Digital technology, Design and Transport

|Цифрові технології, дизайн та транспорт (ІЦТДТ)

Guestbook March 2022


·        #606

·        Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 19:45)

To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 Thanks for your comment, sentences and voice message.

·        #605

Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 19:23)

Today I have read a very interesting article. Thanks to it, I learned about a cool application that is very useful in our difficult time. Coronavirus is a terrible disease that has infected almost every corner of the Earth, and this application will help track people with this virus. It's cool that the developers came up with this application, because. I didn't think this was possible. This will help to avoid further spread of the infection, which will help in the future.
The article is very informative. I learned a lot for myself and was surprised by the information received.

1. keep track -
As parts of the world begin to open up again, communities need a reliable way to keep track of the virus and contain it's spread.
2. on the contrary -
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting in parallel.
3. meet the demand -
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable applications.

·        #604

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:16)

Strong but thin transparent films made from cellulose nanofibers with wide applicability (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Strong but thin transparent films made from cellulose nanofibers with wide applicability”. This articledesign describe about new design in organic chemistry this is transparent thin film made from cellulose nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde (reinforcing glycerol). The cellulose-based film has wide applicability, such as food packaging, oxygen barrier films, agriculture (crop growth), membrane distillation, sensors, biomedical patches, optoelectronic and smart optical devices. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who are interested in films and chemistry of polimers.

·        #603

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:15)

Sensor for capturing transparent objects in three dimensions (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Sensor for capturing transparent objects in three dimensions”. This article describe about new method of capturing transparent objects in three dimensions and measurement their dimensions. The thermographic 3D sensor uses thermal radiation and imaging for 3D detection. A high-energy CO2 laser and a mobile optical setup with special lenses project a line moving in several steps over the measured object in fractions of a second. Throughout the measurement, the object absorbs the energy of the laser light and emits it clearly visible to the two highly sensitive thermal imaging cameras. This method can using in many directions of manufacture. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who are interested in technic innovation.

·        #602

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:13)
meet the demand: To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde (reinforcing glycerol).
Щобзадовольнитипопитнаміцнітаміцніпрозорітонкіплівкидлядовготривалогозастосування, докторСунандаРойз GLA University India очоливбагатонаціональнукомандууспішнорозробитиновупрозорутонкуплівкузцелюлозногонановолокна (CNF), посиленогогліцериноміглутальдегідом ( зміцнюючийгліцерин).
keep track: Anticipating a critical strain on the ability of fifth generation (5G) networks to keep track of a rapidly growing number of mobile devices, engineers at Tufts University have come up with an improved algorithm for localizing and tracking these products that distributes the task among the devices themselves.
Передбачаючикритичненавантаженняназдатністьмережпятогопокоління (5G) відстежуватишвидкозростаючукількістьмобільнихпристроїв, інженериУніверситетуТафтсарозробиливдосконаленийалгоритмлокалізаціїтавідстеженняцихпродуктів, якийрозподіляєзавданняміжпристроями. самі.
on the contrary: On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting in parallel.
Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють паралельно.

·        #601

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 17:55)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Check the pronunciation of the following words: tiny, microfiber, measure, pressure. Please don't copy sentences from the article. Keep on working.

·        #600

Fomenko Bogdan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 17:47)

1) Keep track -
She was sent here to keep track of Daniel Morgan.
Їївідправилисюди, щобстежитизаДеніеломМорганом.

2) On the contrary -
What do you mean "on the contrary"?
Щовимаєтенаувазі «навпаки»?

3) meet the demand -
I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the demand.
Я маю на увазі, що аптеки могли працювати цілодобово, і вони все одно не могли задовольнити попит.
I read the article "Deep-time Digital Earth Program: Data-Driven Discovery in the Earth Sciences". The article states that geoscientists have taken on the task of elucidating the evolution of the Earth and life, unraveling the rates and mechanisms of climate change, locating natural resources, and predicting the future of the Earth , synthetic and comprehensive databases in all fields of science.
I believe that this discovery will facilitate deep data-driven discovery through an international one that provides computing power, models, methods and algorithms. However, by creating an open access data resource, it promises to understand the past, present and future of our planet in new and vivid detail.
I have read the article “Chronic stress causes genetic changes in chickens”. Chronic stress worsens the general health of animals, in particular, weakens the immune system, and animal products lose quality. These consequences, in turn, negatively affect farmer finances and the quality of consumer food. However, currently no Despite this, there is currently no reliable way to identify the degree of stress to which farm animals are exposed. As a conclusion it would be very helpful to have an accurate way to diagnose stress in animals, this would lead to better health, better quality meat and dairy products, and reduced use of antibiotics.

·        #599

Saliy Daniil KI-211(Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 17:02)

|Working off|
Words and sentences:
1)on the contrary -
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting in parallel.
Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють паралельно.
2)keep track - відслідковувати
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щобстежитизасусідаминавітьутемномуабокаламутномусередовищі, рибиповинніпокладатисянетількиназір.
3)meet the demand -
Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
Плантаціїрозширювалися, щобзадовольнитипопит.
I have read the article "Emerging wearable technology uses tiny fibers that can track your blood pressure, heart rate, and more". I must say that this is an excellent solution for maintaining human health and life.
When I read the title of the article, I immediately thought of a smart watch, because it can count steps, measure your pulse, tell you when to move, and these clothes can do even more, I'm very surprised.
But on the other hand, in order for these clothes to work, they need to be charged, and how much this charge would be enough, I'm interested to know. It also seems to me that if it has some kind of microchips in it, and something like them, then they can be easily damaged.
And I think that these clothes will be very expensive, otherwise the idea is very good!
words and sentences -
comment -
article -

·        #598

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 13:03)

I read "New wearable technology uses tiny fibers that can track your blood pressure, heart rate and more." The article says that a shirt that measures your blood pressure or a pair of socks that can track your cholesterol could be a reality in just a few years. Microfiber and nanofiber technologies are helping the medical community monitor chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma , obesity and high blood pressure as the population ages.
I believe that new technologies will not only make our lives more convenient, but also make the population healthier.

·        #597

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:16)

To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and sentences with the phrases, well done. Go on working.

·        #596

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:12)

To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.

·        #595

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:08)

To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: species, antibiotics, diagnosis. Go on working.

·        #594

Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:50)

Today I have read an article "Examining tiny cells surrounding the smallest blood vessels in the brain" .It talks about the importance and contribution of electron microscopes as well as some of the limitations associated with them. One of these microscopes is located at the Institute of Fundamental Medical Sciences. Many people came out of there who made a significant contribution to medicine, and the microscope located there was used, in particular, to study brain cells. But unfortunately, due to the fact that such devices are quite old, only experienced employees are allowed to use them. I believe that for the best development of medicine, one should invest in the creation of such electron microscopes.

1. on the contrary
Machine learning tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in relatively small datasets.

Засоби машинного навчання, навпаки, здатні ви вляти складні алгоритми в відносно малих наборах данних.

2. meet the demand
New technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand for fresh water.

Нові технології потрібні для того, щоб продовжувати задовольняти попит на питну воду.

3. keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.

Щобслідкуватизасусідаминавітьвтемнихімутнихводах, рибиочевиднозастосовуютьнетількизір.

I read the article "Deep-time Digital Earth Program: Data-Driven Discovery in the Earth Sciences". The article states that geoscientists have taken on the task of elucidating the evolution of the Earth and life, unraveling the rates and mechanisms of climate change, locating natural resources, and predicting the future of the Earth , synthetic and comprehensive databases in all fields of science.
I believe that this discovery will facilitate deep data-driven discovery through an international one that provides computing power, models, methods and algorithms. However, by creating an open access data resource, it promises to understand the past, present and future of our planet in new and vivid detail.

·        #593

Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:47)

1) Keep track on your children so they don't get lost - Тримайтедітейуполізору, щобвонинезагубилися

2)We should not argue now, on the contrary, it's time to find a compromise-
Невартозаразсперечатися, навпаки, порашукатикомпроміс

3)Your work, unfortunately, does not meet the demands -
Вашаробота, нажаль, невідповідаєіснуючимпотребам

I have just read the article 'Scientists Say: Machine learning'. The article is written about machine learning and its types. With supervised learning, certain material is loaded onto the computer, on the basis of which the artificial intelligence of the device begins to develop. In another type of learning, the computer interacts more with the environment, for example, to develop an autopilot. I believe that computers are an integral part of our lives and the better they work, the better we live.

P.S. I'm sorry for the delay. I had to take a break due to an air raid alert in the city

·        #592

C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:42)

1. meet the demand
The growth in recycling is still not enough to meet the demand.
Зростання у вторинній переробці все ще недостатньо відповідає існуючим потребам.
2. keep track
I cannot keep track of all my employees.
3. on the contrary
On the contrary, it was a complete waste of time.
Ажніяк, цебулаповнавтратачасу.

I have read the article "US must act to protect climate migrants".
Today the temperature of the Earth is about 1.2 degrees higher than a century ago. The impacts of rising temperatures include increased heat waves and droughts, increased wildfires, heavy rains, hurricanes and floods. Therefore in order to protect themselves and their health, people will be forced to move to more climatic stable countries but not all countries are ready to accept all such a number of immigrants.
To sum up, we need to develop a green economy to reduce the number of climate refugees by 80% and protect human health.

I have read an article about a new algorithm discovers outstanding people from historic documents.
Kevin Manne from University at Buffalo developed a program that scans and analyzes texts, and then ranks people's names by importance. The system uses optical character recognition. In the future, database will include the content of newspapers from 1777 to 1963. So the program allows you to learn about important people from texts without having to directly read a huge amount of materials.
To sum up, the use of the algorithm makes it possible to find out the necessary information without wasting time on studying.

·        #591

Diachenko to Trochinskaya V. MD-212 ( (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:35)

Thank you for your work but next time try to write comment without grammar mistakes.

·        #590

Diachenko to Terzi N. MD-213 ( (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:32)

Well done Thank you

·        #589

Diachenko to Tkachenko Alina MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:30)

Well done Thank you

·        #588

Diachenko to Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:28)

Well done Thank you

·        #587

Buyanova Eva MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:28)

meet demand
The company cannot meet demand, and has seen an explosion of customer complaints.
Компанія не може задовольнити попит, і спостерігається вибух скарг клієнтів.

on the contrary
On the contrary, they were getting better all the time.
Навпаки, вонивесьчасставаликращими.

keep track
Nobody could keep track of all the winners.

I have read the article about palm oil.
Recently, palm oil has taken the first place in popularity in the world market of vegetable oils.
In addition, the popularity of palm oil in the food industry is due to its cost and technological advantages. In the world market, prices for palm oil are 10-40% lower than the cost of other. Palm oil is everywhere from chocolate to bread. Also fat is found in some non-food products. Tropical deforestation for palm plantations oil threatens the extinction of many animal species. The constant use of such a product leads to the formation of deposits in the arteries.

I have read the article “Chronic stress causes genetic changes in chickens”. Chronic stress worsens the general health of animals, in particular, weakens the immune system, and animal products lose quality. These consequences, in turn, negatively affect farmer finances and the quality of consumer food. However, currently no Despite this, there is currently no reliable way to identify the degree of stress to which farm animals are exposed. As a conclusion it would be very helpful to have an accurate way to diagnose stress in animals, this would lead to better health, better quality meat and dairy products, and reduced use of antibiotics.

·        #586

Diachenko to Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:27)

Well done Thank you

·        #585

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:23)

To Botsman K. MD-213. Both of your comments on the articles are reasonable and interesting, Karina, thanks. Just mind "THE article describes". The audio files sound quite all right. Keep on working. Best of luck.

·        #584

Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:22)
I have read an article named “A contact-tracing app that helps public health agencies and doesn't compromise your privacy”. Contact-tracing apps monitor who has come in contact with whom and can alert a network of people if someone nearby has been diagnosed with the virus. Researchers from the University of Washington have developed a new tool, COVIDSafe. It have other features than ordinary apps, including a symptom tracker so that users who have tested positive and are in isolation can track their symptoms. I think that this article is quite helpful and covers the topic of contact-tracing apps.
1. Meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable applications
2. On the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution.
3. To keep track
It can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them

·        #583

Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:22)

1. meet the demand
Acrylic Printer totally can meet the demand of bulk printing production for acrylic materials
2. keep track
Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
3.on the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in relatively small datasets.

I have read the article about exoskeletons with personalize-your-own settings. According to the data described in the article, it can be indicated that new functions have been added to modern exoskeletons. To transform human mobility, exoskeletons can be customized to suit personal needs. This method uses active user feedback to aid formation. Users can also quickly and independently decide which features are most important, such as sacrificing comfort, power, or reliability in exchange for other exoskeleton settings. In my opinion, the ability to choose and control your needs will help increase user satisfaction and use these devices in the future.

·        #582

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:17)

To Martynkin V.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. There are some mispronounced words in your audio files: production, engineers, supplies. Keep on working.

·        #581

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:15)

To Emelyanova I., MD-213. Thanks for a well-written and interesting comment on the article, Irina, I share your opinion. The mispronounced words in your audio message are "health", "confirmed" and "authors". The task with the phrases is done quite good, just dont forget to first translate the phrases themselves. And I am waiting for your independent practice comment. Keep on working.

·        #580

Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Sirotenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:09)

Phrases and articles of the day:

1) meet the demand -

To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still can't keep up.

Щоб задовольнити попит, ветеринари, з якими опитує Associated Press, продовжили робочий час, найняли додаткового персоналу та відмовилися приймати нових пацієнтів, але вони все ще не встигають.

2) on the contrary - навпаки

On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.

Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.

3) keep track - триматиуполізору

To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.

Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба має покладатися не тільки на зір.

I read the article: " Software enables 3D printing on space station ".
People in space have to be independent and self-sufficient as possible, because they don't have an opportunity to store enough materials or order supplies from Earth any time. But creating equipment in space with 3D printing is a difficult task: physical properties aren't suitable. Scientist Terrence Moran created a modeling software that predicts how the process will play out for a component and whether the result will be high or low quality.
In conclusion, the development will help engineers to work in space and on the
Еаrth faster and better.

I read the article: " Designing custom robots in a matter of minutes ". Researchers are getting closer to let non-experts craft different robotic designs. One of the key features of the system is that it allows designers to determine both the robot's movement and shape. Scientists hope people will be able to incorporate robots to help with everyday tasks, and that similar systems with rapid printing technologies will enable large-scale customization and production of robots. While the current version focuses on designs that can walk, they hope that in the future, the robots can take flight. This system will likely inspire follow-up work targeting the computational design of even more intricate robots.

·        #579

Botsman K. MD-213(Kudinova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:08)

1. Тримативполізору

The system has to keep track of all the trains, and has to keep track of all the track status.
Система повинна відстежувати всі поїзди та відстежувати стан усіх колій.2. Відповідають наявним потребам

Plantations expanded to meet the demand. Плантації розширювалися, щоб задовольнити попит.
3. Навпаки

On the contrary, it is no such thing, as the experience of many countries has shown.
Навпаки, ценетак, якпоказуєдосвідбагатьохкраїн.

I have read the article “South Korea launches first domestic space rocket but mission fails” and I have a couple of words.

South Korea launched its first domestically developed space rocket on Thursday but failed to put its dummy payload into orbit, a setback in the country's attempts to join the ranks of advanced space-faring nations. For Korea, such attempts to conquer space mean reaching a new level both economically and nationally.

In my opinion, Korea should continue to work in this area, since even in the most advanced companies at the moment there have been similar cases, there are always victims on the way to the unknown. People always learn from their failures.

·        #578

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:06)

To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice message and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Good luck.

·        #577

Botsman K. MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:04)

I have read the article about engineers create perching bird-like robot. Article describes robots that mimic the behavior of birds. The robots were created as a result of years of research on birds. Scientists came to the conclusion that despite the unique structure and topography of each branch, birds use the same algorithm for landing. This algorithm is also observed in the behavior of the robot. I am convinced that the creation of such robots can have a positive impact on nature exploration. Robots with built-in cameras can help to study the society of birds, their habits, their ways of interacting with the surrounding world.

·        #576

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:03)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Je ne trouve pas vos devoirs. J’espčre les trouver bientot. N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires réguličrement.
Laissez-les et vos enregistrements ici. Bon travail.

·        #575

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:01)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: demand, exciting, thriving. Go on working.

·        #574

Tkachenko Alina MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:58)

I’ve read an article about predicting couple dissolution using machine learning. The most important predictors are the life satisfaction of both partners, woman's percentage of housework, woman's working hours, woman's level of openness, and man's level of extraversion. But there were some difficulties such as considering all variables and their possible interactions. To account for both partners' traits (10 variables) and all their two-way interactions (25 variables), one would need to include 35 independent variables, which would be very problematic in a regression model. In my opinion, it is a very interesting article which shows us how modern technology could integrate even in love.

Phrases of the day

to keep track

It can keep track of a system's long-term trends and short-term blips

On the contrary

On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution.

To meet the demand

To meet the demand, vets have extended hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still can't keep up.


·        #573

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:57)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Pay attention to the first sentence (use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article). Keep on working.

·        #572

Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:54)

1. The system has to keep track of all the trains, and has to keep track of all the track status.
Система повинна відстежувати всі поїзди та відстежувати стан усіх колій.
2. Plantations expanded to meet the demand. Плантаціїрозширювалися, щобзадовольнитипопит.
3. On the contrary, it is no such thing, as the experience of many countries has shown.
Навпаки, ценетак, якпоказуєдосвідбагатьохкраїн.

I’ve read an article about apple’s airtags which are involved in cases of theft of property.
This article reports that cases of using trackers in illegal activities have become more frequent. Cyber security experts said that the stalker discreetly attaches the tracker to the car and monitors the victim's movement. There are a lot of cases due to the low price of such tags. I think that you need to be attentive to your things, check for foreign objects in order to prevent theft.
In conclusion, there must be an application that detects other people's trackers near a person to keep others safe.

I’ve read an article about using palm oil in all food and products.
This article reports that in nowadays palm oil is the most hated, affordable and cheapest oil in the world. It comes from an African oil tree. But why people hate it? Despite cheap production, it is extremely harmful to the human body and is not digested in the stomach. So people are starting boycotting companies which do not refuse the use of oil in their products.
In conclusion, I think that each person must responsibly choose what to eat and what to give up.

·        #571

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:53)

1.The supply is inadequate to meet the demand.
Пропозиція недостатня для задоволення попиту.
2. On the contrary, consumption is and was based around the home and family life.
Навпаки, споживання ґрунтувалося і базувалося на домі та сімейному житті.
3.I don't have time to keep track of everybody.

I read the article "Mobile gaming is booming, even as the pandemic forces players to stay at home."
The article says that mobile games are thriving as players turn to them for fun and friendship during the pandemic, as there is no way to meet. Many mobile games are free to download, and a huge number of people spend some money on paid games or promotions, that will simplify or complement the game.
I believe that games are one of the most interactive and exciting forms of entertainment that relaxes and relieves stress. Moreover, during stressful situations, the body needs time to relax, mobile games can do this perfectly.

·        #570

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:53)

I read an article called "Australia to amend law making Facebook, Google pay for news".
Australian fair trade regulator Rod Sims, chairman of the Australian Competition Commission, said he would present his draft legislation that would require Facebook and Google to pay Australian media companies for the news content they use.
Facebook has already warned that it may block Australian news content rather than pay for it.
Google said the proposed laws would "significantly degrade Google Search and YouTube" and put free services at risk.
I think this is not the best idea, because the content in other countries is free.

·        #569

Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:50)

1. meet the demand:
Focus has been on small-holder plantings with local participation, but these resources cannot meet the demand for wood.
Основное внимание уделяется мелкотоварным плантациям, создаваемым с участием местного населения, однако для удовлетворения спроса на древесину их ресурсов недостаточно.
2. on the contrary:
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
Я хочу сказать, что желая этого, ты напротив будешь делать ужасные вещи.
3. keep track:
You know I can't keep track any more.
Вызнаете, янемогуотслеживатьбольше.

I have read the article about how nature sounds are good for mental health and help protect the environment. The article featured researchers who interviewed more than 7,500 people, and each of them confirmed that the sounds of nature do relieve stress. In connection with the quarantine, the researchers noticed that the influence of people on nature has become less, due to the sounds of nature have become louder, which means that the sounds of nature contribute to the improvement of the environment. In the end, I can say that I completely agree with the authors of this article, because the sounds of nature also calm and relax me.

·        #568

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:46)

To Genova Ksenia, MD-213. Your independent practice comment is quite all right and optimistic, Ksenia, thanks. Its audio version sounds fluent but please check the pronunciation of the words "companies", "simplify" and "theft". Best wishes.

·        #567

Savluk A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:42)

Zelinskiy Danya KI-212, your comment is clear and full, thank you. The task with the Phrases is well done.

·        #566

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:40)

To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.

·        #565

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:39)

To Novikova I., MD-213. Both of your comments on the articles are reasonabe and grammatically correct, Inna, thanks. The audio versions sound fluent and proper. The task with the phrases is OK as well. Continue working, good luck.

·        #564

Savluk A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:39)

Samsonnikov Danil KI-212, something is wrong with your Vacaroo code, it is mistaken.

·        #563

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:33)

To Nikolova Sofiia, MD-213. Both of your comments on the articles are clear and correct, Sofia, thanks. The voice messages sound quite good, just check the pronunciation of the words "revilutionize" and "promising". The task with the phrases is done properly. Keep on working. Best of luck.

·        #562

A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:32)

1. keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щобслідкуватизасусідаминавітьвтемнихімутнихводах, рибиочевиднозастосовуютьнетількизір.
2. on the contrary
Machine learning tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in relatively small datasets.
Засоби машинного навчання, навпаки, здатні ви вляти складні алгоритми в відносно малих наборах данних.
3. meet the demand
New technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand for fresh water.
Новітехнологіїпотрібнідлятого, щобпродовжуватизадовольнятипопитнапитнуводу.
I’ve read an article about the development of an algorithm that detects extremist propaganda and those who embrace it.
While most algorithms analyze numbers, this one is focused on text, searching for indications of dangerous ideologies in it. While it’s not infallible and can only analyze English language, it facilitates a great deal of work for human analytics, as it can go through much larger amounts of data.
I think it is a valid way of indicating potential terrorists on the Internet, but firstly the authorities have to listen to human users who may have already spotted those.

The article I’ve read tells about analyzing traffic jams to determine which aspects of city’s design might provoke them.
The researchers created a model based on maps, population, urbanization distribution, current roadway information etc. The data confirmed the associations of the higher level of urbanization with the intensity of congestions, but also revealed that the shape of the city and number of its dominant areas plays a significant role.
To my mind, this data could be used for minimizing the amount of congestions for future cities or for optimizing the traffic in those we have now, especially during rush hours.

·        #561

Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:32)

1. Keep track
She can't keep track any more as she has already left the city

2. meet the demand
Focus has been on small-holder plantings but these resources can't meet the demand for wood.

3. on the contrary
He shouldn't be sad because it wasn't his fault but, on the contrary, he's depressed now


Today I have read an article : " Robots help Japan's aging population ". According to the article, a lot of countries face with a problem of aging of society. However Japan is one of them that does their best in solving it. Japanese companies make technologies that can improve the elders life and make it possible to live without someone's help. For instance there was made a special bed that can be transformed in electric wheelchair.
In my opinion, It is great idea to modernize technologies for the elders that can help live them comfortably


·        #560

Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:29)

I've read an article about contact-tracing apps that may provide one option as part of a larger strategy. These apps monitor who has come in contact with whom and can, when appropriate, alert a network of people if someone nearby has been diagnosed with the virus. But many current contacts-tracing apps have privacy red flags—for example, leaking a user's location information or taking away people's control over their data. In my opinion, these app monitors are one of the most effective tools that public health officials have to halt a pandemic and prevent future outbreaks.

1) meet the demand
Pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the demand.
2) on the contrary
I didn't want to avoid you, on the contrary.
3) keep track
It was impossible to keep track.

·        #559

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:24)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentence (I've read THE article...). Check the pronunciation of the following words: demand, contrary, event. Keep on working.

·        #558

Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:24)

I have read the article "Computer scientists design a tool to identify the source of errors caused by software updates". This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider, every year, different companies provide people with newer and better versions of their gadgets and operating systems. But you have to remember that not everything that is improved is safer. Hacking and theft on the Internet are on the rise. In this article, we see how difficult it is for developers to cope with such problems, but they still work on them. The best option for developers is to simplify the system.
I want to conclude that very soon, through hard work, we will reach complete security on the internet.

·        #557

Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:24)
I have read the article about examining tiny cells surrounding the smallest blood vessels in the brain. One of the laboratories at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences houses equipment worth many millions of kroners. Using an electron microscope, scientists can investigate the ultra-small structures in a cell. Medicines for scarring after brain damage may need to be developed to prevent these cells from dividing and escaping through the walls of blood vessels.I think this article is very helpful as the new equipment could allow more people to use it and achieve better results in scientific research.
meet the demand
1.Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a situation that needs to be remedied.

  keep track
2.The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.

 On the contrary
3.We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into account in this context.

·        #556

Novikova I. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:20)

I have read the article «In court, far-reaching psychology tests are unquestioned». Psychological tests, tools, and instruments are widely used in legal contexts to help determine the outcome of legal cases. These tools can aid in assessing parental fit for child custody purposes, can affect the outcomes of disability proceedings, and can even help judges determine whether an offender should go to prison, remain incarcerated, or be exempt from death penalty. I believe psychological tests are an integral part of a legal proceeding. I recommend reading this article to my friends.

·        #555

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:17)

1)I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the demand.
Я маю на увазі, що аптеки могли працювати цілодобово, і вони все одно не могли задовольнити попит.

2)There have been so many, I just can't keep track.
Їхбулотакбагато, япростонеможувідстежити.

3)Us on the contrary nobody helps.
Нам, навпаки, ніхтонедопомагає.

I read an article "Bypassing popular passwords".
Computer security companies warn users to use strong passwords and not to use the same passwords for different accounts.
Many people use the same simple passwords, such as the word "password" or the number "123456", which is not really a password at all.
Unfortunately, one of the important problems is that it is difficult to force users to change their old passwords to complex, difficult to remember ones.
In the event of a hack, attackers obtain and control users' personal information.
Therefore, you should always fight to keep the password strong so that there are no bad consequences.

·        #554

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:17)

To Genova Ksenia, MD-213. Your comment on the article is quite all right, Ksenia, it's good you have your own opinion on the topic. The voice message sounds fluent and correct but for the word "politicians". The task with the phrases is OK as well. Go on working, I am waiting for your independent practice Task. Best wishes.

·        #553

Novikova I. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:17)

I have read the article «What Zoom's IPO says about the video collaboration space». Zoom is an easy-to-use video-conferencing application. What I like best about Zoom is its portability, which allows us to access the application from any location. The best approach is to run a meeting, an online class, or any other studies activity. Planned features such as screen sharing, raising a hand in case someone has something to say, annotating options, and the level of zoom facilitation are all excellent ways, to keep meetings quiet and focused. I believe that Zoom is one of the best communication tools, especially during this epidemic time.
1) keep track -
Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
2) meet the demand -
Focus has been on small-holder plantings with local participation, but these resources cannot meet the demand for wood.
Основна увага приділяється дрібнотоварним плантаціям, створюваним за участю місцевого населення, проте задоволення попиту на деревину їх ресурсів недостатньо.
3) on the contrary - напроти
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
Я хочу сказати, що бажаючи цього, ти навпаки робитимеш жахливі речі.

·        #552

Nikolova Sofiia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:14)

I've read the article: "What would be the impact of a US 'digital dollar'?". Digital currency will revolutionize the American financial industry. And although digitalization in the economic and financial sphere is crucial, it cannot be universal. As a result, large economies will end up with at least two kinds of money.
First of all, the fears are that the digital currency will lead to the elimination of financial intermediaries. However, all these ideas create barriers - you can even call them "capital controls" - between ordinary dollars and CBDC dollars. This article is very interesting, I will recommend it to my friends.

·        #551

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:12)

To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: conducted, project, depend, maximize. Go on working.

·        #550

Nikolova Sofiia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:09)

meet the demand -отвечаютсуществующимпотребностям

To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still can't keep up.
Щоб задовольнити попит, ветеринари, з якими опитує Associated Press, продовжили робочий час, найняли додаткового персоналу та відмовилися приймати нових пацієнтів, але вони все ще не встигають.

on the contrary -напротив

On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.

keep track -держатьвполезрения

To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба має покладатися не тільки на зір.

I've read the article:"Why are celebrities buying million-dollar ape cartoons? NFTs, explained". In our time, we can safely say that digital art has become the same subject of investment as paintings by famous painters. But there are two points that are alarming. Firstly, the prices of NFTs are tied to the rate of the cryptocurrency and, in the event of a collapse, will collapse along with it. Secondly, the art market is sensitive to financial crises. But at the same time, American celebrities are buying avatars with cartoon monkeys for hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars. It seems to me that the NFT is a very promising idea for the future. I liked the article, so I will recommend it to my friends.

·        #549

Samsonnikov Danil (KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:06)

1. meet the demand-отвечаютсуществующимпотребностям
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national team to successfully develop a novel
Чтобыудовлетворитьспроснапрочныеипрочныепрозрачныетонкиепленкидляустойчивыхприменений, докторСунандаРойизУниверситета GLA вИндиивозглавилмногонациональнуюкомандудляуспешнойразработкинового
2. keep track-
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
Взагруженныхтранспортныхузлах, гдеавтомобилисмешиваютсясвелосипедистами, автобусамиитрамваями, водителинемогутуследитьзавсемвокруг.
3. on the contrary-
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting in parallel. Since the controller can learn new behaviors in less than 30 minutes, we want to learn the locomotion behaviors directly on a real-world legged robot instead of a simulated one."
Наоборот, сложная локомоция может возникнуть из множества простых модулей, действующих параллельно. Поскольку контроллер может научиться новому поведению менее чем за 30 минут, мы хотим изучить поведение при передвижении непосредственно на реальном роботе с ногами, а не на смоделированном».

·        #548

Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:05)

1. To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риби повинні покладатися не тільки на зір.
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
На жвавих транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами, автобусами та трамваями, водіям може бути неможливо відстежити все навколо.
3. On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.
On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with their usual tools and the meta-platform pulls the strings in the background in a way that makes it possible to exchange information.
Навпаки, усі зацікавлені сторони фактично продовжують взаємодіяти зі своїми звичайними інструментами, а мета-платформа тягне за ниточки у фоновому режимі, що дозволяє обмінюватися інформацією.
5. Dykstra says that "new technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand for fresh water, not only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but also in the Netherlands."
Дикстра каже, що «потрібні нові технології, щоб і надалі задовольняти попит на прісну воду не тільки в Середземномор’ї та на Близькому Сході, але й у Нідерландах».
6. Yet many women are left waiting, with victim support and housing services critically underfunded to meet the demand.
Проте багато жінок чекають, а допомога потерпілим і послуги з житла критично недостатньо фінансуються, щоб задовольнити попит.

I have read the article about digital dollar in America.
This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider pandemic, war, and many other events in recent years have greatly affected the dollar and its value. Many economists and politicians speculate that the dollar will depreciate in the next 10 years and be the downfall of the economy. The digital dollar could be a real evolution. Anything is possible. After all, we already have documents in our phone, cryptocurrency, and why then can't we have an online dollar?
I want to conclude that every year we evolve and every aspect of our lives evolves.

·        #547

N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:58)

1.on the contrary
Us on the contrary nobody helps.
(Нам навпаки ніхто не допомагає).
2.keep track
You know I can't keep track any more.
(Ви знаєте, я не можу відстежувати більше). the demand
I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the demand.
(Аптеки можуть бути відкриті цілодобово, він не зможе задовольнити попит).

I read an article on how friendships at work give employees valuable insight.
Many companies leave employees in the workplace who are good friends because it is beneficial. Studies have been conducted that have shown that friendship at work has a positive effect, improves the quality of work through the exchange of information and knowledge. But there are people who believe that friendship interferes with work, distracts from the work process.
Summing up, I believe that friendship has a positive effect on work, since the employees performance depends not only on knowledge, but also on the atmosphere at work.

I read an article about the new project "Solar Chimney". This invention is intended for both fire safety and energy conservation. In the event of a fire in a building that has a solar chimney, which acts as ventilation, people have more time to evacuate safely. The modern chimney has a glass wall, next to which there is a black wall, this is done to maximize the absorption of sunlight. Summing up, we can say that such an invention will bring enormous benefits in the life of every person and a huge benefit to the environment.


·        #546

Diachenko to Group MD213, MD212 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:57)

Morning! It s time to write comments. I am waiting for them.

·        #545

Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:51)

Comment 2:
I read an article about Emma the rhino who couldn't move to Japan due to Covid-19. Emma was chosen because of her weight and personality. She is a calm rhinoceros who rarely gets into fights and doesn't steal food. Emma didn't feel uncomfortable in her new home in Japan upon arrival. Soon, the five-year-old rhinoceros met his first groom. Rhinos have a big problem with survival due to the value of their horns.


·        #544

Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:51)

Comment 1:
Recently, the SSA sent official letters to residents. As it turned out, during the experiment, the elderly were concerned about this letter because they were warned that the SSA did not send letters.This population has been schooled in a tactical approach to online safety grounded in fear and mistrust—even of themselves—and focused on specific threats rather than developing strategies that enable them to be online safely. Elders have been taught this approach by organizations they tend to trust, including nonprofits that teach older adults how to use technology.I think teaching older people about technology and how to protect yourself from threats is a very good idea.


·        #543

Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:50)

Phrases of the day:
1. acquainted with - Biswas's advisor Paul Bonoli is well acquainted with traditional "ray-tracing" models, which evaluate a wave trajectory by dividing it into a series of rays.
Советник Biswas Пол Боноли хорошо знаком с традиционными моделями «трассировки лучей», которые оценивают траекторию волны, разделяя ее на серию лучей.
2. as a matter of - As a matter of a fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic groups, which is quite surprising.
На самом деле мы предполагаем, что некоторые из этих лицевых нейронов очень чувствительны к определенным демографическим группам, что весьма удивительно.
3. as distinct from - Johnson & Johnson, in its statement, noted that the condition for the "study pause" was part of J&J's internal standards for clinical trials, as distinct from a regulatory hold placed on the study by the FDA or some other outside regulatory health authority.


·        #542

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:50)

To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. The lesson has started. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice. Good luck.

·        #541

Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:48)

keep track
We try our best to keep track with international market.
on the contrary
Today, on the contrary, the destinies he touches become his own.
meet the demand
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the demand of overseas labour markets.

I just read an article about a repurposed drug-sniffing AI system that can generate 40,000 possible chemical weapons in just six hours. In their paper, published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence, the research team describes how machine learning applications can be misused by attackers and how they have repurposed a conventional AI application to search for drugs.
Prior to the Convergence conference, the research team was asked to explore and then discuss the many misuses of machine learning. They looked at the artificial intelligence systems that most major pharmaceutical companies use to find and develop new drugs. One feature of such systems is the ability to filter out drugs that are likely to be toxic. This led the researchers to wonder what would happen if they set up such a system to work in reverse - instead of filtering out toxic drugs, but specifically looking for them.
However, they also admit that they don't know for sure whether all the proposals made by the AI are as dangerous as they seem - this will require testing in real conditions.

I just read an article about custom exoskeletons. Such exoskeletons must interact seamlessly with their user, providing the right level of assistance at the right time to interact with our muscles as we move. To help achieve this, University of Michigan researchers gave users direct control to customize the behavior of an ankle exoskeleton.
Not only was the process faster than the traditional approach where the expert chose the settings, it could also include preferences that the expert might miss. For example, the user's height and weight, which are commonly used to set up exoskeletons and robotic prostheses, did not affect preferred settings. Experts typically tune various parameters of powered exoskeletons to take into account different characteristics of the human body, gait biomechanics, and user preference. This can be done by processing quantitative data such as metabolic rate or muscle activity.
However, what minimizes energy consumption may not be the most convenient or useful. And asking the user to select one of the options for numerous settings can be too time consuming and also obscure how these settings can interact with each other to affect the user experience. By allowing the user to directly manipulate settings, preferences that are difficult to detect or measure can be taken into account by the users themselves. Users can quickly and independently decide which features are more important, such as sacrificing comfort, power, or stability, and then select the settings that best suit those preferences without having to be retuned by an expert.
During the experiment, user preferences changed. As new users gained more exoskeleton experience, they preferred a higher level of assistance. And those who already had experience with exoskeletons preferred a much higher level of assistance than beginners.
These results can help determine how often the exoskeleton needs to be reconfigured as the user gains experience and support the idea of including direct user input in preferences for the best experience.

·        #540

Mykhailiuk Ditkovskya MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:47)
I have read an article “Americans must prepare for cyber warfare”.
In the article some assumption about future cyberwar was said. Also there were given some pieces of advice for individuals in America. Vittert said it's important to change the passwords regularly and never use the same password for the banking systems as you do for other websites.
This article will be useful for Americans, because this article concerns to their cyber safety.

·        #539

Mykhailiuk Ditkovskya MD-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:46)
I have read an article “Do customer loyalty programs really help sellers make money?”
In the article it was said about two types of customers’ loyalty program. Also it was said about the research, which result is: non-tiered customer loyalty programs increase customer value by almost 30% over a five-year time period. They discovered that the program's effectiveness is not so much through increased spending per transaction or frequency of purchasing but rather through the reduction of attrition. In other words, the chief benefit is that the customer loyalty program reduces customer fall-off and turnover.
The article will be useful for businessmen.

On the contrary

On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the problem at its source.
Наоборот, внедряя более надежные протоколы, вы можете помочь устранить проблему в ее источнике.

ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in relatively small datasets.
Инструменты машинного обучения, напротив, способны обнаруживать сложные закономерности в относительно небольших наборах данных.

Keep track

They could help owners keep track of their pets' health, and help vets monitor animals during surgery without the need for shaving.
Они могли бы помочь владельцам следить за здоровьем своих питомцев, а ветеринарам следить за животными во время операции без необходимости бриться.

To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.
Чтобы отслеживать соседей даже в темной или мутной среде, рыба явно должна полагаться не только на зрение.

Meet the demand

To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still can't keep up.
Чтобы удовлетворить спрос, ветеринары, опрошенные Associated Press, продлили часы работы, наняли дополнительный персонал и отказались принимать новых пациентов, и они до сих пор не справляются.

Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
Плантации расширились, чтобы удовлетворить спрос.

·        #538

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:40)

To Group MD-213. Morning everybody! Our lesson is about to start and I am ready to check your comments, audio messages and the task with the phrases. Your independent practice is welcome as well. Good luck!

·        #537

Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:49)

To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Thanks for your comment. Let's correct: It TELLS us about ...

·        #536

Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 23:46)

2. Today I have read an article "Examining tiny cells surrounding the smallest blood vessels in the brain" .It talks about the importance and contribution of electron microscopes as well as some of the limitations associated with them. One of these microscopes is located at the Institute of Fundamental Medical Sciences. Many people came out of there who made a significant contribution to medicine, and the microscope located there was used, in particular, to study brain cells. But unfortunately, due to the fact that such devices are quite old, only experienced employees are allowed to use them. I believe that for the best development of medicine, one should invest in the creation of such electron microscopes.
1. as a matter of - в качестве вопроса
use these words as a matter of, do not rush to conclusions distinct from - в отличие от
we produce our products more and faster as distinct from our competitors
3. acquainted with - знакомы с
we are acquainted with their requirements to resolve this conflict

·        #535

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 22:07)

To Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211. Thanks for your comments on the articles, Artem, as well as for the work with the phrases. Mind the mistakes: "Today I have read A very interesting article, it is “The Power of Brand”; "This article DESCRIBES THE way"; "this article can be interesting FOR everybody"; "because this is A hot theme". And please avoid quoting too much, try to render the contens with your own words. Continue working.

·        #534

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 21:58)

To Pozhar Sasha. KI-211. All the tasks are performed quite all right, Sasha, thanks. Keep on working. Best wishes.

·        #533

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 20:26)
Pentagon dubious of Russian 'withdrawal' north of Kyiv (

Today I have read very interesting article it is “ Pentagon dubious of Russian 'withdrawal' north of
Kyiv”. This article describe about analiticls and intelligence of USA in Ukraine. In Pentagons opinion
Russian 'withdrawal' north of Kyiv. John Kirby, the Pentagon's top spokesman, told reporters Tuesday. "This on the same day that the Russians say they're withdrawing, but we're not prepared to call this a retreat, or even a withdrawal. What they probably have in mind is a repositioning to prioritize elsewhere. This article tells us about help of USA to Ukraine by Javelin, Stinger and other arms. In my opinion this article can be interesting everybody because this is hot theme.


·        #532

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 20:25)
as distinct from: A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
Назва, термін, дизайн, символ або будь-яка інша ознака, яка ідентифікує товар або послугу одного продавця на відміну від товарів або послуг інших продавців.
as a matter of: As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic groups, which is quite surprising.
Насправді, ми припускаємо, що деякі з цих нейронів обличчя дуже чутливі до певних демографічних груп, що досить дивно.
acquainted with: McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures: the 21 tesla Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (21T FT-ICR MS) at the National High Magnetic Field Lab.
МакКенна добре знайомий з найкращим інструментом для аналізу складних сумішей: іонним циклотронним резонансним мас-спектрометром з 21 тесла з перетворенням Фур’є (21T FT-ICR MS) у Національній лабораторії високого магнітного поля.
The Power of Brand | IndustryWeek
Today I have read very interesting article it is “The Power of Brand”. This article describe about way of creation оf brend of the Lincoln Electric. They were involved in the creation millennials. That brand value and the passion it inspires can be particularly valuable in a world where there is intense competition for talent."It made a dramatic difference in our ability to attract millennials. They care about purpose. They come to work for more than a paycheck. They want to make a difference in the world," he observed. "Interface has a 20-year track record of doing that." This article describe about how Jay Gould working on Coca-Cola`s brand. In my opinion this article can be interesting everybody.

·        #531

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 17:34)

To Vietiev Ivan-group- KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article about robots in Ja'pan, the audio version of your essay and the task with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. Your audio recording sounds quite fluently, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " car manufacturers; Ja'pan; matter of fact; foreign etc." Would you consult a dictionary to pronounce properly. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online. Best wishes !

·        #530

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 16:41)

To Shvets Oleksandr-group-KD-211. Thank you for your summary of the article you've read, the audio version of your essay and the task with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct, but mind " the article tells..." Your voice record is not bad, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: " identifies; it finds; artificial; practice etc." Would you consult a dictionary to pronounce properly. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working online. All the best.

·        #529

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 15:30)

To Vladyslava Stepanova-group- KD-211. Thanks for having commented the article you've read, the audio version of your essay and the work with the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. I see you're trying to do your best. Continue to work online. Yours Sincerely.

·        #528

Shvets Oleksandr (KD-211, Mikeshova G.P.) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 15:07)

as distinct from
Feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
Функция, которая отличает товар или услугу одного продавца от товаров или услуг других продавцов.
acquainted with
we have to make sure that those using the equipment are well acquainted with how to use it.
мы должны убедиться, что те, кто использует оборудование, хорошо знакомы с тем, как им пользоваться.
as a matter of
As a matter of prioritization, we think it's best to start with the areas that have the least.
Что касается расстановки приоритетов, мы считаем, что лучше всего начать с областей, в которых их меньше всего.

Article "The rise of intelligent matter: Taking cues from nature to develop smarter tech" by University of Münster. This article is a reflection of humanity on the creation of intelligent matter that will adapt to the environment and the situation in which it finds itself. This can be called an imitation of the work of the human brain to create artificial intelligent systems for cognitive tasks. The article also talks about how this can be achieved in theory, but nothing is said about practice.

·        #527

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 14:46)

To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct, but the title of the article should be written in bold type. Your audio recording sounds fluently, but try to pronounce the words more clearly. Mind the pronunciation of separate words :" de'termine; inspire; 'targeting; intricate "etc. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Keep on working online. Best wishes !

·        #526

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 14:08)

Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212 Thank you for your answer. I am glad that you like this article.

·        #525

Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 13:55)

acquainted with
McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures.
МакКенна добре знайомий з найкращим інструментом для аналізу складних сумішей.
as a matter of
As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic groups, which is quite surprising.
Насправді ми припускаємо, що деякі з цих лицьових нейронів дуже чутливі до певних демографічних груп, що досить дивно.
as distinct from
Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the country -- as distinct from foreign residents -- has dropped for the first time since statistics began to be compiled in 1975.
Дані, опубліковані цього тижня, показали, що кількість японських громадян у країні - на відміну від іноземних резидентів - скоротилася вперше з початку збору статистики в 1975 році.
The article is headlined "Robots Help Japan's Aging Population". The author's name is Hiroshi Hiyama. This article is about the demographic crisis in Japan and how robots will solve it. According to the article, Japan is facing a problem - a shrinking population that has to rely on a new kind of friend: robots. Various companies, from medical firms to car manufacturers, are developing robots that they say can provide physical or emotional assistance to the elderly. I found this article interesting because the problem is prevalent nowadays, especially in developed countries that had a hard time surviving World War II with heavy casualties among the population.

