Humanity studies |Гуманітарні науки(IГН)
Guestbook – March 2022
· #736
· Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 20:35)
1. meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Наразі якість та доступність даних не задовольняють попиту, що потребує
2. on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
не повинні відкидати це зобов'язання; навпаки, ми повинні це враховувати в цьому
3. keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
I’ve read the article about «New laser to help clear the sky of space debris.
Space debris is a major threat to the $US700 billion of space infrastructure
delivering vital services around the globe each day.
The researchers' work on adaptive optics—which removes the haziness caused by
turbulence in the atmosphere—has been applied to a new 'guide star' laser for
better identifying, tracking and safely moving space debris.It comes to our
efforts to clear our night skies of the ever-increasing clutter of space debris.
It's an exciting development that will help to safeguard the wide range of vital
applications of space technology in the 21st century.
New laser to help clear the sky of space debris
· #735
Kateryna Hontarenko IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022)
Investigative journalist Jess Hill raises egregious questions in a documentary
series that our society needs to address regarding domestic violence. Hill calls
domestic and family violence a national crisis. Australian governments are
trying to do everything possible to solve this problem. They have a plan to
address gender inequalities that create conditions for violence, and they
recognize the need to do more to protect women and children. In Australia, they
work with abusers therapeutically. In the series dedicated to this topic, it is
told that in Scotland the work with offenders is carried out more fiercely. The
author calls to recognize the scale of domestic violence and fight it.
· #734
Daria Masalykina, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 19:38)
I read an article about the starlink company of Elon Musk, an American
billionaire. And here are my conclusions.
This is a big leap for humanity. To create a global Internet network with a
speed exceeding the norms hundreds of times in just 5 years of launching the
project. In 2018, Elon Musk's company responded to the creation of a global
Internet network (non-cable, satellite). As of mid-2018, the Starlink project
has acquired 130 orbiting satellites. At the time of 2021, the number of
satellites exceeded 10,000. I take into account that 30,000 + orbital satellites
are required for the operation of a satellite network. As Elon Musk said, “we
don’t get in the way of any weather conditions.” Today, this is a great
achievement not only for the entire starlink company, but for the whole of
humanity. I hope that in the future the advanced Internet will be available to
all network users.
· #733
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:42)
for 14.03
The theme of space has attracted my attention since school, forcing me to devote
most of my time to astronomy, despite the fact that we did not have such a
subject at school. I really liked the article about the weakest dwarf planets in
the galaxy. it talks about the satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, which
represent the extreme lower limit of the galaxy's luminosity function. the
article also contains some statements: even under conservative assumptions, only
a small part of ultraweak dwarfs could undergo significant removal of stellar
components by tides.
· #732
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:41)
for 28.03
the topic of the article "social effects of emotions" caught my attention.
emotional expression influences observer affective responses, inference
processes, and behaviors in a variety of domains, including intimate
relationships, group decision making, and customer service. The social effects
of emotions are similar for expressive modalities (face, voice, body, text,
symbols). studying human emotions is the most exciting thing in the world that
you can think of. watch the intonation of a voice that drops slightly with
anger, sounding a little threatening, or the emotions of a servile person who
smiles at every passerby.
· #731
Kateryna Hontarenko IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:40)
University of Washington researchers working with medical volunteers have
developed a contact tracing app. The purpose of this application is to reduce
the spread of coronovirus. Similar applications already existed, but were rather
unreliable due to the lack of privacy. There was a data leak, for example, about
the user's location. While the mere act of tracking who a user has contacted is
inherently a lack of privacy and compromises your security, the co-author of the
app has stated that they can make acceptable compromises. The project team is
trying to do everything to help in this crisis. The team of this project has
sufficient experience, and most importantly, the opportunity to implement their
1. As parts of the world begin to open up again, communities need a reliable way
to keep track of the virus and contain its spread.
2. Yet many women are left waiting, with victim support and housing services
critically underfunded to meet the demand.
Проте багато жінок чекають, а допомога потерпілим і послуги з житла критично
недостатньо фінансуються, щоб задовольнити попит.
3. On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші
проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.
· #730
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Thursday, 31 March 2022 18:39)
for 26.03
Today I read an article about the psychology of indigenous peoples. it states
that indigenous peoples share the experience of colonization and its social and
psychological consequences. scientists, in turn, develop their study of the
psychology of indigenous peoples in four different aspects, which, they think,
will help to better understand these people. these include: the global history
of colonization and social inequality, prejudice and discrimination against
Indigenous peoples, and the role of psychological processes in improving
relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, as well as the mental
health and well-being of Indigenous peoples, as well as the basis for successful
interventions, and so on.
· #729
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:15)
To Tashi Mariia IK-211
Romanika Uliana, IK-211
Good for you!
Well done.
· #728
Tomenko M.G. to AC-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:15)
To Tashi Mariia IK-211
Romanika Uliana, IK-211
Good for you!
Well done.
· #727
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:14)
Phrases of the day:
1.On the contrary
It is, on the contrary, irreplaceable.
2.Keep track
I can barely keep track".
3.Meet the demand
So far, four strategies have evolved to meet the demand.
данный момент разработаны четыре стратегии для удовлетворения спроса.
· #726
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:12)
A very interesting article about why celebrities buy million-dollar monkey
cartoons. "Skills are passed down and technology is obsolete," is what the
collector said. One reason is that NFTs are protected by strong encryption and
then recorded in a digital ledger. The information is distributed among the
thousands of computers that do the math. NFTs offer proof of authenticity in a
world where illegal copies look just like the real ones. I think it's important
if customers place more value on the original version of a product than the
perfect digital copy.
· #725
Yuliya Kovaleva IP-211 (Gvozd) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:10)
During the pandemic, Diona Krahn's Veterinary Clinic was a puppy festival
overflowing with new four-legged patients.
Like many veterinarians, she is also seeing more sick animals.
Veterinarians were already struggling to meet the pre-pandemic demand. But
veterinary schools couldn't throw out enough doctors and technicians.
"Unfortunately, compassion fatigue, anxiety and depression were already haunting
our profession, and the pandemic certainly took it to the next level," Levitzke
"It's veterinarians' job to take care of animals. "Doctors and support teams
struggle to take care of themselves in a way that allows them to continue to do
· #724
Romanika Uliana, IK-211 (Tomenko) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 15:31)
Today I’ve read an article about how culture has changed under the influence of
COVID-19. As it turned out, this does not mean that culture has slowed down the
pace of development. For example, the Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture sector has
been forced to reinvent itself — primarily by offering virtual shows in the
first half of the 2021. Another important event this year was the return of
looted art and artifacts to their countries of origin. I was sure that the
development of art would "freeze" because of the pandemic, but I was wrong and
I'm glad for that.
· #723
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:45)
I have read the article Why are celebrities buying million-dollar ape cartoons?
First of all, NFTs work much like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but with a
key difference: Each NFT is unique and indivisible. That allows them to serve as
proof of ownership for items that may themselves be easily copied and shared
So,the appeal of NFTs is similar to the appeal of cryptocurrencies. The items
are scarce, and as long as demand remains strong, you'll be able to find someone
who will pay more for your NFT than you paid to buy it. And if you're paying for
NFTs in cryptocurrency, as is often the case, you may be using gains from one to
cover the ballooning cost of the other.
Also,Metakovan said the work is valuable not because it's an NFT but because of
the 5,000 days it took to produce, one illustration per day. "Skill is
transferable and technology becomes obsolete. The only thing you can't hack is
time, and this piece represents 13 years of time," the collector said.
Phrases of the day
1)keep track
It can keep track of a system's long-term trends and short-term blips.
2)on the contrary
On the contrary, we use only the presence/absence of interactions between users
3)meet the demand
Plantations expanded to meet the demand
· #722
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:41)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #721
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:24)
Phrases of the day:
1) meet the demand;
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
Associated Press,
2) on the contrary;
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
3) keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
рибиповинніпокладатисянетількиназір. (Phrases of the day for Tuesday voice for the 29
Today I have read an article called ,,Why are celebrities buying million-dollar
ape cartoons? NFTs, explained".This article talks completely about NFT. This is
a type of cryptographic token, each instance of which is unique and cannot be
exchanged or substituted for another similar token, although tokens are usually
fungible in nature.
Plus to this information nft is a digital image, that can be assigned to its
owner, which will mean the complete authenticity of the photo or drawing, and
none can refute this, since the special Blockchain system assigns a special code
to all photos.I believe that this digital system is a very good profit for
graphic designers, artists or photographers, because the NFT picture is very
expensive and can be resold even to celebrities for thousands of dollars, and
all because of its original code.
l have read an article called ,,Health tracking sensor for pets and people
monitors vital signs through fur or clothing".Imperial College London
researchers have invented a new health tracking sensor for pets and people that
monitors vital signs through fur or clothing.The new Imperial-developed device
is made of a silicone-water composite material which houses a microphone that
picks up sound waves, like a watery, squishy stethoscope. The sound is converted
to a digital signal which is then transmitted to a nearby portable computer so
that people can track an animal's physiology in real-time.In my opinion it is
very cool that we have the opportunity to track the condition of our pets or
livestock, but I think that even animals should not wear such a tracker all the
time. I think that such devices should be worn only on sick animals, and let
healthy ones walk without it.
I have read an article called ,,Researchers devise more effective location
awareness for the Internet-of-(many)-Things".Anticipating a critical strain on
the ability of fifth generation (5G) networks to keep track of a rapidly growing
number of mobile devices, engineers at Tufts University have come up with an
improved algorithm for localizing and tracking these products that distributes
the task among the devices themselves. The self-localization algorithm developed
by Khan and his colleagues makes use of device-to-device communication, and so
can take place indoors (e.g., in offices and manufacturing facilities),
underground, underwater, or under thick cloud cover. In my opinion this is an
advantage over GPS systems.I consider that this is a perfect modern project.
· #720
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:10)
I have read the article How palm oil became the world's most hated, most used
fat source
As article says, palm oil is cheap and that’s why palm oil is everywhere today:
in food, soap, lipstick, even newspaper ink.
So, because palm oil was so inexpensive, manufacturers found new uses for it,
such as replacing petroleum-based chemicals in soaps and cosmetics. It also
became a biodiesel feedstock in Asia, although research suggests that making
biodiesel from palms grown on newly cleared land increases greenhouse gas
emissions instead of reducing them. Today there are enough oil palm plantations
worldwide to cover an area larger than the state of Kansas, and the industry is
still growing. Endangered animals have received more press. According to the
International Union for the Conservation of Nature, tropical forest clearing for
oil palm plantations threatens nearly 200 at-risk species, including orangutans,
tigers and African forest elephants.
In my opinion, until this all changes, every living creature will suffer from
palm oil and consumption of it.
Phrases of the day
1)meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
2)on the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
Навпаки, впроваджуючи сильніші протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити проблему
в її джерелі.
3)keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риби повинні
покладатися не тільки на зір
· #719
Dudina Kristina IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:09)
I have read the article
Machine learning to predict if you'll leave your partner.
As article says, the life satisfaction of both partners and the woman's
percentage of housework turned out to be the most important predictors of union
dissolution, when scholars affiliated to Bocconi's Dondena Centre for Research
on Social Dynamics and Public Policy used a machine learning (ML) technique to
analyze data on 2,038 married or cohabiting couples who participated in
the German Socio-Economic Panel Survey. The couples were observed, on average,
for 12 years, leading to a total of 18,613 observations. During the observation
period, 914 couples (45%) split up.
So, the predictive accuracy of RSF was limited despite the use, as input
variables, of all the most important predictors of union dissolution identified
in the literature. Among the variables with the greatest predictive ability, the
authors found the life satisfaction of both partners, woman's percentage of
housework, marital status, woman's working hours, woman's level of openness, and
man's level of extraversion.
After reading this article i can say that a woman's openness and a man's
extraversion make union dissolution more likely, irrespective of their partner's
Phrases of the day
1)meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients
Associated Press,
2)on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted
3)keep track
The blockchain will also record future sales to keep track of who owns the item
· #718
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:46)
Today I`ve read the article about how to help Black students feel safer, schools
must embrace their cultural identity.A study by the University of Buffalo found
that to integrate black students into the school study, educational institution
need to develop tailor-made techniques and appeal to Afro-centric practices and
culture.For example, schools could introduce mentoring practices by pairing
black students with black teachers, or create separate school rules for
African-American families.perhaps practice is needed to prevent bullying, racism
against black students and to ensure a favorable integration into society in the
future for them
Phrases of the day
1 (as distinct from)-A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that
identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other
2)(acquainted with)-we have to make sure that those using the equipment are well
acquainted with how to use it
3 (As a matter)-As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face
neurons are very sensitive to specific demographic groups.-Насправдімиприпускаємо,
· #717
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:45)
Today I`ve read the article about how palm oil became the world's most hated,
most used fat source.Palm oil has become a very popular ingredient in many
wares:Hygiene products,food,ink,etc.But many people and companies around the
world are trying to avoid this ingredient because of the problems that oil
brings.For example, this palm oil is very harmful to the skin, it can also be
noted that this ingredient was associated with the slave trade and colonization
of African countries.Today, huge amounts of oil are also being produced, which
requires space and deforestation, which can bring dire consequences.
Phases of the day
1(on the contrary)-ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex
patterns in relatively small datasets.-Інструментимашинногонавчання,
2 (keep track)They could help owners keep track of their pets' health,-Вонимоглибдопомогтивласникамстежитизаздоров'ямсвоїхдомашніхулюбленців,
3 (meet the demand) transmission and storage infrastructure is sufficient to
meet the demand,-інфраструктурапередачітазберіганнядостатнядлязадоволенняпопиту,
· #716
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:35)
Today I have read the article «Researchers use 3D printer to print glass» It
tells us about researchers which have successfully 3D printed chalcogenide
glass, a unique material used to make optical components that operate at
mid-infrared wavelengths. The ability to 3D print this glass could make it
possible to manufacture complex glass components and optical fibers for new
types of low-cost sensors, telecommunications components and biomedical devices.
In conclusion, 3D printing of optical materials will pave the way for a new era
of designing and combining materials to produce the photonic components and
fibers of the future.
Phrases of the Day:
1. on the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.
Інструменти ML, навпаки, здатні виявляти складні закономірності у відносно
невеликих наборах даних.
2. meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
Associated Press,
3. keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риби повинні
покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #715
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:35)
Class work 31.03
I have read the article "Research: Community policing that encourages building
relationships may reduce police violence"
Policing with local residents that encourages relationships with local citizens
can reduce police violence, while proactive policing strategies are associated
with higher levels of police violence, according to a new study. the desires and
needs of the community, rather than public / social oversight, officers may have
more opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the community, "explains
co-author Kayla Preito-Hodge." Our results show that officers who are in the
community speak with people, build relationships and recognize the humanity of
citizens, are less likely to use force against those citizens, ”he says.
Respect, compassion and service, not mistrust and control, is the main goal of
this project. And I fully share it.
Phrases of the day:
1.on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel
2.keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision
(Щоб відстежувати сусідівнавітьутемномуабокаламутномусередовищі,
рибамаєпокладатисянетількиназір.) the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
· #714
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:28)
Home work on 31.03
I have read the article"Scientists find out how nanoparticles kill cancer cells"
Scientists have studied how magnetic nanoparticles affect cancer cells in the
human liver. According to the authors, this study will help cure cancer
Due to their unique properties, magnetic nanoparticles can be used for
therapeutic diagnostics and individual treatment of cancer. It is known that
human cancer cells can absorb magnetic nanoparticles. This property can be used
in cancer therapy in at least three ways. Collaboration in the scientific world
is often decisive in research, and this was no exception. Now this method is
used, but not yet so often. But as for me, it is precisely such research that
helps explore the unknown and help people who find themselves in such a
· #713
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:23)
I have recently read the article ‘Violent crime is rising. What can cities do?’.
Crime rates have risen up during the last two years, different researches find.
However, in this article we can read the interview of three men who are members
of a group of researchers in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies'
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Volkan Topalli, William Sabol
and Thaddeus Johnson. Readers can find out about who is the most affected by
crimes, the main reasons of a crime spike and what can be done to prevent this.
In conclusion, this article is quite useful, because it gives us a look at what
is happening in the world.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) meet the demand
Dykstra says that "new technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand
for fresh water, not only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but also in
the Netherlands."
Дайкстра каже, що "потрібні нові технології, щоб продовжувати задовольняти попит
на прісну воду, не тільки у Середземномор'ї та на Близькому Сході, а й у
2) on the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
Навпаки, застосовуючи більш суворі протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити
проблему її витоків.
3) keep track
They could help owners keep track of their pets' health, and help vets monitor
animals during surgery without the need for shaving.
Вони можуть допомогти власникам стежити за здоров'ям своїх домашніх тварин, а
ветеринарам – стежити за тваринами під час операції без необхідності гоління.
Voice message:
· #712
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:15)
class work 31.03
Today I have read the article “Natural gas bans are new front in effort to curb
To begin with the issue of climate is very acute in our society, so the
rejection of natural gas can also be a solution to environmental problems. But
the article tells us that it doesn't work that way, as a result, the problem
will not be solved and working conditions will deteriorate and prices will rise.
In conclusion, I want to say that the solution of any environmental problems
must be solved simultaneously with economic, social, etc., because they are all
parts of one organism, so you need to do everything gradually.
on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
keep track
it can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
· #711
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:14)
homework 29.03
Today I’ve read the article “Are political parties getting in the way of our
health?” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that all information from this article is a new research by Gerald
Gamm. The main goal of the research was to find out how competition between
parties influences on level of human life. And he concluded that everything is
In conclusion, I want to say that I agree with Gerald Gamm’s research and also
think that competition between parties is not just healthy for a political
system, it is ways to improve all aspect human life.
Phrases of the day
speculate that
The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more volatile
little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster
overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи
· #710
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:13)
class work 29.03
Today I have read the article “Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Physics shows
why” and I’d like share my thoughts.
To begin with the fact that this article turned out to be quite informative. Of
course, everyone knows that hand washing helps prevent the formation of bacteria
and germs. But the most interesting thing is how. As mentioned in the article,
even the speed of hand washing affects the result. this is what takes at least
twenty seconds to remove these germs.
In conclusion, I want to say that hand washing protects our body, so it should
not be neglected. And physics helps us understand exactly how to wash our hands
the key finding
And the key finding here is that Facebook takes an aggressive approach to
interest inference.
ключовим висновком тут є те, що Facebook використовує агресивний підхід до
висновку про інтереси.
As seen in
As seen in this table, during the Post WWII, the negative correlation between
manufacturing activities and income inequality was relatively strong.
lay the foundation
Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
· #709
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:12)
class work 24.03
Today I have read the article “Could we make cars out of petroleum residue?” and
I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with the fact that the main reasons why such ideas have begun to appear
are a climatic problem and also attempts to use less resources but to receive
better result. This article doesn’t tell us only about the process of making the
necessary parts, but also show certain processes.
In conclusion, I want to say such experiments are always an opportunity to find
something new that can help a large number of people.
as distinct from
Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the country
-- as distinct from foreign residents -- has dropped for the first time since
statistics began to be compiled in 1975.
acquainted with
McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures:
as a matter of
As a matter of fact, the work that we have published in Nature Communications
stems from bricks that we bought at Home Depot right here in Brentwood
Nature Communications,
Home Depot
· #708
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:11)
class work 22.03
Today I have read the article “Waste coffee grounds could someday help detect
brain waves” and I’ like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that reading this article I have understood how difficult
different processes are and moreover, how difficult it is to create the right
conditions for experiments and research. It is also worth noting that any
seemingly ordinary thing can become necessary for the appropriate conditions. It
seemed that coffee grounds were nothing supernatural, but this article tells how
it helps in experiments and research.
In conclusion, I want to say this article was really informative and
when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
case studies
The case study has come to the conclusion that the CO 2 emissions of a
geothermal power plant used exclusively for electricity generation depend to
more than one third on the working medium used.
CO 2
turns out that
It turns out that the separator plays an outsized role in how safe a battery is,
no matter the stability of its electrode.
Виявляється, що сепаратор відіграє величезну роль у тому, наскільки безпечна
батарея, незалежно від стабільності її електрода.
· #707
Krasilnikova Anastasia IM 211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:10)
Class work 17.03
Today I have read the article “Scientists create a plastic alternative made from
milk and clay” and I’d like to share my thoughts.
To begin with that plastic is the problem of our generation. As stated in the
text, plastic is everywhere, which means it harms our ecology at all levels. The
article talks about a new method for solving this problem, such as creating a
bio-plastic that decomposes easily.
In conclusion, I want to say that creating alternative for our familiar things
really helps our nature, and subsequently helps us. And we, as consumers, can
only support such initiatives.
1) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Дослідження кидає виклик переважній думці про те, як металоорганічні каркаси
утримують гази.
2) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому за своїм задумом воно швидше нагадує мозкову атаку, пошук консенсусу, ніж
сесію зі складання переліку пріоритетних дослідницьких областей.
3) practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Крім моральних заперечень, які б могли мати проти регулярної виплати грошей
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #706
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:09)
I have read the article Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of
fishlike underwater research drones.
Researchers Scoltech and their colleagues used three-dimensional modelling to
show that small fish floating in a joint can feel the position and beating of
their neighbors' tail to change water pressure. To track down neighbors even in
a dark or shady environment, fish clearly needs to rely on more than just sight.
Modelling shows that signals coming to tactile senses are visible against the
background of noise and provide information on the position of the neighbor and
the tail movement. Fish are much less concerned about sea probes that look and
feel more like fish.
Knowledge of the energy consumed by fish as food is maintained by optimizing
their movement in groups is also important for predicting models of their
migration, which are useful for fishing.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) keep track
Entrepreneurs must keep track documentation, issue cash checks.-
2) meet the demand
Only the UN can meet the demand for transitional justice.-
3) on the contrary
In developing countries, on the contrary, Governments give little support to
organic production and hardly provide any subsidies.-
країнах, що розвиваються, навпаки, уряди мало підтримують органічне виробництво
і практично не надають жодних субсидій.
· #705
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:04)
Classwork 31.03
I have read the article about the proper use of oil waste.
Researchers from MIT and others have come up with a way to make parts and cars
themselves from ultra-cheap raw materials: the heavy, clammy waste left over
from refining oil, material that refineries today supply for low-value
applications such as asphalt or, in the end, treating them as waste. The study
began as early as four years ago, with the goal of creating a lightweight
machine to reduce fuel consumption.
Honestly, I'm glad that scientists are trying to use what we all thought was
unnecessary materials.
Phrases of the day
1)on the contrary
Today, on the contrary, the destinies he touches become his own.
2)keep track
'Cause I've been on so many, it's kind of hard to keep track.
3)meet the demand
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.
Збільшувати кількість та якість робочої сили та фахівців для повнішого
задоволення попиту на зарубіжних ринках праці.
Classwork 29.03, rewrite
I have read the article about the new chemical discovery that concerns hydrogen
Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science have developed a paper disc that
can hold hydrogen peroxide. This happens because of a certain solution with
which the disk is infused. You can see the solution with ultraviolet light, and
it shows up in green on the disk. It was found that the intensity of the light
is directly proportional to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
To be honest, I'm glad that science is not standing still and continues to
Phrases of the day:
1.speculate that
We can speculate that they will not be getting that food in any civil manner.
Можна припустити, що вони не намагатимуться отримати продовольство будь-яким
цивілізованим чином.
2.little is known about
Very little is known about this monument.
3.overall goal
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities
for women.
Загальною метою плану дій є заохочення до створення рівних можливостей для
Homework 29.03
I have read the article about biodegradable printed paper batteries.
Scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have developed
paper-thin batteries that could one day become an eco-friendly option for
powering flexible and portable electronic systems. These batteries consist of
electrodes through which electric current exits or enters the battery, which are
also screen-printed on both sides of a piece of cellulose paper. Once the
battery is discharged, it can be buried in the ground, where it completely
decomposes for a month.
Honestly, I am thrilled that our scientists are developing and creating
Phrases of the day:
1) as a matter of;
We must view that as a matter of serious concern.
2) acquainted with ;
Those acquainted with Physiology will understand it better than others.
3) as distinct from;
The discussions also focused in detail on the role and functions of the office
of the ombudsman, as distinct from national human rights commissions.
ході дискусій докладно обговорювалися також роль та функції інституту
омбудсмена, на відміну від національних комісій з прав людини.
· #704
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:02)
I have read the article “Emerging wearable technology uses tiny fibers that can
track your blood pressure, heart rate, and more.”
Firstly, the article talks about wearable fibers. Itis based on microfiber and
nanofiber can be used to continuously monitor a patient's vital signs. Siram
Ramakrishna of the National University of Singapore is the inventor of this
invention. He said one of the most promising nanofiber technologies could be
ready to go to market in less than three years.
Finally, I want to say that this invention will help people with heart disease
and diabetes respond in a timely manner to changes in their bodies.
Phrases of the day:
1) keep track;
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
2) meet the demand;
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
Associated Press,
3) on the contrary;
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низький рівень використання чи
інші проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.
· #703
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:46)
Today I’ve read the article about Taxes Do Matter
Romania, one of Europe’s growing countries, is cutting taxes to spur more
growth. The government will either freeze or cut expenditures at the same time
in order to reduce their deficit and compensate for the lack of tax revenue.
Walgreen Co, the giant drugstore chain operator, was asked by some stockholders
to move corporate headquarters to Europe because of the more favorable tax
rates. Walgreen has said they are not interested, but the 5% ownership group
brings up an interesting point. The high US taxes are irksome, and alternatives
exist in other countries.
The two tax cases above show that taxes are one of many important economic
determinants when businesses decide where to operate or place their corporate
HQ. Competition works, and tax rates are a factor in the competition for
businesses and workers.
Phrases of the day:
1. To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for
sustainable applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a
multi-national team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made
from cellulose nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde
(reinforcing glycerol).
GLA University India
2. On the contrary, failure due to unpredictable consequences, low use or other
problems can confirm faith in the issuing institution - he found.
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші
проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риби повинні
покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #702
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:36)
- digital version
To do this technically, the researchers developed a new digital version of
backpropagation, which is utilized in machine learning, using automatic
- in other words
In other words, light and acoustic waves travel forward and backward in the same
- in principle
In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the media
and provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien
Today I have read the article "The Russian invasion shows how digital
technologies have become involved in all aspects of war". This article tells
about the embodiment of the old with a new color approaches to warfare by the
Russian side and their features of influence on the masses. In particular, it is
about the information component. However, the accusations of fakery, propaganda
and censorship have always been part of the war, now connected with cyberspace.
Integrating, they form an "explosive mixture" in the entire plane of war. To my
mind, information war is no less dangerous than ordinary, although it is often
· #701
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:06)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Je ne trouve pas vos devoirs. J’espère les trouver bientot.
N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement.
Laissez-les et vos enregistrements ici. Bon travail.
· #700
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:39)
Maria, your abstract and the task Phrases of the Day (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:31) have been written and pronounced excellently, without any mistake, it demonstrates your complete understanding of the content of the article. Of course, excellent.
· #699
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:31)
Today I’ve read the article about Scientists uncover simple strategies for
keeping foams on walls
Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have uncovered a unique mechanism
by which foams on walls drain and slip over time.
As spring cleaning comes around, many will be faced with the task of spraying
walls with commercial foam products for degreasing, cleaning or polishing. For
all these examples, the length of time the foam stays stable against gravity
plays a crucial role in how it performs. Foams are made of junction lines
between bubbles called plateau borders, which also form a connected channel for
liquid. Under gravity, the liquid in the foam tends to follow these channels and
make its way to the lowest point, making the lower part wetter than the upper
part. They found that this excess liquid could sometimes form a string that
stretches down from the lowest bubble before breaking off. The sudden, drastic
loss of liquid can significantly destabilize foams.
The universal rules uncovered by the team promise clear design principles for
new foam materials, particularly ones which need to stay stable under gravity
for longer. Less frequent application means less waste, making for more
efficient, sustainable application in both home and industrial settings.
Phrases of the day:
1. As a matter of fact, we hypothesize that some of these face neurons are very
sensitive to specific demographic groups, which is quite surprising.
Насправді, ми припускаємо, що деякі з цих нейронів обличчя дуже чутливі до
певних демографічних груп, що досить дивно.
2. McKenna is well acquainted with the best tool for analyzing complex mixtures:
the 21 tesla Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (21T
FT-ICR MS) at the National High Magnetic Field Lab.
3. Figures released this week showed the number of Japanese citizens in the
country -- as distinct from foreign residents -- has dropped for the first time
since statistics began to be compiled in 1975.
· #698
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:31)
The review (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 22:30) perfectly reflects the content of the aricle you have read, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #697
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:28)
The abstract (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:30) contains all the elements necessary for such kind of reviews, correctly reflects the content of the article you have read, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #696
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:24)
The review (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 17:46) meet all the requirements for independent student work of such kind and can be assessed as excellent.
· #695
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:19) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:20)
The abstract (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 17:03) and all its parts as well as the task Phrases of the Day have been done excellent and accurate as always. Сertainly excellent.
· #694
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:19)
The abstract (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 17:03) and all iys parts as well as the task Phrases of the Day have been done excellent and accurate as always. Сertainly excellent.
· #693
Shapa L.N. to Liza Shedelska IM-211 Kristina Dudina IM-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 07:14)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:39) and (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:40) were written and pronounced perfectly but Liza's work does not contain the voice variant of the task Phrases of the Day, no doubt it's due to carelessness, but I'm waiting for this part of your abstract.
· #692
Shapa L.N. to the IM-211 group students (Thursday, 31 March 2022 06:59)
Your English lesson has just started, I'm waiting for your comments, tasks, etc.
· #691
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 22:38)
Home work follows
Write this sentence as follows...
Пиши це речення наступним чином...
2.product development
Our company has too much product development.
Today we are going to vote a predetermined course of action.
I’ve read the article about “Storing energy in red bricks”
Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can
be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity,
like a battery.
Scientists’ve developed a method to make smart bricks" that can store energy
until required for powering devices. The polymer coating remains in the brick
and serves as an ion sponge that stores and conducts electricity.
In conclusion: advantageously, a brick wall serving as a supercapacitor can be
recharged hundreds of thousands of times within an hour. If you connect a couple
of bricks, microelectronics sensors would be easily powered. › news › 2020-08-energy-red-bricks.html
· #690
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 22:36)
Home work follows
this sentence as follows...
це речення наступним чином...
company has too much product development.
3.pedetermined action
we are going to vote a predetermined course of action.
I’ve read the article about “Storing energy in red bricks”
Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can
be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity,
like a battery.
Scientists’ve developed a method to make smart bricks" that can store energy
until required for powering devices. The polymer coating remains in the brick
and serves as an ion sponge that stores and conducts electricity.
In conclusion: advantageously, a brick wall serving as a supercapacitor can be
recharged hundreds of thousands of times within an hour. If you connect a couple
of bricks, microelectronics sensors would be easily powered. › news › 2020-08-energy-red-bricks.html
· #689
Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 22:30)
1. As a matter of
issue should be put as a matter of to a referendum.
2. As distinct from
are more popular as distinct from other flowers.
3. Acquainted with
firm is acquainted with the requirements for cooperation.
I’ve read the article about «Listening to blood cells: Simple test could use
sound waves for diagnosing blood-related diseases».New research reveals that
when red blood cells are hit with laser light, they produce high frequency sound
waves that contain a great deal of information.
We are currently developing a microfluidic device, which integrates the laser
and probes and flows single cells through the target area. This would enable
measuring thousands of cells in a very short period of time with minimal user
Thanks to this research, they produce to rapidly diagnose red blood cell
pathologies. › news › 2013-07-blood-cells-simple-blood-related-diseases.html
· #688
Gvozd to Murin IP211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 19:01)
I have got only your classwork, it is correct. So, I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #687
Gvozd to Radishevskaja, IP211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:59)
Thank you for your tasks, they are complete. Keep on working.
· #686
Murin IP211 Gvozd (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:43)
Today, I have read the article “Scientists develop biodegradable printed paper
First of all, the article talks about a new and important discovery by
researchers, namely paper batteries. Researchers at Nanyang Technological
University in Singapore have developed biodegradable thin paper zinc batteries
that could one day become an environmentally sustainable option to power
flexible and portable electronic systems.
Finally, I want to say that this scientific breakthrough will allow us to make
significant improvements to the environment and the state of nature. Therefore,
I think that this is a very big step in science.
Phrases of the day:
1) as a matter of;
As a matter of course, you must complete your final project in order to receive
a passing grade in this class.
Звичайно, ви повинні завершити свій остаточний проект, щоб отримати прохідну
оцінку в цьому класі.
2) acquainted with ;
I'm just acquainted with Daniel because we have many friends in common.
просто знайомий з Даніелом, тому що у нас багато спільних друзів.
3) as distinct from;
How to use as distinct from in a sentence.
використовувати “на відміну від” у реченні.
· #685
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:30)
Today I have read an article "Ministry of Culture and Information Policy calls
on UNESCO to transfer 45th session from Kazan to Lviv". The title of the article
says it all. Perhaps more and more politics is about culture. According to the
minister, Russia sees as its goals the physical and historical destruction of
Ukraine through bombing and shelling of cultural and architectural monuments. I
fully support this position. After all, culture is a space of freedom, not
destruction. Lviv is an incredibly beautiful city, and I think that UNESCO
should think about this issue well.
· #684
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:30)
I have read the article “Smaller, more versatile antenna could be a
communications game-changer”.
As wireless technology continues to evolve, the need for more compact, more
universal and cost-effective antennas is becoming increasingly important. Small
size, relatively small weight, energy efficiency and resilience to mistreatment
make them more universal than the equivalent of normal antennas. LightSlingers
use polarization current volume, moving inside the dielectric at a speed
exceeding the speed of light to radiate electromagnetic waves. With the FTL
movement of the radiation source, LightSlingers are able to “throw” highly
focused wave packages with high accuracy to a certain location. Los Alamos seeks
to turn antennas into commercial prototypes that can be tested in the field and
produced seriously through additive production and robotic treatment.
This research will help us to replace the obsolete technology of base station
antenna technology around the world and accelerate 4G.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1) as a matter of
The Office of Audit and Performance Review systematically follows up with all
the country offices as a matter of practice.-
Управління ревізії та аналізу ефективності роботи взяло за практику підтримувати
систематичні контакти з усіма країнами у зв'язку з зазначеними заходами.
2) acquainted with
May 19, the delegation got acquainted with the National Center for Crisis
травня члени делегації ознайомилися із Національним центром управління у
кризових ситуаціях.
3) as distinct from
Article 12 does not specify the legal order that must determine which rights
belong to the shareholder as distinct from the corporation.-
статті 12 безпосередньо не називається правова підстава, якою має визначатися,
які права належать акціонерам на відміну від прав самої корпорації.
· #683
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:08)
1. This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the
amount of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
2."A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one
seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
«Назва, термін, дизайн, символ або будь-яка інша ознака, яка ідентифікує товар
чи послугу одного продавця на відміну від товарів чи послуг інших продавців.
3."As a matter of fact, the work that we have published in Nature Communications
stems from bricks that we bought at Home Depot right here in Brentwood
(Missouri); each brick was 65 cents."
Nature Communications,
Home Depot
Fortnine and Apple
It was possible to find out the reason why the popular computer and mobile game
Fortnite was removed from the Apple store and was no longer available for
playing on iPhones. The reason in my opinion was the big financial differences.
Fortnite developers, Epic Games, said that Apple is pursuing too tight a
financial policy when distributing income and taking too much of the money for
itself. As a result, the latest patch for iOS was accompanied by a system
whereby transactions bypassed Apple's money controls. As a result, the owners of
the company sued and succeeded in removing Fortnite from the App Store.
· #682
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:08)
Police and people
After reading the article, I wanted to conclude that the ideas proposed in it
are quite rational. The article states that the level of police violence can be
reduced by establishing closer relations between civilians and officers. For
many police officers, policing is just a simple duty, so they do not really
think about who is injured or killed during the course of an arrest. If each
patrol officer in his area knows people better, this will allow him to more
carefully choose how to detain a person, and not open fire or beat a person with
a taser at any movement.
· #681
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:06)
1.This helped to ensure that the customers were comparable in terms of the
amount of time they had to become acquainted with the selling firm.
2.The first priority is to ensure that as many students as possible get into
college, with "careers" identified as distinct from "college."
Першим пріоритетом є забезпечення того, щоб якомога більше студентів вступили до
коледжу, при цьому «кар’єра» була визначена як відмінна від «коледж».
3."As a matter of prioritization, we think it's best to start with the areas
that have the least," said Ross Lieberman, the association's senior vice
president of government affairs.
Old Japanese people and robots
Japan, at the time of writing, was facing a situation in which the number of
elderly pensioners began to outnumber the number of working taxpayers. Which
would be a problem for the country's economy due to the high costs of pensions
and social security. I believe that the methods of robotizing the daily life of
old people described in the article could significantly reduce the burden on the
budget, since the need to pay for most services of social workers, nurses and
others would disappear. Since for them most of the work would be done by robots.
For example, cleaning, adjusting the room temperature, automatic control of the
air temperature, raising the bed, etc.
· #680
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 18:06)
Medical microscopes and extra-small cells
Tiny structures of blood cells can be viewed using one of the microscopes
installed at the Institute of Micromolecular Research. This technique is quite
rare and is of great importance for research. This is because it allows you to
consider microelements of cells in the most detailed way, mark them and do
research. As one of the specialists of the center stated, "we are talking about
nanometers." This is truly amazing, as it opens up incredible scope for the
development of new drugs, as well as research into the characteristics of the
human body in more detail.
· #679
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 17:46)
Today, I have read the article “Scientists develop biodegradable printed paper
First of all, the article talks about a new and important discovery by
researchers, namely paper batteries. Researchers at Nanyang Technological
University in Singapore have developed biodegradable thin paper zinc batteries
that could one day become an environmentally sustainable option to power
flexible and portable electronic systems.
Finally, I want to say that this scientific breakthrough will allow us to make
significant improvements to the environment and the state of nature. Therefore,
I think that this is a very big step in science.
Phrases of the day:
1) as a matter of;
As a matter of course, you must complete your final project in order to receive
a passing grade in this class.
Звичайно, ви повинні завершити свій остаточний проект, щоб отримати прохідну
оцінку в цьому класі.
2) acquainted with ;
I'm just acquainted with Daniel because we have many friends in common.
просто знайомий з Даніелом, тому що у нас багато спільних друзів.
3) as distinct from;
How to use as distinct from in a sentence.
використовувати “на відміну від” у реченні.
· #678
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 17:03)
Today I have read the article “Time off after high school makes college less
The article is about the research which proves that some students after the
graduation of high school, who make an academic break, are less likely to enter
a college. There has been the study conducted by Evan Riehl and Nicolás de Roux.
They estimated that an academic break led to an 8% reduction in two regions of
Colombia. It is distributing among less-prepared students with bad economic
To sum up, academic breaks are not always bad. It all depends on students who
are eager to take a break.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) acquainted with
They are also not well acquainted with statistical production.
2) as a matter of
Moreover, as a matter of personal preference, some people — myself included —
prefer to pay their bills using checks rather than other methods of payment.
Більше того, з особистих міркувань, деякі люди, включаючи мене, вважають за
краще оплачувати свої рахунки чеками, а не іншими способами оплати.
3) as distinct from
Genuine investments are productive investments as distinct from financial
investments and investments for profit.
Voice message:
· #677
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 12:42)
Dear students, I am waiting for your tasks. Good luck
· #676
Gvozd to Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:10)
Thank you, the tasks are informative. Keep on working.
· #675
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022)
classified as-
Foreigners classified as illegal migrants and awaiting expulsion were held in
special detention facilities.
beyond the scope of-
Some of these measures fall beyond the scope of the Security Council itself and
require implementation in other forums.
by outlining-
The co-author of the paper on access started by outlining the sub-themes that
had been central to previous meetings of the Forum.
якіпосідаличільнемісценапорядкуденномупопередніхнарадФоруму. Today I have read the article: Sense of smell is
our most rapid warning system. These statistics say that scent is one of the
most important senses in our world. Scent is 150-200 times better than other
senses developed in humans. The confession of a German scientist showed that
people are blind. We cannot do without scent. the smell penetrates our brain and
is analyzed in a matter of seconds. I think this is great because we can very
quickly understand that there is a gas leak somewhere. So the scent is great and
I'm glad we have it. ( Phrases of the day:
1) as follows
Write this sentence as follows...
2) product development
Our company has too much product development.
3) predetermined action
Today we are going to vote a predetermined course of action.
Сьогоднімимаємопроголосуватиусуворовизначеномупорядку. Today I have read the article about Ukrainian
journalism and its features. Ukraine's oligarchs continue to dominate the media
landscape and using the press to influence elections and indirectly, access
public resources. Almost all media outlets in Ukraine are now controlled by
oligarchs. Meanwhile, the environment for being a journalist in Ukraine remains
very dangerous. Since 1992, 18 journalists have been killed, imprisoned, or have
gone missing. But political violence continues to plague Ukraine to this day.
Russia has been waging an aggressive information war against Ukraine for some
seven years. In conclusion, Ukrainian journalism is a really risky job.
· #674
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 10:13)
Today I have read the article called: "Untapped solar and wind potential in
Swiss mountains". This article is about the choice of the type of renewable
energy in the regions of Switzerland. The research showed that the best option
would be to install a combination of wind turbines and solar panels. The
research uses a new method to determine through their topography, microclimate,
hydropower storage potential. The scientists based their calculations on
meteorological and satellite data, and took into account Switzerland's current
hydropower infrastructure. Scientists have carried out a detailed analysis of
Switzerland's landscape to ensure that the country's entire power grid remains
Phrases of the day:
1. As a matter of
This issue should be put as a matter of to a referendum.
2. As distinct from
Roses are more popular as distinct from other flowers.
3. Acquainted with
The firm is acquainted with the requirements for cooperation.
Filonova Kate
Today I have read the article called: "Giant ice volcanoes identified on Pluto".
This article is about the observation of scientists, which showed that there is
a strange uneven terrain on Pluto. This is how giant ice volcanoes were
discovered, which were active relatively shortly before the research. Scientists
also noted that it is likely that the temperature of Pluto has become much
higher. Ice volcanoes don't exude lava into the air, but exude thick slushy ice
water. Researchers have suggested that Pluto's ice volcanoes formed several
hundred million years ago. This research gave the greatest insight yet into
· #673
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:16)
I appreciate your hard work, thank you. Keep on working.
· #672
Gvozd to Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:15)
Thank you for your tasks, they are informative and useful.
· #671
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:11)
Today I have read the article called: "Making green energy the default choice
can help tackle climate change, study finds". This article is about
environmental and climate benefits of green energy. The researchers found that
turning green energy into a single sustainable resource could help cut millions
of tons of CO2 emissions. Almost 100 percent of people have decided to switch to
green energy, despite the fact that the use of green energy by default is more
expensive than conventional energy and the transition to environmentally
friendly sources is also long-term.
Phrases of the day:
1. As a matter of
We considered each item of the plan as a matter of.
2. As distinct from
Matt has an athletic body type as distinct from his brother Peter.
Метт має спортивний тип статури на відміну від його брата Пітера.
3. Acquainted with
The lawyers are acquainted with the charges.
Filonova Kate
Today I have read the article called: "Looking for love, white rhino 'Emma'
lands in Japan". This article is about the white rhino named Emma, who came to
Japan to breed. Five-year-old Emma beat a herd of competitors in a contest for
the chance to find a companion. The white rhino Emma was chosen for her calm
nature and smaller size than the rest of the individuals. The covid-19 pandemic
hindered the plans, but in the end, Emma still made it to her destination. That
breeding programs are used to restore the population of southern white rhinos.
· #670
Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:08)
Phrases of the day:
1) We must view that as a matter of serious concern.
2) Well, I was acquainted with Mr. Smith, until he passed away.
a question, you can hint at the absence of a teacher.
Today I have read the article “Canada mandates new cars to be zero-emissions by
Firstly, the article talks about that the Canadian government says that all new
cars in their country will be emission-free in the future. On Tuesday, Omar
Alghabra, Canada's Transport Minister, announced that by 2035, all new cars and
light trucks sold in the country will be zero-emission vehicles.
Finally, I'd like to point out that this action will assist Canada in meeting
its overall net-zero carbon emissions target for the economy by the middle of
the century.
Today I have read the article "Apple set to snap win streak on report of iPhone
production cut" Every year, Ukrainians and Russians bought a new iPhone. And
they accounted for 37 percent of all goods sold. And leaving the market, they
came under fines from Russia. And also lost a lot of money. For Apple, this is
bad. But I think it's right. They left the country of the aggressor, and when
the war ends, people will remember them as someone who helped and not as someone
who stayed for the sake of money. The percentage of shares has fallen, but I
think it's not for long.
· #669
Gvozd to Davidenko Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 07:39)
Thank you for your detailed comments. Everything is quite correct.
· #668
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 07:37)
Dear students. I hope you are working hard and I will read your comments soon ...
· #667
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 07:35)
Today I've read an article on " New music recommendation system includes
long-tail songs" which tells about new work in the International Journal of
Computational. It offers an approach to a music recommendation system that
neglects the popular in favor of the long-tail and so could open users to new
Engineers developed a multi-stage graph-based method and a K-nearest neighbors
(KNN)-based method to identify long-tail songs and feed these new works to the
system's users.
I believe that such a system of recommendations would be useful for those users
who are tired of the same old popular artists and songs that can be listened to
endlessly on radio, television, in movies and online
Phrases of the Day:
1) speculate that
Foreign observers frequently speculate that the Chinese authorities may be
deliberately overstating the economy's strength.
2)overall goal
The programme was aligned with the Government's overall goal of sustaining high
economic growth and significantly reducing poverty.
3)little is known about
Very little is known about this monument.
Today I've read an article on "Electrode made from inexpensive earth-abundant
metals has potential for green fuel production" which conducted a study that
showed that metal foam can be the basis of an inexpensive method of carbon-free
fuel production.
During the study, the team smoothly coated the foam with iron and cobalt
nanomaterials to create a highly active electrode for a device that breaks down
water molecules to release oxygen and hydrogen, a potential green fuel.
I believe that this study is quite useful because, due to the intermittent
nature of wind and solar energy, there is a need to develop methods for
converting renewable electricity into carbon-free fuel that could be stored and
transported for future use.
· #666
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 06:47)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #665
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Debt for 26.03
Depression is a disease that seriously affects a person's life in a bad way.
This diagnosis is made by doctors who examine the physical examination and do
laboratory tests. Depression can also be inherited, as well as acquired
throughout life, and such a diagnosis can be treated with antidepressants.
People can often be aggressive or depressed, they often lose interest in life
with the aggravation of this disease. According to statistics, people under 20
suffer from depression years. The article makes it clear how difficult it can be
for people with depression
Everyone has experienced stress at some point in their lives. Stress manifests
itself in its different forms, it can give you a surge of strength and energy,
as well as stop you. Your hormones released during stress prepare you for
action. They raise the pulse, cleanse the breath, release adrenaline. Stress can
manifest itself in both good and bad times. Some can suppress stress, such
people are considered resilient and can quickly get out of stressful situations.
Resilience can be genetically transmitted, as well as acquired with the help of
frequent stress. I recommend reading the article
Phrases of the day
1.With the aid of a new measuring scale structure and different suspension
2.It was the latter term that saw a sharp rise
3.This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
· #664
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #663
Kristina Dudina IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:40)
I have read the article «Researchers develop on-chip printed 'electronic nose».
As article says, skoltech researchers and their colleagues from Russia and
Germany have designed an on-chip printed "electronic nose" that serves as a
proof of concept for this kind of low-cost and sensitive devices to be used in
portable electronics and healthcare.
Also, these systems can be used for noninvasive diagnostics of human breath,
such as diagnosing with a compact sensor system also designed at Skoltech. Some
of these sensors work a lot like actual noses—say, yours—by using an array of
sensors to better detect the complex signal of a gaseous compound.
So, the team will continue working in this direction, optimizing the materials
used to lower power consumption.In my opinion this will amazing work for
Phrases of the day
1)speculate that
The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more volatile
2)little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster
3)overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи
· #662
Tomenko M.G. to Ruda Yana, ID-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 12:24)
Thank you. That's the right way to do it. Well done.
· #661
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:55)
Today I read an article about the manga "Pet shop of horrors". This manga is
very interesting and mysterious. It appeared on the shelves in the 2000s and won
the hearts of many readers. The story of Count Dee's mysterious shop, with its
exotic animals, is both intimidating and breathtaking. The manga is written in
the horror genre, so it adds some zest. This manga is also very instructive, so
reading can draw your own conclusions. I have collected all the books in this
series, and I enjoy reading them. So, if you are interested, I recommend this
article for reading.
· #660
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:54)
Today I read an article about the anime "Nana". The anime Nana was released in
the 2000s, but is still popular today. The author of this anime and manga is the
mangaka Ai Yazawa. This is an anime of romance and drama, it is probably perfect
for young people to watch. It is not complete, and probably viewers will never
see the sequel, because more than 10 years have passed since the last chapter
was written. This title describes both friendships and love, as well as domestic
problems. Nana is one of my favorite anime, so it was interesting to read an
article about him. If you are interested in my review, I recommend reading the
· #659
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:53)
Today I read an article about journalism. It tells about the concept of
journalism. Journalism is the act of writing about news related subjects for all
media, print and non-print. It is also the complicated process of taking
information and sifting through it, editing information, and giving it context.
Journalism incorporates everything from the "hard" news of politics and public
affairs, to the softer side, which includes human interest and celebrity
stories. Journalism, in fact, is very interesting. From various articles we
learn something new for ourselves. I was interested in reading this article, so
I recommend reading it.
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities
for women.
· #658
Alexey Soloviov IK 211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:43)
Today, I have read the article In Wisconsin: Stowing Mowers, Pleasing Bees by
the New York Times. I think that we have killed so many insects as if it doesn’t
matter. But it does , hugely. Without insects and birds, there will be no more
human life eventually. Read The Silent Spring and reflect.
And in the meantime, stop mowing your lawn -and never use pesticides or
There is a restored prairie across the road from my cousins home in Minnesota:
it hums with life. In the meantime, the manicured lawns are dead with silence.
· #657
Alexey Soloviov IK 211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:37)
Today, I have read the article LEADERSHIP STYLES Elon Musk Tesla founder and CEO
of SpaceX. I think Tesla has been one of the most innovative companies in the
world in recent times due to the operations that it has incorporated and came up
with new products for the betterment of society. Moreover, his innovations have
given more significant opportunities to the employees by incorporating new
techniques and strategies that increase the organisation's value. Therefore,
Elon Musk used both the leadership styles that include the transformational and
transactional styles. It can be evaluated that the transformational leadership
and transactional leadership executed by Elon musk both positively impact the
performance of the employees and the organization.
· #656
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:39)
Phrases of the day:
Little is known
1) Little is known about other worlds, but many people believe in them.
інші світи відомо небагато, але багато людей вірять у них.
2) speculate that.
NASA scientists speculate that they have calculated the time of the sun's
3) overall goal.
"Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel
porous materials," Li said.
Наша загальна мета — вчитися та черпати натхнення від природи для розробки нових
пористих матеріалів», — сказав Лі.
Today I have read an amazing article called,,Using deep learning algorithms to
give bicyclists the 'green wave' at traffic signals".
In short, this is an article about transportation researchers which are working
to give bicyclists smoother rides by allowing them to communicate with traffic
signals via a mobile app called FastTrack.The overall goal is to give bicyclists
a safer and more efficient use of a city's signaled intersections.In my opinion
this is a very good decision.I have been thinking for a long time about how it
is possible to protect cyclists on our roads, on which cars mostly drive and
sometimes at high speed.I think with such an application the risk of accidents
involving cyclists can be greatly reduced.
· #655
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:30)
The review (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:22) completely reflects the content of the article you have presented, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #654
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:27)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:21) does not correspond to the necessary volume it contains only 61 words but the minimum is 100 words.
· #653
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:22)
I have read the article “New music recommendation system includes long-tail
The music recommendations systems were designed to enable listeners to offer
content from large digital libraries that could match their tastes and
preferences without any human interference. Simple systems are based on
pre-classification of songs by performers, genres and styles and simply
represent the audience, seemed to be related music. Other, complex systems have
more subtle classifications and respond to the sympathies and antipathies of
other users, as well as the current user, to find new material that the user
might like; joint filtration. A long tail approach is kind of simulating the
opening process when you listen to an esoteric DJ at a small-known radio station
and find your new favorite performer.
The advantage is you can hear almost unlimited number of new songs and
performers with a long tail.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice;
1)little is known about
To date, little is known about biological responses in the marine environment.-Насьогоднішнійденьмалощовідомопробіологічніреакціївморськомусередовищі.
2)overall goal
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.-УНепаліголовнаметазаходівурамкахрозвиткуполягаєузниженнірівнязлиднів.
3)speculate that
Western mass media speculate that it was Russia that attacked Georgia.-УзахіднихЗМІпроводитьсяідея,
· #652
Anastasia Zayac IM-211,Shapa (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:21)
I have read the article about the new chemical discovery that concerns hydrogen
Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science have developed a paper disc that
can hold hydrogen peroxide. This happens because of a certain solution with
which the disk is infused. You can see the solution with ultraviolet light, and
it shows up in green on the disk.
To be honest, I'm glad that science is not standing still and continues to
Phrases of the day:
1.speculate that
We can speculate that they will not be getting that food in any civil manner.
Можна припустити, що вони не намагатимуться отримати продовольство будь-яким
цивілізованим чином.
2.little is known about
Very little is known about this monument.
3.overall goal
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities
for women.
Загальною метою плану дій є заохочення до створення рівних можливостей для
· #651
Shapa L.N. to Karina Yasnova IM-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:18)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:08) was written and pronounced excellently though there are some interference in speaking, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #650
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:08)
1)Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
Уэллс сказав ,що МККК не хотів будувати здогадки про те ,хто міг стояти за
вторгненням .
2)Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало що відомо про форуми присвячених проблемі сексуального насилля над дітьми
на Тор або про те ,в якій мірі вони впливають на послуги цибулі розуміючі цей
3)Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel
porous materials," Li said.
Наша спільна ціль полягає у тому ,щоб вчитися й отримувати натхнення у природи
для розробки нових пористих матерів ", - сказав Лі.
статья :
аудио :
Tоday I read an article about the caribou migration and their genes. So , а
lot of people don’t even know what a caribou looks like, but they associate it
with Santa’s magic reindeer. Some of the caribou migrate and some of them live
in boreal forests and are sedentary. According to researchers , animals began to
migrate due to the threat of extinction. Researchers at the University of
Calgary studied 139 caribou in western Canada. These cariboos belonged to
populations that ranged from tundra to forests and mountains. And after numerous
studies, we came to the conclusion that individuals from the North are more
likely to migrate. These individuals cover a distance of about 500 km and it’s
only one way.
