Information Security, Radio electronics and Telecommunications
|Інформаційна безпека, радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації
Guestbook – March 2022
· #773
· Vorobyova E. to Gorbatiuk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 15:59)
Not bad, but mind Sequence of Tenses in the sentence: “…the author said that wearables WERE expected to play a major role…”. Your sentences from the Phrases of the Day Practice are all right. Thank you and go on working regularly.
· #772
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 15:38)
Today i've read atricle "'Nanocapsules' provide new solution for efficient
cancer chemodynamic therapy"
In this article author explain us what in near future we will use nanocapsules
for curing cancer
It will be much useful for us because it must solve many problems related with
1)Keep track of symptoms
2) The university was adding additional bandwidth to meet the demand
3)On the contrary, reinforcements are being sent
· #771
Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 (Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 14:39)
1.keep track -
Sometimes it's impossible to keep track of their intense speed acceleration.
Інодінеможливовідстежитиїхінтенсивнеприскоренняшвидкості. the demand-задовольнитипопит;
The quality of their work didn't meet the demands, which led to dismissal.
Якість їхньої роботи не відповідала вимогам, що призвело до звільнення.
3.on the contrary-навпаки;
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Health tracking sensor for pets
and people monitors vital signs through fur or clothing". This article tells us
about how Imperial College London researchers have invented a new health
tracking sensor for pets and people that monitors vital signs through fur or
clothing. The new type of sensor, which can detect vital signs like heart and
breathing rates through fur and up to four layers of clothing, could help make
everyday wearables for pets and livestock a reality, helping their owners keep
track of their pets' health, and help vets monitor animals during surgery
without the need for shaving. Lead author Dr. Firat Guder, of Imperial's
Department of Bioengineering said that wearables are expected to play a major
role in monitoring health and detecting diseases early. Our stretchy, flexible
invention heralds a whole new type of sensor that can track the health of
animals and humans alike over fur or clothing.
· #770
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 13:34)
To Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212) Well done, thank you.
· #769
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022)
Today I have read the article "Cyberattacks, Russia, and the changing face of
war in the 21st century". This article discusses cyber attacks, cyber wars, and
cybersecurity, especially during war. This article is more relevant than ever,
because today there is a war in Ukraine and the enemy uses all possible methods
of attack, including cyber attacks. But it is interesting that during the
current invasion in Ukraine there were few cyberattacks, which means that this
time the Ukrainians were prepared, because they have already experienced serious
cyberattacks in 2014. In my opinion, this article is interesting and contains a
lot of information, because all this is happening in our country
1)little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало відомо про форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor
або про те, наскільки вони впливають на служби цибулі, які розміщують цей
2)overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна ціль — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
3)speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
Вчені припускають, що Уран та його небесний сусід Нептун утворилися таким же
· #768
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 13:09)
Today I have read the article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools
of fishlike underwater research drones". This article is about using 3D
simulation to show that small fish swimming in a canopy can feel the position
and beating of their neighbors' tails as a change in water pressure in their
body. It is believed that this mechanism allows fish to swim as efficiently as
possible in a group, even in complete darkness, when visual cues are not
available. I believe that knowing how much energy a fish consumes in food by
optimizing its movement in groups is also important for predicting their
migration patterns, which is useful for the fishing industry.
1)meet the demand
Dykstra says that "new technologies are needed to continue to meet the
demand for fresh water, not only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but
also in the Netherlands."
Дикстра каже, що «потрібні нові технології, щоб і надалі задовольняти попит на
прісну воду не лише в Середземномор’ї та на Близькому Сході, а й у Нідерландах».
2)on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють
3)keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба має
покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #767
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:40)
To Denis Zavadsky, RZ-211 Thanks for the work with phrases of the day.
· #766
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:39)
To Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212)
Anastasia, today you are not in my subgroup.
· #765
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:36)
To Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212)
Maxim, in general, it is good but mind, pls, the first sentence should be:
''Today I’ve read the article (the title of the article). It tells us
about...''. Don't forget also about the links to the article.
on working.
· #764
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:35)
Today I have read the article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools
of fishlike underwater research drones". This article is about using 3D
simulation to show that small fish swimming in a canopy can feel the position
and beating of their neighbors' tails as a change in water pressure in their
body. It is believed that this mechanism allows fish to swim as efficiently as
possible in a group, even in complete darkness, when visual cues are not
available. I believe that knowing how much energy a fish consumes in food by
optimizing its movement in groups is also important for predicting their
migration patterns, which is useful for the fishing industry.
1)meet the demand
Dykstra says that "new technologies are needed to continue to meet the
demand for fresh water, not only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but
also in the Netherlands."
Дикстра каже, що «потрібні нові технології, щоб і надалі задовольняти попит на
прісну воду не лише в Середземномор’ї та на Близькому Сході, а й у Нідерландах».
2)on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють
3)keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба має
покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #763
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:33)
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova)
(Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:27)
I appreciate your comment, it’s quite informative and interesting. Pay attention
to te pronunciation: artificial AI. Don't forget you have to find your own
examples from the articles.
· #762
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:31)
To Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212)
Thank you, your tasks are quite correct, but it is better to work regularly.
· #761
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:31)
Today i have read the article titled "Toward speech recognition for uncommon
spoken languages". This article is about automated speech-recognition
technology. But this technology didn't spread for uncommonspoken languages.
Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have now tackled this problem by developing a
simple technique that reduces the complexity of an advanced speech-learning
model, enabling it to run more efficiently and achieve higher performance. This
is an important problem that needed to solve. Because other uncommon languages
underexplored in the world.
1) the main objective
This task has become the main objective for 1998 of the Human Rights Field
2) published in
The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in
February 2007.
Последний доклад о прогрессе, достигнутом в деле борьбы с социальным
отчуждением, был опубликован в феврале 2007 года.
3) by means of
It is forced upon people by means of weapons and fleets of spaceships.
Подчинение народа посредством оружия и космического флота.
Vocaroo (article):
Vocaroo (sentences):
· #760
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:28)
To Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
The comment of the article is written and pronounced correctly and corresponds
to the standards of student’s work of such kind.
Thank you.
· #759
Denis Zavadsky, RZ-211, Lebedeva (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:27)
1) little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
2) speculate that
Most historians speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
3) overall goal
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
· #758
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:27)
Today I have read the text with title “The how social media and AI enable
companies to track brand reputations in real-time”. This text tells how
artificial intelligence and social media can help monitor brand status. Brand
status can change for the better and for the worse, but how do you check? Social
media, such as Twitter, will help with this issue, as you can get real-time
ratings and brand reputation through tweets. With AI, it is possible to
understand where a company or a brand is going, as well as to know the reason
for the decline or increase in brand ratings. In conclusion, I’d like to say,
that In the digital world, social media and AI are making it easier to turn the
brand around.
1. Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
2. It can keep track of a system's long-term trends and short-term blips.
3. we should not fight, on the contrary, we should live in peace
· #757
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:27)
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:18)
Your review is meaningful and well done, but rather long. Please, pay attention:
the article TELLS us (not talk). You should record the audio with the phrases'
examples in the second audio file.
on working.
· #756
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:26)
To Kate Kholodova RZ-212
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative, the tasks Phrases of the
day were performed correctly.
· #755
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:24)
To Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Timophey, mind: 'Today l have read THE article '.
Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #754
Popovych E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:21)
To Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ -212)
Nastya, there is no audio description of the article, in general, it is not bad.
Mind your pronunciation in phrases , please
· #753
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:18)
Today I have read the article "Photostructurable pastes for 5G applications".
This article talks about a new technology that allows you to make a paste of 20
micrometers or less for 5G networks. Since the 5G network works faster due to
its much finer structure. The thick film technology currently used to
manufacture this circuit has reached its limit and the maximum limit of the
current manufacturing method is 50 micrometers. But thanks to a couple of
additional steps, it is now possible to produce a paste and less than 20
To achieve this, ultraviolet light and wet chemical treatment are used.The
process takes literally seconds and practically does not make production more
expensive, so now this technology can be put on the assembly line. I think this
is a good step in the development of this technology.
1) These technologies meet the demand existing needs.
the contrary, we should keep going in this direction.
3)We will continue to keep track statistics.
· #752
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:56)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 The comment is ok, but there are mistakes in reading. Go on practising your pronunciation.
· #751
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:46)
Today I’ve read the article “Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of
fishlike underwater research drones”.
This article is about computer simulation that allows you to investigate the
behavior of fish and their ability to feel the position and tail rhythm of their
The purpose of this article is to tell about the pimers of the possibility of
computer modeling.
Skoltech researchers and their colleagues from ESPCI Paris, Chiba University,
and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology have used a 3D
simulation to show that small fish swimming in a school can sense the position
and tail beat of their neighbors as water pressure variation on the side of
their bodies.
I think this article will be useful for people who are interested in science and
new science in its field. the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose
nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde (reinforcing glycerol).
2.on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
3.keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
· #750
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:45)
Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national team to
successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose nanofiber
(CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde (reinforcing glycerol). The
novelty of the film involves a new and effective way of tailoring the
interfacial bonding interactions between the fibers and the glycerol and
glutaraldehyde (GA), which functioned as a plasticizer and cross-linking agent,
respectively. The cellulose-based film has wide applicability, such as food
packaging, oxygen barrier films, agriculture (crop growth), membrane
distillation, sensors, biomedical patches, optoelectronic and smart optical
1) meet the demand
The local government has been unable to meet the demand for affordable housing.
2) keep track
Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.
3) on the contrary
Dionysus, on the contrary, was never thought of as a power in the kingdom of the
· #749
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:44)
Today I have read the article "Europa Clipper to determine whether icy moon has
ingredients necessary for life". It tells about the Europa Clipper, NASA's
robotic interplanetary station project designed to study Jupiter's sixth moon,
Europa, for its ability to sustain life. The scientists working on this project
are confident that under the icy surface of Europa lies a salty liquid ocean
that contains 2.5 times more water than all the oceans on earth. If the research
is successful, scientists will be able to find evidence that will fundamentally
change our understanding of the solar system.
Personally, I love such global studies, because with their help, humanity will
soon be able to find answers to such a huge number of unresolved questions, and
finally space will become much clearer and more accessible to us!
1) meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel transparent thin film made from cellulose
nanofiber (CNF) reinforced by glycerol & glutalraldehyde (reinforcing glycerol).
GLA University India
2) keep track
"We wanted to precisely diagnose how well our model can accurately and
consistently keep track of distinct object entities over continuous periods of
time," the researchers wrote in their paper.
хотіли точно діагностувати, наскільки добре наша модель може точно та послідовно
відстежувати різні об’єкти протягом безперервних періодів часу», — пишуть
дослідники у своїй роботі.
3) on the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets.
Інструменти ML, навпаки, здатні виявляти складні закономірності у відносно
невеликих наборах даних.
· #748
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:43)
Today i have read the article: Fishers at risk in 'perfect storm'.
This article tells about Scientists who conducted research with fishermen and
sagged a survey about how they combine risk and reward during a storm. Since
climatic conditions cause extreme weather conditions, storms will increase in
the future across the UK, and this in turn will greatly affect the economic
instability of many fishermen. It is very difficult to solve such a problem, but
the researchers are trying to create policies that include improving the safety
of boats, less vulnerable fishing methods and the creation of insurance products
that are issued to fishermen during hazardous work. Researchers also created a
group from different universities and created various scenarios with factors
including wave height, wind speed and likely catch.
I think these are great and great methods to help fishing reduce their economic
Meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
Keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
On the contary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
· #747
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:39)
To Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 The comment is quite informative and detailed. Thank you.
· #746
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:38)
Today I have read the article "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the
roads". It tells about artificial intelligence in transport, designed to
optimize traffic. While many argue, trusting a computer to control the road with
other people can be dangerous - scientists are doing research on road behavior
in order to create their own "robots" as safely as possible. This system will
help to optimize traffic, making it more unloaded, and in addition to relieve
humanity from the need for transportation, for example, and other activities
where you need to constantly move around the city by car. Scientists are
convinced that this technology is really necessary.
In my opinion, the main disadvantage is that it reduces the value of human
labor, therefore it leaves people without work. But I think if they will teach
robots they will do a perfect job.
1. On the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences or other issues can
undermine faith in this project
2. To meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and thin films, Dr Sunanda Roy developed new
transparent thin film made from cellulose nanofiber
3. keep track
Apple AirTag marketed as a way to keep track of easily-lost belongings
Apple AirTag
Audio ph:
· #745
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:37)
I accept your independent practice. I have checked it and found no mistakes. Thank you and good luck.
· #744
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:35)
To Denis Zavadsky Not bad, but you didn't write the name of the article. Mind the pronunciation of the word "disabilities". Write the translation of the sentences with phrases of the day.
· #743
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:35)
Good day ! DDE is an abstract. Dynamic Data Exchange is an application
interaction mechanism in Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. As for
the other students, I have passed on all your information.
· #742
Vorobyova E. to Tihonov from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:35)
Your commentary on the article is correct. But what about Phrases of the Day Practice? It’s a must.
· #741
Vorobyova E. to Shpychka from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:33)
All right, you have coped with the tasks. Continue working and thank you.
· #740
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:33)
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Yershova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:23)
I appreciate your work, your comment is quite informative, but it has nothing in
common with your speciality. Your phrases' examples are not bad. In the last
example ; must be KEPT.. Don't forget that you have to find your own examples
from the articles.
Continue working.
· #739
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:31)
Today I have read the article "How grasses conquered the sea". It tells how, for
over 140 million years, some land plants have been able to adapt to life in the
water. To date, there are 60 species of such algae and they play a huge role in
maintaining the normal functioning of marine ecosystems. But, due to human
activities, a large number of these species of algae are now on the verge of
extinction and scientists are making a lot of efforts to save them.
In my opinion, the disappearance of some species of these algae can lead to a
real disaster, because even if you do not delve into this topic, everyone knows
that algae, like land plants, can produce oxygen and a decrease in the amount of
oxygen in the seas and oceans can obviously affect most marine life.
1) meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
задовольнити попит, ветеринари, опитані Associated Press, збільшили робочий час,
найняли додатковий персонал і відмовилися приймати нових пацієнтів, і навіть так
вони все ще не встигають.
2) keep track
Authorities say Apple AirTags, marketed as a way to keep track of easily-lost
belongings, are increasingly connected to cases of stalking and car theft.
Apple AirTags,
3) on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють
· #738
Denis Zavadsky, Lebedeva, RZ-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:30)
Robotic wheelchairs may soon be able to move through crowds smoothly and safely.
As part of CrowdBot, an EU-funded project, EPFL researchers are exploring the
technical, ethical and safety issues related to this kind of technology. The aim
of the project is to eventually help the disabled get around more easily.
Shoppers at Lausanne's weekly outdoor market may have come across one of EPFL's
inventions in the past few weeks—a newfangled device that's part wheelchair,
part robot. It's being used by researchers at EPFL's Learning Algorithms and
Systems Laboratory (LASA) to test technology they're developing under CrowdBot,
a project led by INRIA and involving a consortium of seven research
organizations, including EPFL.
I think this is a useful study because it helps people with disabilities.
Focus has been on small-holder plantings with local participation, but these
resources cannot meet the demand for wood.
You know I can't keep track any more.
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
· #737
Vorobyova E. to Semidentova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:30)
I am pleased with your work. It’s worth checking. No mistakes, thank you very much.
· #736
Vorobyova E. to Chabanenko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:28)
Your review on the article is clear and meaningful and contains no mistakes. Your Phrases of the Day Practice is correct too. Go on working.
· #735
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:27)
To Ram Nassur Rz 212 The comment is OK, but there are some mispronounced words in your voice recording. Go on practising your reading.
· #734
Vorobyova E. to Syrbu from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:27)
Well done, thanks for your participation. Continue working this way.
· #733
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:26)
To some students from group RT-211.
Acheev,, Ermolenko, Kuznyak,Mihailov! Pls join our activities, do not drag your
time as it is so precious. And try to work within the framework of the
designated time. Look thru some comments made by your mates and teacher’s
feedback to avoid the same mistakes in your tasks.
· #732
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:26)
Tomchisina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:17)
Thanks for your comment. It's reasonable but but I'd like to know your attitude
towards the issue presented. Mind the pronunciation: read(3rd form) applied
direction as well as . The sentences with phrases are quite interesting but the
2nd sentence is from our site examples.
attentive and continue working.
· #731
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:25)
Today l have read an article titled «I selfie, therefore I am': Instagram 10
years on».In this text, we are told about the changes in Instagram over 10
years, as well as the pros and cons of this app. For example, we are told about
a significant improvement in the service , from the usual photo processing 10
years ago, to an element without which now is difficult to imagine our life.
Instagram (based on information from the text) helped many companies, brands and
ordinary people to make life easier.
In my opinion, we need Instagram today, but as the psychologist correctly noted
in the text, teenagers do not need to strive for the ideal life that they see in
the Internet application.
1. On the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences or other issues can
undermine faith in this project
2. To meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and thin films, Dr Sunanda Roy developed new
transparent thin film made from cellulose nanofiber
3. keep track
Apple AirTag marketed as a way to keep track of easily-lost belongings
Apple AirTag
· #730
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:24)
To Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 and Volodymir Kolomiets Rz212 Thanks for sharing your opinions, students. The comments are detailed and informative.
· #729
Ram Nassur Rz 212 Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:24)
Researchers at the Agency for Marine and Earth Sciences and Technology used 3D
modeling to show that small fish can sense the position of their neighbors'
tails from changes in water pressure. This allows the fish to swim in a group
even in total darkness.
Research shows that it can be beneficial for fish that swim in groups to
position themselves optimally and synchronize their movements. To keep track of
neighbors even in a dark environment.
Further research could take into account noisier environments, cover larger
groups of fish, and use artificial intelligence to study how fish can process
such signals.
Thus create robotic fish equipped with pressure sensors that can take advantage
of movement in a group to replace larger underwater drones that explore
historical shipwrecks.
Knowing how much energy fish consume as food is conserved by optimizing their
movement in groups is also important for predicting their migration patterns,
which is useful for the fishing industry.
on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
meet the demand
"We can't wait to convert buildings until the [electricity] generation,
transmission and storage infrastructure is sufficient to meet the demand, and we
can't convert all the buildings without improving that infrastructure," said
Kavanagh, the New York legislator.
keep track
As parts of the world begin to open up again, communities need a reliable way to
keep track of the virus and contain its spread.
· #728
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Yershova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:23)
These security systems fully meet the demand.
We shouldn't forget about the environment, on the contrary, we should think
about it.
This object must always be keep track.
Today I've read the article which tells us about bacterial resources. The
article raises the problem of the constant lack
of bacteria for various needs. There aren't enough factories to meet demand, and
therefore, factories of such bacteria
work almost non-stop. But researchers from the University of Bristol have found
a way to solve this problem. They have
created a new mathematical model of artificial protein that fully covers the
needs of firms. Its simple mathematical
model will help the designers of these synthetic constructs take into account
the battle for resources, leading to
designs that reduce the load on bacterial factories.
· #727
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:20)
To Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212) I am glad that you liked the article. Well done, keep working.
· #726
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:20)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:58)
Your comment on the article is not bad, but it doesn't contain your opinion on
the subject. And you have to choose the topics which are more relevant to your
specialty. The examples with phrases are quite interesting but te 2nd one is not
informative enough (it's not a full sentence).
should work harder on your reading.
· #725
Tomchisina Polina RT-212 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:17)
1. On the contrary
ML tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets
2. Keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
3. Meet the demand
Dykstra says that "new technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand
for fresh water, not only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but also in
the Netherlands."
Today I have read the article “Algorithm helps robots avoid obstacles in their
path”. This article is about a new algorithm that helps robots avoid collisions
with people and other moving obstacles in their path. Using the fastest and
safest route to your destination. The algorithm can make the TurtleBot stop,
turn, and even change direction if it encounters anything in its path. This
algorithm can be applied in many environments, including industrial warehouses,
as well as restaurant robots that deliver food from the kitchen to the table.
· #724
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:15)
To Andrey Kovalzhi RZ-211 Thanks for the work.
· #723
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:13)
To Neblienko V. (RZ-212)The comment is informative, but unfortunately, there are some mispronounced words in your voice recording
· #722
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ -212, Popovich) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:13)
Today I've read the article “US offers $10 mn bounty for DarkSide hackers”. This
article is about a US government that offers 10 million dollars for finding a
leader of the high-profile ransomware gang DarkSide. Washington blamed the
Russia-based group for the online assault that forced the shutdown of the
largest oil pipeline in the eastern United States in May. Cybercrimes have been
booming, with new data out in October showing $590 (five hundred nineteen)
million in ransomware-related payments were reported to US authorities in the
first half of 2021 alone. As for me, the fight against hackers is a very
difficult confrontation.
keep track
Tech company Invoxia introduced the Smart Dog Collar, which uses sensors and
other tech to monitor a dog's health, keep track of its whereabouts and warn
owners of any potential health issues..
Smart Dog Collar,
on the contrary
On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with their
usual tools and the meta-platform pulls the strings in the background in a way
that makes it possible to exchange information."
Навпаки, усі зацікавлені сторони продовжують взаємодіяти за допомогою своїх
звичайних інструментів, а мета-платформа смикає за ниточки на задньому плані
таким чином, щоб уможливити обмін інформацією".
meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
задовольнити попит, ветеринари, опитані Ассошіейтед Прес, продовжили години
роботи, найняли додатковий персонал і відмовилися приймати нових пацієнтів, але
все одно не встигають.
· #721
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:11)
Stanislav Popik
(Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:54)
I appreciate your comment, it’s quite informative. Please, do not insert quotes
in your comment. Check the pronunciation: bioreactor. And you have to choose the
topics which are more relevant to your specialty.
on working.
· #720
Tihonov Ivan (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:07)
Even in times like these, when hackers have become even more active and powerful
than before, people continue to disregard security. People continue to set
passwords: 12345, or qwerty and other unreliable passwords. But it's not just
the users themselves who are to blame. Creators of sites and social networks, as
well as admins, have to make sure that passwords are created correctly. For
example, you can create restrictions in choosing passwords, like a pin code on a
bank card, or make a blacklist of frequently cracked passwords. Also, not all
sites have two-factor authentication, although this simple technique makes it
very difficult to crack an account. Software engineers are now creating methods
of logging into an account without a password, but a password is currently the
strongest method of protecting information.
· #719
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:04)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:52)
Your comment is clear and full, thank you. I appreciate your opinion, but you
should mention the title of the article as well.
Keep up working.
· #718
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:04)
To Kryvosheienko Stanislav (RT-211) Task 1. Pls select the article relevant to
your topic. Your voice recording msg has some mispronounced words: thrive /θraɪv/.
Your comment has one grammar mistakes . Just 74 points. Task2 is good. Mind the
pronunciation of the word ‘ hotel:
[həʊ`‘tel] n. Keep on working in the designated timeframe of the session!
· #717
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:02)
Today i have read the article titled: "Strong but thin transparent films made
from cellulose nanofibers with wide applicability". This text is about Dr
Sunanda Roy, an Indian researcher from GLA University, who led an international
team and invented a thin, environmentally friendly, durable cellulose film. The
novelty of the film involves a new and effective way of tailoring the
interfacial bonding interactions between the fibers and the glycerol and
glutaraldehyde (GA), which functioned as a plasticizer and cross-linking agent,
respectively. In my opinion, this film will help humanity to use the gifts of
the Earth even more wisely and reduce emissions of non-decomposing products.
meet the demand
The university will continue fundamental and applied research to develop
sustainable solutions that can mitigate the effects of natural disasters and
climate change, and to meet the demand for food with alternative food sources.
Университет продолжит фундаментальные и прикладные исследования для разработки
устойчивых решений, способных смягчить последствия стихийных бедствий и
изменения климата, а также удовлетворить спрос на продовольствие с помощью
альтернативных источников питания.
on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
Напротив, сложная локомоция может возникнуть из множества простых модулей,
действующих параллельно.
keep track
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
оживленных транспортных узлах, где автомобили смешиваются с велосипедистами,
автобусами и трамваями, водителям может быть невозможно следить за всем вокруг.
· #716
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:59)
Eugene Chervony RT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:49)
Your comment is thoughtful, thank you, but where is your opinion on the issue?
Please, choose the topics which are more relevant to your specialty.
· #715
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:58)
Today I have read the article "Hydrogen can play key role in US
decarbonization". The United States Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory is a major player in the research and development of pure
hydrogen in science and applied technology.
One of the participants in this research has said that hydrogen is a clean
energy carrier because it contains no carbon.
Hydrogen is a substance that can help decarbonise industries that are difficult
to decarbonise.
There are about nine different departments involved in hydrogen research and
different laboratories have different focuses, and to solve this problem, it is
better to involve all of them.
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
· #714
Andrey Kovalzhi RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:56)
Today i've read the article "Robotic exoskeleton uses machine learning to help
users with mobility issues"
Researchers from RIKEN robot project used a lightweight material and AI to
create an exoskeleton
robot that could help people with mobility issues. The first benefit of this
exoskeleton is the material. It is
super light, carbon-fiber based material that doesn't impede the movements of
The second benefit is AI developed by RIKEN robot team. It allows the skeleton
to guess the
intentions of the user.
I found this article interesting to read, because it tells about technology that
can help many people
Daily phrases:
1. On the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences or other issues can
undermine faith in this project
2. To meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and thin films, Dr Sunanda Roy developed new
transparent thin film made from cellulose nanofiber
3. keep track
Apple AirTag marketed as a way to keep track of easily-lost belongings
Apple AirTag
· #713
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:54)
Today i have read the article called"Manufacturing stem cells in a
bioreactor"which tells us about how artificial stem cells will soon be able to
develop new treatments for previously incurable diseases, which will be
presented to the public for the first time at MEDICA in Germany.
In this project, they combine their biotech expertise with emerging technologies
in materials science, ”says the managing director of SPT. Today, most scientists
around the world use hard and smooth surfaces for cell culture. The SPT team
will introduce new technologies and functionality to MEDICA attendees
bioreactors. I hope the scientists will finish their cell research and be able
to help sick people all over the world.
1) keep track
As parts of the world begin to open up again, communities need a reliable way to
keep track of the virus and contain its spread.
2) on the contrary
"On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
3)meet the demand
Dykstra says that "new technologies are needed to continue to meet the demand
for fresh water, not only in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, but also in
the Netherlands."
· #712
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:52)
phrases of the day:
on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
meet the demand
Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Today I've read the article about a technique that allows robots to detect when
humans need help. It's important for robots to be able not only to communicate
well but also to determine whether a person needs help. Researchers at Franklin
& Marshall College have recently developed a new technique that's allows robots
to understand if they should step in. The main principle of this technique is
based on person's eyes direction patterns. If someone needs help, they'll
probably look up at a person that could provide this help and then back at the
task. There were two videos attached. The first one was about the theory and the
second one contained a recording of an experiment. In my opinion, this research
is extremely useful since the principle is very simple and can be applied almost
in every area where robots are included.
· #711
Eugene Chervony RT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:49)
Today I have read the article "Hydrogen storage reactions bear a complex dance
toward faster uptake". It says that scientists have simulated the hydrogen
storage reactions in a promising material and discovered why hydrogen uptake
slows as the material absorbs hydrogen, providing insight that could be used for
improvements. To reveal the underlying mechanisms involved in the hydrogenation
of magnesium diboride, a team of scientists have used molecular dynamics
simulations. They found that magnesium ions drive the electric polarization of
molecular units and charge redistribution critical for cleaving boron from the
original material and enabling sequential hydrogen binding to atoms.
1) meet the demand
The conditions in our laboratory fully meet the demand.
2) keep track
To conduct an experiment correctly, we need to constantly keep track everything.
3) on the contrary
You don’t need to get too hung up, on the contrary, you need to let go of the
· #710
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:47)
1) Stop blaming people for choosing bad passwords.
Перестаньте звинувачувати людей у виборі поганих паролів.
2) It's not hard to find examples of websites that will accept the very worst
passwords without complaint.
Неважко знайти приклади веб-сайтів, які без скарг приймають найгірші паролі.
3) On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address
the problem at its source.
Навпаки, впроваджуючи сильніші протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити проблему
в її джерелі.
blaming -
worst password -
implementing -
"Create stronger passwords to protect your online security." Years of spreading
this message had little effect. People usually make a simple and uncomplicated
password. So it's fair to assume that without guidance or restrictions to
prevent the use of weak passwords, they're more likely to stick with the same
habits. It's not hard to find examples of websites that accept the worst
passwords without issue. It's just as easy to find sites that require users to
create passwords but give them no guidance about doing so. Or sites that report
that the user's chosen password is weak, but allow it anyway. You may wonder why
this is important. If people want to choose weak passwords and put themselves at
risk, then why should this be an ISP problem? One argument is that if a service
is tasked with protecting users' private data, then it doesn't make much sense
for users to leave themselves vulnerable by choosing weak passwords.
· #709
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:47)
Today I've read the article "Stop blaming people for choosing bad passwords.
It's time websites did more to help".
The article covers the fact that many websites fail to effectively encourage
their users to create stronger passwords for their accounts.
The article states that, although it is accurate that users themselves willingly
make weak passwords, websites themselves also neglect enforcing specific
guidelines or restrictions on password creation.
I find the article interesting: it's well written, however I find its message
hard to agree with. Password creation restrictions make sense in private
environments like company-owned systems, as access to them could cause
significant damage. On the other hand, forcing users to make complex passwords
in public systems won't teach them the importance of it - it will only show them
how to do it. I believe only through first-hand experience a user can learn the
importance of a strong password.
1) It can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
2) Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
3) On the contrary, the algorithms developed on one robotic guide dog can be
easily deployed to another robot.
іншого боку, алгоритми розроблені на одному роботі собаці-поводиря можуть бути
легко використані на іншому роботі.
· #708
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:46)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 Task 1.Pls write ‘entitled’. Your voice recording msg has some mispronounced words . Pls mind the fluency. Just 70 points. Task2 . Your voice msg is incomplete with mispronounced words like ‘commitment’, ‘on the contrary’. Keep on working hard to improve your skills, pls.
· #707
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:45)
1. keep track
As parts of the world begin to open up again, communities need a reliable way to
keep track of the virus and contain its spread. - Оскільки частини світу знову
починають відкриватися, громадам потрібен надійний спосіб відстежувати вірус і
стримувати його поширення.
2. on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel. - Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих
модулів, що діють паралельно.
3. meet the demand
Plantations expanded to meet the demand - Плантації розширювалися, щоб
задовольнити попит
2) Today, І have read thе аrtісlе «A new way to remove troublesome ions from
Converting seawater to freshwater is important in water-scarce countries. This
process requires the removal of certain charged particles from the water, known
as ions. When an electric current is applied, the ions are adsorbed on the
electrodes and are therefore removed from the water. Recent research by
scientists from Israel and the Netherlands is helping to improve this ion
removal process.
In my opinion, this approach opens up many interesting possibilities. It can
also be used to treat wastewater, in particular to remove arsenic or small
organic molecules such as drug residues or herbicides.
· #706
Volodymir Kolomiets Rz212 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:41)
Today i have read the article "Plant-based, probiotics and vitamins: What new
diets mean for farmed fish health". This article is about how fish change
depending on their nutrition. People consume a lot of fish therefore their
reproduction is very important. scientists even tried to make some of the
predatory species vegetarian, but according to them, how to do this remains a
mystery. they experimented with creating foods that had vitamins or bacteria
that would increase the size of the fish and it really worked. some food even
changed their stomach
As for me, the article is really interesting, because i got a lot of new
imformation. And now i even want to know much more about it.
1) on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання або інші
проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.
2) meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, Dr Sunanda Roy from GLA University India has led a multi-national
team to successfully develop a novel
Щоб задовольнити попит на міцні та міцні прозорі тонкі плівки для довготривалого
застосування, доктор Сунанда Рой з GLA University India очолив багатонаціональну
команду, щоб успішно розробити новий роман.
3) keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision
Щоб відстежувати сусідів навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба
повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #705
Yershova Y.A. to PT-212, PE-211 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:41)
Dear students! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your comments and audio recordings. Don’t forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #704
Kryvosheienko Stanislav (RT-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:39)
Today I have read the article "Mobile games thrive, even as pandemic keeps
players home"
This article is about how mobile games became so popular during a pandemic.
Mobile games are thriving because gamers are turning to them for comfort and
friendship during the pandemic, and more womens are joining the trend. Mobile
games appeal to a wider demographic than shooters and other genres known on
consoles or PCs.
Gaming being one of the most interactive and engaging forms of entertainment. So
it's no surprise that games have become so popular during long-term stay at
Voice -
1)keep track - It's hard to keep track - Це тяжко відстежувати.
2)meet the demand - Modern clients have come a long way to meet the demands of
today's graphical computing needs - Сучасні клієнти пройшли довгий шлях, щоб
задовольнити потреби сучасних графічних обчислень.
3)on the contrary - I stayed in this hotel, on the contrary - Я зупинився у
цьому готелі, навпроти.
Voice -
· #703
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022)
Artem Verhelis RT-211 There are some grammar mistakes in your article. The
conclusion should be made in a better way . Your voice recording msg doesn’t
work. Just 60 points. Task2 is supposed to have Ukrainian translation. Just 60
points. Keep on working hard and look through some comments made by your mates
on this website and my feedback to avoid making the same mistakes in the future.
· #702
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:31)
To РЗ-212 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #701
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:27)
Today I've read the article "Time well spent, not wasted: Video games are
boosting wellbeing during lockdown". Researchers have found video games help
satisfy fundamental psychological needs, and therefore have enormous value for
all ages. The satisfaction of basic emotional needs leads to greater well-being
and motivation. If being stuck at home is reducing your happiness and
well-being, this could be due to reduced satisfaction of one or more of these
needs. In my opinion, video games help people during quarantine pressure by
filling their plenty of free time. Moreover, it gives people some sort of daily
challenges and wins, that have a pleasant impact on mental health.
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them(У
інтенсивних транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами,
автобусами та трамваями, водіям може бути неможливо відстежити все навколо)
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended hours
and refused to take new patients, and they still can't keep up.(Щоб задовольнити
попит, ветеринари, опитані Associated Press, подовжили робочий час і відмовилися
приймати нових пацієнтів, і вони все ще не встигають.)
On the contrary, we have found video games help satisfy fundamental
psychological needs, and have good value for all ages.(Навпаки, ми виявили, що
відеоігри допомагають задовольнити фундаментальні психологічні потреби та мають
хорошу цінність для будь-якого віку.)
· #700
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:24)
1.keep track - слідкувати;
As parts of the world begin to open up again, communities need a reliable way to
keep track of the virus and contain its spread.-Оскільки частини світу знову
починають відкриватися, громадам потрібен надійний спосіб відстежувати вірус і
стримувати його поширення. the demand-задовольнити попит;
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.-Збільшити кількість і якість працівників і
експертів, щоб краще задовольнити попит на закордонних ринках праці.
3.on the contrary-навпаки;
Experts predicted the economy would collapse, but, on the contrary,it continues
to do extremely well.-Експерти прогнозували крах економіки, але, навпаки, вона
продовжує розвиватися надзвичайно добре.
Today I've found out from the article about the picture protection system as an
alternative to passwords and I want to share my thoughts about it. Key picture
is easy to remember and it is better than just simple text password.There is a
risk in case of "over-the-shoulder-attack", when someone is watching the screen
but researchers are working on improving this system and they are
succeeding."Estimating Your Encodable Distorted images" (EYEDi) system now works
by generating distorted versions of key images during each log-in by applying
several image processing filters. It means that user is more protected now and I
suppose soon this invention will be widely used .
· #699
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:24)
Today i have read the article "Mobile games thrive, even as pandemic keeps
players home".
From the article, we learn that even now, during a pandemic, mobile games are in
demand among users. Most often, people spent time in mobile games, for example,
when they were walking on the street or waiting for their turn in the hospital.
This made the games very popular. But even now they are very popular at home.
In my opinion, it's good that people spend more time in games, as it distracts
from the events that are happening in the world.
Phrases of the day:
1)Even churches are getting in on it to keep track of their congregants
2)Plantations expanded to meet the demand
3)On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address
the problem at its source
Audio: Sorry, I didn't have time to record my voice down the phrases of the day
because of the air raid alert.
· #698
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:24)
To Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211) Mind the use of articles: I think this is AN interesting research.
· #697
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:20)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:11)
Your comment is thoughtful, but too long, it must be around 100 words, don't
forget that. Please, do not insert quotes in your comment. Mind: I AM
interested... Pay attention to the pronuncition: read (3rd form) technology. The
task with phrases is well done.
· #696
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:19)
Avdeev Danil RT-211 Your comment does not meet the requirements for it it must
contain 100 words as a minimum. Pls mind your pronunciation of some words and
the fluency.UNACCEPTED. Task 2 is good.
· #695
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:14)
Phrases of the day:
1) Keep track - тримати у полі зору.
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба
повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.
2) On the contrary – навпаки.
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution.
Навпаки, збій через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання або інші
проблеми може підірвати віру в установу, яка видає.
3) Meet the demand - відповідають існуючим потребам.
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up.
Щоб задовольнити попит, ветеринари, опитані Associated Press, продовжили робочий
час, найняли додатковий персонал і відмовилися приймати нових пацієнтів, і вони
все ще не встигають.
Today I have read an interesting article about a study by Bruno Arpino, Marco Le
Moglie and Letizia Mencarini, used a machine learning technique called Random
Survival Forests (RSF) to analyze data on married or cohabiting couples to
predict if they'll leave their partner. To account for both partners' traits and
all their two-way interactions, resechers need to include 35 independent
variables, which would be very problematic in a regression model. But machine
learning tools are, on the contrary, capable of detecting complex patterns in
relatively small datasets. Among the variables with the greatest predictive
ability to maintaining relationships, the resechers found the life satisfaction
of both partners, woman's percentage of housework, marital status, woman's
working hours, woman's level of openness, and man's level of extraversion.
· #694
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:12)
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:00)
You are right in the discussion of this problem. Your idea is clear and I share
your opinion. Thank you for your effective work with the phrases as well.
Continue working.
· #693
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:11)
Today I have read the article titled "Better protection for pedestrians: A radar
sensor system gives early warning". This article describes how in busy transport
hubs, where cars mix with cyclists, buses and trams, drivers can't keep track of
everything around them. A radar sensor system can solve this problem by
providing an early warning to drivers and unmanned vehicles when a pedestrian is
running towards a road or car. The system, developed by Fraunhofer researchers,
will even be able to interpret and understand entire situations on the road with
the help of artificial intelligence. People react quickly, but sometimes not
fast enough, and this system can help avoid many accidents.
1) meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Наразі якість та доступність даних не задовольняють попиту, що потребує
2) keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
Таблиця також призначена для відстеження всіх стандартних посилань.
3) on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Ми не повинні відкидати це зобов'язання; навпаки, ми повинні це враховувати в
цьому контексті.
· #692
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:11)
Today I have read the article 'Developing a crowd-friendly robotic wheelchair'.
It tells about the new project in terms of comfortability, which the company
CrowdBot is happy to announce - a crowd-friendly robotic wheelchair. An active
navigation system, predicting the unpredictable, risk awareness and many other
possible scenarios - such features LASA researchers want to implement and
prepare their new device for in the future for the humanity comfortability. "You
hear a lot about self-driving cars, but not about robots that could be moving
around among pedestrians," says Aude Billard, the head of LASA. "However,
robotics technology is clearly going in that direction, so we have to start
thinking now about all that will imply."
I think that this device idea is absolutely wonderful and is a new step in terms
of comfortability for humans. While we have such devices as gyroscooter and
monowheel, this wheelchair is a new step, and I really interested to see this
device usable very soon in the future.
4. 1) meet the demand
The local government has been unable to meet the demand for affordable housing.
2) keep track
Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.
3) on the contrary
Dionysus, on the contrary, was never thought of as a power in the kingdom of the
· #691
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:09)
To Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) your your voice recording msg has some mistakes in pronunciation and your fluency leaves much to be desired. Try to conclude in a bit better way like ‘This imaging method will allow to scan old books qualitatively without any damage to them’.Just 70 points. Task 2 should be done using Ukrainian translation. Just 60 points. Keep on working hard to get better results.
· #690
Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E.V) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:08)
Today I have read the article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools
of fishlike underwater research drones"
This article is about using a 3D simulation to show that small fish swimming in
a school can sense the position and tail beat of their neighbors as water
pressure variation on the side of their bodies.
This mechanism is thought to enable fish to maximize swimming efficiency in a
group even in complete darkness, when no visual cues are available.
Understanding group motion of fish is useful for predicting their migration and
designing aquatic research robots that mimic fish behavior either for the
energy-saving benefits of moving in a group or to blend in with the ocean
creatures they are studying.
I think this is interesting research.
1. keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риби
повинні покладатися не тільки на зір.
2. meet the demand
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.
Збільшити кількість і якість працівників та експертів, щоб краще задовольнити
попит на закордонних ринках праці.
3. on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
Це означає, що, бажаючи цього, ви, навпаки, будете робити жахливі речі.
· #689
Vorobyova E. to Chernetskiy from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:08)
Well done. I appreciate your understanding of the article. Work regularly on the site.
· #688
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:07)
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:39)
Your comment has clear layout and quite correct, thank you. But you have to
learn the pronunciation: satellite Cyber attack technology specialists
cybersecurity specialty. The task with phrases is completely wrong, you have to
check today's phrases. Be attentive, please.
· #687
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:06)
It’s a good review on the article. Your sentences are written correctly too. But mind the pronunciation of unknown words, such as “read” (the 3rd form) and “available”. Good luck.
· #686
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:04)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Je ne trouve pas vos devoirs. J’espère les trouver bientot.
N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Laissez-les et vos
enregistrements ici. Bon travail.
· #685
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:01)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-21 Thank you. Your comment is rather good, but there are some mispronounced words in your voice recording.
· #684
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 10:00)
Today I have read the article “Security tool guarantees privacy in surveillance
footage“. It tells us about a new system that prevents breaches of people's
privacy. Dissatisfied with the situation when individuals can be identified,
researchers came up with a system to better guarantee privacy in video footage
from surveillance cameras. The system lets analysts submit video data queries,
and adds a little bit of noise (extra data) to the end result to ensure that an
individual can't be identified. So in my opinion creating such a system is a
good decision because it is not easy to maintain privacy these days.
meet the demand
What happens when a business does not meet the demand of consumers?
on the contrary
Now, on the contrary, they actively display them.
keep track
It is important to keep track of high-risk locations you have been at and who
you have been with.
· #683
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:57)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:22)
Thanks for your comment. It's informative and interesting. Mind the
mispronoinced words: Climate spatial as critical. Please, choose the topics
which are more relevant to your specialty. Your phrases' examples are good. Go
on practising your pronuncition.
· #682
Artem Verhelis RT-211 Mykhailiuk S. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:56)
Today I've read the article "Europa Clipper to determine whether icy moon has
ingredients necessary for life". In "2024" scientists expect to send spacecraft
to one of the Jupiter's moon to rich better understanding of the solar system.
Scientists think that on the moon called "Europa" under her icy surface is
hidden liquid ocean. So NASA think that this moon is one of the places where can
exist some form of life. In late 2024, they will send the orbiter into the skies
above moon, where it will begin its five-and-a-half-year journey to Europa to
better study the surface of this moon. I think this article quite informative
because it's always good to know something about galaxy in which we live.
1) on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.
Напротив, сбой из-за непредвиденных последствий, низкого использования или
других проблем может подорвать доверие к учреждению, отметил он.
2) keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Чтобы отслеживать соседей даже в темной или мутной среде, рыба явно должна
полагаться не только на зрение.
3) meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients.
Чтобы удовлетворить спрос, ветеринары опрошенные ассоциацией пресы продлили часы
работы, наняли дополнительный персонал и отказались принимать новых пациентов.
· #681
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:55)
Today i have read the article titled "3D-printed objects that sense how a user
is interacting with them". This article is about a new method to 3D print
mechanisms that detect how force is being applied to an object. To perform this,
the researchers integrated electrodes into structures made from metamaterials,
which are materials divided into a grid of repeating cells. Metamaterials can
support different mechanical functionalities. This invention is really useful.
Designers could use this method to 3D print "interactive input devices," like a
joystick, switch or handheld controller. It's will make their work easier.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) meet the demand
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours.(Щоб задовольнити попит, ветеринари, опитані Associated Press, продовжили
робочий час.)
2) on the contrary
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.(Навпаки, збій
через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші проблеми може
підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.)
3) keep track
The collar is paired with an app owners use to keep track of their pet's
health.(Нашийник поєднується з додатком, який власники використовують, щоб
стежити за здоров’ям свого вихованця.)
Vocaroo -
· #680
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:52)
some students from group RT-211.
Avdeev, Acheev,Verchemis, Glugan, El-Kadi Zaharia, Ergul, Ermolenko,
Krivosheenko, Kuznyak,Mihailov.Movsum-Zade! Pls joint our activities, do not
drag your time as it is so precious. And try to work within the framework of the
designated time. Look thru some comments made by your mates and teacher’s
feedback to avoid the same mistakes in your tasks. Let’s get started right now,
· #679
Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213(Vorobyova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:52)
Today I've read the article about Natural gas bans are new front in effort to
curb emissions.
the article we can find out that lawmakers in New York are considering the
nation's first statewide ban on natural gas connections in new buildings,
following dozens of local governments that have passed similar policies in the
past two years. But as New York and other left-leaning states consider ways to
limit natural gas and the greenhouse gas emissions it creates, 20 mostly
Republican states have passed laws barring cities and counties from blocking gas
hookups. In my opinion the bans will raise construction costs and utility bills,
while doing little to stop climate change.
1)meet the demand
the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a situation that
needs to be remedied.
в настоящее время данные по своему качеству не отвечают существующим
потребностям, что требует принятия соответствующих мер.
table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
таблица направлена также на то, чтобы держать в поле зрения все ссылки на
the contrary
should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
не должны забывать об этом обязательстве; напротив, нам следует учесть это в
нынешнем контексте.
· #678
Avdeev Danil RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:51)
Today I have read the article titled "Better protection for pedestrians: A radar
sensor system gives early warning". It descrides us about new radar sensor
system which can warn for drivers and self-driving vehicles when a pedestrian
runs toward the road or the car. I find this article to be good. But this radar
sensor technolony is briliant nowadays.
1) meet the demand
The university will continue fundamental and applied research to develop
sustainable solutions that can mitigate the effects of natural disasters and
climate change, and to meet the demand for food with alternative food sources.
Університет продовжить фундаментальні та прикладні дослідження для розробки
стійких рішень, які можуть пом’якшити наслідки стихійних лих і зміни клімату, а
також задовольнити попит на продукти харчування за допомогою альтернативних
джерел їжі.
2) on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel.
Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють
3) keep track
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them.
У жвавих транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами,
автобусами та трамваями, водіям може бути неможливо відстежити все навколо.
· #677
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:51)
Today I have read an interesting article "New imaging system captures text from
barely open books". investigates a new method for books with fragile binding.The
method allows you to scan books without opening them by more than 30 degrees.
Historians and librarians think the book is a valuable and important subject of
study, especially if the binding is original. It’s hard to open old books
without harming them. This project was developed under the leadership of Gregory
Rochester and the Lazarus Project team. I think this article is useful and this
information will help save old books.
1. meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Имеющиеся в настоящее время данные по своему качеству не отвечают существующим
потребностям, что требует принятия соответствующих мер
2. on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Мы не должны забывать об этом обязательстве; напротив, нам следует учесть это в
нынешнем контексте.
3. keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
Данная таблица направлена также на то, чтобы держать в поле зрения все ссылки на
· #676
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:48)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 and Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211) I appreciate your comments. Go on working
· #675
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:48)
Today I've read the article "Computer simulation brings us closer to schools of
fish like underwater research drones". By the way, small fish swimming in a
group can sense the position and tail beat of their neighbors as water pressure
variation on the side of their bodies. In addition, this mechanism is thought to
enable fish to maximize swimming efficiency in a band even in complete darkness
when no visual signs are available. In my opinion, understanding this fish
system is very useful to create robots that mimic fish behavior of moving in a
group or blending in with the ocean creatures they are studying.
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or muddy environments, fish must clearly
rely on more than just vision(Щоб стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або
брудному середовищі, риба повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.)
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
applications, a scientist from India has led a multi-national team(Щоб
задовольнити попит на міцні та міцні прозорі тонкі плівки для екологічного
застосування, вчений з Індії очолив багатонаціональну команду)
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel(Навпаки, складна локомоція може виникнути з багатьох простих
модулів, що діють паралельно)
· #674
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:47)
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:16)
Your review is meaningful and interesting, thank you, but it's too long. Mind:
the article TELLS us (not talk). Pay attention to the mispronounced words:
read(3rd form) vehicles though subsequent currently field. The task with phrases
is well done. Go on working!
· #673
Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211)(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:46)
Today I have read the article "NASA launches instrument to measure water loss in
the west." This article is about the launch of a new invention to measure water
loss in the west. The main purpose of which is to show information about how
much water evaporates into the atmosphere from plants, soil and other surfaces
in the western United States. The West has been mired in drought for more than
two decades. Scientists say human-induced climate change has exacerbated the
conditions.Hot summers and years of record-breaking wildfires have also robbed
the land of moisture. Invention. called OpenET uses satellite imagery from the
Landsat program, which records anthropogenic and natural impacts on the Earth's
surface. In my opinion, this article is very interesting to read for everyone,
especially for people who love new technologies and care about the future of the
1) You know I can't track anymore.
2) Well, my operation can't keep up with demand
3) He would not have to suffer, on the contrary.
· #672
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:41)
Today I have read an article called "Learning From Game Developers : Developing
Augmented Reality Products". In this article, take a look at the use of a
virtual model at various stages of development to find out if a new product will
be attractive to customers in terms of design and use. To achieve this goal,
IPEC scientists are now working on using augmented reality (XR). These are
computer technologies that expand the physical environment through virtual
components or completely replace it with virtual reality. In my opinion, this
technique will allow contactless work in different places, which is very
relevant during an epidemic.
This article will be useful to those people who are interested in creating
games, applications, utilities.
I recommend you to read it. 09-game-product-reality.html
1)keep track
I can't keep track for everything.
Не можу за всім встежити.
2)meet the demand
Pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the demand.
Аптеки можуть бути відкриті цілодобово, але вони не зможуть задовольнити попит.
3)on the contrary
No, on the contrary, I'm curious
Ні, навпаки, мені цікаво
· #671
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:40)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #670
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:39)
To Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Pls train your pronunciation by consulting the dictionary and improve the fluency before you record your voice msg. Just satisfactory .
· #669
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:39)
Today I have read the article "Cyber attack in Ukraine, the war affected
thousands of people across Europe." This article tells us about a cyberattack
targeting a satellite network used by the Ukrainian government and military that
also cut off tens of thousands of broadband Internet users across Europe. The
attack showed how satellite technology that serves both military and
non-military customers can be targeted in a conflict, with the impact being felt
by individuals and businesses far from the battlefield. The article is useful in
that it makes us understand the vulnerabilities of systems in our days, which
improves the qualifications of Ukrainian specialists. I believe that the
profession of a cybersecurity specialist is very useful these days, which means
that I made the right decision in choosing a specialty.
1)remote access
I used remote access to put a message on the screen.
2)internal memory
The internal memory chip was too well encrypted.
We got satellite photos of Grant's favorite imaginary missile silos.