·        #524

Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:48)

1. "acquainted with" This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
2. "as distinct from" A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
3. "as a matter of" As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic groups, which is quite surprising.
Today I have read the article called "US orders Ford to recall 3 mn vehicles with Takata airbags".
The work tells us about US regulators that ordered Ford to recall three million vehicles containing Takata airbags that show signs of "potential future rupture risk." The agency gave Ford 30 days to establish a schedule for notifying vehicle owners and repairing the vehicles. This also affected other car manufacturers who used the same airbags, such as Mazda, which was forced to recall of about 5,800 vehicles.
The article will be useeful for car owners.

·        #523

Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:48)

As a matter of principle, we won't participate in this scheme.
Ми в принципі не будемо брати участь у цій схемі.

Feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
Ознака, яка визначає товар або послугу одного продавця на відміну від товарів або послуг інших продавців.

You may be more familiar with its timber, which I've been acquainted with all of my life.
Ви, можливо, більше знайомі з його деревиною, з якою я знайомий усе своє життя.
The article is about custom robots. Researchers are getting closer to let non-experts craft different robotic designs. One of the key features of the system is that it allows designers to determine both the robot's movement and shape. Scientists hope people will be able to incorporate robots to help with everyday tasks, and that similar systems with rapid printing technologies will enable large-scale customization and production of robots. While the current version focuses on designs that can walk, they hope that in the future, the robots can take flight. This system will likely inspire follow-up work targeting the computational design of even more intricate robots.

·        #522

Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:45)

as distinct from - на відміну від
It is time that those organizations concentrate on human development as distinct from the means of development. - Настав час, щоб ці організації зосередили увагу на розвитку людини на відміну від засобів розвитку.
as a matter of - насправді
As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic groups. - Насправді, ми припускаємо, що деякі з цих лицьових нейронів дуже чутливі до певних демографічних груп.
acquainted with - знайомий з
Different physical laws become dominant at the micro scale compared to what we are acquainted to in our macro world. - Різні фізичні закони стають домінуючими в мікромасштабі порівняно з тими, з якими ми знайомі в нашому макросвіті.

Today I have read the article "Robots Help Japan's Aging Population". It tells us about the new technologies in Japan that have appeared due to the aging of the nation. This technology will be a robot assistant that will do household chores and take care of the elderly. They will be of different shapes and will have different capabilities. The Japanese government claims that this is a forced measure. The government also assures that the population of Japan will decrease significantly by 2055, and the country is going through a very serious demographic crisis.
I advise everyone to read this article.
Today I have read the article "BMW, VW warn of shortages from part suppliers in Ukraine". BMW and Volkswagen warned this week that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is causing shortages of some vital components, forcing them to reduce vehicle production in Europe.These auto giants are forced to reduce the number of produced cars due to the lack of components that were supplied from western Ukraine. Also both companies paused production of cars in Russia as well as exports to the country after the war erupted.
This is a very interesting article. I received a lot of new information about the automotive industry and about Ukraine.

·        #521

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:37)

To Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211. Your comments on the articles are informative and correct, Alexandr, thanks. Their audio versions sound correct and fluent, but for the word "router". The task with the phrases is done properly. Continue working. Best of luck.

·        #520

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:29)

To Daniil Saliy, KI-211. Your comment on the article is reasonable and informative, I appreciate your judgement, Daniil, thanks. The work with the phrases is done quite all right too. The audio file sounds correct and fluent. Waiting for your independent ptactice comments. Continue working. Best of luck.

·        #519

Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:28)

as distinct from
Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the country -- as distinct from foreign residents. Дані, оприлюднені цього тижня, показують кількість громадян Японії в країні - на відміну від іноземних резидентів.
acquainted with
McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures. МакКенна добре знайомий з найкращим інструментом для аналізу складних сумішей.
as a matter of
As a matter of fact, the work that we have published in Nature Communications... Насправді, робота, яку ми опублікували в Nature Communications...
The article is titled Storing energy in red bricks and it was written by Talia Ogliore from Washington University in St. Louis.
The main idea of the article is that Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials. That can be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity, like a battery, according to new research. The red pigment in bricks—iron oxide, or rust—is essential for triggering the polymerisation reaction. The authors' calculations suggest that walls made of these energy-storing bricks could store a substantial amount of energy.
In fact I guess that this article is interesting because of helpful information.

·        #518

Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:18)

as a matter of - як питання
As a matter of prioritization, we think it's best to start with the areas that have the least.
Як питання пріоритетності, ми вважаємо, що краще почати з тих сфер, які мають найменше значення.
acquainted with - знайомий із
This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
Це допомогло гарантувати, що клієнти були порівнянними з точки зору кількості часу, який вони мали на ознайомлення з фірмою-продавцем.
as distinct from - на відміну від
The inner self is as distinct from the outer self as heaven is from earth.
Внутрішнє Я так само відмінне від зовнішнього, як небо від землі.

Samsung researchers announce the feasibility of commercial 'stretchable' devices

"Stretchable" devices is a new technology that allows devices to change their shape like rubber. In a recent study, Samsung demonstrated an organic LED and a photoplethysmography sensor into just one device to measure and display the user's heart rate in real time. And that continued to perform well even at high tension. In the course of the study, it turned out that such a device works even better than the old silicon counterparts, both in terms of performance and convenience. Thus, in the medical industry, such devices are the future.

Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:

The router in your home might be intercepting some of your Internet traffic—but it may be for your own good

While you are surfing the Internet, your router intercepts some of the information about your Internet travels. What it then does with it and where it sends it - one router knows. And, accordingly, the recipients of information. But don't panic - most of these manipulations are not malicious. On the contrary, it protects against malware. There is even a case of interception of data by mistake. However, dishonest advertisers can take advantage of such information. Surprisingly, interception often occurs directly in the user's router. Researchers are now working on this issue, and they have some progress.

Comment on the article:

·        #517

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:14)

To Kunitsky Artem, KI-211. The comments on the articles are quite all right, Artem, thanks. The task with the phrases is done good too. But you should work at your pronunciation more as there are a lot of mistakes in your audio message. Use the resources of our site: "Train the Pronunciation, memorize Phrases and Summary rendering of the Article of the Day!
|Тренуйте вимову, запам’ятовуйте Фрази та стислий переказ тексту Cатті дня!:
Enter the text, choose a voice and click "Play" to listen.
|Введіть ваш текст, виберіть голос і натисніть кнопку «Play», щоб прослухати. " Please find this information and start using it. Good luck.

·        #516

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:14)

To the students from group KD-211. Good afternoon everybody ! Let's get started our English today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Continue to work online. Good luck !

·        #515

Daniil Saliy, KI-211 (Kudinova.T.I) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:12)

Words and sentences:
1)acquainted with - знайомий з
McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures.
МакКенна добре знайомий з найкращим інструментом для аналізу складних сумішей
2)as a matter of - як питання
As a matter of prioritization, we think it's best to start with the areas that have the least.
Як питання пріоритетності, ми вважаємо, що краще почати з тих сфер, які мають найменше
3)as distinct from - на відміну від
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
Назва, термін, дизайн, символ або будь-яка інша ознака, яка ідентифікує товар або послугу одного продавця на відміну від товарів або послуг інших продавців.
I have read the article "Research: Community policing that encourages building relationships may reduce police violence". I have listened and read a lot of comments on reddit about how American police officers abuse people who are just nervous.
We have an interesting thing in society, that people who have done nothing wrong are afraid of the police, and try to avoid it.
This is a bad sign that shows that it is not who it should be. I understand that it's all precautionary and part of their job is to be serious and rude, but some employees go over the line, or just don't understand people.
I think that a real policeman should be partly a psychologist in order to determine a nervous person, from a criminal, and not take him to the police station by the first words. Moreover, the policeman must be emotionally restrained and treat everyone equally,
both to blacks and to people of non-traditional orientation.
words and sentence -
comment -
article -

·        #514

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:04)

To Troncha Ruslan, KI-211. Both of your comments on the articles are clear and reasonable, Ruslan, well done! The voice messages sound quite fluent, still there are some mispronounced words: "trajectory", "hypothesize", "quite" and "neurons". Keep working and stay well>

·        #513

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:52)

To Bordan Vitalii, KI-211. Your reviews of the articles are quite good, Vitalii, thanks. Just mind "Today I have read THE article" Their voice versions sound not bad but for the words "urged", "cyber", "vigilant', "further" and "infrastructure". Keep on working. Best wishes.

·        #512

Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:46)
1) Acquainted with - знайомий з
You are previously acquainted with this man? Ви раніше знайомі з цією людиною?

2) As a matter of - як питання
We must view that as a matter of serious concern. Ми повинні розглядати це як серйозне занепокоєння.

3) As distinct from - на відміну від
The political - as distinct from the military - wing of Hamas must be responsive to their desires. Політичне - на відміну від військового - крило ХАМАС має реагувати на їхні бажання.
Today i have read the article "Advances in micro-computed tomography". Researchers in biomedical physics and biology have significantly improved micro-computed tomography, more specifically imaging with phase contrast and high brilliance X-ray radiation. They have developed a new microstructured optical grating and combined it with new analytical algorithms. The new approach makes it possible to depict and analyze the microstructures of samples in greater detail, and to investigate a particularly broad spectrum of samples.This is a significant breakthrough in this area.
Today i have read the article "Digital ecosystems: Improving efficiency in the construction industry".
Large-scale construction projects usually involve extensive coordination. In practice, however, the way in which information is exchanged between construction stakeholders often ends up being an inconsistent multi-step process. Now, a consortium project under the technical and scientific leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE is working on a digital solution in the form of the Infra-Bau 4.0 platform, which establishes a network that takes in every stakeholder in an infrastructure project. It provides a means of mapping out resources and processes digitally, making it easier to plan and reschedule activities during the construction process.

·        #511

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:45)

Today I have read the article "Robots Help Japan's Aging Population".
It tells that Toyota Motor is trying to develop 'partner robots' that will be able to do household chores and help
doctors, nurses and caregivers.While policymakers grapple with questions of how to pay for the burgeoning pension
and healthcare costs of a society where the elderly outnumber working taxpayers, engineers say technology could help
ease the social pain of aging.A variety of companies, ranging from health care firms to carmakers, are developing
robots they say can provide physical or emotional help to the elderly or those caring for them.
I think that this article is very interesting,I would advice everybody to read it.

·        #510

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:45)

As distinct from-на різницю від
Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the country -- as distinct from foreign
residents -- has dropped for the first time since statistics began to be compiled in 1975.-Дані, опубліковані
на цьому тижні, показали, що кількість японських громадян в країні , на відміну від іноземних жителів ,
знизилася вперше з тих пір, як статистика почала складатися в 1975 році.
Acquainted with-знайомі з
Biswas's advisor Paul Bonoli is well acquainted with traditional "ray-tracing" models, which evaluate a wave
trajectory by dividing it into a series of rays.-Радник Бісваса Пол Бонолі добре знайомий з традиційними моделями
«відстеження променів», які оцінюють хвильову траєкторію, розділивши її на серію променів.
As a matter of-з точки зору
As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic
groups, which is quite surprising.-Насправді, ми припускаємо, що деякі з цих нейронів обличчя дуже чутливі до
конкретних демографічних груп, що досить дивно.
Today I have read the article "Demystifying machine-learning systems using natural language".
It tells that neural networks are sometimes called black boxes because, despite the fact that they can outperform
humans on certain tasks, even the researchers who design them often don't understand how or why they work so well.
But if a neural network is used outside the lab, perhaps to classify medical images that could help diagnose heart
conditions, knowing how the model works helps researchers predict how it will behave in practice.
I think that this article is very interesting and usefull and I would reccomend everybody to read it.

·        #509

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:42)

To Krasnian Ivan, KI-211. Both of your comments on the articles are informative and correct, Ivan, thanks. Just mind "since it TELLS about". The voice messages sound fluent, just check the pronunciation of the words "isolated", "majority" and "since". The task with the phrases is done properly. Keep on working and stay well.

·        #508

Bordan Vitalii KI-211( Kudinova T.I.) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:29)

1.Предложение с фразами дня
1) as a matter of-як питання
It should be addressed as a matter of highest priority.
Така реформа повинна розглядатися як питання, яке не зазнає жодного відкладення.
2)acquainted with-знайомий з
And you are acquainted with a certain young bank clerk.
А ви знайомі з якимось молодим банківським службовцем.
3)as distinct from-на відміну від
Earth: The surface of the world, as distinct from the sky or sea.
Земля: поверхня світу, на відміну від неба чи моря.
2.Первый отзыв

Today I have read an article titled
"'Americans must prepare for cyber warfare".
The article says that President Biden urged American business leaders
to immediately strengthen the cyber defenses of their companies.
In recent weeks, experts have been surprised by the absence of full-scale cyberattacks from Russia.
But the threat of destructive cyberattacks is still very real, and US companies
and individuals must remain vigilant.
I liked the article because I learned something that I had not heard before
and I advise everyone to read it.

3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Internet funding rule could favor rural areas over cities".
The article says that Biden's goal is to bring fast, affordable internet
to every American family. The massive American Rescue Plan has taken this
one step further by including broadband infrastructure as a prime use
of the pandemic aid coming to every city, county and state.
This threshold provides funding for remote rural areas with slow or no internet,
and it meets the definition of broadband.
I liked the article.

·        #507

Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:17)

Phrases of the day
1) Acquainted with - знайомий з...
This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the amount of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm - Це допомогло гарантувати, що клієнти були порівнянними з точки зору кількості часу, який вони мали на ознайомлення з фірмою-продавцем.
2) As distinct from - на відміну від...
Johnson & Johnson, in its statement, noted that the condition for the "study pause" was part of J&J's internal standards for clinical trials, as distinct from a regulatory hold placed on the study by the FDA or some other outside regulatory health authority - Johnson & Johnson у своїй заяві зазначила, що умова «паузи в дослідженні» є частиною внутрішніх стандартів J&J щодо клінічних випробувань, на відміну від контролю, накладеного на дослідження FDA або іншим зовнішнім регуляторним органом охорони здоров’я.
3) As a matter of - як питання.
As a matter of fact, I'm working together with a researcher in Berkeley, who has already begun a start-up to commercialize this product -Насправді, я працюю разом із дослідником у Берклі, який уже розпочав стартап з комерціалізації цього продукту.

Audiofile (Phrases):

A large solar storm could knock out the power grid and the internet. An electrical engineer explains how
Today i have read the article "A large solar storm could knock out the power grid and the internet. An electrical engineer explains how". On Sept. 1 and 2, 1859, telegraph systems around the world failed catastrophically. The Carrington Event of 1859 is the largest recorded account of a geomagnetic storm, but it is not an isolated event. Today, a geomagnetic storm of the same intensity as the Carrington Event would affect far more than telegraph wires and could be catastrophic. With the ever-growing dependency on electricity and emerging technology, any disruption could lead to trillions of dollars of monetary loss and risk to life dependent on the systems. The storm would affect a majority of the electrical systems that people use every day.
The article is interesting and touches on an important topic, I recommend it.

Source (Text 1):

Americans must prepare for cyber warfare
Today i have read the article "Americans must prepare for cyber warfare".
On March 21, President Biden urged American business leaders to immediately strengthen the cyber defenses of their companies.
The article touched on a political topic. The article did not arouse my interest, since it talks about the attitude of the US authorities towards cyber attacks from Russia. I do not recommend reading this article, because it touches on what could have happened, but did not happen. I believe that if you are not a political scientist, you do not need to climb into the jungle of the economic and political system. This is my subjective opinion.

Source (Text 2):

·        #506

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:02)

To Group KI-211. Good afternoon everybody! I am here to check your comments, audion messages and the work with the phrases. Your independent practice is welcome as well. Good luck!

·        #505

Tsapenko to group AI 216 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 09:44)

The lesson has started, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. . Please, do it in one post..Good luck!

·        #504

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:21)

To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Let's correct : According to THE research, I'd like to read about your opinion as well. Unfortunately, I don't see your audio file. I can't accept this comment

·        #503

Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:15)

Today I read about saving energy in red bricks. According to research, red brick - one of the cheapest and most famous building materials in the world - can be converted into an energy storage device that can be charged to store electricity, much like a battery. Brick has been used in walls and buildings for thousands of years, but rarely has been found fit for any other use. The red pigment in bricks—iron oxide, or rust—is essential for triggering the polymerisation reaction. The authors' calculations suggest that walls made of these energy-storing bricks could store a substantial amount of energy.
2) *as a matter of - в качестве вопроса
use these words as a matter of, do not rush to conclusions
*as distinct from - в отличие от
we produce our products more and faster as distinct from our competitors
*acquainted with - знакомы с
we are acquainted with their requirements to resolve this conflict

·        #502

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 07:04)

To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings

·        #501

Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 18:26)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #500

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 16:15)

UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by 2051 (
Today I have read some article it is “UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by 2051”. This article describe about what is happening today in Fukushima. In the report, the IAEA noted progress in a number of areas since its last review in 2018, including the removal of spent fuel from a storage pool at one of the damaged reactors, as well as a decision to start discharging massive amounts of treated but still radioactive water stored at the plant into the ocean in 2023. The team encouraged Japan to allocate sufficient resources to prepare for measures beyond the next decade through the end of the decommissioning. Government officials and the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, have not provided a clear picture of how the plant will look when the cleanup ends. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who are interested in nuclear power plent and protection of environment.

·        #499

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 16:15)

Why the West should develop a clean energy strategy to meet the needs of the Indo-Pacific region (
Today I have read very interesting article it is ”Why the West should develop a clean energy strategy to meet the needs of the Indo-Pacific region” . This article describe about how West and China fighting for influence in Indo-Pacific region by clean energy strategy. A whopping 70 percent of global lithium cell manufacturing capacity is found in China, and Chinese firms are responsible for the production of 71 percent of photovoltaic panels. When it comes to wind, U.S. and European wind turbine manufacturers share about 60 percent of the market. I have read this article and I can say that West should develop a clean energy strategy to meet the needs of the Indo-Pacific region because they need to have influence in Indo-Pacific region.

·        #498

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 16:14)
overall goal: His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
little is known about: While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокову поведінку таких деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокову поведінку.
speculate that: The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more volatile crypto-currencies, thanks to the advice of a WhatsApp group with 13,000 members in Herat.
Молодий чоловік також намагається спекулювати на деяких з найбільш мінливих криптовалют, завдяки пораді групи WhatsApp з 13 000 членів у Гераті.

·        #497

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 15:10)

To Vietiev Ivan- group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article you've read, the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is informative and grammatically correct. Your audio recording sounds fluently, but be more enthusiastic! Mind the pronunciation of separate words: " published; certificate of authenticity; state; structure; 'multi'million etc." Would you consult a dictionary. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online. All the best !

·        #496

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 13:30)

To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Don't forget to use articles (the second sentence). Keep on working.

·        #495

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 13:03)

To Perepelytsyn Danylo- group- KD -211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article you've read, voice messages and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is informative and grammatically correct, but the title of the article should be written in bold type. The topic is too short, it contains only 78 words instead of 100 words. Your audio recording sounds quite fluently, but mind pronunciations of separate words:"finally; ecologists; accessible; some kind of; child etc. Would you write the phrases of the day before the examples. Keep on working online .Good luck !

·        #494

C. Golodetska MD-212 (T.Sirotenko) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:58)

1. little is known about
Unfortunately little is known about the ancient Greek philosophers and geniuses of that time.
На жаль, мало що відомо про давньогрецьких філософів і геніїв того часу.
2. speculate that
Researchers speculate that by 2080 the world's population will reach 10 billion people and there will not be enough resources for everyone.
Дослідники припускають, що до 2080 року населення Землі досягне 10 мільярдів людей і ресурсів не вистачить на всіх.
3. overall goal
We're looking forward to trying to achieve the overall goal, which is to win the state championship.
Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на можливість досягти спільної мети - виграти чемпіонат штату.

I have read the article "Training robots with realistic pain expressions can reduce doctors' risk of causing pain".
A doctor can be excellent specialist, but if he gives discomfort to the patient during examinations, his competence in the client`s eyes will be questionable. London researchers have proposed teaching medical students with robots that can respond to physical stimuli with the emotion of pain. Applied force data change 6 regions of the robotic face to create pain expressions.
In conclusion, the method will help future doctors to better understand their patients, accordingly, mutual trust will be formed between them, which will positively affect the treatment.

I have read the article "Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by 2051".
In 2011, as a result of a strong earthquake and subsequent tsunami, a catastrophe occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant and three reactors melted down. The consequences are very difficult to eliminate and the originally planned 40 years will not be enough. The main problem is where and how to store highly radioactive debris and fuel. Researchers speculate that the development of purification technologies will take several decades.
Personally, I think that if we will neutralize the consequences of such a catastrophe, it will be an incredible advance in science.

·        #493

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:34)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment and voice message. They are not bad. Keep on working.

·        #492

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:30)

To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Please don't copy sentences from the article you've read. Use your own words to express your opinion. Go on working.

·        #491

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:23)

To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases, well done. Good luck!

·        #490

Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:18)

To Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 I appreciate your comments. Go on working.

·        #489

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:18)

I read the article "Akamai Software Update Causes Internet Outages." Websites were turned off shortly after the software update caused a crash at Akamai.
The Downdetector website has increased reports of Internet outages. The software configuration update caused an error in the DNS system that directs browsers to websites. This caused a crash that affected the availability of some customer websites.
The crash, which affected banks, airlines and other online services, came just weeks after Akamai found itself at the center of a major online crash that hit banks and airlines' websites.
I believe that such failures only strengthen the sites, as they fight and become stronger.

·        #488

Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:17)

To Oriekhov-MF211 Thanks for the work, but pLease, mind that Gabriel is not Гаврило!

·        #487

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:06)

To Anastasiya Romanenko-group-KD-211. Thanks for your annotation on the article you've read and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your essay is informative, but the title of the article should be written in bold type. Something is wrong with your voice recorder with Vocaroo, it is not audible. Would you revise your messages before posting them. Please, write the phrases of the day before the examples. Continue to work online . Good luck !

·        #486

Oriekhov-MF211(Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:05)

speculate that
Most researchers speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
Більшість дослідників припускають, що Гаврило було вбито в останній день облоги.

overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.

little is known about
While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокову поведінку таких деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокову поведінку.
Today I've read an article called "Hybrid timber systems: The new reinforced concrete for the 21st century".
In this article, I learned about the pros and cons of reinforced concrete and hybrid timder materials.
From the article, you can find out that timber is not used for all its advantages because it is far from being as strong as reinforced concrete. However, when using timber together with other materials, the mechanical properties of the entire structure are significantly improved.
I found this article interesting as it helps to imagine what the houses of the future might be made of.

·        #485

Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:00)

1. The overall goal is to promote best practice and appropriate use of human and financial resources in preventing disease and delivering health care. Загальною метою є популяризація передового досвіду та належного використання людських та фінансових ресурсів для запобігання хворобам та надання медичної допомоги.
2. From here it flows southwards through little-known mountain wastes. Звідси вона тече на південь через маловідомі гірські пустки.
3. Some speculate that libraries may become small-scale publishers by selectively transferring the flow of electronic information into print. Деякі припускають, що бібліотеки можуть стати невеликими видавцями, вибірково передаючи потік електронної інформації в друк.

I’ve read an article about selling the first ever NFT.
This article reports that the first ever NFT called “Quantum” was sold for $1 million. "Quantum," an octagon-shaped animation by New York artist Kevin McCoy, became the first work to be associated with an NFT-type certificate. An NFT is a digital object such as a drawing, animation, piece of music, photo or video with a certificate of authenticity created by the blockchain technology that underlies cryptocurrency.
In conclusion, I think this is very interesting that in our days there are such cool things that helps people to make money.

I’ve read an article about making water’s desalination much easier.
This article reports that water desalination, a technology that extracts clean water from salty, dirty sources like seawater, inland brackish water, or wastewater, is growing in popularity around the globe. But mineral scaling on membrane surfaces in desalination applications is a highly technical problem. So, at the moment scientists have achieved a fundamental understanding of how new technologies behave in cleaning water and now they want to improve their developments.
In conclusion, desalination is going to have a lot of relevance for the future, with water sources getting more and more strained.

·        #484

Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:59)

1) speculate that - припустити, що
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus would be blamed on us.
Ми могли б припустити, що Microsoft розробила вірус, буде звинувачено на нас.
2) little is known about - мало що відомо
In general, little is known about drug use among Pacific island States.
Загалом, мало що відомо про вживання наркотиків серед тихоокеанських острівних держав.
overall goal - загальна мета
3) Gender must be given a bigger role when reviewing the overall goal of deployments.
Під час розгляду загальної мети розгортання статі слід приділяти більшу роль.

I've read an article about new work in the IJСSE, which offers an approach to a music recommendation system that neglects the popular in favour of the long-tail and so could open users to new music. They have developed a multi-stage graph-based method and a K-nearest neighbours method to identify long-tail songs. Music recommendation systems have been developed to allow listeners to be offered content from huge digital libraries that might suit their tastes and preferences without any human intervention. In my opinion, it's very useful for people who do not want to waste their time on the selection of music, and just enjoy it.

I've read an article about a framework, which automatically identify wildlife in collaboration with humans. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have developed a new wildlife identification approach that performs far better than techniques developed in the past. These are cameras that wildlife ecologists and researchers often set up to monitor species inhabiting specific geographic locations and estimate their numbers. In my opinion, this will make work very easy, the effective use of AI for identifying species in wildlife images captured by camera traps could significantly simplify the work of ecologists and reduce their workload.

·        #483

Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:58)

1) Scientists speculate that a special training system should be developed for each student-Вчені вважають, що для кожного учня має бути розроблена спеціальна система навчання

2) Researchers have recently found a new virus, but little is known about it yet-Дослідники нещодавно знайшли новий вірус, але про нього поки мало що відомо.

3) Today, our overall goal is to get rid of hunger on the entire planet and on the African continent in particular-Сьогодні наша спільна мета – позбутися голоду на всій планеті і на африканському континенті зокрема.

I have just read the article 'New study reveals why Facebook ads can miss target'. This article is about Facebook targeted advertising. It also provides information about what targeted marketing is and how it works in cyberspace. As it turned out, due to the imperfection of the contact between Facebook and the user, not everyone sees suitable advertising. The researchers concluded that Facebook should explain its system in a more accessible way. I believe that this research will improve the social network and help people find the things they need faster.

·        #482

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:56)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Please don't copy sentences from the article you've read. Keep on working.

·        #481

Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:54)

To Chu Hai Linh MD-212 Thanks for your comment. It's very informative and interesting to read. As for your reading - mind the information.

·        #480

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:52)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Look through the second sentence once more. Keep on working.

·        #479

Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:48)

1. speculate that
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on IBM.
2. overall goal
The overall goal of Global Mechanism interventions is resource mobilization
3. little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.

1) I have read the article about security tool in surveillance footage. This article talks about the creation of the "Privid" system with the help of researchers from the laboratory of computer science and artificial intelligence. The system guarantees the confidentiality of video recordings from surveillance cameras and allows analysts to submit requests for video data and add additional data. The system is also based on a formal definition of confidentiality that allows access to summary statistics about personal data without disclosing personally identifiable information. In my opinion the Privod will help in various criminal investigations around the world.

2) I have read the article about a diffractive neural network that can be flexibly programmed. Some computer scientists and electronics engineers have been exploring the development of an alternative type of (AI) tools. These networks provide ultra-high speed computing and high energy efficiency, however, they are very difficult to program and adapt to different devices. The most important thing is that each neuron can be independently reprogrammed and can also be re-trained according to different task requirements which integrates the power amplifier chip. In my opinion, it could be used to solve many real-world problems, including image classification, wave detection, and wireless coding or decoding.

·        #478

Katsapova A.MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:46)

I read an article called "NTFs setting off revolution in the world of collectibles".
An NFT is a digital object that can be a drawing, animation, photograph, or video with a certificate of authenticity.
A computer file can be exchanged or sold along with its certificate.
Any Internet user can go to a dedicated platform like Rarible or OpenSea to download the file that will become the NFT. The fees are usually less than $30 per file and are paid in cryptocurrency.
I think that NFT is a very interesting thing, and I would love to try my hand at it.

·        #477

Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:31)

To Martynkin Vlad MD-212 The comments are written correctly, but you should read more. Go on practising your pronunciaton

·        #476

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:28)

To Shvets Oleksandr-group -KD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is informative, but too short . The topic is to contain 100 words,but not 84 as in your post. Your voice record is not bad, but mind the pronunciation of separate words: "i'dentified; authenticity; shaped etc." Would you consult a dictionary, please.The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working online. All the best !

·        #475

Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:28)

To Trochinskaya V. MD-212 Thank you for your clear and informative comments.

·        #474

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:27)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentence (I've read THE article "...".). Go on working.

·        #473

Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:27)

To A. Motuzenko MD-212 Well done!

·        #472

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:21)

To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the words: project, reconstruction. Keep on working.

·        #471

A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:19)

1. speculate that
The researchers speculate that the reason for this is that maintaining the skill level of more experienced dogs requires less training.
Дослідники припускають, що причина цьому – те, що підтримання навичкок досвідчених собак вимагає менше тренувань.
2. little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster.
Замало відомо про розплавлене пальне в пошкоджених реакторах Фукусімської АЕС навіть через десять років після катастрофи.
3. overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections.
Загалом ціль в тому, щоб надати велосипедистам більш безпечний та ефективний доступ до міських перехресть.
I’ve read the article about applying online games method of moderation to actual social media.
The main principle is that the moderation is done by the people trusted in the community, which ensures that they know what they’re doing. On Facebook and other such platforms the moderation is done by people who get assigned randomly and are likely to not know what is and isn’t acceptable for a particular culture or group.
In my opinion, the community-based moderation would greatly improve people’s online experience, because Zuckerberg can’t be trusted after revealing that some people can violate his platforms’ policies just because they’re rich and famous.

I’ve read the article about the prominent features of social media bots compared to actual human users.
While a single bot can be seemingly undistinguishable from a genuine account, bots as a whole are too similar to each other to blend in with a group of actual people. They tend to act far more positive than average human user, and overall their age and “emotions” are read too similarly, when those characteristics vary among genuine accounts.
In my opinion, the bot development will continue to thrive and we should modernize the way we detect them, and both those thing may help in overall technical progress.

·        #470

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:16)

1.The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections.
Загальна мета – надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися міськими перехрестями із сигналами.
2.A little is known about the author of this book.
Про автора цієї книги відомо небагато.
3.In these works, we speculate about what will happen to aluminum as it is ejected from collapsing cities and transforms back into geological rock in the far future.
У цих роботах ми міркуємо про те, що станеться з алюмінієм, коли він буде викидатися з міст, що руйнуються, і знову перетворюється на геологічні породи в далекому майбутньому.

I read the article "Red Cross: Hack Reveals Data on 515,000 Vulnerable People". The article says that the Red Cross Committee, best known for helping victims of war, says hackers hacked into the servers hosting his data and accessed personal sensitive information about more than half a million
of people. They stated that the information leak forced him to shut down the systems around the program. Representative
The ICRC said the organization had never experienced a breach of this magnitude before.
I believe that such a large company should have more protection and cyber specialists.

·        #469

Trochinskaya V. MD-212(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:13)

1. Overall goal
His overall goal was to find the place where no one can disturb him

2 little is known about
Very little is known about fishes that live deep in ocean

3 speculate that
We can speculate that her visit isn't just an accident


Today I have read an article: " Mouse movements reveal your behavior ". According to the article, all your mouse movements can be analyzed and used in order to find people's interests . Mouse movements can show people's age and gender as well. It also can show if person is interested in the add by the way mouse is moving. Due to that there was made a decision that only a small part of mouse movements can be filmed and used .
In my opinion, it's better to limit the use of people's mouse movements in research as it's people's privacy in the internet


Today I have read an article: " Study: More than 4.6 million English homes experience summertime overheating" According to the article, the summer of 2018 had the highest temperature that turned out in some deaths. It is thought that it's going to be a usual temperature in 2050s. Due to that government is trying to change the architecture and building materials as it was found things that are most threatened by heat .
In my opinion, It is impossible to low the heat outside but we can do it in the buildings with the use of today's technology

·        #468

Katsapova A(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:06)

1)The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities for women.
Загальною метою плану дій було сприяння рівним можливостям для жінок.

2)Very little is known about your kind.
Про ваш вид відомо дуже мало.

3)I would speculate that it's a secondary concern to them.
Я б припустив, що це для них другорядне занепокоєння.

I read an article called "Samsung researchers announce the feasibility of commercial 'stretchable' devices".
Samsung has put forward a study discussing a technology that circumvents the limitations of stretchable devices.
Researchers have succeeded in incorporating a stretchable organic LED display and a photoplethysmography sensor into a device to measure and display heart rate in real time.
The research team explains that the goal is to allow device owners to check their heart rate throughout the day without worrying about reduced performance due to excessive movement.
I think this device is useful, because it is useful to know the heart rate when you are sick.

·        #467

N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:05)

1.little is known about
The name of this sportsman is respected in England, though very little is known about him.
(Ім’я цього спортсмена шанують в Англії, хоча про нього знають дуже мало).
2.overall goal
We have a overall goal, to take first place in football competitions.
(У нас є загальна мета — посісти перше місце у футбольних змаганнях).
3.speculate that
I speculate that he is wrong in this situation.
(Я припускаю, що він помиляється в цій ситуації).

Today I read an article about a project that aims to create environmentally friendly building materials using bacteria.
The essence of the project is aimed at whether we can use the abilities of bacteria so that they act as a kind of glue, this will help make building materials much better. An example is drywall in the manufacture of which, instead of gypsum, crop waste is added, such a replacement makes drywall much lighter and has better thermal insulation.
To sum up, the project will provide an opportunity to find an alternative environmentally friendly replacement and improve the properties of building materials.

Today I read an article on creating 3D models with a simple webcam.
3D modeling takes a lot of time and good equipment. But a program was created, thanks to which you can create a 3D model using a simple webcam. This makes 3D modeling accessible to everyone. The program works like this: we take an object and move it in front of the webcam, and the object is reconstructed in real time.
Summing up, I want to say that such programs make it easier for a person who does this or wants to do it.

·        #466

Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:05)

Words and sentences:

1) speculate that - припустити, що

After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the bubble may soon end.

Після сплеску продажів NFT в період із січня по квітень середні ціни та кількість покупок сповільнилися, що змусило деяких експертів припустити, що бульбашка незабаром може закінчитися.

2) little is known about - мало що відомо

Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to be able to tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned, a U.N. nuclear agency official said Friday.

Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на зруйнованій АЕС «Фукусіма» навіть через десять років після катастрофи, щоб можна було сказати, чи можна буде завершити її виведення з експлуатації до 2051 року, як планувалося, заявив у п’ятницю представник ядерного агентства ООН.

3) overall goal - загальна мета

The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections.

Загальна мета — надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися міськими перехрестями із сигналізацією

I read the article: "Deep Learning: The Basis for Image Analysis in the Life Sciences." Technology began to play a major role in the science of life. New technologies help to save time and study things that are rarely visible to the naked eye. There are special models in which there are algorithms that can be changed in accordance with the studied model. Scientists who do not understand algorithms can study and read the basics in special books. In my opinion, it is better to use technology in research, because you can find out what is invisible to your eye.

I read the article: "Advances in micro-computed tomography", known as X-ray. Researchers in the field of biomedical physics have significantly improved microcomputer tomography, in particular high-brightness X-rays. The technology is based on a newly developed optical array, it can perform and compare absolute measurements of samples. This way there will be less harm to the human body. The new optical element is relatively easy to manufacture. In my opinion, this is a very important innovation in medicine, such developments help people prolong their lives and be healthier.

·        #465

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:41)

To Group MD-212. Dear students, I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Good luck.

·        #464

Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:38)

To Saliy Daniil KI-211, Pozhar Sasha KI-211 The reviews are written correctly.

·        #463

Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:35)

To МІ-211,МФ-211, МР-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to attach the link of your article.

·        #462

Perepelytsyn Danylo KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:30)

1. After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the bubble may soon end.

После всплеска продаж NFT в период с января по апрель средние цены и количество покупок снизились, что заставило некоторых экспертов предположить, что пузырь может скоро закончиться.
2. His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.

Его общая цель — сделать глубокое обучение более доступным для экологов и исследователей, анализирующих изображения дикой природы.

3. Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to which they influence onion services hosting this material.

Мало что известно о форумах с материалами о сексуальном насилии над детьми в Tor или о том, в какой степени они влияют на луковые сервисы, на которых размещаются эти материалы.


I knew a little about Tor before reading this article, but now I finally understand that this is not just some kind of hidden browser, but the real foundation for such a platform as the darknet. Child abuse is only a small part of what is happening there. Selling weapons, drugs, fake passports, and even people. All the hackers and criminals of the world are gathered there.
I hope that someday the world will be able to overcome this black Internet market and make everyone answer for their merits.

·        #461

Gvozd O.V. to MD-212 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:30)

Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice. Please, do it in one comment.

·        #460

Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:29)

overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його спільна мета – зробити глибоке навчання більш доступним для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Занадто мало відомо про розплавлене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на зруйнованій атомній електростанції Фукусіма.
speculate that
After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the bubble may soon end.
Після різкого зростання продажів NFT у період із січня до квітня, середні ціни та кількість покупок сповільнилися, що змусило деяких експертів припустити, що "міхур" може скоро закінчитися.
The article is headlined First-ever NFT sells for $1.47 mn at auction. It was published on the Internet. The article is about cryptocurrencies and the NFTs that created the technological revolution. According to the article, an NFT is a digital object, such as a drawing, animation, musical composition, photograph, or video with a certificate of authenticity underlying the cryptocurrency. The article also states that an NFT cannot be counterfeited and is currently generating multi-million dollar transactions on it. I found this article interesting because it explains the structure of cryptocurrencies and their status in the market.

·        #459

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:20)

To Vladyslava Stepnova KD- 211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with te phrases of the day practice. Please , look through every sentence of the text once more and correct grammar mistakes in every sentence: 1-st sentence "It was written by"; 3-d sentence "Which was in Afghanistan in August"; 5-th sentence, mind the word order in the sentence: "...Cryptocurrency helps..." Be more attentive ! The audio recording sounds fluently. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online. Best wishes !

·        #458

Shvets Oleksandr (KD-211, Mikeshova G.P.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:03)

overall goal
Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel porous materials.
Наша общая цель — учиться и черпать вдохновение у природы для разработки новых пористых материалов.
little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors.
Слишком мало известно о расплавленном топливе внутри поврежденных реакторов.
speculate that
we speculate that sick inmates from dormitories were identified early.
мы предполагаем, что больные заключенные из общежитий были выявлены рано.
Article "First ever NFT sold at auction". An NFT is a digital object, such as a drawing, animation, piece of music, photo or video with a certificate of authenticity, created using the blockchain technology that underpins the cryptocurrency. It cannot be counterfeited or otherwise manipulated. "Quantum", the first non-fungible token (NFT), an octagon-shaped animation by artist Kevin McCoy was sold at auction. In our time, when almost all the buildings are in digital form, this is a very profitable business.

·        #457

Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:43)

His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибинне навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.

After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the bubble may soon end.
Після сплеску продажів NFT в період із січня по квітень середні ціни та кількість покупок сповільнилися, що змусило деяких експертів припустити, що авантюра незабаром може закінчитися.

While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень вивчали короткострокову поведінку таких деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довготривалу поведінку.
The article is about electrode which could be the path to discovery green fuel production.
A metal foam could underpin a low-cost method for generating carbon-free fuels. Due to the intermittent nature of wind and solar energy electricity, there is a need to develop methods to convert renewable electricity into a carbon-free fuel that could be stored and transported for later use. An electrochemical device can use renewable electricity to break apart water molecules, releasing oxygen at the anode and hydrogen at the cathode. The synergistic performance gains achieved by seamlessly combining nanomaterials in a single electrode material were a pleasant surprise.

·        #456

Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:51)

speculate that
The young man is also trying to speculate that some of the more volatile crypto-currencies, thanks to the advice of a WhatsApp group with 13,000 members in Herat. Молодий чоловік також намагається припустити, що деякі з найбільш мінливих криптовалют, завдяки пораді групи WhatsApp з 13 000 членів у Гераті.
overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections. Загальна мета — надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися міськими перехрестями із сигналізацією.
little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to which they influence onion services hosting this material. Мало відомо про форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor або про те, наскільки вони впливають на послуги цибулі, які розміщують цей матеріал.
The article is titled Crypto provides fix for some in crisis-hit Afghanistan and it written by Romain Fonsegrives With Qubad Wali.
The main idea of the article is that Cryptocurrency may provide defence from the economic collapse in the country. Which is was in the Afghanistan in the August 2021 because of returning of Taliban. Bank transfers to Afghanistan are almost impossible currently, cause of Taliban. And in this situation helps Cryptocurrency, that making a chance to withdraw the money.
In my opinion, this article is rather helpful than interesting, because of information that could help somebody with complicated situation.

·        #455

Saliy Daniil KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:51)

Words and sentences:
1)speculate that - припустити, що
After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the bubble may soon end.
Після сплеску продажів NFT в період із січня по квітень середні ціни та кількість покупок сповільнилися, що змусило деяких експертів припустити, що бульбашка незабаром може закінчитися.
2)little is known about - мало що відомо
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to be able to tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned, a U.N. nuclear agency official said Friday.
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на зруйнованій АЕС «Фукусіма» навіть через десять років після катастрофи, щоб можна було сказати, чи можна буде завершити її виведення з експлуатації до 2051 року, як планувалося, заявив у п’ятницю представник ядерного агентства ООН.
3)overall goal - загальна мета
The overall goal is to give bicyclists БАЙСАКЛИСТС a safer and more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections.
Загальна мета — надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися міськими перехрестями із сигналізацією
I have read the article "New music recommendation system includes long-tail songs". The first thing I want to say is that I am not one of those people who are constantly in the trends of music. Because I don't like the kind of music or songs that other people like. I'm a music lover, but mostly I like rock because it lifts my morale. What M. Sunita and T. Adilakshmi Vasavi did is a very good idea. After all, there are many cool little-recognized performers,
who make music better than those who are in trend. By doing so, they make a great variety for users and that's cool.
I think that this multi-method is a very good thing that will help beginners, and not only beginners, gain their popularity.
words and sentence -
comment -
article -

·        #454

Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:44)

speculate that - допускають, що
In these works, we speculate about what will happen to aluminum as it is ejected from collapsing cities and transforms back into geological rock in the far future. - У цих роботах ми допускаємо те, що станеться з алюмінієм, коли він буде викидатися з міст, що руйнуються, і знову перетвориться на геологічні породи в далекому майбутньому.

little is known about - мало відомий
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved overall stability. - Мало відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну стабільність.

overall goal - загальна мета
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images. - Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання більш доступним для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи

Today I have read the article "Using deep learning algorithms to give bicyclists the 'green wave' at traffic signals". It tells the story of a new app for cyclists that will allow them to make effective use of intersections and traffic lights.This program constantly analyzes the results of all intersections and calculates the frequency of "waves" of traffic lights.
Scientists claim that this application will help reduce traffic crowding in cities and protect cyclists.In conclusion, I want to say that I recommend everyone to read this interesting article
Today I have read the article "War in Ukraine rattles auto parts industry". It is that the Russian invasion and further war in Ukraine will greatly change the automotive industry. Some car manufacturers are forced to stop production at some of their plants due to the lack of components supplied by Ukrainian plants.Before the Russian invasion on February 24, Ukraine was one of Europe's biggest manufacturers of electric cable.European companies are trying to solve this problem and are building new factories in Eastern Europe, in particular in Poland.But some researchers say that "there could be a problem in the medium term".

·        #453

Gvozd to KI-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:38)

Bordan Vitalii KI-211
Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211
Your comments are quite detailed and correct. Well done, keep on working.

·        #452

Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:27)

little is known about - мало що відомо про
While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior.
Хоча кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокове поводження таких деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокове поводження.
speculate that - припустити, що
Scientists speculate that recent asteroid could have been of alien origin.
Вчені припускають, що останній астероїд міг бути інопланетного походження.
overall goal - загальна мета
The overall goal is to increase the safety at sea.
Загальна мета – підвищити безпеку на морі.

