism due to
infections and forced isolation.
· #715
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 06:56)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon. Read the instructions again and do your module Test.
· #714
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E.B.) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 22:20)
Good evening! Today's article of the day very impressed me as it told about the
influence of 5G on human beings' health. It is believed that 5G is a speed
wireless data, which enables advances in self-driving vehicles, virtual reality,
connected health and more as sensors and servers communicate instantly. But more
antennas are needed in order to support the high speed of 5G. That's why many
people are afraid of bad influence on their lives. This statement has been
analyzed and, as a result, scientists have announced that the 5G network is not
dangerous to human health. Vise versa, scientists say that using phones close to
the head is much more dangerous.
Personally I think that 5G network is needed only for big corporations in order
to solve different issues shortly and to connect with world.
Article of the day:
p.s. Unfortunately, today I have no access to Online voice recorder.
Phrases of the day:
1) it is clear that
Yet it is clear that significant challenges remain to be addressed.
2)demonstrate the feasibility
A pilot initiative will be conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of
decentralized and renewable alternative energy systems.
3)only a few studies
Only a few studies carried out in France, Japan and the United States deal with
the effects of railway noise in schools.
· #713
Grodska E. to Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 19:49)
I have read your tasks, they are clear and informative. Well done
· #712
Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 16:58)
Phrases of the day:
1. It is clear that
- It is clear that the pandemic has both presented challenges to the delivery of
nuclear security.
- Зрозуміло, що пандемія створила проблеми для забезпечення ядерної безпеки.
2. Only a few studies
- It does acknowledge that only a few studies have looked at the frequencies to
be used by 5G.
- Він визнає, що лише кілька досліджень розглядали частоти, які
використовуватиме 5G.
3. Demonstrate the feasibility
- Researchers demonstrate feasibility of collaborative energy transactions.
- Він визнає, що лише кілька досліджень розглядали частоти, які
використовуватиме 5G.
I have read an article called «Researchers demonstrate feasibility of
collaborative energy transactions via blockchain». The overall vision for the
future of the country's energy system includes selling homeowners unused energy
generated from rooftop solar panels to help ensure the reliability, resilience
and security of the energy system that everyone uses. Several new solutions for
this opportunity are based on blockchain technology. Its main value is to
provide mathematical proof of data state so that the different parties to a
transaction can agree on the outcome, even if they do not know or trust each
· #711
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 15:04)
Today I have read the article "Variable schedules harm workers and businesses".
In this article, you can learn about variable work schedules and its harm to the
human condition. All the comments about this can be read in the comments to the
research of scientists, which were conducted by doctoral student Hyesook Chung.
The loss of human capital leads to dramatic changes within firms. After reading
the article, we can conclude that having a regular work schedule, a person will
be able to have a stable income, good family relationships and good health.
Phrases of the Day
1) It is clear that
It is clear that the pandemic has both presented challenges to the delivery of
nuclear security
2) demonstrates the feasibility
Researchers demonstrate feasibility of collaborative energy transactions via
3) only a few studies
Only a few previous studies have reported the presence of an increased amount of
iron in corroded areas of concrete
Today I have read the article"A New Company With a Wild Mission: Bring Back the
Woolly Mammoth" .Colossal will spend $ 15 million on resurrection of mammoths
Experts will begin to recreate embryos with mammoth DNA, crossing them with the
DNA of Asian elephants, which are in the red book. To bring the ancient giant's
DNA back to life, scientists are going to compare their genomes with those of
today's elephants.
The result should be an elephant that is cold-resistant and that looks and
behaves like a mammoth.
I think this is a very interesting and dangerous project and I will be happy to
follow the development of events.
· #710
Borysenko (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 14:56)
Vakalyuk,IZ-211 Your comments are rather nice. I would advise you to read your
voice messages before recording it to avoid mispronouncing some words. Good luck
· #709
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 11:15)
Today i have read the article which called "How do we know what emotions animals
feel?". In this article was talking about the emotions of animals and how they
can be recognized. For example, a dog gives a protective bark, sensing a nearby
stranger, a cat slinks by disdainfully, ignoring anyone and everyone. Findings
from research could drive changes in how we treat the animals in our care.
Researchers can make scientific inferences about how an animal feels based on
observable clues from physiology or behavior. In general, this article was
fascinating i recommend read it for everyone.
Today I have read the article which called "Hackers are attacking power
companies, stealing critical data". It tells about an ongoing hacking campaign
in which attackers have infiltrated a network of energy companies and others to
steal details of their management systems. It has long been known that
government hackers seek access to critical infrastructure. Hackers start by
attacking small companies with a low security level and move on to large
companies with a high level of security. Firstly, they identify targets and
after this, they try to get information about a user, which then can be used in
different ways.
Phrases of the Day
1) It is clear that
It is clear that the pandemic has both presented challenges to the delivery of
nuclear security
2) demonstrates the feasibility
Researchers demonstrate feasibility of collaborative energy transactions via
3) only a few studies
Only a few previous studies have reported the presence of an increased amount of
iron in corroded areas of concrete.
Essay 5: Global Perspective.
A global perspective means being open to new ideas, issues and solutions. Often
times, it even means being open to changing the way you do things if you find a
new system that works better. It means being culturally sensitive and willing to
learn from others. Having a global perspective enables you to learn from others,
and can open up your business to new opportunities. It can also help you grow in
new ways. Further training to ensure that business leaders can effectively make
decisions within a leadership role is top of mind for management, according to
· #708
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:33)
Today I have read the article about how to convert plastic trash into clean
hydrogen fuel.Pollution with plastic waste is widespread in the world, which is
very harmful to the environment.Therefore, scientists from Nanyang Technological
University have developed a new method for recycling plastic.This method is
based on the conversion of waste plastic into hydrogen using pyrolysis.Thanks to
this research, contaminated plastic, which is very difficult to recycle, can
turn into hydrogen, which is needed to generate electricity.And for fuel cells
that are used to power electric vehicles
Phrases of the day
1)(It is clear that) It is clear that the pandemic has both presented challenges
to the delivery of nuclear security
(Зрозуміло, що)Зрозуміло, що пандемія створила проблеми задля забезпечення
фізичної ядерної безпеки.
2)(only a few studies) only a few studies have looked at the frequencies to be
used by 5G.
(лише у кількох дослідженнях)лише у кількох дослідженнях розглядалися частоти,
які використовуватимуться 5G.
3)(demonstrates the feasibility)The new project demonstrates the feasibility of
agreements to install solar panels
(демонструє здійсненність)Новий проект демонструє здійсненність домовленостей
щодо встановлення сонячних батарей
· #707
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:32)
Today I`ve read the article about Is there a health risk in 5-G networks.
In times of technological progress, some people wonder if any innovation is
harmful to health, in this case 5-G networks.Due to the fact that 5G
communications don`t extend through the walls of houses and their range is
limited, more antenna sources will be required to expand this network.Because of
this, people have anxiety about the possible damage to their health.The World
Health Organization says that there is no reason to panic, and after a long
study of all technologies, no sources have been identified that could harm a
phrases of the day
1)(only a few studies)Only a few previous studies have reported the presence of
an increased amount of iron in corroded areas of concrete.
(Лише у кількох дослідженнях)Лише у кількох попередніх дослідженнях
повідомлялося про наявність підвищеної кількості заліза у корродованих ділянках
2)(demonstrate the feasibility)-Researchers demonstrate feasibility of
collaborative energy transactions via blockchain
(демонструють можливість)-Дослідники демонструють можливість спільних
енергетичних транзакцій через блокчейн ,
3)(it is clear that)it is not yet clear about what time scales a material needs
to learn for it to be useful in electrical systems.
(Ясно те,що)Поки неясно, у яких тимчасових масштабах матеріал повинен вивчитися,
щоб його можна було використовувати в електричних системах.
· #706
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:27)
The review (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:05) was written and pronounced perfectly and can be assessed as excellent.
· #705
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:05)
I have read the article “Next stop: A transport system accessible for all”.
Firstly, the article talks about improving Europe's transport system.
Researchers in the Netherlands recently made an important discovery by surveying
disabled commuters. They found that city-wide improvements will help people with
disabilities visit any location without a problem. Moreover, scientists are
rolling out case studies in seven pilot cities: Brussels, Bologna, Cagliari,
Lisbon, Sofia, Stockholm and Zagreb.
In conclusion, I want to say that this study will help people with disabilities
around the world to improve their standard of living.
Phrases of the Day:
1) attempts to solve;
There's no need to attempt to solve problems that don't currently exist, in lieu
of serious ones that do.
Немає потреби намагатися вирішувати проблеми, яких зараз немає, замість
серйозних, які існують.
2) focused on;
The chief executive of the company attributes their success to focused
Виконавчий директор компанії пояснює їхній успіх цілеспрямованим маркетингом.
3) different aspects on;
There are two different meanings to the adverbial phrase when changing between
these prepositions.
Прислівникова фраза має два різні значення при зміні між цими прийменниками.
· #704
debt 0,4-0,4 Novitskiy Jenya. ID-211 Tomenko (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 10:04)
Today I read an article on "New research examines the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on nuclear safety" This article was very interesting and gave me new
information about the code and the restrictions it has created. The COVID-19
pandemic has had a significant impact on the nuclear sector and its critical
national infrastructure. Problems include increasing absenteeism due to
infections and forced isolation. This has made it difficult to provide security
in an environment where threats are constantly evolving, both from criminals who
take advantage of imaginary weaknesses and as a by-product of the wider
uncertainty caused by the pandemic.
· #703
Shapa L.N. to Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 09:53)
The message (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 08:31) contains two reviews of the articles you have read, the first one presents all the elements necessary, was written and pronounced excellently, the second one regrettably does not include the task Phrases of the Day. The essay completely correcponds to your specialty.
· #702
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 08:35)
At the moment, mobile games have begun to gain popularity, and computer games
have begun to fade into the background for many. Many mobile games are free to
download and therefore rely on a large number of users to spend a small amount
of money on things such as extra lives, virtual clothing or items that enhance
gaming abilities. According to proponents, playing mobile games can improve
mood, increase brain function, and create a sense of camaraderie. I recommend
reading this article to understand the differentiating points in this industry.
· #701
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 08:31)
Today i have read the article which called "How do we know what emotions animals
feel?". In this article was talking about the emotions of animals and how they
can be recognized. For example, a dog gives a protective bark, sensing a nearby
stranger, a cat slinks by disdainfully, ignoring anyone and everyone. Findings
from research could drive changes in how we treat the animals in our care.
Researchers can make scientific inferences about how an animal feels based on
observable clues from physiology or behavior. In general, this article was
fascinating i recommend read it for everyone.
Phrases of The Day
1) only a few studies
Only a few studies carried out in France, Japan and the United States deal with
the effects of railway noise in schools.
2) demonstrate the feasibility
A pilot initiative will be conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of
decentralized and renewable alternative energy systems.
3) it is clear that
Yet it is clear that significant challenges remain to be addressed
Today I have read the article which called "Autonomous robot that interacts with
humans using natural language and vision processing". In this article was
talking about creating an autonomous robot that can interact with people and the
environment.This robot could help self-driving cars communicate with passengers
and pedestrians or could complete small-scale tasks in a business place such as
delivering mail. But the problem is that the job requires intuition as a person
in order for him to understand the rules of navigation. In general this article
was cool, I think if you are into that kind of topic - you should read it.
Essay Theme: 1. Social Communication.
Social communication is the exchange between people of integral symbolic
messages, which reflect information, knowledge, ideas, emotions, etc. Social
Communication refers to language that is used in social situations. This refers
to a child's ability to use language to interact with others in a variety of
situations. Social communication is important in order to be able to build
social relationships with other people. It is also important academically, as
many curriculum based activities rely on working in groups and communication
between peers. When communication occurs, it typically happens in one of three
ways: verbal, nonverbal and visual.
· #700
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 08:23)
I have read the article “Quantum teleportation”.
Teleportation may be a concept usually reserved for science fiction, but
researchers have demonstrated that it can be used to avoid loss in communication
channels on the quantum level. The team have highlighted the issues around
inherent loss that occurs across every form of communication channel and
discovered a mechanism that can reduce that loss. This study was the first to
demonstrate an error reduction method that improved the performance of a
Summing up, we can say that quantum teleportation is quite possible, and now
scientists are doing everything to make a successful quantum transfer as soon as
Phrases of the day:
1.Only a few studies
Only a few studies carried out in France, Japan and the United States deal with
the effects of railway noise in schools.
2. demonstrate the feasibility
A pilot initiative will be conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of
decentralized and renewable alternative energy systems. is clear that
Yet it is clear that significant challenges remain to be addressed.
· #699
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 07:45)
The message (Monday, 18 April 2022 19:52) containts three reviews of the articles you have read, which perfectly reflect their contents, were written ad pronounced without mistakes, but they do not include the task Phrases of the Day which is obligatory for this kind independent student works.
· #698
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 07:13)
The messege (Monday, 18 April 2022 19:52) containts three reviews of the articles you have read, which perfectly reflect their contents, were written ad pronounced without mistakes, but they do not include the task Phrases of the Day which is obligatory for this kind independent student works.
· #697
Shapa L.N. to Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 07:05)
reviews (Monday, 18 April 2022 14:01) and (Monday, 18 April 2022 14:14)
could be estinated excellently - they were written and ptonounced without
mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct, but they do not
contain the voice variant of the task.
· #696
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E.B.) (Monday, 18 April 2022 22:25)
Good day! Today I have read the article which consists from some rules of how to
focus on studying. To begin with, every student knows that the beginning of the
educational year always seems interesting and inspiring. All students and
lecturers are full of strength and energy to achieve great things. But,
unfortunately, by the middle of the semester, each student looks like "Oh my
God, when this study will over" and the only think which you want to do is to
sleep, sleep a lot. If you wish to avoid a such situation, there are a few tips
on how to keep yourself in good shape throughout the educational year, like the
best athlete does sport every day.
1.Make a plan.
2.Create a relaxed study environment
3.Take regular breaks.
4.Don’t get distracted by social media.
5.Drink plenty of water and eat well.
6.Reward yourself.
7.Don’t do all-nighters, you will regret it!
With the help of above rules you can decide what is more important and make a
personal study plan and hobbies. So, go ahead!
Article of the day:
Phrases of the day:
1)focused on
It also focused on remaining challenges.
2)different aspects of
Indicators and data collection are two different aspects of
3)attempts to solve
Attempts to solve transportation problems inherent to large cities have been
observed in most of the world's megalopolises since the second half of the 20th
· #695
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 18 April 2022 19:52)
I have read the article “Quantum teleportation”.
Teleportation may be a concept usually reserved for science fiction, but
researchers have demonstrated that it can be used to avoid loss in communication
channels on the quantum level. The team have highlighted the issues around
inherent loss that occurs across every form of communication channel and
discovered a mechanism that can reduce that loss. This study was the first to
demonstrate an error reduction method that improved the performance of a
Summing up, we can say that quantum teleportation is quite possible, and now
scientists are doing everything to make a successful quantum transfer as soon as
I have read the article “Black and female principal candidates more likely to
experience delayed and denied promotions”.
Black and female assistant principals are systematically delayed and denied
promotion to principal, compared to their White or male counterparts, despite
having equivalent qualifications and more experience on average, according to a
new study. In the course of the study, it was revealed that even in educational
institutions there is gender inequality when choosing a candidate for the role
of director. Women took more time to move up the career ladder and were less
In conclusion, I want to say that gender inequality should not exist in our
I have read the article:” 5 tools to help your remote-work business click”.
Pre-pandemic, working from home was often considered a perk rather than a
requirement. But once COVID-19 struck, many companies shifted to a remote-first
work environment—a change that's now permanent in some cases. After conducting
research, it became known that on average, 52% of all workers, including 72% of
those in white-collar occupations and 14% in blue-collar occupations, performed
their job remotely for all or part of the time from October 2020 to April 2021.
Based on the research, apps and digital tools were derived in 5 areas for
optimization yours telework setup: Instant messaging, videoconferencing,
scheduling, Project management systems and Data storage.
· #694
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 18 April 2022 18:42)
Задолженность за 04.04
Almost all people have some kind of phobia, because fear is a protective
reaction of our body. There are hundreds of different phobias, the most common
being social phobia, claustrophobia, arachnophobia. People who have phobias
often feel disgust, fear, headache, but sometimes they cannot explain their
feelings from the phobia. Many phobias are confirmed by the analyzes of
psychologists or doctors. According to statistics, people who do not have an old
man have psychological deviations, because a healthy person must have a
protective reaction from external factors. The article helps to learn about
various phobias and their features
Phrases of the day:
1)large enough for
The slit is just large enough for the dish and treat to pass through.
2)interesting to note that
In the course of this research, they discovered a new phenomenon
3) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that the mechanism described is a very similar
adaptation, and that it has arisen independently
At the moment, mobile games have begun to gain popularity, and computer games
have begun to fade into the background for many. Many mobile games are free to
download and therefore rely on a large number of users to spend a small amount
of money on things such as extra lives, virtual clothing or items that enhance
gaming abilities. According to proponents, playing mobile games can improve
mood, increase brain function, and create a sense of camaraderie. I recommend
reading this article to understand the differentiating points in this industry.
· #693
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.15,04,22 (Monday, 18 April 2022 17:50)
phrases of the day
1 This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and
makes the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater
treatment plants, he says.
( Це усуває попередню проблему, притаманну великомасштабному виробництву, і
робить процес доступним для використання на великих об’єктах, таких як очисні
споруди, каже він.)
2 Mijbil adds that the paper's second main finding is the revelation that the
sequence is proportional to molecular deformation, with the highest molecular
deformation leading to the highest charge transfer.( Міджбіл додає, що другим
основним висновком статті є відкриття, що послідовність пропорційна молекулярній
деформації, причому найвища молекулярна деформація призводить до найвищого
переносу заряду.)
3 'm in a quandary as to how to deal with the problem.( Я в бентезі, як
впоратися з проблемою.)
· #692
Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 18 April 2022 14:14)
Phrases of the Day:
1. Attempts to solve
- The quantum version of annealing attempts to solve this problem by digging
tunnels through the barriers for the hope of finding deeper valleys.
- Квантовая версия отжига пытается решить эту проблему, прорывая туннели через
барьеры в надежде найти более глубокие долины.
2. Focused on
- A team from Saudi Arabia has focused on one particular aspect of plagiarism.
- Команда из Саудовской Аравии сосредоточилась на одном конкретном аспекте
3. Different aspects on
- With this "genomic time machine," researchers can predict aspects of reef and
ocean ecosystems through hundreds of millions of years of dramatic evolutionary
- С помощью этой "геномной машины времени" исследователи могут предсказать
аспекты рифовых и океанических экосистем через сотни миллионов лет резких
эволюционных изменений.
I have read an article called «The gift of identity: Transforming lives with
iris recognition technology».
The peculiarity of the iris pattern is that it contains a lot of randomness,
making each one very unique. The idea that the iris can be used as a fingerprint
goes back to 1949, when a British ophthalmologist noted what an incredibly rich
and complex pattern the iris reveals. In 2011, the Unique Identification
Authority of India (UIDAI) launched a biometric national identification
programme called Aadhaar, which used IrisCode technology. Nearly the entire
population of 1.3 billion people is now enrolled.
· #691
Elizabeth Gavrish IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 18 April 2022 14:01)
Phrases of the Day:
1. By outlining
- The study contributes to this process by providing some human rights
considerations and frameworks and by outlining a methodology.
- Це дослідження сприяє цьому процесу, забезпечуючи деякі міркування та основи з
погляду прав людини та викладаючи відповідну методологію.
2. Сlassified as
- Foreigners classified as illegal migrants and awaiting expulsion were held in
special detention facilities.
- Іноземці, які були класифіковані як нелегальні мігранти та очікують на
висилку, перебувають у спеціальних місцях тримання під вартою.
3. Beyond the scope of
- The lasting solution to this problem goes well beyond the scope of this
- Довгострокове вирішення цієї проблеми виходить далеко за межі сфери охоплення
цієї доповіді.
I have read an article called «US calls for 'global effort' to combat
cybercrime». A US Treasury official has called for a global effort to combat
cyberattacks and prevent criminals holding computer systems for ransom. It is
important that this is not only done in the United States, but that a global
effort is made because many of these cyber criminals reside outside the country.
I think their goal is to keep payments out of the hands of criminal actors. It
turns out that Treasury sanctions work by blocking targets - individuals,
government officials or companies. Treasury report shows that the use of
sanctions has increased tenfold over the past two decades.
· #690
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 18 April 2022 13:44)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français. Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #689
Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:58)
To Vakalyuk,IZ-211. Pls be more attentive to avoid making mistakes in your written comments (the first sentence in the classwork and the last but one sentence in your homework).Why no voice messages of the comments? It is a must! Mind it !
· #688
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:38)
Phrases of the day:
1. focused on
It also focused on remaining challenges.
2.different aspects of
Indicators and data collection are two different aspects of
3. attempts to solve
Attempts to solve transportation problems inherent to large cities have been
observed in most of the world's megalopolises since the second half of the 20th
The article is titled "Working in a Crowded, Unstable Journalism Entranceway:
Perceptions of Journalism Interns." The author of the article is Mirjam
Gollmitzer. The main idea of the article is to investigate the problems of young
interns in the field of journalism. Interns face problems such as long,
unpredictable work hours, lack of mentoring and training. In general, thanks to
the article, we understand the importance of internships and the need to modify
the process and make it more comfortable for students. I find the article useful
for people working in educational institutions and various publications that
accept interns.
· #687
Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:33)
To Arhunova,IZ-212. Don't forget to use Present Perfect in the first sentence! Your voice message is still rather poor. Good luck
· #686
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:30)
Phrases of the day:
1. It lacks precision as to its implementation.
2. The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the
surface area of the housing unit.
3. Few further attempts have been made to estimate overall expenditure because
of the problems inherent in doing so.
Journalism is a dynamic and challenging career path that offers you various job
opportunities, which range from working for a newspaper to becoming a broadcast
journalist. If you're interested in becoming a journalist, narrowing your search
allows you to focus on positions that best match your skills and expectations.
Learning about different kinds of journalism is a great way to determine which
specialisation may be great for you. In this article, we explain why it's
important to understand different specialisations in journalism, explore six
common types of journalism and give you additional tips for pursuing this
· #685
Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:28)
To Lebid,IZ-211. Never use long sentences as your first sentence because there is a wrong word-order. Mind it. Good luck.
· #684
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:21)
A very common stereotype is that men don't gossip or rumors. But looking at the
statistics of real studies, 55% of men and 67% of women spend time on
“discussing socially significant topics.” Rumors are not always in a negative
form, approximately 15%, but also in a positive form, 9%. Despite the minimal
statistics of all analyzed conversations, for the most part, all rumors are a
banal waste of time and discussion. Each person discusses someone and draws his
own conclusions about each, but in what form will these statements take? It
already depends on the person.
Phrases of the day:
1. for its own sake
If you do something for its own sake, you do it because it is interesting and
2.from this perspective
From this perspective, Taiwan's democratic traditions can only grow stronger.
3.general agreement on
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Some people have a fear of clowns, but what does it have to do with it? Many
psychologists explain this phobia as a fear of distortions of true emotions, the
unknown behind the mask or makeup. Many people with this phobia have similar
symptoms: headache, palpitations, loss of consciousness. This phobia should not
be underestimated and it is worth helping a person with similar problems. Also a
shock to many people during the period of popular horror stories about clowns,
some of which are based on real events. Unfortunately, most people are
embarrassed by this phobia.
Phrases of the day:
1.for its own sake
if something is done for its own sake, it is done for the value of the
experience itself
2.from this perspective
From this perspective, the decision of the government not to adhere
3.general agreement on
GATT was an agreement with economic objectives
· #683
Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:21)
To Gaydarzhi,IZ-212. There are some mistakes in your written comments (the first sentences in both comments). Your voice messages are full of mispronounced words, try to improve it. Good luck
· #682
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:09)
Your commentary is quite good, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #681
Grodska E. to Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:07)
I have read your tasks, they are well written and informative. Continue working
· #680
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:51)
Class work (2) 28.03.22
Слово дня: lay the foundations
Ссылка на статью:
Today I have read the article “Google tracks your movements, like it or not”,
the article was written by Ryan Nakashima. In this article we can read that an
Associated Press investigation found that many Google services on Android
devices and iPhones store your location data even if you've used a privacy
setting that says it will prevent Google from doing so. The privacy issue
affects some two billion users of devices. After reading this article, I
concluded that we must be prepared for the fact that our right to
confidentiality may not always be preserved and respected
· #679
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022)
Name: History of the media
Today I have read the article "History of the media". First the author writes
about the emergence of newspapers, surprisingly, they appeared more than 300
years ago. In the 1800s in the U.S., the educational system was improved, more
people learned to read, respectively, the demand for newspapers increased. I
want to emphasize that the content of newspapers also expanded, and now there
were not only news, but also articles by the author on social issues. Towards
the end of the 1900s, newspapers lost their popularity, because television was
introduced, people had less time to read. I recommend reading this interesting
1) as to
It lacks precision as to its implementation.
2) problem inherent in
Conflict manifests a complex set of political, economic, social and cultural
problems inherent in our societies.
3) proportional to
The required degree of care is proportional to the degree of hazard involved.
Name: VR kit from Microsoft.
Today І read the article about "VR kіt from Microsoft" from thіs artіcle І
learned that іt іs a potentіal competіtor to Google Cardboard іn the fіeld of
vіrtual realіty. Wіth theіr inventіon, Mіcrosoft wants to draw the attentіon of
developers to the future hackathon іn whіch the company's VR kits wіll be. The
company claіms that the user can іnsert theіr smartphone іnto the box, brіng іt
to the face, thus creatіng a vіrtual realіty helmet. Unlіke the Google
Cardboard, the Mіcrosoft VR Kіt has a camera cutout. The company has thought of
VR programs that can use the camera to create augmented realіty, where vіrtual
objects are superіmposed on the real envіronment around us.
· #678
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:50)
Class work (1) 28.03.22
Слово дня: lay the foundations
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read an article on "Using the Rubik’s Cube to improve and evaluate
manipulation of robots" which analyzes learning how to manipulate the Rubik cube
can be very difficult for robots, Jan and his colleagues believe that the
accumulation of errors is a key issue affecting the performance of robots in
successive manipulations. Since the Rubik’s Cube includes sequential
manipulations, they suggest using a puzzle to evaluate robot manipulation skills
and compare them with those of other robotic systems. Manipulation of Rubik’s
cubes requires sufficient accuracy, especially in long sequences of
manipulation,” Yang said. “Therefore, a robot capable of correctly and quickly
manipulating the Rubik’s cube indicates high performance of manipulation.
· #677
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:49)
Name: EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on risky uses
Today I have read the article “EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on
risky uses”. It is about conversation which took place in spring, people
discussed significant questions, like what kind of dangerous situations AI could
cause if it hasn’t got border. For example, facial recognition is able to find
missing or wanting people, but also it undermines people’s freedom if
authorities use AI in this cases. However, it would take few years to regulate
all aspects of the process of using in every sphere of life for every person. To
my mind, it is complicated enough, but also useful and something to what people
should pay attention, as all we know technologies innovate super fast.
1) as to
We have serious doubts as to their effectiveness.
2) problem inherent in
In children, differential diagnosis is more difficult because of the problems
inherent in getting infants to cooperate with a full eye movement investigation.
3) proportional to
Stars oscillation is inversely proportional to the square root of its density.
Exam topic #5
Public relations
In my opinion, PR today has a huge impact on society. Public relations play an
important role in the life of society, gradually expanding among the masses.
Many are very skeptical about PR activities, so to speak, they lead to a common
comb of black PR. The public is not always able to distinguish white PR from
black, for the simple reason that many do not know about the ownership of other
subtypes, and mistaking it for advertising. I think that PR, at this moment in
the life of society, takes and plays a big role and has a huge impact on the
· #676
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:49)
Journalism is a dynamic and challenging career path that offers you various job
opportunities, which range from working for a newspaper to becoming a broadcast
journalist. If you're interested in becoming a journalist, narrowing your search
allows you to focus on positions that best match your skills and expectations.
Learning about different kinds of journalism is a great way to determine which
specialisation may be great for you. In this article, we explain why it's
important to understand different specialisations in journalism, explore six
common types of journalism and give you additional tips for pursuing this
Phrases of the day:
1. It lacks precision as to its implementation.
2. The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the
surface area of the housing unit.
3. Few further attempts have been made to estimate overall expenditure because
of the problems inherent in doing so.
Exam topic (2)
International communication.
Global or international communication is the development and sharing of
information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in international settings
and contexts. It is a broad field that incorporates multiple disciplines of
communication, including intercultural, political, health, media, crisis, social
advocacy, and integrated marketing communications, to name just a few.
Individuals with a degree in global communication might find employment in
advertising and marketing, public relations, international journalism, foreign
service, politics and lobbying, publishing, online media, entertainment, or any
other industry with an international focus.
· #675
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:48)
Today I've read the article about camping is a very popular form of living
outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature
or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your
own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.
Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they
visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active
sports like mountain biking or just simply relax.
as to
as to whether
proportional to
proportional to progression
problems inherent in
problems inherent in smoking person
Today I've read an article about Ancient Egypt, one of history's first
civilizations arose around the Nile River about 5,000 years ago. It lasted for
over 2,000 years. The Nile River was the centre of Ancient Egypt. The annual
floods brought rich black soil to the banks of the Nile River and made it
possible for farmers to grow crops. The river was also Egypt's main
transportation route. The ancient Egyptians discovered many things. They
invented the first kind of paper from the papyrus plant and were the first
people to write in pictures, called hieroglyphs. But they became most famous for
building stone structures, called pyramids, in which they buried their pharaohs.
· #674
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:43)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck
· #673
Shapa L.N. to the IM-191 group students (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:39)
The modul lesson will start in a minute, I'm waiting for your modul tests
· #672
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:32)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, I am waiting for your active work. If you have
debts, it is high time to post them.
· #671
Grodska E. to Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:31)
Your commentary is clear and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. And your exam topic is well written. Continue working
· #670
Grodska E. to Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:29)
I have read your tasks, they are quite correct and informative. Well done
· #669
Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:19)
To group IZ-211. Thanks for your test papers. Antipov, Sebov and Vakalyuk don't forget that you have a lot of debts. Good luck
· #668
Grodska E. to Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:18)
Your commentary is good and informative, but mind the correct use of the articles a/the. Good luck
· #667
Grodska E. to Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:17)
Your commentary is quite good. The tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct. Continue working
· #666
Slobodzian Kyrylo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:11)
L -
1. Key measure
2. Ultimately threaten food security
3. Aggregate labour productivity increases
4. full potential of private enterprise
5. to be oriented towards ensuring
G - 9
1. to
2. C
3. s
4. Of
5. D
6. Of
7. On
8. To
9. has
10. To
T - 1
1. Самостоятельно принимают все хозяйственные решения
2. наименования индивидуального предприятия
3. Без образования юридического лица
4. Установленного законом о республиканском бюджете
5. Получения части прибыли акционерного общества
6. Налог на добавленную стоимость
· #665
Victor Vakalyuk IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:10)
свободу прессе
с ними
свободу печати
· #664
Antipov IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:00)
1. Article
2. Offers
3. Column
4. Investigate
5. Freelance
6. Watchdog
1. Are
2. That
3. Be
4. Used
5. Is
1. Сообщения опровергли
2. Обострять конфликты
3. Не было
4. В заблуждение
5. Для соавторов
· #663
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:59)
1. Textual
2. Blogging
3. Consisting
4. Recent
5. Occasionally
6. Allowing
1. Has
2. Were
3. Was
4. Under
5. A
1. На сайті
3. Відкритих джерелах
4. Його початку
5. Режимі онлайн
· #662
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:55)
The article is titled "Working in a Crowded, Unstable Journalism Entranceway:
Perceptions of Journalism Interns." The author of the article is Mirjam
Gollmitzer. The main idea of the article is to investigate the problems of young
interns in the field of journalism. Interns face problems such as long,
unpredictable work hours, lack of mentoring and training. In general, thanks to
the article, we understand the importance of internships and the need to modify
the process and make it more comfortable for students. I find the article useful
for people working in educational institutions and various publications that
accept interns.
Phrases of the Day
1. as to
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
2. problems inherent in
The Government was examining ways to prevent the problems inherent in such
segregation and to stop its spread.
3. proportional to
The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the
surface area of the housing unit.
Exam topic (№2)
International Communication.
International communication is an integral part of our lives. In everyday life
we may encounter this type of communication in travel, in business projects, in
the political arena and simply in communication with foreign friends and
colleagues. In order to maintain good communication with people of another
nationality, it is necessary to know at least a little about their culture. You
need to pay attention to such things as: the acceptable distance, the
acceptability of tactility, the acceptability of various expressions and jokes.
What is considered normal for your people may be considered an insult to Germans
or Arabs, and so on. In general, before visiting a foreign country, read up on
the Internet about their customs and norms of behavior.
· #661
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:39)
A journalist's work is called journalism. For example, a sports journalist
covers news within the world of sports, but this journalist may be a part of a
newspaper that covers many different topics. A journalist is a person who
collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the
public. However, most journalists tend to specialize, and by cooperating with
other journalists, produce journals that span many topics. A journalist can work
with general issues or specialize in certain issues. The information-gathering
part of a journalist's job is sometimes called reporting, in contrast to the
production part of the job such as writing articles. These platforms often
project extreme bias, as 'sources' are not always held accountable or considered
necessary in order to produce a written, televised or otherwise 'published' end
product. This has become more prevalent with the advent of social media and
blogs, as well as other platforms that are used to manipulate or sway social and
political opinions and policies.
G4 100%
The field of journalism remains a critical area for building partnerships for
the Organization.
His fields of research are: journalism for human development, mass media and the
rights of the child.
During his arrest, the complainant was interrogated by the authorities on the
subject of his journalistic activities for approximately 14 hours.
Journalists have repeatedly called the institution a "personal army of
Trukhanov", they reported about obstruction of journalistic activities and
Therefore, there are no grounds stemming from the courts' decisions that would
prevent the author from exercising journalistic activity or any other gainful
T5 100%
The large media corporations continued to play a dominant role, hindering the
dissemination of objective information.
Крупные медийные корпорации по-прежнему играют доминирующую роль, препятствуя
распространению объективной информации. :-)
This requires news media to rely on sketch artists for illustrations of the
Это заставляет средства массовой информации положиться на
художников-зарисовщиков для иллюстрирования заседания. :-)
I guess receptionist doesn't translate to new media.
Похоже, что секретарь приемной уже не подходит для современных СМИ. :-)
A new Media Law is currently being elaborated.
В настоящее время ведется работа над новым законом о средствах массовой
информации. :-)
An international media coalition legitimizing you as a news organization.
Международную коалицию СМИ, признающую вас в качестве новостной организации. :-)
· #660
Sebov Stanislav IZ-211 Borysenko (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:38)
Журналистика |Journalism
Read and choose the correct word for each space:
Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.
covers current issues opinions produce span
A journalist's work is called journalism. For example, a sports journalist
covers news within the world of sports, but this journalist may be a part of a
newspaper that covers many different topics. A journalist is a person who
collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information to the
public. However, most journalists tend to specialize, and by cooperating with
other journalists, produce journals that span many topics. A journalist can work
with general issues or specialize in certain issues. The information-gathering
part of a journalist's job is sometimes called reporting, in contrast to the
production part of the job such as writing articles. These platforms often
project extreme bias, as 'sources' are not always held accountable or considered
necessary in order to produce a written, televised or otherwise 'published' end
product. This has become more prevalent with the advent of social media and
blogs, as well as other platforms that are used to manipulate or sway social and
political opinions and policies.
Журналистика |Journalism
Read and choose the correct word for each space:
Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.
The field of journalism remains a critical area for building partnerships for
the Organization.
His fields of research are: journalism for human development, mass media and the
rights of the child.
During his arrest, the complainant was interrogated by the authorities on the
subject of his journalistic activities for approximately 14 hours.
Journalists have repeatedly called the institution a "personal army of
Trukhanov", they reported about obstruction of journalistic activities and
Therefore, there are no grounds stemming from the courts' decisions that would
prevent the author from exercising journalistic activity or any other gainful
The large media corporations continued to play a dominant role, hindering the
dissemination of objective information.
Крупные медийные корпорации по-прежнему играют доминирующую роль, препятствуя
распространению объективной информации. :-)
This requires news media to rely on sketch artists for illustrations of the
Это заставляет средства массовой информации положиться на
художников-зарисовщиков для иллюстрирования заседания. :-)
I guess receptionist doesn't translate to new media.
Похоже, что секретарь приемной уже не подходит для современных СМИ. :-)
A new Media Law is currently being elaborated.
В настоящее время ведется работа над новым законом о средствах массовой
информации. :-)
An international media coalition legitimizing you as a news organization.
Международную коалицию СМИ, признающую вас в качестве новостной организации. :-)
· #659
Bortnik Suzanna Iz-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:35)
1-новостных статей;
2-для ссылок ;
3-самые обсуждаемые;
4-новостного журнала;
5-насыщенности программ;
· #658
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:33)
I have read an article on the topic "Swear words and slurs - what's offensive on
TV and radio?". It often happens that a person, expressing his emotions, can use
obscenities or raise his voice, but many people do not particularly like to
swear and certainly do not want to hear swearing in their free radio or
television programs. If you are that type of person, then you can file a
Concluding, I want to say that we should all respect each other and should not
swear with people, especially on the air or radio, because someone may not like
Phrases of the day
1) Has published books and articles on different aspects of social welfare.
2) The review focused on the national level.
3) All his attempts to solve domestic problems are aimed at consolidation of the
Topic: Journalism History
We live in difficult, but at the same time very interesting times. There is a
lot of fascinating information around us. Thanks to journalism, we learn a lot
of new things every day. This profession is one of the oldest.
If we talk about journalism in the USA, the history of American newspapers
begins in the early 18th century. Newspapers were at first a modest business in
defense of USA independence. By 1900, newspapers became popular and every
American read several newspapers a day.
Concluding, I want to say that journalism plays an important role not only in
our time, but also in the past.
· #657
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:30)
Title: International communication
Today I have researched some scientific articles.
The development of international communication leads to the expansion of
democratization processes and growing international tensions between the world's
leading actors. International communication has a significant impact on foreign
policy. The growing political importance of international communication is
influencing the restructuring of world politics. International communications
contribute to the spread of influence in the international environment, the
solution of geopolitical problems, the formation of a new architecture of the
modern system of international relations.
In conclusion, new information and communication technologies open up prospects
in international communication.
· #656
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:29)
Title: "Student journalists ask: Is objectivity becoming obsolete?"
Today I have read the article about objectivity.
There is a completely different approach to journalistic objectivity among the
younger generation of journalists and among student journalists. Reporters are
not allowed to cover articles about the organization they are involved in, or
use a friend as a source, they can cover stories that concern them. Many
newspapers prohibit news reporters from publicizing their opinions on topics
related to their work.
In conclusion, the reckoning against objectivity has already begun — and as
newsrooms fill up with the next generation of student journalists, it’s only
bound to continue.
Phrases of the day:
1. proportional to
A black hole's entropy is directly proportional to its surface area.
2. as to
It can be a mystery as to how a dishwasher actually works but cleaning it is
actually quite simple.
3. problem inherent in
With the benefit of hindsight, was where the problem inherent in the internet
was compounded.
· #655
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:27)
German paper hires Russian journalists after anti-war stunt
Today I have read the article about a German newspaper which hired a Russian
employee. The aim of the article is to provide some information about the
principles of journalism that should be followed regardless of one's
nationality. The author begins by telling us that Maria spoke out against the
war and, despite the fact that the state media is strictly controlled, went on
the air with a no war placard. The events of her interrogation are then
described. The French president offers her asylum in France, but she refuses and
now works as a freelance correspondent for a German newspaper. I advise you to
read it.
Phrase of the day
1 practical problems
Measures are now being developed that could help address these practical
2 prevailing view
The prevailing view was to close the project
3 priority research area
These working groups have developed a series of priority areas for research and
Exam Topic № 7 (Media law and policy)
Modern journalism depends on a process of adhering to ethical and legal
standards. The basis for the proper functioning of the media in a state governed
by the rule of law will always be freedom of the media. It is important to say
that no freedom can be unlimited, because it comes with various
responsibilities. The more opportunities and freedom of action in public life,
the greater will be the measure of responsibility and the consequences after the
use of this very freedom. Any journalist must fulfil the requirements placed on
him or her and cherish his or her work and objective publications.
· #654
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:25)
Your commentary is quite good, the tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. But I would like to advise you to read the articles on specialty. Continue working
· #653
Borysenko- IZ-211 (Lebid) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:24)
1) include
2) online
3) channels
4) government
5) journalism
6) upload
G1 100%
1) are
2) to
3) adds
4) studied
5) been
6) share
T1 100%
1) при отстаивании своих позиций
2) независимых школ
3) средстами массовой информации
4) мотивированных налоговых штрафов
5) были сверхбдительны
· #652
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:19)
Today I've read the article about аdvertising is a message that tries to sell
something. Companies advertise everything from cars to candy. Advertising is
also used to change people's ideas. For example, an ad could try to make voters
choose a certain candidate for president. Ads appear almost everywhere you look.
You find them on the radio and on TV, in magazines, shop windows and on T
shirts. They show up inside elevators, on school buses and even in schools.
About 600 billion dollars are spent on advertising around the world every year.
as to
as to whether
proportional to
proportional to progression
problems inherent in
problems inherent in smoking person
Today I've read the article about London is the capital of the United Kingdom,
its economic, political and cultural centre. It is one of the world's most
important ports and one of the largest cities in the world. London with its
suburbs has a population of about 11 million people. London has been a capital
for nearly a thousand years. Many of its ancient buildings still stand. The most
famous of them are the Tower of London, where the crown jewels are kept,
Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. Most visitors also want to see the
Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace.
· #651
Grodska E. to Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 09:18)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. The exam topic is well written. Keep on working
· #650
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 08:58)
Today I have read the article about how conservatives feel blamed, shamed and
ostracized by the media. If you watch a conservative Facebook feed or turn on a
conservative podcast, it is likely that you will see the terms "mainstream
media", "liberal media", or simply "media" used in a tone that suggests that the
entire audience should know who it refers to and what exactly did they do wrong.
Trust in the media among conservatives is low and declining rapidly. Most of the
American right is hostile to the press, but not many studies attempt to
understand why or what this means. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1. Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
2. With such a procedure, the probability of a given article being selected is
proportional to the value of sales revenue it generates.
3. Conflict manifests a complex set of political, economic, social and cultural
problems inherent in our societies.
Topic: Public relations
In this historical period, we are living in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. A
new, previously unknown virus appeals to the fears of many people. Increasingly,
they turn to emergencies, and panic in this period presents a particular danger.
At such moments, the work of a person who conveys information from an official
source to the layman is especially important. This helps to resolve the
conflict, give the population the necessary information and reassure people.
Through the channels of mass communication, PR allows you to convey information
to the audience, which in turn helps to more adequately respond to external
· #649
Grodska E. to Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 08:55)
I have read your tasks, they are informative and well written. Continue working
· #648
Grodska E. to IZ 212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 08:51)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck
· #647
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 18 April 2022 08:51)
Today I have read a fascinating article in which a journalist says goodbye to
the publication and writes her last article. The girl talks about her path and
proves that being a journalist is not at all easy. In the article, the girl
makes it clear to us that journalism has made a person out of her and she does
not want a bit about this stage in her life. Drawing conclusions, I came to one
opinion: the article is beautiful. In it you will find out how the girl said
goodbye to the team and who she will miss the most, I recommend reading
Raymond Baker focused on international tax cooperation.
Both roles are also important for different aspects of social integration.
One final attempt to solve water shortage problems was undertaken
Gender is a concept that distinguishes between men and women and their
capabilities, it is the division of equality of human actions. We all
distinguish a man from a woman by appearance, what colors we like, character
traits and so on. These are social traits that are attributed to men or women
and are called gender. Such are the gender stereotypes in society - ideas about
the roles of men and women, which are based on biological characteristics.
Everyone understands this concept in their own way, but for me all the signs are
equal. A man and a woman can be a leader or a cook, but those who deny this,
these people pay attention to stereotypes.
· #646
Grodska E. to Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Monday, 18 April 2022 08:49)
Your commentary is clear and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. In general, well done.
· #645
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 18 April 2022 08:46)
Good morning!
The lesson has started. Read the instructions again and do your module Test.
· #644
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E.B.) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 22:22)
next article, which I have read, is about the types of work schedule and
includes some tips and advices for workers. I think this article will be useful
for those students who have a job or want to get a job.
In general, work schedule refers to the days per week and the hours per day that
an employee is expected to be at their job (all these requirements are included
in the job posting). This is an important point, when a person accepts a
position. Based on this, he or she must be sure that this work schedule is
suitable and include such factors as: your lifestyle, daily responsibilities,
family, school or university. This will help you to create the right schedule
and balance work with your personal life.
Herewith are types of work schedule which you can pay attention to:
1) Full-Time Work Schedule;
2) Part-Time Work Schedule;
3) Fixed Work Schedule;
4) Flexible Work Schedule;
5) Rotating Shift Work Schedule.
I advise to all of you always read the working conditions and your
responsibilities in order to be sure that this work and work schedule is
suitable for you.
You can read the details of types of work schedule at the link to the article
Phrases of the day:
1) technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
2) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
3) expected value
It is an expected value.
· #643
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 21:50)
Phrases of the day:
1)well enough
a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well.
як суспільство, повинні говорити про те, скільки одягу достатньо, щоб жити
2)with respect to
review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits
this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment
and Waste Management.
глобального сценарію щодо небезпечних побутових відходів відповідає цій картині,
відповідно до статті в Міжнародному журналі з навколишнього середовища та
управління відходами.
3)within sight
Agreement 'within sight' Biden
has called for a unified minimum corporate tax rate of 15 percent
"в межах видимості" Байден закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки корпоративного
податку в розмірі 15 відсотків)
I’ve read the article about "biofuels that could help us achieve net zero". This
article is about the miscanthus genus of grasses that commonly used to add
movement and texture to gardens.
These grasses can be grown in lower agricultural grade conditions photosynthetic
capacity at low temperatures. So it could become the first choice for biofuel
production.But scientists analyzed and provided insight into gene adaptation and
regulation during water stress.
And they found specific genes that play key roles in response to water stress
across different Miscanthus species.
Summary: miscanthus genus of grasses can be the most popular and the best
biofuel in the near future.
Home work
I have read an article about Georgia Tech reveals data breach, 1.3 million
records exposed. Students and staff have been involved in the breach.
The security failure occurred due to a web application which was vulnerable to
outside entry.
An unknown threat actor managed to access a database connected to the
application. The database contained personal information belonging to "some
current and former faculty, students, staff and student applicants. The data
breach took several years to reach over 1 million records.
As a result, the vulnerability was fixed. The app is now also being checked for
additional security weaknesses.
· #642
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E.B.) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 21:40)
Good evening! Today's article tells about an important role of digitalization in
gas and oil sector. In accordance with it, if organizations will follow the
recommendations provided by industry 4.0, they can reduce costs, minimize the
risks and human error, decrease the design costs and focus on enhancing the
efficiency of processes. For example, the power of digitalization and
technologies has grown rapidly and its implementation can increase gas/oil
sector's income from $1.6 trillion to $2.6 trillion worth of revenue by 2025.
In general, that is a good solution which will help to eliminate different
problems in oil/gas chain through the digitalization of certain processes. But I
think that technicians must include all threats of digitalization, such as: data
security, crime and terrorism, privacy concerns, digital media manipulation. All
of these disadvantages can cause global problems and shortcomings.
So, in my opinion, the digitalization must be 100% qualitative system in order
to function normally.
Article of the day:
Phrases of the day:
1) a common problem in
This is now seen as a common problem in many parts of the world.
2)as far as we know
The documents haven't been posted anywhere, as far as we know.
3) an important role in
The information centres are given an important role in the functioning of the
communications groups at the country level.
· #641
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Sunday, 17 April 2022 19:45)
Evdokimov Maks Id-211
Koloidenko Alina ID-211
Thank you for your work. It’s well done.
· #640
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 14:28)
with the aid of
With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
intelligence, all of these factors were analyzed jointly and simultaneously.
a sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
Today I've read the article Media literacy can reduce stereotypes. It tells that
the media that people consume inform a large part of their everyday life,
including how they view others. A pair of recent studies from the University of
Kansas shows that a media literacy intervention can help reduce stereotypes
people hold about Black Americans and that a majority of journalism and mass
communications studies have lacked diversity with overly homogenous samples.
Joseph Erba, associate professor of strategic communication at KU, conducted a
study examining the effects of a media literacy intervention on racial
Today I've read the article Understanding how people make sense of the news they
consume. It tells that how people consume news and take actions based on what
they read, hear or see, is different than how human brains process other types
of information on a daily basis. The study is based on psychologist James
Gibson's theory of "affordances," which argues an object's properties indicate
what desired action should be taken with the object. The researchers believe
this theory can apply to print newspapers in the way that various surfaces,
layout, colors and labels can help contextualize a news story and give it
meaning to the readers.
· #639
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 14:27)
a sharp rise
Stainless steels undergo a sharp rise in pitting corrosion rate as the
potential, solution concentration, or temperature is changed only slightly.
when investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
with the aid of
The models of the links are assembled into a unit with the aid of cylindrical
and ball hinges.
Today I've read the article Newspapers can reduce polarization by focusing on
local issues. It tells that as the lines between opinion and news blur in many
Americans' minds, trust in media is falling. Local news sources—daily newspapers
and local television news programs—are seen as more trusted, caring and unbiased
than national news sources, but even that trust is fraying. Opinion journalism
is not news reporting; it is distinguished by its stated point of view. It has
three basic formats: editorials; opinion columns, or "op-eds"; and letters to
the editor.
Today I've read the article Countries with well-funded public media have
healthier democracies. It tells that commercial news continues experiencing
structural and financial issues. The study, "Funding Democracy: Public Media and
Democratic Health in 33 Countries," shows that while other democracies have
recognized the value of public media systems, America is a major outlier.
Despite having the world's largest gross domestic product, America spends a
comparatively miniscule fraction on public media funding. As newsrooms around
the country continue to dwindle, a well-informed and politically engaged public
is essential for democracy to thrive.
· #638
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 16 April 2022 22:15)
Задолженность за 11.04
A very common stereotype is that men don't gossip or rumors. But looking at the
statistics of real studies, 55% of men and 67% of women spend time on
“discussing socially significant topics.” Rumors are not always in a negative
form, approximately 15%, but also in a positive form, 9%. Despite the minimal
statistics of all analyzed conversations, for the most part, all rumors are a
banal waste of time and discussion. Each person discusses someone and draws his
own conclusions about each, but in what form will these statements take? It
already depends on the person.
Phrases of the day:
1. for its own sake
If you do something for its own sake, you do it because it is interesting and
2.from this perspective
From this perspective, Taiwan's democratic traditions can only grow stronger.
3.general agreement on
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Some people have a fear of clowns, but what does it have to do with it? Many
psychologists explain this phobia as a fear of distortions of true emotions, the
unknown behind the mask or makeup. Many people with this phobia have similar
symptoms: headache, palpitations, loss of consciousness. This phobia should not
be underestimated and it is worth helping a person with similar problems. Also a
shock to many people during the period of popular horror stories about clowns,
some of which are based on real events. Unfortunately, most people are
embarrassed by this phobia.
Phrases of the day:
1.for its own sake
if something is done for its own sake, it is done for the value of the
experience itself
2.from this perspective
From this perspective, the decision of the government not to adhere
3.general agreement on
GATT was an agreement with economic objectives
· #637
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.15,04,22 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 19:29)
I have read the article about creating the dual-arm construction robot.
In Japan, attract more attention to creating robots that help people. A group of
researchers has developed a new construction robot for disaster relief
situations. Interestingly, the robot has two arms and can perform some
functions. It has great stamina and stability, its arms rotate 360 degrees,
which allows you to freely change their position. Also, one arm can change shape
to a four-fingered arm, to perform different modes. To be honest, I arrived at
the conclusion that scientists are making a big breakthrough in the development
of technology
· #636
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.11,04,22 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 19:26)
Today I’ve read the article about How algorithms can help the clothing industry
The new goal of her thesis was to understand the importance of big data and
artificial intelligence in the clothing industry and, based on that, to find
ways for companies in the industry to gain competitive advantages. This would
also contribute to society through greener production and consumption. The first
model is a clothing classification framework developed through four machine
learning techniques. To find the best algorithm, Sheenam Jain made calculations
based on how well they performed. The second model was a decision support system
that she developed through the AI technique "fuzzy logic." "Finally, through her
thesis, clothing retailers can have a model that can help them manage big data
in order to provide customers with personalized services.
The main goal of this work improve the clothing industry's value chains, adapt
products to customer needs, and help the industry keep up with how customer
needs are evolving.
· #635
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.08б.04.22 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 19:23)
I have read the article Review of the global scenario with respect
to hazardous household waste offers stark
Humanity continues to produce waste in unimaginable quantities, and very few
waste is recycled. The growing problem of hazardous household waste is blamed by
rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles. This specific classification of
waste represents only a small portion of gross domestic waste, it is this
qualification as “hazardous” that means that they represent a more serious
problem in terms of environmental impact.Most hazardous waste is generated by
everyday activities at home and beyond.
This growing crisis is the fault of limited awareness of the problems associated
with hazardous waste, the lack of infrastructure to handle them, and the lack of
clear legislation to reduce and control them
· #634
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.0404,22 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 19:18)
Today I`ve read the article about how to help Black students feel safer, schools
must embrace their cultural identity.A study by the University of Buffalo found
that to integrate black students into the school study, educational institution
need to develop tailor-made techniques and appeal to Afro-centric practices and
culture.For example, schools could introduce mentoring practices by pairing
black students with black teachers, or create separate school rules for
African-American families.perhaps practice is needed to prevent bullying, racism
against black students and to ensure a favorable integration into society in the
future for them.
· #633
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.01.04.22 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 19:14)
I have read the article How palm oil became the world's most hated, most used
fat source
As article says, palm oil is cheap and that’s why palm oil is everywhere today:
in food, soap, lipstick, even newspaper ink.
So, because palm oil was so inexpensive, manufacturers found new uses for it,
such as replacing petroleum-based chemicals in soaps and cosmetics. It also
became a biodiesel feedstock in Asia, although research suggests that making
biodiesel from palms grown on newly cleared land increases greenhouse gas
emissions instead of reducing them. Today there are enough oil palm plantations
worldwide to cover an area larger than the state of Kansas, and the industry is
still growing. Endangered animals have received more press. According to the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, tropical forest clearing for
oil palm plantations threatens nearly 200 at-risk species, including orangutans,
tigers and African forest elephants.
In my opinion, until this all changes, every living creature will suffer from
palm oil and consumption of it.
· #632
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.04.04.22 (Saturday, 16 April 2022 11:50)
phrases of the day
1Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and
it's often approached in a biased way. A new generation of investment funds goes
to show that things are changing
(Програмне забезпечення з відкритим вихідним кодом раніше погано розумілося
комерційними силами, і його часто підходили упереджено. Нове покоління
інвестиційних фондів доводить, що все змінюється )
A pilot study by scientists from City University of Hong Kong (CityU) reports
that a single clothes dryer can discharge up to 120 million microfibers
annually—1.4 to 40 times of that from washing machines
(Пілотне дослідження, проведене вченими з Міського університету Гонконгу
(CityU), повідомляє, що одна сушарка для білизни може викидати до 120 мільйонів
мікроволокон на рік — у 1,4–40 разів більше, ніж із пральних машин.)
Flow chart for quantifying shelterbelt structure and yield increase based on
Google Earth
( Блок-схема для кількісної оцінки структури захисних лісосмуг та підвищення
врожайності на основі Google Earth)
· #631
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.18,03,22 (Friday, 15 April 2022 21:04)
phrases of the day
Dr. Campbell said that in light of the team's findings, tDCS may be especially
beneficial during the initial stages of task learning.
(Доктор Кемпбелл сказав, що у світлі висновків групи tDCS може бути особливо
корисною на початкових етапах навчання задач.)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a team of researchers has found
numerous examples of polycistronic expression—in which two or more genes are
encoded on a single molecule of mRNA—in two species of green algae,
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chromochloris zofingiensis.
(У матеріалах Національної академії наук група дослідників виявила численні
приклади поліцистронної експресії, при якій два або більше генів кодуються
однією молекулою мРНК, у двох видів зелених водоростей)
More specifically, they theoretically demonstrated that CPC could be used to
realize flying-qubit gates that work equally well for correlated, nonidentical,
distinguishable photons, preserving their spatio-temporal photonic properties
while operating.
(Зокрема, вони теоретично продемонстрували, що CPC можна використовувати для
реалізації вентилів літаючих кубитів, які однаково добре працюють для
корелейованих, неідентичних, помітних фотонів, зберігаючи свої просторово-часові
фотонні властивості під час роботи.)
· #630
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.28,03,22 (Friday, 15 April 2022 20:53)
Today I have read the article called: "Trying to put the brakes on car
ownership". This article is about pollution problem in China and how to solve
it. Chinese authorities have decided to limit the number of cars bought. This
system initially helped to limit car sales, but then people found ways to bypass
the system. Also investing in China's public transport, more people won't have
to buy a car. It is of great importance for the environment and ecology
conservation. In my opinion such an approach to preserving the environment can
bring good results.
· #629
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.25,03,22 (Friday, 15 April 2022 20:49)
Today I've read an article on "New study reveals small-scale renewable energy
sources could cause power failures" which conducted research to determine the
productivity and sustainability of renewable energy sources.
The study found that renewable energy stored in household batteries is used only
to minimize the cost of electricity at home and does little to minimize the risk
of grid failure.
I believe that the main problem is the fluctuations of small renewable energy
sources. An effective way to overcome this would be to plan for the release of
stored photovoltaic energy from household batteries at a certain time. This will
provide much better control and reduce the risk of system failures.
· #628
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.21,03,22 (Friday, 15 April 2022 20:45)
Today I read a very interesting article about what the 3G system is and why it
will be replaced en masse by its newer and upgraded 5G counterpart in the near
future. The first, of course, is the communication problems and interference
during calls: 3G phones and base stations work in a broadband system, which
means they use the entire spectrum of cellular communications, while 4G/LTE and
5G work in narrowband systems. Because of multiple outages, there can be
connectivity problems, which is why all 3G systems, including home security, car
navigation and entertainment systems, and solar panel modems will be upgraded in
the near future. The article is very useful and relevant
· #627
Evdokimov Maks Id-211Tomenko Debt.18,03,22 (Friday, 15 April 2022 20:42)
Today I read an article about the impact of coronavirus on electricity
It was in the spring of 2020 that most offices, schools, universities closed.
This has led to people spending more time at home. Before the lockdown, demand
for electricity usually increased in the morning when people got ready for work,
then decreased during the day, then increased again in the evening when everyone
returned home.
After reading this article, I learned a lot of interesting facts. For example,
that the temperature this summer turned out to be a more important factor. Also,
PNNL scientists were the first to discover specific effects that silenced the
signal of covid-19.
· #626
Evdokimov Maks Id-211 Tomenko( debt14.03.22) (Friday, 15 April 2022 20:35)
I read an article about research on a new and more efficient type of battery for
electric vehicles. I believe that these studies are very important. I think so
because now electric cars are not so convenient, which is why many people refuse
to purchase them. The fact is that most cars that are powered by electricity
have an insufficient range on one charge, so you can’t go to another city on
such a car you will go. And for many people, this opportunity is very important.
Therefore, I really hope that more efficient batteries will be invented and put
into use soon. And more people will start using electric cars, which will lead
to a reduction in environmental damage.
· #625
Koloidenko Alina ID-211, GF (Tomenko) (Friday, 15 April 2022)
Today I read an article on "Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine". This information is
taken from the Wikipedia site. Kyiv is the capital and most populous city of
Ukraine. This is in north-central Ukraine along the Dnieper River. Kyiv is an
important industrial, scientific, educational and cultural center of Eastern
Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, universities and historical
sites. The city has an extensive public transport system and infrastructure,
including the Kyiv Metro. If you are interested in the beautiful city of Kyiv,
then I recommend this article to read.