· #668
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:34)
Today I have read the article “Waymo to expand autonomous vehicle rides to San
Francisco”. This article is about a self-driving ride-hailing service that is
branching out to San Francisco. The autonomous vehicle unit of Alphabet said
that it started carrying employees in electric Jaguar I-Pace SUVs without human
backup drivers. In my opinion, this is great news, because AI now can easily
handle workers to their workplaces, without a driver. But, of course, he is
sitting there just in case something will happen.
on the contrary
On the contrary, all the stakeholders actually continue to interact with their
usual tools and the meta-platform pulls.(Навпаки, усі зацікавлені сторони
фактично продовжують взаємодіяти зі своїми звичайними інструментами та
keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.(Щоб стежити за сусідами навіть у темному
або каламутному середовищі, риба повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.)
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong transparent thin films for sustainable
applications.(Щоб задовольнити попит на міцні прозорі тонкі плівки для
довготривалого застосування,)
· #667
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:31)
To Ivanytska Кhrystyna РЗ-211 Thanks for the comment. In general, it's good and I appreciate your point of view. Just mind your reading.
· #666
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:31)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Thanks, well done for both tasks. Be prepared to
deal with specialty’s exam topics next time.
· #665
Vorobyova E. to Shlapak from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:30)
Don’t make the same grammar mistakes and mind the use of the Present Perfect Tense in the first sentence of the review on the article: “Today I HAVE read the article about…” Your sentences with the new phrases are interesting and written correctly. Thank you.
· #664
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:28)
To Diakin Nikita RZ-211 Your review has only 56 words. It is not enough to give proper comment on the article. Keep working.
· #663
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:28)
Use the Present Perfect Passive form at the beginning of your commentary on the article starting with “today” and don’t forget about the articles (“THE researchers”). Go on working.
· #662
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:26)
To Misha Donenko RZ-211 Pay attention to thepronunciation of the word "cybersecurity" [saɪbəsɪˈkjʊərɪtɪ]
· #661
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:26)
Today I have read an article “How explosion in ocean life built the first
mountains”. This article tells about recent research on this topic. Ultimately
what this research has shown is that the key to the formation of mountains was
life, demonstrating that the Earth and its biosphere are intimately linked in
ways not previously understood.
keep track (відслідковувати) - To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid
environments, fish must clearly rely on more than just vision.
meet the demand (задовольнити попит) - To meet the demand, vets interviewed by
The Associated Press have extended hours, hired additional staff and refused to
take new patients, and they still can't keep up.
on the contrary (навпаки) - On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from
many simple modules acting in parallel.
· #660
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:22)
Today I have read the article "The Turning Points of Climate Change."
The article is based on many years of collaboration between various research
institutions in the Netherlands and abroad, especially between Utrecht
University and Leiden University. Researchers have approached the idea of a
tipping point in a spatial context. The formation of spatial structures in
ecosystems, such as the spontaneous formation of complex vegetation structures,
is often explained as an early warning signal of a critical transition.
In my opinion, we need to avoid climate change as long as possible, which can
pose a long-term threat to humanity.
meet the demand
To meet the demand for strong and tough transparent thin films for sustainable
on the contrary
On the contrary, complex locomotion can emerge from many simple modules acting
in parallel
keep track
It can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
· #659
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:22)
Timur Ergul RT-211 Pls write the article says, reports, etc. vs talks. Resonate
among VS resonate with. Just good. Task2 : pls single out phrases with Ukrainian
translation. Just satisfactory. Keep on working hard. Prepare to work with exam
topics on your speciality next time.
· #658
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:21)
Excellent! You have coped with all the tasks. Your commentary is well done and sentences with the new phrases are written, translated and voiced correctly. Keep on working on line.
· #657
Ivanytska Кhrystyna РЗ-211 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:19)
Today I've read the article about "Silicone raspberry used to train harvesting
robots". The properties of the silicone raspberry can be adjusted to mimic fetal
resistance and require the robot to apply the necessary force to collect. Thanks
to this feedback, robots can learn to pick fruit without damaging it. At the
moment, the cleaning robot in the lab is nothing more than a gripper with two 3D
printed fingers coated in a thin layer of silicone and attached to a robotic
arm. Engineers are currently developing a camera system that will allow robots
to not only "feel" raspberries, but also "see" where they are and whether they
are ready to be harvested. I liked reading about the idea of helping farmers
pick raspberries. I think they will be able to finish the robot.
1 meet the demand
The promises we have made meet the demands of our people.
Обіцянки, які ми дали, відповідають вимогам наших людей.
2 keep track
There have been so many, I just can't keep track.
Їх було так багато, я просто не встигаю встежити.
3 on the contrary
But on the contrary, the White Paper sets out further measures to reduce the
scale of our nuclear forces.
Навпаки, Біла книга визначає подальші заходи щодо зменшення масштабів наших
ядерних сил.
· #656
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:19)
- Don't cry, on the contrary, you should be happy.
- Не плачь, наоборот, ты должна быть счастлива.
2. - Your job is to keep track Agent F..
- Ваша задача - следить за агентом Ф..
3. - These anomalies do not meet the demand needs, so you need to get rid of
- Эти аномалии не отвечают потребностям спроса, поэтому вам нужно от них
Today I read the article "Computer modeling brings us closer to schools of
fish-like underwater research drones". This is a very good project, I like it.
But for me, this is a more "deep" project, in the sense that understanding how
fish in complete darkness are able to move in groups and at the same time not
interfere with each other and determine where who is it's cool, but it's much
more interesting to use this technology in ocean exploration, because the ocean
is the only thing that is not fully explored by man, well, except for space
· #655
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:19)
Prhases of Day
1. meet the demand :
Plantations expanded to meet the demand
Плантації розширювалися, щоб задовольнити попит
2. keep track :
At busy transport hubs where cars mix with cyclists, buses, and streetcars, it
can be impossible for drivers to keep track of everything around them
На жвавих транспортних вузлах, де автомобілі змішуються з велосипедистами,
автобусами та трамваями, водіям може бути неможливо відстежити все навколо
3. on the contrary :
On the contrary, the algorithms developed on one robotic guide dog can be easily
deployed to another robot
Навпаки, алгоритми, розроблені для одного робота-поводиря, можна легко
застосувати до іншого робота
Today, a very interesting article was read by me.According to this article,
scientists are looking for ways to detect abuse and bullying on social networks
using an automated system.
To tell the truth, a group of scientists at the University of Avignon recently
found this way.They note that the new system prevails over current approaches to
detecting and moderating user content.
Researchers conducted testing in the MMORPG game, thanks to reduced functions,
they were able to reduce computing time and saw that this system performs much
better than others.
I think this is very important because cyberbullying in social networks and
others, has a very big impact on the psychological health of their users, and
can have very terrible consequences such as suicide of users.
Слава Україні
Glory to Ukraine
· #654
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:19)
Good work! But don’t forget to use the articles “a/the” correctly: “AN engineer”, “AN architect”. Go on working and I am thankful to you for the participation in our language work in time.
· #653
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:17)
Today I’ve read the article “Microsoft launches community college campaign to
address cybersecurity workforce shortage”. Microsoft launched a training program
for community college students on Thursday in an effort to fill 250,000
cybersecurity jobs by 2025. The company will make its cybersecurity curriculum
available for free to all public community colleges across the country and offer
25,000 scholarships. With 464,000 cybersecurity jobs open nationally,
Microsoft's goal is to help fill half those positions with this campaign. It
adds to a growing list of investments the company has made to combat
cybersecurity threats. The initiative comes just days after Microsoft flagged
that Russian-backed hackers have been targeting government and corporate
computer networks since the summer.
Microsoft launches community college campaign to address cybersecurity workforce
shortage ( the demand
Well, my surgery can't meet the demand.
Ну, моя операція не може задовольнити попит.
2.keep track
You know I can't keep track any more.
Ти знаєш, що я більше не можу стежити.
3.on the contrary
He wouldn't have to suffer, on the contrary.
Йому не довелося б страждати, навпаки.
· #652
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:16)
Today i've read the article "Improving the safety of lithium-ion batteries in
electric vehicles"
the article talks about researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia
working on various national
and international projects to improve the safety of lithium-ion batteries, which
are now most commonly used in electric vehicles.
as the CMT-Motores Termicos researchers point out, the future of the automotive
sector is largely, though not exclusively,
dependent on the mass use of lithium-ion electric batteries,
although there are currently some problems that can affect your safety. One of
them is its thermal stability .
also note that lithium-ion batteries are not safe under certain conditions.
There is a phenomenon known as thermal runaway,
which can lead to battery combustion with subsequent risk to vehicle occupants.
To mitigate these risks, the CMT-Motores Térmicos UPV team is currently working
on two European and two other national projects.
This article is worth reading to keep up to date with new technologies in the
field of electric vehicles.
1)keep track
Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
2)meet the demand
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.
3)on the contrary
He wouldn't have to suffer, on the contrary.
· #651
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:12)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative, but there are some mispronounced words.
· #650
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:12)
Today I've read the article 'Novel double helix yarn piezoresistive sensor for
pulse monitoring'. As we know in medicine, special sensors are used for
diagnosis. They are made of yarn, but they do not regain their shape after
deformation, and also transmit vague signals. Hong Kong scientists have
addressed this issue. They did not change the material itself, but changed the
weave itself to a structure similar to DNA. As a result, friction was reduced
and the sensor became more accurate and flexible. I think this is a very
important breakthrough in medicine that will increase the level of diagnosis.
1) meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Наразі якість та доступність даних не задовольняють попиту, що потребує
2) keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
Таблиця також призначена для відстеження всіх стандартних посилань.
3) on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Ми не повинні відкидати це зобов'язання; навпаки, ми повинні це враховувати в
цьому контексті.
· #649
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:09)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:57)
Thank you for your clear and full comment, mind: this helpS... The task with
phrases is well done, but you should record these examples in one audio file.
Keep up working!
· #648
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:09)
To Dima Kozhushko RZ-211 Mind the pronunciation "cyberattack"| cyber əˈtak |
· #647
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022)
Today I have read the article "New study shows the largest comet ever observed
was active at near-record distance" This article is about a new study by
astronomers from the University of Maryland shows that Comet
Bernardinelti-Bernstein (BB), the Largest comet ever discovered, was active long
before previously thought. Knowing when a comet becomes active is key to
understanding what it's made of. The discovery will help astronomers determine
what the BB is made of and give an idea of the conditions during the formation
of our solar system. Comet BB, with a diameter of 100 km, is the largest comet
ever discovered and is farther from the Sun than the planet Uranus. In my
opinion, this article is very interesting for everyone, especially for people
who love deep space. I think this studing will become very useful in the near
keep track
'Cause I've been on so many, it's kind of hard to keep track.
Тому що я був на багатьох, що важко відстежити.
meet the demand
Increase the quantity and quality of workers and experts to better meet the
demand of overseas labour markets.
Збільшити кількість і якість працівників та експертів, щоб краще задовольнити
попит на закордонних ринках праці.
on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
Це означає, що, бажаючи цього, ви, навпаки, будете робити жахливі речі.
· #646
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:08)
students from RT-211
Welcome back to our today’s session on the website. You are supposed to perform
two tasks plus audio recording links within the timeframe of our designated
lesson. I wish you good luck, students .Let’s get started right now.
· #645
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:06)
To Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212,) Well done, thank you.
· #644
Timur Ergul RT-211 (Mykhayliuk) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 09:02)
Today I have read an article "Storing energy in red bricks". It talks about the
new use of bricks, namely not only as a building material, but also as an energy
storage device. Scientists have noticed that in addition to saving heat,
ordinary bricks that mankind uses to this day are able to accumulate energy that
can be used as an emergency power source, and by applying a special PEDOT
coating, they improve all of the above advantages at times. I believe that this
technology is innovative and will resonate with many people.
1)We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Мы не должны забывать об этом обязательстве; напротив, нам следует учесть это в
нынешнем контексте.
2)The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
Данная таблица направлена также на то, чтобы держать в поле зрения все ссылки на
3)Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Имеющиеся в настоящее время данные по своему качеству не отвечают существующим
потребностям, что требует принятия соответствующих мер.
· #643
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:59)
Phrases of the day(31.03):
- keep track - тримати у полі зору:
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.( Щоб тримати у полі зору сусідів навіть у
темному або каламутному середовищі, риба повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.)
audio recording:
- on the contrary – навпаки:
On the contrary, failure due to unintended consequences, low usage or other
issues can undermine faith in the issuing institution, he noted.( Навпаки, збій
через непередбачувані наслідки, низьке використання чи інші проблеми може
підірвати віру в установу, яка видає, — зазначив він.)
audio recording:
- meet the demand - відповідають існуючим потребам:
To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
hours, hired additional staff and refused to take new patients, and they still
can't keep up. Burnout and fatigue are such a concern that some practices are
hiring counselors to support their weary staffs. (Щоб задовольнити попит,
ветеринари, опитані Associated Press, продовжили робочий час, найняли додатковий
персонал і відмовилися приймати нових пацієнтів, і вони все ще не встигають.
Вигорання та втома викликають таке занепокоєння, що деякі практики наймають
консультантів, щоб підтримати свій втомлений персонал.)
audio recording:
I`m going to write a few words about the article I have recently read. The
article is headlined 'Cybercrime money-launders busted by European police, FBI'.
The article is about cybercrime. Much attention is given to the arrest of an
international group of cybercriminals who laundered millions of euros using
malicious software. International cyber security have arrested members of the
group in Britain, Poland, the United States, Portugal, Australia, Spain, Italy
and Bulgaria. Malware has gained bank accounts around the world and because of
this millions of euros have been stolen.
In my opinion the article is interesting because the topic of cybercrime is
relevant in the digital age.
· #642
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:58)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I`ve read an interesting article about New software that could reuse
building materials.
This can be used for both new buildings and renovations. After reading the
detailed instructions,
I recognized the function of this software. To begin with, engineer or architect
designing or modifying
a structure enters its overall characteristics into the program, along with a
description of the stock
of reusable, second-hand components. Next — and this is one of the program's
innovations — it provides designers
with alternative forms that meet various sustainability objectives. For example,
it changes the layout of the
structure and it optimally selects and positions elements from existing stocks
to further reduce the structure's carbon
footprint, it limits the number of new cuts and keeps the number of components
to a minimum.
In my opinion this software is useful not only the environment but also people,
and this is the most important thing!
1. I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the
Я маю на увазі, що аптеки могли працювати цілодобово, і вони все одно не могли
задовольнити попит.
2. No, on the contrary, Doctor, you're going to help me.
Ні, навпаки, докторе, ви мені допоможете.
3. Movienizer will help you keep track on everything concerning movies.
Movienizer допоможе вам відстежувати все, що стосується фільмів.
· #641
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:57)
Today i have read an article "3D computer models of gigantic archaeological
objects".This article is about new technologies in the archaeological field.
Nowadays 3D modeling is developing very quickly. Researchers have found
applications for it in archeology. With the help of a special camera, the object
is transferred to a computer, where it is already carefully studied. This method
will help them study archaeological finds in a much closer and more detailed
In my opinion, this help to study ancient finds that were discovered earlier and
could not be studied.
1)on the contrary
It means that, wanting that, you will on the contrary do terrible things.
2) keep track
You know I can't keep track any more
3)meet the demand
I mean, pharmacies could stay open 24 hours and they still couldn't meet the
· #640
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:57)
1)Today I have read the article ''New AI sensor technology for autonomous
driving''.This article is about a new AI technology for automotive radar sensors
that filters out interfering signals. Radar sensors themselves are very
effective and have saved many lives, but they are very susceptible to
interference, which negatively affects the operation of the device, but with the
use of AI, this problem can be solved.
An analysis of the environment will help to understand what can cause
interference, and AI, in turn, will solve the problem or at least warn the
driver about it.
In my opinion, the development of this technology will save a lot of people, and
if this technology is combined with an autopilot and connected to the same
network, then the number of accidents will be minimized.
1)meet the demand
Yet many women are left waiting, with victim support and housing services
critically underfunded to meet the demand.
Проте багато жінок чекають, а допомога потерпілим і послуги з житла критично
недостатньо фінансуються, щоб задовольнити попит.
2)on the contrary
Today, on the contrary, the destinies he touches become his own.
Сьогодні, навпаки, долі, яких він торкається, стають його власними.
3)keep track
To keep track of neighbors even in dark or turbid environments, fish must
clearly rely on more than just vision.
Щоб стежити за сусідами навіть у темному або каламутному середовищі, риба
повинна покладатися не тільки на зір.
· #639
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:56)
article I have read today is called "Robots Help Japan's Aging Population". Its
author will tell us about the Toyota Motor project, which involves the creation
of "partner robots" that can do household chores and help doctors, nurses and
educators. The article also talks about other robots. For example, a bed that
turns into a wheelchair from Panasonic. With the help of robots, tasks can be
performed without human intervention. I believe that technological progress
should help increase productivity in the manufacturing and service sectors.
1) To meet the demand, vets interviewed by The Associated Press have extended
Щоб задовольнити попит, ветеринари, з якими опитує Associated Press, продовжили
робочий час
2) Complex locomotion on the contrary, can emerge from many simple modules
acting in parallel.
Складна локомоція навпаки може виникнути з багатьох простих модулів, що діють
3) Communities need a reliable way to keep track of the virus and contain its
Громадам потрібен надійний спосіб відстежувати вірус і стримувати його
· #638
Dima Kozhushko RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:55)
Today i’ve read an article “Cyberattacks to critical infrastructure threaten our
safety and well-being”
This article tells us about cyberattacks because of which we can lost access to
the technological systems that we rely on every day. We are talking not about
smartphones or something like that. There’s about systems many of us often take
for granted and don't think about. What if tomorrow you will could not power
your refrigerator or could not get emergency help from police, ambulance by
calling 911? According to Canada's National Strategy, critical infrastructure
refers to the processes, systems, facilities, technologies, networks, assets and
services essential to the health, safety, security or economic well-being of the
public and the effective functioning of government. But this system not always
safe and secure. There were string of cyberattacks for the past six month.
Because of ransomware attacks some companies were faced disruptions of their
systems and networks, and people lost access to their services.
This article is important to read if you want to know more about critical
infrastructure and which problems can be there.
1) meet the demand
Plantations expanded to meet the demand.
Плантації розширювалися, щоб задовольнити попит.
2) on the contrary
On the contrary, by implementing stronger protocols, you can help to address the
problem at its source.
Навпроти, впроваджуючи сильніші протоколи, ви можете допомогти вирішити проблему
в її джерелі.
3) keep track
The blockchain will also record future sales to keep track of who owns the item
Блокчейн також записуватиме майбутні продажі, щоб відстежувати, кому належить
цей предмет
· #637
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:52)
Today I've read the article about Natural gas bans are new front in effort to
curb emissions.
In the article we can find out that lawmakers in New York are considering the
nation's first statewide ban on natural gas connections in new buildings,
following dozens of local governments that have passed similar policies in the
past two years. But as New York and other left-leaning states consider ways to
limit natural gas and the greenhouse gas emissions it creates, 20 mostly
Republican states have passed laws barring cities and counties from blocking gas
hookups. In my opinion the bans will raise construction costs and utility bills,
while doing little to stop climate change.
1)meet the demand
Currently, the quality and accessibility of data do not meet the demand, a
situation that needs to be remedied.
Имеющиеся в настоящее время данные по своему качеству не отвечают существующим
потребностям, что требует принятия соответствующих мер.
2)keep track
The table is also intended to keep track on all standard references.
Данная таблица направлена также на то, чтобы держать в поле зрения все ссылки на
3)on the contrary
We should not set that commitment aside; on the contrary, we must take it into
account in this context.
Мы не должны забывать об этом обязательстве; напротив, нам следует учесть это в
нынешнем контексте.
· #636
Yershova Y.A. to РЗ-211 (1) (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:51)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #635
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:48)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #634
Vorobyova E. to РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:45)
Students! Our English lesson will start in a few minutes. Be active and attentive when working on the site. Don’t forget to submit your voice messages and Phrases of the Day Practice. Good luck.
· #633
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 31 March 2022 08:42)
Well done. Thank you for the independent practice. Keep on working and remember - “THE first”.
· #632
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 19:54)
Today I've read the article "Hackers have leaked the COVID-19 vaccine data they
stole in a cyberattack". This article is about cyberattack by unknown hackers
against the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to gain the information about
coronavirus medicines. But as a result, no leaked information violates the
office's confidentiality rules. This is not first attack against some
pharmaceuticals firms which EMA include and with time there were more and more
of them. I found this article interesting, because in our time it's quite
nessesary to know how development of vaccine is progressing and who is trying to
resist it.
audio recording:
· #631
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 16:56)
Not bad, but bear in mind your mispronounced words, such as: “structural”, “prevent”, “mechanical”, “ hydrogen”…And don’t forget about the articles (I mean the beginning of your commentary on the article). You have omitted “an (article)”.
· #630
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 13:56)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1. Well, I was acquainted with Mr. Smith, until he passed away.
Ну, я був знайомий з містером Смітом, поки він не помер.
2. In this context it is important that the usually resident population should
not be confused with the legal (as distinct from illegal) population.
У цьому контексті важливо, щоб населення, яке зазвичай проживає, не плуталося з
легальним (на відміну від нелегального) населенням.
3. It should be addressed as a matter of highest priority.
Така реформа повинна розглядатися як питання, яке не зазнає жодного відкладення.
· #629
S.Mykhailiuk (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 09:13)
To students from group N RT-211 request you disregard my last msg pls We are planning to start our activities at this time tomorrow. So be prepared for this session. Bye.
· #628
S.Mykhailiuk (Wednesday, 30 March 2022 08:40)
students from RT-211
Welcome back to our today’s session on the website. You are supposed to perform
two tasks plus audio recording links within the timeframe of our designated
lesson. I wish you good luck, students .Let’s get started right now.
· #627
Petrova E.I. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 18:27)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #626
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 17:51)
To Gridnev Dmytro RF-211 Thanks for detailed comment and work with phrases.
· #625
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 17:10)
Kryvosheienko Stanislav (RT-211)
Stanislav, I have checked your comments, but do it on time and don't forget
about the link to the article. Keep on working.
· #624
Gridnev Dmytro RF-211(Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 16:42)
The article is headlined "Safe and powerful robotics for near-human tasks".The
author of the article is Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.The article touches upon the
issue of future help in tasks close proximity to humans, like housekeeping and
care.According to text robots now are mainly used in industry in the form of
stiff robot systems that are streamlined for force and precision and that
require very complex safety plans to ensure that no workers are put at risk.But
scientists wants to drive robotics forward in areas involving close proximity to
humans.The robots will look like people and have a soft surface for human
safety.Their system will be equipped with many sensors that will help the work
to better perceive the environment.The researchers have already taken the first
step towards the overall robot system and have provided an initial idea as to
what the overall system could look like.They have developed the relevant
structural components, combined them with sensors as gesture control, and
produced a tendon-driven robot arm that consists of three switchable segments
and executes planar movements via gesture control.
I found this article interesting because I read about what our future will be
like and what new inventions have already been developed to improve our lives.
Phrases of the day:
1)overall goal
Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel
porous materials
Наша загальна мета — вчитися та черпати натхнення від природи для розробки нових
пористих матеріалів
2)little is known about
The cryptocurrency market has grown from a little-known project, to a massive
and largely unregulated industry.
Ринок криптовалюти виріс із маловідомого проекту до масової і в основному
нерегульованої галузі.
3)speculate that
After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the
number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the
bubble may soon end.
Після сплеску продажів NFT в період із січня по квітень ціни та кількість
покупок сповільнилися, що змусило деяких експертів припустити, що бульбашка
незабаром може лопнути.
· #623
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 15:46)
To Diakin Nikita RZ-211 Please, choose the topic more relevant to your speciality.
· #622
Kryvosheienko Stanislav (RT-211)(Popovich) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 13:39)
Today I have read the article "Cyberattacks, Russia, and the changing face of
war in the 21st century". Amid the massive destruction, discouraging
humanitarian decline, and massive financial results that Russia's infiltration
of Ukraine has caused in less than 2 weeks, officials around the world are still
voicing concern over the potential for cyberattacks. But if we wish to prepare,
we are obliged to arrange it, because, in fact, this is part of the Russian
strategy from the beginning. For the Russians, all this is part of a set of
tools that they have every chance of using: disinformation on the one hand, a
nuclear weapon on the other.
Voice -
1)speculate that - We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus.
Мы могли бы предположить, что вирус разработали в Microsoft
2) overall goal - The overall goal of the action plan is to create equal
Общей целью плана действий является создание равных возможностей.
3) little is known about - Very little is known about this monument.
Очень мало известно об этом памятнике.
Voice -
· #621
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 13:18)
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211
I have checked your comments, but, pls., do it during the lesson.
· #620
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 13:07)
Today I've read the article "Storing energy in red bricks". This article tells
about a red brick device. The Brick has been used in walls and buildings for
thousands of years, but rarely has been found fit for any other use. Now,
chemists have developed a method to make or modify "smart bricks" that can store
energy. Really, walls and buildings made of bricks already occupy large amounts
of space, which could be better utilized if given an additional purpose for
electrical storage.
In my opinion this is a very interesting and cool idea for progress in
construction and technology.
Most historians SPECULATE THAT Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
Большинство исследователей предполагают, что Гавриил был убит в последний день
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
В Непале главная цель мероприятий в рамках развития состоит в снижении уровня
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
Очень мало известно о боевых действиях, ведущихся в других частях этой огромной
· #619
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:37)
Today I have read an article “Waters off French coast in winter may be a deadly
trap for small, foraging turtles”. It tells that waters off French coast in
winter are too cold for small, foraging turtles. Published in Frontiers in
Marine Science, satellite tracking data reveals that while some turtles may be
able to return home, after their rehabilitation and release to Florida in the
US, or Cape Verde off the African coast, younger individuals are at risk of
being trapped in the region.
Article -
Audio -
speculate that (припустити, що) - The airline says it couldn't speculate on
whether COVID-19 infections or quarantines were responsible because it was not
informed about the sort of illness
overall goal (загальна мета) - His overall goal is to make deep learning more
accessible for ecologists and researchers analyzing wildlife images.
little is known about (мало що відомо) - Little is known about child sex abuse
material forums on Tor, or the extent to which they influence onion services
hosting this material.
· #618
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Drozhzhina I. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:07)
sorry for being late, my internet connection has been lost)
Today i have read the article titled: A framework to automatically identify
wildlife in collaboration with humans. This text talks about machine learning
the definition of different objects. Over the past few decades, computer
scientists have developed numerous machine learning tools that can recognize
specific objects or animals in images and videos. While some of these techniques
have achieved remarkable results on simple animals or items (e.g., cats, dogs,
houses), they are typically unable to recognize wildlife and less renowned
plants or animals. In my opinion, machine learning is an extremely useful thing
for preventing various crimes and incidents.
overal goals
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Его общая цель — сделать глубокое обучение более доступным для экологов и
исследователей, анализирующих изображения дикой природы.
speculate this
Long-Irwin speculates that future investment opportunities in Thunder Bay-may be
found in the bio-medical field, education and training and tourism.
Лонг-Ирвин предполагает, что будущие инвестиционные возможности в Тандер-Бей
могут быть найдены в области биомедицины, образования, обучения и туризма.
little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало что известно о форумах с материалами о сексуальном насилии над детьми в Tor
или о том, в какой степени они влияют на луковые сервисы, на которых размещаются
эти материалы.
· #617
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:07)
To Kovalzhi Adnrey RZ-211 Use capital letter when you write nationalities - Turkish... Next time write the translation of the sentences with phrases of the day.
· #616
Kovalzhi Adnrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 11:03)
Today i've read the article "Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize
almost everything". Liquid glass was invented by the turkish research team. This
spray produces ultra thin coating, and due to the thinness the glass is highly
flexible and breathable. The coating is environmentally friendly and easy to
remove. It repels bacteria, water and dirt, and resists heat, UV radiation and
even acids water.
This spray will be useful in Food processing companies, train companies, hotels
and even in your house.
I found this article interesting because it tells about new technologies, that
can change our lives soon.
Daily phrases:
1. Speculate that
Scientists speculate that the global warming problem would be resolved in 15
2. Overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
3. Little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
· #615
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:33)
Avdeev Danil RT-211
Danil, your comment is too short. Mind that your comment should include up to
100 words. Use Word Count Tool to check it. Go on working.
· #614
Avdeev Danil RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:16)
Today I have read the article titled "Using deep learning algorithms to give
bycyclists the 'green wave' at traffic signals". It describes about a new
algorithms which gives bicyclists smoother rides by allowing them to communicate
with traffic signals via a mobile app. I find this article interesting because
today people like to use bikes, so this mobile app gives us a possibility to
make our own trafic.
1) speculate that
Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
2) overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
3) little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
· #613
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:11)
To Denis Zavadsky The comment is done correctly and now I am waiting for the sentences with phrases of the day.
· #612
Denis Zavadsky, Lebedeva, RZ-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:04)
research from North Carolina State University offers insight into why Facebook's
targeted advertising can sometimes be more like a wild pitch. Researchers
already knew Facebook creates interest profiles for users based on each user's
activities, but the new study finds this process doesn't seem to account for the
context of these activities. The experiment allowed us to see which activities
were associated with Facebook inferring an interest," Sabir says. "And the key
finding here is that Facebook takes an aggressive approach to interest
I consider this a minor study as it is a direct violation of the user's privacy.
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
We can speculate that they will not be getting that food in any civil manner.
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
· #611
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 10:00)
To Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211) Pay attention to the pronunciation "cyberattacks"
· #610
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:58)
El-kadi RT-211
Read my remarks attentively, pls.. You are making the same mistakes.I hope I'll
hear your voice record one day. Don't forget about thr links to the article and
the audio description of the article and Phrases.Keep on working
· #609
Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:58)
To Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 Thank you for the informative comment.
· #608
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:56)
Artem Verhelis RT-211
Thank you for your comment and voice message.
· #607
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:54)
Timur Ergul RT-211
Your comment has clear layout and quite correct as wel as the task with the
phrases, thank you.
· #606
Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211)(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:53)
Today I read the article "Researchers protect solar technologies from
cyberattacks". A new study from the University of Georgia offers a new approach
to protecting one of the possible targets of a cyberattack - national solar
farms. In a study published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, a UGA College of
Engineering team unveiled a sensor system that monitors a key electrical
component of solar farms in real time for signs of cyber intrusion. To protect
against cyber threats, UGA researchers have developed a system that can detect
power converter anomalies in real time using only one voltage sensor and one
current sensor. Combined with deep learning techniques, the system can
distinguish between normal conditions, open circuit, short circuit, and cyber
This article talks about the problem of cyber attacks on solar panels and power
outages in the system.
1. Its overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible to ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
2. It can be assumed that the virus was developed by Microsoft.
3. Very little is known about the fighting elsewhere in this vast area.
· #605
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:52)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Thank you, your comment, audio are quite correct as well as sentences with
· #604
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:49)
Today I have read the article 'An algorithm makes it possible to identify people
by their heartbeat'
The topic tells about the research, carried out by the Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid (UC3M), together with the Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University of
Iran, that concluded how heartbeat can be used to identify people. his research
proposes an innovative technique for identifying people, based on the exclusive
characteristics of their heartbeat. To do this, electrocardiograms (ECG) are
used and five musical qualities are analyzed: dynamics, rhythm, timbre, pitch
and tonality—commonly used to characterize audio files—applying them to the
sound of heartbeats. Thus, a combination of parameters is obtained from these
five qualities, which is unique for each person and has an accuracy rate of
In my opinion, such descovery can be pretty useful not only in medicine, for
example to identify the most effective how to treat the person based on their
biological file, but also in many other cases. Such as identifying person before
he/she dies.
4. 1) Little is known about
Little is known about the side-effects of synthetic growth hormone, particularly
in normal children.
2) overall goal
Thus the simple but overall goal is that children should grow up properly
equipped for adult life.
3) speculate that
The new insurance rules speculate that the disabled for the public benefit are
to receive more money.
· #603
El-kadi RT-211 Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:44)
Uses of Radio Waves
The prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to another
through the intervening media (i.e., air, space, nonconducting materials)
without wires.
Besides being used for transmitting sound and television signals, radio is used
for the transmission of data in coded form.
In the form of radar it is used also for sending out signals and picking up
their reflections from objects in their path.
Long-range radio signals enable astronauts to communicate with the earth from
the moon and carry information from space probes as they travel to distant
For navigation of ships and aircraft the radio range, radio compass (or
direction finder), and radio time signals are widely used.
Radio signals sent from global positioning satellites can also be used by
special receivers for a precise indication of position.
Digital radio, both satellite and terrestrial, provides improved audio clarity
and volume. Various remote-control devices, including rocket and artificial
satellite operations systems and automatic valves in pipelines, are activated by
radio signals.
The development of the transistor and other microelectronic devices led to the
development of portable transmitters and receivers.
Cellular and cordless telephones are actually radio transceivers. Many telephone
calls routinely are relayed by radio rather than by wires; some are sent via
radio to relay satellites.
Some celestial bodies and interstellar gases emit relatively strong radio waves
that are observed with radio telescopes composed of very sensitive receivers and
large directional antennas.
1. practical problems.
An engineer will address the design's practical problems.
Один з інженерів досліджує практичні проблеми цієї конструкції.
2. priority research area
Achieving globally recognised breakthroughs in priority research areas.
Досягнення проривів світового рівня в пріоритетних напрямках досліджень
3. prevailing view
In official circles the prevailing view is that poverty is an absolute concept.
В офіційних колах переважаюча думка полягає в тому, що бідність є поняттям
абсолютного порядку.
· #602
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:39)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav and Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 The comments are interesting and well done, but there are some mispronounced words.
· #601
Artem Verhelis RT-211 Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:38)
Today I've read the article "Artificial intelligence can identify students who
need extra help".
After the start of Covid-19 pandemic, all students switched to distance
learning. This became a problem for teachers to get information about student
progresses. So some of universities made a study with artificial intelligence
and students were given the chance to take tests featuring various questions
adapted to their individual level. So after that, they were classified as
excellent, on track, or at risk. I am sure this study helped to lots of students
who had problems with learning in this hard pandemic time.
1) speculate that
Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
2) overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
3) little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
· #600
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:37)
Today i have read the article titled "Using optical beaming to power a portable
5G base station". This article is about sending power through the air to run a
5G base station. The light is captured at the receiving station using a special
type of photovoltaic array and is then converted to electricity. The test system
sent 48 watts over 300 meters. But company Ericcson claims that the system is
capable of sending up to 1,000 watts up to distances of a kilometer. The
invention could be really useful, because the receiving stations can be
portable, the system could be used in a wide variety of applications, including
providing power at concerts and powering submersible drones.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor.(Про форуми з
матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor відомо небагато.)
2) speculate that
After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the
number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the
bubble may soon end.(Після сплеску продажів NFT в період із січня по квітень
середні ціни та кількість покупок сповільнилися, що змусило деяких експертів
припустити, що бульбашка незабаром може закінчитися.)
3) overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.(Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи.)
Vocaroo -
· #599
Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:37)
To Anton Ardelyan RZ-211 and Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #598
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
article I have read today is "Bitcoin ETFs: What are they and how to invest in
them?". The author will talk about bitcoin and how to properly invest in
cryptocurrency. One aspect of buying and selling Bitcoin, which may have
deterred some people, is the limited number of brokers offering it and trading
directly through the cryptocurrency exchange, which can be complicated by
various commissions and new trading platforms. I believe that bitcoin is the
currency of the future that all citizens will be able to use someday.
1)Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
Мало було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило стабільність
2)In these works, we speculate about what will happen to aluminum as it is
ejected from collapsing cities.
У цих роботах ми міркуємо про те, що станеться з алюмінієм, коли його викидають
з міст, що руйнуються.
3)His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
· #597
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:33)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #596
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:33)
Today I have read the article "Robotic exoskeleton uses machine learning to help
users with mobility impairments". This article tells us about the researchers
who have used a combination of lightweight materials engineering and artificial
intelligence to create an exoskeleton robot that can help people with mobility
impairments. Robotic exoskeletons will play an important role in supporting the
aging population, these are suits that people can wear, allowing them to
manifest strength when their old bodies are not capable of exerting strength
themselves. I believe that this research will help develop technologies that
will help make life easier and longer, this research still needs to be
finalized, but the progress that has already been made is very strong and I hope
that development will not stop.
This robot would never meet emission standards.
2)artificial intelligence
I love your artificial intelligence and sincerity simulator.
3) exoskeleton
Each body is encased in a support exoskeleton.
· #595
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:32)
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211)
Your tasks are performed completely correct, they are informative and detailed.
· #594
Gvozd O.V (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:31)
To Vasilev A.O RZ-211, Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211, Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211, Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 Dear students, thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working.
· #593
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:31)
Today I've read the article "DeepONet: A deep neural network-based model to
approximate linear and nonlinear operators". In this article I got information
about a team at Brown University announced that they had developed DeepONet, a
new neural network-based model that can learn both linear and nonlinear
operators. It was inspired in part by a series of studies carried out by a
research group at Fudan University. They described it as a totally new way of
looking at neural networks and suggested it could prove extremely useful in
autonomous vehicle applications.
1)The overall goal is bigger than just studiyng at university.
Загальна ціль більша за навчання в університеті.
2)Why not speculate that only she can do this.
Чому б не припустити, що тілки вона може це зробити.
3)Little is known about his education.
Про його освіту відомо дуже мало.
· #592
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:31)
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211
Your comment is thoughtful and well done, thank you.
· #591
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:28)
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212)
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative, the tasks Phrases of the
day were performed correctly.
· #590
Gvozd O.V to Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:27)
Thanks for your sharing your opinion, well done.
· #589
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:26)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Well done, thank you
· #588
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:26)
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thanks for your comment, it's reasonable
· #587
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Today I've read the article "Social Robots for Elderly Care".
A new generation of robots is being developed to stay closer to home and take
care of the elderly and young children.
In the not-too-distant future, elderly people living alone may be reminded to
take their medicine, read books to them, and offered a metaphorical shoulder to
cry on—a robot.
In my opinion, this article is very important because as the aging population of
Europe increases the burden on health services, and the proportion of older
people in the total population is expected to increase significantly in the
coming decades, robots can be a useful solution.
1.little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
2.overall goal
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
3.speculate that
We could speculate that the virus was developed by Microsoft.
· #586
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:25)
Today I've read an article titled, this article about
"Enabling AI-driven health advances without sacrificing patient privacy"
The article tells about how AI analyzes the patient's personal data
There's a lot of excitement at the intersection of artificial intelligence and
health care. AI has already been used to improve disease treatment and
detection, discover promising new drugs, identify links between genes and
diseases, and more.
By analyzing large datasets and finding patterns, virtually any new algorithm
has the potential to help patients—AI researchers just need access to the right
data to train and test those algorithms. Hospitals, understandably, are hesitant
to share sensitive patient information with research teams. When they do share
data, it's difficult to verify that researchers are only using the data they
need and deleting it after they're done.
In my opinnion it great because doctors won't pay attention to documents and
they will spend more time for patients.
1)overall goal
Without success in that area, it will not be possible to achieve the overall
goal of full participation.
2)little is known about
Very little is known about what dark energy is.
3)speculate that
We can speculate that they will not be getting that food in any civil manner.
· #585
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:24)
Today I have read the article “An algorithm makes it possible to identify people
by their heartbeat”. Researchers conclude that the heartbeat can be used as a
biometric tool to identify people. This research proposes an innovative
technique for identifying people, based on the exclusive characteristics of
their heartbeat. To do this, electrocardiograms are used and five musical
qualities are analyzed: dynamics, rhythm, timbre, pitch and tonality - commonly
used to characterize audio files - applying them to the sound of heartbeats.
Thus, a combination of parameters is obtained from these five qualities, which
is unique for each person and has an accuracy rate of 96.6%. In my opinion this
technology might be used in such fields as security, to supplement or replace
password systems; and in the field of civil administration, in the registration
and provision of identity documents.
little is known about
little is known about the causes of migraines.(мало відомо про причини появи
overall goal
The overall goal of all people must be preserving peace in the world.(Загальною
метою всіх людей має бути збереження миру у світі).
speculate that
experts speculate that it may be far more practical to look at soil-free methods
for growing nutritious food on Mars.(Експерти припускають, що набагато
практичніше розглядати методи вирощування поживної їжі на Марсі без ґрунту).
· #584
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:23)
Today i've read the article "AI model detects mental disorders based on web
the article is about Dartmouth researchers have built an artificial intelligence
model for detecting mental disorders using conversations on Reddit.
What sets the new model apart is a focus on the emotions rather than the
specific content of the social media texts being analyzed.
Reddit, which offers a massive network of user forums, was their platform of
choice because it has nearly half a billion active users who discuss a wide
range of topics.
Different emotional disorders have their own signature patterns of emotional
By creating an emotional "fingerprint" for a user and comparing it to
established signatures of emotional disorders, the model can detect them
This article is worth reading to keep abreast of the latest technology, to learn
how to find out about a person's mental state over the Internet
1)speculate that
Most historians speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
2)overall goal
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
3)little is known about
Very little is known about fighting elsewhere in this vast territory.
· #583
Timur Ergul RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:22)
Today i’ve read the article called “New tool to accelerate drug discovery”. I
learned a lot of interesting possibilities of the new method of our cells and
the health status of human research in general. I think it's really incredible
what research is being done every day to better manage the human body and speed
up the discovery of cures for various diseases.
Soon humanity’ll forget about diseases such as cancer, covid 19, and heart and
infectious diseases will also be treated easier and faster.
This is an incredibly relevant topic, which, of course, pleases me, as new
methods help to better understand the "biology" of people and eliminate many
Articles and Phrases of the Day
1)In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish
objectives for themselves.
В процессе достижения этой общей цели сектора партнерства должны определять цели
для самих себя.
2)The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is
known about him.
Имя этого ученого уважается в Боливии, хотя о нем самом известно мало.
3)Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed
the same way.
Ученые полагают, что Уран и его небесный сосед Нептун сформировались одинаковым
· #582
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:22)
Today I've read the article 'An algorithm makes it possible to identify people
by their heartbeat'. Recently, scientists have concluded that the human
heartbeat can be used to identify a personality. To do this, they will use an
electrocardiogram and study the dynamics, rhythm, timbre, pitch and tonality,
which is individual for each. I think this is an important study because it will
help identify a person who has lost limbs or cannot be identified due to injury.
Although heart rate changes with age, factors such as arrhythmia or other heart
disease should also be considered.
1) speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
Вчені вважають, що Уран та його небесний сусід Нептун сформувалися однаковим
2) overall goal
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
У процесі досягнення цієї спільної мети сектора партнерства повинні визначати
цілі для себе.
3) little is known about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
Ім'я цього вченого поважається в Болівії, хоча про нього відомо мало.
· #581
Nazariy Glugan (RT-211) Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:18)
Today I have read the article titled "The Standard Model Higgs boson as the
inflaton". The fact that our universe is almost flat, homogeneous and isotropic
is often considered as a strong indication that the Standard Model of elementary
particles is not complete. The aim of the present article is to demonstrate that
the Standard Model itself can give rise to inflation. In this article argues
that the Higgs boson of the Standard Model can lead to inflation because an
essential requirement is the non-minimal coupling of the Higgs scalar field to
gravity. I completely agree with the authors that no new particle besides
already present in the electroweak theory is required.
1)little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало відомо про форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor
або про те, наскільки вони впливають на служби цибулі, які розміщують цей
2)overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна ціль — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
3)speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
Вчені припускають, що Уран та його небесний сусід Нептун утворилися таким же
· #580
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:17)
Today I've read the article "Storing energy in red bricks". This article tells
about a red brick device. The Brick has been used in walls and buildings for
thousands of years, but rarely has been found fit for any other use. Now,
chemists have developed a method to make or modify "smart bricks" that can store
energy. Really, walls and buildings made of bricks already occupy large amounts
of space, which could be better utilized if given an additional purpose for
electrical storage.
In my opinion this is a very interesting and cool idea for progress in
construction and technology.
speculate that
The young man is also trying to speculate on some of the more volatile
Молодий чоловік також намагається спекулювати на деяких найбільш мінливих
little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на
розбитій Фукусімі
overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a
city's signaled intersections
Загальна мета – надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися
міськими перехрестями із сигналізацією
· #579
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:14)
Today I have read the article "A technique that allows legged robots to
continuously learn from their environment".This article is about a new research
development based on reinforcement learning that will allow robots on their feet
to actively learn from their environment and continually improve their
locomotion skills. This method can fine-tune the robot's movement policy in the
real world, allowing it to move more efficiently in different environments. It
is based on the method of simulating the movement of animals, which helps the
robot to overcome obstacles.In my opinion, this article is very interesting to
read for everyone especially for people who love new technologies and dream
about the future.
speculate that
We could speculate that Microsoft developed the virus so it would be blamed on
Ми можемо припустити, що Microsoft розробила вірус, щоб звинувачувати в ньому
overall goal
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
Загальною метою зусиль у розвитку в Непалі є скорочення бідності.
little is known about
Very little is known about what dark energy is.
Про те, що таке темна енергія, відомо дуже мало.
· #578
Ivanytska Chrystyna РЗ-211 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:14)
ДОЛГ за (24.03)
Today I have read the article "Hoverfly brains mapped to detect sound of distant
The hoverfly's superior visual and tracking capabilities have been successfully
modeled for detecting drones in busy, challenging, and obscure landscapes in
both civilian and military applications. The researchers say dark-lit areas are
very noisy, but insects like hoverflies have a very powerful visual system that
can pick up visual cues. Using their image processing skills and sensory
expertise, the researchers have made breakthroughs in acoustic data, inspired by
biological techniques. I liked the article because it's important to be able to
detect specific drone locations over long distances using methods that can pick
up even the weakest signals.
1) performed with
A distinct test is performed with each of the fluids.
Для кожної рідини проводиться окремий тест.
2) under certain assumptions
If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely
issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value
of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний
капітал міг вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що, за певних
припущень, вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного
кредиту повинні бути однаковими.
3) column represents
A column represents some data for the entity, such a person's name or an item's
Стовпець представляє деякі дані для сутності, наприклад ім’я особи або ціну
· #577
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:12)
Today I have read the article “An algorithm makes it possible to identify people
by their heartbeat”. This article is about the possibility of using a heartbeat
rate to identify people. A study carried out by the Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid concludes that the heartbeat can be used as a biometric tool to identify
people. This research proposes an innovative technique for identifying people,
based on the exclusive characteristics of their heartbeat. To do this,
electrocardiograms (ECG) are used and five musical qualities are analyzed:
dynamics, rhythm, timbre, pitch, and tonality—commonly used to characterize
audio files—applying them to the sound of heartbeats. In my opinion, it’s good
to research, because, to this day, certain people still cannot be recognized by
certain types of biometrics—in cases of injury, amputation, or disabling
physical characteristics—but the heartbeat is a bio-signal that is present in
all human beings, without exception.
little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster.(Занадто мало
відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на АЕС Фукусіма,
навіть через десять років після катастрофи.)
overall goal
Our overall goal is to learn and take inspiration from nature to develop novel
porous materials.(Наша загальна мета – вчитися та черпати натхнення від природи
для розробки нових пористих матеріалів,)
speculate that
Though no official reports have been released yet, many speculate that Haim died
of an accidental drug overdose.(Хоча офіційних повідомлень поки що не було,
багато хто припускає, що Хаїм помер від випадкового передозування наркотиками.)
· #576
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:11)
To Chmel Maksim (RF-211) task good.Task 2 should be done in the following pattern: phrases with Ukrainian translation and the sentences with these phrases. Just sat.
· #575
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:09)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211Daniil Dragin (RZ-211) and Dima Kozhushko RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #574
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:09)
Today I have read the article titled "Study reveals scale of data-sharing from
Android mobile phones". This article describes that an in-depth analysis of a
number of popular Android mobile phones revealed a significant amount of data
collection and sharing, including with third parties, without giving users the
option to opt out of data collection. It also describes that Professor Doug
Leith of Trinity College Dublin, together with Dr. Paul Patras and Haoyu Liu of
the University of Edinburgh, studied data sent by six Android OS variants
developed by Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Realme, LineageOS and /e/OS.
1)little is known about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
2)overall goal
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
3)speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
· #573
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212 just good.
· #572
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:05)
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 Task1 is very good. Task 2 has to contain a separately
singled out phrases with the Ukrainian translation. Just sat.
· #571
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:05)
To Misha Donenko RZ-211 and Ivanytska Chrystyna РЗ-211 The comments are OK, but there are some mispronounced words.
· #570
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:02)
Today I have read the article “The best of both worlds: How to solve real
problems on modern quantum computer”, which talk about quantum devices and
research with them. Researchers have developed hybrid algorithms to run on
quantum machines. Hybrid algorithms use the best features and capabilities of
both classical and quantum computers to address these limitations. Yuri Alekseev
said that this approach will enable researchers to use near-term quantum
computers to solve applications. For example, it can be applied to find
community structures in metabolic networks or a microbiome. I really liked the
article I read and I learned a lot of new things for myself.
1)speculate that
Some analysts speculate that investors could lose their entire investment.
Деякі аналітики припускають, що інвестори можуть втратити всі свої інвестиції.
2) little is known about
Little is known about his policy preferences.
Про його політичні вподобання відомо небагато.
3)overall goal
However, there was support for the overall goal.
Однак це була підтримка загальної мети.
· #569
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:02)
1)Today I have read the article ''AI model detects mental disorders based on web
posts''.This article is about a new artificial intelligence that, by analyzing
posts on the Reddit platform, can determine whether a person has psychological
illnesses or not. They developed an algorithm in which user messages are divided
into different areas that display different emotions. Then the developers
decided to compare the message in which the AI detected a psychological
illness and the message from people with a confirmed diagnosis, and the result
turned out to be very accurate.
In my opinion, this AI will be very useful in messengers, because it will be
able to tell a person in time that something is wrong with him, and the person
will be able to ask for help, because many simply do not know that he may have
some kind of disease .
1)overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a
city's signaled intersections.
Загальна мета – надати велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше користуватися
міськими перехрестями із сигналізацією.
2)speculate that
I can only speculate based on data I collected watching my parents' marriage
Я можу лише здогадуватися на основі даних, які я зібрав, спостерігаючи, як шлюб
моїх батьків руйнується.
3)little is known about
Very little is known about Antarctic killer whales.
Про антарктичних косаток відомо дуже мало.
· #568
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:01)
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 Try to limit your comment up to 100 words. Just good good. As to your voice msg: try to pronounce the text clearly . There
are some mistakes in pronunciation: ingredients, etc. Be attentive and keep on
working hard.
· #567
Dima Kozhushko RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 09:00)
Today i’ve read the article “Making self-driving cars human-friendly”
This article tells us about new research, which can help self-driving cars to
predict when people will cross the road and make them more pedestrian-friendly.
This research is very important, because in our time self-driving cars develops
every day and their number is increasing. Because of that, a lot of people are
afraid of this technology due to several accidents. But due to this research
pedestrians will be safe. Thanks to this article people will know more about
self-driving cars technology and it will be easier to accept it.
I think this article is important in modern world, where different new
technologies appears every day.
1) speculate that
They speculate that sick inmates from dormitories were identified early and
housed in cells.
Вони припускають, що хворих ув’язнених із гуртожитків виявляли рано і
розміщували в камерах.
2) overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
3) little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant
Занадто мало відомо про розтоплене паливо всередині пошкоджених реакторів на АЕС
· #566
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:51)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck
· #565
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:51)
Today I’ve read the article “A new machine-learning system helps robots
understand and perform certain social interactions”. Robots can deliver food on
a college campus and hit a hole in one on the golf course, but even the most
sophisticated robot can't perform basic social interactions that are critical to
everyday human life. The researchers also showed that their model creates
realistic and predictable social interactions. Enabling robots to exhibit social
skills could lead to smoother and more positive human-robot interactions. Robots
will live in our world soon enough and they really need to learn how to
communicate with us on human terms.
1. overall goal
The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
Загальною метою зусиль у розвитку в Непалі є скорочення бідності.
2. little is known about
Very little is known about your kind.
Про ваш рід відомо дуже мало.
3.speculate that
We can speculate that they will not be getting that food in any civil manner.
Ми можемо припустити, що вони не будуть отримувати цю їжу будь-яким цивільним
· #564
Ivanytska Chrystyna РЗ-211 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:50)
Today I have read the article "An algorithm makes it possible to identify people
by their heartbeat".
This study proposes an innovative method for identifying individuals based on
the exceptional characteristics of their heartbeat. For this, electrocardiograms
(ECGs) are used and five musical qualities are analyzed: dynamics, rhythm,
timbre, pitch and tonality, which are commonly used to characterize audio files
by applying them to the sound of a heartbeat. Thus, from these five qualities, a
combination of parameters is obtained, which is unique for each person and has
an accuracy rate of 96.6%. This technique is currently under development. I
liked the article, it is informative and interesting.
1 speculate that
I do more than just speculate.
Я роблю більше, ніж просто припускаю.
2 overall goal
The overall goal of the project is to ensure optimal competition in the markets.
Загальна мета проекту – забезпечення оптимальної конкуренції на ринках.
3 little is known about
Very little is known about binding stones.
Про такі камені дуже мало відомо.
· #563
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:50)
To Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) Your comment is clear and informative. In general, well done.
· #562
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:49)
To Pontus Natalia(RF-211) The comment nad the work with phrases are done correctly, but I can't listen to your reading. Send audio for the article review again.
· #561
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Today I have read the article "Cyberattacks, Russia, and the changing face of
war in the 21st century". This article discusses cyber attacks, cyber wars, and
cybersecurity, especially during war. This article is more relevant than ever,
because today there is a war in Ukraine and the enemy uses all possible methods
of attack, including cyber attacks. But it is interesting that during the
current invasion in Ukraine there were few cyberattacks, which means that this
time the Ukrainians were prepared, because they have already experienced serious
cyberattacks in 2014. In my opinion, this article is interesting and contains a
lot of information, because all this is happening in our country
1)little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало відомо про форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor
або про те, наскільки вони впливають на служби цибулі, які розміщують цей
2)overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна ціль — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
3)speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
Вчені припускають, що Уран та його небесний сусід Нептун утворилися таким же
· #560
Chmel Maksim (RF-211)S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:47)
Today I have read an article about «Use of deep learning algorithms».It tells
how researchers at the University of Origone are working to give cyclists a
smoother ride by allowing them to communicate with traffic lights through a
mobile app.The latest report talks about machine learning algorithms for working
with their FastTrack mobile app. Developed and tested throughout the project,
the app allows cyclists to passively communicate with traffic lights along a
busy bike corridor in Oregon. The researchers hope to eventually make their app
available in other cities and countries too.Their latest work builds on two
previous projects, also funded by the National Institute for Transportation and
Communities.I think that in today's world it will be a very useful application
1)In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish
objectives for themselves.
У зборі цього рішучого рішення, партнерські області є встановлюючими об'єктами
для нихсамосіб.
2)Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed
the same way.
Вчені припускають, що Уран і його небесний сусід Нептун утворилися таким же
3)The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is
known about him.
Ім’я цього вченого шанується в Болівії, хоча про нього відомо дуже мало.
· #559
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:47)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 Everything is ok but for your voice message. there are some mispronounced words.
· #558
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:47)
Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211 Task 1 contains many grammar mistakes. Try to recall the
way the sentences are made up ( sentences structure) Just 65 points. Task2 has
to be performed again : single out the phrases again , translate them and show
them in the sentences As to your voice msg, the tempo is different, you
mispronounced some unknown words . Pls be attentive and keep on working hard to
get better results.
· #557
Gvozd to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:46)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #556
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:35)
Today I’ve read the article “UN team: Unclear if Fukushima cleanup can finish by
This article on the question of whether the decommissioning of the Fukushima
nuclear power plant could be completed by 2051.
The purpose of this article is to notify that pre-existing studies concerning
nuclear power plants may not be reliable, so that decommissioning may last.
"Honestly speaking, I don't know, and I don't know if anybody knows," said
Christophe Xerri, head of an International Atomic Energy Agency team reviewing
progress in the plant's cleanup.
I find this article useful because it informs and provides additional
information to the solution of a glabal cataracts such as the Fukushima Nuclear
Power Plant Explosion.
1.little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant, even a decade after the disaster, to be able to
tell if its decommissioning can be finished by 2051 as planned, a U.N. nuclear
agency official said Friday.
Слишком мало известно о расплавленном топливе внутри поврежденных реакторов на
разрушенной атомной электростанции Фукусима, даже через десять лет после
катастрофы, чтобы определить, может ли ее вывод из эксплуатации быть завершен к
2051 году, как планировалось, официальный представитель ядерного агентства ООН.
В пятницу.
2.overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Его общая цель - сделать глубокое обучение более доступным для экологов и
исследователей, анализирующих изображения дикой природы.
3.speculate that
We speculate that she lost her puppies in the flood," Ms. Duffy said.
Мы предполагаем, что она потеряла щенков во время потопа," сказала мисс Даффи,".
· #555
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:34)
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212
Thank you, your tasks are quite correct, but it is better to work regularly.
· #554
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:31)
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212)
Your comment is thoughtful and well done, thank you.
· #553
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:31)
R. Vivchar
Pls write like this:
1). Little is known about
Little is known about how consistently they are taking it.
Мало відомо про те, наскільки постійно вони його приймають. Compare what is your
version. Pls avoid writing your request in Ukrainian.
As to your voice msg, it contains some mistakes in pronunciation. Mind: I have
read, conduct. Look up in your dictionary with transcription. Be attentive and
keep on working hard. Also If you can contact your mates from your subgroup ,
ask them to join our session that is going on right now.
· #552
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:29)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Your commentary is quite interesting and informative, the tasks Phrases of the
day were performed correctly.
· #551
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, Mihayliuk) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:28)
Today I have read the article "Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to
assessing health of ocean life". It tells how scientists from the University of
Plymouth helped create an innovative online tool that makes accessing plankton
data so much easier and now literally everyone can do it. This data will provide
a more accurate spatial and temporal picture of the location of plankton, making
it much easier and more efficient to assess the health values of oceanic flora
and fauna.
In my opinion, plankton plays an incredibly important role in the oceans and is
the only reason for the existence of most marine life, so a more thorough study
of plankton will allow us not only to monitor the health of the ocean
environment, but also to help restore it.
1) speculate that
Most historians speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
2) little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
3) overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a
city's signaled intersections.
1) speculate that
Most historians speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the siege.
2) little is known about
Too little is known about melted fuel inside damaged reactors at the wrecked
Fukushima nuclear power plant.
3) overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a
city's signaled intersections.
· #550
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 (Mihayliuk) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:27)
Today I have read the article "Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative
way to cool everything from food to computers" This article focuses on
alternative way to cool everything. Researchers have built an electrocaloric
refrigerator the size of a beverage coaster that can generate a temperature
difference of about 2 K between the hot and cold ends of the device. The cooling
mechanism, which is based on the electrocaloric effect, involves alternately
applying and removing an electric field to a material to increase and decrease
the material's temperature, respectively. The new cooling method can potentially
achieve a higher efficiency than current methods, indicating that electrocaloric
cooling devices may one day replace today's refrigerators and other cooling
devices. I think this is useful study.
1) His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
Його загальна мета - це зробити штучний інтелект більш доступним для екологів та
2) Little is known about their behavior.
Мало що відомо про їхню поведінку.
3) Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
Веллс сказав, що МКЧХ не хоче міркувати про те, хто може бути відповідальний за
Audio ph:
· #549
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:26)
Today I have read the article "New music recommendation system includes
long-tail songs" by David Bradley. This article is about a new work that
neglects popular compositions in favor of the long-tail and thus may open access
to new music for users. Because the music recommendation system usually offers
users songs that others like. Therefore, lesser-known songs have almost no
chance of getting into the top recommendations. People from an engineering
college in India have developed a multi-step graph-based method for identifying
long-tailed songs and providing these new pieces to the user of the system. I
find this recommender system quite useful as it can find long-tail music that
the listener might not find elsewhere. This will be a boon for those users who
are tired of the same old popular song artists.
Phrases of the day:
1) Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
overall, or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like. 1) Мало
було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну стабільність,
або навіть як виглядала отримана структура перовскіту.
2) His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images. 2) Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи.
3) Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
intrusion. 3) Уеллс сказав, що МКЧХ не хоче здогадуватися про те, хто може
стояти за вторгненням.
· #548
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:26)
Poddubrovskaya Nastya RZ - 212
Your comment on the chat of the day is quite interesting. You have understood
the main idea. Good luck!
· #547
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:26)
Today I’ve read an article called “Global diets are harming human and planetary
health”. A global diet that increasingly includes ultra-processed foods is
having a negative impact on the diversity of plant species available for human
consumption while also damaging human and planetary health. Ultra-processed
foods such as sweetened or salty snacks, soft drinks, instant noodles,
reconstituted meat products, pre-prepared pizza and pasta dishes, biscuits and
confectionery, are made by assembling food substances, mostly commodity
ingredients, and 'cosmetic' additives through a series of industrial processes.
The bad effects of ultra-processed foods on human health are already well
documented. Researchers found five main ingredients included food substances
derived from sugar cane (52.4%), milk (29.2%), wheat (27.7%), corn (10.7%) and
soy (8.3%). I think, people should replace fast food and ultra-processed food
and make the diet varied.
Phrases of the day:
1. overall goal
ENG: In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish
objectives for themselves.
UKR: Для досягнення цієї загальної мети сфери партнерства повинні встановлювати
цілі для себе.
2. little is known about
ENG: The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is
known about him.
UKR: Ім’я цього вченого шанується в Болівії, хоча про нього відомо дуже мало.
3. speculate that
ENG: Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune,
formed the same way.
UKR: Вчені припускають, що Уран і його небесний сусід Нептун утворилися таким же
· #546
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:24)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Your sentences with new phrases and commentary on the article are written
· #545
Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211, S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:22)
Today i have read the article: "How the world's biggest dark web platform
spreads millions of items of child sex abuse material"
It's about the dark side of dark web in this side exists a lot of criminal
content. In dark web you can buy drugs, guns, malware,stolen credentials,
counterfeit products and child sex abuse material. But before code was publicly
released it used to protect online intelligence communications for US military.
So when the code was discovered a lot of criminals start it use for own purposes
to publish prohibited information or sell prohibited goods because in dark net
you can stay anonymous by onion services. But in this article topic raised about
child sex abuse material. Almost 50% of onion services can give a video or state
with child sex this is disgusting. What i think about this state it's very
interesting topic and it's a big problem of dark web i hope that the most of
child porn content will be deleted and never posted again so we have something
to work on.
1.The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is
known about him - Ім’я цього вченого шанується в Болівії, хоча про нього відомо
дуже мало.
2.Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed
the same way - Вчені припускають, що Уран і його небесний сусід Нептун
утворилися таким же чином.
3.In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish
objectives for themselves - Для досягнення цієї загальної мети сфери партнерства
повинні встановлювати цілі для себе.
And my second name spelled Siropulo not Sinopulo thx for reading!
· #544
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:22)
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212
Everything is clear from your review on the article. It’s interesting and
written and voiced correctly. Thank you for your understanding of the tasks.
· #543
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Popovich.E) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:21)
Today I have read the article "Sound provides new insight into the lives of blue
whales". It tells about blue whales, the largest animals that have ever
inhabited the Earth. Despite their size, scientists know very little about these
incredible animals, and the reason for this is that they spend most of their
time under the surface of the oceans. But fortunately, since scientists cannot
regularly see blue whales, they can hear them perfectly, since whales use sounds
very similar to singing to communicate. These sounds can be heard hundreds of
kilometers away! With their help, whales have learned to cooperate in search of
food, adjust the productivity of their ecosystem to decide when to go on their
annual long-distance breeding migration.
To me, whales are an example of an absolutely incredible animal that I sincerely
admire. They adapted so well, living in not the most favorable conditions, and
even managed to create their own language of sounds, understandable only to
1) speculate that
After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the
number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the
bubble may soon end.
2) little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
3) overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
· #542
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:20)
Today I've read the article: "A framework to automatically identify wildlife in
collaboration with humans"
The article covers University of California's recently developed wildlife
identification framework.
This newly presented approach initially started out as exploration of an idea,
that AI technology is capable of classifying and studying wildlife images
captured by movement-triggered camera traps.
The effective use of this framework could significantly aid ecologists in their
work, by simplifying the process of generating species distribution maps in
specific locations.
In my opinion the article does happen to be quite intriguing. Artificial
Intelligence in general I find to be an interesting topic, and seeing it be
utilized in various ways makes an interesting article to read.
1) His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
Його загальна мета - це зробити штучний інтелект більш доступним для екологів та
2) Little is known about their behavior.
Мало що відомо про їхню поведінку.
3) Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
Веллс сказав, що МКЧХ не хоче міркувати про те, хто може бути відповідальний за
· #541
Pontus Natalia(RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:17)
Today I have read the article “A new machine-learning system helps robots
understand and perform certain social interactions”. Robots can deliver food on
a college campus and hit a hole in one on the golf course, but even the most
sophisticated robot can't perform basic social interactions that are critical to
everyday human life.That's why to study social interactions, the researchers
created a simulated environment where robots pursue physical and social goals as
they move around a two-dimensional grid.The researchers also showed that their
model creates realistic and predictable social interactions. Enabling robots to
exhibit social skills could lead to smoother and more positive human-robot
interactions. Robots will live in our world soon enough and they really need to
learn how to communicate with us on human terms.
Phrases of the Day:
1) little is known about
Little is known about the bottom of the ocean and what lives there.
Про дно океану і про те, що там живе, відомо небагато.
2) speculate that
Scientists speculate that time is the fourth space-time dimension.
Вчені вважають, що час є четвертим просторово-часовим виміром.
3) overall goal
The overall goal is to increase the safety at sea.
Загальна мета – підвищити безпеку на морі.
· #540
Timophey Sipin RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:17)
Today I have read a text titled «Diversity, streaming reshape video games for a
new generation»
In which we are told about video games, or rather about their progress and
impact on people. The text also says that at the beginning of video games helped
us to unify age, gender, etc. But unfortunately, today games have only increased
these problems (or rather the problem of feminism )
In my opinion, video games still occupy a rather significant place in the life
of people today and even help many with some of their personal problems.
Therefore, I am sure that video games will develop and will soon solve problems
at the expense of gender equality.
1. overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images (Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи).
2. speculate that
The new Bitcoin-linked fund, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), gives
traders a way to speculate on Bitcoin without having to buy cryptocurrency
directly or set up an account with a crypto exchange (Новий фонд, пов’язаний з
біткойнами, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), дає трейдерам можливість
спекулювати на біткойнах без необхідності безпосередньо купувати криптовалюту
або створювати обліковий запис на криптобіржі).
3. little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material (Мало відомо про
форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor або про те,
наскільки вони впливають на послуги цибулі, які розміщують цей матеріал).
· #539
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:17)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212)
Thank you, your tasks are quite correct, but don't forget about the link to the
· #538
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:16)
To Alexander Shibaev (RF-211) and Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) Not bad, thank you, but I'd like to get your opinion as well.
· #537
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:13)
To students from subgroups RF-211 and RZ-212 : Fudulaki, khizhnyak, Holodova, Hotinskiy,Yushin; Chmel, Yakubovska, Kulakliz, Sinopulo. I ‘d like to invite you one more time to actively participate in our activities during today’s session. Please do your best!
· #536
Poddubrovskaya Nastya RZ - 212 (Popovich.E) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:13)
Today I have read the article entitled "DoorDash takes aim at Europe with
purchase of Wolt". This article reveals that DoorDash has added Europe to its
menu by purchasing Finnish food delivery company Wolt in an $8.1 billion deal,
the company said on Tuesday. The company reported it on the same day that
DoorDash said its revenues rose 45 percent to $1.3 billion in the recently ended
quarter, but that its loss more than doubled to $101 million from the same
period last year. It also revealed that San Francisco-based DoorDash shares were
up more than 19 percent to surpass $229 in secondary trading following the
overall goal
The overall goal is to give bicyclists a safer and more efficient use of a
city's signaled intersections.
Загальна мета – забезпечити велосипедистам безпечніше та ефективніше
використання міських перехресть, обладнаних світлофорами.
speculate that
It is too early to speculate on the success of the B3W, but its visible actions
have been limited to scoping tours in Latin America and West Africa, with
another planned for South East Asia.
Поки дуже рано розмірковувати про успіх B3W, але його видимі дії обмежуються
ознайомлювальними турами в Латинській Америці та Західній Африці, ще один
запланований у Південно-Східній Азії.
little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Мало що відомо про форуми, присвячені матеріалам про сексуальне насильство над
дітьми на Tor, або про те, як вони впливають на цибульні сервіси, що розміщують
ці матеріали.
· #535
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:12)
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212)
Thank you for the comments and work with the phrases. I appreciate it. Keep on
· #534
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:12)
Я не зовсім розумію вашу пораду, про український переклад. Я ж написав фрази, та
зробив переклад на українську мову.
· #533
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)
To Julia Shevchuk (RF-211), Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) and Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) I appreciate your comments. They are informative and interesting.
· #532
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)
Audio(Article + Phrases):
Today i have read an article titled "A framework to automatically identify
wildwife in collaboration with humans".
The text says that have recently developed a new wildlife identification
approach that performs far better than techniques developed in the past.
The effective use of AI for identifying species in wildlife images captured by
camera traps could significantly simplify the work of ecologists and reduce
their workload, preventing them from having to look through hundreds of
thousands of images to generate maps of the distribution of species in specific
locations. When trying to apply conventional AI tools in real-world settings,
computer scientists can encounter several challenges. The first is that data
collected in the real world often follows a long-tail distribution and current
state-of-the-art AI models do not perform as well on this data, compared to data
with a rectangular or normal distribution.
Finally, AI helps in various areas and the development of AI will help to make a
breakthrough in science.
1. overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images (Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи).
2. speculate that
The new Bitcoin-linked fund, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), gives
traders a way to speculate on Bitcoin without having to buy cryptocurrency
directly or set up an account with a crypto exchange (Новий фонд, пов’язаний з
біткойнами, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO), дає трейдерам можливість
спекулювати на біткойнах без необхідності безпосередньо купувати криптовалюту
або створювати обліковий запис на криптобіржі).
3. little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material (Мало відомо про
форуми з матеріалами про сексуальне насильство над дітьми на Tor або про те,
наскільки вони впливають на послуги цибулі, які розміщують цей матеріал).
· #531
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:11)
Today I've read the article "Akamai software update triggers internet outages".
This article tells us about websites which were briefly knocked offline after a
software update triggered a glitch at network specialty firm Akamai. Akamai says
a software configuration update caused a bug in the DNS (Domain Name System)
system that directs browsers to websites.
This caused a disruption impacting availability of some customer websites.
Rolling back the software update fixed the problem, according to Akamai, which
apologized for the trouble.
So, such incidents draw attention to the stability of economically vital online
platforms and the key role that a handful of little-known "CDN" (content
delivery network) companies play in keeping the web running.
Phrases Of The Day
1. Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
overall, or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like. - Мало
було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну стабільність,
або навіть як виглядала отримана структура перовскіту.
2. His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images. - Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи.
3. In these works, we speculate about what will happen to aluminum as it is
ejected from collapsing cities and transforms back into geological rock in the
far future. - У цих роботах ми міркуємо про те, що станеться з алюмінієм, коли
він буде викидатися з міст, що руйнуються, і знову перетворюється на геологічні
породи в далекому майбутньому.
· #530
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Pipovich) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:10)
Today i have read the article: «It's crystal clear: Crushed glass could save our
sand»This article tells about engineers at the University of Queensland who were
able to replace sand with recycled wine bottles. Since the sand is getting
smaller every time and it can become in deficit, they come up with an
alternative using crushed glass (CWG). This product is very cheap because it is
used from recycled waste, and it also uses little water due to the fact that the
glass has zero water absorption. Over a year of research, the team has achieved
great results in the quality of the next generation of materials. The results
also show that this type of sand has a very good effect on the quality of the
concrete and was able to outperform the results from the base mix.
I think this is a great substitute for sand. With its help, we can save on
materials and preserve sandy beaches.
Little is known about
Little is known about child sex abuse material forums on Tor, or the extent to
which they influence onion services hosting this material.
Overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Speculate than
Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
· #529
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:05)
Today I have read the article "It's time for a social media spring cleaning". It
talks about the Facebook problem. Facebook is a worldwide social network where
you can chat with friends, read the news feed and much more. But the problem
with Facebook is that it really wants to make money from its users. Because of
this, it reads information about you, your friends, what you are interested in,
and so on all the time. Many people are not satisfied with this situation,
because there must be consumer protection. But the article has three options for
how to fix this. Account deactivation, account deletion, and spring cleaning. I
agree that Facebook overdoes it a bit with the use of user personal data, and it
is correct that many are struggling with this.
1) overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи
2) speculate that
Wells said the ICRC did not want to speculate about who might be behind the
Уеллс сказав, що МКЧХ не хоче здогадуватися про те, хто може стояти за
3) little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
Мало було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило стабільність
· #528
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:04)
Vivchar Roman (RF-211 ) Task 1 doesn’t have to contain quotes. Try to convey the
idea by making your own sentences. Just 73 point. Task is good. Pls writ phrases
of the day separately with Ukrainian translation.
· #527
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 08:04)
to the intermittent nature of the use of solar and wind energy, a solution is
being sought in the direction of electrochemical water splitting. Existing
devices are made of expensive metals, which limits their use. Using nanomaterial
deposition to develop an interface between electrode and water, the team created
a material that combines high electrical conductivity with a large surface area
covered with abundant active sites to produce molecular oxygen (O2). The
material also proved to be durable, with no performance degradation found after
50 hours of continuous use.
Our goal is to develop a robust system for general water splitting, not just
oxygen evolution reactions.
1) little is known about;
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
2) speculate that;
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
3) overall goal;
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
· #526
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:59)
Today I’ve read an article entitled “Cyberattacks, Russia, and the changing face
of war in the 21st century”.
It is stated that usually cyberattacks aren’t used on the battlefield, however
in the case of Russia invasion of Ukraine, they have a specific point and are
used for political or other goals, for example communication disruption.
Cyberattacks aren't used to only disable some IT systems. For example Russia
uses desinformation and spreads its poisonous propaganda to not let the Russians
know the truth about war.
Tiirmaa-Klaar noticed that Ukraine prepared well, and the Ukrainians in
particular, resist Kremlin propaganda greatly, however Western countries should
enhance their defense capabilities for Russia's new methods of cyberattacks and
In my opinion all Russia’s actions are horrific crimes, and I have a feeling
that, at least on cyberfront of the information war Ukraine has already won and
suppressed the enemy.
Phrases of the day
Some speculate that peace talks will be effective only if one of the sides of
conflict has an actual advantage.
Дехто думає, що мирні переговори будуть ефективними тільки якщо в однієї з
сторін конфлікту є справжня перевага.
They created this service for the overall goal of helping volunteers.
Вони створили цей сервіс для спільної мети допомоги волонтерам.
little is known about
Very little is known about those species living in the deep ocean.
Дуже мало відомо про ті види, що населяють глибокий океан.
· #525
Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:57)
Today i have read an article titled "Crypto provides fix for some in crisis-hit
Afghanistan" by Romain Fonsegrives With Qubad Wali. The article tells us about
how cryptocurrencies helps people in Afghanistan to deal with economical crisis
since the Taliban returned. They are avoiding bank transfers, because proccess
became chaotic. But still they are limited to withdraw 200$ per individual and
2000$ per businesses. "Crypto is an incredible way to overcome all kinds of
political and economic sanctions", says the American, whose parents fled
Afghanistan in the 1980s. I found that article interesting, because i really
want to cryptocurrencies became more popular in the world. It is actually very
new way to use money. Crypto is a future for me.
1. Most historians speculate that Gabriel was killed on the last day of the
Більшість істориків припускають, що Габріель був убитий в останній день облоги.
2. The overall goal of development efforts in Nepal is poverty reduction.
Загальною метою зусиль у розвитку в Непалі є скорочення бідності.
3. Very little is known about our kind.
Про наш рід відомо дуже мало.
· #524
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:50)
Today I have read the article called “Electrode made from inexpensive
earth-abundant metals has potential for green fuel production” The article says
that researchers have shown that metal foam could be the basis for an
inexpensive method to produce carbon-free fuels. Due to the intermittent nature
of wind and solar energy, methods need to be developed to convert renewable
electricity into carbon-free fuels. An electrochemical device can use renewable
electricity to split water molecules, releasing oxygen at the anode and hydrogen
at the cathode. Using a simple, fast, and scalable wet chemistry method, the
team grew two-dimensional cobalt iron hydroxide and then deposited iron
oxyhydroxide nanoparticles on the surface. the team created a material that
combined high electrical conductivity with a large surface area covered with
abundant active sites to produce molecular oxygen. The material also proved to
be durable, and after 50 hours of continuous use no deterioration was found.
To sum up the synergistic performance gain achieved by seamlessly combining
nanomaterials in a single electrode material was a pleasant surprise.
little is known about
Little was known about why the additions of these ions improved stability
overall, or even what the resulting perovskite structure looked like
Мало було відомо про те, чому додавання цих іонів покращило загальну
стабільність, або навіть як виглядала отримана структура перовскіту.
overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analyzing wildlife images.
Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке навчання доступнішим для екологів та
дослідників, які аналізують зображення дикої природи.
speculate that
In these works, we speculate about what will happen to aluminum as it is ejected
from collapsing cities and transforms back into geological rock in the far
У цих роботах ми міркуємо про те, що станеться з алюмінієм, коли він буде
викидатися з міст, що руйнуються, і знову перетворюється на геологічні породи в
далекому майбутньому.
· #523
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:47)
To Shulyak Makar RF-211 The comment is written correctly, but you should practise your reading more.
· #522
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:44)
Today I've read the article about templating approach which stabilises 'ideal'
material for alternative solar cells.
In the article we can find out that researchers have developed a method to
stabilize a promising material known as perovskite for cheap solar cells,
without compromising its near-perfect performance. The researchers, from the
University of Cambridge, used an organic molecule as a 'template' to guide
perovskite films into the desired phase as they form. Perovskite materials offer
a cheaper alternative to silicon for producing optoelectronic devices such as
solar cells and LEDs. In my opinion the researchers hope this fundamental study
will help improve perovskite stability and performance. Their own future work
will involve integrating this approach into prototype devices to explore how
this technique may help them achieve the perfect perovskite photovoltaic cells.
1) little is known about;
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him.
Имя этого ученого уважается в Боливии, хотя о нем самом известно мало.
2) speculate that;
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbor, Neptune, formed the
same way.
Ученые полагают, что Уран и его небесный сосед Нептун сформировались одинаковым
3) overall goal;
In meeting this overall goal, the partnership areas are to establish objectives
for themselves.
В процессе достижения этой общей цели сектора партнерства должны определять цели
для самих себя.
· #521
Shulyak Makar RF-211 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:40)
Today i have read the artcile: "First-ever NFT sells for $1.47 mn at auction"
An NFT is a digital object such as a drawing, animation, piece of music, photo
or video with a certificate of authenticity created by the blockchain technology
that underlies cryptocurrency. It cannot be forged or otherwise manipulated.
The first non-fungible token (NFT) ever created sold at auction on Thursday for
$1.47 million, Sotheby's said, the latest sale in the technological revolution
sweeping the art market.
The auction house also sold a pixelated digital figure known as a CryptoPunk for
$11.7 million, making it the second most expensive NFT to date.
"Quantum," an octagon-shaped animation by New York artist Kevin McCoy, became
the first work to be associated with an NFT-type certificate of ownership in May
2014, three years before the term NFT was coined.
NFTs currently generate several hundred million dollars in transactions every
After a surge in NFT sales between January and April, average prices and the
number of purchases have slowed, leading some experts to speculate that the
bubble may soon end.
Phases or the Day:
1)Leading some experts to speculate that the bubble may soon end.
1) Спонукаючи деяких експертів припустити, що бульбашка може скоро закінчитися.
2)Its main goal was immediacy in the interface
2)Його головною метою була оперативність в інтерфейсі
3)Spin glasses are a way to think about material structure mathematically.
3)Спінові окуляри – це спосіб математично мислити про структуру матеріалу.
· #520
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:39)
Today i have read the article "How a smart electric grid will power our future".
Quite a useful article, no one will refuse to save 15% of energy costs.
Therefore, a study was conducted led by Hayden Reeve. He is a transactional
energy expert and technical advisor to PNNL.
He said, "Because the Texas power system is quite representative of the nation's
power system, it not only allowed the simulation of transactive concepts, but
also provided a robust extrapolation of results and potential economic impacts
on the wider US power system and consumers." The study was supported by the
Energy Department of the Department of Energy.
Overall, the PNNL study showed clear benefits of rethinking how the grid can
enable a future in which clean renewables play a much larger role and our
transportation needs depend on easy access to electricity.
1) Little is known about the bottom of the ocean and what lives there.
Про дно океану і про те, що там живе, відомо небагато.
2) Scientists speculate that time is the fourth space-time dimension.
Вчені вважають, що час є четвертим просторово-часовим виміром.
3) The overall goal of all football players is to get trophies.
Спільна мета всіх футболістів – отримати трофеї.
· #519
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:33)
To To students from subgroups RF-211 and RZ-212 : Fudulaki, khizhnyak, Holodova, Hotinskiy, yushin; Chmel, Vivchar, Yakubovska, Kulakliz, Sinopulo. I invite you to actively participate in our activities during today’s session. Let’s get started now, students listed above!
· #518
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:31)
To Biehin Yevhen RF-211, Teliga Maksim RF-211 I appreciate your comments. Well done.
· #517
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebdeva E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022)
Today I have read an article titled: “Retina-inspired sensors for more adaptive
visual perception”. This article tells us about how researchers created an
advanced sensor, which could be integrated within robots, surveillance systems,
or other technologies that can benefit from sensing their surroundings. This
sensor can collect data in various illumination conditions, employing a
mechanism that artificially replicates the functioning of the retina in the
human eye. When perceiving external light signals, the human retina adjusts the
photosensitivity of its photoreceptors according to the intensity of the
signals. This ultimately allows the human eye to gradually adapt to different
levels of illumination, to see well in both dark and bright environments. I
think that this technology is a huge step in AI development, because making a
computer analyze its surroundings and base its decisions on it is certainly a
hard task.
1) Overall goal
Its main goal was immediacy in the interface
Його головною метою була оперативність в інтерфейсі
2) Little is known about
Little is known about how consistently they are taking it.
Мало відомо про те, наскільки постійно вони його приймають.
3) Speculate that
If you want me to speculate, I'd say it ran far deeper than that.
Якщо ви хочете, щоб я зробив припущення, я б сказав, що це було набагато глибше.
· #516
Teliga Maksim RF-211 (Lebedeva. E) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:27)
Today I have read the article "Printing circuits on rare nanomagnets puts a new
spin on computing". New research artificially creating a rare form of matter
known as spin glass could spark a new paradigm in artificial intelligence by
allowing algorithms to be directly printed as physical hardware. Spin glass and
Hopfield networks have developed symbiotically, one field feeding off the
other.The memories of these networks correspond to ground states of a spin
system and are less disturbed by noise than other neural networks.
1) This wide interest in spin glasses provides strong motivation to generate an
artificial spin glass.
Такий широкий інтерес до спінінгових окулярів забезпечує сильну мотивацію для
створення штучного спінінгового скла.
2) Spin glasses are a way to think about material structure mathematically.
Спінові окуляри – це спосіб математично мислити про структуру матеріалу.
3) Our paper lays the groundwork we need to use these physical systems
Наша стаття закладає основу для практичного використання цих фізичних систем.
· #515
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:11)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Your comments are well done. Continue working.
· #514
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:04)
1. little is known about
The name of this scientist is respected in Bolivia, though very little is known
about him - Ім’я цього вченого шанується в Болівії, хоча про нього відомо дуже
2. overall goal
His overall goal is to make deep learning more accessible for ecologists and
researchers analysing wildlife images. - Його загальна мета — зробити глибоке
навчання доступнішим для екологів та дослідників, які аналізують зображення
дикої природи.
3. speculate that
Scientists speculate that Uranus And its celestial neighbour, Neptune, formed
the same way. - Вчені припускають, що Уран і його небесний сусід Нептун
утворилися таким же чином
2) Today, І have read thе аrtісlе «Templating approach stabilizes 'ideal'
material for alternative solar cells»
Researchers at the University of Cambridge have developed a method of
stabilizing a promising material known as perovskite for cheap solar panels,
without compromising its near-perfect performance. There are many perovskites
formed by different combinations of elements, but one of the most promising that
has emerged in recent years is the formamidinium (FA) FAPbI3 crystal.
In my opinion, this method is a cheap alternative to silicon for the production
of solar cells and has much better characteristics.
· #513
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 07:01)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments and audio
recordings. Don't forget to write the sentences with Phrases and record them.
Please, do it in one postt!
· #512
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 06:59)
To РФ-211 Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings
· #511
SMykhailiuk (Tuesday, 29 March 2022 06:56)
students from subgroups RF-211 and RZ-212
Welcome back to our weekly activities. Your task is to submit the comments based
on the articles selected, the phrases of the day in the sentences and audio
recordings files with link to the Guestbook. I wish you good luck
· #510
Vorobyova E. to Syrbu from РЗ-213 (Sunday, 27 March 2022 11:21)
As a whole, good result. But mind the correct pronunciation of such words as: “teCHnic”, “bromIde”. Continue working and good luck.
· #509
Petrova E.I. (Saturday, 26 March 2022 09:51)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #508
Dasha Semidetnova RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 14:00)
Performing computations on a quantum computer involves a "quantum circuit,"
which is a series of operations called quantum gates.
Виконання обчислень на квантовому комп'ютері включає в себе "квантову схему",
яка являє собою серію операцій, званих квантовими воротами.
2) With so many different choices, the design space is extremely large.
При такій великій різноманітності варіантів дизайнерський простір надзвичайно
3) But in variational quantum computing, more parameters require more quantum
Але в варіаційних квантових обчисленнях більша кількість параметрів вимагає
більшої кількості вентилів.
quantum circuit - квантова схема
extremely - надзвичайно
quantum computing - квантові обчислення
Quantum computing continues to develop at a rapid pace, but one of the problems
holding back the development of this field is to reduce the noise that affects
quantum machines. This leads to a much higher error rate compared to classic
computers. Performing calculations on a quantum computer involves a "quantum
circuit", which is a series of operations called quantum gates. These quantum
gates, which are mapped to individual qubits, change the quantum states of
certain qubits, which then perform calculations to solve the problem. But
quantum gates create noise that can reduce the performance of a quantum machine.
To design a variational quantum circuit, usually a researcher must either
manually design the circuit or use rule-based methods to design the circuit for
a specific task. After completing this step, they can deploy the quantum circuit
on a real machine. When the researchers tested their circuits on real quantum
devices, they surpassed all the baselines, including circuits designed manually
by humans. Now that they have demonstrated the effectiveness of quantum
circuits, they want to use these principles to make the parameters in the
quantum circuit noise-resistant.
Sorry, I'm posting this late.
· #507
Tihonov Ivan (RZ-213 S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:52)
under certain assumptions
translate: при определенных допущениях
example: Never under the assumption it'll get better.
2. performed with
translate: выполненный с
example: There are some functions that I'd like to perform with one button
3. column represents
translate: столбец представляет
example: The column gives information about sales for that month
A study was carried out investigating whether forests can influence the amount
of flooding, the work was carried out in forested areas in Ireland and the UK,
and showed that forests do protect against flooding, but only if the water head
is not very high. This research has created problems for construction companies
and developers. Forests need to be conserved because they not only support
oxygen production but can also save human lives.
· #506
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:26)
To those students who participated in today’s session I’m saying ‘thank you’. Keep on working hard , analyze your drawbacks and improve your ESP English (writing and listening skills)! See you next week!
· #505
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:20)
To Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 Task1is good Task 2 is missing conclusion and your comment is complicated. Just 67 points.
· #504
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:16)
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 Task1 requires the conclusion to be made. Just 70 points .
Task2 is well-done.
· #503
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:12)
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213
Pls choose the article that is relevant to your future speciality. Task 2is good
in general.
· #502
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:07)
To Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213 Task 1 is good. Task 2 should be relevant to you speciality. Pls focus on this.
· #501
Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:04)
Under certain assumptions/за певних припущень
It was said that their scientific facts were true under certain assumptions.
Говорили, що їхні наукові факти вірні за певних припущень.
2) Performed with/виконується з
This action can be performed with a set of 5 different keys. Цю дію можна
виконати за допомогою набору з 5 різних клавіш.
3) Column represents/стовпець представляє
This column represents the greenhouse effect which is expected to be true. Цей
стовпець відображає парниковий ефект, який, як очікується, буде правдивим.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Hubble's Advanced Camera for
Surveys celebrates 20 years of discovery". This article tells us about the 20th
anniversary of the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) aboard the NASA/ESA Hubble
Space Telescope. On 7 March 2002 astronauts installed the ACS during Hubble
Servicing Mission 3B, also known as STS-109. With its wide field of view, sharp
image quality, and high sensitivity, the ACS delivers many of Hubble's most
impressive images of deep space. Jennifer Wiseman, NASA's Hubble Senior Project
Scientist said that The Advanced Camera for Surveys has opened our eyes to a
deep and active universe for two decades and that we are anticipating more
discoveries with this camera, in conjunction with Hubble's other science
instruments, for many years to come.
· #500
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 12:03)
To Yakymova Anna/RZ-213 Task1is good. Task 2 pls choose the one that is relevant to your speciality. Your voice record msg is of poor quality. Pay attention to the the melody in ESP English. Just 70 points today.
· #499
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:55)
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213 Task 1 .Pls select the article relevant to your future
speciality. The contents has not been revealed. Just 60 points.
Task 2 pls single out the phrases and translate them only. Just 70 points Keep
on working hard to obtain better results.
· #498
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:48)
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 Task 1 . You need to translate the phases. This task is
incomplete. Task 2 is good. Keep on working hard to reach better results.
· #497
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:45)
Today I have read a fascinating article about researchers that have discovered a
way to obtain polarity and photovoltaic behavior from certain nonphotovoltaic,
atomically flat (2D) materials. They have discovered that two specific materials
which ordinarily exhibit no photovoltaic effect do so when stacked in a very
particular way. The two materials are tungsten selenide (WSe2) and black
phosphorus (BP), both of which have different crystal structures. Originally,
both materials are nonpolar (do not have a preferred direction of conduction)
and do not generate a photocurrent under light. However, reserchers found that
by stacking sheets of WSe2 and BP together in the right way, the sample
exhibited polarization, and when a light was cast on the material, it generated
a current.
1) under certain assumptions - за певних припущень
The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a
certain assumption.
Теорія на основі потоків передбачає ймовірності втечі кожного тіла за певного
2)column represents - стовпець представляє
The figures on the column represent the battle between the Roman god Jupiter and
a giant.
Фігури на колоні представляють битву між римським богом Юпітером і велетнем.
3) performed with - виконується з
Previously performed with a solo project.
Раніше виступав із сольним проектом.
· #496
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:43)
To Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213 Task 1 It looks like a story with sentences borrowed from the article ( a description). It’s not a comment. UNACCEPTED. Task 2is incomplete, please translate the phrases. Be attentive.
· #495
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:36)
Today i have read the article: "Plastic pollution in oceans on track to rise for
From the article we learn about the academic research of the German Alfred
Wegener Institute. Studies have shown that marine plastic pollution is reaching
alarming levels and will continue to rise even if serious action is taken.
Plastic breaks into small pieces and enters the organisms of animals living in
the ocean, because of which many die.
In my opinion, everything possible should be done to minimize the release of
plastic into the marine environment.
Phrases of the day:
1) performed with
As a benchmark a comparison was performed with state-of-the-art electroporation.
(В якості еталону було проведено порівняння з сучасною електропорацією.)
2) under certain assumptions
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists.
(У цій роботі автор демонструє, що за певних припущень рішення існує.)
3) column represents
The last column represents the linewidth of the phonon laser
(Останній стовпець представляє ширину лінії фононного лазера)
· #494
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:36)
To Igor Rudko RZ-213 Task 1 The way you did in writing is not exactly what is required of any student. Just 74 points Task2 Pay attention to your conclusion . You wrote,” scientific society is focused on this problem because they could solve at least two longstanding problems at once.’ it’s tautology ( problem= long-standing problems) Be attentive. Just 69 points Keep on working hard to improve your ESP English in writing.
· #493
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:25)
I.Siglyanuk RZ-213 Glory to the heroes! Task1 is very good. Task 2, There are
some mistakes like “very interesting an article”> a very interesting article.
Pls do not quote the article , you can convey the idea by your own language
means and skills you have . It’s good that you are trying to make conclusion
concerning this issue
and the judgement of the knowledge of people living in Ukraine but I suggest you
make conclusion from the contents of the article you’ve read and analyzed. I
believe you have a chance to learn ESP English to run the business on-line with
our EU partners effectively. Just 74 points.
· #492
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:24)
1.under certain assumptions- за певних припущень;
Existing approaches range from theorem-proving methods to voting and bidding
mechanisms each being applicable under certain assumptions.-Існуючі підходи
варіюються від методів доведення теорем до механізмів голосування та торгів,
кожен із яких застосовний за певних припущень.
2.performed with-виконується з;
This responsibility is performed with the advice and assistance of committees of
disinterested experts.-Ця відповідальність виконується за порадами та допомогою
комітетів незацікавлених експертів.
3.column represents-стовпець представляє;
In the matrix, each row represents an individual sector or cross-sectoral issue
and each column represents a particular instrument or policy instrument related
to it.-У матриці кожен рядок представляє окремий сектор або міжсекторну
проблему, а кожен стовпець представляє певний інструмент або інструмент
політики, пов’язаний з ним.
Today I've come across the article which reveals that natural disasters can
increase discrimination, including towards women.I was upset while reading that
in region of Yellow River people value sons over daughters and the female
employment rate in the region is lower in comparison with others.In addition, in
this region people are suspicious of foreign religions such as Christianity. I
find above-mentioned points terrifying and I hope that such studies will make
progress in exploring the reasons of this phenomenon and, as a result, in
helping people to deal with regional and gender discrimination.
· #491
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:17)
Phrases of the day(25.03):
under certain assumptions - за певних припущень:
Under certain assumptions, the security of personal data is an important
component of information security.(За певних припущень безпека персональних
даних є важливим компонентом інформаційної безпеки.)
audio recording:
column represents - стовпець представляє
The column represents the increase in atmospheric pressure.(Стовпець представляє
збільшення атмосферного тиску.)
audio recording:
performed with -виконується з:
These information security steps are performed from specific software.(Дані
кроки по інформаційній безпеці виконуються з певного ПО.)
audio recording:
Article review:
Today I've read the article titled "Earth’s lower atmosphere is rising due to
climate change" published online by ScienceNews. The article explains the
connection between the greenhouse effect and the thermal expansion of air that
leads to heightening the upper boundary of our troposphere. The purpose of the
article is to present to the public another reminder of the ongoing change in
climate. Personally , I am sure that this is not a significant change in our
atmosphere, although it does point towards larger and more drastic changes.
audio recording:
· #490
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:12)
Link to article
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1. If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely
issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value
of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний
капітал міг вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що, за певних
припущень, вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного
кредиту повинні бути однаковими.
2. Data in April 2010 column represents IAEA's actual data as of 31 March 2010.
Дані в стовпці квітня 2010 року представляють фактичні дані МАГАТЕ станом на 31
березня 2010 року.
3. This trick with the light bulbs that you performed with just such panache at
your housewarming party.
Цей трюк з лампочками, який ви з таким розмахом виконали на новосіллі.
· #489
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 S.Mikhailyuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:08)
- Well, under certain assumptions, yes, it will work.
2. The penultimate column represents ways to solve these problems.
3. - We will performed with this part of the plan only if the rocket launcher is
Today I read the article "Tiny probes can sail to outer planets using low-power
lasers." I'm not rushing into science, space or anything like that, but I'm
still glad that scientists have kind of found an alternative to rocket engines
and it doesn't seem to be expensive. If a person actively uses low-power laser
probes, then we will be able to explore space much faster, and most importantly,
find new habitable planets. And for some reason it seems to me that these probes
will be very fragile and as a result, a person will create a bigger and stronger
probe, but it will be expensive.
· #488
Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 11:07)
Waterspouts are extraordinary, impressive weather events. Observers describe
them as looking like "the start of an alien invasion" and post their snaps
across social media. A waterspout is a spinning column of air that sucks up
water (usually from the ocean) to make a twisting funnel of water and cloud
connecting the sea and the sky. Waterspouts can form when winds blowing in two
different directions run into each other. Along the line where the two winds
meet (called a "convergence line" or "shear line"), there is a lot of rotating
air near the surface. Because waterspouts form on the line where two winds meet,
you sometimes see a line of waterspouts in a row where the spinning low-level
air is sucked upwards at a few different points. Most mornings, cooler nighttime
air blowing off the land meets warmer air sitting out to sea. Usually this
results in a line of clouds sitting offshore where the two air masses meet.
1. column represents
This column represents 2003 actual results against the "2004 medium-term
financial plan".
2. under certain assumptions
If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely
issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value
of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
3. performed with
I've performed with you before.
· #487
Igor Rudko (RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:58)
Today I've read the article "Researchers reveal how to turn a global warming
liability into a profitable food security solution". Scientists said that there
are some methane-consuming bacteria - Methanotrophs. By the way, these bacteria
may be grown in a pretty unpleasant environment such as a chilled water-filled
bioreactor filled with pressurized methane, oxygen and nitrogen, phosphorous,
and trace metals. Moreover, the protein-rich biomass that results from fishmeal
in aquaculture feed and gap the request for fishmeal made from small fish or
plant-based feeds that require land, water, and fertilizer.
In my opinion, it is really great that scientific society is focused on this
problem because they could solve at least two longstanding problems at once.
This Earth-moon L2-based relay assisted with the Chang.e-4 mission in 2019,
which performed the first-ever successful soft landing on the lunar farside.(Це
реле на базі Земля-Місяць L2 допомагало в місії Chang.e-4 у 2019 році, яка
здійснила першу в історії успішну м’яку посадку на дальній стороні Місяця.)
Therefore, helium gas, for example, can become liquid at -270 degrees, but never
solid under atmospheric pressure.(Тому газоподібний гелій, наприклад, може стати
рідким при -270 градусів, але ніколи твердим під атмосферним тиском.)
A waterspout is a spinning column of air that sucks up water (usually from the
ocean) to make a twisting funnel of water and cloud connecting the sea and the
sky.(Водяний стік — це обертовий стовп повітря, який всмоктує воду (зазвичай з
океану), щоб утворити крутну воронку з води та хмари, що з'єднує море і небо.)
· #486
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:44)
1. Column represents:
The last column represents the linewidth of the phonon laser.
Останній стовпець представляє ширину лінії фононного лазера
2. Performed with:
Calibration method improves scientific research performed with smartphone
Метод калібрування покращує наукові дослідження, що проводяться за допомогою
камер смартфонів.
3. Under certain assumptions:
The flux-based theory predicts the escape probabilities of each body, under a
certain assumption.
Теорія на основі потоків передбачає ймовірності втечі кожного тіла за певного
Today I have had an opportunity to read very interesting an article about new
economic research.According to this study, scientists believe that investing in
language education can be very profitable.
Wendy Ayres-Bennett, the study's lead author and Professor of French Philology
and Linguistics at Cambridge said: "Languages play a significant role in
international trade, and having a common language can, all else being equal,
reduce trade barriers and foster trade.
Based on this, we can understand that learning foreign languages is useful not
only for us but also for the state.
Even here in Ukraine, many people are afraid to do business abroad, to perform
international transportation because they have language problems.
I believe we need to make big changes in our education to benefit greatly
Слава Україні
Glory to Ukraine
· #485
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 25 March 2022 10:39)
all students from Group RZ-213
Welcome back to our weekly activities today. Perform your two tasks with links
to the title of article and audio files. Join our on-line lesson and be
· #484
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 21:33)
The study is published in the journal Science.
Дослідження опубліковано в журналі Science.
2) By means of computer simulations, the team investigated systems and their
properties which could not be studied in the many preceding experiments.
За допомогою комп’ютерного моделювання команда досліджувала системи та їх
властивості, які не вдалося вивчити в багатьох попередніх експериментах.
3) As noted in the Millennium Declaration, poverty eradication should be the
main objective of United Nations operational activities for development.
Як зазначено в Декларації тисячоліття, викорінення бідності має бути головною
метою оперативної діяльності Організації Об'єднаних Націй для розвитку.
Today I have read the article: "Painting with semiconductors". The article deals
with the study of Lukas Helmbrecht and Wim Norduin, who have developed a
reactive ink that can be painted on an equally reactive canvas. With the new ion
exchange lithography technique you could paint a canvas by making the canvas
itself change to a different color instead of brushing paint on it. In this
technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange.
Helmbrecht and his colleagues found a way of converting a layer of lead
carbonate (the canvas) into a perovskite, simply by "painting" on it with a
solution of methylammonium bromide. The latter undergoes a chemical reaction
with the lead carbonate to form a green-emitting perovskite.
· #483
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 20:03)
To Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212 Thank you. Very good for Task1, Task2 should contain Ukrainian translation of the phrases. Just 70 points.
· #482
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 19:44)
Moskalenko Kirill(РТ-212 Task1, Pls mind the conclusion. also word order. Just
70 points. Task2 is very good
· #481
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 14:27)
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:59)
Your comment is clear as well as the task with the Phrases. Mind: the text with
THE title.., IN my opinion.., travel TO.., IN seconds. The task with phrases is
well done, thank you.
· #480
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:59)
Today I have read the text with title " The researchers test electric personal
flying machine". On my opinion this ability will help humanity in future to
communicate more faster than now. We will be able to travel in any place of
world by seconds if scientists make public flying transport as it described in
films and books. But today we have only tests of personal flying machine and
this fact didn`t impressed me because first prototypes of so-called jetpacks
were made more than 5 years ago. Still, flying transport it is good prospect
that can be realized in near future and fully replace airplanes.
I liked this article, and i want to fly on this flying machine.
1) Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
2) Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
3) Therefore, the main objective of this, is to improve the environment
I'm sorry, I had problems with electricity, so I can only send it to you now.
· #479
Moskalenko Kirill(РТ-212)(Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:58)
Today I have read the article "Nimble robotic arms that perform delicate surgery
may be one step closer to reality ". This text tells us about research from
Northeastern that has worked to eliminate hard, jerky movements in robotic arms
to make them graceful and nimble enough. If they can reach a high level, then
these discoveries may one day allow doctors to remotely perform operations on a
remote battlefield, or help bomb defusers safely remove an explosive device.