Samsung researchers announce the feasibility of commercial 'stretchable' devices

"Stretchable" devices is a new technology that allows devices to change their shape like rubber. In a recent study, Samsung demonstrated an organic LED and a photoplethysmography sensor into just one device to measure and display the user's heart rate in real time. And that continued to perform well even at high tension. In the course of the study, it turned out that such a device works even better than the old silicon counterparts, both in terms of performance and convenience. Thus, in the medical industry, such devices are the future.

Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:

The router in your home might be intercepting some of your Internet traffic—but it may be for your own good

While you are surfing the Internet, your router intercepts some of the information about your Internet travels. What it then does with it and where it sends it - one router knows. And, accordingly, the recipients of information. But don't panic - most of these manipulations are not malicious. On the contrary, it protects against malware. There is even a case of interception of data by mistake. However, dishonest advertisers can take advantage of such information. Surprisingly, interception often occurs directly in the user's router. Researchers are now working on this issue, and they have some progress.

Comment on the article:

·        #451

Bordan Vitalii KI-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:19)

1.Предложение с фразами дня
1) little is known about-мало що відомо
Little is known about her method of writing.
Про її метод письма відомо небагато.

2)overall goal-загальна мета
The overall goal of the action plan is to encourage the creation of equal opportunities for women.
Загальна мета плану дій є поощрення створення рівних можливостей для жінок.

3)speculate that-припускають що
Most researchers speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
Більшість дослідників припускають, що Гаврило було вбито в останній день облоги

2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"'A framework to automatically identify wildlife in collaboration with humans".
The article says that By effectively combining machine learning techniques with human effort,
the researchers hoped to create a system that would better recognize animals in images
of real wildlife while overcoming some of the challenges. Over the past few decades,
computer scientists have developed many machine learning tools that can recognize certain objects
or animals in images and videos.
I liked the article and I advise everyone to read it

3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"'Templating approach stabilises 'ideal' material for alternative solar cells".
The article says that Researchers have developed a method to stabilize a promising material known
as perovskite for cheap solar cells, without compromising its near-perfect performance.
Perovskite materials offer a cheaper alternative to silicon for producing optoelectronic devices such
as solar cells. Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability overall,
or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like.
I liked the article.

·        #450

Gvozd to Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:17)

Both your tasks are complete and informative. Well done.

·        #449

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:16)

Good morning! Let's get started our English today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Do it in one post. Go on working online every week. Good luck !

·        #448

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)

Today I have read the article "A framework to automatically identify wildlife in collaboration with humans"
It tells that over the past few decades, computer scientists have developed numerous machine learning tools that
can recognize specific objects or animals in images and videos. While some of these techniques have achieved remarkable
results on simple animals or items (e.g., cats, dogs, houses), they are typically unable to recognize wildlife and less
renowned plants or animals.
Researchers at University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) have recently developed a new wildlife identification
approach that performs far better than techniques developed in the past.
I think that this article very interesting and I would reccomend everybody to read it.

·        #447

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:09)

Speculate that-вважають що
The new Bitcoin-linked fund, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), gives traders a way to speculate on
Bitcoin without having to buy cryptocurrency directly or set up an account with a crypto exchange.-
Новий фонд, пов'язаний з біткойнами, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), дає трейдерам можливість
спекулювати на біткойнах без необхідності купувати криптовалюту безпосередньо або створювати рахунок за
допомогою криптобіржі.
Little is known about-мало що відомо
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant,
even a decade after the disaster, to be able to tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as plannedy.-
Занадто мало відомо про розплавлене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на зруйнованій АЕС Фукусіма,навіть
через десять років після катастрофи, щоб мати можливість сказати, чи може його виведення з експлуатації бути
завершено до 2051 року, як планувалося.
Overall goal-спільна мета
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.-
Його загальна мета полягає в тому, щоб зробити глибоке навчання більш доступним для екологів і дослідників,
які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
Today I have read the article "Bitcoin ETFs: What are they and how to invest in them?"
It tells that as the price of Bitcoin soared since first being introduced, investors have sought ways to get a
piece of the cryptocurrency action. Financial firms have rushed to come up with products that feed investors' crypto
appetite, and last fall saw the arrival of a long-awaited Bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund (ETF).
The new Bitcoin-linked fund, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), gives traders a way to speculate on Bitcoin without
having to buy cryptocurrency directly or set up an account with a crypto exchange.
This article is very interesting,I would reccomend everybody to read it.

·        #446

Gvozd to Kunitsky Artem KI-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:40)

Well done, thank you. Keep on working.

·        #445

Gvozd to Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:39)

I appreciate your task, everything is well done.

·        #444

Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:37)

1) Speculate that - припустити, що
We can speculate that they will not be getting that food in any civil manner. Ми можемо припустити, що вони не будуть отримувати цю їжу будь-яким цивільним способом.

2) overall goal - загальна мета
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities for women. Загальною метою плану дій було сприяння рівним можливостям для жінок.

3) little is known about - мало що відомо
Adding to this difficulty is the fact that very little is known about the symbols' meanings. До цієї складності додає той факт, що дуже мало відомо про значення символів.
Today i have read the article "Advances in micro-computed tomography". Researchers in biomedical physics and biology have significantly improved micro-computed tomography, more specifically imaging with phase contrast and high brilliance X-ray radiation. They have developed a new microstructured optical grating and combined it with new analytical algorithms. The new approach makes it possible to depict and analyze the microstructures of samples in greater detail, and to investigate a particularly broad spectrum of samples.This is a significant breakthrough in this area.
Today i have read the article "Design and implementation of a lithium-ion battery management system for EVs".
The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) is moving apace, mainly being driven by the need to remove polluting vehicles from our towns and cities and to curb our carbon emissions by switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. As more and more drivers switch to EVs, there is a pressing need to ensure that the rechargeable batteries on which they rely are running under optimal and safe conditions. Research in the International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy considers the design and implementation of a new type of battery-management system for the lithium-ion batteries commonly used in EVs.

·        #443

Gvozd to Velikov Vlad(Gvozd KI-211) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:37)

Not bad, mind that The article TELLS.... Keep on working.

·        #442

Gvozd to Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:34)

Thank you for your comments, but they contain many mistakes: I HAVE read..., The article TELLS...; the comment should be around 100 words. I hope you will post your recordings later.

·        #441

Velikov Vlad(Gvozd KI-211) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:29)

Little is know about -Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor.

Spectaculars that -The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more volatile crypto-currencies

Overall goals -His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Today I have the article “Bitcoin ETFs: What are they and how to invest in them?” This article talks about Why are Bitcoin ETFs becoming increasingly popular?
Many people have been drawn to Bitcoin by its rapid rise in price since first being introduced in 2009. While it's down more than 40 percent since its November 2021 all-time high, Bitcoin is still up substantially since its debut. Naturally, the increase in price has many people wondering how they can get in on the action.
One aspect of buying and selling Bitcoin that may have held some people back is the limited number of brokers that offer it and trading directly through a crypto exchange can be complicated due to a variety of fees and new trading platforms. In conclusion, I want to say that this article is very interesting and useful, since bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies are our future, I recommend it to everyone.
Today I have read the article “How the world's biggest dark web platform spreads millions of items of child sex abuse material”
This article talks about that Child sexual abuse material is rampant online, despite considerable efforts by big tech companies and governments to curb it. And according to reports, it has only become more prevalent during the COVID-19 pandemic. This material is largely hosted on the anonymous part of the internet—the "darknet"—where perpetrators can share it with little fear of prosecution. Tor is by far the largest and presents the biggest conundrum. The open-source network and browser grants users anonymity by encrypting their information and letting them escape tracking by internet service providers.After reading this article, which was informative for me, I concluded that our society is still far from ideal, I recommend it for everyone to read.

·        #440

Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:26)

Phrases of the day
1) Little is known about - мало що відомо.
Samsung switched to a little-known operating system called Tizen but gave up on the software after struggling with a lack of applications - Samsung перейшов на маловідому операційну систему під назвою Tizen, але відмовився від програмного забезпечення після боротьби з відсутністю програм.
2) Overall goal - загальна мета.
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images - Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
3) Speculate that - припустити, що.
The airline says it couldn't speculate on whether COVID-19 infections or quarantines were responsible because it was not informed about the sort of illness - Авіакомпанія каже, що не могла здогадуватися про те, чи були спричинені інфекції COVID-19 чи карантин, оскільки вона не була поінформована про тип захворювання.

Audiofile (Phrases) :

Hybrid timber systems: The new reinforced concrete for the 21st century
Today i have read an article "Hybrid timber systems: The new reinforced concrete for the 21st century". Reinforced concrete is durable and robust but has a large CO2 footprint. Timber, on the other hand, is sustainable and absorbs carbon, although it has inherent negative properties. Hybrid timber systems, by contrast, combine sustainability and strength. The Wood Research Institute develops suitable adhesives and tests the long-term stability of hybrid wood-based materials.
This article is interesting because it looks at a way to reduce carbon emissions. Therefore, I recommend reading this article.

Source (Text 1) :
Audiofile :

Elon Musk named Time magazine person of the year
Today i have read an article "Elon Musk named Time magazine person of the year". Time magazine on Monday named Tesla chief and space entrepreneur Elon Musk as its person of the year, citing his embodiment of the technological shifts but also troubling trends reshaping people's lives.
Musk—who overtook Amazon founder Jeff Bezos this year to become the world's wealthiest person—wields impact on Earth with his Tesla electric car company and beyond our planet with his SpaceX rockets.
This article is really interesting because it tells about an interesting person.
I recommend reading the article.

Source (Text 2) :
Audiofile :


·        #439

Leonid Chukarin KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:24)

Извините , в данный момент я нахожусь в дороге и не смогу записать освучку на тексты
overall goal - Общая цель

little is known about - мало что известно о

speculate that - предположить, что

Today I read an article titled "UN Team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can be completed by 2051". It talked about attempts to decommission the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Also, the Japanese government is trying to improve and speed up research on cleaning up the nuclear plant's molten fuel for faster cleansing of the area from radiation. But according to experts, this process will take much longer.
I liked this article and got interested, so I can recommend it for reading.

Today I read an article called "Red Cross: Hack exposes data on 515,000 vulnerable people". It talked about a hacker attack and an attack on the Red Cross and Red Crescent servers around the world. The article tells in more detail what consequences these attacks will entail for people whose data was stolen. From whose side the attack could have been, no one knows. I liked this article and got interested, so I can recommend it for reading .

·        #438

Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 06:53)

Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice. Please, do it in one comment.

·        #437

Daria Delyukova OA-211 (Sirotenko T.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 19:20)

Today I've read an article called "Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys celebrates 20 years of discovery".
In the article, we learn that Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) is 20 years old since it was installed. Following its installation, the ACS became Hubble's most heavily used instrument. Amongst its many accomplishments, it helps map the distribution of dark matter, detects the most distant objects in the Universe, searches for massive exoplanets and studies the evolution of clusters of galaxies.
It was interesting for me to learn about the ACS, which took about 125,000 images aboard the Hubble in 20 years. To find out how these observations led to numerous discoveries.

·        #436

Petrova E.I. (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:49)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #435

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 25 March 2022)

To Bondarenko Maria-group-MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article, the audio version of your essay and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is informative. Please, look through the last sentence of the text once more (If clause, 2-d type ) and rearrange it. (401 ) I'm waiting for the next (corrected) version posted here in the guestbook. Your audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more clearly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. Keep on working online every week. Good luck !

·        #434

Koval Veronika MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 25 March 2022 18:47)

All day I had poor Internet connection, so wasn't able to do tasks. So, a debt.

1. Column represents — стовпчик наводить дані.
The last column represents what the elders think about the new president.
В останньому стовпчику наведено дані про думку старшого покоління щодо нового президента.
2. Under certain assumptions — за певних припущень.
Under certain assumptions, the theory about our world was created by some supernatural powers, is reasonable.
За певних припущень, думка про те, що світ був створений якимись вищими силами, має сенс.
3. Performed with — виконується за допомогою.
What we are going to do is can only be performed with our allies' help.
Те, що ми збираємося зробити, можливе лише за допомоги наших союзників.
The article is about one of the most dangerous problems nowadays, global warming. For example, lakes' water level: the author tells how hard it'll be for people whose lives depend on them. It will obviously impact on water and populations of native fish species. The scientists also investigated developments under different warming scenarios. In a low-emission one, the warming of lakes will stabilize at +1.5°C above pre-industrial level and the duration of ice will be 14 days shorter. While high emission, changes could lead to an increase of +4.0 °C and 46 fewer days of ice.
The article is about how it is important for a kid to be a student of a good teacher. Scientists have done several researches to investigate if there is a connection between grades and further success of a person. In the end, they came to a conclusion that those who had higher scores did best in their adulthood. Nevertheless, the difference is not that obvious and correlates between one and two percent. Not to mention, science is still working on figuring out what exactly a good teacher is, but suggests research efforts such as his are helping to get closer.

·        #433

Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 25 March 2022 18:40)

under certain assumptions
We know that certain assumptions have certain rules. Ми знаємо, що за певних
пропозицій існують певні правила.

performed with
This function will be performed with only in certain situations. Ця функція буде виконуватися лише в певних ситуаціях.

column represents
This magazine has a column that represents all the new items in the store. У цьому журналі є колонка, яка представляє всі новинки в магазині.

Lakes are changing worldwide
Our world is beautiful with a lot of water. Their temperatures are rising and the ice sheet is getting shorter and thinner. This affects lake ecosystems, drinking water supply and fisheries. Researchers became interested in the topic of lakes, and conducted a study. They observed the lakes, and found out that the global changes in the temperature of the lakes are not related to the climate. All this can only be explained by massive emissions of greenhouse gases. As the head of the study said, “If we manage to reduce our emissions in the coming time, we can avoid the worst effects on lakes around the world.”

·        #432

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 25 March 2022 15:47)

To Spetcialna Katherina- group-MD- 211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day pratice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct, but mind " This article tells..." Your audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more clearly. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic.There are some mispronouced words in your reading: " 'isotope; register; ex'otic " Would you consult a dictionary before posting. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet all the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online every week . Best wishes !

·        #431

Savluk A. (Friday, 25 March 2022)

Dmitriy Kostyakov MI-211
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!

·        #430

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 25 March 2022 14:33)

To Novitsky Yuri- group-MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are complete and informative, but you forgot about the title of the article which should be written in bold type. "I've read the article .." Present Perfect is used. Your voice recording sounds quite fluently, but please, check the pronunciation of the following words: " budding; one; should; designed etc." Would you consult a dictionary to pronounce properly before posting. The task should contain the sentence showing the usage of the phrase "performed with" in context. Keep on working online every week. All the best!

·        #429

Oriekhov-MF211(Savluk) (Friday, 25 March 2022)

performed with
The surveys performed with the ACS led to groundbreaking work in galaxy evolution.
Огляди, проведені за допомогою ACS, привели до новаторської роботи в еволюції галактик.

under a certain assumptions
Transferring the results to the field is then possible under certain assumptions.
Передача результатів у поле можлива за певних припущень.

column represents
The last column represents the linewidth of the phonon laser.
Останній стовпець представляє ширину лінії фононного лазера.
Today I've read an article called "Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys celebrates 20 years of discovery".
In the article, we learn that Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) is 20 years old since it was installed. Following its installation, the ACS became Hubble's most heavily used instrument. Amongst its many accomplishments, it helps map the distribution of dark matter, detects the most distant objects in the Universe, searches for massive exoplanets and studies the evolution of clusters of galaxies.
It was interesting for me to learn about the ACS, which took about 125,000 images aboard the Hubble in 20 years. To find out how these observations led to numerous discoveries.

·        #428

Dmitriy Kostyakov MI-211 (Savluk A.A) (Friday, 25 March 2022 13:58)

Recently i read an article about a new acoustic fabric converts audible sounds into electrical signals. The team has designed a fabric that works like a microphone, converting sound first into mechanical vibrations, then into electrical signals, similarly to how our ears hear. All fabrics vibrate in response to audible sounds, but they are far too small to ordinarily be sensed. To capture these imperceptible signals, the researchers created a flexible fiber that, when woven into a fabric, bends with the fabric.

1. under certain assumptions
The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a certain assumption
Теорія, заснована на потоках, передбачає ймовірності втечі кожного тіла за певного припущення

2. performed with
Treatment of this disease can only be performed with the supervision of a doctor.
Лікування цього захворювання можна проводити тільки під наглядом лікаря.

3. column represents
The last column represents the average salary in the country.
Останній стовпець відображає середню зарплату в країні.

·        #427

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:31)

To Ilya Volkov MD-211 Group B task 1is good. Task 2 contains some grammar mistakes , has no link to the article. Just 60 points.

·        #426

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:08)

To Snizhana Boichenko- group-MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are complete and informative, but you forgot about the title of the article which should be written in bold type. "I've read the article .." Present Perfect is used. Mind the word order in the last sentence. Please, check the pronunciation of the following words: " flies; o'ccur ;'processes; to measure; de'termine etc." Would you consult a dictionary to pronounce properly before posting. Keep on working online every week. All the best!

·        #425

Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:29)

Today I have read the article "Trust comes when you admit what you don't know: Lessons from child development research".
This information in this article was not new to me, because I already knew about the facts about trust. Uncertainty awakens distrust, and confidence can be manipulated by a person if it is done for bad purposes. Considering that children don't yet know who to trust and who not, and how can a person understand whether he can be trusted. With age, it becomes easier, and if a person understands psychology, then he won't be able to manipulate. But the fact that even if some unverified information can be written on the Internet, this really causes distrust.
I really liked the article too. It contains many true facts.

1. under certain assumptions - при определённых предположениях
However, this method, like all its predecessor statistical approaches, rests on certain assumptions.
2. perfomed with - выполняться при
Astronomers from Jena Observatory in Germany and elsewhere have performed follow-up observations of a nearby binary star system known as Gamma Cephei. 
3. column represents - столбец представляет
The eruption column reached the Earth's stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere up from the ground.

·        #424

Ilya Volkov MD-211 Group B (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:01)

1) column represents
The figures on the column represent the battle between the Roman god Jupiter and a giant.
Фігури на стовбці(колоні), представляють битву між римським богом Юпітером і велетнем.

2) performed with
The surveys performed with the ACS led to groundbreaking work for fields such as galaxy evolution, large scale structures, searches for massive exoplanets, and more.
Огляди, проведені за допомогою РКЗ(розширена камера для зйомок), привели до новаторської роботи в таких областях, як еволюція галактик, великомасштабні структури, пошук масивних екзопланет тощо.

3)under certain assumptions
Transferring the results to the field is then possible under certain assumptions, but should be backed up by further investigations in the laboratory and in the field.
Передача результатів на місцевість можлива за певних припущень, але вона повинна бути підкріплена подальшими дослідженнями в лабораторії та на місцях.

An international team of researchers analyzing sounds recorded by the Perseverance rover has determined the speed of sound on Mars.
The Perseverance rover successfully landed on the surface of Mars just over a year ago. This is the first rover equipped with a microphone.
With its help, scientists found that sound travels through Mars at a speed of about 240 m/s.
I believe that the future lies in space exploration and the development of the space industry. We are one step closer to that.

·        #423

Snizhana Boichenko MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:31)

column represents - стовпчик представляє
This column represents number of victims. Цей стовпчик представляє кількість постраждавших.

performed with - виконується за
This command is performed only with a started Windows. Ця команда виконується тільки за запуском Windows.

under certain assumptions - за певних припущень
This program under certain assumptions can become successful. Ця програма за певними припущеннями може стати успішною.

In this article I read about Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys.
In this year it celebrates 20 years of discovery.
It was installed on 7 March 2002 during Hubble Servicing Mission 3B.
The ACS delivers many of Hubble's most impressive images of deep space.
It can pick out the faint glow of these very distant supernovae stars.
During two decades the Advanced Camera for Surveys has opened our eyes to a deep and active universe.
Scientists want to use it in future discoveries.
They hope that with the ACS they will make many discoveries.


Scientists have found that widespread physical and genomic adaptation to environment can occur within weeks.
The University of Pennsylvania conducted a research.
The researchers documented changes to 60% of the flies' genome.
Though fruit flies reproduce on a much more compressed time scale than humans.
These processes are taking place in a lot of different organisms, but they're harder to measure over the appropriate time scales
Now they determine the time scale in which this happens.

·        #422

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:29)

To Rodion Zhan KA-211 Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.

·        #421

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:29)

Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 Task 1 is incomplete: you need to write the phrases before making up sentences with them. Task2 contains very simple statements reflecting the Present Simple and Continuous Tenses. The introductory part should begin with the following: “ Today I have read the article entitled...”. As to your voice recording msg, you need to train many time to reach the goal: correct pronunciation, fluency and the melody. Try to do better next time pls. All in all 60 points this time.

·        #420

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:28)

To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Thank you for your informative review on the article of the day.

·        #419

Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:22)

Today I have read the article named "What are waterspouts, and how do they form?".A waterspout is a spinning column of air that sucks up water (usually from the ocean) to make a twisting funnel of water and cloud connecting the sea and the sky.Waterspouts are most common along the NSW and Queensland coast in Australia.Due to the fact that there is most often cooler nighttime air blowing off the land meets warmer air sitting out to sea.Meteorologists cannot predict waterspouts due to their size, but can estimate the chance of occurrence due to well studied weather conditions that lead to them.

url -
voice -

1) under certain assumptions - за певного припущення.

The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a certain assumption. - Теорія на основі потоків передбачає ймовірності втечі кожного тіла за певного припущення.

2) column represents - стовпець представляє

Each row represents a device and columns represent categories. - Кожен рядок представляє пристрій, а стовпці представляють категорії.

3) performed with - виконується з

The surgery is performed with regards of individual approach to the patient. - Операція виконується з урахуванням індивідуального підходу до пацієнта

·        #418

Rodion Zhan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:19),compet
Today I have read the article "Study determines whether cultures play games that correspond to how cooperative they are". This article was about a study by scientists in which they found out what types of games belong to different cultures, depending on how they behave, what kind of mentality they have. The researchers found that cultures that are often in conflict with other cultures have more cooperative play than competitive play. On the other hand, cultures with frequent conflicts with their community members have more competitive games than cooperative ones. As for me, the conclusions of scientists are very logical and there is nothing supernatural in them, anyway, it can make you think about how much behavior within a culture can influence a person's life.

Phrases of the Day:
performed with
The surveys performed with the ACS led to groundbreaking work for fields such as galaxy evolution, large scale structures, searches for massive exoplanets, and more.
Огляди, проведені за допомогою ACS, привели до новаторської роботи в таких областях, як еволюція галактик, великомасштабні структури, пошук масивних екзопланет тощо.
under certain assumptions
The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a certain assumption.
Теорія на основі потоків передбачає ймовірності втечі кожного тіла за певного припущення.
column represents
The figures on the column represent the battle between the Roman god Jupiter and a giant.
Фігури на колоні представляють битву між римським богом Юпітером і велетнем.

·        #417

Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:19)

Phrases of the Day :
1. Under certain assumptions - за певних припущень.
Transferring the results to the field is then possible under certain assumptions, but should be backed up by further investigations in the laboratory and in the field.
Передача результатів на місцевість можлива за певних припущень, але вона повинна бути підкріплена подальшими дослідженнями в лабораторії та на місцях.

2. Column represents - стовпець представляє.
This column represents the final cost.
Даний стовпець представляє кінцеві витрати.

3. Performed with - виконується при.
The theory can only be performed with if all the rules are followed.
Теорію можна виконувати лише за умови дотримання всіх правил.

I've just read the article "New pumpkin-shaped nucleus radiates protons with record-setting rate". This article talks about a new pumpkin-shaped atomic nucleus that was synthesized in an experiment conducted in Finland. The new isotope has exceptional properties, it has the highest decay energy and the shortest half-life of all known proton emitters. Observation of this isotope is possible thanks to modern digital signal processing, which allows you to register the rapid decay of the proton. These studies can help develop new theories, find the atomic masses of exotic isotopes, and help understand the origin of the elements.

·        #416

S.Mykhsiliuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:14)

Tanev Arseniy MD-211 thanks Task 1 is very good. Task 2 contains some grammar mistakes ( sequence of tenses )and the article SAYS (REPORTS). etc . Just 70 points. Keep on working hard and join the on-line activities at the beginning of the lesson.All in all, your voice recording msg sounds good at the beginning with miner mispronunciation of separate words and slowing down the tempo at the end. Improve it next time , please.

·        #415

Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:09)

I've performed with you before.
Я ж виступала з тобою раніше.
The fourth and fifth columns represent the breaking force and relative elongation data.
У 4-му та 5-му стовпцях представлені значення розривного навантаження та відносного подовження.
Can be used under certain assumptions in combination with other sources to produce data
Можна використовувати при певних припущеннях у поєднанні з іншими джерелами для даних

Today, the world is reducing the use of fossil fuels, and manufacturers are turning to lithium-ion batteries, which make modern life possible. These batteries can power any technique. But as they age, they develop dendrites. They interfere with their ability to hold a charge and can cause short circuits in machines, which can lead to safety hazards such as battery fires.
Shan and his team, using a microscope and a small camera, were able to geometrically depict how dendrites initially develop in a battery. Thanks to this, manufacturers will be able to improve batteries and avoid the growth of dendrites.

·        #414

Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:06)

1. Performed with-выполняется при
In programming, all the work is done with the help of certain programs.
В программировании вся работа выполняется при помощи определённых программ.
2.Under certain assumptions-при определенных предположениях
Under certain assumptions, aa person may not correctly understand a phrase or action.
При определенных предположениях человек может не правильно понять какую либо фразу или действие.
3. Column represents-столбец представляет
This column represents the merit rating of each employee in the company.
Этот столбец представляет рейтинг каждого сотрудника в компании по его заслугам.
Bray and her collaborators studied how 375 of the organization's 8-week-old budding service dogs, genetics explained over 40% of differences in puppies' ability to follow human pointing gestures and make eye contact.
Researchers recruited puppies for four different tasks
In one of the tasks, the experimenter hid a treat under one of two inverted cups.
In another version of the task, the puppies observed how the researchers placed a yellow cube next to the desired cup instead of indicating where the puppy should look for food.
Two other tasks were designed to observe puppies' tendency to look at faces.

·        #413

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:05)

To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Artem, you should write translation of the sentences, not only the phrases. Keep working.

·        #412

Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:59)

2. Today I have read the article "Los Angeles suing Monsanto for chemicals in waterways" today.
This article tells us that Los Angeles is suing the company for allegedly knowingly polluting waterways in one of the largest cities in the United States.
The lawsuit was filed against three Bayer companies of the German Agro giant, the latest lawsuit alleging that the company was polluting waterways all the way back to 1979.
The drains were contaminated with PCBs, a very toxic chemical that is difficult to break down. This substance is very bad for human health and the environment.
After buying Monsanto in 2018, Bayer ran into legal problems, with a flood of lawsuits in U.S. courts from cancer patients claiming that the chemical glyphosate,
which is part of the weed killer Roundup. Thus, the investor group is demanding $2.5 billion in damages.
1. performed with - исполняется с
I'm happy with the way we performed.
2. column represents - столбец представляет
Whatever claim the columns may have on us, they come from a source that is producing words at an unprecedented rate.
3. under certain assumptions - при определенных предположениях
Under certain assumptions, the global smooth solvability is obtained

·        #411

Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:59)

1)performed with
This operation performed with only under certain conditions
Ця операція виконується лише за певних умов

2)column represents
Each column represents supraballs made of different sizes of core-shell synthetic melanin nanoparticles
Кожна колонка являє собою надкулі, виготовлені з різних розмірів синтетичних наночастинок меланіну «ядро-оболонка».

3)certain assumptions
Transferring the results to the field is possible under certain assumptions, but should be backed up by further investigations in the laboratory
Передача результатів на місцевість можлива за певних припущень, але вона повинна бути підкріплена подальшими дослідженнями в лабораторії

I have just read an article about Perseverance on the Red Planet. This article tells about a study in which scientists decided to test the speed of sound on Mars using a microphone located on the rover itself. It was about 240 m/s. But they found that different frequencies of sound travel across Mars at different speeds. The speed increases by about 10 m/s above 400 Hz. Because of this, it is worth concluding that communication on Mars would be extremely difficult, since different parts of speech would reach listeners at different times.

·        #410

Vasiliy Rusev MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:50)

1) column represents
This column represents the number of completed tasks for today.
Цей стовпець відображає кількість виконаних завдань на сьогодні.
2)under certain assumptions
This can be called a hypothesis only under certain assumptions.
Це можна назвати гіпотезою лише за певних припущень.
3)performed with
This function can only be performed with a certain value of x.
Цю функцію можна виконати лише з певним значенням х.

Today I've read an article about "Using ultra-low temperatures to understand high-temperature superconductivity"
An unexpected discovery at TU Wien may help solve the mystery of high-temperature superconductivity: the famous "strange metal" has turned out to be a superconductor.
At low temperatures, some materials lose their electrical resistance and conduct electricity without loss - this phenomenon of superconductivity has been known since 1911, but has not yet been fully understood. And this is very unfortunate, because the search for a material that has superconducting properties even at high temperatures is likely to cause a technological revolution.
at extremely low temperatures of just one millikelvin, the strange metal turns into a superconductor.
“This makes our material ideal for figuring out how the strange behavior of a metal leads to superconductivity,” says Silke Bühler-Paschen.

·        #409

Klepatska Anastasiia MD-211 (Mikeshova G. P.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:36)

1. performed with - виконується з
Usually this operation is performed with the purpose of correction of short-sightedness.
Зазвичай ця операція проводиться з метою корекції короткозорості.
2. under certain assumptions - за певних припущень
The results were determined under certain assumptions, although they may need to be corrected after a few years.
Результати були визначені за певних припущень, хоча, можливо, їх потрібно буде виправити через кілька років.
3. column represents - стовпець представляє
The third column represents the number of hours worked per week.
Третій стовпець відображає кількість відпрацьованих годин на тиждень.

Today I've read the article "Study shows widespread physical and genomic adaptation to environment can occur within weeks". It states that fruit flies quickly responded to changing environmental conditions.
During the four-month trial, scientists identified changes to 60% of the flies' genome. The findings indicate a fresh way of considering evolution's timeframe. The discoveries are supposed to benefit longer-lived and slower-regenerating animals, such as humans.
I belive that this study has started the process of establishing the time range for such alterations in people. As a result, it's a whole new level of research of the organism and it's methods of adaptation to different conditions.

·        #408

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:24)

To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 You must write the name of your teacher, and send audio recordings as well. Be attentive!

·        #407

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:20)

To To all students from subgroup MD-211 D.Brailovskiy, I.Volkov, O. Gorbatenko, A.Dvornichenko, A.Dmitrashko, K.Savitska, M.Saenko, N.Samoliuk, A.Tanev, S.Chesnokova, К.Zorina, M.Ksenzov Pls welcome back to our weekly activities. Don’t drag your own precious time. Pls join now, students.

·        #406

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:17)

To senior lecturer G. Mikeshova
In reference to the joint project, have you already completed your part or is it still underway? Thank you

·        #405

Tkach Vitalik KA-211* (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:09)


Today I read an article about a new cellular form of logistics. Biophysicists have shown that a phenomenon known as diffusiophoresis, which can lead to a directed particle transport, can occur in biological systems. Cells must ensure that their logical schedules run smoothly so that the necessary molecular cargoes are delivered on time. In order to analyze the transport mechanism in greater detail, the team turned to cargoes that composed of DNA origami, and could be anchored to the membrane. This will help them create molecular structures of various sizes and shapes. With the aid of theoretical analyzes group went on to identify the underlying transport mechanism as diffusiophoresis—the directed motion of particles along a concentration gradient. With these results, the team has demonstrated the involvement of a purely physical form of transport based on diffusiophoresis in a biological pattern-forming system.
2) 1. under certain assumptions - при определенных предположениях
In this situation, under certain assumptions, the solution exists and is easily implemented
2. column represents - столбец представляет
This column represents that our company has been doing well lately
3. performed with - выполняться при
this operation is performed with any device


·        #404

Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:09)

1)under certain assumptions(за певних припущень)
At the time of budget preparation, it was necessary to make certain assumptions regarding expected opening balances for the next biennium.
Під час підготовки бюджету доводилося робити певні припущення щодо очікуваного початкового сальдо наступного дворічного періоду.

2)column represents(стовпець представляє)
This column represents 2003 actual results against the "2004 medium-term financial plan".
У цій колонці представлені фактичні результати за 2003 рік, порівняно із «середньостроковим фінансовим планом на 2004 рік».

3)performed with(виконуватися при)
All tests are performed with the ignition "on."
Усі випробування проводяться при включеному запалюванні.
I have read an article "Painting with semiconductors".I think that such projects seriously expand the vision of artists on the ways of painting, which will seriously affect the art of the future.Imagine that you could paint a canvas by making the canvas itself change to a different color instead of brushing paint on it.A wide range of variations in the composition of the perovskites is possible by choosing different inks.In conclusion i want say that in principle, this is a far simpler method for applying a pattern of different perovskite semiconductors next to each other on a chip or LED

·        #403

Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:05)

1. Performed with.
This trick can be performed with lifeguards present.
Цей трюк можна виконати за наявності рятувальників.

2. Under certain assumptions.
Certain assumptions made before the examination turned out to be false.
Деякі припущення, зроблені до експертизи, виявилися хибними.

3. Column represents.
The third column represents the parameters of this washing machine.
У третьому стовпці представлені параметри цієї пральної машини.
I have read an article ''The Amazon: a paradise lost?''. The Amazon forests were an endless expanse of green. The jungle is being destroyed and burned to make way for roads, crops and cattle. Thanks to its vegetation, the Amazon basin until recently absorbed a huge amount of carbon emissions, helping to prevent climate change. Unfortunately, the forest is approaching what turns it into a savannah. Scientists say if the Amazon reaches a tipping point, instead of helping climate change, it will accelerate it.

·        #402

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:04)

To all students from subgroup MD-211 D.Brailovskiy, I.Volkov, O. Gorbatenko, A.Dvornichenko, A.Dmitrashko, K.Savitska, M.Saenko, N.Samoliuk, A.Tanev, S.Chesnokova, К.Zorina, M.Ksenzov Pls welcome back to our weekly activities. It’s high time to get started now.

·        #401

Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 25 March 2022 09:04)

1.under certain assumptions
This operation can only be performed under certain assumptions.
Ця операція може бути виконана тільки при певних допущеннях.
2. performed with
All works are performed with using this function.
Всі роботи виконуються з використанням цієї функції.
3. column represents
The column represents some data about employees
У стовпці представлені деякі дані про співробітників

I just read the article "Breakthrough Listen project releases analysis of previously detected signal". In this article we are talking about the analysis of the signal received by scientists from space. There were suggestions that this signal comes from the Proxima Centauri system, but as a result of research it was found out that this is not the case. It is interesting to find out what would happen if it was really a signal from another system, it would mean that there are some living beings there and that there is life not only in our solar system.

·        #400

Anna Belous MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 25 March 2022 08:51)

1)Performed with-
this task can be only performed with special app.
це завдання можна виконати лише за допомогою спеціального додатка.
2)Under certain assumptions-they represent a new source of information that can be used, under certain assumptions, in combination with other sources.
вони представляють нове джерело інформації, яке можна використовувати, за певних припущень, у поєднанні з іншими джерелами
3) column represents
The last column represents how big is company profit in March.
Останній стовпець показує, наскільки великий прибуток компанії в березні.

I have read an article "All-optical computing based convolutional neutral networks". Professor Xiaoyong Hu and Professor Qihuang Gong of Peking University's School of Physics propose an all-optical computing chip system based on convolutional neural networks to achieve ultrafact and ultralow-energy consumption (CNN). Photons as an information carrier give a potential alternative to processors in a computer that is all optional.
To summarize, their approach may be completely expanded to allow for parallel computing employing wavelength multiplexing in non-von Neumann architectures, paving the door for on-chip all-optical computing. In addition, this discovery will pave the way for the next generation of all-optical computer systems.

·        #399

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 25 March 2022 08:51)

To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck

·        #398

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 08:41)

To students from subgroup- MD-211. Welcome back to our weekly activities. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: pls read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Continue to work online every week. Good luck!

·        #397

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 25 March 2022 08:04)

To students from group- MD-211. Good morning! Let's get started our English today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Continue to work online every week. Good luck!

·        #396

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:08)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires réguličrement. Ils doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte, paraphraser. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!

·        #395

Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Drozhina) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:12)

I have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find unknown hidden worlds” and I have a couple of words.
Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of something big.
In my opinion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists of different specializations

1) by means of
First, the programme of State modernization sought to involve the citizenry in decision-making by means of political, administrative and fiscal decentralization.

По-перше, програма модернізації держави мала на меті залучення громадян у процес прийняття рішень шляхом політичної, адміністративної та фінансової децентралізації.

2) published in
The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.

Остання доповідь про прогрес, досягнутий у справі боротьби із соціальним відчуженням, була опублікована у лютому 2007 року.

3) the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.

Результати огляду свідчать, що основною метою переведення на периферію є скорочення витрат.

I have read the article « Research team develops new strategy for designing thermoelectric materials». Thermoelectric materials are involved in a variety of devices converting waste heat into electrical energy, as well as for solid-state refrigeration. Thermoelectric conversion is a viable means of harvesting energy to help achieve a low carbon economy. Therefore, the aim of the current project is to design new thermoelectric materials by controlling the microstructure and composition with the ultimate goal to improve the ZT factor. I believe that thermoelectric materials are a new achievement in the field of science.

·        #394

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:11)

To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Good luck.

·        #393

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:06)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment and voice message. Check the pronunciation of the following words: results, ensure. Go on working.

·        #392

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:02)

To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. The sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice should be completed. Please use Listen and Pronounce! to train your reading skills. Keep on working.

·        #391

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:51)

To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. They are quite all right. Good luck.

·        #390

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:46)

To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Check the pronunciation of the following words: read (the first sentences), agile, control, technology. Keep on working.

·        #389

Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:38)

I have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find unknown hidden worlds” and I have a couple of words.
Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of something big.
In my opinion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists of different specializations

1) by means of
First, the programme of State modernization sought to involve the citizenry in decision-making by means of political, administrative and fiscal decentralization.

По-перше, програма модернізації держави мала на меті залучення громадян у процес прийняття рішень шляхом політичної, адміністративної та фінансової децентралізації.

2) published in
The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.

Остання доповідь про прогрес, досягнутий у справі боротьби із соціальним відчуженням, була опублікована у лютому 2007 року.

3) the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.

Результати огляду свідчать, що основною метою переведення на периферію є скорочення витрат.

I have read the article « Research team develops new strategy for designing thermoelectric materials». Thermoelectric materials are involved in a variety of devices converting waste heat into electrical energy, as well as for solid-state refrigeration. Thermoelectric conversion is a viable means of harvesting energy to help achieve a low carbon economy. Therefore, the aim of the current project is to design new thermoelectric materials by controlling the microstructure and composition with the ultimate goal to improve the ZT factor. I believe that thermoelectric materials are a new achievement in the field of science.

·        #388

C. Golodetska MD-212 (T. Sirotenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:37)

1. the main objective
The main objective of the programme is to bring the youth closure to the new technology.
Основна мета програми – наблизити молодь до нових технологій.

2. by means of
The invention relates to a device for ignition or warming by means of a chemical reaction.
Винахід відноситься до пристроїв розпалювання або розігріву за допомогою хімічної реакції.

3. published in
This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
Цю фотографію можна було б опублікувати у модному журналі.

I have read the article "Smart farming: AI technologies for sustainable agriculture".
Climate change is making the work of farmers much more difficult today. Rising temperatures, declining rainfall, all of this is becoming unpredictable for ordinary agricultural workers. So researchers at the Heinrich Hertz Institute developed the "NaLamKI" project that collectes information from sensor and machine data using satellites and drones, then analyses it and help to calculate the process of necessary irrigation and fertilization.
Personally, I think that the the huge database with built-in AI will help farmers to better control the state of the agricultural crop and get stable and high results.

I have read the article "Research pair suggest global warming almost completely natural".
Australian biologist Jennifer Marohasy and computer scientist John Abbot have used a neural network that analyzes climate data over the past 2000 years. The computer learning global temperature models and then proposes predictions. So the results showed that the temperatures rising is independent of an increase in carbon dioxide content.
In conclusion, the researching means that the heat of the planet is regardless of human influence and this process is natural, therefore, after high temperatures, a colder climate awaits us, although we must take care of our environment.

·        #387

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:33)

To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Indicate the title of the article you've read in the first sentence. Don't forget to use articles. The first sentence of your review has been copied. Good luck.

·        #386

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:28)

To Novikova I., MD-213. Your comments on the article are quite all right, Inna, thank you. The mispronounced words in your voice records are "tech", "machine", "hypothesis", "wind" and "geothermal". The task with the phrases is done properly. Continue working. Best wishes.

·        #385

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:26)

I read the article "Sounds of nature are good for mental health and help protect the environment." The article says that according to new research, sounds of nature can help us recover from mental fatigue, but this power may be at risk as ecosystems deteriorate and people disconnected from the natural world. Importantly, the team's results also showed that these results can be strongly influenced by people's past experiences.
I believe that if we use nature's health benefits in the future, we must ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have a positive experience with the natural world today and not destroy nature.

·        #384

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:25)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Try to express your own opinion on the problem. Keep on working.

·        #383

·        Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:21)

To Anichenko V.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Read your sentences with the phrases only in English. Please don't copy sentences from the article, use your own words. Go on working.

·        #382

Buyanova Eva MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:18)

The platform was elevated by means of hydraulic legs.
Платформа поднималась с помощью гидравлических опор.

The main objective of any political action.

First published in 1980.
Впервыеопубликованов 1980 году.
I have read the article about how Facebook collects and sells user data.
Despite all the public appearances of Mark Zuckerberg, in which he assures that Facebook will never again be associated with scandals and data leaks, every new week the international social network makes headlines.
It seems to me that the idea of using Facebook as an espionage tool is not new. Earlier, the US Department of Justice admitted that it began to train personnel to use social networks to collect evidence against someone. With more complete user data, Facebook can better target marketing messages. But as for me this practice, if it really exists, is an outrageous violation of privacy rights.

I have read the article about climate change.
The problem of global climate change is increasingly capturing the attention of the world. Its change is influenced by many factors, with recent pores being the most likely. Fuel burning, deforestation, rising concentrations of carbon dioxide, all this is noticeable in changes in the atmosphere. The consequences of climate change include improved drought, improved fires, rising sea levels, melting polar ice, and so on. Climate change affects all countries. It ends with frequent cases and severe cases on the life and health of people. Sea levels are rising and weather patterns are becoming more severe.

·        #381

Tarchinskiy D. MD-213(Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:13)

I have read the article «Time is running out to counteract global climate change»

I think what happens with our planet it is terrible. To tell the truth, all of us obviously know about problems which happen with our planet. Everyone thinks that they are not influencing on the situation, but that's not true.

To sum up, I want to say that it is not some country question, is a matter all of our world. And I believe that each one of us is responsible for what happens. So we have to do everything we can to prevent it.

*published in
he latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.
*by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
*the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.

·        #380

Chu Hai Linh MD-212 ( Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:12)

I have read the article about new automatically spam email detecter. Research computer scientists have developed advanced computational models for automatic spam detection. However, most models need to go through large sets of email data that have been manually labeled by humans. To make learning easier, they adopted a new method that will shorten the learning time and increase efficiency in their work. Unlike other models, this increases the rate at which email spam infections are detected. In my opinion improving the algorithm that foreshadows spam, we have secured ourselves from phishing and various scammers.
1. by means of
Researchers by means of networking constitutes an essential aspect of capacity-building.
2. published in
Information about the website launch was published in Kaliningradskaya Pravda
3. the main objective
Permit me to recapitulate the main objectives and key features.


·        #379

Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:12)

1. The main goal of our trip is to find new species of animals- Головнаметанашоїподорожі пошукновихвидівтварин

2. The article he published shocked everyone- O

3. By means of tracking sharks, we learned their migratory path -
Відстежуючиакул, мидізналисяїхміграційнийшлях

I have just read the article 'A new model to automatically detect and filter spam emails'. This article is about spam emails. These are unwanted files containing advertisements, links or even computer viruses. These letters are not easy to trace. Usually programs use sorting, which is handled by the user himself. Scientists have developed a new system that can self-learn for deeper scanning. Also it will be able to classify spam and block it. I think this is an important study because it will make people's lives easier and safer.

