Computer systems
Guestbook – January 2022
· #37
· Popovych E. (Friday, 28 January 2022 11:52)
To Linda M. A. AC- 192
You've passed the exam. Taking into account all types of work, your mark is 60
· #36
Tomasevych N.P. to Havrilov AM-202 (Thursday, 27 January 2022 11:27)
Taking into account all types of work you've done,
You've passed the exam. Your score is 60 points
· #35
Havrilov AM-202(Tomasevich) (Thursday, 27 January 2022 11:22)
1. Summarizing, Unit 3
2. Topic: Fundamentals of algorithmic languages.
An algorithmic programming language is a formal language used to write,
implement, and learn algorithms. Unlike most programming languages, the
algorithmic language is absolutely not tied to the architecture of the computer,
does not contain details related to the structure of the machine. To study the
basics of algorithmization, the so-called Russian algorithmic language ( school
algorithmic language ) is used, which uses words in Russian that are
understandable to the student. An algorithm-like algorithmic language with
Russian syntax was introduced into use by Academician A. P. Ershov in the
mid-1980s, as the basis for a machine-less computer science course.
3. Final Test paper 3
· #34
Hani hayo (post_graduate student) (borysenka) (Saturday, 15 January 2022 19:15)
Today I have read the article
Lesson's from and perspective for health-care students volunteer activities
after the Fukushima disaster
· #33
Hani hayo (post_graduate student) (borysenka) (Saturday, 15 January 2022 19:07)
today I have read the article
( Lesson's Frome and perspective for health-care , students volunteer activities
after the Fukushima disaster )
Healthcare students volunteered at Fukushima Medical University after the Great
East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Nuclear Accident. At the time of the
disaster, healthcare students, who were in a position between doctors and
non-medicalists, listened to the victims' various fears and fears. Specifically,
they founded the Fukushima Well - a disaster medical club. These activities
continued for about 10 years after the Fukushima disaster
· #32
Borysenko (Saturday, 15 January 2022 11:50)
To Hani hayo( post-graduate student). No address of the article you have commented on. Your voice message is rather poor because of the mispronounced words . Best of luck.
· #31
Borysenko (Saturday, 15 January 2022 11:40)
To Ivanova (post-graduate student). You have already posted the whole amount of comments you had to post during the term but unfortunately it wasn't done on time and you didn't take into consideration my remarks as to your voice messages, and it lessens your points. Best wishes
· #30
Hani hayo (post_graduate student) (borysenka) (Saturday, 15 January 2022 07:24)
today I have read the article
Mental health consequence and social issues after the Fukushima disaster
· #29
Hani hayo (post_graduate student) (borysenka) (Saturday, 15 January 2022 07:05)
Today I have read the article
(Mental health consequences and social issues after the Fukushima disaster).
the radioactive fallout brought chronic anxiety regarding physical risks of
radiation exposure to people, especially young mothers. People often have
different opinions about the radiation risk and their own future plans,
resulting in a reduction in the resilience that communities and families had
before the disaster. In addition, such weakened community resilience may produce
a significant increase in disaster-related suicide in Fukushima. Specific social
issues, such as "radiation stigma" among the public and self-stigma among
evacuees, that are never seen with other natural disasters also increased in
· #28
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 14 January 2022 10:29)
I have read the article “Low complexity features for JPEG steganalysis using
undecimated DCT”.
This paper introduces a novel feature set for steganalysis of JPEG images. Its
name is DCTR because the features are computed from noise residuals obtained
using the 64 DCT bases. Its main advantage over previous art is its low
computational complexity, lower dimensionality in comparison to other rich
models, and a competitive performance w.r.t. previously proposed JPEG domain
steganalysis features.
In my opinion these qualities make DCTR a good candidate for building practical
steganography detectors and in steganalysis applications.
· #27
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 14 January 2022 10:28)
Recently I have read the article “Robust hash functions for digital
In this paper, the authors introduce the concept of a robust hash function with
applications to digital image watermarking for authentication and integrity
verification of video data and still images. The authors claim the robust hash
function can be used for generating pseudo-random watermark sequences that
depend sensitively on a secret key yet continuously on the image. The robust
image digest can also be used as a search index for efficient database searches.
