Medical engineering

|Медична інженерія(ІМІ)

Guestbook – April 2022


·        #131

·        Tsapenko to Semenii A. PhD-1 (Friday, 29 April 2022)

Thank you for your work. It’s well done., but ......."I have read the article...." Mind it, please. Good luck

·        #130

Tsapenko to Troianovska PhD-1 (Friday, 29 April 2022 18:58)

Good for you! Well done.

·        #129

Rupenko SFV211 (Duvanskaya) (Friday, 29 April 2022 13:12)

Such knowledge is often difficult to explain.

Many Africans access the internet via their phones, and even those who have a land line generally have slow speeds with the rest of the world due to insufficient bandwidth.
БагатоафриканціввиходятьвІнтернетчерезсвоїтелефони, інавітьті, хтомаєстаціонарнулінію, зазвичаймаютьнизькушвидкістьзв'язкузрештоюсвітучерезнедостатнюпропускнуздатність.

Given the recent news that Strava data revealed details on highly classified locations, it's time to check your own privacy settings.
Враховуючинещодавніновинипроте, щодані Strava розкрилиінформаціюпросуворозасекреченімісця, наставчасперевіритивласніналаштуванняконфіденційності.

New device puts music in your head—no headphones required

I read a very interesting article which talks about a device that can replace headphones.The essence is that the device is placed in your skull that allows you to listen to music, play games without disturbing others ,but you can hear the other sounds as your ears are not covered. As for me this is complete crap, it's funny even to hear, who wants to insert a headset into your skull without being able to easily remove them. Imagine that they break in, and what you'll do? One of the advantages according to the author is that you do not disturb anyone, do other people's headphones bother you? If we talk about such technology, there are already in our time models which transmit sound through the bone and you can safely hear the world around you, without opening up your skull

·        #128

Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 29 April 2022 12:54)
I have read the article “Aerial imagery pile burn detection using deep learning: The FLAME dataset”.
To improve the accuracy of forest fire detection, this paper proposes a graph neural network model based on the similarity of multi-view images. The FLAME (Fire Luminosity Airborne-based Machine learning Evaluation) method is applied to a variety of fire scenes and achieves good abilities to against recognition errors.
In my opinion, the problem of fire extinguishing is very relevant today, so much attention should be paid to these developments.
This article is about the FLAME method which can help firefighters and researchers to develop optimal fire management strategies

·        #127

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 28 April 2022 14:02)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #126

Tomenko M.G. to Zadorozhnaya Nadia LSBM-211 (Wednesday, 27 April 2022 13:31)

Good for you! Well done.

·        #125

Zadorozhnaya Nadia LSBM-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 18:32)

Toyota heading to moon with cruiser, robotic arms, dreams

Toyota is working with Japan's space agency on a vehicle to explore the lunar surface, with ambitions to help people live on the moon by 2040.
The vehicle being developed with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is called Lunar Cruiser. Its launch is set for the late 2020's.
The vehicle is based on the idea that people eat, work, sleep and communicate with others safely in cars, and the same can be done in outer space, said Takao Sato, who heads the Lunar Cruiser project at Toyota Motor Corp.

·        #124

Zadorozhnaya Nadia LSBM-211 (Tomenko M) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022)

Toyota heading to moon with cruiser, robotic arms, dreams

Toyota is working with Japan's space agency on a vehicle to explore the lunar surface, with ambitions to help people live on the moon by 2040.
The vehicle being developed with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is called Lunar Cruiser. Its launch is set for the late 2020's.
The vehicle is based on the idea that people eat, work, sleep and communicate with others safely in cars, and the same can be done in outer space, said Takao Sato, who heads the Lunar Cruiser project at Toyota Motor Corp.

·        #123

Tomenko M.G. to Rupenko SFV211 (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 12:05)

Thank you for your work. It’s well done.

·        #122

Rupenko SFV211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 11:42)

In particular, we clearly see that Organic is the most crucial coffee attribute,says Abdu
Зокрема, мияснобачимо, що Organic єнайважливішиматрибутомкави, кажеАбду.

By comparing the results to the 15-minute utility data, the team verified the accuracy of the measurements of energy saved and spent.
Порівнюючирезультатиз 15-хвилиннимиданимикомунальнихслужб, командаперевірилаточністьвимірівзекономленоїтавитраченоїенергії.

The new study by the University of Exeter, published in Cell Host Microbe, has cast new light on how to best combine antibiotics and phage therapy.
НоведослідженняЕксетерськогоуніверситету, опублікованевжурналі Cell Host Microbe, пролилоновесвітлонате, яккращепоєднуватиантибіотикитафаговутерапію.

3D printing helps turn 'bleach' into non-toxic rocket fuel
I read a very interesting article that talks about how you can use 3D modeling to turn bleach/peroxide into a non-toxic rocket fuel.Simon Reed is working on the project.The idea is that peroxide is a much less toxic alternative to hydrazine, a commonly used aerospace fuel for low to medium thrust engines.The problem is that peroxide needs a catalyst and Simon figured out how to do it.He designed a special circuit using a 3D printer and by passing through it the liquid peroxide will generate energy. The catalyst will be a gyroid which cannot be made using traditional technology," I believe that soon we will use Simon's technology for mass production.

·        #121

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Tuesday, 26 April 2022 00:49)

New modelling shows China's demand for coal imports will dramatically drop by 2025

Today I read the article "New modelling shows China's demand for coal imports will dramatically drop by 2025". This article tells us about a powerfull country which is going to reduce using an Australian coal and improve its' own independence on the world stage. Moreover, such decision from China will reduce a pollution from coal which wil greatly help the environment (China is one of the most pollutant country in the world).
Such decision will influence the economy of Australia, but in my opinion such countries like Australia and Russia should reduce the mining of non-renewable energy sources.
Summary: China's way is to be a stronger as always and let's see which country will dominate the world stage in 10-20 years: China with one of the strongest economy, energy sector and so on or the USA with their debt of $30 trillion.

·        #120

Tsapenko to Troianovska PhD-1 (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:29)

I have checked your comments and found them quite all right, thanks. Best wishes.

·        #119

Tsapenko to Horokholynska PhD-1 (Monday, 25 April 2022 11:24)

Thanks for your work, all tasks are correct.Best wishes!

·        #118

Horokholynska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 24 April 2022 19:49)

The Horse in Jewish Religious Text
Today I have read the article «The Horse in Jewish Religious Text ». The article tells us about the TORAH's attitude to horses. In the Song of Songs, the spectacular beauty of the horse (a mare) is used as an image to portray the comeliness of the beloved. Sometimes a horse is an image of nobility and prosperity, in keeping with the prevailing attitude of people around the Mideast. David was the first to organize a cavalry. In my opinion this article is rather interesting in the terms of horse’s history.
This article shows us the meaning horses in the Jewish’s history

·        #117

Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 22 April 2022 18:37)
I have read the article “Reflections and speculations on the progress in Geographic Information Systems (GIS): a geographic perspective”.
GIS has three main purposes: obtaining geographic information, analizing geo objects and their relationships, and studying the geographic rules that govern our spatial and temporal perception. GIS is used in various systems from computer mapping and spatial analysis to solving geographic problems.
In my opinion, the main purpose of GIS is to study the components of the geographic world, allowing users to better understand it.
This article is about the progress in the field of GIS, which has created both opportunities and challenges, and the perspective for solving them.

·        #116

Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 22 April 2022 18:32)
I have read the article “GIS
based multicriteria decision analysis: a survey
of the literature”.
The article explores the multicriteria decision analysis on the geographic information system (GIS-MCDA), provides a taxonomy of these articles and identifies trends and developments in the GIS-MCDA. The interdisciplinary field of GIS-MCDA processes and synthesizes a large number of value judgments and spatial datasets for planning and policy-making.
In my opinion, the detailed analysis of the GIS-MCDA provides more opportunities for studying and determining the directions of this area development.
This article focuses on survey and classify the GIS-MCDA articles published between 1990 and 2004.