· #624
Koloidenko Alina ID-211, GF (Tomenko) (Friday, 15 April 2022 16:48)
Today I read an article on "Standardization". This article is taken from
Wikipedia. This site is well known. Standardization is the process of
implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of
different parties, which includes firms, users, interest groups, standardization
organizations, and governments. Standardization can help maximize compatibility,
compatibility, safety, repeatability, or quality. Standardization is the
creation of emotional balance, commonplace, universal familiarity, and a natural
definition of a concept based on physical or emotional comfort and acceptance
through changing behavior and society. I liked this article, it is informative
and interesting, so I recommend it to you.
The most complex system studied in this paper began with 15 different
dipeptides, which reversibly combine to form 225 unique tetrapeptides.
The following examples will help you.
· #623
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Friday, 15 April 2022 15:06)
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211
Tashi Mariia IK-211
Romanika Uliana IK-211
Thank you. That's the right way to do it. Well done.
· #622
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Friday, 15 April 2022 14:13)
Today I’ve read an article titled "How has the #MeToo movement affected
Picasso's legacy?" The title of the article intrigued me a lot. Many people know
that Picasso had many muses. They say that without all those women, Picasso
would not have become what we know him now. The #MeToo movement has made
violence and sexist behavior against women a public issue that even Pablo
Picasso can't seem to get rid of. Therefore, now many art critics criticize the
artist's work, because of his attitude towards his women. Personally, I don’t
agree that we need to condemn the works of the artist because of changes in
· #621
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Friday, 15 April 2022 12:16)
самостійна 12.04
Today I have read an article "10 Best Movie Actors Who Relaunched Their Careers
Successfully, According To Ranker". We all love movies and actors. And it's very
cool that actors after failures or breaks do not give up, but continue to play
in films. All the actors in this article are incredibly cool. But my favorites
are still Andrew Garfield and Robert Downey Jr. I am glad that after such a
failure, now they are demand actors. And Andrew was even twice nominated for an
Oscar. The example of these actors shows us that we should never give up!
· #620
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Friday, 15 April 2022 11:12)
Самостоятельная работа
I read an article by Ellen Gutoski "Why do so many pop songs last about three
minutes?". The author connects the length of the songs with the fashion for
records. Previously, the most popular way to listen to music was the radio. And
after that, people bought records that had a certain standard for the length of
the song. About three minutes on each side.Later there were hits for six
minutes. But now popular songs don't last even three minutes, which is due to
concentration. In my opinion, this article is informative and helps to learn a
little more about the things around us.
· #619
Shapa L.N. to Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:56)
Both works (Thursday, 14 April 2022 13:33) and (Thursday, 14 April 2022 13:34) were written and pronounced completely correct, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct too. Excellent.
· #618
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:40)
The task (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:53) contains three works, one of them - homework contains all the elements including the task Phrases of the Day and its voice variant, but the other two - classwork and Debt were presented without this obligatory element.
· #617
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:33)
The abstracts presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022) contain all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student works, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have done correct. Excellent.
· #616
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:25)
The abstract (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:02) which shows your 4th debt reflects your complete understanding of the content of the article you have read, was written and pronounced without mistakes, but again the task Phrases of the Day does not contain its voice variant.
· #615
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:20)
works (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:00) and (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:01)
perfectly reflect the contents of the articles you have read, but do not contain
1 the voice varianf of the task Phrases of the Day
2 the task itself
· #614
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:14)
Both abstracts presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:58) and(Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:59) were written and pronounced perfectly, but the tasks Phrases of the Day do not include the voice variants.
· #613
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:09)
The abstracts (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:51) and(Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:36) contain some mistakes, e.g. in the first one the beginning is wrong, you cannot begin with 'In the article says' but 'The article says', the beginning of the secons article does not contain 'the' before 'article', the tasks Phrases of the Day hve been done correct.
· #612
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211, (Thursday, 14 April 2022 20:01)
Both works (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:23) and (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:08) which present classwork and homework were written and pronounced without mistakes, contain all the necessary elements, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #611
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:56)
Both abstracts presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:19) were written and pronounced without mistakes and comletely reflect the contents of the articles you have read, but they do not contain the tasks Phrases of the Day, and you should not expect the excellent marks for your abstracts.
· #610
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:52)
The abstract (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:17) contains all the necessary elements, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #609
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:47)
The message (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:17) contains two reviews of the articles written and pronounced correct without mistakes, but they do not include the tasks Phrases of the Day which are obligatory for such kind of independent student works.
· #608
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:34)
Both works presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:15) were written and pronounced without mistakes, completely reflect the contents of the articles you have read, but if the first work is estimated as excellent, the second review does not contain the task Phrases of the Day and cannot be assessed excellent.
· #607
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:26)
Both works presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:09) and (Thursday, 14 April 2022 13:40) were written and pronounced without mistakes, and if the first one is ideal and contains all the necessary elements, the second does not include the task Phrases of the Day, which does not permit to assessed it as excellent.
· #606
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:19)
Both works presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:51) were narrated and pronounced perfectly, without mistakes, meets all the requirements for independent student works of such kind, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Certainly excellent.
· #605
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:13)
Both tasks presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:49) were written and pronounced without any mistake and can be called the examples to follow. Excellent for all the elements of the reviews.
· #604
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:08)
The review (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:40) demonstrates your full understanding of the main idea of the article you have read, was narrated without mistakes in writing and pronunciation, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #603
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:05)
The abstract (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:36) contains all the necessary elements and can be called ideal, because there isn't any mistake. Excellent.
· #602
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 19:02)
Both reviews presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:35) were written and pronounced correct, do not contain mistakes, completely reflect the contents of the articles you have read, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excellent.
· #601
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 18:59)
The review presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:25) contains all the necessary elements, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #600
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 18:52)
The abstract (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:26) correctly presents the content of the article you have read, has been written and pronounced withput mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #599
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 18:49)
The review presented (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:25) contains all the necessary elements, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #598
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 18:29)
The review (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:25) grammatically correct narrates the main idea of the article you have read. contain all the necessary elements, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excellent.
· #597
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 18:25)
The abstract (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:24) demonstrates your complete understanding of the content of the article you have read, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day. Excellent.
· #596
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 18:20)
The abstract (Thursday, 14 April 2022 09:55) has been written and pronounced without mistakes, contains all the elements necessary, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #595
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 13:40)
I have read the article “New sensor detects ever smaller nanoparticles”.
Normal microscopes produce increased images of small structures or objects using
light. Optical resonators enhance the interaction between light and
nanoparticles. In case the nanoparticle is in a captured light field, it
interacts with light thousand times, so that the change in light intensity can
be measured. The light field has different intensity at different points of
space. This allows to draw conclusions about the position of nanoparticle in the
3D space. In the new fiber-based resonator Fabri-Pero, high reflective mirrors
are located at the ends of glass fibers.
This allows us to get a hydrodynamic particle radius, that is, the water
thickness surrounding the particle, from its three-dimensional movement.
· #594
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 13:34)
Today I`ve read the article about the global scenario with respect to hazardous
household waste offers stark warning.An ecological pollution is approaching in
our time - such a conclusion was made by professors Nisansala Abeysinghe and
Sunil Herat of Griffith University (Nathan Campus) in Queensland, Australia.The
reason for this is the waste produced by human activity, which is difficult to
dispose of.
Blame for this crisis is a frivolous attitude to environmental problems and
careless waste disposal, as well as a lack of infrastructure that correctly
sorts garbage.
Phrases of the day
1)(well enough)Are the signals at all well enough conserved over a longer
evolutionary distance to be able to correctly infer phylogenetic relationships
from them,
-(достатньо добре)Чи достатньо добре зберігаються сигнали на більш тривалій
еволюційній відстані, щоб можна було правильно вивести їх філогенетичні
2)(within sight)Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum
corporate tax rate of 15 percent-(в поле зору)Угода «в полі зору» Байден
закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки корпоративного податку розміром 15
3)(with respect to)Companies that reported higher levels of Industry 4.0
implementation had more moderate expectations with respect to actual energy
(щодо)Компанії, які повідомили про більш високі рівні впровадження Індустрії
4.0, мали помірні очікування щодо фактичної економії енергії.
· #593
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 13:33)
Today I`ve read the article about how criminals access your digital devices and
what happens when they do.When we use the Internet, a link from some reliable
source may appear as trusted media, politicians, etc. and it is absolutely
safe.But sometimes an hacker can disguise a virus as a similar source, and after
clicking on the link, malware is downloaded to your computer.Because of malware,
your device may suffer damage and also a hacker may gain access to certain
personal information such as credit card code, passport data, etc.This is why
you need to be careful on the Internet
Phrases of the day
1)(product development)-The advance could accelerate product development,
enabling product designers to churn through prototypes without getting bogged
down with painting or printing.-
(розробка продукції)-Прогрес може прискорити розробку продукту, дозволяючи
дизайнерам продуктів працювати з прототипами, не ув'язуючи малювання чи друку.
2)(predetermined action)-a Trojan Horse looks like a normal file until some
predetermined action causes the code to execute
(зумовлена дія)троянський кінь виглядає як звичайний файл доти, доки певна
зумовлена дія не призведе до виконання коду
3)(as follows)the passive action can be described as follows
(таким способом)-пасивну дію можна описати таким способом.
· #592
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:53)
Class work)
I have read an article called ,,What war in Ukraine means for cyber security in
This article is about cyber weapons. This new generation of weaponry replaces
explosives with destructive software (malware) and missile launchers with
network vulnerabilities. Cyber weapons break into adversary country's essential
networks, establish remote control, and wreak havoc by erasing computers,
leaking data and causing other dangerous disruptions to essential services and
critical infrastructures.In my opinion, this is a very dangerous fight, since
the personal data of civilians shouldn't be disclosed. I believe that the war
should affect politicians, for example, Ukrainian cyber troops hacked many
websites of russian state institutions, as well as the video surveillance system
in the Kremlin. But this is all about politicians, while Russia is hacking our
websites and and misinform us by their propaganda.
(Home work)
Today I have read an article called ,,A universe without mathematics is beyond
the scope of our imagination."This article is about the purpose of mathematics
and about mathematics as the language of the universe.So we really should not be
surprised that mathematics is not just a language for describing the external
world, but in many ways the only one. But just because something can be
described mathematically does not mean it can be predicted.In my opinion one of
the more remarkable discoveries of the last 50 years has been the discovery of
"chaotic systems." These can be apparently simple mathematical systems that
cannot be solved precisely. It turns out that many systems are chaotic in this
sense. Hurricane tracks in the Caribbean are superficially similar to eclipse
tracks, but we cannot predict them precisely with all the power of modern
Phrases of the day:
1.Digital version
The digital version is based on an especially developed viewer, providing the
following functions:
В основу цифрової версії покладено спеціально розроблену систему перегляду
файлів, що дозволяє забезпечити такі функції, як:
2.In principle
The assessment leads to recommendations, which can be supported in principle.
На основі цієї оцінки зроблено рекомендації, з якими, в принципі, можна
3.In other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, як критерій має виступати об'єктивна оцінка або, інакше кажучи,
I have read an article called ,,New, better coronavirus rapid test."This article
is about
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI and the University of Basel
which have developed a rapid test for COVID-19. Its novel functional principle
promises reliable and quantifiable results concerning a patient's COVID-19
disease and its course—as well as evidence concerning other diseases and COVID
variants that may be present.I believe that this test will improve the recovery
of people by 100%. After all, before that, doctors had to conduct a long
examination to determine how the infection might proceed, losing treatment time.
In my opinion, even though the virus has slowed down, it doesn't sleep, and such
an improved version of the covid-19 test is our salvation.
· #591
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:47)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #590
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:40)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck
· #589
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:36)
I have read the article:«Recognizing the partially seen»
As article says, when we open our eyes in the morning and take in that first
scene of the day, we don't give much thought to the fact that our brain is
processing the objects within our field of view with great efficiency and that
it is compensating for a lack of information about our surroundings—all in order
to allow us to go about our daily functions.
Therefore, in this new study, scientist says, "we dug into the underlying
computations in the brain and then used our findings to build computational
models. By recapitulating visual processing in the human brain, we are thus
hoping to also improve models in computer vision."Researchers in the study
started with the human visual cortex as a model for how to improve the
performance of machines in this setting, says Gabriel Kreiman, an affiliate of
the MIT Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines.
So, the team showed how they developed a computational model, inspired by
physiological and anatomical constraints, that was able to capture the
behavioral and neurophysiological observations during pattern completion. In the
end, the model provided useful insights towards understanding how to make
inferences from minimal information.
Phrases of the day
1)within sight
Commercial operators to keep their drones within 400 feet of the ground and
within sight.
Комерційні оператори тримати свої дрони в межах 400 футів від землі та в межах
2)well enough
The world produces enough food to provide every man, woman and child with more
than 2,300 kilocalories per day, which is more than sufficient.
У світі виробляється достатньо їжі, щоб забезпечити кожного чоловіка, жінки та
дитини понад 2300 кілокалорій на день, що більш ніж достатньо.
3)with respect to
The study finds that environmental variability during that time mirrors changes
in the Earth's orbit and orientation with respect to the sun
Дослідження показує, що мінливість навколишнього середовища протягом цього часу
відображає зміни в орбіті Землі та орієнтації відносно Сонця
· #588
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:08)
Class work
I have read the article "Artificial intelligence makes blurry faces look more
than 60 times sharper."
Firstly, this article talks about artificial intelligence that will make blurry
faces look more than 60 times sharper. This new technology was discovered by
researchers at Duke University. The technology of artificial intelligence can
turn blurry, unrecognizable pictures of people's faces into eerily convincing
computer-generated portraits, in finer detail than ever before.
In conclusion, I want to say that this article is a very big step in modern
science and shows us that the abilities of artificial intelligence are growing.
Phrases of the day:
1) with respect to;
Definition of with respect to in the Idioms Dictionary.
Визначення щодо словника ідіом.
2) well enough;
Crook liked her well enough, but remained indifferent to her feminine charms.
Круку вона досить сподобалася, але залишився байдужим до її жіночих принад.
3) within sight ;
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax
rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20.
В угоді «в межах видимості» Байден закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки
корпоративного податку в розмірі 15 відсотків на переговорах з Організацією
економічного співробітництва та розвитку (ОЕСР) і G20.
· #587
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022)
Class work
Today I’ve read the article “Review of the global scenario with respect to
hazardous household waste offers stark warning” and I’d like to share my
To begin with the article tells about household waste and its impact on the
environment. As it turned out, most people do not know about the harm caused by
paints, detergents, varnishes, car oils, etc. And although highly developed
states are engaged in the processing of these substances, it still poses a great
danger to nature.
In conclusion, I want to say that it is very important to cover environmental
issues so that people understand everything.
within sight
My delegation is pleased to know that, as a result of these efforts, the goal of
independence is now within sight.
Моя делегація із задоволенням дізналася, що внаслідок цих зусиль мета
незалежності перебуває зараз у межах досяжності.
well enough
The Head of State was feeling well enough to conduct the engagements, according
to Buckingham Palace. За словами Букінгемського палацу, глава держави «почувався
досить добре», щоб провести залучення.
with respect to
The Human Rights Council was paralysed with respect to that situation.
Рада з прав людини не здійснила жодних дій у зв'язку з такою ситуацією.
today I’ve read the article “Just a few pixels would let astronomers map surface
features like oceans and deserts on an exoplanet” and I’d like to share my
To begin with the fact the study of our planet is a long and painstaking
process. but even with enough data, it is often difficult to depict all the
features of our planet. That is why scientists are working on it and coming up
with more and more new ways.
In conclusion, I want to say that such works are important, as they provide an
opportunity to better study our planet with new maps and images
with respect to
There had been two contradictory trends with respect to peacekeeping arrears
Що стосується заборгованості із внесків у бюджеті операцій з підтримки миру,
спостерігаються дві протилежні тенденції.
within sight.
Despite continuing setbacks and obstacles, the goal of gender equality and
women's empowerment is increasingly within sight.
Проте, незважаючи на невдачі та зриви, мета добитися ґендерної рівності та
реалізації прав жінок стає все більш відчутною.
well enough
I knew him well enough to know that he was deeply affected.
Я знав його достатньо добре, аби знати, що він був глибоко вражений.
· #586
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:02)
Debt 4
I have read the article"Project to protect marine mammals provides valuable
Overfishing and the destruction of their habitats are an increasingly serious
problem. About 300,000 marine mammals are harvested from the oceans each year
due to global fisheries. New research by a group from Southeast Asia brings
together stakeholder participation and local expertise with cartographic
analysis to identify potential overlaps between the distribution of fishing
activities and marine megafauna, and to propose steps to overcome resource
scarcity. The research team spent three years combining scientific evidence and
differing opinions to assess risk. As a result, they proposed new synthetic
methods. which are already bringing excellent results. We can conclude that not
only the external ecology suffers on our plan, but also the water world, and not
only this study speaks about this. And all this is due to human activities, so
let's take care of nature and keep what we have!
Phrases of the day:
1.numerous examples
numerous examples of the action of salts on the local geology
(численні приклади дії солей на місцеву геологію)
2.more specifically
Innovative sensor specifically and precisely detects molecules
(Інноваційний датчик спеціально і точно виявляє молекули)
3.initial stages of
Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages
of development.
(Нині наукова інфраструктура в цій сфері знаходиться на початковій стадії
· #585
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:01)
Debt 3
I have read the article"New technology makes it possible to see clearly through
murky water"
Researchers have developed a new method that can automatically create clear
images through cloudy water. A clear image underwater is extremely difficult
because water and particles in it tend to scatter light. To overcome these
problems, the researchers combined the traditional polarized image adjustment
with a new algorithm that automatically finds optimal parameters to suppress
stray light.The results of this experiment clearly showed that this method works
effectively. As for me, the new technology can be useful for finding drowning
people, documenting flooded archaeological artifacts and other systems to help
simplify the already complex work of drivers, as well as bring better results,
which will take less time.
· #584
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:00)
Debt 2
I have read the article"Making social change efforts more effective"
Many organizations are taking on big challenges like poverty reduction or
climate change. But how can they - and their sponsors - know their efforts are
These questions are at the heart of a new book by Alnor Ebrahim, professor of
While businesses measure success using standard metrics such as profit and
market value, Ebrahim said such measurements are not appropriate for most social
groups. Regardless of what you care about, you need a clear strategy for solving
the problem.
This book is based on three foundational questions for organizations. First,
what are we trying to achieve? This is your value proposition. From this it
follows: how are we going to get there? This is your model for social change.
Then the third part is accountability. It is about taking responsibility for
what you are trying to achieve. By answering these questions you can clarify and
prioritize. For me, this book is is a must-read not only for people who seek to
lead an organization, but also for socially active citizens, because in this way
we can reach a compromise and resolve issues of concern.
Phrases of the day:
1.controversial question
New light on the controversial question of species abundance and population
(Нове світло на спірне питання чисельності видів та щільності популяції)
2.considerable disagreement
Even in a small organization, there is likely to be considerable disagreement on
each of these aspects of strategy
(Навіть у невеликій організації, ймовірно, виникнуть значні розбіжності щодо
кожного з цих аспектів стратегії)
3.conduct research
It has also been very interesting to conduct research at three different
Також було дуже цікаво проводити дослідження в трьох різних університетах
· #583
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:59)
I have read the article"Food insecurity in First Nations"
A decade-long study, along with a researcher from the University of Montreal,
warns that many Aboriginal peoples face food insecurity three to five times more
often than the general population of Canada, especially families with children.
The main reasons are socio-economic inequality, systemic and regulatory barriers
and much more. The essence of the study was to test the quality of the products
that residents use. Conclusion: traditional food in general is very safe to eat
and much healthier. However, there are many barriers between indigenous peoples
and their favorite foods, including government regulations, industry and, most
importantly, the growing threat of climate change.
Phrases of the day:
1.the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
(Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації – уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту – була досягнута) means of
Computer modeling of deposition and land growth by means of river diversions
suggests that ..
(Комп’ютерне моделювання осадження та приросту землі за допомогою відведення
річок свідчить про те, що ...)
3.published in
In a paper published in the journal Science in 2015
(У статті, опублікованій в журналі Science в 2015 р)
· #582
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:58)
have read the article"Scientists discover genomic key to plateau adaptation"
Chinese scientists studying the genomic data of hot spring snakes have
discovered a genetic mechanism for the adaptation of exothermic animals to
extreme alpine conditions.
These rare species are protected in China and live in one of the highest
habitats in the world. A comparative genomic study was published in PNAS on July
31, 2012. Most animals have specific requirements for their habitat and have
difficulty surviving if their habitat exceeds the limits of the permissible
range. However, some species are able to survive and thrive in extreme
conditions. This study was conducted to not only preserve this species but also
to help people overcome mountain sickness. in the prevention and treatment of
diseases of a person with high climb.This study can help not only people whose
profession is related to the mountains, such as climber, but also the general
population who lives on this plateau
Phrases of the day:
1.with respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits
this picture
(Огляд глобального сценарію стосовно небезпечних побутових відходів відповідає
цій картині)
2.within sight
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax
rate of 15 percent
(Угода "в межах видимості" Байден закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки
корпоративного податку в розмірі 15 відсотків)
3.well enough
As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well
(Як суспільство, ми повинні говорити про те, скільки
одягу достатньо для добре жити)
· #581
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:51)
I have read the article:«Study links fracking, drinking water pollution, and
infant health
In the article says that new research documents for the first time the pollution
of public water supplies caused by shale gas development, commonly known as
fracking, and its negative impact of infant health. These findings call for
closer environmental regulation of the industry, as levels of chemicals found in
drinking water often fall below regulatory thresholds.
Also, this new study is a complex examination of the geographic expansion of
shale gas drilling in Pennsylvania from 2006 to 2015, during which more than
19,000 wells were established in the state. This data set allowed the two to
pinpoint infant health outcomes—specifically preterm birth and low birth
weight—before, during, and after drilling activity. Preterm birth and low birth
weight are associated with a range of negative outcomes, including higher risk
for developing behavioral and social-emotional problems, and learning
difficulties. Other studies have shown elevated levels of chemicals associated
with fracking in surface water, however, these levels often tend to be below
federal guidelines, are not monitored closely, and even if detected do not rise
to levels that trigger remediation.
So,these findings indicate large social costs of water pollution generated by an
emerging industry with little environmental regulation.
Phrases of the day
1)well enough
As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is enough to live well.
Ми, як суспільство, повинні говорити про те, скільки одягу достатньо, щоб жити
2)within sight
Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax
rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20.
Угода «в межах видимості» Байден закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки
корпоративного податку в розмірі 15 відсотків на переговорах з Організацією
економічного співробітництва та розвитку (ОЕСР) і G20.
3)with respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits
this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment
and Waste Management.
Огляд глобального сценарію щодо небезпечних побутових відходів відповідає цій
картині, відповідно до статті в Міжнародному журналі з навколишнього середовища
та управління відходами.
· #580
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:23)
I have read the article " Death spiral: A black hole spins on its side".
Firstly, this article talks about a death spiral. According to researchers from
the University of Turku in Finland, the axis of rotation of a black hole in a
binary system is tilted more than 40 degrees relative to the axis of stellar
orbit. This fact was completely unexpected. When scientists have modeled the
behavior of matter in a curved time space around a black hole, they have
frequently assumed that this difference is very small.
Finally, this new study shows how much we do not know about the world and the
space environment.
Phrases of the day:
1) in order to avoid;
We found one answer for the crossword clue In order to avoid.
Ми знайшли одну відповідь на кросворд, щоб уникнути.
2) in greater detail;
Many of these topics will be taken up and discussed in greater detail in
subsequent chapters.
Багато з цих тем будуть розглянуті та обговорені більш детально в наступних
3) in a somewhat;
Searching for signal in a somewhat noisy landscape.
Пошук сигналу в дещо шумному ландшафті.
· #579
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:19)
Борги 2
Today I've read the article "Windows 11: Everything you must know about
Microsoft's latest software". It tells us about the new version of Windows 11.
This article seems to be very useful just because I'm fan of "Windows" company.
However, it will be interesting for all the people that are keen on modern
technologies. Firstly some great news are that windows 10 will be supported till
late 2025's, that means that you don't have to install the newest version at
once. In my opinion, the most exciting addition is that you can install and
connect your Android device to pc, and all your work can be done with
synchronization to your device
Today I've read the article "Making self-driving cars human-friendly". It tells
us about how automated vehicles could be made more pedestrian-friendly thanks to
new research which could help them predict when people will cross the road.
University of Leeds-led scientists investigating how to better understand human
behavior in traffic say that neuroscientific theories of how the brain makes
decisions can be used in automated vehicle technology to improve safety and make
them more human-friendly. I think that safe and human-acceptable interaction
with pedestrians is a major challenge for developers of automated vehicles, and
a better understanding of how pedestrians behave will be key to enable this.
· #578
Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:17)
I have read the article about creating the dual-arm construction robot.
In Japan, attract more attention to creating robots that help people. A group of
researchers has developed a new construction robot for disaster relief
situations. Interestingly, the robot has two arms and can perform some
functions. It has great stamina and stability, its arms rotate 360 degrees,
which allows you to freely change their position. Also, one arm can change shape
to a four-fingered arm, to perform different modes.
To be honest, I arrived at the conclusion that scientists are making a big
breakthrough in the development of technology.
Phrases of the Day
1) within sight
My delegation is pleased to know that, as a result of these efforts, the goal of
independence is now within sight.
Моя делегація із задоволенням дізналася, що внаслідок цих зусиль мета
незалежності перебуває зараз у межах досяжності.
2) well enough
But at this point, we knew each other well enough that we were both totally
Але з іншого боку, ми довідалися один одного досить добре, щоб нам обом було
повністю комфортно.
3) with respect to
The Human Rights Council was paralysed with respect to that situation.
Рада з прав людини не здійснила жодних дій у зв'язку з такою ситуацією.
· #577
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:17)
Борги 2
Today I've read the article "Hackers are attacking power companies, stealing
critical data: Here's how they are doing it". It tells us about how hackers are
continuing to attempt to gain access to the networks of nuclear power companies
and others involved with critical national infrastructure, raising concerns
about cyber-espionage and sabotage. By the way, hackers do not always engage in
malicious activities, but today the term “hacking” is usually used in the
context of illegal actions, and cybercriminals who seek financial gain, protest,
gather certain information, or just want to have fun are called hackers. I think
that in order to prevent hacker attacks, it is necessary to strengthen the
cybersecurity of all companies and hire only highly qualified employees.
Today I've read the article "Mumbai becomes first South Asian city to detail
net-zero plan" It tells us about how Mumbai announced detailed plans to zero out
carbon emissions by 2050, a target that puts it two decades ahead of India's
national goal and makes it the first city in South Asia to set such a timeline.
In conclusion, I want to say that Mumbai's plan could help India rethink current
models of development that put economic growth ahead of environmental
stewardship. If Mumbai is successful, it could turn India's focus to other
pressing issues, including access to clean water and services for the city's
significant homeless population.
· #576
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:15)
Today I've read the article "Are people more willing to empathize with animals
or with other humans?" It tells us about a new Penn State study led by Daryl
Cameron, associate professor of psychology and senior research associate at Rock
Ethics Institute. The researchers found that when people were asked to choose
between empathizing with a human stranger or an animal—in this study, a koala
bear—the participants were more likely to choose empathizing with a fellow
human. I think, if it's true that people empathize less with animals if animal
interests are pitted against human interests, that could affect how people feel
about environmental policies.
Today I have read the article "Creating deeper defense against cyber attacks".
The article is about creating a new defense in depth against cyberattacks. To
address the growing threat of cyberattacks on industrial control systems, a
KAUST team including Fouzi Harrou, Wu Wang and led by Ying Sun has developed an
improved method for detecting malicious intrusions. Now where conventional
security systems have failed before, the new AI is doing 98 percent better. The
algorithm has already been tested and will provide good protection against cyber
warfare. Also, this protection is best suited for national security.
Phrases of the Day:
1. well enough
The Head of State was 'feeling well enough' to conduct the engagements,
according to Buckingham Palace. За словами Букінгемського палацу, глава держави
«почувався досить добре», щоб провести залучення.
2. with respect to
A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste fits
this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of Environment
and Waste Management. Огляд глобального сценарію щодо небезпечних побутових
відходів відповідає цій картині, відповідно до статті в Міжнародному журналі з
навколишнього середовища та управління відходами.
3. within sight
Because there is no current method of reliably tracking the devices, existing
regulations typically require civilian hobbyists and commercial operators to
keep their drones within 400 feet of the ground and within sight. Оскільки
наразі не існує методу надійного відстеження пристроїв, існуючі правила зазвичай
вимагають, щоб цивільні любителі та комерційні оператори тримали свої дрони в
межах 400 футів від землі та в межах видимості.
· #575
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 11:09)
I have read the article Review of the global scenario with respect
to hazardous household waste offers stark
Humanity continues to produce waste in unimaginable quantities, and very few
waste is recycled. The growing problem of hazardous household waste is blamed by
rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles. This specific classification of
waste represents only a small portion of gross domestic waste, it is this
qualification as “hazardous” that means that they represent a more serious
problem in terms of environmental impact.Most hazardous waste is generated by
everyday activities at home and beyond.
This growing crisis is the fault of limited awareness of the problems associated
with hazardous waste, the lack of infrastructure to handle them, and the lack of
clear legislation to reduce and control them.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) well enough.
The delegation is pleased to know that, as a result of these efforts, the goal
of independence is now within sight-делегація із задоволенням дізналася, що
внаслідок цих зусиль мета незалежності перебуває зараз у межах досяжності.
2) with respect to
There had been two contradictory trends with respect topeacekeeping arrears.- Що
стосується заборгованості із внесків у бюджеті операцій з підтримки миру,
спостерігаються дві протилежні тенденції.
3) within sight.
Despite continuing setbacks and obstacles, the goal of gender equality and
women's empowerment is increasingly within sight.- Проте, незважаючи на невдачі
та зриви, мета добитися ґендерної рівності та реалізації прав жінок стає все
більш відчутною.
· #574
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:51)
Today I’ve read the article about How algorithms can help the clothing industry
The new goal of her thesis was to understand the importance of big data and
artificial intelligence in the clothing industry and, based on that, to find
ways for companies in the industry to gain competitive advantages. This would
also contribute to society through greener production and consumption. The first
model is a clothing classification framework developed through four machine
learning techniques. To find the best algorithm, Sheenam Jain made calculations
based on how well they performed. The second model was a decision support system
that she developed through the AI technique "fuzzy logic." "Finally, through her
thesis, clothing retailers can have a model that can help them manage big data
in order to provide customers with personalized services.
The main goal of this work improve the clothing industry's value chains, adapt
products to customer needs, and help the industry keep up with how customer
needs are evolving
Phrases of the day:
1. Agreement 'within sight' Biden has called for a unified minimum corporate tax
rate of 15 percent in negotiations with the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) and G20.
Угода «в межах видимості» Байден закликав до єдиної мінімальної ставки
корпоративного податку в розмірі 15 відсотків на переговорах з Організацією
економічного співробітництва та розвитку (ОЕСР) і G20.
2. The technique, which uses lasers to measure the velocity at which a
microphone's diaphragm vibrates, performs well enough to overtake one of the
main calibration methods used at NIST and throughout industry.
Техніка, яка використовує лазери для вимірювання швидкості, з якою вібрує
діафрагма мікрофона, працює досить добре, щоб обігнати один з основних методів
калібрування, що використовуються в NIST і в усій промисловості.
3. A review of the global scenario with respect to hazardous household waste
fits this picture, according to a paper in the International Journal of
Environment and Waste Management.
Огляд глобального сценарію щодо небезпечних побутових відходів відповідає цій
картині, відповідно до статті в Міжнародному журналі з навколишнього середовища
та управління відходами.
Today I’ve read the article about Machine learning aids in materials design
A long-held goal by chemists across many industries,is to imagine the chemical
structure of a new molecule and be able to predict how it will function for a
desired application. Recently, a team of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL) materials and computer scientists have brought this vision to fruition
for energetic molecules by creating machine learning (ML) models that can
predict molecules' crystalline properties from their chemical structures alone,
such as molecular density. Members of LLNL's High Explosive Application Facility
(HEAF) already have begun taking advantage of the model's web interface, with a
goal to discover new insensitive energetic materials.
The team continues to search for new properties of interest to the Lab with the
vision of providing a suite of predictive models for materials scientists to use
in their research.
Phrases of the day:
1. The FAA usually requires that drones operate within sight of their operators,
which limits the distance they can fly; for these flights, an exception has been
FAA зазвичай вимагає, щоб дрони працювали в межах видимості своїх операторів, що
обмежує відстань, на яку вони можуть летіти; для цих рейсів зроблено виняток.
2. As a society, we need to talk about how much clothing is well enough to live
Як суспільству, ми повинні говорити про те, наскільки одягу достатньо, щоб жити
3. The study finds that environmental variability during that time mirrors
changes in the Earth's orbit and orientation with respect to the sun, as
predicted by a natural phenomenon known as Milankovic cycles.
Дослідження показує, що мінливість навколишнього середовища протягом цього часу
відображає зміни в орбіті Землі та орієнтації відносно Сонця, як передбачено
природним явищем, відомим як цикли Міланковича.
· #573
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:49)
Today I have read the article «Study examines why college education leads to
healthier and longer lives».
This article tells us about study led by William & Mary Assistant Professor of
Economics Peter Savelyev and funded by the National Science Foundation. So, this
study proves that college education is likely to add years to our lives.
Education tends people to have healthy lifestyles and higher salary. Besides,
educated people are less likely to have jobs with dangerous conditions.
In my opinion, all people must have access to high-quality education. Studying
helps our body and mind stay healthy, cheerful and calm.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) well enough
I knew him well enough to know that he was deeply affected.
Я знав його достатньо добре, аби знати, що він був глибоко вражений.
2) within sight
My delegation is pleased to know that, as a result of these efforts, the goal of
independence is now within sight.
Моя делегація із задоволенням дізналася, що внаслідок цих зусиль мета
незалежності перебуває зараз у межах досяжності.
3) with respect to
The Human Rights Council was paralysed with respect to that situation.
Рада з прав людини не здійснила жодних дій у зв'язку з такою ситуацією.
Voice message:
Homework (на 19.04.22)
Today I have read the article «What people value in digital news».
The main idea of this article is to tell about research made at the Missouri
School of Journalism. Researchers tried to understand what is the difference
between printed and digital news for people. It is described here what are the
pros of reading digital news. Although, sometimes some difficulties happen for
readers while looking through news on the Internet.
In conclusion, I would like to say nowadays it might be better to read digital
news, because choosing newspapers has a bad impact on nature and different
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) status information
Some of them use existing protocols, while others require agents to shout back
monitoring status information.
Одні використовують існуючі протоколи, інші вимагають від агентів оприлюднення
інформації про стан моніторингу.
2) zero out
Once I zero out the local drives, they'll have no choice but to restore them
from the backups.
Оскільки я зітру локальні диски, їм не залишиться нічого іншого, як відновити їх
із бекапів.
3) worthy of note
In 2007, I spoke with nearly 100 different companies, each of which offered
something interesting that was worthy of note.
У 2007 році я розмовляв майже зі 100 різними компаніями, кожна з яких
пропонувала щось цікаве, що заслуговує на увагу.
Voice message:
· #572
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:40)
борг 3
Today I have read the article “Online calculator shows how trees can improve air
quality and cut health costs” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with the issue of ecology is acute in our society, therefore, I believe
that such statistics and analyzes help to better understand the problem and
methods for solving it. This article talks about a calculator that helps track
the need for vegetation in different regions.
In conclusion, I want to say planting trees affects not only the ecology and
beauty of the surrounding world. First of all, trees are the key to quality air,
and quality air is the key to quality human life, which affects all spheres of
the state.
Phrases of the day
1)as often as
Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones
Рекорди спеки падають вдвічі частіше, ніж холодні
2)application program
Application software is a computer program that functions and is operated by
means of a computer
Прикладне програмне забезпечення - це комп'ютерна програма, яка функціонує та
керується за допомогою комп'ютера
3)additional references
Code diggers have uncovered a treasure-trove of strings that reference a camera,
flash, zoom and video conferencing in the third beta
Копачі коду виявили скарбницю рядків, які посилаються на камеру, спалах,
масштабування та відеоконференції в третій бета-версії
· #571
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:36)
Today I have read the article called" Honey holds potential for making
brain-like computer chips"
Honey might be a sweet solution for developing environmentally friendly
components for neuromorphic computers, systems designed to mimic the neurons and
synapses found in the human brain. The researchers show that honey can be used
to make a memristor, a component similar to a transistor that can not only
process but also store data in memory.
Honey is really a product that deserves attention, it does not spoil, it has a
very low concentration of moisture, so bacteria cannot survive in it, and if
they want to dispose of these devices, all they have to do is dissolve them in
Phrases of the Day:
1)within sight
The successful conclusion of this process, in which the parties have invested
heavily, is within sight.
Успішне завершення цього процесу, в який сторони вклали значні кошти, не за
2) with respect to
In their paper, the team explains that "the time series of light reflected from
exoplanets by future direct imaging can provide spatial information with respect
to the planetary surface."
У своїй роботі команда пояснює, що «часовий ряд світла, відбитого від екзопланет
шляхом майбутнього прямого зображення, може надати просторову інформацію щодо
поверхні планети».
3) well enough
Maybe I'm not explaining mine well enough.
Можливо, я недостатньо добре пояснюю своє.
· #570
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:35)
Class work
Today I have read the article called" With a whiff, 'e-nose' can sense fine
whiskey "
Whisky is one of the most expensive alcoholic drinks, so there are a lot of
people wanting to cash in on it, to counterfeit the drink. To combat this,
researchers have developed an electronic nose (e-nose) that can distinguish
among different brands, origins, and styles by "sniffing" the liquor. The sensor
array generates the unique signal matrix according to the different odor
molecules it comes into contact with. It then sends the data to a computer for
analysis, with a machine learning algorithm trained to recognize whiskey
A useful invention that will save more than a thousand dollars in customers'
Phrases of the Day:
1)within sight
The successful conclusion of this process, in which the parties have invested
heavily, is within sight.
Успішне завершення цього процесу, в який сторони вклали значні кошти, не за
2) with respect to
In their paper, the team explains that "the time series of light reflected from
exoplanets by future direct imaging can provide spatial information with respect
to the planetary surface."
У своїй роботі команда пояснює, що «часовий ряд світла, відбитого від екзопланет
шляхом майбутнього прямого зображення, може надати просторову інформацію щодо
поверхні планети».
3) well enough
Maybe I'm not explaining mine well enough.
Можливо, я недостатньо добре пояснюю своє.
Today I have read the article called" These robots can move your couch"
In the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, research students developed artificial
intelligence to train robots to work together to move a couch - in this case a
long rod that served as a stand - around two obstacles and through a narrow door
in computer simulations.
I think the invention will be useful and will replace the hard work of several
people. And if one or two robots fail, the others will be able to continue
working, because they are not communicating with each other, but accessing the
network. And in general, you wouldn't have to reward your robot helpers with
Phrases of the Day:
1)within sight
The successful conclusion of this process, in which the parties have invested
heavily, is within sight.
Успішне завершення цього процесу, в який сторони вклали значні кошти, не за
2) with respect to
In their paper, the team explains that "the time series of light reflected from
exoplanets by future direct imaging can provide spatial information with respect
to the planetary surface."
У своїй роботі команда пояснює, що «часовий ряд світла, відбитого від екзопланет
шляхом майбутнього прямого зображення, може надати просторову інформацію щодо
поверхні планети».
3) well enough
Maybe I'm not explaining mine well enough.
Можливо, я недостатньо добре пояснюю своє.
· #569
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (борг 3) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:26)
I have read the article:«Twitter CEO Dick Costolo's two rules on being a
leadership superpower»
As i have read, speaking at TechCrunch Disrupt, Twitter's CEO Dick Costolo
offered two simple rules to becoming a superpower in a business management role.
The 49 year-old chief executive officer of Twitter, who took over from Evan
Williams in 2010, is often touted as one of the most influential and impressive
CEOs currently leading a firm.
Also, success depends on your personality, attitude and approach to business,
there are several simple rules that the CEO suggests you follow in order to
become a successful entrepreneur. When asked how today and tomorrow's business
operators can be successful, Costolo commented:"You have to lead people without
really caring what they think about you. Managing by trying to be liked is the
path to ruin."And with this in mind, Costolo's second rule is worthy of
note:"You have to build trust with your team and people. You do this by being
forthright and clear from day one. As a leader, you are totally transparent --
your people are looking at you all the time.”
So,as a reader I am totally agree with these thoughts and they must be applied
in practice.
Phrases of the day
1)worthy of note
In a story which unfortunately just keeps giving, Facebook has yet again awarded
us with a privacy scandal worthy of note.
У історії, яка, на жаль, продовжує давати, Facebook знову нагородив нас
скандалом щодо конфіденційності, гідним уваги.
2)zero out
The electronegativities of most metals came out at close to zero
Електронегативність більшості металів виявилася близькою до нуля
3)status information
The company also provides an excellent server list with good current status
Компанія також надає чудовий список серверів з хорошою інформацією про поточний
· #568
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:25)
борг 2
Today I have read the article “Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape
origin traced” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with the article tells us about genetic research, namely the evolution
of malar parasites. As it turned out, they are divided into several species that
parasitize different mammals (humans and monkeys). As a result, the parasites
that parasitize humans have evolved from monkeys.
In conclusion, I want to say these studies are important, because knowing the
nature of the virus, you can resist it. In other words, this is an opportunity
for science to develop in the field of medicine.
Phrases of the day
1)as often as
Because these taxes often are passed on to the consumer in the form of higher
prices, tariffs often are viewed as a "protectionist tool" to encourage
consumers to buy less-expensive domestic goods.
Оскільки ці податки часто перекладаються на споживача у формі вищих цін, тарифи
часто розглядаються як «протекціоністський інструмент», щоб спонукати споживачів
купувати менш дорогі вітчизняні товари.
2)application problem
Accessible social media analysis through web-based application programming
Доступний аналіз соціальних мереж через інтерфейси програмування веб-додатків
3)additional references
It cross-references these images with the user's identification document and
then combines this with additional data points to ensure that a real person is
Він поєднує ці зображення з документом, що посвідчує особу користувача, а потім
поєднує це з додатковими даними, щоб переконатися, що реальна людина ...
· #567
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (борг 2) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:25)
I have read the article:«Blue Origin launches its fourth crew to final frontier»
As article says, the New Shepard suborbital rocket blasted off from the
company's Launch Site One base in west Texas at 8:58 am local time (1358 GMT)
with six crew members.
Also, after launch, the reusable, zero greenhouse gas emissions rocket landed
vertically at a pad, while the capsule continued soaring, crossing the Karman
line that marks the start of space, 100 kilometers (62 miles) high.Passengers
unbuckled and enjoyed a few minutes of weightlessness, taking in the majesty of
Earth before the capsule re-entered the atmosphere, deployed its chutes and
floated to the surface for a gentle desert landing.
So, after years of promise, the space tourism sector is finally taking off. One
of the scientists told reporters the company was continuing to make improvements
to the vehicle "under the hood" aimed at pushing down costs and reducing the
time between flights.
"Someday you're going to see us launching every single week," he said.
Phrases of the day
1)status information
“The image, when expanded, was a high-resolution photo that displayed control
systems equipment models and status information in the background."
«Розгорнуте зображення являло собою фотографію з високою роздільною здатністю,
яка відображала моделі обладнання систем керування та інформацію про стан у
фоновому режимі».
2)zero out
Under-pressure New Zealand sets out carbon-zero plan.
Нова Зеландія під тиском викладає план без вуглецю
3)worthy of note
The Asus ROG Mothership, while not technically a laptop, is worthy of note
Хоча технічно не ноутбук, заслуговує на увагу
· #566
Gvozd to Zhovtobrukh Maria IP-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:24)
I have read several your tasks, not bad. Please, try to post the comments during the lesson.
· #565
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (борг 1) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 10:24)
I have read the article:«Mumbai becomes first South Asian city to detail
net-zero plan»
As article says, Mumbai announced detailed plans to zero out carbon emissions by
2050, a target that puts it two decades ahead of India's national goal and makes
it the first city in South Asia to set such a timeline.
So, in the plan announced Sunday, India's financial center, home to south Asia's
biggest corporations, stock bourses and the central bank, has proposed
exhaustive changes to the way it manages energy, water, air, waste, green spaces
and transport for its 19 million residents.Also, Mumbai's plan could help India
rethink current models of development that put economic growth ahead of
environmental stewardship.
As scientists say, if Mumbai is successful, it could turn India's focus to other
pressing issues, including access to clean water and services for the city's
significant homeless population.
Phrases of the day
1)worthy of note
Also worthy of note, said TrendForce, is that the overall revenue reported by
foundries at the start of 2021 increased despite some serious setbacks for some.
За словами TrendForce, також варто звернути увагу на те, що загальний дохід, про
який повідомляли ливарні підприємства, на початку 2021 року зріс, незважаючи на
деякі серйозні невдачі для деяких
2)zero out
Consider the Biden administration's central climate goal: cut domestic
greenhouse gas emissions 50%-52% below 2005 levels by 2030, then zero out
emissions by 2050
Розглянемо головні кліматичні цілі адміністрації Байдена: скоротити внутрішні
викиди парникових газів на 50%-52% нижче рівня 2005 року до 2030 року, а потім
обнулити викиди до 2050 року
3)status information
The Internet of Things: Cool connected cars Cars have been getting more clever,
talking to your device, and exchanging status information with each other.
Інтернет речей: класні підключені автомобілі Автомобілі стають розумнішими,
спілкуються з вашим пристроєм та обмінюються інформацією про стан один з одним.
· #564
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 09:55)
Борг 1
Today I have read the article “Obama signs cybersecurity executive order ahead
of State Of The Union” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with fact that this article was be posted in 2013, so the information
of its isn’t actual, but anyway we can analyze Obama’s politics. Of course,
cybersecurity is an important contribution to the development of the state, but
in this case, there is a question of confidentiality and exchange of information
to ensure order in the American space.
In other words, we can say that this was the reason for signing this order. Of
course, such an open system can make it very easy to steal data, so companies
need to keep it secure. In addition, the order of both will limit all
opportunities for any fraud.
1) fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
Найкращий спосіб – отримувати правдиву та достовірну інформацію безпосередньо з
державної платіжної системи.
2) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy
На першому етапі розроблено новий спеціальний метод на основі нечіткої логіки.
3) desired information
A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired
Зведена таблиця може допомогти швидко узагальнити дані та виділити потрібну
· #563
Shapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:38)
The essay (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 17:55) does not correspond to the cerriculum of your specialty, your topic for today is - Globalisation, you have alrady presented the essay but it is not satisfactory from the viewpoins either the size or the content. Please, try to write another one.
· #562
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:32)
he abstract (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 20:28) contains all the elements necessary for such kind of independent work, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #561
Shapa L.N. to Karina Yasnova IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:28)
abstract (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 14:12) has been written and pronounced
excellently, the task Phrases of the Dau has been done correct.
And I'd like to persuade you to use only English everywhere in you works
presented at Guestbook.
· #560
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:23)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:44) meets all the requirements for independent student work and contains everything which commonly includes in the contents of work, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay contains either advantages and disadvantages, the latter ones - too much information about Canada which is known to everybody, it occupies almost 30% of the essay, at the same time - a lot of data supporting the facts stated in the essay, generally - excellent.
· #559
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:14)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:36) contains both reviews and the tasks Phrases of the Day which were written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay cannot be assessed as excellent because it does not meet the requirements for such kind of essayes: absence of statistics, comparison of facts, etc.
· #558
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:06)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:44) contains all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student work, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the essay meet all the requirements for such kind of essay. Excellent.
· #557
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:58)
The essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:03) is estimated as excellent.
· #556
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:56)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:00) ccould be taken as an example to follow , everything is included and (which is also important) done gramatically amd phonetically correct, the essay demonstrates your complete understanding of he situation in the field you are writing about. Excellent.
· #555
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:49)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:52) can be called ideal, since first there are all elements which should be included in such kind of work, everything was done without mistakes, the essay contains not only interesting facts but also their statistical confeimation. Excellent.
· #554
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:29)
The essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:51) is very interesting and full of facts, but absence of statistics does not allow to estimate it as excellent.
· #553
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:22)
The essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:44) can be assessed as excellent.
· #552
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:19)
The essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:32) is very large and meaningful, there are a lot of facts which regretably are not supported by statistics, e.g. "Unfortunately, the reserves of traditional energy sources on the planet are getting smaller and smaller every year ..." to what extent the resources are decreasing, it would be good to compare 10 years ago and now. And such kind of claims can be made to any of the affirmation. Not excellent.
· #551
Shapa L.N. to the IM-211 group students (Thursday, 14 April 2022 07:07)
Your English lesson has just started and I'm waithing for your commenteries, tasks, essays, etc.
· #550
Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 18:59)
To Zhovtobrukh Maria-group-IP-211. Thank you for your annotations on the topics "Biological Psychology (544)" and "Clinical Psychology (545)". Your both comments are informative and interesting to read, but recording your comments is a must of your independent work. Something is wrong with your Vocaroo code, it is mistaken. Would you revise your messages before posting them. There are no sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Keep on working online. Good luck !
· #549
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 17:55)
Psychology Models of Management Accounting analyzes the contributions of
psychology-based research to explaining patterns in individuals' MA-related
decision-making. Psychology is critical to the workplace. It helps managers at
all levels of organizations select, support, motivate and train employees. It
also helps businesses design products, build better workspaces and foster
healthy behavior. The application of a knowledge of human behavior to issues
that arise in the management of organizations, especially with regard to
decision making, problem solving, leadership, and human relations in the
· #548
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 17:51)
simple terms, globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily
across borders. Principally, it's an economic concept – the integration of
markets, trade and investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products
and services between nations. A core element of globalization is the expansion
of world trade through the elimination or reduction of trade barriers, such as
import tariffs. Greater imports offer consumers a wider variety of goods at
lower prices, while providing strong incentives for domestic industries to
remain competitive.
· #547
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 17:29)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #546
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 12:34)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topics. Good luck
· #545
Zhovtobrukh Maria IP-211(Gvozg) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:52)
Clinical psychology is at present the largest specialization within psychology
.In many countries, clinical psychology is a regulated mental health profession
. Credit for the first psychology clinic in the United States typically goes to
Lightner Witmer , who established his practice in Philadelphia.Central to its
practice are psychological assessment and psychotherapy although clinical
psychologists may also engage in research, teaching, consultation, forensic
testimony, and program development and administration. A key aspect of behavior
therapy is empirical evaluation of the treatment's effectiveness. Some clinical
psychologists may focus on the clinical management of patients with brain
injury, this area is known as clinical neuropsychology.
· #544
Zhovtobrukh Maria IP-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:40)
Biological psychology , also known as physiological psychology , or
neuropsychology is the study of the biological substrates of behavior and mental
processes.Cognitive psychology studies cognition , the mental processes
underlying mental activity. Key research topics in this field include
comparative psychology , which studies humans in relation to other animals, and
perception which involves the physical mechanics of sensation as well as neural
and mental processing. For centuries, a leading question in biological
psychology has been whether and how mental functions might be localized in the
brain. Evolutionary psychology examines cognition and personality traits from an
evolutionary perspective. Elements of behaviorism and cognitive psychology were
synthesized to form cognitive behavioral therapy , a form of psychotherapy
modified from techniques developed by American psychologist Albert Ellis and
American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck.
· #543
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 11:12)
Today I read the article "creating new populations of sea turtles in a
biodiversity crisis". The loss of biodiversity has accelerated over the past
decade. The cause is the effects of global warming and habitat change. The great
thing is that the problem can almost always be solved. Reintroduction of
captive-bred animals is one solution to this problem.
Almost extinct is the green turtle, a globally distributed migratory species.
Fortunately, a commercial effort to breed them has been established. Which has
greatly increased the number of breeding females. These results were obtained
with the first generation of wild offspring. Therefore, in the future, genetic
analysis should be done again.
Phrases of the day:
1.In order to avoid
I decided to double-check all my work in order to avoid problems in the project
Я решил перепроверить всю свою работу, чтобы избежать проблем в проекте
2.In greater detail
I bought a book on the subject in order to study the material in more detail
Я купил книгу по этой теме, чтобы изучить материал более подробно
3.In a somewhat
In some ways Annabelle was wrong, but she managed to remain innocent
В некоторой степени Аннабель была неправа, но ей удалось остаться невиновной
Today I read the article "How to Develop Safe and Sustainable Chemicals. I found
it interesting. Because with many chemicals, health and environmental problems
only become apparent years after their widespread use. And the research team
suggests a way to change that. Namely by designing safe and sustainable
chemicals. I find this very useful because chemicals you find them in food,
clothing, toys, cosmetics, medicines and many other aspects of daily life. Which
can be a sleeping hazard to you and your life. And pollution in general is seen
as a global threat and is listed as a major factor in the loss of biodiversity.
Exam topic: School psychology
School psychology is a branch of educational psychology concerned with the study
of the conditions of organization of the educational process. School psychology
was formed in the late ХІХ - early ХХ century as an extension of functional
psychology. A significant shift in the work of specialists in the field of
school psychology was the use of IQ tests, which were innovative at the time.
The next major milestone was the shift of attention from students to teachers,
administrators, and parents of exceptional children. In the year 1930 the first
book on school psychology, Psychological Services for School Problems, written
by psychologist Gertrude Hildreth, was published.
I find the science of psychology and its area of teaching school psychology very
interesting and useful.
· #542
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:20)
recently published study found that Iceland's glaciers have lost about 750
square kilometers, or seven percent of their surface , since the beginning of
2000 due to global warming. Experts have prevіously warned that Iceland's
glaciers could completely disappear by 2200. And this is actually very, very
sad. Because the problem of global warming has been very relevant for many
decades . The melting of glaciers , an increase in the water level negatively
affects animals and birds. The amount of precipitation increases , the nests are
flooded, the climate is changing. And the climate itself in Iceland can change
so much that it will lead to consequences.
· #541
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:16)
1.The book Sandworm, nd authored by Wired security editor Andy Greenberg,
details this group's hacking operations in greater detail.
У книзі Sandworm, автором якої є редактор безпеки Wired Енді Грінберг,
докладніше описано хакерські операції цієї групи.
2.The scientists believe this was partially due to the Wyoming mine being
located in a somewhat protected pit.
Вчені вважають, що частково це сталося через те, що шахта Вайомінга була
розташована в дещо захищеній ямі.
3.Mountain lions fear humans and alter their behavior in order to avoid areas
with high housing density, where human activity is most obvious.
Гірські леви бояться людей і змінюють свою поведінку, щоб уникнути районів з
високою щільністю проживання, де людська діяльність найбільш очевидна.
I was impressed by the idea of generating electricity by mixing salt water with
fresh river water. It sounds like a fantasy, but if you believe the research of
Dr. Diego Pintossi, you can come to the conclusion that this method has enormous
potential. According to the doctor, in theory, a river prepared by this method
can give such a level of energy as a hydroelectric power plant with a waterfall
more than 140 meters high. The whole process is based on the theory that there
is a lot of salt in seawater, and very little in river water. Therefore, the
difference in salt concentration between fluids can be exploited to generate
electricity. A significant disadvantage of this method is the large amount of
dirt and small particles contained in the river water.
· #540
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:07)
Scientists have recently demonstrated a paradoxical cooling method through the
use of heating. According to the authors, this technology can be very useful for
highly sensitive electrical and mechanical sensors, as well as various
components of potentially promising quantum computers. Also, on a more global
scale, this principle can be used to cool rooms instead of air conditioners.
Tests have shown that both radiators and underfloor heating systems can
significantly reduce the ambient temperature in summer and create a pleasant
cooling effect in standard rooms up to 16 m2 . The main essence of the
technology lies in the use of heat pumps and water heat removal systems
· #539
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:04)
1.This excellent video and accompanying article published at URTech.Ca covers
the process in greater detail.
Це чудове відео та супровідна стаття, опублікована на URTech.Ca, висвітлює
процес більш детально.
2.Researcher Pylin Sarobol explains an elegant process for ultrafine-grained
ceramic coatings in a somewhat inelegant way: sub-micron particles splatting
onto a surface.
Дослідник Пілін Сароболь дещо неелегантно пояснює елегантний процес
ультрадрібнозернистого керамічного покриття: субмікронні частинки розбризкуються
на поверхню.
3.The virus would have to come up with an entirely different way to enter cells
in order to avoid the need to use ACE2 receptors.
Вірусу доведеться придумати зовсім інший спосіб проникнення в клітини, щоб
уникнути необхідності використовувати рецептори ACE2.
Artificial intelligence (AI) as such is a set of complex computer algorithms
that allow you to do cеrtainactions or make decisions instead of a person. It is
very widely used in medicine, in the diagnosis of diseases, for example, X-ray,
ultrasound, and so on. Artificial intelligence controls robots, drones,
computers around the world, making it easier for people to work. But there is a
big human factor problem. Researchers in the US and Germany have long wondered
if AI can be trusted directly with human life. The machine is impartial,
empathyand feelings are alien to it. It is impossible to agree with it, the
machine does not feel pain, compassion and other things. It can help if it is
ordered, but if the situation can get out of control, AI can lead to
· #538
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 09:18)
Today I have read the article called: "Ancient art of kirigami meets AI for
better materials design". This article is about the modern practical application
of the Japanese art of paper cutting. Kirigami originated in the seventh century
in Japan, it was used to decorate temples. In modern practice this art is used
to produce 2D stretchable materials. This process happens through a combination
of artificial intelligence and kirigami. Researchers at the University of
Southern California are using computing power to improve the synchronization of
the old and the new. In my opinion, this practice is useful for humanity,
because thanks to 2d stretchable materials you can create a device for
monitoring health.
Phrases of the day:
1. Zero out
You need to erase the data to zero out the calculator.
Тобі потрібно стерти дані, щоб обнулити калькулятор.
2. Worthy of note
It is be worthy of note that Peter was the first to finish.
Варто відзначити, що першим фінішував Петро.
3. Status information
Based on status information, our firm will make huge profits.
На основі поточної інформації, наша фірма отримає величезний прибуток.
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd)
Today I have read the article called: "Compact, green and car-free. Can city
living beat climate change?". This article is about the climate change in the
middle of the twenty-first century. Scientists predict that by the middle of
this century, about seventy percent of the world's people will live in urban
areas. This could be a good opportunity for the potential to create ideal cities
with lots of greenery and sustainable energy. Today, urban areas emit a large
amount of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. Cities are more
efficient in improving the climate as city dwellers require less energy than
rural dwellers.
Exam topic: Psychology as a science
Psychology as a science originated in antiquity. Despite this, it received its
name only after several centuries. Psychology developed in several main stages,
at each of them this science had a different subject of study. At the first
stage, the subject of psychology was the soul, at the second - consciousness, at
the third - behavior, at the fourth - the psyche. Because of this, a lot of
directions and schools arose in psychology. Although the psychology is the old
science, a lot of it remains unknown. I really like to study this science, as it
is interesting and diverse.
· #537
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 09:09)
This article about the Apple Watch 7 update is not new to me, because I've read
about it before. Aside from the bigger screen, there doesn't seem to have been
many improvements. The Watch Series 7 is basically a Watch Series 6 with a
bigger screen. The article says about age and visual impairment. In that case,
if you're 52 years old, a bigger screen would be a cool upgrade. Clearer,
easier-to-read text on a smaller display will make a significant difference. The
benefit of a larger display goes beyond simply viewing more text on a bigger
screen. Overall, I think the Watch Series 7 is a significant upgrade for the
older client.
Phrases of the day:
1.In order to avoid
He is doing what he must do in order to avoid being indicted.
Он делает то, что должен сделать, чтобы избежать обвинения.
2.In greater detail
The video below outlines the process in greater detail.
Видео ниже описывает процесс более подробно.
3.In a somewhat
In a somewhat sly move, Olivia packed an album with ticket sales
Несколько хитрым ходом Оливия упаковала альбом с продажами билетов.
Independent Practice:
An article about robot muscles that are 1,000 times stronger than humans. What
surprised me was that a robot muscle can throw objects fifty times heavier than
itself over a distance. And multiple muscles can be combined like the human
neuromuscular system. Algorithms guide the robots to identify each other. Or
combine into patterns such as a chair, a ladder, or a desk. It's a little
frightening. Because with such progressive development, robots could very well
replace human work. The author at the end of the article put it this way, "My
New Year's promise: find a way to become indispensable to robots," and I agree
with that thought.