In conclusion, human-induced changes in habitat and climate are helping to
reduce the caribou population. But it can be stopped if you keep the seasonal
habitats of the animals.
· #649
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:04)
The review (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:50) contains all the elements necessary for the independent student work of such kind, was pronouced though slowly but completely correct, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #648
Tomenko M.G. to Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:00)
Your comment is well done. Thank you.
· #647
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:59)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:41) has been perfectly written and excellently pronouced, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #646
Shapa L.N. to Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:53)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:27) demonstrates your complete understanding of the conten of the article you have read, was done perfectly correct, and presents an excellent order of organization of the work. Excellent.
· #645
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:50)
Phrases of the day:
1)speculate that;
That A place of thoughts on life, story, creativity and spirituality,
specifically Christian faith.
Це місце думок про життя, історію, творчість і духовність, зокрема про
християнську віру.
2) overall goal ;
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
3) little is known about;
Little is known about how consistently they are taking it.
Мало що відомо про те, наскільки постійно вони приймають його.
Today I have read the article “Canada mandates new cars to be zero-emissions by
Firstly, the article talks about that the Canadian government says that all new
cars in their country will be emission-free in the future. On Tuesday, Omar
Alghabra, Canada's Transport Minister, announced that by 2035, all new cars and
light trucks sold in the country will be zero-emission vehicles.
Finally, I'd like to point out that this action will assist Canada in meeting
its overall net-zero carbon emissions target for the economy by the middle of
the century.
· #644
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:49)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:10) contains all the elements necessary for independent student work of such kind, was written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #643
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:46)
Фразы дня
1.Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
2.In these works, we speculate about what will happen to aluminum as it is
ejected from collapsing cities and transforms back into geological rock in the
far future.
3.The overall goal is to put carbon and oxygen together in a predictable
fashion, similar to the chemical structures created through petroleum-based
1.Мало що відомо про форуми матеріалів про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на
Tor або про те, якою мірою вони впливають на сервіси onion, що розміщують ці
2. у цих роботах ми роздумуємо про те, що станеться з алюмінієм, коли він буде
викинутий з руйнуються міст і перетвориться назад в геологічну породу в далекому
3. Загальна мета полягає в тому, щоб з'єднати вуглець і кисень передбачуваним
чином, подібно хімічним структурам, створеним за допомогою хімії на основі
I read Samuel Duarvel's article "a study on the effect of 13 reasons why on
young adults with low self-esteem". This is a study in the course of which the
influence of the popular TV series on the self-esteem of young people was
studied. The main theme of the series is suicide, low self-esteem and
personality formation. During the survey of viewers, it turned out that only the
female audience had a positive impact, and the male audience, on the contrary,
had a negative or no effect. In my opinion, such studies are useful because they
reveal problems in society.
· #642
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:43)
The review (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:07) has been written and pronounced perfectly, without mistakes, but the absence of the voice variant of the task Phrases of the Day does not allow to estimate the work excellently.
· #641
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:41)
have read the article"Cutting-edge forensic analysis identifies rare ceramic
dish for the British Museum"
Scientific analysis by the Cranfield Forensic Institute (CFI) has proven that
pottery is a thousand-year-old treasure of the Song Dynasty, the rarest of all
Imperial Chinese ceramics.
On display at the British Museum as part of Sir Percival David's collection, the
long-considered Korean small green-glazed washer is actually one of less than
100 surviving famous examples of Ru. The director of the British Museum said:
This remarkable discovery is the result of the most recent academic and
scientific research. It is through this collaboration that experts have shed new
light on the incredibly rare Chinese pottery, revealing its history as a highly
regarded piece used by the Northern Song Imperial Court. "
Personally, this story really interested me, and only after studying it at least
in general terms, I was able to understand how valuable this discovery is.
Phrases of the day:
1.speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus and its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way
(Вчені припускають, що Уран та його небесний сусід Нептун утворилися таким же
2.little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
(Мало було відомо про те чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну
3.overall goal
Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel
porous materials
(Наша загальна ціль — вчитися та черпати натхнення від природи для розробки
нових пористих матеріалів)
· #640
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:27)
Today I have read the article “Here's how food waste can generate clean energy”.
This article was written by Salvador Escobedo Salas, whose the main purpose was
to tell about the problem of food waste and its solution. Food waste comes with
many other issues. For example, greenhouse gas emissions. However, the solution,
biomass gasification, consists of processes that can turn food waste into a
clear electricity. The USA, Finland, Brazil, Denmark, Italy and Canada are the
leading countries which fund the developing of biomass gasification projects.
For example, Canada produces 1.4 percent of electricity with biomass.
In conclusion, biomass gasification is a big step into sustainable and circular
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) speculate that
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on
Ми могли б припустити, що Майкрософт розробив вірус, щоб звалити вину на нас.
2) little is known about
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
Наприклад, відносно мало відомо про потенційний вплив освоєння відновлюваних
джерел морської енергії на китоподібних.
3) overall goal
The overall goal is to put carbon and oxygen together in a predictable fashion,
similar to the chemical structures created through petroleum-based chemistry.
Загальна мета полягає в тому, щоб об'єднати вуглець і кисень передбачуваним
способом, подібним до хімічних структур, створених за допомогою нафтохімічної
Voice message:
· #639
Tomenko M.G. to Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:26)
Thank you. That's the right way to do it. Well done.
· #638
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:24)
Tashi Mariia IK-211
Koloidenko Alina, ID-211
Novitskiy jenya id-211
Kravchenko A. IK-211
Thank you for your work. It’s well done.
· #637
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:20)
Today I’ve read an interesting article about the so-called "miniature art". The
exhibition of miniature works by various artists, called "Small is Beautiful",
is taking place in Paris. This type of art has spread thanks to social media, on
which artists from all over the globe post photos of their artwork under the
hashtag #MiniatureArt. I've seen it on social media too, it's really
mesmerizing. One artist even manages to make sculptures on the tip of a pencil!
I found photos of these works on the Internet. I liked it, I would love to visit
such an exhibition.
Phrases of the day:
1) little is known about. Little is known about other worlds, but many people
believe in them.
2) speculate that. NASA scientists speculate that they have calculated the time
of the sun's explosion.
3) overall goal. "Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature
to develop novel porous materials," Li said.
· #636
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:10)
Today I have read the article «Machine learning, meet human emotions: How to
help a computer monitor your mental state» It tells us about researchers from
Skoltech, INRIA and the RIKEN Advanced Intelligence Project which have
considered several state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for the
challenging tasks of determining the mental workload and affective states of a
human brain. In my оpiniоn, this is just a great discоvery. Because in оur
mоdern wоrld we cannоt live a day withоut a telephоne, the Internet, and sо оn.
And we are currently increasing the usage оf AI fоr the cоnvenience and
autоmatiоn оf sоme kind оf actiоn.
Phrases of the day:
1. little is known about
While several recent studies have looked into the short-term behavior of such
timber-hybrid materials, little is known about their long-term behavior. Хоча
кілька останніх досліджень розглядали короткострокову поведінку таких
деревино-гібридних матеріалів, мало що відомо про їх довгострокову поведінку.
2. overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images. Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи.
3. speculate that
Fans speculate that Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant. Шанувальники припускають,
що Кортні Кардашьян вагітна.
· #635
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:07)
Today I’ve read the article about New framework and online tool can promote
understanding of the role of soil biota
In one teaspoon of soil, we can find more than 5,000 species of bacteria, fungi,
nematodes and other microbial organisms. A new framework can help us understand
the complexity of soil biology in relation to multiple soil functions.
The researchers present a framework to help us understand the complex ways soil
biota bring about soil functions. They collected the current scientific
understanding of how soil biota support the four primary soil functions:
nutrient cycling, carbon and climate regulation, water regulation and
purification, and disease and pest regulation. The team also evaluated which
measurements can be applied to assess these soil functions across a range of
research and monitoring
researching how the availability of plant nutrients changes in response to new
soil management practices requires detailed measurements at an experimental
field site. On the other hand, monitoring the ability of agricultural soils to
provide crops with nitrogen throughout the country asks for quick but reliable
methods. The BIOSIS tool provides users with this flexibility. It is
future-proof; new methods or findings can be added easily.
Phrases of the day:
1. Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent
to which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало відомо про форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor
або про те, наскільки вони впливають на послуги цибулі, які розміщують цей
2. The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more volatile
crypto-currencies, thanks to the advice of a WhatsApp group with 13,000 members
in Herat.
Молодий чоловік також намагається спекулювати на деяких з найбільш мінливих
криптовалют, завдяки пораді групи WhatsApp з 13 000 членів у Гераті.
3. The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a
city's signaled intersections
Загальна мета — надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися
міськими перехрестями із сигналізацією
· #634
Tashi Mariia IK-211 to Tomenko Maryna (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:07)
1)Most historians speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the
2)Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
3)The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of
opportunities for women.
Today I have read an article "Oscars 2022: Full list of Academy Award winners".
The 94th Academy Awards took place on Sunday at the Dolby Theater in Los
Angeles. The most epic Oscar moment was when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock for
making a joke about his wife, and then quietly walked out for Best Actor in King
Richard. Andrew Garfield was my favorite, too bad he didn't win. Well, Jessica
Chastain took the award for best male role in the film "The Eyes of Tammy Fay",
I'm very happy for her. And Dune collected the most awards. We are already
looking forward to the next event!
· #633
Shapa L.N. to Raykov Stanislav, IM-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:55)
Your review (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:40) can be taken as a classical one as to its order and content, has been done without mistakes. Excellent.
· #632
Koloidenko Alina, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:51)
Hello! Today I read an interesting article on the topic: "Why does fashion
change over time?". Fashion refers to clothing styles that are popular today.
For some people, fashion is a top priority. They like to wear only the latest
fashions and styles. For others, keeping up with trends is not so important.
Why is fashion changing? The answer is simple. Over time, the new replaces the
old. People are influenced by popular culture. So, nowadays it is important
for some people to match fashion and dress stylishly. I liked this article, it
is interesting and informative, I recommend it to you.
· #631
Shapa L.N. to Yunko Illya , IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:51)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:36) was written and pronounced correct, without mistakes, but the task Phrases of the Day does not contain the voice variant.
· #630
Koloidenko Alina, ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:50)
1.His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
2.Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
3.Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
Hello! Today I read an interesting informative article on the topic: "What is a
database?". This article is taken from Wikipedia. In computer science, a
database is an organized collection of data that is stored and available
electronically. Small databases can be stored in a file system. Database
design covers formal methods and practical considerations, including data
modeling, efficient presentation and storage. Therefore, nowadays it is very
important to have databases and for information workers, the information sphere
cannot exist without a database. I liked this article, and I recommend it to
you to read.
· #629
Shapa L.N. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:47)
The review (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:29) perfectly demonstrates your full understanding of the content of the article, the task Phrases of the Day was done correct. Excellent.
· #628
Shapa L.N. to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:43)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:24) was written and pronounce excellently, without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Dau has been done correct. Excellent.
· #627
Shapa L.N. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:40)
The reviews (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11) and (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:12) were written and pronounced perfectly, but again there is the absence of the task Phrases of the Day in the second work, is it a peculiarity of our group students, because I accept you as an ideal student commonly excecuting all tasks.
· #626
Raykov Stanislav, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:40)
Today i have read the article on horrendous and unmoral topic. It is about huge
database of child pornography on Internet. Through the efforts of big companies
and goverments of the different countries all kinds of sexual content with kids
are actively removed. However, it is possible to upload videos featuring naked
minors without being it removed by goverment later. This can be achieved by
using Tor browser, which gives users an opportunity to browse darknet. Darknet
is hidden from rest of the Internet and completely anonymous. This hidden net
was originaly created with intentions of preserving users freedom and security.
It is a shame what such gem of a technology now being largely used for selling
perverted content with little kids, illegal guns and drugs. As it goes in the
article, Tor has 2.6 million users everyday. I really hope that police will
somehow manage to block at least 90% of such criminal content for the sake of
our society safety.
1)speculate that
The new Bitcoin-linked fund, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), gives
traders a way to speculate on Bitcoin without having to buy cryptocurrency
directly or set up an account with a crypto exchange.
Новий пов'язаний з біткоіном фонд, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), дає
трейдерам змогу спекулювати з біткоіном без потреби в придбанні криптовалюти
напряму або створювати акаунт з крипто обміном.
2)overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його спільна ціль полягає в тому щоб зробити глибокі досліди більш доступними
для екологів та винаходовців аналізуючих зображення дикої природи.
3)little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to be able to
tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned, a U.N. nuclear
agency official said Friday.
Дуже мало відомо про плавлене паливо іззовні пошкоджених реакторов у знищеній
АЕС Фукусіми, навіть через десятиліття після катастрофи, ще треба дізнатися чи
розпад може бути завершений до 2051 як заплановано, сказав у п'ятницю
представник офіційного ядерного агентства в ООН
· #625
Yunko Illya , IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:36)
Partical of the day practice
1)little is known about
It is astonishing how little is known about the treatment of people with mental
health problems in Russia.
2) speculate that
We could speculate that users of GNU/Linux developed the virus to attack SCO.
3) loverall goal
National and international actions are closely interrelated and should be seen
as mutually reinforcing components of the overall goal of achieving development.
Today I have read the article "Apple set to snap win streak on report of iPhone
production cut" Every year, Ukrainians and Russians bought a new iPhone. And
they accounted for 37 percent of all goods sold. And leaving the market, they
came under fines from Russia. And also lost a lot of money. For Apple, this is
bad. But I think it's right. They left the country of the aggressor, and when
the war ends, people will remember them as someone who helped and not as someone
who stayed for the sake of money. The percentage of shares has fallen, but I
think it's not for long
· #624
Shapa L.N. to Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:34)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022) completely reflects the content of the article, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct but there is no its voice variant.
· #623
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:33)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022) completely reflects the content of the article, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct but there is no its voice variant.
· #622
Latova Maria IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:29)
have read the article, which was about simple thing - about potato. Not everyone
think about history of this product, full of myths.
Catholic Churches priests were categorical: if there's no mention of a potato in
the Bible, then God doesn't want it to be eaten. This was confirmed by the
practice of the peasants, unknowingly they tried to eat raw potatoes and
certainly poisoned. And started to call a potato like devil's apple.
After global hunger in 19 century, countries of Europe are looking for different
ways out of hunger. So in Prussia and France were fed poor or pigs by potatoes.
After this Catherin the great brought potatoes to Russia too. For example
Pushkin adored this product.
Potatoes has become a ticket for humanity to the world of freedom of the hunger.,and%20transported%20them%20to%20Europe.
1. little is known about
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
2. speculate that
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on
3. overall goal
The overall goal is to put carbon and oxygen together in a predictable fashion,
similar to the chemical structures created through petroleum-based chemistry.
· #621
Shapa L.N. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:27)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:00) and (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:04) have been written and pronounced correct, but the second work does not contain the task Phrases of the Day.
· #620
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:24)
Phrases of the day
- speculate that
He was the first person to speculate that Venus is completely covered with
Він був першим, хто припустив, що Венера повністю вкрита хмарами.
- little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
Про бойові дії в інших місцях на цій величезній території відомо дуже мало.
- overall goal
Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel
porous materials.
Наша спільна мета – вчитися та черпати натхнення у природи для розробки нових
пористих матеріалів.
Today I have read the article "Beatings and forced abortions: Life in a North
Korea prison". This article talks about the truth of the brutal treatment of
disobedient and "lawbreakers" in North Korea. The source of evidence was several
victims who, fortunately, managed to survive and tell the public about the
nightmare of their stay in custody. According to statements, the security forces
don’t hesitate to use even the most vile and inhuman torture during absurd
interrogations. Most often it is psychological violence, suppression, physical
violence and many other terrible "techniques". To my mind, this is generally
beyond the line of law and humanity, such a "practice" shouldn’t take place in
the 21st century.
· #619
Shapa L.N. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:22)
The review (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:56) shosws your complete understanding of the main idea of the article you have read, has been written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the has been done correct. Excellent.
· #618
Shapa L.N. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:17)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:32) perfectly reflect the contents of the articles you have read, were written and pronounced without mistakes, but the second review does not contain the task Phrases of the Day which is a necessary elements of any work of such kind.
· #617
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:12)
Today I have read the article “Good jobs can lead to happy families”.It tells us
that lots of people associate work only with negative effects in their
life,however, this study turned this view on its head. As is known, when jobs
are rewarding and supportive of parents the benefits flow through to children.
Due to the experiment, there are parents, whose income and job overall helped
them to be better parents. At the same time , more than one third of parents
told that they have a conflict between work and family. These conflicts can be
as simple as missing out on doing things with children, attending special
events, or even taking them to the doctor.Just simple things, which can ruin a
relationship with a child.
To my mind, job need to bring some kind of satisfaction, otherwise all the
problems you have at work will be brought to the family.
· #616
Novitskiy jenya id-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)
Today I read an article on "Bitcoin ETF: what is it and how to invest in them?"
This is a very interesting article. I advise everyone to read it. As we all know
that bitcoin is one of the most expensive cryptocurrencies. Many people are
attracted to bitcoin because of its rapid rise in price since its first
introduction, although it has fallen from its maximum value. bitcoin is one of
the most encrypted cryptocurrencies. it is encrypted using the Blockchain ETF,
which includes shares of companies that use blockchain technology as part of
their current and future business plans.
Phrases of the day
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
The coupling of the leg and foot joints and the forces and movements involved
could be the reason why a large animal like an ostrich can not only run fast but
also stand without tiring, the researchers speculate
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images
· #615
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)
Both abstractes presented this day (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:27) completely correspond to the requirements for independent student works, were pronounced and wrinnet excellently but one of them - homework - does not contain the task Phrases of the Day and its voice variant.
· #614
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)
Today I have read the article “Fast food restaurants dish up unhealthy marketing
to youth: report”. It tells us that restaurants continue to provide unhealthy
food and drinks and fast food marketers ,in turn , target children across a
variety of media. As is known, marketers promote fast food using simple
resources such as television, the Internet, social media sites and mobile
applications, where children are most likely to be noticed. Interestingly, most
fast food restaurants have at least one healthy side dish and beverage option
for a kids’ meal, but the healthy options are rarely offered as the default.
However, if restaurants serve only healthy food, there are dishes, which can’t
be served without French fries in kids meal.
To my mind, it won’t be possible to completely solve this problem , because
there are too many “unhealthy” advertisements, which can’t be hidden.
1. little is known about
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
2. speculate that
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on
3. overall goal
The overall goal is to put carbon and oxygen together in a predictable fashion,
similar to the chemical structures created through petroleum-based chemistry.
· #613
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Today i have read the article which called "Wash your hands for 20 seconds:
Physics shows why". In this article was talking about quit important thing as
hygiene - hand washing. It is very interesting that this was not studied by
biologists, but by physicists. By simulating hand-washing, they estimated the
time scales on which particles, like viruses and bacteria, were removed from
hands. This article was fascinating, I never looked at the process of
handwashing from a physical point of view. I recommend reading this to everyone,
as you can learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Phrases of the day
1) speculate that
Foreign observers frequently speculate that the Chinese authorities may be
deliberately overstating the economy's strength.
2) overall goal
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
3) little is known about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
· #612
Shapa L.N. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:04)
The abstract (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:26) has been written and pronounced correct but does not contain all the elements necessary for the excellent mark - there is no the task Phrases of the Day and its voice variant.
· #611
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:04)
I have already read the article called "Companies' adoption of robots is partly
due to shortages in middle-aged labor."
It tells that robots are gaining popularity not due to the internal progress of
technology, as many think, but due to the lack of people of working age. Studies
show that robots are most often used where the population is aging noticeably.
Today, demographic changes, as aging, is still the most important factor for the
introduction of robots. Researchers also continue to study the impact of
artificial intelligence on the workforce and their relationship.
I guess it was a useful article, since many people, including myself, thought
that robots were being introduced because of technological progress, but
definitely not because of a lack of manpower.
· #610
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:00)
Today I have read the article called "The big global environmental issues we
need to resolve by 2030". This article tells about the most spread environmental
problems. It is really hard to imagine all of delporance of our situation. Air
polluted by CO2, oceans turning into a garbage dump, animals and fishes are in
verge of extinction and so on. The most annoying thing is that because of the
popularity of the topic of ecology, people stop taking it seriously. People do
not fully understand the dangers of all environmental problems. Every person who
starts using food containers instead of plastic wrap, a reusable bag instead of
a plastic bag, reusable towels instead of paper towels will already help our
guess that everything depends not only on the government and environmental
activists, but first of all on the awareness of each person.
Phrases of the Day:
1.overall goal
Without success in that area, it will not be possible to achieve the overall
goal of full participation.
2.speculate that
Foreign observers frequently speculate that the Chinese authorities may be
deliberately overstating the economy's strength.
3.little is known about
For example, relatively little is known about the potential impacts of marine
renewable energy development on cetaceans.
· #609
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:56)
Today I have read the article "The Western brands unable to leave Russia"
This article talks about the exit of foreign enterprises, hotels and food
outlets from the territory of Russia. All this is connected with the sanctions
imposed by Europe. Some enterprises leave the market as a sign of solidarity
with the Ukrainian people. But as experts say, many large companies are facing
difficulties. Basically, all foreign companies work under a franchise agreement,
where they provide only their name for use. Therefore, it will be very difficult
and long to withdraw the enterprises. in my opinion, such actions show the
attitude towards the aggressor country. However, many companies leave the
Russian market only because they lose their reputation in other countries.
1. Little know about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
2. Overall goal
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
3. Speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed
the same way.
· #608
Kravchenko A. IK-211(Tomenko) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:55)
Phrases of the day:
1) Previous year’s overall goal was defeating the Corona Virus – Попереднього
року, головною метою було винищення Корона Вірусу.
2) Virologists speculate that Corona Virus was created in laboratories –
Вірусологи вважають, що Корона Вірус був створений в лабораторіях.
3) In the beginning of 2020 scientists knew very little about treating Corona
Virus – На початку 2020, вчені знали про лікування Корона Вірусу дуже мало.
Article review:
Today I’ve read an article on the topic “Top 10 inventions that changed the
Of course, not all of them will be mentioned, I’ll mention only three – most
important inventions.
Let’s start with the Compass. The first compass was invented in China during the
Han dynasty between the 2nd Century B.C. and 1st Century A.D.; it was made of
lodestone, a naturally-magnetized iron ore, the attractive properties of which
they had been studying for centuries. However, it was used for navigation for
the first time during the Song Dynasty, between the 11th and 12th centuries,
soon after, the technology to the West through nautical contact. The compass
enabled mariners to navigate safely far from land, opening up the world for
exploration and the subsequent development of global trade. An instrument still
widely used today, the compass has transformed our knowledge and understanding
of the Earth forever.
Next I’ll mention the Telephone. Several inventors did pioneering work on
electronic voice transmission - many of whom later filed intellectual property
lawsuits when telephone use exploded - but it was Scottish inventor Alexander
Graham Bell who was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone
on March 7 1876. Three days later, Bell made the first telephone call to his
assistant, Thomas Watson, saying "Mr Watson, come here — I want to see you,"
according to author A. Edward Evenson in his book, “The Telephone Patent
Conspiracy of 1876: The Elisha Gray-Alexander Bell Controversy and Its Many
And in the end we will talk about penicillin. It's one of the most famous
discovery stories in history. In 1928, the Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming
noticed a bacteria-filled Petri dish in his laboratory with its lid accidentally
ajar. The sample had become contaminated with a mold, and everywhere the mold
was, the bacteria was dead. That antibiotic mold turned out to be the fungus
Penicillium, and over the next two decades, chemists purified it and developed
the drug penicillin, which fights a huge number of bacterial infections in
humans without harming the humans themselves.
· #607
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:32)
Today I have read the article "Patent talk: IBM's traffic signal timing turns
cognitive". The article tells about the patent "Cognitive Traffic Signal
Control". The patent application was stating a method for adapting traffic
signal timing. The idea would be that a computer would analyze the real-time
flow of traffic and then figure out the best way to manage the barrage of
vehicles that clog up our highways every single day. The method involved
receiving, by one or more computer processors, streaming video; identifying
traffic within the streaming video; calculating flow and initiating an
adaptation to the traffic signal timing based on the calculated change to the
traffic signal timing. I liked the article because it tells very interesting and
useful information.
1) overall goal
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
2) little is known about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
3) speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
Today I've read the article: "Connected devices in smart homes have control
issues". It tells that cybercriminals are now hacking into smart home devices.
All smart home devices have access to the Internet, which means it will not be
difficult to hack them.Thieves may disable automated doorlocks, or deranged
characters can spy on child monitoring cameras. It is necessary to pay special
attention to the protection of door locks and surveillance cameras in the
house.With the advent of new devices, you need to think about how to protect
them. There is always a risk of hacking, so our task is to minimize this risk.
· #606
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:27)
Today I have read the article "The router in your home might be intercepting
some of your Internet traffic—but it may be for your own good".
The article tells about there once your wifi access gets out into the world, it
can be difficult to protect your home wireless network from intrusion.Unlike
physical networks, wifi systems can extend beyond the walls of your home. Once
the password for access gets out in the world, it is very difficult to control
who can access your home network.
Fantastic Information, but please I want to know can an antivrus help protect
home networks from hackers.
That was, by far, one of the most thorough, easily understood, and informational
post regarding cybersecurity at home.
Phrases of the Day:
1) overall goal
The overall goal of the plan of action was to promote equality of opportunities
for women.
2) speculate that
We could speculate that users of GNU/Linux developed the virus to attack SCO.
3) little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
I have read the article "Mathematician reveals world's oldest example of applied
The article tells about there an Australian mathematician has discovered what
may be the oldest known example of applied geometry, on a 3,700-year-old
Babylonian clay tablet.
Known as Si.427, the tablet bears a field plan measuring the boundaries of some
land.The tablet dates from the Old Babylonian period between 1900 and 1600 BCE
and was discovered in the late 19th century in what is now Iraq.
I think now that we know what problem the Babylonians were solving, that
recolours all the mathematical tablets from this period.
· #605
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:26)
I have read the article: "Reuters: Shanghai locks down as COVID surges in
China's financial hub." It says that numerous cases of the disease, covid-19,
have again appeared in Shanghai. This again reminds us, as a society, that the
pandemic has not gone anywhere, and even though Covid is the last problem in
Ukraine, there remains a serious risk of a new large-scale wave of morbidity in
the world. It is also noteworthy that China has a large percentage of those
vaccinated - but it seems that Omicron has developed resistance to the vaccine.
It remains to believe that this is temporary.
· #604
Shapa L.N. to the IM-201 group students (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:00)
Your English lesson has just begun, I;m waiting for your comments, tasks, etc.
· #603
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 21:38)
Good sleep is an important part of our comfortable life. Many people do not get
enough sleep because of work and think that everything will be fine. But many
people who do not get enough sleep have huge health problems. Also, many people
who do not have a regular sleep pattern may suffer from insomnia in the future.
Good sleep helps to get rid of a bad mood, get rid of the temperature when we
are sick. Everyone needs to unload their body and sleep helps a lot with this.
Very helpful article for teens.
Phrases of the day
1.As seen in the Statista chart
2.The other key findings from the study were: Overheating
3.It provides recommendations that will lay the foundations for ongoing
reductions in carbon equivalent
· #602
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 20:58)
Many people do not think about such a problem as: environmental pollution. Until
1950, such a problem was not discussed and at the moment, in many countries
there is a problem with the environment at high levels. There are several types
of pollution: air, water, soil, noise and light. They all have a special danger
to people and their comfortable life as it affects our health. The article
showed how important it is to take care of the environment, and how widespread
this problem is all over the world. I think we all need to think about this
Phrases of the day
1.As seen in previous studies
2.The study offers several key findings
3.lay the foundation for the development of the future embryo
· #601
debt Romanika IK-211 (Tomenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 18:05)
Today I`ve read a short article about my favorite British series Doctor Who. It
turns out that Hugh Grant can become the next doctor, the main character of this
series. This is fantastic news! I really love this actor. The article contains a
funny interview in which the actor and this role are discussed. It was also
revealed that showrunner Russell T Davies promised to give the show a
"Marvel-style makeover. This is great. Someone thinks that such a star actor has
no place in the series, but I don`t agree with this. Doctor Who is truly a cult
series and Hugh Grant can make it even better.
· #600
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 15:25)
To Voloschuk,IG-212. Well done. Thank you
· #599
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 15:18)
To Barladian,IG-212. Your comments are done well, but you do it seldom. Mind it. Best wishes
· #598
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 15:12)
To Arhunova,IG-212. I am sorry but your fist comment is a mixture of words and sentences, you should read before posting it, the second comment is ok, but as to your voice message, the file couldn't be found.. Be attentive,pls.
· #597
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 15:06)
To Albertovuch,IG-212. Well done. Thanks.
· #596
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 14:56)
To Ivashenko,IG-211. You have some debts. Your written comments are ok but I would advise you to read your voice message before recording it.Good luck
· #595
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 14:47)
To Goncharuk,IG-212. Unfortunately you don't work regularly. Compare your first sentences in your classwork and your homework,in one of them lack of"have" in the second no "the" You have mispronounced some words, be more attentive pls.
· #594
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 14:28)
To Lebid,IG-211. The same mistake in the first sentence. No sentenses with the given phrases,no voice message, no your own point of view. It's not nice.
· #593
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 14:25)
To Andreeva,IG,211. READ MY REMARKS! The same mistake in the first sentence,where Present Perfect should be used.You have mispronounced some words in your voice message,I have already advised you to consult a dictionary before recording it. You don't work regularly! Mind it!
· #592
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 14:11)
To Lebid,IG-211. Read my remarks attentively,pls.Present Perfect and definite article should be used in the first sentence, it should be:"I HAVE READ THE article..." The next sentence is too long and that's why no word order at all! No sentenses with the given phrases! You don't work regularly! Mind it,!
· #591
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 14:02)
Drozd,IG-212. Read my remarks attentively,pls. There is a mistake in the first
sentence, it should be :'... which IS called...'.,, The beginning of the next
sentence is absolutely wrong , it should be:'It was told in the article,
that...". Mind it,pls
· #590
Drozhzhina I. to Latova Maria IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:19)
Your comments aren't corret, they are too big and i don't see the links to the articles. Also I'd like to learn your opininon on the issue as well. I can't assess your work.
· #589
Gvozd to Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:18)
I appreciate your tasks, keep on working.
· #588
Drozhzhina I. to Yunko Illya IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:17)
Your independent practice was performed completely correct. Thank you. Go on working.
· #587
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:13)
Class work
Today I have read an article "New Forms of Advertising Raise Questions About
Journalistic Integrity." It was written by Michelle Amazin. The main idea of the
article is that often ads look like real news, and so the reader does not
distinguish between the two types of content. Research showed that for 16
companies, news coverage declined markedly after native ads were published. For
only three companies did news coverage noticeably increase after native ads were
published. I believe this problem needs to be addressed because such deception
undermines audience trust in publishers.
Phrases of the Day
1. key findings
Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
2. lay the foundation
We believe that helped to lay the foundation for a new style of engagement.
3. as seen in
The United Nations continues to pay attention to it, as seen in the number of
reports, volumes, meetings and speakers.
The article is titled "News organizations that want journalists to interact with
their audiences may be setting them up for failure." The article is about
audience-journalist feedback research. Author Jacob L. Nelson writes that most
people don't write constructive criticism and thanks in the mail; they say, "You
suck, you're ugly, you're biased, your hair sucks..." In short, this text shows
the evil underside of civic engagement. I find this text useful because
journalists need to be aware of this information so they can be prepared to be
judged and understand that it is an integral part of their job.
· #586
Drozhzhina I. to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:12)
Thanks for your participation. Your reviews on March 26/28 are correct.
· #585
Drozhzhina I. to Yunko Illya IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:09)
Thanks for your participation. Your comment is well done. I'm waiting for your independent practice.
· #584
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 12:07)
Different Generations Navigate the New World of Digital Media 24/7 News Cycles
Today I’ve read an article about how different generations navigate the world of
digital media. The text says that for each generation, the digital world looks
different. For example, generation X saw the birth of the Internet and social
networks, as well as the smartphone revolution. Whereas millennials were born
with the Internet in their hands. For those who are over 50, the Internet is
something like a foreign land. The author emphasizes that it is worth
remembering that as technology advances, even millennials can look
old-fashioned, since virtual and augmented reality can turn even Facebook and
Twitter into relics of the past.
Phrases of the day
1) As can be seen in the text, Freud was a psychologist who studied the
2) The workers laid the foundation of the house within 5 days.
3) Read the key findings of this analysis, it will help you understand the
Breaking News: A Case Study of the Indian Media Industry
Today I’ve read an article about the Indian media industry. The article points
out that the Indian media industry is one of the most diverse and dynamic in the
world, in addition to being largely free and fair. The text emphasizes that the
hallmark of the Indian media industry is the resilience and, in fact, the
flourishing of the print media. In other words, not only have newspapers
withstood the vagaries of the times, but India is the world's largest market for
print media. The article highlights that the Indian news media is at a tipping
point where the choices they make now will determine the future direction of the
· #583
Yunko Illya IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:56)
Today I have read the article "Critics raise privacy fears over EU message app
rule" And third parties can receive your data. As users, we love reliability. To
make our tweets or opinions visible to certain people. And leaking information
is a very negative thing to meet with the public. This project about the
transfer of data to the government was confirmed by such companies as Facebook,
WhatsApp, Amazon and other companies. As a user, I don't like it, I don't want
my information to be collected somewhere on the servers. Although I understand
that in this way countries can help us win the war. And to learn correspondence
and plans of people. so there are two sides. And everyone decides how to
perceive it.
· #582
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:54)
I want to speak about space transport. Ilon Mask want to send people to Mars in
2025. So, it's interesting and will be a great step for our future. But I
wouldn't like to use this type of transport. Let me to tell you why.
Let's start from the beginning. The first rocket, on which Gagarinflew into
space, in fact, it's the prototype of the bomb. The Nazis' desire to wipe out
London opened the door to space. Instead of a nuclear warhead was pushed
Our sun is thermonuclear reactor, sun constantly throws huge plasma flows into
space, otherwise called the solar wind. This radiation for us harmless, because
we are in protection of our atmosphere. But for spaceman it ie vere significant,
for example, if you fly to Mars you will need to overcome 227300000 kilometres,
you will spend 300 days and during this time you will have a huge amount of
· #581
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:53)
Part 4
The system will launch a special missile with a radio transmitter instead of a
warhead, the missile will fly over country and command mimes and submarines to
launch all the remaining weapons. This will happen if a network of sensors
across the country detects many pockets of radiation and will be no
communication neither with the General Staff, not with the president and the
main control system, then the dead hand will understand that is left alone and
taking control.
But it is unlikely to come to, because the first of the state have many places
to hide and where to command. The best way to survive a nuclear explosion is to
be above it. For example, on an airplane. The president of Russia and the
United States have a doomsday plane. The president of the United States is
always followed by a plane.
Phrases of the day
1) Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
2) May our work here lay the foundations of the glorious cities of the future
3) He was not happy,as seen in her conclusions.
· #580
Drozhzhina I. to Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:50)
Thank you for your commets on March 26. They are well done.
· #579
Drozhzhina I. to Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:49)
Your comments on the articles are good. Present Perfect should be used in the first sentence, it should be:' Today I HAVE READ THE article..."
· #578
Drozhzhina I. to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:44)
Thanks for your participation on March 26/28. Your comments are well done.
· #577
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:41)
Title: TRT to hold two-day digital journalism workshop for youngsters in Vienna
Today I have read the article about two-day digital journalism workshop for
The article is written about the digital journalism workshop for over 50 young
students in Austria's Vienna on March 26-27. The workshop will be organised at
Vienna International Education Centre. As part of the programme, the Journalism
for Juniors team — which features experienced journalists — train youngsters in
the basics of journalism, written and oral storytelling, and video shooting and
editing on mobile devices.
In conclusion, students will know about the different perspectives in digital
journalism and contribute to the development of their self-confidence and
ability to express themselves.
Phrases of the day:
1. key findings
Support for solutions journalism has grown in newsrooms over the past four years
by the last key findings.
2. lay the foundations
Schools must lay the foundations to bridge journalism skills gap.
3. as seen in
As seen in the photos from Ohio City, they don't have rich-poor divide.
Title: "Public access television channels are an untapped resource for building
local journalism"
Today I have read the article about local news.
The commercial model of local journalism continues to crumble. Access to local
news and information is crucial, especially in very important times. We need to
publicly fund and expand the valuable communication infrastructure that has
access to media offers. The National Foundation, which distributes local
journalism grants based on demonstrated community needs, could benefit publicly
available media centers interested in creating common, solution-oriented types
of journalism programs.
In conclusion, we must use and expand the invaluable infrastructure of the
community, before it didn't disappear completely.
· #576
Drozhzhina I. to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:40)
Thank you for your active work on March 26/28. Your comments and voice message are quite all right.
· #575
Drozhzhina I. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:37)
Thank you for your comments and voice messages. They are not bad.
· #574
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:36)
Today I have read the article "IMF: Ukraine economy could shrink as much as
The article talks about economic consequences that Ukraine will face as a result
of Russian aggression. According to the IMF figures have already fallen by 10
percent. However, according to experts' forecasts, this figure will increase to
35 percent. The country faced a similar phenomenon in 2014 and 2015, but the
situation was not so critical. At the moment, Ukraine receives financial
assistance from allied countries, which allows the Ukrainian economy to stay
afloat. In my opinion, Ukraine will face great difficulties in the recovery
phase. But at the moment, it is more important to establish peace and save
· #573
Grodska E. to Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:36)
The tasks Phrases of the day were written correctly. Your commentaries are quite interesting and informative.
· #572
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:36)
Today I have read the article "Canada pledges to help countries stop using
Russian oil".
This article talks about replacing Russian oil with Canadian oil in connection
with sanctions against the aggressor country. However, the oil extraction
business in Canada is close to breaking point. As a result, oil prices are
rising, inflation begins, which destroys the entire world economy. The issue of
exporting uranium from Canada was also raised. At the moment, most countries
cannot refuse Russian gas and abandon the so-called "oil needle"
In my opinion, this situation is becoming an impetus for the transition to wind,
solar and water energy.
1. Key findings
The study offers several key findings.
2. Lay the foundations
Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
sources," says Dr. An.
3. As seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive.
· #571
Drozhzhina I. to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:36)
Well done, thank you.
· #570
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:35)
Name: Solutions journalism digs deeper
Today I have read article "Solutions journalism digs deeper" was wrote by Kaia
Sand about studying national data on foster care placement stability and
disruptions. Read this article i think that is really painful for homeless
children to move every time from one family to another. It is because of their
pain of being in those places fore children which are homeless. Also, I think
that a lot of exiting moments in new family will make children smile and think
that they are in a write moment and in a write place. The author touches on an
important topic, be sure to read.
1) key findings
Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
2) as seen in
The percentage of births attended to by trained health personnel has dropped
significantly over the years as seen in Figure 4.
3) lay the foundations
This development will lay the foundation for the long-term development of the
Name: Radio and television
Today I have read the article "Radio and television" the author talks about the
emergence of radio and television in the United States. It was surprising to
learn that radio originated 100 years ago and was mostly listened to for
entertainment purposes just as it is now, and it was not until the 1930s that it
became popular. When television appeared (in the 1940s), this event brought huge
profits to Americans distributing commercials, as one commercial was valued at
$100,000 or more. This article is worth attention, a great example of a
situation where people's labors were eventually appreciated, even though they
had no expectations.
· #569
Grodska E. to Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:35)
Your commentary on the article and tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. Well done
· #568
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:34)
Name: History of the media
Today I have read the article "History of the media". First the author writes
about the emergence of newspapers, surprisingly, they appeared more than 300
years ago. In the 1800s in the U.S., the educational system was improved, more
people learned to read, respectively, the demand for newspapers increased. I
want to emphasize that the content of newspapers also expanded, and now there
were not only news, but also articles by the author on social issues. Towards
the end of the 1900s, newspapers lost their popularity, because television was
introduced, people had less time to read. I recommend reading this interesting
1) key findings
ASSOCARBONI will make a presentation introducing this study and its key
2) as seen in
I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen in
the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
3) lay the foundations
We believe that helped to lay the foundation for a new style of engagement.
Name: VR kit from Microsoft.
Today І read the article about "VR kіt from Microsoft" from thіs artіcle І
learned that іt іs a potentіal competіtor to Google Cardboard іn the fіeld of
vіrtual realіty. Wіth theіr inventіon, Mіcrosoft wants to draw the attentіon of
developers to the future hackathon іn whіch the company's VR kits wіll be. The
company claіms that the user can іnsert theіr smartphone іnto the box, brіng іt
to the face, thus creatіng a vіrtual realіty helmet. Unlіke the Google
Cardboard, the Mіcrosoft VR Kіt has a camera cutout. The company has thought of
VR programs that can use the camera to create augmented realіty, where vіrtual
objects are superіmposed on the real envіronment around us.
· #567
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:32)
Tunisians protest over detained journalists
Today I have read the article by Tunisians who are protesting against a detained
journalist. The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information
about the trials and the suppression of the opposition in general. The article
touches the issue of a free press. The author begins by describing the rally of
people gathered outside the national union of journalists and accusing the
authorities of suppressing the media after taking over. Much attention is given
to the reporter who was arrested for refusing to reveal the sources of the
article. The article is quite informative, I advise you to read it.
Phrase of the day
1 key findings
This report summarizes the key findings and offers recommendations on how to
solve the problem.
2 as seen in
You have the option to apply these rules to an issue, as seen in the report
3 the foundations
The total degeneration of the foundations that represented our society's key
World News Day 2021: How newsrooms are confronting the climate crisis
Today I’ve read the article by World News Day and how newsrooms are facing a
climate crisis. The purpose of the article is to give some information to the
reader about the theme of this year's World News Day. The author of the article
writes about the news organisations that have come together to tell how climate
change is affecting the lives and livelihoods of societies around the world. The
article goes on to mention people who have died from heat related illnesses.
According to the article on September 28th will be World News Day: The Climate
Crisis. Advice to read.
· #566
Shapa L.N. to Latova Maria IM-201 Karina Derkach IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:28)
abstracts (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:28) and (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:50) have
got have been written with some common disadvantage - the order of presentation
of such kind of works is to first mention the Link your articles were taken
from; Maria, the title of the article is to be obligatory mentioned in the
abstrac, because it is not an essay but comments. In general the abstracts have
been written and pronounced without mistakes.
The tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct.
· #565
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:27)
Continuing a career in print journalism often involves becoming a subject matter
expert in the particular area in which you want to focus your reporting and
writing. The need for clear and concise reporting of situations is important.
Print journalism is a dynamic, fast paced, thinking-on-your feet profession.
It is also a challenging field to break into. Plan to gain as many experiences
and internships related to journalism as you can during your undergraduate
Phrases of the day
1. The package of proposals before us will lay the foundation for further
measures in the future.
2. I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen
in the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
3. The analysis covered key findings, lessons learned and recommendations for
mediation and other conflict resolution processes.
Broadcast journalists are the frontline of television and radio journalism. They
are thought of as the face and voice of a news story. Broadcast journalists must
feel comfortable with thousands, sometimes millions of people looking at their
face or listening to their voice.
As well as an expertise in researching and reporting on stories, the broadcast
journalist possesses some other particular qualities. Unlike a print journalist,
the broadcast journalist needs to be able to stay calm under pressure. Often, he
or she will be reporting live from the scene where a story is taking place.
· #564
Doroshenko Polina IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:26)
I have already read the article called "Life's rich pattern: Researchers use
sound to shape the future of printing." It tells us about scientists who have
shown that it is possible to create certain patterns on droplets using
ultrasound, which is controlled by a computer. This technique is called
"sonolithography". This development is already showing the potential for
biotechnology. The researchers say that the objects they control are only the
size of droplets in the clouds, and add that being able to move very small
objects so precisely is amazing. Such a discovery could be applied to drug
delivery or wound healing. I would like to add that scientists are now actively
working on how to apply sonolithography to printed electors.
Phrases of the Day:
1.lay the foundations
On the contrary, we must open the doors to cooperation and to international
mutual assistance, which alone will lay the foundations of international peace
and security.
2.key findings
Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations. seen in
The United Nations continues to pay attention to it, as seen in the number of
reports, volumes, meetings and speakers.
· #563
Yunko Illya IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:24)
Phrases of the day
1)as seen in
GIMP can handle all of this, and more, primarily by converting between three
fundamental modes, as seen in this menu.
2)key findings
ASSOCARBONI will make a presentation introducing this study and its key
3)lay the foundations
The forthcoming appraisal and planning mission will lay the foundations of
comprehensive, multi-sectoral disaster reduction management, drawing upon
international and local expertise.
Today I have read the article "Elon Musk weighs in on whether China, Russia
could 'take out' Starlink satellite system" which talks about how spaceX will
work in the event of an attack on the starlink system. which Elon Musk presented
to Ukraine for struggle and communication in difficult times. As Elon Musk said.
"In the event of an attack by the Russian military, our company will release
satellites faster than they will shoot them down.
I think that war is bad. But Elon Musk's actions really help Ukraine to stay
always in touch. The idea of a system like starlink surprises me. I think
that this is an excellent idea in an ideal implementation. In which case you
will always have a connection with the world. Physically no one can bring down
2000 satellites. I hope this system will develop.
· #562
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:21)
Today I read the article "Canada's Connectivity Gap, Leaving Rural, Remote and
Indigenous Communities even further behind." This highlights the current problem
in Canadian society, there is a certain gap in ties. This fact has many
disadvantages, including poor delivery of education and healthcare to remote and
rural regions. It also hinders the reconciliation of the economy, the low level
of participation of indigenous communities. The authorities plan to provide
ultra-fast communication networks in these communities, assessing social,
economic and other political problems. As for me, it is now necessary to have
access to the Internet, wherever you are, in order to improve the quality of
life of those who need it, and, moreover, integrate the economy of the whole
· #561
Gvozd to Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:21)
Well done, thanks
· #560
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:20)
Today I read the article with a statement about the effectiveness of Pfizer's
vaccine against a new strain of coronavirus found in South Africa. Scientists
are still studying this new strain, but they assume that it is more contagious,
but the disease with it is not so complicated and should not cause serious
In my opinion, this is great news. In the end, in the third year of the
pandemic, the whole world was pretty tired, and the news about the new strain
caused a negative wave again. I hope everything will be back to normal soon.
Phrases of the day
1. Lay the foundation
We believe that ultimately Equatorial Guinea will be able to lay the foundation
for the country's overall development in all areas.
2. Ass seen in
The United Nations continues to pay attention to it, as seen in the number of
reports, volumes, meetings, and speakers.
3. Key findings
Following the main keynote addresses, the Conference will discuss the key
findings of the report.
· #559
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:19)
To Gaydarzhi,IG-212. Unfortunately you don't work regularly! Your first sentences in both comments aren't correct. You should put a point or comma after the words Ukraine and Kyiv , and start the next sentence with " IT". In general your comments are nice. Don't forget to post them twice a week!
· #558
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:17)
Phrases of the day
- as seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive.
- lay the foundations
Hammond said this is not the whole story of hand-washing, but it does answer
important questions and lay the foundation for future research.
- key findings
The study offers several key findings.
Today I have read the article "EU signs US gas deal to curb reliance on Russia".
According to the title of the article, it is clear that a major LNG deal has
taken place in an attempt to reduce Europe's dependence on Russian energy
resources. The agreement provides for the provision of the EU with additional
gas from the US and other countries. The EU also plans to make extensive use of
renewable energy sources and improve energy efficiency. In my opinion, this is a
strategically correct step towards getting off the Russian gas needle and
eliminating the possibility of manipulation regarding fuel supplies to European
Today I have read the article "China plane crash: All 132 passengers and crew
dead". It is about the adverse results of the crash of flight MU5735 on Monday
in southern China. It is reported that most of the victims have been identified,
but search operations are still ongoing. At the moment, the causes of the crash
are not covered. It is expected that this may happen soon as the necessary data
has been delivered to the experts. I think this plane crash is without a doubt
one of the worst disasters China has experienced in recent times. After all, as
is known, China is one of the safest countries for civil aviation in the world
and such incidents are rare.
· #557
Drozhzhina I. to Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:17)
I appreciate your comment on March 26/28. Go on working.
· #556
Shapa L.N. to Zasnova Lilia IM-211 Lisa Shambora,IM-211, (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:17)
The abstracts (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:53)(Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:58) perfectly reflect the contents of the articles you have chosen for comments, do not contain any mistakes, the tasks Phrases of the Day have been done correct. Excellent.
· #555
Lebedeva E. (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:13)
To Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212 Artem, I'm not your tutor . Be more attentive and study the timetable for this semester.
· #554
Drozhzhina I. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:13)
Your comments on March 26/28 are well done, thank you.
· #553
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:12)
Today, i have read the article named "The big global environmental issues we
need to resolve by 2030". This text indicates the most common environmental
issues. It is really hard to realize all of delporance of our situation. Air
polluted by CO2, oceans turning into a garbage dump, animals and fishes are in
verge of extinction and so on.
The most offensive thing is that because of popularity of ecology topic people
stop taking it seriously.
To sum up, ln my opinion ecology activists and governments have to change their
approaches and try to show this problem at a different angle.
· #552
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:12)
I have already read the the article called "A deep learning technique to solve
Rubik's cube and other problems step-by-step." This article is about the
well-known Rubik's cube puzzle, or rather, about the technique that will help us
to put the toy. The first is a step-by-step tutorial that evaluates how much the
Cube is mixed. And the second approach is a neural network that recognizes the
puzzle in order to understand at what step from the solution it is. This
technique differs from all other ways of folding the Cube and also has advantage
is the step-by-step problem solving. Soon this method can be used to solve other
problems that exist in science and technology. In my opinion, it's cool when
scientists create something for one purpose, but then it can be used for another
more important matter.
· #551
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:11)
Today I read the article “Kids Ages 3 and Up Think YouTube is Better for
Learning Than Other Types of Video”. It explains that YouTube videos are a
better way to learn than TV shows or videos. During the study, children were
asked to look at an image and guess where it came from. : TV, YouTube or
smartphone. As a result, kids recognize You Tube as the most trusted resource,
knowing that sometimes characters are fictional.
In conclusion, I want to say one hundred You Tube is a good way to watch all
kinds of educational programs, especially during quarantine.
Phrases of the day
1) Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
2) May our work here lay the foundations of the glorious cities of the future
3) He was not happy,as seen in her conclusions.
Today I have read an article on the topic
“ News and journalism 'more popular than ever' as journalists outnumber. “It
says that journalism is now more popular than ever. These findings were based on
the analysis of British scientists, who believed that there are more journalists
in England now than ever. said that the altar pandemic, people began to read the
news even more. And making calculations, scientists considered that people trust
television and magazines more than social networks.
In making a conclusion, I want to say that journalism is dissipating and there
are more and more specialists.
· #550
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:10)
I have read the article: "Elon Musk Giving 'Serious Thought' to Creating Social
Media Platform With Free Speech as Top Priority – Featured Bitcoin News. " The
article says that Elon Musk is thinking about creating his own social network.
In my opinion, he has a serious chance of success, because almost everything
that Elon advertises becomes popular. Also, Elon's position on censorship is
different from other CEOs of social networks. There is reason to believe that
there will be no community rules at all. In general, I support the idea, even if
the social network does not become popular, I'm sure Elon Musk will come up with
a unique and fresh concept that will be just interesting to look at.
I have read the article: "The Guardian: Russia scales back its military
ambitions but the war in Ukraine is far from over." This article says that
Russia is preparing to change tactics in its offensive into Ukraine. This
indicates that Moscow's previous plans have collapsed, and for the moment, the
Russian army hopes to focus on Mariupol, and in the future on Kharkov. Ukraine
is also working in this fight to strengthen the protection of air defense and
de-occupation of strategic routes. The Russian army is gradually losing its
potential and equipment.
Phrases of the day
1)as seen in
The structure of H. follows the Q. standard as seen in the table below
2)key findings
The study offers several key findings
3)lay the foundations
"Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
sources," says Dr. An.
· #549
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:10)
Today, I have read the article named "How George Floyd's death changed a small
Iowa town"
This text shows hidden problems in similar towns, which spoil people's lives for
years. The fact is that small towns had been stuck in the time culturally. So
its' mentality is conservative and narrow-minded. Until recently, racism was
rarely discussed.
Floyd's death affected people here deeply, however, and sparked a movement. In a
town that is 93% white, filled with people of Norwegian heritage, racial
injustice has, until now, not been an issue for the majority.
This terrible incident made people to reconsider their life views, especially on
relationships with other people.
To sum up, I would like to say that even having fabulous progress in almost all
areas, there are still exist deadly consequences of human ignorance. And I
really glad, that people start to understand extent of racism and again stand up
to defend the most important thing - human's life.
1) the main objective
The main objective of our study was to observe higher order correlations in a
continuous system," Bayha and Holten said.
2) published in
Their paper, published in Physical Review Letters, builds on a number of
previous studies in the field of gravitational-wave astronomy
3) with respect to
The genomic coordinate (with respect to the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference sequence)
appears in the top left.
4) under certain assumptions
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists.
· #548
Drozhzhina I. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:08)
Your comments on March 26/28 are well done, thank you.
· #547
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:08)
Title: Diverse Freelancers Play a Crucial Role in Journalism
Today I have read the article about freelance career in journalism.
Many freelancers became independent because of a layoff, consolidation, or toxic
newsroom environment. Independent journalists can bring unique stories and
talents to newsrooms looking to reach new audiences. News organizations must
treat independent workers as a valuable complement to their staff writers,
editors, and producers, compensating them fairly for the value for their work,
and investing resources in recruiting and managing their freelance contributors.
In conclusion, I realized, that freelance career is necessary in the future of
journalism, if only the media organisations will be fair with their workers.
Phrases of the day:
1. key findings
The Lansing School District has negatively evaluated key findings from an equity
audit that found evidence of racial inequality in the district.
2. lay the foundations
The modules in this course will lay the foundations of global journalism.
3. as seen in
A rocket hits a residential building as seen in Kyiv.
Title: Why dyslexia is no bar to success in journalism and the media
Today I have read the article about dyslexia, that is not a big problem for a
Many high-profile names throughout the media industry have dyslexia, which was
traditionally thought to impair written communication. However, Kate Griggs
argues that it should be embraced as a strength. Dyslexic minds brought creative
analysis and big-picture thinking to the way that we tell our stories in
newspapers and magazines. Kate and her charity do incredible work every day to
support people with dyslexia.
In conclusion, this article is a lovely and moving piece, and as with her
career, something to be very proud of.
· #546
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:06)
Today i have read the article which called "How Black Lives Matter protests
sparked interest, can lead to change". In this article was talking about
emergence of this social movement, about the protests in 2020 and how it has
changed the attitude towards people with this type of skin and how to change it
in the future. The study found that during Black Lives Matter protests, people
search for these terms up to 100 times more than they did in the weeks prior to
the protests. I like to read articles on such topics, this is a huge problem in
our society.