·        #115

Zadorozhnaya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 22 April 2022 16:30)

debt April 16

Sci-fi becomes real life: NASA doctor 'holoports' to International Space Station

According to a recent NASA report, a NASA doctor appeared as a hologram on the International Space Station for a telemedicine visit to an astronaut.
The technology allows users to interact with remote participants in 3D as if they were physically in the same space.
In my opinion, this is very cool and allows it to be used for medical conferences, psychiatric conferences, family conferences and for delivering VIP-persons to the space station.

·        #114

Zadorozhnaya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 22 April 2022 15:29)

debt April 16

1. According to-
Social responsibility is the behavior of a person in according to with the interests of other people and society as a whole.
Социальная ответственность – это поведение человека в соответствии с интересами других людей и общества в целом.

Nonetheless- темнеменее.
“Nonetheless, the facts remain facts,” the officer spread his hands.
Темнеменее, фактыостаютсяфактами, — развелрукамиофицер.

3. A common problem-
Now it was connected with the continent by many a common problem and military conflicts.
Теперь его связывали с континентом многие общие проблемы и военные конфликты.

·        #113

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 21 April 2022 16:21)

To Ditkovskya S., MD-213. It is good, Sophia, you've posted your"debts" and now have none. Your comments are not bad, thanks. Just mind "I have read THE article". Best wishes.

·        #112

Tsapenko to Troianovska PhD-1 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:28)

Your comments on the articles are quite all right. Mind, please: This article TELLS/is/ describes (not talk.).Go on working.

·        #111

Tsapenko to Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:19)

. Both of your comments on the articles are informative and grammatically correct, well done! Thanks.

·        #110

Tsapenko to Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:15)

Your article review is very thoughtful and informative, thank you.. Your phrases' examples are good as well. Good luck.

·        #109

Tsapenko to Semenii A. PhD-1 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:11)

#99 is the part of your task. Thank you

·        #108

Tsapenko to Semenii A. PhD-1 (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 13:09)

You have successfully completed the tasks, thank you.

·        #107

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 12:30)

Researchers look to disrupt energy and health care industries with miniature pulsed power system

I have read the article "Researchers look to disrupt energy and health care industries with miniature pulsed power system". This article tells us about pulsed power systems which accumulate and store large amounts of energy. I think that with the development of this technology, it will be applicable in many areas, from well drilling to water filters. Such developments are large-scale and give impetus to development in many areas.
Summary: This article discusses the creation of a mini-switching power system that can reduce energy storage system components.

·        #106

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:50)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #105

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 20 April 2022 11:47)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #104

from Dachi Gulordava to Duvanskayа (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 19:33)

it is clear that - совершенно очевидно
demonstrate the feasibility - демонстрация возможностей исследования.
Only a few studies - лишь в некоторых исследованиях.

демонстрация возможностей исследования - ключевой фактор для публикации научной статьи. demonstration the feasibility capabilities is a key factor for the publication of a scientific article.

, чтотехническийанглийскийоченьтяжелый. it is clear that technical English is very difficult

лишьвнекоторыхисследованияхуказываютточныенаучныеданныекоторыесоответствуютдействительности. only a few studies indicate accurate scientific data that correspond to reality

I read a study about surgical operations performed by robots. the study talks about the process of performing surgical operations and human participation in this process. currently, there are no programs that allow robots to perform any operations autonomously. there is always a person who controls how the process is going on or manages the process himself, and uses the robot as a high-precision tool. in the future, manufacturers of such devices will improve their technologies to improve the autonomy of robots. this will become possible not only after the improvement of existing technologies, but also after studying their performance and the percentage of negative movements. after the conducted research, it will be necessary to determine who is responsible for the incident during the operations in the light of the problem. after all this, in the near future, robots will start working autonomously, and people will serve as outside observers of the process.

к сожалению не могу озвучить работу, потому что в поезде

·        #103

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 15:23)

debt April 15

1. Complex mixture -

They require a complex mix of goods, services, places and information.
Они требуют сложного сочетания товаров, услуг, мест и информации.

Relatively low - относительнонизкий.

Relatively low prices make this material more and more popular.
Относительно низкие цены делают этот материал всё более популярным.

Following example - следующиепримеры.

The following example shows how attention is related to self-regulation.
Следующийпримерпоказывает, каквниманиесвязаноссаморегуляцией.

New technique developed to separate complex molecular mixtures

Chemists at the University of Liverpool have created a new technique that could be used in industry to separate complex organic chemical mixtures.
The ability to separate complex molecules using less energy will be important in the future for current petrochemical and chemical industries and for producing any next-generation sustainable bio-derived chemicals.
In my opinion, it is good that scientists have found a way to separate organic aromatic molecules.
This will help us as building blocks for the development of drugs, plastics and new materials.

·        #102

Rupenko SFV211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 14:10)

Their findings demonstrate the feasibility of switching the exchange bias field in this structure by generating a SOT.

Only a few studies have taken an approach of actually fabricating functional high energy density lithium-air batteries and evaluating their cycle lives.
Лишеукількохдослідженняхвикористовувавсяпідхід, щопередбачаєреальневиготовленняфункціональнихлітій-повітрянихбатарейізвисокоюенергетичноющільністютаоцінкуїхтермінуслужби.

It is clear that nuclear energy will be part of the global energy mix for decades to come/
Очевидно, щоядернаенергіябудечастиноюглобальногоенергетичногобалансупротягомдесятиліть

Psychology in Physical Education and Sports
I read an interesting article about psychology in sports and physical education. Psychology has a big role in sports and physical education, and here's why:first of all athlete training a hard process and sometimes the athlete almost gives up at that moment he needs a portion of psychological help that is motivation .Second- stress,using psychology you can overcome severe surges of stress.In third, through various psychological methods you can increase the productivity of the athlete many times.That is why psychology is so important in sports and physical education

·        #101

Tomenko M.G. to LSBM-211 (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 12:44)

To Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211
Brytska Karina LSBM-211
Way to go!
Thanks for your good work.

·        #100

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Tomenko M) (Tuesday, 19 April 2022 11:57)

debt 15 April

Scientists find microplastics in blood for first time

Tiny bits of mostly invisible plastic have already been found almost everywhere on Earth, in mountains, as well as in the air, soil and food chain. Scientists have detected microplastics in human blood for the first time, warning that the ubiquitous particles can also enter organs.
This is proof that there is plastic in our body, and it should not be.
This study contributes to the evidence that plastic particles have not just pervaded throughout the environment, but are pervading our bodies too.

·        #99

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 22:50)
Phrase of the day practice: "as to".
Solar cell keeps working long after sun sets
I have read the article "Solar cell keeps working long after sun sets". The article tells us about a great project which can provide an access to electricity for people who do not have at night. This is really a
т excellent upgrade for existing solar panels. Such technology will help over 750 million people in the world.
Summary: this is a new approach which should be improved to be usable nowadays.

·        #98

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Tomenko M) (Monday, 18 April 2022 20:18)

debt April 12

1. Technology capability-
In addition, the planet has a powerful technological capability.
Крометого, планетаобладаетмощнымтехнологическимпотенциалом.

2. Work schedule-
What is the work schedule of the future employee?
Каков график работы будущего сотрудника?

3. Expected value-ожидаемое значение.
This explains the discrepancy with the expected acceleration value.

Strange alien slime discovered living beneath the Nullarbor Plain

Deep in water-filled underground caves beneath Australia's Nullarbor Plain, cave divers have discovered unusual 'curtains' of biological material – known as Nullarbor cave slimes. The researchers say this analysis shows that the organisms that make up the Weebubbie cave slime community make their living in a very unusual way - by oxidizing ammonia in the cave's salt water - and are completely independent of sunlight and ecosystems on the surface. I believe this shows that life in the dark corners of the planet manifests itself in many strange forms, many of which are still unknown.