Their project also involves the creation of remote-controlled robotic
manipulators. I think, this article will be interesting to people who like
1) this software was published on the site at 5 pm.
це програмне забезпечення було опубліковано на сайті о 17:00.
2) These control the flow of information from one place to another by means of
an electrical signal.
Вони контролюють потік інформації з одного місця в інше за допомогою
електричного сигналу.
3) The main objective is to fix it
Основна мета - це відремонтувати.
I'm sorry, I had problems with electricity, so I can only send it to you now.
· #478
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 13:09)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Ils
doivent etre argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte,
paraphraser. Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!
· #477
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:34)
Parshikov Vladislav RZ-212
Your comment has clear layout and quite correct, thank you.
· #476
Parshikov Vladislav RZ-212 (Popovich) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:26)
Today I have read the article "The challenge of humor in the workplace for
The workplace can be a serious place, and humor can be a valuable tool to
lighten the mood. But using humor appropriately to lighten the moment can be
tricky, especially for women.
The researchers surveyed 92 college students after they read workplace scenarios
in which men and women made humorous comments.
This research amplifies the fact that we even have inherent biases that
influence how we view people who are using humor.
I think this article is interesting cause of overviewing a workplace, it’s a
serious place of our life and we spend lots of time there.
1) The main objective
The main objective of the researchers' recent study was to realize a dissipative
time crystal in a laboratory setting.
2) By means of
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology
3)Published in
The results have been published in Physical Review C.
· #475
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:10)
Pushkash Maxim (РЗ-212)
Read my remarks attentively to avoid making some mistakes.The first sentence
should be: ''Today I’ve read the article (the title of the article). It tells us
about...'' Do not forget to use the article a/the , the Present Perfect tense,
Phrases, links to the article and the audio description of the article and
Phrases. Mind that your comment should include up to 100 words. Use Word Count
Tool to check it. Go on working.
· #474
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:07)
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212)
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #473
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:05)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work.
· #472
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:02)
To Neblienko V. (RZ-212) Well done, thank you.
· #471
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:01)
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ - 212)
Thanks for your comment. It's informative and interesting to read.
· #470
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 12:01)
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:40)
Your comment has clear layout and quite correct, thank you, but it's rather
long, mind that.
· #469
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:58)
Kate Kholodova RZ-212
Thank you, your comment and audio are quite correct.
· #468
Pushkash Maxim (РЗ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:53)
21st century may experience larger increases in wildfire exposure and
socioeconomic risk, but smaller increases in global fire carbon emissions,
suggests a machine learning study published in Nature Communications. The
findings may improve our understanding of potential regional disparities in
wildfire exposure, and aid strategic preparations for future wildfires.
Reliable projections of wildfires and associated socioeconomic risks are
important for developing strategies to cope with and mitigate the effects of
climate change. However, current Earth system models used for long-term wildfire
projections remain somewhat uncertain.
1) by means of
The internal rhythm lasts approximately one day, i.e. about 24 hours, and is
regulated by means of various clock genes.
2)the main objective
the main objective of studying radio engineering is the study of sound waves,
radio electronic equipment and the processes that occur in them
3) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
· #467
Popovych E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:53)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
I have got your independent practice and class practice. Well done. Thanks.
· #466
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:51)
Today i have read the article titled: "to Understanding the molecular evolution
processes underlying placenta acquisition in eutherian ancestors".
This text describes the molecular evolution of the placental protein NRK and its
function in the regulation of placental growth by Tokyo Tech researchers.
NIK-related kinase (NRK) is a key protein discovered to play an important role
in placental development. Previous research showed that mouse NRK is
specifically expressed in the placenta, and "knocking out" this protein resulted
in placental hyperplasia and difficult delivery. However, the specifics on how
this was achieved were unclear.In my opinion, this research will soon become a
Nobel laureate, as it is very useful for humanity and brings breakthrough
technologies in the future.
by means of
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology
domain, where the middle region binds to CK2, thus preventing it from
phosphorylating PTEN.
Этот белок локализован на плазматической мембране с помощью домена гомологии
цитрона, где средняя область связывается с CK2, тем самым предотвращая
фосфорилирование PTEN.
The main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основная цель DDE — облегчить глубокие открытия на основе данных посредством
международного и междисциплинарного сотрудничества.
published in
The 21st century may experience larger increases in wildfire exposure and
socioeconomic risk, but smaller increases in global fire carbon emissions,
suggests a machine learning study published in Nature Communications.
В 21 веке может произойти большее увеличение воздействия лесных пожаров и
социально-экономических рисков, но меньшее увеличение глобальных выбросов
углерода от пожаров, предполагает исследование машинного обучения,
опубликованное в Nature Communications.
· #465
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:42)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 You forgot about a predicate in the sentence: This article IS on new discoveries...
· #464
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:41)
To Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 Thanks for a well-done comment and work with phrases.
· #463
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:40)
Today I have read the article "Picoscience and a plethora of new materials".This
article is about picomaterials. These materials is so small that they make
nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. Their size is a thousand times smaller
than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer. The creation of
such materials is so complex that it is called picoscience. Yale University has
identified the development of quantum materials as a priority area of
research, foreseeing their use in new computing systems that will far surpass
current computers. Also, these materials are able to perform many functions. For
example, mimicking neurons in the brain, calculations using magnets and
calculations using quantum mechanics.In my opinion, the invention of a new
material is a very important step for the further development of technology and
science. means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
2.published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
3.the main objective
The main objective of this company is grab the attention of consumers.
· #462
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:38)
To Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212) Well done, thank you.
· #461
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:36)
To Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 The comment of the article was written correctly from the grammatical and lexical viewpoint.
· #460
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:32)
Today I have read the article "How are planets formed?". It talks about how this
amazing process of planet formation actually happens. Scientists have not yet
come to a definitive conclusion on this issue, but there is a leading theory
called the protoplanet hypothesis. Without going into details, it says that very
small objects stick to each other and this happens over millions of years, as a
result of which even such gas giants as Jupiter can form. According to
scientists, the Solar System, a place that has become home to more than 8
billion people and a huge number of other living beings, was formed 4,6 billion
years ago similar way.
1) the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
2) by means of
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology
domain, where the middle region binds to CK2, thus preventing it from
phosphorylating PTEN.
3) published in
The 21st century may experience larger increases in wildfire exposure and
socioeconomic risk, but smaller increases in global fire carbon emissions,
suggests a machine learning study published in Nature Communications.
· #459
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:28)
Today I have read the article " After 75 years, Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of
Robotics need updating ".
This article is about the author of science fiction, who developed the laws of
robotics. His laws are still mentioned as a template for guiding our robot
development. Disseminating the laws of different points of view or integration
has caused a lot of big problems, because the works may not correctly interpret
certain rules. I think this article is informative, because this study found
that a much more complete set of laws needs to be developed and implemented to
work safely, which will help us feel safe in the future.
1)by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рух дрібних крапель води керується за допомогою магніту.
2)published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
3)the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином головна мета процесу реструктуризації – уникнути будь-якого дефіциту
– була досягнута.
· #458
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:27)
To Nakempiy Konstantin RT-212 be careful and post your tasks right now pls
· #457
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:22)
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:09)
Your comment is reasonable, thank you, but I'd like to know more about your
attitude towards the issue presented. Please, choose the topics which are more
relevant to your specialty.
· #456
Timophey Sipin RZ-212(Popovych) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:21)
Today l have read the article titled «Viewpoint -- Give Yourself Some "Wiggle
Room" to Drive Innovation and Change».Text tells us about the nessesary for
people to change and improve themselves (talking about improvements in
technology),but at the same time people are not ready to make changes in their
lives. The article explains to us away out of this situation,the so-called
golden mean, in which we will have practically no risks and we will be able to
observe the success and progress in technology. In my opinion, this article
helps us to correctly assess risks and motivates us to innovate and progress.
1) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
2) the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time
Основна мета DDE - полегшити глибокий час
3) by means of
In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange
У цій техніці «чорнило» реагує з «полотном» за допомогою іонного обміну
· #455
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:19)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:03)
Your comment is thoughtful and clear, well done, thank you. Don't forget it must
be around 100 words.
· #454
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:17)
Today I've read the article "Smart farming: AI technologies for sustainable
The article covers the recent attempt at implementation of AI technology into
the agricultural field.
The agricultural sector is starting to face major challenges, which the NaLamKI
project attempts to address. Utilizing AI technology, this project will aid
farmers in analyzing crop and soil conditions over large areas of land, as well
as providing farmers other means of aid, such as providing recommendations on
how to address soil with low water levels.
Overall, I find the project to be interesting, albeit vastly over-engineered.
Although it is definite that farms could benefit from digital technology, the
article makes it clear how creators respond to a simple problem by filling the
agricultural sector with state of the art technology, for the reasons of "just
because": a problem, which first world countries have already witnessed through
the creation of a smart toaster with a Wifi connection, which nobody truly
needed or asked for.
1) Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхне дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Природа Мікробіології.
2) The main objective of the meeting was to discuss a framework for accelerating
the implementation of the global and regional platforms for action in Africa.
Головною метою зустрічі було обговорення структури для прискорення реалізації
глобальних та регіональних платформ для дій в Африці.
3) Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
Рух малих краплей води за допомогою магніту.
· #453
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:17)
Today I’ve read the article “New advances in protein-folding process
This article on new discoveries in the field of biophysics.
The purpose of this article is to tell about the new discovery of the methods
used during research.
The study was led by Professor Fèlix Ritort, from the Faculty of Physics and the
Institute of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology of the University of Barcelona
(IN2UB). Its first author is the researcher Marc Rico-Pasto (UB) and it counts
with the collaboration of teams from the University of Padova (Italy), the
Institute of Bioengineering in Lausanne (Switzerland) and the company SpliceBio,
whose headquarters are in the Barcelona Science Park (PCB).
I think this article will be useful for people who are interested in biophysics
and follow new discoveries in this field.
1.the main objective
The main objective of this research is how to distinguish the signatures of
different leptoquarks at proton-proton colliders like LHC or its proposed
successor," Karan says. means of
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology
domain, where the middle region binds to CK2, thus preventing it from
phosphorylating PTEN.
3.published in
Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy, the entropy
and the enthalpy of protein folding.
· #452
Kolomiets Volodymir RZ 212 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:15)
Today i have read the article "Researchers determine optimum pressure to improve
the performance of lithium metal batteries". This article is about a new method
how to produce optimal performance. Scientists say that using lithium metal to
replace the graphite for battery anodes is the ultimate goal for part of the
battery R&D field. For example, lithium metal battery-powered electric vehicles
would have twice the range of lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles, for the same
battery weight. But even it is not the best way, because of its short lifespan
and potential safety hazards, specifically short circuits caused by lithium
dendrite growth. But as they said, this inventions would have to be retooled for
this new technique to be applied.
I found this article quite interesting, as there i got new knowledge about
techical process. So, i like this article.
1) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
2) the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time
Основна мета DDE - полегшити глибокий час
3) by means of
In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange
У цій техніці «чорнило» реагує з «полотном» за допомогою іонного обміну
· #451
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:09)
Today I have read the article "Researchers show protein controls process that
goes awry in Parkinson's disease". It says that as scientists work toward
finding a cure for Parkinson's disease, one line of research that has emerged
focuses on mitochondria, the structures within cells that make energy. For
years, scientists have known that one particular protein, called Drp1, is a
master regulator of mitochondrial fission, but little else about how Drp1 is
controlled by other proteins. Scientists call these chain reactions signaling
pathways. The study found that a protein in humans called CLUH acts to attract
Drp1 to mitochondria and trigger fission. The team showed that damage from the
disease could be reversed by increasing the amount of a protein that scientists
call "clueless".
1) the main objective
The main objective of our study is to obtain data on radio waves from previously
unknown sources.
2) by means of
Liquids will be distributed by means of these vessels.
3) published in
In 1959, the first article about resistors was published in a popular newspaper.
· #450
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:06)
To Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212) Mind the use of articles: I've read the article about A new experiment..FROM the article we can find out that...
· #449
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:03)
phrases of the day:
1. the main objective
The main objective of electronic engineering is utilizing active components such
as semiconductor devices to amplify and control electric current flow in
conjunction with passive electrical components.
2. published in
The research of fingertip sensitivity for robots was published in Nature Machine
3. by means of
In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange.
Today I've read the article about investigation about how robot systems can
function better in dynamic environments. We've already been using robots for
many years but usually they help us perform only repetitive tasks. Nevertheless,
we understand that we can use robots in more dynamic and dangerous situations.
For instance, they could help us in healthcare or in hazardous environments,
such as disaster areas. Ph.D.-student Wouter Houtman has recently researched
robots' behavior in situations with multiple choices. He facilitated robot's
adaptation by modeling the expected variations of the environment. The
researcher developed a new algorithm that allows robots to differentiate the
color of orchids. In conclusion, this research might be very prospective as it
could help us exploit robots in vital situations.
· #448
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:01)
Today I've read the article about new experiment which would confirm the fifth
state of matter in the universe.
In the article we can find out that physicist Dr. Melvin Vopson has already
published research suggesting that information has mass and that all elementary
particles, the smallest known building blocks of the universe, store information
about themselves, similar to the way humans have DNA. Now, he has designed an
experiment which if proved correct means he will have discovered that
information is the fifth form of matter, alongside solid, liquid, gas and
In my opinion this would be a eureka moment because it would change physics as
we know it and expand our understanding of the universe. But it wouldn't
conflict with any of the existing laws of physics.
1)published in;
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
2)by means of;
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
3)the main objective;
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
· #447
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 11:00)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:52)
Your comment is clear and full. I appreciate your opinion, thank you.
· #446
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:58)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:46)
Good work, thorough and clear, thank you.
· #445
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ - 212, Popovych) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:58)
Today I have read the article “Community policing found to be ineffective in
improving trust or reducing crime” by Bob Yirka. This article describes how a
group of researchers conducted experiments to test the effectiveness of policing
in the community. Researchers wondered if community police work as intended in
low-income countries with varying criminal histories. The idea is that such
efforts will improve trust between the police and the public, and that members
of the public will be more open and cooperative in helping to identify the
perpetrators of the crime. To find out, they organized six field studies in
Brazil, Colombia, Liberia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Uganda. Ultimately, an
international team of researchers found that establishing community policing in
multiple communities across six countries in the Southern Hemisphere did little
to increase police confidence or reduce crime rates. Article:
published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше сформулював теорію еволюції шляхом природного відбору,
він думав про неї як поступовий процес.
the main objective
The main objective of the meeting was to discuss a framework for accelerating
the implementation of the global and regional platforms for action in Africa.
Основною метою зустрічі було обговорення рамок для прискорення реалізації
глобальних та регіональних платформ дій в Африці.
· #444
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:55)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:39)
Thanks for your work, your comment is quite good but where is your opinion on
the issue? Pay attention to the pronunciation; read automatically as well as
multipurpose view . The sentences with phrases are quite interesting but the 1st
one is from our site examples. Be attentive and continue working.
· #443
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) Yershova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:52)
Today I have read the article "Malware on Yahoo ads turned user PCs into bitcoin
This article is about the vulnerabilities on the Yahoo website and what Bitcoin
is. The company admitted that its service sites were being used by hackers to
enslave a huge number of conventional computers, which did so to generate
bitcoins. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system created as a vehicle that
allows trading on the Internet without the aid of a government-backed monetary
system. The malware was activated when users clicked on an advertisement,
causing their computer to become infected and become part of a botnet. In my
opinion, you need to be more careful, this applies to both users and developers
of the site in order to prevent such situations.
Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy
The main objective of this research is how to distinguish the signatures of
different leptoquarks at proton-proton colliders like LHC
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
· #442
Nakempiy Konstantin RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:52)
Предыдущее сообщение(№440) было отправлено мной. Я случайно перекопировал в качестве шаблона и не поменял имя и фамилию!
· #441
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:50)
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Yershova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:34)
Your comment is good, thank you, but I'd like to learn your point of view on the
subject. Don't forget to mention the article title. Check the pronunciation:
combining those . Please, choose the topics which are more relevant to your
specialty. Keep up working.
· #440
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:49)
question of how to increase children's interest in learning has long been asked
in the scientific community. A recent study in 5 Danish primary schools clearly
showed that combining physical activity with mental activity has a positive
effect on children's motivation to learn. More than 700 children were divided
into two groups. The first half played basketball math once a week for six
weeks, while the other half played basketball without math. According to the
results, children from the first group retained a greater interest in math with
basketball throughout the entire study period. At the same time, the motivation
of the second group decreased significantly.
the main objective
The main purpose of this study therefore was to develop a learning activity that
integrates basketball and mathematics and examine how it might affect children's
motivation in mathematics.
Главная цель
Основной целью этого исследования было разработать учебную концепцию,
объединяющую баскетбол и математику, и изучить, как это может повлиять на
мотивацию детей применительно к математике.
· #439
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:46)
Today i have read the article called"Theoretical Physics: Dark matter and dark
energy are different aspects of a single unknown force"which tells us about
scientific model proposed by Scherrer that can unify dark matter and dark energy
using a second-generation scalar field,which is known as k-essence.The problem
is that dark matter and dark energy behave differently.Dark matter have mass,but
dark energy has quite opposite properties.The k-essence model can change its
behavior over time.For example it looks like dark matter for a while and then it
looks like dark energy.I think this model avoids many previous
obstacles,nevertheless it has some drawbacks.
1) by means of
The internal rhythm lasts approximately one day, i.e. about 24 hours, and is
regulated by means of various clock genes.
2)the main objective
the main objective of studying radio engineering is the study of sound waves,
radio electronic equipment and the processes that occur in them
3) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
· #438
Yershova Y.A. to RT-212, RE-211 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:43)
Dear students! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your comments and audio recordings. Don’t forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #437
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:42)
Today I’ve read the article "Hacking and loss of driving skills are major
consumer concerns for self-driving cars".This article is about the advantages
and disadvantages of self-driving cars. A survey was conducted and the biggest
concerns of consumers were identified: Artificial Intelligence is imperfect, the
consumer will lose driver skills, security breaches in the form of hacking a
personal computer or online account similar to hacking. Also, three clear
benefits were free time behind the wheel, elimination of driver accidents, and
faster route processing. The results of this study illustrate the clear benefits
of autonomous vehicles for consumers and how marketers can engage consumers in
this growing market.
In my opinion, manufacturers and legislators have something to improve and
change for the safety of people.
article -
audio -
1) the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
2) by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
3) published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
audio ph:
· #436
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:39)
Today I have read the article “A new model to automatically detect and filter
spam emails”. This article is about spam emails. These are unwanted messages
that are sent in bulk to a lot of random users. These messages may contain
advertisements , as well as phishing links or malware. The model is based on
multipurpose feature selection and on an adaptive capsule network. Automatic
detection of spam emails is necessary to view your emails without obstacles and
to use this account only for your own purposes. The new spam filtering method
achieved very promising results as it could effectively detect spam emails with
high accuracy.
1. This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
2. The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
3. This encoding is done by means of quantum ensembles.
· #435
· Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:36)
To РЗ-212 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #434
Vorobyova E. to Chabanenko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:35)
Don’t make the same mistakes, use the definite article “the” when beginning your comments on articles: “Today I have read THE ARTICLE about…” In general, well done.
· #433
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovich) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:35)
Today i have read the article: Testing theories of cooperation between groups in
rural Georgia.
This article tells about a person from Bocconi University who decided to conduct
research to test the theory of cooperation between individuals in groups, he
talked about how people in groups come together for common protection when
threatened by an external force.
But very little research has been done to find out whether tact's seemingly
logical assumptions are true. To do this, he conducted his research in which
people from 2 groups were invited to show a sense of trust in such a way that it
could be changed.
Through such research, Shayu found that people unite when they are threatened by
an outsider. But, he notes, he also discovered an unexpected degree of
cooperation between individuals of opposing groups - a possible step, in his
opinion, by those who live in villages to keep the peace.
Published in
Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy, the entropy
and the enthalpy of protein folding.
The main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
· #432
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Yershova (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:34)
This is the most popular article published in this resource.
The main objective of this event is the settlement of the environmental problem
in this region.
The conflict was resolved by means an agreement beneficial to both parties.
Today I've read the article which tells us about combining sports and
mathematics in elementary grades. Namely, for
children, they decided to combine basketball and mathematics to see if it
somehow affects them. And the result turned out
to be that children who played basketball math are much more involved in the
calculation process than those children who
just solve math or just play basketball. Also, everyone knows the longer you
study at school, the more annoying the
learning process. So if you do such non-obvious combinations of subjects, then
interest in learning doesn't disappear at
all. Therefore, the issue of introducing such subjects into the schedule is now
being actively considered.
· #431
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:33)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 very good , thanks.
Keep on working hard.
· #430
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212 Thanks 80 points. Pls do your tasks on time, pls.
· #429
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:27)
1.In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion
2.The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
3.The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in
February 2007.
Today I've read an article about parents' social media use.I agree with some
points, for example, with the fact that parents who frequently share photos of
their children on social media tend to have more permissive and confident
parenting styles.Also,most parents felt relatively comfortable with other adults
sharing their children's photos and anticipated the child would enjoy the photos
posted, rather than be embarrassed by them.I'm not sure if I like the idea of
sharing photos without permission of kids, when we talk about the older
ones.That's why this study makes sense because the question of ensuring comfort
and privacy of young children as they are introduced to social media is
important. I am well pleased that research in this area also aims to help
parents who use this mode of communication for support raising their children.
· #428
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:26)
To КулешовКонстантин(РЗ-211) Use present perfect in the first sentence - I HAVE READ....
· #427
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:24)
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212 Just good . Pls try to specify your conclusion avoiding general words.
· #426
Vorobyova E. to Gorbatiuk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:24)
Your commentary on the article is detailed and interesting as well as the sentences with new phrases. I appreciate your understanding of them. Only mind - “the leading author”. Continue working. Thanks.
· #425
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:23)
To Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 The review of the article is done correctly.
· #424
Pishtoi Misha (PT-212) S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:21)
Today I have read the article "Malware on Yahoo ads turned user PCs into bitcoin
This article is about the vulnerabilities on the Yahoo website and what Bitcoin
is. The company admitted that its service sites were being used by hackers to
enslave a huge number of conventional computers, which did so to generate
bitcoins. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system created as a vehicle that
allows trading on the Internet without the aid of a government-backed monetary
system. The malware was activated when users clicked on an advertisement,
causing their computer to become infected and become part of a botnet. In my
opinion, you need to be more careful, this applies to both users and developers
of the site in order to prevent such situations.
Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
The main objective of this research is how to distinguish the signatures of
different leptoquarks at proton-proton colliders like LHC
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
· #423
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:20)
To Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211) Your article review is interesting and informative. Thank you.
· #422
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:20)
Mind the rules of Sequence of Tenses in the 1st sentence of your commentary on the article if you use “…the main idea WAS that…growth HAD finally been clarified…”. Your sentences are interesting and correct. Thank you.
· #421
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:19)
Stanislav Popik
very good , thanks, pls explain what” REMI“ means.
· #420
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
I’ve read the article entitled"Ham radio operators tune in to giant waves in the
earth's ionosphere".The upper layer of our Earth's atmosphere tends to
accumulate electrons. Sometimes the charge becomes so large that the giant waves
formed by it begin to fly faster than a jet aircraft. These Giant waves were
first observed by NASA Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation researchers.
These waves affect radio communications and due to this they have developed a
technique for monitoring them. Now researchers can better understand how the
layers of our atmosphere interact. I believe that improving knowledge about this
can not only complement the picture of our world, but also be useful in practice
in the future.
1. the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво. means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного
відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
3.published in
This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources.
Molecular Ecology Resources.
· #419
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:15)
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:55)
Your comment is not bad, but too short, not informative enough, and I'd like to
learn your opinion on the issue as well. Mind: Today I 've read THE article ...
Unfortunately, your audio files are empty. Taking into account all that I can't
assess your work.
· #418
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:13)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 Thank you very good. What does DDE stand for? What
about other students from your subgroups. Did you instruct them yesterday as we
agreed upon?Get in touch with them and invite them for activities, pls.
· #417
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Myhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:11)
Today I have read the article "Researchers manage to generate attosecond pulses
at 100 kHz repetition rate" It's about Attosecond Laser Pulses. Light pulses
with a duration of one hundred attoseconds make it possible to study the
ultrafast dynamics of electrons. Usually, a two-laser pulse is used in the
experiment. The first excites the system, and the second takes a picture. One of
the most beneficial ways to observe system dynamics is REMI. And also one of the
factual studies is that laser pulses that control generation should have a pulse
duration as close as possible to a single light cycle.
I believe that the development of this technology will make it possible to
achieve great success in various fields of science and in everyday life.
1)by means of
by means of studying resistors we can determine how much resistance they give
2) the main objective
the main objective of studying radio engineering is the study of sound waves,
radio electronic equipment and the processes that occur in them
3) published in
The material that is published in the articles allows you to delve into the
study of the specialty.
Опубліковано в
Матеріал, який публікується в статтях, дозволяє заглибитись у вивчення
· #416
Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E.V) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:11)
Today I have read the article "The Deep-time Digital Earth program: Data-driven
discovery in geosciences"
Humans have long explored three big scientific questions: the evolution of the
universe, the evolution of Earth, and the evolution of life.
Geoscientists have embraced the mission of elucidating the evolution of Earth
and life, which are preserved in the information-rich but incomplete geological
record that spans more than 4.5 billion years of Earth history.
Delving into Earth's deep-time history helps geoscientists decipher mechanisms
and rates of Earth's evolution, unravel the rates and mechanisms of climate
change, locate natural resources, and envision the future of Earth.
I think this is incredible.
audio: audio:
1.the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво. means of
In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange.
цій техніці «чорнило» реагує з «полотном» за допомогою іонного обміну.
3.published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Nature Microbiology.
· #415
Gorbatiuk Stanislav RZ-213 (Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:11)
1) published in
Their scientific research was published in TIMES magazine.
2) the main objective
The main objective is to capture their attention.
3)By means of refined techniques he could achieve his main goals.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Reality check: what the path to a
1.5C world looks like". This article tells us about how University of Manchester
professor Kevin Anderson, who is a lead author of Tuesday's report from the
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research details how quickly countries must
phase-out oil and gas to cap global temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels. He says that If we are to stay within our carbon budget,
the key is eliminating the use of fossil fuels. There are other sources, but
carbon emissions are absolutely dominated by fossil fuels. At the same time
world leaders have to wake up, smell the coffee, and realise what we need to be
doing and if we won't right now, we are likely to fail. But if we, as humanity
don't try, we are guaranteed to fail.
· #414
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:09)
Today I've read the article in which the main idea was that the molecular
evolution of placental protein NRK and its function in regulating placental
growth has finally been clarified by researchers from Tokyo Tech. By the way,
Viviparity is a reproductive strategy in which the mother provides the embryo
with a continuous supply of nutrients in her body to grow sufficiently before
giving birth. Compared with oviparity, it can increase the survival rate of
fetuses and newborns. In fact, the mammalian placenta is a representative tissue
for supplying nutrients to the fetus and is evolutionarily novel.
In my opinion, this research opens up new ways for investigating molecular
evolutions for mammals to obtain the unique developmental tissue, the placenta.
This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by means of the citron homology
domain, where the middle region binds to CK2.(Цейбілоклокалізуєтьсянаплазматичніймембранізадопомогоюдоменугомологіїцитрон,
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology. (Їхнєдослідженнябулоопубліковановжурналі
Nature Microbiology.)
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations
· #413
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:08)
To Eugene Chervony RT-212 Very good , thank you. Can you contact with other from your subgroup and invite them to our activities today?(Stepanenko, Todorov, Tarasenko, Struzhuk).
· #412
Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:07)
Researchers at the University of Washington have recently developed a new
protocol to train robots and test their performance on tasks that involve object
manipulation. This protocol, presented in a paper published in IEEE Robotics and
Automation Letters, is based on the Rubik's Cube, the well-known 3D combination
puzzle invented by the Hungarian sculpture and architect Ernő Rubik. In one of
their previous studies, the team closely examined how robots acquire sequential
manipulation skills, such as those required to handle Rubik's cube. In their
experiments, they observed a mismatch between what humans and robots find
challenging, when completing the 3D combination puzzle.
I believe that this is a worthwhile research in robotics for the progress of
this structure, but in the long run it will lead to the well-known problem of
unemployment due to the uselessness of human labor.
It is forced upon people by means of weapons and fleets of spaceships.
If adopted both documents will be published in 1996.
This is the main objective of our Meeting.
· #411
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Mykhailiuk S.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:05)
I’ve read the article entitled «A stretchy display for shapable electronics». A
team of scientists has developed an elastic display that can be compressed. The
invention is based on an elastic light-emitting polymer of high brightness. Its
brightness is higher than that of a regular mobile phone. The display is made
entirely of synthetic plastic materials. It has seven layers. It can be
stretched almost twice. The screen is not injured when bent, so it can be glued
to the hand due to the film. In my opinion, this is just the beginning of great
breakthroughs in the field of telecommunications.
1. The Open Access journal Space: Science & Technology, published in association
with BIT, promotes the exploration in sciences in the mobile field.
Space: Science & Technology,
2. The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
3. This encoding is done by means of quantum ensembles.
Це кодування здійснюється за допомогою квантових ансамблів.
· #410
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:05)
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:51)
Your article review is well done, thanks. But the task with the phrases is
wrong. I can't assess it as all your sentences are from our site examples. You
have to find your own examples from the articles.
· #409
КулешовКонстантин(РЗ-211)(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:04)
Today I read the article "Tiny, Cheap Solutions for Quantum-Resistant
Encryption". It is quite reasonable to assume that an encrypted email cannot be
seen by prying eyes. That's because in order to break most of the encryption
systems we use day in and day out, if you're not the intended recipient, you
need the answer to a math problem that a computer can't practically solve in a
short amount of time.If one wants to create a secure channel, one timestamps a
subset of clocks and sends that information to a server, which can use its
knowledge of the initial state to determine what time the clock was at the time
it was sent.The server tells the person what time it was, and if it is correct,
a secure communication channel opens. software licenses. They can protect voting
records, check NFTs, or just make sure no one reads your email.
This article is very important for the average user. New encryption technologies
will allow the user not to worry about an attempt to hack his mail or account.
1. This protein is localized to the plasma membrane by the citron homology
domain, where the middle region binds to CK2.
2. This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources.
3. The main goal of DDE is to promote deep data discovery through international
and interdisciplinary collaboration. the main objective
· #408
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:02)
To To subgroups RT-212,RE-211 Welcome to our activities today. Pls submit your comments, sentences with phrases of the Day and voice audio links into the Guestbook.
· #407
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:02)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:43)
I appreciate your opinion, thanks. Your comment is rather interesting but too
long. Pay attention to my remarks: Today I 've read THE article called...
Please. record all sentences with phrases' examples in one audio file.
· #406
Vorobyova E. to Syrbu from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:01)
Not bad, but mind your grammar mistake in the last sentence of the commentary: “…steps ARE taken…”. Also: “burnT”. Go on working.
· #405
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:00)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative. It can be even shorter (up to 100 words).
· #404
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:58)
To Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 Well done, thank you.
· #403
Eugene Chervony RT-212(S.Mykhailiuk) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:57)
Today I have read the article "Single-photon source paves the way for practical
quantum encryption". It says that researchers have developed a new high-purity
single-photon source that can operate at room temperature. The source is an
important step towards the practical application of quantum technologies. The
source can produce over ten million single photons per second. Although
hexagonal boron nitride has previously been used to create a single photon
source operating at room temperature, until now, researchers have not been able
to achieve the efficiency required for real-world applications. I believe they
are now ready to translate these scientific advances in quantum 2D materials
into technologically advanced products.
1) the main objective
The main objective of our study is to obtain data on radio waves from previously
unknown sources.
Основна мета нашого дослідження - отримання даних про радіохвилі з раніше
невідомих джерел.
2) by means of
Liquids will be distributed by means of these vessels.
3) published in
In 1959, the first article about resistors was published in a popular newspaper.
1959 році в популярній газеті була опублікована перша стаття про резистори.
· #402
Vorobyova E. to Shpychka from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:56)
Good work. I am thankful for your participation in our language work today. Continue working this way.
· #401
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:55)
Today i've read article "Newly discovered Wi-Fi vulnerabilities called
FragAttacks put all mobile devices at risk". In article we get explanation what
the fragmentation and aggregation attacks allowed an attacker with the requisite
skills and who was within radio range of a target to potentially exploit such
flaws. Hackers could exploit programming vulnerabilities by adding frames into
protected Wi-Fi networks.
1)the main objective
That was the main objective — to make him a success
2)were published
The first results were published in 1955.
3) by means of
They are treated by means of psychoanalysis.
лікують за допомогою психоаналізу.
· #400
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:51)
Today I have read the article "Wind and solar power could replace coal power in
Texas." This article tells us about a study in which Texas could be a model for
the nation in how to effectively replace coal with wind and solar. This method
is not always effective, but where it is often sunny and windy, such devices
should be installed, which in turn will save the Earth's resources and harm the
environment. I believe that such research is very useful for the life of all
people, because it will help the Earth live for another couple of million years,
if its resources are not wasted, and the almost eternal sun and wind will
provide energy.
1)published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
2)by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
Було порушено і питання про винагороду учасників, наприклад, виплатою гонорарів.
3)the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
Таким чином, основна мета процесу структурної перебудови - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - досягнута.
· #399
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:51)
phrases of the day:
1. the main objective
The main objective of electronic engineering is utilizing active components such
as semiconductor devices to amplify and control electric current flow in
conjunction with passive electrical components.
Головною метою електронної інженерії є використання активних компонентів, таких
як полупроводникові прилади, задля посилення та управління потоком електричного
тока в поєднанні з пасивними електричними компонентами.
2. published in
The research of fingertip sensitivity for robots was published in Nature Machine
Nature Machine Intelligence.
3. by means of
In this technique, the "ink" reacts with the "canvas" by means of ion exchange.
цій техніці «чорнило» реагує з «полотном» за допомогою іонного обміну.
Today I've read the article about a research that determines optimum pressure to
improve the performance of lithium metal batteries. Lithium-metal batteries
(LMB) are much more efficient than today's best lithium-ion technologies. For
instance, they would have twice the range of lithium-ion battery-powered
vehicle, having equal battery weight. However, there is a potential safe menace
since there's a risk of a short circuits caused by lithium dendrite growth. A
group of researchers from different universities has recently discovered that
subjecting LMBs to pressure of 350 kilo Pascal forces lithium particles to
deposit in close dense columns, leaving no room for dendrites to grow. In my
view, this research is very perspective as it could solve practical problems in
the battery field in future
· #398
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:49)
1) 1. published in
The study has now been published in the journal Nature. -
2. the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved. -
3. by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process. -
2) Today,
have read thеаrtісlе
«Researchers reveal degradation mechanism of non-precious metal catalysts for
fuel cells»
Researchers from the Dalin Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences (CAS) recently uncovered the mechanism of degradation of
Fe-N-C NPMCs. The researchers found that D1 was the main active site of the
oxygen reduction reaction, and where the metallization was responsible for the
degradation of Fe-N-C.
In my opinion, this paper gives an idea of the mechanism of Fe-N-C degradation
at the molecular level. It can help reduce the cost of fuel cells and speed up
their commercialization.
· #397
Kate Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:49)
1) This study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources.
Molecular Ecology Resources.
2) The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
3) When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of
natural selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Today i've read the article: "Calculating the global carbon footprint of space
science". The article touches upon an important issue, that a team of
researchers at Université de Toulouse suggests the footprint of space science
adds up to 1.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide released into the
atmosphere each year, and it has a lifetime footprint of 20.3 million metric
tons. The researchers note that carbon release as part of astronomy research
runs the gamut and can include the following, for example: fuel that is burned
by rockets, emissions from planes as researchers fly to attend meetings all over
the world. They also suggest that steps be taken to reduce their footprint.
· #396
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:49)
Today i have read the article "Early English lessons have lasting effects".
From the article, we learn that learning English from an early age has a good
effect on learning English in the future. It has been shown that children who
started learning English from the first grade did better on assignments in the
ninth grade than children who learned English from the third grade. Which proves
the theory of researchers who conducted a study involving 3,000 students.
In my opinion, this study will affect the current education system.
Phrases of the day:
1)Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
2)Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
3)Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
· #395
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:48)
Revyakin A.(RT-212) thanks, just good for both activities. As to you comment,
mind:”the article says”. Keep on working hard.
· #394
Vorobyova E. to Tihonov from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:48)
Your sentences are correct but mind the rules of Sequence of Tenses in the last sentence of the review on the article. Your voice message is all right. Go on working on the site.
· #393
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:48)
Today I have read an article "Using blockchain contracts to build botnets".
This article tells about blockchain and its capabilities, advantages and
This technology has many more intended uses than cryptocurrencies. As with any
technology, there are ways to abuse it for purposes, such as distributing and
introducing malware.
A new study published in the International Journal of Information and Computer
Security shows how blockchain technology and smart contracts can be used to
create a distributed network of computers. Such a network without a central
server could be used to create a botnet, a system for attacking and hacking
other online resources for criminal purposes or other malicious purposes.
Commonly, networks of interconnected computers, surreptitiously recruit
thousands of computers often through phishing and malware attacks for the
benefit of a central entity. The commadner might then use the botnet to carry
out distributed denial of service attacks , send spam, host criminal websites,
and perform other activities.
Text will be useful for people who are interested in this theme.
I recommend you to read it.
1)published in
This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
2)the main objective
This is the main objective of our Meeting.
3) by means of
Entry would be by means of a card.
Вхід буде здійснюватися за допомогою картки.
· #392
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:47)
To Andrey Kovalzhi RZ-211 The commrnt is well done, but you constantly forget about translation of the sentences.
· #391
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:44)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211 Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.
· #390
Tihonov Ivan (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:44)
1. by means of
example: The blocks are raised by means of pulleys\
2. the main objective
example: Winning the war is the main objective of the year
3. published in
example: Your article was published today
There are often days when work becomes difficult and you want a distraction. And
the best way to soothe a tense environment is with humour. But a University of
Missouri study found that women have a much harder time cracking jokes in the
workplace than men. The perception of humour at work depends on many factors,
influenced by the employee's job title as well as his or her relationships with
other employees. Christopher Robert, who is dean of the Trulask College of
Business, conducted the study, which involved 92 college students. The
participants were exposed to a joke in different situations and asked how stupid
or clever they thought the joke was. It also tested whether gender, influences
the perception of humour. And the study showed that if a woman jokes on a man,
it is perceived as normal, but when a woman in a high position jokes on a woman
in a lower position, it causes more anger than joy.
· #389
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:43)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
1)published in
this is published in 2020
2) the main objective
This is the main objective of our Meeting
3) by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your diligence
· #388
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:43)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #387
Vorobyova E. to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:40)
Not bad, but don’t forget about the articles “a/the” and mispronounced words, such as: “structural”, “structures”; “prevent”; “dramatically”; “mechanical”. Continue working.
· #386
Revyakin A.(RT-212) Myhailiuk (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:36)
This helpful study was also published in a scientific journal.
корисне дослідження також було опубліковано в науковому журналі.
The main objective of training is to become an expert in your field.
We become more qualified specialists by means of continuous improvement of our
Today I've read the article which tells us about the controlled movement of
water droplets using a magnet.
This article tells us about the achievements of scientists in the field of
research on the possibilities of magnetism. The thing is that at once several
areas are interested in controlling small parts of the water. Due to the strong
magnetic field, water droplets are formed into a so-called ferrofluid. And this
ferrofluid can follow the magnet. This research opens up many possibilities in
the development of sensing devices for liquids.
In my opinion, this study is only the beginning of a large and long amount of
work, since today the whole spectrum of what can be studied through this study
isn't yet fully understood.
· #385
Andrey Kovalzhi RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:35)
Today I have read the article "Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs needs urgent
attention, say scientists". It says that scientists from the University of New
York came to the conclusion that the chemical compounds and materials used in
the manufacture of sunscreens, getting into the oceans, can greatly harm marine
organisms, and more importantly, destroy huge coral reefs!
Now scientists are working to improve the formula of sunscreens and make them
less toxic to marine life.
I think this problem is really very important because coral reefs play a
critical role in maintaining the homeostasis of the ocean and a huge number of
marine creatures can only exist thanks to the existence of corals.
Daily phrases:
1. the main objective
The main objective of that experiment was to find a new way to product fuel.
2. published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
3. by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
· #384
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:33)
Today i have read the article titled "Toward speech recognition for uncommon
spoken languages". This article is about automated speech-recognition
technology. But this technology didn't spread for uncommon spoken languages.
Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have now tackled this problem by developing a
simple technique that reduces the complexity of an advanced speech-learning
model, enabling it to run more efficiently and achieve higher performance. This
is an important problem that needed to solve. Because other uncommon languages
underexplored in the world.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.(Основнаціль
2) published in
The function of the glycolytic enzyme hexokinase 1 differs depending on its
location within the cell, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published
in Molecular Cell.(Відповіднододослідження
Northwestern Medicine,
Molecular Cell,
3) by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.(Рухомдрібнихкрапельводикеруютьзадопомогоюмагніту.)
Vocaroo -
· #383
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:33)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1. This task has become the main objective for 1998 of the Human Rights Field
завдання стало головним завданням польового офісу з прав людини на 1998 рік.
This photo could be published in a fashion magazine.
3. We will be monitoring your conversations by means of this listening device
that we've fitted into your shirt collar.
будемо відстежувати ваші розмови за допомогою цього прослуховуваного пристрою,
який ми вмонтували у комір вашої сорочки.
· #382
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:32)
Today I have read the article “Tesla finally gets green light to start
production in Germany”. This article is about the final start of producing Tesla
cars in Europe.After getting snarled up in German red tape, US electric car
pioneer Tesla at last got the final go-ahead from authorities Friday, paving the
way for production to begin shortly at its "gigafactory" outside
Berlin.Officials in the eastern state of Brandenburg, where the factory sits,
issued the final approval for the company's first production site in
Europe.Brandenburg, formerly part of communist east Germany, is hoping for a job
boost from the new factory and has positioned itself as a hub for the production
of electric vehicles. In my opinion, it's good news, because it will increase
sales of electric cars in Europe.
the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.(Основнамета
published in
Now, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) specifies for the first time the levels of energy, the entropy,
and the enthalpy of protein folding.(Теперстаття,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),
by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.(КолиЧарльзДарвінвпершекодифікувавтеоріюеволюціїзадопомогоюприродноговідбору,
· #381
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:31)
To Denis Tsvietkov. РЗ-213 I am not your tutor! Be attentive.
· #380
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:31)
Well done, thank you. Today’s work is written and voiced correctly. Go on working this way.
· #379
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:31)
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:26)
Your artice review is reasonable and clear, thank you, but what is your opinion
on the issue?
Check the pronunciation: automatically identification. Keep up working!
· #378
Vorobyova E. to Shlapak from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:28)
Mind the use of the Present Perfect Tense and the definite article “the” in the first sentence of the review on the article: “Today I HAVE READ THE article about…”
· #377
Denis Tsvietkov. РЗ-213 (Лєбєдєва Е.В.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:28)
1) the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
(Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - була досягнута.)
2) published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics. (Цейрезультатопубліковановлітописахматематики.)
3) by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised. (Порушувалосяпитаннявинагородиучасників,
I have read the article: "Sounds of nature benefit mental health and promote
environmental protection". For a long time, mankind had empirical knowledge
about the effects of sound and noise on body functions, and only recently the
science of audiology began to deal with this seriously and responsibly. Sound is
just a vibration that has a strong effect on the brain, and through it on the
human body. A sound field is a region of space in which sound waves propagate
and energy is transferred. The sounds of nature could help us recover from
mental fatigue, but this power may be under threat as ecosystems decline and
people disconnect from the natural world. This article was very interesting, so
I will recommend it to my friends.
· #376
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:26)
Today I have read the article “A new model to automatically detect and filter
spam emails”. Spam is a problem that has arisen along with the emergence of
email. These messages can contain advertisements, but also phishing links or
malware. The automatic filtering of emails and the identification of spam
messages is highly advantageous, as it can reduce the risk of phishing attacks
and make it easier for users to navigate their accounts.Over the past few years,
computer scientists have developed increasingly advanced computational models to
automatically detect spam emails. To perform well, however, most of these models
need to be trained on large email datasets, which were manually labeled by
published in
Articles published in the journal have an exceptionally wide impact across the
national security enterprise.
The main objective.
The main objective in modern foreign language study today should be to become
intelligent about language
by means of
Student progress is monitored by means of continuous assessment on a range of
practical exercises.
· #375
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:25)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:15)
Your comment is clear as well as the task with the Phrases. Pay attention to the
pronunciation: chemists read (3rd form) occupy utilized construction technology.
Please, choose the topics which are more relevant to your specialty.
· #374
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:24)
Prhases of Day
1. published in :
The study is published in Advanced Materials
2. the main objective :
The main objectives of this initiative were to develop new algorithms and
methods for processing SMOS data to obtain an Arctic sea surface salinity
product and to study the benefits of assimilating these data into circulation
3. by means of :
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI are the first to have joined two
proteins together by means of a free-standing, rigid link.
Дослідники з Інституту Пола Шеррера PSI були першими, хто з’єднав два білки
разом за допомогою окремо стоячого жорсткого зв’язку.
Today, i have had an opportunity to read the article about new ways of
purification of polluted water.
An international team of researchers has developed nanorobots capable of
removing heavy metals from polluted water.
In their journal, the scientists described their nanorobots and how they work in
tests. I believe that such research and inventions are very important in our
Because every year the level of environmental pollution increases. As a result
of changes in the climate of our planet, and an increase in the number of
That`s why i hope that new ways of purifying the air and water will help us save
our planet.
Слава Україні
Glory to Ukraine
· #373
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:23)
Your sentences with the new phrases are written correctly but don’t forget about the correct use of the definite article “the” (“the article about…”, “the majority of…”). Your records are all right. Thank you for the participation.
· #372
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:22)
To Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213 I am not your tutor. Be attentive.
· #371
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:20)
To Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 ) Well done, thank you.
· #370
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:20)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:12)
Thanks for your comment, it's interetsing and clear, but too informative, too
long,mind,please, it must be around 100 words.
· #369
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:19)
1. The main objective of the enterprise is the destruction of the city.
2. This article was published in the newspaper News of the Day.
3. They will live at the by means of their parents.
Today I read an article `The sex chromosomes of birds as a reservoir for jumping
genes`" Well, I'm not very interested in the topic of animals and genomes, but
it's probably useful, necessary and interesting for someone. It's a pity for a
few birds, they can suffer at any moment and their fault will not be here. Just
like mi people, only we have cancer cells and they have TES elements. Perhaps
people will find a solution to these problems, it wouldn't be bad.
· #368
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Thank you for your comment. It's quite all right.
· #367
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:15)
Today I've read the article "Storing energy in red bricks". This article tells
about a red brick device. The Brick has been used in walls and buildings for
thousands of years, but rarely has been found fit for any other use. Now,
chemists have developed a method to make or modify "smart bricks" that can store
energy. Really, walls and buildings made of bricks already occupy large amounts
of space, which could be better utilized if given an additional purpose for
electrical storage.
In my opinion this is a very interesting and cool idea for progress in
construction and technology.
published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
The main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international collaborations.
by means of
Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet
· #366
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:14)
Today I have read the article "Astronomers discover infant planet"This article
is about the discovery of a new infant planet, which is considered a very rare
occurrence. The discovery of a new infant planet will help us expand our
understanding of how planets form and change with time, helping shed new light
on the origin of the Solar System and Earth. That planet one of the youngest
planets ever found around a distant infant star has been discovered by an
international team of scientists led by the University of Hawaii at Mānoa
faculty, students, and alumni. In my opinion, this article is very interesting
to read for everyone, especially for people who love and is interested in deep
the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
published in
If adopted both documents will be published in 1996.
by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформацію можна витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
· #365
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:12)
1. This morning I have read the article 'Not bot, not beast: Scientists create
first ever living, programmable organism'.
It tells about the new lifeform called xenobots, a combination of artificial
intelligence (AI) and biology. One of the researchers described the creation as
"neither a traditional robot nor a known species of animal", but a "new class of
artifact: a living, programmable organism". To make xenobots, the research team
used a supercomputer to test thousands of random designs of simple living things
that could perform certain tasks. The computer was programmed with an AI
"evolutionary algorithm" to predict which organisms would likely display useful
tasks, such as moving towards a target. After the selection of the most
promising designs, the scientists attempted to replicate the virtual models with
frog skin or heart cells, which were manually joined using microsurgery tools.
The heart cells in these bespoke assemblies contract and relax, giving the
organisms motion.
The creation of xenobots is groundbreaking, and in my opinion, this creation can
lead to a completely new handmade source of life, close to this of a human. The
main objective of scientists is to guide it to a proper use, and do not allow it
to fall into the evil hands of corruptions and lies.
4. 1) published in
The textbook was first published in 1858 and is now in its 39th edition.
2) the main objective
The main objective is to find a solution that is agreeable to the company in
terms of cost.
3) by means of
The water may be carried by means of a pipe.
· #364
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:11)
1)Today I have read the article ''Robotic exoskeleton uses machine learning to
help users with mobility impairments''.This article is about new exoskeletons
that will help people with musculoskeletal disorders. Exoskeletons have been
around for a long time, but the main problem for people with mobility
impairments was that their muscles couldn't support the weight of the heavy
exoskeleton. These exoskeletons are made on the basis of carbon fiber, which
greatly facilitates the exoskeleton, and it is also equipped with AI, which, by
analyzing human behavior, will help him move.
In my opinion, these technologies in the future will be able to fully allow all
people with disabilities to feel completely healthy and alive, and this is very
important, because everyone wants to live a full life, and if nature has
deprived a person of the opportunity, then science will come to the rescue.
1)by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного
відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
2)the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
3)published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
· #363
Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:11)
Tuebingen and AB are the two most common laboratory zebrafish strains. A
research group led by Prof. He Shunping from the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB)
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported a high-quality de novo genome
assembly of the AB strain (DrAB1), and uncovered extensive sequence divergence
between the reference genomes of two zebrafish strains, Tuebingen and AB. This
study was published in Molecular Ecology Resources. According to the results of
this study, the two different zebrafish strains may harbor dramatically
different complements of proteins and regulatory sequences, suggesting that the
strain-specific genetic variations should be considered in experimental design
since they could potentially confound studies intended for data applications and
translations to human diseases.
1.published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics.
2.the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved. means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised.
· #362
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:11)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211) Not bad, but I'd like to read your opinion as well.
· #361
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:09)
To Misha Donenko RZ-211 Your comment is clear and informative. In general, well done.
· #360
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Thursday, 24 March 2022)
Today i've read the article "Researchers propose novel blind source separation
framework for sound mixing"
the article tells about A Blind source separation (BSS) aims to estimate source
signals from observed
mixtures without prior information about the source or mixing system.
Recently, researchers from the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (IACAS)
proposed a BSS framework based on the frequency-domain convolution transfer
function, which provides
a new idea for solving the BSS problem in highly reverberant environments.
Without employing the narrowband assumption, they approximated the time-domain
convolutive mixture using
a frequency-wise convolutive mixture, and proposed a convolution transfer
function (CTF)-based multichannel
nonnegative matrix factorization (MNMF) framework for BSS in highly reverberant
This article is worth reading for people who are into music to keep up to date
with new sound mixing systems.