Phrases of the Day
1) lay the foundations
"Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
sources," says Dr. An.
2) key findings
Following the main keynote addresses, the Conference will discuss the key
findings of the report.
3) as seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive.
· #545
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, to Lebedeva (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:05)
Title: Diverse Freelancers Play a Crucial Role in Journalism
Today I have read the article about freelance career in journalism.
Many freelancers became independent because of a layoff, consolidation, or toxic
newsroom environment. Independent journalists can bring unique stories and
talents to newsrooms looking to reach new audiences. News organizations must
treat independent workers as a valuable complement to their staff writers,
editors, and producers, compensating them fairly for the value for their work,
and investing resources in recruiting and managing their freelance contributors.
In conclusion, I realized, that freelance career is necessary in the future of
journalism, if only the media organisations will be fair with their workers.
Phrases of the day:
1. key findings
The Lansing School District has negatively evaluated key findings from an equity
audit that found evidence of racial inequality in the district.
2. lay the foundations
The modules in this course will lay the foundations of global journalism.
3. as seen in
A rocket hits a residential building as seen in Kyiv.
Title: Why dyslexia is no bar to success in journalism and the media
Today I have read the article about dyslexia, that is not a big problem for a
Many high-profile names throughout the media industry have dyslexia, which was
traditionally thought to impair written communication. However, Kate Griggs
argues that it should be embraced as a strength. Dyslexic minds brought creative
analysis and big-picture thinking to the way that we tell our stories in
newspapers and magazines. Kate and her charity do incredible work every day to
support people with dyslexia.
In conclusion, this article is a lovely and moving piece, and as with her
career, something to be very proud of.
· #544
Sasha Horbachova IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:04)
Today i have read the article which called "Tough Times Ahead for Tech?". In this article was talking about problems in the technological market. For example: the smartphone market has reached maturity, that means is, every year there are fewer consumers who plan to buy a smartphone, for example in the United States, that figure just 38%, even with last year. Basically, this article talks about the many reasons for such a drop in the technology market. This article is quite interesting, especially if you are you are interested in technology and news from this field of activity.
· #543
Drozhzhina I. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:04)
Thank you for your comments on March 26/28. Please correct the mistake in the first comment: THE article. Go on working.
· #542
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:03)
To Gladka,IG-212. Well done. Thanks
· #541
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212(Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:03)
Link to the article:
Today I have read an article, the title of which is “What is Ethics in
Journalism?”. The article tells about codes of ethics for journalists such as :
the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics, the Radio Television
Digital News Association’s Code of Ethics and the New York Times Ethical
Journalism Guidebook. Also tells about standard ethical principles for
Journalists. It is: honestly, independence, fairness, public accountability,
harm minimization, avoiding libel and proper attribution. Each ethical standard
is described in detail and it will immediately become clear what it is. I think
this article is interesting and informative.
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article “Why young people commit crime and how moral
education could help”. It tells us about the research, which proved that young
people are more likely to carry out violent acts if they have weak empathy,
shame and guilt, and if they tend to think that violence is acceptable. It was
mentioned that personal factors , such self-control or social disadvantage may
also influence the frequency of crime. As is known , it all starts from
childhood, since at this time children follow in the footsteps of their parents
and other people, who surround them.
To my mind, this problem has reached its peak, but the number of cases of
student violence and crime is only increasing every day, that’s why moral
education as a subject should be added to school and university curricula.
· #540
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:01)
Class work (2) 26.03.22
Слово дня: As seen in
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read an article on "A stretchy display for shapable electronics" which
analyzes an invention by Stanford University chemical engineer Zhenan Bao and
her research team that are developing a display to replace today's flat, rigid,
and fragile displays that cannot change shape to respond interactively to users.
Their invention hinges on the discovery of a method for producing a highly
luminous, elastic, light-emitting polymer that functions like a filament in
light bulbs. The display is entirely made of elastic polymers - synthetic
plastic materials. The device has a maximum brightness of twice that of a mobile
phone and can be stretched to twice its original length without breaking.
"Stretchable displays could enable a new way of interactive human-machine
interface," this is a great contribution to the future of mankind.
· #539
Drozhzhina I. to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:01)
Thank you for your participation in the discussion on March 26/28. Your comments are quite interesting.
· #538
Shapa L.N. to Stepanenko, IM-191 (Monday, 28 March 2022 11:00)
The reviews (Friday, 25 March 2022 19:01) and (Friday, 25 March 2022 19:07) contain all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind, were written and pronounced without mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct. Excellent.
· #537
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:57)
Phrases of the day
1)as seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive.
2)lay the foundations
"Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
sources," says Dr. An.
3)key findings
The study offers several key findings.
Today I read the article "Ukraine coverage shows gender roles are changing on
the battlefield and in the newsroom". She tells us about the importance in such
a difficult time not to gender stereotypes, in the war everyone is united. The
defenders of their own country are not only soldiers on the battlefield, but
also people who take part in the information war, in the dissemination of
truthful information. Journalism in Ukraine has changed madly in this short
time, many stereotypes and restrictions have disappeared, which means more
freedom. I recommend reading this article to everyone who cares.
· #536
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:57)
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212
Well done, thank you. I appreciate your tasks.
· #535
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:56)
Class work (1) 26.03.22
Слово дня: As seen in
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read an article on "Wind, solar could replace coal power in Texas" which
analyzes the Brazos Wind Farm, near Fluvanna, Texas, has shown through Rice
University research that some of the wind and solar projects proposed in Texas
could eliminate the state's remaining coal-fired power plants and their
According to the study, Texas could be a model for the nation on how to
effectively replace coal with wind and solar power for the state's energy needs
while meeting environmental goals.
This could allow wind and solar power to replace nearly all coal mining,
especially if wind and solar projects are located in locations that provide
additional productivity.
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #534
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:53)
Today I have read the article which called "RIVERS: How Feminist Practices
Protect the Planet". In this article was talking about global problems as global
warming, environmental pollution and others. In general, this article talked
about a new meaning for me, like "Ecological feminism". Ecological feminism is
an ideology and movement that views climate change and gender equality as
intrisically related issues that are both tied to masculine dominance
perpetuated by the patriarchy and capitalism and calls attention to the way
women are disproportionately impacted by environmental issues. This article was
fascinating and i think everyone should read it.
This development will lay the foundation for the long-term development of the
Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen in
the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
Today I havе read the article « Celebration as the Oscars ceremony returns to
The article says that this year the Oscar ceremony will be held with its usual
scope and grandiose shows. The article consists of comments from stylists,
jewelry designers and costume assistants. They talk about their impressions of
the news that the Oscar ceremony is coming back.
By tradition, the ceremony will be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. An
event of this magnitude has always attracted crowds of tourists who want to see
the red carpet in front of the theater. Not far from the theater there is the
Hollywood Museum-the Museum of Theater and Cinema. It is also very popular with
· #533
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:51)
I read the article "Social media tied to higher risk of depression".
Social media has become an integral part of almost everyone. On the one hand, it
is an opportunity to learn new information, to communicate with people from
anywhere in the world, social networks provide many different opportunities. On
the other hand, misinformation is spreading, which has a negative impact. The
study found that for this reason, depression occurred among nearly 5,400 adults.
The risk has increased with the use of three popular social networks: Snapchat,
Facebook, and TikTok. Be careful using social media and check sources of
Phrases of the day:
1) key findings
Following the main keynote addresses, the Conference will discuss the key
findings of the report.
Після основних доповідей на конференції будуть обговорені основні висновки
2) as seen in
Saturn, too, puts on an impressive display as seen in remarkable footage.
Сатурн також демонструє вражаючий показ, як це видно на чудових кадрах.
3) lay the foundations
It was actually to lay the foundation for my business.
Це було фактично закласти фундамент мого бізнесу.
Today I have read the article “What people value in digital news”.It tells that
digital news subscriptions have doubled in the past four years, but half of
those gains went to the New York Times and the Washington Post alone. To find
out why researchers sought to understand how news is traditionally produced and
presented in print and how digital news readers adapt with changing needs and
expectations. Print newspapers moved to digital platforms without having a
proper understanding of the different characteristics of the print and digital
mediums, and how readers use contextual clues to help them make sense of the
· #532
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:50)
Today I have read the article “Sports talk can help students develop critical
thinking skills, says Stanford scholar”. It tells us that scientists convinced
that understanding the deeper aspects of sports can help expand the intellects
of students. According to research, those students, who discuss sports already
demonstrate knowledge of moral and ethical considerations.Along with exploring
different aspects of debates, students also watch videos about excellence in
sport, they come to intriguing conclusions, which have a great impact on their
critical thinking skills.
To my mind, this statement about sports impact is completely true, because
students, interested in sport already have some knowledge in other fields of
· #531
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:50)
Today I have read the article “Study examines why college education leads to
healthier and longer lives». The study has shown that educated people are less
likely to face extremely dangerous work conditions, such as cutting trees or
being exposed to infectious diseases. As a matter of fact, college education is
a powerful contributor to human development that increases health and longevity.
However, it is almost impossible to save this “skill” for many years after
graduation. The researchers have found that earning a bachelor's degree gives
men approximately three extra years of life, whereas they couldn’t found any
effect of college education for women, who usually live longer than men.
To my mind, it is completely true that college education can extend our lives,
but I also think that women live longer, because men tend to take on more
dangerous jobs.
1. lay the foundations
We can lay the foundations today through our strong endorsement of the many
initiatives the Secretary-General has placed before us.
2. as seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive.
3. key findings
The study's key findings emphasize the importance of developing information
gathering systems to respond to government decision-making on risk and security.
· #530
Shapa L.N. to Turkoman Veronika IM-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:48)
The abstracts (Sunday, 27 March 2022 20:30) and (Sunday, 27 March 2022 20:47) completely meet the requirements for independent student works of such kind, the only problem is - the absence of voice variant in the tasks Phrases of the Day which does not permit to put the excellent mark. I'm sorry.
· #529
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:47)
Today I have read the article "How Black Lives Matter protests sparked interest,
can lead to change".
The article tells about there study uses large-scale news media and social media
data to show that nationwide Black Lives Matter protests occur concurrently with
sharp increases in public attention to components of the BLM agenda.
I think that BLM protests dramatically amplify the use of terms associated with
the BLM agenda throughout the movement’s history. Longitudinal data show that
terms denoting the movement’s theoretically distinctive ideas, such as “systemic
racism,” receive more attention during waves of protest.
Phrases of the Day:
1) key findings
The analysis covered key findings, lessons learned and recommendations for
mediation and other conflict resolution processes.
2) as seen in
I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen in
the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
3) lay the foundations
May our work here lay the foundations of the glorious cities of the future and
fill the hearts of people everywhere with hope and felicity.
I have read the article "New research explores the impact of the COVID-19
pandemic on nuclear security".
The article tells about there COVID-19 pandemic is a major landscape shock that
is having pervasive effects across socio-technical systems. Due to its
recentness, sustainability scientists and other researchers have only started to
investigate the implications of this crisis.
I think developments can guide research by addressing the reproduction of new
practices arising from the COVID-19 outbreak to accelerate sustainability
transitions, enhancing understanding of the role of governance in transitions,
and bringing to attention the ethical and political implications of landscape
· #528
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:47)
Today I've read the article about Ukraine is a picturesque country with many
rivers and seas. Most of Ukraine’s rivers are longer than 100 km. The Dnieper,
the Dniester, the Danube, the Southern Buh, the Seversky Donets and the Tysa are
the largest among Ukrainian rivers. In general Ukraine’s rivers belong to the
basins of the Black and Azov Seas. Only the Western Buh and some other rivers
flow into the Baltic Sea. Most of Ukraine’s rivers flow slowly in wide valley.
Rivers flowing off the Carpathians and Crimean Mountains are narrow, shallow and
key findings
key findings research
as seen in
as seen in the picture
lay the foundations
lay the foundations construction
Today I've read the article about Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of
Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River.
The name Kyiv is derived from the name of Kiy, one of four legendary founders of
the city.By the ancient legend Kyiv was founded by three brothers Kiy, Schek,
Khoriv and their sister Lybid. They were surprised by the beauty of Dnieper’s
hills, stopped to settle here and called the town in honour of the eldest
brother-Kyiv. A monument to the founders was erected at the Dnieper embankment
in our days.
· #527
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:45)
Today I have read the article about how new forms of advertising raise questions
about the integrity of journalism. Recently, the mainstream media have started
advertising that looks like news articles on their websites. These legitimate
advertisements have been given many obscure labels like "native ads" or
"sponsored content" that consumers don't always understand. Advertisements look
like news articles created by or on behalf of a paid advertiser. Agencies are
relying more on native advertising as traditional display advertising has seen
its revenue decline. U.S. spending is expected to rise to $57 billion by the end
of 2021. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.Well, maybe writing isn't the same as visual arts...
2.Since then, to our knowledge, no other research has been undertaken.
3.Thus, the bulk of the resources relates to administrative support.
Today I have read the article about how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed
digital journalism. For the past 10 years, the news has been occupied with
smartphones and mobile technology. Prior to this, the entire media world has
changed due to COVID-19, with new challenges, limitations, and innovative
approaches to storytelling. Research by journalists and academics around the
world has confirmed that technology and social trends are causing changes in how
and where news is created and consumed. This also applies to reporters, and
sharp social media and digital skills are expected to become the norm. I
recommend to read this article.
· #526
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:45)
Link to the article:
Dive inside Angelo State’s Communications and Mass Media Department
This article describes the teaching of students at the University of Angelo.
Having read the first lines of the article, we can say that studying abroad is
much better than in Ukraine. Students from foreign universities receive the best
education and have the opportunity to learn from their experience during their
studies instead of reading theories from books. Some students are already
earning their own money by working on television or in sports news. Each student
gets the opportunity to use their creativity and come up with themes for their
shows. I think this is extremely cool and in the further career development they
will only succeed.
Phrases of the day:
1. Initial column represents to study theories but also to gain practical
2. Progress performed with practical skills.
3. Under certain assumptions they conduct live sports broadcasts.
Link to the article:
Social media wasn’t ready for this war. It needs a plan for the next one
This article describes the aggravation of the war and its consequences for
social media. Many sanctions were imposed on the aggressor's country. Russia's
state-run media outlets, which once posted freely, are blocked in Europe on the
platform. The largest social media platforms have taken special measures in
recent weeks that go beyond or contradict its previous policy. Ukraine was also
threatened with the closure of several social networks, but these sanctions are
much smaller than Russia. These steps illustrate how Internet platforms are
trying to adapt content policies based on the concept of political neutrality to
the context of war. All actions only aggravate the situation, but this will not
stop the war.
· #525
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:44)
The title of the article:Russian journalist who staged anti-war TV protest quits
job, but rejects French asylum offer
Today I have read an article about a selfless journalist who did what every
Russian journalist should do. Her name is Maria Ovsyannikova, during a TV
program, the girl came out with a poster condemning the war. From the article,
we learn that she received a fine, but is afraid of further consequences. The
journalist gave an interview in which she said that after her protest she was
still not going to leave Russia. In the end, I can only say one thing, this girl
is a superhero, her story is fascinating and gives hope for a better future, I
recommend reading .
Phrases of the day:
As seen in
1.Lou's death had enormous adverse effects on Spike, as seen in several episodes
following his death.
Смерть Лу мала величезний негативний вплив на Спайка, як це видно в кількох
епізодах після його смерті.
Lay the foundations
2.My parents lay the foundations of my upbringing and perception of the world
Батьки заклали основи мого виховання та світосприйняття.
Key findings
3.To achieve the key findings of this task, it took about 2 hours.
Для досягнення ключових результатів цього завдання знадобилося близько 2 годин.
Vacaroo :
The title of the article:How to Keep the Rising Tide of Fake News From Drowning
Our Democracy
Today I have read an article about how, thanks to fakes, we are moving away from
democracy. The article refers to the fact that the percentage of journalists who
write disinformation has increased greatly. The author assures us that most of
the fakes are written on purpose, since this information can be politically
beneficial. The article argues its point of view with an example from the 2020
elections in the United States. Making a conclusion, I can say that the article
will help a journalist, many examples, the author’s personal experience and tips
on how to prevent fakes at the first stage, I recommend reading.
· #524
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:43)
Today i have read an article which title is “Are charismatic leaders born or
made?”. Authors of this study were trying to figure out does leaders develop
their charisma by being good leaders or they are originally charismatic which
makes them capable of managing people. The article sheds light on a link between
productive results of teem work and its leader’s charisma. However, it can be
either inherent, or a product of social interaction. The key is to hear and
communicate with your subordinates. To my mind, this article is useful for all
those who have leadership potential. It promotes the idea of self-development
and informal interaction as a way to be perceived as a charismatic leader.
1)as seen in
The structure of H. follows the Q. standard as seen in the table below
2)key findings
The study offers several key findings
3)lay the foundations
"Our work could lay the foundation for spintronic devices controlled by heat
sources," says Dr. An.
Today I have read an article called “Orchards vanishing from the landscape, says
National Trust”. It is quite interesting article and I would like to talk about
So, this article tells us about vanishing of more than half orchards across
England and Wales. Originally, people planted orchards to make way for their
houses and farms. Moreover, springtime blossom of fruit trees has been a part of
British culture for many years. Also, orchards support wildlife, such as flies,
bees, bats and birds.
In conclusion I would like to say that situation with disappearing of orchards
can be solved. The National Trust is going to plant more than 20 millions trees
by 2030.
· #523
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:40)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #522
Shapa L.N. to IM-191 group students (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:40)
Your English lesson has just started, I'm waiting for your revies, abstracts, tasks, etc.
· #521
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:40)
Phrases of the day
1. Key findings
The study's key findings emphasize the importance of developing information
gathering systems to respond to government decision-making on risk and security.
2. As seen in
As seen in the Statista chart above, planned purchase rates across the tech
world aren't skyrocketing.
3. Lay the foundations
t provides recommendations that will lay the foundations for ongoing reductions
in carbon equivalent (CO2e) emissions.
Today I have read the article “Improving pavement networks by predicting the
future”. It is about challenges with which people face while doing big new
roadways. It is almost impossible to predict how things will go in 10, 20 or
even more years. New method takes a bottom-up approach, looking at each segment
in a pavement network. This allows engineers and builders to capture which
treatments will likely have the best outcomes given all the possible changes
that might occur. To my mind, we and our inventions should change with the time
we live in, so take as much in account as possible is the best way to avoid
different types of problems.
Today I have read the article “What will 2022 bring in the way of misinformation
on social media? 3 experts weigh in”. The article is contained of thoughts,
among which it is possible to find a list of problems for users. For example,
dearth of regulatory mechanisms that address misinformation and racial and
gender biases are two main problems of social media, according to Professor of
Michigan State University. In my opinion, this question needs to be regulated
immediately, because nowadays social media has become a utility which controls
how most people view the world, and sometimes it means not good way.
· #520
Grodska E. to Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:39)
Your commentary on the article and tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. Well done
· #519
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:38)
The article is interesting, but you should use Present Perfect in the first sentence.
· #518
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:38)
To Slobodzyan,IG-211. Pls read my remarks attentively! Present Perfect and definite article should be used in the first sentence,it should be:" I HAVE READ THE article...". You should find the aticles for your comments somehow connected with your specialty. Before recording your voice messages consult a dictionary not to mispronounce the words (wiping, century etc.). Best of luck
· #517
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:35)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #516
Gvozd to Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:29)
Your tasks are quite correct and informative, keep on working
· #515
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:28)
1) Lay the foundations definition: The foundation of something such as a belief
or way of life is the things on which it is...
I read one interesting article that deals with the topic of the pandemic "How
COVID-19 changed people's morals.".
Covid-19 has changed everyone's life in two years, from small details like
wearing masks in public places to changes in morals. People began to assign a
judgment about what is considered "right" or "wrong" for certain actions or
behaviors. It is precisely said that people during a pandemic needed to make
sacrifices for the good, the well-being of the planet's population. If you are
interested in the topic of Covid-19, then I highly recommend this article.
· #514
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:25)
Your commentary is quite good. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #513
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IJ-211(Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:24)
Homework Today I read an article about Ivory trade poses a threat to the very
existence of elephants. Ivory hunters were responsible for wiping out elephants
in North Africa perhaps about 1,000 years ago, in much of South Africa in the
19th century and most of West Africa by the end of the 20th century. At the peak
of the ivory trade, pre 20th century, during the colonization of Africa, around
800 to 1,000 tons of ivory was sent to Europe alone.
Elephant ivory has been exported from Africa and Asia for centuries with records
going back to the 14th century BC
· #512
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:24)
Relevance of Mass Media to Society
Today I’ve read an article about the relevance of the media to society. The
article discusses several reasons why the existence of the media is so
important. First of all, the media is the fourth power and one of the pillars of
democracy, along with the executive, legislative and other socio-economic forces
that bind society together. The author emphasizes that the media are of
particular importance to society, because without the media we would never know
what is happening in the world around us. The article also describes the latest
trends in the propensity of the media to corruption and the transition from
newspapers to digital media.
Phrases of the day:
1 ) Innovative principles of Les Kurbas and other theatrical figures laid the
foundation of the Ukrainian theater of the 20th century.
2) The abstract should end with a brief summary of the key findings.
3) Historical eras are very different from each other, as can be seen from the
The Need to Keep Journalism Free from Paid Public Relations
Today I’ve read an article about paid public relations for journalists. The
author emphasizes that while the media have always had a warm relationship with
advertisers because they are both dependent on each other for their livelihoods,
recent trends show that this relationship has now evolved into a full blown
media liaison activity. the public on behalf of corporations. In the article
emphasizes that some media are abandoning their duty to be the watchdog of
democracy. The article mentions the fact that in the US and UK the media is
currently focused on becoming paid advertisers for corporations. In conclusion,
it is said that the trend of the media moving away from independents is very
· #511
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:21)
Journalists may work in offices of newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
Generally these offices are crowded and busy. Magazine offices however are much
quieter. Journalists have to visit the sites of events of interest. They
research their assignments in libraries and information centres. They work
irregular hours and their duties often compel them to work at night. There are
risks involved in covering events such as fires, bomb explosions, unrest and
Phrases of the day
1.Lay the foundation
We believe that ultimately Equatorial Guinea will be able to lay the foundation
for the country's overall development in all areas.
2.Ass seen in
The United Nations continues to pay attention to it, as seen in the number of
reports, volumes, meetings and speakers.
3.Key findings
Following the main keynote addresses, the Conference will discuss the key
findings of the report.
A broadcast journalist is a reporter who works for a news agency and reports
stories on television or over the radio. Broadcast reporters visit the sites of
breaking stories to provide information to the public as quickly as possible.
Reporters gather information about events by interviewing victims, witnesses and
others relevant to a story. After getting the information they need, the field
reporter or another reporter in the newsroom will share the story on a daily
news show.
· #510
Grodska E. to Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:11)
Your commentary is quite good, but mind the correct use of the articles a/the: Today I have read THE article…
· #509
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IJ-211(Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:11)
the developing fruit fly egg, oskar mRNA must localize to a specific position
within the cell to lay the foundation
The other key findings from the study were: Overheating was more prevalent in
bedrooms at night than in living rooms
clear evidence that Uber is using, or plans to use, our trade secrets to develop
their lidar technology, as seen in both
Today I read an article about education.Education encompasses both the teaching
and learning of knowledge, proper conduct, and technical competency. It thus
focuses on the cultivation of skills, trades or professions, as well as mental,
moral & aesthetic development.
Formal education consists of systematic instruction, teaching and training by
professional teachers. This consists of the application of pedagogy and the
development of curricula.
The right to education is a fundamental human right. Since 1952, Article 2 of
the first Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights obliges all
signatory parties to guarantee the right to education
· #508
Grodska E. to Jaroslava Albertovuch (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:09)
Your commentary on the article and your tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #507
Gvozd to Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:09)
Well done, thank you
· #506
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:08)
To Bortnik,IG-211. Your written comments are nice but your voice message are with mispronounced words, read your voice messages before recording them. Best of luck
· #505
Grodska E. to Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:07)
Your commentary is quite good and informative, but mind the correct use of the articles (a/the). Go on working
· #504
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:06)
Your tasks were performed completely correct. Well done.
· #503
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 10:06)
Article of the day
1)Lay the foundations - They laу the foundation for modern journalism
2)As seen in - As see in from the work, Mark tried very hard.
3)Key findings - The report presents five key findings
British Journalism Awards shortlists 2021: Proof journalism matters and does
make a difference.
Writer : By Press Gazette.
This article describes the British Journalism Award. More than eight hundred
applications from major UK news organizations have been submitted this year. To
select the winner, the judges chose from the proposed short lists that reflect
the high level of the submitted works.
The article goes on to explain the details of the event, the jury, and when and
where the winners will be announced. There are also quotes from judges who thank
all the journalists and talk about how their work and its support.
For me, this kind of award is very useful, it gives an incentive to all
journalists to improve their skills and achieve success.
Vocaroo :
Will James ’09: Finding a Home in Audio Journalism
The following was written by Will James, graduate of the Stony Brooke School of
Communication and Journalism. Will currently works as a reporter and special
projects producer in Seattle, Washington.
The following is about Stony-Brook himself, his story of his decision to be a
journalist. After graduation, he became a producer and project developer at the
Seattle station. His let it start with audio from Central America, began a story
about immigrants, but the editors decided not to accept it. Stony - Brooke began
recording his interviews on audio. The following describes how he analyzes his
life and work, his recommendations to others.
The article came out very interesting, saturated with experience and efforts
Vocaroo :
· #502
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:58)
To Moskalyk,IG-211. Your written comments are ok, but your voice messages are still very poor. Try to improve it,pls.
· #501
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:55)
Class work
Today I have read an article, "Ukraine coverage shows gender roles are changing
on the battlefield and in the newsroom". The authors of the article are
Christine Skare Orgeret, Bruce Mutzweiro. The main idea of the article is that
in wartime all boundaries between genders are blurred. Men are taking up
positions as fighters and volunteers, women are becoming volunteers, and quite a
few are also going to fight for their country. The article also says that women
who go abroad for the safety of their families, in particular children, are also
considered to be military actions, caretakers. I find this article relevant and
Phrases of the Day
1. as seen on
Third-party domains: As seen on most other websites
2. key findings
Peer-reviewed key findings made available for the summary for policymakers.
3. lay the foundation
This Protocol together with the Bicesse Accords should lay the foundation for
lasting peace in Angola.
Today I have read the article "The Roles of Journalism and Everyday Life. The
author of the article is Volker Hanusch. The article describes a study about the
role of journalists in the eyes of society and how journalists themselves assess
themselves. According to journalists, they fulfill an important role as service
providers, life coaches, advocates for society and inspirers. The text also
suggests that many people are increasingly relying on the media for guidance and
advice on how to live their lives. This article will be of interest to
journalists to understand the role of their profession.
· #500
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:54)
I have read your Independent practice, the task is complete. Keep on working.
· #499
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:45)
Today I've read the article Journalists create their brands in growing 'direct'
sales model. It tells that independent writers may have their own online web
page, newsletter, podcast, or even connect by text message via the Subtext
platform. Social media is a key to getting readers, and the large platforms are
also getting in on the action. "The lack of decent pay, and the lack of benefits
proposed by companies is causing more and more people to try to remove
themselves from those companies and get deals with Substack, or another group,"
said Jon Schleuss, president of the NewsGuild. which represents journalists at
dozens of news organizations.
· #498
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:43)
Phrases of the day
1)as seen in
As seen in this table, during the Post
2)key findings
The study offers several key findings
3)lay the foundations
It provides recommendations that will lay the foundations
Today I have read the article “listen carefully to people “When a person is
immersed in his thoughts, he is unable listen to what i tell her.That's right,
people can't do two things together.And in this case, a person can not think
about themselves and listen to someone.Even though we listen carefully, we make
sense. Your attention is focused on your thoughts, not on the interlocutor. It
is important for people to just listen to them, it is important to understand
them. First, such a person listens to demand, openly, impartially
Article: ttps://
Today I have read an interesting article about the "Bringing joy back to the
classroom and helping children with stress - what the summer school will be like
in 2021" At the moment, what is happening in our world, this is a very relevant
article. Now most parents are convinced that they have started to study
remotely, have begun to ask a lot more homework, etc., and the children, in
turn, have become nervous about this. I think that opening a summer school is a
very good idea, because children who missed something, did not understand, will
be able to learn.
· #497
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:43)
Why don’t more people trust the news
Today I've read the article about why people don't trust the news. The purpose
of the article is to give some information to readers about people's reasons for
not trusting the news, with real facts attached. The author starts by giving the
percentage of people who trust and do not trust the news. It then talks about
the opinion of journalists who accuse Trump of labeling fake news as news that
he didn't like. But the author talks about journalists who have deceived the
public and strayed from basic journalistic principles. I recommend the article
for reading
Phrase of the day
1 key findings
The key findings in the table below show us about the problem
2 as seen in
These instructions had a negative impact on the writing of the work, as seen in
the end.
3 the foundations
What you suggest may shake the foundations for future articles.
Postmodern media blurring: A diminishing sense of national conversation
Today I’ve read the article about the post-modern media blurring. The article is
about the importance of traditional media. The purpose of the article is to give
the reader some information about the downsides of modern media. The author
begins by quoting the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that a free press is
the cornerstone of democratic societies. The author goes on to explain the
Commissioner's words in detail. According to the article the free press in South
Africa is under strain for a number of reasons and the reasons why are explained
in detail. I encourage you to read it.
· #496
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:42)
Today I have read the article about russian journalism.
Recently, the state media monitor Roskomnadzor has forbidden Russian media from
using the words "war" or "invasion" in connection with the attack on Ukraine.
After that, the State Duma passed an additional bill that would criminalize the
dissemination of "false information” - punishments of up to 15 years in prison.
It has recently become clear that independent media may soon disappear. Russian
journalists could not work more. Every next step turns into a walk in a
In conclusion, there is no more room for independent journalism in Russia.
· #495
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 ( Borysenko) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:40)
Today I have read the article "Study reveals scale of data-sharing from Android
mobile phones". It examines the problem of transferring personal data from
popular Android brands Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Realme, Lineage and its e / OS
system to the OC system. Even when minimally configured and the handset is idle,
with the notable exception of e / OS, these vendor-customized Android variants
transmit substantial amounts of information to the OS developer and to third
parties such as Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Facebook that have
pre-installed system apps, and nothing can be changed here.
The danger of all this is not that we will not be able to find an option to log
in to the social network, but that it opens access to all your information,
which should not be public.
- Key findings from the study: With the exception of e/OS, all of the handset
manufacturers examined collect a list of all the apps installed on a handset.
- Hammond said this is not the whole story of hand-washing, but it does answer
important questions and lay the foundation for future research.
- As seen in this table, during the Post WWII, the negative correlation between
manufacturing activities and income inequality was relatively strong.
· #494
Gvozd to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:38)
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211
Not bad, mind the usage of Present Perfect. Keep on working.
· #493
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:37)
Today I have read an article on the topic “LAUGHTER: On the passing of an
investigative journalist” and I want to give my comments.Journalists are
responsible for spreading the facts and thus often influence what people know.
But they sometimes neglect their main responsibility. Find the truth and share
it. As an example, you can cite the topic with COVID-19. We watched the
exaggerations and gross lies about the origin of the virus .. drawing a
conclusion I want to say that a journalist must be able to overcome the fear of
facing problems and must always follow the truth.
Phrases of the day
1) Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
2) May our work here lay the foundations of the glorious cities of the future
3) He was not happy,as seen in her conclusions.
Today I read an article on the topic “The future of journalism: What’s in store
for journalists?”And will give my comments.
Newspapers have long lost their popularity, and Internet resources have come to
replace them. The media world is only adapting to these new standards.
There is a problem in journalism: fake news. Future Journalists will have to
fight this. They also need a lot of skills to become successful: writing
articles and interviewing is not enough, so technical and creative skills are
I want to say that in the future, a journalist needs to be versatile in order to
· #492
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:33)
Today I've read the article about how sport is probably as old as humanity
itself. It has evolved along with the development and growth of mankind. All
over the world, people of all ages are very fond of sports and games. Sport not
only helps people become stronger and develop physically, but also makes them
more organized and disciplined in their daily activities. Sports help people
stay healthy. Sport is very important in our life. It is popular with young
people and the elderly. Many people do morning exercises, run in the mornings,
train in fitness clubs and gyms, take part in sports competitions.
lay the foundations
lay the foundations of the subject
key findings
key findings table
as seen in
as seen in the figure
Today I've read the article about Lesya Ukrainka. Her real name is Larisa
Kosach, she was born in Novograd-Volynsky on February 15, 1871. Lesya's father
was a lawyer, and her mother was a Ukrainian writer. Wrote under the pseudonym
Elena Pchilka. Lesya was the second child of the Ukrainian writer and publisher
Olga Dragomanova-Kosach (better known by her pseudonym Elena Pchilka). Mikhailo
Petrovich Dragomanov, a famous Ukrainian scientist, historian, philosopher,
folklorist, was the brother of Drahomanov-Kosach. Ukrainka's mother played a
significant role in her upbringing. Ukrainian was the only language used in the
· #491
Borysenko (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:31)
To Vdovina,IG-212. Unfortunately you don't work regularly. There are 2 mistakes in the first sentence. Present Perfect and definite article should be used there, it should be:" Today I HAVE READ THE article...". Your voice message is full of mispronounced words. Consult a dictionary before recording it. Good y
· #490
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:28)
Article of the day:
1)Key findings - The report is a summary of the key findings of his work since
2)Lay the foundations - We believe that helped to lay the foundation for a new
style of engagement.
3)As seen in - GIMP can handle all of this, and more, primarily by converting
between three fundamental modes, as seen in this menu.
Why doesn’t U.Va. have a school of journalism?
By Thomas Laughridge
The article talks about the university, the history of the origin in it is the
faculty of journalism, about what will be the students of the Faculty of
Journalism will be.
Also, the author writes about the role of journalism today, pro- the history of
the first school of journalism, the main Leone Ratаlege Whipple. It tells about
Whipple, his merits and times of work. Shows the cons of the university and the
problem in the field of teaching journalism. Next is the author's opinion about
this university, his thoughts and experience.
As for me, the article is quite interesting and informative, worthy of
Vocaroo :
BBB’s federal handouts for ‘local journalism’ a first step toward neutering free
By Post Editorial Board Martin Bureau
The article talks about the Build Back Better bill, which talks about federal
press support in the form of a $ 1.7 billion subsidy for "local journalism." It
tells about how this bill works, how much is allocated and why.
The article also writes about what difficult times have come for journalism,
what losses the pandemic has brought to it, how difficult it is for print
journalism to work, because solid local coverage often does not attract an
online audience that could help pay bills, and such a project can help promote
For me, such a project is very interesting and important for free and local
Vocaroo :
· #489
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212(Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:25)
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article "Self-erasing chip"
This article tells us about self-cleaning chips over time, which will allow us
to find out whether the electronics are fake or not and whether any confidential
data has been revealed. The barcode on the chip is made from a material that
cleans itself after a few days or can be done with a blue flash. This device
will help protect yourself from eavesdropping.
In my opinion, this was a great idea to come up with such a device, since there
are indeed many fakes in the modern world. Also, people who can keep secret
information will be able to be calm that no one will find out this information.
Phrases of the Day
1) key findings
The study offers several key findings.
Дослідження пропонує кілька ключових висновків.
2) as seen in
I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen in
the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
Я також вітаю ваше бажання спрямувати цю дискусію в новому напрямку, як це видно
з технічного завдання, яке ви люб’язно подали.
3) lay the foundations
It was these two people who lay the foundations of such a science as biology.
Саме ці дві людини заклали основи такої науки, як біологія.
Today I’ve read the article “Different Types of Journalism”. The purpose of the
article is to give the reader some information about the main forms and styles
of journalism. According to the article, there are five principal types of
journalism: investigative, news, reviews, columns and feature writing. Each type
of journalism is detailed, and this very helped me to get acquainted with new
information. After reading this article, I can say that most of all I was
interested in feature writing and news, because for me this is the most actual
form of journalism. Of course, I want to recommend this article for reading.
· #488
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:20)
The study's key findings emphasize the importance of developing information
gathering systems to respond to government decision-making on risk and security.
as seen in
As seen in previous studies, the most frequently outsourced activities continue
to be those that are more transactional, operational and repetitive
lay the foundations
Hammond said this is not the whole story of hand-washing, but it does answer
important questions and lay the foundation for future research.
Today I've read the article Google, Facebook and other digital platforms are
influencing the work of journalists. It tells that journalism is a rapidly
changing profession. Digital journalism is transforming the way in which
information and communication technologies are used by media workers. With this
change journalist practices, norms and values are also being reshaped. That
concludes Tomás Dodds in his Ph.D research, wherefore he did 7 months of
participant observation in two Chilean newsrooms. Last years have shown how
little we know about the platforms and what they do with our data. There was
this whole dream of the democratization of information, but what we have seen in
the past decade is that we don't know how the platforms work. It got a lot of
people by surprise.
· #487
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:20)
Today I've read read the article "Can anyone be a journalist?". It tells that
relationship of two U.S. Supreme Court cases and how they work together to
uphold freedom of expression. The article was published by professor of
journalism in the University of Georgia. Lee's article focuses on New York Times
v. Sullivan and its companion case, in which the court upheld the First
Amendment rights of both the press and ministers active in the civil rights
movement. These rulings affect today's citizen journalists. Lee's article
explains why the Supreme Court ultimately blended the two cases together and
ruled in favor of the New York Times and the four ministers on First Amendment
Phrases of the day:
1) key findings
There are several key findings from this analysis.
З цього аналізу є кілька ключових висновків.
2) as seen in
As seen in from this situation, he took for himself only experience.
Як видно з цієї ситуації він взяв для себе лише досвід.
3) lay the foundations
We believe that helped to lay the foundation for a new style of engagement.
Ми віримо, що це допомогло закласти основу для нового стилю спілкування.
Today I read the article "Journalists believe news and opinion are separate, but
readers can't tell the difference." She tells us about some of the
misunderstandings between journalists and content consumers. Unfortunately, not
everyone understands the difference in news publications and the opinions of
journalists, considering these to be the same. But this is a misconception. News
journalists do not write news based on their own opinion, which in this case
they do not disseminate. This is precisely what their job is about, in
notification. I recommend this article for everyone to read.
· #486
Grodska E. to Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:18)
Your commentaries and tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct.
· #485
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:15)
Mind, please, the usage of Present Perfect. The tasks are quite interesting.
· #484
Gvozd to Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:12)
I have read both your posts, mind, please - the article TELLS...
· #483
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:09)
Omelyan Nikita IJ-21
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212
Thank you for so urgent and informative tasks. I appreciate them.
· #482
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:07)
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article «Elon Musk says he's seriously considering
creating a new social media platform».
The article talks about the head of the Tesla company, Elon Musk. After
criticism on Twitter, he declared this platform blocking freedom of speech. For
Ilon, Twitter is a public platform that must comply with the principles of
freedom of speech. By not observing them, the democracy of society is
undermined. Therefore, he seriously thought about creating his new platform.
Such a case is not uncommon among businessmen. So, Donald Trump was blocked on
Twitter and created his social network Trump Media and Technology Group.
· #481
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:06)
Today I have read the article about how online trolls should not be allowed to
intimidate journalists. Over the past 15 years, online harassment has become
part of the job of most journalists. In the worst case, this can lead to
physical threats, in particular, women can be subjected to heinous and painful
insults. Because of the attack by organized gangs, for some, this meant a
complete rejection of the articles. The ease of commenting on social media and
on publishers' own websites has made personal abuse more public, allowing
internet gangs to form concerted attacks on social networks or media companies'
own websites. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations.
2.Saturn, too, puts on an impressive display as seen in this remarkable footage.
3.The package of proposals before us will lay the foundation for further
measures in the future.
Today I have read the article about how journalists think that news and opinions
are different things, but readers do not see the difference. New York Times
opinion editor James Bennett recently resigned after the newspaper published a
controversial essay by US Senator Tom Cotton in which he advocated the use of
the military to quell protests. The essay provoked a strong reaction from both
the public and the newspaper's young reporters. Scores of employees participated
in a social media campaign directed at the paper's management, demanding factual
corrections and an editor's note explaining what was wrong with the essay. Soon,
a staff uprising forced Bennett to leave. I recommend to read this article.
· #480
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:06)
Phrases of the day:
1. Lay the foundations
He introduced new agriculture and wildlife, and helped lay the foundations for
the city of Denver.
2. As seen in
As seen in paragraph 16 above, the cost estimate takes into account the
reductions made by the Secretary-General.
3. Key findings
There are several key findings from this analysis.
Link to the article:
Today I have read the article «A hotel room hidden in a sphere of birdhouses».
The article talks about a very unusual Swedish hotel. The hotel is made in the
form of a huge sphere. The guest lives inside, and there are 350 small
birdhouses outside the room. This style allows guests to observe the bird world.
The creators came up with the format of natural hotels in 2010 and gave this
idea the name TreeHotel. A night in such a hotel costs $ 1,200, it is located in
a village an hour's drive from Stockholm.
The room is located in the middle of a forest and trees. To get to it, there is
a suspension bridge.
The architect said that the purpose of this project was integration with the
· #479
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 09:02)
Words of the day and sources
•key finding
The study offers several key findings.
•lay the foundations
In the developing fruit fly egg, oskar mRNA must localize to a specific position
within the cell to lay the foundation for the development of the future embryo.
Commentary and sources
Today I read an article with a very interesting title - "Banana".
Although the name seems to be something funny, but sometimes I really want to
know a little more about what I eat. Especially when it's a favorite treat.
It was interesting to observe how much of the material was devoted to a fairly
detailed description of the division of bananas into varieties.
Despite its small size, the article provides a large amount of useful
information. For example, the same division of variety; what bananas are;
purpose; places of greater popularity and where they come from. There is even
information about how much they eat, for example, in a year.
Words of the day and sources
•as seen in
As seen in this table, during the Post WWII, the negative correlation between
manufacturing activities and income inequality was relatively strong.
Commentary and sources
Today, for a detailed study, I came across an article on the topic of "Big Ben",
which is in England.
I remember from school that this building is almost a symbol of this country, if
not a little of their entire kingdom.
Although I studied a lot about Big Ben at the same school, to be honest, I don't
remember much. But this wonderful article helped to refresh my knowledge and
even, which is even a little surprising, I learned a lot of new things. The
simplest possible language. And they explain almost literally everything on
their fingers.
· #478
Grodska E. to IZ 212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:58)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #477
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:56)
Link to the article:
Top Colleges For Journalism and Mass Communication In Latvia
This article is very interesting, because it tells about journalistic
activities. A journalist is a person who always skillfully conveys information
to society. Latvian education is an affordable educational solution for
international students. These educational institutions have a fairly large base
and much lower prices among other colleges. The Vidzeme University, if we talk
about him, he have is a very flexible program, which is an extremely successful
theory of balance, as well as best practice. The university is known for its
success and in-depth study. We can list many educational institutions that have
a good reputation, but the choice depends only on us.
Phrases of the day:
1. Turns out that there are many media colleges in Latvia.
2. Well justified that the public needs people with a journalistic background.
3. Under certain assumptions universities offer excellent quality and a very
flexible program
Link to the article:
Zoom calls, graphic videos and mass media: How Zelensky meets Americans where
they are
This article is quite relevant at the time. The war in Ukraine has been going on
for more than 20 days. The consequences of the war will significantly change the
people and the country. The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky is always
open to the public and every minute he tries to protect his country from the
occupiers. Some people spread fake information, which is quickly destroyed on
the Internet. I believe that we all need to be one, that is, a family that will
support in difficult times. We need help from other countries, because the
sooner we stop the war, the less consequences we will have.
· #476
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:53)
The title of the article: 20 days in Mariupol.The team that documented city's
Today I have read an article that tells about journalists who covered the
problems of Mariupol. Journalists say that they were hunted by the Russian
military. The article deals with constant shelling and attempts by journalists
to leave the city. Then we learn about the whole history of their trip to
Ukraine and how difficult it is to cover such problems. Drawing conclusions, I
can say that the article is discouraging, in it you will learn the whole story
of their trip, how they entered the country and how every day was on the verge
of death, I recommend reading
Phrases of the day:
As seen in
1.I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen in
the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
Я також вітаю ваше бажання спрямувати цю дискусію в новому напрямку, як це видно
з технічного завдання, яке ви люб’язно подали.
Lay the foundations
2.It was these two people who lay the foundations of such a science as biology.
Саме ці дві людини заклали основи такої науки, як біологія.
Key findings
3.Following the main keynote addresses, the Conference will discuss the key
findings of the report.
Після основних доповідей на конференції будуть обговорені ключові висновки
The title of the article:Dynastic politics and table story journalism
Today I have read an article about dynastic politics. In the article, the author
shares his opinion and does not understand the hatred for this kind of politics.
The article gives us many examples that tell us that the media is trying in
every possible way to offend dynastic politics. The author believes that this is
inevitable, any politician will try to put his daughter or son. In the end, I
can say that the article is worthy of the attention of all the media, the author
gives arguments and proves that the hatred of this type of politics is simply
false, I recommend reading.
· #475
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:53)
Today I have read the article which called "RIVERS: How Feminist Practices
Protect the Planet". In this article was talking about global problems as global
warming, environmental pollution and others. In general, this article talked
about a new meaning for me, like "Ecological feminism". Ecological feminism is
an ideology and movement that views climate change and gender equality as
intrisically related issues that are both tied to masculine dominance
perpetuated by the patriarchy and capitalism and calls attention to the way
women are disproportionately impacted by environmental issues. This article was
fascinating and i think everyone should read it.
This development will lay the foundation for the long-term development of the
Towards universal access: key findings and recommendations
I also welcome your desire to steer this debate in a new direction, as seen in
the terms of reference that you kindly submitted.
Today I havе read the article « Celebration as the Oscars ceremony returns to
The article says that this year the Oscar ceremony will be held with its usual
scope and grandiose shows. The article consists of comments from stylists,
jewelry designers and costume assistants. They talk about their impressions of
the news that the Oscar ceremony is coming back.
By tradition, the ceremony will be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. An
event of this magnitude has always attracted crowds of tourists who want to see
the red carpet in front of the theater. Not far from the theater there is the
Hollywood Museum-the Museum of Theater and Cinema. It is also very popular with
· #474
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:46)
I have enjoyed your review, but mind the usage of Present Perfect.
· #473
Gvozd to Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:44)
The review is interesting but too short. I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #472
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:44)
1) as seen in
A free-floating image created by firing lasers into thin air was unveiled in
Japan on Monday, offering the possibility one day of projecting messages into a
cloudless sky, as seen in Batman.
2) key findings
The study offers several key findings.
Today I read the article "Cardiovascular disease risk boosted by stress".
Stress is the body's response to various adverse factors. This is a state of
psychological and physical stress, which can greatly affect overall health. It
is very important to maintain mental health for physical health. It is correctly
said that "Stress" was defined as a feeling of nervousness, irritability or
anxiety due to factors at work or at home, financial difficulties or experienced
difficult events and difficult periods in life. No one is immune from stress, so
also from cardiovascular diseases Take care of your mental health and take
everything to heart less.
· #471
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:42)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #470
Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 28 March 2022 08:15)
Phrases of the day:
1. Lay the foundations
In the developing fruit fly egg, oskar mRNA must localize to a specific position
within the cell to lay the foundation for the development of the future embryo.
oskar mRNA is found in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules that contain proteins
bound to the RNA.
2. As seen in
As seen in the Statista chart above, planned purchase rates across the tech
world aren't skyrocketing.
3. Key findings
The study's key findings emphasize the importance of developing information
gathering systems to respond to government decision-making on risk and security.
This is a really entertaining and interesting article. Indeed, why have we never
wondered why we give certain objects names and treat them as if they were a
living person and had their own temperament? After all, everyone has had that
when the computer is something long to load or starts to slow down, then we
start to scold him and call to load everything faster. If you are interested in
this topic, I suggest you read this article!
· #469
Turkoman Veronika IM-211(Shapa) (Sunday, 27 March 2022 20:47)
I’ve read the article about "Ancient rocks show high oxygen levels on Earth two
billion years ago".
These trace metals are only thought to be common in Earth's oceans and sediments
when oxygen is abundant.
The new findings also provide insight into the evolution of complex life.
Earth's "middle age" represents the backdrop for the appearance of eukaryotes.
Eukaryotes are the precursors to all complex life, and require high oxygen
levels in their environment to thrive.
In conclusion:this study strengthens the idea that suitable conditions for the
evolution of complex life on early Earth began much earlier than previously
thought. › news › 2020-05-ancient-high-oxygen-earth-billion.html
1)The terminology used remains the same as in previous reports.
Використана термінологія залишається такою ж, як і в попередніх звітах.
2) These issues have not, to our knowledge, been fully resolved.
Ці питання, наскільки нам відомо, не були повністю вирішені.
3) By then, the bulk of this controversy should be behind us.
На той час основна частина цієї суперечки має бути позаду.
· #468
Turkoman Veronika IM-221 (Shapa) (Sunday, 27 March 2022 20:30)
1)The terminology used remains the same as in previous reports.
Використана термінологія залишається такою ж, як і в попередніх звітах.
2) These issues have not, to our knowledge, been fully resolved.
Ці питання, наскільки нам відомо, не були повністю вирішені.
3) By then, the bulk of this controversy should be behind us.
На той час основна частина цієї суперечки має бути позаду.
I’ve read the article about “Storing energy in red bricks”
Red bricks—some of the world's cheapest and most familiar building materials—can
be converted into energy storage units that can be charged to hold electricity,
like a battery.
Scientists’ve developed a method to make smart bricks" that can store energy
until required for powering devices. The polymer coating remains in the brick
and serves as an ion sponge that stores and conducts electricity.
In conclusion: advantageously, a brick wall serving as a supercapacitor can be
recharged hundreds of thousands of times within an hour. If you connect a couple
of bricks, microelectronics sensors would be easily powered. › news › 2020-08-energy-red-bricks.html
· #467
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Sunday, 27 March 2022 19:02)
According to statistics, millionaires are people who received an inheritance or
those who care for it. To date, people who have inherited millions are much less
than the total number who have earned it. What about the young people who made a
million before their 20s? These include Justin Bieber, who began making videos
on YouTube and gaining his audience. Over time, the guy became popular and
earned his first million thanks to YouTube. The article made it clear that
people of any age, gender, and education can become millionaires.
Phrases of the day:
With the aid of the bacteria
Human emissions have also led to a sharp rise
However, ecologists often overlook parasites when investigating these
interactions, perhaps
· #466
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Sunday, 27 March 2022 18:57)
Olga Melnik, IJ-212
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212
Dear students, I have read all your comments. They are rather interesting and
urgent, without bad mistakes. Keep on working.
· #465
Gvozd to IJ-211 (Sunday, 27 March 2022 18:54)
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211
Foka Victoria IZ-211
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211
Thank you for your tasks, I have appreciated them. All of them are quite
detailed and informative.
· #464
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Sunday, 27 March 2022 18:36)
Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself, which plays an important role in your
life. Many people have low self-esteem about themselves, which affects their
work, achievements, success, etc. With different moments and difficulties in
life, you will begin to build your self-esteem by evaluating your actions. These
are naturally not all elements that affect your self-esteem, but they most often
become the basis for your self-esteem. The only way to gain good self-esteem is
to work on yourself, to develop, to know yourself. The article made it clear
that a person should independently work on self-esteem.
Phrases of the day:
1.With the aid of theoretical calculation based on original models and methods
2.Why has this tiny island seen a sharp rise in shark bites?
3.Police officers at risk of PTSD when investigating child sexual abuse cases.
· #463
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Sunday, 27 March 2022 15:06)
Your commentary is quite good, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article.
· #462
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Sunday, 27 March 2022 15:04)
Your commentary is quite good, but be more attentive, the first sentence should be: Today I HAVE read THE article. Correct, please.
· #461
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 14:54)
Class work:
Today I read an article by the Racial Attitudes Social Project. About how while
many American organizations are dealing with communities of color and building
trust, the research projects are assessing the needs of black neighborhoods who
have historically lived and been stigmatized by the media. The project drew on a
variety of materials, as well as information and diaries of residents for a
general understanding of how people lived. This information was then presented
in the local media. The project tries to strengthen the relationship between
local media and communities. The project explores discrimination against the
black race and norms of social behavior. The article is very interesting, I
advise you to read it!
1.a sharp rise
Yemen, like the rest of the world, has experienced a sharp rise in the cost of
2. when investigating
The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating alleged offences
relating to these items.
3. with the aid of
And then, with the aid of my newfound power
Today I read an article about hyperlocal media. It is a form of citizen-driven
public media. We can assume that social media allows residents to be civically
active. The purpose of the article: To explore the potential of public sphere
spaces. Public editors encourage activism, but the author believes that
audiences rely too much on their efforts and return to couch activism. The
article fears that such social media allows authorities to spy on citizens,
which is at odds with the public sphere. Hyperlocal spaces, understand
functional and social efficiency, but the idea that this is likened to the
public sphere is objectionable. The article is very interesting, I advise you to
read it!
· #460
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 14:10)
Today I read an article about how journalism has become a technological upheaval
contributing to the financial future. The field of journalism requires an
increase in cultural capital through the acquisition of technological knowledge.
Studies have been conducted on journalists' desire to improve their skills.
Based on a survey of 226 American journalists, it was found that some new
technologies are rarely used and are not as highly valued as the industry says
they are. Journalists are interested in learning new technologies, in order to
expand employment opportunities. Critical thinking is needed to better perceive
the realities of technology use and their work with journalism. The article is
very interesting, I advise you to read it!
1.a sharp rise
Yemen, like the rest of the world, has experienced a sharp rise in the cost of
2. when investigating
The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating alleged offences
relating to these items.
3. with the aid of
And then, with the aid of my newfound power.
· #459
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 13:38)
To Gladka ,IG-212 Your written comments are done well. Be more careful with your voice messages(distribute, contribute,weapon etc). Best wishes
· #458
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 13:11)
Today I have read the article about why protection laws may not be effective in
protecting journalists' sources. South Australia has passed a protection law
designed to help journalists not identify their confidential sources. In the UK,
in a notorious 1963 case, two journalists from the political weekly "The New
Statesman" were imprisoned for refusing to identify the source of a leak in an
Admiralty office. In Australia, a «Protection Act» was passed and the whole
thing was touted as a good way through an unsolvable legal minefield. I
recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.We believe that the integration of human beings should be the main objective
of foreign policies.
2.This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
3.It is forced upon people by means of weapons and fleets of spaceships.
Today I have read the article about how changes in the journalism profession
have made journalism education more difficult. People began to distribute and
create information. Because of this democratization, journalists are trying to
get used to the new reality. Every year more and more people are interested in
journalism, thereby increasing the pressure on journalism schools. Most of the
debate is about how to teach and learn journalism in a formal space.