·        #97

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 18 April 2022 19:03)

To Rupenko SFV211.Dima, thank you for your amazing work on April 16th. Both of your activities deserve a positive assessment.Pay attention to my note:I have read a very interesting article; Keep on working.
P.S. Invite other students from your group to join our discussion.

·        #96

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 18 April 2022 18:58)

To Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211. Nadia, thank you for your informative review about Microbiology.It is good enough and your reading is clear and free.Where is your work with the phrases of the day? Keep on working.

·        #95

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 18 April 2022)

To Brytska Karina LSBM-211. Karina, thank you for your work on April 15th and 16th.Both of your tasks deserve a positive assessment.Pay attention to my note: Ihave read the article. Keep on working.

·        #94

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Monday, 18 April 2022 17:52)

debt April 8
Topic: Microbiology.
Soil health is as environmentally important as air and water quality, say microbiologists

Adding certain microbes to the soil can adapt the characteristics of the soil: remove contaminants, increase fertility and even make barren land available for agriculture.Tillage and excessive use of fertilizers have a serious impact on soil health. The EU has identified soil health as one of its five priorities.
In my opinion, this is very bad, the harvest will be less, soil fertility may fall to a minimum, something needs to be done about this global problem.

·        #93

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 14:32)

Title: "Framatome and Westinghouse to supply fuel to Temelín".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the diversification of the fuel supply for the Czech nuclear power plants.
The article tells us that Westinghouse of the USA and Framatome of France have been awarded a long-term contract by Czech utility ČEZ for the supply of nuclear fuel assemblies to the Temelín nuclear power plant. Czech NPPs have a unique fuel design operating currently and therefore careful testing with limited fuel introduction over a period of two years was required to ensure safe compatibility with existing fuel. Westinghouse has developed a modified Robust Westinghouse Fuel Assembly design for use at Temelín. The new design includes fewer spacer grids for the assembly to be compatible with non-Westinghouse fuel, and material upgrades to further improve fuel economy and performance.
In my opinion, Ukrainian NPPs have already implemented diversification of the fuel assemblies. Definitely, the Czech Republic could use our gained vast experience due to the similarity of the fuel assembly design produced by Westinghouse for Ukraine's needs.
The decision by ČEZ to launch the Lead Test Assemblies program for its nuclear power reactors is significant. It demonstrates that ČEZ is serious about taking measures to improve its security of supply through the diversification of its nuclear fuel sources.

·        #92

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 13:56)

Title: "Project Pele mobile microreactor to go ahead".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the USA's first electricity-generating Generation IV reactor project.
The article tells us that The US Department of Defense Strategic Capabilities Office will proceed with the project to build and demonstrate a TRISO-fuelled prototype mobile microreactor at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) site. The microreactor will be an "inherently safe" design capable of being transported by the Department of Defense and able to deliver 1-5 MWe for a minimum of three years of full-power operation.
In my opinion, advanced nuclear power has the potential to be a strategic game-changer in the energy sector.
The Generation IV reactor project is an exciting opportunity to advance energy resilience and reduce carbon emissions while also helping to shape safety and non-proliferation standards for advanced reactors around the world.

·        #91

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 18 April 2022 13:44)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français. Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #90

Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 13:34)
problem inherent in
Today I have read the article “Green eggs and scam: Cuckoo finch's long con may be up”.
For two million years, African cuckoo finches tricked other birds into raising their young by mimicking the color of their eggs. This study shows that different cuckoo finches can lay blue or white eggs while others can produce red and white, but because this skill is inherited through the female chromosome, they can never combine these pigments to produce an olive green color. . Their rivals, the prinia, can inherit the genetic abilities of both parents to produce ever more complex eggs.
In my opinion, the genetic ability of cuckoo finches' rival birds to change the color of their eggs will help their species survive.
Summary: This article talks about new research into the evolutionary scam of cuckoo finches and their rivals

·        #89

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 13:22)

Title: "Physicists have built a mathematical 'playground' to study quantum information".
Phrase of the day practice: "as to".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about a new connection between quantum information and quantum field theory.
The article tells us that quantum information plays an increasingly important role as an organizing principle connecting various branches of physics. A novel connection between quantum error-correcting codes and two-dimensional conformal field theories was established. Interactions of quantum particles have become standard theoretical tools to describe many different phenomena, from fundamental elementary particles to quasi-particles emerging in quantum materials, such as graphene.
In my opinion, a new playground to study the role of quantum error-correcting codes in the context of quantum field theory was created.
The new study attests to the growing role of quantum information theory across various areas of physics.

·        #88

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 12:02)

Title: "Virtual reality used to train nuclear staff".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about The Nuclear Virtual Reality Solution implemented at the company's Wilmington, North Carolina. The article tells us that virtual reality have being used to provide plant-specific technical training. The solution helps plant personnel train for operational scenarios encountered during maintenance and refuelling outages including vessel disassembly and reassembly, fuel movement and inspections. Authors mentioned “The virtual reality immersive rooms enable personnel to gain realistic, practical experience including training for scenarios that cannot be recreated in physical mock-ups or during plant power run cycles “. In my opinion, the Nuclear Virtual Reality Solution utilization could also increase nuclear safety and personnel performance.
The Nuclear Virtual Reality Solution is a powerful tool for collaboration and advanced plant outage training.

·        #87

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:56)

Title: "Active mechanism locks in the size of a cell's nucleus".
Phrase of the day practice: "proportional to".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about cells that keep close tabs on the size and shape of their nuclei.
The article tells us that genetics found that regardless of the size or shape of fission yeast, the volume of its nucleus hovers around eight percent — a volume that not only remains constant throughout development but also resists change, in a wide range of experimental and natural conditions. Several experiments show that it is what’s outside the nucleus — not inside it — that determines the size of the nucleus.
In my opinion, the scientists have done the tremendous work in researching the size of the nucleus, revealing that the size of a nucleus is not proportional to the size of its cell.
These findings provide the first hint of a mechanism and are the basis of uncovering the molecular mechanism of how a cell senses its nucleus’s size.

·        #86

Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:56)
problem inherent in
Today I have read the article “Research could enable assembly line synthesis of prevalent amine-containing drugs”.
This article talks about the discovery of a new chemical reaction. The carbon-hydrogen cross-coupling reaction creates a faster and easier way to produce tertiary amines without the limitations of classical methods. Tertiary amines are found in some of the most effective human medicines. They increase the solubility of a drug and may trigger key biological functions. Researchers believe this could also be used to discover new reactions with nitrogen.
In my opinion, this research may lead to the discovery of new drugs for the treatment of currently incurable diseases.
Summary: This article describes a study that suggests a way to produce a special class of molecule that could open the door for new drugs to treat currently untreatable diseases.

·        #85

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 18 April 2022 11:07)

Title: "A better way to use atomic force microscopy to image molecules in 3-D".
Phrase of the day practice: "problem inherent in".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about a new way to improve the images of topologically complex 3-D molecules created using atomic force microscopy.
The article tells us that the available technique suffers from a major deficiency. It only works on nearly flat molecules due to physical reasons. To overcome the problems inherent in tracking the contours of a molecule, the researchers used the basic features of the scanning tunneling microscope.
In my opinion, the simple adjustment resulting in images of 3-D molecules would be the foundation stone for state-of-the-art inventions in the nuclear field.
A team of researchers at Justus Liebig University Giessen describe the simple adjustment they made to the procedure that greatly improved the resolution of atomic force microscopy.

·        #84

Tsapenko to Evgeniy Muromskyi PhD_1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:50)

The review you have sent was written correcy, thanks, But.... don't forget to use Present perfect in the first sentence and write the comments more often and according to your schedule. Go on working

·        #83

Tsapenko to Troianovska PhD-1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:43)

Thank you for your comment! Well done! But I want to ask you to write the comments more often. and according to your schedule Good luck!.