1)the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
2)by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
3)published in
The latest progress report on combating social exclusion was published in
February 2007.
· #359
Anna Yakymova/ RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:06)
Phrases of the day (24.03):
the main objective —основнаяцель
The main objective of development is software.
published in —
In a paper published in the journal Science in 2015, a team of researchers
reported the discovery of what was believed to be an example of the first known
four-legged snake fossil, an animal they named Tetrapodophis amplectus.
by means of —посредством
Computer modeling of deposition and land growth by means of river diversions
suggests that the subsidence driven by accumulating sediment has a limited
impact on reducing the rate of land growth, both horizontally and vertically.
Today I've read an article 'The most important skill a programmer can learn'. As
we all know, programming is the art of solving a problem. However, majority of
'problems' software engineers usually cause themselves. The more code you write
the more place there is for bugs to hide, the longer checkouts or compiles take,
the longer it takes a new employee to make sense of your system etc. So, the
most important skill is understanding what feature you need or not.
'Understanding the purpose of your software and its core definition is the first
step to know when not to code' - author says.
To my mind, this article is great and it helped me to understand how to remove
lots of bugs from my project.
· #358
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:05)
The article I have read today is "Smart farming: AI technologies for sustainable
agriculture". The author claims that climate change, warming, pesticide use
negatively affects the quality of agriculture. The NaLamKI project is coming to
the rescue, trying to create a cloud software platform. The result of the
project will be communication between people working in a particular field of
agriculture. In addition to the climate, the author stressed that there is
already a shortage of labor. To solve this problem, the project of the institute
develops methods of artificial intelligence to analyze the quality of conditions
for plants.
1) Movement of small water droplets controlled by means of a magnet.
2) The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations.
Основна мета DDE полягає в тому, щоб сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних
через міжнародне та міждисциплінарне співробітництво.
3) Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Nature Microbiology.
· #357
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 24 March 2022 09:02)
Today I’ve read the article “US to curb hacking tool exports to Russia, China”.
The United States opposes the misuse of technology to abuse human rights or
conduct other malicious cyber activities, and these new rules will help ensure
that US companies are not fueling authoritarian practices. The figure was also
42 percent higher than the amount divulged by financial institutions for all of
2020, the US Treasury report said, and there are strong indicators the true cost
could be in the billions. Under Commerce's new rules, a license would be
required when selling to places deemed "countries of national security or
weapons of mass destruction concern," or which are already under an arms
embargo. Because of the complexity of the technology and the mix of uses, the
rules can be complicated as they differentiate between governments, defensive
uses and private individuals.
US to curb hacking tool exports to Russia, China (
1.published in
The plan was elaborated throughout 2005 and published in April 2006.
2. the main objective
The review had found that the main objective of offshoring was cost-saving.
3. by means of
The information can be extracted by means of your suffering.
Інформацію можна витягти за допомогою ваших страждань.
· #356
Vorobyova E. to РЗ-213 (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:59)
Good day, students! Our English lesson has started and I am waiting for your active participation. Please, don’t forget about your comments with the audio and sentences with the new phrases. You are welcome!
· #355
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:55)
To Kozhushko Dima RZ-211 Thank you for your comment. It's quite all right.
· #354
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:51)
To Denis Tsvietkov. РЗ-213 Be attentive and check your tutor!
· #353
Yershova Y.A. to PЗ-211 (1) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:50)
Good morning! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your reviews and audio recordings. Do not forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #352
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:46)
To РЗ-211Good morning! The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #351
Denis Tsvietkov. РЗ-213 (Лєбєдєва Е.В.) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 08:05)
1) the main objective
Thus the main objective of the restructuring process - to avoid any deficit -
has been achieved.
(Таким чином, головна мета процесу реструктуризації - уникнути будь-якого
дефіциту - була досягнута.)
2) published in
This result is published in the Annals of Mathematics. (Цей результат
опубліковано в літописах математики.)
3) by means of
The question of remuneration of the participants, for example by means of
honoraria, was raised. (Порушувалося питання винагороди учасників, наприклад за
рахунок гонорарів.)
Стаття :
Голосове :
Today i have read an interesting article called "Drones show promise in speeding
up communication with underwater robots for ocean surveys".
It's about researchers at the University of Tokyo who think drones could be the
next step for better ocean surveillance. Sensors mounted on underwater robotic
devices are used to communicate with base stations on the sea surface.
Researchers have found a promising way to optimize this underwater connection.
What's more, UAVs can move at speeds of 50 km/h or more and are not affected by
ocean currents, making them ideal candidates for this job. In my opinion, ocean
exploration will be much easier in the future thanks to these drones.
· #350
Kozhushko Dima RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 24 March 2022 07:40)
Today i’ve read an article “Can Facebook's smart glasses be smart about security
and privacy?”
This article tells us about Facebook new technology.
They made Ray-Ban stories glasses with two cameras and three microphones built
in it. Also this glasses can add augmented reality features to your life. It can
be helpful in your everyday tasks. They could provide wearers with a wealth of
information, including the ability to get answers to questions like "Where did I
leave my keys?". Besides, Facebook want to know on what we pay attention to,
what we say, see and other. But can this glasses be safe and secure? Several
other technology companies like Google, Lenovo, Microsoft have also been
experimenting with smart glasses, but there were failures with personal
information security. It was easy to hack and stole information about your life
with this smart glasses. But Facebook says that they were able to do everything
safely and securely.
This article is important to read if you want to know about newest technologies
and their security.
1) published in
Their study was published in the journal Nature Microbiology.
Їхнє дослідження було опубліковано в журналі Nature Microbiology.
2) by means of
When Charles Darwin first codified the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection, he thought of it as a gradual process.
Коли Чарльз Дарвін вперше кодифікував теорію еволюції за допомогою природного
відбору, він вважав це поступовим процесом.
3) the main objective
The main objective of DDE is to facilitate deep-time, data-driven discoveries
through international and interdisciplinary collaborations
Основна мета DDE — сприяти глибоким відкриттям на основі даних через міжнародне
та міждисциплінарне співробітництво
· #349
Chernetskiy Nikita Rz-213(Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:39)
Biophysicists from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich have shown
that a phenomenon known as diffusiophoresis, which can lead to a directed
particle transport, can occur in biological systems. In order to perform their
biological functions, cells must ensure that their logistical schedules are
implemented smoothly, such that the necessary molecular cargoes are delivered to
their intended destinations on time. Most of the known transport mechanisms in
cells are based on specific interactions between the cargo to be transported and
the energy-consuming motor proteins that convey the load to its destination. A
group of researchers led by LMU physicist Erwin Frey (Chair of Statistical and
Biological Physics) and Petra Schwille of the Max Planck Institute for
Biochemistry has now shown for the first time that a form of directed transport
of particles can take place in cells, even in the absence of molecular motors.
1. well justified
This effort has somewhat increased the content of the report, but this is an
increase that is well justified.
2.Turns out that
Turns out that Stanley is quite the comedy fan.
3. under certain assumptions
National sample surveys are rarely large enough to produce small area data
directly but they do represent a valuable current source of information that can
be used, under certain assumptions, in combination with other sources to produce
small area data.
· #348
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 21:18)
Today I've read the article in which the main idea was that a group of
researchers has now shown for the first time that a form of directed transport
of particles can take place in cells, even in the absence of molecular motors.
Moreover, this mechanism can sort the transported particles due to their size.
The two proteins MinD and MinE swing between the poles of the rod-shaped cell
and their mutual interaction on the cell membrane ultimately restricts the plane
of cell division to the center of the cell. In my opinion, scientists have
demonstrated the involvement of a purely physical form of transport in a
biological pattern-forming system.
Transferring the results to the field is then possible under certain
assumptions, but should be backed up by further investigations in the laboratory
and in the field.(Передача результатів на місцевість можлива за певних
припущень, але вона повинна бути підкріплена подальшими дослідженнями в
лабораторії та на місцях.)
It turns out that it's possible to distinguish between conspiracy theories and
true conspiracies by using machine learning tools to graph the elements and
connections of a narrative.(Виявилося, що можна відрізнити теорію змови від
справжньої змови, використовуючи інструменти машинного навчання, щоб зобразити
елементи та зв’язки наративу.)
Culling native species for conservation needs to be well justified—and
legal.(Вибракування місцевих видів для збереження має бути добре обґрунтованим —
і законним.)
· #347
Yakymova Anna / RZ-213 (Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 19:33)
audio recording:
Today I have read the article "Scientists find molecular patterns that may help
identify extraterrestrial life". It talked about the methods of detecting life
outside the Earth. In general, the question "are we not alone in the universe?"
worried more than one generation of people, and with the advent of the
possibility of astronautics, we are one step closer to the answer. By 2024 and
2027, it is planned to launch vehicles to explore Mars and another satellite.
For research, samples of chemical components from these planets and satellites
are needed.
don’t think our generation will be able to answer the question, but we don’t
know for sure.
· #346
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 19:21)
Today i have read the article: "Opinion: What war in Ukraine means for cyber
security in Europe"
From the article, we learn that due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there
have been cases of cyber attacks in Europe and Ukraine. Many European experts
report that malicious programs have been sent to the mail and social networks of
users. These programs leak all information about the owner of the mail to the
my opinion, Ukraine and Europe should prepare and respond to the next cyber
attacks and prevent damage.
Phrases of the day:
1)Culling native species for conservation needs to be well justified—and legal.
2)Transferring the results to the field is then possible under certain
3)It turns out that they are very powerful for these purposes.
· #345
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 18:40)
Prhases of Day
1. turns out that :
It turns out that because of those differences in the access technology, the two
networks are built using completely different equipment and algorithms.
Виявляється, що через ці відмінності в технології доступу дві мережі будуються з
використанням абсолютно різного обладнання та алгоритмів.
2. under certain assumptions :
In this paper, the author demonstrates that under certain assumptions, a
solution exists.
цій роботі автор демонструє, що за певних припущень рішення існує.
3. well justified :
It is clear that more research to better understand the function of this gene is
well justified, ends Leif Andersson.
Зрозуміло, що додаткові дослідження для кращого розуміння функції цього гена
цілком виправдані, закінчує Лейф Андерссон.
Today a very interesting article was read by me.This article describes a new
application of artificial intelligence.
Using AI, scientists have developed programs to model and visualize the effects
of future climate change anywhere in the world, including our home.
Honestly, I was very interested in this article.
Because, unfortunately, we are not aware of the consequences of these changes in
nature. Many people do not even think about protecting the environment.
agree with scientists who hope that the visualization of the home due to climate
change will help to think about this issue.
We have a responsibility to protect our planet for future generations.
Слава Україні
Glory to Ukraine
· #344
Tihonov Ivan (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 18:39)
1. under certain assumptions
example: It can be assumed that, under certain assumptions, the war may end this
2. turns out that
example: It turns out I'm one of them.
3. well justified
example: Justified and well-motivated decisions on resource allocation can be
made only after this has been done.
Steve Wozniak is one of the co-founders of Apple, which they co-founded with the
late Steve Jobs.
Although he left the company in 1985, he stayed true to the idea of scientific
and technological progress. Wozniak participated in Dancing with the Stars in
2009 and more recently he has been involved in the unicorn hunt. During the
interview, Steve said that he enjoys learning new things about the world. He was
further asked how he felt about the development of technology in the world.
Steve mentioned the smart home system as well as voice assistants, and said it
was good to see technology developing so quickly.
· #343
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 16:43)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I have read the article "In winter, the waters off the French coast can be
a deadly trap for small turtles foraging for food.
He says the waters off the French coast are too cold in winter for small turtles
to forage for food.
Satellite tracking data published
in Frontiers in Marine Science suggests that while some turtles may return home
after being rehabilitated and released in Florida in the
US or Cape Verde off the African coast, young people are at risk of being
trapped. region.
my opinion, the protection of animals should be a priority for all of us, and
any methods of ensuring the safety of animals should be
1. But it turns out, you need propane to get it up in the air.
виявляється, щоб підняти його в повітря, потрібен пропан.
2. If there were no tax advantages for issuing debt, and equity could be freely
issued, Miller and Modigliani showed that, under certain assumptions, the value
of a leveraged firm and the value of an unleveraged firm should be the same.
Якби не було податкових переваг для випуску боргових зобов’язань, а акціонерний
капітал міг вільно випускатися, Міллер і Модільяні показали, що, за певних
припущень, вартість фірми з кредитним плечом і вартість фірми без кредитного
кредиту повинні бути однаковими.
3. Calls for jobs, sound investments and sustainable growth are well justified.
Оголошення про роботу, безпечні інвестиції та стійке зростання підтверджують це
і це, чого потрібно прагнути.
· #342
Petrova E.I. (Wednesday, 23 March 2022 09:22)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants !
N'oubliez pas d'écrire vos commentaires régulièrement. Ils doivent etre
argumentatifs. Il ne faut pas suivre le déroulement du texte, paraphraser.
Laissez vos commentaires et vos enregistrements ici Bon travail!
· #341
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 19:14)
Today I've read an article about the most boring person which I've found
ironically interesting.Religious data entry worker, who likes watching TV, and
lives in a town, has been confirmed to be the most boring person.It was said
that boring people avoid large settlements in small cities and society avoids
such people.Unfortunately, the fact that people dislike boredom in others can
lead to social ostracization. Perceptions can change but people may not take
time to speak to those with 'boring' jobs like bankers or data analysts.In my
opinion, we need to break stereotypes by understanding that there is no boring
job and that people like data analysts are highly capable and have power in
society so we shouldn't upset them by putting a stigma.
1. Lithium-ion batteries also require little maintenance when compared to some
2.They analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements
that the platform would have to meet. -Вонипроаналізувалиреалістичнітематичнідослідження,
3.The pursuit of issues on multiple levels with different temporal horizons
integrates the goal of sustainability into the programme strategy.-Перегляд
питань на різних рівнях з різними тимчасовими горизонтами інтегрує мету
стійкості в програмну стратегію.
· #340
Diakin Nikita RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 15:39)
Today I have read an article “Four reasons why physically punishing school
children doesn't work”. At the start of this article the author tells us his
life story and shares his experience about the topic, then he defines four main
reasons why physically punishing school children doesn't work. These reasons
are: Learning and the brain, Escalation, Role models and Psychological damage.
case studies (тематичні дослідження) - The case study has come to the conclusion
that the CO 2 emissions of a geothermal power plant used exclusively for
electricity generation depend to more than one third on the working medium used.
when compared (при порівнянні з) - Travel site aggregators face challenges when
compared to airlines that market directly.
multiple levels (кілька рівнів) - Redundancy, as seen in federations with their
multiple levels of government, is actually a plus when it comes to crisis
response, Shvetsova's research found.
· #339
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:10)
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) , thanks.
· #338
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:09)
To Sergey Kyznyak RT-211
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work.
· #337
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:06)
To Artem Verhelis RT-211
Thank you, your tasks are quite correct.
· #336
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:05)
To Nazariy Glugan RT-211
Everything is good, thanks.
· #335
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:02)
Today I have read the article "Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs needs urgent
attention, say scientists". It says that scientists from the University of New
York came to the conclusion that the chemical compounds and materials used in
the manufacture of sunscreens, getting into the oceans, can greatly harm marine
organisms, and more importantly, destroy huge coral reefs!
scientists are working to improve the formula of sunscreens and make them less
toxic to marine life.
I think this problem is really very important because coral reefs play a
critical role in maintaining the homeostasis of the ocean and a huge number of
marine creatures can only exist thanks to the existence of corals.
1) priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on
our consultation with experts.
На основе наших консультаций с экспертами мы выносим четыре рекомендации в
отношении приоритетных областей исследований.
2) prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should remain.
Возобладало мнение о том, что данный проект статьи играет важную роль и что его
следует сохранить.
3) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
В рамках этой программы финансировались исследования по поиску технических
решений практических проблем, с которыми сталкиваются развивающиеся страны.
· #334
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 11:01)
To #289
Sorry, I've forgotten to mention the link.
Probably deleted somehow.
Article link:
· #333
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:59)
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) pls use the calculator to count the number of words for
your comment (100 words). Also try to use your own sentences while compiling
your story. Just 68 points. Task 2is good.keep on working hard to improve your
· #332
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:52)
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) your comment is too lengthy ( not more than 100
Just good for both tasks. Keep on working hard.
· #331
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:52)
To Avdeev Danil RT-211
Mind, pls.,: Today I have read THE article
· #330
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:50)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211
Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #329
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:48)
To Timur Ergul RT-211
Thank you, well done!
· #328
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:46)
To Kryvosheienko Stanislav (RT-211)
Don't forget about the links to the article
· #327
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:46)
To Gridnev Dmytro RF-211 This time is better . Just good.
· #326
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:44)
To El-kadi Zakaria (RT-211)
Read my remarks attentively to avoid making some mistakes.The first sentence
should be: ''Today I’ve read the article (the title of the article).
tells us about...'' Do not forget to use the article a/the , the Present Perfect
tense, Phrases, links to the article and the audio description of the article
and Phrases.
Mind that your comment should include up to 100 words. Use Word Count Tool to
check it.
on working.
· #325
Gridnev Dmytro RF-211(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:39)
To #316
Correct answer:
1)Multiple levels of many expansion aren't supported
2)Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
3)To program the modules, partners from a range of case studies have been busy
collecting vast amounts of project data
· #324
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:39)
To Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211)
Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #323
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:38)
To Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211) Thank you for your comment. In general, it's good and I appreciate your point of view.
· #322
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:37)
Pontus Natalia ( RF-211) There are grammar mistakes in your comments. Also no
need to write word ‘interesting’ in the conclusion. And please choose the topic
which is relevant to your speciality.
Just 70 points. Task 2 is very good.
· #321
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:36)
To Dima Kozhushko RZ-211, Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211, Ivanitskaya Christina РЗ-211, Daniil Dragin (RZ-211), Misha Donenko RZ-211 Thanks for your sharing your opinions, students. Well done!
· #320
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:32)
Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211) Thanks Task one is good. Task2 is very good. Try to
work hard.and on time!
· #319
Gvozd to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:27)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211
I have read your tasks, not bad.
Keep on working.
· #318
Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:26)
Today I have read the article "A security technique to fool would-be cyber
Multiple programs running on the same computer may not be able to directly
access each other's hidden information,
but because they share the same memory hardware, their secrets could be stolen
by a malicious program through a "memory timing side-channel attack."
This malicious program notices delays when it tries to access a computer's
memory, because the hardware is shared among all programs using the machine.
It can then interpret those delays to obtain another program's secrets, like a
password or cryptographic key.
To prevent contention attacks, the researchers developed a scheme that "shapes"
a program's memory requests into a predefined pattern that is independent of
when the program actually needs to use the memory controller.
In my opinion this is a useful discovery for information security.
1) when compared.
Their method is able to speed up programs by 12 percent when compared to
state-of-the-art security schemes.
Їх метод здатний прискорити програми на 12 відсотків у порівнянні з
найсучаснішими схемами безпеки.
2) case studies.
The case study has come to the conclusion that the CO2 emissions of a geothermal
power plant used exclusively for electricity generation depend to more than one
third on the working medium used.
Тематичні дослідження прийшли до висновку, що викиди CO2 геотермальної
електростанції, яка використовується виключно для виробництва електроенергії,
більш ніж на одну третину залежить від використовуваного робочого середовища.
3) multiple levels.
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на
багатьох рівнях.
voiceover phrases:
· #317
Bilokamenskiy Anton (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:25)
Today i have read article titled "Hot spring forecast: Drought deepens in West,
flooding ebbs" by Seth Borenstein. The article was all about climate change and
drought. Meteorologists from NOAA predicts that all of the Lower 48 states in
the USA will be warmer this spring, while snow and rain levels was lowest since
1922. It is a massive problem and name of it climate changes. The 20 years
megadrought at all the west is the worst in 1200 years. In my opinion, this
article is very important to understand the problem about climate changing. This
natural phenomenon already affecting millions of people and will spread, till
people find the way to stop it.
Phrases of the day:
The CASE STUDIES revealed strong connections between indigenous land rights and
Дослідження конкретних випадків виявили тісний зв’язок між правами корінного
населення на землю та житлом.
2. And the beauty of the book is that it works on MULTIPLE LEVELS.
принадність книги в тому, що вона працює на кількох рівнях.
3. It is also easy to control and minimize the side effects of Tren Acetate when
compared to other forms.
Також легко контролювати та мінімізувати побічні ефекти Тренацетату в порівнянні
з іншими формами.
· #316
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:25)
Gridnev Dmytro RF-211 pls make up your own sentences in the comments. Just 74
points. Task2 cannot be acceptable as all students of your group have selected
the same sentences. Pls make up your own sentences with the phrases different
from other students in your group.
Keep on working hard!
· #315
Bogdan Gorbatiy RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:24)
Today i've read the article "Sony's AI system GT Sophy beats 95% of human
competitors at Gran Turismo Sport"
the article tells about A collaboration between engineers at Sony AI, Polyphony
Digital Inc.
and Sony Interactive Entertainment has led to the development of an AI
application called GT Sophy
that is capable of playing the Formula I car racing video game Gran Turismo
Scientists say driving a Formula 1 race car is a really difficult task.
Drivers not only have to understand the intricacies of driving,
but also have to contend with the unpredictable behavior of their competitors
and often with dizzying calls from officials.
Announcing its press release , Sony noted that in addition to the technical
breakthroughs made in developing the application,
the company also demonstrated how artificial intelligence systems can improve
the overall experience for players.
This article is worth reading to keep up with the latest developments in the
world of motorsports.
1)when compared
This product has extended and faster-acting functions when compared to other
testosterone esters.
2)case studies
The case studies illustrate different approaches that countries take to
implementing IFRS.
3)multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
· #314
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Gvozd O.V. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:23)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by Quebec-based
Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western Hospital on
the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General Hospital.The
trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes.
It was automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
1)multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
2)when compared
Much lower battery consumption due to optimized whistle detection engine when
compared to the Whistle Android Finder free.
3)case studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
· #313
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:20)
To Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 Let's correct: " help historians ..."
· #312
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:18)
To Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) Thanks for your attempt. But the conclusion you have to make should be based on the article’s contents but not on your emotions. Just 72 points. Task2 is good but try to search for different examples given by your mates.
· #311
Gridnev Dmytro RF-211(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:13)
The article is headlined "Adaptive headlights to improve road safety".The author
of the article is David Bradley.The article is about risks driving at night and
solution of this problem.According to the text the main problem of this
situation its conventional headlights always face forward and so as one steers
into such a bend there is a blind spot to the left or right until one has
traveled through it.This is the underlying cause of many road traffic
accidents.Despite the evolution of the lamps used in headlights and the
reflector and focusing systems, little has been done to develop this critical
component for the night driver.And researches founded soulution of this
problem:a new approach to vehicle headlights that will allow them to turn with
the steering into a bend in the road and so illuminate the path of travel
directly rather than its periphery.
found the article very importand for safety of pedestrians and drivers in night
and this will reduce road accidents.
Phrases of the day:
1) "Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels. 1) «Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас
розумів простір на кількох рівнях.
2) Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly. 2) Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з труднощами в порівнянні
з авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
3) As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine
the requirements that the platform would have to meet. 3) Як перший крок, вони
проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким
повинна відповідати платформа.
· #310
Pontus Natalia ( RF-211) ( Mykhailiuk S.L) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:11)
Article :
Today i have read the article : "Size is key to understanding the impact of
climate change on disease vectors". It tells us about new research suggests that
disease vectors such as mosquitoes may overestimate the effects of climate
change. Climate change affects mosquito populations. The researchers say that
when disease vectors change, diseases themselves change. Predicting such change
is the key to fighting these diseases. An increase in temperature leads to a
decrease in the size of female mosquitoes, which has a proportional effect on
their population. I think this article is very interesting because such small
climate changes have an incredible number of consequences and directly affect
our lives.
Phrases of the Day:
1) When compared
Almost all adaptations lose when compared to the original novel.
Майже всі екранізації програють у порівнянні з оригінальним романом.
2) Сase studies
The company's recent history is a case study in bad management
Недавній випадок компаніі є прикладом поганого менеджменту.
3) Multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels.
Це вимагає дій на кількох рівнях.
· #309
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:09)
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 your comment is too lengthy. The audio record leaves
much to be desired. Try to sound natural, learn how to pronounce some words like
Taxes , in particular. Just 65 points. Task 2 is better. Just 75 points .
Remember to submit your tasks to me every other week.
· #308
Gvozd to Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:08)
I appreciate your responsibility, well done. I am waiting for your current task
· #307
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 (Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:08)
Today I've read the article 'Using AI to fill in the missing gaps in ancient
team of AI researchers at DeepMind has developed an AI, to helps historians fill
in the gaps of text missing in ancient texts.
The program was taught to read and analyze complete ancient texts and then check
the accuracy of the damaged one. The researches used around 60000 ancient greek
texts to train the AI. Also this AI has the ability to attribute a text to a
time and place.
found this article interesting because it tells about technology that can help
us study history much faster and detailed.
Daily Phrases:
Multiple levels
The book "Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the
space on multiple levels.
2. case studies
New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon
3. when compared
Lithium-ion batteries also require little maintenance when compared to some
· #306
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:04)
To Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 You forgot about the translation of the sentences. Keep working.
· #305
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:04)
For 15.03.2022
Today I have read the article “Artificial intelligence listens to the sound of
healthy machines”. Sounds provide important information about how well a machine
is running. Researchers have now developed a new machine learning method that
automatically detects whether a machine is "healthy" or requires maintenance.
The sounds they make, thus, give professionals useful clues as to whether a
machine is in a good or "healthy" condition, or whether it will soon require
maintenance or urgent repair. Those who recognize in time that a machine sounds
faulty can, depending on the case, prevent a costly defect and intervene before
it breaks down.
When compared.
Battery Level may rapidly decrease when compared to a battery of similar charge
capacity.(Рівень заряду батареї може швидко зменшуватися в порівнянні з
акумулятором подібної ємності.)
case studies.
Case studies are stories that are used as a teaching tool to show the
application of a theory or concept to real situations.(Тематичні дослідження -
це історії, які використовуються як навчальний посібник для демонстрації
застосування теорії або концепції до реальних ситуацій.)
multiple levels.
When there are multiple levels of pointers, the attributes are associated with
the pointer closest to the variable name.(Якщо є кілька рівнів покажчиків,
атрибути пов’язуються з вказівником, найближчим до імені змінної.)
· #304
Vlada Gromovaya (RF-211) (Sergey Leonidovich Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:04)
Today I have read the article "Hot spring forecast: Drought deepens in West,
flooding ebbs" by Seth Borenstein. Meteorologists report that spring in most
States will be hotter than normal. Already, 60% of the nation is in some form of
drought, the largest drought coverage since 2013. The drought has intensified
especially in the West, due to climate change. This drought sweeping the West is
the worst in 1200 years. It is caused by anthropogenic climate change resulting
from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas. Also, this year the risk of
flooding in the central part of the country is negligible. Floods and extensive
damage will affect far fewer people than in most years. I find this article very
helpful because I learned a lot about drought and floods in the States.
Phrases of the day:
1) "Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels. 1) «Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас
розумів простір на кількох рівнях.
2) Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly. 2) Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з труднощами в порівнянні
з авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
3) As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine
the requirements that the platform would have to meet. 3) Як перший крок, вони
проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким
повинна відповідати платформа.
· #303
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:01)
To Alexander Shibaev (RF-211) Alexander, this task is for S.Mykhailiuk! Be attentive.
· #302
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:01)
Today I have read the article “Researchers develop hybrid human-machine
framework for building smarter AI”. It tells us about a new mathematical model
that can improve performance by combining human and algorithmic predictions. To
test the framework, researchers conducted an image classification experiment in
which human participants and computer algorithms worked separately to correctly
identify distorted pictures of animals and everyday items—chairs, bottles,
bicycles, trucks. When predictions and confidence scores from both were combined
using the researchers' new framework, the hybrid model led to better performance
than either human or machine predictions achieved alone.
When compared.
The reproduced dataset is precise and equivalent statistically when compared
with the original data.(Відтворений набір даних є точним та статистично
еквівалентним у порівнянні з вихідними даними.)
case studies.
All case studies describe a particular research method that provides factual
evidence from a specific example(Всі тематичні дослідження описують конкретний
метод дослідження, який надає фактичні дані конкретного прикладу.)
multiple levels.
On the Linux/Proton side, we have a pretty extensive shader pre-caching system
with multiple levels of source-level and binary cache (Що стосується
Linux/Proton, у нас є досить велика система попереднього кешування шейдерів з
кількома рівнями вихідного та двійкового кешу.)
· #301
Gvozd to Sofia Gilenko RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:01)
The review is quite correct and interesting. Keep on working.
· #300
Gvozd to Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 10:00)
Mind Present Perfect in the first sentence. The task is complete.
· #299
Artem Verhelis RT-211 Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:59)
Today I have read the article "Reports identify areas where wildlife can survive
in a changing climate". Scientists conducted research and made reports about
areas vulnerable to climate change. They also found areas which have a stable
climate. This way they can protect wild nature and carry out enviromental
protection measures. This areas were identified by simulating the survival and
extinction of more than 1,000 species that have reduced their range over the
past four decades. Unsuitable climatic conditions have already destroyed a
number of animal species and I am sure that this study will help to save new
species in the future.
1) multiple levels
Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
2) case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
3) when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with
current chips in the market.
· #298
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:58)
Audio(Article + Phrases):
Today i have read an article titled "Research suggests the strength of democracy
in times of crisis".
The text says that democracy it's a clear winner over autocratic systems when it
comes to immediate disaster response. The coronavirus pandemic proved to be a
real-time experiment for political scientists such as Binghamton University
Professor Olga Shvetsova. Shvetsova's team began collecting data in March 2020.
They studied national policies, as well as those made on the subnational level
such as by states and provinces, to create a protective public policy index that
was frequently updated during the course of the pandemic. The research found
that democracies with self-governing states or provinces—federations, to use
political science terminology—offered more layers of protection to individual
citizens than those with unitary governments. The more political parties there
were in a legislative body, the more likely that body was to adopt more
stringent pandemic-related policies.
I think that such a democracy really gives a concrete result because it is
necessary to take into account the situation in different places and take
appropriate measures, which without democracy will not be easy. But the main
thing is that everything be decided as quickly as possible, and not be endless
disputes and farce.
1. multiple levels
Redundancy, as seen in federations with their multiple levels of government, is
actually a plus when it comes to crisis response, Shvetsova's research found
(Дослідження Швецової показало, що надмірність, як це видно у федераціях із
різними рівнями управління, насправді є плюсом, коли йдеться про реагування на
2. when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly (Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку).
3. case studies
New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon
emissions (Нове дослідження показує потенціал геотермальної енергії для
зменшення викидів вуглецю).
· #297
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Gvozd O.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:56)
Today I've read an article
“In Iceland, CO2 sucked out of the air turns to stone”
Swiss startup Climeworks has started work at its Orca carbon removal plant near
Reykjavik, Iceland. The plant cost $10-15 million to build and is expected to
emit about 4,000 tons of CO2 from the air every year. The direct air capture
plant converts carbon into rock using a procedure that mimics the Carbfix
method, a natural process that takes nature hundreds of thousands of years to
complete. The power plant is powered by a nearby geothermal power plant.
1) Each picture operates on multiple levels
Кожне зображення діє на кількох рівнях
2)But that's nothing when compared a film crew
Але це ніщо порівняно зі знімальною групою
3)It's case studies often become conventional wisdom
Ці приклади часто стают загальноприйнятою думкою
· #296
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:55)
Today i've read the article "New book debunks myth of 'Dickensian poverty'".
This article is about lives of working people and how they made a "home" in some
of the most trying circumstances imaginable. Much of these preconceptions of
widespread deprivation is due, in part, to the highly polemical accounts of
leading intellectuals of the 19th century such as Charles Dickens and Friedrich
The book "The Working Class at Home, 1790–1940" does not deny the existence of
squalor. Instead, it demonstrates that such contemporary depictions do not
represent the typical experience of the working class at home during this
So, this article is very exciting. I think it would be better if people all over
the world will know that, and the stereotypes will disappear.
Phrases Of The Day
1. You should also concentrate on programs that are multi-level. - Також слід
зосередитися на багаторівневих програмах.
2. The company's recent history is a case study in bad management. - Остання
історія компанії – це приклад поганого менеджменту.
3. Almost all adaptations lose when compared to the original novel. - Майже всі
екранізації програють у порівнянні з оригінальним романом.
· #295
Julia Shevchuk (RF-211) (S. Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:55)
Today I have read the article called “Computational approach enables spatial
mapping of single-cell data within tissues”
The article says the new computational approach developed by the researchers
successfully combines data from parallel gene expression profiling methods to
generate single-cell resolution spatial maps for a given tissue. The resulting
maps can provide unique biological information about the microenvironment of
cancer. The tool, called CellTrek, uses single cell RNA sequencing data along
with spatial transcriptome analysis data. The researchers presented the results
of analyzes of kidney and brain tissues, as well as samples of ductal carcinoma
of breast cancer. Single cell RNA sequencing is a method for analyzing the gene
expression of many individual cells from a sample, but it cannot provide
information about the location of the cells in the tissue. CellTrek approaches
to increase the frequency of gene expression in cells of the same type in order
to obtain information about their heterogeneity in a sample. .
To sum up, by analyzing 6,800 individual cells and 1,500 ST regions from a
single DCIS sample, the team found that different subgroups of tumor cells
develop in unique ways in specific areas of the tumor. Analysis of the second
DCIS sample demonstrated the ability of CellTrek to reconstruct the spatial
tumor-immune microenvironment in tumor tissue.
I think CellTreck is a great opportunity to study cancer cells and further
medicine development
multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
краса книги в тому, що вона працює на декількох рівнях.
when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with
current chips in the market.
Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу продуктивність у порівнянні з
поточними мікросхемами на ринку
case studies
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities
додаток до курсу електронного навчання пропонується керівництво, в якому
міститься опис додаткових тематичних досліджень, передових методів та заходів.
· #294
Sofia Gilenko RZ-211(Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:55)
Today I've read the article "Engineers have developed a 'magnetic tentacle
robot' to penetrate narrow lung tubes."
Engineers and scientists have developed a proof-of-concept robot that can reach
some of the smallest bronchi in the lungs to take tissue samples or treat
Known as the magnetic tentacle robot, it is only 2 millimeters in diameter,
about twice the size of a ballpoint pen tip.
In my opinion, this article is very important, because the introduction of such
technologies in hospitals will help to effectively treat cancer and other
bronchial diseases. studies
This requires further case studies.
2.multiple levels
The beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
3.when compared
When compared , this operating system is much better than the previous one
· #293
Denis Zavadsky RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:54)
Texas can be a model for the nation on how to effectively replace coal with wind
and solar for the state's energy needs while meeting environmental goals,
according to new research by Rice University engineers. The new work led by
environmental engineer Daniel Cohan and senior computer science major Richard
Morse of Rice's George R. Brown School of Engineering uses optimization modeling
to identify the least-cost combinations of proposed wind and solar projects with
the potential to replace coal-fired power generation in Texas.
I think that this technology will be a breakthrough because it is ecology, it is
saving the planet, it is less true than coal energy, especially knowing that it
is more dangerous than nuclear.
This requires further case studies and empirical analyses, including both
quantitative and qualitative assessments.
The Task Force has already prepared several case studies that show the positive
economic outcomes that investments in methane drainage can bring.
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
· #292
Nazariy Glugan RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:52)
Today I have read the article called "Bioengineers develop new class of
human-powered bioelectronics".This article tells us about a team of bioengineers
at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering has invented a novel soft and flexible
self-powered bioelectronic device. It converts human body motions—from bending
an elbow to subtle movements such as a pulse on one's wrist—into electricity
that could be used to power wearable low-power electronics. This device uses
special magnets to generate electricity using human movements. In my opinion
this technology can help us to power small electronics, such as sensors or
1. This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
2. Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
3. This requires action at multiple levels.
· #291
Avdeev Danil RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:51)
Today I have read an article titled: "Scientists develop a new method to
increase the yield of microcircuits from a semiconductor wafer." It describes
about a method of creating a highly uniform and scalable wafer, paving the way
for higher chip yields and more economical semiconductors. I find this article
extremely interesting for every modern person, because these are our
technologies and our future, which change more and more for the better every
multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels
Це вимагає дій на кількох рівнях
when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Ця цифра ще менш значна, якщо порівнювати з активами, які контролюються такими
case studies
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
Доповненням до курсу електронного навчання є посібник із додатковими тематичними
дослідженнями, найкращими практиками та заходами.
· #290
Shulyak Makar (RF-211, S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:51)
Today i have read the article: "Addressing food insecurity during the COVID-19
I think in response to the rapid spread of COVID‐19,
governments around the globe implemented local lockdowns that led to increased
unemployment and disrupted local and international transport routes and supply
There are different types of safety nets, including cash transfer programs, and
food-based programs that can variously include providing food, food stamps, food
vouchers, and food for work programs in which workers are generally paid in food
grains rather than cash.
A key on-going debate is the extent to which cash or food assistance is most
effective in reducing food insecurity. Naturally, public nutrition programs and
food safety nets more broadly are designed to directly reduce food insecurity.
Yet from a utility-maximizing perspective, cash transfers tend to be considered
more economically efficient because, at the margin, they do not distort
consumption and production choices. There are also non-economic reasons for
preferring cash to food transfers, such as that they are less "paternalistic".
Moreover, the results show households who had to borrow rather than rely on
their savings had a higher probability of suffering from food insecurity.
Furthermore, heterogeneities in findings across countries reveal the need for
evidence-based policies tailored to local contexts.
Phrases of the Day:
1) Multiple levels
You should also concentrate on programs that are multi-level
Також слід зосередитися на багаторівневих програмах.
2) Case studies
The company's recent history is a case study in bad management
Остання історія компанії – це приклад поганого менеджменту.
3) When compared
Almost all adaptations lose when compared to the original novel.
Майже всі екранізації програють у порівнянні з оригінальним романом.
· #289
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:50)
Today I’ve read an article about research which brings us closer to creation of
fishlike underwater research drones organized in groups.
It is stated that researchers used a 3D computer simulation to show that small
fish swimming in groups can sense the position of each other by feeling the
water vibration on their bodies, and can even distinguish it from background
noise, thus, theoretically, being able to keep together even in a dark and muddy
environment .
And as a result, there may be a chance of creating small fishlike drones to
explore the ocean.
Such an idea seems exciting and thrilling for me, because we try to understand
the living organisms’ mechanisms to create a technology that will be more
efficient to be used for a particular goal.
I think a success in creating such drones can be very useful for ocean
biologists, because they will have an opportunity to investigate the behavior of
fish using such an “impostor” which won’t disturb ocean dwellers if it was a big
steel machine.
Phrases of the day:
Case studies
Scientists made a conclusion based on theory, case studies and secondary
-Вчені зробили висновок на основі теорії, тематичних досліджень та вторинних
When compared
Their method is able to speed up programs by 12 percent when compared to
state-of-the-art security schemes.
-Їх метод здатний прискорити програми на 12 відсотків у порівнянні з
найсучаснішими схемами безпеки.
Multiple levels
We are working on multiple levels to prepare individuals, employers and the
marketplace to level the playing field for older workers.
-Ми працюємо на кількох рівнях, щоб підготувати окремих осіб, роботодавців і
ринок, щоб вирівняти умови для літніх працівників.
· #288
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:48)
Today I have read the article titled "A unimorph nanocomposite dielectric
elastomer for large-scale actuation". This article describes that dielectric
elastomer (DEA) actuators can undergo significant reversible in-plane
deformation. The team obtained a homogeneous nanocomposite dielectric elastomer,
abbreviated as UNDE, with a seamless two-layer structure having a 13-fold
modulus difference. The article also describes that the team was able to power
the UNDE design for large bends with increased strength compared to conventional
nanocomposite dielectric elastomers. They arranged several UNDE units in a
simple electrophoretic concentration process using patterned areas of
1. multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels.
2. case studies
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
3. when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
· #287
Teliga Maksim RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:44)
Today I have read the article "Quantum technology could make charging electric
cars as fast as pumping gas". The article is about cars fuel. Novadays we have
few types of fuel: petrol, gas and electricity. The most innovation is
electricity, this type of energy is very cheap, but you need to waste your time
on charging you car. And scientists have found way how to recharge your car more
effectively. It was theorized that quantum resources, such as entanglement, can
be used to vastly speed up the battery charging process by charging all cells
within the battery simultaneously in a collective manner. That proces is very
Phrases of the day
1) Multiple levels
You should also concentrate on programs that are multi-level
Ви також повинні зосередитися на программах, які є багаторівневими.
2) Case studies
The company's recent history is a case study in bad management
Недавній випадок компаніі є прикладом поганого управління.
3) When compared
Almost all adaptations lose when compared to the original novel.
Майже всі адаптаціі програють у зрівнянні з оригінальним романом.
· #286
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:43)
To Pontus Natalia ( RF-211) Thanks for detailed revew and well-done tasks.
· #285
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:43)
Today I read the article "Computer Scientists Develop Program to Find
'Low-Frequency' Variants in Sequence Data". This article goes into detail about
the variants lurking in the stream of genetic sequences. A new program developed
at Rice University's George R. Brown School of Engineering will make it possible
for "intra-host variants" to appear in the genome data of the same person who
tests positive for COVID-19. According to computer scientist Todd Treangen,
identifying "low-frequency variants" of a virus could be the key to disrupting
the spread of the virus. I think this will help a lot with the annoying Covid-19
that has been preventing the whole Earth from living freely for a couple of
years now.
1) case studies
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
Доповненням до курсу електронного навчання є посібник із додатковими тематичними
дослідженнями, найкращими практиками та заходами.
2) when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Ця цифра ще менш значна, якщо порівнювати з активами, які контролюються такими
3) multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels.
Це вимагає дій на кількох рівнях.
· #284
Gvozd to Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:42)
The task is complete, but next time translate the sentences into Ukrainian, please.
· #283
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:42)
Today I’ve read an article called “Wind, solar could replace coal power in
Texas”. Texas can be a model for the nation on how to effectively replace coal
with wind and solar for the state's energy needs while meeting environmental
goals. The key to success for wind and solar will be an expansion of
transmission lines connecting the windiest and sunniest parts of the state to
cities. A complementary siting of wind and solar farms can reduce the need for
natural gas and storage and eliminate the need for coal. The study shows that
wind power from West Texas tends to peak overnight, whereas South Texas wind
peaks with sea breezes on summer afternoons and evenings. Together with daytime
solar, these complementary sources can cover most but not all hours of the year.
In my opinion, eliminating coal from the grid is just a matter of time.
Phrases of the day:
1. multiple levels - кілька рівнів
ENG: This requires action at multiple levels.
UKR: Це вимагає дій на кількох рівнях.
2. case studies - тематичні дослідження
ENG: Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case
studies, best practices and activities.
UKR: Доповненням до курсу електронного навчання є посібник із додатковими
тематичними дослідженнями, найкращими практиками та заходами.
3. when compared - якщо порівнювати
ENG: This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
UKR: Цей показник ще менш значний, якщо порівнювати з активами таких підприємств
· #282
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:41)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Thanks for the work.
· #281
Timur Ergul RT-211 (Popovych) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:39)
Today I have read the article "AI can help doctors make the best use of
intensive care beds during the COVID-19 pandemic." This article tells us about a
discusses the development of a new technology that should take into account the
need for hospitalization of patients. It uses a large amount of data, including
vital signs, blood test results and medical history, to greatly facilitate and
improve the work of doctors. I think this is a good invention, but it should be
remembered that the accuracy of such a neural network is 95% and cannot generate
information without errors.
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
This requires action at multiple levels.
· #280
Kryvosheienko Stanislav (RT-211)(Popovich) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:39)
Today I have read the the article "Travel site aggregators face challenges when
compared to airlines that market directly".
In case you are a traveler on a budget, there is a possibility that you have
actually used a travel website aggregator like Orbitz to book your flights. Or,
it is likely that you have made purchases on several aggregators and created the
last booking on the airline's website. Did you ever ponder, were all airline
options presented to you, or what routes would you be able to get if you
researched all the airline websites one by one? Between aggregators and
airlines, who will prevail in the end?
Voice -
1)when compared - Many teenagers when compared to adults.
Багато підлітків у порівнянні з дорослими.
2)multiple levels - There's relationships on kind of multiple levels.
Є відносини на кількох рівнях.
3)case studies - The training will be based on case studies, simulations and
group problem-solving exercises.
Навчання базуватиметься на тематичних дослідженнях, моделюванні та групових
вправах на вирішення проблем.
Voice -
· #279
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:39)
To Teliga Maksim RF-211 I'd like to get more information about information protection.
· #278
Gvozd to Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:38)
Thank you, well done.
· #277
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:38)
Today I have read an article "'QR codes: Is it safe to scan?".
The purpose of this article is to talk about the opportunities, dangers and
advantages of qr codes.
In the text the professor of computer science answers the questions about QR
codes, cybercrime and how to keep personal information safe.
This article will be useful to inexperienced Internet users who, because of
ignorance of certain things can suffer financially.
You can learn a lot from this article and keep yourself safe.
I recommend you to read it.
1)when compared
It represents a 5 per cent reduction when compared to the emissions level in
Це на 5% менше, ніж у порівнянні з рівнем викидів у 1999 році.
2) case studies
The case studies revealed strong connections between indigenous land rights and
Тематичні дослідження виявили міцні зв'язки між правами корінних народів на
землю та житлом.
3)multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І краса книги в тому, що вона працює на декількох рівнях.
· #276
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:38)
To Gridnev Dmytro RF-211 Well done. Thank you.
· #275
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:36)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211) Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #274
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:35)
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 Just good for both tasks. Keep on working hard.
· #273
El-kadi Zakaria (RT-211) (Popovich) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:34)
Today I read an article about psychopaths. And who they are - psychopaths. And
it was written that people with diagnose psychopathy are impulsive and extremely
emotional. And the fact that they often abuse psychoactive substances and more
often than others go to prison. Because the propensity for violence among
psychopaths is higher, they are more likely to commit antisocial acts, such as
lying or resorting to violence. Because he does not see the difference between
bad and good, which is why they easily violate the law and the rights of other
1. case studies
This requires further case studies and empirical analyses, including both
quantitative and qualitative assessments.
Це питання вимагає подальших тематичних досліджень та емпіричного аналізу, які
охоплюють як кількісні, так і якісні аспекти оцінки.
2. when compared
This product has extended and faster-acting functions when compared to other
testosterone esters.
Цей продукт має розширені і швидше діючі функції в порівнянні з іншими ефірами
3. multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І краса книги в тому, що вона працює на декількох рівнях.
· #272
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:26)
To Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Thank you for your informative review on the article of the day
· #271
Pontus Natalia ( RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:25)
Exercise 2. Answer the questions:
1) Many of these new applications involve both storing information and
simultaneous use by several individuals.
2) For example, in an airline seat reservation system, a reservation agent might
have authority to make reservations and to cancel reservations for people whose
names he can supply. A flight boarding agent might have the additional authority
to print out the list of all passengers who hold reservations on the flights for
which he is responsible.
3) These examples span a wide range of needs for organizational and personal
privacy. All have in common controlled sharing of information among multiple
4)The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used in
connection with information-storing systems
5)The term "privacy" denotes a socially defined ability of an individual (or
organization) to determine whether, when, and to whom personal (or
organizational) information is to be released.
Exercise 1. Define the terms using the suggested words and expressions as in
1) Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
2) Information security is a discipline that everyone must understand in order
to prevent the ability of transmitting a computer virus
3) Processes denote and deals with storing information
4) Information is a data, that can be stored and transmitted by a computer.
Exercise 2. Ask questions to the given answers:
1)Do all programs require special provisions in the computer system?
2) What properly protects stored information?
3) Is it always necessary for a computer to provide the necessary authority
Review: As computers become better understood and more economical, every day
brings new applications which involve both storing information and simultaneous
use by several individuals. These personal or organization information must be
secured and protect privacy.
Examples of security techniques sometimes applied to computer systems are the
1. labeling files with lists of authorized users,
2. verifying the identity of a prospective user by demanding a password,
3. shielding the computer to prevent interception and subsequent interpretation
of electromagnetic radiation,
4. enciphering information sent over telephone lines,
5. locking the room containing the computer,
6. controlling who is allowed to make changes to the computer system (both its
hardware and software),
7. using redundant circuits or programmed cross-checks that maintain security in
the face of hardware or software failures,
8. certifying that the hardware and software are actually implemented as
· #270
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:23)
Today I have read the article 'Hackers steal $97 million dollars from Japanese
crypto exchange'
The name of the topic states itself: the unknown group of hackers gain
unauthorized access to the crypto wallets managed at Japanese cryptocurrency
'Liquid' and stole the Ethereum assets worth of nearly $100 million dollars.
Because of that, the rest of the $16.3 million worth of stolen Ethereum had
already been frozen.
I think this means, that even despite the cryptocurrency development and
improvement, the investment in it can still bring a big risk of it been stolen
by the hackers or other kind of attacks.
4. 1) when compared
Simplified, formula-like techniques are inconsequential when compared with
personal growth as a means of overcoming difficulties
2) multiple levels
Sometimes you may wish to have multiple levels of access - pleb , manager,
uber-manager etc
3) case studies
The historical case studies carried out by Lakatos and his followers certainly
lend some support to that latter claim.
· #269
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:22)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
1)multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
2)when compared
Much lower battery consumption due to optimized whistle detection engine when
compared to the Whistle Android Finder free.
3)case studies
The training will be based on case studies, simulations and group
problem-solving exercises.
· #268
Gridnev Dmytro RF-211(Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:22)
Exercise 2. Answer the questions:
1)Many of new applications involve both storing information and simultaneous use
by several individuals.
2)There are few examples of information protction:credit bureau data banks; law
enforcement information systems; time-sharing service bureaus; on-line medical
information systems; and government social service data processing systems.
3)All have in common controlled sharing of information among multiple users.
4)The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used in
connection with information-storing systems.
5)his term means that individual, or an organization, can determine whether,
when, and to whom information is to be released. Basically, means that how to
use private information is for an owner to decide.
II. Speaking Exercises:
Exercise 1.
1)Information science is the science and practice dealing with the effective
collection, storage, retrieval, and use of information.
2)Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or
information about themselves, and thereby express themselves selectively.
3)Application software is a type of computer program that performs a specific
personal, educational, and business function.
4)Information is processed, organized and structured data.
Exercise 2.
1)Do all applications need special provision in the computer system?
2)What can adequately protect the stored information?
3)Аre situations in which the computer need provide no aids to ensure protection
of information,and what computer need enforce?
Basic principles of information security.
In the world there are many examples of systems requiring protection of
information are encountered every day: credit bureau data banks; law enforcement
information systems; time-sharing service bureaus; on-line medical information
systems; and government social service data processing systems.And this need
principles of information protection:-confidentiality ,security ,protection.The
term "privacy" denotes a socially defined ability to determine whether, when,
information is to be released.
But this paper will not be explicitly concerned with privacy, but instead with
the mechanisms used to help achieve it.
· #267
Teliga Maksim RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:21)
Reading, Exercise 2.
1) Many of new applications involve storing information and multiple use by
several people.
2) There are many examples of protection of information: credit bureau data
banks; law enforcement information systems; time-sharing service bureaus;
on-line medical information systems; and government social service data
processing systems.
3) All of them have controlled sharing of information among multiple users, and
need some plan of implementing the correct authority structure.
4) The words such as "privacy," "security," and "protection".
5) This term means that individual, or an organization, can determine whether,
when, and to whom information is to be released.