· #26
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 14 January 2022 09:19)
I have read the article “Lossless authentication of MPEG-2 video”.
The article tells us a lossless authentication watermark for MPEG-2 video. In
this paper, two methods are presented: authentication by frames and
authentication by groups of frames. In the first approach, each frame contains
its hash embedded losslessly, while in the second approach we embed a hash of a
group of frames in B frames only. The first approach provides better temporal
localization while the second approach introduces less distortion. The authors
claim that the algorithms can perform in real-time enabling concurrent
authentication while playing the video.
· #25
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 14 January 2022 09:18)
Today I have read the article “Wet paper codes with improved embedding
In this paper, the authors propose a new approach to wet paper codes using
random linear codes of small codimension that at the same time improves the
embedding efficiency (number of random message bits embedded per embedding
change). Practical algorithms are given and their performance is evaluated
experimentally and compared to theoretically achievable bounds. The considered
coding method can be modularly combined with most steganographic schemes to
improve their security.
This approach to wet paper codes provides an efficient, general and elegant tool
for solving the non-shared choice channel problem, which is quite common in
· #24
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Thursday, 13 January 2022 20:27)
Recently I have read the article “Detection of double-compression in JPEG images
for applications in steganography”.
This article presents a method for detection of double JPEG compression and a
maximum likelihood estimator of the primary quality factor. The proposed methods
are essential for construction of accurate targeted and blind steganalysis
methods for JPEG images. These methods use support vector machine classifiers
with feature vectors formed by histograms of low-frequency DCT coefficients. The
performance of the algorithms is compared to selected prior art on a database
containing approximately 1, 200, 000 images.
· #23
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Thursday, 13 January 2022 20:27)
I have read the article “Using sensor pattern noise for camera model
The article tells us about the problem of digital camera sensor identification
using a sensor fingerprint based on photoresponse non-uniformity, which is a
multiplicative noise that is unintentionally embedded by the digital camera into
every image it takes. The authors proposed a method for estimating the
fingerprint from a set of digital images and fordetecting its presence in a
specific image under investigation. Successful detection is indicative of the
fact that the image was taken by the exact same camera.
· #22
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Thursday, 13 January 2022 20:26)
Today I have read the article “Complete characterization of perfectly secure
stego-systems with mutually independent embedding operation”.
This paper presents a complete characterization of all perfectly secure
stego-systems that employ mutually independent embedding operation. In this
article, showed that for a fixed embedding operation, the only perfectly secure
stegosystems are those whose cover distribution is an element of a linear vector
space with basis vectors determined by the embedding operation. Moreover, the
authors show that perfect security (zero KL divergence) is equivalent to
satisfying a simple condition related to Fisher information.
· #21
Borysenko (Thursday, 13 January 2022 15:45)
To Ivanova (. post-graduate student). I have read all your 7 comments, better
late than never. #15 has no comment, there are some mistakes (#14), it is not
always possible to find the file with the article you have commented on, and
your voice messages are still leave much to be desired. Best wishes.
· #20
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Thursday, 13 January 2022)
Today I have read the article “Rich models for steganalysis of digital images”.
The article tells us describe a novel general strategy for building
steganography detectors for digital images. In contrast to previous approaches,
the authors make the model assembly a part of the training process driven by
samples drawn from the corresponding cover- and stego-sources. For each
algorithm, they apply a simple submodel-selection technique to increase the
detection accuracy per model dimensionality and show how the detection saturates
with increasing complexity of the rich model.
In my opinion steganalysis built around rich image models combined with ensemble
classifiers is a promising direction towards automatizing steganalysis for a
wide spectrum of steganographic schemes.
· #19
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Thursday, 13 January 2022 11:43)
I have read the article “Digital camera identification from sensor pattern
The article tells us about a new approach to the problem of camera
identification from images. This identification method uses the pixel
non-uniformity noise which is a stochastic component of the pattern noise common
to all digital imaging sensors. In this article, the presence of this noise is
established using correlation as in detection of spread spectrum watermarks. The
authors investigated the reliability of camera identification from images
processed using JPEG compression, gamma correction, and a combination of JPEG
compression and in-camera resampling.