·        #378

N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:08)

1. published in
My article published in a magazine «The time».
(Моя стаття опублікована в журналі «The Time».)
2.the main objective
Our the main objective is to achieve high results.
Нашеголовнезавдання досягтивисокихрезультатів.)
3. by means of
Tools are measured automatically by means of a digital pre-setting.

I read an article about smart home programming. Many people have smart devices in their homes that can control appliances from a distance. Smart home is popular, but in order for everything to work, the devices need to be programmed. But not every homeowner can cope with this task, so the developers have come up with a new way where there are intuitive means of communicating with a smart home. Summing up, I want to say that we live in a world where robotics has reached high peaks. The technologies that create are aimed at making life easier and better for us.

Today I read an interesting article about a manipulator that will help a person perform complex operations. Now inventors are trying to make its movements smoother and more agile. This invention will allow doctors to remotely perform complex operations or help specialists defuse a bomb at a safe distance. Summing up, I want to say that robotics is used in all types of industry, construction, everyday life, especially in the extreme spheres of human activity. The development in the field of robotics brings to mankind many new and useful technologies, making our life better and easier.

·        #377

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:05)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Please read your sentences with the phrases only in English, don't read their translation. Use Listen and Pronounce! to practise your reading. Go on working.

·        #376

Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:59)

1. The main objective of a scheduling strategy is to balance the amount of parallel work done by different agents.
Основна мета стратегії планування — збалансувати обсяг паралельної роботи, виконаної різними агентами.
2. They are published in a magazine. Вонипублікуютьсявжурналі.
3. Organizations exist by means of and as a result of these interactions.

I’ve read an article about impossibility to counteract global climate change.
The increase in emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is only one of several serious global threats to our continued existence on Earth. Scientists keep limiting gas production to decline by 3% annually until 2050 in order to reduce greenhouse effect. For this aim there is Paris Climate Agreement that aiming to keep average global temperature. The main solution, I guess, is “3-r” rule. It’s reduce, reuse and recycle. It reduce global production and power using.
In conclusion, people should remember about their consumption, “3-r” rule and taking care of the environment.

I’ve read an article about the using videos in teaching.
This article reports that educational videos are one of the most widely used resources in the world of education. Scientist analyzed students' perception of the usefulness of these audiovisual resources. The main result of the research is that videos are the resource most highly rated by students. I think that using modern technologies in teaching students helps to interest them more and improve the assimilation of educational material.
In conclusion, teachers could have a better understanding of the students' teaching experience, and identify good practices and areas for improvement.

·        #375

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:57)

I read an article titled "Why livestreamers should sell their products with a poker face - not a smile"
A new study has shown that showing positive emotions while selling a product via livestream reduces the likelihood that people will buy it.
Researchers have found that when salespeople express negative emotions, sales volume decreases. The same result was documented when the broadcast included a high level of positive emotional displays.
The seller's joy can be taken as a sign that the seller is winning the negotiation at the expense of the buyer.
External calm creates mutual understanding, which, in turn, affects sales results.

·        #374

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:56)

To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read in the first sentence. Check the pronunciation of the word 'algorithm'. Good luck.

·        #373

Novikova I. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:54)

I have read the article « Want to get things done in tech? You'll need these surprising new allies». I have an opinion on this. Tech is red hot right now, for many reasons. Keep pace with fast-emerging new domains, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies. Consider individual sectors and their potential for future growth. The demand for specific technological products, and services constantly , fluctuates according to trends in innovation. Experiment with new ideas and tech. Experimenting tests hypotheses, brings out curiosity, develops the imagination. I recommend reading this article to my friends.

·        #372

Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:52)!
I have read the article named “QUANT F car will be shown next month in Geneva”. This article is about a new electric car called QUANT F. The car is being promoted for its exceptional performance and pointing the way to the future shape of sustainable electric mobility. Engineers says that a top speed of more than 300 km/h in all-electric mode and zero emissions complete the exceptional performance of the new QUANT F. The car has a two-stage rear aerofoil, activated automatically on attaining a speed of 80 km/h. I think that the topic touched upon in this article is very interesting and relevant.
1. The main objective
The main objective of this operation was to pursue specific intelligence.
2. By means of
This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.
3. Published in
According to new research published in the journal Global Environmental Change.

·        #371

Novikova I. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:51)

I have read the article « UN report to lay out options to halt climate crisis». The UN has many interesting reports on this topic. But I want to highlight those arguments that, in my opinion, are the most effective. Changing our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy is the best way to stop using fossil fuels. These include technologies like solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal power. Switch to sustainable transport. Petrol and diesel vehicles, planes and ships use fossil fuels. Only together can we prevent the climate crisis! I recommend reading this article to my friends.
1) published in
The plan was elaborated throughout 2005 and published in April 2006.
Цей план розроблявся протягом 2005 року та був опублікований у квітні 2006 року.
2)the main objective
This task has become the main objective for 1998 of the Human Rights Field Office.
Цезавданнясталоосновноюметоюдіяльностімісцевоговідділенняправлюдинина 1998 рік.
3) by means of
Strengthening communication and collaboration among researchers by means of networking constitutes an essential aspect of capacity-building.

·        #370

Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:50)

I've read an article about the age of criminal responsibility. It is hardly ever discussed by the mainstream media or politicians. The debate often goes hand in hand with reference to homicides by children. One such case, the killing by two 10-year-olds of the toddler James Bulger in 1993, is often cited by those in favour of a low age of criminal responsibility. But this means society is willing to treat criminal children differently from other children. In my opinion, as soon as individual children fail to live up to adult perceptions, they lose their "angelic" status and are seen instead as "devils."

1. the main objective
This is the main objective of our Meeting.
2. by means of
Their main aim is to promote respect for human rights, democracy and peace by means of education and research.
3. published in
It had concluded that those annexes should be finalized and published in 2008.

·        #369

Vania Anichenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.V) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:48)

Phrases of the day practice

The main objective -
Now the main objective is world peace
Заразголовнамета мирувсьомусвіті

Published in -
опубліковано (в)
This news was published in NY Times.
Цi новини були опублiкованi у NY Times.

By means of - за допомогою.
The solution to the problem was by means of financing.


The 21st century could see a large increase in the impact of wildfires but a smaller increase in global carbon emissions from fires, suggests a machine learning study published in Nature Communications. The results can help prepare for future wildfires. Reliable forecasts of wildfires and their associated socio-economic risks are important for developing climate change coping and mitigation strategies. Historically wildfire-prone forests and savannas in Africa, northern Australia and Eastern South America may remain prone to wildfires in the 21st century.
In addition, they found that an increase in wildfire activity and socio-economic development, including the population

·        #368

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:47)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. There are some mispronounced words in your audio file: reduction, women, childcare, read (the 1st sentence). Keep on working.

·        #367

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:40)

To Martynkin V.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases. Pay attention to the third sentence (...THE study...). Check the pronunciation of the following words: rehabilitation, conduct, individuality. Keep on working.

·        #366

Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:38)!
I have read the article named “QUANT F car will be shown next month in Geneva”. This article is about a new electric car called QUANT F. The car is being promoted for its exceptional performance and for its pointing the way to the future shape of sustainable electric mobility. Engineers says that a top speed of more than 300 km/h in all-electric mode and zero emissions complete the exceptional performance of the new QUANT F. The car has a two-stage rear aerofoil, activated automatically on attaining a speed of 80 km/h. I think that the topic touched upon in this article is very interesting and relevant. I can recommend this article to everyone who is interested into cars and green energy.
1. The main objective
The main objective of this operation was to pursue specific intelligence.
2. By means of
This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars.
3. Published in
According to new research published in the journal Global Environmental Change.

·        #365

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:37)

1. Learn how to get your paper or article published in an academic journal with this free online course from SAGE.
Дізнайтеся, як опублікувати свою роботу або статтю в науковому журналі за допомогою цього безкоштовного онлайн-курсу від SAGE.
The main objective of the meeting was to discuss a framework for accelerating the implementation of the global and regional platforms for action in Africa.
Головною метою зустрічі було обговорення рамок для прискорення впровадження глобальної та регіональної платформ дій в Африці.
3.Organizations exist by means of and as a result of these interactions.

I read the article "Deep-time Digital Earth Program: Data-Driven Discovery in the Earth Sciences". The article states that geoscientists have taken on the task of elucidating the evolution of the Earth and life, unraveling the rates and mechanisms of climate change, locating natural resources, and predicting the future of the Earth , synthetic and comprehensive databases in all fields of science.
I believe that this discovery will facilitate deep data-driven discovery through an international one that provides computing power, models, methods and algorithms. However, by creating an open access data resource, it promises to understand the past, present and future of our planet in new and vivid detail.

·        #364

A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:33)

1. the main objective
The main objective of our project is the application of 3D technology to collect and analyse specific types of traces from crime scenes, namely footwear and tyre impressions.
Головнацільнашогопроєкту використання 3Д-технологіїдлязборуіаналізудеякихслідівнамісцяхзлочину, асамевідвзуттяташин.
2. published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхдослідженнябулоопублікованевжурналі Nature Microbiology.
3. by means of
In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange.
В цій техніці «чорнило» взаємодіє з «полотном» через обмін іонів.
I’ve read the article about the supposed link between videogame violence and the real-life incidents.
As the research showed, gamers are well aware that videogames are
а make-believe, and were more likely to do non-violent things in-game that weren’t accessible to them in real life. Furthermore, it’s rather real violence and inequalities that are inspiring the in-game ones than vice versa.
To my mind, though video games themselves don’t provoke violence, the gamer community as it is, especially in online gaming, often puts young people in extremely toxic environment which can actually lead to mental health problems and aggression.
I have read the article about new data-based algorithm to predict the weather.
While it still can’t truly compete with traditional prediction method based on gathering current information and solving physics equations, the usage of an AI trained on previous weather records consume far less time and computing power. The only issue is its novelty – the algorithm is simply not perfected yet.
In my opinion, such an approach might contribute to lessening pollution specifically from weather-forecasting computers. Also, the faster it predicts, the more time it may buy for people in case of some natural disaster.

·        #363

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:31)

To Karina Botsman, MD-213. Your comments on the articles are quite all right, Karina, thanks. The voice version sounds not bad but it is not at all the exact copy of what you've written, mind it please. And dont'forget to write and translate the phrases themselves before illustrating them with sentences. Go on working.

·        #362

Tkachenko Alina (MD-213) (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:30)

I’ve read an article about evolutionary changes. As far as we know, evolution is a long process. Usually, hundreds of generations had to changed to get distinctive mutation. But doctoral student Zachary Cabin and their colleagues just have identified a case of a sudden evolutionary change. In the journal Current Biology, the scientists describe a population of columbines that have lost their petals, including the characteristic nectar spurs. A drastic change caused by a mutation in a single gene. The finding adds weight to the idea that adaptation can occur in large jumps, rather than merely plodding along over extended timespans. In my opinion, this research could be very useful in studying genetics, but for me as a human, it is compelling to find out the origins of my specie.

Phrases of the day

by means of

In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange.

The main objective

The main objective of our study was to investigate whether caribou migratory behavior is associated with genetics.

published in

In a new study published in Science Advances, researchers report that a group of cone snails produces a venom compound similar to the hormone somatostatin.

·        #361

Terzi N. (MD-213) (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:28)
I have read the article about tool that lets you visualize how climate change could affect your home.The project lets you enter the address of your current home or your favorite travel destination and see what it could look like years later once climate change has taken its toll. Extreme weather events due to climate change are already impacting corners of the globe and this can lead to dire consequences. Framing the whole project, and making sure that the images were being used in essentially a productive way or a positive way—that was really, really important. I find this article very useful, because the project was developed by a group of scientists to raise awareness of the personal effects of climate change and provide a series of concrete actions.The images can be kind of eye-opening, but then you take that, and you learn about what you can do, and you learn about how you can get involved.
by means of (
1. The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of honoraria, was raised.
the main objective (
Главнаяцель )
2. Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit - has been achieved.
published in (
опубликованав )
3. This result is published in the Annalyzes of Mathematics

·        #360

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:26)

1)This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
Це фото можна було б опублікувати в модному журналі.

2)It can be made by means of a mobile phone.

3)This is the main objective of our Meeting.

Today I read an article titled "Will the COVID-19 pandemic have a lasting impact on gender inequality in the U.S. workforce?"
An analysis published in the Economic Inquir found that during the pandemic, American women with school-age children lost their jobs in greater numbers than men. The decline was due to additional childcare responsibilities as children spent more time at home due school closures.
Unfortunately, the shifts caused by the pandemic could have long-term negative effects on women's employment and pay. This has resulted in a relatively large reduction in women's employment and working hours compared to men.

·        #359

Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:21)

1. Published in
All evidence will be published in newspapers after the police investigation

2. The main objective
The main objective of their meeting is to show a new device that can help people to do homework

3. By means of
The information can be collected by means of interviewing people

Today I've read an article: "Pilot study opens new possibilities for AI to enhance cognitive performance". Nowadays we have to repeat tasks in order to learn them. It has some disadvantages as wasting much time . So there was made a new platform . This platform helps to construct the way of education that personally suited to everyone. With the use of it, people can easily learn things and don't waste time on repetitive tasks. Now researchers are trying to find if this way of studying can be used continuously.
In my opinion it will be useful if people study information in the way that suits them best


·        #358

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:21)

To Nikolova S., MD-213. Your independent practice post is quite all right, Sophia, thanks. Its audio version sounds good but for one mispronounced word, "crisis". Continue working this way. Best of luck

·        #357

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:19)

To Ditkovskya MD-213 phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian.

·        #356

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:17)

To Ditkovskya MD-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:09) This is not a comment consisting of a couple of sentences. UNACCEPTED

·        #355

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:16)

To Nikolova S., MD-213. Your comment on the article is clear and reasonable, Sofia, thanks. Its audio version sounds correct and fluent, well done. The task with the phrases is perofrmed properly. You can now proceed to commenting some article as part of your independent practice. Best of luck.

·        #354

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:14)

Lugovskoy (MD-213 Your tasks do not meet the requirements. The comments should be not more than 100 word. Phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Just satisfactory Pls submit your tasks into the Guestbook on time

·        #353

Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Sirotenko) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:13)

Phrases of the day

1) by means of -

By means of computer simulations, the team investigated systems and their properties which could not be studied in the many preceding experiments.

За допомогою комп'ютерного модулювання команда досліджувала системи та їх властивості, які неможливо було вивчити у попередніх експериментах.

2) the main objective - головнамета

The main objective of this study therefore was to develop a learning activity that integrates basketball and mathematics and examine how it might affect children's motivation in mathematics.

Таким чином, основна мета цього дослідження полягала у розробці навчального заходу, який включає баскетбол та математику та вивчає, як це може вплинути на мотивацію дітей у математиці.

3) Published in - опублікованов

The proof of concept was published in 2018 as a hot paper in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Доказ концепції було опубліковано в 2018 році як гаряча стаття в журналі Angewandte Chemie

I read the article “Computers able to mimic unique movements, finds study”. Researchers have published a study showing that we will be able to track people's unique performance profile - useful at both ends of the spectrum - from people who struggle to engage in activities during stroke rehabilitation to professional athletes who seek to improve their performance through training. To do this, a study was conducted on people using a joystick and a computer model. I believe this article provides an opportunity to use science to understand each of us, individually, with our personal strengths and limitations.

I read the article “Study: Students falling behind in math during pandemic”. NWEA scores showed that students are noticeably lagging behind in math, and most
е are progressing in reading. The results of the data, about 4.4 million students in the United States show that compared to last year, students scored an average of 5-10 points lower in mathematics. NWEA compared the academic performance of students in 2019 and 2020. The tests showed that students are progressing in mathematics, but not as fast as in a normal year. The findings confirm expectations that students are losing ground during a pandemic.

·        #352

Mykhailiuk Ditkovskya MD-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:09)

I have read an article “Research team develops new strategy for designing thermoelectric materials”.
The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) has succeeded in developing a new approach to the design of thermoelectric materials by constructing a database of electronic structure parameters correlated with materials' thermoelectric conversion properties and by a comprehensive analysis of the database.
This article will be useful for scientists.

·        #351

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:08)

To Kalmuk Stephan, MD-213. Your comment on the article is interesting, Stephan, I appreciate your point of view. But I can't listen to its audio version as the link to Vocaroo is not complete, check it and make another try to post it. The task with the phrases is performed, but lacks the phrases themselves written before the sentences. Keep on working.

·        #350

Mykhailiuk Ditkovskya MD-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:07)

By means of

When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Когда Чарльз Дарвин впервые систематизировал теорию эволюции посредством естественного отбора, он рассматривал ее как постепенный процесc.

Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.

The main objective

The main objective of our analysis was to discover a cosmic flux of magnetic monopoles, with the monopole speed in the range from 0.75 to 0.995 times the speed of light.
Основной целью нашего анализа было открытие космического потока магнитных монополей со скоростью монополя в диапазоне от 0,75 до 0,995 скорости света.

“The main objective of this research is how to distinguish the signatures of different leptoquarks at proton-proton colliders like LHC or its proposed successor," Karan says.
“Основная цель этого исследования — как различить сигнатуры разных лептокварков на протон-протонных коллайдерах, таких как LHC или его предполагаемый преемник», — говорит Каран.

Published in

This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources.
Этоисследованиебылоопубликованов Molecular Ecology Resources.

The results have been published in Physical Review C.
Результатыопубликованывжурнале Physical Review C.

I have read an article “M87 data from Event Horizon Telescope rules out the likelihood of axion particles in a specific mass range”.
A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in China and two in Germany has found that data from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) rules out the likelihood of axion particles in a specific mass range around the black hole M87. In their paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy, the group describes their analysis of data recently obtained from the EHT and what it showed about time-varying changes in the polarization's direction.
This article will be useful for everyone who is interested in astronomy.

·        #349

Botsman(MD-213) Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:03)

I have read the article "New technology makes it possible to see clearly through murky water".
It tells us about a new underwater imaging technology that improves image quality in troubled waters. Unlike the old method of polarimetric underwater photography, the new method involves using a camera that is sensitive to polarization, which makes the image better. Haofeng Hu from Tianjin University in this article talks about testing in laboratories where the new method was tested, as well as about the success in testing. This, in turn, will allow the technology to be applied in practice in the future.I liked this article because it tells about a very useful technology.

·        #348

Botsman(MD-213)Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:01)

The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.

Останній доклад про прогрес, досягнутий у справі боротьби з соціальним відчуженням, був опублікований у лютому 2007 року.

He understood that the main objective of the accelerated strategy IV was to make up for lost time.

Наскількирозумієоратор, основнацільприскореннястратегії 4 полягаєвнарощенівтраченогочасу

The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.


I have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find unknown hidden worlds” This is an interesting topic. In what framework and for what purposes did scientists decide to attract new people to their work?

Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of something big.

In conclusion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists of different specializations. Anyone with a web browser can dive right into the data and start searching for these possible hidden worlds and helping to check the best candidate planets identified on the website.

·        #347

Lugovskoy (MD-213) Mykhailyk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:00)

published in
Other documents shall be published in English unless otherwise decided by the Commission.
by means of
It is forced upon people by means of weapons and fleets of spaceships.
the main objective
This is the main objective of our Meeting.

Using Rubik's cube to improve and evaluate robot manipulation
The article deals with the research at University of Washington where a new protocol to train robots and test their performance on tasks that involve object manipulation have recently been developed. This protocol, presented in a paper published in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, is based on the Rubik's Cube, the well-known 3D combination puzzle invented by the Hungarian sculpture and architect Ernő Rubik.
It’s stated that learning to manipulate Rubik's cube can be very challenging for robots, as it involves a series of sequential movements. This means that the individual errors that a robot makes can accumulate, affecting its overall performance on the task.
The team of the scientists believe that the accumulation of errors is a key issue impacting the performance of robots in sequential manipulation tasks. As Rubik's cube involves sequential manipulation, they propose the use of the puzzle to evaluate the manipulation skills of robots and compare them to those of other robotic systems.
The protocol developed by the researches assesses both a robot's speed and accuracy in completing Rubik's cube. As part of their study, the researchers demonstrated its potential and applicability in a series of tests.
In the first test, they used it to evaluate two baseline algorithmic techniques for improving a robot's manipulation skills, using PR2, a robotic platform designed by Willow Garage. Subsequently, the team outlined a series of steps that would allow another renowned robot, called Herb, to complete Rubik's cube. This confirmed that their protocol can be applied to a variety of robotic platforms.
In the future, the protocol devised by the researches could be used to evaluate different computational methods to enable robot manipulation and compare their speed, accuracy, and overall effectiveness. In addition, the team's initial findings suggest that the protocol generalizes well across a variety of robotic platforms.

Bionic wing flaps improve wind energy efficiency
The article states that wind energy relies on efficient wind turbine blades, which act as airfoils, structures akin to an airplane wing. Air flow control accessories similar to those found in aircraft improve the turbine blade's aerodynamic performance.
Scientists from China show a bionic approach combining features of a seagull's wing with an engineered flow control accessory, known as a Gurney flap, can greatly improve wind turbine performance.
A Gurney flap is a small tab projecting at right angles from the trailing edge of a wing. Its presence disturbs wind flow patterns and is especially effective at improving performance at low angles of attack. In aerodynamics, the angle of attack is the angle between a line through the center of an aircraft wing and the oncoming flow of air.
Although Gurney flaps improve performance of airfoils at low attack angles, they are not ideal for large angles of attack. Research has shown although Gurney flaps can significantly improve the performance of wind turbines in some situations, the turbine speed will be reduced.
Bionic flow control is a relatively new approach that imitates biological flight control systems—in other words, wings and feathers. The idea comes from the observation that during landing or in a gust of wind, the feathers on the top of a bird's wings will pop out, creating a natural flap.
The scientists insist that to achieve the best aerodynamic performance, the scientists simulated the use of the combined flow control accessory in a variety of situations, including high and low angle of attack and pre- and post-stall scenarios. They compared their computational simulations to experimental results for an aircraft wing undergoing a dynamic stall.

·        #346

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:59)

To Genova Ksenia, MD-213. Your comment on the article is quite all right, Ksenia, though it could have been more detailed. The audio version sounds good. The task with the phrases is correct but please don't forget to post the phrases themselves before the sentences. Now you can post the comment on the article of your independent pt\ractice. Keep on working. Best wishes.

·        #345

Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:56)
I have read the article: "Researchers reveal how to turn a global warming liability into a profitable food security solution". Climate change represents the most serious crisis of our time, and it is happening even faster than we thought. Nevertheless, in the face of this global threat, we are by no means powerless. This will require transformations in all aspects of society - in the way we grow food, use land, transport goods and produce energy in our countries. Today, more than 70 percent of emissions can already be reduced thanks to ready-to-use technological developments. This article was very interesting, so I will recommend it to my friends.

·        #344

Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:54)

the main objective -головнамета

Solar Orbiter is returning to Earth for a flyby before starting its main science mission to explore the sun and its connection to 'space weather." Solar Orbiter
повертаєтьсянаЗемлюдляобльотупередпочаткомсвоєїосновноїнауковоїмісіїздослідженняСонцятайогозвязкуз «космичноюпогодою».

published in -

This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources. Tuebingen and AB are the two most common laboratory zebrafish strains.
Цедослідженнябулоопублікованов Molecular Ecology Resources. Tuebingen і AB єдвоманайпоширенішимилабораторнимиштамиданио.

by means of -

When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
I have read the article: "Why ten-year-old children should not be held criminally responsible". When you are 10 years old and you are British, the law seriously restricts your rights. But when it comes to murder, ten-year-olds are tried like adults.
But can a person at such a young age understand what murder is? Are they capable of taking responsibility for their actions?
Since 1995, over 7,000 children aged 10 to 14 have been brought before the courts in England and Wales.
The UN has repeatedly stated that such a low age of criminal responsibility violates the rights of children. While in China and North Korea, children under 14 cannot be tried as adults. This article was very interesting, so I will recommend it to my friends.

·        #343

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:50)

To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. It's time to start working. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages and sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice. Good luck.

·        #342

Tkachenko Alina MD-213 (Drozhzhina ) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:49)

I’ve read an article about painting with semiconductors. Scientists have developed a reactive ink that can be painted on an equally reactive canvas. The painting consist of of lead carbonate (the canvas) and methylammonium bromide (the ink).The ink reacts with the material on the canvas to become a semiconductor that emits green light. A wide range of variations in the composition of the perovskites is possible by choosing different inks. The patterns can be created very accurately: drops of ink just a few micrometers in size also yield dots just a few micrometers in size. This means that these art could be very diverse.
Personal I am fascinated with this research, it proofs that the beautiful art is closely linked with beautiful mind.

Phrases of the day

by means of -
посредством, спомощью

By means of computer simulations, the team investigated systems and their properties which could not be studied in the many preceding experiments.

С помощью компьютерного моделирования команда исследовала системы и их свойства, которые невозможно было изучить в предыдущих экспериментах.

the main objective - главнаяцель

The main objective of this study therefore was to develop a learning activity that integrates basketball and mathematics and examine how it might affect children's motivation in mathematics.

Таким образом, основная цель этого исследования заключалась в разработке учебного мероприятия, которое включает баскетбол и математику и изучает, как это может повлиять на мотивацию детей в математике.

Published in - опубликованов

The proof of concept was published in 2018 as a hot paper in the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

Доказательство концепции было опубликовано в 2018 году в качестве горячей статьи в журнале Angewandte Chemie.


I’ve read an article about internal clock of the fruit fly. As far as we know, most living organisms have an internal clock which, among other things, controls the sleep-wake rhythm. The internal rhythm lasts approximately one day (circadian), i.e. about 24 hours, and is regulated by means of various clock genes. There is also permanent coordination with factors such as light and temperature for synchronizing the internal clock with the external day-night rhythm. But the scientist find out in the Drosophila melanogaster fruit fly that a certain ion transport protein (KCC) plays a role in regulating circadian rhythms by means of light. The protein known as Quasimodo is involved in the regulation of the internal clock of the fruit fly. It is part of the cell membrane and helps to pass on light signal as external regulators and trigger an internal molecular regulatory cascade. As a person with insomnia it’s very useful for me to understand processes of sleep, and I am also glad that at least the fruit fly could sleep well.

Phrases of the day

by means of -
посредством, спомощью

Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.


the main objective -

The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries through international and interdisciplinary collaborations

Основнаяцель DDE заключаетсявсодействииоткрытиям, основаннымнаглубокомизученииданных, посредствоммеждународногоимеждисциплинарногосотрудничества.

Published in -

Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology

Ихисследованиебылоопубликовановжурнале Nature Microbiology (ПриродаМикробиология)

·        #341

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:48)

To Group MD-213. Good morning everybody! Our lesson is about to start and I am ready to check your comments, audio records and the task with the phrases. Your independent practice may be accomplished here as well. Good luck.

·        #340

Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Drozhzhina I.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:46)
I have read an article named “Human activity decreases survival rates of injured or displaced wildlife, meta-analysis finds”. This article tells about factors affecting the survival of wildlife. The University of Sydney researchers found that incidents such as motor vehicle collisions and domestic animal attacks account for nearly half of the reported causes of wildlife death. There are also 5 factors that affect the likelihood of survival of animals: event such as oil spill or fire, individual animal factors, intervention, habitat, nearby people and pets. I can recommend this article to everyone who is interested in the life of wild animals and human influence on it.
1. The main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
2. By means of
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology domain.
3. Published in
This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources.

·        #339

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:45)

To Novikova I. MD-213 There are some mistakes (tautology) .avoid writing to suggest sb should read this article-this can hardly be referred to a conclusion. Just 68 points.

·        #338

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:40)

To Botsman (MD-213) Thank you This time you’ve done it better. But try to look it through before you submit the comment into the Guestbook. Just 78 points in general

·        #337

Botsman (MD-213)Mykhailyk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:35)

The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.

Останній доклад про прогрес, досягнутий у справі боротьби з соціальним відчуженням, був опублікований у лютому 2007 року.

He understood that the main objective of the accelerated strategy IV was to make up for lost time.

Наскількирозумієоратор, основнацільприскореннястратегії 4 полягаєвнарощенівтраченогочасу

The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.


I have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find unknown hidden worlds” This is an interesting topic. In what framework and for what purposes did scientists decide to attract new people to their work?

Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of something big.

In conclusion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists of different specializations. Anyone with a web browser can dive right into the data and start searching for these possible hidden worlds and helping to check the best candidate planets identified on the website.

·        #336

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:34)

To Novikova I. MD-213 Task 1 . Think about the conclusion and go deeper into the analysis. Also try to make up your own sentences. Just 70 points. Task2 is 70points. Pls look up in the dictionary to know how to pronounce some words :materials, economy. Pls train your pronunciation before you make records of your comment. Try to work hard to get better results.

·        #335

Kalmuk Stephan MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:31)

I read the article ''The challenge of humor in the workplace for women"
This article discusses the topic of humor, which made me very interested as a reader. I love humor and consider it an important aspect in the life of every person, because humor can greatly simplify life. Specifically, in this article, humor of men and women is compared, moments of wailing their statuses. And as a result, we received a more negative reaction about women. I believe that humor should have the status of '' independent "and the fact that everyone can use it is the most The main thing is to try to do it appropriately and competently.
As a conclusion, one can understand that it is very important for a modern person to have a sense of humor.

Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit - has been achieved.
Таким образом, основная цель процесса структурной перестройки - избежать какого бы то ни было дефицита - достигнута.
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
Этаболеепоздняяработабылатакжеопубликованав Annals of Mathematics.
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of honoraria, was raised.
Был поднят и вопрос о вознаграждении участников, например посредством выплаты гонораров.

·        #334

Novikova I. MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:26)

I have read the article «What is 3G and why is it being shut down? An electrical engineer explains». 3G is the third generation of wireless mobile telecommunications technology. Why are 3G networks being phased out? As mobile carriers seek to upgrade their networks to use the latest technologies, they periodically shut down older services, such as 3G, to free up spectrum and infrastructure to support new services, such as 5G. I believe that progress should not stand still. Rejecting the old, we acquire the new. This is the essence of modern progress.I recommend reading this article to my friends.

·        #333

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:23)

To Botsman K.(MD-213) Task1 just satisfactory, pls translate into Ukrainian. Task 2 has a problem with the style . Pls avoid writing in your comment sentence like “ and I have a couple of words.”.The conclusion should derive from the contents of the article. Just 62 points. Try to work hard to get better results, pls.

·        #332

Drozhzhina to Terzi Natalia (MD-213) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:21)

Your independent practice is quite well, continue working.

·        #331

Drozhzhina to Terzi N.(MD-213) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:19)

Your comment is too long! It is much more than 100 words. Please write the phrase before the sentence, and don't forget about independent practice.

·        #330

Terzi Natalia (MD-213) Drozhzhina (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:17)

(independent practice)
I have read the article about how the artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help. This study provided information on student performance to provide them with the support they need before it is too late. With in-person classes not possible due to the pandemic, the main goal is to develop a method to improve distance learning that will allow teachers to identify students who are in danger of failing so that they, as well as the students themselves, can enhance their learning process. Furthermore, artificial intelligence and its predictions can also help detect possible plagiarism.This article is very useful because this study supports the sustainable development goal and quality education.

·        #329

Novikova I. MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:15)

I have read the article « Research team develops new strategy for designing thermoelectric materials». Thermoelectric materials are involved in a variety of devices converting waste heat into electrical energy, as well as for solid-state refrigeration. Thermoelectric conversion is a viable means of harvesting energy to help achieve a low carbon economy. Therefore, the aim of the current project is to design new thermoelectric materials by controlling the microstructure and composition with the ultimate goal to improve the ZT factor. I believe that thermoelectric materials are a new achievement in the field of science.
1) published in
The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.
Остання доповідь про прогрес, досягнутий у справі боротьби із соціальним відчуженням, була опублікована у лютому 2007 року.
2) the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
Результати огляду свідчать, що основною метою переведення на периферію є скорочення витрат.
3) by means of
First, the programme of State modernization sought to involve the citizenry in decision-making by means of political, administrative and fiscal decentralization.
По-перше, програма модернізації держави мала на меті залучення громадян у процес прийняття рішень шляхом політичної, адміністративної та фінансової децентралізації.

·        #328

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:13)

To Genova Ksenia MD-213 just very good . Some lexis mistakes. When you write “to sum it up= I can conclude ...” Keep on working hard.

·        #327

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:06)

Nikolova S. MD-213 second comment based on the article has no appropriate conclusion.
Just 60 points. Invite other students to join our activities please

·        #326

Terzi N.(MD-213) (Drozhzhina) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:04)
I have read the article about research that reveals how experience with climate-related disasters affects willingness to take and accept protective actions. Residents of Florida, Texas and California often suffer from natural disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods.
Because it happens all too often, it also has an emotional, social and economic impact on people's lives. Power outages to reduce the risk of wildfires can also affect health and normal daily activities by making it impossible to use certain home medical equipment. Wong-Parodi suggests that utilities work with local community organizations to provide timely communications that provide resources to support home training and possible service substitutes such as backup generators.This article is very useful because research clearly shows that effective adaptation requires a better understanding of how people assess risks and worry about the threat of extreme events, given their personal experience, their concerns about possible interventions.
by means of (
1. When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
the main objective (
Главнаяцель )
2. If you use an objective lens with a higher numerical aperture, you can collect more light.
published in
3. Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.

·        #325

Genova Ksenia (S.Mykhailiuk) MD-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:04)

I'm sorry, I was wrong. My last letter was to you

I have read the article about sounds of nature that are good for mental health and help protect the environment. This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider nature is very much interconnected with man. When we go outside and hear the rustling of leaves and the singing of birds, we begin to feel less anxious. Everything that is happening to the ecosystem now also affects us. When nature feels good and safe, we feel similarly.
To sum up, we can conclude from the article that nature heals us and our minds. So we alone are responsible for the state of nature.

·        #324

Botsman K.(MD-213)Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:59)

The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in February 2007.

Последний доклад о прогрессе, достигнутом в деле борьбы с социальным отчуждением, был опубликован в феврале 2007 года.

He understood that the main objective of the accelerated strategy IV was to make up for lost time.

Насколько понимает оратор, основная цель ускоренной стратегии IV заключается в наверстывании упущенного времени.

The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.


I have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find unknown hidden worlds” and I have a couple of words.

Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and help to search for extrasolar planets. Many who enjoy astronomy and stargazing from their backyard telescope can jump in and feel like they're part of something big.

In my opinion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists of different specializations

·        #323

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:55)

To Nikolova S. MD-213 task 1 is good, one mistake in translation. Task2 . There’s no conclusion in your comment. Pls avoid writing your emotional attitude towards the article. You need to write the conclusion that comes from the contents. Just 60 points this time .

·        #322

Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:49)

1. The main purpose of our study was to investigate whether caribou migratory behavior is associated with genetics.
Основною метою нашого дослідження було дослідити, чи пов’язана міграційна поведінка карібу з генетикою.
2. The main focus is on weaning the global economy of fossil fuels and moving to low- or zero-carbon sources of energy, from solar and wind to nuclear, hydro and hydrogen.
Основнаувагазосередженанавідключеннісвітовоїекономікивідвикопногопаливатапереходінаджерелаенергіїзнизькимабонульовимвмістомвуглецю, відсонячноїтавітровоїдоядерної, водноїтаводневої.
3. Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
4. When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
5. Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy, the entropy and the enthalpy of protein folding.
Теперстаття, опублікованавжурналі Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), впершевизначаєрівніенергії, ентропіїтаентальпіїзгортаннябілка.
6. In a new study published in Science Advances, researchers report that a group of cone snails produces a venom compound similar to the hormone somatostatin.
Уновомудослідженні, опублікованомув Science Advances, дослідникиповідомляють, щогрупаконусоподібнихравликіввиробляєотруту, подібнудогормонусоматостатину.

I have read the article about humor in the workplace for women. This topic is interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider humor is more complicated than we think. People spend years learning oratory, humor, and charm. Some people find it effortless and easy. In the article, we see how many women make jokes and face problems in the office. Much depends on the status of the person. And also, when a man jokes, his jokes are more loyal to those around him.
To sum up, his research amplifies the fact that we even have inherent biases that influence how we view people who are using humor.

·        #321

Nikolova S. MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:48)
I have read the article: "Sounds of nature benefit mental health and promote environmental protection". For a long time, mankind had empirical knowledge about the effects of sound and noise on body functions, and only recently the science of audiology began to deal with this seriously and responsibly. Sound is just a vibration that has a strong effect on the brain, and through it on the human body. A sound field is a region of space in which sound waves propagate and energy is transferred. The sounds of nature could help us recover from mental fatigue, but this power may be under threat as ecosystems decline and people disconnect from the natural world. This article was very interesting, so I will recommend it to my friends.

·        #320

Nikolova S. MD-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:46)

published in -опубликованав

Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy, the entropy and the enthalpy of protein folding.
Теперстаття, опублікованавжурналі Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), впершевизначаєрівніенергії, ентропіїтаентальпіїзгортаннябілка.

by means of -посредством

This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology domain, where the middle region binds to CK2, thus preventing it from phosphorylating PTEN. Цей білок локалізується на плазматичній мембрані за допомогою домену гомології цитронів, де середня область зв’язується з CK2, таким чином запобігаючи його фосфорилированию PTEN.

the main objective -головна мета

The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries through international and interdisciplinary collaborations. Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
I have read the article: "Where does gold come from?—New insights into element synthesis in the universe".
Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of New Hampshire have said that neutron star mergers have produced more heavy elements over the past 2.5 billion years than mergers between neutron stars and black holes. But scientists later captured the gravitational waves released by the neutron star merger and found signatures of heavy elements in them. The amount of gold that emerged from the merger was several times greater than the mass of the Earth. That is, binary neutron stars are more efficient in the formation of heavy elements than supernovae. This article was very interesting, so I will recommend it to my friends.

·        #319

S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:22)

To all students from MD-213 welcome back to our weekly activities on our website. I’m waiting for your comments, phrases of the Day with the sentences and voice record msgs.

·        #318

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 14:41)

Zelinskiy Danya KI-212 Thank you for your active work in Guestbook!
Please invite your classmates to join our discussion.

·        #317

Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 14:20)

Comment: 3
Yamagata University introduce a strategy to restore their low electrical resistance. They also explore the underlying reduction mechanism, paving the way for a more fundamental understanding of the workings of all-solid-state lithium batteries.All-solid-state lithium batteries have become the new craze in materials science and engineering as conventional lithium-ion batteries can no longer meet the standards for advanced technologies, such as electric vehicles, which demand high energy densities, fast charging, and long cycle lives. All-solid-state batteries, which use a solid electrolyte instead of a liquid electrolyte found in traditional batteries, not only meet these standards but are comparatively safer and more convenient as they have the possibility to charge in a short time.


·        #316

Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 13:39)

In this article, an engineer explains why the world stops working with 3G Internet and switches to 5G. In order to make it easier to explain, the engineer took as an example a sheet on which you write a letter to 100 friends. In order to highlight all friends separately, you need to use colored pens. each friend has special glasses that see only the color allocated specifically for him. But suddenly you don’t have enough color in the pen and you start mixing them to get the desired color, the friend’s glasses do not recognize the resulting color well. Thus, the engineer tries to explain that 3G and 5G are different signals that interfere with each other. I think that the creator of the article did a good job of explaining the reasons for the termination of 3G


·        #315

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:23)

To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 You forgot again about voice recording. I can't accept this work.

·        #314

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:21)

To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 Thank you for your informative review on the article of the day.

·        #313

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:16)

Zelinskiy Danya KI-212
Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases, well done.

·        #312

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:15)

Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212, Thank you for your answer. I am glad that you like this article.

·        #311

Zelinskiy Danya(KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:08)

I read an article about artificial intelligence that is able to recreate a picture of the future of the earth. Artificial intelligence is able to show the future of the place you choose, it can not only be the place where you live, but also the place you are going to go to.In addition to this project, there is another project that reads climate change. The projects were created for personal consequences for climate change. I think that artificial intelligence is quite an interesting topic and prediction is far from the worst application of AI


·        #310

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 11:30)

To Ditkovskya Sofia, MD-213. Your comments are quite all right, Sofia, thanks. Just mind "I have read THE article". Keepon working andtry to do your classwork at the lesson according to the timetable. Best wishes.

·        #309

Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 11:29)

Phrases of the day:
1.well justified - Culling native species for conservation needs to be well justified—and legal.
2.under certain assumptions - However, this method, like all its predecessor statistical approaches, rests on certain assumptions.Однако этот метод, как и все предшествующие ему статистические подходы, опирается на определенные допущения.
3.turns out that - It turns out that it's possible to distinguish between conspiracy theories and true conspiracies by using machine learning tools to graph the elements and connections of a narrative.Оказывается, можно отличить теории заговора от настоящих заговоров, используя инструменты машинного обучения для графического отображения элементов и связей повествования.


·        #308

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 11:20)

To Kalmuk Stephan, MD-213. Your comments are both informative and interesting, Stephan, thanks. Don't forget to add the translation of the sentences in the task with the phrases. Keep on working and try to stick to the timetable. Best wisshes.

·        #307

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 11:05)

To Group KI-211. Good afternoon everybody! I am ready to check your comments, audio records and phrases. Good luck!

·        #306

Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 10:42)

1. "well justified" Culling native species for conservation needs to be well justified—and legal.
2. "turns out that" It turns out that the separator plays an outsized role in how safe a battery is, no matter the stability of its electrode.
3. "under certain assumptions" The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a certain assumption.
Today, I have read an article named "What is 3G and why is it being shut down? An electrical engineer explains".
The work tells us about telecommunications carriers turning off their 3G networks despite the fact some older internet-connected systems like home security, car navigation and entertainment systems, and solar panel modems are 3G-specific.
Electrical engineer who studies wireless communications explain that bearing the cost of operating two separate networks at the same time for the same purpose is just a job at your own expense.
The article will be entertaining for people interested in new technologies.

·        #305

Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 09:20)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires réguličrement. Ils doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte, paraphraser. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!

·        #304

Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:49)

Today I have read the article named "Engineers develop a 'magnetic tentacle robot' to pass into the narrow tubes of the lung".The robot which can reach some of the smallest bronchial tubes in the lungs has been developed at the STORM Lab at the University of Leeds in England.Currently, doctors use an instrument called a bronchoscope to look at the lungs and airways, but this instrument is difficult to control.The robot with a magnetic tentacle will greatly facilitate the treatment of the lungs owing to the control with a magnet from the outside.A very interesting article, as for me, a person who is interested in new discoveries in medicine.

article -
voice -

1) turns out that - Виявляється, що

It turns out that the girl who claimed to work for a modeling agency was just a pretender - Виявляється, дівчина, яка заявила, що працює в модельному агентстві, була просто самозванкою.

2) under certain assumptions - за певних умов

If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.- Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний капітал міг вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що, за певних умов, вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного кредиту повинні бути однаковими.

3) well justified - цілкомвиправдано

This effort has somewhat increased the content of the report,but this is an increase that is well justified. -
Цізусиллядещорозширилизмістзвіту, алецезбільшенняєцілкомвиправданим

·        #303

Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:42)

Today I read an article on information shock to make sure that companies understand that music is changing. The music industry has been through the technological upheaval of digitization for 20 years. the first was when people learned to download material from the Internet, and not transfer it to physical drives. the second is streaming from content ownership to ownership, directory access. Billboard is the benchmark of the American music industry. On March 24, 2012, the magazine will include its streaming broadcast in its ranking. it was thanks to this action that led to the information shock that the companies saw what the consumer needed.
2)1. Turns out that - Оказывается, что
2. Well justified - Вполне оправданными
3. Under certain assumptions - При определенных условиях

·        #302

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:36)

To Antonenko Nikolaiy KA-211 Use present perfect in the first sentence. Keep working.

·        #301

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:33)

To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Thanks for the work. Well done.

·        #300

Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:31)

2. Today I have read an article, that is called "Bionic wing flaps improve wind energy efficiency". Nowadays, alternative energy sources can play a huge role in our world. However, one of the biggest problems is the low efficiency.
In wind farms, efficiency depends on the aerodynamics of the blades. Scientists from China show a bionic approach combining features of a seagull's wing with an engineered flow control accessory, known as a Gurney flap, can greatly improve wind turbine performance. Through research, scientists have indeed proven that this method improves the lift coefficient of the airfoil. I believe that this small step will help humanity switch to alternative energy sources.
Articles of the day:
1. well justified- цілком виправданими
He could so easily have uttered a few careless words of well-justified criticism and possibly discouraged me for life.
2. turns out that-виявляється, що
It turns out he was a friend of the da Vinci family and has known the artist all his life.
3. under certain assumptions -за певних припущень
Under certain assumptions, the global smooth solvability is obtained.