Journalistic studies have shown that higher education is very important for
journalists all over the world. As technology has evolved so rapidly, this has
contributed to a radical change in journalism. I recommend to read this article.
· #457
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 12:30)
To Slobodzyan,IG-211. There are 2 mistakes in the first sentence. Look at my sentence , compare it with yous and correct your mistakes:"Today I HAVE READ THE article...". Your voice message is full of mispronounced words (earth, appreciation, environmental etc.). Consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Best wishes.
· #456
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 12:08)
To Albertovuch,IG-212. Well done. Keep on working this way
· #455
#389 Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 12:06)
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
2) With the aid of artificial stem cells, it will soon be possible to establish
new treatments
3) Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures
Today I read an article called Earth Day. Many countries around the world
celebrate Earth Day. It is a day that is meant to raise awareness and
appreciation about the Earth’s natural environment.
The first Earth Day was held in the USA. It was founded by United States Senator
Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in – a sort of general educational
forum or seminar. That was on April 22, 1970. While this first Earth Day was
focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was
the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and
organized events in 141 nations.
· #454
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 12:00)
Journalism as a whole has changed in response. Instead of having time to fact
check, journalists are urged to be the first to break the story. This rush to
first often leads to misinformation being published, causing confusing and
sometimes outrage.
What used to be a cardinal sin is now less of an issue because being the first
to hit publish is such a priority.
Let's take a look at what journalism is today, and some of the people changing
· #453
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:59)
1) with the aid of
With the aid of these capable gentlemen complete peace reigns in Dearborn
I read one sad but important article "Teen internet usage associated with stress
and suicidal ideation". Korea has the highest suicide rate in the world. This is
an insanely sad statistic, but thanks to her, more attention has begun to be
paid to this serious problem. Teenagers can actively fall under the bad
influence of the Internet, as they are more impressionable. The article also
tells us that the results may not show any clear link between Internet use and
mental health, but it still begs caution. We are also told about how to avoid
bad morale and give good advice. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
· #452
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:58)
Journalism is the act of writing about news related subjects for all mediums,
print and non-print. It is also the complicated process of taking information
and sifting through it, editing information, and giving it context. The
journalist is always involved in the selection and presentation of what he or
she considers to be noteworthy, and in meeting the standard of truth and honesty
in reporting. Journalism incorporates everything from the "hard" news of
politics and public affairs, to the softer side, which includes human interest
and celebrity stories. Today, journalism also delivers lifestyle messages,
medical updates, weather, science, education, and much more.
Phrases of the day
1.a sharp rise
The prolonged "hunger gap" has contributed to a sharp rise in malnutrition.
2.with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
3.when investigating
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
· #451
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:45)
I have read the article "Self-erasing chip"
This article tells us about self-cleaning chips over time, which will allow us
to find out whether the electronics are fake or not and whether any confidential
data has been revealed. The barcode on the chip is made from a material that
cleans itself after a few days or can be done with a blue flash. This device
will help protect yourself from eavesdropping.
In my opinion, this was a great idea to come up with such a device, since there
are indeed many fakes in the modern world. Also, people who can keep secret
information will be able to be calm that no one will find out this information.
· #450
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:44)
I have recently read the article called “Suspended students more likely to get
caught up in juvenile justice system, and vice versa.”
The main idea of the article is that students who are suspended from school even
once are much more likely to have contact with the juvenile justice system and
also that students who come in contact with the juvenile justice system are more
likely to face suspension. Also students were at greatest risk of suspension and
interaction with the juvenile justice system in ninth grade, right after the
move from middle to high school. This problem exists in every country and in my
opinion to reduce school suspensions I recommend to implement support systems
and interventions for at-risk students and to address the social and economic
factors that contribute to juvenile crime.
Phrases of the Day:
1.with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
2.a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
3.when investigating
Such an understanding forms the basis for any further forensic action required
when investigating, analysing and sharing information on a criminal case.
· #449
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:26)
Today I have rеad the article "Kim Jong-un warns of North Korea crisis similar
to deadly 90s famine".
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un reported that the country is facing severe food
shortages and economic instability. He compared the situation to the deadly
famine of the 90s. This was due to the closure of the borders due to the
coronavirus pandemic. Because of this, trade with China has come to a
standstill, as has all economic life. This is in addition to the existing
international economic sanctions against the nuclear program.
In my opinion, this is a very big problem for North Korea, which may face
insurmountable problems.
It needs to open its borders and start a policy of globalization
· #448
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:25)
Today I have read the article "Russian warship destroyed in occupied port of
Berdyansk, says Ukraine".
The article talks about the blow that the Ukrainian troops inflicted on the port
in the occupied Berdyansk. As a result of the bombing, a warship was wrecked, on
which there was a large amount of weapons for the landing. Two nearby ships also
caught fire. However, no one can officially confirm this information. Only
videos from the residents of Berdyansk, which are distributed in the media. In
my opinion, this is a small victory for the Ukrainian military, since Berdyansk
is on the way from the Crimea to the besieged Mariupol.
1. With the aid of
With the aid of artificial intelligence, scientist has developed methods that
can help make drug design cheaper and faster.
2. A sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported
3. When investigating
When investigating the trend at other sites in Europe the picture is more
· #447
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:25)
Today I read the article about a new research analysis conducted by the
University of Portsmouth, a High Court jury can determine when someone is lying,
even if they are wearing a face mask. It was concluded that face masks do not
interfere with jury decision-making. Facial expressions and other forms of
nonverbal behavior are unreliable indicators of deception, and masking these
actions improves jurors' ability to distinguish truth from lies. I consider it
very good news that the precautions regarding COVID19 will not hurt the trial.
· #446
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:24)
Today I read the article "Canada's Connectivity Gap, Leaving Rural, Remote and
Indigenous Communities even further behind." This highlights the current problem
in Canadian society, there is a certain gap in ties. This fact has many
disadvantages, including poor delivery of education and healthcare to remote and
rural regions. It also hinders the reconciliation of the economy, the low level
of participation of indigenous communities. The authorities plan to provide
ultra-fast communication networks in these communities, assessing social,
economic, and other political problems. As for me, it is now necessary to have
access to the Internet, wherever you are, to improve the quality of life of
those who need it, and integrate the economy of the whole country.
Phrase of the day
1) performed with
All device management is performed with a single function button Fire.
2) column represents
Figures in this column represent the value of all services
3) under certain assumptions
For example, under certain assumptions, there is a way to solve the problem
· #445
Horbachova Sasha IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:05)
Today I have read the article which called "RIVERS: How Feminist Practices
Protect the Planet". In this article was talking about global problems as global
warming, environmental pollution and others. In general, this article talked
about a new meaning for me, like "Ecological feminism". Ecological feminism is
an ideology and movement that views climate change and gender equality as
intrisically related issues that are both tied to masculine dominance
perpetuated by the patriarchy and capitalism and calls attention to the way
women are disproportionately impacted by environmental issues. This article was
fascinating and i think everyone should read it.
· #444
Horbachova Sasha IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 11:04)
Today I have read the article which called "Anti-Asian discrimination on the
rise in Canada, says sociologist". In this article was talking Anti-Asian
discrimination in Canada because of COVID-19. Researchers have found out that by
February, when Canada had just eight confirmed cases of COVID-19, the Canadian
Chinese community was already taking precautions by staying home from
restaurants and wearing face masks and self-isolating. I really liked this
article Chinese people have experienced historical systemic discrimination they
were always laughed at, joked about their eyes, and after covid they began to be
even more discriminated against. I recommend read this.
Phrases of the Day
1) with the aid of
With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
intelligence, all of these factors were analyzed jointly and simultaneously
2) a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported
3) when investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
· #443
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:59)
How Science News has a training ground for young science journalists
Today I have read the article about a news organisation that has become a
proving ground for young science journalists. The purpose of the article is to
give some information to the reader about the internship processes at the news
organisation. The author begins by describing her memories of her internship at
Science News. Much attention is given to the former editor-in-chief, who
continued to visit the office and gave the right advice. The article goes on to
say about Edwin Slosson, who made a major contribution to the development of
science journalism. I encourage you to read this article.
Phrase of the day
1 performed with
All device management is performed with a single function button Fire.
2 column represents
Figures in this column represent the value of all services
3 under certain assumptions
For example, under certain assumptions, there is a way to solve the problem
Covid-19 mass media campaign should be aired during TV prime time, says SOS
Today I've read the article about a media campaign to inform people about the
safety and availability of the vaccine. The aim of the article is to give some
information to readers about the need for vaccination through a campaign in the
local news in southern Africa. The author begins by reporting on the fourth wave
of covid that is coming to South Africa and the local people's distrust of the
vaccine. The article goes on to describe a solution to the problem. I recommend
an interesting and informative article to read.
· #442
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:59)
Today I have read the article called " Is your phone listening to your
Yesterday you were talking about a new purchase, and the next day you come
across an ad with the same product. Weird, aren't you being bugged? Actually,
no, because we provide all the information we need ourselves. Most of us
regularly provide our data to a wide variety of sites and applications. The most
popular ones in the article are the "cookies" that we provide or allow them to
track our online activities.
In my opinion, this is a tricky system, but it helps us see what we are
interested in.
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Today i have read the article which called "Computer simulation brings us closer
to schools of fishlike underwater research drones". In this article was talking
about research on fish and their behavior in flocks, which will then help us
create underwater technologies for studying the ocean. I think this is an
interesting article.It was very interesting to know that small fish swimming in
a school can sense the position and tail beat of their neighbors as water
pressure variation on the side of their bodies. I think there's a lot more to
explore in the ocean. I recommend to read.
· #441
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:54)
sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
2. with the aid of
With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
intelligence, all of these factors were analyzed jointly and simultaneously
3. when investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
Today I have read the article “Prehistoric humans rarely mated with their
cousins». It tells us that now more than 10 percent of all global marriages
occur among cousins, which is acceptable in some societies and inadmissible in
others. During the study researchers have investigated ancient humans that lived
during the last 45,000 years and found out that they rarely choose their cousins
as mate. To analyze this, scientists developed a new tool to screen ancient DNA
for parental relatedness, which compares copies from the mother and from the
father. However, this system is not really reliable as all DNA from bones are
thousands of years old and their quality is low for such technological methods.
To my mind, this article is extremely useful as now we understand that all our
thoughts about prehistoric humans and their lives were wrong.
· #440
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:54)
Today I have read the article “Why young people commit crime and how moral
education could help”. It tells us about the research, which proved that young
people are more likely to carry out violent acts if they have weak empathy,
shame and guilt, and if they tend to think that violence is acceptable. It was
mentioned that personal factors , such self-control or social disadvantage may
also influence the frequency of crime. As is known , it all starts from
childhood, since at this time children follow in the footsteps of their parents
and other people, who surround them.
To my mind, this problem has reached its peak, but the number of cases of
student violence and crime is only increasing every day, that’s why moral
education as a subject should be added to school and university curricula.
· #439
Grodska E. to Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:52)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. Well done.
· #438
Grodska E. to Drozd Olga IJ-212, Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:51)
The tasks Phrases of the day were performed completely correct. Thank you for your commentaries.
· #437
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:50)
Phrases of the day
- when investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
- with the aid of
With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
intelligence, all of these factors were analyzed jointly and simultaneously.
- a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
Today I have read the article "How sanctions on Russia play out for the world".
The main purpose of this article is to introduce an interactive tool that allows
to consider and evaluate some of the possible options for the effects of
international sanctions in different countries. This combination of economic
models provides two scenarios. The first concerns the current consequences of
the economic shock, the second - further forecasts and hypothetical bans. Also,
each user has the opportunity to independently impose their own sanctions and
see how they work. In my opinion, such a technique will help to more clearly
illuminate and visualize the effectiveness of the impact of economic bans in
real time.
Today I have read the article "Climate change: Extreme weather warning systems
for all". This article is about the recently developed WMO system for protecting
the whole world from emerging sudden weather and climate disasters. It is
assumed that the plan can achieve its goal within 5 years. Experts argue that
the number of extreme weather events has recently increased significantly, so
such measures are simply necessary to reduce casualties. According to WMO
estimates, the project involves high costs for funding organizations, but it is
predicted that this type of expenditure pays off in a very short time. I think
that this will be quite difficult to implement at the proper level, but I hope
that the mechanism will help to avoid risks and ensure minimal damage.
· #436
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:48)
I have read the article "Measuring Einstein's photoelectric effect: The time it
takes for an electron to be released".
The article tells about there almost a century ago, Albert Einstein won Nobel
Prize in Physics for his work on the photoelectric effect.
Scientists have identified the photoelectric effect in molecules extensively.
But, scientists haven’t yet determined its evolution over time in an
experimental measurement.
I think this these measurements are not only interesting for fundamental
research in the field of physics.
In the future, such experiments could also help to understand chemical reaction
dynamics better.
· #435
Grodska E. to Goncharuk Inga IJ-212, Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:47)
Thank you for your active work. Well done
· #434
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:47)
Today I have read the article "Police reporting can undermine domestic violence
victims, language analysis shows".
The article tells about there today in The Conversation on the language used in
police reports of domestic violence. Could this be contributing to high
attrition rates?
Excellent article to make us aware of this problem. That's why international
campaigns like Orange the World by UN Women - which starts today keep being
necessary. We need everyone to help stop violence against women and to take it
seriously when women report abuse.
Phrases of the Day:
1) a sharp rise
The sharp rise in domestic demand in the region was reflected in a rising volume
of goods and services imports.
2) with the aid of
The challenge of proper completion can best be met with the aid of competent,
dedicated, well-motivated staff.
3) When investigating
When investigating such a problem, the inspector also relies on the testimony of
a person whom the agency refused to look for employment or other paid work.
· #433
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:46)
Today I've read the article named"China bans 'fake news' created with AI, bots".
The main theme of this text is:"fake "AI" news".China is trying to settle down
the situation with fake news. They are trying to accept new laws for the
deepfakes and other AI content that can be misunderstanded by people.
China's top legislative body said earlier this year it was considering making
deepfake technology illegal. I think that laws are making sense in some
situations but in other situations like internet culture it can be too
strict,and it means that this laws need a serious improvements.
1)a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
2)when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
3)with the aid of
With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
intelligence, all of these factors were analyzed jointly and simultaneously.
Today I have read the article "Tokyo, as you've never seen it before". The
article tells about a miniaturised scale version of one of the world's biggest
capitals, displaying everything from sea levels to population densities. Pairing
a 3-D model with projection mapping, project aims to display information about
the Japanese capital in different and visually arresting ways. The project
covering 13 of Tokyo's 23 districts is intended to help researchers and private
developers think about the city. Visitors can spot landmarks and endless
apartment blocks in precise 3-D detail. I liked the article because it tells
very interesting and useful information.
· #432
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:45)
Your independent practice is quite good.
· #431
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:44)
Phrases of the day
1. With the aid of
With the aid of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the researchers were able to
show that the extent of methane formation directly relates to metabolic
2. A sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbours.
3. When investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
Today I have read the article “Pan-European 'supergrid' could cut 32% from
energy costs”. The study about possibility of cutting almost the third of the
energy coasts compared to current approach was made by UCD Energy Institute. The
main point is that existing transmission system doesn’t fit Europe`s energy
future. That is why there should be a new one, made of renewable resources, and
investments should be directed into it. One of the most important consequences
is that emission could decrease, too. I believe, in case of popularizing this
thought, community will be able to achieve decarbonisation targets and
international climate efforts won`t be undermined.
Today I have read the article “A security technique to fool would-be cyber
attackers”. Nowadays the fact of being your own guard and fighter against
malicious programs in order to save personal data has become a wide-spread
thing. Usually it`s us who allows information to leak by resource sharing or
sharing our devices with others. One way to prevent bad outcomes is to allow
only one program to use the memory controller at a time, but this dramatically
slows down computation. To my mind, there exist many variants how to protect
something personal and not to suffer from slow work of devices. This question
just needs some more attention to pay, and then you could feel confident.
· #430
Grodska E. to Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:44)
The tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct. Your commentaries on the article are good.
· #429
Grodska E. to Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:41)
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #428
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Saturday, 26 March 2022)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your tasks. Good luck
· #427
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:37)
1) When investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
2) a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
difficulties, the Times of India reported.
Today I read one important article "Stress can cause heart attacks. Could
tackling workplace bullying save lives?". It is very rightly said that
psychological factors are an underestimated risk factor for heart attack.
Cardiovascular disease is more common in those who experience a lot of stress.
One reason for a possible heart attack could be bullying at work. The article
clearly explains what to do in such a situation, whom to contact and how to help
yourself. You should never tolerate a bad attitude towards yourself, because
first of all you need to think about yourself and your mental and physical
· #426
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:35)
To Voloschuk,IG-212. The only mistake in your written comment is in the third sentence. I have already told you that there is no need to use " on" after' touches" ,it should be :"The author touches the topic...". I would advise you not to be in a hurry while recording your voice message to avoid making mistakes"previous, wiping, etc.". Best wishes
· #425
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:35)
Word of the day and source
•a sharp rise
Why has this tiny island seen a sharp rise in shark bites?
•When investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
Commentary and source
Today I read an article about, unfortunately, an almost unknown movie "Avatar".
I do not in vain used the introductory word of sadness "unfortunately", because
it really costs attention: bright special effects, an interesting world and
battles that are tightened. In addition, something new is always interesting.
This article gives basic information about the foreform. Just enough, in order
to interest: a little about the plot and a little about the film itself.
This is another film, thanks to which you immerse yourself in childhood: I
remember how the dad looked on TV. Ears and eyes were completely there, in the
TV screen.
Word of the day and source
•with the aid of
The researchers combined the power of the most advanced telescopes, such as HST
and GTC, with the aid of "natural telescopes".
Commentary and source
Although the articles about something else is always good, but also you should
not forget about serious literature. Today, for my study, an article on
architecture was born.
In school, I did not like this topic, for, as usual, it happens, everything
unknown seems difficult. Architecture enters this list.
In the material there is information on architecture as a whole, about the
architecture of the ancient world, in the Christian era and even about the new
Although there is little information, because this is the base, but very, very
much useful content.
· #424
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:29)
Media as an Instrument of Control vs. Media as an Agent of Change
Today I’ve read an article about how the media is used as a control tool. The
text explains that the media in many countries are used by the government for
propaganda purposes. The article also highlights that media representatives in
many countries work tirelessly and courageously to report and publish
information in accordance with their conscience, and not in accordance with the
dictates of the establishment. The author also emphasizes that the media cannot
always be objective, since sponsorship and advertising revenues are the basis of
the media. Therefore, the goal should be to be as objective and independent as
possible. I liked this article.
Phrathes of the day:
1) The number of refugees from Ukraine a sharp rise due to active hostilities.
2) When investigating the problem of deforestation in the Carpathians, a rather
deplorable picture emerges.
3) I solved this problem with the aid of speed formula.
Today I’ve read an article about the viability of print media.
The article emphasizes that print media still has a future despite the advent of
the digital age. The main premise of the article is that while consumers are
reading digital news for real-time needs, they are reading newspapers for views
and opinions that digital and visual media often cannot provide in a 24/7 rich
coverage model. The rest of the article outlines the strategies that print media
should follow to stay afloat.
The author also emphasizes that print media should focus on high-quality
content. I learned a lot from this article and I'm going to use this knowledge
in the future
· #423
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:28)
Name: Solutions journalism digs deeper
Today I have read article "Solutions journalism digs deeper" was wrote by Kaia
Sand about studying national data on foster care placement stability and
disruptions. Read this article i think that is really painful for homeless
children to move every time from one family to another. It is because of their
pain of being in those places fore children which are homeless. Also, I think
that a lot of exiting moments in new family will make children smile and think
that they are in a write moment and in a write place. The author touches on an
important topic, be sure to read.
1) a sharp rise
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
2) when investigating
The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating alleged offences
relating to these items.
3) with the aid of
And then, with the aid of my newfound power...
Name: Radio and television
Today I have read the article "Radio and television" the author talks about the
emergence of radio and television in the United States. It was surprising to
learn that radio originated 100 years ago and was mostly listened to for
entertainment purposes just as it is now, and it was not until the 1930s that it
became popular. When television appeared (in the 1940s), this event brought huge
profits to Americans distributing commercials, as one commercial was valued at
$100,000 or more. This article is worth attention, a great example of a
situation where people's labors were eventually appreciated, even though they
had no expectations.
· #422
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:25)
To Bortnik,IG-211. You have forgotten to use definite articles in your comments (#417) before the word "article' in the first sentences. Read my previous remarks,pls.
· #421
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 10:05)
To Andreeva,IG-211.Pls read my remarks attentively to avoid making the same mistakes.Definite articles"the" should be used before the word "article"in the first sentences in both your comments.I have already told you that you can't use"she" instead of the word"article' as it's an inanimated noun , you can substitute it by "it". Your voice message leaves much to be desired, it's full of mispronounced words (phycology, article, author etc). Good luck
· #420
Petrova E.I. (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:52)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #419
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:51)
The title of the article is "Journalism needs an audience to survive, but it's
not sure how to win its loyalty." The author is Jacob L. Nelson. The article
touches on the topic of print media funding and audience engagement. With the
advent of the Internet, revenues for journalists have dropped from $60 billion
to $20 billion, wiping out the gains of the previous 50 years." Thus,
authorities want to restore the relevance and profitability of print media so as
not to kill the print business altogether. In my opinion, this problem is acute
and needs to be solved.
· #418
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:48)
To Bortnik,IG_211. Your written comments are done well. You should improve your voice messages, I advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Best of luck
· #417
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:47)
Phrases of the day
1)with the aid of
With the aid of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis
2) a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors
3)when investigating
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials
Article :
Today I have read the article «radio”. I realized that the radio is not only
where you can listen to music and news in the car and in different places. Radio
allows you to transfer information from one place to another through
intermediate media (eg air, space, non-conductive materials) without wires.
Radio is used not only to transmit sound and television signals, but also to
transmit data in coded form. In the form of a radar, it is also used to send
signals and pick up their reflections from objects in their path.
The title of the article :”forest”
Today I have read the article «forest” for me, this article seemed very
interesting, because of the existence of forests, our atmosphere becomes much
cleaner. Forests are often home to many animal and plant species. Forests
sometimes contain many tree species in only a small area, or relatively few
species in large areas.Forests cover 30 percent of the entire land area of our
planet. It's a shame when people set fire to forests and cut down for their own
purposes. Deforestation leads to the disappearance of wild animals and rare
· #416
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) Homework (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:44)
Today I read an article called "There's More To Personality Than A Test Score".
She tells us about the features of the results of psychological tests and the
real picture of them in life. The author of the article considers this from the
point of view that all people change over time, and test results cannot remain
unchanged. Moreover, our behavior changes depending on the situation, experience
and time. The most important conclusion is that personality is a complex
phenomenon, versatile, than just a test result. That is why I recommend reading
and familiarizing yourself with this article.
· #415
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:38)
To Slobodzyan,IG-211. I wonder what you have posted. All your messages have nothing to do with comments. I will try to explain you as to your work. You have to choose an article connected with your specialty and write a comment on it. As to your voice message , unfortunately not a single word is pronounced there property. Good luck
· #414
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:38)
Social media crackdowns during the war in Ukraine make the interests less global
Today I have read the article on the repression of social media during the war
in Ukraine, which makes the internet less global. The purpose of the article is
to give some information to the reader about the role that social media plays in
conflicts. The author begins by describing about the authorities' use of social
media as a weapon. This is followed by an interview that Science News conducted
with political scientist Thomas Zeitzoff and research centre director Joan
Donovan. They answered questions regarding the use of social media during the
war in Ukraine. I encourage you to read it.
Phrase of the day
1 under certain assumptions
Under certain assumption, the company's shares may fall.
1 turns out
In fact, it turns out he didn’t write this work.
2 justified that
Sometimes the risk is justified and has a chance of success.
3 turns out
In fact, it turns out he didn’t write this work.
Does social media impact our mental health, or is it a ‘people problem’
Today I’ve read an article about the impact of social media on people's lives.
The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information about whether
social media affects people's mental health or whether it is a problem of the
people themselves. The author begins by reporting data from a study that showed
that the social media platform Instagram worsens the perception of one's own
body among teenagers. The author goes on to cite the following social media
platforms that are harmful to teenagers. The author also shows the opposite
view. I advise you to read it.
· #413
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:36)
Phrases of the day
1)with the aid of
With the aid of a new measuring scale structure and different suspension points
of the same engine.
2)when investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures.
3)a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
countries and their neighbors.
Today I read an article called "Psychogenic Shivers: Why We Get The Chills When
We Aren't Cold". She tells us about the causes and the very mechanism of the
occurrence of trembling in the body, those goosebumps that we feel. In many
ways, the author of the article cites as an example a situation where people are
united by a common cause. For example, singing a hymn, group movement for a
common idea, and the like. Specifically, during what is important to us or
somehow influenced our feeling. Very interesting article, which I advise
everyone to read.
· #412
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:29)
Link to the article:
The title of the article: “What kind of journalism and publishing jobs are
Today I’ve read an article about what professions exist in the field of
journalism and it turned out to be very interesting. There were seven of them: a
broadcast journalist, a commissioning editor, a junior designer, a sales
representative, an publicity/marketing manager, an editorial assistant, a
reporter / staff writer. For all professions, requirements and a description of
what this profession is like are described. Of course, each of them is useful
and interesting in its own way. I recommend this article for those future
journalists who cannot decide what kind of journalism they want to work in.
Phrases of the Day
1)with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Ми розрізаємо скло за допомогою нашого звукового ножа.
2) when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
Поліція надала опис слідчих дій, які зазвичай передбачають під час розслідування
справи про зґвалтування.
3) a sharp rise
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed.
Різке зростання кліматичних мігрантів може погіршити відносини між розвиненими
Link to the article:
The title of the article: “What is role of investigative journalism”
The headline of the article I have read is «What is role of investigative
journalism». The purpose of the aricle is to give the reader some information
about investigative journalism, what is the function of investigative journalism
for society, what should be its purpose and why? According to the article, a
survey was conducted, and most people gave their answers to the question about
investigative journalism. I got acquainted with all the opinions of people and I
can say that all the answers are worthy of attention, since they are all
interesting and I learned new information for myself.
· #411
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:28)
Article of the day :
1)With the aid of this information, we can write the perfect article.
2)The demand for this product a sharp rise in the current situation.
3)When investigations this book, we learned new facts about Ancient Greece.
Specialty sites and corporate hypocrisy: Journalism worth paying attention to.
Writer : By Albert Hunt , Opinion Contribution.
The author talks about the role of newspapers in people's lives, about a number
of large news organizations that do excellent investigations and are responsible
for them, about staff reductions and the impact of this on journalism.
Also in the article, the author draws attention to the list of publications that
use hypocrisy and lies in their articles, as well as those organizations that
are fighting to be held accountable. Further, the author gives a large number of
examples of companies that can be an example for others.
I believe that corporations, of course, have the right to submit information -
even if it is hypocritical, but they must be responsible.
Vocaroo :
36 blogs by journalists, for journalists.
Posted: 26 January 2022 By: Sarah Marshall, Fern McErlane
This article provides a list of blogging journalists, blogging reporters, and
academic blogging journalism. This is a list of blogs in which journalists share
their opinions on various social networks, data journalism, and the latest
developments in this topic.
The article is divided into an introduction (where it is indicated that the
article was published back in 2013 and updated nine years later due to changes)
and five points - General, Journalism academics and educators, Photo and video
journalists, Data, Media companies. In each of which journalists are painted and
briefly basic information about them.
This work is very interesting to read, because it can help aspiring journalists
and show the work and journalists to aspire to.
Vocaroo :
· #410
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:27)
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « Top 5 National Parks in the World». The article
talks about the five most popular and beautiful parks in the world. All these
parks are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Lists
The first of the top is the Grand Canyon National Park. Located in Arizona in
the US, this national park attracts up to 5 million visitors a year.
Next is Great Barrier Reef National Park. Due to environmental and climatic
problems, coral reefs are threatened with extinction, but so far they can still
please tourists.
The third of the top is Kaziranga National Park. The park is located in India.
It is popular because it is home to wild tigers and lions, rhinos and elephants.
Manu National Park and Kruger National Park are next two.
· #409
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:27)
Homework (15.04.2022)
Today I've read the article about London is the capital of Great Britain, its
political, economic and cultural centre. It’s one of the largest cities in the
world. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the
river Thames. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. London is an
ancient city. It appeared at the place where the Roman invaders decided to build
a bridge over the Thames. There are four parts in London: West End, East End,
the City and Westminster.The City is the oldest part of London, its financial
and business centre.
· #408
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) Homework (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:27)
Phrases of the day:
A sharp rise
1. With jobs being cut, there has been a sharp rise in unemployment.
With the aid of
2. The sawing may be performed in the traditional mechanical mode, as well as
with the aid of laser equipment.
When investigating
3. But there are things that have to be said when we investigate a murder or
I'll get in trouble.
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « The Happiest Countries on Every Continent». The
authors of the article have compiled the top countries where the happiness index
of citizens is highest.
Finland took the first place. Outdoor exercise and physical activity are very
common in this country. It also has the best education and healthcare system in
the world. There is also a very low crime rate.
Canada was in second place. The authors conducted a survey and found out that
residents there determine their happiness by income level. And the income level
in this country is quite high. It also supports the development of youth and
pensioners, creates comfortable living conditions for all inclusive citizens.
Taiwan came in third place. There, the level of happiness is measured by life
expectancy, social support and economic factors. Also, these indicators are
influenced by the love of preserving tradition and family -many families live in
communities there.
· #407
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:26)
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « Celebration as the Oscars ceremony returns to
The article says that this year the Oscar ceremony will be held with its usual
scope and grandiose shows. The article consists of comments from stylists,
jewelry designers and costume assistants. They talk about their impressions of
the news that the Oscar ceremony is coming back.
By tradition, the ceremony will be held at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles. An
event of this magnitude has always attracted crowds of tourists who want to see
the red carpet in front of the theater. Not far from the theater there is the
Hollywood Museum-the Museum of Theater and Cinema. It is also very popular with
In the 21st year, the ceremony was held very modestly due to covid restrictions.
· #406
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:25)
Class work
The title of the article is "Stopping misinformation means fixing the
relationship between journalism and PR." The author of the article is Jagris
Hodson. The main idea of the article is the balance between journalism and PR.
When that balance shifts in favor of public relations, it becomes harder for the
public to trust the news. The author believes that journalism now relies more
and more on PR to survive, so steps must be taken to strengthen and build
independent journalism. I find this article relevant and useful because it
pushes the necessary changes for a better future.
Phrases of the Day
1. when investigating
However, it is often difficult to determine the exact source of ignition when
investigating after an explosion.
2. with the aid of
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
3. sharp rise
In the course of the nineteenth century, there was a sharp rise in industrial
The title of the article is "The Influence of Social Media: Are They
Irreplaceable?" Unfortunately, the author of the article is not listed. The main
idea of the article is that nowadays people cannot exist without the Internet.
Thanks to it, there are many new channels for transmitting information. The text
mentions Facebook as the most popular of all social networks. But everything is
not so simple, more and more there is information that Facebook misinforms
people and also does not provide complete privacy of consumer data. I find this
article interesting and relevant for social media users.
· #405
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) Homework (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:25)
Phrases of the day:
A sharp rise
1. A sharp rise in audience interest allowed the speaker to continue the story.
With the aid of
2. He no longer doubted that his wife, with the aid of the Evil One, controlled
the winds and the post sledges.
When investigating
3. When the cops investigate, they'll discover you're a murderer.
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article «Spotify stops streaming in Russia over safety
Spotify is a music streaming platform. Podcasts and news also occupy part of the
The authors of the article report that Spotify is ceasing its work on the
territory of Russia because of the new law about fakes. The Russian government
has introduced a new law on fake news about the war in Ukraine. This undermines
the safety of listeners and Spotify’s employees.
The new law almost completely prohibits telling the truth about the war and
threatens with a prison term of 5 to 15 years.
Spotify is not the only global company that has stopped working in Russia.
TikTok and Netflix platforms, McDonald's and KFS and other global brands have
also stopped their activities.
· #404
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:24)
Today I read the article “Kids Ages 3 and Up Think YouTube is Better for
Learning Than Other Types of Video”. It explains that YouTube videos are a
better way to learn than TV shows or videos. During the study, children were
asked to look at an image and guess where it came from. : TV, YouTube or
smartphone. As a result, kids recognize You Tube as the most trusted resource,
knowing that sometimes characters are fictional.
In conclusion, I want to say one hundred You Tube is a good way to watch all
kinds of educational programs, especially during quarantine.
Phrases of the day
1) Yes, with the aid of the machine, he could control us all.
2) when investigating this item i have some questions
3)These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
Today I have read an article on the topic
“ News and journalism 'more popular than ever' as journalists outnumber. “It
says that journalism is now more popular than ever. These findings were based on
the analysis of British scientists, who believed that there are more journalists
in England now than ever. said that the altar pandemic, people began to read the
news even more. And making calculations, scientists considered that people trust
television and magazines more than social networks.
In making a conclusion, I want to say that journalism is dissipating and there
are more and more specialists.
· #403
Borysenko (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:22)
To Moskalyk,IG-211. I would ask you to read my remarks attentively to avoid making the same mistakes Definite articles should be used before the word"article"in the first sentences (#384,385,386)and the indefinite article in#387.I would like to know your own thoughts as to the articles. Your voice messages are very poor as there are many mispronounced words (convention, climate, temperature etc.). I would strongly recommend you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Best wishes
· #402
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:21)
Today I've read the article about Ukraine is a picturesque country with many
rivers and seas. Most of Ukraine’s rivers are longer than 100 km. The Dnieper,
the Dniester, the Danube, the Southern Buh, the Seversky Donets and the Tysa are
the largest among Ukrainian rivers. In general Ukraine’s rivers belong to the
basins of the Black and Azov Seas. Only the Western Buh and some other rivers
flow into the Baltic Sea. Most of Ukraine’s rivers flow slowly in wide valley.
Rivers flowing off the Carpathians and Crimean Mountains are narrow, shallow and
with the aid of
with the aid of schematic drawing
When investigating
when investigating disease outbreaks
a sharp rise
a sharp rise the mountain
Today I've read the article about Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of
Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River.
The name Kyiv is derived from the name of Kiy, one of four legendary founders of
the city.By the ancient legend Kyiv was founded by three brothers Kiy, Schek,
Khoriv and their sister Lybid. They were surprised by the beauty of Dnieper’s
hills, stopped to settle here and called the town in honour of the eldest
brother-Kyiv. A monument to the founders was erected at the Dnieper embankment
in our days.
· #401
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:16)
Phrases of the day
1)when investigating
Looking at a system without having to destroy it is very useful when
investigating structures
2)with the aid of
With the aid of machine learning
3) a sharp rise
Hospitals were reporting a sharp rise in patients complaining of breathing
Article :
“endangered species”
Today I have read the article "endangered species". Because it is close to me, I
study the communication of animals, I am interested in different species, I feed
stray animals. And I began to be interested in rare species of animals, because
everyone is used to dogs, cats, etc. But people do not know how many interesting
varieties there are. At the moment, people are not at all interested in what is
happening with animals, etc. And this article will help people open their eyes
and start helping animals at least a little.
Climate Change and Global Warming"
Today I have read the article "Climate Change and Global Warming". The climate
is by nature, but with changes over the years, human activity manifests itself
on it: with
emissions of gases into the atmosphere, pollution of the environment and oceans,
etc. An action similar to global warming, as a result of which the temperature
on the Earth will rise by about 3 ° C to 5 ° C and the sea level will rise, as a
result of the melting of ice matter. In addition, they arise due to
characteristic features, tornadoes, droughts, floods and other natural phenomena
· #400
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:15)
Today I've read an article written at the University of Helsinki "understanding
media control in the digital age". The authors of this article reflect on the
occupation of large sources and platforms of information. The main problem of
the time-based media space is the politicization of the media and the spread of
so-called "trolls".Citing various well-known examples from different countries,
they show that the media are forced to adhere to one political side, while the
media themselves defend neutrality. I think this article is useful because it
highlights important issues for the modern world.
Phrases of the day:
1) when investigating
The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating alleged offences
relating to these items.
Поліція має повноваження проводити обшуки та виїмки під час розслідування
ймовірних правопорушень, пов’язаних із цими предметами.
2) with the aid of
With the aid of the machine, he could control us all.
За допомогою машини він міг керувати нами всіма.
3) a sharp rise
This sharp rise in poverty was caused by persistent economic difficulties.
Таке різке зростання бідності було викликано постійними економічними труднощами.
Today I've read the article "US journalism has become more subjective". It tells
that U.S.-based journalism has gradually shifted away from objective news and
offers more opinion-based content that appeals to emotion and relies heavily on
argumentation and advocacy.
In an analysis on news discourse, researchers found that the changes occurred
over a 28-year-period as journalism expanded such as newspapers and broadcast
networks, to newer media, such as 24-hour cable channels and digital outlets.
The findings point to a gradual and subtle shift over time and between old and
new media toward a more subjective form of journalism that is grounded in
personal perspective.
· #399
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:12)
The title of the article is "Forget Facebook: Four Publishers Share Tips for
Increasing Audience on Other Social Platforms. The author is Elliott Brennan.
The article talks about the fact that there are many new platforms for
publishing news and journalism. According to the author, Facebook is an outdated
platform that has outlived its usefulness, and it is much more promising to blog
on the new current platforms Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. The article
gives the necessary tips for promoting an account and attracting an audience.
The article is useful for both the younger generation and experienced
· #398
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:01)
Homework With the aid of artificial stem cells, it will soon be possible to
establish new treatment
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
In 2019, Bolsonaro's first year in office, a sharp rise in Amazon fires
Morning is the beginning of the day and how we spend it determines the rest of
the day. Morning is the backlog of our mood, physical condition, spiritual
uplift, new achievements and successful deeds.
· #397
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:00)
Title: "The death of the newsroom means the end of journalism as we know it"
Today I have read the article about interesting journalist.
He has watched the film and told about his reactions to readers. Thanks to this
film, he has having run newspapers and dealt with the non-editorial hierarchy –
and now he knows how they think. It’s not easy, but journalists are not afraid
to challenge, to ask awkward questions – that’s what they do for a living. It’s
uncomfortable – which is why they make the editor do their work.
In conclusion, author recommended to make no mistakes, because something
profound could be lost and we will be poorer.
· #396
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:58)
Title: 'No Room For Journalism': Russia's Independent Regional Press Fights To
Survive Under Wartime Conditions
Today I have read the article about russian journalism.
Recently, the state media monitor Roskomnadzor has forbidden Russian media from
using the words "war" or "invasion" in connection with the attack on Ukraine.
After that, the State Duma passed an additional bill that would criminalize the
dissemination of "false information” - punishments of up to 15 years in prison.
It has recently become clear that independent media may soon disappear. Russian
journalists could not work more. Every next step turns into a walk in a
In conclusion, there is no more room for independent journalism in Russia.
Phrases of the day:
1. with the aid of
Students return to the field with the aid of museum travel awards.
2. a sharp rise
China reports sharp rise in COVID-19 cases.
3. when investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
· #395
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:58)
Today I have read the article about the Australian media industry that lost
5,000 journalists to survive - what does that mean for those who left and those
who stayed? Between 2012 and 2016, thousands of Australian journalists lost
their jobs in mass layoffs as the industry struggled to survive. Most of the
layoffs took place in the print media, as they historically employed the largest
number of journalists. Breaking traditional business models and rushing to find
a new one was widely discussed from a financial point of view. Senior
journalists were encouraged to lay off because they received higher salaries. I
recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
2.This right might be restricted, as specified by legislation, to prevent crime
or to find out true facts when investigating criminal case.
3.The distribution of liquid cleaners also ceased, thus precipitating a sharp
rise in their prices.
Today I have read the article about how restoring accuracy will help journalism
regain trust. There are several threats to the credibility of the media. One is
cutting senior newsroom staff and removing people from key positions such as
sub-editing - a key competence as sub-editors made sure articles were edited and
reviewed. Companies made these cuts because they are not making the profits they
used to, and social media is growing - and growing along with it. For example,
there are over 20 million Facebook users in South Africa today. Many South
Africans, especially those in the middle class, rely on Twitter for most of
their news. I recommend to read this article.
· #394
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:56)
Link to the
California Bill Aims to Make Tech Firms Liable for Social-Media Addiction in
After reading the article we can say that it is quite interesting and
informative. The Internet is always a topical issue. In California, she
introduced a bill aimed at bringing technology companies to justice for
dependence on social media that could affect children. Indeed, this is a
significant step forward, because many children are addicted to the Internet.
This bill will allow parents and guardians to sue their complaints on the
platform. This will hold companies accountable, whether or not they
intentionally created their products to be addictive. The main task is to ensure
that all children are healthy and not addicted to the Internet.
Phrases of the day:
1. Pilot study presentation of a new bill.
2. Poorly understood bringing companies to justice.
3. Flow chart about the responsibility of the social media platform to children.
Link to the article:
Upwork Study Says 19 Million Americans Plan On Relocating Due To Remote Work—Is
This Likely Now That Omicron Subsided?
Today it is quite convenient to work at home. In the United States, a survey was
conducted among people on which 10 percent or 20 million Americans said they
plan to move away from remote work. At the time of the pandemic, many people
lost their jobs or were forced to work from home for the sake of their health.
For a long time, everyone worked fruitfully and got used to this regime. During
this time, all employees have been highly productive, profitable companies, and
until recently the stock market has reached historic highs, demonstrating the
success of the remote work model. Remote work motivates us to improve.
· #393
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:55)
The title of the article:How Science News has been a training ground for young
science journalists
Today I have read an article about how "Science news" helps young journalists
open up. In the article, the girl shares with us how the internship goes and
what main advice she received from eminent journalists. We will also learn about
the history of the publication, and believe me, it is impressive. The article
details what science journalism has gone through and who gave it a breath of
fresh air. In the end, I can say that the article will hook any journalist,
interesting facts, tips, secrets, you will find everything here, I recommend
Phrases of the day:
A sharp rise
1.A sharp rise in price forced the entire network of the company to leave the
Різке піднесення в ціні змусило піти всю мережу компанії з ринку.
With the aid of
2.The helicopters were observed by navigation lights and with the aid of night
vision devices.
Гелікоптери були виявлені за навігаційними вогнями та за допомогою приладів
нічного бачення.
When investigating
3.The Police have powers of search and seizure when investigating alleged
offences relating to these items.
Поліція має повноваження проводити обшук і виїмку під час розслідування
імовірних правопорушень, пов’язаних із цими предметами.
The title of the article:The rise and (maybe) fall of BuzzFeed News — and larger
dreams for digital journalism
Today I have read a rather interesting article about how the publication "Buzz
Feed" made a splash in the journalism market. At first, the publication did not
interest viewers, but later the publication received its first Pulitzer Prize -
for a series of investigations that used satellite images. Unfortunately, not
everything is so smooth, the publication fired more than 200 employees and, as
we can see, is not going to stop. The article is really good, in it you will
find out what difficulties the publication faced and how it interests its
viewers, I recommend reading
· #392
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:51)
Today I have read the article called " Is your phone listening to your
Yesterday you were talking about a new purchase, and the next day you come
across an ad with the same product. Weird, aren't you being bugged? Actually,
no, because we provide all the information we need ourselves. Most of us
regularly provide our data to a wide variety of sites and applications. The most
popular ones in the article are the "cookies" that we provide or allow them to
track our online activities.
In my opinion, this is a tricky system, but it helps us see what we are
interested in.
The Acts provide Police with powers of entry, search and seizure when
investigating suspected offences.
These three components have caused such a sharp rise.
We cut through the glass with the aid of our sonic knife.
Today i have read the article which called "Computer simulation brings us closer
to schools of fishlike underwater research drones". In this article was talking
about research on fish and their behavior in flocks, which will then help us
create underwater technologies for studying the ocean. I think this is an
interesting article.It was very interesting to know that small fish swimming in
a school can sense the position and tail beat of their neighbors as water
pressure variation on the side of their bodies. I think there's a lot more to
explore in the ocean. I recommend to read.
· #391
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:49)
Classwork Preliminary results from a second survey conducted in early 2021
revealed a sharp rise
When investigating how sensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ
the researchers decoded a major step in this process with the aid of the common
Spring came. Hello sunshine. The snow has almost completely melted. Birds chirp
cheerfully on the branches. They rejoice in spring. Spring grass breaks through
the wet ground. Buds swelled on the trees. Soon they will turn into green
· #390
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:46)
Words of the day and sources
•with the aid of
Using high-resolution cryo- electron microscopy, the researchers decoded a major
step in this process with the aid of the common soil bacterium, Bacillus
•When investigating
The police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
included when investigating a rape case.
Commentary and source
Today I read an article on the topic "Old Arbat Street".
The article is very, very small, but with a lot of interesting and useful
information. It seems to me that similar material is provided in tourist
brochures. For tourists like me, and in general for those people who have not
been to similar places or even anywhere, this is very cool.
The material consists of a short history of the street, a comparative
description with New Arbat and, of course, interesting facts.
This material has a very light syllable. So, it can be considered passive
learning of foreign languages.
Words of the day and sources
•a sharp rise
This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
Commentary and source
Today I got acquainted with the article, which from the first seconds of reading
has become a favorite.
It is about the beloved and universe of "Harry Potter."
This universe has made so many people fall in love with itself, and I was no
exception. A pleasant feeling of magic, childhood, comfort.
Returning in a positive direction, I want to say that the material in this
article pleased me with many facts that I did not know about. For example, that
in the USA they renamed the first part of the book series: from "The
Philosopher's Stone" to "The Sorcerer's Stone."
· #389
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:43)
With the aid of a new measuring scale structure and different suspension points
This could prove useful when investigating delicate materials.
Credit: Lindsey Swierk. A team of evolutionary biologists from the University of
Spring came. The sun is shining. The snow has almost completely melted. Birds
chirp cheerfully on the branches. They rejoice in spring. Spring grass breaks
through the wet ground.
· #388
Slobodzyan Kyryllo IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022)
police provided descriptions of the investigative steps that are usually
With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between developed
In the spring, buds swell on the trees and the first leaves bloom. Do you like
to watch how in the spring it wakes up from a winter slumber and nature comes to
life? Spring is the most wonderful time of the year! How good nature is in
· #387
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022)
Today I have read the interesting article about
"August Amazon fires remain near highs under Bolsonaro*. This is a topical issue
for many years. Due to the high temperature, the fire has been going on here for
decades.After deforestation to create a reserve (3860 square miles) - like
Lebanon - the number of fires increased. INPE recorded 30,900 fires in August
2019, up from 10,421 the year before. The cause of these fires is warming and
the amount of precipitation, unfortunately, over time the rainfall is less and
the temperature is higher.
· #386
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:12)
Today I have read the article about " Universal mechanism of methane formation
discovered".Research related to greenhouse gases is quite important today
because any use of these gases leads to global warming. The studies provide,
inter alia, an explanation for why methane is released not only through the
activity of special microorganisms but as observed for quite some time now also
by plants and mushrooms. The current findings are an important step towards
understanding aerobic methane formation in the environment.
Methane contributes to global climate change as a greenhouse gas. That is why
the natural and human-induced causes for its emergence are of special scientific
- The researchers combined the power of the most advanced telescopes, such as
HST and GTC, with the aid of "natural telescopes".
- However, ecologists often overlook parasites when investigating these
interactions, perhaps because parasitology only recently joined the sphere of
ecology, emerging from the medical sciences.
- Preliminary results from a second survey conducted in early 2021 revealed a
sharp rise in discriminatory experiences.
· #385
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:11)
Today I have read the article about " The effect of hemoglobin in mice". This is
an interesting topic that I had never thought of before. Scientists were
surprised to discover that the molecule hemoglobin in the blood works not only
as an oxygen carrier; when blood is spilled as a result of aggression, accident
or predator attack, the molecule also acts as a chemosensory signal for
lactating mother mice, prompting digging or rearing behavior to check the
surrounding environment and keep their offspring safe.This is a strange
phenomenon for me, because I thought that hemoglobin is used in the body only to
transport and saturate the blood with oxygen.
· #384
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Saturday, 26 March 2022 08:10)
Today I have read the article about "climate migration". This problem arose in
the United States because global warming leads to heat and drought, It is likely
to drive a surge in global migration in the coming decades. After a published
government report It found that migrants forced from their homes by
climate-related events are likely to seek refuge in the nearest stable
democratic nations that follow international asylum conventions and where jobs
are plentiful. A sharp rise in climate migrants could strain relations between
developed countries and their neighbors, the report on migration found,
particularly if wealthy countries enact restrictive policies that push people
into countries with fewer resources.
- This is leading to a sharp rise in resignations as workers re-evaluate their
jobs and find new positions offering more money, flexibility and satisfaction.
- With the aid of machine learning, a method from the field of artificial
intelligence, all of these factors were analyzed jointly and simultaneously.
- In my work with Nick Lynn, a former UK domestic violence specialist officer,
we analyzed the language officers used when investigating 18 cases of domestic
· #383
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Friday, 25 March 2022 19:07)
Today l have read the article "Still believe an asteroid killed the dinosaurs?
Think again—new theory suggests". Most scientists believe that the asteroid
caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But a new analysis, by a psychology
professor, suggests that the appearance of toxic plants, and the dinosaurs'
inability to associate the taste of foods, led to a dramatic decline in their
population, even before the asteroid hit. Agniosperms, a plant that produces
toxic defenses, appeared long before the asteroid impact and just before the
dinosaurs began to gradually disappear. But the dinosaurs continued to eat them
despite gastrointestinal distress. In my opinion this article is useful because
this theory is very important and should be known to everyone.
1) practical problems-практичні проблеми
quantum computers are beginning to solve practical problems faster than before-
квантові комп’ютери починають вирішувати практичні проблеми швидше, ніж раніше
2) prevailing view-переважаючий погляд
Although there were expressions of support for the proposal, the prevailing view
was not in favour of the proposed amendment-Незважаючи на те, що пропозиції
прозвучали підтримано, переважала думка не на користь запропонованої поправки.
3) priority research area-пріоритетний напрямок досліджень
One of the priority research areas is the use of vitamins by young people -Одним
із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є використання вітамінів молоддю.
· #382
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Shapa) (Friday, 25 March 2022 19:01)
Some days ago I read the article "Investigating how robot systems can function
better in dynamic environments". Researcher Wouter Houtman investigated the
interaction of robots with their environment and developed algorithms to improve
their movements in "the real world." He investigated by several case studies how
robot systems can function better in environments in which variation is present.
For example: robots that play football, robots that sort plants, and robots that
can assess a person's intentions. Researcher goal was to develop a method which
considers the possibilities as provided by the environment, rather than trying
to estimate the exact path of the person of interest.
1. as to
The Queen group is very interesting, as to them, I can say that they are great.
Група Queen дуже цікава, про них я можу сказати, що вони чудові.
2. proportional to
The strength of my love is proportional to the force of gravity
Сила моєї любові пропорційна силі тяжіння
3. problems inherent in
In the modern world, teenagers have problems inherent in psyche and mental
У сучасному світі у підлітків виникають проблеми, притаманні психіці та
психічному здоров’ю.
· #381
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Friday, 25 March 2022 18:56)
Some days ago I read the article "Researchers find that detail matters for
understanding COVID-19 impacts on electricity use". It tells that in the spring
of 2020, most offices and schools switched to remote work, as a result of which
people began to work and study from their homes. This created changes in the
electrical network. Data from the utility Commonwealth Edison showed that
changes in the daily pattern of electricity demand occurred immediately after
the lockdown began. Before the lockdown, demand typically increased in the early
morning when people were going to work, decreased during the day, and then
increased in the evenings when people returned home . After the emergence of
COVID-19, the team noted proportionally larger and later growth in the morning
and later one in the evening. I believe that this kind of change is important
for the planning of the power grid.
1)case studies- тематичні досліди
One case study in Australia found that more than half of discarded vaccine doses
were the result of mechanical failures in which components of the fridge
Одне тематичне дослідження в Австралії показало, що більше половини викинутих
доз вакцини були наслідком механічних несправностей, у яких вийшли з ладу
компоненти холодильника.
2)multiple levels - багато рівневі
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
3)when compared - якщо порівняти
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
· #380
Stepanenko, IM-191 (Grodska) (Friday, 25 March 2022 18:45)
Some days ago I read the article "New CRISPR element regulates viral defense". I
believe the new approach allows faster characterization of CRISPR immune
systems. CRISPR regulates virus protection. She reveals another mechanism by
which RNA can contribute to immune defense.Beyond providing insights into the
arms race between bacteria and viruses, this newly discovered mechanism could be
used to develop multiplexed CRISPR technologies for the treatment of diseases,
which are caused by a variety of mutations in the genome. In this article, I
learned a lot of useful information, keep up the good work, you are doing great,
thanks for the article.
1) the main objective- основна ціль
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
-Головна мета DDE- полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі
даних через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
2) published in- опублікована в
This study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology. What tasks need to
be done today, and which is the most urgent
-Це дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology. Які завдання
потрібно виконати сьогодні, а які найневідкладніше
3) by means of- за допомогою
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
-Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного
відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
· #379
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:16)
read the article by Michelle Debchak "why there are no green stars". The author
talks about the stars from the point of view of physics. Stars emit light waves
of different lengths, this is what is responsible for the color that we see. The
color can be seen when the wave has peaked. The hot stars are blue, and the old
ones are red. In the middle stars, the peak falls on neutral white. That's why
we won't be able to see the green star. I think this article is informative
because it helps to understand the questions that are not so easy to answer.
· #378
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 14:10)
I have read the article “Equipping crop plants for climate change”.
Sunlight, air and water are all cyanobacteria need to be actual algae and plants
to produce organic compounds and molecular oxygen by photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the main source of building blocks for organisms on Earth. The
group of researchers used a “artificial laboratory evolution” to identify
mutations that allow single-cell cyanobacteria to carry high levels of light.
The cyanobacteria used in the study was derived from the strain of cells that
were grown at low lighting levels. The mutations involved are primarily
influencing the properties of specific proteins, not regulatory mechanisms that
determine how many of the protein is produced. Genetic engineering techniques to
plant production have so far been concentrated on quantitative changes.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice
1)by means of
Mexico had been monitoring international migration by means of a continuous
Survey on Migration in the North Border.—Мексика також здійснює контроль за
міжнародною міграцією за допомогою обстеження з питань міграції, що проводиться
на постійній основі, в північних прикордонних районах країни. 2)published in
UNV newsletters were published in 29 countries and disseminated
widely.-Інформаційні бюлетені ДООН були опубліковані у 29 країнах та широко
поширювалися по всьому світу.
3)the main objective
The international community has come to the conclusion that the main objective
of development should be improving the human condition.—Міжнародне
співтовариство дійшло висновку, що головною метою процесу розвитку має стати
покращення умов життя людей.
· #377
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Ils
doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte,
paraphraser. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!