· #18
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Thursday, 13 January 2022 10:10)
Recently I have read the article “Matrix embedding for large payloads”.
The article tells us about Matrix embedding. This is a general coding method
that can be applied to most steganographic schemes to improve their embedding
Authors present novel matrix embedding schemes that are efficient for embedding
messages close to the embedding capacity. The first method uses simplex codes
and codes derived from them, while the second method uses codes of small
dimension with random generator matrix. In this paper, the embedding efficiency
of the proposed methods is evaluated with respect to theoretically achievable
· #17
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 22:41)
Recently I have read the article “Extending the reverse JPEG compatibility
attack to double compressed images”.
The reverse JPEG compatibility attack is an extremely accurate, universal, and
quite simple steganalysis technique that was originally shown to be limited to
high quality factors (99 or 100). In this paper, the authors provides
mathematical analysis and demonstrate experimentally that this attack can be
extended to double compressed images when the first compression quality is 93 or
larger and the second quality equal or larger than the first quality.
· #16
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 21:22)
Today I have read the article “Reverse JPEG Compatibility Attack”
In this paper, a new compatibility steganalysis attack is proposed, which is
applicable to both color and grayscale JPEG images saved with quality 99 and
100. The detection statistic is formed from the rounding errors in the spatial
domain after decompressing the JPEG image. The attack works whenever, during
compression, the discrete cosine transform is applied to integer-valued signal.
The authors call the new approach the “reverse JPEG compatibility attack.”
· #15
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 20:57)
Voice: to #8
· #14
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 20:25)
Today I have read the article “Multivariate gaussian model for designing
additive distortion for steganography”.
The article tells us about approach to steganography in empirical objects, such
as digital media, is to cast the embedding problem as source coding with a
fidelity constraint. In this paper, the authors adopt a strategy in which the
cover is modeled as a sequence of independent but not necessarily identically
distributed quantized Gaussians and the embedding change probabilities are
derived to minimize the total KL divergencewithin the chosen model for a given
embedding operation and payload. Steganalysis was carried out using supervised
machine learning by building a binary classifier for the class of cover images
and stego images embedded with a fixed relative payloads.
· #13
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 20:03)
Today I have read the article “Effect of cover quantization on steganographic
Fisher information”
This article presents an extension of the square root law of imperfect
steganography to consider the effects of quantization on the steganographic
Fisher information. This work reveals a connection between statistical
detectability and the complex interplay between the precover distribution and
the embedding operation. The authors make the assumption that the cover elements
are quantized i.i.d. samples drawn from an underlying continuous-valued
`precover' distribution. This extension is relevant for understanding the
effects of pixel color depth and JPEG quality factor on secure payload of
imperfect steganography realized using a mutually independent embedding
· #12
Borysenko (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 10:24)
To Hani hayo( post-graduate student). Your written comment is almost ok, but your voice message is full of mispronounced words (consequences, susceptible, diverted, etc.). Pls, read your comment before recording it. Best wishes
· #11
Hani hayo (post_graduate student) (borysenka) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 08:11)
Today I have read the article (
The Chernobyl accident 20years on;an assessment of the health consequences and
the international response
· #10
Hani hayo (post_graduate student) (borysenka) (Wednesday, 12 January 2022 07:51)
Today I have read the article
( The Chernobyl accident, 20yesrs on : an assessment of the health consequences
and the international response)
Keith Baverstok.
radiation to the thyroid from radioisotopes of iodine has caused several
thousand cases of thyroid cancer but very few deaths; exposed children were most
susceptible. The focus on thyroid cancer has diverted attention from possible
nonthyroid effects, such as mini-satellite instability, which is potentially
important. The international response to the accident was inadequate and
uncoordinated, and has been unjustifiably reassuring. Accurate assessment of
Chernobyl’s future health effects is not currently possible in the light of dose
uncertainties, current debates over radiation actions, and the lessons from the
late consequences of atomic bomb exposure.