·        #299

Antonenko Nikolaiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:23)

I read the article New Research on Small-scale Renewable Energy Sources Can Lead to Power Outages. The researchers discovered that the renewable energy stored in household batteries is only used to reduce the cost of electricity in the home and to reduce the risk of death. They advise scheduling power delivery from these batteries to improve grid resilience.
The main issue is the degree of variability in the supply of small-scale renewable energy. To overcome this, intelligently schedule the release of stored PV energy from household batteries at specific times. This will result in much better control and a lower risk of system failure.

read some case studies of special schools that provide a variety of study assistance activities.

·        #298

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:22)

To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Mind the spelling : I HAVE READ...

·        #297

Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:11)

Recently i rad an interesting article called «The 'hot hand' is a real basketball phenomenon, but only some players have these basket-making streaks” Nowadays, basketball is one of the most popular sports and it has its own phenomena. One of them is called "hot hand". This phenomenon is characteristic of players who score balls into the rings many times in a row, scoring points for the team. However, as studies show, such a phenomenon is rare for basketball players, few of whom fans appropriated this. In addition, for many it is not clear, the players who reached such a title did it by chance, or is it just an illusion? It is important to note that having a hot hand doesn’t mean that any player can suddenly hit the ball from anywhere on the court. Often basketball players scored in a row from one place, thereby gaining points.In this way, we can say that this phenomenon is quite interesting and unusual. And to me, as a non-basketball fan, it is certainly not fully understood.

Articles of the day:
1. well justified- цілком виправданими
On the face of it, these moves appear to be well justified, given the mayhem created by poorly regulated banks in the major financial centers
На перший погляд ці кроки здаються цілком виправданими, враховуючи хаос, створений банками, що погано регулюються, у великих фінансових центрах.

2. turns out that-виявляється, що
Turns out that there is still huge unlocked potential.
Виявляється, що й досі залишається величезний невикористаний потенціал.

3. under certain assumptions -за певних припущень
If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний капітал міг би вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що за певних припущень вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного плеча повинні бути однаковими.

·        #296

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 07:14)

To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 I am glad that you found the article useful. Don't forget to write translation of the sentences with phrases of the day.

·        #295

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 06:58)

To КА-211 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to attach the link of your article

·        #294

Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 05:20)

Today I have read the article "This AI tool lets you visualize how climate change could affect your home".
After reading it, I was surprised how advanced our technology is. Scientists are great fellows who were able to visualize climate change and cataclysms that sooner or later will overtake our planet. The article said that if we don't start taking care of our planet, then soon cataclysms will begin to appear more often, but I doubt that we (people) are somehow connected with this. I think that climate change doesn't depend on us, and nature itself decides when and how to do it. Also, scientists said that global warming is now due to the fact that we throw garbage into the oceans, but I don't think that's true. Wait and see.
I liked the article very much. It simply provides information that is easy to understand. And also, everything is informative and you can learn a lot.

1. turns out that - оказывается, что
But it turns out that when a flood happens, for example, people tend not to stick around.
2. under a certain assumptions - при определённых условиях
The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a certain assumption.
3. well justified - вполне оправданный
Culling native species for conservation needs to be well justified - and legal.

·        #293

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 22:42)

To Vlad Shevchenko-group-KD- 211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are complete and informative.The audio recording sounds fluently. Please, check the pronunciation of the following words:"microelectrodes; typically; chemicals; multiply etc." Would you consult a dictionary. " ..the article I've read " Will you write the phrases before the examples. Continue to work online each week. All the best !

·        #292

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 22:09)

To Anastasia Romanenko group- KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinian on the article you've read, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. Your voice record is not bad, but read the text more distincly. Would you consult a dictionary. Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. Will you write the phrases before the examples. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes!

·        #291

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 21:29)

To Shvets O.O.-group-KD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. Your voice record is not bad, but mind pronunciations of separate words: " analized; potentially; required; harmful; high temperature; quality; chemical etc. " Would you consult a dictionary.The sentences with the phrases of the day practice meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online every week. Good luck !

·        #290

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 19:57)

Faster air exchange in buildings not always beneficial for coronavirus levels (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Faster air exchange in buildings not always beneficial for coronavirus levels”. This article describe about how different methods of air exchange in buildings have effects of coronavirus levels. The study suggests that, in a multiroom building, rapid air exchanges can spread the virus rapidly from the source room into other rooms at high concentrations. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who interested in building an health protection.

·        #289

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 19:56)

New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions”. This article describe about how scientist made geothermal power plant more еffective by natural refrigerants or hydrofluoroolefins. If natural refrigerants or hydrofluoroolefins (HFO) – these are novel organic compounds made of hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon—are used instead of the fluids that have been common up to now, CO2 emissions arising from power generation can be significantly reduced," says Heberle, who has been researching the optimized use of geothermal energy as a sustainable energy source at the Engineering Thermodynamics & Transport Processes (LTTT) research group for many years. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who interested in alternative energy sources.

·        #288

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Gvozd (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 19:56)
multiple levels: Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
Home" був центральним у їхньому житті, і робітничий клас розумів простір на декількох рівнях.
when compared: Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly.
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з авіакомпаніями, які безпосередньо продають.
case studies: New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions.
Нове тематичне дослідження показує потенціал геотермальної енергії для скорочення викидів вуглецю.

·        #287

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 19:32)

To Perepelytsyn Danylo- group-KD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informtive and grammatically correct. Would you read the text more distincly. Mind pronunciations of separate words "comfortable; en'viarment etc." Will you write the phrases of the day practice before the examples. Rember that the title of the article should be written in bold type. Keep on working online every week. Good luck!

·        #286

Velikov Vlad KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 15:38)

Velikov Vlad KI-211
The case study - The case study has come to the conclusion that the CO 2 emissions of a geothermal power plant used exclusively for electricity generation depend to more than one third on the working medium used.

When compared -Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly.

Multiple levels -Redundancy, as seen in federations with their multiple levels of government, is actually a plus when it comes to crisis response.
Today I have read the article”Research suggests the strength of democracy in times of crisis” This article talks about The coronavirus pandemic proved to be a real-time experiment for political scientists such as Binghamton University Professor Olga Shvetsova. As the pandemic unfolded in the summer of 2020, Shvetsova and her COVID-19 Policy Response Lab compiled a massive database comparing pandemic-related governmental policies in 75 countries on both the national and subnational levels.
The database inspired multiple articles, including one Shvetsova had published in a medical journal, and a forthcoming book.In conclusion, I want to say that this article was very interesting and useful, I advise it to everyone as it reveals a modern problem.
Today I have read the article “Researchers propose new fix for Texas power vulnerabilities” This article talks about One year after winter storms crippled Texas's electricity grid, contributing to more than 200 deaths, a Cornell University-led analysis recommends contracting improvements to reduce decentralized energy markets' vulnerability to rare events. Such "energy-only" markets rely on investors to anticipate demand for all conditions and build appropriate resiliency into the system. They allow prices to soar during extreme events to incentivize preparedness.
But in Texas, where Winter Storm Uri caused catastrophic blackouts over five consecutive days of frigid temperatures, the crisis revealed the market's failure to manage risk as designed, says Jacob Mays, assistant professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell. In conclusion, I want to say that this article was very informative and from it I learned about the catastrophe, I advise it not to everyone, but only to those who are interested in this topic.

·        #285

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 15:13)

To Vietiev Ivan -group-KD-211. Thanks for your comment on the article of the day, voice message and the work with the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are complete and informative. I appreciate your independent practice. Please , pay attention to your pronunciation and the language melody. "The article also tells..." The sentences with the phrases of the day practice meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online every week. All the best !

·        #284

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:50)

To Filimonova A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read next time. Check the pronunciation of the following words: qualified, company, pleasing. Good luck.

·        #283

Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:21)

Case studies
Their task was to conduct case studies by the end of the month. Їх завданням було провести тематичні дослідження до кінця місяця.

When compared
When compare the grades, you can see that last year he studied better. Якщо порівняти оцінки, то можна зрозуміти що минулого року він вчився краще.

Multiple levels
For achieve the dream, you need to go through multiple levels. Щоб досягти мрії, потрібно пройти кілька рівнів.
New research analyzes video game player engagement
I think video games are one of the popular ways to get distracted, relax, and just like many people to play. And I found out that there was a study that was devoted to the behavior of gamers during the game, for this they studied the data of 1319 gamers. And here's what we found out. It turns out that gamers with high, medium, and low levels of engagement respond differently and have different motivations, such as a sense of accomplishment or a need for a challenge. The researchers also found that given the state of player engagement and motivation, this not only increases usage, but also leads to higher revenue for game companies. I think this is a very interesting study.
Teachers are important people in our lives, because thanks to them we have learned a lot. Everyone had their favorite subject at school, for example, I loved physical education. And so I learned that the majority of teachers surveyed are considered highly qualified: 75% have a bachelor's degree in physical education and 49% have advanced degrees, most of which are in areas related to health and physical education. Also, which is very pleasing, these teachers work with children with disabilities under special programs. "There are many different levels of goals that can be achieved through physical education, and any means needed to practice fair is an important part."

·        #282

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:21)

To Belous A.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Look through the second sentence once more. Keep on working.

·        #281

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:10)

To Klepatska A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. You are not to read the translation of your sentences with the phrases of the Day Practice. Keep on working.

·        #280

Gvozd to Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:02)

Well done, thank you. I hope you will post your Independent practice soon.

·        #279

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:01)

To Spetcialna K.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Look through the second sentence once more. Keep on working.

·        #278

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:57)

To Merezhenko N.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read next time. Check the pronunciation of the following words: multiple, lithium, considerable, revolutionize. Good luck.

·        #277

Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:56)

1)multiple levels
In order to enter the institute, the student had to go through multiple levels of education.
Щоб вступити до інституту, студенту потрібно було пройти кілька ступенів освіти.

2)сase studies
Scientists still continue to conduct case studies in the field of microbiology, even after many years
Вчені досі продовжують проводити тематичні дослідження в галузі мікробіології навіть через багато років

3)when compared
It can be seen that the population of the planet is growing every year when compared with previous years.
Видно, що населення планети з кожним роком зростає в порівнянні з попередніми роками.

I have just read the article "Adaptive headlights to improve road safety". This article tells us about a headlights which automatically rotate when turning the steering wheel. Conventional headlights always face forward and so as one steers into such a bend there is a blind spot to the left or right until one has traveled through it. These headlights will be an excellent solution for such a case in order to avoid accidents at night, there by protecting not only yourself, but also the passengers sitting in the vehicle.

·        #276

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:50)

To Spetcialna K.,MD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases, well done. Go on working.

·        #275

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:47)

To Koval V.,MD-211. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read in the first sentence. Good luck.

·        #274

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:42)

To Serdichenko D.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and task with the phrases of the Day Practice. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.

·        #273

Vlad Shevchenko (KD-211 Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:41)

Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
Дім був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох рівнях.

As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements that the platform would have to meet
В якості першого кроку вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа

Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку

The article I read -Waste coffee grounds could someday help detect brain
There's nothing like a steaming cup of joe to give your morning a quick boost. Now, there's yet another reason to love the beverage. Today, researchers report the first application of used coffee grounds as environmentally friendly electrode coatings for sensitive neurochemistry measurements. The material could eventually help scientists get a better handle on brain activity and detect minute levels of neurotransmitters. The traditional microelectrodes that neuroscientists use are commonly made from carbon fiber—fine, solid carbon strands bundled together. Making them is typically an arduous and expensive process, involving multiple steps and harsh chemicals. I liked the article because it is interesting

·        #272

Anna Belous MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:36)

2 article

Wheat is dominated by Russia and Ukraine.When war became more possible in February, the grains and fuels prices index jumped 17 percent. Wheat price increases of 28%, maize price increases of 23%, and barley price increases of 22% have been the major drivers. Because cereal grains are utilized as feed for livestock and poultry production, the effects will be felt in meat and egg costs.To summarize, it will require a significant amount of effort to end this war and limit its consequences, particularly when it comes to wheat exports.

·        #271

Klepatska Anastasiia MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:34)


Today I've read the article "Waste coffee grounds could someday help detect brain waves". It states that the first use of leftover coffee grounds for sensitive neurochemistry assays has been reported by researchers.
Scientists may be able to use the material to better understand brain activity and identify quantities of neurotransmitters in the future. Previously, used coffee grounds were used to create porous carbon supercapacitors for energy storage. The researchers discovered that electrodes coated with porous carbon reached oxidative current levels nearly three times higher than bare carbon fibers in the presence of dopamine.
I consider the study in this article to be useful enough for the further development of science.

·        #270

Anna Belous MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V) 2 article (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:31)

Wheat is dominated by Russia and Ukraine.When war became more possible in February, the grains and fuels prices index jumped 17 percent. Wheat price increases of 28%, maize price increases of 23%, and barley price increases of 22% have been the major drivers. Because cereal grains are utilized as feed for livestock and poultry production, the effects will be felt in meat and egg costs.To summarize, it will require a significant amount of effort to end this war and limit its consequences, particularly when it comes to wheat exports.

·        #269

Gvozd to Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:25)

The review is interesting. Next time write everything in English and Ukrainian, please. I am waiting for your Independent practice.

·        #268

Dimitrashko Andrey MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:21)

This product has extended and faster-acting functions when compared to other testosterone esters.

Этот продукт удлинял и быстр-действуя функции сравниванный к другим эстерам тестостерона.

Have fun writing my case studies
Получайте удовольствие, делая для меня тематические исследования

NFT technology was created in two thousand seventeen on the basis of Ethereum smart contracts.
Each record on the blockchain is called a token. However, in an open blockchain, all tokens are equal to each other and are fungible. This means that one token can be replaced with another of the same token and nothing will change. But Non Fungible Token technology works differently. Each non-fungible token is unique and cannot be tampered with, split, or subtly replaced. Such an organization is ideal for securing your rights to any unique object, be it a work of art in a single copy, an item in a computer game or real estate.

·        #267

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:21)

To Novitsky Yu.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read in the first sentence. Try to use fewer quotations in your review, express your own opinion on the issue.

·        #266

Gvozd to Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:20)

The task is complete. Next time write everything in English and Ukrainian, please. I am waiting for your Independent practice.

·        #265

Ilya Volkov MD-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:13)

1) when compared
Driving at night brings its own risks when compared to daylight driving, not least when heading into a blind bend on an unlit road.
Вождене в ночное время сопряжено с определенным рисками, если сравнивать с вождением в дневное время, не в последнюю очередь при входе в слепой поворот на неосвещенной дороге.

2) multiple levels
"Home" was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
"Дом" был центральным местом в их жизни и "рабочий класс" понимал пространоство на многих уровнях. (чтото на философском, ибо смысл не до конца понял прочитав всю статью)

3) case studies
The new case study on this plant provides the first comprehensive life cycle assessment of a real geothermal power plant in Germany.
Новое тематическое исследование, на этой станции обеспечения предстваляет собой первую всестороннюю оценку жизненого цикла, реальной геотермальной электростании в Германии. - озвучка предложений

A study published in the International Journal of Vehicle Safety proposes a new approach to the development of car headlights that will allow the headlights to follow the steering wheel.
This will significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents caused by entering a blind turn at night.
Headlights are the last in the evolution of the design of automotive parts that are supposed to provide safety.
I find this to be a very useful study as cars have the highest number of accidents in statistics among other vehicles. - озвучка текста

·        #264

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:12)

To Bondarenko M.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Try to read your review distinctly next time. Keep on working.

·        #263

Klepatska Anastasiia MD-211 (Sirotenko T. V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:11)

1) multiple levels - кілька рівнів
The security system has been implemented at several levels.
Система безпеки була впроваджена на кількох рівнях.
2) case studies - тематичні дослідження
The case study highlighted the link between technological progress and educational development.
Тематичне дослідження показало зв’язок між технічним прогресом та розвитком освіти.
3) when compared - при порівнянні
These results indicate a significant improvement when compared to 2018 and 2020 data.
Ці результати свідчать про значне покращення порівняно з даними за 2018 та 2020 роки.

Today I've read the article "Investigating how robot systems can function better in dynamic environments." It states that the robot should be able to navigate less organized situations.
Therefore, it was investigated by several case studies how robot systems can function better in a changing environment and whether a mobile robot could estimate the intention of a person. Then, they could work in healthcare or in disaster areas. An algorithm that considers the possibilities offered by the environment is currently being developed to achieve the primary objective.
I believe that modern technology allows to develop the field of robotics quite quickly.

·        #262

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:06)

To Belous A.,MD-211. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Your review is too long, use Word Count Tool to check the length of your texts (up to 100 words). Please don't copy sentences from the article you've read. Try to use your own words. Good luck.

·        #261

Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:03)


Today I have read the article "New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions".
The article tells about there global number of megacities is projected to increase from 33 to 43 by 2030. Megacities are critical for the world’s economy; however, their resource management is particularly challenging. The increase of energy demand, in parallel to population growth and climate change, requires urgent investment in sustainable energies.
I think this those energy policies coupled with investment in research and development are needed to ensure geothermal is successfully integrated into the future energy mix.

·        #260

Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:58)

1)when compared(при порівнянні)
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such enterprises control.
Ця цифра стає ще меншою, якщо порівняти її із сумою активів, контрольованих такими підприємствами.

2)multiple levels(кілька рівнів)
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І принадність книги в тому, що вона працює на кількох рівнях.

3)case studies(тематичні дослідження)
Have fun writing my case studies
Отримайте задоволення від написання моїх тематичних досліджень
I think this is a useful study because it can apply the new technology in a cost-effective way. Also, the new application of new batteries could lead to changes not only in cars but in other industries as well.Lithium is the lowest density metal and thus has considerable potential for greater energy capacity by weight. Lithium-ion batteries also require little maintenance when compared to some alternatives.In conclusion I want say that, such studies will revolutionise energy and industry.

·        #259

Gvozd O.V. to MD-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022)

Good day!
The lesson has already started, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice. Please, do it in one comment.

·        #258

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:39)

To Group MD-211. Dear students, it's time to start working. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Good luck.

·        #257

Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:33)

Phrases of the Day :
1. Case studies - тематичні дослідження.
During the physics courses we were not only told the theory, but also demonstrated case studies.
Під час курсів фізики нам не тільки розповідали теорію, а й демонстрували тематичні дослідження.

2. When compared - при порівнянні.
Vector graphics are much better compared to raster graphics.
Векторна графіка набагато краща в порівнянні з растровою.

3. Multiple levels - кілька рівнів.
To create a complex program, you need to write code at multiple levels.
Щоб створити складну програму, потрібно писати код на кількох рівнях.

I've just read the article "Waste coffee grounds could someday help detect brain waves". Previously, spent coffee grounds were used to make porous carbon supercapacitors for energy storage. But now coffee grounds can be used as an environmentally friendly electrode coating for sensitive neurochemical measurements. To get the result, the team of scientists dried the coffee grounds, heated them, then added potassium hydroxide, heated them in a nitrogen atmosphere, and, as a final step, diluted the precipitate with water. I think that this study is very interesting, and most importantly - safe for nature.

·        #256

Koval Veronika MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:32)

1. When compared — у порівнянні з.
Researches have shown that our brain has lessened when compared to our ancestors.
Дослідження продемонстрували, що у порівнянні із нашими пращурами наш мозок зменшився.

2. Case studies — тематичні дослідження.
A number of scientists, including those, who were responsible for the new provisional observation, have admitted the effectiveness of the drug in definite case studies.
Ряд вчених, у тому числі ті, що стояли за новим попереднім дослідженням, визнали ефективність препарата в визначених тематичних дослідженнях.

3. At multiple levels — на багатьох рівнях.
The deputy emphasized that this is demonstrated at multiple levels, including political parties.
Депутат підкреслив, що це демонструється на багатьох рівнях, у тому числі політичних партій.
The article is about one of the possible temporary solutions of the carbon emissions problem. In Munich, Germany, the Kirchstockach power plant produces around 40 GWh of renewable electricity annually using geothermal heat. The case studies has shown that the carbon dioxide emissions of a geothermal power plant which is used exclusively for electricity generation depend to more than one third on the working medium used. As scientists commented, they will continue their researches and will be very grateful to the government for non-stopping financing of them.
The article is about how the multimedia industry have changed (and is still changing) during the global pandemics. As we all know in 2020, March all the world has shut, because of risk to catch coronavirus. Due to this all media was made to make money from streaming services, such as Netflix, Disney+ etc. In the article the statistics of how the demand on them has grown in different parts of the world is given. The most remarkable affect was on South America and Africa – for 179% and 79% respectively.

·        #255

Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:24)

1. When compared.
When compared the values ​​of people before and after the incident, they became more frugal.
Якщо порівняти цінності людей до і після інциденту, вони стали більш ощадливими.

2. Case studies.
The challenge requires case studies.
Виклик вимагає вивчення конкретних випадків.

3. Multiple levels.
This issue should be considered at multiple levels, the life of local residents depends on it.
Це питання має розглядатися на кількох рівнях, від цього залежить життя місцевих жителів.

I have read the article "Computer bots are more like people than you think, because they fight for years." It constantly says that the software robots designed to examine Wikipedia articles are arguing online content fights. The work of robots takes place in spelling control, detection of chains and the probability of accumulation imports. It was found that the bots interacted with each other, and this led to unpredictable consequences. The conclusion is that bots are more human-like than one might expect. In verified editions of Wikipedia, there were fewer cases of detection between bots. Due to the fact that bots are created by people from different countries, when they collide with each other, it can lead to online clashes.

·        #254

Novitsky Yuri MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:21)

1. When compared
When compare several languages, then some will be more difficult to learn than others
если сравнить несколько языков то одни буде сложнее выучить чем другие
2. Multiple levels
In single-player PC games, players have to die on multiple levels
В одиночных компьютерных играх игрокам приходится умирать на многих уровнях
3. Case studies
Physicists disagree after several сase studies
Учёные физики разошлись во мнения после нескольких тематических исследований
Transport researchers in the Netherlands recently made an important discovery by interviewing passengers with disabilities. They learned that the most popular product among users with different types of disabilities would be a simple and smart information tool. Imagine a dedicated travel version of Alexa, an affordable interactive travel planner that will dramatically increase people's mobility and desire to travel.
Researchers from the Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Center MOBI at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) are conducting a pilot study in Antwerp. They are testing a new method of assisting visually impaired people at crosswalks by sending sound and vibration messages to their smartphones so they can cross the road safely.
“While significant progress has been made mainly in terms of improving the physical accessibility of transport, digital accessibility and inclusiveness has not been fully addressed,” said Keseru

·        #253

Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:17)

The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with current chips in the market.
Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу продуктивність у порівнянні з поточними мікросхемами на ринку.

They analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
Вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа.

The structure of chromatin is organized at multiple levels.
Структура хроматину організована на кількох рівнях.
The article is titled Computational approach enables spatial mapping of single-cell data within tissue. The article is written by University of Texas.
The main idea of the article that new computational approach successfully combines data from parallel gene-expression profiling methods to create spatial maps of a given tissue at single-cell resolution. Also while this approach is not restricted to analyzing tumor tissues, there are obvious applications for better understanding cancer.
In the end, I would like to say that this article is interesting from the point of view usual people and doctors, researchers, which don't know so much about tumors and etc.

·        #252

Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022)

1.multiple levels
There are multiple levels of metabolic regulation.
Існує кілька рівнів регуляції обміну речовин.
2. when compared
These incidents become less intimidating when compared them with the problems of a global scale.
Ці інциденти стають менш страшними, якщо порівняти їх з проблемами глобального масштабу.
3. case studies
Marketing case studies are very useful for demonstrating marketing success.
Маркетингові тематичні дослідження дуже корисні для демонстрації маркетингових успіхів.

I just read the article "Astroworld tragedy: How music festival organizers can stop it crowds turning deadly". It deals with the recent tragedy that happened at a Travis Scott concert. A crowd crush during a show in Houston, which was held as part of the Astroworld Music Festival, led to eight deaths and dozens of injuries. I think the blame for this incident lies entirely on the shoulders of the organizers, they should have foreseen that such a pandemonium of people could lead to various injuries, and in this case also to deaths, and were obliged to take this point into account during the organization of the concert.

·        #251

Anna Belous MD-211 (Sirotenko T.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:10)

1. Multiple levels
On multiple levels of learning English you must study hard.
На кількох рівнях вивчення англійської мови ви повинні старанно вчитися.
2. Case studies
Case studies that made developers are good in using.
Дослідження прикладів, які зробили розробники добре у використанні.
3. When compared
When compared this number of using plastic with previous year it is completely different.
Якщо порівняти цю кількість використання пластику з минулим роком, то вона зовсім інша.

I have just read an article "Making the case for hydrogen in a zero-carbon economy".As the United States races to achieve its goal of zero-carbon electricity generation by 2035, providers of energy  are swiftly ramping up renewable resources such as solar and wind. But because these technologies churn out electrons only when the sun shines and the wind blows, they need backup from other energy sources, especially during seasons of high electric demand. Currently, plants burning fossil fuels, primarily natural gas.Coming up with prices for replacing peaker plants with massive arrays of lithium-ion batteries was also relatively straightforward: "There are no technical limitations to this battery, so you can build as many as you want; but they are super expensive in terms of their footprint for energy storage and the mining required to manufacture them," says scientist of university.

·        #250

Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 (Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:58)

1. when compare
Nevertheless, products such as IOS are a true revolution when compared to what we use today.
Тим не менш, такі продукти, як IOS, є справжньою революцією в порівнянні з тим, що ми використовуємо сьогодні.

2.multiple levels.
In practice, security was implemented at multiple levels.
На практиці безпека реалізовувалася на кількох рівнях.

3. case studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group problem-solving exercises.
Навчання базуватиметься на тематичних дослідженнях, моделюванні та групових вправах на вирішення проблем.
I read an article about dog food poisoning and it's outrageous! How did the toxic substances get into the food that led to the death of 70 dogs ?! I'm shocked at how terrible people are, because it was the intention of poisoning the feed, but I don't understand the reason. They will be fired and may be imprisoned because of complaints from people affected by this, and 80 sick animals, because they need funds for treatment. You need to very carefully choose the food for your pet and take only the one in which you are 101% confident. And I very much sympathize with animals and people who have lost them.

·        #249

Sofia Chesnokova MD-211 (Michailuk S.L.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:56)

1. when compare
Nevertheless, products such as IOS are a true revolution when compared to what we use today.
Тим не менш, такі продукти, як IOS, є справжньою революцією в порівнянні з тим, що ми використовуємо сьогодні.

2.multiple levels.
In practice, security was implemented at multiple levels.
На практиці безпека реалізовувалася на кількох рівнях.

3. case studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group problem-solving exercises.
Навчання базуватиметься на тематичних дослідженнях, моделюванні та групових вправах на вирішення проблем.
I read an article about dog food poisoning and it's outrageous! How did the toxic substances get into the food that led to the death of 70 dogs ?! I'm shocked at how terrible people are, because it was the intention of poisoning the feed, but I don't understand the reason. They will be fired and may be imprisoned because of complaints from people affected by this, and 80 sick animals, because they need funds for treatment. You need to very carefully choose the food for your pet and take only the one in which you are 101% confident. And I very much sympathize with animals and people who have lost them.

·        #248

Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 22 March 2022)

when compared
Lithium-ion batteries also require little maintenance when compared to some alternatives.
Літій-іонні батареї також не вимагають особливого обслуговування, порівняно з деякими альтернативами.
case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies to determine the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
Як перший крок вони проаналізували реалістичні приклади з практики, щоб визначити вимоги, яким має відповідати платформа.
multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
Будинок займав центральне місце в їхньому житті, і робітничий клас розумів цей простір на різних рівнях.
The article is headlined Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of fishlike underwater research drones. The article is written by the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. The article is about researching and modeling the movement of small fish in groups, pressure signals spreading through the water from the body of one fish to the body of another. It also talks about the application of research results in technology. According to the paper, study co-author Dmitri Kolomenski commented: We are studying the pressure signals propagating through the water from the body of one fish to the body of another. Although we do not know how animals process them, simulations show that the signals reaching the tactile senses are distinguishable against the background of noise and carry information about the position of a neighbor and tail movement. I found this article interesting because this research will help in the development of robotics and computer modeling.

·        #247

Gvozd to Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:09)

Thank you, but try to post your tasks in time.

·        #246

Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:34)

case studies - тематичні дослідження
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements that the platform would have to meet. - Спершу вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа.
multiple levels - багато рівнів
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels. - «Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох рівнях.
when compared - в порівнянні
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly - Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.

Today I have read the article "New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions". It tells us about geothermal power plants and reducing carbon emissions.
German scientists discovered a new type of geothermal power plant in 2013. To convert the geothermal heat into electricity, many geothermal power plants in Germany uses a particular process, the Organic Rankine Cycle. Instead of water, an organic fluid, a so-called working medium, is coupled with the heat source. Researchers claim that CO2 emissions can be reduced if we use certain substances to generate electricity in such power plants.
I have read the article "Toyota pauses most Japan production after quake"
It tells that the world's top-selling automaker Toyota will halt operations on the majority of its Japanese production lines for three days. The company made this decision due to the recent earthquake in Japan. The decision will impact 11 factories in total. A spokesman for the company said the three-day shutdown could affect production of 20,000 vehicles.I liked this article and find it useful. I advise everyone to read it.

·        #245

Gvozd to Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:28)

I appreciate your hard work, everything is quite correct. Keep on working.

·        #244

Gvozd to Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:26)

Thanks, the reviews are quite correct and informative.

·        #243

Gvozd to Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:25)

Well done, the tasks are complete.

·        #242

Bordan Vitalii KI-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:25)

1.Предложение с фразами дня
multiple levels-кількох рівнях
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І принадність книги в тому, що вона працює на кількох рівнях.

case studies-тематичні дослідження
Have fun writing my case studies...
Отримуйте задоволення, роблячи мені тематичні дослідження...

when compared-якщо порівняти
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such enterprises control.
Ця цифра стає ще меншою, якщо порівняти її із сумою активів, контрольованих такими підприємствами.
2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled
"Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly".
The article says that If you are a budget-conscious traveler, there is a chance you've used
a travel site aggregator like Orbitz to book your air transportation. How to find cheaper price?
These questions occupied the minds of two scientists,they discovered,search aggregators such as Google,
Expedia improve the quality of consumer searches by providing a quick and complete overview of
available options.I liked the article.

3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled "New book debunks myth of 'Dickensian poverty'".
The article says that new book shows that the idea of 19th-century British working-class homes
as sparse and squalid is not always true, and popular writers of the day such as Charles Dickens
are partly to blame for the stereotypes that still exist.
I liked the article because the in it says about tastes and preferences
for literature in those days about stereotypes and about the author himself,
which aroused interest.

·        #241

Gvozd to Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:24)

Mind Present Perfect, "the article TELLS....". Be attentive!

·        #240

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:20)

To Vladyslava Stepanova-group-KD-211. The tasks are thoroughly done. The review contains a correct narration of the main idea of the article you've read. The essay was written without grammatical and lexic mistakes. Phonetics correspond to the rules of pronunciation. The sentences with the phrases of the day practice correspond to standards for independent student work of such kind. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes !

·        #239

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:20)

When compared-якщо порівняти
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compare with current chips in the market.-Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу продуктивність в порівнянні з поточними чіпами на ринку.
Case studies-тематичні дослідження
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements that the
platform would have to meet.-В якості першого кроку вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження,
щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа.
Multiple levels-багатьох рівнях
Effectiveness of antibiotics significantly reduced when multiple bugs present.-Ефективність антибіотиків
значно знижується при наявності декількох помилок.
Today I have read the article "New book debunks myth of 'Dickensian poverty".
It tells that a new book reveals that the perception of 19th-century British working-class homes as being
sparse and squalid is far from being universally true, and popular writers of the time, such as Charles
Dickens, are partly to blame for stereotypes that still exist today.
"The Working Class at Home, 1790–1940" (Palgrave Macmillan), attempts to set the record straight
by detailing the lives of working people and how they made a "home" in some of the most trying circumstances imaginable.
This article is very intersting,I would advice everybody to read it.

Today I have read the article "Scientists devise new technique to increase chip yield from semiconductor wafer"
It tells that scientists from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the Korea Institute
of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) have developed a technique to create a highly uniform and scalable semiconductor wafer,
paving the way to higher chip yield and more cost-efficient semiconductors.
Semiconductor chips commonly found in smart phones and computers are difficult and complex to make, requiring highly
advanced machines and special environments to manufacture.
I think that this article is very interesting and usefull,I would reccomend everybody to read it.

·        #238

Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:19)

multiple levels - кілька рівнів
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох рівнях.
case studies - тематичні дослідження
Those case studies are quite diverse, explains Houtman.
Ці приклади досить різноманітні, пояснює Хаутман.
when compared - при порівнянні
Driving at night brings its own risks when compared to daylight driving, not least when heading into a blind bend on an unlit road.
Водіння вночі несе свої власні ризики в порівнянні з денним водінням, не в останню чергу, коли рухаєтесь у сліпий поворот на неосвітленій дорозі.

Adaptive headlights to improve road safety

Night driving is dangerous. Especially when heading into a blind bend on an unlit road. Due to the fact that the headlights are facing strictly forward, there are blind spots that often lead to accidents. However, research is now underway to invent new, adaptive headlights for automobiles. Such headlights could direct their light in the direction of the turn, while avoiding the formation of blind spots. Safety in cars has always evolved, but headlights have remained virtually unchanged in structure over all this time. And it's only now that there's been some progress.

Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:

What makes university students steer clear of self-driving cars?

Self-driving cars, slowly but surely, appear one after another. To find out why the use of unmanned vehicles is still extremely low, an Australian university conducted a survey. During the survey, it became clear that the greatest concern is possible failures and malfunctions. But if you fix all sorts of problems, it can fix the situation. And although it will take some getting used to, having high-tech self-driving cars will make our daily lives much safer and easier. And will also make cars much more accessible to people with disabilities and people without a driver's license.

Comment on the article:

·        #237

Gvozd to Saliy Daniil KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:19)

Well done, but what's about your Independent practice?

·        #236

Gvozd to Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:17)

Thank you, the tasks are quite correct and informative.

·        #235

Saliy Daniil KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:16)

Words and sentences:
1)when compared - при порівнянні
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly.
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
2)case studies - тематичні дослідження
New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon emissions.
Нове тематичне дослідження показує потенціал геотермальної енергії для зменшення викидів вуглецю.
3)multiple levels - кілька рівнів
Redundancy, as seen in federations with their multiple levels of government, is actually a plus when it comes to crisis response, Shvetsova's research found.
Дослідження Швецової показало, що надмірність, як це видно у федераціях із кылькома рівнями управління, насправді є плюсом, коли йдеться про реагування на кризу.
I have read the article "Design and implementation of a lithium-ion battery management system for EVs". Firstly, this will not make our ecosystem cleaner, because electric cars need electricity, and it is mostly generated at thermal power plants, which themselves pollute the atmosphere very much. Secondly, the production of lithium-ion batteries is very dangerous. Thirdly, in case of accidents, self-ignition of the battery can occur, in which a person can get thermal burns.
And in the end, I want to say that I do not consider electric cars to be our future, I think that our future is cars with a hydrogen internal combustion engine.
words and sentence -
comment -
article -

·        #234

Gvozd to Radetsky Artem KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:16)

Mind Present Perfect in the first sentence. The rest is quite correct.

·        #233

Shvets O.O. (KD-211, Mikeshova G.P.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:15)

case studies
they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
они проанализировали реалистичные тематические исследования, чтобы определить требования, которым должна соответствовать платформа.
multiple levels
the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
рабочий класс понимал пространство на нескольких уровнях.
when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with current chips in the market.
Полупроводник также продемонстрировал лучшую производительность по сравнению с текущими чипами на рынке.

Article "Better recycling required to remove potentially harmful chemicals from bottled drinks, new study warns" by Tim Pilgrim, Brunel University. This article is about research to reduce harm to the body from plastic bottled drinks. The study suggests using a technology known as the "supercleaning process," a three-step process to clean old plastic before recycling — high-temperature washing, gas washing, and chemical washing. As well as improve the quality of production of plastic bottles. This is a useful article as this topic is approaching global.

·        #232

Radetsky Artem KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:13)
Today I read the article "Wasted Coffee Grounds Could Someday Detect Brain Waves." They tell how much coffee contains many useful properties. For example, scientists study brain waves using coffee grounds. Also, coffee helps a lot in research, scientists say that coffee conducts many substances. “I saw articles about using wastelands to produce porous carbon for energy storage and I thought maybe we could use this conductive material in our neurochemistry research paper,” says Ross. "I also thought it would be a good excuse to buy a lot of coffee for the lab!"

Today I have read article”Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly” Because a lot of people on a budget don't choose the best option, they choose the cheapest one. I believe that you should always check all the options, and then start from them. Those questions were on the minds of two data scientists who conducted a comprehensive study on who has more clout: the airline or the aggregator? What they found was that the aggregator can come out losing the most when its site is not comprehensive.

when compared-если сравнить

This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such enterprises control.
Эта цифра становится еще менее значительной, если сравнить ее с суммой активов, контролируемых такими предприятиями.

multiple levels.-многие уровни

Successful implementation of the programme will contribute to the development of the country and the people on multiple levels and in a wide variety of areas.
Успешное осуществление этой программы будет способствовать развитию страны, а также людских ресурсов на многих уровнях и во многих областях.

case studies-тематические исследования
It used case studies on various countries to illustrate the process of capacity-building.
Для того, чтобы проиллюстрировать процесс создания потенциала, в нем были использованы тематические иследовапо различным странам.

·        #231

Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:03)

Phrases ofthe day

1) Case studies - тематичні дослідження
The case study has come to the conclusion that the CO 2 emissions of a geothermal power plant used exclusively for electricity generation depend to more than one third on the working medium used - Дослідження прийшло до висновку, що викиди CO 2 геотермальної електростанції, яка використовується виключно для виробництва електроенергії, більш ніж на одну третину залежить від використовуваного робочого середовища.

2) When compared - при порівнянні
Driving at night brings its own risks when compared to daylight driving, not least when heading into a blind bend on an unlit road - Водіння вночі несе свої власні ризики в порівнянні з денним водінням, не в останню чергу, коли рухаєтесь у глухий поворот на неосвітленій дорозі.

3) Multiple levels - кілька рівнів.
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels - «Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох рівнях.

Audiofile (Phrases) :

Using nature's structures in wooden buildings
Today i have read an article "Using nature's structures in wooden buildings". The article deals with wooden substitutes for traditional reinforced concrete and steel elements. The concrete and steel industries together are responsible for as much as 15 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. In contrast, wood provides a natural form of carbon sequestration, so there's a move to use timber instead. The article discusses one of the options for reducing carbon emissions by reducing the production of reinforced concrete and steel elements.
This article is quite informative, so I recommend reading it.

Source (Text 1) :
Audiofile (Text 1) :

Adaptive headlights to improve road safety
Today i have read an article "Adaptive headlights to improve road safety".
Driving at night brings its own risks when compared to daylight driving. Moreover, conventional headlights always face forward and so as one steers into such a bend there is a blind spot to the left or right until one has traveled through it. This is the cause of many traffic accidents. Research in the International Journal of Vehicle Safety discusses a new approach to vehicle headlights that will allow them to turn with the steering into a bend in the road and so illuminate the path of travel directly rather than its periphery.
The article is quite interesting, I have already heard about the adaptive headlight system for a car, but still I decided to read the article, which I recommend to you.

Source (Text 2) :
Audiofile (Text 2) :

·        #230

Leonid Chukarin KI-211(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:02)

when compared

Many teenagers when compared to adults, yes.

multiple levels

And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.

case studies

Have fun writing my case studies...

I read an article called “Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly.” It talks about a study that finds out who has more influence: the airline or the aggregator? The researchers found that loyalty to airlines is more common than loyalty to aggregators. According to the authors, almost 52% of aggregator users browse only one airline, while the majority of users use multiple aggregators in their searches. This means that more consumers tend to express loyalty to a particular airline rather than a particular aggregator. I liked this article and got interested, so I can recommend it for reading.
Today I read the article «M87 data from Event Horizon Telescope rules out the likelihood of axion particles in a specific mass range».

the article talks about an analysis of recent data from the Event Horizon telescope and what it showed about time-varying changes in polarization direction. found that the remaining small wobble ruled out the possibility of ultralight axions in the cloud. The methods they used could also be applied to search for axion-like particles around other black holes.

I liked this article and got interested, so I can recommend it for reading.

·        #229

Perepelytsyn Danylo KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:01)

1. Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market directly

Агрегаторы туристических сайтов сталкиваются с проблемами по сравнению с авиакомпаниями, которые продают напрямую
2. "Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on multiple levels.

«Дом» занимал центральное место в их жизни, и рабочий класс понимал пространство на нескольких уровнях.
3. Existing data on this question were largely anecdotal, consisting of case studies of particular algorithms that were assumed to be representative of the broader scope.

Существующие данные по этому вопросу были в основном анекдотичными и состояли из тематических исследований конкретных алгоритмов, которые, как предполагалось, представляли более широкую область.


I really like that in the modern world no one forgets about people with disabilities and a town like Jönköping is actually the capital of such people. I think it would be cool to build a city in every country exclusively for people with disabilities. Thus, the government of each country will be able to more easily and efficiently create a comfortable environment for such people to live there.
I hope that in the near future more such technologies will be created and introduced into the lives of people with disabilities and give them new opportunities in life.

·        #228

Gvozd to Kunitsky Artem KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:49)

Well done, thank you. The tasks are quite informative.

·        #227

Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:45)
1) Case studies - тематичні дослідження
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group problem-solving exercises. Навчання базуватиметься на тематичних дослідженнях, моделюванні та групових вправах на вирішення проблем.

2) When compared - Якщо порівняти
Many teenagers when compared to adults. Багато підлітків у порівнянні з дорослими.

3)Multiple levels - кілька рівнів
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels. І принадність книги в тому, що вона працює на кількох рівнях.
Today i have read the article "Design and implementation of a lithium-ion battery management system for EVs".
The transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) is moving apace, mainly being driven by the need to remove polluting vehicles from our towns and cities and to curb our carbon emissions by switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. As more and more drivers switch to EVs, there is a pressing need to ensure that the rechargeable batteries on which they rely are running under optimal and safe conditions. Research in the International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy considers the design and implementation of a new type of battery-management system for the lithium-ion batteries commonly used in EVs.
Today i have read the article "Digital ecosystems: Improving efficiency in the construction industry".
Large-scale construction projects usually involve extensive coordination. In practice, however, the way in which information is exchanged between construction stakeholders often ends up being an inconsistent multi-step process. Now, a consortium project under the technical and scientific leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE is working on a digital solution in the form of the Infra-Bau 4.0 platform, which establishes a network that takes in every stakeholder in an infrastructure project. It provides a means of mapping out resources and processes digitally, making it easier to plan and reschedule activities during the construction process.

·        #226

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:44)

To group-KD- 211. Good morning! Let's get started our English today. I'm waiting for your completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentencs with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Please, do it in one post. Go on working online every week . Good luck !

·        #225

Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:37)

multiple levels
Redundancy, as seen in federations with their multiple levels of government, is actually a plus when it comes to crisis response, Shvetsova's research found. Дослідження Швецової показало, що надмірність, як це видно у федераціях із різними рівнями управління, насправді є плюсом, коли йдеться про реагування на кризу.
when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with current chips in the market. Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу продуктивність у порівнянні з поточними мікросхемами на ринку.
case studies
The case study has come to the conclusion that the CO2 emissions... . Дослідження прийшло до висновку, що викиди CO2... .
The article is titled Design and implementation of a lithium-ion battery management system for EVs and written by David Bradley from Inderscience.
The main idea of the article is that as more and more drivers switch to EVs, there is a pressing need to ensure that the rechargeable batteries on which they rely are running under optimal and safe conditions. However, catastrophic failure can occur with this kind of battery if they are not used within the safety parameters associated with charging and discharging, operating temperature and other such factors.
In general, I guess that this article is rather helpful than interesting, because not so many people knows about EVs and batteries.

·        #224

Gvozd O.V. to KI-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 06:55)

Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice. Please, do it in one comment.

·        #223

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 21 March 2022 19:24)

To Bondarenko Maria- group- MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds quite fluently, but it is hardly audible.Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working online each week. All the best !

·        #222

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 21 March 2022 18:05)

To Filimonova Yana -group-MD-211 .Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article of the day, the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. The topic is to contain 100 words , but not 196 as in yours. The audio recording sounds quite fluently. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Continue to work online every week . Good luck !