·        #82

Tsapenko to Yurii Fylonych PhD-1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:31)

Thank you for your comments, I appreciate them all! Go on working!

·        #81

Tsapenko to Horokholynska PhD-1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:21)

Thank you for your comment. I am glad that it was interesting for you and that you have taken new information for yourself. Keep on working

·        #80

Tsapenko to Semenii A. PhD-1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:17)

Thank you for your comment! Mind, please, Present Perfect: " I HAVE read...'....". Keep on working!

·        #79

Tsapenko to Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:13)

Thank you for your answer. Your comment on the article is quite good and interesting. Mind please the use of the articles. Keep on working!

·        #78

Tsapenko to Semenii A. PhD-1 (Monday, 18 April 2022 10:08)

Thank you for your comment! Well done! But I want to ask you to write the comments more often.Best wishes.

·        #77

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 21:43)

Converting solar energy to electricity on demand

I have read the article "Converting solar energy to electricity on demand". This article tells us about a new technology for generating electricity from solar energy. I think that such breakthroughs in this area are very important for the whole world. In the current world political situation, there is dependence on "oil" states that can influence the policies of other countries, which hinders democracy. Such amazing results obtained by scientists in the truest sense of the word will save the planet Earth and its entire population from harmful carbon emissions and depletion of the Earth.
Summary: this article shows us a great example of improving existing technologies which will positively influence the whole world.

·        #76

Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 21:32)
I have read the article “AI research to aid women's safety on public transport”. Researchers of the project about the safety have an intention to create and release one of software that has never existed before. This artificial intelligence software will follow the people through the cameras and will be able to analyze and predict human’s behavior in unsafe places, in public transportation especially at night. It will aid to prevent the crimes. So, first of all the developers want to help the women to feel safe.
In my opinion such invention based on artificial intelligence will be incredibly useful for finding out of suspicious situations and as result safekeeping of human life.

·        #75

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 21:20)

Online tool offers insight into catalyst manufacturing cost and environmental impact

Today I read an article "Online tool offers insight into catalyst manufacturing cost and environmental impact". The article tells us about a CatCost, a free and publicly available cost estimation tool that aims to equip researchers with the information they need to make informed R&D decisions. I think more stable catalysts based on platinum and molybdenum carbide show their competitiveness in the market and are possible for industrial applications.
Summary: these types of results help guide research into areas that will have the greatest impact.

·        #74

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 16:27)

an important role in - важнаярольв
Women could play an important role in peacemaking and reconciliation.

a common problem in -
широкораспространеннойпроблемой, котораявстречаетсяв
By-catch and discarding are a common problem in all deep-water fisheries.
Приловивыбросрыбы - общаяпроблемадлявсехглубоководныхпромыслов.
as far as we know -
Now as far as we know, our fugitives are still in town.
Наскольконамизвестно, беглецывсёещёвгороде.
I read the article "AI research to aid women's safety on public transport" . It tells us about the world's first software with artificial intelligence will fight violence in public transport. Researchers are developing software that will allow existing television cameras to automatically identify and report suspicious or violent incidents. The team will develop AI software that will analyze video from cameras in real time and alert the operator when an unsafe environment is detected. It can also detect unsafe environments such as lack of lighting. As far as we know, nothing like this has been done on a global scale. They are push the boundaries of technology.

·        #73

Horokholynska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 17 April 2022 14:31)

Horses and Religion,their%20personal%20association%20with%20Divinities
Today I have read the article « Horses and Religion». The article tells us that horses had an important part of human spirituality. The horse-human relationship may have begun in 3,500 BC at Botai, Kazakhstan. A religious equine taboo enacted in the 8th century AD still influences the dietary habits of modern Europeans today. Horses are mentioned in the Bible 175 times. One tradition states that when God commanded Adam to name all the newly created creatures, the first one given a name was the Unicorn. In my opinion this article is really interesting and useful for further research-works in this field.
This article shows that horses had widespread influence on how humanity developed different religious practices and beliefs.

·        #72

Rupenko SFV211 (Duvanskaya) (Saturday, 16 April 2022 20:21)

Using the parameters above, payments on a Forte EX will be roughly $320 per month.
Використовуючинаведенівищепараметри, платежіза Forte EX становитимутьприблизно 320 доларівнамісяць.

You can use critical value in hypothesis analysis to calculate the margin of error within a collection of data
Виможетевикористатикритичнезначенняваналізігіпотез, щоброзрахуватимежупомилкивмежахнаборуданих

The team has filed a provisional patent application to commercialize the technology.

Exercise Physiology and Fitness.

I read a very interesting article about exercise physiology in fitness.Exercise physiology is a very important part of the preparation of athletes in professional sports or fitness,Thanks to exercise physiology you can understand which muscle group works in a particular movement.This in turn helps to understand the nature of exercise to improve training schedule.Also thanks to this science can generally understand how the body reacts to stress, which in turn helps not only in sports but also in medicine.To summarize, we can definitely say that exercise physiology is a very important science and that the training and rehabilitation process would not be possible without it

·        #71

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Tomenko M) (Friday, 15 April 2022 16:27)

I read an article "The Tree of Life may be a bush". The researchers found that evolution is more complex than this model would suggest, and that the tree is actually more like a bush. This is because evolution has been fast-paced, with many species emerging in quick succession. When this happens, different parts of the genome can tell different stories about the relationship between new species. This phenomenon has previously been explained theoretically and is the result of genetic variation being passed from one species to another. Using jumping genes, or so-called retrotransposed elements, the Uppsala researchers found that, for example, the cuckoo may be more closely related to the hummingbird than the dove in a certain part of its genome, while the opposite is true for the cuckoo. The more complex kinship patterns that result from this phenomenon mean that the Tree of Life should often be understood as the Bush of Life.

·        #70

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 15 April 2022 16:03)

I read an article "Three Ways to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Foods American Households Buy". It says that the majority of consumers want to make food purchases that are smart for their wallet, their health and the environment. Getting food from farms to people's plates contributes to a large portion of global greenhouse gas emissions. Small one- or two-person households must buy less food in bulk, often more than will be eaten, and manufacturers must offer economical package sizes. People should buy less savory baked goods and convenience foods. So the researchers say these strategies are the initial ways people can reduce their carbon footprint from eating at home.

·        #69

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 15 April 2022 15:50)

complex mixture - сложноесочетание
This is a highly complex mixture of problems, which has exposed these economies and their populations to excessively high levels of strain and suffering.
Это весьма сложное сочетание проблем оказывает чрезмерную нагрузку на экономику этих стран и причиняет немалые страдания их населению.
relatively low -
Numbers of illegal weapons are low, and crime rates have been relatively low.
В стране выявляется незначительное число незаконного оружия и отмечается относительно низкий уровень преступности.
following example - следующие примеры
In the following example, a simple text message is sent.
В следующем примере отправляется простое текстовое сообщение.

·        #68

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 15 April 2022 15:42)

To Rupenko SFV211;Dima, thank you for your work on April 15th. Both of your tasks deserve an excellent assessment. Keep on working online. Best wishes!

·        #67

Rupenko SFV211 (Duvanskaya) (Friday, 15 April 2022 11:39)

Most reported organic batteries to date, however, possess a relatively low (1–3V) working voltage
Однакбільшістьвідомихнасьогоднішнійденьорганічнихбатареймаютьвідноснонизькуробочунапругу (1-3 В).

Particulate matter is one of the most dangerous air pollutants—a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets which can be directly emitted from natural sources
Твердічастинкиєоднимзнайнебезпечнішихзабруднювачівповітря цескладнасумішнадзвичайнодрібнихчастинокікрапельокрідини, якіможутьвиходитибезпосередньозприроднихджерел.

In the following examples, one is generated by Tacotron 2, and one is the recording of a human, but which is which?
УнаступнихприкладаходинзгенерованийТакотроном 2, аіншийєзаписомлюдини, алеякийзнихякий?