· #9
Borysenko (Monday, 10 January 2022 11:42)
To Ivanova (post-graduate student).I have checked your comment, unfortunately
there is a problem with your voice message,pls., check before posting. Best of
· #8
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Sunday, 09 January 2022 14:49)
Recently I have read the article “Digital image forensics using sensor noise”.
The paper introduces several digital forensic methods that capitalize on the
fact that each imaging sensor casts a noise-like fingerprint on every picture it
takes. The main component of the fingerprint is the photo-response
nonuniformity, which is caused by pixels’ varying capability to convert light to
electrons. The article explains how photo-response nonuniformity of imaging
sensors can be used for a variety of important digital forensic tasks, such as
device identification, device linking, recovery of processing history, and
detection of digital forgeries.
· #7
Borysenko to OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Saturday, 08 January 2022 19:12)
Your written comments are almost ok, but your voice messages leave much to be desired. I would strongly advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice messages. Mind that all the articles you are supposed to comment on should be closely connected with your specialty, and should be written by native speakers. Good luck!
· #6
Borysenko (Saturday, 08 January 2022 13:26)
To Ivanova( post-graduate student). Your written comments are almost ok, but your voice messages leave much to be desired as they are full of mispronounced words, I would strongly advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Mind ,that the articles you are going to comment on should be closely connected with your specialty , and should be written by native speakers. Good luck
· #5
Borysenko (Saturday, 08 January 2022 09:15)
To Ivanova( post-graduate student). Your written comments are almost ok, but your voice messages are very poor, l would strongly advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice messages. Pls. don't forget that all the articles your are supposed to comment on should be connected with your specialty , and should be written by native speakers. Good luck
· #4
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 07 January 2022 15:44)
Recently I have read the article “Payload Scaling for Adaptive Steganography: An
Empirical Study”.
This article discusses the scaling laws of imperfect steganography payload.
Scaling laws are typically derived for a specific cover model and embedding
operation. Early forms of the law assumed independent and identically
distributed cover elements and 1st-order Markov chains. Recent extensions
include models with dependent cover elements – Markov random fields, kth-order
Markov chains, Ising models, and hidden-layer models. The authors carry out an
empirical study for the case when the steganographer and the steganalyst operate
at a game-theoretic equilibrium. They are exploring the possibility to leverage
a generalization of the square root law to content-adaptive steganography due to
· #3
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 07 January 2022 14:30)
Today I have read the article «A linguistic steganography framework using Arabic
calligraphy». In this article, a steganography framework based on Arabic
calligraphy is proposed. The steganography framework consists of three main
phases: preparation, embedding and extraction phase. In this paper presents the
original Aho-Corasick algorithm and suffix trees and how they are used in string
matching. The framework also includes corpus creation and a modification of the
Aho-Corasick string-matching algorithm. The authors proposed the stages of the
modified steganography system and presented the experimental results and
evaluation of the proposed steganography system.
· #2
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 07 January 2022 14:01)
Today I have read the article «Engineers bring a soft touch to commercial
robotics». The article tells us about a reconfigurable hybrid robotics system
that is able to grip a variety of objects: from the small, soft and delicate to
the large, heavy and bulky. The hybrid robotic grippers use soft, flexible
3D-printed fingers with a reconfigurable gripper base. The fingers are
air-driven and equipped with a novel locking mechanism for adjustable stiffness.
The technology is targeted at a range of industries, including food assembly,
vertical farming and consumer packaging, which will gradually automate more and
more operations over the coming years.
· #1
OlenaIvanova, post-graduate student (Borysenko) (Friday, 07 January 2022 11:35)
Today I have read the article « Engineers bring a soft touch to commercial
robotics ». The article tells us about a reconfigurable hybrid robotics system
that is able to grip a variety of objects: from the small, soft and delicate to
the large, heavy and bulky. The hybrid robotic grippers use soft, flexible
3D-printed fingers with a reconfigurable gripper base. The fingers are
air-driven and equipped with a novel locking mechanism for adjustable stiffness.
The technology is targeted at a range of industries, including food assembly,
vertical farming and consumer packaging, which will gradually automate more and
more operations over the coming years.