·        #221

Kudinova Ditkovskya MD-213 (Monday, 21 March 2022 17:33)

I have read an article “Scientists uncover simple strategies for keeping foams on walls”.
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have uncovered a unique mechanism by which foams on walls drain and slip over time. They showed how a foam can lose liquid via "pinch-off," like droplets from a faucet, finding that the amount of liquid and the extent of the foam determine exactly how it drains. Importantly, they identified thresholds between draining regimes common to different foams that may apply to everyday foam materials.
This article will be useful for everyone, because we use foam in various spheres of our life.

·        #220

Kudinova Ditkovskya Sofia MD-213 (Monday, 21 March 2022 17:32)

Parameter value

Contour map of free energy landscape as a function of smectic cluster size and order parameter value.
Контурная карта ландшафта свободной энергии є функционирует с учетом размера кластера и значения параметра порядка.

Each data point represents an average over several independent realizations of the stochastic simulation for the same (optimal) parameter value, determined by a parameter sweep
Каждая точка данных представляет собой среднее значение по нескольким независимым реализациям стохастического моделирования для одного и того же (оптимального) значения параметра, определенного путем развертки параметра.

determine whether

Through extensive experiments, the team found that several key parameters determine whether foams fall down via gradual slippage or liquid pinch-off.
В результате обширных экспериментов команда обнаружила, что несколько ключевых параметров определяют, падает ли пена за счет постепенного проскальзывания или отщепления жидкости.

Keisler Elementary Calculus: determine whether the given expression is infinitesimal, finite but not infinitesimal, or infinite. 3 hours ago.
Элементарное исчисление Кейслера: определите, является ли данное выражение бесконечно малым, конечным, но не бесконечно малым, или бесконечным. 3 часа назад.

monitoring tool

Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life. Инновационный инструмент мониторинга планктона является ключом к оценке состояния жизни в океане.

Real-time monitoring tool speeds up advanced nuclear reactor development. Инструмент мониторинга в режиме реального времени ускоряет разработку перспективных ядерных реакторов.

I have read an article “Diversion programs reduce criminal justice system footprint in Philadelphia”.
When a person with no criminal history is charged with a non-violent, misdemeanor offense, the prosecutor has several choices, including getting the case dismissed or pursuing a conviction. Diversion programs offer a middle ground, an alternative that keeps the person from formally entering the criminal justice system. Philadelphia's Accelerated Misdemeanor Program (AMP), for example, requires a defendant to do 12-18 hours of community service and to pay court fees within 10 weeks of accepting the terms. Those who complete the program have their case records expunged.
This article will be useful for prosecutors.

·        #219

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:47)

To Spetcialna Katherina-group- MD-211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, the audio version of your essay and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but would you read the text more clearly: " suppress, every kind, caused , other etc." Mind that your essay is a conversational topic. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working online each week. Best wishes!

·        #218

Petrova E.I. (Monday, 21 March 2022 14:16)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires réguličrement. Ils doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte, paraphraser. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!

·        #217

Savluk A. (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:34)

Daria Rymarchuk KI-212
Illya Velichuk, ki-212
I appreciate your comments. Go on working.

·        #216

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:49)

To Vasiliy Rusev-group-MD-211.Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article about "Humans...", the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The sentences with the phrases of the day practice meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online every week. All the best !

·        #215

Kalmuk Stephan MD-213 (Kudinova) (Sunday, 20 March 2022 15:29)

I wrote an essay on the topic "The use of videos in teaching could improve academic performance by 20%".
In our modern world, we have incredible opportunities, one of them is the Internet. With the help of this phenomenon, we can improve the quality of our knowledge, namely, to watch videos related to the topic under study on the Internet, this saves a lot of time, both in searching for information and in its consumption. The article says that students appreciate the video material for the fact that they can quickly find the necessary information without water, which is very much appreciated by modern man. But this is not the only plus, the video material helps to absorb information very well, especially effectively when, after reading the theory, everything is fixed with a good short video.
As a conclusion, it can be understood that in no case should one refuse such an opportunity, as I saw, but, on the contrary, use it for the necessary purposes

This theorem also has important roles in constructive mathematics and proof theory.
Эта теорема играет важную роль как пример в конструктивной математике и теории доказательства.
In order to execute the model, it needs to be implemented as a computer simulation.
Чтобы создать такую модель, она должна быть реализована через компьютерное моделирование.
Concurrent systems would also compromise the aim of the reform exercise.
Существование параллельных систем также будет противоречить основным целям реформы.

·        #214

Kalmuk Stephan MD-213 (Kudinova) (Sunday, 20 March 2022 14:38)

I wrote an essay on the topic "How do you know you're not living in a computer simulation?"
I was very impressed by the very idea and philosophy of this article, since I myself had thought about this before and questioned the independent existence of mankind. But in fact, we ourselves begin to create this second reality, and moreover, we begin to live in it, it sounds complicated, but it is quite understandable. A simple example would be 3D glasses, with the help of which a person can do absolutely anything he wants, from sex to a parachute jump, but all this is not a reality, but people still feel comfortable living with this thought and no matter who argued and did not refute, but we are already in this artificial world, created by man himself.
As a conclusion, one can extract the idea that man himself is this cunning demon that put our brains in a barrel

1.As to- що стосується
As to our pets, i fed them this morning.
2.Problems inherent in - проблеми пов‘язані із
If we talking about problems inherent in invironment, we should report that to
“Green piece”.
3.To be proportional to- бути пропорційним до
You should be more proportional to your decision’s.

·        #213

Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:53)

As to - касательно
As to operational activities, his delegation fully shared the concern about diminishing resources.
Что касается оперативной деятельности, то его делегация полностью разделяет озабоченность по поводу сокращения объема ресурсов, выделяемых на эту деятельность.
problems inherent in – проблемы, связанные
Few further attempts have been made to estimate overall expenditure because of the problems inherent in doing so.
Из-за проблем, связанных с этим процессом, других попыток определить общие расходы практически не предпринималось.
to be proportional to - пропорционально
In other words, it was not always possible to require that the assistance offered had to be proportional to the needs.
Другими словами, не всегда возможно требовать, чтобы оказываемая помощь была соразмерна потребностям.

·        #212

Illya Velichuk, ki-212 (Savluk) (Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:44)

1.As to- що стосується
As to our pets, i fed them this morning.
2.Problems inherent in - проблеми пов‘язані із
If we talking about problems inherent in invironment, we should report that to
“Green piece”.
3.To be proportional to- бути пропорційним до
You should be more proportional to your decision’s.

·        #211

Daria Rymarchuk KI-212 (Savluk) (Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:24)

The reason of my writing is the admiration of the technical new on the story «How a jetpack design helped create a flying motorbike». Mr Mayman's machine is very different from those aircraft. Instead of being powered by batteries and electric engines, his Speeder uses four small jet engines, which run on aviation fuel.
That might seem like a step backwards in technology, but for the customers Mr Mayman has in mind, only liquid fuel will do. He says the military, emergency services and the offshore energy industry want a fast, compact aircraft that can carry a significant weight. For that, you need jet fuel, as it stores 20 times the energy of batteries for a given weight. Or in other words, to supply the power needed, batteries would be too heavy.

·        #210

Illya Velichik, ki-212, Savluk (Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:04)

The subject of my writing is chemists close in on greener way to make plastics. Plastics are a climate problem. Making precursors for common plastics, such as ethylene and carbon monoxide (CO), consumes fossil fuels and releases plenty of carbon dioxide (CO2). In recent years, chemists have devised bench-top reactors called electrochemical cells that aim to reverse the process, starting with water and waste CO2 from industrial processes and using renewable electricity to turn them into feedstocks for plastics.So, i think this article is so useful and interesting.

·        #209

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 22:36)

To Snizhana Boichenko- group- MD- 211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article, the audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day. Remember, the title of the article should be written in bold type. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of the word "suggesting". The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes .

·        #208

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 21:43)

To Merezhenko Nikita-group-MD-211. Thanks for having commented the article you've read. I can see the information was interesting and novel for you. Your essay is both informative and grammatically correct. Your voice record is very good. I appreciate your hard work on the topic. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Continue to work online each week. All the best.

·        #207

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 18:01)

To Serdichenko Daria-group- MD-211. Thank you for your interesting and useful comments on the article of the day, the voice message and the work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation, but mind the word " 'apatite". The sentences with the phrases of the day practice meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working online every week. Best wishes!

·        #206

Savluk A. (Friday, 18 March 2022 15:25)

Oriekhov-MF211 Please invite your classmates to join our discussion. Good luck.

·        #205

Oriekhov-MF211(Savluk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 14:04)

as to
He said farmers are following biosecurity protocols, going so far as to keep starling and barn swallow nests away from their barns.
Він сказав, що фермери дотримуються протоколів біозахисту, заходячи так далеко, щоб тримати гнізда шпаків і ластівок подалі від своїх амбарів.

proportional to
The results published today imply a further brightening of the night sky proportional to the number of new satellites launched and their optical characteristics in orbit.
Опубліковані сьогодні результати свідчать про подальше освітлення нічного неба пропорційно кількості нових запущених супутників та їх оптичних характеристик на орбіті.

problem inherent in
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and makes the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater treatment plants, he says.
Це усуває попередню проблему, притаманну великомасштабному виробництву, і робить процес доступним для використання на великих об’єктах, таких як очисні споруди, каже він.
Today I've read an article called "Homing in on the Higgs boson interaction with the charm quark". From this article we get to find out more about how the Higgs boson interacts with fundamental particles such as the particles that make up matter, quarks and leptons. In the interaction of the Higgs boson with the heaviest quarks and leptons of the third generation, which, within the current measurement accuracy, are consistent with the predictions of the Standard Model. ATLAS and CMS report analyses that place tight limits on the strength of the Higgs boson interaction with a charm quark, a second-generation quark. Сonsequently, they found that the Higgs boson interacts differently with quarks of the second and third generations, as predicted by the Standard Model.

·        #204

Petrova E.I. (Friday, 18 March 2022 13:33)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #203

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:28)

To Koval Veronika -group-MD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the articles you've read, the audio versions of your essays and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your reviews are both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work. Keep on working. Best wishes.

·        #202

Koval Veronika MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:56)

1. As to — що стосується.
As to them, I thought they might be our business partners.
Що стосується них, я вважаю, що вони могли б стати нашими бізнес-партнерами.

2. Problems inherent in — проблеми, пов'язані із.
Talking about the problems, inherent in inheritance, you should contact with Mr. Lee.
Говорячи про проблеми, пов'язані із отриманням спадщини, Вам слід звернутися до пана Лі.

3. To be proportional to — бути пропорційним до.
To be honest, the rate of my stress wasn't proportional to the actual situation.
Якщо чесно, рівень мого стресу не був пропорційним до, власне, ситуації.

The first article:

The article is about those objects, who stay in the shadow of their bigger companions most of the time, but still have a big impact on what's happening on them — moons. There were times, when scientists were assured that our Moon, which is proportionally big comparing to other moons in Solar system, is an exception, but recent researches proved that cases like ours aren't that rare. Actually, the rate of occurrence sways from 1 in 6, to 1 in 45. The results are getting humanity closer to finding a planet like ours, which might become our new home.

The second article:
From this article we get to find out more about the lithium-ion batteries. The case is that they're used almost everywhere, from smartphones and laptops to electric cars, but Lithium is a rare element, so we are heading to its deficit. Sure, there is an alternative — the potassium-ion, but there are a few roadblocks. The first is slow work, the second one is the side reactions, the third one is the dendrites' growth, the last but not the least is poor heat dissipation. Nevertheless, scientists are working on solving these problems to prevent batteries shortage.

·        #201

Chesnokova Sofia MD-211 (S.L. Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:47)

1. as to
The Bts group is very interesting, as to them, I can say that they are great.
Група Bts дуже цікава, про них я можу сказати, що вони чудові.

2. proportional to
The strength of my love is proportional to the force of gravity
Сила моєї любові пропорційна силі тяжіння

3. problems inherent in
In the modern world, teenagers have problems inherent in psyche and mental health.
У сучасному світі у підлітків виникають проблеми, притаманні психіці та психічному здоров’ю.
The article I read talks about scientists' exploration of the surface of Mars and an incredible discovery. More recently, the satellites of the red planet noticed that something similar to lava and were not mistaken. It turned out that there are volcanoes on the surface of Mars that are still active and these eruptions release oxygen, although according to the evidence of scientists, the last time they erupted was more than 50,000 years ago. As a result, experts and researchers came to the conclusion that thanks to such young eruptions, it can be assumed that microbial life could have arisen here, which gives a chance that this planet may be suitable for the life of other creatures.

·        #200

Tanev Arseniy MD-211 (Mykhailiuk S.L.) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:46)

1)If you do not want to overfeed your pet, you should give a portion in proportion to its weight.
Якщо ви не хочете перегодовувати свого вихованця, давайте йому порцію пропорційно його вазі

2)Service centers deal with problems inherent in electronic devices.
Сервісні центри займаються проблемами, властиві електронним пристроям.

3)When buying a new computer, you must be sure as to its characteristics
Купуючи новий комп'ютер, ви повинні бути впевнені в його характеристиках

I read the article "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring problems of its own".This article tells us about the green and clean mobility of electric cars. But the overall sustainability of electric vehicles is far from clear. From another side , electic cars are more silent and clean for environmental , but electric cars come with problems of their own. For example lithium-ion batteries .The nickel used in the same batteries is toxic to extract from the ground. Different motor, same problem. Electric vehicles share many other issues with conventional cars too. Both require roads, parking areas and other infrastructure, which is especially a problem in cities and this creates a problem for people who don't have cars

·        #199

Ilya Volkov MD-211 Group B (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:46)

1) proportional to
In the Standard Model of particle physics, these matter particles fall into three "generations" of increasing mass,
and the Higgs boson interacts with them with a strength that is proportional to their mass.
У стандартній моделі фізики частинок, ці частинки поділяються на три покоління за зростаючою масою, і Бозон Хіггса взаємодіє із силою, пропорційною їх масі.

2) problem inherent in
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production,
and makes the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater treatment plants, Nirupam Aich says.
Це усуває попередню проблему, присутню крупносерійному виробництву, і робить цей процес доступним для використання на великих об’єктах, таких як очисні споруди, говорить Нірупам Айч.

3) as to
People who do their jobs deserve more as to lazy people.
Люди, які роблять свою роботу, заслуговують на більше, щодо ледачих.

University of Bufalo researchers claim to have found a new process to 3D print graphite airgels that can purify water multiple times.
Their goal is to safely remove contaminants from the water without releasing any problematic chemical residues.
In tests, the modified airgel removed some of the heavy metals, such as lead and chromium, that plague drinking water systems around the world.
I believe that this research will make a huge contribution to the quality of life around the world in the near future.

·        #198

Vasiliy Rusev MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:41)

1)problem inherent in
They encountered problems inherent in the internal policy of the company.
Вони зіткнулися з проблемами, притаманними внутрішній політиці компанії.
2)proportional to
These values ​​are proportional to scientific research.
Ці значення пропорційні науковим дослідженням.
3)as to
I did not have any questions as to them
По відношенню до них у мене не було жодних питань.

Today I've read the article about: "Humans are not inherently selfish: we are actually programmed to work together".
There has long been a general assumption that humans are inherently selfish. We appear to be ruthless, with strong impulses to compete with each other for resources and to amass power and property.
If we are kind to each other, it's usually because we have ulterior motives. If we are good, it is only because we have managed to control and transcend our innate selfishness and cruelty.
In the emergence of these negative traits, it seems to have evolved so rapidly that it seems impossible to explain their adaptation in terms of adaptation or development. This means that the "good" side of our nature is far more entrenched than the "evil" side.

·        #197

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:41)

To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 Thanks for the work.

·        #196

Filimonova Yana MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:37)

problem inherent in.
During her studies, she found out that she had problems inherent in with English.

as to.
It lacks precision as to its implementation.

proportional to.
The cost of renting housing should be proportional to the area of the housing.

Dog walking creates social bonds within communities, research finds.
As we know, animals are a major part of life in the USA because they are like family members. 90 million American families have at least one pet.
Research has been done on this topic. For example, we have learned that animals can strengthen our relationships and trust with other people by making a positive contribution.
It also turned out that during a normal walk with an animal, a much large percent of social interactions. That is, people who move around in a wheelchair are approached more often if they have a dog with them, or even if you just need help, most often people will help you if you again have a dog.
There are also benefits for children. I think that it is very good when a child grows up with a dog from childhood, because he will become his closest friend. Research has shown that living with dogs is associated with improved social and emotional skills in children.
That is, we can say that animals really decorate our lives, add emotions and colors, but I think we still do not know everything about them.

·        #195

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:17)

To Group MD-211 ( subgroup B)
To monitor from group MD-211 Anastasia Klepatska.
Could you invite your subgroup B students to participate in today’s activities? Or give a tel. N to dial somebody from this subgroup. The best way was to remain list A unchanged for me.

·        #194

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:05)

To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 Be attentive and write the name of your teacher. Now let's correct: Today i HAVE READ.. Please, choose the topic more relevant to your specialty. Also, I am waiting for your audio recordings.

·        #193

Spetcialna Katherina MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:59)

Phrases of the Day :
1. Problems inherent in - проблеми притаманні.
Scientists have addressed the problems inherent in with the development of artificial intelligence.
Вчені розглянули проблеми, пов'язані з розвитком штучного інтелекту.

2. Proportional to - пропорційно до.
Connection with the project and influence on it should be proportional to the contributions.
Зв'язок з проектом і вплив на нього має бути пропорційним вкладам.

3. As to - по відношенню до.
Although we have some idea as to what a black hole might look like, we've never actually taken a picture of one before.
Хоча ми маємо певне уявлення про те, як може виглядати чорна діра, насправді ми ніколи раніше її не фотографували.

I have just read the article "Compounds that suppress immune responses of plants discovered". I think that these studies will help to significantly improve the methods of editing the genome of crops. Back in 1997, a RIKEN scientist demonstrated that salicylic acid induces immune signaling. Next, the team studied whether other NSAIDs could boost plant immunity when infected with the bacterium that causes bacterial spot. They found that, while most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs boost plant immunity, three oxicam-type NSAIDs suppressed it. Agrobacterium is often used to genetically transform plants, but some crops are resistant to infection. A potential application of this finding could be in genome editing.

·        #192

Bondarenko Maria MD-211 (Mikeshova G.P.) (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:57)

1. as to
I've already had my share of sad experience as to the engine
У мене вже була своя частка сумного досвіду щодо двигуна

2. problems inherent in
Conflict manifests a complex set of political, economic, social and cultural problems inherent in our societies.
Конфлікт проявляється в складному комплексі політичних, економічних, соціальних і культурних проблем, властивих нашим суспільствам.

3. proportional to
Stars oscillation is inversely proportional to the square root of its density.
Коливання зірки обернено пропорційні квадратному кореню з її щільності.

I just read the article "Dog walking creates social bonds within communities, research funds", it talks about the fact that pets contribute to positive interaction between people. A simple walk down the street with a dog can lead to significantly more social interactions than a walk without a dog. I think this is because animals provide an opportunity for social rapprochement with another person, serving as a conversational starting point. I am of the opinion that our pets can strengthen our relationships and trust with other people. And also the fact that pets have a very big impact on the development of children's social and emotional skills.

·        #191

Snizhana Boichenko MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:48)

problem inherent in - проблеми, пов‘язані з
We have decided problems inherent in electric energy Ми вирішили проблеми, пов‘язані з електричною енергією.

proportional to - пропорціанально
This variable is proportional to the response
Ця змінна пропорціональна відповіді

as to - у відношинні
Tom and Karl have interesting opinion as to development their company.
Том і Карл мають цікаву думку у відношинні розвитку їх компанії. - фрази - текст

Companion animals are part of family life in the United States, with 90 million American families having at least one pet. They are beloved members of the family. They can provide emotional support.
They provide an opportunity for social interaction with other people.
Walking down the street with a pet can lead to significantly more social interactions than walking without a dog. The researchers found that people were more likely to help a stranger with a dog than without a dog, suggesting that the animal's presence was credible.
Research continues to support the idea that pets promote positive interactions between people.

·        #190

Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:47)


Today I read an article about our habits that have formed as a result of covid, which ones will remain and which ones will disappear. Most people in Britain have stopped social distancing. for most major countries, the worst days of kavid are over. We were helped in the fight against covid by some restrictions that have already become a habit for us. for example, we started wearing masks, sanitizing our hands, ordering food home, etc. One of the good habits is remote work and the development of distance learning. Alas, work and training still take place in person in most cases, but the percentage of the population who work and study remotely has increased.
2) 1. there were some problems inherent in communication
2.we see proportional growth in this chart
3. We have serious doubts as to the correctness of your actions.

·        #189

S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:28)

To student from group MD-211 (subgroup B)
Our English lesson has already started.Focus on the articles, write your own comments and record its audio version via Vocaroo app. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Pls translate the phrases into Ukrainian. The list is as follows: Brailovskiy, Volkov, Gorbatenjo, Dvornichenko, Dimitrashko,Savitska, Saenko, Samoliuk, Taney, Chesnokova, Zorina, Ksenzov. You are all invited to participate in our weekly activities. Let’s get started right now, pls.

·        #188

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:25)

To Anastasiia Klepatska-group- MD- 211. Thanks for having commented the article of the day. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The sentences with the phrases of the day practice meet all requirements of independent student work. Continue to work on line each week. All the best.

·        #187

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:25)

To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Oleg, attentive and write the name of your teacher. Now let's correct: Today i HAVE READ.. Please, choose the topic more relevant to your specialty.

·        #186

Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:19)

Today i rad an interesting article called «Pandemic mood: Much worse than a bad Monday»Nowadays,the situation with the coronavirus continues to be urgent. People around the world continue to get sick and recover.However, an important factor is people's mood about the situation. Researchers from the institute conducted a study and found out how someone's mood changed. The biggest drops in sentiment occurred in Australia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Colombia. The countries least affected by the pandemic in these terms were Bahrain, Botswana, Greece, Oman, and Tunisia. The response to the pandemic was also three to four times the response to extreme temperatures. The shock from the pandemic was stronger than, for example, from a hurricane. In the end, we can say that the coronavirus has greatly spoiled the mood of people and caused panic. Many countries are still recovering from this shock, and some have already moved away, but after a huge time. In such situations, it is important not to panic and be positive.

Article of the day: to- в отношении
We have serious doubts as to their effectiveness

2.proportional to-пропорционально
Also, the area under RROC curves proportional to the error variance of the regression model.

3. problems inherent in-проблемы, связанные с
Scientists have addressed the problems inherent in indicator design


·        #185

Merezhenko Nikita MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 18 March 2022 09:16)

1)problem inherent in(проблема, притаманна)
The Government was examining ways to prevent the problems inherent in such segregation and to stop its spread.
Уряд вивчає можливості попередження проблем, пов'язаних з такою сегрегацією, та способи припинення поширення цього явища.

2)proportional to(пропорційно до)
The lease amount is subject to restrictions and should be proportional to the surface area of the housing unit.
Сума оренди підлягає обмеженням і повинна бути пропорційною площі житла.

3)as to(щодо)
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
Наші ідеї щодо того, що має бути найкращою реформою, можуть відрізнятися.
I have read an article "New approach to DNA research could be key to solving mysteries of deadly diseases".I think this research is extremely useful for humanity because it solves the most difficult problem in our lives. Scientists start to appreciate that individual cells in a population of cells actually have small differences, and those small differences might not be noticeable, but they can have an impact if they disrupt how drugs or other treatments work.In conclusion i want say that this kind of research can change our lives and the world in general.

·        #184

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:59)

To Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 i am glad that you found the article interesting.

·        #183

Serdichenko Daria MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:56)

1) Problem inherent in.
The state has already begun to solve the problems inherent in the country.
Держава вже почала вирішувати притаманні країні проблеми.

2) As to.
They have confidence as to your loyalty.
Вони впевнені у вашій лояльності.

3) Proportional to.
The amount of amperage is proportional to voltage.
Величина сили струму пропорційна напрузі.

I've just read the article. The oversight announced an update to the Sportmix pet food review after it found 70 dog deaths, with 80 other dogs falling ill. For the first time a review for this food has been released, 28 dogs have already died after eating the food. Testing has proven that the feed contains very high levels of aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are toxins produced by mold. And they can cause very serious illness in pets. The agency stated that if consumers find food at home and should consult their veterinarian. Signs of illness are lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting.

·        #182

Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:54)

2. I have read the article “Study shows proportionally large moons around other planets not as rare as thought” This article is about computer simulations, which were made to recreate the conditions of the formation of Earth’s moon. Earth’s moon is believed to have come into existence as a result of a collision with another planet, causing massive amounts of debris to be knocked into orbit, and coalescing into the single round entity. The simulations indicate that the odds of such an occurrence range from 1 in 6, to 1 in 45, which means a lot more planet/moon pairs out there are much closer in size. The reason this is important is because the moon helps stabilize heat the distribution from sun, making life much more possible.
This work was interesting for me because it supports the idea, that we are not alone in this universe.
1) Proportional to: …interacts with them with a strength that is proportional to their mass.
2) As to: … going so far as to keep starling and barn swallow nests away from their barns.
3) Problem inherent in: This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production…

·        #181

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:51)

To Anna Belous-group- MD- 211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are complete and informative. Your voice record and the language melody is very good. The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. I hope that other students of your group will join in our on line activities every week. Best wishes

·        #180

Anastasiia Klepatska MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:46)

1. problem inherent in - проблема, притаманна...
Moreover, clean water is a problem inherent in 40% of the world’s population.
Більше того, чиста вода є проблемою, притаманною 40% населення світу.
2. proportional to - пропорційний до
We need to take measures proportional to additional needs.
Ми повинні вживати заходів, пропорційних додатковим потребам.
3. as to - щодо
Different views were expressed as to the recommendation.
Pізні думки були висловлені щодо рекомендації.

Today I've read the article "Chemists find the surprisingly simple way mammals keep their bloodstream in balance". It states that metabolism is governed by the rule of mass action.
The study found a measurable link between it and animal homeostasis. Mass action - is a process, when the catabolic rate grows with the amounts of individual circulating metabolites. This allows metabolite concentrations to remain within a healthy range. In the human body, when the concentration of metabolite increases dramatically, the body can react in one of two ways: by restricting endogenous products or by trying to burn faster.
I'm sure that this study is beneficial.

·        #179

Lebedeva E. (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:41)

To КА-211 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to attach the link of your article.

·        #178

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:15)

To students from 1/2 group-MD-211. Our English lesson has already started. You are to read one of the three proposed articles, write your own comment and record its audio version via Vocaroo facilities. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Do it in one post. Keep on working online. Good luck !

·        #177

Anna Belous MD-211 (G. P. Mikeshova) (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:14)
1. Problem inherent in
People have addressed the problem inherent in ecology.
Люди розглянули проблему зв'язану з екологію.
2. As to
Others expressed concern as to what mean moderate salary.
Інші висловили занепокоєння щодо того, що означає помірна заробітна плата.
3. Proportional to
Salary, that you obtain is proportional to the intensity yours work.
Зарплата, яку ви отримуєте, пропорційна до інтенсивності вашої роботи.

I have just read an article "Study shows expanding conflict-of-interest problem in congress". From 2005 to 2010 the average S&P 500 firm had 7 members of Congress that owned stock in the firm, and some companies had closer to 100 members owning stock. Jason Ridge, assistant professor of management in Sam M. Walton College of Business said that each percentage of congressional membership owning stock was worth about a 1 percent improvement in return on assets.
To conclude, firms are possibly using required public disclosure laws as a new way to influence lawmakers. Congress hold stock in their companies, scale back the intensity of their lobbying efforts with lawmakers.

·        #176

Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 18 March 2022 08:02)

Today I have read the article "Study shows proportionally large moons around other planets not as rare as thought". In fact, the information received was very interesting. I never thought that the Moon was formed from particles of another planet. Is this really so, I think so, but most of all I was surprised that so many more planets are unknown, but there are already guesses that there are planets similar to the Moon both externally and in proportions. I don’t know how many years it will take for scientists to be able to explore other planets, but let’s hope that it will be very soon.
I liked the article. I would like to read more like it.

1. as to - у відношенні
(статьи не открываются)
2. proportional to - пропорційна
A team of researchers from Switzerland and the United States, in a paper published on arXiv, have shown the likelihood of other planets having proportionally large moons is much higher than was previously thought.
3. problem inherent in - проблема, притаманна
The trust inherent in these connections can lead to better health and well-being.

·        #175

Sveta Gritsiyenko KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Friday, 18 March 2022 00:02)

Today I have read the article "Study shows proportionally large moons around other planets not as rare as thought". In fact, the information received was very interesting. I never thought that the Moon was formed from particles of another planet. Is this really so, I think so, but most of all I was surprised that so many more planets are unknown, but there are already guesses that there are planets similar to the Moon both externally and in proportions. I don’t know how many years it will take for scientists to be able to explore other planets, but let’s hope that it will be very soon.
I liked the article. I would like to read more like it.

1. as to - у відношенні
(статьи не открываются)
2. proportional to - пропорційна
A team of researchers from Switzerland and the United States, in a paper published on arXiv, have shown the likelihood of other planets having proportionally large moons is much higher than was previously thought.
3. problem inherent in - проблема, притаманна
The trust inherent in these connections can lead to better health and well-being.

·        #174

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 20:38)

To Emelyanova I., MD-213. Your comment on the article about robotics is quite all right, Irina, thank you. It only lacks your point of view on the problem. The task with the phrases is completed, but next time please translate the sentences into Ukrainian. And don't forget to do your independent work and post the comment. Keep on working. Best wishes.

·        #173

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 20:31)

To Novikova I., MD-213. Your comment on the article of your independent practice is informative and grammatically correct, Inna, thanks. Continue working. Best wishes.

·        #172

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 16:12)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Check the pronunciation of the following words: unrivaled, reliable, battlefield. Keep on working.

·        #171

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 16:08)

To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the second sentence (at any time or anytime). Keep on working.

·        #170

Emelyanova I. MD-213 (Kudinova T.I.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 15:58)

Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice:
1. prevailing view (преобладающее мнение):
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as drafted.
Преобладающее мнение состояло в том, что текст проекта статьи 32 следует сохранить в существующем виде.
2. priority research area:
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Одной из приоритетных областей этого исследования является вопрос употребления "экстази" молодыми людьми.
3. practical problems:
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
В настоящее время разрабатываются меры, которые позволили бы решить эти практические проблемы.

I have read the article about the three laws of robotics by Isaac Asimov. 75 years after the first publication of his laws, there have been significant technological advances, and now his laws are in need of updating.
Isaac Asimov's laws are still referred to as a model for the development of new robots. However, his laws also have some problems. For example, if we assume that soon developers will want to create robots for war, then Isaac's first law - do not harm people - becomes problematic. Another problem with the laws is that developers will need significant advances in AI for robots to actually follow them.
As a result, given all the problems of Asimov's laws, they can only be referred to as fundamental principles during the consciousness of robots.


·        #169

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 13:53)

I read the article "Army scientists take a new approach to quantum research." The article states that Army researchers have discovered a way to further improve quantum systems in order to provide soldiers with more reliable and safer options on the battlefield.
Specifically, this study reports how future quantum networks will be designed to deal with the effects of noise and decoherence or loss of information from a quantum system in the environment.
I believe that Quantum Networks and quantum informatics in general will potentially lead to unrivaled possibilities in computing, communication and perception.

·        #168

C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:28)

1. practical problems
There is a practical problem of how such scheduling fits realities of viewer's lives.
Існує практична проблема того, наскільки такий розклад відповідає реаліям життя глядачей.
2. prevailing view
The prevailing view is that central banks have become too powerful.
Переважає думка, що центральні банки стали надто могутніми.
3. priority research area
Today the priority research area is the study of space and the development of technologies.
Сьогодні пріоритетним напрямом досліджень є вивчення космосу та розробка технологій.

I have read the article "Software enables 3D printing on space station".
People in space have to be independent and self-sufficient as possible, because they don't have an opportunity to store enough materials or order supplies from Earth any time. But creating equipment in space with 3D printing is a difficult task: physical properties aren't suitable. Scientist Terrence Moran created a modeling software that predicts how the process will play out for a component and whether the result will be high or low quality.
In conclusion, the development will help engineers to work in space and on the Еаrth faster and better.

·        #167

Novikova I. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:19)

I have read the article « Sustainable future for coastal fisheries in the Baltic sea». Fishing was clearly an important economic and social activity in the Baltic Sea region since at least the 1500s. Its importance is seen in the decision and commitment of local authorities to levy taxes on the most profitable fisheries. Indeed in many instances the taxes were paid in fish, rather than other forms of compensation. I believe that fishing in the Baltic Sea is closely linked to the economic development of coastal communities and the impacts of climate change with the increasing loss of biodiversity. I recommend reading this article to my friends.

·        #166

Hadzhioglo M. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:10)

I have read the article "Study spearheads the chemical fingerprint of Viking weapons". It was published by the University of Nottingham. This article is about new research that aims to uncover new information about where the Normans came from and may also reveal previously unknown information about historical events. According to the paper, scientists from the University of Nottingham will study 90 iron artifacts from the Viking Age. The University of Nottingham is also collaborating with the University of Toulouse (Dr. Jean Milo), the University of York (Professor Dawn Hadley and Professor Julian Richards), the Fulford Battlefield Society (Chas Jones), and the British Geological Survey from Nottinghamshire in Keyworth (Professor Jane Evans) to determine the chemical isotope signature of iron using lead, strontium, and iron isotope analysis. I found this article interesting because I think it is very important to know one's history and also to improve technology in the study of old metals and their origins, which can be useful for archaeology.

Today I have read the article "Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help". A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the students who most need it. The research, carried out in conjunction with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), the Eurecat technological center and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will help solve one of the biggest problems faced by off-site education, which has become more widespread during the pandemic: how to obtain information concerning the progress of students in order to provide them with the necessary support before it is too late.

1) Prevailing view:
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.

Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні каркаси зберігають гази.

2)Practical problems:
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve practical problems.

Але коли ці експерти привносять AI в реальний світ і використовують його для вирішення практичних проблем.

3)Priority research areas:
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.

У новій роботі провідних вчених Великобританії викладено ключові рішення та політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Великобританія хоче досягти своєї чистої нульової цілі до 2050 року.

·        #165

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:07)

To Anichenko V.,MD-212. Thanks for your work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Your comment is rather superficial, some sentences have been copied. I'd like to know your own opinion on the issue. Keep on working.

·        #164

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:58)

To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Keep on working.

·        #163

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:54)

To Buyanova E.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and work with the phrases. Your voice message is obligatory, try to do it next time. Good luck.

·        #162

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:48)

To Motuzenko A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Look through the last sentence of your first review. Good luck.

·        #161

Tkachenko Alina MD-213(Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:43)

I’ve read an article about gender equality in research. For womеn in scientific research who keen on climbing the promotion ladder, chances are their path will be long due to stereotypes. Many women "disappear" in the transitions from Ph.D. student to post-doctoral fellow and to assistant professor. Others face obstacles that either slows their progression or blocks it completely. This combines with the "glass ceiling" or "sticky floor" effects. In order to promote gender equality today public bodies, research organizations, and higher education institutions must have a Gender Equality Plan in place to receive EU funding. For me as a woman which pursuing higher education, it’s important to know that there is some ways to reach gender equality in academic sphere.

Priority areas - приоритетная область

Previous studies have identified priority areas for ecological restoration.

Предыдущие исследования определили приоритетные области для экологического восстановления.

Prevailing view - преобладающие мнение

The prevailing view of dinosaur extinction based on the asteroid impact implies that the disappearance of dinosaurs should have been sudden and the effects should have been widespread

Преобладающее мнение о вымирании динозавров, основанное на столкновении с астероидом, предполагает, что исчезновение динозавров должно было быть внезапным, а последствия должны были быть широко распространены.

Practical problem -практическая проблема

Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and industries to solve practical problems in the battery field.

Исследовательские институты должны продолжать сотрудничать с национальными лабораториями и предприятиями для решения практических проблем в области аккумуляторов.

·        #160

Vania Anichenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.V) (Thursday, 17 March 2022)

Sorry ex message was from Vania not Tania,its laptop corrected message.

·        #159

Tania Anichenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.V) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:39)

Phrases of the day

Practical problems - практичнi проблемы
We don't have any practical problems
У нас немає практичних проблем

Priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок досліджень
New report recommends research priorities for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science
Нова доповідь рекомендує пріоритети досліджень Антарктики та Південного океану

Prevailing view - переважаючий погляд.
He got more prevailing view than u
В нього більш переважаючий погляд, ніж в тебе.

The University of Alberta's engineering team characterized the microporous material that captures CO2.
Rajendran compares the process that follows when emissions are sent through material to a group of people sent through a shopping area.
You will begin to see people who do not like shopping move forward, while those who do will move more slowly, he said.
However, the problem with these materials is that, although they often work within controlled laboratories, they do not work in the presence of water or other impurities. That's where Rajendran's team intervened.

·        #158

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:37)

To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your informative comments, voice messages and work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Well done. Good luck.

·        #157

Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:33)

1) These items should be listed as priority research areas - Ці пункти слід зазначити як пріоритетні напрямки досліджень.

2) We need to be sure that we have avoided practical problems - Ми повинні бути впевнені, що ми уникли практичних проблем.

3) The prevailing view is that the manager made a mistake in this situation - Переважає думка, що в цій ситуації менеджер зробив помилку.

I have just read the article 'Making bug-checking in software and hardware design cheaper and more efficient'. The article says that during various developments related to a computer system, various bugs appear. Programs for their detection cannot guarantee the absence of errors. Therefore, scientists are trying to improve them more and more. Large companies like Meta, Amazon and Microsoft use and develop special technology to improve their service. I believe that this is a very important area in IT. Because sometimes bugs can prevent user from performing important actions on the Internet.

·        #156

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:31)

To Mikhalyuk A.,MD-212. Thank you for your essay, voice messages and work with the phrases. But there is no link to the article you've read. Check the pronunciation of the words: author, specialty. Go on working.

·        #155

Nikita Rizkov MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:29)

1. practical problems - This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in the developing world.
2.prevailing view - The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as drafted.
3.priority research area - One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.

Today I have read an article titled "Altruism in birds?
Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices".
The article says that experimental study was one of the first of its kind.
Many animals living in communities cooperate with each other to ensure the health, safety,
and survival of the group. In fact, cognition and social cooperation have been found to be correlated.
Animals living in large groups tend to have an increased ability to solve problems.
I liked the article because i'm interested in this topic.

·        #154

Buyanova Eva MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:26)

practical problems
There are two practical problems.
Є дві практичні проблеми.

priority research areas
This is one part of the European priority research area
Це частина європейського пріоритетного дослідницького напряму

prevailing view
What is termed " neoclassical economics " was not always the prevailing view of the discipline.
Те, що називають «неокласичною економікою», не завжди було переважаючим поглядом на цю дисципліну.

I have read the article about the importance of choosing a password
Firstly, If the service is responsible for data protection, it is best to help people choose a complex password that is randomly generated. Secondly, some services use two-factor authentication, thanks to which you need to confirm the entrance with a code that comes via SMS to your phone
To sum up on any website you leave personal information about yourself, protected by a password. The sooner you come up with a complex and unique password for yourself, the sooner you will accustom yourself to order and do everything possible so that your accounts are not hacked.

I'm sorry but I can't record audio

·        #153

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:23)

To Ivan Lugovskoy, MD-213. Both of your comments on the articles are quite all right and informative, Ivan, thanks. Just mind one and the same mistake in the 1st sentence: "I HAVE just read THE article" (that is, use Present Perfect with "just" and the definite article "the" with the title of the article you read). And one more note: don't forget to add the Ukrainian translation of the sentences in the task with the phrases. Continue working. Best wishes.

·        #152

Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:23)

1. prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the consequences of failure to disclose such information should be left to the law of the enacting State.
2. priority research area
This framework should consider priorities research areas, best practices, and knowledge transfer.
3. practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in the developing world.

I have read the article about training robots can reduce doctors' risk of causing pain during medical examination. For the best quality of education for bachelors, training robotic manikins with a lively expression were invented. Using hints left by robots, trainee doctors will reduce error and bias for a physical examination. It is also a method to correct early signs of bias in medical students by exposing them to a higher level of diversity in patients' personalities. In my opinion, the creation of robots will reduce the risks during various survey and operations.

·        #151

A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:22)

1. prevailing view
The prevailing view of dinosaur extinction based on the asteroid impact implies that the disappearance of dinosaurs should have been sudden.
Переважаюча думка щодо вимирання динозаврів, заснована на ефектах падіння астероїда, означає що динозаври зникли раптово.
2. practical problems
They are instructed to detect useful patterns to solve practical problems.
Вони обучені виявляти корисні схеми для вирішення практичних задач.
3. priority research area
Yale has identified the development of quantum materials as a priority research area.
Єльський університет позначив розвиток квантових матеріалів як пріоритетну галузь дослідження.
I’ve read an article about a new system that is able to write programs from instructions.
This way, it may let everyone create their own software in not so distant future.
I personally think that it does not threaten human programmers or web-designers as they will still understand the client better than a computer would.
However, most of niche apps are likely to not have any accommodations for disabled or neurodivergent people, so tools for creating or personalizing software for different needs some particular person might have will partly solve the accessibility problems the developers might have missed.

I’ve read an article about why people find user interface changes annoying.
When the developer changes UI, no matter how much more efficient and ergonomic it becomes, we, the users, have to learn to operate it again. So the designers have to modify the interface in a way that is not only effective but easy to navigate.
In my opinion, this is a great approach to designing an interface as we always need it to be more comfortable to use. We also need to include more diversity in interface testing so the interface is accessible for various groups of people.

·        #150

Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:21)

1. Topics of this chapter describes 10 high-priority research areas. Теми цього розділу описують 10 пріоритетних напрямків досліджень.
2. The prevailing view is that charging now would be a mistake, and whatever one thinks of majority opinions, it makes a lot of sense too. Переважає думка, що стягнення плати зараз було б помилкою, і що б хто не думав про думку більшості, це також має великий сенс.
3. Practical problem solving is both a process and a skill that you develop over time to solve problems quickly and achieve goals. Практичне вирішення проблем – це процес і навик, який ви розвиваєте з часом, щоб швидко вирішувати проблеми та досягати цілей.

I’ve read an article about carbon-capturing material that could help industry reduce emissions.
This article reports that team of scientists have invented material and tested in work that offers an efficient way to pull carbon dioxide out of industrial emissions. They also developed a mathematical model to calculate possible economic and environmental outcomes of the technology. I think that this technology will reduce a lot of carbon emissions and will affect the cost of its producing.
In conclusion, I hope that humanity will continue to invent similar technologies to save the planet's resources and economies of countries.

I’ve read an article about impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs.
This article reports that the chemical compounds used in skin protection products can enter the environment as well as through use by the consumer. It is already understood that UV-filter compounds have toxic effects on marine organisms, but research in this area is limited. I think that researchers need more work in the area of understanding UV-filter toxicity under different climate conditions.
In conclusion, I hope scientists find a way to save coral reefs while still giving people the opportunity to protect their skin health from the sun.

·        #149

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:18)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. There are some mispronounced words in your audio file: knowledge, defining, priority, result, read (the 1st sentence). Keep on working.

·        #148

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:13)

To Nikolova S., MD-213. Thanks for your reasonable and clear comment on the article about social networks, Sofia, well done. Keep on working and stay well.

·        #147

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:09)

To Novikova I. MD-213. Thank you for your well-written and informative comment, Inna. The task with the phrases is done properly too. Now I am waiting for your independent practice post. Best wishes.

·        #146

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:07)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Pay attention to the first sentences (use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read). Look through the second sentence of your first review once more. Check the pronunciation of the following words: read (the 1st sentences), North Carolina, priority, ultraviolet. Go on working.

·        #145

Lugovskoy MD-213 (Kudinova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:05)

Prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should remain.
Priority research area
The major priorities and the critical research areas are linked to the priority directions of the Madrid Plan of Action.
Practical problems
Practical problems also arise in relation to the transmission of the relevant requests.

I just read an article about an approach to quickly and efficiently improve the movement of robots on their feet. It says that the reliable control of movements or movement of robots on legs can be a difficult task.
While some teams have previously created motion controllers by hand, others have attempted to program them automatically using machine learning algorithms. Automating their design can be beneficial, but it usually entails training machine learning algorithms for long periods of time. Two researchers from McKinney-Mřller University's Meersk Institute recently developed an alternative approach to train controllers for moving robots on legs. This approach, presented in an article published in the journal Nature Machine Intelligence, can be used to achieve motor behaviors of varying complexity in short periods of time.
As part of their study, the researchers evaluated their approach on a real physical six-legged robot, named MORF. In their tests, they found that he achieved remarkable results, creating the motor behavior they were aiming for after a very short training time.