Valeology and ecology

Valeology and ecology are two separate sciences, yes they can be confused, but if you go deeper into their designations you can understand that they are very different from each other. First of all Ecology is a science and Valeology is a pseudo-scientific alternative medicine. Ecology is a science of interactions between organisms and their environment, while Valeology studies the health and looks for health improving substances.Ecology is based on scientific research, while Valeology is based on a guess, for example it talks about the energy that fills a man, no one can prove it scientifically. To sum it up, we can say that valeology is trying to improve the health of the individual, and ecology is about how this individual will get along with other creatures of the Earth.

·        #66

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 14 April 2022 12:47)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #65

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Tomenko M) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 09:00)

I read an article that says that it has been found that job seekers can improve their position by an average of at least 16 spots in a group of 100 job seekers using an algorithm that uses job-specific keywords. Researchers were motivated to continue pursuing research after seeing that friends were not selected for positions or second-round interviews. Text embedding algorithms used in hiring match the words and sentences in the resume with the job description to produce similarity scores. Resumes are ranked based on these scores. As expected, adding more keywords improves rankings. However, the study also showed that adding too many similar words or phrases may not improve resume rankings.

·        #64

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Tomenko M) (Thursday, 14 April 2022 08:46)

in principle - впринципе
This group is in principle very small.
in other words -
So in other words, you were afraid I'd make a scene.
Иными словами, ты боялся, что я устрою сцену.
digital version - цифровая версия.
What you're going to hear now, and what you've never heard before, is an enhanced digital version.
То, что вы сейчас услышите, и чего вы никогда раньше не слышали, это улучшенная цифровая версия.

·        #63

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 17:29)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #62

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:36)

To Dachi Gulordava, SBM-211. Dachi, thank you for your industrious work on April 9th. Both of your tasks deserve a positive assessment.Pay attention to my remarks:I have read the article; soon we'll be able to get;Check the reading of these words: environmental, capacity, precision. Keep on working.

·        #61

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 13 April 2022 10:24)

To Dachi Gulordava, SBM-211. Dachi, thank you for your work on March 29th. Both of your tasks are informative enough but there were a lot of grammar mistakes in your review. Pay attention to my notes: in a big world; I have read the article about; unknown services or addresses; this router automatically sends ; This has no negative effect on ; I want to say that for us it does not matter and we should not worry about it.Where is your voice message? It is obligatory. . Keep on working.

·        #60

Tomenko M.G. to Dmitrenko Yevgenia, SBM-211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:23)

Your comment is well done. Thank you.

·        #59

Dmitrenko Yevgenia, SBM-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 12:14)

technology capability-технологическийпотенциал
work schedule-
expected value-

The businesses run the risk of sharing such a technology capability.
Предприятия рискуют поделиться такими технологическими возможностями.
News tagged with work schedules.
It shows tension with the value expected based on the Standard Model of particle physics.
Он показывает напряжение со значением, ожидаемым на основе Стандартной модели физики элементарных частиц.

I read an article that says that twenty percent of Google employees will remain working remotely, while about sixty percent will work on a hybrid schedule that includes about three days in the office and two days "wherever they work the best thing".For me, remote work is very convenient. At a minimum, you don’t have to get ready for work in the morning and stand in traffic for hours. A person can work from anywhere in the world, sitting on the couch or on the beach. From working in this format, the likelihood that a person will enjoy is higher. Accordingly, productivity will also increase.

·        #58

Tomenko M.G. to Rupenko SFV211 (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 11:40)

Thank you for your work. It’s well done.

·        #57

·        Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 10:27)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici.
Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #56

Rupenko SFV211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 12 April 2022 09:41)

It is our most robust measurement to date, and the discrepancy between the measured and expected values persists."
Ценашнайнадійнішийвимірнасьогоднішнійдень, ірозбіжністьміжвимірянимитаочікуванимизначеннямизберігається”.

Facebook said work schedules for those returning to offices will be flexible, but its guidance is for people to be on-site at least half the time.
заявила, щографікроботидлятих, хтоповертаєтьсядоофісів, будегнучким, алевонарекомендує, щоблюдиперебувалинамісціщонайменшеполовиничасу.

It also called out the impacts of a lacking technology capability as hindering workers with a disability.

Human physiology is the branch of science that studies how the human body works, it describes the chemistry of physics and the basic functions of the body, from how molecules behave in cells to how organ systems work together. Do not confuse anatomy and physiology, anatomy studies the structures of the body and physiology is how these structures work. Physiology is very important in many fields, especially in medicine and sports, as for example in sports to reach the heights you need a good, I would even say excellent, understand the skeletal , muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular system

·        #55

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 22:27)

The opto-ionic effect: Light may increase performance of fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries

I have read the article "The opto-ionic effect: Light may increase performance of fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries". The article tells us about a new opto-ionic effect which can be useful in the future industry of lithium-ion batteries. I think it is a new approach in the field of batteries which needs to be improved and brought to the ideal.
Summary: this research is usable in life and shows higher efficiency levels in energy conversion and storage.

·        #54

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 22:26)

Phrase of the day practice: "general agreement on".

Scavenger nanoparticles could make fuel cell-powered vehicles a reality

Today I read an article “Scavenger nanoparticles could make fuel cell-powered vehicles a reality”. The article tells us about new solutions in the field of automotive batteries. In my opinion this is an excellent achievement that will lead to a reduction in the use of lithium batteries and increase the car's cold reserve.
Summary: Such a high-tech solution requires refinement and large investments, but will lead the automotive industry into a new era.

·        #53

Evgeniy Muromskyi, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 21:03)
Today I read the article ''Machine learning aids in materials design''. This article showed a description of the development of technologies on how the chemical industry should develop. Namely, the technology of predicting the functioning of a molecule for a desired application. But in practice, unfortunately, this is difficult. The article described the comments of famous scientists about the construction of special scientific methods and advanced technologies. They talked about the ability to predict the crystal density of molecules, a computationally based physics-based crystal structure prediction method, and the use of a machine learning model to achieve prediction results. The goal has not yet been achieved, but the team of the world's scientific elite continues to search for the development of this area.
Summary: Idea of predicting the actions of crystalline molecules is scientifically sound and can bring great results in science.

·        #52

Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 19:50)
I have read the article “Getting around the smart city”. The main idea in this article is modernization of transport systems in the smart cities. A huge of current transport has a detrimental effect on environment, and its growth could be fatal for our cities and people who live and work there. The team of scientists has researched this growing problem. They referred to as an improved hybrid fuzzy logic system and as results they have worked out 3 criteria for the improving of an appropriate system. And one of statements of the scientists directed to government is demand of investment to clean, safe, efficient economic and sustainable transport networks.
In my opinion the issue raised in the article is very exciting and the upgrade of all technical systems is necessity for the better life of people and condition of environment.

·        #51

Troianovska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 17:58)
key findings
Today I have read the article “Study reveals scale of data-sharing from Android mobile phones”.
The authors of the article examined the data sent by six variants of the Android OS. Even when minimally configured and the handset is idle, exception e/OS, these Android variants pass a significant amount of information to the OS developer and third parties such as Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn and Facebook, with no opt-out available to users. It raises a number of privacy concerns.
In my opinion, it is necessary to have real control over the data of our handsets.
Summary: This article discusses the problem of the privacy of handsets data.

·        #50

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 16:46)

Title: "IAEA seeks early visit to assess radiation levels around Chernobyl".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the IAEA's deep concerns regarding the radiation safety on the Chernobyl site and in the exclusive zone. The article tells us that it is of paramount importance that the IAEA travels to Chernobyl so that the organization can take urgent action to assist Ukraine in ensuring nuclear safety and security there. By the way, the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine declared that radiation conditions at the site and the equipment controlled by Chernobyl operational personnel were within safety limits.
In my opinion, considering the experience of the Soviet Union, Russia has spies in the IAEA too. I personally know several Russian-originated staff in IAEA and had heard the position about Crimea before the aggression was launched.
IAEA personnel have to be revised by the Ukrainian security organization for getting access to the site. IAEA has negotiations with the "State Sponsors of Terrorism". It is a horrible and catastrophic precedent for the sustainable development of the world's security.