· #536
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 09:08)
Today I have read an interesting article about the development of new
technologies in mechanical engineering. The fact is that many modern cars will
soon be able not only to "communicate" and exchange information not only with
their owner, but also with other cars. Also, the article describes the different
companies that make cars and what new "gizmos" they are going to equip new
models. For example, Tesla will add sensors for remote access, and Mercedes will
add an app that will communicate with a smart watch.
Phrases of the day:
1. Status information (текущая информация)
Let's quickly run through status information regarding this interesting incident
2. Zero out (обнуление)
How about zeroing out my gas and electric bills?
3. Worthy of note (следует отметить)
It is worthy of note that he resorted to very radical ways of solving the
Independent practice
I have read an interesting article today about how India is going to reach zero
emissions by 2070. According to India's prime minister, the country wants to
increase its capacity on non-fossil fuels, thereby converting electricity
production to renewable sources. This is very important because India has a lot
of different industries and every country has to think about improving the
climate for its own future and the future of its children.
· #535
Gvozd to Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 08:24)
Your task is quite informative, it is interesting to read. Keep on working.
· #534
Gvozd to Davidenko Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 08:22)
Thank you, well done.
· #533
Gvozd to Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 08:17)
It's not necessary to write the translation of the sentences with phrases. All in all the task is complete and correct.
· #532
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 08:14)
The task is complete and informative, thank you.
· #531
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 08:05)
Phrases of the Day
1. product development
In the future, functions could further expand to address product development and
В майбутньому може відбуватися подальше розширення функцій з включенням в них
розробки продукції і новаторської діяльності.
2. predetermined course of action
Many of those adjustments do not follow a predetermined course of action.
Багато з цих коригувань не застосовуються в строго визначеному порядку.
3. as follows
The specific situation for the various services concerned can be described as
Конкретну ситуацію, в якій опинилися різні відповідні служби, можна
охарактеризувати наступним чином.
Nobel in physics: Climate science breakthroughs earn prize. Today i have read
the article which called "Nobel in physics: Climate science breakthroughs earn
prize". In this article was talking about Three scientists who have been awarded
the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work to understand complex systems,
such as the Earth's climate. They used a computer to study the Earth's climate
and predict global warming. In my opinion, it is incredibly difficult to predict
the long-term behavior of complex physical systems, such as climate, so
computers are very helpful to them. This article was fascinating and you
obviously should read it. In thas article also was talking about others
scintests who have win Nobel.
1. large enough for This ship is large enough for accommodate many people.
Достаточно большой для этого корабля достаточно большой, чтобы разместить много
людей. 2. interesting to note that It is interesting to note that these images
are similar to each other. Интересно отметить, что интересно отметить, что эти
изображения похожи друг на друга. 3. in the course of In the course of the day,
he had to complete these tasks. В течение дня он должен был выполнить эти
The emergence of newspapers in Britain and the United States.
Today I have read the article describes how newspapers came to be in Britain and
America. The British press debuted in the 17th century. The newspapers touched
on the political sphere (wars and revolutions). In North America, the
publication began to form after the independence of the United States. "Public
Events, Foreign and Domestic", the first newspaper in 1660. The governor stopped
publishing, but the publication began to work unofficially. But after all the
punishments, the United States came to a controversy that should have helped to
form newspapers around the world.
Exam topic # 1 Sociology.
Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and
consequences of human behavior. Sociologists investigate the structure of
groups, organizations, and societies, and how people interact within these
contexts. Since all human behavior is social, the subject matter of sociology
ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob; from organized crime to
religious cults; from the divisions of race, gender and social class to the
shared beliefs of a common culture; and from the sociology of work to the
sociology of sports. In fact, few fields have such broad scope and relevance for
research, theory, and application of knowledge.
· #530
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 07:58)
Today I've read the article on "Radar satellites allow researchers to pinpoint
where sinkholes are happening" in which researchers used special radar satellite
technology to detect warning signs and pinpoint the location of the funnel.
The team used special radar technology and analysis tools to detect changes in
the ground and determine the exact areas where the subsidence occurs - a common
effect of failures. They found that land subsidence occurs at speeds of up to a
quarter of an inch per year in various areas in the counties of Hernando and
Research shows that with the help of special radar satellite technology, we can
track large areas for localized subsidence and provide very valuable warning
information that can protect people and their property.
Phrases of the Day:
1)described above
All measures described above are limited to those addicts who voluntarily seek
2)grouped into
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
3)identify the areas
They can help identify the areas where human rights education and training are
most needed for the population at large.
Today, I've read the article on "AI can predict Twitter users likely to spread
disinformation before they do it" in which researchers at the University of
Sheffield have developed a new algorithm based on artificial intelligence that
can predict exactly which Twitter users will spread misinformation before they
Research has shown that Twitter users who share stories from unreliable sources
are more likely to tweet about politics or religion and use obscene language.
Thus, the results of the study can help social networking companies such as
Twitter and Facebook to develop ways to combat the spread of misinformation on
the Internet. They could also help social scientists and psychologists to
significantly improve their understanding of such user behavior.
Exam topic # 1 Sociology
Sociology is the science of society, the systems that make it up, the patterns
of functioning and development, social institutions, relationships and
communities. The term "sociology" was first introduced into scientific
circulation by O. Comte in 1832
I understand sociology as the connection of a person with society as a whole.
Sociology, along with other related sciences, studies how society is
established, what functions society performs and how it changes.
Sociologists perform a number of functions that each of them knows. The most
important task facing sociologists is the ability to develop new processes in
the future, creating an opportunity for better development of society.
· #529
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 07:50)
Today I have read a very fascinating and entertaining article about our future.
More specifically, about the climate and how to avoid the consequences of mass
urbanization, which will be happening (according to scientists) as early as the
middle of the 21st century. First, people should switch from cars to bicycles,
or at least to electric cars or public transportation like buses or streetcars.
Second, we should plant as many trees as possible, as well as make new water
ponds, grow plants, and do the now popular "green roofs". All this will help to
avoid even more air pollution and the emission of carbon dioxide into the
earth's atmosphere. The article is really not only interesting, but also very
useful, because it is about the health of all mankind.
Phrases of the day:
1.Zero out (обнуление)
I need a new device to zero out all that information on the computer. (Мне нужен
новый прибор для обнуления всей той информации, которая указана на компьютере)
2. Worthy of note (следует отметить)
So it worthy of note that we are not going to the party tomorrow (Поэтому
следует отметить что мы не пойдём завтра на вечеринку)
3. Status information (текущая информация)
I have no idea what I should do with the status information provided by my
(Понятия не имею, что мне следует делать с текущей информацией, предоставленной
Independent Practice:
Today I have read an interesting, but sadly relevant and topical article that
talks about the fact that because of the military conflict and the shortage of
wheat and grain, many people in the world have nothing to eat. This is because
of poverty and class inequality. Countries have plenty of supplies to feed every
family, but some people in low-income areas don't get enough money to buy their
own food. Some argue that we will have to limit our consumption of sugar and
trans fats, and be more responsible with our food. Take about as much food as
you can eat, so you don't throw it away for nothing.
Exam topic #1(Introduction into psychology)
Psychology is the science that studies human mental processes, behavior and
emotions. Simply put, it is the study of the psyche. The psyche, in turn, is a
subjective reflection of objective reality. Psychology appeared relatively
recently, but has become one of the most interesting and massively studied
sciences in the world. Many people since ancient times have wondered how their
psyche works, and the desire to think about it in the 21st century has not
diminished. New psychology departments are opening at the world's most famous
universities, people are becoming conscious about their actions after reading
psychological books, and scientists are discovering many interesting facts about
how our brain functions.
· #528
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 07:44)
Today I have read the article called: "The sanctuary of the shallows: Climate
change could affect where Seychelles' stingrays choose to live". This article is
about the research that will help you learn more facts about the life of
stingrays in the Seychelles. Scientists track about sixty individuals of three
species of stingrays per year. Researchers use acoustic transmitter technology
to track the movements of stingrays. They found that these animals prefer
shallow water because it is safe there. However, due to low tides and high or
low temperatures, they swim into deep waters, which can contain dangerous large
predatory sharks.
Phrases of the day:
1. Zero out
In order to zero out the profile, you need to reset all settings.
Щоб обнулити профіль, потрібно скинути всі налаштування.
2. Worthy of note
It is worthy of note that many people took part in the development of this
Варто відзначити, що в розробці цього пристрою брали участь багато людей.
3. Status information
The status information will greatly help us avoid mistakes.
Поточна інформація значно допоможе нам уникнути помилок.
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd)
Today I have read the article called: "Collision hotspots for migrating birds
revealed in new study". This article is about the bird tracking research.
Researchers from the University of East Anglia have shown that the construction
of wind turbines and power lines can lead to the risk of death of migratory
birds. The scientists tracked the birds by GPS to find out where they most often
fly at dangerous heights. Turbines should be built in places where there is no
high vulnerability of birds to avoid collision. I think that such research is
very beneficial for the environment, as it saves the lives of hundreds of
· #527
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 06:59)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #526
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa(classwork 12.04) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 20:28)
I have read the article:«Philips white bulbs enable controls for dimmed or
energizing light»
As article says, sunny days are easily linked to feelings of well being; gloomy
days with no sun in sight are accordingly linked to feelings of sadness. That's
the easy part. People who work night shifts have a more complex problem of
missing out on light when it would be most beneficial and getting too much light
when it would not be beneficial. In other words, their internal clocks suffer.
So, light is a powerful signal for your internal clock. Light therapy may help
shift workers adjust to irregular schedules. Light has two primary effects on
your sleep/wake pattern. It has an alerting effect, and it also has the ability
to gradually shift sleeping patterns earlier or later, depending on the timing
of light exposure.
Therefore, Philips Lighting has another way to get the darkness or light that we
need, whether you can benefit from an energizing light for exercise sessions or
a dimmed nightlight for winding down to sleep.
Announced on Monday, the company has developed Philips Hue white ambiance bulbs,
featuring temperature controls which mimic natural light.
Phrases of the day
1)technology capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
У ньому також зазначається, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю
2)work schedule
Facebook said work schedules for those returning to offices will be flexible,
but its guidance is for people to be on-site at least half the time.
У Facebook заявили, що графік роботи для тих, хто повертається в офіси, буде
гнучким, але його рекомендація полягає в тому, щоб люди були на місці принаймні
половину часу.
3)expected value
It shows tension with the value expected based on the Standard Model of particle
Він показує напругу з очікуваним значенням на основі Стандартної моделі фізики
елементарних частинок
· #525
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 18:34)
Today I read the article "Generation of Electricity" Briefly, we can say that in
general there are not a couple of gerats, but much more, I only understood this
when I read the article. What all the same goes into this "generation"
Electricity generation is the process of obtaining electricity from primary
energy sources. A feature of electricity is that it is not a primary energy,
freely present in nature in significant quantities, and it must be produced. The
production of electricity occurs, as a rule, with the help of generators in
industrial enterprises, which are called power plants.
· #524
Borysenko (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 16:39)
To Vdovina,IZ-212. You have forgotten to use definite article "the" before " article" in your homework comment. Unfortunately your voice messages are full of mispronounced words. Pls, consult a dictionary before recording your voice messages. Good luck
· #523
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022)
read the article "Genocide" today. This topic is very painful for all peoples
and is very painful. At the moment, it seemed that her relevance was gone, but
no... After reading the article, I realized that The word “genocide” was first
coined by Polish lawyer Raphäel Lemkin in 1944 in his book Axis Rule in Occupied
Europe. It consists of the Greek prefix genos, meaning race or tribe, and the
Latin suffix cide, meaning killing. Lemkin developed the term partly in response
to the Nazi policies of systematic murder of Jewish people during the Holocaust,
but also in response to previous instances in history of targeted actions aimed
at the destruction of particular groups of people. Later on, Raphäel Lemkin led
the campaign to have genocide recognised and codified as an international crime.
At the moment, it is better to think about this problem so that it never happens
again with us. This is actually a very scary thing that no one people wants.
· #522
Borysenko (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 16:27)
Arhunova,IZ-212. You have forgotten to use Present Perfect in the first sentence
of the comment"Reseach reveals..", it should be: Today I HAVE READ the
article...". You have forgotten to use pronoun US after TELLS in the second
sentence of your second comment, it should be;" It tells US about..."
Your voice messages are full of mispronounced words. Try to improve them. Best
· #521
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 16:21)
Exam topic # 17 Media history
Media history considers the historical dimension of communicating information,
knowledge, and values to a broad audience. Although the term ‘media’ came into
use only in the 1920s to denote the structures of such communication, media
history takes account of the period at least from the advent of the hand press
in the fifteenth century, and some interpretations include the scriptoria, oral
traditions, and wall paintings of medieval times, delving occasionally into
ancient and prehistory as well. The numerous approaches to media history share
an interest in understanding the impact such structures have had on societies
around the globe, the particular forms they have taken, and the dynamics of
historical change. Each of these areas is the subject of a significant body of
theoretical and empirical work, with many intersections and overlaps, taking
examples from the various media, their spatial contexts, and development over
· #520
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 16:17)
Phrases of the day:
1. There is no general agreement on when children's literature emerged as a
genre, according to Smith.
2. From this perspective, patterns are instances of templates in this context.
3. We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
Today I have read the article "What is Journalism?" It says that journalism is
the act of writing about news related subjects for all mediums, print and
non-print. It is also the complicated process of taking information and sifting
through it, editing information, and giving it context. The journalist is always
involved in the selection and presentation of what he or she considers to be
noteworthy, and in meeting the standard of truth and honesty in reporting.
Journalism incorporates everything from the "hard" news of politics and public
affairs, to the softer side, which includes human interest and celebrity
stories. I advise you to read the article.
Today I have read the article "How Science News has been a training ground for
young science journalists." In it, the reader is provided with some information
about the internship processes in the news organization. The author begins by
describing her memories of her internship at Science News. Much attention is
given to the former editor-in-chief, who continued to visit the office and gave
the right advice. The article goes on to say about Edwin Slosson, who made a
major contribution to the development of science journalism. I advise you to
read the article.
· #519
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 15:17)
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211
Thank you. That's the right way to do it. Well done.
· #518
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 14:44)
article about "The structure of the human body" was published today. I can say
right away that I learned a lot of new and informative things for myself.
The human body is the physical structure of a person, the human body. The human
body is made up of cells of various types, characteristically organized into
tissues that form organs, fill the space between them, or cover the outside. The
body of an adult is made up of about thirty trillion cells. Cells are surrounded
by an intercellular substance that provides their mechanical support and carries
out the transport of chemicals.
After reading half of it, I knew that embryologically all tissues of the human
body come from three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. In the human
body, as well as animals, four groups of tissues are distinguished - epithelial,
connective, nervous and muscular.
1) Green growth and green economy-related indicators identified to date can be
grouped into three main categories.
Розроблені на сьогодні показники «зеленого» зростання та «зеленої» економіки
можна розбити на три основні категорії.
2) They can help identify the areas where human rights education and training
are most needed for the population at large.
Вони також можуть визначити області, де освіта та підготовка з питань прав
людини є найбільш важливими для всього населення в цілому.
3) She met with X who recounted the events described above.
Вона зустрілася з потерпілим Х, який розповів їй про описані вище події.
· #517
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa классная 05.04 (борг) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 14:14)
аудио фразы :
1)Common data models will also play a role in remote patient monitoring, which
Cloud for Healthcare also supports through Azure for IoT.
Загальні моделі даних також будуть грати роль в дистанційному моніторингу
пацієнтів, які Cloud for Healthcare також підтримує через Azure for IoT.
2)What Zoom's IPO says about the video collaboration space.
Що говорить IPO Зума у просторі відеоспівробітництва.
3)А new spatial domain at about 2.5km in horizontal and higher resolution in
the vertical direction: it includes the Bosporus Strait and a portion of the
Marmara Sea;
Нова просторова область з горизонтальним й більш високим розширенням біля 2.5 км
в вертикальном напрямі : вона включає в себе Босфорський пролив й частину
Мраморного моря.
Тo begin with, today I read a very interesting article on the pet content of
Firstly,there are separate types of animals to be kept in the house.Cats and
certain kinds of dogs can make your loneliness better with their presence in
your apartment.But not all animals can be in these conditions.Wild animals have
been created by nature in places where they are most comfortable.Monkeys may
look more harmless when compared to tigers and lions, but that doesn’t change
the fact that they’re wild too.
Secondly, no matter how much you care about your " domestic " wild pet he’s most
likely to get psychological trauma.Such animals can often feel comfortable but
at any moment discomfort can attack or aggressively behave towards their master.
Of course the master won’t be thrilled with it and will apply the punishment
which will also affect the pet.
Finally, I think wild animals should stay in their habitat and then everything
will be in place.
· #516
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa классная 07.04 (борг) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 14:13)
аудио фразы :
1)Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data
in its API, or application program interface.
Деякі чиновники натиснули Google
й Apple, щоб дозволити використання данних про місцезнаходження в API або
інтерфейсі додатку.
2)Additional Budget funds for AFP to be used for deploying 'hacking' Bill
Додаткові бюджетні засоби для AFP, які будуть використані для розгортання
хакерских атак.
3)Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones.
Теплові рекорди падають в два рази частіше ,ніж холодні.
Today I read an article about a pilot study to test energy codes that come to
more efficient buildings.
Firstly, this project is unique, because people are testing for the first
time to reject the previous approach that has always been used in energy codes.
Secondly, this approach does not need to do more, and if something is not done
precisely, the whole building is considered to be out of order.For example,
norms limit the amount of light and sunlight allowed by windows to reduce
cooling energy. To benefit from solar energy.Characteristic-based codes can
recognize these benefits, but norms can’t.
That’s why I think the codes are more prognostic and relevant to the modern
· #515
Karina Yasnova IM-211Shapa/классная 09.04(борг) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 14:12)
аудио фразы:
1)To address this, the organisation put forward three recommendations that it
believes would help Australia's digital technology capability and innovation
keep pace with other countries.
Для вирішення цієї проблеми організація висунула три рекомендації ,які за її
думкою допоможуть Австралії йти в ногу з іншими країнами в області цифрових
технологій та інновацій.
2)Facebook said work schedules for those returning to offices will be flexible,
but its guidance is for people to be on-site at least half the time.
Facebook сказав, що графік роботи для тих хто повертається до офісу буде гнучким
,але його керівництво для людей ,щоб бути на місті загалом половину часу.
3)It shows tension with the value expected based on the Standard Model of
particle physics.
Він показує відповідість розрахованому значенню на основі стандартної моделі
фізики елементарних частинок.
аудио текст:
Today we’re going to consider an article about a book that dispelled the myths
of poverty among the British people.
Firstly,because Palgrave McMillan and Charles Dikkens described the life of
British homes as hard work and life and created a stereotype of widespread
poverty.Dickens' books were bought by the middle class, who were interested in
workhouses and extreme poverty, which was his main work. He also showed how
working-class conditions deteriorated after the introduction of machines.
Secondly, at the same time poor people were buying things that looked like a
bonus status.Property was often mortgaged or sold during difficult times to
provide more needed resources.
Finally, It can be concluded that each family has undergone certain cycles of
poverty and relative wealth.
· #514
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 13:42)
Фразы дня
1.These were (1) providing unbiased information, (2) maintaining work schedules,
(3) problem solving and (4) managing a budget.
2.To address this, the organisation put forward three recommendations that it
believes would help Australia's digital technology capability and innovation
keep pace with other countries.
3.It is our most robust measurement to date, and the discrepancy between the
measured and expected values persists.
1. Це були (1) надання об'єктивної інформації, (2) ведення робочого графіка, (3)
вирішення проблем і (4) управління бюджетом.
2.To для вирішення цієї проблеми Організація висунула три рекомендації, які, на
її думку, допоможуть Австралії в галузі цифрових технологій та інновацій йти в
ногу з іншими країнами.
3.Це наше найнадійніше вимірювання на сьогоднішній день, і розбіжність між
виміряними і очікуваними значеннями зберігається.
Today I read an article by American Matt Soniak "What causes eye floaters". It
tells why we sometimes see so-called "flies" in the eyes. These are fragments of
the vitreous body, which consists of water, hyaluronic acid and collagen. This
phenomenon also indicates the maturity of the organism. The author says that
there is no cause for concern and this is a normal phenomenon. But if it is
accompanied by other symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.In my opinion,
this is a useful and interesting article, because such articles help to get to
know your body better.
· #513
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:44)
Class work
I have read the article "Still believe an asteroid killed the dinosaurs? Think
again - new theory suggests ".
Firstly, this article talks about what killed the dinosaurs. Professor and
evolutionary psychologist Gordon Gallup and his former student Michael J.
Frederick assert that the emergence of toxic plants combined with dinosaurs'
inability to associate the taste of certain foods with danger had them already
drastically decreasing in population when the asteroid hit.
Finally, this new theory shows that dinosaurs began to disappear long before the
asteroid impact .
Phrases of the day:
1)technology capability;
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
У ньому також зазначено, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю.
2)expected value;
Expected value is a commonly used financial concept.
Очікувана вартість – це широко вживана фінансова концепція.
3) work schedule;
Track your daily and weekly tasks easily using this interactive work schedule
Легко відстежуйте свої щоденні та щотижневі завдання за допомогою цього
інтерактивного шаблону робочого графіка.
"The influence of non-traditional and traditional sources of energy on the
economy of Canada"
Canada is situated in the northern part of the North American continent. It is
the world’s second-largest country and the first in terms of energy consumption.
Today I want to talk about the traditional and non-traditional sources of
Canada’s energy and which of them predominates in the economy of the country.
To begin with, more than half of the electricity in Canada comes from hydro
sources. 61% of all energy is generated from alternative sources of energy.
According to research, generation from wind farms and solar photovoltaic panels
grew from a negligible amount in 2005 to approximately 5% of total electricity
generation in 2018. Today, Canada ranks 9th in the world for both wind and solar
installations. All of these sources are non-traditional, so it means that in
Canada, people prefer non-traditional sources of energy, which totals 66%. Then,
traditional sources of energy account for 32% of the economy. Also, uranium
mining accounts for 15%, gas for 9%, and coal and coke mining account for 8% of
all the economy.
In conclusion, I want to say that Canada is a country with a predominant
alternative energy source. However, its economy still depends on traditional
energy sources.
· #512
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:36)
Today I talked about France’s traditional and non-traditional energy resources,
because the demand for different energy has transformed over the years.
In the first years after the war, the traditional resources, the non-renewable
energy sources, were used more. These resources included coal, which in those
days provided most of the energy needs. Then, in the 1960s, oil was used
extensively, because the price was much lower than coal. Now, when oil resources
have diminished and have also become quite expensive, it has been partially
replaced by natural gas and nuclear energy. It is important to note that this
has had some positive effect on the country, as it has become less dependent on
external sources of supply.
In the 21st century, France began to actively use non-traditional resources -
renewable energy sources, especially solar and wind energy, which is also the
right and rational decision. Although wind power generated a low amount of
electricity in 2010, the country’s “wind potential” remains the second largest
in Europe. And France’s installed solar capacity increased by almost 700%
between 2009 and 2011.
So, I can sum it up that the country is gradually shifting to renewable energy
sources, which will finally have a positive impact on the state and growth of
their economy.
· #511
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:36)
Homework 09.04
I have read the article about Flawed diamonds
Defects in diamonds - atomic defects in which carbon is replaced by nitrogen or
another element - may offer an almost perfect interface for quantum computing, a
proposed data exchange that promises to be faster and safer than existing
methods. Researchers from Yokohama National University have developed an
approach to the interface so that it allows direct conversion to quantum
devices. Promising quantum internet is based on more than a century of work that
has shown that photons are both particles and light waves, and that their wave
state can reveal information about their particle state and vice versa.
Moreover, these two states can influence each other. The goal is to control
their influence in order to transmit discrete information immediately and
I am glad that scientists are studying such important topics for humanity.
1) priority research area
Finally, I stress the fact that Colombia has increased its funding for
innovation, science and technology, identifying five priority research areas
related to chronic non-communicable diseases.
Нарешті, хочу наголосити на тому факті, що Колумбія збільшила фінансування
інновацій, наукових досліджень та технологій, виділивши п'ять пріоритетних сфер
для досліджень у зв'язку з хронічними неінфекційними захворюваннями.
2) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
В рамках цієї програми фінансувалися дослідження з пошуку технічних рішень
практичних проблем, з якими стикаються країни, що розвиваються.
3) prevailing view
The prevailing view among participants was that the Task Force should be
На думку більшості учасників, цільовій групі слід продовжити свою діяльність.
Classwork 12.04
I have read the article about the deformation of black holes.
In brief, scientists from the Paris Observatory conducted a study and noticed
that during the motion of black holes their deformation occurs. This deformation
under the gravitational field has already been studied by a group of scientists
from Sapienza University of Rome. In 2015, according to the research, the
deformation of rotating holes was zero, but now a new method has been developed
that proves this change after all. The theory is not completely proven, but the
researchers plan to study it and to launch a space antenna in the future.
Нonestly, I am excited that after such a long time scientists were able to prove
this feature in part.
1)expected value
It also assessed the expected value of various tests, and created maps of
correlations between possible medical conditions.
Він також оцінив очікувану цінність різних тестів і створив карти кореляції між
можливими медичними станами.
2) technology capability
At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will
continue unabated.
Принаймні експоненційне зростання можливостей інформаційних технологій
продовжуватиметься безперервно.
3)work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
Була досягнута домовленість щодо детального графіка роботи для кожного з членів
п’яти дослідницьких груп.
· #510
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:44)
Phrases of the Day:
1)technology capability
also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
ньому також зазначено, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю.
2)expected value
also assessed the expected value of various tests, and created maps of
correlations between possible medical conditions.
також оцінюють очікуване значення різних тестів та створюють карти кореляцій між
можливими захворюваннями.
3) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
узгоджено докладний графік роботи кожного члена п'яти науково-дослідних груп.
I’ve read the article about “Dwindling water levels of Lake Powell seen from
The second-largest human-made reservoir in the United States, have shrunk to its
lowest level since it was created more than 50 years ago, threatening millions
of people who rely on its water supply.
The drop in water levels comes as hotter temperatures and falling water levels
left a smaller amount of water flowing through the Colorado River. The peak
inflow to Lake Powell occurs in mid to late spring, as the winter snow in the
Rocky Mountains melts.
In conclusion: Climate change is expected to make droughts more severe in the
future. › news › 2022-04-dwindling-lake-powell-space.html
“The influence of non-traditional and traditional sources of energy on the
economy of Columbia”.
The economy is highly dependent of energy consumption in achieving of the
economic growth and welfare for population. Colombia has a rich endowment of
energy sources and the country is heavily reliant on installed hydropower (65
percent of annual consumption), which provides cost effective electricity.
However, Colombia has strong potential for non-conventional sources of energy
generation, particularly solar, wind and biomass. According to the International
Centre on Small Hydro Power, in 2010 Colombia saw its highest growth for
renewable energy generation, totalling 2,543MW of added capacity. It is
estimated that large scale onshore wind and large scale geothermal would be able
to achieve the same cost as that of current hydroelectric generation. In 2020
electricity consumption contained 15980MW. Colombia currently has an economic
barrier to any project and to any potential economies of scale which could lower
the price of non-conventional energy. Higher costs create disincentives for
companies to replace conventional sources of energy with non-conventional ones.
In conclusion: As of 2021, Colombia generated 75% of its energy from renewable
sources, one of the highest rates in the world.
By 2050, Colombia has included a plan that aims to increase the contribution of
non-conventional renewable energy sources.
· #509
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:03)
"The influence of non-traditional and traditional sources of energy on the
economy of France"
First of all,energy is the basis of economic development. It provides
technological processes in industry, gives warmth and light to people.
So, in the European country of France, the main types of energy are:hydropower,
marine wind energy, nuclear and wind power plants.Also France conducts active
research in the field of nuclear energy. It has technologies for the production
of reactors, the production and disposal of fuel.
Electricity generation exceeds France's own needs by 20%. The surplus is
exported, bringing the country about three billion euros annually (the fourth
line of exports). The main buyers are Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland and
Spain. Perhaps Germany will soon be added to them. The retail price of
electricity in France, even with subsidized wind and solar tariffs, is quite
low. For a medium-sized industry, it is 80% of the average price in the European
Union, for private clients - 50% of the average in the EU.
Today, according to the French Ministry of Energy, nuclear power plants account
for 75% of total electricity production, renewable energy sources for 15% and
thermal power plants for 10%.
· #508
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:00)
Today I have read the article “The most precise-ever measurement of W boson mass
suggests the standard model needs improvement” and I’d like to share my
To begin with fact that the article tells us about a new, more accurate
measurement of W boson. This study is important because W boson particles are
involved in various nuclear processes, which will help to better study this
In conclusion, I want to say that although new dimensions have been identified,
there is still a lot of work to be done to fully analyze everything, at least,
confirmation of these data by other researchers.
technology capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
У ньому також зазначено, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю.
work schedules
News tagged with work schedules.
Новини з тегами графіків роботи.
expected value
The expected value gives the central value of the random variable. Очікуване
значення дає центральне значення випадкової величини.
The influence of nontraditional and traditional sources of energy on economy of
The energy potential of each country is different, which affects its development
not only in the economic sphere. If you consider Finland, it is a Nordic country
in Northern Europe. Finland uses energy sources according to 2016 data such as
wood fuel - 26%, oil - 23%, nuclear energy - 18%, coal - 9%, natural gas - 6%,
hydroelectric power - 4% and peat - 4%. Wind electricity (1%) and others are
also developing. This information is still relevant. But it is worth focusing on
the fact that Finland's energy policy is aimed at renewable energy, which in
total in Finland reaches 41%.
Telling about pros and cons, we can say that the main positive aspect is to
ensure environmental stability. Finland is a leader among countries that use
energy from forest biomass. But the country is forced to import oil, gas and
coal for its own needs, and price jumps in these goods are hurting its economy,
which needs a lot of energy to support large-scale industrial production. But
even in this Finland found a way out. Due to the dependence of imports, many
resources have been devoted to the study of forests, which has led to the
invention of new technologies such as the production of bioethanol from wood and
Summing up, we can say that despite the economic problems due to import prices,
Finland's energy continues to develop in the field of own resources.
· #507
· Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:52)
essay "The influence of non traditional and traditional energy sources on the
economies of countries"
When it comes to the sustainability of conventional and renewable energy, it is
undeniable that the former loses out considerably to the latter. Germany is a
country that is breaking records for green energy. The share of electricity
generated from solar, wind, biomass and water was 47.3%. Wind was the most
important energy source in the country in 2020. Wind power had a capacity of
62,184 MW. The use of renewable, non-conventional energy sources reduces
emissions of various pollutants, including greenhouse gases, which is
undoubtedly an advantage. But despite this, electricity generation from
conventional sources such as coal, natural gas and nuclear power has risen by
20.9% since the beginning of 2021 and in total accounts for 56% of the energy
mix. This switch back to conventional energy has been motivated by climate
change in the territory, namely a reduction in winds. In terms of the country's
economy, more money and space is undoubtedly being spent on building alternative
energy, but it seems less so to me, as the damage from conventional energy is so
To sum up, German authorities are declaring the abandonment of conventional
energy by 2038 at the latest and are encouraging the use of clean energy sources
in every possible way.
Today I have read the article called"Solar nanowire-nanotube filter offers easy
access to clean drinking water"
Even today, clean water is a privilege for many people around the world. It has
become imperative then that we develop efficient and cost-efficient ways to
decontaminate water. This is exactly what a team of scientists has achieved by
creating a new water filter that combines titanium dioxide nanowires and carbon
nanotubes that work only in sunlight. The scientists first showed that the
nanowires themselves could effectively purify water. But the interweaving of
nanowires with carbon nanotubes forms a material that additionally disinfects by
killing bacteria and large viruses that are pathogenic to humans.
The study is useful, especially in these times where clean water is hard to
Phrases of the Day:
1) fair information
Launching a product in "beta" form is not a substitute for ensuring that new
services comply with fair information principles before they are introduced.
2) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
3)desired information
In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory work
to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
практиці це бачення є складним, часто вимагає великої лабораторної роботи для
синтезу, виділення, очищення та характеристики нових розроблених молекул для
отримання потрібної інформації.
· #506
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:51)
Today I want to talk about non-traditional energy sources in Poland and their
impact on the economy. Following the facts, the assessment of the Energy Union
for Poland clearly lacks renewable energy.
The Commission's assessment quietly ignores both the possibility of generating
clean energy, in small, decentralized sources, and the fact that political
support for the development of renewable energy sources is almost non-existent.
Investments in wind, solar and partly in biomass energy in Poland are slow due
to unstable and often completely unfavorable investment environment.Policy
makers openly oppose renewables.After all, Poland is not the biggest supporter
of ambitious European climate and energy policies. Rather than give Poland the
extra push it needs to transform its increasingly aging energy system, the
Energy Union risks supporting – and legitimizing – Poland's addiction to fossil
· #505
Lilia Zasnova IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:50)
«The influence of non-traditional and traditional sources of energy on the
economy of United Kingdom«
With renewable non-traditional energy sources, emissions of various pollutants,
including greenhouse gases, are reduced compared to traditional energy
sources.In the meantime, China, the USA, Japan and the UK are the leaders of
investments in renewable energy.Also, the UK plans to use only renewable energy
by 2050.2020 has already become the most eco-friendly for the power system
Britain since the industrial revolution.
The country has been able to do without coal for 67 days.Britain plans to
abandon traditional energy sources by 2025.The UK is halfway to its goal of
achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.The carbon dioxide emissions declined by 13%
last year, reaching the lowest level in almost 150 years.Greenhouse gas
emissions also decreased by 51 per cent compared to the government baseline to
measure net zero progress.In conclusion, the closure of coal-fired power plants
is the largest contributor to the long-term decline.
· #504
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:47)
To Romanika Uliana IK-211
Tashi Mariia IK-211
Ruda Yana, ID-211
Way to go!
Thanks for your good work.
· #503
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022)
link to essay. Sorry it didn't attach to the previous post.
· #502
Tomenko M.G. to Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:45)
Your work is rather good. Thank you. But I need your opinion on the topic.
· #501
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:44)
With renewable non-traditional energy sources, emissions of various pollutants,
including greenhouse gases, are reduced compared to traditional energy sources.
In the meantime, China, the USA, Japan and the UK are the leaders of investments
in renewable energy.Also, the UK plans to use only renewable energy by 2050.2020
has already become the most eco-friendly for the power systemBritain since the
industrial revolution.The country has been able to do without coal for 67
days.Britain plans to abandon traditional energy sources by 2025.The UK is
halfway to its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.The carbon dioxide
emissions declined by 13% last year, reaching the lowest level in almost 150
years.Greenhouse gas emissions also decreased by 51 per cent compared to the
government baseline to measure net zero progress.
In conclusion, the closure of coal-fired power plants is the largest contributor
to the long-term decline.
· #500
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:32)
essays on the impact of traditional and non-traditional energy sources on the
German economy
Traditional and non-traditional energy sources are certain resources that are
used for scientific and technological progress of energy consumption.
traditional sources of energy are considered to be natural resources that can be
extracted, ie coal, gas and oil, while non-traditional sources are considered
so-called alternative energy sources: solar, wind, hydropower, etc.
Unfortunately, the reserves of traditional energy sources on the planet are
getting smaller and smaller every year, so the question of using alternative
sources in recent times comes to the fore. The example of the German country
shows how alternative energy sources are used and how it affects the country's
economy. Germany's goal is to demonstrate that a successful industrial economy
can move from nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable energy and energy
efficiency. On clear and windy days, solar panels and windmills are now able to
meet half of the country's energy needs, which was not expected until a few
years ago. Recent forecasts suggest that Germany will once again exceed its
renewable energy targets, reaching more than 40% of the country's total energy
The economic benefits of energy transformation already outweigh the additional
costs of modernizing energy infrastructure. The transition to high-efficiency
renewable energy will bring the country's economy an investment of 200 billion
euros. In addition, fossil fuel production is heavily dependent on subsidies,
and its price still does not include environmental impact. By replacing energy
imports with renewable energy, Germany's trade balance will improve and its
energy security will increase. More than 380,000 Germans already work in the
renewable energy sector, which is much more than in the conventional energy
sector. They have already helped Germany cope with the economic and financial
crisis much better than in other countries.
So in conclusion it should be noted that energy sources occupy a fairly large
share in the economy of the country. However, if we compare alternative and
traditional ones, the former will focus on positive economic development. It is
worth noting that in this way the country not only improves its economic
situation, but also improves the ecological situation of the country and saves
our planet.
· #499
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:28)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #498
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:22)
The review (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:10) has been written and pronounced excellently, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too, please do not forget of the essay you should present in your works.
· #497
Shapa L.N. to Karina Yasnova IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022)
The essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:08) is perfectly written but not pronounced which is also obligatorily, a lot of interesting facts, logical and meaningful. Thank you. Excellent.
· #496
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:15)
The review and the task Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:00) have been written and pronounced excellently, but please do not forget about such important element of your work as an essay.
· #495
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:12)
Diana, of course excellent for the essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022) very interesting, thoughtful and meaningful.
· #494
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:10)
I have read an article called ,,Scientists identify the world's most
irreplaceable protected areas" This article is about new scientific study which
has identified the protected areas most critical to preventing extinctions of
the world's mammals, birds and amphibians.This analysis provides advice for
improving the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving global
biodiversity.Also the analysis compares the contribution each protected area
makes to the long-term survival of species.In my opinion this is the best
decision to improve the efficiency of animal care, to analyze the conditions in
which they live and what the workers are doing for this. With such work, the
animals of all reserves will be able to live better and multiply more.
Phrases of the day
1.Identify the areas
The group attempted to identify the areas where dynamic modelling should be used
to support the medium-term objectives.
Група спробувала визначити області, де слід використовувати динамічні моделі для
досягнення середньострокових цілей.
2.Described above
All the alternatives described above are technically feasible and have been used
in commercial applications.
описані вище альтернативні варіанти є технічно здійсненними і знаходять
застосування в промисловій практиці.
3.Grouped into
These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
Пункти, що містять такі положення, можуть бути розбиті на п'ять груп.
· #493
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:08)
The abstract (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:03) was written and pronounced perfectly, the task Phrases of the Day yas been done correct, please add the essay to this winderfully executed work.
· #492
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa эссе (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:08)
Today I’m going to talk about the impact of unconventional and traditional energy sources on New Zealand’s economy.To date, renewable energy sources account for 40% of total production, while electricity production has fallen by 18% in the context of fuel extraction.The barometer shows that the rate of decline in coal-fired power generation outpaces the European long-term strategy.Emrod in New Zealand built the first working prototype of a wireless power transmission system over long distances, which is not a normal way to transmit electricity directly.The system is able to work in any weather and consists of two antennas, the distance between which is about a couple of kilometers.The potential of technology is enormous it will be possible to deliver electricity to the most remote or difficult places.According to Erdera Kushnir, the press release states that potentially sustainable energy consumption will increase by 50%, energy outages will be 85% less, and costs of energy structure and all thanks to this technology will be reduced by 65%.Regarding the traditional degeneration of power plants, it can be said that electricity is produced using fossil fuels such as coal, fuel oil or natural gas.There is also a wind farm, a group of wind turbines connected to the public energy system through a system of transformers, and their distribution lines in one substation.Nuclear power is not used in New Zealand.But there is a geothermal plant where the energy source is a steam turbine that drives steam, and it’s extracted from hot water, or a natural steam plant that extracts energy from the heat in the rock.The conclusion is that New Zealand is a prudent steward of its resources.
· #491
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022)
Renewable energy production in Japan has risen sharply since 2020.
Unfortunately, one of the factors behind the rapid growth in the share of
renewable energy was Japan's declining overall electricity production in the
first six months of the year due to declining demand for a new coronavirus
Energy (IEEJ) data from previous years show that the ratio of renewable energy
sources in the first half of the year is often close to that for the whole year.
Despite the fact that the production of renewable energy in winter may decline,
in the spring it is gaining momentum again. Japanese hydropower believes that
over time, systems similar to the Okinawa PSP could become the core of
multifunctional complexes with a storage station, a fish farm, a desalination
system for irrigation with parallel sea salt production, and a tourist complex.
And it's all in one place. However, in order to implement such a bold idea, PSP
should receive electricity from alternative sources. For example, the Japanese
say, from the energy of the tides
This will only have a positive impact on the economy and increase the country's
budget, and in the future this production can be brought to the international
market and sell it
· #490
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:04)
The review (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:50) was written and pronounced satisfactorily, the tasl Phrases of the Day has been done correct. But I'd like to remind you that from this lesson on the students should present an essay as well.
· #489
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:03)
I have read the article «Philips white bulbs enable controls for dimmed or
energizing light».
Sunny days are easily connected with a sense of well-being; therefore, dark days
without sun are associated with a sense of sadness.Light has two main effects on
your sleep/waking mode.
You can transfer all your light sources to warm yellow mode in the evening and
bright white mode in the morning.
Philips Hue lamps work with Nest Learning, Nest Cam, Nest Protect and devices
such as Amazon Alexa. Lighting can also work through connected dimmer; it was
available as an accessory.
The bulbs are useful not only for keeping sleep mode, but also for managing
color temperature not only allows users to simulate different types of natural
lighting, but also can create different mood in each room.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) expected value
Either the present value or a future expected value should be used.-
2) work schedule
The Preparatory Committee adopted the work schedule as presented.-
3) technology capability
The existence of several initiatives at the national level to develop space
technology capability in the region.-
Наявність кількох ініціатив на національному рівні щодо розвитку потенціалу
космічних технологій у регіоні.
· #488
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:00)
Today I have read the article “Why young people commit crime and how moral
education could help”.
Firstly, the article talks about why young people commit crime. The research
shows that moral development programmes should be developed and taught to
children to reduce the likelihood of them growing up to believe that criminal
behavior could be seen as morally acceptable.
So, in my opinion, this research is important for a better understanding of the
reasons why young people commit crime.
Phrases of the day:
1) desired information;
The actual and desired information correspond in terms of content, frequency,
and method of presentation.
Фактична та бажана інформація відповідають за змістом, частотою та способом
2) fair information;
Finally, government enforcement of fair information practices, by means of civil
or criminal penalties, is a third means of enforcement.
Нарешті, третім засобом застосування є державне забезпечення справедливої
інформаційної практики за допомогою цивільних або кримінальних покарань.
3) fuzzy logic;
Fuzzy logic is used in Natural language processing and various intensive
applications in Artificial Intelligence.
Нечітка логіка використовується в обробці природної мови та різних інтенсивних
додатках у штучному інтелекті.
· #487
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:00)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:38) was written and pronounced excellently, but it does not include essay, which is one of the most important parts. Please add this obligatory element im your review.
· #486
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:50)
The work (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:29) contains all the necessary elements and meets all the requirements for independent student work, it can be called even an example of an ideal work. The essay is full of facts and statistics, was narrated logically and successively. Certainly excellent.
· #485
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:50)
Today I have read the article «Creating 3D models with a simple webcam» It tells
us about how a group of researchers at the University of Cambridge, Qi Pan, Dr
Gerhard Reitmayr and Dr Tom Drummond have created a program able to build 3D
models of textured objects in real-time, using only a standard computer and
webcam. This allows 3D modeling to become accessible to everybody. Qi, Gerhard
and Tom presented the system at the 20th British Machine Vision Conference
(BMVC'09), in London. I believe that such applications are the step into the
future and will help the humanity to develop further.
Phrases of the Day:
1. expected value
The expected value gives the central value of the random variable.
2. work schedule
Create a professional daily work schedule or work from home schedule with this
accessible work schedule template.
Створіть професійний щоденний графік роботи або графік роботи з дому за
допомогою цього доступного шаблону робочого графіка.
3. technology capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
ньому також зазначено, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю.
· #484
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:43)
Both abstracts presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:08) were written and pronounced excellently, but one of them does not contain the Task Phrases of the Day, besides there is no essay which is a necessary part of the work.
· #483
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:38)
I have read the article “Getting around the smart city”.
The new study shows that the current expansion of transport has increasingly
adversely affected the environment at the local and global levels, as well as
reducing the quality of life of many people.The problem facing policymakers,
planners and stakeholders in transport is how to determine what is meant by
sustainable transport and how to choose suitable systems to meet the
requirements of such a system.
The new study shows that the current expansion of transport has increasingly
adversely affected the environment at the local and global levels, as well as
reducing the quality of life of many people.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) desired information.
Any one or combination of the search criteria can be used to obtain the desired
отримання потрібної інформації можна використовувати будь-який критерій пошуку
або їх комбінацію.
2) fuzzy logic
Development of control algorithms based on fuzzy logic for autonomous wind
3) fair information
This portal available on three languages has become a source of detailed and
fair information for the world community on our country.-
портал, доступний трьома мовами, став джерелом детальної та достовірної
інформації для світової спільноти про нашу країну.
· #482
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:36)
The review (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:06) has been written and pronounced excellently, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct, but the work does not include the essay which a necessary part of the work.
· #481
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:32)
Today I read the article "The story of the origin of tattoos." This topic seemed
quite interesting to me, so I decided to write a review. Humans have marked
their bodies with tattoos for thousands of years. These permanent
designs-sometimes plain, sometimes elaborate, always personal-have served as
amulets, status symbols, declarations of love, signs of religious beliefs,
adornments and even forms of punishment. The oldest tattoo was found on the body
of a 5200-year-old mummy. In my opinion, this is very interesting, because
different tattoos are still very popular. I already have a tattoo, and I think
it's a good way to express my inner world.
recommend reading the article.
· #480
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:32)
I cannot understand the strange text presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:05), I ask you in the future not to use another languages except for English. The abstract of the article and the task Phrases of the Day were written and pronounced correct.
· #479
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:31)
Today I read an article about St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Saint Sophia
Cathedral stands as the oldest cathedral in Kiev and one of the most amazing
historical sites in Ukraine. It was named after the renowned Hagia Sophia
cathedral in Constantinople which was built in the 6th century. It is also
included in the list of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine. St. Sophia Cathedral was
founded in 1037 by Prince Yaroslav the Wise and it took 20 years to complete it.
It was destroyed many times and then restored. I am very glad that there are
such monuments in our country. In my opinion, this is a very interesting
article, because cultural development is very important in our time. So, I
definitely recommend the article to read.
The reasons for the increases can be grouped into two broad categories.
They can help identify the areas where human rights education and training are
most needed for the population at large.
The university security policies described above are not imaginary.
· #478
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:29)
Today I have read the article «What is the metaverse? A tech CEO who is helping
build it explains».
In this article, we can read the interview of Patrick Cozzi who is a CEO of
Cesium, a software company. Many people heard about renaming of the Facebook
Company into «Meta». But it is not only about this company. There is a lot
others and one of them is Cesium. So, Patrick Cozzi explains what is the
metaverse, what can people do in this, what are the business opportunities.
In conclusion, people are moving fast to the cyber reality and we can see the
first steps right now.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) expected value
It also assessed the expected value of various tests, and created maps of
correlations between possible medical conditions.
2) technology capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
ньому також зазначено, що відсутність технологічних можливостей заважає
працівникам з інвалідністю.
3) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
Було узгоджено докладний графік роботи кожного члена п'яти науково-дослідних
Voice message:
"The influence of non-traditional and traditional sources of energy on the
economy of Iceland"
The energy sector is crucial for economy of all countries without exceptions.
The economy's efficient functioning straightly depends on electricity. Although,
each country exploits different types of energy sources (traditional and
Iceland is an island country located in the North Atlantic Ocean. This country
is an absolute leader in renewable energy, with 70% provided by hydropower
plants and 30% from geothermal energy. Less than 0.2% energy is generated by
consuming fuel oil (traditional energy source). In 2020 electricity consumption
contained 19.127 MWh. As energy sources of Iceland are vast, the life quality of
Icelanders is high. The advantages for economy are most communities are provided
with heat by geothermal energy, industry and commercial vegetable farming in
greenhouses work on harmless energy. On the other side, Iceland produces more
greenhouse emissions per capita than any other country.
To sum up, Iceland got lucky, because of its location and nature specialties.
Still, this country should be a good example for other countries to follow.
Voice message:
· #477
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:27)
I have fixed your task Phrases of the Day(Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:56). Thank you.
· #476
Shapa L.N. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:22)
The essay (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:17) completely reveals the topic you have choosed. Excellent.
· #475
Shapa L.N. to Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:20)
The reviews (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:41) and (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:54) completely correspond to the requirements for independent student works, were written and pronounced correct, the task Phrases of the Dat has been done also correct. Excellent.
· #474
Latova Maria IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:17)
International security
International security, also called global security refers to the amalgamation
of the measures taken by States and international organisations, such as the
United Nations European Union, Association of Southeast Asian Nations and
others. These measures include military action and diplomatic agreements such as
treaties and Conventions.
New thinking about security developed in the 1980s but significantly at the end
of the Cold War. What is now known as critical security Studies.
Some of this things could be considered a security issue: poverty, hunger,
corruption, crisis, repression, disease lack of civil liberties etc.
So, how is security achieved? We can achieve it by International Relations and
its sub-discipline Security Studies used to be considered the realm of
'diplomats and soldiers'.
So, I think, that security it's something uncertain, something, that we can't
totally control. But, everyone should to strive for peace, and never provide an
opportunity for people who interested in war.
· #473
Shapa L.N. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:14)
The first abstract (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:40) was written and pronounced without mistakes, but regrettably the second one, though also does not contain any mistake, does not include the task Phrases of the Day. Besides the absanсe of essay also does not allow to estimate the work as excellent.
· #472
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:13)
Phrases of the day:
identify the areas. The team used special radar technology and analysis tools to
detect changes in the land and identify the exact areas where land subsidence—a
common effect of sinkholes—is occurring.
grouped into. Generally, the products from microalgae can be grouped into three
classes: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids (fats).
described above. Pay attention to all the options described above, they are
Article review
Today I’ve read an interesting article about the symbol of resistance in
Ukraine. This symbol turned out to be a ceramic jug in the shape of a rooster.
When journalist photographed the ruins of the city of Borodianka, she recognized
the characteristic rooster that was still perched on the cabinet that hung on
the bare wall of a heavily bombed house. Artist Oleksandr Grekhov created a web
poster featuring a rooster with the message "Hold on", making it a popular
online mascot for many Ukrainians, representing the spirit of resistance. I saw
this photo and it really struck me. Indeed, since this cabinet holds, then we
must hold on.
· #471
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) from 05.04 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:08)
Home work
I have read the article"How can you see a satellite view of your house?"
In our modern space age, more than 8000 satellites revolve around the Earth.
Just look up into the sky on any night and you will definitely see a satellite.
If you want to go out and just see a satellite image of the entire planet, there
are several solutions for you: weather satellites. One of these is NOAA
environmental satellites that release images of the entire hemisphere of planet
Earth every 3 hours. What's really cool about these satellite images is that
they are straight lines. The weather systems you see in these images are
happening on the planet right now. If these images of the entire Earth don't
give you enough detail, google maps server. All you need is a web browser and an
internet connection. him you can see your house.
To summarize, I'll just add that there are many services out there that might
even let you see Earth in real time, and you can even access the live stream.
· #470
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) from 05.04 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:08)
Class work
I have read the article"Scientists find out how nanoparticles kill cancer cells"
Scientists have studied how magnetic nanoparticles affect cancer cells in the
human liver. According to the authors, this study will help cure cancer
Due to their unique properties, magnetic nanoparticles can be used for
therapeutic diagnostics and individual treatment of cancer. It is known that
human cancer cells can absorb magnetic nanoparticles. This property can be used
in cancer therapy in at least three ways. Collaboration in the scientific world
is often decisive in research, and this was no exception. Now this method is
used, but not yet so often. But as for me, it is precisely such research that
helps explore the unknown and help people who find themselves in such a
Phrases of the day:
1.a breakthrough in
A breakthrough in droplet manipulation
(Проривуманіпуляціяхзкраплями) to target
HP with Teradici will be able to target users of high performance computing in
industries like engineering, media and animation
3.ability to achieve
Effectiveness is the ability to achieve stated goals or objectives, measured in
terms of both output and impact.
(Ефективність — це здатність досягати поставлених цілей або завдань, що
вимірюється як результатом, так і впливом)
· #469
Shapa L.N. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:06)
Both classwork and homework [resented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:35) contain all the necessary elements, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct, the essay completely reveals the topic you have choosed. Excellent.
· #468
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:06)
Today I’ve read the article about: Getting around the smart city
Smart cities will not be truly smart until they have sustainable transport
Chenghua Wang of the School of Public Affairs at Chongqing University, suggest
that current expansion of transportation is having an increasingly detrimental
effect on environment at the local and global levels as well as reducing the
quality of life for many people. They suggest that governments and those running
our cities must invest in clean, safe, efficient, economic, and sustainable
transport networks to address this growing problem.
The current team has introduced what they refer to as an improved hybrid fuzzy
logic system (IHFLS) for the generation of aggregate values for the sustainable
evaluation of hybrid fuzzy logic to allow the decisions to be made more
effectively. The approach allows the social, economic, and environmental
considerations, to be balanced equitably, viably, and in a way that stakeholders
can bear.
Phrases of the day:
1. The collaboration also compared their result to the best value expected for
the W boson mass using the standard model, which is 80,357 ± 6 MeV/c2.
80 357 ± 6
2. this work schedule does not suit many of our employees
3. The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) is seeking to evolve its space technology
capability and identify new opportunities for new projects that can potentially
bring socioeconomic benefits, in areas such as analysis of satellite data.
· #467
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:05)
Toshiba Corp. согласилась на выплату 2,1 миллиарда долларов за продажу якобы
неисправных портативных компьютеров в США, что стало первым следствием волны
судебных исков и правительственных запросов по поводу недостатка, который может
быть общим для продуктов многих крупных производителей компьютеров
Подозреваемый недостаток в Toshibas заключался в определенных полупроводниковых
микросхемах, которые управляют дисководами гибких дисков компьютеров. Дефект
может случайным образом уничтожить или повредить данные в соответствии с исками
и информацией
В рамках своего урегулирования Toshiba заявила, что разместит исправление
программного обеспечения на своем сайте в
Интернете. Онтакжесогласилсявыплатитьвобщейсложности
I have read the article"Toshiba to pay $2B settlement on laptops"
Toshiba Corp. agreed to pay $ 2.1 billion for the sale of allegedly defective
laptop computers in the United States, the first in a wave of lawsuits and
government inquiries over a flaw that may be common to the products of many
major computer manufacturers
A suspected flaw in Toshibas was certain semiconductor chips that drive
computers' floppy drives. The defect can accidentally destroy or damage data
according to claims and information
As part of its settlement, Toshiba said it will post the software patch on its
website. He also agreed to pay a total of $ 147.5 million to law firms.In the
end, the problem was solved and this is the main thing, because, in my opinion,
a company is successful not only in what it produces, but also in its ability to
resolve disputes and conflict situations.
Phrases of the day: capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability
2.expected value
It is an expected value.
(Це очікуванезначення.) schedule
News tagged with work schedules
(Новинизтегами розкладу роботи)
· #466
Shapa L.N. to Yunko Illya IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:58)
The review (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:35) was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct but does not contain voice variant, that is why the work cannot be assessed as excellent.
· #465
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:56)
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:18)
Phrases of the Day:
1) expected value
The equilibrium time correlation function is the expectation value of this
2) work schedule
Is it his meticulously arranged work schedule and exercise routine?
3) technology capability
We have the technology capability to process open-life.
· #464
Evelina Cheban,IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:54)
Today I have read the article “An Assessment of the Origins and Culpability of
the Opioid Crisis in the United States”This review examines the main routes by
which synthetic opioids are smuggled to the United States, where they are then
sold to the American public. Studying the origins of the opioid crisis, the
intentions of the parties involved and the obligations that each party bears in
ensuring patient/consumer safety, this review allocates responsibility for the
current difficult situation facing American health and safety.
· #463
Shapa L.N. to Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:52)
The essay presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:34) reveals the topic completely, was written and pronounced correctly. Excellent.
· #462
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:52)
1)The Secretariat would seek to identify areas for cost-cutting.
2)The obstacles described above undermine efforts to combat impunity.
3)These paragraphs can be grouped into five sets of provisions.
Today I have read an article "Why 26 Korean words have been added to Oxford
English Dictionary" about Korean culture that is gaining momentum. Oxford is
probably everyone's dream, like mine. I'm glad they are adding new words with
Korean origins. Korea in general is now doing considering the Squid Game ,
Parasite (movie won an oscar) and K-Pop bands, who are popular all over the
world and have their own idols, and et.. I am agree with this, even if
everything goes on and develops. I also hope that other countries will have the
opportunity to show their abilities.
· #461
Shapa L.N. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:48)
The review (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:12) contains all the elements necessary for student work of such kind, was pronounced and written correct, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too, the essay reveals completely the topic you have taken. Excellent.
· #460
Shapa L.N. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:43)
Both reviews presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:04) contain all the elements necessary for such kind of student works, were done without grammatical and phonetic mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day should be translated, the essay corresponds to the topic declared. In general the works can be assessed as excellent.
· #459
Evelina Cheban,IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:41)
Today I have read the article “Canadian Democracy in Theory and Practice: The
Roots of Semi-Representative Liberalism”This article explores the nature of
Canada's political system as an evolving consequence of its roots in classical
liberal thinking combined with the self-Defence instincts of various elite
interest groups. This trend is further exacerbated by the use of bureaucratic
and technological forms of public policy management, which have the function of
a hidden state function for the average citizen. In making this argument, they
take into account the view that it is better to call Canada "semi-representative
liberalism" in its political nature, ending with the possibility of what a more
truly democratic system may look like.
Phrases of the day
1) technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
Критерій DRE представляє технологічні можливості, на яких базується схвалення
2) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
Було досягнуто домовленості щодо детального робочого графіка для кожного з
членів п’яти дослідницьких груп.
3) expected value
It is an expected value.
· #458
Latova Maria IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:40)
I have read the article about war crime. It's a violation of the laws of war
that gives rise to individual criminal responsibilities for actions, such as
killing civilians, prisoners of war, torture, destroying civilian property etc.
In 1949 the Geneva Conventions legally defined new war crimes and established
that states could exercise universal jurisdiction over war criminals. In the
late 20th century and early 21st century, international Courts extrapolated
categories of war crimes applicable to a civil war.
The understanding of rules of war exists since ancient centuries. But a lot off
rullers broke this convention, because they think that they "have a right" to do
this. About this have written a lot of writers. For example in Crime and
Punishment. The massage of the book is that nobody has this right to destroy
other people's lives.
1) fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
2) desired information
Any one or combination of the search criteria can be used to obtain the desired
3) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy logic
I have read the article about The Blitz. Bombing of London was in 1940-1941,
during the second World War. It was not only in London, but in many cities in
UK. With help of Luftwaffe Hitler tried to break British mental. More than
40000 civilians were killed by bombing during the war, more than a million
houses were destroyed or damaged.
But this plan failed, because eight months of bombing never seriously hampered
British war production, which continued to increase.
Nazis Luftwaffe was bombing at night, englisch people made fake radio waves,
which led astray german plains.
It's easy to kill people, when you don't look at their eyes, when you don't see
victims under the rubble of collapsed buildings. Only people with high mental
mind can understand awfulness of their's actions. I strongly believe that we
should to think not about actions of some nation, but about actions, which were
made by one person. Because everyone should to understand, that it will be
retribution for any crime.
· #457
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:35)
Phrases of the day
1. technology capability
An organisation put forward three recommendations that it believes would help
Australia's digital technology capability and innovation keep pace with other
2. Work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
Була досягнута домовленість щодо детального графіка роботи для кожного з членів
п’яти дослідницьких груп.
3. Expected value
The collaboration also compared their result to the best value expected for the
W boson mass using the standard model.
Essay › pdf567831598.pdf
Today I have read the article “Germany looks to farm fumes in breakup with
Russian gas”. It tells about the fact, how Germany depends on Russia by buying
its natural gas, coal and oil in big quantities. Now in the reality of war the
Germany government started to think about getting rid of Russian energy and here
is one example. A farmer Peter Kaim uses the pungent fumes from the manure and
other organic waste. In a process called "methanisation" fuelled by bacteria,
the organic matter is transformed into gas. This way Berlin has one more way how
to make this thing part of the country`s economy and reach environmental goals.
Moreover, they will stop finance an aggression against Ukraine.
Phrases of the day
1. Fair information
A report released in late May by the Federal Trade Commission found that only 20
percent of sites offered privacy polices that honored all of the so-called fair
information practices.
2. Desired information
To search for the desired information, you need to extremely simply write about
it in the search bar.