· #376
Liza Shedelska IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:08)
Essay for 22.03.2022 from the
Today I have read an article called ,,Basketball Mathematics scores big at
inspiring kids to learn".The article says that special experiment was held in
Danish schools in which was developed an interesting methodology for the
qualitative study of mathematics.This experiment consists of integrating a
physical education lesson, that is, basketball and a mathematics lesson.During
classes with Basketball Mathematics, the children had to collect numbers and
perform calculations associated with various basketball exercises. An example
could be counting how many times they could sink a basket from three meters away
vs. at a one-meter distance, and subsequently adding up the numbers.During the
experiment it turned out that this improves the quality of studying
mathematics.Therefore, they want to introduce such lessons once a week so as not
to constantly sit at their desks, I support this decision, it is interesting and
Phrases of the day
1.the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином, основна мета процесу структурної перебудови - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - досягнута.
2.published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їх студія була публікована в журналі Натури Microbiology. means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного
відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
· #375
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:31)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your activity. Good luck
· #374
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:26)
Phrases of the day:
1) the main objective;
The main objective is to make people laugh.
Головне завдання – розсмішити людей.
2) published in;
The article was published in the New York Times.
Стаття була опублікована в New York Times.
3) by means of;
Evolution by means of natural selection is the process by which traits that
enhance survival and reproduction become more common in successive generations
of a population.
Еволюція за допомогою природного відбору — це процес, завдяки якому ознаки, що
сприяють виживанню та розмноженню, стають більш поширеними в наступних
поколіннях популяції.
Today I have read the article “Basketball Mathematics scores big at inspiring
kids to learn”.
First, the article talks about the use of mathematics in basketball to help
children better understand this science, or, in other words, learning through
play. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen's Department of Nutrition,
Exercise, and Sports conducted the Basketball Math study in five Danish primary
and elementary schools. They have found that this method has a positive effect
on children’s desire to learn more.
In conclusion, I want to say that this study will help improve the quality of
· #373
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:23)
have read the article "Scientists Identify Immediate Actions and Priorities for
Future Research to Help Britain Achieve Goal Zero"
A new paper from leading UK scientists outlines the key decisions and strategies
that need to be implemented now, as well as the priority research areas for the
next decade if the UK is set to reach its net zero target by 2050, which will
require a combination of factors. technological, social and natural solutions
working together to bring about systemic change. The document highlights zero
solutions in eight priority sectors, outlines actions to be taken now, research
priorities for the next decade, and future benefits for each sector. In the end,
I want to say that I got acquainted with the plan presented in this article, and
it is very well formed. there is every chance of achieving the goal, since it
takes into account the peculiarities of each area of life
Phrases of the day:
1.the main objective
(Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.)
(Таким чином головна мета процесу реструктуризації – уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту – була досягнута) means of
(By means of computer simulations, the team investigated systems)
(За допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання команда досліджувала системи)
3.published in
(In paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy)
(У статті, опублікованій в журналі Nature Astronomy)
· #372
Raykov Stanislav, IM-211 (Shapa) завдання за 22.03 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:21)
I have read the article about 3g connection shutdown. Skilled electrical
engineer provided information for the publication, so we can assume he is right.
Article tells us about differences between 3g and 4g. These differences is the
reason why american Internet providers decided to put an end to old technology.
Inconsistencies are so serious because algorithms used in providing connection
are completely separate. There is no need in keeping old network running because
all devices which use it are outdated and users will rid of them for better ones
in short time. Internet gave us impactful push in developing all kinds of
technologies so it is a matter of time then old ways of providing it will just
die off. That can I say if even 4g connection is not the best? Some countries
managed to turn on 5g towers in 2021. I hope that our country will get to this
level of development in the next year so we can rid of this archaic network in
favor of the newer one too.
under certain assumptions
However, this method, like all its predecessor statistical approaches, rests on
certain assumptions.
Однак, цей метод, як і всі попередні статистичні підходи, упирається на певні
well justified
Culling native species for conservation needs to be well justified—and legal.
Відбраковування корінних видів для збереження має бути добре виправдане - і
turns out that
It turns out that because of those differences in the access technology, the two
networks are built using completely different equipment and algorithms.
Виходить так що через ці відмінності в технології доступності, дві мережі
побудовані з використанням абсолютно різних інструментів і алгоритмів.
· #371
Raykov Stanislav, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:19)
Today I have read an article about racial question. This is not just regular
publication about american racism, it is about bias from teachers towards people
of color. As it always the deal, research was provided by most liberal state –
California. The main intent for making such experiments is reducing racial gap
in suspensions regarding racial minorities in schools. As it goes in the
article, this operation was successful. Racial gap in suspensions was reduced by
45%, which can be considered as major achievement. Notable progress in education
for sure. Study sample is satisfactory and includes more than 5000
middle-schoolers. Even so, I think that all these studies are too much.
Westerners tend to overestimate racial discrimination level in their countries,
it seems that governmental officials, mostly democrats, tend to hide real
problems from the nation behind mask of tolerance and equality. But this is just
my personal opinion, californian researchers think not same.
The main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Головна ціль ДДЄ це сприяння довгим, базованим інформаційно дослідами через
міжнародну та міждисциплінаційну співпрацю.
By means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін уперше склав теорію еволюції через природний відбір, він
вважав це за поступовий процес.
Published in
This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources.
Цей дослід був опублікований в Джерелах Молекулярної Екології.
· #370
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
Today I have read the article «Social media use one of four factors related to
higher COVID-19 spread rates early on» It tells us about researchers from York
University and the University of British Columbia which found social media use
to be one of the factors related to the spread of COVID-19 within dozens of
countries during the early stages of the pandemic. The researchers say this
finding resembles other examples of social media misinformation ranging from the
initial phase of vaccine rollout to the 2021 Capitol riot in the United States.
In conclusion, I want to say that social media does spread a lot of
misinformation. Especially during a pandemic, we will give out a lot of false
statistics of patients and so on. Therefore, it is better not to believe all the
information on the Internet.
Phrases of the Day:
1. the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations. Основна мета DDE
полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних через міжнародне
та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
2. by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet. Рухом дрібних
крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
3. published in
This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources. Це дослідження було
опубліковано в Molecular Ecology Resources.
· #369
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:52)
аудио фразы:
1)The main purpose of our study was to investigate whether caribou migratory
behavior is associated with genetics.
Основною ціллю нашого досліду було дізнатися, чи пов'язана міграційна поведінка
карибу з генетикою .
2)When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного
відбору, він розглядав її як поступовий процес.
3)Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їх дослід було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
ссылка на статью :
аудио текст:
I have recently read the article "Sounds of nature benefit mental health and
promote environmental protection."
As we know sounds very strongly affect the human mind.A study conducted by
Global Environmental Change found that the sounds of nature help us to get rid
of mental fatigue, headaches and stress.The planet is undergoing an ecological
revolution. The world is changing. Studies show that people not only appreciate
the sounds of birds and animals, but also feel the loss when these sounds are
absent.After an experiment called "Forest 404", it was found that the absence of
natural sounds lowers human potential and increases the stress background.
In my opinion, it is possible to conclude that forest extinction can lead to
irreversible consequences and mankind will destroy itself both physically and
· #368
· Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:49)
Today I've read the article called " Is your phone listening to your
Yesterday you were talking about a new purchase, and the next day you come
across an ad with the same product. Weird, aren't you being bugged? Actually,
no, because we provide all the information we need ourselves. Most of us
regularly provide our data to a wide variety of sites and applications. The most
popular ones in the article are the "cookies" that we provide or allow them to
track our online activities.
In my opinion, this is a tricky system, but it helps us see what we are
interested in.
Phrases of the Day:
1) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Nature Microbiology.
2) by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
3) the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - була досягнута.
· #367
Dudina Kristina IM-211(Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:49)
I have read the article «Why ten-year-old children should not be held criminally
As article says that in a recent 12-month period, police in England and Wales
made just under 60,000 arrest of children-some of these defendants were just 10
years old, In Ireland and Scotland it is 12, while in Sweden and Denmark it’s
15. The age of criminal responsibility is hardly ever discussed by the
mainstream media or politicians in the UK.
So,the argument goes that if a child is old enough to act like an adult and
commit a serious crime, then they are old enough to be treated like an adult and
a criminal. In other words, it used to be assumed that children under 14 were
not criminally responsible unless they understood the seriousness of their
In my opinion, should be raise the age of criminal responsibility because is the
rarity of the most serious crimes being committed by children.
Phrases of the day:
1)the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations
2)published in
In a new study, published in Nature Sustainability, he investigated which city
layouts offer potential for implementing so-called Superblocks and where this
principle could be applied
Nature Sustainability,
3)by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рухом дрібних крапель води керують за допомогою магніту.
· #366
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:42)
A new study led by ANU has mapped priority areas around the world to protect
thousands of mammal species, with a focus on species with few close relatives
including echidnas in Australia and PNG and lemurs in Madagascar. The study
identified the top places in every continent, including parts of coastal
Queensland, Australian deserts near Alice Springs, Sumatra and Java, Madagascar,
India, China and Spain. He said targeting conservation efforts in areas that
provided the most benefit was critical, because resources - particularly land
and money - were limited.
"This study seeks to protect all land mammals, but it gives top priority to
species with no close relatives, because if they were lost there would be
nothing like them left. Co-researcher Dr Simon Linke from Griffith University
said the research findings had many potential applications.
I believe that such studies and experiments are extremely important for the
modern world, because many species of mammals have become extinct. and as we
know, the restoration of the species is impossible
Phrases of the day:
1. Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy, the entropy
and the enthalpy of protein folding.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
2. The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
3. This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron
homology domain, where the middle region binds to CK2, thus preventing it from
phosphorylating PTEN.
білок локалізується на плазматичній мембрані за допомогою домену гомології
цитронів, де середня область зв’язується з CK2, таким чином не дає йому
фосфорилювати PTEN.
· #365
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:20)
I have read the article about future robot farmers.
Scientists say that robots may soon replace farmers. This will happen because
robots are harder and know their job better. They can work autonomously for a
whole week, collect large amounts of data about the farm, and perform certain
tasks. The creators believe this will greatly increase productivity, increase
yields and improve the process of growing food. Robotic farmers want to launch
in the near future.
To be honest, I am shocked that our scientists are researching and creating
Phrases of the Day:
1) published in
If adopted both documents will be published in 1996.
разі їх затвердження обидва ці документи будуть опубліковані у 1996 році.
2)the main objective
We believe that the integration of human beings should be the main objective of
foreign policies.
Переконані, що дії, спрямовані на поєднання людей, мають стати основною метою
зовнішньої політики.
3) by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформація може бути витягнута за допомогою твого страждання.
· #364
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:04)
I have recently read the article “Early English lessons have lasting effects”.
The article is about the international research made by a team of different
scientists. The team heads were Professor Markus Ritter from RUB, Dr. Nils Jäkel
from the University of Oulu and Dr. Michael Schurig from the Technical
University of Dortmund. The aim of the research was to examine the language
proficiency of children who started learning English early and who started
learning it later. Pupils who started learning language earlier showed better
results in listening and reading comprehension.
In conclusion, it is a feasible policy to start learning languages in early
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) published in
In a new study published in Science Advances, researchers report that a group of
cone snails produces a venom compound similar to the hormone somatostatin.
2) the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
ході огляду було встановлено, що основною метою переведення на периферію є
заощадження коштів.
3) by means of
By means of various molecular mechanisms — so-called copy-paste or cut-and-paste
— they can 'jump' to another place within the genome.
допомогою різних молекулярних механізмів - так званих копі-пест або кат-енд-пест
- вони можуть перейти в інше місце в геномі.
Voice message:
· #363
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:26)
The abstract (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:53) does not contain any mistakes, correctly reflects the contents of the article you have found at Guestbook and can be assessed excelently. The task Phrases of the Day has been done correct.. Excellent.
· #362
Shapa L.N. to Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Karina Yasnova IM-211 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:19)
The reviews and tha tasks Phrases pf the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:53) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:16)(Tuesday, 17 March 2022 11:16) were written and pronounced excellently, without mistakes.
· #361
Shapa L.N. to the IM-211 students (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:06)
The lesson has just started, please send your reviews, articles, tasks etc.
· #360
Kovaleva Yuliya IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 22:07)
Phrases of the day:
1) Under certain assumptions.
And the strong convergence theorem is obtained under certain assumptions.
определенных предположениях получена теорема о сильной сходимости.
2) Well justified.
Hamby's skepticism about this charge is well justified.
Скептическое отношение Хэмби к этому обвинению вполне оправдано.
3) Turns out that.
Turns out that was an understatement.
· #359
Kovaleva Yuliya IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:43)
The term "three-body problem" has led to the discovery of several important
areas of science. Newton explained the movement of the planets around the Sun
using the law of universal gravity. But he could not find a general mathematical
solution for it. A new study carried out adds a new reduction. Later it was
discovered that the problem is extremely sensitive to the initial positions of
the bodies. And in the 20th century, it was revealed that the system experiences
periods of chaotic movement. I think this is very important. The new theory
really solves a centuries-old physical problem. Progress in it reflects on the
problems in this important study.
· #358
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 12:42)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and the tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #357
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 09:23)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Ils
doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte,
Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!
· #356
Gvozd to Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:37)
The tasks are complete, but mind you grammar, please.
· #355
Shaptefrats Diana IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:34)
Phrases of the day:
1) Turns out the person Charlie impersonated is an engineer.
2)The selection of suppliers by global freight forwarders was found generally to
be well justified.
3) National sample surveys are rarely large enough to produce small area data
directly but they do represent a valuable current source of information that can
be used, under certain assumptions, in combination with other sources to produce
small area data.
I read an article about research on a new and more efficient type of battery for
electric vehicles. I believe that these studies are very important. I think so
because now electric cars are not so convenient, which is why many people refuse
to purchase them. The fact is that most cars that are powered by electricity
have an insufficient range on one charge, so you can’t go to another city on
such a car you will go. And for many people, this opportunity is very important.
Therefore, I really hope that more efficient batteries will be invented and put
into use soon. And more people will start using electric cars, which will lead
to a reduction in environmental damage.
Today I read an article about the impact of coronavirus on electricity
It was in the spring of 2020 that most offices, schools, universities closed.
This has led to people spending more time at home. Before the lockdown, demand
for electricity usually increased in the morning when people got ready for work,
then decreased during the day, then increased again in the evening when everyone
returned home.
After reading this article, I learned a lot of interesting facts. For example,
that the temperature this summer turned out to be a more important factor. Also,
PNNL scientists were the first to discover specific effects that silenced the
signal of covid-19.
· #354
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:28)
Thank you, your task is complete now. Keep on working.
· #353
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:23)
Today I have read the article called: "Ancient migrants carrying maize from
south were early Maya ancestors, says study". This article is about the research
into the origins of the ancient Maya and the spread of corn with their help.
Archaeologist Keith Prufer of the University of New Mexico has excavated in
Belize and a DNA test has shown a migration of people carrying corn into the
Maya region. Archaeologists believe that such migration had an important impact
on the development of agriculture and the creation of large communities.
Initially, corn wasn't an important component of the Maya's diet, later it becаme
a staple food.
· #352
Gvozd to Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:17)
Mind your grammar in the first sentence, it should be Present Perfect. I am waiting for your Independent practice.
· #351
Gvozd to IS-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:16)
Davidenko Diana IC-211
Tsapok Margarita IC-211
I appreciate your hard work, the tasks are complete and informative.
· #350
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 08:12)
Today I read a very interesting article about what the 3G system is and why it
will be replaced en masse by its newer and upgraded 5G counterpart in the near
future. The first, of course, is the communication problems and interference
during calls: 3G phones and base stations work in a broadband system, which
means they use the entire spectrum of cellular communications, while 4G/LTE and
5G work in narrowband systems. Because of multiple outages, there can be
connectivity problems, which is why all 3G systems, including home security, car
navigation and entertainment systems, and solar panel modems will be upgraded in
the near future. The article is very useful and relevant.
Phrases of the day:
1. Turns out that (оказывается,
It turns out that we were supposed to go to an important meeting yesterday (Оказывается,
2. Well justified (вполнеоправдано)
His actions seem to us well justified (Егодействиякажутсянамвполнеоправданными)
3. Under certain assumptions (приопределённыхусловиях)
We found that this happened under certain assumptions (Мывыяснили,
· #349
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 07:51)
Phrases of the day: 1) worthy of note The Asus ROG Mothership, while not
technically a laptop, is worthy of note.
Asus ROG Mothership,
2) within sight They propose a series of antennas that would have to be within
line of sight of each other.
межах видимості Вони пропонують серію антен, які повинні знаходитися в межах
видимості одна від одної.
3)status information The company also provides an excellent server list with
good current status information.
What is the role of journalistic investigation?
Today I have read the article What is the role of journalistic investigation? It
says that in late July, Frontline Club launched a poll caused by the ongoing
scandal with phone hacking. As part of the survey, they asked people to talk
about the role of journalistic investigation. One of the most notable and
recurring points was that the function of investigative journalism was to expose
wrongdoing and corruption, not to dig up the bizarre gossip of celebrities. Many
people have said that journalism and investigations are affected by a lack of
profitability, as well as phone hacking in modern journalism.
Phrases of the day: 1)Attempts to solve Pakistan should attempt to solve the
problems within its own territory rather than attempting to sow discord and fuel
terrorism in neighbouring countries.
Пакистану слід спробувати вирішити власні проблеми, а не сіяти розбіжності і
сприяти тероризму в сусідніх з ним країнах. 2) Focused on It also focused on
remaining challenges. У своєму виступі він також зупинився на завданнях, які ще
належить вирішувати.
3) Different aspects of Indicators and data collection are two different aspects
of information-gathering.
Today i have read the article "Germany unveils first self-driving train".This
project is part of a 60 million euro modernisation of Hamburg's rapid urban rail
system.This train does not require the manufacture of rails.Although the train
is controlled through digital technology , a driver will still be present to
supervise journeys whenever there are passengers on board. I think this article
is very cool. Because public transport is an important part of the city.
Improving which could encourage people to use public transport more often than
private cars. And it can reduce congestion in the city and make the air cleaner.
· #348
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 07:43)
Today I've read an article on "New study reveals small-scale renewable energy
sources could cause power failures" which conducted research to determine the
productivity and sustainability of renewable energy sources.
The study found that renewable energy stored in household batteries is used only
to minimize the cost of electricity at home and does little to minimize the risk
of grid failure.
I believe that the main problem is the fluctuations of small renewable energy
sources. An effective way to overcome this would be to plan for the release of
stored photovoltaic energy from household batteries at a certain time. This will
provide much better control and reduce the risk of system failures.
Phrases of the Day:
1) when compared
These results indicate a significant improvement when compared to 1994 and 1996
data, as shown in the table below.
2) multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
3) case studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
Today I've read an article on "Addressing food insecurity during the COVID-19
pandemic" which conducted a study to determine the impact of socio-economic
factors on the household during a pandemic.
The study, in particular, focuses on policy interventions by governments to try
to reduce the impact of the pandemic on food security, including the use of food
and money networks.
The article highlights the importance of understanding local conditions in terms
of socio-economic inequalities in order to enable the development and
implementation of more effective security network policies.
Article: https:
· #347
Gvozd to Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 07:40)
Well done, I am waiting for your Independent practice
· #346
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 07:37)
Today I have read the article called: "Trying to put the brakes on car
ownership". This article is about pollution problem in China and how to solve
it. Chinese authorities have decided to limit the number of cars bought. This
system initially helped to limit car sales, but then people found ways to bypass
the system. Also investing in China's public transport, more people won't have
to buy a car. It is of great importance for the environment and ecology
conservation. In my opinion such an approach to preserving the environment can
bring good results.
Phrases of the day:
1. Turns out that
Turns out that Peter is Ginny's cousin.
2. Well justified
The government's actions seem well justified, given the current situation.
влади виглядають цілком виправданими, з огляду на ситуацію, що склалася.
3. Under certain assumptions
Under certain assumptions, a chemical reaction can proceed much more slowly.
певних умов, хімічна реакція може протікати набагато повільніше.
· #345
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 06:56)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #344
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:53)
Phrases of the day:
1) when compared;
A command economy typically has more government control over production when
compared with a mixed market economy.
Командна економіка зазвичай має більший державний контроль над виробництвом
порівняно зі змішаною ринковою економікою.
2) multiple levels;
Teaching multiple levels at one time sounded like a good idea when you didn't
have to turn away students or it gave you an additional class to be full-time.
Викладання кількох рівнів одночасно звучало як гарна ідея тоді, коли вам не
доводилося відмовляти студентів або це давало вам додатковий клас для повної
2) case studies;
In the latter case, the added bonus is that studies have shown fish to be much
less disturbed by sea probes that look and feel more fishlike.
Today I have read the article “Next stop: A transport system accessible for
Firstly, the article talks about improving Europe's transport system.
Researchers in the Netherlands recently made an important discovery by surveying
disabled commuters. They found that city-wide improvements will help people with
disabilities visit any location without a problem. Moreover, scientists are
rolling out case studies in seven pilot cities: Brussels, Bologna, Cagliari,
Lisbon, Sofia, Stockholm and Zagreb.
Finally, I want to say that this study will help people with disabilities around
the world to improve their standard of living.
· #343
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:50)
Phrases of the day
1. When compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly by Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
2. Multiple levels
Home was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кілька
3. Case studies
The case study has come to the conclusion that the CO 2 emissions of a
geothermal power plant used exclusively for electricity generation depend to
more than one third on the working medium used.
CO 2
Today I have read the article “Can religion and faith combat eco-despair?” It
focuses on humanity`s footprint on the environment of our planet. One of the
ways how to diminish that is to change your viewpoints first. For example, there
exists a green spirituality which is oriented to the divine reality, seeks to
harness the spiritual traditions of the world, and helps to restore planetary
systems. Religious may disagree on some statements, but all of them have in
common one thing, protecting Earth. I believe that various spiritual practices
can help people unite and do things which will help save our home together.
· #342
Latova Maria IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 12:28)
Part 2
I have read the article about red button and how it's look like today.
Right now 24 by 7 thousands of people on both sides of the ocean are watching
each other and are ready to launch missiles within a few minutes after the
We use nuclear weapons not to fight. On the fear of these weapons the fragile
peace is keeping in the world. This is called unclear deterrence. In total 9
countries have nuclear weapons.900 nuclear bombs is enough for deterrence in
theiry. But actually 14000 is number of bombs.
The red button is just a symbol. Instead it American leader has two keys to
start a Nuclear war: a suitcase in a black leather bag "football" and a card
with a code "bisque". In suitcase, that the president always carries, there is a
list of possible targets, scenarios of attack and bunkers.
By low no one can prevent to president frome using Nuclear weapons, he has right
to send at least one missile at least a thousand.
For activation of weapons president personally should phone to Pentagon, and
officer will tell him the code and president will read his from besque. Then the
Pentagon will send the launch codes to the crews of the submarines and
missilemen, everything will take no more than five minutes and everything will
return to the stone age...
In the next part:
What in the black suitcase of USSR?
Who will take revenge, if all authorities were killed?
Phrases of the Day:
1) monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено картку обліку балів за вирішення
ґендерних питань.
2) determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
3) parameter value
When you include a prompt, the user is prompted to enter a parameter value prior
to running the report.
Якщо увімкнути нагадування, користувачеві перед запуском звіту буде надаватися
запит ввести значення параметра .
· #341
Tomenko M.G. to IK, ID-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:53)
To Novitskiy jenya, ID-211
Koloidenko Alina ID-211
Ruda Yana, ID-211
Kravchenko A. IK-211
Malinovskaya Alena,
Masha Tashi IK-211
Romanika Uliana IK-211
Way to go!
Thanks for your good work today. Well done.
· #340
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:25)
Your commentary is quite good and informative. Thank you.
· #339
Grodska E. to Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:23)
Your commentary is quite informative, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article.
· #338
Grodska E. to Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:20)
Your commentary on the article demonstrates your complete understanding of the main idea of the topic. Thank you.
· #337
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa 22.03 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:18)
1)Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Аргегатори туристичних сайтів зіштовхуються з проблемами на зрівняння з
авіакомпаніями, які безпосередньо на ринку.
2)As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine
the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
якості першого кроку аони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні досліди с тим щоб
виявити потреби, яким повинна відповідати платформа.
3)"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
"Дім "був центральним в їх житті й робітничій класс розумів поостір на багатьох
Today we’re going to consider an article about a book that dispelled the myths
of poverty among the British people.
Firstly,because Palgrave McMillan and Charles Dikkens described the life of
British homes as hard work and life and created a stereotype of widespread
poverty.Dickens' books were bought by the middle class, who were interested in
workhouses and extreme poverty, which was his main work. He also showed how
working-class conditions deteriorated after the introduction of machines.
Secondly, at the same time poor people were buying things that looked like a
bonus status.Property was often mortgaged or sold during difficult times to
provide more needed resources.
Finally, It can be concluded that each family has undergone certain cycles of
poverty and relative wealth.
· #336
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa 17.03 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:16)
1)It is interesting to note that, for both the cathode and the anode, the
delamination is more severe on the electrode coating side that would have been
subjected to compression stress, rather than tensile strain
2)The development of the W-Cube took place in the course of the joint project
3)When fragments of these materials mix and collide in the outflow, they can
create an electric potential large enough to generate lightning.
Коли компоненты цих матеріалів змішуються й стикаються при відлизі ,вони можуть
створювати достатньо великий електричний потенціал, щоб створювати молнії.
In the recently completed project Residence X, the researchers involved wanted
to investigate opportunities in clothing and fashion design to use creative
Interesting to note that creative coding is used in different design disciplines
and unlike programming it is not used for function , but for expression.The goal
of The project was quite large and it was carried out in the rooms and
laboratory rooms of the Swedish School of Textiles, as well as in the open air
and in other institutions, both with physical and digital materials, in order to
try to develop creative coding.
Conducted a fairly extensive study over a long period of time and some of the
results will be available in the future.
· #335
Karina Yasnova IM-211 Shapa классная 15.03 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:15)
1)Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Дослідження направлене на розуміння переважної думки про те ,яким чином
органічні каркаси металів містять гази .
2)implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if
the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
нинішній час ,а також в приорітетних областях досліджень на наступне
десятиліття, якщо Британія хоче досягнути нульової цільового показника к 2050
3)Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Незважаючи на моральні заперечення, які ми ,можливо , повинні висувати ,щоб
регулярно виплачувати гроші злодіям ,ця практика породжує дві важливі практичні
begin with, today I read a very interesting article on the pet content of
Firstly,there are separate types of animals to be kept in the house.Cats and
certain kinds of dogs can make your loneliness better with their presence in
your apartment.But not all animals can be in these conditions.Wild animals have
been created by nature in places where they are most comfortable.Monkeys may
look more harmless when compared to tigers and lions, but that doesn’t change
the fact that they’re wild too.
Secondly, no matter how much you care about your " domestic " wild pet he’s most
likely to get psychological trauma.Such animals can often feel comfortable but
at any moment discomfort can attack or aggressively behave towards their master.
Of course the master won’t be thrilled with it and will apply the punishment
which will also affect the pet.
Finally, I think wild animals should stay in their habitat and then everything
will be in place.
· #334
Lisa Shambora,IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:53)
Phrases of the day:
1) when compared;
A command economy typically has more government control over production when
compared with a mixed market economy.
Командна економіка зазвичай має більший державний контроль над виробництвом
порівняно зі змішаною ринковою економікою.
2) multiple levels;
Teaching multiple levels at one time sounded like a good idea when you didn't
have to turn away students or it gave you an additional class to be full-time.
Викладання кількох рівнів одночасно звучало як гарна ідея тоді, коли вам не
доводилося відмовляти студентів або це давало вам додатковий клас для повної
3) case studies;
In the latter case, the added bonus is that studies have shown fish to be much
less disturbed by sea probes that look and feel more fishlike.
Today I have read the article “Next stop: A transport system accessible for
Firstly, the article talks about improving Europe's transport system.
Researchers in the Netherlands recently made an important discovery by surveying
disabled commuters. They found that city-wide improvements will help people with
disabilities visit any location without a problem. Moreover, scientists are
rolling out case studies in seven pilot cities: Brussels, Bologna, Cagliari,
Lisbon, Sofia, Stockholm and Zagreb.
Finally, I want to say that this study will help people with disabilities around
the world to improve their standard of living.
· #333
Shapa L.N. to Billa Diana,IM-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:49)
The abstract and the task Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:36) completely correspond to the requirements for independent sudent work of sucj kind and can be assessed as excellent.
· #332
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa)(from 17.03) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:47)
I have read the article"Internet funding rule could favor rural areas over
Biden has set himself the goal of bringing fast, affordable internet to every
American family. But now locals are worried it might hinder them. "If you don't
have a job and can't afford broadband, it's kind of a cycle," said Henke. “You
are denied the opportunity to study remotely, work remotely, telemedicine, and
participate in modern society.” Charlie Hopkins, a former computer hardware and
software developer, owns a home on the Isle of Man that can only be reached by
boat. The Internet speed in his house is very low, so he decided to create this
project, which is simply necessary, so that people could expand their horizons
and use the opportunities that the modern world presents to them.
Phrases of the day:
(for the phrases of the day, I used other suggestions based on the different
1.when compered
These numbers can appear large when compared to medium-sized countries or
emerging technologies
2."Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels
3.In the latter case, the added bonus is that studies have shown fish to be much
less disturbed by sea
· #331
Shapa L.N. to Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Dudina Kristina IM-211, (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:40)
The reviews and the tasks Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:29) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:32) contain all the necessary elements and correctly reflect the content of the article and its separate parts, but Anastasia, please do not forget to mention first the Link of the article. Excellent.
· #330
Billa Diana,IM-211(Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:36)
I have read the article"Violent crime is rising. What can cities do?"
In 2019, after years of decline, crime rates across the country remained flat or
hit an all-time low. Then the COVID-19 pandemic struck, and a very different
picture emerged. While the overall number of serious crimes has decreased, the
number of violent crimes has increased. In the US, the rate of use of firearms
has risen by 30 percent. What causes the rise and fall of crime is a difficult
question to which there are no simple answers. “If you look at the research, you
can say that violence breeds violence because we know that exposure to violence
is a risk factor over time - not just for individuals, but also for the
community. If someone says differently, they need more data over the years.
"This is how one of the best forensic investigators put it. were taken hostage
and a lot of important things. This article is really very useful, I recommend
Phrases of the day:
1.multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels.
2.when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
якіпрацюютьбезпосередньонаринку) studies
News tagged with case studies
(Новинизтегами проприклади)
· #329
Shapa L.N. to Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:33)
The reviews and the tasks Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:01), (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:58) were written without mistakes and pronounced phonetically correct. Excellent.
· #328
Dudina Kristina IM-211,Shapa (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:32)
I have read the article What makes university students steer clear of
self-driving cars?
As article says, driverless cars have been expected to revolutionize motoring,
with some commentators predicted everyone would be a permanent backseat driver
by now.But the uptake,despite of Elon Mask support,has been far slower than
By the way,this idea about self-driving cars supported a lot of engineering
students probably because they have more technical knowledge and better
understand the concept of AVs.
So,a lot of students can’t trust to AVs system.There are facts which they
disapprove,but organisation still working on it for better situation on roads.In
my opinion this will really help for infinity traffic jams on roads and society
at all.
Phrases of the day
1)multiple levels
‘Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
2)when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with
current chips in the market.
Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу продуктивність у порівнянні з
поточними мікросхемами на ринку.
3)case studies
Our research used case-studies of disaster responses overseas to explore
opportunities for emergency energy supply in Australia
У нашому дослідженні використовувалися приклади реагування на стихійні лиха за
кордоном для вивчення можливостей аварійного енергопостачання в Австралії.
· #327
Anastasia Zayac IM-211, Shapa (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:29)
Researchers discover abnormally strong light absorption in graphene
I have read the article about discovering abnormally strong light absorption in
Abnormally light absorption in graphene has been discovered by Scientists from
University of Regensburg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and University
of Kansas. It's interesting that the effect occurs as a result of the conversion
of ordinary electromagnetic waves into super-slow surface waves that pass
through the graphene. The study shows how the interaction of Bernstein modes and
collective excitations of electrons can affect the radiation absorption of
To be honest, I am impressed that our scientists are exploring and reporting on
interesting discoveries.
1)multiple levels
Well there's relationships to GNU on kind of multiple levels.
2) when compared
It is also easy to control and minimize the side effects of Tren Acetate when
compared to other forms.
також легко керувати та мінімізувати побічні ефекти трен ацетат у порівнянні з
іншими формами.
3) case studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
Навчальна підготовка кадрів вестиметься на основі проведення тематичних
досліджень, моделювання ситуацій та групового відпрацювання методики вирішення
· #326
Shapa L.N. to Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 , Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:27)
The reviews and the tasks Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:15),(Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:17) have been excellently written and perfectly pronounced. Excellent.
· #325
Lina Rudnitska, IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:17)
I have recently read the article “New case study shows potential of geothermal
energy for reducing carbon emissions”.
The article informs us about such perspective energy source as geothermal heat.
If people start using more geothermal energy, it will reduce the amount of
harmful carbon emissions. It is confirmed by the case study of German scientists
at the Center of Energy Technology. In short, if to use compounds made of
hydrogen and fluorine instead of the fluids, it could improve the air quality.
In my opinion, countries have to develop geothermal power plants system if it is
possible in their areas.
Voice message:
Phrases of the Day:
1) when compared
Researchers found that these posts were seen by nearly twice the number of
people and travelled nearly twice as fast when compared to posts not labelled
2) case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
перший крок вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити
вимоги, яким має відповідати платформа.
3) multiple levels
“Home” was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
Voice message:
· #324
Danilo Zeleniy ІМ-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:15)
Today I have read the article «In first, SpaceX launches recycled rocket and
spaceship (Update)» It tells us about how for the first time, SpaceX blasted off
both a rocket and a cargo ship. It is a step forward in the company's goal to
lower the cost of spaceflight. Flying into space has finally become a reality.
Space exploration is progressing rapidly. We continue this way, we will be able
to come up with a ship that will fly at superluminal speeds and reach the
neighboring galaxy even sooner than in the films. In conclusion, I want to say
that humanity is able to find other intelligent races in the universe - it is
enough just to develop our astronautics to such an extent that cosmic distances
do not frighten us.
Phrases of the day:
1. when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
2. multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.«Дім»
3. case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
· #323
Romanika Uliana IK-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:07)
Phrases of the day:
1) when compared. It turned out that they were twice as likely to buy a new car
in the year when their neighbor won it, when compared to previous years.
2) case studies. As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order
to determine the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
3) multiple levels. This is a signal to strengthen cooperation between our
countries on multiple levels.
Today I’ve read an interesting article about such a direction of music as kraut
rock. This is experimental, psychedelic rock music that originated in the late
1960s and early 1970s in West Germany. Specifically, in this article we are
talking about an exhibition of posters dedicated to this music. "A motley string
of shaggy musicians glide down a hastily drawn highway into the future, waving
bongs, vegetables and flaming guitars" is the description of such musicians. The
posters are very beautiful, in an interesting style. I listened to this music.
Unusual sounds associated with something cosmic.
· #322
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:06)
Sorry, forgot to add audio snippets to the phrase of the day
· #321
Sonya Lozovshchuk IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:01)
Today I've read the article called " Chinese farmer builds his own wind-powered
Article about Tang Zhengping, a farmer, has built a machine that runs on wind
power. It took three months to design, build and assemble. His creation, which
is about the size of a box-type machine, is powered by batteries and two sets of
electric generators. A large fan mounted at the front and a pair of solar panels
at the back help provide power. In total, the project cost equivalent of about
In conclusion, it is an interesting invention and so environmentally friendly,
but not entirely practical.
Phrases of the Day:
1) case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
перший крок вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити
вимоги, яким має відповідати платформа.
2) multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
3) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
· #320
Zasnova Lilia IM-211 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:58)
I have read the article “Researchers find significant gender pay gap in
executive severances”.
According to research, men in decision-making positions receive more as
severance benefit than women. Researchers say that there is a gender gap in pay
gap between men and women leaders in major American companies listed on the
market. The biased opinions and prejudice that link the sex to productivity,
personality and expectations. Women leaders are more likely to be
underestimated, while male leaders are likely to be overrated. This study
underlines the need for a more holistic view of gender equality.
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice
1)multiple levels
There are various, multiple levels at which the economic decisions that affect
people's lives are made.—Єрізнірівні,
2) when compared
The United Nations budget is really quite small when compared to those of
national Governments.-БюджетОрганізаціїОб'єднанихНаційнасправдідоситьмалийупорівняннізбюджетомнаціональнихурядів.
3)case studies
The case studies presented policy reforms that have transformed economically
attractive investment projects into bankable projects.-Утематичнихдослідженняхбулипредставленіполітичніреформи,
· #319
Masha Tashi IK-211 to Tomenko Marina (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:34)
2)Today I have read an article for my specialty, it is called "The strange power
of the‘ evil eye ’". More and more, celebrities use jewelry to ward off the evil
eye. The article deals with the symbolism of the eye at different times and
types of activity. You need to understand the difference between an amulet and
the evil eye itself. For example, in Ancient Egypt, the Eye of Horus, also known
as the Wadget pendant, was buried along with the pharaohs to protect them in the
afterlife. Plutarch also said that those who best cast the curse were blue-eyed.
There was also an eye-to-eye curse.
· #318
Masha Tashi IK-211 to Tomenko Marina (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:32)
1)The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
2)And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
3)Many teenagers when compared to adults, yes.
1)Today I have read an article "700-Year-Old Sarcophagus Discovered Beneath
Notre-Dame Cathedral". As a person who wanted to become an archaeologist as a
child, I was definitely interested in this article. Several ancient tombs,
including a 14th-century lead sarcophagus, have been found under the floor of
Notre Dame Cathedral. It's incredibly interesting. How many secrets of history
these finds keep. And most interestingly, the sarcophagus is made of lead and
probably contains the body of an important church dignitary. Investigators ran a
small camera inside but were unable to identify the body. But still in progress!
· #317
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:31)
1."Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
2.Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
3.As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine
the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
"Будинок" займав центральне місце в їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів
простір на декількох рівнях.
2. Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які торгують безпосередньо.
3.В якості першого кроку вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження,
щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа.
I read an article written at the University of Helsinki "understanding media
control in the digital age".
The authors of this article reflect on the occupation of large sources and
platforms of information. The main problem of the time-based media space is the
politicization of the media and the spread of so-called "trolls".Citing various
well-known examples from different countries, they show that the media are
forced to adhere to one political side, while the media themselves defend
neutrality. I think this article is useful because it highlights important
issues for the modern world.
· #316
Bakhmaier Semyon, ID-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:26)
Today I read an article: "SOLAR PANELS" Solar panels are semiconductor products
that accumulate solar energy and convert it into electric current. Solar panels
are constantly evolving as solar energy promises to be one of the main sources
of clean energy in the future. The use of solar energy is a very interesting and
useful process. Practicality, efficiency, environmental friendliness and ease of
use are rapidly increasing the popularity of alternative energy sources, one of
which is solar panels. Solar panels (solar cells) are sets of photovoltaic
converters (solar cells) interconnected and enclosed in a frame. A solar battery
(solar battery) is a separate small semiconductor device that converts light
energy into electrical energy. We conclude that this is a very useful thing in
the modern world that will help us protect our nature from any emissions into
the atmosphere
1) This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
2) The pursuit of issues on multiple levels with different temporal horizons
integrates the goal of sustainability into the programme strategy.
3) It used case studies on various countries to illustrate the process of
· #315
Kravchenko A. IK-211(Tomenko) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:24)
Phrases of the day:
1) Dogs’ brain is so little when compared to human.
2) While writing dissertation you need to read some other case studies.
3) Nowadays we can see a high level development on multiple levels of science
Article review:
Today I’ve read an article about 10 inventions of Elon Musk that have made
history. Of course I won’t mention all ten of them, I’ll tell you about 3 most
popular of them.
When you think of ingenious inventors, some names like Alexander Graham Bell,
Henry Ford, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk come to mind. Since his
birth in South Africa in 1971, Musk has provided a stream of famous inventions.
Explore a few well-known Elon Musk inventions making a difference around the
Let’s start with the most famous Musk’s invention. Of course it is Tesla
Company. Founded in 2003, Tesla is an electric vehicle designed for
sustainability and reducing human dependency on oil. The core of the design is a
cutting-edge battery and powertrain. Starting with the Model S sedan, Tesla has
expanded their range of electric vehicles to SUVs and trucks.
Next I’ll mention SpaceX. In addition to making sustainable energy cars, Musk’s
inventions have gone out of this world. The spaceflight company SpaceX created
reusable rockets for flying cargo, the Falcon 9. The company even has a contract
with NASA. Additionally, the company is working on human flights to the moon and
Mars in the future.
And the last invention is of course Starlink Internet. When it comes to
satellite internet, it typically doesn’t impress most people. However, Musk is
working to break this stigma and provide low latency internet to people
worldwide through his Starlink. Musk hopes his Starlink system can provide
internet to those in even the remote regions of the world through his private
· #314
debt 18.03 Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:21)
Today I read an article about dumbo rats. It tells the story of this subspecies
of rats, which have now become pets in many families. Their history is
unpleasant, they used to be used as targets in some sports, and now they are
widely used in medical research. But thanks to people, they settled in our homes
as pets. I recently bought two such rats, and I am very happy. I watch them
every day, and their behavior is very interesting. I really liked this article,
because I was interested to know some facts about my animals. So, if you are
interested, I recommend you read this article.
· #313
Ruda Yana, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:20)
Today I read an article about Japanese culture. Japanese culture is ancient and
is filled with rites and traditions to honor the family. In Japanese homes there
are always home altars and shrines are for paying respect to ancestors and for
worship. A Buddhist often has a butsudan altar, which resembles a cabinet.
Within the cabinet is usually a Buddha figurine, candlesticks, incense sticks,
bells, and a place to leave offerings in the altar. As we read this, we can see
that the Japanese have great respect for their family and lineage. I liked this
article, because there are many interesting things about Japanese culture. So, I
recommend this article for reading.
Moreover, some national case studies were carried out.
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
This product has extended and faster-acting functions when compared to other
testosterone esters.
(озвучку додаю в телеграмі)
· #312
Shapa L.N. to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 Pavlishina Daria IM-201 Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:19)
The reviews and of the articles and the tasks Phrases of the Day presented (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:14),(Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:09),(Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:11) completely correspond to the requirements for independent student works of such kind and can be estimates as excllent.
· #311
Shapa L.N. to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:09)
The reviews and the tasks Phrases pf the Day(Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:18) and (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:14) have been written and pronounced correct. Excellent.
· #310
Shapa L.N. to Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:04)
The review and the task Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:24) does
not contain any mistakes and can be assessed excellently .
The size of the review should not exceed 100-150 words because of the
capabilities of the Sever.
· #309
Shapa L.N. to Horbachova Sasha IM-201 , Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:27) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:58)
The reviews ans tasks Phrases of the Day (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:47) and (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:27) have been written and pronounced correct, without mistakes and have all the elements necessary for independent student works of such kind. Excellent.
· #308
Koloidenko Alina ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:49)
Today I read an article on the topic: "Facts about Valentine's Day". Valentine's
Day is celebrated annually on February 14, when couples around the world honor
their spouses, partners and loved ones. This tradition is many years old. In the
article I recorded, I wrote nine facts about this holiday. In my opinion, I was
interested to know the fact that the first Valentine's Day was written in
prison. This is not the most romantic place. Charles, Duke of Orleans, wrote a
love letter to his second wife. I recommend you read this interesting article.
· #307
Koloidenko Alina ID-211 (Tomenko) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:48)
Phrases of the day:
1. Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
2. As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine
the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
3. This work requires action at multiple levels of humanities education.
Today I read an article on the topic: "Your modern business guide to methods and
techniques of data analysis." First of all, let's find out what "data analysis"
is. Data analysis is the process of collecting, modeling, and analyzing data to
generate ideas that support decision-making. This article points out that there
are several methods and techniques for conducting analysis depending on the
field and purpose of the study. Also, in this article you can read about why
data analysis is important. This article is informative and interesting, so I
recommend you read it.
· #306
Horbachova Sasha IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:47)
Today i have read the article which called "Computer simulation brings us closer
to schools of fishlike underwater research drones". In this article was talking
about research on fish and their behavior in flocks, which will then help us
create underwater technologies for studying the ocean. I think this is an
interesting article.It was very interesting to know that small fish swimming in
a school can sense the position and tail beat of their neighbors as water
pressure variation on the side of their bodies. I think there's a lot more to
explore in the ocean. I recommend to read.
1) Case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
початку вони проаналізували реалістичні приклади, щоб визначити вимоги, яким
повинна відповідати платформа.
2) when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
цифра стає ще меншою, якщо порівняти її із сумою активів, контрольованих такими
3) multiple levels
Every detail within the game and all gameplay elements have been designed from
the ground up to deliver the narrative on multiple levels.
Кожна деталь у грі та всі елементи ігрового процесу були розроблені з нуля, щоб
передати оповідь на кількох рівнях.
· #305
Novitskiy jenya, ID-211, Tomenko (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:35)
Today I read an article on "Travel site aggregators face challenges when
compared to airlines that market directly" in my opinion this article will be
interesting to people who plan to travel and have never encountered these
questions. Researchers have found that loyalty to airlines is more common than
loyalty to aggregators. According to the authors, almost 52% of aggregator users
view only one airline, while most users use multiple aggregators in their
search. This further emphasizes the need for aggregators to be more
Phrases of the Day
1) "Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
2)The study has been published in Case Studies on Transport Policy.
3)Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
· #304
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:27)
Today I have read the article "The Western brands unable to leave Russia"
This article talks about the exit of foreign enterprises, hotels and food
outlets from the territory of Russia. All this is connected with the sanctions
imposed by Europe. Some enterprises leave the market as a sign of solidarity
with the Ukrainian people. But as experts say, many large companies are facing
difficulties. Basically, all foreign companies work under a franchise agreement,
where they provide only their name for use. Therefore, it will be very difficult
and long to withdraw the enterprises. in my opinion, such actions show the
attitude towards the aggressor country. However, many companies leave the
Russian market only because they lose their reputation in other countries.
1. Multiple levels
Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір
на кілька рівнях.
2. Case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
початку вони проаналізували реалістичні приклади, щоб визначити вимоги, яким
повинна відповідати платформа.
3. When compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами якщо порівнювати з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
· #303
Riabikhina Maria (ІМ-211) Shapa (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:24)
Today I’ve read the article about Addressing gender inequalities in research
through institutional change
Gender equality and inclusion are key metrics by which performance is measured
in industry today. Research is no exception. While there is no quick fix to
eliminating gender disparities, the EU has identified the structural changes
needed in policies and programs to increase the participation of women in
research and innovation and improve their career prospects.
If you are a woman in scientific research and keen on climbing the promotion
ladder, chances are your path will be long. It will also require an equal
measure of confidence, commitment and courage. While there are many challenges
to building a successful research career—for many women it can prove to be a
real obstacle course. Gender equality has been a key priority in the European
Research Area for over a decade. To remove barriers, research funding and
performing organizations, including universities, were invited to implement
institutional change through GEPs.
Why does it exist? While the answer is complex, the main reasons stand out. "The
short answer is because we live in societies that have been and are still
dominated by men," explained Müller. Gender inequality is built into the very
structure of our societies. It is men who hold positions of power, decide over
resources and provide the blueprint for what is valued and what is not."
Phrases of the day:
1. this can be used as monitoring tool for a more organized work
2. Study determines whether cultures play games that correspond to how
cooperative they are
3. the value of the parameter in this diagram is erroneous
· #302
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:18)
I have read the article: "Fox Business: Chinese official calls sanctions on
Russia increasingly 'outrageous'.". The article says that the Chinese official
does not agree with the sanctions, and that they are outrageous from the point
of view of China, and also supported Moscow's position on not expanding NATO. I
believe that no measures against Russia are outrageous, or, moreover, excessive.
Exactly as long as China remains aloof from the crimes of mankind, it remains
their accomplice. Nothing will cover the guilt for silence, history guarantees
Phrases of the Day
1. case studies
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
2. multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels.
3. when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
· #301
Kravchenko A. IK-211(Tomenko) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:16)
Debt for 18th of March.
Today I’ve read an article on topic ‘Are Dogs Really Smarter Than Cats?’
Dog people and cat people have an age-old debate about which animal makes a
better pet. Dog owners brag about canine intelligence, and cat lovers reply that
cats are as just smart as dogs, they simply can’t be bothered to obey. Well, new
research published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroanatomy seems to support the
argument that dogs might actually be smarter than cats.
Eight species of Carnivora were included in the study, with one or two sample
animals from each species. The one domestic cat and the two dogs (one Golden
Retriever and one dog of unspecified breed) used by the researchers died of
natural causes, and their bodies were donated to science. Images were made of
the structure of each animal’s brain, and the brain’s weight was measured for
purposes of size comparison. Then, to determine the exact number of neurons,
each brain was dissolved, and the number of cells in a sample of the resulting
liquid was counted under a microscope. This sample count was used to estimate
the number of cells in the complete brain.
Results showed that the dogs, having larger brains to begin with, had more than
twice as many neurons in their cerebral cortex as the domestic cat, with around
530 million cortical neurons to the cat’s 250 million. (For comparison, there
are billions of neurons in the human brain.) Because the brain relies on neurons
to process information, the more neurons an animal has in its cerebral cortex,
the more information it can process, and the richer its mental capabilities
likely are. This means that dogs have the potential for more complex and
flexible behavior than cats.,neurons%20in%20the%20human%20brain.)
· #300
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:14)
I have read the article called "A mathematical model facilitates inventory
management in the food supply chain."
The title of this article already says what will be told in the text. In short,
it is about the mathematical model that the researchers of the Diverfarming
project created to simplify the work of all supply processes.
this developed model is based on the system dynamics methodology associated with
dynamic processes designed specifically for the supply chain.
for me, this development will be especially useful for managers to get the best
solution in terms of costs and stock levels to optimize these same costs.
Phrases of the Day: studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
Навчальна підготовка кадрів вестиметься на основі проведення тематичних
досліджень, моделювання ситуацій та групового відпрацювання методики вирішення
2.when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
цифра стає ще меншою, якщо порівняти її із сумою активів, контрольованих такими
3.multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
краса цієї книги полягає в тому, що вона діє на багатьох рівнях.
· #299
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:14)
Today I have read the article "New case study shows potential of geothermal
energy for reducing carbon emissions".
The article tells about there global number of megacities is projected to
increase from 33 to 43 by 2030. Megacities are critical for the world’s economy;
however, their resource management is particularly challenging. The increase of
energy demand, in parallel to population growth and climate change, requires
urgent investment in sustainable energies.
I think this those energy policies coupled with investment in research and
development are needed to ensure geothermal is successfully integrated into the
future energy mix.
Phrases of the Day:
1) multiple levels
Every detail within the game and all gameplay elements have been designed from
the ground up to deliver the narrative on multiple levels.
2) case studies
The case studies revealed strong connections between indigenous land rights and
3) when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
· #298
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 ( Shapa ) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:13)
Today I have read the article “How you speak up at work can affect whether
you're picked for a team”. It tells us that scientists have demonstrated how two
different ways of communicating work-related issues build reputation and affect
the formation of teams for short-term projects. As a matter of fact, there are
people , who use a "supportive voice," which fosters trust and cooperation,
others have a more targeted “challenging voice”. Challenging voice has lots of
downsides, such as criticism or conflict, it tends to signal an employee's
competence or expertise. While supportive voice is still about speaking up in
the workplace, it signals someone's approachability and trustworthiness.
To my mind, the way we talk with our colleagues at work has a great impact not
only on our success in performing team assignments, but also on credibility
among employees. studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
2.multiple levels
A series of bright, pre-assembled indicator lights allowing multiple levels to
be illuminated simultaneously has been introduced by Banner Engineering.
3.when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
· #297
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:11)
- multiple levels
“Home” was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
- case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
- when compared
Driving at night brings its own risks when compared to daylight driving.
Today I have read the article "Amazon rainforest reaching tipping point". This
article is about the extremely alarming state of one of the largest tropical
forests on the verge of extinction. Scientists don’t provide accurate data on
the "dieback" of trees, but say it is exactly "devastating" for biodiversity.
This requires a lot of attention and real action from the world community and
points to gaps in resolving such issues. In my opinion, this issue should not be
neglected and delayed, the price may be too high.
· #296
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 ( Shapa) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:09)
Today I read the article about a new research analysis conducted by the
University of Portsmouth, a High Court jury can determine when someone is lying,
even if they are wearing a face mask. It was concluded that face masks do not
interfere with jury decision-making. Facial expressions and other forms of
nonverbal behavior are unreliable indicators of deception, and masking these
actions improves jurors' ability to distinguish truth from lies. I consider it
very good news that the precautions regarding COVID19 will not hurt the trial.
Phrases of the day:
1) parameter value
The parameter value must be greater than zero.
2) monitoring tool
It can also be used by the partners as a performance monitoring tool.
3) determine whether
Now we must determine whether these objectives have been achieved.
· #295
Shapa L.N. to Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:04)
The rreview of the article has been written and pronounced correct, without grammar and phonetic mistakes, the task Phrases of the Day has been done correct too. Excellent.
· #294
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 21:39)
Title: World News Day: Journalists to reflect media’s role in addressing climate
Today I have read the article about journalism, that was presented like a
profession which matters more than ever.
The article is written about the World News Day, and importance of this event.
It's about the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic and basic tenets of journalism
that cannot be compromised.
In conclusion, “Journalism can never be silent: that is its greatest virtue and
its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of
wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air” -
Henry Grunwald.
· #293
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 21:38)
Title: How can journalism get better at covering climate change? Being a bummer
might help
Today I have read the article about climate journalism researches.
The climate journalism needs to be improved. The public generally wants climate
reporting to live up to the same functions as general reporting, they also find
some functions to be more relevant for climate reporting than for general
reporting. The tweets that generated the most engagement are those published by
journalists, those that contain only text, and those that present a negative
In conclusion, a new study of social media about a climate change conference
found journalists’ negative tweets gained far more traction with users than
positive ones.
Phrases of the day
1. determine whether
The researchers sought to determine whether such waves can carry OAM.
2. parameter value
Contour map of free energy landscape as a function of smectic cluster size and
order parameter value.
3. monitoring tool
Real-time monitoring tool speeds up advanced nuclear reactor development.
· #292
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E.B.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 21:01)
Good evening! Today's article of the day hasn't impressed me as I don't study
science and technologies. The main idea of the text is about predicting the
evolution of gene regulation. The genetic system is a mechanism which has been
created over the centuries. Therefore, people need more time to explore it. In
my opinion this article can be useful for those students, who would like to
learn more facts about gene, its structure and possibilities of information
transfer. Moreover, maybe some students deeply study how to change genes' code
(like in the movie 'Spider-Man' :D ). So, I recommend science lovers to read
this article.