·        #49

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 15:50)

Title: "Canadian waste organization completes borehole program".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the implementation and milestones of Canada's plan for the safe, long-term management of used fuel, known as Adaptive Phased Management. The article tells us that Canada's Nuclear Waste Management Organization has completed its deep borehole drilling program to understand the subsurface geology in the two areas that will potentially host a deep geological repository for the nation's used nuclear fuel. The program will help inform the final selection of a site. Canada's Nuclear Waste Management Organization remains on track to complete the site selection in 2023
In my opinion, the completion of the drilling program is a significant step forward in the geoscience work and the resulting data will also provide important insights to the nuclear communities and countries such as Ukraine.
Deep geological repositories are internationally recognized as the safest way to manage used nuclear fuel over the very long term.

·        #48

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 14:36)

Title: "Report reinforces nuclear's role in EU low-carbon energy system".
Independent work.
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the necessity of the additional flexible capacity backup installation such as the low-carbon energy system based on variable renewables in the nearest features. The article tells us that, in the short to medium-term, the continued operation of Europe's existing nuclear power plant fleet will help the EU meet emission targets and would avoid the temporary increase of the emissions that could risk locking in fossil fuel investments. In the longer term, nuclear energy can support variable renewable sources by providing proven, carbon-free dependable power and flexibility to the system and reducing the system's reliance on yet unproven storage technologies. In my opinion, the phase-out of nuclear power plants will trigger an increase in consumer costs, especially the electricity tariffs, and also result in negative environmental impacts.
Nuclear technologies provide a key competitive advantage as it is the only dispatchable, low-carbon and non-weather-dependent technology which can support the energy system transition under secure conditions.

·        #47

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 14:28)

Title: " Paris Agreement: five years on, it's time to fix carbon trading".
Phrase of the day practice: "general agreement on".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the countries' endorsement to restrain temperature rises to 2°C as part of an international effort and tackle the CO2-related issues.
The article tells us that progress since 2015 has been painfully slow. Global policies currently in place, combined with newly pledged NDCs, give an estimated 66% chance of keeping global temperatures below 2.9°C by the end of the century. With the broad aspirations of the Paris Agreement confirmed, attention must now focus on rapid implementation.
In my opinion, countries have to cooperate through carbon markets, emissions trading and support for developed countries at international, national and local levels according to the strict and well-regulated international low with appropriate punishment through the sanctions.
Setting the rules that govern emissions trading, financing and support for developing countries over the century will be critical.

·        #46

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 13:41)

Title: " 'Wicked problems': collaboration, risk, and failure".
Phrase of the day practice: "from this perspective".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about crucial collaboration aspects between IT industry and other stakeholders that play a fundamental role in driving success on large projects.
The article tells us that achieving project goals requires that IT work with lines of business, external vendors, and so on. However, most methodologies and risk practices don't fully consider the human element. Management perspectives and techniques that ignore the human element are doomed to fail.
In my opinion, collaboration plays a fundamental role in driving success on large projects.
The methodology, process, and risk control are essential attributes of all large project initiatives. Adaptable organizations that make the transition will see better projects, higher brand equity, and achieve generally higher levels of business success.
Change is hard, but sometimes it is necessary.

·        #45

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 11 April 2022 12:44)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #44

Tsapenko to Semenii A. PhD-1 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:29)

All your comments on the articles are not bad, thanks. But.... I would like to read your own opinion as to the articles. . Keep on working. Best wishes.

·        #43

Tsapenko to Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:18)

Your comment is thoughtful, thank you. Go on working. Best wishes

·        #42

Tsapenko to Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:14)

I have checked your practice comment and found it quite all right, thanks.Go on working!.

·        #41

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:13)

Title: " Employer surveillance during COVID has damaged trust".
Phrase of the day practice: "for its own sake".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about privacy issues due to uncontrolled surveillance of medical staff by employers.
The article tells us that increasing use of staff surveillance by employers during the COVID-19 pandemic endangers trust in the workplace. Excessive monitoring, according to the report, can be considered by staff as demonstrating a lack of confidence or belief in employees. Low trust in the workplace can then cause a vicious cycle.
In my opinion, employers have not to sacrifice ethics for the sake of efficiency as it can backfire leading to mental health issues, productivity decline and staff resignations.
There is a real need for more research on how data is used by employers and policy may need to change to reflect these new ways of working.

·        #40

Tsapenko to Horokholynska PhD-1 (Monday, 11 April 2022 11:10)

The comment of the article is written and pronounced correctly and corresponds to the standards of the work of such kind.Good luck!

·        #39

Horokholynska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 11 April 2022 07:57)

The Horse-Human Relationship: From Prehistory to Today
Today I have read the article «The horse-human relationship: from prehistory to today». The article tells us about the history of how horses and humans have interacted. Depending on the region of the world, the culture, resources, and political situation, horses have experienced highs and lows in their relationship with humans, and even gaps where the evolution might have stopped entirely in certain regions while possibly progressing in others. In DNA evidence revealing that our modern-day riding horses didn’t descend from the horses of the Botai populations. In my opinion this theme is really important for further research works in this field.
This article shows the future of the horse-human relationship in equine-assisted therapy

·        #38

from Dachi Gulordava to Duvanskayа (Saturday, 09 April 2022 14:27)

common data models - общие модели данных.
vertical direction - вертикальном направлении.
collaboration space - пространство для сотрудничества.

Google собирает информацию о пользователях чтобы создать общие модели данных - Google collects information about users to create shared data models.

- scientists are developing planes that will be able to take off immediately in the vertical direction

вданныймоментполитикиповсемумируищутновоепространстводлясотрудничества. - at the moment, politicians around the world are looking for a new space for cooperation.

I read an article about Atmospheric environmental capacity. From the article I learned that AEC was made for analyze air in specific locations. It takes indicators of a lot of things - adds up and calculates a picture that shows the level of pollution and air quality in the area. Scientists work hard to make proses of analyze better and more accurately. It means that soon we be able to get high level information about air pollution. Based on this data we can make desigion how improve air situation. This study will provide a high-precision and high-resolution algorithm to assess atmospheric environmental capacity for regional or local accurate control of air pollution. I think this study will make our life better.

·        #37

Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Saturday, 09 April 2022 12:11)
I have read the article “Microneedle patch delivers COVID-19 DNA vaccine, doesn't require cold storage”. During the existence of the COVID-19-pandemic a lot of people have been fully vaccinated against this virus. There are already developed the different vaccines worldwide. But the researchers don’t stop to invent new ways of the fighting against the virus. One of such techniques is the finding of the microneedle patches. It’s influence on the human immune was tested in mice. The results were optimistic and without any observable side effects. This microneedle patch is coated with 100 biodegradable very thin needles. It is attached to the surface of the skin absolutely painless and delivers the vaccine under the skin. These patches can be stored with no cold places for a period of about 30 days.
In my opinion such type of vaccines is a successful development and can be used by children or people who are afraid of the injections.

·        #36

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 08 April 2022 22:58)

Energy-harvesting wearable device made from recycled waste
Today I have read the article " Energy-harvesting wearable device made from recycled waste ".
The article tells us about scientists have unveiled a wrist device made from discarded paper wipes and plastic cups that runs on energy harvested by the wearer's movements. The core mission of the Advanced Technology Institute is to help build a world where clean energy is available to all. Energy-harvesting technology embodies this key mission, and they stand ready to work with industry to ensure this technology reaches its full potential.
Summary: The developers believe their energy-harvesting wearable device could be a future game-changer for the consumer, medical and security sectors.