Exercise 1. Speaking
1)Information science is a discipline which deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2)Privacy denote a socially defined ability of individual, which determines
whether, when, and to whom information is to be released.
3)Information is a data, which processed, stored and transmitted by computer.
Exercise 2. Speaking
1)Do all applications need a special provision in the computer system?
2)What can protect the stored information?
3)Does computer need to provide aids to ensure protection of information?
Information security plays big role in our lives. The bank security is one of
the most important things.
Banks stored a lot of privacy information about their users. This information
can be useful for scammers. A lot of people have chance to be deceived, because
of that bank security is very important for us.
· #266
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:20)
Today I read an article:” Faster air exchange in buildings not always beneficial
for coronavirus levels”. This article tells us about how rapid air exchanges in
multiroom buildings can spread coronavirus. The team of scientists modeled the
spread of particles similar to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, via
air-handling systems. Scientists modeled what happens after a person has a
five-minute coughing bout in one room of a three-room small office building,
running simulations with particles of five microns. Researchers looked at the
effects of three factors: different levels of filtration, different rates of
outdoor air incorporation into the building air supply, and different rates of
ventilation or air changes per hour. The solutions for this problem are: More
clean outdoor air, strong filtration, Increasing ventilation.
1) Multiple levels
You should also concentrate on programs that are multi-level
Вы также должны сосредоточиться на программах, которые являются многоуровневыми
2) Case studies
The company's recent history is a case study in bad management
Недавняя история компании является примером плохого управления.
3) When compared
Almost all adaptations lose when compared to the original novel.
Почти все адаптации проигрывают по сравнению с оригинальным романом.
· #265
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:19)
article I have read today is "A new model to automatically detect and filter
spam emails". First, the author briefly describes what spam is. Researchers at
the Institute of Technology have developed a technique by which spam emails will
be detected automatically. This technique is simple in contrast to others. So
far, a new spam filtering technique developed by this research team has achieved
very promising results, as it has been able to effectively detect spam emails
with high accuracy. Spam emails can pose a threat to information security, as
they can hide any viral information.
1)Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
2)"Home'' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
3) In the latter case, the added bonus is that studies have shown fish to be
much less disturbed by sea probes that look and feel more fishlike.
В останньому випадку додатковим бонусом є те, що дослідження показали, що рибу
набагато менше турбують морські зонди, які виглядають і відчувають себе більш
схожими на рибу.
· #264
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:18)
To Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #263
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:18)
senior lecturer H.Lebedeva
Dear colleague! As far as I understand , I have to work with a whole group
RF-211 right now. Will you keep them informed. Rgds, S.L.
· #262
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Gvozd O.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:18)
Today I have read the article "The Turning Points of Climate Change."
The article is based on many years of collaboration between various research
institutions in the Netherlands and abroad, especially between Utrecht
University and Leiden University. Researchers have approached the idea of a
tipping point in a spatial context. The formation of spatial structures in
ecosystems, such as the spontaneous formation of complex vegetation structures,
is often explained as an early warning signal of a critical transition.
In my opinion, we need to avoid climate change as long as possible, which can
pose a long-term threat to humanity.
when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегаторы туристических сайтов сталкиваются с проблемами по сравнению с
авиакомпаниями, которые продают напрямую.
multiple levels
The working-class understood the space on multiple levels.
Рабочий класс понимал пространство на нескольких уровнях.
case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies
В качестве первого шага они проанализировали реалистичные тематические
· #261
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:17)
Today I have read the article “'Cyberattack' knocks thousands offline in
Europe”. This article is about a massive shutdown of the servers in Europe.
Thousands of internet users across Europe have been thrown offline after what
sources said Friday was a likely cyberattack at the beginning of Russia's
offensive in Ukraine. Military and cyber specialists fear that the
Russian-Ukrainian war could lead to an outbreak of cyberattacks, a "cyber
Armageddon" with major consequences for civilians in Ukraine and Russia, but
also globally, through a spillover effect. In my opinion, the worst-case
scenario has so far been avoided, as the attacks observed appear to be contained
in their impact and geographical scope.
case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.(В якості першого кроку вони
проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким
повинна відповідати платформа.)
when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with
current chips in the market.(Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу
продуктивність у порівнянні з поточними мікросхемами на ринку.)
multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.(«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів
простір на кількох рівнях.)
· #260
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:15)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 Well done, thank you.
· #259
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211), Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:13)
Today I've read the article 'Using AI to fill in the missing gaps in ancient
texts'. Recently, researchers have developed AI to recover texts that have been
lost or damaged. To do this, the program was taught to read and decipher
complete ancient texts then checked the accuracy of the damaged. As a result,
the accuracy AI's texts was greater than that of historians. However, the
highest accuracy was found in the cooperation of program and humans, more than
70%. In my opinion, this is an important development for us, which will allow us
to study history in more detail.
1`) multiple levels
This requires action at multiple levels.
Для цього потрібно вживати заходи на багатьох рівнях.
2) case studies
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
На додаток до курсу електронного навчання пропонується керівництво, в якому
міститься опис додаткових тематичних досліджень, передових методів та заходів.
3) when compared
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Ця цифра стає ще меншою, якщо порівнювати її із сумою активів, контрольованих
такими підприємствами.
· #258
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:12)
To Shulyak Makar (RF-211) Thanks for the corrections.
· #257
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:12)
Today I have read the article "NASA launches tool that measures Western water
loss"This articlе is about the launch of a new invention to measure water loss
in the west. The main purpose of which is to show informatian on how much water
evapрorates into the atmosphere from plants, soils, and other surfaces in the
U.S. West. The invention. called OpenЕТ, uses satellite imagery from the Landsat
program, that records human and natural impacts on Earth's surface. In my
opinion, this article is very interesting to read for everyone especially for
people who love new technologies and care about the future of the environment
multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І принадність книги в тому, що вона працює на кількох рівнях.
when compared
These results indicate a significant improvement when compared to 1994 and 1996
data, as shown in the table below.
Ці результати свідчать про значне покращення порівняно з даними 1994 та 1996
років, як показано в таблиці нижче.
case studies
The case studies illustrate different approaches that countries take to
implementing IFRS.
Ці приклади ілюструють різні підходи, які країни використовують до впровадження
· #256
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:11)
Today i've read the article "Sony's AI system GT Sophy beats 95% of human
competitors at Gran Turismo Sport"
the article tells about A collaboration between engineers at Sony AI, Polyphony
Digital Inc.
and Sony Interactive Entertainment has led to the development of an AI
application called GT Sophy
that is capable of playing the Formula I car racing video game Gran Turismo
Scientists say driving a Formula 1 race car is a really difficult task. Drivers
not only have to understand the intricacies of driving,
but also have to contend with the unpredictable behavior of their competitors
and often with dizzying calls from officials.
Announcing its press release , Sony noted that in addition to the technical
breakthroughs made in developing the application,
the company also demonstrated how artificial intelligence systems can improve
the overall experience for players.
This article is worth reading to keep up with the latest developments in the
world of motorsports.
1)when compared
This product has extended and faster-acting functions when compared to other
testosterone esters.
2)case studies
The case studies illustrate different approaches that countries take to
implementing IFRS.
3)multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
· #255
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:11)
To Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) I'd like to read more about Basic principles of information security.
· #254
Chmel Maksim RF-211 (Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:11)
Today I have read an article about the book by Joseph Harley.It is about
stereotypes associated with the houses of working class people in 19th century
England.This book shows that not all the houses of the working class people
looked poor and untidy.Popular writers of the day, such as Charles Dickens, are
partly to blame for the stereotypes that still exist today.Most of the
stereotypes arose from the opinions of the leading intellectuals of the time
,such as Friedrich Engels for example.Dickens' books were bought largely by the
middle class, who had an insatiable appetite for tales of workhouses and extreme
poverty that characterized throughout his work, while philosopher and political
activist Engels was determined to show how working class conditions had
worsened. after the introduction of technology.After reading this article i
learned stereotypes about working class people and their houses.
1)This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Эта цифра становится еще менее значительной, если сравнить ее с суммой активов,
контролируемых такими предприятиями.
2)This requires action at multiple levels.
Для этого требуется принимать меры на многих уровнях.
3)Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
В дополнение к курсу электронного обучения предлагается руководство, в котором
содержится описание дополнительных тематических исследований, передовых методов
и мероприятий.
· #253
Shulyak Makar (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:10)
· #252
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:10)
To Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) Well done, thank you.
· #251
Bilokamenskyi Anton (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:10)
1. Many of new applications involve both storing information and simultaneous
use by several individuals.
2. Many other examples of systems requiring protection of information are
encountered every day: credit bureau data banks; law enforcement information
systems; time-sharing service bureaus; on-line medical information systems; and
government social service data processing systems.
3. These examples span a wide range of needs for organizational and personal
privacy. All have in common controlled sharing of information among multiple
4. The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used in
connection with information-storing systems
5. The term "privacy" denotes a socially defined ability of an individual (or
organization) to determine whether, when, and to whom personal (or
organizational) information is to be released.
Exercise 1
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2. Privacy denotes the socially defined ability of an individual organization.
Determine whether when or whom information to be released.
3)Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
Information is a data, that can be stored and transmitted by a computer.
Exercise 2
1. Do some applications need special provisions in the computer system?
2. What exactly protects the stored in computer information?
3. Does the computer need some additional aids to protect information?
Basic principles of information security.
As computers become better understood and more economical, every day brings new
applications that deals with your information. All of our data always needs to
be secured. That is a main task of Information security
· #250
Gromovaya Vlada (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:08)
Lesson 1 ex.2:
1) Many new applications include both the storage of information and its
simultaneous use by multiple people. 2) The airline example is an example of
protecting corporate information to protect the company itself. An example of
another kind is an online inventory management system that generates reports on
the current state of inventory. Many other examples of systems that require
information protection: credit bureau data banks; law enforcement information
systems; time-sharing services bureaus. 3) All of these examples have in common
the controlled exchange of information among multiple users. 4) The words
"confidentiality," "security," and "protection" are often used in connection
with information storage systems.
5) The term "confidentiality" refers to the socially defined ability of an
individual (or organization) to determine whether, when, and to whom personal
(or organizational) information will be shared.
The speaking module Ex.1:
1) Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2) Privacy denotes a socially defined ability of an individual (or organization)
to determine whether, when, and to whom personal (or organizational) information
is to be released.
3) An application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular
4) Information is data that is processed, stored and transmitted by a computer.
1) Are there applications in which no special conditions in the computer system
are required?
2) What protects stored information?
3) Does your computer always need help to keep information secure?
Basic principles of information protection:
The basic principles of information protection:
Today we will look at the basic principles of information security. There are
three basic principles of information security.
The first principle is confidentiality. This means that only authorized users
have access to information. Whenever a company suffers a data breach or leak and
individuals' information is accessed by criminals, the public, or unauthorized
employees, confidentiality is violated.
Next, the second principle is integrity. It protects information from alteration
by unauthorized individuals and ensures that the information is true and
accurate. Any alteration of information by someone who is not authorized to do
so, whether it is someone inside or outside the company, is a violation of the
integrity of the information.
The final principle is accessibility. Ensuring that the information is available
to authorized individuals anytime it is needed. An example would be a site like
Netflix. Most companies want accessibility to be at least 99.99%, which means
that 99.99% of the time when you go on Netflix, you should have access to the
services you need.
Therefore, it is important that companies implement multiple security controls
for each of the three elements of the triad to ensure sufficient protection.
· #249
Mashegirov Eugene (RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:06)
The main legal principles of information protection are the principles of
legality, priority, ownership and economic feasibility. The principle of
legality is expressed in the need for legal regulation of this area of social
relations. From the principle of the priority of international law over domestic
law, it follows that the object of classification cannot be information that a
state makes public or communicates in accordance with conventions or agreements.
The principle of ownership and economic expediency gives the right to
information owners to take measures to protect this information.
The Reading Module
Exercise 2:
1. Many of new applications involve storing information and multiple use by
several people. It also means that it must have an authority structure, and
protection of information.
2. There are many examples of protection of information: credit bureau data
banks; law enforcement information systems; time-sharing service bureaus;
on-line medical information systems; and government social service data
processing systems.
3. All of them have controlled sharing of information among multiple users, and
need some plan of implementing the correct authority structure.
4. The words such as "privacy", "security", and "protection", are used in
connection with information-storing systems, however they are not always the
same, and mostly used in computer science literature.
5. This term means that individual, or an organization, can determine whether,
when, and to whom information is to be released. Basically, means that how to
use private information is for an owner to decide.
The Speaking Module
Exercise 1:
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2. Privacy denote a socially defined ability of individual, or an organization,
which determines whether, when, and to whom information is to be released.
3. Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
Information is a data, that can be stored and transmitted by a computer.
Exercise 2:
1. Do not all applications need special conditions in computer system?
2. Does the code of ethics or lack of knowledge about computers affect the
protection of information?
3. Is it often advisable for a computer to implement the desired authority
· #248
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:05)
Kulaksyz S. (RF-211. Tanks. Task 1 is good. Task 2 is very good. Keep on working
hard on time.
· #247
Misha Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:03)
Today I’ve read the article “ US talks global cybersecurity without a key
player: Russia”. Amid an epidemic of ransomware attacks, the U.S. is sitting
down to talk cybersecurity strategy this week with 30 countries while leaving
out one key player: Russia. The exclusion of a country so closely tied to the
global ransomware phenomena reflects the overall poor relations between Moscow
and Washington. Despite that, the U.S. has used a "dedicated channel" to address
cybersecurity with Russia, said the official, who briefed reporters on the
condition of anonymity to preview this week's meeting with around 30 countries
and the European Union. Ransomware payments reached more than $400 million
globally in 2020 and topped $81 million in the first quarter of 2021, according
to the U.S. government.
US talks global cybersecurity without a key player: Russia (
1.when compared
Many teenagers when compared to adults, yes.
Багато підлітків у порівнянні з дорослими, так.
2.multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І принадність книги в тому, що вона працює на кількох рівнях. studies
Have fun writing my case studies.
Отримайте задоволення від написання моїх кейсів
· #246
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:02)
· #245
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:02)
1)Today I have read the article ''A next-generation aqueous electrolyte''.This
article is about a new generation of electrolytes that will help reduce
dependence on organic lithium-ion batteries. This electrolyte consists of salts
and water, which in turn is not as harmful to the environment during production
and processing as lithium-ion batteries. This electrolyte is interesting not
only because it practically does not affect nature, but also has increased
efficiency and stability, which in turn has a positive effect on the service
life of this battery.
In my opinion, the development of these technologies should be continued,
because we reduce the negative impact on nature, and these batteries are also
more efficient than lithium-ion ones.
1)case studies
New case study shows potential of geothermal energy for reducing carbon
Нове тематичне дослідження показує потенціал геотермальної енергії для зменшення
викидів вуглецю
2)multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
3)when compared
This product has extended and faster-acting functions when compared to other
testosterone esters.
Цей продукт має розширені та швидші функції порівняно з іншими ефірами
· #244
Dima Kozhushko RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022)
Today i’ve read the article “Flying sushi: Israel readies for delivery drone
traffic jams”
This article tells us about new way to deliver orders from restaurants to
people, which want to eat something, but don’t want to go to a restaurant. In
this demonstration, three drones flew above shiny high-rises this week in Tel
Aviv. Two carried sushi, and a third hauled cans of beer. It’s interesting
technology to make life easier, because you don’t need to contact with strangers
to get your order. It could be a new approach to companies that tend to develop
their technologies alone. By drones delivery is faster. Because of using drones,
delivery time is reducing to a few minutes.
In my opinion, this article is important to read if you want to know about new
ways of delivery.
1) multiple levels
"Home” was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
3) case studies
To showcase how such co-designed mobility solutions can provide inclusive urban
transport for all, TRIPS is rolling out case studies in seven pilot cities
Щоб продемонструвати, як такі спільно розроблені рішення для мобільності можуть
забезпечити інклюзивний міський транспорт для всіх, TRIPS проводить тематичні
дослідження в семи пілотних містах.
· #243
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:01)
Today i have read the article titled "What the metaverse is and how it will
work". This article is about a "virtual environment". Think of it as the
internet brought to life, or at least rendered in 3D. Essentially, it's a world
of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work and
play, using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps
or other devices. This is really valuable invention, it's the next evolution of
connectivity where all of those things start to come together in a seamless,
doppelganger universe.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.(«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів
простір на багатьох рівнях.)
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly.(Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.)
3) case studies
They analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the requirements that
the platform would have to meet.(Вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні
дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа.)
Vocaroo -
· #242
Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211)(Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:01)
Today I read the article "Aqueous electrolyte of a new generation". In this
article, a team of University of Maryland chemists has developed a new
generation of aqueous electrolyte to reduce reliance on organic lithium-ion
batteries. They demonstrate that LIB pocket cells can be made using aqueous
electrolytes with salt concentrations of less than 5 µm. The researchers' job
was to find an aqueous electrolyte that goes beyond the water in the salt, while
also improving efficiency and stability. It needed to have a salt concentration
below 5.0 m (mol/kg) and a stability window of more than 3.0 V, and it was
important for its manufacture to reduce the cost. They found a new generation
electrolyte that meets all their requirements.
This article is very important and talks about attempts to replace organic
lithium-ion batteries.
1.Those case studies are quite diverse, explains studies
2.Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly.when compared
3.This requires action at multiple levels.multiple levels
· #241
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:01)
Kolomiets Volodymir Rz-212 Task1 is good.Task2 requires the Ukrainian
· #240
Ivanitskaya Christina РЗ-211 (Lebedeva) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:01)
Today I have read the article " Using Rubik's cube to improve and evaluate robot
manipulation" . The scientists in their experiments observed a discrepancy
between what people and jobs are considered difficult when performing 3D
puzzles. It was difficult for people to understand even the actions to fold the
cube, but the physical manipulation of the cube is easy. It only takes the
robots a few seconds to figure out how to assemble it, but the cube is hard to
interact with. As the robot makes individual mistakes, they accumulate and
affect its performance. Yang and his colleagues believe that the existence of
such a standard will allow robotics researchers to more clearly define the
direction of progress and manipulation of robots. For me, this article was a
little boring, but in principle there is a place in this world.
1 when compared
Latvia can hold its own in terms of culture and art when compared to the world's
largest countries.
Невелика Латвія у плані культури та мистецтва може з гордістю стояти поряд із
найбільшими країнами світу.
2 case studies
Moreover, some national case studies were carried out.
Крім того, було проведено низку тематичних досліджень щодо окремих країн.
3 multiple levels
And the beauty of the book is that it works on multiple levels.
І краса цієї книги у тому, що вона діє на багатьох рівнях.
· #239
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 09:00)
ex.2 reading:
ex1, ex2. speaking:
· #238
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:57)
To РЗ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck
· #237
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:56)
To Shevchuk Julia ( RF-211) Not bad, thank you.
· #236
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:56)
Today I have read the article 'Hackers steal $97 million dollars from Japanese
crypto exchange'
The name of the topic states itself: the unknown group of hackers gain
unauthorized access to the crypto wallets managed at Japanese cryptocurrency
'Liquid' and stole the Ethereum assets worth of nearly $100 million dollars.
Because of that, the rest of the $16.3 million worth of stolen Ethereum had
already been frozen.
I think this means, that even despite the cryptocurrency development and
improvement, the investment in it can still bring a big risk of it been stolen
by the hackers or other kind of attacks.
4. 1) when compared
Simplified, formula-like techniques are inconsequential when compared with
personal growth as a means of overcoming difficulties
2) multiple levels
Sometimes you may wish to have multiple levels of access - pleb , manager,
uber-manager etc
3) case studies
The historical case studies carried out by Lakatos and his followers certainly
lend some support to that latter claim.
· #235
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:53)
To Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 Two sentences are not enough for the review. Also, don't forget about audio.
· #234
Kulaksyz S. (RF-211, S.Mykhailiuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:53)
Today I've read the article "Faster air exchange in buildings not always
beneficial for coronavirus levels".Dynamic and fast air exchanges might not be a
good thing when it comes to transmitting viruses and diseases with their
particles. The study suggests that, in a multiroom building, rapid air exchanges
can spread the virus rapidly from the source room into other rooms at high
concentrations. Particle levels increase in rooms with good ventilation, in
around of only 30 minutes a room can be filled with air with certain virus
particles in them and air will stay elevated for the minimum of 90 minutes.
Phrases of the day:
1)This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Ця цифра ще менш значна, якщо порівнювати з активами, які контролюються такими
2)Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
Доповненням до курсу електронного навчання є посібник із додатковими тематичними
дослідженнями, найкращими практиками та заходами.
3)This requires action at multiple levels.
Це вимагає дій на кількох рівнях.
· #233
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:53)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #232
Ruslan Siropulo, RF-211, S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:53)
Phrases of a day
1)This requires action at multiple levels - Це вимагає дій на кількох рівнях
2)Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities. - Доповненням до курсу електронного навчання є
посібник із додатковими тематичними дослідженнями, найкращими практиками та
3)This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control. - Ця цифра ще менш значна, якщо порівнювати з активами, які
контролюються такими підприємствами.
2. Article
Today i have read the article "Waste coffee grounds could someday help detect
brain waves". And what I can say about it. It's interesting article describing
what coffe can do in biology and chemistry. But the most of information is about
how scientists use it like supercapacitors for energy storage or coffe waste
that can detect trace levels of biomolecules in vitro.The best part starts when
scientists Ross want to do the traditional microelectrodes via the coffe waste,
the way that she used seems logical and practical. This article was interesting
to review.
· #231
Shevchuk Julia ( RF-211) (Lebedeva E.V) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:53)
Many of new applications involve both storing information and simultaneous use
by several individuals. The key concern in this paper is multiple use. For those
applications in which all users should not have identical authority, some scheme
is needed to ensure that the computer system implements the desired authority
2. There are protection of corporate information, online warehouse inventory
management system that generates reports about the current status of the
inventory, etc.
3. These examples span a wide range of needs for organizational and personal
privacy. All have in common controlled sharing of information among multiple
4. The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used in
connection with information-storing systems.
5. The term "privacy" denotes a socially defined ability of an individual (or
organization) to determine whether, when, and to whom personal (or
organizational) information is to be released.
1. information security is a discipline that everyone must understand in order
to prevent the ability of transmitting a computer virus
2. Processes denote and deals with storing information
3. the software allows you to analyze existing failures
1. Are there applications in which there are no special computers conditions?
2. what most often protects information on a computer?
3. Does the computer need additional means to protect information?
There are many basic principles of information security, but today I want to
consider bank security. The information security of banks contains many aspects.
The information security of a bank is the state of security of all its
information assets.
The bank's reputation and competitiveness depend on the information security of
the bank. The high level of information security of a credit organization allows
minimizing the risks of information leakage. The information security system of
a bank should implement an integrated approach to protection - include all
necessary organizational measures and technical solutions and protect electronic
payment systems, electronic document management and payment card servicing,
banking software and software and hardware systems, remote service systems,
communication networks, etc. Also provide high performance - process significant
amounts of information without slowing down performance and be reliable and
fault-tolerant through the use of clustering, virtualization, load balancing
technologies. And of course to have tools for collecting, analyzing incident
data and responding to security events.
· #230
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:52)
To all students from group RF-211 The lesson has already begun, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your two tasks with the only audio file attached. Please, do it in one comment
· #229
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:51)
To Shulyak Makar , Alexander Shibaev , (RF-211) You forgot about audio recording.
· #228
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:49)
Vivchar Roman (RF-211 Task 1 Be attentive and pay attention to the sentences and
contents you ‘be chosen. Phrase N3 is unacceptable. Task 2 . This is not an
comment based on the article. A volume of 100 words of the comment is a must.
· #227
Gvozd O.V. to RZ-211 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:47)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with
Phrases and audio recordings. Don't forget to write your Independent practice.
Please, do it in one comment.
· #226
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:45)
To Ivkov Yurii (RF-211) I am looking forward to your audio recording.
· #225
Alexander Shibaev (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:44)
First of all things, there must be the desired authority structure, which ensure
that information correctly between users. Furthermore, there are also such
principles of information protection as privacy, security and protection.
Privacy stands on that private information can be controlled by its owner, and
which is protected from other users. Such as corporate information is available
only for employee, not for clients, or consumers. Also, every information system
must provide a protection and security to all users’ information.
Ex. 2 (Reading)
1. What do many of new applications involve? - Many of these new applications
involve both storing information and simultaneous use by several individuals.
2. What examples of protection of information are there in the text? - There are
protection of corporate information, online warehouse inventory management
system that generates reports about the current status of the inventory, etc.
3. What do all these examples have in common? - These examples span a wide range
of needs for organizational and personal privacy. All have in common controlled
sharing of information among multiple users.
4. What words are frequently used in connection with information-storing
systems? - The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used
in connection with information-storing systems.
5. What does the term “privacy” denote? - The term "privacy" denotes a socially
defined ability of an individual (or organization) to determine whether, when,
and to whom personal (or organizational) information is to be released.
Ex.1 (Speaking)
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2. Privacy denote a socially defined ability of individual, or an organization,
which determines whether, when, and to whom information is to be released.
3. Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
4. Information is a data, that can be stored and transmitted by a computer.
Ex. 2
1. Do all applications need special provision in the computer system?
2. What can adequately protect the stored information?
3. Is it always necessary to have the computer enforce a desired authority
structure, or it is fine not to provide any aid to ensure protection of
· #224
Rosinskiy Kyrylo RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:43)
Lesson 1, The Reading Module, Ex 2
1. Many of these new applications involve both storing information and
simultaneous use by several individuals.
2. There are examples in the text: an airline seat reservation system, an online
warehouse inventory management system, credit bureau data banks, law enforcement
information systems, time-sharing service bureaus, on-line medical information
systems, and government social service data processing systems.
3. These examples all have in common controlled sharing of information among
multiple users.
4. The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used in
connection with information-storing systems.
5. The term "privacy" denotes a socially defined ability of an individual (or
organization) to determine whether, when, and to whom personal (or
organizational) information is to be released.
Lesson 1, The Speaking Module, Ex 1
1. Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2. Privacy denotes the socially defined ability of an individual organization.
Determine whether when or whom information to be released.
3. Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
4. Information is data that is processed, stored and transmitted by computer.
Lesson 1, The Speaking Module, Ex 2
1. Do special provisions in the computer application are not necessary in some
2. What adequately protects the stored information?
3. Does the computer need to provide aid to ensure protection of information?
Review: As computers become better understood and more economical, every day
brings new applications which involve both storing information and simultaneous
use by several individuals. These personal or organization information must be
secured and protect privacy.
· #223
Shulyak Makar (RF-211, Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:42)
Exercise 2:
1)What do many of new applications involve? - Many of these new applications
involve both storing information and simultaneous use by several individuals.
The key concern in this paper is multiple use.
2) What examples of protection of information are there in the text? - There is
corporate information protection, an online warehouse inventory management
system that generates reports on the current state of stocks, etc. (In the
example of an airline company).
3) What do all these examples have in common? - All have in common controlled
sharing of information among multiple users.These examples span a wide range of
needs for organizational and personal privacy.
4)What words are frequently used in connection with information-storing systems?
- The words "privacy," "security," and "protection" are frequently used in
connection with information-storing systems.
5)What does the term “privacy” denote? - The term "privacy" denotes a socially
defined ability of an individual (or organization) to determine whether, when,
and to whom personal (or organizational) information is to be released.
Exercise 1.
1)Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2)Privacy denote a socially defined ability of individual, or an organization,
which determines whether, when, and to whom information is to be released.
3)Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
Information is a data, that can be stored and transmitted by a computer.
Exercise 2.
1)Do all applications need special provision in the computer system?
2)What can adequately protect the stored information?
3)Is it always necessary to have the computer enforce a desired authority
structure, or it is fine not to provide any aid to ensure protection of
Basic principles of information security.
First of all, there must be a desired authority structure that ensures the
correct transfer of information between users. In addition, there are also such
principles of information protection:
Privacy means that personal information can be controlled by its owner and
protected from other users. For example, corporate information is only available
to employees and not to customers or consumers. In addition, each information
system must ensure the protection and security of the information of all users.
· #222
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:39)
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212 Tanks Task 1 is good. Task 2 requires Ukrainian
· #221
Timophey Sipin RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:39)
Today I've read the article "Hackers have leaked the COVID-19 vaccine data they
stole in a cyberattack". This article is about cyberattack by unknown hackers
against the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to gain the information about
coronavirus medicines. But as a result, no leaked information violates the
office's confidentiality rules. This is not first attack against some
pharmaceuticals firms which EMA include and with time there were more and more
of them. I found this article interesting, because in our time it's quite
nessesary to know how development of vaccine is progressing and who is trying to
resist it.
1) case studies
This requires further case studies and empirical analyses, including both
quantitative and qualitative assessments.
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
3) multiple levels
'Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
· #220
Vivchar Roman (RF-211) S. Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:39)
Phrases of day:
-Multiple levels.
The hierarchy of countries is built on multiple levels.
Ієрархія країн побудована на багатьох рівнях.
-Case studies.
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
Доповненням до курсу електронного навчання є посібник із додатковими тематичними
дослідженнями, найкращими практиками та заходами.
-When compared.
When compared the size of Ukraine and Russia, it is ridiculous to recognize the
aggressor in the "military operation 2022".
Якщо порівнювати розміри України та Росії, то смішно визнавати агресора у
«військовій операції 2022».
In my opinion, this is a good article that has a certain meaning, useful for
modern society.
Air pollution is now one of the main problems, GCARE members have tried to
figure out what means to do so, but many have used brought, they will receive
funding for further experiments, we will expect their progress.
· #219
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:37)
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212)
Thank you, well done!
· #218
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:36)
To Biehin Yevhen RF-211 I'd like more information about information security and I am looking forward to your audioi
· #217
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:35)
Khizhniak Dmytr
You are part of my subgroup. Task 1 is good. Thanks
· #216
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:35)
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212)
On Tuesdays you are not in my subgroup, mind it, pls.
· #215
Ivkov Yurii (RF-211)(Lebedeva E.V.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:32)
Reading, Exercise 2.
1) Many of new applications involve storing information and multiple use by
several people. It also means that it must have an authority structure, and
protection of information.
2) There are many examples of protection of information: credit bureau data
banks; law enforcement information systems; time-sharing service bureaus;
on-line medical information systems; and government social service data
processing systems.
3) All of them have controlled sharing of information among multiple users, and
need some plan of implementing the correct authority structure.
4) The words such as "privacy," "security," and "protection", are used in
connection with information-storing systems, however they are not always the
same, and mostly used in computer science literature.
5) This term means that individual, or an organization, can determine whether,
when, and to whom information is to be released. Basically, means that how to
use private information is for an owner to decide.
Exercise 1. Speaking
1)Information science is a discipline that deals with the processes of storing
and transferring information.
2)Privacy denote a socially defined ability of individual, or an organization,
which determines whether, when, and to whom information is to be released.
3)Application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
Information is a data, that can be stored and transmitted by a computer.
Exercise 2. Speaking
1)Do all applications need special provision in the computer system?
2)What can adequately protect the stored information?
3)Is it always necessary to have the computer enforce a desired authority
structure, or it is fine not to provide any aid to ensure protection of
Basic principles of information protection
First of all things, there must be the desired authority structure, which ensure
that information correctly between users. Furthermore, there are also such
principles of information protection as privacy, security and protection.
Privacy stands on that private information can be controlled by its owner, and
which is protected from other users. Such as corporate information is available
only for employee, not for clients, or consumers. Also, every information system
must provide a protection and security to all users’ information.
· #214
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:31)
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212)
I have checked your comments, they're well done
· #213
Khizhniak Dmytro(Myhayliuk S.L.) RZ-212 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:31)
Today I read the article "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the roads". It
tells about artificial intelligence in transport, designed to optimize traffic.
While many argue, trusting a computer to control the road with other people can
be dangerous - scientists are doing research on-road behavior in order to create
their own "robots" as safely as possible. This system will help to optimize
traffic, making it more unloaded, and in addition to relieving humanity from the
need for transportation, for example, and other activities where you need to
constantly move around the city by car. Scientists are convinced that this
technology is really necessary.
I believe that this is not a very useful invention, since it reduces the value
of human labor, as a result of which it leaves people without work.
· #212
Mashovets Andrey (RZ 212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:30)
Today I’ve read the article “New book debunks myth of 'Dickensian poverty'”.
This article is about a new book that destroys the myth of «Dickensian poverty»,
which was inspired by preview editions.
The purpose of this article is to prove that in the new book the perception of
19th century British working class homes as sparse and squalid is far from
universally true.
Our new book does not deny the existence of squalor. Instead, it demonstrates
that such contemporary depictions do not represent the typical experience of the
working class at home during this period.
I believe that this book can be useful for people who are interested in books,
also people who are interested in the cultural state of England that is
displayed in books.
1.multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дім» був центральним для їхнього життя, і робочий клас розумів простір на
декількох рівнях.
2.when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які безпосередньо на ринку studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
Як перший крок вони проаналізували реалістичні дослідження випадків для того,
щоб визначити вимоги, які повинна була б виконати платформа.
· #211
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, Mihayliuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:27)
Today I have read the article "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring
problems of its own". As we know, in recent years, more and more people have
begun to protest against the use and production of ordinary cars that can only
be driven by using gasoline. Many environmental activists are urging people to
switch to electric vehicles, but few people know that the mass use of electric
vehicles can also lead to problems.
First, the cells used in the production of batteries are finite and their number
is limited. Also, the appearance of electric vehicles will not be able to solve
the problem of sedentary population, and with an increase in the number of
electric vehicles on the roads, traffic jams will become even more frequent and
As for me, the main advantage of electric vehicles - the rejection of the use of
internal combustion engines will cover all these minor disadvantages.
1) case studies
This requires further case studies and empirical analyses, including both
quantitative and qualitative assessments.
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
3) multiple levels
'Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
· #210
Biehin Yevhen RF-211 (Lebedeva E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:27)
Reading, Ex. 2:
1) New applications involve both storing information and simultaneous use by
several individuals
2) The airline seat, a flight boarding agent, an online warehouse inventory
management system .
3) Controlled sharing of information among multiple users
4) "privacy," "security," and "protection"
5) The term "privacy" denotes a socially defined ability of an individual (or
organization) to determine whether, when, and to whom personal (or
organizational) information is to be released.
Speaking, Ex.1:
1) Privacy denotes a socially defined ability of an individual to determine
whether, when, and to whom personal information is to be released.
2) Application is a piece of software designed to carry out particular tasks.
3) infomation is a data processed, stored and transmitted by computer.
1) Does every application need a special provisions in the computer system?
2) What protects the stored information?
3) Does computer need to provide aids to ensure protection of information?
All companies require some plan to ensure that the computer system helps
implement the correct authority structure. Of course, in some applications no
special provisions in the computer system are necessary. It may be, for
instance, that an externally administered code of ethics or a lack of knowledge
about computers adequately protects the stored information.
· #209
Khotynskiy Oleg (RZ-212, Popovych) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:25)
Today I have read the article "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring
problems of its own". As we know, in recent years, more and more people have
begun to protest against the use and production of ordinary cars that can only
be driven by using gasoline. Many environmental activists are urging people to
switch to electric vehicles, but few people know that the mass use of electric
vehicles can also lead to problems.
First, the cells used in the production of batteries are finite and their number
is limited. Also, the appearance of electric vehicles will not be able to solve
the problem of sedentary population, and with an increase in the number of
electric vehicles on the roads, traffic jams will become even more frequent and
As for me, the main advantage of electric vehicles - the rejection of the use of
internal combustion engines will cover all these minor disadvantages.
1) case studies
This requires further case studies and empirical analyses, including both
quantitative and qualitative assessments.
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
3) multiple levels
'Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
· #208
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:23)
Khizhniak Dmytro RZ-212
Dmytro, you are not in my subgroup
· #207
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:23)
Kolomiets Volodymir Rz-212 Task 1 :you need to make better conclusion based on
the article selected.Just 68 points Task 2 Think about other way of translation
“aggregator “. Just 80 points.
· #206
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Popovich E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:22)
Today I've read the article: "A security technique to fool would-be cyber
The article covers a recently developed technique of preventing cyber attacks
relating to memory.
The cyber attacks that this technique tries to stop are contention attacks, that
target another program's memory. As a program tries to make a request to the
computer's memory controller, it causes a slight delay. A malicious program or
an attacker can interpret those delays to accurately decipher outgoing
information and obtain data like passwords.
The technique in question fools these attacks by shaping the program's memory
requests into predefined patterns as well as making fake requests to confuse
attackers with.
In my opinion this is an intriguing article, as mass deployment of this
technique could prevent many cyber attacks.
1) "Home" was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
"Дім" займав центральне місце у їхніх життях, і робочий клас розумів простір на
декількох рівнях.
2) As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine
the requirements that the platform would have to meet.
Як перший крок, вони аналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, з метою
визначення вимог, які платформа буде змушена задовольнити.
3) Lithium-ion batteries also require little maintenance when compared to some
Літій-іоннові аккамулятори також потребують малу кількість підтримки, у
поривняні з декількома алтернативами.
· #205
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:21)
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212)
The first sentence should be: ''Today I’ve read the article (the title of the
article). It tells us about...''
· #204
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:20)
Today I have read the article " This AI tool lets you visualize how climate
change could affect your home". This article says that the new tool with
advanced AI image recognition allows you to visualize the future effects of
climate change anywhere in the world, including your own home. I think this
project is a good idea, because the project called "This Climate Doesn't Exist
"allows you to enter the address of your current home or your favorite place to
travel and see what it might look like years later, when climate change has
taken its toll.
1)when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами якщо порівнювати з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
2)multiple levels
Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space
on multiple levels.
Дім був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір
на кілька рівнях.
3)case studies
Those case studies are quite diverse, explains Houtman.
Ці дослідження доволі різноманітні, пояснює Хаутман.
· #203
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:19)
Kolomiets Volodymir Rz-212
Everything is good but mind,pls., my name is PopovYch.
· #202
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:16)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Mind,pls., my name is PopovYch.
Your comment should include up to 100 words. Use Word Count Tool to check it. Go
on working.
· #201
Khizhniak Dmytro(Popovych O.S.)RZ-212 (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:15)
Today I read the article "Crossing the line: How robots can rule the roads". It
tells about artificial intelligence in transport, designed to optimize traffic.
While many argue, trusting a computer to control the road with other people can
be dangerous - scientists are doing research on-road behavior in order to create
their own "robots" as safely as possible. This system will help to optimize
traffic, making it more unloaded, and in addition to relieving humanity from the
need for transportation, for example, and other activities where you need to
constantly move around the city by car. Scientists are convinced that this
technology is really necessary.
I believe that this is not a very useful invention, since it reduces the value
of human labor, as a result of which it leaves people without work.
· #200
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212, Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:13)
Today i read the article "New book debunks myth of 'Dickensian poverty'"
In the article we can find out that a new book reveals that the perception of
19th-century British working-class homes as being sparse and squalid is far from
being universally true, and popular writers of the time, such as Charles
Dickens, are partly to blame for stereotypes that still exist today. Co-edited
by Dr. Joseph Harley of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), alongside Dr. Vicky
Holmes and Dr. Laika Nevalainen, "The Working Class at Home, 1790–1940"
(Palgrave Macmillan), attempts to set the record straight by detailing the lives
of working people and how they made a "home" in some of the most trying
circumstances imaginable. In my opinion much of these preconceptions of
widespread deprivation is due, in part, to the highly polemical accounts of
leading intellectuals of the 19th century such as Charles Dickens and Friedrich
1) case studies;
Complementing the e-learning course is a guide with additional case studies,
best practices and activities.
В дополнение к курсу электронного обучения предлагается руководство, в котором
содержится описание дополнительных тематических исследований, передовых методов
и мероприятий.
2) multiple levels;
This requires action at multiple levels.
Для этого требуется принимать меры на многих уровнях.
3) when compared;
This figure is even less significant when compared to the assets such
enterprises control.
Эта цифра становится еще менее значительной, если сравнить ее с суммой активов,
контролируемых такими предприятиями.
· #199
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 08:11)
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 .Task 1 contains a grammar mistake and repeated word like
‘graphs’ in every other sentence . The conclusion has to begin by writing:”In
conclusion, to sum it up or I think, believe, guess, etc’Just 70 points. Task 2
Whenever you use the word ‘aggregator’ from other fields like tourism , try to
find and appropriate Ukrainian equivalent. Pls try to translate into Ukrainian.
· #198
Kolomiets Volodymir Rz-212 (Popovich) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:55)
(сначала случайно на Михайлюк отправил)
Today i have read the article "A new project to support student carers". This
article is about a new project to better support students with caring
responsibilities alongside their studies. New research shows that without the
necessary support, caring responsibilities can have a negative impact on student
carers' physical and mental health, university performance, decisions and social
life. The researchers will conduct a UK wide study to gather quantitative data
about student carers. This will involve collecting a variety of information
including measures of resilience, wellbeing, gender, ethnicity, deprivation
indices, caring hours etc. Their aim is to gather more data to help us better
understand their university experience and how being a carer affects their
decision process.
I found this article quite interesting and useful, because the information it
contains can really change a lot in student carers.
1) multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку
3)case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet
В якості першого кроку вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження,
щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа
· #197
Kolomiets Volodymir Rz-212 (Mihayliuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:51)
Today i have read the article "A new project to support student carers". This
article is about a new project to better support students with caring
responsibilities alongside their studies. New research shows that without the
necessary support, caring responsibilities can have a negative impact on student
carers' physical and mental health, university performance, decisions and social
life. The researchers will conduct a UK wide study to gather quantitative data
about student carers. This will involve collecting a variety of information
including measures of resilience, wellbeing, gender, ethnicity, deprivation
indices, caring hours etc. Their aim is to gather more data to help us better
understand their university experience and how being a carer affects their
decision process.
I found this article quite interesting and useful, because the information it
contains can really change a lot in student carers.
1) multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels
«Дім» був центральним у їхньому житті, і робочий клас розумів простір на кількох
2) when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку
3)case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet
В якості першого кроку вони проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження,
щоб визначити вимоги, яким повинна відповідати платформа
· #196
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovich) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:47)
Today i have read the article: Computer simulation brings us closer to schools
of fish like underwater research drones.
This article tells about The researchers used 3D modeling to show that small
fish swimming in a school can sense the position and tail strokes of their
neighbors as a change in water pressure on the side of their body.
This mechanism allows the fish to maximize the swimming efficiency of the group
even in complete darkness when there are no visual cues. Understanding the group
movement of fish is useful for predicting their migration and designing aquatic
research robots. Previous research suggests that swimming in groups of fish can
benefit from adopting optimal relative positions and synchronizing their
movements. In order to keep track of neighbors, even in a dark or cloudy
environment, fish must clearly rely on more than just sight.
In this study, scientists simulate two tetra-nosed fish swimming side by side in
various configurations in calm waters.
They examine the pressure signals propagating through the water from the body of
one fish to the body of another. In fact, there is a new trend in robotics that
will increasingly see modular designs of small robots working in teams.
Similarly, swarms of robotic fish equipped with pressure sensors could use the
hydrodynamic advantages of moving in a group to replace larger underwater drones
that explore historic shipwrecks, such as Ernest Shackleton's newly discovered
endurance, or observe fish behavior.
I think this is a great invention for underwater research. With it, we will be
able to explore the underwater world even better.
1.Case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
2.When compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly. by Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.
3.Multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
· #195
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 (Mihayliuk) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:40)
Today I have read the article “T-GPS processes a graph with a trillion edges on
a single computer”. This article is about a Graps. Graphs are widely used to
represent and analyze real-world objects in many fields such as social media,
business intelligence, biology, and neuroscience. As the number of graph
applications grows rapidly, developing and testing new graph algorithms becomes
more important. Currently, many industrial applications require a graph
algorithm to handle large-scale graphs. The research team solved the problem
with the traditional two-step approach. It loads the initial small real graph
into main memory. Then T-GPS processes the graph algorithm on a small real
graph. After running the algorithm, T-GPS returns the same result as the
traditional two-step approach. The key idea behind T-GPS is to create only that
part of the synthetic graph that the algorithm needs to access on the fly.
article -
audio -
when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегаторы туристических сайтов сталкиваются с проблемами по сравнению с
авиакомпаниями, которые продают напрямую
case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
В качестве первого шага они проанализировали реалистичные тематические
исследования, чтобы определить требования, которым должна соответствовать
multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дом» занимал центральное место в их жизни, и рабочий класс понимал пространство
на нескольких уровнях.
Audio ph:
· #194
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:27)
Neblienko V. (RZ-212)
Thanks for your comments, voice messages and work with the phrases.Keep on
· #193
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:27)
1/3 students from group RF-211
Chmel, Vivchar, Yakuboska,Kulaksis, Sipopulo
1/3 students from group RZ-212 Fudulaky, Khuzhnjak, Holodova, Hotunsky, Yushin
You are all invited for today’s activity. Pls submit your comments, sentences
with phrases of the day with only audio files combined. Let’s get started right
now, students!
· #192
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:25)
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212
Thank you for your comment on the article and for your work.
· #191
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Popovych O. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:16)
Today i have read the article titled: "Travel site aggregators face challenges
when compared to airlines that market directly".
This text tells about the age-old question of an economic nature: who loses and
gains more - airlines or aggregator sites?
Those questions were on the minds of two data scientists who conducted a
comprehensive study on who has more clout: the airline or the aggregator? What
they found was that the aggregator can come out losing the most when its site is
not comprehensive.
The research study, to be published in the September issue of the INFORMS
journal Marketing Science, titled "Value of Aggregators," is authored by Selin
Akca of the University of Zurich and Anita Rao of the University of Chicago.
In my opinion, taking into account all the commissions and fees of airlines for
advertising and promoting their services, aggregator sites can earn almost
without loss.
when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
Агрегаторы туристических сайтов сталкиваются с проблемами по сравнению с
авиакомпаниями, которые продают напрямую
case studies
As a first step, they analyzed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet.
В качестве первого шага они проанализировали реалистичные тематические
исследования, чтобы определить требования, которым должна соответствовать
multiple levels
"Home' was central to their lives and the working-class understood the space on
multiple levels.
«Дом» занимал центральное место в их жизни, и рабочий класс понимал пространство
на нескольких уровнях.
· #190
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Popovych E.) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:14)
1. when compared
Travel site aggregators face challenges when compared to airlines that market
directly. - Агрегатори туристичних сайтів стикаються з проблемами в порівнянні з
авіакомпаніями, які працюють безпосередньо на ринку.
2. case studies
As a first step, they analysed realistic case studies in order to determine the
requirements that the platform would have to meet. - В якості першого кроку вони
проаналізували реалістичні тематичні дослідження, щоб визначити вимоги, яким
повинна відповідати платформа.
3. multiple levels
Redundancy, as seen in federations with their multiple levels of government, is
actually a plus when it comes to crisis response, Shvetsova's research found. -
Дослідження Швецової показало, що надмірність, як це видно у федераціях з їх
кількома рівнями управління, насправді є плюсом, коли йдеться про реагування на
2) Today, І have read the article «Waste coffee grounds could someday help
detect brain waves»
Spent coffee grounds have previously been used to make porous carbon
supercapacitors for energy storage. But now, new research led by principal
investigator Ashley Ross, Ph.D., has taken recycled coffee waste in another,
more biological direction. She and her team have demonstrated that electrodes
coated with carbon from this waste can detect trace levels of biomolecules in
In my opinion, with the help of this study, it will be possible to make
electrodes from spent coffee grounds, which will give the electrodes a uniform
porosity and increase their neurochemical detection capabilities.
· #189
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:07)
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212)
Your task is complete, informative and interesting. Well done.
· #188
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:05)
To 1 /3 students from both groups RF-211, RZ-212. Welcome back to our weekly activities The on-line lesson has already started.I expect you to actively participate in today’s activities by posting your comments on the article selected and phrases of the day into the CD Guestbook. Good luck, students.
· #187
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:02)
Good morning!
The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments
and audio recordings. Don't forget to write the sentences with Phrases and
record them. Please, do it in one postt!
· #186
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212, Popovich) (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:02)
Today I've read the article “US offers $10 mn bounty for DarkSide hackers”. This
article is about a US government that offers 10 million dollars for finding a
leader of the high-profile ransomware gang DarkSide. Washington blamed the
Russia-based group for the online assault that forced the shutdown of the
largest oil pipeline in the eastern United States in May. Cybercrimes have been
booming, with new data out in October showing $590 (five hundred nineteen)
million in ransomware-related payments were reported to US authorities in the
first half of 2021 alone. As for me, the fight against hackers is a very
difficult confrontation.
case studies
In the latter case, the added bonus is that studies have shown fish to be much
less disturbed by sea probes that look and feel more fishlike.
В останньому випадку додатковим бонусом є те, що дослідження показали, що риби
набагато менше переймаються морськими зондами, які виглядають і відчуваються
більш схожими на риб.
when compared
The semiconductor also demonstrated better performance when compared with
current chips in the market.
Напівпровідник також продемонстрував кращу продуктивність порівняно з чіпами, що
існують на ринку.
multiple levels
Redundancy, as seen in federations with their multiple levels of government, is
actually a plus when it comes to crisis response, Shvetsova's research found.
Conflicting forces.
Надмірність, як це спостерігається у федераціях зі своїми декількома рівнями
влади, насправді є плюсом, коли йдеться про реагування на кризу, показало
дослідження Швецової. Суперечливі сили.
· #185
Lebedeva E. (Tuesday, 22 March 2022 07:01)
To РФ-211 Good morning! The lesson has started and I am waiting for your comments on the article and phrases of the day. Good luck
· #184
Petrova E.I. (Friday, 18 March 2022 13:35)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #183
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:38)
To Stanislav Gorbatiuk (RZ-213) Pls do not post your tasks several times.Your comment doesn’t contain the conclusion. Just 68 points. Better luck next time.
· #182
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:33)
Stanislav Gorbatiuk (RZ-213) For task 1 you ‘be received 79 points. The comment
on the article is missing. Pls do this task and submit it into the Guestbook.But
do it on time next session.
· #181
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:29)
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 Thanks .In general you coped with both tasks, task 2 is
incomplete Just 78 points. Good luck
· #180
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:23)
Igor Rudko(RZ-213) Thanks .Mind the volume of the comment and try to formulate
in your own words Just 77 points for all activities. Keep on working hard.
· #179
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:18)
To Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 just good. Thank you. Keep on working hard.
· #178
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:15)
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)
Glory to the heroes!
Just very good in general for all activities. Thanks .Keep on working!
· #177
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:11)
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213 Pls mind the volume and the style when you are writing
a comment.. Pls make a conclusion. Just 70 points. Task 2is good. Keep on
working hard to reach better results. Good luck
· #176
Stanislav Gorbatiuk (RZ-213) (S. Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:02)
proportional to
These mathematical models are proportional to those shown to us today at the
annual scientific meeting. Ці математичні моделі пропорційні тим, які показані
нам сьогодні на щорічній науковій нараді.
2) problem inherent in
Astronomers had to address the problems inherent in James Webb Telescope
structure design. Астрономам довелося вирішити проблеми, притаманні конструкції
телескопа Джеймса Вебба.
3) as to
Students have serious addiction as to their internet activity. Студенти мають
серйозну залежність від інтернет-активності.