пошуку потрібної інформації необхідно гранично просто написати про неї в рядку
3. Fuzzy logic
The current team has introduced what they refer to as an improved hybrid fuzzy
logic system.
Today I have read the article “Brazil seeks opportunities in space technology”.
The article emphasizes a fact of searching new possibilities and opportunities
to evolve space studying and get economic benefits. The Brazilian Space Agency
wants to develop technology systems based on space platforms, integrating
data-intensive technologies by combining expertise with Ministry of Science and
signing special protocol of intensions with Visiona, joint venture between two
companies. As a result, it is possible to develop applications that solve a
plethora of demands from the Brazilian society with compact and versatile
systems. To conclude, I’d like to say that interaction in as much spheres of
people`s life as possible will create bonds between governments and open new not
only economic advantages.
Essay “International Communication”
International or global communication is the development and sharing of
information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in international settings
and contexts. This science examines how information is exchanged across
geographical and social divides, as well as how communication both impacts and
is influenced by culture, politics, media, economies, and relationships in the
age of globalization. People with a degree of global communication are able to
find employment in advertising and marketing, public relations, international
journalism, foreign service, or any other industry with an international focus.
Also it can take various forms, including global advertisements, political
speeches, journalistic news stories, social media posts, press releases, and
· #456
Yunko Illya IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:35)
Phrases of the day
1. technology capability
However, the necessary and modern equipment is not yet available because of
insufficient funding and technological capability.
2. work schedule
I changed my work schedule so I could make sure that Mitch keeps his tiny little
doll hands to himself
3. expected value
To obtain a measure of the expected value of the patent, inventors are asked to
give their best estimate of the value of the innovations that they contribute to
Today I have read the article "Musk dodges limits in Twitter board seat refusal:
experts" which says that Elon Musk, who became the largest shareholder of
twitter a week ago, is now in conflict with the owner of twitter. Due to the
fact that he decided to make an innovation to create paid subscriptions that
will track people and make payment using dogecoin and completely change the
twitter system for the better. All shareholders stood up against the fact that
twitter is an established social network in which to express their personal
opinions. And most of it is about politics - the best weapon in political races.
Any change may entail a reformatting of social networks, which will be
disadvantageous for the owners of twitter. The desire itself is challenged by
the company's largest shareholder and will therefore promote its own innovation.
Elon Musk said about the fact that he came to change this social network for the
better. My opinion is that Elon Musk is doing the right thing, you can
completely change the twitter system due to the fact that there is no longer the
same freedom of speech as it used to be.
· #455
Evelina Cheban,IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:34)
Essay to the topic” 16.Domestic Political Development of the Countries All
Around the World.
Today, the domestic policy of any country is no less important than foreign.
Therefore, let us first consider the countries that are currently leaders on the
world stage. When you start talking about the domestic policy of a country, you
mention its political regime, because a lot really depends on it. We have heard
of American liberalism, and we know that European countries have tried to match
American domestic and foreign policies. Domestic policy is aimed at ensuring the
rights and freedoms of citizens, social protection, development of the
humanitarian sphere, decriminalization of the economy. European countries in
general are democracy, freedom of speech, elections and so on. The development
of domestic policy depends on the laws within the country. It should also be
noted that each country has its own administration, each country has its own
branches of government. For example, in France, Germany and Ukraine, it is
legislative, executive and judicial. I believe that order in the country depends
on the interaction of power with the people. Domestic policy also depends on the
geopolitical situation and external relations. But it is important to remember
what kind of government and domestic politics there is.
· #454
Shapa L.N. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:33)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:00) reflect completely the contents of the articles you have read, and were written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day is present only in one review though both reviews should contain this element, the essay reveal the topic correct.
· #453
Shapa L.N. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:25)
The works presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:58) completely mett the requirements for independent student works of such kind, demonstrate your full understanding of the contents of the articles you have read, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct, the essay presents the topic fine. Excellent.
· #452
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:18)
The abstracts presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:45) have been written and pronounced without mistakes, the first abstract presents all the elements of independent student works of such kind, but the second one regrettedly does not contain the task Phrases of the Day, the essay completely corresponds to the specialty.
· #451
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:13)
Today I have read the article “ Working from home during COVID-19: What do
employees really want?”. As is known , since pandemic began, people were forced
to work and study online, entrepreneurs are the ones who have suffered the most.
However,they were satisfied with the idea to stay at home and decide their own
affairs at a stable environment. Also, there isn’t any problem with having a
suitable equipment and place , where they feel comfortable doing their job.At
the same time,some employees think isolation is a significant source of
distress, and remote working makes communication more difficult.
To my mind, the pandemic has brought difficulties not only to entrepreneurs, but
also to other people , who weren’t ready to work from home without
Phrases of the day capability
There is scope for regional efforts in developing cooperation in technology
capability, transfer and innovation and exchange of experience. schedule
In some units, the break for lunch may be half an hour, depending on the work
3. expected value
It also assessed the expected value of various tests, and created maps of
correlations between possible medical conditions.
· #450
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:12)
Today I have read the article “Pandemic lockdown increases child abuse risk”. It
tells us that as coronavirus pandemic has stressed families , the risk for child
abuse has also raised. The recent research has shown that before COVID-19
restrictions, there were reported 30% to 50% fewer cases of child abuse. This
happens due to the fact that children remain isolated in their homes with their
families,so they face difficulties in ensuring the safety of mandated reporters.
Also, there is a significant risk that children can be severely traumatized,
this trauma can last for years and bring problems into the future.
To my mind, it is terrifying that children face some kind of bullying during the
quarantine. That’s why the government must immediately address this problem and
get rid of it.
Phrases of the day
1. technology capability
At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will
continue unabated.
2. work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
3. expected value
To obtain a measure of the expected value of the patent, inventors are asked to
give their best estimate of the value of the innovations that they contribute to
Essay :Media Technologies and Society
Media technologies are structural constraints. Like all structures, they have
been developed by humans and, subsequently, both enable and limit human action.
How they do this is at the center of a sociological understanding of media
technology. As is known, media is derived from the Latin word for middle. This
signifies that the media are in the middle of a communication process,
specifically, in between the sender and the receiver of a message. We long ago
dropped the explicit reference to communication in everyday language and talked
of the mass media—and in some cases simply the media. But it is useful to
remember that media technologies of all sorts have social significance because
they enable and affect forms of human communication. As a result, they raise
unique sociological issues..
· #449
Shapa L.N. to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:11)
Both reviews presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:40) contain all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student works, were written and pronounced without mistakes and completely fix the contents of the articles, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct, the essay corresponds to the topic. Excellent.
· #448
Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:08)
Today I read an article on "Radar satellites allow researchers to pinpoint where
sinkholes are happening" I advise everyone to read this article. in my mind, a
radar traveler will be very useful not only for Florida but for the whole world.
Failures are so common in Florida because porous limestone lies underground.
According to the authors of the study, detecting funnels is a huge problem.
Funnels are formed above the underground cavities, which can be detected only by
geophysical research or drilling in the ground. therefore, this radar will
provide important information for saving more than one life of Florida
Phrases of the Day
1)described above will help you in writing the text
2)By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly
grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFT).
3)Our study innovated by combining these two datasets in an approach that
enabled us to identify the areas that are theoretically most suitable and
compare them with the areas in which the species actually lives now
· #447
Shapa L.N. to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:05)
Both reviews presented(Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:27) were written and pronounced without mistakes and completely reflect the contents of the articles you have read, the task Phrases of the Day was done partially because does not contain voice variant and is absent in the second review, the essay is written correct.
· #446
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:04)
Today I have read the article "Tropical Storm Megi: 25 killed in Philippines
tropical storm".
The article talks about a powerful storm that recently overtook the Philippines.
Flooded houses, lack of electricity and debris removal are the problems that
rescuers faced. They have to use boats to get to some buildings. Several areas
were so badly damaged that people had to flee higher into the mountains to
escape the floods. This region often suffers from storms, but no one expected
the next one to come so soon. in my opinion, the cause of such troubles is the
activity of human himself, which affects the climate. Therefore, it is necessary
to decide more globally than just rebuilding new houses.
1. Expected value
It is an expected value
2. Work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
3. Technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
Today I have read the article "Afghanistan: What humanitarian aid is getting
article talks about the humanitarian catastrophe, namely the famine in the
country. After the Taliban came to power, the country's economy collapsed due to
sanctions and frozen assets. As a result of this, people simply cannot feed
themselves. Despite these restrictions, European countries, the United States,
China and India provide humanitarian assistance in the form of money, food and
I think that such assistance is important, but if the country's economy does not
start functioning, the hunger will only get bigger.
Phrases of the day
1. For its own sake
It was underlined that transparency is not an end in itself, nor is it to be
pursued for its own sake.
2. On those proposals
It must, however, be acknowledged that there had also been no general agreement
on those proposals in the informal consultations.
3. From this perspectives
No other international forum has yet addressed these issues from this
Essay to the topic "Communication Models"
There are two models of communication: violent and nonviolent. The first type is
aggressive, hurts, manipulative. Typical examples include insulting, putting
people down or criticizing. And nonviolent communication based on idea that we
all share concepts like safety and trust.
if you want to move from the first to the second type of communication, you must
go through four steps: observation, express fellings, express your need and last
specific requests based on your feelings and needs.
I think that it is much easier and more interesting to communicate with the
second type of people.
be kinder
· #445
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 08:00)
I have read the article: "The Guardian: Sweden and Finland make moves to join
Nato." It says that many countries have realized the importance of collective
security, especially Finland and Sweden. Now these two countries, which
previously did not plan to join NATO with the idea that they are not in danger,
have decided to resolve this issue now. At the same time, I am not happy with
this news, because, unlike us, these two countries have real chances to join
NATO, which will not greatly increase the strength of the bloc. Ukraine, on the
other hand, has been denied the desire to defend itself, which calls into
question the reliability of our partners at any other critical moment.
1) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
2) expected value
It is an expected value.
3) technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
I have read the article: "ABC News: WHO says 99% of world's population breathes
poor-quality air." It talks about the monstrous figures in which 99% of all
people on Earth breathe polluted air. This is frightening, because such air
quality contributes to the development of various diseases and the penetration
of particles of harmful substances deep into the lungs. The Eastern
Mediterranean and Southeast Asia suffer the most, followed by Africa. The
situation is much better in Europe and North America, but still far from normal
air quality. I think we need to focus on human health, not money.
Social Communication
In my opinion, social communications are different, this is body language, or
verbal communication. After all, the science of social communications studies
the patterns and norms of human communications. At different times, people have
tried to articulate the essence of social communications in different ways, but
I like this one the most: the act of sending information from the brain of one
person to the brain of another. We may take communication for granted and
dismiss it as a minor topic, but that's because we've been used to dealing with
it since childhood. Mistakes can be very offensive, after all, we all once
interpreted hints incorrectly, and such an effect can occur at the level of a
corporation or state, if we are not careful with the presentation and exchange
of information.
· #444
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:58)
Today I have read the article called "Сamping".
It is about camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. It gives people
the opportunity of spending their free time in nature or in the wilderness.
Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your own back yard and end
up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks. Some campers stay in one
place for days, a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist
attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like
mountain biking or just simply relax. Such a holiday seems to me not to be
attractive for everyone, because many people like comfortable living conditions.
Phrases of the Day:
1. technology capability
At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will
continue unabated.
2. work schedule
In some units, the break for lunch may be half an hour, depending on the work
3. expected value
It also assessed the expected value of various tests, and created maps of
correlations between possible medical conditions.
Today I have read the article called " Smarter 3D printing makes better parts
faster " . It tells us about the improved version of laser powder bed welding .
It is a form of 3D printing used to make parts that are too complex to make in
conventional manufacturing. Thanks to the SmartScan software, the manufacturing
process will be accelerated . It analyzes the shape of the part and the thermal
properties of the material , so this will reduce the number of defects caused by
overheating . I consider it will greatly facilitate the work with complex
Phrases of the Day:
1. technology capability
There is a critical and immediate need for strategic communications and
information technology capability.
2. work schedule
This work schedule can also increase employee productivity because employees can
arrange to work during their most productive hours.
3. expected value
To obtain a measure of the expected value of the patent, inventors are asked to
give their best estimate of the value of the innovations
Essay to the topic "Public Relations"
Despite the enduring popularity of the term PR, there is still confusion in
understanding this phenomenon. The basis of PR is the mechanism of coordination
and settlement of interests. PR is one of the functions of management that
promotes the establishment and maintenance of communication, mutual
understanding, location and cooperation between the organization and its public.
The primary task of PR is to gain public confidence in a company or a person, a
product - after all, PR is also called the activity of creating trust. The
public are the groups that influence the organization. Organizations must
establish strong relationships with a wide variety of audiences such as
consumers, the general public, investors and shareholders, partners and
competitors, authorities, public organizations, suppliers, journalists, and
others. Thus, we can conclude that PR is an activity to strengthen the
relationship between an organization and its public.
· #443
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:45)
Today I have read the article "What day is it? UAE works on Friday for first
The article tells about there Dubai – Employees and schoolchildren juggled work
and studies with weekly Muslim prayers on the first ever working Friday in the
United Arab Emirates as the Gulf country formally switched to a Saturday-Sunday
weekend. Some grumbled at the change and businesses were split, with many moving
to the Western-style weekend but other private firms sticking with Fridays and
Saturdays, as in other Gulf states.
The weekly day of prayer has always been a free day in the UAE, which had
previously observed a Thursday-Friday weekend until 2006.
The article is very interesting, but I think a Friday off is strange.
Phrases of the Day:
1) expected value
Positive result versus positive expected value
2) work schedule
I would have settled for your work schedule, but this could be better.
3) technology capability
Make sure you have the technology capability to meet your audience where they
I have read the article "5 tools to help your remote-work business click".
The article tells about there
in technology have paved the way for an increase in remote workers throughout
the world. Upwork’s Future Workforce Report noted that hiring managers expect up
to 38 percent of their full-time staff to be working remotely within the next
decade. As of 2016, 4.3 million employees worked from home at least half the
I think an important part of planning for success includes arming yourself with
a toolbox of software that can help you reach your goals.
Progress and Development are two words that are easily confused due to the
closeness in their meanings. Strictly speaking there is some difference between
the two words.
One of the main differences between progress and development is that the word
‘progress’ gives the extra idea of ‘movement’. On the other hand the word
‘development’ does not give the extra idea of ‘movement’.The word ‘development’
sometimes is used in the sense of ‘something made or that became bigger or
fuller or more elaborate or systematic. ‘The village developed rapidly’ gives
the idea that the village became fuller and systematic in its make-up. The two
words, namely, ‘progress’ and ‘development’ should be used with precision.
· #442
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:40)
Today I have read the article "Why are Sri Lankans protesting in the streets?"
As can be understood from the title, this article reveals the preconditions for
activists to take to the streets and gives an idea of the current situation in
the island state. People are dissatisfied with the actions of the short-sighted
government and demand the resignation of the president. The country is in its
worst economic crisis as its foreign exchange reserves are nearly depleted. With
each passing day, the intensity only increases, which fuels rising prices and
food shortages. I suppose the country is in need of deep economic
transformations, but it is doubtful whether the authorities will cope with them.
Phrases of The Day
- work schedule
We look forward to receiving the proposed working schedule that you are going to
- technology capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
- expected value
This is a good example that shows that you should not take any trade or bet,
even if you have a positive expected value. Today I
have read the article "Losing cultural context in emergency communication can be
a matter of life and death". It talks about the importance of correct
translation in emergencies. After all, in some countries it doesn't coincide
with the context. Research has shown that misunderstanding the situation causes
panic in people and disorients them. That is why it is so important to inform
people in a language they understand. To do this, there are special communities
in the USA that help prepare for emergencies. I think that cultural differences
can really have bad consequences. Therefore, measures must be taken to reduce
the risk of misunderstanding as much as possible.
Phrases of The Day
- work schedule
We look forward to receiving the proposed working schedule that you are going to
- technology capability
It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering
workers with a disability.
- expected value
This is a good example that shows that you should not take any trade or bet,
even if you have a positive expected value.
Theories of International Relations
The theory of international relations is focused on identifying and properly
interpreting the real features of international relations. Ultimately, all
existing theories are based on various judgments and at the same time are
relevant for application to various situations. It is conditionally possible to
distinguish between positivist and postpositivist ones. The first type is mainly
aimed on the state level, and the second group, in turn, covers a wider range of
concepts. All things considered the theory of international relations is a kind
of fundamental provisions for understanding social reality and many related
· #441
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:27)
Today I read an article named ‘Ukraine conflict: What is Nato and how has it
responded to Russia's invasion?’. This text is about what Nato is, about Nato’s
help to Ukraine and about Russia’s fear of Nato.
So, Nato - the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - is a military alliance
formed in 1949. It consists of 30 member states from Europe, Asia, North
America. Unfortunately, Ukraine is not a Nato’s member, it is one of the main
reasons why Nato isn’t sending troops in Ukraine. But, nevertheless, Russia
fears Nato is encroaching on its area of political influence by taking on new
members from eastern Europe, and that admitting Ukraine would bring Nato into
its backyard.
Despite Nato cannot send its army to Ukraine, it helps Ukraine in every possible
way by weapon, body armor and finance.
In my point of view, Ukraine has powerful support from foreign partners, and it
brings us closer to victory.
Phrases of The Day
1) expected value
It is an expected value.
2)technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
3)work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
I read an article named ‘SKA: UK to build software brain for giant radio
telescope’. This text is about a group of UK institutions that is going to build
a prototype "brain" to control the world's biggest radio telescope.
The SKA is one of the grand scientific projects of the 21st Century, and will
join a series of next-generation telescopes coming online this decade. The SKA's
resolution and sensitivity at radio wavelengths, allied to that prodigious
computing support, will enable astronomers to address some of the most
fundamental questions in astrophysics today.
This first prototype brain is expected to be up and running in 2024.
If you ask me, it is not surprising that scientists strive to bring intelligent
technology to live. I believe that science fiction plots become our reality very
Essay. Topic 14
My aim for today's essay is to apprise you of the information protection system.
As we live in the age of technologies when it comes to trusting all information
to a network, there are a lot of risks to be hacked. An information protection
system keeps our data safe.
Information security protects sensitive information from unauthorized
activities, including inspection, modification, recording, and any disruption or
destruction. The goal is to ensure the safety and privacy of critical data such
as customer account details, financial data or intellectual property. I want to
highlight three main principles of information security.
Firstly, is confidentiality. The purpose of the confidentiality principle is to
keep personal information private and to ensure that it is visible and
accessible only to those individuals who own it or need it to perform their
organizational functions.
Secondly, is integrity. The principle of integrity ensures that data is accurate
and reliable and is not modified incorrectly, whether accidentally or
Thirdly, is availability. The purpose of availability is to make the technology
infrastructure, the applications and the data available when they are needed for
an organizational process or for an organization’s customers.
So, as we can see, an information protection system is extremely necessary for
· #440
Shapa L.N. to Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:22)
The reviews presented (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:05) were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day do not contain all the elements necessary - the voice variants in both reviews are absent, the esseys correctly reflect the topic.
· #439
Shapa L.N. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:16)
The reviews (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:00) completely meet the requirements for independent student works of such kind, demonstrate your full undestanding of the contents of the articles you have read, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been dine correct, the essay corresponds to the topic and volume. Excellent.
· #438
Shapa L.N. tp Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:08)
The reviews presented (Monday, 11 April 2022 19:22) have been written and pronounced without mistakes, there some mistakes in the voice variants, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct, and in general the works can be assessed as excellent.
· #437
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:05)
Today i have read the article which called "What We Know about Omicron’s BA.2
Variant So Far". In this article was talking about the evolution of the old
virus COVID, how to fight this disease and what problems scientists have while
studying Omicron. Researchers said that early evidence suggests that
reinfections with BA.2 after BA.1 do occur but are rare. If you were infected
with BA.1, then you’re probably well protected from BA.2, but the protection is
not complete. The transmissibility of new SARS-CoV-2 variants should eventually
hit a plateau, just as the coronaviruses that cause the common cold did.
Phrases of The Day
1) expected value
It is an expected value.
2)technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
3)work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
Today i have read the article which called "Researchers Made a New Message for
Extraterrestrials". In this article was talking about options and attempts to
communicate with alien organisms from Earth. I didn`t knew that advances in
remote sensing technologies have revealed that the vast majority of stars in our
galaxy host planets and that many of these exoplanets appear capable of hosting
liquid water on their surface—a prerequisite for life as we know it. The odds
that at least one of these billions of planets has produced intelligent life
seem favorable enough to spend some time figuring out how to say “hello.”
Essay to the topic 3: Psychology of Management.
Management psychology is a branch of psychological science based on management
psychology, partly marketing psychology and other aspects of psychological
sciences, which are reflected in some way in the activities of managers,
knowledge and use of which determine the success of the organization in a market
economy.The purpose of management psychology is to develop ways to improve the
efficiency and quality of life of organizational systems.In my opinion, this
area is very difficult to implement, as it is necessary to study the impact of
the psychology of an individual or group of people on the management process
and, conversely, the impact of management relationships on the psychology of an
individual and group.
· #436
Shapa L.N. to the IM-201 group students (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:01)
Your English lesson has just started, I'm waiting for your reviews, abstracts, tasks, etc.
· #435
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 07:00)
Today I have read really interesting article. Its name’s “AI algorithms can
influence people’s voting and dating decisions”. The article tells about a
series of experiments that showed how easily people can be manipulated by AI.
Candidates had to choose who will they date or vote for. And majority chose
photos of those people who was promoted by algorithms. But that worked only with
voting. Experiments showed that when it goes about dating people more likely
believe in human advice than in algorithmic. I think that this article is very
useful because we need to know how our opinion can be influenced or manipulated
by AI to avoid that.
1) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
2) expected value
It is an expected value.
3) technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
Today I have read the article ,,A mild way to upcycle plastics used in bottles
into fuel and other high-value products." Unfortunately at the moment the
problem of environmental pollution is not new to us and still not solved. To
recycle such materials as plastic and glass it is necessary to have a lot of
energy and funds to create secondary raw materials .Researchers have developed a
method of reaction of simple hydrocarbon chains with hydrogen in the presence of
nanoparticles of noble or transition metals under mild conditions. I believe
that such a method will be able to reduce the amount of garbage in the
environment and do it painlessly for nature.
1) work schedule
An agreement was reached on a detailed work schedule for each of the members in
the five research teams.
2) expected value
It is an expected value.
3) technology capability
The DRE criterion presents technology capability on which approval of the
technology is based.
Political communication concerns the creation and exchange of ideas and opinions
between citizens, public officials, political institutions, and related
entities, such as the media. It includes discourse throughout the political
process in local, state, national, and international political systems, as well
as how information and rhetoric can be leveraged for political gain or to
achieve political goals.Political messaging can take many forms, including
speechwriting, social and online media, television and radio, written laws and
regulations, policy proposals, policy studies, interpersonal communication
between candidates and prospective voters, press releases, and more.
· #434
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 20:27)
Your commentary is quite good and interesting, but mind the correct use of the articles a/the. The tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct. Continue working
· #433
Grodska E. to Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022)
Your commentary is clear and informative, the tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Well done
· #432
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 11 April 2022 19:22)
Class work
Today I have read the article called"Getting around the smart city"
Smart cities won't be truly smart until they have sustainable transport systems
in place. Scientists believe that current transport development is having an
increasingly detrimental effect on the environment at local and global levels,
as well as reducing the quality of life for many people. They believe that to
tackle this growing problem, governments and those who run our cities must
invest in clean, safe, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable transport
Seems to me, a scientific study would help everyone look at the need to change
the city as a whole, because it has a detrimental effect on nature.
Phrases of the Day:
1) fair information
Launching a product in "beta" form is not a substitute for ensuring that new
services comply with fair information principles before they are introduced.
2) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
3)desired information
In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory work
to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
Today I have read the article called" These robots can move your couch"
In the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, research students developed artificial
intelligence to train robots to work together to move a couch - in this case a
long rod that served as a stand - around two obstacles and through a narrow door
in computer simulations.
I think the invention will be useful and will replace the hard work of several
people. And if one or two robots fail, the others will be able to continue
working, because they are not communicating with each other, but accessing the
network. And in general, you wouldn't have to reward your robot helpers with
Phrases of the Day:
1) fair information
Launching a product in "beta" form is not a substitute for ensuring that new
services comply with fair information principles before they are introduced.
2) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
3)desired information
In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory work
to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
практиці це бачення є складним, часто вимагає великої лабораторної роботи для
синтезу, виділення, очищення та характеристики нових розроблених молекул для
отримання потрібної інформації.
· #431
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 18:08)
Today I have read an article on a theoretical framework for teaching students
social media, algorithms, and critical thinking. and a sample assignment that
can help students better understand how social media sites affect our
subjectivation processes. It is a pedagogical approach to media literacy,
digital literacy, and other emerging literacy in the 21st century. This article
analyzes student projects and reflections. The collected data is shared on
Facebook. These findings suggest that new approaches to social media platforms,
whether non-profit or public benefit, open up new creative possibilities. This
article turned out to be quite informative and interesting for me.
Today I have read an article by the Racial Attitudes Social Project. About how
while many American organizations are dealing with communities of color and
building trust, the research projects are assessing the needs of black
neighborhoods who have historically lived and been stigmatized by the media. The
project drew on a variety of materials, as well as information and diaries of
residents for a general understanding of how people lived. This information was
then presented in the local media. The project tries to strengthen the
relationship between local media and communities. The project explores
discrimination against the black race and norms of social behavior.
· #430
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 16:08)
Today I have read an article about the leading social networks like Twitter,
Facebook or Instagram, and more recently about Tik-Tok. Tik-Tok is the fastest
growing app that attracts a huge audience of all ages. A study was conducted,
the results of which showed the presence of extremely anti-Semitic messages
presented in the content of Tik-Tok. Tik-Tok's hate algorithm is designed to
nudge users who accidentally view disturbing content to view more. Given that
Tik-Tok's demographics are young enough, content is affecting the immature minds
of children and teens, these results are more than alarming; Moreover, this
social network does not meet the terms of service. This article turned out to be
quite informative and interesting for me.
Class work:
Today I Have read The article on the state of the news media. Since 2004, the
Pew Research Center has released an annual report on audience and economic
performance for the news media. This data shows: how news and information
searches are changing, how news organizations are generating revenue, and what
reserves are available to American journalists. In the United States, the press
is the fourth branch of government and a significant business.
Over the years, metrics, sectors and format, of data disclosure have been
carefully considered. We are presented with bulletins that show the most
important historical data for each sector. This article turned out to be quite
informative and interesting for me.
for its own sake
It was underlined that transparency is not an end in itself, nor is it to be
pursued for its own sake.
general agreement on
Thus, there were still obstacles to general agreement on article 2, paragraph 2
from this perspective.
You are much more beautiful from this perspective
· #429
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 15:41)
Name: EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on risky uses
Today I have read the article “EU outlines ambitious AI regulations focused on
risky uses”. It is about conversation which took place in spring, people
discussed significant questions, like what kind of dangerous situations AI could
cause if it hasn’t got border. For example, facial recognition is able to find
missing or wanting people, but also it undermines people’s freedom if
authorities use AI in this cases. However, it would take few years to regulate
all aspects of the process of using in every sphere of life for every person. To
my mind, it is complicated enough, but also useful and something to what people
should pay attention, as all we know technologies innovate super fast.
1) for its own sake
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
2) from this perspective
I look at the gentlemen from this perspective alone...
3) general agreement on
At present no list of social concerns exists on which there is general
Exam topic #4
Advertising is one of the ways to convey any information to the buyer in order
to attract him to a particular product.
Advertising in the world and in society plays a huge role, offering potential
buyers interesting and necessary goods for work, household and leisure. Without
advertising, society would not immediately learn about new products on the
market, and people would have to look for the goods they need on their own.
Advertising is an integral part of our life, it plays an important role in the
economy, and thanks to it we can find the goods, things, services that we need.
· #428
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 15:28)
Name: Research reveals how much plastic debris is currently floating in the
Mediterranean Sea.
Today I read the article "Research reveals how much plastic debris is currently
floating in the Mediterranean Sea". This topic really hooked me, especially its
relevance. The article deals with the problem of plastic pollution of the waters
of our planet. It is very scary that every year the production of plastic is
increasing, and most of it is thrown into the oceans. The Greek Center for
Marine Research has developed a new model that follows the fate of plastics in
the Mediterranean. The article is very interesting and important to read. I
believe that this problem needs to be fight.
1) for its own sake
Screw that. I liked the design for its own sake.
2) from this perspective
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
3) general agreement on
There is general agreement that oversight is a shared responsibility.
Name: Journalism is an 'attack surface' for those who spread misinformation
Today I've read the article "Journalism is an 'attack surface' for those who
spread misinformation". It tells that we're still struggling with the spread of
Dan Gillmor, co-founder of the News Co/Lab at Arizona State University's Walter
Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication will discuss his work,
which focuses on improving media literacy, during a panel presentation on Feb 15
as part of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science in Seattle. Gillmor's presentation will pivot on the need for a better
understanding of news and the media, how journalists can prepare for and respond
to misinformation, and watch so that they don't unknowingly traffic information
that was intentionally designed to be misleading.
· #427
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 15:25)
Today I have read an article about how local and foreign journalists in Ukraine
are risking their lives reporting war news. Russian invaders fired at a TV tower
in Kyiv, killing five people, including journalist Yevgeny Sakun.
Two journalists from the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet were shot dead in
Ukraine, and a Spanish journalist covering Ukrainian refugee movements was
detained in Poland.
In Russia, five journalists have been charged with covering protests.
Roskomnadzor took the independent TV channels Ekho Moskvy and Dozhd TV off the
air and blocked access to their websites due to their reporting on the conflict.
This article was informative for me.
Exam topic №1
Theoretical and methodological developments in journalism and mass
Journalism - a science that studies the system of artistic, sociological,
historical disciplines. In a certain period there were certain researches.
Research in the 1970s was aimed at improving the system of journalism education.
1980s research: focus on local media outlets.
Research of the 1990s: prospects for the development of television and radio
broadcasting, the degree of freedom and independence of a journalist working in
the new political environment. Comparative international studies. There are
methods of journalistic activity. Private:
Analysis - abstraction - synthesis. Comparison - analogy - association. Types of
analogies: substantial, causal, functional, structural. Analogy of
correspondence. The need to verify the conclusions by analogy.
There are also consolidated research methods.
Factor analysis. Method of idealization (idealized abstraction). Functional
analysis. Modeling method
for its own sake
It was underlined that transparency is not an end in itself, nor is it to be
pursued for its own sake.
general agreement on
Thus, there were still obstacles to general agreement on article 2, paragraph 2
from this perspective.
You are much more beautiful from this perspective
· #426
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 14:15)
International Economics
International economics study the big stuff, like economic output, unemployment,
inflation, interest rates and government policies.
The Great Depression in the 1930's that that economists fully appreciated the
need for a systematic way to measure the overall economy. But we can't control
it. Economics is studying people, and it turns out that sometimes people are
unpredictable. Policy makers have three economics goals : they want to keep the
economy growing over time, limit unemployment and keep prices stable.
The most important measure of an economy is GDP. An economy has four components
that make up GDP. Each represents a different group that can purchase things in
the economy. They're consumer spending, business spending which called
investment, government spending, and net exports which is basically spending by
other countries. If any one of these components loses power, the economy will
slow down, but not all of them are creating equal. Most economies rely heavily
on consumers spending. For example in the US, consumers account for about 70%
of GDP, but other countries might rely more on exports.
I think, that International economics is one of the most important part of our
life. It consists of economics of countries, so we should control economics not
too heard, but enough for it's stability.
· #425
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 13:34)
I have read the article about war crime. It's a violation of the laws of war
that gives rise to individual criminal responsibilities for actions, such as
killing civilians, prisoners of war, torture, destroying civilian property etc.
In 1949 the Geneva Conventions legally defined new war crimes and established
that states could exercise universal jurisdiction over war criminals. In the
late 20th century and early 21st century, international Courts extrapolated
categories of war crimes applicable to a civil war.
The understanding of rules of war exists since ancient centuries. But a lot off
rullers broke this convention, because they think that they "have a right" to do
this. About this have written a lot of writers. For example in Crime and
Punishment. The massage of the book is that nobody has this right to destroy
other people's lives.
1) fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
desired information
Any one or combination of the search criteria can be used to obtain the desired
3) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy logic
I have read the article about The Blitz.
Bombing of London was in 1940-1941, during the second World War. It was not only
in London, but in many cities in UK. With help of Luftwaffe Hitler tried to
break British mental. More than 40000 civilians were killed by bombing during
the war, more than a million houses were destroyed or damaged.
this plan failed, because eight months of bombing never seriously hampered
British war production, which continued to increase.
Nazis Luftwaffe was bombing at night, englisch people made fake radio waves,
which led astray german plains.
It's easy to kill people, when you don't look at their eyes, when you don't see
victims under the rubble of collapsed buildings.
Only people with high mental mind can understand awfulness of their's actions. I
strongly believe that we should to think not about actions of some nation, but
about actions, which were made by one person. Because everyone should to
understand, that it will be retribution for any crime.
· #424
Yunko Illya IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 13:04)
Today I have read the article"Can Russia reboot its war in Ukraine in time for
Putin to claim a victory? This article talks about the fact that the situation
is now heating up in the Donbass, and that everyone is now being asked to
evacuate from that area. It all started because Russia is now moving into
another phase. I hope this ends soon. But if you look at political negotiations.
can understand that this will not end quickly.
P.S please forgive me for delaying the rear today, this will not happen again
· #423
Drozhzhina I. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 13:04)
Your link to the first article doesn't work, please correct it. And there is no link to te second comment. Also i don't see your work with the exam topics.
· #422
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 13:03)
To Ivashenko,IZ-212. I would strongly advise you to work regularly! Your voice messages are poor. Try to improve them. Best wishes
· #421
Drozhzhina I. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:57)
Your essay and commentaries are too big, please write up to 100 words. Keep on working.
· #420
Liza Ivashenko IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:55)
Journalists may work in offices of newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
Generally these offices are crowded and busy. Magazine offices however are much
quieter. Journalists have to visit the sites of events of interest. They
research their assignments in libraries and information centres. They work
irregular hours and their duties often compel them to work at night. There are
risks involved in covering events such as fires, bomb explosions, unrest and
Phrases of the day:
are much more beautiful from this perspective.
2. We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3. At present no list of social concerns exists on which there is general
A broadcast journalist is a reporter who works for a news agency and reports
stories on television or over the radio.
Broadcast reporters visit the sites of breaking stories to provide information
to the public as quickly as possible. Reporters gather information about events
by interviewing victims, witnesses and others relevant to a story. After getting
the information they need, the field reporter or another reporter in the
newsroom will share the story on a daily news show.
· #419
Drozhzhina I. to Yunko Illya IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:54)
Please be attentive, you should write two comments and an essay for the lesson. Continue working.
· #418
Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:52)
Essay to the topic "Gender metters"
Gender issues and stereotypes have haunted humanity throughout history. For
thousands of years, women have been considered unequal to men for a number of
reasons that I find unfounded. Women have fought for equality for many years.
It was only in the 20th century that the societies of most different countries
finally accepted the fact of equality between the sexes. But they accepted it
only at the legislative level, and within the society itself, this fact cannot
be fully accepted. There are issues of gender inequality: different salaries for
men and women, "unfeminine" professions, "unfeminine" appearance and behavior,
male and female roles in the family. The above is just the tip of the iceberg.
There are many more problems. The scary thing is that gender inequality in
society often leads to violence. I believe that we should actively strive for
absolute equality between the sexes within society.
· #417
Drozhzhina I. to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:49)
Your comments are well done. Thank you.
· #416
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:48)
To Bortnik,IZ-211. Unfortunately you have forgotten about the voice messages of the comments. Be attentive.pls. Good luck
· #415
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:44)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants !
Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #414
Drozhzhina I. to Evelina Cheban IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:43)
Well done, thanks.
· #413
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:43)
I have read the article about war crime. It's a violation of the laws of war
that gives rise to individual criminal responsibilities for actions, such as
killing civilians, prisoners of war, torture, destroying civilian property etc.
1949 the Geneva Conventions legally defined new war crimes and established that
states could exercise universal jurisdiction over war criminals.
In the late 20th century and early 21st century, international Courts
extrapolated categories of war crimes applicable to a civil war.
understanding of rules of war exists since ancient centuries.
But a lot off rullers broke this convention, because they think that they "have
a right" to do this. About this have written a lot of writers. For example in
Crime and Punishment. The massage of the book is that nobody has this right to
destroy other people's lives.
1) fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
desired information
Any one or combination of the search criteria can be used to obtain the desired
3) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy logic
I have read the article about The Blitz.
Bombing of London was in 1940-1941, during the second World War. It was not only
in London, but in many cities in UK. With help of Luftwaffe Hitler tried to
break British mental. More than 40000 civilians were killed by bombing during
the war, more than a million houses were destroyed or damaged.
this plan failed, because eight months of bombing never seriously hampered
British war production, which continued to increase.
Nazis Luftwaffe was bombing at night, englisch people made fake radio waves,
which led astray german plains.
It's easy to kill people, when you don't look at their eyes, when you don't see
victims under the rubble of collapsed buildings.
Only people with high mental mind can understand awfulness of their's actions. I
strongly believe that we should to think not about actions of some nation, but
about actions, which were made by one person. Because everyone should to
understand, that it will be retribution for any crime.
· #412
Drozhzhina I. to Evelina Cheban IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:41)
Thank you for your comments, please correct the mistake in the firs comment: In A popular...don't forget about the essay to the exam topic.
· #411
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:41)
Phrases of the day
1. Fair information
A report released in late May by the Federal Trade Commission found that only 20
percent of sites offered privacy polices that honored all of the so-called fair
information practices.
2. Desired information
To search for the desired information, you need to extremely simply write about
it in the search bar.
3. Fuzzy logic
The current team has introduced what they refer to as an improved hybrid fuzzy
logic system.
Today I have read the article “Five things to know about the EU's landmark
digital act”.
The main point is to emphasize important document of nowadays, which tend to
loosen the grip of big companies in life online. It contains of five must-do
rules which regulate relationships and activity. For example, to save the
startups, because it is widely spread that big tech companies snuff out
potential rivals before they become a threat. Another significant step is to
create a messaging unity: interoperability between messaging apps, all while
demanding that communications remain encrypted from user to user. Three more
rules are use ad transparency, bar companies to use their own payment systems
and provide a fair shopping on Amazon. In conclusion, we see how cyberspace has
evolved and needs regulation as any other sphere of people`s life.
Today I have read the article “New insights about the toxicity of smoke produced
by home stoves and power plants”. It tells about research on science topic,
which has investigated a health impact of smoke coming out from chimneys. The
point is, the toxicity of aerosols emitted from household coal/wood burning is
more than 10 times higher than that from large scale coal-fired power plants.
Scientists also proposed oriented strategies for mitigating air pollution caused
by coal-based residential stoves and suppose that WHO will add them to its mass
concentration-oriented air quality guidelines. To conclude, it is important to
say about obligatoriness to all of us to be aware of this facts and try to speed
up the process of reducing bad influence.
Essay “Public Relations”
Exist many definitions of this term, but in general it is a strategic
communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between
organizations and their publics. Professionals in this sphere manage a public
image and reputation of the product, company or person. Usually PR managers
persuade for or earn a positive or negative perception by organising different
events, publicizing press releases, engaging on social media, building business
connections and networks. The main difference between public relationships and
marketing hides in the fact that marketing`s aim is to boost sales, while PR
fosters communication between a client and a company. This type of activity is
vital feature of beneficial business nowadays, because it not only maximize the
effectiveness of the narrative surrounding of organization, but also allow to
mitigate damage from a crisis or take advantage of unexpected opportunities.
· #410
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:40)
To Barladian,IZ-212. Everything would have be excellent if you had consulted a dictionary as to the pronunciation of some words. Good luck
· #409
Drozhzhina I. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:34)
Your comments and essay are quite good, please write the phrases of the day before the sentences.
· #408
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:29)
I wrote 2 comments and the essay, just two different comments!
· #407
Drozhzhina I. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:29)
Well done, thank you. Please write the topic of your essay.
· #406
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:28)
Phrases of the day
1) desired information
the data and highlight the desired information
2) fair information
The report points out that the Internet industry has failed to implement all
four parts of the Fair Information
3) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic , a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong
Today l have read the article In my opinion, everyone loves to travel, but not
everyone has the opportunity. But they really want to see the world, and there
is no opportunity. But it is good that now there is an opportunity to watch the
world on the phone, TV, in various programs that provide such an opportunity
that even for a moment, people understand how people live outside their country.
Especially in my opinion, this is a program with Dmitry Komarov "light inside
is a very bright and diverse personality.
Today l have read the interesting article “volunteering today “in my opinion, at
this time, every volunteer is worthy of respect.
After all, every day they save someone's life, and not only people, but also
animals. And this is important! A volunteer can be any person who wants to
devote his free time to volunteer work, and who also has such a quality as
responsibility. Today, volunteering is widespread in many countries of the
world. Some become volunteers without even realizing it. Many of us participate
in regular charity events, community work daysk
· #405
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:26)
Exam topic #4 (Communication Models)
Communication models refer to the conceptual frameworks or theories that explain
the way of human communication. It also represents the entire process of
communication between the sender and the receiver. The three models of
communication are the Linear Models of Communication, the Interactive Models of
Communication, and the Transactional Models of Communication. A list of the best
communication models.The linear model of communication is a one-way interaction
where feedback is not present.The interactive model of communication refers to
the two-way method of communication with feedback. The transitional model of
communication seems like a two-way process of communication with immediate
· #404
Drozhzhina I. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:24)
Thanks for your work. You should write two comments to the articles and essay.Continue working.
· #403
Yunko Illya IM-201 ( Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:21)
Today I have read the article "Bot can spot depressed Twitter users in 9 out of
10 cases" AI checks posts and what they search for and write. And you can
understand that 9 people are depressed and 1 is happy with everything. What does
this statistic say? That a lot of depressed people are on Twitter. And 80% of
people are depressed and stay in it for a long time. Twitter is a place where
people can hide from reality. They write comments and do everything to forget
about their problems. We now understand why people around the world are
depressed. And twitter wants to help those people by giving them information
that will entertain and sometimes even treat their depression.
fair information
In order to address the exclusion of minorities and other vulnerable communities
from the media, the Special Rapporteur urged Governments to deregulate the
communications and media environment to allow free and fair information to flow
more effectively.
2) desired information
That is, the receiver measures a signal that is equal to the sum of the signal
encoding the desired information and a continuous random variable that
represents the noise
3) fuzzy logic
The paper studies aggregating interval type-2 fuzzy model (AIT2FM) capabilities
for forecasting of time series.
This model consists of a set of interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems (IT2FLS)
with various input numbers
· #402
Gvozd to Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:13)
The reviews are rather interesting, but mind the usage of Present Perfect.
· #401
Drozhzhina I. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:12)
Well done, thank you.
· #400
Drozhzhina I. to Danila Donat IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:10)
You should write two comments to the artocle of the day, and your exam essay is too big. Please write up to 100 words only. Continue working.
· #399
Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:09)
Lessons from the global South on how to counter harmful information
Today I've read an article about the spread of fake news in the Global South.
The author examines the factors of large-scale infection of the public sphere
with rumors. He conducts research on the characteristics of the fight against
malicious information in the Global South. The article states that the study was
the result of a collaborative effort between research teams from four regions:
Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa
(MENA) region. The text also says that special attention was paid to how the
Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated the problem. The article emphasizes that the study
shows why a comprehensive approach is needed to combat information clutter.
Phrases of the day :
1) I did not like the article, because it is based on fuzzy logic.
With the help of a short note, I highlighted the desired information from the
3) Finally, we have received fair information on this case.
'Kafkaesque’ true stories of ordinary people: inside the first days
of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China
Today I read an article about China's silence and terrible bureaucracy during
the 2020 pandemic.
The author describes the plot of Myurong Xuecun's book "Deadly Silent City". It
describes the information of 8 witnesses from Wuhan about the events of the
first months of the pandemic. At the end of the text, the author emphasizes that
it is an extremely sad fact that, knowing about the terrible actions of the
Chinese authorities, many citizens still preferred to turn a blind eye to this.
I believe that the article is of great public importance and it helped me
personally to discover several new facts.
· #398
Drozhzhina I. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:08)
Well done, thank you.
· #397
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:59)
The review (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:20) perfectly reflects the content of the article you have read, was written and pronounced without any grammatical and phonetic mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent of course.
· #396
Evelina Cheban IM-201 ( Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:59)
Essay to the topic "Domestic political development of Ukraine". Now the whole
world is interested in Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy. As citizens of
this country, we understand that as long as martial law is in place in our
country, there are many shortcomings that Ukrainians are experiencing. Our
politicians are demonstrating their professionalism as never before. Of course,
in such realities we must focus on foreign policy, we definitely need it. Now,
more than ever, the people must be loyal to the government. Only in this way,
after the war, will we be able to quickly establish domestic policy.
· #395
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:57)
To Voloschuk,IZ-212. I would advise you to be more attentive when recording your voice message to avoid making mistakes. Consult a dictionary as to the pronunciation of the words" title, pushes" . I have already told you that you should use Present Perfect in the last sentence: I HAVE FOUND this article...". Good luck
· #394
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211, (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:54)
The abstracts (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:05) and (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:19) demonstrate your complete understanding of the contents of the articles you have read, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #393
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:49)
To Goncharuk,IZ-212. I absolutely agree with your point of view but I can't agree that you still don't use definite article" THE" before the word"article"in the first sentence, and I can't agree with your reading the voice message as there are a lot of mispronounced words. Best wishes
· #392
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:48)
Both abstracts which the message (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:59) contains, were written excellently and pronounced perfectly without any mistake, the task Phrases of the Day corresponds to the models of presenting such kind of student task. Excellent.
· #391
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:46)
Today I have read the article "Meet the 1,300 librarians racing to back up
Ukraine’s digital archives". This article is about how caring workers of various
cultural institutions are trying to preserve the digital history of Ukraine,
which is vulnerable to war. Volunteers use technology for backup as cyberattacks
destroy national servers. By common efforts, they have already succeeded in
saving documents with a total volume of more than several tens of terabytes, but
this is not the final goal. In my opinion, this is a really useful initiative,
the application of which will help protect cultural heritage in a distance mode.
-fuzzy logic
Using an artificial intelligence called genetic fuzzy logic, the researchers
were able to get three robots and then five robots to move the token where the
researchers wanted.
- fair Information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
- desired information
As the questions had unfortunately remained unanswered, he asked the delegation
to provide the desired information.
Today I have read the article "USA and EU are responsible for the majority of
ecological damage caused by excess use of raw materials". It's about a new
method of determining national responsibility for an environmental disaster. His
idea is to urge the countries with the highest per capita resource use to
drastically reduce such activities. In particular, it comes to high-income and
upper-middle-income countries, for the prosperity of whose economies the poorer
states of the globe are paying. I think such an approach would rationalize and
fairly distribute the responsibility for causing damage to the ecological
Psychology of Management
Organizational excellence of social associations is one of the foundations for
the full functioning of the system. In this context, without exaggeration,
psychology is crucial in the art of management, because much depends on the
human factor. Overall this is a doctrine that binds the rest of the numerical
components with a thin through thread and, when properly arranged, is designed
to improve the quality and efficiency of the structure. For the most part, this
applies to the leader, who has to quickly change the idea and predict ways to
act according to specific circumstances. Essentially, management is
characterized by a certain strict regulation and ranking, but the emphasis
should not be leveled by the democratic factor.
· #390
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:45)
Today I have read the article which called "Employer surveillance during COVID
has damaged trust". In this article was talking about privacy issues due to
uncontrolled surveillance of medical staff by employers, increasing use of staff
surveillance by employers during the COVID-19 pandemic endangers trust in the
workplace. Excessive monitoring, according to the report, can be considered by
staff as demonstrating a lack of confidence or belief in employees. Low trust in
the workplace can then cause a vicious cycle. In my opinion, employers have not
to sacrifice ethics for the sake of efficiency as it can backfire leading to
mental health issues, productivity decline and staff resignations.
· #389
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:41)
To Slobodzyan IZ-211. Read my remarks attentively to avoid making the same
The first sentence should be:" Today I HAVE READ THE article..."
Look at it and memorise!
Unfortunately your voice message is full of mispronounced words. Consult a
dictionary before recording it.
Good luck
· #388
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:41)
The three reviews presented (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:45) - two of them and (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:46) - another one - do not contain grammatical and phonetic mistakes, completely present the contents of the articles you have read, the tasks Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excelent.
· #387
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:33)
To Gaydarzhi,IZ-212. Pls, don't repeat one and the same mistakes, you should use THE before ARTICLE in the first sentence. Your voice message is full of mispronounced. Consult a dictionary before recording it! Good luck
· #386
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:30)
Today I have read the article which called "What new research reveals about rude
workplace emails". It's been a while since pandemic started, and it's also known
that a lot of companies still prefer working online, which might be efficient,
but brings inconvenience. Studies show that dealing with 'rude' emails at work
can cause stress, which affects health and most areas of life. The solution to
the problem is proposed to periodically be unplugged and psychologically
detached. I think people should follow the communication norms, as it will
change the effectiveness in addressing, and I hope one day it won't cause any
problem anymore.
Phrases of The Day:
1) fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
desired information
Any one or combination of the search criteria can be used to obtain the desired
3) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy
· #385
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:29)
Title: "The best TV shows about journalism revealed plus killer quotes"
Today I have read the article about the best TV shows and films about
There are so many great series about newsrooms, which are filled with the whole
spectrum of human emotion.
There are the journalists here who are always great characters both on-screen
and off. The article lists some of the best TV programmes about journalism and
journalists spanning from the 1970s to the present day. It’s been a brilliant
year for TV and Internet movie industry thanks to lockdown.
conclusion, I recommend you to watch movies from this list.
Phrases of the day:
1. for its own sake
Philanthropy should fund the media for its own sake.
2. from this perspective
From this perspective, journalism is the identification, clarification and
re-presentation of a piece of information.
3. general agreement on
There is no general agreement on what exactly makes journalism diverse and
Title: "Journalism not crime, but… — Malami"
Today I have read the article about Nigerian journalists.
The Federal Government of Nigeria has provided an enabling environment for
journalism to thrive.
However, some people that claim to be journalists commit crimes. But I am
convinced that journalism is not a crime. Nigeria operates a constitutional
democracy that guarantees freedom of expression, thereby providing conducive
atmosphere and veitable platforms that enable Nigerians their inalienable rights
to unhindered ventilation of opinions.
conclusion, President and Administration of Nigeria consider journalists as
professional colleagues.
They need to be protected and this administration is doing so.
· #384
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:29)
The reviews presented (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:54) and (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:03) completely meet the requirements for independent student work of such kind, excellently reflect the contents of the artickles you have read, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #383
Evelina Cheban IM-201 ( Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:28)
Today I have read the article “ Deng's War: Assessing the Success of the
Sino-Vietnamese War”
Military analysis holds that the Sino-Vietnamese War was a tremendous
failure—Chinese troops massively underperformed when compared to Vietnamese
soldiers. However, after a consideration of Deng’s political situation and the
balance of power in Asia, the Sino-Vietnamese War can be recognized as a
successful political ploy that both elevated Deng’s power within the Chinese
Communist Party and China’s own power in Asia.
1) fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
Найкращий спосіб – отримувати правдиву та достовірну інформацію безпосередньо з
державної платіжної системи.
2) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy
На першому етапі розроблено новий спеціальний метод на основі нечіткої логіки.
3) desired information
A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired
Зведена таблиця може допомогти швидко узагальнити дані та виділити потрібну
· #382
Evelina Cheban IM-201 ( Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:26)
Today I have read the article “ Knowledge Production in International Relations:
A Poststructural Feminist Critique of Liberal Feminism” In popular international
relations (IR) theory, knowledge production is often dismissed as an objective
process between the researcher and the empirical world. This article rejects
this notion and contends that the process of knowledge production is always
inherently political in the conduct and study of IR.
Additionally, in discussing ‘the political’ this article incorporates feminist
theory by focusing on the politics of gender, specifically the way that the
process of and product of knowledge production within the study and conduct of
IR is gendered.
The article will appeal to those interested in politics.
· #381
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:25)
To Albertovuch,IZ -212. Way to go. Best wishes
· #380
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:23)
The abstract (Saturday, 09 April 2022 14:05) perfectly presents the content of the article you have read, has been written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #379
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:21)
To Gladka,IZ-212. Well done. Thanks
· #378
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:20)
Essay to the topic "Global perspectives"
Global perspectives are very important in our time. This is an opportunity to
explore ideas, beliefs, and find out how many pressing issues of the modern
world affect us at different levels. One of the main perspectives for
development, in my opinion, are the issues of ecology, the eradication of hunger
and the burning issue of war. All these problems stem from one thing: the
struggle for power, the satisfaction of one's own interests, as a result of the
realization of equality in the world, which causes hunger, cold and war.
my opinion, in order to solve these global issues, first of all, countries need
to UNITE and work together.
Second, reshape the entire global economy to focus on addressing these issues.
· #377
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:19)
Today I have read the article "War set to cut Ukraine's economy by almost half"
the main topic of the article is the economic crisis in Ukraine due to
hostilities. Europe and part of Asia also felt the instability of the economy.
Ukraine used to be a major food supplier, but now this is not possible due to
disrupted supply chains. More than half of medium and small businesses were
closed. In this regard, European countries are actively providing financial
assistance to the country to support the economy of Ukraine. Also, it is
necessary to pay attention to the destroyed infrastructure, which will have to
be restored. in my opinion, if the war does not end in the next couple of
months, then the economy of Ukraine will suffer much more than experts expect.
· #376
Shapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:18)
The abstract presented (Sunday, 10 April 2022 13:06) contains all the elements necessary for independent student work of such kind, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #375
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:17)
Today I have read the article "Elon Musk will not join Twitter board, says
Recently it became known that Tesla owner Elon Musk bought more than 9 percent
of Twitter shares.
After that, the share price rose by more than a quarter, which became a lifeline
for the social network itself. The reason for the purchase was Elon's tweet with
a survey, where he asked subscribers "is Twitter dying?" And if in the beginning
everyone was happy, then after giving up a seat on the council, many began to
get nervous. This position unties the Mask of the hand and allows him to do
whatever he wants. I believe that the changes in the company are not so bad,
especially if Elon Musk takes it. But on the other hand, once again we see that
a person with money can do whatever he wants
Phrases of the day
1. It was underlined that transparency is not an end in itself, nor is it to be
pursued for its own sake.
2. It must, however, be acknowledged that there had also been no general
agreement on those proposals in the informal consultations.
3. No other international forum has yet addressed these issues from this
· #374
Slobodzian Kyrylo IJ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:13)
Fair Information Practices are a set of principles and practices that describe
how an information
Creating 3-D images with regular ink. This month, 5,000 distinctive cans of
Fuzzy Logic beer will appear on local
Many translated example sentences containing "desired information" -
German-English dictionary and search
Today I read an article about Dolphins’ Social Behavior Dolphins are often
regarded as one of Earth’s most intelligent animals. They are social creatures,
living in pods of up to a dozen individuals. In places with a high abundance of
food, pods can merge temporarily, forming a superpod; such groupings may exceed
1,000 dolphins. They communicate using a variety of clicks, whistle-like sounds
and other vocalizations.
Membership in pods is not rigid; interchange is common.
Dolphins can, however, establish strong social bonds; they will stay with
injured or ill individuals, even helping them to breathe by bringing them to the
surface if needed.
· #373
Gvozd to Raylian (IG - 212) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:13)
The reviews are rather interesting, the exam topic is also not bad. But I don't see your sentences with phrases.
· #372
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:12)
The review presented (Monday, 11 April 2022 07:57) has been written and pronounced perfectly as always, meets all the requirements for independent student work of such kind, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #371
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:12)
To Drozd,IZ-212. Be attentive! I have already told you that the article can't TALK it can TELL US about something. Good luck
· #370
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:09)
I have read the article: "The Hill: In France, a nail-biting election as
Macron’s rival surges." This article talks about the tense elections in France,
because Macron risks losing to his opponent in the second round. And his
opponent, Marine Le Pen, is pro-Russian and campaigns in every possible way for
the reduction of sanctions, emphasizing that this will significantly reduce the
price of gas and fuel, which is today the main stumbling block in the French
elections. Whatever Macron and France are in relation to Ukraine, I hope that he
will win, because this will be a victory for the principles and isolation of
Russia, as the future vector of France's development.
1)desired information
A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired
2)fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
3) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy
There are different theories of international relations.
But the main ones are realism and liberalism. The main idea of many theories is
the national interest. In international politics, this is expressed in the
example of the United States and China, both countries seek to satisfy their
national interest, which includes self-preservation and dominance over other
countries. Under realism, the main goal is to achieve power and maintain it, the
USA and the USSR can be an excellent example. In contrast to realism, there is
liberalism, which believes that in a world of globalization, the national
interest is becoming less and less obvious, and greatness must be achieved
through cooperation and partnership.
I have read an article"Massive Science: There's a neurological reason you say
'um' when you think of a word". It talks about the scientific basis of the
sounds we make. It's amazing how a huge mechanism like the brain is able to
combine in itself, with a glance, absolutely incredible possibilities for
recognizing information. I am glad that there is such a study, as I believe that
it will help many people accept things that they considered as defects, although
this is not at all the case. I would be interested to know how we form our
thoughts in a split second in our native language, because earlier, before
people began to speak, we must have had another way to do this?
· #369
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:08)
Exam topic #1
Speaking of gender inequality, as a rule, they mean the disadvantageous position
of women in one area or another: wages, unpaid housework. Researchers show that
in the culture of most countries of the world, a person is perceived by default
as a man, gender data on the characteristics and needs of women is much less.
However, the problem of gender inequality often also affects men: including the
retirement age, the demand for "success" and the like. Unfortunately, the
stereotypes imposed by society will never go away and will never be forgotten,
but many organizations are trying to fight this and sometimes it is successful.
· #368
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:07)
Fanfiction is a form of literature often based on an already existing product,
be it a book, a movie, a series, or just famous people who are close enough
friends. People write fanfiction because they are big fans of their chosen story
and want more details. They can imagine what happened before or after the main
events of the story, or imagine other scenes from the lives of their favorite
characters. Fanfiction contains many different story classifications, from fluff
to angst, soulmates, plot fixes, mary sues, and many more tags and warnings.
Friends seasons ranked from worst to best.
The comedy Friends debuted in 1994 to so-so ratings and mixed reviews, and many
wrote it off simply as the next in a string of half-hour comedies that would go
off the air in a few years. It was inconceivable that we had just seen the
launch of not only one of the most popular sitcoms in history, but also one of
the most enduring. Most sitcoms take a few episodes to find their rhythm, and
even something as big as Friends once stumbled to find their creative voice. The
first season of the series is certainly a promising ensemble comedy about the
friendship of twenty-somethings.
· #367
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:05)
Your exam topic is very interesting to read and it is informative. Keep on working.
· #366
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:04)
To Andreeva,IZ-211. Again the same mistakes. Read my remarks attentively! Present Perfect should be used in the first sentence:"I HAVE READ the article..." The article isn't SHE , it's IT: "IT tells us..." Your voice message is full of mispronounced words. Improve it! Good luck
· #365
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:59)
Exam topic #4 Advertising
Advertising has a huge impact on human life.
What are the functions of advertisements?
The first is information.
Much of the information people have is largely derived from the advertisements
they read. Advertising introduces them to new products or reminds them of
existing ones.
second function is to sell.
The goods are shown from the best point of view, and the potential buyer, upon
entering the store, unconsciously selects the advertised goods. The goal of good
advertising is to create consumer demand to buy the advertised product or
Thirdly, since most advertising is printed in our press, we pay less for
newspapers and magazines, as well as for television in most countries cheaply.
Public advertising on street billboards, train stations and buildings makes
people's lives more joyful.
Thus, despite our dissatisfaction with the bombardment of advertisers with all
the information, we must recognize that they do provide a useful service to
society, and advertising is an integral part of our daily lives.
· #364
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:58)
Class work
The title of the article is "Stopping misinformation means fixing the
relationship between journalism and PR." The author of the article is Jagris
Hodson. The main idea of the article is the balance between journalism and PR.