·        #35

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 08 April 2022 22:55) Folding design leads to heart sensor with smaller profile
Today I have read the article " Folding design leads to heart sensor with smaller profile ".
The article tells us about researchers want to leverage the centuries-old art of cutting paper into designs to develop a sensor sheet that can stretch and breathe with the skin while collecting electrocardiographic data. The sensor made by researchers in Japan uses cuts in a film made of polyethylene terephthalate printed with silver electrodes to fit on a person's chest to monitor his or her heart.
This device with the sensor could accurately and reliably relay heart data across multiple people doing many types of everyday movements, such as walking or working while seated in a chair.
Summary: The group next aims to integrate more sensors to measure multiple types of data from the surface of the skin to help with early diagnosis of disease, including future medical trials.

·        #34

Semenii A. PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 08 April 2022 22:52)
Clean and sustainable fuels could be derived by combining ammonia with complementary combustion-modifying additives
Comment: Today I have read the article "Clean and sustainable fuels could be derived by combining ammonia with complementary combustion-modifying additives".
The article tells us about blending ammonia with a small amount of dimethyl ether gives a liquid fuel with low-temperature combustion properties very similar to gasoline. The development of such fuels could provide an option—in addition to electric cars—for "clean" power for the transportation sector. Ammonia as a fuel provides a promising outlook to reach zero-carbon emissions.
Summary: The objective is to find the optimal promoter, which provides the best performance in terms of efficiency improvement and emission reduction while being added in as small of a fraction as possible.

·        #33

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 08 April 2022 19:19)

What are waterspouts, and how do they form?

This article talks about waterspouts.
A waterspout is a rotating column of air that sucks in water and forms a winding funnel of water and clouds that connects sea and sky.
Waterspouts can form when winds blowing in two different directions collide with each other.
My opinion on the article: Tornadoes are a spectacular weather phenomenon, they are dangerous for boats at sea, and if they approach the shore, they can create even more problems.

·        #32

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 08 April 2022 19:03)

I chose the topic "Medical Diagnosis" and read an article about the development of a graphene biosensor by Professor Georg Duesberg. This new biosensor has shown very high sensitivity in detecting cholera toxins and could provide earlier diagnosis of conditions such as cancer and other infectious diseases. The sensor is an established optical technique for medical diagnostics with high sensitivity and specificity and can potentially be used for lab-on-a-chip sensors. The researchers found that the addition of graphene resulted in a twofold increase in sensor signal. This type of sensor platform offers great versatility for medical diagnosis as it can be adapted to almost any type of disease marker. a smaller sample is required from the patient to detect, such as a drop of blood from a pinprick, compared to a vial or injection. Our discovery also applies to other types of infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.

·        #31

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 08 April 2022 17:11)

1. Collaboration space -пространство для сотрудничества.
It is extremely important to create space for сollaboration space in law enforcement.
Чрезвычайно важно создать пространство для сотрудничества в правоохранительных органах.

Common data models-общиемоделиданных.
Products offering a more
сommon data model than the relational model are sometimes classified as post-relational.
Продукты, предлагающие более общую модель данных, чем реляционная модель, иногда относят к пост-реляционным.

Vertical direction-вертикальномнаправлении.
It is dominated by vertical direction ground vibrations.
В нем преобладают колебания грунта в вертикальном направлении.

·        #30

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 08 April 2022 15:52)

To Rupenko SFV-211.Dima, thank you for your regular work at the English lesson.Both of your tasks deserve an excellent assessment. Invite other students from your group to join our discussion. Keep on working.

·        #29

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 08 April 2022 15:45)

To Brytska Karina LSBM-211.Thank you for your work on April 8th..Both of your tasks deserve a positive assessment but Where is your exam topic?Your comment is too long and contains153 words, It is unacceptable.Pay attention to my note: Ihave read the article.Where is your point of view on the content of the article? Keep on working.

·        #28

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 08 April 2022 14:54)

I read the article "China renews space cooperation vow". A spokesman for the Foreign Office said that sending people into space is "the common cause of mankind." China is to send two men and one woman to spend six months aboard the main Tianhe module of its space station. It will be China's longest manned space mission. China was excluded from the International Space Station largely due to US objections to the secretive nature of the Chinese program and close military ties. The new crew included two space flight veterans. Wang Yaping, 41, the only woman on the mission, conducted experiments and taught real-time science lessons while traveling on one of China's first experimental space stations. The Chinese military space program plans to send several crews to the station over the next two years. China has also expressed a desire to land men on the moon and possibly build a scientific base there.

·        #27

Tsapenko to Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Friday, 08 April 2022 14:49)

Thanks for having posted the informative and grammatically correct comment on the article. The sound version is quite good.Go on working.

·        #26

Tsapenko to Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Friday, 08 April 2022 14:44)

Your comment is thoughtful, well done, thank you.

·        #25

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 08 April 2022 14:13)

vertical direction-вертикальноенаправление
The vertical direction indicates time, while the horizontal indicates distance.
Вертикальноенаправлениеуказываетвремя, горизонтальное - расстояние.
collaboration space -
The emerging space of law-enforcement cooperation was particularly important.
common data model -
A common data model contains a uniform set of metadata, allowing data and its meaning to be shared across applications.
Общая модель данных содержит единый набор метаданных, позволяющий совместно использовать данные и их значение между приложениями.

·        #24

Rupenko SFV211 (Duvanskaya) (Friday, 08 April 2022 11:52)

Depending on the orientation of the crystals, the electrical conductivity in the parallel direction in this image is about 10 times higher than that in the vertical direction.
Залежновідорієнтаціїкристалівелектропровідністьупаралельномунапрямкунацьомузображенніприблизнов 10 разіввище, ніжувертикальному.

The Microsoft Common Data Model, which Redmond has used extensively in its own Dynamics offerings, is an open-source definition of standard entities that represent commonly used concepts and activities across a variety of business and application domains.
Загальнамодельданих Microsoft, якукомпанія Redmond широковикористовуєусвоїхвласнихпропозиціях Dynamics, євизначеннямстандартнихсутностейзвідкритимвихіднимкодом, якіпредставляютьшироковикористовуваніконцепціїтадіїврізнихсферахбізнесутадодатків.

For the last couple of years I’ve been in the trenches managing a sizeable collaboration space across three continents for a large multinational enterprise.

Physical Fitness Testing l
The physical fitness test (PFT) is an important part of testing a person's physical abilities, such as muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular endurance.
The PFT can be performed on children as well as adults. The aim of the test is to understand the level of fitness of a person, as well as to instill in people a love of sports.By doing the test you can know what your level is and if the level is not very high, you should not get upset, on the contrary, you should work on yourself to surprise everyone the next time, and first of all yourself.

·        #23

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:33)

Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #22

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 06 April 2022 11:14)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #21

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 05 April 2022)

To Brytska Karina LSBM-211. Karina, thank you for your work on April 1st. Both of your tasks deserve an excellent assessment. Keep on working.

·        #20

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 18:13)

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211. Nadia, thank you for your work on April 1st. Both of your tasks deserve a positive score.Pay attention to my note:Ihave read the article. Keep on working.

·        #19

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 05 April 2022 18:09)

To Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211; Nadia, thank you for your work on March 25th.Both of your tasks are good enough. Keep on working.

·        #18

Tomenko M.G. to Brytska Karina LSBM-211 (Monday, 04 April 2022 18:36)

Your comment is well done. Thank you.

·        #17

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 04 April 2022 16:22)

Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #16

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 14:20)

Title: " Major scientific programs could be slashed or eliminated under debt-reduction deal".
Phrase of the day practice: "deserves special attention".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the negative impact of the drastic reduction of the nation's debt on the US scientists.
The article tells us that the deep concerns of the American Physical Society, the nation's leading organization of physicists are raised due to the proposals to drastically reduce the US nation's debt. These actions do serious harm to major scientific projects. Under the debt-reduction deal, across-the-board cuts to reduce discretionary spending would mean the cancellation of major scientific projects. For instance, the Canadian and the European Space Agencies are contributing around a billion dollars to the James Webb Space Telescope project. The cancellation would again call into question the US nation's record as a reliable international partner.
In my opinion, scientists and policymakers have to collaborate in tandem to eliminate the appearance of harmful risks.
The US must get its fiscal house in order, but it is important for society development to make wise choices that will create jobs and make the world the better place according to the statement of the US president.