Full text:
Phrases of the day:
1) parameter value
The parameter value must be greater than zero.
2) determine whether
Now we must determine whether these objectives have been achieved.
3) monitoring tool
It can also be used by the partners as a performance monitoring tool.
· #291
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 19:28)
To Arhunova,IZ-212. Your comment isn't bad but for some mistakes.Present Perfect should be used in the first sentence:', Today l HAVE READ the article..."., There are some mispronounced words in your voice message (northeast, US, urge) . Good luck
· #290
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 19:19)
To Goncharuk,IZ-212. Your written comments are rather nice but for one mistake
in the first sentence, it should be:" Today l have read THE article...'Your
voice messages are full of mispronounced words (climate, reducing, various,
measures, etc)
Pls, consult a dictionary before recording your voice message.
· #289
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 19:06)
To Gladka,IZ-212. Definite article should be used in the first sentence before the word"ARTICLE". Express your point of view as to the essence of the article you have read not repeating one and the same sentence.Your voice messages have a lot of mispronounced words (apply, lack, initiative, diversity, etc). Pls, consult a dictionary before recording your voice message.
· #288
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 18:42)
To Albertovuch,IZ-212. Pls, read my remarks attentively! You make the same
mistakes! Today I have read THE article. The article TOUCHES THE ISSUE...
· #287
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 18:29)
To Drozd,IZ-212. Mind, the article can't TALK,it can TELL US ABOUT something .I
am sorry but there are a lot of mispronounced words in your voice message
(inequality, curriculum, by, characteristics, expectations, etc).
you best to improve it.
· #286
Nicolay Yarovoy IM-211 (Shapa) (Monday, 21 March 2022 18:22)
Today I`ve read the article about New satellite system which would enhance water
quality management in Australia.An analysis by the University of New South Wales
has shown that an Earth Observation Satellite System can be useful for viewing
and analyzing Australia's water systems and therefore using them for human
activities.ANCDF manager and engineer Denis Noton said that the space systems
infrastructure could include a network of ground-based sensors and
constellations of satellites in space, and the name of the project would be
aquawatch.This system can help synoptic analysis prevent possible water
Phrases of the day
1)(Concurrent system)Concurrent system of heatwaves seven times more frequent
than 1980s-Паралельнасистемахвильтеплавсімразівчастіше,
2)(Computer simulationComputer simulation brings us closer to schools of
fishlike underwater research drones-Комп'ютернемоделюваннянаближаєнасдозграйрибоподібнихпідводнихдослідницькихдронів.
3)(theory proves)A novel theory proves on how conspiracy theories take shape-Новатеоріядоводить,
· #285
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:54)
Name: WJCT awarded $500,000 grant for local journalism initiative.
Today I read the article "WJCT awarded $500,000 grant for local journalism
This article states that WJCT Public Media has given money to promote local
journalism in northeast Florida. The article states the amount of the grant is
$500 million and the reasons why they want to expand the work of the media. WJCT
was also supported by other organizations and that support was in the amount of
$1 million. Very informative article, WJCT community media are real volunteers
who understand the importance of news in every corner of the US. I urge you to
read this fascinating article!
· #284
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:40)
Today I have read an article on the topic «Opinion .Print journalism isn’t
dying, it’s evolving»and I want to give my comment .Nowadays, social networks
and the Internet have become the most convenient ways to get news, and
newspapers have gone out of fashion. They are used more by the older generation
than by the young. .The fact that online resources are more popular now does not
mean that print journalism does not make sense.
Making a conclusion, I want to say that all methods of obtaining are good
because we still receive information in whatever form it is .
Phrases of the day
1) A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
2) Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
3) The parameter value should contain the CLI command to be executed.
Today I have read an article on the topic "Progressive Climate Policy Can Reduce
Extreme Poverty: Research." This article is about research that shows
policymakers are faced with the mistaken choice between reducing poverty and
mitigating the effects of climate change. The researchers used a computer model
to see how global poverty rates would be affected by various measures to limit
global warming. They found that approximately 350 million people will be living
in extreme poverty by 2030. In my opinion, experts really should not choose
between these two global issues, because both are important to the world.
· #283
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:32)
Today I have read an article about how journalism needs to apply transparency in
a different way to restore trust. Public confidence in the media remains at
near-record lows, driven by the perception that the news industry is supportive
and disseminating inaccurate information (“fake news”) and controversial
attitudes towards news from social media. Transparency is key to restoring
trust, according to a new Knight Foundation report on media credibility. In
contrast, research in business organizations indicates clearer meaning and more
specific transparency practices that, when applied to journalism, can help
journalists restore greater public confidence. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.But a computer simulation is a kind of a model.
2.The informal proofs of everyday mathematical practice are unlike the formal
proofs of proof theory.
3.A systematic concurrent safety review is frequently employed to assure
research participant safety.
Today I have read an article about local journalism being threatened - here are
some ways to save it. A cloud of concern hangs over local journalism in the UK.
There is strong evidence that recent cuts, along with the centralization of
smaller news outlets, have impacted the flow of information to local
communities. Employees of local newspapers complain that they lack the resources
and staff, they are subjected to ruthless pressure from the leadership and are
forced to rely on the materials of the news agency. Industry and academic
experts have raised concerns about the lack of support for initiatives to
promote greater diversity in the media. I recommend to read this article.
· #282
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:25)
How journalists decide which images from Ukraine are too awful to publish
Today I’ve read an article about how journalists decide which images would be
more appropriate for publication. The aim of the article is to provide
information that some terrible pictures can be useful. The article also touches
on the issue of publication censorship in general. The author begins by
describing a gruesome bloody scene in a town in Ukraine and the activities of
his correspondent. Much attention is given to the discussion of whether the
photos should be published or not. The author also gives the example of
Ukrainian medias, which use such stories to reveal the truth to the people.
article was useful.
· #281
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:24)
Today I have read the article “What people value in digital news”.It tells that
digital news subscriptions have doubled in the past four years, but half of
those gains went to the New York Times and the Washington Post alone. To find
out why researchers sought to understand how news is traditionally produced and
presented in print and how digital news readers adapt with changing needs and
expectations. Print newspapers moved to digital platforms without having a
proper understanding of the different characteristics of the print and digital
mediums, and how readers use contextual clues to help them make sense of the
· #280
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 16:18)
Today I havе
read the article «How lockdown highlighted educational inequality in Ireland»
The article talked about the impact of distance learning on the emotional
background of children. The authors of the study indicate that online lessons
were of interest to children at the beginning of the pandemic, in the spring of
2020. More over,the children, who used laptops to study,passed the curriculum
better than those who used a smartphone or tablet. Besides, distance learning
was easier for children who were helped by their parents.
Additionally, the results of the study were based on a survey of schoolchildren,
a survey of their parents, as well as an analysis of technical capabilities-cuz
not all children had the Internet or a computer.
Today I have read the article “What journalism professors are teaching
students—about their futures”.It tells that a new study from Max Besbris, an
assistant professor of sociology at Rice, and Caitlin Petre, an assistant
professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers, argue that journalism
schools have sought to reframe the industry's unstable labor market as an
inevitable and even desirable part of the business and its professional
Most of the educators they interviewed stressed that students should be "as
entrepreneurial as possible" and be willing to start their own businesses or
websites. They encouraged students to not only become good writers or
photojournalists, but also develop the skills to do just about anything from
writing and editing to recording and designing.
· #279
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 15:41)
Today I Have read The article on the state of the news media. Since 2004, the
Pew Research Center has released an annual report on audience and economic
performance for the news media. This data shows: how news and information
searches are changing, how news organizations are generating revenue, and what
reserves are available to American journalists. In the United States, the press
is the fourth branch of government and a significant business. Over the years,
metrics, sectors and format, of data disclosure have been carefully considered.
We are presented with bulletins that show the most important historical data for
each sector. This article turned out to be quite informative and interesting for
· #278
Petrova E.I. (Monday, 21 March 2022)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants !
N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Ils doivent etre
argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte, paraphraser.
Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!
· #277
Grodska E. to Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 13:53)
Your commentary is not bad, but be more attentive to avoid making mistakes: Today I Have read The article… Go on working
· #276
Vdovina Katerina IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:36)
Class work:
Today I read an article on a theoretical framework for teaching students social
media, algorithms, and critical thinking. and a sample assignment that can help
students better understand how social media sites affect our subjectivation
processes. It is a pedagogical approach to media literacy, digital literacy, and
other emerging literacy in the 21st century. This article analyzes student
projects and reflections. The collected data is shared on Facebook. These
findings suggest that new approaches to social media platforms, whether
non-profit or public benefit, open up new creative possibilities. This article
turned out to be quite informative and interesting for me.
Phrase of the day:
determine whether
All these may determine whether the interview is legally admissible.
parameter value
Parameter value cannot be negative.
monitoring tool
It can also be used by the partners as a performance monitoring tool.
· #275
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:36)
To Lebid,IZ-211. Please read my remarks attentively! All the time one and the same mistakes!
· #274
Grodska E. to Nikita Naumenko IM-181 (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:35)
Your commentary is quite good and interesting, the tasks Phrases of the day were written correctly.
· #273
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:33)
T o Andreeva,IZ-211. Mind the article can't TALK it can TELL US ABOUT something (the third sentence). There are a lot of mispronounced words in your voice message (result, productivity, etc). Pls consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Good luck
· #272
Drozhzhina to Karina Derkach IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:25)
Thanks for your participation. Your comment is well done.
· #271
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:25)
Independent work (2) 21.03.22
determine whether
Today I read an article on "BirdBot" which analyzes that Graceful, elegant,
powerful - flightless birds like the ostrich are a mechanical marvel. They weigh
more than 100 kg, pass through the savannah at speeds up to 55 km / h. It is
believed that the outstanding musculoskeletal power of ostriches is provided by
the structure of the legs of the animal.
Alexander Badri-Sprevitz, along with, has built a robot leg that, like its
natural model, is energy efficient: BirdBot needs fewer motors than other
machines, and theoretically can scale to large sizes and possibly be suitable
for carrying loads over long distances.
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #270
Drozhzhina to Yunko Illya IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:23)
I accept your independent work. It’s well done. Thank you.
· #269
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:23)
To Lebid,IZ-211. I would ask you to read my remarks attentively not to make the same mistakes. In your first sentence in both comments there are the same mistakes, it should be:" Today l HAVE READ THE article...". Best wishes
· #268
Yunko Illya IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:19)
Today I have read an article "Bitcoin to the rescue: cryptocurrencies' role in
This article says that during the hostilities, the cryptocurrency helped the
country a lot. For 1 day of hostilities, countries have collected more than 50
million dollars and 45 million euros in crypto-currency aid, and perhaps young
people can help Ukraine. Also in this article it is said that there were 2 funds
for social assistance and for military assistance. But due to the fact that now
there is a war on the entire territory of Ukraine, the funds have united. The
creator of the crypto exchange in Ukraine himself said: "after our victory,
Ukraine will partially switch to cryptocurrency."
Ukraine will also create its own cryptocurrency.
· #267
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:16)
Phrases of the day
1. Parameter value
Each data point represents an average over several independent realizations of
the stochastic simulation for the same parameter value, determined by a
parameter sweep.
2. Determine whether
Study determines whether cultures play games that correspond to how cooperative
they are.
3. Monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
Today I have read the article “New weapon in the fight against modern slavery”.
The point of article is to concentrate the attention on a problem of modern
types of crime, slavery. The University of Nottingham together with Walk Free
Foundation have made a global research, illuminated the violation of human
rights and justice. However, the process of decreasing the level of this isn’t
that easy: it is necessary to combine methods of different organisations, take
into consideration all risks and so on. To my mind, slavery is something to what
there is no place in our times, so this is the thing humanity should get rid of
as soon as possible.
Today I have read the article “Ukraine: How social media images from the ground
could be affecting our response to the war”. Firstly, it tells us about
developing of broadcasting the war activities, since it happened during World
War I. Now modern world is receiving not only official news, but also posts in
various types of social media containing stories and photos made by ones who are
suffering. Secondly, the article also shows the fact, that people`s empathy to
refugees depend on their race, because our brain response are stronger for
people from our own racial group. In my opinion, such conflicts as war should be
lightened to people from all over the world, because this way we teach each
other how shouldn’t be and know unity.
· #266
Yunko Illya IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:16)
Today I read the article "Bitcoin to the rescue: cryptocurrencies' role in
This article says that during the hostilities, the cryptocurrency helped the
country a lot. For 1 day of hostilities, countries have collected more than 50
million dollars and 45 million euros in crypto-currency aid, and perhaps young
people can help Ukraine. Also in this article it is said that there were 2 funds
for social assistance and for military assistance. But due to the fact that now
there is a war on the entire territory of Ukraine, the funds have united. The
creator of the crypto exchange in Ukraine himself said: "after our victory,
Ukraine will partially switch to cryptocurrency."
Ukraine will also create its own cryptocurrency.
· #265
Drozhzhina to Yunko Illya IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:13)
Thank you for your comment and voice message. Present Perfect should be used in the first sentence, it should be:' Today I HAVE READ THE article..." Where is your independent practice? And I'd like to learn your opininon on the issue as well. Continue working.
· #264
Drozhzhina to Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:10)
In general, your comments on the articles are good and informative, but don't forget: ... I have read THE.. .
· #263
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 12:01)
To Drozd,IZ-212. Your written comment is ok, but there is a problem with your voice message , the file can't be found, check before posting it. Good luck
· #262
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:59)
Phrases of the day:
1) parameter value;
Such a simple explanation, with only one free parameter
2) determine whether;
Study determines whether cultures play games that correspond to how cooperative
they are
3) monitoring tool;
Powerful new tool makes coral reef monitoring faster
Link to the article :
The title of the article: “summer”
Today I have read the article "summer" for me the most beautiful time of the
year. After all, it is warm, cozy and rich. In the summer you have a rest from
study, from gray everyday life and so on. Due to the increased risk of frequent
diseases. In the summer, you have much more time to take care of yourself, read
your favorite book, visit family, meet up with friends, and more. you can spend
time with your family. There are many more opportunities in summer than in cold
weather. In summer you can meet much more people on the street than in winter.
vocaroo :
Link to the article:
· #261
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:56)
I have read the article: "More than 100 world leaders pledge to halt
deforestation by 2030". It speaks of a significant breakthrough in international
publicity about global warming. About 100 leaders from different countries who
control about 85% of all forests on the planet participate in the conference. I
really hope that they will be able to achieve a breakthrough in this matter, but
talking should not be the only way to solve the problem. I think it is necessary
to develop international laws for the protection of nature, which these
participating states will be able to implement in their constitutions. And also
significantly increase investments for the transition to "careful" use of
natural resources.
· #260
Yunko Illya IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:54)
1)monitoring tool
Keylogger email monitoring tool easily records all activities such as email,
password, chat, visited websites etc and act as enterprise monitoring web
2)determine whether
There is a need to study and determine whether there is a governance gap in
marine areas beyond national jurisdiction
3)parameter value
The data should be transmitted using the appropriate minimum or maximum
parameter value.
Today I read an article "Belgium delays nuclear energy exit 10 years due to
Ukraine war" in which it is written that Belgium will abandon its previously
planned plan to move away from nuclear energy.
Due to the fact that on February 24 Russia attacked Ukraine and thus the prices
rose very much. This week EU politicians will come together and discuss how they
should proceed. Also, Belgium must agree on the withdrawal from nuclear energy
with France, since it is France that has a company in Belgium.
Conclusion: Belgium really wants to make sure they stay strong.
And so they postponed their plan for 10 years for the stability of the country.
· #259
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:54)
I have read an article"Massive Science: There's a neurological reason you say
'um' when you think of a word". It talks about the scientific basis of the
sounds we make. It's amazing how a huge mechanism like the brain is able to
combine in itself, with a glance, absolutely incredible possibilities for
recognizing information. I am glad that there is such a study, as I believe that
it will help many people accept things that they considered as defects, although
this is not at all the case. I would be interested to know how we form our
thoughts in a split second in our native language, because earlier, before
people began to speak, we must have had another way to do this?
Phrases of the day
- monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
- parameter value
And in the most reputed galaxy formation framework, the so called cold dark
matter model, we would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far
beyond the usual range.
- determine whether
After that, the team will determine whether two or three more flights will be
required to complete the crossing of northwest Séítah.
· #258
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:52)
To Arhunoba,IZ-212. Pls look at your second sentence. The article can't TALK it can TELL US ABOUT something. As to your voice message. The words " woman 'and "women" are pronounced differently, as it's singular and plural, consult a dictionary. Good luck
· #257
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:52)
Class work (2) 21.03.22
monitoring tool
Today I read an article on "Bex" which analyzes a four-legged robot that can
walk, ride, and even carry a person on its back. Kawasaki officials and
engineers unveiled the Bex at the 2022 Tokyo International Robot Show. On
display, Becks looked like a wild goat, which is where he got his name.
robot is in many ways similar to the quadrupeds from Boston Dynamics, although
it is slower than them.
But he also gets on his knees, locks his joints, and starts an engine that
drives the robot like a car. Becks can also carry loads of 100 kilograms, which
will make life in the agricultural crop much easier.
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #256
Drozhzhina to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:50)
Your review about the scientific discovery is good but it is too long and contains 146 words instead of 100. Go on working.
· #255
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:44)
Today I have read the article named 'A mega heist: Deep network detects whopping
301 new planets beyond our solar system'. This article is about new scientific
discovery. Scientists have for the first time discovered a whopping 301 planets
orbiting their stars outside of our solar system. The discovery was made
possible by a new deep neural network called ExoMiner, a machine learning system
that uses Nasa’s Pleiades supercomputer, and can distinguish real exoplanets
from different types of imposters, or "false positives."
Scientists are hopeful that these 301 new discoveries will help us better
understand planets and solar systems beyond our own, and what makes ours so
In my opinion we are lucky be a generation that live in a technological era.
We can discover and see at objects, which are millions of light years away. So I
hope that scientists could find habitable planet.
· #254
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:44)
Phrases of the day
1)parameter value
Similar to the process of learning parameter values such as weights and biases
in a neural network.
2)monitoring tool
Powerful new tool makes coral reef monitoring faster, easier, cheaper.
3)determine whether
Study determines whether cultures play games that correspond to how cooperative
they are.
Articles :
Today I have read the article "How Your Mind, Under Stress, Gets Better At
Processing Bad News".
It tells us about the reaction of our body, or to be more precise , the brain,
to stress. It also talks about a study on fire workers, how they behave on
different days and how this affects their productivity. As a result,
firefighters were better at processing information in threat situations that
elicited a stress response. It is in such cases that firefighters are very
vigilant and attentive, which confirms the intentions of the observations. A
very informative article that I recommend to everyone.
· #253
Drozhzhina to Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:41)
Well done. Thank you.
· #252
Nikita Naumenko IM-181 (Grodska E.B)) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:40)
Today I've read an article about automatic sorting of spam. Nowadays, spam is
not only annoying ads, but also phishing sites that can steal personal data.
Protection against such malicious emails is very important today. It seems to me
that all mail should automate spam sorting. This will help protect the personal
data of users and the level of trust will increase.
Phrases of the day
- monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
- parameter value
And in the most reputed galaxy formation framework, the so called cold dark
matter model, we would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far
beyond the usual range.
- determine whether
After that, the team will determine whether two or three more flights will be
required to complete the crossing of northwest Séítah.
· #251
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:40)
To Albertovuch,IZ-212. Unfortunately there are some mistakes in your comment.
The first sentence should be:"Today I have read THE article...". The next
sentence:" The article touches the issue..."The next one" The author begins with
the report.."
Your voice message is nice. Best wishes
· #250
Drozhzhina to Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:37)
Thank you for your participation in the discussion. Your comment is quite interesting. I'am waiting for your independent practice work.
· #249
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:36)
Today I have read the article "Losing cultural context in emergency
communication can be a matter of life and death". It talks about the importance
of correct translation in emergencies. After all, in some countries it doesn’t
coincide with the context. Research has shown that misunderstanding the
situation causes panic in people and disorients them. That is why it is so
important to inform people in a language they understand. To do this, there are
special communities in the USА
that help prepare for emergencies. I think that cultural differences can really
have bad consequences.Therefore, measures must be taken to reduce the risk of
misunderstanding as much as possible.
· #248
Hyshtymult Anastasia, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:35)
Phrases of the day
- monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
- parameter value
And in the most reputed galaxy formation framework, the so called cold dark
matter model, we would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far
beyond the usual range.
- determine whether
After that, the team will determine whether two or three more flights will be
required to complete the crossing of northwest Séítah.
Today I have read the article "Researchers optimize materials design using
computational technologies". It talks about a new technology for the production
of materials, which helps save time and costs during production. To do this,
scientists have used advanced computational and machine methods. In the
production of the material there is a relationship process-structure property,
which significantly improves the result. In my opinion this method is very
useful, because it can help assess all the risks in the industrial process and
prevent them.
· #247
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:35)
Today I have read the article named 'The spy you never heard of'. This text is
about Xenophon de Blumenthal Kalamatiano, a State Department spy.
Kalamatiano, a Russian American who spoke both languages flawlessly, had been a
scholarship student, a founding member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and a track star.
By 1915 he was the American representative for a Russian trade group. In 1918,
needing a stable job with a dependable paycheck, he signed on with the State
Department as a paid spy. Kalamatiano spent three years in a Russian prison for
his role in a failed plot to assassinate Vladimir Lenin.
fact is at the time of the cold war between Russia and America these countries
were full of spies, who gave information to their leaders.
In my opinion it is quite interesting period of history.
1.determine whether
After that, the team will determine whether two or three more flights will be
required to complete the crossing of northwest Séítah.
2.parameter value.
If the Menu will not load any parameter value, it is likely that the integration
cable is connected improperly.
3.monitoring tool
A new recruitment monitoring tool, which was introduced in late 2003, will also
provide very useful data on the demand for volunteers and thus greatly
contribute to fine-tuning rostering policies.
· #246
Grodska E. to Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:31)
Your commentaries are informative and interesting, well done. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #245
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:26)
To Bortnik,IZ-211. Your comments are nice, they would have been better if you have used Present Perfect in the first sentence in your both comments,it should be:"Today I HAVE READ the article...". Pls,consult a dictionary as to the pronouncing of the word " stereotype'. Best of luck
· #244
Gvozd to Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:25)
Viktoria, use Present Perfect in the first sentence. Be attentive.
· #243
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:23)
Today I read the article "A new model to automatically detect and filter spam
emails" In the article, I learned that spam emails are unsolicited messages that
are sent in bulk to a lot of random users. Such emails very often contain bugs
that can give an error on your device. For these letters, there is a special
filter that recognizes such links or messages and automatically blocks them.
They often read personal data and can control the computer remotely. I advise
you not to follow links you don't know!
Phrases of the Day:
1.Determine whether long term exposure to radiation
2.The Kerr nonlinear parameter
3.Monitor nuclear reactor operations
· #242
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:19)
Independent work (1) 21.03.22
determine whether
Today I read an article on "A new model to automatically detect and filter spam
emails" which analyzes over the past few years, computer scientists have
developed increasingly advanced computational models to automatically detect
spam messages. However, to perform well, most of these models need to be trained
on large email datasets that have been
by humans. The world will be offed new automatic email filtering and spam
identification which is highly beneficial as they can reduce the risk of
attacks and make it easier for users to navigate their accounts.
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #241
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:18)
Class work (1) 21.03.22
monitoring tool
Today I read an article on "Robotic telekinesis" which analyzes over the past
few decades, computer scientists have developed increasingly advanced methods
for training and operating robots. Together, these techniques can facilitate the
integration of robotic systems in an increasingly wide range of real world
environments. Robotic telekinesis, uses passive data from the internet to
provide real-time teleoperation of a nimble robotic arm in the wild, simply by
demonstrating the movements they want it to play in front of the camera,
performing missions both in everyday conditions and in environments inaccessible
for people, which can greatly facilitate the life of mankind, for example, in
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #240
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:15)
Well done, thank you.
· #239
Drozhzhina to Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:14)
Your comments on the article are clear and good. I appreciate it. Continue working.
· #238
Gvozd to Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:13)
Mind Present Perfect in the first sentence. Keep on working.
· #237
Drozhzhina to Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:11)
In general your comments are quite good. Please don't write the transation of the phrases of the day. Continue working.
· #236
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:10)
To Moskalyk,IZ-211. Your written comment (#207) is ok , but there are 2 mistakes in the first sentence in 208, it should be :", Today I HAVE FOUND ... about A green crab. Unfortunately there are many mistakes in your voice messages (significant, appreciate, nature, etc) .I advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice message! Good luck
· #235
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:09)
Word of the day and source
•parameter value
Each data point represents an average over several independent realizations of
the stochastic simulation for the same (optimal) parameter value, determined by
a parameter sweep (SI Appendix, section 1).
•determine whether
To determine whether repaying the student loan debt is causing the debtor to
experience an undue hardship, most courts apply three criteria outlined in a
case known as "Brunner.".
Commentary and source
Recently, I got acquainted with an article on the topic "Antonyms", so the time
has come for her sister - an article on the topic "Idiom".
Antonyms and idioms are very similar, but phraseological units are more suitable
for the second in the Russian equivolent.
In high school, preparing for the final school exams, I began to understand what
idioms are and what they eat with.
This article not only helped to refresh knowledge, but also to add something new
and even more interesting.
was very pleased that the article contained a lot of material about the nuances
in this topic: differences with the same antonyms, nuances of use.
Word of the day and source
•monitoring tool
Johnson and other researchers at PNNL have pioneered the use of ERT as a 3D
monitoring tool, and E4D at shallower depths of up to 350 feet, where it has
been used to detect and trace contaminants, for example.
Commentary and source
I used to read and study something lighter, but this time I decided to take on
something bigger and more ambitious - linguistics.
So I will say, for the mother of all these idioms, antonyms and so on.
school, I really didn’t like such topics, because it’s so difficult, but in my
then narrow thinking, everything complicated is boring.
This article is very entertaining with lots of funny examples. By the way, I
especially like it when they take a movie or a book as an example. Interest
rises and I want to get acquainted with those mentioned works.
· #234
Drozhzhina I. to Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:07)
Your comments are well done. Thank you
· #233
Drozhzhina to Latova Maria IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:06)
Your comments are good but try to write up to 100 words. Your independent practice is too long. And don't write the transation of the phrases of the day. Continue working.
· #232
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:06)
Today I read the article "Finding the most boring person in the world" The
University of Essex has revealed the most boring person in the world is a
religious data entry specialist. The researchers studied 500 people who were
accountants, bankers, and data analysts. Such people do not like noisy places,
big cities, and also have very few friends. They are usually quite shy and
modest, they do not like to talk a lot and do not like to sit in companies for a
long time. Such people are often lonely and cannot find soulmates or friends.
Phrases of the Day:
1.Determine whether they actually cause a net-widening effect or, in fact, do
the opposite.
2.structure parameters correlated with materials
3.monitoring the ability of agricultural soils
· #231
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:05)
Today I have read the article “What people value in digital news”.It tells that
digital news subscriptions have doubled in the past four years, but half of
those gains went to the New York Times and the Washington Post alone. To find
out why researchers sought to understand how news is traditionally produced and
presented in print and how digital news readers adapt with changing needs and
expectations. Print newspapers moved to digital platforms without having a
proper understanding of the different characteristics of the print and digital
mediums, and how readers use contextual clues to help them make sense of the
parameter value cannot be negative.
United Nations Register of Conventional Arms should become an effective tool for
monitoring arms transfers.
I provide you with a test to help determine whether the Queen can truly change.
· #230
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:04)
Today I have read the article called "Human instinct can be as useful as
algorithms in detecting online 'deception'." This article discusses a new study
that shows the problems associated with fake online reviews for both humans and
computer algorithms. Often companies use computer algorithms to distinguish
"fake" from "real", but sometimes technology does not work and lies slip into
the network. Therefore, the researchers tested whether a person was able to
distinguish a false review. Man has done much better at this task than the
computer. That is why researchers now recommend trusting your instinct. I think
this is a useful article, as scientists have proven that modern technology is
not in every way better than the human brain.
· #229
Drozhzhina to Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:03)
Thanks for your participation. Your reviews on the topic of this articles are correct and detailed.
· #228
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:01)
Today I have read the article called “Finding the most boring person in the
This article is about a study by scientists who found out who is the most boring
person in the world.
He turned out to be a religious worker who has a number of criteria that make
him boring. His job, hobby, place of residence are among the boring ones,
according to researchers. For example, boring hobbies are considered to be
sleeping, watching TV, religion, observing nature, etc. And the positions of
boring vacancies are occupied by accounting, banking, taxes.
for me, this study is funny, but pointless and a little offensive to people who
fit into one of the categories.
Phrases of the Day:
1.monitoring tool
This PC monitoring tool can record voice chat conversation, clipboard
activities, accessed application and other activities performed on your computer
2.determine whether
To determine whether repaying the student loan debt is causing the debtor to
experience an undue hardship.
3.parameter value
The data should be transmitted using the appropriate minimum or maximum
parameter value.
· #227
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:00)
Name: In Australian media, women’s voices are still not heard
Today I have read the article "In Australian media, women's voices are still not
heard". It talks about the fact that women in Australian magazines do not
express their views on certain events. There are also few biographies written
about women, statistically out of 31 political biographies, only 4 were about
women, of course this suggests that men outnumber them in magazines, supposedly
because they are more confident and intelligent. When this problem started to be
talked about, some magazines started paying more attention to women, however,
this problem still exists, let's hope that editors will definitely write about
women and men equally.
1) monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
2) determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
3) parameter value
The parameter value should contain the CLI command to be executed.
· #226
Gvozd to Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 11:00)
As I see, this is your Class work, not Independent practice. Mind the usage of Present Perfect.
· #225
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:59)
Today I have read the article "Climate change goals are in reach if pledges are
This article is about the Paris Agreement, which was signed by 196 countries.
The main purpose of this agreement was to stop the increase in ambient
temperature caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from
factories. Research data have shown that if all countries fulfill their promises
in the near future, the temperature in the world will drop by 2 degrees.
my opinion, global warming is a problem for all mankind, and measures must be
taken. But so far it is only the signing of agreements without any action.
· #224
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:58)
Today I have read the article "Ukraine war: Could Russia use tactical nuclear
This article talks about a topic that worries the whole world. Namely, the use
of nuclear weapons. Especially often this issue began to be discussed after the
speech of Vladimir Putin, which refers to the transfer of deterrence forces to
the status of full readiness. However, US and NATO experts report no change in
Russia's nuclear activities. They believe that this statement was made with the
intent to intimidate. To scare the other side to retreat.
In my opinion, nuclear weapons will not be used: neither tactical nor strategic
1. Monitoring tool - інноваційний інструмент
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
Інноваційний інструмент моніторингу планктону — ключ до оцінки здоров’я
океанського життя
2. Determine whether - визначити
In order to determine whether someone is trustworthy or not, you must look for
distinct characteristic: Ability for self-introspection
Щоб визначити заслуговує комусь довіри чи ні, ви повинні шукати відмінну
характеристики: здатність до самоаналізу
3. Parameter value - значення параметра
Firstly, you can directly change the parameter value here by replacing the text
from the keys text box
По-перше, ви можете безпосередньо змінити значення параметра тут, замінивши
текст із текстового поля ключів
· #223
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:57)
Today I have read the article “Kids as young as 3 years old think YouTube is
better for learning than other types of video”. It tells us about the major
findings, which have shown that YouTube videos are better ways of learning than
TV shows or videos created on a researcher's smartphone. During the research,
children were asked to look at the image and guess which resource it was taken
from: TV, YouTube or smartphone. As a result, children recognize You Tube as the
most reliable resource, even knowing that, sometimes, the characters are
To my mind, You Tube is a good way of watching different educational programs,
especially during the quarantine, when all schools switched to online learning,
but this can also affect their academic performance.
· #222
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:57)
Today I have read the article “An autonomous forearm-supported walker to assist
patients in nursing facilities”. As is known, robotics systems developed
nowadays, can help to assist patients in nursing homes or hospitals; for
instance, helping patients to walk or fetching food. It was the impetus to
create an innovative autonomous system, which can move patients to a different
place without medical assistance. As a matter of fact, usually these walkers
need to be brought up to patients, but this one can be used without any
intervention from caregivers.
To my mind, this walker is an incredible invention, because now all people, who
have mobility problems can easily go out for a walk without the help of nurses.
1.determine whether
After that, the team will determine whether two or three more flights will be
required to complete the crossing of northwest Séítah.
2.parameter value
If the Menu will not load any parameter value, it is likely that the integration
cable is connected improperly.
3.monitoring tool
A new recruitment monitoring tool, which was introduced in late 2003, will also
provide very useful data on the demand for volunteers and thus greatly
contribute to fine-tuning rostering policies.
· #221
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:55)
Today i have read the article which called "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of fishlike underwater research drones". In this article was talking about research on fish and their behavior in flocks, which will then help us create underwater technologies for studying the ocean. I think this is an interesting article.It was very interesting to know that small fish swimming in a school can sense the position and tail beat of their neighbors as water pressure variation on the side of their bodies. I think there's a lot more to explore in the ocean. I recommend to read.
· #220
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:54)
have read the article about nuclear war.
Part 3
In USSR in black suitcase all codes for activating weapons were sewn into
memory. There were two red buttons, this buttons will send the codes in the form
of encrypted signals. It is different from American, because it turns on only in
response to a missiles attack. To attack first you can't. This suitcase has the
President, the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff. The
missiles will fly, if a signal will received from 2.
But what if all the authorities were killed in the first hours of the war?
Then who will take revenge? In order to take revenge on the enemy the perimeter
system, nicknamed the dead hand, it was created in the USSR, there is no
information that it was turned off.
Phrases of the Day:
1) monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
Як інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено картку обліку балів за вирішення
ґендерних питань.
2) determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Рішення в наступну добу вирішать чи провалишся ти, чи матимеш успіх.
3) parameter value
When you include a prompt, the user is prompted to enter a parameter value prior
to running the report.
Якщо увімкнути нагадування, користувачеві перед запуском звіту буде надаватися
запит ввести значення параметра .
Part 4
The system will launch a special missile with a radio transmitter instead of a
warhead, the missile will fly over country and command mimes and submarines to
launch all the remaining weapons. This will happen if a network of sensors
across the country detects many pockets of radiation and will be no
communication neither with the General Staff, not with the president and the
main control system, then the dead hand will understand that is left alone and
taking control.
But it is unlikely to come to, because the first of the state have many places
to hide and where to command. The best way to survive a nuclear explosion is to
be above it. For example, on an airplane. The president of Russia and the
United States have a doomsday plane. The president of the United States is
always followed by a plane.
· #219
Sasha Horbachova, IM-201 (Drozhzhina) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:53)
Today i have read the article which called "Hate speech in social media: How
platforms can do better". In this article was talking about hate in social
networks and the need to detect it at the beginning of the scale. The article
also talks about how to detect "white" speech. For example:Using less profanity
than is common in social media to elude detection based on "offensive" language.
I think it's very important to detect hate on social media from the very
beginning and warn right away. Since we often spend time on social networks,
this hate can be bad for people.
Phrases of the day
1) parameter value
The parameter value must be greater than zero.
2) monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life
3) determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
· #218
Drozhzhina to Chernichenko Diana IM-201 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:50)
Thank you for your comments, thay are good and informative but please don't translate the sentences to the phrases of the day.
· #217
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:49)
Tunisia journalists declare public media
Today I have read an article about journalists on a media strike. The article
touches on the issue of specialised reforms. The aim of the article is to give
some information to the reader about the illegal change of power and how it
affects journalism. The author begins by reporting on the strike by the national
syndicate of Tunisian journalists. The vice-president has spoken openly about
her position and her reluctance to remain silent. According to the article the
executive and extended board of the syndicate meet to resolve some issues. I
advise you to read this article.
Phrase of the day
1 monitoring tool
Field visits also can be used more strategically as a monitoring tool.
2 determine whether
And how you cope in the next few moments will determine whether or not you join
3 parameter value
The parameter value must be greater than zero.
· #216
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:44)
Phrases of the day:
1) parameter value;
the so called cold dark matter model, we would have to introduce extreme
parameter values that are far beyond the usual range.
2) determine whether;
determine whether the given expression is infinitesima
3) monitoring tool;
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life
Link to the article
The title of the article:
«Journalism as a creative profession»
Today I read the article "Journalism as a Creative Profession".
I think being a journalist is not easy. Every journalist should be versatile in
their own way. As long as journalism exists, creativity will be a necessity for
people. I realized that I want to be a journalist after the 8th grade and my
dream came true. Any journalist must be creative, because they simply will not
be listened to or read. This article attracted me because it clearly describes
why everyone wants to become journalists, because no one wants to depend on
someone, so to speak, freedom of action.
Link to the article:
The title of the article: stereotype
Today I read the article "stereotype"
For me, the word stereotype came from ancient times. Since we have imposed a lot
of things that should not be. Stereotypes can also be heavily influenced by
people and their environment. We now have such a generation of people that
everyone follows them to become better. But no one understands that you need to
live the way you want, and not others. A consequence of stereotyping is a sense
of humiliation that stereotypical people may experience, which can cloud their
behavior. People should not live by stereotypes.
· #215
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:42)
I have read the article "Seismology: A promising tool for monitoring
The article tells about there widespread permafrost thaw in response to changing
climate conditions has the potential to dramatically impact ecosystems,
infrastructure, and the global carbon budget. Ambient seismic noise techniques
allow passive subsurface monitoring that could provide new insights into
permafrost vulnerability and active‐layer
I think this study demonstrates the potential of passive seismic monitoring as a
new tool for studying site‐scale
and permafrost thaw processes at high temporal and spatial resolution.
· #214
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article about simple strategies for keeping foams on
walls. This is a very interesting and strange topic about it and it takes place
today. It turns out that we use the foam not only when taking a bath but also in
other household chores. Scientists showed how a foam can lose liquid via
"pinch-off," like droplets from a faucet, finding that the amount of liquid and
the extent of the foam determine exactly how it drains. Now scientists
interested in the research topic are working to ensure that the foam stays on
the surface of its application for as long as possible in different ways.
· #213
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article "The 'equal-opportunity jerk' defense: Rudeness
can obfuscate gender bias".
The article tells about there to address sexism, people must first recognize it.
In this research, we identified a barrier that makes sexism hard to recognize:
rudeness toward men. We found that observers judge a sexist perpetrator as less
sexist if he is rude toward men. This occurs because rudeness toward men creates
the illusion of gender blindness.
Thus, rudeness toward men gives sexist perpetrators plausible deniability. It
protects them and prevents the first perceptual step necessary to address
Phrases of the Day:
1) monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
Як інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено картку обліку балів за вирішення
ґендерних питань.
2) determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Рішення в наступну добу вирішать чи провалишся ти, чи матимеш успіх.
3) parameter value
When you include a prompt, the user is prompted to enter a parameter value prior
to running the report.
Якщо увімкнути нагадування, користувачеві перед запуском звіту буде надаватися
запит ввести значення параметра .
· #212
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:41)
Name: Journalism school is broken and expensive. Jessica Huseman will teach you
for cheap(er).
Today I have read the article about "Journalism school is broken and expensive.
Jessica Huseman will teach you for cheap(er).". Actually, she has said about
journalistic school that is really not good at graduating specialists in sphere
of investigative journalism. However, the price of studying there is really
expensive and have low quality. Also, Jessica has developed the course in some
variety of journalism which have different prices. And i think that she is
really nice specialist in her sphere also, she try to make a world of journalism
really useful and easier to learn. I recommend reading this interesting article.
· #211
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:40)
Today I have read the article about chances of getting rid of student loan. This
is a very interesting program for us ordinary students in Ukraine, but in the
future for those who decided to start studying abroad, everything will be very
important information. If you have already taken a loan and are unable to repay
it, there is a system that can help you with this.
This is a complex process that requires perfect execution of three points given
in the Brownera. There are also many nuances that are worth learning in person.
-Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean
-Through extensive experiments, the team found that several key parameters
determine whether foams fall down via gradual slippage or liquid pinch-off.
-While in magnetism the order parameter is the magnetization (vector), for a
superconducting state the absolute value of the order parameter has a physical
meaning of the superconducting energy gap
· #210
Anastasia Arhunova IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:39)
Name: American magazines
Today I’ve read the article about "American magazines". The author divides the
article into some chronological frameworks which have had an impact on the
production of magazines. The author starts by telling the reader about the
events that spurred the circulation of newspapers. The author emphasises a new
breed of newspaper authors, who exposed social corruption. The author goes on to
describe a period of time when journalists had a real impact on news and public
opinion. This article seemed interesting to me, so I recommend reading it to
everyone who is at least a little interested in this topic.
1) monitoring tool
System tools for keylogger data wiper website monitoring tool backlink checker.
2) determine whether
I'll determine whether he is or not.
3) parameter value
The input parameter value should be a StartBridge Event to reject.
· #209
Foka Victoria IZ-211(Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:39)
Today I read the article "Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to
assessing the health of ocean life" Researchers from the University of Plymouth
helped create a virtual online tool that helps turn complex plankton data into a
more accessible and understandable formula for biologists. The tool extracts
individual planktn data, which maintains a central database and formats the data
into predefined lifeforms. In this way, it is much easier for a marine biologist
to work. The article, as for me, carries useful information only for people who
belong to biological faculties.
Phrases of the day:
1.Research suggests the strength of democracy in times of crisis.
2.These parameters affect the soil's mechanical
3. A promising tool for monitoring permafrost.
· #208
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:38)
Today I found a very interesting article about green crab. We think that crabs
cannot do anything bad in this world in nature, but this is not the case.
European green crabs feast on shellfish, destroy marsh habitats by burrowing in
the mud and obliterate valuable seagrass beds. This is a big drawback, so Jay
Insley issued a decree for 70,000 crabs. This method should save the populations
of others ... Scientists have also come up with a new research method (eDNA)
that determines the almost exact number of crabs in one part of the reservoir,
so when they go to catch them they know how many to find here.
· #207
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 ( Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:37)
Today I have read the article about "World's first, satellite-based monitoring
system goes global to help save coral reefs". This topic is important today,
because with the influence of environmental and human factors, corals are
undergoing significant changes. But good scientists now have a tool to monitor
the global health of coral reefs, bringing new hope to conservation efforts. The
excellent work of scientists has contributed to the release of the world's first
satellite system that monitors coral bleaching.
This is a job that is difficult to replace, so our scientists should be
-On the other hand, monitoring the ability of agricultural soils to provide
crops with nitrogen throughout the country asks for quick but reliable methods.
-To determine whether repaying the student loan debt is causing the debtor to
experience an undue hardship, most courts apply three criteria outlined in a
case known as "Brunner."
-And in the most reputed galaxy formation framework, the so called cold dark
matter model, we would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far
beyond the usual range.
· #206
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:37)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #205
Grodska E. to Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:35)
The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentary is quite good, but be more attentive to avoid making mistakes.
· #204
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:35)
Good day!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #203
Grodska E. to Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:34)
Your commentaries are informative, but pay attention to the use of the articles (a/the). Go on working
· #202
Gvozd to Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:33)
The tasks are complete. Thank you.
· #201
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:32)
The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly. Your commentaries are quite good, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article.
· #200
Grodska E. to Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:30)
Your commentary is quite good and informative, but: Today I have read The article… Go on working
· #199
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:30)
Today I read the article with a statement about the effectiveness of Pfizer's
vaccine against a new strain of coronavirus found in South Africa. Scientists
are still studying this new strain, but they assume that it is more contagious,
but the disease with it is not so complicated and should not cause serious
In my opinion, this is great news. In the end, in the third year of the
pandemic, the whole world was pretty tired, and the news about the new strain
caused a negative wave again. I hope everything will be back to normal soon.
· #198
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:29)
Today I've read the article "#Nomakeup trend fails to discourage the use of
Today, the "no makeup" movement has appeared on social networks, which
encourages women to take selfies without makeup and fall in love with their
natural beauty. The natural beauty movement does not exempt women from cosmetics
sales have grown along with the growth of the make-up rejection movement.
I think it is very important to love yourself regardless of whether you have
makeup on or not, you need to do only what you want.
Phrases of the day:
1. Any variable may be used in a configuration parameter value.
У значенні параметра конфігурації може використовуватися будь-яка змінна.
2. Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Визначатиме успіх чи невдачу.
3. A gender scorecard will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
Як інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено ґендерну картку.
· #197
Grodska E. to Jaroslava Alberovuch (IJ-212) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:28)
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative, but mind the use of articles ( a/the): Today I have read The article…
· #196
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:14)
Code of Conduct in Journalism
Today I’ve read an article about the code of conduct in journalism. The text
emphasizes the need for such a code, as the media, which should be the watchdog
of democracy, forget about their duties and become corrupt. The author describes
how the code of conduct should work. The article also pointed out that
journalists should be carefully checked for unethical actions and forced to
strictly comply with the code of conduct. At the end of the text, the author
makes it clear to us that the unethical methods of journalists must be nipped in
the bud. I found this text informative for myself.
Phrases of the day
1) This is what was used as a monitoring tool for students
2) With this piece of evidence, we can finally determine whether your husband
was the killer.
3) The calculations use the optimal value of the parameter.
The Media and its Contributions to Social Movements
Today I’ve read an article about the contribution of the media to a social
movement. This article examines how the media can be a force for good in
repressive regimes and how a vigilant media can help citizens overthrow
unpopular and repressive rulers. The article also discusses examples of such a
role of the media in society. The text indicates that one of the main aspects of
the media and their role in social movements is the power to transmit and repeat
the message of social activists. The author also warns that activists and
community leaders should be careful about how they use the media and how the
media uses them.
· #195
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:11)
Alina, as far as I understand, these are the tasks of our next lesson.
Thank you, keep on working.
· #194
Borysenko (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:09)
Andreeva,IZ-211. Thanks for your comment but... Remember that the word article
can't be substituted by the pronoun SHE, it should be substituted by the pronoun
IT(the second sentence)
There are again some mispronounced words in your voice message (used,
author,thereby).Pls consult a dictionary. Best wishes
· #193
Gvozd to Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:09)
I appreciate your task, bit mind you grammar, remember that "article TELLS...". By the way, what's about your Independent practice?
· #192
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:08)
Today I have read the article "How Many of Your Memories Are Fake?". It tells us
about the possibilities of our consciousness and memory, such as "false
memories". They exist in every person and can arise without our will. The
article also discusses a man with a phenomenal memory - Frank Healy. He
remembered what he had for breakfast that day twelve years ago, what music was
playing on the radio as he drove to work. But studies have shown that even
people with excellent memories are prone to "false memories." I recommend this
article for everyone to read.
· #191
Foka Victoria IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:06)
I read the article "Predicting phosphine reactivity with one simple metric" The
article talks about phosphines which are the most common and important ligands
for transition metal catalysis. In turn, phosphines can change the structure and
selectivity of the metal, as well as the reactivity. Phosphines are used in
commercial chemical products, as well as in pharmaceutical products. Phosphines
can change their structure, which further affects the reaction, structure, and
reactivity of the catalyst. Researchers at the University of Los Angeles and
other colleagues have run tests with phosphine modifications to test for all
possible reactions of this substance.
Phrases of the day:
1.Through extensive experiments, the team found that several key parameters
determine whether foams fall down via gradual slippage or liquid pinch-off.
2.Phosphines that have values of this parameter above that value can only bind
one. It was very striking to us when we found that it wasn't a linear trend.
3.Network Monitoring Tools.
· #190
Grodska E. to Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:04)
Both your commentaries are informative and interesting. The tasks Phrases of the day were written completely correct.
· #189
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:04)
1) determine whether
High quality example sentences with “determine whether or not” in context from
reliable sources
I read the article "Mental health and the holidays: Stress for kids".
It's important to remember that stress isn't just for adults. Statisticians
point out to us that children also belong to emotional instability and stress.
In the article we can read that not only school can be a source of stress for
children, but also holidays. After reading, we will learn what signs to look out
for and how you can help your children. The article gives good, simple and
working tips that are important and should be applied. Due to their age,
children cannot help themselves, so this responsibility lies with adults.
· #188
Grodska E. to Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 10:03)
Your commentary is quite good. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #187
Gvozd to IJ211,212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:54)
Raylian (IG - 212)
Alexander Boyko IZ-211
Thank you for your tasks. They are informative, but mind grammar and do not
forget to attach the audio.
· #186
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:47)
The networked era has made it increasingly difficult to define journalism and to
separate it from other types of information. This is no small thing. The
definition of journalism influences its practice and its role in democratic
society. This article identifies themes from judicial definitions of journalism
from recent U.S. state and federal cases. Jurists’ rationales for why a person
is or is not a journalist have come as they face a variety of cases in which
bloggers. message-board posters. website publishers. and others have claimed
protections that have historically been primarily associated with traditional
Phrases of the day:
1. Any variable may be used in a configuration parameter value.
У значенні параметра конфігурації може використовуватися будь-яка змінна.
2. A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
Як інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено ґендерну картку.
3. Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Визначатиме успіх чи невдачу.
· #185
Alexander Boyko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:46)
Phrases of the day:
1. Parameter values
”And in the most reputed galaxy formation framework, the so called cold dark
matter model, we would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far
beyond the usual range.”
2. Determine whether
After that, the team will determine whether two or three more flights will be
required to complete the crossing of northwest Séítah.
3. Monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
It seems to me that knowing English depends not only on what grade the student
started, but also on his or her desire to learn it. It is possible to start
learning English from the first grade, but if the student has no desire, he
won't be able to learn it very well.
I think for children to start learning other languages, it is necessary to show
them that they not only need it, but it will help them start to travel, meet
people all over the world, and maybe even help them to fulfill their desires.
· #184
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:42)
Today I read an article about the creation of the computer game "Stalker: Shadow
of Chernobyl". The plot of the game revolves around a world engulfed in
radiation and teeming with mutants of varying degrees of danger. The events
begin with a character known as the Marked One falling from a death truck on the
outskirts of the Zone. Soon he meets a man named Sidorovich, who distributes the
first tasks to the main character and introduces him to the fiction of the
environment. In the course of the journey, the hero will move through various
autonomous game zones that together make up the Zone, from the relatively calm
Cordon to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant itself, from which everything
ominous seems to come.
1. difficult to determine whether shipwreck was a mistake
2. parameter value must not exceed one
3. in this situation, it is impossible to repair the monitoring tool
“The less I thought about Sherlock Holmes, the more I liked Sherlock Holmes,”
the film critic began his review, talking about Sherlock performed by Robert
Downey Jr. Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about the famous London detective
Sherlock Holmes are still extremely popular. Most readers get at least a few.
Holmes Downey is both looser and fitter than previous incarnations. Villains and
deeds come and go up the stairs to 221B Baker Street, but inside this hideout
life remains the same: Holmes is omniscient and calm, Watson is irritable and
scared, the evidence is ordered.
· #183
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:42)
1) parameter value
These parameters affect the soil's mechanical ...
2) monitoring tool.
Big data-derived tool facilitates closer monitoring of recovery from natural
Today I read an interesting and useful article for every parent "How to prevent
your child from getting bullied—or being a bully"
Bullied unfortunately remains relevant in our time. The article teaches
something important, or rather, how to protect your child. " Parents are guilty
of knowing the seriousness of the buling and of knowing how their children
should know." The article is also good because it reveals two sides at once -
the aggressor and the victim. It is important to accept the child from both
sides and help him in time, which is what the article teaches.
· #182
Andreeva Darya IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:41)
Phrases of the day
1)parameter value
We would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far beyond the
usual range.
2)monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
3)determine whether
To determine whether repaying the student loan debt is causing the debtor to
experience an undue hardship.
Articles :
Today I have read the article "Hedonic Adaptation. Why you should eat popcorn
with chopsticks and
other psychological tricks to make life more enjoyable". She tells us about
getting used to things and actions that initially brought us positive feelings.
That is why the author recommends starting to eat popcorn with chopsticks,
because it helps us to concentrate on the process, thereby enjoying food without
only at the very beginning. After all, the art of paying attention only works
initially, after which our focus shifts. For general knowledge, I highly
recommend reading this article, because the information is very interesting and
useful for life.
· #181
Gvozd to IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:39)
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Thank you, well done.
· #180
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:35)
Thank you, the tasks are complete. Mind the usage of Present Perfect.
· #179
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:32)
Title: About the Pandora Papers
Today I have read the article about the Pandora Papers.
This investigation reveals the secret deals and hidden assets of more than 330
politicians and high-level public officials in more than 90 countries and
territories, including 35 country leaders. While owning an offshore company is
legal, the secrecy it provides can hide illegal cash flows, experts say. The
investigation was conducted by more than 600 journalists in 117 countries and
territories. They revealed details of international energy, technology and
property holdings and agreements.
In conclusion, Pandora Papers are expected to make new discoveries over the
· #178
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:31)
Title: Practicing Journalism Under Dictatorship
Today I have read the article about harassment against Nicaraguan journalists.
It all started on December 13, 2018, when dozens of police officers violently
seized all the personal property. On the morning of May 20, 2021, the new office
was surrounded by riot police. President added new paramilitaries, that left 355
dead, thousands injured. Practicing journalism under a dictatorship is an act of
resistance for continuing to tell the truth. Newsroom has been confiscated
twice, but they have never been able to confiscate journalism.
In conclusion, if you start sow the seeds of truth today, the justice will be
imparted tomorrow.
Phrases of the day:
1. monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
2. determine whether
These elements of newsworthiness determine whether the news is necessary or not
for the readers.
3. parameter value
Yellow colour means that parameter value combination resulted in extreme
· #177
Ivashenko Liza ІЖ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:27)
Homework 21.03.22
Journalism. I originally believed. is first and foremost a set of values—such as
breaking news. uncovering the truth. and providing a public a service. Second.
these values would get meaning in the news culture of a specific time and
place—a country. a medium. and a news organization. Third. individual
journalists would come to embody these values and their meanings in their
everyday routines and practices at work. All of this squared rather nicely with
the arrangement of news as an industry in society.
· #176
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:26)
Today I’ve read the article « Relevance of Mass Media to Society». The authors
of the article say that the transition from print to electronic has made the
media more powerful, as the geographic limitation has disappeared and the news
has spread with lightning speed around the world. Also, the importance of modern
media was emphasized by the title of the "fourth branch of government", because
the media also have a deep socio-economic significance. But unfortunately, many
modern media are also under pressure from the authorities or become not
I totally agree that Mass Media are really important today.
Phrases of the day:
1) monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
Як інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено ґендерну картку.
2) parameter value
'' parameter value" cannot be negative.
'' значення параметра" не може бути негативним.
3) determine whether
I tried to determine whether he was breathing.
Я намагався визначити, чи дихає він.