When that balance shifts in favor of public relations, it becomes harder for the
public to trust the news. The author believes that journalism now relies more
and more on PR to survive, so steps must be taken to strengthen and build
independent journalism. I find this article relevant and useful because it
pushes the necessary changes for a better future.
Phrases of the Day
1. general agreement on
We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform
2. from this perspective
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
3. for its own sake
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
The title of the article is "Press".
Unfortunately, the author of the article is not listed. The main idea of the
article is the history of the press in ancient Rome and medieval Europe. As the
author notes, the press wrote news about gladiatorial contests, astrological
omens, momentous marriages, births and deaths, government appointments, trials,
and executions. I think this article is useful, especially for today's
journalists, because it is important for the press worker to be familiar with
the history of the profession in order to make his articles more interesting and
· #363
Gvozd to Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:57)
The task is well done, the review is interesting. I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #362
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:57)
Today I have read an article on the topic "Media: Weapon Of Mass Deception",One
of the main problems of the modern world is the media war. That is, in other
words, the media have lost their authenticity, which led to many problems. The
reason for this -corporate allies and their interests. The media does not always
tell us the truth, and this leads to the spread of fake information.
conclusion, I want to say that all media should be responsible for their
messages in order to avoid the spread of fake information at any time, and even
more so in times of crisis
Phrases of the day
1) We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform
2) We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3) You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
Today I have read an article on the topic "Swear words and slurs - what's
offensive on TV and radio?".
It often happens that a person, expressing his emotions, can use obscenities or
raise his voice, but many people do not particularly like to swear and certainly
do not want to hear swearing in their free radio or television programs. If you
are that type of person, then you can file a complaint.
Concluding, I want to say that we should all respect each other and should not
swear with people, especially on the air or radio, because someone may not like
· #361
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:56)
The title of the article:Proposed mass media law draws flak
Today I have read an article about a bill that is contrary to all the interests
of journalism. From the article, we learn that the leaders of journalists called
on the government to rework the bill, and this must be done immediately. In the
bill, at least 34 of 57 points discredit journalists, including their wages. In
the end, I can say that the article causes empathy for journalists, in it you
will find out who was the first to decide to change this bill and what all this
led to, I recommend reading.
Phrases of the day:
Desired information
1.Any one or combination of the search criteria can be used to obtain the
desired information.
Щоб отримати потрібну інформацію, можна використовувати будь-який критерій
пошуку або їх комбінацію.
Fair information
2. To obtain fair information, you can use various manipulations.
Для отримання точної інформації, можна використовувати різні маніпуляції.
Fuzzy logic
3.Fuzzy logic method can achieve huge success.
Методом нечіткої логіки, можно досягти величезного успіху.
The title of the article:Ukrainian Journalists Are Winning the “Information War”
Russia Is Waging Against Ukraine, But They Need Help
Today I have read an article about our brave journalists.
From the article we learn that our guys are doing everything to stop Russian
propaganda. Right now, journalists in Ukraine need physical protection so they
can continue to win this information war. Journalists from different countries
have united for one goal: to dismiss Putin. In the end, I want to thank the
journalists for this incredibly hard work, and in the article itself you will
find all the details of the information war, why we are still winning and how
you can help the guys, I recommend reading.
· #360
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:56)
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "Scientists show how fast algorithms improve with
many examples." From the article, we learn how the researchers studied the
operation of the algorithm. The algorithm is the parent of the computer, and if
you increase its efficiency, then the work with the computer will improve. After
studying many scientific papers, the researchers came to the conclusion that the
efficiency of the algorithm has grown many times over a long time. In my
opinion, algorithm technology will improve more and more, it is already
noticeable how well a computer system works.
Phrases of the day:
1) from this perspective
from this perspective, we can say that our plan will not work
2) for its own sake
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3) general agreement on
We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "Worn down by bad news?
You’re not alone". She tells us about the same type of negative news that
surrounds us every day. Indeed, now we are surrounded by always bad news.
Eternal fires, pandemic, politics, racial inequality. We read the news to
distract ourselves from our own problems, and we also get new ones. Therefore,
many residents simply refuse the news, opting for their mental state. Each of us
has good news for the day, but we don't always get it. I recommend this article
for everyone to read because it very interesting.
· #359
Slobodzian Kyrylo ( IJ-211) (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:56)
1. The report points out that the Internet industry has failed to implement all
four parts of the Fair Information
2. molecules to obtain the desired information
3. It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong
Today I read an article about the Society and its problems As we live in a very
modern society fully using the gifts of nature and technology it is not
surprising, that we often observe different problems of people, who have lost
the feeling of responsibility and humaneness. It concerns everybody, children
and adults.
Children at schools no more play on the playgrounds, communicating with each
other normally, help each other without waiting for something in response.
They are playing virtual games, spending hours writing messages, watching movies
and competing with each other on who has better clothes or cell phones.
· #358
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:54)
Today I've read an article about camping is a very popular form of living
outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature
or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your
own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.
Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they
visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active
sports like mountain biking or just simply relax.
for its own sake
for its own sake building
from this perspective
from this perspective, everything is well done
general agreement on
general agreement on tariffs and trade
Today I've read an article about Ancient Egypt, one of history's first
civilizations arose around the Nile River about 5,000 years ago. It lasted for
over 2,000 years. The Nile River was the centre of Ancient Egypt. The annual
floods brought rich black soil to the banks of the Nile River and made it
possible for farmers to grow crops. The river was also Egypt's main
transportation route. The ancient Egyptians discovered many things. They
invented the first kind of paper from the papyrus plant and were the first
people to write in pictures, called hieroglyphs. But they became most famous for
building stone structures, called pyramids, in which they buried their pharaohs.
· #357
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:54)
Today I have read the article: “Shortwave radio in Ukraine”. This article is
relevant in our time, it is about why revisiting old-school technology makes
sense in a war. A few days ago, access to the BBC News website was blocked in
Russia. The BBC announces the resumption of BBC World Service broadcasts on
shortwave radio for four hours a day. This was done so that people in parts of
Russia and Ukraine could access his news service.
my opinion, this is a very good and timely decision.
It is very important that people at such a time know what is happening. In
conclusion, I want to say that it is important to listen to independent sources
of information, and not to be exposed to propaganda and disinformation, which is
very common in our time.
Phrases of the day:
1) for its own sake
Democracy for its own sake is a system worthy of attainment.
Демократія сама по собі є системою, гідною досягнення.
2) general agreement on
Consensus implies general agreement , though not necessarily unanimity.
Консенсус передбачає загальну згоду, хоча не обов’язково одностайність.
3) from this perspective
From this perspective , fortune telling could be dangerous.
З цієї точки зору ворожіння може бути небезпечним.
Today I've read the article "Kids think YouTube is better for learning than
other types of video".
Researchers conducted a study of children aged 3 to 8 about where children see
people more realistically. On TV, children thought people were almost
unrealistic, while the opposite was true on YouTube. Researchers have concluded
that children are more engaged in getting information from YouTube, and this can
be used to their advantage by showing not only entertaining but also educational
think it will help children become more media literate because the information
world is so advanced now and everyone needs these skills.
Exam topic: "Gender matters"
Gender is social, it is traits of character and characteristics of behavior that
are considered characteristic of men and women in a particular community, and
between social extras should be equal - gender equality.
Gender equality is equal rights, opportunities and conditions for their
realization for women and men in all spheres of life. Gender equality does not
mean that men and women become equal, but that their opportunities and life
chances are equal. Women's rights have been infringed on for generations, so the
issue of gender has now been raised at the legislative level. Each of us has our
preferences, abilities, aspirations, but each of us has equal rights and
opportunities for treatment, education, training and getting an interesting
high-paying job.
· #356
Jaroslava Albertovuch( IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:54)
Surrounded by War, Compassion Endures
Today I’ve read the article about small moments of humanity that still resound
in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to give some information to readers
about the Times journalists who have witnessed courage and kindness as they
cover the conflict. The author begins by reporting on the number of people who
have been displaced by the Russian invasion and what they have had to endure,
but in spite of this, the reporters have witnessed moments of people helping
each other. Each of the reporters interviewed people who had been in the hot
spots and described what they had gone through and how they helped those around
advise you to read it.
Phrase of the day
1 for a number of reasons
For a number of reasons, this project was closed.
2 focused primarily
In the reports, that focused primarily was paid to the topic under discussion.
3 first use of
Problems encountered when using this drug for the first time will be considered
by the whole group.
How has social media affected mental health during the pandemic?
Today I’ve read an article about the impact of social media on people's mental
health during the pandemic.
The article is about educating people about the effects of social media. The
main idea of the article is to find out if the main networks are related to the
deterioration of mental health during the virus. The author begins by looking at
the positives in social media. The article then discusses the negative effects
that social media brings. The author looks at what scientists have said about
the effects of social media.
recommend the article for reading.
· #355
Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:54)
History of the media
Today I've read an article about the history of American media. The article
describes the history of media from the first regular newspaper (the Boston
News-letter) to the advent of television. The author also tells about one of
America's greatest journalists, Thomas Payne. The article also describes an
interesting story about the rivalry between Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph
Hearst. The author also emphasizes that it was Hearst's sensational approach
that was called "yellow journalism". The article ends with a story about how
television gradually began to replace newspapers. On my opinion this article is
very interesting and informative.
Phrases of the day
1) Your arguments are based on fuzzy logic, so I cannot accept your answer.
He had to read dozens of books to find the desired information.
3) The detective received truthful and fair information from a valuable witness,
which was the beginning of the capture of a maniac.
Don't blame TV
Today I've read an article about the impact of television on society.
Jeff Greenfil analyzes the negative consequences of the influence of television
according to critics: a decrease in test results on academic performance, an
increase in crime, a decrease in voter turnout, an increase in good and
extramarital sex, an alleged collapse of family life, an increase in the number
of divorces. The author refutes myths and proves that there are many other
factors that influence society more than television programs and films. I think
the author is absolutely right and his arguments are pretty convincing.
· #354
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:52)
I have just read the article called "The emergence of cooperation: Team
mathematically describes importance of cooperation and reputation." It tells
about a new study in which scientists point out the misconception of people that
only the strongest and most selfish thrive and survive. Instead, they show how
collaboration can be a successful and sustainable strategy. Scientists have
created a new mathematical model that contains hitherto incompatible
descriptions of cooperation. It shows how previous experience with a potential
partner and his reputation affect the willingness of players to cooperate with
them. This article is very informative for me, because I used to think, like
other people, that selfish and charismatic people can achieve what they want,
but thanks to the article I learned that this is not so.
Essay to the topic “Political Communication”
The process of transmitting political information, which circulates from one
part of the political system to another, between politicians and people is
called political communication. Political communication methods and strategies
enable political professionals to create, shape and disseminate messages that
can influence the political process. Political messages can take many forms,
including speech writing, social and online media, television and radio, written
laws and regulations, political proposals, and political research. Summing up
all the above, we can say that political communication focuses on how, in
principle, communication and the media influence political attitudes and
behavior, as well as what communication reveals about the work of political
institutions and political systems.
· #353
Gvozd to Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:52)
Thank you for your active work. I appreciate it.
· #352
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:50)
Today I have read the article "Getting around the smart city".
article tells about there what makes a city “smart”.
While there is no single definition of a smart city, most agree that smart
cities should integrate information and communication technologies (ICTs) into
their municipal infrastructure to improve the efficiency and performance of
municipal services while reducing waste, pollution, and resource consumption.
think connected technologies have revolutionized modern life in countless ways,
and they are now starting to change the way cities work.
The “smart city” movement is gaining traction worldwide, and it’s opened up a
new world of possibilities to forward-thinking municipal planners.
Phrases of the Day:
1) fair information
Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively,
but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with
reliable information .
desired information
Google, twitter and more offer a service to find the desired information.
3) fuzzy logic
Basically, in every field in which human reasoning is necessary, we can model it
through fuzzy logic.
I have read the article "Novel methods to improve the range and safety of
The article tells about there researchers from the University of Surrey have
revealed ways to improve the performance of future electric vehicles (EVs)
including the range and safety of cars.To improve safety, stability-control
systems were developed to anticipate the curvature of the road ahead, allowing
the car to pre-emptively brake when approaching a bend too fast.
I think that the proposed controller improves the EV’s energy efficiency and
therefore range, where the latter is an important bottleneck in widespread
adoption of EVs.
European security
In order to understand the current state of politico-military security in
Europe, it is necessary to recall once again the role played by the continent in
matters of war and peace in modern and contemporary history.
For at least the past five centuries, Europe has been the epicenter of the
continent's greatest wars and a region whose countries have had a powerful,
often decisive, influence on security developments in other parts of the world.
With the best of imagination, it is difficult to imagine the likelihood in the
foreseeable future of a major armed conflict in Europe even remotely resembling
the wars that shook it before. The projection of European military power to
other continents has also shrunk considerably.
· #351
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:49)
Phrases of the Day:
1.desired information
Contact us and get the desired information as soon as possible.
2.fair information
The role of States was to provide fair information to the vulnerable and least
educated categories.
3.fuzzy logic
The publication describes the major advantages of the apparatus of fuzzy logic
in assessing the threat of bankruptcy.
Today I have read the article called "Open source tool can help identify
gerrymandering in voting maps."
It tells about the new development of researchers. It is a computational
technique that helps identify fraudulent activities that benefit specific
candidates or political parties. This invention is made for people interested in
reform, especially in states where baselines are skewed. The computing tool can
create many alternative voting plans over a period of hours or days, and is
available free of charge for use by voting reform teams or anyone with a
computer skills. In my opinion, this development is very useful and can be
effectively used to detect fraud on voting cards. Also, I suppose that this tool
is not as easy to use as it is said about it, to work with the tool you need to
involve sociologists and lawyers.
· #350
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:49)
Today I have read the article about how Social Media is being abused in Kenya's
political arena. Why is it hard to stop. The information landscape in Africa,
and in turn around the world, has expanded significantly over the past ten
years. The proliferation of media platforms, starting with Facebook, Twitter and
YouTube, has played a significant role in this expansion. This has contributed
to the creation of important new spaces for discussion. These platforms have
become indispensable for political campaigns across the continent. In Kenya,
social media has reincarnated as a powerful new battlefield in electoral
politics. The usual political discussions were formed by means of numerous
media. However, over the years, collective trust in these media has waned.
recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform
2.We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3.Viewed from this perspective, another essential element of democracy is the
rule of law.
Today I have read the article about "Lessons from the Global South on How to
Counter Malicious Information".
The public sphere has become infected with widespread rumours, hate speech,
dangerous conspiracy theories and organized deception campaigns causing
worldwide concern. The disorder is the result of a number of factors. They
include a rapidly changing media ecology and an increasingly fragmented,
populist and polarized political environment. False and misleading information
about the COVID-19 pandemic has raised even more suspicions. Although it is a
widespread problem in the Global South, the study of information disorder is
dominated by examples, case studies and models from the Global North.
recommend to read this article.
· #349
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:46)
Today I have read the article “People think robots are pretty incompetent and
not funny, new study says”. It tells us about the study in which scientists were
intended to test if the gender affects competence of robots at some jobs.
According to researchers there was a slight difference in couple of jobs, where
the male robot was preferred. Also, there are things that people thought robots
were less able to do as long as they did it well. For example, there are robots,
which might be helpful in surgical offices or those that can guard the building.
my mind, we still can’t evaluate all the robot abilities and believe that they
can even carry out an operation or be specialists in medical field.
However, we should accept the fact that in a few years they might replace us.
Essay : Social Communication
Social communication is about being able to communicate functionally and
appropriately within social situations by using non-verbal means (e.g. gesture,
signing or pointing) and/or verbal means (e.g. vocalising or speaking). It
encompasses being able to make requests and greet people, as well as adapting
communication according to who you are talking to. At a higher level it includes
conversational skills such as staying on topic and taking turns. It is often
viewed as a form of communication that is ‘unwritten’ and that people seem to
‘just know.’ Communication in this area includes interaction with peers, family
members, providers, and educators. That`s why social communication is important
in order to be able to build social relationships with other people.
· #348
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:45)
Today I have read the article “Facebook Inc. rebrands as Meta to stress
'metaverse' plan”. It tells us that Facebook encounter is going to rebrand his
company’s name in order to bring the vision of virtual reality to life. However,
there are some skeptics, who don’t really believe in its success. They pointed
out that Facebook ignored internal warnings of the negative consequences ,which
its algorithms applied all over the world. As a matter of fact, a metaverse will
become a virtual environment, where people can easily play, work, meet and even
go shopping. Others tell that the name doesn’t change the reality, Facebook is
destroying our democracy .
To my mind, it is a good idea to change the name of a social media, because the
world is developing and in a few years all programs will have to change their
Phrases of the day
1. fair information
On the one hand, school education should provide fair information about
different religions and beliefs.
2. fuzzy logic
Benefits of fuzzy logic in analyzing investment projects under conditions of
uncertainty have been displayed.
3. desired information
In particular, the team redrafted certain questions and inserted new questions
to elicit the desired information.
· #347
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:45)
To Moskalyk,IZ-211. You make one and the same mistakes, the first sentence should be:"Today I HAVE READ THE article..." Look at my example attentively and memorise. Your voice message is full of mispronounced words. Improve it. Good luck
· #346
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:44)
Link to the article:
Ukrainian Journalists Are Winning the “Information War” Russia Is Waging Against
Ukraine, But They Need Help
This article is very interesting, it tells about Russia's invasion of Ukrainian
lands. These are difficult times, but Ukrainian journalists continue to work to
help others. Being in a horrible and cold environment, they claim that we are
doing our duty to our people and that we will continue to break the news as long
as we have the opportunity. The Institute of Mass Media reports that at least
seven journalists have been killed and nine injured in Ukraine since February
24. Russian forces continue to attack journalists and the media infrastructure
in violation of international law. There are no rules for the Russians, but we
are strong and will withstand any attack from them.
Phrases of the day:
Difficult times that make reduce collaboration space between
2. Vertical direction in journalism
3. Despite such threats common data have the ability to change models.
Link to the article:
Guns, tanks and Twitter: how Russia and Ukraine are using social media as the
war drags on
This article is quite informative.
During the war, social networks became the main source of information broadcast
around the world. The official accounts of the Russian government contribute to
the spread of pro-Russian disinformation on Twitter. In general, Russia is
spreading misinformation wherever possible. With this step, Russia wants to
avert negative conflicts with others and show its audience that they are the
best, but this is a lie that people believe. By its actions, the Russian
Federation is showing its weakness. Russia's civilians do not understand what is
really going on in Ukraine. They support the killers, but Ukraine did not start
a war. By spreading misinformation in the first place, they oppress themselves.
· #345
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:44)
Today i have read the article "Carbon Removal ‘Unavoidable’ as Climate Dangers
Grow, New IPCC Report Says". This article about report from the United Nations’
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. denied the claim that global warming
is associated with the release of huge amounts of carbon dioxide by humans is
wrong.They began collecting data from prior studies that offered a means of
temperature reading over the past 2000 years. These two researchers suggest,
offers evidence that the planet would have heated even without human "help". To
my mind, people are blame for global warming. And nowadays,people from all over
the word must pay attention to this problem
Essay to the topic
The beginning of international communication as a term, and as a global
phenomenon in world politics and the relationship of countries among themselves,
was laid after the end of the First World War, as a tool to prevent war. Now,
International communications are a combination of economic, political, legal,
ideological, diplomatic, military, cultural and other links and relationships
between entities operating on the world stage. Independent states do not develop
in a vacuum, they interact with each other and act as subjects of a higher-level
policy - world politics. That is, states act in the sphere of international
relations. International communication are the space in which various forces
collide and interact at different levels (global, regional, multilateral and
bilateral): state, military, economic, political, public and intellectual.
Nowadays, all international communications can be divided into two main types :
relations of rivalry and relations of cooperation. International relations has a
broad purpose in modern society as it seeks to understand: the origins of war
and the maintenance of peace, the nature and exercise of power within the global
system, the changing nature of the participation of state and non-state actors
in international decision-making
Phrases of the Day:
1) desired information
In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory work
to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
практиці таке бачення є важким і часто потребує великої лабораторної роботи для
синтезу, ізоляції, очищення та характеризації нових молекул для отримання
необхідної інформації.
2) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
Вона використовує нечітку логіку, систему, яка покладається на міри істини, а не
на двійкові права чи помилки.
3) fair information
Launching a product in "beta" form is not a substitute for ensuring that new
services comply with fair information principles before they are introduced.
Запуск продукту в "бета" формі не є заміною для того, щоб нові послуги
відповідали принципам справедливої інформації до їх впровадження.
· #344
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:43)
To Moskalyk,IZ-211. You make one and the same mistakes, the first sentence should be:"Today I HAVE READ THE article..." Look at my example attentively and memorise. Your voice message is full of mispronounced words. Improve it. Good luck
· #343
Shapa L.N. to the IM-191 group students (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:42)
Your English lesson has just started, I'm waiting for your commenteries, tasks, etc.
· #342
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:41)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write your exam topic! Good luck
· #341
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article " Study explores safety of rear-facing car seats
in rear impact car crashes" . Nowadays, almost everyone has a car, so the topic
of car seats and their safety is very important. First of all, Rear-facing car
seats reduce death and injury to young children in frontal or side impacts. 25%
of crashes involve a rear impact so you should take a closer look at how your
car seat protects under these circumstances. Secondly, It has been proven that
rear-facing car seats, when properly used, do have some ability to protect a
child in a crash. Moreover, The car seat has various mechanisms to absorb shock
and protect the child. Rear-facing car seats have protection for still
vulnerable areas of the body of young children. Finally, It should be noted that
it is important to choose a car seat considering the height, weight and age of
the child.
1)desired information
A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired
2)fair information
The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the government
payment system.
3) fuzzy logic
As the first stage, a new special method has been developed based on fuzzy
Today I have read the article "Figuring out what's driving electric vehicle
The article talks about the need to move from internal combustion engines to
electric motors.You can also get acquainted with the study, which was conducted
with the participation of 463 people.I believe that the transition to electric
vehicles is a big step towards the future. But it's also worth thinking about
the dangers of electric vehicles and how to dispose of them. Otherwise, the
planet will not feel much difference between these engines. In general, this
article is quite interesting to read.
Essay to the topic 9.International security
International security, also called global security, is a term which refers to
the measures taken by states and international organizations, such as the United
Nations, European Union, and others, to ensure mutual survival and safety.These
measures include military action and diplomatic agreements such as treaties and
conventions. International and national security are invariably linked.
International terrorists and 'home grown' radicals become the main threat to
national security and people. Terrorism, WMD terrorism in particular,
constitutes a common challenge for all over the world. Nuclear terrorism is
perhaps the most dangerous threat.
· #340
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article "What are waterspouts, and how do they form?".
Firstly, I want to say that this article talks about waterspouts.
A waterspout, according to scientists, is a spinning column of air that absorbs
water (usually from the ocean) to form a twisted funnel of water and cloud that
connects the sea and the sky. They can form when two winds blowing in opposite
directions collide.
conclusion, I believe that this research will aid in our understanding of what
waterspouts are and how they form.
Keywords: investment project, flows of funds, fuzzy logic, cognitive model
Contact us and get the desired information as soon as possible
I'd be willing to offer a fair amount for information like that.
Today I have read the article «Six areas where action must focus to rescue this
This article tells about paper, which consists of six levels where ecological
actions must be taken. These six areas are energy production, pollutants,
natural climate solutions, food system reform, population stability and economic
reform. You can read which actions exactly must be done to prevent a global
devastation. The main point of this paper is to draw attention to the global
problems and call people to do something for our planet. In conclusion, I would
like to say it is essential for all of us to put ourselves together and to act
as a true effective cooperation.
· #339
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:35)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings.
Don't forget to write your Independent practice and add the exam topic.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #338
Grodska E. to Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:34)
Your exam topic is well written. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. Keep on working
· #337
Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:33)
To Lebid,IZ-211. There are two mistakes in the first sentence, it should be :"Today I HAVE READ THE article...". Compare my sentence with your own and you will see your mistakes. Don't give quotations,express your own opinion as to the article. Your voice message must be louder! Read attentively to avoid making mistakes ( e.g.vehicle). Best wishes
· #336
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:30)
Thank you, the task is complete. Well done.
· #335
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:28)
Today I've read an article What is the purpose of journalism? In this article
Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in The Elements of Journalism, write that purpose
is not defined by technology, nor by journalists or the techniques they employ
rather, the principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something more
basic: the function news plays in the lives of people. News keep us informed of
the changing events, issues, and characters in the world outside. The foremost
value of news is as a utility to empower the informed.
· #334
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:19)
Title: Theoretical and methodological developments in journalism and mass
Today I have researched some scientific articles.
At present, it is very difficult to clearly define the theoretical and
methodological developments of journalism and mass media.
Their number in the modern world is gradually increasing, including due to the
emergence of new technologies: mobile communications, the global Internet and
others. Given the rapid progress of scientific thought, already in the near
future, the Internet mass media will occupy one of the leading places, among the
usual sources of information.
conclusion, the study of prospects of development of modern journalism in
Ukraine is especially relevant today.
· #333
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:18)
Today I read the article "Revolutionizing the Newsroom: How Online and Mobile
Technologies Have Changed Broadcast Journalism". She tells us about the changes
in journalism with the advent of the Internet, and also looks at the future of
television journalism. My opinion is that this area should be ready for
innovation and always learn something new. The article examines the points of
view of various authors of books, as well as the heroes of surveys and
interviews. This gives more information and increases perspective on the topic.
I recommend everyone to read this article for their own development.
· #332
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:18)
Title: "Hong Kong Database Changes Discourage Investigating Reporting,
Journalists Say"
Today I have read the article about journalistic freedom.
Journalists and supporters of press freedom in Hong Kong say new legal
requirements for access to two public databases in China could stifle
journalistic investigations and weaken press freedom.
In fact, authorities are using Hong Kong’s laws "to suppress press freedom". The
new restrictions could make journalists think twice about whether it’s worth
putting themselves at risk for a story, they could affect those who want to "dig
a little deeper".
conclusion, I think that it is bad for journalists and the free flow of
information in Hong Kong.
Phrases of the day:
1. for its own sake
Scotland has a justifiable reputation for brilliant journalism, not for its own
sake but for the benefits fearless, independent reporting brings to all parts of
2. from this perspective
From this perspective, journalism presents a dire and dark future to its
professionals, yet it also struggles hard to survive all around the world.
3. general agreement on
United States coordinate their information in general agreement on upholding
work in China.
· #331
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:16)
1)desired information
To obtain the desired information users need to visit a number of websites.
2)fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
3)fair information
These so-called "fair information principles" would require legislation to
become binding.
Today I read the article "Automated News Reading in the Neural Age: Audience
Reception and Perceived Credibility of a News Broadcast Read By a Neural Voice".
She tells us about the use of neural voices on radio stations instead of human
voices. Many listeners did not even pay attention and did not distinguish it
from a real voice. My opinion is that this further separates the field of
activity from creativity and people. This obviously negatively affects not only
the listeners, but also the workers themselves. I recommend reading and
familiarizing yourself with this article.
· #330
Gvozd to Raylian (IG - 212) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:13)
Mind the usage of Present Perfect in the first sentence. I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #329
Grodska E. to Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:06)
Your commentary is clear and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were written correctly. Thank you for interesting exam topic.
· #328
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:05)
Today I read an article on how to write a review of a book I read. the first
thing they advise is to start with a couple of sentences describing the plot of
the book. It is desirable to do this without spoilers, or at least a significant
disclosure of the plot of the book. Further, advice on what needs to be told,
discuss the most liked moments from the read. For example: which character
became the most beloved, did the story affect, would it appear in a couple of
years / weeks to re-read this book?
from this perspective, we can say that our plan will not work
we have not been able to reach an accessible general agreement on these
it was customary to inject medicine for a cat for its own sake
· #327
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022)
It is interesting to read your work. I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #326
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:04)
Today I have read the article "Facebook News Blocking in Australia Shows How
Tech Giants Are Taking Over the Internet." The author is Jennifer Grygiel. The
article writes that users can get most of their information on Facebook, which
hurts the revenues of news organizations. Facebook posts valuable information,
but if people don't click on the links, or if they don't have anything to click
on, it will be hard for those who actually created the content to make money
from their work. Bottom line: you should always leave the original source,
author and publisher.
Phrases of the Day
1. general agreement on
We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform
2. from this perspective
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
3. for its own sake
We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
Exam topic (№6)
Journalism history.
Journalism arose out of humanity's need for information.
The phenomenon of journalism dates back to antiquity. The activities of
Herodotus, Demosthenes Pericles and others are considered journalism. They were
orators, carrying information to society. Later came heralds, then with the
development of writing, posters and letters began to spread.
later, with the advent of printing, newspapers began to appear in Europe. They
published political news, sports news, science news, various announcements and
much more. At the end of the 20th century, television media became popular, and
later Internet publications. Now journalism has taken on a grand scale. We
cannot imagine life without the media.
· #325
Gvozd to Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 10:02)
All your tasks are complete and correct. Well done.
· #324
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:59)
desired information
A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired
fair information
Launching a product in "beta" form is not a substitute for ensuring that new
services comply with fair information principles before they are introduced.
fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
Today I've read an article Why clickbait journalism backfires on local papers.
It tells about Reach ,one of the UK’s biggest newspaper publishers, which is
ready to lie to its readers in order to earn more money. Many publications have
team targets for traffic — but when local journalism is in crisis, such targets
may feel misguided. Local papers often jump to the top of Google’s results for
stories that could run anywhere. They have no relevance or tie to the community
the paper ostensibly serves. As it stands, Reach risks knowing the ad rate of
everything, but the value of nothing.
· #323
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:59)
Valeria, I appreciate your hard work, but there are lots of mistakes: the usage of Past Simple with"today", the order of the words.. Be attentive!
· #322
Grodska E. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:58)
Your commentary is well written and the tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working
· #321
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:56)
Link to the article:
Today I’ve read the article “Introduction to Media”. The author starts by
telling that a vibrant and a free media were thought to be the necessary
conditions for a healthy democracy and I totally agree with this, because
without a free and fair press, no country in the world can hope to aspire to
democratic norms of governance. Also says that the first and only source of
information for people was the media. The author comes to the conclusion that
the media has a preeminent role to play in future. I think this article
interesting and recommend it to everyone to read.
Phrases of the day:
1) from this perspective
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
2) for its own sake
The adoption of the law is necessary for its own sake
3) general agreement on
There is general agreement that pragmatic, practical solutions are needed most
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "Self-erasing chip".
This article tells us about self-cleaning chips over time, which will allow us
to find out whether the electronics are fake or not and whether any confidential
data has been revealed. The barcode on the chip is made from a material that
cleans itself after a few days or can be done with a blue flash. This device
will help protect yourself from eavesdropping.
In my opinion, this was a great idea to come up with such a device, since there
are indeed many fakes in the modern world. Also, people who can keep secret
information will be able to be calm that no one will find out this information.
Exam topic: Media ethics
Media ethics describes human behavior in media conditions. It does not set
standards, but rather sharpens the sense of responsibility. Media ethics deals
with the criticism of existing morality. She pays special attention to debunking
information and media myths, trying to uncover contradictions in existing
theories and ideologies related to the media, as well as normalizing the
language of media practice. Media ethics focuses on issues relating to the
relationships of media systems, their organizers, users, and information. Media
ethics is a discipline that examines the relationship between media expressions
and human behavior.
· #320
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:54)
Your commentary is quite good and the tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. I accept your independent practice.
· #319
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:54)
1) in the course of
desired information.
The encrypted application maker did not turn over the desired information
2) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
I recommend an excellent and interesting article "Summer heats up our emotions,
too". Summer is the hottest time of the year, which raises not only the
temperature, but also the emotionality. According to the psychologist in the
article, "Emotions can run high when it's hot outside." Many people find it
difficult to endure the heat, which is expressed on mental health and emotional
instability. “Discomfort caused by extreme heat can lead to increased anger and
aggression in many people,” Klapow said. A good article explains this topic and
gives useful tips on how to relieve emotional tension during the heat.
1) fair information
The report points out that the Internet industry has failed to implement all
four parts of the Fair Information Practice Principles set out by the FTC.
The article "Rising parental expectations linked to perfectionism in college
students" will be useful for both the parent and the child. It is very rightly
said that young people learn the expectations of their parents and become
dependent on them, and self-esteem suffers greatly from this. Students will do
everything possible to get satisfaction from their parents, if they do not get
it, they will begin to blame themselves for this and their mental health will
deteriorate. Article introduces us to this problem, it tells us what
perfectionism is and how it affects life, it also gives us statistics and advice
on what to do in such situations.
· #318
Grodska E. to Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:51)
Your commentary is quite good, but mind the correct use of the articles a/the, please. The exam topic is well written. Continue working
· #317
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:45)
Words of the day and sources
•desired information
In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory work
to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
•fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
Commentary and sources
Today I was able to read the article on a very interesting topic - gambling.Or
rather, the story of such a card game as poker.
It seems to me if the excitement and risk in moderation, that is, the place to
be a little ballet.
So, in the material of the article there are hypotheses for the emergence of
this card game;Demonstration of this game in different cultures and regions.For
the most part, a kind of excursion is provided by the historical aspect of this
game: from just guesses to the already real games in online format.
Words of the day and sources
•fair information
The report points out that the Internet industry has failed to implement all
four parts of the Fair Information Practice Principles set out by the FTC.
Commentary and sources
Today I met an article on Victorian hairstyles.
I, as a person who knew only the beams and wavy strands, was interesting to
explore new information. It's funny that long hair was also considered a
hairstyle. And even considered art. But yes, I agree, it is convenient, even
sometimes no. It is true amazing and fascinating that even such simple things
like hair, there is a whole story. For example, from long chic and mainly
straight hair to whole wonderful compositions on the head. I remember when I was
younger, also did a similar thing: all sorts of baskets, floral bushes.
Exam topic #1 (Gender matters).
The article, the theme of which "Gender is important," is one of the works of
Barbara Woman - Honored Professor of Sociology.
Barbara raises this topic in the form of stereotypes.
For example: more and more man for feminism. And there is a good impression that
support from the male side is slightly more than from female. Talking about this
move, women are less and less at home. In the sense that they show that they can
be not only housewives. Can conquer the vertices. And sometimes better men.
Also, the modern world learned about such a thing as "not binary".
· #316
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:45)
Today I have read an article on the topic "Media: Weapon Of Mass Deception",One
of the main problems of the modern world is the media war. That is, in other
words, the media have lost their authenticity, which led to many problems. The
reason for this -corporate allies and their interests. The media does not always
tell us the truth, and this leads to the spread of fake information.
In conclusion, I want to say that all media should be responsible for their
messages in order to avoid the spread of fake information at any time, and even
more so in times of crisis
Phrases of the day
1) We will have to work hard together to reach general agreement on a reform
2) We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3) You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
Topic: Advertising
Today in our world we often come across advertising. In shops, in transport and
in any other public places. We also pick up the phone, but we also see ads
Advertising can be a little intrusive, but most often it is very important for
us. For example, social advertising, which does not promote a product, but
touches on people's problems.
Therefore, it cannot be said that advertising always interferes, because it can
often be useful.
Concluding , I want to say that advertising is important in our life, as we
learn a lot of new information, although not always necessary.
· #315
Gvozd to Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:41)
I have read all your tasks, they are quite correct.
· #314
Gvozd to Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:40)
As far as I understand it is the task for the third lesson... It is well done.
· #313
Ivashenko Liza IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:39)
Journalism as a whole has changed in response. Instead of having time to fact
check, journalists are urged to be the first to break the story. This rush to
first often leads to misinformation being published, causing confusing and
sometimes outrage.What used to be a cardinal sin is now less of an issue because
being the first to hit publish is such a priority.Let's take a look at what
journalism is today, and some of the people changing it.
Phrases of the day:
1. You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
2. We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3. At present no list of social concerns exists on which there is general
Topic: Theoretical and methodological developments in journalism and mass
The purpose of the article is to identify theoretical approaches to mass media
role’s evaluation widely spread within contemporary political communication
studies, as well as to pinpoint those of them that are most effective while
analyzing journalists’ capacity to affect public conscience and – which is also
very important – for defining ways to counteract media manipulations.
Methodology and Approach. The main methods of the paper are content and
discourse analysis which allowed us to single out the most commonly used tools
of research on political functionality of mass media.
· #312
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:33)
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article «The microchip implants that let you pay with your
The article says that the Walletmor company has put on sale microchips for
contactless payments. Such a chip is implanted in the hand and works like any
card for payment.
For the first time, the chip was implanted in a person back in 1998. But only
decades later the technology was improved.
The chip weighs less than a gram and is similar in size to a grain of rice. The
developers say that it is absolutely safe, works immediately after
administration and does not harm human tissues.
· #311
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:32)
1. for its own sake
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.
2. general agreement on
The full text of the General Agreement on Trade in Services is available from.
3. from this perspective
From this perspective , in Paris what was attacked was not a nation-state and
its citizens but a set of beliefs and principles.
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « French elections: Macron and Le Pen to fight for
Emmanuel Macron has won the first round of the French elections, and far-right
rival Marine Le Pen will fight him for the presidency for the second time.
Ms Le Pen called on every non-Macron voter to join her and "put France back in
Mr. Macron's team is planning a series of large rallies and major television
appearances. Most of the other candidates on the left supported him, as did
Valerie Pecresse, but former Socialist candidate Segolene Royal said the
president must now "earn" a victory.
· #310
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:32)
Article of the day :
1)On the one hand, school education should provide fair information about
different religions and beliefs.
2)A pivot table can help quickly summarize the data and highlight the desired
3)I'd be able to beat it at fuzzy logic.
How to build a career in business journalism.
This is sixth and final webinar in Quartz’s business journalism series this year
focused on career building. The information of the article includes such persons
as: Stephen Wisnefski, an assistant managing editor of talent at the Wall Street
Journal; Josée Rose, executive editor at Insider; and other.
The article raises topics about how how do you build a career network, how has
the journalism job market changed, how do you know what skillset to pursue, what
is your advice in terms of focusing versus getting as many skills as quickly as
possible and keeping journalism networks open.
As for me, the article will be very interesting for those who are going to
connect their lives with journalism. Or those who are simply interested in this
Vocaroo :
The article covers several topics at once, namely: job options, work experience,
typical employers, skills for your resume, further study of what journalism
graduates do.
Each of the topics attached at the beginning of the article is further disclosed
in full and in sufficient volume.
There is no impression of understatement. The article is framed in quality,
beautifully, tastefully and, which is very pleasing, competently.
I recommend this article for review to both novice journalists and those who are
just deciding on the choice of a future profession.
Vocaroo :
· #309
Ivashenko Liza IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:30)
Journalism as a whole has changed in response. Instead of having time to fact
check, journalists are urged to be the first to break the story. This rush to
first often leads to misinformation being published, causing confusing and
sometimes outrage.What used to be a cardinal sin is now less of an issue because
being the first to hit publish is such a priority.Let's take a look at what
journalism is today, and some of the people changing it.
Phrases of the day:
1. You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
2. We firmly believe that reform is necessary for its own sake.
3. At present no list of social concerns exists on which there is general
Topic: Theoretical and methodological developments in journalism and mass
The purpose of the article is to identify theoretical approaches to mass media
role’s evaluation widely spread within contemporary political communication
studies, as well as to pinpoint those of them that are most effective while
analyzing journalists’ capacity to affect public conscience and – which is also
very important – for defining ways to counteract media manipulations.
Methodology and Approach. The main methods of the paper are content and
discourse analysis which allowed us to single out the most commonly used tools
of research on political functionality of mass media.
· #308
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:24)
Your commentary is clear and informative, but mind the correct use of the articles a/the. The exam topic is well written. Keep on working
· #307
Grodska E. to Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:21)
Your commentary and the tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. I accept your independent practice. Continue working
· #306
Gvozd to Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:21)
Your exam topic is quite informative. Keep on working.
· #305
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:20)
Today I've read an article about birds. Birds are animal with feathers. Because
they can fly, they are the fastest animals on Earth. Some birds can reach speeds
of up to 160km an hour. However, not all birds can fly. Some birds, like
ostriches can run and penguins can swim. There are about 10,000 kinds of birds.
The smallest bird is the hummingbird which gets only about 5cm big and the
largest one is the ostrich which may grow up to 2.5 metres tall. Birds live
everywhere in the world—from the cold polar regions to the rain forests of
for its own sake
for its own sake building
from this perspective
from this perspective, everything is well done
general agreement on
general agreement on tariffs and trade
Media technologies and society
Technology and the media are intertwined, and none of them can be separated from
modern society in most countries. Media is a term that refers to all print,
digital and electronic means of communication. Since the creation of the
printing press, technology has influenced how and where information is
disseminated. Today, it is impossible to discuss the media and the ways in which
societies communicate, despite the rapid pace of technological change. Twenty
years ago, if you wanted to share the news of your child's birth or promotion,
you called or wrote letters. Now you can announce your pregnancy with a staged
image on Instagram.
· #304
Grodska E. to Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:20)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. The exam topic is well written. Continue working
· #303
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:19)
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Thank you for your tasks, they are complete and correct.
· #302
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:13)
Malawi journalists Gregory Gondwe detained, questioned about sources for article
on alleged corruption
Today I’ve read the article about a journalist who was detained for refusing to
reveal the sources of his own article. The article touches on the issue of
journalists' rights. The author begins by reporting on Gregory's arrest and
threats to his family if he refuses to reveal his sources. The Committee to
Protect Journalists issued a statement demanding that Gregory be released and
that his right to report freely on corruption allegations be respected. Gregory
reveals that they have illegally pulled off all the subsequent scams with his
belongings and that he cannot feel safe now. I advise you to read it.
Phrase of the day
1 from this perspective
It is worth considering this issue from this perspective.
2 general agreement on
Negotiations didn’t reach general agreement on proposals
3 for its own sake
The adoption of the law is necessary for its own sake
Exam topic №4 (Advertising)
The impact of the entire advertising industry on people is enormous and plays an
important role in everyone's lives. Advertising is not always something good for
us, but it is necessary. It has useful functions. The first useful function that
can be highlighted is information. Advertising saves us time in buying things.
The second function is based on selling. The purpose of good advertising is to
create consumer demand for the advertised product or service. Thirdly,
television most countries are much cheaper with the presence of advertising
there. Advertisements can help people with finding a job or selling a product.
Advertising is an integral part of our lives.
· #301
Gvozd to Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:13)
Your tasks and exam topic are well done, thank you. Keep on working.
· #300
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:13)
Article of the day :
1)The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the
government payment system.
2)Research areas: forecasting the strength of concrete structures based on fuzzy
3)How to choose your own set of desired information.
Trib seeks applicants for 2022 journalism scholarship program
The article reveals that Trib Total Media is looking for aspiring journalists
who are looking to apply for the Journalism Fellowship Program. It also tells
about the essence of the program, its origin, the amount of payments and what
opportunities this scholarship opens up for aspiring journalists.
The article also states that the program includes a guaranteed annual internship
and a full-time job offer. It seems to me that this is a very good opportunity
for the development of aspiring journalists.
As for me, such programs need to be introduced in all countries of the world,
not only for journalists, but also for many other important specialties.
Vocaroo :
What is the purpose of journalism?
Journalism is the activity of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting
news and information. It is also the product of these activities. Journalism can
be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable
characteristics and practices.
These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication,
they are what make it indispensable to democratic societies. History reveals
that the more democratic a society, the more news and information it tends to
The article tells about the goals of journalism, its specifics and features. The
purpose of journalism,” write Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in The Elements of
Journalism, “is not defined by technology, nor by journalists or the techniques
they employ.”
Vocaroo :
Gender matters
As for me, we have long moved away from the time when gender determined whether
you will work in this job or not (or whether you will work at all). Now you can
see the girls of the military, policemen and drivers, as well as guys of makeup
artists, hairdressers and manicurists. The same applies to the profession of a
journalist. Both men and women can easily work here. Many people say that gender
matters in war reporting. I do not agree with this, since it is not gender that
is important here, but the stability of the psyche, readiness for possible
tragedies and the level of preparation.
Vocaroo :
· #299
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) Exam topic (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:11)
Exam topic- Public relations
Today, the direction of advertising and public relations is gaining more and
more popularity among young people.
Public relations is a strategic communication process companies, individuals,
and organisations use to build mutually beneficial relationships with the
A public relations specialist drafts a specialised communication plan and uses
media and other direct and indirect mediums to create and maintain a positive
brand image and a strong relationship with the target audience.
In simple terms, public relations is a strategised process of managing the
release and spread of organisation-related information to the public to maintain
a favourable reputation of the organisation and its brands.
According to the functions of the public relations department/agencies, public
relations can be divided into 7 types. These are:
• Media Relations
• Investor Relations
• Government Relations
• Community Relations
• Internal Relations
• Customer Relations
• Marketing Communications.
· #298
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:10)
Today I have read the article "Theory of Social Communications". This article is
taken from the well-known site "Wikipedia". This article argues that
communication theory is a proposed description of the phenomena of
communication, the relationship between them, the storyline that describes these
relationships, and the argument in favor of these three elements. Communication
theory provides a way to discuss and analyze the key events, processes, and
commitments that together make up communication. Communication theory gives us
tools to answer empirical, conceptual or practical questions of communication.
This article is informative and interesting. I recommend reading it.
Phrases of the day:
1) from this perspective
You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
З цієї точки зору ти набагато красивіше.
2) for its own sake
The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.
Партія прагне до влади виключно заради себе.
3) general agreement on
There is general agreement that pragmatic, practical solutions are needed most
Існує загальна згода, що зараз найбільше потрібні прагматичні, практичні
Today I have read the article "The Russian invasion shows how digital
technologies have become involved in all aspects of war". This article tells
about the embodiment of the old with a new color approaches to warfare by the
Russian side and their features of influence on the masses. In particular, it is
about the information component. However, the accusations of fakery, propaganda
and censorship have always been part of the war, now connected with cyberspace.
Integrating, they form an "explosive mixture" in the entire plane of war. To my
mind, information war is no less dangerous than ordinary, although it is often
· #297
Gvozd to Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 09:09)
Thank you, everything is well done. I appreciate your active work.
· #296
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:59)
The title of the article:End of an era: Pembroke Observer and News journalist
pens farewell article
Today I have read a fascinating article in which a journalist says goodbye to
the publication and writes her last article. The girl talks about her path and
proves that being a journalist is not at all easy. In the article, the girl
makes it clear to us that journalism has made a person out of her and she does
not want a bit about this stage in her life. Drawing conclusions, I came to one
opinion: the article is beautiful. In it you will find out how the girl said
goodbye to the team and who she will miss the most, I recommend reading.
Phrases of the day:
Desired information
1.To search for the desired information, you need to extremely simply write
about it in the search bar.
Для пошуку потрібної інформації потрібно гранично просто написати про неї в
рядку пошуку.
Fair information
2. The best way is to obtain true and fair information directly from the
government payment system.
Найкращий спосіб, отримувати правдиву й достовірну інформацію безпосередньо від
державної платіжної системи.
Fuzzy logic
3. Fuzzy logic has its advantages, you can find them in the following article.
У нечіткої логіки є свої переваги, ви можете знайти їх у наступній статті.
The title of the article: Why clickbait journalism backfires on local papers
Today I have read an article about clickbait and how negatively it affects
journalism. In the article, we learn about the publication "Reach", which is
ready to lie to its readers in order to earn more money. From this we can
conclude that the publication puts its own interests above the interests of the
audience. Next, we learn that if the publication continues to engage in
clickbait, then it will not last long. Drawing conclusions, I can say that the
article is useful, you will learn all the details of clickbait and how it
affects journalism, I recommend reading .
Exam topic: media:politics and economics
I want to say that the topic of politics and economics is very sensitive,
especially in the media. Unfortunately, there are a lot of purchased
publications that cannot objectively talk about politics, an example of this is
Russian propaganda. If you take me, then I am not very well versed in politics
or economics, but what I can say for sure is that this matter must be approached
with a cool head. But this branch of journalism has obvious advantages: a good
and honest political publication will always be afloat and will have a huge
· #295
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:56)
Today I have read the article about whether “head stress disorder” is real? Yes,
but those who enjoy the news often lose sight of it. It all started with the
basic "News You Can Use" feature on National Collective Radio. Producer Andi
Tagle, created an article: 5 Ways to Check in on a Busy News Cycle, which was
published at the end of February, offering tips on how to deal with the anxiety
caused by news consumption during stressful times. One of Tagle's tips: "Do
something that is pleasant for your body and helps you get it out of your head."
Tagle's self-help advice deftly stepped up the snub on social media and
apparently hooked many commentators. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.The core objective is not to foster a green economy for its own sake.
2.You are much more beautiful from this perspective.
3.We must continue to search for a general agreement on the proper and efficient
utilization of the Development Account.
Topic: Advertising
Everything we eat, wear or use is often dictated to us through commercial
advertising. One of the most powerful forms of advertising is television. It
provides an excellent chance for companies to promote and sell their products.
It is an easy and effective way to let people from all over the world know about
certain brands and attract their interest. To my mind television is able to sell
different goods like no other mass medium can. Some people find TV commercials
rather annoying. Advertisers use the concept of repetition in order to promote
goods, services, ideas and to awake the desire of purchasing. Besides, people
usually get nervous when their favourite film or programme is constantly
interrupted by endless ads.
· #294
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:55)
Link to the article:
Russians in the dark about true state of war amid country's Orwellian media
This article is quite informative and interesting. It tells the story of the
ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Watching TV, we watch an old grandmother
wrapped in a thick jacket against the cold, standing and crying in front of her
wooden house, now smoldering from a rocket that hit her village. Russia sees no
borders and destroys everything in its path. Many Russian soldiers have
relatives here, but they are all zombies and do not understand the truth. We are
watching with tears in our eyes how the Russian Federation is destroying our
country, but Putin will pay for these actions. The Ukrainian family will defeat
this devil, because we are much stronger.
Phrases of the day:
1. People don't withstand psychological pressure in the course of war.
2. It is interesting to note that many Russian soldiers were born in Ukraine.
3. Large enough for Ukrainians news series.
Link to the article:
Ukraine accuses Russia of massacre, city strewn with bodies
This article is quite informative, but after reading it becomes sad and scary.
The city of Bucha, the latest information shocked everyone. Bodies with their
hands tied, close-range gunshot wounds and traces of torture lay scattered in a
town on the outskirts of Kyiv. Every Day is a new series of horror movies. This
picture shows us that the Russian people are too so sick. Many innocent people
and children are dying, but the Russian Federation is indifferent to everything
and the opinion of others. Their main task remains to destroy Ukraine, but they
do not imagine that this story can be repeated with them.
Exam topic #1 (Gender matters).
Gender is a concept that distinguishes between men and women and their
capabilities, it is the division of equality of human actions. We all
distinguish a man from a woman by appearance, what colors we like, character
traits and so on. These are social traits that are attributed to men or women
and are called gender. Such are the gender stereotypes in society - ideas about
the roles of men and women, which are based on biological characteristics.
Everyone understands this concept in their own way, but for me all the signs are
equal. A man and a woman can be a leader or a cook, but those who deny this,
these people pay attention to stereotypes.
· #293
Grodska E. to Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:54)
Your commentary is well written. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. And I accept your exam topic. Well done
· #292
Grodska E. to IZ 211 (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:51)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget to write the exam topic. Good luck
· #291
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:50)
Today I have read the article "What are waterspouts, and how do they form?".
Firstly, I want to say that this article talks about waterspouts. A waterspout,
according to scientists, is a spinning column of air that absorbs water (usually
from the ocean) to form a twisted funnel of water and cloud that connects the
sea and the sky. They can form when two winds blowing in opposite directions
In conclusion, I believe that this research will aid in our understanding of
what waterspouts are and how they form.
Keywords: investment project, flows of funds, fuzzy logic, cognitive model
Contact us and get the desired information as soon as possible
I'd be willing to offer a fair amount for information like that.
The issue of the role of advertising in our lives is a very controversial one.
Some people think that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do
not need, because they claim that advertisements have the power to influence on
our purchasing behavior. Nevertheless, my point of view is that advertisements
are incredible source of information about new products that may improve our
In conclusion, advertisements of new products definitely improve our life,
because they tell us about things that make our life easier, save our time and
money, and even cook our food better.
· #290
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:44)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #289
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:42)
Today I read an article on the topic "Medicine in Germany" In my opinion,
medicine has now jumped very high, which has positive consequences that people
can be cured of serious illnesses. Medicine in Germany is designed to protect
the health and well-being of the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Reforms in the field of medical care for the population and the direction of the
health system are part of a global strategic program for the development of
health care and social infrastructure. You can really think like this and
understand that medicine is such an important aspect in the world that today you
can’t do without it. Medicine can't always help if you don't take care of your
- In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory
work to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
- The report points out that the Internet industry has failed to implement all
four parts of the Fair Information Practice Principles set out by the FTC.
- This month, 5,000 distinctive cans of Fuzzy Logic beer will appear on local
shelves as part of Massachusetts-based Portico Brewing's attempt to stand out in
the aesthetically competitive world of craft beer.
Today I have read the article named 'Technology and it's role in creative
expression'. The author of this article show us the role of technology in art
and how it assists artists to widen and better their capacity for creative
This issue is considered from two sides. Firstly, technology such as computers
and videotape have enabled artists to vary their forms of expression, so to
speak, it sets a new vector in art. For example, video art can now achieve
images whose effect is produced by “digitalization”: breaking up the picture
using computerized information processing.
But on the other hand there are experts who afraid of developing and conquering
technologies. Art in the classic sense and artists, musicians, actors and so on
could be displaced by machines.
In my opinion, it's really awesome that we can use technologies in art, as
thanks for it we can bring to life most of mind-blowing ideas.
· #288
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:24)
Independent work (2) 26.03.22
Слово дня: key findings
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read an article on "Immune to hacks" which analyzes an immune system to
protect networks that can prevent such attacks developed by engineers,
biologists and mathematicians of the University of Michigan.
«RAILS is the very first approach to competitive learning, which is modeled by
an adaptive immune system that acts differently from the congenital immune
system,» RAILS works by simulating the natural protection of the immune system
to identify and ultimately take care of suspicious entries into the neural
· #287
Lebid O. (IZ-211) Borysenko (Monday, 11 April 2022 08:23)
Independent work (1) 26.03.22
Слово дня: key findings
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read an article on "B-GAP: A simulation method for training autonomous
vehicles to navigate" which analyzes, what Researchers at the University of
Maryland have recently developed a new method that could improve the performance
of simulators currently used to train models for self-navigating vehicles. The
goal of their work is to develop robust technologies that can detect and
classify the behavior of other road agents and use this behavior to guide the
driving paths of autonomous vehicles."
· #286
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 11 April 2022 07:57)
Homework (на 12.04.22)
Today I have read the article «Arctic Ocean started getting warmer decades
earlier than we thought, study finds».
The main idea of this article is to tell us about warming of the Arctic Ocean.
An international group of researchers made the study for exploring the processes
that take place in this ocean and how it changes environment. It has been
estimated that the Arctic Ocean temperature has risen by 2 degrees Celsius.
Melting of the ocean has a bad impact on environment. For instance, it will lead
to producing the huge amounts of methane.
In conclusion, we can see what effect people have on the nature.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) desired information
In practice, this vision is difficult, often requiring extensive laboratory work
to synthesize, isolate, purify and characterize newly designed molecules to
obtain the desired information.
На практиці таке бачення є важким і часто потребує великої лабораторної роботи
для синтезу, ізоляції, очищення та характеризації нових молекул для отримання
необхідної інформації.
2) fuzzy logic
It uses fuzzy logic, a system that relies on degrees of truth rather than a
binary right or wrong.
Вона використовує нечітку логіку, систему, яка покладається на міри істини, а не
на двійкові права чи помилки.
3) fair information
Launching a product in "beta" form is not a substitute for ensuring that new
services comply with fair information principles before they are introduced.
Запуск продукту в "бета" формі не є заміною для того, щоб нові послуги
відповідали принципам справедливої інформації до їх впровадження.
Voice message:
· #285
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Sunday, 10 April 2022 13:12)
Today I have read the article called " Smarter 3D printing makes better parts
faster " . It tells us about the improved version of laser powder bed welding .
It is a form of 3D printing used to make parts that are too complex to make in
conventional manufacturing. Thanks to the SmartScan software, the manufacturing
process will be accelerated . It analyzes the shape of the part and the thermal
properties of the material , so this will reduce the number of defects caused by
overheating . I think it will greatly facilitate the work with complex details.
1) common date model – загальна модель даних
The Common Data Model, which Microsoft describes as "an out-of-box business
database for storing and managing business entities".
Загальна модель даних, яку Microsoft описує як "вихідну бізнес-базу даних для
зберігання і керування бізнес-об'єктами".
2) vertical direction – вертикальний напрям
They found that unidirectional excitation in free space is the same as in the
vertical direction.
Вони виявили, що односпрямоване збудження у вільному просторі таке ж, як і у
вертикальному напрямку.
3) collaboration space - простір для співпраці
What Zoom's IPO says about the video collaboration space.
Що говорить IPO Zoom про простір для відео спільної роботи.
· #284
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Sunday, 10 April 2022 13:06)
today I have read the article in which the American Statistical Association
publishes indicators of the quality of the 2020 Census, which calls for urgent
action. This article is about the census and its importance. Every day millions
of people are born and tens of thousands die. The ten-year census is a complex
process, but important because its data are at the heart of the country's
demography. An important indicator of which data is used exceeds mortality or
fertility. We have been studying this since high school. It is important for the
country to ensure that the data is not out of date, but updated after a certain
1)upper level-вищий рівень
Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record levels again.
Накопичене тепло у верхній частині океану знову на рекордному рівні.
2)temperature range-температурний діапазон
The temperature of the Earth's crust ranges considerably.
Температура земної кори значно коливається.
3)surface area-область поверхні
The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient.
Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.
· #283
Tomenko M.G. to Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 16:20)
Your work is rather good. Thank you. But I need your opinion on the topic.
· #282
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 14:05)
Phrases of the day:
1) expanded upon
Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have expanded upon a
clever trick and increased the speed of electron microscope imaging by a factor
of 20.
Дослідники з Делфтського технологічного університету (TU Delft) розширили хитрий
трюк і збільшили швидкість електронного мікроскопа в 20 разів.
2) examined in detail
Vendors of all kinds routinely make claims that on their face sound credible but
take a different turn when examined in detail.
Продавці всіх видів зазвичай заявляють, що на їхній обличчі звучать достовірно,
але при детальному розгляді вони змінюють свою позицію.
3) bear in mind
It is important to also bear in mind that the cost of BEST systems can be
significantly reduced if substantial investment is made to the technology," Hunt
Важливо також мати на увазі, що вартість систем BEST може бути значно знижена,
якщо значні інвестиції будуть вкладені в технологію», – говорить Хант.
Today I have read the article “The Tree of Life may be a bush”.
Researchers at Uppsala University have found that evolution is more complex than
this model would have it, and that the tree is actually more akin to a bush.
Less than a year ago, a consortium of some hundred researchers reported that the
relationship between all major bird clades had been mapped out by analysing the
complete genome of around 50 bird species. This is because evolution moved
quickly, and many species arose in quick succession.
In conclusion, it can be said that result from this phenomenon mean that the
Tree of Life should often be understood as a Bush of Life.
· #281
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 12:28)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #280
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:54)
I have read the article Researchers develop nanoporous super-multi-element
"The joint research group developed a ""nanopropriate super-layer material""."
-element catalyst” by means of selective corrosion and selective alloy selective
removal of a certain element.
The method of manufacturing is simple: Aluminum alloy containing 14 elements is
prepared, and nanopropriate super-multi-element catalyst is made mainly by
aluminum solutions using alkaline solution.
Nanoporic super multi-element catalyst demonstrates excellent properties as
electrode material for water electrolysis due to the multi-element superposition
This research is useful, as this catalyst contains many different elements, it
is expected that in the future, any and universal catalyst will be developed.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) surface area
Small animals, like bats, have a huge surface area compared to their volume.- У
таких маленьких тварин, як кажани, відношення поверхні тіла до обсягу просто
2) temperature range
Achieve maximum shale stabilization over wide temperature range.- Забезпечення
максимальної стійкості глин у широкому діапазоні температур.
3) upper level
Additional lounges and passenger-holding areas will be constructed on the upper
level.- Додаткові пасажирські зали будуть збудовані на верхньому рівні.
· #279
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:20)
Today I have read the article «Measuring how effectively protected areas in
Amazonia fight deforestation».
This article tells us about study made by the University of Turku and University
of Helsinki. The main point of this study was to investigate how well individual
protected areas avoid deforestation. Tropical forests of Amazonia are important
environments, because they prevent increasing of carbon emissions. Moreover,
these forests are habited by a huge biodiversity.