Today I've read the article, which is titled "Two years into the pandemic, which
of our newly formed habits are here to stay?". This article tells us about
people how have developed a variety of social habits to reduce the virus's
spread—such as working from home, shopping online, traveling locally and
socializing less with one important question: are these new habits here to stay,
or do old habits really die hard? The data shows that many companies are
concerned that more permanent home working might affect employees' team
building, creativity and productivity but among employees, there's a greater
appetite for hybrid and flexible working. In many countries, before omicron hit,
travel to retail and recreation spaces was back up to pre-pandemic levels, and
is already starting to rebound after omicron. The pandemic has taught us that we
need to connect with others and that there are limits as to how much online
communication can replace real, face-to-face interactions.
· #175
Stanislav Gorbatiuk (RZ-213) (S. Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:01)
proportional to
These mathematical models are proportional to those shown to us today at the
annual scientific meeting. Ці математичні моделі пропорційні тим, які показані
нам сьогодні на щорічній науковій нараді.
2) problem inherent in
Astronomers had to address the problems inherent in James Webb Telescope
structure design. Астрономам довелося вирішити проблеми, притаманні конструкції
телескопа Джеймса Вебба.
3) as to
Students have serious addiction as to their internet activity. Студенти мають
серйозну залежність від інтернет-активності.
· #174
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 12:01)
To Kateline Syrbu RZ-213 Pls try to make your comments on the article selected in a better way: with all elements available: introduction, main body and the conclusion.Task 2 is good. Keep on working hard to reach the best results.
· #173
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:48)
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213 Thanks Task1 has some mistakes. Think about better
conclusion as well. Task2 is good but the first sentence is unclear. Try to
sound more natural and stick to the natural tempo in your voice record msg .
Just good. Keep on working hard to reach best results.
· #172
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 S.Mikhailyuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:41)
- Sir, we have problems inherent in the launch of nuclear missiles.
2. - This curve is directly proportional to the curved curve A.
Today I read an article "Mathematicians are developing a model for the emergence
of new ideas." Well, as I understand it, this model will accelerate the
development of new ideas and help humanity understand what it needs to develop
these very ideas. As for me, on the one hand, this is a very necessary thing, I
will introduce, for example, population growth, there is not enough space and
resources for a little and we need to explore space faster in order to colonize
other planets. On the other hand, as soon as bad people (who are most likely to
be in power) find out about this model, then there will be bad consequences.
· #171
Igor Rudko(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:40)
Today I've read the article, in which the main idea was that Compounds that
suppress the immune responses of plants were discovered. A group of
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may prove valuable for
investigating the molecular mechanisms inherent in plant immunity, according to
plant scientists. By the way, many NSAIDs, including aspirin, are derived from a
plant defense signaling hormone called salicylic acid. In plants, salicylic-acid
levels increase in response to pathogenic attacks from viruses, fungi, and
bacteria. In addition, external treatment with salicylic acid can also boost the
immune responses of plants. However, the precise mechanisms underlying
salicylic-acid signaling pathways are unclear, partly because the compound plays
multiple roles and acts differently in different plants. In my opinion, these
researches are very revolutionary, because they could have a potential
application for finding ways to genome editing.
Aerogels eliminate a previous problem inherent in large-scale production and
make the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater
treatment plants.(Аерогелі усувають попередню проблему, притаманну
великомасштабному виробництву, і роблять процес доступним для використання на
великих об’єктах, наприклад на очисних спорудах.)
The study shows proportionally large moons around other planets are not as rare
as thought.(Дослідження показує, що пропорційно великі супутники навколо інших
планет зустрічаються не так рідко, як вважалося.)
Turkey farmers struggle to keep birds safe from flu.(Турецькі фермери
намагаються захистити птахів від грипу).
· #170
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:40)
Today i have read the article: "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring
problems of its own".
From the article, we learn about how many car companies laughed at the
implementation of electronic cars many years ago. But now electric cars are
popular because of the desire of people and authorities to save the environment.
But even such cars bring harm, such as the difficulty of obtaining components
for their development and building up cities with parking lots and roads. In my
opinion, these problems are not as terrible as problems from diesel and gasoline
Phrases of the day:
1) proportional to
This activity generates a current proportional to the number of defects.
(Ця активність створює струм, пропорційний кількості дефектів.)
2)problem inherent in
Overflow problem inherent in certain existing models is eliminated
(Усунено проблему переповнення, властиву деяким існуючим моделям)
3)as to
We have serious doubts as to their effectiveness.
(У нас є серйозні сумніви щодо їх ефективності.)
· #169
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:36)
Prhases of Day
1. as to :
Therefore, it is more important than ever to monitor insect biodiversity, so as
to understand their decline and hopefully help them out.
Тому як ніколи важливо стежити за біорізноманіттям комах, щоб зрозуміти їх
занепад і, сподіваюся, допомогти їм.
2. proportional to :
The intensity of the light was found to be directly proportional to the
concentration of hydrogen peroxide.
Виявилося, що інтенсивність світла прямо пропорційна концентрації перекису
3. problem inherent in :
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and makes
the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater
treatment plants, he says.
Це усуває попередню проблему, притаманну великомасштабному виробництву, і робить
процес доступним для використання на великих об’єктах, таких як очисні споруди,
каже він.
Today, i have had an opportunity to read the article about newest research in
the field of DNA. According to the article, scientists have been looking for
opportunities for genetic analysis of DNA for a long time.
Until recently, the amount of DNA that could be extracted from a single cell
couldn't provide enough material for this analysis.But still scientists have
found a new approach to this study. Which will be a very big boost in the
development of our medicine.
Because new knowledge will first of all allow to know more about deadly
diseases, and to look for opportunities for their treatment and prevention.
Honestly, we must always remember that new knowledge in the field of genetics
can have not only positive changes. Sometimes they can lead to terrible
Слава Україні
Glory to Ukraine
· #168
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:30)
Today I've read an article about the use of new computer predictive model in
identifying ancient hunter-gatherer sites.Archeologists are gaining new insights
from a computer predictive model that can assess the likelihood that landscapes
contain well-sought sites.The Locally-Adaptive Model of Archeological Potential
(LAMAP),that was developed by Chris Carleton, uses information from the
landscape data to estimate the archeological potential of land that has not been
examined by archeologists.Areas that LAMAP identified as high potential proved
to contain many of the remaining sites in the database, confirming that this
model was able to predict preferred campsite areas that may have been occupied
by hunter-gatherers only for a few days or weeks.Significant computing power was
needed to undertake the systematic comparison of millions of data points from
the 7,000-square-kilometrere study area.Researchers looking to identify some of
the most difficult "finds" in archeology—including sites used by nomadic
hunter-gatherer communities—are tapping technology to help in the search.
1.The sensor produces an electric current proportional to how much polymer is
displaced, meaning that the concentration of glucose in the sample can be
accurately measured.-Датчик виробляє електричний струм, пропорційний тому,
скільки полімеру витісняється, що означає, що концентрацію глюкози в зразку
можна точно виміряти.
2.Age is just one of the problems inherent in tracing their evolution, say
Ballesteros and Sharma, since searching back through time to find a common
ancestor is not easy to accomplish.-Вік є лише однією з проблем, властивих
відстеженню їх еволюції, кажуть Баллестерос і Шарма, оскільки пошук у часі, щоб
знайти спільного предка, нелегко здійснити.
3.Legal systems differ as to form requirements for security agreements and their
function.-Правові системи відрізняються за формою вимог до договорів про
забезпечення та їх функціями.
· #167
Kateline Syrbu RZ-213 (Mykhailiuk.S) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:30)
1)problem inherent in — проблеми, пов'язані з;
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and makes
the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater
treatment plants.
Це усуває попередню проблему, притаманну великомасштабному виробництву, і робить
процес доступним для використання на великих підприємствах, наприклад на очисних
2)proportional to—пропорційно;
Everyday experience teaches us that the efficiency of light energy harvesting is
proportional to the absorber area.
Повсякденний досвід вчить нас, що ефективність збирання світлової енергії
пропорційна площі поглинача.
3) as to — щодо;
Our ideas as to what should constitute the best reform may vary.
Наші ідеї щодо того, що має бути найкращою реформою, можуть відрізнятися.
Today i have read an article : "Study shows expanding conflict-of-interest
problem in congress". The article states that the researchers compared a sample
of firm S&P 500 performance data from 2005 to 2010 with public disclosure
information about Congress members' stock holdings as compiled by the Center for
Responsive Politics. They found that firms, armed with knowledge of which
members of Congress hold stock in their companies, scale back the intensity of
their lobbying efforts with lawmakers, presumably because the companies assume
that owning stock aligns the interests of firms with those of stock-holding
lawmakers. The study also found that firms in which a greater percentage of
lawmakers invest in a given year performed significantly better the subsequent
· #166
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:30)
Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213
Glory to the heroes!
The comment on the article selected has been done in a bookish style, it doesn’t
contain a conclusion and a voice record msg. As to task 2, there’s one
inaccurate translation ‘генерує>утворює‘ Just 73 points . Be attentive and keep
on working hard! Thanks.
· #165
Denis Tsvietkov. РЗ-213 (S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:22)
Фрази дня :
1) problem inherent in
Scientists have addressed the problems inherent in indicator design. (Вчені
вирішили проблеми, притаманні дизайну індикаторів.)
2) as to
We have serious doubts as to their effectiveness. (У нас є серйозні сумніви щодо
їх ефективності.)
3) proportional to
Also, the area under RROC curves is proportional to the error variance of the
regression model. (Крім того, площа під кривими RROC пропорційна дисперсії
помилки регресійної моделі.)
Стаття :
Голосове :
Today I've read the article about: "Humans are not inherently selfish: we are
actually programmed to work together".
There has long been a general assumption that humans are inherently selfish. We
appear to be ruthless, with strong impulses to compete with each other for
resources and to amass power and property.
If we are kind to each other, it's usually because we have ulterior motives. If
we are good, it is only because we have managed to control and transcend our
innate selfishness and cruelty.
In the emergence of these negative traits, it seems to have evolved so rapidly
that it seems impossible to explain their adaptation in terms of adaptation or
development. This means that the "good" side of our nature is far more
entrenched than the "evil" side.
Слава Україні!
· #164
Mitriev Vitaliy RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:17)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I`ve read an interesting article about New software that could reuse
building materials.
This can be used for both new buildings and renovations. After reading the
detailed instructions,
I recognized the function of this software. To begin with, engineer or architect
designing or modifying
a structure enters its overall characteristics into the program, along with a
description of the stock
of reusable, second-hand components. Next — and this is one of the program's
innovations — it provides designers
with alternative forms that meet various sustainability objectives. For example,
it changes the layout of the
structure and it optimally selects and positions elements from existing stocks
to further reduce the structure's carbon
footprint, it limits the number of new cuts and keeps the number of components
to a minimum.
In my opinion this software is useful not only the environment but also people,
and this is the most important thing!
1.Our emotions are proportional to our knowledge: the less we know, the more we
Наші емоції пропорційні нашим знанням: що менше ми знаємо, то більше
2.This highlights the problem inherent in using the US dollar, a national
currency, as the global economy's primary international-reserve currency.
Це наголошує на проблемах, пов'язаних з тим, що ми використовуємо долар США,
національну валюту як найважливішу резервну валюту для світової економіки.
3.Opinions differ, however, as to what this extra dimension is.
Однак щодо того, у чому полягає цей додатковий аспект, думки розділилися
· #163
Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:12)
Working with computer simulations to recreate what scientists believe to be the
conditions that led to the formation of Earth’s moon, which up to now has been
considered quite large, a team of researchers from Switzerland and the United
States, in a paper published on arXiv, have shown the likelihood of other
planets having proportionally large moons is much higher than was previously
thought. Such an occurrence has generally been thought to be a rare event
though, and as such, most scientists have believed that the proportional size of
our moon, to Earth, was much larger than that found with most other moons
orbiting other rocky planets. Tossing that notion on its head, the new
simulations indicate that the odds of such an occurrence range from 1 in 6, to 1
in 45, which in either case, would mean a lot more planet/moon pairs out there
are much closer in size than most anyone thought.
1)proportional to
With such a procedure, the probability of a given article being selected is
proportional to the value of sales revenue it generates.
При такій процедурі ймовірність вибору даної статті пропорційна величині доходу
від продажу, який вона генерує.
2)problems inherent in
Few further attempts have been made to estimate overall expenditure because of
the problems inherent in doing so.
Через проблеми, пов’язані з цим, було зроблено декілька спроб оцінити загальні
3)as to
It lacks precision as to its implementation.
Не вистачає точності щодо його реалізації.
Слава Нації
Glory to the Nation
· #162
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:11)
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213
Could you send a list of students from Group RZ-213 to email : , please?
· #161
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 11:07)
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213
Glory to the heroes!
Thanks for your activities on the website. Well done for both tasks. Pls record
your tasks in a natural tempo, pls
· #160
Yakymova Anna/RZ-213(S.Mykhailiuk) (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:55)
Phrases of the day:
-problem inherent in — проблеми, пов'язані з;
The problems inherent in database security are very urgent.( Проблеми, пов'язані
з безпекою баз данных дуже актуальні.).
-as to — щодо;
There are serious concerns as to information security.( Є серйозні побоювання
щодо інформаційної безпеки.)
-proportional to—пропорційно;
The strength of that scattering process is proportional to the fine structure
constant alpha in the material.( Сила цього процесу розсіювання пропорційна
константі тонкої структури альфа в матеріалі.).
I have read the article about scientists create a plastic alternative made from
milk and clay. This topic are very interesting. Why do social sciences research
this issue?
I consider throughout the 21st century, people have been struggling with what
they themselves have created. Plastic is a global problem in today's world. The
scientists in this article have created a new kind of rapidly degradable
substance that we can use in the same way as plastic. Already, many scientists
have developed their own rapidly degradable substances.
To sum up, we should be more interested in new alternatives to plastic and
replace it with more progressive things.
Слава Україні!
Glory to Ukraine!
· #159
S.Mykhailiuk (Friday, 18 March 2022 10:42)
all students from group RZ-213
You are kindly invited to our activities: comments on the article selected, plus
the phrases of the day inserted into the sentences and voice msgs with links to
be submitted into the Guestbook. Keep on working hard to get best results. Good
luck. I’m waiting for you tasks right now pls.
· #158
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:20)
Parshikov Vladislav RZ-212
Thank you for the comments and work with the phrases.
· #157
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:18)
Timophey Sipin RZ-212
Thank you for your comment on the article
· #156
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:16)
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212)
The review is interesting but there are many mistakes.
· #155
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:13)
Parshikov Vladislav RZ-212
I have checked your comments, they're well done
· #154
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:11)
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212
Mind that your comment should include up to 100 words. Use Word Count Tool to
check it.
· #153
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:09)
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212)
Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #152
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 21:05)
Khizhniak Dmytro RZ-212
Read my remarks attentively to avoid making some mistakes.The first sentence
should be: ''Today I’ve read the article (the title of the article). It tells us
about...'' Do not forget to use the article a/the , the Present Perfect tense,
Phrases, links to the article and the audio description of the article and
Phrases. Mind that your comment should include up to 100 words. Use Word Count
Tool to check it. Go on working.
· #151
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 17:47)
To Kryvosheienko Stanislav RT-211 Pls try to do it on time as you have to evaluate the time for other people. There’s no conclusion in your comment. Task 2 should contain the Ukrainian translation of the phrases.Pls read the comment several times to reach the fluency. Just 60 points this time
· #150
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 17:38)
(task correction x2
I apologize for being late, the lesson was still going on, I did not have time
to notice during the break.)
Today i have read an article titled: "Addressing gender inequalities in research
through institutional change"
The text tells about the fight against gender inequality, through the change of
social institutions and their introduction into everyday life.
Gender equality and inclusion are key metrics by which performance is measured
in industry today. Research is no exception. While there is no quick fix to
eliminating gender disparities, the EU has identified the structural changes
needed in policies and programs to increase the participation of women in
research and innovation and improve their career prospects.
In my opinion, there are differences between the sexes, but nevertheless, this
is not a reason for inequality and superiority of one over the other.
priority research area
The report, which offers a strategic vision to guide the U.S. Antarctic Program
at the National Science Foundation over the next 10 years, also recommends that
NSF continue to support a core program of investigator-driven research across a
broad range of disciplines and strengthen logistic and infrastructure support
for the priority research areas.
приоритетная область исследований
В отчете, который предлагает стратегическое видение для руководства
антарктической программой США в Национальном научном фонде в течение следующих
10 лет, также рекомендуется, чтобы NSF продолжал поддерживать основную программу
исследований, проводимых исследователями в широком диапазоне дисциплин, и
укреплять логистические и инфраструктурная поддержка приоритетных направлений
prevailing view
"There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing," said Boos.
преобладающее мнение
«Существовало преобладающее мнение, что североамериканский муссон может
измениться, что вещи могут стать суше или влажнее, потому что меняется тепловой
контраст между сушей и океаном», — сказал Боос.
practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
практические проблемы
Тем не менее, когда эти эксперты внедряют ИИ в реальный мир и используют его для
решения практических задач, им приходится отвечать на такие вопросы, как почему
ИИ сделал конкретное предсказание или решение и дает ли он нам достаточную
уверенность, чтобы действовать в соответствии с ним.
· #149
Kryvosheienko Stanislav RT-211(Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 17:02)
sorry for the late task. I had bad internet connection.
Today I have read the the article "Self-driving Roboats set sail in Amsterdam
This article is about how a lot of people from different institutes have now
created the final project in their self-navigating trilogy: A full-scale, fully
autonomous robotic boat that's ready to be deployed along the canals of
The boat,Using GPS, autonomously decides on a safe route from A to B, while
continuously scanning the environment to avoid collisions with objects, such as
bridges, pillars, and other boats.
Similar boats will be presented on October 28 in the waters of Amsterdam.
Voice -
1)numerous examples - There are numerous examples of job announcements with
explicit age or gender requirements.
Є безліч прикладів оголошень про вакансії, де прямо вказуються вимоги, пов'язані
з віком чи статтю.
2)initial stages of - Most of these groups are now in the initial stages of
implementing their plans.
Більшість із них нині перебуває на початковому етапі здійснення своїх планів.
3)more specifically - The invention relates to the field of radio technology,
more specifically to ultra-wideband antennae in the SHF range.
Винахід відноситься до галузі радіотехніки, зокрема, до надширокосмугових антен
НВЧ діапазону.
Voice -
· #148
Stepanenko Vladislave RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 14:08)
Today I have read the article "Picoscience and a plethora of new materials".This
article is about picomaterials. These materials is so small that they make
nanomaterials look like lumpy behemoths. Their size is a thousand times smaller
than a nanometer and a million times smaller than a micrometer. The creation of
such materials is so complex that it is called picoscience. Yale University has
identified the development of quantum materials as a priority area of
research, foreseeing their use in new computing systems that will far surpass
current computers. Also, these materials are able to perform many functions. For
example, mimicking neurons in the brain, calculations using magnets and
calculations using quantum mechanics.In my opinion, the invention of a new
material is a very important step for the further development of technology and
1) practical problems
However, there are practical problems involved in hydrogen storage.
2) priority research area
As one of the U.S. Army's priority research areas in its Modernization
Strategy,quantum research will help transform the service into a multi-domain
3)prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species.
· #147
Popovych E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:56)
Kate Kholodova RZ-212
Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.
· #146
Yershova Y.A (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:27)
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:53)
Your article review is quite good, thanks, but there must be the article link as
well, don't forget that. The phrases' examples are not bad but the last one is
not a full sentence, mind that. Please, record the phrases' examples in one
audio file. Good luck!
· #145
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:17)
· #144
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:14)
Today I have read the article "Study challenges prevailing view of invasive
species". First of all, it is worth telling what invasive species are. The
invasive species are species whose spread threatens biological diversity. That
is, such species of animals or plants, in order to find a new habitat for
themselves, multiply in unlimited quantities and because of this, they crowd out
other species inhabiting this area. But, the study, out of the Center for
Limnology at UW-Madison states that all along our understanding of invasive
species has been wrong and the number of cases where such species could
completely occupy a certain area can be counted on the fingers.
In my opinion, it is wonderful that scientists are dispelling more and more
myths about certain types of flora and fauna. Also, I believe that since nature
has conceived the appearance of invasive species, then they definitely cannot
harm nature itself.
1) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems
2) prevailing view
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing
3) priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
· #143
Parshikov Vladislav RZ-212 (Popovich) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:11)
Today I have read the article "Self-driving race cars make history in
Indianapolis". It is about unusual race.
The winner was not a driver but an algorithm. Team from the Technical University
of Munich won a $1 million prize. However, the technology on board makes each
car worth more than $1 million. The commercial autonomous vehicle industry has
been following the Indianapolis race closely, with contributions to the event
topping $120 million.
To my mind this article is very interesting, cause of it tells us about the new
techonologies and opportunities of science.
1) priority research area
Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a
Гендерна рівність була ключовим пріоритетом у Європейському дослідницькому
просторі вже більше десяти років
2) practical problems
Solving practical problems
Розв’язування практичних задач
3) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази
· #142
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:59)
To Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.
· #141
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:58)
To Neblienko V. (RZ-212) You have sent task corrections, but you forgot about translatio of the sentences with phrases of the day. Keep working.
· #140
Moskalenko Kirill(RТ-212)(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:53)
Today I have read the article "Nimble robotic arms that perform delicate surgery
may be one step closer to reality ". This text tells us about research from
Northeastern that has worked to eliminate hard, jerky movements in robotic arms
to make them graceful and nimble enough. If they can reach a high level, then
these discoveries may one day allow doctors to remotely perform operations on a
remote battlefield, or help bomb defusers safely remove an explosive device.
Their project also involves the creation of remote-controlled robotic
manipulators. I think, this article will be interesting to people who like
1) A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions| and policy
actions that should be implemented now.
2) Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
3) Solving practical problems.
· #139
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:47)
(task correction)
Today i have read an article titled: "Addressing gender inequalities in research
through institutional change"
The text tells about the fight against gender inequality, through the change of
social institutions and their introduction into everyday life.
Gender equality and inclusion are key metrics by which performance is measured
in industry today. Research is no exception. While there is no quick fix to
eliminating gender disparities, the EU has identified the structural changes
needed in policies and programs to increase the participation of women in
research and innovation and improve their career prospects.
In my opinion, there are differences between the sexes, but nevertheless, this
is not a reason for inequality and superiority of one over the other.
priority research area
The report, which offers a strategic vision to guide the U.S. Antarctic Program
at the National Science Foundation over the next 10 years, also recommends that
NSF continue to support a core program of investigator-driven research across a
broad range of disciplines and strengthen logistic and infrastructure support
for the priority research areas.
prevailing view
"There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing," said Boos.
practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
· #138
Badyuk Eduard RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:45)
Today I have read the article "Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs needs urgent
attention, say scientists". It says that scientists from the University of York
came to the conclusion that the chemical compounds and materials used in the
manufacture of sunscreens, getting into the oceans, can greatly harm marine
organisms, and more importantly, destroy huge coral reefs!
Now scientists are working to improve the formula of sunscreens and make them
less toxic to marine life.
I think this problem is really very important because coral reefs play a
critical role in maintaining the homeostasis of the ocean and a huge number of
marine creatures can only exist thanks to the existence of corals.
1) priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on
our consultation with experts.
2) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
3) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
· #137
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:41)
Pistoi M. PT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:32)
Your comment on the article is quite interesting and clear but you have to share
your point of view on the subjest as well. Pay attention to the pronunciation:
prized accelerate directors initiatives alignment agile . In the second sentence
you meant: It tells us that Digital transformation is highly prized... Thanks
for your work!
· #136
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:33)
To Andrey Mashovets RZ-212 You missed two predicates: This article IS on the study..., I find that article IS useful for ..
· #135
Pistoi M. PT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:32)
Today I have read the article. It tells article us Digital transformation is
highly prized but poorly understood. While more than two-thirds of directors
want their organizations to accelerate digital business initiatives, as many as
80% of IT leaders fail when they try and change their organizations for the
better. The reason for failure is often a lack of alignment between IT and
business leaders. Transformation to Agile working has had a "game-changing"
impact on the delivery of applications to customers. In the old way of working,
systems and services would take years of effort and millions of pounds to
create. Agile approach to business systems will help companies to thrive in
uncertain times.
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems.
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change.
· #134
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:30)
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Yershova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:11)
In general, your article review is rather good but mind: the article TELLS (not
talk). Don't forget about the sequence of tenses: said Aboriginal ethnicity and
status WERE recognized..., WEREn't listed data.. And I'd like to learn your
opinion on the issue as well. Keep up working!
· #133
Timophey Sipin RZ-212 (Popovich) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:28)
Today I have read the article and the title of it,is «Climate change is
accelerating, according to comprehensive study»
This article talking us about the rapid climate change in our world. In my
opinion, this problem is very relevant today, because we need to take care of
the world in which we live.
Based on the article, we can understand that humanity can affect on the climate
in the better side.
For example, due to reduced emissions from factories, increasing the numbers of
electric machines, in a one word, concern for the ecology and control of
emissions into the atmosphere.
1) priority research area
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field
2) practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems
3)prevailing view
But in the 106 years since Einstein, the prevailing view in physics has been
that time serves as the fourth dimension of space
· #132
Pushkash Maxim (RZ-212 Popovich) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:25)
red mold Neurospora crassa belongs to the group of sac fungi and serves
researchers as a common model organism that allows a comparatively simple
analysis of genetic information and the functions associated with it. The fungus
has been the subject of scientific research for decades and its genetic
information contained in around 10,000 genes has been completely decoded since
the beginning of the 21st century. However, even this intensively studied
organism contains components about which little is yet known. These include the
so-called eisosomes, certain protein structures that are found in the cell
membranes of mycelial fungi, yeast and algae and whose functions are still
largely unexplored.
priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
prevailing view
"The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
practical problems
"This is the inflection point where quantum computers first begin to solve
practical problems faster, better, or cheaper than otherwise possible."
· #131
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:19)
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:07)
Your comment is thoughtful but I'd like to know your attitude towards the issue
presented. Your phrases' examples are good. Go on practising your fluent
· #130
Parshikov Vladislav RZ-212 (Popovich) Independent practice (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:18)
Today I've read the article "Crossing the Line: How Robots Can Control Roads".
International experts, including those from Flinders University, say there is a
need to create a strong collective ethical framework developed by government,
citizens and other stakeholders to guide the introduction of new traffic rules
for connected and automated vehicles (CAV).
They warn that a strict ban on all kinds of CAVs from violating existing traffic
rules could reduce road safety, contrary to what most people might argue.
However, this requires careful scrutiny so that these high-tech vehicles can
fulfill their potential to reduce road accidents.
I think this article is useful for understanding what awaits us in the near
future and what we will have to face.
1) initial stages of
Dr. Campbell said that in light of the team's findings, tDCS may be especially
beneficial during the initial stages of task learning.
2)numerous examples
The study found numerous examples to corroborate the existence of the
3)more specifically
Sequencing revealed the delta variant, more specifically, the AY.3 lineage
· #129
Andrey Mashovets RZ-212(Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:16)
Today I’ve read the article “Study challenges prevailing view on how metal
organic frameworks store gases”.
This article on the study of the biased view of how metal organic frameworks
store gases.
The purpose of this article is to explain and challenge the presumption that
metal organic frameworks store gases.
We want to generate a comprehensive view of how various gases interact
collectively within porous materials interior," says Yaghi. "We will then feed
this data into computer models to improve the theory of gas adsorption.
I find that article useful for people who are interested in chemistry, because
it allows you to look at certain things from the other side. It can also be
useful for people who want to learn something new.
1.priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
2.practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
3.prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
· #128
Revyakin A.(RT-212)Yershova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:11)
To begin with, we must focus on priority research areas.
Despite the accuracy of the calculations, we still encountered practical
However, the prevailing view was for the reconstruction of this building.
Today I've read the article which tells us about machine learning. The article
talks about the benefits of moving to a
digital system for maintaining data on the health and ethnicity of Aboriginal
people. Kai On Wong, Senior Research
Fellow at the Clinical Trials Center's Real Data Unit, said Aboriginal ethnicity
and status are recognized as key social
determinants of health but aren't listed in large databases because it's very
costly to rewrite them manually.
Therefore, it was proposed to switch to such a digital census and that the
computer itself rewrite everything if it was
· #127
Povoznikov Artem RZ-212 (Popovich) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:10)
Today i have read the article: Still believe an asteroid killed the dinosaurs?
Think again—new theory suggests.
This article tells about Professor Gordon Gallup and his former student Michael
J. Frederick, now of the University of Baltimore, argue that the introduction of
toxic plants, combined with the inability of dinosaurs to associate the taste of
certain foods with danger, led to a sharp decline in their population during an
asteroid impact. "Learned taste aversion" is an evolutionary defense seen in
many species in which an animal learns to associate the consumption of a plant
or other food with negative outcomes such as feeling unwell. To explain the
defense mechanism, Gallup offers the example of rats. The first flowering
plants, called angiosperms, appear in the fossil record long before the asteroid
impact and right before the dinosaurs began to fade away. Gallup and Frederick
argue that as plants evolved and evolved toxic defenses, dinosaurs continued to
eat them despite gastrointestinal distress. Although there is uncertainty about
exactly when the flowering plants developed toxicity and how long it took for
them to spread, Gallup and Frederick note that their introduction coincides with
the gradual extinction of the dinosaurs. While the asteroid certainly played a
factor, the psychological deficit that made dinosaurs unable to learn to abstain
from eating certain plants has already put a serious strain on the species. The
prevailing asteroid impact view of dinosaur extinction implies that the
extinction of the dinosaurs must have been sudden and the consequences must have
been widespread, but the evidence clearly shows just the opposite: the dinosaurs
began to disappear long before the asteroid impact and continued to disappear
gradually into over millions of years.
1. prevailing view
What's the prevailing opinion on social media?
2. priority research areas
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
3. priority research
The report notes that the priority research initiatives all require some degree
of collaboration among NSF divisions
· #126
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:07)
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, N101
Thanks .it’s good for both activities
· #125
Tomchishina Polina RT-212 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:07)
Today I have read the article “Scientists show how fast algorithms are improving
across a broad range of examples”. This article is about algorithms. They tell
the computer how to figure out the information. The more efficient the
algorithm, the less work the computer has to do. The benefits of improved
algorithms have been especially large for big data problems. As problems
increase to billions or trillions of data points, improving algorithms becomes
more important than improving hardware.
Phrases of the day Practice
1. Practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
2. Prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species (2013, October 25)
retrieved 17 March 2022.
3. Priority research area
Yasmine Watkins, who led the work as part of her Masters degree in the
Department of Environment and Geography, said: "We make four recommendations for
priority research areas going forward, based on our consultation with experts.
· #124
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:06)
To Vovodymir Kolomiets RZ-212 Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.
· #123
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:04)
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:53)
Your article review is interesting and informative, but too long, don't forget
it must be around 100 words. Please, choose the topic more relevant to your
specialty. Thank you for your effective work with the phrases.
· #122
Vovodymir Kolomiets RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:01)
Today i've read the article "Self-driving race cars make history in
Indianapolis". It is about unusual race.
The winner was not a driver but an algorithm. Team from the Technical University
of Munich won a $1 million prize. The Dallara IL-15, used by every team, comes
with a price tag of $230,000. However, the technology on board makes each car
worth more than $1 million. The commercial autonomous vehicle industry has been
following the Indianapolis race closely, with contributions to the event topping
$120 million.
I found this article interesting, because it tells us about the new
techonologies and opportunities of science.
1) priority research area
Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a
Гендерна рівність була ключовим пріоритетом у Європейському дослідницькому
просторі вже більше десяти років
2) practical problems
Solving practical problems
Розв’язування практичних задач
3) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
Вивчіть проблеми, які переважають у поглядах на те, як металеві органічні
каркаси зберігають гази
· #121
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 11:01)
To Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 Well done, thank you.
· #120
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:59)
Khizhniak Dmytro . The conclusion should be different :making from the article
itself but not for whom it is designed. Pls train your pronunciation. Just 69
points. One task is missing ( phrases of the day). Be attentive.
· #119
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:58)
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:51)
In general, well done, but pay attention to the pronunciation: read(3rd form)
[red] ,applied, determine . Way to go!
· #118
Artem Kotliarov RZ-212 (Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:57)
1. priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas. - Тому він має
нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення консенсусу, ніж сесію
планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких сфер.
2. prevailing view
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing. - Переважає думка, що північноамериканський
мусон може змінитися, що все може стати сухішим або вологим, оскільки змінюється
тепловий контраст між сушею та океаном.
3. practical problems
They are instructed to detect and retain useful patterns to solve practical
problems such as predicting the ethnicity from the readily available
information. - Їм доручається виявляти та зберігати корисні моделі для вирішення
практичних проблем, таких як прогнозування етнічної приналежності з доступної
2) Today, І have read thе аrtісlе «Study challenges prevailing view on how metal
organic frameworks store gases»
An international collaboration of scientists led by Omar Yaghi, a renowned
chemist with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, has developed a
technique they dubbed "gas adsorption crystallography" that provides a new way
to study the process by which metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), are able to store
immense volumes of gases such a carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.
In my opinion, this new view of the MOF has led to a discovery that is promising
for improved MOF designs specifically designed to capture carbon or to use
hydrogen and natural gas.
· #117
Arina Omelchenko RE-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:53)
Class work:
Today I've read the article about the superelastic alloy with a nearly limitless
temperature window created by a research group at Tohoku University. It's common
for metals to get deformed sometimes and it requires force such as from a hammer
to get it back to its original shape. The level of deformation of superelastic
alloys can reach 20 percent when the alloy still returns to its original shape
automatically. However, it requires the certain range of temperatures: their
superelastic window. Unfortunately, most kinds of metals have an extremely
limited window which is not really practical. The team of researchers have
recently found an alloy with a nearly limitless superelastic window. During
test, it's superelastic window was discovered to be -263 C° to 200 C°, making it
suitable for nearly all conditions. They've created this alloy by adding
chromium to a Fe-Mn-Al-Ni alloy. They also found the entropy of this alloy
tunable. In my opinion, this research paves the way to a new generation of
phrases of the day:
1. practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
2. priority research areas
As one of the U.S. Army's priority research areas in its Modernization Strategy,
quantum research will help transform the service into a multi-domain force by
3.prevailing view
Based largely on genetic studies, the prevailing view is that the transition
occurred mainly by population replacement rather than cultural change.
· #116
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:52)
Nazariy Glugan RT-211 very good, mind the article says.
· #115
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:52)
To Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212) Thank you for your comment. It's detailed and informative.
· #114
Eugene Chervony RT-212(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:51)
Today I have read the article "Novel theory of entropy may solve materials
design issues". It says that a problem in materials design is that in both
natural and artificial materials, volume sometimes decreases or increases with
increasing temperature. However, a team of Penn State researchers has come up
with a theory to explain and then predict it zentropy. Zentropy is a play on
entropy, a concept central to the second law of thermodynamics that expresses
the measure of the disorder of a system that occurs over a period of time when
there is no energy applied to keep order in the system. The lab has been working
on this approach for over 10 years and has conducted five different published
studies. Using the theory that the researchers developed, it is possible to
determine the change in volume depending on temperature.
1) prevailing view
In our world, the prevailing view is that a person must adhere to certain rules.
2) priority research areas
Nowadays, more and more scientists choose not the highest priority areas of
3) practical problems
During the experiment, a lot of practical problems arose.
· #113
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:50)
To Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212) Well done, thank you.
· #112
Kravchenko Kostiantyn (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:49)
Today I've read the article: "Ransomware gangs are running riot and paying them
off doesn't help"
The article covers the progression and current state of ransomware attacks.
The article describes how, over the last 5 years, ransomware attacks have become
more common of an occurrence. Despite the threats, many companies resort to
paying the ransom for their files, rather than investing in cybersecurity. This
practice, more often than not, backfires on the company, as they end up
suffering a second ransomware attack, targeted at the exact same vulnerability
that the company refused to invest money into fixing.
I believe the article is average. It succeeds in pointing out and bringing light
to a multitude of flaws and problems, however offers no practical or detailed
solutions to them, other than just urging the reader to improve their
1) A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy
actions that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for
the next decade.
Нова публікація від провідних вчених Великої Британії започатковує головні
рішення та зміни в політиці, які потрібно реалізувати зараз, а також пріоритетні
галузі дослідження для наступного десятиліття.
2) The prevailing view has been that the indigenous population had neither
territory, power nor economic resources.
Переважаючим поглядом було те, що корінне населення не мало ні території, ні
влади, ні економічних ресурсів.
3) This practice causes two important practical problems.
Ця практика створює дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #111
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:49)
To Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212) Not bad, but use present perfect in the first sentence.
· #110
Khizhniak Dmytro(Myhayliuk S.L.) RZ-212 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:47)
Self-driving Roboats set sail in Amsterdam
Today I have read the article "Self-driving Roboats set sail in Amsterdam
canals".This article is about the starting of the full-scale, fully autonomous
robotic boat that's ready to be deployed along the canals of Amsterdam. It's a
fully electrical boat, enabling up to 10 hours of operation and wireless
charging capabilities. the boat uses GPS to move around continuously scanning
the environment to avoid collisions with objects. It is the first autonomous
water transport that will transport tourists and residents. The boats will be
unveiled on Oct. 28 in the waters of Amsterdam.
In my opinion, this article is very interesting to read for everyone especially
who love new technologies and dream of the future.
· #109
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:47)
To Neblienko V. (RZ-212) Use present perfect in the first sentence.
· #108
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:47)
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova)) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:29)
Your review is meaningful and well done. Check the pronunciation: mechanism
technologies stronger. Good luck!
· #107
Nikitina Anastasia (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:46)
Today I have read the article " After 75 years, Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of
Robotics need updating ".
This article is about the author of science fiction, who developed the laws of
robotics. His laws are still mentioned as a template for guiding our robot
development. Disseminating the laws of different points of view or integration
has caused a lot of big problems, because the works may not correctly interpret
certain rules. I think this article is informative, because this study found
that a much more complete set of laws needs to be developed and implemented to
work safely, which will help us feel safe in the future.
1)practical problems
Solving practical problems.
Вирішення практичних завдань.
2)priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому він має нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення
консенсусу, ніж сесію планування, щоб перерахувати пріоритетні напрямки
3)prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчіть проблеми переважаючого уявлення про те, як металеві органічні каркаси
зберігають гази.
· #106
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:45)
To Ram Nassur Rz212 Ram, you should write a comment of about 100 words, only the main idea.
· #105
Volodymyr Milev (RZ-212, Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:44)
Today I read the article "Scientists set out immediate actions and future
research priorities to help the UK to reach net zero target".
In the article we can find out that a new paper by leading UK scientists sets
out key solutions and policy actions that should be implemented now, as well as
priority research areas for the next decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero
target by 2050. Achieving this target will require a mix of technological,
societal and nature-based solutions working together to enable
systemic change. Research in the 2020s must be prioritised into solutions for
sectors that are particularly difficult to decarbonise, such as aviation,
electricity generation and storage, andmaritime shipping. In my opinion that
each solution should be assessed with respect to greenhouse gas emissions
reductions, energy efficiency and societal implications to provide a basis for
developing long-term policies, maximising positive impact of investment and
research effort, and guiding industry investors in safe and responsible
1)prevailing view;
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однако превалирующее мнение заключалось в том, что в проект руководства включать
такие рекомендации не следует.
2)priority research area;
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Поэтому по своему замыслу оно скорее напоминает мозговую атаку, поиск
консенсуса, нежели сессию по составлению перечня приоритетных исследовательских
3)practical problems;
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
В рамках этой программы финансировались исследования по поиску технических
решений практических проблем.
· #104
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:43)
To Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 , thanks but pls choose appropriate topic on your specialty. There’s no conclusion.. pls train your pronunciation before you record to achieve the fluency.
· #103
Neblienko V. (RZ-212). Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:43)
Today I read an article titled: "Addressing gender inequalities in research
through institutional change"
The text tells about the fight against gender inequality, through the change of
social institutions and their introduction into everyday life.
Gender equality and inclusion are key metrics by which performance is measured
in industry today. Research is no exception. While there is no quick fix to
eliminating gender disparities, the EU has identified the structural changes
needed in policies and programs to increase the participation of women in
research and innovation and improve their career prospects.
In my opinion, there are differences between the sexes, but nevertheless, this
is not a reason for inequality and superiority of one over the other.
priority research area
The report, which offers a strategic vision to guide the U.S. Antarctic Program
at the National Science Foundation over the next 10 years, also recommends that
NSF continue to support a core program of investigator-driven research across a
broad range of disciplines and strengthen logistic and infrastructure support
for the priority research areas.
prevailing view
"There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing," said Boos.
practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
· #102
Yershova Y.A. to RT-212, RE-211 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:42)
Dear students! The lesson has started, I am waiting for your comments and audio recordings. Don’t forget about Phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #101
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:41)
Today I have read the article "How are planets formed?". It talks about how this
amazing process of planet formation actually happens. Scientists have not yet
come to a definitive conclusion on this issue, but there is a leading theory
called the protoplanet hypothesis. Without going into details, it says that very
small objects stick to each other and this happens over millions of years, as a
result of which even such gas giants as Jupiter can form. According to
scientists, the Solar System, a place that has become home to more than 8
billion people and a huge number of other living beings, was formed 4,6 billion
years ago similar way.
1) numerous examples
There are NUMEROUS EXAMPLES of other joint naval exercises or patrols at
regional or bilateral levels.
Є численні приклади інших спільних військово-морських навчань чи патрулів на
регіональному чи двосторонньому рівнях.
2) initial stages of
Currently, the scientific infrastructure in this area is in its INITIAL STAGES
OF development.
Нині наукова інфраструктура в цій сфері знаходиться на початковій стадії
3) more specifically
MORE SPECIFICALLY, human resource indicators could be given more emphasis.
Більш конкретно, показникам людських ресурсів можна було б приділити більше
· #100
Vorobyova to Mitriev from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:38)
Don’t forget about the articles and there are many mispronounced words in your record, such as: “structural”, “prevent”, mechanical properties”, “environmental”…Go on working.
· #99
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:37)
To РЗ-212 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #98
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:30)
Sorry, I accidentally sent without the second link to the audio
· #97
Stanislav Popik РТ-212 (Yershova)) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:29)
Today I have read the article "Discovery of a mechanism for making
superconductors more resistant to magnetic fields". This article is about Super
Superconductivity is used in various technologies such as magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) and highly sensitive magnetic sensors. They are capable of storing
quantum information for a long time and can be used in combination with magnetic
materials to form qubits. We plan to develop superconducting thin films that can
withstand even stronger magnetic fields. We also intend to create a hybrid
device composed of superconducting and magnetic materials, which is necessary
for the development of topological superconductors: a vital component of the
next generation of quantum computers.
I find this topic interesting and quite progressive.
1)prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
2) practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
3) priority research area
New study maps priority areas around world to protect mammals
· #96
Ram Nassur Rz212 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:28)
Cleaning up the precious metals industry
UvA researchers have discovered a new material that can catalyze the
decomposition of cyanide ions in process waste streams. The catalyst is of
interest from the industry. Heimerle + Meule is currently investigating the use
of a catalyst for wastewater treatment.
Gold, silver, platinum and palladium are used worldwide in coins, bullion,
investments, jewelry and electronics. But these metals also have disadvantages.
The processes require large amounts of cyanide salts, which are highly toxic.
Gold companies must process their waste before they can release it into the
environment, a costly and dangerous process.
Scientists have discovered a new material that can catalyze the decomposition of
cyanide ions in process waste streams. But the precious metals sector also
aroused interest in the catalyst.
Heimerle + Meule tested whether the new catalyst can actually be used for
real-world water treatment. In these samples, the concentration of cyanide can
be up to 10,000 times higher than in steel mill effluent. Thus, to be effective,
the catalyst must have fast kinetics and stability. Indeed, test results have
shown that the catalyst is highly efficient, removing more than 99.9% of cyanide
in minutes.
Thus, a conclusion can be drawn. Heimerle + Meule is currently exploring the
possibilities of integrating this new catalytic process into its wastewater
treatment plants.
priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
prevailing view
"This is the inflection point where quantum computers first begin to solve
practical problems faster, better, or cheaper than otherwise possible."
practical problems
"This is the inflection point where quantum computers first begin to solve
practical problems faster, better, or cheaper than otherwise possible."
· #95
Poddubrovskaya Nastya(RZ-212, Popovych) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:26)
Today I've read the article about storing energy in red bricks. We've been using
red bricks for thousands of years since it's the world's cheapest and most
familiar building material. Surprisingly, chemists in Art&Science have developed
a method to make modified "smart bricks" that are capable of storing energy
until required for powering device. This method is suitable for regular or
recycled bricks and new bricks as well. Buildings and walls made of red bricks
are already everywhere so we can improve them and use them as electrical
storages. D'Arcy and colleagues demonstrated the way we can convert red bricks
into supercapacitors. This type of bricks can provide energy to emergency
lightning and can be recharged hundreds of thousands of times. There was a video
of their experiment in this article. In my opinion, this research paves the way
for totally new method to save energy. article:
priority research area
Gender equality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over a
Гендерна рівність є ключовим пріоритетом у Європейському дослідному просторі вже
понад десять років.
practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Крім моральних заперечень, які ми можемо проти регулярної виплати грошей
злочинцям, така практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
prevailing view
Based largely on genetic studies, the prevailing view is that the transition
occurred mainly by population replacement rather than cultural change.
Грунтуючись переважно на генетичних дослідженнях, переважає думка, що перехід
відбувся переважно за рахунок заміщення населення, а чи не культурних змін.
· #94
Vorobyova E. to Shpychka from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:24)
Everything is great, but don’t speak too fast in order not to make mistakes.
· #93
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:24)
To Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211) Don't forget about translation of the sentences with phrases of the day. Keep working
· #92
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:21)
To Denis Zavadsky(Lebedeva)RZ-211 Hope to listen to your audio next time.
· #91
Vorobyova to Semidentova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:20)
I accept your work. But next time try to voice your text message. It’s a must.
· #90
Vorobyova E. to Gorbatiuk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:18)
Well done, thank you for the participation in our English lesson.
· #89
Khizhniak Dmytro(Popovych O.S.)RZ-212 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:16)
Lack of power grids sealed fate for early electric cars
Today I read a very interesting and untrue article : «Lack of power grids sealed
fate for early electric cars ».
This article describe about if electricity grids had spread just 15 or 20 years
earlier, a majority of producers would have likely opted for electric cars,
according to the study published in Nature Energy and switching to electric cars
would have meant a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions in the order of 20
million tons of CO2 in 1920 alone," says Hana Nielsen, postdoctoral fellow at
Lund University. In my opinion Hana Nielsen says untrue information because in
the 1920's there were no nuclear, wind and solar power plants and if people used
electric vehicles for electricity from thermal power plants then the level of
emissions CO2 has not decreased but even increased.
In my opinion this article doesn't have interesting information.
· #88
Kate Kholodova RZ-212 (Popovych) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:15)
Today I have read the article "Electrocaloric refrigerator offers alternative
way to cool everything from food to computers" This article focuses on
alternative way to cool everything. Researchers have built an electrocaloric
refrigerator the size of a beverage coaster that can generate a temperature
difference of about 2 K(калвин) between the hot and cold ends of the device. The
cooling mechanism, which is based on the electrocaloric effect, involves
alternately applying and removing an electric field to a material to increase
and decrease the material's temperature, respectively. The new cooling method
can potentially achieve a higher efficiency(эфишенси) than current methods,
indicating that electrocaloric cooling devices may one day replace today's
refrigerators and other cooling devices. I think this is useful study.
1) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session
to list priority research areas.
2) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
3) prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Audio ph:
· #87
Vorobyova E. to Rudko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:15)
Your grammar is good, but pay attention to your mispronounced words: “read” (the 3rd form), “key”, “economic”. Keep on working.
· #86
Shpychka Olecksandr/ RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:14)
Today i have read the article "Sewer treasure: Engineers reveal how to optimize
processes for transforming wastewater sulfur to valuable materials"
From the article, we learn how scientists are using technology to recycle
wastewater into valuable materials. According to scientists, they are always
trying to recycle something unnecessary into something more useful for humanity.
And so they are trying to find a way to convert wastewater into fresh water and
make sure that this water is not dangerous to people.
In my opinion, scientists are moving in the right direction, which will help
humanity get rid of waste.
Phrases of the day:
1)There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change.
2)Solving practical problems and the problem with these materials.
3)We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based
on our consultation with experts.
· #85
Denis Zavadsky(Lebedeva)RZ-211 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:13)
Tiny battery-free devices float in the wind like dandelion seeds
Wireless sensors can monitor how temperature, humidity or other environmental
conditions vary across large swaths of land, such as farms or forests. Inspired
by how dandelions use the wind to distribute their seeds, a University of
Washington team has developed a tiny sensor-carrying device that can be blown by
the wind as it tumbles toward the ground. This system is about 30 times as heavy
as a 1 milligram dandelion seed but can still travel up to 100 meters in a
moderate breeze, about the length of a football field, from where it was
released by a drone. Once on the ground, the device, which can hold at least
four sensors, uses solar panels to power its onboard electronics and can share
sensor data up to 60 meters away.
Inspired by how dandelions use the wind to distribute their seeds, a University
of Washington team has developed a tiny sensor-carrying device that can be blown
by the wind as it tumbles toward the ground. This system is about 30 times as
heavy as a 1 milligram dandelion seed but can still travel up to 100 meters in a
moderate breeze, about the length of a football field, from where it was
released by a drone. Once on the ground, the device, which can hold at least
four sensors, uses solar panels to power its onboard electronics and can share
sensor data up to 60 meters away.
I think this is a good invention because it can bring a lot of environmental
data offline.
1. The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained
as drafted.
2. One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
3. This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
My microphone is broken currently so i can't make a voice record, my apologies.
I'll fix it until next review.
· #84
Dasha Semidetnova (RZ-213. Vorobyova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:13)
This has important implications for understanding ocean ecosystems and the
global carbon cycle over the last 66 million years, the researchers said.
За словами дослідників, це має важливі наслідки для розуміння океанічних
екосистем і глобального вуглецевого циклу за останні 66 мільйонів років.
2) These theories were based on evidence of diatoms in the fossil record.
Ці теорії були засновані на свідченнях наявності діатомових водоростей в
літописі скам'янілостей.
3) …which coincided with a surge in the diversity of baleen whales and the
abundance of terrestrial grasses.
...що співпало з різким збільшенням різноманітності вусатих китів і великою
кількістю наземних трав.
carbon cycle - вуглецевий цикл
evidence - доказ, свідчення
terrestrial grasses - земні трави
In fact, much of what scientists knew about the rise of diatoms might be
inaccurate. Diatoms are responsible for a large segment of the primary
productivity on the planet and were thought to have become prominent only
relatively recently. Sophie Westacott, a doctoral student at Yale University, is
the lead author of the study, which is published in the journal Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences. "One hypothesis was that the increased
dominance of diatoms led to an increase in the number of baleen whales,"
Westacott said. "Another hypothesis was that since grasses contain large amounts
of fine silica particles, and diatoms make their tiny shells out of silica, then
perhaps grasses also contributed to the abundance of diatoms by adding more
bioavailable silica to the ocean." These theories were based on evidence of the
presence of diatoms in the fossil record. But, according to a new Yale
University study, diatoms may have been abundant much earlier—they just didn't
persist. The data obtained indicate that the spread of diatoms is not associated
with either the development of pastures or the evolution of whales, but rather
that all three were caused by a gradual cooling of the climate.