Today I've read the article called "Social media users more likely to believe
misinformation: study." This article tells us about an urgent problem of modern
society. It is misinformation of people through social networks, which are now
an integral part of the life of every person. It is also reported that social
networks are becoming more popular source of news than well-known newspapers, TB
channels, etc. In my opinion, unfortunately, people who take information from
only one source don't develop their own critical thinking and are more likely to
· #175
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:23)
Link to the article:
The title of the article: "Relevance of Mass Media to Society”
Today I’ve read the article « Relevance of Mass Media to Society». The author of
the article says that the transition from print to electronic has made the media
more powerful, as the geographic limitation has disappeared and the news has
spread with lightning speed around the world. Also, the importance of modern
media was emphasized by the title of the "fourth branch of government", because
the media also have a deep socio-economic significance. But unfortunately, many
modern media are also under pressure from the authorities or become not
I liked this article for its accessible simple information,and most
Phrases of the Day
1) parameter value
The input parameter value should be a StartBridge Event to reject.
Значенням вхідного параметра має бути подія StartBridge, яку потрібно відхилити.
2)monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
Як інструмент моніторингу буде запроваджено ґендерну картку.
3)determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
Визначатиме успіх чи невдачу.
The headline of the article I’ve read is «How to become a Journalist». The
purpose of the article is to give reader some information about what the
profession of a journalist is in general, about personal requirements for a
Journalist, about education and training for a Journalist and some additional
information. From what the author says it becomes clear that getting a
profession of a journalist is not so easy, for this you need to go through some
stages. I think the article is useful and important, especially for those who
have just started to get acquainted with this profession.
· #174
Jaroslava Alberovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:21)
Why journalists should engage with their readers: a view from Slovakia
Today I have read an article about why journalists should communicate with their
readers. The aim of the article is to provide some material and answers about
what happens when a journalist joins the discussion in the comments under the
articles. The article starts with a mention of the daily newspaper of Slovakia
and their communication with commentators. The author informs about the types of
commentators and how to conduct a dialogue with them. I recommend reading this
article as it is very useful and may help journalists in the future.
Phrase of the day
1 monitoring tool
The process of tracking the progress of the project requires monitoring tools.
2 determine whether
We need to complete the project to determine whether if it has a future.
3 parameter value
Parameter value cannot be negative.
Journalism in middle America got communities through the pandemic
Today I have read an article about journalism that helped survive the pandemic
in middle America. The article focuses on the challenges faced by journalists in
2020. The purpose of the article is to provide the reader with information on
how local news organisations managed to survive the pandemic. The author begins
by talking about the project with a colleague at work. Much attention is given
to the ways in which journalism has survived, among them: deals, part-time jobs
and loans. Much attention is also given to the first signs of hope as
journalists began to receive support. I recommend reading the article.
· #173
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:19)
Today I read an article on the topic “EDITORIAL: The role of a journalist when
misinformation runs rampant''
And I want to give my comments. A journalist is a very responsible profession,
as it is thanks to them that information is spread in the world. The job of a
Journalist is to present facts to people, but most important of all, their
reliability. Thanks to this, a journalist can be trusted. Journalists should not
shy away from opinions that go on To summarize, I want to say that the job of a
journalist is to communicate information and facts as they are
· #172
Goncharuk Inga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:18)
Today I have read an article on the topic “Why good journalism matters”and I
want to give my comment. Disinformation is one of the main problems that
democracy has faced these days. Journalists are the conscience of democracy.
They must communicate only the truth so as not to spread rumors. Climate change
and COVID-19 are major problems of our time that are constantly subject to
disinformation, which is confusing. Tooomas Hendrik IIves said fake news is
cheap to produce and Genuine news is expensive
In making a conclusion, I want to say that a real and good journalist must be
Phrases of the day
1) A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
2) Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
3) The parameter value should contain the CLI command to be executed.
· #171
Gvozd to Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:18)
Thank you for so urgent article. It is quite correct.
· #170
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:18)
Today I've read the article about climate of Ukraine is determined by its
geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt and its
climate is temperately continental, only the southern coast of the Crimea is
subtropical. The climate of Ukraine is characterized by considerable variations
due to the great range from north to south and from west to east, stretching
from the areas under the influence of the north-western Atlantic to the interior
of the continent. This means that the air temperature decreases not only from
north to south but also from west to east.
· #169
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:17)
Today I've read the article about how people always pollute the environment. But
until now, pollution has not been such a serious problem. In the past, most
people lived in sparsely populated rural areas and did not own polluting cars.
But with the development of overcrowded industrial cities, the problem of
pollution has become more urgent. The use of automobiles and other machines
constantly exacerbated the pollution. Since the 1950s, people have been alarmed
by the danger of environmental pollution. Air, water and soil are essential for
the existence of all living things. But polluted air can cause illness and even
death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life.
parameter value
parameter value is zero
determine whether
determine whether problem is correctly solved
monitoring tool
weather monitoring tool
· #168
Gvozd to Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:15)
It is correct to write"the article TELLS...". Be attentive, please.
· #167
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:13)
I have read your Independent practice. It is informative, but mind Present Perfect in the first sentence.
· #166
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:10)
Article of the day
1)Parameter value was less than 4
2)Our task is to determine whether this was true information.
3)At the moment, we know only a monitoring tool.
Opinion. Print journalism isn’t dying, it’s evolving.
Writer :Kelsey Harrell, Managing Digital Editor.
The author of the article talks about the advantages of print publishing,
suppression of the newspaper and the leadership of web sites in the present
time. The author gives an example of the feeling when buying a newspaper, as
well as an example of the feeling of journalists who are published in a
newspaper for the first time. The article also raises the topic of comparing
social networks and print publishers. It is written about where the newspaper is
in demand now and its importance at a given time. I completely agree with the
author's opinion that no matter how melia technologies develop, the newspaper
will still not disappear and will be in demand.
Vocaroo :
How to get your foot in the door at BBC and ITN
Posted: 8 March 2022 By: Amanda Nunn
This article talks about the possibilities of joining the ranks of such channels
as the BBC and ITN.
The author tells the action plan by dividing it into three phases,
conventionally calling them like this: make up your mind, find a big cheese and
develop toxic positivity. In each paragraph, he talks in detail about planning,
a career ladder, the principle of work, the possibility of finding information
on social networks, some tricks and many other useful tips.
It seems to me, that this article will be very useful for people who would like
to work in this field.
Vocaroo :
· #165
Gvozd to Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:09)
Well done, thank you.
· #164
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:06)
1) determine whether
To determine whether something is correct.
Today I read the excellent article "How do you find emotional equilibrium during
a pandemic?"
The last two years have been difficult for all of us. The theme of the pandemic
touched all cities and all countries. People had to learn to live anew, to live
anew according to the new rules of seemingly eternal quarantine. Isolation,
reading new disturbing news and statistics had a bad effect on mental health.
Stress against this background has become everyday. This article teaches how to
find the positive and feel hope despite such difficulties. I recommend this
article for everyone to read.
· #163
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:05)
Link to the article:
Putin's Revised Foreign Agent Law Could Enable Mass Repression
Ukraine and Russia are currently at war. The article describes that Russian
citizens began to take an active part in anti-war demonstrations, to express
opposition to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Russia's State Duma has
passed a law threatening fines, forced conscription and imprisonment for truth.
The latest revision of Russia's law on "foreign agents" should worsen the
situation. So far, the Russian government's campaign to suppress the truth at
home has not been fully coordinated. The Russian Federation and its
representatives have gone completely insane. Ukraine has not started a war, but
we will withstand any tension and win.
Phrases of the day:
1. Numerous examples of participation in the protes.
2. More specifically revision of Russia's law on "foreign agents" should worsen
the situation.
3. Initial stages of to silence people.
Link to the article:
Saudi Arabia: Mass execution of 81 men shows urgent need to abolish the death
This article describes the mass execution of 81 people. The interior ministry
announced the execution on Saturday, all of whom have been convicted of a wide
range of crimes, including terrorism, murder, armed robbery and arms smuggling.
The death penalty is quite cruel, but people understood what they were doing.
The level of crime and murder is higher than the norm in many countries of our
world. Many prisoners complain of severe pain but are denied assistance. I
believe that all people who have committed a crime should be punished, because
no one will forgive them. You need to think about this decision several times
before taking a specific action.
· #162
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 09:05)
The article is titled "People used Facebook as an emergency communication system
during a pandemic, study shows." Unfortunately, the author's name is not given.
The article touches on the possibility of using the Facebook platform to share
important information. During the pandemic, users shared information ranging
from explaining COVID-19 infection rates to tips on how to entertain children at
home. The article goes on to say that later, misinformation began to spread and
users began to control each other's social distancing behaviors. I found the
article interesting because it presented a problem that is still relevant today.
· #161
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:56)
Today I have read an article about can philanthropic journalism go on. Despite
the rapid growth in the number of nonprofit investigative centers in the United
States and many excellent examples of quality journalism conducted by such
centers, uncertainties remain about the long-term sustainability of
charity-funded journalism. There is legitimate concern among senior editors at
nonprofit centers that the number of centers will increase over the next few
years, foundations will shift their funding to other areas, and that there are
limited alternative sources of income, despite the fact that several nonprofits
are generating significant and growing income. I recommend to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.Others expressed concern as to what an exhaustive regime would involve.
2.Few further attempts have been made to estimate overall expenditure because of
the problems inherent in doing so.
3.The prediction is that the effect is proportional to the distance.
· #160
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:56)
Words of the day and sources
•monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life.
•determine whether
Through extensive experiments, the team found that several key parameters
determine whether foams fall down via gradual slippage or liquid pinch-off.
Commentary and source
Today I found an article about American slang. And she turned out to be very
interesting. And most importantly - useful.
When learning any language, one has not just to get acquainted, but to deeply
study a large amount of material in thick books. And this small article was able
to fit everything you need to know: the history of occurrence, terminology, and
purpose, types, and much more that is worth attention.
I almost forgot to mention the language: so simple, as if you are sitting at a
lecture by a teacher with whom you are on the same wavelength.
Words of the day and sources
•parameter value
And in the most reputed galaxy formation framework, the so called cold dark
matter model, we would have to introduce extreme parameter values that are far
beyond the usual range.
Commentary and source
This time my attention was drawn to the material in the form of an article on
the topic "Antonyms".
Even from high school, if not from elementary school, this material was easily
studied by me and remained in my memory for a long time.
But most often foreign languages, and in my case it is English, differ from my
usual ones. For example, from the Ukrainian language. There the antonym is the
antonym. And in English there are a large number of types, groups, exceptions.
At first it seems scary because of the habit, but curiosity goes up to become an
interest in the future.
· #159
Anastasia Gladka, IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:55)
Today I have read an article about local journalism being threatened - here are
some ways to save it. A cloud of concern hangs over local journalism in the UK.
There is strong evidence that recent cuts, along with the centralization of
smaller news outlets, have impacted the flow of information to local
communities. Employees of local newspapers complain that they lack the resources
and staff, they are subjected to ruthless pressure from the leadership and are
forced to rely on the materials of the news agency. Industry and academic
experts have raised concerns about the lack of support for initiatives to
promote greater diversity in the media. I recommend to read this article.
· #158
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:54)
The title of the article:Why we need sports journalism
Today I have read an article that talks about the essence of sports journalism.
The article will appeal to athletes. In it, we will learn how Eric Lynch began
to write about sports events. At the beginning of the journey, sport seemed to
him meaningless and not worthy of attention, but he was proud of his profession.
Also in the article, the journalist shares funny stories from work. Drawing
conclusions, I can say that the article is really interesting, in it Eric tells
the whole history of sports journalism, what attracts it and what contribution
it makes, I recommend reading.
Phrases of the day:
Parameter value
1.This condition has no parameters, so the operation code and the parameter
value (if any) are ignored.
Ця умова не має параметрів, код операції та значення параметрів (якщо є)
Monitoring tool
2.Parental control is one of the most popular monitoring tools.
Батьківський контроль - один із найпопулярніших інструментів моніторингу
Determine whether
3.I provide you with a test, to help determine whether,the Queen can truly
Я пропоную вам тест, який допоможе визначити, чи може королева справді
Vacaroo :
The title of the article:Modular journalism: what you need to know about this
new approach to storytelling
Today I have read an informative article in which we will learn what modular
journalism is and what it is eaten with. From the beginning, we learn that
publications advertise their articles as much as possible, but are they worth
it. Further, we understand that consumers are viewing the headline and a couple
of paragraphs, and not the entire article. Pick and mix the most important
paragraphs, this is modular journalism. In the end, I can say that the article
deserves attention, in it you will learn how to combine paragraphs and many
details about modular journalism, I recommend reading it.
· #157
Gvozd to Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:50)
appreciate your task, but... I see only 2 sentences with phrases. Where is your
Independent practice?
Bad news HAVE..., I HAVE read the article...
Be attentive!
· #156
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:49)
Today I have read the article “What journalism professors are teaching
students—about their futures”.It tells that a new study from Max Besbris, an
assistant professor of sociology at Rice, and Caitlin Petre, an assistant
professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers, argue that journalism
schools have sought to reframe the industry's unstable labor market as an
inevitable and even desirable part of the business and its professional
identity. Most of the educators they interviewed stressed that students should
be "as entrepreneurial as possible" and be willing to start their own businesses
or websites. They encouraged students to not only become good writers or
photojournalists, but also develop the skills to do just about anything from
writing and editing to recording and designing.
· #155
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:47)
Today I havе read the article «How lockdown highlighted educational inequality
in Ireland»
The article talked about the impact of distance learning on the emotional
background of children. The authors of the study indicate that online lessons
were of interest to children at the beginning of the pandemic, in the spring of
2020. More over,the children, who used laptops to study,passed the curriculum
better than those who used a smartphone or tablet. Besides, distance learning
was easier for children who were helped by their parents.
Additionally, the results of the study were based on a survey of schoolchildren,
a survey of their parents, as well as an analysis of technical capabilities-cuz
not all children had the Internet or a computer.
parameter value cannot be negative.
The United Nations Register of Conventional Arms should become an effective tool
for monitoring arms transfers.
I provide you with a test to help determine whether the Queen can truly change.
· #154
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:46)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #153
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:44)
Today I have read an article titled "Ghana's False News Publication Law is vague
and easily abused - it should be repealed. The author of the article is Samuel
Appiah Darko. The main idea of the article is that Ghana has a huge problem with
freedom of speech, with a law prohibiting the publication of false news. It is
so vague and ambiguous that it criminalizes almost any kind of speech that the
law enforcer believes would cause fear and alarm. And the article also offers
options on how to repeal or change it. I find this article acutely useful.
Phrases of the Day
1. determine whether
Will determine whether you succeed or fail.
2. parameter value
The input parameter value should be a StartBridge Event to reject.
3. monitoring tool
A gender score card will be introduced as a monitoring tool.
· #152
Grodska E. to IZ 212 (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:43)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Don’t forget about homework! Good luck
· #151
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 21 March 2022 08:42)
1) parameter value
Phosphines that have values of this parameter above that value can only bind
2) monitoring tool
Powerful new tool makes coral reef monitoring faster, easier, cheaper.
Today I read the actual article "Coping with the constant stream of bad news".
Unfortunately, bad news has now become a daily routine. Wherever you look, what
sites you don’t go to, the first thing we see is bad news. Violence and death
fill the news, headlines and social media. The situation can be accurately
described with a single quote from Harry Potter "And what does Ron hope to hear
on the radio? Good news?
"He hopes he doesn't hear bad ones."
The article teaches how to properly respond to bad news and gives good advice on
this matter.
· #150
Turkoman Veronika IM-211(Shapa) (Saturday, 19 March 2022 21:20)
But the average rate of economic expansion will remain considerably above the
average of western Europe.
Але середні темпи економічного зростання залишаться значно вищими за середні в
Західній Європі.
2. Lastly, technically the information management and information technology
requirements were compared.
Нарешті, технічно було порівняно вимоги до управління інформацією та
інформаційних технологій.
3.The invention relates to educational and recreational shooting complexes.
Винахід відноситься до навчально-оздоровчих стрілецьких комплексів.
I’ve read the article about "Expanding the temperature range of lithium-ion
Lithium-ion batteries are widely used in cell phones, laptop computers and
electric vehicles. The electrolyte solutions in these batteries conduct ions
between the negative electrode (anode) and positive electrode (cathode) to power
the battery.
However,these batteries have a high melting point, which limits its performance
at low temperatures. Researchers conducted a new combination, which carried out
the formation of highly conductive, uniform and robust protective layers on both
the anode and the cathode.
Thus,these batteries containing the optimized electrolyte had greatly enhanced
discharging performance and long-term cycling stability. › news › 2019-06-temperature-range-lithium-ion-batteries.html
· #149
Malinovskaya Alena, ІД-211,Tomenko (Friday, 18 March 2022 14:35)
read an article by Ellen Gutoski "Why do so many pop songs last about three
minutes?". The author connects the length of the songs with the fashion for
records. Previously, the most popular way to listen to music was the radio. And
after that, people bought records that had a certain standard for the length of
the song. About three minutes on each side.Later there were hits for six
minutes. But now popular songs don't last even three minutes, which is due to
concentration. In my opinion, this article is informative and helps to learn a
little more about the things around us.
· #148
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 18 March 2022 13:37)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #147
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Thursday, 17 March 2022 20:41)
Today, I have read the article “Elephant seal's map sense tells them when to
head 'home' ”.
Firstly, the article talks about migrating elephant seals. This wild animal
knows how far they are from their breeding beach thousands of kilometers away.
Researchers at the University of California have found that elephant seals also
know approximately how long it will take them to get back to their natural area.
Finally, I want to say that this study helps us to better understand the
behavior of elephant seals, which is important for their conservation and future
Phrases of the day:
1)priority research area;
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
У новій роботі провідних вчених Великобританії викладено ключові рішення та
політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки
досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Великобританія хоче досягти своєї
чистої нульової цілі до 2050 року.
2) prevailing view;
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчіть проблеми, пов'язані з поширеним поглядом на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази.
3) practical problems;
They create the practical problem of how we live together in spite of and across
our disagreement.
Вони створюють практичну проблему того, як ми живемо разом, незважаючи на наші
· #146
Lisa Shambora, ІМ-211, Shapa (Thursday, 17 March 2022 20:40)
I have read the article “What is a debris flow?”
Firstly, the article talks about one of the most destructive geological hazards
in the world today. In general, debris flow is basically a fast-moving landslide
made up of liquefied, unconsolidated, and saturated mass that resembles flowing
concrete. It is capable of burying entire towns and villages, covering roads,
causing death and serious injury, destroying property and transport.
In conclusion, I want to say that this article talks about what a debris flow
is, why it is dangerous and how people can prevent new debris flow formation in
the future.
Phrases of the day:
1) flow chart;
A flow chart depicting the use of the device and an illustration of a user.
Схема використання пристрою та ілюстрація користувача.
2) pilot study;
A pilot study undertaken by researchers from the University of South Australia
at Adelaide Zoo, has developed a new way to undertake basic health checks of
exotic wildlife using a digital camera.
Пілотне дослідження, проведене дослідниками з Університету Південної Австралії в
зоопарку Аделаїди, розробило новий спосіб проведення базових перевірок здоров’я
екзотичних диких тварин за допомогою цифрової камери.
3) poorly understood;
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's
often approached in a biased way.
Програмне забезпечення з відкритим вихідним кодом раніше погано розумілося
комерційними силами і до нього часто підходили упереджено.
· #145
Grodska E. to Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:39)
Your commentary demonstrates your complete understanding of the main idea of the article. Well done.
· #144
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:37)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #143
Yulia Tsariuk, IM-181 (Grodska E. B. ) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:12)
Good day! Today I have read the article which tells about the practical problems
of living abroad where you have to speak in foreign language.
The essay include two different opinions "agreement" and "disagreement" which
explain pluses and minuses of living abroad not knowing the native language.
Personally I think that today's technologies allow us to solve different
situations, for example, how to find a way to the store or how to pay bills. But
there are no doubts it would be much more easier with knowing the language. In
conclusion, when you live abroad, knowing the language helps to more reliably
understand people, their's culture, traditions, norms and principles. So, go
ahead to learn foreign languegae!
Phrases of the day:
1) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
2) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
3) prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
· #142
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:31)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #141
Borysenko (Thursday, 17 March 2022 06:55)
To Voloschuk,IG-212.Your written comment is right but there are some mispronounced words in your voice message (China, talking, cruel) . Consult a dictionary, pls. Good luck
· #140
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 17:26)
task for 14/03/222
The article is called "Global journalism advocacy efforts need a reboot - here's
how to do better." The authors are Martin Scott and Mel Bunce. The main idea of
the article is that there is a problem with freedom and media rights, many media
outlets under cruel limits and restrictions on publication, so the Coalition for
Media Freedom (MCF) was created in 2019. To date, the Coalition for Media
Freedom has published 24 joint statements publicly condemning those who violate
media freedom, such as the authorities in Belarus, China, Russia, Uganda and
others. I think it's worth talking about and immediately helping to make the
media independent.
Phrases of the Day
1. in principle
This group is in principle very small.
2. in other words
So, in other words, I'm getting on your nerves.
3. digital version
A large part of our market is crying out for a digital version of the brand.
· #139
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 13:47)
10t top tech trends
In this article, readers are told about 10 major technology trends in the world
that have great potential for development. I was interested to read about the
new robots, cars, and other autonomous technologies that will soon enter the
global market. It was also quite interesting to read about the new technologies
and gadgets that are waiting for us in the future, such as computers that will
allow us to create applications without programming. Quantum computing takes a
fair amount of time, but they promises to help find answers to problems that are
too difficult for traditional computers to solve. Industries, including
automotive, financial, insurance, pharmaceutical and military, will benefit most
from the latest advances in quantum computing.
· #138
Kovaleva Yuliya IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:33)
Phrases of the day:
1) Within this overall framework, the pilot study will comprise three
Amanda entered into another pilot study that Fallon was conducting
Аманда приняла участие в другом пилотном исследовании, которое проводил Фэллон.
2) Those interactions were still poorly understood.
The science remains poorly understood.
Наука остается малоизученной.
3) Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
Everything worked like a flow chart.
Все работало как по накатанной схеме.
· #137
Grodska E. to IM 191 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:32)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries, voice messages and tasks Phrases of the day. Good luck
· #136
Borysenko (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 12:10)
To Barladian,IG212. Well done. Thanks
· #135
Borysenko (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:51)
To Lebid,IG-211. You have made two mistakes in the first sentence. Present Perfect should be used there and definitely article before the word " article", so it should be:" Today I HAVE READ THE article...". As to your voice message it has a lot of mispronounced words, read it before recording. Good luck
· #134
Kovaleva Yuliya IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:43)
I believe that all students need help and support. If a student does not
understand a certain topic, then sometimes it is easier for him to write off and
not try to understand. It's great that artificial intelligence can now determine
who exactly needs help with their studies. He monitors the progress of the
students. Now you can easily detect fraud and plagiarism. For me personally, it
is important to understand and know what I teach. Therefore, I am sure that such
training should become many times more effective and students will need to put
more effort into learning.
· #133
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:22)
Today I have read the article called: "Scent detection dogs can identify
individuals infected with COVID-19". This article is about researching of the
sense of smell of dogs and its ability to determine a person with covid-19. The
research have shown that the success of detecting covid-19 by smell is the same
as that of PCR tests. So specially trained dogs can be used in detecting sick
people in public places. This will help avoid more infection. Dogs can identify
sick people by their smell as people's sweat contains covid components.
Phrases of the day:
1. Flow chart
The use of flow charts allows you to summarize information.
Використання діаграм дозволяє кратко висловити інформацію.
2. Poorly understood
Before exams you need to repeat poorly understood topics.
Перед іспитами потрібно повторити погано вивчені теми.
3. Pilot study
Pilot study is the most accurate research method of all.
Експериментальні дослідження є найбільш точним методом дослідження за інші.
· #132
Kovaleva Yuliya ІP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 11:02)
After reading the article, I took out interesting information for myself. The
topic of artificial intelligence was new to me. If earlier such intelligence was
used in physics, computer science and medicine, now it is also used in
architecture. I think it's very cool. It's about new opportunities. The
researchers began experimenting with rendering style from 2D to 3D. Now we are
investigating the 3D convolution of the neural network. I'm surprised by the
algorithms they develop. For example the DeepDream algorithm on images so that
it can "hallucinate". It is very inspiring and intriguing. After all, there is
something that the human brain can do that AI cannot do so well yet.
· #131
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:33)
Computer in brain
If we put a computer in our head, strange things will start happening to our
minds, says the headline of the article. And I agree with this, only from a
skeptical point of view. Despite the adaptability of our brain and the enormous
potential of its functions, its cortex is a rather vulnerable place. If mini
electrodes are placed in it, a layer of connective tissue or scars is formed,
since the brain is unlikely to want to calmly accept a piece of silicon on its
surface. Despite the assurances of the researchers, it seems to me that there is
a certain and very high risk of changes in brain functions, up to a serious
formation of mental illness or rejection.
· #130
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:32)
Today I have read the article called: "Brain injury after long-duration
spaceflight". This article is about how a long stay in space affects the brain.
Scientists decided to use research to prove that being in space can injure the
brain. The researchers took blood from the astronauts before their flight and
after the flight into space, as well as 3 weeks after returning to Earth. The
results of a blood test showed that the amount of a type of protein in the brain
increased, which proves damage to nerve fibers.
· #129
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:30)
Independent work 14.03.22
Слово дня: In other words
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read the article «A new cleaning method can remove dust on solar
installations in regions with limited water, increasing overall efficiency.»
This article analyzes the method will reach 10 percent of world electricity
production by 2030, and most of this is likely to be located in desert areas
where sunlight is abundant. The accumulation of dust on solar panels or mirrors
is already an important question why engineer Kripa Varanasi and researchers
proposed to eliminate dependence by eliminating the accumulation of dust that
may contain corrosive compounds and reducing overall operating costs, which can
significantly improve the overall efficiency and reliability of solar
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #128
Lebid O. IZ-211 (Borysenko) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:26)
Class work 14.03.22
Слово дня: In other words
Ссылка на статью:
Today I read an article on "Tiny 'Skyscrapers'" which analyzes that researchers
at the University of Cambridge have used 3D printing to create high-level meshes
of nanobodies using bacteria that can grow rapidly, helping them generate
electricity from just sunlight and water, increasing the number of the energy
they can extract in ascending order. Silicon solar cells and biofuels far
outnumber fossil fuels in terms of carbon emissions. This should help the
technique increase the amount of energy extracted for other methods of obtaining
bioenergy from photosynthesis for many years to come.
This article is very relevant today, and I recommend everyone to read it.
· #127
Grodska E. to Vdovina Ekaterina. ІЖ-212 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022)
Your commentary is quite informative, but I would like to read your own opinion as to the article. The tasks Phrases of the day were performed correctly.
· #126
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:23)
Summit supercomputer for wind energy
A group of researchers from GE Research has received a grant to develop the
Summit supercomputer, which aims to improve the performance of wind power
generation devices. I think this is a very good idea, because wind energy has a
lot of potential for being eco-friendly. Wind generators do not emit such a huge
amount of CO2 into the air and do not pollute nature. And the development of
algorithms that allow to increase the speed of rotation of the blades will
produce more energy, thereby reducing the need for more toxic counterparts. This
is very good idea for saving our climat.
· #125
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 09:52)
1. Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and
it's often approached in a biased way.
Програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом раніше погано розумілося комерційними
силами, і до нього часто підходять упереджено.
2. Carbon emissions, energy flow charts for all U.S. states.
3. When we attached tiny, backpack-like tracking devices to five Australian
magpies for a pilot study, we didn't expect to discover an entirely new social
behavior rarely seen in birds.
Коли ми прикріпили крихітні, схожі на рюкзак пристрої відстеження до п’яти
австралійських сорок для пілотного дослідження, ми не очікували виявити
абсолютно нову соціальну поведінку, яку рідко можна побачити у птахів.
Syrian refugees research
The article describes the results of a study of the mental state of people
fleeing the war who arrived in the United States from Syria. Among Syrian
refugees living in Houston, it is women who feels the highest levels of stress
compared to men. After reading this article, I came to some conclusions. Higher
levels of stress in women are due to several factors, such as the
characteristics of national culture and higher levels of empathy and emotional
experiences in women. Unlike them, Syrian men are less isolated from society by
national traditions and speak English better, which allows them to feel less
· #124
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 09:43)
Today I have read the article called: "Paw hygiene is no reason to ban
assistance dogs from hospitals – they're cleaner than people's shoes". This
article is about the problem that many people with guide dogs aren't allowed
into public places due to paw hygiene and scientists decided to conduct a
research and check this fact. During the study, the researchers took swabs from
the paws of 25 dogs after their walk and from the soles of their owners. And
then they checked and compared the results of the number of certain bacteria. I
find this research useful as it confirms the UN agreement to allow guide dogs in
public places.
· #123
Murin Sergei IP211 Gvozd (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 09:02)
To examine the physical and mental well-being of the Houston Syrian refugee
population, researchers in the UH College of Pharmacy and UH Department of
Psychology conducted a pilot study which revealed that Syrian women in Houston
are sadder and experience more stress-induced reactivity than Syrian men.
Чтобы изучить физическое и психическое благополучие сирийских беженцев из
Хьюстона, исследователи из Фармацевтического колледжа Университета Хьюстона и
факультета психологии Университета Хьюстона провели пилотное исследование,
которое показало, что сирийские женщины в Хьюстоне более грустны и испытывают
большую реакцию на стресс, чем сирийские женщины. мужчины.
2. Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and
it's often approached in a biased way.
Программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом раньше плохо понималось
коммерческими силами, и к нему часто подходили предвзято.
3. the flow chart shows all the factors influencing changes in work.
на диаграмме показаны все факторы, влияющие на изменения в работе.
Open-source software used to be poorly understood by commercial forces, and it's
often approached in a biased way. A new generation of investment funds goes to
show that things are changing. Open source software is a lot of things to a lot
of people. For some people -- engineers, mostly -- it's a way to work on their
passion, be involved in a community, and give something back to the world. For
others -- business people, mostly -- it's a way to grow projects organically and
sell software without actually investing too much in sales.
· #122
Sorokina Veronika IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:58)
read the article about top tech trends, that need to be understand. The list
begins from autonomous things such as robots, drones and vehicles that driven by
AI. Analytics predict that very soon devices like that will work independently
or with human input. The next point is augmented analytics which focuses on
using machine technology for improving analytics content. Then the article tells
us about al-driven development. Using this technology will make it easier to
develop applications with features. The next one is digital twins, that mean
digital representation of a real item or system. Then we have an edge computing,
that likely will use specialised AI chips in few years. The next option is
immersive experience, that includes not only virtual reality, but the future
opportunity of immersive user experience. Also the list includes smart spaces
where humans interact with technology, such as smart city, smart home. The last
option is about quantum computing. This technology could solve more difficult
problems, but it's too early for it.
1) poorly understood - This technolody is quite poorly understood nowdays.
2) pilot study - The pilot study is the most appropriate method for this
3) flow chart - Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
· #121
Radishevskaja, IP211, (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:56)
1. Everyone needs backup yet its still a widely underutilized service that is
often poorly understood.
Кожен потребує резервного копіювання, але це все ще широко невикористовуваний
сервіс, який часто погано розуміють.
2. A pilot study from North Carolina State University offers insights into
ferrovolcanism that could help scientists.
Пілотне дослідження Університету штату Північна Кароліна пропонує уявлення про
феровулканізм, що може допомогти вченим.
3. The 2016 energy flow chart released by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
details the sources of energy production, how Americans are using energy and how
much waste exists.
Схема енергетичного потоку 2016 року, опублікована Ліверморською національною
лабораторією Лоуренса, детально описує джерела виробництва енергії, як
американці використовують енергію та скільки існує відходів.
Magpie Altruists
It's no secret that magpies and crows are pretty smart birds with a high level
of intelligence compared to other birds. The article I read only reinforced this
opinion. It describes the observation of scientists, which reflects such a
phenomenon as bird mutual assistance. Scientists placed forty small tracking
beacons on the legs to observe their migration and movement. They recorded that
some magpies help others get rid of these devices. I believe that the events
described in it are quite logical, since selfless help is quite common among
sentient beings with a high IQ.
· #120
Filonova Kate ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:50)
Today I have read the article called: "Aussie researchers to test koala 'facial
recognition". This article is about researching koalas, which will help to find
out the behavior of individual koalas and how to save the population of these
animals in the future. The research conducted using artificial intelligence,
which could recognize the right individuals. Special bridges and crossings for
koalas were built near their habitats and artificial intelligence recognized
which individuals of koalas used them. Scientists at Griffith University are
collaborating with conservation groups to improve the artificial intelligence in
this research. In my opinion, this article is very interesting.
Phrases of the day:
1. Flow chart
We can use flow chart in our scientific works.
Ми можемо використовувати діаграму у наших наукових працях.
2. Poorly understood
Despite modern technology, the floor of the world ocean is poorly understood.
Незважаючи на сучасні технології, дно світового океану погано вивчене.
3. Pilot study
Pilot study proved the relationship between mental and physical state.
Експериментальне дослідження довело зв'язок між психічним і фізичним станом.
· #119
Gvozd to Korol Oleg IP-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:45)
The review is too long. I don't see your sentences with phrases.
· #118
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Borysenko (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:43)
Title: Fleeing Putin’s wartime crackdown, Russian journalists build media hubs
in exile
Today I have read the article about journalists, who fled abroad because of the
possible threat of persecution by russian government.
The media clampdown in Russia since the invasion of Ukraine has destroyed the
journalistic community, which has almost died out after years of persecution.
However, reporters are exploring ways to stay in touch with sources in Russia.
After the new law threatened journalists with 15 years in prison for calling
Russia's war against Ukraine a "war," most independent journalists flew to safer
In conclusion, if Russian Federation were a less dictatorial, journalists would
feel more comfortable in their home country.
Phrases of the day:
1. in other words
In other words, following emotional hypes, closeness to PR and simplifying
stories were the threats to democracy.
2. in principle
The information on bodily defects or diseases is in principle a private secret.
3. digital version
The digital version of many newspapers and books are making printed word go
· #117
Gvozd to Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:41)
The tasks are complete, informative and useful. Keep on working.
· #116
Korol Oleg, Gvorzd, IP-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:39)
human brain is a very amazing organ. He can adapt to different situations to new
tools and new conditions. When we learn to pick up a pencil, for example, our
brain expands our understanding of ourselves and what we can do to learn new
skills that pencils can help, such as writing and drawing, can regulate our
heart rate, have nightmares, remember a song that you last heard decades ago,
just a few notes, and even master a whole new language. It can do all of this
because the brain is plastic: it is able to reprogram the paths it uses,
acquiring new skills or responding to differences in the world around it.
This neuroplasticity is the brain's way of keeping up with changes in the
external environment or in the body itself. But our brains may soon face their
biggest challenge: being connected to a computer via a brain-computer interface
(BCI), something that could change the way we see the world, our own bodies, and
even the speed at which we can produce changes in our body. peace.
A study published last year found that even using non-invasive BCI (where brain
signals are read by sensors placed on the head rather than in it) can induce
brain plasticity for a short time. A study in which people were asked to imagine
certain movements found changes after just one hour of use.
The ability of the brain to reprogram itself in this way could be especially
useful for people with damage to the nervous system, such as people who have had
a stroke or spinal cord injury. This plasticity is particularly relevant to BCIs
as researchers hope to use these systems to help people with brain and spinal
cord injuries overcome limb paralysis or loss of sense of touch in body parts.
According to Justin Williams, a professor in the Department of Biomedical
Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who researches neural
interface technology, “People can use this for stroke recovery; they find
another wiring route that has been there all along but not used. The idea is
that BCI can help you find this new connection much faster than you could with
trial and error. a mistake or what we consider the gold standard of
rehabilitation.” This rewiring ability can also affect how different parts of
our bodies connect to our brains. In the future, brain-computer interfaces could
be used by paraplegics to control robotic prostheses: for example, BCI could
decode neural signals from people with a paralyzed arm and use those signals to
move a robotic equivalent. With regular use of a BCI-controlled robotic limb,
the internal map of our bodies in our brain can be adjusted so that the robotic
arm can fit as much into itself as if it were a standard body part. There is
also no reason not to think that if someone with two working flesh arms also
used BCI to control two (or more) robotic arms, then their brain map would not
be redrawn to add two extra arms.
Moreover, BCIs can also cause changes in how users perceive their bodies in
other ways. “In fact, with prolonged use of the NCI prosthesis, there comes a
moment when it becomes an embodiment. Because it is so intimately connected to
your nervous system, the person using the NCI actually begins to view it as part
of their whole.” says Williams.
The very idea and concept is great, but at some points it is little studied and
needs to be adjusted.
· #115
Olha Melnik ІJ-212 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:34)
Media and Ethics
Today I’ve read an article about media ethics.
The author gives many examples of how the media forgot about journalistic
ethics. In this case, the media can be seriously accused of lying and concealing
Similar accusations have even been made against well-known media such as the New
York Times and the BBC. The text also deals with cases of bribery by journalists
of high-ranking members of the government for access to juicy stories that were
exclusive to their newspapers and TV channels.
The article emphasizes the importance of the absence of corrupt media in a
democratic society.
Phrases of the Day
1) digital version
Jane already had the digital version of this book, but she really wanted to get
the printed version.
2) in other words
I feel the most tender feelings for you: affection, warmth, I want to always
take care of you in other words, I love you
3) in principle
I completely share your feelings in principle
Why the Newspaper Industry is Booming in India ?
Today I’ve read an article about the phenomenon of the popularity of newspapers
in India.
First of all, the author emphasizes that all over the world newspaper publishing
is failing, while in India it is very popular. The text explicitly highlights
the reasons for this phenomenon.
This happened primarily because Internet access in India is still not as
widespread as in the West. The text also notes that an important reason for the
phenomenon of the popularity of newspapers in India is the cheapness of
newsprint. It is cheap because readers return the finished newspaper back to the
factories, where it is processed again.
· #114
Gvozd to Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:24)
I appreciate your review, well done. Don't forget about your Independent practice
· #113
Gvozd to Davidenko Diana IC-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:21)
Well done. The tasks are complete and correct.
· #112
Lobanova Diana IP-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:21)
This scientific article tells us about how humans could use computers connected
to our brains. We are first told about the functions of the human brain, how
quickly it can adapt and remember things that happened to us many years ago. But
this function would also cause various strange things to happen when a computer
is hooked up to our brains. I think this feature is very useful either way, as
it can help people cope with or heal from stroke (and other illnesses). And if
our brain can adapt to many things, then in essence it can adapt to the computer
inside of it as well. I really enjoyed this article, it's informative and can
serve as food for thought. Also, it will probably be of interest not only to
cyberneticists, but also to people who are interested in biology and medicine.
Phrases of the day:
1.Pilot study
In this pilot study, we will consider the effect of vaporization on rain.
2. Poorly understood
This species of insects is poorly understood, so I can't tell you anything about
3. Chart
This chart shows the ratio of precipitation comparable to last year
· #111
Gvozd to Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:18)
The tasks are complete and really interesting. But use Present Perfect in the first sentence.Today I HAVE read...
· #110
Gvozd to Kovaleva Yuliya ІП-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:14)
review is interesting, but where is the audio recording? I don't see your
sentences with phrases as well.
Don't forget about your Independent practice.
· #109
Davidenko Diana IC-211(Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:13)
Today I've read an article on "Altruism in birds? Magpies have outwitted
scientists by helping each other remove tracking devices" in which a study was
conducted to determine information about the movement and social dynamics of the
Australian forty, as well as testing new, robust and reusable tracking devices.
In a study, researchers found out how quickly magpies come together to solve a
group problem. Within ten minutes of installing the last tracker, the adult
female without the tracker worked with her beak to try to remove the harness
from the younger bird. On day 3, even the dominant male in the group had the
tracker successfully dismantled.
Tracking forty is crucial to conservation efforts, as these birds are vulnerable
to increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves during climate change.
Phrases of the Day:
1)poorly understood
It is largely unexplored, poorly understood, and the stuff of legends.
2) pilot study
The Commission of Experts took the view that the pilot study was relatively
3) flow chart
Numbers refer to steps in the flow chart.
Today I've read an article on "Female Syrian refugees in Houston bear the brunt
of circumstances" a pilot study that showed that Syrian women in Houston are
sadder and more responsive to stress than Syrian men.
The study found that, in addition to inadequate communication, unemployment and
being at home, it contributed to social tensions among women.
Refugee men from Syria, on the other hand, reported less stress related to
social tensions because they were not as restricted or isolated as women.
Because men are breadwinners and create social interactions through work, they
are also more fluent in English.
· #108
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:05)
Study: Ability to produce humor linked to higher intelligence levels in
schoolchildren Phrases of the Day: 1. predetermined action
Many of those adjustments do not follow a predetermined course of action.
Багато з цих коригувань не застосовуються в строго визначеному порядку.
2.product development
At this forum, marketing and product development strategies are formulated and
implementation plans established.
На цьому форумі обговорюються стратегії збуту та розробки продукції і
приймаються плани їх здійснення.
3. as follows
As follows is an idiom, a group of words used to signify or show detail.
Нижче наведено ідіому, групу слів, що використовуються для позначення або
вираження деталей. Today I read the article
"Research: the ability to humor is associated with a higher level of
intelligence in schoolchildren."
A new study conducted among Turkish schoolchildren in their schools shows that
children with a higher level of general knowledge and verbal thinking are better
able to create humor, and also shows that the connection between humor and
intelligence seems to be much stronger in children than in adults.
I think this study is very relevant and interesting, because parents and
teachers need to know that if their children or students have extraordinary
intelligence, if the student has good humor.
· #107
Tsapok Margarita IC-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:04)
Study: "Interesting facts about Ivano-Frankivsk." Today I read an article
entitled "Interesting facts about Ivano-Frankivsk." It told a lot of interesting
things about the largest city in the Carpathians. For example, the center of
Ivano-Frankivsk is completely pedestrian. Although there are buses and
trolleybuses in the city, locals prefer to walk. This city will give the world
the strongest man on the planet - Virastyuk. The town hall in the city center is
unique, it is the only one in Europe with a helmet-shaped dome. That's what I
learned about this city. This is interesting information for future guests of
the city, they will find it useful. Phrases of the
1) backed up by
This is backed up by extensive research.
2) be expressed
Mobility can also be expressed as the conductivity of a material per electronic
charge carrier.
3) at every point
It's that at every point, new influences from different sources come into play.
· #106
Kovaleva Yuliya ІП-211 (Gvozd) (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 08:03)
After reading the article, I took out interesting information for myself. The
topic of artificial intelligence was new to me. If earlier such intelligence was
used in physics, computer science and medicine, now it is also used in
architecture. I think it's very cool. It's about new opportunities. The
researchers began experimenting with rendering style from 2D to 3D. Now we are
investigating the 3D convolution of the neural network. I'm surprised by the
algorithms they develop. For example the DeepDream algorithm on images so that
it can "hallucinate". It is very inspiring and intriguing. After all, there is
something that the human brain can do that AI cannot do so well yet.
· #105
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP-211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 07:34)
understand that air raids are rather tiring, but it is necessary to study....
I am waiting for your comments.
· #104
Gvozd O.V. to IS,IP -211 (Wednesday, 16 March 2022 06:53)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #103
Latova Maria IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:51)
have read the article about nuclear war.
The world has been on the verge of death at least 18 times. In 1983 an alarm
sounded in a secret bunker near Moscow. Satellite detected the flame of 5
missiles from the US. Duty officer Stanislav Petrov was obliged to report this
to command: USSR would prepare a retaliatory strike, but it seemed strange to
him that the Americans sent only five missiles, not a hundred.
Petrov violated all the charters and ordered to read the signal as false.
After that on radar were no missiles there were only sun's rays.
Due to sunbeams, two countries almost poured each other.
But what if such a false alarm repeats today?
To be continued...
1) In other words - We spent two hours negotiating with the employees of our
company, in other words, we were very tired.
2) In principle - In principle, this idea is quite interesting.
3) The digital version - The digital version of this film looks impressive.
Part 2
I have read the article about red button and how it's look like today.
Right now 24 by 7 thousands of people on both sides of the ocean are watching
each other and are ready to launch missiles within a few minutes after the
We use nuclear weapons not to fight. On the fear of these weapons the fragile
peace is keeping in the world. This is called unclear deterrence. In total 9
countries have nuclear weapons.900 nuclear bombs is enough for deterrence in
theiry. But actually 14000 is number of bombs.
The red button is just a symbol. Instead it American leader has two keys to
start a Nuclear war: a suitcase in a black leather bag "football" and a card
with a code "bisque". In suitcase, that the president always carries, there is a
list of possible targets, scenarios of attack and bunkers.
By low no one can prevent to president frome using Nuclear weapons, he has right
to send at least one missile at least a thousand.
For activation of weapons president personally the pentagon officer will tell
him the code and president will read his from besque. Then the Pentagon will
send the launch codes to the crews of the submarines and missilemen, everything
will take no more than five minutes and everything will return to the stone age.
· #102
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:45)
Vdovina,IG-212. You have made 2 mistakes in the first sentence, it should be:" Today i HAVE READ THE article..." Unfortunately there are a lot of mispronounced words in your voice message. You should consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Best wishes
· #101
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:36)
To Ivashenko,IG-212. Your written comment is ok, buy your voice message leaves much to be desired.
· #100
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:28)
To Gaydsrzhi-IG-212. There are many mistakes with the articles in your comment learn this material. Your voice message is rather poor. Read your comment before recording it. Best of luck
· #99
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:18)
To Albertovuch-IG-212. Your written comment is ok but for some mistakes. The first sentence should be:" I' ve read THE article...".. The article can't TALK,it can tell us about something (the last but one sentence,). You have forgotten about a voice message of the comment. Good luck
· #98
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 19:08)
To Gladka-IG-212. The first sentence should be:" I have read THE article...".In the third sentence",IT"should be used instead of SHE, ..."IT has been in trouble..." . The last sentence should be:" I recommend to read...". A lot of mispronounced words in your voice message (analyse, trouble, coverage,etc). Good luck
· #97
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 18:49)
Drozd-IG-212.Look at your second,pls. The pronoun US should be used after the
verb tells, it should be:" It tells US
that...". You have made some mistakes in your voice message. The third form of
the verb read should be pronounced [ r e d],and some other mispronounced
words.Mind my remarks,pls.
· #96
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 18:11)
To Arhunova-IG-212. There are some problems with the articles in your comment.The second sentence should be:" THE author tellS US about THE history of...".So you have made 4 mistakes in one sentence. Look at your your 4 sentence, compare it with the second one and correct the mistakes.What a strange combination"... THE IT'S... " Have you ever seen it anywhere? No, it's absolutely wrong. Again no articles before the nouns in the last sentence.Be attentive,pls.
· #95
Borysenko (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 17:54)
To Bortnik-IG-211.Unfortunately you have made the same mistakes in both your comments. Present Perfect and definite article should be used in the first sentences, it should be :" Today l HAVE READ THE article..". As to your voice message you have mispronounced a lot of words(atmosphere, health,at least,etc.) I would advise you to consult a dictionary before recording your voice message. Pls read my remarks attentively to avoid making mistakes in your next comments. Best wishes
· #94
Vdovina Ekaterina. ІЖ-212 ( Grodska) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 16:23)
Phrases of the day
1. numerous examples
There are numerous examples of economies that have continued to function, even
in conflict or potential conflict situations
2. more specifically
The invention relates to transport engineering, more specifically to wheels for
railway vehicles.
3. initial stages of
They also handle the initial stages of remanding suspects into custody.
Today I read an article about the leading social networks like Twitter, Facebook
or Instagram, and more recently about Tik-Tok. Tik-Tok is the fastest growing
app that attracts a huge audience of all ages. A study was conducted, the
results of which showed the presence of extremely anti-Semitic messages
presented in the content of Tik-Tok. Tik-Tok's hate algorithm is designed to
nudge users who accidentally view disturbing content to view more. Given that
Tik-Tok's demographics are young enough, content is affecting the immature minds
of children and teens, these results are more than alarming; Moreover, this
social network does not meet the terms of service.
· #93
Vdovina. ІЖ-212 ( Borysenko) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 15:45)
Today I read an article about how journalism needs to apply transparency in a
different way to restore trust. Public confidence in the media remains at
near-record lows, driven by the perception that the news industry is supportive
and disseminating inaccurate information (“fake news”) and controversial
attitudes towards news from social media. Transparency is key to restoring
trust, according to a new Knight Foundation report on media credibility. In
contrast, research in business organizations indicates clearer meaning and more
specific transparency practices that, when applied to journalism, can help
journalists restore greater public confidence. The article is very interesting,
I advise you to read it!
1. numerous examples
There are numerous examples of economies that have continued to function, even
in conflict or potential conflict situations
2. more specifically
The invention relates to transport engineering, more specifically to wheels for
railway vehicles.
3. initial stages of
They also handle the initial stages of remanding suspects into custody.
· #92
Yunko illya im-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 14:22)
Today I read the article "Russia-Ukraine war forces Europe's largest refugee
crisis since WWII, scarring generations" at the moment while the war is being
divided, more than 2 million people have left Ukraine who were able to find
shelter in Poland and other EU countries. Because of this, a crisis began in the
EU due to large migration. Poland helps Ukraine and Ukrainians with everything
it can. And now she has sheltered more than 2 million Ukrainians. This war will
leave a big scar in history. Both for Ukraine and for the whole world. I think
war is the worst thing. I am for peace
· #91
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:26)
I have already read the article called "Particulates are more dangerous than
previously thought." This text tells about а scientific discovery in
photochemical processes inside the smallest particles in the air. Namely, how
scientists observed microparticles, how they move and affect a person. Prior to
this, particulate matter was known to harm the human body when it dissolves in
the surface fluid of the respiratory tract. Due to these particles, diseases
such as pneumonia, asthma and other well-known diseases occur.
This article is very interesting to me and it seems to me that the research of
scientists will help us avoid harm from these particulate matter.
· #90
Doroshenko Polina IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:25)
Today I have read the article called "Fake news and half-truths take a toll on
financial markets." This article is about new study that shows how the strength
of policy signals affects the relationship between market price change and
uncertain economic policy. Using the example of the elections of Donald Trump
and Brexit in Great Britain, scientists have found that the uncertainty of
economic policy and voltativity tend to diverge, although they usually have a
strong relationship.
I guess that this research is very fruitful, as it helped scientists to invent
new indexes that provide an indication of the uncertainty of financial markets.
Phrases of the Day: other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, в якості критерію повинна выступати об‘єктивна оцінка чи, іншими
словами, обґрунтованість. version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
Кім того, цифрова версія оригіналу цього документу англійською мовою буде
включати в себе посилання на вказане виправлення. principle
The same risk exists in principle for electronic communications.
Той же ризик в принципі існує і при використанні електронних повідомлень.
· #89
Horbachova Sasha, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:19)
Today i have read the article which called "Why Do Males and Females Frequently
Differ in Body Size and Structure?". In this article was talking about the
latest research findings in evolutionary biology that can help explain gender
differences in a variety of organisms. Scientists have collected all the facts
in one book.The book delves in depth on how differences between the sexes can
evolve in spite of substantially identical genetic material. This article was
quite interesting, I can't say that it was exciting, but I learned a few new
things. I want to find the original book and read.
· #88
Horbachova Sasha, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:06)
Today i have read the article which called "How are planets formed?". In this
article was talking about the theory of how the solar system appeared, when and
how it was formed. One major challenge is no one was recording the early history
of the Solar System, because the Earth wasn't even formed yet, so it was
impossible for any life to keep track of what was happening to the planets
around us. I really liked this article, i`ve always curious about space. I think
in the future we will find out how everything that we now have was formed.
Phrases of the Day
1)digital version
News tagged with digital version
Новини з тегом цифрової версії
2)in principle
In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the media
and provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien
В принципі, вони могли б це зробити, оскільки могли б отримати певний відгук у
ЗМІ та надати широкій громадськості сумнозвісні приклади
3)in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, як критерій має виступати об'єктивна оцінка або, іншими словами ,
· #87
Grodska E. to IЖ 212 (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:58)
Your commentaries are quite good, but pay attention to the conclusion. It must consist of one complete sentence with the main idea of the article. Go on working
· #86
Evelina Cheban, IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:34)
Today I have read the article “ APT41, the China-based hacking operation
spanning the world”
The team allegedly hacked the computers of hundreds of companies and
organisations around the world, including healthcare firms, software developers
and telecoms and pharmaceutical providers.
APT41 collected information on pro-democracy figures in Hong Kong and a Buddhist
monk from Tibet—two places where Beijing has faced political unrest.
The five Chinese hackers remain at large but the two businessmen were arrested
in Malaysia on Monday after a sweeping operation by the FBI and private
companies including Microsoft to block the hackers from using their online
The United States is seeking their extradition. The article interested me in the
topic itself, now hacking is very common, and in particular even illegal, as we
can see. I think many students will be interested in reading.
· #85
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:05)
Today I read the article about a new research analysis conducted by the
University of Portsmouth, a High Court jury can determine when someone is lying,
even if they are wearing a face mask. It was concluded that face masks do not
interfere with jury decision-making. Facial expressions and other forms of
nonverbal behavior are unreliable indicators of deception, and masking these
actions actually improves jurors' ability to distinguish truth from lies. I
consider it very good news that the precautions regarding COVID19 will not have
a negative impact on the trial.
· #84
Pavlishina Daria IM-201 (Drozhzhina ) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:04)
Today I read the article "Canada's Connectivity Gap, Leaving Rural, Remote and
Indigenous Communities even further behind." This highlights the current problem
in Canadian society, there is a certain gap in ties. This fact has many
disadvantages, including poor delivery of education and healthcare to remote and
rural regions. It also hinders the reconciliation of the economy, the low level
of participation of indigenous communities. The authorities plan to provide
ultra-fast communication networks in these communities, assessing social,
economic and other political problems. As for me, it is now necessary to have
access to the Internet, wherever you are, in order to improve the quality of
life of those who need it, and, moreover, integrate the economy of the whole
Phrases of the day:
1)in principle;
ICON principles underused as a natural hazards research tool
Принципи ICON недостатньо використовуються як інструмент дослідження природних
2)in other words;
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert
Іншими словами, він повинен бути експертом з даної теми.
3) digital version
News tagged with digital version
Новини з тегом цифрової версії
· #83
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:55)
Today I have read the article ”A new project to support student carers”. It
tells us that students, who combine studies with caring responsibilities should
receive additional support. Without it, university performance, mental or
physical health can be ruined. Unfortunately, universities and schools generally
don’t take into account demographic data about cater status, so they need to
conduct an extra experiment and find those students. This experiment may also
provide an interesting research, which examines the impact that caring
obligations have on studying.
To my mind, it is a great idea to support students who find themselves in such
situations, so it does not affect their academic success.
1. in other words
In other words, the results showed that surgical masks can be converted into a
burnable fuel that can in turn be used, for example, to generate electricity.