In conclusion, I would like to say it is crucial for people to take into account
the analyses of studies. It shows how bad deforestation attracts on Amazonian
tropical forests.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) upper level
In the General Assembly Hall, a removable lift for the upper level of the
rostrum will be installed.
У залі Генеральної Асамблеї буде встановлено пересувний підйомний пристрій для
підйому на верхній рівень подіуму.
2) temperature range
Scientists used to assume that all of an animal's processes were optimized to
the same temperature range.
Раніше вчені припускали, що всі процеси у тварин були оптимізовані для одного і
того ж діапазону температур.
3) surface area
A large surface area is also a decisive advantage in chemical sensors, which,
for example, can be used to detect rare substances in gasses.
Велика площа поверхні також є вирішальною перевагою хімічних датчиків, які,
наприклад, можна використовувати для виявлення рідкісних речовин у газах.
Voice message:
· #278
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:19)
Class work
Phrases of the day:
I have read the article “New technology makes it possible to see clearly through
murky water”.
Firstly, this article talks about a new method that can automatically produce
clear images through murky water. The researchers demonstrated their method's
ability to enhance image contrast while preserving image details without
introducing considerable noise.
In conclusion, I want to say that this new technology will help us to searching
for drowning victims, monitoring underwater lands. In my opinion, researchers
have found a useful method for science and humanity in the future.
1) upper level;
Accumulated heat in the upper ocean is at record levels again.
Накопичене тепло у верхній частині океану знову на рекордному рівні.
2) surface area;
The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient.
Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.
3) temperature range;
Use the information below to learn more about the various temperature ranges
that can apply to Renesas products.
Використовуйте наведену нижче інформацію, щоб дізнатися більше про різні
діапазони температур, які можуть застосовуватися до продуктів Renesas.
· #277
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:05)
Today I have read the article "What are waterspouts, and how do they form?".
Firstly, I want to say that this article talks about waterspouts. A waterspout,
according to scientists, is a spinning column of air that absorbs water (usually
from the ocean) to form a twisted funnel of water and cloud that connects the
sea and the sky. They can form when two winds blowing in opposite directions
In conclusion, I believe that this research will aid in our understanding of
what waterspouts are and how they form.
Phrases of the day:
1) common data model;
Common Data Model simplifies this process by providing a shared data language
for business and analytical applications to use.
Загальна модель даних спрощує цей процес, надаючи спільну мову даних для
використання бізнес- та аналітичних додатків.
2) collaboration space;
Most organizations use all four collaboration spaces to meet the needs of their
Більшість організацій використовують усі чотири простори для співпраці для
задоволення потреб своїх груп.
3) vertical direction;
A branched flow generated by a random potential with different characteristic
length scales in the horizontal and the vertical direction.
Розгалужений потік, створений випадковим потенціалом з різними характерними
масштабами довжини в горизонтальному та вертикальному напрямках.
· #276
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 11:03)
I have read the article Analysis of draughtsboard sharks' metabolic rates
suggests they sleep.
A group of travelers found evidence that at least one species of sharks sleeps.
Some species of sharks are really sleeping, while others seem questionable, as
they need to continue moving to get oxygen from the water.
They found a decrease in oxygen levels in all sharks during rest periods,
indicating that they were sleeping. They also found that sharks were closing
their eyes during rest, another indicator of sleep, and that they tend to keep
their body flat.
The researchers concluded that the aggregate evidence was convincing about shark
sleep on the checkboard.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) vertical direction
A resection of a rectangular stream in the vertical direction is made.- Резекція
здійснюється у вертикальному напрямку у вигляді прямокутної смужки.
2) common data model
It integrates two functional languages - Scheme and XSLT-like transformation
language on the basis of the common data model - SXML.- STX інтегрує дві
функціональні мови - Схему та засновану на XSLT мову трансформацій - на базі
загальної моделі даних SXML.
3) collaboration space
Policy logics and institutions of European space collaboration.- Проведення
національної політики та стратегічних консультацій у галузі цивільної
· #275
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:59)
Scientists have solved a 100-year-old mystery about the evolutionary links
between malaria parasites that infect humans and chimpanzees.
The evolutionary puzzle has its origins in the 1920s when scientists identified
chimpanzees infected by parasites that appeared identical to P. malariae under a
microscope. It was thought both parasites belonged to the same species,
but—until now—this could not be verified as the genetic make-up of the
chimpanzee strain had never been studied. They have found that there are, in
fact, three distinct species. One species—P. malariae—infects mainly humans,
while the two others infect apes.
This revealed that the human malaria parasite population went through a genetic
bottleneck, where its population temporarily shrank and most of its genetic
variation was lost.
Phrases of the day:
1. Temperature Range: The temperature of the Earth's crust ranges considerably.
Температурний діапазон: температура земної кори значно коливається.
2. A team of researchers with the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science,
ETH Zurich, has found evidence that indicates that stands of trees can reduce
land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C.
Команда дослідників з Інституту науки про атмосферу та клімат, ETH Zurich,
знайшла докази того, що деревостани можуть знижувати температуру поверхні землі
в містах до 12°C.
3. The rain produced in those upper-level clouds evaporates before reaching the
surface, returning all that water to the system.
Дощ, що виробляється в цих хмарах верхнього рівня, випаровується, перш ніж
досягти поверхні, повертаючи всю цю воду в систему.
Today I`ve read the article about Climate tipping might not always be disastrous
The authors reveal that when spatial heterogeneity is added to the simulations,
the severity of hitting a tipping point seems to strongly depend on the spatial
size and heterogeneity of the system. This means that in large, heterogeneous,
systems tipping might often instead lead to minor, stepwise, and even reversible
changes. Passing a tipping point is, therefore, less critical in the large lake
than in the small one. Indeed, the heterogeneity also makes tipping more easily
reversible in the large system. In small lakes, restoration via an improvement
of the nutrient balance is often very difficult as the system is trapped in a
turbid state. Moreover, because species may survive in the clear parts of the
lake and later reinhabit the turbid areas as they once again might clear up,
also the impact of tipping on the ecosystem can be much less severe if parts of
the system maintain their original state.
Generally, the study from Bastiaansen et al. informs us that what comes after
the crossing of a climate tipping point is still very much an open question. The
study, however, does not make Bastiaansen think we should simply relax about
climate tipping.
Phrases of the day:
1. For instance, on Mercury, temperatures range from molten hot to extremely
cold, due to its proximity to the sun, lack of an atmosphere, and its slow
Наприклад, на Меркурії температура коливається від розплавленої до надзвичайно
холодної через його близькість до сонця, відсутність атмосфери та повільне
2. The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly
efficient. This is not a trivial issue.
Те, як він містить мінімальну можливу площу поверхні, є напрочуд ефективним.
3. Conversely, the upper-level convergence and lower-level divergence in the
monsoon zone strengthened descending flow.
І навпаки, конвергенція верхнього рівня та розбіжність нижнього рівня в зоні
мусонів посилили низхідний потік.
· #274
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:46)
Classwork 09.04
I have read the article about dark matter inside the Earth
Dark matter remains one of the great mysteries of science. There are many
theories about what dark matter really is. The most famous one is the weakly
interacting massive particle (WIMP). It is rather difficult to see a group of
these particles directly. But scientists have been able to see the telltale
signs by measuring the proxy particle, the neutrino. Neutrinos, are the result
of theories that wimps self-destruct upon interaction with a particle. As they
are so difficult to detect, the neutrinos that result from this process will
almost certainly be able to pass through the Earth's mass and out into space.
This study has not gone all the way through, so more details will be discovered
each time.
I am surprised that scientists are making such a huge leap in physics.
1)surface area
They impact the surface area of the heel where the epidermis layer is.
Вони впливають на площу поверхні п'яти, де знаходиться шар епідермісу.
2)temperature range
Certain organisms can only survive within a narrow temperature range.
Деякі організми виживають у вузькому діапазоні температур.
3)upper level
Whoever did this needed upper-level security clearance.
Той, хто це зробив, мав вищий рівень доступу.
· #273
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Saturday, 09 April 2022 10:45)
Classwork 07.04
I have read the article about Near-field routing of hyperbolic metamaterials
Near-field light is non-visible light at the sub-wavelength scale. Used for a
variety of practical applications, like wireless power transmission, near-field
light has been increasingly important in the development of miniaturized
photonic integrated devices. Researchers from Tongji University in China
described an electrical circuit that can control the direction of near-field
light propagation. According to their study, selective near-field coupling in
the HMM is provided by discrete electric dipoles with different phases, which
serve as a meta-source consisting of all-electric components and possessing
internal freedom associated with symmetry. This greatly improves the creation of
the previously mentioned application.
Honesty, I am elated that our reserchers keep inveting new discoveries.
1)common data models
The use of common data for different model inputs and parameterization was
recommended as far as possible.
Рекомендовано максимально використовувати загальні дані для різних вхідних
параметрів моделей і схем параметризації.
2)vertical direction
In addition to the longitudinal and lateral tests, tests in the vertical
direction are also being considered
На додаток до поздовжніх та поперечних випробувань були розглянуті також
випробування у вертикальному напрямку.
3)colaboration space
This year has demonstrated the importance of European and
international collaboration for space exploration, Earth observation and
satellite services.
Минулий рік продемонстрував важливість європейської та міжнародної співпраці у
таких галузях, як дослідження космосу, спостереження Землі та супутниковий
Homework 07.04
I have read the article about atmospheric particles change the rainfall regime.
The research undertaken in Manaus, capital of the Amazonas state in Brazil's
northern region, shows that oxidation causes small aerosols emitted by factories
and car exhausts to affect the formation of raindrops. The evidence was
collected by devices aboard a special aircraft that flew about 100 kilometers
over the Manaus pollution plume in 2014 and 2015 during the Green Ocean Amazon
science campaign. They also said that during high winds, these aerosols are
capable of producing a massive storm. Such a phenomenon is unsafe for both
planes in the sky and people on the ground.
I am glad that scientists are studying such important topics for humanity.
1)worthy of note
In this regard, several factors are worthy of note.
У зв'язку з цим слід зазначити кілька факторів.
2)within sight
The square sits within sight of the Presidential Office Building.
Площа знаходиться в межах видимості будівлі Президентського палацу.
3)status information
In this connection the incumbent facilitates the verification process and
compiles and analyses the related status information.
У зв'язку з цим слід зазначити, що співробітник на цій посаді надає допомогу в
проведенні перевірок, збирає і аналізує відповідну інформацію про хід виконання.
· #272
debt 28,03-1,04 Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tomenko) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 09:19)
Today I read an article on "The Tree of Life may be a bush" this article will be
interesting to people interested in evolution. And researchers at Uppsala
University have given me the idea that evolution is more complex than this
model, and that a tree is actually more like a bush.
This is one of the first cases in evolutionary research where researchers have
been able to document and quantify incomplete pedigree sorting far back in time.
This is probably a much more common phenomenon than previously thought
· #271
debt 21,03-2503 Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tomenko) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 09:06)
Today I read an article on "Prehistoric humans rarely mated with their cousins"
This is a very interesting article. which gave me the idea that we now have
almost 10% of marriages occur between cousins and sisters. In a new study,
researchers at the Max Planck Institute and the University of Chicago
investigated how common parental closeness was to our ancestors. In addition to
detecting close relatives, the new method also allowed researchers to study
kinship. Such kinship comes from, as a rule, many unknown remote relationships
in small populations.
· #270
Shapa to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Saturday, 09 April 2022 07:03)
The abstract (Friday, 08 April 2022 12:24) was written and pronounced perfectly, correctly reflectes the content of the article, can be assessed as excellent, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too.
· #269
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Friday, 08 April 2022 20:57)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Continue working
· #268
Zhovtobrukh M.O.,IP-211,Gvozd (Friday, 08 April 2022 15:07)
Exam topic #1
The Principles of psychology
Experimental psychologists have devised a variety of ways to indirectly measure
these elusive phenomenological entities. Parapsychology, hypnotism , and
psychism were major topics of the early International Congresses. Skeptics have
suggested that personality , thinking , and emotion , cannot be directly
measured and are often inferred from subjective self-reports, which may be
problematic. Early practitioners of experimental psychology distinguished
themselves from parapsychology , which in the late nineteenth century enjoyed
great popularity (including the interest of scholars such as William James), and
indeed constituted the bulk of what people called 'psychology'. As a discipline,
psychology has long sought to fend off accusations that it is a 'soft'.
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· #267
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Friday, 08 April 2022 14:13)
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211
Koloidenko Alina ID-211
Tashi Mariia IK-211
Romanika Uliana IK-211
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211
Thank you for your work. It’s well done.
· #266
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Friday, 08 April 2022 12:24)
Today I have read the article «Six areas where action must focus to rescue this
This article tells about paper, which consists of six levels where ecological
actions must be taken. These six areas are energy production, pollutants,
natural climate solutions, food system reform, population stability and economic
reform. You can read which actions exactly must be done to prevent a global
devastation. The main point of this paper is to draw attention to the global
problems and call people to do something for our planet.
In conclusion, I would like to say it is essential for all of us to put
ourselves together and to act as a true effective cooperation.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) collaboration space
The program aims to speed up Cisco's innovation in the collaboration space,
starting with an asynchronous video messaging tool called Vidcast.
Програма спрямована на прискорення інновацій Cisco у сфері співпраці, починаючи
з інструменту асинхронного обміну відеоповідомленнями під назвою Vidcast.
2) common data model
It is achieved using a common data model and computational paradigm for both
components of STX.
Дана ціль досягається за допомогою загальної моделі даних і визначної парадигми
для обох компонентів STX.
3) vertical direction
The vertical direction indicates time, while the horizontal indicates distance,
the dashed line is the spacetime trajectory ("world line") of the observer.
Вертикальний напрямок показує час, горизонтальне - відстань, пунктирна лінія -
це просторово-часова траєкторія («світова лінія») спостерігача.
Voice message:
· #265
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Friday, 08 April 2022 11:21)
Самостоятельная работа (долг за учебную неделю 28.03.-01.04)
I read an article by Michelle Debchak "why the sun makes hair lighter". The
author explains that it's all about melanin - a special protein that should
protect us from the harmful effects of the sun. But hair is a dead tissue, so
melanin is not produced in them, but is destroyed. The ultraviolet light that
the sun emits kills melanin and a light frame remains from the hair. To protect
your hair, you need to apply special products and wear a hat.I think this
article is interesting and informative, because it helps to better understand
the world around us.
· #264
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Friday, 08 April 2022 11:18)
Самостоятельна работа
I read Jack Rossen's article "Why Isn't There a Vaccine for the Common Cold?"
Immunologist Peter Barlow puts it this way:"The common thing between an
infectious disease and a cold is a viral origin. But more than one hundred and
fifty different viruses can cause a well-known cold. The most common is
rotavirus and more than a hundred of its strains." Therefore, a cold vaccine
would be very expensive and not very effective. I think this article is useful
because it gives answers to popular questions and explains things that not
everyone will be able to study on their own.
· #263
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Friday, 08 April 2022 08:48)
Today I’ve read an article about the Walt Disney exhibition. This exhibition
celebrates Disney's love of French art. It turns out that the famous cartoonist
was inspired by the French Rococo style. It aims to show the connection between
French art and American animation over the course of three centuries. For
example, the animated furniture in famous cartoons is based on French furniture
of that style. The most famous of all rococo paintings, Fragonard's The Swing,
made it into both Tangled and Frozen II. This picture blew me away! You begin to
look at the world differently, which is the hallmark of the exhibition.
· #262
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Thursday, 07 April 2022 18:46)
самостійна 05.04
Today I have read an article with the long but informative title "The 10 books
you should read in April, according to Amazon editors - from Molly Shannon's
heartwarming memoir to new novels by bestselling authors". I really love such
collections of books, because you can always find something interesting for
yourself. My favorite was a book called "Four Treasures of the Sky". I was very
intrigued by the description, and I think that the book will raise very
important questions of life, questions of trust, questions of slavery. I will
definitely start reading it!
· #261
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 18:27)
The abstracts (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:17) and (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:18) were written and pronouncd without grammatical and phonetic mistakes, perfectky reflect the contents of the articles you have read, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #260
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 17:46)
Class work (28.03):
Today I have read an article about the death of journalists Pierre Zakrzewski,
Alexandra Kuvshina and Brent Renault, who covered the war in Ukraine and
supported it.
Recently, near the village of Gorenka near Kiev, a car with a Fox News team was
fired at. The journalists died from injuries sustained during the attack.
American reporter and documentary filmmaker Brent Renaud was shot dead in Irpen,
and American photographer Juan Arredondo was wounded in the attack.
Gulnoza Said, CPJ's Europe and Central Asia Program Coordinator, stressed that
Ukrainian and Russian authorities must do everything possible to ensure the
safety of journalists. This article was rewarding for me.
another way of
So I hope you have another way of making a living.
able to eliminate
I think we may be able to eliminate that threat For them once and for all.
alternative way
They do have an alternative way to go, you know.
· #259
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:53)
Both of abstracts (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:06) contain all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #258
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:49)
The abstract (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:54) has been written and pronounced (though slowly) quite correct, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excellent.
· #257
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:46)
The review (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:49) completely reflects the content of the article you have read, does not contain grammatical and phonetic mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #256
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:43)
Both of the abstracts (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:39) and (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:08) were written and pronounced in a correct way, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct too. Excellent.
· #255
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 14:38)
The abstract (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:33) meets all the requirements for independent student work of such kind, perfectly reflects the content of the article you have read,the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #254
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 13:08)
Стаття :
I have read the article «‘Waste web' tracks movement of hazardous waste around
the globe».
A small group of researchers created what they call the “world-wide web of
waste”, and used it to track the movement of hazardous waste around the world.
Every year, about 7 to 10 billion metric tons of waste are generated.Countries
that have acceded to the Basel Convention agreements reported more than 1.4
million metric tons of hazardous waste during the period they are studying. They
note that the unknown amount of such wastes has also been dumped illegally.
Such situations may lead to environmental and health problems for those who are
near landfills.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) predetermined course of action.
A plan is a predetermined course of action about what has to be done to achieve
an objective.- План — це заздалегідь визначений курс дій щодо того, що потрібно
зробити для досягнення мети.
2) product development
Product development is the complete process of taking an idea from concept to
delivery and beyond.- Розробка продукту – це повний процес прийняття ідеї від
концепції до її доставки та далі.
3) as follows
The Peruvian delegation would like to conclude its intervention by summarizing
its position as follows.- Делегація Перу хотіла б на завершення свого виступу
наступним чином підсумувати свою позицію.
· #253
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:32)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #252
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:18)
I have read the article «Using AI to fill in the missing gaps in ancient texts»
As article says, a team of AI researchers at DeepMind, working with colleagues
from the University of Venice, the University of Oxford and Athens University of
Economics and Business, has developed an artificial intelligence (AI)
application to help historians fill in the gaps of text missing from stone,
metal or pottery artifacts.
Therefore, in their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes
how they built the app, how it can be used and how well it worked when tested
against known texts. The researchers found the system to be 62% accurate, which
was better than the performance of historians. But the best results came from
collaborations between the AI system and the historians; together, they were
able to achieve 72% accuracy.
So, the researchers also added another feature—the ability to attribute a text
to a time and place using clues found in the text and from other sources. They
found the system to be 71% accurate in determining the origin of the writer and
could place the date of writing to within 30 years, on average.
Phrases of the day
1)as often as
Because these taxes often are passed on to the consumer in the form of higher
prices, tariffs often are viewed as a "protectionist tool" to encourage
consumers to buy less-expensive domestic goods.
Оскільки ці податки часто перекладаються на споживача у формі вищих цін, тарифи
часто розглядаються як «протекціоністський інструмент», щоб спонукати споживачів
купувати менш дорогі вітчизняні товари.
2)application problem
Accessible social media analysis through web-based application programming
Доступний аналіз соціальних мереж через інтерфейси програмування веб-додатків
3)additional references
It cross-references these images with the user's identification document and
then combines this with additional data points to ensure that a real person is
Він поєднує ці зображення з документом, що посвідчує особу користувача, а потім
поєднує це з додатковими даними, щоб переконатися, що реальна людина ...
· #251
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:17)
I have read the article «Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape
origin traced»
As article says, scientists have solved a 100-year-old mystery about the
evolutionary links between malaria parasites that infect humans and chimpanzees.
They have discovered that the parasite P. malariae —one of six species that
spreads malaria among humans—originated in African apes before evolving to
infect people.
So, Now, scientists at the University of Edinburgh, in collaboration with
colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, U.S., have used leading edge
techniques to study the parasites' DNA.They have found that there are, in fact,
three distinct species. One species—P. malariae—infects mainly humans, while the
two others infect apes.One of the two ape-infecting parasites was found in
chimpanzees, gorillas and bonobos across Central and West Africa. This
previously unknown species is only distantly related to the human parasite.
In my opinion, their findings could provide vital clues on how it became able to
infect people, as well as helping scientists gauge if further jumps of ape
parasites into humans are likely.
Phrases of the day
1)as often as
Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones, AP finds 19 March 2019
Рекорди спеки падають вдвічі частіше, ніж холодні, повідомляє AP 19 березня 2019
2)application program
Application software is a computer program that functions and is operated by
means of a computer, with the purpose of supporting or improving the software
user's work
Прикладне програмне забезпечення - це комп'ютерна програма, яка функціонує та
керується за допомогою комп'ютера з метою підтримки або покращення роботи
користувача програмного забезпечення
3)additional references
Code diggers have uncovered a treasure-trove of strings that reference a camera,
flash, zoom and video conferencing in the third beta
Копачі коду виявили скарбницю рядків, які посилаються на камеру, спалах,
масштабування та відеоконференції в третій бета-версії
· #250
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:10)
Class work
I have read an article called ,,Online calculator shows how trees can improve
air quality and cut health costs". This article is about new interactive online
tool which is set to encourage tree planting initiatives across the UK. It
calculates how much pollution would be removed by planting trees in local areas,
as well as the corresponding public health cost savings.The tool can also
estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by calculating the health
costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be removed from the air by
those trees.I consider that I think this is a great thing to keep track of
oxygen levels and pollution levels.and in general, due to such a device for
trees, we can reduce the amount of dirt
in the air.
Home work
I have read an article called ,,Researchers estimate over two million deaths
annually from air pollution".
This article show that study, which has been published in the Environmental
Research Letters jоurnal, estimates that around 470,000 people die each year
because of human-caused increases in ozone.Air pollution causes cancer and other
respiratory diseases.But the air pollution is directly affected by climate
change.I am not a scientist, but in my opinion, among these facts there is a
logical chain that will lead to even greater death rate if we don't apply
certain measures.
Phrases of the day
1.based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in
the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
За словами дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній
нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
2.little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на
аварії АЕС Фукусіма
3.main limitation
The main limitation of response spectra is that they are only universally
applicable for linear systems.
Основним обмеженням спектрів відгуку є те, що вони універсально застосовні лише
для лінійних систем.
Phrase of the day(
· #249
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 12:06)
Class work
Today I have read an article which called ,,Alternate delivery locations may be
viable options to offset negative impacts of increased home deliveriers."To
counteract the negative effects of package delivery, companies have explored
various options for receiving packages. Alternative Delivery Locations (ADL)
such as Amazon Hub Locker delivery lockers or mail stores and building
partnerships between brick-and-mortar stores and delivery companies.I want to
support this program.Because in my opinion we have another question explored by
the researchers is the distance people will travel to an ADL to retrieve the
delivery. Their research showed that males and full-time students are more
willing to travel further while people who live in apartments or older people
are less willing to travel any more than two city blocks.So because of this we
need ,,Alternate delivery locations"
Home work
I have read an interesting article called ,,Community policing found to be
ineffective in improving trust or reducing crime".This article is about a
special experiment. People wanted to find out if an increase in the number of
public police could help citizens and reduce the crime rate.Also, an inspection
of police work took place in countries with low incomes and with varied crime
histories.Such as Brazil, Colombia, Liberia, Pakistan, the Philippines, and
Uganda. But unfortunately the experiment didn't give positive results. Even the
public police can't deal with crime on the streets.In my opinion, there are no
longer any measures of restraint of the law that could scare a thief or a
murderer.We mustn't change the police we must change consciousness of people.
Phrases of the day
Phrases of the day:
1) additional references;
It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our
Це було відправною точкою та колекцією додаткових посилань для нашого
2) application program;
News tagged with application program interface.
Новини з тегами інтерфейсу прикладної програми.
3) as often as;
Try to exercise as often as possible.
Намагайтеся займатися спортом якомога частіше.
· #248
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:54)
Today I have read the article «How artificial intelligence can help curb traffic
accidents in cities» It tells us about a research project at the Universitat
Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) is harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to make
decisions that will make cities safer. It's hard to imagine modern life without
a car. It is a necessary means of transportation, so every year more and more
"iron horses" appear on the roads and in the yards. Considering not the best
quality of roads, the love of fast driving and the low consciousness of
individual drivers, accidents on the roads occur with enviable constancy.
According to statistics, road transport is the most dangerous means of
transportation. More than 1 million people die every year due to road traffic
accidents. In conclusion, I can say that we really need such technologies to
save people's lives on the roads.
Phrases of the day:
1. additional references
It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our
research. Це було відправною точкою та колекцією додаткових посилань для нашого
2. as often as
Heat records falling twice as often as cold ones.Теплові рекорди падають вдвічі
частіше, ніж холодні.
3. application program
Accessible social media analysis through web-based application programming
interfaces. Доступний аналіз соціальних мереж через інтерфейси програмування
· #247
IK-211 Kann Denis (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:51)
Today I read an article by Lydia Armstrong on CNN about the completion of the
construction of the thinnest skyscraper in the world.
It is located in Manhattan, New York.
According to the developers, the Steinway Tower, or 111 West 57th Street, has a
height-to-width ratio of 24:1, making it "the slimmest skyscraper in the world."
The tower was designed by the New York architectural firm SHoP Architects and
built by JDS Development, Property Markets Group and Spruce Capital Partners,
which began construction in 2013. Gregg Pascarelli, head of SHoP Architects,
called the building "a project of extraordinary scale and epicness." greatness"
in an email to CNN.
Ultra-thin skyscrapers, also known as pencil towers, became prominent elements
of the Hong Kong skyline in the 1970s.
Such outstanding buildings, which allow us to observe the construction projects
implemented by architects and builders, are truly unique. I am convinced again
and again that a lot is possible in our time. And it's time for humanity to take
a course of creation, not destruction!
ссылка на статью:
· #246
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:49)
Phrases of the day
1) able to eliminate
With many planes grounded, Lufthansa will be able to eliminate the 60 percent of
its costs that usually go on items like fuel, fees and charges, he said.
За його словами, оскільки багато літаків призупинено, Lufthansa зможе
ліквідувати 60 відсотків своїх витрат, які зазвичай йдуть на такі пункти, як
паливо, збори та збори.
2) another way of
We have come up with another way of running searches for whenever information is
urgently needed, and this facilitates the information use process.
Ми придумали інший спосіб запуску пошуку, коли інформація потрібна терміново, і
це полегшує процес використання інформації.
3) alternative way
LPAs offer an alternative way to accelerate and boost the energies of the
LPA пропонують альтернативний спосіб прискорення та збільшення енергії частинок.
Today I have read the article “What do grasshoppers eat?”.
New research led has identified startling similarities between the mouths of
grasshoppers and mammal teeth. There are around 11,000 known species of
grasshopper. In fact, they play a range of important roles in grasslands and
other ecosystems—some are even carnivorous. "Mandibles from carnivorous
grasshoppers that eat soft flesh have steeper slopes and sharper cliff edges,
while those that eat tough plant material, such as grass, have mandibles with
complex undulating 'landscapes'."
In my opinion, this is a rather interesting topic that deserves to be announced.
Personally, for example, I could not even imagine that grasshoppers are
· #245
IK-211 Kann Denis (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:45)
recently read a rather interesting note that it turns out that we have been
incorrectly calling Machu Picchu for 100 years.
A study published in the journal Nawpa Pacha: Journal of the Institute of Andean
Studies found that the correct name of Huayna is Picchu.
"The Incas who built the ancient city probably called it Huayna Picchu.
Huayna translates as "new or young," and Picchu means "mountain peak" in the
indigenous Quechua language, says Emily Dean, professor of anthropology at the
University of Southern Utah in Cedar City.
Thanks to such research, we learn a lot of new things, correct historical
mistakes and find new evidence of the existence of ancient civilizations. In my
opinion, the process of studying architectural monuments should not stand still
and be constantly updated. That will give us the right picture in the
representation of the past and the study of the history of our world.
Ссылка на статью:
· #244
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:39)
Стаття :
I have read the article “Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape
origin traced”.
Scientists solved the mystery of evolutionary links between malaria parasites
that affect people and chimpanzees. P. malariae, one of the six species that
spread malaria among humans, came from African monkeys before evolving to infect
people.scientists identified chimpanzees infected with parasites that looked
identical to P. malariae under the microscope.There are actually three different
species. One species, P. malariae, is mostly amazing people, and two others are
amazing monkeys.P. malariae was originally a parasite of primates, but a small
number of parasites replaced the owners to start infecting people.
This study is very useful because one of the six species that spread malaria
among people has studied.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) as often as
They may, in particular, meet informally as often as desirable;- Вони можуть,
зокрема, проводити неофіційні засідання так часто, як це може знадобитися;
2) The application program
Easy to use the application program does not require any technical skills to
operate the sim card data recovery software.- Програма дуже проста у
використанні та не вимагає будь-яких технічних навичок діяти симулятор карта
відновлення даних програмного забезпечення.
3) additional references
For information about the security settings that affect who may administer a
zone, see "Additional references."- Додаткові відомості про параметри безпеки,
що впливають на адміністратора зони, див. у розділі «Додаткові посилання».
· #243
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:37)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennet le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que
quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos
enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #242
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:33)
Phrases of the day:
1)as follows;
follows means what comes next, or the things listed here, and is usually
followed by a colon.
означає те, що буде далі, або речі, перераховані тут, і зазвичай після нього
ставиться двокрапка.
2)predetermined action;
like the wooden horse, a Trojan Horse looks like a normal file until some
predetermined action causes the code to execute.
до дерев’яного коня, троянський кінь виглядає як звичайний файл до тих пір, поки
якась заздалегідь визначена дія не призведе до виконання коду.
development is the processes required to bring a product from being a concept
through to reaching the market.
продукту - це процеси, необхідні для того, щоб продукт від концепції дойшов до
I’ve read the article about “Century-old malaria parasite puzzle solved as ape
origin traced”.
They have discovered that the parasite P. malariae-one of six species that
spreads malaria among humans-originated in African apes before evolving to
infect people.
This revealed that the human malaria parasite population went through a genetic
bottleneck, where its population temporarily shrank and most of its genetic
variation was lost.A likely explanation for this is that malariae was originally
an ape parasite,but a small number of parasites switched hosts to begin
infecting humans.
In conclusion:Among the six parasites that cause malaria in humans,P. malariae
is one of the least well understood. › news › 2022-04-century-old-malaria-parasite-puzzle-ape.html
· #241
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:28)
Both abstracts presented in (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:15) were written and pronounced perfectly, without mistakes, are the ideal examples of independent student works of such kind, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #240
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:25)
The review (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:06) demonstrates your complete understanding of the content of the article you have read, was written and pronounced perfectly, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #239
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:20)
Both abstracts (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:50)and (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:51) contain all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct.
· #238
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:15)
Today I`ve read the article about New approach to scanning objects of
The researchers set out to capture hyperspectral images of the famous
stained-glass windows in the Amiens Cathedral in France. With some window panels
dating back to the 13th century, this location which has been designated as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site. A whisk-broom scanner was used to acquire
hyperspectral images. This kind of sensor uses a movable mirror to slowly scan
across an object. Each pixel is measured one at a time as its light is reflected
onto the single detector with the sky in the background. However, when it is
applied to outdoor cultural heritages, temporal illumination variations become
an issue due to the lengthy measurement time. Hyperspectral scanning is not
limited to the wavelengths of light that are visible to humans.
Using matrix methods, variations in temporal illumination could be removed. "Our
method provides a new modality for the digital preservation of large cultural
assets," senior author Yasuhiro Mukaigawa says. This method can be easily
adapted to other situations in which outdoor scanning has to occur over long
time periods.
Phrases of the day:
1. additional references will be provided at the end of the work
додаткові посилання будуть надані в кінці роботи
2. try to breathe fresh air as often as possible
намагайтеся дихати свіжим повітрям так часто як це можливо
3. an application program is needed to monitor certain changes within this
прикладна програма потрібна для слідкуванням за певними змінами всередині цього
To transform human mobility, exoskeletons need to interact seamlessly with their
user, providing the right level of assistance at the right time to cooperate
with our muscles as we move.
Experts usually tune the wide-ranging settings of powered exoskeletons to take
into account the varied characteristics of human bodies, gait biomechanics and
user preferences. This can be done by crunching quantifiable data, such as
metabolic rate or muscle activity, to minimize the energy expended from a user,
or more simply by asking the user to repeatedly compare between pairs of
settings to find which feels best. By allowing the user to directly rs
themselves. Users could quickly and independently decide what features are most
important—for example, trading off comfort, power or stability, and then
selecting the settings to best match those preferences without the need for an
expert to retune.
These findings could help determine how often retuning of an exoskeleton needs
to be done as a user gains experience and supports the idea of incorporating
direct user input into preference for the best experience.
Phrases of the day:
1. You can also see additional references at the bottom of the page
також додаткові посилання можна подивитися у кінці сторінки
2. you need to go for walks as often as you can
тобі треба виходити на прогулянки так часто як ти можеш
3. the application program is required to monitor the activity of the use of
this object
прикладна програма потрібна для слідкуванням за активністю використання даного
· #237
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:06)
Today I have read the article «Biodiversity is positively related to mental
The main idea of the article is to prove that living in place with rich plant
and bird diversity is useful for our health. It was found by a study published
in Landscape and Urban Planning. Living in such places makes better not only
mental health, but physical as well. People who like exercising can do it
outdoors while looking at and enjoying the environment. Being outdoors also
makes you feel better and placid.
In my opinion, it is true that living in places with rich biodiversity has a
positive effect on us.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) as often as
Men initiate negotiations four times as often as women; women negotiators
generally achieve 30% less than their male counterparts.
Чоловіки ініціюють переговори в чотири рази частіше, ніж жінки;
жінки-переговорники зазвичай досягають на 30% менше, ніж їхні колеги-чоловіки.
2) additional references
When multiple changes relate to a single bug, additional references are linked
to numbers following the bug ID.
Коли кілька змін стосуються однієї помилки, додаткові посилання пов’язуються з
числами, що йдуть за ідентифікатором помилки.
3) application program
The application program must keep track of which memory bank holds a required
piece of data, and then call the bank-switching routine to make that bank
Прикладна програма повинна відстежувати, який банк пам’яті містить необхідну
частину даних, а потім викликати процедуру перемикання банку, щоб зробити цей
банк активним.
Voice message:
· #236
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:52)
The abstracts both of class work and homework (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:46) have been written and pronounced perfectly, without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #235
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:51)
Class work
Today I have read the article "Startup targets drowsy driving with
next-generation driver safety system".
Firstly, the article talks about the next-generation driver safety system.
"TriSense" is a new generation of driver safety system that can monitor health
and was developed by Purdue University as part of a student startup. This system
consists of a fabric steering wheel cover that can detect fatigue and drowsiness
and alert the driver.
Finally, I would like to state that this research is really important today
because it will save many of our lives and protect us from vehicle crashes.
Phrases of the day:
1) additional references;
It was a starting point and a collection of additional references for our
Це було відправною точкою та колекцією додаткових посилань для нашого
2) application program;
News tagged with application program interface.
Новини з тегами інтерфейсу прикладної програми.
3) as often as;
Try to exercise as often as possible.
Намагайтеся займатися спортом якомога частіше.
· #234
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:50)
Today, I have read the article "Group learning makes children better
decision-makers, study finds".
Firstly, I want to say that this article talks about a method of group learning
and why group learning makes children better decision-makers. According to a new
study by researchers, children who work in collaborative groups make better
decisions than their peers who learn the same curriculum through teacher-led
In conclusion, I believe that this study demonstrates to each of us the
importance of promoting active reasoning as one of the keys to cultivating
students' intellectual competence and academic ability.
Phrases of the day:
1)predetermined action;
Much like the wooden horse, a Trojan Horse looks like a normal file until some
predetermined action causes the code to execute.
Подібно до дерев’яного коня, троянський кінь виглядає як звичайний файл до тих
пір, поки якась заздалегідь визначена дія не призведе до виконання коду.
2)product development;
Product development is the processes required to bring a product from being a
concept through to reaching the market.
Розробка продукту - це процеси, необхідні для того, щоб продукт від концепції
дойшов до ринку.
3)as follows;
As follows means what comes next, or the things listed here, and is usually
followed by a colon.
Наступне означає те, що буде далі, або речі, перераховані тут, і зазвичай після
нього ставиться двокрапка.
· #233
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:46)
Class work
Today I`ve read an article called " Five things that happen to your body in
This article is about space travel, which leads to many changes in the human
body that have been studied since Gargarin made his first space flight. Among
them, the following stand out: Weakness; Heart problems; "Bone loss" - Earth's
exposure to gravity and mechanical stress is necessary to maintain our bones.
This doesn`t happen in space; immunity suffers, due to radiation and stress.
I think this article will be of interest for educational purposes or for people
who dream of flying into space in the future.
Phrases of the Day:
1) additional references
The database was reviewed for additional references and individual sections of
the compendium were subjected to internal review and scrutiny.
База даних була перевірена на предмет наявності додаткових посилань, а окремі
розділи збірника були піддані внутрішньому огляду та розгляду.
2)application program
Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data
in its API, or application program interface.
Деякі чиновники тиснули на Google і Apple, щоб вони дозволили використовувати
дані про місцезнаходження в своєму API або інтерфейсі прикладної програми.
3) as often as
We can eat here as often as we like.
Ми можемо їсти тут скільки завгодно.
Today I have read the article called "Fishers at risk in 'perfect storm"
The article talks about how climate change is causing more extreme weather
conditions in many regions and this is hitting fishermen so hard. The article
analyzed the facts why they take the risk of going out on the high seas to fish:
the main income of the family, the low success rate of fishing recently and
having a crew to support.
In my opinion, this research could be useful to show how unsafe the fishing
profession is
Phrases of the Day:
1) additional references
The database was reviewed for additional references and individual sections of
the compendium were subjected to internal review and scrutiny.
База даних була перевірена на предмет наявності додаткових посилань, а окремі
розділи збірника були піддані внутрішньому огляду та розгляду.
2)application program
Some officials have pressed Google and Apple to allow the use of location data
in its API, or application program interface.
Деякі чиновники тиснули на Google і Apple, щоб вони дозволили використовувати
дані про місцезнаходження в своєму API або інтерфейсі прикладної програми.
3) as often as
We can eat here as often as we like.
Ми можемо їсти тут скільки завгодно.
· #232
Shapa L.N. to the IM-211 group students (Thursday, 07 April 2022 07:03)
Your English lesson has just started, I'm waiting for your commenteries, tasks,etc.
· #231
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 20:19)
The review (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 10:57) completely meets the requirements for independent student work of such kind, was perfectly pronounced and excellently written. Excellent.
· #230
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 20:15)
The abstract (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:00) again demonstrates your complete understanding of the content of the article you have read, was written and pronounced without mistakes, but the absence of the voice variant of the task Phrases of the Day does not permit to estimate your work excellently.
· #229
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 19:38)
The abstract (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:41) meet all the requirements for independent student work of such kind, but regrettedly does not contain all the necessary elements, the voice variant if the task Phrases of the Day is absent.
· #228
Koloidenko Alina ID-211, GF (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 15:40)
Phrases of the day
1. Today we started a hole in product development.
2. If you're wondering how important artificial intelligence is to your
business's future, all you have to do is follow the money.
3. We do not specify a predetermined action.
Today I read an article on "Theory of Social Communications". This article is
taken from the well-known site "Wikipedia". This article argues that
communication theory is a proposed description of the phenomena of
communication, the relationship between them, the storyline that describes these
relationships, and the argument in favor of these three elements. Communication
theory provides a way to discuss and analyze the key events, processes, and
commitments that together make up communication. Communication theory gives us
tools to answer empirical, conceptual or practical questions of communication.
This article is informative and interesting. I recommend reading it.
· #227
Koloidenko Alina ID-211, GF (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 15:38)
Today I read an article on "Man-made waterfall - a new monument of China." This
is a very beautiful waterfall. These are incredible breathtaking landscapes.
This article attaches photos from the site of the waterfall. This waterfall is
located in Kunming, Yunnan Province. It took three years to build the waterfall
and cost 1 billion Chinese yuan. Although the waterfall is a pleasant sight, it
was designed to provide water during emergencies. The construction of the
waterfall is a huge step in preparing for potential water shortages in the
future. I recommend you take an interest in this article and view the photo.
· #226
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 12:31)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #225
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:51)
Today I read an article on the topic "Musical instrument" It became very
interesting to learn about the diversity of musical instruments, because I think
that there are not a couple of pieces, but much more. This article writes that
musical instrument is a device created or adapted to make musical sounds. In
principle, any object that produces sound can be considered a musical
instrument—it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument. A
person who plays a musical instrument is known as an instrumentalist. The
history of musical instruments dates to the beginnings of human culture. Early
musical instruments may have been used for rituals, such as a horn to signal
success on the hunt, or a drum in a religious ceremony. Cultures eventually
developed composition and performance of melodies for entertainment. Musical
instruments evolved in step with changing applications and technologies.
1) Joshua has unexpectedly developed the ability to target and destroy memory
Несподівано Джошуа розвинув здатність націлюватися та руйнувати клітини пам'яті.
2) Her ability to achieve maximum results while staying within the budget is one
of the greatest company resources.
Її здатність досягати максимальних результатів при заданому бюджеті є одним із
найкращих ресурсів компанії.
3) I need a breakthrough in Eloise's case to save me from full-blown Hindenberg.
Мені потрібний прорив у справі Елоїзи, щоб урятувати мене від повного провалу.
· #224
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:41)
Home work
Phrases of the day:
1. As follows
to the rules, this ceremony should go as follows.
правилами ця церемонія повинна проходити наступним чином.
2. Predetermined course of action
procedures must occur in a predetermined course of action.
процедури повинні відбуватися у строго визначеному порядку.
3. Product development
are engaged in product development in this part of the factory.
займаємося розробкою продукції в цій частині фабрики.
I’ve read the article about “How platform firms like Uber use a strategy of
'contentious compliance' to gain infrastructural power”.
Platform firms have adapted to regulations to provide different services and
gain infrastructural power.
The study's reference to the firms' strategy as one of "contentious compliance"
refers to their technique of adapting to existing legislation to be able to
provide their services, while continuing to challenge regulations as
aggressively as possible-essentially a push-pull process between firms and
In conclusion:the ability to accumulate infrastructural power is deeply
contextual.All this to create for the power necessary to continue to push for
more favorable regulatory change. › news › 2022-03-reveals-platform-firms-uber-strategy.html
· #223
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:15)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #222
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:00)
1.based partly on
conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in the
outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
словами дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній
нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
is known about
little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на аварії АЕС
main limitation of response spectra is that they are only universally applicable
for linear systems.
обмеженням спектрів відгуку є те, що вони універсально застосовні лише для
лінійних систем.
I‘ve read the article about„Having clients from many industries can hurt the
effectiveness of auditing firms“.
We found that taking on clients from many different industry sectors hurt
auditing performance.The effect was most obvious in cases where audit offices
had an industry diversified client portfolio-those auditors had the lowest audit
An auditing office can have a lot of high-profile clients in a particular
industry and if it also audits clients in a variety of other industries.
In conclusion:they should consider audit firms that have sufficient knowledge of
the industry that can arise from clusters of three or more clients from the same
industry. › news › 2020-07-clients-industries-effectiveness-firms.html
· #221
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 10:57)
Today I have read the article «NASA seeks ideas for a nuclear reactor on the
This article tells about the idea of establishing a nuclear fission power on the
moon. It was put out by NASA recently and the U.S. government approves this
project. The main purpose is to explore galaxy more accessible. Moreover, this
nuclear reactor could help achieve it within human grasp. It is said the reactor
would be built on our planet and then sent to the moon.
In conclusion, I don’t support this idea, because it may be quite dangerous for
us. It can explode and harm us and environment.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) predetermined action
It was implicit that one could have been capable of such an extraordinary effort
only by being frugal with any other activity that did not deal directly with
such predetermined actions.
Підтверджувалося, що можна було б бути здатним на такі надзвичайні зусилля, лише
ощадливо займаючись будь-якою іншою діяльністю, яка не пов’язана безпосередньо з
такими заздалегідь визначеними діями.
2) as follows
Today I believe we have to answer that question as follows.
Сьогодні я вважаю, що ми повинні відповісти на це питання наступним чином.
3) product development
The advance could accelerate product development, enabling product designers to
churn through prototypes without getting bogged down with painting or printing.
Цей прогрес міг би прискорити розробку продукту, дозволяючи дизайнерам продуктів
переробляти прототипи, не захоплюючись фарбуванням чи друком.
Voice message:
· #220
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 09:06)
After reading the article on collЕective generalization, I got the impression
that this is a very interesting and promising topic for research. Developing a
technology that allows you to create short synopsis from a large number of
materials of the same or similar content is very useful. It will be able to
allow people to spend less time reading and assimilating information. However,
this method also has many nuances of its own. It is necessary to pay attention
to the preservation of the fact of the representativeness of the text in
relation to certain groups. Also, it is important not to lose the main meaning
for the sake of the number of words.
· #219
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 09:03)
1. One critical feature of the proposed mechanism is the ability to achieve
low-latency beam switching and high-accuracy beam control.
Однією з найважливіших властивостей запропонованого механізму є можливість
досягнення перемикання променя з низькою затримкою та високоточного керування
2.A West Virginia University postdoctoral researcher in the Department of
Physics and Astronomy has made a breakthrough in the study of magnetic
Дослідник із Університету Західної Вірджинії на кафедрі фізики та астрономії
зробив прорив у вивченні магнітного перез'єднання.
3.In March, cybersecurity firm FireEye warned that the development of malware
and hacking tools able to target ICS is on the rise, with the majority having
been developed in the past decade.
У березні компанія з кібербезпеки FireEye попередила, що розробка зловмисного
програмного забезпечення та інструментів злому, здатних націлюватися на ICS,
зростає, причому більшість з них було розроблено за останнє десятиліття.
The Еarth is made up of separate layers. The deeper you go to the center of the
planet, the stronger the heat and ambient pressure become. Fortunately, for
those of us who live in the outer crust, temperatures are relatively stable and
comfortable to live in. The crust is the topmost layer of the Earth, which makes
up 1% of the total mass of the Earth. Its thickness is from 5 to 30 kilometers.
The average temperature on the bark depends on the climate and is equal to the
air temperature. That is, it experiences a temperature of about 14 ° C. In some
places, it can reach from +70 to -69 ° C
· #218
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 08:12)
Thank you, the reviews are really interesting and informative. Keep on working.
· #217
Gvozd to Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 08:08)
Thank you for your active participation, but mind that "article TELLS", not Talks. If you write "today", you should use Present Perfect, not Past Simple.
· #216
Gvozd to Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022)
I appreciate your active work. Everything is well done.
· #215
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 08:00)
Today I have read the article called: "Research finally reveals ancient,
universal equation for the shape of an egg". This article is about the discovery
of a universal mathematical formula that can describe a bird's egg. Egg-shape
has long attracted scientists, it is considered the ideal shape. Researchers at
the University of Kent used four geometric shapes to analyze egg shapes and were
eventually able to create a mathematical model that can be applied to any egg
geometry. This new formula is an important breakthrough in various fields of
application such as engineering, design, biological systematics, art, etc.
Phrases of the day:
1. As follows
According to the rules, this ceremony should go as follows.
За правилами ця церемонія повинна проходити наступним чином.
2. Predetermined course of action
These procedures must occur in a predetermined course of action.
Ці процедури повинні відбуватися у строго визначеному порядку.
3. Product development
We are engaged in product development in this part of the factory.
Ми займаємося розробкою продукції в цій частині фабрики.
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd)
Today I have read the article called: "Understanding the use of bicycle sharing
systems with statistics". This article is about the advantages and disadvantages
of using bike sharing systems. Bicycle sharing systems are a popular
transportation system and are a convenient and environmentally friendly way to
help reduce traffic congestion. Person using this system can take a bike in one
place and return it in another place. Because of this, many bike trips go in one
direction, resulting in a shortage of bikes in some places and an oversupply in
others. This showed that an optimal rebalancing. The research showed that the
statistical characteristics of the temporal patterns of rented and returned
bicycles are subject to the Poisson process.
· #214
Gvozd to Davidenko Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 08:00)
Thank you for your tasks, they are quite detailed, informative and correct.
· #213
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 07:51)
Phrases of the Day: 1. predetermined action
Is the country action plan annually reviewed against predetermined benchmarks?
Чи переглядається план дій країни щорічно відповідно до заздалегідь визначених
контрольних показників?
2. as follows
If so, allocate points as follows.
Якщо так, то розподіліть бали наступним чином.
3. product development
At this forum, marketing and product development strategies are formulated and
implementation plans established.
На цьому форумі формулюються маркетингові стратегії та стратегії розвитку
продукції та встановлюються плани впровадження. Today I have read the article: How the expanded
child tax credit is helping families. This article talks about Americans who do
not have a very large income. That is considered very little in America. So а
same they need to pay taxes. And Americans with low incomes apply for loans. And
now for such people they have come up with benefits so that people would be paid
money for children called CTC, this is helping the family with money. So that
the child lives well and does not need anything. I think it's right that America
helps its people.
1. the text of the article is large enough for print it in the journal. Текст
статьи достаточно большой для печати в журнале
2. it is interesting to note that many eco-objects are currently being invented.
Интересно отметить, что в настоящее время изобретается много экообъектов.
3. in the course of over the past hundreds of years, the ocean floor has not
been fully explored. В течение последних сотен лет дно океана не было полностью
исследовано. Today I read an interesting article about stellar
journalism. It talks about how the journalism market works, it says that "To
become a star, you need only one talent:" the ability to break into the news and
stay there "". The author is trying to figure out why we are consumers of such
services. Gives various examples, for example, that we tend to imagine ourselves
in the place of others, or simply envy in relation to a more famous person.
The "odyssey" of Homer is also remembered, and it is noted that modern stars are
considered their idols, almost gods.
· #212
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022)
Today I have read a very amusing and informative article about new technologies,
namely about the 3-D printer and its ability to print aerogels for water
purification. A 3D printer is a device that allows you to create very real
objects, and from a variety of materials. They started working on it 30 years
ago, but now the manufacturing technology has improved dramatically. The fact is
that the new aerogels allow you to purify water from impurities, but at the same
time leave up to 90% of the important chemical elements. Aerogels are already
going to be mass-produced.
Phrases of the day:
1. Product development (разработка продукции)
We need to get into product development right away, that's what the boss said
(Нам нужно заняться разработкой продукции немедленно, так приказал босс)
2. Predetermined action (строго в определённом порядке)
Let's take it slow. At least we are not required to take predetermined actions
(Давайте не будем спешить. По крайней мере, от нас не требуются предопределенные
действия/действия в определённом порядке)
3. As follows (следующим образом)
I'm going to respond to his bans as follows (Я собираюсь реагировать на его
запреты следующим образом)
Independent practice
Today I have read a very interesting and, more importantly, major article about
something that many people have been hearing about for decades. This article was
about our climate and what the leaders of the world's greatest countries are
doing to avoid an impending climate catastrophe. According to UN experts,
humanity has only three years to stop the growth of carbon dioxide emissions
that are causing global warming. The experts also warn that it is better to
start acting now rather than putting it off to ensure a "livable future.
· #211
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 07:40)
Today I've read the article on "Online calculator shows how trees can improve
air quality and cut health costs" about a new interactive online tool designed
to encourage tree planting initiatives in the UK.
How many kilograms of PM2.5, which are considered the most serious form of air
pollution, will be removed from the air by excess vegetation. Saves on health
care costs in this area over a 100-year period. The tool can also assess the
effects of deforestation by calculating the health costs that will no longer be
removed from the air by these trees.
I believe that trees make urban areas more attractive and improve air quality,
thereby improving people's health, so this device is quite useful.
Article:https: //
Phrases of the Day:
1) estimate the effects of
If based on reliable data, they could be used to estimate the effects of
reducing atmospheric concentrations of SO2 and other air pollutants.
2) distinct from
This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
3) examine more closely
There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests plantations with wastewater.
Today I've read the article on "How e-scooters can safely operate in a city"
which compared bicycles and e-scooters, equipping them with measuring
instruments and testing drivers on different maneuvers, providing a combination
of braking - both planned and in response to a random signal - and control at
different speeds.
The study found that the braking performance of the bike was consistently better
than the braking efficiency of the e-scooter. In contrast, the e-scooter
performed better during steering maneuvers, including slalom through transport
Therefore, both vehicles showed clear advantages and disadvantages. The best
strategy for a cyclist and an e-scooter driver to avoid one accident may be
different - either brake or drive.
Article:https: //
· #210
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 07:39)
Dear students. I am eager to read your comments. Hurry up!
· #209
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 06:54)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice
and add the exam topic. Please, do it in one comment.
· #208
Gvozd to Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 22:35)
Well done, the reviews are interesting and informative. Keep on working.
· #207
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 19:28)
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211
Thank you for your work. It’s well done.
· #206
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Thomenko) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 15:45)
Today I read an article on the topic "Medicine in Germany" In my opinion,
medicine has now jumped very high, which has positive consequences that people
can be cured of serious illnesses. Medicine in Germany is designed to protect
the health and well-being of the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Reforms in the field of medical care for the population and the direction of the
health system are part of a global strategic program for the development of
health care and social infrastructure. You can really think like this and
understand that medicine is such an important aspect in the world that today you
can’t do without it. Medicine can't always help if you don't take care of your
· #205
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 15:30)
Фразы дня
1.That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules
in the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
2.The main limitation of response spectra is that they are only universally
applicable for linear systems.
3.Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
overall, or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like.
1. За словами дослідників, цей висновок був частково заснований на
передбачуваному нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх областях галактики.
2. Основним обмеженням спектрів відгуку є те, що вони універсально застосовні
тільки для лінійних систем.
3. Мало що було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило стабільність в
цілому, або навіть про те, як виглядала отримана структура перовскіту.
I read an article by a Chinese scientist "Comparing the influence of cognitive
age and trust in advertising in older people when reading ads with different
information loads." Three age groups of Chinese took part in the study.Cognitive
age and trust in advertising were used as moderators to study the impact of
advertising on various information loads. As a result, it turned out that the
big role is played not by the age of respondents, but by the semantic load of
advertising. I think this article is useful because it helps to better
understand consumers and develop the media sphere.
· #204
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Thomenko) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 15:28)
Today I read an article on the topic "The problem of garbage and waste in the
modern world" It is interesting to consider the fact that countries produce 1.3
billion tons of waste annually. This figure is expected to increase to 4 billion
tons by 2100. The leading waste producers are the USA, China, Brazil, Japan and
Germany. For example, in 2006, about 228 million tons of waste were generated in
the United States, and by 2013 this figure increased to 254 million tons. China
with a population. about four times that of the US is lagging behind, producing
no more than 200 million tons of waste annually. After reading this article, I
noticed a couple of facts for myself that you need to monitor where you throw
your garbage and sort it correctly.
1) A few Parties were able to estimate the effect of particular measures.
Несколько cторон смогли оценить воздействие конкретных мер.
2) This role was distinct from law enforcement but complementary.
Его функции отличаются от функций этих органов, но дополняют их.
3) There are compelling reasons to examine more closely the feasibility of
irrigating trees and forests plantations with wastewater.
Имеются серьезные основания для более тщательного изучения возможности
использования сточных вод для поливки деревьев и орошения лесонасаждений.
· #203
Tomenko M.G. to Ruda Yana, ID-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 15:13)
Way to go! Thanks for your good work.
· #202
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 14:43)
Your commentary is quite good, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article. Go on working
· #201
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 14:23)
Today I read the article "The History of Bratz Dolls". Barbie has long been
considered the gold standard of dolls in the toy industry, but in 2001, the
debut of Bratz dolls by MGA Entertainment created a true competitor for Mattel,
the maker of Barbies. Bratz dolls are very popular even today, but I can say
that due to the small number of these dolls they can be considered collectibles.
This brand includes not only dolls, but also various game sets, clothes and CDs
with cartoons. I admire different dolls, including Bratz. If possible, I would
like to collect a collection of the main characters of this brand. This topic is
very interesting to me, so if you liked my review, I recommend reading this
· #200
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 14:22)
Today I read the article "11 Things You Should Know About Ukrainian Culture". It
tells about the interesting traditions and customs of our country. Ukraine is a
highly traditional country, where the observation of certain customs and
practices plays a central role in its culture. One of the customs described in
the article is an embroidered sock in everyday life. I consider it the coolest
Ukrainian custom, because the embroidered shirt is a symbol of patriotism and
love for one's homeland. This is a kind of thing that separates us from others,
although the embroidered shirt is a national dress, it does not prevent us from
wearing it in everyday life. On the contrary, it looks cool and stylish, and
also shows our indomitable spirit. The article describes 10 more interesting
customs, so if you are interested, I recommend this article for reading.
A few Parties were able to estimate the effect of particular measures.
The Commission should examine more closely the extent to which, during official
visits, State officials were granted immunity by customary international law.
The structure of the neuron is absolutely distinct from all other cells in the
human body.
· #199
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 12:45)
Class work
I have read an article called ,,Online calculator shows how trees can improve
air quality and cut health costs". This article is about new interactive online
tool which is set to encourage tree planting initiatives across the UK. It
calculates how much pollution would be removed by planting trees in local areas,
as well as the corresponding public health cost savings.The tool can also
estimate the effects of felling existing woodland by calculating the health
costs attributable to the PM2.5 that would no longer be removed from the air by
those trees.I consider that this is a great thing to keep track of oxygen levels
and pollution levels.And in general, due to such a device for trees, we can
reduce the amount of dirt
in the air.
Home work
I have read an article called ,,Researchers estimate over two million deaths
annually from air pollution".
This article show that study, which has been published in the Environmental
Research Letters jоurnal, estimates that around 470,000 people die each year
because of human-caused increases in ozone.Air pollution causes cancer and other
respiratory diseases.But the air pollution is directly affected by climate
change.I am not a scientist, but in my opinion, among these facts there is a
logical chain that will lead to even greater death rate if we don't apply
certain measures.
Phrases of the day
1.based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in
the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
За словами дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній
нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
2.little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на
аварії АЕС Фукусіма
3.main limitation
The main limitation of response spectra is that they are only universally
applicable for linear systems.
Основним обмеженням спектрів відгуку є те, що вони універсально застосовні лише
для лінійних систем.
Phrase of the day(
· #198
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 12:27)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Ils
doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte,
paraphraser. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!
· #197
Borysenko (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 12:18)
To Ivashenko,IZ-212. Your comment is ok. Consult a dictionary as to the pronunciation " characteristics". Good luck
· #196
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 12:16)
digital version
To do this technically, the researchers developed a new digital version of
backpropagation, which is utilized in machine learning, using automatic
Щоб зробити це технічно, дослідники розробили нову цифрову версію зворотного
поширення, яка застосовується в машинному навчанні, використовуючи автоматичне
- in other words
In other words, light and acoustic waves travel forward and backward in the same
Іншими словами, світлові та акустичні хвилі рухаються вперед назад i однаковим
- in principle
In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the media
provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien species.
Власне кажучи, вони можуть зробити це, оскільки можуть отримати певний відгук у
засобах масової інформації та надати широкому загалу сумнозвісні
приклади iнвазивних чужорідних видів.
Today I have read the article "The Russian invasion shows how digital
technologies have become involved in all aspects of war". This article tells
about the embodiment of the old with a new color approaches to warfare by the
Russian side and their features of influence on the masses. In particular, it is
about the information component. However, the accusations of fakery, propaganda
and censorship have always been part of the war, now connected with cyberspace.