·        #15

Yurii Fylonych, PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Monday, 04 April 2022 12:11)

Title: " Facial recognition, cameras and other tools police use raise questions about accountability".
Phrase of the day practice: "de facto".
Voice record link:
I have read the article about the folk's concerns regarding the usage of facial recognition technic, body cameras and other digital technologies by police departments, municipalities and even gated communities.
The article tells us that such tools raise concerns about a lack of balance between police, who need tools to do their jobs, and the rights of individuals to privacy. Also, these tools manufactured by private companies raise the specter of unchecked surveillance.
In my opinion, multinational and national-level legislation has to be implemented to regulate the use of surveillance equipment taking into account the intellectual properties of the manufacturers.
Communities and individuals subjected to these policing technologies deserve transparency about how their police use these tools. Without a doubt, this step will lead to a trustworthy relationship between authorities and civilians.

·        #14

Tsapenko to Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:46)

Thanks for your comment and voice message . But.....I don't see your summary. Go on working.

·        #13

Tsapenko to Horokholynska PhD-1 (Monday, 04 April 2022 11:40)

Thank you for your comment and voice message. Best wishes.

·        #12

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Sunday, 03 April 2022 21:09)

US agency acknowledges damage to dinosaur tracks in Utah

I read the article "US Agency Admits Damage to Dinosaur Footprints in Utah."
It says 112-million-year-old dinosaur footprints have been damaged in southeast Utah by heavy machinery. This site is considered one of the most important dinosaur footprint sites in the country and contains footprints of at least 10 different species. I think it's good that the Bureau of Land Management put the project on hold, as there will be no further damage. While the agency will figure out what to do next.

·        #11

Horokholynska PhD-1 (Tsapenko) (Sunday, 03 April 2022 20:33)
Precision Chronology Sheds New Light on the Origins of Mongolia’s Nomadic Horse Culture
Today I have read the article «Precision Chronology Sheds New Light on the Origins of Mongolia’s Nomadic Horse Culture». The article tells us about the nomadic horse culture. By using a statistical technique known as Bayesian analysis – which combines probability with archaeological information to improve precision for groups of radiocarbon dates– the authors were able to produce a high-precision chronology model for early domestic horse use in Mongolia. In my opinion this theme is important for future researches about horses.
The results of this article suggest that Mongolia was an epicenter for early horse culture

·        #10

Liudmyla Panchuk, PhD_1 (Tsapenko) (Friday, 01 April 2022 22:45)
"Cats less stressed after adoption by families with children with autism, study finds"
The researchers from the University of Missouri examined the influence of human-animal interaction. The main test subjects were shelter cats and families with children with autism disease. At first, the cats were screened to measure their temperament. Then they were distributed to families and checked on during their accommodation in newly adopted families. The good adopted cats had a positive effect on children. They became less stressed over time. I think that such successful experiments are very positive for the recovery and a good mood of sick children and homeless animals because of mutual help.

·        #9

Zadorozhnya Nadia LSBM-211 (Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 01 April 2022 17:38)

1. Explore further- продолжитизучение.
The boy will explore further his new apartment.
Мальчик продолжит изучение своей новой квартиры.

From this standpoint- сэтойточкизрения.
From this standpoint of view, genes dictate their structure and function to cells.
С этой точки зрения гены диктуют клеткам их структуры и функции.

Findings confirm- данныеподтверждают.
Scientific findings confirm that your brain is capable of miracles.
Научные данные подтверждают, что ваш мозг способен творить чудеса.

·        #8

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Tomenko M) (Friday, 01 April 2022 16:28)

I read the article "New Study: Co-education of students from different grades can improve student achievement." It says that many students who study in mixed classes do better than those who study in one-year classes, but there is not enough research. The researchers found no strong evidence of an adverse performance impact on second graders who share a mixed class with first graders, but do not deny that extra work is needed. The researchers also failed to find consistent benefits of integrated learning in P1 students when tested at the P4 level, suggesting that the benefits are short-lived and fade over time. No other positive or negative effects of mixed classes other than performance were observed. Tiered classrooms could be a useful strategy to support academic achievement in Scottish schools following the disruption caused by the COVID pandemic.

·        #7

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 01 April 2022 16:22)

I read the article "Cats less stressed after adoption by families with children with autism". researchers have found that bringing a cat from a shelter into a family can help reduce stress in children with autism, a new study shows that joining a family does wonders for felines too. In the study, we found that the cats acclimated well to their new families and became significantly less stressed over time. The results published highlight that pets can help reduce stress and anxiety also for their parents. Children with autism may have sensory issues and sometimes problem behaviors. Therefore, the introduction of cats in the house, which have a calm nature, can increase the likelihood of better compatibility for both .

·        #6

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 01 April 2022 15:47)

from this standpoint - сэтойточкизрения
From this standpoint, he might be dissatisfied with the newspaper.
С этой точки зрения он может быть недоволен газетой.
findings confirm - данные подтверждают
Their findings confirm our worst fears.
explore further -
Now it is not possible to explore further in this industry.
Сейчас продолжить изучение этой отрасли не является возможным.

·        #5

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 01 April 2022 13:41)

To Brytska Karina LSBM-211. Karina, thank you for your work with the phrases of the day, but your phrases do not match the phrases of today.Try it again.( from this standpoint, explore further , findings confirm )

·        #4

Duvanskaya, from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 01 April 2022 13:34)

To Rupenko Dima, SFV-211 Dima, thank you for your informative work on April 1st.Both of your tasks deserve a positive assessment.Pay attention to my remark: the article tells us about exoskeletons… Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.P.S. Invite other students from your group to join our discussion.

·        #3

Brytska Karina LSBM-211(Duvanskaya I) (Friday, 01 April 2022 13:31)

beyond the scope of - зарамкисферыохвата
It's beyond the scope of the instrument to analyse or measure.
classified as -
All other liabilities should be classified as non-current liabilities.
The report starts by outlining the purpose and value of national action plans.
В начале доклада изложены цели и значение национальных планов действий.

·        #2

Rupenko SFV211 (Duvanskaya) (Friday, 01 April 2022 11:44)

Developing the process into a scalable commercial product will take some time, but "we have shown how this could be done, from this standpoint.
Розробкапроцесудомасштабованогокомерційногопродуктузаймедеякийчас, але "мипоказали, якцеможебутизробленозцьогопогляду".

Chasing data: Astronomers race to explore further the ancient galaxies
Угонитвізаданими: Астрономивгонцізаподальшимвивченнямдавніхгалактик

These findings confirm the suspicions of web design bloggers that websites are becoming more similar.
Цірезультатипідтверджуютьпідозриблогерів, щозаймаютьсявеб-дизайном, проте, щосайтистаютьвсебільшсхожимиодиннаодного.

Exoskeletons with personalize-your-own settings
After reading this very interesting article I decided to leave a comment, the article talks about exoskeletons. For me this article was very interesting, because I always liked the idea of using mechanical elements together with biological elements. The article talks about how you can customize your own exoskeleton to improve its comfort. Even nowadays exoskeletons are beginning to receive attention, of course, the future is bright. Many people with disabilities will be able to walk again, people with health problems will be relieved. I am not talking about work areas where an exoskeleton is indispensable. Imagine if you could lift 500 kg overhead, thanks to artificial muscles all this will be possible. Not now, but in 40 years for sure.

·        #1

Petrova E.I. (Friday, 01 April 2022 11:07)

Chers étudiants ! J’attends vos devoirs. Dépéchez-vous! Il ne vous reste que quelques jours pour les faire et envoyer.Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.


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