Іншими словами, результати показали, що хірургічні маски можна перетворити на
горюче паливо, яке, у свою чергу, можна використовувати, наприклад, для
виробництва електроенергії. version
The "branching path" symbol which Davis and later Butler experience is
equivalent in a digital version to the symbol used in "White Bear".
Символ «шляху розгалуження», який відчувають Девіс та пізніше Батлер, у цифровій
версії еквівалентний символу, використаному в «Білому ведміді».
3. in principle
In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the media
and provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien
В принципі, вони могли б це зробити, оскільки могли б отримати певний відгук у
ЗМІ та надати широкій громадськості сумнозвісні приклади інвазивних чужорідних
· #82
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:54)
I have read the article "Why young people commit crime and how moral education
could help".
The article tells about there "moral poverty" -- an absence of concerned adults
capable of teaching children right from wrong -- is responsible for the
increasing number and seriousness of crimes committed by juveniles.It is the
poverty of growing up in the virtual absence of people who teach morality by
their daily example and who insist on following their example.
I think direct government action to address this "moral poverty" will not be
effective. The institutions prepared to deliver the needed services are
churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Islamic.Juveniles who have already
developed into super-predators, however, must be incarcerated for public safety.
Today I have read the article "Researchers show they can steal data during
homomorphic encryption".
The article tells about there researchers at NC State University have
demonstrated that it is possible to steal data during homomorphic encryption.
Homomorphic encryption has been highlighted as a next-generation data security
technology, but the team discovered a vulnerability that allowed them to steal
data while it was being encrypted. Instead, they performed side-channel attacks
in which they monitored a device's power consumption as it encoded data for
homomorphic encryption in order to read the data while it was being encrypted.
This research suggests that even the next generation of encryption technologies
must be protected against side-channel attacks.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in principle.
Government indicated acceptance in principle but that pre-election timing was
not appropriate.
Уряд повідомив про свою згоду в принципі , але що у передвиборчий час поїздка
2) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
TheTimes Reader - це цифрова версія Нью-Йорк таймс.
3) in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, як критерій має виступати об'єктивна оцінка або, іншими словами ,
· #81
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:47)
Today I have read the article “An abusive boss today might mean a better boss
tomorrow”. It tells us about the study, in which researchers considered the
impact abusive bosses might have on their own abusive behavior. Due to the
research, scientists have discovered that many bosses don’t even realize that
they were abusive towards their employees. If companies want to reduce
regulatory abuse, then the attention should be paid to leaders and understanding
why and how it affects them. So that, supervisors and their co-workers will be
engaged in a dialogue, in which both sides are more aware of their actions.
To my mind, there should be an understanding atmosphere between the boss and his
employees, in which everyone can express himself.
· #80
Karina Derkach IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 10:43)
Phrases of the day
1. In principle
To defend themselves against phage infections, bacteria feature a multi-stage
protective mechanism, which in principle consists of components of an innate and
an acquired immune system.
Щоб захистити себе від фагової інфекції, бактерії мають багатоступеневий
захисний механізм, який в принципі складається з компонентів вродженої та
набутої імунної системи.
2. In other words
In other words, it takes a significant amount of energy to activate the CO 2
molecule to form building blocks for the desired products.
Іншими словами, потрібна значна кількість енергії, щоб активувати молекулу CO 2
для формування будівельних блоків для бажаних продуктів.
3. Digital version
Why not empower consumers to digitize these cards, walk into a store, and use a
digital version. A huge race is on right now to digitize the world and get rid
of plastic and paper.
Чому б не дати споживачам можливість оцифрувати ці картки, зайти в магазин і
використовувати цифрову версію. Зараз триває величезна гонка, щоб оцифрувати
світ і позбутися пластику та паперу.
Today I have read the article “To avoid militarising the internet, cyberspace
needs written rules agreed by all”. It consists of several reasons and examples
which aim to highlight the problem about cyberspace security. The first thing
which needs to be said is that people spend a lot of time there in order to
work, study or else, so the great majority is involved. Another reason touches
the security of national governments. There were some cases, when the military
response could take place. Doubtless, civilians and civil objects mustn’t be an
aim in such situations. That is why we should think about some written rules and
possible consequences of violent actions made in cyberspace.
Today I have read the article “Countries missed opportunity to address climate
crisis with pandemic stimulus”. The point is that countries had a possibility to
combine climate and economic objects during the start of pandemic, but
governments prioritized only economy growth. Very few amount of pledge was
targeting in something that can reduce emission – electric vehicles, energy
efficient homes etc. Nevertheless, countries of EU set goals until 2030,
according to Paris Agreement and some scientists believe climate changes are not
that far. In my opinion, confluence of green stimulus and economy interests is
necessary to recover economy in various downturns.
· #79
Drozhzhina I. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 14 March 2022 11:07)
Thanks for your participation. Your review on the topic of this article is correct.
· #78
Drozhzhina I. to Malena Korotenko IM-201 (Monday, 14 March 2022 11:02)
You should use Present Perfect in the first sentence:'Today I HAVE READ THE article..." I don't see your independent practice and your work with phrases of the day and audio records. Be attentive!
· #77
Ivashenko Liza IJ-212(Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 11:01)
In local news. the opinion section of a newspaper was once a vibrant crossroads
of debate. discussion. and community engagement. It was a place where opinion
journalists could explore important topics and readers could engage with opinion
journalists and each other. Now. as newspapers decrease their editorial staff
and output. their capacity to provide such dialogue is limited.
In its stead comes less localized content — letters by public officials and
advocacy groups or syndicated opinions on national politics. for example. Local
communities lose a mediated forum to debate. discuss and understand the civic
issues that matter to them most.
Phrases of the day:
in principle:
Government indicated acceptance in principle but that pre-election timing was
not appropriate.
the digital version:
Clay Williams has been busy boxing up all the Iosava intercepts, and the digital
versions have mysteriously been erased.
in other words:
So in other words, he just appears on the grid five years ago.
· #76
Danila Donat IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022)
Today i have read the article "Consumer sentiment sinks, challenges rise" This
article about Consumer sentiment that fell in February. It's lowest level in the
past decade, according to the University of Michigan Surveys of Consumers.The
descent resulted from inflationary declines in personal finances, a
near-universal awareness of rising interest rates and falling confidence in the
government's economic policies. Consumers evaluated their current financial
situation as the worst in nine years, and when asked about their future
financial prospects, more households expected worsening finances than any other
time since May 1980. I think consumer sentiment will be even lower. because this
poll was conducted before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has already
caused financial damage to many countries of the world
· #75
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 11:00)
Today I've read an article about the Olympic Games, which tells how the opening
ceremonies are held. First, athletes from all participating countries march into
the stadium. Greece is in first place because it was the first country to host
the Olympic Games, and the host country is in last place, then the Olympic flag
is raised and the chosen athlete lights the Olympic flame. It is a symbol of
spirit, knowledge and life. The fire comes from Olympia, a small town in Greece,
and many runners carry the flame in a torch relay to the site of the games. It
burns from the opening ceremony until the end of the games.
in other words
if in other words, then you will need to slightly change your article
digital version
In the digital version of our program, you can pay for the parcel
in principle
in principle, the article is well written.
· #74
Alexander Boyko IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:59)
Phrases of the day:
1. In Principle
”In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the
media and provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien
2. The Digital Version
”For Chandler, the geopolitical role of the US dollar would not be upset by the
digital version's introduction.”
3. In Other Words
”In other words, the results showed that surgical masks can be converted into a
burnable fuel that can in turn be used, for example, to generate electricity.”
It is now very difficult to regulate safety on the Internet and in online games
because of imperfect moderation, and because of this children can get hurt. Many
parents scream that it's all the companies' fault for not wanting to do anything
about it and demanding that everything be done to keep their children safe
But sometimes it's not the companies themselves that are to blame, but the
parents who can't or won't keep track of what their child is doing in the
so-called meta universe, because many people find it easier to blame someone
else for everything than themselves.
· #73
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) ( Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:58)
A russian journalist who stayed behind
Today I’ve read an article about a journalist who was left behind. The purpose
of the article is to give some information to the reader about the lying regime
that is in place in Russia. It is about Yevgenia Albats, whose radio station was
immediately shut down after covering real events in Ukraine. Much attention is
given to the fact that this has not stopped her and she continues to try to
stand up to it. The article goes on to talk about an ardent opponent of the
president who conducted an entire investigation which resulted in his
imprisonment. I recommend the article for reading.
Phrase of the day
1 in principle
In principle, there is a risk of failure of this work
2 in other words
Your scientific work deserves universal recognition, in other words, it is
3 digital version
The improved digital version will go on sale next month
· #72
Anastasia Gladka IJ-212, (Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:57)
Today I have read an article about how journalism in Central America overcame
the pandemic in society. News of the pandemic's devastating impact on journalism
had headlines across the country, including newsroom closings and layoffs.
Journalism was in trouble in 2020. In fact, she has been in trouble for a while.
But how did so many local news organizations - especially newspapers - survive
the pandemic? The weeklies stepped up their online coverage of their daily news,
business models were blown up, and existing explanations for why journalism
mattered became more theoretical for rural journalists. I recommend reading this
interesting and informative article.
Phrases of the day:
1.What you're going to hear now, and what you've never heard before, is an
enhanced digital version.
2.This group is in principle very small.
3.So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
· #71
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:56)
Link to the article:
Does sharing images of Russian prisoners of war violate the Geneva Conventions?
This article describes the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian occupiers. Most
soldiers are taken prisoner, calling their mothers to explain the real situation
between the countries. Many videos are being spread on the Internet showing a
Russian soldier with bruises on his face apologizing to Ukrainians. Most Russian
troops agree to a prison term and they feel ashamed of their involvement in the
invasion. The propagandized boys are attacking a country that wants peace, not
war, but they are forced to follow the instructions of their country's
representatives. People are organizing protests against the President of Russia,
because we are not enemies but brothers and sisters.
Phrases of the day:
1. Suggestion of lies in other words about the deception of soldiers.
2. In principle this contradicts the norms of international law.
3. The digital version exceeds the number of deaths and voluntarily surrender.
· #70
Nastya Bzita , IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:55)
Today I have read the article “An abusive boss today might mean a better boss
tomorrow”. It tells us about the study, in which researchers considered the
impact abusive bosses might have on their own abusive behavior. Due to the
research, scientists have discovered that many bosses don’t even realize that
they were abusive towards their employees. If companies want to reduce
regulatory abuse, then the attention should be paid to leaders and understanding
why and how it affects them. So that, supervisors and their co-workers will be
engaged in a dialogue, in which both sides are more aware of their actions.
To my mind, there should be an understanding atmosphere between the boss and his
employees, in which everyone can express himself.
· #69
Yunko Illya IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:54)
Today I read an article: "The hacker group Anonymous has waged a cyber war
against Russia. How effective could they actually be? " because of the actions
taking place in Ukraine, the whole world decided to go against Russia. Anonymous
is no exception. Doss attacks on the Kremlin are just the beginning. There will
be more to come. There was also the question of whether hacker attacks are
effective, but effective. Since this is the destruction of the system from the
inside. Now in our world everything is connected to the Internet and any
intrusion or network overload can hit Russia very hard. So it's great that such
a strong organization as Anonymous is on our side.
1)in other words
They're not specific against, in other words, the desire of a man for a man
2) The digital version
They're not specific against, in other words, the desire of a man for a man
in principle
Such individual reviews could in principle also address violations relating to
progressive realization.
· #68
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:54)
Today I have read the article "Islamic State: Canadian accused of being 'voice
behind the violence'".
A Canadian citizen and also a native of Saudi Arabia is accused of spreading
Islamic propaganda.It is about 15 videos in which a man talks about the
execution of prisoners and hostages, and also calls to join the Islamic
movement. According to the United States, by translating his videos into
English, he was instrumental in recruiting and radicalizing Westerners, leading
to the deaths of many at the hands of IS.
I think this is an important process - the fight against terrorism. But if the
United States does not provide evidence in court, a world conflict could brew.
· #67
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022)
Today I read the article "How journalists decide which images from Ukraine are
too awful to publish." It describes how journalists decide which images will be
more suitable for publication. The purpose of the article is to provide
information that some unacceptable photos may be useful. The article also
addresses the issue of censorship of publications in general. Much attention is
paid to discussing whether photos should be published or not. The author also
gives an example of Ukrainian media that use such stories to reveal the truth to
the people. The article was useful, I recommend reading it.
· #66
Aleksandra Gorbachuk IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:53)
Today I have read the article "Ukraine war: 21 children flown to UK for cancer
This article says that as a result of the fighting, Ukrainian hospitals are
under fire and their stocks of medicines are not replenished. Therefore,
children with cancer come to the UK for treatment. Also, many children with
their families come to Poland. In addition, humanitarian aid in the form of
necessary medicines is sent to the most "hot regions". In conclusion, I want to
say that it is in such actions that the real essence of “international
relations” is manifested: in helping children and everyone who needs it.
Phrases of the day
1. In other words
In other words everything you say, manipulate, look at, or even think about can
be monitored in MR.
Іншими словами, все, що ви говорите, маніпулюєте, дивитесь чи навіть думаєте,
можна відстежувати в MR
2. In principle
In principle, the second and third channels are only there to confirm the result
of the first.
В принципі, другий і третій канали існують лише для підтвердження результату
3. Digital version
Why not empower consumers to digitize these cards, walk into a store, and use
a digital version.
Чому б не дати споживачам можливість оцифрувати ці картки, зайти в магазин і
використовувати цифрову версію
· #65
Nastya Bzita , IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:53)
Today I have read the article ”A new project to support student carers”. It
tells us that students, who combine studies with caring responsibilities should
receive additional support. Without it, university performance, mental or
physical health can be ruined. Unfortunately, universities and schools generally
don’t take into account demographic data about cater status, so they need to
conduct an extra experiment and find those students. This experiment may also
provide an interesting research, which examines the impact that caring
obligations have on studying.
To my mind, it is a great idea to support students who find themselves in such
situations, so it does not affect their academic success.
1. in other words
In other words, the results showed that surgical masks can be converted into a
burnable fuel that can in turn be used, for example, to generate electricity.
Іншими словами, результати показали, що хірургічні маски можна перетворити на
горюче паливо, яке, у свою чергу, можна використовувати, наприклад, для
виробництва електроенергії. version
The "branching path" symbol which Davis and later Butler experience is
equivalent in a digital version to the symbol used in "White Bear".
Символ «шляху розгалуження», який відчувають Девіс та пізніше Батлер, у цифровій
версії еквівалентний символу, використаному в «Білому ведмеді».
3. in principle
In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the media
and provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien
В принципі, вони могли б це зробити, оскільки могли б отримати певний відгук у
ЗМІ та надати широкій громадськості сумнозвісні приклади інвазивних чужорідних
· #64
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:51)
Name: "Probing Question: What is citizen journalism?"
Today I've read the article "Probing Question: What is citizen journalism?". It
tells that Citizen journalists are regular people who contribute to news
reporting, not for monetary reward, but because they have a particular interest
in a topic. Sometimes they write stories for blogs, tweet on Twitter, upload
photos and post video on YouTube. Or they can simply contact a reporter with a
tip or a correction. Citizen journalists care about news and want to help make
it better, and the explosion of ever-smaller and affordable mobile devices for
recording and communicating gives everyone the power to capture and relay news
as it happens.
So in other words, he just appears on the grid five years ago.
But in principle, I pity her.
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
· #63
Kurilenko Alina IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:50)
1) in principle
Using the principle of coherent feedback to cool a quantum system.
2) in other words
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert.
I read an article "Managing mental health as pandemic restrictions ease", which
is relevant and important for everyone. I want to say that the topic is very
important for each of us, since the pandemic has radically changed our lives,
our thinking. We are used to strong quarantine restrictions, but as pandemic
restrictions ease, we literally have to learn to live again. After reading this
article, you can figure out how to proceed further and calm down. Because it is
important to maintain your mental health. I recommend this article to everyone,
as everything is clearly and clearly painted there.
· #62
Dzhuraieva Tanya IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:50)
Articles and Phrases of the Day Practice
1. In principle, the second and third channels are only there to confirm the
result of the first.
2. In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert.
3. For Chandler, the geopolitical role of the US dollar would not be upset by
the digital version's introduction.
Today I read the article "Journalism as a profession." It tells about how and
when journalism appeared, as well as the importance of this profession in the
modern world. This article also tells that journalism as a profession is a very
interesting and useful activity, because, in addition to good payment, there is
always an opportunity to visit different countries, and not at your own expense.
It is very important to understand that those people who consider themselves
journalists should be responsible for every word and be responsible for the
uniqueness of their article, and most importantly, what journalists should be
able to do is inspire people's trust.
· #61
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 ( Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:49)
Name: History of the media
Today I have read the article "History of the media". Author tell to us about
history of the first article. Firstly he said about history and newspapers
battle in Britain. Secondly Author tells to us about famous journalists , who
upgrade and promote newspapers. In the one hand , the it's interesting to know
about legendary journalists. In the other hand , it's bored to read about a lot
of journalists. After this information writer of this article , tells about
start period of technology media and in the end , we can read about media in our
1) in other words
Or in other words a misplaced person.
2) digital version
What you're going to hear now, and what you've never heard before, is an
enhanced digital version.
3) in principle
This group is in principle very small.
· #60
Grodska E. to IM 181 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:48)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for your commentaries and voice messages. Good luck
· #59
Bortnik Suzanna IZ-211(Borysenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:48)
Phrases of the day:
1)in principle;
ICON principles underused as a natural hazards research tool
Принципи ICON недостатньо використовуються як інструмент дослідження природних
2)in other words;
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert
Іншими словами, він повинен бути експертом з даної теми.
3) digital version
News tagged with digital version
Новини з тегом цифрової версії
Article :
The title of the article: Pollution and its Negative Effects
Today I read an article on a very important topic “Pollution and its negative
consequences” Now what is happening in our country has a very strong impact on
our planet. Most people don’t delve into this topic, but in vain. After all,
this not only affects the atmosphere, but and on our health. It’s good that
there are people who understand this and want to somehow help, using different
methods. They write various articles on this topic, organize actions against
this (rallies), and so on. And thanks to them, at least somehow it is possible
to correct this situation.
Today I read the article about the "Bringing joy back to the classroom and
helping children with stress - what the summer school will be like in 2021" At
the moment, what is happening in our world, this is a very relevant article. Now
most parents are convinced that they have started to study remotely, have begun
to ask a lot more homework, etc., and the children, in turn, have become nervous
about this. I think that opening a summer school is a very good idea, because
children who missed something, did not understand, will be able to learn.
· #58
Grodska E. to Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212, Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:47)
Well done, your commentaries and voice messages demonstrate your complete understanding of the main idea of the article.
· #57
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:47)
The title of the article:Oklahoma journalist discusses covering conflict
overseas amid Ukraine crisis
Today I have read an informative article about a journalist who has been
covering conflicts for 40 years. Mike Boettcher says the hardest part of
reporting on conflict is stress. In the article, we learn that covering such
events in Ukraine can cost you your life. Also, Boettcher says, it's always a
good idea to change routes while reporting on a war because it's fraught with
consequences. Drawing conclusions, I can say that the article is worthy of your
attention, the journalist shares his experience and gives advice on covering
conflicts, I recommend reading it.
Phrases of the day:
In principle
1.I have already done a lot of work, in principle I can rest.
Я вже багато попрацював, в принципі можу відпочити.
In other words
2.In basketball, a shot from a radius, in other words, is called a
У баскетболі удар з радіуса, іншими словами, називається триочковим.
The digital version
3.if you download the digital version of this application, you will receive a
promo code as a gift.
Якщо ви завантажите цифрову версію цієї програми, ви отримаєте промокод у
Vacaroo :
The title of the article:Downfall of CNN’s Zucker Is a New York Story
Today I have read an article about the reasons for the resignation of Jeff
Zucker, who was the head of CNN. In the article, we learn that CNN began to
produce a low-quality product and their credibility has fallen dramatically.
Further, we are talking about the fact that even after finding out the truth,
CNN continued to lie to its readers or that the company began to remove fakes. I
can say that the article is very informative, in it you will learn the whole
story of Zucker's resignation, and you will be shocked by the very reasons for
the dismissal, I recommend reading.
· #56
Polina Doroshenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:46)
I have already read the article called "Particulates are more dangerous than
previously thought." This text tells about а scientific discovery in
photochemical processes inside the smallest particles in the air. Namely, how
scientists observed microparticles, how they move and affect a person. Prior to
this, particulate matter was known to harm the human body when it dissolves in
the surface fluid of the respiratory tract. Due to these particles, diseases
such as pneumonia, asthma and other well-known diseases occur.
This article is very interesting to me and it seems to me that the research of
scientists will help us avoid harm from these particulate matter.
· #55
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:46)
Article of the day :
1)In other words - In other words he dreamed of creating a new science,
pathological anatomy, which at that time had not yet been born.
2) Digital version - In addition, the digital version of the original English
document will include a reference to this corrigendum
3) In principle - Both parties have accepted the invitation in principle.
9 Leadership Tips for Women in Investigative Journalism.
This article was written by Amel Ghani. The author talks about the participation
of women in journalism, about the difficulties that women can face in
journalistic investigations. Meetings were held to address the issue of women in
journalism and journalistic investigations. It also tells about how women fought
for the right to work in this direction. The essence of the article is that
women journalists shared nine tips, which will help other women conduct their
investigative journalism efficiently and safely.
I believe that women have every right to work in all forms of journalism, if
they themselves want to and follow the precautions.
Vocaroo :
Have your say on standards in British journalism
Posted: 28 February 2022 By: Jacob Granger
British press regulator IMPRESS is proposing changes to improve British
journalism standards. This regulator controls the activities of about 190 of its
registered members. These members are required to comply with the IMPRESS
Standard Specification, so individuals or representative bodies can complain to
IMPRESS about the results of their regulated members. In the event of a
complaint being filed, IMPRESS will determine whether there has been a violation
and offer a free arbitration option to resolve these disputes out of court. This
includes issues such as verification of the source and authenticity of
information, as well as the use of social media content. IMPRESS believes that
this reform will help to avoid discrimination, self-harm and the like.
Vocaroo :
· #54
Grodska E. to Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:44)
Your commentary is quite good, but correct, please, the first sentence: Today I have read the article… Go on working
· #53
Polina Doroshenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:44)
Today I have read the article called "Fake news and half-truths take a toll on
financial markets." This article is about new study that shows how the strength
of policy signals affects the relationship between market price change and
uncertain economic policy. Using the example of the elections of Donald Trump
and Brexit in Great Britain, scientists have found that the uncertainty of
economic policy and voltativity tend to diverge, although they usually have a
strong relationship.
I guess that this research is very fruitful, as it helped scientists to invent
new indexes that provide an indication of the uncertainty of financial markets.
Phrases of the Day: other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, в якості критерію повинна выступати об‘єктивна оцінка чи, іншими
словами, обґрунтованість. version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
Кім того, цифрова версія оригіналу цього документу англійською мовою буде
включати в себе посилання на вказане виправлення. principle
The same risk exists in principle for electronic communications.
Той же ризик в принципі існує і при використанні електронних повідомлень.
· #52
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:42)
I have read the article: "More than 100 world leaders pledge to halt
deforestation by 2030". It speaks of a significant breakthrough in international
publicity about global warming. About 100 leaders from different countries who
control about 85% of all forests on the planet participate in the conference. I
really hope that they will be able to achieve a breakthrough in this matter, but
talking should not be the only way to solve the problem. I think it is necessary
to develop international laws for the protection of nature, which these
participating states will be able to implement in their constitutions. And also
significantly increase investments for the transition to "careful" use of
natural resources.
· #51
Nizar Gavrilenko IM-201 (Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:42)
I have read an article: "How China's wealth gap policy may change the world". It
talks about China's plans to rebuild society and "grow" a middle class within
the country, for the sake of which the major corporations have already
reorganized themselves in the domestic market. But how can this change the
world? First of all, it will increase consumption and create an incredible
demand for Chinese goods in its own domestic market. Also, it will force the
Asian manufacturing market to focus on itself. I think it could really make a
world of difference
Phrases of the day:
1. in other words
In other words, journalism produces images constructing our consciousness of
daily life.
2. in principle
In principle, there are as many normative theories of journalism as there are
political systems, from Marxism-Leninism to diverse conceptions of democracy.
3. digital version
Consumers place greater trust in printed publications, even when a digital
version exists — print journalism plays a crucial role on college campuses.
· #50
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:42)
I have read the article "Why young people commit crime and how moral education
could help".
The article tells about there "moral poverty" -- an absence of concerned adults
capable of teaching children right from wrong -- is responsible for the
increasing number and seriousness of crimes committed by juveniles.It is the
poverty of growing up in the virtual absence of people who teach morality by
their daily example and who insist on following their example.
I think direct government action to address this "moral poverty" will not be
effective. The institutions prepared to deliver the needed services are
churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Islamic.Juveniles who have already
developed into super-predators, however, must be incarcerated for public safety.
· #49
Chernichenko Diana IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article "Researchers show they can steal data during
homomorphic encryption".
The article tells about there researchers at NC State University have
demonstrated that it is possible to steal data during homomorphic encryption.
Homomorphic encryption has been highlighted as a next-generation data security
technology, but the team discovered a vulnerability that allowed them to steal
data while it was being encrypted. Instead, they performed side-channel attacks
in which they monitored a device's power consumption as it encoded data for
homomorphic encryption in order to read the data while it was being encrypted.
This research suggests that even the next generation of encryption technologies
must be protected against side-channel attacks.
Phrases of the Day:
1) in principle.
Government indicated acceptance in principle but that pre-election timing was
not appropriate.
Уряд повідомив про свою згоду в принципі , але що у передвиборчий час поїздка
2) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
TheTimes Reader - це цифрова версія Нью-Йорк таймс.
3) in other words
So the benchmark is objective assessment or in other words reasonability.
Таким чином, як критерій має виступати об'єктивна оцінка або, іншими словами ,
· #48
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 14 March 2022)
I have read your Independent practice. Well done.
· #47
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:38)
Today I have read the article named 'Saudi Arabia puts 81 people to death in its
lagerst execution ever'. This article is about legal system in Saudi Arabia.
Punished men had been convicted of crimes including murders, rape, arms
smuggling and links to terrorist groups.
Saudi Arabia really hard in its penalties. For example, last year the government
said it had imposed a moratorium on capital punishment for drug-related
Rights groups have called on the Saudi leadership to end the death penalty and
make improvements to the country’s justice system to provide for fair trials,
but Saudi authorities deny flaws in the system. The kingdom’s ruler, has said he
was working to change the law to reduce the punishment for some crimes from
execution to life in prison. In keeping with Islamic law, he said, the death
penalty would remain in place for murder. It has also been used against people
convicted of rape, incest, apostasy and terrorism.
If you ask me, developing countries and third world countries have different
attitude to the value of human life from improved countries. Deprivation of live
is a violation of morality and law, but I partly support the death penalty for
rape and pedophilia.
· #46
Gvozd to Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:38)
The tasks are not bad, at least they are complete and informative. Thank you.
· #45
Zlata Stovbunenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:38)
Today I read the article named 'Putin's nuclear bluff'. This text explains why
the President of Russia is unlikely to use nuclear weapons.
The Kremlin has demonstrated a willingness to kill civilians and wreak havoc,
the use of nuclear weapons would deviate from Russia's own nuclear doctrine. The
country does not need them to defeat Kiev, and even if they did, the explosion
of weapons of mass destruction would provoke an international retaliatory
strike, including, quite possibly, direct military intervention from NATO. This
risks both major conventional war and further nuclear escalation, an outcome
that Putin does not want. The risk of nuclear war will become especially acute
if NATO forces are more directly involved in the invasion, because from Russia's
point of view, a war with NATO would threaten its sovereignty and existence.
The use of nuclear weapons will serve no military purpose other than shock and
In my point of view, the world has to give up nuclear weapons. Enormous strength
that could demolish the whole world hasn't to exist. As every day is a risk to
become a victim of man's madness.
1. digital version
Important data was lost in the digital version of this project.
2. in other words
In other words, Elizabeth II did not like it when she was not allowed to do what
she wanted.
3. in principle
Elon Musk, in principle, could agree with the basic provisions, but he was
categorical about the additional conditions.
· #44
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:34)
This week is even. So, it means that you should write again your class and
independent practices.
Choose other articles and find new sentences with phrases.
· #43
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:33)
Today I have read the article "Tracing water from river to aquifer". People all
over the world are supplied with fresh water. But due to changes in climate,
pollution and an increase in the number of people, the quality of water
deteriorates along with its quantity. So in a new project, using noble gases,
they want to track the movement of water and thus determine how long it takes
for river, sea or lake water to pass the aquifer. Using this method, it will be
possible to identify the risks and vulnerabilities faced by mountain-fed water
sources. I remember this article by the fact that supplying people with water is
a very complex process. principle
These findings could in principle be explored to develop a decoy alternative to
conventional antibiotic treatments version
For Chandler, the geopolitical role of the US dollar would not be upset by the
digital version's introduction. other words
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert
· #42
Malena Korotenko IM-201(Drozhzhina I.) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:32)
Today I read the article "Chemists develop variety of industrially important
synthetic processes". The article discusses the formation of double bonds
between two carbon atoms. The compound from those same double bonds has an
important role in the chemical industry. Professor David Sheshkewitz and his
team developed and described a new class of double bonds based on germanium and
alkenes analogs. This bond is stable to participate in synthetic metathesis
reactions. The Sheshkewitz group used a new methodology to synthesize the first
long-chain polymers containing double bonds between heavier elements. This
article was interesting to me.
· #41
Borysenko (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:30)
Andreeva,IG -211. Your comment isn't bad but for some mistakes
Present Perfect should be used in the first sentence, it should be:' Today I
HAVE READ THE article..." There is a mistake in the last sentence, you have
omitted the predicate there, it should be :" I consider this topic TO BE very
important...". Your voice message is full of mispronounced words
(reliable,suffer, huge,etc." Please consult a dictionary before recording your
voice message. Read my remarks attentively to avoid making mistakes next time.
· #40
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:29)
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article « Opinion: What war in Ukraine means for cyber
security in Europe »
The article talks about the cyber war that is taking place between Russia and
In addition to bombs and fighter jets, cyber weapons are also attacking. This is
the process by which secret databases are discovered. So, hackers are beginning
to learn information about medical, insurance and transport data. The authors of
the article call for the development of a national cyber security strategy. This
problem needs to be brought to the world's attention in order to take
appropriate measures. Besides it, each country should have an apparatus for
monitoring the confidentiality of its citizens' data. This is the main message
of the article read.
I strongly believed it's good that such a problem is being put on public
display. With the development of technology, their importance in our lives is
also growing. And anyone wants their personal information to remain
· #39
Moskalova Vlada IZH-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:28)
Phrases of the day:
1. digital version
Important data was lost in the digital version of this project.
2. in other words
In other words, Elizabeth II did not like it when she was not allowed to do what
she wanted.
3. in principle
Elon Musk, in principle, could agree with the basic provisions, but he was
categorical about the additional conditions.
Link to the article:
Today I havе read the article «How lockdown highlighted educational inequality
in Ireland»
The article talked about the impact of distance learning on the emotional
background of children. The authors of the study indicate that online lessons
were of interest to children at the beginning of the pandemic, in the spring of
2020. More over,the children, who used laptops to study,passed the curriculum
better than those who used a smartphone or tablet. Besides, distance learning
was easier for children who were helped by their parents.
Additionally, the results of the study were based on a survey of schoolchildren,
a survey of their parents, as well as an analysis of technical capabilities-cuz
not all children had the Internet or a computer.
· #38
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:26)
Today I've read the article What journalism professors are teaching
students—about their futures. It tells that a new study from Max Besbris, an
assistant professor of sociology at Rice, and Caitlin Petre, an assistant
professor of journalism and media studies at Rutgers, argue that journalism
schools have sought to reframe the industry's unstable labor market as an
inevitable and even desirable part of the business and its professional
identity. Most of the educators they interviewed stressed that students should
be "as entrepreneurial as possible" and be willing to start their own businesses
or websites. They encouraged students to not only become good writers or
photojournalists, but also develop the skills to do just about anything from
writing and editing to recording and designing.
· #37
Gvozd to Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:20)
Well done, but don't forget about your Independent practice.
· #36
Artem Barladian, ІЖ-212, Grodska (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:20)
Title: ‘Journalism has Been Lost in Russia,’ Says Novaya Gazeta Journalist
Today I have read the article about pressure on Russian independent media.
Journalists are ordered to use only official statements of russian government
and to avoid the words "attack" and "invasion". "Novaya Gazeta", received a
warning from the Roskomnadzor media regulator in the early days of Russia’s
invasion. Since then, the regulator ordered several sites to be blocked. As I
can see, russian journalists are used to working under pressure. They have been
threatened, harassed, even killed for their reporting.
In conclusion, russian journalism can end at any moment, and there is nothing
they can do about it.
Phrases of the day:
1. in other words
In other words, journalism produces images constructing our consciousness of
daily life.
2. in principle
In principle, there are as many normative theories of journalism as there are
political systems, from Marxism-Leninism to diverse conceptions of democracy.
3. digital version
Consumers place greater trust in printed publications, even when a digital
version exists — print journalism plays a crucial role on college campuses.
Sorry for being late, I didn't have internet connection.
· #35
Gvozd to Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:19)
should use Present Perfect in the first sentence. The rest is not bad.
By the way, it is not necessary to attach links of the phrases.
· #34
Borysenko (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:16)
To Slobodzyan,IG-211. I wonder what you have commented on. I haven't seen the address of the article, but it should be obligatory. Your voice message is very poor, you have mispronounced a lot of words (temperature, weather , hibernation,etc). I would strongly advise you to consult a dictionary before reading. Best of luck
· #33
Gvozd to Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:16)
I appreciate your tasks, they are complete.
· #32
Olga Melnik, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:13)
Introdaction to Media
Today I’ve read an article about the influence of the media on democracy.
I’ve noted that with the advent of television, a lot has changed.. People could
observe the actions and statements of politicians, and accordingly could form
their own opinions about them.
With the advent of the Internet and social networks, people finally have the
opportunity to communicate and articulate their problems, needs and emotions to
other people from distant countries.
I’ve realized that the main idea of the article is that democracy cannot exist
without freedom of speech and independent media.
This article was helpful and entertaining for me.
Phrases of the Day:
1) digital version
Mike kept thinking that the digital version of the game is still better than the
2) in other words
Thus, you showed rudeness, tactlessness, or in other words, disrespect for the
3) in principle
The student gave arguments with which, in principle, everyone agreed
The Global Village: Media in the 21st Century
Today I’ve read an article about mass media in the 21st century.
The entire article is devoted to explaining the term coined by the legendary
media theorist Marshall McLuhan, "Global Village”. The essence of this term is
that the availability of the same content around the world binds people in all
countries to the common theme of unity and shared media consumption.
Author says the global village has provided new opportunities for marketers.It
is also noted in the text that the "global village" has led to greater political
awareness and liberating attitudes among young people
· #31
Valeria Davydenko IZ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:07)
Words of the day and sources
•in other words
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert.
•in principle
These findings could in principle be explored to develop a decoy alternative to
conventional antibiotic treatments.
Commentary and source
Today I read an article-story on the topic "Journalism as a creative
profession". An article-story is a kind of excursion into the world of
Because there is a history of its origin here, they show that being a journalist
is also hard work, not just running after people and poking in the face with a
microphone or writing articles. But they also show that even such hard work can
turn into a favorite thing if you try.
I liked the epigraph:
"Politicians care about a bright future,
About the bright past - historians,
About the bright present - journalists". Hot Petan
Commentary and source
I read an article on the topic of books.
Despite the fact that the modern world consists of technology, which means
electronic publications, but they do not forget about paperback. It seems to me
that teenagers are increasingly reading in this format.
In the article, everything is clearly and simply stated and explained. On the
shelves. I received a lot of interesting information. I didn't know that there
are laws in the USA that can protect booksellers. I learned about an interesting
collection of money for libraries: the donation of old books in order to arrange
sales in the future.
Word of the day and source
•The digital version.
The U.S. is gingerly considering whether to adopt a digital version of its
currency, one better suited for today's increasingly cashless world, ushering in
what could be one of the dollar's most fundamental transformations.
· #30
Andreeva Darya IJ-211 ( Borisenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 10:01)
Today I read the article "Global effort to defend journalism needs a reset -
here's how to do better". She tells us about the existence and operation of a
certain media coalition that organizes conferences on media freedom. It also
talks about how to best protect freedom, which also depends quite heavily on the
coalition.Importantly, it should explain when and how the coalition will
implement a set of specific measures. The positive part is that the coalition
recognizes all existing problems and is ready to eliminate them. I consider the
topic of media freedom to be very important and I recommend reading the article.
· #29
Borysenko (Monday, 14 March 2022)
To Moskalyk ,IG 211. Unfortunately you have made the same mistakes in both your comments in the first sentence. Present Perfect should be used there, it should be : "Today I HAVE READ THE article..." There is a great problem with your voice messages, not a single word is heard. Please, check before posting it. I hope next time everything will be ok. Read my remarks attentively to avoid making the same mistakes next time. Good luck
· #28
Andreeva Darya IJ-211 ( Borisenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:59)
Phrases of the day
1)digital version
Why not empower consumers to digitize these cards, walk into a store, and use a
digital version.
2)in principle
In principle, the second and third channels are only there to confirm the result
of the first.
3)in other words
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert.
Article :
Today I read the article "Saving journalism: views on how to pay for reliable
information". She tells us about the difficulties that journalism has faced in
recent years, as well as the way to solve it. Since the beginning of the
pandemic period, the economic part of journalism has suffered greatly, a huge
decrease in jobs, financial problems and much more. But what is important is the
fact that funding organizations that have supported quality journalism have made
significant progress in the following year. I consider this topic very important
and relevant, so I recommend this article for reading.
· #27
Arhunova Anastasia IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:55)
Name: Relevance of Mass Media to Society
Today I read the article "Relevance of Mass Media to Society". It says that the
media is as much power as the legislative and executive branches of government.
I agree with the opinion of the author of the article, because we do learn what
is happening in the world from the news. This way we broaden our horizons and
form our views on one or another account. The activities of the media are
described in more detail in this article. I sincerely advise you to read this
article, I liked it very much and I agree with every word of the author.
1) in other words
So, in other words, I'm getting on your nerves.
2) digital version
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
3) in principle
But in principle, I pity her.
· #26
SLOBODZYAN KYRYLLO IZ - 211 ( BORISENKO ) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:55)
In other words, it needs to be a subject-matter expert. It achieves this level
2 Digital version; News tagged with digital version. Date. 6 hours 12 hours 1
day 3 days all
3 These findings could in principle be explored to develop a decoy alternative
to conventional antibiotic treatments.
Voice -
Spring is a time when flowers bloom and trees begin to grow and reproduce. The
days grow longer and the temperature in most areas becomes more temperate. You
can also contemplate the melting of ice and thawing of the ground. The weather
during this period becomes much sunnier while hibernating animals begin to come
out of hibernation.
Voice -
· #25
Vika Belobzhevskaya IJ-211 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:53)
other words, the results showed that surgical masks can be converted into a
burnable fuel that can in turn be used, for example, to generate electricity.
Winect creates a digital version of a human user's body poses in 3D using deep
learning techniques.
In principle, they could do so, as they might attain a certain echo in the media
and provide the general public with notorious examples of invasive alien
Today I've read the article What people value in digital news. It tells that
digital news subscriptions have doubled in the past four years, but half of
those gains went to the New York Times and the Washington Post alone. To find
out why researchers sought to understand how news is traditionally produced and
presented in print and how digital news readers adapt with changing needs and
expectations. Print newspapers moved to digital platforms without having a
proper understanding of the different characteristics of the print and digital
mediums, and how readers use contextual clues to help them make sense of the
· #24
Shkimbova Yana IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:50)
The title of the article: “Introduction to Media”
Today I’ve read the article “Introduction to Media”. The author starts by
telling that a vibrant and a free media were thought to be the necessary
conditions for a healthy democracy and I totally agree with this, because
without a free and fair press, no country in the world can hope to aspire to
democratic norms of governance. Also says that the first and only source of
information for people was the media. The author comes to the conclusion that
the media has a preeminent role to play in future. I think this article
interesting and recommend it to everyone to read.
Phrases of the Day
1. digital version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
Крім того, цифрова версія оригінального англійського документа міститиме
посилання на це виправлення.
2. in principle
The same risk exists in principle for electronic communications.
Такий же ризик в принципі існує для електронних комунікацій
3. in other words
So in other words, he just appears on the grid five years ago.
Іншими словами, він з’явився в мережі лише п’ять років тому.
The title of the article: "Worn down by bad news? You’re not alone ...".
Today I have read the article "Worn down by bad news? You’re not alone ...". She
tells us about the same type of negative news that surrounds us every day.
Indeed, now we are surrounded by always bad news. Eternal fires, pandemic,
politics, racial inequality. We read the news to distract ourselves from our own
problems, and we also get new ones. Therefore, many residents simply refuse the
news, opting for their mental state. Each of us has good news for the day, but
we don't always get it. I recommend this article for everyone to read because it
very interesting.
· #23
Goncharuk IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:48)
Today I have read the article "The Relevance of Mass Media to Society". It says
that the media has become more powerful, there has been a transition from print
to electronic and some restrictions have disappeared, the news spread throughout
the world. Also in the article that says about modern media, the "fourth branch
of power" is emphasized. But, unfortunately, many modern media outlets complain
from the authorities and cease to be independent.
In conclusion, I want to say that the media are very important to us. I liked
this article because it is easy and interesting to read.
Phrases of the day
1) In principle she understood that it could be dangerous.
2)In other Азер words he couldn't convey his emotions
3) The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times.
· #22
Gvozd to IJ212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:48)
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212
I appreciate your works. They are quite correct and informative.
· #21
Gvozd to Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:47)
I have read your Independent practice, well done.
· #20
Gvozd to Raylian (IG - 212) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:46)
Mind Present Perfect in the first sentence. The rest is more or less correct. Keep on working.
· #19
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borisenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:44)
Homework 14.03
Today I am read article about "New, better coronavirus rapid test". I think this
is a great scientific discovery that will greatly simplify people's lives during
the covid-19 pandemic.
Its novel functional principle promises reliable and quantifiable results
concerning a patient's COVID-19 disease and its course—as well as evidence
concerning other diseases and COVID variants that may be present. However,
high-speed coronavirus tests have a major drawback - a high percentage of
false-positive results.
In other words, it takes a significant amount of energy to activate the CO 2
molecule to form building blocks for the desired products.
In principle, the method could be applied to any mRNA.
· #18
Moskalyk Diana IZ-211 (Borisenko) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:42)
Classwork 14.03
Today I am read article about important topic today COVID-19, but this time not
about the harm to health, but about the consequences for nature after our
Surgical masks are being used in virtually all countries of the world as the
first line of defense against COVID-19 - this is the greatest danger to the
An attempt to convert medical masks into something useful can be a salvation,
and it is possible. For example, make combustible fuel that can be used to
generate electricity.
That is, we can conclude that our salvation is the work of science in this area.
These findings could in principle be explored to develop a decoy alternative to
conventional antibiotic treatments.
In other words, the results showed that surgical masks can be converted into a
burnable fuel that can in turn be used, for example, to generate electricity.
· #17
Borysenko (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:41)
To IJ 211. Dear students. The lesson has already started, I am waiting for your comments. Best wishes.
· #16
Jaroslava Albertovuch (IJ-212) (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:36)
How journalists decide which images from Ukraine are too awful to publish
Today I’ve read an article about how journalists decide which images would be
more appropriate for publication. The aim of the article is to provide
information that some terrible pictures can be useful. The article also touches
on the issue of publication censorship in general. The author begins by
describing a gruesome bloody scene in a town in Ukraine and the activities of
his correspondent. Much attention is given to the discussion of whether the
photos should be published or not. The author also gives the example of
Ukrainian medias, which use such stories to reveal the truth to the people. The
article was useful.
Phrase of the day
1 digital version
An update has been developed as the basis of the digital version, which
simplifies the operation of the device.
2 in other words
In other words, your work plan should be finished by next week
3 in principle
In view of all of the above, your project is in principle consistent with the
project plan.
· #15
Ivashenko Liza IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:33)
To work in broadcast journalism, one usually needs at least a bachelor's degree.
Broadcast journalist students learn the basics of what it means to report the
news over their specific medium, and the differences between their work and
those of print journalists.
Though all journalists want to deliver the news as coherently as possible, the
written space afforded most print journalists allows them to give background and
flesh out important facts of a story in greater detail. Broadcast journalists,
often handcuffed to strict 30-second or one-minute segments, don't have that
luxury. Broadcast journalists must be to the point, delivering facts in plain,
easily digestible language.
Phrases of the day
The digital version
Clay Williams has been busy boxing up all the Iosava intercepts, and the digital
versions have mysteriously been erased.
In other words
So in other words, he just appears on the grid five years ago.
In principle
Government indicated acceptance in principle but that pre-election timing was
not appropriate.
· #14
Raylian (IG - 212) Gvozd (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:32)
Today I read a review of the film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" by
the famous British writer and screenwriter JK Rowling, who is the author and
creator of the Harry Potter universe that children love so much. The film itself
serves as a kind of prehistory to the universe of "Harry Potter", the main
character of which is the so-called magozoologist whose main goal is to find
magical animals in different parts of the world and save their lives. Of course,
the film cannot do without the main antagonist, who, like in the Harry Potter
series of films, is trying to capture the entire magical world.
Phrases of the day:
in principle, I could not do otherwise
It is currently only available with the digital version of the game released in
The boundary of realism now passes in other world than a hundred and a thousand
years ago.
I read an article about a film that is the culmination of a decade of
blockbuster production, the result of years of work by thousands of people. The
last film to end the MCU is Avengers Endgame. this movie ticks all the boxes,
even ticks a few that fans don't expect to see on the list. The most satisfying
aspect of Endgame is how much it gives two of the MCU's most popular heroes the
storyline they deserve, rather than just drowning them in a sea of cameos from
smaller characters from other films in the way he canonizes them.
· #13
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:28)
Link to the article:
Ukraine's first lady emerges as a staunch defender of her nation on social media
The First Lady of Ukraine addresses her people and supports society in difficult
times. Olena decided to take a decisive step to tell the whole world about the
situation in Ukraine. Indeed, in recent weeks, Zelenskaya has repeatedly used
social media to shed light on the plight of her nation. Man appeals to his
people because he is completely open to his powerful nation. The last appeal was
quite powerful. Thanks to unity we win - many people realize that we are a big
family that will never be broken. It is a great pleasure to hear warm words at
such a difficult time, our president is trying to stop the war, despite all we
all want peace and clear skies.
· #12
Yanchik Anastasia ИЖ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:25)
Article of the day :
1) In other words - We spent two hours negotiating with the employees of our
company, in other words, we were very tired.
2) In principle - In principle, this idea is quite interesting.
3) The digital version - The digital version of this film looks impressive.
Ukraine special: Protect yourself against trauma while reporting
Posted: 10 March 2022 By: Jacob Granger
When the news is dominated by death, destruction and uprooted lives, the mental
health of journalists is at risk. Trauma therapist Olivia James shares comfort
and care tips for journalists covering the most difficult stories.
Attached is a video where James Granger shares with us early signs of trauma,
methods you can use to help in the moment, and some tips and techniques to help
you calm down.
It is important that these tips do not treat or diagnose, but simply help to
calm yourself and control yourself. This article can help not only journalists,
but all people who are under stress.
Vocaroo :
Tools and resources for journalists covering the Ukrainian war
Posted: 25 February 2022 By: Marcela Kunova.
In an age of information warfare, journalists must take extra precautions when
reporting news. Therefore, the author of the article has collected resources to
check the facts and present the information correctly.
This article is divided into 3 parts: verified updates, fact-checking tools,
ethics, security, and injury. In each of which the author tells in detail all
the details, providing examples and links to sources. The article also provides
a link to journalists' advice that can help witnesses of tragedies protect their
psychological health.
As for me, the article is quite interesting and thanks to it you can learn a
Vocaroo :
· #11
Anastasiia Maniak, IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:23)
I have recently read the article «Why did Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp shut
The biggest data outage has recently happened on such famous social platforms as
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Everyone was talking about it, because
billions of people use these social media networks. So, this article tells the
reason why this outage happened and its impact on companies of these platforms
and their users. It turned out that Facebook workers wanted to make the update,
but something went wrong and it turned into the error that caused all these
In my opinion, we have to watch out when we use social media, because it may be
dangerous for us.
Phrases of the day:
1. digital version
A digital version of the camera was produced in 2014 by Greg Dash of Cyclops
Цифрову версію камери випустив у 2014 році Грег Деш з Cyclops Cameras.
2. in other words
My grandmother is hard of hearing. In other words she is slightly deaf.
Моя бабуся погано чує. Іншими словами, вона трохи глуха.
3. in principle
But in principle, I pity her.
Але в принципі мені її шкода.
Today I’ve read the article « Relevance of Mass Media to Society». The authors
of the article say that the transition from print to electronic has made the
media more powerful, as the geographic limitation has disappeared and the news
has spread with lightning speed around the world. Also, the importance of modern
media was emphasized by the title of the "fourth branch of government", because
the media also have a deep socio-economic significance. But unfortunately, many
modern media are also under pressure from the authorities or become not
I totally agree that Mass Media are really important today.
· #10
Gvozd to Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:21)
The review is very interesting and urgent. Well done. Don't forget about your Independent practice.
· #9
Gvozd to Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:16)
Thank you, the tasks are complete and correct. Well done.
· #8
Anastasia Gladka IJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:15)
Today I have read an article on what is public interest journalism. Before the
advent of the Internet, most journalistic materials were created in fairly
successful advertising campaigns. The closeness of money and public interest
journalism has often been a source of tension, but rarely of rupture. Ads don't
get paid anymore - or rather, they pay companies like Google, Facebook, and
pretty much anyone else. The space for "content" on the Internet is limitless,
but so is the flow of misinformation. Torn from the funding it needs to survive,
journalism has been freed to rethink what serving the public interest really
means. I advise you to read this article.
Phrases of the day:
1.In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include
a reference to this corrigendum.
2.So in other words, he just appears on the grid five years ago.
3.The same risk exists in principle for electronic communications.
· #7
Voloschuk Kamila ІЖ 212, (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:14)
The title of the article is «Social media is being misused in Kenya's political
arena. Why is it hard to stop?» The author is George Ogola. The main idea of the
article is that the media has traditionally influenced public opinion, and in
Kenya some media are still closely tied to factional ethnic and class interests.
This leads to the problem of the integrity of political debate. Fighting
misinformation is very difficult, and punitive laws do not help curb
misinformation in Africa. I found this article quite interesting because it is
important for journalists to be aware of the real media situation in other
Phrases of the Day
1. in-principle
That is one recommendation that has found broad in-principle support from the
United Nations membership.
2. in other words
So in other words, you have no alibi.
3. digital version
In addition, the digital version of the original English document will include a
reference to this corrigendum.
· #6
Drozd Olga IJ-212 (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:12)
Name: “7 ways to avoid becoming a misinformation superspreader”.
Today I have read the article “7 ways to avoid becoming a misinformation
superspreader”. Now misinformation is a big problem with which people have faced
many times, didn’t even suspect it. All big social media platforms are in
process of solving this issue. The best way for common client to protect from
untrue news or else is self-defence. The article gives several tips how to
overcome it, including engaging yourself in self education, considering the
source of information and being aware of emotions. To my mind, such methods
could limit the amount of channels in case of personal liability.
So, in other words, you haven't actually solved these cases.
Nevertheless, we agree in principle with its basic message.
What you're going to hear now, and what you've never heard before, is an
enhanced digital version.
· #5
Omelyan Nikita IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:09)
The title of the article :How 5G is changing journalism
Today I have read a very interesting article about how 5G could change
journalism.As we read this article, we learn that 5G will help journalists
report more effectively from their digital devices and may allow news
organizations to operate effectively without relying on a central physical
newsroom.In the article, we will learn what Environmental Photogrammetry is and
how it works and how effective 5G.Drawing conclusions, I can say that the
article is very informative, in it you will learn a lot of interesting details
about 5G, how this opportunity will affect journalism and a lot of useful
information, I recommend reading .
Phrases of the day:
In principle
1.If you think about this study, in principle, it may be of interest to the
Якщо подумати про це дослідження, то в принципі воно може зацікавити начальника.
In other words
2.If a person fell in the penalty area, a kick from the point is appointed, in
other words, a penalty.
Якщо людина впала у штрафну, то призначається удар з точки, іншими словами,
The digital version
3.In the digital version of this application, you can call by video.
У цифровій версії цієї програми ви можете дзвонити по відео.
The title of the article: Profession of journalism: a big tent
Today I have read an article in which Amelia Dieter McClure expresses her
opinion about the profession - journalism. The author makes it clear that
journalism has gone through many iterations. For Amelia, a journalist who cannot
give facts loses the right to be a defender of democracy. Next, we will learn
about the 3 main principles of journalism and about the image of the ideal
journalist in the 21st century. Drawing conclusions, I can say that the article
is informative, in it the author explains why he considers the profession of a
journalist to be a "tent", and leads to this reasoned opinion, I recommend
· #4
Valera Gaydarzhi ІJ-212, (Grodska) (Monday, 14 March 2022 09:07)
Today I read an article about journalism. It explains that journalism is the
collection, preparation and dissemination of news and related commentary and
feature stories through print and electronic media such as newspapers,
magazines, books, blogs, webcasts, podcasts, social networks and social
networking sites. , as well as e-mail, as well as through radio, film and
television. The word "journalism" was originally applied to reporting on current
events in print, particularly in newspapers, but with the advent of radio,
television, and the Internet in the 20th century, the use of the term has
expanded to include all printed and electronic communications relating to
current affairs.
in other words
or in other words, you need to prime the wall, - said the foreman
The digital version
In the Digital version of our program, you can create an invoice
in principle
in principle i like your work
· #3
Grodska E. to ЇЖ 212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 08:54)
Dear students, the lesson has started and I am waiting for commentaries and voice messages. Good luck
· #2
Lazeba Oleksandr IJ-212 (Gvozd) (Monday, 14 March 2022 08:54)
Link to the article:
Russia-Ukraine watch
The situation in our country is quite tense, there are many fakes that people
trust. Many people who are not guilty at all die during the shelling, this also
applies to our journalists who work productively and provide reliable
information to the public. On March 10, the lower house of the Russian
parliament approved the creation of a single register of persons designated as
"foreign agents." The Ministry of Justice previously maintained two registers of
"foreign agents": one for public associations and the other for media groups.
After conducting a survey, it can be noted that about 150 journalists left
Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine. The aggressor's country is making
a huge mistake.
Phrases of the day:
1. Dissemination of information in order to avoid war.
2. In greater detail before the adoption of a new bill.
3. In a somewhat applies to journalists.
· #1
Gvozd O.V. to IJ-211,212 (Monday, 14 March 2022 08:50)
Good morning!
The lesson has started, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.