I have technical problems, so I publish the task without recording, sorry.
· #83
Vorobyova E. to Chabanenko from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:10)
In general, good work. But use the Present Perfect Tense in the third sentence of your review on the article. Your Phrases of the Day Practice is correct. Continue working.
· #82
Кулешов Константин(РЗ-211)(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:10)
Today I have read the article "Global network of solar-powered servers
demonstrates the feasibility of environmentally friendly 'natural
intelligence'". In this article, the energy needs of the Internet, the devices
and systems that use it, and the servers that support it, are responsible for
greenhouse gas emissions. emissions equal those of the global aviation industry,
and this cost of carbon is rising rapidly with the expansion of
blockchain-enabled transactions: the carbon footprint of a single Ethereum
transaction is equivalent to almost 329,000 credit card transactions. The
network takes into account the fact that servers, each powered by photovoltaic
cells, are located in different time zones and seasons, with different sun rays
and weather systems, and direct Internet traffic to where the sun shines. When a
browser sends a request to view a Solar Protocol website, it is sent to
whichever server on the network generates the most power.
This article raises the problem of environmental pollution. And an attempt to
replace servers with analog ones with lower greenhouse gas emissions and clean
1.The prevailing view has been that in Europe it was a wave of people that came
through and replaced everyone.prevailing view
2.He emphasizes that perovskites are a high priority research area for the
Center, with potential applications other than just solar cells.priority
research areas
3.Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.practical
· #81
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:10)
To Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211)Your comment is clear and informative. In general, well done.
· #80
Chernetskiy Nikita(RZ-213) to Vorobyova (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:08)
have got your review on the article and work with new phrases. They are correct,
but where’s your record?
A: I'm currently in a situation where I can't record audio. I'll try to record
the audio in the next lesson.
· #79
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:07)
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:01)
Well done, thank you.
· #78
Kirill Kasatkin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:07)
Today I have read the article "Bringing AI into the real world"
Artificial intelligence (AI) researchers and health experts modeling COVID-19's
spread have warned that for vaccines to be useful in curbing the pandemic, a
significant percentage of the population must be vaccinated to reach herd
To account for these considerations, Professor Misra explained, the most
powerful AI-based epidemiology models actually need to incorporate concepts from
the behavioral sciences and game theory. "To solve a practical problem, you
can't just solve the computational piece, you have to incorporate the human
behavioral piece," he said.
The vaccine conundrum effectively illustrates the difficulties involved when we
bring machine learning and AI into the real world, where it meets our complex
and messy human systems. Discussing the influence of social sciences such as
economics and psychology on AI
In my opinion, if we solve the problems of AI, we can use it in many areas of
1) priority research areas.
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
У новій роботі провідних вчених Великобританії викладено ключові рішення та
політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки
досліджень на наступне десятиліття, якщо Великобританія хоче досягти своєї
чистої нульової цілі до 2050 року.
2) practical problems.
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
Проте, коли ці експерти впроваджують штучний інтелект в реальний світ і
використовують його для вирішення практичних проблем, вони повинні відповісти на
такі запитання, як: чому штучний інтелект зробив конкретне передбачення або
рішення, і чи дає він достатньо впевненості, щоб ми могли діяти.
3) prevailing view.
"There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing," said Boos.
«Існує така думка, що північноамериканські мусони можуть змінитися, що все може
стати сухішим або вологим, оскільки змінюється тепловий контраст між сушею та
океаном», — сказав Боос.
· #77
Vorobyova E. to Syrbu from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:07)
Not bad, but use Sequence of Tenses in the fourth sentence of your review on the article: “…forcED…”. Good luck.
· #76
Avdeev Danil RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:05)
Today I read the article titled "Army Scientists Rethink Quantum Research." It
talks about quantum research for the US Army. This article is interesting not
only to those people who are interested in military operations, but also to
those who are interested in technology and its development, because quantum
tools can also be used for peaceful purposes.
practical problems
практичні проблеми
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
prevailing view
переважаючий погляд
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен включати такі
priority research area
пріоритетний напрямок досліджень
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Таким чином, він має більше нагадувати зустріч для мозкового штурму та
досягнення консенсусу, ніж сесію з планування, яка є листом пріоритетних
· #75
Nazariy Glugan RT-211 Mykhailiuk.S (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:03)
Today I have read the article "AI can help doctors make the best use of
intensive care beds during the COVID-19 pandemic." This article tells us about a
discusses the development of a new technology that should take into account the
need for hospitalization of patients. It uses a large amount of data, including
vital signs, blood test results and medical history, to greatly facilitate and
improve the work of doctors. I think this is a good invention, but it should be
remembered that the accuracy of such a neural network is 95% and cannot generate
information without errors.
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому він має нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення
консенсусу, ніж сесію планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен включати такі
· #74
S.Mykhailuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:01)
El-kadi Zakaria(RT-211)
Today I read article about "Uses of Radio Waves"
It said that the prime of radio is to convey information from one place to
another through the intervening media(i.e., air, space, nonconducting materials)
without wires. And that radio is used for the transmission of data in coded
1. practical problems.
An engineer will address the design's practical problems.
Один з інженерів досліджує практичні проблеми цієї конструкції.
2. priority research area
Achieving globally recognised breakthroughs in priority research areas.
Досягнення проривів світового рівня в пріоритетних напрямках досліджень
3. prevailing view
In official circles the prevailing view is that poverty is an absolute concept.
В офіційних колах переважаюча думка полягає в тому, що бідність є поняттям
абсолютного порядку.
· #73
Sofia Gilenko РЗ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 10:01)
Today I've read the article "Using AI and Robotics to Treat Spinal Cord
A study published in Advanced Healthcare Materials details one team's pioneering
chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) enzyme stabilization, bringing new hope to patients
coping with spinal cord injuries.
This study represents one of the first uses of artificial intelligence and
robotics to develop highly sensitive therapeutic proteins and expand their
activity to such a large number.
In my opinion, this article is very important because this therapy may someday
help people with spinal cord injuries reduce scarring on the spinal cord and
restore function.
1.priority research areas
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
2.prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species
3.practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
· #72
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:58)
To Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211) Thank you for your clear and informative comment.
· #71
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:56)
To Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211 and Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 Thank you for your comments. Well done. Keep on working!
· #70
Artem Verhelis RT-211, Mykhailiuk.S (Thursday, 17 March 2022)
Today I've read the article "Sustainability in times of COVID-19: Converting
face masks into valuable fuel". After the start of covid19, the demand for masks
increased, but a year later they became not just protection against the illness.
Due to the fact that the product contains plastic, it began to pose a threat to
both people and the environment. So in a recent study, researchers found the
potential environmental benefits of converting used surgical masks into burnable
fuel by using process called pyrolysis. Thanks to this process, researchers have
found that surgical masks can be turned into liquid oil which can be used as a
fuel for example, to generate electricity.
1) priority research area
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
В нових записах провідних британських вчених викладено ключові рішення та заходи
політики, які мають бути впроваджені зараз так само як пріоритетні напрямки
дослідження на наступне десятиліття.
2) practical problems
Research institutions should keep collaborating with national laboratories and
industries to solve practical problems in the battery field.
Дослідницькі установи мають продовжувати співпрацювати з національними
лабораторіями та підприємствами для вирішення практичних проблем у галузі
3) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Вивчення проблем уявлення про те, як металеві органічні каркаси зберігають гази.
· #69
Vorobyova E. to Shlapak from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:53)
Use the Present Perfect Tense in the first sentence of both your reviews on the articles: “Today I HAVE READ THE article about…”. Continue working.
· #68
Stanislav Gorbatiuk (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:52)
practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
Цей проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.
2) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому він має нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення
консенсусу, ніж сесію планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких
3) prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен включати такі
Today I've read the article, which is titled "What's the prevailing opinion on
social media? Look at the flocks, says researcher". This article tells us about
how a University at Buffalo communication researcher has developed a framework
for measuring the slippery concept of social media public opinion. Tested by
Yini Zhang, Ph.D., an assistant professor of communication in the UB College of
Arts and Sciences, and her collaborators addresses challenges like identifying
online demographics and factoring for opinion manipulation that are
characteristic on these digital battlegrounds of public discourse. Murmuration,
as researchers say, can allow for research that makes better use of social media
data to study public opinion as a form of social interaction and reveal
underlying social dynamics.
· #67
Igor Rudko (RZ-213) (Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:51)
Today I've read the article, in which the main idea was that Scientists set out
immediate actions and future research priorities to help the UK to reach the
net-zero target. By the way, research in the 2020s must be prioritized into
solutions for sectors that are particularly difficult to decarbonize, such as
aviation, electricity generation and storage, and maritime shipping. Moreover,
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – key actions that can work with nature to address
climate change and biodiversity loss across all sectors, while also supporting
economic recovery—are highlighted separately. I found the article interesting
due to the fact that modern society suffering from this problem and it has a big
negative impact on nature, that could cause huge problems in the nearest future.
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing.(Переважає думка, що північноамериканський мусон
може змінитися, що все може стати сухішим або вологим, оскільки змінюється
тепловий контраст між сушею та океаном)
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade.(У новій роботі провідних британських вчених викладено ключові рішення та
політичні дії, які мають бути реалізовані зараз, а також пріоритетні напрямки
досліджень на наступне десятиліття).
To solve a practical problem, you can't just solve the computational piece, you
have to incorporate the human behavioral piece.(Щоб вирішити практичну задачу,
ви не можете просто розв’язати обчислювальну частину, ви повинні включити
частину поведінки людини).
· #66
Vorobyova E. to Siglyanyk from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:50)
Mind your grammar mistakes in the sentence: “Today I have had an opportunity TO read THE article about the…” Also, pay attention to your pronunciation (“honestly”, “event”, “laboratory”). Good luck.
· #65
Chabanenko Ksenia RZ-213(Vorobyova E.V) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:50)
1.Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
2.They are instructed to detect and retain useful patterns to solve practical
problems such as predicting the ethnicity from the readily available
3.Further, the round table would identify priority research areas that could
enhance the utility of either the conventions or Consolidated Resolutions for
this purpose.
Today I've read an unique article about pattering strategy based on 'resist
nanokirigami'.There are major challenges in the processing of certain functional
structures.Recently, the journal National Science Review published the results
of Professor Duan Huigao's research group from Hunan University. The team
proposed and demonstrated a new resist patterning strategy, called "resist
nano-kirigami."Compared with traditional electron beam lithography, this scheme
has the core advantages.Firstly, It can effectively reduce the exposure area in
the manufacturing process.Second advantage is about that only the outlines of
the target structure in the positive resist PMMA are exposed.The strategy
provides a new patterning solution that will play a significant role in
fabricating multiscale functional structures.
· #64
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:49)
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:33)
Your comment on the article is interesting but the topic is not relevant and has
nothing in common with your speciality. Please, check the phrases of the day
practice, your task is not correct.
· #63
Sasha Movsum-Zade RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:48)
Today I have read the article titled "Bringing AI into the real world". This
article reveals that AI researchers and health experts modeling the spread of
COVID-19 warn that for vaccines to be useful in containing the pandemic, a
significant percentage of the population must be vaccinated to achieve herd
immunity. But, as SMU Vice Provost for Research Professor Archan Mishra pointed
out that from a purely self-serving point of view, each person would be better
off if everyone else was vaccinated, and they themselves did not need to be
vaccinated, because this would stop the spread of the virus unnecessarily take
the possible risks of side effects.
1) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
У рамках цієї програми фінансувалися дослідження щодо пошуку технічних рішень
практичних проблем.
2) prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
Однак превалююча думка полягала в тому, що до проекту керівництва не включати
такі рекомендації.
3) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
Тому за своїм задумом воно швидше нагадує мозкову атаку, пошук консенсусу, ніж
сесію зі складання переліку пріоритетних дослідницьких областей.
· #62
Mitriev Vitaliy (RZ-213 Vorobyova E.V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:47)
Link to article:
Link to voice:
Today I've read interesting article about methods that would help engineers
delay structural failure.
In tests by removing atoms from the tip of the crack, modeling showed that
researchers could prevent
crack propagation by dramatically improving the mechanical properties of the
material. The article discusses the effects of the
environment on the material, including dissolution, oxide formation,
re-deposition of the material, and hydrogen embrittlement.
In my opinion, keeping structures safe means keeping the lives of the people who
work for them safe. And such research can solve a dangerous problem!
1.In my opinion, most people who read your books are looking for some kind of
miracle cure in them, because that is the prevailing view in today's society.
На мій погляд, більшість людей, що читають ваші книги, іщуть в них якое-то
дивовижне засіб, тому що таково переважаюче настрій сьогоднішнього суспільства
2.Staff loyalty is a serious practical problems security issue facing many.
Лояльність персоналу – практична практична проблема безпеки фірми, з якою
сталкиваються дуже багато.
3.Аt the moment, the priority area of research of Neuralink is the study of
the hemispheres of the human brain.
На даний момент пріоритетним напрямком досліджень Neuralink є вивчення півкуль
людського мозку.
· #61
Ilinchuk Vladislav RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:46)
Today I have read the article "Bex: A walking, rolling quadruped robot that can
carry a person around". This article is about the new and unique quadruped robot
that can walk, roll around and even carry a human passenger on its back. Bex was
created as part of an effort at Kawasaki the company calls a "robust humanoid
platform" with a project called Kaleido.Bex has been engineered to move quickly
in its wheeled configuration . Bex can also carry cargo (up to 100 kilograms)
such as crops or humans.In my opinion this article is very interesting for
everyone .I believe that robots will become more popular and comfortable for us
in the future.
priority research area
This framework should consider priorities regarding research areas, best
practices, and knowledge transfer.
Ця структура повинна враховувати пріоритети щодо напрямків досліджень,
передового досвіду та передачі знань.
prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should remain.
Переважала думка, що проект статті є важливим і має залишатися.
practical problems
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
Узгоджуються заходи для подолання цих практичних проблем.
· #60
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:45)
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:28)
Thanks for your comment. It's informative and interesting. Go on working on you
fluent reading.
· #59
Ivan Zaritskiy RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:43)
Today I have read the article “Bug in backup software results in loss of 77
terabytes of research data at Kyoto University”. This article is about a loss of
77 Tbytes of data in Kyoto University. Computer maintenance workers have
announced that due to an apparent bug in software used to back up research data,
researchers using the University's Hewlett-Packard Cray computing system, called
Luster, have lost approximately 77 terabytes of data.The team further notes that
approximately 34 million files were lost and that the files lost belonged to 14
known research groups. It’s really unclear whether the research groups who lost
their data will be reimbursed for the money spent conducting research on the
university's supercomputer system. In my opinion, this is good news for all the
programmers to search their programs and scripts on bugs, so they don’t have
such issues in the future.
priority research areas
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on
our consultation with experts.(На основі наших консультацій з експертами ми
робимо чотири рекомендації щодо пріоритетних напрямків досліджень.)
practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems. (Окрім
моральних заперечень, можливо, нам доведеться регулярно платити гроші злочинцям,
ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.)
prevailing view
Study challenges the prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store
gasses.(Дослідження ставить під сумнів поширену думку про те, як металоорганічні
каркаси зберігають гази.)
· #58
Vorobyova E. to Yakimova from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:43)
Very good. I have checked your work and found no mistakes. Thank you and go on working this way.
· #57
Kateline Syrbu RZ-213 (Vorobyova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:42)
Practical problems - практичні проблеми.
They are instructed to detect and retain useful patterns to solve practical
problems such as predicting the ethnicity from the readily available
2)Priority research area - пріоритетний напрямок досліджень.
Implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next decade, if the
UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.
3) Prevailing view - переважаючий погляд.
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
Today I have read the article: "Researchers determine optimum pressure to
improve the performance of lithium metal batteries". The article is about the
fact that a team of materials scientists and chemists has determined the proper
stack pressure that lithium metal batteries, or LMBs, need to be subjected to
during battery operation in order to produce optimal performance. In the Nature
Energy study, researchers used several characterization and imaging techniques
to study LMB morphology and quantify performance when the batteries were
subjected to different pressures. They found that higher pressure levels force
lithium particles to deposit in neat columns, without any porous spaces in
between. The pressure required to achieve this result is 350 kilo Pascal
(roughly 3.5 atmospheres).
· #56
Shlapak Dmytro RZ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:42)
I have 2 priority research area.
2. Dr. D has no practical problems.
Текст №1
Today I read the article "How herbs conquered the sea", and to be honest, this
is again a song about how people fucked up the ecosystem and so on..I feel sorry
for these plants, but what can we do to evolve and develop, we had to "beat"
nature. But I hope that we will update it and restore everything that was
destroyed, purify the waters, plant forests, breed rare and not very animals,
etc.. You can't build something without destroying something. If you want to get
something, you need to sacrifice something.
Текст №2
Today I read the article "Solving the problem of gender inequality in research
through institutional changes". As for me, it's all stupid because if everyone
is equal, then the meaning in the field will disappear. I believe that gender
inequality is resentment of people of the same sex against people of the
opposite sex and no more, because a man is good at this, and a woman is good at
this. Without men, there would be no women on the turn.
· #55
Kapeliushnyi Vladyslav (RZ-211. Lebedeva E.V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:42)
article I have read today is called "US fires have become 4 times larger, 3
times more frequent since 2000". The author of the article informs us that
according to the University of Colorado, the number of fires in the United
States has increased 4 times compared to 2000. In the future, their number will
increase. In my opinion, all these fires will in some way affect the climate,
and in the future and people's lives. Therefore, everyone should not ignore the
rules of conduct in the forests to save their lives and the planet.
1) The prevailing view has been that in Europe it was a wave of people that came
through and replaced everyone
Переважає думка, що в Європі це була хвиля людей, яка прийшла і замінила всіх
2) We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based
on our consultation with experts
На основі наших консультацій з експертами ми робимо чотири рекомендації щодо
пріоритетних напрямків досліджень
3) Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Окрім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #54
Vorobyova E. to Chernetskiy from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:41)
I have got your review on the article and work with new phrases. They are correct, but where’s your record?
· #53
Ivan Siglyanyk(RZ-213)(Vorobyova E. V.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:40)
Prhases of Day
1. practical problems :
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Крім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
2. prevailing view :
"The prevailing view has been that in Europe it was a wave of people that came
through and replaced everyone," Gopalan said.
«Переважає думка, що в Європі це була хвиля людей, яка прийшла і замінила всіх»,
— сказав Гопалан.
3. priority research area :
As one of the U.S. Army's priority research areas in its Modernization Strategy,
quantum research will help transform the service into a multi-domain force by
2035 and deliver on its enduring responsibility as part of the joint force
providing for the defense of the United States.
Як один із пріоритетних дослідницьких напрямків армії США в її Стратегії
модернізації, квантові дослідження допоможуть перетворити службу на
багатодоменну силу до 2035 року та виконувати її постійну відповідальність як
частину об’єднаних сил, що забезпечують оборону Сполучених Штатів.
Today i have had an opportunity read an article about about new military
research.Honestly, in our time it is very important against the background of
world events.
According to this article, scientists are finding new opportunities to improve
communication on the battlefield using quantum technology.
"Quantum networking, and quantum information science as a whole, will
potentially lead to unsurpassed capabilities in computation, communication and
sensing," said Dr. Brian Kirby, researcher at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities
Development Command's Army Research Laboratory.
These studies are essential because sometimes lost information on the
battlefield can cost lives.
But on the other hand, we must remember that the study of quantum technology in
the military industry can not only serve to protect.
· #52
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:40)
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:24)
I appreciate your participation in our discussion, but your comment is too
short, don't forget it must be around 100 words. MInd: I"ve read THE article
titled..This article says.. The last sentence is rather confusing, check it. The
task with phrases is well done.
· #51
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:39)
To Ivanitskaya Christina РЗ-211 Not bad, thank you.
· #50
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:34)
Tymur Yerhul RT-211 Thanks but thre are some grammar mistakes and no conclusion.
Pls address your monitor to give you an idea of how to do it better. As to
phrases of the day , you have to write phases separately with Ukrainian
translation. Pls train your pronunciation before you record it. Just 68 points
· #49
Burlak Yevhen RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:33)
Today I've read the article "Monkeys play to reduce group tension, study
results." Howler monkeys use play to avoid conflict and reduce group tension,
with the level of play increasing when faced with limited resources. The study
found that play changes with age. Play plays a key role in helping howler
monkeys regulate relationships within their social group and avoid conflict. I
believe that the behavior of monkeys can be interpreted in human life, how
people behave with other people, and monkeys are a good example of how to avoid
conflicts, adults should not play games, but they should peacefully resolve
their conflicts, and not quarrel.
1) adult females
Three adult females of C. praedonius were found in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.
2)howler monkeys
Even for leaf eaters, like howler monkeys the ripe figs are just too good to
3)reduce group
Primary school teachers, in order to help reduce group or class size, set up
transitional classes or introduce ability-based teaching;
· #48
Petrova E.I. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:30)
Pour les étudiants qui apprennent le français.
Chers étudiants ! Travaillez régulièrement. J’attends vos devoirs. Laissez vos
commentaires et vos enregistrements ici. Allez-y! Bon travail.
· #47
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:28)
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:16)
Your comment is clear as well as the task with the phrases, thank you, but mind:
Today I HAVE read THE article "Testing charging systems for electric cars". Pay
attention to the pronunciation: vehicle scientists environment combustion.
· #46
Botsaniuk Ivan RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:28)
Today I have read the article "Faster analog computer could be based on
mathematics of complex systems". I think this article would be very intresting
and helpful for some, who are intrested in IT, computers and esecially for
people who engaged in computer science. The article is about a novel principle
for a unique kind of computer that would use analog technology in place of
digital or quantum components. The unique device would be able to carry out
complex computations even faster than today's supercomputers and at vastly less
cost than any existing quantum computers.
1. Priority research area.
He emphasizes that perovskites are a high priority research area for the Center,
with potential applications other than just solar cells.
2. Practical problems.
In the practice phase, data science will be used for solving practical problems
and for making decisions.
3. Prevailing view.
The theory takes issue with the prevailing view on how the galaxies came to
· #45
Ivanitskaya Christina РЗ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:28)
2022, a four-legged robot was presented in Tokyo that can walk and also roll
people, its appearance is similar to a wild goat. Bexs can also carry loads up
to 100 kg such as weapons or people. Speaking of this robot's appearance, it has
flashing lights that run up and down its neck and horns. Also, his head can be
changed to any suitable one. The presentation didn't say if they were planning
to sell it or if it was just a demo. I liked the look of this device, it was
funny and interesting to see it on the street. Why not.
1practical problems - практичних проблем.
This simple in its essence method brings about a number of problems in practice.
Простий по суті, цей метод викликає ряд проблем при його реальному здійсненні.
2 prevailing view - превалююча думка
During the consultations, the prevailing view was that the number of officials
should reflect the number of UNESCO electoral groups.
У ході консультацій превалююча думка полягала в тому, що кількість посадових
осіб має відображати кількість виборчих груп у ЮНЕСКО.
3 priority research area - пріоритетних дослідницьких галузей.
The 13 new priority basic and applied research areas mark an important shift
from the previous set of priority research areas by including, for the first
time in the national S&T policy, topics involving interdisciplinary research, as
well as new and emerging high risk research.
На відміну від попередніх 13 років, нові пріоритетні напрямки фундаментальних та
прикладних досліджень вперше охоплюють міждисциплінарні галузі, а також передові
напрямки наукових досліджень із високим рівнем ризику.
· #44
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:24)
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) .Just good with one grammar mistake. As to record
msg, pls try to be more fluent and train before you are trying to record it. Pls
add translations (Ukrainian) to the phrases of the dayEncourage others to
participate in this activity
· #43
Anton Ardelyan RZ-211(Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:24)
Today i've read article entitled "Why do scientific discoveries take long to
reach the general public?"
In this article says about discoveries and research and why they take so much
time to make it public. Scientists should perfectly and thoroughly explore
everything for the presence of pitfalls. And that trouble minimizes all possible
mistakes. It the best way to research I guess.
So, I think this problem no without reason
1)Climatic issues there are practical problems.
2)Their likely successors, the prevailing view has it, could never boast the
same authority.
3)With the recent increase in mobile phone use among children and adolescents,
WHO has identified studies on health effects in this age-group as a high
priority research area.
· #42
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:23)
To Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 Let's correct: I recommend you TO read it.
· #41
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:22)
To Kozhushko Dima RZ-211 Pay attention to the uase of the articles: ...A new face recognition technology ... This technology is used in A school canteen...
· #40
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:21)
To Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211, Daniil Dragin RZ-211 and Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 Thank you for your participation in discussion on the article. Your comments are quite good.
· #39
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:18)
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:11)
Your comment is thoughtful, thank you. Pay attention: THE article called.. Your
phrases' examples are good, but , please, record them in one audio file. Good
· #38
Vlasov Vadim RZ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:16)
Today I read an article about "Testing charging systems for electric cars"
it said that transport is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the
United States. Reducing these emissions requires a significant shift from
internal combustion engines running on gasoline and diesel to electric motors.
Electric vehicle experts and scientists from the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory are working on a new high-power charging standard for medium and
heavy vehicles
In my opinion, the whole world has long needed to be transferred to electric
cars because they less pollute the environment that we then breath.
1)prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
2)practical problems
For many practical problems such simulations are computationally infeasible, or
the rules themselves are less clear
3)priority research areas
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on
our consultation with experts
· #37
Mykola Zhmurak RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:15)
Today i have read the article titled "A technique that allows robots to detect
when humans need help". This article is about computational tools that could
enhance the performance of socially assistive robots, by allowing them to
process social cues given by humans and respond accordingly. The key objective
of the recent study carried out by Wilson, Aung and Boucher was to allow robots
to automatically process eye-gaze-related cues in useful ways. This invention
will help people with everyday tasks, such as cooking dinner, learning math, or
assembling furniture.
Article -
Vocaroo -
Phrases :
1) priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward.(Ми
робимо чотири рекомендації щодо пріоритетних областей досліджень на майбутнє.)
2) practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.(Крім моральних
заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші злочинцям, ця
практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.)
3) prevailing view
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may
change.(Була превалююча думка, що північноамериканські мусони можуть змінитися.)
Vocaroo -
· #36
Kovalzhi Andrey RZ-211 Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:13)
Today i've read the article "Spray-on liquid glass is about to revolutionize
almost everything". Liquid glass was invented by the turkish research team. This
spray produces ultra thin coating, and due to the thinness the glass is highly
flexible and breathable. The coating is environmentally friendly and easy to
remove. It repels bacteria, water and dirt, and resists heat, UV radiation and
even acids water.
This spray will be useful in Food processing companies, train companies, hotels
and even in your house.
I found this article interesting because it tells about new technologies, that
can change our lives soon.
Daily phrases:
1. Prevailing view
There's been this prevailing view that the North American monsoon may change,
that things may get drier or wetter because the thermal contrast between the
land and the ocean is changing
2. Priority research area
Gender inequality has been a key priority in the European Research Area for over
a decade.
3.Practical problems
Quantum algorithms perform better for certain problems than classical
· #35
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:12)
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:02)
I appreciate your opinion, but, please, do not insert quotes in your comment.
pay attention to the pronunciation: read (3rd form) [red], study. mind: ITS
topic states (possesive pronoun). The sentences with phrases are quite
interesting but the 2nd sentence is from our site examples. Be attentive and
continue working.
· #34
Vasilev A.O RZ-211 Yershova Y. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:11)
Today I've read an article called"Canada hospitals use drones to carry lungs for
The article tells about unmanned electric drone that deelivers important organs.
The 15-kilogram carbon fibre unmanned electric drone purpose-built by
Quebec-based Unither Bioelectronics flew just 1 kilometers from Toronto Western
Hospital on the city's west side to the roof of the downtown Toronto General
Hospital.The trip at the end of September took less than 10 minutes. It was
automated but kept under the watchful eye of engineers and doctors.
The drone delivery of transplant lungs marked a global first, according to the
company, but a similar flight in April 2019 delivered a kidney to a hospital in
the US state of Maryland.
On the Toronto General Hospital's rooftop, the drone was met by a surgical team
that whisked the package inside and successfully transplanted the lungs into a
waiting patient, saving the life of the 63-year-old man who'd been diagnosed
with pulmonary fibrosis.
In my opinion, this is an excellent and fast method for the delivery of human
1)prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the matter merited attention in the
context of the draft Convention.
2)priority research areas
The demand for more democratic input, finally, also seeks to influence research
priorities .
3)practical problems
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
· #33
Dovzhenko Ilya RZ-211 (Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:10)
Today I have read the article "Facial recognition taken to the next level in
virtual reality".
The purpose of this article is to talk about the progress of computer science.
An international team of researchers from Australia, New Zealand and India has
taken facial recognition technology to the next level, using a person's
expression to manipulate objects in a virtual reality setting without the use of
a handheld controller or touchpad.
By reproducing three universal facial expressions—a smile, frown and a
clench—they explored whether changes in the environment triggered one of the
three expressions, based on emotional and physiological responses.
Proffesor says relying on facial expressions in a VR setting is hard work for
the brain but gives users a more realistic experience.
Researchers say the technology may also be used to complement handheld
controllers where facial expressions are a more natural form of interaction.
The article is very interesting . I recommend you read it.
1)priority research area
Therefore, removal of metals from AMD has become a high priority research area.
Тому видалення металів з AMD стало першочерговим напрямком досліджень.
2)prevaileng view
The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should remain.
Переважала думка, що проект статті є важливим і має залишитися.
3)practical problems
Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
Узгоджуються заходи для подолання цих практичних проблем.
· #32
Tymur Yerhul RT-211 (Myhayliuk S.L.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:08)
Today i have read the article "Warning: Objects in driverless car sensors may be
closer than they appear". It warns about ways to trick autonomous vehicles into
mistaking distance to other objects and such. In essence, now we are talking
about adding false data points to the system - for example, by firing a laser
gun at the sensor. Thus, it may be necessary to add the ability to display the
surroundings in 3D or communicate with vehicles nearby. It may take a long time
to get rid of most of the dangers, but someday we will be able to trust these
systems with our lives.
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
· #31
Kozhushko Dima RZ-211(Lebedeva) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:08)
Today i’ve read an article “Facial recognition in schools: Here are the risks to
This article tells us about new face recognition technology used in several
Scotland schools. This technology is used in school canteen to take payment for
lunches more quickly and minimize COVID risk, because human contact decreases,
It’s important during a pandemic period. Also it is so comfortable to use your
face to pay for your lunch. Student “show” his face to special camera and money
is debited from his personal online wallet. It is interesting technology which
makes life easier. But is it safe enough? Your face print is your data, so for
any facial recognition system it's important to understand how the image
databases are collated and stored. Because in case information leak, face prints
of children can be use to make payments from their wallets and money will be
This article is important if you want to know more about newest technologies
which now using by schools.
1) priority research areas
As one of the U.S. Army's priority research areas in its Modernization Strategy,
quantum research will help transform the service into a multi-domain force by
Як один із пріоритетних напрямків досліджень армії США в Стратегії модернізації,
квантові дослідження допоможуть перетворити службу на багатодоменну силу до 2035
2) practical problems
They are instructed to detect and retain useful patterns to solve practical
Їx проінструктовано виявляти та зберігати корисні шаблони для вирішення
практичних завдань
2) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species
Вивчення проблем переважаючого погляду на інвазивні види
· #30
Anna Yakymova/ RZ-213(Vorobyova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:08)
Phrases of the day:
prevailing view — превалирующее мнениe
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases.
(Изучение проблем преобладающего мнения о том, как металлоорганические каркасы
хранят газы.)
practical problems — практическая проблема
Today's best digital computers still struggle to solve, in a practical time
frame, a certain class of problem: combinatorial optimization problems, or those
that involve combing through large sets of possibilities to find the best
solution.(Сегодняшние лучшие цифровые компьютеры все еще пытаются решить в
практических временных рамках определенный класс проблем: задачи комбинаторной
оптимизации или задачи, связанные с перебором большого количества возможностей
для поиска наилучшего решения.)
priority research area—приоритетная исследовательская область
A new paper by leading UK scientists sets out key solutions and policy actions
that should be implemented now, as well as priority research areas for the next
decade, if the UK is to reach its net zero target by 2050.(В новом документе
ведущих британских ученых излагаются ключевые решения и политические меры,
которые должны быть реализованы сейчас, а также приоритетные области
исследований на следующее десятилетие, если Великобритания собирается достичь
своей нулевой цели к 2050 году.)
Today I have read the articlе named "Virtual reality won't make cows happier,
but it might help us see them differently". The article talks about Russian
farmers testing virtual reality for milking cows. The idea is to make cows
happier, which, in turn, could make them produce more milk. However, studies
have shown that virtual reality may be appealing to humans, but probably has
less value for animals. When orangutans were given digital games, researchers
found that watching the animals use the technology affected people's empathy for
the primates. I had fun reading this article and recommend it for reading.
· #29
Yershova Y.A. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:06)
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:52)
Your review is meaningful and and interesting, thank you. But mind: the article
TELLS (not talk). Go on practising your pronunciation: as, pipeline. Your
phrases' examples are good, but the last one is like from our site examples. Be
attentive, please.
· #28
Daniil Dragin (RZ-211 Lebedeva E) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:06)
Today I have read the article ''Robotic telekinesis: Allowing humans to remotely
operate and train robotic hands''.This article is about robotic telekinesis,
which allows the user to remotely control a robotic arm by simply demonstrating
movements in front of the camera. Unlike other similar systems, only 1 RGB
camera is required to control this system, which in the future allows you to
make the system mass-produced and really helps in solving real problems, and not
just as an interesting technology that will never be used.
In my opinion, this technology will be in great demand in everyday conditions,
as well as in environments inaccessible to humans, but the biggest plus is that
the system can be controlled from anywhere in the world.
1)prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the matter merited attention in the
context of the draft Convention.
Однак переважала думка, що це питання заслуговує уваги в контексті проекту
2)priority research area
Four priority research areas have been identified for the development of this
Для розробки цієї функції було виділено чотири пріоритетні дослідницькі галузі.
3)practical problems
Aside from the moral objections we might have to routinely paying money to
criminals, this practice causes two important practical problems.
Крім моральних заперечень, які нам, можливо, доведеться регулярно платити гроші
злочинцям, ця практика викликає дві важливі практичні проблеми.
· #27
Chernetskiy Nikita RZ-213(Vorobyova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022)
Earth may have been far more oxygen-rich early in its history than previously
thought, setting the stage for the evolution of complex life, according to new
research by scientists at the University of Alberta and the University of Tartu
in Estonia. The study provides evidence for elevated oxygen levels 2 billion
years ago and flies in the face of previously accepted models.
"These trace metals are only thought to be common in Earth's oceans and
sediments when oxygen is abundant," explained Kaarel Mänd, a Ph.D. candidate in
the University of Alberta's Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and
lead author of the study. Future research will examine the delay between the
initial rise of oxygen and the appearance and spread of eukaryotes, remaining an
area of active research, one that University of Alberta and University of Tartu
researchers are well positioned to help answer.
1)prevailing view
prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as
мнение состояло в том, что текст проекта статьи 32 следует сохранить в
существующем виде.
research areas
of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
из приоритетных областей этого исследования является вопрос употребления
"экстази" молодыми людьми.
project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in the
developing world.
рамках этой программы финансировались исследования по поиску технических решений
практических проблем, с которыми сталкиваются развивающиеся страны.
· #26
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:03)
To Donenko RZ-211 Thanks for your comment. It's very informative and interesting to read.
· #25
Yeulizaveta Barsukova (RT-211) Mykhailiuk S. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:03)
Today I've read the article ''Tiny battery-free devices float in the wind like
dandelion seeds". Washington scientists have developed tiny sensors that monitor
changes in environmental performance. They are made in the form of dandelion
seeds which allows them to be carried by wind over long distances. To maintain a
constant charge, they used solar panels and a capacitor that will hold some
charge overnight. In my opinion, this is an important development because it can
reduce the time to install sensors in large areas, and they will not go out of
order due to lack of electricity.
1) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
2) practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems.
3) prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
· #24
Beskrovnyi Vladimir RZ-211 (Yershova Y.A.) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:02)
Today I have read the article 'Industry must prepare now for a new world of
green electricity'.
It's topic states that with industrys speeding up investment in new technologies
allows manufacture of materials using renewable electricity if net zero
emissions targets are to be met, research led by the University of Leeds warns.
"Humanity's overwhelming dependence on steel, which accounts for 94% of all
metal production, and the size of new aluminum manufacturing capacity in China
and the Persian Gulf, are a huge blockage that cannot be ignored. The UK Net
Zero Strategy, published last week, recognizes this problem, but lacks detail on
how to tackle it.", says the lead author of the study, Dr. Alan Grainger.
I absolutely agree with this article, as the latest successes in achieving new
energy sources states that it's can be possible to rely on the other sources,
with less damage to our planet.
4. 1) Prevailing view
There was a prevailing view that training schemes run by companies and firms
were far better than those run by civil servants.
2) Priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas.
3) Practical problems
We use our intellects not to solve practical problems but to outwit each other.
· #23
Donenko RZ-211 Lebedeva (Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:01)
Today I’ve read the article “The dark side of social media networks”. A
systematic review of research into the dark side of social media use has
identified 46 harmful effects, ranging from physical and mental health problems
to negative impacts on job and academic performance, as well as security and
privacy issues. The World Health Organization has recognized the need for
further research on information technology addiction and the need to develop
strategies for preventing and treating this problem. Much of the research on
social network use has focused on its benefits and potential, but we were
interested in comprehensively identifying the negative impacts that have been
associated with social media use.
The dark side of social media networks (
1.Measures are being agreed to overcome these practical problems.
Узгоджуються заходи для подолання цих практичних проблем.
2.One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Одним із пріоритетних напрямків дослідження є вживання екстазі молодими людьми
3.The prevailing view was that the draft article was important and should
Переважала думка, що проект статті є важливим і має залишатися.
· #22
Vorobyova E. to Tsvetkov from РЗ-213 (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:59)
Well done. The only remark for you is that you should not forget about the articles (THE scientists…). Continue working on the site.
· #21
Bogdan Gorbatiy РЗ-211 (Yershova) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:52)
Today i've read the article "QR codes: Is it safe to scan?"
the article talks about whether it is safe to scan unverified qr codes,
What hackers do with stolen information and how you can protect yourself from
hacker attacks.
Scientists have found that The QR code can be replaced by a malicious one ,
which could lead the user to a fake website that is similar looking to the
original website.
The hacker then can plant a small software (malware) in the user's phone to
track and collect their data.
It has also emerged that hackers can steal usernames and passwords we use in
various applications and websites
and sell them on the dark web. This data can be used to pick up user/employee
credentials during other attacks,
as happened during the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack.
This article is worth reading to protect yourself from hacker attacks and not to
get caught up in unsafe qr codes.
1)prevailing view
The prevailing view was that the text of draft article 32 should be retained as
Преобладающее мнение состояло в том, что текст проекта статьи 32 следует
сохранить в существующем виде.
2)priority research areas
One of the priority research areas is the use of Ecstasy by young people.
Одной из приоритетных областей этого исследования является вопрос употребления
"экстази" молодыми людьми.
3)practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems in
the developing world.
В рамках этой программы финансировались исследования по поиску технических
решений практических проблем, с которыми сталкиваются развивающиеся страны.
· #20
Denis Tsvetkov (Vorobyova RZ-213) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:52)
Фрази дня :
1) priority research area
It is therefore intended to resemble more a brainstorming and consensus-building
meeting than a planning session to list priority research areas. (Тому він має
нагадувати більше мозковий штурм та нараду для досягнення консенсусу, ніж сесію
планування для перерахування пріоритетних дослідницьких сфер.)
2) prevailing view
The prevailing view, however, was that the draft Guide should not include such
recommendations. (Однак переважала думка, що проект керівництва не повинен
включати такі рекомендації.)
3)practical problems
This project funded research on technical solutions for practical problems. (Цей
проект фінансував дослідження технічних рішень практичних проблем.)
Голосове :
Today l have read the article "Aussie researchers to test koala 'facial
This article is about a study by scientists.
Scientists have begun research into "facial recognition" of koalas for
conservation, using artificial intelligence.
Underground roads and bridges are being installed near koalas' habitat for safe
travel. Scientists hope that artificial intelligence will help determine which
species use the crossings.
Scientists said they wikll wor to train artificial intelligence to distinguish
different animals. They hope the data will help them understand how koalas use
crosswalks to protect animals from cars.
To my mind this article is very useful, especially for people interested in
environmental issues.
· #19
Yershova Y.A to RZ-211 (1) (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:52)
Good morning! It's time to start our lesson. I'm waiting for your rendering of the articles, voice records and work with phrases of the day. Good luck!
· #18
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:43)
To all students from group RT-211. You’re welcome to our today’s activities.Pls read the article of the Day and make comments on it and post it into the Guestbook with appropriate references and records you are going to make using your voice recorder. Pls do your best to fulfill your task. Let’s get started now, students.
· #17
Lebedeva E. (Thursday, 17 March 2022 08:42)
To РЗ-211 The lesson will start soon, so I am waiting for your comments, sentences with Phrases and audio recordings.
· #16
S.Mykhailiuk (Thursday, 17 March 2022 07:12)
To all students from group RT-211. Welcome to our weekly activities! Pls work on the article of the day and make your comments to be posted to the Guestbook with an appropriate reference to this article . Also you need to make the records using the voice recorder. and post the reference to your record. Good luck and let’s get started, students from group RT-211.
· #15
Popovych E. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:34)
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211
Thank you for your comment on the article
· #14
Sergey Kyznyak RT-211, Popovych E. (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 12:04)
Today I have read the article "Fossil fuels could be phased out worldwide in a
decade, says new study". It tells about the worldwide reliance on burning fossil
fuels to create energy could be phased out in a decade. But Professor Benjamin
Sovaskook believes that the next great energy revolution could happen in a
fraction of the time of major changes in the past. Professor Sovaskook analyses
energy transitions throughout history and argues that only looking towards the
past can often paint an overly bleak and unnecessary picture.
1)One should observe NUMEROUS EXAMPLES in all of life.
2)Most of these groups are now in the INITIAL STAGES OF implementing their
3)Developing countries may, however, need to address several issues MORE
· #13
S.Mykhailiuk (Tuesday, 15 March 2022 11:32)
To groups RF211, RZ 212.I invite you post your assays based on the article of the Day here with appropriate reference to the article selected and record made using the voice recorder. Good luck!
· #12
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Monday, 21 February 2022 13:28)
Today I have read the article "Sound provides new insight into the lives of blue
whales". It tells about blue whales, the largest animals that have ever
inhabited the Earth. Despite their size, scientists know very little about these
incredible animals, and the reason for this is that they spend most of their
time under the surface of the oceans. But fortunately, since scientists cannot
regularly see blue whales, they can hear them perfectly, since whales use sounds
very similar to singing to communicate. These sounds can be heard hundreds of
kilometers away! With their help, whales have learned to cooperate in search of
food, adjust the productivity of their ecosystem to decide when to go on their
annual long-distance breeding migration.
To me, whales are an example of an absolutely incredible animal that I sincerely
admire. They adapted so well, living in not the most favorable conditions, and
even managed to create their own language of sounds, understandable only to
· #11
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Monday, 21 February 2022 13:11)
Today I have read the article "Europa Clipper to determine whether icy moon has
ingredients necessary for life". It tells about the Europa Clipper, NASA's
robotic interplanetary station project designed to study Jupiter's sixth moon,
Europa, for its ability to sustain life. The scientists working on this project
are confident that under the icy surface of Europa lies a salty liquid ocean
that contains 2.5 times more water than all the oceans on earth. If the research
is successful, scientists will be able to find evidence that will fundamentally
change our understanding of the solar system.
Personally, I love such global studies, because with their help, humanity will
soon be able to find answers to such a huge number of unresolved questions, and
finally space will become much clearer and more accessible to us!
· #10
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Monday, 21 February 2022 13:04)
Today I have read the article "Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to
assessing health of ocean life". It tells how scientists from the University of
Plymouth helped create an innovative online tool that makes accessing plankton
data so much easier and now literally everyone can do it. This data will provide
a more accurate spatial and temporal picture of the location of plankton, making
it much easier and more efficient to assess the health values of oceanic flora
and fauna.
In my opinion, plankton plays an incredibly important role in the oceans and is
the only reason for the existence of most marine life, so a more thorough study
of plankton will allow us not only to monitor the health of the ocean
environment, but also to help restore it.
1) monitoring tool
Innovative plankton monitoring tool holds key to assessing health of ocean life
2) parameter value
The parameter value should contain the CLI command to be executed.
3) determine whether
Study determines whether cultures play games that correspond to how cooperative
they are
· #9
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Friday, 18 February 2022 14:16)
Today I have read the article "Why the electric vehicle revolution will bring
problems of its own". As we know, in recent years, more and more people have
begun to protest against the use and production of ordinary cars that can only
be driven by using gasoline. Many environmental activists are urging people to
switch to electric vehicles, but few people know that the mass use of electric
vehicles can also lead to problems.
First, the cells used in the production of batteries are finite and their number
is limited. Also, the appearance of electric vehicles will not be able to solve
the problem of sedentary population, and with an increase in the number of
electric vehicles on the roads, traffic jams will become even more frequent and
As for me, the main advantage of electric vehicles - the rejection of the use of
internal combustion engines will cover all these minor disadvantages.
1) problem inherent in
This eliminates a previous problem inherent in large-scale production, and makes
the process available for use in large facilities, such as in wastewater
treatment plants, he says.
2) as to
A clue as to why it's so hard to wake up on a cold winter's morning
3) proportional to
The size of the words is proportional to the audience interested in the food and
drink in the country.
· #8
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 February 2022 14:59)
Today I have read the article "Still believe an asteroid killed the dinosaurs?
Think again—new theory suggests". Most experts have long believed that dinosaurs
died out due to the impact of an enormous asteroid 65 million years ago, but a
recent study by scientists from the University of Albany suggests that dinosaurs
were in trouble long before the asteroid hit.
The thing is that dinosaurs did not have the so-called "learned aversion to
taste" - this is an evolutionary defense of most living organisms, which helps
to understand whether this or that plant can bring any harm to a living
organism, or whether it is completely edible. In the absence of this
evolutionary defense, dinosaurs ate a variety of poisonous plants in large
numbers, which caused their population to decline sharply.
I believe that the emergence of this theory will motivate even more scientists
to finally solve the issue of dinosaur extinction and other still unresolved
theories and issues.
· #7
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 February 2022 14:47)
Today I have read the article "Bigger, better blades for wind turbines". It
tells how scientists want to cover more than 50% of the energy needs of the
whole Europe with the help of wind energy in the next 5 years. To achieve this
goal, the size of wind turbines is increasing every year. In the near future,
the size of one such turbine can reach 110 meters, and this is the length of two
football fields!
I think this is great news, because humanity really needs to completely switch
to green energy in the next few decades in order to start restoring natural
resources that will be exhausted at such a pace.
· #6
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 February 2022 14:36)
Today I have read the article "Scientists sequence genome of high-value grape,
seek secrets of wine's aroma". It tells how scientists from Uruguay and their
European colleagues sequenced the genome of the valuable grape variety Tannat.
Wines made from Tannat are considered the healthiest of red wines, as they help
lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and promote healthy blood clotting.
According to the largest wine producers, now winemaking has become not only an
art, but also a whole science!
I think this is great news, because now drinking wine while having a pleasant
conversation with friends is not only a method of having a good time, but also a
real healing ritual!
· #5
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 February 2022 14:31)
Today I have read the article "Scientists sequence genome of high-value grape,
seek secrets of wine's aroma". It tells how scientists from Uruguay and their
European colleagues sequenced the genome of the valuable grape variety Tannat.
Wines made from Tannat are considered the healthiest of red wines, as they help
lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and promote healthy blood clotting.
According to the largest wine producers, now winemaking has become not only an
art, but also a whole science!
I think this is great news, because now drinking wine while having a pleasant
conversation with friends is not only a method of having a good time, but also a
real healing ritual!
· #4
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 February 2022 14:29)
Today I have read the article "How grasses conquered the sea". It tells how, for
over 140 million years, some land plants have been able to adapt to life in the
water. To date, there are 60 species of such algae and they play a huge role in
maintaining the normal functioning of marine ecosystems. But, due to human
activities, a large number of these species of algae are now on the verge of
extinction and scientists are making a lot of efforts to save them.
In my opinion, the disappearance of some species of these algae can lead to a
real disaster, because even if you do not delve into this topic, everyone knows
that algae, like land plants, can produce oxygen and a decrease in the amount of
oxygen in the seas and oceans can obviously affect most marine life.
· #3
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Thursday, 17 February 2022 14:26)
Today I have read the article "Impacts of sunscreen on coral reefs needs urgent
attention, say scientists". It says that scientists from the University of York
came to the conclusion that the chemical compounds and materials used in the
manufacture of sunscreens, getting into the oceans, can greatly harm marine
organisms, and more importantly, destroy huge coral reefs!
Now scientists are working to improve the formula of sunscreens and make them
less toxic to marine life.
I think this problem is really very important because coral reefs play a
critical role in maintaining the homeostasis of the ocean and a huge number of
marine creatures can only exist thanks to the existence of corals.
1) priority research area
We make four recommendations for priority research areas going forward, based on
our consultation with experts.
2) prevailing view
Study challenges prevailing view on how metal organic frameworks store gases
3) practical problems
Yet when these experts bring AI into the real world and use it to solve
practical problems, they have to answer questions such as why the AI made a
specific prediction or decision, and whether it gives enough confidence for us
to act on it.
· #2
Khotynskiy Oleg RZ-212 Drozhzhina I.(debt) (Tuesday, 15 February 2022 18:47)
Today I have read the article "How are planets formed?". It talks about how this
amazing process of planet formation actually happens. Scientists have not yet
come to a definitive conclusion on this issue, but there is a leading theory
called the protoplanet hypothesis. Without going into details, it says that very
small objects stick to each other and this happens over millions of years, as a
result of which even such gas giants as Jupiter can form. According to
scientists, the Solar System, a place that has become home to more than 8
billion people and a huge number of other living beings, was formed 4,6 billion
years ago similar way.
1) numerous examples
So we have numerous examples of stars with planets being born around them.
2) initial stages of
The iron ring appeared to be a uniformly distributed zone within the transition
zone between areas showing an advanced level of corrosion and areas showing
initial stages of corrosion.
3) more specifically
More specifically, quantum information cannot be perfectly duplicated, and
measurements inevitably alter the fragile quantum states.
· #1
Tikhonov Ivan РЗ-213 Vorobyova E. (debt) (Thursday, 10 February 2022)
Phrases of the day
1. first use of
translate: впервые использовалось
example: U.S. showed for the first time the power of nuclear missiles in
2. for a number of reasons
translate: по ряду причин
example: The preparation of this report has been quite a challenge for a number
of reasons.
3.focused primarily on
translate: основное внимание уделялось
example: It's a little amber but I focused primarily on content.
Scientists from America have created a device based on graphene, one of the
thinnest materials in the world. This device helps detect the virus at an early
stage of its spread. As noted by the scientists themselves, they have already
managed to create such a device for cancer detection. Graphene is a
one-atom-thick material made of carbon. Carbon atoms are linked by chemical
bonds whose elasticity and movement can cause resonant vibrations. When a
molecule like SARS-CoV-2 comes into contact with such a substance, these
vibrations change. People can only hope that this technology will help to cope
with the epidemic of Covid 19