I just read an article about a new generation of aqueous electrolyte. It tells the story of a group of chemists at the University of Maryland who have developed a new generation of aqueous electrolyte to reduce dependence on organic lithium-ion batteries.
In their paper published in the journal Nature Energy, the group describes their approach to competing with commercial organic electrolytes. They demonstrate that LIB pocket cells can be made using aqueous electrolytes with salt concentrations below 5 µM.
Scientists from Collčge de France and Electrochimique de l'Energie respectively published an article "News and Opinions" in the same issue of the journal, describing the complexities involved in developing substitutes for organic lithium-ion batteries and the work done by the team in Maryland.
The researchers' job was to find an aqueous electrolyte that goes beyond the water in the salt, while also improving efficiency and stability. It needed to have a salt concentration below 5.0 m (mol/kg) and a stability window of more than 3.0 V, and it was important for its manufacture to reduce the cost. They found a new generation electrolyte that meets all their requirements.

·        #144

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:04)

To Karina Botsman, MD-213. Both of your comments are quite good and interesting, Karina, thank you. There are some minor mistakes: "this article SHOWS people"; " it IS also A beautiful place". Please mind that the sentences of your work with the phrases should be translated into Ukrainian. Continue working. Best of luck.

·        #143

Savluk A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:03)

Zelinskiy Danya KI-212, I appreciate your comments. Go on working.

·        #142

Andrew Mikhalyuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:02)

In this article I would like to tell you about graphic design. Graphic design is a form of visual communication using text, images, or a promotional message to present information.Recently, this type of art is gaining popularity among young people.In my opinion, this type of activity is very difficult and it is an artistic design activity based on unique author's concepts, produced through the traditional technique of fine art.Designers can be divided into many types, each doing their own specialty, but I like web design the most.At the end of the article, I want to say that in our time it is one of the best types of contemporary art in my opinion.

1)It was agreed by the majority that such recommendations should not be included in the draft guide.
Більшість погодилися, що такі рекомендації не повинні бути включені до проекту керівництва.
2)The goal of this program was research to find technical solutions to practical problems.
Метою цієї програми було дослідження для пошуку технічних рішень практичних проблем.

3)The decision was difficult for the leadership, so it is more like a brainstorming than a session to list the priority areas of research.
Рішення було складним для керівництва, тому воно більше схоже на мозковий штурм, ніж на сесію для перерахування пріоритетних напрямків дослідження.

·        #141

Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:59)
I have read the article: "What's the prevailing opinion on social media? Look at the flocks, says researcher". Three billion people around the world, that is, about 40% of the population, use social networks on the Internet. The main problem is the expression of one's opinion, because among those who use social networks, only a fraction of them actually express their opinion. They tend to have strong opinions and are therefore more likely to express their views in public. But Murmuration can allow for research that makes better use of social media data to study public opinion as a form of social interaction and reveal underlying social dynamics. After reading this article, I want to recommend it to my friends.

·        #140

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:58)

1. priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on our consultation with experts.
На основі наших консультацій з експертами ми робимо чотири рекомендації щодо пріоритетних напрямків досліджень.
2. prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні каркаси зберігають гази.
3.practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.

I read the article "What's the prevailing opinion on social media? Look at the flocks, says researcher". The article states that the Communications Researcher has developed a system for measuring the slippery concept of public opinion in social networks.
The "murmuration" framework, developed and tested, solves problems such as defining online demographics and accounting for opinion-manipulating factors that characterize these digital battlefields of public discourse. Murmuration could allow for research that makes better use of social media data for public opinion research.
I believe the results once again confirm the echo chamber trends prevailing on social media, while at the same time adding important nuances to existing knowledge.

·        #139

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:56)

To Ksenia Genova, MD-213. Your comment on the article is very good and informative, Ksenia, thanks. I share your point of view on the problem. Mind one minor mistake: "This topic IS very interesting". Your independent practice is performed properly but there is again the same mistake: "This topic IS very interesting". Continue working. Best wishes.

·        #138

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:55)

To Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Everything is not bad. Look through the last sentence of your second review. Keep on working.

·        #137

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:54)

I read an article called "Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs needs urgent attention, say scientists".
Scientists at the University of York believe more research is needed on the effects of sunscreen on coral reefs.
Exposure to ultraviolet solar radiation has led to the widespread production of skin protection products, however, the chemical compounds used in these products may be released into the environment. UV-filter compounds have toxic effects on marine organisms.
Researchers aim to highlight these priority areas to better inform regulators about improving coral reef conservation and management while protecting human health with UV-filter products.

·        #136

Novikova I. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:50)

I have read the article « Altruism in birds? Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices». Magpies are not the only birds that show altruism. In numerous bird species, a breeding pair receives support in raising its young from other "helper" birds, including help with the feeding of its fledglings. Some will even go as far as protecting an unrelated bird's young from predators. In fact, cognitive ability and social cooperation has been found to correlate. I think that many animals that live in societies cooperate with one another to ensure the health, safety and survival of the group. I recommend reading this article to my friends.
1) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in the developing world.
В рамках цієї програми фінансувалися дослідження з пошуку технічних рішень практичних проблем, з якими стикаються країни, що розвиваються.
2) prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as drafted.
Переважна думка полягала в тому, що текст проекту статті 32 слід зберегти у існуючому вигляді.
3) priority research area
Finally, I stress the fact that Colombia has increased its funding for innovation, science and technology, identifying five priority research areas related to chronic non-communicable diseases.
Нарешті, хочу наголосити на тому факті, що Колумбія збільшила фінансування інновацій, наукових досліджень та технологій, виділивши п'ять пріоритетних сфер для досліджень у зв'язку з хронічними неінфекційними захворюваннями.

·        #135

Nikita Rizkov MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:49)

1.This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in the developing world.
2.The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as drafted.
3.One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.

Today I have read an article titled "Altruism in birds?
Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices".
The article says that experimental study was one of the first of its kind.
Many animals living in communities cooperate with each other to ensure the health, safety,
and survival of the group. In fact, cognition and social cooperation have been found to be correlated.
Animals living in large groups tend to have an increased ability to solve problems.
I liked the article because i'm interested in this topic.

·        #134

Botsman K. (Kudinova T.I.)MD-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:47)

I have read the article “Researchers call for armchair astronomers to help find unknown hidden worlds” and I have a couple of words.

Astronomers at the University of Warwick have joined partners around the world in launching a new online initiative, calling for volunteers to come forward and help to search for extrasolar planets.

In my opinion this is a very interesting project that brings together scientists of different specializations

·        #133

Posuvailo Illia MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:46)
I have read an article named “Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs needs urgent attention, say scientists”. This topic talks about the dangers of protective creams for coral reefs. It is already understood that UV-filter compounds have toxic effects on marine organisms, but research in this area is limited. Scientists have found that most studies on UV filter formulations have focused on freshwater organisms and ecosystems, and are not entirely accurate for marine conditions. Therefore, the researchers say, that more attention needs to be paid to such studies. I can recommend this article to everyone who interested in marine organisms and environmental ecology.

1. priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on our consultation with experts.

2. prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.

3. practical problems
They are instructed to detect and retain useful patterns to solve practical problems.

·        #132

Botsman K. (Kudinova T.I.)MD-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:46)

The prevailing view was that both issues should be dealt with.

Возобладало мнение о том, что следует рассмотреть оба этих вопроса.

Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.

В настоящее время разрабатываются меры, которые позволили бы решить эти практические проблемы.

In future, the National Fund for Scientific Research intends to devote greater attention to the incorporation of the equality concept in scientific work, in national research programmes and in priority research areas.

В перспективе Национальный фонд научных исследований желал бы уделять больше внимания тому, чтобы национальные программы и приоритетные направления исследований включали тему равенства в свои научные программы.

I have read the article “What life is like aboard the SpaceX Dragon capsule” and there is a lot of interesting information.
First of all this flight was the first civil flight to space in our history. It means that we have the space tourism right now and it isn’t our future. This expedition had cultural meaning, its a human’s first step in space exploration as the tourist road.

In my opinion, this article show people that there isn’t something impossible and that cosmos isn’t just a field of researches it also beautiful place where people should be at least one time per life

·        #131

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:46)

To Nikolova S. MD-213. Your comment on the article is informative and grammatically correct, Sofia, thanks. As for the phrases, the sentences should be translated into Ukrainian. And don't forget about your independent practice, you'd better do it right at the lesson to save time and effort. Keep on working and good luck.

·        #130

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:44)

To Martynkin V.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases of the Day Practice. Everything is quite all right. Go on working.

·        #129

Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:43)

1. priority research areas
Papers were invited in four priority research areas: Biological Sciences,
Engineering, Geosciences, Environmental Research and Education.
2. prevailing view
The prevailing view was that no specific time frame should be set.
3. practical problems
The practical problems of a formal dialogue among civilizations are obvious

I’ve read an article about "How old is our moon". Most scientists agree that the Earth has pretty much always had its moon. The details of how the moon formed, and when, have long been debated. According to the giant impact hypothesis, our moon formed as the result of the last of a series of "giant impact" mergers between planetary embryos that eventually formed the Earth. The merged body resulting from this became the Moon. In my opinion, in this case, it’s impossible to say for sure, because nobody saw it, and it’s all considered an interesting mystery.

·        #128

Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:42)


I have read the article about health effects of 5G. This topic a very interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider we live in a media world with a lot of gadgets. Now 5G developers are working to develop 5G and incorporate it into any gadget. Will 5G really be more dangerous than other technology? Everyone knows that even our little phone is radioactive and emits a small amount of waves to us. The same amount of radiation is likely to be emitted by 5G devices.
To sum up, we should not be afraid of innovation. Especially now, scientists are focused on the study of 5G.

·        #127

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:36)

1)The prevailing view was that both issues should be dealt with.
Перемогла думка про те, що слід розглянути обидва ці питання.

2)The choice of culture as a priority area of research poses a quite specific purpose.
Вибір культури як пріоритетного напряму дослідження ставить перед собою спокійну конкретну мету.

3)Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
У даний час розробляються заходи, які дозволять вирішити ці практичні проблеми.

I read an article called "Mapping out how to save species"
A new study from North Carolina State University maps priority areas around the world that are key to protecting vulnerable animal species and focusing conservation efforts.
The researchers calculated the percentage of priority areas that fall within protected areas. They made maps out the worldwide efforts to protect animal species and conserve biodiversity.
This global overview shows the combined species richness of amphibians, birds and mammals in the Americas.
Therefore, the purpose of the experiment is to show that protected areas need to be expanded before it is too late.

·        #126

Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:35)

The prevailing view is that this student was cheating on exam because his grades can't be so high

Measures are being agreed to overcome practical problems.

One of the priority research areas is the way of getting energy from wind

Today I have read an article : "Summit supercomputer to advance research on wind power for renewable energy". According to the article, researchers found a new way of getting energy . They want to use an ocean wind to produce a stable way of getting energy. Unfortunately this kind of wind is unpredictable so there was used a supercomputer which helps to learn things that can't be seen and counted by people
In my opinion, ocean wind is quite strong so a lot of energy can be produced. Moreover ocean winds are regular so this way of getting energy is stable


·        #125

Genova Ksenia (Kudinova. T.I.) MD-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:35)

1. What's the prevailing opinion on social media?
Яка думка переважає в соціальних мережах?
2. "There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change, that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the land and the ocean is changing," said Boos.
«Існує така думка, що північноамериканські мусони можуть змінитися, що все може стати сухішим або вологим, оскільки змінюється тепловий контраст між сушею та океаном», — сказав Боос.
3. Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a decade.
Гендерна рівність була ключовим пріоритетом у Європейському дослідницькому просторі вже більше десяти років.
4. A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
У новій роботі провідних вчених Великобританії викладено ключові рішення та політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Великобританія хоче досягти своєї чистої нульової цілі до 2050 року.
5. Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Окрім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
6. "Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and industries to solve practical problems in the battery field," said Chengcheng Fang, the paper's first author, who earned her Ph.D. in Meng's research group and is now on faculty at Michigan State University.
«Дослідницькі установи повинні продовжувати співпрацювати з національними лабораторіями та промисловими підприємствами для вирішення практичних проблем у сфері акумуляторів», – сказала Ченгчен Фанг, перший автор статті, яка отримала ступінь доктора філософії. у дослідницькій групі Менга і зараз працює на факультеті Університету штату Мічиган.

I have read the article about Scientists find a way to stabilize a promising material for solar panels. This topic a very interesting. Why do social sciences research this issue?
I consider one of the solar energy market's most promising solar cell materials—perovskite—is also the most frustrating. I observe a huge number of people in my country who put solar panels on their property. And unfortunately, no one thinks about the environmental friendliness of the materials. Scientists have improved perovskite and made it more resistant to water and natural conditions. Thus prolonging the life of batteries and their environmental friendliness
To sum up, thinking that solar panels are really environmentally friendly, it's worth learning a little more and delving into the subject.

·        #124

N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:35)

1. practical problems
We are faced with the search for solutions to practical problems.
Ми стоїмо перед пошуком рішень практичних проблем.
2. priority research area
He compiled a list of priority research areas.
(Він склав перелік пріоритетних напрямків досліджень.)
3. prevailing view
The prevailing view was that this issue should be discussed.
(Переважала думка, що це питання має бути обговорено.)

I read an article about an invention - a laser that will help get rid of space debris.
Space debris is a big problem for humanity. But thanks to new technologies that allow us to see objects in the night sky more clearly, thereby increasing the success in solving this problem. The new laser, installed on the telescope, is able to determine accurate dimensions and safely remove space debris from orbit. They also want to use this device to provide high-speed communications.
Summing up, I want to say that the development and creation of new technologies makes our life better.

Today I read an article about developing a new technology to clearly see objects through murky water.
The device can be useful for finding archaeological artifacts and exploring underwater depths. This device makes the image clearer, conveying everything to the smallest detail. But the further development of this device will not stop there. The inventors want to test it in the ocean, increasing the distance from the image for a more detailed study of the depths of the ocean.
Summing up, I want to say that thanks to such technologies we are not only improving, but also gaining new knowledge.

·        #123

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:35)

To Shvets O.O.-group-211.Thank you for your comments on the article, the audio version of your essay and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Your voice record should be better. There are a lot of mispronounced words in your reading: "artificial; published; it is designed; identifies; techniques; results; studies; underachieving; relevant etc." Go on practising your pronunciation. Would you consult a dictionary. Continue working online. Good luck !

·        #122

Terzi N. MD-213 (Diachenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:33)
I have read the article about how the artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help. This study provided information on student performance to provide them with the support they need before it is too late. With in-person classes not possible due to the pandemic, the main goal is to develop a method to improve distance learning that will allow teachers to identify students who are in danger of failing so that they, as well as the students themselves, can enhance their learning process. Furthermore, artificial intelligence and its predictions can also help detect possible plagiarism.This article is very useful because this study supports the sustainable development goal and quality education.

1.priority research areas (приоритетные направления исследований)
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas
2. prevailing view (превалирующее мнение)
 The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such recommendations
3. practical problems ( практические проблемы)
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.

·        #121

Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:27)

Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez réguličrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.

·        #120

Nikolova S. MD-213(Kudinova. T.I.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:18)

prevailing view- превалирующее мнение
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species 25 October 2013, by Adam Hinterthuer Eurasian water milfoil is growing alongside native plants in this lake. Исследование бросает вызов преобладающему мнению об инвазивных видах 25 октября 2013 г., Адам Хинтертхьюер Евразийский тысячелистник растет рядом с местными растениями в этом озере. practical problems- практические проблемы
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems. Помимо моральных возражений, которые мы могли бы иметь против регулярной выплаты денег преступникам, эта практика вызывает две важные практические проблемы.
priority research area- приоритетных исследовательских областей The report recommends the following as key needs for supporting and implementing the priority research goals and other areas of Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. В отчете в качестве основных потребностей для поддержки и реализации приоритетных исследовательских целей и других областей науки об Антарктике и Южном океане рекомендуется следующее.
I have read the article: "Bringing AI into the real world".Artificial intelligence technologies of the population are subject to influence on any groups, but their possibilities are not unlimited.
The main discovery of AI is that learning is possible only on the basis of data, it is impossible in other ways.
In other words, these systems are characterized by a very narrow specialization. They are aimed at performing one specific task, and they are far from human multitasking.
They can be used in industry: AI can analyze IoT data from the production site, predict load and demand, explore to work with subsequent data.
After reading this article, I want to recommend it to my friends.

·        #119

Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Sirotenko) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:15)

Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice:

1) practical problems

This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.

У рамках цієї програми фінансувалися дослідження щодо пошуку технічних рішень практичних проблем.

2) prevailing view

The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such recommendations.

Однак превалююча думка полягала в тому, що до проекту керівництва не включати такі рекомендації.

3) priority research area

It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.

Тому за своїм задумом воно швидше нагадує мозкову атаку, пошук консенсусу, ніж сесію зі складання переліку пріоритетних дослідницьких областей.

I read the article "Advanced computer Modeling reveals intriguing information about magma deep below the Earth's surface." Scientists have conducted new research in computer modeling on the properties and behavior of magma found at a depth of several kilometers underground. The study showed that the water-rich magmas formed in the Earth's mantle are more buoyant and liquid than previously thought. This article allows us to predict how and where water magmas move inside the Earth, that the amount of water in these areas can be predicted, which contributes to understanding the water cycle at the depth of the Earth.

I read the article "Researchers propose a simpler design of quantum computers". Today's quantum computers are difficult to manufacture and require lower temperatures to operate. These problems have prompted scientists to explore the possibility of creating quantum computers powered by photons. This article tells us that photons can easily transfer information, and photonic quantum computers can work at room temperature. This surprisingly simple design requires only a few pieces of equipment: a fiber optic cable, a beam splitter, a pair of optical switches and an optical resonator.

·        #118

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:10)

To Bogdan Fomenko , KI-211. Your comment on the article is quite all right, Bogdan, thanks. I would appreciate if you expressed your own opinion on the topic discussed. The task with the phrases is complete but you'd better produce the Ukrainian translation of the sentences. And please, stick to the timetable and post your comment in time for them to be accepted.. Keep on working.

·        #117

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:04)

To Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211. I've check both of your comments on the articles, Artem, and can say they are informative but contain some mistakes: "Today I have read AN interesting article, it is"; "This article DESCRIBES how"; " are concerned ABOUT their illnesses THAT may be a result"; "this article can be interesting FOR people who ARE interested in"; "This article DESCRIBES open-source THAT can be more invested IN"; "This article DESCRIBES how to INVEST". Try to be more attentive and careful in expressing your ideas. The task with the phrases is done properly. Go on working.

·        #116

Sirotenko T. V. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:51)

To Group MD-212. Good morning, dear students. I'm waiting for your comments, voice messages and tasks with the phrases of the Day Practice. Good luck.

·        #115

Tamara Kudinova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:47)

To the students of Group MD-213. Good morning dear students! Our lesson is about to start and I am waiting for your comments, audio files and the task with the phrases, as well as for your independent work. Good luck!

·        #114

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:35)

To Vietiev Ivan-group-KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article, the voice message and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. The review contains a correct narration of the main idea of the article you have read. The topic was written without grammatical and lexic mistakes. The audio recording sounds quite fluently. Mind the pronunciation of separate words: " published; e'vents; isotope; archaeology, etc." The sentences with the phrases of the day meet the requirements of independent student work . Keep on working online. All the best.

·        #113

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 23:00)

To Beletskiy Bogdan group-KD-211. Thank you for having submitted your comments on the article with the voice message and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Would you write the phrases before the examples. " Today I have read the article..." Present Perfect is used. Your voice record should be better: pay attention to the pronunciation of separate words: "further; recent; 'multiple; co'mmitment; hightened; in'equities; re'port; etc". You should consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Continue to work online. Best wishes.

·        #112

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 19:37)

To Shevchenko Vlad group-KD- 211. Thank you for your comments on the article of the day, audio version of your essay and the work with the phrases of the day. Remember, " The article I have read ...Present Perfect is used ". The audio recording sounds fluently and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day should contain the sentences showing the usage of these phrases in context, but not word combinations. Continue working. All the best.

·        #111

Fomenko Bogdan, KI-211, Kudinova. T.I. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022)

1. pilot study
Researchers will assess whether this improves academic performance, after a pilot study suggested that it had a positive effect on exam results.
Исследователи оценят, улучшит ли это успеваемость после того, как пилотное исследование показало, что это положительно повлияло на результаты экзаменов.
2. poorly understood
Because they are the most vulnerable and poorly understood or supported.
Потому что они наиболее уязвимы и плохо понимаются или поддерживаются.
3.flow chart
A flow chart or a flow diagram is a diagram which represents the sequence of actions in a particular process or activity.
Блок-схема или блок-схема — это схема, которая представляет последовательность действий в конкретном процессе или деятельности.
Today i have read the article "Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help". A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the students who most need it. The research, carried out in conjunction with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), the Eurecat technological center and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will help solve one of the biggest problems faced by off-site education, which has become more widespread during the pandemic: how to obtain information concerning the progress of students in order to provide them with the necessary support before it is too late.

·        #110

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 14:36)
Open-source growth and venture capital investment: Data, databases, challenges, and opportunities | ZDNet
Today I have read interesting article it is “Open-source growth and venture capital investment: Data, databases, challenges, and opportunities”. This article describe about open-source can be more invested, because open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way but a new generation of investment funds goes to show that things are changing. This article describe about how to investing in open source software and how to be invested. In my opinion this article can be interesting investors and people who make some software.

·        #109

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 14:35)
Pilot study: Group of Bradford Co, Pa. residents concerned about health effects of hydrofracking (
Today I have read very interesting article it is “Pilot study: Group of Bradford Co, Pa. residents concerned about health effects of hydrofracking”. This article describe about how hydrofracking have health effects. Residents living in areas near natural gas operations, also known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, are concerned their illnesses may be a result of nearby drilling operations. Twenty-two percent of the participants in a small pilot study surmise that hydrofracking may be the cause of such health concerns as sinus problems, sleeping difficulties, and gastrointestinal problems. In my opinion this article can be interesting people who interested in protection of environmental.

·        #108

Smerteniuk Artem, KI-211,Kudinova.T.I (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 14:35)
flow chart: Flow-chart of a supposed recommendations algorithm used by TikTok, as reprinted by The New York Times from an internal document leaked to the Times by a TikTok staffer.
Блок-схема передбачуваного алгоритму рекомендацій, що використовується TikTok, як передрукувала The New York Times з внутрішнього документа, просочилася в Times співробітником TikTok.
poorly understood: Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.
Програмне забезпечення з відкритим вихідним кодом раніше було погано вивчено комерційними силами, і до нього часто підходять упереджено.
pilot stud: Pilot study opens new possibilities for AI to enhance cognitive performance.
Експериментальне дослідження відкриває нові можливості для ШІ для підвищення когнітивних показників.

·        #107

Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 14:05)

I read an article about a college where you can get a flight license in 18 months. The departments of the college offer assistance to international students: student visa, housing, medical insurance, free transportation to the airport for flight training, monthly payment, employment and employment for graduates. The teachers are dedicated to their In fact, they want their students to accurately learn how to fly an airplane. Therefore, they claim that the success rate is 100%. , but the article clearly exaggerates the achievements of the college.


·        #106

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:56)

To Artem Kunitsky, KI-211. Your comment on the article is not bad, Artem, thanks. But its audio version sounds bad as there are lots of mispronounced words in it. You should practice reading the new words more. And where is the task with the phrases? Please work harder.

·        #105

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:51)

To Pozhar Sasha, KI-211. Thank you for your comment on the article of your independent work. Keep on working.

·        #104

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:48)

To Leonid Chukarin, KI-211. Both of your comments on the articles are quite good, Leonid, thanks. But there the same mistakes again: please use Present Perect with "today - "Today I HAVE REAR THE article", " It TELLS about the". The audio files sound not bad, the mispronounced words are "specifically", "data" and "directions". Keep on working and stay well.

·        #103

Beletskiy Bogdan(KD-211 Mikeshova G. P.) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:48)

Кesearchers in the UH College of Pharmacy and UH Department of Psychology conducted a pilot study which revealed that Syrian women in Houston are sadder and experience more stress-induced -
Дослідники з Фармацевтичного коледжу та факультету психології UH провели пілотне дослідження, яке показало, що сирійські жінки в Х'юстоні більш сумні та відчувають більше стресу.
Everyone needs backup yet its still a widely underutilized service that is often poorly understood - Кожен потребує резервного копіювання, але це все ще широко невикористовуваний сервіс, який часто погано розуміють.

Today I read an article about investigators
who study the role of a black female principal in schools.
The twin events of the COVID-19 pandemic and a heightened awareness of racial inequities in the United States have further cemented the commitment of female Black school principals to their schools, according to a recent journal article published by three UConn scholars from the Neag School of Education. The trio interviewed 20 Black female principals in three different states on multiple occasions before writing the report. The interviews started in-person before the COVID-19 pandemic and were followed up with virtual meetings.

·        #102

Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:48)

I read an article on open source. Open source used to be looked down upon, but now a new generation of investment funds is proving that things are changing.The researcher of the article invited Konstantin Vinogradov, the owner of the Runa Capital fund, to share his views on open source.Investing in open source software.Runa Capital was established in 2010, and it supports founders who are building disrupting companies across three areas: B2B SaaS, deep tech (middleware, open source platforms, machine learning, and cloud infrastructure), and software for regulated industries (fintech, edutech, and digital health).Runa Capital has a few investments under its belt, including some iconic OSS companies such as Nginx -- one of the two most popular web servers -- and MariaDB, a fast-growing SQL database. Runa's founders were involved in startups themselves, and Vinogradov described the people at Runa as tech-savvy -- most of them have backgrounds in software engineering and science. This, Vinogradov said, has led Runa to invest in open source companies from Day One, before it became mainstream:"The common perception on the market was, well, how to make money off of something which is totally free and could be easily copied and so on. That has changed. Now the market understands how open source works. And open source companies can get quite high prices".In short, I believe that any type of investment can always both skyrocket in terms of income, and completely lose relevance. It's like playing in a casino, only there are great chances of winning if you have a lot of patience.


·        #101

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:38)

To Daniil Saliy, KI-211. Thank you for your reasonable comment on the article, Daniil, I share your opinion. The audio file sounds quite good too. The task with the phrases is OK as well. Keep on working and good luck.

·        #100

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:31)

To Vlad Velikov, KI-211. Thanks for your comment, Vlad, it is not bad but sentence 2 should be rearranged like this: "This article TELLS THAT since the Syrian civil war WHICH began in 2011". The audio version contains some mispronounced words: resettling, Houston, sufficiency. And please translate the sentences of the task with the phrases into Ukrainian. As for your independent work, the comment is not bad but please be more careful in rendering the contents and don't use "we" as you are not the author of the article. Continue working and good luck.

·        #99

Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:26)

poorly understood
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.
Раніше програмне забезпечення з відкритим вихідним кодом погано розумілося комерційними структурами, і його часто підходили упереджено.
pilot study
As such, the research team conducted a pilot study using CURATE.AI to create individualized training profiles.
Тому дослідницька група провела пілотне дослідження за допомогою CURATE.AI для створення індивідуальних профілів навчання.
flow chart
Design service illuminance is derived from the standard service illuminance by taking account of the modifying factors contained in the flow chart.
Проектна службова освітленість визначається з урахуванням стандартної службової освітленості з урахуванням змінних чинників, наведених у діаграмі.
The article is headlined "Study spearheads the chemical fingerprint of Viking weapons". It was published by the University of Nottingham. This article is about new research that aims to uncover new information about where the Normans came from and may also reveal previously unknown information about historical events. According to the paper, scientists from the University of Nottingham will study 90 iron artifacts from the Viking Age. The University of Nottingham is also collaborating with the University of Toulouse (Dr. Jean Milo), the University of York (Professor Dawn Hadley and Professor Julian Richards), the Fulford Battlefield Society (Chas Jones), and the British Geological Survey from Nottinghamshire in Keyworth (Professor Jane Evans) to determine the chemical isotope signature of iron using lead, strontium, and iron isotope analysis. I found this article interesting because I think it is very important to know one's history and also to improve technology in the study of old metals and their origins, which can be useful for archaeology.

·        #98

Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:18)

Today i have read the artcile "Field study shows pollinators prefer saltier nectar". A team of researchers affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.S., has found adding sodium to floral nectar increased both visits by pollinators and their diversity. In their paper published in the journal "Biology Letters", the group describes how they added sodium to the nectar of several plants and set them in a meadow and then watched how the local pollinators reacted to them.The researchers suggest their findings indicate that pollinators can be more highly drawn to plants that have elevated levels of sodium—a finding that might become important as the numbers of pollinators drop due to human activities, including climate change.

·        #97

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:18)

To Vitalii Bordan, KI-211. Thanks for the reasonable and informative reviews of the articles, Vitalii. Their audio versions do not sound good enough because of the mispronounced words: kind, ensure, communication, reveals, new, Texas, accept and flood. The task with the phrases is done properly. Go on working and good luck.

·        #96

Zelinskiy Danya (KI-212,Savluk) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:10)

Phrases of the day:
1.poorly understood - Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.Программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом раньше плохо понималось коммерческими силами, и к нему часто подходили предвзято.
2.flow chart - Carbon emissions, energy flow charts for all U.S. states. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has updated its energy flow charts to include state-by-state energy use for 2015-2018.
Выбросы углерода, диаграммы потоков энергии для всех штатов США. Ливерморская национальная лаборатория Лоуренса (LLNL) обновила свои схемы энергопотребления, включив в них данные об использовании энергии по штатам на 2015–2018 годы.
3.pilot study - When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian magpies for a pilot study, we didn't expect to discover an entirely new social behavior rarely seen in birds.
Когда мы прикрепили крошечные устройства слежения, похожие на рюкзаки, к пяти австралийским сорокам для пилотного исследования, мы не ожидали обнаружить совершенно новое социальное поведение, редко встречающееся у птиц.

·        #95

Shvets O.O. (KD-211, Mikeshova G.P.) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:09)

Each year, the Laboratory releases energy flow charts.
Каждый год Лаборатория выпускает диаграммы потоков энергии.
Current blockchain technologies and concepts are immature, poorly understood.
Существующие технологии и концепции блокчейна являются незрелыми и плохо изученными.
A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the students who most need it.
Экспериментальное исследование использования искусственного интеллекта для выявления потребностей учащихся в дистанционном обучении пришло к выводу, что полученные данные могут быть использованы учителями для оказания помощи наиболее нуждающимся в ней учащимся.
Article "Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help" published by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. It tells about the research and development of artificial intelligence. It is designed to help underachieving students. Techniques were also explored to improve distance learning to help teachers identify and help students who are in danger of failing. Already in these studies, great discoveries and results have been made that will help our world in educating people. I really liked this article, as it is a very relevant topic.

·        #94

Savluk A. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:09)

Shpyrnyi Maksym, KI-212,
Samsonnikov D. KI-212
Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!

·        #93

Shevchenko Vlad KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:08)

A pilot studio from North Carolina State University
пілотна студія з Університету штату Північна Кароліна

Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces
Програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом раніше погано розумілося комерційними силами

Flow chart of the proposed hierarchical classification model
Блок-схема запропонованої моделі ієрархічної класифікації

The title of the article I read is Open Source Growth and Venture Capital: Data, Databases, Challenges and Opportunities
Open source software has previously been poorly understood by commercial forces and is often biased. The new generation of investment funds shows that things are changing.
Open source software is a lot of things to a lot of people. For some people -- engineers, mostly -- it's a way to work on their passion, be involved in a community, and give something back to the world. For others -- business people, mostly -- it's a way to grow projects organically and sell software without actually investing too much in sales.

·        #92

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:07)

To Ruslan Troncha, KI-211. I have just read your review of the independent work article and can say it is very good, thanks.

·        #91

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:04)

To Ruslan Troncha, KI-211. Your comment on the article is very good, Ruslan, thanks. The task with the phrases is done properly. The audio record sounds quite good,, the mispronounced words are: chart, tiny, identify and widespread. Continue working and good luck.

·        #90

Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:02)

pilot study
A pilot study from North Carolina State University offers insights into ferrovolcanism that could help scientists interpret landscape features on other worlds. Експериментальне дослідження з Університету штату Північна Кароліна пропонує уявлення про феровулканізм, що може допомогти вченим інтерпретувати особливості ландшафту в інших світах.
flow chart
This year marks two changes to the energy flow chart. Цього року в графіку енергетичних потоків відбулися дві зміни.
poorly understood
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way. Програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом раніше погано розумілося комерційними силами, і до нього часто підходять упереджено.
The article is titled Here are the 10 top tech trends you need to understand right now and it was written by Steve Ranger from ZDNet.
The main idea of this review is to present for ordinary people some of brand new tech trends. Such as autonomous things which is consists of robots, drones etc. Also as example it could be smart spaces that is a physical or digital environment in which humans and technology-enabled systems interact. As well, quantum computing, which is still very early to explain not to mention the use for nowadays.
Ultimately, I'd like to say that this report is entrancing, because of relevance information for nowadays.

·        #89

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:57)

To Sasha Pozhar, KI-211. Your comment on the article is reasonable and grammatically correct, Sasha, thank you. Its audio version sounds not bad but there are some mispronounced words: refugees, since, events, also, women and misfortune. Next time try to combine posting the comment on the classrom article with the comment on the article of your independent work, to save time and effort. Keep on working and good luck.

·        #88

Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:52)

I have read the article "Dictatorships advancing globally".
The Center for the Study of Democracy has stated that 70 percent of the world's population lives under dictatorships. The level of democracy around the world is decreasing every year. The researchers called the results horrifying and unimaginable. The growth of autocratization can lead to dire consequences. Russia's recent invasion of Ukraine is a clear example of autocratization.
Dictatorship destroys democratic institutions such as freedom of speech, the judiciary and civil society.
I think that without democracy the development of mankind is not possible.

·        #87

Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:52)

Results of the pilot study showed that while some participants may thrive under high levels of intensity, others may perform better under lower intensity levels.
Результати екстремального дослідження показали, що хоча деякі учасники можуть процвітати при високих рівнях інтенсивності, інші можуть працювати краще при нижчих рівнях.

Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.
Програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом раніше погано вивчалося комерційними силами, і до нього часто підходять упереджено.

Flow chart of the proposed hierarchical classification model.
Діаграма запропонованої моделі ієрархічної класифікації.

Team develops robot hand capable of handling eggs and cutting paper with scissors

This is about the robot hand that can be easily mounted on a variety of robot arms, and offers the world's strongest grasping force against its own weight. It is expected it will be used for industrial sites as well as everyday life. A total of 12 motors are used to move each finger and joint independently. In addition, the developed robot hand is lighter and stronger than commercially available robot hands. Its weight is less than 1 kg. And also the research team developed two types of force sensors to allow tactile sensing to detect contact with objects, what are the key to controlling the grasping force.

·        #86

Shpyrnyi Maksym, (KI-212, Savluk) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:50)

1. "poorly understood" Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way.
2 "pilot study" Pilot study reveals storm response of offshore lighthouses.
3. "flow chart" Carbon emissions, energy flow charts for all U.S. states.
Today I have read an article called "If we put computers in our brains, strange things might happen to our minds".
The work tells us about brain-computer interface and how it can interact with our brain. Brain is generally good at changing: it adapt to new tools and new environments and there is great potential to such interactive that can possibly change how we view the world, our own bodies, and even the speed at which we can produce changes in the world.
The article will be interesting for people who like new technologies.

·        #85

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:49)

To Alexandr Neforosov, KI-211. Thanks for the clear and well-written comment on the article, Alexandr. Its audio version sounds very good but for the word "pulse". The task with the phrases is done properly. Continue working and good luck.

·        #84

Samsonnikov D. KI-212 (Savluk.A) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:42)

1) pilot study-экспериментальное исследование
A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the students-
Пилотное исследование использования искусственного интеллекта для выявления потребностей учащихся в дистанционном обучении пришло к выводу, что полученные данные могут быть использованы учителями для оказания помощи учащимся.
2) flow chart.-диаграммa
The 2016 energy flow chart released by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory details the sources of energy production, how Americans are using energy and how much waste exists

В диаграмме энергетических потоков 2016 года, опубликованной Ливерморской национальной лабораторией Лоуренса, подробно описаны источники производства энергии, то, как американцы используют энергию и сколько существует отходов.
3) poorly understood-плохо изучен.
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way. A new generation of investment funds goes to show that things are changing.
Программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом раньше плохо понималось коммерческими силами, и к нему часто подходили предвзято. Новое поколение инвестиционных фондов доказывает, что все меняется.

·        #83

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:42)

To Artem Radetsky, KI-211. Your comment on the article is, in general, not bad, Artem, thanks, but there some mistakes: "I have read THE article", "IT TELLS about". There are a lot of mispronounced words in the audio version: reveals, how, floods, therefore, frequent, consequences, mitigate. And I advse you to do your independent work at once and post your comment together with the classromm work. Keep working and stay well.

·        #82

Velikov Vlad (Kudinova)KI-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:17) Today I have read the article “Open-source growth and venture capital investment: Data, databases, challenges, and opportunities” Yhis article talks about Open source software is a lot of things to a lot of people. For some people -- engineers, mostly -- it's a way to work on their passion, be involved in a community, and give something back to the world. For others -- business people, mostly -- it's a way to grow projects organically and sell software without actually investing too much in sales.

It's a nuanced topic, and we've tried to explore it from many angles. From the business angle, we've explored open source vendors relationships with hyperscalers, mostly Google and Amazon. In conclusion, I want to say that this article turned out to be very informative and opened up a lot of new things for me about which I did not know, I advise it to be read by everyone who wants to expand their knowledge

·        #81

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:13)

To Dmitry Mytroshak, KI-211. Your comment on the article is, in general, not bad, Dmitry, but it is too short. Its audio version doesn't sound good enough as there are a lot of mispronounced words in it: conducted, artificial, method, determine, identify, demand. The translation of the sentences should be made in Ukrainian. And I advise you to post your comment on the independent work article at once, together with the classrom work. Continue working and stay well,

·        #80

Leonid Chukarin KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:09)

poorly understood
And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood.
И всё же, этот крайне распространённый акт так плохо изучен.

flow chart
A flow chart of the development procedure is shown in Table 17.
Схема разработки процедуры приведена на рис.

pilot study
A pilot study was conducted on the El Bayadh commune.
Экспериментальное исследование было проведено в общине Эль-Баяд

Today I read an article called "Open-source growth and venture capital investment: Data, databases, challenges, and opportunities". It talks about the fact that open source programs are a very promising future in all directions, as it allows any interested person to contribute to the program and also helps investors save on development and get more interesting functionality and features of the program. The article reads more describes in detail the possibilities of OSS in the public domain and the commercial advantages of such programs. I liked this article and got interested, so I can recommend it for reading.

Today I read an article called "New algorithms advance the computing power of early-stage quantum computers".
The article tells about the invention of a group of scientists from the Ames Laboratory of the US Department of Energy "computational quantum algorithms". These algorithms are able to effectively and accurately model the static and dynamic properties of quantum systems. They are specifically designed to run on existing and future quantum computers. It also describes how the new algorithms use the capabilities of existing quantum computers. This article was quite informative and interested me, I recommend it for reading.

·        #79

Saliy Daniil KI-211(Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:07)

Words and sentences:
1)poorly understood - погано зрозуміло
Current blockchain technologies and concepts are immature, poorly understood and unproven in mission-critical, at-scale business operations.
Сучасні технології та концепції блокчейну є незрілими, погано зрозумілими та недоказаними у критично важливих, масштабних бізнес-операціях.
2)pilot study - експериментальне дослідження
Pilot study opens new possibilities for AI to enhance cognitive performance
Експериментальне дослідження відкриває нові можливості для AI для покращення когнітивної діяльності.
3)flow chart - діаграма
A flow chart of how the technique used by the researchers preprocesses vehicle and meteorolog.
Діаграма того, як техніка, використана дослідниками, попередньо обробляла транспортні засоби та метеорологію.
I have read the article "Here are the ​10 top tech trends you need to understand right now". From the very beginning of the article, I remembered the Wall-e cartoon, now I’ll tell you why. It seems to me that if humanity will make robots, drones, autonomous vehicles and everything that makes life easier for a person, then future generations will look like people from the cartoon Wall-e. Of course, it would be cool, while the robot does the work for you, you can do something else.
And in the end, I want to say that if all factories and other works are completely robotized, then people will have nowhere to work, since their work is already being done by a robot.
words and sentence -
comment -
article -

·        #78

Velikov Vlad KI-211(Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:05)

Pilot study - When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian magpies for a pilot study, we didn't expect to discover an entirely new social behavior rarely seen in birds. Пилотное исследование. Когда мы прикрепили крошечные устройства слежения, похожие на рюкзаки, к пяти австралийским сорокам для пилотного исследования, мы не ожидали обнаружить совершенно новое социальное поведение, редко встречающееся у птиц.

Poorly understood-Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces
Плохо понятное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом было плохо понято коммерческими силами.

Flow chart
The manual contains a flow chart summarizing the responsibilities of each key player.В руководящем пособии содержится диаграмма с указанием обязанностей каждого из основных участников в обобщенном виде. Today I have read the article”Female Syrian refugees in Houston bear the brunt of circumstances” This article talks about Since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, approximately 20,000 Syrian refugees have resettled in the United States, with an estimated 130 families resettling in Houston. Prior to their resettlement, most Syrian refugees reported experiencing traumatic events including torture of self or loved ones, death of family members or friends and loss of property, income and self-sufficiency.
In conclusion, I want to say that this article is very useful and interesting, since it reveals a problem that is relevant in our time, I advise it to everyone

·        #77

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:02)

To Artem Kunitsky, KI-211. Your comment on the article is quite good, Artem, thanks, but its audio version does not sound good enough, so please check the pronunciation of the words: micro, biology, combined and breakthrough. I also advise you to write the comment on the article for your independent work at once to save our time and effort. Keep working and good luck.

·        #76

Bordan Vitalii KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:59)

1.Предложение с фразами дня
1) Flow chart-Діаграма
This is a molecular flow chart for converting elements in the body.
Це молекулярна діаграма показує перетворення елементів в організмі.
2)Poorly understood-погано зрозумілий
And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood.
І все-таки цей надзвичайно поширений вчинок так погано зрозумілий.
3)Pilot study-Экспериментальне дослідження
A pilot study was conducted on the El Bayadh commune.
Экспериментальне дослідження було проведено в комуні Ель-Баяд.

2.Первый отзыв
Today I have read an article titled "Altruism in birds?
Magpies have outwitted scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices".
The article says that experimental study was one of the first of its kind.
Many animals living in communities cooperate with each other to ensure the health, safety,
and survival of the group. In fact, cognition and social cooperation have been found to be correlated.
Animals living in large groups tend to have an increased ability to solve problems.
I liked the article because i'm interested in this topic.

3.Второй отзыв
Today I have read an article titled "Research reveals how experience with climate-related disasters
affects willingness to take and accept protective actions". The article says thatTwo new studies— a survey
of residents in hurricane-battered Florida and Texas and a survey of people in wildfire-scarred
California—reveal that negative personal experiences are among key variables in pushing people to take or
accept protective measures like flood insurance and planned power shut offs .
I liked the article because this is happening on our planet with you and we must help and protect each other.

·        #75

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:54)

To Ivan Krasnian, KI-211. Thanks for the two well-written and clear reviews of the articles, Ivan. The audio versions sound good enough but please check the pronunciation of the words: European, region and specific. Keep on working and good luck.

·        #74

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:53)

Today I have read the article "If we put computers in our brains, strange things might happen to our minds"
It tells about using a brain-computer interface that can fundamentally change our grey matter, a view of
ourselves and even how fast our brains can change the world.
Our brain is amazingly adaptable. It can regulate your heart rate, have nightmares, remember a song you
last heard decades ago from just a few notes and even pick up an entirely new language. It can do all that
because brains are plastic.
I think that this article is very interesting and I would reccomend everybody to read it.