Integrating, they form an "explosive mixture" in the entire plane of war. To my
mind, information war is no less dangerous than ordinary, although it is often
· #195
Borysenko (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 12:12)
Gaydarzhi,IZ-212. Pls, read my remarks attentively to avoid making the same
mistakes., Read my remarks to your previous comment and correct 2 mistakes in
the first sentence. Your voice message is full of mispronounced words. Consult a
dictionary and read the comment before recording it
Best wishes
· #194
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 11:36)
War-time media reporting is shaping opinions about Russia’s Ukraine invasion
Today I have read an article about the differences in the coverage of the war in
Russian and Ukrainian media. The author draws attention to the fact that the
Russian government has tightly controlled the flow of information in the media
since the time of the Chechen warriors. The article says that in order to cover
information about the war, Russian and Ukrainian media use completely different
terms and the number of dead and injured. Later in the text, the author
highlights the results of his analysis of military reports from three major
media outlets Ukrainska Pravda, and CNN.
Phrathes of the day:
1) Humanity was not immediately able to cope with the rapid spread of the
coronovirus, since very little data was known about it.
2) The main limition for men from 18 to 60 years old during martial law was the
ban on leaving the country.
3) The series "The Great" was based partly on real events.
How Russia’s unanswered propaganda led to the war in Ukraine
Today I have read an article about disinformation companies in Russia. The
author cites such example as propaganda and hacker attacks during the 2016 US
election campaign in order for citizens to elect a candidate that is beneficial
for Russia. And also examples of the well-known tactics of the Russian media
during the annexation of Crimea and the war in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions
of Ukraine. The current situation in Ukraine could have been avoided if the
foreign media had earlier paid attention to the fact that they are covering the
eight-year war in Ukraine as an internal problem or a Ukrainian crisis.
· #193
Shapa L.N. to Dudina Kristina IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:59)
abstracts (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:40) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:41)
contain all the elementsnecessary for such kind od works, were written and
pwonounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done
correct. Excellent.
· #192
Shapa L.N. to Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:54)
abstracts (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:29) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:04) were
written and pronounced perfectly, without mistakes and can be evaluated
But the base remark is: every lesson you should present two abstracts, and since
our group has got two lessons a week the number of reviews is 4 ones a week.
· #191
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:46)
The abstracts presented (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:52) were written and pronounced correct, but there are some remarks: the first abstract is too short - only 82 words against 100 units required for such kind of reviews, besides it contains the emotional expression which is not desirable in such a work; the second can be estimated as excellent because it meets all the requirements.
· #190
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:41)
I have read the article:«UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by
First of all,too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at
the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to
be able to tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned.
As article says,a massive earthquake and a tsunami in March 2011 destroyed
cooling systems at the Fukushima plant in northeastern Japan, triggering
meltdowns in three reactors in the worst nuclear disaster since the 1986
Chernobyl accident. Japanese government and utility officials say they hope to
finish its decommissioning within 30 years, though some experts say that's
overly optimistic, even if a full decommissioning is possible at all.The biggest
challenge is removing and managing highly radioactive fuel debris from the three
damaged reactors, said Xerri, the director of IAEA's Division of Nuclear Fuel
Cycle and Waste Technology.
Therefore,although there now is a better understanding of the melted fuel inside
the reactors, details are still lacking and further research should be
expedited, the report said. The team encouraged Japan to allocate sufficient
resources to prepare for measures beyond the next decade through the end of the
Phrases of the day:
1)based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in
the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
За словами дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній
нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
2)little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на
аварії АЕС Фукусіма
3)main limitation
The main limitation of response spectra is that they are only universally
applicable for linear systems.
Основним обмеженням спектрів відгуку є те, що вони універсально застосовні лише
для лінійних систем.
· #189
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:40)
I have read the article:«Microneedle patch delivers COVID-19 DNA vaccine,
doesn't require cold storage»
As article says, researchers reporting in ACS Nano have developed a microneedle
patch that delivers a COVID-19 DNA vaccine into the skin, causing strong immune
responses in cells and mice.
Also,to date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized three
vaccines for use during the COVID-19 pandemic: one based on protein, and two on
RNA. All of them must be kept refrigerated or frozen, which limits their
distribution to remote or resource-limited areas. In addition, the vaccines must
be administered by a healthcare worker as an injection into a muscle. Because
immune cells aren't typically found in muscles, scientists have investigated
various ways to deliver vaccines into the skin, which contains abundant
antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and could therefore generate a stronger immune
response.Researchers wanted to develop a microneedle patch that efficiently
delivers a COVID-19 vaccine under the skin, causing potent and durable immunity
without the need for a cold chain or painful injections.
So, because the vaccine patches can be stored at room temperature for at least
30 days without losing efficacy, they could be an important tool for developing
COVID-19 vaccines with global accessibility
Phrases of the day
1)based partly on
The investigations are based partly on a ship expedition carried out along the
equator at the end of 2019 with the German research vessel METEOR.
Дослідження частково засновані на корабельній експедиції, проведеній вздовж
екватора в кінці 2019 року німецьким дослідницьким судном METEOR.
2)little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
Мало було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило стабільність загалом
3)main limitation
The main focus of the report is on weaning the global economy off fossil fuels
and moving to low- or zero-carbon sources of energy
Основна увага в доповіді зосереджена на тому, щоб відучити світову економіку від
викопного палива та перейти до джерел енергії з низьким або нульовим вмістом
· #188
Shapa L.N. to Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:36)
reviews (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:50) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:51) were
written and pronounced grammatically and phonetically correct, the tasks Phrases
of the Day have been done correct too.
But there some remarks which should be mentioned:
I have informed that every week four commenteries have to be presented at
Guestbook because our group has got two lessons a week. So you should write a
commetery as a classwork and another one as an independent work.
· #187
Tomenko M.G. to Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:34)
Your work is rather good. Thank you. But I miss your opinion on the topic.
· #186
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:33)
Tashi Mariia IK-211
Romanika Uliana IK-211
Good for you! Well done.
· #185
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:29)
class work 05.04
Today I’ve read the article “WHO says 99% of the world’s population breathes
poor-quality air” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
According to the WHO, which the article showed us, it is clear that almost the
entire population of the planet breathes poor quality air. The most important
thing is that in the dirty air there are many dangerous substances that settle
in our lungs. As a result, the development of many diseases. In order to
minimize the problem, it is necessary to take some kind of decision, such as
cleaning the industrial sector.
In conclusion, the issue of air is very important not only for the environment
but also for our health. And as you know, these things have always been
main limitation
The main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
Головним фактором, який стримує його роботу, є нестача ресурсів.’
Based partly on
Scientists can predict carbon transfer in the ocean based on deep-diving tiny
Вчені можуть передбачити перенесення вуглецю в океані на основі занурення в
глибину крихітних організмів.
Little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на АЕС
· #184
Shapa L.N. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:27)
abtracts (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:42) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:43)
contain some features which should be distinguished for the future works
1) these kind of reviews are not essays but abstracts (a kind of commenteries)
the essays will be soon
2) in each of the sets of abstracts the second one does not contain the task
Phrases of the Day and its voice variant which should be taken into account.
In general the presented abstracts could be evaluated as excellent if they
include all the necessary elements.
· #183
Shapa L.N. to Raykov Stanislav, IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:15)
The review (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:41) contains all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student work, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #182
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:11)
Both of reviews presented (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:41) completely meet the requirements for independent student works of such kind, perfectly demonstrate the main ideas of the articles you have read, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #181
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:05)
The abstract (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:34) reflects perfectly correct the content of the article you have choosed for commenting, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has benn done correct. Excellent.
· #180
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:05)
I have read the article “Deep learning neural network used to detect
A group of researchers used neural networks technology to detect earthquakes and
found it more accurate than modern methods. The means by which scientists detect
earthquakes, besides their real sensation, are seismic detectors that detect the
motion of the soil and display it on the graph. Researchers taught a neural
network of deep learning to read seismograms, and then determine the difference
between the usual "noise" of the ground movement and earthquakes. This method
can be used to obtain more information about earthquakes, and their reliable
detection gives more data for study. A system capable of reliably detecting the
earliest sounds and instantly transmitting them to officials in human
settlements could save hundreds, if not thousands of lives.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) based partly on
The formulation of sound FDI policy is partly based on quality FDI data.-
Формулювання дієвої політики у сфері ПІІ частково залежить і від якості
відповідних даних.
2) little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.- Дуже мало
відомо про бойові дії, що ведуть в інших частинах цієї величезної території.
3)main limitation
The main limitation for assessing uncertainty was the lack of observations.-
Основним фактором, який обмежує можливості оцінки невизначеності, є відсутність
· #179
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:04)
homework 31.03
Today I’ve read the article “UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by
2051” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
The main topic of this article is the process of cleaning Fukushima and
restoring the NPP. What is being done for this and how is it happening?
Unfortunately, it takes more than one or two years to solve this problem. Now
they are working with the UN to develop a plan and try to implement it.
To sum up, I’d like to say that the rapid response of the Government of Japan to
this problem has prevented its spread and deterioration, which could have led to
the death of both humans and wildlife.
main limitation;
What is the main limitation of observational studies?
Яке головне обмеження обсерваційних досліджень?
based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles.
Наша рухова система заснована на магнітних та гравітаційних принципах.
little is known about
Very little is known about what dark energy is.
Про те, що таке темна енергія, відомо дуже мало.
· #178
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211, (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 10:00)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:25) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:26) contain all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #177
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:55)
The review (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:17) has been written and pronounced perfectly, the task Phrases of the ay has been done correct. Excellent.
· #176
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:52)
Classwork 05.04
Стаття: Smart machine maintenance: New AI system also detects unknown faults
I have read the article about creating smart machine maintenance.
Scientists at the University of Saarland have created a new system that collects
information about the condition of industrial equipment and helps make sensors
smart. Interestingly, it is able to detect damage, wear, and deterioration of
the machine. Thanks to the sensors, it can provide timely notification of an
error and indicate its cause and also provide ways to solve it, to prevent it.
This greatly improves the operation and its quality.
To be honest, I am shocked that our scientists are researching and creating
Запис: (
Phrases of the Day Practice
1) based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles.
Наша рухова система заснована на магніті - гравітаційних принципах.
2) little is known about
Very little is known about what dark energy is.
Дуже мало відомо про цю загадкову расу, що складається з чистої енергії.
3) main limitation
The main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
Головним фактором, який стримує його роботу, є нестача ресурсів.
homework 31.01
I have read the article about A labriform swimming robot to complete missions
Researchers from Marche Polytechnic University in Italy have been trying to
develop effective biorobots for several years. And recently they presented an
innovative labriform underwater robot that can be used by archaeologists and
other scientists to investigate the underwater environment remotely. The new
robot can turn in the water using a mechanism resembling that of a rowboat. More
precisely, its pectoral fins move in opposite directions, creating drag forces
that combine to produce torque. This "rowing" mechanism resembles that seen in
many marine animals when they hunt and feed underwater. In the future, this will
help to explore the underwater world even at great depths.
Honestly, I am thrilled that our scientists are developing and creating
Phases of the day
1)worthy of note
In this regard, several factors are worthy of note.
У зв'язку з цим слід зазначити кілька факторів.
2)within sight
The square sits within sight of the Presidential Office Building.
Площа знаходиться в межах видимості будівлі Президентського палацу.
3)status information
In this connection the incumbent facilitates the verification process and
compiles and analyses the related status information.
У зв'язку з цим слід зазначити, що співробітник на цій посаді надає допомогу в
проведенні перевірок, збирає і аналізує відповідну інформацію про хід виконання.
· #175
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:51)
Today I have read the article:” How name change can impact a female researcher's
For women who choose to get married, one decision that they may face is whether
to change their last name or not. A marital name change may make it difficult
for others to find their work. The stakes are high as relationship status and
name discrimination contribute to gender and racial inequities in faculty
hiring. Marital name change is a major personal and professional decision for
which race, ethnicity, and culture, also may play a vital role.
In my opinion, in our time there is no mandatory need to change the name. The
girl can leave her own or take a double name.
Phrases of the day:
1) by means of
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology
domain, where the middle region binds to CK2, thus preventing it from
phosphorylating PTEN.
Цей білок локалізується на плазматичній мембрані за допомогою домену гомології
цитронів, де середня область зв’язується з CK2, таким чином запобігаючи його
фосфорилювання PTEN.
2) the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
3) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
· #174
Holodkova Irina, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:50)
I have read the article: “Shortwave radio in Ukraine”.
This article is relevant in our time, it is about why revisiting old-school
technology makes sense in a war. A few days ago, access to the BBC News website
was blocked in Russia. The BBC announces the resumption of BBC World Service
broadcasts on shortwave radio for four hours a day. This was done so that people
in parts of Russia and Ukraine could access his news service.
In my opinion, this is a very good and timely decision. It is very important
that people at such a time know what is happening.
In conclusion, I want to say that it is important to listen to independent
sources of information, and not to be exposed to propaganda and disinformation,
which is very common in our time.
Phrases of the day:
1) prevailing view
The aggregates are arranged in orderly superlattice structures, which is in
stark contrast to the prevailing view that the adsorption of gas molecules by
MOFs occurs stochastically.
Агрегати розташовані в упорядкованих надграткових структурах, що різко
контрастує з поширеною точкою зору про те, що адсорбція молекул газу MOF
відбувається стохастично.
2) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
Проте, коли ці експерти впроваджують ШІ в реальний світ і використовують його
для вирішення практичних проблем, вони повинні відповісти на такі запитання, як,
чому ШІ зробив конкретне передбачення або рішення, і чи дає він достатньо
впевненості, щоб ми могли діяти.
3) priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
У новій роботі провідних вчених Великобританії викладено ключові рішення та
політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки
досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Великобританія хоче досягти своєї
чистої нульової цілі до 2050 року.
· #173
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:43)
Phrases of the day
1. Based partly on
Scientists can predict carbon transfer in the ocean based on deep-diving tiny
Вчені можуть передбачити перенесення вуглецю в океані на основі занурення в
глибину крихітних організмів.
2. Main limitation
To a large extent, their inadequacy is the main limitation to sustainable
Значною мірою їхня неадекватність є основним обмеженням для сталого розвитку.
3. Little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на АЕС
Today I have read the article “Americans must prepare for cyber warfare”.
President Biden announced an urgent warning for the Americans business holders,
told them to remain vigilant. Professor of practice of data science Liberty
Vittert explains what that actually means. First of all, The Russians and the
Chinese have been responsible for cyberattacks for years on the United States,
latest take place less that year ago. Secondly, previous cyberattacks have not
been treated as acts of war, but looking on the current situation in Ukraine
there may arise a question “What sorts of actions would cross that line?” To my
mind, it is much better if wars happen in cyberspace, because there you can’t
lose your most precious thing, your life.
Today I have read the article “Biofuel: How new microalgae technologies can
hasten the end of our reliance on oil”. It tells about the fact that microalgae
have been used by the Chinese for medicinal and nutritional purposes for
thousands of years in the belief they could cure almost any health condition.
Now some researches have demonstrated the huge potential of microalgae,
especially in the production of biofuel. However, there are some disadvantages
of using it: cultivation methods are destroyed after the cultivation period has
ended, which limits the full potential; to make biofuel fats, produced by
microalgae must be converted through a process which needs a lot of water. I
believe, despite that facts biofuel will become cost competitive with current
fossil fuels and we will reach emissions targets.
· #172
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:42)
Hello! I am sorry, I am not in time, this is my work from last week, which I
didn't send
Phrases of the day
1. Acquainted with
But now we cannot afford to be as open as we were before; we have to make sure
that those using the equipment are well acquainted with how to use it.
Але тепер ми не можемо дозволити собі бути такими відкритими, як були раніше; ми
повинні переконатися, що ті, хто використовує обладнання, добре обізнані з тим,
як ним користуватися.
2. As a matter of
As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very
sensitive to specific demographic groups, which is quite surprising.
Насправді, ми припускаємо, що деякі з цих нейронів обличчя дуже чутливі до
певних демографічних груп, що досить дивно.
3. As distinct from
Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the country
-- as distinct from foreign residents -- has dropped for the first time since
statistics began to be compiled in 1975.
Дані, оприлюднені цього тижня, показують, що кількість японських громадян у
країні – на відміну від іноземців – зменшилася вперше з початку збирання
статистичних даних у 1975 році.
Today I have read the article “Internet funding rule could favor rural areas
over cities”. President of the USA has set a goal of delivering fast, affordable
internet to every American household. It focuses on areas that lack reliable
broadband, which connects devices to the internet through a cable or data line,
at download speeds of at least 25 megabits per second and upload speeds of at
least 3 Mbps. I think this is a big step to unite people nationwide, no matter
where they live, equalize them and make them able to participate in modern
Today I have read the article “The rise of intelligent matter: Taking cues from
nature to develop smarter tech”. First of all, synthetically produced matter is
intelligent if it interacts with its surroundings and receives and reacts to
impulses. The article emphasizes that only nature produces many fascinating
functionalities apparently effortlessly, as also it is used as inspiration for
scientists. Secondly, according to them there exist 4 keys, which are necessary
elements to create an intelligence in a synthetic matter: sensor, storage,
network and actor. To my mind, it is amazingly that person`s brain tries to
create more and more things which probably would alleviating our life.
· #171
Raykov Stanislav, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:41)
Today I have read an article about racial segregation, which is based on new
housing policies. Data about how modern housing impacted racial segregation and
thus discrimination was gathered by New York University. Modern home ownership
practices adopted by american goverment labeled under name of “New Deal”. Jacob
Faber mentioned that these programs created racial gap between white and black
people by starting ghettoization of particular city regions. Sociologist
mentioned that oftenly blamed federal government has no responsibility for this
urbanistic mess. The effect of these programs was much larger among cities and
towns in the South, which were slow to adopt fair housing legislation.
estimate the effects of
In addition, the researchers were able to estimate the effects of climate change
on specific tree species.
Додаючи, дослідники були спроможні оцінити вплив змін клімату на окремі види
examine more closely
But data integration is too important to overlook, and I wanted to examine the
product more closely.
Але інтегрування даних дуже важливо щоб їм нехтувати, й мені хотілося розглянути
продукт ближче.
distinct from
It is distinct from electrical science and technology, which deal with the flow
of electrons and other charge carriers through metal conductors such as copper.
Воно відокремлене від електричної науки та технологій, які відповідають за течію
електронів та інших заряджених носіїв крізь металеві кондуктори , такі як мідь.
· #170
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:41)
Class work
Today I've read the article 'A meat-free diet has many benefits'.
The article looked at 3 different types of diet: the GSN recommended diet
(reduction of meat), the Mediterranean diet (lots of seafood) and the vegan
diet. The latter showed the best results, but the production of vegan food is
associated with increased water intake. The Mediterranean diet, as meat is
replaced by fish, has a negative effect on animals: there is much less seafood
than, for example, cows or pigs.
I believe that diets have negative properties, but in general the article will
help to understand the safety of diets from a scientific point of view.
Phrases of the Day:
1)based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in
the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
За словами дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній
нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
2) main limitation
The main limitation of response spectra is that they are only universally
applicable for linear systems.
Основним обмеженням спектрів відгуку є те, що вони універсально застосовні лише
для лінійних систем.
3) little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
overall, or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like.
Мало було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну
стабільність, або навіть як виглядала отримана структура перовскіту.
Today I've read the article Kids think YouTube is better for learning than other
types of video
Researchers conducted a study of children aged 3 to 8 about where children see
people more realistically. On TV, children thought people were almost
unrealistic, while the opposite was true on YouTube. Researchers have concluded
that children are more engaged in getting information from YouTube, and this can
be used to their advantage by showing not only entertaining but also educational
I think it will help children become more media literate because the information
world is so advanced now and everyone needs these skills.
Phrases of the Day:
1) overall goal of
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
У Непалі головна мета заходів в рамках розвитку полягає в зниженні рівня
2) focused on
The meeting had focused on protracted refugee situations.
Основну увагу в ході цієї наради було приділено тривалим ситуацій, пов'язаним з
присутністю біженців.
3) partly explained
This decline is partly explained by the downturn in the demand for labour and
the expansion of higher educational capacity.
Цей занепад частково пояснюється змінами в попиті на робочу силу і збільшенням
попиту на більш кваліфіковану працю.
· #169
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:34)
Today I have read the article «Community policing found to be ineffective in
improving trust or reducing crime» It's about relationship of police and
residents. Researchers did a work where they test how adding more police in
different countries influence on crime and people's trust. And as they do so,
they are expected to get to know the people and to learn more about their
problems in order to help when they can. I thought that the way is good for
solve social problems between residents and police. But results of the research
shows us a different picture. As a result scientists didn't see a big difference
of crime after this experiment. And people's trust wasn't much more.
Phrases of the day:
1. main limitation
Yuki Tsunoda is pleased with the progress he is making and feels his main
limitations now are running in dirty air and overtaking. Юкі Цунода задоволений
прогресом, якого він досягає, і вважає, що його основні обмеження зараз – це біг
у брудному повітрі та обгін.
2. little is known about
An outage at a little-known firm that speeds up access to websites knocked a lot
of top internet destinations offline on Tuesday, disrupting business and leisure
for untold millions globally. Збій у маловідомій фірмі, яка пришвидшує доступ до
веб-сайтів, у вівторок вибила з мережі багато провідних інтернет-направлень,
порушивши роботу та дозвілля для незліченних мільйонів людей у всьому світі.
3. based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules in
the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers. За словами
дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній нестачі
органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
· #168
Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:30)
Today I read an article on "Studies show that climate models do not predict
warming" This article will be of interest to people who are interested in earth
science. If you listen to skeptics about climate change, the Earth's surface has
not warmed noticeably in the last 15 years, and any "record" set last year is
just the result of the planet doing what it naturally does. The study found that
such an analysis of all possible 62-year trends showed much better the impact of
human activities on rising global temperatures.
Phrases of the day:
1)"Very few studies have attempted to estimate the effects of past climate
change on air quality and health.
2)Consequently, I thought it would be refreshing to examine more closely some of
the more strategic and intriguing success stories that I've been able to
discover in the last 24 months.
3)For transparency, the policy should be easy to find, clearly labelled and
presented as distinct from HealthEngine's regular policies
· #167
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:26)
I have read the article “Benefits of renewable energy vary from place to place”.
Firstly, the article talks about clean form of energy, so about wind energy. I
have read that a new study from North Carolina State University finds that the
renewable give a new benefits for people and it is positive for nature.
Secondly, researchers have found out that production of one megawatt hour (MWh)
of renewable power varies depending on where that power was generated.
So, I think that this study will helps researchers with understanding where need
to target investments in renewable power in order to maximize the environmental
Phrases of the day:
1) main limitation;
What is the main limitation of observational studies?
Яке головне обмеження обсерваційних досліджень?
2) based partly on;
This view is partly based on history.
Ця точка зору частково заснована на історії.
3) little is known about;
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
overall, or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like.
Мало було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну
стабільність, або навіть як виглядала отримана структура перовскіту.
· #166
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:25)
Phrases of the day:
1) estimate the effects of. In addition, the researchers were able to estimate
the effects of climate change on specific tree species.
2) examine more closely. Legal experts said the decision might not have any
direct effect on most sites, but it opens the door for courts to examine more
closely the practice of deep linking.
3) distinct from. This suggests that kids recognize that YouTube is distinct
from other media formats, perhaps because it hosts both clips featuring real
people and videos with fictional characters.
Today I’ve read an article about saffron. It turns out that in the Middle Ages
it was so valuable that it was used as a currency! Known as “red gold” in
Britain, it was thought to ward off the plague and well as adding flavor. This
plant was loved by the rich and aristocrats, and Saffron was so highly valued by
masters of Cambridge colleges that local smallholders on land let by the
colleges would pay their rent in tiny amounts of the spice. I didn't know this
plant had such an effect on people. But, these were the Middle Ages, so why be
· #165
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:25)
Today I have read the article “These solar panels pull in water vapor to grow
crops in the desert.”
First, the article talks about solar panels. Saudi Arabian scientists developed
a design that creates water from air using otherwise wasted clean energy and is
suitable for decentralized, small-scale farms in remote locations such as
deserts and oceanic islands.
Finally, I'd like to state that this research will aid people living in
dry-climate areas in improving their food and water security. So, to my mind,
this study is a very big step in science and is useful for all humanity.
Phrases of the day:
1) large enough for;
If physicists and engineers can make quantum computers reliable and able to
operate with large enough capacity, they could simulate other systems, Wineland
Якщо фізики та інженери зможуть зробити квантові комп’ютери надійними та
здатними працювати з достатньо великою потужністю, вони могли б моделювати інші
системи, сказав Вайнленд.
2) in the course of;
The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the in the course of crossword clue.
Розгадувач кросвордів знайшов 20 відповідей на підказку в ході кросворду.
3) interesting to note that;
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions, which
highlights that mitigation and adaptation strategies can align.
Цікаво також зазначити, що зміни інвестиційних рішень для пом’якшення
кліматичних ризиків можуть також сприяти скороченню викидів вуглецю, що
підкреслює, що стратегії пом’якшення та адаптації можуть узгоджуватися.
· #164
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:17)
Стаття :
I have read the article “New approach to scanning objects of illumination”.
Scientists have developed a new approach to compensate for the changes in light
when scanning the stained glass windows of the cathedral. If you need minutes or
even clocks to complete the scan process, changes in natural lighting can lead
to conflicting results. Using matrix methods, changes in temporary lighting
could be eliminated. This allowed to obtain much more accurate results compared
to simple normalization of overall brightness, because each color can be
affected differently by changing lighting.
This method can be easily adapted to other situations where the external scan
should occur for a long period of time.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) large enough for
The asteroid contains several deep chasms large enough for a starship to enter.-
На астероїді є кілька глибоких розколін, досить великих, щоб у них міг пройти
2) in the course of
Political legitimacy also has to be protected in the course of reform
implementation.- Політичну легітимність необхідно також захищати під час
здійснення реформ.
3) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that European Union member States can no longer refuse
to surrender their own nationals.- Цікаво відзначити, що держави-члени
Європейського Союзу вже не відмовляють у видачі своїх громадян.
· #163
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:06)
The abstracts presented (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:58) contain all the elements necessary of such kind of reviews, denostrate your full understanding of the main ideas of the articles you have read, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #162
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:04)
few Parties were able to estimate the effect of particular measures.
2)However, it might be worthwhile to examine more closely the differences
between the Secretariat and its counterparts in New York, namely, UNICEF and
3)He said that law remained distinct from moral or religious normative systems.
Today I have read an article "Grammys 2022: Red carpet fashion in pictures". I
love fashion very much, so let's talk about the style of the stars again. The
red carpet of the Grammys always impresses with its images. My favorite look is
that of Doja Cat, she is incredible in this azure blue dress. By the way, she
won a Grammy for the best duet. I also liked the look of Lady Gaga, the black
color is definitely hers. Well, the guys from BTS looked very nice in these
autumn suits, it's a pity they didn't win a grammy.
· #161
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 09:01)
The review (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:53) demonstrates your complete understanding of the content of the article you have choosed for commenting, was written and pronounced without any mistake, accurately and grammatically and phonetically correct, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excellent, of course.
· #160
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:58)
Researchers from the University of Kent, the Research Institute for Environment
Treatment and Vita-Market Ltd have discovered the universal mathematical formula
that can describe any bird's egg existing in nature
This long sought-for universal formula is a significant step in understanding
not only the egg shape itself, but also how and why it evolved, thus making
widespread biological and technological applications possible. Mathematical
descriptions of all basic egg shapes have already found applications in food
research, mechanical engineering, agriculture, biosciences, architecture and
aeronautics. As an example, this formula can be applied to engineering
construction of thin walled vessels of an egg shape, which should be stronger
than typical spherical ones. There is a need for a simple identification process
using egg volume, surface area, radius of curvature and other indicators for
describing the contours of the egg, which this formula provides.
This new formula is an important breakthrough with multiple applications
including: Competent scientific description of a biological object. Now that an
egg can be described via mathematical formula, work in fields of biological
systematics, optimization of technological parameters, egg incubation and
selection of poultry will be greatly simplified.
Phrases of the day:
1. Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent
to which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало відомо про форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor
або про те, наскільки вони впливають на служби, які розміщують цей матеріал.
2. This program uses main limitation during its use.
Ця програма використовує основні обмеження під час використання.
3. The CCRA3 is partly based on an independent Technical Report by a large team
of experts led by the University of Exeter, in partnership with the Met Office.
CCRA3 частково заснований на незалежному технічному звіті великої групи
експертів на чолі з Ексетерським університетом у партнерстві з Метеорологічним
Home work
Researchers in WMG and the Department of Physics at the University of Warwick
have found that asymmetric stresses within electrodes used in certain wearable
electronic devices provides an important clue as to how to improve the
durability and lifespan of these batteries.
Lithium cobalt oxide LiCoO2 (LCO) has remained a common choice of cathode for
these small formats due to its high voltage platform and energy density.
However, following the initial reported performance benefits of LCO, it is known
that LCO cells have large impedance issues due to the growth of high surface
layer resistance and charge transfer resistance. This can affect how efficiently
the battery charges and discharges. They found that it maintains 82% cell
capacity after 500 continuous charging and discharging, after which it shows
severe delamination due to high bending stress exerted on the cell components.
Their research opens up exciting areas in battery manufacturing to address
winding issues for cylindrical cells (especially miniaturized formats).
Phrases of the day:
1. Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to be able to
tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned, a U.N. nuclear
agency official said Friday.
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на
зруйнованій АЕС «Фукусіма» навіть через десять років після катастрофи, щоб можна
було сказати, чи можна буде завершити її виведення з експлуатації до 2051 року,
як планувалося, заявив у п’ятницю представник ядерного агентства ООН.
2. That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules
in the outer reaches of the galaxy, according to the researchers.
За словами дослідників, цей висновок частково був заснований на передбачуваній
нестачі органічних молекул у зовнішніх околицях галактики.
3. It's not exactly "Top Gun," but Shaw's job at delivery startup Coco
highlights a little-known fact about the autonomous delivery robot industry,
which is projected to mushroom in growth over the next few years.
Це не зовсім «Top Gun», але робота Шоу в стартапі Coco з доставки висвітлює
маловідомий факт про індустрію автономних роботів доставки, яка, за прогнозами,
буде розвиватися протягом наступних кількох років.
· #159
Shapa L.N. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:56)
Both of reviews presented (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:37) were pronounced and written without mistakes, correctly reflect the contents of the articles which have been read, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #158
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:53)
Today I have read the article «Five Steps to Improved Manufacturing Quality».
The main idea of this article is to show how to improve the quality of
management work within organizations. In fact, the article consists of five
parts that represent different tips for management improvement. The key things
to success in management are to take a team-based approach, to use the
customers’ perspective to define what the best-in-class product would be, to
develop understanding of the cost of quality, to solve problems completely and
it is essential that strong process discipline is employed.
In my opinion, this article is quite useful for managers and I would recommend
to read it for everyone.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
Дуже мало відомо про бойові дії, що ведуться в інших частинах цієї величезної
2) based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles.
Наша рухова система заснована на магнітних та гравітаційних принципах.
3) main limitation
The main limitation for assessing uncertainty was the lack of observations.
Основним фактором, який обмежує можливості оцінки невизначеності, є відсутність
Voice message:
· #157
Shapa L.N. to Danila Donat IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:52)
The abstract (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:32) has been written and pronounced correct without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #156
Shapa L.N. to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:49)
The reveiew (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:25) contains all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student work, completely reflects the content of the article you have read, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #155
Shapa L.N. to Yunko Illya Im-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:45)
The review (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:06) has been written correct and without mistakes but its voice variant contains some mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct, but was presented without voice variant.
· #154
Shapa L.N. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:40)
Both reviews (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:02) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:03) demonstrate your complete understanding of the main idea of the articles your have read, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #153
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:37)
Today I have read the article "Blockchain blocks identity theft". This article
talks about blockchain technology, which is most famous in digital and crypto
currency. Blockchain is one of the most secure identification systems.A person
can independently choose which personal data to show.The technology can be used
by government and elections, employment and even in gaming, online dating,
social media, and other common activities.The article also talks about various
ways to use the blockchain to save your data in the near future. I liked this
article. I have repeatedly been interested in blockchain technology in
additional information sources.
1.little is known
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
2.based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules.
3.main limitation
The main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
Today I have read the article called “What to Know About Taking Magnesium for
Sleep, According to Sleep Specialists”. As for me, the article is useful and
So, sleep is one of the most important things for our mental and physical
wellbeing. That’s why, lots of people take magnesium every day to sleep well.
But some researchers told that magnesium can help only elderly people. That
means, that magnesium will not be useful if you are a young or middle-aged
In conclusion I would like to say that we need to take care of ourselves and
have a good rest in order to be healthy and happy.
1.little is known
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
2.based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules.
3.main limitation
The main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
· #152
Shapa L.N. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:35)
reviews (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:02) and (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:08)
have been perfectly written and pronounced and as always do not contain any
mistake, the task Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #151
Danila Donat IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:32)
Today I've read the article "Nissan investing in electric vehicles, battery
It is an article about modern changes in Nissan's car production and
Firstly, It covers one of the most significant points of car creation, which is
making more environmentally-friendly models, reducing carbon emissions at its
Next, the article also reports on a recent announcement of aiming for a 50%
"electrification" of the company's model lineup, which means 15 new electric
vehicles will be available by fiscal 2030. In summary, the company is working on
a breakthrough battery, which will be cheaper and able to generate more power.
Phrases of the day
1. little is known about
Relatively little is known about recruiting processes for local 610 Offices.
2. main limitation
As you can see the process is very simple to implement, let's see now what is
the main limitation
3. based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles
· #150
Shapa L.N. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:30)
The review (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:48) contains all the elements necessary for an excellent independent student work, was written and pronounced correct, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #149
Shapa L.N. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022)
The second review (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:34) has been also written and pronounced correct and shows your complete understanding of the content of the article you have choosed, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excellent.
· #148
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:25)
Phrases of the day
- based partly on
His grounding is based partly on probability theory, and partly on a
question/answer network of verbal and behavioural interactions evolving in time.
- main limitation
The main limitation for assessing uncertainty was the lack of observations.
- little is known about
Very little is known about what dark energy is. Today I have read
the article "Researchers optimize materials design using computational
technologies". It talks about a new technology for the production of materials,
which helps save time and costs during production. To do this, scientists have
used advanced computational and machine methods. In the production of the
material there is a relationship process-structure property, which significantly
improves the result. In my opinion this method is very useful, because it can
help assess all the risks in the industrial process and prevent them. EU91Ethm
· #147
Shapa L.N. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:18)
The abstract (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:34) has been written and prponounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #146
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:23) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:15)
The reviews (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:23) meet all the requirements for such kind of independent student works, contain all the necessary elements and were written and pronounced without mistakes. The tasks Phrases of the Day were done correct. Excellent.
· #145
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:08)
Today I have read the article “Dance choreography improves girls' computational
skills”. It tells us about the research, which showed that a combination of
movement and computer programming helps girls develop computational thinking
skills. The researchers came to this conclusion due to the fact that there is a
lack of representation among women in science and technology. According to this
study, students met with instructors and learned basic modules involving the
elements of dance.
The girls moved and created pieces for their virtual characters to perform and
connected their computational thinking with what their bodies are doing.
To my mind, it is a good idea to increase the number of women in a branch of
science. However, it should be not only for women, but also for men.
Phrases of the day
1. little is known about
Relatively little is known about recruiting processes for local 610 Offices.
2. main limitation
As you can see the process is very simple to implement, let's see now what is
the main limitation
3. based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles.
· #144
Yunko Illya Im-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:06)
1.based partly on
These recommendations are partly based on the review of the users' point of view
as concerns the ICP performed in August 2007.
2.little is known about
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
3.main limitation
To a large extent, their inadequacy is the main limitation to sustainable
Today I have read the article" Elon Musk buys large stake in Twitter, sending
stock soaring" that Elon Musk became the largest investor in Twitter. By
purchasing 9.2 percent of the shares. Subsequently, Twitter shares rose 25
percent. Elon Musk asked on Twitter if people think that Twitter is a platform
for free speech. And 70 percent of people answered no and that they should buy
Musk Twitter. I think that it is necessary because Twitter banned the former
President of America, Donald Trump, for being president. And this is far from
freedom of speech. And I think that this needs to be corrected because twitter
is an informative weapon. And he twitter can fire at any moment
· #143
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:03)
Today I have read the article "Ukraine war: 21 children flown to UK for cancer
This article says that as a result of the fighting, Ukrainian hospitals are
under fire and their stocks of medicines are not replenished. Therefore,
children with cancer come to the UK for treatment. Also, many children with
their families come to Poland. In addition, humanitarian aid in the form of
necessary medicines is sent to the most "hot regions". In conclusion, I want to
say that it is in such actions that the real essence of “international
relations” is manifested: in helping children and everyone who needs it.
Phrases of the day
1. Little know about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
Ім’я цього вченого шанується в Болівії, хоча про нього відомо дуже мало.
2. Overall goal
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
Для досягнення цієї загальної мети сфери партнерства мають встановлювати для
себе цілі.
3. Speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed
the same way.
Вчені припускають, що Уран та його небесний сусід Нептун утворилився таким же
· #142
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:02)
Today I have read the article "Ukraine war: Could Russia use tactical nuclear
This article talks about a topic that worries the whole world. Namely, the use
of nuclear weapons. Especially often this issue began to be discussed after the
speech of Vladimir Putin, which refers to the transfer of deterrence forces to
the status of full readiness. However, US and NATO experts report no change in
Russia's nuclear activities. They believe that this statement was made with the
intent to intimidate. To scare the other side to retreat.
In my opinion, nuclear weapons will not be used: neither tactical nor strategic
1. Monitoring tool - інноваційний інструмент
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
Інноваційний інструмент моніторингу планктону — ключ до оцінки здоров’я
океанського життя
2. Determine whether - визначити
In order to determine whether someone is trustworthy or not, you must look for
distinct characteristic: Ability for self-introspection
Щоб визначити заслуговує комусь довіри чи ні, ви повинні шукати відмінну
характеристики: здатність до самоаналізу
3. Parameter value - значення параметра
Firstly, you can directly change the parameter value here by replacing the text
from the keys text box
По-перше, ви можете безпосередньо змінити значення параметра тут, замінивши
текст із текстового поля ключів
· #141
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 08:02)
Today I have read the article “Kid influencers are promoting junk food brands on
YouTube—garnering more than a billion views”. It tells us that YouTube channels,
with participation of children, are frequently promoting unhealthy food and
drinks in their videos. This problem attracts a lot of attention as these videos
make it even more difficult for parents and children to maintain a healthy diet.
Initially, kid influencers were those, whose parents film them doing activities
such as science experiments, playing with toys, or celebrating their
birthdays.But after the great popularity of such videos, brand companies were
interested in sponsoring..
To my mind, children eat junk food not because they watch videos, but because
the forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
Phrases of the day
1. based partly on
His discussion was based partly on the experience of South Africa, and more
specifically on the experience of the Small Enterprise Foundation.
2. main limitation
The main limitation for assessing uncertainty was the lack of observations.
3. little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
· #140
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:48)
I have read the article: "The New York Times: Stopping Climate Change Is Doable,
but Time Is Short, U.N. Panel Warns." It says that now the world has the last
chance to start fighting global warming. It is a terrible truth that it is our
generations that have been given the responsibility of fighting global warming,
and I am concerned that recent actions such as Russia's war against Ukraine are
seriously changing the pace of the transition to green sources. At the same
time, the world is closer than ever to making the transition to renewable
energy, and now there is both technology and money for this.
Phrases of the day
1.little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
2.based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles.
3.main limitation
As you can see the process is very simple to implement, let's see now what is
the main limitation.
· #139
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:34)
I have already read the article called "Polarization and mobilization on social
media affect infection figures." It tells that social media and politicization
affect disease rates. Measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic are currently
the subject of political controversy and tend to polarize segments of the
population. Those who adhere to security measures urge their acquaintances to
follow the rules, and those who are against them urge resistance on social
media. The results of the study show that the political delivery of measures to
combat the pandemic can have negative consequences and even contribute to an
increase in the number of infections. It seems to me that this can really
increase the incidence rate in the world, since a lot of people believe fake in
social networks and not only. They don't check what they really say on the news,
they just believe the first lie on the Internet.
Phrases of the Day:
1.little is known
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
2.based partly on
That conclusion was partly based on the supposed dearth of organic molecules.
3.main limitation
The main limitation to its work is one of lack of resources.
· #138
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:34)
I have recently read the article called "Facebook has known for a year and a
half that Instagram is bad for teens despite claiming otherwise."
It tells that Instagram, which is the most often used by teenagers, is harmful
to teenage girls. Facebook has conducted an internal investigation, but is
hiding it in order to keep doing business. Correctly interpreting the impact of
social media is important because teens visit Instagram many times a day.
Instagram is harmful because girls compare themselves to others. These
comparisons reveal that they are worse than others. It makes social media users
feel overwhelmed. These influences on people are not consistent with Facebook's
principles, so it hides research.
I guess that such a problem has existed for a long time and is very common now,
because there are many masks and filters on Instagram that give rise to
Phrases of the Day:
1.little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
2.based partly on
Our drive systems are based partly on magnetic and gravitational principles.
3.main limitation
As you can see the process is very simple to implement, let's see now what is
the main limitation.
· #137
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:23)
Today I have read the article "Australia's environment law doesn't protect the
The article tells about there Australia’s laws have failed to avert an
extinction crisis. It is currently ranked fourth in the world for extinct and
critically endangered species. A recent episode of the 4Corners investigative
journalism show aired on ABC television in Australia highlighted how the
extinction loss is accelerating in that country.
I think Australia’s existing rules and its legal system sustain an economy that
encourages extinction, and we need to recognize the role that lawyers and rules
play in this process. New and transformative thinking is required to enable new
ways to emerge to deal with such problems.
Phrases of the Day:
1) main limitation
To a large extent, their inadequacy is the main limitation to sustainable
2) little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
3) based partly on
His reputation as a nearly-but-not-quite sort of manager is based partly on
deeds, and partly on words.
I have read the article "Microneedle patch delivers COVID-19 DNA vaccine,
doesn't require cold storage".
The article tells about there researchers have developed a microneedle patch
that delivers a COVID-19 DNA vaccine into the skin, causing strong immune
responses in cells and mice. Importantly, the patch can be stored for over 30
days at room temperature.
I think these features of nanovaccines-laden SMN patch are important for
developing advanced COVID-19 vaccines with global accessibility.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in the course of
Many relevant questions were discussed in the course of the meeting.
2) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that only the Kabul regime is making these strange
3) large enough for
A grant of land large enough for a stronghold.
· #136
Shapa L.N. to the IM-201 students (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 07:10)
Your English lesson has jus started, I'm waiting for your comments, tasks, etc.
· #135
Shapa L.N. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 21:14)
review (Friday, 01 April 2022 15:57) shows that you completely understood the
content of the article, it was written and pronounced perfectly.
The task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #134
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 21:08)
The review and the task Phrases of the Day (Saturday, 02 April 2022 08:47) include all the elements necessary for such kind of independent student work, and do not contain any mistake, everything has been done perfectly. Excellent.
· #133
Shapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 04 April 2022 21:01)
The review and the task Phrases of the Day (Saturday, 02 April 2022 12:03) excellently meet al the requirements for independent student work of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes. Excellent.
· #132
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Monday, 04 April 2022 20:56)
The review and the tasl Phrases of the Day (Monday, 04 April 2022 07:47) have been written and pronounced excellently.
· #131
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 17:38)
I'm sorry, but I didn’t write a translation to the phrases.
· #130
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 17:34)
Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really
happened, but that they might not have known about already.
People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might work at
newspapers, magazines, websites or for TV or radio stations.
The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. Good
journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the
world around them.
Journalism comes in several different forms:
A. Breaking news: Telling about an event as it happens.
B. Feature stories: A detailed look at something interesting that's not breaking
Phrases of the day:
1.Drives from
Halloween is derived from Samhain.
2.De facto
The same day de facto became the last day of the company
3.Deserves special attention
Her cooking skills deserves special attention.
· #129
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 17:19)
Today I've read an article about the Olympic Games, which tells how the opening
ceremonies are held. First, athletes from all participating countries march into
the stadium. Greece is in first place because it was the first country to host
the Olympic Games, and the host country is in last place, then the Olympic flag
is raised and the chosen athlete lights the Olympic flame. It is a symbol of
spirit, knowledge and life. The fire comes from Olympia, a small town in Greece,
and many runners carry the flame in a torch relay to the site of the games. It
burns from the opening ceremony until the end of the games.
key findings
key findings research
as seen in
as seen in the picture
lay the foundations
lay the foundations construction
Today I've read the article about London is the capital of Great Britain, its
political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the
world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the
river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. London is an
ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build
a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End,
the City and Westminster.The City is the oldest part of London, its financial
and business centre.
· #128
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:52)
Journalism, I originally believed, is first and foremost a set of values—such as
breaking news, uncovering the truth, and providing a public a service. Second,
these values would get meaning in the news culture of a specific time and
place—a country, a medium, and a news organization. Third, individual
journalists would come to embody these values and their meanings in their
everyday routines and practices at work. All of this squared rather nicely with
the arrangement of news as an industry in society, where expert institutions
such as mainstream newspapers and broadcast news.
Phrases of the day:
1.Drives from
Halloween is derived from Samhain.
2.De facto
The same day de facto became the last day of the company
3.Deserves special attention
Her cooking skills deserves special attention.
· #127
Drozhzhina to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:47)
Thank you for your comment, please don't write the translation of the sentences to the phrases... and i don't see your independent practice. Continue working.
· #126
Drozhzhina to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:44)
Thank you for your work with the articles. Your comments are quite good.
· #125
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:43)
Today I've read the article finding the most boring person in the world. It
tells that Led by the Department of Psychology's Dr. Wijnand Van Tilburg the
research revealed that stereotypically boring people are generally disliked and
avoided due to preconceptions. The study also showed that being perceived as
boring likely conveys low competence and low interpersonal warmth. Those
perceived as boring may thus be at greater risk of harm, addiction and mental
health issues. And despite the negative perception society needs people to
perform roles such as accounting and banking.
· #124
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:26)
the course of
But in the course of the week, you came to have an understanding with him.
large enough for
Press runs are not large, but large enough for presentation purposes.
interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that the Commission has taken divergent views on this.
Today I've read the article Hollywood stereotypes of female journalists feed a
'vicious cycle' of sexism. In shows like "House of Cards" and movies like "Thank
You for Smoking," female reporters are quick to trade sex for information. Even
when sex with sources has nothing to do with ambition—such as the hookups in
"Sharp Objects," "Top Five," "Trainwreck," and the "Gilmore Girls" reboot, to
name a few—it still portrays unethical behavior. At the same time, threats to
female journalists have increased.
· #123
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:22)
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #122
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 14:16)
Today I've read the article Clear differences in how Nordic journalists
experience their professional role and external influence. In a new study,
researchers examine the similarities and differences in Nordic journalists'
perceptions of the role of journalists and different kinds of influence on
journalistic work. They also compare the Nordic perceptions with journalists in
the rest of Europe. Danish and Swedish journalists are generally the most
similar in the study and are distinguished by a strong identification with the
monitorial role of journalists. The main difference between the countries is the
experience of external influences. The Swedes experience the strongest financial
impact on their work, while the Danes feel they are most influenced by
organizational factors, such as strong pressure from the newsrooms.
· #121
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 13:38)
Barladian,IZ-212. Well done
You have 2 debts. Good luck
· #120
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 13:33)
To Andreeva,IX-212. I would advise you to avoid using quotations, only your own words. I have alreadym advised you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice messages, again some mispronounced words . You have 4 debts. Good luck
· #119
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 13:18)
To Slobodzyan,IZ-211. Pls, read my remarks attentively! You have made the same mistakes!
· #118
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 13:13)
Antipov,IZ-211. Nice to meet you
There is a mistake in your second sentences , a pronoun should be used after
TELLS,in your case it is US. Unfortunately there are some mispronounced words in
your voice messages. I would advise you to consult a dictionary before recording
your voice messages. Best of luck
· #117
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 13:11)
interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that Bluetooth was named after the 10th century Danish
king Harald Bluetooth, who helped heal rifts among bickering Scandinavian
in the course of
Nevertheless, no progress has been achieved in the course of the last 22 years.
large enough for
If physicists and engineers can make quantum computers reliable and able to
operate with large enough capacity, they could simulate other systems, Wineland
Today I've read the article Researchers find the public correlates the word
'storytelling' with deception. It tells that journalists who refer to themselves
as "storytellers" diminish the profession in the public eye, says a new study by
UC journalism researchers.
Blevins, along with lead author Brian Calfano, a UC professor of journalism,
undertook an experiment by presenting over 2,000 people with a news story on a
zoning ordinance. Half of those surveyed were shown the reporter's professional
bio, which included the term "storyteller." The control group saw the same news
story without the reporter's bio. All participants then took a survey.
· #116
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 13:08)
Title: How can journalism get better at covering climate change? Being a bummer
might help
Today I have read the article about climate journalism researches.
The climate journalism needs to be improved. The public generally wants climate
reporting to live up to the same functions as general reporting, they also find
some functions to be more relevant for climate reporting than for general
reporting. The tweets that generated the most engagement are those published by
journalists, those that contain only text, and those that present a negative
In conclusion, a new study of social media about a climate change conference
found journalists’ negative tweets gained far more traction with users than
positive ones.
Phrases of the day
1. determine whether
The researchers sought to determine whether such waves can carry OAM.
2. parameter value
Contour map of free energy landscape as a function of smectic cluster size and
order parameter value.
3. monitoring tool
Real-time monitoring tool speeds up advanced nuclear reactor development.
Homework 21.03
Title: World News Day: Journalists to reflect media’s role in addressing climate
Today I have read the article about journalism, that was presented like a
profession which matters more than ever.
The article is written about the World News Day, and importance of this event.
It's about the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and basic tenets of journalism
that cannot be compromised.
In conclusion, “Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and
its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of
wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air” -
Henry Grunwald.
· #115
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 12:52)
1)in the course of
In the course of the next several millennia, the climate ultimately warmed by 10
2)large enough for
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to
incubate an embryo.
3)interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that even if the training data only contain discrete
emotion labels, the network learns a continuous space.
Today I read the article "The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?". She tells us
about the regular increase in the number of people, including children with
mental disorders. This number doubles or even triples over the years, which is
obviously not a good indicator. My opinion is that the consciousness of people
and their behavior have really changed over the past decades. I think this is
due not only to hereditary or congenital problems. Of course, the environment
and events in life also have an influence, which can affect the human psyche
much more strongly. I recommend reading this article for a general understanding
of the situation.
· #114
Grodska E. to Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 12:37)
Your commentaries are quite good and informative, but mind the correct use of the articles a/the: Today I have read THE article…
· #113
Grodska E. to Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022)
The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentaries are quite good, but pay attention to the first sentence, it should be: Today I have read the article…
· #112
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 12:33)
Your commentary is quite good, but be more attentive, the first sentence should be: Today I have read the article…
· #111
Evelina Cheban IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 12:07)
The German government has been an initiative leader in both expanding and
deepening European integration over the years. The article analyses the origins
of Germany's European policy, its successes and failures. The special role of
Berlin in the stage of rapid growth of the EU in the 1990s and early 2000s is
noted. It is stated that for German political elites, the growth of
Euroskepticism is more likely to play a role as an incentive in the context of
rethinking European politics and reaching their new horizons. I think this
article will appeal to politics fans and it's good for discussion.
1) in the course of
Nevertheless, no progress has been achieved in the course of the last 22 years.
Проте за останні 22 роки прогресу не досягнуто.
2) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that the connections between these tasks can often be
seen in my work.
Цікаво відзначити, що зв’язки між цими завданнями часто можна побачити в моїй
3) large enough for
Melting initiates when the amplitude of vibration becomes large enough for
adjacent atoms to partly occupy the same space.
Плавлення починається, коли амплітуда вібрації стає достатньо великою, щоб
сусідні атоми частково займали той самий простір.
· #110
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 12:00)
Today I have read the article called " Plastic pollution is everywhere. Study
reveals how it travels." Scientists have done research and discovered the
dynamics of sticking, clogging and accumulation of plastic . This process allows
debris to spread over long distances that scientists did not know before. Аlso
scientists have created artificial transparent porous media for the experiment.
It showed that plastic travels long distances in soil and beyond. In this case,
the garbage is first stuck and then released.
Аs for me, people should become smarter and not allow themselves to pollute the
place where they live, that is, our Earth.
· #109
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:51)
I have recently read the article called "Team takes steps toward historic United
Nations Resolution to stamp out witchcraft atrocities." It tells that scientists
presented a work on which they worked for several years, to eliminate witchcraft
atrocities. They include ritual killings, amputations of limbs, torture, and so
on, which totally violate human rights. That's why the UN resolution was adopted
affirming that everyone has the right to liberty, life and safety.
I suppose that it was the right decision to pass the resolution, since all these
witchcraft rituals harm an innocent person for the sake of the stupidity of
Phrases of the Day: the course of
But in the course of the week, you came to have an understanding with him.
2.large enough for
Press runs are not large, but large enough for presentation purposes.
3.interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that the Commission has taken divergent views on this.
· #108
Drozhzhina to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:45)
Your work is well done, thank you!
· #107
Drozhzhina to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:43)
Your comments to the articles are qute interesting and correct. Please practice your pronunciation. Continue working.
· #106
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:43)
changes in the sun's illumination over the course of the scan.
Male elephant seals risk death in order to eat more and grow big enough to win
continuous space. It is interesting to note that even if the training data only
Today I read an article about Florida Hurricane Katrina
Rain began to fall and the wind picked up Thursday as the outer bands of
Tropical Storm Katrina reached South Florida.
The storm's center is predicted to make landfall, possibly at hurricane
strength, in the evening Thursday or early Friday.
More than 5 million people in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade counties were
warned to prepare for hurricane conditions as Katrina slowed over the warm
waters of the Gulf Stream and gained strength
· #105
Drozhzhina to Yunko illya IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:41)
Thanks for your participation. Your comments are well done.
· #104
Yunko illya IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:40)
Today i have read the article which called "Samsung Galaxy joins Apple in
offering self-repair program for devices" As I wrote at the time when Apple
decided to do this, namely in 2021 on November 15th. My happiness knew no
bounds. I really love doing things. And if we can fix our own phones, it will be
an innovation. Down with these queues and long phone repairs and long live the
new era. An era in which everyone can fix their phone. As you can imagine, I am
very happy with this news. I want all companies to do this in the future. I
understand that it is necessary to change the process of creating phones. But
it's worth it.
· #103
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:40)
Phrases of the Day
- de facto
The new date estimate, de facto, makes it the oldest unchallenged Homo sapiens
in Africa.
- deserves special attention
There are multiple causes for this existential crisis, but one in particular
deserves special attention.
- derived from
This model is derived from single-molecule experiments.
Today I have read the article "The Russian invasion shows how digital
technologies have become involved in all aspects of war". This article tells
about the embodiment of the old with a new color approaches to warfare by the
Russian side and their features of influence on the masses. In particular, it is
about the information component. However, the accusations of fakery, propaganda
and censorship have always been part of the war, now connected with cyberspace.
Integrating, they form an "explosive mixture" in the entire plane of war. To my
mind, information war is no less dangerous than ordinary, although it is often
underestimated. Today I have read the article
"Beatings and forced abortions: Life in a North Korea prison". This article
talks about the truth of the brutal treatment of disobedient and "lawbreakers"
in North Korea. The source of evidence was several victims who, fortunately,
managed to survive and tell the public about the nightmare of their stay in
custody. According to statements, the security forces don't hesitate to use even
the most vile and inhuman torture during absurd interrogations. Most often it is
psychological violence, suppression, physical violence and many other terrible
"techniques". To my mind, this is generally beyond the line of law and humanity,
such a "practice" shouldn't take place in the 21st century.
· #102
Drozhzhina to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:37)
Well done, thank you.
· #101
Drozhzhina to Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:36)
Your article review is rather good, continue working.
· #100
Drozhzhina to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:33)
Thank you for your interesting reviews, your comments are quite good.
· #99
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:32)
Phrases of the day
1)interesting to note that
In the bigger picture, it is interesting to note that "California
2)in the course of
in the sun's illumination over the course of the scan
3)large enough for
able to operate with large enough capacity
Today l have read the article “Why should people play sports? “I believe that
every person should go in for sports, regardless of age and physical condition.
After all, what is sport. It is health first of all. Most people think that
sport is boring, but you can do it not only alone, but also with family, friends
and, above all, there are dozens of types of sporting events where you will meet
different people. for yourself. Sports are very important for children and
teenagers. When their bones are well supported by muscles, they grow and become
Today l have read the interesting article “Food in our life»All people on earth
love to eat deliciously. Everyone has a different preference in food and not
only. Food is an important part in our life. Without food, we cannot live and
exist at all. nutrition. Without it, our body will suffer. Overweight people
cannot boast of good health. In general, they are prone to various types of
diseases - from cardiac and vascular to chronic. But you also can’t deny
yourself food, each person has a calorie norm, and if you don’t eat it up, then
Lack of food leads to exhaustion of the body along with mental problems such as
depression and apathy.
· #98
Drozhzhina to Latova Maria IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:31)
Thanks for your participation. Your comments are well done.
· #97
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:30)
To Barladian,IZ-212. Well done. Don't forget that you have some debts. Best of luck.
· #96
Gvozd to Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:25)
Thank you for your active participation. Keep on working.
· #95
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:23)
Today I have read the article"Sri Lanka: Cabinet resigns as crisis protesters
defy curfew"
this article refers to the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers from their
posts. All this is connected with the protests of the local population.
Residents complain about the low standard of living and the deep economic
crisis. Lack of food, medicines, fuel, restrictions on the use of electricity
are the main slogans. People believe that the main source of all this is the
corrupt elite.
In my opinion, it is not enough to dismiss only the Cabinet of Ministers. It is
necessary to completely replace all officials and restructure the work of the
country's economy.
· #94
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:22)
Today I have read the article "China gains a foothold in Australia's backyard".
This article talks about a security treaty between China and a chain of islands
in the Pacific. These actions alert not only Australia, which was the main
partner of the Solomon Islands, but the whole world. Half a year ago, an
agreement was concluded between England and Australia regarding the containment
of Chinese forces in the Pacific region. but now under the new treaty, China can
send naval forces here
In my opinion, Australian diplomacy has failed, and there will be a
redistribution of the balance of power in the region
1. Course in
Finland offers crash course in artificial intelligence to EU.
2.interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that Bluetooth was named after the 10th century Danish
king Harald Bluetooth.
3. Large enough
They can create an electric potential large enough to generate lightning.
· #93
Yunko illya IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:21)
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice
1) large enough for
I feel strong enough to shield you from anyone.
2) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that the number of formal meetings, resolutions and
presidential statements is significantly lower compared with the preceding
3) in the course of
The common premises issue will be the object of a thorough evaluation in the
course of 1997.
Today i have read the article which called "Why a great jobs report can't save
Joe Biden" The midterm elections are coming up soon, and at the moment, Joe
Biden has promised a lot of things. the SNN newspaper conducted a poll in which
they showed that 50 percent of people are against what Joe Biden is doing now
and 47 percent are in favor. These numbers were better last year. In February
2021, after the words of the President of America that there will be no
inflation. It grew by 6.4 percent. And the price of gas at the moment has become
4.22. people are primarily concerned about the economic part and inflation in
the country. My opinion: If Joe Biden helps Ukraine and starts acting towards
the economy, then people will be on his side. Rule 1 of the President: Listen to
your people
· #92
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:16)
Today I've read the article "Social psychology". It tells about such a science
as social psychology, as well as about specialists in this field who study the
nature and causes of social behavior. Social psychology is the study of how
people think of each other and how they relate to each other. This science
combines elements of social and cognitive psychology to understand how people
process, remember, or distort social information. Social psychologists, on the
other hand, study the influence of others on human behavior. Some sociological
concepts applied to mental disorders include patient's role, social class, life
event, culture.
· #91
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:16)
-What is the price of a human life?-
Have you thought about this question?
I have read the article about initiative of government in USA.
Now there are a lot of people die because of accidenrs. Experts say, that safe
speed for walkers is 30 kilometres per hour. In this case people have big chance
to survive.
In 90-s in US government tried to decrease number of crashes. So, they made
speed on roads lower, and cases of crashes went down, but this led to some
problems with logistic, because lorries needed more time for driving, that means
the more money companies will spend. That could result reducing of economic
rates. After this results government cancel this project. This is how the price
of gas were higher than price of people's live.
I think, that we can't to know price of human life, because in lots cases it
cost only one bullet, and sometime, it is priceless, like life of a child for
it's mother.
Of course we should strive to ensure that safety of lives will be the highest
· #90
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:14)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your activity. Good luck
· #89
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:12)
To Slobodzyan,IZ-211.You have made 2 mistakes in the first sentence, Present Perfect and definite article should be used there it should be:" Today I HAVE READ THE article...". Your voice message is very poor,as it's full of mispronounced words (at least,injured, financial,hour, etc). I would advise you to consult a dictionary before recording it. Best wishes
· #88
Antipov Andriy IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:11)
Class work
1. in the course of - The development of the W-Cube took place in the course of
the joint project "ARTES".
2. large enough for - The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as
large enough to incubate an embryo.
3. interesting to note that -It is interesting to note that even if the training
data only contain discrete emotion labels
Today I have read the article «The 'female' brain: why damaging myths about
women and science keep coming back in new forms».
It tells about how in 1879, French polymath Gustave Le Bon wrote that even in
"the most intelligent races" there "are a large number of women whose brains are
closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains". He
continued his insult with: "This inferiority is so obvious that no one can
contest it for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion."
Home work
Today I have read the article «Deep subduction of the Indian continental crust
beneath Asia».
It tells about how geological investigations in the Himalayas have revealed
evidence that when India and Asia collided some 90 million years ago, the
continental crust of the Indian tectonic plate was forced down under the Asian
plate, sinking down into the Earth's mantle to a depth of at least 200 km
· #87
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:11)
Title: A Federal Election is imminent and media matters,16219
Today I have read the article about good and bad journalism.
Sharing "good" journalism and good information will shift more hearts and minds
at election time. If people are really time poor, they are getting their news
via Facebook, and that can be a real bin fire. Sharing good journalism will do
more to ensure it is viable and continues — most of us want balanced and
informative views. Read only checked news!
In conclusion, I should support good journalism by paying for subscriptions and
obviously withdrawing support for biased or lazy journalism that is not worth
the cost.
Phrases of the day:
1. de facto
Biologists and fishermen alike know that offshore oil platforms function as de
facto habitats for fish.
2. deserves special attention
The researchers emphasize one important focus of the study - in terms of biases
that deserve special attention - women's medical conditions are discounted in
3. derived from
Polymer derived from material in shrimp's shells could deliver anti-cancer drugs
to tumor sites.
Title: Journalism school is broken and expensive. Jessica Huseman will teach you
for cheap(er).
Today I have read the article about journalistic education. Journalistic school
is expensive and usually low-paying postgraduate prospects. Huseman had been
frustrated with the price of journalism education and the way that it’s
structured and she thought this is possible to scale in a really healthy way, so
that she created her own low-cost trainings. Journalism students have been
forced to take the little seeds of ideas that are planted by journalists and
educators and figure out how to apply them to their own lives. In conclusion,
Journalism education should give you specific skills that you can actually use.
· #86
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:10)
Now, a team of researchers led by Nara Institute of Science and Technology has
developed a new calibration method to help compensate for changes in the sun's
illumination over the course of the scan.
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to incubate
an embryo.
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions.
Today I've read the article "The Principles of psychology". It talks about
biological, cognitive and voluntary psychology. Biological psychology, also
called physiological psychology or neuropsychology, is the study of the
biological substrates of behavior and mental processes. Cognitive psychology
studies cognition, mental processes that underlie mental activity. This
psychology psychology has been relegated to other disciplines such as philosophy
of mind, computer science, and neurobiology. Evolutionary psychology studies
cognition and personality from an evolutionary point of view. It was created
because of a question that has interested scientists for years: can mental
functions be localized in the brain and how?
· #85
Borysenko (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:59)
To Bortnik,IZ-211. Your written comments are ok . but the files with your voice messages can't be found. Check before posting,pls.Good luck
· #84
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:58)
I have read the article: "Undiplomat: Ukrainian envoy makes German leaders
uncomfortable about relations with Russia". It talks about one of the best, in
my opinion, Ukrainian diplomats. I really admire how he changes the idea of
diplomacy in my head. Diplomacy is not only to say the obvious things in a
veiled way, but also to achieve the truth with decisive words and actions. In
particular, the article tells what trials our diplomat Andriy Melnyk faced. I am
deeply outraged by the position taken by the German parliament, and I would like
them to be punished on a par with Russia.
1)large enough for
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to incubate
an embryo
2) interesting to note that
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions
3)in the course of
Nevertheless, no progress has been achieved in the course of the last 22 years.
I have read the article: "‘Massacre of innocents’: how the papers covered
Russia’s atrocities in Bucha". It talks about the real horror that happened in
Bucha. I have few words to describe my feelings: anger, hatred, sadness, regret
- all these words are too weak to describe what I feel. This is one of the many
acts of genocide that our great nation has faced. The world is in shock,
hundreds of thousands of people have lost the power of speech, from the horrors
that we have faced. Never before has the desire for revenge and justice been so
strong within me.
· #83
Gvozd to Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:56)
Well done, thank you. The task is complete and informative.
· #82
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:56)
Today I have read the article which called "Viruses that can save millions of
lives." In this article was talking about research on viruses that can save many
lives, about an innovative way to overcome the impending nightmare, when
bacteria become resistant to antibiotics on which the world depends. This may
sound strange after a pandemic that killed millions of people and turned the
world upside down, but viruses can save as many lives. This article was
fascinating, it was very interesting to read about the research process.
· #81
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:55)
Phrases of the day
1. in the course of
In the course of a research project, security experts Matthias Deeg and Philipp
Buchegger of penetration-testing company SySS found out something that put
Windows Hello in spoofing-attack news this week: They were able to trick Windows
Hello face authentication by Microsoft on different versions of the Microsoft
Windows 10 operating system.
2. Large enough for
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to incubate
an embryo, small enough to exit the body in the most efficient way.
3. Interesting to note that
"It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions, which
highlights that mitigation and adaptation strategies can align.
Today I have read the article “What's culture got to do with energy
consumption?” Article tells about possibility for policymakers to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonise the economy, because an EU initiative
has launched an online interactive data set of sustainable energy initiatives
across whole Europe. It emphasizes the importance of daily habits like the ways
we light, heat, clean or cool which are crucial for reaching environmental
targets. Also a project was set up to empirically investigate socioeconomic,
cultural, political and gender aspects of energy transition. To my mind, the
number of articles, projects which illuminate such topics should be widespread,
and only using unity of the region we will save the nature.
Today I have read the article “Biden administration unveils offshore wind plan
for California”. The point is that Biden administration announced the federal
government plans to open California's coast to offshore wind development, the
state majorly could be provided by renewable energy and cut its climate-warming
emissions. However, there exists an engineering challenge: unlike the Atlantic
coast, which is shallow enough to secure offshore wind infrastructure to the
seafloor, the Pacific coastline is so deep that the only viable way to install
offshore wind would be to build floating turbines that are tethered in place by
cables to the ocean floor. All in all, I believe, the science progress doesn’t
stand without a move, so soon there should be inventions of new generation in
sphere of renewable energy.
· #80
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:55)
Today i have read the article which called "Will big biodiversity ambitions be
enough to save nature?". In this article was talking about talks aimed at
fine-tuning a draft text to preserve biodiversity by 2050. Countries are
striving to increase their ambitions in the face of stark warnings that humanity
is driving devastating declines in the biodiversity that supports all life on
the planet. This article was quite interesting, I recommend reading it, because
we still have the issue of "environmental safety".
Phrases of the Day
1) interesting to note that
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions
2) in the course of
We're just taking inventory of the stolen items in case they turn up in the
course of our investigation.
3) large enough for
I could only find one with the capability to support a compound large enough for
Beck and his followers.
· #79
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:55)
Today I read an article that Russia has passed a new legislative project to
block international media and social networks in order to censor information
about the war. Thus, Russia entered the "dark age of information," said CPJ
executive director Robert Mahoney. Also, Mahoney said: "The Russian media is
CPJ spoke to both Ukrainian and Russian journalists who cover the horrors of the
war. Sevgil Musayeva, a Ukrainian journalist, spoke to CPJ about the risks they
face in Ukraine. The editor of the Russian TV channel, Tikhon Dzyadko, said he
closed his TV channel and left Russia with 150 Russian journalists. This article
was informative for me.
· #78
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:55)
Today I have read the article named 'Technology and it's role in creative
expression'. The author of this article show us the role of technology in art
and how it assists artists to widen and better their capacity for creative
This issue is considered from two sides. Firstly, technology such as computers
and videotape have enabled artists to vary their forms of expression, so to
speak, it sets a new vector in art. For example, video art can now achieve
images whose effect is produced by “digitalization”: breaking up the picture
using computerized information processing.
But on the other hand there are experts who afraid of developing and conquering
technologies. Art in the classic sense and artists, musicians, actors and so on
could be displaced by machines.
In my opinion, it's really awesome that we can use technologies in art, as
thanks for it we can bring to life most of mind-blowing ideas.
· #77
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:53)
Name: Research reveals how much plastic debris is currently floating in the
Mediterranean Sea.
Today I read the article "Research reveals how much plastic debris is currently
floating in the Mediterranean Sea". This topic really hooked me, especially its
relevance. The article deals with the problem of plastic pollution of the waters
of our planet. It is very scary that every year the production of plastic is
increasing, and most of it is thrown into the oceans. The Greek Center for
Marine Research has developed a new model that follows the fate of plastics in
the Mediterranean. The article is very interesting and important to read. I
believe that this problem needs to be fight.
1) derived from
This income is derived from item 19 above.
2) de facto
Thailand has been de facto opium-free for several years.
3) deserves special attention
It deserves special attention in several respects.
Name: Journalism is an 'attack surface' for those who spread misinformation
Today I've read the article "Journalism is an 'attack surface' for those who
spread misinformation". It tells that we're still struggling with the spread of
Dan Gillmor, co-founder of the News Co/Lab at Arizona State University's Walter
Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication will discuss his work,
which focuses on improving media literacy, during a panel presentation on Feb 15
as part of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science in Seattle. Gillmor's presentation will pivot on the need for a better
understanding of news and the media, how journalists can prepare for and respond
to misinformation, and watch so that they don't unknowingly traffic information
that was intentionally designed to be misleading.
· #76
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:53)
Today I have read the article named "Why facts don't change our minds". This
article was written by James Clear, one of my favorite journalists. So, in this
text author explains us how we can improve communication skills thanks for some
psychological tricks. Firstly, we have to understand logic of false beliefs. The
fact is that people began a discussion not for learning, but for win. Secondly,
as the author said before, facts don't change our minds, but friendship does. If
person trust you, he will believe you subconsciously. I am reminded of Abraham
Lincoln's quote, “I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.”
Also, there's one more simple truth - be kind first to be right later.
This article was really useful for my. It contains a lot of insights which would
help everyone.
1)large enough for
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to incubate
an embryo
2) interesting to note that
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions
3)in the course of
Nevertheless, no progress has been achieved in the course of the last 22 years.
· #75
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:52)
have read the article, which was about simple thing - about potato. Not everyone
think about history of this product, full of myths.
Catholic Churches priests were categorical: if there's no mention of a potato in
the Bible, then God doesn't want it to be eaten. This was confirmed by the
practice of the peasants, unknowingly they tried to eat raw potatoes and
certainly poisoned. And started to call a potato like devil's apple.
After global hunger in 19 century, countries of Europe are looking for different
ways out of hunger. So in Prussia and France were fed poor or pigs by potatoes.
After this Catherin the great brought potatoes to Russia too. For example
Pushkin adored this product.
Potatoes has become a ticket for humanity to the world of freedom of the hunger.
I think, that all things around us have their unique story, the story about
human cruelty, kindness or stupidity. Potato is one of them.,and%20transported%20them%20to%20Europe.
1. large enough for
I could only find one with the capability to support a compound large enough for
Beck and his followers. the course of
We're just taking inventory of the stolen items in case they turn up in the
course of our investigation.
3. interesting to note that
With regard to the region's future growth potential, it is interesting to note
that investment is climbing sharply in most of the countries.
· #74
Drozhzhina to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:51)
Thanks for your participation. Your reviews are correct. Please practice your pronunciation.
· #73
Drozhzhina to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:48)
Thanks for your participation. Your reviews on the topics of these articles are correct and detailed.
· #72
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211(Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:48)
Oddly enough, Chern got into this area, to some degree
It is interesting to note that Bluetooth was named after the 10th century
In the course of a research project, security experts
Today I asked for an article about Air Berlin fighting Lufthansa
Germany's second-biggest airline, Air Berlin, plans to take on the future Swiss
subsidiary of larger rival Deutsche Lufthansa at its home base in Zurich, the
carrier said.
"Switzerland with Zurich, where we already have a plane based, will become a
further area of growth for us," Air Berlin chief Joachim Hunold told Reuters in
an interview. "We will put more capacity into Zurich next summer."
Hunold said he would be targeting additional short-haul capacity out of Zurich,
at a time when Lufthansa is mulling how best to tackle the growing threat from
low-cost carriers
· #71
Drozhzhina to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:45)
Thanks for your participation. Your comments are well done.
· #70
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:45)
Today I have read the article “Young children find a parent's hug more calming
than a stranger's”. It tells us about the experiment, which was conducted by
researchers ,who tried to examine heart rate responses in infants less than one
year old during a hug. Due to it, children as young as four months experience
greater heart rate during a hug from their parent as compared to a hug from a
stranger. As a matter of fact, the researchers reported that both parents and
infants showed an increase during a hug, however, those children, who are older
than fourth moths haven’t showed such a result.
To my mind, it is completely true that children are far more pleased to hug
members of their families, instead of a person., who they don’t know at all .
· #69
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:45)
Today I have read the article “Female scientists set back by the pandemic may
never make up lost time”. It tells us that during the pandemic women-scientists
were forced to combine scientific career with home responsibilities. Due to the
research, the inequalities due to gender, race, class and other factors harm
scientific innovation and the purpose of science itself. Since, fewer women
faculty serve as mentors, fewer talented young women will go into science. As a
matter of fact, men in their scientific works usually cite other men, oddly
enough women also tend to cite men. That’s why they are less often honored as
To my mind, it seems like a discrimination, because men have more privileges and
their achievements can’t be lost, whereas women have to combine family and
1. large enough for
I could only find one with the capability to support a compound large enough for
Beck and his followers. the course of
We're just taking inventory of the stolen items in case they turn up in the
course of our investigation.
3. interesting to note that
With regard to the region's future growth potential, it is interesting to note
that investment is climbing sharply in most of the countries.
· #68
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:42)
Today I have read the article "Hunting toxic chemicals in the Arctic".
The article tells about there Arctic Ocean basin acts like a reservoir or ‘sink’
for industrial and agricultural chemicals from Europe, Asia and even further
afield which are transported there in the air and ocean currents. The cold
temperatures and ice bound environment trap the toxics in the ground, air, water
and ice where they degrade extremely slowly.
I think that although the accumulation of some POPs has slowed due to global
regulations on the use of these chemicals, new chemicals are constantly emerging
and research is needed to understand the effects of these on people and
Phrases of the Day:
1) in the course of
Many relevant questions were discussed in the course of the meeting.
2) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that European Union member States can no longer refuse
to surrender their own nationals.
3) large enough for
Press runs are not large, but large enough for presentation purposes.
I have read the article "A web application to extract key information from
journal articles".
The article tells about there to date, many of the methods for information
extraction of biological information from scientific articles are restricted to
the abstract of the article. However, full text articles in electronic version,
which offer larger sources of data, are currently available.
I think although the abstract contains the best ratio of keywords per total of
words, other sections of the article may be a better source of biologically
relevant data.
· #67
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:40)
Today I have read the article called “What to Know About Taking Magnesium for
Sleep, According to Sleep Specialists”. As for me, the article is useful and
So, sleep is one of the most important things for our mental and physical
wellbeing. That’s why, lots of people take magnesium every day to sleep well.
But some researchers told that magnesium can help only elderly people. That
means, that magnesium will not be useful if you are a young or middle-aged
In conclusion I would like to say that we need to take care of ourselves and
have a good rest in order to be healthy and happy.
1)large enough for
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to incubate
an embryo
2) interesting to note that
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions
3)in the course of
Nevertheless, no progress has been achieved in the course of the last 22 years.
Today I've read the article: "Analysis of the sounds made by the rover
Perseverance shows the speed of sound on the Red Planet." This article is about
the study of sound on the red planet. An international team of researchers
analyzing the sounds captured by the Perseverance rover has determined the speed
of sound on Mars. Sound travels along Mars at a speed of about 240 m / s. But
they also found that different frequencies of sound propagate on Mars at
different speeds. In my opinion, the study of space and planets makes a great
contribution to the development of humanity and life on other planets.
· #66
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:40)
Today I've read the article "The Principles of psychology". It tells about the
existence in the past of 65 international groups that deal with psychology.
However, in the 1900s, students from these groups were expelled from Congress.
Over time, experimental psychologists invented modern disciplines for the study
of science. Now they are known as parapsychology, hypnosis and psychism, and for
a long time they were the main topics of the first international congresses. The
early practitioners of experimental psychology were different from
parapsychology, and psychology as a discipline has long struggled to ward off
accusations that it is a “soft” science.
· #65
Gvozd O.V. to Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:39)
I am glad to read your comment, not bad. Mind the use of Present Perfect in the first sentence.
· #64
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:34)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent, practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #63
Kareva Sofiia IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:33)
In addition, user preference changed over the course of the experiment.
If physicists and engineers can make quantum computers reliable and able to
operate with large enough capacity, they could simulate other systems, Wineland
It is interesting to note that Bluetooth was named after the 10th century Danish
king Harald Bluetooth, who helped heal rifts among bickering Scandinavian
Today I read the article 'Cultural - historical psychology'. it tells about the
theory of development created by psychologists Lev Vygotsky and Alexander Luria.
This section of psychology was created in the mid-1920s-1930s by psychologists
themselves and other specialists in their circle. However, this theory has
several nuances. In the works of Vygotsky, it never met, which is why it was
often attributed to other scientists. Also, do not confuse the self-proclaimed
theory of Vygotsky and the theory of Vygotsky-Luria, because it was originally
their common project, which was originally conceived as an "integrative
psychology", which will develop into a "new psychology".
· #62
Slobodzyan KyrylloIZ-211(Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:33)
Will big biodiversity ambitions be enough to save nature
Finland offers crash course in artificial intelligence to EU
"It is also interesting to note that changes in investment
Today I read an article about how 46 people were killed in two bombings in
At least 46 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in a pair of
explosions that shook India's financial capital Mumbai, according to hospital
officials.One of the blasts occurred near the colonial-era Gateway to India
monument -- a famous landmark and popular tourist attraction -- during
lunch-hour.Another blast struck in or close to one of the city's main Hindu
· #61
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:31)
I have read your Independent practice, well done
· #60
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211(Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:30)
Phrases of the day
1)large enough for
Using large and small nanoparticles
2)interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that even if the training data only contain discrete
emotion labels
3)in the course of
In the course of a research project
Today l have read "Psychological news: why are people so often overconfident?"
Actually it is. Nowadays, most people want to be better than each other. They
are trying to stand out and be better. Thus, others think that people have high
self-esteem. In labor collectives, people with a higher status, as a rule, are
more loved and respected, they are listened to more, they influence the opinions
and decisions of the collective more. Those who consider themselves better than
others, contrary to reality, get higher places on the social ladder.
Today l have read “life in New York” This is a city that most of the world
dreams of visiting and everyone knows about it. This city is fascinating, it is
light even in the evening, because the lanterns are always burning there and it
is light. but at the same time, New York has a reputation as the most expensive
city in the United States, so a tourist who comes here who wants to personally
see the sights of the United States should keep in mind that his wallet will
have a very, very hard time. But this in no way negates the fact that New York
is a city that simply drives you crazy, fascinates, shocks, falls in love with
itself, sometimes terrifies, in general, does anything, but does not leave
· #59
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:14)
1) large enough for
The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to incubate
an embryo
I can recommend the excellent article "Guilt: when it is useful - and what to do
if it takes over your life".
Feelings of guilt can be completely different, everyone can feel it in their own
way. For example, guilt because of one's actions, the actions of others, because
of thoughts or elementary readings of the news. It is rightly said that the
feeling of guilt warns us that our moral standards have been violated in some
way. The article explains well what guilt is, what are the pros and cons of it,
what to do when you feel guilty. I highly recommend reading this article.
· #58
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 10:01)
Today I read an article about journalists who suffered in Ukraine after Russia
started the war. In total, five journalists were killed, among them the Russian
journalist Oksana Baulina, who died during the Russian attack on the capital of
Missing journalists, including photojournalist and documentary filmmaker Max
In Russia, at the legislative level, it was forbidden to call the war "war".
Russia has limited its people in the flow of information and banned social
networks on the territory of the Russian Federation. More than 150 journalists
have fled Russia. This article did not give me new information.
deserves special attention
It deserves special attention in several respects
de facto
Michael's her de facto errand boy.
derived from
About two million products derived from human tissue are sold in the U.S. alone
every year.
· #57
Grodska E. to Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:52)
The tasks Phrases of the day were written correctly. Thank you for your interesting commentary on the article.
· #56
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:51)
Today I have read an article on the topic "World Television Day: Why Despite New
Technology, We Stay Loyal" This article says that TVs have become a part of our
life. With the help of them we get a lot of interesting information, have fun
and relax. Yes, now on other media have come to replace it, but television will
always be popular. It is more than a medium of entertainment.
Concluding, I want to say that the author was able to convey his thoughts to the
account of television in our life, focusing on the fact that it will never
become outdated.
Phrases of the day
1) But in the course of the week, you came to have an understanding with him.
2) It is interesting to note that the connections between these tasks can often
be seen in my work.
3) A grant of land large enough for a stronghold.
Today I have read the article "Public confidence in the media is at a new low
level: a radical rethinking of journalism is needed." It says that it is easy to
lose the trust of readers by telling false information. This is bad for the
media, because journalists should write only the truth and watch their words. If
the journalist does not do this, then he can permanently lose his reputation.
Concluding, I will say that this article is useful and interesting because all
future journalists should understand that if they tell false news, they can
forever lose confidence.
· #55
Grodska E. to Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:51)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct.
· #54
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:49)
Class work
Today I have read an article entitled "Saving Journalism: Opinions on How to Pay
for Credible Information." The author of the article is Theodora Dam
Ajin-Tettey. The article raises the issue of insufficient funding for the media.
Many media outlets have been forced to close publishing houses or cut jobs and
salaries because of the COViD-19 pandemic. This is a big blow to the media
industry. Many countries are experimenting with various forms of government
support for the media, and several funding organizations have made significant
progress in supporting quality journalism. I find this article useful because if
we do not support the media, especially small media, this field will be on the
road to collapse.
Phrases of the Day
1. derived from
Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
2. de facto
Thailand has been de facto opium-free for several years.
3. deserves special attention
The challenge of stigma and discrimination also deserves special attention.
Today I have read the article «How to Consume the News While Keeping Your
Sanity». Written by Ali Colon. This article contains tips on how to read the
news, analyze it, and not succumb to lies. The most effective way to learn
truthful news is to compare different news sources on the same issue. It is best
to read news from official, first-hand sources. You can also ask your friends
what online resources they use and check them out. I think this article will be
useful to those who do not want to become a victim of untruthful media.
· #53
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:49)
I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #52
Gvozd to Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:47)
Thank you for your active participation, the tasks are quite correct and informative.
· #51
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:44)
1) in the course of
Finland offers crash course in artificial intelligence to EU.
2) interesting to note that
It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
The article "Can't keep a secret? There may be a reason for that" can be useful
and interesting for everyone. We hear the phrase "don't tell anyone" before and
after someone tells a secret. This phrase arouses interest and desire to share
the secret with others. A person tells secrets when it is hard for him to keep
everything in himself. It is important to choose the right person to trust,
because this can have consequences. The article tells us why people share
secrets, why it's hard to keep them to yourself, and gives great advice for
those who find it hard to keep them.
· #50
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:43)
Title: ‘They said they’d mutilate and kill me,’ says kidnapped Ukrainian
Today I have read the article about eight-day ordeal of kidnapped journalist
Oleh Baturin.
Around lunchtime on 12 March, he received a phone call from activist Serhiy
Tsygipa, who needed to see him in Kakhovka at 5pm. Having warned his family,
went to Tsygipa, who was not there. It was a trap - the Russian soldiers caught
him. Over the next eight days, he was held captive with physical violence. Under
threat of being shot, they took his DNA and fingerprints and entered them into a
database. On 20 March, they told him to pack his things and go home.
In conclusion, I realized, that working journalist in war time is very
Phrases of the day:
1. de facto
Free Wi-Fi has turned coffee shops into de facto work spaces.
2. deserves special attention
Of course, carbon dioxide plays a key role in global warming, but among all the
greenhouse gases, methane deserves special attention because of its larger
global warming potential.
3. derived from
Bioenergy is the energy that derived from biomass.
Title: "Comics Journalism"
Today I have read the article about comics journalism.
Comics journalism is the name given to serious journalistic projects presented
in the format of graphic novels, which themselves draw on the visual conventions
of comics books going back to everything from Superman to Archie Comics. Today
the number of practitioners of the genre has grown into the hundreds. Katherine
Kelp-Stebbins, says that show at she have been wanting to do since she was hired
as the first professor of comics journalism in the U.S.
In conclusion, I liked this journalistic format and I think, it will be more
popular soon.
· #49
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:35)
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212
Thank you for your tasks, they are well done.
· #48
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:35)
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "Scientists show how fast algorithms improve with
many examples." From the article, we learn how the researchers studied the
operation of the algorithm. The algorithm is the parent of the computer, and if
you increase its efficiency, then the work with the computer will improve. After
studying many scientific papers, the researchers came to the conclusion that the
efficiency of the algorithm has grown many times over a long time. In my
opinion, algorithm technology will improve more and more, it is already
noticeable how well a computer system works.
Phrases of the day
1) derived from
Information derived from the database will be sent to you one of these days.
2) de facto
The same day de facto became the last day of the company
3) deserves special attention
Her cooking skills deserves special attention.
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "New study reveals why Facebook ads can miss
target". We all know that Facebook advertising is one of the most widespread in
the world, but it also has its drawbacks. The article talks about the research
and shortcomings of advertising on the Facebook platform. You can also get
acquainted with the results of research profiles of interests and how they work.
Annoying uninteresting ads quite often annoy the user, which makes them think
about using this platform. I use Facebook ads quite a lot and I think it's one
of the best platforms.
· #47
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:28)
Article of the day :
1)The world breakthrough of science deserves special attention.
2)Information derived from the Database will always be on groups.
3)Thailand has been de facto opium-free for several years.
How to build a career in business journalism.
This is sixth and final webinar in Quartz’s business journalism series this year
focused on career building.
The information of the article includes such persons as: Stephen Wisnefski, an
assistant managing editor of talent at the Wall Street Journal; Josée Rose,
executive editor at Insider; and other.
The article raises topics about how how do you build a career network, how has
the journalism job market changed, how do you know what skillset to pursue, what
is your advice in terms of focusing versus getting as many skills as quickly as
possible and keeping journalism networks open.
The article will be very interesting for those who are going to connect their
lives with journalism. Or those who are simply interested in this topic.
Vocaroo :
RoundTable hosts panel on future of local journalism.
By Duncan Agnew.
The author says that on Wednesday evening in Evanston, an online conference was
held for journalists and other experts in this specialty, who discussed the
problems associated with the work of journalists at this time.
There were many discussions about the obsolescence of the media, the lack of
sources of information, and the reduction in the staff of journalists due to the
pandemic. According to Franklin, the world is now at a crossroads.
As for me, to save the day, you need to focus on the ways of reliability and the
importance of publications.
Vocaroo :
· #46
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:24)
Today I have read the article which called "RIVERS: How Feminist Practices
Protect the Planet". In this article was talking about global problems as global
warming, environmental pollution and others. In general, this article talked
about a new meaning for me, like "Ecological feminism". Ecological feminism is
an ideology and movement that views climate change and gender equality as
intrisically related issues that are both tied to masculine dominance
perpetuated by the patriarchy and capitalism and calls attention to the way
women are disproportionately impacted by environmental issues. This article was
fascinating and i think everyone should read it.
Phrases of the day:
1. deserves special attention
It deserves special attention in several respects.
Він заслуговує особливої уваги з певних причин.
2. derived from
Well, Halloween is derived from Samhain.
Ну, Хелловін походить від Саймона.
3. de facto
As your de facto consigliere my advice to you is to shut this down immediately.
Як твій фактичний співучасник, я раджу прикрити лавку.
Today I havе read the article which called « Celebration as the Oscars ceremony
returns to Hollywood».
The article says that this year the Oscar ceremony will be held with its usual
scope and grandiose shows. The article consists of comments from stylists,
jewelry designers and costume assistants. They talk about their impressions of
the news that the Oscar ceremony is coming back.
By tradition, the ceremony will be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. An
event of this magnitude has always attracted crowds of tourists who want to see
the red carpet in front of the theater. Not far from the theater there is the
Hollywood Museum-the Museum of Theater and Cinema. It is also very popular with
· #45
Gvozd to Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:21)
Thank you for your work. I appreciate your tasks, they are quite detailed.
· #44
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:21)
The tasks Phrases of the day are performed correctly. Your commentaries demonstrate your complete understanding of the main idea of the article. Well done
· #43
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:18)
Today I've read the article about climate of Ukraine is determined by its
geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt and its
climate is temperately continental, only the southern coast of the Crimea is
subtropical. The climate of Ukraine is characterized by considerable variations
due to the great range from north to south and from west to east, stretching
from the areas under the influence of the north-western Atlantic to the interior
of the continent. This means that the air temperature decreases not only from
north to south but also from west to east.
deserves special attention
this work deserves special attention
derived from
derived from plant extracts
de facto
de facto relationship
Today I've read the article about the Olympic Games is the greatest
international sport event in the world, in which thousands of athletes compete
in different types of sports. The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and
cooperation among the people of the world.The original Olympic Games began in
ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth
year in honour of God Zeus in the town called Olympia. It was a great athletic
festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing,
rowing and others.
· #42
Grodska E. to Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:16)
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were written correctly. Well done
· #41
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:15)
Your commentary is quite good, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article. Go on working
· #40
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:14)
Article :
How BitClout Could Change The World Of Social Media
Today I’ve read the article about BitClout and how this platform can change the
world of social media. The aim of the article is to provide some material to the
reader about an app with which you can earn money on social media. The author
starts the article by talking about popular bloggers who have broken down in
real life. The article goes on to say that without a clear monetisation plan,
content creators can become financially and mentally exhausted. The author
mentions a company that is one of the frequent users of the app. I advise you to
read it.
Phrase of the day
1 derived from
Information derived from the database will be sent to you one of these days.
2 de facto
This happened as a result of the de facto of the company, which suffered huge
3 deserves special attention
The proposal to impose an embargo on gas supplies deserves special attention.
Social media fuels narcissists’ worst desires, making reasoned debate near
Today I’ve read the article about social media fuelling the worst desires of
narcissists, making reasoned debate impossible. The purpose of the article is to
give the reader some information about the influence of the media on human
nature. The author starts by reporting on the negative policies of Facebook,
which basically misinforms people. It then talks about the types of narcissism.
Much attention is given to the positive aspects of narcissism. The author goes
on to point out how this nature behind the influence of social media is related
to politics. I recommend the article for reading.
· #39
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:10)
Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really
happened, but that they might not have known about already.
People who write journalism are called "journalists." They might work at
newspapers, magazines, websites or for TV or radio stations.
The most important characteristic shared by good journalists is curiosity. Good
journalists love to read and want to find out as much as they can about the
world around them.
Journalism comes in several different forms:
I. News
A. Breaking news: Telling about an event as it happens.
B. Feature stories: A detailed look at something interesting that's not breaking
Phrases of the day :
1.Drives from
Halloween is derived from Samhain.
2. De facto
The same day de facto became the last day of the company
3. Deserves special attention
Her cooking skills deserves special attention.
Journalism, I originally believed, is first and foremost a set of values—such as
breaking news, uncovering the truth, and providing a public a service. Second,
these values would get meaning in the news culture of a specific time and
place—a country, a medium, and a news organization. Third, individual
journalists would come to embody these values and their meanings in their
everyday routines and practices at work. All of this squared rather nicely with
the arrangement of news as an industry in society, where expert institutions
such as mainstream newspapers and broadcast news.
· #38
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:10)
The title of the article:Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism wins 2021
Reconciliation Award
Today I have read an article about how the Bhekisisa Medical Journalism Center
won the 2021 Reconciliation Award. In the article we will find out all the
details of the award and why this particular center received the award. Awarded
for their significant contribution to the exchange of information. What makes
this health journalism center unique is that it brings together science and
health, but reporters say the job isn't easy for them. Drawing conclusions, I
can say that the article has many cognitive details, in it you will learn all
the information about medical journalism and what difficulties it faces, I
recommend reading.
Phrases of the day:
In the course of
1. I have said several times in the course of this investigation that this case
revolved around the personality of Madame Leidner.
У ході розслідування цієї справи я неодноразово говорив, що все обертається
навколо особи мадам Ляйднер.
Interesting to note that
2.It is interesting to note that the Commission has taken divergent views on
Цікаво відзначити, що Комісія займала з цього питання різні позиції.
Large enough for
3. Press runs are not large, but large enough for presentation purposes.
Тиражі для преси не великі, але достатньо великі для презентаційних цілей.
The title of the article:Slouching Toward Post-Journalism
Today I have read a very informative article about post-journalism. In the
article we learn the whole history of post-journalism and why it was created.
Further in the article we learn that most of the publications have sharply
dropped circulation, all publications seemed to be silent. Back in 2016, many
experiments began on post-journalism. Making conclusions, I can say that the
article is very useful for journalists, in it you will learn all the stages of
creating post-journalism,why this kind of journalism is great, what it has
encountered and a lot of useful information, I recommend reading.
· #37
Grodska E. to Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:08)
The tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct. Thank you for your informative commentaries.
· #36
Grodska E. to Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:06)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #35
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:02)
Today I have read the article that the global effort to protect journalism needs
a reboot - here's how to do better. Due to a combination of economic and
political factors, media freedom around the world is increasingly under threat.
For several years now, digital technologies have been undermining the business
model that has traditionally supported journalism. Also, the growing
concentration of media ownership in many countries means that there are fewer
jobs and fewer opportunities for journalists to work. Then there is a serious
danger in which many journalists are forced to work. In December 2021, a record
488 journalists and media workers were in prisons around the world. I recommend
to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.We believe that the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons
deserves special attention.
2.Obsessed with anything derived from Norse mythology...
3.As your de facto consigliere my advice to you is to shut this down
Today I have read the article about "Rescuing Journalism: Perspectives on How to
Pay for Correct Information". Journalism around the world is facing a
sustainability crisis. This is largely due to declining advertising revenue,
loss of revenue by tech giants, control of the media by politicians and
individuals with business interests, disinformation, and declining public trust.
In the US, at least 21 local newspapers have merged, and about 1,400 newsroom
employees have lost their jobs. African journalism has also felt the economic
impact. Without the journalistic foundation on which democratic societies
operate, they will be weaker. I recommend to read this article.
· #34
Gvozd to Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 09:00)
It is interesting to read your opinion, the tasks are complete and quite correct.
· #33
Gvozd to Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:57)
Thank you for your tasks, they are quite correct and informative.Keep on working.
· #32
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022)
Thank you for your tasks, they are quite interesting. But mind the usage of present perfect.
· #31
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:54)
Today I have read the article called "Social media users more likely to believe
misinformation: study."
This article tells about an urgent problem of modern society. It is
misinformation of people through social networks, which are now an integral part
of the life of every person. A report from the showed that those who watch the
news on social media are not fully informed about these or those events, for
example, about elections or COVID-19.
In my opinion, unfortunately, people who take information from only one source
don't develop their own critical thinking and are more likely to lie.
The big bedroom's large enough for a cot and your little boy can go in here.
But in the course of the week, you came to have an understanding with him.
In this regard, it is interesting to note the sense of morality which appears to
have motivated the reconstruction of Europe after the Second World War.
Today I have read the article called " Enhancing human-robot cooperation in
manufacturing by learning to recognize human intentions"
The article described research by scientists who want to give a robot the
ability to "read" its human partner's intentions in order to better and faster
systematize and anticipate human actions. The researchers tried to achieve this
by interacting with the activity of the human brain's frontal lobe.
In conclusion, this research will help humanity become more modernized in such
an already advanced world. After all, science doesn`t stand still.
· #30
Grodska E. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:53)
Your commentary on the article and tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. Well done.
· #29
Grodska E. to IZ 212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:51)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #28
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:51)
Link to the article:
Moscow calls on Russian media to ignore Zelensky interview
This article is quite informative. It tells about the call of the media of the
Russian Federation to ignore the appeal of the President of Ukraine. The Russian
authorities are committing unacceptable acts. Zelensky spoke to Russian
journalists during a 90-minute video call on Sunday, during which he said
Ukraine would consider neutral status as part of a peace agreement, he called on
people to reconcile, but Russia adhered to its position. Enemies have invaded
our Earth and inflicted heavy losses, but we will fight to the end. Russian
President Vladimir Putin has indeed gone mad, but he has only one road, and he
will pay for his sins.
Phrases of the day:
1. As distinct from Russia, Ukraine does not force to ignore appeals from the
other side.
2. This actions acquainted with times of the Soviet Union.
3. The president's speech was heard as a matter of time.
Link to the article:
Gunman kills 5 in mass shooting spree in central Israel
This article describes a murder committed by an armed man on a motorcycle. In
central Israel on Tuesday night, he killed at least five people in the second
mass shooting this week. The media report that the shootings have recently begun
to spread. Israeli Defense Minister Benny Ganz wrote on Twitter that security
forces will work by all means to bring security back to Israeli streets and a
sense of security for the civilian population. In difficult times for any
country, you need to strengthen your defense as much as possible to avoid
significant consequences. I am sure that we will overcome all the problems.
· #27
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:48)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent, practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #26
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) Homework (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:45)
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article «Traveling to Georgia during Covid-19: What you
need to know before you go». This article is a guide for those who want to visit
Unlimited entry is allowed for all vaccinated or partially vaccinated. They need
to present a vaccination passport valid for 100 days at the time of entry. The
unvaccinated will need to serve a two-week quarantine.
Also, arrivals need to download the "Green Pass" application. Without it,
tourists will not be able to visit cafes, gyms and other public places.
There is no curfew in Georgia. As long as there is a mask mode, a fine can be
imposed for violations.
· #25
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:44)
Phrases of the day:
1) large enough for
Most crossovers must be made large enough for semi-trailer trucks to complete
the crossover.
2) in the course of
It is in the course of study that nearly 50 per cent of the students drop out.
3) interesting to note that
It is especially interesting to note that males do not retain the pearled
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « Why this city is the world capital of
breakfasts». The authors of the article talk about the traditions of the Turkish
city of Van - where the culture of big breakfasts came from and what dishes are
According to legend, this tradition began to emerge in the 20th century, when
farmers from nearby cities began to bring their products to the city station of
Vana. Others believe that the beginning of this culture was laid by "dairy
houses" -buildings where workers were fed. They gave mainly dairy products:
cheeses, milk, cottage cheese.
Then the Van breakfasts spread throughout Turkey.
Today, a traditional Turkish breakfast can include up to 30 dishes. Turks
believe that such a breakfast is the right way to start the day. This is a
moment of unity with the family and the most important meal of the day.
· #24
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:43)
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « The traveler who's been globetrotting for nearly
10 years ».
The article talks about Tom Grond, a traveler who has visited 130 countries over
the past ten years. Tom is a Dutch blogger who broadcasts his travels on
Instagram and Tik Tok. He started running the page in 2014, acquired the first
subscribers and later began to cooperate with tourist organizations and
hotels-advertised them in exchange for accommodation. Now the blog is his main
source of income.
Tom started with a very small budget for his travels-he tried to spend as little
as possible on food, looking for the cheapest accommodation options. Then I was
able to afford a little more.
One of the most memorable trips was Syria. Tom was surprised by how much
strength the locals have to rebuild the destroyed cities.
The blogger's goal is to see as many cultures and inhabitants as possible, show
them to the world and share his emotions.
· #23
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) Homework (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:42)
Phrases of the day:
1) large enough for
This young creature has a heart large enough for the Virgin Mary.
2) in the course of
That way, you save eight minutes every half hour, so in the course of two hours
of watching TV, you find 32 minutes to exercise.
3) interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that a master of landscape, he never introduced
figures into it.
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article «Ukraine football coach casts doubt over 2022 FIFA
World Cup playoff against Scotland». In the article, Alexander Petrakov
expresses his assumptions about the game of the Ukrainian national team against
Initially, the teams were supposed to play on March 24 in Scotland. But the
match was canceled the very next day after the invasion of Ukraine.
To date, the game has been postponed to June, but Alexander expresses doubt
whether it will take place at all. It depends on the situation in Ukraine.
The coach of the national team says that he cannot think about the game while
people are dying in his country. Alexander himself stayed at home in Kiev, does
not plan to leave.
· #22
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:41)
Lesson 1
Words of the day and sources
•large enough for
Definitely large enough for an entire family of four, the interior features a
nonstick finish for easy cleaning, and is equipped with an oven rack, air frying
rack/basket, and baking pan so that you can tackle a number of cooking projects.
•interesting to note that
"It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to mitigate
climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions, which
highlights that mitigation and adaptation strategies can align."
Commentary and sources
Today I read an article on the topic of shyness. But not about the constraint of
any thing, but when learning a foreign language. In my case, English.
The material of the article contains funny stories, high-quality advice and, of
course, motivation to accept yourself and your shyness, but try to do everything
possible as soon as possible to make the student of a foreign language so native
that at least it is more or less necessary to speak, understand.
The language is pleasant for perception and understanding.
It's nice to realize that there are such articles that are so simple and
pleasant that it's like talking to a friend.
Words of the day and sources
•in the course of
The development of the W-Cube took place in the course of the joint project
Commentary and sources
Today I read an article with a very unexpected topic for me - technology. Or
rather, how technologies can change our interaction with products.
But despite the complex name and in general the topic, but the material is very
interesting and useful.
I learned about new technologies that are associated with food. For example, 3D
technology and different applications. There are opinions of a variety of
professors and specialists in this field.
And with each minute of reading my opinion about the technologies began to
change. It is true an interesting topic, and since the modern world every year
everything is more closely associated with technologies, also in demand.
Lesson 2
Words of the day and sources
•in the course of
In the course of his work, DeCaprio began noticing problems with the ways
machine learning and other statistical techniques were making their way into
health care, notably in the fact that predictive models were being applied
without regard for hospitals' patient populations.
•interesting to note that
It is interesting to note that Bluetooth was named after the 10th century Danish
king Harald Bluetooth, who helped heal rifts among bickering Scandinavian
Commentary and sources
Just I read the article on what should not be done in the famous language in
English - Test IELTS.
A simple language, the small format of the article gives a large number of
useful information.
For example, it is worth counting on yourself, and not an examiner who allegedly
can help. Do not worry on trifles. For example, about acceptance or about the
examination of the examiner. And do not brag a grammar. Well, the main thing is
not to be late. These are not all the advice and, if you can say so, the rules
on the test, but this is the base that I allocated for myself.
Words of the day and sources
•large enough for
It includes apartments large enough for families Plans call for more than 200
affordable units between two different projects along Central Park Boulevard.
Commentary and sources
Today I read an article on "How to prepare for the interview."
In general, the topic of important events is very excited, and the interviews
are all the more. After all, if everything goes well, you will get a job, then
the opportunity to make money.
I received valuable advice and in general information, despite the small size of
the article.
For example, whatever cool improvisation is, but it is better to think about the
preparation and pre-prepare questions and answers to them. At least try to guess
what they will ask.
· #21
Moskalyk Diana IJ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 08:00)
Today I have read the articleabout reducing the number of people living in
poverty. The US government came to these actions because of statistics, which
showed that they increased the number of unsecured by 8 million, compared to 2
years ago and the idea that 8 million live without the opportunity to buy food.
Based on this situation, university students have created a new method of
processing data on disadvantaged people.The key difference between the new
measurement and conventional ways of assessing poverty is that the new method
relies on quarterly reported spending data instead of income data reported
annually and retrospectively.
- If physicists and engineers can make quantum computers reliable and able to
operate with large enough capacity, they could simulate other systems, Wineland
- "It is also interesting to note that changes in investment decisions to
mitigate climate-induced risks can also support carbon emissions reductions,
which highlights that mitigation and adaptation strategies can align."
- The development of the W-Cube took place in the course of the joint project
Today I read about a new look at the reproductive evolution of land plants. The
first growths appeared on our planet about 470 million years ago. They looked
like moss. Thanks to them, the surface ball of the planet was formed and made it
possible to establish terrestrial animal life. Comparative analysis showed that
almost all genes have not changed throughout evolution.Plants are our greatest
source of food and materials and the comprehension of their function is
essential to be able to counteract the current issues that plague this resource,
and find long term sustainable solutions.
· #20
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 07:59)
Today I have read the article "Canada pledges to help countries stop using
Russian oil".
This article talks about replacing Russian oil with Canadian oil in connection
with sanctions against the aggressor country. However, the oil extraction
business in Canada is close to breaking point. As a result, oil prices are
rising, inflation begins, which destroys the entire world economy. The issue of
exporting uranium from Canada was also raised. At the moment, most countries
cannot refuse Russian gas and abandon the so-called "oil needle"
In my opinion, this situation is becoming an impetus for the transition to wind,
solar and water energy.
- The shape has been highly regarded for its evolution as large enough to
incubate an embryo
- "It is interesting to note that, for both the cathode and the anode, the
delamination is more severe on the electrode coating side that would have been
subjected to compression stress, rather than tensile strain.
- Finland offers crash course in artificial intelligence to EU.
Today I have read the article "Will big biodiversity ambitions be enough to save
nature?" it's important topic today, because development and conservation of
biodiversity is an important component of the environment - 200 countries have
joined. Countries are striving to increase their ambitions in the face of stark
warnings that humanity is driving devastating declines in the biodiversity that
supports all life on the planet. All these countries have already tried to
achieve a similar result, for a certain period of time - 10 years failed to do
· #19
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Monday, 04 April 2022 07:47)
In two recently published research papers, computer scientists from the
University of Luxembourg and international partners show how mouse movements can
be used to gain additional knowledge about the user behavior
The team analyzed three representative scenarios where users had to make a
choice on web search engines: The results are interesting: if users pay
attention to an ad, it will be signaled by the initial mouse movements. In case
of page abandonment, it is actually the opposite: the last movements inform
whether the user has decided to leave either if they were satisfied with the
search results or not, without having to click on anything. In the frustration
case, results were mixed but it seemed the middle part of a mouse movement
trajectory provides more information than the initial or final parts.
The researchers found that it is possible to predict the aforementioned tasks
sometimes using just two or three seconds of mouse movement. Therefore, they
conclude that, by only tracking the interesting parts, search engines could get
useful information and improve their services while respecting the users'
Phrases of the day:
1. We can't wait to convert buildings until the [electricity] generation,
transmission and storage infrastructure is sufficient to meet the demand, and we
can't convert all the buildings without improving that infrastructure," said
Kavanagh, the New York legislator.
Ми не можемо дочекатися переобладнання будівель, поки інфраструктура
виробництва, передачі та зберігання [електрики] не буде достатньою, щоб
задовольнити попит, і ми не можемо переобладнати всі будівлі без покращення цієї
інфраструктури», — сказав Кавана, законодавець Нью-Йорка.
2. On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with
their usual tools and the meta-platform pulls the strings in the background in a
way that makes it possible to exchange information.
Навпаки, усі зацікавлені сторони фактично продовжують взаємодіяти зі своїми
звичайними інструментами, а мета-платформа тягне за ниточки у фоновому режимі,
що дозволяє обмінюватися інформацією.
3. At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars,
it can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
У інтенсивних транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами,
автобусами та трамваями, водіям може бути неможливо відстежити все навколо
· #18
debt 14.03-18.03 Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tomenko) (Sunday, 03 April 2022 16:33)
Today I read an article on "Nanobacteria - are they alive?" in my opinion this
is a very interesting article. it will be interesting to people who are
interested in bio and medicine. Tiny particles called nanobacteria have
intrigued researchers in many ways since they were discovered 20 years ago, but
perhaps the most controversial question they ask is whether they are alive or
not. Nanobacteria, sometimes called "nanobs" or "calcifying nanoparticles", do
not seem to meet scientists' criteria for life.
Phrases of the day:
1)"When researchers discuss the forces that shaped human history, there is
considerable disagreement as to whether our behavior is primarily determined by
culture or by the environment," says primary author Carlos Botero, a researcher
at the Initiative for Biological Complexity at North Carolina State University
2)Vast quantities of data are scooped up from smartphone apps by firms looking
to develop products, conduct research or target consumers with adverts.
3)"For over a decade we've been studying a very controversial question: can
parental responses to environmental challenges transmit from generation to
· #17
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 15:50)
Phrases of the day:
1.Comparative investigation of.
The focus of the work is a comparative study of various filter materials.
Целью работы является сравнительное исследование различных фильтрующих
2.Condition imposed by
3.Comprehensive investigation of
A comprehensive study of their influence on the deposition rate was carried out.
Проведено комплексное исследование их влияния на скорость осаждения.
· #16
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 15:25)
question that has interested researchers for some time: What is the significance
of the sclera of our eyes? We owe this to the formation of the whites of our
eyes. We conclude that the white of the eye makes a decisive contribution to the
visibility of gaze directions through its basic color properties.
The experiment showed that Humans and chimpanzees can perceive the human eye
better than the chimpanzee eye. Both study groups were presented with images of
humans and chimpanzees in computerized tasks. Participants in both species were
better able to distinguish the directions of the chimpanzee's gaze.
Specifically, when the chimpanzee eye had a human white sclera and a darker
Thus, whiteness in the sclera makes it easier to see the direction of gaze even
across species.
· #15
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 12:03)
Today I have read the article "New study reveals why Facebook ads can miss
target". We all know that Facebook advertising is one of the most widespread in
the world, but it also has its drawbacks. The article talks about the research
and shortcomings of advertising on the Facebook platform. You can also get
acquainted with the results of research profiles of interests and how they work.
Annoying uninteresting ads quite often annoy the user, which makes them think
about using this platform. I use Facebook ads quite a lot and I think it's one
of the best platforms.
1. multiple levels - кілька рівнів
The model predicts wind velocities and pressures at multiple levels in the
atmosphere up to 120 hours in advance with high fidelity.
Модель прогнозує швидкість і тиск вітру на різних рівнях в атмосфері до 120
годин наперед з високою точністю.
2. case studies - тематичні дослідження
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
В якості першого кроку вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження,
щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа.
3. when compared - при порівнянні
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
· #14
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 11:54)
Today I have read the article "Scientists show how fast algorithms improve with
many examples." From the article, we learn how the researchers studied the
operation of the algorithm. The algorithm is the parent of the computer, and if
you increase its efficiency, then the work with the computer will improve. After
studying many scientific papers, the researchers came to the conclusion that the
efficiency of the algorithm has grown many times over a long time. In my
opinion, algorithm technology will improve more and more, it is already
noticeable how well a computer system works.
1)findings confirm
These findings confirm the suspicions of web design bloggers that websites are
becoming more similar.
Ці висновки підтверджують підозри блогерів веб-дизайнерів, що веб-сайти стають
все більш схожими.
2)from this standpoint
Indeed, from this standpoint, there is no contradiction between profit
maximization and the common good.
Справді, з цієї точки зору немає протиріччя між максимізацією прибутку та
загальним благом.
3)explore further
Explore further. Disorder in surface materials key to better hydrogen storage.
Досліджуйте далі. Порушення в матеріалах поверхні ключ до кращого зберігання
· #13
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 08:47)
Today I have read the article «Slavery is not a crime in almost half the
countries of the world».
This article tells us about the problem of slavery in many countries. In 94
countries to enslave another human being is not a crime. You can read in the
article stories of people who were slaves sometime, statistics that show the
depth of this problem, what can be done to change this situation.
In conclusion, it is obligatory to fight for human rights. All people must have
their rights and be equal. It is inadmissible to let this situation flow.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) further validation
These reports require further validation, but are a matter of serious concern,
in view of the credibility of the sources.
Ці повідомлення потребують додаткової перевірки, однак вони викликають серйозне
занепокоєння з огляду на надійний характер джерел.
2) generally accepted
It was generally accepted that all States had standing to bring a claim in
respect of a breach of an obligation owed to all States.
Загальноприйнято, що всі держави мають право заявляти претензії у зв'язку з
порушенням зобов'язання перед усіма державами.
3) in line with
Therefore, organizations support restrictions in line with best practice.
У зв'язку з цим організації підтримують запровадження таких обмежень відповідно
до передової практики.
Voice message:
· #12
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Saturday, 02 April 2022 08:28)
Well done, thank you for your active work.
· #11
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 08:21)
Today I have read the article called: "Developing standards to reduce fire
damage". This article is about the development and use of standards of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which will help improve
the quality of life. The Technology Partnership Office conducted a research to
test the impact of the National Institute of Standards and Technology on fire
safety standards. The research focused on documenting NIST's role in the
development of these fire safety standards, cost estimate, and informing about
the economic benefits of the system. Through a vast amount of research and
standard setting over decades, NIST has helped significantly reduce the cost of
fires in the US.
1. Voice:
Phrases of the day:
1. Generally accepted
Emma's parents taught her generally accepted manners from childhood.
Батьки Емми вчили її загальноприйнятим манерам з дитинства.
2. In line with
We performed the work in line with the client's expectations.
Ми виконали роботу відповідно до очікувань клієнта.
3. Further validation
We sent a new contract to the firm for further validation.
Ми надіслали до фірми новий контракт для подальшого підтвердження.
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd)
Today I have read the article called: "Drenching rains to pose greater threat to
fire-damaged areas in West". This article is about the research of climatic
features of the western part of the United States. The researchers say there is
an increased risk of rainfall, which could lead to flooding. Such natural
climate changes are due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the
experiment, 90 percent of extreme fires will be accompanied by extreme rain
within five years. The researchers obtained the results using computer models of
the past and future climate.
· #10
Gvozd to Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Saturday, 02 April 2022 08:01)
Thank you for your tasks. By the way, it is not necessary to write sentences with phrases in the Independent practice. It is important to use Present Perfect in the sentences with"today."
· #9
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 07:56)
Phrases of the Day: 1. predetermined action
Many of those adjustments do not follow a predetermined course of action.
Багато з цих коригувань не застосовуються в строго визначеному порядку.
2.product development
At this forum, marketing and product development strategies are formulated and
implementation plans established.
На цьому форумі обговорюються стратегії збуту та розробки продукції і
приймаються плани їх здійснення.
3. as follows
As follows is an idiom, a group of words used to signify or show detail.
Нижче наведено ідіому, групу слів, що використовуються для позначення або
вираження деталей.
Today I read the article "Research: the ability to humor is associated with a
higher level of intelligence in schoolchildren."
A new study conducted among Turkish schoolchildren in their schools shows that
children with a higher level of general knowledge and verbal thinking are better
able to create humor, and also shows that the connection between humor and
intelligence seems to be much stronger in children than in adults.
I think this study is very relevant and interesting, because parents and
teachers need to know that if their children or students have extraordinary
intelligence, if the student has good humor.
Phrases of the day:
1)Product development
At this forum, marketing and product development strategies are formulated and
implementation plans established. Разработка продукта
На этом форуме формулируются стратегии маркетинга и разработки продукции, а
также разрабатываются планы реализации.
2)As follows
Today I believe we have to answer that question as follows. Следующим образом
Сегодня я считаю, что мы должны ответить на этот вопрос следующим образом.
3)Predetermined action
Many of those adjustments do not follow a predetermined course of action.
Предопределенное действие
Многие из этих корректировок не соответствуют заранее определенному курсу
Today I read an article about what professions exist in the field of journalism,
and it turned out to be very interesting. There were seven of them: TV
journalist, editing editor, junior designer, sales representative, advertising /
marketing manager, editorial assistant, reporter / staff writer. For all
professions, the requirements and a description of what kind of profession it is
are described. Of course, each of them is useful and interesting in its own way.
I recommend this article to those future journalists who can not decide what
kind of journalism they want to work, the article has collected recommendations
for them.
· #8
Gvozd to Davidenko Diana IC-211 (Saturday, 02 April 2022 07:52)
Thank you for your work. Be attentive, in the first sentence it is necessary to use definite article: Today I've read THE article on "Community policing found to be ineffective in improving trust or reducing crime" ...
· #7
Gvozd to Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Saturday, 02 April 2022)
Thank you for your tasks. Both are quite correct and interesting.
· #6
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-2122 (Saturday, 02 April 2022 07:45)
Dear students. I am eager to read your comments. Hurry up..
· #5
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 07:44)
Today I have read a fascinating article about animals, specifically dogs. The
fact is that some scientists wanted to find out why pets are so passionate about
watching TV with their owners and which shows dogs like to watch the most.
Perhaps it's shows that also feature animals? Many people wanted to participate
in the experiment and let their dogs watch four different videos, and watch
their dogs' reactions. Also, with this experiment, the scientists wanted to see
if viewing affects the dogs' vision, and how you can keep it from getting worse.
I enjoyed this article, it was really interesting.
Phrases of the day:
1) Generally accepted (общепринятый)
This method is generally accepted in modern medicine. (Этод метод является
общепринятым в современной медицине)
2) In line with (в соответствии)
This bus will run in line with the new schedule. (Этот автобус будет курсировать
в соответствии с новым графиком)
3) Further validation (дальнейшее подтверждение)
What I said at the meeting yesterday needs no further validation (Те слова, что
я сказал вчера на встрече, не нуждаются в дальнейшем подтверждении)
Independent Practice
Today I have read a very interesting article about cybernetics and scientists'
new inventions in robotics. It talks about how robots will soon be able to feel
drowsy and even go to sleep when they are tired, thanks to the efforts of
humans. Scientists want to make robots as similar as possible to real people,
that is, to feel the same emotions and needs. With neurons, which are systems
that learn in the same way as the living brain, scientists are trying to
recreate human intelligence in robots. The question remains, however, how to
keep learning systems from becoming unstable.
· #4
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Saturday, 02 April 2022 07:37)
Today, I've read an article on "Community policing found to be ineffective in
improving trust or reducing crime" in which an international team of researchers
describes how they conducted experiments to test the effectiveness of the public
police, and what they learned from them.
They conducted six field studies in Brazil, Colombia, Liberia, Pakistan, the
Philippines and Uganda. Each required a coordinated effort by local police,
community members and community leaders. Police were asked to start a public
policing policy, and when they did, researchers tracked the results.
As a result, researchers found that, in general, the introduction of public
policing did little to improve trust in the police and did not affect local
Phrases of the Day:
1)by outlining
Mr. Mustafa gave a valuable contribution by outlining the problems of his
community and provided interesting information on the Roma culture.
2)beyond the scope of
However, a detailed description of all the activities in this field is beyond
the scope of this report.
3)classified as
It's now classified as top secret.
Today I've read an article on "Smoke from major wildfires destroys the ozone
layer, study shows" which conducted a study to determine the negative effects of
smoke from forest fires on the ozone layer.
To measure the effect of smoke particles in the stratosphere, researchers used
data from the Atmospheric Chemical Experiment satellite of the Canadian Space
Agency. In Australian fires, acid smoke particles were introduced into the
stratosphere, disrupting the chemistry of ozone-regulating chlorine, hydrogen
and nitrogen.
This damage is a temporary effect, and after the smoke disappeared from the
stratosphere, the ozone level returned to the level before the fire.
· #3
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-2122 (Saturday, 02 April 2022 06:50)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #2
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Friday, 01 April 2022 15:57)
Today I have read the article "Canada pledges to help countries stop using
Russian oil".
This article talks about replacing Russian oil with Canadian oil in connection
with sanctions against the aggressor country. However, the oil extraction
business in Canada is close to breaking point. As a result, oil prices are
rising, inflation begins, which destroys the entire world economy. The issue of
exporting uranium from Canada was also raised. At the moment, most countries
cannot refuse Russian gas and abandon the so-called "oil needle"
In my opinion, this situation is becoming an impetus for the transition to wind,
solar and water energy.
1. Key findings
The study offers several key findings.
2. Lay the foundations
Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
sources," says Dr. An.
3. As seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive.
· #1
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 01 April 2022 11:07)
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.