·        #73

Troncha Ruslan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:52)

Flow chart-діаграма
Flow charts help organize projects, communicate processes, and show progression.-Діаграми допомогають
організовувати проекти,процеси зв'язку,и показувати прогресії.
Poorly understood-погано вивчений
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in
a biased way-Програмне забезпечення з відкритим вихідним кодом раніше було погано вивчено комерційними
силами, і до нього часто підходять упереджено.
Pilot study-експериментальне дослідження
When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian magpies for a pilot study,
we didn't expect to discover an entirely new social behavior rarely seen in birds-Коли ми прикріпили
крихітні пристрої стеження, схожі на рюкзак, до п'яти австралійських сорок для пілотного дослідження,
ми не очікували виявити абсолютно нову соціальну поведінку, яку рідко можна побачити у птахів.
Today I have read the article "Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help".
It tells that pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in
remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the
students who most need it.The research, carried out in conjunction with the Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya (UOC), the Eurecat technological center and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will
help solve one of the biggest problems faced by off-site education, which has become more widespread
during the pandemic.
This article is very interesting,I would advice everybody to read it.

·        #72

Pozhar Sasha KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:52)

Flow chart – діаграма
A flow chart of how the technique used by the researchers preprocesses vehicle and meteorological data. – діаграма того, як метод, який використовується дослідниками, попередньо обробляє транспортні та метеорологічні дані.
poorly understood – погано вивчений
Current blockchain technologies and concepts are immature, poorly understood and unproven in mission-critical, at-scale business operations, said Gartner. - Сучасні технології та концепції блокчейну є незрілими, погано зрозумілими та недоказаними у критично важливих, масштабних бізнес-операціях, сказав Газер.
pilot study – експериментальне дослідження
Department of Psychology conducted a pilot study which revealed that Syrian women in Houston are sadder and experience more stress-induced reactivity than Syrian men. - Департамент психології провів експериментальне дослідження, яке виявило, що сирійські жінки в Х'юстоні більш сумні і переживають більше стресу, ніж сирійські чоловіки.

Today I have read the article «Female Syrian refugees in Houston bear the brunt of circumstances». It tells about Syrian refugees in Houston and their problems. The article begins with information that about 20,000 Syrians have been resettled in the United States since the Syrian civil war began in 2011. Most refugees reported experiencing traumatic events such as torture, death of family members or friends and loss of property, income and self-sufficiency. Also, scientists сlaim that women refugees have serious mental health problems. This article describes the misfortune and pain caused by war. I advise everyone to read this article.


·        #71

Neforosov Alexandr, KI-211, Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:46)

poorly understood - погано зрозумілий
Everyone needs backup yet its still a widely underutilized service that is often poorly understood.
Кожен потребує резервного копіювання, але це все ще широко невикористовуваний сервіс, який часто погано розуміють.
flow chart - блок-схема
A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process.
Блок-схема – це тип діаграми, яка представляє робочий або ще якийсь процес.
pilot study - пілотне дослідження
The pilot study found that language in the coverage of these events showed significantly more positive than negative emotions.
Пілотне дослідження показало, що мова у висвітленні цих подій демонструвала значно більше позитивних емоцій, ніж негативних.

Using digital cameras for basic health checks saves zoo animals from anesthetics

Previously, in order to check the health of an animal in a zoo, doctors needed special equipment. And the animals had to be pulled out of their usual habitat. But now there is a new way: a high-resolution digital camera. With its help, veterinarians can capture the respiratory rate and pulse of the animal from afar. In this way the condition of a number of different zoo animals was checked. And although this technology still needs to be finalized, it will greatly simplify the care of animals and eliminate unconscious trips to the veterinarian.

Phrases of the day:
Comment on the article:

·        #70

Radetsky Artem KI-211(Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:39)

I have read article "Research reveals how experience with climate-related disasters affects willingness to take and accept protective actions" They talk about very important problems in the world, hurricanes, floods, fires and so on happen very often. Therefore, all this greatly affects people, their emotions. Gabrielle Wong-Parodi once said: "As catastrophic wildfires, hurricanes and other natural disasters become more frequent, they have serious emotional, social and economic consequences for people's lives."That is, we can say that you need to somehow mitigate the effect of all problems on emotions.
Phrases of the day
Poorly understood
And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood.
И всё же, этот крайне распространённый акт так плохо изучен.

Pilot study
A pilot study was conducted on the El Bayadh Экперементальное изучение было проведено в общине Эль-Баяд.

Flow chart
The manual contains a flow chart summarizing the responsibilities of each key player.
В руководящем пособии содержится диаграмма с указанием обязанностей каждого из основных участников в обобщенном виде.

·        #69

Mytroshak Dmitry KI-211(Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:33)

Phrases of the day
flow chart - диаграмма

pilot study - экспериментальное иследование

poorly underdtood - плохо изучен

I'm picturing a flow chart and statistical analysis - Я представля диаграмму и анализ данных.

A pilot study was conducted on the El Bayadh commune- экспериментальное исследование было проведено в общине Эль-Баяд

And yet, this extremely common act is so poorly understood - и всё же, этот крайне распространённый акт так плохо изучен.

2)I read the article *Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help*. I defend that the method of classifying students described in this article is acceptable enough for its use in life. This method allows you to determine the progress of students in distance learning, as a result, it helps teachers to identify the remaining students and help them. This method is in demand in the modern world of distance learning.

·        #68

Kunitsky Artem KI-211 Kudinova T.I. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:32)

1) Pilot study - пілотне дослідження
The Commission of Experts took the view that the pilot study was relatively generalized. Комісія експертів прийняла думку, що пілотне дослідження було відносно узагальненим.
2) Poorly understood - погано зрозуміла
It is largely unexplored, poorly understood, and the stuff of legends. Воно багато в чому не вивчене, погано вивчене і є предметом легенд.
3) Flow chart - блок-схема
Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart. Цифри вказують на кроки в блок-схемі.

Today i have read the article "Advances in micro-computed tomography". Researchers in biomedical physics and biology have significantly improved micro-computed tomography, more specifically imaging with phase contrast and high brilliance X-ray radiation. They have developed a new microstructured optical grating and combined it with new analytical algorithms. The new approach makes it possible to depict and analyze the microstructures of samples in greater detail, and to investigate a particularly broad spectrum of samples.This is a significant breakthrough in this area.

·        #67

Krasnian Ivan KI-211 (Kudinova) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:24)

Phrases of the day

1) Flow chart - діаграмма
A flow chart of how the technique used by the researchers preprocesses vehicle and meteorological data - Діаграмма того, як техніка, використана дослідниками, попередньо обробляє транспортні та метеорологічні дані.
2) Poorly understood - погано вивчений
Unfortunately, collective intelligence is still poorly understood and under-leveraged both on the Web and in the enterprise - На жаль, колективний інтелект все ще недостатньо зрозумілий і недостатньо використаний як в Інтернеті, так і на підприємстві.
3) Pilot study - експериментальне дослідження
We completed a qualitative unpublished pilot study in December 2021 to help inform a larger quantitative survey we're working on right now - У грудні 2021 року ми завершили якісне неопубліковане пілотне дослідження, щоб допомогти створити більш масштабне кількісне дослідження, над яким ми зараз працюємо.

Audiofile (Phrases) :

Carbon emissions, energy flow charts for all U.S.
Today i have read the article "Carbon emissions, energy flow charts for all U.S.". This article is about the US energy consumption charts. Based on this article, we can conclude that carbon emissions in the United States have decreased. This means that the country is slowly switching to alternative energy. I think that similar phenomena are observed in many European countries. After reading this article, I can say that this article reflects the real environmental situation in the United States. Therefore, I recommend reading this article. It's very informative and up to date.

Audiofile (Text 1):

Native plant fares well in pilot green roof research study
Today i have read the article "Native plant fares well in pilot green roof research study". As the implementation of green roofs increase, a University of Cincinnati pilot study examined which plants best thrive on the region's roofs during the dry, hot conditions of summer. There are many potential benefits to green roofs, including building energy savings, extension of roof life, reduced air and noise pollution, creation of environment for native birds and insects and, of course, reduced storm water runoff.
The article is a little specific and will appeal to those who are interested in how to make our world Greener.

Audiofile (Text 2):

·        #66

Tamara Kudinova (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:56)

To the students of Group KI-211. Good afternoon dear students! Our lesson has already started but we have to make a break as the alarm signal is heard. Hope to continue our lesson soon.

·        #65

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022)

To Tkach Vitalik KA-211 You forgot to make the audio with your comment! I can't accept this work.

·        #64

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:39)

To Timur Belyi Ka211 There are only two sentences with phrases of the day. Be attentive and keep working.

·        #63

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:36)

To Zhan Rodion KA-211 Use present perfect in the first sentence.

·        #62

Tkach Vitalik KA-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:25)
1.Today I read an article about the use of digital cameras for medical examination of zoo animals. The first trial study was conducted at a zoo in South Australia. Taking pictures of an animal with a camera can help you measure its pulse or check its breathing rate. In the study, 9 species of animals were filmed for 40 minutes, which show the movement of the chest cavity, which indicates the heart rate. Among the animals filmed were a panda, a lion, a koala, a kangaroo and a penguin. I think that this is very good, because you will have to disturb the animals less and risk the life of a person less.
2. 1.Diving thousands of meters underwater is a pilot study.
2.Flow chart is a very convenient way to convey information and sequence of actions.
3.The bottom of the Mariana Trench is poorly understood

·        #61

Timur Belyi Ka211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:22)

Today I read an article on "If we put computers in our brains, strange things can happen to our minds." This article is about combining our brains with computers. We are already seeing how technology fills our environment and becomes an integral part of our lives, such as mechanized limbs that have given people a new chance. But it still has more benefits than disadvantages, for example, it can cure people of stroke (by inserting electrodes into the gray matter) So I hope that in the near future there will be a combination of the brain with the computer.

Poorly understood-You have this very sophisticated and, at this point, poorly understood adaptive controller, which is the brain.

pilot study-A pilot study of the use of artificial intelligence to detect the needs of students in remote learning has concluded that the data obtained can be used by teachers to offer help to the students who most need it.

·        #60

Zhan Rodion KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:19)
I read an article "Getting people interested in invasive species". It is about people's interest in blacklisted invasive species. In 2016, a study coordinated by Jacopo Cerri of the University of Primorska, Slovenia, and Sandro Bertolino of the University of Turin, Italy, examined whether the publication of the Joint List increased visits to the Italian Wikipedia pages for invasive alien mammals, many of which were listed. It turned out that there was no change in interest in blacklists. I think that knowledge about such species is necessary for everyone, because such knowledge is already a contribution to the development of ecology and the development of society.
Phrases of day:
1. pilot study
Researchers will assess whether this improves academic performance, after a pilot study suggested that it had a positive effect on exam results.
Исследователи оценят, улучшит ли это успеваемость после того, как пилотное исследование показало, что это положительно повлияло на результаты экзаменов.
2. poorly understood
Because they are the most vulnerable and poorly understood or supported.
Потому что они наиболее уязвимы и плохо понимаются или поддерживаются.
3.flow chart
A flow chart or a flow diagram is a diagram which represents the sequence of actions in a particular process or activity.
Блок-схема или блок-схема — это схема, которая представляет последовательность действий в конкретном процессе или деятельности.

·        #59

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:14)

To Lukianenko Dan KA-211 use present perfect in the first sentence.

·        #58

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:13)

To Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 Something is wrong with your audio. I can't hear anything. Please, do this part of work again. Mind the mistake - Today I HAVE READ... Also, please sentd translation of your sentences.

·        #57

Lukianenko Dan KA-211 (Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:11)

Today I read the article named "Artificial intelligence can identify students who need extra help".Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Eurecat Technology Center conducted a study in the field of artificial intelligence to identify students who need extra help with learning.The program developed by scientists analyzes the answers to tests from students and determines their level of knowledge, also allows teacher to understand which of the students cheats.The use of AI in distance learning helps to better assess students, which improves the quality of education in a pandemic.The article reveals the role of artificial intelligence in teaching students and be interesting to people who are interested in computer technology.

article -
voice -

1) poorly understood - погано зрозумілий

Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's often approached in a biased way -програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом раніше погано розумілося комерційними силами, і до нього часто підходять упереджено

2) flow chart - блок-схема/графік

This year marks two changes to the energy flow chart - Цього року в графіку енергетичних потоків відбулися дві зміни

3) pilot study - пілотне дослідження

However, on review of the objectives or aims of the study, it is clear that the project was not designed as a pilot study - Однак, розглянувши задачі або цілі дослідження, стає зрозуміло, що проект не був розроблений як пілотне дослідження.

·        #56

Oleg Lototskiy KA-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 07:51)

Today i rad an interesting article called “ Dictatorships advancing globally”. (эдвансинг глобали)Dictatorships is a form of government implemented (имплементид)through various methods of violence(вайоленс), in which, in the absence of external control and actual restrictions, power is monopoly concentrated in the hands of one person,department or party. Nowadays 70% of the world's population lives in a dictatorship,according to this year's report on democracy from the Varieties(вэрайтис) of Democracy Institute at the University of Gothenburg. And only 13% of the world’s population lives in in a democracy, like Sweden.Of course, there is nothing good in dictatorships. A striking example is the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, who on February 24 started a war with Ukraine. This war is just the result of the dictatorship and his long reign(рэйн) At the same time, Putin began to become impudent (импидент)and not care about his people and people in general, and this is terrible. Recently, dictatorships have been growing all over the world. Measurements (мэжерментс)show that closed autocracies(аутокрасис) have increased from 25 to 30 countries of the world. And most likely over time there will be more such countries. In the end, I would like to say that it is not good that 70% of people live in a dictatorship. Somewhere this may be good, but somewhere not. However, I would prefer a form of government democracy, which is very little now

Article of the Day
1.flow chart(диаграмма)
Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
2. poorly understood.(плохо изучен)
Those interactions were still poorly understood.
3. pilot study(экспериментальное исследование)
Within this overall framework, the pilot study will comprise three sub-themes.

·        #55

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 07:33)

To Shurshanov Artem KA-211 The work was done without mistakes, but you forgot about Ukrainian translation of the sentences.

·        #54

Shurshanov Artem KA-211(Lebedeva) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 07:25)

2. Today I have read the article “The router in your home might be intercepting some of your Internet traffic—but it may be for your own good “. It tells us about a new research.
The router in your home can intercept the DNS traffic.
It turns out that in a surprising number of cases, users' own home routers are the culprit.
These routers don't send DNS queries to the target DNS resolver that the user specified. Instead, the software reroutes them to an alternate resolver.
In my opinion, this research will help us to prevent malware from harming a user's computer.
1. Pilot study
In our pilot study we surveyed a small number of decision makers
2. Flow chart
Start to Finish A step by step flow chart showing what you need to achieve to pass your test.
3. Poorly understood
Yet the pirate economy is poorly understood.

·        #53

Lebedeva E. (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 07:03)

To КА-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck

·        #52

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 23:11)

To Beletskiy Bogdan- group-KD-211. Thank you for your comment on the article of the day and the audio version of your essay. Your review is quite informative and grammatically correct, but the text is too long. The topic is to contain 100 words, but not 264 as in your essay. Your voice record should be better. Please, pay attention to your pronunciation and the language melody. The audio recording contains a lot of mispronounced words: "microcomputer; microstructured; medicine; combined; field;suited; biomedical; technique etc." When you don't know how to read a new word look it up in the dictionary and practise reading it. Work harder and good luck !

·        #51

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 21:48)

To Vietiev Ivan -group-211. Thank you for your interesting and informative comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are good done, but your review is too long. The topic is to contain 100 words, but not 156 as in your essay. The audio recording sounds good. I hope that other students of your group will join in our online activities. Continue to work. Good luck!

·        #50

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 20:41)

Thank you for your interesting and informative comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. The tasks are good done, but your review is too long. The topic is to contain 100 words, but not 156 as in your essay. The audio recording sounds good. I hope that other students of your group will join our online activities. Continue to work. Good luck!

·        #49

Beletskiy Bogdan(KD-211 Mikeshova G. P.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 20:01)

Advances in microcomputed tomography

I read the article Advances in Microcomputed Tomography, and I believe that our medicine is getting better every year.
Researchers in the field of biomedical physics and biology have greatly improved microcomputed tomography, in particular phase contrast imaging and high-brightness X-rays. They developed a new microstructured optical lattice and combined it with new analytical algorithms. The new approach allows for a more detailed display and analysis of the microstructure of samples, as well as for examining a particularly wide range of samples.
And I also learned how X-ray imaging with phase contrast works. X-ray imaging with phase contrast is particularly well suited for soft tissue examination. The technique uses X-ray refraction caused by specimen structures to obtain contrast for these structures and thus depict soft tissue in greater detail than is possible with conventional X-ray techniques.

More specifically imaging with phase contrast and high brilliance X-ray radiation - точніше зображення з фазовим контрастом і рентгенівським випромінюванням високої яскравості.

·        #48

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:54)

To Perepelytsyn Danylo group- KD-211. Thank you for sharing your own opinion on the article you've read. Please, don't forget to mention the title of the article. Your essay doesn't meet the requirements of independent work, because the comment is to contain 100 words, but not 78 as in your review. Your voice record is very good: fluency and accurate pronunciation. The task with the phrases of the day practice is well done. Keep on working. Good luck !

·        #47

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 18:29)

To Anastasia Romanenko group-KD- 211. Thank you for your comments on the article, audio version of your essay and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. Remember, the title of the article should be written in bold type. The audio recording sounds fluently, but try to pronounce the words more clearly. Check the pronunciation and transcription of the words. I would advise you to consult the dictionary to pronounce properly. Continue working. All the best !

·        #46

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 16:55)

To Shvets O.O group-KD-211. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases of the day practice. Your review doesn't meet the requirements of independent work, because the text is to contain 100 words , but not 84 as in your essay. " I've read the article" Present Perfect is used. Your audio recording contains quite a lot of mispronounced words. Try to pronounce the words more clearly. When you don't know how to read a new word look it up in the dictionary and practise reading it. Keep on working. Good luck!

·        #45

Vietiev Ivan (KD-211) Mikeshova (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 16:13)

initial stages of
They also note that due to features in SSD devices, the software can also reverse any damage that sneaks through the initial stages of an attack.
Вони також відзначають, що завдяки особливостям SSD-пристроїв, програмне забезпечення може також повернути будь-який збиток, який прокрався через початкові стадії атаки.
More specifically
More specifically, they purchased several potted flowering plants representing five plant species.
Зокрема, вони придбали кілька квітучих рослин у горщиках, що становлять п'ять видів рослин.
numerous examples
The study found numerous examples to corroborate the existence of the phenomenon.
У ході дослідження було знайдено безліч прикладів, які б підтверджували існування цього явища.
The article is headlined "Fossil fuels could be phased out worldwide in a decade, says new study". It was published by James Hakner, University of Sussex. The article suggests that an energy revolution could happen in a fraction of the time from major changes in the past. The article also talks about the rapid change in energy sources due to the global shift to a cleaner energy future. According to the article, the conventional wisdom of energy transitions as long, protracted processes, often taking decades or centuries, is not always borne out by the facts. Professor Sovacool says: The transition to a new, cleaner energy system will require significant changes in technology, policy regulation, tariffs, and pricing regimes, as well as in the behavior of users and those who use them. I found this article interesting because it is possible that in the future the progress of mankind will go to the next level, but unfortunately, many political decisions such as wars can interfere.

·        #44

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 16:10)

To Golodetska C.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases. Please speak louder and distinctly next time. Indicate the title of the article you've read. Good luck.

·        #43

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 15:16)

To Vladyslava Stepanova group-KD-211. Thank you for your independent comment on the topic, audio version of your essay and the sentences with the phrases of the day practice. Your review is both informative and grammatically correct. The audio recording sounds fluently, but mind the pronunciation of some words id est "vehicles; 'auto'mobile". Continue working. I hope other students of your group will join you. Best wishes !

·        #42

Galyna Mikeshova from Foreign Languages Department (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 14:13)

Good afternoon! I'm waiting for you completed tasks: would you read the article and submit your comments with the voice messages. Don't forget to write your own sentences with the phrases of the day practice and record them. Your sentences with the phrases of the day should be translated into Ukrainian. Would you write the phrases before the examples. Go on working. Good luck!

·        #41

C. Golodetska MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 14:11)

1. initial stages of
The initial stage of the journey was a bus ride to the lakeside.
Початковим етапом подорожі була поїздка на автобусі до берега озера.
2. numerous examples
Numerous examples show that such support by volontaires is effective
Численні приклади показують, що така підтримка з боку волонтерів є ефективною.
3. more specifically
More specifically, George Orwell brought this up many times in his works.
Зокрема, Джордж Орyелл багато разів згадував про це у своїх творах.

I have read an article about a research project that analyzed and decoding pig's emotions from they voice.
The researchers from Switzerland and France recorded 7414 sounds from 411 pigs in different moments during they life, created an algorithm that can decode what the pig is feeling right now. The are found out that pig calls short in a positive well-being and more high calls in a negative situations. By uploading an algorithm data scientists can classify 92% of the pig's calls.
To sum up, the method will help farmers to monitor animal welfare and improve it.

I have read an article about how AI and modern technology can be used to support wildlife conservation.
Today our technology progress brings us a numerous of opportunities that can be used for monitoring the animal and envirometal ecosystems such as satellites, drones, sencors that can be placed on animals or in their surroundings. A team of scientists from EPFL developed a program that can recognize animal species from drone images. Also there created a program code called DeepLabCut that can estimate and track animal poses.
In conclusion, by using AI we can better understand animal behavior, combat poaching and halt the decline in biodiversity.

·        #40

Perepelytsyn Danylo KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 13:21)

1. The study found numerous examples to corroborate the existence of the phenomenon.

В ходе исследования были найдены многочисленные примеры, подтверждающие существование этого явления.

2. Dr. Campbell said that in light of the team's findings, tDCS may be especially beneficial during the initial stages of task learning.

Доктор Кэмпбелл сказал, что в свете выводов группы tDCS может быть особенно полезной на начальных этапах обучения задачам.

3. More specifically, the research focuses on the societal impact of Airbnb listings on crime rates.

В частности, исследование сосредоточено на социальном влиянии списков Airbnb на уровень преступности.

I don't entirely agree with this article. Perhaps people who train for 10 minutes a day will be able to improve their skills in the CSGO shooter, but for this, they will need more than one month, and maybe even a year. Many professional players spend 10 hours a day in the game to improve their skills or at least keep them at a good level.
That is, people who spend only 10 minutes for training will never reach even the average level of the game.

·        #39

Tania Anichenko MD-212 (Sirotenko T.V) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 13:17)

numerous examples - I have numerous examples of evidence
у мене є численні приклади доказів

more specifically - more specifically, he was there.
точніше, він там був

now the project is at an initial stage of development
зараз проект на початковій стадії

researchers in biomedical physics and biology have greatly improved medicine. Microcomputed tomography is an imaging technique that generates detailed 3D images of the internal structure of samples with small dimensions. MicroCT is based on x-ray images that are reconstructed to form a 3D image.
There are also new features:
Analysis of a wide range of samples
The new technology can be used to test a particularly wide range of samples. Researchers can even simulate depict materials with very different compositions, such as water and oil embedded in stone, which was not possible in the past with traditional methods. This provides the most important advantages over traditional methods, not only in medicine and biology.

·        #38

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:20)

To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. Look through the first sentence (use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read).

·        #37

Anastasiya Romanenko KD-211 (Mikeshova) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:19)

More specifically, they purchased several potted flowering plants representing five plant species.
Точніше, вони придбали кілька квіткових рослин у горщиках п'ятьох видів.

It may be especially beneficial during the initial stages of task learning.
Це може бути особливо корисно на початкових етапах вивчення завдань.

The study found numerous examples to corroborate the existence of the phenomenon.
Дослідження знайшло численні приклади, які підтверджують існування цього явища.
The article I have read is about a highly dexterous robot hand with a caging mechanim.
As the researchers note, most robot hands do their work by manipulating objects with their fingertips. This approach allows for a certain degree of dexterity, but is still far from that demonstrated by the human hand. The overall design is highly reminiscent of clam grapplers, but with much more dexterity. They tested the capabilities of the robot with tasks that grew increasingly difficult.
The researchers conclude by suggesting their design opens the door to new kinds of robotic hands that will provide more capabilities than those now in use.

·        #36

Shvets O.O. (KD-211, Mikeshova G.P.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:19)

1) initial stages of
Europe is going through the initial stages of a population collapse.
Європа переживає початкові етапи демографічного колапсу.
2)numerous examples
Biology provides numerous examples of self-replicating machines.
Біологія надає численні приклади машин, що самовідтворюються.
3)More specifically
More specifically, the research focuses on the societal impact of Airbnb listings on crime rates.
Більш конкретно, дослідження зосереджено на суспільному впливі списків Airbnb на рівень злочинності.
I read the article "Airbnb commercial lists tied to mischief: how self-regulation can help." The article was written by the Institute of Operations and Management Sciences. The study examined the impact of the cohabitation economy and patterns of rising crime rates at the local level, an issue that the cohabitation industry has been wrestling with for some time. this study has led to the result that the average crime rate has decreased by about 5%. I am interested in this article because I learned about new research.

·        #35

Vladyslava Stepanova KD-211 (Mikeshova G.P) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:17)

more specifically
More specifically, the research focuses on the societal impact of Airbnb listings on crime rates. Більш конкретно, дослідження зосереджено на суспільному впливі списків Airbnb на рівень злочинності.

numerous examples
Interviewees gave numerous examples of carers, particularly staff in private children's homes, calling the police for behaviour... Опитувані навели численні приклади того, як опікуни, зокрема персонал приватних дитячих будинків, зверталися до поліції за поведінку...

initial stages of
The iron ring appeared to be a uniformly distributed zone within the transition zone between areas showing an advanced level of corrosion and areas showing initial stages of corrosion. Залізне кільце виявилося рівномірно розподіленою зоною в перехідній зоні між ділянками, що демонструють високий рівень корозії, та ділянками, що демонструють початкові стадії корозії.

The article is headlined How to power up battery manufacturing in India. It was published by Kate Gibson from Stanford University.
The main idea that India is one of only a few countries whose national emissions reduction target is in line with the Paris Agreement's goal of reducing global warming before Earth's temperature reaches a dangerous threshold. And that's why by 2030, India plans to generate 40 percent of its electricity from renewable sources and have electric vehicles make up 30 percent of its automobile sales.
In my opinion the article is interesting because of some helpful information about India and battery manufacturing.

·        #34

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022)

Boychuk N.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments and voice messages. You haven't finished your work with the phrases. Look through the first sentences of your comments, you should indicate the title of the article you've read (the article deals with/presents/describes/is about...).

·        #33

Gvozd to Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:12)

I appreciate your Independent practice, well done

·        #32

Gvozd to Trochinskaya V. MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:10)

Thank you for complete and informative tasks

·        #31

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:10)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment and voice message. They are not bad.

·        #30

Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:07)

I’ve read an article about a scurrying robot dog named K9 which dispenses hand sanitiser to curious children and wary shoppers thanks to 5G, a technology promising super-fast internet speeds with immediate reaction times. K9 roams around the popular Central World mall in downtown Bangkok, drawing the attention of delighted children eager to get the gel from a bottle attached to its back. K9's 5G-powered comrades include ROC, which checks temperatures. For K9 especially, people just think it's really cute, but it’s not cute for everyone. In my opinion, it's really cute and convenient in our COVID-19 situation.

·        #29

Gvozd to Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:06)

The tasks are complete and informative. Keep on working.

·        #28

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:05)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment and voice message. Please indicate the title of the article you've read. Check the pronunciation of the word 'pharmaceutical'.

·        #27

Gvozd to Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:04)

Well done, thank you

·        #26

Martynkin Vlad MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:00)

1) numerous examples

The report contains numerous examples of how this reality is ignored.

Доповідь містить приклади, як проявляється ця реальність.

2) more specifically

More specifically, they want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels, which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.

Зокрема, вони хочуть реконструювати підвищення рівня кисню в атмосфері, яке почалося близько 2,4 мільярда років тому, та їхній вплив на моря.

3) initial stages of

Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages of development.

Нині наукова інфраструктура у цій галузі перебуває в початковій стадії розвитку.

I read the article "How can computer engineering predict the future of gene synthesis?". Scientists used microchips and computer platforms for prognostication in synthetic biology. Synthetic biology has become "the next epochal achievement of mankind." Scientists created the first synthetic organism in 2010 by transplanting an artificial Mycoplasma mycoides genome into another bacterial cell. It took 15 years to develop this artificial genome, its cost is 40 million dollars. Moore's Law is a model for predicting the development of computer chips. He suggests that advances in technology make it possible to exponentially increase the number of transistors on a single computer chip.

I read the article "A new computer vision system designed for cell analysis in video microscopy". Researchers have developed a system based on computer vision techniques that allows you to automatically analyze biomedical videos captured using microscopy to characterize and describe the behavior of cells that appear in the images. The team found that neutrophils exhibit different behaviors in the blood during inflammatory processes, and determined that one of them is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. I believe this article will help develop new treatments to minimize the effects of heart attacks.

·        #25

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:00)

To Zibarovskiy D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comments, voice message and work with the phrases. Everything is quite all right. Good luck.

·        #24

Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:59)

I have recently read an article 'One step closer to lifelike avatars'. The article says we are getting closer and closer to the metaverse. To do this, you need to combine AR and VR by creating the most detailed avatar. Scientists use special algorithms for this, which learn to display the avatar in all poses. Thanks to the deepfake technology, real faces can be applied to the avatar. I think this is a very important study. After all, the metaverse can be used for more than just entertainment. For example, it can be used to hold a business meeting.

·        #23

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:53)

To Buyanova Eva MD-212. Please look through your comment again and correct it. Don't forget about your audio file.

·        #22

Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:53)

I have read the article about temperature change that could help new touchscreen technology mimic virtual shapes. Nowadays, high-precision touch can greatly expand the scope of computing devices such as security sensors and personality recognition and enable new remote sensory experiences. If the project succeeds, other technologies can be recreated with new knowledge. For example: small projections like a hologram, technology to improve sensory, etc. Also reproduce in our mind the feeling of touching an object in the virtual world. In my opinion this research can advance our technological capabilities.

·        #21

N.Boychuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:50)

1.initial stages of
We are in the initial stages of learning.
2.more specifically
More specifically, how to deal with them.
3.numerous examples
The article provides numerous examples of dubious analysis.

I read an article that talks about mobile phones, what they improve by getting smarter. There are many applications in the phone, one of them is GPS. With it, you can determine your location or get directions to the place you need. But the app has a drawback: in order to keep in touch with a satellite, the GPS needs a clear view, so if you are in a building, it will not be able to determine your location.
Summing up, I want to say that we are improving in the field of information technology and thanks to this we make our life better, easier.

Today I read an article about a project that aims to create environmentally friendly building materials using bacteria.
The essence of the project is aimed at whether we can use the abilities of bacteria so that they act as a kind of glue, this will help make building materials much better. An example is drywall in the manufacture of which, instead of gypsum, crop waste is added, such a replacement makes drywall much lighter and has better thermal insulation.
To sum up, the project will provide an opportunity to find an alternative environmentally friendly replacement and improve the properties of building materials.


·        #20

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:49)

I read the article "Video Gamer Skills Improve with 10 Minutes of Practice a Day".
Also that novice gamers benefited the most when they wore a special headset that delivered transcranial DC stimulation for 20 minutes prior to training. Thus, it improved the results of players in international championships (for example, as a CS GO championship)
I believe that Associated Human Health and Productivity is an area of ​​tremendous growth and software plays a key role in that. This area develops us in the world of the Internet and makes our country more recognizable all over the world.

·        #19

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:44)

To Zaychik R.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Pay attention to the first sentence (use the definite article in case you indicate the title of the article you've read). Keep on working.

·        #18

Gvozd to Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:43)

The review is informative, but mind " the article TELLS...".
I am waiting for your Independent practice.

·        #17

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:42)

I read an article about "smart pills".
Pharmaceutical companies are exploring an interesting approach, a"smart pill" containing a biodegradable electronic chip that monitors how your body responds to the medicine, broadcasts the information to your iPhone, which then emails the information to your attending physician.
Also, glucometer developers recently announced a product that connects a glucometer to an iPhone that can retrieve, archive, and transfer data.
Actually, one of the main goals of the experiment is to establish
long-term relationships between pharmaceutical companies and patients, gleaning more information about a medication's effects than now is available from clinical trials.

·        #16

Gvozd to A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:41)

The tasks are quite correct and complete. Well done.

·        #15

Peter Ryabukhin MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:40)

1. more specifically
The invention relates to a system of education and, more specifically, to learn how to play the piano.
Винахід відноситься до системи навчання і, точніше, до навчання грі на фортепіано.

2. initial stages of
All are in their initial stages of implementation or renewal.
Усі вони знаходяться на початковій стадії впровадження або оновлення.

3. numerous examples
The Commission has itself provided numerous examples of a rebel presence within various villages in Darfur.
Комісія сама навела численні приклади присутності повстанців у різних селах Дарфура.
I have read the article "Video gamers skills enhanced by training 10 minutes a day"

This article talks about the Researchers at Lero, who have found that video gamers can formidably improve their cybersport skills by training for just 10 minutes a day. The team also found that transcranial Direct Current Stimulation benefited most for novice gamers when they wore it for 20 minutes before training sessions. The Lero team, whose work has been published, the use of computers from a psychological perspective, their work could lead to benefits outside the world of esports. In my opinion, it is a super helpful invention, like for cybersport and medicine.

Here is the text:

·        #14

A. Motuzenko MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:39)

1. initial stages of
Europe is going through the initial stages of a population collapse
Європа проходить через начальний етап депопуляції.
2. numerous examples
The study found numerous examples to corroborate the existence of the phenomenon.
Дослідження виявило численні приклади, які підтверджують існування феномену.
3. more specifically
More specifically, they purchased several potted flowering plants representing five plant species.
Більш конкретно, вони придбали декілька квітучих рослин в горщиках – представників п’ятьох видів.
I’ve read an article about changes in web design of online marketplaces that makes online shopping less disappointing.
The study shows that the appeal to customers` emotions at the checkout works the best for making them check again if they’re buying the right thing. Furthermore, people ignore neutral messages that appear somewhere on the product page itself.
The incorporation of better design to influence more informed shopping will positively affect both customers` and sellers` wellbeing. Overall, I personally think that neatly structured, highly usable websites where looking for the right button doesn’t take forever benefit everyone, and not only selling.
The article I’ve read tells about software that detects fake news.
The researchers used machine learning so that the algorithm could recognize the signs that a news post is misleading. It searches for errors in grammar or punctuation, uncommon phrases, suspicious metadata and checks those who share the post. For example, people using hate speech are likely to spread misinformation.
To my mind, this will save time and effort of those who already check what they see on the Internet. However, people who spread fake news probably won’t believe the algorithm and will say they’re simply being silenced.

·        #13

Zibarovskiy Dima MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:39)

1.This is a measure of analytical statics with numerous examples. Це міра аналітичної статики з численними прикладами
2. More specifically is the most popular phrase on the web. точніше, це найпопулярніша фраза в Інтернеті.
3. More specifically and also more generically, proper publicity is the greatest need. Якщо говорити точніше, а й у більш загальному сенсі, належна реклама є найбільшою потребою.
4. Government is in the initial stages of formulating policies to develop domestic battery manufacturing capability. Уряд перебуває на початкових етапах формулювання політики щодо розвитку внутрішнього виробництва акумуляторів.
5. Europe is going through the initial stages of a population collapse. Європа переживає початкові етапи демографічного колапсу.

I’ve read an article about the progress in micro-computed tomography which known as X-ray.
This article reports that researchers in biomedical physics have significantly improved micro-computed tomography, more specifically high brilliance X-ray radiation. The technology is based on a newly developed optical grating. It can make and compare absolute measurements of samples, without the need for any assumptions about the samples. So, it will be less harmful to human’s body. New optical element is comparatively easy to produce. In my opinion it’s very important innovation in medicine.
In conclusion, such developments help people to prolong life and be more healthy.

I’ve read an article about misinformation in nowadays.
This article reports about problems that caused by fake news in social media. But the trust in traditional media remains higher than for social networks. I think, that the main problem is when someone posts some false information without facts on its accounts it can be reposted by a large number of redactions. So, it’s all depends on influential people and editorials on the Internet.
In conclusion, I want to say that it’s needed to learn the difference between "misinformation" and "disinformation" for intelligent use of the Internet.

·        #12

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:38)

To Katsapova A.,MD-212. Thanks for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Please indicate the title of the article you've read. Some words are mispronounced: structure, production, structural. Good luck.

·        #11

Trochinskaya V. MD-212(Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:33)

A new device has been created that can be useful in the education system and, more specifically, in the study of the exact sciences

Створено новий прилад, який може стати в нагоді в системі освіти, а точніше, у вивченні точних наук

There are numerous examples of job announcements that don't require work experience

Існує безліч прикладів оголошень, для яких не потрібен досвід роботи

Ann has to stop her brothers on initial stages of their argument , or there is going to be a fight

Анна має зупинити своїх братів на початкових етапах їхньої суперечки, інакше буде бійка

Today I have read an article: "Deep learning: A framework for image analysis in life sciences". According to the article, technology became the main role in life science . New technology helps to save time and learn things which are rarely visible to the naked eye. There are special models which have algorithms that can be changed according to the learned model.Scientists who isn't good at algorithms, can learn and read the basics in special books.
In my opinion it's better to use technology in research because you can learn what is invisible to your eye and don't waste time


Today I have read an article: "Getting people interested in invasive species ". This article is about blacklists, policy that control and solve problems with invasive alien species. There are many ways to bring species in new ecosystem but the consequences of it can be horrible. The biodiversity can be threatened because of new species. So lists of invasive animals were published in news but had no affect on publicity and don't improve citizen's knowledge .
In my opinion, people should search about animal they wanted to bring because this animal can destroy local biodiversity
Article :

·        #10

Sirotenko T. V. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:32)

To Kondratiuk D.,MD-212. Thank you for your comment, voice message and work with the phrases. Please check the pronunciation of the following words: decline, suggest, climate. Go on working.

·        #9

Andrew `Mikhalyuk MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:31)

1) Scientists are trying to solve this problem more specifically, they want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels, which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.
Вчені намагаються вирішити цю проблему більш конкретно, вони хочуть реконструювати підвищення рівня кисню в атмосфері, яке почалося близько 2,4 мільярда років тому, і їх вплив на моря.

2)Currently, the scientific infrastructure in the field of rocket science is at the initial stage of development.
Нині наукова інфраструктура в галузі ракетобудування знаходиться на початковому етапі розвитку.
3)Today, there are numerous examples of how this reality is ignored.
Сьогодні є численні приклади того, як ця реальність ігнорується.

На жаль я не маю можлівості озвучити свій текст тому що знаходжуся в аеропорті

·        #8

Gvozd to Andrew Mikhalyuk MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:29)

The task is not complete. Read my instructions carefully.

·        #7

Buyanova Eva MD 212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:28)

Discussion of battery storage technology has been limited in the initial stages of the election campaign.
На початкових етапах виборчої кампанії обговорення технології зберігання акумуляторів було обмеженим.
More specifically and also more generically, proper publicity is the greatest need.
Якщо говорити точніше, а й у більш загальному сенсі, належна реклама є найбільшою потребою.
The fashion world has numerous examples of the practice.
Світ моди має численні приклади такої практики.

I have read the article about how are planets formed
Known as the "protoplanetary hypothesis", small space objects collided with each other, resulting in their merger. Gradually, dust grains gather into kilometer-sized bodies, which, at the last stage of planet formation, rake up almost all of the primary dust. One of the biggest problems with this theory is the lack of records of the early history of the solar system. Astronomers have found two ways to try to solve this problem. The first of these is to observe with a powerful telescope, and the second way is to try to create computer models. To find evidence for your hypotheses

Known as the "protoplanetary hypothesis", small space objects collided with each other, resulting in their merger. This is how the planets were formed. One of the biggest problems with this theory is the lack of records of the early history of the solar system. Astronomers have found two ways to try to solve this problem. The first of these is to observe with a powerful telescope, and the second way is to try to create computer models. To find evidence for your hypotheses. I have read the article about keeping monkeys as pets
In many countries it is illegal to keep monkeys at home, buying them can lead to jail time and heavy fines as it encourages illegal trade in endangered species. When these animals are acquired illegally, they are not examined by any veterinarian, and, of course, they have not even been vaccinated. This is why these animals often carry diseases like AIDS and can infect you with a simple bite. All primates require a long period of living with their mother. If mothers are separated from their young too soon, mothers may stop eating and may even die from the pain of losing their young.

·        #6

Gvozd to Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:27)

Thank you for your informative review. I am waiting for your Independent practice.

·        #5

Ruslan Zaychik MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:27)

In our time, we see numerous examples of hypocrisy- У наш час ми бачимо численні приклади лицемірства

The augmented reality industry is now in its initial stages of development- Зараз індустрія доповненої реальності знаходиться на початковій стадії розвитку

More specifically, we must prepare for the shortage of agricultural products - Точніше, ми повинні готуватися до дефіциту сільськогосподарської продукції

I have just read an article 'Using AI to fill in the missing gaps in ancient texts'. The article talks about an application developed by scientists to restore ancient texts. After all, parts of these texts could be erased over so many years. When people learned to use text, they began to write down calculations or events that happened to them. To learn more about the life of our ancestors, the researchers uploaded tens of thousands of ancient manuscripts into the program. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the text can not only be restored, but also learn the details of how it was written. I believe that historians will continue to work with programmers to uncover more of the mysteries of our past.

·        #4

Andrew Mikhalyuk MD-212 (Gvozd`) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:20)

Today's article will be on the topic of falling oxygen levels on Earth.Oxygen levels began to drop after the duration of glaciations on Earth doubled about a million years ago. These glaciations belong to the current ice age, which began about 2.7 million years ago.During the ice ages, the ice caps increased, covering up to a third of the planet's area, and then retreated again to the But scientists have found a solution to this. They want to reconstruct rising atmospheric oxygen levels, which began around 2.4 billion years ago, and their effect on the seas.Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its initial stages of development.

·        #3

Chu Hai Linh MD-212 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:19)

1. Initial stages
However most were still in their initial stages and only preliminary information was available.
(Однак більшість з них все ще були на початковій стадії, і була доступна лише попередня інформація.)
2. Numerous examples
The Commission's report contains numerous examples of questionable analysis.
(Звіт Комісії містить численні приклади сумнівного аналізу.)
3. More specifically
The invention relates to the field of radio technology, more specifically to ultra-wideband aerial wire in the SHF range.
(Винахід відноситься до галузі радіотехніки, точніше до надширокосмугової антени в діапазоні СВЧ)

I have read an article about robots that can help users to manage negative emotions. The invention was created to suppress feelings of anger and sadness from the messages and improve social interactions in digital communications. However, how effective will it be in practice? Human emotions are not easy to control with a single text-reading robot. If technology can change emotions, how will it affect humans in the future? In my opinion, human emotions like rage or sadness are not easy to convert into an act of forgiveness.


·        #2

Katsapova A. MD-212(Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:10)

1)Most of these groups are now in the initial stages of implementing their plans.
Більшість із них нині перебуває на початковому етапі здійснення своїх планів.

2)Training should also be more specifically tailored to the needs of participants.
Крім того, необхідно, щоб у процесі підготовки більшою мірою враховувалися конкретні потреби учасників

3)One should observe numerous examples in all of life.
Потрібно спостерігати безліч прикладів у всьому житті.

I read an article about 3D printing of nanostructures.
Researchers have created artificial colors inspired by the structures of a butterfly. This method may be used in the future for the production of color screens.
The researchers took inspiration from butterflies of the species Cynandra opis, whose wings are decorated with bright colors.
The researchers were able to replicate the surface structures of the butterfly, as well as other modified structures, using a nano-3D printing technique. Thus, they created the principle of producing structures that generate structural colors.
Therefore, this principle may be suitable for the manufacture of high-resolution color displays.

Phrases of the day:

·        #1

Daria Kondratiuk MD-212 (Sirotenko T.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:09)

1.More specifically
More specifically, they purchased several potted flowering plants representing five plant species.
Точніше, вони придбали кілька квіткових рослин у горщиках, що представляють п’ять видів рослин.
2.Numerous examples
The study found numerous examples to corroborate the existence of the phenomenon.
Дослідження знайшло численні приклади, які підтверджують існування цього явища.
3.Initial stages of
Researchers discover the initial stages of the folding mechanism of membrane proteins.
Дослідники відкривають початкові стадії механізму згортання мембранних білків.

I read the article "Field study shows pollinators prefer saltier nectar". The article says that a group of researchers found that adding sodium to flower nectar doubled the number of bee visits.
Evidence has shown that humans and many other animals prefer certain foods high in sodium.
For researchers, this discovery is very important as the number of pollinators is declining due to human activities, including climate change. Previous work has suggested that flowering plants may experience a decrease in sodium levels as the water cycle changes, an event that may make it difficult for them to attract pollinators.
I believe that researchers improve our lives, since such an experiment is needed for humanity.


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